[Rev. 5/3/2022 8:45:24 PM]




ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, concerning conveyances of real estate.

      how taken out of the State, 54.

      heretofore legally taken, to remain valid, 54.

      vested rights under, to be protected, 54.

      County Recorders empowered to take, 107.

APPROPRIATION, for legislative expenses, 55.

      to pay Britton & Gray for services, 61.

      to pay A. C. Ellis for services, 65.

      for preparation and sale of State bonds, 83, 86.

      for support of Nevada Orphan Asylum, 103.

      for publication of Nevada Reports, 109.

      for support of the Indigent Insane, 112.

      for support of Civil Government of the State, for seventh and eighth fiscal years, 149.

      for support of State Prison, 151.

      for support of Orphans’ Home, 151.

      for support of Deaf, Dumb and Blind, 151.

      for furnishing State Capitol, 152.

      statement of expenditure of certain, to be made by State officers, 152.

      to reimburse E. B. Hancock, 153.

      to pay salary of land agents at Washington, 152.

      to pay deficiencies in the fifth and sixth fiscal years, 160, 161, 162.

ATTORNEYS AT LAW, qualifications of applicants for admission as, 148.

      examination of applicants for admission as, 148.

      how licensed, 148.

      names of, to be entered on roll of District Court, 148.

      license fees of, and how appropriated, 148.

      penalty for practicing as, without license, 149.

AVERILL, JOHN W., act for the relief of, 108.


BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF INDIGENT INSANE, board, of whom composed, 111.

      powers and duties of, 112.

BOARD OF EXAMINERS to audit and allow claims in connection with selection and sale of State lands, 139.

      duties of, in relation to State Capitol Fund, 154, 155.

BOARD OF REGENTS to appoint agent to represent the State in land cases at Washington, D. C., 61.

      compensation of such agent, 61.

      to fix prices for State lands, 136.

BRITTON & GRAY, appropriation to pay for services of, 61.

      warrants in favor of, when to be drawn, 62.


CAVANAUGH, PETER, provisions for relief of, 154.

CHINESE LABOR, prohibited on certain works, 62, 78, 153.

CHURCHILL COUNTY, released from certain claims of Humboldt County, 57.

      unpaid warrants of, to be returned and destroyed, 57.

      treasurer of, to transfer moneys to General Fund, 79.

      redemption fund of, created, 140.

      redemption of indebtedness of, when and how made, 140.

      duties of county officers of, in redemption of indebtedness, 141.

      what claims to be paid out of redemption fund of, 142.

      surplus funds of, to be transferred to redemption fund, 142.

CITIES AND TOWNS ON PUBLIC LANDS, amendatory Act to regulate execution of trusts in behalf of inhabitants of, 163.

      notice of reception of patents of lands in, when and how to be given, 163.

      statement to be made by claimant of land in, 163.

      claims for land in, when debarred, 163.

      claims for land in, how made for minors, insane persons, and married women, 163.

      claimant’s deed to land in, to be made on payment of purchase money and expenses, 164.

      limitation of fees for deeds to lands in, 164.

      certain claimants not affected by this Act, 164.

      trusts how executed in case of disability or absence of trustee, 164.

CIVIL PRACTICE ACT, Act amendatory of, in relation to summons in Justice’s Courts, 103.

CLAIMS OF STATE VS. UNITED STATES, Act for prosecution and settlement of, 130.

      commissioner for settlement of, to be appointed, 130.

      duties of commissioner of, 130.

      evidence to be furnished to commissioner of, 130.

      moneys arising from, how disposed of, 130.

      compensation of commissioner of, 130.

CONCEALED WEAPONS, Act to prohibit carrying of, repealed, 117.


      Absence from State.

             of Governor, duties to devolve on Lieut.-Governor, 16.

             of Governor, on military business of State, to be commander-in-chief, 16


             but one form of civil, 20.

             law and equity to be administered in the same, 20.


             to constitution, how made, 28.


             of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

      Assembly, Members of.

             when and how chosen, 10.

             term of office of, 10, 31.

             to be qualified electors.


             to have sole power of impeachment, 21.

             majority of all members elected to, necessary to impeachment, 21.


             bill of, prohibited, 8.


             how chosen, term and eligibility, 17.

             duties of, 17.

             liable to impeachment, 21.

             salary of, 30.


             excessive, not to be required, 7.

             persons entitled to, 7.

             persons not entitled to, 7.


             all elections by people to be by, 9.


             not to issue paper to circulate as money, 22.

      Benevolent Institutions.

             to be fostered and supported, 25.

      Board of examiners.

             who to constitute, 17.

             powers and duties of, 17.


             of the State of Nevada, 26.

             addition to, how made, 26.


             disqualification of persons convicted of, 11.


             when and how taken, 28.

      Cities and Towns.

             provision to be made for incorporation of, 22.

             taxation and debts of, restricted, 22.


             of Supreme Court to be provided for, 13.

             of District Court to be provided for, 13.

             of County, to be ex-officio clerk of District Court, etc., 13.

             of Supreme Court, to keep his office at capitol, 28.

      Commissioners of State Prison.

             who to constitute board of, 17.

             powers and duties of, 17.


             form of, of State officers and District Judges, 16, 33.


             of State, how amended and revised, 28.

             debates and proceedings on, to be published, 33.

             who entitled to vote on adoption of, 34.

             when and how submitted to the people, 35.

             return of votes on, how made, 35, 36.

             when established, 36.

             of United States adopted, 5.


             obligation of, not to be impaired, 8.

             existing under territorial government, not to be affected, 29.

      Controller of State.

             how chosen and term of office, 17.

             eligibility to office of, 17.

             duties of, 17.

             required to keep office at seat of government, 28.

             compensation of, 30.

             required to give bond, 33.

             duties of, in connection with State loans, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85.


             may be formed under general laws, 21.

             special legislation in regard to, prohibited, 21.

             property of, liable to taxation, 22.

             property of certain, may be exempt from taxation, 22.

             dues from, how secured, 22.

             may sue and be sued, 22.

             right of way for, when to be appropriated, 22.

             liability of stockholders of, 22.

             prohibited from circulating notes as money, 22.

             municipal, to be restricted, 22.

             State shall not be stockholder in, except such as are educational or charitable, 22.


            to provide for aged and infirm persons, 26.

      County Commissioners.

             election of, to be provided for, 12.

             duties of, to be prescribed, 12.

      County Debts.

             not to be assumed by State-exception, 23.

      County Governments.

             system of, to be established, 12.

      County Officers.

             election of, to be provided for, 13.

             required to have offices at county seat, 27.

      Court Fee.

             to be provided for, 20.


             of record, 20.

             municipal, 20.

      Credit of State.

             not to be loaned-exception, 22.


             rights of person charged with, 7.

             disqualification of persons convicted of, 11.

             existing prosecutions of, not affected, 29.


             to enjoy necessary comforts of life, exempt from seizure, 8.

             imprisonment of, forbidden-exception, 8.

      Debts, State.

             limitation to creation of, 23.

             shall be specially authorized, 23.

             tax for payment of, to be levied, 23.

             when liabilities exceed certain sum, contracts to be void, 23.

             territorial liabilities to become part of, 30.


             of public funds, person guilty of to be disqualified for holding office, 11.

            laws to be passed for punishment of, 11.

