[Rev. 1/24/2023 11:34:56 AM]




ACCOUNTS, against counties must be sworn to, 115.

      Auditor to issue certificate for, 116.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, by whom taken, 103.

      heretofore taken to be valid, 103.

ACTION, CIVIL, form of, 16.

      time of commencing, 85, 86, 87.

ADMINISTRATION, order entitled, 99.

            See Public Administrator.

ADJUTANT GENERAL’S OFFICE, appropriation for incidental expenses of, 172.

AMENDMENTS, to Constitution, how made, 24.

APPORTIONMENT, of members of Senate and Assembly, 26.

APPROPRIATIONS, to pay expenses of bonds, 46, 52.

      to defray expenses of Commissioners to Paris, 61.

      for care of indigent insane, 63.

      to pay James Cochran for certain services, 67.

      to pay A. Whitford, 98.

      for support of civil Government for third and fourth fiscal years, 108, 109.

      for printing Supreme Court reports, 115.

      for rent of Adjutant General’s office, 116.

      to pay John S. Childs, 128.

      for the Nevada Orphan Asylum, 130.

      for the survey of lands, 169.

      for support of the civil Government for the third and fourth fiscal years, 171.

ARMY, standing, not to be maintained, 5.

ASSEMBLY, organization of, 47.

ASSEMBLYMEN, when chosen, 7.

      term of office, 7, 27.

      shall be qualified electors, 8.

      pay of, 26.

      apportionment of, 26.

ASSAYING, Act to regulate business of, 57.

ASSAYERS, to make monthly returns, 57.

ASSOCIATIONS, Act to provide for incorporation of, 70, 71.

ASSESSORS, COUNTY, duty in relation to poll tax, 75.

      books for use of, 159.

      duty to prepare quarterly assessment roll, 160.

      form of quarterly assessment roll, 161.

      compensation of, 162.

ASYLUM, Act for the incorporation of, 79, 80.

      appropriation for the Nevada orphan, 109.

      Act fostering and supporting the Nevada orphan, 130.

ATTORNEY GENERAL, election of, 13.

      term of office, 13.

      Act defining duties of, 106.

      where to reside, 106.

      bond, 106.

      certain duties of, 106, 107.

      appropriation for salary, etc., 109.

      appropriation for rent of office, 172.

ATTORNEYS, DISTRICT, compensation of, 96, 97.

ATTACHMENT, writ of, how executed, 83.

AUSTIN, Act to incorporate city of, amended, 73.

      vacancies, how filled, 73.

      special tax, 73.

      grading streets, 73.

      duty of City Marshal, 73, 74.

AUDITOR, COUNTY, of Nye county to draw warrant in favor of S. L. Baker, 60.

      duty to charge Tax Receiver with certain taxes assessed, 112.

      duty to issue certificate, 116.

      compensation of, 162.


BAKER, S. L., Act for the relief of, 60, 61.

BAIL, excessive, shall not be required, 5.

BILLS, where to originate, 9.

      how read, 9.

      how passed, 9.

      how signed, 9.

      when to become a law, 11.

BONDS, OFFICIAL, sureties on may be released, 55.

      proceedings in relation to release, 55, 56.

BONDS, issuance and sale of authorized, 45, 50, 65.

      how issued, 45, 51.

      Commissioner to sell, 45.

      how prepared, 46.

      interest, 46, 65.

      principal and interest, how paid, 46.

      to be sold and paid in coin, 51.

      Interest and Sinking Fund, 51.

      proposals for surrender of, 51.


BROOKS, C. B., made Commissioner to Paris, 61.

BUEL, DAVID E., made Commissioner to Paris, 61.


CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS, Act to incorporate, 70, 71.

CHURCHILL COUNTY, transfer of money to the transcript fund of, 48.

      transfer of money from indigent sick fund to general fund, 65.

      compensation of District Attorney of, 97.

      salary of Treasurer of, 104.

CHILDS, JOHN S., Act for the relief of, 128.

CIVIL ACTIONS, form of, 16.

      time of commencing, 85, 86, 87.

CIVIL CASES, Act to regulate proceedings in, amended, 83.

      Act to regulate proceedings in, amended, 119.

COCHRAN, JAMES, Act to pay for certain services, 67.

