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1964 Statutes of Nevada, 10th Special Session, Page 33


Resolutions and Memorials


Senate Resolution No. 1–Committee on Legislative Functions


SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing an allowance for each member and the president of the senate for periodicals, stamps and stationery.


      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That the sum to be allowed each member and the president of the senate for the 1964 special session for periodicals, stamps and stationery, as provided by law, be the sum of $60, and the same be certified by the president and the secretary to the state controller, who is authorized to draw his warrants therefor on the legislative fund, and the state treasurer is thereafter authorized to pay the same.






Senate Resolution No. 2–Committee on Legislative Functions


SENATE RESOLUTION–Relating to the appointment of attaches.


      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That the following named persons be, and they hereby are, elected as attaches of the senate for the 1964 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada: Leona Munk, Vivien Topken, Genevieve Cronin, E. Jean Stokke, George Hunt, Janice Goodhue, Beatrice Johnson, Rose Wilson, Gladys Barney, Grace E. Dirrim, Eva Cobb and Gino Del Carlo.






Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Clark County Delegation


ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late L. E. “Ty” Tyson.


      Whereas, The tragic and unexpected death of L. E. “Ty” Tyson, late speaker of the assembly, on September 21, 1963, came as a shock to all who knew him; and

      Whereas, After his first election to the assembly in 1960, he rose rapidly in the estimation of his fellow lawmakers, exhibiting a marked degree of statesmanship; and

      Whereas, He was a man of honesty and integrity, possessing tenacity and determination to carry his work through to its successful conclusion; and



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      Whereas, He always acted with a great sincerity of purpose and a sense of personal duty, for which we who knew him well will not soon forget him; and

      Whereas, We, his colleagues, remember him for his love and reverence of life, his humility, his patience, his forbearance, his wisdom and his humor, and we mourn his departure, hoping we will find, in his death, the strength to renew our faith in what is good in ourselves and in one another; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the sincere condolences of the members of the 1964 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada are hereby tendered to “Ty” Tyson’s widow, Geraldine, now a member of the Assembly, and to his surviving son, William, and that when the senate and assembly adjourn today, they do so in honor of the late L. E. “Ty” Tyson; and be it further

      Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the widow and surviving son of the deceased.






Assembly Resolution No. 1–Committee on Legislative Functions


ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing an allowance for each member of the assembly for periodicals, stamps and stationery.


      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the sum to be allowed each member of the assembly for the 1964 special session for periodicals, stamps and stationery, as provided by law, be the sum of $60, and that the same be certified by the speaker and chief clerk to the state controller, who is authorized to draw his warrants therefor on the legislative fund, and the state treasurer is thereafter authorized to pay the same.






Assembly Resolution No. 2–Committee on Legislative Functions


ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Relating to the employment of attaches.


      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the following named persons be and they hereby are elected as attaches of the assembly for the 1964 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada: Gladys B. Bollman, Theresa Loy, Jane K. Harris, Pauline V.



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V. Topken, Christopher E. Tyndall, Keith L. Lee, Colleen L. Steele, Harold J. Berger, Sandra Geffre, Virginia L. Giannotti, Rachel L. Koch, Ferne M. Caffrey, Candace J. Grigsby, Fred W. Egelston, Jennifer E. Harris, Norma J. Metzger, Helen L. Boegle, Mildred L. Buchanan, Lavelle I. Johnson, Stella A. Muckle and Jessie E. Young.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Committee on Legislative Functions


SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing John F. Kennedy, late the President of the United States.


      Whereas, The shock and sadness which accompanied the death of John F. Kennedy, late the President of the United States, united all Americans in the realization that with his death our nation lost an able, courageous and dedicated leader, who was an inspiration to freedom-loving people everywhere; and

      Whereas, This convention of the legislature of the State of Nevada in special session in 1964 offers the first official opportunity for the members to join with all citizens of the United States and with virtually all inhabitants of the civilized world in extending their condolences to the widow and the surviving children of the late President; and

      Whereas, It is not for us to catalog his deeds but rather to draw from his courage and example a renewed dedication to the freedom under law for which he called, and for a strengthened America and a future world of peace; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly Concurring, That the members of the 1964 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada hereby express their deep sorrow and extend their sincere condolences to Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, the widow of the late President, and to his surviving children; and be it further

      Resolved, That when the senate and the assembly adjourn today they do so in honor of our late President, John F. Kennedy; and be it further

      Resolved, That a certified copy of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the widow and surviving children of the late President.






