Current through March 28, 2025



SB/AB                 Senate/Assembly Bill

SJR/AJR            Senate/Assembly Joint Resolution

SCR/ACR          Senate/Assembly Concurrent Resolution

SR/AR                Senate/Assembly Resolution


*                           Enrolled Bill

‡                           Resolution Approved by Legislature

†                           Deleted by Amendment

D                           Bill Failed to Meet Deadline

††                         Vetoed by Governor


The effective date of each bill and joint resolution is October 1

following its passage, unless otherwise stated in the bill.



                  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z





      Motor vehicles, removal from public or private property, requirements, AB 415


      Savings trust account, recovery of Medicaid benefits from, prohibited acts, SB 64


      Drugs to terminate pregnancy

             Mifepristone, prescription container label, requirements, AB 411

             Misoprostol, prescription container label, requirements, AB 411

             Unlawful acts, repeal, SB 139

      Post‑abortion counseling and support services, list of persons offering, duties of abortion service provider, fines, AB 260

      Regulations supersede and preempt ordinances or regulations of political subdivision of State, AB 101

      Unlawful abortion, repeal, SB 139


      Abolishment, SB 343

      American Sign Language as a foreign or world language, standards, duties, AB 247

      Mental health education, standards developed for, requirements, SB 314


      Motor vehicle crashes

             Approach to, violation resulting in death of first responder, penalties, AB 54

             Blood sample analyses, inclusion of other prohibited substances, AB 55

             Report submitted through electronic crash reporting system, contents, AB 55


      Board of Accountancy, Nevada State

             Certified public accountant, certification process, regulations, AB 510

             Examinations, regulations, AB 510

             Fees, AB 510

             Fictitious names, registration with Board, AB 510

      Certified public accountant, certification process, requirements, AB 510


      Administrative regulations, declaratory judgment of validity or applicability, requirements, SB 340

      Adoption of children, parent barred from bringing an action to set aside adoption after granting of petition to adopt, AB 227

      Agricultural Workers’ Bill of Rights, violations, remedies, SB 172

      Arbitration, nonbinding in certain actions, amount in issue, AB 3

      Assisted reproduction, violations, remedies, SB 217

      Balloons, release of certain, prohibited acts, violations, AB 194

      Breastfeeding a child, discrimination against a person for, penalties, damages, AB 266

      Business entities, general personal jurisdiction, AB 158

      Cannabis, exemptions from State prosecution for certain acts, AB 76

      Cigarettes, sale, distribution or use by certain persons, violations, AB 279, AB 336

      Civil Air Patrol, volunteer member employee, violation of employer, remedies, AB 422

      Coerced debt or debt that is the result of economic abuse, collection procedures, violations, AB 250

      Common‑interest communities, violations, remedies, jurisdiction, SB 339

      Comparative negligence, determination of percentage of fault, requirements, SB 363

      Copyright infringement, bad‑faith claim or assertion, penalties, remedies, SB 332

      Data collectors who are employers, violations, remedies, SB 291

      Drugs, maximum fair price, violations, remedies, AB 259

      Employment contract, contents, violations, penalties, AB 255

      Execution of civil judgments (See EXECUTION OF CIVIL JUDGMENTS)

      Family leave, paid leave for private and local government employees, violations, AB 388

      Fine, fee, cost or assessment, enforcement of judgment to pay, AB 13


             Employment of physicians, actions to enjoin violations, AB 393

             Medical debt, powers and duties, remedies of medical debtor, AB 343

      Hotel operators, violations, requirements, SB 360

      Housing discrimination, enforcement of laws, SB 107

      Immunities from liability

             Agritourism, businesses engaged in, posting signs of inherent risks, SB 55

             Child abuse or neglect, reports, investigations or legal interventions, immunities for certain persons, SB 409

             Controlled substances, persons authorized to possess and administer, execution of non‑opioid directive, SB 337

             COVID‑19, acts or omissions in response to or on basis of public health crisis, expiration, SB 406

             Dams, certain actions by State Engineer resulting in partial or total failure of dam, AB 26

             Delivery network companies, vicarious liability for certain actions, limitations, AB 523

             Employer responsible for intentional conduct of employee not liable if employee is cause of personal injury, SB 363

             Financial institutions, actions relating to reports of exploitation of vulnerable or older persons, exceptions, SB 369

             Firearms, persons returning firearm under certain circumstances, AB 181, AB 273

             Forensic medical examination, health care providers performing, SB 86

             Health care decisions, durable power of attorney for, acts in good faith, AB 461

             Health care providers

                   Agreements entered into between hospitals and Armed Forces, persons authorized to provide care, AB 253

                   Assisted reproduction, sanctions by professional board related to assisted reproduction, SB 217

                   Health care decisions, durable power of attorney for, acts in good faith, AB 461

             Mass casualty incident, victims of, electronic database

                   County employee or agent, immunity from related act or omission, AB 50

                   Hospital, independent center for emergency medical care and agent or employee, reports made in good faith, AB 50

             Nevada System of Higher Education

                   COVID‑19, acts or omissions in response to or on basis of public health crisis, expiration, SB 406

                   Harassment by certain persons, AB 465

             Original equipment manufacturers of certain products, damage or injury caused to covered products, AB 407

            Pari‑mutuel wagering, certain persons in carrying out provisions of law, SB 203

             Practitioners, administration of opioids, execution of non‑opioid directive, SB 337

             Public libraries, immunity of staff members, AB 445

             Religious organizations, volunteer security personnel, immunity under certain circumstances, AB 421

             School districts, harassment by certain persons, AB 465

             School libraries, immunity of staff members, AB 445

             Strangulation, forensic medical examination, health care providers performing, SB 86

             Transportation network companies, vicarious liability for certain actions, limitations, AB 523

      Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, SB 368, AB 494

      Inflatable devices, reckless action by operator business, AB 198


             Commissioner, examination of insurers, award in related tort actions, AB 74

             Health carrier or health insurance administrator, provision of health care services directly to patients prohibited, violations, SB 192

      Internet website or online platform, age verification system, violations, penalties, AB 294

      Limousines, lease to independent contractor, violations, AB 492

      Paramilitary activity, injury as a result of, damages, AB 119

      Personal injury, claim for, liability, defenses, limitations, SB 363

      Pharmacy benefit managers, prohibited acts against pharmacies, actions to recover damages, SB 209, SB 316

      Public works, access by joint labor‑management committee representative, violations, remedies, SB 270

      Recreational Use of Land Statute, legislative declaration, SB 303

      Reproductive health care, state imposition of unlawful requirements or limitations, remedies, vexatious litigants, AB 176

      Restaurant reservation service, third‑party platform providers, violations, SB 169

      Restitution, enforcement of judgment to pay, AB 13

      Rule adoption by local governing body, violations, remedies, AB 444


             Athletic team or sport, designation based on sex, violations, SB 112, AB 240

             Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, SB 368, AB 494

      State of Nevada, actions against, legal representation by official attorney, time period, indemnity, SB 67

      Tenants, actions for breach of rental agreement and lack of habitable dwelling, AB 223

      Ticket providers, resellers and secondary exchanges, deceptive trade practice, remedies, SB 338, AB 431

      Transportation network companies, violations, AB 459

      Veterans, actions for consumer fraud, requirements, AB 145

      Vision benefit plans, unfair or deceptive trade practices, authority of aggrieved providers of vision care to bring actions, AB 448

      Wrongful conviction of felony, action brought by person not in custody, AB 63

      Wrongful death actions, limitation of action by heirs, requirements, AB 489


      Providers of health care, entitlement to reimbursement for services performed, AB 511


      Alternate address displayed on driver’s license or identification card, persons allowed, SB 273, AB 150, AB 235

      Elections, statewide voter registration list, notice of change in address, duties of county clerk, SB 74, SB 205

      Inmates, last known residential address, collection, AB 477

      Postadoptive contact agreements, requirements, AB 227

      Public works, record regarding worker, duties of contractors, SB 287




             Information Technology Advisory Board, removal of membership, SB 12

             Libraries and Literacy, State Council on, appointments, SB 78

             Museums and History, Board of, appointments, SB 78

             Public Employees’ Benefit Program, appointment, removal of authority, SB 32

             Rural and Community Media Program, establishment, reports, SB 367

      Hearings Division

             Industrial providers of health care, powers, SB 317

      Human Resource Management, Division of

             Garnishment, service of writ if State is garnishee, AB 17

             Merit and Honors Board, Nevada, member, SB 78

             Veterans Coordinator, duties, AB 145

             Veterans hiring program, duties, AB 145

      Human Resources, Committee on, creation, SB 78

      Meetings of public bodies, notice, schedules of meetings, duties, AB 125

      Merit and Honors Board, Nevada, creation, SB 78

      Nevada State Service Corps, establishment, duties, AB 285

      Public Works Division, State

             Administrator, rental or lease of rooms in Capitol Building, duties, AB 115

             Alternate State Public Defender, Office of, provision of office space, SB 407

             Engineering and architectural services, furnishing to state agencies, exception, AB 23

             Grant agreements, payments of, applicability of laws, AB 75

             Postconviction Counsel, Office of, provision of office space, SB 407

      Purchasing Division

             Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

             Extension of certain contracts, limitations, SB 313

             Information concerning purchasing, publication on website, SB 71

             Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

             Solicitations, procedures for, publication on website, SB 71

      Rural and Community Media Program, establishment within Department, SB 367

      State Library, Archives and Public Records, Division of

             Data concerning pupils, redaction of information, duty to destroy after certain period of time, procedures, SB 445

             Public libraries, removal of materials from, model policy, duties, AB 445

             Racial Equity and Social Justice, Commission on, duties, AB 328

             State Council on Libraries and Literacy

                   Composition, SB 78

                   Cultural and Historic Preservation, Commission for, member, SB 78

             State Records and Historical Advisory Council, membership, SB 78


      Equal Rights Commission of Nevada, judicial review of final decisions, prevailing law, SB 107

      Housing Division, compliance, exemptions, AB 540

      Insurance, Commissioner of, applicability of laws to certain orders, AB 74


             Adoption and submission for review, duties, SB 340

             Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, duties regarding water rights, SB 36

             Economic impact of regulation, determination, AB 120

             Emergency regulations, adoption, procedure, limitations, SB 340

             Review by Legislature

                   Legislative findings and declaration, SB 340

                   Petition to review, requirements, SB 340

             Small businesses, regulations impacting, economic impact, determination, AB 120, AB 444


      Provisions relating to the adoption of adults, revisions, AB 227


      Adoption assistance program, categorical grants for, use, AB 515

      Confirmatory adoptions, procedures, AB 227

      Consent, witnesses to, inclusion of caseworker, SB 4

      Family leave, paid leave for private and local government employees, requirements and responsibilities, AB 388

      Indian children, orders to vacate adoption, requirements, AB 227

      Petitions for adoption, authority of adoptive parents to attend by remote‑technology system, AB 520

      Placement of Children, Interstate Compact on the, revision, adoption, AB 518

      Postadoptive contact agreements, requirements, AB 227

      Provisions relating to adoption, repeal, revision and reorganization, AB 227

      Publications and information relating to adoption, collection, maintenance and publication, AB 227

      Readoptions, procedures, AB 227

      Special needs children, agencies which provide child welfare services, duties, AB 227

      Study of the home, requirements, AB 227

      Tribal customary adoptions, authority, AB 35


      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use by employees prohibited, penalty, SB 184


      Criminal defendants involuntarily admitted to mental health facilities, compliance with certain advance directives unnecessary, AB 467

      Health‑Care Decisions Act, Uniform, enactment of remaining provisions, AB 461


      Campaign practices, disclosures, requirements, AB 73

      Cannabis establishments, prohibited acts, AB 76

      Distributed generation system financiers, prohibited acts, SB 379

      Health care facility, deceptive statements prohibited, penalties, AB 101

      Hemp products intended for human consumption, sale by certain persons, prohibited acts, AB 504

      Insurers, false advertising, prohibited acts, AB 74

      La Posada Drive to USA Parkway Connection Toll Road Demonstration Project, bids for construction work, requirements, AB 61

      Massage therapy establishment, requirements, unlawful acts, SB 386

      Medical cannabis establishments, prohibited acts, AB 76

      Merchant acquirer limited purpose banks, restrictions, SB 438

      Minor, artificial intelligence‑generated, depiction or use in certain materials, prohibited acts, AB 126, AB 187

      Motor vehicle fuel, advertising certain fuels, requirements, penalties, AB 29

      Public works, advertisement by public body, requirements, AB 502

      Reflexology establishment, requirements, unlawful acts, SB 386

      Restaurant reservation service, third‑party platform providers, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 169

      Rural and Community Media Program, establishment, marketing, SB 367

      State highways, construction, maintenance and repair

             Bids, requirements, SB 77

             Design‑build contracts, proposals, requirements, SB 77

      Storage facilities, lien of owner, advertisement of sale, requirements, AB 137

      Structural integration establishment, requirements, unlawful acts, SB 386

      Ticket providers, resellers and secondary exchanges, ticket prices, prohibited acts, SB 338


      Aviation, Fund for, duties, AB 293

      Creation, AB 293


      Adoption or relinquishment of children, consent to adoption, requirements, AB 227

      Cannabis establishment, agent registration cards, renewal, requirement removed, AB 308

      Estate of decedent, appointment of person legally qualified as representative, requirements, SB 404

      Interscholastic activities, eligibility of transfer student to participate, evidence of hardship, SB 272

      Orders for protection, applications for extended orders, requirements, AB 309

      School bus infraction detection system, violation, presumption that owner of vehicle is driver, rebuttal, AB 527

      Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act, ownership of certain property, requirements, SB 393


      Account for Affordable Housing, uses, AB 37

      Account for Housing Expansion Through Local Partnerships, establishment, appropriation, SB 51

      “Attainable affordable housing” defined, AB 37

      “Attainable housing” defined, AB 540

      Cities and counties

             Fees, authority to reduce or subsidize certain fees, SB 28

             Ordinances, authority to enact, exceptions, SB 289

             Undertaking, tax increment area ordered for, inclusion of affordable housing project, SB 28

      Companion animals, property tax abatement for certain owners of residential rental dwellings, legislative declaration, AB 447

      Database of low‑income housing, contents, AB 37

      Housing Authorities Law of 1947, commissioner, compensation, AB 103

      Housing discrimination based on arrest records, prohibited acts, duties of lessor, remedies, SB 107

      Housing Liaison, duties, AB 37

      Linkage fees, imposition of, authority, requirements, SB 99

      Solar‑powered affordable housing system, contracts and tariffs, requirements, AB 458

      Supportive Housing Development Fund, Nevada, AB 366

      Supportive housing, grant program, SB 166

      Taxes, local sales and use, use of proceeds, restrictions, SB 259

      “Tier four affordable housing” defined, AB 540

      “Tier one affordable housing” defined, AB 37

      Transferable tax credits, issuance, approval, requirements, AB 62

      “Workforce affordable housing” defined, AB 37


      Adoption of special needs children, financial assistance, age requirements, AB 227

      Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, insurance coverage, requirements, AB 340

      Autism spectrum disorders, coverage for screenings and services for persons under age 27, requirements, SB 398

      Cigarettes, sale or distribution to persons born after December 31, 2004, limitations, AB 279, AB 336

      Cosmetology professions, certain age requirements removed, SB 176

      Dependent child, availability of health care coverage until child reaches 26 years of age, AB 522

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, insurance coverage, requirements, AB 340

      Firearms, possession or control by certain persons, prohibited acts, AB 245

      Fireworks, sales to persons less than 18 years of age, prohibition, SB 394

      Guardianship of protected minor seeking status as special immigrant juvenile, age of minor, AB 65

      Health insurers and health care providers, prohibited acts, SB 352

      Hemp, sale of consumable hemp products to persons under 21 years of age, prohibition, SB 356

      Intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, insurance coverage, requirements, AB 340

      Juvenile justice, jurisdiction of juvenile court over certain persons who are 21 years of age or older, requirements, AB 351

      Medicare, supplemental insurance policies for persons less than 65 years old, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 292

      Peer recovery support services by persons 16 years of age or older, powers, AB 60

      Property tax, refund of taxes paid on primary residence to certain persons, constitutional amendment, AJR 1

      Social media platforms, age of prospective user, duties, prohibited acts, SB 63

      Tobacco products, remote retailers, age verification service, use, AB 471

      Workforce Connections, program to provide certain services to persons who are between 16 and 25 years of age, appropriation, SB 448


      Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment

             Financial institutions

                   Designated emergency financial contacts, requirements, duties, SB 369

                   Duty to report exploitation, immunities, SB 369, AB 500

             Genetic counselors, duty to report, SB 189, SB 348

             Nonemergency medical transportation, duty of drivers to report, AB 438

      Attendant care services for frail elderly persons, Medicaid waiver, AB 338

      Background investigations, screening for persons with access to elderly persons, SB 26

      Commission on Aging and Cognitive Health, Nevada

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of, authority, SB 78

             Creation, SB 78

      Crimes committed against

             Burglary, residential, additional penalty, SB 60

             Deceptive trade practice, additional penalty, SB 60

             Forgery, additional penalty, SB 60

             Fraud, additional penalty, SB 60

             Invasion of the home, additional penalty, SB 60

             Larceny, additional penalty, SB 60

             Restitution as condition of parole or probation for certain crimes, SB 60

             Theft, additional penalty, SB 50, SB 60

      Dementia care specialists program, establishment, requirements, AB 337

      Health insurers and health care providers, prohibited acts, SB 352, AB 522

      Landlord and tenant, amount of rent increases, limitations, AB 280

      Long‑term care, planning of, public awareness campaign, requirements, AB 517

      PACE program, establishment within Department of Health and Human Services, SB 207

      Personal care services in the home, agencies which provide, licensure and regulation, AB 519

      Property tax, persons 62 years of age or older, refund of taxes imposed on primary residence, constitutional amendment, AJR 1

      Public utilities, notice of termination, requirements, AB 456

      Rental assistance programs for certain persons, appropriation, SB 283

      Senior living community referral agencies, registration, requirements, SB 299



      Advisory Committee on Agricultural Work, creation, SB 172

      Bill of Rights, Agricultural Workers’, establishment, SB 172

      Cruelty to animals on land used for agriculture, seizure and disposition by officer, removal of exception, AB 381

      Prison farm programs, establishment, AB 246

      Real property, taxation on agricultural, applicability to agrivoltaic purposes, AB 479


      Composition, SB 78

      Washoe County, lease of real property by Board, termination, AB 333


      Agritourism, duties, appropriation, SB 55

      Cottage cosmetics operations, license to conduct, registry, duties, AB 352


             Agricultural Work, Advisory Committee on, creation, appointments, SB 172

             Agritourism, regulations, SB 55

             Community gardens and urban farms program, development, AB 405

             Fairgrounds, Nevada State, establishment, duties, AB 333

             Food and vender certification program, requirements, fees, duties, SB 233

             Nutritious Food Purchase Account, appropriation, duties, SB 233

      Eggs and egg products, costs, report, AB 171*

      Fairgrounds, Nevada State, establishment, duties, AB 333

      Farm Labor, Task Force on, creation, interim study relating to farm labor workforce, SB 233

      Farm‑to‑fork events, duties, AB 352

      Hemp, duty to establish maximum THC concentration for, removal of duty, SB 356

      Plant Health and Compliance, Division of, Controlling Interest Transfer Tax, receipt of money, use, AB 362

      Pupils, provision of universal free breakfast and lunch, appropriation, AB 268

      Soil Health Advisory Board, representative, AB 80



      Firearms, possession or control by certain persons, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 245


      Service contracts, duties of provider, AB 231


      Employers, mitigation of exposure of employees to poor air quality, duties, SB 260

      Engine emission control, biennial inspection and testing in certain areas, regulations, SB 230

      Interim Finance Committee, local air pollution control agencies, reporting requirements, AB 506

      Nuclear weapons, Federal Government urged to maintain moratorium on testing, AJR 13

      Safety programs in workplaces, requirements, AB 414


      Aerospace, Office of, creation, transfer of certain duties to, Commission moved to Office, AB 293

      Elimination of Commission, SB 78

      Name change, AB 293

      Transfer of duties to Nevada Aviation Technical Advisory Committee, SB 78


      Aerospace, Office of, creation, AB 293

      Personal property taxes for aircraft and component industry, abatement, denial, grounds, AB 77

      Sales and use tax for aircraft and component industry, abatement, denial, grounds, AB 77


      Aerospace, Office of, creation, AB 293

      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

      Elections, officers of, option to perform as volunteer, AB 262


      Alarm companies, deceptive trade practices, SB 311


      Behavioral health services delivered in federally‑qualified health center, Medicaid coverage, SB 300

      Naturopathic physicians, applicability of laws, SB 397

      Reimbursement, entitlement for certain services provided, AB 511

      Student Loan Repayment for Providers of Health Care in Underserved Communities Program, eligibility, SB 266, AB 269


      Behavioral health policy boards, regional, report to chairs, SB 68

      Elimination of Board, SB 78

      Health and Human Services, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, report, SB 68

      Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483


      Anesthesiologist assistants, continuing education of licensees, requirements, AB 56

      Behavioral health services delivered in federally‑qualified health center, Medicaid coverage, SB 300

      Fund for a Resilient Nevada, percentage allocated to the prevention of substance use disorders, SB 337

      Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, reports, requirements, AB 207

      Osteopathic physicians, continuing education of licensees, requirements, AB 56

      Physician assistants, continuing education of licensees, requirements, AB 56

      Physicians, continuing education of licensees, requirements, AB 56

      Prevention coalitions, duties, AB 60

      Railroad contract carriers, testing of drivers, requirements, AB 446

      United Citizens Foundations, Inc., provision of services to certain persons in K‑12 public education system, appropriation, SB 216


      Criminal defendants, assignment to specialty court programs, SB 17

      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use by employees prohibited, penalty, SB 184


      Pump or dispenser, labeling, requirements, violations, AB 29


      First responders, training to identify and interact with persons with cognitive impairments, SB 329


      Organizations that procure anatomical gifts, transportation of body or body part of deceased donor, authority, SB 349


      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89


      Physicians who are also licensed as dentist, permits to offer anesthesia and sedation, exemptions, AB 221


      Anesthesiologist assistants

             Continuing education, requirements, AB 56

             E‑mail address, requirement to maintain address with Board, AB 319


                   Examinations, requirements, AB 319

                   Expiration and renewal, time period, AB 56

                   Fees, AB 56

ANIMALS (See also specific animals)

      Adoption fees for animals in shelters, waiver of fee for certain persons, requirements, SB 325

      Animal shelters, sign to report animal cruelty, requirements, AB 136

      Business engaged in handling animals, training of owner or operator, requirements, AB 418

      Companion animals, property tax abatement for certain owners of residential rental dwellings, legislative declaration, AB 447

      Cruelty to animals

             Definition, AB 381

             Determination, AB 381

             Reports of, public notice, AB 136

             Sale of animal at auction, authorization by court, removal of requirement, AB 381

             Torture, definition, AB 381

             Transfer of ownership of animal by county, city or other local government, requirements, AB 381

      Household cleaning products, prohibition on importation and sale of products for which animal testing was performed, SB 167

      Kennels, training of owner or operator, requirements, AB 418

      Microchip, subcutaneous implantation of, not included in definition of “practice of veterinary medicine,” AB 71

      Rescue organization, training of owner or operator, requirements, AB 418

      Retail pet store, definition, prohibited acts, applicability of provisions, AB 487

      Service animals, prohibited acts by landlords, SB 107

      Swap meet, sale of live animals, limitations, AB 487

      Wildlife (See WILDLIFE)


      Cities in counties with population of 700,000 or more

             Alternative procedures for annexing territory, repeal, SB 61

             City annexation and detachment commission, creation, duties, SB 61

             Program of annexation, adoption, requirements, SB 61


      Hunting tags, fees, SB 79


      Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, investigation of discriminatory practices in housing, employment or public accommodations, duties, SB 179


      Rental agreements, unlawful to procure or offer false or forged agreement, penalties, SB 202

      Substandard property, authority of counties and cities to bring actions against property owner, procedures, AB 211


      Adoption of children, appellate jurisdiction, AB 227

      Business court, establishment, constitutional amendment, appellate jurisdiction, AJR 8

      Judges, election, AB 124, SJR 2


      Legislature, revising boundaries of district, procedure, constitutional amendment, AJR 5


      Barbering, supervision of apprentices, requirements, AB 225

      Construction trades, program standards, requirements, SB 285

      Health Care Workforce Apprenticeship Pilot Program, Southern Nevada, creation, AB 413

      Hiring preferences, order of preference, penalties for violations, AB 222

      Nurse apprentice program, appropriation to Division of Public and Behavioral Health, SB 271

      Public works projects, use of apprentices, requirements, AB 502


      Composition, SB 78

      Construction trades, program standards, duties, SB 285


      Agriculture, State Department of, SB 55, AB 268

      Air Service Development Fund, Nevada, AB 100

      Alliance for Childhood Diseases, SB 228, SB 348

      Atomic Testing Museum, National, AB 95

      Attainable Housing Account, Nevada, AB 540

      Aviation Fuel Incentive Fund, Sustainable, AB 481

      Aviation, Fund for, AB 100

      Baby Bonds Trust Fund, Nevada, establishment of Nevada Baby Bonds Program, AB 67

      Business and Industry, Department of, AB 413

      Cannabis Compliance Board, AB 508

      Cannabis Policy Institute of UNLV, AB 149

      City of Hope, SB 212

      Civic Engagement, Nevada Center for, SB 133, SB 245

      Clark County, SB 283, AB 475

      Clean Energy Fund, Nevada, SB 132

      College of Southern Nevada, SB 119, AB 379

      Communities In Schools of Nevada, SB 135

      Conservation Districts Program, AB 80

      Constitutional amendments

             Nonprofit organizations, appropriation made to, prohibited acts, AJR 4

             Political organizations, appropriation made to, prohibited acts, AJR 4

             Veto by Governor, line‑item, requirements, AJR 4

      Desert Research Institute, support of Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program, SB 6

      DISCOVERY Children’s Museum in Las Vegas, SB 190

      Education, Department of, SB 403, AB 139

      Emergency Management, Division of, SB 413

      Evans‑Kendall Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8071, SB 232, AB 300

      Fernley, City of, SB 70

      Goodwill of Southern Nevada, AB 130

      Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, Account for the, SB 262

      Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 134, SB 282, AB 212, AB 331, AB 339

      Health Care Access and Recruitment Program Account, Statewide, SB 434

      Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, AB 516

      Housing Development Account, Nevada Supportive, AB 366

      Housing Division, SB 193

      Housing Expansion Through Local Partnerships, Account for, SB 51

      Hydrological Studies, Fund for, AB 190

      Immigrant Home Foundation, The, AB 310

      Interim Finance Committee, SB 178

      Lear Theater in Reno, Nevada, contingent appropriation, SB 145

      Legislative Fund, SB 1*

      Legislature, disclosures regarding appropriations, constitutional amendment, AJR 3

      Mineral County, AB 16

      Mondays Dark, Inc., SB 178

      Native American Affairs, Department of, SB 312

      Nevada Center for Applied Research, SB 173

      Nevada Education and Health Care Pathways Account, AB 314

      Nevada School of the Arts, AB 257

      Nevada System of Higher Education, SB 165, SB 181, SB 429

      Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation, AB 95

      New Americans, Office for, AB 127

      Nutritious Food Purchase Account to carry out the Home Feeds Nevada Agriculture Food Purchase Program, SB 233

      NV Grow Act, SB 119

      Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program Account, AB 108

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, SB 231, SB 271

      Public Health Laboratory, State, SB 348

      Records, Communications and Compliance Division, AB 473

      Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, SB 147

      Reno, City of, SB 283, AB 475


             Garden programs, SB 104

             Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, SB 403

             Other State Education Programs Account, SB 90, SB 104

             Universal free breakfast and lunch, AB 268

             White Pine County School District, AB 288

      Secretary of State, SB 391

      Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, SB 97

      Sparks, City of, SB 283

      Surplus Food Assistance Account, creation, AB 474

      Survivors of Crime, Account for, SB 62

      Tourism, Commission on, SB 55

      Trauma Recovery Grant Project, Nevada, AB 460

      United Citizens Foundations, Inc., SB 216

      United Readers Program, SB 146

      United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra, SB 146, AB 358

      University of Nevada, Las Vegas

             Facilities, security, health and public safety upgrades, SB 427

             Lee Business School, planning and design of new building, SB 427

             Oh Lab of Neurogenetics and Precision Medicine, SB 159

             Partnership for Research, Assessment, Counseling, Therapy and Innovative Clinical Education, AB 330

             School of Dental Medicine, SB 280

             Teachers, licensure, pilot program for assessing competency, AB 286

             Thomas & Mack Legal Clinic at the William S. Boyd School of Law, AB 476

      University of Nevada, Reno

             Life sciences building, construction, SB 427

             Technology initiative for certain students, AB 353

      Water Resources, Division of, AB 485

      Wildlife Crossings Account, AB 87

      Workforce Connections, SB 448

      Workforce Innovations for a New Nevada Account, AB 113


      Civil actions, nonbinding in certain actions, amount in issue, AB 3

      Hospitals, duties regarding medical debt, AB 343

      School districts and employee organizations representing teachers, submission of issues to arbitration, procedures, SB 161


      Elimination of Board, SB 78


      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89


      Audiologists, license by endorsement, fees, AB 177

      Dentistry, dental hygiene, dental therapy and expanded function dental assistance, license for, deferment of expiration, SB 78

      Family leave, paid leave for private and local government employees, requirements and responsibilities, AB 388

      Firearms, background checks for service members, exemptions, AB 436

      Gender identity, outreach and assistance to certain members, requirements, SB 117

      Hearing aid specialists, license by endorsement, fees, AB 177

      Military unit awarded Presidential Unit Citation, special license plates indicating service on, restrictions on issuance, SB 148

      Nevada System of Higher Education, waiver of fees for certain students, requirements, SB 308

      Paramilitary activity, investigations of, certain provisions inapplicable, AB 119

      Property tax exemption for service members, requirements, AB 455


             Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, eligibility for grants, priority, AB 214

             Personnel, licensing, qualifications, SB 175, SB 227

             School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact, requirements, SB 227

      Sexual orientation, outreach and assistance to certain members, requirements, SB 117

      Space Force, special license plates, issuance to veterans of, requirements, AB 409

      Speech‑language pathologists, license by endorsement, fees, AB 177

      Voting, military identification cards used as proof of identity, requirements, AB 228


      Constables, refusal of constable to arrest person charged with criminal offense, removal from office, repeal, SB 381

      Housing discrimination based on arrest record, prohibited acts, duties, SB 107

      Justice courts, arrests made by Nevada Highway Patrol, jurisdiction of court, AB 233

      Prostitution, customers, when warrant unnecessary for arrest, AB 299

      Unlawful or riotous assembly, magistrates or constables, removal of certain duties, SB 381


      Industrial insurance

             Physical examinations, requirements, SB 170

             Testing and screenings, requirements, AB 440


      Stem cell therapy treatment, requirements, SB 128


      Artificial intelligence companies, registration and regulation, penalties, SB 199

      Education, committee on use in, appointment by Superintendent of Public Instruction, AB 531


             Campaign practices, use of certain synthetic media, penalties, AB 271

             Mechanical voting systems or devices, use of artificial intelligence prohibited, AB 271

      Emergency management plans and operations, use of artificial intelligence, prohibited acts, AB 325

      Financial institutions, use of artificial intelligence systems, notice to customer, SB 199

      Insurance, use of artificial intelligence systems, prohibited acts, SB 199

      Landlords, use of artificial intelligence to establish rent price constitutes restraint of trade, penalties, SB 199

      Legal documents generated by artificial intelligence software, provision to customer, requirements, SB 199

      Medical facilities and providers of health care, use of generative artificial intelligence to generate communications with patient, requirements, SB 186

      Pornography, artificial intelligence‑generated minor, materials depicting or using, prohibited acts, AB 187

      Schools, mental health of pupils, prohibited use of AI, AB 406

      Taxation, Department of, use in certain communications, duties, AB 537

      Website operators, provision of methods of conducting searches using artificial intelligence, requirements, SB 199


      Cultural and Historic Preservation, Commission for, member, SB 78

      Live Entertainment Tax, amount required to be deposited to the credit of Nevada Arts Council, AB 219


      Genetic counselors, assault upon, penalties, SB 189, SB 348

      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Inspector General, assault against Inspector General or employees, penalties, AB 33, AB 154

      Sexual violence, oral or written threat, included in definition of assault, AB 410

      Students of social work, assault upon, penalties, SB 429

      Tribal judge, assault committed upon, penalty, AB 150


      Unlawful or riotous assembly, magistrates or constables, removal of certain duties, SB 381


      Board of Athletic Trainers

             Elimination, SB 78

             Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483


      Attainable Housing Account, Nevada, creation, AB 540

      Attainable Housing Council, Nevada, creation, AB 540


      Insurers, coverage for screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340


      Candidates, registration to vote as qualification, requirements, AB 491


      “Developmental disability,” term used to replace “related condition,” SB 8

      “Person with a developmental disability” defined, SB 8

      “Person with an intellectual disability” defined, SB 8

      “Related condition,” term replaced by “developmental disability,” SB 8

      Title of attorney, change in, SB 8


      Antitrust, pre‑merger notification form, duties, prohibited acts, SB 218

      Assisted reproduction, authority to bring claim, SB 217

      Balloons, release of certain, prohibited acts, civil remedy, AB 194

      Brady‑Giglio lists, law enforcement officers or employees, adoption of policy relating to placement on list, notification, removal, SB 197

      Consumer Protection Legal Account, duties, SB 49

      County assessor, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

      County recorder, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

      Data collectors who are employers, violations, remedies, SB 291

      Deceptive trade practices, powers, SB 49

      Digital products, taxation of, duties, SB 392, AB 453


             Candidate qualifications

                   Challenges to, duties, SB 428

                   Registration to vote, requirements, AB 491

             Failure to perform duties, effect, SB 100

             Persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

             Recovery of certain penalties, SB 102

      Employment contract, contents, violations, authority, AB 255

      Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, duties, SB 160

      Gun Violence, Office for the Prevention of, creation, duties, reports, SB 156

      Health care facility, deceptive statements made in advertising, authority, AB 101

      Health carrier or health insurance administrator, provision of health care services directly to patients prohibited, violations, duties, SB 192

      Hemp, investigations relating to consumable hemp products, authority, SB 356

      Hope Card Program, administration, AB 159

      Housing discrimination, duties, SB 107

      Inspector General, referral of cases, duties, AB 33, AB 154

      Interception of communications, authorization, duties, AB 275

      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

      Internet website or online platform, age verification system, violations, penalties, AB 294

      Lake Tahoe Watershed, sale of water in disposable plastic bottles, prohibition, duties, regulations, SB 324

      Medical debt reporting, duties, AB 204

      Model policies for law enforcement agencies, removal of certain immigration provisions, SB 267

      Original equipment manufacturers of certain products, duties, AB 407

      Paramilitary activity, investigations, authority, AB 119

      Political Practices Enforcement Commission, appointment of member, SJR 5

      Public offices, event causing vacancy, challenge of failure or refusal to relinquish office, duties, SB 428

      Representation of certain persons as official attorney, requirements, SB 67

      Restaurant reservation service, third‑party platform providers, duties, SB 169

      Rule adoption by local governing body, violations, remedies, AB 444

      Security Operations Center, receipt of reports, AB 432

      State Records and Historical Advisory Council, member, SB 78

      Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, appointments to, AB 19

      Survivors of Crime, Account for, uses, duties, SB 62

      Technological Crime Advisory Board, Account for the, abolishment, duty to distribute proceeds, SB 343

      Vapor products directory, duties, SB 435

      Victim Information Notification Everyday System, repeal, AB 408


      Agricultural Workers’ Bill of Rights, violations, SB 172

      Child abuse or neglect, reports, investigations or legal interventions, awards to persons who prevail in civil actions for performing such acts, SB 409

      Civil Air Patrol, volunteer member employee, violation of employer, remedies, AB 422

      Contingent fee contracts for person seeking damages, limitations, SB 365

      Copyright infringement, bad‑faith claim or assertion, remedies, SB 332

      Employment contract, contents, violations, penalties, AB 255

      Facility dogs, persons accompanied by, violations, AB 302

      Governmental agencies, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with nonprofit organizations, violations, AB 197

      Health care facility, deceptive advertising, violations, AB 101

      Industrial insurance, contested claims, award of certain attorney’s fees, restrictions, SB 363

      Insurance, Commissioner of, examination of insurers, award in a related tort action, AB 74

      Internet website or online platform, age verification system, violations, penalties, AB 294

      Paramilitary activity, injury as a result of, remedy, AB 119

      Public works

             Access by joint labor‑management committee representative denied, remedies, SB 270

             Mandamus, payment of fees and costs, SB 447

      Reproductive health care, State imposition of unlawful requirements or limitations, remedies, AB 176

      Rule adoption, violation of local governing body, penalties, AB 444

      Schools, athletic team or sport, designation based on sex, violations, SB 112, AB 240

      Vision benefit plans, unfair or deceptive trade practices, recovery by aggrieved providers of vision care, AB 448


      Adoption of children, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 227

      Agricultural workers, right of access to attorneys, SB 172

      Child protection proceedings, appointment, compensation, AB 344

      Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, duties, SB 160

      Guardianship of minors, appointment of attorney to represent minor, requirements, AB 387

      Legal advice, receipt in gathering of public body, exemption from Open Meeting Law, AB 64

      Legal expenses insurance, casualty insurance defined to include, AB 512

      Pari‑mutuel wagering, civil immunities for certain attorneys carrying out provisions of law, SB 203

      Public Defender, State, authority to engage in private practice of law, SB 407

      School pupils with disabilities, appeal of due process hearing, duties of State Review Officer, SB 396

      Traffic citation, representation at hearing for civil infraction, powers, SB 359


      Cruelty to animals, sale of animal at auction, authorization by court, removal of requirement, AB 381

      Execution of civil judgments, real property, sales on Internet authorized, SB 381



      Digital products electronically transferred to purchaser, taxation, SB 392, AB 453

      Grand jury or preliminary examination, use of audiovisual technology by witnesses, requirements, SB 341


      Business improvement districts, review of claims, SB 420

      Commercial coaches, dealers and distributors, AB 38

      Division of Internal Audits, reports regarding public money, repeal, AB 33, AB 154

      Education, Department of

             Charter schools, audits of, SB 224

             Education savings account‑granting organizations, compliance, SB 252

      Elections, accuracy audit of results, regulations, SB 74

      Factory‑built housing, dealers and distributors, AB 38

      Hospitals, Internet website maintained by, AB 343

      Inspector General, duties, AB 33, AB 154

      Legislative Auditor (See LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL BUREAU)

      Manufactured buildings, dealers and distributors, AB 38

      Manufactured or mobile homes, dealers and distributors, AB 38

      Merchant acquirer limited purpose banks, requirements, SB 438

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, transactions involving certain services, audit relating to time of completion, SB 243

      Payments banks, requirements, AB 500


      Health insurers, coverage for screenings and services, requirements, SB 398

      Peace officers, training concerning autism spectrum disorders, requirements, SB 380

      Registered behavior technicians, practice of applied behavior analysis, supervision, requirements, SB 380

      School pupils with autism spectrum disorder, policy, requirements, SB 174

      Statewide standard for evaluation, requirements, SB 257


      Junk certificates, requirements for issuance, procedures for disposal of vehicles, AB 415

      Propulsion batteries, duties, applicability of laws, AB 493

      Violations, criminal penalties, revision, SB 80



      Abolishment, SB 343


      Monitored autonomous vehicle providers, insurance coverage, requirements, AB 523

      Testing and operation of certain vehicles

             Gross weight rating in excess of 26,000 pounds, testing, operation, restrictions, SB 395

             Two axles and capacity for 8 or more passengers, testing, operation, restrictions, SB 395


      Sustainable Aviation Fuel Incentive Program

             Fund, Sustainable Aviation Fuel Incentive creation, appropriation, legislative declaration, AB 481

             Regulations, AB 481

      Technical Advisory Committee, Nevada Aviation, duties, SB 78


      Payment of tax, failure to pay, penalty, SB 22



      Baby Bonds Trust Fund, Nevada, creation, uses, credits, AB 67

      Designated beneficiary, claims for, requirements, AB 67

      Establishment, regulations, AB 67

      State Treasurer, powers, duties, AB 67



      Battery that constitutes domestic violence, arrest, restrictions, SB 14

      Custody status, review, considerations, AB 320

      Domestic violence, arrest for battery that constitutes, restrictions, SB 14

      Exoneration, stipulation by defendant and prosecuting attorney, SB 13

      Felonies committed during period of release, revocation of bail, SB 163

      Misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor, arrested for, restrictions on imposition of bail, AB 320

      Orders prohibiting contact with victim, arrest for violation, requirements, SB 14

      Release without bail, considerations in review of custody status, requirements, AB 320


      Deputy marshals, appointment in lieu of bailiffs in larger counties, deemed to be county employee, SB 384, SB 450

      District courts, assignment to the court, replacement of vacancy, duties, SB 450

      Occupational diseases, benefits, applicability of laws, AB 93


      Live bait dealer’s permit, fee, SB 79


      Release of balloons inflated with gas lighter than air, prohibited acts, AB 194


      Branch offices, imposition of excise tax, repeal, SB 412

      Financial institutions, use of artificial intelligence systems, notice to customer, SB 199

      Insurance as condition precedent for services, prohibited acts, AB 74

      Portable benefit accounts, requirements, duties, SB 336


      Applicability of barbering provisions, persons engaged in certain practices, AB 225


             Notice to person receiving service from apprentice, form, requirements, AB 225

             Qualifications, AB 225

             Supervision, requirements, AB 225


             Applications, requirements, AB 225

             Qualifications, AB 225

      State Barbers’ Health and Sanitation Board (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Instructors, licensing, requirements, AB 225


      Domestic violence, battery that constitutes (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)

      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Inspector General, battery against Inspector General or employees, penalties, AB 33, AB 154

      Tribal judge, battery committed upon, penalty, AB 150


      Elections, officers of, option to perform as volunteer, AB 262


      Hunting tags, fees, SB 79


      Board of Applied Behavior Analysis

             Elimination, SB 78

             Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

      Registered behavior technicians, practice of applied behavior analysis, supervision, requirements, SB 380


      Abuse or neglect of children, circumstances in which child is not considered abused or neglected, considerations, SB 372

      Advisory Group, Behavioral Health and Wellness, creation, SB 165

      Blue Ribbon Task Force on Peace Officer Wellness, creation, representation, AB 433

      Crisis stabilization services, contracts between certain facilities to provide, SB 408

      School attendance, excuse from, requirements, AB 406

      Services provided in federally‑qualified health center, Medicaid coverage, SB 300

      Suicide Prevention Lifeline program, National, mobile crisis team, professional qualified in behavioral health, member, AB 380

      Transport services, nonemergency secure, Medicaid coverage, AB 31


      Licensure and regulation, SB 165


      Children’s Mental and Behavioral Health, Office of, creation, duties, AB 339

      Mental health of children subcommittee, elimination, AB 339


      Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Counselors, Board of Examiners for, receipt of report, SB 68

      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Children’s Mental and Behavioral Health, Office of, creation, duties, AB 339

      Composition, SB 78

      Criminal defendants involuntarily admitted to mental health facilities, duties, AB 467

      Designation of behavioral health regions, reduction to three regions, SB 78

      Marriage and Family Therapists and Clinical Professional Counselors, Board of Examiners for, receipt of report, SB 68

      Social Workers, Board of Examiners for, receipt of report, SB 68


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Creation, SB 78


      Intoxicating liquors (See INTOXICATING LIQUORS)

      Picon Punch, designation as state drink, AB 99, AB 375


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78


      Stop signs, compliance with, requirements, AB 168

      Traffic‑control signals, compliance with, requirements, AB 168


      Pump or dispenser advertising biodiesel or biodiesel blend, requirements, AB 29


      Insurance, coverage, AB 382


      Tax abatement, partial, for certain businesses, requirements, AB 77


      Guardianships of adults and minors, authority of investigators to obtain certain records, AB 65

      Naturopathic physicians, duties, SB 397


      State Public Health Laboratory, fees related to discovery in infants of certain disorders, amount, SB 348


      Birthing process, presence of family member and doula in room, requirements, SB 192

      Sign language interpreters, provision to patient at center for purpose of giving birth, SB 192


      Adoption of children, denial of petition solely because petitioner is blind prohibited, AB 227

      Health insurers and health care providers, prohibited acts, SB 352, AB 522

      School pupils

             Individualized education program, development, requirements, SB 357

             Special education and early intervening services, minimum standards, requirements, SB 357

      Vendors Who Are Blind, Nevada Committee of, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78


      Operation under the influence

             0.08 or more, concentration of alcohol while operating power‑driven vessel or sailing vessel, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 309

             Fentanyl, operating under the influence, penalties, SB 309

             MDMA, operating vessel under the influence, penalties, SB 309

      Speed restrictions, requirements, SB 106


      Peace officers, use of portable event recording devices, when deemed public record, SB 57


      Violations, criminal penalties, revision, SB 80


      Business improvement districts, authority, SB 420

      Credit unions, municipal bonds as permissible investment, SB 375

      Document preparation services, registrants, requirements, AB 72

      Industrial insurance, contracts between self‑insured associations and third‑party administrators, removal of bond requirements, AB 332

      Lake Tahoe Basin, Environmental Improvement Program, bonds required, SB 83

      School Districts in Financing Capital Improvements, Fund to Assist, issuance of bonds for capital improvements, AB 224

      State Public Charter School Facility Fund, creation, use, SB 253, AB 435


      Civil enforcement officers, requirements, SB 381

      Contractors, work on certain systems, requirements, SB 327, AB 5

      Inflatable devices, operators of, duties, AB 198

      Intermediary service organizations, requirements, AB 519

      Merchant acquirer limited purpose banks, requirements, SB 438

      Motor carriers, liability insurance, minimum amount, requirements, SB 180

      Payments banks, requirements, AB 500

      Personal care services in the home, agencies which provide, requirements, AB 519

      Railroads, requirements, AB 446


      Pediatric Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplant Program, establishment, appropriation, reports, SB 228


      Plastic bottles designed to hold liquid for oral consumption, manufacture prohibited, fines, SB 173


      Advisory Committee on Regional Planning for Economic Resiliency, establishment, duties, SB 147

      Cooling towers, authority, prohibited acts, AB 385

      Qualifications of Council Members and Mayor, registration to vote required, charter amendment, AB 491

      Residential construction work, hours work may begin, restriction, AB 478

      Sidewalk vendors of food establishments, regulation, dissemination of information, SB 295


      BRCA testing, health insurance coverage, AB 522

      Diagnosis, services to preserve fertility, insurance coverage, AB 428

      Medication to prevent, insurance coverage, AB 522


      Community services for lactation support, program of public education, requirements, AB 266

      Discrimination against a person for breastfeeding a child, declaration of public policy, violations, AB 266

      Public accommodations, refusal or denial of full and equal enjoyment of place to person breastfeeding a child, violations, remedies, AB 266


      Transport to and storage of malt beverages at another location, powers, AB 404


      Donald J. Laughlin Memorial Bridge, designation and markers, AB 110


      Appropriations, conditions for acceptance, SB 162

      Composition of proposed budget, removal of certain provisions, SB 42

      Message by the Governor, contents, SB 42

      Work programs, proposed revision to one or more categories of expense, applicability of threshold amount, requirements for approval by Interim Finance Committee, AB 507



      City charters, enactment of limitations on authority, AB 443

      Cooling towers, authority of Clark County and governing bodies of cities, prohibited acts, AB 385

      Green Building Rating System, revision of requirements, regulations, AB 528

      Substandard property, authority of counties and cities to bring actions against property owner, procedures, AB 211


      Common‑interest communities, qualifications of structural inspectors, powers and duties, recovery of costs, SB 433

      Contractors to provide copies of bonds, AB 5


      Common‑interest communities, requirements for covered buildings, prohibited acts, SB 433

      High risk of fire hazards, construction within area boundaries, notification, SB 288


      Sales and use tax, exemption, submission of question to voters, AB 359


      Common‑interest communities, definitions, prohibitions, SB 433

      School pupils, assignment of perpetrator or victim to different school, requests, AB 48


      Business structures, entering with intent to commit certain misdemeanors or felonies, SB 264

      Jails and detention facilities, immigration status of prisoner, provision of information, requirements, SB 267

      Residential burglary committed against aged or vulnerable persons, penalties, SB 60



      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada

             Account, creation, SB 78

             Duties to a board, commission or council, SB 78

             General Counsel, appointment, SB 78

             Records relating to duties, access to, authority, SB 78

             Review of each board, commission, council and similar body, duties, SB 78


             Attainable Housing Council, Nevada, creation, membership, AB 540

             Insurance Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, establishment, duties, AB 376

             Rural areas, declaration of skilled labor shortage, duties, AB 540

      Financial Institutions, Division of

             Audits, requirements, SB 438

             Commissioner, receipt of notices relating to notification events, SB 44

             Covered lessors, duties, SB 379

             Credit unions, duties, SB 375

             Distributed generation system financiers, duties, SB 379, SB 440

             Manufactured home financiers, duties, SB 379

             Merchant acquirer limited purpose banks, licensure and regulation, duties, SB 438

             Nevada Administrative Procedure Act, inapplicability to certain orders of Commissioner, SB 375

             Payments banks, licensure and regulation, duties, AB 500

             Regulations, orders suspending certain regulations during emergencies or disasters, authority, SB 375

      Health Care Workforce Apprenticeship Pilot Program, Southern Nevada, creation, appropriation, AB 413

      Housing Division

             Administrative Procedures Act, exemptions, AB 540

             Administrator, manufactured homes, certificates of title, regulations, SB 370

             Affordable Housing, Account for, duties, AB 37

             Attainable Housing Account, Nevada, creation, appropriation, duties, AB 540

             Attainable Housing Council, Nevada, creation, membership, AB 540

             Commercial coaches, applications for title, duties, SB 370

             Credit reporting agencies, program for the reporting of rental payments to, establishment, AB 540

             Database of low‑income housing, report, AB 37

             Dealers and distributors, investigation and audit pertaining to violations, AB 38

             Forcible entry or forcible detainer, authorization to enter, duties, SB 261

             Housing Advocate, name change, AB 37

             Housing Expansion Through Local Partnerships, Account for, duties, SB 51

             Housing Liaison, duties, AB 37

             Housing task force, appointment, reports, AB 443

             Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

             Landlords of dwelling units

                   Complaints against, mechanism to file, establishment, duties, SB 436

                   Registry of landlords, establishment, receipt of reports, registration fees, SB 436

             Manufactured buildings, duties, regulations, AB 38

             Manufactured home parks

                   Annual rent increase percentage, maximum, duties, SB 151

                   Sale or transfer, receipt of report, AB 38

             Manufactured homes, applications for title, duties, SB 370

             Mobile homes and parks, applications for title, duties, SB 370

             Mortgage loans, pilot program to buy down interest rate, duties, SB 193

             Single‑family residence projects, transferable credits and abatement of certain taxes, duties, regulations, SB 430

             Supportive housing, grant program, SB 166, AB 366

             Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act, duties, SB 393

      Industrial Relations, Division of

             Advisory Council

                   Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

                   Membership, SB 78

            Air quality, mitigation of exposure of employees to poor quality, duties, SB 260, AB 414

             Economic damages, liens upon, requirements, SB 258

             Industrial providers of health care, panel, duties, SB 317

             Insurer’s panel of physicians and chiropractic physicians, duties, AB 469

             Safety programs, contents, duties, AB 414

      Insurance Division

             Breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, services to preserve fertility, coverage for by certain insurers, powers and duties, AB 428

             Captive insurers, duties, AB 318

             Claims, duties, AB 52, AB 370

             Consumer protection programs, duties, AB 52

             Dental hygienists, services provided without supervision of dentist, duties, SB 268

             Doulas, health insurers, coverage requirements, duties, SB 192

             Emergency, state of or declaration of disaster, powers, AB 74

             Examination of insurers, duties, authority, AB 74

             Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) Plan, establishment, duties, receipt of reports, AB 437

             Health insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, duties, reports, SB 47

             Health insurers, failure to provide coverages required by provisions, disciplinary action, AB 522

             Industrial insurance, certain duties regarding assessment rates removed, AB 469

             Legal counsel by attorney employed by the Division, AB 74

             Market analysis and market conduct actions, duties, authority, AB 74

             Market conduct surveillance personnel, duties, authority, AB 74

             Motor vehicle insurance guide, publication, contents, AB 74

             Opioid alternatives, requirements relating to insurers, duties, SB 377

             Peace officer powers, AB 74

             Pet cemeteries and crematories, regulations, AB 74

             Pharmacy benefit managers, duties, SB 209, SB 316

             Portable electronics insurers, delivery of certain notices by electronic mail, removal of requirement to do so in accordance with regulations adopted by Commission of Insurance, AB 466

             Prior authorization for health care, duties, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

             Rates, increases or decreases, duties, AB 376

             Regulatory Experimentation Program for Insurance Product Innovation, establishment, duties, regulations, AB 376

             Self‑insured employers, associations, authority, duties, SB 345

             Service contract providers, rating system, regulations, AB 370

             Service contracts, claims, telephone number to receive complaints, establishment, AB 370

             Study regarding parity in health insurance plans, duties, SB 47

             Stuttering in minors, health care policies and health plans, duties, AB 169

             Vision benefit plans, duties, AB 448

      Mortgage Lending, Division of


                   Mortgage servicers, risk management, powers, SB 44

                   Notification events, receipt of notice, SB 44

             Title insurance, duties, AB 74

      Nursing, State Board of, duties, SB 78

      Postsecondary Education, Commission on

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

             Composition, SB 78

      Real Estate Division

             Seller disclosures of residential property, duties, SB 288


      Establishment, constitutional amendment, AJR 8


      Creation, authority, requirements, SB 420

      District management plans, requirements, SB 420



             Reduction for certain businesses, SB 240

             Regulations, SB 75

             Waivers for certain applicants, AB 274, AB 423

      Inflatable devices, operators business, duties, AB 198

      Veterans or gold star family members who are applicants, waiver of fee, AB 274


      Cannabis establishments, requirements, AB 76

      Contractors, multijurisdictional business license, requirements, AB 180

      Food establishment operating as mobile unit, license in certain cities, requirements, AB 180

      Inflatable devices, operators business, duties, AB 198

      Internet consumer lenders, application for license, SB 437

      Medical cannabis establishments, requirements, AB 76

      Regional business licenses, establishment, requirements, SB 373


      Abatement of taxes

             Economic Development, Office of, notices to certain government bodies in smaller counties, requirements, AB 538

             New or expanded businesses, requirements, SB 364, SB 385, AB 77

             Qualified projects, requirements, SB 385

             Railroad or other rail service, new or expanded business engaged in, requirements, SB 364

      Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, donations, tax credit, SB 269

      Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, donations, tax credit, AB 441

      Transferable tax credits, requirements, SB 385


      Fees, regulations, SB 75

      Jurisdiction of courts, authority, AB 158

      Sidewalk vendors, license in certain cities, requirements, AB 180



      Qualifications of Council Members and Mayor, registration to vote required, charter amendment, AB 491


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78


      Advertising and solicitation, disclosures, requirements, AB 73

      Communication that includes synthetic media, disclosures, requirements, AB 73, AB 271

      Contributions or commitments to contributions

             Constitutional officers, reporting requirements, SB 414

             Deposits, requirements, AB 79

             Disposal of unspent contributions, requirements, AB 79, AB 497

             “Inaugural committee” defined, reporting requirements, foreign nationals prohibited from making contribution or commitment, SB 414

             Personal use of any person by political action committee, unlawful acts, AB 79

             Public officers, use of unspent contributions, regulations, AB 79, AB 497

             Special elections, effect on limitations, SB 74

             Unspent contributions, disposal and use, AB 79, AB 497

      Elections communications, threats made to life of any other person prohibited, penalties, AB 123

      Financial disclosure statements, filing, requirements, SB 414

      Former public officers who resign or fail to run for reelection, deadline for use of campaign contributions, AB 497

      “Inaugural committee” defined, reporting requirements, SB 414

      Political action committees (See POLITICAL ACTION, COMMITTEES FOR)

      Synthetic media, communication that includes, disclosures, requirements, AB 73, AB 271

      Violations, investigations, certain information to be kept confidential, AB 79


      Agritourism, businesses engaged in, regulations, SB 55


      Biomarker testing, insurance, coverage, AB 382

      BRCA testing, health insurance coverage, AB 522

      Breast cancer (See BREAST CANCER)

      City of Hope, appropriation, duties, SB 212

      Colorectal cancer (See COLORECTAL CANCER)

      Firefighters, annual screening required, SB 170

      Lung cancer (See LUNG DISEASES)

      Nuclear weapons, Federal Government urged to maintain moratorium on testing, AJR 13

      Oncology Excellence Committee, duties, SB 212

      Ovarian cancer (See OVARIAN CANCER)

      Prostate cancer (See PROSTATE CANCER)


      Adult‑use cannabis products sold in a single package, amount of cannabis, THC and concentrated cannabis that package may contain, SB 168

      Hold orders, issuance, requirements, SB 168

      Medical cannabis, University of Nevada, Reno, establishment of program related to medical use, repeal of provisions, AB 365

      Peace officers, cannabis use, conditions of employment with law enforcement agencies, authority to require certain attestations, AB 400

      Sellers, cannabis tax permit, application, SB 41

      Tax on cannabis products, permit, requirements, SB 41


      Consumable hemp products, regulation, duties, SB 356

      Costs of the Board, appropriation, AB 508

      Excise tax on cannabis products, duties relating to use of revenues, AB 307, AB 508


             Hearing officers, appointment, review of decisions, AB 76

             Procedures, AB 76

      Hold orders, issuance, regulations, SB 168

      Independent testing laboratories, standards, regulations, SB 356, AB 76

      Licensees and registrants

             Agent registration cards, duties, AB 308

             Complaints, investigations, duties, AB 76

             Disciplinary actions, SB 198, AB 76


                   Confidentiality of certain information pertaining to the commission of violation, AB 76

                   Labor law violations, consent or settlement agreements prohibited, license revocation, SB 198

                   Letters of warning or of concern, requirements, AB 76

                   Nonpunitive admonishment, requirements, AB 76

                   Regulations, AB 76

      Public health, substantial hazard at cannabis establishment, regulations, AB 76

      Research institutions, agreements with, regulations, AB 149

      Social Equity Liaison, creation, appointment, duties, AB 203

      State prosecution, exemptions from, exception, AB 76

      Taxation, Department of, receipt of decision regarding cannabis tax permit, duties, SB 41

      Unlicensed cannabis activities, powers, AB 76


      Cannabis related business, operation to premises of establishment authorized, AB 203


      Advertising, prohibited acts, AB 76


             Registration cards

                   Owners, officers and board members, issuance, requirements, waivers, AB 308

                   Period of validity, AB 308

                   Renewal, requirements, AB 308

             Violations, nonpunitive actions, requirements, AB 76

      Business license, conditional, requirements, AB 76

      Cannabis related business, operation on premises of establishment authorized, AB 203

      Consumable hemp products, applicability of laws, SB 356

      Definitions, AB 76

      Fire Marshal, State, duties, SB 25

      Independent testing laboratories, standards, licensure, AB 76

      Inventory control system, duties, requirements, AB 76

      Joint‑venture agreements authorized, requirements, effect, exemption from taxation, AB 203

      Labor laws, compliance required, disciplinary action for noncompliance, SB 198

      Licensure, suspension, reinstatement, grounds, AB 76

      Operating documents, contents, AB 76

      Packaging of products, requirements, AB 76

      Production facilities, hemp, uses, AB 76

      Public health, substantial hazard at establishment, regulations, AB 76

      State Fire Marshal, duties, SB 25

      Transportation of cannabis and cannabis products, prohibited acts, AB 76


             Labor law violations, consent or settlement agreements prohibited, license revocation, SB 198

             Letter of warning or of concern, requirements, AB 76

             Nonpunitive admonishment, requirements, AB 76


      Retail sales of cannabis and cannabis products, increase in excise tax, use of revenues, AB 307

      Revenue of excise tax on sales, transfer to local governments, AB 508

      Wholesale sales of cannabis, elimination of excise tax on, AB 307


      Master plans, duty to conform, violations, SB 48


      Rental or lease of rooms for event, regulations, AB 115


      School personnel associated with school athletic activity, training, certification, AB 454


      Credit for completing career and technical education program, requirements, SB 176

      Examinations, fees, requirements, waiver, SB 176

      Film Infrastructure, Workforce Development, Education and Economic Diversification Act, Nevada, SB 220

      Harry Reid Research and Technology Park, effect on workforce education and training and economic diversification, funding, SB 220

      Healthcare professions, requirements to receive credit, SB 176


      Qualifications of Council Members and Mayor, registration to vote required, charter amendment, AB 491


      Air carrier, domestic, eligibility for the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Incentive Program, AB 481


      Board of Supervisors, qualifications

             Registration to vote required, charter amendment, AB 491

             Revision of prospective charter amendment, AB 14

      Elections, counting of votes in primary, determination, charter amendment, SB 74

      Mayors, amount of compensation, SB 116

      Municipal Court judges, qualifications, registration to vote required, charter amendment, AB 491

      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237

      V & T Railway, reconstruction of, study on Nevada Commission, AB 32


      Elections, officers of, option to perform as volunteer, AB 262


      Sale or attempt to sell or transfer ownership, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 487


      Drivers less than 18 years of age, use of phone while operating motor vehicle, penalties, SB 23

      Mail ballots and return envelopes, requirements during curing period, AB 499

      School pupils, electronic communication device, use and possession, limitations, SB 444

      Tracking warrants, evidence obtained without tracking warrant, inadmissibility of such evidence, exception, SB 361


      Cemetery authorities, disinterment or removal of human remains, procedures, AB 350

      County board of commissioners, powers and duties, AB 350

      Orderly condition, duties of cemetery owners to keep cemetery in, AB 350

      Veterans, internment of family member, fees, SB 399, AB 145


      Public libraries, development of model policy concerning access to materials, prohibited acts, AB 445

      School libraries, development of model policy concerning access to materials, prohibited acts, AB 445


      Inmates, information collected for State Demographer, requirements, AB 477


      Sales and use tax exemptions, qualifications, AB 535


      Governmental agencies, accepted form of payment, SB 358

      Issuance without sufficient money or credit, reduction of monetary threshold, SB 264


      Certified prevention specialist

             Reports of abuse or neglect, AB 60

             Screenings for employees and independent contractors of peer recovery support services, AB 60

      Child‑placing agencies, screening of licensees, employees, volunteers and independent contractors, requirements, AB 520

      Circumstances in which child is not considered abused or neglected, considerations, SB 372

      Civil proceedings

             Attorney representation, court appointments, compensation, AB 344

             Facility dogs as witness support, qualifications, AB 302

             Joint hearing, transfer of proceedings to, procedures, AB 344

             Judicial officers, appointment, duties, AB 344

             Transfer of proceedings to another court, procedures, AB 344

      Custodian of child, agency acting as, reports, contents, SB 284

      Genetic counselors, duty to report, SB 189, SB 348

      Identification of child abuse, juvenile court and family court judges, training, SB 275

      Instruction to juvenile court and family court judges to identify child abuse, AB 118

      Nonemergency medical transportation, duty of drivers to report, AB 438

      Reports, investigations or legal interventions, immunities from civil and criminal liability for certain persons, SB 409

      Statewide Central Registry, release of information to employers, requirements, AB 357, AB 521



      Common‑interest communities, operation of child care facility by unit’s owner, association barred from prohibiting, AB 185, AB 322

      Employees, screening for persons convicted of an offense involving child sexual abuse material, AB 35

      License applicants, screening for persons convicted of an offense involving child sexual abuse material, AB 35

      Outdoor youth program participant who is 18 years of age or older, screening for persons convicted of an offense involving child sexual abuse material, AB 35

      Resident who is 18 years of age or older, screening for persons convicted of an offense involving child sexual abuse material, AB 35


      Best interest of child in award of joint custody, presumption regarding, AB 424

      Custody decisions, court judges, training, SB 275

      Family reunification treatment, program or service, definition, participation, SB 275, AB 118

      Instruction to juvenile court and family court judges to make child custody decisions, AB 118


      Background information and fingerprinting of licensees, employees, volunteers and independent contractors, requirements, AB 520

      Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, revision, adoption, AB 518

      Licenses, applications, requirements, AB 520


      Advertisement or distribution of certain materials, prohibited acts, AB 126, AB 187

      Artificial intelligence‑generated minor, use in certain materials prohibited, AB 126, AB 187

      Computer‑generated child pornography, definition, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 263

      Depiction of purported child engaging in sexual conduct, unlawful acts, penalties, AB 35, AB 126, AB 187

      Facilitating sex trafficking, penalty, SB 110

      State laws and regulations, use of preferred terminology, AB 35

      Victims, exclusion of certain testimony, AB 35

      Violent or sexual offense, possession of pornography constitutes, AB 34, AB 35


      Committee to Review Child Support Guidelines

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

             Composition, SB 78, AB 344

      Genetic counselors, compliance with federal support obligations, enforcement, SB 348

      Judicial officers, appointment, duties, AB 344

      Subpoena or warrant relating to proceeding, failure to comply, effect, SB 390


      Program for Child Care and Development, State plan, sliding fee scale of cost‑sharing requirements, SB 388


      Adoption of children (See ADOPTION OF CHILDREN)

      Applicants, screening for persons convicted of an offense involving child sexual abuse material, AB 35

      Caseworkers, case assignments, maximum number, SB 183

      Child Welfare, Trust Fund for, repeal, SB 284

      Employees, screening for persons convicted of an offense involving child sexual abuse material, AB 35

      Extended Young Adult Support Services Program, consent of participant, requirements, SB 281

      Foster care (See FOSTER CARE)

      Medical or mental health treatment for child in custody, obtainment of consent or court order, procedures, SB 187

      Mental or behavioral health condition, placement of child with, independent psychiatric evaluation, requirements, SB 192

      Parental rights, petition to terminate, filing, SB 187

      Trust funds for child welfare, duties, SB 284


      Appropriation, establishment of metabolic clinic, SB 348


      “Community service” defined, supervisory authority, SB 383

      Complaints filed against child, procedure, AB 88

      Driver’s licenses, additional suspension or delay in applying, requirements removed, SB 383

      Habitual truants, fine or community service or both required, SB 383


      Artificial intelligence, use of, prohibited acts, SB 128

      Claims for reimbursement, approval or denial, procedure, AB 52

      Prior authorization

             Denial or modification of request, requirements, SB 128

             Procedures for obtaining, contents, requirements, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Creation, SB 78


      Chiropractic assistants

             Temporary certificate to practice, issuance, requirements, AB 513

             Training, requirements, AB 513

      Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada

             Cease and desist orders, requirements, AB 513

             Elimination, SB 78

             Fees, AB 513

             Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

             Membership, increase in number Governor is required to appoint, AB 513

      Industrial insurance

             Claim for compensation, powers, SB 317

             Insurer’s panel of physicians and chiropractic physicians, requirements, AB 469


             Education, requirements, AB 513

             Examinations, requirements, AB 513

             Renewal, requirements, AB 513

      Preceptor program, student participation, requirements, AB 513

      Reimbursement, entitlement for certain services provided, AB 511


      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237


      Cigarettes intended to be heated but not burned, taxation, requirements, AB 536

      Contraband products, vapor products, possession, sale, AB 279, AB 336

      Nicotine analogues

             Definition, SB 435

            Prohibited acts, penalties, SB 435

      Remote sale of cigars and pipe tobacco

             Retailers selling remotely, licensing, reports, AB 471

             Tax, imposition, AB 471

      Sale or distribution to certain persons

             Inspection of retailers, limitations, requirements, AB 279, AB 336

             Persons born after December 31, 2004, prohibited acts, AB 279, AB 336

      Seizure, authority, SB 435

      Taxation of cigarettes heated but not burned, requirements, AB 536

      Vapor products, directory, requirements, SB 435, AB 279, AB 336

      Vending machines, dispensation of cigarettes, restrictions, AB 536


      Automated traffic enforcement systems, use, issuance of citations authorized, SB 415, AB 402

