[Rev. 5/3/2022 8:41:12 PM]





      Assembly concurrent resolution for amendment of State Constitution, 167.

      Assembly concurrent resolution recommending a revision of State Constitution, 171.

apportionment of senators and assemblymen of state—

      Act for reapportionment of, 134-135.

      Apportionment of, to the several counties, 134.

      Act not to affect existing terms, 134.

      Eureka County, number of Senators to be elected in eighteen hundred and seventy-six, 134.

      Esmeralda County, not to elect Senator until eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, except to fill vacancy, 135.

      Repeal of conflicting Acts, 135.


      For Legislative Funds, 45.

      Great Seal of State, to procure, 50.

      To pay claim of S. T. Swift, 57.

      To pay claim of Ormsby County, 58.

      For relief of John N. Thacker, 58.

      To pay claim of T. J. Edwards, 59.

      To pay claim of Matthew Rinckle, 69.

      To reimburse C. N. Noteware, 85.

      To pay claim of B. H. Meder, 86.

      State Capitol grounds, for protection and improvement of, 97.

      To pay deficiencies in the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth fiscal years, 115-116.

      To pay claim of Ormsby County, 127.

      To pay claim of C. A. V. Putnam, 133.

      To reimburse John Carlin, 133.

      To pay claim of heirs of William F. Wilson, 134.

      To pay claims of C. L. Phippeny and Willet Gates, 136.

      To Centennial Fund, 139.

      For support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the eleventh and twelfth fiscal years, 151-153.

      To reimburse Daniel G. Corbett and William H. Corbett, 157.

assemblymen, state—

      Act for reapportionment of, 134-135.

Attorney general—

      Commissioner of State Interest and Sinking Fund created, 48.


      Act to provide for the payment of, in certain cases, 142.

      Fees of attorney appointed to defend, etc., 142.

      Fees, how paid, 142.

      Duties of attorney appointed to defend, 142.

      Act to take effect, 142.

attorneys and counselors at law—

      Act to amend Act relative to, 142-143.

      Admission of attorneys and counselors at law, 143.

      Examining committees to be appointed, when, 143.

      Duty of examining committee, 143.

      Admission of person examined by committee, 143.

      Oath and fee of, 143.


      Act to encourage construction of railroad from Battle Mountain Station to, 54-57.

Austin, city of—

      Act amendatory of Act to incorporate, 75-77.

      Wards established, 75.

      Offices created, election and terms of, 75.

      Qualifications of electors and officers of, 75.

      General election of, 76.

      Inspectors and Clerks of Election, 76.

      Returns of election, 76.

      Common Council to declare result, 76.

      City officers, when to qualify, 76.

      Vacancy in office, when deemed, 76.

      Oath of office, 76.

      Meetings of Common Council, 77.

      Mayor to preside, 77.

      Officers elected by Common Council, 77.

      Terms of officers, 77.

      Act to take effect, 77.

      Repeal of conflicting Acts, 77.


battle mountain station to austin—

      Act to encourage construction of railroad from, 54-57.

      Franchise granted, 54.

      Gauge and grade of road, 54.

      General railroad law, benefits of, conferred, 54.

      Lander County to issue bonds, 54.

      Bonds, when to issue, 54-55.

      Form and amounts of bonds, 55.

      Inspection of road, 55.

      Special tax authorized, 55.

      Railroad Interest and Sinking Fund created, 56.

      Redemption of bonds, 56.

      Location and completion of road, time limited for, 56.

      Faith of State of Nevada pledged, 56.

board of directors of state library—See State Library150.

board of examiners—state—

      Unnecessary trips in transporting State convicts and indigent insane, not to allow for, 64.

      Centennial Fund, to approve accounts, etc., against, 139-140.

board of state capitol commissioners—See State Capitol97, 127.

board of state prison commissioners—

      Labor of State convicts, Board authorized to use or hire, 62.

      Unnecessary trips to transporting State convicts, not to allow for, 64.

      Stone for improvement of Capitol grounds, to furnish, 98.

borax and soda mines—

      Proceeds of, to be taxed, 137.

buckner, james—

      Leave of absence granted to, 166.


camels and dromedaries—

      Act to prohibit the running at large of, etc., 53-54.

      Running at large of, prohibited, 53.

      Violation of Act made misdemeanor, 53.

      Punishment, 54.

capitol—See State Capitol97, 127.

carling, john—

      Act to reimburse, 133.

carson city—

      Act to incorporate, 87-96.

      Corporation created, 87.

      Boundaries established, 87-88.

      Wards established, 88.

      Board of Trustees, corporate powers vested in, 88.

      First Board of Trustees, of whom composed, 88.

      Terms of Board of Trustees, 88.

      President of Board of Trustees, 88.

      Annual city election, 88.

      Vacancies in Board of Trustees, how filled, 89.

      General election law made applicable to city elections, 89.

      Election contests, 89.

      Oath of office of Trustee, 89.

      President of Board of Trustees, duties of, 89-90.

      Meetings of Board of Trustees, 90.

      Board of Trustees, powers and duties of, 90-92.

      City Treasurer, County Treasurer to be ex officio, 92.

      City Assessor, County Assessor to be ex officio, 92.

      City Attorney, District Attorney of county to be ex officio, 92.

      City Marshal, Sheriff of county to be ex officio, 92.

      City Clerk, County Clerk to be ex officio, 92.

      City Recorder, Justice of the Peace of Carson Township to be ex officio, 92.

      City property tax, when to be levied, 92.

      Collection city taxes, ordinances for, 93.

      City moneys, custody of, 93.

      Fees and salaries, 93.

      Treasurer’s accounts, examination of, 94.

      Action on rejected claim, limitation of, 94.

      Accountability of city officers, to be provided for, 94.

      Vacancies in office, Trustees may declare, when, 94.

      Tax sales, 95.

      Claims against corporation, how paid, 95.

      City Clerk, duties of, 95.

      Style of ordinance, 95.

      Deputy city officers, who to be, 95.

      City Marshal, duties of, 95-96.

      Actions by city, 96.

      Sentence to labor, 96.

      Appeals, 96.

      Absence to create vacancy, 96.

      Bonds of policemen, 96.

      Debt, limitation of, 96.

      Contracts, limitation, 96.


      Act to provide for the taking of census of State of Nevada in eighteen hundred and seventy-five, 143-144.

      Census to be taken, 143.

      Manner of taking census, 143.

      County Assessor to make enumeration of inhabitants, etc., 143.

      County Assessor to certify to enumeration, 143.

      Oath of Assessor, 144.

      Compensation of County Assessor for taking, 144.

      State Controller to procure and forward blanks for taking of, 144.

centennial exhibition at philadelphia in eighteen hundred and seventy-six—

      Act in relation to sending mineralogical specimens to, 139-140.

      Centennial Fund created, 139.

      Expenditures from fund, how controlled, 139.

      Drafts on fund in advance of actual expenditure, 139.

      Bond of State Board of Centennial Commissioners, 139.

      Claims against fund, how certified, 140.

      Advances made, how charged, 140.

      Payment of claims against fund, 140.

      Quartz mill, erection of, authorized, 140.

      Donation of mineralogical specimens made, 140.

      Report of Board of Centennial Commissioners, 140.

      Unused balance in Centennial Fund to revert to General Fund of State, 140.

      Compensation of services under Act, no State officer to receive, 140.

chase, R. L.—

      Leave of absence granted to, 169.

cheap transportation lines—

      Act to encourage the construction of, 157-158.

      Corporations for transportation purposes authorized, 157.

      Benefits of general Act conferred, 158.

      Right of way, etc., 158.

      Powers of corporation formed for, 158.

      Sketch map and description of route to be filed, 158.

      Final survey, 158.

      Operation of lines formed under Act, 158.

      Provisions of Act, when not to apply, 158.


      Act to prohibit, 50-52.

      Certain games declared unlawful, 50.

      Persons playing at, guilty of felony, 50.

      Penalty, 50.

      Solicitation to play, etc., made felony, 51.

      Punishment, 51.

      Cheating at game made felony, 51.

      Punishment, 51.

      Agent of carrier may arrest, etc., 51.

      Venue of offense under Act, 51.

      Owner of premises permitting game, etc., guilty of felony, 51.

      Penalty, 51.

      District Attorney, etc., duty under Act, 51-52.

      Neglect of duty made misdemeanor, 52.

      Act to be given in charge to Grand Juries, 52.

churchill county—

      Senators and Assemblymen of, reapportionment of, 134.

civil practice—

      Act amendatory of, 64-66.

      Jury, how drawn, 64.

      Struck jury, when party entitled to and how demanded, 65.

      Struck jury, how drawn, 65.

      Venire, how served, 65.

      Struck jury, how formed, 65.

      Jury may decide in Court or retire, 66.