      District Attorneys.

             election of, to be provided for, 13.

             required to have office at county seat, 27.

      District Courts.

             judges of, how elected, and term of office, 18.

             original jurisdiction of, 19.

             appellate jurisdiction of, 19.

             powers of, 19.

             times and places of holding, to be fixed by law, 19.

             judges of, to receive compensation fixed by law, 20.

             compensation of judges of, not to be increased or diminished during term, 20.

             judges of, liable to impeachment, 21.

             terms of, when to commence, 32.

             salaries of judges of, 32.

             salaries of judges of, how changed, 32.

             vacancies in office of judges of, how filled, 33.

             cases in Probate Courts to be transferred to, 33.


             to be encouraged by legislature, 23.

             common schools to be provided for, 23.

             lands appropriated for purposes of, 24.

             sale of land for purposes of, how made, 24.

             proceeds of such sales, how used, 24.

             State University and Normal Schools to be provided for, 24.

             special tax for, to be levied, 25.

             Board of Regents created, and powers of, 25.

             sectarianism in educational institutions prohibited, 25.


             who entitled to vote at, 8.

             voter at, privileged from civil arrest, 9.

             who not entitled to vote at, 9.

             residence of voters at, in what cases not gained or lost, 9.

             to be by ballot, 9.

             by legislature to be viva voce, 9.

             laws to be passed regulating, 9.

             laws to be passed prohibiting bribery, etc., at, 13.

             manner of holding, for adoption of constitution, 35, 36.

             returns of, on adoption of constitution, 37.


             qualifications of, 8.

             who disqualified from being, 9.

             privileged from arrest, 9.


             to be punished as a felony, 11.

             person guilty of, to be disqualified from holding office, 11.

      Executive Department.

             supreme executive power vested in the Governor, 14.

      Ex Post Facto Law.

             prohibited, 8.


             not to be received by judicial officers, except justices of the peace, 20.

             not to be received by certain officers for their own use, 30, 32.


             excessive, not to be imposed, 7.

             accruing to territory, to inure to State, 29.

      Fiscal Year.

             when to commence, 22.


             rights of property of, secured, 8.


             disqualification of persons convicted of, 13.


             supreme executive power vested in, 14.

             how elected, and term of office, 15.

             who eligible to office of, 15.

             returns of elections for, how made, 15.

             plurality of votes to elect, 15.

             in case of tie in election for, legislature to elect, 15.

             shall be commander-in-chief, 15.

             shall transact all executive business with officers of the government, 15.

             may require information in writing from officers of the executive department, 15.

             shall see that the laws are faithfully executed, 15.

             shall have power to fill vacancies in office, 15, 33.

             may convene legislature by proclamation, 15.

             shall communicate with legislature by message, 15.

             may adjourn legislature in case of disagreement between the two houses, 15.

             no person holding office under the United States to exercise the office of, 15.

             shall have power to suspend collection of fines, etc., 16.

             may suspend execution of sentence for treason, 16.

             may grant reprieves for a limited period, 16.

             shall report to legislature reprieves and pardons granted, 16.

             shall constitute one of Board of Pardons, 16.

             shall be keeper of the great seal, 16.

             shall sign grants and commissions, 16.

             Lieutenant-Governor to perform duties of, in certain contingency, 16.

             salary of, 30.


             forms of, 16.

      Habeas Corpus.

             writ of, shall not be suspended except in cases of rebellion or invasion, 7.

             writ of, may be issued by Supreme and District Courts, and by justices of such courts, 18, 19.


             exempt from forced sale, except for taxes, purchase money or improvements, 13.

             how alienated, 13.

             provisions to be made by law for recordation of, 13.


             how tried, and who liable to, 21.

             judgment on, 21.

             party convicted on, liable to punishment according to law, 21.

      Imprisonment for Debt.

             forbidden, except in certain cases, 8.


             persons not to be held to answer for capital or other infamous crime, except on, 7.

             prosecutions of, in what style conducted, 20.

      Intellectual Improvement.

             to be encouraged, 23.


             not to receive fees for own use, 20.

             compensation of, not to be increased or diminished during term, 20.

             salary of, how paid, 20.

             ineligible to other office during term for which elected, 20.

             not to charge juries as to matters of fact, 20.

             office of, when deemed vacated, 21.

             of territorial court, when superseded, 21.

      Judicial decisions.

             provisions to be made for publication of, 27.

             free for publication to any person, 27.

      Judicial Department.

             power of, where vested, 17.

             causes to be removed from territorial courts, 30.


             of the Supreme Court, 18.

             of the District Courts, 19.

             of Justice’s Courts, 19.

             of Municipal Courts, 20.


             right of trial by, secured, 6.

             trial by, may be waived in civil cases, 7.

             three fourths of, may find verdict in civil cases, 7.

             presentments by, in certain cases before prosecution, 7.

             crimes which disqualify from serving on, 13.

             charges to, how to be made, 20.

      Justices of the Peace.

             number, power and duties of, to be fixed by law, 19.

             jurisdiction of, restricted, 19.

             criminal jurisdiction of, 19.

             concurrent jurisdiction of, 19.

             appeals from courts of, to be fixed by law, 20.

             may receive fees for own use, 20.


             ex post facto, forbidden, 8.

             impairing obligations of contracts, forbidden, 8.

             bill of attainder, forbidden, 8.

             every law to embrace but one object, 11.

             not to be revised or amended by reference to title only, 11.

             local or special, forbidden in certain cases, 12, 21.

            to be general and of uniform operation, 12.

             enacting clause of, 12.

             must be approved by the Governor, 14.

             how passed over Governor’s veto, 14.

             how bills may become, without Governor’s approval, 14.

             provision to be made for speedy publication of, 27.

             free to be published by any person, 27.

             territorial, to remain in force, 29.

      Legislative Department.

             basis of representation in, 8.

             election by, viva voce, 9.

             powers of, vested in Senate and Assembly, 10.

             members of, how and when chosen, 10.

             who eligible to, and terms of office, 10.

             each house to choose its own officers, and judge of the qualifications of its members, 10.

             how members of, may be expelled, 10.

             may punish for contempt, 10.

             member not be appointed to office created during his term, 10.

             who not eligible, 11.

             members privileged from arrest, 11.

             vacancies in, how filled, 11.

             quorum to do business, 11.

             journal of proceedings to be kept and published, 11.

             doors of each house to be kept open, exception, 11.

             neither house shall adjourn without consent of the other, for more than three days, 11.

             any bill may originate in either house, etc., 11.

             laws, what to embrace, and how amended, 11.

             bills how read, passed and signed, 11, 12.

             county and township governments to be established, 12.

             election of county commissioners to be provided for, 12.

             compensation of members, how drawn and paid, 13.

             members to receive fixed compensation, 13.

             duration of sessions, 13.

             to elect United States Senators, 14.

             bills when to become laws, 14.

             legislature may be convened by proclamation of the Governor, 15.

             in case of disagreement of two houses, may be adjourned by the Governor, 15.

