[Rev. 5/3/2022 8:34:18 PM]
Act relative to taking of same, 45.
Penalty, guilty of grand larceny, 46.
To create a legislative fund, 9.
To procure tablet for Washington monument, 10.
Deficiencies for the fifteenth and sixteenth fiscal years, 10 to 13.
To pay James Buckner, 20.
To pay Z. S. Eldredge, 22.
For relief of Franktown sufferers, 42.
For care of insane, 59.
For relief of Kimball and Swallow, 81.
For expenses of coal-burners’ outbreak, 86.
To pay Benjamin J. Edson, 93.
To pay C. A. V. Putnam, 106.
For relief of S. H. Marlette, 108.
To pay W. R. King and T. J. Bell, 110.
For relief of William Little, 110.
For State Prison shoe shops, 111.
To pay claim of E. H. Griswold, 119.
For assistance to orphan asylums, 122.
For support of civil government for seventeenth and eighteenth fiscal years, 136.
To pay James Barnett and others, 146.
For purchasing meteorological reports, 154.
For deficiency for State University, 164.
Fixing number of, 16.
Pay established, 16.
Election of, 18.
ASSEMBLY—See Legislature.
To disincorporate the city of, 66.
Offices abolished, 66.
Franchise granted, 140.
Board created, 122.
Appropriation for care of orphans, 122.
Duties of officers of asylums, 122.
BOARDS OF EXAMINERS—See County Officers.
Relative to State loan, 87.
To make an order to Controller, 87.
To prevent deception in manufacture and sale of, 24.
Imitation of to be branded “Oleomargarine,” 24.
Misdemeanor and penalty, 25.
Brands, style, etc., prescribed, 25.
Relating to, 28.
Undertaker to present certificate to Coroner, 28.
Coroner to issue permit, 28.
Amending Act concerning conveyances; mortgages, etc., satisfied by entry on record book, 23.
Amending Act concerning juries; qualified jurors, drawing of panel, etc., 23, 24.
Amending Act concerning juries; what constitutes, time and manner of drawing, 26, 27, 28.
Relative to witnesses; eligibility, credibility, qualification, party to an action can be a witness on his own behalf, husband and wife, 29, 30.
Relative to formation of corporations; notice of meeting to be given by District Judge, appointment of Secretary, etc., 34, 35, 36.
To restore lost records; citation by Judge, service of summons, etc., 38, 39.
Relative to proceedings in Courts of Justice; Justice to transmit all papers attached to transcript, Judge can compel, etc., 40.
To secure liens to mechanics; lien on buildings, contractors and others liable, 49.
Protecting wages of labor; to be notified, time of giving notice, preferred claims how paid, 56, 57.
Amending Act regulating proceedings; one party not to testify when other is dead, etc., 80.
Amending Act regulating proceedings; deposition of convicts, production of convict witness, 85.
Regulating settlement of estates of deceased persons; entire estate to go to widow, regular proceedings dispensed with, 92, 93.
Amending Act concerning rights of husband and wife; community property belongs to wife subject to debts, homestead administration, etc., 103.
Concerning marriages; not to be consummated except by license, ministers, etc., liable, 107, 108.
To redistrict the State of Nevada; Districts established, terms of Court and salaries of Judges, 113, 114.
Amending Act regulating proceedings; $120 exemption property of debtor, 121.
For relief of insolvent debtors and protection of creditors, 124 to 135.
Concerning Justices of the Peace; can invite other Justices to officiate, 141.
Amending Act concerning juries; persons exempt from jury duty, 155, 156.
Amending Act regulating proceedings; publication of order, mailing of summons, etc., 161, 162.
Amending Act concerning Courts of Justice, relative to adjournment of Court, 165.
For government of; licenses, condemnation of property, etc., 68 to 78.
CONVEYANCES—See Civil Practice.
For care of orphan asylums, 122, 123.
Appropriation of seventy-five dollars, 122.
Duties of managers, 122.
Amending Act providing for formation of, 34, 35, 36.
Corporate powers, 35.
Election of Trustees, 35.
Meeting of Trustees, 35.
COUNTY ASSESSOR—See County Officers.
COUNTY AUDITOR—See County Officers.
COUNTY CLERK—See County Officers.
