Through adjournment sine die
SB/AB Senate/Assembly Bill
SJR/AJR Senate/Assembly Joint Resolution
SCR/ACR Senate/Assembly Concurrent Resolution
SR/AR Senate/Assembly Resolution
* Enrolled Bill
‡ Resolution Approved by Legislature
† Deleted by Amendment
D Bill Failed to Meet Deadline
†† Vetoed by Governor
The effective date of each bill and joint resolution is October 1
following its passage, unless otherwise stated in the bill.
Agreements between property owner and another person concerning property paid or delivered to Administrator, regulations, AB 55*
Confidentiality of certain information, information to Administrator under certain circumstances, AB 55*
Delivery of property to Administrator, removal of written consent requirement, AB 55*
“Gift certificate” defined, AB 55*
Holder of property presumed to be abandoned, reports, duties, AB 55*
Human-powered vessels, liability for abandoned property, SB 59*
“Loyalty card” defined, AB 55†
Motor vehicles, liens, appraised value, authority to obtain unbranded title, AB 57*
Newspapers, notices published by Administrator, requirements, removal of certain duties, AB 55*
Property assumed to be abandoned, date, determination, AB 55*
State Education Fund, deposits to, AB 523*
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, repeal of provision regarding application and construal, AB 55*
Endowment Account
Appropriation, SB 287
Uses, SB 499*
Transforming Opportunities for Toddlers and Students Grant Program, creation, SB 287
College and Career Readiness Assessment Committees, appointments, AB 247D
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Standards of content and performance
Health, duties, AB 357
Sexuality education, duties, SB 439†, AB 357
Motor vehicle crashes, vehicles owned or operated by local governmental agency, use of nonflashing blue lights, AB 2*
Business entities, registration, requirements, SB 437*
Examination, waiver of requirements for certain persons, SB 437*
Work experience, requirements, SB 437*
Continuing education, satisfaction of work experience requirement, removal of provision, SB 437*
Financial Institutions, Division of, authority to hire, SB 290*
Guardianship Compliance Officer, State, authority to hire, SB 15D
“Home office,” repeal of definition, SB 437*
Nonresident holding valid license as accounting firm, practice privileges, SB 437*
Annulment of marriage, summary proceeding authorized, requirements, AB 227*
Assisted reproduction, actions pertaining to
Fertility fraud, limitation, remedies, SB 309*
Human reproductive material, provision of, prohibited acts, SB 309*
Cannabis violations, recovery of civil penalties, establishment of rewards program, AB 413D
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, liability for rendering emergency care, AB 25D
Child custody, summary proceeding authorized, requirements, AB 227*
Collection agencies
Payoff or satisfaction letters, violations relating to, AB 223††
Unsecured claims, complaints to collect, requirements, settlements, SB 276†
Common-interest communities (See COMMON-INTEREST COMMUNITIES)
Consumer fraud, referenced drugs sold or delivered in State, civil remedy, AB 250††
Consumer health data, violations by regulated entities and processors, deceptive trade practice, SB 370*
Contraception, governmental imposition of unlawful requirements or limitations, remedies, vexatious litigants, AB 383††
Cosmetology, State Board of, recovery of fines, SB 249*
County counsels, authority to bring certain civil actions, AB 92D
COVID-19, personal injury or death resulting from exposure, limitations on liability, SB 73D
Damages (See DAMAGES)
Drug manufacturers, recovery of civil penalties, SB 283*
Economic boycotts, companies violating agreements not to engage in, recovery of civil penalties, SB 228D
Expert witnesses fees, increase in maximum amount recoverable as costs, AB 76*
Fertility fraud, remedies, SB 154D, SB 309*
Fluorescent lamps, prohibited sale or distribution, recovery of civil penalties, AB 144††
Focus groups, reasonable fees for provision of, included in definition of “costs,” SB 252D
Foil balloons, recovery of civil penalties, AB 321*
Gaming, actions for declaratory judgments, venue, SB 14*
Health care facilities
Deceptive statements regarding services prohibited, penalties, remedies, AB 418D
Fixed rates for goods and services, violations, remedies, AB 85
Professional negligence
Amounts paid by hospital to plaintiffs, certain actions prohibited, AB 404†
Noneconomic damages, limitation of amount, AB 404*
Statute of limitations, when actions are time barred, AB 404*
Homeless Person’s Bill of Rights, violations, remedies, SB 142D
Housing discrimination, enforcement of laws, SB 143, AB 176D
Immunities from liability
Coroner, release of decedent’s body or part upon brain death, SB 109*
COVID-19 exposures, personal injury or death resulting from, SB 73D, SB 441*
Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, members, SB 2*
Employee Savings Trust Program, SB 305*
Financial institutions, notification of exploitation of older or vulnerable persons, delay of certain financial transactions, SB 355*
Health care decisions, agent or default surrogate acting in good faith, AB 414†
Health care providers
Advance health care directive or agent of person, actions involving, AB 414†
Health information exchanges and electronic health records, actions involving, SB 419††, AB 7*
Legislative Counsel Bureau and employees, disclosure of certain information, AB 517†
Marketplace facilitators, SB 444
Medical examiner, release of decedent’s body or part upon brain death, SB 109*
Medical Examiners, Board of, reports by law enforcement agencies regarding licensees, receipt, AB 442†
Midwives, provision of certain care to an indigent person, AB 386
Motor vehicles, actions taken to protect or remove child or pet from, SB 190D
Neurodegenerative diseases, information reported to UNLV, SB 390*
Opioid overdose fatality reviews, immunities for persons or entities conducting, AB 132†
Opticians, Board of Dispensing, members and staff, AB 415*
Peace officers, requirements, SB 245D, AB 287D
Planning commissions in larger counties, translation of public notices, AB 266*
Traffic violations, prosecuting attorneys, SB 104††
Unused drugs, take-back bins for collection and destruction, collectors, SB 183†
Vulnerable persons, temporary orders for protection, certain employees and officers, AB 254D
Work-based learning programs, school trustees or governing bodies, AB 207†
Industrial insurance
Insurers, violations, remedies, SB 274†
Third-party administrators, violations, remedies, SB 274†
Injunctions (See INJUNCTIONS)
Intimidation, remedies, SB 227D
Investigational treatment, investigational drugs, biological products or devices, heirs of deceased patient not liable for debt related to treatment, SB 283*
Kratom products, violations, remedies, AB 322†
Landlord and tenant (See LANDLORD AND TENANT)
Malpractice, actions against certain health care providers, reporting requirements, AB 318*
Mental or physical examinations compelled by certain obligations, remedies of person aggrieved by violation of rights, AB 244*
North Las Vegas, City of, civil action against certain officers, SB 246†
Online service, product or feature likely to be accessed by children, businesses providing, violations, recovery of civil penalties, AB 320D
Permanent support and maintenance, summary proceeding authorized, requirements, AB 227†
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, authority of Attorney General to bring actions against persons who violate certain agreements, SB 228D
Public utilities, trespass, interference with or damage to infrastructure, civil remedy, AB 321*
Service agreements unlawfully tied to residential property, remedies, SB 355*, AB 392D
Sirens, bells or alarms, sounding of by counties, cities, or towns, violations, SB 391*
Statutes of limitations (See LIMITATION OF ACTIONS)
Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (See SLAPP SUITS)
Student loan services, violations, remedies, AB 332*
“Third-party litigation funding agreement” defined, requirements, SB 179D
Tort victims, remedies, AB 408*
Tow car operators, actions to recover certain costs, AB 303
Depository institutions, physical address of new institution, applications for license, requirements, SB 355*
Document preparation services, change in address, requirements, SB 349*
Driver’s licenses, alternative address displayed on, authority of certain persons to request, SB 83D, SB 84D, SB 406†, AB 59D
Campaign practices, reports of campaign expenses or expenditures, requirements, SB 326D
Officials, dissemination of personal identifying information of, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 404†, SB 406*
Replacement mail ballots, requirements, SB 60†
Residency, proof, requirements, SB 443††
Voter challenges, proof of address, requirements, SB 404††
Homeless persons, use of address of service providers as temporary address, authority, SB 317*
Identification cards, alternative address displayed on, authority of certain persons to request, SB 83D, SB 84D, SB 406†, AB 59D
Insurance administrators, changes in address, notice to Commissioner of Insurance, SB 57*
Mail theft, acts constituting, penalties, AB 272†
Military children, school transfer because of documented pending military transfer of parent or guardian, requirements for address, AB 185*
Optometrists, change in mailing address, notice to Nevada State Board of Optometry, AB 432*
Peace officers, requests for confidentiality of personal information in certain official records, AB 96D
Fees for services used by state agencies, duties, SB 446
Information Services, Fund for, duties, SB 446
Model Employer Program, State as a, creation, duties, SB 279*
Unauthorized acquisition of computerized information, authority to inform certain boards or commissions, AB 18*
Computer programming to carry out family leave provisions, appropriation, AB 376*
Director, duties regarding Hearings Division transferred, SB 507
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of
Agencies not under control of Governor, duties, AB 18*
Communication and Computing Unit, appropriation, AB 488†
Composition, restructuring of Division, AB 18*
Computer hardware and software, appropriation for loan, repayment, AB 488*, AB 506*
Definitions, AB 18*
Elimination of Division and Administrator, duties transferred to Office of Chief Information Officer, SB 431*
Enterprise Application Services Unit, appropriations for certain loans, AB 482*
Information Security, Office of, appropriation for loan to, repayment, AB 487*
Legislative declaration, AB 18*
Services provided by Division, fees to be paid by state agencies, SB 446
System for tracking information technology investments, appropriation for loan, repayment, AB 506*
Fleet Services Division
Fuels, records on type of fuel used by state-owned automobiles assigned to Division, duties, AB 262*
Replacement and purchase of vehicles, appropriation, AB 473*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Hearings Division
Advisory committee, appointment, duties, SB 507
Calendar of matters pending before officers, Internet publication, SB 507
Chief, appointment and duties, SB 507
Hearing and appeals officers, appointment, qualifications, supervision, SB 507
Industrial insurance cases, reports, requirements, Internet publication, SB 507
Residential facility for groups, duties, SB 298*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Human Resource Management, Division of
Annual leave, periodic payout to employees, regulation, SB 431†
Arbitrations and mediations, prescheduling of, appropriation, AB 378*
Audit function to review processes of appointing authority, development and implementation, duties, SB 431*
Centralized job announcement system and centralized employment system, development and implementation, duties, SB 431*
Classification plan for classified staff, duties, SB 387*, SB 431*, AB 337
Collective bargaining between state professional employers and professional employees, duties, AB 224††
Continuity of service, plan to encourage, establishment, administration, AB 522*
Model Employer Program, State as a, creation, duties, appropriation, SB 279*
Personnel Commission, Personnel System and Personnel Operating Fund, renaming, SB 431*
Salaries of state officers and employees
Duties, AB 522*
Study, duties, appropriation, AB 451*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Tribal liaisons employed by state agencies, duties, SB 94
Whistleblowers, alleged violations, reprisals or retaliatory actions, duties, AB 13*
Information Security, Office of, unauthorized acquisition of computerized information, authority to inform certain boards or commissions, AB 18*
Public Works Division, State
Capital improvement project planning, recommendations, SB 25*
Capital improvements legislation, duties, funding, AB 521
Change orders related to construction and repair, authority, SB 26D
Computer hardware and software, appropriation, AB 471*
Energy efficiency standards to include net-zero energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, regulations, SB 52D
Historical markers, duties, AB 46†
Marlette Lakes Water System, water rights, appropriation for related professional services and filing fees, AB 470*
Public works, generally (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
State agencies and departments, biennial cooperation with, SB 25*
Purchasing Division
Appropriation for purchase of warehouse building in Las Vegas, AB 472*
Business Opportunity Outreach Unit, creation, SB 185
Economic boycotts, entering into contracts with companies that engage in, prohibited acts, SB 228D
Microbusinesses, submission of proposals for or bids on contracts, procedures, SB 185
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
State Library, Archives and Public Records, Division of
Appropriation, AB 486*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Advance from State General Fund for budget account supported by assessments, repeal of provision, SB 448*
Court Administrator, Office of, distribution of money collected, SB 58†, SB 448*
Distribution of assessments, SB 448*
Driver’s licenses, suspension or denial for nonpayment, removal of court’s authority, SB 104††
Installment payments, procedures, AB 369
Prisoners, wage deductions, removal of requirement, SB 187D
Temporary advances for assessments for misdemeanors, increase in maximum amount, SB 58†
Waiver or reduction, procedures, AB 369
Applicability of Administrative Procedure Act, SB 328*, SB 431†
Campaign practices, violations, hearings, SB 326D
Corrections, Department of, applicability of Administrative Procedure Act, SB 105*, AB 390D, AB 452†
Election procedures manual, exemption from certain requirements, SB 54†
Ethics, Commission on, advisory opinions, AB 66D
Financial Institutions, Division of, advisory opinions, SB 360D
Local governments, adoption of rules affecting businesses
“Business,” definition to include small businesses, SB 261*
Business impact statement, contents, SB 261*
Notice to certain entities of proposed rules, requirements, SB 261*
Proposed rules, workshop to solicit comments or receipt of report, duties, SB 261*
Meeting of public body to consider administrative action against a person, notice, AB 52*
Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, duties regarding water rights, SB 176
Corrections, Department of, duties, AB 121*
Emergency management, regulations submitted by Governor, AB 103D
Environmental justice impact statements, requirements, procedures, AB 312†
Governor’s cabinet secretaries, review of regulations, powers and duties, rulemaking laws inapplicable, SB 431†
Interscholastic Activities Association, Nevada, duties, AB 374D
Joint Interim Standing Committee on Health and Human Services, review of certain licensed board regulations, repeal of provision, AB 243††
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, representation, receipt of reports, AB 160††
Connection to certain information technology systems, appropriation, SB 222*
List of convictions and charges eligible to be sealed, receipt, duties, reports, AB 160††
Special needs, persons with
Agencies which provide child welfare services, consent, financial assistance, AB 453D
Court costs and fees, waiver or reduction, AB 453D
Financial assistance provided until person attains 21 years of age, AB 453D
Child Adoption Grant Program, Nevada, establishment, AB 205D
Child with special needs, financial assistance to adoptive parents, duration, funding, AB 255*, AB 453D
Family leave for state officers and employees, requirements, AB 376*
Indian children, proceedings, establishment of provisions relating to, AB 444*
Commercial feed, use of hemp in certain commercial feed not deemed adulteration, AB 249
Health care, form, AB 414*
Psychiatric care, form, AB 414*
Real property, lis pendens, recordings, SB 223*
Cannabis or cannabis products, prohibited acts, requirements, SB 33D
Document preparation services, authority to use “Department of Motor Vehicles” or “DMV” in advertisements, requirements, SB 349*
Health care facilities, deceptive statements regarding services, penalties, remedies, AB 418D
Housing discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 143, AB 176D
Legal advertisements
Publication on newspaper website, requirements, SB 22*
Services concerning prescription drugs or medical devices, deceptive trade practices, SB 179D
“Real estate facilitator” defined, prohibited acts, AB 438D
Solar installation companies, requirements, SB 293*
Special event advertising, exemptions from certain restrictions on commercial advertising, requirements, AB 426*
Title insurers, title agents and escrow officers, prohibited acts, AB 438D
Vehicles, sale to satisfy lien, requirements, AB 57†
Virtual currency businesses, prohibited acts, SB 333D
Automated traffic enforcement systems
Railroad grade crossings, use, issuance of citations, rebuttal of certain presumption, AB 456†
School zones, use, issuance of citations, rebuttal of certain presumptions, AB 93D
Common-interest communities, complaints, false or fraudulent affidavits, penalties, SB 417*
Corporations, demands to inspect records, requirements, AB 126*
Governmental services tax exemption, surviving spouse of veteran, certification, AB 295
Homeless persons
Certified or official copy of birth certificate, applicants for, affidavit requirement removed, AB 135*
Children or youth, applications for state identification card, requirements, AB 135*
Marriage certificates, amended certificates, requirements, SB 211*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, release of personal information upon submission of affidavit, requirements, SB 6†
Peace officers, application for certification, requirements, SB 225*
Property tax exemption, veteran or surviving spouse, certification, SB 374D, AB 295
Public works, preference in bidding, AB 391†
Summary evictions
Affidavits of complaint, procedures, SB 335††, AB 340††
Stay of action following application for rental assistance, procedures, SB 335††
Account for Affordable Housing, distribution of money, SB 363*
Cities and counties, enactment of ordinances relating to, authority, SB 318D, SB 371††
Critical Needs Fund, use, applications for grants, SB 68
Inspection and repair of dwelling units, duties of housing authorities, AB 333*
Legislative findings, AB 62*
Low-Income Housing, Account for, eligibility for assistance, requirements, SB 40*
Low-income housing shared net metering systems, participation in net metering systems, authority, AB 425
Planning commissions, duties, reports, AB 213*
Property tax exemptions, qualifications for obtaining, AB 62*, AB 416
Real property transfer taxes, deposit to Critical Needs Fund, SB 68
Rent control, enactment of ordinances relating to, authority, SB 371†
Sanitary sewer systems, authority of cities to impose surcharge to fund housing, SB 318D
Supportive Housing Development Fund, Nevada, creation, appropriation, AB 310*
Adopted children with special needs, financial assistance to adoptive parents, duration, funding, AB 255*
Aged persons (See AGED PERSONS)
Behavioral health treatment facilities, intensive, capacity to provide health care to persons under 21 years of age, regulations, AB 435D
Cannabis or cannabis products, sales, verification of age, requirements, AB 342*
Cigarettes or other tobacco products
Age verification requirements, exception for certain areas within casinos, AB 122*
Persons born after December 31, 2002, sale or distribution of cigarettes or certain products, restrictions, AB 294D
Discrimination (See DISCRIMINATION)
Education savings account program, eligibility, SB 200
Firearms, possession or control by certain persons, prohibited acts, AB 355††
Gender dysphoria, insurance coverage for conditions relating to, requirements for persons under 17 years of age, SB 163†
Homeless children and youth applying for state identification card, use of school identification card to prove age, AB 135*
Luring of a child by person in position of authority, acts constituting, penalties, SB 38†
Minors (See MINORS)
Motorcycle endorsement to driver’s license, renewal requirements, SB 423†
National Guard, age of commissioned officers, AB 174D
Property tax
Persons 55 years of age or older, exemptions or partial refunds, eligibility, SB 374D
Persons 62 years of age or older, refund of taxes paid on primary residence, constitutional amendment, AJR 7D
Persons 66 years of age or older, exemptions or partial refunds, eligibility, SB 430
Public Employees’ Retirement System, eligibility to receive retirement benefits for certain persons, SB 308
Disciplinary action, effect of age of pupil, SB 152D, AB 285*, AB 330*
Enrollment in elementary school, requirements, AB 54*, AB 65*
State boards, commissions and similar bodies, appointments by Governor to represent diversity of State, public policy, procedure, SB 210††
Virtual currency businesses, fraud committed against persons under 21 years of age, penalties, SB 333D
Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment
Anesthesiologist assistants, duty to report, AB 270*
Creative arts therapists providing Medicaid services, duty to report, AB 338
Criminal defendants, assignment to certain treatment programs prohibited, SB 86D
Deferral of judgment prohibited for abuse or exploitation, SB 412†
Financial institutions, delay of certain financial transactions, notifications, immunities, SB 355*
Joint tenancy, accounts held in, prosecution for theft of deposits or proceeds, SB 61*
Naprapaths, reports, duties, AB 153*
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, creation, AB 119*
Affordable housing
Emergency assistance to certain elderly women, SB 363*
Housing authorities, inspection and repair of dwelling units of certain residents, duties, AB 333†
Property tax exemptions, qualifications, AB 62*
Caregivers, interim assessment and study, requirements, AB 100*
Common-interest communities
Debt, collection of, voluntary disclosures, SB 175D
Foreclosure of lien, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 175D
COVID-19 Relief Programs budget account, payment of money to registered nonprofit organizations, requirements, appropriation, AB 526*
Deceptive trade practices directed toward, penalties increased, statute of limitations revised, AB 373*
Elections, voting booths and devices, requirements, AB 242††
Existing tenants, rent increase of more than 10 percent, limitations, AB 298††
Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, uses, AB 130*
Home and community-based services, persons receiving, bill of rights, SB 315*
Prescription drugs and pharmaceutical services, subsidies, repeal of certain provisions, SB 4*
Property tax
Persons 55 years of age or older, partial refunds, eligibility, SB 374D
Persons 62 years of age or older, refund of taxes imposed on primary residence, constitutional amendment, AJR 7D
Persons 66 years of age or older, partial refunds, eligibility, SB 430
Rental assistance for certain persons, appropriations, AB 396*
Residential facility for groups, involuntary discharge of residents, prohibited acts, SB 298*
Senior living community referral agencies, operation, prohibited acts, SB 260*
Senior living facilities, HVAC systems, requirements, reports, AB 281††
Virtual currency businesses, fraud committed against older persons, penalties, SB 333D
Caregivers, interim assessment of certain, receipt of report, AB 100*
Independent Living Counsel, Statewide, coordination, SB 43*
Compensation increased, SB 210††
Qualifications, SB 43*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Economic boycotts, companies that engage in, local governments or state agencies prohibited from entering into contracts with, SB 228D
Renewable energy facilities on or adjacent to farmland, partial abatement of certain sales and use taxes, SB 421D
Soil Health Advisory Board, creation, representation for agricultural interests in State, AB 109
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Wineries, regulation, duties, SB 259*
Administrative Services, Division of, appropriation for deferred maintenance projects, SB 468*
Animal feed, research facilities to conduct studies, application process, regulations, AB 249
Animal Industry, Division of, appropriation for computer hardware and software, SB 468*
Breakfast and lunch for Nevada pupils, appropriation, AB 319††
Commercial feed, use of hemp authorized in certain feed, duties, regulations, AB 249
Kratom products, duties, regulations, AB 322†
Neonicotinoid pesticides, regulations, AB 162*
Pesticide applicators, duties, SB 159*
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Firearms, possession or control by certain persons, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 355††
County school district funds, air pollution administrative fines, deposit and use, SB 48D
Engine emissions (See ENGINE EMISSION CONTROL)
Environment, establishment of certain rights relating to, constitutional amendment, AJR 3D
HVAC systems at senior living facilities, requirements, AB 281††
Local air pollution control programs, regional planning coalition, cooperation with, removal of provision, SB 247*
Safety programs in workplaces, requirements, exemptions, SB 427D
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, grants to promote, AB 131*
Economic Development, Office of, part of, AB 58*, AB 429
Governmental entities, authority to award grants to, AB 429
Nevada Air Service Development Fund
Nonreversion of funds, appropriations, AB 58†, AB 429
Study, appropriation, AB 58*
Reports, AB 58*
Liens, satisfaction, requirements, AB 57*
Battle Mountain Airport Authority, election, canvass of returns, procedure, SB 404†
Carson City Airport Authority, election, canvass of returns, procedure, SB 404†
Construction projects, applicability of prevailing wage laws, SB 226†
Aviation, Fund for, grant program, appropriation, AB 429
Cannabis establishments, certain locations authorized, requirements, AB 413D
Nevada Air Service Development Fund, grant program, appropriation, AB 429
Sounding of by counties, cities, or towns, emergency, testing or holiday, SB 391*
Cultural competency, continuing education, SB 365D, AB 267*
Health Service Corps, Nevada, repayment of student loans, eligibility, AB 69
Opioid use disorder, medication-assisted treatment, consultations, AB 156*
Problem gambling counselor interns, supervision, authority, SB 91*
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Behavioral health integration services, Medicaid coverage, AB 138*
Contracts and agreements, requirements, AB 435D
Halfway houses, removal from definition of “facility for the dependent,” effect, AB 403*
Incarcerated persons
Medicaid, coverage for certain persons 90 days before scheduled release, AB 389*
Medication-assisted treatment, availability of, SB 35*, AB 156†
Treatment for offenders with substance use or co-occurring disorders, programs of, AB 156†
Insurance coverage for drugs and treatment, requirements, SB 439*
Medicaid Outreach Advisory Committee, creation, SB 419††
Money from public sources, authorized use by Division, AB 156*
Opioid overdose fatality reviews, authority of certain entities to conduct, requirements, AB 132†
Overdose Fatalities, Committee to Review, creation, powers and duties, AB 132†
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, AB 115D
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, requirements, AB 179
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, SB 242
Public money, authorized use by Division, AB 156*
Specialty court programs
Criminal defendants convicted of certain offenses, assignment to treatment programs prohibited, SB 86D, SB 412†
Probation, discharge, discretionary under certain circumstances, SB 412†
Testing for Intoxication, Committee on (See INTOXICATION, COMMITTEE ON TESTING FOR)
State agencies and departments, purchase of motor vehicles, preference given to certain vehicles, AB 262*
Reporting of information by health care providers and facilities, requirements, regulation, SB 390*
Honorary consuls of foreign countries, license plates, repeal of provision, AB 57*
Statewide Alert System, Committee for the, composition, AB 239*
Resales of admission, excise tax, imposition, SB 444
Advance health-care directive, organ donation, form, AB 414*
Birth tissue
Living donation of, Internet publication of entities which accept, AB 154*
Private bank or organization, process of tissue, certification, AB 154†
Brain death, release of decedent’s body or body part for transplantation purposes, requirements, SB 109*
Coroner, release of decedent’s body or part upon brain death, requirements, SB 109*
Heart or lung transplants, Medicaid coverage, SB 127D
Living donation of birth tissue, Internet publication of entities which accept, AB 154*
Medical examiner, release of decedent’s body or body part upon brain death, requirements, SB 109*
Special license plates, human organ donation, limitation of number of designs, exception, AB 304*
Discrimination (See DISCRIMINATION)
Intimidation, use of symbols of hate, penalties, SB 227D
North Las Vegas, City of, diversity study, SB 184D
Licensure and regulation, AB 270*
ANIMALS (See also specific kinds of animals; WILDLIFE)
Commercial feed
Hemp, use authorized in certain feed, violations, penalties, AB 249
Research facilities, authority to conduct certain studies relating to hemp, AB 249
Competition, participation in, taking certain covered animals for prizes
Prohibited acts, penalties, AB 102D
Seizure of covered animal, AB 102D
COVID-19 Relief Programs budget account, payment of money to registered nonprofit organizations, requirements, appropriation, AB 526*
Cruelty to animals
Abandonment of animals, prohibited acts, AB 86D
Animals kept for working purposes or domestic animals not owned by any person, applicability of prohibitions, AB 86D
Conviction exempt from credits against imprisonment, AB 159*
Deferral of judgment for cruelty to animals prohibited, AB 159*
Definitions, AB 86D
Disabled animals, abandonment, provisions repealed, AB 86D
Dogs, restraints and outdoor enclosures, prohibitions, requirements, exceptions, SB 269*, AB 86D
Grooming and shearing, depriving animal of, AB 86D
Indigent persons, applicability of laws, AB 86D
Juvenile courts, authority to order counseling or psychological treatment of child, SB 359†
Proper ventilation, depriving animal of, AB 86D
Suspension of sentence, limitation on duration, AB 159*
Veterinary care, depriving animal of, AB 86D
Dental services performed on equines and livestock, exemption from laws regulating veterinarians, SB 229D
Motor vehicles, actions to protect or remove pet from, immunities from liability, SB 190D
Places of public accommodation and public conveyance or transport
Aggressive behavior or threat to health or safety of others, authority to request removal of animal, penalty for refusal to remove, AB 87D
Rights and responsibilities regarding animals, signs to be posted, AB 87D
Service animals or service animals in training, prohibited acts by landlords, SB 143
Arbitration provisions, nonbinding, AB 439††
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patients, prohibited provisions in contracts, SB 239††
Living organ donors, discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Summary proceeding authorized, requirements, AB 227*
Big game mammal, discovery of carcass, donation of antlers, SB 312D
Big game mammal, discovery of carcass, donation of antlers, SB 312D
Shed antlers and heads with antlers, taking of, SB 312D
Accessibility requirements relating to design and construction, SB 143
Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)
Adjournment, absence of judge, repeal of provision, SB 63*
Electronic filing, storage and reproduction of documents, SB 63*
Governor, Office of, liaison with Judicial Department, SB 431†
Candidacy, filing requirements, SB 418*
Salary, prospective increase, appropriation, AB 16*
“State judicial officer” includes judges of Court of Appeals, SB 34*
Telephone number of office, availability to public, SB 63*
Nonjudicial days, exceptions, SB 63*
Seals, regulations, repeal of provisions, SB 63*
Housing discrimination, prohibited acts, AB 176D
Barbers, failure to pass examination for license, requirements to retake exam, SB 386*
Journeymen, when deemed, SB 82*
Opticians, apprentice dispensing opticians, eligibility, AB 415*
Percentage of hours of labor provided
Modification or waiver of requirements, SB 82†
Revision, documentation submitted to Labor Commissioner, SB 82*
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Work-based learning programs, pupil participation, liability insurance, AB 207*
Composition, SB 347†
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Recruitment of women for apprenticeship programs, policy review, AB 305††
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Workforce, Department of, transfer to, designation of State Apprenticeship Agency, SB 431†
ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, appropriation to Endowment Account, SB 287
Administration, Department of, AB 376*, AB 475*
Administrative assessments, appropriations for support or operation of Supreme Court to be reduced based on assessments, repeal of provisions, SB 58†
Administrative Office of the Courts, SB 222*
Administrative Services, Division of, State Department of Agriculture, SB 468*
Aging and Disability Services Division, AB 167, AB 259*, AB 476*, AB 501
Agriculture, State Department of, AB 319††
Air Service Development Fund, Nevada, AB 58*, AB 429
Animal Industry, Division of, SB 468*
Anti-Domestic Terrorism Assistance Account, AB 117
Arc Nevada, AB 525*
Arriba Las Vegas Worker Center, AB 525*
Arts Council, Nevada, SB 341*, SB 463*
Attorney General, Office of, SB 482*, SB 502, AB 50*
Aviation, Fund for, AB 58*, AB 429
Baby Bonds Trust Fund, Nevada, establishment of Nevada Baby Bonds Program, AB 28
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center, AB 37*
Biomarker testing and precision medicine, research of, AB 155†
Blind Children’s Foundation, Nevada, SB 341*
Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada, SB 341*, AB 525*
Boys and Girls Clubs of Truckee Meadows, AB 525*
Boys Town Nevada, SB 341*, AB 525*
Budget Division, AB 489*
Business and Industry, Department of, SB 240*, SB 491*
Business Finance and Planning, Office of, SB 491*
Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada, SB 341*, AB 525*
Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada, SB 341*, AB 525*
Chicanos Por Las Causa Nevada, Inc., AB 525*
Child and Family Services, Division of, SB 380*, SB 495*, AB 255*, AB 257*
Children’s Cabinet, SB 263*
Clark County, AB 396*
Clean Trucks and Buses, Account for, AB 184†
Cleveland Clinic Nevada, SB 341*
College of Southern Nevada, SB 126*, AB 491*, AB 525*
Communication and Computing Unit, Division of Enterprise Information Technology Services, AB 488†
Communities in Schools of Nevada, SB 189*, SB 341*, AB 525*
Community Health Alliance, AB 525*
Community services, appropriations to various organizations, AB 525*
Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, SB 492*
Conservation Districts Program, AB 109
Contingency Account, SB 453*
Corrections, Department of, SB 413*, AB 452*, AB 507*
Culinary Academy of Las Vegas, SB 341*, AB 521, AB 525*
Cupcake Girls, AB 525*
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, AB 496*
Dementia care specialist program, AB 167
Desert Research Institute, support of Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program, SB 99*
Doctors for Nevada Program, AB 393D
Domestic Violence Resource Center, SB 341*
Early Childhood Literacy and Readiness Account, AB 400*
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, AB 113
Economic Development, Office of, AB 77*, AB 484*, AB 504*
Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County, AB 525*
Education, Department of, SB 71*, SB 231*, SB 291*, SB 339*, SB 341*, SB 500*, AB 319†, AB 323, AB 347, AB 357, AB 400*, AB 420D, AB 428*
Educational Choice, Account for, SB 200
Elko County School District, AB 273, AB 519*
Emergency Account, SB 453*
Emergency Management, Division of, SB 476*
Emergency Response Commission, State, AB 478*
Employment Security Division, SB 123D
Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, SB 475*
Energy, Office of, SB 505*
Enterprise Application Services Unit, AB 482†
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, AB 482*, AB 488*, AB 506†
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, SB 143
Ethics, Commission on, AB 474*
Examiners, State Board of, SB 440††, AB 498††, AB 522*
Finance, Office of, SB 456*, SB 481, SB 508, SB 510*, AB 69, AB 268*, AB 468*, AB 482*, AB 487*, AB 489*, AB 500*, AB 506*, AB 522*
Fleet Services Division, AB 473*
Food Bank of Northern Nevada, SB 341*, AB 525*
Forestry, Division of, SB 470*, SB 480*, SB 492*
Foster Kinship, AB 166, AB 525*
Foundation Christian Center, AB 525*
Foundation for an Independent Tomorrow, AB 525*
Friends in Service Helping, AB 525*
Friends of Gem Theater, SB 341*
Gaming Commission, Nevada, SB 469*
Gaming Control Board, Nevada, SB 490*
Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada Inc., SB 341*
Gem Theater, Friends of, restoration of Theater, SB 101
General appropriations legislation, SB 511*, AB 520††
Gentleman By Choice Community Development Corporation, AB 525*
Goodwill of Southern Nevada, AB 525*
Governor, Office of, SB 431*, SB 454*, AB 499
Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, Account for, SB 350†
Greater Youth Sports Association, AB 525*
Green Our Planet, SB 341*
Greenspun College of Urban Affairs of UNLV, SB 341*
Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 400††, SB 419†, SB 493*, AB 7*, AB 155†, AB 348*
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, SB 45*, SB 163†, SB 191*, SB 241*, SB 385*, SB 419††, SB 494*, AB 6, AB 137*, AB 138*, AB 155*, AB 208*, AB 237*, AB 283*, AB 383††
Health Service Corp, Nevada, AB 69, AB 248
HELP of Southern Nevada, AB 525*
Highway Fund, State, SB 502, AB 519*
Highway Patrol Division, AB 495*
Homeless Youth, Nevada Partnership for, AB 525*
Homelessness Support Services Matching Account, AB 528*
HopeLink of Southern Nevada, AB 525*
HOPES, Northern Nevada, AB 525*
Housing Division, SB 450*
Human Resource Management, Division of, SB 279*, AB 378*, AB 451*
Human Trafficking, Contingency Account for Victims of, SB 389*
Indian Commission, Nevada, SB 462*
Indigent Defense Services, Department of, SB 479*, SB 487*, AB 518*
Information Security, Office of, AB 487†
Infrastructure Bank Fund, Nevada State, SB 509
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, SB 425*
Interim Finance Committee, SB 231*, SB 341*, SB 342*, SB 490*, AB 80, AB 224††, AB 258††, AB 468*, AB 480*, AB 518*, AB 525*
Internal Audits, Division of, AB 489*
International Gaming Institute of UNLV, SB 341*
Investigation Division, AB 125*, AB 509*
Joy Theatricals, Inc., Source of, AB 525*
Judicial Department Staff Salaries budget account, AB 522*
Judicial Discipline, Commission on, AB 498††
Judicial Elected Officials Account, State, AB 16*
Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, Nevada Local, AB 388*
King of Jewels, AB 525*
Knowledge Account, AB 467
Labor Commissioner, Office of, SB 82*, SB 301††, SB 491*
Latino Bar Association, Nevada, AB 525*
Latino Youth Leadership Foundation, AB 525*
Leaders in Training, AB 525*
Leadership Institute of Nevada, SB 341*
Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada, AB 525*
Legislative Fund, SB 1*, SB 440†, AB 268*, AB 346*, AB 464††, AB 485*, AB 498††, AB 522*
Lieutenant Governor, Office of, SB 455*
Merit Award Account, creation, AB 239*
Military, Office of the, SB 476*
Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund, SB 486*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, SB 362*, SB 403, SB 443††, SB 502, AB 510*, AB 519*
Museums and History, Division of, SB 498*, AB 252*
National Alliance on Mental Illness Southern Nevada, AB 525*
National Atomic Testing Museum, relocation, appropriation for allocation to nonprofit corporation, AB 80
Nevada Center for Civic Engagement, SB 236, SB 285*
Nevada Clean Energy Fund, SB 341*
Nevada Grown Educator Account, AB 428*
Nevada Main Street Program, Account for, AB 481*
Nevada Partners, Inc., AB 525*
Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, SB 486*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, SB 10*
Nevada System of Higher Education
College of Southern Nevada, SB 126*, AB 491*
Desert Research Institute, support of Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program, SB 99*
Enrollment recovery for certain colleges, AB 491*
Funding formula for System, study, AB 493*
Memory Network, Nevada, establishment, SB 297
Native Americans, fee waivers, AB 150*
NevadaNet, AB 492*
Nursing programs, grants to support, SB 375*
NV Grow Program, SB 126*
Public Employees’ Retirement System, increase in employers’ contributions, AB 498††
Retention incentives for certain employees, AB 268*
Salary increases, AB 522*
University of Nevada
Las Vegas (See University of Nevada, Las Vegas, this heading)
Nevada Transportation Authority, SB 491*
New Americans, Office for, AB 266*
Nursing programs, undergraduate and graduate, grants to support, SB 375*
NV Grow Program, SB 126*
Obodo Collective, AB 525*
Opportunity Village, AB 525*
Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program Account, SB 474, AB 128*
Outdoor Recreation, Division of, SB 492*
Parole and Probation, Division of, SB 36*, AB 508*
Parole Commissioners, State Board of, AB 479*
Patient Protection Commission, SB 493*
Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission, SB 488*
Physicians Recruitment Account, AB 393D
Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, SB 341*, AB 525*
Postsecondary Education, Commission on, SB 475*
Prison Development Society, Nevada State, AB 525*
Problem Gambling, Advisory Committee on, SB 341*
Project 150, AB 525*
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, SB 118†, AB 158*, AB 502*, AB 511*
Public Employees’ Retirement System, AB 268*, AB 522*
Public Safety, Department of, SB 412*, AB 160††, AB 496*
Public Works Division, State, AB 470*, AB 471*
Puentes, AB 525*
Purchasing Division, AB 472*
Real Estate Division, SB 491*
Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, SB 341*
Reno, City of, AB 396*
Roseman University of Health Sciences, SB 341*
1/5 Retirement Credit Purchase Program Account, SB 503*
Assist Rural School Districts in Financing Capital Improvements, Fund to, AB 519*
Charter schools, transportation of pupils, AB 400*
Education savings account program and grants, SB 200
Elko County School District, AB 273, AB 519*
Garden programs, SB 244
Integrated school support services, SB 189*
Other State Education Programs Account, SB 244, SB 503*
Professional Development Programs Account, SB 503*
Pupil-Centered Funding Plan Account, SB 503*
Sexuality education, development and implementation of standards of content and performance, AB 357
Special Education Services, Account for State, SB 503*
Teachers and other personnel, salary increases, SB 231*
White Pine County School District, SB 100
Secretary of State, SB 54*, SB 395††, SB 478*, SB 483*, SB 484*, SB 485*, AB 192*, AB 246††
Sentencing Policy, Department of, AB 388*
Silicosis, Diseases Related to Asbestos and Other Disabilities, Account for Pensions for, SB 459*
Small Business Development Center, Nevada, AB 525*
South-Asian Women’s Alliance of Nevada, AB 525*
Southern Nevada Enterprise Community Board, SB 246†
Sparks, City of, AB 396*
Special Olympics of Nevada, SB 219, SB 341*, AB 525*
Spread the Word Nevada, AB 525*
Stale Claims Account, AB 469*
State Controller, SB 460*, SB 461*
State Lands, Division of, SB 492*
State Library, Archives and Public Records, Division of, SB 341*, AB 486*
State Parks, Division of, SB 470*, SB 471*, SB 492*, AB 84*
State Public Charter School Authority, AB 400*
State Public Defender, Office of, SB 464*
State Treasurer, SB 200, SB 217, SB 232*, SB 306, SB 458*, AB 526*
Statutory Contingency Account, restoration of balance, AB 152*
Supportive Housing Development Fund, Nevada, AB 310*
T.U.L.I.P.S., AB 525*
Tahoe-Douglas Visitors Authority, SB 341*
Taxation, Department of, SB 233, SB 465, SB 466*, SB 467*, SB 489*, SB 502
Teach for America, AB 525*
Teach Nevada Collaborative Account, SB 438
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, SB 503*
Teacher Advancement Scholarship Program Account, Nevada, AB 400*
Teachers’ School Supplies Assistance Account, SB 339†
Teaching and Educator Preparation, Nevada Institute on, SB 291*
Three Square Food Bank, SB 341*, AB 525*
Training Division, AB 496*
Transportation, Department of, AB 477*
U.S. VETS Las Vegas, AB 525*
United Labor Agency of Nevada, Inc., AB 525*
United Way of Northern Nevada, SB 341*, AB 525*
United Way of Southern Nevada, AB 525*
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Brain Health, Department of, SB 390*
Cooperative Extension in Clark County, SB 126†
Discriminatory restriction or prohibition on real property, duties regarding, SB 368*
Grant program to assist certain psychology interns, SB 300
Medical school, health students, SB 457*
William S. Boyd School of Law
Immigration Clinic, pro bono legal services, AB 328†, AB 382
Thomas & Mack Legal Clinic, pro bono legal services, AB 328*
University of Nevada, Reno, SB 368*, AB 494*
Uplift Foundation of Nevada, AB 525*
Urban Chamber Community Development Corporation, AB 525*
Vegas PBS, SB 341*
Veterans Home Account, AB 505*
Veterans Services, Department of, SB 178, SB 218, AB 505*
Vision Theatrical Foundation, Inc., AB 525*
Vocational Rehabilitation, Bureau of, SB 475*
Water Resources, Division of, SB 102, SB 472*, SB 473*, SB 492*
Water Rights, Account for Purchasing and Retiring, SB 176
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, AB 139*, AB 208*, AB 512*
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, Nevada Office, SB 342†
White Pine County School District, SB 100
Wildlife Crossings Account, AB 112*
Workforce Innovation, Governor’s Office of, AB 428*
Workforce Innovations for a New Nevada Account, AB 483*
Casualty insurance policies, arbitration provisions nonbinding, AB 439††
Emergency medical services provided by out-of-network providers, arbitration conducted by qualified state employee, authority of state agency to retain money paid for costs of arbitrator, SB 497*
State professional employers and exclusive representatives, disputes, AB 224††
“Domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, support of programs to counter, AB 117
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Behavioral health workforce development consortium, representation, AB 37*
Confidentiality of personal information, requests for in certain records, AB 225†
Cosmetology, exemptions from regulation, SB 249*
Criminal defendants convicted of certain offenses, assignment to specialty court programs prohibited, SB 86D
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, forms necessary for employee’s leave of absence, fees charged by health care providers limited, AB 437††
Family leave for state officers and employees, requirements, AB 376*
Governmental services tax exemption, surviving spouse of qualifying service member, AB 295
Graduate Medical Education, Advisory Council on, creation, representation, SB 350*
Hospitals, agreements with Armed Forces of United States for provision of care by certain persons, AB 311*
Motorcycle Riders, Program for the Education of, instructors, removal of certain eligibility requirement, SB 423*
Occupational therapy, expedited license by endorsement, requirements, AB 343*
Opticians, applicants for licensure, waiver of certain requirements, AB 415*
Personalized prestige license plates, issuance, requirements, exemptions from parking fees, AB 203*
Property taxes, exemptions or partial refunds for certain persons, eligibility, SB 374D, SB 430, AB 295
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, membership, SB 242
Education savings account program, eligibility, SB 200
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, eligibility for grants, priority, SB 220D, AB 385D
School transfer because of documented pending military transfer of parent or guardian, requirements, AB 185*
State parks and recreation areas, annual permit for entering, issuance without collection of fee, AB 84*
Controlled substances, studies conducted by research facilities, persons engaged in certain conduct does not constitute basis for arrest, SB 242†
Domestic violence battery, arrest of suspect, requirements, AB 51*
Extradition, limitations on Governor’s warrant of arrest, SB 131*, SB 302††
Housing discrimination, prohibited acts regarding applicant or tenant’s arrest records, SB 143
Medical aid rendered to persons who indicate inability to breathe, duties of peace officers, SB 362*
Multiple charges, sealing records of charges disposed of by dismissal, declination or acquittal, AB 160††
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, arrest for consuming or possessing drugs prohibited, AB 115D
Traffic violations, arrest without warrant, when authorized, SB 104††
Medicaid, enrollment to provide services, duty to report certain abuse or neglect, AB 338
Board of the Nevada Arts Council, compensation of members increased, SB 210††
Computer hardware and software, appropriation for replacement costs, SB 463*
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Commission, representation, AB 409
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Tourism, Commission on, elimination of ex-officio membership of Chair, SB 477*
Silicosis, Diseases Related to Asbestos and Other Disabilities, Account for Pensions for, appropriation, SB 459*
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Health care providers, definition for enhanced penalties, SB 289*
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, assault against certain persons, penalties, AB 353D
Schools, public
Acts of violence committed by pupil, disciplinary procedures, AB 194D
Personnel, act of violence committed on, plan of action, appeals, AB 194D
Utility workers, assault or battery committed upon, penalties, AB 321*
Property managers, permit holders exempt from regulation, AB 327D
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
School pupils, head injuries, duties, SB 80*
Domestic violence, acts constituting, AB 51†
Health care facilities, deceptive statements regarding services, powers and duties, AB 418D
Legal services concerning prescription drugs or medical devices, prosecution of deceptive trade practices, SB 179D
Assisted reproduction
Human reproductive material provided for, action brought in name of State, SB 309*
Notice to professional licensing boards of conviction of certain crimes, duties, SB 309*
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, representation, AB 160††
Ballistic vests, appropriation for replacement of, SB 482*
Bill draft requests, reduction in maximum number, AB 200
Campaign practices
Candidates transitioning to office, reporting requirements, SB 60††
Violations, investigation and prosecution of, SB 326D
Cannabis violations, recovery of civil penalties, actions to enjoin violations, establishment of rewards program, AB 413D
Capital improvements legislation, duties, AB 521
Collective bargaining between state professional employers and professional employees, duties, appropriation, AB 224††
Commercially sexually exploited children, duties training of employees, AB 238D
Common-interest communities, prosecution of association violations, SB 175D
Community health workers, duties, SB 117†
Compliance Investigator, allocation of appropriation to Interim Finance Committee, AB 258††
Computer operating system, upgrades to, appropriation, SB 482*
Consumer Protection Administrative Account, deposits, AB 320D
Consumer Protection, Bureau of, utilities which purchase natural gas for resale, plan for demand of natural gas, meetings, SB 281*
Corporations for public benefit or charitable trusts, examination or audit, confidentiality of information, AB 258††
Corrections, Department of, programs related to credits on terms of imprisonment, sharing of certain information, SB 413*
Counterfeit label or trademark, goods having, duties, AB 50*
County counsels, duties, AB 92D
Court reporting, practice without license or certificate, duties, SB 160D
Criminal prosecution (See CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS)
Data collectors, duties, AB 421D
Deceptive trade practices, duties, AB 373*
Deputy Attorney General, allocation of appropriation to Interim Finance Committee, AB 258††
Digital products, taxation of, duties, SB 396
Document preparation services, violations, duties, SB 349*
Drug manufacturers, recovery of civil penalties, SB 283*
Economic boycotts, authority to bring civil actions against companies in violation of agreements, SB 228D
Education savings accounts, misuse of money, receipt of notice, SB 200
Investigation and Prosecution of Election Crimes, Unit for, creation, duties, SB 325D
Irregularities, receipt of referrals from Election Crimes Unit, SB 325D, AB 326D
Procedures manual, duties, SB 54†
Violations, receipt of reports of, SB 325D
Emerging Technologies Task Force, membership, SB 165
Employee misclassification, communication with certain agencies regarding, duties, SB 145*
Executive Department, legal adviser on matters arising in, determination, effect, SB 34*
Fertility fraud, duties, SB 154D, SB 309*
Fluorescent lamps, prohibited sale or distribution, duties, AB 144††
Foil balloons, violations, recovery of civil penalties, AB 321*
Forfeiture of property, annual reports by law enforcement agencies, duties, SB 337D, AB 350*
Fraud in the course of an enterprise or occupation, duties, AB 50*
Governor, Office of, designation of liaison, SB 431†
Health care facilities, violations regarding fixed rates for goods and services, receipt of reports, duties, AB 85
Health care providers hindering or delaying professional negligence actions, recovery of penalties, AB 209D
Housing discrimination, duties, SB 143
Informants, maintenance of records regarding cooperation agreements, confidentiality, AB 101*
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, referral of cases, duties, AB 353D
Judiciary, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, reports, SB 34*, AB 243††
Lending businesses, employees authorized to work from remote locations, notification of security breaches, SB 355*
Mediator, authority to volunteer as third-party neutral mediator, requirements, SB 37*
Meetings of public agencies, use of remote-technology system while emergency declaration in effect, regulation, SB 156D
Midwives, violations, duties, AB 386
Murder and manslaughter cases, annual reports, duties transferred to Department of Sentencing Policy, SB 316*
North Las Vegas, City of, civil action against certain officers, SB 246†
Occupations and professions, prosecution of contested cases, notice, AB 52*
Online service, product or feature likely to be accessed by children, receipt of data protection impact assessments, duties, AB 320D
Organized retail theft, duties, AB 50*
Parole, modification of sentence of persons on, notice of petition and hearing, AB 83D
Presidential electors, creating or serving in false slate, prosecution, SB 133††
Professional negligence, maximum amount of noneconomic damages, duties, AB 404†
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, membership, Vice Chair, SB 242
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, authority to bring actions against persons who violate certain agreements, SB 228D
Public works, violations, receipt of reports, AB 367D
Representation of officers or employees of state or political subdivision, authority, SB 34*
Retail crime, prosecution of, appropriation, AB 50*
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Sealing records of eligible convictions and charges, notice, procedures, AB 160††
Seizure of property, annual reports by law enforcement agencies, duties, SB 337D, AB 350*
Sirens, bells or alarms, sounding of by counties, cities, or towns, violations, SB 391*
Special counsel, employment, compensation, duties, SB 34*
State highways, construction and maintenance, appropriation for investigation and enforcement actions, SB 502, AB 519*
Student loan servicers, duties, AB 332*
Tobacco products, inspections of retailers, frequency, allocation from Fund for a Healthy Nevada, AB 294D
Use-of-force data, review, reports, AB 243††
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, membership, AB 36*
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, creation, duties, AB 119†
Common-interest communities
Foreclosure of lien, violations, remedies, SB 175D
Repairs, time to complete, remedies, SB 175D
Consumer health data, violations, remedies, SB 370*
Contingent fee contracts, limitations on amount and basis of, SB 420D
Contraception, governmental imposition of unlawful requirements or limitations, remedies, AB 383††
Employment Security Division, payment of fees to persons who prevail in appeals of certain rulings, SB 123D
Guardianship of adults, claims, remedies, AB 381D
Health care facilities
Deceptive statements regarding services, penalties, AB 418D
Violations regarding fixed rates for goods and services, remedies, AB 85
Home-based businesses, persons adversely affected by local regulations, remedies, AB 314D
Homeless Person’s Bill of Rights, violations, recovery, SB 142D
Housing discrimination, remedies, SB 143, AB 176D
Industrial insurance
Insurers, violations, remedies, SB 274†
Third-party administrators, violations, remedies, SB 274†
Mental or physical examinations, rights of certain persons compelled to submit, remedies for violations, AB 244*
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, violations by governmental entities, AB 258††
Professional negligence, contingent fees, limitations, AB 404*
Service agreements unlawfully tied to residential property, penalties, SB 355*, AB 392D
Student loan services, violations, AB 332*
Third-party litigation funding agreements, joint and several liability, SB 179D
Attorney and client, privileged communications, certain records confidential, SB 39*
Bar Association (See STATE BAR OF NEVADA)
Cannabis Compliance Board, attorneys representing, exemptions from prosecution for certain offenses relating to cannabis, SB 33D
Child abuse or neglect, ad litem guardians, appointment, AB 148*
Child, orders for protection against, removal of requirement for appointment of attorney, SB 382*
Commercially sexually exploited children, training requirements, AB 238D
County counsel, qualifications for appointment, AB 92D
Criminal proceedings, receipt of disclosures regarding use of informants by prosecuting attorney, AB 101*
Earned wage access services, violations, duties, AB 436D
Eviction notices, service by agent, restrictions, SB 78††
Executive Department, representation of officers or employees, SB 34*
Governmental attorneys, authority to volunteer as third-party neutral mediators, SB 37*
Guardianships, appointment for minors, AB 446D
Hearings Division, qualifications of hearing and appeals officers, representation of advisory committee, SB 507
Indian children, appearance in child custody proceedings, court-appointed attorneys in certain proceedings, AB 444*