             Assembly to have sole power of impeachment, 21.

             Senate to try all impeachments, 21.

             legislature to provide by levying annual tax, for support of State government, 22.

             limitation of powers as to creation of debts, 23.

             oath of office, 26.

             number of members restricted, 27.

             pay and apportionment of members, 30.

             terms of members elected at first election, 30.

             sessions of legislature, when to commence, 30.

             limitation of powers as to taxation, 33.


             evidence that may be given in actions for, 7.


             when and how elected, 16.

             powers and duties of, 16.

             president of Senate, pro tempore, to act as, in certain contingency, 16.

             eligibility and term of office, 16.

             to act as Governor in certain contingency, 16.


             shall not be authorized, 12.

             sale of tickets in, shall not be allowed, 12.


             to be subordinate to civil power, 7.

             standing army not to be kept in time of peace, 7.

             appropriation for standing army not to be for longer than two years in time of war, 8.

             soldiers not to be quartered in house without the consent of owner, 8.

             governor to be commander-in-chief, 15.

             organization of militia, 25.

             when Governor may call out militia, 25.


             when to be drawn from State treasury, 12, 13.

             statement of receipts and expenditures of, to be published with laws, 12.

      Moral Improvement.

             to be encouraged, 23.

      Oath of Office.

             form of, 26.


             to form Constitution and State Government, 5.

             prohibits slavery, 5.

             secures religious toleration, 5.

             disclaims right and title to public lands, 6.

             exempts United States property from taxation, 6.


             for submitting Constitution to vote, for ratification or rejection, 34, 37.


             who ineligible to, 11, 27.

             who disqualified by crime from holding, 11.

             of Governor, who eligible to, 15.

             of other State offices, who eligible to, 17.

             tenure of, may be declared, 27.


             certain judicial, not to receive fees, 20.

             who impeachable, 21.

             how tried for misdemeanors, 21.

             judicial, when superseded, 21.

             not herein provided for, how chosen, 27.

             certain, not to receive perquisites, 30.

             salaries of certain, 30.

             territorial, to continue, 31, 32.

             State, terms of, 31, 32.

             of Lander County, special provisions concerning, 31.

             certain, not to receive fees for their own use, 32.

             State and judicial, first elected when to qualify, 32, 33.

             to be commissioned by the Governor, 33.


            of county officers, to be held at county seats, 27.

             of certain State officers, to be kept at seat of government, 28.

      Paramount Allegiance.

             due to the government of the United States, 6.


             by whom granted, 16.

             granted, to be reported to legislature, 16.


             disqualifications of persons convicted of, 13.


             not allowed, except for eleemosynary purposes, 27.


             right of, secured, 7.


             payment of, to be provided for, 9.


             political, inherent in the people, 6.


             of federal government declared, 6.

             of State government, distributed, 10.

      President of the Senate.

             Lieutenant-Governor to be, ex officio, 16.

             powers and duties of, 16.


             liberty of, secured, 7.


             of United States, to be exempt from taxation, 6.

             no person to be deprived of, except by due process of law, 7.

             private, not to be taken for public use without just compensation made or secured, 7.

             of foreigners to be protected, 8.

             separate, of wife, may be held by her, 13.

             of territory to vest in State, 29.


             existing, not affected, 29.


             cruel or unusual, forbidden, 7.


             freedom of, secured, 5, 7.

             not to render witness incompetent, 7.

             freedom of, not to excuse licentiousness, 7.


             to be apportioned, according to population, 8.


             for purpose of voting, what not to affect, 9.


             declaration of, 6, 7, 8.

             enumeration of, not to impair others retained, 8.

             existing, not to be affected, 29.

      Roop County.

             to be attached to Washoe, for certain purposes, 33.


             of judicial officers, not to be increased or diminished, 20.

             of judicial officers, how to be paid, 20.

             certain, may be increased or diminished by legislature, 27.

             of State officers, 30.

             pay of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

             of judges of District Courts, 32.


             system of common, to be provided for, 23.

             Normal and other, may be established, 24.

             special tax for the support of, 25.

             sectarian instruction in, prohibited, 25.

      Scientific Improvement.

             to be encouraged, 23.


             security against unreasonable, provided for, 8.

             warrant for, when to issue, 8.

      Seat of Government.

             located at Carson City, 26.

             no appropriation to be made for capitol buildings for three years, 26.

      Secretary of State.

             who eligible to the office of, 17.

             when elected, and term of office, 17.

             powers and duties of, 17.

             to be member of Board of Examiners, 17.

             to be member of Board of Prison Commissioners, 17.

             liable to impeachment, 20.

             required to keep office at seat of government, 28.

             salary of, 30.

      Senators, State,

             when elected and term of office, 10.

             who eligible to office of, 10.

             number of, 10.

             to try all impeachments, 21.

             pay of, 30.

             to be divided by lot into two classes, 31.

             one half, to be chosen biennially, 31.

             two classes of, to be kept equal, 31.

      Senators, United States.

             when and how elected, 11.


             election of to be provided for, 13.


             forbidden, exception, 5, 8.


             liberty of, secured, 7.

      State Prison.

             to be established, 26.

             who to constitute Board of Commissioners of, 17.


            right of, who entitled to, 8, 9.

             persons convicted of certain crimes disqualified from, 9.

      Suits against State.

             provisions to be made by law, for bringing, 12.

      Superintendent of Public Instruction.

             liable to impeachment, 21.

             election, term of office, and duties of, 23.

             salary of, 30.

      Supreme Court.

             clerk of, to be elected, 13.

             justices of, members of Board of Pardons, 16.

             how composed and quorum in, 17.

             election, term of office, and classification of justices of, 17.

             when and where terms of, to be held, 17.

             jurisdiction and powers of, 18.

             justices of, not to receive fees, 20, 30.

             justices of, ineligible to office during term, 20.

             justices of, liable to impeachment, 21.

             Chief Justice of, to preside over Senate on trial of impeachment of Governor or Lieutenant-Governor, 21.

             decisions of, to be published, 27.

             vacancies in office of justices of, how filled, 33.


             special legislation concerning, forbidden, 12.

             to be equal and uniform, 23.

             property liable to, 23.

             property which may be exempted from, 23.

             restriction on, 33.

      Territory of Nevada.

             judicial officers of, when superseded, 21.

             laws of, to remain in force, 29.

             fines accruing to, to inure to State, 29.

             recognizances and bonds of, to remain valid, 29.

             actions commenced in courts of, to continue, 29.

             property of, to vest in State, 29.

             indebtedness of, assumed by State, 30.

             certain officers of, to continue in office, 31, 32.

      Treasurer of State.

             how chosen, term and eligibility, 17.

             liable to impeachment, 21.

             to keep his office at seat of government, 28.

             salary of, 30.

             not to receive fees for his own use, 30.

             required to execute bonds, 33.


             no money to be drawn from, but on appropriations, 12.

             statement of the receipts and expenditures of, to be published with the laws, 12.

             money when to be drawn from, 13.

             members of legislature to be paid out of, 13.


             by jury, secured, 6.

             rights of accused on, 7.

             no person subject to, twice for same offence, 7.

             in criminal, no person compelled to be witness against himself, 7.

