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abel, John D.—

      Claim to be paid, 17.


      See Lieutenant-Governor.

adoption of children—

      How made, 29.


      Sale and purchase of Lander county bonds, 16.

      Names of voters, 33.

      Bills against counties, 45.

      Notice of proof of war claims, 48.

      Names of taxpayers, 62.

      Official, 72.

agents, commercial—

      License of, 36, 69.

agricultural associations—

      Organization of, 79.

agricultural districts—

      Formation and management of, 79.

agricultural lands—

      Selection and sale of, 101.

      Price of, 101.

      Who may purchase, 102.

      Contracts for sale of, 103.

agricultural society, state—

      Management of by State, 77.

alcoholic drinks—

      Effects of to be taught in public schools, 115.


      See Constitutional Amendments.


      Noxious, 14.

      Running at large, 44.

anonymous letters—

      Sending of a misdemeanor, 39.


      To the Legislature of California, 140.


      Legislative Fund, 11.

      To pay John A. Palmer, 12.

      To pay S. B. Hinds, 15.

      To pay John D. Abel, 17.

      For relief of White Pine county, 19.

      For support of indigent veterans, 23.

      For reception of disinterred soldiers, 28.

      In favor of E. B. Zabriskie, 29.

      To pay W. T. Hanford, 34.

      To pay Charles E. Laughton, 38.

      To pay Angus McLeod, 41.

      To pay Thomas J. Tennant, 50.

      To refund to Notaries certain fees, 65.

      For support of civil Government of Nevada, 70.

      For expenses of Fish Commissioner, 71.

      For support of State Prison, 71.

      For support of Insane Asylum, 72.

      For education of deaf, dumb and blind, 72.

      For support of Orphans’ Home, 72.

      For support of State Printing office, 72.

      For support of State University, 73.

      For printing [compiled] laws, 85.

      For erection of State Printing office, 116.

      For building fire-proof vault, 131.

ardent spirits—

      Sale of to Indians prohibited, 41.


      Members, 5.

      Officers and attaches, 5, 6.

      Compensation of members, 100.

assembly resolutions—

      Semi-weekly mail from Wells to Clover Valley, 166.

      Sheep-husbandry in the United States, 166.

      School for Indian youth, 167.

      Abandonment of Walker River Reservation, 167.


      See County Assessors.


      Sheriff to hold property till appointed, 29.


      Senate, 4.

      Assembly, 6.

Attorney general—

      Appropriation to pay salary, 70.

      Capitol Commissioners, 72.

      Salary after January 1, 1887, 99.


      See County Auditors.


      Residence of District Judge, 61.


baily, david e.—

      Compiling laws of Nevada, 82.

banking games—

      License imposed, 12.

beef cattle—

      Care of by transportation companies, 73.

beef peddlers—

      Act relating thereto, 43.


      Treating to in public saloons prohibited, 132.


      Against counties to be published, 45.

bill of exceptions—

      Manner of settling, 46.


      Anonymous letters, 39.


      Education of, 72.

board of education—

      See State Board of Education.

board of examiners—

      Shall act on bills for the relief of indigent veterans, 23.

      Authorized to examine California Veterans’ Home, 23.

      To examine Indian war claims, 47.

      To allow claims of Notaries, 65.

      Required to settle with sureties on bonds, 81.

      Audit claims from Surveyor General’s office, 107.

      Direct Warden to furnish stone, 117.

bob white quail—

      Preservation of, 44.

bogus ballots—

      Unlawful, 63.


      Lander county to issue, 15.

      White Pine county to issue, 55.

      Washoe county to issue, 74.

      Official sureties on, 81, 82.


      May pay ratable proportion of liability, 82.

      May consent to placing county funds in bank, 94.


      In public schools shall be uniform, 110.


      For destruction of noxious animals, 14.

bovine animals—

      When slaughtered marks to be recorded, 42, 43.


      On hides must be recorded, 42, 43.


      See Government buildings.

bullion tax—

      How assessed, 49.



      Legislature of appealed to, 140.

california lion—

      Reward for destruction of, 14.


      Slaughtering of, 43.

      Hides of exhibited, 43.

      Marks to be recorded, 42, 43.

      Offense concerning, jurisdiction, 44.

      Running at large, 44.

capitol commissioners—

      Of whom composed, 72.

      Direction of appropriations, 72.

      To provide stoves, 63.

      To build State printing office, 116.

carson city—

      Residence of District Judge, 61.

      State printing office located in, 116.


      To United States jurisdiction over certain lands, 40.


      Exempt from taxation, 118.


