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ACCOUNTS, duplicate to be filed in office of Secretary of State, 139.

      duty of officers in auditing, 249.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, of deeds, conveyances, etc., 52.

ACTION, CIVIL, form of, 17.

      commencement of in Justice Court, 102.

ADJOURNMENT, in Justices’ Court, 114.

ADJUTANT-GENERAL, Secretary of State to be ex officio, 206.

AMIRAUX & BOWIE, Controller authorized to draw warrant in favor of, 68.

AMENDMENTS, to Constitution, how made, 25.

ANSWER, to complaint in Justice Court, 112.

ANIMALS, secured from danger arising from mining excavations, 59.

      punishment for injuring, 138.

APPROPRIATIONS, to pay for procuring and selling bonds, 48.

      to defray the civil expenses of State Government, 136.

      to pay for publishing volume two of Supreme Court Reports, 156.

      to further defray the expenses of the State Prison, 165.

      to pay certain counsel fees, 167.

      to collect specimens for Paris exhibition, 204.

APPORTIONMENT, of Senators and Assemblymen, 27, 139.

APPEALS, from Justice Court, 123.

ARREST, order for, 104.

ARMY, standing, not to be maintained, 5.

ASSESSOR, COUNTY, when to collect taxes, 69.

      may seize personal property, 69.

      duty to assess property, 168.

      duty to be present at meeting of Board of Equalization, 170.

      compensation, 174.

ASSEMBLY, members when chosen, 8.

      qualifications of, 8.

      may expel members, 8.

      vacancies, how filled, 9.

      quorum, 9.

      journal of proceedings required to be kept, 9.

      pay of members, 27.

      apportionment of, 27, 139.

      term of members, 28.

      contingent fund created, 45.

      transfer of moneys to contingent fund, 73.

      who eligible to office of Assemblyman, 232.

      members, when chosen and term of office, 234.

ATTORNEY-GENERAL, duties of, 14.

      salary of, 27.

      duties in relation to certain counsel fees, 167.

      who eligible to office of, 232.

      when chosen and term of office, 233.

ATTACHMENT, when to issue from Justice Court, 105.

AURORA, Act to incorporate repealed, 71.

      redemption fund created, 72.

      duties of Mayor and Aldermen, 72.

AUSTIN, Act in relation to Recorder’s Court, 134.

      incorporation Act amended, 152.

      city officers, 152.

      vacancies, how filled, 152.

      powers of Common Council, 152.

      grading of streets, 154.

      duty of City Treasurer, 154.

      Recorders, 154.

      officers, how elected, 155.

      jurisdiction of Recorders, 155.

      duty of Marshall, 155.

      compensation of officers, 155, 156.

AUDITORS, misdemeanor to draw warrants on contingent fund for fees, etc., 74.

      duty to furnish Registry Agents with blank poll tax receipts, 88.

      duty to draw warrants in favor of District Judges, 137.

      duty to draw warrants on District Judges’ salary fund, 160.

      duty to transmit statement to Controller, 173, 174.

      compensation of, 174.


BAIL, excessive, shall not be required, 5.

BAKER, S. L. section 2 and 3 of Act for the relief of, repealed, 46.

BILLS, where to originate, 9.

      how read, passed, and signed, 9.

      when to become a law, 11.

BIRDSALL, GEO. W. Act for the relief of, 181.

BONDS, STATE, issuance and sale of, authorized, 47, 49.

      may be sued on, 26.

      issuance and sale of, authorized, 127, 130.

      to be sold and redeemed in coin, 128.

BOUNDARY, of the State defined, 23.

      of counties authorized to be surveyed, 130.

BRIBERY, of officers, how punished, 240.

      persons giving, or officers receiving bribe, how punished, 240.

      attempting to bribe officers, how punished, 240.

BULKHEAD, citizens of Churchill county authorized to construct, 66.


CENSUS, may be taken, 25.


CHURCHILL COUNTY, acts of County Commissioners, legalized, 57.

      citizens of, authorized to construct bulkhead, 66.

      duties of Auditor and Treasurer, in relation to the Act for the relief of Benjamin Curler, 70.

CITIES AND TOWNS, Act to provide for the disincorporation of, amended, 95.

      County Commissioners granted power to disincorporate, 95.

      exempt from paying certain costs, 165.

      officers prohibited from being interested in certain contracts, 246.

      Mayor, to order police force, 247.

CIVIL CASES, Act to revise and amend Act to regulate proceedings in, 186, 187.

CIVIL PRACTICE, certain parts of Act to apply in Justices’ Courts, 122, 123.

      Commissioner appointed to prepare and report Civil Practice Act, 158.

CLAIMS, against State, Act in relation to payment of, 135.

      duplicate of, to be filed with Board of Examiners, 139.

      Act in relation to payment of, 135.

      Act to pay certain claims created by Warden of the State Prison, 159.

CLERK OF SUPREME COURT, duties in certain cases, 55.

      who eligible to office of, 232.

      when chosen and term of office, 234.

CLERKS OF ELECTION. see Elections.

COLLECTOR, LICENSE, duty to demand statement, 175.

      when required to levy and collect tax, 176.

      duty to collect Passenger Tax, 171.

COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY, duties in relation to excavations, 61.

      duties in relation to contingent fund, 74.

      duty to levy tax, 76.

      duty to provide books, etc., for Registry Agents, 82.

      duty to appoint Registry Agents in certain cases, 88.

      granted power to disincorporate cities and towns, 95.

      Legislature to provide for Boards of, 10.

      authorized to allow compensation to Surveyors, 131.

      to constitute Board of Equalization, 169.

      duty to allow compensation to Sheriff, 190.

      duty to establish election precincts, 210.

      duty to appoint Inspectors of election, 210.

      shall cause clerks to make out notices of election, 210.

      duty when Inspectors fail to serve, 211.

      duty to provide ballot box, 212.

      canvass of votes by, 216.

      shall make abstract of votes, 216.

      may employ messenger to convey election returns, 217.

      joint canvass by, 217.

      when to appoint persons to fill vacancies, 225.

      duty to divide county into townships, 234.

      duty to issue certificates of election, 236.

      duty of clerks of, to certify to Secretary of State, election qualifications, etc., of county officers, 236.

      may make temporary appointment to fill office, 238.

      when to fill vacancies in county and township offices, 239.

      unlawful to be interested in certain contracts, 246.

      duty in relation to public highways, 252, 253.