      Officer in charge of jury, duty of, 66.

      Persons to remain with officer, parties entitled to appoint, 66.

      Repeal conflicting Acts, 66.

      Act amendatory of—

             Undertaking on appeal, 136.

clerk of supreme court—

      Decisions of Supreme Court for publication, to prepare, 72.

      May employ competent attorney, etc., 72.

      Commissioner to contract publication, etc., made, 72.

      Commissioner to advertise for proposals, etc., 72-73.

      Commissioner to open proposals, when and how, 73.

      Compensation of, Act to fix, 84.

      Compensation, 84.

      Fees of, disposition of, 84.

      Bond, official, 84.

      To make statement to Legislature, 84.

commissioners of state interest and sinking fund—

      Board of, created, 48.

      Powers and duties of Board of, 48-49.

common carriers—

      Act to define rights of, 86-87.

      Storage and holding of unclaimed property, 86.

      Responsibility of carrier after notice, 86.

      Service of notice, 86.

      Perishable freight, sale of, 86.

      Sale of unclaimed freight, 87.

      Surplus proceeds, disposition of, 87.


      Duties under Act to prohibit cheating and unlawful games, 52.

      To complain of violations of Act to restrict gaming, 129.

      Fees of, 149.

constitution of the state of nevada—

      Absence from State—

            Of Governor, duties to devolve on Lieutenant Governor, 14.

            Of Governor, at head of military force of State in time of war, to continue as Commander-in-Chief, 14.

            Of judicial officer, Legislature not to grant leave of, 18.

            Of judicial officer, for more than ninety days, to vacate office, 18.


            For libel, truth may be given in evidence, 5.

            But one form of civil, 18.

            Law and equity may be administered in same, 18.


            To laws, how made, 9.

            To Constitution of State, how made, 26.


            Of State school moneys to counties, 22.

            Of Senators and Assemblymen, 28.


            For standing army, not to be for more than two years, 5.

            No money to be drawn from State Treasury except in consequence of, 10.

      Arrest, Civil—

            Elector exempt from, when, 7.

            Members of Legislature exempt from, when, 9.

      Assembly, Members of—

            When and how chosen, 8.

            Term of office of, 8.

            Qualifications of, 8.


            Sole power of impeachment, 19.

            Majority of all members elected to, necessary to impeachment, 19.


            Bill of, prohibited, 6.

      attorney General—

            How chosen, term and eligibility, 14-15.

            Member Board of State Prison Commissioners, 15.

            Member Board of Examiners, 15.

            Duties of, 15.

            Salary of, during first term, 28.

            First term of office, 28-29.


            Excessive, not to be required, 5.

            Right of, 5.


            All elections by people to be by, 7.


            Notes of, not to circulate as money, 20.

            National banks, exception in favor notes of, 20.

      Benevolent Institutions—

            To be fostered and supported, 23.

            State may loan credit or donate money to, 20.


            Of the State of Nevada, 24.

            Change of, by addition of territory to State, provided for, 24.

      Bribery at Elections—

            Disqualification of persons convicted of, 9.

            Laws for punishment of, to be passed, 9-11.


            When and how to be taken, 26.

      Cities and Towns—

            Organization of, provision to be made for, 20.

            Taxation and debts of, to be restricted, 20.

            Not to become stockholders or loan credit, 20.

            To support own officers, 31.


            Of Supreme Court to be provided for, 11.

            Of County, to be provided for, 11.

            Of County, to be ex officio Clerk of the District Court, 11.

            Of Supreme Court, to keep office at seat of government, 11.

      Commissioners of State Prison—

            Board of, constituted, 15.

            Duties of, 15.


            Form and authority of, 14.

            Of State officers and District Judges first elected under Constitution, 31.

      Constitution of State—

            How amended and revised, 26.

            Debates and proceedings on, to be published, 31.

            Vote on adoption of, who entitled to, 32.

            Submission to people, how and when made, 33.

            Return of vote on, how made, 33-44.

            Establishment of, when, 33.

            Constitution of the United States, adoption of, 3.


            Obligations of, not to be impaired, 6.

            Existing under Territorial Government, not to be affected, 27.

      Controller of State—

            How chosen, term of office, and eligibility, 14-15.

            Duties of, 15.

            Office at seat of government, to keep, 26.

            Salary of, during first term, 28.

            Elected for first term, when to qualify, 30.

            Official bond of, 31.


            General laws for formation of, 19.

            Special legislation in regard to, prohibited, 19.

            Property of, liable to taxation, 19-20.

            Property of certain, may be exempted from taxation, 20.

            Dues from, how secured, 20.

            May sue and be sued, 20.

            Right of way for, when to be appropriated, 20.

            Liability of stockholders of, 20.

            Prohibited from circulating notes as money, 20.

            Formed under Territory, to what laws subject, 20.

            Municipal, powers of to be restricted, 20.

            State not to donate money or loan credit, except for charitable, etc., purposes, 20.

            Municipal, not to become stockholders in, 20.


            Not to become stockholders or loan credit, except to railroad companies, 20.

            Provide for aged and infirm persons, 24.

            To support own officers, 31.

      County Commissioners—

            Election of and duties, to be provided by law, 10.

            County Clerks to be ex officio Clerks of, 11.

      County Debts—

            Not to be assumed by State, 21.

            Exception, 21.

      County Governments—

            System of, to be established, 10.

      County Officers—

            Election of, to be provided for, 11

            Officers at county seat, to keep, 11.

            Under Territory continued in office, 29.

      Court Fee—

            To be provided for, 18.


            In what Courts judicial powers of State vested, 15.

            Of record and municipal, 18.

            Jurisdiction of municipal, not to conflict with Courts of record, 18.

      Credit of State—

            Not to be loaned, 20.

            Exception, 20.


            Rights of persons charged with, 5.

            Disqualification of persons convicted of, 9.

            Existing prosecutions not affected, 27.


            Right to necessary comforts of life, 7.

            Reasonable exemption of property to be secured to, 6.

            Imprisonment of, forbidden, with exception, etc., 6.

      Debt, State—

            Limitation of, 20.

            Must be specially authorized, 21.

            Tax for payment of, to be levied, 21.

            Contracts for, in excess of limitation to be void, 21.

            Territorial liabilities assumed as part of, 28.


            Of public funds, disqualification of person guilty of, 9.

            Punishment of, laws for, 9.

      District Attorneys—

            Election of, to be provided for, 11.

            Office at county seat, to keep, 25.

      District Courts—

            Judges of, election and term of office, 16.

            Jurisdiction, original and appellate, 17.

            Powers of, 17.

            Terms to be fixed by law, 17.

            Terms to be held at county seat, with exception, 17.

            Compensation of Judges of, to be fixed by law, 18.

             Compensation not to be increased or diminished during term, 18.

            Judges of, liable to impeachment, 19.

            Judges of, may be removed by Legislature, 19.

            Salaries of Judges of, 30.

            Salaries of Judges of, how changed, 30.

            Judges of, first elected, how commissioned, and when to qualify, 31.

            Vacancy in office of Judge of, how filled, 31.

            Probate Courts, cases in, to be transferred to, 31.


            Encouragement by Legislature, 21.

            Common schools to be provided, 21.

            Attendance upon public schools to be enforced, 21.

            Sales of lands, proceeds of, appropriated to, 22.

            Escheated estates, fines, etc., proceeds of, appropriated to, 22.

            State University and Normal Schools to be provided, 22.

            Board of Regents created, etc., 23.

            Sectarianism in public educational institutions inhibited, 23.


             Who entitled to vote at, 6.

             Voter at, privileged from civil arrest, 7.

             Disqualified to vote at, who, 6.

             Residences of voters, in what cases neither gained or lost, 7.

             By people to be by ballot, 7.

             By Legislature to be viva voce, 7.

             Regulation of, laws to be passed for, 7.

             Bribery at, disqualification of persons convicted of, 9.

             Undue influence, bribery, etc., at, laws to be passed prohibiting, 11.

             Plurality vote at, to constitute choice, 26.

             Adoption of Constitution, manner of holding for, 33-34.

             Adoption of Constitution, return of, 34-35.


             Qualifications of, 6-7.

             Disqualified from being, who, 6.

             Privileged from civil arrest on day of general election, 7.

             Registration of, provision to be made for, 7.


             Of public funds, to be punished as felony, 9.

             Person convicted of, disqualified from holding public office, 9.


             May be administered in same action with law, 18.


             In actions or prosecutions for libel, the truth may be given in, 5.


             State Board of, established, 15.

      Executive Department—

             Supreme executive power vested in Governor, 12.

      Ex Post Facto Law—

             Prohibited, 6.


             Judicial officers, except Justices of the Peace, not to receive, 18.

             Court fee to be required, 18.

             Certain officers not to receive fees to their own use, 28, 30.


