[Rev. 5/3/2022 9:08:52 PM]





      Ex—officio Coroners, 115.

      To give bond and take oath of office, 116.

Adjutant General—

      Office created, 41, 91.

      The Lieutenant Governor (the Adjutant General), 41, 91.


      Where and how taken, 42.

Agricultural Lands—

      Timber and mountainous grazing lands, 103.

      Patents, what to express, 104.

      State right to convey mining claims, 104.

      Mineral lands and mining claims, 103, 104.


      Roop to Washoe, 12.

      Portion of Esmeralda to Lyon, 99,


      For Legislative Fund, 9.

      For contractors Insane Asylum, 15, 16.

      For deficiencies for seventeenth and eighteenth fiscal years, 17, 24.

      For purchase of portrait of ex-Governor John H. Kinkead, 37.

      For per diem Henry Schmidtlein, 37.

      For employment assistant counsel Livingston vs. The State, 38, 39.

      For to pay claim of J. C. Powell, 39.

      For to pay claim of E. T. George, Commissioner Denver Exposition, 40.

      For support civil government nineteenth and twentieth fiscal years, 86.

      To pay Isaac P. Weaver, 103.

      To pay M. Kyle, 110.

      To Printing Nevada Reports, 114.


      Making certificate to false assays a misdemeanor, 44.


      Officers, employes, 10, 12.

      Salaries, 10, 12.

      Duties of, 10, 12.


      Duties of, when to assess property, 40, 48.

      Cannot act as Notary Public, 115.

      Deputy cannot act as Notary Public, 115.

      Term of office extended, 123.

      Compensation of, 123.

assistant counsel—

      To be employed in case of Livingston vs. The State 38, 39.

Asylum, Insane—

      Relief granted contractors, 15.

      Deficiencies seventeenth and eighteenth fiscal years, 17, 24.

      Convict insane, 102.


      Senate, duties and salaries of, 10, 12.

      Assembly, duties and salaries of, 10, 12.


      Justices’ Courts, 49.

      Officers’ salary subject to attachment, 26.

      Exemption $50 per month, 14.


      Employment of attorney at Washington City to prosecute claims, 43.

      Compensation therefor, percentage, 44.

      In case of F. Livingston vs. The State, 38, 39.


      See County Auditors.

Aurora, esmeralda county—

      County seat removed to Hawthorne, 95.


Bender, D. A. & CO.—

      Claim against Washoe county, 84.

bills allowed—

      By Commissioners to be published, 86.

blair, george g.—

      Will admitted to probate, 15.

board of examiners—

      Concerning sureties on official bonds, 25.

      Employ assistant counsel Livingston vs. The State, 38, 39.

      Employ attorneys City of Washington, D. C., 43.

      Relation to State Library, 101.


      Official sureties on, 25.

      Official County Commissioners to give, 109.

      Official County Surveyors to give, 45.

      Ormsby county to issue, 93.

      Washoe county for bridge, 76.

      Esmeralda county to issue, 104.


      Esmeralda and Lyon counties, 99.

business houses—

      Class not to keep open on Sunday, 38.


ceding of lands—

      To United States, 13.

central pacific railroad—

      Price of lands within limit of grant, 42, 43.


      Illegitimate, 98.

churchill county—

      Salaries of officers in, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 27.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.

Cities and towns—

      Government of, 51, 111.

civil practice—

      Relating to $50 exemption, 14.

      Relating to husband and wife, 16.

      Relating to attachment of fees and salaries of officers, 26.

      Relating to summons when returnable, 33.

      Relating to recorded land patents admitted in evidence, 35.

      Relating to commencing suits without fees in advance, 41, 42.

      Relating to affidavits taken in another State, 42.

      Relating to omission of seal and “L. S,” 45.

      Relating to proceedings in Justices’ Courts (1 Section), 49.

      Relating to service of summons by publication, 50.

      Relating to illegitimate children, 98.

      Relating to holidays, defining same, 90.


      Against counties, to be published, 86.

clerks of election—

      Pay of, 63.


      County Clerks, 92.

      See County Clerks, 115.

clerk supreme court—

      Fees of, 56.