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Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 2–Senator Lamb


SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late John V. Mueller.


      Whereas, The people of the State of Nevada suffered a signal loss in the passing of John V. Mueller, distinguished Nevadan, on August 1, 1963; and

      Whereas, Mr. Mueller came to Nevada as an engineering student at the University of Nevada, and began his uninterrupted career of service to state and nation with his enlistment in the army in April, 1917, and front line service as an infantry lieutenant in World War I; and

      Whereas, His active part in the business and political life of the State of Nevada dates from his return to civilian life in 1919 and his employment as an engineer in Tonopah; and

      Whereas, He became an engineer with the state highway department and, under the administration of Governor James G. Scrugham, was named assistant state engineer, going on to become one of the state’s foremost authorities on water and irrigation matters; and

      Whereas, His unflagging interest in business affairs throughout the State of Nevada was presaged by his becoming associated, as an engineer, with George Wingfield in 1926; and

      Whereas, As a member of the Colorado River commission, plant manager of Basic Magnesium, regional administrator of the General Services Administration and director of statewide agricultural, mining and financial interests, his advice was sought by elected and appointed officers of both political parties; and

      Whereas, This man of generous talents, once again, served his country in World War II, having retained his reserve commission since World War I, and at the end of the war was provost marshal at Manila, holding the rank of colonel; and

      Whereas, This long and significant career was appropriately recognized in 1962 when the University of Nevada honored John V. Mueller with its Distinguished Nevadan Citation; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the members of the 1964 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada hereby express, on behalf of the people of the State of Nevada, their great sense of loss because of the passing of this man who matched the moving history of his times; and be it further

      Resolved, That when the senate and assembly adjourn today, they do so in memory of the late John V. Mueller; and be it further

      Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to Mrs. Margaret Mueller, his widow, and to Mrs. Margaret Hartshorne, his surviving daughter.






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Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 2–Washoe County Delegation


ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Assemblywoman Mabel C. Isbell.


      Whereas, Mabel C. Isbell, a former Washoe County assemblywoman and longtime leader of the Republican Party in Nevada, died on November 13, 1963; and

      Whereas, Mrs. Isbell, who held the distinction of being the first Republican woman in Nevada to be elected to a state office with her election to the Assembly, ably represented Washoe County in the 1955, 1956 and 1957 legislative sessions; and

      Whereas, She was always active in civic affairs and deeply interested in the welfare of her state and her fellow Nevadans, who have suffered a great loss by her death; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the members of the legislature convened in special session in 1964 hereby express their genuine sorrow for the untimely death of a beloved citizen, and tender their heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy to the family of Mabel C. Isbell; and be it further

      Resolved, That when the senate and assembly adjourn today, they do so in memory of the late Assemblywoman Mabel C. Isbell; and be it further

      Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the surviving husband of the deceased, C. V. Isbell, and to her surviving children, John W. Isbell, Martha Riley and Myrtle Bluff.






Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 3–Clark County Delegation


ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Maude Frazier.


      Whereas, A career of public service unparalleled in the history of this state and a long, useful and fruitful life ended with the death of Maude Frazier, champion of Nevada education, on June 20, 1963; and

      Whereas, The late Miss Frazier entered the public service of Nevada as a teacher at Genoa in 1903, held teaching posts at Lovelock, Seven Troughs, Goldfield and Sparks until 1921; served as deputy state superintendent of schools for Clark, Lincoln and Nye counties for 6 years; and in 1927 assumed the position of superintendent of Clark County schools which she held for 20 years; and

      Whereas, After her well-earned retirement in 1947 from one full career, she launched in 1950 upon another by winning election to the assembly from Clark County; and



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      Whereas, In her six terms of legislative service she continued to be the devoted champion of public education, winning the highest regard of her colleagues for her devotion, integrity and dedication; and

      Whereas, Her efforts in and for education have been fittingly honored by the naming of Frazier Hall at Las Vegas High School and the Maude Frazier Building at Nevada Southern, regional branch of the University of Nevada, and by the conferring of the honorary Doctor of Letters degree upon her by the University of Nevada; and

      Whereas, Her political career was climaxed by her appointment in July 1962, to the office of lieutenant governor of the State of Nevada, in which office she served with distinction until the expiration of the term in January 1963, being the only woman ever to hold that office in the state; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the members of the 1964 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada extend their sincere and heartfelt condolences to the surviving relatives of the late Maude Frazier, whose long, useful and fruitful life was exemplified by devotion, integrity and dedication, and when the senate and assembly adjourn today they do so in memory of the late Maude Frazier; and be it further

      Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the surviving relatives of the deceased.






Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 5–Mr. Valentine


ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Governor Vail Pittman.


      Whereas, A long career of public service and contribution to the people of the State of Nevada has ended with the death of Governor Vail Pittman on January 29, 1964; and

      Whereas, The late Governor Pittman arrived in Nevada in 1904, on attaining manhood, and launched into a business and political career by entering the newspaper business and became undersheriff of Nye County; and

      Whereas, After successfully managing the Tonopah Miner and publishing the Ely Daily Times and Ely Record, he became active in the investment business in Las Vegas; and

      Whereas, His public service career began in the senate of the Nevada legislature, where he served from 1925 to 1929; and

      Whereas, In 1943 he was elected lieutenant governor and, after an interim appointment to the office of governor in 1945, was elected governor of the State of Nevada in 1946; and

      Whereas, While occupying the highest office in the state, Governor Pittman summoned his true leadership abilities and guided the destinies of the state with inspiration and effectiveness during the post-war years when the state was experiencing emergent growth in population with its attendant complex problems; and




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Pittman summoned his true leadership abilities and guided the destinies of the state with inspiration and effectiveness during the post-war years when the state was experiencing emergent growth in population with its attendant complex problems; and

      Whereas, His leadership shall ever be regarded as of the highest order and the institutions and developments he left behind as the lengthened shadow of the man he was; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the members of the 1964 special session of the Nevada legislature extend their sincere and heartfelt condolences to the widow and surviving relatives of the late Governor Pittman, whose long, useful and significant career was characterized by integrity, devotion and dedication, and when the assembly and senate adjourn today they do so in memory of the late Governor Pittman; and be it further

      Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the surviving relatives of the deceased.






Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 4–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation


ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the department of highways to conduct a study of the feasibility of constructing a tunnel highway connecting U. S. Highway 395 with Lake Tahoe.


      Whereas, In view of the contemplated growth of Lake Tahoe and environs, a tunnel highway connecting U. S. Highway 395 with Lake Tahoe would be highly desirable as a means of making Lake Tahoe more readily accessible; and

      Whereas, Such a tunnel highway lying south of State Route 27 in Washoe County or Ormsby or Douglas counties would enable persons at Lake Tahoe to reach major airline, rail and bus facilities within a short time, and would further enable airlines, railways and bus companies to establish rapid transit service between their terminals and points on Lake Tahoe; and

      Whereas, In addition to its use as a road, such a tunnel highway would also serve as an air raid or fallout shelter, or as a means for water drainage or as a sanitary sewer facility; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the department of highways is hereby memorialized to make a preliminary survey for, and to conduct a preliminary study of the feasibility of constructing and charging a toll for the use of, a tunnel highway connecting U. S. Highway 395 with Lake Tahoe lying south of State Route 27 in Washoe County or Ormsby or Douglas counties, the results of such survey and study to be reported to the next regular session of the legislature of the State of Nevada; and be it further



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      Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted by the legislative counsel to the members of the board of directors of the department of highways and to the state highway engineer.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4–Senators Brown and Gallagher


SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Providing for the return of Senate Bill No. 16, as amended, to the senate from the assembly.


      Whereas, On January 31, 1964, Senate Bill No. 16, as amended by the assembly, was returned to the senate, which body refused to concur in the assembly amendments, and the bill thereafter was returned to the assembly; and

      Whereas, The senate now desires to reconsider its previous action on Senate Bill No. 16, as amended by the assembly; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That Senate Bill No. 16, as amended by the assembly, be returned by the assembly to the senate for further action by that body.






Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 3–Committee on Legislative Functions


SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Providing for the compensation of certain clergy for services rendered to the 1964 special session of the Nevada legislature.


      Whereas, During the 1964 special session of the legislature the clergy of the city of Carson City, representing various denominations, have rendered daily religious services to the legislature; and

      Whereas, A reasonable compensation for such services is the sum of $300; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the state controller is authorized and directed to pay the sum of $300 out of the legislative fund to the following named individuals and in the respective amounts designated, as compensation for religious services rendered during the 1964 special session of the Nevada legislature: Rev. Paul Prichard, the sum of $75; Rev. Father Hugh P. Smith, the sum of $75; Rev. Father Robert G. Pumphrey, the sum of $75; and Rev. Elmer H. Podoll, the sum of $75.