             Excessive, prohibited, 5.

             In militia, no imprisonment for, in time of peace, 6.

             Collected under penal laws to go to State School Fund, 22.

             Accruing to Territory to inure to State, 27.

      Fiscal Year—

             When to commence, 20.


             Rights of property of, secured, 6.


             Disqualification of person convicted of, 11.


             Supreme executive power vested in, 12.

             To sign all laws, 12.

             Election and term of office, 12.

             Eligibility to office of, 13.

             Returns of election of, how made, 13.

             Plurality to elect, 13.

             Tie in vote for, Legislature to elect, 13.

             Commander-in-Chief of State forces, to be, 13.

             Shall transact all executive business with officers of the Government, 13.

             May require information from officers of State Executive Department, 13.

             Laws faithfully executed, shall see that the, 13.

             Vacancies, to fill, 13.

             Convene Legislature, may, 13.

             Adjourn Legislature, may, when, 13.

             United States office holder disqualified from holding office of, 13.

             Fines, forfeitures, etc., may suspend collection of, 14.

             Execution of sentence for treason, may suspend, 14.

             Reprieves, may grant for a limited period, 14.

             Report of pardons, reprieves, etc., to Legislature, to make, 14.

             Board of Pardons, constituted member of, 14.

             Keeper of Great Seal of State, shall be, 14.

             Shall sign all grants and commissions, 14.

             Duties of, when to devolve on Lieutenant Governor, 14.

             President pro tem. of State Senate, when to act as, 14.

             Board of Examiners, constituted member of, 15.

             Board of State Prison Commissioners, constituted member of, 15.

             Impeachment of, 19.

             Board of Regents, member first, 23.

             Militia, power to call out, 23.

             Office at seat of government, 26.

             Salary of, first term of office, 28.


             Form of, 14.

      Habeas Corpus—

             Writ of, not to be suspended except in cases of invasion or rebellion, 5.

             Writ of, who may issue, 16-17.


             Exempted from forced sale, 11.

             Exceptions from rule of exemption, 11.

             Recordation of, to be provided for, 11.

             Alienation of, how made, 11.


             Power of, 19.

             Trial of, and who liable to, 19.

             Judgment on, 19.

             Punishment at law, party liable to, whether convicted or acquitted, 19.

      Imprisonment for Debt—

             Forbidden, 6.

             Exception in cases of fraud, libel, slander, etc., 6.


             Persons not to be held to answer for capital or infamous crimes, except upon, 5.

      Intellectual Improvement—

             Encouragement of, 21.


             Person not to be put in, twice for same offense, 5.


             Fees to own use, not to receive, 18.

             Compensation of, not to be increased or diminished during term, 18.

             Salaries of, how paid, 18.

             Ineligible to other office during term for which elected, 18.

             Charge to juries, not upon matters of fact, 18.

             Absence from State to vacate office, when, 18.

             Territorial Courts, when superseded, 18.

             Impeachment of, 19.

             Removal from office by Legislature, 19.

             Salaries of, 28-30.

             Salaries of, change of, 30.

             First elected under Constitution, when to qualify, 31.

      Judicial Decisions—

             Publication of, provisions to be made for, 25.

             Free for publication to any person, 25.

      Judicial Department—

             Power of, where vested, 15.

             Removal of causes from Territorial Courts, 28.


             Persons charged with powers pertaining to one department of the Government inhibited from exercising those of another department, 8.

             Supreme Court, of, 18.

             District Courts, of, 17.

            Justices’ Courts, of, 17.

             Municipal Courts, of, 18.


             Right of trial by, secured, 4.

             Trial by, may be waived in certain cases, 4.

             Three fourths of, may find verdict in civil cases, 4.

             Legislature may require unanimous verdict, 5.

             Presentments by, before prosecution in certain cases, 5.

             Qualified electors only, to serve on, 10.

             Disqualification from serving on, upon conviction of crime, 11.

             Charges to, how made, 18.

      Justices of the Peace—

             Numbers, powers, and duties of, to be fixed by law, 17.

             Jurisdiction of, restriction of, 17.

             Criminal jurisdiction, 17.

             Concurrent jurisdiction, 17.

             Appeals from Courts of, to be provided for by law, 18.

             Fees to own use, may receive, 18.


             May be administered in same action with equity, 18.


             Ex post facto, forbidden, 6.

             Impairing obligation of contracts, forbidden, 6.

             Bill of attainder, forbidden, 6.

             Subject matter, but one to be embraced in same Act, 9.

             Amendment or revision of, how to be made, 9.

             May originate in either House of Legislature, 9.

             Local and special, forbidden in certain cases, 10.

             General and of uniform operation, required to be, 10.

             Enacting clause of, 10.

             Enactment of, required to be by bill, 10.

             Approval of Governor necessary, 12.

             Passage over Governor’s veto, 12.

             Bills become, without the Governor’s approval, when, 12.

             Publication of, speedy required, 25.

             Free to any person for publication, 25.

             Territorial, to remain in force, 27.


             Basis of representation in, 6.

            Elections by, must be viva voce, 7.

             Powers of, vested in Senate and Assembly, 8.

             Sessions of, to be held at seat of government, 8.

             Sessions of, commencement, 8.

             Members of, how and when chosen, 8.

             Eligibility to and terms of office, 8.

             Each House to choose its own officers, and to judge of the election and qualification of its members, 8.

             Expulsion of member, how made, 8.

             Contempt of, punishment for, 8.

             Member ineligible to appointive office created during term, 8.

             Who not eligible to membership, 9.

             Civil arrest, member privileged from, 9.

             Vacancies in, how filled, 9.

             Quorum to do business, 9.

             Journal of proceedings, to be kept and published, 9.

             Sessions to be public, exception, 9.

             Limitation of adjournment of either House without consent of other House, 9.

             Any bill may originate in either House, 9.

             Laws, what to embrace and how amended, 9.

             Bills, how read, passed, and signed, 9-10.

             County and township governments to be established, 10.

             County Commissioners, election of, to be provided for, 10.

             Compensation of officers and employes of, how drawn and paid, 11.

             Compensation of members, to be fixed, 11.

             Duration of sessions, 11.

             United States Senators, to elect, 12.

             Bills, when to become laws, 12.

             Convened by Governor, may be, 13.

             Adjournment of, by Governor, in case of disagreement, 13.

             Impeachment, Assembly to have sole power, 19.

             Impeachments, Senate to try all, 19.

             Annual tax, to be provided by, 20.

             Creation of State debt, limitation of power of, 20, 21.

             Oath of office of members, 24.

             Number of members, restriction of, 25.

             Pay and apportionment of members, 28.

             Terms of members elected at first election, 29.

             Session of Legislature, 29.

             Taxation, limitation of, 31.


             Truth may be given in evidence in actions or prosecutions for, 5.

      Lieutenant Governor—

             Election of, 14.

             Powers and duties of, 14.

             President of Senate to act as, 14.

             To act as Governor in certain contingencies, 14.

             Eligibility and term of office, 14.

             Elected for first term under Constitution, when to qualify, and term of office, 14.

      Local or Special Laws—

             Forbidden in certain cases, 10.


             Prohibited in State, 10.

             Lottery tickets, sale of in State prohibited, 10.


             Trial of offenses in, 5.

             Subordinate to civil power, 5.

             Standing army not to be kept in time of peace, 5.

             Appropriation for standing army not to be for longer time than two years in time of war, 5.

             Soldiers not to be quartered in house without consent of owner, 6.

             Governor to be Commander-in-Chief, 13.

             Organization of militia, 23.

             Governor may call out militia when, 23.


             State Treasury, how drawn from, 10-11.

             Statements of receipts and expenditures of State moneys to be published with the laws, 10.

             Bank notes and paper, not to circulate as, with exception, 20.

      Moral Improvement—

             Encouragement of, 21.

      Oath of Office—

             Form of, 24-25.


             Constitution and State Government to form, 3.

             Slavery prohibited, 3.

             Religious toleration secured, 3.

             Disclaims right or title to public lands, 3.

             United States property exempted from taxation, 3.


             Submission of Constitution of State, for ratification or rejection, or ordinance for, 32-36.


             Who eligible to, 8, 9, 25.

             Disqualification from holding, upon conviction of crime, 9.

             Of Governor, who eligible to, 13.

             Of Lieutenant Governor, who eligible to, 14.

             State offices, other, who eligible to, 15.

             Justices of Supreme Court and District Judges, ineligible to other than judicial, 18.

             Tenure of, may be fixed by law, 25.


             Fees to own use, certain judicial officers not to receive, 18.

             Impeachable, what, 19.

             Punishable at law, whether convicted or acquitted upon impeachment, 19.

             Removal from office of judicial officers, 19.

             Non-constitutional officers, how chosen, 25.

             Perquisites, certain officers not to receive, 28-30.