      Optometry, Nevada State Board of, authority, AB 183

      Traffic violations, hearing for civil infraction, requirements, powers, SB 359

      Unauthorized speed contests, inspection of vehicle by peace officer, citation authorized, AB 417

CITIES (See also specific cities)

      Accessory dwelling units, authority of residential property owner to add, authority of certain cities to enact ordinance, AB 396

      Actions against, legal representation by official attorney, time period, indemnity, SB 67

      Adoption fees for animals in shelters, waiver of fee by cities, reports, SB 325

      Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)

      Agritourism, powers, SB 55

      Animal cruelty, transfer of ownership of animal by city, requirements, AB 381

      Animals, business engaged in handling, training of owner or operator, requirements, AB 418

      Annexation, program of, requirements, SB 61

      Automated traffic enforcement systems, use authorized, requirements, SB 415, AB 402

      Board of Regents, assistance in establishing data dashboard relating to student outcomes authorized, AB 345

      Broadband service providers, franchises from local governments, requirements, AB 509

      Building restoration projects, contracts, requirements, SB 402

      Business improvement districts, creation, duties, powers, SB 420

      Commission form of government, qualifications of certain electors, AB 491

      Cooling towers, authority of Clark County and governing bodies of cities, prohibited acts, AB 385

      Digital products, exemptions from taxation, SB 392, AB 453

      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

      Economic Development, Office of, notices to certain government bodies in smaller counties, requirements, AB 538

      Employment of retired employee in city with population less than 25,000, AB 27

      Franchises, public utilities, notice of filing of application, requirements, SB 15

      Highways, communication of road condition to public, requirements, SB 53

      Homeless persons, housing programs, establishment, authority of cities and counties, AB 317

      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

      Intoxicating liquors

             Licensing, duties, AB 78

             Sales and deliveries, ordinances, requirements, AB 375

      Land use planning, tribal governments, consultation, inclusion in planning process, legislative findings, SB 286

      Liquor boards, licensing for liquor sales, duties, AB 78

      Monument removal, destruction or relocation, requirements, SB 310

      Multifamily housing or mixed‑use developments, applications for permits to construct, authority, AB 241

      Navigation providers, road condition information, requirements, SB 53

      Nonprofit organizations, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with, exceptions, penalties, AB 197

      Patented product, use by certain entities, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 208

      Planning, zoning, development and redevelopment, regulation as a matter of local concern, removal of authority, AB 443

      Public transportation trespass order, powers, requirements, duties, AB 361

      Race or ethnicity information, requests, duties, requirements, SB 265

      Regional business licenses, establishment, requirements, SB 373

      Rent control, ordinances, prohibited acts, SB 123, AB 443

      Restoration improvement district, creation, authority, SB 402

      Substandard property, authority to bring actions against property owner, procedures, AB 211

      Tax increment areas ordered for undertaking, duties, ordinances, SB 28

      Tiny houses, “single‑family residence” to include, ordinances relating to planning and zoning to reflect the inclusion, AB 443

      Water quality, discharges into waters of state, reports to Division of Environmental Protection, violations, penalties, SB 276


      Peace officers, appointment and employment, prohibited acts, SB 155


      Elections, challenges to candidate qualifications, duties, SB 428


      Building codes, enactment of limitations, AB 443

      Planning and zoning, powers and duties, enactment of limitations, AB 443


      Confidentiality of personal information, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, SB 273


      Attainable housing, development of, duties, AB 540

      Planning, zoning, development and redevelopment, regulation as a matter of local concern, removal of authority, AB 443

      Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491


      Actions against, legal representation by official attorney, time period, indemnity, SB 67

      Elections (See ELECTIONS)

      Family leave, paid, requirements and responsibilities, AB 388

      Preferential employment, peace officers, exceptions, SB 155


      Advisory Council on Civics Education, members, SB 245

      Civics education program, appropriations, SB 133, SB 245


      Employer, volunteer member employees, powers, limitations, AB 422

      Volunteer member employee, leave of absence, requirements, remedies, AB 422


      Right to hold office, precluded for conviction of crimes relating to presidential electors, SB 102

      Right to vote, precluded for conviction of crimes relating to presidential electors, SB 102


      911 emergency service surcharge, use of revenue, order of priority for spending, SB 208

      Accessory dwelling units, authority of residential property owner to add, authority to enact ordinance, AB 396

      Annexation and detachment of territory

             City annexation and detachment commission, creation, SB 61

             Ordinance to detach territory, requirements, SB 61

             Program of annexation, requirements, SB 61

      Bailiffs assigned to the court, duties, requirements, SB 450

      Business licenses, interlocal agreements regarding certain licenses, requirements, AB 180

      City of Hope, appropriation, SB 212

      Cooling towers, authority, prohibited acts, AB 385

      Criminal defendants, county to contract with organizations to operate facility to provide treatment to competency, AB 467

      Deputy marshals, assigned to the court, duties, requirements, SB 450

      Education Association, Clark County, appointment of member to the Advisory Council Civics Education, SB 245

      Eviction diversion programs, appropriation, AB 475

      Fort Mohave Valley Development Law, regulations under Colorado River Commission of Nevada void, AB 1

      Fruit Loop, recognized as historical LGBTQ+ landmark, SCR 2

      Fuel tax, county, imposition, annual increases, time period, requirements, AB 530

      Health, district board of, membership, SB 423

      Historical residential property, addition of an accessory dwelling unit, authority, AB 131

      Homeless outreach teams, establishment, AB 263


             Hotel operators, room cleaning and inspection, duties, SB 360

             Violations, penalties, SB 360

      Industrial providers of health care, list, requirements, SB 317

      Interim Finance Committee, certain governing bodies in county, reporting requirements relating to sales and use tax, AB 506

      Land use planning (See also LAND USE PLANNING)

             Master plans, requirements, AB 96

      Limousines, leases, authority, AB 492

      Mental health services provided to criminal defendants, contracts with facilities, AB 467

      Nuclear weapons, Federal Government urged to maintain moratorium on testing, AJR 13

      Regional Business Development Advisory Council for Clark County Act, repeal, SB 71

      Regional rail transit, development, interim study, duties, AB 256

      Regional transportation commission

             Safety risks to transit operators, mitigation, duties, AB 361

             Transit‑to‑Trails Task Force, representation, SB 405

      Rental assistance programs for certain persons, appropriation, SB 283

      Residential construction work, hours work may begin, restriction, AB 478

      Sidewalk vendors of food establishments, regulation, dissemination of information, SB 295

      Southern Nevada Regional Planning for Economic Resiliency Pilot Program, creation, SB 147

      Water or sewage disposal utilities, infrastructure, annual reports, SB 326


      School police officers, use of chemical agent or electronic stun devices on pupils, reports, AB 217, AB 420


      Grants for qualified clean energy projects, appropriation, reports, SB 132


      Agricultural workers, right of access to clergy, SB 172

      Legislative session, compensation for services provided, SR 4*


      Counseling Compact, ratification, AB 163

      Licenses by endorsement, applications, requirements, AB 450


      Records in foreign language, filing with Secretary of State, requirements, SB 75


      Desert Research Institute, appropriation to support Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program, SB 6


      Coerced debt, collection procedures, requirements, AB 250

      School pupils, limitation of access to library materials, unlawful acts, AB 416

      Teachers, act by administrator, parent or legal guardian with intent to alter grades, AB 425


      Sales and use tax, exemption, submission of question to voters, AB 359


      Coerced debt or debt that is the result of economic abuse, collection procedures, requirements, AB 250

      Commissioner of Financial Institutions, report, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44

      Medical debt, prohibited reporting, requirements for collection, AB 204, AB 343


      Agricultural workers, right to collective bargaining, SB 172

      Peace officers, right to collective bargaining, SB 301

      Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2025, Richard L. Trumka, Congress urged to enact, AJR 11

      Sick leave, use by employee under collective bargaining agreement, removal of exemption, AB 112

      Task workers, right to collective bargaining, AB 390


      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, duties of Board of Trustees, AB 506


      Fort Mohave Valley, development in, regulations void, AB 1


      Medicaid, coverage for cancer screenings, AB 234

      Screenings, coverage, AB 522


      Combined taxpayer group, definition, applicability of provisions, AB 457

      Gross revenue threshold at which tax imposed, increase, calculation of rate of tax, AB 276


      Certificates of title

             Application, denial, powers of applicant, SB 370

             Issuance, expedited process, fees, SB 370

      Dealers, duties, AB 38

      Installation, labels and certificates of, regulations, AB 38

      Sales, regulations, AB 38


      Arbitration and mediation of certain disputes, SB 433


             Distributed generation systems, prohibited acts, SB 440

             Executive boards

                   Meetings, video recording by unit owner, requirements, SB 222


                          Nomination of candidate, regulations, duties, SB 339

                          Restrictions on certain persons serving on boards, SB 433

                   Retaliatory action against boards or members, prohibited acts, SB 433

                   Study of reserves, requirements, SB 339

             Financial accounts, investigation and audit reports, SB 339

             Leasing of residential units, amendment of declaration to restrict, authority, AB 396

             Meetings, video recording by unit owner, requirements, SB 222

             Property insurance for units divided by vertical boundaries, optional coverage, AB 324

      Bids for association projects, solicitation, award, requirements, AB 129

      Books and records of association, review, copies to unit’s owners, restrictions, fees authorized, SB 433

      Boundaries between adjoining units, indexing of amendment to declaration, elimination of exception, AB 396

      Bullying and cyber‑bulling, definition, prohibitions, SB 433

      Child care facility, operation by unit’s owner, prohibition barred, AB 322

      Clark County, hours of construction, applicability to all common‑interest communities, AB 478

      “Constructional defects” defined, claimants authorized to receive attorneys, fees, SB 433

      Covered buildings

             Building permits, issuance, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 433

             Certificate of occupancy, SB 433

             Corrective repair, assessments for costs, establishment of reserves, requirements for reserve study, SB 433

             Manual of preventive maintenance relating to common elements, delivery by declarants, SB 433

             Owners of covered buildings, duties, SB 433

             Structural inspections, definitions, procedures, powers and duties of inspectors, SB 433


             Copy of plans and specifications for construction or improvements, delivery, requirements, SB 433

             Manual of preventive maintenance relating to common elements, requirements, SB 433

      Electric vehicles, installation and maintenance of charging stations, requirements, SB 152

      Executive boards (See Associations, this heading)

      Landscaping requirements, restrictions, SB 121

      Licensed child care facility, operation by unit’s owner, executive board prohibited from prohibitions, AB 185

      Ombudsman, rental of dwellings on behalf of persons with disabilities, prohibited acts by landlords, duties, AB 341

      Parking of certain vehicles with commercial advertisements, prohibited acts, SB 121

      Past due obligations, prohibited acts, SB 121

      Planned communities, applicability of laws governing structural inspections, SB 433

      Property insurance, optional coverage, AB 324

      Public offering statements, requirements, SB 433

      Real Estate Division, complaints and related documentation filed with Division deemed public records, SB 221

      Religious items, imposing restrictions on display prohibited, exceptions, SB 201

      Resale packages, requirements, SB 433

      Retaliatory action against executive board, member of board, community manager or officer, employee or agent of association, definition, prohibited acts, SB 433


             Commission, complaints filed with, authority to prohibit responding from serving on executive board, SB 433

             Common expenses caused by misconduct of unit’s owner, exceptions, SB 121

             Definition, SB 433

             Real Estate Division, affidavit to Ombudsman, grounds, SB 433


      Structural inspection of covered buildings, regulation, SB 433

      Violations, filing of complaints with Commission, prohibiting respondents from serving on executive board, SB 433


      Definitions, repeal of certain definitions, SB 12


      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use by employees prohibited, penalty, SB 184

      Therapeutic group homes, Medicaid coverage for persons with serious mental illness, AB 514


      Development, program to assist in, establishment, AB 405


      Agricultural workers, right of access to community health workers, SB 172

      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use by employees prohibited, penalty, SB 184

      Nevada Memory Network, establishment, duties, AB 337

      Suicide Prevention Lifeline program, National, mobile crisis team, member, AB 380


      Management agreements, termination or assignment of, duties, SB 121

      Retaliatory action against managers, prohibited acts, SB 433


      Domestic relations actions, order relating to the disposition of community property, requirements, SB 126


      Plans or areas of redevelopment, inclusion in master plans, SB 48

      Reno, termination of redevelopment plan, deadline extension, SB 401


      Electrical infrastructure, removal, damage or destruction to obtain utility wire, penalties, AB 503

      Juvenile courts

             Definition of “community service,” supervisory authority, SB 383

             Habitual truants, duties of juvenile court, SB 383

      Road rage, penalties, SB 37


      Audiology and Speech‑Language Pathology Interstate Compact, ratification, SB 34, AB 230

      Children, Interstate Compact on the Placement of, revision, adoption, AB 518

      Cosmetology Licensure Compact, ratification, AB 371

      Counseling Compact, ratification, AB 163

      Dental and Dental Hygienist Compact, ratification, AB 143

      Great Plains Wildland Fire Protection Compact, ratification, SB 19

      National Popular Vote Compact, enactment, AJR 6 of the 82nd Session

      Nurse Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 34

      Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 34, AB 106

      PA Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 34

      Physical Therapy Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 34, AB 248

      School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 227

      Social Work Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 68


      Abolishment, SB 343


      Artificial intelligence (See ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE)

      Computer‑generated child pornography, definition, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 263

      Data concerning health care providers, collection, requirements, AB 484

      Digital products electronically transferred to purchaser, taxation, SB 392, AB 453

      Health repository, statewide electronic, establishment, SB 250

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, appointments for services, cessation of use of existing electronic system for the scheduling or granting of, AB 526

      Restaurant reservation service, third‑party platform providers, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 169

      Rural and Community Media Program, database, establishment, SB 367

      Security breach of system data of employer, duties of employer, SB 291

      Social media platforms, age of prospective user, duties, prohibited acts, SB 63

      Tracking warrants, evidence obtained without, inadmissibility, exception, SB 361

      University of Nevada, Reno, technology initiative for certain students, appropriation, AB 353


      Real Estate Division, complaints and related documentation filed with Division deemed public records, SB 221


      Rental agreements, unlawful to procure or offer false or forged agreement, penalties, SB 202

      Substandard property, authority of counties and cities to bring actions against property owner, procedures, AB 211


      Abatement of taxes, audit of business, report to county assessor and treasurer, SB 69

      Adoption of children, agencies which provide child welfare services, confidentiality of hearings and certain reports, AB 227

      Alternative Therapy Pilot Program, data collected that would lead to identification of patients, AB 378

      Antitrust Pre‑Merger Notification Act, Uniform, certain material kept confidential, exceptions, SB 218

      Attorney General, pre‑merger notification, duties, SB 218

      Audiology and Speech‑Language Pathology Interstate Compact, duties of Board, SB 34, AB 230

      Baby Bonds Program, Nevada, information regarding designated beneficiary confidential, AB 67


             Cannabis Compliance Board

                   Records and files prepared or obtained by the Board, exceptions, AB 76

                   Violations, information pertaining to the commission of may be kept confidential, AB 76

             Cannabis establishments, inventory control system, data to be kept confidential, AB 76

             Tribal and State governments, agreements between, information to be kept confidential, AB 76

      Central Repository, certain information in domestic violence convictions database, AB 162

      Chief Information Officer, Office of, duties, AB 432

      Coroners, case file and final report of investigation, disclosure of certain information, SB 65

      Cosmetology Licensure Compact, duties of Board, AB 371

      County assessor, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

      County recorder, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

      Court Reporters’ Board of Nevada, Certified, redaction of confidential information, regulations, SB 191

      Document preparation services, information pertaining to investigation of violation confidential, AB 72

      Domestic violence convictions database, certain records confidential, AB 162

      Economic development, qualified projects, certain applications, records confidential, SB 69

      Elderly parents, requests that certain information be kept confidential, SB 74


             Requests that certain information be kept confidential, persons authorized, AB 122, AB 197

             Voters, registered, copy of signature prohibited, SB 73

      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, certain information collected and reported by attending physicians, AB 346

      Firearms, voluntary temporary restriction to possess, have custody or control of or purchase, requests for, confidentiality of forms and records, AB 451

      Food establishment, mobile units, business licenses, personal information to be kept confidential, AB 180

      Genetic counselors, privileged communications, SB 189, SB 348

      Governmental agencies, personal information that identifies certain persons, duties, prohibited acts, SB 265, AB 197

      Health notes, Legislative requests for, confidentiality of information obtained by Research Division, SB 247

      Homeless persons, information related to applications for identification cards, AB 220

      Hospitals, certain complaints filed with Department of Health and Human Services, AB 343

      Indigent Defense Services, Department of, privilege between client and attorney not waived under certain circumstances, SB 407

      Inspector General, Office of the, confidentiality in certain records, identity of whistleblowers, AB 33, AB 154


             Commissioner, certain information submitted for parity study deemed confidential, SB 47

             Examinations of insurers, reports confidential for certain time period, AB 74

             Insurance Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, records relating to, AB 376

      Judicial Discipline, Commission on, certain minutes made public, AB 141

      La Posada Drive to USA Parkway Connection Toll Road Demonstration Project, certain negotiation information confidential, AB 61

      Legislative information and records, SJR 5, AJR 3

      Mass casualty incident, victims of, database, information contained is confidential, AB 50

      Medical Examiners, Board of, certain information available to employers of licensees, AB 56

      Meetings of public agencies, public comment, certain testimony privileged, AB 64

      Merchant acquirer limited purpose banks, information obtained by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, SB 438

      Minerals extracted, taxation of, confidentiality of records and files of Department of Taxation, AB 277

      Nondisclosure or confidentiality agreements, governmental entities prohibited from entering into, exception, SB 296

      Nurse Licensure Compact, duties of Board, SB 34

      Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact, duties of Board, SB 34, AB 106

      Ombudsman for Legislative Employees, Office for, disclosure of certain identifying information of legislative employee, AB 252

      PA Licensure Compact, duties of certain regulatory bodies, SB 34

      Payments banks, information obtained by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, AB 500

      Personal identifying information, post or display in a public manner, restrictions, penalties, SB 432

      Pharmacy benefit managers, annual report, confidentiality of information, SB 209, SB 316

      Physical Therapy Licensure Compact, duties of Board, SB 34, AB 248

      Political action, committees for, investigation of alleged violation, AB 79

      Progressive design‑build contract for certain road project, confidentiality of certain information and documents, SB 315

      Public book or record, provision of copy by governmental entity, exemptions, AB 152

      Public utility records and related information, waiver of privilege, AB 46

      Public works


                   Documents relating to certain projects, redaction of certain information, SB 270

                   Records of workers, exception to confidentiality, SB 287

             Job order contracts, documents and information submitted by persons seeking, AB 43

      Reproductive health care, health care providers, court orders granting requests that personal information be maintained in confidential manner, authority, AB 235

      School personnel and pupils, dissemination of personal identifying information, unlawful acts, AB 416

      School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact, requirements, SB 227

      School pupil exhibiting signs and behaviors of substance use, reports, certain identifying information to remain confidential, SB 254

      Securities Fraud, Fund for the Compensation for the Victims of, applications, SB 76

      Sidewalk vendors, business licenses, personal information to be kept confidential, AB 180

      Single‑family residence projects, transferable credits and abatement of certain taxes, confidentiality of certain information, SB 430

      Soil Initiative, Healthy, participant in program, identity to be kept confidential, AB 80

      Students of social work, privileged communications, SB 429

      Taxation, Department of, use of artificial intelligence in certain communications, records and files confidential, AB 537

      Tracking warrants, confidentiality of certain information, SB 361

      Victims of crime, disclosure of information to provide support, limitations, SB 125


      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, requirements, AB 346

      Grooming of pupils by school personnel, consent by pupil no defense, SB 59

      Manufactured home parks, consent of tenant for landlord to enter lot, AB 38


      Conservation Districts Program, appropriation, AB 80

      Cultural and Historic Preservation, Commission for, creation, SB 78


             Nevada Voluntary Water Rights Retirement Program, duties, AB 104

             Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on, appointments, SB 78

             Outdoor Recreation and Education Advisory Council, State, appointments, SB 78

             Retiring Water Rights, Account for, duties, AB 104

      Environmental Protection, Division of

             Artificial turf and synthetic grass, interim study, SB 143

             Distributed generation system, plans filed with Division, duties, AB 493

             Hazardous waste, lien on property of holder in violation, perfection, AB 40

             Mining reclamation, lien on property of holder in violation, perfection, AB 40

             Propulsion battery providers, receipt of reports, AB 493

             Soil Health Advisory Board, representative, AB 80

             Solid waste disposal, lien on property of holder in violation, perfection, AB 40

             Water quality, discharges into waters of state, reports to Division, duties, SB 276

             Water systems, public, administration by district boards of health, SB 43

             Working group to study issues relating to contamination resulting from perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, abolishment, SB 343

      Health Soils Initiative, creation, regulations, AB 80

      Lake Tahoe Basin, Environmental Improvement Program, duties, SB 83

      Lake Tahoe Watershed, duties, regulations, SB 324

      Nevada Conservation and Recreation Program

             Creation, SB 36, AB 104

             Water Buy‑Back Initiative, Nevada, establishment, requirements, SB 36

             Water Rights Retirement Program, Nevada Voluntary

                   Account for Retiring Water Rights, creation, AB 104

                   Advisory Committee, establishment, AB 104

                   Creation, AB 104

                   Retirement of purchased water rights, effect, AB 104

      Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

             Composition, SB 78

      Outdoor Recreation and Education Advisory Council, State

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

             Creation, SB 78

      Outdoor Recreation, Division of

             Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program, appropriation, AB 108

             Outdoor Education Council, creation, membership, duties, AB 165

             Pupils, Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program for, purposes, duties, SB 21

             Transit‑to‑Trail Task Force, creation, duties, SB 405

      Sagebrush Ecosystem Council, program to mitigate damages, duties, AB 242

      Soil Health Advisory Board, creation, regulations, AB 80

      Soil Health, Fund for, creation, AB 80

      State Lands, Division of

             Lake Tahoe Basin, Environmental Improvement Program, duties, SB 83

             Washoe County, lease of real property, duties, AB 333

      State Parks, Division of

             Deposits with State Treasurer, AB 8

             Outdoor Recreation, Advisory Board on, appointment of designee member by Administrator, SB 21

             Outdoor Recreation and Education Advisory Council, State, membership, SB 78

      Vehicle emissions inspections, forms, duties, SB 243

      Water Resources, Division of, appropriation, AB 485


      Temporary supervisors, qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491


      Arrest, refusal of constable to arrest person charged with criminal offense, removal from office, repeal, SB 381

      Auction sales of real property, authority to enter into contracts with operator of online auction, SB 381

      Category I or II peace officer certification, requirements in certain counties and townships, SB 381

      Civil cases, writs or orders, authority to perform any of duties assigned to a sheriff, SB 381

      Civil enforcement officers, appointment, qualifications, duties, SB 381

      Criminal cases, writs relating to, delivery to constable by certain appropriate persons, SB 381

      Deputation of person by magistrate to act as constable, repeal, SB 381

      Fees collected for certain services, increase, SB 210


             Possession or carrying by employees in performance of duties, prohibition, applicability of laws, SB 381

             Training in use of, requirements, SB 381

      Possession, writs of, duties, SB 381

      Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 14, AB 491

      Sheriff ex officio constables, appointment, authority of board of commissioners, SB 381

      Unlawful or riotous assembly, removal of certain duties, SB 381


      Appropriations drawn from State Treasury

             Line‑item veto by Governor, requirements, AJR 4

             Nonprofit organizations, made to, prohibited acts, AJR 4

             Political organizations, made to, prohibited acts, AJR 4

      Bill or joint resolution availability to public before House vote, requirements, SJR 5, AJR 2

      Business court, establishment, AJR 8

      Citizens’ Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, duties, AJR 7

      Independent redistricting commission, creation, SJR 6

      Justices or judges, elections involving incumbents who are unopposed, ballot choices, SJR 2

      Legislators, disclosures regarding certain appropriations, AJR 3

      Legislature, apportionment of, procedure, AJR 5

      Lotteries, authority of Legislature to provide by law operation and regulation of, AJR 5 of the 82nd Session

      National Popular Vote Compact, enactment, AJR 6 of the 82nd Session

      Open meetings of public bodies, applicability of certain laws to Legislature, SJR 5, AJR 3, AJR 5

      Political Practices Enforcement Commission, creation, SJR 5

      Property tax

             Refunds to aged persons and persons with disabilities, requirements, AJR 1

             Sale or transfer of property, temporary ineligibility for certain tax adjustments or abatements, AJR 1

      Reproductive health, establishment of certain rights, SJR 7 of the 82nd Session


      Fiscal restraints on Federal Government, Congress urged to call convention to propose amendment to Constitution, SJR 3

      Limit on power and jurisdiction of Federal Government, Congress urged to call convention to propose amendment to Constitution, SJR 3

      Terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress, Congress urged to call convention to propose amendment to Constitution, SJR 3


      Composition, salary, SB 78


      Damages, recoverable interests must be provided by statute, AB 505

      Liability insurance, duties of contractors, AB 505

      Mediation, procedures, AB 505

      Notice of defect, written response to claimant, content, AB 505

      Settlement offers, procedures, elimination of certain penalties for a rejection of an offer, AB 505


      Israel, Consul General in Los Angeles, support for the State of Israel, SJR 11


      Commissioner of Financial Institutions, report, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44


      Artificial intelligence companies, duties, regulations, SB 199

      Consumer’s Advocate, deceptive trade practices

             Consumer Protection Legal Account, uses, SB 49

             Hearings, powers, SB 49

             Limitation of actions revised, SB 49

             Records, access to, requirements, SB 49

      Ticket providers, resellers and secondary exchanges, violations, complaints, SB 338


      Bids on work valued $1,000 or more, submission without license, penalty, SB 16

      Bond or cash deposit, requirements, SB 327, AB 5

      Business licenses, multijurisdictional license for certain contractors, AB 180

      Constructional defects, notices, liability insurance, requirements, AB 505

      Disciplinary actions, grounds, SB 16

      Heavy equipment rental tax, recovery fee, collection, penalties, SB 196

      Jails or detention facilities, unlawful conduct with prisoners, penalties, SB 35

      Licensed contractor performing certain unlicensed work, exceptions, SB 130


             Applicability of laws, exemptions, SB 158

             By endorsement, issuance to certain applicants who will perform work in rural areas, AB 540

             Classification, grounds to refuse, SB 16

             Issuance, grounds to refuse, SB 16

             Provisional licenses, exemptions from certain licensing requirements relating to work in rural areas, AB 540

      Photovoltaic systems, work concerning certain

             Payment bonds, requirements, SB 327, AB 5

             Performance bonds, requirements, SB 327, AB 5

      Prisons, unlawful conduct with prisoners, penalties, SB 35

      Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)

      Swimming pools and spas, work concerning certain

             Payment bonds, requirements, SB 327

             Performance bonds, requirements, SB 327

      Unlawful acts, penalties, SB 16


      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

      Term limits, SB 78


      Adoption of children, agreements relating to postadoptive contact, requirements, AB 227

      Alarm companies, deceptive trade practices, SB 311

      Baby Bonds Trust Fund, Nevada, authority of State Treasurer to enter on behalf of, AB 67

      Building restoration project, contracts between municipality and developer, requirements, SB 402

      Business improvement districts, agreements with certain governmental entities, SB 420

      Distributed generation systems, contractual requirements for agreements for loan or lease, SB 440

      Education Savings Account Program, Nevada, agreement between parent and account‑granting organization, requirements, SB 252

      Employment contract or other agreement between employer and employee or independent contractor, contents, restrictions, AB 255

      Execution of civil writs, auction sales of real property, sheriffs and constables authorized to enter into contracts, SB 381

      H‑2A visa herders, employment agreements, requirements, SB 204

      Hospitals and Armed Forces, certain agreements entered into, civil immunity of persons authorized to provide care, AB 253

      Intercollegiate athletics, use of name, image or likeness, removal of prohibition, SB 293

      Internet consumer lender, contracts with State residents, requirements, SB 437

      La Posada Drive to USA Parkway Connection Toll Road Demonstration Project, requirements, AB 61

      Legislative Counsel Bureau, Director, contracts to assist Economic Forum, authority, SB 419

      Medicaid, contracts with state pharmacy benefit manager to manage pharmacy benefits, SB 389

      Medical facilities, contracts to provide crisis stabilization services, powers, SB 408

      Noncompetition covenants, applicability to physicians, SB 378

      Nondisclosure or confidentiality agreements, governmental entities prohibited from entering into, exception, SB 296

      Prior authorization of health care, contract provisions that conflict with provisions of law are void and unenforceable, SB 398

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, contracts with organizations to provide mental health treatment to criminal defendants, AB 467

      Real property, executory contracts for purchase of, limitations, when voidable, SB 242

      Rental agreements, unlawful to procure or offer false or forged agreement, penalties, SB 202

      Schools, contracts to provide professional development regarding implementation of competency‑based learning, SB 403

      Sheriffs, agreement to authorize certain federal agency employees to enforce state or local laws, requirements, SB 302

      Solar‑powered affordable housing system, contracts and tariffs, requirements, AB 458

      State Public Defender, authority to enter into contracts with Alternate State Public Defender or the Postconviction Counsel, SB 407

      Tahoe Transportation District, parking enforcement, authority to enter into agreements, SB 426


      Alternative Therapy Pilot Program, creation, AB 378

      Associate physicians and associate osteopathic physicians, authority, AB 170

      Collector for the purpose of destruction, duties, SB 231

      Deaths by

             Inherently dangerous, acts deemed to be, SB 153

             Murder of the first degree and murder of the second degree, requirements, SB 153

             “Proximately caused” defined for purposes of certain laws, SB 153


             Osteopathic physicians and physician assistants, continuing education, requirements, AB 56

             Physicians and physician assistants, continuing education, requirements, AB 56

             Registered pharmacists, authority, AB 186

      Driving under the influence (See DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE)

      Fentanyl (See FENTANYL)

      Firearm, discharge of while under the influence, penalties, AB 199

      Foster homes, inclusion in background investigations of certain violations, procedures, AB 107

      Homeopathic physicians, authority to dispense, administer or prescribe, SB 397

      Jails and detention facilities, immigration status of prisoner, provision of information, requirements, SB 267

      Naturopathic physicians, applicability of laws, SB 397

      Railroad contract carriers, testing of certain drivers, requirements, AB 446

      School pupil exhibiting signs and behaviors of substance use, policy to notify parent or guardian, requirements, SB 254

      Tax on cannabis products, permit, requirements, SB 41

      Vehicular homicide, elements of, revision, SB 304


      Imposition, collection, penalties, AB 362


      Resort hotels, crimes committed on property, determination of whether to include person on list of excluded persons, effect of second or subsequent prior convictions, SB 371

      Second chance, certificate of, application to court, requirements, effect, AB 321

      Wrongful conviction of felony, action brought by person not in custody, damages, AB 63


      Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl, use in manufacture of certain products prohibited, penalties, SB 173


      Clark County and governing bodies of cities, authority, prohibited acts, AB 385


      Fire protection districts, consolidation of certain territory, authority, SB 319

      Food establishments operating as mobile unit, business licenses in certain cities, requirements, AB 180

      Interlocal Cooperation Act, agreements between tribal government and public agency, requirements, AB 392

      Local government purchasing, removal of restriction, SB 3

      Sidewalk vendors, business licenses in certain cities, requirements, AB 180

      Tribal government, agreements with certain public agencies, requirements, AB 392

      Washoe County Board of County Commissioners, study of creation of fire protection district, SB 319


      Records in foreign language, filing with Secretary of State, requirements, SB 75


      Infringement, bad‑faith claim or assertion, penalties, remedies, SB 332

      Legislative declaration, SB 332



      County coroner, applicable laws, SB 65

      Investigation into cause of death, reports, disclosure of confidential information, SB 65

      Motor vehicle crashes, blood sample analyses, requirements, AB 55

      Self‑administration of medication designed to end life of patient, death certificates, AB 346


      Articles of incorporation

             Architecture or residential design, acceptance of filing, requirements, SB 75

             Interior designers, acceptance of filing, requirements, SB 75

             Proposed amendments, rights of existing series, AB 239

      Business court, establishment, constitutional amendment, AJR 8


             Fiduciary duties, AB 239

             Final form or preliminary form of certain actions, authority, AB 239

             Merger, conversion or exchange, approval of plan, AB 239

      Disabilities, persons with, providing assistance in obtaining housing, prohibited discrimination by landlords, AB 341


             “Certificate of dissolution,” change in terminology, AB 239

             Notices, requirements, AB 239

      Fees, regulations, SB 75

      Jurisdiction of courts, authority, AB 158

      Notices or other communications

             Dissolution of corporation, requirements of notice, AB 239

             Materials included with deemed part of notice or communication, AB 239

      Officers, fiduciary duties, AB 239

      Psychology practice, repeal of provisions requiring registration with Board, AB 196

      Records in foreign language, filing with Secretary of State, requirements, SB 75

      Rental of dwellings on behalf of persons with disabilities, prohibited acts and duties by landlords, AB 341

      Reorganization, procedures, AB 239

      Residential real property, purchase, limitations, SB 391, SB 430

      Reverse stock splits, voting for approval, requirements, AB 239

      State business license, fee reduction, SB 240

      Stockholders, voting agreements, inclusion of private corporation, AB 239


      Obsolete references removed, AB 427

      Private equity funding and venture capital investments, requirements, AB 427

      State Permanent School Fund, transfer of money to corporation for public benefit, AB 427

      State Treasurer, powers and duties, AB 427


      Fees, regulations, SB 75

      Records in foreign language, filing with Secretary of State, requirements, SB 75


      Automated victim notification system, establishment, duties, AB 408

      Food served in institutions or facilities, regulations, AB 246

      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

      Offenders, duties (See PRISONS, STATE)

      Parole, notification of victims and others, procedures, AB 408

      Prison farm programs, requirements, AB 246

      Regimental discipline program, repeal of provisions, AB 25

      Residential confinement, notification of victims and others, procedures, AB 408

      Second look parole, duties, AB 91


      Cottage cosmetics operations, license to conduct, requirements, AB 352


      Cosmetology Licensure Compact, ratification, AB 371

      Licenses or certificates of registration

             Age, certain requirements removed, SB 176

             Career and technical education program, credits for, SB 176

             Privilege to practice under Cosmetology Licensure Compact, AB 371

      Naturopathic physicians, applicability of laws, SB 397


      Cosmetology Licensure Compact, duties, AB 371

      Packaged synthetic hair braids, testing, duties, SB 173

      Shampoo technologists, hair braiders and persons engaged in makeup artistry, cosmetology provisions inapplicable under certain circumstances, AB 225


      Behavioral health services delivered in federally‑qualified health center, Medicaid coverage, SB 300

      Clinical professional (See CLINICAL PROFESSIONAL COUNSELORS)


      Genetic (See GENETIC COUNSELORS)


      Psychologists (See PSYCHOLOGISTS)

      Substance abuse (See ALCOHOL AND DRUG COUNSELORS)

COUNTIES (See also specific counties)

      Accessory dwelling units, authority of residential property owner to add, authority of certain counties to enact ordinance, AB 396

      Actions against, legal representation by official attorney, time period, indemnity, SB 67

      Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)

      Agritourism, powers, SB 55


             Business engaged in handling, training of owner or operator, requirements, AB 418

             Cruelty to animals, transfer of ownership of animal by county, requirements, AB 381

      Automated traffic enforcement systems

             Temporary traffic control zones, authority to use, requirements, AB 402

             Use authorized, requirements, SB 415

      Bailiffs, when deemed local government employee of the county, SB 450

      Board of Regents, assistance in establishing data dashboard relating to student outcomes authorized, AB 345

      Broadband service providers, franchises from local governments, requirements, AB 509

      Building restoration projects, contracts, requirements, SB 402

      Business improvement districts, creation, duties, powers, SB 420

      Child welfare, trust funds for, repeal of certain provisions, SB 284

      Deputy marshals, when deemed local government employee of the county, SB 450

      Digital products, exemptions from taxation, SB 392, AB 453

      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

      Domestic violence battery by strangulation, forensic medical examination of victims, reimbursement of costs, SB 87

      Economic Development, Office of, notices to certain government bodies in smaller counties, requirements, AB 538

      Employment of retired employee in county with population less than 100,000, AB 27

      Franchises, public utilities, notice of filing of application, requirements, SB 15

      Highways, communication of road condition to public, requirements, SB 53

      Homeless persons, housing programs, establishment, authority of cities and counties, AB 317

      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

      Land use planning, tribal governments, consultation, inclusion in planning process, legislative findings, SB 286

      Monument removal, destruction or relocation, requirements, SB 310

      Multifamily housing or mixed‑use developments, applications for permits to construct, authority, AB 241

      Navigation providers, road condition information, requirements, SB 53

      Nonprofit organizations, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with, exceptions, penalties, AB 197

      Patented product, use by certain entities, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 208

      Planning, zoning, development and redevelopment, regulation as a matter of local concern, removal of authority, AB 443

      Portable event recording devices, surcharge for purposes of purchasing and maintaining, elimination of authority, reports, SB 208

      Public transportation trespass order, powers, requirements, duties, AB 361

      Race or ethnicity information, requests, duties, requirements, SB 265

      Regional business licenses, establishment, requirements, SB 373

      Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, duties, appropriation, SB 147

      Restoration improvement district, creation, authority, SB 402

      Sexual assault victims, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, SB 87

      Solid waste management authority, requirements, SB 43

      Strangulation, victims of battery or domestic violence, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs by county, repeal of provisions, AB 272

      Substandard property, authority to bring actions against property owner, procedures, AB 211

      Tax increment areas ordered for undertaking, duties, ordinances, SB 28

      Tiny houses, “single‑family residence” to include, ordinances relating to planning and zoning to reflect the inclusion, AB 443

      Transit‑to‑Trail Task Force, representative of certain counties, SB 405

      Water quality, discharges into waters of state, reports to Division of Environmental Protection, violations, penalties, SB 276


      Confidentiality of personal information, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, SB 74, SB 273, AB 122, AB 150, AB 197, AB 235

      Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 14, AB 491

      Surviving spouses, affidavit for tax exemption, duties, AB 135, AB 243


      Confidentiality of personal information, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, SB 273

      Elections (See ELECTIONS)

      Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 14, AB 491


      911 emergency service surcharge

             Monetary threshold for special fund, maximum amount, SB 208

             Revenue, authorized uses, order of priority for spending, SB 208

      Adoption fees for animals in shelters, waiver of fee, requirements, reports, SB 325

      Adoption of children, powers and duties, AB 227

      Affordable housing, authority of counties to enact ordinances, exceptions, SB 289

      Attainable housing, development of, duties, AB 540

      Cemeteries, powers and duties, AB 350

      Cemetery authorities, disinterment or removal of human remains, procedures, AB 350

      Clark County, homeless outreach teams, establishment, AB 263

      County treasurer, receipt of report, AB 133

      Elected county officers, authority not to pay increased salary for all elected officers removed, SB 116

      Election, qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

      Fiscal Year 2025‑2026 and five fiscal years following, establishment of annual salaries, SB 116

      Forensic DNA testing program, designation of laboratories, duties, AB 473

      Groundwater boards, powers and duties, AB 363

      Interlocal cooperation agreements regarding certain business licenses

             Food establishment operating as mobile unit, requirements, AB 180

             Sidewalk vendors, requirements, AB 180

      Intoxicating liquors, licensing, duties, AB 78

      Judicial districts, increase in number of district judges, notice by Chief Judge, AB 66

      Liquor boards, licensing for liquor sales, duties, AB 78

      Live entertainment tax, reimbursement of costs incurred by smaller counties, authority, SB 200

      Mass casualty incidents, victims of, electronic database, duties, AB 50

      Planning, zoning, development and redevelopment, regulation as a matter of local concern, removal of authority, AB 443

      Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 14, AB 491

      Regional business licenses, ordinance to establish, duties, SB 373

      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, AB 237

      Renewable energy facilities, tax abatement, receipt of information, AB 70

      Rent control, ordinances regarding, prohibited acts, SB 123, AB 443


             Local school precincts, removal of duty, SB 15

             Pupil trustees, appointment, AB 316

      Sheriff ex officio constables, appointment, authority of board of commissioners, SB 381

      State Engineer, expenditures and activities from the Water District Account, receipt of report, AB 485

      Tahoe Basin, authority of county commissioners to operate and regulate parking facilities or parking spaces, SB 426


      Imposition of tax, annual increases, time period, requirements, AB 530

      Payment of tax, failure to pay, penalty, SB 22


      Actions against, legal representation by official attorney, time period, indemnity, SB 67

      Board of County Commissioners, authority not to pay increased salary for all elected county officers removed, SB 116

      Compensation of elective county officers for Fiscal Year 2025‑2026 and beyond, SB 116

      Deputy marshals, appointment in lieu of bailiffs in larger counties, deemed to be county employee, SB 384, SB 450

      Elections (See ELECTIONS)

      Family leave, paid, requirements and responsibilities, AB 388

      Preferential employment, peace officers, exceptions, SB 155


      Confidentiality of personal information, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, SB 74, SB 273, AB 122, AB 150, AB 197, AB 235

      Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 14, AB 491


      Construction and improvement, expenditures of certain amounts, cost adjustment, performance by county, AB 84


      Live entertainment tax, deposit of proceeds in certain counties, SB 200

      Property taxes, duties, SB 196, SB 385

      Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 14, AB 491

      Sales of delinquent property, money received, duties, AB 133


      Adoption of children, duties, AB 227

      Domestic relations, instruction regarding to the National Council of Juvenile and Family Law Court Judges, duties, reports, AB 118

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, receipt of notice of employer’s delinquent contributions, duties, SB 418

      Text messaging program, establishment, duties, reports, AB 218


      Copyright infringement, bad‑faith claim or assertion, remedies, SB 332

      Housing discrimination cases, award of fees and costs, SB 107


      C.C.R.‑L.V.R., authorized use, SB 191


             “Certificate” redefined, SB 191

             Legal video recorder, requirements, SB 191

      “Certified Court Reporter” redefined, SB 191

      Certified Court Reporters’ Board of Nevada, certification, duties, SB 191

      Compensation, SB 191

      Court transcripts, requests, duties, SB 191

      Justice courts, trial by jury, removal of provision, SB 20

      Preliminary hearings, employment, SB 20

      Registered court recorder, legal, limitations, SB 191

      Sound recording equipment, operation of in certain proceedings, laws inapplicable, SB 191

      Video recorder, legal, certification, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 191


      Access to court solely based on defendant attire, prohibited acts, AB 320

      Facility dogs, qualifications, duties, AB 302


      Public health crisis, acts or omissions in response to or on basis of, immunity for damages sustained by State, institutions of higher education, officer or employee, expiration, SB 406

      Summary eviction, sealing of case court file, procedures, repeal of provisions, AB 283



      Governmental agencies, accepted form of payment, SB 358


      Coerced debt or debt that is the result of economic abuse, reporting procedures, requirements, AB 250


      Additional offices, applications to open, period to approve or deny, SB 375

      Board of directors

             Meetings, requirements, SB 375

             Membership officers, appointment, SB 375

             Vacancies, procedures for filling, SB 375

      Financial institutions, use of artificial intelligence systems, notice to customer, SB 199

      Investments, requirements, SB 375

      Loans, revision of requirements for making of certain loans, SB 375

      Older persons, exploitation, duties, immunities, SB 369

      Prospective member entrance fees, payment by credit union, requirements, SB 375

      Regular reserves, removal of specific requirements, SB 375


             Low‑income credit unions, issuance of shares to nonmembers, authority, SB 375

             Par value, requirements, SB 375

      Vulnerable persons, exploitation, duties, immunities, SB 369

CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS (See also specific crime)

      Abortion, use of drugs or instruments to terminate pregnancy, repeal of criminal provisions, SB 139

      Adoption of children, unlawful acts, AB 227

      Aged persons

             Drivers of nonemergency medical transportation, duty to report abuse, neglect, isolation or abandonment, penalties, AB 438

             Theft committed against, additional penalty, SB 50


             Animal cruelty, penalties, AB 381

             Sale or attempt to sell or transfer ownership, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 487

      Automobile wreckers, violations, revision of penalties, SB 80

      Bias crime, acts constituting, penalty, SB 62

      Body shops, violations, revision of penalties, SB 80

      Campaign communications, threats made to life of any other person, penalties, AB 123

      Child abuse, duty of drivers of nonemergency medical transportation to report, penalties, AB 438

      Child engaging in sexual conduct, depiction of, unlawful acts, penalties, AB 35

      Child remains, sale, offer to sell or purchase, exceptions, unlawful acts, SB 111

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, sale or distribution, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 435, AB 279, AB 336

      Commercial coaches, dealers, commingling money or other property, penalty, AB 38

      Computer‑generated child pornography, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 263

      Contractors, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 16

      Controlling Interest Transfer Tax, violations, AB 362

      Deceptive trade practices, criminal penalties, SB 49

      Digital products, taxation, violations, SB 392, AB 453

      Driving on divided highways, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 111

      Driving under the influence, time period between offenses, penalties, AB 175


             Artificial intelligence, use in campaign practices, violations, penalties, AB 271

             False document or document with false signatures, submission, penalties, SB 102

             Firearms at election sites, prohibited acts, AB 105

             Presidential electors, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 102

             Synthetic media containing deceptive and fraudulent deepfake of candidate, distribution, penalties, AB 271

      Electrical infrastructure, removal, damage or destruction to obtain utility wire, penalties, AB 503

      Electronic health records, prohibited acts, SB 250

      Employers, opinions regarding religious or political matters, adverse action against employee, penalties, AB 434

      Employment agencies which provide nonmedical services related to personal care to elderly persons and persons with disabilities, violations, AB 519

      Factory‑built housing, noncomplying units, penalty, AB 38


             Discharging unlawfully, penalties, AB 199

             Election sites, use near, unlawful acts, AB 105

             Semiautomatic shotguns or centerfire rifles, possession or control by certain persons, AB 245

      Food delivery service platform providers, violations, penalty, AB 116

      Garages and garage operators, violations, revision of penalties, SB 80

      Genetic counselors, unlicensed practice, SB 189, SB 348

      Grades assigned by teacher, intent to interfere, penalties, AB 425

      H‑2A visa herders, wages, violations, SB 204

      Hazing on the property of a college or university, penalty, SB 238

      Health carrier or health insurance administrator, provision of health care services directly to patients prohibited, penalties, SB 192

      Heavy equipment rental tax, unlawful acts, SB 196

      Homeless persons, issuance of identification cards, violations, AB 220

      Housebreaking, unlawful to procure or offer false or forged rental agreement, penalties, SB 202

      Immigration laws, investigation or enforcement, duties of school personnel, violations, AB 217

      Immunity from criminal liability, victim or witness while engaging in prostitution, AB 209

      Inspector General, violations related to work of, AB 33, AB 154

      Insurers, examination of, refusal, penalty, AB 74

      Intermediary service organizations, violations, AB 519

      Jails or detention facilities, unauthorized communication with prisoner, penalties, SB 35

      Lake Tahoe Watershed, sale of water in disposable plastic bottles, prohibition, violations, SB 324

      Landlords, use of artificial intelligence to establish rent price constitutes restraint of trade, penalties, SB 199

      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use by certain establishments and facilities, penalty, SB 184

      Manufactured buildings, noncomplying units, penalty, AB 38

      Massage therapy establishments, advertising, violations, penalty, SB 386

      Medicaid, records of providers of goods and services, failure to maintain, penalties, AB 15

      Merchant acquirer limited purpose banks, untrue or derogatory statements concerning bank, penalties, SB 438

      Minors, hours of employment, penalties for violations, AB 215

      Misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor, arrested for, restrictions on imposition of bail, AB 320

      Monument removal, destruction or relocation, violations, penalties, SB 310

      Nonprofit organizations, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with, violations, AB 197

      Organized retail theft, penalty increased, SB 219

      Parentage, release of specimen of person collected for genetic testing without court order or permission of person, penalties, AB 424

      Payments banks, untrue or derogatory statements concerning bank, penalties, AB 500

      Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl, use in manufacture of certain products, penalties, SB 173

      Personal care services in the home, agencies which provide, violations, AB 519

      Personal identifying information

             Post or display of certain in public manner without person’s consent, penalties, SB 432

             Retaliation using information of school personnel or pupil, penalties, AB 416

      Presentence investigation and report, SB 7

      Prisons, unauthorized communication with prisoner, penalties, SB 35

      Prostitution, customers, violations, penalties, AB 299

      Public accommodations, refusal or denial of full and equal enjoyment, violations, AB 266

      Railroad contract carriers, violations, AB 446

      Reflexology establishments, advertising, violations, penalty, SB 386

      Resort hotels, crimes committed on property, additional penalties, SB 371

      Road rage, penalties, SB 37

      Salvage pool operators, violations, revision of penalties, SB 80

      Sex trafficking, facilitation of, penalty, SB 110, SB 223

      Structural integration establishments, advertising, violations, penalty, SB 386

      “Technological crime,” technical change to reorganize definition of, SB 343

      Theft, monetary threshold, reduction for purpose of determining penalties for unlawful acts, SB 264

      Ticket providers, resellers and secondary exchanges, deceptive trade practice, SB 338, AB 431

      Traffic incidents, approach to, violation resulting in death of first responder, penalties, AB 54

      Unlawful occupancy

             Procurement or offering false or forged rental agreement, penalties, SB 202

             Requirements, penalties, SB 236

      Utility wire, possession or purchase of used unlawful, exceptions, penalties, AB 503

      Vulnerable persons

             Drivers of nonemergency medical transportation, duty to report abuse, neglect, isolation or abandonment, penalties, AB 438

             Theft committed against, additional penalty, SB 50

      Water quality, discharges into waters of state, violations, penalties, SB 276



      Central Repository

             Child‑placing agencies, screening of certain persons, duties, AB 520

             Domestic violence convictions statewide database, establishment, AB 162

             Firearms, voluntary temporary restriction to possess, have custody or control of or purchase, receipt of forms, AB 451

             Guardianships of adults and minors, authority of investigators to obtain certain records, AB 65

             Homeless persons, issuance of identification cards, duties, AB 220

             Independent contractors with access to certain persons, screening, SB 26

             Public employer, release of information to, requirements, AB 357

             Submission of information through National Incident‑Based Reporting System, requirements, AB 97

             Vendors with access to certain persons, screening, SB 26

      Dissemination of records, restrictions, exception, AB 162




      Domestic violence, duties of investigating officer, AB 216

      Vehicles, investigations involving theft of, use of identification numbers, SB 80


      Access to courtroom based on attire of defendant prohibited, AB 320

      Alternative Therapy Pilot Program, creation, immunities for persons engaging in certain conduct relating to Program, AB 378

      Brady‑Giglio list

             Definition, SB 197

             Law enforcement officers or employees, adoption of policy relating to placement on list, notification, removal, SB 197

      Child abuse or neglect, reports, investigations or legal interventions, immunities for certain persons, SB 409

      Defendant attire not formal or professional, prohibited acts, AB 320

      Mental health facilities, involuntary admission of defendant to, procedures, reports, AB 467

      Public libraries, immunity of staff members from criminal liability, AB 445

      School libraries, immunity of staff members from criminal liability, AB 445


      Stopping, standing or parking near marked or unmarked crosswalk, restrictions, SB 320


      Sales and use tax, exemption, submission of question to voters, AB 359



      Security Operations Center, creation, collaboration, AB 432


      Elections, cyber‑incident response plan, regulations, SB 74

      Security Operations Center, creation, powers and duties, AB 432



      Bill of Rights, Agricultural Workers’, violations, SB 172

      Civil Air Patrol, volunteer member employee, violation of employer, remedies, AB 422

      Constructional defects, recovery of damages, requirements, AB 505

      Contingent fee contracts for person seeking damages, limitations, SB 365

      Copyright infringement, bad‑faith claim or assertion, remedies, SB 332

      Employment contract, contents, violations, AB 255

      Governmental agencies, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with nonprofit organizations, violations, AB 197

      Hospitals, penalties regarding medical debt, AB 343

      Housing discrimination, remedies, SB 107

      Internet website or online platform, age verification system, violations, penalties, AB 294

      Landlords, violations regarding rent, AB 121

      Medical expenses, award of damages in personal injury claim, limitations, SB 363

      Paramilitary activity, injury as a result of, remedy, AB 119

      Pharmacy benefit managers, retaliation against pharmacies, actions to recover damages, SB 209

      Schools, athletic team or sport, designation based on sex, violations, SB 112, AB 240

      Ticket providers, resellers and secondary exchanges, deceptive trade practice, remedies, SB 338, AB 431

      Vision benefit plans, unfair or deceptive trade practices, recovery by aggrieved providers of vision care, AB 448

      Wrongful conviction of felony, action brought by person not in custody, reimbursement and other relief, AB 63


      Alteration, reconstruction or construction, plans, notice, requirements, AB 26

      Beaver dams, notice to owner of land, AB 26

      Decommissioning, application filed with Department of Wildlife, AB 26

      Emergency response, partial or total failure resulting from, civil liability, AB 26

      Inspection by State Engineer, powers, civil liability, AB 26

      Removal, procedure, AB 26

      Wildlife, Department of, plans filed with, AB 26


      Foster homes, inclusion in background investigations of certain violations, procedures, AB 107

      Homeopathic physicians, authority to dispense, administer or prescribe, SB 397

      Naturopathic physicians, applicability of laws, SB 397

      Registered pharmacists, authority, AB 186


      Business as data collector, request, collection or maintenance of social security numbers prohibited, exceptions, SB 291

      Governmental agencies who are data collectors, information pertaining to race and ethnicity, duties, SB 265

      Prospective employee, collection of social security number by employer prohibited, exceptions, SB 291

      Security breach, provision of certain services to current and former employees, duties, SB 291


      Anatomical gifts, organizations that procure, transportation of body or body part of deceased donor, authority, SB 349

      Cemetery authorities, disinterment or removal of human remains, procedures, AB 350

      Child remains, sale, offer to sell or purchase, unlawful acts, SB 111

      Parentage, genetic testing of deceased person, authority of court, AB 424

      Records, Communications and Compliance Division, appropriation, requirements for forensic DNA testing program, AB 473


      Adoption of children, denial of petition solely because petitioner is deaf or hard of hearing prohibited, AB 227

      Health care facilities and providers of health care, provision of sign language interpreters, requirements, AB 395

      Health insurers and health care providers, prohibited acts, SB 352, AB 522


      Guardian of minor, effect, notices, AB 387


      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, procedures following, AB 346

      Guardianship of adults, authority of investigators to obtain certain records, AB 65

      Guardianship of minors, authority of investigators to obtain certain records, AB 65

      Naturopathic physicians, duties, SB 397


      Preliminary examination, permissible acts, SB 20

      Warrant of death, requirements, SB 350


      Governmental agencies, accepted form of payment, SB 358


      Meetings, annual, SB 15


      Commissioner of Financial Institutions, report, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44


      Aged or vulnerable persons, engagement in against, penalties, SB 60

      Alarm companies, defective or inoperative systems, penalties, SB 311

      Assurances of discontinuance, sanctions, SB 49

      Copyright infringement, bad‑faith claim or assertion, prohibited acts, SB 332

      Criminal penalties, prosecution on behalf of State, SB 49

      Data collectors who are employers, violations, remedies, SB 291

      Disposable foodware or standard condiments, provision to users, violations, penalties, SB 173

      Distributed generation system financiers, violations, SB 379

      Drugs, maximum fair price, violations, penalties, AB 259

      Gross revenues, definition, payment as penalty, SB 49

      Hearings, administrative, removal of certain sanctions, SB 49

      Hemp products intended for human consumption, sale by certain persons, prohibited acts, AB 504

      Household cleaning products, prohibition on importation and sale of products for which animal testing was performed, SB 167

      Monetary threshold, reduction for purpose of determining penalties for unlawful acts, SB 264

      Restaurant reservation service, third‑party platform providers, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 169

      Social media platforms, users 13 years of age or older, violations, SB 63

      Ticket providers, resellers and secondary exchanges, prohibited acts, exceptions, SB 338, AB 431

      Violations, fines, SB 49, SB 167

      Vision benefit plans, requirements, AB 448


      Residential real property purchased by corporate entities, form and contents of deed, regulation, restrictions on filing, SB 391


      Excrement or bodily fluid, restrictions on bringing into State, possessing, destruction or removal, AB 59

      Hunting tags

             Chronic wasting disease in carcass, effect on replacement tag, SB 79

             Fees, SB 79



      Attire not formal or professional, court access, prohibited acts, AB 320

      Second chance, certificate of, application to court, requirements, effect, AB 321

      Tracking warrants, transmission to certain persons before trial, suppression of use as evidence, SB 361


      Agritourism, businesses engaged in, affirmative defenses, SB 55

      Comparative negligence, use as defense to personal injury claim, effect, SB 363

      Nevada System of Higher Education, liability for harassment by certain persons or after receiving notice of harassment, AB 465

      School districts, liability for harassment by certain persons or after receiving notice of harassment, AB 465

      School personnel, consent by pupil not a defense in certain proceedings, SB 59


      Commissioner of Financial Institutions, report, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44


      Dementia care specialists program, establishment, requirements, AB 337

      First responders, training to identify and interact with persons with cognitive impairments, SB 329

      Nevada Memory Network, establishment, AB 337


      Expanded function dental assistants, scope of practice, AB 334



             Approval or denial, procedure, violations, report, AB 52

             Review of reimbursement methodology as basis for payment, AB 74

      Dental hygienists, services provided without supervision of dentist, coverage, SB 268

      Prior authorization of care, exceptions, SB 118


      Dental hygienists, licensure, duties, AB 334


             Applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

             Expiration, deferment of for active duty members of the Armed Forces, SB 78


      Committee on Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy, elimination, SB 78

      Dental and Dental Hygienist Compact, ratification, AB 143

      Insurance, services provided without supervision of dentist, coverage, SB 268

      Licensure by endorsement, qualifications, AB 334

      Privilege to practice under Dental and Dental Hygienist Compact, AB 143

      Scope of practice, AB 334


      Committee on Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy, elimination, SB 78


      Dental and Dental Hygienist Compact, ratification, AB 143

      Managed care organizations, coverage, powers, AB 202

      Non‑opioid directive, execution, duties, SB 337

      Physicians who are also licensed as dentist, permits to offer anesthesia and sedation, exemptions, AB 221

      Prior authorization for care, procedures for obtaining, contents, requirements, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

      Privilege to practice under Dental and Dental Hygienist Compact, AB 143


      Appropriation to support Nevada Cloud Seeding Program, SB 6


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Creation, SB 78


      City annexation and detachment commission, creation, duties, SB 61

      Plans of detachment in certain cities, requirements, SB 61


      Medicaid, coverage for treatment, SB 244

      Mifepristone, prescription container label, requirements, AB 411


      Diapering Resources Committee, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78


      Pump or dispenser, labeling, requirements, violations, AB 29


      State prisons, approval of diet of offenders, regulations, AB 246


      Original equipment manufacturers of digital electronic equipment, requirements relating to documentation, parts and tools, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 407

      Repair provider, definitions, AB 407

      Retail sales, taxation, SB 392, AB 453


      Adoption of children, denial of petition solely because petitioner is blind prohibited, AB 227

      Authorizing modifications to dwellings and reasonable accommodations in rules and practices, SB 107

      Background investigations, screening for persons with access to persons with disabilities, SB 26

      Bias crime, acts constituting, penalty, civil liability, SB 62

      Blind or visually impaired, persons who are (See BLIND OR VISUALLY IMPAIRED, PERSONS WHO ARE)

      Education Savings Account Program, Nevada, application by parent of a child with a disability, requirements, SB 252

      Facility dogs, witness support, qualifications, AB 302

      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Health insurers and health care providers, prohibited acts, SB 352, AB 522

      Housing discrimination

             Landlords, prohibited acts, duties, AB 341

      Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, SB 368, AB 494

      Medicare, supplemental insurance policies, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 292

      Multifamily dwellings, accessibility requirements, SB 107

      PACE program, authority transferred to Department of Health and Human Services, SB 207

      Parental rights, limitation or abridgement on account of disability prohibited, AB 146

      Parking placards and stickers and special license plates, letter of verification, requirements, SB 113

      Personal care services in the home, agencies which provide, licensure and regulation, AB 519

      Property tax, refunds of tax imposed on primary residence, eligibility, constitutional amendment, AJR 1

      Public buildings, Communication Access Realtime Translation, inclusion of equipment and software, requirements, AB 247

      Public meetings, accommodation of persons with physical disabilities, requirements, AB 247

      Public utilities, notice of termination, requirements, AB 456

      Rental assistance programs for certain persons, appropriation, SB 283

      School pupils (See SCHOOL PUPILS)

      Service animals, landlords refusing to rent dwelling to persons with, prohibited acts, SB 107

      Vulnerable persons

             Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment

                   Financial institutions

                          Designated emergency financial contacts, requirements, duties, SB 369

                          Duty to report exploitation, immunities, SB 369


      Antisemitism, definition, investigation by Nevada Equal Rights Commission, SB 179

      Appropriations, compliance with civil rights and employment laws, conditions for acceptance, SB 162

      Board of Regents, professional development training, requirements, SB 322

      Breastfeeding a child, discrimination against a person for, declaration of public policy, violations, AB 266

      Housing discrimination (See HOUSING DISCRIMINATION)

      Insurers, prohibited acts, SB 352, AB 74, AB 522

      Public policy of the State, declaration, SB 160

      Pupils, discrimination based on race, bullying or cyber‑bullying, assignment to different school, requests, AB 48

      Racial Equity and Social Justice, Commission on, creation, AB 328

      State professional employer, prohibited acts, AB 191


      Board for the Education and Counseling of Displaced Homemakers, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78


      Gestational agreements, effect of subsequent dissolution, AB 424


      Examinations, use of remote testing platform, requirements, AB 210


      Balloons, release of certain, prohibited acts, civil remedy, AB 194

      Brady‑Giglio lists, law enforcement officers or employees, adoption of policy relating to placement on list, notification, removal, SB 197

      Child support, collection, failure to comply with subpoena or warrant, duties, SB 390

      Children in need of supervision, complaints filed, authority removed, AB 88

      Data collectors who are employers, violations, remedies, SB 291

      Election, candidate qualifications

             Challenges to, duties, SB 428

             Registration to vote, requirements, AB 14, AB 491

      Esmeralda and Eureka Counties, private practice of law authorized, SB 116

      Generative artificial intelligence, use to generate communications with patient, requirements, SB 186

      Hospitals, employment of physicians, violations, duties, AB 393

      Inspector General, duties, AB 33, AB 154

      Interception of communications, authorization, duties, AB 275

      Juvenile delinquents, complaints filed against child, authority removed, AB 88

      Public offices, event causing vacancy, challenge of failure or refusal to relinquish office, duties, SB 428

      Restaurant reservation service, third‑party platform providers, duties, SB 169


      “Electronic signature” defined for purposes of criminal proceedings, AB 18

      Firearm, return after release of mental health crisis hold, petitions, duties, SB 347


      Administrative regulations, validity or applicability, authority, SB 340

      Bailiffs, assignment to the court, replacement of vacancy, SB 450

      Cemetery authorities, disinterment or removal of human remains, duties, AB 350

      Child abuse or neglect, reports, investigations or legal interventions, award of fees and costs to persons who prevail in civil actions for performing such acts, SB 409


             Adoption, jurisdiction over proceedings, AB 227

             Child welfare services, agencies which provide, medical or mental health treatment for child in custody, duties, SB 187

             Parentage, jurisdiction, AB 424

      Cruelty to animals, sale of animal at auction, authorization by court, removal of requirement, AB 381

      Deputy marshals, appointment in lieu of bailiffs in larger counties, deemed to be county employee, SB 384, SB 450

      Firearm, return after release of mental health crisis hold, petitions, duties, SB 347

      First Judicial District Court, reference, interpretation, AB 490

      Health‑Care Decisions Act, Uniform, enactment of remaining provisions, duties, AB 461

      Illegal gaming activities, disgorgement of profit or gain from, authority to order, SB 256

      Judges (See also JUDGES AND JUSTICES)

             Election of unopposed incumbents, requirements, SJR 2

             Eligibility, requirements, AB 141

             Number, increase in

                   1st Judicial District, AB 66

                   2nd Judicial District, AB 66

                   6th Judicial District, AB 66

                   8th Judicial District, AB 66

                   10th Judicial District, AB 66

                   11th Judicial District, AB 66

                   Election for additional district judge, time frame, AB 66

             Population increases, schedule to increase number of district judges, AB 66

             Resignation from elected public office before filing nomination papers for other elective public office, requirements, exemptions, AB 124

      Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, subpoenas, duties, AB 15

      Medical Examiners, Board of, staying of certain orders, authority, AB 319

      Orders for protection, applications for extended orders, procedures, AB 309

      Preliminary examination, jurisdiction, powers, SB 20

      Preprosecution diversion programs

             Eligibility for assignment, SB 17

             Sealing records after discharge from program, SB 17

             Substance use disorder treatment programs, assignment from, SB 17

      Protective custody, placement of child with relative or fictive kin, duties, SB 187

      Public transportation trespass order, duties, AB 361

      “Qualified district court” defined, AB 490

      Reproductive health care, health care providers, court orders granting requests that personal information be maintained in confidential manner, authority, AB 235

      Sealing of criminal records, duties, AB 291

      Strikes by employee organizations representing teachers, duties, SB 161

      Substandard property, actions against property owners, duties, AB 211

      Summary eviction, procedures, duties, AB 283

      Text messaging program, establishment, AB 218

      Unauthorized speed contests, impoundment of vehicle, duties, AB 417

DISTRICTS (See also specific districts)

      Digital products, exemptions from taxation, SB 392, AB 453

      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

      Monument removal, destruction or relocation, requirements, SB 310

      Nonprofit organizations, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with, exceptions, penalties, AB 197

      Race or ethnicity information, requests, duties, requirements, SB 265

      Restoration improvement district, creation by ordinance, tax revenue, SB 402

      Tahoe Transportation District, parking enforcement, authority to enter into agreements, SB 426


      Creation, composition, meetings, reports, SB 71


      Community property, order relating to the disposition of, requirements, SB 126

      Pension or retirement benefits, disposition, requirements, SB 126

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, determination of value, requirements, SB 126


      Records, Communications and Compliance Division, appropriation for forensic DNA testing program, AB 473


      Bond by registrant, requirements, AB 72

      Class I or Class II authorized third party, engagement in activities of, license, requirements, SB 243

      Legal documents generated by artificial intelligence software, provision to customer, requirements, SB 199

      Prohibited acts, AB 72

      Registration, application, renewal, reinstatement, requirements, AB 72

      Violations, information and documents pertaining to investigation are confidential, AB 72


      Facility dogs, qualifications, AB 302

      Insurance policies covering multi‑family residential dwellings, inquiry about breed of dog prohibited under certain circumstances, SB 166

      Sale or attempt to sell or transfer ownership, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 487

