[Rev. 5/3/2022 8:43:25 PM]





      By married women, requirements of, 196.


      Lieutenant Governor to be ex officio, 197.

      Act, when to take effect, 197.


      To represent the State before Departments at Washington, D.C.

             To be appointed, 114.

             Compensation of, 114.


      Leave of absence granted to, 227.


      Act to incorporate the, 91-92.

      Lodges of, to be deemed bodies corporate, 91.

      Corporate powers of Lodges of, 91-92.

      Corporate powers vested in Board of Trustees, 92.

      Terms of office of Trustees, and vacancies in, how filled, 92.

      Certificate of election of Trustees, 92.

      Disincorporation of Lodge of, distribution of property upon, 92.

      Reports by Board of Trustees, 92.

APPEALS—From Justices’ Courts—See Civil Practice.


      For Legislative Fund, 45.

      For relief of Mrs. Carrie Pixley, 53.

      For relief of R. Webber and D.B. Collins, 103.

      For relief of John B. Helm, 110.

      For relief of Francis S. Armistead, 110.

      For relief of California institution for education of deaf, etc., 111.

      To pay claim of Alexander Leport, 112.

      To pay claim of Calvin Swift, 112.

      For Contingent Funds of Legislature, 113, 137.

      To pay State’s Agents at Washington, D.C., 114.

      To pay deficiencies in the seventh and eighth fiscal years, 116-117.

      For relief of T.W. Triplett, 129.

      For relief of E. Perasich, 130.

      For support of civil Government of the State for the ninth and tenth fiscal years, 135, 136, 137.

      To pay certain claims for recapture of State convicts in 1871, 165, 166.

      For building State Prison, from State Building Fund, 168.

      For constructing fence, etc., at Orphans’ Home, 169.

      For relief Imperial Silver Mining Company, 169.

      To pay Mrs. Amanda M. Parker, 176.

      To pay for enrolling done during sixth session of Legislature, 179.

      To pay certain claims on Legislative Fund out of General Fund, 181.

      For salary of Lieutenant Governor, 186.

      For publication of eighth and ninth volumes of Nevada Reports, 192.

      To pay for compilation of the laws of Nevada, 222.


      Act for relief of, 110.


      Amendatory Act in relation to, 114.

      License and oath, 114.

      Exempt from service on jury, 128.


      Salary of, 62.

      Claim of, against State, how audited and allowed, 62.

      Act to take effect, when, 62.

      To discontinue action against the sureties of late Eben Rhoades, 99.

      Action to recover orphan escaping from State Orphan Home, 105.

      Constituted President Board of Library Directors, 111.

      Salary as President Board of Directors State Library, 111.

      Action for forfeiture of lottery property, 187.

      Action contesting election of State officer, to prosecute, 208.

      With Secretary of State and Clerk of Supreme Court, to purchase compilation of laws, 222.



      Leave of absence granted to, 230.


      Leave of absence granted to, 227.


      To allow accounts against Orphans’ Home, 104.

      To allow salary of State Agent at Washington, 114.

      To audit accounts for services in selection and sale of State lands, 125.

      To allow expenses of Board of Regents, 167.

      To allow claims under Act for erection of State Prison, 168.

      To audit expenditures of Secretary of State, 178.

      To approve accounts for enrolling, 179.


      To appoint agent at department at Washington, D.C., 114.

      To fix compensation of State Agent at Washington, 114.

      To appoint teacher in State University, 166.

      To draw order on Controller for salary of teacher, 167.

      To control and manage State University, 167.

      Expenses of, to be allowed by State Board of Examiners, 167.

      To direct Treasurer to invest Irreducible University Fund, 167.


      Attorney General made President of, 111.

      Salary of President of, 111.

      Act to continue in force, when, 111.


      Authorized to purchase lands and build State Prison, 168.

      Authorized to use prison labor in building prison, 168.

      Duties and powers in government of State Prison, 181-186.

BONDS, STATE—See State Loan.


      Act to purchase compilation of laws of Nevada from, 222.


      Act for location and taxation of, 187, 188.

      Limitation of taxation of, 187.

      Net proceeds, taxation of, 188.

      Assessment and collection of tax, laws made applicable to, 188.

      Controller of State to prepare and furnish blanks, 188.

BRANDS—See Marks and Brands.



      Act for relief of, 111.


      District Attorney of, salary of, 60.

      County Treasurer of, salary of, 61.

      Judge of Fifth Judicial District, proportion of salary of, 102.

      Fifth Judicial District, to form part of, when, 145.

      Auditor of, salary of, 171.


      Act amendatory of, in relation to action for possession of mining claim where patent is applied for, 50.

      Copies of certain mining instruments made evidence, 63.

      Act amendatory of, in relation to notice of sale upon execution, 75.

      Posting and publication of notice of sale, 75.

      Act amendatory of, in relation to appeals from Justices’ Courts, 101.

      Costs upon appeal from Justices’ Courts, 101.


      With Attorney General and Secretary of State to buy compilation of laws, 222.


      Act for relief of, 103.


      Act to purchase, 222.

      Purchase of compilation of Bonnifield and Healy provided for, 222.

      Limitation of price, 222.

      Provisions of contract, 222.

      Payments, when to be made, 222.

      Controller to draw warrant, 222.

      Appropriation to purchase, 222.


      Amount and conditions of official bond of, 51.

      Exempt from service on juries, 128.

      Cruelty to animals, to make arrests under provisions of Act for prevention of, 141.


      Absence from State

             Of Governor, duties to devolve on Lieutenant Governor, 14.

             Of Governor, on military business of State, to be Commander-in-Chief, 14.

             Of judicial officer, Legislature not to grant leave, 18.

             Of judicial officer, for more than ninety days, to vacate office, 18.


             For libel, truth may be given in evidence, 5.

             But one form of civil, 18.

             Law and equity to be administered in same, 18.


             To Constitution, how made, 26.

             To law, how made, 9.


             Of school moneys to counties, 22.

             Of Senators and Assemblymen, 28.


             For standing army, for not more than two years, 5.

             No money to be drawn from State Treasury except in consequence of, 10.

      Arrest, Civil

             Elector exempt from, when, 7.

             Members of Legislature exempt from, when, 9.

      Assembly, Members of

             When and how chosen, 8.

             Term of office of, 8.

             Qualifications of, 8.


             Sole power of impeachment, 19.

             Majority of all members elected to, necessary to impeachment, 19.


             Bill of, prohibited, 6.

      Attorney General

             How chosen, term and eligibility, 14, 25.

             Member Board State Prison Commissioners, 15.

             Member Board of Examiners, 15.

             Duties of, 15.

             Salary during first term, 28.

             First term of office, 28.


             Excessive, not to be required, 5.

             Persons entitled to, 5.

             Persons not entitled to, 5.


             All elections by people to be by, 7.


             Notes of, not to circulate as money, except, 20.

      Benevolent Institutions—

             To be fostered and supported, 23.

             State may loan credit or subscribe to, 20.

      Board of Examiners—

             Who to constitute, powers and duties, 15.


             Of the State of Nevada, 24.

            Addition to, how made, 24.


             Disqualification of persons convicted of, 9.


             When and how taken, 26.

      Cities and Towns—

             Provision to be made for incorporation of, 20.

             Taxation and debts of, restricted, 20.

             Not to subscribe or become stockholders, except, 20.

             To support own officers, 31.


             Of Supreme Court to be provided for, 11.

             Of County, to be provided for, 11.

             Of County, to be ex officio Clerk of District Court, 11.

             Of Supreme Court, to keep office at Capital, 26.

      Commissioners of State Prison—

             Who to constitute Board of, powers and duties, 15.


             Form of, State officers and District Judges, 14, 31.


             Of State, how amended and revised, 26.

             Debates and proceedings on, to be published, 31.

             Who entitled to vote on adoption of, 32.

             When and how submitted to the people, 33.

             Return of votes on, how made, 33-34.

             When established, 33.

             Of United States adopted, 3.


             Obligation of, not to be impaired, 6.

             Existing under Territorial Government, not to be affected, 27.

      Controller of State—

             How chosen, term of office, and eligibility, 14-25.

             Duties of, 15.

             To keep office at seat of government, 26.

             Salary of, during first term, 28.

             Elected for first term, when to qualify, 30.

             To give official bond, 31.


             May be formed under general laws, 19.

             Special legislation in regard to, prohibited, 19.

             Property of, liable to taxation, 19.

             Property of certain, may be exempt from taxation, 19.

             Dues from, how secured, 20.

             May sue and be sued, 20.

             Right of way for, when to be appropriated, 20.

             Liability of stockholders of, 20.

             Prohibited from circulating notes as money, 20.

             Municipal, powers of, to be restricted, 20.

             State not to be stockholder or loan credit, except, 20.


             Not to become stockholders or loan credit, except, 20.

             Provide for aged and infirm persons, 24.

      County Commissioners

             Election of, to be provided for, and duties, 10.

             County Clerk, ex officio Clerks of, 11.

      County Debts

             Not to be assumed by State, exception, 21.

      County Governments

             System of, to be established, 10.

      County Officers

             Election of, to be provided for, 11.

             To keep offices at county seat, 25.

             Under Territory continued in office, 29.

      Court Fee

             To be provided for, 18.


             Of record and municipal, 18.

             Jurisdiction of municipal, not to conflict with Courts of record, 18.

      Credit of State—

             Not to be loaned, exception, 20.


             Rights of persons charged with, 5.

             Disqualification of persons convicted of, 9.

             Existing prosecutions not affected, 27.


             To enjoy necessary comforts of life, 6.

             Reasonable exemption of property to be secured, 6.

             Imprisonment of, forbidden, exception, 6.


             Limitation of, 20.

             Shall be specially authorized, 20.

             Tax for payment of, to be levied, 21.

             Contracts in excess of limitation, to be void, 21.

             Territorial liabilities to become part of, 28.


             Of public funds, persons guilty of, to be disqualified from holding public office, 9.

             Laws to be passed for punishment of, 9.

      District Attorneys—

             Election of, to be provided for, 11.

             To keep office at county seat, 25.

      District Courts—

             Judges of, how elected, and term of office, 16.

             Original jurisdiction, 17.

             Appellate jurisdiction, 17.

             Powers of, 17.

             Times of holding, to be fixed by law, 17.

             To be held at county seat, exception, 17.

             Judges of, to receive compensation fixed by law, 18.

             Compensation of Judges of, not to be increased or diminished during term, 18.