             Salaries of certain, 28.

             Territorial, continued, 29.

             State, terms of, 28, 30-31.

             Lander County, special provision concerning, 29.

             State and judicial, first elected, when to qualify, 28.

             Commissioned by Governor, certain, 31.

             Of counties, towns, etc., how supported, 31.


             County officers to hold, at county seat, 25.

             State officers, to keep at seat of government certain, 26.

      Paramount Allegiance—

             Due to the Government of the United States, 4.


             By whom granted, 14.

             Granted, to be reported to State Legislature, 14.


             Disqualification of persons convicted of, 10-11.


             Inhibited, except for eleemosynary purposes, 25.


             Right of, secured, 5.

      Poll Tax—

             Payment of, to be provided for, 7.


             Political, inherent in the people, 4.

             Military to be subordinate to the civil, 5.


             Of Federal Government declared, 4.

             Of State Government distributed, 8.

             Persons charged with powers of one department of government not to exercise those of another department, 8.

      President of Senate—

             Lieutenant Governor to be ex officio, 14.

             Powers and duties of, 14.

      President of Senate pro tem.—

             To act as Governor when, 14.


             Liberty of, secured, 5.

      Probate Court—

             Causes transferred to District Courts, 31.


             Name and style of all, 18.


             United States, exempted from taxation, 4.

             No person to be deprived of, without due process of law, 5.

             Private, not to be taken for public use without just compensation being first made or secured, with exception, 5.

             Reasonable exemption from execution to be provided for, 6.

             Of foreigners, to be protected, 6.

             Separate of wife, may be held by her, 11.

             Of corporations, subject to taxation, 19.

             Assessment and taxation of, to be equal and uniform, 21.

             Of territory to vest in State, 27.


             Name and authority of, 18.

             Existing, not to be affected, 27.


             Cruel or unusual, forbidden, 5.


             Freedom of worship secured, 3-5.

             Not to render witness incompetent, 5.

             Freedom of, not to excuse licentiousness, 5.


             Apportionment of, according to population, 6.


             Of electors to be actual and not constructive, 6.

             For purpose of voting, what not to affect, 7.


             Of laws, how made, 9.

             Of Constitution of State, how made, 26.


             Declaration of, 4, 5, 6.

             Enumeration of, not to impair others, 6.

             Existing, not to be affected, 27.

      Roop County—

             To be attached to Washoe County, for certain purposes, 31.


             Of Judicial officers, not to be increased or diminished during term, 18.

             Of Judicial officers, how paid, 18.

            Certain, may be increased or diminished by Legislature, 25.

             State officers for first term under State Constitution, 28.

             Pay of Senators and Assemblymen, 28.

             Judges of District Courts, 30.

             County officers, etc., to be paid by counties, 31.


             System of common, to be provided, 21.

             Normal and other, may be established, 22.

             State lands, proceeds of sale to be devoted to, 22.

             Special tax for support of, 22.

             Sectarian instruction in, prohibited, 23.

      Scientific Improvement—

             To be encouraged, 21.


             Security against unreasonable, provided for, 6.

             Warrant for, when to issue, 6.

      Seat of Government—

             Located at Carson City, 24.

             Capitol, no appropriation for, to be made for three years, 24.

      Secretary of State—

             Eligibility to office of, 15.

             Election and term of office, 14.

             Powers and duties of, 15.

             Examiners, member of Board of, 15.

             Prison Commissioners, member of Board of, 15.

             Impeachment of, 19.

             Regents, member of Board of, 23.

             Office at seat of government, to keep, 26.

             Salary of, first term under Constitution of State, 28.


             To try all impeachments, 19.

      Senators, State—

             Election of and term of office, 8.

             Eligibility to office of, 8.

             Number of, 8.

             Pay of, 28.

             First apportionment of, 28.

            Classification of, 29.

             Half of number to be chosen biennially, 29.

             Classes of, to be kept equal, 29.

      Senators, United States—

             Election of, 12.


             Election of, to be provided for, 11.


             Forbidden, with exception of involuntary servitude, for punishment of crime, 6.

      Special and Local Laws—

             Forbidden in certain cases, 10.


             Liberty of, secured, 5.

      State Prison—

             Board of Commissioners of, constituted, 15.

             To be established, 23.


             Right of, who entitled to, 6.

             Disqualified from right of, persons convicted of certain crimes, 6.

      Suits against State—

             Provision to be made by law for bringing, 10.

      Superintendent of Public Instruction—

             Impeachment of, 19.

             Election, term of office, and duties of, 21.

             Board of Regents, member of, 23.

             Salary, for first term under Constitution, 28.

      Supreme Court—

             Clerk of, to be elected, 11.

             Justices of, members of Board of Pardons, 14.

             How composed, and quorum of, 15.

             Chief Justice of, who to be, 15-16.

             Election, terms of office, and classification of Justices of, 15-16.

             Terms of, to be held at seat of government, 17.

             Jurisdiction and powers of, 16.

             Fees to own use, Justices not to receive, 18.

             Justices of, ineligible to other than judicial office during term, 18.

             Impeachment of Justices of, 19.

             Chief Justice of, to preside over Senate on trial of impeachment of Governor or Lieutenant Governor, 19.

             Decisions of, publication of, 25.

             Vacancies in office of Justice of, how filled, 31.


             United States property exempt from, 4.

             Special legislation concerning, forbidden, 10.

             Property of corporations subject to, 19-20.

             Property liable to, what, 19-21.

             To be equal and uniform, 21.

             State debt, to pay, 21.

             Exemption from, 21.

             Special school and University tax to be levied, 23.

             Restriction on, 31.

      Territory of Nevada—

             Judicial officers of, when superseded, 18-19.

             Laws of, to remain in force, 27.

             Fines accruing to, to inure to State, 27.

             Recognizances and bonds to, to remain valid, 27.

             Actions commenced in Courts of, to continue, 27.

             Property of, to vest in State, 27.

             Indebtedness of, assumed by State, 28.

             Certain officers of, to continue in office, 29.


             See Cities and Towns—20-31.


             Uniform system of government of, to be provided, 10.


             Defined, 6.

             Evidence necessary to authorize conviction of, 6.

      Treasurer of State—

             Election, term and eligibility, 14.

             Impeachment of, 19.

             Office at seat of government, to keep, 26.

             Salary of, first term under Constitution, 28.

             Fees to own use, not to receive, 28.

             Official bond, to give, 31.


             No money to be drawn from, but on appropriation, 10-11.

             Statement of receipts and expenditures of, to be published with the laws, 11.

             Members of State Legislature to be paid out of, 11.


             By jury, right of secured, 4.

             Rights of accused on, 5.

             In criminal, no person compelled to be a witness against himself, 5.

      United States Government—

             Property of, exempt from taxation, 4.

             Powers of, declared, 4.

             Paramount allegiance due to, 4.

      University, State—

             Establishment to be provided for, 22.

             Departments of learning in, 22.

             Fund created for support of, 22.

             Tax for support of, 22-23.

             Board of Regents of, 23.

             Sectarian instruction prohibited, 23.


             Of Governor, how exercised, 12.

             How law passed over, by Legislature, 12.


             Qualifications of, 6.

             Persons convicted of certain crimes disqualified as, 6.

             Residence of, what not to affect, 7.

             Registration of, to be provided for, 7.

             Poll tax may be required of, 7.

             Military or naval service of the United States, in, 7.


             Separate property of, 11.

             Laws to be passed defining property rights of, 11.

             Registration of separate property of, laws to be passed for, 11.

      Yeas and Nays—

             When to be entered on the Journals of Legislature, 9.

constitution of state—

      Assembly Concurrent Resolution for amendment of, 166.

      Assembly Concurrent Resolution recommending a revision of, 171.

corbett, daniel G. and Wm. H.—

      Act to reimburse, 156.

      Appropriation, 156.

      State Controller to draw warrant, etc., 156.


      Act amendatory of Act to provide for formation of, etc., 68-69.

      Corporate powers of, vested in Board of Trustees, 68.

      Annual election of Trustees, 68.

      Vacancies among Trustees, how filled, 68.

      Removal of officers of corporation, 68.

      Meeting to remove officers of, 68.

      More than majority of stock requisite to, 69.

      Vacancies caused by removals, how filled, 69.

      Certificate of election, the District Judge to grant, 69.

      District Judge to preside at meeting, 69.

      Act to take effect, 69.

county assessor—

      To receipt to County Auditor for movable personal property tax receipts, 70.

      To make monthly statements of, etc., 70.

      Neglect of, to make monthly statement made misdemeanor, 70.

      Penalty for neglect, 70.

      Issuance of other receipt by County Assessor, made felony, 71.

      Penalty, 71.

      Unused receipts, return by County Assessor of, 71.

