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ę1966 Statutes of Nevada, 12th Special Session, Page 73ę


Resolutions and Memorials


Senate Resolution No. 1–Committee on Legislative Functions




SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing an allowance for each member and the president of the senate for periodicals, stamps and stationery.


      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That the sum to be allowed each member and the president of the senate for the 1966 special session for periodicals, stamps and stationery, as provided by law, be the sum of $30, and the same be certified by the president and the secretary to the state controller, who is authorized to draw his warrants therefor on the legislative fund, and the state treasurer is thereafter authorized to pay the same.






Senate Resolution No. 2–Committee on Legislative Functions




SENATE RESOLUTION–Relating to the appointment of attaches.


      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That the following named persons be, and they hereby are, elected as attaches of the senate for the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada: Leona Munk, Jane K. Harris, Evelyn Cherry, Janice Goodhue, Genevieve Cronin, Grace Dirrim, Eva Cobb, Jeanne Bundy, Ruth Berg, Lloyd Notah, Jr., and Harry Gardner.






Assembly Resolution No. 1–Committee on Ways and Means




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing an allowance for each member of the assembly for periodicals, stamps and stationery.


      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the sum to be allowed each member of the assembly for the 1966 special session for periodicals, stamps and stationery, as provided by law, be the sum of $30, and that the same be certified by the speaker and chief clerk to the state controller, who is authorized to draw his warrants therefor on the legislative fund, and the state treasurer is thereafter authorized to pay the same.






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Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 2–Senators Brown, Bay, Berrum, Bissett, Dial, Dodge, Fisher, Fransway, Humphrey, Lamb, Lemaire, McGowan, Monroe, Seevers, Slattery, Titlow and Whitacre




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Justice Milton B. Badt.


      Whereas, The members of this legislature learned with deepest sorrow of the death on April 2, 1966, of Justice Milton B. Badt of the supreme court of Nevada; and

      Whereas, His legal career of more than 50 years was crowned by 19 years of service on the supreme court, a record exceeded by only three justices in the court’s century of existence; and

      Whereas, This brilliant career was but one aspect of a man who lived life whole, as participant in civic affairs, leader of youth, promoter of education and himself a profound scholar of law and literature; and

      Whereas, He will be long remembered as a man truly humble, ever ready with friendly word or deed, content to let his works speak for themselves; and

      Whereas, He has left behind not only a grieving family but a whole state which feels the loss of his wisdom; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the legislature of the State of Nevada hereby extend their condolences to the widow and surviving family of the deceased; and be it further

      Resolved, That when the senate and assembly adjourn today they do so in honor of the late Justice Milton B. Badt; and be it further

      Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to Gertrude N. Badt, Milton B. Badt, Jr., and Mrs. Robert E. Drake, the daughter of the deceased.






Senate Resolution No. 3–Senators Brown, Bay, Berrum, Bissett, Dial, Dodge, Fisher, Fransway, Humphrey, Lamb, Lemaire, McGowan, Monroe, Seevers, Slattery, Titlow and Whitacre




SENATE RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Rose Grace Wilson.


      Whereas, The senate of the State of Nevada has learned with sorrow and deep regret of the death of Rose Grace Wilson on December 1, 1965; and

      Whereas, Mrs. Wilson served with excellence for many years in the state legislature as a clerk and senate attache; and

      Whereas, Those who knew her were won by her kind, warm and genuine character, which will be sadly missed in the halls of this Capitol; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That the condolences of the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada are hereby extended to the surviving family and relatives of the late Rose Grace Wilson; and be it further




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of the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada are hereby extended to the surviving family and relatives of the late Rose Grace Wilson; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the widower of the deceased, Mr. Ray Wilson, and her surviving children, Carolyn, Donald and Peter Wilson.






Assembly Resolution No. 2–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Relating to the employment of attaches.