COUNTY TREASURER—See County Officers.
CONTROLLER—See State Controller.
Elko County, refunding part of bonded debt, 13, 14.
Amending Act fixing salaries; salaries payable monthly, 19.
Prohibiting use of firearms in public places, 19, 20.
Creating Boards of Examiners; Commissioners and Auditor to constitute, 21.
Amending Act concerning conveyances; mortgages, etc., satisfied by entry on record book, 23.
Relating to payment and barring of demands; claims can be re-allowed and debarred from payment, etc., 25, 26.
Amending Act relating to burial of the dead; relative to certificates and permits, etc., 28, 29.
Authorizing loan or transfer of surplus moneys from one fund to another, 32.
Amending Act providing for the better preservation of records; Recorders to be ex officio Mining Recorders, etc., 33.
Authorizing transfer of surplus moneys, 34.
Amending Act relative to County Commissioners; relative to assisting indigent sick, etc., 37, 38.
Act to restore lost records, 38.
Amending Act relating to elections; relative to abstract of votes for Secretary of State, etc., 40.
Nye County, funding Court-house bonds of, 46, 47, 48.
Amending Act relating to public highways, 48, 49.
Washoe County, relative to school bonds, 64.
Amending Act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada; assessment of property, etc., 64, 65, 66.
Providing for government of towns and cities, 68.
Relative to adulteration of milk, 79, 80.
Amending Act relating to officers, their qualifications, etc.; relative to safekeeping of public moneys, 82, 83.
Fixing compensation of county officers; Deputy Recorders and Clerks, 86, 87.
Eureka County, fixing salaries of Commissioners, 90.
Amending Act relating to public schools; creating school districts, etc., 90.
Relief of sureties on official bonds, 91.
Eureka County, relative to railroad, 94 to 102.
Lincoln County, relative to railroad, 94 to 102.
White Pine County, relative to railroad, 94 to 102.
Act to prevent minors from gambling, 102, 103.
Amending Act fixing salaries of officers; Nye County officers’ salaries, 105, 106.
Amending Act to create a Fire Department Fund; tax to be levied, 110.
Amending Act providing revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada; collection of licenses, 112.
Fixing salaries of District Judges, 114.
Re-apportioning of Senators and Assemblymen, 115.
Providing for the appointment of Inspectors of Hides, 118, 119.
Sheriffs of Humboldt and Elko Counties allowed certain expenses, 139.
Concerning Justices of the Peace; can invite other Justices to officiate, 141.
Fixing salaries of District Judges, 144.
Amendment to Game law, 145.
Amending Act fixing salaries, 150, 151, 152.
Amending Act fixing salaries, 152.
Relative to sale of opium, etc., 153, 154.
Amending Act concerning juries; persons exempted from serving, 155, 156.
Lyon County, issue of bonds, 157, 158, 159.
Nye County, issue of bonds, 159, 160.
Amending Act providing revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada; Tax Receiver’s duties, notice to taxpayers, 164.
Providing for maintenance of schools; tax levy, Trustees not to incur debts, 165.
Repealing Act concerning Public Administrators, 166.
Amending Act concerning juries; qualified jurors, drawing of panel, etc., 23, 24.
Amending Act concerning juries; what constitutes, time and manner of drawing, 26, 27, 28.
Relative to use of false weights and measures; use prohibited and penalty, 30.
Relative to taking of domestic animals; penalty, grand larceny, etc., 45, 46.
Amending Act regulating proceedings; relative to retaining defendant in custody until fine is paid, 58.
Amending Act concerning crimes and punishments; rules determining competency of witnesses, etc., 83, 84.
Amending Act regulating proceedings; subpoenas for convict witness, 84.
Redistricting the State of Nevada; districts established, terms of Court and salaries of Judges, 113, 114.
Concerning Justices of the Peace; can invite other Justices to officiate, 141.
Amending Opium law; sale and use of prohibited, penalty, etc., 153, 154.
Amending Act concerning juries; persons exempt from jury duty, 155, 156.
Amending Act concerning courts of justice; relative to adjournment of Court, 165.
Appropriation for deficiencies, 10.
Appropriation for seventeenth and eighteenth fiscal years, 137.