             Judges of, liable to impeachment, 19.

             Judges of, may be removed by Legislature, 19.

             Salaries of Judges of, 30.

             Salaries of Judges of, how changed, 30.

             Judges of, first elected, how commissioned and when to qualify, 31.

             Vacancies in office of Judges of, how filled, 31.

             Cases in Probate Courts to be transferred to, 31.


             To be encouraged by Legislature, 21.

             Common schools to be provided for, 21.

             Attendance upon public schools, laws to secure general, to be passed, 21.

             Proceeds of lands appropriated for purposes of, 22.

             Proceeds of escheated estates, fines, etc., appropriated for purposes of, 22.

             State University and normal schools to be provided, 22.

             Board of Regents created and powers of, 23.

             Sectarianism in educational institutions prohibited, 23.


             Who entitled to vote at, 6.

             Voter at, privileged from civil arrest, 7.

             Who not entitled to vote at, 6.

             Residence of voters at, in what cases not lost or gained, 7.

             By the people to be by ballot, 7.

             By Legislature to be viva voce, 7.

             Laws to be passed regulating, 7.

             Bribery, etc., laws to be passed prohibiting, 9-11.

             Plurality vote at, to constitute choice, 26.

             Adoption of Constitution, manner of holding for, 33-34.

             Adoption of Constitution, returns of, 34-35.


             Qualifications of, 6-7.

             Who disqualified from being, 6.

             Privileged from arrest, 7.

             Registration of, provision to be made for, 7.


             To be punished as a felony, 9.

             Persons guilty of, disqualified from holding office, 9.

      Executive Department—

             Supreme executive power vested in the Governor, 12.

      Ex Post Facto Law—

             Prohibited, 6.


             Not to be received by judicial officers, except Justices of the Peace, 18.

             Court fee to be provided for, 18.

             Not to be received by certain officers to their own use, 28-30.


             Excessive, not to be imposed, 5.

             Militia, no imprisonment for, in time of peace, 6.

             Collected under penal laws, to go to School Fund, 22.

             Accruing to Territory, to inure to State, 27.

      Fiscal Year—

             When to commence, 20.


             Rights of property of, secured, 6.


             Disqualifications of persons convicted of, 11.


             To sign all laws, 12.

             Supreme executive power vested in, 12.

             How elected, and term of office, 12.

             Who eligible to office of, 13.

             Returns of elections for, how made, 13.

             Plurality of votes to elect, 13.

             In case of tie in election for, Legislature to elect, 13.

             Shall be Commander-in-Chief, 13.

             Shall transact all executive business with officers of the Government, 13.

             May require information in writing from officers of the Executive Department, 13.

             Shall see that the laws are faithfully executed, 13.

             Shall have power to fill vacancies in office, 13.

             May convene Legislature by proclamation, 13.

             Shall communicate with Legislature by message, 13.

             May adjourn Legislature in case of disagreement between the two Houses, 13.

             No person holding office under the United States to hold the office of, 13.

             Shall have power to suspend collection of fines, etc., 14.

             May suspend execution of sentence for treason, 14.

             May grant reprieves for a limited period, 14.

             Shall report to Legislature reprieves and pardons granted, 14.

             Shall constitute one of Board of Pardons, 14.

             Shall be keeper of the Great Seal, 14.

             Shall sign grants and commissions, 14.

             Lieutenant Governor to perform duties of, in certain contingency, 14.

             President pro tem. of Senate to act as, when, 14.

             Shall constitute one of Board of Examiners, 15.

             Shall constitute one of Board of State Prison Commissioners, 15.

             Liable to impeachment, 19.

             To constitute one of first Board of Regents, 23.

             Power to call out militia, 23.

             To keep office at seat of government, 26.

             Salary, for first term of office, 28.


             Forms of, 14.

      Habeas Corpus—

             Writ of, shall not be suspended, except in cases of rebellion or invasion, 5.

             Writ of, may be issued by Supreme and District Courts, and by Justices of such Courts, 16-17.


             Exempt from forced sale, except for taxes, purchase money, improvements, and lien given by consent, 11.

             How alienated, 11.

             Provision to be made by law for recordation of, 11.


             Power of, 19.

             How tried, and who liable to, 19.

             Judgment on, 19.

             Party convicted on, liable to punishment according to law, 19.

      Imprisonment for Debt—

             Forbidden, except in certain cases, 6.


             Persons not to be held to answer for capital or other infamous crimes, except on, 5.

             Prosecutions of, in what name and style conducted, 18.

      Intellectual Improvement—

             To be encouraged, 21.


             Person not to be put in, twice for same offense, 5.


             Not to receive fees for own use, 18.

             Compensation of, not to be increased or diminished during term, 18.

             Salaries of, how paid, 18.

             Ineligible to other office during term for which elected, 18.

             Not to charge juries as to matter of fact, 18.

             Absence from State to vacate office of, when, 18.

             Of Territorial Courts, when superseded, 18.

             Liable to impeachment, 19.

             May be removed from office by Legislature, 19.

             Salaries of, 28-30.

             Salaries of, may be changed, 18-30.

             First elected under Constitution, when to qualify, 31.

      Judicial Decisions—

             Provision to be made for publication of, 25.

             Free for publication to any person, 25.

      Judicial Department—

             Power of, where vested, 15.

             Causes to be removed from Territorial Courts, 28.


             Person charged with powers pertaining to one department of the Government, inhibited from exercising those of another, 8.

             Of Supreme Court, 16.

             Of the District Courts, 17.

             Of Justices’ Courts, 17.

             Of Municipal Courts, 18.


             Right of trial by, secured, 4.

             Trial by, may be waived in certain cases, 4.

             Three fourths of, may find verdict in civil cases, 4.

             Legislature may require unanimous verdict, 5.

             Presentments by, in certain cases before prosecution, 5.

             Qualified electors only, to serve on, 10.

             Crimes which disqualify from serving on, 11.

             Charges to, how to be made, 18.

      Justices of the Peace—

             Numbers, powers, and duties of, to be fixed by law, 17.

             Jurisdiction of, restricted, 17.

             Criminal jurisdiction of, 17.

             Concurrent jurisdiction of, 17.

             Appeals from Courts of, to be fixed by law, 18.

             May receive fees for own use, 18.


             Ex post facto, forbidden, 6.

             Impairing obligations of contracts, forbidden, 6.

             Bill of attainder, forbidden, 6.

             Every law to embrace but one subject, 9.

             Not to be amended or revised by reference to title only, 9.

             May originate in either House of Legislature, 9.

             Local or special, forbidden in certain cases, 10.

             To be general and of uniform operation, 10.

             Enacting clause of, 10.

             Bill, no law enacted except by, 10.

             Must be approved by the Governor, 12.

             How passed over Governor’s veto, 12.

             How bills become, without Governor’s approval, 12.

             Provision to be made for speedy publication of, 25.

             Free to be published by any person, 25.

             Territorial, to remain in force, 27.


             Basis of representation in, 6.

             Election by, viva voce, 7.

             Powers of, vested in Senate and Assembly, 8.

             Sessions to be held at seat of government, 8.

             Sessions of, when to commence, 8.

             Members of, how and when chosen, 8.

             Who eligible to, and terms of office, 8.

             Each House to choose its own officers, and judge of the qualifications of its members, 8.

             How members of, may be expelled, 8.

             May punish for contempt, 8.

             Member not to be appointed to office created during his term, 8.

             Who not eligible to, 9.

             Members privileged from civil arrest, 9.

             Vacancies in, how filled, 9.

             Quorum to do business, 9.

             Journal of proceedings to be kept and published, 9.

             Doors of each House to be kept open, exception, 9.

             Neither House shall adjourn without consent of the other, for more than three days, 9.

             Any bill may originate in either House, 9.

             Laws, what to embrace, and how amended, 9.

             Bills, how read, passed, and signed, 9-10.

             County and township governments to be established, 10.

             Election of County Commissioners to be provided for, 10.

             Compensation of officers and employes of, how drawn and paid, 11.

             Members to receive fixed compensation, 11.

             Duration of sessions, 11.

             To elect United States Senators, 12.

             Bills, when to become laws, 12.

             May be convened by proclamation by Governor, 13.

             In case of disagreement of the two Houses, may be adjourned by the Governor, 13.

             Assembly to have sole power of impeachment, 19.

             Senate to try all impeachments, 19.

             To provide for annual tax, 20.

             Limitation of powers as to creation of debt, 20-21.

             Oath of office, 24.

             Number of members restricted, 25.

             Pay and apportionment of members, 28.

             Terms of members elected at first election, 29.

             Session of first Legislature, when to commence, 29.

             Limitation of powers as to taxation, 31.


             Evidence that may be given in prosecutions or actions for, 5.

      Lieutenant Governor—

             When and how elected, 14.

             Powers and duties of, 14.

             President of the Senate, 14.

             To act as Governor in certain contingencies, 14.

             Eligibility and term of office, 14.

             Elected for first term under Constitution, when to qualify, and term of office, 30.


             Shall not be authorized, 10.

             Sale of tickets in, shall not be allowed, 10.


             Trial of offense in, 5.

             To be subordinate to civil power, 5.

             Standing army not to be kept in time of peace, 5.

             Appropriation for standing army not to be for longer time than two years in time of war, 5.

             Soldiers not to be quartered in house without consent of owner, 6.

             Governor to be Commander-in-Chief, 13.

             Organization of militia, 23.

             Governor may call out militia, when, 23.


             State Treasury, how drawn from, 10-11.

             Statements of receipts and expenditures of, to be published with laws, 10.

             Bank notes and paper, not to circulate as, exception, 20.

      Moral Improvement—

             To be encouraged, 21.

      Oath of Office—

             Form of, 24, 25.


             To form Constitution and State government, 3.

             Prohibits slavery, 3.

             Secures religious toleration, 3.

             Disclaims right and title to public lands, 3.

             Exempts United States property from taxation, 4.


             For submitting Constitution to vote, for ratification or rejection, 32-36.


             Who ineligible to, 8, 9, 25.

             Who disqualified by crime from holding, 9.

             Of Governor, who eligible to, 13.

             Of Lieutenant Governor, who eligible to, 14.

             Of other State officers, who eligible to, 15.

             Justices Supreme Court and District Judges ineligible to other than judicial, 18.

             Tenure of, may be declared, 25.


             Certain judicial, not to receive fees, 18.

             Who impeachable, 19.

             Liable to be punished according to law, whether convicted or not upon impeachment, 19.