      Training permits, fee, SB 79


      Gestational agreements, effect of subsequent partnership, AB 424



             Arrest for battery that constitutes domestic violence, bail, restrictions, SB 14

             Jails and detention facilities, immigration status of prisoner, provision of information, requirements, SB 267

             Strangulation, victims of battery by, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, SB 87, AB 272

      Coerced debt or debt that is the result of economic abuse, collection procedures, requirements, AB 250

      Committee on Domestic Violence, name change, AB 45

      Family court judges, identification of domestic violence, training of judges, SB 275

      Hope Card Program, establishment, AB 159

      Instruction to juvenile court and family court judges to identify domestic violence, AB 118

      Insurers, discrimination on basis of domestic violence status, prohibited acts, AB 74

      Internet database of persons convicted of domestic violence, requirements, AB 162

      Orders for protection

             Application to Hope Card Program, requirements, AB 159

             Applications for extended orders, procedures, AB 309

             Evidence a law enforcement officer may rely on to enforce order, AB 369

             Order from another jurisdiction, enforcement, authority, AB 369

      Reports, requirements, AB 216

      Treatment programs for persons who commit domestic violence, requirements, SB 84

      Victims (See also VICTIMS OF CRIME)

             Employees, leave of absence, repeal of certain provisions, AB 388

             Immigrant Home Foundation, appropriation for mental health services and legal assistance, AB 310

             Lethality assessment form, requirements, AB 216

             Reports of the law enforcement agency, unaltered, requests, AB 193


      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237

      State 4‑H Camp Institute and Exhibit, purpose, SB 343


      Birthing process, presence of doula in room, requirements, SB 192


      Expiration, regulations, AB 140


      Alternate address displayed on driver’s license, persons allowed, SB 273, AB 150, AB 235

      Cancellation, suspension or revocation, grounds, SB 37

      Child support, failure to comply with subpoena or warrant, suspension of license, exception, SB 390


             Hours of operation of DMV offices in larger counties, SB 422

             Proof of identity and residency, requirements, SB 422

      Identity theft, victim, power to request change of license number, SB 291

      Juvenile courts, additional suspension or delay in applying, requirement removed, SB 383

      Medical conditions

             Codes, adoption of individualized for different conditions, AB 20

             Imprinting of a singular symbol on license, AB 20

      Name, inclusion of diacritical mark, recording, SB 91

      Real ID‑compliant driver’s license, certain fees prohibited, reports, SB 154

      Suspension of license, grounds, SB 390

      Voting, proof of identity, requirements, AB 228


      Alcohol or other substance use disorder, treatment for, effect, SB 309

      Blood alcohol concentration

             0.08 or more, prohibited acts, SB 309

             0.16 or more, prohibited acts, SB 309

             0.18 in blood or breath reduced to 0.16 for certain violations, SB 309

             Commercial motor vehicle, operation, prohibited acts, SB 309

             Time period measuring, change in, SB 56, SB 309

      Criminal penalties for certain offenses, SB 309

      Electronic submission of information concerning violations, format, establishment, SB 56

      Fentanyl, operating under the influence, penalties, SB 309

      Jails and detention facilities, immigration status of prisoner, provision of information, requirements, SB 267

      MDMA, operating under the influence, penalties, SB 309

      Offenses occurring within 10 years, penalties, AB 175

      Premises to which public has access, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 309

      Vehicle crash, prohibited acts, rebuttable presumption that person in physical control of vehicle, SB 309

      Vehicular homicide, elements of, revision, SB 304


      Public agencies, purchase or acquisition of unmanned aerial vehicle, requirements, AB 439


      Alternative Therapy Pilot Program, creation, immunities for persons engaging in certain conduct relating to Program, AB 378

      Nevada System of Higher Education, establishment of emergency response plans to address opioid‑related drug overdoses at institutions within System, authority, AB 394

      Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      Psychedelic compounds, Congress urged to take certain actions relating to use, SJR 10

      Railroad contract carriers, testing of drivers, requirements, AB 446

      Secure drug take‑back bin, collector, duties, SB 231


      Coerced debt or debt that is the result of economic abuse, collection procedures, requirements, AB 250




      Public works contractors, use required, AB 94


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78


      Creation, duties, SB 82

      Reports, interim study, SB 82


      Federal standards for safeguarding customer information, compliance, SB 44

      Financial Institutions, Commissioner of, report, SB 44


      Conservation, easement for, persons authorized to alter or affect, AB 429

      Uniform Easement Relocation Act, adoption, AB 192


      Abatement of taxes

             Audit of business, requirements, SB 69

             New or expanded businesses, requirements, SB 364, SB 385

             Qualified projects, requirements, SB 385

      Capital investment at least $1 billion, qualified projects

             Partial abatement of taxes, eligibility, SB 69

             Transferable tax credits, eligibility, SB 69

      Capital investment at least $3.5 billion, qualified projects

             Partial abatement of taxes, eligibility, SB 69

             Transferable tax credits, eligibility, SB 69

      Community benefits plans, incorporation into development plan, requirements, AB 226

      Film Infrastructure, Workforce Development, Education and Economic Diversification Act, Nevada, enactment, SB 220

      Fort Mohave Valley Development Law, regulations under Colorado River Commission of Nevada void, AB 1

      Industrial park, definition, requirements, AB 462

      Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, creation, AB 160

      Regional Planning for Economic Resiliency, Advisory Committee on, establishment, duties, SB 147

      State Permanent School Fund, transfer of money to corporation for public benefit, requirements, AB 427

      Studio Infrastructure Jobs and Workforce Training Act, Nevada, enactment, transferable tax credits, AB 238

      Workforce recruitment, assessment and training programs, application, contents, AB 77


      Career exploration to pupils enrolled in public schools, incentives for businesses, SB 403

      Tax abatements and transferable tax credits, projected value of $500,000 or more, approval, AB 538

      Temporary voting members, appointment, duties, AB 538


      Abatement of taxes

             Aircraft and aircraft component industries, denial, grounds, AB 77

             Community benefit plans, duties, AB 226

             Data centers, denial, grounds, AB 77

             Green Building Rating System, duties, receipt of reports, AB 528

             New or expanded businesses, duties, SB 364, SB 385, AB 77

             Notices to certain government bodies in smaller counties, requirements, AB 538

             Qualified projects, duties, SB 385

             Railroad or other rail service, new or expanded business engaged in, duties, SB 364

             Recycling, property tax abatement for certain businesses, AB 77

             Reports to Legislature, contents, AB 77

             Workforce development plans, investigations, duties, SB 385

      Capital investments, certain qualified projects, application for transferable tax credits and partial abatement of taxes, duties, SB 69


             Community benefit plans, duties, AB 226

             Corporation for public benefit to provide private equity funding, membership on board of directors, AB 427

             Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

             Workforce development plans, duties, SB 385

      Film and other productions, transferable tax credits, duties, AB 238

      Film Infrastructure, Workforce Development, Education and Economic Diversification Act, Nevada, duties, SB 220

      Film, Media and Related Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, creation, AB 238

      Studio Infrastructure Jobs and Workforce Training Act, Nevada, duties, AB 238

      Transferable tax credits, duties, AB 238, AB 538

      Workforce Innovations for a New Nevada Account, appropriation, AB 113


      Reports, requirements, SB 419

      State Education Fund, revenue collected for deposit, duties, AB 508


      Digital products, exemptions from taxation, requirements, SB 392, AB 453

      Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, AB 494

      Film Infrastructure, Workforce Development, Education and Economic Diversification Act, Nevada, duties, SB 220

      Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, SB 368, AB 494

      Mondays Dark, Inc., contingent appropriation for building in Las Vegas, SB 178

      Nevada School of the Arts, appropriation, AB 257

      Sales and use tax exemption, organization for educational purposes, qualifications, AB 535

      Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, AB 494

      Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, AB 494

      Tutoring program, evidence‑based high‑impact, regulations, AB 383

      Vocational training (See CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION)

      Work‑based learning programs (See WORK‑BASED LEARNING PROGRAMS)

      Workforce Connections, program to provide certain services to persons who are between 16 and 25 years of age, appropriation, SB 448


      License to teach, requirements, qualifications

             List of states with similar requirements and qualifications for licensure, duties, AB 49


                   Alternative route to licensure, requirements, SB 81, SB 278, AB 49

                   Bilingual education program, endorsement to teach, SB 115

                   Mental health education, requirements, duties, SB 314

                   Music teachers, requirements, SB 400

                   School counseling, completion of internship or practicum hours while employed in position, SB 277

                   School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact, duties, SB 227

                   School social work, completion of internship or practicum hours while employed in position, SB 277


      Artificial intelligence, committee on use in education, duties, AB 531

      Autism spectrum disorder, policy regarding certain pupils with, receipt of report, SB 174

      Career and technical education. duties, SB 176

      Career exploration suitable for pupils in grades 1‑5, duties, SB 403

      Career Pathways Oversight Committee, creation, AB 462

      Carnegie Units, timeline and action plan to implement alternatives to, recommendations, SB 403

      Charter School Facilities Account, creation, duties, SB 253

      Civics Education, Advisory Council on, creation, duties, SB 245

      College and career readiness assessment, duties removed, AB 401

      Competency‑based education program

             Duties, repeal of provisions, AB 24

             Term changed to “competency‑based learning program, SB 403

      Conversion of certain public schools to Department charter schools, requirements, establishment of Account for Department Charter Schools, SB 224

      Data concerning pupils, destruction after certain period of time, procedures, SB 445

      Deaf or hard of hearing, pupils who are, need of school for, study, AB 247

      Disabilities, pupils with, individualized education programs, duties, SB 396

      Dual credit programs at public schools, appropriation, AB 139

      Dyslexia, pupils with, universal literacy screening, regulations, SB 396

      Economic Development, Board of, receipt of certain recommendations, SB 403

      Education Stabilization Account, allocation of excess money transferred, receipt of reports, AB 47

      English language acquisition, training for teachers, duties, AB 335

      English Learner Advisory Council, interim study, duties, AB 335

      English learners, long‑term, definition, SB 52

      Examination and assessment of pupils, measurement of achievement of learning goals, repeal, AB 425

      Exit and transfer of personnel survey, duties, receipt of report, publication, SB 255

      Financial management principles, review of districts, repeal, SB 411

      Garden programs, public schools, allocation to nonprofit organization, duties, SB 104

      Grades assigned by teacher, determination, prohibited acts, AB 425

      Human trafficking prevention, standards for teaching, duties, SB 131

      Innovation, Excellence and Education Workforce Development, Nevada Commission on

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

             Creation, SB 78

      Instructional models for schools, authority, duties, SB 224

      Learning disability, pupils at risk of experiencing, regulations, duties, SB 396

      Library materials, access by certain persons, duties, AB 445

      Licensure of teachers

             Administrative hold, duties, SB 59

             Competency, pilot program for assessing, duties, AB 286

            Fee waiver, duties, AB 49

             Music, endorsement to teach, requirements, SB 400

      Motor vehicle crashes, electronic crash reporting system, duties, AB 55

      Outdoor Education Council, representation, AB 165

      Personal safety of children, standards for teaching, duties, AB 138

      Power‑Based Violence, Committee on Responses to

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

             Composition, SB 78

      Prekindergarten program, grants for, duties, SB 58

      Professional development training, development of curricula, requirements, SB 374, SB 396

      Professional Standards and Regional Education Training, Nevada Commission on, creation, SB 78

      Public broadcasting organizations, grants, audit request, AB 327

      Pupils, dashboard to track attendance data, duties, AB 531

      Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, Office for a

             Complaints, procedures, SB 331

             School and Staff Safety, Advisory Committee on, member, SB 78

      School and Staff Safety, Advisory Committee on

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

             Creation, SB 78

      Special education instruction, stability in providing a program, duties, SB 396

      Statewide system of accountability, requirements regarding criterion‑referenced examinations, duties, SB 351

      Substance use, pupil exhibiting signs and behaviors, evidence‑based policy to notify parent or guardian, requirements, SB 254

      Surveys measuring school climate, working conditions and persons leaving employment, duties, SB 81, SB 255

      Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, administration, SB 81

      Teaching language other than English, endorsement to, interim study, SB 98

      Technologies to facilitate the exploration by pupils of careers in industries in State, receipt of recommendations, SB 403

      Top 10 elementary schools, middle schools and high schools, ranking, publication of list, SB 253

      Tutoring program, high‑impact, duties, regulations, AB 383

      Work‑based learning programs, report receipt, removal of provision, SB 45


      Account‑granting organization

             Application to program, requirements, SB 252

             Education service provider, approval, procedures, SB 252

             Parent, application to organization, requirements, SB 252

             Reports, SB 252

      Donations to account‑granting organization, tax credit, SB 252

      Establishment, SB 252

      Money received in education savings account, permissible use, SB 252


      Accountability reports, requirements, SB 253

      College and career readiness assessment, duties removed, AB 401

      Disabilities, pupils with certain, minimum standards, requirements, SB 396

      Distance education, use of remote testing platform, regulations, AB 210

      Financial management principles, review of districts, repeal, SB 411

      Grades assigned by teacher, determination, prohibited acts, AB 425

      Holocaust and other genocides, subcommittee to review instruction on, report, requirements, AB 531

      Innovation, Excellence and Education Workforce Development, Nevada Commission on, representative, SB 78

      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

      Literacy of pupils enrolled in elementary school, assessments of proficiency in reading, duties, AB 386


             Appointment, procedure, AB 236

             Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

      Parental involvement and family engagement, duties, SB 331

      School closure or change of use or location, review of decision, AB 323

      School personnel

             Licensure of teachers, administrative hold, authority, SB 59

             Professional development standards, requirements regarding mental health education, SB 314

      State Treasurer, grant programs, consultations, AB 314

      Universal literacy screening, administration, duties, SB 396


      Temporary regulations relating to sale of eggs and egg products, requirements, AB 171*



      Ballot questions

             Portable electronics, exemption, AB 403

             Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, posting on Internet or polling places, requirements, AB 367


             Absent ballots

                   Ballot of another person, voting ballot unlawful, penalties, AB 228

                   Postmark, requirements, AB 228

                   Requests for, requirements, AB 228

                   Verification and counting, procedures, AB 228

                   Voting and returning, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 228

             Conditional ballots, use by electors deemed conditionally registered to vote, AB 534

             Electronic transmission, system, use by certain registered voters, SB 74

             Justices or judges, elections involving unopposed incumbents, constitutional amendment regarding ballot choices, SJR 2

             Mail ballots

                   Ballot drop boxes

                          Requirements, AB 306

                          Voter services portal, establishment on Internet, requirements, AB 499

                   Election to receive mail ballot after election not to receive ballot, procedures, AB 534

                   Persons authorized to return ballots, unlawful acts, SB 103, SB 122, AB 178, AB 229

                   Processing and counting

                          Procedures, SB 103, SB 195, AB 178, AB 534

                          Training of election board officers and employees, SB 195, AB 178

                   Proof of identity, requirements, AB 147, AB 178

                   Reports, duties, SB 195, AB 178

                   Requirements for voting, procedures to inform registered voters, SB 195, AB 178

                   Return and receipt, time period, SB 103, SB 195, AB 178, AB 229

                   Return envelopes, requirements, AB 496, AB 499

                   Sample ballots, distribution, requirements, AB 148


                          Time to provide, SB 195, AB 178

                          Updates, requirements, AB 261

             Provisional ballots, use, procedures, SB 422, AB 228, AB 496, AB 534

             Sample ballots

                   Languages, provision in certain languages, requirements, AB 367

                   Mail ballots, distribution, requirements, AB 148

                   Voter services portal, establishment on Internet, requirements, AB 499

      Campaign practices (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)


             Declaration of candidacy

                   Filing fees, method of payment, SB 74, SB 225

                   Filing, time for, AB 534

                   Independent candidate for partisan office, form, contents, SB 74

                   Proof of identity and residency, public record, exceptions, SB 428

                   Public record, declaration deemed to be, availability in electronic format, AB 491

                   Vacancy in nomination due to change in residence, time to change ballot, SB 428

             Declaration of residency or eligibility deemed public records, availability in electronic format, AB 491

             Independent candidates for partisan office, deadlines for filing petition of candidacy, AB 491

             Intent to file for candidacy, notice of, duties, AB 79

             Political party affiliation, change of designation in any other state permitted, SB 74

             Public records, documents filed by candidates deemed, availability to public in electronic format, AB 491


                   Challenges to, requirements, SB 428

                   Registration to vote required, AB 14, AB 491

             Resignation from elected public office before filing nomination papers for other elective public office, requirements, exemptions, AB 124

      Canvass and returns

             Accuracy audit of election results, regulations, SB 74

             Counting boards

                   Officers, option to perform as volunteer, AB 262

                   Paper ballots, accounting, repeal, SB 74

             Counting of votes

                   Primary elections, determination, SB 74

                   Recount at hearing of contest, repeal, SB 74

                   Rejection of ballots, regulations, SB 74

                   Risk‑limiting audit, change in terminology, AB 534

             Supreme Court, “canvass” includes the canvass by Court of returns for certain federal offices, AB 534

      City elections


                   Electronic transmission, use of system by certain registered voters, SB 74

                   Mail ballots

                          Persons authorized to return ballots, unlawful acts, SB 103, SB 122, AB 178, AB 229

                          Processing and counting

                                Procedures, SB 103, SB 195, AB 178

                                Training of election board officers and employees, SB 195, AB 178

                          Proof of identity, requirements, AB 147, AB 178

                          Reports, duties, SB 195, AB 178

                          Requirements for voting, procedures to inform registered voters, SB 195, AB 178

                          Return and receipt, time period, SB 103, AB 178, AB 229

                          Return envelopes, requirements, AB 496, AB 499

                          Sample ballots, distribution, requirements, AB 148


                                Curing period, duties of city clerks, availability of office staff, AB 499

                                Time to provide, SB 195, AB 178

                                Updates, requirements, AB 261

                   Mechanical voting systems, use required for counting ballots or votes, AB 534


                   Proof of identity and residency, public record, exceptions, SB 428


                          Challenges to, requirements, SB 428

                          Registered to vote, requirement, AB 491

                   Vacancy in nomination due to change in residence, effect on ballot, SB 428

                   Withdrawal of candidacy, when effective, SB 74

             Canvass and returns (See Canvass and returns, this heading)

             Election board officers, appointment of school pupil as trainee, duties, SB 74

             Proof of identity

                   Acceptable forms, requirements, AB 228

                   Valid forms of identity, instructions concerning to be posted at polling places, AB 228

             Registration, deadlines for, AB 534

             Security of elections, adoption of cyber‑incident response plan, SB 74

             Voting, proof of identity, requirements, AB 147

      Confidentiality of personal information, requests by certain persons, SB 74, AB 122, AB 197, AB 235

      Election board officers

             Continuing powers and duties, SB 74

             Indian reservation or Indian colony, polling place in, recruitment of officers, requirements, SB 421

             School pupil, appointment as trainee, duties, SB 74

             Volunteer, option to perform as, AB 262

      False document or document with false signatures, submission, penalties, SB 102

      Firearms at election sites, prohibited acts, exceptions, penalties, AB 105

      General elections, notice of, publication, requirements, SB 74

      Indian tribes

             City clerks, recruitment of election board officers, requirements, SB 421

             County clerks, recruitment of election board officers, requirements, SB 421

      Information requests from Secretary of State, duties of city and county clerks, AB 534

      Language Access Advisory Committee, creation, AB 367

      Mechanical voting systems or devices

             Artificial intelligence, use prohibited, AB 271

             Casting and counting ballots or votes, requirements, AB 534

             Termination of contracts for lease or use, effect, AB 534

             Testing of devices, procedures, AB 534

             Vendors of system of device, approval required, SB 100

             Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, requirements, AB 367

      Motor Vehicles, Department of

             Identification cards, issuance free of charge, duties, AB 228

             Information provided to county clerks, confidentiality of information, AB 499

      National Popular Vote Compact, constitutional amendment to enact, AJR 6 of the 82nd Session

      Polling places

             Exit polling, exemptions from provisions prohibiting certain acts, AB 534

             Firearms at election sites, prohibited acts, exceptions, penalties, AB 105

             Proof of identity, instructions to be posted, AB 228

             Voter services portal, establishment on Internet, requirements, AB 499

             Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, provision, requirements, AB 367

      Presidential electors and elections (See PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS AND ELECTIONS)

      Primary elections

             Notice of, publication, requirements, SB 74

             Presidential primary elections, authority of Secretary of State to adjust date, approval of Legislative Commission, AB 534


             Costs, conditions for payment, AB 287

             Demand by defeated candidate, requirements, AB 287

             When required, AB 287

      Redistricting Commission, Independent, creation, membership, duties, constitutional amendment, SJR 6

      Relief of public officer, grounds, SB 100

      Security of elections, adoption of cyber‑incident response plan, SB 74

      Time, failure to perform election duty in timely manner, penalties, SB 100

      Training course provided by Secretary of State, duties of Secretary, AB 534

      Unlawful acts, failure to perform election duty, penalties, SB 100

      Voter preregistration or registration

             Automatic voter registration agency, duties, SB 74, AB 261

             Cancellation of preregistration or registration, reregistration in certain circumstances, duties of county clerk, AB 534

             Centralized database of voter information, procedures, duties of county clerks, AB 499

             Deadlines for registration, AB 534

             Elector’s identity and residency, proof of, requirements, SB 422

             In more than one state at one time unlawful, SB 74

             Jails, use of system of approved electronic transmission to register to vote, requirements, AB 534

             Motor Vehicles, Department of, duties, SB 74

             Political affiliation listed as “no political party,” SB 74

             Signature, inspection of, prohibited acts, SB 73

             Statewide voter registration list, requirements, SB 74, SB 205, AB 499

             Statutory requirements, meeting certain requirements in order to vote, AB 372

             Updating voter information, methods, SB 74

             Voter registration agencies, duties, SB 74, AB 262

             Voter services portal, establishment on website, AB 499

             Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, posting on Internet or polling places, requirements, AB 367


             Alphabetic listing of all registered voters, Internet publication, required information, AB 496

             Identification cards, issuance, use, SB 422, AB 228

             Mail ballots

                   Election to receive mail ballot after election not to receive ballot, procedures, AB 534

                   Signature, updates, requirements, AB 261

             Proof of identity, requirements, SB 422, AB 228

             Qualifications, limitations, AB 372

             Recount, right to demand removed, effect, AB 287

             Voter challenges

                   “Personal knowledge” defined, AB 534

                   Procedures, AB 228, AB 534

             Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, posting on Internet or polling places, requirements, AB 367


             Absent ballots, voting ballot of another person unlawful, penalties, AB 228

             Firearms at election sites, prohibited acts, exceptions, penalties, AB 105

             In person voting, requirements, AB 228

             Jails, use of system of approved electronic transmission to vote, requirements, AB 534

             Proof of identity and residency, requirements, SB 422

             Proof of identity, requirements, AB 147, AB 228

             Provisional ballots, use, procedures, SB 422, AB 228, AB 534

      Voting board officers, option to perform as volunteer, AB 262


      Stop signs, compliance with, requirements, AB 168

      Traffic‑control signals, compliance with, requirements, AB 168


      Common‑interest communities, installation and maintenance of charging stations, requirements, SB 152

      Propulsion batteries, disposal, requirements and prohibited acts, civil penalty, AB 493


      Administrative Regulations, Register of, publication, SB 340

      Advance health care directives, electronic copy has same effect as original, AB 461

      Agricultural workers, employers to post certain notices, requirements, SB 172

      Assisted living facilities, electronic communication devices, installation and use, prohibited acts, AB 368

      Candidates for public office, certain filed documents deemed public records, availability in electronic format required, AB 491

      Central Repository, release of records to public employer, requirements, AB 357

      Child abuse or neglect, Statewide Central Registry, release of information, requirements, AB 357

      Cigarettes, sale or distribution to certain persons, prohibited acts, AB 279, AB 336

      Common‑interest communities, electronic records provided to unit’s owners, fees authorized, SB 433

      Digital products electronically transferred to purchaser, taxation, SB 392, AB 453

      Family law proceedings, private hearing, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 432

      Gaming, program to self‑limit access to direct marketing of gaming opportunities, regulations, SB 362

      Generative artificial intelligence, use by medical facilities and providers of health care to generate communications with patient, requirements, SB 186

      Health repository, statewide electronic, establishment, SB 250

      Highway Patrol, Nevada, information concerning driving under the influence, duties, SB 56

      Highways, communication of road condition to public, requirements, SB 53

      Industrial insurance, list of physicians and chiropractic physicians, requirements, AB 469

      Insurers, false advertising, prohibited acts, AB 74

      Landlord and tenant, rent payments through online portal, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 121

      Mail ballots and return envelopes, requirements during curing period, AB 499

      Medical Examiners, Board of, e‑mail address of licensee, requirement to maintain address with Board, AB 319

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, appointments for services, cessation of use of existing electronic system for the scheduling or granting of, AB 526

      Motor vehicles, proof of liability insurance, request for verification by electronic mail, AB 20

      Navigation providers, road condition information, requirements, SB 53

      Personal information, request, collection or maintenance by business, restrictions, SB 291

      Portable electronics insurers, delivery of certain notices by electronic mail, removal of requirement to do so in accordance with regulations adopted by Commission of Insurance, AB 466

      Postadoptive contact agreements, e‑mail address, requirements, AB 227

      “Remote computing service” defined, included in definition of provider of Internet service, AB 172

      Restaurant reservation service, third‑party platform providers, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 169

      School precincts, local, notice regarding plan of operations, AB 426

      School pupils, electronic communication device, use and possession, limitations, SB 444

      Text messaging program, establishment by Court Administrator and courts, requirements, AB 218

      Traffic violations, hearing for civil infraction conducted by electronic means, jurisdiction, SB 359

      Wildlife, exhibition or possession of license or permit, electronic form authorized, SB 235


      School police officers, use on certain pupils in larger districts, reports, AB 217, AB 420


      Governmental agencies, accepted form of payment, SB 358


      Excrement or bodily fluid, restrictions on bringing into State, possessing, destruction or removal, AB 59


      City Council and Mayor, qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491


      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237


      Requests that information be kept confidential, persons authorized, AB 122, AB 197


      Agricultural workers, employers to meet certain requirements related to housing and information, SB 172

      Artificial intelligence, use in final decision, prohibited acts, AB 325

      Division of Emergency Management (See MILITARY, OFFICE OF THE)

      Emergency response employee, member of Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, AB 19

      Financial Institutions, Commissioner of, regulations, orders suspending certain regulations during emergencies or disasters, authority, SB 375

      Gaming, reduction of certain fees during state of emergency or declaration of disaster, SB 362

      Insurance, Commissioner of, powers in state of emergency or declaration of disaster, AB 74

      Medical emergencies, program to improve ability to respond, establishment, SB 137

      Mutual Aid System, Nevada Intrastate

             Administration, AB 57

             Intrastate Mutual Aid Committee, membership, AB 57

             Requests for aid, procedures, AB 57

      Nevada Emergency Response and Disaster Coordination Board

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

            Creation, SB 78

      Public safety plan, inclusion in master plans, SB 48

      School crisis, emergency or suicide response, local public safety agency, powers, SB 38


      Adoption fees for animals in shelters, waiver of fee for first responders, requirements, SB 325

      Ambulance attendants, licenses, requirements, SB 127, SB 329, AB 102, AB 483

      Committee on Emergency Medical Services, name changed to Emergency Medical Services Subcommittee of the State Board of Health, SB 78

      Emergency medical attendants

             Emergency medical technicians

                   Career and technical education program, credits for, SB 176

                   Certification, requirements, SB 127, SB 329, AB 102, AB 483

                   Suicide Prevention Lifeline program, National, mobile crisis team, member, AB 380

                   Training, occupation of ambulance, certain licensure unnecessary, AB 102

             Industrial insurance

                   Testing and screenings, requirements, AB 440


                   Certification, requirements, SB 127, SB 329, AB 483

                   Suicide Prevention Lifeline program, National, mobile crisis team, member, AB 380

                   Training, occupation of ambulance, certain licensure unnecessary, AB 102

             Surviving spouse or child of a first responder, tuition charges, restrictions, SB 237

      Emergency medical responders

             Certification, requirements, SB 24

             Committee on Emergency Medical Services, representation, SB 24

             Definition, inclusion in certain definitions, SB 24

             Emergency medical attendants, treatment similar to in certain circumstances, SB 24

      Emergency medical technicians (See Emergency medical attendants, this heading)

      Firefighters, licenses, requirements, SB 127, SB 329, AB 483

      Historically underserved community, definition, services provided to, effect, AB 483

      Independent centers for (See also MEDICAL FACILITIES AND RELATED ENTITIES)

             Charges for goods and services to patients covered by certain insurance for public employees, AB 349

             Information relating to, provision to patients, publication, SB 378

             Licensing, requirements, SB 378

             Pregnant women, testing for the discovery of syphilis, requirements, AB 360

             Urgent care services, provision, requirements, SB 378

      Mass casualty incidents, victims of, electronic database, establishment, AB 50

      Medicaid, coverage for certain conditions otherwise ineligible due to immigration status, SB 234

      Medical debt, prohibited reporting, AB 204

      Medical emergencies, program to improve access to certain resources, establishment, SB 137

      Nonemergency medical transportation

             Child abuse, duty of drivers to report, AB 438

             Elderly or vulnerable persons, duty of drivers to report abuse, neglect, isolation or abandonment, AB 438

             Owners or operators of vehicles, requirements, regulation, AB 438

             Provisional permits to own or operate vehicle, AB 438

             Schedule of rates, duties of operators, AB 438

             Transportation Authority, Nevada, regulatory authority transferred, AB 438

      Paramedics (See Emergency medical attendants, this heading)

      Private emergency medical transport provider

             Account to Improve Emergency Medical Transportation Quality and Access, uses, SB 424

             Assessment, imposition, regulations, duties, violations, SB 424

      Public safety plan, inclusion in master plans, SB 48

      “Regulating health district” defined, AB 102

      School crisis, emergency or suicide, plans in response, powers, SB 38

      Traffic incidents, approach to, violation resulting in death of first responder, penalties, AB 54

      Trauma centers, designation of centers, regulations, AB 326


      Agricultural Workers’ Bill of Rights, establishment, SB 172

      Air, exposure of employees to poor quality, duties, exceptions, SB 260

      Antisemitism, definition, investigation by Nevada Equal Rights Commission, SB 179

      Child‑placing agencies, screening of employees, requirements, AB 520

      Civil Air Patrol, volunteer member employee, leave of absence, authority, AB 422

      Contracts of employment, contents, violations, penalties, AB 255

      Data collectors

             Prospective employee, collection of social security number prohibited, exceptions, SB 291

             Security breach, provision of services to current and former employees, duties, violations, SB 291

      Domestic violence victims, leaves of absence related to, provisions repealed, AB 388

      Education savings account‑granting organizations, donations to, tax credits, SB 252

      Family leave, paid, requirements and responsibilities, AB 388

      H‑2A visa herders, wages, payment, employer duties, SB 204

      Liability for intentional conduct of employee, repeal, SB 363

      Medical facilities and related entities, screening of employees, requirements, AB 521

      Meetings or communication regarding employer’s opinion of certain matters, prohibited acts, AB 434


             Employment in motion picture production, requirements, AB 166

             Hours of employment, requirements, exemptions, penalties, AB 215

      Ombudsman for Legislative Employees, Office for, creation, AB 252

      Paid leave

             Applicability of laws, AB 179

             Employer retaliation for use, actions constituting, AB 179

      Pari‑mutuel wagering, civil immunities for certain employees carrying out provisions of law, SB 203

      Prescription drugs, coverage provided by employers, removal of exemption of pharmacy benefit managers from certain requirements, SB 209, SB 316

      Sexual assault victims, leaves of absence related to, provisions repealed, AB 388

      Sick leave, use, removal of exemption, AB 112

      Wages and compensation, payment to employee who resigns, quits or who is discharged or place on nonworking status, penalties for noncompliance, SB 198


      Nonmedical services related to personal care to elderly persons and persons with disabilities, employment agencies which provide, licensure and regulation, AB 519


      Artificial intelligence systems, loss of jobs in state related to use, report, SB 199

      Employment Security Division


                   Unemployment Compensation Fund, duties, AB 21, AB 423

             Postsecondary Education, Commission on, moved to the Department of Business and Industry, SB 78

             Unemployment compensation

                   Administrator of Division, removal of provision, AB 21

                   Petitions for judicial review, AB 12

                   Reduction in extended benefits, duties, SB 11

      Equal Rights Commission, Nevada (See EQUAL RIGHTS COMMISSION, NEVADA)

      Farm Labor, Task Force on, representation, SB 233

      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506


      Clean Energy Fund, Nevada, appropriation to, SB 132

      Green Building Rating System, revision of requirements, regulations, AB 528

      Green buildings, property tax abatements, duties, AB 528

      Renewable energy facilities, tax incentives, duties, AB 70


      Antique kei vehicles, exemptions, AB 525

      Biennial inspection and testing in certain areas, regulations, SB 230

      Exchange of engine in motor vehicle, when exception to unlawful act, SB 80

      Unlawful acts, exceptions, SB 80


      Common‑interest communities, qualifications of structural inspectors, SB 433

      Licenses, examinations, requirements, AB 270

      Progressive design‑build contract for certain road project, authority of Department of Transportation to enter into contract, employment of engineer as consultant, SB 315

      State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

             Elimination, SB 78

             Licenses, waiver of certain examinations, duties, AB 270


      Biennial inspection and testing in certain areas, regulations, SB 230

      Composition, SB 78

      Distributed generation systems, disposal, regulation, AB 493

      Engine emission control, biennial inspection and testing in certain areas, regulations, SB 230

      Lake Tahoe Watershed, duties, regulations, SB 324

      Water quality standards variance, authority, AB 104


      Board of Environmental Health Specialists, elimination, SB 78


      Disposable foodware or standard condiments, provision to users, requirements, penalties, SB 173

      Large hybrid environment facilities, safety programs, requirements, AB 414

      Packaged synthetic hair braids, testing for formaldehyde, duties of State Board of Cosmetology, SB 173

      Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl, use in manufacture of certain products prohibited, penalties, SB 173

      Plastic bottles designed to hold liquid for oral consumption, manufacture prohibited, fines, SB 173

      Yucca Mountain, Federal Government urged to recognize the unsuitability of storing and disposing of spent nuclear fuel and high‑level radioactive waste, SJR 7



      Attorney General, Office of the, Commission moved to the Office, repeal of provisions, SB 160

      Attorneys, duties of, SB 160

      Breastfeeding a child, actions against a person for, powers, AB 266

      Complaints alleging discrimination

             Appeal to United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, process, duties, SB 160

             Breastfeeding a child, actions against a person, powers, AB 266

             Employment, complaints regarding, consideration, SB 160

             Investigations into, requirements, SB 160

      Composition, SB 78

      Housing, discriminatory practices, authority to initiate complaints alleging, duties, SB 107

      Internship program for law students, duties, SB 160

      Paralegals, duties of, SB 160

      Public policy, declaration, SB 160

      United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, agreements with Commission authorized without legislative approval, SB 107

      Volunteer program for attorneys, duties, SB 160


      Criminal defendants involuntarily admitted to mental health facilities, apprehension by peace officers, AB 467

      Offenders, automated victim notification system, requirements, AB 408


      Commissioner of Mortgage Lending, report, regulations, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44


      District Attorneys, private practice of law authorized, SB 116

      Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 200

      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237


      Sale of alcoholic beverages not produced at distillery, requirements, SB 439

      Shipment of neutral or distilled spirits, receipt, requirements, SB 439


      Residential property, purchase by investment company, limitations, SB 242


      Claims against, recovery of Medicaid benefits from ABLE savings trust account, prohibited acts, SB 64

      Medicaid benefits, recovery from ABLE savings trust account, prohibited acts, SB 64

      Personal representatives, appointment

             Person legally qualified, evidence, requirements, SB 404

             Revocation of authority, preference to priority appointments, SB 404


      Board of Regents, professional development training, requirements, SB 322

      Financial Disclosure Act, Nevada, requirements, SB 144, AB 173

      Legislators, standing rules (JSR 30‑JSR 39, SSR 23, ASR 23), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, AR 1


      Inspector General, referral of cases, duties, AB 33, AB 154


      District Attorneys, private practice of law authorized, SB 116

      Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 200

      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237


      Health‑Care Decisions Act, Uniform, euthanasia not authorized, AB 461

      Self‑administration of medication designed to end life, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 346


      Civil enforcement officers, appointment, qualifications, duties, SB 381

      Eviction diversion programs, appropriations, AB 475

      Forcible entry or forcible detainer

             Complaint, form, contents, SB 261

             Notice to vacate, requirements, fees, SB 261

      Sheriffs and constables, fees collected for certain services, increase, SB 210

      Summary eviction

             Case court file, sealing of proceedings, requirements, AB 201, AB 283

             Repeal, revision and reorganization of procedures, AB 283



             Tracking warrants, evidence obtained without tracking warrant, inadmissibility of such evidence, exception, SB 361

      Bail, release on, order prohibiting contact with victim, burden of proof, SB 14

      Brady‑Giglio lists, law enforcement officers or employees, adoption of policy relating to placement on list, notification, removal, SB 197

      Copyright infringement, bad‑faith claim or assertion, factors, SB 332

      Domestic violence, orders for protection, enforcement, AB 369

      Estate of decedent, appointment of person legally qualified as representative, requirements, SB 404

      Housing discrimination creating a disparate impact, burdens of proof, AB 480

      Human trafficking, victims, petitions to seal records of criminal conviction, granting of relief, requirements, AB 488

      Industrial insurance

             Payments made by insurer or Administrator, proof, admissibility of evidence, SB 258

             Stress‑related injury or disease, admissibility of evidence, SB 317

      Notarial acts, signature of incarcerated person, AB 25


             Acknowledgment or denial of, burden of proof of party challenging, AB 424

             Genetic testing, admissibility, AB 424

      School bus infraction detection system, violations, AB 527

      Sealing records of criminal conviction for certain persons, granting of relief, requirements, AB 488

      Traffic violations, hearing for civil infraction, rights of the parties, SB 359

      Victims of crime, application for compensation, considerations, AB 329


      Grants, advances, reporting of interest earned, duties, AB 442

      Housing Division, requests for reimbursement, SB 51

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, receipt of notice of employer’s delinquent contributions, duties, SB 418

      State Land Registrar, receipt of annual report, SB 10


      Definition of “excavation” revised, SB 214


      Digital products electronically transferred to purchaser, AB 453

      Heavy equipment rental tax, requirements, SB 196

      Transportation network companies or autonomous vehicle network companies, requirements, use of proceeds, AB 459


      Auction sales of real property, sales on Internet authorized, SB 381

      Exempt property, determination of monetary amounts, SB 142

      Notice of writ of execution, contents, SB 142

      Sheriffs and constables, fees collected for certain services, increase, SB 210

      Writ, form on judgment for money, requirements, SB 142



      Child sexual abuse material, person under the age of 18 years used in, included in definition of exploited child, AB 35


      Gender‑affirming services, limitations on Governor’s powers, SB 171


      Anatomical gifts, organizations that procure, transportation of body or body part of deceased donor, authority, SB 349

      Glaucoma, certificate to treat persons diagnosed with, requirements, AB 183

      Vision benefit plans, actions constituting unfair or deceptive trade practices, enforcement of provisions, AB 448



      Advance fees, regulations, AB 38

      Dealers, duties, property tax exemption, AB 38

      Noncomplying units, manufacture unlawful, AB 38

      Sale or lease, regulations, AB 38


      Establishment, AB 437


      Chair, election, AB 114

      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

      Members, representation, AB 114


      Amendment to conform with federal law, SB 107


      Establishment, AB 333


      Fees, SB 79


      Distributed generation system financiers, prohibited acts, SB 379

      Emergency medical responders, representation without certification, SB 24

      Housebreaking, unlawful to procure or offer false agreement, penalties, SB 202

      Presidential electors, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 102

      Unlawful occupancy, procurement or offering false agreement, penalties, SB 202


      Confidentiality of proceedings

             Authority of courts to close, determination, duties, SB 432

             Records open to public inspection, limitations, SB 432

             Repeal of certain provisions, SB 432

             Sealing or redaction of court records, requirements, exceptions, SB 432

      Facility dogs, qualifications, duties, AB 302

      Instruction to judges from Court Administrator regarding domestic relations, AB 118

      Judges, training regarding domestic relations, requirements, SB 275

      Judicial officers, appointment, duties, AB 344


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Composition, SB 78


      Private and local government employers, paid leave for employees, requirements and responsibilities, AB 388


      Community gardens and urban farms, establishment of program to assist development, AB 405

      Farm‑to‑fork events, requirements for holding, AB 352

      Nevada grown farm products, certification, requirements, SB 233


      School garden programs, requirements, SB 104


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

FELONIES (See also CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS; specific crime)

      Election duties of public officer, failure to perform, penalties, SB 100

      Juvenile justice, jurisdiction of juvenile courts over certain persons who are 21 years of age or older, requirements, AB 351

      Personal identifying information

             Post or display of certain in public manner without person’s consent, penalties, SB 432

             School personnel or pupil, retaliation using information, penalties, AB 416

      Second look parole, eligibility for conviction of certain felonies, requirements, AB 91

      Voter registration agencies, employment of certain persons, removal of restriction, AB 262

      Wrongful conviction of felony, action brought by person not in custody, damages, AB 63


      Driving or boating under the influence prohibited, penalties, SB 309

      Murder of the first degree, acts constituting, SB 153


      Fernley Community Response and Resource Center, appropriation, SB 70


      Insurers, coverage for screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Treatment Assistance Program, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, establishment, AB 6


      Enactment, SB 220



      Budget Division

             Administrator, appointment, duties, SB 33


                   Renamed as Administrator, repeal of provisions, SB 33

                   Technical Advisory Committee on Future State Revenues, duties, SB 419

             Director, power and duties of Chief transferred to, SB 33

             Economic development tax incentives, analysis, duties, SB 42

             Merit and Honors Board, Nevada, member, SB 78

             State budget, proposed, removal of requirement to post on Internet, SB 42

      Grants, advance from award to private nonprofit corporation, duties, AB 442

      Health care providers, critical shortages, eligibility and approval to receive grants, oversight of funded projects, SB 434

      Inspector General, reports, AB 33, AB 154

      Internal Audits, Division of

             Reports of abuse, fraud or waste regarding public money, repeal, AB 33, AB 154

      School Districts in Financing Capital Improvements, Fund to Assist, duties, AB 224

      School districts, reports relating to hard‑to‑fill positions, receipt, AB 398


      Charter School Facility Fund, State Public, bonds secured by Fund, duties, AB 435

      School districts, issuance of capital improvement bonds, authority, AB 224


      Education savings account‑granting organizations, donations to, tax credit, SB 252

      Excise tax on banks, imposition, repeal, SB 412

      Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, donations, tax credit, SB 269

      Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, donations, tax credit, AB 441



      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Composition, SB 78


      Abortion service providers, violations, AB 260

      Action to enforce judgment to pay, AB 13

      Administration, payment plans, duties, SB 120

      Antitrust Pre‑Merger Notification Act, Uniform, penalties, SB 218

      Balloons, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 194

      Campaign practices, synthetic media disclosures, requirements, AB 73

      Consumable hemp products, violations, SB 356

      Contractors, violations, SB 270, AB 222

      Cottage cosmetics operations, violations, AB 352

      Deceptive trade practices, penalties, SB 49, SB 167

      Employment contract, contents, violations, AB 255

      Fair Access to Insurance Requirements Plan Association, violations, AB 437

      Gaming Commission, Nevada, imposition following investigation, SB 46

      Habitual truants, requirements, SB 383

      Health care facility, deceptive advertising, violations, AB 101

      Health insurers, prior authorization of care, violations, AB 295

      Hospitals, violations, AB 343, AB 393

      Hotel operators, violations, SB 360

      Housing discrimination, remedies, SB 107

      Internet website or online platform, age verification system, violations, penalties, AB 294

      Intoxicating liquors, sales and deliveries, violations, AB 375

      Juvenile delinquents, failure to make full restitution before probation is terminated, effect, SB 241

      La Posada Drive to USA Parkway Connection Toll Road Demonstration Project, regulations, AB 61

      Merchant acquirer limited purpose banks, violations, SB 438

      Minors, hours of employment, penalties for violations, AB 215

      Navigation providers, violations, SB 53

      Original equipment manufacturers of certain products, violations, AB 407

      Polystyrene foam, prohibitions relating to use by certain food establishments, violations, AB 244

      Probation, unpaid at time of discharge, civil liability, AB 13

      Propulsion batteries, disposal in municipal solid waste landfill, AB 493

      Public utilities, violations, SB 321

      Public works, violations, penalties, AB 502

      Railroads, violations, AB 446

      Restaurant reservation service, third‑party platform providers, violations, SB 169

      Service contracts, violations, penalties, AB 74

      Traffic control, violations, SB 415, AB 402, AB 527

      Vapor products directory, violations, SB 435


      Adoption of children, requirements, AB 227

      Certified prevention specialist, screening for employees and independent contractors, AB 60

      Child care facilities and employees, screening for persons convicted of certain offenses, AB 35

      Child‑placing agencies, screening of licensees, employees, volunteers and independent contractors, requirements, AB 520

      Child welfare services, agencies which provide, screening for persons convicted of certain offenses, AB 35

      Document preparation services, engagement in activities of Class I or Class II authorized third party, license, requirements, SB 243

      Firearms, background checks, exemptions for certain persons, AB 436

      Foster care

             Employees and agencies, screening for persons convicted of certain offenses, AB 35

             Foster homes, investigations involving certain drugs or controlled substances, procedure, AB 107

      Guardianships of adults and minors, authority of investigators to obtain certain records, AB 65

      Independent contractors with access to certain persons, procedures, SB 26

      Juvenile detention facilities, employees, screening for persons convicted of certain offenses, AB 35

      Landlord, employment with certain landlords, requirements, SB 114

      Medical facilities and related entities, screening of licensees, requirements, AB 521

      Mental health services for children, employees, screening for persons convicted of certain offenses, AB 35

      Motor carriers, permits for certain drivers, requirements, exceptions, AB 524

      Personal care services in the home, agencies which provide, requirements, AB 519

      Public employer, receipt of certain criminal records, requirements, AB 357

      School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact, requirements, SB 227

      School volunteers, certain exemptions from requirements authorized, reimbursement of certain costs, SB 446

      Transportation network companies, agreements with drivers, requirements, SB 441

      Vendors with access to certain persons, procedures, SB 26


      School crisis, emergency or suicide, plans in response, powers, SB 38


      Cannabis cultivation facilities, duties, SB 25

      Cannabis production facilities, duties, SB 25

      Division, composition, SB 25

      Forester Firewarden, State, cooperation with, removal of provision, SB 25

      Investigation of certain fires, requirements, SB 25

      School and Staff Safety, Advisory Committee on, member, SB 78


      Agritourism, powers, SB 55

      Board of directors, qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

      Board of fire commissioners, composition, duties, SB 319

      Consolidation of territory in certain districts, duties, SB 319

      Partial abatement of taxes, certain qualified projects, eligibility, report, SB 69

      School crisis, emergency or suicide, plans in response, powers, SB 38

      Transferable tax credits, certain qualified projects, eligibility, report, SB 69


      Background checks, exemptions, AB 181, AB 436

      Children 14 years of age or older, authority to handle or possess certain firearms, restrictions, AB 245

      Concealed firearms, permits

             Applications, use of statewide form, AB 436

             Firearm safety courses, requirements, AB 436

             Period of validity increased, SB 164

             Voluntary temporary restriction to possess, have custody or control of or purchase, requests for, effect, AB 451

             Voting, permit used as proof of identity, requirements, AB 228

      Constables, firearms possessed or carried by employees in performance of duties, prohibition, applicability of laws, SB 381

      Discharging unlawfully, requirements, AB 199

      Election sites, possession at, prohibited acts, exceptions, penalties, AB 105

      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Juvenile delinquent, handling or possessing firearm unlawfully, penalties, AB 199

      Mental health crisis hold, persons placed on, confiscation of firearm, requirements, SB 347

      Peace officers, cannabis use, conditions of employment with law enforcement agencies, authority to require certain attestations, AB 400

      Prevention of Gun Violence, Office for the, creation, SB 156

      Return of firearms, civil liability, immunities, AB 181, AB 273

      Semiautomatic shotguns and centerfire rifles, possession or control by certain persons, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 245

      Storage of firearms

             Rifles or shotguns used by child 14 years of age or older, AB 245

             Semiautomatic shotguns and centerfire rifles, requirements, penalties, AB 245

      Voluntary temporary restriction to possess, have custody or control of or purchase, requests for, procedures, AB 451


      Adoption fees for animals in shelters, waiver of fee, requirements, SB 325

      Collective bargaining, right to negotiate life, accident or health insurance, exception, SB 211

      Educational Choice Scholarship Program, Nevada, eligibility for grants, priority, AB 214

      Former offenders who performed firefighting work in conservation camps, hiring program, duties, AB 321

      Industrial insurance

             Physical examinations, requirements, SB 170

             Testing and screenings, requirements, AB 440

      Traffic incidents, approach to, violation resulting in death of first responder, penalties, AB 54

      Volunteer firefighters, governmental services taxes, exemption, AB 313


      Fire alarms, theft, reduction of monetary threshold for purpose of determining penalties, SB 264

      Great Plains Wildland Fire Protection Compact, ratification, SB 19

      Investigations by State Fire Marshal, requirements, SB 25


      Sales to persons less than 18 years of age, prohibition, SB 394



             Fees, SB 79

             Minors, removal of exception to certain nonresidents, SB 79

             Surrendered licenses, replacement of, SB 79

      Possession of wildlife, refusal to exhibit in certain circumstances, penalty removed, SB 235


      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71


      Sunrise Mountain, Frenchman Mountain and Rainbow Gardens Area, Congress urged to protect public lands adjacent to, SJR 8


      Cottage food operation, food permitted to sell, SB 295

      “Food desert” defined, SB 282

      Grocery Initiative, appropriation, requirements, SB 282

      Nevada grown food, certification, requirements, SB 233

      State prisons, diet of offenders, regulations, AB 246


      Agritourism, businesses engaged in, regulations, SB 55

      Business license to operate as mobile unit in certain cities, requirements, AB 180

      Certification of Nevada grown food and farm products, applicable vendors, SB 233

      Cottage food operations

             Licensing, requirements, AB 352

             Sale of food items, requirements, SB 295

      Delivery service platform providers, services for online food orders, requirements, AB 116

      Disposable foodware or standard condiments, provision to users, requirements, penalties, SB 173

      Farm‑to‑fork events, requirements for holding, exemptions from certain provisions, AB 352

      Foodware, polystyrene foam, prohibitions relating to use by certain food establishments, fines for violations, AB 244

      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use prohibited, penalties, SB 184

      Mobile unit, operating as

             Business license in certain cities, requirements, AB 180

             Parks, selling in or immediately adjacent to, restrictions, AB 180

      Restaurant reservation service, third‑party platform providers, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 169

      Sidewalk vendors, regulation, dissemination of information, applicability of laws, SB 295

      Tavern gaming establishment, regulations, fees, SB 362

      Workforce training in hospitality industry, sales and use tax to fund, restrictions, SB 259


      Cottage cosmetics operations, license to conduct, exemption, AB 352


      Disposable foodware or standard condiments, provision to users, requirements, penalties, SB 173

      Food dispensing establishments, permit required, AB 116



             Commissioner of Mortgage Lending, report, SB 44

             Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44


             Commissioner of Mortgage Lending, report, SB 44

             Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44


      Farmworkers, interim study concerning issues relating to, requirements, SB 233

      H‑1B visa holders, grant program to sponsor applicant, AB 472

      H‑2A visa herders, wages, payment, employer duties, penalties, SB 204

      Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S., Congress urged to enact legislation prohibiting the entrance of schools and places of worship to enforce federal immigration law, AJR 9

      Immigration laws, investigation or enforcement, prohibited acts by school personnel, exception, AB 217

      Legal assistance provided to victims of domestic violence, appropriation, AB 310

      Medicaid, eligibility for certain care and services for emergency medical condition, SB 234

      Mental health services provided to victims of domestic violence, appropriation, AB 310

      Peace officers, employment, prohibited acts, SB 155

      Separation from child due to federal immigration order, guardianship of minor, AB 460

      Special immigrant juvenile, protected minor seeking status as, guardianship, AB 65


      Articles of incorporation

             Architecture or residential design, acceptance of filing, requirements, SB 75

             Interior designers, acceptance of filing, requirements, SB 75

      Fees, regulations, SB 75


      Israel, State of, support of Nevada Legislature, SJR 11


      Contraception, provision of translation services related to, Medicaid coverage, AB 482

      Dementia care specialists program, translation and interpretation services, AB 337

      Language Access Advisory Committee, creation, AB 367

      Limited English proficiency, persons with, health care access, requirements, SB 188

      Maternal and child health, information regarding insurance coverage, services and support, availability in certain languages, AB 266

      Public utilities, notices, requirements, AB 456


             American Sign Language as a foreign or world language, standards, AB 247

             Bilingual education program, teachers assigned to teach in, requirements, SB 115

             Multilingual Student Services, Director, duties, AB 335

             Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, requirements, AB 335

             Teachers, training concerning English language acquisition required, AB 335

             Teaching language other than English, endorsement to, interim study, SB 98

      Secretary of State, filing of records written in language other than English, requirements, SB 75

      Voting materials and other election information, posting on Internet or polling places, requirements, AB 367


      Records, Communications and Compliance Division, appropriation for forensic DNA testing program, AB 473


      Former offenders who performed firefighting work in conservation camps, hiring program, duties, AB 321

      Great Plains Wildland Fire Protection Compact, ratification, SB 19

      High risk of fire hazards, boundaries, duties, SB 288

      Intrastate Mutual Aid Committee, member, AB 57

      Lake Tahoe Basin, report regarding fire prevention, repeal, SB 10

      Logging permits, requirement removed for cutting operation, AB 86

      Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, administration, duties, AB 57

      State Fire Marshal, cooperation with, removal of provision, SB 25


      Great Plains Wildland Fire Protection Compact, ratification, SB 19

      Heavy equipment rental tax, recovery fee, imposition, requirements, penalties, SB 196

      Logging permits, requirement removed for cutting operation, AB 86


      Consumable hemp products, violations, SB 356


      Aged or vulnerable persons, committed against, penalties, SB 60

      Housebreaking, unlawful to procure or offer forged agreement, penalties, SB 202

      Unlawful occupancy, procurement or offering forged rental agreement, penalties, SB 202


      Packaged synthetic hair braids, testing for formaldehyde, duties of State Board of Cosmetology, SB 173


      Candidates, filed declarations, AB 491

      Concealed firearm permits, applications, use of statewide form, AB 436

      Domestic violence, lethality assessment form, contents, AB 216


             Declaration of candidacy

                   Generally, AB 491

                   Independent candidate for partisan office, contents, SB 74, AB 491

                   Presidential candidate, contents, SB 74

      Euthanasia medications, requests for, AB 346

      Eviction, forcible entry or forcible detainer, complaint to remove person, contents, SB 261

      Finance, Office of, Director, advance from grant awarded to private nonprofit corporation, duties, AB 442

      FMLA leave of absence, certification form, fees, limitations, AB 305

      Gaming, program to self‑limit access to certain gaming opportunities, development of forms, SB 362

      Guardianship of minor, nomination of additional guardian, contents, AB 460

      Hart‑Scott‑Rodino form, requirements, SB 218

      Independent center for emergency medical care, form used for discharging patients, requirements, SB 378

      Labor Commissioner, referral of possible violation for public work, duties, AB 502

      Non‑opioid directive, form for executing, contents, SB 337

      Public libraries, requests for removal of library materials, AB 445

      Public Safety, Department of, form for motor vehicle crash reports, AB 55

      Qualified retired law enforcement officers, applications for certification, use of statewide form, AB 436

      School libraries, requests for removal of library materials, AB 445

      Securities Fraud, Fund for the Compensation for the Victims of, application, contents, SB 76


      Abuse or neglect of children, circumstances in which child is not considered abused or neglected, considerations, SB 372

      Agencies, screening for persons convicted of an offense involving child sexual abuse material, AB 35

      Background investigations involving certain drugs or controlled substances, procedure, AB 107


      Employees, screening for persons convicted of an offense involving child sexual abuse material, AB 35

      Extended Young Adult Support Services Program, consent of participant, requirements, SB 281

      Family leave, paid leave for private and local government employees, requirements and responsibilities, AB 388

      License applicants, screening for persons convicted of an offense involving child sexual abuse material, AB 35

      Placement of Children, Interstate Compact on the, revision, adoption, AB 518

      Resident who is 18 years of age or older, screening for persons convicted of an offense involving child sexual abuse material, AB 35

      Schools, disciplinary action, requirements, SB 177


      Public utilities, notice of filing of application, requirements, SB 15


      Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Autism spectrum disorders, coverage for screenings and services, requirements, SB 398

      Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 382

      Breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, services to preserve fertility, AB 428

      Claims, approval or denial, procedure, violations, report, AB 52

      Dental hygienists, services provided without supervision of dentist, coverage, SB 268

      Dependent child, availability of coverage until child reaches 26 years of age, AB 522

      Fertility and infertility treatment, coverage, SB 217, AB 428

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Gynecological or obstetrical services, prior authorization requirement inapplicable, SB 246

      Health insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, duties, SB 47

      Intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Lung cancer, coverage for certain screenings and services, requirements, SB 387

      Medicaid, payment of certain claims, inquiry by a state agency, requirements, SB 9

      Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, reports, requirements, AB 207

      Non‑opioid directive, coverage, duties, SB 337

      Obesity, diseases and conditions caused by severe obesity, treatment and care, AB 399

      Opioid alternatives, coverage, requirements, SB 377

      Prenatal screening, noninvasive, coverage, SB 344

      Speech‑language pathology, certain habilitative and rehabilitative treatments for stuttering for persons less than 18 years of age, coverage, AB 169


      Live entertainment tax for certain activities, counties, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 200


      Aged or vulnerable persons, committed against, penalties, SB 60

      Coerced debt or debt that is the result of economic abuse, collection procedures, requirements, AB 250

      Deceptive trade practices (See DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICES)

      Distributed generation systems, agreements for provision of, prohibited acts, SB 379


             False document or document with false signatures, submission, penalties, SB 102

             Presidential electors, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 102

             Voter registration agencies, employment of persons convicted of felony involving fraud, AB 262

      False claims submitted to governmental entities, revision of prohibition, AB 15

      Inspector General, retaliation against persons who file complaints concerning fraud, penalties, AB 33, AB 154

      Insurers, application for policy, prohibited acts, AB 74


             Fraud Control Unit, Medicaid, powers of Attorney General, AB 15

             Providers of goods and services, intentional failure to maintain records, penalties, AB 15

      Penalties, reduction of monetary threshold for purpose of determining, SB 264

      Reproductive health care, claims regarding State imposition of requirements or limitations, vexatious litigants, AB 176

      Securities Fraud, Fund for the Compensation for the Victims of, regulations, SB 76


      Historical LGBTQ+ landmark, recognized as, SCR 2


      Licenses, fees, SB 79




      Law enforcement, powers, AB 59

      Peace officer powers, AB 59


      Check cashing by patron, program to self‑limit access, regulations, SB 362

      Cigarettes, sale or distribution to certain persons, limitations, duties, AB 279, AB 336

      Corporations and other business entities, institutional investor, limitations, prohibited acts, SB 362

      Credit, issuance by patron, program to self‑limit access, regulations, SB 362

      Definitions, repeal of certain provisions, AB 58

      Direct marketing, program to self‑limit access, regulations, SB 362

      Disciplinary actions, effectiveness of decision, fines, SB 46

      Games or gambling games, administrative approval, requirements, AB 58

      Illegal gaming activities, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 256

      Interactive gaming that allow for a sports pool, regulations, SB 362


             Applications, denial, authority of Nevada Gaming Commission, SB 362

             Fees, reduction during state of emergency or declaration of disaster, SB 362

             Surrender, requirements, SB 46, SB 362

             Tavern gaming establishment, requirements, fees, SB 362

             Tournaments or contests, repeal, SB 46

      Pari‑mutuel wagering, civil immunities for certain persons in carrying out provisions of law, SB 203

      Resort hotels

             Crimes committed on property

                   Additional penalties, authority of courts to impose, SB 371

                   Determination of whether to include person on list of excluded persons, effect of second or subsequent prior convictions, SB 371

      Sports pool within interactive gaming, regulations, SB 362

      Tavern gaming establishment, regulations, fees, SB 362

      Tournament or contest on behalf of licensee, finding of suitability to operate, SB 46


      Disciplinary proceedings, jurisdiction, SB 46, SB 362

      Global risk management, regulations, repeal, AB 58

      Interactive gaming that allows for sports pool, regulations, SB 362

      Judicial review, record, duties, SB 46

      Licensure, denial of application, authority, SB 362

      Pari‑mutuel wagering, civil immunities for certain persons in carrying out provisions of law, SB 203

      Resort hotels, crimes committed on property, determination of whether to include person on list of excluded persons, effect of second or subsequent prior convictions, considerations, SB 371

      Self‑limit of access to issuance of certain gaming opportunities, program, duties, SB 362

      Studio Infrastructure Jobs and Workforce Training Act, Nevada, duties, AB 238

      Tavern gaming establishment, regulations, SB 362


      Approval of games or gambling games, authority, AB 58

      Investigations, hearings, jurisdiction, requirements, SB 46, SB 362

      License, voluntary surrender, authority, SB 362

      Resort hotels, crimes committed on property, determination of whether to include person on list of excluded persons, effect of second or subsequent prior convictions, considerations, SB 371


      “Motor vehicle” defined, SB 80

      Violations, criminal penalties, revision, SB 80


      School garden programs, funding, SB 104


      Civil enforcement officers, appointment, qualifications, duties, SB 381

      Issuance of writ if garnishee is State of Nevada, AB 17

      Sheriff, required mailings, duties, SB 381


      Pump or dispenser, labeling, requirements, violations, AB 29


      Armed Forces members, outreach and assistance to, requirements, SB 117

      Bias crime, acts constituting, penalty, civil liability, SB 62

      Definition, repeal of, SB 62

      Fruit Loop, recognized as historical LGBTQ+ landmark, SCR 2

      Gender‑affirming services

             Discipline of professional health licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 171

             Extradition, limitation on Governor’s powers, SB 171

             State agencies, use of time or resources in furtherance of investigation or proceeding initiated in another state prohibited, SB 171

      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Health insurers and providers of health care, prohibited acts, AB 522

      Information regarding gender identity or expression collected by governmental agencies, reports, SB 307

      Lung cancer screening, study to determine inequity in access based on gender identity or expression, SB 387

      Prisoners who are transgender, gender non‑conforming, gender non‑binary and intersex, standards of care, SB 141

      Shield law for protection of transgender community, SB 171

      Veterans, outreach and assistance to, requirements, SB 117


      Procedures (JSR 21), ACR 1


      Agritourism, powers, SB 55

      Board of trustees

             Compensation, increase, requirements, AB 301

             Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491


      Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of older person or vulnerable person, duty to report, SB 189, SB 348

      Assault committed upon, penalties, SB 189, SB 348

      Child abuse, neglect or commercial sexual exploitation, duty to report, SB 189, SB 348

      “Health care provider,” counselor defined as, SB 189, SB 348

      Licensing and regulation, SB 189, SB 348

      Misconduct by nursing licensees, genetic counselors required to report, SB 189, SB 348

      Patients and counselors, confidential communications, SB 189, SB 348


      Parentage, testing of persons in proceedings to adjudicate, requirements, AB 424

      Records, Communications and Compliance Division, appropriation, requirements for forensic DNA testing program, AB 473


      Composition, AB 354


      Water brought to surface to develop and obtain geothermal resources, procedures, AB 109


      Parentage Act, Uniform, adoption of certain provisions, AB 424


      Agriculture, State Department of, authority of the Director apply for and accept, AB 405

      Attorney General, authority to apply for and accept, SB 62

      Baby Bonds Trust Fund, Nevada, authority of State Treasurer to apply for and accept, AB 67

      Board of Regents, authority to accept, AB 328, AB 345

      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority to apply for and accept, SB 78

      Charter School Authority, State Public, authority to accept, AB 435

      Children’s Mental and Behavioral Health, Office of, creation, authority to seek and accept, AB 339

      Early Childhood Services, Office of, authority to accept, SB 82

      Education, Department of, authority to accept, SB 81, AB 335

      Emergency Management, Division of, authority to apply for and accept, SB 413

      Film, Media and Related Technology Education and Vocational Training, Account for Nevada, use, SB 220, AB 238

      Governmental agencies, confidentiality of personal information that identifies donors of nonprofit organizations, exceptions, violations, AB 197

      Gun Violence, Office for the Prevention of, authority to apply for and receive, SB 156

      Health and Human Services, Department of, authority to apply for and accept, SB 282, AB 304

      Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, authority to apply for and accept, SB 40

      Health Care Workforce and Licensing, State Office, authority to accept, SB 425

      Housing Division, authority to seek and accept, SB 51, AB 540

      Insurance, Commissioner of, authority to apply for, SB 47

      Insurance premium tax, credits for certain donations, AB 214

      Legislative Counsel Bureau, Director, authority to apply for and accept, AB 254, AB 255

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, authority to accept gifts or donations, SB 181, AB 117

      Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, authority to accept, SB 305

      Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, authority to accept, AB 160

      Nevada State Service Corps, authority of Department of Administration to apply for gifts, donations and bequests, AB 285

      Outdoor Recreation, Division of, authority to accept, AB 165

      Peace Officer Wellness, Blue Ribbon Task Force on, authority to apply for and accept, AB 433

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, authority to apply for and accept, AB 378

      Public Safety, Department of, authority to apply for and accept, AB 412

      School district board of trustees, authority to accept, AB 533

      Secretary of State, authority to apply for and accept, AB 420

      Security Division, authority to seek and accept, SB 76

      State agencies, threshold for acceptance of gifts, increase, AB 347

      State Treasurer, authority to apply for and accept, AB 481

      Superintendent of Public Instruction, authority to accept, SB 245

      Survivors of Crime, Account for, authority of Attorney General to apply for and accept, SB 62

      Washoe County, Regional Transportation Commission of, authority to accept, AB 61

      Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, Administrator, authority to apply for and accept, AB 474

      Workforce Innovation, Governor’s Office of, authority to apply for and accept, AB 539


      Optometrists, certificate to treat persons diagnosed with, requirements, AB 183


      Tracking warrants, evidence obtained without tracking warrant, inadmissibility of such evidence, exception, SB 361


      Appropriation for expanding workforce development initiatives, AB 130


      Bargaining units, creation, criteria, AB 191

      Board of Regents, professional development training, requirements, SB 322

      Collective bargaining agreements

             Arbitration proceedings, requirements, AB 191, AB 356

             Mandatory bargaining, scope, limitations, AB 191

             Mediation, requirements, AB 191

             Mediator, request for, time period, AB 356

      Executive Department, open and public meetings, exceptions, SB 2

      Firefighters, right to negotiate life, accident or health insurance, exception, SB 211

      Government Employee‑Management Relations Board

             Duties, SB 298, AB 191

             Name change, AB 390

             Task workers and providers, duties, regulations, AB 390

      Meetings, when open and public meeting unnecessary, SB 2, AB 191


             Notice, requirements, AB 191, AB 356

             Subjects of mandatory bargaining, expansion, SB 410, AB 155

             Time period, AB 356

      Peace officers

             Category I, II or III, collective bargaining, authority, SB 301

             Right to negotiate life, accident or health insurance, exception, SB 211

      Professional employee, definition, rights, powers, AB 191

      Professional organization, definition, duties, AB 191

      Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2025, Richard L. Trumka, Congress urged to enact, AJR 11