      Of school children, 108, 109.

census marshal—

      For public schools, 108.

central pacific railroad—

      Lands within limits of grant, 101.

      Shall deed property to Elko county, 75.

certificates of indebtedness—

      Paid in order of issuance, 128.

charitable societies—

      Property of exempt from taxation, 118.

chattel mortgages—

      Shall be recorded, 53.

      As to growing crops, 53, 54.

      Possession of property, 54.

      Sale of property subject to mortgage, 54.

      Void after one year unless re-recorded, 55.

      Shall be open to public inspection, 55.

      Not valid for less than $250, 55.


      Adoption of, 29, 30, 31.

chinese (mongolians)—

      May not adopt children, 31.

      Not be adopted, 31.

      Competent witnesses when, 42.

churchill county—

      Commissioners to transfer moneys, 18.

      Share of District Judges’ Salary Fund, 60.

      Compensation of officers, 89.


      Sale of to Indians prohibited, 41.

      Treating to in public places prohibited, 132.


      May apply for public lands, 102.

civil government of Nevada—

      Appropriation for support of, 70.

civil practice act—

      Bill of exceptions, 46.

      Redemption of tax sales, 121.

      Service of summons, 122.

      On non-resident defendant, 122.

      Service by publication, 122, 123.

      Court may appoint attorney for absent or concealed defendant, 123.

      Defendants may answer in township of their residence, 123.

      Exceptions to this rule, 124.


      Of John A. Palmer, 12.

      Of S. B. Hinds, 15.

      Of John D. Abel, 17.

      Of W. T. Hanford, 34.

      Of Charles E. Laughton, 38.

      Of Angus McLeod, 41.

      Indian war, how proved, 47.

      Of Thomas J. Tennant, 50.

clerk of supreme court—

      Appropriation to pay salary, 71.

      Receive and file copy for compiled laws, 82.

      Salary after January 1, 1887, 100.


      Powers of District Judges, 60.

commercial agents—

      Licensing of, 36, 69.


      Allowed Assessors on tax collections, 62.


      To take testimony in land contests, 105.


      See County Commissioners.

      See Capitol Commissioners.


      Of State officers, 99.

      Of county officers, 85 to 93.

compiling laws of nevada—

      By Baily and Hammond authorized, 82.

      How distributed, 84.

      How sold, 84.

      Appropriation for printing, 85.

concealed defendant—

      Court may appoint attorney for, 123.

concealed weapons—

      Minors prohibited from carrying, 51.

congressional delegation—

      Names of, 3.

      Expression of thanks to, 139.


      For adoption of children, 30, 31.


      Of offices in Storey county, 96.


      Fees in Storey county, 98, 99.

      Fees of in Ormsby and Humboldt counties, 129, 130.

      Duties of, 35, 37, 68, 69, 97, 129, 130.


      Revision of, 139.

constitutional amendments—

      How same shall be treated, 150.

      Legislature to meet on third Monday in January, 151.

      Each house to decide as to its own members, 151.

      Special laws prohibited, 152.

      Legislative sessions limited, 152.

      Compensation of members of the Legislature, 153.

      State officers to be elected, 153.

      Election returns, how made, 154.

      Office of Lieutenant Governor to be abolished, 154.

      Gubernatorial succession, 154.

      Duties of Attorney General, 155.

      Board of Examiners and Prison Commissioners, 155.

      Duties of State officers, 156.

      Supreme Court, how formed, 156.

      Election of Supreme Court Justices, 156.

      Appellate jurisdiction, 157.

      Supreme Court Justices to act as District Judges, 158.

      Ineligible to certain offices, 158.

      Salaries of Supreme Court Justices, 158.

      Impeachment and trial, 159.

      Removal of Supreme Court Justices, 159.

      Legislature to encourage improvements, 160.

      Revenues for educational purposes, 160.

      Special State school tax, 161.

      Certain offices at seat of government, 162.

      Manner of amending the Constitution, 162.

      How amendments may be proposed, 163.

      Qualifications of electors, 164.

      Pledging revenues to educational purposes, 164.


      John A. Palmer in Assembly, 12.

contingent expenses—

      Of State officers, appropriation for, 72.

continued coinage of silver—

      Congress memorialized, 137.


      Opium declared to be, 47.

      Opium pipes, 47.


      For sale of public lands, 103.


      See State Controller.

COunty assessors—

      Duties of, 40, 49, 53, 62, 77.

      Compensation of, 85 to 93.

      Of Lander county, 96.

COunty auditors—

      Duties of, 21, 34, 53, 55, 56, 57, 59, 63, 119, 128.

      Compensation of, 85 to 93.

COunty clerks—

      Duties of, 31, 32, 56, 96, 121.