Indigent defense services
Compensation, AB 454*
Privileged records, confidentiality of certain records, SB 39*
Judges licensed to practice law, jurisdiction over disciplinary action, SB 62*
Liability insurance, policy provisions regarding costs of legal defense, AB 398*
Offenders, communication with attorney by means of telecommunications device, authority, AB 35*
Pretrial release hearings conducted on weekends or holidays, receipt of stipends, appropriation, AB 518*
Process, electronic means of service, AB 49*
Prosecutors, confidentiality of personal information, requests, AB 225*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, representation, SB 103*
Sentencing Policy, Department of, qualifications of Executive Director, AB 32*
Skilled nursing, facilities for, electronic communication devices, access to, AB 202*
Solicitation of legal business, prohibited acts, AB 408*
Special counsel, employment by Attorney General, requirements, SB 34*
State professional employers and professional employees, attorney representation in collective bargaining, AB 224††
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, representation, AB 119*
Automobile wreckers, sales of certain vehicles at consignment auctions, authority, AB 384D
Common-interest communities, foreclosure sales, AB 142D
Deeds of trust, default and election to sell, requirements, AB 142D
Execution sales, requirements, AB 142D
Motor vehicles, sales to satisfy liens, requirements, AB 57*
Contractors, recording of informal citation conference prohibited, AB 23*
Courts, transcription of sound recordings, exemption from court reporter regulations, SB 160D
Third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Uniform Telehealth Act, adoption, AB 198†
Earned wage access service providers, requirements, SB 290*
Ballots, lists and records, subject to risk-limiting audit, SB 60†
Risk-limiting audit indicating certain discrepancy in election results, effect, SB 404†, AB 192*
Employee Savings Trust Program, requirements, SB 305*
Human Resource Management, Division of, development of certain audit functions, SB 431
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, duties, AB 353D
Internal Audits, Division of, appropriation, AB 489*
Pharmacy benefit managers, audit of books and records by third party, authority, AB 440D
Pretrial release hearings conducted on weekends or holidays, counties receiving funding, requirements, AB 518*
Alternative educational opportunities for pupils, participants in programs, SB 199D
Apportionments, audit of count of pupils, AB 42
Career and technical program tax credit organizations, SB 144
Class-size reduction, audit of data, AB 42
Department charter schools, requirements, SB 206D
Education, Inspector General of, creation of Office, duties, AB 149D
Education savings accounts, requirements, SB 200
Hospitals or other facilities, certain reimbursements to, AB 54*
Sexual assault, biological specimens, DNA profiles and records of survivors, audits, SB 321*
State University and other public institutions of higher education, biennial audits, constitutional amendment, SJR 7 of the 81st Session‡
Student loan services, authority of Financial Commissioner, AB 332*
Aging and Disability Services Division, AB 259*, AB 476*
Attorney General, Office of the, SB 482*
Child and Family Services, Division of, SB 495*, AB 255*
Economic Development, Office of, AB 504*
Emergency Management, Division of, SB 476*
Ethics, Commission on, replacement of computer hardware and software, AB 474*
General authorized expenditures legislation, SB 504*
General capital improvements legislation, AB 521
Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 493*
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, SB 45*, SB 163†, SB 241*, SB 385*, SB 494*, AB 6, AB 137*, AB 138*, AB 155*, AB 208*, AB 237*, AB 283*
Military, Office of the, SB 476*
Secretary of State, Office of, SB 484*
State Public Defender, Office of, replacement of computer hardware and software, SB 464*
Transportation, Department of, Nevada Shared Radio System, AB 477*
Veterans Services, Department of, AB 505*
Vocational Rehabilitation, Bureau of, SB 475*
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, AB 208*, AB 512*
Autism Treatment Assistance Program, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, administration of pilot program, AB 422*
Driver’s license or identification cards, applications, designation of communications need on card, AB 161*
Juvenile courts, program for the treatment of children who have committed delinquent act, SB 411*
Vehicle registration, applications, designation of communication need, AB 161*
Chair and Vice Chair, selection, SB 411*
Members, nonvoting, SB 411*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Definition, requirements for driving upon highways, protective headgear unnecessary, SB 346*
Abandoned vehicles, satisfaction of lien, appraised value, authority to obtain unbranded title, AB 57*
Catalytic converters, purchase of used prohibited, exceptions, SB 243*, SB 250D
Engine emission controls, evidence of compliance, exemption from requirements, AB 57*
Sales of certain vehicles, authority, requirements, AB 57*, AB 384D
Title and registration of vehicle, transmittal to DMV, exemption from requirement, AB 57*
Manufacturers, requirements relating to franchises and facilities for the repair or maintenance of vehicles, exemptions, SB 182*
Monitored autonomous vehicle providers, vicarious liability for certain acts and omissions, SB 125D
Passenger carriers, taxes on, credits for certain vehicles powered by electricity, requirements, AB 427
Clark County, additional annual increases in fuel taxes, effectuation, AB 359††
Creation, AB 299*
Medal of Distinction, Nevada, duties, AB 299*
Membership, duties, AB 299*
Baby Bonds Trust Fund, Nevada, creation, uses, credits, AB 28
Designated beneficiary, claims for, requirements, AB 28
Establishment, regulations, AB 28
State Treasurer, powers and duties, AB 28
Pretrial release hearing, time period, exclusion of weekend days or legal holidays, AB 297D
Release without bail, failure to comply, effect, SB 235*
Apprehension of defendant, conditions for, SB 57*
Licenses, applications, requirements, termination, SB 57*
Nonresident bail agents, license and registration, SB 57*
Physical force, when permitted, SB 57*
Prohibited acts, SB 57*
Sponsorship and termination, SB 57*
Trade practices and frauds, prohibited acts, SB 132*
“Police officer” defined for the purposes of certain benefits and exemptions, applicability of laws, AB 301
Exploitation of aged or vulnerable persons, notifications, delay of financial transactions, immunities, SB 355*
Independent Development Account Program, maximum value of matching funds, SB 306
Joint tenancy, accounts held in, prosecution for theft of deposits or proceeds, SB 61*
Money transmission, licensure and regulation, AB 21*
Physical address of new depository institution, applications for license, requirements, SB 355*
Private education loans and lenders, applicability of laws, AB 332*
Student loan servicers, laws inapplicable, AB 332*
Unlawful receipt of payments to obtain loan for another, penalties, SB 86D
Vulnerable persons, joint deposits, prosecution for theft of deposits or proceeds, SB 61*
Examination for license, failure to pass, requirements to retake, SB 386*
Sanitary requirements for barbershops and barber schools, regulations, SB 265D
State Barbers’ Health and Sanitation Board (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)
Studentship program, establishment, duties, SB 265D
Terms of members, SB 265D
Major League Baseball Stadium Project, financing, SB 509
Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Hate crimes, definitions, firearms purchase, possession or ownership restricted, SB 171††
Health care providers, definition for enhanced penalties, SB 289*
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, battery against certain persons, penalties, AB 353D
School personnel, battery committed by pupil, disciplinary action, SB 152D, AB 65†, AB 285*, AB 330*
“Strangulation” defined, SB 412*
Utility workers, assault or battery committed upon, penalties, AB 321*
Construction projects, applicability of prevailing wage laws, SB 226†
Elections, canvass of returns, procedures, SB 404†
Competition, participation in, taking animal for prize, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 102D
Assault or battery committed upon, applicability of enhanced penalties, SB 289*
Fees, regulation, SB 191*
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Criminal history reports of applicants for licensure, procedures, AB 503†
Cultural competency, continuing education, SB 365D, AB 267*
Licensure, fees, SB 191*
Medicaid, inclusion in State Plan, age limitation, SB 191*
Certification of providers of services for adults or children, fees, AB 201†
Children’s behavioral health system of care, oversight, recommendations regarding reinvestment of money, AB 201††
Comprehensive plan to provide services, study, AB 201††
Crisis hotline, surcharge to support, requirements, SB 237*, AB 466
Health Service Corps, Nevada, applicability to providers of behavioral health care, AB 69
Health, State Board of, regulation of certain behavioral health care or treatment, AB 201††
Integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders, programs that provide, grants to promote, AB 435D
Medicaid, payment of certain costs, AB 138*, AB 435D
Offenders, access to behavioral health care services, requirements, AB 292*
“Provider of behavioral health care” defined, AB 69
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of (See HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF)
Schools, exemption from attendance, requirements, AB 54†
Student loans, repayment of certain, eligibility, AB 69
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center of Nevada, receipt of report, AB 37*
Child and Family Services, Division of, recommendations to, AB 201†
Children, mental health of, subcommittee, duties, AB 265††
Children’s behavioral health system of care, spending of federal and state money and costs avoided through such expenditures, duties, AB 201†
Comprehensive plan to provide services, study, collaboration, AB 201††
Duties, generally, terminology changed from “persons with” to “adults with,” AB 265†
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, recommendations to, AB 201†
Recommendations to other governmental entities, duties, AB 435D
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center of Nevada, receipt of report, AB 37*
Child and Family Services, Division of, duties, reports, AB 201††
Children’s Health Insurance Program, services provided to recipients, duties, AB 9D
Comprehensive plan to provide services, study, collaboration, AB 201††
Contracts and agreements, authority, AB 9D
Critical Needs Fund, duties, reports, SB 68
Medicaid, behavioral health services provided to recipients of, duties, AB 9D
Mental health consortia, receipt of reports, AB 9D
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, reports, AB 201††
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Staff, employment, powers, AB 9D
Establishment, appropriation, AB 37*
Sounding of by counties, cities, or towns, emergency, testing or holiday, SB 391*
Secretary of State, filing fees, AB 433D
Collecting for benefits without authority, penalties, SB 86D
Big game mammal, discovery of carcass, donation of horns, SB 312D
Special event advertising, exemptions from certain restrictions on commercial advertising, requirements, AB 426*
Sporting activities and events, designation based upon biological sex, requirements, regulation, AB 374D
Health insurance, policy coverage requirements, AB 155*
Medicaid, inclusion in State Plan, AB 155*
Precision Medicine and Biomarker Testing Awareness Month, proclamation, AB 155†
Research, awareness and access to precision medicine and biomarker testing, appropriation, AB 155†
Task Force on Precision Medicine and Biomarker Testing, creation, powers and duties, reports, AB 155†
Tax abatement for certain systems or facilities, SB 257*, AB 419D
Applications for certified or official copy
Homeless persons, signed statement of status, requiring that statement by notarized prohibited, AB 135*
Missing documents, notice to applicants of deficiency, time for homeless applicants to supply missing documents, AB 135*
Guardianship of minors, authority of investigators to obtain certain birth records relating to proceedings, SB 15D
Patients and visitors, policies concerning vaccination status, prohibited acts, AB 234D
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, representation, AB 179
Board of Museums and History, membership, AB 252†
Language access plans of state agencies or local governments, requirements, SB 373
Medical condition imprinted on state ID card or driver’s license, requirements, SB 362*
Museums and History, Division of, access to Internet website, institutions and exhibits, AB 252*
Property tax, persons 55 years of age or older, partial refunds, eligibility, SB 374D
Property tax, persons 66 years of age or older, partial refunds, eligibility, SB 430
Public institutions, persons supported by, change in terminology, constitutional amendment, AJR 1 of the 81st Session‡
Emerging Technologies Task Force, creation, duties, SB 165
Money transmission, regulation, AB 21*
Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, interim study, SB 376D
Abandoned vessels, liability, SB 59*
Certificates of ownership, issuance when certificate is unavailable, procedures, SB 59†
Flashing blue or red light, display unlawful, exception, SB 59*
Governmental entities, compliance with certain provisions governing watercraft, SB 59*
Indian tribes, members, annual permit for entering, camping and boating in state parks, issuance without collection of administrative fee, AB 84†
“Motorboat,” terminology changed to “power-driven vessel,” SB 59*
Operating vessel under the influence
Homicide by vessel, penalties, SB 59*
Minimum security facility, assignment of offenders, requirements, SB 284D
Testing for Intoxication, Committee on, duties, regulations, AB 239*
Recreational power-driven vessels, engine cut-off switch, use, requirements, SB 59*
Removal of vessel from public waterways, authority of game warden or peace officer to order, SB 59*
Safety equipment, requirements, SB 59*
Sailing vessels, requirements, fees, SB 59*
Violations generally
Criminal penalties, SB 59*
Safe boating course, completion may be ordered, authority of court, SB 59*
Competition, participation in, taking animal for prize, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 102D
Complaints and investigations, reports to Legislature, AB 57*
Academic medical districts, establishment, authority, AB 490
Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, property tax to support, AB 521
Environmental Improvement Program for Lake Tahoe Basin, issuance of bonds to carry out certain projects, use of accrued interest, AB 424*
General capital improvements legislation, AB 521
Major League Baseball Stadium Project, financing, SB 509
Motor vehicle fuel taxes, holders of bonds secured by, notice regarding 2023-2024 tax discount, procedures, SB 502, AB 519*
North Las Vegas, City of, Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act, issuance of general obligation bonds, SB 450*
School districts, residential dwellings for employees, issuance of general obligation bonds, SB 47
Transportation and housing reinvestment zones, authority of governing bodies of municipalities to issue bonds, AB 10D
Wildlife Crossings Account, issuance of bonds to implement projects, AB 112†
Collection agencies or agents, requirements, SB 276*
Digital financial asset business activity, requirements, SB 360D
Earned wage access services, providers, AB 436D
Education savings account program, participating entities, SB 200
Employer-integrated earned wage access services, providers, SB 290*
Insurance, managing general agents, issuance of license, SB 57*
Justice courts, official bond for clerk of court, removal of provisions, SB 55*
Landlord property managers, AB 327D
Power-driven vessels, certificates of ownership, application for when certificate is unavailable, requirements, SB 59†
Structured settlement purchase companies, requirements, SB 449*
Construction work in certain common-interest communities, establishment of hours at which work may begin, requirements, AB 189*
Election returns, canvass, district court to compel certain actions, charter amendment, SB 404†
Fire departments, compliance with certain standards and regulations, charter amendment, SB 304D
Legislative measures, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Public notices, availability in certain languages, requirements, AB 266†
Voter registration, deadlines, charter amendment, SB 157D
North Las Vegas, redistricting of wards, requirements, SB 184D
Economic boycotts, governmental entities prohibited from entering into contracts with companies that engage in, SB 228D
Donor breast milk and certain related products, Medicaid coverage, SB 137D
“Special event” defined, SB 108D
Transport and sale of malt beverages between certain locations operated by same person, SB 108D
Special event advertising, exemptions from certain restrictions on commercial advertising, requirements, AB 426†
Account for the Grant Program for Broadband Infrastructure, creation, SB 431†
Broadband-Ready Community Certification Program, establishment and administration, SB 431†
Economic Development, Office of, reports, SB 431†
Grants of federal money, awards by state agencies, requirements, SB 384††
Legislative declaration, SB 384††
Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, certain duties removed, SB 431†
Service providers, certain property rights granted to public utility or video service provider, use, AB 105D
Strategic plan to improve delivery of services to certain entities in State, requirements, SB 431†
Personalized prestige license plates, issuance, requirements, exemptions from parking fees, AB 203*
“Adjusted base budget” defined, AB 346*
Proposed state budget, calculation of reserve, requirements, AB 527*
Energy conservation options, requirements, SB 293†
Evaporative cooling mechanisms, prohibition on construction or use, authority of cities or counties, AB 97††
Refrigerants, limitations on use, prohibited acts, AB 97††
State Fire Marshal, regulations, applicability, AB 213†
Penalties, increase in penalties for burglary of motor vehicles, structures and businesses, SB 412†
Probation, early discharge prohibited for certain offenses, SB 86D
Residential burglary, certain convictions exempt from credits against imprisonment, AB 271D
Native Indian, human remains found thought to be, procedures, regulations, SB 364*
Animal, persons accompanied by, questioning authorized, grounds for requesting removal, penalty for refusal to remove, AB 87D
Benches, shelters and transit stops, regional transportation commissions, advisory committee, SB 17D
Bus turnouts, construction, repeal of provision, SB 247*
Clean Trucks and Buses, Account for
Appropriation, AB 184†
Creation, AB 184*
Clean Trucks and Buses Incentive Program, creation, AB 184*
Controlled-access highways, public transit motor buses authorized on shoulder, AB 56*
Overtaking and passing on right, public transit motor buses authorized on shoulder, AB 56*
Passenger carriers, taxes on, credits for certain vehicles powered by electricity, requirements, AB 427
School buses (See SCHOOL BUSES)
Business Finance and Planning, Office of
Computer hardware and software, appropriation, SB 491*
Opportunity Center for Emergency Technology Businesses, creation, duties, SB 165
Computer hardware and software, appropriation, SB 491*
Consumer Affairs Division, structured settlement purchase companies, regulations, SB 449*
Deceptive trade practices, duties, AB 373*
Emerging Technologies Task Force, duties, receipt of reports, SB 165
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, member of Board of Directors, SB 10*
Structured settlement purchase companies, consultations, SB 449*
Emerging Technologies Task Force, creation, duties, SB 165
Employee Savings Trust Program, Nevada, contracts with Board of Trustees to obtain services of office authorized, SB 305*
Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, study, consultations, SB 168D
Financial Institutions, Division of
Collection agencies, duties, confidentiality of information, SB 276*
Digital financial asset business activity, powers and duties, SB 360D
Earned wage access services providers, registration and regulation, AB 436D
Emerging Technologies Task Force, member, SB 165
Employer-integrated earned wage access services, licensing and regulation, duties, SB 290*
Lending businesses, employees authorized to work from remote locations, duties, SB 355*
Money transmission, duties, AB 21*
Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, participation, authority regarding, duties, SB 290*, AB 332*
Physical address of new depository institutions, applications to establish institution, requirements, SB 355*
Private education loans and lenders, regulation, AB 332*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Student loan servicers, licensing and regulation, AB 332*
Virtual currency business activity, duties, regulation, SB 333D
Virtual Currency Recovery Account, administration, SB 333D
Housing Division
Cost-of-living increases, annual calculation and publication, duties, SB 426, AB 362D
Critical Needs Fund, duties, reports, SB 68
Homeless to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, consultations, report, AB 310*
Manufactured home parks
Collection of economic and demographic data, duties, SB 40†
Maximum annual rent increase percentage, duties, SB 275††
Manufactured or mobile homes
Certificates of title, duties, SB 40*
Sale by person who is not a dealer, submission of information to Division, regulations, SB 40*
Planning commissions, reports, receipt, AB 213*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Supportive housing grant program, regulations, reports, AB 310*
Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act, duties, reports, SB 450*
Industrial Relations, Division of
Advisory Council, compensation of members increased, SB 210††
Employee misclassification, communication with certain agencies regarding, duties, SB 145*
Industrial insurance, panel and list of physicians and chiropractic physicians, regulation, SB 274*, AB 441
Safety programs, contents, duties, SB 427D
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Insurance Division
Administrative procedures, SB 57*
Bail agents, duties, SB 57*
Communicable diseases, violations relating to certain diseases, duties, SB 439*
Deceptive trade practices, duties, AB 373*
Dental care services, coverage for, receipt of reports, duties, SB 393*
Health information exchange, advisory group, membership, AB 7*
Service contract industry, report, SB 436*
Confidentiality of information, certain documents and deliberations relating to investigations, SB 57*
Health care cost growth benchmarks, collaboration with certain state agencies, AB 6
Health carriers offering network plans, capacity to deliver family planning services, regulation, AB 383†
Health maintenance organizations, duties, SB 204
Hearings, SB 57*
Industrial insurance
Administration of claims, powers and duties, SB 274*, AB 441
Appeals Panel for Industrial Insurance
Duties of Chair or Commissioner, AB 239*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Associations of self-insured employers, regulation, SB 30D
Third-party administrators, disciplinary action, authority, SB 274*
Motor vehicle insurers, duties, AB 334††
Pharmacists, provision of certain services, coverage requirements, duties, SB 201
“Real estate facilitators” defined, duties, AB 438D
Reports, receipt
Biomarker testing and precision medicine, study of, AB 155†
Biomarker Testing, Task Force on Precision Medicine and, AB 155†
Health carriers, receipt of report, SB 57*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Title insurance licensees, duties, AB 438D
Travel insurance, regulations, AB 216*
Labor Commissioner (See LABOR COMMISSIONER)
Mortgage Lending, Division of
Mortgage companies, operation from remote location, regulations, SB 355*, AB 284D
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of, creation, appointment of Deputy Director, SB 431*
Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, duties, appropriation, SB 240*
Nevada Transportation Authority (See TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, NEVADA)
Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, interim study, duties, SB 376D
Real Estate Division
Collection agencies, receipt of report, SB 175D
Common-interest communities
Allegations of violations, duties, SB 417†
Associations, receipt of report, SB 175D
Mediation of claims, deposits into escrow accounts, duties, receipt of reports, AB 324D
Computer hardware and software, appropriations, SB 491*
Condominium hotels, mediation of claims, deposits into escrow accounts, duties, AB 324D
Landlord property managers, licensing and regulation, AB 327D
Property managers, duties, SB 355*, AB 392D
Real Estate Education, Research and Recovery Fund, minimum balance, transfers, SB 288D
Restrictive covenant modification form, duties, SB 368*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Local rules affecting businesses, SB 261*
State business license
COVID-19, failure to comply with controlling health standards, repeal of provisions, SB 441*, AB 402D
Fees, waiver, certain fees to obtain or renew license reduced, AB 433D
“Honorably discharged veteran” defined, waiver of certain fees, AB 306
Working Group, Business Licensing, creation, AB 14D
Working Group, Business Licensing, creation, AB 14D
Abatement of taxes
Academic medical districts, businesses located within boundaries, SB 419†, AB 490
Health care industry, requirements, SB 419†
Maximum amount of abatement, SB 394D
Mental health services to children, businesses providing, AB 445
New or expanded businesses, applications, SB 429††
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
Real estate investment trusts and qualified trust subsidiaries, commerce tax exemption removed, AB 345
Records erroneously filed with Secretary of State, correction, AB 126*
Election returns, canvass, duties deemed purely ministerial, district court to compel certain actions, charter amendment, SB 404†
Legislative measures, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Voter registration, deadlines, charter amendment, SB 157D
Commissioners, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
“Advocates expressly” or “expressly advocates” defined, SB 326D
Campaign accounts, report of balance, SB 326D
Caregiving services, excluded from definition of “personal use,” AB 95D
“Committee for political action” defined, SB 326D
Constitutional officers, transition to office, reporting requirements, SB 60††
Contributions, limitations on amount, SB 60††
Disclosures required on certain communications that include official contact information of governmental entity, “publish” revised, SB 326D
“Expenditures” defined, SB 326D
Finance reports, violations, penalties, AB 64D, AB 95D
Inaugural committees
Definition, SB 60††
Foreign nationals, prohibited acts, SB 60††
Reporting requirements, SB 60††
Nonprofit corporations, registration with Secretary of State, registered agent, penalty for failure to register, SB 326D
Petitions of candidacy, expenses related to circulating, reporting requirements, AB 95D
Reports of campaign expenses or expenditures, requirements, SB 326D
SLAPP suit, immunity for certain defamatory statements made during campaign, AB 375D
Total amount of all contributions of $1,000 or less received during reporting period, reports required, SB 326D
Unspent contributions of nonelected candidates, disposition of money, SB 326D
Violations, investigation and prosecution, procedures, SB 326D
Biomarker testing, health insurance coverage, AB 155*
Breast cancer imaging tests, health insurance coverage, SB 330*
Medicare coverage of multi-cancer early detection tests, Congress urged to enact legislation, SJR 8
Action to recover civil penalty, AB 413D
Concentrated cannabis
Citation, issuance to child for possession, authority of peace officer, AB 170D
Possession, penalties, AB 170D
State prosecution, exemptions from, requirements, SB 277*
Definitions, AB 253
Legislative findings and declaration, SB 328*
Medical cannabis
Cultivating, growing or producing by holders of registry identification cards, requirements, exemption from prosecution, AB 240D
Terminally ill patients of certain medical facilities, authority, requirements, AB 411D
Mentorship Pilot Program, creation, SB 402
Peace officers, cannabis use, prohibited acts relating to conditions of employment, SB 225*
State prosecution, exemptions from, requirements, SB 277*, AB 240D
Taxation, cannabis products, SB 277*, SB 402, AB 430*, AB 523*
Temporary cannabis events
Applicability of cannabis law, consumption of cannabis on premises, AB 253
Cannabis concierge, licensure and regulation, sales permits, AB 253
Cities and counties, permitting and regulation, AB 253
Application procedures, AB 253†
Fees, regulations, AB 253†
Nontransferable, AB 253†
Revocable privilege, AB 253†
“Vapor products” defined to exclude cannabis products, AB 430†
Controlled substances, study of potential effects of removal of cannabis from list, SB 277*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability, SB 328*
Age verification of consumers, duties relating to identification scanners, AB 342*
Cannabis concierge, licensure and regulation, sales permits, AB 253
Cannabis establishments (See CANNABIS ESTABLISHMENTS)
Cannabis event organizers
Licenses, number to allocate, duties, AB 253†
Waiver of certain regulations, authority, AB 253†
Citations, issuance, grounds, SB 69D
Civil penalties, recovery, use of money, establishment of rewards program, AB 413D
Employees, certain offenses, exemptions from prosecution, SB 33D
Excluded felony offenses, prohibition on issuance of licenses or registration cards, procedures, regulations, SB 277*
Executive Director, disciplinary actions, hearings, duties, SB 69D
Fees, authority, SB 195*, AB 253
Hemp, minimum requirements for use by certain facilities, regulations, SB 33D
Independent testing laboratories, regulations, SB 33D
Informants, confidentiality of certain information, SB 33D
Investigations of licensees, registrants and certain other persons, duties, SB 33D, AB 413D
Lotteries, applicability of laws, SB 33D
Members, composition, SB 328*
Mentorship Pilot Program, creation, regulations, SB 402
Peace officer powers, persons upon whom powers are conferred, SB 33D
Portable cannabis vendor
Licenses, number to allocate, duties, AB 253†
Waiver of certain regulations, authority, AB 253†
Powers and duties generally, SB 33D, SB 328*
Regulations, adoption, amendment or repeal, SB 277*, SB 328*
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Seed-to-sale tracking of cannabis, computer software used for, requirements, duties, AB 430*
Temporary cannabis events, powers and duties, AB 253
Transferable tax credits, duties, SB 402
Advertising and sales of cannabis or cannabis products, prohibited acts, requirements, SB 33D
Age of consumer, verification before selling cannabis or cannabis products, requirements, AB 342*
Definition, SB 33D
Holders of ownership interest of less than 5 percent, registration as agent, removal of requirement, SB 33D
Registration cards
Excluded felony offenses, prohibition on issuance of cards, petitions for exemption, procedures, SB 277*
Investigation of applicants, SB 33D
Ownership interest of less than 5 percent, removal of requirement to obtain registration card, SB 277*
Prosecution, exemption under certain circumstances, SB 33D
Regulations, SB 33D
Revocation, SB 277*
Voluntary surrender, effect, SB 69D
Airports, location authorized, requirements, AB 413D
“Board member” defined, AB 503*
Cannabis concierge
Excise tax of sale of products, AB 253
Licensure and regulation, sales permits, AB 253
Cannabis event organizers
Exemption from certain controlled substances regulations, AB 253†
State prosecution, exemptions from, exceptions, AB 253†
Temporary cannabis event, duties, sale of cannabis or cannabis products, AB 253†
Civil penalties
Additional penalty, imposition under certain circumstances, AB 413D
Cannabis Compliance Board, full and absolute power and authority, SB 33D
Limitations, SB 195*
Recovery in civil action, deposits, use of money, establishment of rewards program, AB 413D
Unlicensed activities, maximum penalties increased, exceptions, AB 413D
Disciplinary action
Citations, issuance for minor violations, requirements, regulations, SB 69D
Complaints, requirements, SB 195*
Consent or settlement agreements, authority, SB 195*
Executive Director, determinations, powers and duties, SB 69D
Procedures, regulations, authority of hearing officer, SB 69D
Repeal of provision, SB 328*
Judicial review, repeal of certain provisions, requirements, SB 69D, SB 328*
Mitigating circumstances, consideration, SB 195*
Voluntary surrender of license or registration card, effect, SB 69D
Electronic verification and authentication systems, requirements, SB 33D
Entrances, requirements, SB 277*
Gaming establishments, location authorized, requirements, AB 413D
Independent contractors, regulations, SB 33D
Injunctions against violations, AB 413D
Internet website or online service, person who owns or operates, allowing certain actions by unlicensed persons prohibited, penalties, AB 413D
Inventory control systems, requirements, SB 33D
Investigations of licensees, registrants and certain other persons, SB 33D, AB 413D
Adult-use cannabis establishments, SB 33D, SB 277*
Applications, absolute privilege of certain communications or documents, SB 33D
Cannabis concierge, requirements, AB 253
Cannabis event organizer license
Application, procedures, renewal, AB 253†
Revocable privilege, AB 253†
Transferability, regulations, AB 253†
Cannabis license tax, use of money, authority of counties and incorporated cities, SB 277*
Conditional, all licenses deemed to be, SB 33D
Consumption lounges, repeal of certain provisions, SB 33D
“Covered jurisdiction” defined, SB 277*
Disciplinary actions, procedures, SB 69D
Dual licensees, adult-use cannabis establishments deemed to be, SB 277*
Excluded felony offenses, prohibition on issuance of licenses, petitions for exemption, procedures, SB 277*
Fees, regulations, SB 195*, SB 277*, AB 253†
Fingerprints, procedures, SB 33D
Investigations of applicants, SB 33D
Issuance of certain licenses, criteria, duties, regulations, SB 33D
Medical cannabis establishments, SB 33D, SB 277*
Mentorship Pilot Program, license for cannabis production facility, issuance to qualified Program participants, SB 402
Portable cannabis vendor license
Application, procedures, renewal, AB 253†
Revocable privilege, AB 253†
Selling or appearing to sell cannabis or cannabis products without license prohibited, AB 253†
Transferability, regulations, AB 253†
Standardized procedures for issuance, requirements, SB 33D
Transfer of license, prohibited acts, SB 33D
Voluntary surrender, effect, SB 69D
“Local governmental jurisdiction” defined, SB 33D
Medical cannabis dispensaries
Authority to acquire usable cannabis or cannabis plants, removal, SB 33D
Cannabis sales, removal of transaction limitation, SB 277*
Mentorship Pilot Program, creation, participation of certain licensees, requirements, SB 402
Monopolistic practices, restrictions to prevent, SB 33D
“Officer” defined, AB 503*
Ownership transfers, payment of costs associated with background checks, SB 195*
Portable cannabis vendors
Excise tax on sale of cannabis products, AB 253
Licenses, AB 253
State prosecution, exemptions from, exceptions, AB 253
Temporary cannabis event, duties, AB 253
Premises, person who owns or operates, allowing certain actions by unlicensed persons prohibited, penalties, AB 413D
Relocation to new location under jurisdiction of different local government in smaller counties, SB 31D
Sales facilities, transaction limits, requirements, SB 277*
“Synthetic cannabinoid” defined, AB 413D
Tax on cannabis or cannabis products, transferable tax credits, SB 402
Transfers of ownership, regulations, SB 195*
Transportation of cannabis or cannabis products, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 33D
Unlicensed activities, investigation of violations, penalties, AB 413D
Vested rights, not acquired by licensees or registrants due to issuance of license or registration, SB 33D
Violations by persons associated with establishment, liability of licensee, SB 33D
First wholesale sale in State by cultivation facilities and production facilities, AB 430*
Medical use, exemptions from taxation, SB 277*
State Education Fund, deposits to, AB 523*
Transferable tax credits, authority of Board, requirements, SB 402
Legislation, contents, AB 521
Legislative Fund, appropriation, AB 485†, AB 521
Long-term plans, consideration, SB 25*
State agencies and departments, biennial cooperation with, SB 25*
Schools, liability of person rendering emergency care, AB 25D
Career and technical program tax credit organization, selection, duties, SB 144
Other State Education Programs Account, award of grants for programs, funding, SB 503*
School districts, establishment and maintenance on program for pupils wishing to become teachers, requirements, funding, AB 400†
Election returns, canvass, duties deemed purely ministerial, district court to compel certain actions, charter amendment, SB 404†
Legislative measures, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Voter registration, deadlines, charter amendment, SB 157D
Charter amendments
Board of Supervisors, term of office, SB 16*
Election returns, canvass, duties of Chief Clerk purely ministerial, district court to compel certain actions, SB 404†
Mayor Pro Tempore, duties, SB 16*
Mayor, term of office, SB 16*
Ordinances, period to adopt or reject, publication, SB 16*
Primary elections, selection of more than one candidate on ballot, SB 60†
Voter registration, deadlines, SB 157D
Wards, boundary realignment, SB 16*
Garth F. Dull Building, naming of building containing Nevada Department of Transportation headquarters, AB 514
Growth management in County and region, reports, duties, SB 81††
Legislative measures, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Nevada Medal of Distinction, biannual location of ceremony, AB 299*
State Lands, Division of, lease of parcels authorized, AB 516*
State Public Defender, fees for services, SB 504*
Taxation, Department of, relocation of office, appropriation, SB 467*
Construction projects, applicability of prevailing wage laws, SB 226†
Elections, canvass of returns, procedures, SB 404†
Homeless persons charged or convicted of unauthorized removal or possession, eligibility for diversionary and specialty court programs, assignment, SB 155*
Collecting for benefits without authority, penalties, SB 86D
Incarcerated persons, authorized use of telecommunications device, regulations, AB 35*
Board, Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services (See FUNERAL AND CEMETERY SERVICES BOARD, NEVADA)
Burial and cemetery services, prepaid contracts
Agents, licenses, qualifications, SB 57*
Applicability of laws, SB 57*, SB 132*
Funeral services, prepaid contracts, applicability of laws, SB 57*
Authorized investments, AB 33*
Local governments, notice of proposed rules, requirements, SB 261*
CHARTER AMENDMENTS (See specific cities)
Issuance without sufficient money or credit, penalties, SB 86D
Money transmission, licensure and regulation, AB 21*
Offenders, release of, money received by check or debit card, SB 416†
Unemployment benefits to be paid by check, requirements, SB 123D
Ad litem guardians
Appointment for parent or other person responsible for child, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 148*
Commercially sexually exploited children, training, AB 238D
Children with emotional disturbance, placement of child in facility, procedures, AB 148*
Commercially sexually exploited children (See COMMERCIALLY SEXUALLY EXPLOITED CHILDREN)
County counsel, duties relating to civil matters, AB 92D
Creative arts therapists providing Medicaid services, duty to report, AB 338
Criminal defendants, assignment to certain treatment programs prohibited, SB 86D, SB 412†
Criminal penalties, minimum and maximum term, AB 233D
Deferral of judgment for abuse, neglect or endangerment of child prohibited, SB 412†
Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Employees of juvenile justice departments in Clark County, denial or termination of employment for conviction of certain crimes, procedures, SB 410*
Hearings on need of child protection, adjudication of parentage, AB 371††
Indian children in need of protection, proceedings, establishment of provisions, AB 444*
Naprapaths, reports, duties, AB 153*
Peer recovery support specialists and specialist supervisors, screenings for employees or applicants, duties, SB 38*
Protection orders on behalf of children
Court may authorize applicant to record communications with adverse party, AB 51†
Violation, effect of underlying crime on additional period of imprisonment, AB 51*
Statewide Central Registry for the Collection of Information Concerning the Abuse or Neglect of a Child
Access to information, AB 463*
Sexual conduct with school pupils, violations, duties, SB 38†
Children’s Cabinet, appropriation, SB 263*
Commercially sexually exploited children and children at risk, training of employees, AB 238D
Employers, tax credits for providing certain child care assistance to employees, SB 278
Firearms on property of facility
Concealed carry permits, authority of persons holding, requirements, AB 81D
Conviction, early discharge from probation prohibited, SB 86D
Qualified residential treatment programs, licensure as child care institution, AB 136*
Services to children with emotional disturbance authorized, AB 136*
State Fire Marshal, authority regarding inspections and drills, regulation, AB 463*
Teledentistry, acceptance of certain dental care services through, requirements, AB 147†
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, transfer of duties to, AB 463*
Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, representation, AB 114*
Best interest of child in award of joint custody, presumption regarding, AB 371††
Grandparent or great-grandparent of unmarried minor child, authority of court to grant visitation rights, SB 74D
Indian children, proceedings relating to custody, repeal and establishment of provisions, AB 444*
Magistrates, qualifications to make certain child custody determinations, AB 148†
Summary proceeding to determine child custody, authority, requirements, AB 227*
Facilitating sex trafficking
Adult posing as child, acts involving, SB 89D, SB 389†
Imprisonment, minimum and maximum terms, SB 138D
Victims, age increased to less than 17 years, SB 121D
Categorical grants, program to award in larger counties, requirements, SB 41
Children with emotional disturbance, placement of child in facility, procedures, AB 148*
Commercially sexually exploited children
Juvenile detention or treatment and rehabilitation facilities, receipt of reports, AB 183*
Screening of certain children, requirements, exception, AB 183*
Training of employees, multidisciplinary teams to review cases, AB 238D
Employees, sexual conduct with person who is 17 years old, penalty, SB 121D
Extended Young Adult Support Services Program, date on which agency is required to participate, revision, SB 380*
Firearms, release of certain information in background check for purchase and possession of firearms, SB 367*
Guardian ad litem of parent or legal guardian, disclosure of information under certain circumstances, authority, AB 148*
Guardianship of minors, removal or death of guardian, notice to agency, AB 446D
Incentive payment program, repeal of provisions, SB 41
Indian children
Training of personnel relating to, requirements, AB 444*
Tribal-state agreements regarding child enrollment in tribe, authority to enter into agreements, AB 444*
Overdose Fatalities, Committee to Review, access to records, AB 132†
Parentage, acknowledgment or denial of, proceedings, AB 371††
Qualified residential treatment program
Federal definition, adoption, AB 148*
Placement of child, court review of appropriateness, requirements, AB 148*
School personnel, sexual conduct with pupils, receipt of reports, duties, SB 38*
Habitual truants, counseling or psychological treatment of child, SB 359†
School pupils, attempts to cause pupil to engage in conduct that would cause pupil to become child in need of supervision, penalties, SB 38†
Contraception, language translation services to facilitate provision of services, payment of expenditures, AB 383††
Medicaid Outreach Advisory Committee, creation, SB 419††
Prescription drugs, contracts with pharmacy benefit manager or health maintenance organization, requirements, SB 161*
Rate fixing for certain health care goods and services, requirements, penalties, AB 85
Reimbursement rates, effects of reductions on agencies which provide child welfare services and similar entities, SB 41
Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Head injuries, evaluation and treatment, authority, AB 199D
Liability insurance, requirements, AB 198†, AB 209D
Age verification requirements, exception for sales in certain areas within casinos, AB 122*
Contraband tobacco products, civil penalty for certain violations, imposition, AB 455*
Excise tax on other tobacco products, distribution of proceeds, SB 95
Fund for a Health Nevada, allocation to Office of Attorney General for inspection of retailers, AB 294D
Restrictions on issuance or renewal by certain dates, AB 294D
Scope, sale of products other than cigarettes, AB 294D
Suspension or revocation, grounds for, AB 294D
Manufacturers, repeal of certain provisions, AB 294D
Premium cigars, definition, tax rate, credits, AB 232*
Sale or distribution
Cigarettes, sale on or after January 1, 2030, prohibited acts, AB 294D
Persons born after December 31, 2002, prohibited acts, AB 294D
Persons under 21 years of age, civil penalties, AB 53*
Tobacco taste or aroma, products containing taste or aroma distinguishable from, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 294D
Taxation of cigarettes, prospective repeal of provisions, AB 294D
“Vapor products” defined to exclude cannabis products, AB 430†
Automated traffic enforcement systems
Railroad grade crossings, issuance of citations based on review of evidence, AB 456†
School zones, issuance of citations, AB 93D
Cannabis Compliance Board, issuance, grounds, SB 69D
Concentrated cannabis, issuance of citation to child for possession, authority of peace officers, AB 170D
Contractors, administrative citations, procedures, AB 23*
Cosmetology, State Board of, authority, SB 249*
Occupational Therapy, Board of, authority, AB 343*
Opticians, practice without license, AB 415*
Optometry, Nevada State Board of, issuance, AB 432*
Traffic control
Civil infractions, procedures, development and implementation of uniform statewide citation, SB 104††
Contents of traffic citations, procedures, SB 104††
Motor vehicles
Certain violations, when issuance of citation permitted, SB 296D
Low-level traffic violations, removal of certain provisions, SB 296†
CITIES (See also specific cities)
Academic medical districts
Area defined by ordinance, authority, SB 419†
Establishment, AB 490
Affordable housing (See also AFFORDABLE HOUSING)
Enactment of ordinances relating to, authority, SB 371††
Housing projects, duties, AB 213*
Annexation of territory, procedures, prohibited acts, SB 19*
Automated traffic enforcement systems
Railroad grade crossings, use authorized, requirements, AB 456†
School zones, use authorized, requirements, AB 93D
Battery-charged fences, authority to regulate, requirements, limitations, SB 208*
Businesses, participation of local agencies in state business portal, AB 14†
License tax, use of money, authority, SB 277*
Relocation to new location under jurisdiction of different local government in smaller counties, requirements, SB 31D
Temporary events, permitting and regulation, authority to charge fee, AB 253
Violations, adoption of rewards program to persons who provide material information resulting in recovery of civil penalties, AB 413D
Construction work in certain common-interest communities, governing bodies in Clark County, hours when work may begin, requirements, AB 189*
Criminal history
Disqualification of applicants for license or certificate based on, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 363D
Regulatory bodies, applicant requests for review of criminal history, procedures, AB 503†
Demographic information, collection, requirements, AB 139*
Detention facilities (See JAILS OR DETENTION FACILITIES)
Digital products, exemptions from taxation, SB 396
Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, sharing of certain information, immunities, SB 2*
Drones operated by, regulations, SB 11*, SB 398D
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, assistance to, AB 113
Economic boycotts, prohibition against entering into contracts with companies that engage in, SB 228D
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Emergency situations, use of water to extinguish fires, applicability of laws, AB 220*
Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, study, consultations, SB 168D
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, certain penalties prohibited, SB 239††
Evaporative cooling mechanisms, prohibition on construction or use, authority, AB 97††
Fire departments, operation in compliance with certain standards and regulations, SB 304D
Firearms, enforcement of federal laws, prohibited acts, exceptions, AB 94D
Gender-affirming services, use of time or resources in furtherance of investigation or proceeding initiated in another state prohibited, SB 302††
Historical markers, requests for, AB 46*
Home-based businesses, regulation, authority, restrictions, AB 314D
Homeless persons, establishment of matching funds program, abatement of permitting or licensing fees, authority, AB 528*
Investments, AB 33*
Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, Nevada Local, grants received from, duties, AB 388*
Language access plans, requirements, AB 266*
Lease agreements, requirements, SB 226*
Legislative measures
Additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Maximum number, AB 200
Local improvements, lease, lease-purchase or installment-purchase agreements, requirements, SB 226*
Manufactured homes, residential neighborhoods, standards for placement, SB 40*
Marshals, “police officer” defined for the purpose of certain benefits and exemptions, AB 301
Microbusinesses, submission of proposals for or bids on contracts, procedures, SB 185
Motor vehicles, owned or operated by local governmental agency, use of nonflashing blue lights, AB 2*
Municipal utilities, rules affecting businesses, SB 261*
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Off-highway vehicles, operation on certain highways and streets, removal of authority, SB 338†
Officers and employees (See CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; specific officers and employees)
Overdose fatality reviews, authority of certain entities to conduct, requirements, AB 132†
Personal delivery devices, regulation and control, SB 422*
Planning commissions (See also PLANNING COMMISSIONS)
Public notices, availability in certain languages, translation of information, immunity from liability, AB 266*
Rent control, enactment of ordinances relating to, authority, SB 371†
Reproductive health care services (See also REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES)
Governmental imposition of certain requirements or limitations, restrictions, remedies, vexatious litigants, AB 383††
State law and regulations supersede and preempt local ordinance or regulation, AB 418D
Room tax (See ROOM TAX)
Sanitary sewer systems, surcharge to fund services and affordable housing for homeless or indigent authorized, SB 318D
School districts, municipal, authority of certain cities to establish, procedures, SB 383D
Schools, charter, authority to sponsor, powers and duties, prohibited acts, AB 400*
Sidewalk vendors, licensing and regulation in larger counties, requirements, SB 92*
Siren, bell or alarm, sounding of, prohibited acts, SB 391*
Subdivision of land (See SUBDIVISION OF LAND)
Transportation and housing reinvestment zones, authority to designate, requirements, AB 10D
Treatment Works and the Implementation of Pollution Control Projects, Account to Finance the Construction of, eligibility to receive assistance, AB 20*
Unfunded mandates, study of mandates for which local governments made expenditures, receipt of reports, AB 5D
Water and sewer facilities
Mandatory connection by users of certain systems, requirements, AB 220†
Water systems, assumption of control, requirements, AB 220*
Medicaid, citizenship status, enrollment regardless of, SB 419††
Peace officers, appointment and employment, prohibited acts, AB 30D
We the People program in schools, appropriation in support of, SB 236
Cannabis violations, recovery of civil penalties, actions to enjoin violations, establishment of rewards program, AB 413D
Criminal prosecution (See CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS)
Foil balloons, violations, recovery of civil penalties, AB 321*
Informants, maintenance of records regarding cooperation agreements, AB 101*
Mediator, authority to volunteer as third-party neutral mediator, requirements, SB 37*
Sealing records of eligible convictions and charges, notice, procedures, AB 160††
Traffic violations
Election to treat misdemeanor offenses as civil infractions, authority, procedures, SB 104††
Prosecution of civil infractions or offenses punishable by imposition of civil penalty, immunity from liability, SB 104††
CITY CHARTERS (See also specific cities)
Legislative measures, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Confidentiality of personal information, persons who may request, SB 83D, SB 84D, AB 59D, AB 225*, AB 379D
Elections, duties (See also ELECTIONS)
Reports to Secretary of State, requirements, AB 326D
Affordable housing, enactment of ordinances relating to, authority, SB 371††
Annexation of territory by cities, procedures, prohibited acts, SB 19*
Charter schools, prohibited acts, SB 344D
Elections, duties (See ELECTIONS)
Homeless persons, prohibited acts relating to enactment and enforcement of ordinances against, SB 155†
Land use planning (See LAND USE PLANNING)
Rent control, enactment of ordinances relating to, authority, SB 371†
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
Carson City, term of office, vacancy in office, charter amendment, SB 16*
Elections, canvass and returns, AB 61D
CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (See also specific officers)
Collective bargaining, provision of certain employee information, AB 172†
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, assistance to, AB 113
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Preferential employment, peace officers, exception, AB 30D
Representation, authority of chief legal officer, requirements, SB 34*
Traffic control, payment of civil penalties, SB 104††
Right to hold office, precluded for conviction of conspiring to create or serve in false slate of presidential electors, SB 133††
Right to serve as juror in criminal action, time of restoration, SB 222†
Right to vote, time of restoration, SB 93D
Sealing of records, requests for documentation required to restore civil rights, AB 160††
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Adopted children with special needs, financial assistance to adoptive parents, funding for Clark County Child Welfare budget account, AB 255*
Benches, shelters and transit stops, regional transportation commissions, advisory committee, SB 17D
Bill draft requests, reduction in maximum number, AB 200
Building codes, regulations of State Fire Marshal, applicability, AB 213†
Cannabis establishments, monopolistic practices, restriction to prevent, SB 33D
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, incentive pay program replaced with categorical grant program, SB 41
Cities, annexation of territory, procedures, prohibited acts, SB 19*
Construction work in certain common-interest communities, establishment of hours at which work may begin, requirements, AB 189*
County school district funds, air pollution administrative fines, deposit and use, SB 48D
Fair and recreation board, number of members and composition of board, AB 129D
Fuel taxes, additional annual increases, effectuation, AB 359††
Heat mitigation element, inclusion in master plans, requirements, SB 169††
Homelessness, development of strategic plan to address, requirements, AB 135†
Hospital closures, requirements, penalties, SB 348*
Juvenile justice departments in Clark County, employees, denial or termination of employment for conviction of certain crimes, procedures, SB 410*
Mental health services to children, tax abatements to businesses providing, receipt of information, AB 445
Municipal school districts, authority of cities to establish, procedures, SB 383D
Nevada Medal of Distinction, biannual location of ceremony, AB 299*
Opioid Task Force, Regional, creation, AB 132*
Public notices of planning commissions, availability in certain languages, requirements, immunity from liability, AB 266*
Regional transportation commissions, advisory committees authorized, members, AB 214*
Registrar of voters, office changed from appointed to elected office, term, SB 75D
Rental assistance for certain persons, appropriation, AB 396*
Rural neighborhoods plans, contents, requirements, AB 213†
Senior living facilities, HVAC systems, requirements, reports, AB 281††
Sidewalk vendors, licensing and regulation, requirements, SB 92*
Statewide mental health consortium, appointment of members by regional mental health consortium, duties, AB 265††
Vaccination status of patients and visitors, refusal to provide health care services based upon, disciplinary action, duties, AB 234D
Water and sewer facilities
Mandatory connection by users of certain systems, requirements, AB 220†
Private sewage systems, connection to public sewage system, requirements, AB 220*
Septic systems, connection to community sewerage disposal system, requirements, fees, AB 220*
Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act (See ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE)
Yellow Dot Program, regional transportation commissions, powers, SB 17D
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, representation, SB 425*
Career and technical education program for pupils to become teachers, establishment and maintenance, duties, AB 400†
Local school precincts (See SCHOOL PRECINCTS, LOCAL)
Performance audits, reports, AB 517*
Teacher Academy College Pathway Program, requirements, AB 428*
Board, composition, AB 175*
Election and appointment, procedures for filling vacancies, SB 64D, AB 175*
Terms of office, AB 175*
Board of Directors, composition, SB 509
Major League Baseball Stadium Project, duties, SB 509
Stadium tax account, uses, SB 509
Environment, establishment of certain rights relating to, constitutional amendment, AJR 3D
Cultural competency, continuing education, SB 365D, AB 267*
Prisoners in solitary confinement, multidisciplinary teams, representation, SB 307*
Business license, state, fee waiver, AB 433D
DUI offenders, removal of requirement to dress in distinctive garb while performing community service, AB 17*
High school graduation, authority of pupils to wear certain adornments, appeals, AB 73*
Desert Research Institute, appropriation to support Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program, SB 99*
Elections officials, interference with performance of duties, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 406*
Housing discrimination, prohibited acts, AB 176D
North Las Vegas, City of, prohibited acts by certain officers, SB 246††
Unlawful acts constituting, penalties, SB 66†
Branch offices, notice to Commissioner, permit requirements removed, SB 276*
Common-interest communities