      United States Government.

             powers of, declared, 6.

             paramount allegiance due to, 6.


             to be established, 24.

             departments of learning in, 24.

             fund created for support of, 25.

             Board of Regents of, 25.

             sectarian instruction in, prohibited, 25.


             of Governor, how exercised, 14.


             qualifications of, 8.

             who not entitled to be, 8.

             persons convicted of certain crimes, disqualified as, 8.

             residence of, what not to affect, 9.

             registration of, to be provided for, 9.

             poll-tax may be required of, 9.

             in military or naval service of United States, 9, 37.


             may hold certain property, as separate property, 13.

             laws to be passed defining property rights of, 13.

             law to be passed providing for registration of separate property of, 13.

      Yeas and Nays.

             when to be entered on journal of legislature, 11.

CONTROLLER OF STATE, duties of, concerning Legislative Fund, 55.

      to draw warrant in favor of State Land Agent, 61.

      to draw warrant in favor of Britton & Gray, 62.

      to draw warrant in favor of A. C. Ellis, 65.

      duties of, concerning State School Fund, 66.

      duties of, in connection with State loans, 81-86.

      to draw warrant in favor of J. W. Averill, 108.

      to draw warrant in favor of Supreme Court Commissioners, for publishing Nevada Reports, 109.

      when to draw warrants in favor of State Agent for settlement of claims, 130.

CORPORATIONS, for introducing steam power on common roads, 62.

      for constructing wire suspension tramways, 133.

      See Railroad Companies, Narrow Gauge Railroads, and Union Pacific Tunnel Company.

COUNTY AUDITOR, to draw warrants for compensation of jurors, on clerk’s certificate, 56.

             duties of, in auditing claims against school moneys, 78, 79.

             to issue licenses for peddlers and others, 148.

      Of Elko County.

             to draw warrant in favor of J. N. Williams, 58.

             appointed Funding Commissioner, 70.

             duties of, under Funding Act, 72-74.

             to draw warrants in favor of Lander County, 93.

      Of Humboldt County.

             to draw warrant in favor of C. Lark, 54.

             to draw warrants in favor for certain expenses in criminal proceedings, 60.

      Of Lander County.

             to draw warrants in favor of James Leffingwell, 57.

      Of White Pine County.

             duties of, under Act to pay indebtedness of, 76, 77.

COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Act amending Act to create Board of, and define powers and duties of, 47.

      powers and duties of, 47, 48.

      to have control of county property, 47, 48.

      to examine and allow accounts, 47.

      to control public roads, bridges and ferries, 47.

      to provide for indigent sick, 48.

      to divide county into townships, 48.

      to establish election precincts and appoint officers of elections, 48.

      to sell, lease or purchase property, 48.

      to provide county buildings, 48.

      to control prosecution of certain suits, 48.

      to offer rewards in certain cases, 48.

      to do and perform other duties, generally, 48.

      to provide armories for militia companies, 108.

COUNTY TREASURER, duties of, in regard to payment of school moneys, 78, 79.

             salary of, and how paid, 134.

      Of Churchill County.

             to destroy certain returned warrants, 57.

             to transfer moneys to General Fund, 79.

      Of Elko County.

             to pay warrants in favor of J. N. Williams, 58.

             appointed Funding Commissioner, 79.

             duties of, under Funding Act, 71, 73.

      Of Humboldt County.

             to return certain warrants of Churchill County to County Treasurer, 57.

      Of Lander County.

             to pay warrants in favor of James Leffingwell, 57.

      Of Ormsby County.

             duties of, under amendatory Act for consolidating and paying indebtedness, 51.

      Of White Pine County.

             duties of, under Act to pay indebtedness, 75-77.

COUNTY SEAT, of Washoe County removed to Reno, 59.

      Act to provide for removal of, of Lincoln County, 64.

      temporary removal of, of Lincoln County, 75.

DEATH BY WRONGFUL ACTS, in case of, right of action given for damage, 90.

      proceeds of judgment in case of, not liable for debts of deceased, 90.

      proceeds of judgment in case of, how distributed, 90, 91.

      in case of, action in whose name to be brought, 91.

      in case of, jury may give exemplary damages, and may consider pecuniary injury resulting to kindred by such death, 91.

DEFICIENCIES, appropriation to pay, in the fifth and sixth fiscal years, 160-162.

DENNIS, JOHN H., granted leave of absence, 172.

DOCUMENTS, public, with books to be delivered to certain persons, 50.

      to be filed by Foreign Insurance Companies, 155.

EASTERN NEVADA RAILROAD COMPANY, franchise granted to, 67.

      bonds to be issued in aid of, 67.

      amount of such bonds to be issued, 67, 68.

      bonds in aid of, when to be issued, 68.

      denominations of such bonds, 68.

      bonds in aid of, how printed and signed, 69.

      bonds in aid of, when to be delivered, 69.

      Interest and Sinking Fund created, for payment of bonds, 69.

      surplus in said fund how applied, 69.

      proposals for surrender of bonds in aid of, 69.

      times within which road shall be located, graded and completed, 70.

      faith of State pledged not to impair securities issued in aid of, 70.

ELECTORS, Act amending Act to provide for registration of, 59, 132.

      duties of Registry Agents in registering, 59, 60.

      registry of what, to set forth, 59, 60.

ELKO COUNTY, certain action of the Board of County Commissioners, legalized, 58.

      Auditor of, to draw warrants in favor of J. N. Williams, 58.

      Treasurer of, to pay such warrants, 58.

      bonds of, to be issued in aid of the Eastern Nevada Railroad Company, 67, 68.

      duties of County Commissioners of, concerning issue of such bonds, 68.

      Act to consolidate and fund the indebtedness of, 70.

      Board of Funding Commissioners of, created, 70.

      duties of Funding Commissioners of, 70, 71.

      bonds of, for funding, how made and signed, 71.

      bonds how and when paid, 71.

      account of bonds issued, how kept, 71.

      what warrants and accounts may be funded, 71.

      certificates to be issued for fractional sums, 71.

      warrants to be drawn on such certificates, 72.

      disposition of redeemed bonds, 72.

      tax to be levied for payment of interest, 72.

      Treasurer to provide for payment of interest, 72.

      Sinking Fund created, 72.

      provisions for redemption of bonds, 72, 73.

      interest on bonds, when to cease, 73.

      bonds when paid pro rata, 73.

      what bonds to have preference, 73.

      Treasurer to keep account of Sinking Fund, 73.

      expenses for preparing bonds, provided for, 73.

      compensation of Funding Commissioners, 73.

      notice of funding, when and how given, 74.

      County Commissioners restricted in contracting debts, 74.

      penalty for disobeying provisions of Funding Act, 74.

      powers and duties of District Court in connection with funding, 74.

      fines to be paid into School Fund, 74.

      boundary lines of, defined, 92.

      records from Lander County to be transcribed and delivered to Recorder of, 92.

      County Commissioners of, to pay for records, 93.

      expenditures in certain criminal cases to be paid by, to Lander County, 93.

ELLIS, A. C., to be paid for legal services, 65.

      written agreement to be filed by, 65.

      warrant to be drawn in favor of, 65.

      appropriation to pay warrant of, 65.