      School districts and employee organizations representing teachers

             Arbitration, submission of issues to arbitration, procedures, SB 161

             Expired agreements, prohibited acts, SB 161

             Ratio of pupils per personnel, subject of mandatory bargaining negotiations, AB 155


                   Employee organization representing teachers, authority to petition court, requirements, SB 161

                   Prohibitions inapplicable to teachers and related bargaining units, IP 1

      State professional employer, definition, duties, prohibited acts, AB 191

      Strikes, applicability of prohibitions, IP 1


      Exemptions, requirements, AB 243, AB 313

      Trailers, permanent registration option, one‑time imposition of tax, eligibility, SB 382


      Administrative regulations, endorsement of emergency regulation, duties, SB 340

      Appointments made by

             Aerospace, Office of, AB 293

             Attainable Housing Council, Nevada, AB 540

             Behavioral health policy boards, regional, duty removed, SB 78

             Behavioral Wellness Alliance Board, Nevada, SB 78

             Blue Ribbon Task Force on Peace Officer Wellness, AB 433

             Business court, establishment, constitutional amendment, AJR 8

             Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada, AB 513

             Citizens’ Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, AJR 7

             Corporation for public benefit to provide private equity funding, board of directors, AB 427

             Cultural and Historic Preservation, Commission for, SB 78

             Design and Environmental Specialist, Nevada Board of Professional, SB 78

             Early Childhood Services, Office of, SB 82

             Education, State Board of, AB 236

             Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, SB 78

             Fair Access to Insurance Requirements Plan, Board of Directors, AB 437

             Farm Labor, Task Force on, SB 233

             Film, Media and Related Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, AB 238

             Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, duty removed, SB 78

             Healing and Rehabilitative Practice, Nevada Board of, SB 78

             Human Resources, Committee on, SB 78

             Industrial Relations, Division of, Advisory Council, duty removed, SB 78

             Inspector General, AB 154

             Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, AB 7

             Libraries and Literacy, State Council on, duty removed, SB 78

             Medical Board, Nevada, SB 78

             Mentoring, Nevada Commission on, duty removed, SB 78

             Merit and Honors Board, Nevada, SB 78

             Military Children, State Council for the Coordination of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for, duty removed, SB 78

             Museums and History, Board of, duty removed, SB 78

             Naprapathic Practice Advisory Board, duty removed, SB 78

             Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, AB 160

             Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on, duty removed, SB 78

             Oncology Excellence Committee, SB 212

             Outdoor Education Council, AB 165

             Political Practices Enforcement Commission, SJR 5

             Professional Standards and Regional Education Training, Nevada Commission on, SB 78

             Public Records Ombudsman, AB 128

             Racial Equity and Social Justice, Commission on, AB 328

             Regional Training Programs, Statewide Council for the Coordination of the, AB 236

             School Funding, Commission on, duty removed, SB 78

             Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada, SB 78, AB 236

             Vacancy in certain bodies, receipt of list of names, SB 274

             Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, duty removed, SB 78

             Veterans Services Commission, Nevada, duty removed, SB 78

             Vision, Speech and Mobility Professions, Nevada Board of, SB 78

      Appropriations, line‑item veto, authority, constitutional amendment, AJR 4

      Budget, message by the Governor, contents, SB 42

      Cannabis activities, agreement with tribal government or facility, information to be kept confidential, AB 76

      Chief Information Officer, Office of the

             Amount receivable from using agency, determination by Chief, AB 432

             Breach of information system, investigation and resolution, duties, AB 432

             Confidentiality of certain information regarding using agencies, AB 432

             Equipment of using agencies, managerial control, AB 432

             Fee to Fund for Information Services, using agencies to pay, AB 432

             “Information service” redefined, applicability of laws, AB 432

             Information services for using agencies, duties, certain limitations removed, AB 432

             Name changed to Governor’s Technology Office, SB 12

             School district trustees, authority to use services, AB 432

             Securities Operations Center

                   Annual reports, AB 432

                   Creation, powers and duties generally, AB 432

                   Cybersecurity Talent Pipeline Program, development, collaboration with Nevada System of Higher Education, AB 432

             State Records and History Advisory Council, member, SB 78

      Diwali Day, annual proclamation, AB 82

      Dolores Huerta Day, annual proclamation, AB 98

      Drafting legislative measures, duties, AB 191

      Early Childhood Services, Office of, creation, SB 82

      Eid al‑Fitr Day, annual proclamation, AB 82

      Election of, qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

      Extradition, limitation on powers, SB 171

      Gender‑affirming health care services, prohibited acts, SB 171

      Governor’s Technology Office

             “Administrator,” repeal of definition, SB 12

             Chief Information Officer, Office of the, name changed from, SB 12

             Composition, SB 12

             “Department,” repeal of definition, SB 12

             “Division,” repeal of definition, SB 12

             Information Security, Office of, Deputy Chief, classification, duties, SB 12

             Information Technology Advisory Board, member, SB 12

      Great Plains Wildland Fire Protection Compact, ratification, SB 19

      Groundwater boards, authority to dissolve transferred to county commissioners, AB 363

      Holocaust Remembrance Day, International, proclamation, SB 96

      Indigenous Peoples Day, proclamation, AB 144

      Larry Itliong Day, annual proclamation, AB 83

      Lung Cancer Awareness Month, annual proclamation, SB 387

      Lung Cancer Screening Day, annual proclamation, SB 387

      Menopause Awareness Month, annual proclamation, SB 297

      Messages to Legislative (JSR 2‑JSR 2.4), ACR 1

      Military staff (See NATIONAL GUARD)

      Monument removal, destruction or relocation, requirements, SB 310

      Muslim American Heritage Month, annual proclamation, AB 278

      Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, AB 160

      Perimenopause Awareness Month, annual proclamation, SB 297

      Public Records Ombudsman, Office of, creation, AB 128

      Reports, receipt

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, SB 78

             Contractors’ Board, State, AB 540

             Early Childhood Services, Office of, SB 82

             Economic Development, Office of, AB 238

             Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, SB 199

             Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 262, AB 304

             Health insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, SB 47

             Housing Division, AB 540

             Inspector General, AB 154

             Minority Affairs, Commission on, SB 136

             Minority Health and Equity, Office of, SB 136

             Motor Vehicles, Department of, SB 154

             New Americans, Office of, SB 136

             Public Employees’ Benefit Program, Board of the, AB 188

             Security Operations Center, AB 432

             Tahoe Basin, fire prevention and forest health, repeal, SB 10

      Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of (See SCIENCE, INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY, OFFICE OF)

      State 4‑H Camp, lease, exchange or sale of parcels, approval, SB 343

      Transit‑to‑Trails Task Force, representation, SB 405

      Vaisakhi Day, annual proclamation, AB 82

      Vesak Day, also known as Buddha Day, annual proclamation, AB 82

      Women Veterans History Month, annual proclamation, AB 342


      Audiovisual technology, use to present evidence, requirements, SB 341


      Adoption assistance program, categorical grants for, basis for amount, AB 515

      Aerospace, Office of, grant programs, duties, reports, AB 293

      Agriculture, State Department of, authority of the Director apply for and accept, AB 405

      Attorney General, authority to apply for and accept, SB 62

      Baby Bonds Trust Fund, Nevada, authority of State Treasurer to apply for and accept, AB 67

      Board of Regents, authority to accept, AB 328, AB 345

      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority to apply for and accept, SB 78

      Broadband services and infrastructure, award of grant by state agency, requirements, SB 93

      Charter School Authority, State Public, authority to accept, AB 435

      Chief Information Officer, authority to apply for and accept certain grants, AB 432

      Children’s Mental and Behavioral Health, Office of, creation, authority to seek and accept, AB 339

      Clean energy projects, grants for qualified, appropriation, SB 132

      Community Project Grant Program, creation, AB 254, AB 255

      Conservation and Recreation Program, Nevada, creation, grant program, SB 36, AB 104

      Controlling Interest Transfer Tax, money received from, use for grant availability, AB 362

      Early Childhood Services, Office of, authority to apply for, SB 82

      Education, Department of

             Authority to accept, AB 335

             Dual credit programs in public schools, authority to award grants, AB 139

             Nevada Teacher Advancement Scholarship Program Account, authority to accept gifts for deposit, SB 81

             Public broadcasting organizations, grants, audit request, AB 327

             Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, authority to accept gifts for deposit, SB 81

      Education Savings Account Program, Nevada, duties, SB 252

      Educational Choice Scholarship Program, Nevada, AB 214

      Emergency Management, Division of

             Heat island effects, authority to apply for grants relating to reduction, SB 173

             Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Program, creation, authority, SB 413

      Film, Media and Related Technology Education and Vocational Training, Account for Nevada, use, SB 220

      Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, Account for the, administration, uses, SB 262

      Grocery Initiative, establishment, award of grants, requirements, SB 282

      Gun Violence, Office for the Prevention of, authority to apply for and receive, SB 156

      Gun violence prevention initiatives, grants awarded for, requirements, SB 156

      Health and Human Services, Department of, authority to apply for and accept, SB 282, AB 297, AB 304

      Health Care Access and Recruitment Grant Program, Nevada, creation, SB 434

      Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, authority to apply for and accept grants, SB 40

      Housing Division

             Attainable Housing Account, Nevada, creation, duties, AB 540

             Authority to apply for grant, SB 51

             Supportive Housing Grant Program, SB 166, AB 366

      Hydrological studies, duties of State Engineer, AB 190

      Insurance, Commissioner of, authority to apply for, SB 47

      Interest on

             Invoices, requirements, AB 442

             Liability of state‑granting entity, AB 442

      Legislative Counsel Bureau, Director, authority to apply for and accept, AB 254, AB 255

      Medical debt relief grant program, appropriation, SB 134

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, authority to accept grants, SB 181, AB 117

      Nevada Education and Health Care Pathways Account, creation of grants program, appropriation, AB 314

      Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, authority to accept, SB 305

      Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, authority to accept, AB 160

      Nevada State Service Corps, authority of Department of Administration to apply for grants, AB 285

      Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Program, creation, award limitations, SB 413

      Other State Education Programs Account, appropriation to create grant program, SB 90

      Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program, AB 108

      Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program for Pupils, purposes, SB 21

      Outdoor Recreation, Division of, authority to accept, AB 165

      Payments and advances, legislative declaration, AB 442

      Peace Officer Wellness, Blue Ribbon Task Force on, authority to apply for and accept, AB 433

      Postnatal visitation program, establishment, funding, AB 297

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, authority to seek and accept, AB 378

      Public Safety, Department of, authority to apply for and accept, AB 412

      Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County, authority to apply for and accept, AB 61


             Career and technical education, limitation on awards, SB 45

             Competency‑based learning program, grants to school districts, contracts to provide professional development regarding implementation of program, SB 403

             Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching Grant Program, administration, requirements, SB 81

             Pupils, attendance at school outside zone of attendance, authority of board of trustees to accept grant, AB 533

             Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, application for grant, requirements, SB 81

             Teacher Advancement Scholarship Program Account, Nevada, application for grant, requirements, SB 81

      Secretary of State, authority to apply for and accept, AB 420

      Securities Operations Center, creation, authority to apply for and accept certain grants, AB 432

      Security Division, authority to seek and accept, SB 76

      State agencies, threshold for acceptance of grants from nongovernmental sources, increase, AB 347

      State Treasurer, authority to apply for and accept, AB 481

      Superintendent of Public Instruction, authority to apply, SB 245

      Survivors of Crime, Account for, authority of Attorney General to apply for and accept, SB 62

      Tourism, Commission on, grant program to businesses engaged in agritourism, SB 55

      Voter Access Grant Program, establishment, eligibility, AB 420

      Water conservation improvement plan, qualifications, AB 104

      Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, Administrator, authority to apply for and accept, AB 474

      Workforce Innovation, Governor’s Office of, authority to apply for and accept, AB 539


      Property tax abatements, approval of applications for, amount and duration of abatements, AB 528


      Engine emission control, biennial inspection and testing in certain areas, regulations, SB 230

      Large hybrid environment facilities, mitigation, requirements, AB 414


      Grocery Initiative, establishment, award of grants and provision of technical assistance, requirements, appropriation, SB 282


      School personnel, prohibited acts, penalties, consent by pupil no defense, SB 59


      Investigators, powers, AB 65

      Name change, AB 65


      Euthanasia drugs, patient requesting or revoking request not deemed to be in need of guardian, AB 346

      Health‑Care Decisions Act, Uniform, enactment of remaining provisions, AB 461

      Investigator, appointment, duties, AB 65

      Service of citation on proposed protected person, procedures, AB 65

      Supported decision‑making agreements

             Definition, SB 346

             Physician assessment, requirements, SB 346

             Protected Persons’ Bill of Rights, right to be educated about supported decision‑making agreements, SB 346

             Provision of information to proposed protected person, requirements, SB 346

             Report on condition of protected person, contents, SB 346

             Termination of modification of guardianship, effect of showing that protected person has entered into supported decision‑making agreement, SB 346


      Abuse or neglect of children, circumstances in which child is not considered abused or neglected, considerations, SB 372

      Adoption of children (See ADOPTION OF CHILDREN)

      Appointment of guardian, issuance of orders, evidentiary requirements, AB 387

      Death or removal of guardian, effect, notices, AB 387

      Guardian of the estate, duties, AB 387

      Hearings, procedures, AB 387

      Investigator, appointment, duties, AB 65

      Nomination of additional guardian by parent or guardian, AB 460

      Parents, visitation of minor, requirements, AB 387

      Preliminary care plan and budget, filing, requirements, AB 387

      Remedial actions, authority of court, AB 387

      Removal of guardian, procedures, AB 387

      Representation, appointment of attorney, requirements, AB 387

      Residential treatment, placement, requirements, AB 387

      Service of citation on proposed protected minor, procedures, AB 65

      Service of notice, petition or citation on certain persons, procedures, AB 387

      Special immigrant juvenile, guardianship for minor seeking status as, AB 65

      Vexatious litigant, finding of by court, effect, AB 387


      Licenses, fees, SB 79




      Postconviction petitions, place of filing, requirements, SB 66


      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use by employees prohibited, penalty, SB 184


      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Legislature, anti‑harassment policy (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1

      Nevada System of Higher Education, liability, procedures regarding reports, AB 465

      Reproductive health care, claims regarding State imposition of requirements or limitations, vexatious litigants, AB 176

      School districts, liability, procedures regarding reports, AB 465

      Teachers, harassment by administrator, parent or legal guardian with intent to alter grades, AB 425


      Media and Technology Lab, Nevada, establishment, funding, SB 220


      Bias crime, acts constituting, penalty, civil liability, SB 62

      Definitions, purchase, ownership or possession of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Survivors of Crime, Account for, creation, uses, SB 62


      Lien on property of person in violation of certain provisions, AB 40

      Railroad companies, standards for lighting equipment, requirements, AB 446

      Recycling of hazardous waste, regulations, AB 40

      Yucca Mountain, Federal Government urged to recognize the unsuitability of storing and disposing of spent nuclear fuel and high‑level radioactive waste, SJR 7


      Prohibited act on property of a college or university, penalty, SB 238


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Creation, SB 78


      Aging and Disability Services Division

             Autism spectrum disorders

                   Employees and contractors, possession of knowledge and skills to conduct screenings, SB 257

                   Statewide standard for evaluation, requirements, duties, SB 257

             Autism Treatment Assistance Program, administration of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Treatment Assistance Program, AB 6

             Dementia care specialists program, establishment, duties, AB 337

             Discrimination of certain persons with disabilities by landlords, duties, AB 341

             Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Treatment Assistance Program, establishment, AB 6

             Long‑term care, program to educate and inform residents concerning, AB 461, AB 517

             Nevada Memory Network, establishment, duties, AB 337

             PACE program, authority transferred to Department, SB 207

             Personal care services in the home, agencies which provide, duties, AB 338, AB 519

      Baby Bonds Program, Nevada, duties, AB 67

      Behavioral Health, Commission on, mental health of children subcommittee, elimination, AB 339

      Beneficiary Advisory Council, creation, SB 78

      Chief Medical Officer

             Design and Environmental Specialist, Nevada Board of Professional, member, SB 78

             Wellness and Prevention Advisory Council, member, SB 78

      Child and Family Services, Division of

             Adoption of children, duties, regulations, AB 227

             Child‑placing agencies, background checks of certain persons, duties, AB 520

             Child Welfare, Trust Fund for, repeal, SB 284

             Extended Young Adult Support Services Program, requirements, SB 281

             Foster homes, background investigations, procedures, AB 107

             Juvenile Justice Oversight Committee, expiration of incumbent membership, AB 7

             Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, membership, AB 19


             Child Care and Development, State plan for Program for, sliding fee scale of cost‑sharing requirements, SB 388

             Children’s Mental and Behavioral Health Consortium, Nevada, creation, SB 78

             Death of Children, Executive Committee to Review the, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

             Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

             Personal care services, reimbursement for recipients of Medicaid, SB 185

      Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, duties relating to provision of services specialized for, AB 395


             Aging and Cognitive Health, Nevada Commission on, appointments, SB 78

             Children, personal care services, duties, SB 185

             Children’s Mental and Behavioral Health, Office of, creation, duties, AB 339

             Data concerning providers of health care, collection, duties, AB 484

             Electronic health records

                   Duties, SB 378

                   Property of patient, removal of certain regulation, SB 250

             Health Care Access and Recruitment Program Account, Statewide, duties, SB 434

             Health repository, statewide electronic, establishment, duties, SB 250

             Medicaid, duties (See MEDICAID)

             PACE program, duties, SB 207

             Patient Protection Commission, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

             Tribal Health Authority Council, duties, SB 312

             Wellness and Prevention Advisory Council, appointments, SB 78

      Electromagnetic brain pulse treatment pilot program, duties, reports, AB 304

      Food Security, Council on

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

             Composition, SB 78

             Food deserts, regulations, duties, SB 282

      Graduate Medical Education, Advisory Council on, duties, SB 262

      Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, Account for the, duties, appropriation, SB 262

      Grants Management Advisory Committee

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of the Nevada, authority, SB 78

             Composition, SB 78

      Grocery Initiative, establishment, duties, SB 282

      Health Care Access and Recruitment Grant Program, creation, duties, regulations, receipt of reports, SB 434

      Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of (See also MEDICAID)

             Beneficiary Advisory Council, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

             Clinics that provide mental health care to persons enrolled in Medicaid, establishment of billing category and rate of reimbursement, SB 353

             Emergency medical transport provider, private, regulations, duties, SB 424

             Emergency Medical Transportation Quality and Access, Account to Improve, creation, duties, SB 424

             Guidance, procedure for adoption, amendment or repeal, AB 42

             Health care facilities, charges for goods and services, AB 349

             Language translation services, compensation of translators, duties, AB 482

             Medicaid, Advisory Committee on, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

             Medicaid Innovation, Advisory Committee on

                   Abolishment, duties transferred to Division of Health Care Financing and Policy, SB 343

                   Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, SB 78

             Policy, procedure for adoption, amendment or repeal, AB 42


                   Adoption, procedure for, amendment or repeal, AB 42

                   Hearing to review action taken against health care provider, duties, AB 36

                   Recovery of Medicaid benefits from ABLE savings trust account, prohibited acts, SB 64

             School Health Access Resource Center, establishment, duties, appropriation, AB 516

             Sealed records of providers of services under Medicaid, review, SB 378

             Survey of health care providers participating in Medicaid, duties, SB 29

      Health care needs of State, biennial assessment, duties, SB 434

      Health Care Workforce Working Group, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

      Health insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, duties, SB 47

      Homeless persons, issuance of identification cards, duties, regulations, AB 220


             Items or services, lists of charges and shoppable services, AB 343

             Medical debt, collection, prohibited acts, remedies, AB 343

      Hotel operators, prohibited acts, regulations, receipt of notice of civil action, SB 360

      Independent centers for emergency medical care, duties, SB 378

      Legislative studies

             Audiology and Speech‑Language Pathology Interstate Compact, SB 34

             Nurse Licensure Compact, SB 34

             Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact, SB 34

             PA Licensure Compact, SB 34

             Physical Therapy Licensure Compact, SB 34

      Lung cancer screening, study to determine inequity in access, duties, SB 387

      Maternal and child health (See also HEALTH, MATERNAL AND CHILD)

             Fact sheet regarding certain coverage and services, duties, AB 266

             Lactation, services and support, program of public education, duties, AB 266

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

      Medicaid (See MEDICAID)

      Medical debt relief grant program, appropriation, SB 134

      Oncology Excellence Committee, creation, duties, SB 212

      Oral Health, Advisory Committee on the State Program

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

             Composition, SB 78

      Palliative Care and Quality of Life of the State Board of Health, Subcommittee, name change, SB 78

      Pharmacy benefit managers, contracts to manage pharmacy benefits authorized, SB 149, SB 389

      Prescription drugs, contracts for payments and rebates, duties, SB 389

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of

             Abortion services providers, duties, AB 260

             Account for Public Health, creation, duties, reports, SB 423

             Alternative Therapy Pilot Program, creation, duties, AB 378

             Ambulance attendants and firefighters, licensure, review of applications, duties, AB 483

             Assisted living facilities, duties, AB 368

             Billing errors, violations relating to, duties, AB 282

             Criminal defendants

                   Involuntary admission to mental health facilities, powers and duties, AB 467

                   Local detention facilities, access to certain records, AB 30

             Domestic violence, treatment programs for persons who commit, regulations, SB 84

             Emergency medical technicians, licensure, review of applications, duties, AB 483

             Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, procedures, duties, AB 346

             Generative artificial intelligence, use by medical facilities and health care providers to generate communications with patient, duties, SB 186

             Health Care Workforce and Licensing, State Office of

                   Account for State Office, establishment to support activities of Office, SB 425

                   Advisory Council on Graduate Medical Education, oversight, SB 425

                   Definition of terms, applicability, SB 425

                   Establishment, appointment and duties of Director, SB 425

                   Gifts, grants and donations, authority to accept, SB 425

                   Health care providers, collection of information, demographics and practice conditions, duties, SB 425

                   Physician Visa Waiver Program, duties, SB 425

             Homeless persons, medical respite care, duties, SB 54

             Hospice care programs, duties, AB 161


                   Staffing committees, duties, SB 182

                   Suspension or revocation of license, authority, AB 393

             Independent center for emergency medical care that is structurally separate from hospital, licensing, duties, SB 378

             Intermediary service organizations, duties, AB 519

             Juvenile delinquents, statewide policy for admission or placement, duties, AB 384

             Latex gloves and other latex implements, use in medical and related facilities, penalties, SB 184

             Medical emergencies, program to improve access to certain resources, establishment, SB 137

             Medical facilities, administration of opioids, compliance, duties, SB 337

             Minority Health and Equity, Office of, reports, SB 307

             Motor vehicle crashes, electronic crash reporting system, duties, AB 55

             Nevada System of Higher Education, establishment of emergency response plans to address opioid‑related drug overdoses at institutions within System, consultation, AB 394

             Non‑opioid directive

                   Advisory board to monitor compliance with directive provisions, appointments, duties, SB 337

                   Form for executing, duties, SB 337

                   Health facilities, noncompliance, penalties, SB 337

             Nonemergency medical transportation, permits to operate, powers and duties, AB 438

             Nurse apprentice program, appropriation, SB 271

             Paramedics, licensure, review of applications, duties, AB 483

             Personal care services in the home, agencies which provide, licensure and regulation, duties, AB 519

             Postnatal visitation program, establishment, duties, AB 297

             Rating system for health care facilities, duties, SB 182

             Senior living community referral agencies, duties, SB 299

             Soil Health Advisory Board, representative, AB 80

             Suicide Prevention Lifeline program, National, mobile crisis team, composition, AB 380

             Trauma centers, designation of centers, duties, AB 326

             Youth Parole Bureau, Chief, paroled children, duties, AB 384

      Resilient Nevada, Advisory Committee for a

             Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

             Composition, SB 78

      Resilient Nevada, Fund for a, percentage allocated to the prevention of substance use disorders, SB 337

      Silver State Scripts Board, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

      Social media platforms, age of prospective user, regulations, SB 63

      State pharmacy benefit manager, regulations, SB 389

      Suicide Fatalities, Committee to Review, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

      Tribal health benefit coordinators, application for federal authority, SB 312

      Victims of crime, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, duties, AB 272

      Virtual Early Childhood Family Engagement Pilot Program, name change, reports, AB 212, AB 272

      Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

      Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of

             Child support program, duties, SB 390

             Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, duties, AB 474

             Surplus Food Assistance Account, duties, AB 474

      Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, expansion of biennial survey, appropriation, AB 331


      Establishment, SB 434



             Co‑agents, AB 461

             Fiduciary duties, AB 461

             Powers and limitations, AB 461

      Capacity of person to make health care decisions, requirements, notices, AB 461

      Default surrogates, classes, AB 461

      Definitions, AB 461

      Execution of power, requirements, AB 461

      Immunity from liability, AB 461

      Mental health care, advance directive to address only, procedures, AB 461

      Out‑of‑state directives, validity, AB 461

      Prohibited acts, AB 461

      Revocation, AB 461

      Uniform Health‑Care Decisions Act, construal of provisions, AB 461


HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS (See also specific providers)

      Agricultural workers, right of access to health care providers, SB 172

      Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, insurance coverage, requirements, AB 340

      Autism spectrum disorders, statewide standard for evaluation, requirements, SB 257

      Billing errors, review, refunds, AB 282

      Cleft and craniofacial medical team, creation in UNLV, appropriation, duties, SB 280

      County hospitals, employment of residents and fellows, training program, requirements, SB 408

      Criminal defendants involuntarily admitted to mental health facilities, compliance with certain advance directives unnecessary, AB 467

      Data concerning, collection, requirements, AB 484

      Electroconvulsive therapy to a person who is less than 18 years of age prohibited, penalties, SB 335

      Electronic health records

             High‑level providers of health care, transmission, maintenance and exchange of information, requirements, exemptions, SB 378

             Prohibited acts, penalties, SB 250, SB 378

      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 346

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, insurance coverage, requirements, AB 340

      FMLA leave of absence, certification form, fees, limitations, AB 305

      Forensic medical examination, immunity from liability, SB 86

      Gender‑affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 171

      Generative artificial intelligence, use to generate communications with patient, requirements, SB 186

      Health Care Access and Recruitment Grant Program, Nevada, establishment, SB 434

      Health‑Care Decisions Act, Uniform, enactment of remaining provisions, AB 461

      Health care needs of State, biennial assessment, duties, SB 434

      Historically underserved community, definition, services provided to, effect, AB 483

      “Industrial provider of health care” defined, SB 317

      Intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, insurance coverage, requirements, AB 340

      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use prohibited, duties, penalties, SB 184

      Leave of absence under the Family and Medical Leave Act, form, fees, limitation, AB 305

      Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

      Limited English proficiency, persons with, health care access, requirements, SB 188

      Media and Technology Lab, Nevada, participation, SB 220


             Claims reimbursements, review and verification, requirements, SB 378

             Clinical services related to contraceptive drugs, devices and services, coverage, AB 482

             Rate of reimbursement for certain providers, request for increase, SB 366

      Medical debt, prohibited reporting, AB 204

      Nevada Memory Network, establishment, duties, AB 337

      Noncompetition covenants, applicability to physicians, SB 378

      Prior authorization of care, exemptions for providers of health care, requirements, AB 463

      Reimbursement, entitlement for certain services provided, AB 511

      Reproductive health care (See also REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE)

             Establishment of certain rights, constitutional amendment, SJR 7 of the 82nd Session

             Health care providers, court orders granting requests that personal information be maintained in confidential manner, authority, AB 235

             State imposition of unlawful requirements or limitations, remedies, vexatious litigants, AB 176

      Rural area, provider in, abatement of taxes for new or expanded business, requirements, AB 77

      Shortage of providers, biennial assessments. procedures, SB 434

      Sign language interpreters, provision by health care facilities and providers of health care, requirements, AB 395

      Specialty health care provider, abatement of taxes for new or expanded business, requirements, AB 77

      Strangulation, forensic medical examination, immunity from liability, SB 86

      Student Loan Repayment for Providers of Health Care in Underserved Communities Program, eligibility, SB 266, AB 269

      Students of social work, compensation health care providers who supervise, SB 429



             Items or services, lists of charges and shoppable services, AB 343

             Medical debt, collection, prohibited acts, remedies, AB 343


      Ambulance attendants and firefighters, licensure, review of applications, duties, AB 483

      County health officers, vital statistics, recording of diacritical mark in name, duties, SB 91

      District board of health, membership revised, SB 423

      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

      Emergency medical services, regulations, AB 102

      Emergency medical technicians, licensure, review of applications, duties, AB 483

      Emergency medical transport provider, private, failure to pay assessment, penalties, SB 424

      Health information framework, duties of certain health authorities, SB 423

      Nonemergency medical transportation, regulatory authority, issuance of permits, fees, AB 438

      Paramedics, licensure, review of applications, duties, AB 483

      Public Health, Account for, creation, allocations to health authorities, requirements, SB 423

      Public health system analysis, inclusion in master plans, SB 48

      Self‑administration of medication designed to end life of patient, death certificates, AB 346

      Sewage disposal, voluntary financial assistance program to pay certain costs, eligibility, AB 104

      Sidewalk vendors of food establishments, duties, applicability of laws, SB 295

      Solid waste disposal, management authority, regulations, SB 43

      Water systems, public, regulations, SB 43


      Applicability of laws, AB 74

      Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Autism spectrum disorders, services rendered by health care providers, coverage, SB 257

      Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 382

      Breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, services to preserve fertility, suspension or revocation of insurance certificate, AB 428

      Claims, approval or denial, procedure, repeal, AB 52

      Dental hygienists, services provided without supervision of dentist, coverage, SB 268

      Dependent child, availability of coverage until child reaches 26 years of age, AB 522

      Fertility and infertility treatment, coverage, SB 217, AB 428

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Health insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, duties, SB 47

      Intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Lung cancer, coverage for certain screenings and services, requirements, SB 387


             Medicaid managed care organization, contracts for payments and rebates, duties, SB 389

             Payment of certain claims, inquiry by a state agency, requirements, SB 9

      Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, reports, requirements, AB 207

      Non‑opioid directive, coverage, duties, SB 337

      Obesity, diseases and conditions caused by severe obesity, treatment and care, AB 399

      Opioid alternatives, coverage, requirements, SB 377

      Pharmacy benefit managers, money received from, use, disciplinary action, SB 209, SB 316

      Prenatal screening, noninvasive, coverage, SB 344

      Preventative health care services, coverage, AB 522

      Prior authorization for health care, procedures for obtaining, contents, requirements, AB 463, AB 470

      Speech‑language pathology, certain habilitative and rehabilitative treatments for stuttering for persons less than 18 years of age, coverage, AB 169

      Vision benefit plans, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 448


      Advisory Board on Maternal and Child Health, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

      Breastfeeding (See also BREASTFEEDING)

             Lactation, services and support, program of public education, requirements, AB 266

      Insurance, gynecological or obstetrical services, prior authorization requirement inapplicable, SB 246


             Fact sheet regarding certain coverage, publication on Internet website, AB 266

             Gynecological or obstetrical services, prior authorization requirement inapplicable, SB 246

             Neonatal intensive care unit, admittance to, coverage, SB 138

             Prenatal screening, noninvasive, coverage, SB 344

      Pregnancy (See also PREGNANCY)

             Prenatal screening, noninvasive, coverage, SB 344

      State Public Health Laboratory, fees related to discovery in infants of certain disorders, amount, SB 348


      Legislative requests for, requirements, SB 247


      Composition, SB 78

      Employment agencies which provide nonmedical services related to personal care to elderly persons and persons with disabilities, licensure and regulation, duties, AB 519

      Hospice care programs, duties, AB 161

      Hotel operators, room cleaning and inspection, regulations, duties, SB 360

      Independent center for emergency medical care that is structurally separate from hospital, licensing, duties, SB 378

      Intermediary service organizations, duties, AB 519

      Laboratory director of certain laboratories, regulations, AB 186

      Latex gloves, regulation regarding use, duties, SB 184

      Non‑opioid directive, procedures, regulations, SB 337

      Nonemergency medical transportation, regulatory authority, AB 438

      Parentage, acknowledgment or denial of, regulations, AB 424

      Personal care services in the home, agencies which provide, duties, AB 519

      Postnatal visitation program, establishment, duties, AB 297

      Public Health, Account for, creation, uses, receipt of reports, SB 423

      Senior living community referral agencies, duties, SB 299

      Subcommittees, creation, SB 78

      Trauma, centers for the treatment of, designation of centers, regulations, AB 326


      Apprentices, supervision, requirements, AB 177

      Authorized activities of licensees, AB 177


      Disciplinary action, grounds, AB 177


             Fees, AB 177

             Fellowship provisional license, qualifications, conversion to standard license, AB 177

             Temporary license, qualifications, AB 177

      Sale of hearing aids by catalog, mail or Internet, requirements, AB 177

      Scope of practice revised, AB 177

      Tinnitus care, requirements to provide, AB 177


      Anatomical gifts, organizations that procure, transportation of body or body part of deceased donor, authority, SB 349

      Industrial insurance

             Physical examinations for firefighters, police officers and arson investigators, requirements, SB 170

             Treatment by physician or chiropractic physician, requirements, SB 376

      Schools, prevention of sudden cardiac arrest during participation of pupils in sports, adoption of policy, SB 192


      Cannabis establishments, production, manufacture or sale of commodity or product made using hemp, authority, AB 76

      Consumable hemp products

             Definition, SB 356

             Regulation, SB 356

             Sales and marketing, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 356, AB 504

             Seizure and destruction, procedures, SB 356

             Testing by cannabis independent testing laboratories, requirements, SB 356

      Medical cannabis establishments, production, manufacture or sale of commodity or product made using hemp, authority, AB 76


      Accessory dwelling units, authority of residential property owner to add, authority to enact ordinance, AB 396

      Advisory Committee on Regional Planning for Economic Resiliency, establishment, duties, SB 147

      Business licenses, interlocal agreements regarding certain licenses, requirements, AB 180

      City Council and Mayor, qualifications, registration to vote required, charter amendment, AB 491

      Cooling towers, authority, prohibited acts, AB 385

      Elections, counting of votes in primary, determination, charter amendment, SB 74

      Elective offices, filling of a vacancy, charter amendment, SB 72

      Historical residential property, addition of an accessory dwelling unit, authority, AB 131

      Ordinances, enactment of, charter amendment, SB 72

      Real property, sale and disposal of, charter amendment, SB 72

      Residential construction work, hours work may begin, restriction, AB 478

      Sidewalk vendors of food establishments, regulation, dissemination of information, SB 295


      Industrial insurance, testing and screenings of certain employees, requirements, AB 440


      Abolishment, SB 343


      Driving under the influence, information concerning violations, duties, SB 56

      Justice courts, arrests made by Nevada Highway Patrol, jurisdiction of court, AB 233

      Personnel (See also PEACE OFFICERS)

             Body cameras, use, when deemed public record, SB 57

             Requests that information be kept confidential, persons authorized, AB 122, AB 197


      Closure of public road on public land, notice, SB 77

      Colorado River Highway, designation and markers, AB 110

      Divided highways, prohibited driving, penalties, AB 111

      Donald J. Laughlin Memorial Bridge, designation and markers, AB 110

      La Posada Drive to USA Parkway Connection Toll Road Demonstration Project Act, AB 61

      Navigation providers, road condition information, requirements, SB 53

      Progressive design‑build contract for certain road project, authority of Department of Transportation to enter into contract, duties, SB 315

      Property, lease, disposal or sale of, notice of proposal, SB 77

      Road condition information, navigation providers, requirements, SB 53


      Historical residential property, addition of an accessory dwelling unit, requirements, AB 131

      Lear Theater in Reno, Nevada, contingent appropriation for restoration and refurbishment, SB 145

      Monument removal, destruction or relocation, requirements, SB 310


      Geographic Names, Nevada State Board on, removal of representation, AB 354


      Testing, treatment and prevention, health insurance coverage, AB 522


      Common‑interest communities, restricting display of religious items prohibited, exceptions, SB 201

      Diwali Day, annual proclamation, AB 82

      Dolores Huerta Day, annual proclamation, AB 98

      Eid al‑Fitr Day, annual proclamation, AB 82

      Holocaust Remembrance Day, International, SB 96

      Indigenous Peoples Day, AB 144

      Larry Itliong Day, annual proclamation, AB 83

      Lung Cancer Awareness Month, annual proclamation, SB 387

      Lung Cancer Screening Day, annual proclamation, SB 387

      Menopause Awareness Month, annual proclamation, SB 297

      Muslim American Heritage Month, annual proclamation, AB 278

      Pacific Standard Time, observance by State during daylight saving time, SB 94, AB 81

      Perimenopause Awareness Month, annual proclamation, SB 297

      Vaisakhi Day, annual proclamation, AB 82

      Vesak Day, also known as Buddha Day, annual proclamation, AB 82

      Women Veterans History Month, designation, AB 342


      Housing plan for addressing homelessness, inclusion in master plans, SB 48

      Housing programs, establishment, authority of cities and counties, AB 317

      Identification cards, issuance by Department of Health and Human Services, requirements, AB 220

      Medicaid, coverage for medical respite care, SB 54

      Nevada System of Higher Education, waiver of certain fees, requirements, AB 397

      Outreach teams, establishment in Clark County, AB 263

      School pupils, disciplinary action, requirements, SB 177


      Homeless outreach teams, establishment in Clark County, collaboration, AB 263


      Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners, Nevada

             Elimination, SB 78

             Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

             Membership, expansion, SB 397

             Name change, SB 397

             Naturopathic assistants, certification, duties, SB 397

             Naturopathic medicine, regulation, SB 397

             Naturopathic physicians, licensure, duties, SB 397

      Controlled substances, authority to dispense, administer or prescribe, SB 397

      Dangerous drugs, authority to dispense, administer or prescribe, SB 397

      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 346

      Foreign medical school graduates, requirements for licensure, SB 124

      Hospitals, employment of physicians, prohibited acts, exceptions, exemptions, penalties, AB 393

      Limited license for resident homeopathic physician in postgraduate program of clinical training, certification, SB 124

      “Physician,” exclusion from definition, SB 78


      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use by employees prohibited, penalty, SB 184


      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, resulting death does not constitute homicide, AB 346

      Vehicular homicide, elements of, revision, SB 304


      Establishment, AB 159


      Testosterone replacement therapy, coverage for menopausal women, SB 192


      Employment, requirements, AB 161

      Inspections of program, requirements, AB 161

      Medicare, operation to accept payments through, AB 161



      Billing errors, review, refunds, AB 282

      Birthing process, presence of family member and doula in room, requirements, SB 192

      Charges for goods and services to patients, duties, AB 343, AB 349

      Civil immunity, agreements entered into between hospitals and Armed Forces, immunity of persons authorized to provide care, AB 253

      County hospitals

             Crisis stabilization services, contracts to provide, authority, SB 408

             Employment of residents and fellows, authority, training programs, SB 408

      Employment of physicians, prohibition, exceptions, exemptions, penalties, AB 393

      Health‑Care Decisions Act, Uniform, enactment of remaining provisions, AB 461

      Independent center for emergency medical care that is structurally separate from hospital, licensing, SB 378

      Maximum ratio for number of patients assigned to a direct care nurse, requirements, SB 182

      Medical debt, collection, prohibited acts, remedies, AB 343

      Shoppable services, list of, duties, AB 343

      Sign language interpreters, provision to patient at hospital for purpose of giving birth, SB 192

      Staffing committees for hospitals in larger counties, requirements, reports, SB 182

      Strangulation victims, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, AB 272

      Trauma centers, designation of centers, regulations, AB 326


      Daily room cleaning for certain hotels, exceptions, regulations, SB 360

      Landlords of dwelling units, alternative accommodations for breach of certain services and items, duties, SB 436

      Retaliation against hotel employee, prohibited acts, SB 360

      Transit surcharge, imposition in Tahoe Basin, SB 426

      Visual inspection by room attendant, regulations, requirements, SB 360

      Workforce training in hospitality industry, sales and use tax to fund, restrictions, SB 259


      Rental agreements, unlawful to procure or offer false or forged agreement, penalties, SB 202

      Squatters, summary proceedings for obtaining possession of real property, procedures, SB 236


      Flags and flagpoles, applicability of property tax exemption, AB 455


      Agricultural Workers’ Bill of Rights, establishment, SB 172

      Attainable Housing Account, Nevada, creation, appropriation, AB 540

      Credit reporting agencies, program for the reporting of rental payments to, establishment, AB 540

      Dogs, insurance policies covering multi‑family residential dwellings, inquiry about breed of dog prohibited under certain circumstances, SB 166

      Federally managed land in Nevada, Federal Government urged to release for housing, AJR 10

      Homeless persons (See HOMELESS PERSONS)

      Manufactured housing financiers, applicability of installment lender laws, SB 379

      Multi‑family housing or mixed‑use developments

             Cities and counties, authority, prohibited acts, AB 443

      Multifamily housing or mixed‑use developments, applications for permits to construct, ordinances authorizing, AB 241

      Planning and zoning, powers and duties of cities and counties, restrictions, prohibited acts, AB 443

      Substandard property, authority of counties and cities to bring actions against property owner, procedures, AB 211

      Supportive Housing Development Fund, Nevada, redesignation from fund to account, appropriation, AB 366

      Tiny houses, “single‑family residence” to include, ordinances relating to planning and zoning to reflect the inclusion, AB 443


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78


      Housing Authorities Law of 1947, commissioners, compensation, AB 103


      Antisemitism, definition, investigation by Nevada Equal Rights Commission, SB 179

      Arrest record, discrimination based on, prohibited acts, duties of lessors, SB 107

      Attorney General, duties, SB 107

      Civil remedies, SB 107

      Complaints alleging, investigation and resolution, procedures, SB 107, SB 160, AB 480

      Court determination of discriminatory practice, tolling of actions, SB 107

      Definitions, SB 107

      Disabilities, persons with

             Authorizing modifications to dwellings and reasonable accommodations in rules and practices, SB 107

             Landlords, prohibited acts, duties, AB 341

             Multifamily dwellings, accessibility requirements, SB 107

             Service animals, landlords refusing to rent dwelling to persons with, prohibited acts, SB 107

      Disparate impact on certain persons, liability for discrimination, AB 480

      Enforcement of laws, use of civil actions, SB 107

      Fair Housing Law, Nevada, amendment to conform to federal law, SB 107

      Judicial review of final decision of Commission, SB 107

      Liability for discriminatory housing practice, grounds, AB 480

      Prohibited practices constituting unlawful discriminatory practice in housing revised, SB 107, AB 480

      Public policy of the State, declaration, SB 160




      Emergency medical technicians, response training, SB 127

      Interim study concerning human trafficking, requirements, SCR 3

      Law enforcement dispatchers, training, requirements, SB 127

      Schools, public, prevention of human trafficking, standards for teaching, requirements, SB 131

      State of Nevada Human Trafficking Coalition, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78


             Sealing of criminal records after conviction, petition, requirements, AB 488

             Vacating judgment after conviction, petition, requirements, AB 488


      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237


      Child 14 years of age or older, possession or control of certain firearms, prohibited acts, AB 245

      Deer, provision of infected carcass for inspection, effect, SB 79


             Fees, SB 79

             Minors, removal of exception to certain nonresidents, SB 79

             Surrendered licenses, replacement of, SB 79

      Possession of wildlife, refusal to exhibit in certain circumstances, penalty removed, SB 235


             Big game hunter, deferral of use of tag, requirements, SB 79

             Deferral of use of tag by big game hunter, requirements, SB 79

             Fees, SB 79

             Replacement tags, exception, SB 79

             Skull or head of any wildlife, take or gather without tag, authorized for non‑commercial purposes, SB 235


      Propulsion batteries, disposal, requirements and prohibited acts, civil penalty, AB 493



      Alternate address displayed on identification card, persons allowed, SB 273, AB 150, AB 235

      Homeless persons, issuance of cards by Department of Health and Human Services, requirements, AB 220

      Medical conditions

             Codes, adoption of individualized for different conditions, AB 20

             Imprinting of a singular symbol on license, AB 20

      Real ID‑compliant identification card, certain fees prohibited, reports, SB 154

      Voting, proof of identity, issuance without fee, requirements, AB 147


      Coerced debt or debt that is the result of economic abuse, collection procedures, requirements, AB 250



      Interception of communications, authority of peace officers, AB 275


      Child‑placing agencies, screening of independent contractors, requirements, AB 520

      Limousines, leases, requirements, duties, AB 492

      Medical facilities and related entities, screening of independent contractors, requirements, AB 521

      Portable benefit accounts, powers, requirements, limitations, SB 336


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Outdoor Recreation and Education Advisory Council, State, membership, SB 78


      Joinder of offenses, misdemeanor, requirements, SB 20

      Misdemeanor, joinder, requirements, SB 20


      Members, qualifications, SB 407

      Postconviction services, oversight, duties, SB 407


      Alternate State Public Defender, Office of, creation, SB 407

      Executive Director, member of the Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, AB 19

      Postconviction Counsel, Office of, creation, SB 407

      Postconviction services, oversight, duties, SB 407


      Criminal defendants

             Payment of certain expenses, exception, SB 120

             “Postconviction services” defined, SB 407


      Accident benefits, reimbursement of certain insurers, AB 469

      Appeals and judicial review, requirements, repeal of provision, SB 317, AB 469

      Arson investigators

             Physical examinations, requirements, SB 170

             Testing and screenings, requirements, AB 440

      Association of self‑insured employers

             Association’s administrator

                   Claims, direct administration prohibited, AB 469

                   Definition revised, responsibilities at direction of board of trustees, AB 469

                   Financial interest in third‑party administrator, prohibition removed, AB 469

             Board of trustees, powers and duties, AB 469

      Average monthly prevailing wage, definition, calculation, AB 200

      Benefit penalties

             Administrative fines, amounts and schedule, proof of payment, AB 469

             Grounds, SB 317

      Captive insurers, authority to provide industrial insurance, AB 318

      Civil actions, initiation, notices, SB 258

      Construction workers, compensation for injury, calculation, AB 200

      Contested claims

             Attorney’s fees, award, restrictions, SB 363

             Stay of decision of appeals officer, procedures, AB 469

      Corporations, coverage of officers and managers, limitations, AB 332

      Economic damages, liens upon, requirements, SB 258

      Emergency medical attendants, testing and screenings, requirements, AB 440

      Employees, coverage, limitations, AB 332


             Cancer screenings, annual screening required, SB 170

             Physical examinations, requirements, SB 170

             Testing and screenings, requirements, AB 440

      Heart or lung diseases, determination of percentage of disability, repeal, SB 317

      Independent medical examination of claimants, procedures, AB 469

      Industrial provider of health care

             Definition, determination, SB 317

             List, requirements, removal, SB 317

             Panel, requirements, SB 317

             Rights of injured employee, legislative declaration, SB 317

      Insurer’s panel of physicians and chiropractic physicians, requirements and procedures, AB 469

      Medical Examiners, Board of, industrial insurance fraud, investigations, duties, AB 319

      National Guard personnel, benefits, compensation, AB 281

      Payments made by insurer or Administrator, proof, admissibility of evidence, SB 258

      Permanent partial disability

             Compensation, election to receive in installment payments or lump sum payment, AB 469

      Police officers

             Physical examinations, requirements, SB 170

             Testing and screenings, requirements, AB 440

      Reduction of compensation, limitations, SB 258

      Self‑insured employers


                   Activity performance of employers, requirements, SB 345

                   Application, contents, requirements, SB 345

                   Assessments from members, uses, dividends, SB 345

                   Board of trustees, membership, prohibited acts, SB 345, AB 332

                   Deficiencies in assets, requirements, violations, AB 74

                   Financial interest with third‑party administrator, removal of prohibition, AB 332, AB 469

                   Indemnity agreement, requirements, SB 345

                   Reserves, review, duties, SB 345

                   Underwriting plan, contents, requirements, SB 345

             Board for the Administration of Subsequent Injury Account, assessment rates, removal of duty, AB 332, AB 469

             Claimants, information provided to, requirements, SB 376

             Examination of employers, frequency, AB 74

             Insolvency, qualifications, AB 74

             Preauthorization of care for industrial injuries, exceptions, SB 376

      Stress‑related injury or disease

             Coverage, conditions, AB 142

             Evidence, accepted forms, SB 317

      Subsequent injuries, applicability of compensation or reimbursement provisions, AB 332, AB 469

      Subsequent Injury Accounts, restrictions on use, assessments to fund Accounts removed, AB 469

      Temporary light‑duty employment, requirements, AB 469

      Temporary partial disability

             Claim, requirements, SB 317

             Temporary total disability, certain employees entitled to receive compensation for, procedures, AB 469

      Temporary total disability

             Compensation for, denial, AB 469

             Reimbursement to insurer that paid annual increase in compensation, duties of State Treasurer, AB 469

             Temporary light‑duty employment, requirements, AB 469

      Third‑party administrators

             Contracts with self‑insured associations

                   Bond requirement, removal, AB 332

                   Financial interest with association, removal of prohibition, AB 332, AB 469

             Financial interest in third‑party administrator, prohibition removed, AB 469

      Vocational rehabilitation services, powers and duties of insurer, AB 469


             Premiums, maximum amount of employee’s pay for calculation removed, AB 469



      Definitions, AB 198

      Operators business, requirements, duties, AB 198

      Reckless action by business operator, civil remedy, AB 198

      State and local business licenses, requirements, AB 198


      Joinder of offenses, misdemeanor, requirements, SB 20

      Misdemeanor, joinder, requirements, SB 20


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Members, SB 12


      Constitutional amendments, publication of text of initiative, authority of county clerks, AB 534

      Fiscal notes, deadline for posting, AB 249

      Number of registered voters who have signed petition for recall or candidacy, time provided for determination increased, AB 534

      Submission to county clerk, requirements, AB 534


      Adoption of children, violations, AB 227

      Assisted reproduction, liability, remedies, SB 217

      Bill of Rights, Agricultural Workers, violations, SB 172

      Elections, distribution of certain synthetic media of candidate, violations, AB 271

      Governmental agencies, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with nonprofit organizations, violations, AB 197

      Health care decisions, durable power of attorney for, granting of equitable relief, AB 461


             Employment of physicians, violations, AB 393

             Medical debt, violations, AB 499

      Housing discrimination, remedies, SB 107

      Rule adoption, violation of local governing body, penalties, AB 444

      Strikes by employee organizations representing teachers, applicability of laws, SB 161


      Implementation of recommendations, appropriation for staff position to oversee, SB 403

      Subcommittee on Metrics, creation, duties, SB 403

      Travel expenses of members of Commission and members of Subcommittee, appropriation, SB 403


      Independent agency, creation as, duties, AB 154

      State Controller, Office of the, creation within the Office, duties, AB 33


      Commissioner of Financial Institutions, report, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44

      Covered lessors, applicability of laws, SB 379

      Distributed generation systems, agreements for provision of, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 379, SB 440

      Internet consumer lender, application for license, requirements, SB 437

      Manufactured housing financiers, applicability of laws, SB 379

      Motor vehicles, installment loans offered to vehicle owners to pay fees and taxes, authority, AB 296


      Autism spectrum disorders, coverage for screenings and services, requirements, SB 398

      Banks and banking, insurance as condition precedent, prohibited acts, AB 74


             Review of reimbursement methodology as basis for payment, AB 74

             Transportation network companies, insurance coverage for drivers, denial of certain claims prohibited, AB 311

             Unfair claims settlement practices, AB 74

      Contracts of insurance

             Network plans, claims paid or denied by health carrier, provision of information to health care provider, AB 52

      Dogs, insurance policies covering multi‑family residential dwellings, inquiry about breed of dog prohibited under certain circumstances, SB 166

      Group and blanket health insurance

             Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Autism spectrum disorders, coverage, SB 257

             Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 382

             Breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, services to preserve fertility, AB 428

             Claims, approval or denial, procedure, report, AB 52

             Dental hygienists, services provided without supervision of dentist, coverage, SB 268

             Dependent child, availability of coverage until child reaches 26 years of age, AB 522

             Fertility and infertility treatment, coverage, SB 217, AB 428

             Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Lung cancer, coverage for certain screenings and services, requirements, SB 387

             Medicaid, payment of certain claims, inquiry by a state agency, requirements, SB 9

             Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, reports, requirements, AB 207

             Non‑opioid directive, coverage, duties, SB 337

             Obesity, diseases and conditions caused by severe obesity, treatment and care, AB 399

             Opioid alternatives, coverage, requirements, SB 377

             Prenatal screening, noninvasive, coverage, SB 344

             Preventative health care services, coverage, AB 522

             Speech‑language pathology, certain habilitative and rehabilitative treatments for stuttering for persons less than 18 years of age, coverage, AB 169

      Group insurance for public officers and employees

             Artificial intelligence, use of, prohibited acts, SB 128

             Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Autism spectrum disorders, services rendered by health care providers, coverage, SB 257

             Behavioral health and wellness practitioners, services provided by, coverage, SB 165

             Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 382

             Breast cancer, medication to prevent, health insurance coverage, AB 522

             Breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, services to preserve fertility, AB 428

             Claims, approval or denial, compliance with certain insurance laws, AB 52

             Colorectal cancer, screenings, coverage, AB 522

             Dental hygienists, services provided without supervision of dentist, coverage, SB 268

             Dependent child, availability of coverage until child reaches 26 years of age, AB 522

             Discrimination, prohibited acts, AB 522

             Fertility and infertility treatment, coverage, SB 217, AB 428

             Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Health care facilities, charges for goods and services at certain facilities, AB 349

             Health insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, duties, SB 47

             Intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Lung cancer, coverage for certain screenings and services, requirements, SB 387

             Maternal and newborn care, coverage, AB 522

             Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, reports, requirements, AB 207

             Non‑opioid directive, coverage, duties, SB 337

             Obesity, diseases and conditions caused by severe obesity, treatment and care, AB 399

             Opioid alternatives, coverage, requirements, SB 377

             Prenatal screening, noninvasive, coverage, SB 344

             Preventative health care services, coverage, AB 522

             Prior authorization of care

                   Appeals, process for, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

                   Denial or modification of request, requirements, SB 128, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

                   Emergency services, prohibited acts, SB 398, AB 290, AB 463, AB 470

                   Procedures for obtaining, contents, requirements, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

                   Response to requests, requirements, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

                   Violations, civil penalties, AB 295

             Supplemental policies

                   Disability or end‑stage renal disease, persons with, requirements of policies offered, prohibited acts, SB 292

                   Open enrollment periods, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 292

                   Persons less than 65 years old, requirements of policies offered, prohibited acts, SB 292

             Vision benefit plans, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 448

      Health insurance

             Artificial intelligence, use, prohibited acts, SB 128, AB 295

             Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Autism spectrum disorders, coverage, SB 257

             Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 382

             BRCA testing, health insurance coverage, AB 522

             Breast cancer, medication to prevent, health insurance coverage, AB 522

             Breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, services to preserve fertility, AB 428

             Claims, approval or denial, procedure, report, AB 52

             Colorectal cancer, screenings, coverage, AB 522

             Dental hygienists, services provided without supervision of dentist, coverage, SB 268

             Dependent child, availability of coverage until child reaches 26 years of age, AB 522

             Discrimination, prohibited acts, AB 522

             Doulas, coverage for services provided, SB 192

             Fertility and infertility treatment, coverage, SB 217, AB 428

             Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Health carrier or health insurance administrator, provision of health care services directly to patients prohibited, SB 192

             Health insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, duties, SB 47

             Intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Legislation, criteria for reviewing (JSR 18), ACR 1

             Lung cancer, coverage for certain screenings and services, requirements, SB 387

             Maternal and newborn care, coverage, AB 522

             Medicaid, payment of certain claims, inquiry by a state agency, requirements, SB 9

             Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, reports, requirements, AB 207

             Naturopathic physicians, applicability of laws, SB 397

             Non‑opioid directive, form, coverage, duties, SB 337

             Obesity, diseases and conditions caused by severe obesity, treatment and care, AB 399

             Opioid alternatives, coverage, requirements, SB 377

             Pregnancy, testing to detect certain diseases, coverage, AB 522

             Prenatal screening, noninvasive, coverage, SB 344

             Preventative health care services, coverage, AB 522

             Prior authorization of care

                   Appeals, process for, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

                   Artificial intelligence, use, prohibited acts, AB 295

                   Contract provisions that conflict with provisions of law, void and unenforceable, SB 398

                   Denial or modification of request, requirements, SB 128, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

                   Emergency services, prohibited acts, SB 398, AB 290, AB 463, AB 470

                   Exceptions, SB 118

                   Gynecological or obstetrical services, requirement inapplicable, SB 246

                   Preventative care services, prohibited acts, AB 463

                   Procedures for obtaining, contents, requirements, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

                   Providers of health care, exemptions, requirements, SB 398, AB 463

                   Response to requests, requirements, SB 398, AB 74, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

             Sexually transmitted diseases, coverage for testing and treatment, AB 522

             Speech‑language pathology, certain habilitative and rehabilitative treatments for stuttering for persons less than 18 years of age, coverage, AB 169

             Supplemental policies

                   Disability or end‑stage renal disease, persons with, requirements of policies offered, prohibited acts, SB 292

                   Open enrollment periods, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 292

                   Persons less than 65 years old, requirements of policies offered, prohibited acts, SB 292

             Testosterone replacement therapy, coverage for menopausal women, SB 192

             Transportation network companies, insurance coverage for vehicle occupants, requirements, AB 311

             Vision benefit plans, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 448

      Legal expenses insurance, casualty insurance defined to include, AB 512

      Life insurance

             Euthanasia drugs requested by insured, prohibited acts by insurers, AB 346

      Market analysis, requirements, AB 74

      Medicaid eligibility, consideration of eligibility when making payments for claims prohibited, SB 398

      Medicare, requirements regarding supplemental policies classified as guaranteed issue, prohibited acts, SB 105


             Automated traffic enforcement systems, issuance of civil infraction citations, cancellation or refusal to renew policy prohibited, SB 415

             Delivery network companies, amount of coverage, minimum requirements, AB 523

             Transportation network companies, coverage for drivers, denial of certain claims prohibited, AB 311

      Portable benefit accounts, distributions, limitations, SB 336

      Property insurance

             Common‑interest communities, optional coverage, AB 324

             Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) Plan, establishment, AB 437

      Public employees, insurance benefit for dependent, mandatory subject for bargaining, SB 410

      Railroad contract carriers, liability insurance, requirements, AB 446

      Repeal of certain provisions, AB 74

      Small employers, health insurance for

             Applicability of certain provisions, AB 74

             Artificial intelligence, use of, prohibited acts, SB 128

             Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Autism spectrum disorders, coverage, SB 257

             Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 382

             Breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, services to preserve fertility, AB 428


                   Approval or denial, procedure, report, AB 52

                   Medicaid eligibility, consideration of eligibility when making payments for claims prohibited, SB 398

             Dental hygienists, services provided without supervision of dentist, coverage, SB 268

             Dependent child, availability of coverage until child reaches 26 years of age, AB 522

             Fertility and infertility treatment, coverage, SB 217, AB 428

             Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Gynecological or obstetrical services, prior authorization requirement inapplicable, SB 246

             Intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, reports, requirements, AB 207

             Non‑opioid directive, coverage, duties, SB 337

             Obesity, diseases and conditions caused by severe obesity, treatment and care, AB 399

             Opioid alternatives, coverage, requirements, SB 377

             Prenatal screening, noninvasive, coverage, SB 344

             Preventative health care services, coverage, AB 522

             Speech‑language pathology, certain habilitative and rehabilitative treatments for stuttering for persons less than 18 years of age, coverage, AB 169

      Vision benefit plans, actions constituting unfair or deceptive trade practices, enforcement of provisions, AB 448


      “Independent adjuster” defined, AB 74

      Licenses, nonresidents, requirements, AB 74


      Administrative action taken against certain administrators, report, AB 74

      Certificates of registration, revocation, grounds, AB 74

      Criminal prosecution against administrators, report, AB 74

      Electronic health records, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 250


      Surplus line brokers, licenses, requirements, AB 74


      Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, receipt of reports, requirements, AB 207


      Application for policy, false or fraudulent statements or representations, prohibited acts, AB 74

      Artificial intelligence, use, prohibited acts, SB 199

      Capital requirements, AB 74

      Captive insurers

             Account for the Regulation and Supervision of Captive Insurers, removal, AB 74

             Certificates of dormancy, requirements, AB 74

             Fund for Insurance Administration and Enforcement, deposits, AB 74

             Industrial insurance, authority to provide, AB 318

             Workers’ compensation insurance

                   Provision, authority to provide directly, AB 318

                   Risk pools and insolvency guaranty funds, receipt of benefits, requirements, AB 318

      Contracts of insurance, property insurance, payment of claim, requirements, AB 74

      Delinquent insurers, impairment or insolvency, AB 74

      Discrimination, prohibited acts, AB 74

      Examinations of insurers, requirements, effect of refusal, AB 74

      False advertising, prohibited acts, AB 74

      Health insurers

             Discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 352, AB 522

             Electronic health records, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 250

             Insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, duties, SB 47

             Naturopathic physicians, applicability of laws, SB 397

             Prior authorization of care, contract provisions that conflict with provisions of law, void and unenforceable, SB 398

             Providers of health care, entitlement to reimbursement for services performed, AB 511

      Liability insurance, issuance or renewal of policies, prohibited acts, repeal, AB 206

      Life insurers

             Euthanasia drugs requested by insured, prohibited acts by insurers, AB 346

      Market analysis and market conduct actions, duties, AB 74

      Medicare, duties regarding supplemental policies classified as guaranteed issue, prohibited acts, SB 105

      Motor vehicle insurance

             Transportation network companies, insurance coverage for drivers, denial of certain claims prohibited, AB 311

      Portable electronics insurers, delivery of certain notices by electronic mail, removal of requirement to do so in accordance with regulations adopted by Commission of Insurance, AB 466

      Premiums, rates

             Approval or disapproval of proposed increase or decrease, procedures, SB 92, AB 376

             Filings, requirements, SB 92, AB 376

      Property and casualty insurance policies, provision of loss information, requirements, AB 74

      Rate service organizations

             Approval or disapproval of proposed increase or decrease, effect, SB 92

             Filing of change in rate and of supporting data, SB 92

      Records, maintenance, requirements, AB 74

      Regulatory Experimentation Program for Insurance Product Innovation, establishment, AB 376

      Transportation network companies, coverage, requirements, AB 311

      Unauthorized insurers, service of process, requirements, AB 74

      Unfair claims settlement practices, AB 74



      Credits against tax

             Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, donations to scholarship organizations, AB 214

      Public Health, Account for, creation, sources, use, SB 423


      Licenses, denial, hearing, requirements, AB 74


      Attorney for the Rights of Persons with an Intellectual Disability or a Related Condition, change in title, SB 8

      Bias crime, acts constituting, penalty, civil liability, SB 62

      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Insurers, screening, assessment and diagnosis of certain learning disabilities, AB 340

      Parental rights, limitation or abridgement on account of disability prohibited, AB 146


      Pen register or trap and trace device, authorized use, SB 80

      Sexual abuse of a child, authority of peace officers, AB 275


      Name, image or likeness of student athlete, use, removal of certain prohibitions, SB 293


      Licensure and regulation, AB 519



      Administration, Department of, duties, SB 367

      Age verification system, requirements, AB 294

      Aging and Disability Services Division, duties, AB 338, AB 517

      Agricultural workers, employers to post certain notices, requirements, SB 172

      Autism spectrum disorders, policy regarding certain pupils with, publication, SB 174

      Automated traffic enforcement systems, use by local authorities, contents of citations relating to website address, SB 415, AB 402

      Bill or joint resolution, availability to public, constitutional amendment, SJR 5, AJR 2

      Board of Regents

             Data dashboard, duties, AB 345

             Fee waivers for certain students, duties, AB 532

             Professional training of members, information regarding certain members, SB 322

      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, duties, SB 78

      Broadband service providers, franchises from local governments, requirements, AB 509

      Broadband services and infrastructure, grant programs, duties, SB 93

      Budget Division, duties, SB 42

      Central Repository, domestic violence convictions statewide database, establishment, AB 162

      Child welfare services, agencies which provide, duties, AB 227

      Civic Engagement, Nevada Center for, duties, SB 245

      Cyber‑bullying (See BULLYING AND CYBER‑BULLYING)

      Digital products electronically transferred to purchaser, taxation, SB 392, AB 453

      Education, Department of, duties, SB 252, SB 253, SB 255, SB 403, AB 383, AB 531

      Education Savings Account Program, Nevada, availability of procedures and participating organizations, SB 252


             Alphabetic listing of all registered voters, publication, AB 496

             Mail ballots and provisional ballots, related information, AB 496

             Statewide voter registration list, publication of number of persons removed, SB 205

             Voter services portal, establishment, requirements, AB 499

             Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, publication, requirements, AB 367

      Emergency services, prohibited acts, SB 398, AB 290

      Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, duties, SB 160

      Fair Access to Insurance Requirements Plan Association, duties, AB 437

      Fiscal notes, deadline for posting, AB 249

      Health and Human Services, Department of, duties, SB 378, AB 266, AB 343, AB 395

      Health insurers, publication of non‑opioid directive form, duties, SB 337

      Health, local board of, dissemination of information regarding sidewalk vendors, SB 295

      Hearing aids, sale by hearing aid specialist or audiologist, requirements, AB 177

      Hearings Division, duties, SB 317

      Hospitals, charges for goods and services, duties, AB 343

      Housing Division, duties, SB 151, SB 436, AB 37

      Industrial Relations, Division of, duties, SB 317, AB 469

      Inspector General, publication of reporting telephone number, AB 33, AB 154

      Insurance, Commissioner of, duties, SB 209, SB 316

      Insurance, Division of, service contracts, duties, AB 370

      Insurers, false advertising, prohibited acts, AB 74

      Internet consumer lender, definition, contracts, license requirements, SB 437

      Labor Commissioner, duties, AB 215

      Landlord and tenant, rent payments through Internet website, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 121

      Legislative Commission, Register of Administrative Regulations, duties, SB 340

      Local government purchasing, duties of governing body, SB 71

      Manufactured home parks, maximum annual rent increase percentage for fiscal year, SB 151

      Meetings of public bodies, notice, schedules of meetings, duties, AB 125

      Minors, material that is harmful to, age verification system, requirements, AB 294

      Navigation providers, duties, SB 53

      NV Grow Act, Division of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Development, duties, SB 119

      Open Meeting Law, notice, schedules of meetings, requirements, AB 125

      Parole of offenders, automated notification to victims and others, requirements, AB 408

      Prior authorization of health care

             Emergency services, prohibited acts, AB 463, AB 470

             Publication of certain information by insurers, requirements, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

      Provider of Internet service, definition to include remote computing service, AB 172

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, duties, SB 337, SB 423, AB 161, AB 346

      Public electric utilities, rates and periods of peak demand, publication, SB 440

      Public libraries, requests for removal of materials, certain information, AB 445

      Purchasing Division, duties of Administrator, SB 71

      Race and ethnicity information collected by governmental agencies, duties, SB 265

      Residential confinement of offenders, automated notification to victims and others, requirements, AB 408

      Restaurant reservation service, third‑party platform providers, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 169

      Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, Office for a, duties, SB 331


             Career exploration suitable for pupils in grades 1‑5, required information, SB 403

             College and career readiness assessment, elimination, certain duties removed, AB 401