Amounts due association before notice of delinquent assessment, license to collect not required, SB 174D
Community managers, exemption from licensure requirement removed, SB 174†
Voluntary disclosures, report to Real Estate Division, SB 175D
Compliance managers, certification, restrictions on simultaneous employment, SB 276*
Debt buyers, licensure as collection agency required, authority to share license with affiliate, exemption from certain laws, SB 276*
Default judgments, motions for, notice of intent to file, SB 276†
Definitions and revision of terms, SB 276*
Display of license or certificate, requirements, SB 276*
Engaging in business in this state or another state, determination, SB 276*
Entities excluded from regulations, SB 276*
Individualized investigational treatments
Authority, duties, SB 283*
Provision of substance, exemption from professional discipline, SB 283*
Internet website, duties, SB 276*
Landlords, assignment of amounts owed by tenants, restrictions, SB 78††
License, qualifications, requirements, SB 276*
Limitation of actions, effect of payments on, prohibited acts, SB 276*
Medical debts, notifications relating to collection, requirements, SB 276*, SB 283*, SB 355*, AB 223††
Payments accepted, documents to be provided to debtors, SB 276†
Payoff letters, issuance, requirements, AB 223††
Remote locations, work from, requirements and restrictions, SB 276*
Surety bond or substitute, requirements, SB 276*
Unsecured claims, complaints to collect, requirements, settlements, SB 276†
College Savings Plans of Nevada, Board of Trustees, composition, SB 347†
Endowment Account, uses, SB 499*
Behavioral health workforce development consortium, representation, AB 37*
Discrimination (See DISCRIMINATION)
“Domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, support of programs to counter, AB 117
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Intimidation, use of symbols of hate, penalties, SB 227D
Protection and management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation urged to consider certain actions, SJR 3*
Southern Nevada Water Authority (See SOUTHERN NEVADA WATER AUTHORITY)
Holder of entitlement to appropriate certain waters, applications to change, duties, AB 220*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Gross revenue threshold at which tax imposed, increase, calculation of rate of tax, SB 193D, SB 502, AB 519*
Real estate investment trusts and qualified trust subsidiaries, tax exemption removed, AB 345
Animal feed, research facilities to conduct studies, application process, regulations, AB 249
Hemp, use of hemp authorized in certain commercial feed, violations, penalties, AB 249
Executive Committee to Review the Cases of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children, establishment, AB 238D
Juvenile detention facilities, restrictions on placement, AB 238D
Multidisciplinary teams to review cases of exploited children, AB 238D
Nevada Coalition to Prevent the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, report, SB 389†
Reports by detention or treatment and rehabilitation facilities, requirements, AB 183*
Screening of children, requirements, exception, AB 183*
Training of certain persons having direct contact with children, AB 238D
Veteran service organizations, fees, exemption, AB 260*
Actions to foreclose a lien, report to Real Estate Division, SB 175D
Books and records, review
Availability, exceptions, SB 417*
Maximum amount per hour, payment by unit’s owner, SB 417*
Delegates or representatives exercising voting rights units’ owners, election, use of electronic ballots authorized, procedures, AB 309*
Electronic portal, requirements, SB 378*
Foreclosure of lien on unit, authority of association to purchase unit, SB 378†
Internet website, requirements, SB 378*
Mediation of claims, requirements, procedures, enforcement action, AB 324D
Notice to units’ owners, delivery requirements, SB 378*
Operating account, certain withdrawals without required signatures authorized, AB 309*
Punitive damages, award against association, SB 175D
Repairs, time to complete, SB 175D
Retaliatory actions against executive board prohibited, remedies, SB 417†
Units’ owners
Electronic portal, requirements, SB 378*
Electronic voting authorized, procedures, AB 309*
Bullying, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 417†
Civil actions
Foreclosure of lien, violations, remedies, SB 175D
Laws or governing documents, violations, damages, SB 175D
Mediation of claims, requirements, procedures, enforcement action, AB 324D
Repairs, time to complete, remedies, SB 175D
Collection agencies
Amounts due association before notice of delinquent assessment, license to collect not required, SB 174D
Community managers, exemption from licensure requirement removed, SB 174†
Voluntary disclosures, report to Real Estate Division, SB 175D
Community managers (See COMMUNITY MANAGERS)
Dispute resolution, referral of claims to, repeal, SB 358D
Executive boards
Commission, replacement of members, grounds, procedure, AB 324D
Construction work in certain communities, restriction of hours at which work may begin, limitation on restrictions, AB 189*
Election and removal of members, use of electronic ballots authorized, procedures, AB 309*
Retaliatory actions against executive board prohibited, remedies, SB 417†
Foreclosure of liens
Requirements, limitations, SB 175D, AB 142D
Sales, purchase of unit by association, SB 378*
Notices to unit owners, manner of delivery, requirements, AB 309*
Ombudsman, vexatious affiants, duties, SB 417*
Operating account, certain withdrawals without required signatures authorized, AB 309*
Religious items, imposing restrictions on display prohibited, exceptions, AB 111D
Sales of units, information statements, SB 175D
Targeted residential picketing prohibited, penalty, SB 122D
Termination of community, procedures, SB 175D
Uniform Act, repeal, SB 358D
Violations, affidavits, penalty for false or fraudulent affidavit, SB 417*
Community managers, termination or assignment of management agreement, transfer of books and records, regulation, AB 309*
Complaints, false or fraudulent affidavits, authority to impose sanctions, SB 417*
Executive board members, replacement, grounds, procedure, AB 324D
Mediation of claims, requirements, procedures, enforcement action, AB 324D
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Control of diseases, duties of state and local agencies, SB 439*
Excrement or bodily fluids, unlawful acts by prisoners, reclassification of category of felony, effect, SB 439*
Legionnaire’s disease, water management program to minimize in covered health care facilities, requirements, AB 263
Driver’s license or identification cards, applications, designation of need, AB 161*
Vehicle registration, applications, designation of need, AB 161*
Appropriation, integrated support services, reports, SB 189*
Medicaid, services provided under supervision of certain health care providers, SB 117*
Practice without certificate, penalties, SB 117†
Collection agency
Amounts due association before notice of delinquent assessment, license to collect not required, SB 174D
Licensure, exemption from requirement removed, SB 174†
Disciplinary action, SB 175D
Termination or assignment of management agreement, transfer of books and records, regulation by Commission, AB 309*
Cities with population less than 25,000, plans, removal of redevelopment area by amendment, exception, SB 23*
Property taxes, educational activities, programs and facilities, allocations, SB 394†
Redevelopment areas, removal by amendment, requirements, SB 23*
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, grants to promote, AB 131*
“Community service” defined, AB 369
Credit offered by courts toward payment of fines, requirements, SB 55*, SB 209D
DUI offenders, removal of requirement to dress in distinctive garb while performing service, AB 17*
Hourly amount to be credited towards payment of fine, increase, AB 369
Juvenile courts, authority to order participation in certain programs, SB 359D
Number of hours of service assigned for certain offenses, limitation, AB 369
Supervision, in person or remote supervision authorized, AB 369
Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure, Recognition of, ratification of compact, appropriation, AB 158*
Massage Compact, Interstate, adoption, SB 161*
Nurse Licensure Compact, ratification, AB 108D
Teacher Mobility Compact, Interstate, ratification, SB 442*
Elimination, SB 431†
Appropriations (See specific agencies)
Economic Development, Office of, funding, AB 504*
Elections, computer programs, tampering or interfering with prohibited, penalties, AB 192*
Emergency Management, Division of, funding, SB 476*
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of
Computer hardware and software, appropriation for loan, repayment, AB 506*
Enterprise Application Services Unit, AB 482*
Information Services, Fund for, uses, SB 446
Restructuring of Division, AB 18*
System for tracking information technology investments, appropriation for loan, AB 506*
Ethics, Commission on, funding, AB 474*
Health information exchanges, requirements, immunities, AB 7*
Indigent Defense Services, Department of, funding, SB 487*
“Information system” defined, AB 18*
Innovation Hub, Nevada, creation, SB 419†
Prisoners, authorized use of telecommunications device, regulations, AB 35*
Remote location, employees engaged in business of lending authorized to work from, requirements, SB 355*
State Public Defender, Office of, funding, SB 464*
Virtual Early Childhood Family Engagement Pilot Program, creation, AB 348*
Vocational Rehabilitation, Bureau of, funding, SB 475*
World Esports Day, Governor to proclaim annually, AB 82*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Special event advertising, exemptions from certain restrictions on commercial advertising, requirements, AB 426*
Mediation of claims, deposits into escrow, duties of mediator, AB 324D
Voting by units’ owners, use of voting machines, procedures, AB 309*
Community managers (See COMMUNITY MANAGERS)
Executive boards, election and removal of members, use of electronic voting authorized, procedures, AB 309*
Mediation or arbitration of claims, repeal, SB 358D
Operating account, certain withdrawals without signatures authorized, use of electronic signatures, AB 309*
Abandoned property, confidentiality of certain information, provision of information to Administrator of Unclaimed Property under certain circumstances, AB 55*
Attorney General, duties, AB 258††
Baby Bonds Program, Nevada, information regarding designated beneficiary, AB 28
Cannabis Compliance Board
Applications, certain communications and documents, SB 33D
Informants, confidentiality of certain information, SB 33D
Regulations, adoption, amendment or repeal, postponement of consideration, SB 33D
Captive insurers, certain information and documents relating to, SB 57†
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, disclosure of information under certain circumstances, authority, AB 148*
Cigarettes and other tobacco products, certain sales information, repeal of provision, AB 294D
Clark County Stadium Authority, confidentiality of certain information relating to the Major League Baseball Stadium Project, SB 509
Commercially sexually exploited children, multidisciplinary teams to review cases, information and records, penalties for disclosure, AB 238D
Conservation Commission, State, certain information obtained by, AB 109
Corporations, demands to inspect records, confidentiality agreements, AB 126*
Corrections, Department of, personal information of persons who previously taught in institutions of facilities, SB 84D
Cosmetology, State Board of, duties, SB 249*
Digital financial asset business activity, information and documents relating to, SB 360D
Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, reports submitted by health care providers, SB 2*
Earned wage access service providers
Complaints filed against, confidentiality of certain information relating to, SB 290*
Financial Institutions, Commissioner of, confidentiality of certain information filed with, SB 290*
Education, Inspector General of, duties, AB 149D
Elections, declaration of candidacy for office of district judge, inclusion of confidential information in application prohibited, SB 418†
Employee misclassifications, authority of state agencies to communicate confidential information, SB 145*
Employee Savings Trust Program, Board of Trustees of the Nevada, personal information of participants, SB 305*
Entrepreneurship, Office of, records, files and communications deemed confidential, AB 77*
Ethics in Government Law, Nevada, disclosure of confidential information not required under certain circumstances, AB 66D
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, certain information collected and reported by attending physicians, SB 239††
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, reports related to referrals, AB 137*
Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Program, data collected, AB 168
Financial Institutions, Division of, duties, SB 276*, SB 290*, SB 360D, AB 332*, AB 436D
Firearms, release of information in background check by certain agencies, SB 367*
Gaming employees, registration with Nevada Gaming Control Board, applications, SB 7D
Health care records furnished by insurers or employers, exception to general requirement of confidentiality, SB 283*
Health information, framework for electronic maintenance, transmittal and exchange, establishment, confidentiality of information, SB 419††, AB 7*
Indigent defense services, certain records deemed confidential, waiver, SB 39*
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, confidentiality of certain records, identity of whistleblowers, AB 353D
Insurance Commissioner, certain documents and records, SB 57*
Intercollegiate athletics, disclosures regarding name, image or likeness contracts, investigation of violations, SB 70D
Law enforcement agencies, certain civilian employees, requests for confidentiality of personal information, SB 83D
Mental or physical examinations compelled by certain obligations, reports of examiner not privileged, AB 244*
Misdemeanors, Subcommittee on, information and materials, SB 103*
Money transmission, certain information and documents reported to Commissioner of Financial Institutions, AB 21*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, release of personal information, restrictions, AB 407*
Communications between patient and naprapaths, confidentiality, AB 153*
Investigations, confidentiality of certain documents, AB 153*
Native Americans, child custody proceedings, requirements, AB 444*
Neurodegenerative diseases, reporting of information, requirements, SB 390*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, certain applications for financial assistance, exceptions, SB 10*
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Online service, product or feature likely to be accessed by children, contents of data protection impact assessments, AB 320D
Opioid overdose fatality reviews, confidentiality of certain information, AB 132†
Optician, Board of Dispensing, certain information maintained by, AB 415†
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, requirements, AB 115D
Peace officers, requests for confidentiality of personal information in certain official records, AB 96D
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, information acquired and records obtained, AB 179
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, records of proceedings relating to licensure, discipline and investigations, AB 134D
Pharmacy, State Board of, reports regarding manufacturers, wholesalers and practitioners, SB 203†
Private education lenders, certain information concerning, AB 332*
Property managers, duties, SB 355*, AB 392D
Prosecuting attorneys, records regarding cooperation agreements with informants, AB 101*
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, certain information relating to intensive behavioral health treatment facilities, AB 435D
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, provision of certain information to parties engaging in supplemental negotiations, authority, AB 211D
Rent, processing payments for and collecting rent from tenants by a person, confidentiality of tenant’s banking and financial information, AB 447D
Requests for confidentiality of personal information in certain official records, AB 225*
Residential facility for groups, involuntary discharge of residents, confidentiality of hearings, SB 298†
School districts, performance audits, certain reports related to, AB 517*
School personnel, certain information to employee organizations, AB 172††
Schools, video cameras installed in special education classrooms, requirements, SB 158
Secretary of State, requests by certain employees for confidentiality of personal information in certain official records, AB 59D
Securities Fraud, Fund for the Compensation for the Victims of, applications, AB 67
Sentencing Policy, Department of, confidentiality of certain information relating to criminal justice system, AB 32*
Student Loan Repayment for Providers of Health Care in Underserved Communities Program, applications, AB 45*
Student loan servicers, certain information concerning, AB 332*
Telecommunications companies and providers, trade secrets, SB 237*
Trusts, confidentiality of certain information, SB 407*
Victims of crime, communications with victim’s advocate, AB 48D, AB 51*
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, information acquired by and records of, AB 119*
Wildlife Conservation Program Account, Nevada, confidentiality of personal identifying information of donors, AB 349
Personalized prestige license plates, issuance, requirements, exemptions from parking fees, AB 203*
Adoption of Indian child, consent of parents, AB 444*
Consumer health data, requirements, SB 370*
DUI, implied consent to oral fluid testing, SB 447
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, requirements, SB 239††
Health records, transmittal to health information exchange, requirements, SB 419††, AB 7†
Investigational treatment, investigational drugs, biological products or devices, patient consent, requirements, SB 283*
Midwives, consent to consultation, co-management, referral or transfer, requirements, AB 386
Neurodegenerative diseases, reporting of information, release of identifying information, SB 390*
Property managers affiliated with brokerage and assigned to separate parties to property management agreement, written consent unnecessary, SB 355*
Sexually transmitted diseases, express consent of minors for examination, treatment and prevention services, SB 172*
Computer hardware and software, appropriations, SB 492*
Conservation Districts Program
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Staff services relating to Healthy Soils Initiative, provision, appropriation, AB 109
Purchasing and Retiring Water Rights, Account for, creation, administration, SB 176
Water rights, regulations regarding, duties, consultations, SB 176
Engine emission control, new motor vehicles and engines, powers, SB 49D
Environmental Protection, Division of
Carbon Reduction Program, apportionment of federal money to state, duties, AB 184*
Clean Trucks and Buses, Account for, creation, duties, AB 184*
Clean Trucks and Buses Incentive Program, creation, duties, reports, AB 184*
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, creation, advice to Division, AB 312
Interim study concerning environmental justice, duties, reports, AB 71
Mining operations, reclamation plans, duties, reports, AB 313
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Soil Health Advisory Board, creation, membership, AB 109
Transportation, Department of, agreements with, AB 184*
Treatment Works and the Implementation of Pollution Control Projects, Account to Finance the Construction of, administration transferred to Division, AB 20*
Water systems, permits to operate, issuance, duties, AB 220*
Forestry, Division of
Computer hardware and software, replacement of vehicles, appropriation, SB 492*
Deferred maintenance projects, appropriation, SB 470*
Firefighting costs, appropriation for unanticipated shortfall, SB 480*
Forest Fire Suppression budget account, audit, SB 480*
Forester Firewarden, State (See FORESTER FIREWARDEN, STATE)
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Urban and community forestry, powers and duties, AB 131*
Historic Preservation, Office of
Burial sites, human remains found that are thought to be native Indian, procedures, regulations, SB 364*
Historical markers, duties, AB 46*
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Nevada Conservation and Recreation Program
Creation, SB 176
Water Buy-Back Initiative, Nevada, establishment, requirements, SB 176
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, creation, appointments, AB 164*
Outdoor Recreation, Division of
Computer hardware and software, appropriation, SB 492*
Grant Program, elimination of advisory committee, AB 164*
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, creation, membership, AB 164*
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
State Lands, Division of
Computer hardware and software, appropriation, SB 492*
Lease of parcels in Carson City, authority, AB 516*
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
State Parks, Division of
Administrator, annual permits program, duties, AB 84*
Deferred maintenance projects, appropriation, SB 470*
Equipment and vehicles, certain, appropriations, SB 492*
Indian tribes
Annual permit for entering, camping and boating in parks, duties, AB 84†
Annual permit to enter state parks and recreation areas free of charge, establishment of program, appropriation, AB 84*
Loss of revenue from user fees, offsetting the, appropriation, AB 84*
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Valley of Fire State Park, appropriation for visitor center, SB 471*
Water projects, duty to oversee financing transferred to Director, AB 20*
Water Resources, Division of
Computer hardware and software, replacement of vehicle, appropriation, SB 492*
Public notices, publication on Internet, duties, AB 34*
Resource plans, development and maintenance, appropriation, SB 102
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
South Fork Dam, appropriation, SB 472*
Study of extreme rainfall events, appropriation, SB 473*
Deferred maintenance projects, appropriation, SB 470*
Humboldt Conservation Camp, appropriation, AB 507†
Wages of offenders, determination, SB 187D
Healthy Soils Initiative, creation, duties, AB 109
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Soil Health Advisory Board, creation, duties, regulations, AB 109
Soil Health, Fund for, creation, duties, AB 109
Land use regulations, boards of adjustment, compensation of members increased, SB 210††
Presidential electors, conspiring to create or serve in false slate, penalties, SB 133††
Eviction, process and removal of tenants, SB 335†, AB 340††
Amendment process
Convention of voters, calling of, procedures, AJR 2D
Referral of proposed amendments, procedures, AJR 2D
Special sessions, introduction, consideration or passing of amendments prohibited, AJR 2D
Biennial audit of State University and other public institutions of higher education, SJR 7 of the 81st Session‡
Board of Regents, removal of status as constitutional body, SJR 7 of the 81st Session‡
Education Article, removal of obsolete provisions and clarification of laws, SJR 7 of the 81st Session‡
Environment, establishment of certain rights relating to, AJR 3D
Initiative petitions, filing of copy with Secretary of State, time for, SJR 6D
Justices or judges, elections involving incumbents who are unopposed, ballot choices, SJR 1D
Annual sessions, SJR 6D
Compensation of members, SJR 6D
Lotteries, authority of Legislature to provide by law operation and regulation of, AJR 5*
National Popular Vote, Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by, enactment, AJR 6*
Property tax
Refunds to aged persons and persons with disabilities, requirements, AJR 7D
Sale or transfer of property, temporary ineligibility for certain tax adjustments or abatements, AJR 7D
Public institutions, certain persons supported by, change in terminology, AJR 1 of the 81st Session‡
Reproductive health, establishment of certain rights, SJR 7‡
Slavery and involuntary servitude as criminal punishment, removal of language authorizing, AJR 10 of the 81st Session‡
Honorary consuls of foreign countries, license plates, repeal of provision, AB 57*
Collection agencies (See COLLECTION AGENCIES)
Equal credit opportunities, violation of laws, AB 332*
Referenced drugs sold or delivered in state, prohibited acts, AB 250††
Biometric identifiers, legislative declaration, collection and storage, SB 370†
Privacy, duties of regulated entities, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 370*
Administrative citations
Contested citations, procedures, AB 23*
Failure to comply, AB 23*
Informal citation conference, procedures, prohibitions, AB 23*
Service, AB 23*
Broadband services, grants of federal money, awards by state agencies, requirements, SB 384††
Cease and desist orders, procedures, AB 22*
Classifications, increase in value of work contractor may perform without license in applicable classification, AB 106D
Disciplinary action, grounds, AB 29*, AB 39*
Electrochemical energy storage systems, requirements for installation, penalties, SB 314††
Gas infrastructure projects, qualifications, SB 116D
Heavy equipment rental tax, imposition, requirements, SB 233
Injunctions, AB 22*
Licenses, general building contractors, provision of management and counseling services, requirements, AB 27*
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Residential improvement, contracts, requirements, AB 39*
Service contracts, adequate network or workforce of employees or contractors, SB 436†
Administrative citations, informal citation conference, requirements, AB 23*
Cease and desist orders, procedures, AB 22*
Classifications, annual increase in value of work contractor may perform without license in applicable classification, duties, AB 106D
Contracts for residential improvement, regulations, AB 39*
Disqualification of applicants for license based on criminal history, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 363D
Public works, violations in preference in bidding, receipt of reports, AB 391†
Residential photovoltaic systems, duties, SB 293*
Subsurface installations, excavation in areas known to contain, clarification of terminology, SB 27*
Unlicensed practice, penalties, AB 22*
Abandoned or unclaimed property, agreements between owner of property and another person concerning property paid or delivered to Administrator, regulations, AB 55*
Annuity contracts (See ANNUITY CONTRACTS)
Attorney General, cooperation agreements with informants, maintenance of records, confidentiality, AB 101*
Baby Bonds Trust Fund, Nevada, authority of State Treasurer to enter on behalf of, AB 28
Board of Regents
Early childhood education, agreements to provide training and resources to families and caretakers, AB 372*
Promotion and enhancement of educational programs, authority, requirements, AB 74††
Business Opportunity Outreach Unit, award of contracts to small businesses, requirements, SB 185
Cannabis Compliance Board, consent or settlement agreements with licensees and registrants, SB 295*
Children’s Health Insurance Program, prescription drugs, contracts for, requirements, SB 161*
Civil litigation, third-party litigation funding agreements, requirements, SB 179D
Contractors, residential improvements, contents, AB 39*
Corrections, Department of, contracts to supply certain programs for offenders, exclusive contracts prohibited, SB 416†
Elections, purchase of ballots, authority of Secretary of State, AB 192*
Employee Savings Trust Program, Nevada, contracts with state agencies to obtain services authorized, SB 305*
Film and other productions, transferable tax credits for, eligibility, requirements, AB 329D
Gas infrastructure projects, requirements, SB 116D
Health and Human Services, Department of, contracts with health information exchanges authorized, AB 7*
Hospitals, contracts with providers of health care, prohibited acts, AB 11††
Housing discrimination contracts between Equal Rights Commission and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, SB 143
Intercollegiate athletics, name, image or likeness contracts, requirements, SB 70D
Landlord and tenant (See LANDLORD AND TENANT)
Local government improvements, lease, lease-purchase or installment-purchase agreements, requirements, SB 226*
Malpractice actions or claims against certain health care providers, failure to report settlement agreement, penalties, AB 318*
Medicaid, prescription drugs, contracts for, requirements, SB 161*
Mental health consortium, statewide, establishment, powers and duties, AB 201†
Pharmacy benefit managers, agreements with third-party insurers, requirements, AB 440D
Prosecuting attorneys, maintenance of records regarding cooperation agreements with informants, confidentiality, AB 101*
Public-private partnerships for certain facilities, authority, requirements, AB 74††
Public works agreements (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Regional behavioral health policy boards, authority, AB 9D
Resident facilities for groups, contract with resident, contents, SB 298*
Service contracts (See SERVICE CONTRACTS)
State employment contracts, prohibited acts, SB 431*
State highways, payments, limitations, procedures, SB 85*
Taxation, Department of, appropriation for costs of certain contracts, SB 466*
Vision care providers, contracts with insurers, disclosures to covered persons, prohibited acts, SB 134*
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, Nevada Office, authority to enter contract with Utah State University to implement program for stipends for veterinary medicine students, SB 342*
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority order and select, AB 198†
Anesthesiologist assistants, authority, AB 270*
Associate physicians, authority to prescribe or dispense, requirements, SB 204
Cannabis, exclusion from schedule of substances, SB 277*
Carfentanil, sale or possession unlawful, penalties, SB 197D
Certified registered nurse anesthetists, authority to order and prescribe, AB 198
Commercial motor vehicles, disqualification from operating upon certain felony convictions, SB 66*
Driving under the influence (See DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE)
Fentanyl (See FENTANYL)
Firearms, use of or possession in furtherance of certain drug offenses, penalties, SB 367†
Flunitrazepam or gammahydroxybutyrate, trafficking, penalties, SB 412†
Kratom products, applicability of Uniform Controlled Substances Act, AB 322††
Limited licenses to practice medicine, duties, regulations, SB 204
Marijuana, exclusion of root balls and seeds from definition, SB 277*
Off-label use of drug product, authority of health care providers to prescribe or dispense, AB 234D
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, AB 115D
Practitioners, purchase of substances from outsourcing facility, authority, SB 161*
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, SB 242*
Research facilities, studies of certain controlled substances, approval, requirements, SB 242†
Schedules of substances
Kratom products, inclusion of certain substances on schedule of controlled substances prohibited, AB 322†
Marijuana, urging of Congress to deschedule as schedule I substance, AJR 8*
Schedule II substances, applicability of laws, SB 412†
Schools, sale or distribution by pupil, disciplinary action, AB 65†, AB 285*, AB 330*
Taxation on, interest on overpayments, restrictions, SB 29*
Testing for Intoxication, Committee on (See INTOXICATION, COMMITTEE ON TESTING FOR)
Unused drugs, take-back bins for collection and destruction, requirements, SB 183D
Sidewalk vendors, prohibited acts, SB 92*
Discriminatory restriction or prohibition on property, procedures for removal, SB 368*
Geothermal energy systems, restrictive covenants prohibiting or restricting use of void, AB 315†
Housing discrimination based on source of income, prohibited acts, AB 176D
Service agreements unlawfully tied to residential property, recording, penalties and remedies, SB 355*, AB 392D
Habitual criminal, number of previous convictions, determination, SB 412†
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, conviction for consuming or possessing drugs prohibited, AB 115D
Victims under the age of 9 years, use of defendant’s confession or statement, SB 173D
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances intentionally added to cookware, manufacturers to provide information to customers, exemption, penalty, SB 76††
Academic medical districts, establishment, authority of participating entities, AB 490
Charter schools, dual credit courses, AB 317D
Indian children, authority of Child and Family Services Division to enter into tribal-state agreements regarding child enrollment in tribe, AB 444*
School districts, dual credit courses, AB 317D
Treatment Works and the Implementation of Pollution Control Projects, Account to Finance the Construction of, eligibility of interstate agencies to receive assistance, AB 20*
University schools for profoundly gifted pupils, dual credit courses, AB 317D
Urban and Community Forestry Program, authority of State Forester Firewarden, AB 131*
Wetlands in-lieu fee program, establishment, use and operation, SB 115*
Peace officers, performance of copyrighted work while on duty, restrictions, certain retaliatory or punitive action prohibited, SB 362*
Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, sharing of information, SB 2*
Euthanasia drugs self-administered by patients, powers and duties, penalties prohibited, SB 239††
Opioid overdose fatality reviews, requirements, AB 132†
Opioid Task Force, Clark County Regional, representation, AB 132*
Overdose Fatalities, Committee to Review, creation, AB 132†
Controlled-access highways, coroner vehicles authorized on shoulder, AB 56*
Emergency vehicle, authority to own and operate, permits, SB 107*
Overtaking and passing on right, coroner vehicles authorized on shoulder, AB 56*
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, creation, duties, AB 119*
“Acquisition” of controlling interest defined, AB 126*
Articles of incorporation
Alteration or amendment, procedures, abandonment of amendment by board of directors, AB 126*
Filing fees, AB 433D
Restated articles, authorized omissions, AB 126*
Business license, state, fee waiver, AB 433D
Combinations of resident domestic corporations, authority of directors, AB 126*
Demand to inspect records, contents of affidavits, confidentiality agreements, AB 126*
Dissenter’s rights, definitions, AB 126*
Filing fees, AB 433D
Insurance, licensure as business entity, requirements, SB 57*
Long-term or short-term interests of corporation or stockholders, actions to protect, authority of directors, AB 126*
Name of corporation, change without stockholder approval, exception, AB 126*
Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, impact qualified community development entities, qualifications, duties, SB 240*
Property and assets, authority to sell, lease or exchange, AB 126*
Records erroneously filed with Secretary of State, correction, AB 126*
Residential real property, total number of units purchased in calendar year by certain corporations, limitations, exceptions, SB 395††
Restrictions on transfer of shares, knowledge of restrictions, AB 126*
Shares of a class or series, approval required to decrease number, AB 126*
Student loan servicers, licensing and regulation, AB 332*
Uncertificated shares, issuance to stockholders, requirements, AB 126*
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability, regulations, SB 105*, SB 416†, AB 390D
Alternate address on driver’s license or identification card, authority of certain persons to request, SB 84D
Appropriations, AB 507*
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, representation, AB 160††
Commissary, regulations, nonexclusive contracts to supply, SB 416†
Computer hardware and software, funding, AB 504*
Demographic information, collection, requirements, AB 139*
Prisoners in solitary confinement, multidisciplinary teams, representation, SB 307*
Staffing study, appropriation, AB 507*
Training, requirements, SB 153*
Funds and accounts, maintenance in certain financial institutions, SB 416†
Health and Human Services, Department of, medical screenings for offenders, coordination, AB 389*
New Construction of Facilities for Prison Industries, Fund for
Deposits, SB 187D
Proposal for expenditures, submission, requirements, AB 243††
Offenders, duties (See PRISONS, STATE)
Ombudsperson for Offenders, Office of the, creation, appropriation, AB 452*
Opioid use disorder, offenders with, medication-assisted treatment, study, AB 156*
Package program, nonexclusive contracts, SB 416†
Parole Commissioners, State Board of, list of programs identified in risk and needs assessments, report, SB 413*
Personal information of persons who previously taught in institutions of facilities of Department, requests for confidentiality, SB 84D
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances intentionally added to cosmetics, sale or distribution prohibited, exception, penalty, SB 76††
Definitions, SB 249*
Disciplinary action, requests that confidential information be made public, authority removed, SB 249*
Establishments, authority of certain health care providers to lease space, SB 249*
Esthetic procedures, advanced, definitions, licensure and regulation, SB 120D, SB 249*
Instructors, restrictions on subjects taught, SB 249*
Licenses or certificates of registration
Applications, fees nonrefundable, SB 249*
Cosmetological establishments, requirements, SB 249*
Display, SB 249*
Examinations, admission to, contents, SB 249*
Expiration, deferral for certain licenses or certificates, SB 249*
Hair braiders, SB 249*
Instructors, SB 249*
Makeup artists, SB 249*
Renewal, payment of outstanding fees, fines or other balance owed, SB 249*
Training and experience requirements, SB 249*
Makeup artistry includes applying strip eyelashes, SB 249*
Registered nurses, authority to perform nonablative esthetic medical procedures under supervision, SB 249†
Citations, authority to issue, procedures, SB 249*
Esthetic medical devices, identification, adoption of regulations, SB 249*
Executive Director, powers and duties, SB 249*
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Nonablative esthetic medical procedures, regulations, SB 249*
Records and files to be kept at main office, requirement removed, SB 249*
Recovery of fines, authority to take legal action, SB 249*
Supervision of advanced esthetician, authority of health care providers to lease space in cosmetological establishment, SB 249*
Ethics in Government Law, Nevada, state officers or employees representing or counseling private persons, limitations, AB 66D
Juvenile courts, authority to order child to attend or participate in counseling or psychological treatment, SB 359†
Marriage and family therapists (See MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPISTS)
Mental health services (See MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES)
Reproductive health care services (See REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES)
Student counselors assigned to school districts and schools for training purposes, compensation authorized, AB 323, AB 428*
Goods having counterfeit label or trademark, Attorney General, duties, AB 50*
COUNTIES (See also specific counties)
Academic medical districts
Area defined by ordinance, authority, SB 419†
Establishment, AB 490
Adopted children with special needs, financial assistance to adoptive parents, funding for Rural Child Welfare budget account, AB 255*
Affordable housing (See also AFFORDABLE HOUSING)
Enactment of ordinances relating to, authority, SB 371††
Housing projects, duties, AB 213*
Automated traffic enforcement systems
Railroad grade crossings, use authorized, requirements, AB 456†
School zones, use authorized, requirements, AB 93D
Battery-charged fences, authority to regulate, requirements, limitations, SB 208*
Businesses, participation of local agencies in state business portal, AB 14†
License tax, use of money, authority, SB 277*
Relocation to new location under jurisdiction of different local government in smaller counties, requirements, SB 31D
Temporary events, permitting and regulation, authority to charge fee, AB 253
Violations, adoption of rewards program to persons who provide material information resulting in recovery of civil penalties, AB 413D
County counsel, creation of office, powers and duties, applicability of laws, AB 92D
County officers, annual compensation, increases, AB 529
Demographic information, collection, requirements, AB 139*
Detention facilities (See JAILS OR DETENTION FACILITIES)
Digital products, exemptions from taxation, SB 396
Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, sharing of certain information, immunities, SB 2*
Douglas County, growth in County and region, reports, duties, SB 81††
Drones operated by, regulations, SB 11*, SB 398D
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, assistance to, AB 113
Economic boycotts, prohibition against entering into contracts with companies that engage in, SB 228D
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Emergency situations, use of water to extinguish fires, applicability of laws, AB 220*
Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, study, consultations, SB 168D
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, certain penalties prohibited, SB 239††
Evaporative cooling mechanisms, prohibition on construction or use, authority, AB 97††
Fire departments, operation in compliance with certain standards and regulations, SB 304D
Firearms, enforcement of federal laws, prohibited acts, exceptions, AB 94D
Gender-affirming services, use of time or resources in furtherance of investigation or proceeding initiated in another state prohibited, SB 302††
Historical markers, requests for, AB 46*
Home-based businesses, regulation, authority, restrictions, AB 314D
Homeless persons, establishment of matching funds program, abatement of permitting or licensing fees, authority, AB 528*
Indigent Defense Services, Board on, solicitation of comments from counties before adopting regulations, requirements, AB 417D
Indigent defense services, requirements, appropriations, authority to seek state contributions, SB 479*, SB 481, AB 518*
Investments, AB 33*
Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, Nevada Local, grants received from, duties, AB 388*
Juvenile justice, regional treatment and rehabilitation facilities, county assessments, calculation, AB 68*
Language access plans, requirements, AB 266*
Lease agreements, requirements, SB 226*
Local improvements, lease, lease-purchase or installment-purchase agreements, requirements, SB 226*
Lyon County, growth in County and region, reports, duties, SB 81††
Manufactured homes, residential neighborhoods, standards for placement, SB 40*
Medical assistance to indigent persons, funds for, allocations, use, SB 42*
Motor vehicles, owned or operated by local governmental agency, use of nonflashing blue lights, AB 2*
Municipal utilities, rules affecting businesses, SB 261*
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Off-highway vehicles, operation on certain highways and streets, removal of authority, SB 338†
Officers and employees (See COUNTY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; specific officers and employees)
Overdose fatality reviews, authority of certain entities to conduct, requirements, AB 132†
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, AB 115D
Personal delivery devices, regulation and control, SB 422*
Planning commissions (See also PLANNING COMMISSIONS)
Public notices, availability in certain languages, translation of information, immunity from liability, AB 266*
Pretrial release hearings conducted on weekends or holidays, counties receiving funding, requirements, AB 518*
Real property, conveyances to clear title on property acquired from Federal Government, AB 143*
Reproductive health care services (See also REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES)
Governmental imposition of certain requirements or limitations, restrictions, remedies, vexatious litigants, AB 383††
State law and regulations supersede and preempt local ordinance or regulation, AB 418D
Room tax (See ROOM TAX)
School capital projects, levy of property tax, exemption from limitations on taxation, establishment of oversight panel, AB 519*
Schools, charter, authority to sponsor, powers and duties, prohibited acts, AB 400*
Sidewalk vendors, licensing and regulation in larger counties, requirements, SB 92*
Siren, bell or alarm, sounding of, prohibited acts, SB 391*
Storey County, growth in County and region, reports, duties, SB 81††
Strangulation victims of domestic violence, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, AB 257*
Transportation and housing reinvestment zones, authority to designate, requirements, AB 10D
Treatment Works and the Implementation of Pollution Control Projects, Account to Finance the Construction of, eligibility to receive assistance, AB 20*
Unfunded mandates, study of mandates for which local governments made expenditures, receipt of reports, AB 5D
Water and sewer facilities
Mandatory connection by users of certain water systems, requirements, AB 220†
Water systems, assumption of control, requirements, AB 220*
Wetlands in-lieu fee program, establishment, use and operation, SB 115*
Accessory dwelling units, property tax exemptions, duties, AB 416
Annual compensation, increase, AB 529
Confidentiality of personal information, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, SB 83D, SB 84D, AB 59D, AB 225*, AB 379D
Manufactured or mobile homes, duties, SB 40*
Senior Citizens’ Property Tax Assistance Account, creation, duties, SB 374D, SB 430
Veterans, surviving spouses of
Governmental services tax exemption, duties, AB 295
Property tax exemption, duties, SB 374D, AB 295
Annual compensation, increase, AB 529
Clerk of justice court, limitation of liability for acts of, removal of provisions, SB 55*
Confidentiality of personal information, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, SB 83D, SB 84D, AB 59D, AB 225*, AB 379D
Elections, duties (See also ELECTIONS)
Reports to Secretary of State, requirements, AB 326D
Marriage certificates, amended certificates due to name change, duties, SB 211*
Residential real property registry, creation, duties, SB 395††
School district trustees, election, certain duties deemed purely ministerial, SB 404†
Service agreements tied to residential property, recording of notice, AB 392†
Academic medical districts, receipt of reports, AB 490
Affordable housing, enactment of ordinances relating to, authority, SB 371††
Annexation of territory by cities, procedures, prohibited acts, SB 19*
Cannabis license tax, use of money, authority, SB 277*
Carson City, term of office, charter amendment, SB 16*
Charter schools, prohibited acts, SB 344D
Clark County
Construction work in certain common-interest communities, establishment of hours at which work may begin, authority, AB 189*
County officers, annual compensation, duties, AB 529
Fuel taxes, additional annual increases, effectuation, AB 359††
Homelessness prevention and assistance fund, resort corridor, creation, SB 509
Major League Baseball Stadium Project, duties, SB 509
Mandatory connection by users of certain water systems, requirements, AB 220†
Opioid Task Force, Regional, creation, appointments, AB 132*
Private sewage systems, connection to public sewage system, authority, AB 220*
Unincorporated towns
Advisory boards, deferment of appointment, SB 19*
Formation, authority, procedures, SB 19*
Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act, duties, SB 450*
County counsels, creation of office, duties, AB 92D
County officers, annual compensation, duties, AB 529
Criminal history
Disqualification of applicants for license or certificate based on, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 363D
Regulatory bodies, applicant requests for review of criminal history, procedures, AB 503†
Domestic terrorism, participation in and collaboration with intelligence centers in State, AB 117†
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Evaluation of certain orders or regulations made by Governor, SB 130D
Orders, requirements, SB 130D
Federal Government, conveyances of real property acquired from, duties, AB 143*
Groundwater basins, well accounts, receipt of reports, duties, SB 112
Groundwater boards, powers and duties, SB 180
Homeless persons
Matching funds program, establishment, abatement of permitting or licensing fees, authority, AB 528*
Prohibited acts relating to enactment and enforcement of ordinances against, SB 155†
Land use planning (See LAND USE PLANNING)
Live entertainment tax, reimbursement of costs incurred by smaller counties, authority, SB 140
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, powers and duties, receipt of reports, AB 115D
Pretrial release hearings conducted on weekends or holidays, counties receiving certain funding, duties, AB 518*
Property tax, additional tax for support of public schools, imposition, SB 394†
Purchasing and Retiring Water Rights Program, creation, consultation with State Engineer, SB 176†
Registrar of voters in larger counties, office changed from appointed to elected office, term, SB 75D
Renewable energy facilities, tax abatement, receipt of report, SB 257*
Rent control, enactment of ordinances relating to, authority, SB 371†
School capital projects, levy of property tax, establishment of oversight panel, AB 519*
School district trustees in larger counties, appointment, SB 64D, AB 175*
Sidewalk vendors, regulation, authority, SB 92*
Vacancies, establishment by ordinance of process for filling, authority, SB 20††
Water diversions, public notices, requirements, AB 34†
Creation of office, duties, AB 92D
Fuel taxes in Clark County, additional annual increases, effectuation, AB 359††
Board of hospital trustees, compensation of members increased, SB 210††
COUNTY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (See also specific officers)
Collective bargaining, provision of certain employee information, AB 172†
County counsel, creation of office, powers and duties, applicability of laws, AB 92D
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, assistance to, AB 113
Nonprofit organizations, personal information identifying donors, members or volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 258††
Preferential employment, peace officers, exception, AB 30D
Representation, authority of chief legal officer, requirements, SB 34*
Annual compensation, increase, AB 529
Confidentiality of personal information, persons who may request that information be kept confidential, SB 83D, SB 84D, AB 59D, AB 96D, AB 225*, AB 379D
County counsels, appointment of deputies, recording requirements, AB 92D
Guardianships, recording fees, duties, SB 15D
Marriage certificates, amended certificates due to name change, duties, SB 211*
Real property
Discriminatory restriction or prohibition on, procedures for removal, duties, SB 368*
Federal Government, conveyances of real property acquired from, duties, AB 143*
Off-highway vehicles, trails for use, applicability to governmental entity, AB 47*
Annual compensation, increase, AB 529
Heavy equipment rental tax, duties, SB 233
Live entertainment tax, deposit of proceeds in certain counties, SB 140
Major League Baseball Stadium Project, duties of Clark County treasurer, SB 509
Mental health services to children, tax abatements to businesses providing, receipt of information, duties, AB 445
Property taxes, duties, SB 394†, SB 429††
Solid waste management fund, duties, AB 1
Traffic control, payment of civil penalties, SB 104††
Administrative assessments, distribution of money collected, duties, SB 58†, SB 448*
Assistants, appointment, compensation, duties, SB 58*
Duties, generally, SB 63*
Foreclosure Mediation Program, duties, repeal of provisions, AB 513
Certification or registration, duties, SB 63*, AB 331
Committee to Advise Court Administrator, composition, SB 347†
Tribal customary adoption, rules, authority, reports, AB 444*
Adoption of person with special needs, waiver or reduction of costs, AB 453D
Consumer health data, violations, remedies, SB 370*
Expert witnesses fees, maximum amount recoverable as costs increased, AB 76*
Health care facilities, deceptive statements regarding services, penalties, AB 418D
Service agreements unlawfully tied to residential property, penalties, SB 355*, AB 392D
Third-party litigation funding agreements, joint and several liability, SB 179D
Waiver or reduction of fees, procedures, AB 369
Certificates of registration, examination requirements, fees, SB 160D
Certified Court Reporters’ Board of Nevada (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)
Membership, SB 160D
Definitions, SB 160D
Legal video recording, licensure and regulation of persons and firms, SB 160D
Practice without license or certificate, prosecution of violations, SB 160D
Short title, SB 160D
Transcriptions, persons producing, applicability of laws, SB 160D
COURTS (See also specific courts)
Adjournment, absence of judge, repeal of provision, SB 63*
Candidacy for judicial offices, filing requirements, SB 418*
Demographic information, collection, requirements, AB 139*
Electronic filing, storage and reproduction of documents, SB 63*
Gender-affirming services, use of time or resources in furtherance of investigation or proceeding initiated in another state prohibited, SB 302††
Governor, Office of, liaison with Judicial Department, SB 431†
Indigent Defense Services, Board on, solicitation of comments from courts before adopting regulations, requirements, AB 417D
Interpreters and translators, fees, certification and registration, SB 63*
Nonjudicial days, exceptions, SB 63*
Personnel of Judicial Department, salary increase, appropriations, disbursements, SB 440†, AB 522*
Place of holding, change, remote communication, SB 63*
Pretrial release hearings
Continuation, requirements, SB 235*, AB 297D
District attorneys, service as prosecuting attorney, authority, stipend awarded under certain circumstances, SB 235*
Public defenders, service as prosecuting attorney, authority, stipend awarded under certain circumstances, SB 235*
Remote communication, use in pretrial release hearings, authority, SB 235*
Recycling of certain materials, repeal of provisions, SB 63†
Seals, regulations, repeal of provisions, SB 63*
Civil liability for injury or death resulting from exposure, limitations, applicability of laws, SB 73D
Controlling health standards, failure to comply with, repeal of provisions relating to state business license, AB 402D
Relief Programs budget account, payment of money to registered nonprofit organizations, requirements, appropriation, AB 526*
Summary eviction, automatic sealing of case court file, applicability of laws, SB 335†, AB 340††
Competition, participation in, taking animal for prize, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 102D
Medicaid, enrollment to provide services, duty to report certain abuse or neglect, AB 338
Secretary of State, appropriation for unanticipated shortfall related to processing fees, SB 478*
Landlords, reporting of amounts owed by tenants, restrictions, SB 78††
Advisory Council
Meetings, frequency, AB 239*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Remuneration, removal of provision, AB 239*
Exploitation of aged or vulnerable persons, notifications, delay of financial transactions, immunities, SB 355*
Independent Development Account Program, maximum value of matching funds, SB 306
Money transmission, licensure and regulation, AB 21*
Physical address of new depository institution, applications for license, requirements, SB 355*
Private education lenders, applicability of laws, AB 332*
Student loan servicers, laws inapplicable, AB 332*
Unlawful receipt of payments to obtain loan for another, penalties, SB 86D
Vulnerable persons, joint deposits, prosecution for theft of deposits or proceeds, SB 61*
Completion of cremation, procedures following, AB 289*
Containers, natural organic reduction, use, AB 289*
Natural organic reduction, included in definition, use, AB 289*
CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS (See also specific crimes)
Anesthesiologist assistants, unlicensed practice, AB 270*
Assisted reproduction, providers of
False information knowingly conveyed to a patient, SB 309*
Fertility fraud, violations, SB 309*
Boats and boating, unlawful acts, SB 59*
Carfentanil, sale or possession, violations, SB 197D
Catalytic converters
Purchase of, violations, SB 243*, SB 250D
Theft or possession of, violations, SB 243*
Commercially sexually exploited children, certain disclosures of confidential information, AB 238D
Common-interest communities
Foreclosure of lien, violations, SB 175D
Repairs, time to complete, violations, SB 175D
Concentrated cannabis, unlawful acts, AB 170D
Conservation domestic wells, violations, SB 258†
Data collectors, violations, AB 421D
Deceptive trade practices directed toward elderly persons, activities constituting, AB 373†
Digital products, taxation, violations, SB 396
Ballots, prohibited acts, SB 230D, SB 405, AB 88D, AB 307D
Computer programs, tampering or interfering with prohibited, AB 192*
Electioneering, violations, AB 286*
Elections officials
Dissemination of personal identifying information of officials, SB 404†, SB 406*
Interference with performance of duties, unlawful acts, SB 406*
Firearms at election sites, prohibited acts, AB 354††
Engine emission control, new motor vehicles and engines, violations, exceptions, SB 49D
Excrement or bodily fluids, unlawful acts by prisoners, reclassification of category of felony, effect, SB 439*
Expanded function dental assistance, unlicensed practice, SB 310*
Feminine hygiene products, ingredients list, violations, AB 169*
Sale or possession, SB 197D, SB 343D
Trafficking, levels of, SB 35*, SB 128D, SB 197D, SB 343D
Drug offenses, use of or possession of firearm in furtherance of, SB 367†, SB 412*
Election sites, prohibited acts, AB 354††
Frames or receivers, prohibited acts, AB 354††
Safe storage, certain violations by licensed dealers, SB 294*
Semiautomatic shotguns or centerfire rifles, possession or control by certain persons, AB 355††
Heavy equipment rental tax, unlawful acts, SB 233
Homeless persons, diversionary and specialty court programs, assignment, SB 155*
Identification cards, limited-purpose, violations, AB 302
Individualized investigational treatments
Manufacturers, provision of treatment, exemption from prosecution, SB 283*
Prohibiting patient from accessing, unlawful acts by state officers, employees or agents, SB 283*
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, violations related to work of, AB 353D
Intimidation, prohibited acts, SB 227D
Kratom products, unlawful acts, AB 322†
Mail theft, unlawful acts, AB 272*
Midwives, unlicensed practice, AB 386
Mining operations, plans for reclamation, violations, AB 313
Misdemeanor offenses, presumption of indigency, applicability, effect, AB 369
Mobile tracking devices on motor vehicles, unlawful acts, AB 356*
Money transmission, violations, AB 21*
Naprapathic practice, violations, AB 153*
Nonprofit organizations, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with, violations by governmental entities, AB 258††
Opticians, unlawful acts, AB 415*
Parentage, release of specimen of person collected for genetic testing without court order or permission of person, penalties, AB 371††
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances intentionally added to products, sale or distribution, violations, SB 76††
Personalized prestige license plates, unlawful acts, AB 203*
Pesticide applicators, violations, SB 159*
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, violations, AB 134D
Pharmacy benefit managers, violations, AB 440D
Property tax, violations, SB 374D, SB 430