ESMERALDA COUNTY, County Commissioners of, to provide for payment of “Court House Bonds,” 132.

FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, terms of Court in, when to commence, 80.

      salary of the Judge of, 80.

FISH, act to prevent destruction of, 109.

      weirs and seines for destruction of, forbidden, 110.

      poisonous and explosive materials forbidden, 110.

      fish-ways and ladders to be constructed, 110.

      penalties for violating act concerning, 110.

      certain rivers excepted from operations of Act concerning, 110.

GAMING, amendatory act to restrict, 107.

      See License.

GOLD HILL, act to incorporate town of, 114.

      boundaries and wards of, defined, 114.

      corporate powers of, in whom vested, 114.

      Board of Trustees and Treasurer of, to be elected, 114.

      terms of officers of, and who eligible, 114.

      qualifications of voters of, 115.

      laws regulating elections of, 115.

      officers of, when to qualify, 116.

      organization of Board of Trustees of, 116.

      vacancies in Board of Trustees of, how filled, 116.

      Board of Trustees of, may appoint certain officers, 116.

      meetings, quorum and rules of Board of Trustees of, 116.

      powers and duties of Board of Trustees of, 117, 118.

      redemption fund of, created, 118.

      contingent fund of, created, 119.

      money in redemption fund of, how paid out, 119.

      indebtedness of, how paid, 119.

      evidences of indebtedness of, how paid, 119.

      evidences of indebtedness of, how signed, 119.

      statement of finances of, to be made quarterly, 120.

      receiving and disbursing officers of, to give bonds, 120.

      assessment and collection of licenses and taxes of, 120.

      duties of treasurer of, 120.

      duties of clerk of, 121.

      licenses of, how kept and issued, 121.

      votes on passage of certain ordinances of, to be recorded, 121.

      style of ordinances of, 121.

      jurisdiction and powers of Justices’ Courts of, 121.

      Justices of, to receive fees and make reports, 122.

      Attorney of, to receive fees, 122.

      vacancies in office of, how filled, 122.

      present officers of, to remain in office until election and qualification of successors, 122.

      certain debts of, legalized, 122.

      property of, in whom vested, 122.

      public streets and alleys of, to remain open, 122.

      former acts of incorporation of, repealed, 122.

      act of incorporation of, when to take effect, 123.

GOODFELLOW PETER, act for the relief of, 92.

HAMILTON, act in relation to incorporation of, 95.

      boundaries of, defined, 95.

      corporate powers of, how vested, 95.

      officers of, how elected and appointed, 95.

      elections of, when and how held, 95.

      qualifications of trustees of, 96.

      Board of Trustees of, how organized, 96.

      vacancies in Board of Trustees of, how filled, 96.

      meetings of Board of Trustees of, when held, 96.

      powers and duties of Board of Trustees of, 96-99.

      taxes, fines and scrip of, how payable, 99.

      Justices of the Peace, to be City Recorders of, 99.

      jurisdiction of City Recorders of, 99.

      duties of city officers of, 100-101.

      deputies of officer of, how appointed, 101.

      sale of property for taxes due to, how made, 101.

      ordinances of, for certain appropriations to be published, 101.

      vacancies in offices of, when occur, 101.

      compensation and fees of officers of, 102.

      former acts of Board of Trustees of, legalized, 102.

      former acts of incorporation of, repealed, 102.

HANCOCK, E. B., act for the relief of, 153.

HARMON, F. H., granted leave of absence, 172.

HENDERSON, WM. H., granted leave of absence, 167.

HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Auditor of, to draw warrants in favor of C. Lake, 54.

      certain claims of, against Churchill County, discharged, 57.

      County Treasurer of, to return certain unpaid warrants of Churchill County, 57.

      Auditor of, to draw warrants for certain indebtedness in criminal cases, 60.

      said warrants of, when and how drawn, 60.

      limitation as to warrants to be drawn, 60.

INSANE, District Judge, to examine, on application, 112.

      when to be admitted to State Asylum and provided for at public expense, 112.

INDIGENT INSANE, Board of Commissioners for care of, constituted, 111.

      powers and duties of Board of Commissioners of, 111.

      provisions for the support of, 111.

      examinations of, how to be made, 112.

      appropriation for support of, 112.

      Board of Commissioners of, to make report, 112.

      when to be admitted to asylum, 112.

INSANE ASYLUM, gift concerts authorized for benefit of, 111.

      building fund of, provided for, 111.

INSURANCE COMPANIES, FOREIGN, Act to tax and regulate foreign, 155.

      authority of agents of, to be filed, 155.

      bond of, to be filed with Controller, 155.

      conditions of bond of, 156.

      statements to be made by, 156.

      who deemed agents of, 156.

      what companies considered as, 156.

      penalties for violating act concerning, 157.

      copy of bond of, to be filed with County Treasurer, where principal office is located, 157.

      separate bonds required of each, 157.

      penalty for making false statements concerning, 157.

      special deposit of bonds required of, 157.

      power of attorney of, to agents to be deposited with Controller, 158.

      special deposits, to remain as security for policy holders of, 158.

      agents of, to procure certificates from Controller, of compliance with Act, 158.

      license-tax required from agents of, 158.

      proceeds of license-tax from, how disposed of, 158.

      penalty for violating any of the provisions of Act taxing and regulating, 158.

JUDICIAL DISTRICT, terms of Court in the fourth, when to commence, 80.

      salary of Judge of the fourth, 80.

JURORS, amendatory Act, concerning compensation of, 56.

      mileage and per diem of, how paid, 56.

      Clerk of Court to certify amounts due to, 56.

      County Auditor to draw warrants in favor of, 56.

      what deductions to be made from per diem of, 57.

      conflicting Acts, concerning, repealed, 57.

JUSTICE’S COURTS, amendatory Act concerning summons and place of trial of actions in, 103, 104.

KANE, JOHN, granted leave of absence, 179.

LANDER COUNTY, Auditor of, to draw warrants in favor of James Leffingwell, 57.

      Treasurer of, to pay such warrants, 58.

      Recorder of, to transcribe certain records for use of Elko County, 93.

      County Recorder of, to be paid for transcribing records, 93.

      warrants of Elko County to be drawn in favor of, for expenses in certain criminal proceedings, 93.

      certified bill of items of expenses to be presented to the County Auditor of Elko County, 93.

LAND, agents to be appointed to promote interests of State, in relation to, 61.

      agent for, how compensated, 61.

      selection and sale of, granted to State, 135.

      State office for selection and sale of, created, 135.

      duties of Register as to sale and selection of, 135, 137.

      price of, per acre, 136.

      price of, how increased or diminished, 136.

      applications to purchase, how made, 136.

      duties of Register and Treasurer, concerning applications to purchase, 137.

      deposit of purchase money for, 137.

      when purchase money for, refunded, 137.

      agricultural and grazing, how paid for, 137.

      revert to State in certain contingency, 137.

      certificates of sale of, to be issued, 137.

      patents for, when to issue, 138.

      timbered, when to be paid for, 138.

      certain warrants may be used in payment for, 138.

      special fund for selecting, created, 138.

      preferred right of occupant to purchase, 138.

      conflicting applications to purchase, how tried and disposed of, 138.

      limitations of purchases of, 138.

      in certain cases, register may select, 138.

      funds from sale of, how invested, 139.

      title to, how conveyed, 139.

      claims for services in relation to, 139.

      compensation to U. S. Receivers, for services in selection of, 139.

      appropriation to pay agent for promoting State’s interest in, 152.

      amendatory Act for relief of the inhabitants of cities and towns on public lands, 163.

