[Rev. 5/3/2022 8:39:06 PM]





      Act to admit to probate a paper purporting to be the last will and testament of, 56.


      For Legislative Fund, 45.

      To pay claim of Jacob Kline, 58.

      For relief of First Nevada Artillery Company, 60.

      To pay for services of clerk in State Library, 64.

      To pay deficiencies in eleventh and twelfth fiscal years, 86.

      For support of the civil government of the State for the thirteenth and fourteenth fiscal years, 109.

      To pay E. B. Rail, A. B. Driesbach, and A. W. Pray, 120-121.

      To pay Peter Cavanaugh, 122.

      To pay the claim of Edward Laban, 123.

      For relief of Thomas Condon, 125.

      To pay certain claims against the State (White Pine war claims), 125.

      To pay White Pine war claims, 126.

      To pay White Pine war claims, 127, 131.

      To pay for the services of the late C. E. DeLong, 132.

      To pay certain legislative expenses, 133.

      To pay expenses of Fish Commissioner, 181.

      To pay State’s proportion of counsel fees in cases to enforce the collection of tax on the proceeds of mines, 190, 191.


      Act for relief of, 60.


      Act to amend Act concerning, 184.

      Salaries of, 184.


      Act extending term of franchise of I. C. Bateman, his associates and assigns, to supply with water, 77.



      Act extending term of franchise to, to supply the Town of Austin with water, 77, 78.


      Act providing for the purchase of, for benefit of State School Fund, 191-193.


      Act to authorize the building of, over Truckee River, at Reno, 71.

      Act amending Act to provide for constructing, 74.

      Act in relation to erection and maintenance of, 81, 82.

      How maintained, 81.

      County Commissioners to order construction and repairs, when, 81.

      Freeholders may petition, when, 82.

      Act to prevent animals being driven over, faster than a walk, 90.



      Act to amend Act to incorporate, 117-120.

      Trustees, powers of, 117-120.

      Ordinances, style of, 120.


      Act requiring person slaughtering to keep the hides and ears, 72.

      To be kept ten days, 72.

      Act to punish fraudulent killing, 76.


      Act to pay, for expenditures made in completion of State Capitol, 122.


      Act to amend Act to provide for payment of outstanding indebtedness of, 63, 64.

      Commissioners to open proposals, 63.

      Treasurer to give notice, 63.

      Cease to bear interest, when, 63.

      Commissioners may transfer money, 64.


      Act to amend Act defining the time of commencing, 114, 115.

      Actions other than those for recovery of real property, can only be commenced, when, 114.

      Time, how reckoned, 115.

      Not to affect actions now barred, 115.


      Act to amend Act to regulate proceedings in, in Courts of justice of this State, 160.

      Certain persons not to testify, 160.

      Husband or wife of insane person may testify, 160.

      Section three hundred and seventy-nine of, amended, 160.


      Act to provide for payment of certain, against the State, 120, 121.

      Appropriation made to pay, of E. B. Rail, A. B. Driesbach, and A. W. Pray, 120, 121.

      Clerk Board Examiners, duty of, 121.

      Controller, duty of, 121.

      Treasurer, duty of, 121.

      Act to pay White Pine war claims, 125.

      Act to pay White Pine war claims, 126.

      Act to pay White Pine war claims, 127-131.

      Act to prevent presentation of, twice, 132.

      Act to pay F. O. Gorman and W. H. Long, 160.


      Act to pay claim of, 108.


      Act to amend Act creating Boards of, 83, 84.


      Absence from State—

             Of Governor, duties to devolve on Lieutenant Governor, 14.

             Of Governor, on military business of State, to be Commander in Chief, 14.

             Of judicial officer, Legislature not to grant leave, 18.

             Of judicial officer, for more than ninety days, to vacate office, 18.


             For libel, truth may be given in evidence, 5.

             But one form of civil, 18.

             Law and equity to be administered in same, 18.


             To Constitution, how made, 26.

             To law, how made, 26.


             Of school moneys to counties, 22.

             Of Senators and Assemblymen, 28.


             For standing army for not more than two years, 5.

             No money to be drawn from State Treasury except in consequence of, 10.

      Arrest, Civil—

             Elector exempt from, when, 7.

             Members of Legislature exempt from, when, 9.

      Assembly, Members of—

             When and how chosen, 8.

             Term of office of, 8.

             Qualifications of, 8.


             Sole power of impeachment, 19.

             Majority of all members elected to, necessary to impeachment, 19.


             Bill of, prohibited, 6.

      Attorney General—

             How chosen, term, and eligibility, 14, 25.

             Member Board State Prison Commissioners, 15.

             Member Board of Examiners, 15.

             Duties of, 15.

             Salary during first term, 28.

             First term of office, 28.


             Excessive, not to be required, 5.

             Persons entitled to, 5.

             Persons not entitled to, 5.


             All elections by people to be by, 7.


             Notes of, not to circulate as money, except, 20.

      Benevolent Institutions—

             To be fostered and supported, 23.

             State may loan credit, or subscribe to, 20.

      Board of Examiners—

             Who to constitute, powers and duties, 15.


             Of the State of Nevada, 24.

             Addition to, how made, 24.


             Disqualifications of persons convicted of, 9.


             When and how taken, 26.

      Cities and Towns—

             Provision to be made for incorporation of, 20.

             Taxation and debts of, restricted, 20.

             To support own officers, 31.


             Of Supreme Court to be provided for, 11.

             Of County, to be provided for, 11.

             Of County, to be ex officio Clerk of District Court, 11.

             Of Supreme Court, to keep office at Capitol, 26.

      Commissioners of State Prison—

             Who to constitute Board of, powers and duties, 15.


             Form of State officers and District Judges, 14, 31.


             Of State, how amended and revised, 26.

             Debates and proceedings on, to be published, 31.

             Who entitled to vote on adoption of, 32.

             When and how submitted to the people, 33.

             Return of votes on, how made, 33, 34.

             When established, 33.

             Of United States adopted, 3.


             Obligation of, not to be impaired, 6.

             Existing under Territorial government, not to be affected, 27.

      Controller of State—

             How chosen, term of office, and eligibility, 14, 25.

             Duties of, 15.

             To keep office at seat of government, 26.

             Salary of, during first term, 28.

             Elected for first term, when to qualify, 30.

             To give official bond, 31.


             May be formed under general laws, 19.

             Special legislation in regard to, prohibited, 19.