COMPLAINT, indorsement of Clerk upon, 120.

COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY, Act in relation to Board of, amended, 59.

      duty in relation to contracts, 59.

      duty in relation to highways, 68, 69.

      may appoint additional Justices of the Peace, 88.

      duty in relation to public arms, 105.

      duty in relation to the poor, 116, 117.

      duty in relation to toll roads failing to pay over two per cent., 121.

      duty in relation to orphans, 130.

      duty to furnish books to Assessors, 159.

      authorized to levy tax for county purposes, 163.

      may allow discount to be made on quarterly payments of taxes, 164.

COMMISSIONERS, BOARD OF, created to report claims for Indian depredations in Lander county, 118.

      duty of Commissioners, 118.

      compensation, 119.

      may appoint clerk, 119.

      report, 119.

CONCEALED WEAPONS, Act to prohibit carrying of, 66.

CONSTABLES, duty to file statement of fees received, 63.


      amendments to, how made, 24.

      revision of, 24.

      debates of Convention, 29.

CONTROLLER OF STATE, election of and term of office, 13.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of County Treasurers, 67.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of James Cochran, 67.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of J. F. Hatch, 68.

      duty in relation to school fund, 91.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of clerk in Adjutant General’s office and State Library, 96.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of A. Whitford, 98.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of W. Goodell, 102.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of S. H. Marlette, 107.

      appropriation for salary of, etc., 108.

      duty to draw warrant in favor of J. S. Childs, 128.

CONVEYANCES, Act in relation to, amended, 103.

CORPORATIONS, constitutional provisions, 18.

      may become stockholders, 45.

      associations may incorporate, 70, 71.

COUNTIES, accounts against must be sworn to, 115.

COUNTY SEATS, Act for the removal of, 78.

COUNTY CLERKS, duty in regard to mechanics’ liens, 54

      duty to file statement of fees received, 63.




COURT, SUPREME. See Supreme Court.

COURT, DISTRICT. See District Court.


COURT OF JUSTICE, Act to regulate proceedings in, amended, 64, 83, 119.

      Act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases in, amended, 124.

CRIME, capital or infamous, where tried. 5.

CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS, defendant in, deemed competent witness, 58.

CRIMINAL CASES, Act to regulate proceedings in, amended, 124.

      complaint, 125.

      witnesses, 125.

      form of indictment, 126.

      postponement of trial, 127.

      complainant to be sworn, 127.

      defendant to be present at trial, 127.

      jury trial, 127.

      when title to real property is involved, 128.

      appeal, 128.


DEBT, finance and State, 19.

DEBTORS, privileges of, 5.

      Act for relief of insolvent, amended, 72.

DEFENDANT, enabled to testify in criminal prosecutions, 58.

      liabilities of persons, etc., owing, 84.

      examination of persons owing, 84.

DISTRICT JUDGES, election of, 15.

      ineligible to other office, 16.

      salaries of, 17, 28.

      office when vacated, 17.

      may be removed from office, 17.

      authorized to sign records after expiration of term, 59.

      duty in relation to indigent insane, 62.

      duty in relation to town sites, 175.

DISTRICT ATTORNEYS, compensation of, 96, 97.

      certain duties of, 112.

DISTRICT COURTS, jurisdiction of, 15.

      time and place of holding Court, 16.

      terms of, 28.

      duty of Clerk of, in relation to town sites, 122.

DOUGLAS COUNTY, compensation of District Attorney of, 97.

      salary of Treasurer of, 104.


EDUCATION, constitutional provisions, 20, 21.

      Board of, 90.

ELECTOR, not to be arrested, 6.

      registration of, required, 7.

ELECTIONS, shall be by ballot, 7.

      general, when held, 23.


ESTATE OF DECEASED PERSONS, Act to regulate the settlement of, amended, 99.

      See Public Administrator.

ESMERALDA COUNTY, indebtedness of provided for, 76, 77.

      duty of Treasurer of, 76, 77.

      proposals for surrender of warrants, 76.

      compensation of District Attorney, 96.

      salary of Treasurer of, 104.

EXAMINERS, BOARD OF, appropriation for contingent expenses of, 109.


EXECUTION, sale of property on, 64.