      Compensation of, 85 to 93.

COunty commissioners—

      To allow bounties for destruction of noxious animals, 14.

      Of Esmeralda county to allow claim of S. B. Hinds, 15.

      Of Lander county to issue bonds, 15, 16, 17.

      Of Churchill county to transfer moneys, 18.

      To establish election precincts, 21.

      Shall appoint election inspectors, 22.

      Order for benefit of indigent veterans, 24.

      Shall have control of sidewalks, 25.

      Duties of in relation to drawing juries, 32.

      Shall transfer moneys to Officers’ Salary Fund, 33.

      Publish names of voters, 33.

      Bills for same how allowed, 34.

      May authorize Assessor to appoint deputy, 40.

      Shall publish bills allowed, 45.

      Collection of special school tax, 52.

      Of White Pine county to issue bonds, 55.

      Allow bill for printing list of taxpayers, 62.

      Preservation of roads and highways, 66.

      Of Washoe county to issue bonds, 74.

      Of Washoe county to pay Elko county $20,000, 75.

      Make settlement on defaulted bonds, 82.

      Shall audit claim of School Census Marshal, 109.

      Auditors of certain claims, 112.

      Empowered to regulate school districts, 114.

      Shall furnish vouchers to Treasurer, 126.

      Shall inspect official books, 127.

      Duties in relation to Salary Fund, 128.

county recorders—

      Duties in relation to mining records, 27.

      Proceedings in adoption of children, 31.

County superintendents of schools—

      Duties of, 109, 111, 112, 114.

      Compensation of, 85 to 93.

County treasurers—

      Duties of, 56, 57, 93.

      Compensation of, 85 to 93.


      Justices of the Peace to act as such in Storey county, 98.

Coroner’s inquest—

      No fees for jurors, 25.

County offices—

      Consolidated in Storey county, 96.

County officers—

      May act as Notaries, 13.

      Compensation of, 85 to 93.


      See District Court.


      Of White Pine county destroyed, 19.

Courthouse fund—

      Of Churchill county created, 18, 19.

Court orders—

      Paying money out of county treasury, 21.


      Bounty for destruction of, 14.


      Protection of, 29.

crimes and punishments—

      Act in relation to, 39.

      See Criminal Practice Act.

criminal laws—

      Extended over Indians, 34.

Criminal practice act—

      Crimes and punishments, 42.

      Amended as to bills of exceptions, 46.

      Criminal laws extended to Indians, 34.

      Anonymous letters, 39.

      Proceedings in certain cases, 44.


      Of State Museum, 71.


deaf and dumb—

      Education of, 72.


      Banking games, license, 12.


      Insolvent, 29.


      For property sold for taxes, 121.


      Affecting sureties on bonds, 81.

defense of the union—

      Reimbursement of moneys to States, 145.


      Appropriation to pay, 50.


      Taxes, penalty on, 119.

      Taxpayer, privilege of, 118.

      Taxes, how collected, 119.

deputy county assessors—

      Appointment and compensation, 40.

deputy county officers—

      May act as Notaries, 13.

deputy STATE officers—

      Names of, 3.

      Appropriations to pay salaries, 70, 71.

      Salaries after January 1, 1887, 100.


      Of noxious animals, 14.

detectives, state—

      Governor may appoint, 66.

determined by lot—

      Residences of District Judges, 61.

      Classification of State Agricultural Board, 77.

      Classification of District Agricultural Association, 80.


      State Board of Education may grant, 110.

direct war tax—

      Adjustment of demanded, 140.

district attorneys—

      Compensation of, 85 to 93.

      Duties of, 66, 96, 119, 120.

district court—

      Fees of jurors, 25.

      See District Judges.

district judges—

      Names of, 6.

      Ordering payment of county moneys, 21.

      Certify to application of indigent veterans, 24.

      Order relative to property of insolvent debtor, 29.

      Relative to adoption of children, 30, 31.

      Drawing of juries, 32, 33.

      After first Monday in January, 1887.

      Charge to grand juries, 70.

      Shall decide contests in land cases, 105, 106.


      Taxation of, 77.

douglas county—

      Share of District Judges’ Salary Fund, 60.

      Compensation of officers, 90.

drawing juries—

      Manner of, 32, 33.


      Licensing of, 36, 69.


      Notices of mining locations, 27.



      See State Board of Education, 110.

      Of Deaf, Dumb and Blind, 72.


      Precincts to be established, 21.

      New precincts, 22.

      Must be ten qualified voters in precinct, 22.

      Inspectors of, 22.

      Register of voters to be printed, 33.

      Bogus tickets prohibited, 63.