Living from earnings of prostitute, child victim, AB 157D
Physical force, use against child victim, AB 157D
Unlawful acts, AB 145D
Public utility infrastructure, unlawful acts, AB 321*
School pupils, unlawful acts by persons in position of authority, SB 38*
Secondary sports pool wagering brokers, violations, SB 379D
Service agreements unlawfully tied to residential property, submitting void agreements for recording, SB 355*, AB 392D
Skilled nursing, facilities for, electronic communication devices, violations, AB 202*
Slavery and involuntary servitude as criminal punishment, removal of language authorizing, constitutional amendment, AJR 10 of the 81st Session‡
Teledentistry, violations, AB 147*
Theft offenses, felony thresholds reduced, SB 86D
Tobacco products, sale of
Persons born after December 31, 2002, sale of certain products, AB 294D
Taste or aroma distinguishable from tobacco, containing, unlawful acts, AB 294D
Traffic violations (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Unregistered vehicles unfit for use, unlawful possession, AB 316*
Utility workers, assault or battery committed upon, AB 321*
Vulnerable persons, temporary orders for protection, violations, AB 254D
“Domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, support of programs to counter, AB 117
Inciting or producing imminent lawless action, prohibited acts, AB 117
Central Repository
Children with an emotional disturbance, removal of records, duties, SB 367*
Money collected for operation of Repository, authorized uses, SB 506*
Regulatory bodies, applicant requests for review of criminal history, requirements, duties, AB 503†
Sexual assault, biological specimens, DNA profiles and records of survivors, audits, reports, SB 321*
Vulnerable persons, temporary orders for protection, issuance, AB 254D
Fingerprints and background checks (See FINGERPRINTS AND BACKGROUND CHECKS)
Housing discrimination, prohibited acts regarding applicant’s or tenant’s criminal history records, SB 143
Regulatory bodies
Disqualification of applicants for license or certificate based on criminal history, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 363D
Review of criminal history by regulatory bodies
Applicant requests for review, requirements, procedures, AB 503†
Repeal of provisions, AB 503†
Report on criminal history, applicant prohibited from receiving, AB 503†
Breath, oral fluid, blood or urine tests, access to health care records, SB 447
Interrogation of child in custody, prohibited acts, exceptions, AB 193*
Cannabis, exemptions from prosecution for certain offenses, SB 33D, AB 240D
Child, orders for protection against, admissions, representations or statements made by child inadmissible during criminal proceeding, SB 382*
Consumer health data, violations by regulated entities and processors, SB 370*
Contractors, unlicensed practice, prosecution for actions, AB 22*
Controlled substances, studies conducted by research facilities, persons engaged in certain conduct does not constitute basis for prosecution, SB 242†
County counsels, prohibition on conducting criminal prosecutions, AB 92D
Credit by false representation, requirements for prosecution, defenses, AB 291*
Deferral of judgment, prohibition of deferral for certain convictions, SB 412†
Domestic violence, evidence of act that constitutes separate offense, admissibility, SB 170D
Excrement or bodily fluids, unlawful acts by prisoners, reclassification of category of felony, effect, SB 439*
Financial institutions, delay of certain financial transactions, immunity from prosecution, SB 355*
Fluorescent lamps, prohibited sale or distribution, AB 144††
Fraud in the course of an enterprise or occupation, Attorney General, duties, AB 50*
Goods having counterfeit label or trademark, Attorney General, duties, AB 50*
HIV, intentional conduct likely to transmit HIV to another person, prosecution as a felony, retroactive application of repeal of provisions, SB 439*
Indigent, circumstances in which person presumed, applicability, effect, AB 369
Disclosures by prosecuting attorney to defendant, requirements, exceptions, AB 101*
Jury instructions, AB 101*
Insurance fraud, confidentiality of records in prosecution, authorized disclosure, SB 57*
Intercollegiate athletics, name, image or likeness contracts, violations, SB 70D
Interrogation of child in custody, prohibited acts, exceptions, AB 193*
Joint tenancy, accounts held in, prosecution for theft of deposits or proceeds, SB 61*
Motor vehicles, actions taken to protect or remove child or pet from, immunities, SB 190D
Organized retail theft, Attorney General, duties, AB 50*
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, immunity from prosecution, AB 115D
Pretrial release hearings, district attorneys, service as prosecuting attorney, authority, stipend awarded under certain circumstances, SB 235*, AB 518*
Sexual assault, forensic evidence, restrictions on use against survivor, SB 321*
Swindling, requirements for prosecution, defenses, AB 291*
Transcription of sound recordings, exemption from court reporter regulations, SB 160D
Victims under the age of 9 years, admissibility of defendant’s confession or statement, SB 173D
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, creation, AB 119*
Waiver or reduction of fines, assessments or fees, eligibility of certain defendants, procedures, AB 369
“Domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, support of programs to counter, AB 117
Inciting or producing imminent lawless action, prohibited acts, AB 117
Personal delivery devices, operation, penalties, SB 422*
Digital financial asset business activity, prohibited acts by licensees, SB 360D
Money transmission, regulation, AB 21*
Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, interim study, SB 376D
Appropriations, SB 341*, AB 521, AB 525*
Creative arts therapists, enrollment with Medicaid to provide services, duty to report certain abuse or neglect, AB 338
Nevada Cultural Account, expenditures to improve health outcomes through arts and humanities, AB 338
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Offenders, interstate transportation for purpose of temporary transfer of custody, applicability of laws, SB 32*
Computer hardware and software, appropriation, AB 496*
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Common-interest communities, electronic portal, cybersecurity insurance, requirements, SB 378*
Elections, cyber-incident response plan, regulations, SB 60†
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, duties, AB 18*
Health information exchange, advisory group, representation of professional in the field, AB 7*
Remote location, employees engaged in business of lending authorized to work from, requirements, SB 355*
Advance health-care directives, violations, AB 414†
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, liability for rendering emergency care, AB 25D
Consumer health data, violations, remedies, SB 370*
Deceptive trade practices, violations, AB 373*
Driving under the influence, requirements for award of punitive damages, SB 401*
Fertility fraud, remedies, SB 154D, SB 309*
Governmental entities, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with nonprofit organizations, violations, AB 258††
Health care facilities, violations regarding fixed rates for goods and services, remedies, AB 85
Health care providers, professional negligence, requirements, certain limitations, AB 209D, AB 404*
Homeless Person’s Bill of Rights, violations, SB 142D
Housing discrimination, remedies, SB 143, AB 176D
Industrial insurance
Insurers, violations, remedies, SB 274†
Third-party administrators, violations, remedies, SB 274†
Intimidation, remedies, SB 227D
Landlords, violations regarding rent, AB 218††, AB 362D
Mental or physical examinations compelled by certain obligations, violation of rights, remedies, AB 244*
Property managers, failure to perform certain duties, SB 355*, AB 392D
Public utilities, trespass, interference with or damage to infrastructure, AB 321*
Public works, failure to pay prevailing wage, AB 210*
Service agreements unlawfully tied to residential property, remedies, SB 355*, AB 392D
Sexual assault that occurred when plaintiff was 18 years of age or older, limitation of actions, SB 129*
SLAPP suits, motion to dismiss, treble damages, AB 375D
Student loan services, violations, AB 332*
Tenants, violations regarding increase in rent, remedies, SB 426
Tort victims, remedies, AB 408*
Traumatic injuries, care or assistance necessitated by, limitation of damages repealed, AB 209D
Trees located on adjacent residential property, trimming or removing, authority, liability, SB 198D
South Fork Dam, funding, SB 472*
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority order and select, AB 198†
Associate physicians and osteopathic physicians, authority, SB 204
Dialysate drugs
Dispense, authority of manufacturers and wholesalers to, AB 110*
Possession without prescription unlawful, AB 110*
Records, AB 110*
Practitioners, purchase of dangerous drugs from outsourcing facility, authority, SB 161*
Registration with Department of Taxation, requirements, penalties, AB 421D
Tax on collection of consumer data, imposition, penalties, AB 421D
Trafficking, penalties, SB 412†
Disposal of body, anatomical gifts
Priority order to make anatomical gift, SB 109*
Release of decedent’s body from custody of coroner or medical examiner, requirements, SB 109*
“Natural organic reduction” defined, AB 289*
Offenders, remains of, regulations, SB 416†
Parentage, genetic testing of deceased person, authority of court, AB 371††
Members, increase in number, AB 206*
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Statewide plan to provide services, requirements, SB 43*
Driver’s licenses, applications, designation of communication need on license, AB 161*
Identification cards, applications, designation of communication need on card, AB 161*
Language access plans of state agencies or local governments, requirements, SB 373
Medical condition imprinted on state ID card or driver’s license, requirements, SB 362*, AB 133D
Meetings of public agencies, use of remote-technology system while emergency declaration in effect, requirements, SB 156D
Public institutions, persons supported by, change in terminology, constitutional amendment, AJR 1 of the 81st Session‡
Vehicle registration, applications, designation of communication need, AB 161*
Brain death, release of decedent’s body or body part for transplantation purposes, requirements, SB 109*
Deferred Option Retirement Program, designation of survivor beneficiary, AB 351
Domestic partnerships, termination of upon death of either partner, AB 300D
Homesteads, probate, vesting on death of spouse, considerations, SB 407*
Infant deaths, preventable, review by Maternal Mortality Review Committee, AB 168†
Investigational treatment, investigational drugs, biological products or devices, death of patient, reporting requirements, SB 283*
Maternal Mortality Review Committee, review of preventable infant deaths, AB 168†
Opioid overdose fatality reviews, requirements, AB 132†
Optometrists, death of sole owner of practice, ownership by surviving member of licensee’s family, AB 432*
Overdose Fatalities, Committee to Review, creation, AB 132†
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, creation, AB 119*
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, requirements for medical certificates of death, SB 239††
Guardianship of minors, authority of investigators to obtain certain death records relating to proceedings, SB 15D
Overdose Fatalities, Committee to Review, access to records, AB 132†
Collection agencies (See COLLECTION AGENCIES)
Debt buyers, licensure as collection agency, requirements, authority to share license with affiliate, exemption from certain laws, SB 276*
Debt collection information technology system, appropriation, SB 460*
Involuntary servitude, debt bondage constitutes, SB 66*
Payoff letter, issuance, requirements, AB 223††
Satisfaction letters, issuance, requirements, AB 223††
Discriminatory restriction or prohibition on property, procedures for removal, SB 368*
Geothermal energy systems, restrictions on use, prohibited acts, AB 315†
Definitions, applicability to reconveyance of certain deeds, SB 223*
Recordings, SB 223*
Sales of property
Default and election to sell
Jurisdiction, AB 142D
Notice, requirements, SB 223*, AB 142D
Voiding sale of property, authority of court, AB 142D
Notice of sale
Covenants, breach, requirements, AB 142D
Execution of civil judgment, requirements, AB 142D
Recordings, each county containing any part of property, SB 223*
Residential foreclosure
Authority of court, AB 142D
Notice, requirements, SB 223*
Void sales, authority of court, AB 142D
Surety bond, requirements for reconveyance of property, SB 223*
Big game mammal, discovery of carcass, donation of antlers, SB 312D
Shed antlers and heads with antlers, taking of, SB 312D
Consumer health data, actions against regulated entities and processors, SB 370†
Credit by false representation, AB 291*
Cruelty to animals, indigency as defense to certain violations, AB 86D
Eviction, affirmative defenses, SB 335†
Firearms, unsafe storage, SB 294†
Data collectors, applicability of laws, SB 355*
Earned wage access services, exemptions from regulation, SB 290*, AB 436D
Extension of credit for business, commercial or agricultural purpose, exemptions from regulation, SB 139
Remote location, employees engaged in business of lending authorized to work from, requirements, SB 355*
Advance health-care directive, form, AB 414†
Dementia care specialist program, establishment, appropriation, AB 167
Nevada Memory Network, establishment, appropriation, SB 297
Structured family caregiving for recipients of Medicaid suffering from dementia, waiver to include, requirements, AB 208*
Subsurface installations, demolition in areas known to contain, clarification of terminology, SB 27*
Codes, prohibited acts, SB 393†
Marketing and administrative expenses, limitation, repeal, SB 393†
Rates, limitation, examination of records for noncompliance, SB 393*
Ratio of losses to premiums, reports, SB 393*
Telehealth, third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Trade practices and frauds, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Expanded function dental assistance, definitions, regulation, duties, SB 310*
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Immunizations, special endorsement to administer, issuance, AB 147*
Neuromodulators, applicability of regulations concerning, AB 196D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Teledentistry, regulations, AB 147*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Unprofessional conduct, certain acts deemed, AB 147*
Appointment, qualifications, SB 44*
Pursuit of other business or vocation, removal of prohibition against, SB 44*
Dangerous drugs and devices, dispensation and prescription, SB 310*
Dental homes, referrals to, requirements, AB 147*
“Dentistry” defined, AB 503*
Immunizations, administration, authority, requirements, AB 147*
“Provider of health care,” definition includes dental hygienists, AB 147*
State Public Dental Hygienist
Appointment, qualifications, SB 44*
Pursuit of other business or vocation, removal of prohibition against, SB 44*
Teledentistry, requirements in order to practice, AB 147*
Dental homes, referrals to, requirements, AB 147*
“Dentistry” defined, AB 503*
Immunizations, administration, authority, requirements, AB 147*
“Provider of health care,” definition includes dental therapists, AB 147*
Teledentistry, requirements in order to practice, AB 147*
Adopt a Vet Dental Program, appropriation, SB 218
Applicability of laws, scope, SB 336*
County hospitals, employment by, authority, SB 192*
Dental homes, referrals to, requirements, AB 147*
“Dentistry” defined, AB 503*
Expanded function dental assistance, definitions, licensing and regulation, SB 310*
Hospitals, agreements with Armed Forces of United States for provision of care, AB 311*
Immunizations, administration, authority, requirements, AB 147*
Medicaid, coverage for certain dental care, requirements, SB 385*
Neuromodulators, use, authority, AB 196D
Hospitals, provision to Medicaid recipients a list of network providers of dental services, AB 147*
Practice of teledentistry, requirements in order to practice, AB 147*
Trauma centers and emergency rooms, limitation on liability repealed, AB 209D
Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program, appropriation, SB 99*
Permanent support and maintenance, summary proceeding authorized, requirements, AB 227†
Interstate transportation of persons for purpose of temporary transfer of custody, applicability of laws, SB 32*
Computer hardware and software, appropriation to Department of Health and Human Services for replacements, SB 493*
Sales and use tax, exemption, SB 428*
Clark County, additional annual increases in county fuel taxes, effectuation, AB 359††
State agencies and departments, motor vehicles for purchase, preference given to certain vehicles, AB 262*
Hospitals, duty to provide assistance in care of patients following discharge, requirements, SB 385*
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Definition, licensure and regulation, SB 360D
Retail sales, taxation, SB 396
Caregivers, interim assessment of certain, receipt of report, AB 100*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Affordable housing, property tax exemptions, qualifications, AB 62*
Blind or visually impaired, persons who are (See BLIND OR VISUALLY IMPAIRED, PERSONS WHO ARE)
Business Opportunity Outreach Unit, award of contracts to small businesses, requirements, SB 185
Campaign practices, caregiving services for person with disability, excluded from definition of “personal use,” AB 95D
Caregivers, interim assessment and study, requirements, AB 100*
Common-interest communities
Debt, collection of, voluntary disclosures, SB 175D
Foreclosure of lien, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 175D
COVID-19 Relief Programs budget account, payment of money to registered nonprofit organizations, requirements, appropriation, AB 526*
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are (See DEAF OR HARD OF HEARING, PERSONS WHO ARE)
Deceptive trade practices directed toward, penalties increased, statute of limitations revised, AB 373*
Discrimination (See DISCRIMINATION)
“Domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, support of programs to counter, AB 117
Elections, voting booths and devices, requirements, AB 242††
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, defined as developmental disability, AB 137*
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, uses, AB 130*
Home and community-based services, persons receiving, bill of rights, SB 315*
Housing discrimination, definitions, authority to make certain modifications to dwelling, use of service animals, SB 143
Improving Access to State Museums for Persons with Disabilities, Account for, creation, use, AB 252*
Indian reservation or Indian colony, persons missing from, duties of law enforcement agencies, AB 125*
Intimidation, use of symbols of hate, penalties, SB 227D
Long-term disability requiring routine treatment, health care decisions by agent or default surrogate, prohibited acts, AB 414†
Medicaid Outreach Advisory Committee, creation, SB 419††
Meetings of public agencies, use of remote-technology system while emergency declaration in effect, requirements, SB 156D
Model Employer Program, State as a, legislative declaration, SB 279*
Museums and History, Board of, membership, AB 252*
Museums and History, Division of, access to Internet website, institutions and exhibits, AB 252*
North Las Vegas, City of, diversity study, SB 184D
Prescription drugs and pharmaceutical services, subsidies, repeal of certain provisions, SB 4*
Property tax, refunds of tax imposed on primary residence, eligibility, constitutional amendment, AJR 7D
Rental assistance for certain persons, appropriations, AB 396*
Residential facility for groups, involuntary discharge of residents, prohibited acts, SB 298*
School pupils (See SCHOOL PUPILS)
Senior living community referral agencies, operation, prohibited acts, SB 260*
Service animal or service animal in training
Public accommodation, places of
Aggressive behavior or threat to health or safety of others, authority to request removal, penalty for refusal to remove, AB 87D
Rights and responsibilities regarding animals on premises, signs to be posted, AB 87D
Public conveyance or transportation, questioning by carrier authorized, grounds for requesting removal of animal, penalty for refusal to remove, AB 87D
State agencies, temporary limited appointment of persons with disabilities, requirements, AB 79D
Vulnerable persons
Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment
Anesthesiologist assistants, duty to report, AB 270*
Creative arts therapists providing Medicaid services, duty to report, AB 338
Criminal defendants, assignment to certain treatment programs prohibited, SB 86D
Deferral of judgment, abuse or exploitation of vulnerable persons, deferral prohibited, SB 412†
Fatality Review Committee, Vulnerable Adult, creation, AB 119*
Financial institutions, delay of certain financial transactions, notifications, immunities, SB 355*
Investigations, when vulnerable person barred from Division, AB 254D
“Prohibited act” defined, AB 254D
Specialty court programs, disqualification of defendant, SB 412†
Temporary orders for protection, AB 254D
“Adult maltreatment” defined, AB 119*
Joint tenancy, accounts held in, prosecution for theft of deposits or proceeds, SB 61*
Virtual currency businesses, fraud committed against vulnerable persons, penalties, SB 333D
“Vulnerable adult” defined, AB 254D
Consumer health data, prohibited acts by regulated entities, SB 370*
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, complaints alleging unlawful discriminatory practice, SB 271
Health insurance
Gender identity or expression, discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 163†
Premiums, living organ donors, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Homeless persons
Bill of Rights, employers of homeless persons, prohibited acts, SB 142D
Ordinances that enact or enforce discrimination, prohibition against, SB 155†
Housing discrimination, prohibited acts, remedies, enforcement of laws, SB 143, AB 176D
Life annuity, contracts, living organ donors, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Life insurance, premiums, living organ donors, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Pharmacy benefit managers, dispensation of 340B drug, prohibited acts, AB 434*
Pupils, access to school facilities, restrictions on adoption of policies by boards of trustees, AB 423
Real property, discriminatory restriction or prohibition on, procedures for removal, SB 368*
State employment, classified service, duties of appointing authorities, SB 431*, AB 337
Transgender, gender non-conforming, gender non-binary and intersex offenders, definitions, standards for use in state facilities, staff training, SB 153*
DISEASES (See also specific diseases)
Cardiovascular screening programs and matters relating to cardiovascular health, expansion of programs urged, study, SCR 5‡
Control of communicable diseases, duties of state and local agencies, SB 439*
Legionnaire’s disease, water management program to minimize in covered health care facilities, requirements, AB 263
Multiple sclerosis, Internet publication of information, proclamation of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week, SB 286*
Neurodegenerative diseases, reporting requirements, regulation, SB 390*
Offenders, Medicaid coverage for certain services provided 90 days before scheduled release, AB 389*
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, services provided, AB 115D
Sexually transmitted diseases
Examination, treatment and prevention, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 439*
Minors, express consent for examination, treatment and prevention services, SB 172*
Applicants for employment, disclosure of employment information to law enforcement agencies, AB 211D
“Law enforcement dispatcher” defined, AB 211D
Police and Firefighters’ Retirement Fund, participation as members, AB 211D
Training program, requirements, AB 211D
Traffic control, civil infractions, procedures, SB 104††
Annulment, summary proceedings authorized, requirements, AB 227*
Decree of divorce, explanation of certain benefits, SB 434*
Gestational agreements, effect of subsequent dissolution, AB 371††
Permanent support and maintenance, summary proceeding authorized, requirements, AB 227†
Private trials, repeal of provision, SB 409D
Public employees’ pension or retirement benefits, determination, SB 434†
Apportionments, calculation, SB 98†
Education savings account program, participating entities, SB 200
Full-time enrollment in school district, statewide base per pupil funding, SB 98†
Military children, transfer because of documented pending military transfer of parent, requirements, AB 185*
Postsecondary educational institutions, adequate space requirement, exemptions, SB 345D
Standard diploma, certain students who have earned excused from attendance, SB 151D
Annual compensation, increase, AB 529
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, representation, AB 160††
Breath, oral fluid, blood or urine tests, access to health care records, SB 447
Cannabis violations, recovery of civil penalties, actions to enjoin violations, establishment of rewards program, AB 413D
Commercially sexually exploited children, duties, training of employees, AB 238D
County counsel, applicability of laws, certain civil duties transferred to, AB 92D
Court reporting, practice without license or certificate, prosecution of violations, SB 160D
Criminal prosecution (See CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS)
Deceptive trade practices, duties, AB 373*
Economic boycotts, authority to bring civil actions against companies in violation of agreements, SB 228D
Education savings accounts, misuse of money, receipt of notice, SB 200
Foil balloons, violations, recovery of civil penalties, AB 321*
Health care providers hindering or delaying professional negligence actions, recovery of penalties, AB 209D
Informants, maintenance of records regarding cooperation agreements, confidentiality, AB 101*
Inspector General, duties, AB 353D
Insurance fraud, prosecution of, confidentiality of information, duties, SB 57*
Intimidation, certain notice to victims, SB 227D
Mediator, authority to volunteer as third-party neutral mediator, requirements, SB 37*
Murder and manslaughter case, annual reports, contents, duties, SB 316*
Nevada Children’s Commission, appointments to, AB 412D
Parole, modification of sentence of persons on, notice of petition and hearing, AB 83D
Pretrial release hearings conducted on weekends or holidays, receipt of stipends, appropriation, AB 518*
Sealing records of eligible convictions and charges, notice, procedures, AB 160††
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, representation, SB 103*
Traffic violations
Election to treat misdemeanor offenses as civil infractions, authority, procedures, SB 104††
Prosecution of civil infractions or offenses punishable by imposition of civil penalty, immunity from liability, SB 104††
Candidacy, filing requirements, SB 418*
Child custody, qualifications of magistrates to make certain custody determinations, AB 148†
Election of unopposed incumbents, requirements, SJR 1D
Partner practicing law, exception to prohibition, SB 63*
Salary, prospective increase, AB 15*
Telephone number of office, availability to public, SB 63*
Alternate address on driver’s license or identification card, requests for court orders from certain persons, authority, SB 83D, SB 84D, AB 59D
Annulment of marriage, summary proceeding authorized, requirements, AB 227*
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, representation, AB 160††
Abuse, neglect or endangerment of child
Deferral of judgment prohibited, SB 412†
Specialty court programs, disqualification of defendant, SB 412†
Child custody, summary proceeding authorized, requirements, AB 227*
Emotional disturbance, children with, mental health treatment, placement of child in facility, procedures, AB 148*
Indian children
Adoption, proceedings, establishment of provisions relating to, AB 444*
Child custody proceedings, concurrent jurisdiction with tribe, AB 444*
Parentage, jurisdiction, AB 371††
City clerk’s records, petitions to have certain personal information kept confidential, AB 225*
Community service, credit offered by courts toward payment of fines, requirements, SB 55*, SB 209D
County records, petitions to have certain personal information kept confidential, AB 225*
Deferral of judgment
Children, abuse, neglect or endangerment of, deferral prohibited, SB 412†
Cruelty to animals, deferral of judgment prohibited, AB 159*
Older or vulnerable persons, abuse or exploitation of, deferral prohibited, SB 412†
Divorce proceedings
Private trials, repeal of provision, effect, SB 409D
Records open to public inspection, sealing of records, procedures, SB 409D
Canvass of returns, actions to compel completion, SB 404†
Certificates of election, actions to compel issuance, SB 404†
Electronic filing, storage and reproduction of documents, SB 63*
Estate settlement
Administration of assets, requirements, duties, SB 407*
Jurisdiction, SB 407*
Real property, sales, duties, SB 407*
Eviction, filing of affidavit of complaint, AB 340†
Gaming Commission, Nevada, review of final decisions or regulations, proper venue, SB 14*
Health care decisions, capacity to make, petition, AB 414†
HIV, intentional conduct likely to transmit HIV to another person, prosecution as a felony, retroactive application of repeal of provisions, procedures regarding orders to vacate, SB 439†
Home-based businesses, persons adversely affected by local regulations, AB 314D
Homeless persons, diversionary and specialty court programs, assignment, SB 155*
Homesteads, probate, vesting on death of spouse, considerations, SB 407*
Interpreters, conditional certification or registration, program to include, regulations, AB 331
Intimidation, duties of court clerks, SB 227D
Nonjudicial days, exceptions, SB 63*
Nonresident bail agents, registration with clerk’s office, SB 57*
Permanent support and maintenance, summary proceeding authorized, requirements, AB 227†
Presidential electors, contest of election, duties, SB 60†, AB 192*
Pretrial release, increase in time period, prohibited acts, SB 412†
Real property, discriminatory restriction or prohibition on, procedures for removal, SB 368*
Reckless driving offenders, length of additional penalty imposed, considerations, SB 322†
Seals, regulations, repeal of provisions, SB 63*
Transcription of sound recordings, exemption from court reporter regulations, SB 160D
Trusts, administration, proper jurisdiction, venue, requirements, SB 407*
Vulnerable persons
Specialty court programs, disqualification of defendant for abuse or exploitation, SB 412†
Temporary orders for protection, AB 254D
DISTRICTS (See also specific districts)
Academic medical districts, establishment, AB 490
Demographic information, collection, requirements, AB 139*
Digital products, exemptions from taxation, SB 396
Drones operated by, regulations, SB 11*, SB 398D
Employees, collective bargaining, provision of certain information, AB 172†
Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, study, consultations, SB 168D
Health districts, creation, requirements, SB 118*
Motor vehicles, owned or operated by local governmental agency, use of nonflashing blue lights, AB 2*
Nevada System of Higher Education, Board of Regents election districts, AB 118*
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Reproductive health care services (See also REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES)
Governmental imposition of certain requirements or limitations, restrictions, remedies, vexatious litigants, AB 383††
State law and regulations supersede and preempt local ordinance or regulation, AB 418D
Sports and entertainment improvement district in Clark County for Major League Baseball Stadium Project, establishment, SB 509
Treatment Works and the Implementation of Pollution Control Projects, Account to Finance the Construction of, eligibility to receive assistance, AB 20*
Industrial insurance, associations of self-insured employers, SB 30D
Sexual assault
Biological specimens, DNA profiles and records of survivors, restrictions on use, reports, SB 321*
State DNA Database, audits, reports, SB 321*
Establishment, funding, AB 393D
Address, change in, requests for amended registration, requirements, SB 349*
Advertisements, authority to use “Department of Motor Vehicles” or “DMV,” requirements, SB 349*
Name, change in, requests for amended registration, requirements, SB 349*
Unlawful acts, penalties, SB 349*
Electronic documents of title, control, AB 231*
Issuing, obtaining or negotiating unlawfully, penalties, SB 86D
Motor vehicles, actions to protect or remove pet from, immunities from liability, SB 190D
Places of public accommodation
Aggressive behavior or threat to health or safety of others, authority to request removal, penalty for refusal to remove, AB 87D
Rights and responsibilities regarding animals on premises, signs to be posted, AB 87D
Public conveyance or transportation, questioning by carrier authorized, grounds for requesting removal of animal, penalty for refusal to remove, AB 87D
Restraints and outdoor enclosures, prohibitions, requirements, exceptions, SB 269*, AB 86D
Veterans K-9 Corps, appropriation, SB 178
Elections officials, dissemination of personal identifying information of officials, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 404†, SB 406*
Gestational agreements, effect of subsequent partnership, AB 371††
Termination of domestic partnership, death of either partner, AB 300D
Attempts, acts which constitute domestic violence, AB 51†
Arrest of suspect, requirements, AB 51*
Domestic violence, battery which constitutes, study, ACR 6
Probation or suspension of sentence, when prohibited, AB 51*
Strangulation, battery by, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, AB 257*
COVID-19 Relief Programs budget account, payment of money to registered nonprofit organizations, requirements, appropriation, AB 526*
Evidence, admissibility of acts that constitute separate offense, SB 170D
Health care licensing boards, receipt of certain complaints regarding licensees, duties, AB 442
Peace officers, convictions, disqualification to serve as officer, SB 225*
Protection orders
Child, orders for protection against
Admissions, representations or statements made during proceedings, admissibility, SB 382*
Appointment of attorney, removal of requirement, SB 382*
Communications with adverse party, court may authorize applicant to record, AB 51†
Violation, effect of underlying crime on additional period of imprisonment, AB 51*
Aid for Victims of Domestic or Sexual Violence, Account for, name change, allocations to counties, grants, SB 254D
Confidential and privileged information, certain communications, AB 48D
Housing, emergency assistance to survivors, SB 363*
Information provided by peace officer at time of arrest, AB 51*
“Relevant training” defined, AB 48D, AB 51*
SafeVoice Program, referral of pupils to certain services, AB 245†
Sexual assault victims, duties of certain employers to employees who are victims, AB 163*
“Victim’s advocate” defined, AB 48D, AB 51*
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, authority to share information with Committee on Domestic Violence, AB 119*
Growth management in County and region, reports, duties, SB 81††
Services, Medicaid coverage, AB 283*
Information and referrals for community support services, provision to certain persons, requirements, AB 116*
Eligibility for state benefits, licenses or services, permissible use, AB 336†
Expiration, regulations, AB 336
Alternate address on card, persons who may request to display, SB 83D, SB 84D, AB 59D
Autism, persons with, applications, designation of disorder on license, AB 161†
Cannabis sales, verification of age before selling cannabis or cannabis products, requirements, AB 342*
Commercial driver’s licenses
Human trafficking, issuance of license prohibited upon felony convictions, SB 66*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, regulations, SB 66*
Communication need, persons with, applications, designation on license, AB 161*
Contents, citizenship required to vote designation on license, card or permit, when required, SB 238D
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, designation on license, SB 362*, AB 133D
Denial for failure of defendant to pay delinquent fines, administrative assessments, fees or restitution, removal of court’s authority, SB 104††
Driver authorization cards (See DRIVER AUTHORIZATION CARDS)
Election officials, dissemination of personal identifying information of election official, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 406*
Residency, proof of, requirements, SB 443††
Electronic branch office, electronic transmission and recording of applications, authority, SB 346*
Incarcerated persons released from prison, waiver of certain fees, reinstatement or issuance of original or renewed license, AB 195*
Issuance, form to state citizenship required to vote, when required, SB 238D
Juvenile offenders, grounds for suspension of license, SB 227D
Medical condition imprinted on license, requirements, appropriation, SB 362*, AB 133D
Motorcycles, renewal, requirements, SB 423†
Off-highway vehicles, operation on certain state highways, requirement of valid license, SB 338†
Personal information maintained by Department of Motor Vehicles, authority to release under certain circumstances, SB 6D
Reinstatement of license suspended for failure of defendant to pay delinquent fines, administrative assessments, fees or restitution, SB 104††
Renewal, form to state citizenship required to vote, when required, SB 238D
Voting, proof of identity, requirements, SB 230D, SB 443††, AB 88D
Alcohol or substance use disorders, participation of offender in treatment program, effect, AB 397D
Civil actions, requirements for award of punitive damages, SB 401*
Committee on Testing for Intoxication (See INTOXICATION, COMMITTEE ON TESTING FOR)
Community service, removal of requirement to dress in distinctive garb while performing, AB 17*
Controlled substances, implied consent to oral fluid testing for the presence of, SB 447
Death of another person, actions resulting in, penalties, SB 412†, AB 397D
Marijuana and marijuana metabolite, penalties for certain violations, AB 397D
Minimum security facility, assignment of offenders, requirements, SB 284D
Preliminary and evidentiary testing
Devices to test oral fluid, certification, SB 447
Health care records, availability to peace officers or district attorney, SB 447
Implied consent to oral fluid testing, SB 447
Prior offense, acts constituting, AB 397D
Public agencies, drones operated by, regulations, SB 11*, SB 398D
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, grants to promote, AB 131*
Intoxication, Committee on Testing for, duties, regulations, AB 239*
Fentanyl, levels of trafficking by quantity involved, penalties, SB 35*, SB 128D, SB 343†
Hepatitis C, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 439*
HIV, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 439*
Institutional pharmacies, powers and duties regarding high-risk patients, disciplinary action, SB 202D
Investigational drugs, provision to certain patients, requirements, reports, penalties, SB 283*
Midwives, authority to possess, administer and order, AB 386
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, licensure and regulation, AB 134D
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, SB 242*
Unused drugs, take-back bins for collection and destruction, requirements, SB 183D
Public works contractors, use required, AB 89D
“Early childhood program” defined, duties, AB 114*
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Board of Regents, agreements with certain entities to provide training and resources to families and caretakers, AB 372*
Prekindergarten, child enrolled during 2022-2023 school year, admission to kindergarten authorized, AB 65*
Bill draft requests, authority, AB 113
Creation, duties, appropriation, AB 113
Licenses, issuance and renewal, requirements, use of National Multistate Licensing System and Registry, SB 290*
Broadband service provider, certain property rights granted to public utility or video service provider, use, AB 105D
Abatement of taxes
Academic medical districts, businesses located within boundaries, AB 490
Energy-related tax incentives, requirements for abatement, SB 421D
Maximum amount of abatement, SB 394D
Projected value of partial abatement, increase in threshold for approval of abatement, SB 181*
Academic medical districts, establishment, AB 490
Development resource, applicability to Nevada Innovation Account, AB 41
Economic diversification districts, pledge of certain tax proceeds, distribution, SB 432D
Local workforce development boards, collaboration with Governor’s Workforce Development Board, AB 98*
Nevada New Markets Jobs Act (See NEVADA NEW MARKETS JOBS ACT)
Nevada Way Account, creation, sources, use, SB 431†
NV Grow Program (See NV GROW PROGRAM)
Regional development authorities
Appropriation, AB 484*
Collaboration with Governor’s Workforce Development Board, AB 98*
Water resources, strategies to encourage conservation, duties, AB 261*
Regional powers authorities, establishment, powers and duties, SB 432D
State Plan for Economic Development to include statement regarding efficient use of water resources, requirements, AB 261*
Transferable tax credits for film and other productions (See FILM AND OTHER PRODUCTIONS, TRANSFERABLE TAX CREDITS)
Workforce Innovations for a New Nevada Account
Appropriation, AB 483*
Nonreversion of funds, AB 38
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Tax abatements, duties, SB 181*, SB 419††, AB 490
Academic medical districts, businesses located within boundaries, tax abatements, AB 490
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, part of Office, AB 58*, AB 429
Appropriations, AB 77*, AB 504*, AB 528*
Authorized expenditures, AB 504*
Broadband services
Account for the Grant Program for Broadband Infrastructure, creation, SB 431†
Annual reports, SB 431†
Broadband-Ready Community Certification Program, establishment and administration, duties, SB 431†
Strategic plan to improve delivery of services to certain entities, duty to develop and administer, SB 431†
Career Pathways Demonstration Program, establishment, duties, reports, AB 428†
Clean hydrogen, production, processing, delivery, storage and use of, duties, SB 451†
Computer hardware and software, funding, AB 504*
Consumptive water use and economic development, duties, AB 261*
Contracts, state, encouragement of award to entrepreneurs, AB 77*
Emerging Technologies Task Force, membership, SB 165
Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, study, consultations, SB 168D
Entrepreneurship, Office of, creation, duties, appropriation, AB 77*
Executive Director
Film, Media and Technology Education and Vocational Training, Account for Nevada, administration, SB 496
Film, Media and Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, duties, SB 496
Homelessness Support Services Matching Account, creation, duties, AB 528*
Nevada Innovation Account, duties, reports, AB 41
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, member of Board of Directors, SB 10*
Film infrastructure transferable tax credits, duties, SB 496
Film, Media and Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, creation, SB 496
Graduate Medical Education, Advisory Council on, creation, representation, SB 350*
Health care industry, duties, regulations, SB 419†
Homeless persons, establishment of matching funds program, provision of funds to certain qualified projects, duties, appropriation, AB 528*
Mental health services to children, tax abatements to businesses providing, duties, AB 445
Nonprofit corporations, certain contracts with, AB 41
Offices, funding, AB 504*
Opportunity Center for Emergency Technology Businesses, cooperation, SB 165
Production companies, transferable tax credits, duties, SB 28D, AB 329D
Regional powers authorities, establishment, authority, SB 432D
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Securities, sales exempt from registration requirements, regulation, AB 75†
Staff certification, appropriation for costs, AB 504*
State Plan for Economic Development, duties, AB 261*
Tax abatements, duties, SB 181*, SB 419†, SB 429††, AB 490
Education Stabilization Account, reserves, duties, reports, SB 431†
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Stabilize the Operation of the State Government, Account to, reserves, duties, reports, SB 431†
Technical Advisory Committee on Future State Revenues, composition, SB 347†
Academic medical districts, establishment, AB 490
Behavioral health disorders and behavioral health services for adults and children, programs to educate public on related issues, AB 201†
Cannabis license tax, use of proceeds, SB 277*
Career and technical education (See CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION)
Charter schools (See SCHOOLS, CHARTER)
Civics education programs, appropriation, SB 285*
Competency-Based Education Network, elimination, SB 214†, SB 431†
Digital products, exemptions from taxation, requirements, SB 396
Distance education (See DISTANCE EDUCATION)
Financial Literacy Month, legislative recognition and declaration, SCR 2‡
Firearm storage education campaign, SB 294*
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Commission, creation, duties, AB 409
Legislative Counsel Bureau, appointment of employee to serve as liaison between Legislature and the public with respect to issues of public education, reports, AB 517†
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, creation, AB 164*
Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program Account, appropriation, SB 474, AB 128*
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, services provided, AB 115D
Personnel, public schools (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)
“Psychologist,” use of title in certain educational settings, requirements, AB 236*
Pupils, public schools (See SCHOOL PUPILS)
Scholarships (See SCHOLARSHIPS)
School districts (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS)
Urban and community forestry programs, grants to promote, AB 131*
Virtual Early Childhood Advisory Council, creation, AB 348*
Voter education and outreach, appropriation, SB 484*
Licenses for teachers and other educational personnel
Alternative route to licensure, baccalaureate degree requirement, regulations, AB 182D
Competency tests, exemptions from, courses of study, professional development training, AB 323, AB 428*
Fees for issuance or renewal
Authority to prescribe by regulation removed, SB 47†
Limitations on amount, SB 47
Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact, regulations, SB 442*
Mental health education, requirement for renewal of teaching license, regulation, SB 313
Provisional licenses, issuance, requirements, duties, AB 323, AB 428*
Membership, composition, AB 4, AB 323, AB 428*
Multicultural education, standards for professional development, AB 323, AB 428*
Parental involvement and family engagement, standards for professional development, AB 323, AB 428*
Praxis II and pedagogy examinations, interim study, regulations, AB 428*
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Active shooter emergency preparedness, duties, SB 294†
Adult high school diploma, duties, SB 503*
Alternative educational opportunities for pupils, programs for, receipt of reports, duties, SB 199D
Background investigations of applicants, duties, AB 503*
Behavior and discipline of pupils
Data collection, receipt of reports, AB 285*
Disciplinary practices, use of restorative approaches, duties, AB 65†
Education services, plans to provide to pupils, receipt, AB 285*
Restorative approaches used as alternative to or in addition to suspension, expulsion or removal, duties, AB 65†
Restorative justice
Plan of action based on, removal of duties, SB 152D, AB 65†, AB 285*
Progressive discipline plan based on, AB 285*
Statewide framework for, requirements, AB 285*, AB 330†
Terminology changed to “restorative approaches,” AB 65†
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center and consortium, duties, AB 37*
Breakfast and lunch for Nevada pupils, appropriation, AB 319†
Charter School Facilities Account, distribution of money, duties, SB 256
Charter schools sponsored by cities and counties, receipt of reports, AB 400*
College and Career Readiness Assessment Committees, creation, duties, AB 247D
Commercially sexually exploited children and children at risk, duties, AB 238D
Competency-Based Education Network, membership, composition, AB 341D
Computer hardware and software, appropriations, SB 500*
Conversion of public school to Department charter school, authority, procedures, SB 206D
Disabilities, pupils with
Pupil-Centered Funding Plan Account, duties, SB 503*
Special Education Services, Account for State, appropriation, duties, SB 503*
Dual credit programs, award of grants to school districts with, appropriation, AB 347
Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, representation, AB 114*
Early Childhood Literacy and Readiness Account, duties, AB 400*
Early childhood literacy and readiness programs, grants to support, duties, AB 400*
Education savings account program, duties, SB 200
Education Stabilization Account, duties, SB 503*
Education Support Professional Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, administrative support, duties, SB 71†
Educational involvement accords, duties, SB 9*
Educational Technology, Commission on, elimination, duties transferred to Department, SB 214*
Educational Technology, Trust Fund for, duties, SB 214*
Empowerment districts, receipt of report, SB 46D
Examinations and assessments
Learning goals for pupils, repeal of provision, AB 269D
Time taken from school day, limitations, regulations, AB 296
Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, creation within Department, AB 274*
Garden programs, allocation to nonprofit organization, duties, SB 244
Grant program for necessary supplies and materials, appropriation, SB 339*
Health center, school-based, study, duties, AB 237†
Hospitals or other facilities providing residential treatment and operating education programs, requests for reimbursement, AB 54*
Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching Grant Program, creation, AB 515*
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, duties, SB 425*
Instructional model for school, preparation, access to models from other schools, SB 206D
Leadership Institute of Nevada, transfer of funds from Other State Education Programs Account, duties, SB 503*
Licenses for teachers and other educational personnel, courses of study in lieu of competency tests, duties, AB 323, AB 428*
Limited proficiency in English, certain pupils with
Data collection, reports, AB 352D
Duties, regulations, AB 352D
Rights of parent or guardian, AB 352D
Mathematics and reading proficiency of pupils, duties, receipt of reports, SB 149D
Mental health consortium, statewide, representation, AB 201†
Mentorship program for personnel, establishment, duties, SB 151D
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, membership, AB 164*
Parental involvement and family engagement, form concerning, repeal of provision, SB 9*
Personal safety of children, development of curriculum standards and recommendations, duties, SB 366D
Power-based Violence in Schools, Committee on Responses to, creation, AB 245*
Professional Development Programs Account, duties, SB 503*
Professional Standards in Education, Commission on, study conducted by, appropriation, AB 323
Public Education Employee Working Conditions Task Force, creation, membership, duties, SB 47†
Public School Staff, Advisory Committee on the Safety and Well-Being of, creation, AB 72*
Pupil-Centered Funding Plan Account, duties, SB 503*
Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, statewide base per pupil funding amount, cost adjustment factor, repeal of provision, AB 344D
Pupil-school counselor ratio, duties, AB 42
Pupil-teacher ratio, duties, reports, AB 42
Pupils, chronic absenteeism, regulation, AB 54*
Rural Northeaster Clark County Regional School District, feasibility study, AB 420D
Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, Office for a
Power-based Violence in Schools, Committee on Responses to, creation, representation, AB 245*
Public School Staff, Advisory Committee on the Safety and Well-Being of, membership, AB 72*
SafeVoice Program
Complaints made through SafeVoice Program, investigation, AB 65*
Referrals to services that assist victims of sexual misconduct, AB 245†
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Safe and respectful learning environment, policy for schools and districts, requirements, AB 65*, AB 285*
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Scholarship programs for prospective school personnel, plan to eliminate barriers to access, duties, AB 428*
Data collected relating to disciplinary action, requirements, duties, AB 285*
Rating of schools, prohibited acts, SB 151D
School Choice, Office of, creation, duties, AB 400†
School districts
Policies, imposition of administrative penalties, authority, AB 423
Trustees and candidates, professional development training, duties, SB 65D
Use of appropriated money for salary increases for teachers and other personnel, reports, SB 231*
School Funding, Commission on, appropriation, SB 98*
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Sexual misconduct victims, duties, AB 245†
Sexuality education, development and implementation of standards of content and performance, appropriation, AB 357
Statewide mental health consortium, membership, AB 265††
Teach Nevada Collaborative, creation, SB 438
Teachers’ School Supplies Assistance Account, duties, SB 212, SB 339†
Teaching and Educator Preparation, Nevada Institute on, appropriation, SB 291*
Transportation Modernization Grants Program Account, administration, SB 357
Work-based learning programs, duties, AB 256*
Workforce Innovation, Governor’s Office of, coordination relating to work-based learning for school pupils, AB 428*
Working conditions, statewide study, SB 47†
Appointment, duties, AB 149D
Creation of Office, AB 149D
Fund for the Office, creation, AB 149D
Agreements between parents and State Treasurer, requirements, termination, void agreements, SB 200
Applications, requirements, Internet publication, SB 200
Appropriations, SB 200
Count of pupils for apportionment purposes, children in program not to be included, SB 200
Education savings accounts, establishment and use, audits, misuse of money, SB 200
Educational Choice, Account for, creation, use, reversion of money, SB 200
First-time applicants, requirements for awards, SB 200
Legislative intent, SB 200
Participating entities, approval, duties, prohibited acts, SB 200
State Treasurer, duties, SB 200
Career and technical education, duties, SB 144
Competency-Based Education Network, elimination, duties removed, SB 214*, SB 431†
Education Accountability, Subcommittee on, attendance at meetings, AB 399*
Education services, plans to provide to pupils, receipt, AB 285*
Empowerment districts, duties, SB 46D
Enrollment, calculation, AB 54*
Examinations and assessments
College and Career Readiness Assessment, duties transferred, AB 247D
End-of-course finals
Regulation of amount of final grade, removal of provision, AB 360D
Repeal of regulation, SB 9*, AB 247D
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, duties, receipt of reports, AB 395D
Holocaust and other genocides, curriculum, reports, AB 243††
Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching Grant Program, duties, AB 515*
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, representation, SB 425*
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, reports, AB 353D
Compensation increased, SB 210††
Mentorship program for personnel, establishment, duties, SB 151D
Metrics of performance for public schools, receipt of report, SB 98*
Minimum units of credit required for high school diploma, regulations, AB 228
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, appeal of decisions, duties, SB 114D
Pupil-teacher ratios, duties, reports, AB 42, AB 335D
Rural Northeaster Clark County Regional School District, board of trustees, duties, AB 420D
Accountability reports, duties, AB 42, AB 395D
School Choice, Office of, collaboration, AB 400†
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Sexual conduct of school personnel, suspension or revocation of license under certain circumstances, authority, SB 38*
Teach Nevada Collaborative grant program, duties, SB 438
Teacher Academy College Pathway Program, duties, AB 428*
Teacher Advancement Scholarship Program Account, Nevada, duties, AB 400*
Teacher Pipeline Account, State, duties, AB 400†
Video cameras installed in special education classrooms, regulations, SB 158
Work-based learning programs, approval, duties transferred, AB 65*
Creation, duties, SB 71†
Travel costs, appropriation to Department of Education, SB 71*
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Open Meeting Law, applicability, AB 52*
Elimination, duties transferred to Department of Education, SB 214*
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Ballot questions
Fireworks, sale and use, SB 268D
Meetings, certain regarding, Open Meeting Law, applicability, AB 52*
Solid waste management systems in smaller counties, imposition of additional sales and use tax, AB 1
Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, posting on Internet or polling places, requirements, AB 246††
Ballots (See also Mechanical voting systems and mechanical recording devices, this heading)
“Ballot marking device” defined, use, AB 242†
Counting of ballots be performed only once, exceptions, AB 394††
Drop boxes, establishment within boundaries of Indian reservation or colony, SB 216*, SB 327*
Incarcerated persons, authority to request and and cast ballot, AB 286*
Justices or judges, elections involving incumbents who are unopposed, constitutional amendment regarding ballot choices, SJR 1D
Mail ballots
Election by person not to receive mail ballot, procedures, AB 370D
Emergency or disaster, authority of Governor or Secretary of State, SB 404†
Envelopes, form, uniformity throughout state, AB 192*
“Mechanical voting system” defined, AB 242††
Paper ballots, counting, removal of certain provisions, SB 60†
Period for counting ballots, requirements, SB 60†
Persons authorized to return ballots, unlawful acts, SB 405, AB 230D
Postmarks, date indeterminate, treatment of ballot, SB 405, AB 230D
Purchase of ballots, authority of Secretary of State, use, appropriation, AB 192*
Receipt, early voting restriction, treatment of ballot, AB 230D
Repeal of provisions, AB 307D
Return and receipt, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 135D, SB 405
Tracking and notification system, appropriation, SB 484*
Verification of identity, procedure for, SB 230D, SB 405
Voting, procedures, SB 230D, SB 404††, AB 88D, AB 242†
More than one candidate, valid selection in certain elections, effect, SB 60†
Paper ballots, marking by hand when voting in person, requirements, AB 242†
Provisional ballots
Proof of identity, person failing to provide, procedures, SB 404†, SB 443††, AB 307D
Registration to vote, procedures, SB 443††
Residency of elector, proof, requirements, SB 443††
Voting, procedures, AB 242†
Purchase of ballots, authority of Secretary of State, use by cities and counties, appropriation, AB 192*
Sample ballots in certain languages, provision, requirements, AB 246††
Unlawful acts, SB 405, AB 230D
Board of Regents, removal of constitutional requirements, constitutional amendment, SJR 7 of the 81st Session‡
Campaign practices (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)
Declaration or acceptance of candidacy
