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ê1965 Statutes of Nevada, 11th Special Session, Page 9ê


Resolutions and Memorials


Senate Resolution No. 1–Senator Brown




SENATE RESOLUTION–Relating to the appointment of attaches.


      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That the following named persons be, and they hereby are, elected as attaches of the senate for the 1965 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada: Leona Munk, Janice Goodhue, Jane Harris, Evelyn Cherry, Grace Dirrim, Chuck Coyle, Eva Cobb and Genevieve Cronin.






Senate Resolution No. 2–Senator Lamb




SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing an allowance for each member and the president of the senate for periodicals, stamps and stationery.


      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That the sum to be allowed each member and the president of the senate for the 1965 special session for periodicals, stamps and stationery, as provided by law, be the sum of $30, and the same be certified by the president and the secretary to the state controller, who is authorized to draw his warrants therefor on the legislative fund, and the state treasurer is thereafter authorized to pay the same.






Assembly Resolution No. 1–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing an allowance for each member of the assembly for periodicals, stamps and stationery.


      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the sum to be allowed each member of the assembly for the 1965 special session for periodicals, stamps and stationery, as provided by law, be the sum of $30, and that the same be certified by the speaker and chief clerk to the state controller, who is authorized to draw his warrants therefor on the legislative fund, and the state treasurer is thereafter authorized to pay the same.






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Assembly Resolution No. 2–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Relating to the employment of attaches.


      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the following named persons be and they hereby are elected as attaches of the assembly for the 1965 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada: Theresa Loy, Pauline V. Topken, Carol L. Moore, Donald Sanford Williams, John Richard Arndell, William Randy Anderson, Agnes Mae Nelson, Ila Harvey, Mouryne B. Landing, Lavelle Ida Johnson, Barbara Claire Ryan and Virginia L. Floyd.






Senate Resolution No. 3–Senator Brown




SENATE RESOLUTION–Relating to the appointment of attaches.


      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That the following named persons be, and they hereby are, elected as attaches of the senate for the 1965 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada: Mildred Buchanan and Robert Dressler.






Senate Resolution No. 4–Senators Bay, Berrum, Bissett, Dial, Dodge, Fisher, Fransway, Humphrey, Lemaire, McGowan, Monroe, Seevers, Slattery, Titlow and Whitacre




SENATE RESOLUTION–Expressing the thanks of the Nevada senate to George Vargas, Esq., and his firm for their legal services relating to reapportionment.


      Whereas, A civil action entitled Dungan v. Sawyer has been brought in the United States District Court for the District of Nevada to compel the reapportionment of the Nevada legislature according to population; and

      Whereas, George Vargas, Esq., of Reno, Nevada, assisted by other members and associates of his firm, has devoted many hours of legal research to the position of the members of the state senate, particularly those from the smaller counties, and ably argued their position before the court in its first hearing of the matter; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That the thanks of the senate are hereby expressed to George Vargas, Esq., and his firm for their continuing representation of its members in the reapportionment litigation; and be it further

      Resolved, That a certified copy of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to George Vargas, Esq.






ê1965 Statutes of Nevada, 11th Special Session, Page 11ê



Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Clark County Delegation




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Endorsing the selection of Eldorado Valley, Clark County, Nevada, as the site for the location of the planned proton accelerator by the Atomic Energy Commission.


      Whereas, The Atomic Energy Commission is planning the construction of a proton accelerator of 200 billion electron volts at an estimated cost of $348 million to gain further knowledge of the atom by exploration of high energy phenomena; and

      Whereas, The selection of a suitable site for the location of the planned proton accelerator is now underway, and Eldorado Valley in Clark County, Nevada, has been preliminarily selected as a possible location by a select panel of experts in the field of high energy physics; and

      Whereas, The immensity of the planned proton accelerator is hard to imagine, its operation and maintenance, after construction, requiring $58.7 million each year and the efforts of about 2,000 resident scientists, engineers and support personnel in addition to some 300 visiting scientists, graduate students and technicians; and

      Whereas, The citizens of the State of Nevada have a significant interest and understanding of historic experiments of the Atomic Energy Commission in nuclear science; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That if Eldorado Valley, Nevada, is finally selected as the site for the planned proton accelerator, the legislature of the State of Nevada, within the limits of its constitutional authority, guarantees the full cooperation, energy and resources of all officers and agencies of the State of Nevada in support of the planned and any unforeseen requirements of the Atomic Energy Commission in connection with the construction and operation of the proton accelerator; and be it further

      Resolved, That this legislature hereby wholeheartedly endorses the final selection of Eldorado Valley, Nevada, as the site for the planned proton accelerator, pledging its fullest support thereafter by proper and timely consideration of necessary enabling legislation, the funding of special state services and the expansion of the staff and facilities at Nevada Southern University.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Senator Bissett




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Delle B. Boyd.


