[Rev. 12/19/2019 5:43:57 PM]
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Assembly Joint Resolution, memorializing Congress relative to federal aid for highway maintenance. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 1–Mr. Boak. Approved February 3, 1928. |
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Assembly Joint Resolution, memorializing the secretary of agriculture of the United States to continue in effect his federal quarantine against importation into the United States of live stock and livestock products from foreign countries where foot-and-mouth disease is known to exist. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 2–Mr. Winter. Approved February 3, 1928. |
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Assembly Joint Resolution, memorializing our senators and representative in Congress to advocate the passage of a bill increasing the present forestry road appropriations. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 3–Mr. David. Approved February 4, 1928. |
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Memorializing Congress relative to reimbursement by the government of the United States for moneys paid by the State of Nevada for military purposes. Senate Joint Resolution No. 2–Senator Fairchild. Approved February 4, 1928. |