COMMISSIONERS, BOARD OF, constituted to report claims for Indian depredations in Humboldt county, 132.

      duties of, 133.

      place of business, 133.

      quorum, 133.

      vacancies, etc., 133.

      compensation, 134.

      clerk, 134.

      report, 134.

COMMISSIONER, appointed to prepare and report civil practice act, 158.

      compensation of, 158.

      ground work of Act, 158.

      oath and bond, 159.

      Governor authorized to appoint, to represent Nevada in World’s Fair in Paris, 204.

COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, compensation of, 67.

      shall be appointed, 232.

COMMISSIONS, form of, 14.

      of officers, how issued, 236.

COMPLAINT, in Justice’s Courts, 112.

      form of in tax suits, 172.

CONTROLLER, STATE, duties of, 14.

      authorized to draw warrant on Legislative Fund, 45.

      duty in relation to State bonds, 47.

      directed to draw warrants on Legislative Fund, 68.

      duty to issue warrant to Supreme Judges, 75.

      Act defining duties of, 96.

      salary of, 27.

      bond, 30.

      duty to audit claims, 97.

      duty to draw warrants, 97.

      duty to direct the prosecution of certain suits, 97.

      duty to state an account against persons failing to make settlement, 97.

      copy of account, sufficient evidence to support action in certain cases, 98.

      duty to preserve books, records, etc., 98.

      duty to give information to Legislature, 98.

      books, etc., to be open to the inspection of Governor, Legislature, etc., 98.

      vacancy, how filled, 98.

      penalty for neglect to perform duties, 99.

      seal of office, 99.

      duty to keep accounts, 99.

      duty in relation to settlement and payment of accounts, 99.

      duty to keep account with Treasurer, 100.

      duty to draw warrant, 100.

      duty in relation to orders on the Treasurer, 100.

      duty to furnish books and blanks to County Assessors and Collectors, 100.

      office hours, 100.

      duty to countersign bonds, 127.

      duty to keep record, 129.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of Commissioner, 159.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of Warden of State Prison, 159.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of Deputy Secretary of State, 161.

      authorized to draw warrant in favor of J. F. Hatch, 164.

      duty to prepare blanks, 176.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of Frank Eastman, 183.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of publisher of the laws of 1866, in newspaper, 184.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of Register and Receiver of U.S. District Land Office, 195.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of John F. Stone, 196.

      authorized to draw warrant for the purpose of paying expenses of collecting specimens for World’s Fair, at Paris, 204.

      when to draw warrant on Mining School Fund, 209.

      who eligible to office of, 232.

      when chosen and term of office, 233.

      penalty for purchasing scrip, 245.

      prohibited from dealing in evidences of indebtedness, 246.


      amendments to, how made, 25.

      revision of, 25.

      debates of Convention to be published, 30.

CONGRESS, election of representatives in, 233.

CONVEYANCES, Act concerning, amended, 52.

      acknowledgment of, before whom taken, 52.

CONTINUANCE, in Justices’ Courts, 114.

CONTEMPT, in Justices’ Courts, how punished, 121.

CONSTABLES, by whom elected, 233.

      when chosen and term of office, 235.

      penalty for purchasing judgment, 245.

             See Justices’ Courts.

CONTRACTS, unlawful for officers to be interested in, 246.

      may be declared void, 246.

CORPORATIONS, Act to extend provisions of Act of March 10th, 1865, 46.

      orders or decrees in certain cases, ratified, 46.

      Act to provide for formation of, amended, 165.

      not to be dissolved by failure to elect Trustees, 79.

      duty of officers in certain cases, 79.

      general provisions, 19.

      Act to provide for formation of, amended, 79.

      Act to provide for formation of, amended, 188.

      capital stock, 188.

      how formed for running timber, etc., 198.

      power to purchase and hold mining property, 204.

COURTS OF JUSTICE, Act in relation to proceedings on criminal cases in, amended, 49.

      Act in relation to, amended, 53.

      when no business to be transacted, 53.

      Act in relation to, amended, 59.

      Act in relation to, amended, 138.

      Act concerning proceedings in civil cases in, amended, 186.


COURTS, MUNICIPAL, general provisions, 17.

COURT TAX, Legislature to provide for, 18.

COUNTY BUILDINGS, fund set apart for erection or purchase of, 65.

      Commissioners of Storey county authorized to purchase, 68.

COUNTIES, boundaries of, authorized to be surveyed, 130.


CRIME, capital or infamous, when tried, 5.

CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS, an Act concerning, amended, 138.

      an Act supplementary to an Act concerning, 166, 167.

      punishment for prison breaking, 166.

      punishment for escaping from jail, 166.

      costs, how paid, 166.

      trial of prisoner, 166, 167.

CRIMINAL CASES, Act to amend to regulate proceedings in, 49.


CURRENCY, Act in relation to, 190.

CURLER BENJAMIN, Act for the relief of, 70.


DEBT, State may contract, 20.

      State may contract, 20.

      State not to assume, 20.

      restriction of, 20.

DEBTORS, privileges of, 5.

      joint, may be released from liability, 67.

      released debtor not necessary to action, 67.

      credit to be made, 67.

DEEDS, COMMISSIONERS OF, compensation, 69.

      shall be appointed, 232.

DEPUTIES, required to take oath, 236.

DISTRICT OFFICERS, to file duplicate oath in office of Secretary of State, 236.

DISTRICT COURT, jurisdiction of, 16.

      duty of clerk in certain cases, 55.

      original jurisdiction, 59.

      appellate jurisdiction, 59.

      power to issue writs, 59.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Act relating to, 66.

      of Storey county, to approve deed, 68.

      Act concerning, amended, 126.

      compensation, 126.

      fees of in suits for delinquent taxes, 173.

      may bring action in certain cases, 221.

DISTRICT JUDGES, election of, 16.

      ineligible to other offices, 17.

      salary of, 18, 29, 140.

      when to qualify, 30.