             Curriculum catalogue, publicly accessible locations, duties, requirements, SB 248

             Library materials, requests for removal from library, certain information regarding, AB 445

             Local school precincts, duties, AB 426

             Mental health services and resources available to pupils, AB 406

             Pupils with autism spectrum disorders, policy regarding, publication, SB 174

             School districts, expenditures, quarterly publication, SB 81

      Sidewalk vendors, duties of local boards of health, SB 295

      Skilled nursing, facilities for, ratio of licensed nurses to patients, publication, SB 182

      Social media platforms, age of prospective user, duties, prohibited acts, SB 63

      Taxation, Department of, duties, AB 279, AB 336

      Transportation, Department of, duties, SB 53, SB 77

      Vapor products directory, requirements, SB 435, AB 279, AB 336

      Victims of crime, automated notification of certain information regarding offenders, certain provisions repealed, AB 408

      Website operators, provision of methods of conducting searches using artificial intelligence, requirements, SB 199



      Hospitals and birthing centers, sign language interpreters, provision to patient during birthing process, SB 192

      Limited English proficiency, persons with, health care access, requirements, SB 188


      Athletic team or sport, designation based on sex, requirements, SB 112, AB 240

      Transferred pupils

             Eligibility of participation, appeal of determination, regulations, SB 272

             Hardship, definition, evidence, SB 272

      Transferred pupils, immediate

             Athletic recruitment prohibited, AB 184

             Eligibility of pupils who transfer to participate and participate sanctioned sport or other activity or event, AB 184

             Zone of attendance in which pupil resides, use in determining whether pupil is eligible to participate in activity or event prohibited, AB 184


      Adoption and Medical Assistance, Interstate Compact on, duties of Legislative Counsel regarding placement of provisions in Nevada Revised Statutes, AB 227

      Audiology and Speech‑Language Pathology Interstate Compact, ratification, SB 34, AB 230

      Children, Interstate Compact on the Placement of

             Legislative Counsel, duties regarding placement of provisions in Nevada Revised Statutes, AB 227

             Revision, adoption, AB 518

      Cosmetology Licensure Compact, ratification, AB 371

      Counseling Compact, ratification, AB 163

      Dental and Dental Hygienist Compact, ratification, AB 143

      Great Plains Wildland Fire Protection Compact, ratification, SB 19

      National Popular Vote Compact, enactment, AJR 6 of the 82nd Session

      Nurse Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 34

      Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 34, AB 106

      PA Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 34

      Physical Therapy Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 34, AB 248

      School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 227

      Social Work Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 68


      Driving under the influence (See DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE)

      Firearm, discharge of while under the influence, penalties, AB 199

      Household or personal use imports, prohibited acts, exception, AB 404


             Importers and wholesalers, applications, AB 78

             Sales, issuance, AB 78

      Picon Punch, designation as state drink, AB 99, AB 375


             Delivery of mixed drinks to consumers, requirements, AB 375

             Licenses, issuance, AB 78

             Mixed drinks, consumption off establishment premises, requirements, AB 375

             Violations, penalties, AB 375

      Special event, requirements, AB 404

      Transport of liquor, provisions inapplicable to deliveries of liquor, AB 375

      Vehicular homicide, elements of, revision, SB 304

      Wholesalers, prohibited acts, exception, SB 439


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78


      Aged or vulnerable persons, committed against, penalties, SB 60


      Merchant acquirer limited purpose banks, prohibited investments, SB 438

      Portable benefit accounts, requirements, duties, SB 336

      State Permanent School Fund, transfer of money to corporation for public benefit, requirements, AB 427


      Agritourism, powers, SB 55

      Directors and local directors, qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491



      Contractors, unlawful conduct with prisoner, penalties, SB 35

      Food served in jails or detention facilities, regulations, AB 246

      Mineral County, new county jail, appropriation, AB 16

      Prison farm programs, requirements, AB 246


             Census, information provided to State Demographer, requirements, AB 477

             Communication with prisoner, unauthorized, penalties, SB 35

             Gender identity of expression, standards for conduct, requirements, SB 141

             Immigration status

                   Model policies for law enforcement agencies, removal of certain immigration provisions, SB 267

                   Questioning of prisoner, information provided to prisoner before, repeal of provision, SB 267

                   U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, provision of information, requirements, SB 267

             Intoxicant, furnishing to prisoners unlawful, definition, SB 35

             Jails, use of system of approved electronic transmission to vote and register to vote, requirements, AB 534

             Mental health services to prisoners, requirements, contracts regarding, AB 467

             Personal information of inmates, collection, requirements, AB 477

             Records, access, AB 30

      Sexual abuse, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 35

      Volunteers, unlawful conduct with prisoner, penalties, SB 35


      Payment of tax, failure to pay, penalty, SB 22


      Actions against, legal representation by official attorney, time period, indemnity, SB 67

      Business court judges, appointment, constitutional amendment, AJR 8

      Financial disclosure statements, requirements, AB 173

      Tribal judge, threatening of, assault or battery committed upon, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 150


      Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada, cease and desist orders, information required to be included in order, AB 513

      Vacating judgment for victims of human trafficking, petitions, requirements, AB 488


      Grant agreements, payments of, applicability of laws, AB 75

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, notice of employer’s delinquent contributions, requirements, SB 418


      Disciplinary proceedings, deliberative sessions, minutes available to public, AB 141


      “Master,” term replaced with “judicial officer” for certain purposes, AB 344


      Divorce, determination of value of interest in or entitlement to pension or benefit, SB 126


      Administrative regulations, suspension or nullification by Legislative Commission, decision not subject to review, SB 340

      Cannabis Compliance Board, letters of warning or concern or nonpunitive admonishment not subject to review, AB 76

      Equal Rights Commission of Nevada, final decisions, prevailing law, SB 107

      Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) Plan, final action by Insurance Commissioner, AB 437

      Gaming Commission, Nevada, receipt of record for review, SB 46

      Government Employee‑Management Relations Board, hearing, review of decisions, AB 191

      Industrial insurance, review of appeals officer decision, requirements, SB 317

      Multifamily housing or mixed‑use developments, review of final decisions of governing bodies, applicability of laws, AB 241

      Professional and occupational licensing agency, denial of application on certain bases, review, AB 264

      Schools, closure or change of use, review after reconsideration hearing, AB 323

      Tax Commission, Nevada, review of decisions of Department of Taxation, SB 41

      Unemployment compensation, service of petition, compliance, effect, AB 12


      Business court, establishment, constitutional amendment, duties, AJR 8


      Utility wire, duties, prohibited acts, AB 503


      Sheriffs and constables, fees collected for certain services, increase, SB 210


      Business entities, authority, AB 158


      Common‑interest communities, civil action, jurisdiction, SB 339

      Deputy marshals, appointment in lieu of bailiffs in larger counties, deemed to be county employee, SB 384, SB 450

      Fine, assessment, administration, duties, SB 120

      Juries, permissible use of sound recordings, SB 20

      Preprosecution diversion programs

             Eligibility for assignment, SB 17

             Sealing records after discharge from program, SB 17

             Substance use disorder treatment programs, assignment from, SB 17

      Sound recordings, trial by jury, permissible use, SB 20

      Text messaging program, establishment, AB 218


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78


      Constables, deputation of person by magistrate to act as constable, repeal, SB 381

      Nevada Highway Patrol, arrests made by, jurisdiction, AB 233

      Resignation from elected public office before filing nomination papers for other elective public office, requirements, exemptions, AB 124

      Tracking warrants, issuance, authority, duties, SB 361

      Unlawful or riotous assembly, removal of certain duties, SB 381


      Acts of serious violence, committal of child to state facility, considerations, AB 384

      “Community service” defined for purposes of court orders, supervisory authority, SB 383

      Driver’s licenses, additional suspension or delay in applying, requirements removed, SB 383

      Electronic filing of certain documents, definition of electronic signature, AB 18

      Facility dogs, qualifications, duties, AB 302

      Fine, assessment, administration, duties, SB 120

      Habitual truants, fine or community service or both required, SB 383

      Hours of employment, exemptions from requirements, AB 215

      Instruction to judges from Court Administrator regarding domestic relations, AB 118

      Jurisdiction, limited over certain persons who are 21 years of age or older, requirements, AB 351

      Neurobehavioral disorders associated with prenatal exposure to certain substances, assignment to treatment program, SB 140


             Acts of serious violence, committal of child to state facility, considerations, AB 384

             Period of, limitations, SB 241

             Restitution, failure to make full before probation is terminated, effect, SB 241

             Violations, petitions to suspend, modify or revoke probation, duties, SB 241

      Restitution, failure to make full before probation is terminated, effect, SB 241


      “Community service” defined, supervisory authority, SB 383

      Complaints filed against child, procedure, AB 88

      Driver’s licenses, additional suspension or delay in applying, requirements removed, SB 383

      Firearms, handling or possessing unlawfully, penalties, AB 199

      Neurobehavioral disorders associated with prenatal exposure to certain substances, assignment to treatment program, SB 140

      Youth Parole Bureau, Chief, paroled children, duties, AB 384


      Acts of serious violence, written records documenting acts committed by child, duties, AB 384

      Corrective room restriction, conditions and limitations on use, AB 167

      Employees, screening for persons convicted of an offense involving child sexual abuse material, AB 35

      Juvenile Justice Bill of Rights, applicability to regional facilities, AB 90

      Placement of Children, Interstate Compact on the, revision, adoption, AB 518

      Regional facilities

             Acts of serious violence, written records documenting acts committed by child, duties, AB 384

             Commitment, certain findings required, AB 90

             Juvenile Justice Bill of Rights, applicability, AB 90

      Searches of children, unclothed, duties, AB 89


      Occupational diseases, benefits, applicability to juvenile probation officers, AB 93


      Composition, SB 78

      Meetings, AB 7

      Members, composition, term, AB 7


      Juvenile Justice Oversight Committee, expiration of incumbent membership, AB 7


      Occupational diseases, definition of police officer expanded to include juvenile probation officers, AB 93



      Anatomical gifts, organizations that procure, transportation of body or body part of deceased donor, authority, SB 349

      Medicare, supplemental insurance policies for persons with end‑stage renal disease, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 292


      Abuse or neglect of children, circumstances in which child is not considered abused or neglected, considerations, SB 372

      Adoption of children

             Degree of consanguinity, requirements, AB 227

             Visitation of adopted child, persons granted, AB 227

      Birthing process, presence of family member in room, requirements, SB 192

      Child in protective custody, placement with relative or fictive kin, requirements, SB 187

      Parentage, genetic testing of siblings to determine, authority of court, AB 424

      Reproductive health care, health care providers and certain other persons, court orders granting requests that personal information be maintained in confidential manner, authority, AB 235



      Cannabis and cannabis products, restrictions on requirements, AB 203

      Consumable hemp products, sales and marketing, requirements, SB 356

      Cottage food operation, sale of food items, requirements, SB 295

      Inflatable devices, business operators, duties, AB 198

      Motor vehicle fuel pump or dispenser, requirements, violations, AB 29

      Prescriptions, container label for certain, requirements, AB 411

      Propulsion batteries, requirements, AB 493


      Agricultural Work, Advisory Committee on, creation, appointments, SB 172

      Apprentices and apprenticeship programs, duties, SB 285

      Domestic violence, bulletin related to, duties repealed, AB 388

      Employee misclassification, portable benefit account, prohibited acts, SB 336

      Employment contract, contents, violations, authority, AB 255

      Employment of children, publication of information, duties, AB 215

      Family leave, paid leave for private and local government employees, powers and duties, AB 388

      H‑2A visa herders, payment of wages, violations, penalties, SB 204

      Hospital staffing committees, duties, SB 182

      Public works

             Advertisement of public work by public body, violations, penalties, AB 502

             Documents, availability by contractors, violations, powers, SB 270

             E‑Verify system, enforcement of laws, AB 94

             Hiring preferences, order of preference, enforcement, duties, AB 222

             Job order contracts, enforcement, duties, AB 43

             Public Works Compliance Division, duties, AB 502

             Violations, penalties, duties, AB 502

      Sexual assault, bulletin related to, duties repealed, AB 388

      Task delivery platform providers, regulations, AB 390


      Agricultural workers, right to self‑organization, SB 172

      Blue Ribbon Task Force on Peace Officer Wellness, representation, AB 433

      Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2025, Richard L. Trumka, Congress urged to enact, AJR 11

      Railroads, union representatives, authority to monitor safety, AB 446

      Regional Rail Transit Advisory Working Group, representation by certain rail or public transit employees, AB 256


      Cannabis independent testing laboratories

             Consumable hemp products, requirements, SB 356

      Medical laboratories (See MEDICAL LABORATORIES)

      Records, Communications and Compliance Division, appropriation for forensic DNA testing program, AB 473

      State Public Health Laboratory, fees related to discovery in infants of certain disorders, amount, SB 348


      Boats operated near shoreline, speed restrictions, SB 106

      Environmental Improvement Program for the Lake Tahoe Basin, bonds required, SB 83

      Fire prevention and forest health, report concerning, repeal, SB 10

      Vessels operated near shoreline, speed restrictions, SB 106

      Watershed, sale of water in disposable plastic bottles in abutting communities, prohibition, violations, penalties, SB 324


      Licenses, examinations, requirements, AB 270


      Affordable housing, definitions pertaining to, AB 37

      Attainable housing, requirements, AB 540

      Cities and counties, powers and duties, restrictions, prohibited acts, AB 443

      Fort Mohave Valley Development Law, regulations under Colorado River Commission of Nevada void, AB 1

      Government Cooperation Act, State and Local

             Name change, SB 286

             Tribal governments, consultation, inclusion in land use planning process, SB 286

      Land Use Planning Advisory Council, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

      Master plans

             Cities and counties, exceptions to authority, AB 443

             Contents, SB 48, AB 96

             Governing bodies, duty to conform, violations, SB 48

             Heat mitigation element, requirements, AB 96

      Personal wireless service, facilities for, establishment of procedures and standards for review and approval by land use authorities, AB 423

      Principles when conducting federal projects in State, Congress urged to support and recognize, SJR 4

      Tiny houses, “single‑family residence” to include, ordinances relating to planning and zoning to reflect the inclusion, AB 443

      Tribal governments, consultation, inclusion in planning process, SB 286


      Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 200

      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237


      Actions, violations related to rent, award of damages, AB 121

      Arrest record, discrimination based on, prohibited acts, duties of landlords, SB 107

      Common‑interest communities, restricting display of religious items prohibited, exceptions, SB 201

      Companion animals, property tax abatement for certain owners of residential rental dwellings, legislative declaration, AB 447

      Complaints against landlords, mechanism to file, establishment, fees, SB 436

      Corporations providing assistance in obtaining housing to persons with disability, prohibited acts by landlords, AB 341

      Dwelling units, property comprising more than 200 units

             Employment with landlord, application, requirements, SB 114

             Key, policies regarding, duties of landlord, SB 114

      Essential items or services, breach by landlord, tenant authorized to request alternative accommodations, procedures, SB 436

      Eviction (See EVICTION)

      Fees, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 280

      Habitability of dwelling unit, requirements for habitability, AB 223

      Manufactured home parks, regulations, AB 38

      Property managers, prohibited acts, SB 436

      Registry of landlords, establishment, reports to Housing Division, registration fees, SB 436


             Amount, certain fees prohibited, AB 121

             Increases, amount, limitations, AB 280

             Landlords, use of artificial intelligence to establish rent price constitutes restraint of trade, penalties, SB 199


                   Internet website or online portal, payments through, AB 121

                   Methods of payment, requirements, AB 121, AB 223

                   Positive payment, report to consumer reporting agency, AB 68

             Programs for rental assistance for certain persons, appropriation, SB 283

      Rental agreements

             Absence of rental agreement, presumptions, AB 223

             Contents, requirements, AB 121, AB 223, AB 280

             Remedial actions, prohibitions, AB 223

             Rent increases, amount, limitations, AB 280

             Termination by tenant

                   Breach of essential services and items by landlord, remedies, SB 436

                   Requirements, AB 223

      Squatters, summary proceedings for obtaining possession of real property, procedures, SB 236

      Unlawful occupancy, requirements, SB 236

      Utility service paid by tenant, duties of landlord, SB 107


      Monument removal, destruction or relocation, requirements, SB 310


      State Board of Landscape Architecture, elimination, SB 78


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Composition, SB 78


      Aged or vulnerable persons, committed against, penalties, SB 60

      Jails and detention facilities, immigration status of prisoner, provision of information, requirements, SB 267

      Penalties, reduction of monetary threshold for purpose of determining, SB 264


      Accessory dwelling units, authority of residential property owner to add, authority to enact ordinance, AB 396

      Aces basketball team, special license plates, additional fees, AB 117

      Advisory Committee on Regional Planning for Economic Resiliency, establishment, duties, SB 147

      Business licenses, interlocal agreements regarding certain licenses, requirements, AB 180

      Class II authorized third parties, Department of Motor Vehicles, duties, SB 243

      Cooling towers, authority, prohibited acts, AB 385

      Elections, charter amendments

             City Council and Mayor, qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

             Municipal Court judges, qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

             Officers of elections, option to perform as volunteer, AB 262

             Primary elections, counting of votes, determination, SB 74

      Film Infrastructure, Workforce Development, Education and Economic Diversification Act, Nevada, establishment, SB 220

      Fruit Loop, recognized as historical LGBTQ+ landmark, SCR 2

      Harry Reid Research and Technology Park, effect on workforce education and training and economic diversification, funding, SB 220

      Historical residential property, addition of an accessory dwelling unit, authority, AB 131

      Mondays Dark, Inc., contingent appropriation for building in Las Vegas, SB 178

      Residential construction work, hours work may begin, restriction, AB 478

      Sidewalk vendors of food establishments, regulation, dissemination of information, SB 295

      Vegas PBS, audit request, AB 327


      Food establishments, use prohibited, penalties, SB 184

      Medical and related facilities, use prohibited, penalties, SB 184


      Adoption fees for animals in shelters, waiver of fee for law enforcement officers, requirements, SB 325

      Blue Ribbon Task Force on Peace Officer Wellness, creation, representation, AB 433

      Cannabis use, conditions of employment with law enforcement agencies, authority to require certain attestations, AB 400

      Civilian employees who provide support services

             Confidentiality of personal information, authority to request, SB 273

             Industrial insurance, applicability of laws, AB 142

      Criminal history records (See also CRIMINAL HISTORY, RECORDS OF)

             Submission of information through National Incident‑Based Reporting System, requirements, AB 97

      Domestic violence, reports concerning, duties, AB 193

      Drones purchased or acquired by agencies, requirements, AB 439

      Federal agency employees to enforce certain state or local laws, powers, duties, SB 302

      Mental health crisis hold, persons on, confiscation and return of firearm, duties, SB 347

      Misconduct, investigation, duties, SB 279

      Officers (See PEACE OFFICERS)

      School crisis, emergency or suicide, plans in response, powers, SB 38

      Suicide Prevention Lifeline program, National, mobile crisis team, law enforcement officer, member, AB 380

      Towing of vehicles, requirements and prohibited acts by operators, AB 415

      Traffic stops, information concerning, duties, reports, SB 85

      Transit‑to‑Trails Task Force, representation, SB 405

      Utility wire, used, purchases, electronic reporting system, duties, AB 503


      Training, requirements, SB 127



      Digital products electronically transferred to purchaser, taxation, SB 392, AB 453

      Distributed generation systems, agreements for provision of, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 379, SB 440, AB 493

      Housing (See LANDLORD AND TENANT)

      Limousines, lease by certificate holders, requirements, AB 492

      Rental cars, replacement vehicles, exemption from governmental services fee, SB 194

      State highways, proposal to lease property, requirements, SB 77

      Washoe County, lease of certain real property by State, use, AB 333


      Agricultural workers, employers to post certain notices, requirements, SB 172


      Board of Regents, financial issues facing students, AB 345

      Education, Department of, SB 98, AB 247

      English Learner Advisory Council, AB 335

      Environmental Protection, Division of, SB 143

      Fiscal Analysis Division, SB 206

      Government Affairs, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, studies concerning county commissions, SB 116

      Growth and Infrastructure, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, AB 32

      Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 34, SB 348, SB 387

      Housing task force, AB 443

      Interim committees, reports (JSR 19), ACR 1

      Judiciary, Joint Interim Standing Committee on the, SCR 3

      Legislative Operations, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, legislative employees, AB 252

      Regional Rail Transit Advisory Working Group, creation, interim study, duties, AB 256

      V & T Railway of Carson City and Storey County, Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of, AB 32


      Administrative regulations, review, petitions, duties, authority, SB 340

      Aging and Cognitive Health, Nevada Commission on, appointments, SB 78

      Audit requests

             City of Hope, SB 212

             Civic Engagement, Nevada Center for, SB 133, SB 245

             Clark County, County Manager, SB 283, AB 475

             Clean Energy Fund, Nevada, SB 132

             College of Southern Nevada, SB 119

             Communities In Schools of Nevada, SB 135

             DISCOVERY Children’s Museum in Las Vegas, SB 190

             Education, Department of, grants to public broadcasting organizations, AB 327

             Evans‑Kendall Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8071, SB 232, AB 300

             Goodwill of Southern Nevada, AB 130

             Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 134

             Immigrant Home Foundation, The, AB 310

             Mondays Dark, Inc., SB 178

             Motor Vehicles, Department of, SB 243

             Nevada School of the Arts, AB 257

             Reno, City of, City Manager, SB 283, AB 475

             School garden programs, SB 104

             Sparks, City of, City Manager, SB 283

             United Citizens Foundation, Inc., SB 216

             United Readers Program, SB 146

             United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra, SB 146, AB 358

             Vegas PBS, AB 327

      Community Project Grant Program, duties, AB 254, AB 255

      Inspector General, duties, AB 154

      Membership and organization (JSR 11), ACR 1

      Nevada State Service Corps, appointment of advisor on request, AB 285

      Ombudsman for Legislative Employees, Office for, creation, duties, AB 252

      Presidential primary elections, authority of Secretary of State to adjust date, approval, AB 534

      Regional Rail Transit Advisory Working Group, creation, interim study, duties, AB 256

      Reports, receipt

             Aerospace, Office of, AB 293

             Aging and Disability Services Division, Administrator, AB 517

             Business improvement districts, annual report, SB 420

             Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, SB 199

             Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 389

             Military, Office of the, AB 157

             Minority Affairs, Commission on, SB 136

             Minority Health and Equity, Office of, SB 136

             Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, AB 160

             New Americans, Office of, SB 136

             Portable event recording devices, counties to report alternate sources of funding, SB 208

             Public works, job order contracts, AB 43

             Purchasing Division, SB 313

             Redevelopment agencies, heat mitigation expenditures, SB 173

             Secretary of State, SB 195

             Sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, information regarding collected by governmental agencies, SB 307

             State Engineer, AB 419

      State 4‑H Camp, lease, exchange or sale of parcels, procedures, SB 343

      Sunset Subcommittee

             Chair, appointment by Chair of Legislative Commission, SB 274

             Reviews of professional and occupational boards, repeal, SB 274

             Stand‑alone interim committee, name change, duties removed, SB 226

             Vice Chair, appointment by Chair of Legislative Commission, SB 274

      Transit‑to‑Trails Task Force, appointments, SB 405


      Anti‑harassment policy, duties (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1

      Audit Division, Legislative Auditor

             Alliance for Childhood Diseases, SB 228

             City of Hope, SB 212

             Civic Engagement, Nevada Center for, SB 133, SB 245

             Clark County, County Manager, SB 283, AB 475

             Clean Energy Fund, Nevada, SB 132

             College of Southern Nevada, SB 119

             Communities In Schools of Nevada, SB 135

             DISCOVERY Children’s Museum in Las Vegas, SB 190

             Education, Department of, grants to public broadcasting organizations, AB 327

             Evans‑Kendall Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8071, SB 232, AB 300

             Goodwill of Southern Nevada, AB 130

             Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 134

             Immigrant Home Foundation, The, AB 310

             Inspector General, Office of the, duties, AB 33, AB 154

             Mondays Dark, Inc., duties, SB 178

             Motor Vehicles, Department of, SB 243

             Nevada School of the Arts, AB 257

             Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation, duties, AB 95

             Offenders, employment, wages, SB 334

             Reno, City of, City Manager, SB 283, AB 475

             School garden programs, SB 104

             Sparks, City of, City Manager, SB 283

             United Citizens Foundation, Inc., SB 216

             United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra, SB 146, AB 358

             Vegas PBS, AB 327


             Annual salary of certain employees, publication, duties, AB 267

             Anti‑harassment policy, duties (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1

             Community Project Grant Program, duties, AB 254, AB 255

             Economic Forum, contracts, authority, SB 419

             Legislative Fund, publication of budget and balance, duties, AB 267

             Ombudsman for Legislative Employees, Office for, creation, duties, AB 252

             Public Employees’ Retirement System, receipt of notice of employer’s delinquent contributions, duties, SB 418

             Reports, receipt (See also LEGISLATIVE AND AGENCY STUDIES)

                   Administration, Department of, SB 367

                   Aerospace, Office of, AB 293

                   Aging and Disability Services Division, Administrator, AB 517

                   Agriculture, State Department of, AB 171*

                   Attorney General, SB 156, SB 435

                   Blue Ribbon Task Force on Peace Officer Wellness, AB 433

                   Board of Regents, SB 176

                   Business improvement districts, annual report, SB 420

                   Contractors’ Board, State, AB 506, AB 540

                   Court Administrator, AB 118, AB 218

                   Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

                   Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Committee on, AB 45

                   Early Childhood Services, Office of, SB 82

                   Economic Development, Office of, SB 364, AB 238

                   Education, Department of, SB 98, SB 254, AB 247, AB 335

                   Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, SB 199

                   Environmental Protection, Division of, SB 143

                   Farm Labor, Task Force on, SB 233

                   Fire protection districts, SB 69

                   Food Security, Council on, SB 282

                   Growth and Infrastructure, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, AB 32

                   Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 34, SB 262, SB 348, SB 387, SB 389, SB 398, AB 212, AB 304, AB 463

                   Health information framework, SB 423

                   Health insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, SB 47

                   Housing Division, AB 540

                   Housing task force, AB 443

                   Inspector General, AB 33, AB 154

                   Insurance, Commissioner of, SB 47, SB 209, SB 316, SB 398, AB 290, AB 376, AB 463

                   Judicial districts, increase in number of district judges, AB 66

                   Judiciary, Joint Interim Standing Committee on the, SCR 3

                   Minority Affairs, Commission on, SB 136

                   Minority Health and Equity, Office of, SB 136

                   Motor Vehicles, Department of, SB 154

                   Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, SB 305

                   New Americans, Office of, SB 136

                   Portable event recording devices, counties to report alternate sources of funding, SB 208

                   Public Employees’ Benefit Program, Board of the, AB 188

                   Public works, job order contracts, AB 43

                   Racial Equity and Social Justice, Commission on, AB 328

                   Redevelopment agencies, heat mitigation expenditures, SB 173

                   Reduction of Nonessential State Expenditures, Legislative Committee on, AB 182

                   Regional Rail Transit Advisory Working Group, AB 256

                   Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, SB 147

                   School districts, professional development training of staff members, SB 374

                   School pupils with autism spectrum disorders, policy regarding certain, SB 174

                   Secretary of State, SB 195, AB 178, AB 420

                   Securities Division, Administrator, SB 76

                   Security Operations Center, AB 432

                   Sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, information regarding collected by governmental agencies, SB 307

                   State Engineer, AB 419

                   Traffic stops, information concerning, SB 85

                   Transit‑to‑Trail Task Force, SB 405

                   University of Nevada, Las Vegas, AB 286

                   University of Nevada, Reno, AB 353

                   Veterans Services, Department of, SB 325

             Standing committees, records of proceedings, duties (JSR 20.5), ACR 1

             Technical Advisory Committee on Future State Revenues, contracts, authority, SB 419

      Employees, publication of annual salary, requirements, AB 267

      Fiscal Analysis Division

             Budget stress tests, elimination of requirements, AB 348

             Educational Accountability and Program Evaluation, Legislative Bureau of

                   Elimination, AB 348

                   Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

             Fiscal notes, deadline for posting, AB 249

             Oncology Excellence Committee, receipt of report, SB 212

             State programs, return on investment analysis, study, SB 206

      Interim Finance Committee

             Health Care Access and Recruitment Program Account, Statewide, duties, SB 434

             Health care facilities, contracts by Public Employees’ Benefit Program, Board of, duties, AB 349

             Housing Expansion Through Local Partnerships, Account for, duties, SB 51

             Mondays Dark, Inc., contingent appropriations, duties, SB 178

             Public Employees’ Retirement System, employer’s delinquent contributions, payment, approval, SB 418

             Reports, receipt

                   Alliance for Childhood Diseases, SB 228

                   City of Hope, SB 212

                   Civic Engagement, Nevada Center for, SB 133, SB 245

                   Clark County, County Manager, AB 475

                   Clean Energy Fund, Nevada, SB 132

                   College of Southern Nevada, SB 119

                   Communities In Schools of Nevada, SB 135

                   Desert Research Institute, SB 6

                   DISCOVERY Children’s Museum in Las Vegas, SB 190

                   Evans‑Kendall Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8071, SB 232, AB 300

                   Finance, Office of, AB 442

                   Fiscal Analysis Division, SB 206

                   Goodwill of Southern Nevada, AB 130

                   Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 134, SB 262

                   Immigrant Home Foundation, The, AB 310

                   Military, Office of the, AB 157

                   Mondays Dark, Inc., SB 178

                   Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, AB 160

                   Nevada School of the Arts, AB 257

                   Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation, AB 95

                   Reno, City of, County Manager, AB 475

                   Reporting requirements for various agencies, boards and governing bodies, removal of certain requirements, AB 506


                          Contracts with consultants, SB 81

                          Daily enrollment of pupils, SB 81

                          Dual credit programs in public schools, AB 139

                          Hard‑to‑fill positions, AB 398

                          Pupil‑teacher ratio per class, SB 81

                          School garden programs, SB 104

                   United Citizens Foundation, Inc., SB 216

                   United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra, SB 146, AB 358

             Work programs, proposed revision to one or more categories of expense, applicability of threshold amount, requirements for approval by Interim Finance Committee, AB 507

      Legal Division

             Legislative Counsel

                   Administrative regulations, review, duties, SB 340

                   Adoption, placement of certain compacts for adoption in NRS, duties, AB 227

             Nevada Administrative Code, duties regarding name changes, transfers of responsibilities and other requirements, SB 12, SB 33, SB 98, SB 160, SB 340, AB 1, AB 37, AB 45, AB 59, AB 65, AB 74, AB 102, AB 238, AB 352, AB 366, AB 519

             Nevada Revised Statutes, duties regarding name changes, transfers of responsibilities and other requirements, SB 12, AB 35, AB 238, AB 519

             Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission, removal of void regulations, SB 155

             Sexual harassment complaints involving lobbyist, notice (JSR 20.5), ACR 1

      Ombudsman for Legislative Employees, Office for, creation, AB 252

      Research Division

             Health notes, requests for, duties, SB 247

      Salaries and benefits of certain elected officers, duties, AJR 7

      Schools, review of districts based upon financial management principles, repeal, SB 411


      Public Employees’ Retirement System, employer’s delinquent contributions, payment, SB 418

      Redistricting Commission, Independent, creation, duties, constitutional amendment, SJR 6


      Creation, appointment, duties, prohibited acts, AB 252


      Actions against, legal representation by official attorney, time period, indemnity, SB 67

      Anti‑harassment policy, duties (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1

      Apportionment, revising boundaries of district, procedure, constitutional amendment, AJR 5


             Judiciary, Standing Committee on, information concerning traffic stops, receipt of report, SB 85

             Minority Leader

                   Appointments made by

                          Attainable Housing Council, Nevada, AB 540

                          Blue Ribbon Task Force on Peace Officer Wellness, AB 433

                          Film, Media and Related Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, AB 238

                          Independent Redistricting Commission, members, constitutional amendment, SJR 6

                          Reduction of Nonessential State Expenditures, Legislative Committee on, AB 182


                   Appointments made by

                          Attainable Housing Council, Nevada, AB 540

                          Blue Ribbon Task Force on Peace Officer Wellness, AB 433

                          Film, Media and Related Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, AB 238

                          Health, district board of, members, SB 423

                          Independent Redistricting Commission, members, constitutional amendment, SJR 6

                          Innovation, Excellence and Education Workforce Development, Nevada Commission on, SB 78

                          Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, AB 160

                          Oncology Excellence Committee, member, SB 212

                          Racial Equity and Social Justice, Commission on, AB 328

                          Reduction of Nonessential State Expenditures, Legislative Committee on, AB 182

                          Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, Board, SB 97

             Standing Committees

                   Education, policy regarding pupils with autism spectrum disorders, receipt of report, SB 174

                   Government Affairs, Blue Ribbon Task Force on Peace Officer Wellness, receipt of reports, AB 433

                   Natural Resources, receipt of report by State Department of Agriculture, AB 171*

                   Technology initiative for certain students, receipt of reports, AB 353

      Bills and resolutions

             Advisory body, bills and resolutions creating, requirements, SB 78

             Allocation of certain legislative measures, authority of caucus leader eliminated, SB 109

             Amendments, rules (JSR 14.7, SSR 113, SSR 117), ACR 1‡, SR 1

             Appropriations, line‑item veto, authority, constitutional amendment, AJR 4

             Availability to public before House vote, constitutional amendment, SJR 5, AJR 2

             Conference committees (JSR 1), ACR 1

             Drafting requests

                   By Legislators, number reduced, SB 109

                   Emergency measures, designation, number of certain requests reduced, SB 109

                   English Learner Advisory Council, authority to request, AB 335

                   Joint Standing Rules, certain rules to be codified into law, SB 109

                   Limitations on requests for drafting (JSR 14‑JSR 14.2), ACR 1

                   Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, authority to request, SB 305

                   Prefiled measures, number required by Legislators, SB 109

                   Special sessions (ASR 142), AR 1

                   Sunset Committee of the Legislature, number, SB 226

             Enactment of bills, schedule (JSR 14‑JSR 14.7), ACR 1

             General appropriations bill (JSR 21), ACR 1

             General file (SSR 113, ASR 113), SR 1‡, AR 1

             Health notes, requests for, SB 247

             Introductions (JSR 14.2), ACR 1

             Motions (SSR 60‑SSR 69, SSR 115, ASR 115), SR 1‡, AR 1

             Notice of final action (JSR 3), ACR 1

             Publications (JSR 6, SSR 111), ACR 1‡, SR 1

             Reading (SSR 109, SSR 110, SSR 113, ASR 109‑ASR 113), SR 1‡, AR 1

             Signatures (JSR 4), ACR 1

             Skeleton bills (SSR 106, ASR 106), SR 1‡, AR 1

             Sponsorship (JSR 5, SSR 112), ACR 1‡, SR 1

             Summaries, contents, AB 249

             Types, usage and approval of resolutions (JSR 7, SSR 118‑SSR 119.2, ASR 118, ASR 119), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, AR 1

             Vetoed bills, consideration of returned bills (SSR 116, ASR 116), SR 1‡, AR 1

      Committees (See also Joint Interim Standing Committees, this heading)

             Ethics, Committee on (SSR 23, ASR 23), SR 1‡, AR 1

             Interim Retirement and Benefits

                   Alternates, appointment, AB 348

                   Legislators’ Retirement System, duties, AB 348

                   Public Employees’ Benefit Program, Board of the, receipt of report, AB 188

                   Terms of members, AB 348

                   Vacancies, AB 348

             Legislative committee investigative meetings, events or trips, financial disclosure reports, creation of exception to requirements, SB 226

             Reduction of Nonessential State Expenditures, Legislative Committee on

                   Creation, membership, AB 182

                   Duties, meetings, reports, AB 182

             School pupil exhibiting signs and behaviors of substance use, policy, receipt of report, SB 254

             Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs

                   Aging and Disability Services Division, Administrator, receipt of report, AB 517

                   Membership, organization and operations, revision, SB 226

                   Receipt of report from Department of Health and Human Services, SB 34

             Sunset Committee of the Legislature, creation, SB 226

             Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the Marlette Lake Water System, Committee for the Review and Oversight of, revision of membership, organization and operations, SB 226

      Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens’ Commission on, constitutional amendment, AJR 7

      Confidentiality of certain information and records, constitutional amendment, AJR 3

      Digital products, exemptions from taxation, duties, SB 392, AB 453

      Educational or informational meetings, events or trips, financial disclosure reports, exceptions, SB 226


             Appointment, SR 3‡, AR 2

             Salary, publication of certain employees, requirements, AB 267

      Grant agreements, payments of, applicability of laws, AB 75

      Israel, State of, support for, SJR 11

      January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol, condemnation by Nevada Legislature, AJR 14

      Joint Interim Standing Committees

             Commerce and Labor, receipt of reports

                   Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 34

                   Insurance, Commissioner of, SB 398, AB 290, AB 463

             Committee members, appointment, length of term, SB 226

             Common‑law principles, codification into statutory provisions, SB 226

             Education, receipt of report

                   Artificial intelligence, committee on use in education, AB 531

                   Education, Department of, SB 98, SB 254, SB 403, AB 531

                   Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, SB 305

                   Professional development training of district staff members, SB 374

                   Pupils with autism spectrum disorders, policy regarding, SB 174

                   University of Nevada, Las Vegas, AB 286

             Government Affairs

                   Interim studies concerning county commissions, duties, SB 116

                   Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, receipt of reports, SB 147

             Growth and Infrastructure

                   2025‑2026 interim, studies required, AB 32

                   Regional Rail Transit Advisory Working Group, receipt of report, AB 256

                   Transit‑to‑Trail Task Force, receipt of report, SB 405

             Health and Human Services

                   Health care licensing boards, review of regulations, elimination of duty, SB 226

                   Reports, receipt

                          Aging and Disability Services Division, Administrator, AB 517

                          Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Counselors, Board of Examiners for, SB 68

                          Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 34, SB 387, SB 398, AB 304, AB 463

                          Health information framework, SB 423

                          Insurance, Commissioner of, SB 47, SB 398, AB 290, AB 463

                          Marriage and Family Therapists and Clinical Professional Counselors, Board of Examiners for, SB 68

                          Psychological Examiners, Board of, SB 68

                          Social Workers, Board of Examiners for, SB 68


                   Human trafficking, interim study, SCR 3

                   Reports, receipt

                          Court Administrator, AB 118

                          Traffic stops, information concerning, SB 85

             Legislative Operations and Elections

                   Governmental purchasing, evaluation and review, duty transferred to Government Affairs, SB 226

                   Legislative employees, interim study, AB 252

             Meetings, date for commencement of meetings, provision for alternate members, SB 226

             Natural Resources

                   Meetings, number, venue, SB 226

                   Name change, SB 226

                   Public Lands, Subcommittee on, elimination, SB 226

                   Water conservation, evaluation, powers, SB 143

             Recommended legislation, vote for approval, requirements, SB 226

      Legislative Fund

             Community Project Grant Program, Account for the, creation, AB 254, AB 255

             Publication of budget and ending balance, requirements, AB 267

             Reduction of Nonessential State Expenditures, Legislative Committee on, compensation, expenses, AB 182

             Session expenses

                   Allowances, SR 2‡, AR 3

                   Appropriation, SB 1*

      Lotteries, authority of Legislature to provide by law operation and regulation of, AJR 5 of the 82nd Session


             Allowances, SR 2‡, AR 3

             Appropriations in bills, disclosures, AJR 3

             Contests of elections (SSR 130, ASR 46), SR 1‡, AR 1

             Election (See also ELECTIONS)

                   Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

             Health notes, requests for, SB 247

             Juvenile Justice Oversight Committee, expiration of incumbent membership, AB 7

             Messages from Governor or between Houses (JSR 2‑JSR 3), ACR 1

             Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, membership, AB 160

             Regional Rail Transit Advisory Working Group, membership, AB 256

             Travel expenses, additional reimbursement in certain circumstances, ACR 2

      Open meetings, applicability of laws, constitutional amendment, SJR 5, AJR 3, AJR 5

      Reapportionment, revising boundaries of district, procedure, constitutional amendment, AJR 5

      Reports, receipt (See also LEGISLATIVE AND AGENCY STUDIES)

             Administration, Department of, SB 367

             Aerospace, Office of, AB 293

             Aging and Disability Services Division, Administrator, AB 517

             Agriculture, State Department of, AB 171*

             Attorney General, SB 156, SB 435

             Blue Ribbon Task Force on Peace Officer Wellness, AB 433

             Board of Regents, SB 176

             Business improvement districts, annual report, SB 420

             Contractors’ Board, State, AB 506, AB 540

             Court Administrator, AB 118, AB 218

             Courts, Administrative Office of the, AB 488

             Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

             Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Committee on, AB 45

             Early Childhood Services, Office of, SB 82

             Economic Development, Office of, AB 238

             Education, Department of, SB 98, SB 254, AB 247, AB 335

             Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, SB 199

             Environmental Protection, Division of, SB 143

             Farm Labor, Task Force on, SB 233

            Fire protection districts, SB 69

             Food Security, Council on, SB 282

             Growth and Infrastructure, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, AB 32

             Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 262, SB 348, SB 389, AB 212

             Health insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, SB 47

             Housing Division, AB 540

             Housing task force, AB 443

             Inspector General, AB 33, AB 154

             Insurance, Commissioner of, SB 47, SB 209, SB 316, AB 376

             Judicial districts, increase in number of district judges, AB 66

             Judiciary, Joint Interim Standing Committee on the, SCR 3

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, Director, AB 254, AB 255

             Military, Office of the, AB 157

             Motor Vehicles, Department of, SB 154

             Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, AB 160

             Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, AB 378

             Racial Equity and Social Justice, Commission on, AB 328

             Redevelopment agencies, heat mitigation expenditures, SB 173

             Reduction of Nonessential State Expenditures, Legislative Committee on, AB 182


                   Professional development training of district staff members, SB 374

                   Work‑based learning programs, removal of provision, SB 45

             Secretary of State, SB 195, AB 178, AB 420

             Securities Division, Administrator, SB 76

             Security Operations Center, AB 432

             Sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, information regarding collected by governmental agencies, SB 307

             Tahoe Basin, fire prevention and forest health, repeal, SB 10

             Veterans Services, Department of, SB 325

      Schools, review of districts based upon financial management principles, repeal, SB 411


             Clergy, compensation, SR 4*

             Judiciary, Standing Committee on, information concerning traffic stops, receipt of report, SB 85

             Majority leader

                   Appointments made by

                          Attainable Housing Council, Nevada, AB 540

                          Blue Ribbon Task Force on Peace Officer Wellness, AB 433

                          Ethics, Committee on (SSR 23), SR 1

                          Film, Media and Related Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, AB 238

                          Health, district board of, members, SB 423

                          Independent Redistricting Commission, members, constitutional amendment, SJR 6

                          Innovation, Excellence and Education Workforce Development, Nevada, SB 78

                          Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, AB 160

                          Oncology Excellence Committee, member, SB 212

                          Racial Equity and Social Justice, Commission on, AB 328

                          Reduction of Nonessential State Expenditures, Legislative Committee on, AB 182

                          Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, Board, SB 97

                          Standing and select committees generally (SSR 40), SR 1

                   Continuation of leadership during interim (SSR 6), SR 1

                   Remote‑technology systems, duties (SSR 136), SR 1

             Minority Leader

                   Appointments made by

                          Attainable Housing Council, Nevada, AB 540

                          Blue Ribbon Task Force on Peace Officer Wellness, AB 433

                          Ethics, Committee on (SSR 23), SR 1

                          Film, Media and Related Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, AB 238

                          Independent Redistricting Commission, members, constitutional amendment, SJR 6

                          Reduction of Nonessential State Expenditures, Legislative Committee on, AB 182

                          Standing and select committees generally (SSR 40), SR 1

                   Continuation of leadership during interim (SSR 6), SR 1

             Secretary, election, powers and duties generally (SSR 3), SR 1

             Standing Committees

                   Education, policy regarding pupils with autism spectrum disorders, receipt of report, SB 174

                   Government Affairs, Blue Ribbon Task Force on Peace Officer Wellness, receipt of report, AB 433

                   Natural Resources, receipt of report by State Department of Agriculture, AB 171*

                   Technology initiative for certain students, receipt of reports, AB 353


             Adjournment, rules (JSR 9, JSR 9.5), ACR 1

             Special sessions

                   Drafting requests (ASR 142), AR 1

                   Proclamations (JSR 2.4), ACR 1

      Standing Rules


                   Adoption, AR 1

                   Bills and resolutions, procedures (ASR 106‑ASR 119, ASR 142), AR 1

                   Chamber, use (ASR 141), AR 1

                   Conduct of business (ASR 91‑126), AR 1

                   Convening between legislative sessions (ASR 12), AR 1

                   Decorum and debate (ASR 20‑ASR 23, ASR 59‑ASR 62, ASR 80‑ASR 82), AR 1

                   Interim, continuation of leadership and rules during (ASR 2), AR 1

                   Legislative bodies (ASR 40‑ASR 62), AR 1

                   Motions, rules governing (ASR 64‑ASR 66), AR 1

                   Officers and employees (ASR 1, ASR 3), AR 1

                   Open meetings (ASR 11), AR 1

                   Order of business (ASR 120), AR 1

                   Quorum, voting and elections (ASR 30‑ASR 33), AR 1

                   Remote‑technology systems, use (ASR 55, ASR 126), AR 1

                   Special sessions (ASR 142), AR 1

                   Time of meeting (ASR 10), AR 1

                   Witnesses summoned to appear, compensation (ASR 140), AR 1

             Joint Standing Rules

                   Adjournment (JSR 9, JSR 9.5), ACR 1

                   Adoption, ACR 1

                   Anti‑harassment policy (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1

                   Bill draft requests, certain rules to be codified into law, SB 109

                   Bills and joint resolutions, procedures (JSR 4, JSR 5, JSR 7), ACR 1

                   Budget hearing, date of first joint hearing (JSR 17), ACR 1

                   Conference committees (JSR 1), ACR 1

                   Continuation during interim (JSR 40), ACR 1

                   Enactment of bills, schedule (JSR 14‑JSR 14.7), ACR 1

                   Ethical standards, legislative code of (JSR 30‑JSR 39), ACR 1

                   Final action, notice (JSR 3), ACR 1

                   General appropriation bill (JSR 21), ACR 1

                   Health insurance bills, review (JSR 18), ACR 1

                   Interim legislative committees (JSR 19), ACR 1

                   Legislative Commission (JSR 11), ACR 1

                   Legislative Fund, expenditures, ACR 1

                   Legislative measures, limitations on introduction and drafting requests (JSR 14‑JSR 14.2), ACR 1

                   Lock boxes, use by state agencies (JSR 22), ACR 1

                   Messages (JSR 2‑JSR 2.6), ACR 1

                   News media, accreditation (JSR 25), ACR 1

                   Publications (JSR 6), ACR 1

                   Records of committee proceedings (JSR 12), ACR 1


                   Adoption, SR 1

                   Bills and resolutions, procedures (SSR 106‑SSR 119.2), SR 1

                   Committees, generally (SSR 40, SSR 43), SR 1

                   Conduct of business (SSR 90‑SSR 128), SR 1

                   Convening between legislative sessions (SSR 14), SR 1

                   Decorum and debate (SSR 20‑SSR 22, SSR 80, SSR 81), SR 1

                   Interim, continuation of leadership and rules during (SSR 6), SR 1

                   Legislative bodies (SSR 40‑SSR 54), SR 1

                   Motions, rules governing (SSR 60‑SSR 69, SSR 115), SR 1

                   Officers and employees (SSR 1‑SSR 6), SR 1

                   Order of business, special orders (SSR 120, SSR 125), SR 1

                   Quorum, voting and elections (SSR 30‑SSR 32), SR 1

                   Remote‑technology systems (SSR 136), SR 1

                   Sessions and meetings (SSR 10‑SSR 14), SR 1

                   Witnesses summoned to appear, compensation (SSR 140), SR 1

      U.S. Capitol, condemnation of attack of January 6, 2021 by Nevada Legislature, AJR 14

      Voting, availability of bill or joint resolution prior to, constitutional amendment, SJR 5, AJR 2

      Whole, Committee of the (SSR 46‑SSR 48, ASR 45), SR 1‡, AR 1


      Depiction of purported child engaging in sexual conduct, unlawful acts, penalties, AB 35

      Interception of communications, authority of peace officers, AB 275

      Lewdness with a child, attempt to commit, probation, AB 34



      Meetings of public agencies, public comment, certain testimony privileged, AB 64


      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

      Removal of library materials from public libraries, policy, procedures, AB 445

      School libraries, removal of library materials, policy, procedures, AB 445


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78




      Environmental Protection, Division of

             Hazardous waste disposal, lien on property of holder in violation, AB 40

             Mining reclamation law, lien on property of holder in violation, AB 40

             Solid waste disposal, municipal, lien on property of holder in violation, AB 40

      Industrial insurance, economic damages, liens upon, requirements, SB 258


      Election qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

      Inspector General, appointment, AB 33

      Political Practices Enforcement Commission, appointment of member, SJR 5

      President of the Senate (SSR 1), SR 1


      Housing Discrimination cases decided by courts, tolling of action, SB 107

      Rule adoption, violation of local governing body, tolling of action, AB 444

      Unfair trade practices, actions brought by Attorney General, removal of limitation, SB 49

      Wrongful death, limitation of actions by heirs, requirements, AB 489


      Addresses, residence or business address of members and managers, listing in certain records, AB 239

      Articles of dissolution, filing requirements, AB 239

      Articles of organization

             Architecture or residential design, acceptance of filing, requirements, SB 75

             Interior designers, acceptance of filing, requirements, SB 75


             Filing fees, reduction of amounts, requirements, AB 373

             Regulations, SB 75

      Jurisdiction of courts, authority, AB 158

      Records in foreign language, filing with Secretary of State, requirements, SB 75

      Rental of real property, taxation as members of combined taxpayer group, AB 457

      Residential real property, purchase, limitations and requirements, SB 391, SB 430

      State business license, fee reduction, SB 240


      Fees, regulations, SB 75

      Jurisdiction of courts, authority, AB 158


      Articles of organization

             Architecture or residential design, acceptance of filing, requirements, SB 75

             Interior designers, acceptance of filing, requirements, SB 75

      Fees, regulations, SB 75

      Jurisdiction of courts, authority, AB 158


      Articles of organization

             Architecture or residential design, acceptance of filing, requirements, SB 75

             Interior designers, acceptance of filing, requirements, SB 75

      Fees, regulations, SB 75

      Jurisdiction of courts, authority, AB 158

      Records in foreign language, filing with Secretary of State, requirements, SB 75

      State business license, fee reduction, SB 240


      Lease of limousines to independent contractors, duties, liability for violations, AB 492


      Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 200

      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237


      Athletic contests, events or exhibitions, tax exemption eliminated, AB 453

      Facilitators of resales of certain admissions, collection and remittance of tax, requirements, SB 431

      “Marketplace facilitator” defined, SB 431

      Nevada Arts Council, amount required to be deposited for the credit of, AB 219

      Professional team based in state, participant in contest, event or exhibition, removal of exemption, SB 431

      Reimbursement for costs incurred by smaller counties, procedures, SB 200

      Resellers, imposition of tax on resales, requirements, SB 431


      Alternative livestock, unlawful acts, repeal of provisions, AB 59

      H‑2A visa herders, payment of wages, employer duties, penalties, SB 204

      Mobile processing unit deemed official establishment, AB 251

      Official establishment, inclusion of mobile processing units, AB 251


      Commissioner of Mortgage Lending, report, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44


      Credit unions, revision of requirements for making of certain loans, SB 375

      Installment loans (See INSTALLMENT LOANS)

      Obtaining loan for another, unlawful acts, reduction of monetary threshold for purpose of determining penalties, SB 264

      Payments banks, prohibition against making loans, AB 500

      Student Loan Repayment for Providers of Health Care in Underserved Communities Program, eligibility, SB 266, AB 269


      Legislative committee investigative meetings, events or trips, financial disclosure reports, creation of exception to requirements, SB 226

      Legislative standing rules

             Anti‑harassment policy, prohibited acts, remedial action on complaints (JSR 20.5), ACR 1

             Code of Ethical Standards (JSR 30‑JSR 39), ACR 1


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Members, composition, SB 78

      Public Employees’ Benefits Program, delinquent payments due, duties, SB 418


      Contracts, entering into pursuant to solicitation by certain entities, removal of restriction, SB 3

      Information concerning purchasing by governing body, publication on website, SB 71

      Solicitations, procedures for, publication on governing body website, SB 71


      Attainable housing, development of, exemptions relating to prevailing wage provisions, AB 540

      Neighborhood improvement projects

             Definition to include improvement of a water or sewer system owned by a common‑interest community, AB 10

             Objection to project or assessment, effect, AB 10


      Abatement of taxes

             Data centers, denial, grounds, AB 77

             Economic Development, Office of, notices to certain government bodies in smaller counties, requirements, AB 538

             New or expanded businesses, requirements, SB 385

             Single‑family residence projects, requirements, SB 430

      Coins, currency and bullion, exemption, submission of question to voters, AB 359

      Transferable tax credits, requirements, SB 385


      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use by employees prohibited, penalty, SB 184


      Operation and regulation of lotteries, authority of Legislature to provide by law, AJR 5 of the 82nd Session

      Sale of lottery tickets, authority of Legislature to provide by law, AJR 5 of the 82nd Session


      Anatomical gifts, organizations that procure, transportation of body or body part of deceased donor, authority, SB 349

      Industrial insurance

             Physical examinations for firefighters, police officers and arson investigators, requirements, SB 170

             Testing of certain employees, requirements, AB 440

             Treatment by physician or chiropractic physician, requirements, SB 376

      Lung cancer (See also CANCER)

             Health insurance, coverage by different insurers for certain screenings and services, SB 387

             Inequity in access to screening based on sex and gender identity or expression, study, SB 387

             Medicaid, coverage for cancer screenings, SB 387, AB 234


      Interception of communications, authority of peace officers, AB 275

      Violent or sexual offense, act constituting, AB 34


      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237



      Traffic citations, hearing for civil infraction, powers, SB 359


      Absent voting, postmark, requirements, AB 228

      Automated traffic enforcement systems, use, issuance of citations, SB 415, AB 402

      Cannabis Compliance Board, service of process issued for certain investigations, AB 76

      Child support, collection, failure to comply with subpoena or warrant, notice, SB 390

      Clemency applications, certain notification requirements repealed, AB 408

      Gaming, program to self‑limit access to direct marketing of gaming opportunities, regulations, SB 362

      Garnishment, writs of, required mailings, duties of sheriffs, SB 381

      Parole hearings, notification of victims, certain requirements repealed, AB 408

      Traffic infraction involving school bus, notice of violation, requirements, AB 527

      Victims of crime, automatic notification of offender status, requirements, AB 408


      Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Autism spectrum disorders, services rendered by health care providers, coverage, SB 257

      Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 382

      Breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, services to preserve fertility, AB 428

      Claims, approval or denial, procedure, violations, report, AB 52

      Dental care, authorization of coverage, AB 202

      Dental hygienists, services provided without supervision of dentist, coverage, SB 268

      Dentists, recommended service or treatment, certification, AB 202

      Dependent child, availability of coverage until child reaches 26 years of age, AB 522

      External review of adverse determinations, independent review organizations, duties, AB 202

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Gynecological or obstetrical services, prior authorization requirement inapplicable, SB 246

      Health insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, duties, SB 47

      Intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Lung cancer, coverage for certain screenings and services, requirements, SB 387

      Medicaid eligibility, consideration of eligibility when making payments for claims prohibited, SB 398

      Medicaid managed care organizations, contracts with and utilization of state pharmacy befit managers, SB 389

      Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, reports, requirements, AB 207

      Non‑opioid directive, coverage, duties, SB 337

      Obesity, diseases and conditions caused by severe obesity, treatment and care, AB 399

      Opioid alternatives, coverage, requirements, SB 377

      Pharmacy benefit managers, applicability of laws, SB 209, SB 316

      Prenatal screening, noninvasive, coverage, SB 344

      Preventative health care services, coverage, AB 522

      Prior authorization for health care, procedures for obtaining, contents, requirements, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

      Speech‑language pathology, certain habilitative and rehabilitative treatments for stuttering for persons less than 18 years of age, coverage, AB 169

      Vision benefit plans, actions constituting unfair or deceptive trade practices, enforcement of provisions, AB 448


      Certificates of title, issuance and transfer, regulations, AB 38

      Claims against licensee, requirements, AB 38

      Dealers, duties, property tax exemption, AB 38

      Installation, labels and certificates of, regulations, AB 38

      Movement of building, trip permits, regulations, AB 38

      Noncomplying units, manufacture unlawful, AB 38

      Reconstruction or alteration, compliance certificates and labels, regulations, AB 38

      Sale or lease, regulations, AB 38


      Landlords, provision of certain information to tenant, availability, AB 38

      Landscaping and maintenance of lot, powers of landlord, AB 38

      Maximum annual rent increase percentage

             Calculation and publication, application for exemption, prohibited acts, SB 151

             Definition, SB 151

      Sale or transfer, report to Housing Division, AB 38

      Tenants, consent for landlord to peacefully enter lot, AB 38


      Certificates of title

             Application, denial, powers of applicant, SB 370

             Issuance, expedited process, fees, SB 370

      Manufactured housing financiers, applicability of installment lender laws, SB 379

      Sales, regulations, AB 38


      Disposable foodware or standard condiments, provision to users, requirements, penalties, SB 173

      Patented product, use by certain entities, requirements, powers, AB 208

      Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl, use in manufacture of certain products prohibited, penalties, SB 173

      Plastic bottles designed to hold liquid for oral consumption, manufacture prohibited, fines, SB 173

      Vapor products directory, requirements, SB 435


      Water rights, adjudication of, claims by federal agency, requirements, SB 31


      Gestational agreements, effect of subsequent marriage, AB 424


      Behavioral health services delivered in federally‑qualified health center, Medicaid coverage, SB 300

      Licenses by endorsement, applications, requirements, AB 450

      Reimbursement, entitlement for certain services provided, AB 511

      Student Loan Repayment for Providers of Health Care in Underserved Communities Program, eligibility, SB 266, AB 269


      Counseling Compact, ratification, AB 163

      Elimination of Board, SB 78

      Health and Human Services, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, reports, SB 68

      Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

      Regional behavioral health policy boards, report to chairs, SB 68


      Adoption of children (See ADOPTION OF CHILDREN)

      Divorce (See DIVORCE)

      First responder, surviving spouse of, tuition charges, restrictions, SB 237

      Military retirement pay to surviving spouses, Congress urged to pay, SJR 1

      Nevada System of Higher Education, waiver of fees for certain students, requirements, SB 308

      Space Force, special license plates, issuance to veteran’s spouses, requirements, AB 409


      Body cameras, use, when deemed public record, SB 57

      Deputy marshals

             Appointment in lieu of bailiffs in larger counties, deemed to be county employee, SB 384, SB 450

             District courts, assignment to the court, replacement of vacancy, duties, SB 450

             Justice courts, assignment to the court, replacement of vacancy, duties, SB 450

      Occupational diseases, benefits, applicability to certain marshals and deputy marshals, AB 93


      Database to coordinate county provision of reunification and identification services for victims, establishment, AB 50


      Advertisement, establishments, requirements, unlawful acts, SB 386

      Board of Massage Therapy

             Disciplinary actions, grounds, regulations, SB 386

             Elimination, SB 78

             License applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

             Meetings, location, removal of restriction, SB 386


             Applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

            Grant to applicants who do not meet certain criteria, requirements, SB 386

             Temporary license, requirements, powers, repeal of certain provisions, SB 386

      Reflexology, system of pressure to the face, applicability of provisions, SB 386


      Child support, hearing to suspend driver’s license for failure to comply, duties, SB 390

      Term replaced with “judicial officer” for certain purposes, AB 344


      Carson City, amount of compensation, SB 116

      Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491


      Driving or boating under the influence prohibited, penalties, SB 309


      Constructional defects, procedures, AB 505

      Hospitals, duties regarding medical debt, AB 343

      Public Records Ombudsman, complaints regarding public records, duties, AB 128


      Accountable care organization services, reimbursement system, duties, SB 29

      Artificial intelligence, use of, prohibited acts, SB 128

      Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Behavioral health services

             Federally‑qualified health center, services delivered in, coverage, SB 300

             Transport services, nonemergency secure, coverage, AB 31

      Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 382

      Breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, services to preserve fertility, AB 428

      Breastfeeding education programs, establishment, requirements, AB 266

      Cancer screenings, coverage, AB 234


             Cancer or serious diseases that predominantly affect children, duties, SB 239

             Personal care services, reimbursement, SB 185

             Psychiatric treatment facilities, placement, requirements, SB 306

      Claims for reimbursement

             Approval or denial, procedure, SB 378, AB 52

             Review and verification, requirements, SB 378


             Clinical services related to contraceptive drugs, devices and services, coverage, AB 482

             Language translation services, coverage, AB 482

             Voluntary sterilization for men, coverage, AB 482

      Dental hygienists, services provided without supervision of dentist, coverage, SB 268

      Diabetes, coverage for treatment, SB 244

      Discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 352, AB 522

      Emergency medical condition otherwise ineligible due to immigration status, coverage, SB 234

      Epilepsy, treatment using vagus nerve stimulation therapy device, reimbursement rate, AB 284

      Fertility and infertility treatment, coverage, SB 217, AB 428

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Genetic counselors, coverage for services provided, SB 348

      Gynecological or obstetrical services, prior authorization requirement inapplicable, SB 246

      Health Care Workforce Account, Medicaid, creation, uses, SB 40

      Health insurers, Medicaid eligibility, consideration of eligibility when making payments for claims prohibited, SB 398

      Home and community‑based services waiver, amendment, AB 338

      Homeless persons, medical respite care, coverage, SB 54

      Intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Lung cancer, coverage for certain screenings and services, requirements, SB 387

      Medicaid Advisory Committee, name change, composition, duties, SB 78

      Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, powers, jurisdiction of Attorney General, AB 15

      Mental illness, persons with, coverage for therapeutic group homes, AB 514

      Neonatal intensive care unit, admittance to, coverage, SB 138

      Obesity, coverage for treatment, SB 244, AB 399


             Alternatives to opioids

                   Administration, rate of reimbursement, SB 337

                   Coverage, requirements, SB 377

             Health facility noncompliance, penalties, SB 337

             Treatment program providers, medication‑assisted opioid treatment provided by, increase in reimbursement rates, SB 150

      Payment of certain claims, liability of third parties, requirements, SB 9

      Pharmacists, certain services, coverage, repeal of provision, SB 118

      Pharmacy benefit managers, contracts with state to manage pharmacy benefits, duties, SB 149, SB 389

      Prenatal screening, noninvasive, coverage, SB 344


             Contracts for payments and rebates, regulations, requirements, SB 389

             Coverage, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

      Preventative health care services, coverage, AB 522

      Prior authorization, denial or modification of request, requirements, SB 128

      Prohibited coverage, SB 234

      Providers of goods and services

             Application for new providers, notarization, AB 315

             Clinics that provide mental health care to persons enrolled in Medicaid, establishment of billing category and rate of reimbursement, SB 353

             Intentional failure to maintain records, penalties, AB 15

             Sealed records of providers of services under Medicaid, review, SB 378

      Rate of reimbursement for certain providers, request to amend program to increase rate, SB 366

      Recovery of benefits from ABLE savings trust account, prohibited acts, SB 64

      Reimbursement system for services provided through accountable care organization, SB 29

      Schools, reimbursement for health services provided to children who are recipients, program of incentive payments, AB 516

      Speech‑language pathology, certain habilitative and rehabilitative treatments for stuttering for persons less than 18 years of age, coverage, AB 169

      Tribal health benefit coordinators, application for federal authority, SB 312

      United States Secretary of Health and Human Services, request to amend State plan, SB 29

      Unlawful acts, investigation, hearing to review action, request, requirements, AB 36

      Vagus nerve stimulation therapy device, reimbursement rate, AB 284


      Prisoners, debt to Department of Corrections, discharge upon release, SB 88

      Vagus nerve stimulation therapy device, reimbursement rate, AB 284

      Victims of strangulation, reimbursement of costs, AB 272


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Creation, SB 78


      Advertising, prohibited acts, AB 76

      Agents, violation of registrant, nonpunitive actions, requirements, AB 76

      Business license, conditional, requirements, AB 76

      Definitions, AB 76

      Fire Marshal, State, duties, SB 25

      Independent testing laboratories, standards, licensure, AB 76

      Inventory control system, duties, requirements, AB 76

      Joint‑venture agreements authorized, requirements, effect, exemption from taxation, AB 203

      Licensure, suspension, reinstatement, grounds, AB 76

      Operating documents, contents, AB 76

      Production facilities, hemp, uses, AB 76

      Public health, substantial hazard at establishment, regulations, AB 76

      Transportation of cannabis and cannabis products, prohibited acts, AB 76

      Verification and authentication system, electronic, requirements, AB 76


             Letter of warning or of concern, requirements, AB 76

             Nonpunitive admonishment, requirements, AB 76


      Name changed to Medicaid Advisory Committee, SB 78


      Prohibited reporting to consumer reporting agency, AB 204


      Abortion, medicine to stop or reverse, regulations, AB 101

      Associate physicians, licensure, requirements, AB 170

      Charging document, terminology, filing by Board, requirements, AB 319

      Continuing education of licensees, regulations, AB 56

      Elimination of Board, SB 78

      Foreign physicians, authority to issue limited licenses to practice medicine, regulation, SB 124

      Genetic counselors, regulation of practice, complaints filed with board, advisory members of board, SB 189, SB 348

      Immunities from investigation, applicability to licensees, AB 319

      Industrial insurance fraud, investigations, duties, AB 319


             Examinations, duties, AB 319

             Foreign medical school graduates

                   Graduates from certain countries, treatment of qualifications by Board, requirements, AB 319

             Restriction of license without suspension, authority, AB 319

      Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of, sharing of information relating to fee payments, AB 319

      PA Licensure Compact, duties, jurisdiction, SB 34

      Physician assistants, duties, SB 294

      Records, certain information available to employer of licensees, AB 56


      Abuse or neglect of children, circumstances in which child is not considered abused or neglected, considerations, SB 372

      Adult day care facilities (See ADULT DAY CARE FACILITIES)

      Advertising by health care facility, deceptive statements prohibited, penalties, AB 101

      Background investigations of employees and independent contractors, reports of child abuse or neglect, requirements, AB 521

      Bariatric surgery for certain patients, insurance coverage, requirements, AB 399

      Billing errors, review, refunds, AB 282

      Community health worker pools (See COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKER POOLS)

      Crisis stabilization services, contracts between county hospitals and other facilities, SB 408

      Electronic health records, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 250

      Employment agencies that contract to provide nonmedical services, transfer of provisions to a different chapter of Nevada Revised Statutes, AB 519

      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, procedures, powers and duties of owners or operators of facilities, AB 346

      Generative artificial intelligence, use to generate communications with patient, requirements, SB 186

      Health care providers (See HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS; specific providers)

      Homeless persons, medical respite care, Medicaid coverage, requirements, SB 54

      Hospitals (See HOSPITALS)

      Intermediary service organizations, transfer of provisions to a different chapter of Nevada Revised Statutes, AB 519

      Intermediate care and skilled nursing, facilities for

             Electronic communication devices, installation and use in assisted living facilities, prohibited acts, AB 368

             Health‑Care Decisions Act, Uniform, enactment of remaining provisions, AB 461

      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use by employees prohibited, penalty, SB 184


             Applications, requirements, AB 521

             Suspension or revocation, grounds, SB 337, AB 360, AB 521

      Limited English proficiency, persons with, health care access, requirements, SB 188