      Duties, 78.

commander-in-chief and his Staff—

      Powers of, 92.

commissioner of deeds—

      Fees of, 66.

commissioner to denver exposition—

      E. T. George, 40.

common law of england—

      Adopted, 13.

concentrating ores—

      Misdemeanor, when, 44.


      Mining corporations, 46, 47.

      Domestic and certain foreign may consolidate, 121.


      Commencing suits without fees in advance, 41, 42.

      Fees of, 54, 61.

      Mileage for most distant, 68.


      Insane Asylum, relief of, 15.


      Seal and L. S. unnecessary, 45.

convict, insane—

      Care of, 102.


      Mining may consolidate, 46, 47.

      Domestic and certain foreign may consolidate, 121.


      Public Administrator, ex-officio, 115.

      Serving process, 68.

      Laws governing, 115.

Court fees—

      Supreme Court, 56, 57.

      District Court, 67.

      Justices’ Court, 66.

Court house—

      To be erected at Hawthorne, Esmeralda county, 104.


      Assistant counsel to be employed Livingston vs. The State, 38.


      Washoe and Roop joined, 12.

      Esmeralda, portion of annexed to Lyon, 99.

      Lyon, territory ceded to, 99.

      Military companies in each, 91, 92.

      Lander, to pay claim of G. W. James, 77.

County assessors—

      Duties of, time of assessing, 40, 48.

      Term of office extended and compensation, 123.

County Auditors—

      Fees of, 62.

      To publish and post delinquent tax list, 97.

County clerks—

      Duties of, 92.

      Cannot act as Notary Public, etc., 115.

      Notary Public office not to be in office of, 115.

      Deputy County Clerks cannot be Notaries, 115.

County Commissioners—

      To determine amount of bond of County Surveyors, 45.

      To settle rateable proportion of liability, 25.

      Salaries of in Humboldt county, 34.

      When to levy State and county taxes, 39.

      Duties in relation to government of towns and cities, 52, 53, 101, 112.

      Funding indebtedness of Esmeralda county, 69, 70.

      Salaries of Esmeralda county, 74.

      Other duties in counties casting more than 1,100 votes and less than 1,350 in 1882, 75, 76.

      Construction of bridge, Washoe county, 76, 77.

      Funding indebtedness of, Lincoln county, 83.

      To allow claim of D. A. Bender & Co., re-levy, re-assess and collect taxes, Washoe county, 84, 85.

      Bills allowed by counties to be published, 86.

      Militia, relative to number of companies in county, 92.

      Bonds, issue of, Ormsby county, 93.

      Relative to removal of county seat Esmeralda county, 95.

      Number and compensation in each county, 96.

      Determining amount due Esmeralda from Lyon county, 99, 100.

      Relative to building court-house and jail at Hawthorne, 104, 107.

      Duties relative to indigents, aid for, 107, 109.

      Duties in relation to towns and cities, 52, 53, 111, 112.

      To give bonds in Eureka and Storey counties, 109.

County Officers—

      Humboldt county, salaries of, 33, 34.

      Fees of County Clerk, 57, 58.

      Fees of County Recorder, 58, 59.

      Fees of Sheriff, 59, 60.

      Fees of Coroner, 60.

      Fees of Auditor, 62.

      Fees of Surveyor, 64.

      Fees of Constable (Township), 55, 61.

      Fees of Justices of Peace (Township), 54, 63.

County officers, Salaries and Duties of—

      Esmeralda county-County Clerk, 73, 78, 113, 114.

             County Treasurer, 73, 78, 113, 114.

             District Attorney, 74, 78, 113, 114.

             County Recorder, 74, 78, 113, 114.

             County Auditor, 74, 78, 113, 114.

             County School Superintendent, 74, 78, 113, 114.

             County Commissioners, 74, 78, 113, 114.

      Washoe county-Sheriff, 74, 78, 113, 114.

             Deputy Sheriff, 74, 78, 113, 114.

             Jailor, 74, 78, 113, 114.

             County Clerk, 74, 78, 113, 114.

             Superintendent of Schools, 74, 78, 113, 114.