      Act to pay salaries for the month of December, 1866.

      eligibility of, 138.

      fund provided to pay salaries of, 160.

      contest of election of, 221.

      impeachment of, 227, 228.

      who eligible to office of, 232.

      when chosen, and term of office, 234.

      when Governor to declare office vacant, 238.

      vacancies, how filled, 239.

      reduction of, in first judicial district, 251.

      time of election in first judicial district, 251.

      when business does not require three in first district, 251.

      no appointment to be made, 251.


             See Judicial Districts.

DITCHES, manner of constructing and maintaining, 202, 203.

DUELING, penalty for officers not preventing, 245.


EASTMAN, FRANK, Act for the relief of, 183.

EDUCATION, general provisions, 21, 22.

      lands appropriated for, 21.

ELECTORS, Act to provide for registration of, 81.

      qualifications, 83.

      when not to be arrested, 7.

      registration of required, 7.

      majority of, 25.

ELECTIONS, general, 24.

      general provisions, 31, 32, 33, 34.

      soldiers’ votes, how taken, 32.

      in mining districts, 141.

      general election, when held, 210.

      duty of county commissioners, 210.

      sheriff required to post notices, 211.

      inspectors failing to serve, 211.

      inspectors to choose clerks, 211.

      oath of inspectors and clerks, 211.

      who to administer oaths, 211.

      when polls to be opened and closed, 212.

      ballot box, 212.

      manner of voting, 212.

      clerks to compare poll lists, 213.

      poll books to be placed in ballot box during adjournment, 213.

      inspectors to keep ballot box and key separate, 213.

      canvassing by inspectors, 213.

      excess of ballots, 213.

      counting ballots, 213.

      form of entry in poll books, 214.

      returns, how and to whom made, 214.

      soldiers’ vote, and the manner of taking the same, 215, 216.

      canvassing by Board of County Commissioners, 216.

      abstracts of votes, where transmitted, 216.

      Governor to grant certificates of election, 217.

      certificates, when not to be withheld, 217.

      returns not to be set aside or rejected for want of form, 217.

      delayed returns, 217.

      canvass by two or more counties, 217.

      compensation of officers of, 218.

      who deemed elected, 218.

      misspelling to be disregarded, 218.

      when elections may be contested, 218.

      when election may be set aside, 219.

      who competent to contest, 219.

      how contested, 219, 220.

      office, when vacant, 221.

      contest of office of District Judge, 221.

      District Attorney may bring action, 221.

      what to set forth in complaint, 221.

      judgment, how rendered, 221.

      person alleged to be entitled may enter office or franchise, 221.

      damages, 221.

      when court may impose fine, 222.

      contesting elections for members of the Legislature, 223, 223.

      contesting the election of State officers, 224.

      removals from office by civil actions, 225.

      removals from office by criminal actions, 225, 226.

      impeachment of State officers and District Judges, 227, 228.

      fraud upon the ballot box, 229.

      destroying ballot box, 229.

      illegal voting, 229.

      misconduct at, 230.

      violations to be presented to grand jury, 231.

      misconduct of Inspectors or Clerks, 242, 243.

EMBEZZLEMENT, by public officers, 241.

ENACTING CLAUSE, form of, 10.


      Clerk to make list, 170.

      quorum, 170.

      Clerk to enter corrections, 171.

ESMERALDA COUNTY, Commissioners empowered to levy a tax, 71.

      duty of Commissioners, Auditor and Treasurer, 72, 73.

EXAMINERS, BOARD OF, created, 14.

      directed to allow five hundred dollars to Frank Eastman, 183.

EXCAVATION, safeguards to be erected around, 59.

EXECUTION, in Justices’ Courts, 118.

      property exempt from, 186.

      property liable to, 187.

EXTORTION, penalty for, by any officer, 241.


FARGO, D. L., Controller directed to draw warrant in favor of, 68.

FAIR, appointment of Commissioner authorized to represent Nevada in World’s Fair at Paris, 204.

FEES, Act relative to amended, 51.

      payable in advance, 51.

      execution therefor, 51.

      duty of Secretary of State to collect certain, 71.

      Act supplementary to the Act to regulate, 67.

      may be paid in currency, 190.

FISKE, JOHN A., Controller authorized to draw warrant in favor of, 68.

FISH, when unlawful to catch by net, 159.

FIRE DEPARTMENT, an Act for the relief of certain officers of the Virginia Fire Department, 52.

FINES, accruing to Territory to enure to State, 26.

      may be paid in currency, 190.


FLEISHHACKER & MEYER, Controller directed to draw warrant in favor of, 68.

FLUME, manner of constructing and maintaining, 202, 203.

FOX, JOHN G., Controller directed to draw warrant in favor of, 68.

FOREIGNERS, rights of, 6.

FUNDS, Act to create certain funds, 45, 46.

      State Legislative, 46.

      contingent, of Assembly and Senate, 46.

      to pay District Judges, 160.

      to transfer from general to library, 168.

      to transfer from Legislative to Senate and Assembly contingent, 73.


GAME AND FISH, Act relating to, amended, 159.

GOVERNOR, duty of, in relation to State Bonds, 47.

      how elected, 12.

      eligibility, 12.

      returns of election for, how made, 12.

      to be Commander-in-Chief, 12.

      duties of, 13.

      who not eligible to office of, 13.

      powers of, 13.

      salary of, 27.

      duty to commission officers, 30.

      duty to sign bonds, 127.

      duty to appoint State Sealer, 158.

      authorized to appoint Commissioner to represent Nevada in World’s Fair, at Paris, 204.

      Act in relation to salary, 205.

      who eligible to office of, 232.

      when chosen and terms of office, 233.

      oath of, 236.

      duty to issue commissions to State officers, 236.

      when to declare office vacant, 238.

      when to fill vacancies in certain cases, 239.

      authorized to offer reward, 247.

      may order military, 248.

      may declare county in insurrection, 249.

      may revoke Proclamation, 249.

GOVERNOR, LIEUTENANT. See Lieutenant-Governor.

GOVERNMENT, SEAT OF, established at Carson City, 23.

GOLD HILL, Act to incorporate town, amended, 91.

      powers of Trustees, 91, 94.

      outstanding indebtedness, 187.

      additional tax authorized, 187.

      redemption fund, 187.

      proposals for surrender of warrants, etc., 188.

      claims, how purchased, 188.

