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κ1912 Statutes of Nevada, 3rd Special Session, Page 5κ










Chapter 1–An act to create a legislative fund.


[Approved February 29, 1912]


The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:


      Section 1.  For the purpose of paying the mileage and the per diem of members of the present legislature, the salaries of the officers and attaches and the incidental expenses of the respective houses thereof, the state treasurer is hereby authorized and required to set apart from any money in the general fund not otherwise especially appropriated, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, which shall constitute the legislative fund.

      Sec. 2.  The state controller is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrants on said fund in favor of the members, officers, and attaches of the senate and assembly, for per diem, mileage, stationery allowances, compensation and incidental expenses of the respective houses, when properly certified to, in accordance with law, and the state treasurer is hereby authorized and required to pay the same.

      Sec. 3.  All moneys remaining in said fund, at the adjournment of the legislature, shall revert to the general fund.








State Treasurer required to set apart money





Controller authorized to draw warrant





Chap. 2–An act authorizing a state loan.


[Approved February 29, 1912]


The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:


      Section 1.  For the purpose of keeping the state on a cash basis, without resorting to an onerous rate of taxation, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars is hereby authorized to be borrowed for the use and benefit of the general fund of the state, at such times and in such amounts as may be necessary to meet the requirements of the state government, from the state school fund.








Loan of $200,000 authorized from state school fund


κ1912 Statutes of Nevada, 3rd Special Session, Page 6 (CHAPTER 2)κ



Interest 4% per annum, payable semiannually






On issue of bonds by commissioners, Controller to draw warrant on state school fund


Controller to have bonds prepared






Ad valorem annual tax of 3 cents on each $100







State Treasurer and Controller to arrange for payment of interest

sary to meet the requirements of the state government, from the state school fund.

      Sec. 2.  Said loan shall bear interest at the rate of four per cent per annum and shall be payable at any time within twenty years from the date of issue of the bonds hereinafter provided for. The said interest shall be paid semiannually on the first days of July and January of each year, and the state controller is hereby directed to draw his warrant on the state interest and sinking fund for the amount of said semiannual interest, when due, and in favor of the general school fund; and for the regular and prompt payment of said interest the faith and credit of the state is hereby pledged.

      Sec. 3.  The provisions of this act shall be executed under the direction of a board of commissioners consisting of the governor, state treasurer and state controller, and on the order of said board and the issue of the requisite bonds, the state controller shall draw his warrant on the state school fund and in favor of the general fund of the state, for the amount to be borrowed and he shall deposit in the fund drawn upon, bonds as herein provided, in the amount of the money drawn therefrom.

      Sec. 4.  The state controller shall cause the bonds to be prepared that are to be used in pursuance of this act, and each bond shall state in substance that the State of Nevada will pay to the state school fund, the amount of the bond within twenty years from the date of issue, and interest semiannually at the rate of four per cent per annum. The said bonds shall be signed by the governor, countersigned by the state controller, indorsed by the state treasurer, and authenticated by the great by the great seal of the state.

      Sec. 5.  There shall be levied and collected for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1912, and annually thereafter, until the bonds provided for in this act are fully paid, an ad valorem tax of three cents upon each one hundred dollars of all taxable property in this state, including the net proceeds of the mines. The revenue derived from said tax shall be paid into the state interest and sinking fund, and is hereby set apart, appropriated and pledged, as well as the faith of the State of Nevada, for and to the payment, both principal and interest, of all bonds of said state issued in pursuance of this act.

      Sec. 6.  It shall be the duty of the state treasurer and state controller to make definite arrangements for the payment of the interest on said bonds when the same shall become due, and the state controller is hereby directed to draw his warrant on the state interest and sinking fund, for said interest, on an order by the state treasurer, and apportion said interest to the general school fund for the use and benefit of the schools of the state.

      Sec. 7.  Whenever at the time of paying the semiannual interest of the bonds provided to be issued by this act, there shall remain a surplus, after the payment of such interest, over and above the amount which it may be necessary to reserve for the payment of the next semiannual interest, of one thousand dollars or more in the state interest and sinking fund, such surplus shall be applied to the payment of the loan herein authorized to be made by the cancelation and retirement of bonds to the amount of such surplus.