FEES, Act relating to certain, collected by the Governor’s Private Secretary, repealed, 60.

      Act to regulate, amended, 63.

      Act concerning, of Justices of the Peace, 101.

FINES, who may remit, 13.

      Act in relation to, 44.

      Act in relation to remitting, 53.

FOREIGNERS, rights of, 5.

FORFEITURES, Act in relation to remitting, 53.

FUNDS, Legislative, created, 43.

      contingent, 43.

      money remaining in, to revert, 44.

      Act to create certain, 157.

      contingent, 157.


GILLESPIE, WM. M., Act for the relief of, 112.

GOODELL, WALLACE, Act for the relief of, 102.

GOVERNOR, how elected, 11, 12.

      term of office, 12.

      eligibility, 12.

      to be Commander-in-Chief, 12.

      duties of, 12.

      powers of, 12, 13.

      power to call out militia, 21.

      appropriation for salary of, etc., 108.

      appropriation for rent of office, etc., 171.

GOVERNOR, LIEUTENANT, election of, 13.

      when duties of Governor to devolve upon, 18.


HABEAS CORPUS, shall not be suspended, 5.

HARMON, F. H., allowed compensation as Registry Agent, 112.

HATCH, J. F., Controller authorized to draw warrant in favor of, 68.

HIGHWAYS, PUBLIC, Act in relation to, 68.

      duty of County Commissioners, County Clerk and County Auditor, 68.

      road tax, 68.

      duty of Supervisors, 69.

      what declared to be, 72.

HOMESTEADS, exempted, 10.

HOSPITALS, Act for the incorporation of, 79, 80.

HOTELS, proprietors of may sell baggage, 69.

      proceeds of sale, 69.

      sales how made, 69.

      baggage heretofore left may be sold, 70.

HUMBOLDT COUNTY, compensation of District Attorney of, 96.

      Clerk of, to transcribe and index certain records, 99.

      District Judge to allow compensation to Clerk, 100.

      salary of Treasurer of, 104.


IMPEACHMENT, who liable to, 17.

INCORPORATION, Act to provide for, of associations, 70, 71.

      Act to provide for, of hospitals or asylums in certain cases, 79.

      Act in relation to, of Masonic and Odd Fellows’ Lodges, amended, 102.

INDICTMENT, form of, 126.

      defect in, 126.

INFIRM, counties to provide for, 22.

INHABITANTS, enumeration of, to be taken, 24.

INSANE, Act for properly taking care of indigent, 62.

      duty of Secretary of State, 62.

      duty of District Judge, 62.

INSOLVENT DEBTORS, Act for relief of, amended, 72.

      meeting of creditors of, 72.




JONES, GEO. F., Act to pay certain indebtedness of, 158.

JUDICIAL, power, in whom vested, 14.

      districts, 15.

JUDGES, DISTRICT, election of, 15.

      ineligible to other office, 16.

      salaries, 17, 28.

      office when vacated, 17.

      may be removed, 17.

      authorized to sign records after expiration of term, 59.

      duty in relation to indigent insane, 62.

      duty in relation to town sites, 175.

JURY, right of trial by, 4.

      service, 10.

JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT, election and term of office, 14.

      ineligible to other office, 16.

      salaries, 17.

      office when vacated, 17.

      may be removed from office, 17.

      vacancies, how filled, 29.

      to distribute reports, 83.

JUSTICES’ COURTS, jurisdiction in actions to enforce mechanics’ liens, 54.

      Court, how governed, 54.

      proceedings to enforce liens, 54.

      certain provisions made applicable to, 84.

JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, jurisdiction, 16.

      duty to file statement of fees received, 63.

      County Commissioners authorized to appoint additional, 88.

      Act concerning fees of, 101.


KINKEAD AND HARRINGTON, Act to pay for goods furnished Clerk of Supreme Court of Territory, 117.


LAND, granted by the United States, accepted, 57.

      selection and sale of, 165, 171.

      sealed proposals for purchase of, 166.

      party in possession to have preferred right to purchase, 166.

      parties contesting, 167.

      when subject to sale, 167.

      application to purchase, 167.

      floating warrants, 168.

      actual occupants of 16th and 36th sections, 169.

      located prior to Act, how sold, 169.

      assignment of warrant, 170.