             Judicial, how removed from office, 19.

             Not herein provided for, how chosen, 25.

             Certain, not to receive perquisites, 28-30.

             Salaries of certain, 28.

             Territorial, continued, 29.

             State, terms of, 28, 30, 31.

             Of Lander County, special provisions concerning, 29.

             State and judicial first elected, when to qualify, 28.

             To be commissioned by the Governor, 31.

             Of counties, towns, etc., how supported, 31.


             County officers to hold, at county seat, 25.

             State officers, to be kept at seat of government by certain, 26.

      Paramount Allegiance—

             Due to the Government of the United States, 4.


             By whom granted, 14.

             Granted, to be reported to Legislature, 14.


             Disqualifications of persons convicted of, 10, 11.


             Not allowed, except for eleemosynary purposes, 25.


             Right of, secured, 5.

      Poll Tax

             Payment of, to be provided for, 7.


             Political, inherent in the people, 4.

             Military, to be subordinate to civil, 5.


             Of Federal Government declared, 4.

             Of State Government distributed, 8.

      President of the Senate—

             Lieutenant Governor to be, ex officio, 14.

             Powers and duties of, 14.

      President of the Senate pro tem

             To act as Governor, when, 14.


             Liberty of, secured, 5.


             Of United States exempted from taxation, 4.

             No person to be deprived of, except by due process of law, 5.

             Private, not to be taken for public use, without just compensation made or secured, exception, 5.

             Reasonable exemption of, from execution to be provided for, 6.

             Of foreigners to be protected, 6.

             Separate, of wife may be held by her, 11.

             Of corporations subject to taxation, 19.

             Assessment and taxation of, to be equal and uniform, 21.

             Of Territory to vest in State, 27.


             Name and authority of, 18.

             Existing, not affected, 27.


             Cruel or unusual, forbidden, 5.


             Freedom of, secured, 3-5.

             Not to render witness incompetent, 5.

             Freedom of, not to excuse licentiousness, 5.


             To be apportioned according to population, 6.


             Of elector to be actual, and not constructive, 6.

             For purpose of voting, what not to affect, 7.


             Declaration of, 4, 5, 6.

             Enumeration of, not to impair others, 6.

             Existing, not to be affected, 27.

      Roop County—

             To be attached to Washoe County for certain purposes, 31.


             Of judicial officers not to be increased or diminished, 18.

             Of judicial officers, how to be paid, 18.

             Certain, may be increased or diminished by Legislature, 25.

             Of State officers elected first term under the Constitution, 28.

             Pay of Senators and Assemblymen, 28.

             Of Judges of District Courts, 30.

             Of county officers, etc., paid by counties, 31.


             System of common, to be provided for, 21.

             Normal and other, may be established, 22.

             State lands, proceeds of, devoted to, 22.

            Special tax for support of, 22.

             Sectarian instruction in, prohibited, 23.

      Scientific Improvement—

             To be encouraged, 21.


             Security against unreasonable, provided for, 6.

             Warrant for, when to issue, 6.

      Seat of Government—

             Located at Carson City, 24.

             No appropriation to be made for Capitol buildings for three years, 24.

      Secretary of State—

             Who eligible to the office of, 15.

             When elected, and term of office, 14.

             Powers and duties of, 15.

             To be member of Board of Examiners, 15.

             To be member of Board of Prison Commissioners, 15.

             Liable to impeachment, 19.

             To be member Board of Regents, 23.

             Required to keep office at seat of government, 26.

             Salary of, first term under Constitution, 28.


             To try all impeachments, 19.

      Senators, State—

             When elected, and terms of office, 8.

             Who eligible to office of, 8.

             Number of, 8.

             Pay of, 28.

             First apportionment of, 28.

             To be divided into two classes, 29.

             One half to be chosen biennially, 29.

             Two classes of, to be kept equal, 29.

      Senators, United States—

             How and when elected, 12.


             Election of, to be provided for, 11.


             Forbidden, with exception of involuntary servitude for punishment of crime, 6.


             Liberty of, secured, 5.

      State Prison—

             Board of Commissioners of, who to constitute, 15.

                   To be established, 23.


             Right of, who entitled to, 6.

             Persons convicted of certain crimes, disqualified from right of, 6.

      Suits against State—

             Provision to be made by law for bringing, 10.

      Superintendent of Public Instruction—

             Liable to impeachment, 19.

             Election, term of office, and duties of, 21.

             To be member of Board of Regents, 23.

             Salary for first term under the Constitution, 28.

      Supreme Court—

             Clerk of, to be elected, 11.

             Justices of, members of Board of Pardons, 14.

             How composed, and quorum of, 15.

             Chief Justice of, who, 15, 16.

             Election, terms of office, and classification of Justices, 15, 16.

             Terms of, when and where to be held, 17.

             Jurisdiction and powers of, 16.

             Justices of, not to receive fees, 18.

             Justices of, ineligible to office during term, 18.

             Justices of, liable to impeachment, 19.

             Chief Justice of, to preside over Senate on trial of impeachment of Governor or Lieutenant Governor, 19.

             Decisions of, to be published, 25.

             Vacancies in office of Justices of, how filled, 31.


             Special legislation concerning, forbidden, 10.

             Annual tax, sufficient to pay expenses of State, to be levied, 20.

             To be equal and uniform, 21.

             Property liable to, 19-21.

             Property which may be exempted from, 21.

             Special tax for support of common schools and State University, to be levied, 23.

             Restriction on, 31.

      Territory of Nevada—

             Judicial officers of, when superseded, 18-19.

             Laws of, to remain in force, 27.

             Fines accruing to, to inure to State, 27.

             Recognizances and bonds to, to remain valid, 27.

             Actions commenced in Courts of, to continue, 27.

             Property of, to vest in State, 27.

             Indebtedness of, assumed by State, 28.

             Certain officers of, to continue in office, 29.


             Of what to consist, 6.

             Conviction of, how only obtained, 6.

      Treasurer of State—

             How chosen, term of, eligibility, 14.

             Liable to impeachment, 19.

             Office at seat of Government, to keep, 26.

             Salary of, for first term under Constitution, 28.

             Not to receive to his own use, 28.

             Bonds, to give, 31.


             No money to be drawn from, but on appropriation, 10-11.

             Statements of the receipts and expenditures of, to be published with laws, 11.

             Money, how drawn from, 11.

             Members of Legislature to be paid out of, 11.


             By jury, secured, 4.

             Rights of accused on, 5.

             In criminal, no person compelled to be a witness against himself, 5.

      United States Government

             Powers of, declared, 4.

             Paramount allegiance due to, 4.


             To be established, 22.

             Departments of learning in, 22.

             Fund created for support of, 22-23.

             Board of Regents of, 23.

             Sectarian instruction in, prohibited, 23.


             Of Governor, how exercised, 12.

             How law passed over, by Legislature, 12.


             Qualifications of, 6.

             Who not entitled to be, 6.

             Persons convicted of certain crimes disqualified as, 6.

             Residence of, what not to affect, 7.

             Registration of, to be provided for, 7.

             Poll tax may be required of, 7.

             In military or naval service of United States, 7.


             May hold certain property as separate property, 11.

             Laws to be passed defining property rights of, 11.

             Law to be passed providing for registration of separate property of, 11.

      Yeas and Nays—

             When to be entered on Journals of the Legislature, 9.


      To draw warrants on Legislative Contingent Funds, 45.

      To draw warrants favor Mrs. Carrie Pixley, 53.

      To draw warrants for salary of Deputy Treasurer of State, 60.

      Duties under Act to abolish use State revenue stamps, 65.

      To include digest of county statistical reports in annual report, 98.

      To audit cost of printing required by Chapter XXXVII of laws, 98.

      To draw warrant favor of R. Webber and D. B. Collins, 103.

      To draw warrants for accounts against Orphans’ Home, 104.

      To draw warrants favor John B. Helm, 110.

      To draw warrants favor Frances S. Armistead, 110.

      To draw warrant favor of California Institution for education of deaf, etc., 111.

      To draw warrant favor Alexander Leport, 112.

      To draw warrant favor Calvin Swift, 112.

      To draw warrants on Contingent Funds of the Legislature, 113.

      To draw warrant for salary of State Agent at Washington, D. C., 114.

      Duties of, with respect to selection and sale of State lands, 121-124.

      To draw warrant for salary of Deputy State Register, 125.

      To draw warrant favor of T. W. Triplett, 129.

      To draw warrant favor of E. Perasich, 130.

      To draw warrants for claims for the recapture of escaping convicts, 166.

      Salary of teacher in State University, to draw warrant for, 167.

      Investment of Irreducible University Fund, to draw warrant for, 167.

      To transfer from General School Fund to Contingent University Fund, 167.

      To audit accounts for construction of State Prison, 168.

      Imperial Silver Mining Company, to draw warrant favor of, 169.

      To receive from State Treasurer and file as vouchers, certain bank checks, 172.

      To credit Treasurer with amount certain therefor, 173.

      Annual report, to transmit copy to State Printer for printing, 175.

      Annual report, distribution of, 175-176.

      Mrs. Amanda M. Parker, to draw warrant in favor of, 177.

      Enrolling done during sixth session of Legislature, to draw warrant for, 179.

      To cancel outstanding warrants, when, 179.

      To notify Treasurer of canceled warrants, 180.

      To direct Treasurer to transfer amount of canceled warrants to General Fund, 180.

      To draw warrants on General Fund to pay certain claims on Legislative Funds, 181.

      To prepare blanks and instructions concerning tax on borax lands, 188.

      Nevada Reports, to draw warrants for the publication of eighth and ninth volumes of, 192.

      Bonnifield & Healy, to draw warrant favor of, 222.


      Monthly payments of poll tax moneys, 54.

      Treasurer’s receipt, to file with County Auditor, 54.

      Statistical report to County Auditor, to make, 97-98.

      State and county taxes, when to assess, 96.

      Exemption from service on juries, 128.


      Compensation for extending taxes on assessment roll, 63.

      To draw warrants for town indebtedness, 70.

      To furnish Controller with financial statements, 97.

      To deliver circular letter to County Assessor, 97.

      To transmit statistical statement to Surveyor General, 97.

      To deliver blanks, etc., to County Assessor, 98.

      To furnish Road Supervisors with blank receipts, 132.

      Sales of, of the several counties, 171.

      Monthly statements to Controller, to make, 191.


      Duties of, with respect to redemption of town indebtedness, 72.

      Duties and compensation of, under town Act, 74.