City elections, time for filing, SB 53D
District court judges, filing, requirements, SB 418†
Filing fees, credit card payments, SB 60†
Filing officer, duties, SB 230D, SB 418*
Independent candidates
Partisan office, form for declaration of candidacy, SB 60†
Petition deadline, SB 53D
Signature verification, increase in amount of time to complete, AB 95D
Minor political parties, petition deadline, SB 53D
Nonpartisan office, vacancy in nomination, time for filing, AB 31D
Town advisory boards, form, SB 262††
Judicial offices, filings, requirements, SB 418*
List of candidates for partisan office, minor parties, time for filing, SB 53D
Petitions of candidacy, filing, requirements, AB 95D
School district trustees, qualifications, filings, SB 65D
Towns, advisory boards, election, declaration of candidacy, SB 262††
Withdrawal of candidacy, city offices, time for filing, SB 60†
Canvass and returns
Abstract of results not timely prepared or transmitted, procedures, regulations, AB 394††
Accounting for all paper ballots before counting of votes, repeal of provision, SB 60†
Certificates of election or commission
Duties declared to be ministerial, actions in district court to compel issuance, SB 404†
Not timely prepared or transmitted, procedures, regulations, AB 395D
Delay in canvass of returns, eligible voter may bring action to compel completion, SB 404†
Early voting, count of returns, SB 404††
Returns, delay in receipt of, effect, AB 61D
Risk-limiting audit indicating certain discrepancy in election results, effect, SB 404†, AB 192*
Writing or marks on ballot, threshold for determining whether to count as a vote, regulations, SB 60†
City elections
Canvass and returns
Accounting for all paper ballots before counting of votes, repeal of provision, SB 60†
Delay in canvass of returns, eligible voter may bring action to compel completion, SB 404†
Early voting, count of returns, SB 404††
Declaration or acceptance of candidacy, time for filing, SB 53D
Electioneering, visibility of certain signs and notices prohibiting, requirements, AB 192*
In person voting, requirements, SB 230D, SB 405
Mail ballots
Period for counting ballots, SB 60†
Replacement mail ballots, requests for, requirements, SB 60†
Return and receipt, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 135D
Voting, procedures, SB 230D, SB 405
Mechanical voting systems, use required, exceptions, AB 242††
Native Americans
City clerks, duties relating to tribe, SB 216*
Polling place and ballot drop box, establishment within boundaries of Indian reservation or colony, SB 216*, SB 327*
Temporary branch polling place for early voting, establishment within boundaries of Indian reservation or colony, SB 216*, SB 327*
Petitions of candidacy, filing, requirements, AB 95D
Polling places, extension of hours in extraordinary situations, SB 404†
Primary election ballots, valid selection of more than one candidate, effect, charter amendment, SB 60†
Proof of identity, requirements, SB 230D, SB 404†, SB 405
Recount of votes, when required, procedures, SB 404†
Security, cyber-incident response plan, duties, SB 60†
Voter challenges, procedures, SB 230D, SB 404††, SB 404, SB 405
Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, requirements, AB 246††
Withdrawal of candidacy, time for filing, SB 60†
Complaint system and hotline to report election irregularities, establishment, AB 326D
Computer programs, tampering or interfering with prohibited, penalties, AB 192*
Contest of election
Certificates of election withheld, action in district court to compel issuance, SB 404†
Contestant, grounds based on personal knowledge, burden of proof, SB 404†
Dismissal of proceeding for being frivolous, SB 404†
Legislators, contest of general election, procedures, SB 404†
Written statement of contest, requirements, dismissal by court, SB 404†
School district trustees in larger counties, election, procedures, AB 175*
Security, cyber-incident response plan, duties, SB 60†
Counting boards
Ballots to be counted only once, exceptions, AB 394††
Dissemination of personal identifying information of elections official, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 404†, SB 406*
Interference with performance of duties, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 406*
Election board officers
Dissemination of personal identifying information of elections official, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 404†, SB 406*
Interference with performance of duties, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 406*
Security, cyber-incident response plan, duties, SB 60†
Voting booths and devices for elderly voters and voters with disabilities, training, AB 242††
Election districts, reapportionment and redistricting (JSR 13.4-JSR 13.6), ACR 1‡
Definition, AB 192*
Jails, prohibited acts, AB 286*
Elections officials
Alternate address on driver’s license or identification card, authority to request, SB 406†
Dissemination of personal identifying information of officials, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 404†, SB 406*
Interference with performance of duties, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 406*
Emergency or disaster, effect on election procedures, authority of Governor or Secretary of State, SB 404†
Firearms at election sites, prohibited acts, exceptions, penalties, AB 354††
Investigation and Prosecution of Election Crimes, Unit for, creation, SB 325D
Language Access Advisory Committee, creation, AB 246††
Language interpretation and translation assistance, toll-free number to provide, requirements, AB 246††
Legislators, contests of elections (SSR 130), SR 8‡
Mechanical voting systems and mechanical recording devices
Ballot marking device, definition, use authorized, AB 242†
Counting of ballots or votes by system required, AB 242††
Definition of “mechanical voting system” revised, AB 242††
Discontinuance of use by governing body of county or city, effect, SB 215D
Votes or ballots may be cast, registered or recorded using system, AB 242††
Voting in person, use of mechanical voting system required, exceptions, AB 242††
Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, requirements, AB 246††
National Popular Vote, Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by, constitutional amendment to enact, AJR 6*
Native Americans
County and city clerks, duties relating to tribes, SB 216*
Electronic transmissions, use to register to cast ballots authorized, SB 216*
Polling place and ballot drop box, establishment within boundaries of Indian reservation or colony, SB 216*, SB 327*
Temporary branch polling place for early voting, establishment within boundaries of Indian reservation or colony, SB 216*, SB 327*
Tribal identification cards
Proof of identity, use, SB 443††
Statewide voter preregistration and registration system, use, SB 216†
Nevada System of Higher Education, Board of Regents, election districts, term of office, AB 118*
Nonpartisan offices
Petitions of candidacy, filing, requirements, AB 95D
Primary election ballots, valid selection of more than one candidate, effect, SB 60†
Vacancies, time for filing declaration of candidacy, AB 31D
North Las Vegas, redistricting of wards, SB 184D
Polling places
Elderly voters or voters with disabilities, voting booths and devices, requirements, AB 242††
Electioneering, definition, signs and notices prohibiting, visibility, requirements, AB 192*
Emergency or disaster, authority of Governor or Secretary of State, SB 404†
Extraordinary situations, extension of hours during which polls are open, SB 404†
Firearms at election sites, prohibited acts, exceptions, penalties, AB 354††
Indian reservation or colony, establishment of polling place and temporary branch polling place, SB 216*, SB 327*
Jails, establishment of polling places in county and city jails, requirements, SB 162†, AB 286†
Juvenile detention or treatment and rehabilitation facilitation facilities, establishment of polling places, AB 286†
Proof of identity, instructions to be posted, SB 405, AB 307D
Voter challenges, procedures, SB 230D, SB 405, AB 88D
Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, provision, requirements, AB 246††
Presidential electors
Certificate of ascertainment, submission by Secretary of State, SB 60†, AB 192*
Contest of an election, requirements, SB 60†, AB 192*
False slates, creating or serving in, investigation, penalties, SB 133††
Recounts, demand for, requirements, SB 60†, AB 192*
Primary elections
Ballots, authority of Secretary of State to purchase, use, appropriation, AB 192*
Emergency or disaster, authority of Governor or Secretary of State, SB 404†
Nonpartisan offices, valid selection of more than one candidate, effect, SB 60†
Partisan office, independent candidate, form to declare candidacy, SB 60†
Procedures manual, Secretary of State authorized to prepare, maintain and publish, requirements, appropriation, SB 54*
“Proof of identity” defined, SB 230D, SB 405, AB 88D
Recount of votes
Costs, provisions repealed, SB 404†
Grounds for recount, procedures, SB 404†
Hearing of contest, repeal of provision, SB 60†
Presidential electors, demand for recounts, requirements, SB 60†
Regional school districts, trustees, AB 420D
Registrar of voters, office changed from appointed to elected office, term, SB 75D
Security of elections, cyber-incident response plan, regulations, SB 60†
City office, withdrawal of candidacy, time for filing, SB 60†
List of candidates for partisan office, minor parties, time for filing, SB 53D
Mail ballots, period for counting ballots, SB 60†
Nonpartisan office, vacancy in nomination, time for filing, AB 31D
Training course related to elections procedures, development and provision to city and county clerks, requirements, SB 54*
Voter preregistration or registration
Apartment associations, forms to, distribution at lease signing, AB 190D
Automatic voter registration agencies
Applications submitted after last day to register, notice to voter, SB 60†
Election by person to affirmatively decline to register to vote, notices, requirements, AB 370D
Provisions, prospective effective date of certain provisions, SB 60†, AB 192*
Transmission of certain information, prohibited acts, SB 238D, AB 370D
Change of address received by county clerk, notice to voter, SB 60†
Close of registration, repeal of authority to register or update information following, SB 157D
Count of registered voters, report, repeal of provision, SB 60†
Early voting, registration with valid identification, proof of residency, SB 443††
Election day, registration with valid identification, proof of residency, SB 443††
Homeless Persons’ Bill of Rights, right to register to vote, SB 142D
Jails, registration of prisoners, procedures, SB 162, AB 286*
Juvenile detention or treatment and rehabilitation facilitation facilities, registration procedures, AB 286†
Native Americans, use of tribal identification card with statewide voter preregistration and registration system, SB 216†
Property management companies, forms to, distribution at lease signing, AB 190D
Provisional ballot, certain requirements not met, SB 443††
Title companies, forms to, distribution at time of closing, AB 190D
Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, posting on Internet or polling places, requirements, AB 246††
Elderly voters or voters with disabilities, voting booths and devices, requirements, AB 242††
Ex-felons, immediate restoration of right to vote upon release from prison, SB 93D
Homeless Person’s Bill of Rights, right to vote, SB 142D
Identification cards, issuance, use, SB 230D, AB 88D, AB 307D
Proof of identity, requirements, SB 230D, SB 404†, SB 405, AB 88D, AB 307D
Provisional ballots, authority of person failing to provide proof of identity, AB 307D
Uniformed-service voters, definition includes members of U.S. Space Force, AB 192*
Voter challenges, procedures, SB 230D, SB 325D, SB 404††, SB 405, AB 88D, AB 307D
Voter identification card, regulations, SB 405
Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, posting on Internet or polling places, requirements, AB 246††
Early voting
Count of returns, procedure, SB 404††
Temporary branch polling place, establishment within boundaries of Indian reservation or colony, SB 216*, SB 327*
“Electioneering” defined, AB 192*
Firearms at election sites, prohibited acts, exceptions, penalties, AB 354††
In person voting, requirements, SB 230D, SB 405, AB 88D, AB 242†
Instructions for proof of identity, posting at polling place, SB 230D, SB 405
Establishment of polling places in county and city jails, procedures, SB 162†, AB 286†
Voting by persons detained, establishment of policies and procedures, SB 162, AB 286*
Juvenile detention or treatment and rehabilitation facilitation facilities, procedures, AB 286†
Provisional ballots, procedures, SB 230D, SB 405, AB 88D
Affordability, availability and reliability of electric supply in State, legislative declaration, AB 524*
Electric resistance for heating spaces, restrictions on installation of system, repeal of provision, SB 293†
Electrochemical energy storage systems, requirements for installation, penalties, SB 314††
Foil balloons, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 321*
Passenger carriers, taxes on, credits for certain vehicles powered by electricity, requirements, AB 427
Residential photovoltaic systems, unlicensed work concerning, penalties, SB 293*
Cannabis establishments, electronic verification and authentication systems, requirements, SB 33D
Common-interest communities
Electronic voting authorized, procedures, AB 309*
Notices and information to unit owners, manner of delivery, requirements, AB 309*
Controllable electronic records, UCC, AB 231*
Court proceedings, rules adopted by Supreme Court, SB 63*
Dental care, electronic storage of dental records, requirements, AB 147*
Incarcerated persons, use of system of electronic transmission, requirements, SB 162, AB 286†
Indian tribes, use of electronic transmission for voter registration and to cast ballots authorized, SB 216*
Employment Security Division, electronic transmission of certain documents, authority, SB 123D
Estates of decedents, notices to interested parties, requirements, SB 407*
Food establishments, documents relating to application and inspection, AB 40*
Guardianships, appointment of guardian, contents of petition, AB 381D
Health care records, electronic provision to patients and certain other persons or entities, charging of fee prohibited, SB 283*
Health information, framework for electronic maintenance, transmittal and exchange, establishment, SB 419††, AB 7*
Housing Division, authority to issue certain documents in electronic form, SB 40*
Industrial insurance, files of claims to be made available for inspection and reproduction, requirements, SB 274*, AB 441
Innovation Hub, Nevada, creation, SB 419†
Insurance transactions, delivery of notice and other documents, SB 57*
Landlord and tenant, rent payments through online portal, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 218††
Local governments, notice to certain entities of proposed rules, requirements, SB 261*
Local improvements, assessments, notice by electronic mail to tract owner, AB 60*
Motor vehicle fuel taxes, holders of bonds secured by, notice regarding tax discounts, requirements, SB 502, AB 519*
Offenders, visits between offenders and others, requirements, AB 292†, AB 452*
Opticians, delivery of product by electronic means, authority, SB 106†
Process, electronic means of certain motions or petitions, AB 49*
Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, interim study, SB 376D
Public education, waste, abuse or fraud, establishment of e-mail address for persons to report, AB 517†
Public works, notices to workers regarding wages and other information, requirements, AB 210*
School pupils, persons in position of authority, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38*
Skilled nursing, facilities for, patient requests for electronic communication devices, AB 202*
Telehealth (See TELEHEALTH)
Traffic control, civil infraction citations, procedures, SB 104††
Big game mammal, discovery of carcass, donation of antlers, SB 312D
Shed antlers and heads with antlers, taking of, SB 312D
Election returns, canvass, duties deemed purely ministerial, district court to compel certain actions, charter amendment, SB 404†
Legislative measures, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Voter registration, deadlines, charter amendment, SB 157D
Property tax, assessment, exemption from certain limitation, allocation to school district, AB 519*
Capital projects, funding, establishment of oversight panel, AB 519*
Construction of school to replace existing school, appropriation, AB 273
East Ely Depot and Freight Barn, transfer to City and Nevada Northern Railway Foundation, legal descriptions, SB 186D
Fingerprints, submission by applicants for license, requirements, AB 503*
Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, sharing of information, requirements, SB 2*
Elections, effect of state of emergency or declaration of disaster, SB 404†
Emergency Assistance Account, expenditures, use, SB 5*, SB 168D
Emergency Management, Division of (See MILITARY, OFFICE OF THE)
Evaluation of certain orders or regulations made by Governor, SB 130D
Interscholastic activities, effect of emergency declaration on eligibility of pupils to participate, SB 196*
Judicial Infrastructure Contingency Account, creation, uses, SB 58†
Meetings of public agencies, use of remote-technology system while emergency declaration in effect, requirements, SB 156D
Persons with pets, evacuation, transport and shelter, emergency management plans, SB 331*
Public health emergencies, persons diagnosed with HIV, provision of uninterrupted services during emergency, duties of public health authorities, SB 439*
Regional transportation commissions, authority to fine passengers who refuse to comply with health and safety standards or mandates, AB 214*
State of emergency or disaster declarations
Procedures, AB 103D
Termination, SB 130D, SB 136D, SB 431†, AB 103D
Ambulance attendants and firefighters
Licenses, fees, provisional licenses, AB 358D
“Provider of emergency medical services” defined, AB 358D
Training programs, records of, funding, SB 445*
Ambulances, air ambulances and vehicles of fire-fighting agencies
Controlled-access highways, vehicles authorized on shoulder, AB 56*
Health care records, electronic provision to patients and certain other persons or entities, restriction on charging of fees, SB 283*
Operators, notice of certain changes to permitting health authority, AB 178
Overtaking and passing on right, vehicles authorized on shoulder, AB 56*
Fees, revenue, SB 445*
Time for expiration extended, AB 178
Anesthesiologist assistants, immunity from liability, AB 270*
Assault or battery committed upon participants in training program, applicability of enhanced penalties, SB 289*
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Chief, qualifications, regulations, AB 358D
Creation, AB 358D
Health authority, Bureau deemed in counties with population less than 700,000, AB 358D
Standards and regulations, AB 358D
Violation of laws, penalties, AB 358D
Emergency medical technicians, representation on Committee on Emergency Medical Services, AB 358D
Homeless Persons’ Bill of Rights, right to access services, SB 142D
Private ambulance service, out-of-network, payment for services by third party, SB 372D
Railroad crossings, stopped trains or other equipment, clearing of crossing upon approach of emergency vehicles, requirements, AB 456††
Recognition of Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact, ratification, appropriation, AB 158*
Safety programs in workplace, exemptions, SB 427D
Trauma centers and emergency rooms, limitation on liability repealed, AB 209D
Vaccination status of patients, prohibited acts, AB 234D
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Appropriation for computer hardware and software, AB 478*
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Creation, duties, SB 165
Meeting of public body to consider acquisition of real property, notice, AB 52*
Repeal of provisions, SB 145*
Board of Trustees, creation, duties, SB 305*
Employee Savings Trust Administrative Fund, Nevada, creation, deposits, use, SB 305*
Employee Savings Trust, creation, SB 305*
Establishment of Program, administration, SB 305*
Independent contractors, inclusion in Program, feasibility study, SB 305*
Checks for wages issued with insufficient money or credit, penalties, SB 86D
Child care assistance provided by employers, tax credits, SB 278
Commercial motor vehicles, operation of by employees, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 66*
COVID-19, injury or death resulting from exposure, limitations on liability, applicability of laws, SB 73D
Deferred Option Retirement Program, participation, prohibited acts, AB 351
Employee misclassification, duties of certain agencies concerning, SB 145*
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, forms necessary for employee’s leave of absence, fees charged by health care providers limited, AB 437††
Homeless Person’s Bill of Rights, freedom from employer discrimination, SB 142D
Hours of leave, employers to provide to victims of sexual assault, requirements, AB 163*
Housing discrimination based on source of income, prohibited acts, AB 176D
Intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities, persons with
Advocate, use at certain meetings authorized, AB 259*
Competitive integrated employment, assistance in pursuing, Medicaid waiver, AB 259*
Wage requirements, AB 259*
Law enforcement dispatchers, applicants, disclosure of employment information to law enforcement agencies, AB 211D
Minors, compulsory enrollment and attendance, exemptions, repeal of provision, AB 54*
Nonworking status, immediate payment of wages and compensation under certain circumstances, SB 147*
Parent or legal guardian of child, leave to attend certain school meetings, SB 344D
Prisoners, employment programs, payment of living wage, SB 187D
School personnel (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)
Service contracts, adequate network or workforce of employees or contractors, SB 436†
Sexual assault victims, employers to provide hours of leave and accommodations, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 163*
Workplace harassment protection orders, procedures, AB 51†
Worksite wellness and family-friendly policies, information provided to employers, SB 278
Nursing pool, exclusion from definition, AB 460
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Alternative educational opportunities for pupils, programs for, duties, SB 199D
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center and consortium, duties, AB 37*
Emerging Technologies Task Force, membership, SB 165
Employee Savings Trust Program, Nevada, contracts with Board of Trustees to obtain services of office authorized, SB 305*
Employment Security Division
Administrator, powers and duties related to eligibility for benefits and benefit claims, prohibited acts, SB 123D
Appeals, procedures, SB 123D
Computerized system for processing claims, establishment, appropriation, SB 123D
Employee misclassification, communication with certain agencies regarding, duties, SB 145*
Name change, composition, duties, SB 431†
Ombudsman for Unemployment Benefits, Office of, creation, SB 123D
Overpayments, duties, SB 123D
Sexual assault victims, requests for unemployment compensation benefits, duties, AB 163*
Unemployment Compensation Fund, duties, SB 123D
Las Vegas, City of, workforce development program, receipt of report, SB 246††
Model Employer Program, State as a, creation, coordination with Department of Administration, SB 279*
Nevada P20 Workforce Reporting, appropriation for computer hardware and software, SB 475*
North Las Vegas, City of, workforce development program, receipt of report, SB 246††
Rehabilitation Division
Name changed to Workforce Development Division, composition, SB 431†
Vocational Rehabilitation, Bureau of
Computer hardware and software, funding, SB 475*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, representation, AB 32*
State unemployment system, classifications of essential business during crisis, study, reports, SB 168D
Workforce, Department of (See also WORKFORCE, DEPARTMENT OF)
Name change, duties, SB 431†
Workforce Innovation Division, creation, SB 431†
Gender dysphoria, treatment for conditions relating to, insurance coverage, SB 163†
Building codes, energy conservation options, requirements, SB 293†
Electric resistance for heating spaces, restrictions on installation of system, repeal of provision, SB 293†
Electric utilities
Energy efficiency and conservation, beneficial electrification measures, legislative findings, SB 353D
Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction programs, requirements, regulations, SB 356D
Property tax abatement for certain systems or facilities, SB 257*, AB 419D
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, grants to promote, AB 131*
Building and energy codes and standards, duties, SB 293†
Clean hydrogen, production, processing, delivery, storage and use of, duties, SB 451†
Consumptive water use and economic development of businesses receiving certain abatements, interim study, AB 261†
Fluorescent lamps, prohibited sale or distribution, powers and duties, AB 144†
Geothermal energy, use or development, duties, study, AB 315
Program to reduce energy use and emissions, appropriation, SB 505*
Renewable energy facilities, tax abatement, receipt of report, SB 257*
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Senior living facilities, ventilation and filtration systems, receipt of reports upon request, AB 281†
Automobile wreckers, evidence of compliance, exemption from requirements, AB 57*
Clean Trucks and Buses Incentive Program, creation, AB 184*
Fines, imposition by State Environmental Commission, SB 49D
New motor vehicles and new motor vehicle engines, regulations, exceptions, SB 49D
“Passenger car” defined, SB 49D
Pollution Control Account, sources, SB 49D
Publicly owned vehicles, legislative support for transition to zero tailpipe emissions, AB 262*
State agencies and departments, motor vehicles for purchase, preference given to certain vehicles, AB 262*
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, study, 2056
Air pollution
Clean Trucks and Buses Incentive Program, creation, regulations, AB 184*
Engine emission control, new motor vehicles and engines, regulations, fines, SB 49D
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Sewer systems, duties, AB 220*
Treatment Works and the Implementation of Pollution Control Projects, Account to Finance the Construction of, duties, regulations, AB 20*
Water projects, financing, regulations, AB 20*
Water systems, duties, AB 220*
Agency regulations, environmental justice impact statements, requirements, determinations, procedures, AB 312†
Commission on Environmental Justice, creation, duties, AB 312†
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, creation, duties, AB 312
Interim study, requirements, AB 71
Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act
Appropriation, SB 450*
Moving expenses, payments to certain residents, SB 450*
Restitution for certain residents, requirements, SB 450*
Sale of residences, unlawful acts, SB 450*
Rights relating to the environment, establishment, constitutional amendment, AJR 3D
Tahoe Basin, Environmental Improvement Program, issuance of bonds to carry out certain projects, use of accrued interest, AB 424*
Wetlands in-lieu fee program, establishment, use and operation, SB 115*
Appeals, publication of process to file, SB 271
Discriminatory practice, unlawful, complaints alleging, procedures, final disposition of complaint, SB 271
Housing discrimination
Contracts between Commission and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, SB 143
Investigations and administrative hearings concerning complaints, procedures, appropriation, SB 143
Judicial review of final decisions, conflict of laws, SB 143
Prohibited acts, SB 143, AB 176D
Remedies and civil penalties, SB 143, AB 176D
Legal internship, establishment, SB 271
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Paralegal employees, continuing education, SB 271
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Volunteer program for attorneys, establishment, SB 271
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Dental services, exemption from laws regulating veterinarians, SB 229D
Common-interest communities and condominium hotels, mediation of claims, deposits into escrow, AB 324D
Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 140
Real property, conveyances to clear title on property acquired from Federal Government, AB 143*
Solid waste management systems, authority to impose sales and use tax to fund operations, AB 1
World Esports Day, Governor to proclaim annually, AB 82*
District courts, jurisdiction, venue, SB 407*
Health care records, provision of electronic records to personal representatives, charging of fee, restrictions, SB 283*
Investigational treatment, investigational drugs, biological products or devices, heirs of deceased patient not liable for debt related to treatment, SB 283*
Notices to interested parties, requirements, SB 407*
Victims of certain crimes, “victim’s advocate” defined, AB 48D
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, study, SB 242
Legislative Ethics Law, enactment, AB 66D
Legislators, standing rules (JSR 30-JSR 39, ASR 23), ACR 1‡, AR 1‡
Advisory opinions
Confidentiality of certain materials, AB 66D
Procedures, requirements, AB 66D
Election, time for, AB 66D
Persons authorized to exercise powers and functions of and to perform duties when unable to act, AB 66D
Subpoenas, authority to issue, AB 66D
Time limitations set forth in chapter, limitation on grants of extension, AB 66D
Computer hardware and software, appropriation for replacement, authorized expenditures, AB 474*
Executive Director
Education of public officers and employees on requirements of ethics law, duties, AB 66D
Investigations, duties, AB 66D
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, referral of cases, duties, AB 353D
Jurisdiction, statute of limitations, AB 66D
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of, creation, authority, SB 431†
Open Meeting Law, exemptions, AB 66D
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Acknowledgment of statutory ethical standards, list of public officers who must file, submission to Commission on Ethics, AB 66D
Civil penalties, grounds for imposition, AB 66D
“Commitment in a private capacity” defined, AB 66D
Adjudicatory hearings, proceedings, AB 66D
Initiation of complaints by Commission, authority, AB 66D
Investigations, procedures, AB 66D
Legislators, complaints against, procedures, AB 66D
Rendering of opinion, requirements, AB 66D
Review panels, duties, AB 66D
Conflicts of interest
Abstention from acting on or participating in a matter, requirements, AB 66D
Disclosures of potential conflicts of interest at time matter is considered, exemption for certain confidential information, AB 66D
Cooling-off period, alleged violations, procedures, AB 66D
Current or former public officers or employees, certain employment and activities restricted, AB 66D
Ethics complaints, procedures, AB 66D
Governmental time, property, equipment or other facility, restrictions on use, AB 66D
Legislative Ethics Law, enactment, AB 66D
Open Meeting Law, applicability, AB 66D
Enactment, AB 66D
Demographic information, collection by governmental agencies, requirements, AB 139*
Discrimination (See DISCRIMINATION)
Fair and recreation board, Clark County, number of members and composition of board, AB 129D
North Las Vegas, City of, diversity study, SB 184D
State boards, commissions and similar bodies, appointments by Governor to represent diversity of State, public policy, procedure, SB 210††
Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 140
Real property, conveyances to clear title on property acquired from Federal Government, AB 143*
Solid waste management systems, authority to impose sales and use tax to fund operations, AB 1
Self-administration of medication designed to end life, procedures, prohibited acts, SB 239††
Affirmative defense, requirements, SB 335†
Fee for eviction of tenant, authority of landlord to charge, SB 78††
Medicaid, medical-legal partnership, supports and services provided by, coverage, AB 293
Notice of eviction, authority of agent of attorney to serve, restrictions, SB 78††
Property sold as residential foreclosure, notice, SB 223*
Summary eviction
Affirmative defense, requirements, SB 335†
Commercial premises, procedure, SB 335†, AB 340†
Default in payment of rent, procedures, duties of landlord, SB 335†, AB 340††
Diversion program for tenants, establishment authorized, eligibility for assignment to program, SB 335††
Neglect or failure to perform condition or covenant, procedures, SB 335††
Rental assistance, applications for, procedures, stay of action, SB 335††
Repeal, revision and reorganization of procedures, SB 335†, AB 340††
Sealing of eviction case court file, SB 335†, AB 340††
Stay of action, grounds, procedures, SB 335††
Unlawful detainer, procedures, duties of landlord, SB 335†, AB 340††
Burden of proof
Appointment of guardian for minors, AB 446D
SLAPP suits, probability of success to prevail on claim, AB 375D
Consumer health data, actions against regulated entities and processors, SB 370*
Criminal proceedings, establishment that seized property is forfeitable, SB 337D
Custodial interrogation of child, inadmissibility of certain statements, AB 193*
Devices for testing breath or other sample, certification by Committee on Testing for Intoxication, admissibility, requirements, AB 239*
Discovery in civil actions, mental or physical examinations, attendance by observer, provision repealed, AB 244*
Domestic violence
Admissibility of acts that constitute separate offense, SB 170D
Protection orders, court may authorize applicant to record communications with adverse party, AB 51†
Acknowledgment or denial of, burden of proof of party challenging, AB 371††
Genetic testing, admissibility, AB 371††
Protection orders
Admissions, representations or statements made during certain proceedings, admissibility, SB 382*
Court may authorize applicant to record communications with adverse party, AB 51†
Sexual assault, forensic evidence, restrictions on use against survivor, SB 321*
Victim under the age of 9 years, admissibility of defendant’s confession or statement, SB 173D
Anti-Domestic Terrorism Assistance Account, proposed expenditures, duties, AB 117†
Contingency Account, duties, SB 54*
Finance, Office of, employee salaries, duties, SB 440†, AB 522*
Gaming Control Board, Nevada, bad debt collection, duties, SB 14*
General appropriations legislation, duties, SB 511*, AB 520††
Motor Vehicles, Department of, employee salaries, duties, SB 440†, AB 522*
Public Employees’ Retirement System, appropriations, duties, AB 498††
Public Safety, Department of, employee salaries, duties, SB 440†, AB 522*
Salaries and one-time payments for state officers and employees, appropriations, duties, SB 440††, AB 522*
Senior Citizens’ Property Tax Assistance Account, creation, duties, SB 374D, SB 430
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, salary increases for employees, appropriations, SB 440†, AB 522*
Transportation Authority, Nevada, employee salaries, duties, SB 440†, AB 522*
Subsurface installations, excavation or demolition near
Clarification of terminology, SB 27*
Operators of installations, certain railroad companies exempt from regulation, SB 397*
State Demographer, provision of parcel datasets to associations of operators, AB 177*
Cannabis products, taxes on, SB 277*, SB 402, AB 430*, AB 523*
Data collectors, tax on collection of consumer data, imposition, enforcement, AB 421D
Diapers, tax exemption, SB 428*
Digital products, sale and use, SB 396
Heavy equipment rental tax, requirements, SB 233
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
Passenger carriers, taxes on, credits for certain vehicles powered by electricity, requirements, AB 427
Sales, notice, requirements, AB 142D
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Gender-affirming services, limitations on Governor’s warrant of arrest, SB 302††
Private investigators’ licensing laws inapplicable, SB 32*
Reproductive health care services, limitations on Governor’s warrant of arrest, SB 131*
Medicaid, coverage for certain corrective lenses, requirements, SB 385*
Ophthalmic dispensing, applicability of laws, SB 106*
“Prosecuting agency” defined, AB 49*
Clark County, number of members and composition of board, AB 129D
Members of boards in larger counties, compensation increased, SB 210††
Gaming employees, disciplinary action, SB 7D
Commercially sexually exploited children, transferring or using false identification, restrictions on placement of child, AB 238D
Contractors, applications for contractor’s license for another person, grounds for disciplinary action, AB 29*
Credit by false representations
Penalties, SB 86D
Prosecution, requirements, defenses, AB 291*
Fraud in the course of an enterprise or occupation, Attorney General, duties, AB 50*
Health care providers, preventing or delaying professional negligence actions, penalties, AB 209D
Interrogation of child in custody, prohibited acts, exceptions, AB 193*
Multiple transactions involving fraud or deceit in course of enterprise or occupation, penalties, SB 86D
Obtaining money, property, rent or labor by false pretenses, pretenses, SB 86D
Special license plates, submission of false statements on application, penalties, AB 203*
Penalties, SB 86D
Prosecution, requirements, defenses, AB 291*
Sexually transmitted diseases, express consent of minors for prevention services, SB 172*
Director, block grant or other discretionary grants, reports, AB 365D
State agencies, grants received or applied for, duty to inform Office, AB 365D
Animal feed, research facilities to conduct studies, application process, regulations, AB 249
Hemp, use of hemp authorized in certain commercial feed, violations, penalties, AB 249
Battery-charged fences, authority of cities and counties to regulate, requirements, limitations, SB 208*
Geofence, implementation within certain distance of medical facilities and health care providers prohibited, SB 370*
Intentional misrepresentation of a fentanyl product, penalties, SB 35*
Manufacturing, compounding or possessing, penalties, SB 35*, SB 128D, SB 343D, SB 412†
Public Safety, Department of, appropriation, SB 412*
Sale or possession unlawful, penalties, SB 197D, SB 343D
Trafficking, levels of, by quantity involved, penalties, SB 35*, SB 128D, SB 197D, SB 343†
Interstate 80, study of issues relating to traffic safety, collaboration, receipt of reports, AB 63D
Conviction, notice to professional licensing board, SB 309*
Definition, penalty and remedies, parent-child relationship not created, SB 154D
Penalty, remedies, SB 309*
Sexual offense, inclusion as for certain purposes, penalties, SB 309*
Special event advertising, exemptions from certain restrictions on commercial advertising, requirements, AB 426*
Developmental disability, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder defined as, AB 137*
Employee Savings Trust Program, Board of Trustees of the Nevada, administration of trust on behalf of program participants, SB 305*
Independent Development Account Program, maximum value of matching funds, SB 306
Trusts, protectors of trust, powers are fiduciary in nature, SB 407*
Agreement with Office of Economic Development, training of Nevada residents or employment of certain offenders, AB 329D
Amount of tax credits issued to qualified production company
Base amount, increase, limitations, SB 28D, SB 496
Reduction of credits, transfer or amount of reduction, SB 496
Total amount, requirements, SB 28D, SB 496
Digital media productions, applicability of laws, SB 496
Eligibility for tax credits, SB 496, AB 329D
Infrastructure transferable tax credits, requirements, procedures, SB 496
Social media productions, eligibility for credits, SB 496
Enactment, SB 496
Assist Rural School Districts in Financing Capital Improvements, Fund to, disbursements from, AB 519*
Budget Division
Appropriation for office equipment, AB 489*
Employees in unclassified service, overtime compensation, requirements, AB 451*
Homeless persons, establishment of matching funds program, receipt of certificates of eligibility, AB 528*
Proposed state budget, calculation of reserve, duties, AB 527*
Education saving account program, estimate of expenditure requirements, receipt, SB 200
Pupil-teacher ratios, receipt of reports, AB 42
Work programs or allotments, duties, SB 431†
Capital improvements legislation, duties, AB 521
Collective bargaining agreements, implementation, appropriations, SB 510*
COVID-19 Relief Programs budget account, payment of money to registered nonprofit organizations, duties, appropriation, AB 526*
Education Stabilization Account, temporary advances, duties, AB 458
Educational Choice Scholarship Program, Nevada, appropriation, SB 508
Employee salaries, appropriations, duties, SB 440†, AB 522*
Enterprise Application Services Unit, appropriations for certain loans, AB 482*
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, appropriations for loans to Division, repayment, AB 506*
Enterprise Resource Planning System, appropriations, AB 468*
General appropriations legislation, duties, SB 511*, AB 520††
General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, SB 504*
Higher Education Funding, Commission on, duties, SB 347
Information Security, Office of, appropriation for loan to, repayment, AB 487*
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, member, SB 425*
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, reports, AB 353D
Internal Audits, Division of, appropriation, AB 489*
Leases and furniture for state offices, appropriation, SB 456*
Public Safety, Department of, receipt of reports, AB 63D
Retention incentives for state employees, appropriations, AB 268*, AB 522*
State Budget Act, duties, AB 346*
Statewide cost allocation plan, shortfall, appropriation, AB 500*
Student loans, repayment of certain, allocation to Nevada Health Service Corps, appropriation, AB 69
Superintendent of Public Instruction, temporary advancements, duties, AB 523*
Training for state employees, appropriation, SB 456*
Transportation, Department of, receipt of reports, AB 63D
UNLV, appropriations, SB 457*
Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act, duties, SB 450*
Capital improvement projects, duties, AB 521
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Wildlife Crossings Account, issuance of bonds, duties, AB 112†
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Creation within Department of Education, composition, AB 274*
Acknowledged power of attorney, authority to refuse acceptance, SB 355*
Creation, duties, AB 395D
Animals, refusal to remove from places of public accommodation or public transportation upon request, AB 87D
Campaign practices, violations, AB 64D
Cannabis establishments and agents, violations, SB 195*, AB 413D
Children, online service, product or feature likely to be accessed by, businesses providing, violations, AB 320D
Cigarettes or other tobacco products
Contraband tobacco products, violations, AB 455*
Sales or distribution
Persons under 21 years of age, sales to, penalties, AB 53*
Taste or aroma distinguishable from taste or aroma of tobacco, violations, AB 294D
Commercial feed, use of hemp authorized in certain commercial feed, violations, AB 249
Community health workers, violations, SB 117†
Contractors, theft or fraud, administrative fine, AB 22*
County school district funds, air pollution administrative fines, deposit and use, SB 48D
Data collectors, violations, AB 421D
Deceptive trade practices, violations, AB 373*
Digital financial asset business activity, violations, SB 360D
Document preparation services, violations, SB 349*
Driver’s licenses, suspension or denial for failure of defendant to pay delinquent fines, removal of court’ authority, SB 104††
Drug manufacturers, violations, SB 283*
Employee misclassification, violations, SB 145*
Employers, violations, SB 66*, SB 145*
Engine emission control, new motor vehicles and engines, violations, SB 49D
Ethics in Government Law, violations, AB 66D
Fluorescent lamps, prohibited sale or distribution, AB 144††
Foil balloons, violations, AB 321*
Health care facilities
Deceptive statements regarding services, penalties, AB 418D
Fixed rates for goods and services, violations, AB 85
Hospitals, violations, SB 348*, AB 11††
Neurodegenerative diseases, information reported by facilities, violations, SB 390*
Skilled nursing, facilities for, electronic communication devices, violations, AB 202*
Health care providers
Malpractice actions or claims against certain providers, failure to report, AB 318*
Occupational Therapy, Board of, authority, AB 343*
Optometrists, administrative fines, AB 432*
Professional negligence actions, hindering or delaying, AB 209D
Violations, increase in maximum amount of fine, AB 318*
Health Care Quality and Access for Patients of Certain Providers, Account to Improve, health care providers, violations, AB 197
Industrial insurance, violations, administrative fines, SB 274*
Intercollegiate athletics, name, image or likeness contracts, certain violations, SB 70D
Kratom products, violations, AB 322††
Marijuana, violations, AB 413D
Midwives, furnishing false information to for the purpose of making incorrect certification of births or deaths, AB 386
Mining operations, plans for reclamation, violations, AB 313
Money transmission, violations, AB 21†
Motor vehicle insurers, inspection of vehicles, violations, AB 334††
North Las Vegas, City of, violations by certain officers, SB 246††
Opticians, violations, AB 415*
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances intentionally added to products, sale or distribution, violations, SB 76†
Personal delivery devices, operation, violations, SB 422*
Pesticide applicators, violations, SB 159*
Public works, violations, AB 367D
Railroads, violations, AB 456††
“Real estate facilitators” defined, prohibited acts, AB 438D
Regional transportation commissions, authority to impose fines on certain passengers, AB 214*
Sidewalk vendors, violations, SB 92*
Special license plates, violations, AB 203*
Title insurance, prohibited acts by licensees, AB 392D, AB 438D
Tow car operators, violations, AB 303
Traffic control, violations, SB 104††, SB 422*, AB 93D, AB 369, AB 456†
Unregistered vehicles unfit for use, unlawful possession, AB 316*
Vapor products, unlawful sale and distribution, AB 53*
Virtual currency businesses, violations, SB 333D
Waiver or reduction of certain fines, procedures, AB 369
Wildlife, participation in competition taking certain animals for prizes, violations, AB 102D
Cannabis establishments, applicants for license or registration, SB 33D, AB 253†
Clinical professional counselors, applicants for license, requirements, AB 503*
Crematory or cemetery operators, requirements, AB 503*
Earned wage access services, providers, AB 436D
Elections officials, dissemination of personal identifying information of election official, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 406*
Employer-integrated earned wage access services, providers, SB 290*
Firearms, release of information in background check by certain agencies, SB 367*
Marriage and family therapists, applicants for license, requirements, AB 503*
Medical laboratories, applicants for licensure, requirements, AB 503†
Midwives, applicants for licensure, AB 386
Money transmission, applicants for licensure, AB 21*
Naprapaths, applicants for licensure, requirements, AB 153*
Optometry, applicants for licensure, AB 432†
Private schools, submission by applicants, employees or volunteers, removal of requirement, AB 503*
Regulatory bodies, applicant requests for review of criminal history, requirements, AB 503†
District trustees, candidates for office, SB 65D
Summer school, retired public employees, SB 340††
Securities, persons offering to sell certain securities to Nevada certified investors, AB 75*
Compliance, certain standards and regulations, SB 304D
Firefighters (See FIREFIGHTERS)
Health care facilities and child care facilities, authority to inspect, designation by State Fire Marshal, AB 463*
Law enforcement dispatchers, applicants, disclosure of employment information to public safety agencies authorized, AB 211D
Safety programs in workplace, exemptions, SB 427D
Towns, operation in compliance with certain standards and regulations, SB 304D
Building codes, regulations, applicability in larger counties, AB 213†
Child care facilities, inspections and drills, authority, regulation, AB 463*
Cigarettes, duties regarding fire-safe cigarettes, repeal of provisions, AB 294D
Emergency Medical Services, Bureau of (See also EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES)
Reports, receipt, AB 358D
Fireworks, ballot question regarding regulation of sale and use, SB 268D
Health care facilities, inspections, authority, AB 463*
Kitchen hood exhaust systems, duties, SB 392D
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Emergency situations, use of water to extinguish fires, applicability of laws, AB 220*
Health care facilities and child care facilities, inspections, requirements, AB 463*
Kitchen hood exhaust systems
Inspections, maintenance, SB 392D
State Fire Marshal, duties, SB 392D
Technicians who inspect systems, duties, SB 392D
Emergency Medical Services, Committee on, representation, AB 358D
Firefighters (See FIREFIGHTERS)
Formation and annexation, elections, district court to compel completion of canvass, SB 404†
Health care facilities and child care facilities, authority to inspect, designation by State Fire Marshal, AB 463*
Law enforcement dispatchers, applicants, disclosure of employment information to public safety agencies authorized, AB 211D
Administration, Department of, appropriation for certain technology requirements and activities, AB 475*
Child care facilities, handguns in motor vehicles, authority of persons holding concealed carry permit, AB 81D
Child welfare, agency which provides, release of information for purchase and possession of firearms, SB 367*
Children 14 years of age or older, authority to handle or possess certain firearms, restrictions, AB 355††
Concealed carry permit, active peace officers applying for, demonstrating competence with handgun, AB 181D
Drug offenses, use of or possession of firearm in furtherance of, penalties, SB 367†, SB 412*
Economic boycotts, contracts with companies that engage in, prohibited acts by local governments and state agencies, SB 228D
Election sites, possession at, prohibited acts, exceptions, penalties, AB 354††
Ex-felons, possession or ownership unlawful, each weapon as separate offense, SB 367*
“Firearms importer or manufacturer,” definition includes firearms dealers, AB 354††
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Juvenile courts, authority to order counseling or psychological treatment of child, SB 359†
Juvenile justice information, release for purchase and possession of firearms, SB 367*
Local governments, enforcement of certain federal laws, prohibited acts, AB 94D
Nevada System of Higher Education, authority of persons holding concealed carry permit, SB 188D, AB 81D
Probation, early discharge prohibited for certain violations, SB 86D
Active shooter preparedness drills, requirements, SB 294†
Handguns in motor vehicles, authority of persons holding concealed carry permit, AB 81D
Possession, disciplinary action, effect of age of pupil, AB 285*, AB 330*
Semiautomatic shotguns and centerfire rifles, possession or control by certain persons, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 355††
Storage of firearms
Education campaign, requirements, SB 294*
Licensed dealers, duties, penalties for violations, SB 294*
Rifles or shotguns used by child 14 years of age or older, AB 355††
Semiautomatic shotguns and centerfire rifles, requirements, penalties, AB 355††
Unfinished frame or receiver, sales or possession, restrictions, AB 354††
Supervisory employees, establishment and composition of bargaining unit, requirements, SB 166*
Deferred Option Retirement Program, qualifications to participate, AB 351
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, eligibility for grants, priority, SB 220D, AB 385D
Special license plates, certain requirements for renewal eliminated, AB 304*
Regulation of sale and use, ballot question, SB 268D
License or permit in possession while fishing, requirement removed, SB 141D
Civil actions, reasonable fees for provision of focus groups included in definition of “costs,” SB 252D
Dielectric performance, testing and evaluation, adoption of standard, AB 321*
Legislative findings and declarations, AB 321*
Manufacture, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 321*
Selling, offering for sale or distributing, prohibited acts, AB 321*
Breakfast and lunch for Nevada pupils, appropriation, AB 319††
Children’s Cabinet, appropriation, SB 263*
COVID-19 Relief Programs budget account, payment of money to registered nonprofit organizations, requirements, appropriation, AB 526*
Food Bank of Northern Nevada, appropriation, SB 341*
Three Square, appropriation, SB 341*, AB 525*
Applications for permit to operate
Contents, electronic mail address, AB 40*
Inspection form, electronic form permitted, AB 40*
Notices, service, AB 40*
Defrauding proprietors, penalties, SB 86D
Drinking water, provision to customer, requirements, AB 186D
Sidewalk Vending, Task Force on Safe, creation, SB 92*
Sidewalk vendors, licensing and regulation in larger counties, requirements, SB 92*
Common-interest communities, foreclosure of lien on unit, authority of association to purchase unit, SB 378†
Foreclosure Mediation Program, repeal of provisions, AB 513
Campaign practices, contributions to inaugural committees prohibited, SB 60††
Nevada System of Higher Education, exemptions from tuition charges, prohibited acts, AB 226*
Peace officers, employment, prohibited acts, AB 30D
Physicians, limited license to practice medicine, requirements, SB 204
Schools, employment of certain federal visa holders as teachers, SB 308, AB 308D
Business license, state, fee waiver, AB 433D
Filing fees
Amended list of directors and officers in which only addresses are amended, AB 433D
Certificates of correction, AB 433D
Defaulting corporations, penalty, AB 433D
Records erroneously filed with Secretary of State, correction, AB 126*
Honorary consuls, license plates, repeal of provision, AB 57*
Occupational therapy, waiver of requirements for education and experience, provision repealed, AB 343*
Secretary of State, authentication of signature of notarial officer, fee, AB 433D
Contraception, Medicaid to provide language translation services to facilitate provision, AB 383††
Dementia care specialist program, services to provide access to program, AB 167
Distributed generation systems, agreements for purchase or lease, requirements, SB 293*
Elections, creation of Language Access Advisory Committee, AB 246††
Jails and detention facilities, communications concerning medical care to be provided in the primary language of prisoner, AB 292†
Language access plans
Development by local governments, requirements, reports, AB 266*
Office for New Americans, duties, reports, AB 266*
State agencies
Duties, reports, SB 373
Implementation, funding, AB 480*
Prescriptions, information on label or other device affixed to container, AB 251††
Public notices of planning commissions, availability in certain languages, immunity from liability, AB 266*
Public works, notice to be given in primary language of workers, records to be maintained, AB 210†
Safety programs and training in workplaces, availability in various languages, SB 427D
Solar installation companies, contracts, contents, requirements, SB 293*
Voting materials and other election information, requirements, AB 246††
Filing fees, AB 433D
Filing fees, AB 433D
Filing fees, AB 433D
Conservation camps (See CONSERVATION CAMPS)
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, powers and duties, AB 131*
Heavy equipment rental tax, imposition, requirements, SB 233
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, grants to promote, AB 131*
Currency or property auction proceeds, use, deposits, SB 337D
Law enforcement agencies, annual reports, requirements, SB 337D, AB 350*
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, forfeiture of property for consuming or possessing drugs prohibited, AB 115D
Remission or mitigation of forfeiture, petition for, SB 337D
Seizure of property for which forfeiture is sought, procedures, SB 337D
Advance directive for psychiatric care, AB 414*
Advance health-care directive, AB 414*
Common-interest communities, information statements, SB 175D
Declaration of candidacy
Independent for partisan office, SB 60†
Town advisory boards, SB 262††
Irregularities, complaint of, SB 325D
Notices regarding provision of materials in certain languages, AB 246††
Voter registration, provision of forms at certain real estate transactions, contents, AB 190D
Euthanasia medications, requests for, SB 239††
Financial status reports, form prescribed by Department of Indigent Defense Services, AB 518*
Habeas corpus, petitions, AB 49*
Identification cards, limited-purpose, contents, AB 302
Marriage, amended certificate, SB 211*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, form to state citizenship required to vote, when required, SB 238D
Power of attorney
Health care decisions, AB 414†
Repeal of form, AB 414*
Secured transactions, notice before disposition of collateral, AB 231*
Securities Fraud, Fund for the Compensation for the Victims of, application, contents, AB 67
Skilled nursing, facilities for, patient requests for electronic communication devices, AB 202*
State Engineer, inclusion of certain blank forms for proof of appropriation in certain notices, requirements, AB 34*
Veterans, certain tax exemptions, renewal, SB 374D, AB 295
Commercially sexually exploited children and children at risk, training requirements for employees of foster homes, AB 238D
Foster Kinship, appropriation, AB 166
Independent development accounts, deposits, appropriation to Office of the State Treasurer, SB 306
Nevada Children’s Commission, appointments to, AB 412D
Habitual disciplinary problems, pupils with, determinations, requirements, AB 217
Statewide framework for restorative justice, repeal, AB 330†
Sexual conduct between employee or volunteer of foster home and person who is 17 years old under care, penalty, SB 121D
Virtual Early Childhood Family Engagement Pilot Program, creation, AB 348*
Autonomous vehicles, manufacturers, requirements relating to franchises and facilities for the repair or maintenance of vehicles, exemptions, SB 182*
Arbitration provisions nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Associate physicians, services provided by, coverage, SB 204
Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 155*
Breast cancer imaging tests, coverage, SB 330*
Clinical services to monitor use and effectiveness, coverage, services provided by pharmacists, AB 383†
Condoms for persons age 13 or older, coverage, SB 439*
Copayments and coinsurance, restrictions on charges, SB 161*
Injection or insertion of long-acting reversible contraception, coverage, SB 280*
Language translation services to facilitate provision of contraception, coverage, AB 383†
Pharmacists, services provided by, requirements, SB 161*
Prior authorization, requirement prohibited, SB 161*, AB 383†
Voluntary sterilization of men, coverage, AB 383†
Gender dysphoria, treatment for conditions relating to, required coverage, SB 163†
Health care cost growth benchmarks, reporting of certain information, requirements, AB 6
Hepatitis C, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
HIV, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
Opioid use disorder, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*, AB 156*
Pharmacists, services provided by, coverage, SB 201
Qualified health-related service, coverage, AB 237†
Sexually transmitted diseases, medical services relating to, coverage, SB 439*