             Property of, liable to taxation, 19.

             Property of certain, may be exempt from taxation, 19.

             Dues from, how secured, 20.

             May sue and be sued, 20.

             Right of way for, when to be appropriated, 20.

             Liabilities of stockholders of, 20.

             Prohibited from circulating notes as money, 20.

             Municipal powers of, to be restricted, 20.

             State not to be stockholder or loan credit, except, 20.


             Not to become stockholders or loan credit, except, 20.

             Provide for aged and infirm persons, 24.

      County Commissioners—

             Election of, to be provided for, and duties, 10.

             County Clerk, ex officio clerk of, 11.

      County Debts—

             Not to be assumed by State, exception, 21.

      County Governments—

             System of, to be established, 10.

      County Officers—

             Election of, to be provided for, 11.

             To keep offices at county seat, 25.

             Under Territory, continued in office, 29.

      Court Fee—

             To be provided for, 18.


             Of record and municipal, 18.

             Jurisdiction of municipal, not to conflict with Courts of record, 18.

      Credit of State—

             Not to be loaned, exception, 20.


             Rights of persons charged with, 5.

             Disqualification of persons convicted of, 9.

             Existing prosecutions not affected, 27.


             To enjoy necessary comforts of life, 6.

             Reasonable exemption of property to be secured, 6.

             Imprisonment of, forbidden, exception, 6.

      Debt, State—

             Limitation of, 20.

             Shall be specially authorized, 20.

             Tax for payment of, to be levied, 21.

             Contracts in excess of limitation, to be void, 21.

             Territorial liabilities to become part of, 28.


             Of public funds, persons guilty of, to be disqualified from holding public office, 9.

             Laws to be passed for punishment of, 9.

      District Attorneys—

             Election of, to be provided for, 11.

             To keep office at county seat, 25.

      Districts Courts—

             Judges of, how elected, and term of office, 16.

             Original jurisdiction, 17.

             Appellate jurisdiction, 17.

             Powers of, 17.

             Times of holding, to be fixed by law, 17.

             To be held at county seat, exception, 17.

             Judges of, to receive compensation fixed by law, 18.

             Compensation of Judges of, not to be increased or diminished during term, 18.

             Judges of, liable to impeachment, 19.

             Judges of, may be removed by Legislature, 19.

             Salaries of judges of, 30.

             Salaries of Judges of, how changed, 30.

             Judges of, first elected, how commissioned and when to qualify, 31.

             Vacancies in office of Judges of, how filled, 31.

             Cases in Probate Courts to be transferred to, 31.


             To be encouraged by Legislature, 21.

             Common schools to be provided for, 21.

             Attendance upon public schools, laws to secure general, to be passed, 21.

             Proceeds of lands appropriated for purposes of, 22.

             Proceeds of escheated estates, fines, etc., appropriated for purposes of, 22.

             State University and Normal Schools to be provided for, 22.

             Board of Regents created and powers of, 23.

             Sectarianism in educational institutions prohibited, 23.


             Who entitled to vote at, 6.

             Voter at, privileged from civil arrest, 7.

             Who not entitled to vote at, 6.

             Residence of voters at, in what cases not lost or gained, 7.

             By the people, to be by ballot, 7.

             By Legislature, to be viva voce, 7.

             Laws to be passed regulating, 7.

             Bribery, etc., laws to be passed prohibiting, 9, 11.

             Plurality vote at, to constitute choice, 26.

             Adoption of Constitution, manner of holding, for, 33, 34.

             Adoption of Constitution, returns of, 34, 35.


             Qualifications of, 6, 7.

             Who disqualified from being, 6.

             Privileged from arrest, 7.

             Registration of, provision to be made for, 7.


             To be punished as a felony, 9.

             Persons guilty of, disqualified from holding office, 9.

      Executive Department—

             Supreme executive power vested in the Governor, 12.

      Ex Post Facto Law—

             Prohibited, 6.


             Not to be received by judicial officers, except Justices of the Peace, 18.

             Court fee to be provided for, 18.

             Not to be received by certain officers to their own use, 28, 30.


             Excessive not to be imposed, 5.

             Militia, no imprisonment for, in time of peace, 6.

             Collected under penal laws, to go to school fund, 22.

             Accruing to Territory, to inure to State, 27.

      Fiscal Year—

             When to commence, 20.


             Rights of property of, secured, 6.


             Disqualification of persons convicted of, 11.


             To sign all laws, 12.

             Supreme executive power vested in, 12.

             How elected, and term of office, 12.

             Who eligible to office of, 13.

             Returns of elections for, how made, 13.

             Plurality of votes to elect, 13.

             In case of tie in election for, Legislature to elect, 13.

             Shall be Commander in Chief, 13.

             Shall transact all executive business with officers of the Government, 13.

             May require information in writing from officers of the Executive Department, 13.

             Shall see that the laws are faithfully executed, 13.

             Shall have power to fill vacancies in office, 13.

             May convene Legislature by proclamation, 13.

             Shall communicate with Legislature by message, 13.

             May adjourn Legislature in case of disagreement between the two Houses, 13.

             No person holding office under the United States to hold office of, 13.

             Shall have power to suspend collection of fines, etc., 14.

             May suspend execution of sentence for treason, 14.

             May grant reprieves for a limited period, 14.

             Shall report to Legislature reprieves and pardons granted, 14.

             Shall constitute one of Board of Pardons, 14.

             Shall be keeper of the Great Seal, 14.

             Shall sign grants and commissions, 14.

             Lieutenant Governor to perform duties of, in certain contingency, 14.

             President pro tem. of Senate to act as, when, 14.

             Shall constitute one of Board of Examiners, 15.

             Shall constitute one of Board of State Prison Commissioners, 15.

             Liable to impeachment, 19.

             To constitute one of first Board of Regents, 23.

             Power to call out militia, 23.

             To keep office at seat of government, 26.

             Salary, for first term of office, 28.


             Forms of, 14.

      Habeas Corpus—

             Writ of, shall not be suspended, except in case of rebellion or invasion, 5.

             Writ of, may be issued by Supreme and District Courts, and by Justices of such Courts, 16,17.


             Exempt from forced sale, except for taxes, purchase money, improvements, and lien given by consent, 11.

             How alienated, 11.

             Provision to be made by law for recordation, 11.


             Power of, 19.

             How tried, and who liable to, 19.

             Judgment on, 19.