GUARDIAN, how appointed, 103.


HABEAS CORPUS, not to be suspended, 5.

HATCH, J. F. Controller authorized to draw warrant in favor of, 164.

HIGHWAYS, what declared to be public, 252.

      when work to be done by contract, 252.

      road fund, 252.

      disbursing road fund, 252.

      manner of locating, etc., 252, 253.

      obstructions, 253.

HOMESTEADS, exempt from forced sale, 10.

HUMBOLDT COUNTY, duty of Commissioners and Auditor in the Act for the relief of Hiram Welch, 51.

      assessments of 1864, as made by County Commissioners, legalized, 70.

      Act to provide for the payment of the outstanding indebtedness, amended, 80.

      duty of County Commissioners to create certain funds, 80.

      duty of County Treasurer, 80.

      Board of Commissioners constituted to report claims for losses by Indian depredations, 132.


IMPEACHMENT, general provisions, 18.

INDEBTEDNESS, State, not to assume, 20.

      of the Territory assumed by State, 27.

INFIRM, counties to provide for, 23.

INSPECTORS OF ELECTION, how appointed, 210.

      to choose clerks, 211.

      oath of, 211.

      empowered to administer oath, 211.

      duty in opening and closing polls, 212.

      duty to have copy of register of voters before them, 212.

      duty in adjournments, 213.

      to keep ballot box and key separate, 213.

      manner of canvassing votes, 213.

      duty to draw out and destroy excess of vote, 213.

      returns of election, how made, 214.

      County Commissioners to allow compensation, 216.

      compensation, 218.

      shall disregard misspelling, 218.

      penalty for violating election Act, 230.

      misconduct in office, 242, 243.



JAMES ALFRED, Sections 2 and 3 of Act for the relief of, repealed, 46.

JAILS, an Act in relation to, and prisoners thereof, amended, 189.

      Sheriffs to have custody of, 189.

      duty of Sheriff to transfer prisoners, 189.

      penalty for jailer to permit prisoners to escape, 244.

      penalty for refusing to receive prisoners, 245.

JOHNSON, J, NEELY, appointed commissioner to prepare and report Civil Practice Act, 158.

JOURNALS OF SENATE AND ASSEMBLY, number to be printed, 50.

JUDGMENT, in Justices’ Courts, 116.

      how entered in tax suits, 77.

      may be rendered by default, 77.

      rendered in tax suits, what to include, 78.


JUDICIAL DISTRICTS, constituted, 15.

      Judges in, 16.

      Act to re-district, 139.

      terms of court in, 140.

JUDICIAL OFFICERS, not to receive fees, 17.

JUDKINS, M. D. Controller authorized to draw warrant in favor of, 68.

JUROR, GRAND, when challenge may be interposed, 49.

      how selected, 192.

      court may release, 193.

JURY, right of trial by, 4.

      when to be excluded from serving on, 10.

      charge to, 17.

      trial by, in Justices’ Courts, 116.

      Act concerning, 191.

      how selected, 191.

      how summoned, 191.

      venire, when returned, 191.

      additional trial jurors, how selected, 192.

      when to be selected from body of county, 192.

      court may release, 193.

      penalty for neglecting to serve, 193.

      who exempt, 193.

JURISDICTION, of Justices’ Courts, 100.

JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, general provisions, 17.

      certain duties of, 60, 61.

      duty to act as registry agents, 81.

      Courts held by denominated Justices’ Courts, 101.

      by whom elected, 233.

      when chosen, and term of office, 235.

      bribery of, how punished, 240.

      penalty for purchasing judgment, 245.

JUSTICES’ COURTS, Act in relation to, 101, 126.

      where held, 101.

      jurisdiction, 101.

      jurisdiction of the person, 102.

      action, how commenced, 102.

      guardian, how appointed, 103.

      summons, form of and service, 103, 104.

      order to arrest defendant, 104.

      trial of defendant when arrested, 105.

      duty of officer making arrest, 105.

      writ of attachment, when to issue, 105.

      when justice to require undertaking, 106.

      form of writ, and how executed, 106.

      what property may be attached, 106, 107.

      property in the hands of third parties, 107.

      constable’s return, 107.

      perishable property, 107.

      property claimed by third party, 108.

      judgment, how satisfied, 108.

      execution returned unsatisfied, 108.

      judgment against plaintiff, 108.

      attachment, when discharged, 108.

      when defendant to deliver undertaking, 109.

      motion to discharge attachment, 109.

      personal property, claim and delivery of, 109, 111.

      pleadings and trial, 111.

      complaint and answer, 112.

      intervention of third parties, 112.

      when instruments to be deemed genuine, 112.

      corporation, when deemed to be admitted, 113.

      objections to pleadings, 113.

      amendments of pleadings, 113.

      title to real property not to be raised, 113.

      change of venue, 114.

      adjournment and continuance, 114.

      when action may be dismissed, 115.

      trial by jury, 116.

      action may be dismissed without prejudice, 116.

      judgment by default. 117.

      judgment when and how entered, 117, 118.

      when execution may issue, 118.

      form of execution and how executed, 118, 119.

      Justice’s docket, 119, 120.

      sickness of Justice, etc., 121.

      Constables may complete process, 121.

      contempt, how punished, 121.

      subpoenas, 122.

      depositions, 122.

      costs, 122.

      Civil Practice Act to apply, 122.

      new trial, 123.

      appeal from, 123, 124.

      justification, 125.

      jurat of the Justice, 125.

      Acts repealed, 125.



LANDS, PUBLIC, Act for the disposition of the 16th and 36th sections, amended, 194.

      Treasurer authorized to sell land warrants, 194.

      persons who have exclusive privilege to enter, 194.

      duty of Treasurer when two or more persons claim the same land, 195.

      duty of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 195.

      Act to provide for the right of way through the lands of others, for certain purposes, 202.

LANDER COUNTY, county officers in, 28.

      Act concerning boundary of, 183.

LAWS, no ex post facto, to be passed, 6.

      what to embrace, 9.

      shall be general, 10.

      publication of, 24.

      of the Territory, to remain in force, 26.

      number of copies to be printed, 50.