      Whereas, With the death of Miss Delle B. Boyd at the age of 86 years in Reno, Nevada, on October 28, 1965, the State of Nevada lost one of its most devoted, dedicated, respected and beloved public servants, whose long and fruitful career of public service encompassed more than 60 years; and




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servants, whose long and fruitful career of public service encompassed more than 60 years; and

      Whereas, After graduation from the University of Nevada in 1899, Miss Boyd commenced her long public career in the office of the Washoe County treasurer, thereafter in 1915 being appointed to the office of Washoe County recorder and auditor, which office she held continuously until her retirement in 1962; and

      Whereas, Also active in political and community affairs, she was the first Republican national committeewoman to be named from Nevada and held the office of presidential elector in 1920; and

      Whereas, Miss Boyd, being an able and dedicated public servant, was also a warm, genuine and kindhearted friend possessed of gentleness of heart, humility and wisdom, always ready to counsel and assist the young lawyer, the neophyte judge and all citizens; and

      Whereas, The legislature of the State of Nevada recognizes that Delle B. Boyd was truly a great Nevadan and worthy of the highest esteem of all the people of the State of Nevada; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the 1965 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada, on behalf of the legislature and of the people of the State of Nevada, expresses regret and sorrow upon the loss of a longtime and generous servant, and hereby conveys sympathy and condolences to the members of the family of Delle B. Boyd; and be it further

      Resolved, That a certified copy of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the members of the family of Delle B. Boyd.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 2–Senators Brown, Slattery, Bay, Berrum, Bissett, Dial, Dodge, Fisher, Fransway, Humphrey, Lamb, Lemaire, McGowan, Monroe, Seevers, Titlow and Whitacre




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing the support of the Nevada legislature for the effort of our servicemen in Vietnam.


      Whereas, Many thousands of American boys have been ordered into Vietnam and are there engaged in actual combat; and

      Whereas, When Americans already within the armed services have been ordered into combat and some have already laid down their lives, it ill behooves any American to shirk his duty when similarly called; and

      Whereas, The watchword of Americans in the face of the enemy has ever been: “Our country! May she always be in the right, but our country, right or wrong!”; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That this legislature condemns the acts of those pusillanimous few who would avoid military service for themselves or seek to deter others from it; and be it further



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      Resolved, That this legislature expresses its gratitude and wholehearted support of all those servicemen and women whose daily sacrifice upon the soil of Vietnam upholds the fine tradition of American devotion to duty; and be it further

      Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the President of the United States, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and to the members of Nevada’s congressional delegation.






Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 2–Messrs. Swobe, Bailey, Harris, Mrs. Frazzini, Messrs. Wood, Kean, Bunker, Close, Gibson, Swackhamer, Howard, Alleman, Bastian, Bowler, Delaney, Fike, Giomi, Glaser, Godbey, Gray, Miss Herr, Messrs. Jacobsen, Johnson, Jones, Knisley, Leavitt, Manning, Mello, Olsen, Palludan, Mrs. Parsons, Messrs. Petrini, Pozzi, Mrs. Tyson, Messrs. Valentine, Viani and Young




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Deploring organized opposition to selective service and commending personal sacrifices for the war effort.


      Whereas, American troops in Vietnam are actually engaged in a shooting war, though none has been declared; and

      Whereas, The members of this legislature deplore the advocacy of violation of the laws of sovereign states and of the United States, in particular violation of the Selective Service Act; and

      Whereas, The members of this legislature are amazed and disgusted by the actions of that small minority who burn draft cards and offer economic and moral support to the enemies of the United States; and

      Whereas, Such conduct is particularly unfitting to university students and faculty members, showing as it does no devotion to education or freedom of speech but only immaturity and lack of wisdom; and

      Whereas, The members of this legislature are proud of the vast majority of the youth of our nation and particularly of the students and faculty of the University of Nevada and Nevada Southern University for supporting the national security of the United States; and

      Whereas, The members of this legislature believe that these sentiments are shared by the vast majority of citizens of the State of Nevada; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That this legislature condemns all acts and overt advocacy of opposition to the Selective Service Act and acts detrimental to the war effort of the United States in Vietnam; and be it further

      Resolved, That this legislature commends those patriotic Americans whose personal sacrifices are contributing to the war effort; and be it further

      Resolved, That a certified copy of this resolution be transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the President of the United States in his capacity as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.