      See Register Timber Lands and Cities and Towns.

LARK, C., Act for the relief of, 54.

LEFFINGWELL, JAMES, Act for the relief of, 57.

LEGISLATIVE FUND, Act creating, 55.

      State Treasurer to set apart sum for, 55.

      contingent fund to be set apart from, 55.

      division of contingent fund, 55.

      Legislature to have exclusive control of, 55.

      warrants on, how drawn, 55.

      warrants on, to draw interest, 55.

      any balance in, how disposed of, 55.

      duty of Treasurer in connection with, 55.

      Act creating, not to affect salaries of Justices of Supreme Court, 55.

      money transferred from, to the Senate contingent fund, 154.

      money transferred from, to the Assembly contingent fund, 154.

LICENSE for gaming, how procured, 107.

      of peddlers, hawkers and auctioneers, 147.

      penalty for trading without, 148.

      of attorneys and counselors at law, 149.

      of insurance agents, 159.

LIEN, Act to secure, to mechanics and others, 123.

      who entitled to, on building, 123.

      party claiming to file and serve statement, 123.

      of laborers and others, on railroads and other public works, 124.

      of miners and laborers in mines, 124.

      of laborers, on lots, for grading, 125.

      certain lands to be subject to, 126.

      priority and limitation of, 126.

      provision for enforcement of, 126, 127.

      apportionment of proceeds of property subject to, 127.

      satisfaction of, when and how entered, 127.

      forfeiture on failure to satisfy, 127.

      of laborers, for cutting wood and timber, 127.

      of foundrymen and boiler-makers, 128.

      assignee of certain creditors may hold, 128.

LINCOLN COUNTY, Act to provide for removal of county seat of, 64.

      election for removal of county seat of, when and how held, 64.

      archives of, when to be removed, 64.

      county seat of, to be removed temporarily to Pioche, 75.

      County Commissioners of, to provide for removal of archives and to rent offices, 75.

      County Commissioners of, to allow claim of Peter Goodfellow, 92.

      representation of, in Legislature, increased, 131.

LYON COUNTY, amendatory Act, concerning finances of, 91.

      proposals for surrender of claims against, how made and accepted, 91.

      money remaining in redemption fund of, how disposed of, 91.

MANUSCRIPT LAWS, to be bound and preserved by the Secretary of State, 106.

MECHANICS, Act to secure liens to, 123.

      See Liens.

MILITIA, armories for companies of, to be provided by County Commissioners, 108.

      expenses of armories for, how paid, 109.

      receipts for expenses of, allowed as so much money by State Treasurer, 109.

      companies, battalions or regiments of, may adopt uniform, 109.

MINES, assessment of ores, how made, 87.

      deductions allowed from gross yield of, 87.

      net proceeds of, defined, 87.

      assessment rolls of proceeds of, when and how to be made, 87.

      statement of proceeds of, to be made under oath, 88.

      penalty for making false statements of proceeds of, 88.

      books and records of, to be open to the inspection of Assessor, 88.

      penalty for refusing inspection of books of, 88.

      penalty for refusal to give statement of proceeds of, 88.

      assessments of, how equalized, 89.

      duty of County Commissioners in equalizing assessments of, 89.

      lien on, for taxes, when it attaches, 89.

      lien on, how satisfied or removed, 89.

      liability for unpaid taxes on, 89.

      compensation of Assessor for assessing, 89.

      compensation of Auditor for assessment rolls of, 90.

      apportionment of compensation for assessment of, 90.

      collection of taxes on, how enforced, 90.

NARROW GAUGE RAILROAD, Act granting right of way for, from Virginia to Reno, 78.

      survey, location and construction of, when to be made, 78.

      Chinese labor prohibited on, 78.

      right of way for, granted to A. L. Page and others, through the counties of Elko, Lander, Nye, White Pine and Lincoln, 152.

      termini and route of, 153.

      telegraph line may be constructed in connection with, 153.

      surveys and constructions of, when to be made, 153.

      rates of fare and freight on, 153.

      Chinese labor prohibited on, 153.

NEVADA BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, authorized to hold gift concerts, 110.

      required to execute and file bonds, 111.

      proceeds of concerts of, to constitute Insane Asylum building fund, 111.

      Act empowering, not to be construed as authorizing lotteries, 111.

NEVADA ORPHAN ASYLUM, appropriation for support of, 103.

      claims of, to be presented to the State Board of Examiners, 103.

      claims of, how audited and allowed, 103.

NEVADA REPORTS, appropriation for publishing sixth and seventh volumes of, 109.

      warrants for publishing, when and how drawn, 109.

ORPHAN’S HOME, appropriation for support of, and how expended, 151.

ORPHAN ASYLUM, appropriation for support of, 103.

      See Nevada Orphan Asylum.

ORMSBY COUNTY, Act amending Act to consolidate and pay certain indebtedness of, 51.

      proposals for surrender of bonds of, how opened, 51.

      what proposals shall be accepted, 51.

      Treasurer to give notice of surplus money in the redemption fund of, 51.

      money to pay certain indebtedness of, to be reserved in redemption fund, 51.

      when surplus in redemption fund of, may be otherwise applied, 52.

PATTERSON, J. D., granted leave of absence, 185.

PEDDLERS, required to take out license, 147.

      penalty against for trading without license, 148.

      licenses of, how made and issued, 148.

      of fruits and vegetables, exempt from license tax, 148.

RAILROAD, Act to encourage construction of, 67.

      right of way granted, from Elko to Hamilton, 67.

      bonds to be issued in aid of, by Elko and White Pine counties, 67.

      bonds in aid of, when and how issued, 67, 68.

      See Eastern Nevada Railroad Company.

RAILROAD COMPANIES, Act amending Act for incorporation of, 52, 65.

      articles of association of, what to set forth, 52.

      articles of association of, how subscribed, 52.

      affidavit of directors of, required, 52.

      division of capital stock of, how made, 52, 53.

      certificate and affidavit of directors of, to be filed, 53.

      meeting of stockholders of, how called, 53.

      capital stock of, how increased or reduced, 53.

      rates of freight or fare on, may be changed by the Legislature, 53.

      rails to be used by, in building roads, 65.

      Acts in relation to, repealed, 65.

RECORDERS, empowered to take acknowledgments, 107.

      to file and record liens in certain cases, 123, 124.

      forbidden to record unstamped instruments, 131.

REGISTER, State Surveyor-General to be ex-officio, 135.

      required to give bonds, 135.

      to keep office at seat of government, 135.

      to procure maps of surveyed lands, 135.

      to furnish maps to county surveyors, 136.

      duties of, in selecting and selling lands, 136, 137.

      duties of, in case of conflicting applications, 138.

      salary of, 139.

      deputy allowed to, and salary of, 139.