      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the following named persons be and they hereby are elected as attaches of the assembly for the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada: Theresa Loy, Pauline V. Topken, Carol L. Moore, Dean W. Miller, Ernest C. Cross, Harold J. Berger, Agnes M. Nelson, Mouryne B. Landing, Ila Harvey, Geneva C. Barger, Amy A. Clark, Virginia L. Gianotti, Virginia L. Floyd, Barbara C. Ryan, Shirley A. Cunningham and Lavelle I. Johnson.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 3–Senator Slattery




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Senator Michael E. James.


      Whereas, The members of the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada have learned with deep regret and sorrow of the death of former Senator Michael E. James on February 26, 1966, in Reno, Nevada; and

      Whereas, The late Senator James was born in Virginia City, the son of a family established on the Comstock for half a century, and kept up this Nevada tradition by spending his entire life in Virginia City and Reno, except for the period of overseas duty when he answered the call of his country in World War I; and

      Whereas, Michael E. James made his own mark in the history of his native state by his distinguished service as an assemblyman and senator from Storey County in the 1923, 1925, 1927 and 1929 regular and 1928 special sessions of the Nevada legislature; and

      Whereas, Michael E. James possessed the highest degree of loyalty for his country and community as an active member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Reno Lodge No. 597, BPOE, while also a truly religious man as an active member of the Knights of Columbus and a member of Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church in Reno; and



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      Whereas, Senator James was sincere and unselfish in his relationship with friends and all those who knew him, and his absence will be keenly felt; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the members of the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada hereby express their condolences to the family and surviving relatives of the late Senator Michael E. James; and be it further

      Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the widow of the deceased, Mrs. Kathleen E. James.






Assembly Resolution No. 3–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Assemblyman Clarence R. Ruedy.


      Whereas, With the death of Clarence R. Ruedy on April 6, 1965, the State of Nevada lost a respected civic leader, who was dedicated to public service and truly a native son of Nevada; and

      Whereas, Clarence R. Ruedy, was a lifetime resident of Nevada, educated in the Carson City schools and was for 17 years a well-known businessman in Reno before spending several years in the service of the United States Government with the Internal Revenue Service in Reno until his retirement; and

      Whereas, Mr. Ruedy, whose constant active devotion to governmental affairs will be long remembered, served with distinction as an assemblyman from Washoe County in the 1943 and 1953 regular and 1954 special sessions of the Nevada legislature, being a member of the Ways and Means committee; and

      Whereas, In addition, Clarence R. Ruedy was also devoted to civil affairs as treasurer for the Washoe County Republican Central Committee, past president of the Desert Gun Club and a member of Royal Circle Masons and Warren Engine Company No. 1, Carson City; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the condolences of the members of the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada are hereby extended to the surviving family and relatives of the late Clarence R. Ruedy; and be it further

      Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the grandson of the deceased, Mr. Howard Ruedy.






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Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4–Senator Humphrey




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Emory J. Arnold.


      Whereas, The legislature of the State of Nevada has learned with regret of the recent death of Emory J. Arnold on April 23, 1966, in Los Angeles, California; and

      Whereas, Mr. Arnold was a lifelong mining man active in the development of Southern Nevada mining having arrived in the area of Goldfield, Nevada, in 1905; and

      Whereas, Emory J. Arnold served the people of Nevada and of Esmeralda County when he represented that county as an assemblyman in the 1911 legislative session, and as a senator in the 1913 and 1915 sessions; and

      Whereas, Having been only 25 years old at the time of his election, he was one of the youngest men ever elected to the Nevada legislature; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the members of the 1966 special session of the Nevada legislature express their sincere sorrow and extend their condolences to the bereaved members of Mr. Arnold’s family who survive him; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the surviving brother and nephew of the deceased.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 5–Senator Whitacre




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Senator Ernest S. Brown.