      For School Trustees, 112.


      Residence of District Judge, 61.

elko county—

      John A. Palmer, contestant Assemblyman, 12.

      Share of District Judges’ Salary Fund, 60.

      To receive $20,000 from Washoe county, 74.

      Compensation of officers, 86.


      Surplus in hands of jewelers, 20.

      Balance after sale of swine, sheep and goats, 68.

esmeralda county—

      Commissioners to pay S. B. Hinds, 15.

      Share of District Judge’s Salary Fund, 60.

      Compensation of officers, 88.


      Residence of District Judge, 61.

eureka county—

      Share of District Judges’ Salary Fund, 60.

      Compensation of officers, 91.

      Salaries of certain officers after January 1, 1887, 126.

evading law—

      Punishment for, 132.


      See Board of Examiners.

exceptions, bill of—

      How settled, 46.

executive department—

      Names of officers, 3.

exempt from taxes—

      Land ceded to United States, 40.

      Property belonging to General Government, 117.

      Property owned by State of Nevada, 117.

      Property owned by any county, town or village, 117.

      Public school houses, 118.

      Mines and mining claims, 118.

      Property of religious societies, 118.

      Of benevolent associations, 118.

      Public graveyards, 118.

      Property of widows and orphans, 118.

ex-officio duties—

      On whom imposed, 96.


faith of nevada—

      Pledge, 17.

family name—

      Adopted child may take, 30.

father of illegitimate child—

      May consent to adoption, 30.

      May legitimize offspring, 31.


      Of grand and trial jurors, 25.

      Payable in advance, 92.

      Statement of to be made, 92.

      Of Sheriffs, 94.

      Of county officers, 85 to 93.

fictitious name—

      To threatening letter, 39.


      For Capitol building dispensed with, 64.

fire proof vault—

      For Secretary of State and Land Register, 131.


      Preservation of, 64.

fish commissioner—

      Appropriation to pay expenses of, 71.


      Of mortgage on property of insolvent debtor, 29.

free masons—

      Property of exempt from taxation, 118.


      Legislative created, 11.

      Officers’ salary, 33.



      Act to restrict amended, 12.


      Trespass of, 67.


      Appointed Commissioner, 19.

      Shall offer reward, 35.

      May appoint State detectives, 66.

      May revoke appointments, 67.

      Appoint State Board of Agriculture, 77.

      Appoint District Board of Agriculture, 80.

      Appoint attorney at Washington, 73.

      Salary of after first Monday in January, 1887, 99.

      Salary of Private Secretary, 100.

      President of Board of Education, 110.

governor’s private secretary—

      Appropriation to pay salary, 70.

      Salary after January 1, 1887, 100.

grand juries—

      To be specially charged, 69.

grand jurors—

      Fees of, 25.

grant, general U. S.—

      Relative to retirement of, 148.

grants of lands—

      By the United States, 101.

gratuitous entertainment—

      In saloons and public bar-rooms prohibited, 132.

      Punishment for, 132.


      Exempt from taxation, 118.

grazing lands—

      Selection and sale of, 101.

      Price of, 101.

      Whom may purchase, 102.

government buildings—

      Jurisdiction over lands ceded to United States, 40.

      Thanks to Congressional delegation, 139.

government of nevada—

      Appropriation for support of, 70.

growing crops—

      Mortgage on, 53, 54.


hammond, John d.—

      Compiling laws of Nevada, 82.

hanford, W. T.—

      Claim of, 34.

heating legislative chambers—

      Stoves to be provided, 63, 64.


      Width of regulated, 49.

      Preservation of, 65.

highway robbery—

      Reward for conviction of, 35.

hinds, s. B.—

      Relief of, 15.


      Prohibited from running at large, 50.

      Not free commoners, 50.


      Running at large, 44.

humboldt county—

      Indebtedness, payment of, 18.

      Share of District Judges’ Salary Fund, 60.

      Compensation of officers, 89.

      Certain warrants to draw interest, 18.

      Duties of Treasurer, 18.

hydrographic survey—

      Important to Nevada, 146.


      To be taught in public schools, 115.


illegal and void—

      Contracts made by unlicensed drummers, 37.

illegitimate children—

      How legitimized, 31.


      Criminal laws extended over, 34.

      Sale of liquor to prohibited, 41.

      Testimony of, 42.

indian war claims—

      How to be proved, 47, 48.

indian youth—

      Schools for, 167.

indigent veterans—

      Relief of, 23.


      Right of adopted child, 30, 31.

insane asylum—

      Appropriation for, 71.

insolvent debtors—

      Relief of, 29.


      On State Capitol and Library, 72.