      Act to provide for publication of, in newspaper, 184.

      to be received as evidence, 185.

LEGISLATURE, how vested, 8.

      sessions of, 8.

      members when not eligible to appointment to civil office, 8.

      members, when exempt from arrest, 9.

      restriction, 9.

      duty to establish county and township government, 10.

      time of session, 10.

      to provide for the election of officers, 11.

      compensation of members, 11.

      not to pass Special Acts, 19.

      to provide for levying tax, 20.

      to provide for a uniform system of Common Schools, 20.

      number of members, 24.

      sessions of, 28.

      fund created, 45.

      Act to transfer moneys from fund of, 73.

      contesting election of members, 222.

      oath of members, 236.

      certificates of election of members, 236.

      vacancy, 238.

      bribery of members, how punished, 240.

      unlawful for members to be interested in certain contracts, 246.

LIBRARIAN, STATE, directed to deliver certain books to Warden of State Prison, 137.


      salary as Warden, 205.

      who eligible to office of, 232.

      when chosen, and term of office, 233.

      oath of office, 236.

      when duties of Governor to devolve upon, 239.

      vacancy, how filled, 239.

LIENS, Act to secure to ranchmen and others, 65.

      when to attach, 65.

      sales how made, 65.

      when to attach for delinquent taxes, 77.

      when to attach from Justices’ Courts, 118.

LINCOLN COUNTY, created, 131.

      officers in, when to be appointed, 132.

      county seat, 132.

      representation, 132.

      attached to Nye county, 132.

LOAN, Act authorizing, 127.

LOTTERIES, prohibited, 10.


MEMORIAL, in relation to the sale of mineral lands, 269.

MILITARY, to be subordinate to civil power, 5.

      persons in service to enjoy the right of suffrage, 7.

MILITIA, organization of, 22.

      Governor, power to call out, 23.

      Act to provide for organizing and disciplining, amended, 206.

      Secretary of State to be ex officio Adjutant-General, 206.

MINING, Act to provide for the condemnation of real estate and other property for mining purposes, 196.

      how condemned, 196.

      petition, what to set forth, 197.

      duty of petitioner, 197.

      trial by jury, 197.

      plaintiff, when to recover, 197.

      costs, 197.

      practice, how governed, 198.

MINING EXCAVATIONS, Act to secure animals from danger from, 59.

MINING CLAIMS, Act concerning the location and possession of, 141-152.

      districts, how formed, 141.

      mining Recorders, how elected, 141.

      elections, annual and special, 141.

      persons entitled to vote, 142.

      elections, how conducted, 142.

      vacancy in office of Recorder, 142.

      resignation of Recorder, 142.

      duties of Recorder, 143, 144.

      boundaries of claims, 145.

      when claims not subject to relocation, 145.

      when relocation may be made, 145.

      locations, how made, 146.

      number of feet may be located, 146.

      what location deemed to include, 147.

      blind ledges, 147.

      locations, when void, 147.

      rights of holders of claims, 147.

      roads not to be obstructed, 148.

      monument, 148.

      penalty for destroying boundary, etc., 148.

      term foot defined, 148.

      assessment, 148.

      district mining laws repealed, 148.

      locations under this Act, 149.

      amount of assessment to hold claim, 149.

      assessment work on claims held under district mining laws, 149.

      receipt of District Recorder for assessment dues, 149.

      when claim forfeited, 150.

      when papers may be filed in office of County Recorder, 150.

      postponement of work, 150.

      acts done after specified time, 150.

      rights, when forfeited, 151.

      fees of District Recorder, 151.

      records, etc., to be received as evidence, 151.

      penalty for changing records, etc., 151.

      duty of Recorder to pay over fees, 151.

      placer mining, 151.

      conveyance of interest, 151.

      provisions not to apply to Storey county, 152.

MINING SCHOOL, established, 206.

      mineralogist to be appointed, 206.

      duty of Board of Regents, 207.

      course of studies, 208.

      lectures, 208.

      library, 208.

      assaying department, 209.

      where school may be established, 209.

      when permanently established, 209.

      how removed, 209.

      expenses how paid, 209.

MINERALOGIST, to be appointed, 206.

      compensation, 206.

      oath of office, 207.

      to have management of school, 207.

      specimens, how arranged, 208.

      shall deliver lectures, 208.

      shall take observations, etc., 208.

      may procure maps and diagrams, 208.

      expenses, how paid, 209.

MONEY, how drawn from treasury, 9, 10.

MUNCKTON & WARNER, Controller directed to draw warrant in favor of, 68.


NEW TRIAL, in Justices’ Courts, 123.

NOLAN & VANDYKE, Controller directed to issue warrant in favor of, 68.

NORMAL SCHOOLS, Legislature power to establish, 21.

NOTARIES PUBLIC, Act in relation to, amended, 64.

      number to be appointed in each county, 64.

      shall be appointed, 232.

NOTEWARE, C. N. Controller directed to draw warrant in favor of, 68.

NYE COUNTY, Act concerning boundaries of, 183.


OATH, form of Registry, 84.

      constitutional, 25.

      when officers to take official, 235.

      to be endorsed on commission, 235.

      before whom to be taken, 236.

      time of taking, 236.

      deputies required to take, 236.

OFFICE, who not eligible to hold, 8-24.

      when vacated, 18.

      removal from, 19.

      oath of, 24.

      tenure of, 25.

      penalty for selling, 245.

      when may be forfeited, 247.

      when officers in discharging duties of, justified in killing, 247.

OFFICERS, STATE, election returns of, how made, 12.

      how chosen, 24.

      where to hold office, 25.

      salaries of, 27.

      not to receive perquisites, 27.

      term of office, 27.

      when to qualify, 29.

      contest of election, 224, 225.

      impeachment, 227, 228.

      shall be elected, 231.

      who eligible, 232.

      by whom elected, 233.

      when chosen and term of office, 233.

      oath and bond, 235.

      when Governor to declare office vacant, 238.

      punishment for extortion, 241.

      punishment for embezzlement, 241, 242.

      punishment for refusal to pay over public funds, 241.

      unlawful to be interested in certain contracts, 246.

      may sell indebtedness for services rendered, 249.

      charged with disbursement of public moneys, may withhold payment, 249.