      Whereas, With the death of the late Senator Ernest S. Brown at the age of 61 years in Reno, Nevada, on July 23, 1965, the State of Nevada lost a loyal, competent and steadfast servant of the people; and

      Whereas, While a lifetime resident of Reno, the late Senator Brown consistently reached heights of honor, achievement and contribution to his fellow men as a debater on the University of Nevada team that defeated Oxford University of England in 1925, as an instructor at the University of Nevada, as an assemblyman from Washoe County in the 1933 Nevada legislature, as district attorney of Washoe County, as a colonel in the United States Army during World War II and as a United States Senator in 1954; and

      Whereas, In addition, Senator Ernest S. Brown was a member of several fraternal organizations and of local, state and national bar associations, and was admitted to practice in state and federal courts; and



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      Whereas, Considered by his colleagues at the bar as one of the ablest and most scholarly men in the legal profession in Nevada, Senator Brown’s departure is untimely and a great loss to the people of the State of Nevada; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada, on behalf of the legislature and of the people of the State of Nevada, on behalf of the legislature and of the people of the State of Nevada, expresses regret and sorrow upon the loss of a longtime and generous associate, and hereby conveys its sympathy and condolences to the family and surviving relatives of the late Senator Ernest S. Brown; and be it further

      Resolved, That when the senate and assembly adjourn today, they do so in memory of the late Senator Ernest S. Brown; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the mother, widow and son of the deceased, Mrs. Louise German, Mrs. Florence Brooks Brown and John Webster Brown.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 6–Senators Brown, Bay, Berrum, Bissett, Dial, Dodge, Fisher, Fransway, Humphrey, Lamb, Lemaire, McGowan, Monroe, Seevers, Slattery, Titlow and Whitacre




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Paul A. Hammel, former commissioner of insurance of the State of Nevada.


      Whereas, With the death of Paul A. Hammel on April 21, 1965, the State of Nevada lost a truly able, loyal, selfless citizen who dedicated himself to the service of his Nation and this state; and

      Whereas, Paul A. Hammel became a resident of Nevada in the early 1930’s, was in command of the Civilian Conservation Corps at Panaca and Ely for a time, served as chief of guards at the Basic Magnesium plant in Henderson during the first year of World War II, served 3 years in Europe with the Armed Forces during the war as an Army lieutenant colonel, then worked in the realty and insurance business in Las Vegas; and

      Whereas, After being a candidate for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor in 1950, Mr. Hammel became deputy controller in charge of insurance in January of 1951 and Nevada’s first insurance commissioner in April of 1951, a post which he held for 14 years until his death, which came while he was attending an insurance convention in Houston, Texas; and

      Whereas, Commissioner Hammel was ever concerned with community and national affairs, serving with distinction as president of the Las Vegas Kiwanis Club and as state commander and a national committeeman of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, gained national recognition as president of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, and was also a Mason and Shriner and a member of the Federation of Insurance Counsel; and



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      Whereas, The ability and integrity of Paul A. Hammel won him the respect of his state and Nation and his pursuit of public service never flagged; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the condolences of the members of the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada are hereby extended to the surviving family and relatives of the late Paul A. Hammel; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the widow and two children of the deceased.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 7–Senators Brown, Bay, Berrum, Bissett, Dial, Dodge, Fisher, Fransway, Humphrey, Lamb, Lemaire, McGowan, Monroe, Seevers, Slattery, Titlow and Whitacre




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late superintendent of banks, Grant Robison.


      Whereas, The death of Grant Robison in Las Vegas, Nevada, on June 24, 1965, resulted in the loss to the State of Nevada and its citizens of a hard working and dedicated public servant; and

      Whereas, A lifelong resident of Nevada, Mr. Robison was born May 27, 1901, in Silver Creek, White Pine County, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Robison, early settlers of eastern Nevada; and

      Whereas, Mr. Robison first entered public service as a deputy in the White Pine County treasurer’s office; and

      Whereas, Grant Robison served as deputy state bank examiner from 1937 to 1945, at which time he was appointed state superintendent of banks; and

      Whereas, Mr. Robison ably held the position of state superintendent of banks for 20 years, serving under five governors; and

      Whereas, Grant Robison brought recognition to the State of Nevada for the capable manner in which he served as president of the National Association of Superintendents of State Banks in 1954; and

      Whereas, Mr. Robison dedicated the greater part of his life to the service of the people of this state in a wholehearted and competent manner; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada hereby expresses its sorrow over the loss of Grant Robison and extends condolences and sympathy to his surviving relatives and family; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared forthwith by the legislative counsel and sent to Mrs. Larue Robison and Guy Robison, widow and son of the deceased.