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Assembly Resolution No. 3–Washoe County Delegation


ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Requesting the Nevada tax commission and the state board of equalization to adjust unrealistic assessments resulting from overvaluation and excessive valuation by county assessors and to promulgate rules relative to assessments of property devoted to agricultural, residential or recreational purposes.


      Whereas, Pursuant to the provisions of NRS 360.250, the Nevada tax commission has the power to direct county assessors concerning the preparation of assessment rolls and the collection of taxes and to establish and prescribe general and uniform rules and regulations, not in conflict with law, governing the assessment of property by county assessors; and

      Whereas, Pursuant to the provisions of NRS 360.280 it is the mandatory duty of county assessors to adopt and put in practice the rules and regulations established and prescribed by the Nevada tax commission governing the assessment of property; and

      Whereas, The state board of equalization, composed of the members of the Nevada tax commission, has the duty of reviewing the tax rolls of the various counties as corrected by the county boards of equalization and to raise or lower, equalize and establish the full cash value of the property, for the purpose of the valuations therein established by the county assessors and county boards of equalization; and

      Whereas, It appears that some county assessors may have acted unrealistically in determining the full cash value of taxable property within their counties, as evidenced by the numerous complaints charging overvaluation or excessive valuation filed with and heard by county boards of equalization; and

      Whereas, The business of equalization by the county boards of equalization has been concluded in January as required by law, leaving many taxpayers without relief and forcing undetermined numbers to exercise their rights of appeal to the state board of equalization; and

      Whereas, Unless the state board of equalization exercises its powers granted by law with stability, practicality and realism, many of the aggrieved taxpayers will suffer economic extermination because of the unchecked enthusiasm of some county assessors; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the state board of equalization and the Nevada tax commission are hereby requested, in the performance of the duties imposed upon them by law, to:

      1.  Review the tax rolls of the various counties as corrected by the county boards of equalization and to adjust the full cash value of property, whether residential or agricultural, when the facts prove that the county assessors and the county boards of equalization have been unrealistic in the assessments of property; and

      2.  Pursuant to the power granted them, promulgate immediately rules and regulations, which it will be the mandatory duty of county assessors to adopt and put in practice, for assessing property which is zoned and used exclusively for agricultural, residential or recreational purposes, and as to which there is no reasonable probability of the removal or modification of the zoning restriction within the near future, requiring that county assessors shall consider no factors other than those relative to such use; and be it further




1964 Statutes of Nevada, 10th Special Session, Page 42 (FILE NUMBER 14, AR 3)


the removal or modification of the zoning restriction within the near future, requiring that county assessors shall consider no factors other than those relative to such use; and be it further

      Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the acting secretary of the Nevada tax commission for transmittal by him to the members of the Nevada tax commission.






Assembly Resolution No. 4–Committee on Legislative Functions


ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Designating Harold J. Berger as sergeant-at-arms.


      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That Harold J. Berger, heretofore elected as an attache of the assembly for the 1964 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada, is hereby designated as sergeant-at-arms of the assembly vice Christopher E. Tyndall, deceased.






Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 6–Committee on Legislative Functions


ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Christopher E. Tyndall.


      Whereas, The tragic and unexpected death of Christopher E. “Chris” Tyndall, late sergeant-at-arms of the assembly, on February 4, 1964, in the Capitol of the State of Nevada, came as a shock to all who knew him; and

      Whereas, The late “Chris” Tyndall was a resident of the State of Nevada for 25 years, employed at the United States Indian Agency at Stewart until his retirement in 1961; and

      Whereas, He served the people of the State of Nevada as assistant sergeant-at-arms of the assembly during the fifty-second session of the legislature in 1963 and, at the time of his death, as sergeant-at-arms of the assembly during the 1964 special session of the legislature; and

      Whereas, We, his associates, remember him for his attention to duty, his faithfulness, his cheerfulness and his industry, and we mourn his departure; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the sincere condolences of the members of the 1964 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada be tendered to “Chris” Tyndall’s widow, Patricia, his son, Christopher E. Tyndall, III, his stepsons Raymond Brown and Whitney Brown and his daughter, Joan Sam, and that when the assembly and senate adjourn today, they do so in honor of the late Christopher E.



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III, his stepsons Raymond Brown and Whitney Brown and his daughter, Joan Sam, and that when the assembly and senate adjourn today, they do so in honor of the late Christopher E. “Chris” Tyndall; and be it further

      Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the widow and surviving relatives of the deceased.