      See Land.

REGISTRATION, of electors, when and how made, 59, 60.

      section thirteen of Act in relation to, repealed, 132.

REGISTRY AGENTS, duties of, in registering electors, 59, 60.

RENO, to be county seat of Washoe County, 59.

      county offices to be removed to, 59.

      county archives and property to be removed to, 50.

REPORTS, of State officers to be made in duplicate, 61.

      compensation for duplicate, 61.

      See Nevada Reports.

REPRESENTATION, of Lincoln County in Legislature increased, 131.

RESOLUTIONS, ASSEMBLY, relative to Legislative property, 167.

      granting leave of absence to William H. Henderson, 167.

      relative to State’s title to State Prison, 168.

      relative to State’s title to plaza, in Carson City, 168.

      relative to printing Governor’s inaugural address, 168.

      relative to report of State Capitol Commissioners, 168.

      relative to printing homographic charts, 169.

      requiring Sergeant-at-Arms to give bonds, 169.

      relative to mail from Wadsworth to Belmont, 169.

      relative to mail from Winnemucca to Camp Winfield Scott, 170.

      relative to land of Central Pacific Railroad Company, 170.

      relative to mail from Pine Grove to Rockland, 171.

      relative to mail from Wadsworth to Fort Independence, 171.

      granting leave of absence to F. H. Harmon, 172.

      granting leave of absence to John H. Dennis, 172.

      relative to mail from Elko to Tuscorora, 172.

RESOLUTIONS, SENATE, relative to printing Governor’s message, 174.

      relative to printing report of State Mineralogist, 174.

      relative to installation of State officers, elect, 174.

      relative to defalcation of late State Treasurer, 175.

      relative to distribution of printed bills, 175.

      relative to distribution of State Mineralogist’s Report, 176.

      relative to printing report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, 176.

      relative to furniture for State Orphans’ Home, 176.

      relative to fuel for Senate and Assembly, 177.

      relative to exemption of quicksilver from duties, 177.

      relative to printing and distribution of reports of Treasurer and Controller, 178.

      relative to printing rules of Senate and Assembly, 178.

      relative to printing report of Surveyor-General, 178.

      granting leave of absence to N. H. Westfall, 178.

      granting leave of absence to John Kane, 179.

      relative to printing reports of Committees, and of State Capitol Commissioners, 179.

      instructing committee on treasury defalcation, 179.

      relative to paintings for legislative halls, 180.

      relative to employment of Chinese upon government work in this State, 180.

      relative to swamp and overflowed lands, 180.

      relative to swamp and overflowed lands, 181.

      relative to election of Board of Regents, 181.

      relative to re-apportionment of representation, 182.

      relative to erection of reduction works, by the United States Government, 182, 183.

      relative to transfer of money in State Treasury, 183.

      asking extension of time to erect State College, 184.

      relative to printing and distribution of the Act providing for taxation of proceeds of mines, 184.

      relative to annexation of portion of Idaho, 185.

      granting leave of absence to J. D. Patterson, 185.

      relative to exchange of State stamps, 186.

      granting leave of absence to Robert Stein, 186.

      relative to printing report of Defalcation Committee, 186.

      relative to furnishing books to ex-Governor Blasdel, 187.

      relative to expenses of enrolling laws, 187.

      relative to committee to wait upon Governor, 187.

      relative to ceding of territory by the State of California to this State, 187.

      relating to Hon. Lewis Doron, 188.

REVENUE, amendatory Acts to provide, for the support of State government, 93, 142, 147.

      Acts to provide, repealed, 113.

      See Insurance Companies, Foreign Licenses, Land, Mines, Nevada Benevolent Association, Stamps, State Loan.

ROADS, for use of steam power on, 62.

      corporations for construction of, how formed, 62.

      location and construction of, 62, 63.

      Chinese labor on, prohibited, 63.

SAN FRANCISCO LAW LIBRARY, librarian of, to receive books and documents, 50.

SCHOOL FUND, STATE, Treasurer to be custodian of securities of, 66.

      securities of, to be delivered to Treasurer, 66.

      interest on securities of, how disposed of, 66.

      duty of Treasurer and Controller concerning, 66.

      duty of State Board of Education, concerning, 66.

SCHOOL MONEYS, claims upon, how certified and audited, 78.

      warrants on, how drawn and paid, 78.

      proof of claims on, may be required, 79.

      claims on, may be sued for, if rejected, 79.

      suits for claims on, how tried, 79.

SECRETARY OF STATE, directed to deliver certain books and documents to U. S. judges and librarian of San Francisco Law Library, 50.

      duties of, concerning manuscript laws, 106.

      expenses incurred by, in preservation of manuscript laws, how paid, 106.

      bond of Nevada Benevolent Association to be filed in the office of, 111.

      to furnish evidence to Claim Commissioner, 130.

      duties of, concerning State printing, 151.

      appropriation for payment of debts contracted by, in fitting up legislative halls, 152.

      appropriation for furnishing State Capitol, to be expended under the direction of, 152.

      required to make report of expenditures, 152.

      to furnish fuel for Legislature, 177.

      warrants to be drawn in favor of, for expenses of enrolling laws, 187.

STAMPS, instruments without, not to be recorded, 131.

      schedule of, required on various instruments, 142.

      on agreements or appraisements, 142.

      on bills of exchange, inland and foreign, 142.

      on bonds, 143.

      on certificates, 143.

      on contracts, 143.

      on conveyances of real estate, 143.

      on insurance policies, 143.

      on leases of lands or tenements, 144.

      on letters of administration, 144.

      on mortgage, 144.

      on notes, promissory, 144.

      on powers of attorney, 144.

      on probate of wills, 144.

      penalty for making, accepting, or paying instrument, without using, 144.

      title to real property not to be affected by failure to use, 145.

      failure to use, how remedied, 145.

      penalty for failure to use, when and how remitted, 145.

      instruments stamped after execution may be recorded in certain cases, 145.

      rights acquired from failure to use, not affected by subsequent stamping, 145.

STATE CAPITOL, fund created for payment of certain claims against, 154.

      unsatisfied claims against, to be presented to State Board of Examiners, 154.

      provision for relief of builder of, in certain contingency, 154.

      allowance on fund of, how made, 155.

      limitation, as to allowance of claims on fund of, 155.

STATE LANDS, agent to promote interest of State concerning, to be appointed at Washington, 61.

      Act for selection and sale of, 135.

      See Land.

STATE LOAN, authorized to be negotiated for payment of Territorial proportion of State loan of 6th February, 1867, 81.

      bonds issued for payment of, how made and signed, 81.

      bonds of, how sold, 81.

      bonds of, when issued or negotiated, 81.

      account of bonds of, by whom kept, 81.

      bonds of payable in, and to be sold for, coin, 81.

      faith and credit of State pledged for payment of, 81.

      Territorial interest and sinking fund created, 81.

      certain revenue pledged for payment of, 82.

      revenue from mines, not pledged for payment of, 82.

      provision for payment of interest on, 82.

      surplus remaining after paying interest on, how disposed of, 82.

      reports concerning, to be made by Treasurer and Controller of State, 83.

      bonds of, may be exchanged by Treasurer, 83.