κ1912 Statutes of Nevada, 3rd Special Session, Page 7 (CHAPTER 2)κ


shall remain a surplus, after the payment of such interest, over and above the amount which it may be necessary to reserve for the payment of the next semiannual interest, of one thousand dollars or more in the state interest and sinking fund, such surplus shall be applied to the payment of the loan herein authorized to be made by the cancelation and retirement of bonds to the amount of such surplus.

      Sec. 8.  The bonds provided for by this act shall be of the denomination of one thousand dollars each payable in gold coin of the United States, and they shall be numbered in sequence, each bond bearing a different number and all or any of such bonds may be retired at the time of any such semiannual payment of interest by paying the principal of and all the interest due upon any such bond or bonds so retired; provided, that whenever any such bond or bonds are retired as aforesaid, the bond bearing the smallest serial number shall be the first retired, then the bond bearing the next smallest number shall be next retired and so on in sequence of numbers until each and all of such bonds are fully retired.

Interest surplus to apply on loan




Bonds to be in denomination of $1,000





To be redeemed beginning smallest number





Chap. 3–An act to fix the state tax levy, and to distribute the same to the proper funds.


[Approved March 4, 1912]


The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:


      Section 1.  For the fiscal year commencing January first, nineteen hundred and twelve, and annually thereafter, an ad valorem tax of sixty cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable property is hereby levied and directed to be collected for state purposes, upon all taxable property in the state, including the net proceeds of mines and mining claims, except such property as is by law exempt from taxation, which shall be apportioned by the state controller among the various funds of the state as follows:

      General fund, thirty-nine and six-tenths cents; state interest and sinking fund, three cents; territorial interest fund, three cents; general school fund, six cents; contingent university fund, five cents; contingent university fund, 1905, No. 1, one-tenth of one cent; contingent university fund, 1905, No. 2, three-tenths of one cent; state prison interest and sinking fund, three cents.

      Sec. 2.  All acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.








Annual state tax to be 60 cents on each $100 of taxable property





Apportionment of tax rate






κ1912 Statutes of Nevada, 3rd Special Session, Page 8κ












Section 3 repealed





Section 6 amended

Chap. 4–An act to repeal section three and to amend section six of an act entitled “An act to provide for the purchase, publication, distribution and sale of a digest of the Nevada Supreme Court reports, and making an appropriation therefor,” approved March 20, 1911.


[Approved March 4, 1912]


The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:


      Section 1.  Section three of an act entitled “An act to provide for the purchase, publication, distribution and sale of a digest of the Nevada Supreme Court reports, and making an appropriation therefor,” approved March 20, 1911, is hereby repealed.

      Sec. 2.  Section six referred to in the title, and in section one of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:

      Section 6.  The sum of twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500) is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of purchasing said manuscript.












Appropriation for copying Senate journal


Secretary of State to certify

Chap. 5–An act to provide for copying the journal of the senate for the special session.


[Approved March 4, 1912]


The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:


      Section 1.  The sum of fifty dollars is hereby appropriated out of the legislative fund to be paid to Mabel Dodson for copying the journal of the senate for the special session of the Nevada State Legislature for the state printer.

      Sec. 2.  Upon receipt of a certificate from the Honorable George Brodigan, secretary of state, that the journal of the senate has been correctly copied and delivered to the secretary of state, the controller shall draw his warrant in favor of said Mabel Dodson named in section one of this act for the sum of fifty dollars, and the state treasurer shall pay the same.













Appropriation for copying Assembly journal

Chap. 6–An act to provide for copying the journal of the assembly for the special session.


[Approved March 4, 1912]


The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:


      Section 1.  The sum of fifty dollars is hereby appropriated out of the legislative fund to be paid to Miss Irene Barkley for copying the journal of the special session of the Nevada State Legislature for the printer.


κ1912 Statutes of Nevada, 3rd Special Session, Page 9 (CHAPTER 6)κ


      Sec. 2.  Upon a receipt of a certificate from the Honorable George Brodigan, secretary of state, that the journal of the assembly has been correctly copied and delivered to the secretary of state, the controller shall draw his warrant in favor of said Irene Barkley named in section one of this act for the sum of fifty dollars, and the state treasurer shall pay the same.

