[Rev. 12/19/2019 5:39:45 PM]


κ1926 Statutes of Nevada, 5th Special Session, Page 1κ



Passed at the



DECEMBER 4 AND 5, 1926



[Senate Bill No. 1–Senator Cowles]


Chapter 1–An Act to create a legislative fund.


[Approved December 5, 1926]


The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:


      Section1.  For the purpose of paying the mileage and the per diem of members of the present legislature, the salaries of the attaches, and the incidental expenses of the respective houses thereof, the state treasurer is hereby authorized and required to set apart, from any money now in the general fund not otherwise especially appropriated, the sum of three thousand, five hundred ($3,500) dollars, which shall constitute the legislative fund.

      Sec.2.  The state controller is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrants on said fund in favor of the members and attaches of the senate and assembly, for per diem, mileage, stationery allowance, compensation, and incidental expenses of the respective houses, when properly certified to in accordance with law, and the state treasurer is hereby authorized and required to pay same.

      Sec.3.  All monies remaining in said fund at the adjournment of the legislature shall revert to the general fund.










Legislative appropriation, $3,500





Duties of controller and treasurer




Residue to revert





[Senate Bill No. 2–Senator Henderson]


Chap. 2.–An Act to authorize any county of this state, under certain conditions, to reconvey to the person, persons, association or corporation from whom the same was acquired, or his, their or its heirs, assigns or successors, upon such terms as may be prescribed by the board of county commissioners, its right, title and interest in any land theretofore donated and dedicated to the county, either solely or as a coowner for a public park, public square, public landing, agricultural fair ground, aviation field, automobile parking ground for the accommodation of the traveling public, or land held in trust for the public for any other public use or uses, and prescribing the method of such reconveyance, and other matters relating thereto.



κ1926 Statutes of Nevada, 5th Special Session, Page 2 (CHAPTER 2, SB 2)κ












Board of county commissioners may reconvey lands donated and dedicated for public purposes





















Petition to be verified

square, public landing, agricultural fair ground, aviation field, automobile parking ground for the accommodation of the traveling public, or land held in trust for the public for any other public use or uses, and prescribing the method of such reconveyance, and other matters relating thereto.


[Approved December 5, 1926]


The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:


      Section1.  The board of county commissioners of any county in this state may, upon petition signed by electors of such county equal in number to at least 51% of the number of votes cast in such county for representative in Congress at the last preceding general election, reconvey, upon such terms as may be prescribed by the order of such board of county commissioners, all the right, title and interest of said county in and to any land donated and dedicated for a public park, public square, public landing, agricultural fair ground, aviation field, automobile parking ground for the accommodation of the traveling public, or land held in trust for the public for any other public use or uses, or any part thereof, to the person or persons, association or corporation from whom such land was acquired or to his, their or its heirs, assigns or successors, whether such land is held solely by such county or as tenant in common with any municipality or other political subdivision of this state under dedication to the same public use or uses, in any case where such land has been theretofore donated and dedicated to said county, or to such county and such coowner, for any of the use or uses hereinbefore mentioned; provided, it shall be determined by a resolution of such board of county commissioners that the maintenance by such county either solely or in connection with such coowner of such public park, public square, public landing, agricultural fair grounds, aviation field, automobile parking ground for the accommodation of the traveling public, or public land for the purposes specified in the instrument or instruments of donation or dedication, is unnecessarily burdensome upon said county, or that such reconveyance will be advantageous to said county and its citizens. Upon the adoption of such resolution, without other formalities or requirements, a deed of reconveyance on behalf of said county shall be executed under the hand of the chairman of the board of county commissioners, attested by the county clerk under the seal of said county.

      Sec.2.  The signatures to the petition mentioned in section 1 of this act need not all be appended to one paper, but each signer shall add to his signature his place of residence. One of the signers of each such petitions shall swear that the statements therein made and the signatures therein set forth are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.


κ1926 Statutes of Nevada, 5th Special Session, Page 3 (CHAPTER 2, SB 2)κ


are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. Such petition, so verified, shall be prima-facie evidence that each of the signers thereof is an elector of such county.

      Sec.3.  This act shall take effect from and after its passage and approval.



In effect





[Senate Bill No. 3–Senator Henderson]


Chap. 3–An Act to authorize any incorporated city of this state, under certain conditions, to reconvey to the person, persons, association or corporation from whom the same was acquired, or his, their or its heirs, assigns or successors, upon such terms as may be prescribed by the governing board of such city, its right, title and interest in any land theretofore donated and dedicated to the city, either solely or as a coowner, for a public park, public square, public landing, agricultural fair grounds, aviation field, automobile parking ground for the accommodation of the traveling public, or land held in trust for the public for any other public use or uses, and prescribing the method of such reconveyance, and other matters relating thereto.


[Approved December 5, 1926]


The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:


      Section1.  The governing board of any incorporated city in this state may, upon petition signed by electors of such city equal in number to at least 51% of the number of votes cast in such city for representative in Congress at the last preceding general election, reconvey, upon such terms as may be prescribed by the order of such governing board, all the right, title and interest of said city in and to any land donated and dedicated for a public park, public square, public landing, agricultural fair ground, aviation field, automobile parking ground for the accommodation of the traveling public, or land held in trust for the public for any other public use or uses, or any part thereof, to the person or persons, association or corporation from whom such land was acquired or to his, their or its heirs, assigns or successors, whether such land is held solely by such city or as tenant in common with any municipality or other political subdivision of this state under dedication to the same public use or uses, in any case where such land has been theretofore donated and dedicated to said city, or to such city and any such coowner, for any of the use or uses hereinbefore mentioned; provided, it shall be determined by a resolution of such governing board that the maintenance by such city, either solely or in connection with such coowner of such public park, public square, public landing, agricultural fair grounds, aviation field, automobile parking ground for the accommodation of the traveling public, or public land for the purposes specified in the instrument or instruments of donation or dedication is unnecessarily burdensome upon said city, or that such reconveyance will be advantageous to said city and its citizens.



















Governing board of city may reconvey lands donated and dedicated for public use


κ1926 Statutes of Nevada, 5th Special Session, Page 4 (CHAPTER 3, SB 3)κ









Petition to be verified






In effect

public, or public land for the purposes specified in the instrument or instruments of donation or dedication is unnecessarily burdensome upon said city, or that such reconveyance will be advantageous to said city and its citizens. Upon the adoption of such resolution, without other formalities or requirements, a deed of reconveyance on behalf of said city shall be executed under the hand of the mayor or chairman or other presiding officer of such governing board as the case may be, attested by the city clerk under the seal of said city.

      Sec.2.  The signatures to the petition mentioned in section 1 of this act need not all be appended to one paper, but each signer shall add to his signature his place of residence. One of the signers of each such petitions shall swear that the statements therein made and the signatures therein set forth are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. Such petition, so verified, shall be prima-facie evidence that each of the signers thereof is an elector of such city.

      Sec.3.  This act shall take effect from and after its passage and approval.