             Recorder and Auditor, 74, 78, 113, 114.

             Treasurer and Assessor, 74, 78, 113, 114.

             District Attorney, 74, 78, 113, 114.

             County Commissioners, 74, 78, 113, 114.

County seat—

      Hawthorne, Esmeralda county, 95.

County surveyors—

      To give bonds and take oath of office, 45.

      Fees of, 64.

Crimes and punishments—

      Relating to officers and others using public moneys, 96.

      Misdemeanor, 96.

      Felony, 97.

Criminal Practice—

      Defining crime of larceny, 34, 35.

      Sampling, assay and sale of ores (misdemeanor), 44.

      To prevent fraud and enforce official duty, 80.



      Insolvent, 94.

Deceased Persons—

      Settlement of estates, 51.


      Commissioners of, fees, 66.

      “Seal” and “L. S.” unnecessary, 45.


      Seventeenth and Eighteenth fiscal years, 17, 24.

denver exposition—

      Commissioner to, 40.

deputy county officers—

      Who cannot be Notaries, 115.

deputy sheriffs—

      To act as janitors, 115.

      In next to last line, Section 1, Chapter 84, page 113, read “janitor” for “jailer.”


      Of Statutes, 32.

      Of Journals, 32.

      Of Nevada Reports, 78.

District Court—

      Court fees, 66.

district courts—

      In the several counties, terms of, 27.

district judges—

      Salaries of, 36.


      Of Esmeralda county, 99.

domestic corporations—

      Consolidation of, 121.

douglas county—

      Salaries of officers, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 27.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.


      License, 119.



      Primary, 28, 32.

      General Judges, Inspectors and Clerks, pay of, 63.

elko county—

      Salaries of officers, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 27.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.


      Of Legislature, 10, 12.

esmeralda county—

      Salaries of officers, 73, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 27.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.

      Funding indebtedness, 69.

      Removal of county seat, 95.

      Detach portion of and annexing to Lyon county, 99.

      Funding Commissioners to issue bonds for purpose of building Court-house and jail, 104.

estates of deceased persons—

      Settlement of, 51.

      Escheat in certain cases, 117.

Eureka county—

      Salaries of officers, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 27.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.


      Fifty dollars per month, 14.


Fees of officers—

      Of Justices of the Peace, 41, 42, 54, 55, 63.

      Of Constables, 41, 42, 54, 55, 61.

      Of Clerk of Supreme Court, 56, 57.

      Of County Clerk, 57.

      Of Recorder, 58.

      Of Sheriff, 59.

      Of Coroner, 60.

      Of Witnesses, 61.

      Of Jurors, 62.

      Of Officers of Election, 63.

      For carrying poll books to Clerk’s office, 63.

      Interpreters and Translators, 64.

      County Surveyor, 64.

      Notary Public, 64.

      Court fees, 66.

      Commissioner of Deeds, 66.


      How construed, 68.

foreign corporations—

      May consolidate, 46, 47.

      Domestic corporations may consolidate, 121.


      Nevada and Northern Railroad, 122.

      Nevada Southern Railroad, 124.


      Act to prevent, 80.

friend, C. W.—

      Secretary of State to contract for meteorological reports, 85.


      Legislative created, 9.


George, E. T.—

      Commissioner to Denver Exposition, 40.


      Of towns and cities, 54, 111.

Grand Larceny—

      Conversion of realty when, 34, 35.


      Nevada and Northern Railroad, 122.

      Nevada Southern Railroad, 124.

grazing lands—

      Sale of, etc., 103.



      County Seat of Esmeralda County, 95.


      Memorial Day, 90.

home corporations—

      May consolidate, 46, 47.


      See Husband and Wife, 16.

Humboldt county—

      Salaries of officers, 34, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 27.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.

Husband and wife—

      An Act defining the rights of, 16.


Illegal use of Public moneys—

      Misdemeanor when, 96.

      Felony when, 97.

Illegitimate children—

      Providing for support, 98.


      Foreign and domestic may consolidate, 46, 47.

indigent poor—

      Relief of, 107.

insane asylum—

      Relief granted contractors, 15.

      Deficiencies seventeenth and eighteenth fiscal years, 17, 24.