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Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 3–Messrs. Petrini and Viani




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Assemblyman Richard M. Hardenbrook.


      Whereas, The members of the 1965 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada have learned with deep regret of the death of former Assemblyman Richard M. Hardenbrook on November 6, 1965, in Carson City, Nevada; and

      Whereas, The late Assemblyman Richard M. Hardenbrook, born in Modesto, California on August 6, 1916, resided in Virginia City and Silver City for the last 25 years, serving with distinction as an assemblyman from Storey County in the 1953 regular and the 1954 special sessions of the Nevada legislature; and

      Whereas, Richard M. Hardenbrook was a conscientious and dedicated citizen, serving as chairman of the Storey County Democratic Central Committee, a member of the State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the governor’s Civil Defense Advisory Board; and

      Whereas, Richard M. Hardenbrook’s industriousness and unselfish devotion to the people of his community and state throughout his life gained for him the admiration of the people of this state and endeared him to all of his friends and associates; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the members of the 1965 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada hereby express their condolences to the family and surviving relatives of the late Assemblyman Richard M. Hardenbrook; and be it further

      Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the widow and three children of the deceased.






Assembly Resolution No. 3–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Commemorating American war veterans.


      Whereas, Forty-seven years ago on this day an armistice was signed which ended the hostilities of an international conflict involving the principal nations of the world, namely, World War I; and

      Whereas, The United States of America was involved in this conflict and employed its military strength for the preservation of territorial freedom and equality; and

      Whereas, American men and women accepted this responsibility and endured personal sacrifice and hardship; and

      Whereas, The Congress of the United States has declared this a legal holiday in recognition of the courage of these and of the many others who have endured similar discomforts in the resolving of America’s subsequent and present military conflicts; and




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who have endured similar discomforts in the resolving of America’s subsequent and present military conflicts; and

      Whereas, The assembly of the State of Nevada feels honor and recognition are due all those who have so admirably served in the defense of this country; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That when this body adjourns today, it do so in honor of all American war veterans, and that members of this body dedicate themselves to the principles for which such veterans fought and for which many died.






Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 4–Mr. Jacobsen




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Assemblyman Virgil Dean Bernard.


      Whereas, With the death of Virgil Dean Bernard on April 30, 1965, Nevada lost one of its finest citizens, an able, selfless and dedicated man and a warm, genuine and kindhearted friend who ever acted in the best interests of all of his fellow Nevadans; and

      Whereas, Virgil Dean Bernard, whose unselfish devotion to public service will be long remembered, was a member of a pioneer Mason Valley family, educated in the Yerington schools, and married in 1925 to Charlotte Penrose, also a member of a prominent Lyon County family; and

      Whereas, Having served as a member of the Assembly of the Nevada legislature in 1939, Mr. Bernard answered his country’s call by serving with the Merchant Marine during World War II; and

      Whereas, Returning to civilian life, this versatile personality became a leader in many civic endeavors, a highly respected Nevada businessman and a leading figure in the public service of our state; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the condolences of the members of the 1965 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada are hereby extended to the surviving family and relatives of the late Virgil Dean Bernard; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the widow and surviving children of the deceased, Mrs. Charlotte Bernard, Dean Bernard and Matt Bernard.






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Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 5–Messrs. Alleman, Bailey, Bastian, Bowler, Bunker, Close, Delaney, Fike, Mrs. Frazzini, Messrs. Gibson, Giomi, Glaser, Godbey, Gray, Harris, Miss Herr, Messrs. Howard, Jacobsen, Johnson, Jones, Kean, Knisley, Leavitt, Manning, Mello, Olsen, Palludan, Mrs. Parsons, Messrs. Petrini, Pozzi, Swobe, Mrs. Tyson, Messrs. Valentine, Viani, Wood, Young and Swackhamer




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Extending the condolences of the Nevada legislature to Mrs. Rosezella Parker.