      Railroads, manner of assessing and valuation of, 105-107.

      To take census of his county in eighteen hundred and seventy-five, 144.

      Oath, etc., 144.

      Compensation for taking census, 144.

COunty auditor—

      Receipt to State Controller for personal property tax receipts to, 70.

      Report, failure of County Assessor to make statement, etc., to District Attorney of county, 70.

      Failure to report to County Assessor, liable on bond for loss to State, 71.

      Unused movable personal property tax, duty with respect to, 71.

      To report to County District Attorney property not assessed, 107.

COunty clerks—

      Notice of appointment of Inspectors of Election, to prepare, etc., 59.

      Jury Fund and attendance of jurors, to keep account of, 138.

      To notify Road Supervisor of election or appointment, 159.

COunty commissioners—

      To provide inclosures for the execution of death penalty, 53.

      May require labor of person imprisoned for petty larceny, 53.

      Election precincts, to establish upon petition, 59.

      Inspectors of Election, to appoint, 59.

      Pardons, receiving notice of application for, to communicate facts, etc., 80.

      County taxes, to levy and collect, 74-75.

      Claims for bounties for destruction of noxious animals, 142.

      Forfeited and expired toll road franchises, powers with respect to, 156.

      Road Districts and Road Supervisors, to establish and appoint, when, 159.

      To vacate road districts, when, 159.

      Money remaining in Road Fund at end of year, Board may apply, how, 160.

      Compensation of Road Supervisor, with limitation, 160.

      Road Fund, powers with respect to, 160.

      Road Fund, Board required to create, 160-161.

      Property tax, when to levy, 161.

      Public road, establishment, change, etc., of, by Board, 161.

      Condemnation of property, etc., for road, powers of Board in, 161.

County treasurers—

      To report to County District Attorney all property not assessed, 107.

      Road Funds, duties with respect to, 160.

courts of justice—

      Act concerning, amended, 119.

crimes and punishments—

      Act to amend an Act concerning, 99-100.

      Embezzlement by bailee, punishment, 100.

      Bailee, defined, 100.

      False pretences, persons guilty of, deemed cheat, 103.

      Punishment, 103.

      Restoration of property, judgment for, 103.

      Defacement or obstruction of Capitol premises made a misdemeanor, 127.

      Punishment, 127.

      Exemption from provisions of Act, 127.

Criminal practice—

      Act amendatory of Act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases, etc., 53.

      Execution of death penalty to be in private, 53.

      Act to amend Act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases, etc., 117-119.

      Challenge to panel or individual grand juror, 117.

      Implied bias, 117.

      Grounds of challenge for implied bias, 118.

      Challenge, how made, 118.

      Trial of challenge, 118.

      Order of challenges, 118.

      Capital cases, formation of jury in, 118.

      Actual bias, 118.

      Peremptory challenges, 119.

      Absent jury, proceedings in event of, 119.

      Arrest of judgment, grounds of, 119.

      Appeal, when to be taken, 119.

      Repeal, 119.


daggett and others, R. M.—

      Granted right of way for railroad from coal mines, in Lyon County, to Virginia City, Nevada, 77.

debt—See State Debt48-49.


      Appropriation for deficiencies in the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth fiscal years, 115-116.

destruction of noxious animals—

      Act to amend Act to provide for, 141-142.

      Bounties to be given for, 141.

      Scalps or skins to be produced, 141.

      Oath and examination of person claiming bounty, 141.

      Justice of Peace, duties under Act, 141.

      County Commissioners to allow claims for bounties, 142.

      Repeal of Act, 142.

district attorneys—

      Prosecute persons violating Act to prohibit cheating and unlawful games, 51-52

      Neglect of duty made misdemeanor, 52.

      Punishment, 52.

      Receiving notice of application for pardon, to communicate facts, etc., 80.

      To report to County Commissioners all property not assessed, when, 107.

      Action against County Assessor, when, etc., 107.

district courts—

      Terms of, 78-79.

      Act to encourage mining, milling, etc., powers and duties under, 111-115.

      Terms of, 119.

district judges—

      To give Act to prohibit cheating and unlawful games in charge to Grand Juries, 52.

      To call meeting to remove officers of corporation, when, 68.

      To give certificates of election to fill vacancies caused by removal of officers of corporations, 69.

      To preside at meetings of stockholders to remove officers of corporations, 69.

      Pardons, receiving notice of applications for, to communicate facts, etc., 80.

      Act for encouragement of milling, mining, etc., powers and duties under, 111-115.

      May establish boundaries, etc., for exemption from jury duty, 138.

divorce—See Marriage and Divorce, 63.

douglas county—

      Senators and Assemblymen of, reapportionment of, 134.

dromedaries—See Camels and Dromedaries53-54.


edwards, T. J.—

      Act to pay claim of, 59-60.


      Act amendatory of Act relating to, 59.

      Election precincts, County Commissioners to establish upon petition, 59.

      Division of election precinct, 59.

      Inspectors of Election, appointment of, 59.

      Notice to Inspectors of their election, 59.

      Service of notice, 59.

elko county—

      Act to legalize State University bonds of, 60-61.

      Bonds legalized, 60.

      Special tax authorized and directed, 60.

      University Interest and Sinking Fund, created, 60.

      Redemption of bonds, 60-61.

      Transfer of balance in University Interest and Sinking Fund to General Fund, 61.

      Recorder of, to make transcript of certain records and deliver them to Eureka County, 67.

      Senators and Assemblymen of, reapportionment of, 134.

esmeralda county—

      Senators and Assemblymen of, reapportionment of, 134.

      Senators, no election for, until eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, 135.

eureka county—

      Act to establish and define boundary lines of, 66-67.

      Boundary lines of, established, 66.

      Recorder of Elko County to make transcript of certain records, 66.

      Compensation of Recorder, 67.

      Act to authorize the issuance of certain bonds, 96-97.

      Issuance of bonds authorized, 96.

      Redemption of bonds, 97.

      Sale of bonds, 97.

      Form and style of bonds, 97.

      Act to create Current Expense Fund for, 100-101.

      Current Expense Fund created, 100.

      Special tax authorized, 100.

      Allowances against the Current Expense Fund, what may be made, 100.

      Surplus in Current Expense Fund, how disposed of, 101.

      Construction of Act, 101.

      Senators and Assemblymen of, reapportionment of, 134.

      Senators of, to be elected in eighteen hundred and seventy-six, terms of, 134.

examiners—See Board of Examiners, 64, 139.



      Act to amend Act to regulate, etc., 147-149.

      Of Sheriff, 147-149.

      Of Constable, 149.

      Of Fire Wardens, on conviction, etc., 110.

      Of Justice of the Peace for appointing fence viewers, 146.

fences—See Partition Fences146-147.

fife, andrew—

      Granting leave of absence to, 180.

fire wardens—

      Act to provide for, in certain cases, 109-110.

      Powers and duties of, 109-110.

      Owner of premises to repair, etc., 110.

      Inflammable matter, removal of, etc., 110.

      Fees of, on conviction, etc., 110.

freeman, M. P.—

      Leave of absence granted to, 181.



      Act to amend an Act restricting, 128-129.

      Gaming without license made misdemeanor, 128.

      Penalty, 128.

      Amount of license, 128.

      Where gaming may be conducted, 128.

      Who to be allowed to engage in, 128.

      Penalty for allowing minor to engage in, 128.

      Sign and advertising device prohibited, 128.

      Violation of provisions of Act made misdemeanor, 128.

      Punishment, 128.

      Sheriff to complain of violation of provisions of Act, 128.

      Conflicting Acts repealed, 129.

gates, willett—

      Act for relief of, 136.


      Commissioner of State Interest and Sinking Fund, created, 48.

great seal of state of nevada—

      Act in relation to, 50.

      Secretary of State to procure, 50.

      Size and design of, 50.

      Use of seal, Secretary of State to have access to and, 50.

      Appropriation for, 50.


hall, W. H.—

      Leave of absence granted to, 175.

hamilton, town of—

      Act to disincorporate, 154-155.

      Town disincorporated, 154.

      County Commissioners of White Pine County created Trustees of, 154.

      Debt of town, how paid, 154.

      Special tax authorized, 154.

      Clerk of Board of Trustees, County Clerk to be, 154.

      Notice of redemption of town debt, 154.

      Transfer of moneys from Town, to Hamilton Debt Fund of the county, 155.

      Cancellation of paid warrants, 155.

      Actions in right of town, 155.

      Balance in Hamilton Debt Fund, transfer of, 155.

      Act to take effect, 155.

hanford, Wm. t.—

      Leave of absence granted to, 181.

harmon, f. H.—

      Leave of absence granted to, 168.

humboldt county—

      Act to authorize County Commissioners of, to issue bonds, 120-121.

      Issuance of bonds authorized, 120.