             Party convicted on, liable to punishment according to law, 19.

      Imprisonment for Debt—

             Forbidden, except in certain cases, 6.


             Persons not to be held to answer for capital or other infamous crimes, except on, 5.

             Prosecutions of, in what name and style conducted, 18.

      Intellectual Improvement—

             To be encouraged, 21.


             Persons not to be put in, twice for same offense, 5.


             Not to receive fees for own use, 18.

             Compensation of, not to be increased or diminished during term, 18.

             Salaries of, how paid, 18.

             Ineligible to other office during term for which elected, 18.

             Not to charge juries as to matter of fact, 18.

             Absence from State to vacate office of, when, 18.

             Of Territorial Courts, when superseded, 18.

             Liable to impeachment, 19.

             May be removed from office by Legislature, 19.

             Salaries of, 28, 30.

             Salaries of, may be changed, 18, 30.

             First election under Constitution, when to qualify, 31.

      Judicial Decisions—

             Provisions to be made for publication of, 25.

             Free for publication to any person, 25.

      Judicial Department—

             Power of, where vested, 15.

             Causes to be removed from Territorial Courts, 28.


             Person charged with powers pertaining to one department of the Government inhibited from exercising those of another, 8.

             Of Supreme Court, 16.

             Of the Districts Courts, 17.

             Of Justices’ Courts, 17.

             Of Municipal Courts, 18.


             Right of trial by, secured, 4.

             Trial by, may be waived in certain cases, 4.

             Three fourths of, may find verdict in civil cases, 4.

             Legislature may require unanimous verdict, 5.

             Presentments by, in certain cases before prosecution, 5.

             Qualified electors only to serve on, 10.

             Crimes which disqualify from serving on, 11.

             Charges to, how to be made, 18.

      Justices of the Peace—

             Numbers, powers, and duties of, to be fixed by law, 17.

             Jurisdiction of, restricted, 17.

             Criminal jurisdiction of, 17.

             Concurrent jurisdiction of, 17.

             Appeals from Courts of, to be fixed by law, 18.

             May receive fees for own use, 18.


             Ex post facto forbidden, 6.

             Impairing obligations of contracts forbidden, 6.

             Bill of attainder forbidden, 6.

             Every law to embrace but one subject, 9.

             Not to be amended or revised by reference to title only, 9.

             May originate in either House of Legislature, 9.

             Local or special, forbidden in certain cases, 10.

             To be general and of uniform operation, 10.

             Enacting clause of, 10.

             Bill, no law enacted except by, 10.

             Must be approved by the Governor, 12.

             How passed over Governor’s veto, 12.

             How bills become, without Governor’s approval, 12.

             Provisions to be made for speedy publication of, 25.

             Free to be published by any person, 25.

             Territorial, to remain in force, 27.


             Basis of representation in, 6.

             Election by, viva voce, 7.

             Powers of, vested in Senate and Assembly, 8.

             Sessions to be held at seat of government, 8.

             Sessions of, when to commence, 8.

             Members of, how and when chosen, 8.

             Who eligible to, and terms of office, 8.

             Each House to choose its own officers and judge of the qualifications of its own members, 8.

             How members of, may be expelled, 8.

             May punish for contempt, 8.

             Member not to be appointed to office created during his term, 8.

             Who not eligible to, 9.

             Members privileged from civil arrest, 9.

             Vacancies in, how filled, 9.

             Quorum to do business, 9.

             Journal of proceedings to be kept and published, 9.

             Doors of each House to be kept open, exception, 9.

             Neither House shall adjourn without consent of the other for more than three days, 9.

             Any bill may originate in either House, 9.

             Laws, what to embrace and how amended, 9.

            Bills, how read, passed, and signed, 9, 10.

             County and township governments to be established, 10.

             Election of County Commissioners to be provided for, 10.

             Compensation of officers and employes of, how drawn and paid, 11.

             Members to receive fixed compensation, 11.

             Duration of sessions, 11.

             To elect United States Senators, 12.

             Bills, when to become laws, 12.

             May be convened by proclamation by Governor, 13

             In case of disagreement of the Houses, may be adjourned by the Governor, 13.

             Assembly to have sole power of impeachment, 19.

             Senate to try all impeachments, 19.

             To provide for annual tax, 20.

             Limitation of powers as to creation of debt, 20, 21.

             Oath of office, 24.

             Number of members restricted, 25.

             Pay and apportionment of members, 28.

             Terms of members elected at first election, 29.

             Session of first Legislature, when to commence, 29.

             Limitation of powers as to taxation, 31.


             Evidence that may be given in prosecutions or actions for, 5.

      Lieutenant Governor—

             When and how elected, 14.

             Powers and duties of, 14.

             President of the Senate, 14.

             To act as Governor in certain contingencies, 14.

             Eligibility and term of office, 14.

             Elected for first term under Constitution, when to qualify, and term of office, 30.


             Shall not be authorized, 10.

             Sale of tickets in, shall not be allowed, 10.


             Trial of offense in, 5.

             To be subordinate to civil power, 5.

             Standing army not to be kept in time of peace, 5.

             Appropriation for standing army not to be for longer time than two years in time of war, 5.

             Soldiers not to be quartered in house without consent of owner, 6.

             Governor to be Commander in Chief, 13.

             Organization of militia, 23.

             Governor may call out militia, when, 23.


             State Treasury, how drawn from, 10, 11.

             Statement of receipts and expenditures of, to be published with laws, 10.

             Bank notes and paper, not to circulate as, exception, 20.

      Moral Improvement—

             To be encouraged, 21.

      Oath of Office—

             Form of, 24, 25.


             To form Constitution and State Government, 3.

             Prohibits slavery, 3.

             Secures religious toleration, 3.

             Disclaims right and title to public lands, 3.

             Exempts United States property from taxation, 4.

             For submitting Constitution to vote, for ratification or rejection, 32-36.


             Who ineligible to, 8, 9, 25.

             Who disqualified by crime from holding, 9.

             Of Governor, who eligible to, 14.

             Of other State officers, who eligible to, 15.

             Justices Supreme Court and District Judges ineligible to other than judicial, 18.

             Tenure of, may be declared, 25.


             Certain judicial, not to receive fees, 18.

             Who impeachable, 19.

             Liable to be punished according to law, whether convicted or not upon impeachment, 19.

             Judicial, how removed from office, 19.

             Not herein provided for, how chosen, 25.