      Humboldt county warrants to bear, 18.


      Of Court orders, 21.



      Protection of, 20, 21.


      Sold for charges, 20, 21.


      See District Judges.

judicial department—

      Names of, 3.

judicial district—

      State to consist of one, 60.


      Manner of drawing, 32, 33.


      Ceded to United States, over certain lands, 40.

      Offense concerning neat cattle, 44.


      Fees of, 25.

      Names in jury box, 32.

jury box—

      To be provided and kept, 32.

justices of the peace—

      Duties of, 14, 20, 34, 37, 41, 42, 47, 69, 98, 99, 129.

      Absent or sick, another may act, 20.

      Compensation of in Ormsby and Humboldt county, 129.

      Compensation of in Storey county, 98, 99.


keepers of meat markets—

      Duties of, 43.

      Of slaughter-houses, 42, 43.


lander county—

      To issue six per cent. bonds, 15.

      Share of District Judges’ Salary Fund, 61.

      Compensation of officers, 91.

      Assessor of, compensation, 96.

land office—

      Created, 101.


      Jurisdiction over ceded to the United States, 40.

      Selection and sale of, 101.

land register—

      See Surveyor General.

laughton, chas. e.—

      Relief of, 38.

laws, criminal—

      Extended on Indians, 34.

laws of Nevada—

      To be compiled by Baily and Hammond, 82.

      Appropriation for printing, 85.

legislative chambers—

      Heating of, provided for, 63.

legislative department—

      Members and officers of, 4, 5, 6.

legislative fund—

      Created, 11.

      Surplus to revert to General Fund, 11.


      Anonymous, sending of a misdemeanor, 39.

      Threatening, same, 39.

      Obscene, same, 39.

levy of tax—

      For school purposes, 52.


      On official bond how ascertained, 82.


      See Lieutenant Governor.

life diplomas—

      State Board of Education may grant, 110.


      Gaming, 12.

      Drummers or traveling merchants, 36.

lincoln county—

      Share of District Judges’ Salary Fund, 61.

      Compensation of officers, 87.

      Salaries of officers after January 1, 1887, 124.


      Enforcement of, 124.

      On property of insolvent debtors, 29.


      Appropriation to pay salary, 70.

      Capitol Commissioner, 72.

      Salary after January 1, 1887, 99.


      Sale of to Indians prohibited, 41.

      Treating to prohibited, 132.

live stock—

      Care of by transportation companies, 73.


      Of mining claims, 27.


      See determined by lot.

lyon county—

      Share of District Judges’ Salary Fund, 61.

      Compensation of officers, 90.


      Reward for destruction of, 14.


mail service—

      Between Wells and Clover Valley, 166.

malt liquors—

      Sale of to Indians prohibited, 41.

      Treating to in public places prohibited, 132.


      On hides of slaughtered bovines to be recorded, 42, 43.


      For State fair, powers and duties, 78.

      Arresting highwaymen, 35.

mcleod, angus—

      Relief of, 41.

members of assembly—

      Compensation of, 100.

merchants, traveling—

      Acts relating to, 36, 69.

mexican war veterans—

      Support of, 23.


      Of jurors and witnesses, 25, 26.

      Of County Commissioners, 85 to 93.

      Of Constables, 130.

military or naval services—

      Prerequisite for admission to Veterans’ Home, 24.


      Taxing net proceeds, 49.

mining records—

      Better preservation of, 27.

mining recorders—

      Duties of, 27.


      Carrying concealed weapons prohibited, 51.

minor children—

      Adoption of, 29, 30, 31.

      Adopted, rights of, 30.


      May not adopt children, 31.

      Nor be adopted, 31.

      Competent witnesses when, 42.

monroe survey—

      Relating to Pyramid Lake Reservation, 143.


      On property of insolvent debtor, 29.

      On personal property, 53.

      Chattel, 53.

      On growing crops, 53, 54.

      Foreclosure of, 124.

mother of illegitimate child—

      Consent necessary for adoption of child, 30.


      Running at large, 44.


      Curator of, 71.



      Of voters to be printed, 33.

      Of taxpayers to be printed, 62.


      Effects of to be taught in public schools, 115.

neat cattle—

      Running at large, 44.

      Offense concerning, 44.

neglect of duty—

      How punished, 37, 69, 92, 127.

net proceeds of mines—

      Taxation of, 49.


      Appropriation for civil government of, 70.

nevada reports—

      Appropriation for printing, 72.


      Daily, semi-weekly, tri-weekly and weekly, 45.

notaries public—

      County officers may act as such, 13.

      Act concerning repealed, 13.