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Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Senators Slattery and McGowan




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting consideration of individual cases in applying the policy of retirement at age 65 from the classified service of the state.


      Whereas, NRS 284.378 provides for the retirement on July 1, 1966, of employees in the classified service of the State of Nevada who have reached the age of 65 years and for the retirement of classified employees at the end of the month in which each reaches that age thereafter, but also provides that any such employee who has not reached the age of 70 years may be rehired at the discretion of the appointing authority; and

      Whereas, The ability to continue rendering useful service to the state varies as widely from one individual to another at age 65 as at any other age; and

      Whereas, The forced retirement of experienced, capable employees is a loss which this state can ill afford; and

      Whereas, From the standpoint of the individual yet psychologically unprepared and still in full vigor, forced retirement can be an undeserved personal tragedy; and

      Whereas, The purpose of this statute is not to force into retirement the person still fully capable of useful service but to establish, at a reasonable average age, a point at which the capabilities of all employees must be reviewed; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the legislature earnestly requests each appointing authority having employees in the classified service of the State of Nevada who become subject to involuntary retirement on or after July 1, 1966, to consider the situation and capabilities of each such employee individually in relation to his duties, in order that the provisions of NRS 284.378 for optional retention of such employees may be fairly and rationally applied.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8–Committee on Taxation




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study possible sources of additional revenue for the State of Nevada, giving priority to additional gaming taxes.


      Whereas, In order to provide sufficient funds for already implemented programs of financing education and the general operation of state government, major additional sources of revenue will have to be found by the 1967 session of the legislature; and

      Whereas, Gaming is a large and well established business in this state which must be considered a prime source of additional revenue; and

      Whereas, In order to evaluate the comparative potential sources of needed revenue, the legislature must ascertain, from current, accurate and unbiased information, what form and level of additional taxes, if any, can be borne by gaming; now, therefore, be it




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needed revenue, the legislature must ascertain, from current, accurate and unbiased information, what form and level of additional taxes, if any, can be borne by gaming; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the legislative commission is hereby directed:

      1.  To conduct a thorough study of the principal sources of revenue for the general fund;

      2.  To give priority in such study to additional gaming taxes and the economic positions of gaming;

      3.  To consider carefully the economic feasibility of any new or additional tax proposed;

      4.  To conduct such study under its existing statutory authority and within its existing appropriation; and

      5.  To report the results of such study to the 1967 session of the legislature.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 9–Senator Dodge




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Senator Ernest S. Berney.


      Whereas, With the death of the late Senator Ernest S. Berney on March 31, 1965, Nevada lost one of its most able and devoted citizens of over half a century; and

      Whereas, The late Ernest S. Berney came to Nevada just after the turn of the century, established himself by his hard work in the blacksmith and freight business, founded the Nevada Contracting Company in 1920, of which he was president for many years and through which he pioneered road construction work throughout the State of Nevada and other western states until in the late 1930’s he became a livestock rancher, building Nevada’s largest and most modern feed yard; and

      Whereas, Ernest S. Berney distinguished himself in public service, as mayor of the city of Fallon in 1915, as an assemblyman from Churchill County in the 1919 and 1943 regular sessions and 1920 special session, as senator from Churchill County in the 1927 and 1929 regular sessions and 1926 and 1928 special sessions, and as a delegate to five Republican national conventions; and

      Whereas, Ernest S. Berney was always active in community affairs as a member of many fraternal organizations, including Churchill Lodge No. 26, F&AM, and was also active as a member of the Nevada State Cattlemen’s Association; and

      Whereas, The guidance, leadership and presence of Ernest S. Berney will be missed in our state; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the members of the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada hereby express their condolences to the family and surviving relatives of the late Senator Ernest S. Berney; and be it further



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      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the widow and surviving children of the deceased, Mrs. Madge Berney, Lois Berney, Madge Kindig, Maxine Nuefeld, E. S. Berney, Jr., and Richard Berney.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 10–Senators Bissett, Bay, Berrum, Brown, Dial, Dodge, Fisher, Fransway, Humphrey, Lamb, Lemaire, McGowan, Monroe, Seevers, Slattery, Titlow and Whitacre




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Professor A. L. Higginbotham for his many years of public service.