LAND OFFICE, STATE, created, 165.

      Register of, 165.

      copies of township plats, 165.

LAMBERT, WESLEY, charter for toll road, amended, 74.

LANDER COUNTY, officers of, 27.

      compensation of District Attorney, 96.

      salary of Treasurer of, 104.

      County Commissioners to allow compensation to Registry Agents, 112.

      Board of Commissioners created to report losses sustained by Indian depredations, 118.

LAWS, no ex post facto to be passed, 5.

      what to embrace, 9.

      shall be general, 9.

      publication of, 23.

      enrollment of, 113.

LEGISLATURE, how vested and where held, 7.

      sessions, 7, 10, 27.

      members, how chosen, 7.

      term of office, 7, 8.

      members, to be qualified electors, 8.

      members, when exempt from arrest, 8.

      vacancies, how filled, 8.

      journals, 8.

      restricted, 9.

      duty in relation to townships and counties, 10.

      officers and employes, 10.

      compensation, 10.

      number of members, 23.

      fund created to pay members, etc., 157.

      contingent expenses, etc., of third and special sessions provided for, 174.

LICENSES, Collector of, 110.

      levied, 110.

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, how to be elected, 13.

      when duties of Governor to devolve upon, 13.

LIENS, to miners and others, 48.

      proceedings in Justices’ Courts to enforce mechanics’, 54.

      duty of Clerks of District Courts, 54.

LIMITATIONS, Act in relation to, 85, 86, 87.

LINCOLN COUNTY, Act to create county of, amended, 129.

      County Commissioners named, 129.

      duty of County Commissioners, 129.

      county seat of, 129.

      representation, 129.

      Judge of, 130.

      term of Court, 130.

      County Commissioners to provide stationery, 130.

LITERARY ASSOCIATIONS, Act to provide for the incorporation of, 70, 71.

LOAN, Act authorizing State, 50.

      Act authorizing State, amended, 65.

LOCKHART, J. T., made Commissioner to Paris, 61.

LODGING HOUSES, Act for the protection of proprietors of, 69, 70.

LOTTERIES, prohibited, 10.

LOGAN, W. K., allowed compensation as Registry Agent, 113.

LYON COUNTY, compensation of District Attorney, 97.

      salary of Treasurer of, 104.


MAGISTRATES, who are, 124.

      duty in relation to complaint, 125.

MARLETTE, S. H., Controller directed to draw warrant in favor of, 107.

MARRIED WOMEN, right to transact business as sole traders, 49.

      notice to be given, 49.

      hearing of application, 49.

      order, 49.

      oath, 49.

      rights and liabilities, 50.

      maintenance of children, 50.

      husband not responsible, 50.

MARRIAGE, Act relating to, amended, 88.

      who may be joined in, 88.

      who may join, 88.

      license, 88.

      license, from whom obtained, 89.

      persons under age, 89.

      certificate, 89.

MASONS, F. AND A. M., Act to incorporate Lodges, amended, 102.

MECHANICS’ LIENS, proceedings in Justices’ Courts, 54.

      duty of Clerk of District Court, 54.

MILITIA, organization of, 21.

      Act to provide for organizing, amended, 104.

      uniform, 104.

MINES, tax on proceeds of, 161.

      tax made a lien on, 161.

      county taxes on, 164.

MINING CLAIMS, Act concerning location of, repealed, 55.

      rights acquired to remain valid, 58.

      time of commencing action for the recovery of, 85.


NEVADA ORPHAN ASYLUM, appropriation for support of orphans at, 109.

      Act fostering and supporting, 130.

      County Commissioners authorized to send orphans to, 130.

      duty of Managers, 131.

NOTARIES PUBLIC, number to be appointed, 124.

NYE COUNTY, county seat of, changed, 47.

      offices required to be kept at Belmont, 47.

      duty of County Commissioners, 47.

      Auditor to draw warrant in favor of S. L. Baker, 60.

      duty of certain officers in relation to the account of A. Ranney, 82.

      compensation of District Attorney, 97.

      salary of Treasurer, 104.


ODD FELLOWS, Act to incorporate Grand Lodge, amended, 102.

OFFICE, who not eligible to, 8, 23.

      vacancies in, how filled, 12.

      oath of, 23.

