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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Tenth Special Session, 1964








AN ACT appropriating $130,000 from the general fund in the state treasury to the legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 1–Senator McGowan.  Approved January 21, 1964



AN ACT to amend NRS section 483.410, relating to the amounts, payment and disposition of fees and penalties paid by persons for motor vehicle operators’ and chauffeurs’ licenses, by adjusting the fees to be paid by persons 65 years of age and older; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 13–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved January 28, 1964



AN ACT to amend NRS section 532.060, relating to the salary of the state engineer, by increasing the salary of the state engineer retroactively from July 1, 1963. Assembly Bill No. 4–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved January 28, 1964



AN ACT to amend NRS section 293.560, relating to the time when registration closes for primary and general elections, by adding provisions requiring registration offices to remain open during certain hours during the last 5 days before registration closes; to repeal NRS section 293.515, relating to the times for registration of voters; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 14–Committee on Elections.  Approved January 28, 1964



AN ACT to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend NRS sections 538.100, 538.150, 538.180, 538.190, 538.210, 538.220, 538.240 to 538.260, inclusive, relating to the Colorado River commission, by changing procedures for payment of claims; by providing that the compensation of legal advisers may be fixed by contract; that power shall not be sold for less than actual cost to the state without determination of the Secretary of the Interior; that revenue from certain sources shall be deposited in the Colorado River commission fund and the Colorado River commission research and development fund created by this act; that the commission is empowered to request installation of water service facilities and electrical generating machinery and equipment; and that revenues may be disbursed to other entities; eliminating approval of disbursement vouchers by the state board of examiners; further limiting the power of the commission concerning contracts with other entities; to repeal NRS section 538.200, relating to the Nevada state power fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 18, 1963. Senate Bill No. 9–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved January 28, 1964



AN ACT to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act authorizing the issuance and sale of revenue certificates by the board of regents of the University of Nevada for certain specified projects and the use and repayment of the receipts thereof; defining certain words and terms and additional powers of the board of regents of the University of Nevada; providing for securing such revenue certificates and providing remedies for the holders of such revenue certificates; containing prohibitions against obligating the State of Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 5, 1961. Assembly Bill No. 6–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved January 31, 1964



AN ACT to amend chapter 34 of NRS, relating to writs, by adding a new section requiring appointment of attorneys for indigent petitioners for writs of habeas corpus, which petitioners are imprisoned pursuant to judgments of conviction of gross misdemeanors or felonies; providing that no fees, costs or charges shall be required of indigent petitioners for writs of habeas corpus, and requiring that necessary transcripts be supplied to such petitioners at public expense; to amend NRS section 7.260, relating to fees and expenses of court-appointed attorneys, by providing for additional fees; to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend chapter 353 of NRS, relating to state financial administration, by adding a new section creating the reserve for statutory contingency fund; providing that such fund shall be administered by the state board of examiners; and specifying the purposes for which the moneys in such fund may be expended; to amend NRS sections 176.610, 178.435, 179.310, 212.040, 212.050, 212.070, 214.040 and 353.120, relating to the payment of costs and expenses of pregnancy investigations of female prisoners sentenced to death, payment of expenses of examination and transportation of county charges, payment of rewards for the apprehension of robbers and escaped prisoners, payment of expenses of recapture and prosecution of escaped prisoners, payment of claims arising in connection with the interstate compact on juveniles, and authorization of refunds by the state board of examiners and payment of the state’s proportion of such refunds, by providing that such costs, expenses, rewards, claims and refunds shall be paid from the reserve for statutory contingency fund; making an appropriation from the general fund in the state treasury to the reserve for statutory contingency fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 26, 1963; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 11–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 4, 1964



AN ACT to amend chapter 309 of NRS, being the Nevada Improvement District Act, by adding new sections concerning general obligation bonds, general, real and personal property tax levies, district purposes and boundary changes; to amend NRS sections 309.030, 309.160, 309.340, 309.350 and 309.360, relating to the organization and powers of local improvement districts, bids and payment for construction work and related matters, by modifying provisions concerning charges of districts and their contracting powers; to repeal NRS sections 309.420 to 309.470, inclusive, relating to the annexation of territory; ratifying proceedings and actions previously taken; and providing details and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 13–Mr. Jacobsen.  Approved February 5, 1964



AN ACT authorizing Lander County and Lander County School District to exchange certain real property lying in Lander County, Nevada; imposing certain conditions on a portion of the real property to be so conveyed to Lander County; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 19–Senator Lemaire.  Approved February 5, 1964



AN ACT providing temporary financial relief for school districts of the State of Nevada; creating the 1964-1965 special state aid school fund in the state treasury and making an appropriation thereto; providing for distributions from such fund to the school districts of this state during the fiscal year 1964-1965; authorizing the state board of education to make necessary regulations; providing for the reduction of the amount of loss of state aid to school districts for the fiscal year 1964-1965 under certain circumstances; to amend NRS section 387.127, relating to the apportionment of the emergency state distributive school fund, by abolishing the emergency state distributive school fund and requiring the transfer of moneys therein to the state distributive school fund; reverting to the general fund in the state treasury the sum of $45,000 appropriated to the emergency state distributive school fund for the fiscal year 1964-1965 by the 1963 general appropriation act; providing for the payment of special quarterly apportionments from the state distributive school fund to financially distressed school districts under certain conditions for various periods, all ending June 30, 1965; providing that certain provisions of this amendatory act shall operate retroactively from July 1, 1963, and that budgets of school districts for the fiscal year 1963-1964 may be amended to reflect receipt of additional moneys pursuant to this act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 16–Committee on Finance.  Approved February 5, 1964



AN ACT relating to the development of state parks and outdoor recreation; to amend chapter 407 of NRS, relating to state parks and monuments, by adding a new section requiring the state department of conservation and natural resources to prepare and maintain a comprehensive statewide outdoor recreation plan and authorizing the department to represent and act for the state in dealing with the Federal Government for the purposes of receiving financial assistance for planning, acquisition or development of outdoor recreation projects; authorizing the department, with the consent of the governor, to acquire by purchase, condemnation proceedings and other methods real and personal property and title to or interests in real and personal property in certain described areas of Washoe and Ormsby Counties, Nevada, and in other counties of the state, which the department deems necessary and proper for the extension, improvement or development of the state park system; providing for certain conditions precedent to acquisition and to the commencement of condemnation proceedings and imposing duties on the director of the state department of conservation and natural resources; creating the state parks and outdoor recreation acquisition and development fund in the state treasury, providing for uses and sources of the fund and making an appropriation thereto; to repeal chapter 491, Statutes of Nevada 1963, entitled “An Act to amend chapter 407 of NRS, relating to state parks and monuments, by adding a new section creating the state parks land acquisition fund in the state treasury for the purposes of negotiation for the purchase of real property on and near Lake Tahoe in the State of Nevada for state park purposes, the acquisition of options to purchase and the procurement of appraisals of the value of such real property; delegating powers and duties to the director of the state department of conservation and natural resources after approval by the governor; limiting the use of the state parks land acquisition fund and making an appropriation therefor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 26, 1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 18–Committee on Finance.  Approved February 5, 1964