             Certain, not to receive perquisites, 28, 30.

             Salaries of certain, 28.

             Territorial, continued, 29.

             State, terms of, 28, 30, 31.

             Of Lander County, special provisions concerning, 29.

             State and judicial, first elected, when to qualify, 28.

             To be commissioned by the Governor, 31.

             Of counties, towns, etc., how supported, 31.


             County officers to hold, at county seat, 25.

             State officers, to be kept at seat of government by certain, 26.

Paramount Allegiance—

             Due to the Government of the United States, 4.


             By whom granted, 14.

             Granted, to be reported to the Legislature, 14.


             Disqualification of persons convicted of, 10, 11.


             Not allowed except for eleemosynary purposes, 25.


             Right of, secured, 5.

      Poll Tax—

             Payment of, to be provided for, 7.


             Political, inherent in the people, 4.

             Military, to be subordinate to civil, 5.


             Of Federal Government declared, 4.

             Of State Government distributed, 8.

      President of the Senate—

             Lieutenant Governor to be, ex officio, 14.

             Powers and duties of, 14.

      President of the Senate pro tem.—

             To act as Governor, when, 14.


             Liberty of, secured, 5.


             Of United States exempted from taxation, 4.

             No person to be deprived of, except by due process of law, 5.

             Private, not to be taken for public use, without just compensation made or secured, exception, 5.

             Reasonable exemption of, from execution, to be provided for, 6.

             Of foreigners, to be protected, 6.

             Separate, of wife, may be held by her, 11.

             Of corporations, subject to taxation, 19.

             Assessment and taxation of, to be equal and uniform, 21.

             Of Territory, to vest in State, 27.


             Name and authority of, 18.

             Existing, not affected, 27.


             Cruel or unusual, forbidden, 5.


             Freedom of, secured, 3-5.

             Not to render witness incompetent, 5.

             Freedom of, not to excuse licentiousness, 5.


             To be apportioned according to population, 6.


             Of elector to be actual, and not constructive, 6.

             For purpose of voting, what not to affect, 7.


             Declaration of, 4, 5, 6.

             Enumeration of, not to impair others, 6.

             Existing, not to be affected, 27.

      Roop County—

             To be attached to Washoe County for certain purposes, 31.


             Of judicial officers, not to be increased or diminished, 18.

             Of judicial officers, how to be paid, 18.

             Certain, may be increased or diminished by Legislature, 25.

             Of State officers elected first term under the Constitution, 28.

             Pay of Senators and Assemblymen, 28.

             Of Judges of District Courts, 30.

             Of county officers, etc., paid by counties, 31.


             System of common, to be provided for, 21.

             Normal and other, may be established, 22.

             State lands, proceeds of, devoted to, 22.

             Special tax for support of, 22.

             Sectarian instruction in, prohibited, 23.

      Scientific Improvement—

             To be encouraged, 21.


             Security against unreasonable, provided for, 6.

             Warrant for, when to issue, 6.

      Seat of Government—

             Located at Carson City, 24.

             No appropriation to be made for Capitol buildings for three years, 24.

      Secretary of State—

             Who eligible to the office of, 15.

             When elected, and term of office of, 14.

             Powers and duties of, 15.

             To be member of Board of Examiners, 15.

             To be member of Board of Prison Commissioners, 15.

             Liable to impeachment, 19.

             To be member Board of Regents, 23.

             Required to keep office at seat of government, 26.

             Salary of, first term under Constitution, 28.


             To try all impeachments, 19.

      Senators, State—

             When elected, and term of office, 8.

             Who eligible to office of, 8.

             Number of, 8.

             Pay of, 28.

             First apportionment of, 28.

             To be divided into two classes, 29.

             One half to be chosen biennially, 29.

             Two classes of, to be kept equal, 29.

      Senators, United States—

             How and when elected, 12.


             Election of, to be provided for, 11.


             Forbidden, with exception of involuntary servitude for punishment of crime, 6.


             Liberty of, secured, 5.

      State Prison—

             Board of Commissioners of, who to constitute, 15.

             To be established, 23.


             Right of, who entitled to, 6.

             Persons convicted of certain crimes, disqualified from right of, 6.

      Suit against State—

             Provision to be made by law for bringing, 10.

      Superintendent of Public Instruction—

             Liable to impeachment, 19.

             Election, term of office, and duties of, 21.

             To be member of Board of Regents, 23.

             Salary for first term under the Constitution, 28.

      Supreme Court—

             Clerk to be elected, 11.

             Justices of, members of Board of Pardons, 14.

             How composed, and quorum of, 15.

             Chief Justice of, who, 15, 16.

             Election, terms of office, and classification of Justices, 15, 16.

             Terms of, when and where to be held, 17.

             Jurisdiction and powers of, 16.

             Justices of, not to receive fees, 18.

             Justices of, ineligible to office during term, 18.

             Justices of, liable to impeachment, 19.

             Chief Justice of, to preside over Senate on trial of impeachment of Governor or Lieutenant Governor, 19.

             Decisions of, to be published, 25.

             Vacancies in office of Justice of, how filled, 31.


             Special legislation concerning, forbidden, 10.

             Annual tax, sufficient to pay expenses of State, to be levied, 20.

             To be equal and uniform, 21.

             Property liable to, 19, 21.

             Property which may be exempted from, 21.

             Special tax for support of common schools and State University to be levied, 23.

             Restriction on, 31.

      Territory of Nevada—

             Judicial officers of, when superseded, 18, 19.

             Laws of, to remain in force, 27.

             Fines accruing to, to inure to State, 27.

             Recognizances and bonds to, to remain valid, 27.

             Actions commenced in Courts of, to continue, 27.

             Property of, to vest in State, 27.

             Indebtedness of, assumed by State, 28.

             Certain officers of, to continue in office, 29.


             Of what to consist, 6.

             Conviction of, how only obtained, 6.

      Treasurer of State—

             How chosen, term of, eligibility, 14.

            Liable to impeachment, 19.

             Office at seat of government, to keep, 26.

             Salary of, for first term under Constitution, 28.

             Not to receive to his own use, 28.

             Bonds, to give, 31.


             No money to be drawn from, but on appropriation, 10, 11.

             Statements of the receipts and expenditures of, to be published with laws, 11.

             Money, how drawn from, 11.

             Members of Legislature to be paid out of, 11.


             By jury, secured, 4.