      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the sincere sympathy and heartfelt condolences of the members of the 1965 special session of the Nevada legislature are hereby extended to Mrs. Rosezella Parker, our long-time friend and assistant, on the death of her beloved husband, Chester J. Parker, on November 8, 1965; and be it further

      Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to Mrs. Rosezella Parker.






Senate Resolution No. 6–Senators Brown, Bay, Berrum, Bissett, Dial, Dodge, Fisher, Fransway, Humphrey, Lamb, Lemaire, McGowan, Monroe, Seevers, Titlow, Whitacre and Slattery




SENATE RESOLUTION–Commemorating Veterans’ Day.


      Whereas, Today is the 11th day of November and Veterans’ Day, a day that we dedicate to the memory of all those men and women who laid down their lives in the cause of freedom; and

      Whereas, The battles of past major wars bring to mind human courage and sacrifice, these same intangible and priceless qualities of loyalty to our Nation which we are even this very day witnessing in Vietnam; and

      Whereas, The people of this country visit cemeteries throughout the United States in honor of friends and loved ones who were dedicated to the idea of the brotherhood of mankind through world peace; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That when this body adjourns today it do so in memory of Veterans’ Day.






Assembly Resolution No. 5–Messrs. Wood and Knisley




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Requesting legislative commission to prepare legislation correcting certain inequities arising from A. B. 255 of the 53rd legislative session.


      Whereas, Assembly Bill 255 introduced in the 53rd session of the Nevada legislature and enacted into law as chapter 435, Statutes of Nevada 1965, was drafted at the request of the Nevada tax commission to revise the motor vehicle fuel tax law; and



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      Whereas, This bill was lengthy and embraced many technical changes requested by the Nevada tax commission; and

      Whereas, The assembly committee on taxation recommended and the assembly adopted an amendment to section 5 of the bill restoring the existing provision for the refund of the tax on fuel used in aircraft, but a related provision of section 13 of the bill, which referred to the refund as limited to commercial aircraft, was inadvertently left unchanged; and

      Whereas, The attorney general has construed this latter section as repealing the existing provision for refund of the tax on fuel used in noncommercial aircraft, contrary to the legislative intent; and

      Whereas, With respect to fuel used in auxiliary engines on vehicular equipment, the assembly committee on taxation had no intention of putting one class of fuel user in a better position than another, but subsection 6 of section 6 of the bill appears to have this effect; and

      Whereas, The assembly committee on taxation also desires to restore the farmer’s or rancher’s right to claim a refund on premium-grade motor fuel, which is curtailed by section 7 of the bill to regular-grade fuel; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the legislative commission is hereby requested to study the matters above noted and to cause proposed legislation correcting these inequities to be prepared for submission at the first legislative session authorized to consider such matters.






Assembly Resolution No. 6–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Authorizing the payment of a per diem expense allowance from the legislative fund to the chief clerk of the assembly.


      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That pursuant to the provisions of section 3 of chapter 426, Statutes of Nevada 1965, when a proper claim is filed with the director of the legislative counsel bureau and approved by him pursuant to law, there shall be paid to the chief clerk of the assembly, Nathan T. Hurst, from the legislative fund the sum of $300 as a per diem expense allowance for the 1965 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada.






Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 6–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing the appreciation of the members of the 1965 special session of the Nevada legislature for the courtesies extended to them by the mayor and city council of the City of Carson City and by the University of Nevada.


      Whereas, During the 1965 special session the mayor and the city council of the City of Carson City graciously extended courtesy parking privileges to the members of this legislature; and



ê1965 Statutes of Nevada, 11th Special Session, Page 18 (FILE NUMBER 18, ACR 6)ê


      Whereas, The University of Nevada invited the members of the legislature to attend athletic events at the University of Nevada as the guests of the university; and

      Whereas, These described acts of courtesy were much appreciated by the members of the special session; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the members of the 1965 special session of the Nevada legislature hereby express their appreciation and convey their thanks to the mayor and the city council of the City of Carson City and to the president and board of regents, and to members of the athletic department of the University of Nevada, for the courtesies extended; and be it further

      Resolved, That the legislative counsel is directed to transmit copies of this resolution to the mayor and city council of the City of Carson City and to the president and board of regents of the University of Nevada.






Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 7–Messrs. Knisley and Swackhamer




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing legislative counsel to transmit certified copies of reapportionment legislation to United States District Court for the District of Nevada.


      Whereas, The order of the United States District Court for the District of Nevada in Dungan v. Sawyer, being civil case No. 695, provides in part that the Nevada legislature shall submit to the court for approval not later than November 20, 1965, duly enacted and approved legislation creating a constitutionally valid reapportionment and redistricting plan consistent with the opinion, opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States, and all Nevada constitutional provisions not rendered invalid by the opinion; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the legislative counsel is hereby directed to transmit forthwith following the approval by the governor of the State of Nevada four copies, certified by the secretary of state of the State of Nevada, of legislation enacted at the 1965 special session of the Nevada legislature pertaining to the reapportionment of the Nevada legislature when such legislation has been filed in the office of the secretary of state pursuant to law.






Senate Resolution No. 7–Committee on Legislative Functions




SENATE RESOLUTION–Authorizing the payment of a per diem expense allowance from the legislative fund to the secretary of the senate.


      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That pursuant to the provisions of section 2 of chapter 426, Statutes of Nevada 1965, when a proper claim is filed with the director of the legislative counsel bureau and approved by him pursuant to law, there shall be paid to the secretary of the senate, Leola H.



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and approved by him pursuant to law, there shall be paid to the secretary of the senate, Leola H. Armstrong, from the legislative fund the sum of $300 as a per diem expense allowance for the 1965 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 5–Committee on Legislative Functions




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing gratitude and commendation to members of the news media for excellent coverage of the 1965 special session of the Nevada legislature.


      Whereas, The news coverage of the 1965 special session of the Nevada legislature has been accurate and thorough, thus allowing the people of our state to be well informed of the proceedings of the legislature; and

      Whereas, The members of the staffs of the news agencies assigned to the legislature have been courteous, understanding and helpful; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the members of the 1965 special session of the Nevada legislature hereby express gratitude and commendation to all members of the staffs of the various news media who reported the activities of the special session.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 6–Committee on Legislative Functions




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the superintendent of state printing, his staff and employees for their work during the 1965 special legislative session.


      Whereas, The superintendent of state printing, his staff and employees have a heavy responsibility during each legislative session; and

      Whereas, This responsibility has been undertaken and discharged with the usual efficiency of the office of the superintendent of state printing; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the members of the 1965 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada hereby gratefully recognize and commend the superintendent of state printing and his staff and employees for their diligent labors and cooperation in promoting the interests and undertakings of this special session.






ê1965 Statutes of Nevada, 11th Special Session, Page 20ê



Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 7–Committee on Legislative Functions




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Providing for the compensation of certain clergy for services rendered to the 1965 special session of the Nevada legislature.


      Whereas, During the 1965 special session of the legislature the clergy of the city of Carson City and Reno, representing various denominations, have rendered daily religious services to the legislature; and

      Whereas, A reasonable compensation for such services is the sum of $325; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the state controller is authorized and directed to pay the sum of $325 out of the legislative fund to the following named individuals and in the respective amounts designated, as compensation for religious services rendered during the 1965 special session of the Nevada legislature: The Very Reverand Hugh P. Smith, the sum of $75; Father Robert G. Pumphrey, the sum of $75; Rev. Paul Prichard, the sum of $75; Rev. Elmer H. Podoll, the sum of $75; and Rabbi H. Weinberg, the sum of $25.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8–Senators McGowan, Bay, Berrum, Bissett, Brown, Dial, Dodge, Fisher, Fransway, Humphrey, Lamb, Lemaire, Monroe, Seevers, Slattery and Whitacre




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the legislative counsel bureau for the efficient discharge of its duties.


      Whereas, The special session of the legislature called in 1965 to reapportion legislative representation pursuant to court order has presented difficult problems of legal and statistical research; and

      Whereas, The limited time allowed by the court order has required their solution without delay; and

      Whereas, The legislative counsel bureau has, before and during the special session, labored unremittingly to place at the disposal of the legislators the materials necessary to the informed exercise of their judgment; and

      Whereas, The legislative counsel bureau has promptly translated each proposed apportionment into proper form for action by the respective houses; and

      Whereas, These tasks have been performed with a minimum of necessary personnel; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the legislature commends the director and staff of the legislative counsel bureau for a job well done.