      Convict insane, when to be admitted, 102

insolvent debtors—

      Act relating to, 94.


      Election fees of, 63.

instruments in writing—

      “Seal” and “L. S.” unnecessary, 45.

interpreters and translators—

      Fees of, 64.



      At Hawthorne, 104.

James, G. W.—

      Lander county to pay for teaching school, 77.


      Counties where Deputy Sheriffs shall act, 113.

      In next to last line, Section 1, Chapter 84, page 113, read “janitor” for “jailer.”

Journals of Legislature—

      Distribution of, 32.


      Districts, 27.

      Salaries of Judges, 37.

Judges of election—

      Fees of, 63.

Jurisdiction of land—

      Ceded to the United States, 13.


      Fees of, 62.

      Expenses of, 68.

Justices’ courts—

      Suits may be commenced without fees in advance, 41, 42.

      Sections of Civil Practice Act applicable thereto, 49, 50.

      Constable to give notice to last attaching creditor, 49, 50.

      Fees in, 41, 42, 54 63.

      Court fee when appeal taken, 67.

Justice of Peace—

      May commence suit without fees in advance, 41, 42.

      Fees of, 54, 63.


Kinkead, John H.—

      Purchase of portrait, 37.

Knights of Pythias—

      May incorporate, 26, 27.

Kyle, M.—

      Relief of, 110.



      Fifty dollars exemption per month, 14.

Lander County—

      Salaries of officers, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 27.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.

      To pay claim of G. W. James, 77.


      Jurisdiction over ceded to United States, 13.

      Patents when recorded, admitted in evidence, 35.

      Price of within limits of Central Pacific Railroad Grant, 42, 43.

      Timber and mountainous grazing lands, 103.

      Minerals found on certain lands, 104.


      Realty, conversion of, when grand larceny, 34.

      Realty, conversion of, when petit larceny, 35.


      Common Law of England adopted, 13.

Laws Repealed—

      Act for relief of sureties on official bonds, 13.

      Act Common Law of England, adopted October 30, 1861, 14.


      Legislative Fund created, 9.

      Officers, employes, attaches, 10, 12.

      Duties and salaries of, 10, 12.

      Legislative Fund transferred, 12.

      Journals, distribution of, 32.

      Statutes, distribution of, 32.


      Lieutenant-Governor ex-officio State Librarian, 41.

      Office hours, 101.

      Salary of Librarian, 41.

      Duties of Librarian, 41, 101.

      Extra clerical hire allowed, 41.


      Where posted, 34.


      When to attach for taxes, 40.


      Ex-officio Adjutant-General, 41.

      Ex-officio State Librarian, 41.

      Salary, 41.

      Duties of, 41, 101.

      Extra clerical hire allowed, 41.

      Office hours, 101.

      To make report, 102.

      Official bond, 102.

Lincoln County—

      Salaries of officers, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 27.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.

      Funding indebtedness of, 82.

“L. S.”

      Letters “L. S.” and word “seal” unnecessary, 45.

Lyon County—

      Salaries of officers, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 29.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.

      Portion of Esmeralda county annexed to, 99.


Memorial Day—

      Thirtieth day of May, 90.


      Traveling merchants and drummers, 119.

Meteorological Reports—

      Secretary of State to contract for, 85.

      Pay of, 85.


      See County and Township Officers.

      Where computed from, 57 68.


      Number of military companies in each county, 91.

      Adjutant General, 91, 92.

      Commander-in-Chief and his staff, 91, 92.

      Regiment, 92.


      Relating to assays, sampling and sale of ore, 44.

      Time of assessing, 40.

      Taxation of proceeds, not a second time, 54.

      Taxation of producing one ton per day, 81.

      Patents granted by State mineral-bearing lands, 104.

      Mining corporations may consolidate, 46, 47.

      Milling ores, misdemeanor, when, 44.


Net proceeds of mines—

      Taxation of, 54.


      Appropriation for support of civil government, 86 90.

Nevada Reports—

      Distribution of, 78.

      Appropriation for, 114.


      To receive Statutes and Journals, 32.