      To prepare jury list, 126.

      To keep jury list and jury box, 126.

      To draw trial jurors, 126-127.

      To draw additional trial jurors, 127.

      To select Grand Jurors, 127.

      Exempt from service on jury, 128.

      Duties with respect to Jury Fund, 128.

      To notify Road Supervisors of appointment, 131.

      Duties with respect to bounties for planting and cultivating forest trees, 163.

      Duties under Act relating to elections, 197-215.


      To direct suits for delinquent taxes, 53.

      Powers and duties in government of towns and cities, 67-74.

      One of, to select Grand Jurors, 127.

      State and county tax, may prescribe time for assessment of, 96.

      Road districts and Supervisors, may establish and appoint, 131.

      To transfer moneys from Road Fund to School Fund, when, 131-132.

      To fix compensation of Road Supervisors, 132.

      School tax, to levy, 162.

      To issue warrants for bounties for cultivation of forest trees, 163.

      To allow claims for bounties for destruction of noxious animals, 178-179.

      Duties of, under Act relating to elections, 197-204.


      To keep separate record of marks and brands, 100.

      Fees for recording marks and brands, 100.

      To transmit transcript of record of marks, etc., to adjoining counties, 100.

      Penalty for failure to comply with Act relating to marks and brands, 100.


      Duties of, 157-158.

      May appoint School Trustees, when, 158.

      Compensation of, 159.

      May appoint deputy, 159.

      To draw warrants for pay of teachers, 160.

      To appoint members of Board of Examination, 161.

      To be member of Board of Examination, 161.


      Salaries of, of respective counties, 61.

      Redemption of State stamps, to give notice of, 64.

      To redeem State stamps and transmit the same to Treasurer of State, 64-65.

      Duties under town and city Act, 69-73.

      Road Fund, to create, when, 131.

      School moneys, duties with respect to, 157.

      State moneys, when to pay over, 191.

      Semi-annual settlements with Controller, 191.


      Amendatory Act concerning, 118.

      Exhibiting deadly weapon, made misdemeanor, and punishment, 118.

      Assault, punishment, 118.

      Assault with intent, punishment, 119.

      Assault with deadly weapon with intent, etc., punishment, 119.

      Amendatory Act concerning, 144-145.

      Burglary defined, punishment, 144.

      Burglary upon railroad train defined, and punishment, 144.

      Housebreaking, punishment, 144.

      Housebreaking on railroad train defined and punished, 144.

      Injury to dwelling house, etc., defined and punished, 144.


      Act amendatory of, 62.

      Challenges to jury, several jointly indicted must join in, 62.


      Act for the more effectual prevention of, 141-143.

      Benefits of Act conferred, 141.

      Powers of corporations formed under Act, 141.

      Officers of society, 141.

      Elections, report of, to be made, 141.

      Reports to Legislature, 141.

      Peace officers, duties of, 141.

      Arrests, by officers and members of society, 141.

      Cruelty, defined and inhibited, 142.

      Custody of vehicle, etc., 142.

      Punishment, 143.

      Prosecutions for, how conducted, 143.

      Judgment upon conviction, 143.

      Act not to interfere with certain existing laws, 144.



      In seventh and eighth fiscal years, appropriations to pay, 116-117.


      Suits for, when to be brought, 53.

      Additional penalty in certain cases of suits for, 169-170.


      Treasurer of State may employ, 59.

      Salary of, and how paid, 60.


      Register State Land Office may appoint, 125.

      Salary of, and how and when paid, 125.


      Act to provide for, 178-179.

      Bounties to be given for, 178.

      Application for bounty, how made, 178.

      Justices of Peace, duties of, under provisions of Act, 178-179.

      County Commissioners to allow claims for bounties, 178-179.

      Act to take effect, 179.


      Board of, to have control of the disbursement of appropriation for fencing and planting trees at Orphans’ Home, 169.


      Delinquent taxes, duties with respect to, 53.

      Salaries of, of the several counties, 60-133.

      Salary of, in new county, 60.

      Violations of town ordinances, to prosecute, 73.

      Actions by or against town, duty in, 73.

      Salaries of, how paid, 133.

      Forfeiture of lottery moneys and property, may bring actions for, 187.

      Fee for conviction under Vagrant Act, 190.

      Unlawful holding of office, action by, 207.


      May commit to State Orphans’ Home, 104-105.

      Certificate of, to ability of parent or guardian to support orphan, 106.

      Jury list, to prepare, 126.

      Trial jurors, to draw, 126-127.

      Additional trial jurors, to draw, 127.

      Grand jurors, to select, 127.

      Exempt from service on juries, 127.

      May establish bounds, persons living without which may be exempt from jury duty, 128.

      One for each judicial district, 145.

      Salaries, 145-146, 170.


      District Attorney of, salary of, 60.

      County Treasurer of, salary of, 61.

      Building tax, Commissioners authorized to levy, 118.

      Second Judicial District, to form part of, 145.

      Auditor of, salary of, 171.



      Franchise granted to, 219.

      Benefits of General Railroad Act conferred upon, 219.

      White Pine County to issue bonds to, 219.

      Elko County to issue bonds to, 219.

      Bonds of Elko County, when to issue, 220.

      Bonds of White Pine County, when to issue, 220.

      Delivery of bonds, when to be made, 221.

      Special taxes authorized, 221.

      Survey of road, when to be made, 221-222.


      Oath required of electors before registration, 173-174.

      Act relating to, 197-215.

      General elections, when to be held, 197.

      Election precincts and Inspectors of Election, 197.

      Duties of County Commissioners, 197.

      Sheriff to post notices of, 198.

      Inspectors unwilling to serve, 198.

      Inspectors to fill vacancies, appoint Clerks, etc., 198-199.

      Oath of Inspectors and Clerks, 199.

      Polls, when to be opened and closed, 199.

      Ballot box, to be provided and kept, 199.

      Manner of voting, 199-200.

      Register, force and effect of, 200.

      Poll lists to be compared, 200.

      Poll books, ballot box, etc., upon adjournment, how disposed of, 200.

      Ballots not to be opened or exhibited within certain limits, 201.

      Ballot containing more names for same office than are to be elected, how treated, 201.

      Written and printed names on ballot, which counted, 201.

      Legality of ballot, when questioned, how disposed of, 201.

      Wager or bet upon election, making of, a misdemeanor, 201.

      Deputy Sheriffs may be appointed, 201.

      Challenge to voter, how made, and who competent to make, 201-202.

      Canvass of votes by Inspectors, 202-203.

      Double ballots, or excess of ballots, how treated, 202.

      Counting ballots, 202.

      Entry in poll books, 202-203.

      Returns, how, and to whom made, 203.

      Canvass of returns by County Commissioners, abstracts of votes, 203-204.

      Certificates of election to be issued, 204.

      Compensation of election officers, certificate of County Clerk thereto, 204.

      Abstracts of returns to be transmitted, 204.

      Governor to grant certificates of election, 204.

      Certificates, when not to be withheld, 204.

      Delayed returns, how obtained, 204.

      District elections, canvass of returns of, 205.

      Transmission of election returns, how required to be made, 205.

      Compensation of election officers, 205.

      Contest of election of county or township officer, who competent to make, 205.

      Grounds of contest, 205.

      Malconduct of election officers, how to affect vote of precinct, 205.

      Statement of contest to be filed, 205-206.

      List of illegal votes to be served, 206.

      Want of form not to defeat action, 206.

      Setting and trial of action, 206.

      Certificate of election to issue upon judgment, 206.

      Fees of Sheriff, Clerk, etc., 206.

      Certificate annulled by judgment, 207.

      District Judge, contest of office of, 207.

      Unlawful holding of office, 207.

      Action by District Attorney, and Governor may direct action, 207.

      Complaint, what it may set forth, 207.

      Contesting election of members of Legislature, 207-208.

      Contesting elections of State officers, 208-209.

      Removals from office by civil action, 209.

      Removals from office by criminal action, 209-210.

      Impeachment of State officers, 210-212.

      Fraudulent neglect of officer, etc., 212.

      Refusing to be sworn, etc., made misdemeanor, punishment, 212.

      Fraudulent voting, punishment for, 212.

      Fraudulent discovery of ballot by election officers, punishment, 213.

      Forging or counterfeiting returns, punishment for, 213.

      Bribery, threats, etc., punishment of, 213.

      Entertainments, giving of prohibited, 213.

      Money or property, giving of prohibited, 213-214.

      Bribery, made felony, and punishment of, 214.

      Appointment, promise of, made felony, and punishment of, 214.

      Sale or gift of spirituous liquors forbidden, 214.

      Punishment for, 214.

      Rewards, Governor to issue proclamation offering, 214.

      Copies of law, Secretary of State to print, etc., 215.

      Acts repealed, 215.


      Legislative representation of, 50.

      Terms of Senators and Assemblymen of, 50.

      County Treasurer of, salary of, 61.

      Ninth Judicial District, to constitute, 145.

      Building Fund indebtedness, bonds to be issued for payment of, 150-153.

      Loan to be contracted, 151.

      Bonds, size and form of, 151.

      Interest coupons to be attached, 151.

      Sale of bonds, when to be made, 152.

      Proceeds of bonds, how applied, 152.

      Clerk to keep record of bonds issued, 152.

      Building Fund created, 152.

      Special tax authorized, 152.

      Proceeds of tax, how applied, 152.

      Surplus in Building Fund, how applied, 152.

      Sealed proposals, 152.

      Payment of bonds, when no bids are offered, 153.

      Interest, when to cease to run on bonds, 153.

      Treasurer to reserve funds to pay warrants, 153.

      Expense of preparing bonds, how paid, 153.

      Auditor of, salary of, 171.

      Eastern Nevada Railroad Company, to issue bonds to, 219-220.

      Special railroad tax to be levied, when, 221.


      Act to supply with water, 134.

      Franchise granted Elko Water Company, 134.

      Boundaries of, established, 134.

      Survey and plat of water works, 134.

      Construction of works, when to be commenced, 134.

      Purchase of works by, 134.

      Prior appropriations of water not affected, 134.


      For sixth session Legislature, how paid for, 179.


      Transfers from Indigent Sick and Contingent Funds of, to Redemption Fund, 46.

      County Treasurer to make transfers, 46.

      Conflicting Acts repealed, 46.

      District Attorney of, salary of, 60.

      County Treasurer of, salary of, 61.

      Eighth Judicial District, to constitute, 145.

      Auditor of, salary of, 171.