OFFICERS, COUNTY, where to hold office, 24.

      how chosen, 25.

      continued in office, 28.

      shall be elected, 231.

      by whom elected, 233.

      when chosen, and term of office, 234.

      oath and bond, 235.

      certificates of election, 236.

      when County Commissioners to declare office vacant, 238.

      vacancies, how filled, 239.

      bribery of, how punished, 240.

      punishment for extortion, 241.

      punishment for embezzlement, 241, 242.

      punishment for refusing to pay over public funds, 241.

      punishment for obstructing officers in the service of process, 244.

      penalty for purchasing scrip, 245.

      prohibited from dealing in evidences of indebtedness, 246.

      official duty, 247.

      may sell evidence of indebtedness for services rendered, 249.

      charged with disbursement of public moneys, may withhold settlement, 249.

OFFICERS, TERRITORIAL, continued in office, 29.


      election, 31.

ORMSBY COUNTY, Act to consolidate and pay certain indebtedness of, 255-258.

      Treasurer prohibited from paying warrants, etc. 255.

      redemption fund created, 255.

      redemption fund, what to pay, 256.

      duty of Treasurer, 256.

      proposals for surrender of bonds, etc., 256.

      acceptance of bids, 256.

      cancellation of bonds, etc., 256.

      duty of Auditor, 256.

      lowest bid, how determined, 257.

      when bids are equal, 257.

      what shall be paid before proposals are advertised, 257.

      transfer of money from current expense fund, 257.


PEOPLE, right to assemble and petition, 5.

      rights against seizures, etc., 6.

PERSONS, secured from danger arising from mining and other excavations, 59.

PERSONAL PROPERTY, collection of tax on, 69.

      claim and delivery of, 109.

      duty of officer, 110, 111.

      sureties, 110.

      how reclaimed, 110.

      when property is claimed by third party, 110.

PLEADINGS, in Justice’s Courts, 111.

POLL TAX, Legislature to provide for, 7.

POLICE JUDGE, certain duties of, 60, 61.

POWERS, distribution of, 7.

PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, when chosen, 232.

      time and manner of election, 232.

      notice of election, 232.

      when and where to convene, 232.

      how to vote for President and Vice President, 233.

PRESS, liberty of, guaranteed, 5.

PRINTER, STATE, Act in relation to, amended, 49.

      duties of, 50.

      duty to file duplicate account in office of Secretary of State, 139.

PRISON, STATE, shall be established, 23.

      Act to pay certain claims created by Warden of, 159.

      Warden authorized to issue warrant, 164.

      appropriation for, 165.

      punishment for escaping from, 166.

      reward for escapes from, 247.

PRISONERS, punishment for escaping from prison, 166.

      Act concerning escaped, 164.

      inhumanity to, how punished, 243.

      officers voluntarily suffering the escape of, how punished, 244.

PROBATE COURT, cases in, to be transferred, 30.

PROCESS, style of, 17.

      punishment for obstructing officers in service of, 244.

      resistance to, how punished, 248.

PROPERTY, private, not to be taken except in certain cases, 5.

      punishment for injury to, 138.

      sale of, for delinquent taxes, 161-164.

      how condemned for mining purposes, 196, 197.

PROSECUTION, criminal, 26.


PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, Act in relation to, 252.

             See Highways.



RAFTING, Act to regulate, 198-202.

      corporation, how formed, 198.

      articles of association, 198.

      not to interfere with dams, etc., 199.

      rights of land holders not to be interfered with, 199.

      lein, when to attach, 200.

      public or individuals not to be deprived of rights, 200.

      damages to ranches, 200.

      names of persons to be posted, 201.

      name and mark to be filed and recorded, 201.

      penalty for altering mark, 201.

      directors to elect certain officers and fill vacancies, 201.

      books and records, 202.

RAIL, E. B., Controller directed to draw warrant in favor of, 68.

RAILROAD, Act authorizing the construction of, from Virginia City to Truckee River, amended, 190.

      condition of franchise, 190.

      Act in relation to, amended, 250.

      power to dispose of bonds, 250.

      may borrow money, 250.

      may lease road, 250.

      gauge and kind of rail, 251.

      Act in relation to the Pacific, 254.

REAL ESTATE, how condemned for mining purposes, 196, 197.

RECORDS, of the Territory to vest in State, 26.

      penalty for defacing or altering, 243.

      penalty for refusing to deliver over, 244.

RECORDERS, COUNTY, duty to be present at meeting of Board of Equalization, 170.


RECORDER’S COURT, Act in relation to, of Austin, 134.

RECOGNIZANCES, to remain valid, 26.

REGENTS, BOARD OF, established, 22.

      duties in regard to mining school, 206-209.

REGISTRATION, of electors required, 7.

      Act to provide for, of the names of electors, 81.

      Registry Agents, 81.

      duty of Board of, 81.

      form of Registers, 82.

      books and registers to be provided for Registry Agents, 82.

      expenses, how paid, 82.

      duty of Registry Agents to receive and register names, 83.

      form of oath, 83, 84.

      duty of Registry Agents upon challenge, etc., 84.

      when certificate of naturalization is lost, etc., 85.

      duty of Registry Agents to post notices, 85.

      examination of person objected to, 86.

      person may apply for mandamus, 86.

      hearing and determining objections, 86.

      certified copies of names registered to be made out, 86.

      form of certified copies, 87.

      persons moving from one district to another, 87.

      Registry Agents to take oath, 88.

      Registry Agents authorized to administer oaths, 88.

      poll tax required to be paid, 88.

      compensation of Registry Agents, 88.

      poll tax receipts, 88.

      County Commissioners may appoint Registry Agents, 88.

      who not entitled to vote, 88.

      illegal voting, 89.

      punishment for certain offenses, 89.


REPRESENTATION, to be apportioned according to population, 5.

RESIDENCE, when not gained or lost, 6.

RESIGNATIONS, how made, 237.

RESOLUTIONS, ASSEMBLY, relating to mail service from Virginia City to American City, Storey county, 261.

      relating to printed bills, 261.

      granting leave of absence to Robt. Lyon, County Assessor of Douglas county, 261.

      relative to Monroe Doctrine, 262, 263.

      relating to mail service from Wellington’s Station to Austin, 264.

      relating to U. S. branch mint, 264.

      relating to the repeal of the fifteenth joint rule, 265.