      Style and amounts of bonds and interest, 120.

      Sale of bonds, 120.

      Former bonds, redemption of, 120.

      Exchange of bonds, 120.

      Notice to holders of former bonds, 121.

      Tax, levy of authorized, 121.

      Court House Interest and Sinking Fund created, 121.

      Purchase of bonds, 121.

      Opening of proposals for sale of bonds, 121.

      Transfer of surplus in fund, 121.

      Senators and Assemblymen of, reapportionment of, 134.


inspectors of election—

      County Commissioners to appoint, 59.


judicial districts—

      Act to redistrict the State, 78-79.

      Terms of Courts of, 78-79.

      Act to take effect, 79.

      Act entitled “An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to redistrict the State of Nevada,’ approved February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine,” approved March seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, repealed, 116.


      Act to amend Act concerning, 137-138.

      Exemption from duty on, 137.

      Bounds may be established, etc., 138.

      Jury Fund and attendance of jurors, Clerk to keep account of, 138.

      Jurors, how paid, 138.

      Act amendatory, etc., of Act concerning, 139.

      Discharge of trial jurors, 139.

justices of peace—

      Destruction of noxious animals, duties under Act provided for, 141.

      Fence Viewers, to appoint, 146.

      Fees for appointing Fence Viewers, 146.

justices of supreme court—

      Contract for publication of Nevada Reports, to approve, 73.

      Proofs of Nevada Reports, to examine, 73.

      To certify amounts due on contract for publication of Nevada Reports, etc., 73.

      Salaries of, to be paid monthly, 126.

      Created Board of Directors of State Library, 150.


kelly, james, and others—

      Right of way for railroad from coal mines, Lyon County, to Virginia City, granted to, 77.


lander county—

      Senators and Assemblymen of, reapportionment of, 134.

legislative funds—

      Act creating, 45.

      State Treasurer to set apart, 45.

      State Controller to draw warrants on, 45.

      Exempted from operations of certain Act, 45.

      Balance in, to revert to General Fund, 45.

liens to mechanics and others—

      Act to secure, and to repeal all other Acts in relation thereto, 122-126.

      Liens, who entitled to, 122.

      Agents for owners, who deemed, 122.

      Liens to laborers on city lots, 122.

      Lands occupied by building, etc., subject to lien, 122.

      Preference of lien, 122.

      Statement, etc., to be filed, 122.

      Verification of statement, 123.

      Liens upon separate buildings, etc., 123.

      Record of claim of lien, 123.

      Limitation of lien, etc., 123.

      Owner of land, with knowledge of construction, etc., when land bound, 123.

      Recovery upon lien, 124.

      Order or rank of liens, 124.

      Consolidation of liens, 124.

      Materials, etc., exempt from attachment, etc., 124.

      Personal action, 124.

      Action on lien, 124.

      Trial of action on liens, 125.

      Sale of premises bound by lien, 125.

      Satisfaction and discharge of liens, 125.

      Assignment of liens, 125.

      Liens for cutting wood and timber, 125.

      Action to be brought, 125.

      Judgment on lien, how satisfied, 126.

      Foundrymen, boilermakers, etc., liens of, 126.

      Repeal of former Act, 126.

lieutenant governor—

      Board of State Capitol Commissioners, to be member and President of, 97.

lincoln county—

      Act to detach territory from Nye County and attach to, 80-82.

      Act to provide for payment of the floating indebtedness of, 129-131.

      Unlawful for County Treasurer to pay certain indebtedness of, 129.

      Redemption Fund authorized, 129.

      Redemption of indebtedness of, 129.

      Bids, how opened, etc., 129.

      Acceptance of bids, proceedings upon, 130.

      Redemption Fund account, Treasurer to keep, 130.

      Classification of outstanding indebtedness, 130.

      Lawful indebtedness only to be redeemed, 130.

      Construction of Act, 130.

      Act to take effect, 131.

      Senators and Assemblymen of reapportionment of, 134.

lynch and others, michael—

      Right of way for railroad from coal mines, Lyon County, to Virginia City, granted to, 77.

lyon county—

      Senators and Assemblymen of, reapportionment of, 134.


marriage and divorce—

      Act amendatory of Act relating to, 63.

      Causes for divorce, 63.

      Repeal of conflicting Acts, 63.

mechanics’ liens—See Liens to Mechanics and others, 122-126.

meder, B. H.—

      Act to pay, 86.

medicine and surgery—

      Who qualified to practice in State, 46-47.

      Physician and surgeon to file and record copy of diploma, 47.

      Affidavit of identification, to make and record, 47.

      Penalty for violation of statute, 47.

      Sheriff, etc., to arrest person violating Act, 47.

      Exemption from provisions of Act, 47.

      Act to take effect, 47.

merrill, george w.—

      Leave of absence granted to, 172.

miller, p. B.—

      Leave of absence granted to, 180.

milling, etc.—

      Act to encourage, 111-115.

mining, milling, smelting, or other reduction of ores in the state of nevada—

      An Act to encourage, 111-115.

      Eminent domain, right of, 111.

      Lands for purposes of, how acquired, 111.

      Verified petition, 111.

      Defendants upon petition, who considered, 111.

      Hearing upon petition, 111.

      Notice of pendency of petition, 111.

      Hearing upon petition, 112.

      Commissioners to be elected, 112.

      Meetings of Commissioners, 112.

      Commissioners, powers and duties of, 112.

      Claims to the compensation assessed, how asserted, 113.

      Objections to report, how made and heard, 113.

      Report of Commissioners, confirmation, 113.

      Reports to be recorded, 113.

      Orders, etc., District Court or Judge may make, 113.

      Defective title, further proceedings thereon, 113.

      Petitioner acquires the land, etc., when, 114.

      Payment to be made, etc., 114.

      Realty of incompetent person, how acquired, 114.

      Voluntary sale of, 114.

      Payment to person entitled, 114.

      “Person” defined, 114.

      Minutes of proceedings, 115.


nevada reports—

      Act to provide for publication and distribution of, 72-74.

      Publication of, directed, 72.

      Clerk of Supreme Court to prepare the decisions for, 72.

      May employ attorney to assist, 72.

      Clerk Supreme Court appointed Commissioner, etc., 72.

      Title and style of reports, 72.

      Advertisements for proposals, etc., 72.

      Approval of contract, etc., 73.

      Bids, how and when opened, 73.

      Term of contract, 73.

      Proofs, etc., examination of, 73.

      Justices of Supreme Court to certify payment, etc., 73.

      Price of reports, 73.

      Bond of publisher, 73.

      Secretary of State to purchase reports, 73.

      Distribution of reports, 73-74.

      Reports distributed, certain to remain public property, 74.

      Repeal, 74.

      Act for preservation and sale of certain, 132-133.

      Secretary of State to keep, for use of Legislature, 132.

      Receipt to be taken, 132.

      Return of copies, etc., when to be made, 132.

      Sale of, price, etc., 132.

      Limitation of sale to any one person, 133

noteware, c. n.—

      Act to reimburse, 85.

      Appropriation, 85.

      Warrant to be drawn, etc., 85.

noxious animals—

      See destruction of noxious animals, 141-142.

nye county—

      Act to detach territory from, and annex to Lincoln County, 80-82.

      Territory detached, 80-81.

      Actions pending, transfer of, 81.

      Suits retained by consent, 81.

      Transcript of land records, Recorder of Nye County to make, 81.

      Compensation of Recorder, 81-82.

      Taxes of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, to be paid to Nye County, 82.

      Nye County debt, Lincoln County to pay portion, 82.

      Act to define and establish boundary line between, and the Counties of Churchill and Esmeralda, 102-103.

      Boundaries established, 102.

      Meridian of longitude, how ascertained, 102.

      Act repealed, 103.

      Act to detach territory from, and annex to White Pine County, 103-105.

      Territory detached, etc., 103.

      Suits pending, transfer of, 104.

      Trial of transferred suits, 104.

      Transcript of records, 104.

      Taxes on property in the transferred territory, 105.

      Nye County debt, payment by White Pine County of portion of, 105.

      Act to take effect, 105.

      Senators and Assemblymen of, reapportionment of, 134.


official bonds—

      Clerk of Supreme Court to give, 84.

ormsby county—

      Act to pay claim of, 58.

      Act for payment of claim of, 127.

      Appropriation to pay claim of, 127.

      State Controller to draw warrant, etc., 127.

      State Treasurer to pay warrant, etc., 127.

      Senators and Assemblymen of, reapportionment of, 134.

orphans’ home—See State Orphans’ Home137, 141.



      Notice of intention to apply for, 79.

      Duty of District Judge, etc., upon receiving notice, 80.

      Oaths, etc., upon hearing, 80.

      False oath, etc., made perjury, 80.

      Punishment, 80.