      Refunded fees for unused commissions, 65.

notice of tax sale—

      How given, 120, 121.

noxious animals—

      Destruction of, 14.

nye county—

      Share of District Judges’ Salary Fund, 61.

      Compensation of officers, 86.


obscene pictures—

      Sending of, a misdemeanor, 39.

observance of sunday—

      Act in relation to repealed, 39.

official bonds—

      Sureties on, 81.

      Liability, how determined, 82.

officers receiving salaries—

      Duties of, 92.

officers’ salary fund—

      Relating to, 33, 93, 97.

odd fellows—

      Property of exempt from taxation, 118.

open account—

      County funds placed in bank on, 93.


      Pipes and utensils contraband, 47.

      To be destroyed, 47.


      Product of taxed, 49.

ormsby county—

      Share of District Judges’ Salary Fund, 61.

      Compensation of officers, 87.


      Property of exempt from taxation, 118.

orphans’ home, state—

      Appropriation for, 72.


palmer, john a.—

      Claim of paid, 12.


      For public lands free, 106.


      Of Indian war claims, 48.


      On delinquent taxes, 119.

pictures, obscene—

      Sending of a misdemeanor, 39.

pipes and opium—

      To be destroyed, 47.


      Stud-horse and percentage, 12.

police officer—

      Arresting highwayman, 35.


      Commission on to Assessors, 62.


      Bounty for destruction of, 14.

preferred right—

      To buy public lands, 105.

preservation of fish—

      Act relating to, 64.

preservation of highways—

      Act relating to, 65.


      Names of electors, 33, 62.

printing of laws—

      Appropriation for, 85.

printing office—

      Appropriation for support of, 72.

      Building to be erected for use of State, 116.


      See State Prison.

private secretary, governor’s—

      Salary of, 100.


      Sale of liquor to Indians, 41.

      Treating in public resorts, 132.


      Exempt from taxation, 117, 118.

      Sold for taxes, how redeemed, 121.

Prosecuting attorney—

      See District Attorney.


      Of jewelers and watchmakers, 20, 21.

      Of sidewalks, 25.

      Of bob white quail, 44.

public highways—

      Width of regulated, 49.

public lands—

      Selection and sale of, 101.

      Who may purchase, 102.


      Of bills against counties, 45.

      Of names of taxpayers, and valuations, 62.

public schools—

      Special tax for support of, 52.

      Maintenance and supervision, 52, 108 to 116.

      Census Marshals, duties of, 108.

      Report shall show, 109.

      State Board of Education, 109.

      County Superintendent of Schools, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114.

      Apportionment of county school moneys, 111.

      Election of School Trustees, 112.

      County Commissioners to regulate school districts, 114.

      Districts not more than eight miles square, 115.

      Hygiene to be taught, 115.

      Effects of stimulants and narcotics to be taught, 115.

      Course of study specified, 115.

      Algebra and other higher branches, 115.

public school trustees—

      See School Trustees.

purchase pRICE—

      Of public lands, how paid, 103.

pyramid lake reservation—

      Reduction of limits requested, 145.



      Preservation of, 44.


railroad bonds—

      Of Lander county, 15.

railroad companies—

      Care of live stock by, 73.


      Cattle running at large on, 44.

      Horses and mules, 44.


      Of disinterred bodies of soldiers, 28.


      See County Recorders.

      See Mining Recorders.


      Of property sold for taxes, 120.

      Of Lander county bonds, 15.

      Of White Pine county bonds, 55, 58.

      Of Washoe county bonds, 75.

redemption fund—

      Of Humboldt county, warrants against to bear interest, 18.

redistrict the state—

      Act as to District Judges, 60.

reduction of salaries—

      Of State officers, 99.


      Exempt from taxation, 118.


      Appropriation for expenses of, 73.

      Shall employ teachers, 76.

      May fix a price on public lands, 102.

      Shall invest school funds, 107.


      Of electors, 33.

registry agents—

      Visiting Justices may act as such, 20.

      Shall serve notices on Inspectors of Election, 22.

      Print list of voters, 33, 34.


      To Notaries Public, 65.

      Of moneys expensed in defense of the Union, 145.


      Of John A. Palmer, 12.

      Of S. B. Hinds, 15.

      Of John D. Abel, 17.

      Of White Pine county, 19.

      Of indigent veterans, 23.

      Of Charles E. Laughton, 38.

      Of Angus McLeod, 41.

      Of William C. Ross, 51.

religious worship—

      Buildings used for exempt from taxation, 118.


      Residence of District Judge, 61.

      State University located at, 76.


      Of State officers, how printed, 26.

      Number of each, 26.