      County seat, Act to provide for removal of, 180.

      County Commissioners to select county seat, 180.

      County officers to remove offices, 180.

      Vacancy in Board of County Commissioners, how filled, 181.


      Act to create, 107-109.

      Boundaries of, 107.

      Boundary line between, and Lander County to be established, 107.

      County seat of, located, 107.

      Officers of, constituted, 107.

      Petition for county election, 107.

      Election to fill county offices, to be called, 108.

      Terms of officers elected at county election, 108.

      Existing townships and township officers continued, 108.

      Representation in Legislature, 108.

      District Attorney of, salary of, 108.

      County Treasurer of, salary of, 108.

      County Superintendent of Public Instruction of, 108.

      To assume half of Lander County debt, 108.

      Lander County Debt Fund created, 108.

      Commissioners of Eureka and Lander Counties to determine amount of Lander County debt, 109.

      Sixth Judicial District, to form part of, 109, 145.

      Terms of Court in, 109.

      District Judge Sixth Judicial District, to pay half of salary of, 109.

      Suits transferred from Lander County, 109.

      Records, transcript from Lander County, 109.

      Act, when to take effect, 109.

      Public schools of, Act for support of, 113.

      Act to provide funds for current expenses of, 115-116.

      Bonds, County Commissioners to issue, 115.

      Form and amount of bonds, 115.

      Bonds, rate of interest and when payable, 115.

      Sale of bonds, when to be made, 116.

      Proceeds of bonds, how appropriated, 116.

      Interest on bonds, when and where payable, 116.



      Act to provide, for Legislative chambers, 50.

      How appointed and salary of, 50.

      Enrolled, exempt from service of juries, 128.


      Act to encourage cultivation and propagation of, 163-165.

      Possessory right granted to persons engaged in, 163-164.

      Statement of intention to claim possessory right, to be recorded, 164.

      Improvement of possessory right requisite to be made, 164.

      Holder of possessory right to have preferred right to purchase from State of Nevada, 164.

      Penalty for taking fish from waters of land located under Act, 164.

      Conflicting Acts repealed, 164-165.


      Act to encourage growth of, 162-163.

      Bounty for planting and cultivation of, 162-163.

      Time of continuance of bounty, 163.

      Bounties, how paid, 163.

      Proof to be made annually by claimant, 163.

      Exclusion from benefits of Act, 163.

      Trees planted not to add to taxable value of land, 163.

      Injury to trees, etc., made misdemeanor, and punishment, 163.



      Act to incorporate Town of, 77-87.

      Boundaries and wards of, 77.

      Corporate powers of, in whom vested, 77.

      Board of Trustees, how composed and who eligible to, 77-78.

      Marshal and Treasurer to be elected, 78.

      Terms of officers of, and who eligible to, 78.

      Voters at town elections, qualifications of, 78.

      Annual election, when held, 78.

      Laws regulating elections, made applicable, 78.

      Officers elected, when to qualify, 79.

      Board of Trustees, when to organize, 79.

      President Board of Trustees, duties of, 79.

      Vacancy in office, how filled, 79.

      Board of Trustees may appoint certain officers, 79.

      Meetings, quorum, and rules of Board of Trustees, 79.

      Board of Trustees, powers and duties of, 80-82.

      Condemning property for use of town, manner of, 80.

      License taxes, Trustees to fix and collect, 81.

      Board of Health, Trustees to establish, 81.

      Breach of ordinance, Trustees to prescribe punishment for, 82.

      Debt of, limitation of creation of, 82.

      Redemption Fund created, 82.

      Contingent Fund, created, 82.

      Payments out of Redemption Fund, how made, 82.

      Sealed Proposals, 82-83.

      Redemption Fund, what demands to be paid out of, 83.

      Ordinances, bonds, contracts, etc., how signed, 83.

      Transfers from Contingent Fund to Redemption Fund, 83.

      Statement of finances to be made quarterly, 83.

      Receiving and disbursing officers of, to give bonds, 83.

      Marshal, duties of, 83.

      Taxes, assessment and collection of, 84.

      Treasurer, duties of, 84.

      Clerk, duties of, 84.

      Yeas and nays, when to be recorded, 85.

      Actions by the town, 85.

      Justice’s Court in, jurisdiction and powers of, 85.

      Justice of Peace, to receive fees and make reports, 85.

      Attorney for town, fees of, 86.

      Vacancies in offices of, how created and filled, 86.

      Present officers continued, 86.

      Property of former town of, to vest in, 86.

      Public streets and alleys of, Trustees to control, 86.

      Marshal, salary of, 86.

      Former Acts of incorporation repealed, 86.

      Act to take effect, 87.


      To transmit reports of Controller and Surveyor General to Legislature, 98.

      Directors Nevada State Agricultural Society, to appoint two, 138.

      County Commissioners Esmeralda County, to appoint, when, 181.

      President Board of Prison Commissioners, constituted, 182.

      Certificates and proclamations of election, to issue, 204.

      Action for unlawful holding of office, may direct, 207.

      Appoint in place of impeached officer, 212.

      Rewards, to issue proclamations of before election, 214.


HEALY—See Bonnifield and Healy.


      Act for relief of, 110.

HIBERNIANS—See Ancient Order of Hibernians.

HIGHWAYS—See Public Highways.


      County seat removed to Winnemucca, 59.

      County officers to remove offices to Winnemucca, 59.

      County archives and property, County Commissioners to remove, 59.

      County buildings and offices, County Commissioners to provide, 59.

      District Attorney of, salary of, 60.

      County Treasurer of, salary of, 61.

      Fourth Judicial District, to constitute, 145.

      Auditor of, salary of, 171.

      Boundary line between Humboldt and Lander Counties established, 189.


      Act defining the rights of, 193-196.

      Separate property of husband and of wife, defined, 193.

      Community property, what to be, 193.

      Inventory of separate property of wife to be recorded, 193.

      Supplemental inventories to be recorded, 193.

      Recording of inventory to be notice, 193.

      Failure to record inventory, effect of, 193-194.

      Husband to control community property, 194.

      Courtesy and dower not allowed, 194.

      Property tenures of husband and wife, 194.

      Wife may control and dispose of her separate property, 194.

      Disposition of common property upon death of wife, 194.

      Disposition of common property upon death of husband, 194-195.

      Division of common property in case of divorce, 195.

      Earnings of wife not liable for debts of husband, 195.

      Earnings of wife and minor children, when separate property, 195.

      Separate property of husband or wife not liable for debts of the other contracted before marriage, 195.

      Contracts between husband and wife, 195.

      Separation, contract of, 195.

      Necessaries furnished wife, when husband bound for, 196.

      Support of wife, when husband not liable for, 196.

      Support of husband by wife, when required, 196.

      Actions by wife, when she may sue or be sued alone, 196.

      Marriage contracts, 196.

      Marriage contracts to be recorded, 196.

      Failure to record, effect of, 196.

      Minor may make marriage contract, when, 196.

      Acknowledgements of conveyances by married women, how to be made, 196.

      Acts repealed, 196.



      Act for relief of, 169.


      Appointment of, 197.

      Duties of, under Act relating to elections, 197-201.


      Act to tax and regulate, 46-49.

      Authority of agents to be filed, 46.

      Bonds of agents to be filed, 47.

      Conditions of bonds, 47.

      Statements by agents to County Treasurer, 47.

      Who deemed agents of, 47.

      Express companies, when deemed agents of, 47.

      Penalties for violating Act, 48.

      Copy of bond to be filed with County Treasurer, 48.

      Separate bonds for each company required, 48.

      False statements, penalties for making, 48.

      Agents upon whom service may be made, to be appointed, 48-49.

      License tax to be collected from agents of, 49.

      Proceeds of license tax, how disposed of, 49.

      Violation of provisions of Act, made misdemeanor, penalty and punishment, 49.

      Repeal of Acts, 49.


      Sale of, to minors prohibited, 177.

             See Minors.



      Sixth Judicial District, Eureka County to form a part of, 109.

      Terms of Court in Eureka County, 109.

      Seventh Judicial District, salary of Judge of, 119.

      Act to redistrict the State, 145-146, 170.

      Judges for, when to be elected, 145.

      Terms of Court in the several, 145.

      Salaries of Judges of, 145-146.

      Act, when to take effect, 146.


      An Act concerning, 126-129.

      Who qualified to serve on, 126.

      Jury list, how prepared and kept, 126.

      Jury list to be amended and corrected, 126.

      Jury box, how provided and kept, 126.

      Trial juror, how panel drawn, 126.

      Trial juror, how summoned, 127.

      Venire, when returned, 127.

      Additional trial jurors, how drawn and summoned, 127.

      Names of persons known to be exempt from service on, how treated, 127.

      Names in jury box to be exhausted, 127.

      Jury box to be replenished, 127.

      Exemptions from service on, 127-128.

      Boundaries may be established, persons living without which may be exempted, how, 128.

      Jury Fund, 128.

      Pay of jurors from Jury Fund, 128.

      Excuse jurors, Court may, 128.

      Penalty for failure to attend and serve, 129.

      Pay and mileage of jurors, 129.

      Acts repealed, 129.


      Official bonds of, amount and conditions, 51.

      Jurisdiction of, for violation of town and city ordinances, 73.

      Exempt from service on juries, 128.

      Destruction of noxious animals, duties under provisions of Act for, 178.



      Act to provide for selection and sale, 120-125.

      Agents to be appointed to promote interest of State in relation to, 114.

      Compensation of agents, 114.

      State Land Office created, 120.

      Surveyor General to be ex officio Register, 120.

      Register, bond, place of office, etc., 120.

      Duties of Register as to selection and sale of, 120-123.

      Price of, per acre, 121.

      Advertisement for sale of lands acquired by State, 121.

      Applications to purchase, how made, 121.

      Duties of Register, Controller, and Treasurer relative to applications to purchase, not previously acquired by State, 121-122.

      Refunding of purchase money, when and how made, 122-123.

      Notice of register to County Surveyor of application to purchase, 122.

      Duties of Register, Controller, and Treasurer with respect to applications to purchase lands previously acquired by State, 122.

      Agricultural and grazing lands purchased, how paid for, 122-123.

      To revert to State when, 122.

      Timber lands, to be paid for at time of application, 123.

      Warrants, certain kinds of, may be used in payment for, 123.

      Statement of Treasurer to Controller, 123.

      E. Rhoads, deposit receipts issued by, how treated, 123.

      Preferred right of occupant to purchase, 124.