      Whereas, Professor A. L. Higginbotham, professor of journalism and chairman of the Alfred L. Higginbotham department of journalism at the University of Nevada, at Reno, Nevada, has been a faculty member at that university for more than 43 years; and

      Whereas, At the inception of his teaching career at the University of Nevada but one course in journalism was offered to the students, and now as a result of his efforts and dedication there are available many courses covering the full range of journalism and a four-member faculty, all soon to be located in a new building at the University of Nevada; and

      Whereas, In 1965 his many accomplishments in the field of journalism were recognized by the board of regents of the University of Nevada by their naming the department of journalism as the Alfred L. Higginbotham Department of Journalism; and

      Whereas, Under his direction, guidance and teaching graduates from the department of journalism have been superbly trained for their careers, there being included in the group two Pulitzer Prize winners and a Nieman Fellow of Harvard University; and

      Whereas, It is indeed proper at this time for the members of the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada to express their appreciation to Professor A. L. Higginbotham-teacher, gentleman, scholar, author and civic leader; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That we, the members of the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada hereby extend to Professor A. L. Higginbotham this small token of our esteem and our expressions of appreciation for his inspiration and dedication manifested over the many years of his public service and which have so enriched the people of our state; and be it further

      Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be especially prepared by the legislative counsel and thereafter presented to professor A. L. Higginbotham by proper ceremony.






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Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 3–Messrs. Johnson, Mello and Valentine




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting the support of the Nevada congressional delegation for a proposed resource conservation and development project in northern Nevada and California.


      Whereas, Interested residents of Washoe, Pershing and Humboldt counties in the State of Nevada and of Modoc and Lassen counties in the State of California are cooperating in the creation of a resource conservation and development project aimed at the development of water and soil resources, promotion of recreation, and acceleration of the whole economic development of this five-county area; and

      Whereas, An application for assistance in such project under section 102 of the Food and Agricultural Act of 1962 (7 U.S.C.A. § 1011) is now being prepared under the cosponsorship of the Gerlach and Vya soil conservation districts in Nevada and the Surprise Valley and Goose Lake soil conservation districts in California; and

      Whereas, The Nevada legislature deems this project eminently worthy of support because this area of the States of Nevada and California is abundantly endowed with natural resources but presently offers few economic opportunities to its people; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That this legislature requests the Senators and Representative in Congress from Nevada to lend their support to this application when it is presented; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to each member of the Nevada congressional delegation, to the respective boards of supervisors of Modoc and Lassen counties in the State of California, and to the respective boards of county commissioners of Washoe, Pershing and Humboldt counties in the State of Nevada.






Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 5–Messrs. Bailey and Bunker




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Approving action of the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, Region IV, recommending the amendment of proposed federal legislation to permit the states to promulgate vehicle equipment safety standards.


      Whereas, The states through the years of the motor vehicle have been charged with the responsibility for the welfare and safety of their citizens; and

      Whereas, In the discharge of this duty, the states have built up large forces of personnel skilled in the promotion of highway safety and in the enforcement of vehicle laws; and

      Whereas, The Congress in 1958 adopted Joint Resolution 221 giving consent to the states to enter into interstate compacts for cooperative efforts and mutual assistance in the establishment and carrying out of traffic safety programs; and




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efforts and mutual assistance in the establishment and carrying out of traffic safety programs; and

      Whereas, Forty-four states (including the State of Nevada) and the District of Columbia have become parties to an interstate compact to establish a vehicle equipment safety commission for the purpose of promulgating vehicle equipment safety standards; and

      Whereas, This commission is now established and actively engaged in developing standards for vehicle equipment in a number of important areas; and