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Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 3–Senators Lemaire, Bay, Berrum, Bissett, Brown, Dial, Dodge, Fisher, Fransway, Humphrey, Lamb, McGowan, Monroe, Seevers, Slattery, Titlow and Whitacre




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the students of the University of Nevada for their donation of blood to United States troops in Viet Nam.


      Whereas, The United States has troops valiantly participating in the shooting war in Viet Nam; and

      Whereas, These United States troops, in support of an American commitment to freedom, are laboring in a strange country under unfamiliar and difficult conditions, resulting in great personal sacrifice for all, in injury and suffering for many, and ultimately in death for some; and

      Whereas, Recent public demonstrations involving students, and others, have condemned American efforts and rewarded the sacrifice made by these troops with unjust criticism, opposition and other deplorable acts; and

      Whereas, The legislature condemns such behavior and supports patriotic contributions to the military effort; and

      Whereas, The students of the University of Nevada, in support of these troops and to express appreciation for the opportunity afforded them to continue their education, have successfully conducted a blood drive in which blood will be donated for United States troops in Viet Nam; and

      Whereas, The legislature is proud of these students; and

      Whereas, The legislature believes these sentiments to be shared by the vast majority of Nevada residents; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the Senate of the State of Nevada congratulates the students at the University of Nevada for the maturity and wisdom displayed in their recent action; and be it further

      Resolved, That the legislature commends the action taken by these students as exemplary, and worthy of our sincerest admiration and acclaim; and be it further

      Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the president of the University of Nevada and to the president of the Associated Students of the University of Nevada.






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Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4–Senators Slattery, Bay, Berrum, Brown, Dodge, Dial, Fisher, Fransway, Humphrey, Lamb, Lemaire, McGowan, Monroe, Seevers, Titlow, Whitacre and Bissett




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the veterans’ organizations throughout the State of Nevada on Veterans’ Day for their stand and support on Viet Nam.


      Whereas, The veterans’ organizations throughout the State of Nevada are an established custom of this state in the unending conscience and service they provide our Nevada communities, and are especially at this time fostering a needed voice of leadership in their stand and support of this Nation’s policy in Viet Nam; and

      Whereas, The understanding, courage and inspiration of these veterans’ organizations convey a special meaning to our soldiers in Viet Nam which is only understood by a feeling imbedded in the heart and spirit of our people for this country; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the members of the 1965 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada hereby express, on behalf of the people of the State of Nevada, their gratitude and appreciation to every member of our veterans’ organizations in Nevada as their deeds are remembered, treasured and carried forward in the finest tradition to our veterans of tomorrow, the man in uniform in Viet Nam; and be it further

      Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the respective commanding officers of the American Legion, American Veterans of World War II and Korea, Disabled American Veterans, Jewish War Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and World War I Barracks of Nevada.






Assembly Resolution No. 4–Washoe County Delegation




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late William J. “Bill” May.


      Whereas, With the death of William J. “Bill” May on November 5, 1965, the City of Sparks lost one of its earliest residents and the state one of its finest and respected citizens. Born in Pennsylvania in 1884, he moved west with his parents when he was 4 years old and attended schools at Gerald, Nevada, near Palisade, Winnemucca and the old St. Mary’s School in Reno. Coming from a railroad family he was early attracted to railroading, beginning employment with the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1900 at the Wadsworth shops. During his 54 years of active railroad service he was a brakeman, freight conductor and passenger conductor. Mr. May served diligently for 28 years as local chairman of the Order of Railway Conductors, Division No. 94, and was a 50-year member of Lodge No. 597 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks in Reno. An avid baseball fan, he attended faithfully games at the old Thrailkill Park in Reno; and



ê1965 Statutes of Nevada, 11th Special Session, Page 23 (FILE NUMBER 27, AR 4)ê


      Whereas, William J. “Bill” May served with distinction as a member of the assembly of the 34th session of the Nevada legislature in 1929, it is indeed appropriate for this body to honor “Bill” May for he represented that class of fine Nevada citizens-the railroader-rapidly disappearing from our midst; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That when this body adjourns today it do so in honor and in respect of the late William J. “Bill” May; and be it further

      Resolved, That the legislative counsel is directed to transmit copies of this resolution to Major General James May, Nevada’s adjutant general, a nephew of the deceased, and to the surviving brother of the deceased, Michael A. May of Sacramento, California.