Notaries public—

      Number in each county, 24.

      Fees of, 64.

      Fee for commission, 82.

      County officers who cannot act (see county officers), 115.

      Where offices cannot be kept, 115.

Nye county—

      Salaries of officers, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 27.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.



      County Assessor, term extended, 123.

      Compensation of, 123.


      Where Notary’s office cannot be kept, 115.


      Employes, attaches of Legislature, 10, 14.

      Fees and salaries subject to attachment, 26.

      County officers, salaries of, 33, 34, 78, 113, 114.

      Township officers, salaries of, 33, 34, 78, 113, 114.

      Illegal use of public money, 96.

      Relative to County Auditors, 97.

      Who cannot act as Notaries, 115.

official bonds—

      Sureties on, repealed, 13.

      Sureties, subscription to, 25.

      An Act to enforce official duty, 80.

      County Commissioners required to give bonds, 109.

      County Surveyors to give bonds, 45.


      Sampling, assaying, milling, returning false certificate, 44.

ormsby county—

      Salaries of officers, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 27.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.

      To issue bonds for redemption of railroad bonds, 93.

orphan’s home—

      Appropriation for, 88.



      Land patents, when recorded, admitted in evidence, 35.

      State may issue, 104.

petit larceny—

      Conversion of realty when, 34, 35.

poll books—

      Fees for carrying to place of election, 63.


      Act relative to indigent poor of county, 107.


      Purchase of, ex-Governor John H. Kinkead, 37.

Powell, J. C.—

      Appropriation for, 39.

Primary elections—

      Act in relation thereto, 28, 32.


      Will of George G. Blair, 15.


      Amount exempt from execution, 14.


      An Act to encourage, 81.

public administrator—

      An Act in relation to, 115, 119.

publication of bills—

      Against counties, when allowed, to be published, 86.

publication of service of summons—

      See Civil Practice Act.

public moneys—

      Act in relation to the illegal use of, 96.

purchasing ores—

      Misdemeanor when, 44.



      Price of lands within limits of Central Pacific Railroad, 42, 43.

      Nevada and Northern Railroad, 122.

      Nevada Southern Railroad, 124.


      Land patents, when recorded, admitted in evidence, 35.

recorders, county—

      Cannot act as Notaries, 115.

reducing ores—

      Sampling, assaying and sale of, 44.


      Contractors Insane Asylum, 15.

      Of J. C. Powell, 39.

      Of E. T. George, 40.

      Of M. Kyle, 110.

      Of H. Schmidtlein, 37.

      Of Isaac P. Weaver, 103.


      Nevada Reports, distribution of, 78.

      Appropriation for same, 114.

      Meteorological, 85.


      Reapportionment of members of the Legislature, 129.

      Printing of Rules of both Houses, 129.

      United States surveys of the public lands of Nevada, 130.

      Issuing rations to starving Indians, 130.

      Artesian wells, 131.

      Desert land entries, 131.

      Forfeiture by Central Pacific Railroad Company of certain lands, 132.

      Unlimited coinage of silver, 134.

      Printing report of Adjutant General, 135.

      Establishing a tri-weekly mail from Eureka to Tybo, 135.

      Changing time of convening the Legislature, 136.

      Changing Article II. of the Constitution, 136.

      Preservation of the National Park, 137.

      Commutation of sentence of prisoners, 138.

      Calling a Constitutional Convention, 138.

      Effecting Constitutional amendments, 139.

      Changing Article XI. of the Constitution, 140.

      Fitz-John Porter, 141.

      Amending the Constitution or calling a Constitutional Convention, 142.

      Weekly mail from Elko to Lamoille Valley, 142.

      Establishing a mail route from Hawthorne to Mount Cora, 143.

      A national appropriation for improving the Colorado river, 144.

      Granting pensions to the surviving veterans of the Mexican war, 145.

      Establishing a mail route from Eldorado Canyon, Nevada, to San Bernardino, California, 146.

      Boundary line between the States of California and Nevada, 146.

      Chinese now in Cuba to return home across the United States, 148.

      Deposit of sawdust in the Truckee river, 148.

      Establishing a mail route from Genoa to the Alda Mill, 150.