Step therapy protocol
Development of protocol and use, requirements, SB 194*
Exemptions from protocol and appeals, Internet publication of procedures, SB 194*
Psychiatric condition, treatment, restrictions, SB 167*
Telehealth, third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Tobacco, cessation of use, coverage, AB 294D
Live entertainment tax for certain activities, counties, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 140
Checks or drafts issued without sufficient money or credit, penalties, SB 86D
Collecting for benefits without authority, penalties, SB 86D
Contraception, claims regarding governmental imposition of requirements or limitations, vexatious litigants, AB 383††
Credit by false representations
Penalties, SB 86D
Prosecution, requirements, defenses, AB 291*
Data collection, tax on, false or fraudulent returns or declarations, AB 421D
Documents of title, issuing, obtaining or negotiating unlawfully, penalties, SB 86D
Enterprise or occupation, fraud in the course of, Attorney General, duties, AB 50*
Fertility fraud (See FERTILITY FRAUD)
Hotel, inn, restaurant, motel or similar establishment, defrauding proprietors, penalties, SB 86D
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, retaliation against persons who file complaints concerning fraud, penalties, AB 353D
Multiple transactions involving fraud or deceit in course of enterprise or occupation, penalties, SB 86D
Public education, establishment of methods for persons to report waste, abuse or fraud, AB 517†
Real estate, fraudulently selling twice, penalties, SB 86D
Referenced drugs sold or delivered in State, prohibited acts, AB 250††
Securities Fraud, Fund for the Compensation for the Victims of, regulations, AB 67
Special license plates, applications for, submission of false statements or false, fraudulent or misleading evidence, penalties, AB 203*
Penalties, SB 86D
Prosecution, requirements, defenses, AB 291*
Virtual currency businesses, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 333D
Security procedures, AB 231*
Crematory or cemetery operators, fingerprints, submission, AB 503*
Natural organic reduction, regulations, AB 289*
Open Meeting Law, applicability, AB 52*
Fingerprints, submission by applicants for license, requirements, AB 503*
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances intentionally added to certain indoor furnishings and furniture, sale or distribution prohibited, exception, penalty, SB 76††
“Active sports wager” defined, SB 379D
Associated equipment, definition includes computerized systems used by sports wagering ticket brokers, SB 379D
Cannabis establishments, certain locations authorized, requirements, AB 413D
Cheating, list of persons suspended or banned from interactive gaming system, AB 380D
Commercially sexually exploited children, being present in gaming establishment in violation of local ordinance, placement of child, AB 238D
Deceased licensees or licensees judicially declared to be disabled, engagement in gaming activities by certain persons associated with, requirements, SB 14*
Background investigations, fingerprint submissions, requirements, AB 503†
Disciplinary actions, regulations, SB 7D
Duties that employee must have for employee to constitute a gaming employee, SB 379D
“Gaming employee” defined, SB 7D, SB 14*
Registration with Nevada Gaming Control Board, requirements, confidentiality of certain information, regulations, SB 7D
Repeal of certain provisions, SB 7D
Filings, late or deficient filings, assessments, SB 7D
Foreign gaming manufacturers
Definition, SB 379D
Reports, filing, requirements, SB 379D
“Global risk management,” repeal of provisions, SB 7D
Gross revenue, excludes cash received as entry fees for right to participate in contest or tournament under certain circumstances, SB 266*
Homeless persons charged or convicted of trespass, eligibility for diversionary and specialty court programs, assignment, SB 155*
Human Trafficking, Nevada Blue Ribbon Committee on, representation of gaming industry, AB 288D
“Information service” defined, SB 7D
Interactive gaming
Cheating, list of persons suspended or banned, AB 380D
Service providers, licensing and regulation, authority of Nevada Gaming Commission, SB 14*
Las Vegas Boulevard gaming corridor, location of proposed gaming establishments, applicability of laws, SB 266*
License fees
Continuing operations, prepayment credits granted, SB 14*
Disposition, Continuums of Care, SB 400†
Film infrastructure, certification of eligibility for tax credits, SB 496
Slot machines, liability for proportionate share of license fee, SB 14*
Manufacturers, temporary registration, requirements, SB 7D
Operations outside of State, licensee participation in, notice requirements, SB 266*
Race books, activities included in operation of, SB 7D, SB 14†
SARS-CoV-2, inspection of resort hotels relating to compliance with certain regulations, removal of requirement, SB 441*
Sidewalk vendors, location near resort hotels, restrictions, SB 92*
Sports pools, activities included in operation of, SB 7D, SB 14†
Sports wagering ticket brokers, registration, applicability of laws, SB 379D
Tax credits, contributions to certain scholarship organizations, AB 400†
Tobacco and tobacco products, age verification requirements, exception for certain areas within casinos, AB 122*
Appropriation for employee training and conference registration fees, SB 469*
Cheating, list of persons suspended or banned from interactive gaming system, regulations, AB 380D
Enterprise districts, location of proposed gaming establishments, duties, SB 266*
Filings, late or deficient filings, regulations, SB 7D
Games or gambling games, regulations, SB 7D
Gaming employees
Authority of Commission to define, SB 7D
Disciplinary actions, regulations, SB 7D
Duties employee must have to constitute a “gaming employee,” regulation, SB 379D
Registration and oversight, regulations, SB 7D
Gross revenue, exclusions from, regulations, SB 266*
Hosting centers, authority, SB 14*
Interactive gaming, service providers, authority regarding, SB 14*
License fees, duties, SB 14*
Manufacturers, temporary registration, regulations, SB 7D
Powers and duties, generally, SB 14*
Public Employees’ Retirement System, Commissioners appointed by Governor, exemptions, SB 14*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Sports wagering ticket brokers, registration, SB 379D
Background investigations of certain applicants, duties, AB 503†
Bad debt, designation, duties, SB 14*
Computers, equipment, subscriptions and related employee training, appropriation, SB 490*
Deceased licensees or licensees judicially declared to be disabled, engagement in gaming activities by certain persons associated with, approval, SB 14*
Film production, noninfrastructure transferable tax credits, duties, SB 496
Foreign gaming manufacturers, duties, SB 379D
Games or gambling games, administrative approval, SB 7D
Gaming employees required to register with Board, regulation, SB 7D
Hosting centers, authority, SB 14*
Information technology system, appropriation, allocation from Interim Finance Committee, SB 490*
Outside of State gaming, licensee participation in, receipt of notices, SB 266*
Powers and duties, generally, SB 14*
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Complaints and investigations, reports to Legislature, AB 57*
Discipline of professional licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Extradition, limitations on Governor’s warrant of arrest, SB 302††
State agencies, use of time or resources in furtherance of investigation or proceeding initiated in another state prohibited, SB 302††
Behavioral health workforce development consortium, representation, AB 37*
Discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 163†
“Domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, support of programs to counter, AB 117
Economic boycotts, prohibition against local governments or state agencies from entering into contracts with companies that engage in, SB 228D
Elections officials, dissemination of sensitive information of officials, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 406*
Gender-affirming services (See GENDER-AFFIRMING SERVICES)
Gender dysphoria or gender incongruence
Health insurers, discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 163†
Treatment for conditions relating to, insurance coverage, SB 163†
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Incarcerated persons
Rights of incarcerated persons, AB 292†
Standards of conduct for certain interactions between staff and offenders or prisoners, reports, AB 292†
Training of correctional staff, requirements, AB 292†
Transgender, gender non-conforming, gender non-binary and intersex, definitions, standards for use in state facilities, staff training, SB 153*
Treatment in accordance with gender identity or expression, AB 292†
Intercollegiate and interscholastic activities and events, designation based upon biological sex, requirements, AB 374D
Intimidation, use of symbols of hate, penalties, SB 227D
North Las Vegas, City of, diversity study, SB 184D
Public works contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, Internet publication of information, SB 272††
State and local purchasing and performance contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, Internet publication of information, SB 272††
State boards, commissions and similar bodies, appointments by Governor to represent diversity of State, public policy, procedure, SB 210††
Procedures (JSR 21), ACR 1‡
Contents, AB 521
Drinking water, financial assistance to municipalities and interstate agencies, AB 20*
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
Criminal offenders, wage deductions, removal of requirement, SB 187D
Obtaining or disclosing genetic information without consent unlawful, exceptions, SB 283*
Parentage, testing of persons in proceedings to adjudicate, requirements, AB 371††
Medical facilities and health care providers, installation within certain distance prohibited, SB 370*
Allowances and travel expenses, provision to Board members, SB 77
Composition, addition of voting member, SB 77
Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of, creation, authority, SB 431†
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Geothermal Energy Systems Demonstration Program, creation, AB 315†
Restrictive covenants prohibiting or restricting use of system void, AB 315†
Tax abatement for certain systems or facilities, SB 257*, AB 419D
Use or development, requirements, study, AB 315
Indian child, adoption of, applicability of certain provisions, AB 444†
Parentage Act, Uniform, adoption of certain provisions, AB 371††
Anatomical gifts (See ANATOMICAL GIFTS)
Baby Bonds Trust Fund, Nevada, authority of State Treasurer to apply for and accept, AB 28
Behavioral health policy boards, regional, authority to accept, AB 9D
Behavioral health services for adults or children, AB 201†
Career and technical program tax credit organization, donations to, duties, SB 144
Child and Family Services, Division of, authority to accept, AB 205D
Clark County Stadium Authority, authority to accept, SB 509
College and Career Readiness Assessment Committees, authority to accept, AB 247D
Community colleges, boards of trustees, authority to accept, SB 347†
Conservation Commission, State, authority to accept, AB 109
Corrections, Department of, authority to accept, SB 234†
Critical Needs Fund, authority of Housing Division to apply for and accept to deposit, SB 68
Doctors for Nevada Program, establishment, funding, AB 393D
Drugs or medical devices, gifts by manufacturers or wholesalers to practitioners prohibited, SB 203D
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, authority to accept, AB 113
Economic Development, Office of, authority of Executive Director, SB 496
Education, Department of, authority to accept, SB 212, SB 339†, AB 400*
Education, State Board of, authority to accept, AB 400†
Educational Choice, Account for, deposits, use, SB 200
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, authority to accept, AB 312
Environmental Protection, Division of, authority to accept, AB 184*
Forester Firewarden, State, authority to accept, AB 131*
Health and Human Services, Department of, authority to accept, SB 161*, AB 119*, AB 155†
Homelessness Support Services Matching Account, authority of Executive Director of Office of Economic Development to seek and accept, AB 528*
Housing Division, authority to accept, AB 310*
Insurance premium tax, credits for certain donations, SB 144, SB 220D, AB 385D
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Fund, sources, AB 409
Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, Nevada Local, authority to accept, AB 32*
Keep Nevada Working Task Force, authority of Secretary of State to accept for, SB 24*, AB 366††
Legislature, pledge not to require state agencies to reduce appropriations due to gifts received, SB 431†
Mental health consortium, statewide, authority to accept, AB 201†, AB 265†
Mental Health Services for Children, Account to Improve, donations to, AB 445
Modified business tax, credits for certain donations, SB 144, SB 369, AB 205D, AB 445
Motor Vehicles, Department of, authority to accept, AB 151*
Museums and History, Division of, authority of Administrator, AB 252*
National Atomic Testing Museum, relocation, authority of nonprofit corporation to accept, AB 80
Native American Affairs, Department of, accounting, AB 516*
Nevada Innovation Account, authority of the Executive Director of the Office of Economic Development to apply for and accept, AB 41
Nevada System of Higher Education
Authority to apply for and accept, AB 37*
NV Grow Program, money received from gifts and donations, use, SB 126*
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Opticians, Board of Dispensing, authority to apply for and accept, AB 415*
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, authority to accept, AB 164*
Prescription drugs, gifts from pharmaceutical manufacturers or wholesalers to practitioners prohibited, SB 203D
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, authority to accept, SB 118†, SB 390†, AB 156*, AB 201†, AB 386
Public Safety, Department of, authority to accept, AB 63D
School Modernization, Commission on, authority to apply for and accept, SB 56D
Liability insurance relating to work-based learning programs, authority to seek and accept, AB 207*
Restorative approaches, statewide framework for, authority to accept, AB 65†
Transportation of certain pupils, authority to accept gifts to assist, AB 497
Video cameras for special education classrooms, purchase and installation, SB 158
Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, authority, AB 393D
Security Division, authority to seek and accept, AB 67
Sidewalk Vending, Task Force on Safe, authority to apply for and accept, SB 92*
State agencies, gifts of property or services, acceptance, requirements, SB 431*, AB 383†
State colleges, boards of trustees, authority to accept, SB 347†
State Treasurer, authority to accept and use, SB 200, AB 323†, AB 428*
Student Loan Repayment for Providers of Health Care in Underserved Communities Program, authority of State Treasurer to apply for and accept, AB 45*
Teachers’ School Supplies Assistance Account, authority of Department to accept, SB 212, SB 339†
Transportation, Department of, authority to accept, AB 63D
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, authority to accept, SB 390*
Water Rights, Account for Purchasing and Retiring, authority of administrator to apply for and accept gifts and bequests for deposit, SB 176
Geofence, implementation within certain distance of medical facilities and health care providers prohibited, SB 370*
Medical assistance sought for fentanyl overdose, immunity from certain offenses or mitigation of penalty for certain offenses, SB 343D
Collective bargaining agreements
Arbitration, times for proceedings to begin and rendering of decision, AB 378*
Bailiffs and deputy marshals
County, authority to negotiate on behalf of, AB 377D
Employee of county, deemed to be, AB 377D
Mandatory bargaining, scope, limitations, AB 377D
Supervisory employees, exclusion from being deemed, AB 377D
Bargaining units
Firefighters, establishment and composition of bargaining unit for supervisory employees, requirements, SB 166*
Salary increases and one-time payments, appropriations, SB 440††, AB 522*
Implementation, appropriations, SB 510*
Law enforcement agencies
Dispatchers, supplemental bargaining authorized, AB 211D
Peace officers
Metropolitan police departments, employee organizations, membership of civilian employees, SB 264*
State employee, definition, applicability of laws, SB 319††
Supervisory employees, establishment and composition of bargaining, requirements, SB 166*, AB 180D
Support services, conditions for membership in employee organizations, SB 264†
Mediation, requests for, calendar days when mediation should occur, AB 378*
Negotiations, time for beginning of, AB 378*
Parking and transportation, mandatory subject, AB 172††
Public employees’ retirement
Employees, negotiated contribution rate authorized, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 388†
Mandatory subject of collective bargaining for certain groups of employees, requirements, SB 388
Reports, provision of certain employee information, AB 172††
State professional employers and professional employees, requirements, limitations, AB 224††
Government Employee-Management Relations Board
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Professional employers and professional employees, authority, AB 224††
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Access to school property, buildings or grounds to provide information to personnel, restrictions on fees, SB 79D
Large school districts
Principal, selection of staff in accordance with applicable bargaining agreements required, SB 148††, SB 282*
Transfer and reassignment of certain employees, authority to negotiate, SB 251††
State professional employers and professional employees, collective bargaining, procedures, AB 224††
Biennial reports transferred to Joint Interim Standing Committee on Government Affair, AB 243††
Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of, creation, authority, SB 431†
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Exemptions, surviving spouse of veterans, eligibility, exception, AB 295
Motor Vehicles, Department of, appropriation for discounts on tax, SB 403
State General Fund, removal of allocation, SB 452*
State Highway Fund, allocation, SB 452*
Appointments made by
Aging, Nevada Commission on, SB 43*
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, AB 58*, AB 429
Autism Spectrum Disorders, Nevada Commission on, Chair and Vice Chair, SB 411*
Awards and Honors Board, Nevada, AB 299*
Biomarker Testing, Task Force on Precision Medicine and, AB 155†
Cabinet secretaries, SB 431†
Cannabis Compliance Board, SB 328*
Chief Information Officer, appointment mandatory, SB 431*
Chief Innovation Officer, SB 431*
Community colleges, boards of trustees, SB 347†
County commissioners, SB 20††
Diversity of State, appointments to represent, public policy, procedure, SB 210††
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, Director, AB 113
Education, Commission on Professional Standards in, AB 4, AB 323, AB 428*
Education, Inspector General of, AB 149D
Education, State Board of, SB 347†, AB 341D
Employee Savings Trust Program, Board of Trustees of the Nevada, SB 305*
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, AB 312
Environmental Justice, Commission on, AB 312†
Film, Media and Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, SB 496
Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, duty removed, AB 274*
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, AB 395D
Graduate Medical Education, Advisory Council on, SB 350*
Health Care Services, Independent Commission on Rates for, AB 85
Hearings Division, Chief, officers and advisory committee, SB 507
Higher Education Administrative Services, Nevada Office of, members, SB 347†
Higher Education Funding, Commission on, SB 347
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, SB 3*
Human Trafficking, Nevada Blue Ribbon Committee on, AB 288D
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, SB 425*
Judicial Discipline, Commission on, SB 62†
Justices of the Supreme Court, vacancies, SB 63*
Keep Nevada Working Task Force, SB 24*
Medical Examiners, Board of, AB 364*
Museums and History, Board of, AB 252*
Naprapathic Practice Advisory Board, AB 153*
Native American Affairs, Department of, AB 516*
Nevada Children’s Commission, AB 412D
Nevada Medal of Distinction, selection committee, AB 299*
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, AB 164*
Public School Staff, Advisory Committee on the Safety and Well-Being of, AB 72*
Regional Training Programs, Statewide Council for the Coordination of the, AB 341D
School Choice, Office of, Executive Director, AB 400†
School Funding, Commission on, SB 98*, AB 400*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, SB 103*
State colleges, boards of trustees, SB 347†
Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada, AB 341D
Workforce Development Board, duties, AB 98*
Appropriations, SB 454*, AB 499
Attorney General, designation of liaison, SB 431†
Awards and Honors Board, Nevada, duties, AB 299*
Bill draft requests
Collective bargaining between state professional employers and professional employees, AB 224††
Reduction in maximum number, AB 200
Board of Regents, designation of liaison, SB 431†
Cabinet secretaries, appointments, duties, SB 431†
Campaign practices, candidates transitioning to office, reporting requirements, SB 60††
Chief Information Officer, Office of
Appointment of Officer, duties, SB 431*
Budget account, appropriation, AB 506†
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, elimination, duties transferred, SB 431*
Chief Innovation Officer, appointment, duties, SB 431*
Child and Family Services, Division of, receipt of notifications, SB 380*
COVID-19 Relief Programs budget account, certification of amount of money authorized or reauthorized for expenditure, AB 526*
Critical labor shortages, schools, designation of positions, AB 400†
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, creation, appropriation, AB 113
Economic Development, Office of (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, OFFICE OF)
Emergency management and response
Elections occurring during state of emergency or declared disaster, authority, SB 404†
Termination of state of emergency or declaration of disaster, SB 130D, SB 431†
Employees and staff, SB 431*
Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, study, consultations, SB 168D
Energy, Office of (See ENERGY, OFFICE OF)
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, creation, advice to Governor upon request, AB 312
Extradition, limitations on warrant of arrest, SB 131*, SB 302††
Finance, Office of (See FINANCE, OFFICE OF)
General appropriations legislation, duties, SB 511*, AB 520††
General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, SB 504*
Gifts or grants to state agencies, requirements, SB 431*, AB 383†
Groundwater boards, authority to dissolve transferred to county commissioners, SB 180
Health Care Services, Independent Commission on Rates for, duties, AB 85
Higher Education Administrative Services, Nevada Office of, duties, SB 347†
Judicial Department, designation of liaison, SB 431†
Juneteenth Day, annual proclamation, repeal of provision, AB 31D, AB 140*
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Commission, representation, AB 409
Messages to Legislature (JSR 2-JSR 2.4), ACR 1‡
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week, proclamation, SB 286*
Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, prospective receipt of notice regarding, SB 290*
New Americans, Office for (See NEW AMERICANS, OFFICE FOR)
Precision Medicine and Biomarker Testing Awareness Month, proclamation, AB 155†
Reports, receipt
Adult High School Diploma Program, funding, SB 503*
Aging and Disability Services Division, AB 422*
Behavioral Health, Commission on, AB 201†
Biomarker testing and precision medicine, study of, AB 155†
Broadband services available throughout state, SB 431†
Cannabis Compliance Board, SB 402
Child and Family Services, Division of, SB 41
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, AB 113
Economic Development, Office of, SB 431†, SB 496, AB 41, AB 261†, AB 428†
Economic Forum, SB 431†
Education, Inspector General of, AB 149D
Education, State Board of, AB 400*
Election Crimes Unit, AB 326D
Emerging Technologies Task Force, SB 165
Employee Savings Trust, Board of Trustees of the Nevada, SB 305*
Empowerment districts, SB 46D
Energy, Office of, AB 261†
Film infrastructure transferable tax credits, SB 496
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, AB 395D
Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 4*, AB 6, AB 201††
Health and Human Services, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, AB 201†
Health, State Board of, AB 263
Hearings Division, advisory committee, SB 507
Higher Education Funding, Commission on, SB 347
Housing Division, AB 310*
Human Resource Management, Division of, AB 451*
Human Trafficking, Nevada Blue Ribbon Committee on, AB 288D
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, SB 425*
Investigation and Prosecution of Election Crimes, Unit for, SB 325D
Language access plans of state agencies, SB 373
Legislative Auditor, SB 64D
Mental health consortium, statewide, AB 265†
Motor Vehicles, Department of, SB 205*
Native American Affairs, Department of, AB 516*
NV Grow Program, study, SB 126†
Offenders, Office of the Ombudsperson for, AB 452*
Opioid Task Force, Clark County Regional, AB 132*
Patient Protection Commission, AB 6
Public Safety, Department of, AB 63D
Regulatory bodies, biennial reports, AB 402D
School Funding, Commission on, AB 400*
Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, SB 350*
Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs, Committee on, AB 201††
Superintendent of Public Instruction, SB 98*, SB 340††
Teach Nevada Collaborative, SB 438
Transportation, Department of, AB 63D
Workforce, Department of, SB 431†
Workforce Innovation, Office of, AB 428*
Education funding, proposed executive budget, AB 459
Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, direction of remedial actions, AB 400*
Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of (See also SCIENCE, INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY, OFFICE OF)
Creation within Department of Workforce, SB 431†
Secretary of State, designation of liaison, SB 431†
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, removal of certain appointment duty, SB 103*
Staff and employees
Designation, SB 431*
Salaries, maximum allowable, appropriation, SB 431*, AB 522*
State Controller, designation of liaison, SB 431†
State of emergency or declaration of disaster, powers and duties, SB 136D, AB 103D
State Treasurer, designation of liaison, SB 431†
Work programs of state departments and agencies, requests for revision, duties, removal of certain reporting requirement, AB 527†
Workforce, Department of, appointment of Director, SB 431†
Workforce Development Board, Governor’s (See WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD, GOVERNOR’S)
Workforce Innovation, Governor’s Office of (See WORKFORCE INNOVATION, GOVERNOR’S OFFICE OF)
World Esports Day, annual proclamation, AB 82*
Juvenile courts, authority to order counseling or psychological treatment of child, SB 359†
Public utility, defacing infrastructure prohibited, penalties, AB 321*
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, grants awarded by, AB 429
Aviation, Fund for, appropriation, AB 429
Baby Bonds Trust Fund, Nevada, authority of State Treasurer to apply for and accept, AB 28
Behavioral health policy boards, regional, authority to apply for, accept and award, AB 9D
Behavioral health programs that provide integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders, grants to promote, AB 435D
Behavioral health services for adults and children, requirements, AB 201†
Broadband Infrastructure, Account for the Grant Program for, creation, use, SB 431†
Broadband services, grants of federal money, awards by state agencies, requirements, SB 384††
Child Adoption Grant Program, Nevada, AB 205D
Child and Family Services, Division of, awards to certain prospective adoptive parents, authority to accept, AB 205D
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, incentive pay program replaced with categorical grant program, SB 41
Clark County Stadium Authority, authority to seek and accept, SB 509
College and Career Readiness Assessment Committees, authority to seek and accept, AB 247D
Conservation and Recreation Program, Nevada, creation, grant program, SB 176
Conservation Commission, State, authority to apply for and accept, AB 109
Corrections, Department of, authority to apply for and accept, SB 234†
Critical Needs Fund, authority of Housing Division to apply for and accept to deposit, SB 68
Doctors for Nevada Program, establishment, funding, AB 393D
Domestic terror activity, state and local programs to counter, grants to support, AB 117
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, authority to accept, AB 113
Economic Development, Office of, authority to accept, SB 496
Education, Department of, authority to accept, SB 212, SB 339*, AB 400*
Education, State Board of, authority to accept, AB 400†
Educational Choice Scholarship Program, Nevada, SB 220D, AB 385D, AB 400†
Emerging Technologies Task Force, authority to seek, SB 165
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, authority to accept, establishment of grant program, AB 312
Environmental Protection, Division of, authority to seek and accept, AB 184*
Federal grants, acceptance by departments, institutions or agencies, requests for provisional approval, AB 361*
Film, Media and Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, duties, SB 496
Forestry, urban and community, grants to promote, AB 131*
Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, establishment, duties, SB 350*
Grant organizations, certain donations to, tax credits, duties, SB 369
Health and Human Services, Department of, authority to apply for and accept, SB 161*, AB 7*, AB 119*, AB 155†
Health information, framework for electronic maintenance, transmittal and exchange, establishment, grants to health care providers, appropriation, SB 419††
Homelessness Support Services Matching Account, authority of Executive Director of Office of Economic Development to seek and accept, AB 528*
Hospitals, establishment of new residency training or postdoctoral fellowship programs, donations to grant organizations, SB 369
Housing Division, SB 68, AB 310*
Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching, grant program, AB 515*
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Fund, sources, AB 409
Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, Nevada Local
Authority to accept, AB 32*
Grants awarded by, appropriation, AB 388*
Keep Nevada Working Task Force, authority of Secretary of State to accept for, SB 24*, AB 366††
Legislature, pledge not to require state agencies to reduce appropriations due to grants received, SB 431†
Mental health consortium, statewide, authority to apply for and accept, AB 201†, AB 265†
Motor Vehicles, Department of, authority to accept, AB 151*
Museums and History, Division of, authority of Administrator, AB 252*
National Atomic Testing Museum, relocation, authority of nonprofit corporation to accept, AB 80
Nevada Innovation Account
Competitive grant programs, allocation of funds, AB 41
Economic Development, Office of, authority of the Executive Director to apply for and accept, AB 41
Nevada System of Higher Education
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center of Nevada, authority to apply for and accept, AB 37*
Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching Program, creation, AB 323†
Nursing programs, undergraduate and graduate, grants to support, appropriation, SB 375*
NV Grow Program, money received from grants, use, SB 126*
Opticians, Board of Dispensing, authority to seek and accept, AB 415*
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, authority to seek and accept, AB 164*
Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program Account, appropriation, SB 474, AB 128*
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, authority to accept, SB 118†, SB 390†, AB 156*, AB 386
Public Safety, Department of, authority to accept, AB 63D
Regional transportation commissions, authority, SB 17D
School Modernization, Commission on, authority to apply for and accept, SB 56D
Assist Rural School Districts in Financing Capital Improvements, Fund to, creation, use, AB 519*
Career and technical education programs, receipt and use of grants, SB 144, SB 503*
Dual credit programs, award of grants to school districts with, appropriation, AB 347
Early childhood literacy and readiness programs, grants to support, AB 400*
Education savings account program, procedures, SB 200
Educational Choice, Account for, deposits, use, SB 200
Incentives for schools and teachers that achieve high levels of pupil growth, SB 151D
Restorative approaches, statewide framework for, authority to accept, AB 65†
Transportation of certain pupils, authority to accept gifts to assist, AB 497
Tribal land, grants for capital projects for schools located on, AB 519*
Video cameras for special education classrooms, purchase and installation, SB 158
Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, authority, SB 350*, AB 393D
Security Division, authority to seek and accept, AB 67
Sidewalk Vending, Task Force on Safe, authority to apply for and accept, SB 92*
State agencies, grants of property or services, acceptance, requirements, SB 431*, AB 383†
State Treasurer, authority to accept, SB 200, AB 323†, AB 428*
Student Loan Repayment for Providers of Health Care in Underserved Communities Program, authority of State Treasurer to apply for and accept, AB 45*
Teach Nevada Collaborative, duties, SB 438
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, repeal, SB 438
Teacher Advancement Scholarship Program, Nevada, AB 400*
Teacher Pipeline Account, State, grants to support career and technical education, AB 400†
Teachers’ School Supplies Assistance Account, authority of Department to accept, SB 212, SB 339†
Transforming Opportunities for Toddlers and Students Grant Program, creation within Nevada ABLE Savings Program, SB 287
Transportation, Department of, authority to accept, AB 63D
Transportation Modernization Grants Program Account, establishment, use, SB 357
Transportation projects, grants that promote innovative and emerging transportation and transit technologies, SB 17D
Treatment Works and the Implementation of Pollution Control Projects, Account to Finance the Construction of, eligibility of municipalities and interstate agencies, AB 20*
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, grant program to assist certain interns, appropriations, SB 300
Urban and community forestry, grants to promote, AB 131*
Virtual Currency Recovery Account, grants from, SB 333†
Water resource plans, award of grants for development and maintenance, appropriation, SB 102
Water Rights, Account for Purchasing and Retiring, authority of administrator to apply for and accept grants for deposit, SB 176
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Electric utilities, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction programs, requirements, regulations, SB 356D
Passenger carriers, taxes on, credits for certain vehicles powered by electricity, requirements, AB 427
Public buildings, net-zero emissions by 2050, requirement, SB 52D
Senior living facilities, carbon dioxide detection, requirements, reports, AB 281††
State-owned vehicles, transition to zero tailpipe emissions, legislative declaration, AB 262*
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, grants to promote, AB 131*
Arbitration provisions nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Accountants and investigators, removal of limit on number of that may be hired, SB 15D
Name change, SB 15D
Appeals of decision, grounds, AB 381D
Appointment of guardians
Ad litem guardians, scope and duties, opportunity to object, AB 381D
Dismissal, grounds, AB 381D
Petitions, contents, AB 381D
Temporary guardians, petitions, contents, AB 381D
Attorney’s fees and costs, AB 381D
Euthanasia drugs, patient requesting or revoking request not deemed to be in need of guardian, SB 239††
Health care decisions, advance health-care directives, compliance, AB 414†
Rights of protected persons, AB 381D
Temporary guardians, appointment, authority, limitations, AB 381D
Termination of guardianship, burden of proof, AB 381D
Ad litem guardians, requirements, AB 446D
Attendance by proposed protected minor at hearing, AB 446D
Burden of proof, considerations of the court, AB 446D
Guardian of the person, appointment or extension of appointment of, authority of court, SB 15D
Joint guardians, requirements, AB 446D
Petitions, contents, AB 446D
Attorneys, appointment to represent certain protected minors or proposed protected minors, AB 446D
Blocked account of guardian, requirements, AB 446D
Bond of guardian, removal of provision, AB 446D
Dental homes, referrals to, requirements, AB 147*
Divorce proceedings, exclusion of certain persons from court, procedures, SB 409D
Down syndrome, provision of information and referrals for community support services to certain persons, requirements, AB 116*
Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, representation, AB 114*
Guardians of the estate, duties, AB 446D
Guardians of the person, duties, AB 446D
Health care records, provision of electronic records to parents, charging of fee, restrictions, SB 283*
Investigators, authority to obtain certain birth or death records relating to proceedings, SB 15D
Joint guardians, appointment, requirements, AB 446D
Medicaid coverage for certain children under guardianship required, SB 332D
Medicaid Outreach Advisory Committee, creation, SB 419††
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, representation, AB 164*
Appointment of guardian, contents, AB 446D
Notice, requirements, AB 446D
Proposed preliminary care plan and budget, requirements, AB 446D
Vexatious litigants, exceptions, sanctions, AB 446D
Real and personal property, transactions involving, repeal of provisions, AB 446D
Recording fees, collection and use, SB 15D
Removal of guardian, procedures, effect, AB 446D
Repeal of certain provisions, AB 446D
Interscholastic activities, head injuries sustained by participants, receipt of information, SB 80*
Military children, school transfer because of documented pending military transfer of guardian, requirements, AB 185*
Power-based Violence in Schools, Committee on Responses to, creation, membership, AB 245*
Public service employees, administrative leave to attend certain school meetings, SB 344D
Religious holidays, pupils absent from school to observe, notice to school, AB 264*
Sexuality education course of instruction, receipt of notice and forms, requirements, SB 439†, AB 357
Sexually transmitted diseases, prevention services to minors without consent or notification of guardian, SB 172*
Special immigrant juveniles, requirements, SB 15D
Teledentistry, provision of services to minors, requirements, AB 147*
Termination of guardianship, procedures, AB 446D
Virtual Early Childhood Family Engagement Pilot Program, creation, AB 348*
Gender dysphoria, treatment for conditions relating to, insurance coverage, SB 163†
Answer by respondent, contents, AB 49*
Form, certain petitions for postconviction relief, AB 49*
“Prosecuting agency” defined, AB 49*
Return, service and filing, repeal of provision, AB 49*
Service, electronic means, AB 49*
Credits against imprisonment, conviction exempt from, AB 271D
“Facility for the dependent,” removal of halfway houses from definition, effect, AB 403*
“Halfway house” terminology changed to “recovery house,” AB 403*
Contraception, claims regarding governmental imposition of requirements or limitations, vexatious litigants, AB 383††
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Homeless Persons’ Bill of Rights, right to be free from harassment, SB 142D
Legislature, anti-harassment policy (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1*
North Las Vegas, City of, prohibited acts by certain officers, SB 246††
Protection orders
Child, orders for protection against
Admissions, representations or statements made during proceedings, admissibility, SB 382*
Appointment of attorney, removal of requirement, SB 382*
Court may authorize applicant to record communications with adverse party, AB 51†
Violation, effect of underlying crime on additional period of imprisonment, AB 51*
Sexual harassment (See SEXUAL HARASSMENT)
Stalking (See STALKING)
Targeted residential picketing prohibited, penalty, SB 122D
Definitions, ownership or possession of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Commercial motor vehicles, disqualification from operating upon certain felony convictions, SB 66*
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances intentionally added to products, sale or distribution, requirements, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 76††
Personal delivery devices, operation, penalties, SB 422*
Aging and Disability Services Division
Community Advocate for Elder Rights, Office of the
Name change, SB 43*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Computer hardware and software, appropriations, AB 476*
Dementia care specialist program, establishment, appropriation, AB 167
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, pilot program, duties, reports, AB 422*
Financial institutions, exploitation of aged or vulnerable persons, notifications, SB 355*
Intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities, persons with
Habilitation services, funding, duties, AB 259*
Jobs and day training services
Advocates for recipients at certain meetings, duties, AB 259*
Annual plans for wage transitions, employment and community activities and reports, receipts, AB 259*
Wage requirements, AB 259*
Pharmaceutical services, duties relating to provision of, SB 4*
Property tax, partial refunds to certain persons, procedures, duties, SB 374D, SB 430
Revenue shortfall, appropriation, AB 501
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Skilled nursing, facilities for, electronic communication devices, access to device, AB 202*
Strategic plan for persons with disabilities, duties, SB 43*
Vulnerable adults
Financial institutions, exploitation of vulnerable persons, notifications, SB 355*
Investigations, powers when access to person is barred, AB 254D
Temporary orders for protection, powers, immunity from liability, AB 254D
Alcohol and other substance use disorder, public money, authorized use, AB 156*
Baby Bonds Program, Nevada, duties, AB 28
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center and consortium, duties, AB 37*
Biomarker Testing, Task Force on Precision Medicine and, creation, reports, AB 155†
Caregivers, interim assessment and study, duties, report, AB 100*
Chief Medical Officer
Head injuries affecting pupils’ ability to engage in course work, policy on treatment, adoption, requirements, SB 80*
Neurodegenerative diseases, reporting of information, duties, SB 390*
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, membership, AB 179
Child and Family Services, Division of (See also CHILD WELFARE SERVICES, AGENCIES WHICH PROVIDE)
Administrator, duties regarding statewide mental health consortium, AB 265††
Adopted children with special needs, financial assistance to adoptive parents, duties, funding, AB 255*
Behavioral health services for children, duties, receipt of recommendations and advice, AB 201††
Caliente Youth Center, appropriations, SB 495*
Child Adoption Grant Program, Nevada, duties, reports, AB 205D
Children, Youth and Family Administration, appropriation, SB 380*
Clark County Welfare, appropriation, SB 380*
Commercially sexually exploited children, approval of certain screening methods, AB 183*
Commercially Sexually Exploited Children, Executive Committee to Review the Cases of, establishment, AB 238D
Computer hardware and software, appropriation, SB 495*
Criminal investigators employed by Division, designation as category II peace officers, SB 8*
Extended Young Adult Support Services Program, duties, reports, SB 380*
Family Support Program, appropriation, SB 380*
Incentive pay to certain employees, program replaced with categorical grant program, SB 41
Indian children
Adoption, regulations, reports, AB 444*
Tribal-state agreements regarding child enrollment in tribe, authority to enter into agreements, AB 444*
Intensive behavioral health treatment facilities, certain information relating to, duties, AB 435D
Mental health services to children
Mental health consortia , duties, receipt of reports, AB 201††
Review of existing regulations, duties, AB 445
Statewide metal health consortium, duties, receipt of reports, AB 201††
Tax abatements to businesses providing, receipt of information, duties, AB 445
Nevada Children’s Commission, appointments to, AB 412D
Nevada Youth Training Center, appropriations, SB 495*
Regional behavioral health policy boards, receipt of advice and reports, AB 201††
Regional treatment and rehabilitation facilities, county assessments, calculation, AB 68*
Rural Child Welfare, appropriation, SB 380*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Southern Nevada Child and Adolescent Services, appropriation, SB 495*
Statewide mental health consortium, membership, AB 265††
Summit View Youth Center, appropriations, SB 495*
Victims of strangulation, reimbursement of counties, appropriation, AB 257*
Washoe County Child Welfare, appropriation, SB 380*
Youth Parole Bureau
Appropriation and authorized expenditures, SB 495*
Firearms, release of information in background check for purchase and possession of, SB 367*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Children’s behavioral health system of care, expenditures and costs avoided, tracking, reinvestment of money, presentation, AB 201††
Controlled substances, studies conducted by research facilities, regulations, SB 242†
Dental Health Officer, State, appointment, SB 44*
Behavioral Health, Commission on, receipt of reports, AB 201†
Children receiving Medicaid, data, duties, AB 237†
Health information exchange, advisory group, membership, reports, AB 7*
Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, duties, AB 130*
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, duties, AB 179
Doula services, incentive program to certain recipients of Medicaid, AB 283*
Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, representation, AB 114*
Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, study, consultations, SB 168D
Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Program, establishment, AB 168
Firearm storage education campaign, duties, SB 294*
Fiscal Advisory Committee for a Flexible Continuum of Care Plan, establishment, appropriations, SB 400††
Fund for a Healthy Nevada, duties, SB 4*
Graduate Medical Education, Advisory Council on, creation, representation, SB 350*
Health care cost growth benchmarks, collaboration with certain state agencies, AB 6
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of
Account to Improve Health Care Quality and Access for Patients of Certain Providers, creation, AB 197
Account to Improve Health Care Quality and Access, uses, SB 435*
Alternative Billing Resource Office, establishment, AB 237†
Assessment on percentage of net revenue of certain health care providers, imposition, regulations, AB 197
Behavior analysts and technicians, Medicaid coverage, appropriation, SB 191*
Behavioral health services, Medicaid coverage, appropriation, AB 138*
Biomarker testing, cost-effectiveness, study, appropriation, AB 155*
Cancer and rare diseases, services to children, appropriation, SB 221*
Children’s Health Insurance Program, costs for, appropriation, SB 419††
Critical access hospitals, appropriation, SB 241*
Dementia, structured family caregiving for certain persons suffering from, appropriation, AB 208*
Dental services, Medicaid coverage, appropriation, SB 385*
Doulas, services, Medicaid coverage, appropriation, AB 283*
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Medicaid coverage, appropriation, AB 137*
Fixed rates for goods and services provided by health care facilities, violations, duties, AB 85
Gender dysphoria, treatment, appropriation, SB 163†
Health care cost growth benchmarks, appropriation, AB 6
Health Care Financing and Policy Administration budget, appropriations, SB 494*
Health information exchange, advisory group, membership, AB 7*
Indigent persons, county funds for medical assistance to, allocations, use, SB 42*
Intergovernmental transfers from counties, use, SB 42*
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Mental health consortium, statewide, representation, membership, AB 201†, AB 265††
Mental Health Services for Children, Account to Improve, administration, duties, AB 445
Mental health services to children, certain businesses providing, cost-based reimbursement rate for services provided, AB 445
Nursing facilities, increase in daily reimbursement rate, appropriation, AB 237*
Postpartum care services, appropriation and authorized expenditures, SB 232*
Rates for Health Care Services, Independent Commission on, creation, duties, regulations, AB 85
School-based health centers, study, duties, AB 237†
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
State Dental Health Officer, removal of duty to appoint, SB 44*
Translation services, methodology for compensation, duties, appropriation, AB 383††
Health information exchanges, duties, appropriation to award grants, AB 7*
HIV, persons diagnosed with, provision of uninterrupted services during public health emergencies, duties, SB 439*
Homeless persons, establishment of matching funds program, duties, AB 528*
Human Trafficking, Account for Victims of, name change, SB 389*
Innovation Hub, Nevada, support, SB 419†
Interim assessment, certain caregivers, duties, reports, AB 100*
Interim study, aftercare capacity of caregivers, duties, report, AB 100†
Maternal Mortality Review Committee, review of preventable infant deaths in State, AB 168†
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Medical facilities and related entities, approval of courses or programs on cultural competency, duties, reports, AB 267*
Medication-assisted treatment for certain offenders, duties, AB 156*
Minority Health and Equity, Office of (See MINORITY HEALTH AND EQUITY, OFFICE OF)
Modified business tax, credits, duties, SB 278
Opioid overdose fatality reviews, requirements, AB 132†
Oral Health, State Program for
Advisory Committee, transferred to Department, SB 44*
Transfer of program to Department, SB 44*
Overdose Fatalities, Committee to Review, creation, AB 132†
Pharmaceutical services, duties relating to provision of, SB 4*
Pharmacy benefit managers, duties, AB 440D
Physician group practices, notification to Department of certain transactions, duties, SB 348*
Precision Medicine and Biomarker Testing, Task Force on, creation, reports, AB 155†
Prisoners, treatment and aftercare programs for substance use or co-occurring disorders, duties, AB 156†
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, support, SB 242
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of
Administrator, building water systems, duties, AB 263
Assisted reproduction, receipt of notice of certain violations, SB 309*
Behavioral health policy boards, regional
Duties, AB 9D
Reports, receipt, AB 201††
Behavioral health services for adults, duties, receipt of recommendations, AB 201††
Birth tissue
Living donations of, Internet publication of entities which accept, duties, AB 154*
Private bank or organization that process, certification, duties, AB 154†
Child care facilities, transfer of duties to Division of Welfare and Supportive Services, AB 463*
Computer hardware and software, replacement of certain equipment, appropriation, AB 511*
Contracts and agreements for certain purposes, requirements, AB 435D
Deferred maintenance projects, appropriation, AB 511*
Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, representation, AB 114*
Emergency medical care, independent centers for, duties, SB 348†
Emergency Medical Services, Committee on, removal of provisions, AB 358D
Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure, Recognition of, duties, appropriation, AB 158*
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, procedures, duties, reports, SB 239††
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, duties, AB 137*
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Halfway houses, duties, AB 403*
Health care facilities, violations regarding fixed rates for goods and services, receipt of reports, duties, AB 85
Health districts, duties, appropriation, SB 118*
Health information exchange, advisory group, membership, AB 7*
Hospitals or psychiatric hospitals
Closure or conversion, duties, SB 348*
Suspension or revocation of license, authority, AB 11††
Integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders, programs that provide, regulations, AB 435D
Intensive behavioral health treatment facilities, certain information relating to, duties, AB 435D
Kratom products, duties, regulations, appropriation, AB 322††
Medical laboratories, criminal histories of applicants, duties, AB 503†
Midwives, licensure and regulation, duties, AB 386
Multiple sclerosis, Internet publication of information, SB 286*
Naprapathy, practice of, regulation, AB 153*
Neurodegenerative diseases, information reported by health care providers and facilities, duties, SB 390†
Opioid antagonists, funding for bulk purchase of, accounting, AB 156*
Oral Health, State Program for, transferred to Department, SB 44*
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, duties, AB 179
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, regulations, duties, AB 134D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Residential facility for groups, duties, SB 298*
Revenue shortfall and increase in operating costs, appropriation, AB 502*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Senior living facilities, HVAC assessments, receipt of reports, AB 281††
Skilled nursing, facilities for, electronic communication devices, access to device, AB 202*
Soil Health Advisory Board, creation, membership, AB 109
State Public Health Dental Hygienist, removal of duty to appoint, SB 44*
Suicide Prevention Lifeline Program, duties, receipt of reports, SB 237*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Tobacco products excise tax, deposit of portion of proceeds, SB 95
Unused drugs, take-back bins for collection and destruction, duties, SB 183D
Vaccination status of patients and visitors, refusal to provide health care services based upon, disciplinary action, duties, AB 234D
Veterans, collection of data, removal of provisions, AB 358D
Wellness and the Prevention of Chronic Disease, Advisory Council on the State Program for, appointment of certain advisory group, authority removed, SB 214*, SB 431†
Public assistance, duties, SB 161*, SB 222*
Public Health Dental Hygienist, State, appointment, SB 44*
Referenced drugs sold or delivered at higher than maximum fair price, regulation, AB 250††
Reports to Joint Interim Standing Committee on Health and Human Services, AB 435D
Resilient Nevada, Advisory Committee for a, compensation of members increased, SB 210††
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Structured family caregiving for recipients of Medicaid suffering from dementia, duties, AB 208*
Substance use disorders, public money, authorized use, AB 156*
Virtual Early Childhood Advisory Council, creation, duties, receipt of reports, AB 348*
Virtual Early Childhood Family Engagement Pilot Program, appropriation, AB 348*
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, creation, AB 119*
Vulnerable adults, temporary orders for protection, immunity from liability, AB 254D
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of
Administrator, child care facilities, duties, AB 463*
Child abuse or neglect, Statewide Central Registry, access to information, AB 463*
Child care facilities, transfer of duties from Division of Public and Behavioral Health, AB 463*
Computer generated forms, duties, AB 148†
Dementia, structured family caregiving for certain persons suffering from, appropriation, AB 208*
Demographic information, collection, appropriation, AB 139*
Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, representation, AB 114*, AB 463*
Health information exchange, advisory group, membership, AB 7*
Homelessness, persons experiencing, duties, SB 317*
Information technology upgrades and projects, appropriations, SB 232*, AB 512*
Medicaid Outreach Advisory Committee, creation, SB 419††
Menstrual products, program to provide, duties, SB 161*
Modified business tax, credits, duties, SB 278†
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Worksite wellness and family-friendly policies, information provided to employers, SB 278
Workforce evaluation, study, SB 419†
Adoption, AB 414†
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Repeal of provisions, AB 414†
Uniform Health Care Decisions Act, adoption, AB 414†
HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS (See also specific providers)
Advertisements, deceptive statements regarding services prohibited, penalties, AB 418D
Anesthesiologist assistants, inclusion in definition of “provider of health care,” AB 270*
Applicability of certain laws to practice of other healing arts, scope of authority, SB 336*
Assault or battery committed upon, applicability of enhanced penalties, SB 289*
Assessment on percentage of net revenue, imposition, requirements, penalties, AB 197
Community health workers, services provided under supervision of certain providers, Medicaid coverage, SB 117*
Governmental imposition of certain requirements or limitations, restrictions, remedies, vexatious litigants, AB 383††
Creative arts therapists, enrollment with Medicaid to provide services, duty to report certain abuse or neglect, AB 338
Cultural competency, education and training of certain providers, SB 365D, AB 267*
Dental hygienists and dental therapists, inclusion in definition of “health care provider,” AB 147*
Dialysate drugs or device necessary to administer dialysis, distribution, requirements, AB 110*
Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, reports submitted to, requirements, confidentiality of information, SB 2*
Down syndrome, provision of information and referrals for community support services to certain persons, requirements, AB 116*
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, procedures, disciplinary action or penalties prohibited, SB 239††
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, forms necessary for employee’s leave of absence, fees charged by providers limited, AB 437††
Fertility fraud, penalty, remedies, parent-child relationship not created, SB 154D
Gender-affirming services, discipline for providing prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Genetic information, obtaining or disclosing without consent unlawful, exceptions, SB 283*
Geofence, implementation within certain distance of providers prohibited, SB 370*
Health care records (See MEDICAL RECORDS)
Health carrier network plans, denial of request from provider to enter provider network contract restricted, SB 146*
Health information, framework for electronic maintenance, transmittal and exchange, establishment, requirements, immunities, SB 419††, AB 7*
Health Service Corp, Nevada System of Higher Education, appropriation, AB 248
HIV, training in stigma, discrimination and unrecognized bias toward persons who have, requirements, SB 439*
Hospitals (See also HOSPITALS)
Agreements with Armed Forces of United States for provision of care by certain persons, AB 311*