      Conflicting applications to purchase, how tried and disposed of, 124.

      Limitation of purchase, 124.

      Selection by Register, in certain cases, 124.

      Title to, how conveyed, 124-125.

      State Register, salary of, 125.

      Deputy State Register, Register may appoint, 125.

      Deputy State Register, salary of, 125.

      Funds from sale of, how invested, 125.

      Claims for services, expenses, etc., to be audited by Board of Examiners, 125.

      Compensation of United States Receivers, 125.

      Acts repealed, 125.

      Existing rights saved, 125.

      University lands, immediate selection and sale of, ordered, 167.


      District Attorney of, salary of, 60.

      County Treasurer of, salary of, 61.

      School moneys, County Treasurer of, to pay to Eureka County, 108.

      Triplett, T.W., claim of, to be allowed, 130.

      Auditor to draw warrant, 130.

      Fifth Judicial District, to form part of, 145.

      Auditor of, salary of, 171.

      Boundary line between Lander and Humboldt Counties established, 189.


      Act fixing number of officers and employes, defining their duties, and to establish their pay, 153-156.

      Senate officers and employes, 153.

      Assembly officers and employes, 153.

      Salaries of officers and employes, 153-154.

      Duties of officers and employes, 154-155.

      Extra compensation prohibited, 155.

      Close of session of, duties of Secretaries and Clerks at, 155.

      Controller to draw warrant for work at close of session, 155.

      Election of officers and employes, 155.

      Chaplains provided for and compensation fixed, 155.

      Removal of officers and employes, 155.

      Additional officers and employes, election of, prohibited, 155.

      Pay of officers and employes, when to commence, 156.

      Terms of officers holding at time of passage of Act, not affected, 156.

      Acts repealed, 156.


      Act creating, 45.

      State Treasurer to set apart, 45.

      State Controller to draw warrants on, 45.

      Contingent Fund to be set apart from, 45.

      Contingent Funds, how divided, 45.

      Control of Contingent Funds, 45.

      Payment from Contingent Fund, how directed, 45.

      Exempted from operation of certain Act, 45.

      Balance in, how disposed of, 46.

      Contingent Funds of the two Houses created, 113.

      Contingent Fund of the Legislature, how controlled, 113, 137.

      Appropriation for Contingent Funds of the Legislature, 137.

      Claims against, to be paid out of General Fund, when, 181.

      Controller to draw warrants for claims, 181.

      Appropriation to pay certain claims, 181.


      Act for the relief of, 121.


      State Prison Act not to interfere with salary of, 185.

      Appropriation for salary of, 186.

      Controller to draw warrant for salary of, 186.

      Act defining duties and fixing compensation of, 197.

      To be Adjutant General and State Librarian, 197.

      Compensation of, 197.

      Acts repealed, 197.

      Act to take effect, 197.

LIBRARY—See State Library.


      Act to consolidate and find indebtedness of, 54-58.

      Funding Commissioners, Board created, 54.

      Funding Commissioners, duties of, 54-55.

      Bonds for funding, how made and signed, 55.

      Bonds, how and when paid, 55.

      Account of bonds issued, to be kept, 55.

      Interest coupons, 55.

      What warrants and accounts may be funded, 55.

      Fractional sums, how paid, 55-56.

      Redeemed bonds, how disposed of, 56.

      Tax to be levied for payment of bonds and interest, 56.

      Treasurer to provide for payment of interest, 56.

      Sinking Fund created, 56.

      Redemption of bonds, provisions for, 56-57.

      Interest on bonds, when to cease, 57.

      Bonds, when to be paid pro rata, 57.

      Preference, what bonds to have, 57.

      Account of Sinking Fund, County Treasurer to keep, 57.

      Expense of preparing bonds provided for, 57.

      Compensation of Funding Commissioners, 58.

      Notice of funding, when and how given, 58.

      Restriction of debt, 58.

      Penalties for disobeying provisions of Funding Act, 58.

      District Court, powers and duties of, in connection with Funding Act, 58.

      Fines to go to School Fund, 58.

      Transfers from General to Redemption Fund, when to be made, 58.

      District Attorney of, salary of, 60.

      County Treasurer of, salary of, 61.

      Seventh Judicial District, when to constitute, 145.

      Auditor of, salary of, 171.


      Act to prohibit, 186-187.

      Lottery defined, 186.

      Drawing of lottery, made misdemeanor, 186.

      Selling of lottery ticket, made misdemeanor, 186.

      Assisting in lottery, etc., made misdemeanor, 186.

      Lottery office, keep of, made misdemeanor, 186.

      Lottery policies and insurances, misdemeanor to deal in, 187.

      Moneys and properties of, forfeited to State, 187.

      Action for forfeiture, 187.

      Letting of building for lottery purposes, made misdemeanor, 187.

      Punishments of misdemeanors under Act, 187.

      Act to take effect, 187.


      District Attorney of, salary of, 60.

      County Treasurer of, salary of, 61.

      Third Judicial District, when to constitute, 145.

      Auditor of, salary of, 171.

      Finances of, amendatory Act to place upon cash basis, 176.

      Redemption Fund created, 176.

      Tax authorized for redemption purposes, 176.

      Portion of other taxes placed in Redemption Fund, 176.

      Assessment and collection of Redemption Fund tax provided for, 176.



      Act to regulate, 99-101.

      Owners of certain stock to record marks and brands, 99.

      Stock, when to be branded, 100.

      Evidence, mark and brand made primary, 100.

      One mark or brand only for one ranch, 100.

      Penalty for using other brand, 100.

      Cutting of ear, prohibited, 100.

      Counterbrand upon sale of stock, when required, 100-101.

      Mismarking or misbranding stock, penalty for, 101.

      Killing stock, etc., made felony and punished, 101.

MEMORIALS—See Resolutions and Memorials.


      Leave of absence granted to, 231.


      Jurisdiction when patent is applied for, 50.

      Instrument affecting, recorded in County Recorder’s office to impart notice, 63.

      Certified copies of, admitted in evidence, 63.


      Act to prohibit sale of intoxicating drinks to, 177.

      Sale or gift of intoxicating drink to, prohibited, 177.

      Made misdemeanor and punishment of, 177.

      Fines under provisions of Act, how disposed of, 177.



      Appropriation for publication of eighth and ninth volumes of, 192.

      Controller to draw warrants for, 192.

      Disposition of the published volumes, 192.

      Report of Commissioner for publication of, 192.

NOXIOUS ANIMALS—See Destruction of Noxious Animals.


      District Attorney of, salary of, 60.

      County Treasurer of, salary of, 61.

      Salary District Judge Fifth Judicial District, proportion of, 102.

      Fifth Judicial District, when to form a part of, 145.

      Auditor of, salary of, 171.



      Of Justices of the Peace, 51.

      Of Constables, 51.


      School Trustees of District No. 1 to issue interest-bearing warrants, 51.

      Amount of, and when payable, 52.

      Form of and interest on warrants, 60.

      District Attorney of, salary of, 60.

      County Treasurer of, salary of, 61.

      Act amendatory of Act requiring issuance of bonds to Virginia and Truckee Railroad Company, 117.

      Surplus of Interest Fund applied to redemption of bonds, 117.

      Sealed proposals for surrender of railroad bonds, 117.

      Second Judicial District, to form part of, 145.

      Auditor of, salary of, 171.


      Act for government, etc., of State, 103-107.

      Board of Directors created, 103, 192.

      Organization and style of Board, 103, 192.

      Powers of Board, 103.

      Report to Legislature biennially, 103.

      Erection of additional buildings, 104.

      Superintendent, Matron, and Teacher, how appointed, 104.

      Accounts, how audited and paid, 104.

      Salaries of Superintendent, Matron, Teacher, and Secretary, 104.

      Board to receive orphans from Nevada Orphan Asylum, 104.

      Orphans admitted to Home to become wards of the State, 104.

      District Judges may commit orphans to Home, 104-105.

      Education of orphans at the Home, 105.

      Age at which orphans may be admitted,105.

      Majority, age of, when reached, 105.

      Escaping orphan, how recovered, 105.

      Guardian to be appointed for orphan having property, 105-106.

      Discharge of orphan, 106.

      Apprenticed, orphan may be, 106.

      Half orphan may be received, 106.

      Half orphans admitted declared wards of the State, 106.

      Release of half orphans, 106.

      Superintendent and Matron to furnish estimates of supplies, 106.

      Sealed proposals for supplies, 106.

      Directors and Secretary to open proposals to furnish supplies, 106.

      Acts repealed, 107.

      Fencing of, and planting of trees at, appropriation for, 169.

      Act to amend Act for government and maintenance of, 192.

      Administration of, under control of Board of Directors, 192.

      Board of Directors of, how composed, 192.

      Officers of Board, how elected, 192.

      Name and style of Board, 192.


      Leave of absence granted to, 226.



      Memorial relative to claim against United States, 237.


      Act for relief of, 130.


      Exempt from service on juries, 128.


      Act for relief of, 52.


      Office created, 111.

      Attorney General constituted, 111.

      Salary of, 111.

      Act to continue in force, when, 111.


      Act in relation to, 130-133.

      Road districts and Supervisors, how created and appointed, 130-131.

      County Clerk to notify Supervisors of appointment, 131.

      Road Supervisors, oath and bond of, 131.

      Road Supervisors, duties of, 131.

      Road Fund created, 131.

      Transfer of moneys from Road Fund to School Fund, when to be made, 131.

      Road Supervisor, term of office of, 132.

      Road Supervisor, compensation of, 132.

      Road Funds, how applied, 132.

      Road tax provided for, 132.

      Collection of road tax, enforcement of, 132-133.

      Penalty for collecting road tax without giving proper receipt, 133.

      Acts repealed, 133.


      Amendatory Act for the maintenance and supervision of, 156-162.

      State Board of Education, seal, sessions, and record of proceedings of, 156.

      Superintendent of Public Instruction, duties of, 156.

      County Treasurers, duties in regard to school moneys, 157.

      County Superintendents of Public Instruction, duties of, 157-159.

      Compensation of County Superintendent, 159.

      Deputy County Superintendent may be appointed, 159.

      School Trustees, when to be elected, and terms of office, 159.

      Board of School Trustees, duties of, 159-160.

      Conveyance of real estate, powers of Trustees to make, 160.

      Teachers, how employed, dismissed, and paid, 160.

      School Census Marshal, how appointed, and duty of, 160-161.

      Compensation of School Census Marshal, 161.