OFFICERS, salaries of, 26.

      State, when to qualify, 28.

      county, where to hold office, 23.

      how chosen, 23.

      continued in office, 27.

OFFICE, STATE, where held, 24.

      terms of, 26.



      election, 29, 33.

ORES, assessment of, 160.

ORMSBY COUNTY, redemption fund of, 81.

      indigent sick fund abolished, 83.

      claims payable out of general fund, 82.

      compensation of District Attorney of, 97.

      salary of Treasurer of, 104.

ORPHAN ASYLUM, appropriation for support of orphans at, 109.

      Act fostering and supporting the Nevada, 130.


PARDONS, who may grant, 13.

      Act in relation to granting, 53.

      application for, 53.

      restoration to citizenship, 53.

      order of discharge, 54.

PEOPLE, shall have right to assemble and petition, 5.

      shall be secure against unreasonable search, 6.

PERSONS, when bailable, 5.


      persons liable to pay, 75.

      collection of, 75.

POOR, Act relating to support of, amended, 116.

POWERS, distribution of, 7.


PRISON, STATE, Commissioners of, 13.

      shall be established, 21.

      appropriation to pay expenses of, etc., 109.

      Act to provide for the government of, amended, 123.

      duty of Warden, 123.

      duty of Commissioners, 123.

PRINTER, STATE, compensation to be paid in gold, 98.

PRIVATE SECRETARY OF GOVERNOR, Act in relation to collection of fees by, repealed, 60.

PROCESS, style of, 16.

PROPERTY, private, not to be taken in certain cases, 5.

      notice of sale of, under execution, how given, 64.

      real, time of commencing action for recovery of, 85.

PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Act in relation to, amended, 89, 96.

             See Schools.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, to be elected, 172.

      ex officio Coroner, 172.

      bond of, 172.

      duty to administer upon estates, 173.

      report, 173.

      money, how paid over, 173.

      when acting as Coroner, 173.

      authorized to administer without formal application, 174.

PUNISHMENTS, Act in relation to commuting, 53.


RANNEY, R., Act for the relief of, 82.

REAL ESTATE, peaceable entry, 86.

      time of commencing action for recovery of, 85,

      acknowledgments affecting, 103.

RECORDS, District Judges may sign after expiration of term, 59.

RECORDERS, COUNTY, duty to file statement of fees received, 63.

REGISTRATION, of electors, 7.

REGENTS, Board of, 21.

      duty to select land, 165.

      duty to prepare certain blanks, 168.

      duty to keep certain records, 169.

      fund placed at the disposal of, 169.

      duty to invest certain funds, 170.

REGISTER OF LAND OFFICE, Surveyor-General to be ex officio, 165.

      township plats, 165.

      to make and furnish copies of plats, 165.

      to report information to Board of Regents, 165.

      tract books, 165.

      when special deposits are made, 166.

      sealed proposals, 166.

      when two or more persons claim a preferred right to purchase, 167.

      salary of, 169.

      may employ clerk, 170.

      empowered to sell certain lands, 171.

RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATIONS, Act to provide for the incorporation of, 70.

REPRESENTATION, apportionment of, 26.

REPORTS OF SUPREME COURT, distribution of, 83, 115.

      publication of, 114.

      Clerk of Supreme Court to prepare decisions to be printed, 114.

      title of, 114.

RESOLUTIONS, ASSEMBLY, relative to printing rules and joint rules, 135.

      relative to mail from Virginia, Nevada, to Boise City, Idaho, 135.

      relative to editors of “Appeal” and “Union” being admitted to seats inside the bar, 136.

      ratifying constitutional amendments, 136.

      relative to post office at Pine Grove, 137.

      relative to mail from Dayton to Pine Grove, 137.

      granting leave of absence to W. K. Parkinson, 138.

      relative to constitutional debates, 138.

      relative to mail from Aurora to Truckee River, 139.

      relative to mail route to Pahranagat, 139.

      relative to tax for floating timber, etc., down Carson River, 139.

      relative to striking out fourteen and inserting first in Assembly Bill No. 20, 140.

      relative to claims of W. H. Brumfield and others, 141.

      granting leave of absence to W. K. Parkinson, 141.

      relative to U. S. timber reserve on the Truckee River, 142.

      relative to Monroe doctrine, 179.

      relative to reconstruction measures, 180.

      relative to lands granted to the State of Nevada by the United States, 181.

      relative to adjournment sine die, 182.