      Restoration to citizenship, notice not necessary, 80.

partition fences—

      Act to provide for the erection and maintenance of, 146-147.

      Cost of, to be a joint expense, 146.

      Fence Viewers to be appointed, when, 146.

      Fees of Justice and Viewers, 146.

      Oath of Fence Viewers, 147.

      Partition fences defined, 147.

      Improved lands defined, 147.

      Act to take effect, 147.

phippenny, C. L.—

      Act for relief of, 135.

public highways—

      An Act in relation to, 159.

      Road Districts, County Commissioners to establish, 159.

      Road Supervisors, appointment of, 159.

      Road Districts, disorganization of, 159.

      County Clerk to notify Road Supervisors of appointment, 159.

      Vacancy in office of Road Supervisor, how filled, 159.

      Oath and bond of Road Supervisor, 159.

      Action on bond, etc., 159.

      Duties of Road Supervisor, 159.

      List and statement, Road Supervisor to file, 160.

      To pay over money, 160.

      Transfer of moneys from Road Fund to School Fund, 160.

      Compensation of Road Supervisor, 160.

      Road Fund, how used, 160.

      Road Fund, how formed, 160.

      Property tax authorized, 161.

      Payment of tax by labor, 161.

      Enforcement of collection of tax, 161.

      Establishment, change, etc., of public road, 161.

      Condemnation of property for purposes of, 161.

      Road Viewers, to be appointed, 161.

      Action to set aside avowal, 162.

      Damages awarded, how paid, 162.

      Repeal, 162.

putnam, C. A. V.—

      Act for relief of, 133.


rafting and running timber, etc., on rivers in the state of Nevada—

      Act to amend Act to regulate, 61-62.

      List to be posted in office of company, 61.

      Owners of wood to record name, mark, etc., 61-62.

      Certificate of quantity of small or limb wood, 62.

      Division of wood rafted, how made, 62.


      Act to encourage the construction of, from Battle Mountain Station to Austin, 54-57.

      Right of way for, from coal mines in Lyon County to Virginia City, granted, 77.

      Assessment and valuation of, 105-107.


      “An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Washoe County to issue bonds to aid in the construction of a railroad from Carson City to the Central Pacific Railroad,” approved March fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, repealed, 46.

      “Act to provide for the publication of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada,” approved March thirteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and all Acts amendatory thereof, repealed, 74.

      “Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Storey County to issue bonds for school purposes in the Virginia and Gold Hill School Districts, and to provide for the payment of the same,” approved March seventeenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, repealed, 99.

      “Act to define and establish the boundary line between the County of Nye and the Counties of Churchill and Esmeralda,” approved March fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, repealed, 103.

      “An Act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada,” approved March ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and the Acts amendatory thereof, approved March sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, repealed, 106.

      “An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act supplementary to an Act entitled an Act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada,’ approved March ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and the Acts amendatory thereof, approved March sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine,” approved February twenty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, repealed, 106-107.

      “An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to redistrict the State of Nevada,’ approved February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine,” approved March seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, repealed, 116.

      Construction of Act, 116.

      Act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases, etc., certain sections of, repealed, 119.

      “An Act to secure liens to mechanics and others, and to repeal all other Acts in relation thereto,” approved March fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, repealed, 126.

      “An Act to provide for the destruction of noxious animals within this State,” approved March seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, repealed, 142.

      “An Act in relation to public highways,” approved March fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, repealed, 162.

reports—See Nevada Reports, 132-133.

resolutions and memorials—


            Relative to reduction of legislative representation, 165.

            Providing for the appointment of joint committee to visit prison site, etc., 166.

            Relative to amendment of State Constitution, 166.

            Granting leave of absence to James Buckner, 166.

            Providing for appointment of joint committee to visit State University, 167.

            Providing for a joint committee to visit the Asylum at Woodbridge, etc., 167.

            Authorizing committee on new State Prison site to take testimony, etc., 167.

            Relative to mail service from Eureka to Belmont, 168.

            Granting leave of absence to F. H. Harmon, 168.

            Authorizing committee to visit State University to take testimony, etc., 168.

            Relative to importation of Chinese under servile contracts, 169.

            Relative to duty on boracic acid, etc., 169.

            Granting leave of absence to R. L. Chase, 169.

            Relative to tunnel through White Pine Mountain, 170-171.

            Recommending revision of State Constitution, 171-172.

            Granting leave of absence to George W. Merrill, 172.

            Relative to granting pension to surviving veterans of the Mexican War, 172.

            Relative to the establishment of certain colleges at State University, 172-173.


            Relative to inauguration of Governor and installation of Lieutenant Governor, 173-174.

            Relative to printing the Governor’s Message, 174.

            Relative to printing the Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, 174.

            Relative to the Muddy or Moapa Indian Reservation, 174-175.

            Granting leave of absence to W. H. Hall, 175.

            Relative to printing the Report of Directors of State Orphans’ Home, 175.

            Relative to printing Report of Warden of State Prison, 176.

            Relative to printing the Reports of the Bond Commissioners and of the Indigent Insane, 176.

            Relative to the preservation of fish in Truckee River, etc., 176-177.

            Relative to printing Report of Surveyor General and State Land Register, 177.

            Approving course of the President in relation to the Louisiana difficulties, 177.

            Relative to printing Report of State Mineralogist, 178.

            Relative to the exchange of printed bills between the two Houses, 178.

            Relative to printing Majority and Minority Reports of the Regents of State University, 179.

            Relative to the election of a Board of Regents, 179.

            Granting leave of absence to James A. Service, 179.

            Relative to printing Exhibit of Secretary of State, 180.

            Relative to distribution of Report of Warden of State Prison, 180.

            Granting leave of absence to P. B. Miller, 180.

            Granting leave of absence to Andrew Fife, 180.

            Granting leave of absence to M. P. Freeman, 181.

            Granting leave of absence to William T. Hanford, 181.

            Granting leave of absence to John S. Shoemaker, 181.

            Memorial to Congress in relation to the United States Mint at Carson City, Nevada, 182.

            Relative to telegraphing to Congress the memorial in relation to the United States Mint at Carson City, Nevada, 183.

            Relative to the printing of the reports of the special committee empowered to investigate the affairs of the new State Prison, and the evidence elicited before said committee, 183.


      Amendatory Act to provide, for support of State Government, 74-75.

      County tax, County Commissioners authorized to levy and collect, 74-75.

      Act amendatory of Act to provide, etc., 105-107.

      Assessment and valuation of railroads, 105.

      Statement to be furnished, etc., 105.

      Railroad defined, 105.

      Personal property of, how assessed, 106.

      County Assessor, duty of when no statement is furnished, 106.

      Basis of valuation, 106.

      Repeal, 106-107.

      Act amendatory of Act to provide, etc., 107-108.

      County Assessor liable for taxes on property not assessed, when, 107.

      County Auditor and County Treasurer to inform District Attorney, etc., 108.

      District Attorney to report to the County Commissioners, etc., 108.

      Act to amend Act to provide, etc., 108-109.

      Real estate defined, 108.

      Personal property defined, 108-109.

      Act to amend Act to provided, for support of State government, 144-145.

      Licenses, certain required to be taken, 144.

      Bankers defined, 145.

      Common carriers defined, 145.

      Bankers classified, 145.

      Banking licenses, amount of, 145.

      Common carrier, license of, 145.

revision of constitution of state—

      Assembly concurrent resolution for amendment of State Constitution, 166.

      Assembly concurrent resolution recommending, 171.

right of Way—

      Granted for railroad from coal mines, Lyon County, to Virginia City, 77-78.

      Right of way granted, 77.

      Final survey and completion of road, time limited for, 77-78.

      Privileges of general Act conferred, 78.

      Grantees of franchise may form corporation, etc., 78.

rinckle, matthew—

      Act for relief of, 69-70.

roads—See Public Highways159-162.

road supervisors—See Public Highways159-162.

road viewers—See Public Highways159-162.



      Justices of Supreme Court and State officers, Act for monthly payment of, 126.

      Repeal of conflicting Acts, 126.

schools, public—

      Act to amend Act for maintenance and supervision of, etc., 131.

      Vacancies in Board of School Trustees, how filled, 131.

secretary of state—

      Commissioner of State Interest and Sinking Fund, to be, 48.

      Great Seal of State, to procure, 50.

      Great Seal of State, to have access to and use of, 50.

      Nevada Reports, to purchase copies of, 73.

      Board of State Capitol Commissioners, to be member and Secretary of, 97.

      Nevada Reports, to retain copies for use of Legislature, 132.

      Nevada Reports, authorized to sell the same, 132.

senators, state—

      Act for reapportionment of, 134-135.

service, james a.—

      Leave of absence granted to, 179.


      To enforce provisions of Act to prohibit cheating and unlawful games, 51-52.