      Boards of Examination, how constituted, and powers and duties of, 161-162.

      Tax, county school, to be levied, 162.

      Limitation of school tax, 162.

      School month defined, 162.

      Compensation of teachers, 162.

      Acts repealed, 162.



      Act to grant right of way from line of Central Pacific Railroad to Colorado River, 172.

      Act to encourage construction of, from Reno to Susanville, 215-219.

      Amendatory Act concerning the Eastern Nevada Railroad Company, 219-222.


      Assessment of road of, 65.


      Amendatory Act to provide for, 173-174.

      Oath, form of, and when taken, 173.

      Manner of taking oath, 174.


      Amendatory Act providing for incorporation of, 102-103.

      Certificate of election of Trustees or Directors of, to be filed, 102-103.


      Act to encourage construction of railroad from, 215-219.

      Franchise granted, 215.

      Route and gauge of road, 215.

      Washoe County to issue bonds, 216.

      Bonds, when to issue, 216-217.

      Form and amount of bonds, 216-217.

      Interest on bonds, 217.

      Special tax authorized, 218.

      Tax, how assessed and collected, 218.

      Railroad Interest and Sinking Fund created, 218.

      Redemption of bonds, 218-219.

      Sealed proposals, 219.

REPORTS—See Nevada Reports.



             Relative to printing Joint Rules, 225.

             Relative to printing Concurrent Resolution No. 1, concerning Central Pacific Railroad, 225.

             Relative to Report of Board of Regents, 225.

             Relative to printing Report of Commissioners of State Orphans’ Home, 226.

             Granting leave of absence to Frank Owen, 226.

             Providing for joint committee to consider and report on subject of State University lands, 226.

             Continuing case of State of Nevada vs. H.A. Rhoades et al., 227.

             Granting leave of absence to Lemuel Allen, 227.

             Granting leave of absence to Noah Blossom, 227.

             Relative to abandoned military reservations in State of Nevada, 228.


             Relative to printing of Governor’s Message, 228.

             Relative to the printing and distribution of the Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, 228.

             Relative to distribution of printed bills, 229.

             For appointment of committee to examine Bonnifield & Healy’s compilation of laws of Nevada, 229.

             Relative to printing Report of State Controller, 229.

             Relative to printing Report of State Treasurer, 229.

             Granting leave of absence to H.J. Bidleman, 230.

             Granting leave of absence to W.S. Travis, 230.

             Relative to printing proceedings of Joint Convention to elect United States Senator, together with remarks of J.P. Jones, in pamphlet, 230.

             Relative to the extension of the Government surveys in State of Nevada, 231.

             Granting leave of absence to P.B. Miller, 231.

             Relative to printing the Report of the Committee on Centennial Affairs, 231.

             Relative to printing the Report of the State Mineralogist, 232.

             Relative to the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections of the public lands in Nevada, 232.

             Granting leave of absence to James W. Richards, 233.

             Relative to saline, borax, and soda lands, 233.

             Relative to printing Report of Surveyor General, 234.

             Relative to printing Report of Joint Committee to visit the insane, 234.

             Requiring Joint Committee on Bonnifield & Healy’s compilation of laws of Nevada to examine all compilations offered, and to report thereon, 234.

             Relating to the postal telegraph, 235.

             Granting leave of absence to John S. Shoemaker, 235.

             Relative to coal lands in the State of Nevada, 236.

             Relative to claim of E. Penrod against the United States for Indian depredations, etc., 237.

             Relative to the Central Pacific Railroad Company obtaining patents to their lands, 238.

             Relative to mail service between Washoe County and Greenville, California, 239.

             Relative to grant of “franking” privilege by Congress to Governors of States and Territories, 239-240.


      Amendatory Act to provide, for the support of State Government, 53, 61, 64, 65, 96, 191.

             See Delinquent Taxes; Insurance; Borax and Soda Lands; Land; Stamps; State Loan.

RHOADES, EBEN (late State Treasurer)—

      Release of sureties, 99.

      Attorney General to discontinue suit, 99.

      Trial of cause against sureties of, continued for term, 227.


      Suit by State of Nevada against, discontinued, 96.

      Trial of case of State of Nevada against, continued for term, 227.


      Granted leave of absence, 233.

ROADS—See Public Highways.

ROAD SUPERVISORS—See Public Highways.



      Act to compel children to attend, 89-91.

      Parents and guardians required to send their children to, 89-90.

      Trustees to furnish Principal with list, 90.

      Principal of school to report attendance, 90.

      Penalty to be demanded of parent for non-attendance of children, 90.

      Action for penalty, 90.

      Penalty for failure to comply with Act, 90.

      Trustees to furnish books, stationery, etc., when, 90-91.

      Fines collected, how disposed of, 91.

      County Superintendent to publish law, 91.

      Notice of requirements of law, etc., to be posted, 91.


      How constituted, 161.

      Duties and powers of, 161-162.


      How appointed and duties of, 160-161.

SCHOOL TRUSTEES—See Public Schools.


      To appoint fireman for Legislative chambers, 50.

      Act relating to duties of, 177-178.

      Biennial report of, 177-178.

      Expenditures of, to be audited by Board of Examiners, 178.

      To certify to enrolling, 179.

      Secretary Board of Prison Commissioners, constituted, 182.

      Eighth and Ninth Nevada Reports, duties with respect to, 192.

      Messenger for delayed election returns, to send, 204.

      Contest of election of member of Legislature, duties with respect to, 208.

      Election law, to print and distribute copies of, 215.

      With Attorney General and Clerk of Supreme Court, to purchase compilation of laws, 222.


      To appoint deputies in towns, 73.

      To pay claims for labor out of proceeds of executions, when, 77.

      Sessions of District Court, to attend, 115.

      Exempt from service on juries, 128.

      Cruelty, duties under Act for prevention of, 141.

      Mileage for conveying convicts, how certified, 182.

      Access to books and records of State Prison, 184.

      Elections, powers and duties under provision of Act relating to, 197, 198, 201, 203, 206.


      Leave of absence granted to, 235.

SODA LANDS—See Borax and Soda Lands.


      Act to abolish use of, 64-65.

      Use of State revenue stamps abolished, 64.

      Repeal of law not to affect papers issued before date of repeal, 64.

      County Treasurer to redeem outstanding, 64.

      State Treasurer to receive redeemed stamps and turn same over to Controller, 65.

      Treasurer to be credited with defalcations in State stamps, 65.

      Supplemental Act concerning, 173.

      Unstamped papers in certain cases admitted in evidence, 173.


      Act to incorporate, 138-139.

      Nevada State Agricultural Society incorporated, 138.

      Corporate powers of, 138.

      Officers of society, 138.

      Board of Managers, when and how elected, 138.

      Governor to appoint two Directors, 138-139.

      Vacancies in Board of Managers, how filled, 138.

      Membership of society, terms of, how fixed, 138.

      Debt of society, how incurred and limitation of, 139.

      Officers of society, present, constituted, 139.

      Annual meeting, first, when and where held, 139.


      Seal, sessions, and record of proceedings of, 156.


      Created, 168.

      What to constitute, 168.


      Surplus to be paid into State Building Fund, 168.


      Lieutenant Governor to be Librarian of, 197.

      Act, when to take effect, 197.

      Attorney General constituted President Board of Directors of, 111.

             See President Board of State Library Directors.


      Amendatory of Act of February 27th, 1871, authorizing a, 94-95.

      Surplus after paying interest, how disposed of, 94.

      Sealed proposals, Commissioners to advertise for, 94-95.

      No bids received, surplus to be invested, 95.

      Amendatory of Act of February 27th, 1871, authorizing a, 95-96.

      Surplus after paying interest, how disposed of, 95.

      Sealed proposals, Commissioners to advertise for, 95-96.

      No bids received, surplus to be invested, 96.


      To render statements of disbursements, 137.

STATE ORPHANS’ HOME—See Orphans’ Home.


      Election of, provided for, 52.

      Term of office of, 52.

      Oath and bond of, 52.

      Annual reports of Treasurer and Controller, to print copies of, 175.


      Act to provide for erection of, 168.

      Prison Commissioners authorized to build, 168.

      Capacity of, 168.

      State Building Fund created, 168.

      State Building Fund tax provided for, 168.

      Prison labor may be used in building, 168.

      Claims under provisions of Act to be allowed by Board of Examiners, 168.

      Acts repealed, 168.

      Act to provide for the government of, 181-186.

      Government of, in whom vested, 181.

      Powers of Board of Commissioners of, 182.

      Officers of Board of Commissioners of, 182.

      Record of Board to be kept, 182.

      Warden of State Prison, when selected, 182.

      Salary of Warden, limitation of, 182.

      Duties and residence of Warden, 182-183.

      Monthly estimates of supplies, 182.

      Accounts and salaries, how certified, 183.

      Sealed proposals for supplies, 183.

      Labor of convicts, Commissioners to control, 183.

      Employment of convicts away from prison permitted, 183.

      Escape of convict when employed away from prison, responsibility for, 183.

      Boundaries of prison extended over places of labor of convicts, 184.

      Moneys received from prison labor and material, how disposed of, 184.

      Secretary of Board of Commissioners to report to Controller, 184.

      Actions for money due for prison labor or material, 184.

      Inspection of books, papers, and records of, 184.

      Divine service at, provided for, 184.

      United States criminals received at, 184.

      Expenses of United States criminals, 184.

      Rules and regulations of, 184.

      Penalties for violations of rules, etc., 184-185.

      Cruel and barbarous punishment of convicts prohibited, 185.

      Commutation of term for good behavior, 185.

      Rules and regulations concerning commutation of punishment to be established, 185.

      Report of debits and credits to be made to Governor, 185.

      Bond of Warden, 185.

      Acts repealed, 185.

      Repeal not to affect salary of Lieutenant Governor as ex officio Warden, 186.

      Appropriation for salary of Lieutenant Governor, 186.

      Controller to draw warrants, 186.


      Surveyor General to be ex officio, 120.

      Bond of, 120.

      Office at seat of government, to keep, 120.

      Maps of surveyed land, to procure, 120.

      To furnish maps to County Surveyors, 120.

      Duties of, in selection and sale of State lands, 120-123.

      To notify County Surveyors of applications to purchase, 122.

      Duties of, in case of conflicting applications to purchase, 124.

      Salary of, 125.

      Deputy Register, may appoint a, 125.


      Act for allotment of, 190.

      Allotment of, when and how made, 190.