      In White Pine county, 45.


      See Assembly resolutions.

      See Senate resolutions.

retirement of general grant—

      Congress memorialized, 148.


      County assessors allowed commissions, 62.

      Tax on dogs, 77.

      Property exempt from taxation, 117, 118.

      Delinquent taxpayers, 118.

      Delinquent taxes, collection of, 119.

      Treasurer as ex-officio tax-receiver, 119, 120, 121.

      District Attorney, duties, 119, 120.

      Auditor, duties of, 119.

      County Commissioners, powers of, 119.

revert to the state—

      Public lands on failure of contractor, 103.

revision of the constitution—

      Appointment of Committee, 139.


      For destruction of noxious animals, 14.

      For conviction of highway robbers, 35.

      For conviction of drummers if without licenses, 37.

rhoads, E., defaulting treasurer—

      Receipts issued by, 105.


      Of adopted child, 30, 31.

roads and highways—

      Width of regulated, 49.

      Preservation of, 65.

road supervisors—

      Duties of, 25, 65.

robbery, highway—

      Reward for conviction of, 35.

ross, william c.—

      Act for relief of, 51.



      Of Assessor in Lander county, 96.

salaried county officers—

      Duties of, 92.


      Of District Judges, 60.

      Of State officers reduced, 99.

      Of Supreme Court Justices reduced, 99.

      Unpaid, provided for, 33.

      Of Deputy State officers, 100.

salaries reduced—

      Of State officers, 99.

salary fund, officers’—

      Created, 33.


      Of watches and jewelry, 20, 21.

sale of liquor—

      To Indians, prohibited, 41.


      See public schools.

school census—

      How taken, 108, 109.

school tax, special—

      Levy of, 52.

school trustees—

      Duties of, 52, 112, 113, 114.

secretary of state—

      Appropriation to pay salary, 70.

      Shall distribute compilation of laws, 84.

      Certificate to compilation, 84.

      Salary fixed, 99.

      Fire-proof vault for use of, 131.

      Shall transmit resolutions to Legislature, 150.


      Of bond-holders not to be impaired, 17.


      For taking fish prohibited, 64.

selection and sale—

      Of public lands, 101 to 108.

senate resolutions—

      Continued coinage of silver, 137.

      Revision of the Constitution, 139.

      Thanks to Congressional delegation, 139.

      Relative to the direct war tax, 140.

      Appealing to the California Legislature, 140.

      Slocum military bill, 141.

      Asking that unsold lands be ceded to the State, 141.

      Pyramid Lake Indian reservation, 143.

      Reimbursement for moneys expended by Nevada, 145.

      Hydrographic survey of Nevada, 146.

      Relative to placing General Grant on the retired list, 148.

      Relative to proposed amendments, 150.

      Proposing amendments to the Constitution, 151 to 165.


      Of Summons, 122, 123.

sheep husbandry—

      Protection of still needed, 166.


      Possession of insolvent debtors’ property, 29.

      Arresting highwayman, 35.

      Demand production of drummer’s license, 37.

      Neglect of duty, 69.

      Compensation of, 85 to 93.

      Ex-officio Assessors in certain counties, 97.

      Salaries as such, 98.

      Salary in Lincoln county, 125.


      Construction of encouraged, 25.


      Continued coinage of demanded, 137.

six per cent. bonds—

      Lander county to issue, 15.

slaughtered animals—

      Hides to be exhibited, 42.

      Marks on hides recorded, 42, 43.

slocum militia bill—

      Congressional delegation asked to support, 141.


      Reinterment of, 28.

special school tax—

      Levy of, 52.

spirits, ardent—

      Sale of to Indians prohibited, 41.

spirituous liquors—

      Sale of to Indians prohibited, 41.

      Treating to prohibited, 132.

state AGRICULTURAL society—

      Management of, 77.

state board of education—

      How composed, 109.

      Duties of, 110, 111.

state controller—

      Appointed Commissioner, 19.

      Warrant in favor of White Pine county, 19.

      Warrants for indigent veterans, 23.

      Report of, how printed, 26.

      Shall issue licenses to drummers, 36.

      Rewards to officers, 37.

      Furnish to Sheriffs lists of licenses, 37.

      Appropriation to pay salary, 70.

      Capitol Commissioner, 72.

      Salary after January 1, 1887, 99.

state detectives—

      Governor may appoint, 66.

      Appointment may be revoked, 67.

statementS of fees—

      To be made by county officers, 92.

state institutions—

      List of, 7.

state museum—

      Curator of, 71.

state of nevada—

      Appropriation to support Civil Government of, 70.

state officers’ reports—

      How printed, 26.