RESOLUTIONS, SENATE, relative to Joint Convention, 143.

      relative to printing Governor’s message, 143.

      relative to printing report of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 143.

      relative to Civil Practice Act, 143.

      relative to printing report of State Mineralogist, 144.

      relative to printing report of Warden of State Prison, 144.

      relative to admitting persons within the bar during canvass for U. S. Senator, 144.

      relative to roll call in Joint Convention, 144.

      relative to boundaries of Nevada, 145.

      relative to claims for Indian depredations, 145.

      relative to Joint Rule No. 7, 146.

      thanks to Lieutenant Governor Slingerland, 146.

      relative to printing Treasurer’s report, 147.

      relative to Hon. J. Neely Johnson, 147.

      thanks to A. Sutro, 147.

      relative to Sutro Tunnel, 147.

      relative to weights and measures, 149.

      relative to U. S. Branch Mint, 149.

      relative to printing report of Library Directors, 150.

      rescinding Joint Rule No. 20, 151.

      relative to military post on the Humboldt River, 151.

      relative to printing Surveyor General’s report, 151.

      relative to examination of books in State Department, 152.

      relative to certain claims for mail service, 152.

      relative to distribution of reports, 152.

      relative to Joint Rule No. 15, 153.

      relative to Ireland, 183.

      relative to claims of the State of Nevada against the United States, 183.

      relative to printing amendments to Revenue Laws, 184.

RESIDENCE, when not gained or lost, 6.

REVENUE, act to provide, amended, 74, 104, 110, 111, 159.

      collection of poll tax, 75.

      licenses, 110.

      assessment of property, 111.

      taxes for State purposes, 159.

      assessment of ores, 160.

      how paid over, 161.

      Act supplementary to Act to provide, 163.

      taxes for county purposes, 163.

ROADS. See Highways.

ROAD SUPERVISORS, duties of, 68, 69.


SALARIES, of District Attorneys, 96, 97.

      Act in relation to payment of, 98.

      of County Treasurers, 104.

SCHOOLS, PUBLIC, system to be uniform, 20.

      normal, may be established, 21.

      Act to provide for maintenance of, amended, 89.

      fund, 89, 95.

      duty of County Superintendent, 92, 93.

      Trustees of, 93, 94.

      Census Marshal, 94.

      district, 95.

      Board of Examiners, 95.

SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATIONS, incorporation of, 70.

SECRETARY OF STATE, election of, 13.

      term of office, 13.

      duties of, 13.

      duty in relation to organization of Assembly, 47.

      to call Assembly to order, 48.

      duty in relation to indigent insane, 62, 63.

      authorized to employ clerk in State Library, 96.

      Act concerning the office of, amended, 97.

      distribution of laws and journals, 97.

      appropriation for salary, etc., 108.

      duty to enroll laws, resolutions, etc., 113.

      duty to distribute Supreme Court Reports, 115.

      appropriation for copying journals, 171.

SENATOR, UNITED STATES, how elected, 11.

SENATORS, STATE, when chosen, 7.

      term of office, 8, 26.

      shall be qualified electors, 8.

      pay of, 25.

      apportionment of, 26.

SHERIFFS, duty to file statement of fees received, 63.

      Act relating to, amended, 64.

      to have custody of jail, 64.

      shall not practice law, 64.

      duty in relation to writ of attachment, 83.

      to be ex officio collector of licenses, 110.

SLAVERY, prohibited, 3, 4.

SOLE TRADERS, Act in relation to, 49, 50.

SPEECH, freedom of, 5.






STOREY COUNTY, compensation of District Attorney, 96.

      salary of Treasurer of, 104.

SUFFRAGE, right of, 6.

SUMMONS, service of, legalized in certain tax suites, 111.

      how served, 120.

SUPERVISORS, ROAD, duties of, 68, 69.


      certain duties of, 90, 91.

      appropriation for salary, etc., 109.

SUPREME COURT, what to consist of, 14.