      Whereas, Legislation now before Congress would preempt the states from the development and enforcement of vehicle equipment standards; and

      Whereas, On May 12, 1966, the American Association of Motor Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, Region IV, meeting in Denver, Colorado, by resolution, recommended to Congress that:

      (1) Congress amend proposed federal legislation to give the states a full voice in the promulgation of vehicle equipment safety standards through the vehicle equipment safety commission;

      (2) The proposed legislation permit the states to adopt vehicle equipment safety standards that can be enforced at the state level throughout the life of motor vehicles; and

      (3) The proposed legislation be amended to provide appropriate federal funds to share the cost of maintaining the vehicle equipment safety commission and enabling it to conduct research to aid in establishing appropriate vehicle equipment safety standards; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada endorses and approves the action taken by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, Region IV, by its adoption of the resolution herein described; and be it further

      Resolved, That the legislative counsel prepare and transmit a certified copy of this resolution to each member of the Nevada congressional delegation.






Assembly Resolution No. 5–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Authorizing the payment of a per diem expense allowance from the legislative fund to the chief clerk of the assembly.


      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That pursuant to the provisions of NRS 218.237, when a proper claim is filed with the director of the legislative counsel bureau and approved by him pursuant to law, there shall be paid to the chief clerk of the assembly, Nathan T. Hurst, from the legislative fund the sum of $270 as a per diem expense allowance for the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada.






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Senate Resolution No. 6–Senators Bissett and Slattery




SENATE RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Helen Wittenberg.


      Whereas, The members of the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada have learned with deep regret of the death of Helen Wittenberg on May 21, 1966, in Portola, California; and

      Whereas, Helen Wittenberg was born in New Haven, Connecticut, and later came to the City of Reno and remained a lifelong resident in heart and spirit; and

      Whereas, Honor was bestowed upon Mrs. Wittenberg on many an occasion throughout her life from the time she was an honor student at the University of Nevada to the dedication in her honor of Wittenberg Hall in 1961, which is Reno’s juvenile facility, for the leading and vital part she assumed and accomplished in the field of juvenile welfare over many years and of juvenile justice through her participation in the revision of the Juvenile Court Act of Nevada; and

      Whereas, Helen Wittenberg lived every day of her life fully aware of the needs of others in her community and was a member of and contributed countless hours to various civic and charitable organizations; and

      Whereas, Helen Wittenberg was a leader in the cultural life in her community and a member of various artists’ associations, many of her paintings being prize winners at shows and exhibits; and

      Whereas, Mrs. Wittenberg achieved the highest degree of respect and admiration from those who knew her for her sense of responsibility to government, devotion to duty and humanitarian work; and her presence will be deeply missed; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That its condolences are hereby extended to the surviving family and relatives of the late Helen Wittenberg; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the members of Mrs. Wittenberg’s family.






Senate Resolution No. 7–Committee on Finance




SENATE RESOLUTION–Authorizing the payment of a per diem expense allowance from the legislative fund to the secretary of the senate.


      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That pursuant to the provisions of NRS 218.235, when a proper claim is filed with the director of the legislative counsel bureau and approved by him pursuant to law, there shall be paid to the secretary of the senate, Leola H. Armstrong, from the legislative fund the sum of $270 as a per diem expense allowance for the 1966 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada.





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Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 11–Committee on Legislative Functions




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Providing for the compensation of certain clergy for services rendered to the 1966 special session of the Nevada legislature.


      Whereas, During the 1966 special session of the legislature the clergy of the city of Carson City, representing various denominations, have rendered daily religious services to the legislature; and

      Whereas, A reasonable compensation for such services if the sum of $300; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the state controller is authorized and directed to pay the sum of $300 out of the legislative fund to the following named individuals and in the respective amounts designated as compensation for religious services rendered during the 1966 special session of the Nevada legislature: Rev. Harold Van Zee, the sum of $75; Rev. Father Hugh P. Smith, the sum of $75; Rev. Elmer Podoll, the sum of $75; and Rev. Father Robert G. Pumphrey, the sum of $75.

