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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Seventh Special Session, 1954








AN ACT to create a legislative fund. Assembly Bill No. 7–Committee of the Whole.  Approved January 7, 1954



AN ACT authorizing the governor to appoint committees to make investigations into the financial and administrative problems of the public elementary and high schools of the state, and providing for the expense incident thereto, and making an appropriation therefor; and providing for the manner of payment. Assembly Bill No. 5–Committee of the Whole.  Approved January 8, 1954



AN ACT ratifying, approving, and confirming the proceedings heretofore taken by the board of education of White Pine County, Nevada, and by the board of county commissioners of White Pine County, Nevada, in submitting the question of issuing the bonds of White Pine County in the amount of $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, at a special election held September 3, 1953, for the purpose of enlarging and equipping the existing county high school building and site at Ely, Nevada, and the acquiring and equipping of a new county high school building and site at Ely, Nevada, determining that said election resulted in the authorization of said bonds, and authorizing the board of county commissioners of White Pine County to issue and deliver said bonds. Senate Bill No. 1–Senator Gallagher.  Approved January 8, 1954



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation for the support of the 1954 special session of the Nevada legislature. Senate Bill No. 12–Committee of the Whole.  Approved January 8, 1954



AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An Act designating the various classes of bonds and other securities in which the funds of the state and its various departments, institutions, and agencies, and of the state insurance funds, except those whose investment is expressly governed by the Nevada constitution, and except those which are received from the federal government or pursuant to federal law and whose investment is governed thereby, may be lawfully invested, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 29, 1943. Senate Bill No. 3–Senator Gallagher.  Approved January 9, 1954



AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An Act providing for the organization of water and sanitation districts; defining certain words and terms; providing for elections of boards of directors, their powers and duties; providing for the financial administration of districts, the levy and collection of taxes and levies to cover defaults and deficiencies; providing for inclusion and exclusion of real property and the liability of property included or excluded; empowering the boards of directors to issue bonds, and providing for interest thereon and maturity and denominations thereof; providing for elections in the creation of bonded indebtedness of districts; providing procedure for district dissolutions and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 26, 1953. Senate Bill No. 2–Senator Gallagher.  Approved January 9, 1954



AN ACT to validate all acts and proceedings of the Las Vegas Valley Water District for the authorization, issuance and sale of bonds of said district. Assembly Bill No. 6–Clark County Delegation.  Approved January 9, 1954



AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An Act to provide for the organization and government of irrigation districts, for the irrigation and drainage of lands and other related undertakings thereby, and for the acquisition and distribution of water and other property, the generation, production, transmission and selling of electrical energy in any form, construction, operation and maintenance of works, diversion, storage, distribution, collection and carriage of water; co-operation with the United States; and matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 19, 1919, as amended. Senate Bill No. 4–Senator Whitacre.  Approved January 11, 1954



AN ACT authorizing the governor to enter into agreements with the United States, its departments or agencies for the purpose of securing federal aid and benefits to alleviate the present livestock emergency; to match such aid with moneys from the unexpended and unappropriated moneys of the general fund; and to provide for the disbursement of such aid. Assembly Bill No. 4–Committee of the Whole.  Approved January 11, 1954



AN ACT supplementary to that certain act entitled, “An Act concerning public schools of the State of Nevada, establishing and defining certain crimes and providing punishment therefor, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating thereto,” approved March 15, 1947; providing for the quarterly payments of apportionments from state school funds to the public schools of the State of Nevada upon the basis of the current school year’s average daily attendance; providing for adjustments of quarterly apportionments; defining certain words and terms; appropriating a sum of money to carry out the purposes of this act; providing for the expiration of this supplementary act under certain conditions or on a certain day; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 1–Committee of the Whole.  Approved January 11, 1954



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $75,000 for the purpose of supplementing presently appropriated moneys available for salary payments by reason of additional salary payments being required under the uniform and equal pay plan provided for in Chapter 351, Statutes of Nevada 1953, and authorizing the state board of examiners to disburse the same. Assembly Bill No. 3–Committee of the Whole.  Approved January 11, 1954



AN ACT to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled, “An Act relating to the taxation of personal property in transit through the State of Nevada; supplementary to an act entitled ‘An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada, and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,’ approved March 23, 1891, as the same has been amended; defining ‘in transit through this state,’ and other terms used in this act; providing penalties for the evasion of the provisions of this act and providing for the recovery of taxes wrongfully withheld,” approved March 16, 1949. Senate Bill No. 5–Senator Lemaire.  Approved January 11, 1954



AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An Act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada and its political subdivisions; fixing the duties of certain officers; defining certain crimes and providing penalties therefor, and other matters properly connected therewith, and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 30, 1953. Senate Bill No. 6–Senator Lemaire.  Approved January 12, 1954



AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An Act to amend an act entitled, ‘An act in relation to public revenues, creating the Nevada tax commission, and the state board of equalization, defining their powers and duties, and matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,’ approved March 23, 1917, as amended,” approved March 28, 1953. Senate Bill No. 7–Senator Lemaire.  Approved January 12, 1954



AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An Act regulating the fiscal management of counties, cities, towns, school districts, and other governmental agencies or political subdivisions of the State of Nevada; repealing certain acts and parts of acts, and other matters properly connected herewith,” approved March 28, 1953. Senate Bill No. 8–Senator Lemaire.  Approved January 12, 1954



AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An Act to amend an act entitled, ‘An act to require the registration of motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers, and to require the payment of fees thereupon, imposing certain duties and obligations upon the owners of motor vehicles rented without drivers, to provide for the transfer of interest in and to motor vehicles, providing for the registration of manufacturers and dealers in motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers, regulating the use of motor vehicles by nonresidents, making and constituting county assessors officers of the department and imposing certain duties upon them, creating a “motor vehicle fund,” and providing for the disposition thereof, to prevent the taking or injury of any vehicle without the consent of the owner; to provide for the duties and powers of vehicle commissioner and for the motor vehicle department; to regulate court proceedings in certain civil actions arising under this act; to provide penalties for violations of this act and to make uniform the law relating to the subject matter of this act; and to repeal all acts in conflict or inconsistent therewith,’ approved March 27, 1931, as amended,” approved March 25, 1953. Senate Bill No. 9–Committee of the Whole.  Approved January 12, 1954



AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An Act to require the registration of motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers, and to require the payment of fees thereupon, imposing certain duties and obligations upon the owners of motor vehicles rented without drivers, to provide for the transfer of interest in and to motor vehicles, providing for the registration of manufacturers and dealers in motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers, regulating the use of motor vehicles by nonresidents, making and constituting county assessors officers of the department and imposing certain duties upon them, creating a ‘Motor Vehicle Fund,’ and providing for the disposition thereof, to prevent the taking or injury of any vehicle without the consent of the owner; to provide for the duties and powers of vehicle commissioner and for the motor vehicle department; to regulate court proceedings in certain civil actions arising under this act; to provide penalties for violations of this act and to make uniform the law relating to the subject matter of this act; and to repeal all acts in conflict or inconsistent therewith,” approved March 27, 1931. Senate Bill No. 11–Committee of the Whole.  Approved January 12, 1954



AN ACT concerning the licensing and registration of motor vehicles; fixing the duties of certain public officers and state agencies in connection therewith; providing for refunds of license fees and personal property taxes heretofore paid on vehicles; making appropriations from the state highway fund to carry out the provisions of this act; repealing a certain act; providing penalties for violations of the provisions hereof; and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 13–Committee of the Whole.  Approved January 12, 1954