             Rights of accused on, 5.

             In criminal, no person compelled to be a witness against himself, 5.

      United States Government—

             Powers of, declared, 4.

             Paramount allegiance due to, 4.


             To be established, 22.

             Departments of learning in, 22.

             Fund created for support of, 22, 23.

             Board of Regents of, 23.

             Sectarian instruction in, prohibited, 23.


             Of Governor, how exercised, 12.

             How law passed over, by Legislature, 12.


             Qualifications of, 6.

             Who not entitled to be, 6.

             Persons convicted of certain crimes disqualified as, 6.

             Residence of, what not to affect, 7.

             Registration of, to be provided for, 7.

             Poll tax may be required of, 7.

             In military or naval service of United States, 7.


             May hold certain property as separate property of, 11.

             Laws to be passed defining property rights of, 11.

             Laws to be passed providing for registration of separate property of, 11.

      Yeas and Nays—

             When to be entered on Journals of the Legislature, 9.


      Act for relief of, 125.


      Act to authorize the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of Virginia City to pay the claim of, 67-69.

      Bonds to be issued and delivered, 68.

      Bonds, fund created to pay, 68.

      Bonds, to be surrendered, how, 68.

      Bonds, how redeemed and canceled, 69.


      Act to amend Act relative to foreign, 57, 58.

      Certificate must be filed, 57.

      Must file list of officers, and correct the same, 57.

      Recorder’s certificate evidence of existence, 58.

      Failure to file certificate a misdemeanor, 58.


      Act to amend Act creating Boards of, 83, 84.

      To act as canvassers, 83.

      To recount in certain cases, 84.


      Act to provide for removal of, 139, 140.

      Three fifths of taxpayers to petition, 139.

      Election to be held, when, 139.

      Votes, how canvassed, 139.

      Officers, books, papers, etc., to be removed, 140.


      Act authorizing District Judges to appoint, 123, 124.


      Act to authorize the issuance of restraining orders by, pending appeals, 77.

      Act to repeal Act authorizing issuance of restraining orders by, pending appeals, 144.


      Act fixing salaries of, 78, 79.


      Act to prohibit certain advertisements tending to promote, 73.


      Act to amend Act concerning, 75.

      Dueling, penalty for, 75.

      Death from dueling, deemed manslaughter, 75.

      Act to amend Act concerning, 75, 76.

      Arson in second degree defined, 76.

      When guilty of murder, 76.

      Penalty for killing or poisoning cattle, 76.

      Act to punish willful and fraudulent killing of stock running at large, 76.

      Felony to sell hide with brand cut out, 76.


      Act to amend Act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases, etc., 52.

      Amending section four hundred and seventy-three, as amended in statutes eighteen hundred and seventy-five, 53.


      Act to prevent, 82, 83.

            See Women, 82, 83.



      In eleventh and twelfth fiscal years, appropriation to pay, 86, 87.

DeLONG, C. E.—

      Act to pay for services of, 132.


      Act to prevent, 55, 56.


      Act providing for, repealed, 47.


      Act to amend Act concerning, 184.

      Salaries of, 184.


      Act authorizing, to appoint Court Commissioners, 123.


      Act to redistrict the State, 164-166.


      Act to pay claim of, 120.


      Act punishing, 75.



      Act for relief of Harry A. Harville, 58.

      Act to attach portion of, to Eureka County, 64-66.

      Payment to be made to, 65.

      Duty of Clerk of, 65.

      Suits transferred, when, 65.

      Duty of Recorder of, 65.

      Recorder, compensation of, 66.

      Act authorizing payment of James M. Mateer, 108.

      Act authorizing School Trustees of District Number One to issue bonds to provide buildings, 200-202.

      Bonds authorized, 200.

      Bonds, rate of interest to be paid, 201.

      How paid, 201.

      By whom signed, 201.

      Tax authorized, 201.

      Interest, how paid, 202.


      Act to create Current Expense Fund for, 98, 99.

      Tax to be levied, 98.

      Fund created and how used, 98.

      Fund, salaries not to be paid from, 98.

      Act to authorize Commissioners of, to issue bonds and provide for payment, 198.

      Rate of interest, 198.

      Money to be set apart to pay bonds, 198.


      Act to amend Act to regulate settlement of, 92.

      Separate book to be kept, 92.

      Publication, how made, 92.

      Act to amend Act to regulate settlement of, 168.

      Wills proved and letters granted, how, 168.


      Act to amend Act concerning, 90, 91.

      To be reported to Justice of the Peace, 91.

      Appraisers of, to be appointed, 91.

      Notice of, to be published, 91.

      Not to be used, 91.

      Act to amend Act concerning, 186.

      Fees of Justice and Recorder, 186.

      Costs, by whom paid, 186.


      Act to authorize the issuance of bonds, and to provide for payment of the same, 47, 48.

      Bonds, amount of, to be issued, 47.

      Bonds, rate of interest of, 47.

      Auditor to set apart money to pay interest on, 47.

      Money to be set apart to pay bonds in full, 48.

      Act to authorize Commissioners of, to change the apportionment of revenues to certain funds, 54.

      Act to attach portion of Elko County to, 64.

      Act to pay claim of F. O. Gorman and Wm. H. Long, 160.


      Act to incorporate, 99-108.

      Boundaries, 99.

      Trustees, Board of, created, 99.

      Trustees, how chosen, 99.

      Election, when held, 99.

      Trustees to elect President, 100.

      Vacancy in Board, how filled, 100.

      Powers of Board, 100-103.

      Town officers to give bonds, 103.

      Duties of Trustees, 103.

      Style of ordinances, 103.

      Justices to be Town Recorders, 104.

      Recorders, powers of, 104.

      Treasurer, duties of, 104.

      Clerk, duties of, 104.

      Officers, duties of, 105.

      Taxes, property how sold for, 105.

      Ordinances to be printed, 106.

      Fees of officers, 106.

      Act to be submitted to electors, 107.

      To be divided into wards, 107.



      Act to repeal Act regulating, of Virginia City, 109.


      Act to amend Act to prevent the destruction of, 55, 56.

      Ladders must be built, 55.

      Penalty for failure to build ladders, 56.

      Act to provide for better enforcement of Act to amend Act to prevent destruction of, 140, 141.

      Duty of peace officers, 140.

      Any person may make complaint, 140.

      Act to provide for preservation of, 179-181.

      Governor to appoint Commissioner, 179.