      Mass casualty incidents, victims of, electronic database, duties, AB 50

      Medical debt, prohibited reporting, AB 204

      Mental health facilities (See MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES)

      Non‑opioid directive, execution, duties, penalties for noncompliance, SB 337

      Opioids, administration, alternative treatments, duties, SB 337

      Personal care services in the home, agency to provide (See PERSONAL CARE SERVICES IN THE HOME, AGENCIES TO PROVIDE)

      Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      Psychiatric treatment facilities, placement of children with emotional disturbances, requirements, SB 306

      Public health system analysis, inclusion in master plans, SB 48

      Rating system for health care facilities, assignment of new rating after inspection or investigation, SB 182

      Reproductive health care facilities, health care providers, court orders granting requests that personal information be maintained in confidential manner, authority, AB 235

      Residential facilities for groups (See RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES FOR GROUPS)

      Rural clinics, supervision by physician, removal of requirement, SB 294

      Sign language interpreters, provision, requirements, AB 395

      Skilled nursing, facilities for (See SKILLED NURSING, FACILITIES FOR)


      Advisory Committee, Medical Laboratory, name changed to Medical Laboratory Advisory Subcommittee of the Board, SB 78

      Blood sample analyses of accident fatalities, authority, AB 55

      Exempt laboratory, registered pharmacist to serve as director, regulations, AB 186


      Custodians of health care records, duties, prohibited acts, SB 378

      Electronic health records, property of patient, access and control, SB 250

      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, procedures, AB 346

      Health repository, statewide electronic, establishment, SB 250

      Naturopathic physicians, duties, violations, SB 397

      Prisoners, access to certain records from local detention facilities, AB 30


      Supplemental policies, insurers

             Disability or end‑stage renal disease, persons with, requirements of policies offered, prohibited acts, SB 292

             Guaranteed issue, duties regarding policies classified as, prohibited acts, SB 105

             Open enrollment periods, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 292

             Persons less than 65 years old, requirements of policies offered, prohibited acts, SB 292


      Annexation or detachment of territory, hearings on proposal, SB 61

      Annexation programs, meeting to adopt, SB 61

      Board of Regents, professional development training, requirements, SB 322

      Government employee‑management relations, SB 2, AB 191

      Judicial Discipline, Commission on, certain minutes made public, AB 141

      Legislature, applicability of open meeting laws, constitutional amendment, SJR 5, AJR 3, AJR 5

      Meeting, definition does not include reception of legal advice, AB 64

      Notice of meetings, schedules of meetings, requirements, AB 125

      Open and public meetings, exceptions, SB 2

      Public comments, requirements, AB 64

      Public Employees’ Benefits Program, Board of the, exemption to Open Meeting Law, AB 22

      Redistricting Commission, Independent, open meetings, constitutional amendment, SJR 6

      Remote‑technology system, participation by, requirements, AB 64

      Witness testimony made under oath, certain information privileged, AB 64


      Behavioral health and wellness practitioners, licensure and regulation, SB 165

      Children, services for (See also Schools, this heading)

             Employees, screening for persons convicted of an offense involving child sexual abuse material, AB 35

      Children’s Mental and Behavioral Health, Office of, creation, appropriations, AB 339

      Clinics that provide mental health care to persons enrolled in Medicaid, establishment of billing category and rate of reimbursement, SB 353

      Criminal defendants, involuntary court‑ordered admission to mental health facility, procedures, reports, compensation of facilities, AB 467

      Crisis stabilization services, contracts between certain facilities to provide, SB 408

      Domestic violence victims, services provided by The Immigrant Home Foundation, appropriation, AB 310

      Electroconvulsive therapy to a person who is less than 18 years of age prohibited, penalties, SB 335

      Electromagnetic brain pulse treatment pilot program, creation, AB 304

      Federally‑qualified health center, services delivered in, Medicaid coverage, SB 300

      Medicaid, request to increase rate of reimbursement for certain providers, SB 366

      Mental health consortiums, reports to Office of Children’s Mental and Behavioral Health, duties, AB 339

      Mental health crisis hold, persons on, confiscation and return of firearm, duties, SB 347

      Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, reports, requirements, AB 207

      Mondays Dark, Inc., contingent appropriation for building in Las Vegas, SB 178

      Nonemergency secure behavioral health transport services, Medicaid coverage, AB 31


             Artificial intelligence, use to perform certain functions and duties prohibited, AB 406

             Internet publication of information, holding of live assemblies, AB 406

             Mental health education, requirements, SB 314

             School attendance, excuse from, requirements, AB 406

             United Citizens Foundations, Inc., appropriation, duties, SB 216

      Students of social work, applicability of certain laws, SB 429

      Therapeutic group home, Medicaid coverage for persons with serious mental illness, AB 514


      Alternative Therapy Pilot Program, creation, AB 378


             Abuse or neglect of children, circumstances in which child is not considered abused or neglected, considerations, SB 372

             Electroconvulsive therapy to a person who is less than 18 years of age prohibited, penalties, SB 335

             Psychiatric treatment facilities, placement, requirements, SB 306

      Criminal proceedings, competency of criminal defendants, access to certain records, AB 30

      Euthanasia drugs requested by patients, procedures, confirmation of patient’s competence, AB 346

      Mental health crisis hold, persons on a, confiscation of firearm, SB 347

      Psychedelic compounds, Congress urged to take certain actions relating to use, SJR 10

      Therapeutic group home, Medicaid coverage for persons with serious mental illness, AB 514


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Composition, SB 78


      Advertising, restrictions, SB 438

      Investments, requirements, SB 438

      Letters of credit, requirements, SB 438

      Licensure and regulation, SB 438

      Notices, requirements, SB 438

      Prohibited acts, SB 438

      State agencies, operation of bank, requirements, SB 438

      Stock sales, requirements, SB 438

      Surety bonds, requirements, SB 438

      Violations, fines, SB 438


      Digital products, retail sales, SB 392, AB 453


      Health‑Care Decisions Act, Uniform, mercy killing not authorized, AB 461


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78


      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506


      Advisory Committee on Regional Planning for Economic Resiliency, establishment, duties, SB 147

      City Council and Mayor, qualifications, registration to vote required, charter amendment, AB 491

      Cooling towers, authority, prohibited acts, AB 385

      Sidewalk vendors of food establishments, regulation, dissemination of information, SB 295


      Used utility wire

             Definition, AB 503

             Electrical infrastructure, removal, damage or destruction to obtain utility wire, penalties, AB 503

             Possession or purchase unlawful, exceptions, penalties, AB 503


      Driving or boating under the influence, penalties, SB 309


      Adoption fees for animals in shelters, waiver of fee for law enforcement officers, requirements, SB 325

      Brady‑Giglio lists, law enforcement officers or employees, adoption of policy relating to placement on list, notification, removal, SB 197

      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

      Firearms, voluntary temporary restriction to possess, have custody or control of or purchase, requests for, duties, AB 451

      Personnel (See also PEACE OFFICERS)

             Chemical agents or electronic stun device used on pupils, duties, reports, AB 217, AB 420

             County assessor, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

             County recorder, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

             Portable event recording devices, use, SB 57, SB 449

      Specialized law enforcement, authority of participating political subdivision to establish and administer units, jurisdiction and authority of officers, SB 449


      School pupils, special education services, individualized education program, duties, SB 400


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Composition, SB 78



      Court‑martial, trial by, duties, AB 157

      Emergency Management, Division of (See also EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND RESPONSE)


                   Heat mitigation, plans to reduce severe heat experienced by victims of emergencies or disasters, duties, SB 173

             Hazard mitigation project, financing of, duties, SB 39

             Hazard Mitigation Revolving Loan Account, Nevada, duties, regulations, SB 39

             Heat island effects, authority to apply for grants relating to reduction of effects, SB 173

             Intrastate Mutual Aid System, Nevada, administration, duties, AB 57

             Nevada Emergency Response and Disaster Coordination Board, member, appointments, SB 78

             Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Program, creation, duties, SB 413

             School crisis, emergency or suicide

                   Emergency preparedness, coordination and response efforts, plans, powers, SB 38

                   Public safety agency, certain plans developed in response, powers, SB 38

                   Terrorism, act of or related emergency, plans in response to, powers, SB 38

             STORM Act, financing of hazard mitigation project, duties, regulations, SB 39

      Public Works Division, State, exemption from provision of services, AB 23



      County jail, appropriation, AB 16

      Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for cost incurred, SB 200

      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237


      Minerals, Division of

             Geothermal well or exploratory well, duties, AB 109


      Analyses by Nevada System of Higher Education, repeal, AB 397

      Heavy equipment rental tax, recovery fee, imposition, requirements, penalties, SB 196


             Noncompliance, notice, penalty, AB 40

             Permit to engage in mining operation, checklist, contents, AB 40

             Plans, requirements, AB 40

             Stabilization of process fluids, inclusion in reclamation, AB 40

             Summary order for person about to violate provisions, authority to issue, AB 40

      Taxation on minerals extracted, confidentiality of records and files of Department of Taxation, AB 277


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, duties, SB 71

      Meetings, report, SB 136


      Meetings with diversity and inclusion liaisons, SB 136

      Rural and Community Media Program, establishment, SB 367


      Advisory Committee, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Committees and Councils Standards, SB 78

      Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, duties, SB 78

      Gaps in health and human services among minority groups, duties, SB 307

      Meetings, report, SB 136

      Reports, receipt

             Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, SB 307

             Sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, information regarding collected by governmental agencies, SB 307


      “Artificial intelligence‑generated minor” defined, AB 126

      Background investigations, screening for persons with access to children, SB 26

      Cellular phone, use while operating motor vehicle, penalties, SB 23

      Child Care and Development, State plan for Program for, sliding fee scale of cost‑sharing requirements, SB 388


      Children’s Mental and Behavioral Health, Office of, creation, AB 339

      Dependent child, availability of health care coverage until child reaches 26 years of age, AB 522

      Drivers less than 18 years of age, use of certain devices, penalties, SB 23

      Electroconvulsive therapy to a person who is less than 18 years of age prohibited, penalties, SB 335


             Hours of, requirements, exemptions, penalties, AB 215

             Motion picture production, requirements, AB 166

      Facility dogs, witness support, qualifications, AB 302


             Handling or possessing unlawfully, penalties, AB 199

             Possession or control, prohibited acts, AB 245

      Fireworks, sales to persons less than 18 years of age, prohibition, SB 394

      Fishing license, removal of exception to certain nonresidents, SB 79

      Guardianship of minors (See GUARDIANSHIP OF MINORS)

      Handheld wireless communications device, use while operating motor vehicle, penalties, SB 23

      Hemp, sale of consumable hemp products to persons under 21 years of age, prohibition, SB 356

      Hunting license

             Fees, SB 79

             Nonresidents, certain, removal of exception, SB 79

      Internet website or online platform, material that is harmful to minors, requirements, AB 294

      Landlord and tenant, fees relating to prospective minor tenants, prohibited acts, AB 280

      Pediatric Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplant Program, establishment, appropriation, reports, SB 228

      Peer recovery support services by persons 16 years of age or older, powers, AB 60

      Personal care services, reimbursement for recipients of Medicaid, SB 185

      Placement of Children, Interstate Compact on the, revision, adoption, AB 518

      Remains, sale, offer to sell or purchase of child remains, unlawful acts, SB 111

      Reproductive health care, court orders granting requests that personal information be maintained in confidential manner, authority, AB 235

      Sex trafficking (See SEX TRAFFICKING)

      Social media platforms, users 13 years of age or older, requirements, SB 63

      Stuttering, health insurance policies and health plans for certain forms of speech‑language pathology as treatment, AB 169

      Workforce Connections, program to provide certain services to persons who are between 16 and 25 years of age, appropriation, SB 448


      Use of money received from tax, limitations, SB 259


      Board of directors, qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491


      Certificates of title

             Application, denial, powers of applicant, SB 370

             Issuance, expedited process, fees, SB 370

      Sales of homes, regulations, AB 38

      Squatters, summary proceedings for obtaining possession of real property, procedures, SB 236


      Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, increase in tax credits for donations to scholarship organizations, AB 214

      Single‑family residence projects, transferable credits and abatement of certain taxes, requirements, SB 430


      Governmental agencies, accepted form of payment, SB 358


      Commissioner of Financial Institutions, report, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44

      Payroll processing services, money transmission laws inapplicable, AB 430


      Removal, destruction or relocation, requirements, penalties, SB 310


      Excrement or bodily fluid, restrictions on bringing into State, possessing, destruction or removal, AB 59

      Hunting tags, fees, SB 79

      Killing or possessing unlawfully, civil penalties, AB 59


      Commissioner of Mortgage Lending, report, regulations, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44



      Audit, external, report, requirements, SB 44

      Board of directors, duties, SB 44

      Commissioner of Mortgage Lending, report, regulations, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44

      Maintenance of assets for liquidity by certain servicers, duty, SB 44

      Plans for cash management and business operation, duty, SB 44

      Risk management program, requirements, SB 44


      Advisory Council on Mortgage Investments and Mortgage Lending, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

      Interest rate, pilot program to buy down, establishment, SB 193

      Mortgage Modification Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 192


      Film Infrastructure, Workforce Development, Education and Economic Diversification Act, Nevada, requirements, SB 220

      Minors, employment in production, requirements, AB 166

      Production companies, transferable tax credits program, duties, AB 238

      Studio Infrastructure Jobs and Workforce Training Act, Nevada, requirements, AB 238


      Delivery network companies, liability of entity for acts or omissions of drivers, applicability of law, definitions, AB 523

      Facility dogs, prohibited acts, AB 302

      Liability insurance, minimum amount, requirements, SB 180

      Licensure by Department of Motor Vehicles, repeal, AB 524

      Permits for certain drivers, when fingerprinting not required, AB 524

      Railroad contract carriers, regulation, requirements, AB 446

      Special services, provision of

             Deviations from permit, authorized, regulations, AB 524

             “Special services” defined, AB 524

             Tort liability of short‑term lessors, laws inapplicable, AB 524


      Agents, licenses, requirements, AB 498


      Special license plates indicating service on unit which received Presidential Unit Citation, prohibited acts by new vehicle dealers, SB 148


      Approach to, violation resulting in death of first responder, penalties, AB 54

      Blood sample analyses, inclusion of other prohibited substances, AB 55

      DUI, rebuttable presumption that person is in actual physical control of vehicle, SB 309

      Report submitted through electronic crash reporting system, contents, AB 55

      Transportation network companies, drivers, insurance coverage, denial of certain claims prohibited, AB 311


      Document preparation services, engagement in activities of Class I or Class II authorized third party, license, requirements, SB 243

      Short‑term lessors, certain motor carriers, laws inapplicable, AB 524

      Special license plates, applicants wishing to obtain, prohibited acts by new vehicle dealers, AB 525


      Pump or dispenser, labeling, requirements, violations, AB 29


      Payment of tax, failure to pay, penalty, SB 22


      Amount of coverage, delivery network companies, minimum requirements, AB 523

      Liability insurance, proof of, request by electronic mail, AB 20

      Policies, cancellation and refusal to renew, prohibited acts, AB 74

      Rate guide, publication by Commissioner of Insurance, contents, AB 74

      Transportation network companies, coverage, requirements, AB 523


      Digital license plates, use, requirements, regulations, AB 296

      Disabilities, persons with, letter of verification, requirements, SB 113

      Document preparation services, engagement in activities of Class I or Class II authorized third party, license, requirements, SB 243

      Special license plates

             Antique kei vehicles, issuance, requirements, AB 525

             Las Vegas Aces, additional fees, imposition and distribution, AB 117

             Military unit awarded Presidential Unit Citation, plates indicating service on, restrictions on issuance, SB 148

             Nevada State University, fees, issuance, SB 181

             Personalized prestige license plates, issuance, requirements, AB 409

             Redesigned license plates, certain restrictions on issuance, SB 148

             Space Force, issuance to veterans of, requirements, AB 409

            Trailers, issuance prohibited, AB 525


      Document preparation services, engagement in activities of Class I or Class II authorized third party, license, requirements, SB 243

      La Posada Drive to USA Parkway Connection Toll Road Demonstration Project user fees, nonrenewal for failure to pay, AB 61

      Motor vehicles, installment loans offered to vehicle owners to pay fees and taxes, requirements, AB 296

      New vehicle dealers, certificates of registration, issuance for special license plates, AB 117

      Trailers, permanent registration option, expansion of types of trailers eligible, SB 382

      Unauthorized speed contests, inspection of vehicle by peace officer, citation authorized, AB 417


      Advisory Board on Automotive Affairs, abolishment, SB 343

      Autonomous vehicles (See AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES)

      Identification numbers of vehicle, use in investigation involving theft, SB 80

      Rental cars, replacement vehicles, exemption from governmental services fee, SB 194


      Document preparation services

             Appointments for services, cessation of use of existing electronic system for the scheduling or granting of, AB 526

             Engagement in activities of Class I or Class II authorized third party, license, duties, SB 243

      Driver authorization cards, regulations, AB 140

      Elections (See ELECTIONS)

      Engine emission control, advisory committee, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

      Identity theft, request to change driver’s license number, duties, SB 291

      Installment loans, certain persons authorized to offer loans to vehicle owners to pay registration fees and taxes, duties, AB 296

      Investigations involving theft of vehicles, powers, SB 80

      Junk certificates, issuance, requirements, AB 415

      Las Vegas Aces basketball team, special license plates, additional fees, duties, AB 117

      Motor carriers, licensure, repeal, AB 524

      Motor vehicle crashes, electronic crash reporting system, duties, AB 55

      Nevada 24/7 Sobriety and Drug Monitoring Program Act, powers and duties, SB 416

      Nevada State University, special license plates, fees, duties, SB 181

      Pen register or trap and trace device, authorized use, SB 80

      Reproductive health care, health care providers and certain other persons, court orders granting requests that personal information be maintained in confidential manner, authority, AB 235

      Theft of vehicles, investigations involving, powers, SB 80

      Unauthorized speed contests, impoundment of vehicle, procedures, citations, receipt of court order, AB 417


      Driver’s licenses, inclusion of diacritical mark in name, recording, SB 91


      Municipal judges

             Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

             Resignation from elected public office before filing nomination papers for other elective public office, requirements, exemptions, AB 124

      Occupational diseases, benefits, applicability to bailiffs or deputy marshals, AB 93

      Preprosecution diversion programs

            Eligibility for assignment, SB 17

             Sealing records after discharge from program, SB 17

             Substance use disorder treatment programs, assignment from, SB 17

      Text messaging program, establishment, AB 218


      Controlled substances, deaths caused by

             Inherently dangerous, acts deemed to be, SB 153

             Murder of the first degree and murder of the second degree, requirements, SB 153

             “Proximately caused” defined for purposes of certain laws, SB 153


      Atomic Testing Museum, National, appropriation, AB 95

      DISCOVERY Children’s Museum in Las Vegas, appropriation, reports, SB 190

      Nevada State Museum Las Vegas, name changed to Nevada State Museum in Las Vegas, SB 27

      Nevada State Museum, name changed to Nevada State Museum in Carson City, SB 27


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Membership, composition, SB 78

      Services provided by the Division of Museums and History, duties, SB 27



      Advisory Board, Naprapathic Practice, name changed to Naprapathic Practice Advisory Subcommittee of the Board, SB 78


      Air, Chief of Staff for, removal of position, AB 41

      Army, Chief of Staff for, removal of position, AB 41

      Assistant Adjutants General, appointment, AB 41

      Code of Military Justice

             Court‑martial, right to demand trial in lieu of nonjudicial punishment, SB 95, AB 157

             Nonjudicial punishment, right to demand trial by court‑martial in lieu of, SB 95, AB 157

      Industrial insurance, benefits, compensation, AB 281

      Nevada System of Higher Education, class fee waivers, requirements, SB 308

      Paramilitary activity, investigations of, certain provisions inapplicable, AB 119


      Bias crime, acts constituting, penalty, civil liability, SB 62

      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Health insurers and health care providers, prohibited acts, SB 352, AB 522

      Insurers, refusal to insure or limitation of coverage on basis of national origin, prohibited acts, AB 74


      Tribal Health Authority Council, appointments, appropriation, SB 312


      Adoption of children (See ADOPTION OF CHILDREN)

      Cannabis activities, agreement with State government, information to be kept confidential, AB 76

      Elections, polling place within Indian reservation or Indian colony, recruitment of election board officers, SB 421

      Health authorities, receipt of allocations, powers and duties, SB 423

      Indigenous Peoples Day, establishment, proclamation, AB 144

      Interlocal agreements and contracts with certain public agencies, requirements, AB 392

      Land use planning, tribal governments, consultation, inclusion in planning process, legislative findings, SB 286

      Nevada System of Higher Education, class fee waivers, requirements, SB 308

      Tribal Health Authority Council, creation, appropriation, SB 312

      Tribal health benefit coordinators, application for federal authority, SB 312

      Tribal judges, threatening of, assault or battery committed upon, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 150

      Voting, tribal identification cards, use, requirements, SB 422, AB 228

      Water quality, discharges into waters of state, reporting requirements, receipt of certain notices, SB 276


      Applications for establishing alternative rate‑making plan authorized, procedures, exceptions, SB 417

      Infrastructure for natural gas projects, declaration of legislative intent regarding prevailing wages, SB 443

      Termination of utility service, monthly reports to Commission, regulations, SB 442

      Transmission lines, enforcement of safety provisions, violation, penalty, SB 321


      Certification, requirements, SB 397

      Violations, disciplinary action, SB 397


      Board of Homeopathic and Naturopathic Medical Examiners, Nevada, representation, SB 397

      Licensing, requirements, SB 397

      Physician, naturopathic physicians classified as, effect, SB 397

      Practice without license, penalties, SB 397

      Students enrolled in school of naturopathic medicine, applicability of laws, SB 397

      Violations, disciplinary action, SB 397


      “24/7 privilege” defined, issuance to certain persons assigned to program, SB 416

      Restricted driver’s license, authority of DMV to issue removed, SB 416

      Sanctions expanded, SB 416

      Subjects assigned to program, increased monitoring, supervision, treatment or testing authorized, SB 416

      Testing of persons assigned to program, certain requirements clarified, SB 416


      Kraft food operations, removal of regulations, AB 352

      Minor engaging in or simulating sexual conduct, material that depicts or describes, preferred terminology, AB 35


      Civics Education, Advisory Council on, appointment, SB 245


      Innovation, Excellence and Education Workforce Development, Nevada Commission on, appointment, SB 78

      Outdoor Education Council, appointment, AB 165



      Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, membership, AB 19


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78


      Adverse action against school or person who advocates against policy of Association, prohibited acts, AB 184

      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Hearings and appeals conducted by Association, procedures, AB 184

      Investigation and hearing on complaint alleging athletic recruitment violations, penalties, AB 184

      Lacrosse as a sanctioned sport, regulations, SB 305

      Pipeline to transform pupils into professional athletes

             Pipeline Infrastructure Fund, establishment, duties, SB 305

             Study, duties, reports, SB 305

      Retaliation against school or person for certain activities prohibited, AB 184

      Rules and regulations to comply with state laws, AB 184

      Transferred pupils, eligibility of participation, appeal, regulations, SB 272

      Zone of attendance in which pupil resides, use in determining whether pupil is eligible to participate in activity or event prohibited, AB 184


      Account for the Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, creation, AB 160

      Creation, duties, AB 160

      Membership, AB 160


      Fairgrounds, Nevada State, duties, AB 333


      Innovation, Excellence and Education Workforce Development, Nevada Commission on, appointment, SB 78


      Disabilities Education Act, Individuals with, references to upon repeal by Federal Government, SB 368, AB 494

      Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, references to upon repeal by Federal Government, AB 494

      Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, references to upon repeal by Federal Government, AB 494

      Minor engaging in or simulating sexual conduct, material that depicts or describes, preferred terminology, AB 35

      Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, references to upon repeal by Federal Government, AB 494

      Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, references to upon repeal by Federal Government, AB 494


      Civics Education, Advisory Council on, appointment, SB 245

      Innovation, Excellence and Education Workforce Development, Nevada Commission on, membership, SB 78

      Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada, duty, SB 78, AB 236


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Public works, records of contractors, receipt, AB 303


      Agricultural Extension Department

             Director, performance of duties by designee, SB 343

             Name change, SB 343

             State 4‑H Camp, duties, SB 343

      Analyses of ores, minerals, soil and water, repeal, AB 397

      Board of Regents

             Data dashboard, statistical information relating to student outcomes, establishment, AB 345

             Election qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

             Film, Media and Related Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, appointment to, AB 238

             Financial issues facing students, study, AB 345

             Harassment, powers and duties, AB 465

             Hostess expenditures incurred by members, decrease in amount of annual expenditures, SB 322

             Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

             Opioid‑related drug overdoses, establishment of emergency response plans to address at institutions within System, authority, AB 394

             Professional development training for members, requirements, compensation for attendance, SB 322

             Racial Equity and Social Justice, Commission on, duties, AB 328

             State 4‑H Camp, lease, exchange or sale of parcels, procedures, SB 343

             Students of social work, authority, SB 429


             Corporation for public benefit to provide private equity funding, membership on board of directors removed, AB 427

      Charter schools, college or university sponsors deemed local educational agency, AB 39

      College of Southern Nevada, appropriations, SB 119, AB 379

      COVID‑19, acts or omissions in response to or on basis of public health crisis, immunities, expiration, SB 406

      Desert Research Institute, appropriation to support Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program, SB 6

      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

      Economic Development, Office of, notices to community college presidents in smaller counties relating to applications for tax abatements and transferable tax credits, requirements, AB 538

      Education element, inclusion in master plans, SB 48

      Education savings account, use, limitations, SB 252


             Professional employees, Public Employees’ Retirement System, service credits, computation, AB 232

             Sexual conduct with students, act constitutes violent or sexual offense, AB 34

      English Learner Advisory Council, members, AB 335

      Financial literacy, course of study, requirements, AB 289

      Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, Account for the, uses, appropriation, SB 262

      Grant agreements, payments of, applicability of laws, AB 75


             Board of Regents, authority, AB 465

             Civil liability of institution, affirmative defense, immunity, AB 465

             Civil rights coordinator, duties, AB 465

             Climate survey on harassment, AB 465

             Complainant, reporting party or witness, discipline of, retaliation against, prohibited acts, AB 465

             Confidential agreements as prerequisite to obtaining supportive measures, participating in investigation or informal resolution, AB 465

             Confidential employee for institution, designation, powers and duties, AB 465

             Definitions, AB 465

             Disabilities, complainants and respondents with, reasonable accommodations for, AB 465

             Disciplinary actions against complainant, reporting arty or witness, review, AB 465

             Notice of harassment, requirements, AB 465

      Hazing on the property of a college or university, penalty, SB 238

      Intercollegiate athletes, use of name, image or likeness, removal of certain prohibitions, SB 293

      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements for certain institutions, AB 506

      Interscholastic or intramural athletic team or sport, designation based on sex, requirements, SB 112, AB 240

      Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, representation, AB 160

      Nevada Memory Network, establishment, duties, AB 337

      Nevada State Service Corps, duties, AB 285

      Nevada State University, special license plates, fees, SB 181

      Power‑based violence, definitions, procedures for addressing, AB 465

      Security Operations Center, creation, collaboration with System to develop Cybersecurity Talent Pipeline Program, AB 432

      Sexual harassment defined, AB 465


             Data dashboard, statistical information relating to student outcomes, AB 345

             Financial issues facing students, study, AB 345

             Hazing on the property of a college or university, penalty, SB 238

             High school students, concurrent enrollment courses, appropriation, SB 181

             Nevada Education and Health Care Pathways Account, creation of grants program, appropriation, AB 314

             Nevada State Service Corps, participation, AB 285

             Scholarships (See SCHOLARSHIPS)

             Sexual conduct with employees or volunteers, act constitutes violent or sexual offense, AB 34

             Surviving spouse or child of a first responder, tuition charges, restrictions, SB 237

             Technology initiative for certain students, appropriation, AB 353

             Waiver of certain fees, restrictions, requirements, SB 308, AB 397, AB 532


             High schools, professional development opportunities, appropriation, SB 181

             Sexual conduct with students, act constitutes violent or sexual offense, AB 34

      Textbooks, exemptions from taxes on digital products, SB 392, AB 453

      University of Nevada, Las Vegas

             Cannabis Policy Institute, appropriations, AB 149

             Film, Media and Related Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, member, AB 238

             Media and Technology Lab, Nevada, SB 220

             Oh Lab of Neurogenetics and Precision Medicine, appropriation for activities related to water systems and wastewater, SB 159

             Opioid‑related drug overdoses, establishment of emergency response plans to address at institutions within System, requirements, AB 394

             Partnership for Research, Assessment, Counseling, Therapy and Innovative Clinical Education, AB 330

             Racial Equity and Social Justice, Commission on, duties, AB 328

             School of Dental Medicine, cleft and craniofacial team, creation, appropriation, SB 280

             Teachers, licensure, pilot program for assessing competency, duties, appropriation, AB 286

             Thomas & Mack Legal Clinic at the William S. Boyd School of Law, appropriation, AB 476

             Video Game Publishing Program Initiative, SB 220

      University of Nevada, Reno

             Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements for School of Medicine, AB 506

             Medical cannabis, establishment of program related to medical use, repeal of provisions, AB 365

             Nevada Center for Applied Research, testing packaged synthetic hair braids for formaldehyde, duties, reports, appropriation, SB 173

             Opioid‑related drug overdoses, establishment of emergency response plans to address at institutions within System, requirements, AB 394

             Racial Equity and Social Justice, Commission on, duties, AB 328

             Redevelopment agencies, contract with for purpose of utilizing drought tolerant trees, authority, SB 173

             Technology initiative for certain students, appropriation, AB 353

      Voting, use of identification card issued by university or college as proof of identity, requirements, AB 228


      National Atomic Testing Museum, appropriation for, AB 95


      Language access plans, appropriation, AB 127

      Meetings, report, SB 136


      Child welfare services, agencies which provide, publication of information relating to adoption of children, AB 227

      Digital products, exemptions from taxation, SB 392, AB 453

      Manufactured home parks, maximum annual rent increase percentage for fiscal year, SB 151

      Storage facilities, lien of owner, advertisement of sale, requirements, AB 137


      Adoption fees for animals in shelters, waiver of fee for certain persons, requirements, SB 325

      Attainable housing, development of, requirements, AB 540

      “Committee for political action” defined, exemptions from definition, applicability of laws, AB 497

      Community Project Grant Program, creation, AB 254, AB 255

      Digital products, exemptions from taxation, requirements, SB 392, AB 453

      Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) Plan Association, requirements, AB 437

      Fees, regulations, SB 75

      Governmental agencies, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with nonprofit organizations, exceptions, penalties, AB 197

      Grants, advance on, requirements, AB 442

      Live entertainment tax for certain activities, counties, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 200

      Parolees, employment opportunities and employment readiness training, pilot program, collaboration, AB 320

      Prekindergarten programs supported by grant, requirements, SB 58

      Probationers, employment opportunities and employment readiness training, pilot program, collaboration, AB 320

      Records in foreign language, filing with Secretary of State, requirements, SB 75

      Sales and use tax exemptions, certain organizations, qualifications, AB 535

      Security Grant Pilot Program, Nonprofit, creation, SB 413


      Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Autism spectrum disorders, coverage for screenings and services, requirements, SB 398

      Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 382

      Breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, services to preserve fertility, AB 428

      Claims, approval or denial, procedure, report, AB 52

      Contracts, deductibles and copayments, limitations, AB 74

      Dental hygienists, services provided without supervision of dentist, coverage, SB 268

      Dependent child, availability of coverage until child reaches 26 years of age, AB 522

      Fertility and infertility treatment, coverage, SB 217, AB 428

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Health insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, duties, SB 47

      Insurance Premium Tax, credits for donations to certain scholarship organizations, AB 214

      Intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

      Lung cancer, coverage for certain screenings and services, requirements, SB 387

      Medicaid, payment of certain claims, inquiry by a state agency, requirements, SB 9

      Medicare, supplemental policies

             Disability or end‑stage renal disease, persons with, requirements of policies offered, prohibited acts, SB 292

             Guaranteed issue, duties regarding policies classified as, prohibited acts, SB 105

             Open enrollment periods, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 292

             Persons less than 65 years old, requirements of policies offered, prohibited acts, SB 292

      Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, reports, requirements, AB 207

      Non‑opioid directive, coverage, duties, SB 337

      Obesity, diseases and conditions caused by severe obesity, treatment and care, AB 399

      Opioid alternatives, coverage, requirements, SB 377

      Prenatal screening, noninvasive, coverage, SB 344

      Preventative health care services, coverage, AB 522

      Prior authorization of care

             Exceptions, SB 118

             Requirements, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

      Stuttering, health insurance policies and health plans for certain forms of speech‑language pathology as treatment, AB 169


      Fishing license, removal of exception to certain children, SB 79

      Hunting license, removal of exception to certain children, SB 79

      Insurance adjusters, license for nonresident, requirements, AB 74


      Accessory dwelling units, authority of residential property owner to add, authority to enact ordinance, AB 396

      Business licenses, interlocal agreements regarding certain licenses, requirements, AB 180

      Cooling towers, authority, prohibited acts, AB 385

      Elections, counting of votes in primary, determination, charter amendment, SB 74

      Historical residential property, addition of an accessory dwelling unit, authority, AB 131

      Residential construction work, hours work may begin, restriction, AB 478

      Sidewalk vendors of food establishments, regulation, dissemination of information, SB 295

      Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act, neighborhood boundaries, eligibility of participants, SB 393


      Affirmation, legal effect, requirements, AB 189

      Code of professional responsibility, regulations, AB 72

      Document preparation services, engagement in activities of Class I or Class II authorized third party, requirements, SB 243

      Notarial acts, signature of incarcerated person, evidence, AB 25

      Oath, legal effect, requirements, AB 189

      Signature when person does not know or understand act, prohibited acts, AB 72

      Surviving spouses, affidavit for tax exemption, duties, AB 135, AB 243


      Advanced practice registered nurses

             Behavioral health services delivered in federally‑qualified health center, Medicaid coverage, SB 300

             Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 346

             Industrial insurance, claim for compensation, powers, SB 317

             Non‑opioid directive, administration of opioid, exception, SB 337

             Opioids, administration, alternative treatments, duties, SB 337

      Advisory Committee on Nursing Assistants and Medication Aides, elimination, SB 78

      Apprentice program, appropriation to the Division of Public and Behavioral Health, SB 271

      Certified registered nurse anesthetist, providing treatment, removal of restriction, SB 249

      Genetic counselors, reports of misconduct by nursing licensees required, SB 189, SB 348

      Licensure Compact, Nurse, ratification, SB 34

      Maximum ratio for number of patients assigned to a direct care nurse, requirements, SB 182

      Postnatal visitation program, establishment, AB 297

      Reimbursement, entitlement for certain services provided, AB 511

      Staffing committees for hospitals in larger counties, requirements, SB 182


             Abortion, medicine to stop or reverse, regulations, AB 101

             Executive Director, appointment of, SB 78

             Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

             Medical assistants, performance of clinical tasks by unlicensed medical assistants under supervision of registered nurse, authority, AB 319

             Nurse Licensure Compact, duties, SB 34

      Stem cell therapy treatment, duties, SB 128


      Surplus food available to recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

             Program to identify and distribute, creation, AB 474

             Surplus Food Assistance Account, creation, AB 474


      Appropriation to the College of Southern Nevada, SB 119

      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, duties of participating businesses, SB 71

      Division of Workforce and Economic Development, name change, reports, SB 119


      Nye County Sales and Use Tax Act of 2007, removal of prospective expiration, AB 69

      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237



      Legal effect same for oath or affirmation, AB 189

      Public office, additional oaths required, SB 428


      Diseases and conditions caused by severe obesity, insurance coverage, AB 399

      Medicaid, coverage for treatment, SB 244, AB 399



             Heart diseases, treatment by physician or chiropractic physician, requirements, SB 376

             Lung diseases, treatment by physician or chiropractic physician, requirements, SB 376

             Reimbursement for certain diseases, duties, SB 376

      National Guard personnel, benefits, compensation, AB 281

      Police officer definition expanded for certain benefits and exemptions, AB 93


      Air, exposure of employees to poor quality, regulations, SB 260, AB 414

      Public works, joint labor‑management committee representative, liability for violations, SB 270

      Safety programs in workplaces, requirements, AB 414


      Board of Occupational Therapy (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Elimination of Board, SB 78

             Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

             Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact, duties, AB 106

      Disabilities, persons with, certification of permanent disability, SB 113

      Licensure Compact, Occupational Therapy, ratification, SB 34, AB 106

      Privilege to practice under Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact, SB 34, AB 106


      Document preparation services, engagement in activities of Class I or Class II authorized third party, license, requirements, SB 243


      Civil immunities, certain persons immune from liability in carrying out provisions of law, SB 203


      Common‑interest communities, rental of dwellings on behalf of persons with disabilities, prohibited acts by landlords, duties, AB 341

      Legislative Employees, Office of Ombudsman for, creation, AB 252

      Public Records Ombudsman, Office of, creation, AB 128

      Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking, Ombudsman for, duties, AB 45


      Vision benefit plans, actions constituting unfair or deceptive trade practices, enforcement of provisions, AB 448


      Alternatives to opioids, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 377

      Anesthesiologist assistants, continuing education of licensees, requirements, AB 56

      Fentanyl, operating motor vehicle or vessel under the influence, penalties, SB 309

      Medicaid, increased reimbursement rates for medication‑assisted treatment provided by opioid treatment providers, SB 150

      Naturopathic physicians, opioid use disorders, duties relating to medication‑assisted treatment, SB 397

      Nevada System of Higher Education, establishment of emergency response plans to address opioid‑related drug overdoses at institutions within System, authority, AB 394

      Non‑opioid directive, form, requirements, coverage, SB 337

      Osteopathic physicians, continuing education of licensees, requirements, AB 56

      Physician assistants, continuing education of licensees, requirements, AB 56

      Physicians, continuing education of licensees, requirements, AB 56

      Practitioners, administration of opioids, duties, penalties for noncompliance, SB 337

      Registered nurses, administration of opioids, duties, penalties for noncompliance, SB 337


      State Board of Dispensing Opticians

             Elimination, SB 78

             Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483


      Certificate to administer and prescribe pharmaceutical agents, requirements, AB 183

      Citations, issuance, AB 183

      Glaucoma, certificate to treat persons diagnosed with, requirements, AB 183


             Applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

             By endorsement, requirements for issuance, AB 183

             Deemed revocable privilege, AB 183

             Purpose of licensing, AB 183

             Summarily suspend license to practice, procedure, court may not stay order, AB 183

      Nevada State Board of Optometry

             Complaints filed with Board, authority, AB 183

             Elimination, SB 78

             Investigations conducted by Board, AB 183

             Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

             Members, number of Governor’s appointees increased, AB 183

             Nevada State Board of Optometry, elimination, SB 78

             Reporting certain events to Board, exceptions, AB 183

             Staying orders of Board, restrictions on court, AB 183

      Non‑opioid directive, execution, duties, SB 337

      “Pharmaceutical agent” defined, AB 183

      Telemedicine, practice of optometry includes, AB 183

      Temporary ownership of an optometry practice of a licensee permanently incapacitated, AB 183

      Vision benefit plans, actions constituting unfair or deceptive trade practices, enforcement of provisions, AB 448


      Accessory dwelling units, authority of residential property owner to add, authority of certain counties and cities to enact, AB 396

      Affordable housing, authority of counties and cities to enact ordinances, exceptions, SB 289

      Animals, business engaged in handling, training of owner or operator, requirements, AB 418

      Attainable housing projects, approval, requirements, AB 540

      Broadband service providers, franchises from local governments, authority, AB 509

      Business improvement districts, creation, requirements, SB 420

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, purchase or possession by certain persons, prohibited acts, AB 279, AB 336

      Common‑interest communities, structural inspections of covered buildings, SB 433

      Cooling towers, authority of Clark County and governing bodies of cities, prohibited acts, AB 385

      Cottage cosmetics operations, ordinance prohibiting, prohibition, AB 352

      Detachment of territory within certain counties, requirements, SB 61

      Fireworks, sales to persons less than 18 years of age prohibited, ordinances not to conflict with provision, SB 394

      Food establishment operating as mobile unit

             Business license, system for issuing in certain cities, requirements, AB 180

             Parks, selling in or immediately adjacent to, restrictions, AB 180

      Historical residential property, addition of an accessory dwelling unit, authority, AB 131

      Intoxicating liquors, sales and deliveries, authority, AB 375

      Multifamily housing or mixed‑use developments, applications for permits to construct, authority, AB 241

      Parking near marked or unmarked crosswalk, restrictions, authority, SB 320

      Planning and zoning, powers and duties of cities and counties, restrictions, prohibited acts, AB 443

      Public place, designation as, discharging of firearm, unlawful acts, AB 199

      Regional business licenses, establishment, requirements, SB 373

      Rent control, prohibited acts, SB 123, AB 443

      Restoration improvement district, requirements, SB 402

      Sidewalk vendors

             Business license, system for issuing in certain cities, requirements, AB 180

             Parks, selling in or immediately adjacent to, restrictions, AB 180

      Stopped or standing vehicle near marked or unmarked crosswalk, restrictions, authority, SB 320

      Tax increment area for an undertaking, authority of governing body, SB 28

      Tiny houses, “single‑family residence” to include, ordinances relating to planning and zoning to reflect the inclusion, AB 443


      Naturopathic physicians, applicability of laws, SB 397

      Providers of health care, entitlement to reimbursement for services performed, AB 511

      State Board of Oriental Medicine

             Elimination, SB 78

             Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483


      Abortion, medicine to stop or reverse, regulations, AB 101

      Associate osteopathic physicians, licensure, requirements, AB 170

      Continuing education of licensees, regulations, AB 56

      Elimination, SB 78

      Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

      Medical Examiners, Board of, sharing of information relating to fee payments, AB 319

      PA Licensure Compact, duties, jurisdiction, SB 34

      Physician assistants

             Duties, SB 294

             License renewal, fees, regulations, AB 56


      Associate osteopathic physicians and supervising osteopathic physicians, regulation, AB 170

      Bariatric surgery for certain patients, insurance coverage, duties, AB 399


      Continuing education, requirements, AB 56

      Dentists, physicians who are also licensed as, permits to offer anesthesia and sedation, exemptions, AB 221

      Disciplinary and other actions, grounds, removal of provision, AB 56

      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 346

      Genetic counseling, authority to practice, SB 189, SB 348

      Hospitals, employment of physicians, prohibition, exceptions, exemptions, penalties, AB 393


             Applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

             Biennial renewal, fees, AB 56

             Limited license, qualifications, limitations on practice, AB 170

      Medical assistant, applicability of definition, AB 319

      Naturopathic physicians, applicability of laws, SB 397

      Non‑opioid directive, execution, duties, SB 337

      Physician assistants, osteopathic

             Clinical tasks performed under supervision of registered nurse, requirements, AB 319

             Genetic counseling, authority to practice, SB 348

             Non‑opioid directive, execution, duties, SB 337

             Supervision, requirement removed, SB 294

             Workforce Apprenticeship Pilot Program, Southern Nevada Health Care, creation, AB 413

      Stem cell therapy treatment, duties, SB 128

      Vision benefit plans, actions constituting unfair or deceptive trade practices, enforcement of provisions, AB 448


      Limited liability of owners, lessees or occupants to persons using premises for recreation, legislative declaration, SB 303

      Schools, outdoor recreational activity as elective course credit, authority, AB 53, AB 501

      Transit‑to‑Trail Task Force, creation, SB 405



      BRCA testing, health insurance coverage, AB 522

      Diagnosis, services to preserve facility, insurance coverage, AB 428




      Advisory Council on Palliative Care and Quality of Life, State of Nevada, name change, SB 78

      Subcommittee on Palliative Care and Quality of Life of the State Board of Health, name change, SB 78


      Clemency applications, certain notification requirements repealed, AB 408


      Abuse or neglect of children, circumstances in which child is not considered abused or neglected, considerations, SB 372

      Adoption of children (See ADOPTION OF CHILDREN)

      Child Care and Development, State plan for Program for, sliding fee scale of cost‑sharing requirements, SB 388

      Education Savings Account Program, Nevada, application, requirements, SB 252

      Family leave, paid leave for private and local government employees, requirements and responsibilities, AB 388

      Family reunification treatment, program or service, definition, participation, SB 275, AB 118

      Liberty interest of parent in nurture, education and control of child deemed fundamental right, AB 146

      Maternal and newborn care, health insurance coverage, AB 522

      Nevada System of Higher Education, waiver of fees for certain students, requirements, SB 308

      Parentage Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 424

      Parental rights

             Child welfare services, agencies which provide, petition to terminate parental rights, filing, SB 187

             Limitation or abridgement on account of disability prohibited, AB 146

      Postnatal visitation program, establishment, AB 297

      Reproductive health, establishment of certain rights, constitutional amendment, SJR 7 of the 82nd Session

      School instruction concerning HIV and topics related to the human reproductive system, authorization for pupil to attend, requirements, AB 205

      Uniform Parentage Act, adoption of certain provisions, AB 424


      Adoption, AB 424


      Civil immunities for certain persons carrying out provisions of law, SB 203


      Green Building Rating System, revision of requirements, regulations, AB 528

      Tahoe Basin, authority of county commissioners to operate and regulate parking facilities or parking spaces, SB 426

      Tahoe Transportation District, parking enforcement, authority to enter into agreements, SB 426


      Conditions of parole, sex offenders, AB 35

      Discharge, restoration of certain civil rights, exception, SB 102

      Division of Parole and Probation (See PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Eligibility, offense committed when less than 25 years of age, requirements, AB 91

      Parolees, employment opportunities and training for employee readiness, pilot program, AB 320


             Aged persons, certain crimes committed against, release prohibited until paid, SB 60

             Vulnerable persons, certain crimes committed against, release prohibited until paid, SB 60

      Second look parole, requirements, AB 91

      Youth Parole Bureau, Chief, paroled children, duties, AB 384



      Automated victim notification system, repeal of provisions, AB 408

      Decisions, dissemination of records of named prisoner, duties, SB 30

      Second look parole, authority, duties, AB 91

      Sex offenders, petition for release from lifetime supervision, AB 4


      Psychology practice, repeal of provisions requiring registration with Board, AB 196


      Voting, proof of identity, requirements, AB 228


      Use by governmental entity of federally reviewed product, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 208


      Parentage Act, Uniform, adoption of certain provisions, AB 424


      Health and Human Services, Department of, receipt of report, SB 34


      Billing errors, review by health care provider or medical facility, refunds, AB 282

      Care and rights of patients

             Hospice care, AB 161

             Reproductive health care, assisted reproduction, requirements, SB 217

      Data concerning health care providers, collection, requirements, AB 484

      Electronic health records

             Custodians of health records, duties, prohibited acts, SB 378

             High‑level providers of health care, transmission, maintenance and exchange of information, requirements, SB 378

             Property of patient, access and control, SB 250

      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration, procedures, death certificates, AB 346

      Generative artificial intelligence, use to generate communications with patient, requirements, SB 186

      Health care facilities, charges for goods and services, requirements, AB 343, AB 349

      Health repository, statewide electronic, establishment, SB 250

      Hospitals (See HOSPITALS)

      Independent centers for emergency medical care

             Patient discharge form, use, SB 378

             Program to increase patient awareness of, establishment, SB 378

      Non‑opioid directive, execution, requirements, revocability, SB 337


      Advertising, restrictions, AB 500

      Audits, requirements, AB 500

      Definitions, AB 500

      Fee paid to Commissioner of Financial Institutions, requirements, AB 500

      Investments, requirements, AB 500

      Letters of credit, requirements, AB 500

      Licensure and regulation, AB 500

      Notices, requirements, AB 500

      Operation, prohibited acts, AB 500

      Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, participant exemption, AB 500

      Reorganization, merger or consolidation, AB 500

      Stock sales, requirements, AB 500

      Surety bonds, requirements, AB 500

      Violations, fines, AB 500


      Adoption fees for animals in shelters, waiver of fee for law enforcement officers, requirements, SB 325

      Automated traffic enforcement systems

             Temporary traffic control zones, citations, duties, AB 402

             Use authorized, citations, duties, SB 415

      Blue Ribbon Task Force on Peace Officer Wellness, creation, duties, reports, AB 433

      Body cameras, use, when deemed public record, SB 57

      Brady‑Giglio lists, law enforcement officers or employees, adoption of policy relating to placement on list, notification, removal, SB 197

      Cannabis use, conditions of employment with law enforcement agencies, authority to require certain attestations, AB 400

      Chemical agents or electronic stun device used on pupils, duties, reports, AB 217, AB 420

      Collective bargaining

             Category I, II or III, authority, SB 301

             Right to negotiate life, accident or health insurance, exception, SB 211

      County assessor, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

      County recorder, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

      Domestic violence victims, lethality assessment form, duties, AB 216

      Emergency dispatch (See EMERGENCY DISPATCH OPERATIONS)

      Escape (See ESCAPE)

      Federal agency employees to enforce certain state or local laws, powers, qualifications, SB 302


             Background checks, exemptions, AB 436

             Mental health crisis hold, authority to confiscate firearm, SB 347

      Game wardens, powers, AB 59

      Industrial insurance

             Testing and screenings, requirements, AB 440

      Inspector General and investigators, peace officer powers, AB 33, AB 154

      Insurance, Division of, investigators and administrators, powers, AB 74

      Mental health crisis hold, persons on, confiscation of firearm, duties, SB 347

      Metropolitan police departments, jurisdiction and authority of officers of specialized law enforcement units, SB 449

      Misconduct, investigations

             Notice, requirements, SB 279

             Representatives, right to, requirements, SB 279

      Motor vehicles, operation by driver less than 18 years of age, powers, SB 23

      Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, eligibility of children or wards for grants, priority, AB 214

      Portable event recording devices, use, SB 57, SB 449

      Prostitution, customers, when warrant unnecessary for arrest, AB 299

      “Punitive actions” defined, SB 298

      School police officers (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

      Sexual abuse of a child, authority of peace officers to intercept communication, AB 275

      State officers and employees, preferential employment, exception, SB 155

      Traffic control

             School bus infraction detection system, violations, duties, AB 527

             Stops, recording, retention and reporting of, duties, SB 85

             Traffic incidents, approach to, violation resulting in death of first responder, penalties, AB 54

             Unauthorized speed contests, inspection of vehicle by peace officer, citation authorized, AB 417


             Autism spectrum disorders, requirements, SB 380

             Dementia and other cognitive impairments, training to identify and interact with persons with, requirements, SB 329

      Unlawful or riotous assembly, duties, SB 381


      Appointment of peace officer, prohibited acts, regulations, SB 155

      Autism spectrum disorders, training, requirements, SB 380

      Federal agency employees to enforce certain state or local laws, duties, SB 302


      Establishment, appropriation, reports, SB 228


      Certified prevention specialist, definition, regulations, reports, AB 60

      Specialists, uncertified practice by persons 16 years of age or older, powers, AB 60

      Suicide Prevention Lifeline program, National, mobile crisis team, member, AB 380


      Divorce, disposition of pension or retirement benefits, requirements, SB 126


      School police officers, use on pupils in larger districts, reports, AB 217, AB 420


      Manufacturing, use in certain products prohibited, penalties, SB 173



      E‑mail address, requirement to maintain address with Board, AB 319


             Examinations, requirements, AB 319

             Students, exemption from certain licensing requirements, AB 319


      Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 200

      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237


      Children, personal care services, reimbursement for recipients of Medicaid, SB 185


      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use by employees prohibited, penalty, SB 184

      Licensure and regulation, AB 519


      Comparative negligence, determination of percentage of fault, requirements, SB 363

      Employer, liability for intentional conduct of employee, repeal, SB 363

      Medical expenses, award of damages, limitations, SB 363


      Commissioner of Insurance, powers, AB 74


      Definition, repeal, AB 487

      Insurance policies covering multi‑family residential dwellings, inquiry about breed of dog prohibited under certain circumstances, SB 166

      Retail pet store

             Definition, applicability of provisions, AB 487

             Dogs and cats, sale, barter, auction or transfer of ownership prohibited, AB 487

      Sales of cats and dogs, prohibited acts, AB 487

      Supportive housing, grant recipients to allow tenants to keep at least one pet, SB 166



      Alternative Therapy Pilot Program, creation, immunities for persons engaging in certain conduct relating to Program, AB 378

      Collector of controlled substances for the purpose of destruction, duties, SB 231

      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, procedures, duties of pharmacists, AB 346

      Home‑generated pharmaceutical waste, destruction, requirements, SB 231


             Controlled substances, possession and administration, authority, AB 186

             Dispensing drugs and devices for treatment of certain health conditions, limitations, AB 186

             Laboratory tests, authority to order and perform, AB 186

             Medicaid coverage for certain services, repeal of provision, SB 118

             “Pharmacy benefits plan,” definition includes pharmacist services, SB 316

             Specimens, collection method, requirements, AB 186

             Supervision of activities associated with administering a drug, authority, AB 186

      Pharmacy benefit managers (See PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGERS)

      Practice of pharmacy to include administering a drug, AB 186

      State Board of Pharmacy

             Abortion, medicine to stop or reverse, regulations, AB 101

             Drug take‑back bin, regulations, authority, SB 231

             Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

             Physician assistants, regulations, SB 294

             Registered pharmacists, regulations, AB 186

      Waste, home‑generated pharmaceutical, destruction, requirements, SB 231

      Workforce Apprenticeship Pilot Program, Southern Nevada Health Care, creation, AB 413


      Contracts with state to manage pharmacy benefits for Medicaid, duties, prohibited acts by managers, SB 389

      Definitions, applicability, SB 316

      Medicaid, contracts with state to manage pharmacy benefits, duties, SB 149

      Network plans, affiliated pharmacies, prohibited acts, SB 209, SB 316

      “Pharmacy benefits plan,” defined to include insurance coverage of pharmacist services, SB 209, SB 316

      Prescription drugs, coverage provided by employers, removal of exemption of managers from certain requirements, SB 209, SB 316


             Applicability of laws, SB 209, SB 316

             Disclosures, payments, duties, SB 209, SB 316

      Retaliation and other prohibited acts against pharmacies, authority of pharmacies to bring action to recover damages, SB 209, SB 316

      Spread pricing, prohibited acts, SB 209, SB 316

      State pharmacy benefit manager, application, duties, regulations, SB 389


      Automated traffic enforcement systems in temporary traffic control zones, use authorized, requirements, SB 415, AB 402

      Family law proceedings, private hearing, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 432

      School bus infraction detection system, violations, evidence of infraction, AB 527


      Disabilities, persons with, certification of permanent disability, SB 113

      Licensure Compact, Physical Therapy, ratification, SB 34, AB 248


             Elimination of Board, SB 78

             Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

             Physical Therapy Licensure Compact, duties, SB 34, AB 248

      Privilege to practice under Physical Therapy Licensure Compact, SB 34, AB 248


      Attending physician assistant, withholding of life‑sustaining treatment, applicability of laws, SB 294

      Clinical tasks performed under supervision of registered nurse, requirements, AB 319

      Continuing education, requirements, AB 56, AB 319

      Disciplinary and other actions, grounds, removal of provision, AB 56

      E‑mail address, requirement to maintain address with Board, AB 319

      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 346

      Genetic counseling, authority to practice, SB 189, SB 348

      Industrial insurance, claim for compensation, powers, SB 317


             Denial, grounds, removal of provision, AB 56

             Endorsement, licensure by, requirements, AB 319


                   Elimination, SB 294

                   Requirements, AB 319

             Expiration and renewal, time period, AB 56

             Fees, AB 319

             Inactive licensees, fees, removal of exemption, AB 56

      Medical assistant, applicability of definition, AB 319

      Non‑opioid directive, execution, duties, SB 337

      PA Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 34

      Privilege to practice under PA Licensure Compact, SB 34

      Scope of practice, SB 294

      Stem cell therapy treatment, duties, SB 128

      Supervision by physician or osteopathic physician, requirement removed, SB 294

      Workforce Apprenticeship Pilot Program, Southern Nevada Health Care, creation, AB 413


      Advisory bodies, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78


      Associate physicians and supervising physicians, regulation, AB 170

      Authorized practice of certain foreign physicians with limited licensure, SB 124

      Bariatric surgery for certain patients, insurance coverage, duties, AB 399


      Continuing education, requirements, AB 56

      Dentists, physicians who are also licensed as, permits to offer anesthesia and sedation, exemptions, AB 221

      Disciplinary and other actions, grounds, removal of provision, AB 56

      E‑mail address, requirement to maintain address with Board, AB 319

      Electronic health records, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 250

      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 346

      Fellows, employment at county hospital, training programs, requirements, SB 408

      Foreign medical school graduates, certification requirements, SB 124

      Genetic counseling, authority to practice, SB 189, SB 348

      Guardianship of adults, physician assessment, requirements, SB 346

      Industrial insurance

             Claim for compensation, powers, SB 317

             Insurer’s panel of physicians and chiropractic physicians, requirements, AB 469

      Licenses and registration

             Denial, grounds, removal of provision, AB 56

             Endorsement, licensure by, qualifications, AB 319

             Examinations, requirements, AB 319

             Fees, AB 56

             Limited license, qualifications, limitations on practice, SB 124, AB 170

             Unrestricted license, issuance to holders of limited license, SB 124

      Non‑opioid directive, execution, duties, SB 337

      Physician assistants (See PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS)

      Residents, employment at county hospital, training programs, requirements, SB 408

      Rural clinics, supervision by physician, removal of requirement, SB 294

      Stem cell therapy treatment, duties, SB 128

      Vision benefit plans, actions constituting unfair or deceptive trade practices, enforcement of provisions, AB 448


      Master plans

             Adoption by governing bodies, requirements, SB 48

             Amendment to land use element, requirements, SB 48

             Contents, SB 48

             Failure to conform to master plan, powers, SB 48

      Regional planning, counties with population of 700,000 or more

             Annexation programs, duties, SB 61

             Detachment plans, duties, SB 61


      Non‑opioid directive, execution, duties, SB 337

      Reimbursement, entitlement for certain services provided, AB 511

      State Board of Podiatry

             Elimination, SB 78

             Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483


      Adoption fees for animals in shelters, waiver of fee for law enforcement officers, requirements, SB 325

      Brady‑Giglio lists, law enforcement officers or employees, adoption of policy relating to placement on list, notification, removal, SB 197

      County assessor, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

      County recorder, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

      Firearms, voluntary temporary restriction to possess, have custody or control of or purchase, requests for, duties, AB 451

      Industrial insurance, physical examinations for police officers, requirements, SB 170

      Portable event recording devices, use, when deemed public record, SB 57

      Unlawful or riotous assembly, duties, SB 381


      “Committee for political action,” nonprofit organizations exempt from definition, applicability of laws, AB 497

      Contributions to campaign (See also CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)

             Campaign finance account, authorized uses, AB 497

             Personal use by any person, unlawful acts, AB 79

             Reports, requirements, AB 79


      Central committees, use of public room or space, requirements, AB 92

      Redistricting Commission, Independent, limitations on membership, constitutional amendment, SJR 6


      Manufacturing, use in certain products prohibited, penalties, SB 173


      Food establishments, use by certain establishments, fines for violations, AB 244


      Artificial intelligence, use in intimate image, applicability of laws, AB 187

      Child pornography (See CHILD PORNOGRAPHY)

      Distribution of intimate image, unlawful acts, acts constituting sexual offense, SB 213


      Insurers, delivery of certain notices by electronic mail, removal of requirement to do so in accordance with regulations adopted by Commission of Insurance, AB 466

      Sales and use taxes, exemption, ballot question, AB 403


      Background investigations of applicants for certain position, exemptions, SB 343

      Student Indemnification, Account for, notification of balance, duties, AB 164


      Education element, inclusion in master plans, SB 48

      Education savings account, use, limitations, SB 252

      Employees, sexual conduct with students, act constitutes violent or sexual offense, AB 34

      Intercollegiate athletes, use of name, image or likeness, removal of certain prohibitions, SB 293

      Interscholastic or intramural athletic team or sport, designation based on sex, requirements, SB 112, AB 240

      Student Indemnification, Account for, notification of balance, AB 164

      Students, sexual conduct with employees or volunteers, act constitutes violent or sexual offense, AB 34

      Teachers, sexual conduct with students, act constitutes violent or sexual offense, AB 34



      Mobile processing unit deemed official establishment, AB 251


      Nevada System of Higher Education, liability, affirmative defenses, duties, AB 465

      School districts, liability, affirmative defenses, duties, AB 465


      Harassment, duties, AB 465


      Exploitation of vulnerable or older persons, duties of financial institutions, SB 369

      Health‑Care Decisions Act, Uniform, enactment of remaining provisions, AB 461


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78


      Examinations to detect certain diseases, health insurance coverage, AB 522

      Health care benefits, special enrollment, SB 217

      Postnatal visitation program, establishment, AB 297

      Prenatal screening, noninvasive, health insurance plan coverage, SB 344

      Syphilis, testing, requirements, AB 360


      Audiovisual technology, use to present evidence, requirements, SB 341

      Court reporters, employment, SB 20

      Waiver of examination by defendant, effect, SB 20


      Claims, approval or denial, procedure, report, AB 52

      Fertility and infertility treatment, coverage, SB 217

      Health insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, duties, SB 47

      Insurance Premium Tax, credits for donations to certain scholarship organizations, AB 214

      Medicaid, payment of certain claims, inquiry by a state agency, requirements, SB 9

      Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, reports, requirements, AB 207

      Vision benefit plans, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 448


      Breast cancer, medication to prevent, health insurance coverage, AB 522

      Container label for certain prescriptions, requirements, AB 411

      Controlled substances

             Opioids, alternatives, preferred prescription drug list for Medicaid, SB 337

             Osteopathic physicians and physician assistants, continuing education, requirements, AB 56

             Physicians and physician assistants, continuing education, requirements, AB 56

      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, procedures, requirements, AB 346

      Maximum fair price, pricing and reimbursement for certain drugs, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 259

      Medicaid, contracts for payments and rebates, regulations, SB 389

      Obesity, Medicaid coverage for treatment, SB 244

      Portable benefit accounts, distributions, limitations, SB 336

      Prior authorization for health care, procedures for obtaining, requirements, AB 463, AB 470


      Disclosure of reports, SB 7

      Time for submitting, SB 7


      National Popular Vote Compact, constitutional amendment to enact, AJR 6 of the 82nd Session

      Presidential electors

             Certificate of ascertainment, submission by Secretary of State, SB 74

             False slate of electors, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 102

             Selection of nominees, interference with, prohibited acts, SB 102

      Primary elections, declaration of candidacy, form, contents, SB 74


      Adoption of children, hearings, remaining in adoptive parent’s home presumed to be in child’s best interest, AB 227

      Automated traffic enforcement systems, use, registered owner of vehicle presumed to be driver, SB 415, AB 402

      Child custody, best interest of child, AB 424

      Digital products, sales and use tax, SB 392, AB 453

      DUI, rebuttable presumption that person is in actual physical control of vehicle, SB 309

      Human trafficking, victims, petitions to seal conviction records, AB 488

      Inflatable devices, reckless action by operator business, AB 198

      Parentage, establishment, overcoming presumption, AB 424

      School bus infraction detection system, violation, presumption that owner of vehicle is driver, rebuttal, AB 527

      Sealing records of criminal proceedings, discharge from probation, AB 13


      Diet of offenders, duties, AB 246


      Contractors, unlawful conduct with prisoner, penalties, SB 35

      Farm program, prison, requirements, AB 246

      Food served in prisons, regulations, AB 246


             Audio and video calls, restrictions on amount charged to offender, SB 323

             Census, information provided to State Demographer, requirements, AB 477

             Communication with prisoner, unauthorized, penalties, SB 35

             Diet of offenders, regulations, AB 246

             Education, statewide program, requirements, AB 153

             Florence McClure Women’s Correctional Center, free telephone calls with families of offenders, SB 323

             Intoxicant, furnishing to prisoners unlawful, definition, SB 35

             Medical bills, discharge of debt upon release, SB 88

             Personal information of inmates, collection, requirements, AB 477

             Regimental discipline program, repeal of provisions, AB 25


                   Halfway houses (See HALFWAY HOUSES)

                   Medical debt, discharge, SB 88

             Victims of crime, notice of change in custody status, certain provisions repealed, AB 408

             Wages, requirements, SB 334

             Women offenders, medical and behavioral health care services, AB 25

      Sexual abuse, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 35

      Volunteers, unlawful conduct with prisoner, penalties, SB 35


      Data concerning pupils, redaction of certain information, destruction after certain period of time, procedures, SB 445

      Social security number, request, collection or maintenance, prohibited acts, SB 291


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78


      Commissioner of Financial Institutions, report, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44


      Media and Technology Lab, Nevada, participation, SB 220


      Firearms, background checks, exemptions, AB 436


      Commissioner of Financial Institutions, report, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44


      Deduction of days regardless of fixed or indeterminate period of probation, AB 4

      Discharge, general, eligibility, AB 13

      Division of Parole and Probation (See PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Period of probation, deduction of days regardless if fixed or indeterminate, AB 4

      Presentence investigation and report, SB 7

      Presidential electors, conviction for violation of provisions regarding, requirements, SB 102

      Probationers, employment opportunities and training for employee readiness, pilot program, AB 320

      Release, restoration of certain civil rights, exception, SB 102


             Aged persons, certain crimes committed against, prohibited until paid, SB 60

             Vulnerable persons, certain crimes committed against, prohibited until paid, SB 60

      Second chance, certificate of, application to court, requirements, effect, AB 321

      Terms and conditions, application of provisions to persons convicted of certain offenses, AB 34, AB 35


      Advisory Committee on Problem Gambling, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78


      Student Loan Repayment for Providers of Health Care in Underserved Communities Program, eligibility, AB 269


      Cannabis Compliance Board, investigation of unlicensed cannabis activities, summons or subpoena, notice of violation, AB 76

      Civil enforcement officers, appointment, qualifications, duties, SB 381

      Constables, fees collected for certain services, increase, SB 210

      Guardianship of adults, service of citation, procedures, AB 65

      Guardianship of minors, service of citation, procedures, AB 65, AB 387

      Insurers, unauthorized, requirements, AB 74

      Manufactured home parks, agent of landlord, provision of information to tenant, AB 38

      Paramilitary activity, investigations of, requirements, AB 119

      Sheriffs, fees collected for certain services, increase, SB 210

      Tracking warrants, service of certain persons with notice containing certain information, SB 361


      Diwali Day, annual proclamation, AB 82

      Dolores Huerta Day, annual proclamation, AB 98

      Eid al‑Fitr Day, annual proclamation, AB 82

      Holocaust Remembrance Day, International, SB 96

      Indigenous Peoples Day, AB 144

      Larry Itliong Day, annual proclamation, AB 83

      Lung Cancer Awareness Month, annual proclamation, SB 387

      Lung Cancer Screening Day, annual proclamation, SB 387

      Menopause Awareness Month, annual proclamation, SB 297

      Muslim American Heritage Month, annual proclamation, AB 278

      Perimenopause Awareness Month, annual proclamation, SB 297

      Vaisakhi Day, annual proclamation, AB 82

      Vesak Day, also known as Buddha Day, annual proclamation, AB 82


      Merchant acquirer limited purpose banks, Program participants, exemption from certain provisions, SB 438

      Program participants, exemption from certain provisions, AB 500


      Legislative Counsel Bureau Director, reports submitted to, contents, SB 274


             Denial of application on basis of moral character or criminal history, duties, AB 264