Duties of, to act as Secretaries of Commissions, 32.
DISTRICT JUDGES—See County Officers.
For fifteenth and sixteenth fiscal years, 10, 11, 12, 13.
For fifteenth and sixteenth fiscal years, 106.
To refund part of bonded debt, 13, 14.
Commissioners to purchase bonds, etc., 13, 14.
Style of bonds, signatures, etc., 13, 14.
Tax levy, redemption of bonds, etc., 13, 14.
Sheriff allowed certain expenses, 139.
Amending Act relating to, 40.
Abstract of votes to Secretary of State, 41.
Penalties for failure to transmit, 41.
Act amending Act to provide for registration of names and to prevent fraud at elections, 55, 56.
Registry Agent to subscribe to oath, 55.
Form of oath, 56.
Re-apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 115.
To pay claim of G. H. Hatch, 120.
Fixing salaries of County Commissioners, 90.
Relative to the Eureka and Colorado River Railroad Company, 94 to 102.
Attaching a portion of White Pine County to Eureka County, 104.
Relative to paying claim of “Eureka Sentinel,” 118.
Relative to street railroad in town of Eureka, 141.
Act creating, 21.
County Auditor and County Commissioners to constitute, 21.
Relative to attorneys at Washington, 89.
Use of prohibited in public places, 19, 20.
Duties of officers, penalties, etc., 20.
Appropriation for expenses of, 137.
Amending Act for preservation of, 145.
Austin granted franchise, 140.
Organization, powers and duties, 140.
To procure tablet for Washington monument, 10.
Appropriation for tablet for Washington monument, 10.
Relative to oath of office, 22.
Relative to Notaries Public, 63.
Relative to vacancies in Board of Regents, 81.
Relative to State loan (transfer of moneys), 87, 88.
Relative to employing attorneys at Washington, 89.
Relative to duplicate copies of reports, 117.
Relative to orphan asylums, 123.
Relative to Nevada Benevolent Association, 166, 167.
To disincorporate the city of, 67.
Offices abolished, 67.
Providing for, 68.
Claim to be paid by Esmeralda County, 120.
Inspectors of, appointment provided for, duties and compensations, 118.
Sheriff allowed certain expenses, 139.
Appropriation for deficiencies, 12.
To provide for care of, 59.
Appropriation for support of, 137.
Licensing and regulating, 50 to 55.
Appointment of provided for, 118.
Duties and compensation, 118.
To redistrict State of Nevada, 113.
Salaries of Judges, 114.
Salaries of Judges, 144.
Can invite other Justices to officiate, 141.
Act repealed relative to publication, 143.
Providing for printing, 147.
Fixing price of, 115.
Relative to selection and sale of, 162, 163.
Applications, notifications, forfeitures, etc, 162, 163.
Wages protected, 56.
Creating, 9.
Fixing number of attaches, establishing pay, etc., 16.
Election of officers, 18.
Reapportioning representation, 115.
LIENS—See Mechanics.
Relative to oath of office, 22.
Relative to construction of railroad, 94 to 102.
Issuance of bonds, etc., 94 to 102.
Board of Directors; powers and duties, 117.
Appointment of clerk and compensation, 117.
Relative to issuance of bonds, 157.
License must be issued, 108.
Ministers, Judges, etc., liable, 108.
Act amended, securing liens, 49.
Persons performing labor to have a lien, 49.
Persons furnishing material to have a lien, 49.
Contractors and agents held to be owners, 49.
Relative to procuring same, 154.
Monthly purchase provided for, 154.
Appropriation of $300, 154.
To prevent adulteration of, etc., 79, 80.
County Commissioners to appoint Milk Inspector, 79.
Duties of Inspector, etc., 80.
To prevent gambling, 102.
To prevent sale of intoxicating drinks to, 121.
Prohibiting carrying of concealed weapons by, 143.
Providing for appointment of, 63.
Number specified to be appointed in each county, 63.
To fund the Court House bonds, 46, 47, 48.
County Commissioners to issue bonds, etc., 46.
County Clerk to keep record of bonds, 47.
Exchange new bonds for old ones, 47.
Tax to be levied and application of, 47, 48.
Salaries of County Officers fixed, 105, 106.