      To serve notices of the appointments of Inspectors of Election, 59.

      To appoint policemen, who shall be Fire Wardens in certain cases, 109.

      To complain of violations of Act to restrict gaming, 128.

      Fees of, 147-149.

shoemaker, john s.—

      Leave of absence granted to, 181.

smelting, etc.—

      Act to encourage, etc., 111-115.

soda and borax mines—

      Act for taxation of proceeds of, 137.

state board of centennial commissioners—139-140.

state board of regents—

      Act more fully defining powers of, 135.

      Powers of Board of Regents, 135.

      Teacher may be employed, and compensation of, 135.

      Repeal of conflicting Acts, 135.

state capitol—

      Act for protection and improvement of, and grounds, 97-99.

      Appropriation, 97.

      Board of Commissioners, 97.

      Painting of Capitol, 97.

      Fence around grounds, 98.

      Bids for fence, etc., 98.

      Bonds of contractor, 98.

      State Prison Commissioners to furnish stone, 98.

      Water for irrigation of grounds of, contract for, 98.

      Limitation of price of water, 99.

      Power of Board in improving grounds, 99.

      Report of Board of Commissioners, 99.

      Defacement, etc., of premises of, made misdemeanor, 127.

state controller—

      Legislative Funds, to draw warrants on, 45.

      To notify State Treasurer of transfer from General Fund to State Interest and Sinking Fund, 48.

      Commissioner of State Interest and Sinking Fund, 48.

      To draw warrant in favor of S. T. Swift, 57.

      To draw warrant in favor of Treasurer of Ormsby County, 58.

      To draw warrant in favor of John N. Thacker, 58.

      To draw warrant in favor of T. J. Edwards, 59.

      To draw warrant in favor of Matthew Rinckle, 70.

      Personal property tax receipts, to prepare and issue, 70.

      Action against County Auditor, to control, 71.

      To draw warrant in favor of C. N. Noteware, 85.

      To draw warrant in favor of B. H. Meder, 86.

      Board of State Capitol Commissioners, member of, 97.

      To draw warrants in favor of persons named in deficiency bill, 116.

      To draw warrant to pay claim of Ormsby County, 127.

      To draw warrant in favor of C. A. V. Putnam, 133.

      To draw warrant in favor of John Carling, 133.

      To draw warrant in favor of Nancy H. Wilson, 134.

      To draw warrant in favor of C. L. Phippenny, 136.

      To draw warrant in favor of Willett Gates, 136.

      To draw warrants on Centennial Fund, 139.

      To prepare and forward blanks for taking census, 144.

      To transfer certain moneys from Special Land Fund to State School Fund, 144.

      Sale of certain lands belonging to State, authorized by, 150.

      Controller of State to make conveyance, etc., 151.

      To draw warrant in favor of Daniel G. Corbett and William H. Corbett, 157.

state debt—

      Transfer of money from General Fund to State Interest and Sinking fund, 48.

      Application of moneys in State Interest and Sinking Fund, 48.

      Board of Commissioners created, 48.

      Purchase of bonds, 48.

      Exchange of certain bonds authorized, 48.

      State Interest and Sinking Fund created, 48.

      Special tax levied, 48.

      Advertisement for proposals, etc., 49.

      Bids, what may be accepted, 49.

      Report to Legislature, Commissioners to make, 49.

      Repeal of conflicting Acts, 49.

state library—

      Act to amend Act in relation to, 150.

      Board of Directors of, created, 150.

      Powers of Board of Directors of, 150.

state officers—

      Salaries of, monthly payment of, 126.

      Sworn statements of expenditures to be made by, 153.

state orphans’ home—

      Act to amend Act for government and maintenance of, 137.

      Salaries of Superintendent, matron, and teacher, 137.

      Fire escape to be constructed at, 141.

      Limit of outlay for fire escape, 141.

state printer—

      Number of documents to be printed by, 46.

state prison—

      Allowance of money to convict upon discharge, 49.

      Act to take effect, 49.

      Labor and employment of convicts, Board may use or hire, 62.

      Commissioners of, to furnish stone for improvement of Capitol grounds, 98.

      Moneys received for convict labor or manufacture to be paid into Prison Fund, 117.

      Monthly statement of Warden of, 117.

      Quarterly statement of Warden of, 117.

      Conflicting Acts repealed, 117.

state treasurer—

      Legislative Fund, duties concerning, 45.

      To pay warrant in favor of S. T. Swift, 57.

      To pay warrant in favor of Treasurer Ormsby County, 58.

      To pay warrant in favor of John N. Thacker, 58.

      To pay warrant in favor of T. J. Edwards, 60.

      To pay warrant in favor of Matthew Rinckle, 70.

      To pay warrant in favor of C. N. Noteware, 85.

      To pay warrant in favor of B. H. Meder, 86.

      To pay warrant in favor of Ormsby County, 127.

      To pay warrant in favor of C. A. V. Putnam, 133.

      To pay warrant in favor of John Carling, 133.

      To pay warrant in favor of Nancy H. Wilson, 134.

      To pay warrant in favor of C. L. Phippeny, 136.

      To draw warrant in favor of Willett Gates, 136.

      To transfer certain moneys from Special School Fund to State School Fund, 144.

      To pay warrant in favor of Daniel G. Corbett and William H. Corbett, 157.

state university—See State Board of Regents135.

storey county—

      General Fund, Act relative to surplus in, 85.

      Transfer to School Fund, 85.

      Act to repeal Act authorizing issuance of certain school bonds, 99.

      Senators and Assemblymen of, reapportionment of, 134.

surgery—See Medicine and Surgery46-47.

swift, S. T.—

      Act for relief of, 57.



      Special tax levied to pay State debt and interest, 48.

      Tax on proceeds of mines not to go into State Interest and Sinking Fund, 49.

      Taxes on movable personal property, collection of, 70-71.

      State, Act to reduce, 71-72.

      Rate of State taxes, 71.

      State taxes, how apportioned, 72.

      County taxes, County Commissioners to levy and collect, 74-75.

      Borax and soda mines, taxes levied on net proceeds of, 137.

      Taxes on Movable Personal Property—

            Act for collection of, 70-71.

            State Controller to prepare and issue blank receipts, 70.

            County Auditor to receipt for same, 70.

            Monthly returns, County Assessor to make, 70.

            Neglect of County Assessor, etc., made misdemeanor, 70.

            Penalty, 70.

            County Auditor to report neglect of County Assessor, 70.

            Issuance of other receipt by County Assessor, made felony, 71.

            Penalty, 71.

            Failure of County Auditor to report, etc., 71.

            State Controller to control suit against County Auditor, 71.

            Moneys recovered from County Auditor, disposition of, 71.

            Unused receipts, return of by County Assessor, 71.

            County Auditor, duty in regard to unused receipts, 71.

thacker, john N.—

      Act for relief of, 58.

toll roads and bridges—

      Act to amend Act to provide for constructing and maintaining, 156.

      Running toll gate made misdemeanor, 156.

      Punishment, 156.

      Fines collected under Act to go to School Fund, 156.

      Expired and forfeited franchises to vest in county, 156.

      Powers of County Commissioners over expired and forfeited franchises, 156.

town sites—

      Trustees of town sites to record patent or title, 52.

      Sale of unreclaimed lots, etc., 52.

transportation of indigent insane and state convicts—

      Act in relation to, 63-64.

      Expense of transporting convicts and indigent insane, to be a State charge, 63.

      What expenses to be allowed and paid, 64.

      Unnecessary trips, etc., not to be allowed or paid for, 64.

      Acts repealed, 64.


unlawful stock—

      Trespassing stock, person may impound certain, 146.

university—See State Board of Regents135.


virginia city—

      Act amendatory of Act to incorporate, 82-84.

      Board of Aldermen, powers of, 82-84.


washoe county—

      Act entitled “An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Washoe County to issue bonds in aid of the construction of a railroad, from Carson City to the Central Pacific Railroad,” approved March fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, repealed, 46.

      Act to authorize the issuance of certain bonds by, 101-102.

      County Hospital and Poor Farm, establishment of, 101.

      Style of bonds and coupons, 101.

      Sale of bonds, 101.

      Proceeds of sale of bonds, proceeds of, 101.

      Fund for payment of bonds, created, 102.

      Tax continued, certain, 102.

      Size, style, term, etc., of bonds, 102.

      Redemption of bonds, 102.

      Senators and Assemblymen of, reapportionment of, 134.

white pine county—

      Senators and Assemblymen of, reapportionment of, 134.

      County Commissioners of, created Board of Trustees for the disincorporated Town of Hamilton, 154.

      Clerk of, to be Clerk Board of Trustees of Hamilton, 154.

wilson, william F., heirs of—

      Act for relief of, 134.

wood and timber—

      See rafting and running, etc., 61-62.