      Secretary of State authorized to furnish elective officers of both House of the Legislature with Journals, 265.

      relating to mail service from Ione to Crystal Springs, 265.

      relating to the sale of the mineral lands, 265.

RESOLUTIONS, SENATE, relating to railroads, 266.

      relating to the transfer of troops, 267.

      relating to Indian depredations, 267.

      relating to the sale of mineral lands, 269.

      relating to the trial of Jefferson Davis, 269.

      relating to mail service from Aurora to Silver Peak, 270.

      relating to mineral lands claimed by the Central Pacific Railroad Company, 270.

      relating to National Banks, 271.

      relating to the printing of Surveyor-General’s report, 271.

      relating to mail service from Austin to Silver Peak, 272.

      relating to Nevada volunteers, 272.

REVENUE, Act to provide, amended, 76.

      taxes levied for State purposes, etc., 76.

      tax authorized for county purposes, 76.

      apportionment of county revenues, 76.

      County Commissioners authorized to create redemption fund, 76.

      additional and special taxes, 76.

      judgment for defendant to be general, without costs, 77.

      lien, when to attach, 77.

      judgment by default, 77.

      judgment, what to include, 78.

      compensation of County Treasurers for collecting State taxes, 78.

      Treasurers’ salary fund, 78.

      taxes levied on ores, quartz, etc., 78.

      stamp duties, 78, 79.

      Act to provide, further amended, 168.

      duty of County Assessors, 168.

      penalty for giving false list, 169.

      Board of Equalization, 169.

      duty of Assessor, 170.

      duty of Recorder, 170.

      corrections to assessment roll, how made, 171.

      duty of Tax Receiver and County Auditor, 171.

      when delinquent taxes may be paid, 172.

      form of complaint, 172.

      fees of District or Prosecuting Attorney, 173.

      hotel license, etc., 173.

      statement to be transmitted to Controller, 173.

      Treasurers required to settle with Controller, 174.

      report and statement to be transmitted to Controller, 174.

      compensation of Auditor and Treasurer, 174.

      oath required, 174.

      capitation tax, 175.

      statement required, under oath, 175.

      duty of License Collector to demand statement, 175.

      License Collector required to assess in certain cases, 176.

      Controller to prepare blanks, 176.

      passenger tax, 177.

      sale of stamps, 177.

REWARD, Governor authorized to offer, for escaped prisoners, 247.

RIGHTS, declaration of, 4.

RIOTOUS ASSEMBLAGE, how dispersed, 248.

      persons may be arrested for, 248.

      duty of officers and persons in quelling, 248.

RIVERS, Act to regulate rafting and running timber and wood on, 198-202.

      Act to allow persons to divert for certain purposes, 202.

ROOP COUNTY, attached to Washoe, 30.


SALARIES, may be increased or diminished, 24.

      of District Attorneys, 126.

      Act in relation to payment of, 135.

      may be paid in currency, 190.

SCHOOLS, to be uniform, 21.


      fees of, 157.

      duty to keep correct account of fees, etc., 158.

      Governor to appoint, 158.

      power to appoint deputy, 158.

      oath and bond, 158.

SEAL OF STATE, required, 14.

      Act to provide, 94.

SECRETARY OF STATE, duties of, 14.

      duties of, in relation to journals, 50.

      duty to collect certain fees heretofore collected by Governor’s Private Secretary, 71.

      salary of, 27.

      Deputy Secretary of State, salary of, 161.

      duty to contract for fuel, etc., for the use of the Legislature, 182.

      duty in relation to publication of the laws of 1866 in newspaper, 184.

      to be ex officio Adjutant-General, 206.

      duty to transmit list of names of electors in service of the United States, 215.

      who eligible to office of, 232.

      duty to countersign commissions, 236.

      duty when officer is removed by impeachment, etc., 238.

      duty in relation to election returns, 243.

SENATE, members of, how chosen, 8.

      qualifications of, 8.

      may punish and expel members, 8.

      vacancy, how filled, 9.

      quorum, 9.

      journal of proceedings to be kept, 9.

      pay of members, 27.

      apportionment of members, 27, 139.

      term of members, 28.

      contingent fund created, 45.

      Act to transfer moneys to, 73.

      who eligible to office of Senator, 232.

      members, when chosen, and term of office, 234.

      when President pro tem to act as Governor, 239.

      when to elect a President, 239.

SENATORS, UNITED STATES, how elected, 11.

SHERIFF, duty to post election notices, 211.

      permitting prisoners to escape, how punished, 244.

      refusing to receive, or arrest, persons charged with criminal offense, 245.

      may command assistance, 247.

      may apply to Governor for military force, 248.

SKEEN, WILLIAM E., Controller directed to draw his warrant in favor of, 68.

SLAVERY, prohibited, 6.

SOLDIERS, votes, how taken, 32, 215, 216.

SPEECH, liberty of, guaranteed, 5.

STAMPS, duty levied, 78.

      sale of, 177.

      commission for selling, 177.

      duties, 177.

      affidavits, acknowledgments, agreements and assignments, 177.

      bank checks and bills of exchange, 178.

      bonds, bills of sale, and certificates, 178.

      checks, contracts and conveyances, 179.

      endorsements, 179.

      insurance, 179.

      lease and mortgage, 179.

      pawners’ checks and powers of attorney, 179.

      probate of will, etc., 180.

      quit claim deed and receipts, 180.

      trust deeds and warehouse receipts, 180.

      writs and legal documents, 180, 181.

STATE, suits against, 10.






STONE, JOHN F., Act for the relief of, 195, 196.

STOREY COUNTY, Act to provide for the purchase of a county building by, 68.

      Act to dispose of money in the building fund under certain contingencies, 182.

      mining Act not to apply in, 152.

SUFFRAGE, who entitled to the right of, 6.

      right to be enjoyed by persons in military service, 7.

SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, when elected and term of office, 21.

      duties in relation to the disposition of the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections of public lands, 195.

      who eligible to office of, 232.

      when chosen and term of office, 234.