Secretary of State to certify





Chap. 7–An act to provide additional appropriation for the completion of the compilation, annotation, printing and binding of the Revised Laws of Nevada, and for the payment of services rendered and to be rendered in completing the same.


[Approved March 4, 1912]


      Whereas, The amount of work found necessary to be performed in the preparation of the new code and revised laws, in order to bring them up to that standard of perfection which the work merited, greatly exceeded all expectations and caused the justices of the supreme court, as code commissioners, to work for the past fourteen months without any pay whatever for their services rendered in completing these codes and revised laws, as code commissioners; and

      Whereas, By reason of said increased work it has become necessary to get the said code and revised laws out in two volumes rather than in one volume as originally intended, thereby causing an additional cost in printing and binding, but making the work more valuable and to the financial advantage of the state by the increase in the selling price to $14 per set; and

      Whereas, The appropriations heretofore made having become exhausted, and it being necessary to complete the printing and binding of the second volume of said Revised Laws of Nevada, and to pay for the services performed which remain unpaid;


The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:


      Section 1.  There is hereby appropriated out of any money in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $498.66 to be paid to E. T. Patrick for additional services rendered in the preparation of said above referred, the Revised Laws of Nevada.

      Sec. 2.  There is hereby appropriated out of any money in the state treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $3,000, for the purpose of defraying the additional expenses of printing and binding said laws above referred to.

      Sec. 3.  There is hereby appropriated out of any money in the state treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $4,500, for the purpose of paying $1,500 each to the justices of the supreme court, as code commissioners, for additional services rendered in the preparation of said Revised Laws and in full payment for all services to be rendered in the completion of said code.


























Appropriation for E. T. Patrick



Appropriation of $3,000 for State Printer


Appropriation of $4,500 for Justices of Supreme Court


κ1912 Statutes of Nevada, 3rd Special Session, Page 10 (CHAPTER 7)κ




Duties of Controller and Treasurer

services rendered in the preparation of said Revised Laws and in full payment for all services to be rendered in the completion of said code.

      Sec. 4.  The state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrants on the state treasury for claims presented which may be payable by reason of the foregoing sections, and for the amounts which the said parties named in this bill are entitled to, and the state treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same.
















Chap. 8–An act to repeal an act entitled “An act supplementary to an act entitled ‘An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,’ approved March 23, 1891,” became a law March 23, 1911.


[Approved March 4, 1912]


The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:


      Section 1.  The act entitled “An act supplementary to an act entitled ‘An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada, and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,’ approved March 23, 1891,” became a law March 23, 1911, is hereby repealed.














Section 135 of school law repealed

Chap. 9–An act to repeal section 135 of an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, said act being chapter 133, Statutes of Nevada, 1911.


[Approved March 4, 1912]


The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:


      Section 1.  Section 135 of an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, is hereby repealed.






Chap. 10–An act requiring the secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the assembly to verify and correct the copy of the senate journal for the state printer and making an appropriation therefor.


[Approved March 4, 1912]


The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and

Assembly, do enact as follows:


      Section 1.  Immediately upon the conclusion of this special session of the legislature, the secretary of the senate shall verify and correct the copy of the senate journal for such session to correspond with the journal as approved, and when so verified and corrected he shall deposit the same with the secretary of state for the delivery to the state printer.


κ1912 Statutes of Nevada, 3rd Special Session, Page 11 (CHAPTER 10)κ


verify and correct the copy of the senate journal for such session to correspond with the journal as approved, and when so verified and corrected he shall deposit the same with the secretary of state for the delivery to the state printer.

      Sec. 2.  Immediately upon the conclusion of this special session of the legislature, the chief clerk of the assembly shall verify and correct the copy of the journal of the assembly for such session to correspond with the journal as approved and when so verified and corrected he shall deposit the same with the secretary of state for delivery to the state printer.

      Sec. 3.  For the services of the secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the assembly, as provided in the preceding sections, there is hereby appropriated the sum of fifty dollars, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and the state controller shall draw his warrants for twenty-five dollars each for, and the state treasurer shall pay, the same.

Secretary to verify Senate journal


Chief Clerk to verify Assembly journal




Appropriation for services