      Commissioner, duty of, 179.

      Office, term of, 179.

      Ladders to be built over dams, 179, 180.

      Penalty for failure, 180.

      Time when fish shall not be taken, except with hook and line, 180.

      May be taken for spawn, 180.

      Penalty for taking, from private ponds, 180.

      Young fish captured to be returned to the water, 180.

      Commissioner, expenses to be paid, 181.

      Commissioner, to make report, 181.

      Indians may fish at any time, how, 181.

      Misdemeanor to employ Indians to fish, 181.


      Act to amend Act to encourage growth of, 185.

      Condition upon which premium paid, 185.



      Act to preserve, 85.

      Unlawful to kill certain, 85.

      Time when not to be killed, 85.

      Penalty for trapping or killing, 85.


      Act to amend Act to restrict, 94, 95.

      License to be paid quarterly, 95.

      When not to be on first floor, 95.

      Minors must not be admitted, 95.

      Act to prohibit winning money from persons who have no right to gamble, 173, 174.

      Certain persons forbidden, 173.

      Family or creditor to give notice, 173, 174.

      Misdemeanor to take money, 174.

      License to be subject to this Act, 174.

      Officers to keep list of places, 174.


      Act to grant certain privileges to, 94.

      May erect buildings, etc., 94.


      Act to provide Inspectors of, 202.

      Inspectors, who to be, 202.

      Apparatus to be provided, 202.

      Seal to be provided, 202.

      Inspectors may appoint deputies, 202.

      Inspectors, duty of, 202.

      Misdemeanor to use unsealed meter, 203.

      Meter may be inspected at any time, 203.

      Fee, and how paid, 203.


      Act to amend Act to incorporate the Town of, 87-89.

      Power of Trustees, 87.

      Trustees may levy tax, 87.

      Taxes, how collected and when, 87.

      Trustees may condemn property, 88.

      Trustees, powers of, 88, 89.

      Limitation of debt, 89.

      Style of ordinances, 89.


      Act to pay claim of, 160.



      Act for relief of, 58.


      Act to amend Act in relation to, 141-143.

      Road districts, how organized, 141.

      Road fund, how created, 142.

      Tax may be levied, 142.

      Property may be seized for tax, 142.

      Roads, how opened, 142.

      Property, how condemned, 143.

      Aggrieved parties may commence action, when, 143.

      Roads not to run diagonally through lands, 143.



      Gold Hill, Act to amend Act to incorporate, 87-89.

      Eureka, Act to incorporate, 99-108.

      Carson City, Act to amend Act to incorporate, 117.

      Silver City, Act to incorporate, 134-139.

      Virginia City, Act to reincorporate, 145-158.

      Act to, benevolent societies, 169.


      Act to prohibit the sale of ardent spirits, 133, 134.

      Made misdemeanor, 133.

      Penalty, 133.

      Indians may testify, 133.

      Justices’ Courts to have jurisdiction, 134.


      Act to enable Commissioners of, to make certain provisions for care of, 141.


      Act to create, of Gas Meters, 202, 203.



      Act authorizing, to appoint Court Commissioners, 123.

      Commissioners, powers and duties of, 123.

      Commissioners, may administer oaths, 123.

      Commissioners, fees of, 124.


      Act to redistrict the State, 164.

      Terms of Court in, 165.

      Salaries of Judges, 165.


      Act to amend Act concerning, 176.

      Who to be exempt from, 177.

      District Judges may prescribe bounds, 177.

      Persons without said bounds exempt from, how, 177.

      Clerk to grant certificate, 177.

      Fees, how disposed of, 177.

      Judge to verify account of clerk, 178.

      Jurors, how paid, 178.

      Act to amend Act concerning, 185.

      Mileage and per diem of, 185.



      Act for relief of, 58.



      Act for relief of, 123.


      Act to amend Act for relief of inhabitants of towns and cities on, 186.


      Act to pay claim of, 108.


      Act authorizing publication of, enacted by the Legislature, 144.


      Act to provide for purchase of certain supplies for, 115.

      Act to provide for payment of certain expenses of, 133.

      Act authorizing publication of laws of, 144.


      Act creating, 45.

      State Treasurer to set apart, 45.

      State Controller to draw warrants on, 45.

      Exempted from operation of certain Act, 45.

      Balance in, to revert to General Fund, 45.


      Act to provide for payment of services of clerk of, 64.

      Act to amend Act relating to, 166.

      Amends section nine, 166.


      Act to prohibit advertisements tending to promote, 73.

      Certain advertisements to be unlawful, 73.

      Penalty for violating provisions, 73.

      Circulation of certain papers forbidden, 73.

      Not to interfere with licensed physicians, 74.


      Act supplementary to Act to secure to mechanics, etc., 90.

      Parties furnishing ore to mills to have preference, 90.


      Act to amend Act to fund indebtedness of, 46.

      Treasurer to pay interest from Interest Fund, 46.

      Treasure to give certificates if Interest Fund exhausted, 46.

      Commissioners may transfer money to Sinking Fund, 46.

      Act to create Current Expense Fund for, 193.

      Tax authorized, 193.

      Fund, how disbursed, 194.

      Surplus, how disposed of, 194.


      Act to pay claim of, 160.


      Act authorizing the building of a jail at Silver City, 72.

      Act to incorporate Silver City, 134-139.

      Act to amend Act to place on cash basis, and provide for outstanding indebtedness, 166.



      Act to extend provisions of Act to incorporate, 169.


      Act authorizing Elko County to pay claim of, 108.


      Act to abolish, and provide for care of State Museum, 59.

      Superintendent of Public Instruction to be Curator of State Museum, 59.

      Curator, duties of, 59, 60.

      Act creating, repealed, 60.


      Act to protect the owners of stock shares in, 80, 81.

      Stockholders may examine, 80.

      Admitted into, day of the month to be kept posted, 80.

      Duty of County Clerk, 80.

      Penalty for refusing to admit to, 81.

      Act taxing mines producing one ton of ore per day, or less, 175.

      Act to provide for paying State’s proportion of counsel fees, to enforce collection on the proceeds of mines, 190.



      Act to repeal Acts to provide for the destruction of, 47.


      Act to authorize County Commissioners to draw money from treasury for certain purposes, 59.

      To build jail at Tybo, 59.

      Auditor to draw warrant, 59.

      Act to create Current Expense Fund for, 159.