Authorizing negotiation of loan, 159, 160, 161.
Amount to be borrowed, limit of interest, etc., 159.
Bonds to be issued, their purport, interest, etc., 159, 160.
Sale of, and redemption provided for, 160, 161.
Relating to oaths of Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, 22.
Can take and subscribe to official oath before Supreme Court, 22.
For the relief of sureties on, 91.
Examination of Treasury, money count, etc., 91.
County Commissioners liable, 91.
Rates prescribed, 108.
Appropriating money for care and maintenance, 122, 123.
Duties of Directors and managers, 122.
Board of Asylum Commissioners, powers, etc., defined, 123.
Can administer oaths, 123.
Relative to sale of, 153, 154.
Fine and penalty, 154.
Cannot be sold except by druggists on prescription, 154.
PRINTING—See State Printing.
Relative to contracts, binding laws, etc., 149.
Relative to convict labor, 58.
Fixing price of, 115.
Relative to selection and sale of, 162, 163.
Applications, notifications, forfeitures, etc., 162, 163.
Amending Act for maintenance and supervision of, 90.
Commissioners to create school districts, 90.
Time of commencing school, 90.
To provide for maintenance of, 165.
Tax to be levied, 165.
Trustees not in incur debts, 165.
Concerning office of, repealed, 166.
Act takes effect in 1883, 166.
Construction of in Eureka authorized, 94 to 102.
County bonds to be issued, etc., 94 to 102.
Concerning petitions of taxpayers for building of railroads, 120.
Railroad property exempt from computation, 120.
Street railroad franchise for Eureka, 141, 142, 143.
Election and vacancies, 81.
Act amended providing revenue for support of Government of the State, 64, 65, 66.
Time of making assessment, 64.
Statements of property certified, 65.
District Attorney’s duty, 65.
SCHOOLS—See Public Schools.
Election law amended, 40.
Relative to printing, 148.
Meteorological reports, 154.
SENATE—See Legislature.
SHERIFFS—See County Officers.
Act relative to publication repealed, 143.
Printing of same provided for, 147.
Relative to warrants, Legislative fund, 18.
Relative to insurance, 50.
Relative to insane, 59.
Relative to moneys in State Treasury, 87.
Relative to State taxation, 106.
Relative to transfer of moneys in Treasury, 153.
Relative to attorneys at Washington, 89.
STATE LIBRARY—See Library of State.
Preventing unauthorized expenditure of State money, 31.
Deputies, clerical duties, 32.
Reducing salaries, 43.
Relating to public moneys, etc., 82.
Requiring duplicate copies of reports, 117.
Reports, printing of with appendix, 147.
Fixing price of lands, 115.
Relative to selection and sale of lands, 162, 163.
Applications, notifications, forfeitures, etc., 162, 163.
Appropriation for deficiencies, 12.
Act repealed relative to publication of laws, 143.
Amending Act to establish printing office, 146, 147, 148, 149.
Relative to convict labor, 58.
Relative to commutation, time allowed, etc., 109.
Manufacturing interests, 111.
Kind of work to be done in shoe shop, 111.
Leasing convict labor, 58.
Relative to commutation, 109.
Relative to manufacturing interests, 111.
Relative to contract for binding laws, etc., 149.
Transfer of money, 153.
Relative to moneys in Treasury, 87.
Fixing rate of, 106.
Regents, election of, etc., 81.
Appropriations for deficiencies, 164.
In Eureka County, franchise granted, 141.
Duties of Judges relative to elections, 41.
Salaries of Justices fixed, 43.
Relative to State Library, 117.
Appointment of Clerk of Library, 117.
Election of Regents, vacancies, etc., 81.
Appropriation for deficiencies, 164.
To disincorporate, 79.
Notice to creditors, preferred claims, etc., 56, 57.
To procure tablet, appropriation, etc., 10.
Relative to school bonds, 64.
Tax levy, 64.
Relative to construction of railroad, 94 to 102.
Subscription to stock, issue of bonds, etc., 94 to 102.
To detach a portion of territory, 104, 105.
Boundary line changed, 104.
Eureka County to assume indebtedness, 104.
Actions and executions transferred, 104.
Recorder’s duties and compensation, 105.
Act amended for preservation, etc., 145.