      Treasurer to advertise readiness to pay bonds of, 83.

      interest on bonds of, when to cease, 83.

      appropriation for preparation and sale of bonds of, 83.

STATE LOAN, authorized to be negotiated for payment of State proportion of bonds of 6th February, 1867, and to fund the floating debt, 84.

      bonds issued for payment of, how made and signed, 84.

      bonds of, payable in, and to be sold for, coin, 84.

      faith and credit of State pledged for payment of, 84.

      sale of bonds of, when and how to be made, 84.

      duty of Treasurer and Controller as to sale of bonds of, 85.

      State interest and sinking fund created, 85.

      certain revenue pledged for payment of, 85.

      revenue from mines, not pledged for payment of, 85.

      provision for payment of interest on, 85.

      after paying interest, surplus how disposed of, 85.

      reports concerning, to be made by Treasurer and Controller, 86.

      Treasurer to advertise readiness to pay bonds of, 86.

      appropriation for preparation and sale of bonds of, 86.

      records concerning, to be kept by Treasurer and Controller, 86.

STATE OFFICERS, to prepare duplicate reports, 61.

      compensation allowed to, for duplicate reports, 61.

      to make sworn statements, as to expenditures of appropriations in their departments, 152.

STATE PRINTER, accounts of, against the State, to be made and filed in duplicate, 70.

STEAM POWER ON COMMON ROADS, Act to promote the use of, 62.

      corporations introducing, how formed, 62.

      roads for use of, how constructed, 62.

      rights of corporations constructing and using, 63.

      Chinese labor on such roads, prohibited, 63.

      See Roads.

STEIN, ROBERT, granted leave of absence, 186.

STICKNOTH, HENRY, paper purporting to be will of, admitted to probate, 129.

      issue of fact as to will of, how tried, 129.

      heirs of, not prohibited from contesting will, 129.

      claims against estate of, not barred, 129.

      Acts in conflict, repealed, 129.

STOREY COUNTY, certain claims against, for publishing tax lists, to be allowed, 129.

      See Virginia City.

SUMMONS, Act in relation to, in Justice’s Court, 103, 104.

SUPREME COURT, reports of decisions of, to be delivered to certain U. S. Judges, and to S. F. Law Library, 50.

      salaries of Judges of, not to be affected by Act creating legislative fund, 56.

      appropriation for publishing sixth and seventh volumes of decisions of, 109.

      Judges of, to examine and approve volumes of reports, before warrant is drawn in favor of Commissioner, 109.

TAXES, delinquent, how collected, 93.

      duty of District Attorney in collection of, 94.

      Board of County Commissioners shall direct commencement of suits for, 94.

      fees and costs for collection of delinquent, how taxed and paid, 94.

TIMBER LANDS, Act to provide for protection of, 113.

      cutting of timber on certain, forbidden, 113.

      title to, how tried, 113.

      actual settlers allowed to cut timber on, for certain purposes, 114.

TRAMWAY COMPANIES, Act for incorporation of wire suspension, 133.

      how formed, 133.

      articles of association of, to be filed, 133.

      map of surveys of line, to be filed, 133.

      right of way granted to, 134.

      exclusive rights of, 134.

      to finish lines in certain times, 134.

      mining companies excepted from operation of Act concerning, 134.

TREASURE CITY, Act to provide for paying indebtedness of, 48.

      warrants on Treasury of, how to be drawn, 48.

      redemption fund of, how created, 49.

      duties of Board of Trustees of, 49, 50.

      moneys, how drawn from Treasury of, 49.

      proposals for surrender of warrants of, 49.

      duties of Treasurer of, 49, 50.

      conflicting Acts concerning, repealed, 50.

TREASURER OF STATE, duties of, concerning legislative fund, 55, 154.

      to pay warrant in favor of A. C. Ellis, 65.

      duties of, concerning State school fund, 66.

      duties of, concerning State loans, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86.

      duties of, concerning “Insane Asylum Building Fund,” 111.

      to be member of Board of Commissioners for care of indigent insane, 111.

      to pay warrants drawn for support of indigent insane, 112.

      duties of, concerning sale of State lands, 137.

      responsible on his bond for special deposits for the purchase of State lands, 137.

TUNNEL COMPANY, right of way and privileges granted to Union Pacific Tunnel Company, 146.

      route and dimensions of tunnel of, 146.

      certain mineral claims granted to, 146.

      allowed compensation for drainage of mines, 147.

      water rights granted to, 147.

      to complete work in certain time, 147.

UNITED STATES, claims of State against to be prosecuted to final settlement, 130.

      See Claims.

UNION PACIFIC TUNNEL COMPANY, Act granting the right of way and privileges to, 142.

      mineral claims and water rights, granted to, 146.

      allowed compensation for drainage, 147.

      to complete work in certain time, 147.

VIRGINIA CITY, amendatory Act in relation to the payment of indebtedness of, 104.

      bonds to be prepared for funding indebtedness of, 104.

      bonds of, to whom issued, 105.

      Treasurer of, to cancel redeemed warrants, 105.

      notice of funding indebtedness of, to be published, 105.

      bonds of, how purchaseable, 105.

      redemption fund of, how disposed of, 105.

      current expenses of, how paid, 106.

      certain Acts concerning, repealed, 106.

WASHOE COUNTY, location of county seat of, at Reno, 59.

      certain officers of, to remove offices to Reno, 59.

      archives and movable property of, to be removed to Reno, 50.

      County Commissioners of, to provide for removal of Property, 59.

      County Commissioners of, authorized to sell immovable county property in Washoe City, 59.

WESTFALL, N. H., granted leave of absence, 178.

WHITE PINE COUNTY, bonds of, to be issued in aid of the Eastern Nevada Railroad Company, 67.

      conditions as to issuance of bonds of, 67.

      duties of County Commissioners of, concerning issue of said bonds, 68.

      Act to provide for payment of the indebtedness of, 75.

      Treasurer of, prohibited from paying warrants except as provided, 75.

      redemption fund of, created, 76.

      proposals for surrender of warrants of, how made and acted on, 76.

      accounts of accepted bids, by whom kept, 76.

      redeemed warrants to be canceled, 76.

      unaccepted bids and warrants to be returned, 76.

      separate account of redemption fund of, to be kept by county treasurer, 76.

      what warrants to be paid out of redemption fund of, 77.

      certain warrants of, to draw interest, 77.

      Act in relation to redemption fund, not to interfere with bonds of, issued for building purposes, 77.

      certain indexes of, to be transcribed, 133.

      examination of, and compensation for indexes of, 133.

WILL, certain paper purporting to be, admitted to probate, 129.

      See Henry Sticknoth.

WILLIAMS, J. N., warrants of Elko County to be drawn in favor of and paid, 58.

WIRE SUSPENSION TRAMWAY COMPANIES, Act providing for the incorporation of, 133.

      articles of association of, to be filed, 133.

      surveys of lines of, to be filed, 133.

      rights and privileges granted to, 134.

      See Tramway Companies.