      Act incorporating Grand Encampment, 169.


      Act to provide for purchase of certain supplies for, 115.

      Act to amend Act requiring, to make duplicate reports, 168.


      Act to regulate sale of, and to prevent smoking or otherwise using, 69, 70.

      Not to be given away, 69.

      To be sold only by druggists and apothecaries, 69.

      To be sold only upon prescription of physicians, 69.

      District Attorneys, fee of, 70.

      Misdemeanor, to keep house for smoking, 70.



      Acting fixing license of, 79.

PRAY, A. W.—

      Act to pay claim of, 120.


      Act abolishing office of, 161-164.

            See State Printer, 161.


      Act to amend Act to provide for government of, 66.


      Act to amend Act for relief of towns and cities upon, 186.

      Lots, etc., not conveyed within one year, to be sold, and proceeds applied to the erection of public buildings, 186.

      Notice of sale to be published, 186.


      Act in relation to, amended, 70.

             See Schools, 70.

      Act to amend Act to provide for maintenance of, 187-190.



      Act admitting, to practice law, 194.


RAIL, E. B.—

      Act to pay claim of, 120.


      Act to amend Act to encourage the construction of, from Battle Mountain Station to Austin, 53.

      Act to amend Act granting right of way to Virginia City Coal Company, 93, 94.

      Survey to be completed, when, 94.

      Franchise may be transferred, 94.

      Act to grant right of way for wire rope, in Storey County, 205-207.

      Franchise granted, 205.

      Rights granted, 205.

      Time, when to be commenced and completed, 205, 206.

      Fare to be charged on, 206.

      To be taxed, 206.

      Property, how appraised, 206, 207.


      Act defining duties and powers of, 176.

      To employ teacher, 176.

      Salary of teacher, 176.


      Act to amend Act requiring, to make duplicate reports, 168.


      Act to provide for republication of certain volumes of, 112.

      By whom to be published, 112.

      Published, in what manner, 112.

      Amount to be paid per copy, 112.

      Price, at what to be sold, 112.

      Secretary of State, duty of, 113.

      Officers to turn over to successor, 113.


      Act to amend Act to provide, for the support of State government, 78.

            See Treasurers, 78.

      Act to amend Act to provide, for the support of State government, 79.

      Hawkers and peddlers’ license, 79.

      Act to amend Act to provide for the support of State government, 169-173.

      Section twelve amended, 169.

      Assessment roll, how made, 169, 170.

      Form of, 171.

      Assessor may seize property to pay poll taxes, 171.

      Employers liable for poll taxes, 172.

      Assessment made at different times, 172.

      Duty of Auditor, 173.

      Act to amend Act to provide, 175.

      All property to be taxed, 175.

      Exceptions, 175.

      Act providing for taxing mines producing one ton or less of ore per day, 175.

      Act to amend Act to provide for the support of State government, 178.

      Amending section sixty-one, 178.

      Bankers divided into seven classes, 178.

      License for each class, 178, 179.


      Act authorizing the payment of, 92.


      Act to amend Act in relation to, 141.

            See Highways, 141-143.


      Act to amend Act to provide for constructing and maintaining, 74.


      Act to admit a certain paper purporting to be the last will and testament of, to probate, 56.



      Of District Attorneys, 184.


      Act to provide for maintenance of, amended, 70.

      School moneys not to be used for sectarian purposes, 70.

      Act to amend Act to provide for maintenance and supervision of, 187-190.

      Superintendent to apportion moneys, 187.

      County Treasurer, duties of, 187.

      Money, how paid out, 187.

      Treasurer to report to Superintendent, 187, 188.

      County Superintendent to apportion moneys, 188.

      County Superintendent to draw warrant, 188.

      Not to draw warrant, when, 188.

      Auditor to draw warrant, 188.

      County Superintendent, duties of, 189.

      Trustees, duties of, 190.


      Act to authorize Trustees of Number Ten, Washoe County, to issue bonds to provide buildings, 196-198.

      Act to authorize Trustees of Number One, Elko County, to issue bonds to provide buildings, 200-202.

      Act to authorize Commissioners of Storey County to issue bonds for school purposes in, 203-205.


      Act admitting to probate a certain paper purporting to be the last will and testament of, 93.

      Paper declared to be valid, 93.

      May be contested, 93.


      Act authorizing a jail built at, 72.

      Act to incorporate, 134-139.

      Boundary defined, 134.

      Trustees, Board of, created, 134.

      Trustees to elect President, 134.

      Trustees, how elected, 135.

      Election, general law to apply, 135.

      President, duties of, 135.

      Board Trustees, powers of, 136.

      Property, how condemned, 136, 137.

      Certain officers of Lyon County to be city officers, 137.

      Salaries of officers, 138.

      Taxes, how applied, 138.

      Debt, limitation of, 139.


      Act requiring hides and ears to be kept ten days, 72.


      Act to prohibit sale of, to Indians, 133, 134.

      Indians may testify, 133.

      Justices’ Courts to have jurisdiction, 134.


      Act transferring money in, to General Fund, 132, 133.


      Act to provide for payment of services of clerk of, 64.

      Act to amend Act in relation to, 166.

      Directors, who to constitute, 166.


      Act creating office of, repealed, 59.


      Act to provide for payment of certain claims against, 120, 121.

      Act to appropriate money for the payment of certain claims against, 125, 126.

      Act to appropriate money to pay certain claims against, 126.

      Act to appropriate money to pay certain claims against, 127-131.

      Act to prevent persons having claims against, from presenting the same twice, 132.


      Act to abolish office of, 161-164.

      Office abolished, 161.

      Printing Commissioners to advertise, 161.

      What printing authorized, 161.

      Printing to be done by contract, 162.

      Preference given to resident printers, 162.

      Number of bills to be printed, 162.

      Number of statutes and journals to be printed, 162.

      Printing Board, how created, 163.

      Style of printing, 163, 164.


      Act to amend Act to provide for government of, 66, 67.

      Commissioners to control grounds, labor, etc., 66.

      Secretary of Board of Commissioners, duty of, 66.

      Warden, Legislature to elect, 66.

      Warden, duties of, 67.

      Warden, bond of, 67.

      Vacancy in office of Warden, how filled, 67.


      Act to amend Act requiring, to make duplicate reports, 168.

      Compensation, 168.


      Act to provide for the purchase of Territorial bonds for benefit of, 191-193.

