[Rev. 8/25/2020 1:22:14 PM]


ê1912 Statutes of Nevada, 3rd Special Session, Page 12ê












Special-session statutes 50 cents



How bound

No. 1Senate Joint and Concurrent Resolution, relative to the printing and price of the statutes of the present special session of the Nevada Legislature, and the printing and binding of the journals thereof.


[Approved March 4, 1912]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the secretary of state is hereby authorized and directed to sell the statutes of the present special session of the Nevada Legislature, in pamphlet form, at the price of fifty (50) cents each; and be it further

      Resolved, That the statutes of this special session be bound in permanent form with the statutes of the twenty-sixth session of the Nevada Legislature; and the journals of this special session be bound in permanent form with the journals of the twenty-sixth session of the Nevada Legislature.











Provision for payment of certain expenses of special session

No. 2Senate Joint and Concurrent Resolution, providing for the payment, out of the legislative fund, of certain contingent and incidental expenses of the special session of the legislature of 1912.


[Approved March 4, 1912]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That all claims that may have accrued or may hereafter accrue for placing the legislative halls in condition for the use of the legislature in this special session and for the cleaning and arranging of said halls after adjournment, and for procuring necessary supplies, [and] for lighting said halls during said special session, not to exceed in the aggregate the sum of five hundred dollars, shall be presented to the state board of examiners for approval, and on approval the state controller shall draw his warrant on the legislative fund for the payment of the same.









Adjournment sine die

No. 3Senate Joint and Concurrent Resolution No. 5.


[Approved February 29, 1912]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That this extraordinary session of the Nevada Legislature be adjourned sine die at 3 p. m. on Thursday, February 29, 1912.