      Justices of, election and term of office, 14.

      jurisdiction of, 14.

      time and place of holding Court, 16.

      terms of, 27.

      distribution of reports of, 83.

      publication of reports of, 114.

      Clerk of, to prepare decisions to be printed, 114.

      appropriation for Bailiff of, 172.

SURETIES, on official bonds, may be released, 55.

      proceedings in relation to release, 55, 56.

SURVEYOR GENERAL, Act to pay contingent expenses of office, 107.

      to be ex officio Receiver, 165.

      appropriation for salary, etc., 109.

SURVEYORS, COUNTY, duty to file statement of fees received, 63.

      duty to survey land in certain cases, 169.


TAXATION, to be equal, 19.

      restricted, 29.

TAX, special, may be provided for, 21.

      land and property of United States exempt, 4.

      levied to pay bonds, 46, 51.

      collection of poll, 75.

      publication of summons legalized in suits for delinquent, 111.

      levied for State purposes, 159.

      on ores, 160.

      lien on mine, 161.

      for county purposes, 163.

      assessing and collecting county, 164.

      Receiver, certain duties of, 111, 112.

TERRITORY, laws of to remain in force, 25.

      property of to vest in State, 25.

      indebtedness of, assumed, 26.

      officers of, continued in office, 27.

TOLL ROADS, Act authorizing Rufus Walton and Wesley Lambert to maintain, amended, 74.

      Act to enforce the payment of two per cent. of the gross proceeds, 120.

TOWN SITES, further rules and regulations prescribed, 122.

      duty of Clerk of Court, 122.

      Court tax, 122.

      appeal, 122.

      referees, 123.

      authorities to convey title after entry, 175.

      how conveyed, 175.

      deed, 176.

      Trustees may discharge trust after going out of office, 176.

      when successors may execute trust, 176.

      corporation, 176.

TREASON, what to consist of, 6.

TREASURY, STATE, money, how drawn from, 9.

      money transferred from to county school funds, 67.

TREASURER OF STATE, election of and term of office, 13.

      made Commissioner to sell bonds, 45.

      report to Controller, 45.

      duty when principal or interest on bonds fall due, 46.

      impeachment, 46.

      duty to prepare bonds, 51.

      duty in relation to principal and interest of certain bonds, 51.

      duty in regard to bonds, 52.

      authorized to pay warrant in favor of J. F. Hatch, 68.

      duty to pay over certain school money, 91.

      authorized to pay warrant in favor of clerk in State Library and Adjutant General’s office, 96.

      authorized to pay warrant in favor of A. Whitford, 98.

      authorized to pay warrant in favor of W. Goodell, 102.

      authorized to pay warrant in favor of S. H. Marlette, 107.

      appropriation for salary, etc., 108.

      Act defining duties of, amended, 113.

      duty to issue bond to Kinkead & Harrington, 117.

      duty in relation to special deposits for the purchase of lands, 166.

      duty to set apart certain moneys, 157.

TREASURERS, COUNTY, salaries of, 104.

      duty in relation to public arms, 105.

      when to assess property, 111.

      to ascertain arrears of toll roads, 120.

      to notify owners of toll roads, 120.

TRIAL, right of, by jury, 4.




VACANCIES, in office, how filled, 12.

VIRGINIA CITY, Alderman authorized to audit claim of J. N. Williams, 100.

      duty of Treasurer to pay certain order, 101.

      duty of Mayor and clerk to issue warrant to W. M. Gillespie, 112.

      Treasurer to pay Geo. F. Jones & Co. certain moneys, 158.

VOTERS, who qualified to vote for adoption or rejection of Constitution, 7.

VOTES, plurality of, to constitute choice, 24.


WALTON, RUFUS, toll road charter, amended, 74.

WASHOE COUNTY, compensation of District Attorney, 97.

      salary of Treasurer, 104.

WEAPONS, CONCEALED, Act to prohibit carrying of, 66.

WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Act in relation to, repealed, 44.

WHITFORD, ANDREW, Act for the relief of, 98.

WIFE, separate property of, 10.

WITNESS, defendant in criminal prosecutions deemed competent, 58.

WILLIAMS, J. N., claim of against Virginia City authorized to be audited, 100.

WORLD’S FAIR, Commissioners to represent Nevada at, 61.