             License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 129

      Reviews by Sunset Subcommittee, repeal, SB 274

      Second chance, certificate of for persons convicted of criminal offenses, recognition of certificate, effect, AB 321


      Fees, regulations, SB 75

      Records in foreign language, filing with Secretary of State, requirements, SB 75


      Abatement of taxes

             Aircraft and aircraft component industries, denial, grounds, AB 77

             Data centers, denial, grounds, AB 77

             Economic Development, Office of, notices to certain government bodies in smaller counties, requirements, AB 538

             Green buildings, approval of applications for abatements, amount and duration, AB 528

             New or expanded business, requirements, SB 385, AB 77

             Railroad or other rail service, new or expanded business engaged in, requirements, SB 364

             Recycling or repurposing of certain materials, business engaged in, partial abatement, AB 77

             Rule adoption, violation of local governing body, penalties, AB 444

             Sale or transfer of property, temporary ineligibility for certain abatements after, constitutional amendment, AJR 1

             Transfer of title or land sale installment contract, declaration of value form, AB 377

      Appraiser’s Certification Board, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

      Disabilities, persons with

             Eligibility for refund, constitutional amendment, AJR 1


             Factory‑built housing, exemption on dealer’s inventory, AB 38

             Flag or flagpole, applicability as household goods and furniture, AB 455

             La Posada Drive to USA Parkway Connection Toll Road Demonstration Project, AB 61

             Manufactured buildings, exemption on dealer’s inventory, AB 38

             Single‑family residence projects, abatement to initial owners, requirements, SB 430

             Veterans and surviving spouse of veteran, requirements, AB 135, AB 243, AB 455

             Windsor Park, certain real property purchased in, determination of value, SB 393

      Heavy equipment rentals, taxation, duties of companies to collect and remit tax, SB 196

      Persons aged 62 years of age or older, eligibility for refund, constitutional amendment, AJR 1

      Restoration improvement district, division of taxes, requirements, exceptions, SB 402

      Sale or transfer of property, temporary ineligibility for certain adjustments or abatements, constitutional amendment, AJR 1

      Tax‑delinquent property

             Notice, contents, SB 15

             Reconveyance of property before notice of sale, requirements, SB 15

             Sales of delinquent property

                   Excess proceeds, uses, claims, AB 133

                   Quitclaim deed, requirements, SB 15

      Transferable tax credits, requirements, SB 385, AB 538


      Automobile wreckers, applicability of laws, AB 493

      Battery provider, definition, duties, AB 493

      Definitions, AB 493

      Disposal of battery or vehicle containing battery, authorized and prohibited acts, AB 493

      Distributed generation systems, plans for disposal, AB 493

      Environmental Protection, Division of, receipt of reports, AB 493

      Labeling, requirements, AB 493

      Secondary handler or secondary user, definition, duties, AB 493

      Specialized battery recyclers, disposal procedures, AB 493

      Spent battery, definition, disposal procedures, AB 493


      County assessor, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

      County recorder, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197


      Medicaid, coverage for cancer screenings, AB 234



             Arrest, when warranty unnecessary, AB 299

             Discharge and dismissal of proceedings, sealing of records, AB 299

             Engaging in or soliciting prostitution, violations, penalties, AB 299

      Engaging in prostitution, criminal liability, exceptions, AB 209

      Solicitation for prostitution other than soliciting a child, penalties, AB 151

      Solicitation of child, penalties, AB 151


      Applications for extended orders, procedures, AB 309


      Alternative Therapy Pilot Program, creation, AB 378

      Therapeutic use, Congress urged to take certain actions, SJR 10


      Behavioral health services delivered in federally‑qualified health center, Medicaid coverage, SB 300


      Behavioral health and wellness practitioners, licensure and regulation, duties, SB 165

      Elimination of Board, SB 78

      Health Care and Human Services, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, reports, SB 68

      Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483


      Assistants, interns and trainees, provisional licensure, fees, SB 251

      Behavioral health services delivered in federally‑qualified health center, Medicaid coverage, SB 300

      Disciplinary action, filing of complaint with Board, restrictions, AB 196

      Firms, partnerships or corporations, registration with Board, repeal of provisions, AB 196

      Providers of health care, entitlement to reimbursement for services performed, AB 511

      “Psychometrist,” persons authorized to use title, exceptions, AB 196

      School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 227

      Unlicensed person authorized to perform certain psychological tests under direct supervision and periodic observation of licensed psychologist, regulation, AB 196


      Antisemitism, definition, investigation by Nevada Equal Rights Commission, SB 179

      Equal enjoyment of places of public accommodation

             Breastfeeding a child, refusal or denial of full and equal enjoyment, unlawful acts, violations, AB 266

             Facility dogs, authorized and prohibited acts, AB 302


      Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 14, AB 491



      Race and ethnicity, right to refuse disclosure to governmental agencies, SB 265


      Central committees, use of public room or space, requirements, AB 92

      Communication Access Realtime Translation, certain buildings to include related equipment and software, AB 247


      Contracts with vendors, evaluation of proposals, procedure, AB 22

      Executive Officer

             Appointments by, SB 32

             Contracts with vendors, chief of the using agency, AB 22

      Health care facilities, contracts for goods and services, rate of reimbursement for inpatient and outpatient services, AB 349

      Health reimbursement arrangement, deposits, requirements, AB 188

      Medicare supplemental policies

             Disability or end‑stage renal disease, persons with, requirements of policies offered, prohibited acts, SB 292

             Open enrollment periods, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 292

             Persons less than 65 years old, requirements of policies offered, prohibited acts, SB 292

      Prior authorization for health care, procedures for obtaining, contents, requirements, SB 246, SB 398, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

      Quality Control Officer, appointment, SB 32

      Retired persons

             Cost to obtain health insurance plan, report, AB 188

             Reinstatement, eligibility of persons to receive certain contributions, AB 188


      Delinquent contributions, collection, SB 418

      Divorce, determination of value of interest in or entitlement to pension or benefit, SB 126

      Employment of retired employee, consequences, exemptions, AB 27

      Nevada System of Higher Education, professional employees, service credits, computation, AB 232

      School district employees, service credits, computation, AB 232


      Government Cooperation Act, State and Local

             Name change, SB 286

             Tribal governments, consultation, inclusion in land use planning process, SB 286

      Housing, Federal Government urged to release federally managed land in Nevada for housing, AJR 10

      Monument removal, destruction or relocation, requirements, SB 310

      Recreational use of premises, limited liability of owners, lessees or occupants, legislative declaration, SB 303

      Solar energy development on public lands, Federal Government urged to support and recognize state principles, AJR 12


      Elections (See also ELECTIONS)

             Duties, failure to perform, effect, SB 100

      Financial disclosure statements, requirements, SB 144, AB 173

      Judicial office candidate, required disclosures, AB 173

      Oaths of office, additional oaths required, SB 428

      Preferential employment, peace officers, exception, SB 155

      Residence for duration of term, eligibility for office, SB 428

      Resignation from elected public office before filing nomination papers for other elective public office, requirements, exemptions, AB 124

      Right to hold office, restoration of, exception, SB 102

      Vacancy in office, event causing, challenge of failure or refusal to relinquish office, requirements, SB 428


      Opioids, administration, alternative treatments, penalties for noncompliance, SB 337


      Board of Regents, professional development training, requirements, SB 322

      Candidates for public office, certain filed documents deemed public records, SB 428, AB 491

      Common‑interest communities, certain complaints and related documents filed with Real Estate Division deemed public records, SB 221

      Copy of public book or record subject to disposal, exemptions, AB 152

      Coroners, case file and final report of investigation, exceptions, SB 65

      Family law proceedings, records open to public inspection, limitations, exceptions, SB 432

      Fee for reproduction of records, written policy, requirements, AB 51

      Firearms, voluntary temporary restriction to possess, have custody or control of or purchase, requests for, forms and records, exemptions, AB 451

      Legislature, inspection and copying of public books and records, applicability of laws, constitutional amendment, SJR 5, AJR 3, AJR 5

      Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies certain persons associated with not deemed public record, AB 197

      Ombudsman, Public Records, creation, duties, AB 128

      Portable event recording devices, effect of record when not required, SB 57

      Predecisional or deliberative process between governmental entity and private person or entity, records pertaining to are public records, SB 296

      Requests to inspect, copy or receive a copy, requirements, AB 51

      State Records and Historical Advisory Council, creation, SB 78

      Vapor product manufacturers, exemptions, SB 435


      Automated traffic enforcement systems, use authorized, requirements, SB 415

      County assessor, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

      County recorder, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, AB 122, AB 197

      Director, lethality assessment form, duties, AB 216

      Domestic violence convictions statewide database, duties, AB 162

      Drones operated by public agencies, duties, AB 439

      Fire Marshal Division, State (See FIRE MARSHAL, STATE)

      Firearms, voluntary temporary restriction to possess, have custody or control of or purchase, list of restricted persons, duties, AB 451

      Investigation Division

             Hemp, investigations relating to consumable hemp products, authority, SB 356

      Motor vehicle crashes, electronic crash reporting system, duties, AB 55

      Occupational disease benefits, definition of police officer expanded, AB 93

      Parole and Probation, Division of

             Chief Parole and Probation Officer, presentence investigation and report, duties, SB 7

             Employment opportunities and employment readiness training for parolees and probationers, pilot program, AB 320

             Presentence investigation and report, time to submit, SB 7

             Residential confinement of offenders, notification to victims, certain procedures repealed, AB 408

             Second look parole, prisoner who is granted, duties, AB 91

             Sex offenders, petition for release from lifetime supervision, authority, AB 4

      Records, Communications and Compliance Division. appropriation for forensic DNA testing program, AB 473

      School Safety Data Grant Program, Account for the Nevada, duties, AB 412


      Facility dogs, prohibited acts, AB 302

      Regional Rail Transit Advisory Working Group, interim study, AB 256

      Tahoe Basin, authority of county commissioners to operate and regulate parking facilities or parking spaces, use of proceeds, SB 426

      Taxes, local sales and use, use of proceeds, limitations, SB 259

      Transit‑to‑Trail Task Force, creation, duties, SB 405

      Transportation network companies or autonomous vehicle network companies, use of proceeds from excise taxes, AB 459


      Commercial information, provision, limitations, AB 456

      Electric service

             Distributed generation systems, connection to power grid, approval, SB 440

             Net metering systems, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 440


                   Periods of peak demand, Internet publication, SB 440

                   Reports, adjustments, requirements, AB 452

             Regional Transmission Coordination Task Force, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

             Resource planning

                   Contents of plans, requirements, AB 452

                   Cost‑sharing adjustment mechanism, definition, requirements, AB 452

             Termination of utility service, monthly reports to Commission, regulations, SB 442

             Utility scale solar projects, contents of surplus asset retirement plan, AB 493

             Wholesale generation facility, duties, AB 529

      Electrical infrastructure, removal, damage or destruction to obtain utility wire, penalties, AB 503

      Emergency or disaster, use of artificial intelligence, prohibited acts, AB 325

      Natural gas service

             Infrastructure for natural gas projects, declaration of legislative intent regarding prevailing wages, SB 443

             Termination of utility service, monthly reports to Commission, regulations, SB 442

             Violations, penalty, SB 321

      Notices, availability in English and other languages, requirements, AB 456

      Records, disclosure of confidential information not waiver of privilege, AB 46

      Rural electric cooperative, wholesale generation facility, duties, AB 529

      Sewage disposal utilities, infrastructure, annual reports, SB 326

      Telecommunication services, when not deemed a public utility that is required to be regulated, AB 509

      Termination due to nonpayment, limitations, AB 456

      Traffic incidents, approach to, violation resulting in death of employee, penalties, AB 54

      Water or sewer services, change in certain rates or charges, regulations, AB 449

      Water utilities

             Infrastructure, annual reports, SB 326

             Termination of utility service, monthly reports, regulations, SB 442


      Electric utilities, resource planning, updates to plans, duties, AB 452

      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

      Natural gas utilities, applications for establishing alternative rate‑making plan, filing, duties of Commission procedures, SB 417

      Net metering systems, duties, SB 440

      Notices, availability in foreign languages, duties, AB 456

      Railroad companies, duties, reports, receipt, AB 446

      Records, disclosure of confidential information not waiver of privilege, AB 46

      Sewage disposal utilities

             Infrastructure, annual reports, receipt, SB 326

             Rates or charges, changes, regulations, AB 449

      Telecommunication service providers, duties, AB 509

      Termination of utility service, monthly reports, regulations, SB 442

      Water disposal utilities

             Infrastructure, annual reports, receipt, SB 326

             Rates or charges, changes, regulations, AB 449


      Advertisement of public work by public body, requirements, AB 502


             Apprentices, use on public work projects, requirements, AB 502

             Mandamus to compel payment or performance by public body, remedy, SB 447

             Records regarding workers, duties, SB 270, SB 287, AB 303

             Violations, penalties, AB 502

      Division, State Public Works (See ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF)

      E‑Verify system, required use by contractors, AB 94

      Expedited process, increase in estimated cost of public work eligible for, AB 43

      Hiring preferences, order of preference, penalties for violations, AB 222

      Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)

      Job order contracts

             Award of contract, procedures, AB 43

             Program to gather data on use for certain public works, AB 43

             Public bodies, written policy for assignment of job orders, requirements, AB 43

      La Posada Drive to USA Parkway Connection Toll Road Demonstration Project, applicability of provisions, AB 61

      Mandamus by contractor to compel public body, payment of attorney’s fees and costs, SB 447

      Violations, referral of, requirements, penalties, AB 502


             Applicability of prevailing laws, exemptions, SB 93

             Prevailing wages

                   Attainable housing projects, exemptions, AB 540

                   “Average monthly prevailing wage” defined for purposes of industrial insurance, AB 200

                   Custom fabrication projects, requirements, AB 213

                   Infrastructure for natural gas projects, declaration of legislative intent, SB 443


      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506





      Eggs, temporary regulations relating to sale, requirements, AB 171*



      Bias crime, acts constituting, penalty, civil liability, SB 62

      Governmental agencies, collection of information of Asians, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, duties, SB 265

      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Health insurers and health care providers, prohibited acts, SB 352, AB 522

      Insurers, refusal to insure or limitation of coverage on basis of race, prohibited acts, AB 74

      Racial Equity and Social Justice, Commission on, creation, AB 328

      Rural and Community Media Program, establishment, SB 367


      Creation, duties, AB 328

      Membership, AB 328


      Advisory Committee, Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging, name changed to Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging Advisory Subcommittee of the Board, SB 78

      Naturopathic physicians, applicability of laws, SB 397


      Rural and Community Media Program, establishment, marketing, SB 367


      Contract carriers, regulation, requirements, AB 446

      Crossings, prohibited acts, AB 446

      Derailment, collisions or other incidents, notifications, AB 446

      Facility dogs, prohibited acts, AB 302

      Hot box detectors, installation, requirements, AB 446

      Partial abatement of taxes for new or expanded business engaged in rail service, requirements, SB 364

      Regional Rail Transit Advisory Working Group, interim study, AB 256

      Safety hazards to employees, prohibited acts, AB 446

      Surety bonds, requirements, AB 446

      Union representatives, authority to monitor safety, AB 446

      V & T Railway, reconstruction of, study on Nevada Commission, AB 32

      Violations, fines, AB 446

      Yards, operation, requirements, reports, AB 446


      Terms of members, requirements, SB 343


      “Brokerage agreement” defined to include only a written contract, AB 258


      Agricultural real property, taxation on, applicability to agrivoltaic purposes, AB 479

      Easement Relocation Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 192

      Mortgage Modification Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 192

      Recreational use of premises, limited liability of owners, lessees or occupants, legislative declaration, SB 303

      Renting, business entity engaged in, taxation as members of combined taxpayer group, AB 457

      Residential property

             Accessory dwelling units, authority of residential property owner to add, authority of certain counties and cities to enact ordinance, AB 396

             Construction within boundaries of area with high risk of fire hazards, requirements, SB 288


             Controlling Interest Transfer Tax, imposition, AB 362

             Disclosures, requirements, SB 288, AB 312

             Forcible entry or forcible detainer, authorization to enter, form, requirements, SB 261

             Purchase by certain investors, limitations, SB 242, SB 391

      Substandard property, authority of counties and cities to bring actions against property owner, procedures, AB 211

      Summary proceedings for obtaining possession, procedures, SB 236


      Single‑family residence projects, exemptions, requirements, SB 430


      Legislature, revising boundaries of district, procedure, constitutional amendment, AJR 5


      Road rage, acts which constitute reckless driving, SB 37


      Deed for residential real property purchased by corporate entities, form and contents, regulation, restrictions on filing, SB 391

      Easement for conservation, persons authorized to record, AB 429


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78



      Legislative declaration, SB 303

      Liability of owners, lessees or occupants to persons using premises for recreation, SB 303


      Hazardous waste, recycling of, regulations, AB 40

      Property tax abatement for certain businesses, requirements, AB 77

      Vehicle propulsion batteries, definitions, disposal with specialized battery recycler, reports, AB 493


      Landscaping and heat mitigation expenditures, duties, reports, SB 173


      Creation, appointments, duties, constitutional amendment, SJR 6


      Petitions for referendum and initiatives, submission to county clerk, requirements, AB 534

      Sales and use tax, exemption of coins, currency and bullion, submission of question to voters, AB 359


      Repeal of provisions, AB 25


      Advisory Committee on Regional Planning for Economic Resiliency, establishment, duties, reports, SB 147

      Regional planning agency created by interstate compact

             Linkage fees, imposition of, authority, requirements, SB 99

             Powers, SB 99

             Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, repeal of certain report, SB 10

      Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, duties, appropriation, SB 147

      Southern Nevada Regional Planning for Economic Resiliency Pilot Program, creation, SB 147

      Tahoe Regional Planning Compact

             Parking facilities and parking spaces, operation and regulation, authority of counties, SB 426

             Transit surcharge, imposition, SB 426


      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

      Highways, communication of road condition to public, requirements, SB 53

      Navigation providers, road condition information, requirements, SB 53

      Public transportation trespass order, powers, AB 361

      Sales and use tax, recommendations for imposition, time to submit, AB 28

      Security personnel, powers, SB 290

      Southern Nevada, Regional Transportation Commission of

             Advisory Committee on Regional Planning for Economic Resiliency, establishment, duties, SB 147

             Homeless outreach teams, establishment in Clark County, collaboration, AB 263

             Regional Rail Transit Advisory Working Group, representation, AB 256

             Transit‑to‑Trails Task Force, representation, SB 405

      Tax increment area ordered for an undertaking, inclusion of certain transit projects, SB 28

      Transit operators, mitigation of safety risks, duties, AB 361

      Washoe County, Regional Transportation Commission of

             La Posada Drive to USA Parkway Connection Toll Road Demonstration Project, duties, AB 61

             Regional Rail Transit Advisory Working Group, representation, AB 256

             Transit‑to‑Trails Task Force, representation, SB 405


      Vapor products manufacturers, nonresident and foreign, requirements, SB 435


      Bias crime, acts constituting, penalty, civil liability, SB 62

      Common‑interest communities, restricting display of religious items prohibited, exceptions, SB 201

      Employers, sponsoring meeting or otherwise communication of opinion of religious matters, prohibited acts, AB 434

      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Insurers, refusal to insure or limitation of coverage on basis of religion, prohibited acts, AB 74

      Places of worship, Congress urged to enact legislation prohibiting the entrance of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to enforce federal immigration law, AJR 9


      Breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, services to preserve fertility, insurance coverage, exceptions, AB 428

      Clergy, services provided to Legislative session, compensation, SR 4*

      Digital products, exemptions from taxation, requirements, SB 392, AB 453

      Live entertainment tax for certain activities, counties, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 200

      Sales and use tax exemptions, qualifications, AB 535

      Volunteer security personnel, immunity from civil liability in certain circumstances, AB 421


      Adoption of child, petitions, authority of adoptive parents to attend by remote‑technology system, AB 520

      Distance education, examinations, use of remote testing platform, AB 210

      Legislature, use (SSR 136, ASR 126), SR 1‡, AR 1

      Meetings of public agencies, participation by, requirements, AB 64

      Natural Resources, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, meetings, use of remote‑technology authorized, SB 226

      Sign language interpreters, provision of services by health care facilities and providers of health care, requirements, AB 395

      Traffic violations, hearing for civil infraction conducted by electronic means, jurisdiction, SB 359


      Distributed generation systems, agreements for provision of, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 379, SB 440

      Tax abatements for certain renewable energy facilities, AB 70, AB 77


      Accessory dwelling units, authority of residential property owner to add, authority to enact ordinance, AB 396

      Business licenses, interlocal agreements regarding certain licenses, requirements, AB 180

      City Attorney, qualifications, registration to vote required, charter amendment, AB 491

      City Council and Mayor, qualifications, registration to vote required, charter amendment, AB 491

      Community redevelopment plans, termination, deadline extension, SB 401

      Eviction diversion programs, appropriation, AB 475

      Fire Chief, appointment, charter amendment, SB 319

      Fire protection district, consolidation of certain territory, interlocal agreement, SB 319

      Historical residential property, addition of an accessory dwelling unit, authority, AB 131

      Lear Theater, contingent appropriation for restoration and refurbishment, SB 145

      Rental assistance programs for certain persons, appropriation, SB 283

      Sidewalk vendors of food establishments, regulation, dissemination of information, SB 295


      Replacement vehicles, exemption from governmental services fee, SB 194


      Abortion (See ABORTION)

      Assisted reproduction

             Access to information, treatments, drugs and devices, SB 217

             Restrictions, exceptions, SB 217

      “Fertilized egg” defined, SB 217

      Health care providers, court orders granting requests that personal information be maintained in confidential manner, authority, AB 235

      Right to Reproductive Health Care Act, establishment, AB 176

      Rights regarding reproductive health, establishment, constitutional amendment, SJR 7 of the 82nd Session


      Accessory dwelling units, authority of residential property owner to add, authority of certain counties and cities to enact ordinance, AB 396

      Rental agreements, unlawful to procure or offer false or forged agreement, penalties, SB 202

      Single‑family residence projects

             Resale by initial owner, prohibited acts, SB 430

             Transferable credits and abatement of certain taxes, requirements, SB 430

      Substandard property, authority of counties and cities to bring actions against property owner, procedures, AB 211


      Electronic communication devices, installation and use in assisted living facilities, prohibited acts, AB 368

      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use by employees prohibited, penalty, SB 184



      Data collectors, personal information of certain former State residents, applicability of security provisions, SB 291

      Internet consumer lender, contracts with State residents, requirements, SB 437

      Nevada System of Higher Education, waiver of certain fees, requirements, AB 397

      Portable benefit accounts, powers, limitations, SB 336

      Public office, eligibility, challenges on basis of residency, requirements, SB 428


      Appropriations, certain provisions relating to, constitutional amendment, AJR 4

      Bill or joint resolution availability to public before House vote, constitutional amendment, AJR 2

      Citizens’ Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, constitutional amendment, AJR 7

      Clergy, compensation for services provided during Legislative session, SR 4*

      Collective bargaining, Congress urged to enact the Richard L. Trumka Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2025, AJR 11

      Fiscal restraints on Federal Government, Congress urged to call convention of states to propose amendment to Constitution, SJR 3

      Fruit Loop, recognized as historical LGBTQ+ landmark, SCR 2

      Health notes, requests for, SB 247

      Housing, Federal Government urged to release federally managed land in Nevada for housing, AJR 10

      Immigration laws, Congress urged to enact legislation prohibiting the entrance of schools and places of worship by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to enforce, AJR 9

      Israel, State of, support by Nevada Legislature, SJR 11

      January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol, condemnation by Nevada Legislature, AJR 14

      Justices or judges, elections involving unopposed incumbents, constitutional amendment, SJR 2

      Land use planning principles when conducting federal projects in State, Congress urged to support and recognize, SJR 4

      Legislature, disclosures, applicability of Open Meeting Law, constitutional amendment, AJR 3, AJR 5

      Limit on power and jurisdiction of Federal Government, Congress urged to call convention of states to propose amendment to Constitution, SJR 3


             Laxalt, Kathleen “Neena,” SCR 1

      National Popular Vote Compact, enactment, constitutional amendment, AJR 6 of the 82nd Session

      Nuclear weapons, Federal Government urged to maintain moratorium on testing, AJR 13

      Political Practices Enforcement Commission, creation, constitutional amendment, SJR 5

      Postage stamp commemorating John “Snowshoe” Thompson, Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee and the Postmaster General urged to create, SJR 9

      Property tax, certain provisions relating to, constitutional amendment, AJR 1

      Psychedelic compounds, Congress urged to take certain actions relating to use, SJR 10

      Redistricting Commission, Independent, creation, constitutional amendment, SJR 5

      Reproductive health, establishment of certain rights, SJR 7 of the 82nd Session

      Social Security Act, Congress urged to extend legislation, AJR 6

      Solar energy development on public lands, Federal Government urged to support and recognize state principles, AJR 12

      State Legislatures, National Conference of, expression of gratitude, ACR 3

      Sunrise Mountain, Frenchman Mountain and Rainbow Gardens Area, Congress urged to protect public lands adjacent to, SJR 8

      Surviving spouses of veterans, Congress urged to pay military retirement pay, SJR 1

      Terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress, Congress urged to call convention of states to propose amendment to Constitution, SJR 3

      U.S. Capitol, condemnation of attack of January 6, 2021 by Nevada Legislature, AJR 14

      Yucca Mountain, Federal Government urged to recognize the unsuitability of storing and disposing of spent nuclear fuel and high‑level radioactive waste, SJR 7



      E‑mail address, requirement to maintain address with Board, AB 319

      Laboratory tests, authority to perform certain tests, AB 319

      Licenses, examinations, requirements, AB 319


      Homeless persons, medical respite care, Medicaid coverage, SB 54



      Action, enforcement of judgment to pay, AB 13

      Electrical infrastructure, removal, damage or destruction to obtain utility wire, penalties, AB 503

      Parole prohibited for certain crimes until paid, SB 60


             Prohibition on probation for certain crimes until paid, SB 60

             Unpaid restitution at time of discharge, civil liability, SB 241, AB 13

      Securities Fraud, Fund for the Compensation for the Victims of, regulations, SB 76


      Digital products, retail sales, SB 392, AB 453


      Broadband service providers, franchises from local governments, requirements, fees, AB 509



      Transit surcharge, imposition in Tahoe Basin, SB 426


      Contractor’s license by endorsement, issuance to certain applicants who will perform work in rural areas, AB 540

      Rural and Community Media Program, establishment, SB 367



      Sexual abuse against a child, authority of peace officers to intercept communications, AB 275


      Inflatable devices, business operators, duties, AB 198


      Program to mitigate damage to ecosystems, duties, AB 242


      Abatement of taxes

             Economic Development, Office of, notices to certain government bodies in smaller counties, requirements, AB 538

      Coins, currency and bullion, exemption, submission of question to voters, AB 359

      Digital products electronically transferred to purchaser, SB 392, AB 453

      Local sales and use taxes

             Partial abatement

                   Aircraft and aircraft component industries, denial, grounds, AB 77

                   Expanded businesses, requirements, AB 77

                   New or expanded businesses, requirements, SB 364

                   Railroad or other rail service, new or expanded business engaged in, requirements, SB 364

             Portable electronics, exemption, submission of question to voters, AB 403

      Nye County Sales and Use Tax Act of 2007, removal of prospective expiration, AB 69

      Portable electronics, exemption, submission of question to voters, AB 403

      Regional transportation commissions, recommendations for imposition of tax, time to submit, AB 28

      Religious, charitable or education purpose, organization created for, qualifications for tax exemption, AB 535

      Single‑family residence projects, transferable credits and abatement of certain taxes, requirements, SB 430


      Violations, criminal penalties, revision, SB 80


      Financial institutions, use of artificial intelligence systems, notice to customer, SB 199

      Older persons, exploitation, duties, immunities, SB 369

      Vulnerable persons, exploitation, duties, immunities, SB 369


      Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching Grant Program, administration, requirements, SB 81

      Millennium Scholarship

             Board of Regents, duties, reports, SB 176

             Eligibility. forfeiture, SB 176

      Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program

             Requirements and procedures, AB 214

             Scholarship organizations, use of certain donations, restrictions, duties, AB 364, AB 441

             Tax credits for donations to, uses, limitations, AB 364

      Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, administration, requirements, SB 81

      Teacher Advancement Scholarship Program Account, Nevada, administration, requirements, SB 81


      Conversion of public schools to Department charter schools, grounds, procedure, SB 224

      Plans to improve achievement of pupils, contents, SB 81, AB 335, AB 401

      Ratings of public schools

             Additional weight to scores of certain pupils on criterion‑referenced examinations, SB 351

             Charter schools, demonstration of progress toward meeting school achievement targets and performance targets, effect, AB 495

             College and career readiness assessment, elimination, requirements removed, AB 401

      Superintendent of Public Instruction, duties, AB 389

      Surveys conducted by Department of Education, recognition of schools’ rate of response, SB 81


      Traffic infraction detection system, violations, penalties, AB 527


      Bullying or cyber‑bullying, assignment of perpetrator or victim to different school, requests, AB 48

      Discrimination based on race, assignment of perpetrator or victim to different school, requests, AB 48


      Accountability reports, requirements, SB 253

      Administrator, prospective, condition precedent for application, restrictions, SB 278

      Athletic emergency action, plan, duties, AB 454

      Autism spectrum disorders, pupils with, duties, SB 174

      Board of Regents, assistance in establishing data dashboard relating to student outcomes authorized, AB 345

      Capacity limits for each grade level, duties, AB 533

      Career and technical education

             Education, Department of, collaboration, SB 176

             Examinations, duty to cover certain registration costs, SB 176

      Chemical agents or electronic stun device used by peace officers on pupils, receipt of reports, duties, AB 217

      Clark County School District (See CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT)

      Closure or change of use or location, limitations, AB 323

      Collective bargaining agreements (See GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE‑MANAGEMENT RELATIONS ACT)

      Competency‑based education program, application, plan, AB 24

      Competency‑based learning, pilot program for, requirements, SB 403

      Contracts with consultants, annual report, SB 81

      Courses of study, outdoor recreational activity, elective course credit, AB 53, AB 501

      CPR, school personnel associated with athletic activity, training, certification, AB 454

      Defibrillator, automated external, duties, AB 454

      Department charter schools, duties, SB 224

      Distance education, administration of examinations, requirements, AB 210

      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

      Economic Development, Office of, notices to districts in smaller counties, requirements, AB 538

      Elementary schools

             Reading, assessments of proficiency, regulations, AB 386

             Recess, policy requirements, AB 53

      Employment of teacher not licensed to teach, requirements, AB 49

      Exit and transfer of personnel survey, duties, SB 255

      Financial management principles, review of districts, repeal, SB 411


             Civil rights coordinator or designee, duties, AB 465

             Climate survey on harassment, AB 465

             Complainant, reporting party or witness, discipline of, retaliation against, prohibited acts, AB 465

             Confidential employee, designation, powers and duties, AB 465

             Confidentiality agreements, prohibited acts regarding, AB 465

             Definitions, AB 465

             Disabilities, complainants and respondents with, requirements, AB 465

             Discipline against complainant, reporting party or witness, AB 465

             Liability, immunity, affirmative defense, AB 465

             Notice of harassment, AB 465

             Prohibited acts, AB 465

      Hard‑to‑fill positions, duties, reports, AB 398

      HIV and topics related to the human reproductive system, school instruction, duties, AB 205

      Human trafficking, instruction for prevention, standards for teaching, duties, SB 131

      Immigration laws, investigation or enforcement, prohibited acts by school personnel, exception, AB 217

      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

      Library materials, access to certain persons, procedures, AB 416, AB 445

      Metrics for schools to measure progress and success of school districts, development, SB 403

      Multilingual Student Services, Director, duties, AB 335

      Personal safety of children, standards for teaching, duties, AB 138

      Prekindergarten programs supported by grant, requirements, SB 58

      Prisoners, statewide education program, duties, AB 153

      Professional development training for staff members, requirements, reports, SB 374, SB 396

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, notice of employer’s delinquent contributions, requirements, SB 418

      Pupil‑Centered Funding Plan, report, requirements, AB 531

      Pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)

             Attendance at school outside zone of attendance, requests, reports, AB 533

             Autism spectrum disorders, pupils with, duties, SB 174

             Data collection to include number and percentage of pupils, SB 52

             Electronic communication device, use and possession, duties, limitations, SB 444

             Enrollment and average daily attendance, reports, requirements, SB 81, AB 531

             Hours of employment, exemptions from requirements, AB 215

             Interscholastic activities, use of zone of attendance in which pupil resides determining whether pupil is eligible to participate in activity or event prohibited, AB 184

             Literacy, reading, retention of pupils in grade 3, exemption, SB 52

             Mental health of pupils, workshop to promote, duties, AB 374

             Progressive discipline of pupils, plan, requirements, SB 331

             Transportation of pupils outside zone of attendance, powers, AB 533

             Universal free breakfast and lunch, appropriation, AB 268

      Regional training programs, annual report, repeal, SB 81

      SafeVoice Program, appointment of team members, removal of employment contingency, AB 298

      School accountability, statewide system of

             Accountability reports, requirements, SB 328, AB 391

             Electronic records of individual pupils and transfer of data from such electronic records, duties, AB 389

      School bus infraction detection system, authority to install and use, AB 527

      School climate survey, duties, SB 255

      Special education classrooms, assignments to, restrictions, SB 396

      Strikes by employee organizations representing teachers, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 161

      Sudden cardiac arrest during participation of pupils in sports, adoption of policy to prevent, SB 192


             Competency‑based education program

                   Repeal of provisions, AB 24

                   Term changed to “competency‑based learning,” SB 403

             Outdoor Education Council, membership, AB 165

             Progressive discipline of pupils, plan, requirements, SB 331

             School library materials, requests for removal from library, duties, AB 445

      Surveys measuring school climate, working conditions and persons leaving employment, SB 81, SB 255


             Bilingual education program, teachers assigned to, duties, SB 115

             Mental health education, requirements, agreements regarding, SB 314


             Adoption of policy, bylaw or practice, prohibited acts, AB 195

             Appointed members, powers, AB 195

             Chemical agents or electronic stun device used by peace officers on pupils, receipt of reports, duties, AB 420

             Chief Information Office, authority to use services, AB 432

             Competency‑based education program

                   Term changed to “competency‑based learning,” SB 403

             Election, nomination of pupil trustee, AB 316

             Grades assigned by teacher, determination, prohibited acts, AB 425

             Library materials, requests for removal from library, receipt of reports, duties, AB 445

             Number of members, requirements, AB 316

             Professional development training, exceptions, AB 316

             Pupil trustees, duties, term, rights, AB 316

             Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

             Quorum, requirements, AB 195

             Salary, determination, requirements, AB 156

             School volunteers, exemption from background checks, authority, reimbursement of certain costs, SB 446

             Term limits, AB 195

      Universal literacy screening assessments, duties, reports, SB 396

      Work‑based learning programs, report, removal of provision, SB 45


      Budgets, reports by school districts, requirements, SB 81, SB 328, AB 508

      Charter School Facilities Account, creation, use, SB 253

      Counselors, removal of financial contingency for employment, AB 298

      Department Charter Schools, Account for, establishment, use, SB 224

      Education Stabilization Account

             Allocation of excess money transferred, uses, reports, AB 47

             State Education Fund, transfers to, AB 398

      Expenditures by school districts

             Instructional equipment, hardware and software, repeal, SB 81

             Publication on Internet website, requirements, SB 81

             Textbooks and instructional supplies, repeal, SB 81

      Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, AB 494

      Financial management principles, review of districts, repeal, SB 411

      Garden programs, appropriation to nonprofit organization, qualifications, SB 104

      Grants (See GRANTS)

      Other State Education Programs Account, appropriations, SB 90, SB 104

      Outpatient treatment to children, reimbursement, AB 468

      Prekindergarten programs supported by grant, requirements, SB 58

      Rural School Districts in Financing Capital Improvements, Fund to Assist, nonreversion of funds, AB 355

      Safety Data Grant Program, Account for the Nevada School, creation, AB 412

      Safety team, removal of employment contingency, AB 298

      Scholarships (See SCHOLARSHIPS)

      School Districts in Financing Capital Improvements, Fund to Assist

             Nonreversion of funds, AB 355

             Sources, AB 224

      State Education Fund

             Allowances from for certain purposes, SB 403, AB 508

             Deposits, SB 81

             Executive budget, reservation of money from proposed budget, requirements, AB 508

             Sources, AB 307, AB 398, AB 508

             Uses, AB 398

      State Permanent School Fund, investment of money, judicial determination required, AB 427

      State Public Charter School Facility Fund, creation, use, SB 253, AB 435

      Statewide base per pupil funding amount, additional weighted funding

             At‑risk pupils, use of funding to provide services, SB 81

             English learners, use of funding to provide services, SB 81

      Taxes, local sales and use, use of proceeds, restrictions, SB 259

      Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, AB 494

      Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, AB 494

      Universal free breakfast and lunch, appropriation, AB 268


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Department of Education, receipt of report, SB 81



             Grades assigned by teacher, determination, prohibited acts, AB 425

             Professional development standards, requirements regarding mental health education, SB 314

             Public Employees’ Retirement System, service credits, computation, AB 232

             Transfer or reassignment, grounds, SB 59

      Athletic activity, associated with, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, duties, AB 454

      Career coaches, program for placement in middle schools and junior high schools, requirements, AB 539


             Artificial intelligence, use to perform certain functions and duties prohibited, AB 406

             Financial contingency for employment, removal of provision, AB 298

      Grooming of a pupil, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 59

      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Immigration laws, investigation or enforcement, prohibited acts by school personnel, exception, AB 217

      J‑1 visa holder, contracts, requirements, AB 472

      Library materials, access to pupils, procedures, AB 416, AB 445


             Administrative hold, effect on employment, SB 59

             Armed Forces members, qualifications, SB 175, SB 227

             Provisional license, removal of authority, SB 59

             Suspension or revocation, grounds, SB 59

             Teachers, requirements, qualifications

                   Alternative route to licensure, regulations, SB 278

                   Competency, pilot program for assessing, establishment, eligibility, AB 286

                   Fee waiver for substitute teachers, AB 49

                   Music, endorsement, regulations, SB 400

                   Renewal, completion of course in mental health education, requirements, SB 314

                   States with similar requirements and qualifications, list, AB 49

             Veterans, qualifications, SB 175

      Middle schools and junior high schools, career coaches, placement program, requirements, AB 539

      Police officers

             Chemical agents or electronic stun devices, use on pupils in certain school districts, reports, AB 217, AB 420

             Department charter schools, provision of services to, immunity from liability, SB 224

             Occupational diseases, benefits, applicability to school police officers, AB 93

             Portable event recording devices, use, when deemed public record, SB 57

             Public Employees’ Retirement System, service credits, computation, AB 232


             Civics Education, Advisory Council on, member, SB 245

             Habitual disciplinary problem, certain pupils deemed, duties, SB 177

             Instructional model for school, preparation, access to models of other schools, SB 224

             Library materials, access by certain persons, receipt of reports, AB 445

             Public Employees’ Retirement System, service credits, computation, AB 232

             School library materials, requests for removal from library, duties, AB 445

      Professional development training

             Foundational literacy, structured literacy and supplemental reading support, requirements, SB 396

             Mental health education, requirements, SB 314

             School district staff members, curricula, requirements, SB 374

      Professional Standards and Regional Education Training, Nevada Commission on, membership, SB 78

      Safe and respectful learning environment, applicability to staff members, SB 396

      Safety team, removal of employment contingency, AB 298

      School climate survey to evaluate climate for personnel, SB 255

      School library personnel, requests for removal of library materials from school library, duties, AB 445

      School nurses

             Public Employees’ Retirement System, service credits, computation, AB 232

             Service as nurse without endorsement, requirements, AB 49

      School psychologists

             Artificial intelligence, use to perform certain functions and duties prohibited, AB 406

             School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 227

      Sexual conduct with pupils, act constitutes violent or sexual offense, AB 34

      Sexual impropriety with pupil, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 59

      Social workers

             Artificial intelligence, use to perform certain functions and duties prohibited, AB 406

             Full‑time employment, requirements, SB 277

             Public Employees’ Retirement System, service credits, computation, AB 232

             Service as school social worker without endorsement, requirements, AB 49

      Specialized instructional support personnel, ratio of pupils to, improvement plan, AB 155


             Agricultural workers, right of access to teachers, SB 172

             Bilingual education program, assigned to teach in, requirements, SB 115

             Civics Education, Advisory Council on, member, SB 245

             Education, State Board of, representation, AB 236

             English language acquisition, training required, AB 335

             English Learner Advisory Council, membership, AB 335

             Evaluations based upon pupil growth, removal of provisions, AB 425

             Exit and transfer survey to be given to teachers who transfer, resign or are dismissed, SB 255

             Financial literacy, professional development training for kindergarten, first and second grade teachers, duties, SB 229

             Grades given to pupils, determination sole discretion of teacher, AB 425

             Hard‑to‑fill positions

                   Definition, AB 398

                   Funding, sources, AB 398

             Library materials, access to pupils, procedures, AB 445

             Licenses (See Licenses, this heading)

             Mental health education, requirements, SB 314

             Outdoor Education Council, membership, AB 165

             Professional development standards, requirements regarding mental health education, SB 314

             Public Employees’ Retirement System, service credits, computation, AB 232

             Regional Training Programs, Statewide Council for the Coordination of the, representation, AB 236

             Strikes, prohibitions inapplicable, IP 1

             Substitute teachers, applicant fee waiver, requirements, AB 49

             Teacher and Education Support Professional Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, applications, submission date, SB 226

             Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada, representation, AB 236

      Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada, representation of certain personnel, AB 236

      Termination of employment, prohibited acts, AB 464

      Volunteer includes private instructional personnel who provides services to pupil with autism spectrum disorder, SB 174


      Expenditures of money generated by enrolled pupils, approval requirements, AB 426

      Plan of operations, meetings to vote of approval, requirements, AB 426


             Budget adjustments, duties, AB 426

             Plan of operations, duties, AB 426

      School associate superintendents, duties, SB 15, AB 426


      Buildings and sites

             Additions, alterations or construction, requirements, AB 292

             Closure or change of use or location, written notice, requirements, AB 323

             White Pine County School District, appropriation to construct elementary school, AB 288


      Absences and truancy

             Habitual truants, fine or community service or both, duties of juvenile court, SB 383

      At‑risk pupils

             Victory services, use of weighted funding to pay for services, authority eliminated, AB 398

             Zoom services, use of weighed funding to pay for services, authority eliminated, AB 398

      Athletic activity, emergency action plan, requirements, AB 454

      Behavior and discipline

             Habitual disciplinary problem, pupils deemed, requirements, SB 177

             Reports, quarterly, contents, SB 374

             Suspension, expulsion or permanent expulsions

                   Foster care, pupils in, requirements, SB 177

                   Homeless pupils, requirements, SB 177

      Bullying or cyber‑bullying, assignment of perpetrator or victim to different school, requests, AB 48

      Chemical agents or electronic stun devices, use on pupils in certain school districts, reports, AB 217, AB 420

      Data concerning pupils, redaction of certain information, destruction after certain period of time, SB 445

      Disabilities, pupils with

             Autism spectrum disorders, policy regarding certain pupils, requirements, SB 174

             Blind or visually impaired, pupils who are

                   Individualized education program, development, requirements, SB 357

                   Special education and early intervening services, minimum standards, requirements, SB 357

             Crisis or emergency plan, consideration of the needs of pupils, SB 396

             Deaf or hard of hearing, pupils who are, need of school for, study, AB 247

             Definitions, SB 396

             Due process hearings

                   Appeals, appointment of State Review Officer, duties, SB 396

                   Expedited hearings

                          Information on certain legal services, SB 396

                          Temporary orders of relief, authority, SB 396

             Federal laws and regulations repealed by Federal Government, continuation of application in State, AB 494

             Individualized education program, development, requirements, SB 357, SB 400

             Individuals and Disabilities Education Act, repeal, effect, AB 494

             Literacy of pupils, reading, retention in grade 3, exemption, SB 52

             Military children, special education services, duties, SB 400

             Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, eligibility for grants, priority, AB 214

             Supplemental instruction programs, restrictions, SB 396

      Discrimination based on race, assignment of perpetrator or victim to different school, requests, AB 48

      Dyslexia, pupils with

             Individualized education program, requirements, SB 396

             Universal literacy screening assessments, requirements, SB 396

      Election board officers, appointment of pupil as trainee, duties, SB 74

      English learners

             Literacy of pupils, reading, retention in grade 3, exemption, SB 52

             “Long‑term English learner” defined, SB 52

             Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, requirements, AB 335

             Victory services, use of weighted funding to pay for services, authority eliminated, AB 398

             Zoom services, use of weighed funding to pay for services, authority eliminated, AB 398

      Enrollment and attendance at school outside zone of attendance, applications, requirements, AB 533

      Foster care, pupils in

             Habitual disciplinary problem, pupil deemed, requirements, SB 177

             Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, requirements, AB 335

             Suspension, expulsion or permanent expulsion, requirements, SB 177

      Grades assigned by teacher, determination, prohibited acts, AB 425

      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      High school (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

      Homeless pupils

             Habitual disciplinary problem, pupil deemed, requirements, SB 177

             Suspension, expulsion or permanent expulsion, requirements, SB 177

      Immigration laws, investigation or enforcement, duties of school personnel, violations, AB 217

      Interscholastic activities (See INTERSCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES)

      Library materials, access to pupils, powers and duties, AB 445

      Literacy of pupils enrolled in elementary school, reading

             Assessments of proficiency in reading, regulations, AB 386

             Plan to monitor growth of pupil, requirements, SB 278

             Retention in grade 3, exemption, SB 52

      Mental health of pupils, workshop to promote, establishment, AB 374

      Metrics for schools to measure progress and success of pupils, development, SB 403

      Outdoor Education Council, nonvoting member, AB 165

      Outdoor recreational activity, elective course credit, requirements, AB 53, AB 501

      Pupil trustee, nomination to a school district board of trustees, requirements, duties, AB 316

      Sexual conduct with employees or volunteers, act constitutes violent or sexual offense, AB 34

      Substance use, pupil exhibiting signs and behaviors, policy to notify parent or guardian, requirements, SB 254

      Technologies to facilitate the exploration by pupils of careers in industries in State, recommendations, SB 403

      Transportation of pupils, provision outside zone of attendance, powers, AB 533

      Tutoring program, evidence‑based high‑impact, regulations, AB 383

      Universal free breakfast and lunch, appropriation, AB 268


      Athletic emergency action, plan, duties, AB 454

      Autism spectrum disorders, pupils with, duties, SB 174

      Buildings and facilities, new construction or repair, duties, SB 318

      Competency‑based education program, application, plan, AB 24

      Conversion of public schools to Department charter schools, grounds, procedures, SB 224

      Courses of study

             Occupational guidance and counseling, requirements, SB 403

             Outdoor recreational activity, elective course credit, AB 53, AB 501

      Crisis, emergency or suicide response, local public safety agency, powers, SB 38

      Defibrillator, automated external, duties, AB 454

      Demonstration of progress towards meeting certain school achievement targets and performance targets, effect, AB 495

      Distance education, administration of examinations, requirements, AB 210

      Educational management organization, authority to enter contract, repeal, SB 318

      Elementary schools

             Financial literacy, instruction, training, requirements, SB 229

             Reading, assessments of proficiency, regulations, AB 386

             Recess, policy requirements, AB 53

      Employment of teacher not licensed to teach, requirements, AB 49

      Facilities, funding for acquisition, improvement and maintenance, SB 253, AB 435

      Governing bodies

             Competency‑based education program

                   Term changed to “competency‑based learning,” requirements, SB 403

             Library materials, requests for removal from library, receipt of reports, duties, AB 445

             School library materials, requests for removal from library, duties, AB 445

             Teachers, mental health education, requirements, agreements regarding, SB 314

      High schools, State Seal of Financial Literacy Program, requirements, SB 229

      Human trafficking, instruction for prevention, standards for teaching, duties, SB 131

      Library materials, access, procedures, AB 416, AB 445

      Personal safety of children, standards for teaching, duties, AB 138

      Professional development training, requirements, reports, SB 396

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, notice of employer’s delinquent contributions, requirements, SB 418

      Pupil‑Centered Funding Plan, report, requirements, AB 531

      Pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)

             Literacy, reading, retention in grade 3, exemption, SB 52

             Mental health

                   Artificial intelligence, use to perform certain functions and duties prohibited, AB 406

                   Internet publication of information, holding of live assemblies, AB 406

                   Workshop to promote, duties, AB 374

             Progressive discipline of pupils, plan, requirements, SB 331

      SafeVoice Program, appointment of team members, removal of employment contingency, AB 298

      Special education classrooms, assignments to, restrictions, SB 396


             College or university sponsor deemed local educational agency, AB 39

             Construction, repair or reconstruction of building or other property, notice, SB 318

             Prekindergarten programs supported by grant, requirements, SB 58

             Termination of charter contract or restarting school under new contract, when not required, AB 495

      State Public Charter School Authority

             Facility Fund, State Public Charter School, creation, administration, AB 435

             Voting members, requirements, AB 39

      Surveys measuring school climate, working conditions and persons leaving employment, SB 81

      Teachers assigned to teach in bilingual education program, duties, SB 115

      Universal literacy screening assessments, duties, reports, SB 396

      Work‑based learning programs, report, removal of provision, SB 45


      Department charter schools, exemption from laws, SB 224

      Finances, reports of financial status, requirements, SB 81


      Governing bodies

             Competency‑based education program

                   Application, plan, AB 24

                   Term changed to “competency‑based learning,” SB 403

             Sudden cardiac arrest during participation of pupils in sports, adoption of policy to prevent, SB 192

      High schools, State Seal of Financial Literacy Program, requirements, SB 229

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, notice of employer’s delinquent contributions, requirements, SB 418


             Mental health

                   Artificial intelligence, use to perform certain functions and duties prohibited, AB 406

                   Internet publication of information, holding of live assemblies, AB 406

                   Workshop to promote, duties, AB 374

             Progressive discipline plan, requirements, SB 331


      Athletic emergency action, plan, duties, AB 454

      Crisis, emergency or suicide response, local public safety agency, powers, SB 38

      Defibrillator, automated external, duties, AB 454

      Education element, inclusion in master plans, SB 48

      High schools, training for CPR, duties, AB 454

      Immigration laws, Congress urged to enact legislation prohibiting the entrance of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to enforce, AJR 9


      Substance use, pupil exhibiting signs and behaviors, policy to notify parent or guardian, duties, SB 254


      Bilingual education program, stipend to teachers assigned to, requirements, SB 115

      Career and technical education, grants, limitation on awards, SB 45

      Closure or change of use or location, written notice, requirements, AB 323

      College and career readiness assessment, elimination, certain duties removed, AB 401

      Competency‑based education programs

             Regulations, AB 24

             Term changed to “competency‑based learning,” SB 403

      Counselors, removal of financial contingency for employment, AB 298

      Courses of study

             HIV, parent or guardian authorization of attendance, AB 205

             Human reproductive system and related topics, parent or guardian authorization of attendance, AB 205

             Language other than English, definition, standards, SB 98

             Mental health education, SB 314

             Minimum standards, requirements, AB 464

             Occupational guidance and counseling, requirements, SB 403

      Crisis, emergency or suicide response, local public safety agency, powers, SB 38

      Curriculum catalogue, publicly accessible locations and websites, duties, requirements, SB 248

      Discrimination based on race, bullying or cyber‑bullying

             Perpetrator, assignment to different school, requests, AB 48

             Victim, assignment to different school, requests, AB 48

      Education element, inclusion in master plans, SB 48

      Education Savings Account Program, Nevada, application by parent, requirements, SB 252

      Electronic communication device, use and possession, duties, limitations, SB 444

      Elementary schools, instruction and training in financial literacy, requirements, SB 229

      High schools

             Career pathway programs, duties, AB 462

             Civics Program, State Seal of, requirements, SB 245

             College and career readiness assessment, elimination, certain requirements removed, AB 401

             English language, pupil who is newcomer to, time permitted to remain in high school, AB 335

             Grades assigned by teacher, requirements, AB 425

             Library materials, requests for removal from library, removal, AB 445

             State Seal of Financial Literacy Program, requirements, SB 229

      Immigration laws, Congress urged to enact legislation prohibiting the entrance of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to enforce, AJR 9

      Instructional model for school, preparation, requirements, SB 224


      Library materials, access to pupils, powers and duties, AB 445

      Medicaid, reimbursement for health services provided to children who are recipients, requirements, AB 516

      Mental health services

             Artificial intelligence, use to perform certain functions and duties prohibited, AB 406

             Internet publication of information, holding of live assemblies, AB 406

             United Citizens Foundation, Inc., duties, SB 216

      Metrics for schools to measure progress and success of schools, development, SB 403

      Middle schools and junior high schools, career coaches, placement program, requirements, AB 539

      Multilingual Student Services, Director, duties, AB 335

      Prekindergarten programs supported by grant, requirements, SB 58

      Safety team, removal of employment contingency, AB 298

      Social workers (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

      Statewide system of accountability, additional weight to scores of certain pupils on criterion‑referenced examination, SB 351

      Substance use

             Pupil exhibiting signs and behaviors, policy to notify parent or guardian, duties, SB 254

             Substance use disorder services, provision to certain persons by United Citizens Foundation, Inc., SB 216


      Broadband services and infrastructure

             Grant programs, duties, SB 93

             Public works, applicability of law, AB 303

      Graduate Medical Education Grant Program

             Account for the Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, removal of duties, SB 262

             Advisory Council on Graduate Medical Education

                   Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

                   Removal of duties, SB 262

             Tax credits for donations, procedures, SB 269


      Processors, used utility wire, prohibited acts, duties, AB 503

      Used utility wire, exclusion from definition of scrap metal, AB 503


      Administrative Office of the Courts, reports, AB 488

      Conviction on another offense, court prohibited from considering proceedings to seal records relating to, AB 291

      Dismissal of case or entry of acquittal, sealing of records after dismissal, requirements, AB 291

      Human trafficking, victims of, petition to vacate judgment and seal records of conviction, requirements, AB 488

      Probation, general discharge from, AB 13

      Prostitution, customers, petition upon discharge and dismissal of proceedings, AB 299

      Substance use disorder treatment programs, sealing on completion, SB 17

      Summary eviction case court file, sealing, requirements, AB 201

      Tracking warrants, sealing, requirements, SB 361


      Business entities, fees, regulations, SB 75

      Business licenses in State, fees, regulations, SB 75

      Confidentiality of personal information, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, SB 273

      Elections (See also ELECTIONS)

             Duties, failure to perform, effect, SB 100

             Presidential electors, violation of provisions, notice, duties, SB 102

             Voter Access Grant Program, establishment, duties, reports, AB 420

             Voter services portal, establishment by county clerks, requests for assistance by Secretary of State, AB 499

      Language Access Advisory Committee, creation, appointments, AB 367

      Notaries public, regulations, AB 72

      Political Practices Enforcement Commission, appointment of member, SJR 5

      Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

      Securities Division

             Compensation of Victims of Securities Fraud, Fund for the, duties, reports, SB 76

             Residential real property, registration of certain corporate investors, requirements, exceptions, appropriation, SB 391

      State Records and Historical Advisory Council, member, SB 78

      Trademarks, assignment, regulations, SB 75


      Division (See SECRETARY OF STATE)

      Fraud, compensation for victims, SB 76


      Consumable hemp products, violations, SB 356


      Electronic communication devices, installation and use in assisted living facilities, prohibited acts, AB 368

      Referral agencies, registration, requirements, SB 299


      Aged persons, theft committed against, additional penalty, SB 50

      Computer‑generated child pornography, minimum term, SB 263

      Resort hotels, crimes committed on property, additional penalties, SB 371

      Second chance, certificate of, application to court, requirements, effect, AB 321

      Sex offenders, petition for release from lifetime supervision, AB 4

      Vulnerable persons, theft committed against, additional penalty, SB 50


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Misdemeanors, Subcommittee on, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78


      Administrative regulations, review by Legislature, legislative findings and declaration, SB 340


      Sewage disposal, voluntary financial assistance program to pay certain costs, eligibility, AB 104


      Certificate of registration

             Fees, AB 74

             Requirements and qualifications, AB 74

             Suspension, grounds, AB 74

      Claims, telephone number to receive complaints, establishment, AB 370

      Contents, requirements, AB 370

      Providers, duties, AB 231

      Rating system for providers, regulations, AB 370

      Violations, penalties, AB 74


      Constructional defects, procedures, elimination of certain penalties for a rejection of an offer, AB 505


      Clark County, voluntary financial assistance program to pay certain costs, eligibility, AB 104

      Infrastructure of utilities in Clark County, annual reports, SB 326

      Utility rates or charges, changes, regulations, AB 449


      Health insurers and health care providers, prohibited acts, SB 352, AB 522

      Insurers, refusal to insure or limitation of coverage on basis of sex, prohibited acts, AB 74

      Lung cancer screening, study to determine inequity in access based on sex, SB 387

      Schools, athletic team or sport, designation based on sex not discrimination, SB 112, AB 240


      Computer‑generated child pornography, penalties, SB 263

      Lifetime supervision, petitions for release from, AB 4

      Solicitation of child, penalties, AB 151


      Facilitating sex trafficking, penalties, SB 110, SB 223


      Child pornography (See CHILD PORNOGRAPHY)

      Interception of communications, authority of peace officers, AB 275

      Lewdness with a child, attempt to commit, probation, AB 34

      Material involving child sexual abuse, act constitutes violent or sexual offense, AB 35

      Schools, public, personal safety of children, standards for teaching, requirements, AB 138

      State laws and regulations, use of preferred terminology, AB 35

      Victims (See also VICTIMS OF CRIME)

             Compensation, AB 35

             “Exploited child,” included in definition, AB 35

             Psychological or psychiatric examination of victim, exclusion of certain testimony, AB 35

      Witnesses, exclusion of certain testimony, AB 35


      Account for Programs Related to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, uses, AB 45

      Committee on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, duties, AB 45

      Ombudsman for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking, duties, AB 45

      Victims (See also VICTIMS OF CRIME)

             Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of Sexual Assault, abolishment, SB 343

             Employees, leave of absence requested by, repeal of certain provisions, AB 388

             Forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, SB 87, AB 272

             Interception of communications, authority of peace officers, AB 275


      Depiction of purported child engaging in sexual conduct, unlawful acts, penalties, AB 35, AB 126, AB 187

      Distribution of intimate image, unlawful acts, acts constituting sexual offense, SB 213

      “Intimate image” defined, SB 213, AB 187

      Pupils and students, sexual conduct by employees or volunteers, act constitutes violent or sexual offense, AB 34


      Nevada System of Higher Education, liability for actions of persons associated with district or after receiving notice of harassment by certain other persons, AB 465

      School districts, liability for actions of persons associated with district or after receiving notice of harassment by certain other persons, AB 465


      Armed Forces members, outreach and assistance to, requirements, SB 117

      Bias crime, acts constituting, penalty, civil liability, SB 62

      Fruit Loop, recognized as historical LGBTQ+ landmark, SCR 2

      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Information regarding sexual orientation collected by governmental agencies, reports, SB 307

      Transgender community (See GENDER IDENTITY OR EXPRESSION)

      Veterans, outreach and assistance to, requirements, SB 117


      Testing, treatment and prevention, health insurance coverage, AB 522


      Adoption fees for animals in shelters, waiver of fee for law enforcement officers, requirements, SB 325

      Auction sales of real property, authority to enter into contracts with operator of online auction, SB 381

      Body cameras, use, when deemed public record, SB 57

      Brady‑Giglio lists, law enforcement officers or employees, adoption of policy relating to placement on list, notification, removal, SB 197

      Civil enforcement officers, appointment, qualifications, duties, SB 381

      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

      Eviction, forcible entry or forcible detainer, duties, SB 261

      Federal agency employees, agreement to authorize powers, duties, SB 302

      Fees collected for certain services, increase, SB 210


             Concealed firearm permits

                   Applications, use of statewide form, AB 436

                   Firearm safety courses, requirements, AB 436

             Voluntary temporary restriction to possess, have custody or control of or purchase, requests for, duties, AB 451

      Garnishment, writs of, required mailings, duties, SB 381

      Mental health services to prisoners, requirements, AB 467

      Possession, writs of, duties, SB 381

      Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 14, AB 491

      Qualified retired law enforcement officers, applications for certification, use of statewide form, AB 436


      Transgender community, protection, SB 171


      Licenses, fees, SB 79


      Antitrust Pre‑Merger Notification Act, Uniform, SB 218

      Audiology and Speech‑Language Pathology Interstate Compact, ratification, SB 34

      Business Improvement District Law, SB 420

      Cosmetology Licensure Compact, ratification, AB 371

      Counseling Compact, ratification, AB 163

      Dental and Dental Hygienist Compact, ratification, AB 143

      Film Infrastructure, Workforce Development, Education and Economic Diversification Act, Nevada, SB 220

      Great Plains Wildland Fire Protection Compact, ratification, SB 19

      La Posada Drive to USA Parkway Connection Toll Road Demonstration Project Act, AB 61

      National Popular Vote Compact, enactment, AJR 6 of the 82nd Session

      Nevada Education Savings Account Program Act, SB 252

      Nevada Youth Online Safety Act, SB 63

      Nurse Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 34

      Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact, ratification, AB 106

      PA Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 34

      Physical Therapy Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 34

      Recreational Use of Land Statute, SB 303

      Social Work Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 68

      Studio Infrastructure Jobs and Workforce Training Act, Nevada, AB 238


      Business license to engage in certain cities, requirements, AB 180

      Conveyances, regulation, SB 295

      Cottage food operation, applicability of provisions, SB 295

      Definitions, SB 295

      Health, local boards of, duties, SB 295

      Merchandise, vendors selling, applicability of laws, AB 180

      Parks, selling in or immediately adjacent to, restrictions, AB 180

      Task force, establishment, duties, SB 295


      Health care facilities and providers of health care, provision of sign language interpreters, requirements, AB 395

      Public meetings, accommodation of persons with physical disabilities, requirements, AB 247



             Ballot sent by system of approved electronic transmission, electronic signature, SB 74

             Document with false signatures, submission, penalties, SB 102

             Mail ballots, update of signature, requirements, AB 261

             Registered voters, inspection of voter signature, prohibited acts, SB 73

      Electronic filing of certain documents, definition of electronic signature, AB 18

      Notarial acts, signature of incarcerated person, evidence, AB 25

      Parentage, acknowledgment or denial of, requirements, AB 424


      Agritourism activities, signs warning of inherent risks, contents, SB 55

      Animal shelters or commercial establishments selling or displaying animals to public, requirements, AB 136

      Collector of controlled substances for purpose of destruction, duties, SB 231

      Drug take‑back bin, notification of acceptable substances, SB 231

      Gaming, retail establishments located on premises, sale of certain tobacco products, requirements, AB 279, AB 336

      Hemp products intended for human consumption, sale by certain persons, requirements, AB 504

      Motor vehicle fuel pump or dispenser, requirements, violations, AB 29

      Tahoe Basin, authority of county commissioners to operate and regulate parking facilities or parking spaces, use of proceeds, SB 426

      Transit operators, crimes committed against, public information regarding criminal penalties, AB 361


      Actuarial analysis, appropriation, SB 97

      Board of Directors, membership, SB 97

      Executive Director, duties, SB 97

      Immigration or citizenship status, enrollment regardless of, federal waiver, SB 97


      Inpatient care included in definition, SB 330

      Ratio of licensed nurses to patients, publication on Internet, SB 182


      Meetings of public agencies, public comment, certain testimony privileged, AB 64


      Racial Equity and Social Justice, Commission on, creation, AB 328


      Sunset provision, removal, SB 5


      Social Security Act, Congress urged to extend legislation, AJR 6


      Employment agencies which provide nonmedical services related to personal care to elderly persons and persons with disabilities, alternate provisions for applicants who do not have a social security number, AB 519

      Intermediary service organizations, alternate provisions for applicants who do not have a social security number, AB 519

      Personal care services in the home, agencies which provide, licensure and regulation, alternate provisions for applicants who do not have a social security number, AB 519


      Behavioral health services delivered in federally‑qualified health center, Medicaid coverage, SB 300

      Board of Examiners for Social Workers (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Elimination of Board, SB 78

             Joint Interim Standing Committee on Health and Human Services, report, SB 68

             Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483

             Regional behavioral health policy boards, report to chairs, SB 68

             Students of social work, authority to engage in supervised practice of social work, duties, SB 429

      Licensure Compact, Social Work, ratification, SB 68

      Providers of health care, entitlement to reimbursement for services performed, AB 511

      Reimbursement, entitlement for treatment provided, AB 511

      School social workers (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

      Students of social work

             Abuse, neglect, isolation or abandonment of older persons or vulnerable persons, duty to report, SB 429

             Assault on, enhanced penalties, SB 429

             Child abuse or neglect, duty to report, SB 429

             Privileged communications with clients, SB 429

             Recordings of provision of mental health services, applicability of laws, SB 429

             Supervised practice of social work, authority to engage in, requirements, SB 429


      Advisory Board, Soil Health, creation, AB 80

      Analyses by Nevada System of Higher Education, AB 397

      Fund for Soil Health, creation, AB 80

      Healthy Soil Initiative, creation, AB 80


      Affordable housing system, solar‑powered, contracts and tariffs, requirements, AB 458

      Agrivoltaic purpose of real property, taxation, AB 479

      Development of solar energy on public lands, urge for support of Federal Government, AJR 12

      Distributed generation systems

             Agreements for provision of, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 379, SB 440, AB 493

             Disposal of systems, plans filed with Division of Environmental Protection, AB 493

      Installation companies, distributed generation systems, duties, prohibited acts, SB 379, SB 440

      Utility scale solar projects, contents of surplus asset retirement plan, AB 493


      Definitions, SB 43

      Environmental Protection, Division of, lien on property of person in violation of certain provisions, AB 40

      Local standards and regulations, SB 43

      Municipal landfill

             Disposal of propulsion batteries prohibited, civil penalty, AB 493

             Financial responsibility, regulations, AB 40

      Municipal solid waste management systems, SB 43

      Propulsion batteries, disposal, requirements and prohibited acts, civil penalty, AB 493

      Solid waste management authority

             Disposal of propulsion batteries, duties, AB 493

             Lien on property of person in violation of certain provisions, AB 40

      Solid waste management facility, definition, requirements, AB 40

      State Environmental Commission, regulations, AB 40

      Subpoenas, issuance and enforcement, SB 43

      Tires, waste management and disposal, SB 43


      Justice courts, trial by jury, SB 20


      Accessory dwelling units, authority of residential property owner to add, authority to enact ordinance, AB 396

      Business licenses, interlocal agreements regarding certain licenses, requirements, AB 180

      Elections, counting of votes in primary, determination, charter amendment, SB 74

      Fire protection districts, consolidation of certain territory, interlocal agreement, SB 319

      Historical residential property, addition of an accessory dwelling unit, authority, AB 131

      Rental assistance programs for certain persons, appropriation, SB 283

      Sidewalk vendors of food establishments, regulation, dissemination of information, SB 295


      Payment of tax, failure to pay, penalty, SB 22


      Audiology and Speech‑Language Pathology Interstate Compact, ratification, SB 34, AB 230

      Authorized activities of licensees, AB 177

      Disciplinary action, grounds, AB 177


             Endorsement to practice fitting and dispensing hearing aids, repeal, AB 177

             Expedited license by endorsement, repeal, AB 177

             Fees, AB 177

             Fellowship provisional license, qualifications, conversion to standard license, AB 177