Long-acting reversible contraception, injection or insertion upon request of patients, requirements, exceptions, SB 280*
Interim study, capacity of aftercare by caregivers upon release, duties, AB 100†
Mental or physical examinations, rights of persons compelled by certain obligations, remedies for violations, AB 244*
Midwives, applicability of law, AB 386
Naprapaths, inclusion in definition of “health care provider,” AB 153*
Neurodegenerative diseases, reporting requirements, duties, regulation, SB 390*
Neuromodulators, use, authority, AB 196D
Off-label use of drug product, authority to prescribe or dispense, AB 234D
Opioid overdose fatality reviews, requirements, AB 132†
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, representation, AB 164*
Overdose Fatalities, Committee to Review, creation, representation, AB 132†
Peace officers, duty to seek medical aid for persons in custody who indicate inability to breathe, SB 362*
Pharmaceutical manufacturers or wholesalers, gifts to practitioners prohibited, SB 203D
Rates for Health Care Services, Independent Commission on, creation, representation, AB 85
Reproductive health (See also REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES)
Establishment of certain rights, constitutional amendment, SJR 7‡
Residential facility for groups, involuntary discharge of residents, prohibited acts, SB 298*
School pupils, head injuries, duties, SB 80*
Sexuality education course of instruction, authority to teach, SB 439†, AB 357
Step therapy protocol
Development of protocol and use, requirements, SB 194*
Exemptions from protocol and appeals, Internet publication of procedures, SB 194*
Psychiatric condition, treatment, restrictions, SB 167*
Student Loan Repayment for Providers of Health Care in Underserved Communities Program, eligibility, AB 45*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 198†
Trauma centers and emergency rooms, limitation on liability repealed, AB 209D
Vaccination status of patients, prohibited acts, AB 234D
Voluntary health care service
Professional liability insurance, requirements, AB 209D
Restrictions on providing, AB 120*
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, representation, AB 119*
Emergency medical services, payment for services
Out-of-network private ambulance service, payment for services by third party, SB 372D
Out-of-network providers, arbitration conducted by qualified state employee, authority of state agency to retain money paid for costs of arbitrator, SB 497*
Creation, duties, AB 85
Health and Human Services
Director, authority to contract with, duties, prohibited acts, AB 7*
Grants to certain health care providers and facilities, appropriation, AB 7*
Health care providers accessing and using exchange, immunity from liability, AB 7*
Health care records, creation, authentication and storage authorized, AB 7*
Transmittal of records to exchange, consent of patient requirements, AB 7†
State law and regulations supersede and preempt local ordinance or regulation, AB 418D
Barbershops and barber schools, sanitary requirements, authority, SB 265D
Clark County
Opioid Task Force, Regional, representation, AB 132*
Septic systems, connection to community sewerage disposal system, duties, fees, AB 220*
Vaccination status of patients and visitors, refusal to provide health care services based upon, disciplinary action, duties, AB 234D
Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, sharing of information, SB 2*
Drinking water, provision to customers of food establishments, regulations, AB 186D
Emergency medical services, receipt of notice by operators, AB 178
Health districts
Creation, allocation of certain funds, requirements, reports, SB 118*
Rules affecting businesses, SB 261*
State business portal, participation, AB 14†
Health information exchange, advisory group, membership, AB 7*
HIV, persons diagnosed with, provision of uninterrupted services during public health emergencies, duties, SB 439*
Medical cannabis, cultivating, growing or producing by holders of registry identification cards, duties, AB 240D
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, powers and duties, receipt of reports, AB 115D
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, allocations to health districts, appropriation, SB 118*
SARS-CoV-2, requirement in larger counties to adopt regulations relating to, removal of requirement, SB 441*
Self-administration of medication designed to end life of patient, investigation of death, death certificates, SB 239††
Sidewalk vendors, licensing and regulation in larger counties, regulations, SB 92*
Unused drugs, take-back bins for collection and destruction, duties, SB 183†
Water systems, default of system, duties, AB 220*
Anticonvulsant medication, prescription drug coverage, SB 177*
Antipsychotic medication, typical or atypical, prescription drug coverage, SB 177*
Arbitration provisions nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Associate physicians, services provided by, coverage, SB 204
Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 155*
Breast cancer imaging tests, coverage, SB 330*
Children’s Health Insurance Program, prescription drugs, contracts for, requirements, SB 161*
Clinical services to monitor use and effectiveness, coverage, services provided by pharmacists, AB 383†
Condoms for persons age 13 or older, coverage, SB 439*
Copayments and coinsurance, restrictions on charges, SB 161*
Language translation services, payment of expenditures, AB 383†
Long-acting reversible contraception, coverage for certain devices, SB 280*
Pharmacists, services provided by, requirements, SB 161*
Prior authorization requirement prohibited, SB 161*, AB 383†
Voluntary sterilization of men, coverage, AB 383†
Dental care
Codes, prohibited acts, SB 393†
Limitation on rates for coverage, examination of records for noncompliance, SB 393*
Ratio of losses to premiums, reports, SB 393*
Gender dysphoria, treatment for conditions relating to, required coverage, SB 163†
Health care cost growth benchmarks, reporting of certain information, requirements, AB 6
Health care providers, form letters sent to, report to Commissioner, SB 57*
Hepatitis C, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
HIV, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
Homelessness and certain issues, reinvestment of certain annual profits to address, SB 400††
Living organ donors, discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Medicaid, prescription drugs, contracts for, requirements, SB 161*
Opioid use disorder, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*, AB 156*
Pharmacists, services provided by, coverage, SB 201
Qualified health-related service, coverage, AB 237†
Sexually transmitted diseases, medical services relating to, coverage, SB 439*
Step therapy protocol
Development of protocol and use, requirements, applicability of laws, SB 194*
Exemptions from protocol and appeals, Internet publication of procedures, SB 194*
Psychiatric condition, treatment, restrictions, SB 167*
Telehealth, third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Tobacco, cessation of use, coverage, AB 294D
Donor breast milk and certain related products, Medicaid coverage, SB 137D
Down syndrome, provision of information and referrals for community support services to certain persons, requirements, AB 116*
Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Program, establishment, AB 168
Hospital admission for purpose of giving birth, physical examination or medical history of patient by certified nurse-midwife, SB 146*
Infant deaths, preventable, review by Maternal Mortality Review Committee, AB 168†
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, requirements, AB 179
Pregnancy (See PREGNANCY)
Prenatal and postnatal care of incarcerated prisoners, adoption of policy, requirements, AB 292*
Reproductive health care services (See REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES)
Behavioral health care providers, applicability, AB 69
Hospitals, donations to grant organizations, duties, receipt of reports, SB 369
Matching money, transfers to School of Medicine, AB 45*
Student loans, repayment of certain, appropriation, AB 69
Barbershops and barber schools, sanitary requirements, duties, SB 265D
Behavioral health, care or treatment, regulation, AB 201††
Behavioral health services for adults, certification of providers, regulation, AB 201†
Birth tissue, donation of, regulations, AB 154†
Child care facilities, fire inspections and fire drills, regulation, AB 463*
Cultural competency, training of agents or employees of medical facilities and related entities, duties, SB 365D, AB 267*
Dietitians (See DIETITIANS)
Down syndrome, provision of information and referrals for community support services to certain persons, regulations, AB 116*
Drinking water, provision to customers of food establishments, regulations, AB 186D
Emergency Medical Services, Board of, regulations, AB 358D
Emergency Medical Services, Committee on, removal of provisions, AB 358D
Exempt laboratories, pharmacist authorized to serve as director, regulations, SB 201
Hospitals, duties upon discharging homeless patients, regulation, duties, AB 406D
HVAC standards, review of certain standards, AB 281††
Legionnaire’s disease, water management program to minimize in covered health care facilities, regulations, AB 263
Medical Laboratory Advisory Committee, vacancies, submission of letter to Board, AB 239*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Midwifery, regulations, AB 386
Music therapists (See MUSIC THERAPISTS)
Naprapathy, practice of, regulation, AB 153*
Neurodegenerative diseases, reporting requirements, regulation, duties, SB 390*
Opioid overdose fatality reviews, requirements, AB 132†
Overdose Fatalities, Committee to Review, duties, AB 132†
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, powers and duties, receipt of reports, AB 115D
Parentage, acknowledgment or denial of, regulations, AB 371††
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, regulations, duties, AB 134D
Rural emergency hospitals, regulation, AB 277*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Senior living community referral agencies, duties, SB 260*
Suicide Prevention Lifeline Program, duties, SB 237†, AB 466
Unused drugs, take-back bins for collection and destruction, regulations, SB 183†
Vaccination status of patients and visitors, refusal to provide health care services based upon, disciplinary action, duties, AB 234D
Grand jury, exceptions, statements by victims of certain crimes, SB 121D
Preliminary examinations, exceptions, statements by victims of certain crimes, SB 121D
Cardiovascular screening programs and matters relating to cardiovascular health, expansion of programs urged, study, SCR 5‡
Legislative findings and declaration, SB 233
Tax, imposition, SB 233
Cannabis facilities, acquisition and sale of hemp and hemp products, authorized activities, SB 33D
Commercial feed
Hemp, use of hemp authorized in certain commercial feed, violations, penalties, AB 249
Research facilities, authority to conduct certain studies relating to hemp, AB 249
Building codes, regulations of State Fire Marshal, applicability, AB 213†
Charter amendments
Returns, canvass, duties deemed purely ministerial, district court to compel certain actions, SB 404†
Selection of more than one candidate on ballot, effect, SB 60†
Voter registration, deadlines, SB 157D
Clark County school district trustees, appointment, procedures for filling vacancies, AB 175*
Construction work in certain common-interest communities, establishment of hours at which work may begin, requirements, AB 189*
Legislative measures, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Nevada State College, named changed to “Nevada State University,” SB 273*
Public notices of planning commissions, availability in certain languages, requirements, immunity from liability, AB 266*
Insurance coverage for drugs and treatment of hepatitis C, requirements, SB 439*
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, AB 115D
Child, orders for protection against
Admissions, representations or statements made during proceedings, admissibility, SB 382*
Appointment of attorney, removal of requirement, SB 382*
Foreign orders, full faith and credit to be accorded to, SB 63*
Violation, effect of underlying crime on additional period of imprisonment, AB 51*
Creation, duties, SB 347†
Creation, duties, AB 245†
Creation, SB 347
Contractors performing work on highways, use of law enforcement vehicles, permits, authority, SB 107*
Demographic information, collection, requirements, AB 139*
Justices of the peace, jurisdiction, extension under certain circumstances, SB 55*
Purchase of vehicles, motorcycles, weapons and certain equipment and staffing study, appropriations, AB 495*
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Statewide Alert System, Committee for the, composition, AB 239*
Contractors performing work on highways, use of law enforcement vehicles, permits, authority, SB 107*
Historical markers, installation, maintenance and protection, responsibility for, AB 46†
Interstate 80, study of issues relating to traffic safety, reports, AB 63D
Off-highway vehicles, trails for use, applicability to governmental entity, AB 47*
Personal delivery devices, operation, penalties, SB 422*
Special event advertising, exemptions from certain restrictions on commercial advertising, requirements, AB 426*
State highways (See STATE HIGHWAYS)
Traffic control (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Wildlife crossings, Department of Transportation, duties, AB 112*
Burial sites, human remains found that are thought to be native Indian, procedures, regulations, SB 364*
Installation, interpretation, maintenance and protection, responsibility for, AB 46*
Sidewalk vendors, prohibited acts, SB 92†
State Historical Marker Registry, content of legends, removal of authority, AB 46*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Conduct likely to transmit HIV to another person, prosecution as a felony, retroactive application of repeal of offenses, SB 439*
Elections officials, dissemination of sensitive information of officials, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 406*
Health care providers, training in stigma, discrimination and unrecognized bias toward persons who have HIV, requirements, SB 439*
Incarcerated persons
Access to HIV treatment, requirements, SB 439*
Medicaid coverage for certain services provided 90 days before scheduled release, AB 389*
Insurance coverage for drugs and treatment, requirements, SB 439*
Minors, express consent for examination, treatment and prevention services, SB 172*
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, AB 115D
Pharmacy benefit managers, discrimination, reimbursement for dispensation of 340B drug, prohibited acts, AB 434*
Public health emergencies, persons diagnosed with HIV, provision of uninterrupted services during emergency, duties of public health authorities, SB 439*
Therapeutic program
Discrimination against covered providers or contract pharmacies, engagement in prohibited, AB 434*
Money allocated to program, limitations on use, AB 434*
Subsidies and pharmaceutical services, requirements, SB 4*
Common-interest communities, restricting display of religious items prohibited, exceptions, AB 111D
Juneteenth Day, AB 31D, AB 140*
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week, proclamation, SB 286*
Precision Medicine and Biomarker Testing Awareness Month, AB 155†
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of, creation, authority, SB 431†
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Regulation by local governments, authority, restrictions, remedies, AB 314D
Anti-Domestic Terrorism Assistance Account, duties, AB 117
Compensation increased, SB 210††
Composition, SB 3*
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Assisted outpatient treatment, transfer of cases to district court from justice or municipal courts, SB 155*
Bill of Rights, Homeless Persons’, SB 142D
Birth certificates, certified or official copy, requirements to obtain, AB 135*
Clark County
Development of strategic plan to address homelessness, AB 135†
Fiscal Advisory Committee for a Flexible Continuum of Care Plan, appropriation to address homelessness in Las Vegas, SB 400††
Resort corridor homelessness prevention and assistance fund, creation, SB 509
Continuums of Care, fiscal working group, composition, duties, SB 400†
Discrimination against homeless persons, prohibition against ordinances that enact or enforce, SB 155†
Diversionary and specialty court programs, assignment of homeless persons who commit eligible offenses, SB 155*
Hospitals, duties upon discharging homeless patients, regulations, AB 406D
Matching funds program, provision of funds to certain qualified projects, establishment, appropriation, AB 528*
Medicaid Outreach Advisory Committee, creation, SB 419††
Medicaid, reinvestment of certain annual profits to address homelessness, SB 400††
Nevada System of Higher Education
Fee waivers, eligibility, AB 217
Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, contact information, AB 217
Registration, priority for, AB 217†
Physicians, limited license to practice medicine in medically underserved areas, requirements, SB 204
Providers of homeless services, use of provider’s address as temporary address, authority, SB 317*
Sanitary sewer systems, authority of cities to impose surcharge to fund services and affordable housing, SB 318D
State identification card
Children and youth, application for card, requirements, waiver of costs and fees, AB 135*
Nevada Housing Crisis Response System, assistance to persons in crisis applying for card, AB 135*
Washoe County, development of strategic plan to address homelessness, AB 135†
Housing Division, consultations, receipt of report, AB 310*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Advanced estheticians, supervision, authority to lease space in cosmetological establishment, SB 249*
Autism, persons with, requirements for driver’s license applications, AB 161†
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, requirements for driver’s license applications, AB 133D
Doctors for Nevada Program, establishment, AB 393D
Nevada Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Telehealth Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 198†
Education savings account program, eligibility of pupils, SB 200
Probate, vesting on death of spouse, considerations, SB 407*
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, resulting death does not constitute homicide, SB 239††
Murder (See MURDER)
Vessels, operation while under the influence, penalties, SB 59*
Commercial feed, use of hemp authorized in certain commercial feed, violations, penalties, AB 249
Dental services performed on equines, exemption from laws regulating veterinarians, SB 229D
Wild mustang, designation as official state horse, SB 90D
Cannabis, medical use, authority of certain terminally ill patients, requirements, AB 411D
COVID-19, injury or death resulting from exposure, limitations on liability, applicability of laws, SB 73D
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, procedures, death certificates, SB 239†
Patients and visitors, policies concerning vaccination status, prohibited acts, AB 234D
Academic medical districts, requirements, authority, SB 419†, AB 490
Admission for purpose of giving birth, physical examination or medical history of patient by certified nurse-midwife, SB 146*
Advertisements, deceptive statements regarding services prohibited, penalties, AB 418D
Armed Forces of United States, hospitals authorized to enter agreements for provision of care by certain persons, AB 311*
Assault or battery committed on health care providers, applicability of enhanced penalties, SB 289*
Behavioral health workforce development consortium, membership, AB 37*
Birth, injection or insertion of long-acting reversible contraception upon request of patients, requirements, exceptions, SB 280*
Cannabis, medical use, authority of certain terminally ill patients, requirements, AB 411D
Interim assessments, administered to, duties, AB 100†
Interim study, capacity of aftercare by caregiver upon release, duties, AB 100†
Children with emotional disturbance, mental health treatment, placement of child in facility, requirements, AB 148*
Closure or conversion, procedures, penalties, SB 348*
Construction by state or local agency, private financing authorized, requirements, SB 226*
Contracts with providers of health care, prohibited acts, AB 11††
County hospitals
Boards, closed meetings, authority to hold, requirements, SB 192*
Dentists, authority to employ, SB 192*
“Hospital advisory board,” name changed to “hospital governing board,” SB 192*
Injury or death resulting from exposure, limitations on liability, applicability of laws, SB 73D
Relief Programs budget account, payment of money to registered nonprofit organizations, requirements, appropriation, AB 526*
Crisis stabilization, provision of services at certain hospitals, requirements, SB 237*
Critical access hospitals, outpatient services and swing-bed services, Medicaid reimbursement rate for hospitals, SB 241*
Dental services, hospitals to provide Medicaid recipients with list of network providers of dental services, AB 147*
Dialysate drugs or device necessary to administer dialysis, distribution, requirements, AB 110*
Employment of physicians, prohibition, exceptions, penalties, AB 11††
Geofence, implementation within certain distance of facilities prohibited, SB 370*
Graduate Medical Education, Advisory Council on, creation, representation, SB 350*
Health information exchange, advisory group, representation, AB 7*
Health information, framework for electronic maintenance, transmittal and exchange, establishment, requirements, SB 419††, AB 7*
Homeless patients, duties upon discharge, regulations, AB 406D
Indigent patients, funds for medical assistance to, allocations, use, SB 42*
Institutional pharmacies, powers and duties regarding high-risk patients, disciplinary action, SB 202D
Medically necessary emergency medical care, determination of rates, applicability of laws, AB 85†
Mergers, acquisitions or joint ventures, notice to Department of Health and Human Services, penalties, SB 348*
Neurodegenerative diseases, reporting requirements, regulation, penalties, SB 390*
Off-campus locations
Emergency medical services, notice to patients, contents, posting, SB 348*
National provider identifiers, use, requirements, SB 348*
Overdose fatality reviews, authority of certain entities to conduct, requirements, AB 132†
Patients and visitors, policies concerning vaccination status, prohibited acts, AB 234D
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, representation of certain hospitals, AB 179
Pharmacies, records of purchases and sales, AB 110*
Postdoctoral fellowship programs, donations to grant organizations, tax credits, SB 369
Professional negligence, amount of noneconomic damages, limitation, AB 404*
Rate fixing, requirements, penalties, AB 85
Rates for Health Care Services, Independent Commission on, creation, representation, AB 85
Residency training programs, donations to grant organizations, tax credits, SB 369
School or accredited education program operated by hospital providing residential treatment, requests for reimbursement, AB 54*
Staffing committees, reports, duties removed, AB 243††
Strangulation victims, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, AB 257*
Trauma centers and emergency rooms, limitation on liability repealed, AB 209D
Defrauding proprietors, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
SARS-CoV-2, inspections relating to compliance with certain regulations, removal of requirement, SB 441*
Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)
Cost-of-living increases, annual calculation and publication, SB 426, AB 362D
COVID-19 Relief Programs budget account, payment of money to registered nonprofit organizations, requirements, appropriation, AB 526*
Discrimination in housing, prohibited acts, remedies and civil penalties, enforcement of laws, SB 143, AB 176D
Energy conservation
Building codes, energy conservation options, requirements, SB 293†
Electric resistance for heating spaces, restrictions on installation of system, repeal of provision, SB 293†
Homeless services, use of provider’s address as temporary address, authority, SB 317*
Legislative declarations, AB 213*
Medicaid, reinvestment of certain annual profits to address housing issues, SB 400††
Offenders, housing of offenders, use of solitary confinement and disciplinary segregation, regulations, SB 307*
Residences (See RESIDENCES)
Senior living community referral agencies, operation, prohibited acts, SB 260*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, housing status of persons admitted to and released from prison, duties, AB 32*
Targeted residential picketing prohibited, penalty, SB 122D
Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act (See ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE)
Commissioners, compensation increased, SB 210††
Critical Needs Fund, duties, SB 68
Inspection and repair of dwelling units, duties, AB 333*
Local Budget and Finance Act, laws inapplicable to regional authorities, AB 333*
Low-income housing, distribution of money for, SB 363*
Homeless patients discharged from hospitals, System to be contacted if family member unavailable, regulation, AB 406D
State identification card, assistance to persons in crisis applying for card, AB 135*
Anatomical gifts (See ANATOMICAL GIFTS)
Heart or lung transplants, Medicaid coverage, SB 127D
Blue Ribbon Committee on Human Trafficking, Nevada, creation, AB 288D
Commercial motor vehicles, disqualification from operating upon certain felony convictions, SB 66*
Judiciary, Joint Interim Standing Committee on the, interim study concerning policies and procedures applicable to victims, SCR 1
Victims (See also VICTIMS OF CRIME)
Account, uses, appropriation, SB 389*
Confidential and privileged information, certain communications, AB 48D
Nonprofit organizations providing services, eligibility to receive certain grants, SB 254D
“Relevant training” defined, AB 48D
“Victim’s advocate” defined, AB 48D
Child 14 years of age or older, possession or control of certain firearms, prohibited acts, AB 355††
Competition, participation in, taking certain covered animals for prizes, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 102D
Game tag application fees, use, AB 70*
License or permit, requirement to have in possession while hunting removed, SB 141D
Safety course, availability of course online, SB 311†
Tags, transfers to persons under 18 years old, SB 311*
Mechanically propelled personal hydrofoils, applicability of laws governing watercraft, SB 59*
Growth and Infrastructure, Joint Interim Standing Committee, interim study regarding hydrogen and hydrogen technologies, SB 451*
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, AB 115D
Alternate address on card, persons who may request to display, SB 83D, SB 84D, AB 59D
Cannabis sales, verification of age before selling cannabis or cannabis products, requirements, AB 342*
Communication need, persons with, applications, designation on card, AB 161*
Contents, citizenship required to vote designation on card, when required, SB 238D
Election officials, dissemination of personal identifying information of officials, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 404†, SB 406*
Issuance of identification cards, use, SB 230D, SB 405, SB 443††, AB 88D, AB 307D
Residency, proof of, requirements, SB 443††
Homeless children and youth, applications for card, requirements, waiver of costs and fees, AB 135*
Issuance, form to state citizenship required to vote, when required, SB 238D
Limited-purpose identification cards, requirements, regulations, violations, AB 302
Medical condition imprinted on state identification card, requirements, appropriation, SB 362*
Nevada Housing Crisis Response System, assistance to persons in crisis applying for card, AB 135*
Offenders, photo identification cards upon release, procedures, SB 93D, AB 195*
Personal information maintained by Department of Motor Vehicles, authority to release under certain circumstances, SB 6D
Renewal, form to state citizenship required to vote, when required, SB 238D
Suicide hotline telephone number, inclusion on school identification card, AB 135*
Medicaid, immigration status, enrollment regardless of, SB 419††
Motor Vehicles, Department of, release of personal information to enforce immigration laws, restrictions, AB 407*
Special immigrant juveniles, guardianship of minors, SB 15D
William S. Boyd School of Law, Thomas & Mack Legal Clinic, pro bono legal services, appropriation, AB 328*
Dental care providers, administration of immunizations, authority, requirements, AB 147*
Patients and visitors, vaccination status, medical facilities and health care providers, prohibited acts, AB 234D
COVID-19, injury or death resulting from exposure, limitations on liability, applicability of laws, SB 73D
Caregivers, interim assessment of certain, receipt of report, AB 100*
Burial sites, human remains found that are thought to be native Indian, duties, SB 364*
Commissioners, salary increased, SB 210††
Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, nomination, AB 114†, AB 463†
High school graduation, denial of pupil’s right to wear certain adornments, appeals, consultations, AB 73*
Native American Affairs, Department of, inclusion in Department, AB 516*
Purpose, reports, AB 516*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Department of, removal from Department, AB 516*
Tourism, Commission on, elimination of ex-officio membership of Chair, SB 477*
Compensation and expenses, obligations of counties, AB 454*
Rates of hourly compensation, regulations, AB 454*
Maximum amount counties required to pay for provision of services, removal of certain duty relating to, AB 518*
Regulations, solicitation of comments before adopting regulations, duties, AB 417D
Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account, uses, AB 454*
Client records protected under attorney-client privilege deemed confidential, exception, SB 39*
Computer hardware and software, appropriation, SB 487*
Contribution amounts of counties, unanticipated shortfall to fund costs, appropriation, SB 479*
Counties, requirements, receipt of reports, AB 518*
Maximum amount counties required to pay for provision of services, duties, AB 518*
Pretrial release hearings conducted on weekends or holidays, appropriation, duties, AB 518*
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
State Public Defender, Office of, appropriation for computer hardware and software, SB 464*
Affordable housing, property tax exemptions, qualifications, AB 62*
Agency regulations, environmental justice impact statements, requirements, determinations, procedures, AB 312†
Children’s Cabinet, appropriation, SB 263*
County aid, allocation of money to Division of Health Care Financing and Policy, SB 42*
Criminal defendants
Certain records deemed confidential, waiver, SB 39*
Defense services
Maximum amount counties required to pay for provision of services, formula, AB 518*
Pretrial release hearings conducted on weekends or holidays, stipends, appropriations, AB 518*
Reimbursement of counties, appropriations, SB 479*, SB 481, AB 518*
State contributions for provision of services, authority of counties to seek, requirements, AB 518*
Misdemeanor offenses and minor traffic violations, presumption of indigency, effect, AB 369
Cruelty to animals, indigency as defense to certain violations, AB 86D
Housing discrimination based on source of income, prohibited acts, AB 176D
Menstrual products, inclusion of purchase in certain public assistance programs, SJR 5‡
Physicians, limited license to practice medicine in medically underserved areas, requirements, SB 204
Property tax
Persons 55 years of age or older, partial refunds, eligibility, SB 374D
Persons 66 years of age or older, partial refunds, eligibility, SB 430
Sanitary sewer systems, authority of cities to impose surcharge to fund services and affordable housing, SB 318D
Employee Savings Trust Program, Nevada, establishment, administration, SB 305*
Appeals Panel for Industrial Insurance, Chair, duties, AB 239*
Associations of self-insured employers
Association’s administrator, prohibition against certain interest in association repealed, AB 441†
Audits and assessments, SB 30D
Application, AB 141D
Cancellation, SB 30D
Dividends, declaration and distribution, SB 30D
Excess insurance, policy of, contents, SB 30D
Financial statements and plans, contents, requirements, SB 30D
Financially impaired, determination, notice, SB 30D
Reserves, requirements, SB 30D
Solicitors’ permits, repeal of provisions, SB 30D
Subsequent Injury Account, assessments, removal of requirement, AB 141D
Third-party administrator
Prohibition against certain interest in association repealed, SB 274*, AB 441
When required, repeal of prohibition, AB 141D
Benefit penalties
Civil action, authority of claimant to bring to recover, SB 274†, AB 441
Internet publication of penalty, requirements, SB 274*
Payment, violations, SB 274*
Procedures, SB 274*
Administration of claims, requirements, AB 441
Files and records, maintenance, availability for inspection and reproduction, requirements, SB 274*, AB 441
Commissioner of Insurance, duties, SB 30D
Employee misclassification to avoid employer’s obligations, agency communications, SB 145*
Health care records, electronic transmission, requirements, SB 283*
Hearings Division, administration, requirements, reports, SB 507
Hearings, medical examination of injured employee, procedures, SB 274*, AB 441
Insurance adjusters, administration of claims and files relating to claims, requirements, AB 441
Duty to accept collect calls from injured employees removed, SB 274*, AB 441
Violations, civil action, remedies, SB 274†
Payments of increased benefits, reimbursement of insurers, requirements, SB 274*
Permanent partial disability
Disability determinations, second determination requested by employee, requirements, SB 274*, AB 441
Independent medical examination, authority of employee to obtain, requirements, rate of reimbursement, SB 274*, AB 441
Lump sum payments, SB 274*, AB 165*, AB 441
Selection of physician or chiropractic physician, SB 274*, AB 441
Physicians and chiropractic physicians
Administrator’s panel, removal of physician from, notice to Administrator, authority of physician to reapply, SB 274*, AB 441
Disability determinations, second determination requested by employee, requirements, SB 274*, AB 441
Examinations or evaluations of injured employees, reports by Administrator, publication, SB 274*, AB 441
Hearings, medical examination of injured employee, procedures, SB 274*, AB 441
Insurer’s list, format, involuntary removal from, regulations, SB 274*, AB 441
Permanent partial disability, selection of physician, procedure, authority of physician to decline selection, SB 274*, AB 441
“Police officer” defined for the purposes of certain benefits and exemptions, applicability of laws, AB 301
Private carriers, assessment rates, removal of requirement, AB 141D
Reproductions of certain files authorized, SB 274*, AB 441
Self-insured employers, assessment rates, removal of requirement, AB 141D
Stress-related injury or disease, coverage, conditions, AB 410*
Third-party administrators
Administration of claims, authority, requirements, SB 274*, AB 441
Prohibition against certain interest in associations of self-insured employers repealed, SB 274*, AB 441
Violations, civil action, remedies, SB 274†
When required, repeal of prohibition, AB 141D
Cannabis Compliance Board, confidentiality of certain information, SB 33D
Criminal prosecutions, disclosures by prosecuting attorney to defendant, requirements, exceptions, AB 101*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
Cities, consideration by, Open Meeting Law, applicability, AB 52*
Time for filing petitions with Secretary of State, SJR 6D
Advertisements of certain legal services, deceptive trade practices, SB 179D
Cannabis, engaging in certain activity without license, AB 413D
Catalytic converters, violations, engagement in business as scrap metal processors, SB 243*
Contractors, unlicensed practice, AB 22*
Digital financial asset business activity, violations, SB 360D
Earned wage access services, violations, AB 436D
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, housing discrimination, duties, SB 143, AB 176D
Fluorescent lamps, prohibited sale or distribution, AB 144††
Foil balloons, violations, AB 321*
Governmental entities, confidentiality of personal information that identifies certain persons associated with nonprofit organizations, violations, AB 258††
Health care facilities
Deceptive statements regarding services, penalties and remedies, AB 418D
Health care facilities, violations regarding fixed rates for goods and services, AB 85
Homeless Person’s Bill of Rights, violations, SB 142D
Mental or physical examinations compelled by certain obligations, remedies for violations, AB 244*
Money transmission, violations, AB 21*
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, unlicensed practice, AB 134D
Protection orders (See PROTECTION ORDERS)
Student loan services, violations, AB 332*
Establishment, duties, appropriation, SB 425*
Creation, SB 419†
Creation, duties, AB 353D
Data collectors, applicability of laws, SB 355*
Earned wage access services, exemptions from regulation, SB 290*, AB 436D
Legislative declarations, applicability of laws, SB 139
Remote location, employees engaged in business of lending authorized to work from, requirements, SB 355*
Agents, managing general agents, licenses, surety bond, SB 57*
Burial and cemetery services, prepaid contracts, applicability of laws, SB 57*
Casualty insurance, arbitration provisions nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Children’s Health Insurance Program (See CHILDREN’S HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM)
Contracts of insurance
Arbitration provisions nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Cancellation, effect of notice, SB 57†
Credit insurance, arbitration provisions nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Credit personal property insurance, arbitration provisions nonbinding, AB 439††
Exchange enrollment facilitators, temporary certificates, SB 57*
Funeral services, prepaid contracts for, applicability of laws, SB 57*
Group insurance for public employees
2023-2025 biennium subsidies, establishment, SB 501*
Associate physicians, services provided by, coverage, SB 204
Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 155*
Breast cancer imaging tests, coverage, SB 330*
Condoms for persons age 13 or older, coverage, SB 439*
Dental care services, codes, prohibited acts, SB 393†
Gender dysphoria, treatment for conditions relating to, required coverage, SB 163†
Health care cost growth benchmarks, reporting of certain information, requirements, AB 6
Health carrier network plan, denial of request from provider to enter provider network contract restricted, SB 146*
Hepatitis C, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
HIV, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
Legislative members, payment, duties, SB 320
Local government officers and employees, breast cancer imaging tests, coverage, SB 330*
Opioid use disorder, medication-assisted treatment for, coverage, SB 439*, AB 156*
Pharmacists, services provided by, coverage, SB 201
“Police officer” defined for the purposes of certain benefits and exemptions, applicability of laws, AB 301
Rate fixing for certain health care goods and services, requirements, penalties, AB 85
Sexually transmitted diseases, coverage, SB 439*
Step therapy protocol
Development and use, applicability of laws, SB 194*
Exemptions from protocol and appeals, Internet publication of procedures, SB 194*
Psychiatric conditions, use of protocol to treat restricted, SB 167*
Telehealth, third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Tobacco, cessation of use, coverage, AB 294D
Health care providers, liability insurance, requirements, AB 198†, AB 209D
Health carrier network plan, denial of request from provider to enter provider network contract restricted, SB 146*
Health insurance
Arbitration provisions, nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Associate physicians, services provided by, coverage, SB 204
Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 155*
Breast cancer imaging tests, coverage, SB 330*
Children’s health insurance (See CHILDREN’S HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM)
Condoms for persons age 13 or older, coverage, SB 439*
Copayments and coinsurance, restrictions on charges, SB 161*
Injection or insertion of long-acting reversible contraception, SB 280*
Language translation services to facilitate provision of contraception, AB 383†
Pharmacists, services provided by, coverage, SB 161*, AB 383†
Prior authorization, requirement prohibited, SB 161*, AB 383†
Voluntary sterilization of men, coverage, AB 383†
Dental care services
Codes, prohibited acts, SB 393†
Limitation on rates for coverage, examination of records for noncompliance, SB 393*
Ratio of losses to premiums, reports, SB 393*
Emergency medical services provided by out-of-network private ambulance service, payment for services, SB 372D
Emergency medical services provided by out-of-network providers, arbitration conducted by qualified state employee, authority of state agency to retain money paid for costs of arbitrator, SB 497*
Gender identity or expression, discrimination engaged in by insurer, prohibited acts, SB 163†
Health care cost growth benchmarks, reporting of certain information, requirements, AB 6
Hepatitis C, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
HIV, coverage for drugs and treatment, SB 439*
Legislation, criteria for reviewing (JSR 18), ACR 1‡
Living organ donors, discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Medicaid (See also MEDICAID)
Medical-legal partnership, supports and services provided by, coverage, AB 293
Medicare supplemental policies, commissions paid for sale of, prohibited acts, AB 127*
Mental health services provided by psychological assistants, interns or trainees, coverage, SB 267D
Opioid use disorder, medication-assisted treatment for, coverage, SB 439*, AB 156*
Pharmacists, delivery of services, network plans, coverages, requirements, SB 201
Public Option, rate fixing for certain health care goods and services, requirements, penalties, AB 85
Qualified health-related service, coverage, AB 237†
Sexually transmitted diseases, medical services relating to, coverage, SB 439*
Small employers, “health benefit plan” defined, SB 57*
Step therapy protocol
Development of protocol and use, requirements, SB 194*
Exemptions from protocol and appeals, Internet publication of procedures, SB 194*
Psychiatric condition, treatment, restrictions, SB 167*
Substance use disorders, drugs and services for treatment of, coverage, SB 439*
Telehealth, third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Tobacco, cessation of use, coverage, AB 294D
Home protection insurance, landlord prohibited from requiring tenant to pay certain fees and charges for repairs which landlord has duty to perform, SB 381*
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Liability insurance, policy provisions regarding costs of legal defense, AB 398*
Life insurance
Arbitration provisions, nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Euthanasia drugs requested by insured, prohibited acts by insurers, SB 239††
Premiums, living organ donors, discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Motor vehicle insurance
Arbitration provisions nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Claims, inspection of vehicle within certain period of time, requirements, AB 334††
Personal delivery devices, operation, liability insurance requirements, SB 422*
Personal information maintained by Department of Motor Vehicles, authority to release under certain circumstances, prohibited acts, SB 6D
Premiums, trade practices and frauds, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Rental obligations insurance, requirements and restrictions, AB 123D
Service contracts (See SERVICE CONTRACTS)
Small employers, health insurance for
Arbitration provisions, nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Associate physicians, services provided by, coverage, SB 204
Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 155*
Breast cancer imaging tests, coverage, SB 330*
Condoms for persons age 13 or older, coverage, SB 439*
Clinical services to monitor use and effectiveness, coverage, services provided by pharmacists, AB 383†
Copayments and coinsurance, restrictions on charges, SB 161*
Injection or insertion of long-acting reversible contraception, coverage, SB 280*
Language translation services to facilitate provision of contraception, coverage, AB 383†
Pharmacists, services provided by, requirements, SB 161*
Prior authorization, requirement prohibited, SB 161*, AB 383†
Voluntary sterilization of men, coverage, AB 383†
Dental care services, rates, limitations, applicability, SB 393*
Gender dysphoria, treatment for conditions relating to, required coverage, SB 163†
Hepatitis C, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
HIV, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
Opioid use disorder, medication-assisted treatment for, coverage, SB 439*, AB 156*
Pharmacists, services provided by, coverage, SB 201
Qualified health-related service, coverage, AB 237†
Sexually transmitted diseases, medical services relating to, coverage, SB 439*
Step therapy protocol
Development of protocol and use, requirements, SB 194*
Exemptions from protocol and appeals, Internet publication of procedures, SB 194*
Psychiatric condition, treatment, restrictions, SB 167*
Telehealth, third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Tobacco, cessation of use, coverage, AB 294D
Travel insurance, repeal and reenactment of provisions governing, AB 216*
Work-based learning programs, liability insurance, authority of school district trustees or governing body to obtain, requirements, AB 207*
Industrial injuries, administration of claims, authority, requirements, SB 274*, AB 441
Temporary licenses, SB 57*
Travel administrators, exemption from licensing as adjuster, AB 216*
Address, change in, notice to Commissioner, SB 57*
“Administrator” defined, SB 57*
Certificates of registration, applications, renewal, SB 57*
Delegation of duties, requirements, SB 57*
Members, owners, directors or officers, change in, notice to Commissioner, SB 57*
Prohibited acts, SB 57*
Captive insurers, confidentiality, applicability of laws, SB 57†
Casualty insurance policies, arbitration provisions nonbinding, AB 439††
Dispensation for 340B drug, reimbursement, prohibited acts, AB 434*
Life organ donors, contracts with, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Electronic delivery of documents, requirements, SB 57*
Euthanasia drugs requested by insured, prohibited acts by life insurers, SB 239††
Health insurers
Associate physicians, services provided by, duties, SB 204
Dental care services, codes, prohibited acts, SB 393†
Electronic health care records, duties, disciplinary action, AB 7*
Form letters sent to health care providers, report, SB 57*
Gender identity or expression, discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 163†
Health care cost growth benchmarks, reports, requirements, AB 6
Health carrier network plan, denial of request from provider to enter provider network contract restricted, SB 146*
Health information exchange, advisory group, representation, AB 7*
Health information, framework for electronic maintenance, transmittal and exchange, establishment, requirements, SB 419††, AB 7*
Intensive behavioral health treatment facilities, collection of certain information by Division of Public and Behavioral Health, AB 435D
Malpractice, reports of actions, claims or settlements against certain health care providers, requirements, AB 318*
Medicare supplemental policies, commissions paid for sale of, prohibited acts, AB 127*
Mental health services provided by psychological assistants, interns or trainees, duties, SB 267D
Telehealth, third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Vision care providers, contracts with, disclosures to covered persons, prohibited acts, SB 134*
Insurance Premium Tax (See also INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX)
Scholarship organizations, credits for donations to certain organizations, AB 385D
Liability insurance, policy provisions regarding costs of legal defense, AB 398*
Life insurers, prohibited acts regarding virtual currency, SB 333D
Personal information maintained by Department of Motor Vehicles, authority to release under certain circumstances, prohibited acts, SB 6D
Rental obligations insurance, requirements and restrictions, AB 123D
Trade practices and frauds, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Travel insurance, repeal and reenactment of provisions governing, AB 216*
Violations, penalties, AB 392D
Credits against tax
Career and technical program tax credit organizations, donations to, SB 144
Donations to scholarship organizations, AB 400†
Film infrastructure, certification of eligibility for tax credits, SB 496
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, donations to scholarship organizations, SB 220D, AB 385D
Qualified equity investments, certification of eligibility for tax credits, additional amount, SB 240*
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
Funeral services, prepaid contracts for, applicability of laws, SB 57*
Limited lines travel insurance
Inland marine line of insurance, travel insurance to be classified and filed as, AB 216*
Licenses, issuance, AB 216*
Register of retailers, duties, AB 216*
Repeal and reenactment of provisions, AB 216*
Prohibited acts, AB 216*
Travel insurance, authority to offer and disseminate, AB 216*
Sale and marketing, authorized and prohibited practices, AB 216*
“Travel administrator” defined, AB 216*
Travel insurance premiums, taxation, AB 216*
“Travel protection plan” defined, AB 216*
Temporary licenses, SB 57*
Advance health care directive, form, AB 414†
Behavioral health services, comprehensive plan to provide, study, AB 201††
Contracts and agreements, requirements, AB 435D
Criminal defendants, specialty court programs, assignment, AB 405†
Diversionary and specialty court programs, assignment of eligible defendants, SB 155*
“Domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, support of programs to counter, AB 117
Habilitation services, funding, Medicaid waiver, AB 259*
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Home and community-based services, persons receiving, bill of rights, SB 315*
Jobs and day training services
Annual plans for recipient wage transitions, employment and community activities, reports, AB 259*
Assistance to recipients in participating in unpaid activities unrelated to employment, AB 259*
Licensing by State Board of Nursing, exemption, AB 78*
Recipients, wage requirements, use of advocate at certain meetings authorized, AB 259*
Offenders, Medicaid coverage for certain services provided 90 days before scheduled release, AB 389*
Persons supported by public institutions, change in terminology, constitutional amendment, AJR 1 of the 81st Session‡
Wages, receipt of less than minimum wage prohibited, AB 259*
Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, recommendations for appointments, AB 114†
Protection orders, court may authorize applicant to record communications with adverse party, AB 51†
Biological sex, activities and events to be designated based upon, requirements, AB 374D
Name, image or likeness contracts, registration of facilitators, disclosures, enforcement of laws, SB 70D
Environmental Improvement Program for Lake Tahoe Basin, issuance of bonds to carry out certain projects, use of accrued interest, AB 424*
Motor vehicle insurance, interest on nonpayment of approved casualty claims, requirements, AB 334††
Aging and Disability Services, Division of, duties, AB 259†
Agriculture, State Department of, duties, AB 162*
Attorney General, duties, SB 337D, AB 350*
Automated traffic enforcement systems, use by local authorities, contents of citations relating to website address, AB 93D
Awards and Honors Board, Nevada, duties, AB 299*
Broadband services (See BROADBAND SERVICES)
Cannabis establishments, certain actions by unlicensed persons, penalties for owner or operator of Internet website or online service, AB 413D
Children, online service, product or feature likely to be accessed by, duties of businesses providing, prohibited acts, AB 320D
Collection agencies, duties, SB 276*
Common-interest communities
Associations, powers and duties, SB 378*
Use on online voting system authorized, AB 309*
Condominium hotels, use on online voting system authorized, AB 309*
Consumer health data, duties of regulated entities, SB 370*
Contractors’ Board, State, duties, AB 106D
Cookware manufacturers, disclosures regarding intentionally added per- and polyfluoroalkyl, SB 76††
Cost-of-living increases for calendar year, publication, SB 426, AB 362D
Digital products, taxation of retail sales, SB 396
Down Syndrome, list of available support services, AB 116*
Economic Development, Office of, duties, SB 431†
Elections, filing officers, duties, SB 418†
Emergency Medical Services, Bureau of, duties, AB 358D
Emerging Technologies Task Force, creation, duties, SB 165
Employment Security Division, duties, SB 123D
Empowerment districts, copy of empowerment plan on school district website, SB 46D
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, duties, SB 271
Feminine hygiene products, ingredients list, duties of manufacturers, AB 169*
Firearm storage education campaign, requirements, SB 294*
Forfeiture of property, reports by law enforcement agencies, AB 350*
Geofence, implementation within certain distance of medical facilities and health care providers prohibited, SB 370*
Governor, duties, AB 6
Health and Human Services, Department of, duties, SB 419††, SB 439*, AB 6, AB 100*, AB 116*
Health care facilities, deceptive statements regarding services, prohibited acts, AB 418D
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, duties, AB 85
Health Care Services, Independent Commission on Rates for, rates fixed by, AB 85
Health districts, provision of applications for licenses and similar authorizations, AB 14†
Hearings Division, duties, SB 507
Housing Division, duties, SB 275††, SB 426, AB 362D
Hunting safety course, availability of course online, SB 311†
Industrial insurance, benefit penalty, publication of penalty, SB 274*
Industrial Relations, Division of, duties, SB 274*, AB 441
Insurance, Commissioner of, duties, SB 393*
Intercollegiate athletics, name, image and likeness contracts, certain disclosures, SB 70D
Internet business lenders, applicability of laws, SB 139
Labor Commissioner, duties, SB 344D, AB 210*
Land use planning, publication of list of applications by governing bodies, AB 213*
Landlord and tenant, rent payments through Internet website, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 218††
Las Vegas, City of, duties, SB 246††
Legal notices, publication on newspaper website, requirements, SB 22*
Legislative Counsel Bureau, duties, AB 517*
Lending businesses, employees authorized to work from remote locations, duties, SB 355*
Local agencies, applications for licenses and similar authorizations, AB 14†
Local government purchasing and performance contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, certain information, SB 272††
Maternal Mortality Review Committee, duties, AB 168†
Medicaid Outreach Advisory Committee, duties, SB 419††
Minority Health and Equity, Office of, duties, AB 267*
Money transmission, publication of rates, AB 21†
Motor Vehicles, Department of, duties, SB 205*, SB 346*, SB 362*, AB 151*
Museums and History, Division of, duties, appropriation, AB 252*
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, duties, SB 80*
Nevada System of Higher Education, publication of information regarding power-based violence, AB 245*
Newspaper websites, competency as means of publication for legal notices, SB 22*
North Las Vegas, City of, duties, SB 246††
Offenders and children of offenders, provision of telephone calls between, pilot program, SB 234†
Pharmacy, State Board of, duties, SB 203D
Planning commissions in larger counties, availability of public notices in certain languages, requirements, SB 246††
Prescriptions, step therapy protocol, procedures to request exemption and appeal decisions of insurers, SB 194*
Private education lenders, duties, AB 332*
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, duties, SB 239††, SB 286*, AB 154*, AB 403*
Public education, waste, abuse or fraud, establishment of online form for persons to report, AB 517†
Public works contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, certain information, SB 272††
Real property, sales
Common-interest communities, foreclosure sales, requirements, AB 142D
Deeds of trust, default and election to sell, requirements, AB 142D
Execution sales, requirements, AB 142D
Notice of sale, requirements, AB 142D
Residential real property registry, creation, publication, SB 395††
Records, Communications and Compliance Division, duties, AB 160††
Regulatory bodies, disqualification of applicants for license or certificate based on criminal history, publication of procedures, AB 363D
Attendance policy, acknowledgment by parents via website, AB 54*
Class-size reduction, publication of information by districts, certain duties removed, AB 42
Education, Department of, duties, SB 200
Education, Inspector General of, duties, AB 149D
Education savings account program, requirements, SB 200
Head injuries sustained by pupils, prevention and treatment, related information, SB 80*
Kindergarten or first grade, pupils of, acknowledgment of attendance policy via website, AB 54*
Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, contact information, AB 217
Metrics of performance for public schools, SB 98*
Office of School Choice, duties, AB 400†
Principals, plans for restorative discipline, duties, AB 330*
Schools with more than 500 pupils, publication of learning materials, SB 295D
Sexuality education course of instruction, notice and forms for parents and guardians, SB 439†, AB 357
Secretary of State, Office of, redesigning of website, appropriation, SB 485*
Securities Division, duties, SB 395††
Seizure of property by law enforcement agencies, annual reports, AB 350*
Sidewalk vending, ordinances pursuant to, duties of governing bodies, SB 92*
State agencies, applications for licenses and similar authorizations, AB 14†
State Engineer, duties, AB 34*
State purchasing and performance contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, certain information, SB 272††
State Treasurer, duties, AB 55*
Student Loan Repayment for Providers of Health Care in Underserved Communities Program, information by State Treasurer, AB 45*
Supreme Court, duties, AB 404*
Taxation, Department of, duties, AB 421D
Telehealth, third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Department of Brain Health, neurodegenerative diseases, publication of information, SB 390*
Vehicles, advertising sale to satisfy lien, requirements, AB 57†
“Video service” defined, AB 146*
Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, publication, requirements, AB 246††
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, creation, publication of data concerning adult maltreatment, AB 119*
Water Resources, Division of, duties, AB 34†
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, duties, SB 317*
World Esports Day, Governor to proclaim annually, AB 82*
Youth sports organizations, prevention and treatment of head injuries, policy, SB 80*
Conditional certification or registration, program to include, regulations, AB 331
Court Administrator, Committee to Advise, composition, SB 347†
Mental or physical examinations compelled by certain obligations, right to interpreter present, remedies for violations, AB 244*