      Number of each, 26.

state officers’ salaries—

      After January 1, 1887, 99, 100.

state printing—

      Duties of Superintendent, 26, 78, 83, 110.

state printing office—

      Appropriation for support of, 72.

      Additional appropriation, 85.

      Building to be erected, 116.

state prison—

      Warden, election of, 69.

      Commissioners may direct Warden to furnish stone, 117, 139.

state senators—

      Name of, 4.

      Compensation of, 100.

state treasurer—

      To pay $5,000 to White Pine county, 19.

      To pay warrants for support of veterans, 23.

      To pay Controller’s warrants, 37.

      Appropriation to pay salary, 70.

      To pay Baily and Hammond, 83.

      Salary of fixed, 99.

      Refund money for unperfected land sales, 103, 105.

state university—

      Appropriation for support of, 73.

      Removal of to Reno, 74, 75.

      Regents to employ teachers, 76.


      Law for better observance of repealed, 39.

superintendent of public instruction—

      Appropriation to pay salary, 71.

      Curator of State Museum, 71.

      Salary after January 1, 1887, 99, 100.

      Secretary of Board of Education, 110.

superintendent OF SCHOOLS—

      See County Superintendent of Schools.

surveyor general—

      Appropriation to pay salary, 70.

      Salary after January 1, 1887, 99, 100.

      Salary of self and deputy, 107.

      Selection and sale of public lands, 101 to 108.

      Preservation of records, 131.


      On official bonds, 81.

supreme court—

      Appropriation to pay salaries of Justices, 71.

      Justices to examine compilation of laws, 83.

      Salaries after present terms, 100.


      Service of, 122, 123.


      To prevent running at large, 50.

      Not free commoners, 50.

      Trespass of, 67.



      Product of taxed, 49.


      Of net proceeds of mines, 49.

      Of dogs, 77.

      For purposes of revenue, 117.

tax, special school—

      Levy of, 52.


      Names of to be published, 62.

tax-sale deed—

      How given, 121.

teachers’ institute—

      Appropriation for expenses of, 71.


      Promotion of, 132.

tennant, Thomas. J.—

      Appropriation to pay claim of, 50.

ten per cent. bonds—

      Lander county to redeem, 15, 16.


      Of Indians and Chinese, 42.

text books—

      Shall be uniform in public schools, 110.

      Shall not be changed oftener than once in four years, 110.


      To Congressional delegation, 139.

threatening letter—

      Sending of a misdemeanor, 39.


      Unlawful if irregular, 63.

transportation companies—

      Care of live stock by, 73.

traveling merchants—

      Licensing of, 36, 69.


      See County Treasurers.

      See State Treasurer.


      Of sheep, swine and goats, 67.


      Unlawful, 132.

      Fine and imprisonment, 132.

trial jurors—

      Fees of, 25.

      Drawing of, 32.


      See School Trustees.


United states property—

      Exempt from taxation, 117.

united states soldiers—

      Reception of bodies, 28.

university, state—

      Appropriation for, 73.

      Acts relating to, 74, 75.

unpaid salaries—

      Payment provided for, 33.

unsold lands—

      General Government asked to cede to the State, 141.



      For jurors to issue, 33.


      Of Mexican and civil wars, 23.

virginia city—

      Residence of District Judge, 61.

volunteer soldiers—

      Reception of bodies, 28.


      Names of to be printed, 33.


walker river indian reservation—

      Abandonment of, 167.

warden of state prison—

      Election of, 69.

      Duties of, 69.

      To furnish stone, 117, 131.


      Of Humboldt county to bear interest, 18.

      To be paid in order of issuance, 128.


      Veterans of Mexican and civil, 23.

war claims—

      Indian, how proved, 47, 48.

washoe county—

      Share of District Judges’ Salary Fund, 61.

      Commissioners to issue bonds, 74.

      To pay Elko county $20,000, 75, 76.

      Compensation of officers, 85.


      Sold for charges for repairs, 20, 21.

watchmakers and repairers—

      Protection of, 20, 21.


      Carrying of concealed by minors prohibited, 51.

white pine county—

      Immediate relief of, 19.

      Recorder, fees in certain cases, 45.

      Commissioners of to issue bonds, 55.

      Share of District Judges’ Salary Fund, 61.

      Compensation of officers, 86.


      Property of exempt from taxation, 118.


      Of public highways, 49.

willful neglect of duty—

      How punished, 92.

wild cat—

      Reward for destruction of, 14.


      Sale of to Indians prohibited, 41.

      Treating to in public saloons prohibited, 132.


zabriskie, e. B.—

      Appropriation in favor of, 29.