             Limited license, qualifications, AB 177

             Speech‑language pathology assistance, AB 177

             Temporary license, qualifications, AB 177

      Privilege to practice under Audiology and Speech‑Language Pathology Interstate Compact, SB 34, AB 230

      Sale of hearing aids by catalog, mail or Internet, requirements, AB 177

      Scope of practice revised, AB 177

      Supervised practice of speech‑language pathology, AB 177


      Audiology and Speech‑Language Pathology Interstate Compact, duties, SB 34, AB 230

      Elimination of Board, SB 78

      Licensure, applications, priority of review, regulations, AB 483


      Live entertainment tax, athletic contests, events or exhibitions, tax exemption eliminated, AB 453

      Sudden cardiac arrest during participation of pupils in sports, adoption of policy to prevent, SB 192


      Definition, SB 236

      Summary proceedings for obtaining possession of real property, procedures, SB 236


      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89


      Composition, SB 343

      Members, terms, SB 343

      State 4‑H Camp, lease, exchange or sale of parcels, procedures, SB 343

STATE AGENCIES AND DEPARTMENTS (See also specific agencies and departments)

      Administrative procedure (See ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND PROCEDURE)

      Alternative Therapy Pilot Program, Division of Public and Behavioral Health, coordination, AB 378

      Antisemitism, investigation by Nevada Equal Rights Commission, SB 179

      Board of Regents, assistance in establishing data dashboard relating to student outcomes authorized, AB 345

      Broadband services and infrastructure, grant programs, duties, SB 93

      Children’s Mental and Behavioral Health, Office of, creation, assistance, AB 339

      COVID‑19, acts or omissions in response to or on basis of, immunity for damages sustained as acts or omissions of State, institutions of higher education, officer or employee, expiration, SB 406

      Drones purchased or acquired by public agencies, requirements, AB 439

      Easements for conservation, entities authorized to alter or affect, AB 429

      Gender‑affirming services, use of time or resources in furtherance of investigation or proceeding initiated in another state prohibited, SB 171

      Gifts, threshold for acceptance, increase, AB 347

      Grant‑making entity, liability for interest accrued, duties, AB 75

      Medicaid, inquiry regarding certain claims for payment, duties of insurers, SB 9

      Meetings of public agencies (See MEETINGS OF PUBLIC AGENCIES)

      Merchant acquirer limited purpose banks, license to operate, requirements, SB 438

      Monument removal, destruction or relocation, requirements, SB 310

      Nondisclosure or confidentiality agreements, governmental entities prohibited from entering into, exception, SB 296

      Nonprofit organizations, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with, exceptions, penalties, AB 197

      Patented product, use by certain entities, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 208

      Payments to, accepted forms, SB 358

      Predecisional or deliberative process between governmental entity and private person or entity, records pertaining to are public records, SB 296

      Public health crisis, acts or omissions in response to or on basis of, immunity for damages sustained as acts or omissions of State, institutions of higher education, officer or employee, expiration, SB 406

      Race or ethnicity information, requests, duties, requirements, SB 265

      Rebates for purchase with procurement card, requirements, SB 155, AB 2

      Regulations, workshops to propose, duties, AB 444

      Reproductive health care, State imposition of unlawful requirements or limitations, remedies, vexatious litigants, AB 176

      Rural and Community Media Program, establishment, reports, SB 367

      Sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, collection of information regarding, reports, SB 307

      Work programs, proposed revision to one or more categories of expense, applicability of threshold amount, requirements for approval by Interim Finance Committee, AB 507

STATE BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND SIMILAR BODIES (See also specific boards and commissions)

      Behavioral Health, Commission on, mental health of children subcommittee, elimination, AB 339

      Broadband services and infrastructure, grant programs, duties, SB 93

      Common‑Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels (See COMMON‑INTEREST COMMUNITIES AND CONDOMINIUM HOTELS, COMMISSION FOR)


      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements for certain boards and commissions, AB 506

      Legislative Counsel Bureau Director, reports submitted to, contents, SB 274

      Legislative measures drafted on behalf of the body, prohibited acts, SB 78

      Meetings, requirements, SB 78

      Monument removal, destruction or relocation, requirements, SB 310

      Nondisclosure or confidentiality agreements, governmental entities prohibited from entering into, exception, SB 296

      Patented product, use by certain entities, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 208

      Political Practices Enforcement Commission, creation, constitutional amendment, SJR 5

      Predecisional or deliberative process between governmental entity and private person or entity, records pertaining to are public records, SB 296

      Race or ethnicity information, requests, duties, requirements, SB 265

      Redistricting Commission, Independent, creation, constitutional amendment, SJR 6

      Review by Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, requirements, SB 78

      Teacher and Education Support Professional Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, applications, submission date, SB 226

      Vacancy, list of names of qualified persons, duties, SB 274

      Work programs, proposed revision to one or more categories of expense, applicability of threshold amount, requirements for approval by Interim Finance Committee, AB 507


      Clergy, compensation for services provided during Legislative session, duties, SR 4*

      Controlling Interest Transfer Tax Account, duties, AB 362

      Election qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

      Garnishment, removal of duty, AB 17

      Health Care Access and Recruitment Program Account, Statewide, duties, SB 434

      Housing Development Fund, Nevada Supportive, duties, AB 366

      Inspector General, Office of the

             Creation within Office of the State Controller, duties, AB 33

             Receipt of report, AB 33, AB 154

      Live entertainment tax, reimbursement of costs incurred by smaller counties, duties, SB 200

      Political Practices Enforcement Commission, appointment of member, SJR 5

      Rainy Day Fund, duties, SB 434


      Census counts, inmate population, duties, AB 477


      Picon Punch, designation as state drink, AB 99, AB 375



             Assessment levied for payment of certain expenses, requirements, AB 485

             Water Distributions Revolving Account, uses, limitations, AB 485

             Water District Account, duties, reports, AB 485

      Administrative Procedure Act, Nevada, removal of exemption from, AB 419

      Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program, use, duties, SB 108

      Geothermal wells, permit to appropriate water required, AB 109

      Groundwater boards

             Duties generally, AB 363

             Establishment, authority to establish at request of county commissioners, AB 363

      Hearings, regulations, AB 419

      Hydrological studies, grants, duties, AB 190

      Nevada Voluntary Water Rights Retirement Program, Advisory Committee for the, nonvoting member, AB 104

      Pre‑application review process, establishment, duties, AB 419

      Protests of certain water appropriation and use applications, procedures, duties, AB 419

      Water conservation plans, limitations, duties, AB 134


             Applications to appropriate water

                   Preliminary determinations, duties, AB 419

                   Reports, AB 419

             Nevada Water Buy‑Back Initiative

                   Advisory Committee, member, SB 36

                   Water rights purchased by, duty to retire, SB 36

             Preliminary determinations, duties, AB 419

             Public waters, applications for the appropriation of, duties, AB 265


      Abuse of public money by state agency or local government, reporting, confidentiality, AB 33, AB 154

      Aerospace Development Fund, Nevada, creation, AB 293

      Affordable Housing, Account for, uses, AB 37

      Air Service Development Fund, Nevada

             Name change, AB 293

             Use of remaining funds, AB 100

      Appropriations (See also APPROPRIATIONS)

             Acceptance, conditions, SB 162

             Nonreversion and retention of percentage of agency remaining balances, requirements, SB 18

      Attainable Housing Account, Nevada, creation, appropriation, AB 540

      Aviation Fuel Incentive Fund, Sustainable, creation, AB 481

      Aviation, Fund for, transferred to Office of Aerospace, AB 293

      Baby Bonds Trust Fund, Nevada, creation, uses, appropriation, AB 67

      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards Account, Nevada, creation, SB 78

      Budget (See BUDGET ACT, STATE)

      Captive Insurers, Account for the Regulation and Supervision of, removal, AB 74

      Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program, Account for the, allocations to, SB 108

      Consumable hemp products, money collected from fines or penalties for violations, creation of account in State General Fund, SB 356

      Consumer Protection Legal Account, uses, SB 49

      Contingency Account

             Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program, Account for the, allocations, SB 108

             Public Employees’ Retirement System, employer’s delinquent contributions, payment, SB 418

      Controlling Interest Transfer Tax, creation, AB 362

      Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Account for Programs Related to, name change, uses, AB 45

      Education Fund, State (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)

      Emergency Medical Transportation Quality and Access, Account to Improve, creation, SB 424

      Fairgrounds, Account for the Maintenance and Operation of the Nevada State, creation, AB 333

      Film, Media and Related Technology Education and Vocational Training, Account for Nevada, creation, SB 220, AB 238

      Forensic medical examinations, victims of certain crimes, reimbursement to county of costs, SB 87

      Fraud by state agency or local government with respect to public money, reporting, confidentiality, AB 33, AB 154

      Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, Account for the, administration, uses, SB 262

      Health Care Access and Recruitment Program Account, Statewide, establishment, SB 434

      Highway Fund, State, sources, SB 53, AB 61

      Housing Development Account, Nevada Supportive

             Appropriation, AB 366

             Designation changed from revenue fund to account in State General Fund, AB 366

      Housing Expansion Through Local Partnerships, Account for, establishment, SB 51

      Hydrological Studies, Fund for, creation, appropriation, AB 190

      Indigent Persons, Fund for Hospital Care to, sources, AB 295

      Inspector General’s Fund, Nevada Office of the, creation, AB 154

      Insurance Administration and Enforcement, Fund for, uses, deposits, AB 74

      Interim Finance Committee, receipt of reports relating to certain accounts and funds, elimination of certain reporting requirements, AB 506

      Lake Tahoe Basin, Fund to Protect the, deposits, SB 83

      License Plates, Revolving Account for the Issuance of Special, deposits, AB 117

      Medicaid Health Care Workforce Account, creation, uses, SB 40

      Nevada Education and Health Care Pathways Account, creation, appropriation, AB 314

      Nevada Hazard Mitigation Revolving Loan Account, creation, nonreversion of funds, SB 39

      Nevada‑Ireland Trade Commission, Account for the, creation, AB 160

      Operation of the State Government, Account to Stabilize the, sources, SB 155, AB 2

      Pipeline Infrastructure Fund, establishment, uses, SB 305

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, employer’s delinquent contributions, payments, SB 418

      Public Health, Account for, creation, uses, SB 423

      Rainy Day Fund, sources, SB 155, AB 2

      Retiring Water Rights, Account for, creation, AB 104

      Scholarships (See SCHOLARSHIPS)

      Securities Fraud, Fund for the Compensation of Victims of, creation, SB 76

      Soil Health, Fund for, creation, AB 80

      Stabilize the Operation of State Government, Account to, sources, SB 155, AB 2

      State Office of Health Care Workforce and Licensing, Account for the, establishment, SB 425

      Student Indemnification, Account for, notification of balance, AB 164

      Surplus Food Assistance Account, creation, AB 474

      Survivors of Crime, Account for, creation, nonreversion, appropriation, SB 62

      Technological Crime Advisory Board, Account for the, abolishment, SB 343

      Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Fund for, uses, SB 55

      Tribal Health, Account for, creation, appropriation, SB 312

      Unemployment Compensation Fund

             Sources, AB 423

             Transfers, AB 21

      Veterans Home in Northern Nevada, Gift Account for the, sources, AB 243

      Veterans Home in Southern Nevada, Gift Account for the, sources, AB 243

      Victims of Crime, Fund for the Compensation of, deposits, SB 50

      Voter Access Grant Program, Account for the, creation, AB 420

      Waste of public money by state agency or local government, reporting, confidentiality, AB 33, AB 154

      Water, Account for Studies Concerning, uses, AB 190

      Wildlife Crossings Account, deposits to State Treasury, AB 486


      Closure of public road on public land, notice, SB 77

      Colorado River Highway, designation and markers, AB 110

      Construction, maintenance and repair

             Bids, authorization, withdrawal, requirements, SB 77

             Contracts, when unnecessary, requirements for execution, SB 77

             Highway project, decrease of expected cost, SB 77

      Property, lease, disposal or sale of, notice of proposal, SB 77

      Route 163, designation, AB 110


      Lake Tahoe Basin, annual report to State Board of Examiners, SB 10

      Nevada Voluntary Water Rights Retirement Program, Advisory Committee for, nonvoting member, AB 104

      Nevada Water Buy‑Back Initiative, Advisory Committee for the, member, SB 36



      Gratitude, resolution expressing, ACR 3


      Digital products, exemptions from taxation, SB 392, AB 453

      Patented product, use by certain entities, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 208

      State drink, designation, AB 99, AB 375


      COVID‑19, acts or omissions in response to or on basis of, immunity for damages, expiration, SB 406

      Liability of State for intentional conduct of employee, repeal, SB 363

      Nondisclosure or confidentiality agreements, governmental entities prohibited from entering into, exception, SB 296

      Predecisional or deliberative process between governmental entity and private person or entity, records pertaining to are public records, SB 296

      Preferential employment, peace officers, exception, SB 155

      Public health crisis, acts or omissions in response to or on basis of, immunity for damages, expiration, SB 406

      Salaries, voluntary deductions, payment to professional organization, requirements, AB 191

      State Engineer, certain employees of, payment of salaries and expenses, restrictions, AB 485


      Monument removal, destruction or relocation, requirements, SB 310



      Alternate State Public Defender, Office of, creation, duties, SB 407

      Postconviction Counsel, Office of, creation, duties, SB 407

      Private practice of law, authority to engage in, SB 407


      Appropriation, expanded laboratory space and purchase of equipment, SB 348

      Infants, fees related to discovery in infants of certain disorders, amount, SB 348


      Bids and proposals

             Inverse preference, imposition on bidders with principal place of business outside State, repeal of provisions, AB 336

             Nevada‑based businesses, preference of 5% to a bid or proposal submitted for businesses owned and operated by veterans with specified service‑connected disability, AB 336

      Contracts with local governments pursuant to solicitation by State, removal of restriction, SB 3

      Public Employees’ Benefit Program, Board of the, chief of the using agency, AB 22

      Purchasing Division (See ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Rebates for purchase with procurement card, requirements, SB 155, AB 2


      Guardianship of adults, provision of certain records to investigators, duties, AB 65

      Guardianship of minors, provision of certain records to investigators, duties, AB 65

      Vital statistics, recording of diacritical mark in name, duties, SB 91


      Aviation Fuel Incentive Fund, Sustainable, duties, AB 481

      Aviation Fuel Incentive Program, Sustainable, regulations, AB 481

      Baby Bonds Program and Trust Fund, Nevada, powers, duties, AB 67

      Corporation for public benefit, powers and duties, AB 427

      Education Fund, State, duties, AB 307

      Election qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

      Housing Development Account, Nevada Supportive, duties, AB 366

      Illegal gaming activities, deposit of disgorged profit or gain from, duties, SB 256

      Industrial insurance, reimbursement to certain insurers, duties, AB 469

      Inspector General, appointment, AB 33

      Nevada Education and Health Care Pathways Account, duties, AB 314

      Personal care services in the home, agencies which provide, duties, AB 519

      Prisoners, statewide education program, receipt of report, AB 153

      Private equity funding, eligibility for and use, regulation, AB 427

      Public Health, Account for, creation, duties, SB 423

      State Parks, Division of, deposits by, AB 8

      State Permanent School Fund, transfer of money to corporation for public benefit, requirements, procedures, AB 427


      Interception of communications, authority of peace officers, AB 275


      Pediatric Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplant Program, establishment, appropriation, reports, SB 228


      Voluntary sterilization of men, Medicaid coverage, AB 482


      Liens of owners of facilities, advertisement of sale, requirements, AB 137


      Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 200

      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237

      V & T Railway, reconstruction of, study on Nevada Commission, AB 32


      Victims of crime, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, AB 272


      Facility dogs, prohibited acts, AB 302


      Employee organizations representing teachers, authority to petition court, requirements, SB 161


      Commissioner of Financial Institutions, report, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44



      Enactment, AB 238


      School police officers, use on pupils in larger districts, reports, AB 217, AB 420


      Minors, health insurance policies and health plans that cover certain forms of speech‑language pathology, AB 169


      Attainable housing, tentative maps that include, duties of reviewing agencies, AB 540

      Master plans, duty to conform, violations, SB 48


      Cannabis Compliance Board, investigation of unlicensed cannabis activities, AB 76

      Civil enforcement officers, appointment, qualifications, duties, SB 381

      Health notes, requests for, confidentiality of information provided to Research Division, SB 247

      Inspector General, Nevada Office of the, authority, AB 33, AB 154

      Insurance, Commissioner of, authority, SB 47

      Medicaid Fraud Control Unit

             Effect, duties of district court, AB 15

             Jurisdiction of Attorney General, AB 15

      Sheriffs and constables, fees collected for certain services, increase, SB 210

      Traffic violations, issuance of subpoenas for hearing, authority, SB 359


      Anesthesiologist assistants, continuing education of licensees, requirements, AB 56

      Assisted suicide, Uniform Health‑Care Decisions Act, assisted suicide not authorized, AB 461

      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, resulting death does not constitute suicide, AB 346

      National Suicide Prevention Lifeline program, mobile crisis teams, composition, AB 380

      Osteopathic physicians, continuing education of licensees, requirements, AB 56

      Physician assistants, continuing education of licensees, requirements, AB 56

      Physicians, continuing education of licensees, requirements, AB 56


      Film, Media and Related Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, member, AB 238

      Studio Infrastructure Jobs and Workforce Training Act, Nevada, duties, AB 238


      Electromagnetic brain pulse treatment pilot program, expires by limitation, AB 304

      Health insurance plans, study regarding parity in coverage, expires by limitation, SB 47

      Portable electronics, exemption from sales and use taxes, prospective expiration, AB 403

      Railroad or other rail service, new or expanded business engaged in, abatement of taxes, SB 364

      Regional Planning for Economic Resiliency, Advisory Committee on, establishment, expires by limitation, SB 147

      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, removal of prospective expiration, SB 5

      Sunset Committee of the Legislature, creation, SB 226

      Tax abatement for certain businesses or facilities, expires by limitation, SB 385, AB 77

      Vehicle miles traveled, pilot program, removal of prospective expiration, AB 296

      Virtual Early Childhood Family Engagement Program, extension of prospective expiration, AB 212

      Water Rights, Account for Retiring, expires by limitation, AB 104

      Water Rights Retirement Program, Nevada Voluntary, certain provisions expire by limitation, AB 104


      Appointments made by

             Academic performance of pupils, task force to compare to pupils in other states, AB 531

             Artificial intelligence, committee on use in education, AB 531

             Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, SB 78

             Innovation, Excellence and Education Workforce Development, Nevada Commission on, SB 78

             Mentoring, Nevada Commission on, SB 78

             Military Children, State Council for the Coordination of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for, SB 78

             Outdoor Education Council, AB 165

             School and Staff Safety, Advisory Committee on, SB 78

             School Funding, Commission on, SB 78

             Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada, SB 78

      Artificial Intelligence Systems in Education, Working Group on the Use of, establishment, SB 199

      Civics Program, State Seal of, duties, powers, SB 245

      Competency‑based learning, pilot program for, applications for approval of alternative schedule, alternative method to count enrollment and calculate average daily attendance, SB 403

      Department charter schools, establishment, duties, SB 224

      Education Stabilization Account, duties, AB 47

      English Learner Advisory Council, member, AB 335

      Hard‑to‑fill positions, duties, AB 398

      Innovation, Excellence and Education Workforce Development, Nevada Commission on, member, SB 78

      Library material, requests for removal, procedures, form, AB 445

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, receipt of notice of employer’s delinquent contributions, duties, SB 418

      Pupils, attendance at school outside zone of attendance, duties, receipt of report, AB 533

      School accountability, statewide system of, reporting data on performance metrics for public schools, duties, AB 389

      Teacher Training, State Seal of, duties, AB 462

      Teacher’s license, administrative hold, authority, SB 59


      Adoption of children, duties, AB 227

      Business court, establishment, constitutional amendment, appellate jurisdiction, AJR 8

      Elections, “canvass” includes the canvass by Court of returns for certain federal offices, AB 534

      Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, expiration of incumbent membership, AB 7

      Motor vehicle crashes, electronic crash reporting system, duties, AB 55

      Text messaging program, establishment, receipt of report from Court Administrator, AB 218


      Election of unopposed incumbents, requirements, SJR 2

      Resignation from elected public office before filing nomination papers for other elective public office, requirements, exemptions, AB 124


      Charges for goods and services to patients covered by insurance for public employees, AB 349


      Animals, sale of live animals, limitations, AB 487


      Pregnant women, testing, requirements, AB 360



      Transit surcharge, imposition, distribution of certain proceeds to Council, SB 426


      Scenic Byway Corridor Recreation Safety Zone, Lake Tahoe Basin, creation, SB 426

      Transit surcharge, imposition, SB 426


      Public works, payment of prevailing wage to persons who perform custom fabrication, AB 213


      Fire prevention and forest health, report concerning, repeal, SB 10


      Prohibited practices, AB 390

      Task workers

             Collective bargaining, right to, AB 390

             Definition, AB 390


      Cannabis tax permit, suspension or revocation, judicial review, SB 41

      Department of Taxation, receipt of report, SB 41, AB 11

      Digital products electronically transferred to purchaser, duties, SB 392, AB 453

      Live entertainment tax, reimbursement of costs incurred by smaller counties, duties, SB 200

      Railroad or other rail service, new or expanded business engaged in, abatement of taxes, SB 364

      Real property, declaration of value form, requirements, AB 377

      Studio Infrastructure Jobs and Workforce Training Act, Nevada, duties, AB 238


      Definitions, SB 28

      Undertaking, area ordered for, location, requirements, SB 28


      Abatement of taxes, duties, SB 69, SB 364, SB 385

      Agricultural real property, taxation on, applicability to agrivoltaic purposes, AB 479

      Budget proposal, submission to Tax Commission, AB 11

      Business improvement districts, agreement for distribution of money pledged, duties, SB 420

      Cannabis, taxes on, duties, SB 41, AB 307

      Cigarettes and tobacco products, duties, SB 435

      Commerce tax, duties, AB 276, AB 453

      Controlling Interest Transfer Tax, duties, AB 362

      Digital products, retail sales, duties, SB 392, AB 453

      Heavy equipment rental tax, duties, SB 196

      Intoxicating liquors

            Importers and wholesalers, licensure, powers, AB 78

             Sales and deliveries, regulations, AB 375

      Legislative proposals, submission to Tax Commission, AB 11

      Live Entertainment Tax, duties, SB 200, SB 431

      Minerals extracted, taxation of, confidentiality of records and files of Department, AB 277

      Modified business tax, credits, duties, AB 214

      Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, duties, AB 214, AB 364

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, receipt of notice of local government employer’s delinquent contributions, duties, SB 418

      Remote sale of cigars and pipe tobacco, imposition of tax, duties, AB 471

      Vapor products directory, requirements, duties, SB 435, AB 279, AB 336

TAXES AND TAXATION (See also specific taxes)

      Cigarettes intended to be heated but not burned, imposition of excise tax, rate, AB 536

      “Combined taxpayer group,” defined, AB 457

      Controlling Interest Transfer Tax, imposition, AB 362

      Education savings account‑granting organizations, donations to, tax credits, SB 252

      Film and other productions, transferable tax credits, SB 220, AB 238

      Payment and collection of taxes

             Department of Motor Vehicles, penalty for failure to pay, authority, SB 22

      Remote sale of cigars and pipe tobacco, imposition of tax, AB 471


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Composition, SB 78, AB 236


      Abolishment, SB 343


      Clinics that provide mental health care to persons enrolled in Medicaid, establishment of billing category and rate of reimbursement, SB 353

      Data concerning health care providers, collection, requirements, AB 484

      Generative artificial intelligence, use to generate communications with patient, requirements, SB 186

      Industrial insurance, services provided through telehealth in larger counties, AB 469


      911 emergency service surcharge, use of revenue, order of priority for spending, SB 208

      Adoption of children, hearings, attendance by telephone, AB 227

      Broadband services and infrastructure

             Franchises from local governments, requirements, AB 509

             Grant programs, duties, SB 93

             Public works, applicability of law, AB 303

             Video service networks, exclusion from definition of broadband service provider, AB 509

      Electronic communication devices, installation and use in assisted living facilities, prohibited acts, AB 368

      Fair Access to Insurance Requirements Plan Association, duties, AB 437

      Gaming, program to self‑limit access to direct marketing of gaming opportunities, regulations, SB 362

      Hospitals, violations regarding charges and fees, complaints, AB 343

      Inspector General, hotline, establishment, AB 33, AB 154

      Mail ballots and return envelopes, requirements during curing period, AB 499

      Meetings of public agencies, participation by remote‑technology systems, requirements, AB 64


             Audio and video calls, restrictions on amount charged to offender, SB 323

             Free telephone calls between offenders in Florence McClure Women’s Correctional Center and the families of such offenders, SB 323

      Personal wireless service, facilities for, establishment of procedures and standards for review and approval by land use authorities, AB 423

      Providers of last resort, relief from obligation to provide certain services, AB 174


             Electronic communication device, use and possession, limitations, SB 444

      Schools, suicide prevention and behavioral health crisis hotline, requirements, AB 406

      Service contracts, telephone number to receive complaints, establishment, AB 370

      Sexual abuse of a child, authority of peace officers to intercept communication, AB 275

      Telecommunication services, when not deemed a public utility that is required to be regulated, AB 509

      Text messaging program, establishment by state court system to send messages to defendants and certain other persons, AB 218

      Tracking warrants, evidence obtained without tracking warrant, inadmissibility of such evidence, exception, SB 361

      Victim Information Notification Everyday System, repeal, AB 408

      Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, establishment of toll‑free number to provide assistance, requirements, AB 367


      Family law proceedings, private hearing, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 432

      Long‑term care, planning of, public awareness campaign, requirements, AB 517

      Rural and Community Media Program, establishment, marketing, SB 367

      Video service networks, exclusion from definition of broadband service provider, AB 509


      School crisis, emergency or suicide response, local public safety agency, powers, SB 38


      Lear Theater in Reno, Nevada, contingent appropriation, SB 145


      Aged persons, crimes against, additional penalty, SB 50, SB 60

      Jails and detention facilities, immigration status of prisoner, provision of information, requirements, SB 267

      Organized retail theft

             Definition, SB 264

             Elements of crime, penalties, SB 264

             Penalty increased, SB 219

      Voter registration agencies, employment of persons convicted of felony involving theft, AB 262

      Vulnerable persons, crimes against, additional penalty, SB 50, SB 60


      Campaign communications, threats made to life of any other person prohibited, penalties, AB 123

      Coerced debt or debt that is the result of economic abuse, collection procedures, requirements, AB 250

      Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, complaints to, abuse or threat by complainant, SB 160

      Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 89

      Inspector General, threats against, penalties, AB 33, AB 154

      School pupils, limitation of access to library materials, unlawful acts, AB 416

      Sexual violence, oral or written threat, included in definition of assault, AB 410

      Teachers, threat by administrator, parent or legal guardian with intent to alter grades, AB 425


      Financial institutions, use of artificial intelligence systems, notice to customer, SB 199

      Older persons, exploitation, duties, immunities, SB 369

      Vulnerable persons, exploitation, duties, immunities, SB 369


      Deceptive trade practice, acts constituting, SB 338, AB 431

      Primary ticket providers

             Initial purchase through, certain laws inapplicable, AB 431

             Prohibited acts, AB 431

      Ticket sales

             Cancellation of certain live events, refund, duties, SB 338

             Disclosures, requirements, SB 338, AB 431

             Holding purchased ticket for delivery at a later date, limitations, AB 431


      Logging permits, requirement removed for cutting operation, AB 86


      Daylight saving time, State exemption from advancement of time, SB 94, AB 81

      Pacific Standard Time, observance by State during daylight saving time, SB 94, AB 81


      New tire sales, recycling fee, portion credited to the Wildlife Crossings Account, AB 486

      Waste tires, management and disposal, SB 43


      Mortgage Lending, Division of, duties, AB 74


      La Posada Drive to USA Parkway Connection Toll Road Demonstration Project Act, AB 61


      Cruelty to animals, definitions, determination, AB 381


      Museums and History, Division of

             Geographic Names, Nevada State Board on, representation, AB 354


      Agritourism, definitions, grant program, signs, appropriation, SB 55

      Fund for Tourism and Cultural Affairs, uses, SB 55


      Junk certificates, requirements for issuance, procedures for disposal of vehicles, AB 415

      Notification to law enforcement agency, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 415

      Registration of vehicle, towing based on lack of, verification, duties, SB 243

      Traffic incidents, approach to, violation resulting in death of first responder, penalties, AB 54


      Actions against, legal representation by official attorney, time period, indemnity, SB 67

      Agritourism, powers, SB 55

      Animal cruelty, transfer of ownership of animal by local government, requirements, AB 381

      Annexation, program of, requirements, SB 61

      Deputy marshals, replacement of vacancy, authority, SB 450

      Employees, paid family leave, requirements and responsibilities, AB 388

      Franchises, public utilities, notice of filing of application, requirements, SB 15

      Interim Finance Committee, reporting requirements, AB 506

      Nonprofit organizations, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with, exceptions, penalties, AB 197

      Patented product, use by certain entities, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 208

      Town boards, qualification of members, registration to vote required, AB 491

      Water quality, discharges into waters of State, reports to Division of Environmental Protection, violations, penalties, SB 276


      Antitrust Pre‑Merger Notification Act, Uniform, SB 218

      Delivery network companies, vicarious liability, limitations, AB 523

      Household cleaning products, prohibition on importation and sale of products for which animal testing was performed, SB 167

      Landlords, use of artificial intelligence to establish rent price constitutes restraint of trade, penalties, SB 199

      Navigation providers, road condition information, requirements, violations, SB 53

      Original equipment manufacturers, requirements relating to documentation, parts and tools, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 407

      Pre‑merger notification, filing, requirements, SB 218

      Unfair trade practices (See also DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICES)

             Attorney General, actions brought by, removal of limitation, SB 49

             Health care, pre‑merger notification, filing, effect, SB 218

             Health carrier or health insurance administrator, provision of health care services directly to patients prohibited, SB 192

             Insurance companies, use of artificial intelligence systems, requirements, SB 199

             Manipulating the price of an essential good or service, AB 44

             Task workers, collective bargaining with task delivery providers, exemption from provisions, AB 390

             Vision benefit plans, requirements, AB 448


      Marks, registration, assignment, requirements, SB 75

      Records in foreign language, filing with Secretary of State, requirements, SB 75


      Automated traffic enforcement systems in temporary traffic control zones, authority, requirements, AB 402

      Automated traffic enforcement systems, use authorized, requirements, SB 415

      Citations, information regarding traffic stops, requirements, SB 85

      Civil infractions

             Bond amount, determination, SB 359


                   Rights of the parties, SB 359

                   Subpoena, issuance, SB 359

             Misdemeanors, civil infraction included in criminal complaint, requirements, SB 359

             School bus infraction detection system, use, violations, AB 527

      Disabilities, persons with, letter of verification of disability, requirements, SB 113


             Cellular phone, prohibited use by drivers less than 18 years of age, penalties, SB 23

             Divided highways, penalties, AB 111

             Handheld wireless communications device, prohibited use by drivers less than 18 years of age, penalties, SB 23

      Parking near marked or unmarked crosswalk, restrictions, regulations, SB 320

      Road rage, acts constituting, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 37

      Stop signs and traffic‑control devices, compliance, requirements, SB 320, AB 168

      Stopped or standing vehicles near marked or unmarked crosswalk, restrictions, regulations, SB 320

      Traffic incidents, approach to, violation resulting in death of first responder, penalties, AB 54

      Traffic stops, recording, retention and reporting of stops, requirements, SB 85


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78


      Full trailer, repeal of definition for purposes of motor vehicle registration, SB 382

      Permanent registration option, expansion of types of trailers eligible, SB 382

      Special license plates, issuance prohibited, AB 525


      Transit‑to‑Trail Task Force, creation, duties, SB 405



      Limousines, lease agreement with independent contractor, powers, limitations, AB 492

      Motor carriers

             Liability insurance, duties, SB 180

             Special services, provision of, deviations from permit, regulations, AB 524

      Nonemergency medical transportation, regulatory authority transferred, AB 438

      Railroad contract carriers, duties, AB 446

      Transportation Network Companies, powers and duties, SB 441, AB 459


      Artificial intelligence, use in certain communications, duties, AB 537

      Automated traffic enforcement systems, duties, SB 415

      Aviation, Fund for, duties transferred to Office of Aerospace, AB 293

      Deputy Director, requirements, SB 77

      Equipment and mobile equipment, approval costs, SB 77

      Highways, traveler information, regulations, duties, SB 53

      Information to the Traveling Public, Account for Systems of Providing, deposits, SB 53

      Meetings regarding design‑build contracts, notice, SB 77

      Motor carriers, liability insurance, duties, SB 180

      Motor vehicle crashes, electronic crash reporting system, duties, AB 55

      Progressive design‑build contract for certain road project, authority to enter into contract, duties, SB 315

      Property, lease, disposal or sale of, notice of proposal, SB 77

      Traffic incidents, approach to, violation resulting in death of employee, penalties, AB 54

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee for, appointment of nonvoting members, SB 53

      Wildlife Crossings Account, appropriation, AB 87


      Agreements between company and driver or monitored autonomous vehicle provider, certain terms prohibited, AB 459

      Budgets, requirements, AB 459

      Certified driver support organization, application, term, re‑certification, transmittal of information, duties, AB 459

      Disclosures to drivers or monitored autonomous vehicle provers by companies, requirements, AB 459


             Agreements to receive passengers, requirements, SB 441

             Insurance coverage, denial of certain claims prohibited, AB 311

             Suspension and deactivation of drivers for prohibited conduct, procedures requests for reconsideration, AB 459

      Excise tax, imposition, use, AB 459

      Insurance coverage, requirements, AB 523

      Limousines, lease of, authority, AB 492

      Monitored autonomous vehicle providers, suspension and deactivation for prohibited conduct, procedures, requests for reconsideration, AB 459

      Nevada Transportation Authority, biennial reports to, AB 459

      Passengers, disclosures to, AB 459

      Prohibited acts by transportation network companies, AB 459

      Reports to Nevada Transportation Authority, AB 459

      Vehicle occupants, coverage, requirements, AB 311

      Vicarious liability, limitations, AB 523

      Violations, civil action against companies, administrative fines, AB 459


      Licenses, fees, SB 79

      Possession of wildlife, refusal to exhibit in certain circumstances, penalty removed, SB 235

      Theft, reduction of monetary threshold for purpose of determining penalties, SB 264


      Designation of centers, regulations, AB 326


      Redevelopment agencies, planting of drought tolerant trees, requirements, SB 173


      Public transportation trespass order, requirements, AB 361


      Account for Tribal Health, creation, SB 312

      Creation, appropriation, SB 312


      Commissioner of Financial Institutions, report, SB 44

      Compliance with federal standards for safeguarding customer information, SB 44


      Child Welfare, Trust Fund for, repeal, SB 284



      Appeals and judicial review

             Extended benefits, period of reduction in, SB 11

             Service of petition, compliance, effect, AB 12

      Compensation Fund, Unemployment

             Elections to not make contributions to Fund, establishment of process, regulations, AB 423

             “Employment,” definition, AB 423

      Extended benefits, period of reduction in federal payments to State, effect, SB 11

      Falsely obtaining benefits, reduction of monetary threshold for purpose of determining penalties, SB 264


      Abortion service providers, list of persons offering post‑abortion counseling and support services, AB 260

      Adoption of children, grants of financial assistance, AB 227


             Adoption fees, waiver for certain persons, SB 325

             Business engaged in handling animals, ordinance requiring the training of owner or operator, AB 418

      Annexation programs within certain cities, adoption, SB 61

      Attainable housing, requirements, AB 540

      Autism spectrum disorders, services rendered by health care providers, coverage, SB 257

      Child welfare services, agencies which provide

             Caseworkers, case assignments, maximum number, SB 183

             Federal benefits, applications, requirements, SB 284

      Children, Interstate Compact on the Placement of, revision, adoption, AB 518

      College or university sponsor of charter school deemed local educational agency, AB 39

      County commissioners, establishment of amount of annual salaries, SB 116

      Disabilities Education Act, Individuals with, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, SB 368

      District judges, increase in number by population, AB 66

      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, meetings, reports, SB 71


             Ballots, use of system of approved electronic transmission by certain registered voters, SB 74


                   Filed declarations deemed public records, availability in electronic format required, AB 491

                   Qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

             Indian reservation or Indian colony, polling place established within, training of election board officers, SB 421

             Jails, use of system of approved electronic transmission to vote, AB 534

             Mail ballots and return envelopes, requirements, duties, AB 496, AB 499, AB 534

             Mail ballots, requirements, duties, SB 195, AB 178, AB 306

             Mechanical voting systems, use, AB 534

             Notice of primary and general elections, publication of, requirements, SB 74

             Provisional ballots, requirements, AB 496

             Recounts, requirements, costs, AB 287

             Security of elections, adoption of cyber‑incident response plan, SB 74

             Statewide voter registration list, requirements, AB 499

             Voter service portal, establishment by county clerk, requirements, AB 499

             Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, provision, AB 367

      Electronic health records, provision to patients or other entities upon request, SB 378

      Electronic health repository, statewide, establishment, SB 250


             Family leave, paid, requirements and responsibilities, AB 388

             Mitigation of exposure of employees to poor air quality, duties, SB 260

      English Learner Advisory Council, interim study, AB 335

      Eviction, forcible entry or forcible detainer, complaint, form, duties of sheriff, SB 261

      General improvement district, compensation increase for certain members of board of trustees, requirements, AB 301

      Health insurance

             ADHD, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Artificial intelligence, use of, limitations, SB 128

             Behavioral health and wellness practitioners, services provided by, coverage, SB 165

             Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 382

             Breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis, services to preserve fertility, AB 428

             Dental hygienists, services provided without supervision of dentist, coverage, SB 268

             Discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 352, AB 522

             Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Group insurance for public employees or officers

                   Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 382

                   BRCA testing, health insurance coverage, AB 522

                   Breast cancer, medication to prevent, health insurance coverage, AB 522

                   Charges by health care facilities, contracts by Board of Public Employees’ Benefit Program, AB 349

                   Colorectal cancer, screenings, coverage, AB 522

                   Compliance with certain insurance laws, SB 398, AB 52, AB 290, AB 295, AB 463, AB 470

                   Medicare supplemental insurance policies, coverage for certain persons, SB 292

                   Opioids, administration, alternative treatments, coverage, SB 337

             Intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, screening, assessment and diagnosis, AB 340

             Lung cancer screenings and services, coverage, SB 387

             Medicare supplemental insurance policies, coverage for certain persons, SB 292

             Non‑opioid directive, execution, compliance, SB 337

             Obesity, diseases and conditions caused by severe obesity, treatment and care, AB 399

             Opioid alternatives, administration, coverage requirements, SB 377

             Opioids, administration, alternative treatments, compliance, SB 337

             Prenatal screening, noninvasive, coverage, SB 344

             Reproductive health care, fertility and infertility treatment, coverage, SB 217, AB 428

             Speech‑language pathology for treatment of stuttering in minors, AB 169

             Vision benefit plans, requirements, AB 448

      Health, local boards of

             Ambulance attendants and firefighters, licensure, review of applications, duties, AB 483

             District boards of health, membership, SB 423

             Emergency medical technicians, licensure, review of applications, duties, AB 483

             Paramedics, licensure, review of applications, duties, AB 483

             Sidewalk vendors, duties, SB 295

             Vehicles for nonemergency medical transportation, regulation, AB 438

      Health notes, requests for, provision of assistance to Research Division, SB 247

      Hospital staffing committees, establishment, SB 182

      Industrial insurance, stress‑related injury or disease, coverage, conditions, AB 142

      Latex gloves and other latex implements, use by medical and food establishments prohibited, penalty, SB 184

      Limited English proficiency, persons with, health care access, requirements, SB 188

      Master plans, contents, SB 48, AB 96

      Mayor of Carson City, annual compensation, SB 116

      Occupational diseases, definition of police officer expanded for certain benefits and exemptions, AB 93

      Patient to nurse ratio, maximum ratio established in larger counties, SB 182

      Peace officers

             Constables, fees, SB 381

             Domestic violence, investigations of, lethality assessment form, AB 216

             Sheriffs, fees, SB 381

             Traffic stops, recording, retention and reporting of, duties, SB 85

      Pharmacy benefit managers, expenses relating to prescription drug plans, SB 209, SB 316

      Pregnant women, testing for the discovery of syphilis, requirements, AB 360

      Prisoners, statewide education program, requirements, AB 153

      Public buildings, Communication Access Realtime Translation, inclusion of equipment and software, requirements, AB 247

      Public Employees’ Benefit Program, reinstatement of retired persons, requirements, AB 188

      Public libraries, removal of material from, policy, procedures, AB 445

      Public works, payment of prevailing wage to persons who perform custom fabrication, AB 213

      Race or ethnicity information, requests, duties, requirements, SB 265

      Regional transportation commissions, mitigation of safety risks to transit operators, duties, AB 361

      Safety programs in workplaces, requirements, AB 414

      Schools and school districts

             Accountability reports, contents, requirements, AB 391

             Athletic emergency action plan, AB 454

             Autism spectrum disorders, policy regarding certain pupils with, requirements, SB 174

             Bilingual education program, stipend to teachers assigned to, requirements, SB 115

             Buildings and sites, designated space for prekindergarten program, duties, AB 292

             Career and technical education, credits for, fees, SB 176

             Career pathways programs, duties, AB 462

             Charter schools, college or university sponsor deemed local educational agency, AB 39

             Closure or change of use or location, procedures, AB 323

             Counselors, removal of financial contingency for employment, AB 298

             Courses of study, certain, minimum standards, AB 464

             Curriculum catalogue, availability, duties, requirements, SB 248

             Defibrillator, automated external, duties, AB 454

             Elementary schools, recess, policy requirements, AB 53

             Federal laws and regulations, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, AB 391, AB 494

             Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, SB 368, AB 494

             Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, creation of Subcommittee on Metrics, duties, SB 403

             Libraries, removal of material from, policy, procedures, AB 445

             Mental health of pupils

                   Internet publication of information, holding of live assemblies, AB 406

                   Workshop to promote, curriculum, AB 374

             Outpatient treatment to children, reimbursement, AB 468

             Prisoners, statewide education program, requirements, AB 153

             Professional development training for school district staff members, SB 374

             Pupils, attendance

                   Data dashboard to report and monitor attendance data, requirements, AB 531

                   School outside zone of attendance, requests, AB 533

             Special education classrooms, requirements, SB 396

             Substance use, pupil exhibiting signs and behaviors, policy, requirements, SB 254

             Surveys administered to school staff, requirements, SB 255

             Teacher Training, State Seal of, AB 462

             Teachers, training concerning English language acquisition, AB 335

             Trustees, salary, determination, requirements, AB 156

             Universal literacy screenings, administration, SB 396

             Work‑based learning programs, requirements, SB 446

      Sidewalk vendors, regulation by local boards of health, establishment of task force, SB 295

      Sign language interpreters, provision to certain patients, requirements, AB 395

      Traffic stops, recording, retention and reporting of, requirements, SB 85

      Trauma centers, designation of centers, AB 326

      Tribal governments, consultation, inclusion in land use planning process, SB 286

      Vital statistics, recording of diacritical mark in name, SB 91

      Washoe County

             Board of County Commissioners, study of creation of fire protection district, SB 319

             Public building complex, AB 333

      Water quality, discharges into waters of state, reports to Division of Environmental Protection, SB 276


      Antitrust Pre‑Merger Notification Act, adoption, SB 218

      Easement Relocation Act, adoption, AB 192

      Health‑Care Decisions Act, enactment of remaining provisions, AB 461

      Mortgage Modification Act, adoption, AB 192

      Parentage Act, adoption, AB 424


      Capitol, U.S., condemnation of attack of January 6, 2021 by Nevada Legislature, AJR 14

      Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee urged to create postage stamp commemorating John “Snowshoe” Thompson, SJR 9

      Collective bargaining, Congress urged to enact the Richard L. Trumka Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2025, AJR 11

      Department of Housing and Urban Development, agreements with Commission authorized without legislative approval, SB 107

      Digital products, exemptions from taxation, requirements, SB 392, AB 453

      Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and regulations, effect of repeal, AB 494

      Geographic Names, Nevada State Board on, federal membership, AB 354

      Health and Human Services, U.S. Secretary of, health insurance coverage

             Children with cancer or serious diseases, services, request to increase rate of reimbursement under Medicaid, SB 239

             Federal waiver, application, SB 234, SB 300, SB 387, AB 516

             Rate of reimbursement, request to increase for certain providers, SB 366

             Request to amend State plan for Medicaid, receipt, SB 29, SB 150, SB 300, SB 387, AB 31, AB 338, AB 516

      Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and regulations, effect of repeal, AB 494

      Housing, Federal Government urged to release federally managed land in Nevada for housing, AJR 10

      Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S.

             Entrance of schools and places of worship to enforce federal immigration law, Congress urged to enact legislation prohibiting, AJR 9

             Jails and detention facilities, immigration status of prisoner, provision of information, requirements, SB 267

      Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, applicability of provisions upon repeal by Federal Government, SB 368, AB 494

      Israel, Ambassador of, resolution of support by the Nevada Legislature for the State of Israel, SJR 11

      January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol, condemnation by Nevada Legislature, AJR 14

      Land use planning principles when conducting federal projects in State, Congress urged to support and recognize, SJR 4

      National Popular Vote Compact, constitutional amendment to enact, AJR 6 of the 82nd Session

      Nuclear weapons, Federal Government urged to maintain moratorium on testing, AJR 13

      Psychedelic compounds, Congress urged to take certain actions relating to use, SJR 10

      Redistricting Commission, Independent, creation, constitutional amendment, SJR 6

      Representative in Congress, receipt of report concerning Lake Tahoe, repeal, SB 10

      Senator, receipt of report concerning Lake Tahoe, repeal, SB 10

      Sheriff powers, agreement to authorize certain federal agency employees to enforce state or local laws, requirements, SB 302

      Social Security Act, Congress urged to extend legislation, AJR 6

      Solar energy development on public lands, Federal Government urged to support and recognize state principles, AJR 12

      Surviving spouses, Congress urged to pay military retirement pay, SJR 1

      Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972 and regulations, effect of repeal, AB 494

      Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, effect of repeal, AB 494

      Transit‑to‑Trail Task Force, representation from certain federal agencies, SB 405

      U.S. Postal Service urged to create postage stamp commemorating John “Snowshoe” Thompson, SJR 9


      Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program, implementation, appropriations, AB 358

      United Readers Program, appropriation, SB 146




      Rental agreements, unlawful to procure or offer false or forged agreement, penalties, SB 202



      Elements of vehicular homicide, revision, SB 304


      State Permanent School Fund, transfer of money to corporation for public benefit, authorized use, AB 427


      Habeas corpus, filing of postconviction proceedings, requirements, SB 66


      Action for consumer fraud, requirements, AB 145

      Adoption fees for animals in shelters, waiver of fee, requirements, SB 325

      Audiologists, license by endorsement, fees, AB 177

      Business license, state, waiver of fee for certain applicants, AB 274


             Advisory Committees for Veterans, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

             Family members, interment, fees, exceptions, SB 399

      Evans‑Kendall Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8071, appropriation, SB 232, AB 300

      Gender identity, outreach and assistance to, requirements, SB 117

      Governmental services tax exemption, veterans and surviving spouses, requirements, AB 135, AB 243

      Hearing aid specialists, license by endorsement, fees, AB 177

      Hiring program, requirements, AB 145

      Media and Technology Lab, Nevada, participation by veterans organizations, SB 220

      Military unit awarded Presidential Unit Citation, special license plates indicating service on, restrictions on issuance, SB 148

      Nevada System of Higher Education, waiver of certain fees, requirements, SB 308

      Property tax exemption, veterans and surviving spouses, requirements, AB 135, AB 243, AB 455

      School personnel, licensing, qualifications, SB 175

      School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact, requirements, SB 227

      Service‑connected disabilities, veterans with, preference to bid or proposal submitted by, requirements, AB 336

      Sexual orientation, outreach and assistance to, requirements, SB 117

      Space Force, special license plates, issuance to veterans of, requirements, AB 409

      Speech‑language pathologists, license by endorsement, fees, AB 177

      State purchasing, preference of 5% to bid or proposal submitted veterans with service‑connected disability, AB 336

      Surviving spouses

             Congress urged to pay military retirement pay, SJR 1

             Governmental services tax exemption, AB 135, AB 243

             Property tax exemption, AB 135, AB 243

      Women Veterans Advisory Committee, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78

      Women Veterans History Month, designation, AB 342


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Composition, SB 78

      Hiring program, duties, AB 145

      Veterans Coordinator, receipt of reports, AB 145


      Composition, SB 78


      Adoption fees for animals in shelters, waiver of fee by counties, reports, duties, SB 325

      Gender identity of veterans, duties, SB 117

      Interagency Council on Veterans affairs, appointments, SB 78

      Sexual orientation of veterans, duties, SB 117


      “Practice of veterinary medicine” definition to exclude subcutaneous implantation of microchip, AB 71


      2023 Session

             Affordable housing, ordinances, authority of cities and counties, SB 371 of the 82nd Session

             Arbitration, certain insurance policies, nonbinding provisions, AB 439 of the 82nd Session

             Behavioral health, system of care for children, regulations, AB 201 of the 82nd Session

             Board of Regents, agreements, promotion and enhancement of education programs, AB 160 of the 82nd Session

             Broadband services and infrastructure, grants of federal money, requirements, SB 384 of the 82nd Session

             Budget, proposed state budget, calculation of reserve, requirements, AB 527 of the 82nd Session

             Collective bargaining

                   Government employee information, provision, AB 172 of the 82nd Session

                   Peace officers, applicability of laws, SB 319 of the 82nd Session


                   Campaign practices, inaugural committees, contributions, reporting requirements, SB 60 of the 82nd Session

                   Town advisory boards, declaration or acceptance of candidacy, SB 262 of the 82nd Session

                   Voting booths and devices, requirements, AB 242 of the 82nd Session

                   Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, requirements, AB 246 of the 82nd Session

                   Voting, proof of identity, requirements, procedures, SB 443 of the 82nd Session

             Electrochemical energy storage systems, requirements, SB 314 of the 82nd Session

             Evictions, summary, procedures, requirements, SB 335 of the 82nd Session, AB 340 of the 82nd Session

             Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, forms, fees, AB 437 of the 82nd Session

             Finance, State Board of, issuance of capital improvement bonds to school districts, AB 224 of the 82nd Session

             Health and Human Services, Joint Interim Standing Committee on

                   Interim studies, SB 419 of the 82nd Session

                   Reports, receipt, AB 243 of the 82nd Session

             Health care industry, abatement of taxes, requirements, SB 419 of the 82nd Session

             Homelessness, reinvestment of certain insurance profits to address related issues, SB 400 of the 82nd Session

             Kratom products, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 322 of the 82nd Session

             Labor Commissioner, compliance and enforcement duties, appropriation, SB 301 of the 82nd Session

             Landlord and tenant

                   Collection and credit reporting agencies, amounts owed by tenants, restrictions, SB 78 of the 82nd Session

                   Fees, fines and costs generally, restrictions, duties of landlord, SB 78 of the 82nd Session

                   Rental agreements, rent payments, requirements, AB 218 of the 82nd Session

             Las Vegas, City of, charter amendments, SB 246 of the 82nd Session

             Legislative Commission, Sunset Subcommittee, organization and operation, AB 243 of the 82nd Session

             Lobbying and lobbyists, applicability of laws, AB 243 of the 82nd Session

             Manufactured home parks, maximum annual rent increase, restrictions, SB 275 of the 82nd Session

             Medicaid Outreach Advisory Committee, creation, duties, SB 419 of the 82nd Session

             Motor vehicle insurers, casualty insurance claims, inspection of vehicles, AB 334 of the 82nd Session

             Natural Resources, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, interim study, SB 88 of the 82nd Session

             Nonprofit organizations, personal identifying information, duties of governmental entities, AB 258 of the 82nd Session

             North Las Vegas, City of, charter amendments, SB 246 of the 82nd Session

             Northwestern Nevada, regional growth issues, study, SB 81 of the 82nd Session

             Parentage Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 371 of the 82nd Session

             Peace officers, applicability of laws pertaining to collective bargaining, SB 319 of the 82nd Session

             Per‑ and polyfluoroalkyl substances added to products, requirements, SB 76 of the 82nd Session

             Prisons, state, programs for employment of offenders, AB 243 of the 82nd Session

             Public Employees’ Retirement System, contributions, requirements, AB 498 of the 82nd Session

             Public‑private partnerships for certain facilities, requirements, AB 74 of the 82nd Session

             Public works

                   Contractors’ use of women apprentices, requirements, AB 305 of the 82nd Session

                   Contracts awarded, publication of certain information, SB 272 of the 82nd Session

             Real property, residential, purchased by certain corporations, requirements, SB 395 of the 82nd Session

             Reproductive health care, insurance coverage for contraception, requirements, AB 383 of the 82nd Session

             Salaries and one‑time payments for state officers and employees, SB 440 of the 82nd Session

             School pupils, breakfast and lunch, appropriation, AB 319 of the 82nd Session

             Sealing of records, requests for documentation required to restore civil rights, AB 160 of the 82nd Session

             Senior living facilities, HVAC systems, requirements, AB 281 of the 82nd Session

             State and local purchasing and performance contracts, publication of certain information, SB 272 of the 82nd Session

             Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, applications, AB 243 of the 82nd Session

             Traffic control, violations, procedures, SB 104 of the 82nd Session


      Account for Survivors of Crime, creation, uses, SB 62



                   Documentary evidence, considerations, AB 329

                   Limitations, removal of certain, AB 329

             Minor involved in the production of child sexual abuse material, AB 35

      Confidential information, disclosure to provide support services, limitations, SB 125

      Domestic violence, authority of victims to request unaltered copies of law enforcement agency reports, AB 193

      Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Crime, deposits, SB 50

      Offenders, automated victim notification system, requirements, AB 408

      Parole hearings, victim notification system, requirements, AB 408

      Prostitution, engaging in while victim of certain offenses, immunity from criminal liability, AB 209

      Requests that certain information be kept confidential, victim advocates authorized, AB 122, AB 197

      Residential confinement, victim notification system, requirements, AB 408

      Sexual offenses, depiction of purported child engaging in sexual conduct, exclusion of certain testimony of victim, AB 35

      Strangulation, victims of domestic battery by, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, AB 272

      Victim Information Notification Everyday System, repeal and replacement, AB 408


      Career pathways, establishment, funding, SB 220


      Adoption of children, hearings, attendance by video conference, AB 227

      Automated traffic enforcement systems, use authorized, requirements, SB 415, AB 402

      Common‑interest communities, meetings, video recording, requirements, SB 222

      Credit unions, board of directors meetings, requirements, SB 375

      Generative artificial intelligence, use by medical facilities and health care providers to generate communications with patient, requirements, SB 186

      Meetings of public agencies, participation by remote‑technology systems, requirements, AB 64

      Portable event recording devices, surcharge for purposes of purchasing and maintaining, elimination of authority, SB 208

      School bus infraction detection system, violations, evidence of infraction, AB 527

      Traffic violations, hearing for civil infraction conducted by audiovisual means, jurisdiction, SB 359


      Board of directors, qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491


      Evans‑Kendall Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8071, appropriation, SB 232, AB 300


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Creation, SB 78


      Adoption of children, State Registrar of Vital Statistics, receipt of report from petitioner, AB 227

      Diacritical mark, inclusion in name of person, recording, SB 91

      Names, use of diacritical mark, SB 91

      Parentage, filings of acknowledgment or denial of, duties, AB 424



      Child‑placing agencies, screening of volunteers, requirements, AB 520

      Civil Air Patrol, volunteer member employee, leave of absence, authority, AB 422

      Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, program for attorneys, duties, SB 160

      Foster care agencies, screen for volunteers convicted of an offense involving child sexual abuse material, AB 35

      Governmental agencies, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with, exceptions, penalties, AB 197

      Jails or detention facilities, unlawful conduct with prisoners, penalties, SB 35

      Nevada System of Higher Education, sexual conduct with pupils, act constitutes violent or sexual offense, AB 34

      Prisons, unlawful conduct with prisoners, penalties, SB 35

      Religious organizations, volunteer security personnel, immunity from civil liability in certain circumstances, AB 421


             Background checks, exemption from certain requirements, reimbursement of certain costs, SB 446

             Sexual conduct with pupils, act constitutes violent or sexual offense, AB 34

      Volunteer firefighters, governmental services taxes, exemption, AB 313


      Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment

             Financial institutions, duty to report exploitation, immunities, AB 500

             Genetic counselors, duty to report, SB 189, SB 348

             Nonemergency medical transportation, duty of drivers to report, AB 438

      Crimes committed against

             Burglary, residential, additional penalty, SB 60

             Deceptive trade practice, additional penalty, SB 60

             Forgery, additional penalty, SB 60

             Fraud, additional penalty, SB 60

             Invasion of the home, additional penalty, SB 60

             Larceny, additional penalty, SB 60

             Restitution as condition of parole or probation for certain crimes, SB 60

             Theft, additional penalty, SB 50, SB 60

      Facility dogs, witness support, qualifications, AB 302



      Employee who resigns, quits or who is discharged or place on nonworking status, payment of wages or compensation, penalties for noncompliance, SB 198

      H‑2A visa herders, wages, payment, employer duties, SB 204

      Minimum wage

             Agricultural workers, regulations, SB 172

             H‑2A visa herders, requirements, penalties, SB 204

      Offenders, requirements, SB 334

      Prevailing wages (See PUBLIC WORKS)

      State officers and employees, voluntary deductions, payment to professional organization, requirements, AB 191


      Death warrants, requirements, SB 350

      Tracking warrants

             Contents, SB 361

             Definition, SB 361

             Evidence obtained without tracking warrant, inadmissibility of such evidence, exception, SB 361


      Accessory dwelling units, authority of residential property owner to add, authority to enact ordinance, AB 396

      Agriculture, State Board of, lease of real property, termination, effect, AB 333

      Board of County Commissioners, study of creation of fire protection district, SB 319

      Business licenses, interlocal agreements regarding certain licenses, requirements, AB 180

      Criminal defendants, county to contract with organizations to operate facility to provide treatment to competency, AB 467

      Fairgrounds, Nevada State, establishment, AB 333

      Fire protection districts, consolidation of certain territory, interlocal agreement, SB 319


             Hotel operators, room cleaning and inspection, duties, SB 360

             Violations, penalties, SB 360

      Industrial providers of health care, list, requirements, SB 317

      La Posada Drive to USA Parkway Connection Toll Road Demonstration Project Act, AB 61

      Land use planning (See also LAND USE PLANNING)

             Master plans, requirements, AB 96, AB 443

      Mental health services provided to criminal defendants, contracts with facilities, AB 467

      Regional Rail Transit Advisory Working Group, interim study, duties, AB 256

      Regional transportation commission

             Safety risks to transit operators, mitigation, duties, AB 361

             Transit‑to‑Trails Task Force, representation, SB 405

      Sidewalk vendors of food establishments, regulation, dissemination of information, SB 295

      State Lands, Division of, lease of certain real property, use, AB 333


      Game animals, edible portion, definition, SB 101

      Pharmaceutical waste, home‑generated, destruction, requirements, SB 231


      Analyses by Nevada System of Higher Education, AB 397

      Appropriation of public waters (See WATER RIGHTS AND APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC WATERS)

      Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program, Account for the, allocations to, SB 108

      Colorado River Basin, evaluation of water conservation, interim study, SB 143

      Groundwater boards

             Compensation, AB 363

             Dissolution, AB 363

             Establishment, procedures, AB 363

      Hydrological Studies, Fund for, creation, uses, appropriation, AB 190

      Lake Tahoe Watershed, sale of water in disposable plastic bottles, prohibition, violations, penalties, SB 324

      Perfected water rights, applicability of laws, AB 134

      Underground water

             Discharge or injection permits, holders of, notices to governmental entities and Indian tribes that may be affected by contamination, SB 276

             Groundwater basins

                   Agricultural purposes, use of groundwater, charge for special assessment levied, requirements, AB 485

                   Assessment levied for payment of certain expenses, requirements, AB 485

                   Retirement of certain water rights, effect, grant to improve water conservation, AB 104

                   Revocable appropriation permits, when issued, AB 104

             Nuclear weapons, Federal Government urged to maintain moratorium on testing, AJR 13

             Use for development of geothermal resources, AB 109

      Wells (See WELLS)


      Water quality, discharges into waters of state, reports to Division of Environmental Protection, violations, penalties, SB 276


      Infrastructure of utilities in Clark County, annual reports, SB 326

      Termination of utility service, monthly reports to Commission, regulations, SB 442

      Utility rates or charges, changes, regulations, AB 449


      Board of directors, qualifications, registration to vote required, AB 491

      Diverse Business Advisory Council, Nevada, membership, SB 71

      Water quality, discharges into waters of state, reports to Division of Environmental Protection, violations, penalties, SB 276


      Nevada Water Pollution Control Law

             Legislative declaration, AB 104

             State Environmental Commission, water quality standards variance, authority, AB 104

      Oh Lab of Neurogenetics and Precision Medicine, UNLV, appropriation for converting treated wastewater into potable drinking water, SB 159

      Public water systems, district board of health, powers, SB 43

      Water quality, discharges into waters of state, reports to Division of Environmental Protection, violations, penalties, SB 276


      Adjudication of vested water rights

             Federal agency as claimant, proofs as to rights, SB 31

      Agricultural water rights, duration of temporary conversion, AB 9

      Appropriation of public waters

             Agricultural water rights, duration of temporary conversion, AB 9

             Applications, rejection, grounds, SB 342

             Conveyance, reports of, review, AB 265

             Dams (See DAMS)

             Geothermal wells and exploratory wells, permit to appropriate water required, AB 109

             Guzzlers, laws inapplicable to certain, requirements, AB 132



                          Extension of time, approval or rejection, AB 265

                          Water Resources, Division of, review of certain applications, duties, AB 265


                          Holding of permit for, notice, AB 265

                          Requirements, SB 342

                   Issuance, requirements, AB 265

             Retired groundwater, effect, SB 36, SB 342

      Interim Finance Committee, certain local governments, reporting requirements, AB 506

      Nevada Water Buy‑Back Initiative, establishment, regulations, SB 36

      Perfected water rights, water conservation plan, requirements, AB 134

      Protests of certain applications, procedures, AB 419

      “Water already appropriated,” applicability to provisions, AB 419


      Common‑interest community, systems owned by, to be included in neighborhood improvement projects, AB 10

      Neighborhood improvement projects, systems to be included in definition, AB 10

      Oh Lab of Neurogenetics and Precision Medicine, UNLV, appropriation, SB 159


      Plant Health and Compliance, Division of, Controlling Interest Transfer Tax, receipt of money, use, AB 362


      Advisory board, authority of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, SB 78


      Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of Nevada, authority, SB 78

      Creation, SB 78


      Geothermal wells, permit to appropriate water required to operate, AB 109

      Real property, sales, disclosure of private well, requirements, AB 312


      City Council and Mayor, qualifications, registration to vote required, charter amendment, AB 491


      Original equipment manufacturers of powered wheelchairs, requirements relating to documentation, parts and tools, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 407

      Repair provider, definitions, AB 407


      Registrar of voters, office of, creation, powers, AB 237

      School district, appropriation to construct elementary school, AB 288


      Agricultural water rights, duration of temporary conversion, AB 9

      Alternative livestock, unlawful acts, repeal of provisions, AB 59

      Crossings Account, deposits, AB 486

      Deer, excrement or bodily fluid, restrictions on bringing into State, possessing, destruction or removal, AB 59

      Designated invertebrate, definition and classification as wildlife, AB 85

      Elk, excrement or bodily fluid, restrictions on bringing into State, possessing, destruction or removal, AB 59

      Exhibition or possession of license or permit while engaged in activities, electronic form authorized, penalties clarified, SB 235

      Game bird, feeding intentionally, prohibited acts, AB 59

      Importation and exportation of wildlife, license fee, SB 79

      Moose, excrement or bodily fluid, restrictions on bringing into State, possessing, destruction or removal, AB 59


             Live wildlife animals, license fee, SB 79

             Refusal to exhibit wildlife while engaged in licensed activity, penalty removed, SB 235

      Protection of wildlife, designated invertebrate as endangered species, AB 85

      Salvage permit, issuance, regulations, SB 215

      “State Wildlife Action Plan” defined, AB 85

      Waste of game animals, edible portion, definition, SB 101

      Wild mammal, feeding intentionally, prohibited acts, AB 59


      Dams, alteration, removal of duties, AB 26

      Hunting tags, establishment of programs authorizing transfer of tags, duties, SB 235

      Salvage permit, issuance, regulations, SB 215

      Surrendered licenses, duties, SB 79


      Dams, decommissioning or alteration, notification to Department, AB 26

      Outdoor Education Council, member, AB 165

      “State Wildlife Action Plan” defined, AB 85


      Euthanasia drugs, self‑administration by patient, conditional devises deemed void, AB 346


      Appropriation to the Housing Division, remainder committed for expenditure, time period, SB 393

      Neighborhood boundaries, eligibility of participants, SB 393

      Property tax exemption, SB 393

      Relocation expenses, eligibility, SB 393


      Agritourism, businesses engaged in, regulations, SB 55


      Pen register or trap and trace device, authorized use, SB 80

      Sexual abuse of a child, authority of peace officers, AB 275


      Audiovisual technology, use to present evidence in certain proceedings, requirements, SB 341

      Facility dogs, witness support, qualifications, AB 302

      Prostitution, engaging in while witness to certain offenses, immunity from criminal liability, AB 209

      Sexual offenses, psychological or psychiatric examination of witness, exclusion of certain testimony, AB 35

      Traffic violations, hearing for civil infraction, rights of the parties, SB 359



             Audio and video calls, restrictions on amount charged to offender, SB 323

             Free telephone calls between offenders in Florence McClure Women’s Correctional Center and the families of such offenders, SB 323


      Charter schools, reports, requirements, SB 81

      Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, program for law students, duties, SB 160

      Qualifications to be eligible to participate, requirements, SB 446

      School districts, reports, requirements, SB 81


      Farm Labor, Task Force on, interim study, requirements, SB 233

      Goodwill of Southern Nevada, appropriation for certain initiatives, AB 130

      Health Care Workforce Apprenticeship Pilot Program, Southern Nevada, creation, AB 413

      Tax abatements or transferable credits, workforce development plans, requirements, investigations, SB 385


      Career coaches in middle schools and junior high schools, program for placement, duties, AB 539


      Heirs, limitation of action, requirements, AB 489



      City Council and Mayor, qualifications, registration to vote required, charter amendment, AB 491


      Yucca Mountain, Federal Government urged to recognize the unsuitability of storing and disposing of spent nuclear fuel and high‑level radioactive waste, SJR 7



      Accessory dwelling units, authority of residential property owner to add, authority of certain counties and cities to enact ordinance, AB 396

      Affordable housing, definitions pertaining to, AB 37

      Attainable housing, requirements, AB 540

      Cities and counties, powers and duties, restrictions, prohibited acts, AB 443

      Cooling towers, authority of Clark County and governing bodies of cities, prohibited acts, AB 385

      Historical residential property, addition of an accessory dwelling unit, ordinance, AB 131

      Master plans, duty to conform, violations, SB 48

      Multifamily housing or mixed‑use developments, applications for permits to construct on property zoned for commercial use, authority of governing bodies, AB 241

      Tiny houses, “single‑family residence” to include, ordinances relating to planning and zoning to reflect the inclusion, AB 443