      Classification and terms of office of, 190.


      Act to locate and provide, etc., for, 166.

      University located at Town of Elko, 166.

      Land and building to be furnished by Elko, 166.

      Board of Regents to appoint teacher, when, 166.

      Salary of teacher, limitation of amount, and how paid, 167.

      Control of University, Board of Regents to have, 167.

      Selection and sale of University lands, 167.

      Irreducible University Fund created, and how invested, 167.

      Contingent University Fund created, 167.

      Claims against, to be allowed by State Board of Examiners, 167.

      Transfer of money from General School Fund of State to University Contingent Fund, when to be made, 167.

      Permanent establishment of, at Elko, 167-168.

      Acts repealed, 168.


      Old outstanding, to be canceled, when, 179.


      County Assessors to furnish County Auditors with statement of county statistics, 97.


      District Attorney of, salary of, 60.

      County Treasurer of, salary of, 61.

      Act authorizing County Commissioners to issue school bonds of, 139-141.

      Amount and form of bonds, and when payable, 139-140.

      Sale of bonds, how made, 140.

      Proceeds of bonds, how appropriated, 140.

      School Bond Interest and Sinking Fund created, 140.

      Surplus of Fund, how applied, 140.

      Sealed proposals to surrender bonds, 140-141.

      First Judicial district, to constitute, 145.

      County Auditor of, salary of, 171.


      Member of Board of Directors of State Orphans’ Home, 103, 192.

      Apportionment of school moneys to Lander and Eureka Counties, how to be made, 113.

      Duties of, under provisions of Act for the maintenance and supervision of public schools, 156.


      To furnish County Auditors with circular letter for Assessors, 97.

      To include digest of county statistical reports in annual report, 98.

      To insert part of Act in circular to County Assessors, 98.

      To furnish blanks to County Auditors, 98.

      Member of Board of Directors of State Orphans’ Home, 103, 192.


      Act to encourage construction of railroad from Reno to, 215-219.

             See Reno.


      Act to pay claim of, 112.



      Delinquent taxes, when suits to be brought, 53.

      In disputed territory between counties, where paid, 66.

      Receipt issued by one county, defense to suit for taxes in the other, 66.

      In towns and cities, authorized, 67.

      In towns and cities, when to be levied, 69.

      To be levied, 69.

      State and county, time of levy, 96.

      Lien of State and county, when to attach, 96.

      Assessment of State and county, when to be made, 96.

      Road tax provided for, 132.

      School tax, when and how levied, 162.

      Delinquent taxes, additional penalty in certain cases, 169-170.

      Borax and soda lands, 188.


      Boundaries of, County Commissioners to define, 66.

      Suits by, County Commissioners to institute, 66.

      Tax, County Commissioners to levy, 67.

      Streets and alleys, County Commissioners to lay out and control, 67.

      Condemn property, County Commissioners may, 67.

      Fires and fire apparatus, powers of Commissioners, 67.

      Gunpowder, etc., to regulate storage of, 67.

      Nuisances, definition and abatement of, 67.

      Licenses, County Commissioners to fix and collect, 67.

      Disorderly conduct, to prevent, 68.

      Town property, Commissioners to hold and manage, 68.

      Breach of ordinance, to prescribe punishment for, 68.

      Ordinances, County Commissioners to adopt, 68.

      Condemning property, manner of, 68.

      Tax, amount of fixed by County Commissioners, 69.

      Tax, general laws made applicable to collection of, 69.

      Tax, moneys collected to be paid into County Treasury, 69.

      General Fund and Redemption Fund established, 69.

      Transfer from General Fund to Redemption Fund, 70.

      Fees and salaries and expenses of government paid out of General Fund, 70.

      Claims, allowed by County Commissioners, 70.

      Auditor to draw warrant, 70.

      Warrant, form of, 70.

      County Treasurer to pay warrant, 70.

      County Treasurer to post notice, 70.

      Actions against, when to be commenced, 70.

      Disincorporation of, duties of County Commissioners, 71.

      Bonds issued for debt of disincorporated, 71.

      Redemption of bonds, 71-73.

      Sealed proposals, 72.

      Duties of Treasurer, 72.

      Acceptance of bids, 72.

      Justice of the Peace, jurisdiction of violations or ordinances, 73.

      District Attorney to conduct prosecutions, 73.

      District Attorney to defend actions against, 73.

      Sheriff, duties with respect to, 73.

      Licenses, Deputy Sheriff to collect, 73.

      Street Commissioner, Sheriff may designate a deputy as, 73.

      Persons convicted of violating ordinances, how disposed of, 73.

      County Treasurer, duties of and liability, 73.

      County Treasurer, compensation of, 74.

      County Clerk, duties and compensation, 74.

      Meetings of County Commissioners and compensation, 74.

      Provisions of Act not to apply to county business, 75.

      Petition required before Act to take effect, 75.

      Conflicting Acts repealed, 75.


      Leave of absence granted to, 230.


      Duties concerning legislative funds, 45.

      To pay warrant favor of Mrs. Carrie Pixley, 53.

      Authorized to appoint a deputy, 59.

      To pay warrant for salary of deputy, 60.

      To notify County Treasurers to settle State stamp accounts, 64.

      To turn over State stamps to Controller of State, 65.

      To be credited with stamps lost by defalcation, upon settlement, 65.

      Sureties of Eben Rhoades, late, released, 99.

      To pay warrant favor of Webber & Collins, 103.

      Director of State Orphans’ Home, 103, 192.

      To pay warrant favor John B. Helm, 110.

      To pay warrant favor Francis S. Armistead, 110.

      To pay warrant favor of California Institution for Education of Deaf, etc., 111.

      To pay warrant favor of Alexander Leport, 112.

      To pay warrant favor of Calvin Swift, 112.

      Selection and sale of State lands, duties with respect to, 121-124.

      To pay warrant for salary of Deputy State Register, 125.

      To pay warrant favor of E. Perasich, 130.

      To pay warrant for salary of teacher in State University, 167.

      Investment of Irreducible University Fund, to make, 167.

      To pay warrant favor Imperial Silver Mining Company, 169.

      Safe keeping of State moneys, bonds, etc., duties with respect to, 171.

      Using public funds, inhibited from, 171.

      To return certain bank check vouchers to Controller of State, 172.

      To be credited with amount of certain bank checks, 172-173.

      Books, papers, etc., open to inspection, 175.

      Monthly report to Controller, to make, 175.

      Penalty for failure to comply with Act, 175.

      Annual report, to transmit copy to State Printer for printing, 175.

      Distribution of annual report, 175-176.

      To pay warrants for enrolling, 179.

      Canceled warrants, not to pay, 180.

      To transfer amount of canceled warrants to General Fund, 180.

      To pay warrants drawn on General Fund, to pay claims on Legislative Fund, 181.

      To pay warrants drawn for salary of Lieutenant Governor, 186.

      To pay warrants favor of Bonnifield and Healy, 222.


      Act for relief of, 129.


UNIVERSITY—See State University.



      Act concerning, 189-190.

      Vagrants defined, 189-190.

      Punishment of, 190.

      Labor on public works, may be required to, 190.



      Act to protect wages of labor, 76-77.

      Made preferred claims, 76.

      Amount preferred, and when rendered, 76.

      Due from estates of deceased persons, made preferred claims, 76.

      Notice by claimant to officer executing process, 76.

      Action to enforce disputed claim, 76-77.

      Claims to be paid pro rata, when, 77.


      District Attorney of, salary of, 60.

      County Treasurer of, salary of, 61.

      Hospital debt of, Act to fund, 87-88.

      Tax, County Commissioners to levy, 87.

      Assessment and collection of tax, 87.

      Hospital Redemption Fund, created, 87.

      Redemption of County Hospital indebtedness, how made, 87.

      Accepted bids, how paid, 88.

      Balance of Fund transferred to General Fund, 88.

      Act to take effect, 88.

      Building Fund, Act to transfer from Building to Indigent Sick Fund, 89.

      Transfer by County Commissioners, 89.

      Funds transferred to be replaced, 89.

      Act to take effect and be in force, when, 89.

      Act for temporary use of moneys of Building Fund, 92-94.

      Moneys in Building Fund applied to purchase of other county indebtedness, 92-93.

      Notice of sealed proposals, 94.

      Bids and proposals, how disposed of, 93-94.

      Moneys to be returned to Building Fund, when, 94.

      Discount, no claim to be purchased without some, 94.

      Second Judicial District, to form part of, 145.

      Auditor of, salary of, 171.

      School bonds, Act to authorize Trustees of District No. 10 to issue, 174.

      Bonds, when to issue, 174.

      Amount of, and interest on bonds, 174.


      Act for relief of, 103.


      Act to consolidate and fund indebtedness of, 146-150.

      Board of Funding Commissioners created, 146.

      Funding Commissioners, duties of, 146-147.

      Bonds to be issued, how made, signed, etc., 146.

      Bonds, how and when paid, 147.

      Account of bonds issued, how kept, 147.

      Interest coupons to be annexed to bonds, 147.

      What warrants and accounts may be funded, 147.

      Warrants to issue for fractional sums, 147.

      Redeemed bonds, now disposed of, 147.

      Tax for payment of interest, to be levied, 148.

      Treasurer to provide for payment of interest, 148.

      Sinking Fund created, 148.

      Redemption of bonds, provisions for, 148-149.

      Sealed proposals, 149.

      Interest on bonds, when to cease, 149.

      Pro rata payment of bids, when made, 149.

      Preference in payment, what bonds to have, 149.

      Treasurer to keep account of Sinking Fund, 149.

      Expenses of preparing bonds, how paid, 149.

      Compensation of Funding Commissioners, 150.

      Notice of funding, when and how given, 150.

      Payment of warrants made unlawful, etc., 150.

      Penalty for disobedience of provisions of Funding Act, 150.

      Grand Jury, Act to be given in charge to, 150.

      District Court, powers and duties of, in connection with funding, 150.

      Fines to be paid into County School Fund, 150.

      Acts repealed, 150.

      Act for relief of, 188-189.

      Moneys received by, from sureties of Lewis Cook, to be carried into proper Funds, 189.

      State’s claim to moneys received by, from sureties of Lewis Cook, released, 189.

      Eastern Nevada Railroad Company bonds to issue to, 219-221.

      Special railroad tax to be levied, 221.

             See Eastern Nevada Railroad Company.


      Amendatory Act concerning, 102.

      Married women may dispose of separate property absolutely, 102.

             See Husband and Wife.