SUPREME COURT, general provisions, 15.

      duty of Clerk in certain cases, 55.

      when and where to be held, 17.

      terms of, 29.

      appropriation to pay for publishing volume one of reports of, 156.

      duty of Judges to distribute reports of, 181.

      who eligible to office of Clerk of, 232.

SUPREME JUDGES, ineligible to other office, 17.

      salary of, 18-27.

      when to qualify, 30.

      Act for the payment of salaries of, 74.

      Act in relation to salary amended, 135.

      directed to distribute reports, 181.

      who eligible to office, 232.

      when chosen, 233.

      vacancies, how filled, 239.

      bribery of, how punished, 240.

SURVEYOR-GENERAL, duties of, 14.

      salary of, 27.

      duty in regard to disposition of sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections of public land, 194.

      who eligible to office of, 232.

      when chosen and term of office, 233.

SURVEYORS, COUNTY, duty to survey county boundaries, 130.

      duty to make maps and report, 131.

      compensation, 131.


TAX, United States land exempt from, 4.

      toll tax, how provided for, 7.

      annual, to be levied, 20.

      taxation to be equal, 20.

      school tax provided for, 21.

      taxation restricted, 30.

      levied, to pay bonds, 48.

      levied in the year 1865 for the purchase or erection of county buildings, legalized, 64.

      collection of, on personal property, 69.

      levied for State purposes, 76.

      authorized for county purposes, 76.

      special, 76.

      judgment for delinquent, how entered, 77.

      levied on ores, quartz, etc., 78.

      Act to provide for sale of property for delinquent, 161-164.

      duty of Tax Receiver, 171.

      when delinquent, may be paid, 172.

      form of complaint for delinquent, 172.

      capitation, 175.

      may be paid in currency, 190.

TELEGRAPHS, Act relating to, 61.

      construction of, 61, 62.

      rates of charges to be posted in each office, 62.

      transmission of messages, 62.

      right of way, 62, 63.

      lines to be kept in repair, 63.

      Act in relation to the Pacific, 254.

TIMBER, Act to regulate rafting and running of, 198-202.

TOWNSHIPS, officers in, how elected, etc., 234.

      new townships, 235.

      penalty for officers to purchase scrip, 245.

      officers prohibited from purchasing evidences of indebtedness, 246.

      unlawful for officers to be interested in certain contracts, 246.

TOWN SITES, Act in relation to, 54.

      duty of corporate authorities, Judge or Judges, 54, 55, 56.

      duty of claimant, 55.

      when proceedings to be certified to District Court, 55.

      duty of Clerk of Supreme or District Court, 55.

      appeal, 55.

      when lands to be sold, 56.

TREASURY, money, how drawn from, 9, 10.

TREASURER OF STATE, duties of, 14.

      authorized to transfer money to Legislative Fund, 45.

      duty in relation to State Bonds, 47, 48, 49.

      Act defining duties of, 57.

      commission, 57.

      official seal, 57.

      annual report, 58.

      report to Controller, 58.

      prohibited from using money, 58.

      neglect of duties, deemed misdemeanor, 58.

      vacancy, how supplied, 58.

      power to administer oaths, 58.

      compensation of, 59.

      duty to transfer certain moneys, 73.

      duty to set apart money to pay the salary of Supreme Judges, 74.

      salary of, 27.

      bond, 30.

      duty to prepare bonds, 127.

      duty to set apart fund, 128.

      duty to make arrangements for the payment of interest on bonds, 128.

      duty to publish notice, 128.

      duty to notify bidder, 129.

      shall transmit report, 129.

      shall keep separate record, 129.

      duty to advertise for sealed proposals, 129.

      duty to invest money, 130.

      duty to keep full account of transactions in regard to bonds, 130.

      appropriation to, 130.

      warrants on current expense fund, how paid, 136.

      duty to set apart money to pay for publishing volume one of Supreme Court Reports, 156.

      duty to transfer certain moneys from the General Fund to the Library Fund, 168.

      required to set apart money to pay for publication of Debates of Constitutional Convention, 183.

      authorized to employ clerk, 184.

      duty in regard to disposition of the 16th and 36th sections of public land, 194, 195.

      who eligible to office of, 232.

      when chosen, and term of office, 233.

      penalty for purchasing scrip, 245.

      prohibited from dealing in evidences of indebtedness, 246.

      may refuse to redeem warrant, 249.

TREASURERS, COUNTY, compensation of, for collecting State tax, 78.

      salary fund of, 78.

      duty of, in relation to the salary of the District Judges, 160.

      sale of property for delinquent taxes, duty of, 161, 162, 163, 164.

      salaries of, 185.

      may refuse to redeem warrants, 249.

TREASON, against State, what to consist of, 6.

TRIAL, in Justice’s Courts, 111.

      when new trial may be granted in Justices’ Courts, 123.


UNIVERSITY, STATE, Legislature to provide for, 21.


VACANCIES, how filled, 13-30.

      commission of officers to fill, 237.

      how occasioned, 237.

      cause of, shall be certified, 238.

      how supplied, 238.

      to be filled by Governor and County Commissioners, 239.

VENUE, change of, in Justices’ Courts, 114.

VIRGINIA, Act for the relief of certain officers of the fire department, 52.

      Act to incorporate, amended, 89.

      powers of Board of Aldermen, 90.

      Act for the relief of the Chief of Police, 181.

      Act to provide for the payment of the indebtedness of, amended, 205.

      redemption fund, 205.

VOTES, plurality of, to constitute choice, 25.

VOTERS, whom qualified, 7, 31.

             See Electors.

VOTING, manner of, 212.


WARDEN OF STATE PRISON, Act to pay certain claims created by, 159.

      salary of, 205.

      may issue warrants for escaped convicts, 164.

WATER COURSES, persons allowed to divert for certain purposes, 202.

WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Act to establish standard of, 157, 158.

      standard established, 157.

      duty of State Sealer, 157.

      duty of persons using weights and measures, 157.

      fees of State Sealer, 157.

WELCH, HIRAM, Act for the relief of, 51.

WIFE, to hold property, 11.

      registration of separate property, 11.

WORLD’S FAIR, Governor authorized to appoint Commissioner to, 204.

WOOD, Act to regulate rafting and running of, 198, 202.

WRITS, District Courts and Judges, power to issue, 59.