      Coinage of silver, 151.

      Protective tariff on silver bullion, 152.

      Appropriation for Government buildings in Carson City, 153.

      Amending Article XI. of the Constitution, 153.


      Taxes, when levied, 39.

      Lien to attach, 40.

      Time of assessing, 40, 48.

      Proviso as to mines, 40.

      Time of assessing, statement, etc., 40, 48.

      Taxation of proceeds of mines, not a second time, 54.

      Taxation of one ton per day, 81.

      Auditor to publish delinquent list, 97.

      License, Controller to issue to drummers, traveling merchants and solicitors, 119.

      Assessor, term of office extended, compensation, 123.

roop county—

      Joined to Washoe, 12.

      Seventh Judicial District, 27.



      Legislative officers, 10 to 12.

      County officers, 33, 34, 73, 78, 96, 113, 114, 123.

      District Judges, 36.

      Lieutenant Governor, 41.

      Adjutant General, 41.

      State Librarian, 41.

      County Commissioners, 96.

      County Assessor (after 1884), 123.

      See Fees.

Schmidtlein, Henry—

      Payment of per diem, 37.


      Lander county to pay George W. James for teaching, 77.


      The word “seal and “L. S.” unnecessary, 45.

secretary of State—

      To contract for meteorological reports, 85.


      Officers, employes, duties and salaries, 10, 12.


      Fees of, 59, 60.

      Mileage from most distant point, 68.

      Cannot act as Notary Public, 115.

      Deputies cannot act as Notary Public, 115.

      Deputies to act as Janitors, 113.

      [In next to last line of Section 1, Chapter 84, page 113, read “Janitor” for Jailor.]


      Sampling ores, false assays, misdemeanor when, 44.


      Traveling merchants, solicitors and drummers to procure license, 119.

State Controller—

      To issue license to drummers, traveling merchants and solicitors, 119.

State Library—

      Lieutenant Governor ex-officio State Librarian, 41.

      Salary, 41.

      Duties of, 41, 101.

      Extra clerical hire allowed, 41.

      Office hours, 101.

      To make report, 101.

      Official bond, 102.

State of Nevada—

      Cedes jurisdiction over lands to United States, 13.

      Appropriation for support of, 86.

State Prison—

      Warden to remove insane convicts to State Insane Asylum, 102.

State University—

      Appropriation for, 89, 90.


      Distribution of, 32.

Storey County—

      Salaries of officers, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 27.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.


      When and where commenced without fees in advance, 41, 42.


      See Civil Practice Act.


      Better observance of, 38.

Supreme Court—

      Clerk’s fees, 56.

      Reports, 78.

      Appropriation for Reports, 114.


      An Act for the relief of, 13.

      Subscriptions, how taken on official bonds, 25.

      Required from County Surveyors, 45.

      Required from County Commissioners, 109.

Surveyor, county—

      Fees of, 64.

      To give bonds and take oath, 45.

Surveyor General—

      Duties in relation to sale of certain lands, 103.



      When levied, 40.

      Lien to attach, 40.

      Time of assessing, 40, 48.

      Proviso as to mines, 40.

Towns and cities—

      Government of, 51, 111.

Township officers—

      Fees of, 54, 61, 63.

translators and interpreters—

      Fees of, 64.

traveling merchants—

      Soliciting agents and drummers to procure license from State Controller, 119.



      Appropriation for, 89, 90.


Value of ores—

      When falsely certified to a misdemeanor, 44.

Virginia & Truckee Railroad—

      Bonds to be issued for, 94.


Washington city, D. C.—

      Employment of attorneys at, authorized, 43.

Washoe county—

      Salaries of officers, 74, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 27.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.

      Roop joined to, 12.

      To issue bonds for bridge, 76.

      To allow claim of D. A. Bender & Co., and re-levy and collect tax to pay same, 84.

White Pine County—

      Salaries of officers, 78, 113, 114.

      Judicial District, 27.

      Terms of Court, 27.

      Judge’s salary, 36.


      Act relating to husband and wife, 16.


      Will of George G. Blair admitted to probate, 15.


      Fees of, 61, 62.