      Money transferred from General Fund, 191.

      How money may be used, 191, 192.

      Bond to be issued to, 192.

      Tax authorized, 192.

      Treasurer to provide for interest, 192.

      Commissioners to advertise, 193.

      Commissioners to report, 193.


      Act to provide for purchase of certain, for State officers and Legislature, 115-117.

      Board of Examiners, duty of, 115.

      Board to advertise, 115.

      Bonds required from bidders, 115.

      Board may buy, how, 116.

      Secretary of State, duty of, 116.

      How issued to Legislature, 116.

      Surplus to be returned, 117.


      Act to punish for fraudulent killing, 76.

      Felony to sell hide with brand cut out, 76.


      Act to protect the rights of owners of, in the mines of this State, 80, 81.

            See Mines, 80, 81.


      Act to authorize payment of certain claims against, 61-63.

      Act to authorize Commissioners of, to issue bonds for certain purposes, and to provide for the payment thereof, 95-97.

      Loan authorized to pay for Court House, 96.

      Bonds payable in gold coin, 96.

      Rate of interest, 96.

      Bonds, coupons to be attached, 96.

      Bonds, how sold, 96.

      Fund created for payment of bonds, 96.

      Tax to be levied, 97.

      Bonds, how redeemed, 97.

      Contracts legalized, 97.

      Act to repeal Act authorizing Board of Commissioners of, to issue bonds for certain purposes, approved January twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, 124.

      Act to authorize Commissioners of, to issue bonds for school purposes, 203-205.

      Bonds authorized, 203.

      Bonds, how sold, 204.

      Money, how to be used, 204.

      Money to be set apart, 204.

      Bonds, how redeemed, 204, 205.


      Act to authorize the issuance of restraining orders by, pending appeals, 77. Repealed. See p. 144.

      Reports of, 112.

      Act to repeal Act authorizing, to issue restraining orders, pending appeals, 144.



      Act to pay counsel fees in cases to enforce the collection of, 190, 191.


      Act providing for purchase of, for State School Fund, 191-193.


      Act to amend Act to provide for constructing and maintaining, 74, 75.

      Expired and forfeited franchises to vest in county, 74.

      County Commissioners empowered to lease, 74.


      Act fixing salaries of, 78, 79.

      How audited and paid, 78.


      Act to amend Act to encourage growth of, 185.



      Act defining powers and duties of Board of Regents, 176.



      Act concerning, 181-184.

      Defined, 181, 182.

      Who are vagrants, 182, 183.

      Indians and Chinese vagrants, when, 183.

      Vagrants may be employed, 183.

      Penalty for refusal to work, 183.

      Sheriff may procure employment for, 183.

      District Attorney, fee for conviction of, 184.


      Act to legalize certain contracts, and for issuance of bonds to pay indebtedness thereby incurred, 48-52.

      Contracts declared valid, 48.

      Issuance of bonds authorized, 48.

      Bonds to become due, when, 49.

      Bonds, how signed, 49.

      Coupons to be attached, 49.

      Bonds, how to be sold, 49.

      Bonds, Clerk to keep record of, 49.

      Treasurer to pay interest, 49.

      Tax authorized to pay bonds, 49.

      Special Fund to be created, 50.

      Appropriation to pay for preparing bonds, 50.

      Bonds, how redeemed, 50.

      When interest to cease, 50.

      Bonds not due to be surrendered, how and when, 50, 51.

      Tax to become a lien on property, 51.

      Tax, when levied and collected, 51.

      Tax Collector, percentage of, 51.

      Water Company to deliver property, when, 52.

      Water Company to furnish full supply of water, 52.

      Act to repeal Act to legalize certain contracts made by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of, 57.

      Secretary of State directed to exclude from publication, 57.

      Act to authorize the payment of the claim of Wm. Cook, 67.

      Act to repeal Act to regulate Fire Department of, 109.

      Act to reincorporate, and provide for government of, 145-158.

      Boundaries, 145.

      Officers of, 145.

      Wards, and boundaries of same, 146.

      Officers and electors, qualifications of, 146.

      Election, when and how held, 146.

      Board of Aldermen to canvass vote, 147.

      Officers, when to qualify, 147.

      Board may create offices, 148.

      Board, time of meeting, 148.

      Members of Board to vote unless excused, 148.

      Meetings to be public, 148.

      Board, powers of, 148-153.

      Board to require bonds, 153.

      Receipts and disbursements to be published, 154.

      Property may be sold for taxes, 154.

      Special assessments may be made, 154.

      Mayer to approve or veto ordinances, 154.

      Mayor shall make monthly statement, 155.

      Duties of Treasurer, 155.

      Chief of Police, duties of, 155, 156.

      Police Commissioners, who are, 156.

      City officers, duties of, 156.

      Style of ordinances, 157.

      Officers, salaries of, 157.

      Officers not to be interested in contracts, 157.

      Justices to have jurisdiction, 157, 158.

      Fines, to whom paid, 158.

      Collector to report licenses, 158.



      Act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Truckee, at Reno, 71.

      Bonds to be issued, 71.

      Place where to be built, 71.

      Bonds, interest on, 71.

      Tax authorized, 71.

      Bonds, how redeemed, 72.

      Act to authorize Trustees of School District Number Ten in, to issue bonds, 196-198.

      Bonds authorized, 196.

      Tax authorized, 197.

      Bonds, interest of, 196.

      Act to authorize County Commissioners of, to issue bonds for certain purposes, 199, 200.

      Bonds authorized, 199.

      Bonds, how prepared, 199.

      Commissioners to sell, 199.

      Tax authorized, to pay bonds, 199, 200.

      Bonds, rate of interest on, 200.

      Bonds, how redeemed, 200.


      Act to provide for payment of indebtedness of, known as Hamilton debt, 54.

      Act authorizing Commissioners of, to build jail at Ward City, 145.

      Act creating Current Expense Fund for, 195.

      Fund created, 195.

      Tax to be levied, 195.

      Money, how paid out, 195.

      Surplus, how disposed of, 195.


      Of Rufus Adams, 56.

      Of Thomas Sheehan, 93.

      Where proved, 168.


      Act granting right of way for, in Storey County, 205.


      Act to prevent, 82, 83.

      Posts to be erected, 82.

      Penalty for beating women, 82.

      Culprit, placard to be placed on, 83.

      Penalty for second offense, 83.

      Penalty for officer refusing to act, 83.