Biological sex, activities and events designated based upon, requirements, AB 374D
Coach, manager or other person associated with sanctioned sport or spirit squad
Annual reports to Association, requirements, SB 196*
Out-of-school activities, compelling participation prohibited, penalties, regulation, SB 196*
Rights of pupils, notice, duties, SB 196*
Violations, progressive discipline, SB 196*
Emergency declaration, effect on eligibility to participate in sport or activity, SB 196*
Head injuries, prevention and treatment, requirements, SB 80*
Pupils who transfer schools, eligibility and participation of children, regulation, SB 114D
Adverse actions against persons or schools for certain activities, prohibition, SB 114D
Appeal of decisions or orders of Association, authority, SB 114D
Biological sex, designation of activities and events based upon, duties, AB 374D
Charter schools, eligibility and participation of children transferring to, regulation, SB 114D
Coach, manager or other person associated with sanctioned sport or spirit squad, receipt of reports, regulation, SB 196*
Head injuries, policy for prevention and treatment, duties, SB 80*
Out-of-school activities, compelling participation prohibited, penalties, regulation, SB 196*
Rights of pupils, notice, duties regarding form and contents, SB 196*
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure, Recognition of, ratification of compact, appropriation, AB 158*
Massage Compact, Interstate, adoption, SB 161*
Nurse Licensure Compact, ratification, AB 108D
Teacher Mobility Compact, Interstate, ratification, SB 442*
Civil remedies of victim, SB 227D
Definition, use of symbols of hate, penalties, SB 227D
Elections officials, interference with performance of duties, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 406*
Juvenile offenders, penalties, SB 227D
Orders for protection, issuance, SB 227D
Rental agreements, grounds for early termination, SB 227D
Tribal judges, intimidation of, penalties, AB 369
Victims to receive certain information and documents concerning case, SB 227D
Brew pubs (See BREW PUBS)
Juvenile court may order counseling or psychological treatment of offenders, SB 359†
Licensees, complaints against, time for certain actions, SB 259*
Taxation, interest on overpayments, restrictions, SB 29*
Testing for Intoxication, Committee on (See INTOXICATION, COMMITTEE ON TESTING FOR)
Wine and wineries (See WINE AND WINERIES)
Duties, regulations, SB 447, AB 239*
Name change, SB 447
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Probation, early discharge prohibited, SB 86D
Money transmission, regulation, AB 21*
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, investments, duties, prohibited acts, SB 228D, AB 278D
Commercial motor vehicles, disqualification from operating upon certain felony convictions, SB 66*
Criminal punishment, use as, removal of language authorizing, constitutional amendment, AJR 10 of the 81st Session‡
Debt bondage, acts constituting involuntary servitude, SB 66*
Gaming employees, disciplinary action, SB 7D
Minors, acts constituting involuntary servitude, penalties, SB 66*
Peonage, acts constituting involuntary servitude, SB 66*
Irrigation water efficiency monitoring program, requirements, AB 220*
Nonfunctional turf, irrigation of turf on certain parcels of property, prohibited acts, AB 220*
WaterSense program, establishment of final product specifications, effect, AB 220*
Board of Directors, compensation increased, SB 210††
Elections, certain duties deemed ministerial, district court to compel certain actions, SB 404†
Local rules affecting businesses, SB 261*
Water, appropriation or change in point of diversion, manner of use or place of use, approval of maps, AB 325D
Earned wage access providers, exemptions from regulation, SB 290*, AB 436D
Interrogation of child in custody, prohibited acts, exceptions, AB 193*
Ombudsman, designation, duties, AB 292†
Polling places in county and city jails, establishment, requirements, SB 162†, AB 286†
Excrement or bodily fluids, unlawful acts by prisoners, reclassification of category of felony, effect, SB 439*
Gender identity or expression
Standards of conduct for certain interactions between staff and prisoners, reports, AB 292†
Treatment in accordance with gender identity or expression, AB 292†
HIV treatment, access, requirements, SB 439*
Housing of prisoner who is pregnant or recuperating from delivery, requirements, AB 292†
Mail addressed to, prisoners to be provided original, physical copy, regulation, AB 121†
Medical release of information form, requirements, notice regarding health status of certain prisoners, AB 121*
Medication-assisted treatment, availability, prohibited acts, SB 35*, AB 156†
Opioid use among prisoners, interim study, AB 156*
Pregnant prisoner being transferred or transported, use of restraints prohibited, AB 292†
Prenatal and postnatal care of prisoners, adoption of policy, requirements, AB 292†
Prescription medication, filling in timely manner required, AB 121*
Rights of prisoners, AB 292†
Serious or critical medical condition of prisoner, notification to certain persons, requirements, AB 121*
Telecommunications devices, authorized uses, regulations, AB 35*
Visits between prisoners and appropriate friends, relatives and other persons, regulations, AB 292†
Voting by persons detained, policies to ensure, requirements, reports, SB 162, AB 286*
Telecommunications devices, wardens or facility managers, duties, AB 35*
Other State Education Programs Account, funding, SB 503*
Costs related to, appropriation to Department of Public Safety, AB 496*
JUDGES AND JUSTICES (See also specific judges and justices)
Absence, adjournment of court, repeal of provision, SB 63*
Discipline of judges licensed to practice law, jurisdiction, SB 62*
Exclusion of persons from courtroom, limitations, SB 63*
Nevada Children’s Commission, appointments to, AB 412D
Partner practicing law, exception to prohibition, SB 63*
Place of holding court, change, remote communication, SB 63*
Public Employees’ Retirement System
Increase in employers’ contributions, appropriation to cover requirements for 2023-2025 fiscal years, AB 498††
“Participating state agency” defined, AB 498††
“State judicial officer” includes judges of Court of Appeals, SB 34*
Telephone number of office, availability to public, SB 63*
Collection agencies, motions for default judgments, notice of intent to file, SB 276†
Deferral of judgment
Children, abuse, neglect or endangerment of, deferral prohibited, SB 412†
Cruelty to animals, deferral of judgment prohibited, AB 159*
Older or vulnerable persons, abuse or exploitation of, deferral prohibited, SB 412†
HIV, intentional conduct likely to transmit HIV to another person, prosecution as a felony, retroactive application of repeal of provisions, procedures regarding orders to vacate and seal records, SB 439†
Indian children, child custody proceedings, petitions to vacate order or judgment, AB 444*
Injunctions (See INJUNCTIONS)
Juvenile court (See JUVENILE COURTS)
Landlords, judgment required to assign or report to collection agency or credit reporting agency, requirements, SB 78††
Protection orders (See PROTECTION ORDERS)
Real property, discriminatory restriction or prohibition on, procedures for removal, SB 368*
Traffic control, setting aside default judgments, adoption of rules by justice courts and municipal courts, SB 104††
Wills or trusts, authority of interested persons to obtain declaratory judgments, SB 407*
Judges licensed to practice law, jurisdiction, SB 62*
Compensation increased, SB 210††
Term limits, SB 62†
Public Employees’ Retirement System, increase in employer contributions, appropriations, AB 498††
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Cannabis Compliance Board, certain decisions of Board relating to disciplinary action, procedures, SB 69D
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, final decisions involving housing discrimination, SB 143
Gaming Commission, Nevada, review of final decisions or regulations, venue, SB 14*
Mental health services to children, businesses providing, applicants for tax abatements, AB 445
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, decisions, SB 114D
Property tax, petition for review of partial abatement, review of decision of Nevada Tax Commission, AB 449†
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Rules, adoption, SB 63*
Vacancies in office of justice of the Supreme Court, filling of, SB 63*
Annual proclamation, repeal of provision, AB 31D, AB 140*
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Commission, creation, duties, AB 409
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Fund, creation, AB 409
Legal holiday, AB 31D, AB 140*
Criminal actions, number of jurors reduced in municipal and justice courts, AB 12D
Instructions to jury, use of informants in criminal proceedings, AB 101*
Jurors summoned to serve on grand jury or trial jury, fee for attendance increased, SB 222*
“Police officer” defined for the purposes of certain benefits and exemptions, applicability of laws, AB 301
Selection of jurors, public assistance recipients, use of information in jury selection, SB 222*
Administrative assessments, distribution, SB 448*
Assisted outpatient treatment, transfers to district court, SB 155*
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, representation, AB 160††
Community service, credit offered toward payment of fines, requirements, SB 55*, SB 209D
Criminal cases, transfers to other courts, requirements, SB 55*
Days open or for transaction of judicial business on Sunday or legal holiday, prohibition, SB 55†
Deferral of judgment
Child, abuse, neglect or endangerment of, deferral prohibited, SB 412†
Older or vulnerable persons, abuse or exploitation of, deferral prohibited, SB 412†
Deputy clerk, title change, appointment, SB 55*
Electronic filing, storage and reproduction of documents, SB 63*
Eviction (See also EVICTION)
Diversion program for tenants subject to eviction, establishment authorized, requirements, SB 335††
Facilitating sex trafficking, adult posing as child, access to information maintained by agency which provides child welfare services, SB 389†
Fees, SB 55†
Homeless persons
Diversionary and specialty court programs, assignment, SB 155*
Mental illness or intellectually disabled, persons suffering from assignment, SB 155*
Intimidation, duties of court clerks, SB 227D
Jurors, number of in criminal action, AB 12D
Justices of the peace (See JUSTICES OF THE PEACE)
Mental illness or intellectual disability, offenders with
Specialty court programs, assignment, transfers to district court, AB 405*
Nonjudicial days, exceptions, SB 63*
Pretrial release, increase in time period, prohibited acts, SB 412†
Prostitution offenses, jurisdiction, AB 145†
Seals, regulations, repeal of provisions, SB 63*
Small claims for amount owed by tenant, requirements, representation of landlord by agent, SB 78††
Traffic control
Citations, procedures, SB 104††
Default judgments, setting aside, adoption of rules, SB 104††
Transfers to district court, requirements, SB 104††
Transcription of sound recordings, exemption from court reporter regulations, SB 160D
Gifts or grants, authority to accept, AB 32*
Candidacy, filing requirements, SB 418*
Examination prescribed by Nevada Supreme Court, passage required, SB 354*
Jurisdiction, SB 55*
Partner practicing law, exception to prohibition, SB 63*
Pretrial release hearings, authority to conduct in a municipal court, SB 235*
Successors of justice of the peace, removal of obsolete provisions, SB 55*
Telephone number of office, availability to public, SB 63*
Administration, Department of, appropriation for certain technology requirements and activities, AB 475*
Autism spectrum disorders, program for the treatment of children diagnosed with, SB 411*
Child, orders for protection against, admissions, representations or statements made by child inadmissible during criminal proceeding, SB 382*
Community service, authority to order participation in certain programs, SB 359D
Concentrated cannabis, offenses related to, jurisdiction, AB 170D
Counseling or psychological treatment of child, authority to order, SB 359†
Cruelty to animals, deferral of judgment prohibited, AB 159*
Interpreters, conditional certification or registration, program to include, regulations, AB 331
Interrogation of child in custody, prohibited acts, exceptions, AB 193*
Intimidation, use of symbols of hate, authority of court, SB 227D
Limitations, SB 104††
Transfers from justice courts, requirements, SB 104††
Juvenile justice information, release for eligibility to purchase and possess firearms, SB 367*
Juvenile sex offenders, registration and community notification, duties, SB 408D
Nevada Children’s Commission, appointment of minor member to, AB 412D
Probation, placement of child on probation, authority, limitations, SB 415*
Community service, authority of court to order participation in certain programs, SB 359D
Concentrated cannabis, child in possession of certain amount does not commit delinquent act, AB 170D
Counseling or psychological treatment of child, authority of court to order, SB 359†
Intimidation, use of symbols of hate, penalties, SB 227D
Assessments for operation of regional facilities, calculation, AB 68*
Caliente Youth Center, appropriations, SB 495*
Commercially sexually exploited children
Reports, requirements, AB 183*
Restrictions on placement and training of employees, AB 238D
Screening of children, requirements, exception, AB 183*
Housing when pregnant or recuperating from delivery, requirements, AB 292†
Interrogation of child in custody, prohibited acts, exceptions, AB 193*
Transfer or transportation when pregnant, use of restraints prohibited, AB 292†
Polling places, establishment, requirements, AB 286†
Summit View Youth Center, appropriations, SB 495*
Youth Training Center, Nevada, appropriations, SB 495*
Administration, Department of, appropriation for certain technology requirements and activities, AB 475*
Advisory Council for the Nevada Children’s Commission, creation, AB 412D
Caliente Youth Center, appropriations, SB 495*
Child and Family Services, Division of (See HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF)
Employees of juvenile justice departments in Clark County, denial or termination of employment for conviction of certain crimes, procedures, SB 410*
Firearms, release of information in background check for purchase and possession of, SB 367*
Nevada Children’s Commission, creation, AB 412D
“Police officer” defined for the purposes of certain benefits and exemptions, applicability of laws, AB 301
Regional treatment and rehabilitation facilities, county assessments, calculation, AB 68*
Sexual conduct between volunteer and child in care or custody, penalty, SB 121D
Southern Nevada Child and Adolescent Services, appropriation, SB 495*
“Substantiated report of child abuse or neglect” defined, SB 410*
Summit View Youth Center, appropriations, SB 495*
Youth Parole Bureau (See HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF—Child and Family Services, Division of)
Youth Training Center, Nevada, appropriations, SB 495*
Advisory Committee, elimination, SB 214*, SB 431†
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Mail theft, acts constituting, penalties, AB 272*
Gaming employees, disciplinary action, SB 7D
Statewide Alert System, Committee for the, composition, AB 239*
Anatomical gifts (See ANATOMICAL GIFTS)
Dialysate drugs, delivery to residence, requirements, AB 110*
Dialysis, device necessary to administer, delivery to residence, requirements, AB 110*
Renal disease, irreversible, delivery of dialysate drugs and certain dialysis devices to residence, requirements, AB 110*
Adoption of Indian child by extended family member, applicability of certain provisions, AB 444†
Child abuse or neglect, ad litem guardians, appointment, AB 148*
Child visitation, grandparent or great-grandparent of unmarried minor child, authority of court to grant visitation rights, SB 74D
Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Driver’s licenses, alternative address displayed on, authority of certain persons to request, SB 406†
Elections officials, dissemination of personal identifying information of officials, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 404†, SB 406*
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, forms necessary for employee’s leave of absence, fees charged by health care providers limited, AB 437††
Family leave for state officers and employees, requirements, AB 376*
Foster Kinship, appropriation, AB 166
Gaming, deceased licensees or licensees judicially declared to be disabled, engagement in gaming activities by kindred, requirements, SB 14*
Health care decisions, default surrogate, order of priority, AB 414†
Homeless patients discharged from hospitals, family member to be contacted, regulations, AB 406D
Offenders and family members, provision of communication services between, pilot program, SB 234*
Parentage, genetic testing of siblings to determine, authority of court, AB 371††
Controlled Substances Act, Uniform, applicability of law, AB 322††
Definition, AB 322†
Prohibited acts, penalties, AB 322††
Registration, requirements, AB 322††
Cannabis vaporizers, requirements, AB 430†
Feminine hygiene products, ingredients list, requirements, exemptions, AB 169*
Goods having counterfeit label, Attorney General, duties, AB 50*
Kratom products, requirements, penalties, AB 322††
Off-label use of drug product, authority of health care providers to prescribe or dispense, AB 234D
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances intentionally added to products, requirements, SB 76††
Prescriptions, requirements, provision of information in certain languages, AB 251††
Administrative penalties, monies collected, duties, SB 145†
Compliance and enforcement duties, costs for, appropriation, SB 301††
Computer hardware and software, appropriation, SB 491*
Employee misclassification, duties, SB 145*
Employee Savings Trust Program, Nevada, contracts with Board of Trustees to obtain services of office authorized, SB 305*
Paid leave to attend certain school meetings, duties, SB 344D
Public works
Apprentices, duties, receipt of reports, appropriation, SB 82*
E-Verify system, enforcement of laws, AB 89D
Notices to workers regarding wages and other information, duties, AB 210*
Prevailing wages, duties, SB 226*, SB 433††
Transportation projects, contractor or subcontractor required to enter into agreement with labor organization, duties, AB 367D
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Collective bargaining agreements, implementation, appropriations, SB 510*
Health information exchange, advisory group, representation, AB 7*
Public works, award of transportation projects, contractor or subcontractor required to enter into agreement with labor organization, AB 367D
Regional transportation commissions, advisory committees, recommendations, AB 214*
Cannabis independent testing laboratories, regulations, SB 33D
Exempt laboratories, pharmacist authorized to serve as director, regulations, SB 201
Hospitals, agreements with Armed Forces of United States for provision of care, AB 311*
Medical Laboratory Advisory Committee
Meetings, frequency, AB 239*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Vacancies, procedures, AB 239*
Neurodegenerative diseases, reporting requirements, regulation, penalties, SB 390*
Pharmacists, authority to order and perform certain laboratory tests, SB 201
Sexual assault, biological specimens, DNA profiles and records of survivors, restrictions on use, reports, SB 321*
Colorado River, protection and management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation urged to consider certain actions, SJR 3*
Colorado River, protection and management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation urged to consider certain actions, SJR 3*
Applications for land use planning, procedures for review, duties of governing bodies, AB 213*
Legislative declarations, AB 213*
Refrigerants, limitations on use, prohibited acts, AB 97††
Rural neighborhoods plans in Clark County, contents, requirements, AB 213†
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, grants to promote, AB 131*
Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 140
Solid waste management systems, authority to impose sales and use tax to fund operations, AB 1
Agents, authority to act in certain actions, restrictions, SB 78††
Rent, violations related to, award of damages, AB 218††
Residential foreclosure, property sold as, notice, SB 223*
Security deposit, claims by landlord, burden of proof, SB 78††
Small claims for amount owed by tenant, requirements, SB 78††
Applicability of laws, SB 223*, AB 425
Application fees, requirements, AB 298††
Change in agent, broker or property management company, landlord to notify tenant, SB 78††
“Cleaning deposit” defined, limitation on amount, SB 78†
Collection agencies, assigning of amounts owed by tenants, restrictions, SB 78††
Common-interest communities, restricting display of religious items prohibited, exceptions, AB 111D
Commission, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, contracts between, SB 143
Discrimination, acts of, effect on certain provisions, AB 176D
Credit reporting agencies, reporting of amounts owed by tenants, restrictions, SB 78††
Disabilities, persons with, authority to make certain modifications to dwelling, use of service animals, SB 143
Discrimination in housing, prohibited acts, remedies and civil penalties, enforcement of laws, SB 143, AB 176D
Eviction (See EVICTION)
Fees, fines and costs generally, restrictions, duties of landlords, notice of increase, SB 78††
Habitability of dwelling unit, landlord prohibited from requiring tenant to pay certain repair and maintenance charges, SB 381*
Housing authorities, inspection and repair of dwelling units, requirements, AB 333*
Landlord property managers, definition, licensing and regulation, AB 327D
Late fees, requirements, grace period, disputable presumption, SB 78††
“Normal wear” defined, SB 78††
Obtaining rent by false pretenses, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Proof of income requirements, prohibited acts, SB 143
Property tax (See PROPERTY TAX)
Refusal to rent, landlord to provide notice of reason for refusal, AB 176D
Amount, certain fees prohibited, AB 218††
Cost-of-living increases, calculation and publication, effect, SB 426, AB 362D
Existing tenants, limitations on rent increases, remedies, SB 426, AB 298††, AB 362D
Notice requirements, SB 78††, SB 426, AB 362D
Prospective tenants, limitations on rent, exemptions, remedies, SB 426, AB 362D
Justice courts, diversion program for tenants subject to summary eviction, requirements, SB 223*
Internet website or online portal, payments through, AB 218††
Methods of payment, requirements, AB 218††
Processing payments for and collecting rent from tenants by a person, authority of landlord to enter into agreement, requirements, AB 447D
Property tax, persons 55 years of age or older, partial refunds, eligibility, SB 374D
Rent control, enactment by counties and cities of ordinances relating to, authority, SB 371†
Rental assistance for certain persons, appropriations, AB 396*
Violation of certain laws by landlords, remedies of tenant, retaliatory conduct prohibited, SB 426, AB 362D
Rental agreements
Absence of rental agreement, presumption, SB 78††
Contents, requirements, SB 78††, AB 218††, AB 298††
Copy of agreement, provision to prospective tenants, AB 218††
Early termination authorized for victims of intimidation, SB 227D
Rental application fee authorized, limitations, SB 78††
Rental assurances agreements between landlord and tenant, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 123D
Rental obligations insurance, requirements and restrictions, AB 123D
Retaliation, prohibited acts, SB 426
Security deposit, definition, duties of landlord, authorized uses, civil actions, SB 78††
Targeted residential picketing prohibited, penalty, SB 122D
Voter registration forms, provision at lease signing, AB 190D
Certification, disqualification based on criminal history, removal of provisions, AB 363D
Grand and petit larceny, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Scrap metal or utility property, theft, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Bill draft requests
City charter, additional measure to amend, AB 104D
Maximum number reduced, AB 200
Building codes, regulations of State Fire Marshal, applicability, AB 213†
Clark County school district trustees, appointment, procedures for filling vacancies, AB 175*
Construction work in certain common-interest communities, establishment of hours at which work may begin, requirements, AB 189*
Election returns, canvass, duties of Chief Clerk purely ministerial, district court to compel certain actions, charter amendment, SB 404†
Elections, effect of selection of more than one candidate on ballot, charter amendment, SB 60†
Film Studio Infrastructure Act, Nevada, enactment, SB 496
Nevada Medal of Distinction, biannual location of ceremony, AB 299†
Public notices of planning commissions, availability in certain languages, requirements, immunity from liability, AB 266*
Purchasing Division, appropriation for purchase of warehouse building, AB 472*
Workforce development program, establishment, requirements, charter amendment, SB 246††
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, representation, AB 160††
Behavioral health workforce development consortium, membership, AB 37*
Burial sites, human remains found that are thought to be native Indian, notifications, procedures, SB 364*
Civilian employees
Confidentiality of personal information in certain official records, requests, SB 83D
Employee organizations, conditions for membership, SB 264*
Supervisory employees, defined as, SB 166*
Commercially sexually exploited children, multidisciplinary teams to review cases, representation, AB 238D
Contractors performing work on highways, use of law enforcement vehicles, permits, authority, SB 107*
Demographic information, collection, requirements, AB 139*
Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, sharing of information, SB 2*
Drones operated by, regulations, SB 11*, SB 398D
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, certain penalties prohibited, SB 239††
Financial institutions, exploitation of aged or vulnerable persons, notifications, SB 355*
Human Trafficking, Nevada Blue Ribbon Committee on, representation, AB 288D
Medical Examiners, Board of, receipt of certain complaints regarding licensees, duty to notify Board, immunity from liability, AB 442†
Metropolitan police departments (See METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENTS)
Missing persons from Indian reservation or colony, duties, notifications, AB 125*
Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission, resignations or employment separations from law enforcement agencies, notifications, SB 225*
Police departments (See POLICE DEPARTMENTS)
Safety programs in workplace, exemptions, SB 427D
Scrap metal purchasers, electronic reporting system, purchase of used catalytic converters, SB 243*, SB 250D
Seizure and forfeiture of property, annual reports, requirements, SB 337D, AB 350*
Sexual assault, DNA profiles and records of survivors, restrictions on use, SB 321*
Sheriffs (See SHERIFFS)
Skilled nursing, facilities for, electronic communication devices, access to device, AB 202*
Statewide Alert System, Committee for the, composition, AB 239*
Support services, persons providing, conditions for membership in employee organizations, SB 264†
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, creation, duties, representation, AB 119*
Vulnerable adults, temporary orders for protection, receipt, AB 254D
Other State Education Programs Account, allocations for training programs, duties, SB 503*
Hybrid leases, definition, applicability of laws, AB 231*
Landlord and tenant (See LANDLORD AND TENANT—Rental agreements)
Local government improvements, lease or lease-purchase agreements, requirements, SB 226*
Office of Finance, leases for state offices, appropriation, SB 456*
State Lands, Division of, authority to lease parcels in Carson City, AB 516*
COVID-19 Relief Programs budget account, payment of money to registered nonprofit organizations, requirements, appropriation, AB 526*
Publication on newspaper website, requirements, violations, SB 22*
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, duties, AB 160††
Behavioral Health, Commission on, AB 201†
Behavioral health services, comprehensive plan to provide, AB 201††
Biomarker testing and precision medicine, AB 155*
Cannabis, potential effects of removal of cannabis from list of controlled substances, SB 277*
Cardiovascular screening programs and matters relating to cardiovascular health, SCR 5‡
Caregivers, aftercare capacity, AB 100*
Consumptive water use and economic development, AB 261†
Corrections, Department of, duties, AB 121*
Digital health products, inclusion in Medicaid coverage, study, SB 419††
Domestic violence, battery which constitutes, ACR 6
Economic Development, Office of, AB 261†
Education Accountability, Subcommittee on, duties, AB 399*
Education, Commission on Professional Standards, AB 428*
Education, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, duties, SB 72*, AB 308D
Employee Savings Trust Program, Nevada, feasibility study, SB 305*
Energy, Office of, duties, AB 261†, AB 315
Environmental justice, AB 71
Graduate Medical Education, Advisory Council on, creation, duties, SB 350*
Growth and Infrastructure, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, duties, SB 421D, SB 451*, ACR 3
Health and Human Services, Joint Interim Standing Committee, duties, SB 419††, AB 11††, AB 155*
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, duties, AB 99
Highway Patrol Division, staffing study, appropriation, AB 495*
Human Resource Management, Division of, salary study, AB 451*
Human trafficking, interim study concerning policies and procedures applicable to victims, SCR 1
Hydrogen and hydrogen technologies, interim study, SB 451*
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, creation, duties, SB 425*
Interim committees, reports (JSR 19), ACR 1‡
Interstate 80, study of issues relating to traffic safety, AB 63D
Judiciary, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, controlled substance testing, SB 35*
Medicaid reimbursement rates, cost-of-living increase for certain long-term care providers, AB 99
Museums and History, Division of, ability of persons with disabilities to access institutions, AB 252*
Natural Resources, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, agencies that regulate natural resources in State, SB 88††
Nevada System of Higher Education
Funding formula for System, appropriation, AB 493*
Institutional fees, waivers, SB 72*
North Las Vegas, City of, diversity study, SB 184D
Northwestern Nevada, regional growth issues, SB 81††
NV Grow Program, feasibility of center to provide services and training in geographic information systems, SB 126†
Polygraphic examinations on certain employees, ACR 4
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, study, SB 242
Public Safety, Department of, SB 104††
Real-time sales tax point-of-sale system, feasibility study, appropriation, SB 465
Renewable energy generation projects and energy storage systems, study concerning placement, SB 421D
Revenue, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, wealth taxes study, ACR 7
Rural Northeaster Clark County Regional School District, feasibility study, AB 420D
Outdoor recreation, incorporation of outdoor recreation into curriculum of public education, AB 164*
Public Education Employee Working Conditions Task Force, duties, SB 47†
Additional resources required by certain pupils, policies and strategies addressing needs, SB 72*
High schools, graduation and achievement of pupils, trends and divergence between trends, SB 72*
Mental health and wellness, SB 72*
Advisory Committee on the Safety and Well-Being of Public School Staff, creation, AB 72*
Employment of H-1 visa holders, AB 308D
Licensing requirements, effects, SB 72*
Workload, SB 72*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, SB 103†
Taxicab Authority, review of laws administered by, ACR 3
Traffic control, development and implementation of standardized statewide uniform civil infraction citation, SB 104††
Transportation Authority, Nevada, review of laws administered by, ACR 3
Water Resources, Division of, duties, appropriation, SB 473*
Audit requests
Clark County, County Manager, AB 396*
College of Southern Nevada, SB 126*
Community service organizations, AB 525*
Culinary Academy of Las Vegas, AB 521
Elko County School District, AB 273
Food Bank of Northern Nevada, SB 341†
Foster Kinship, AB 166
Foundation for an Independent Tomorrow, AB 525*
Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, Nevada Local, entities receiving grants, AB 388*
Leadership Institute of Nevada, SB 503*
National Atomic Testing Museum, nonprofit corporation to relocate, AB 80
Nevada Center for Civic Engagement, SB 236
NV Grow Program, SB 126*
Reno, City of, AB 396*
School garden programs, SB 244
Southern Nevada Enterprise Community Board, SB 246†
SPARKS, City of, AB 396*
Special Olympics of Nevada, SB 219
Three Square, SB 341†
United Way of Northern Nevada, AB 525*
Audit Subcommittee
Research Division, public education liaison, receipt of reports, AB 517†
School district audits, receipt of reports, SB 64D
Bill draft requests, maximum number reduced, AB 200
Cannabis Compliance Board, regulations, repeal, SB 328*
Chair and Vice Chair, eligibility during Interim, exemption from requirements, AB 243†
Community colleges, boards of trustees, nomination of members, SB 347†
Education, Inspector General of, duties, AB 149D
Election procedures manual, approval, SB 54*
Emergency management, regulations submitted by Governor, duties, AB 103D
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, duties, AB 395D
General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, SB 504*
Membership and organization (JSR 11), ACR 1‡, SR 7, AR 9*
Public Education Employee Working Conditions Task Force, appointments, SB 47†
Regulations, environmental justice impact statements, procedures, AB 312†
Reports, receipt
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, AB 58*, AB 429
Broadband services available throughout State, SB 431†
Business Opportunity Outreach Unit, SB 185
Cannabis Compliance Board, SB 402
Charter schools sponsored by cities and counties, AB 400*
Economic Development, Office of, SB 431†
Employee Savings Trust, Board of Trustees of the Nevada, SB 305*
Entrepreneurship, Office of, AB 77*
Environmental Protection, Division of, AB 184*
Federal Assistance, Office of, AB 365D
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, AB 395D
Human Resource Management, Division of, AB 451*
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, SB 425*
Jails, policies to ensure voting by persons detained, SB 162
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Commission, AB 409
Keep Nevada Working Task Force, SB 24*, AB 366††
Language access plans of state agencies or local governments, SB 373, AB 266*
Las Vegas, City of, SB 246††
Legislative Auditor, AB 517*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, AB 57*
New Americans, Office for, AB 266*
North Las Vegas, City of, SB 246††
Northwestern Nevada, regional growth issues, SB 81††
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, AB 278D
Public Safety, Department of, AB 57†
Public works, preference in bidding, AB 391†
Sidewalk Vending, Task Force on Safe, SB 92*
Taxation, Department of, AB 5D
Workforce, Department of, SB 431†
School districts, performance audits, receipt of reports, AB 517*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, appointment, SB 103†
State colleges, boards of trustees, nomination of members, SB 347†
State of emergency or declaration of disaster, powers and duties, SB 136D, AB 103D
Sunset Subcommittee
Bill draft requests, number authorized, AB 243††
Chair and Vice Chair
Appointment, SB 210††
Eligibility, filling of vacancies, AB 243††
Interim committees, applicability of laws, AB 243††
Name change, membership, organization and operations, AB 243††
Review of professional or occupational licensing boards, duties, SB 210††, AB 503†
Anti-harassment policy, duties (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡
Audit Division, Legislative Auditor
Children’s Cabinet, duties, SB 263*
Clark County, County Manager, duties, AB 396*
College of Southern Nevada, duties, SB 126*
Community service organizations, AB 525*
Educational Accountability and Program Evaluation, Legislative Bureau of, receipt of reports, SB 64D
Elko County School District, duties, AB 273
Food Bank of Northern Nevada, SB 341†
Forestry, Division of, duties, SB 480*
Foster Kinship, duties, AB 166
Foundation for an Independent Tomorrow, AB 525*
Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, Nevada Local, entities receiving grants, duties, AB 388*
Legislative Institute of Nevada, duties, SB 503*
National Atomic Testing Museum, nonprofit corporation to relocate, duties, AB 80
Nevada Center for Civic Engagement, SB 236
NV Grow Program, duties, SB 126*
Opioids, investigation and litigation, costs and expenses that the State reimbursed to retained attorney, duties, SB 377D
Reno, City of, AB 396*
School districts, duties, SB 64D, AB 517*
School garden programs, duties, SB 244
Southern Nevada Enterprise Community Board, duties, SB 246†
Sparks, City of, AB 396*
Special Olympics of Nevada, duties, SB 219
Three Square, duties, SB 341†
United Way of Northern Nevada, AB 525*
Anti-harassment policy, duties (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡
Child and Family Services, Division of, receipt of notifications, SB 380*
Education Accountability, Subcommittee on, duties, AB 399*
General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, SB 504*
Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, prospective receipt of notice regarding, SB 290*
Reports, receipt (See also LEGISLATIVE AND AGENCY STUDIES)
Administrative Office of the Courts, AB 160††
Aging and Disability Services Division, AB 422*
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, AB 58*, AB 429
Attorney General, SB 34*
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, AB 160††
Behavioral Health, Commission on, AB 201†
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center of Nevada, AB 37*
Biomarker Testing, Task Force on Precision Medicine and, AB 155†
Broadband services available throughout state, SB 431†
Business Licensing Working Group, AB 14D
Business Opportunity Outreach Unit, SB 185
Cannabis Advisory Commission, SB 277*
Cannabis Compliance Board, SB 402
Caregivers, interim assessment of certain, AB 100*
Child and Family Services, Division of, SB 380*
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Nevada Coalition to Prevent, SB 389†
Corrections, Department of, SB 234†, AB 121*, AB 156*
Crime Statistics, Center for the Analysis of, SB 389*
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, AB 113
Earned wage access services, SB 290*
Economic Development, Office of, SB 431†, SB 496, AB 41, AB 261†, AB 428†, AB 528*
Education, Department of, AB 237†, AB 352D
Education, Inspector General of, AB 149D
Education, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, SB 72*, SB 329
Education, State Board of, AB 400*
Education Support Professional Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, SB 71†
Election Crimes Unit, AB 326D
Election Crimes, Unit for Investigation and Prosecution of, SB 325D
Emerging Technologies Task Force, SB 165
Employee Savings Trust, Board of Trustees of the Nevada, SB 305*
Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, SB 168D
Energy, Office of, AB 261†, AB 315
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, AB 312
Environmental Justice, Commission on, AB 312†
Environmental Protection, Division of, AB 71, AB 184*
Federal Assistance, Office of, AB 365D
Film infrastructure transferable tax credits, SB 496
Financial Institutions, Commissioner of, SB 290*
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, AB 395D
Growth and Infrastructure, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, SB 451*, ACR 3
Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 419††, AB 6, AB 7*, AB 201††, AB 267*
Health and Human Services, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, AB 155*, SCR 5‡
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, AB 99, AB 237†, AB 435D
Health Care Services, Independent Commission on Rates for, AB 85
Health districts, SB 118*
Health, State Board of, AB 263
Higher Education Funding, Commission on, SB 347
Hospital staffing committees, duty removed, AB 243††
Housing Division, AB 310*
Human Resource Management, Division of, AB 451*
Human Trafficking Coalition, State of Nevada, SB 389†
Human Trafficking, Nevada Blue Ribbon Committee on, AB 288D
Human Trafficking, Nevada Policy Council on, SB 389†
Human trafficking task force, SB 389†
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, AB 353D
Investigation and Prosecution of Crimes Against Older Persons and Vulnerable Persons, Unit for the, AB 119*
Jails or detention facilities, SB 162, AB 156*
Judiciary, Joint Interim Standing Committee on the, SCR 1, ACR 6
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Commission, AB 409
Keep Nevada Working Task Force, SB 24*, AB 366††
Language access plans of state agencies or local governments, SB 373, AB 266*
Las Vegas, City of, SB 246††
Legislative Auditor, SB 64D
Maternal Mortality Review Committee, AB 168†
Medical Examiners, Board of, SB 283*
Mental health consortium, statewide, AB 265†
Minerals, Division of, AB 313
Motor Vehicles, Department of, SB 205*, AB 57*
Nevada System of Higher Education, AB 493*
New Americans, Office for, AB 266*
North Las Vegas, City of, SB 246††
Offenders, Office of the Ombudsperson for, AB 452*
Opioid Task Force, Clark County Regional, AB 132*
Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of, SB 283*
Outdoor Recreation, Division of, AB 164*
Patient Protection Commission, AB 6
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, AB 179
Polygraphic examinations on certain employees, study, ACR 4
Postsecondary Education, Commission on, SB 345D
Pretrial release hearings conducted on weekends or holidays, counties receiving funding, AB 518*
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, SB 242
Public Education Employee Working Conditions Task Force, SB 47†
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, AB 278D
Public Safety, Department of, SB 104††, AB 57†, AB 63D
Public works, preference in bidding, AB 391†
Regulatory bodies, AB 402D, AB 503†
School Funding, Commission on, AB 400*
Adult High School Diploma Program, SB 503*
Alternative educational opportunities for pupils, programs for, SB 199D
Charter schools sponsored by cities and counties, AB 400*
Examinations and assessments, annual class time used, AB 296
Holocaust and other genocides, curriculum, AB 243††
Metrics of performance for public schools, SB 98*
Pupil-teacher ratios, AB 42
Sexuality education, course of instruction, SB 439†, AB 357
Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, SB 350*
Securities Division, Administrator, AB 67
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, SB 103†
Sentencing Policy, Department of, AB 32*
Sexual assault, biological specimens, DNA profiles and records of survivors, audits, SB 321*
Sidewalk Vending, Task Force on Safe, SB 92*
Superintendent of Public Instruction, SB 98*, SB 438
Taxation, Department of, SB 233, AB 5D
Transportation, Department of, AB 63D
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, AB 119*
Wildlife, Department of, AB 313
Workforce, Department of, SB 431†
Workforce Innovation, Office of, AB 428*
Standing committees, records of proceedings, duties (JSR 12), ACR 1‡
Employees, administrative leave, grant, ACR 8*
Fiscal Analysis Division
Budgetary software, funding to update, AB 346*
General appropriations legislation, duties, SB 511*, AB 520††
Pupil-teacher ratios, receipt of reports, AB 42
Salaries of state officers and employees, duties, AB 522*
State Budget Act, duties, AB 346*
State Permanent School Fund, receipt of reports, AB 3*
Superintendent of Public Instruction, receipt of report, SB 340††
Group insurance, certain members of Legislature, payment of premiums, SB 320
Interim Finance Committee
Adult High School Diploma Program, SB 503*
Anti-Domestic Terrorism Assistance Account, duties, AB 117†
Art museum, establishment in Las Vegas, appropriation, AB 525*
Attorney General, allocation to, appropriation, AB 258††
Bill draft requests, maximum number reduced, AB 200
Capital improvements legislation, duties, AB 521
Changes of positions in state agencies, approval requirement removed, SB 431†
Education Accountability, Subcommittee on, creation, duties, AB 399*
Employment of offenders, programs for, duties, AB 243††
Enterprise Resource Planning System, appropriations, AB 468*
Finance, Office of, temporary advancements, duties, AB 523*
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, creation, membership, AB 395D
General appropriations legislation, duties, SB 511*, AB 520††
Gifts or grants to state agencies, requirements, SB 431*, AB 383†
Grant acceptance and revision of work programs by departments, institutions or agencies, requests for provisional approval, duties, AB 361*
Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, allocation for administrative expenses, SB 4*
Industrial and agricultural programs, duties, AB 243††
International Gaming Institute of UNLV, allocation to, appropriation, AB 525*
Joint Interim Standing Committee on Judiciary, certain duties transferred, AB 243††
Language access plans for certain state agencies, appropriation, duties, AB 480*
National Atomic Testing Museum, appropriations, AB 80
Operations of State Government, interference with, prohibited acts, SB 431†
Public Safety, Department of, appropriation for allocation to Department for certain technology upgrades, AB 160††
Reports, receipt
Adult High School Diploma Program, SB 503*
Child and Family Services, Division of, SB 380*
Children’s Cabinet, appropriation, SB 263*
Clark County, County Manager, AB 396*
College of Southern Nevada, SB 126*
Communities in Schools of Nevada, SB 189*
Community service organizations, AB 525*
Continuum of Care fiscal working group, SB 400†
Corrections, Department of, SB 413*
Culinary Academy of Las Vegas, AB 521, AB 525*
Desert Research Institute, SB 99*
Economic Development, Office of, AB 41
Education, Department of, SB 231*
Elko County School District, AB 273
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, AB 395D
Fiscal Advisory Committee for a Flexible Continuum of Care Plan, SB 400††
Food Bank of Northern Nevada, SB 341†
Foster Kinship, AB 166
Foundation for an Independent Tomorrow, AB 525*
Governor, AB 526*
Health and Human Services, Department of, annual report, SB 4*
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, AB 99
Health districts, SB 118*
Housing Division, SB 450*
Human Resource Management, Division of, AB 451*, AB 522*
Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, Nevada Local, entities receiving grants, AB 388*
Leadership Institute of Nevada, SB 503*
Legislative Auditor, AB 517*
National Atomic Testing Museum, nonprofit corporation to relocate, AB 80
Nevada Center for Civic Engagement, SB 236
Nevada System of Higher Education, SB 126†, AB 268*, AB 522*
New Construction of Facilities for Prison Industries, Fund for, AB 243††
NV Grow Program, SB 126*
Pupil-teacher ratios, AB 42
Reno, City of, AB 396*
Research Division, AB 517†
School districts, SB 231*
School Funding, Commission on, AB 400*
School garden programs, SB 244
Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, SB 350*
Southern Nevada Enterprise Community Board, SB 246†
Sparks, City of, AB 396*
Special Olympics of Nevada, SB 219
Superintendent of Public Instruction, SB 340††
Supreme Court, SB 58*
Teaching and Educator Preparation, Nevada Institute on, SB 291*
Three Square, SB 341†
United Way of Northern Nevada, AB 525*
Salaries of state officers and employees, duties, SB 431†, AB 522*
School districts, performance audits, duties, AB 517*
School funding, duties, SB 503*
Teach Nevada Scholarship program, appropriation, SB 503*
Water Rights, Account for Purchasing and Retiring, creation, duties, SB 176
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, Nevada Office, appropriation, SB 342*
Work programs of state departments and agencies, duties, SB 431*, AB 527†
Legal Division
Bill draft requests (See LEGISLATURE—Bills and resolutions)
Cannabis Compliance Board, regulations, repeal, SB 328*
Complaints alleging breach of legislative ethics or conflicts of interest, duties (SSR 23), SR 8‡
Ethics, Commission on, duties concerning published opinions, AB 66D
General Counsel, maximum bill draft requests reduced, AB 200
Legislative Counsel
Bill draft requests, maximum number reduced, AB 200
Burial sites, human remains found that are thought to be native Indian, protection, receipt of reports, SB 364*
Nevada Administrative Code, name changes, transfers of responsibilities and other requirements, duties, SB 192*, SB 273*, SB 276*, SB 312D, SB 365D, SB 389*, SB 431*, SB 447, SB 496, AB 516*
Nevada Revised Statutes, name changes, transfers of responsibilities and other requirements, duties, SB 34*, SB 40*, SB 44*, SB 59*, SB 192*, SB 276*, SB 389*, SB 431*, SB 447, SB 496, AB 20*, AB 503†, AB 516*
Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission, removal of void regulations, AB 30D
Environmental justice impact statements, requirements and procedures, AB 312†
School Modernization, Commission on, receipt of request, SB 56D
Sexual harassment complaints involving lobbyist, notice (JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡
Personnel, salaries, appropriations, SB 440†, AB 522*
Research Division
Public education
Liaison, appointment of employee to serve as liaison between Legislature and the public, reports, AB 517†
Waste, abuse or fraud, establishment of methods for persons to report, AB 517†
Enactment, AB 66D
Appropriation, SB 511*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Anti-harassment policy (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡
Appropriations (See also APPROPRIATIONS)
Pledge not to require state agencies to reduce appropriations under certain circumstances, SB 431†
Benjamin, Lucinda, expression of appreciation, AR 11*
Chief Clerk of the Assembly, maximum bill draft requests reduced, AB 200
Minority Leader
Appointments made by
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, AB 160††
Film, Media and Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, SB 496
Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, duty removed, AB 274*
Higher Education Campus Safety, Commission on, AB 245†
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, SB 425*
Nevada Medal of Distinction, selection committee, AB 299*
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, AB 164*
School Funding, Commission on, SB 98*
Bill draft requests, maximum number, procedures, AB 200
Appointments made by
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, AB 160††
Biomarker Testing, Task Force on Precision Medicine and, AB 155†
Education Accountability, Subcommittee on, AB 399*
Employee Savings Trust Program, Board of Trustees of the Nevada, SB 305*
Film, Media and Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, SB 496
Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, duty removed, AB 274*
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, AB 395D
Higher Education Campus Safety, Commission on, AB 245†
Higher Education Funding, Commission on, SB 347
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, SB 425*
Nevada Children’s Commission, AB 412D
Nevada Medal of Distinction, selection committee, AB 299*
Northwestern Nevada, study of regional growth issues, SB 81††
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, AB 164*
Public School Staff, Advisory Committee on the Safety and Well-Being of, AB 72*
School Funding, Commission on, SB 98*
Bill draft requests, maximum number, procedures, AB 200
Biomarker Testing, Task Force on Precision Medicine and, duties, AB 155†
Wall of Distinction, additions
Buckley, Barbara E., AR 8‡
Livermore, Peter, AR 7‡
Bills and resolutions
Amendments, rules (JSR 14.7, SSR 113, SSR 117), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Assembly, introduction and passage (ASR 106-ASR 119, ASR 142), AR 1‡
Benjamin, Lucinda, expression of appreciation, AR 11*
Conference committees (JSR 1), ACR 1‡
Drafting requests
Allocation of requests, AB 200
Cities, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, AB 113
Higher Education Funding, Commission on, SB 347
Limitations on requests for drafting (JSR 14-JSR 14.2), AB 200, ACR 1‡
Lists of requests, requirements, AB 200
Mental health consortia, AB 201†, AB 265††
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, AB 164*
Procedures, submission to Legislative Counsel, AB 200
Special sessions (ASR 142), AR 1‡
Enactment of bills, schedule (JSR 14-JSR 14.7), ACR 1‡
General appropriation bill (JSR 21), ACR 1‡
General file (SSR 113), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Health insurance bills, review (JSR 18), ACR 1‡
Introductions (JSR 14.2), ACR 1‡
Motions (SSR 60-SSR 69, SSR 115), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Notice of final action (JSR 3), ACR 1‡
Publications (JSR 6, SSR 111), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Reading (SSR 109, SSR 110, SSR 113), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Signatures (JSR 4), ACR 1‡
Skeleton bills (SSR 106), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Sponsorship (JSR 5, SSR 112), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Types, usage and approval of resolutions (JSR 7, SSR 118-SSR 119.2), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Vetoed bills, consideration of returned bills (SSR 116), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Voting (JSR 21, SSR 30-SSR 32), SR 8‡
Board of Regents, removal of status as constitutional body, effect, constitutional amendment, SJR 7 of the 81st Session‡
Committees (See also Joint Interim Standing Committees, this heading)
Bill draft requests, limitations, AB 200
Ethics, Committee on (SSR 23), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Anti-Domestic Terrorism Assistance Account, duties, AB 117†
Behavioral Health, Commission on, receipt of reports, AB 201†
Health and Human Services, Department of, receipt of reports, AB 201††
Ways and Means, Committee on, joint meetings with, AB 399*
Government Affairs, vacant or leased space in North Las Vegas, receipt of report, SB 184D
Growth and Infrastructure
Motor Vehicles, Department of, receipt of reports, AB 57*
Public Safety, Department of, receipt of reports, AB 57†
Interim Finance Committee (See LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL BUREAU)
Investigation and Prosecution of Crimes Against Older Persons and Vulnerable Persons, Unit for the, receipt of report, AB 119*
Tribal customary adoption, receipt of reports from Child and Family Services Division, AB 444*
Natural Resources, receipt of report from Division of Environmental Protection, AB 71
Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs
Behavioral health services, comprehensive plan to provide, study, duties, AB 201††
Caregivers, interim assessment of certain, receipt of report, AB 100*
Disabilities, persons with, study of limits to ability of persons to access institutions of Division of Museums and History, AB 252*
Membership, organization and operations, revision, AB 243††
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the Marlette Lake Water System, Committee for Review and Oversight, membership, reorganization, AB 243††
Ways and Means
Anti-Domestic Terrorism Assistance Account, duties, AB 117†
Behavioral Health, Commission on, receipt of reports, AB 201†
Finance, Committee on, joint meetings with, AB 399*
Health and Human Services, Department of, receipt of reports, AB 201††
Constitutional amendments, revision of amendment process, constitutional amendment, AJR 2D
Digital products, exemptions from taxation, duties, SB 396
Administrative leave, grant, ACR 8*
Appointment, AJR 4, SR 3‡, AR 2‡, AR 4‡, AR 5‡, AR 6‡
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, creation, advice to Legislature, AB 312
Fireworks, ballot question regarding sale and use, duties, SB 268D
Joint Interim Standing Committees (See also Committees, this heading)
Appointment of members, time for, duration of membership, AB 243††
Bill draft requests
Maximum number, revision, AB 200, AB 243††
Procedures, AB 243††
Chairs and Vice Chairs
Appointments, vacancies, AB 243††
Eligibility during interim, AB 243†
Powers and duties, AB 243††
Commerce and Labor
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center of Nevada, receipt of report, AB 37*
Dental Examiners, Board or, receipt of report, AB 147*
Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, receipt of report, SB 168D
Health and Human Services, Department of, receipt of reports, AB 267*
Insurance Division, receipt of report, SB 436*
2023-2024 Interim, studies required, SB 72*, SB 329
Education Support Professional Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, duties, SB 71†
Holocaust and other genocides, curriculum, duties, AB 243††
Reports, receipt
Adult High School Diploma Program, SB 503*
Alternative educational opportunities for pupils, programs for, SB 199D
Discipline of pupils, data collected by schools, certain actions and plans, AB 285*
Education services provided to pupils, AB 285*
Education Support Professional Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, SB 71†
Empowerment districts, SB 46D
Examinations and assessments, annual class time used, AB 296
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, AB 395D
Holocaust and other genocides, curriculum, AB 243††
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, SB 425*
Legislative Auditor, SB 64D
Limited proficiency in English, certain pupils with, data, AB 352D
Metrics of performance for public schools, SB 98*
Power-based Violence at Institutions of Higher Education, Task Force on, AB 245*
Public Education Employee Working Conditions Task Force, SB 47†
Pupil-teacher ratios, AB 42
School Funding, Commission on, AB 400*
Sexuality education, course of instruction, SB 439†, AB 357
Study, interim, current budget approval process, SB 329
Superintendent of Public Instruction, SB 340††
Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State
Appointments, SB 71*
Deadline for submitting applications, AB 243††
Government Affairs
County recorders, receipt of reports, AB 143*
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, receipt of reports, AB 113
Governmental purchasing, duties, receipt of reports, AB 243††
Language access plans of local governments, receipt, AB 266†
North Las Vegas, City of, receipt of reports, SB 246†
Polygraphic examinations on certain employees, study, ACR 4
Growth and Infrastructure
2023-2024 interim, studies required, SB 421D, ACR 3
Electrochemical energy storage systems, duties, SB 314†
Hydrogen and hydrogen technologies, interim study, SB 451*
Health and Human Services
2023-2024, studies required, AB 155*
Behavioral health services, comprehensive plan to provide, study, duties, AB 201††
Bill draft requests, number authorized, AB 243††
Cardiovascular screening programs and matters relating to cardiovascular health, study, SCR 5‡
Child welfare, duties transferred, AB 243††
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, funding, study, SB 41
Children’s behavioral health system of care, expenditures and reinvestment of money, presentation, AB 201††
Corrections, Department of, AB 156*
Digital health products, inclusion in Medicaid coverage, study, SB 419††
Employment of physicians by corporations, interim study, AB 11††
Health Care Services, Independent Commission on Rates for, AB 85
Health information exchange, natural persons index, interim study, SB 419††
Homelessness, strategic plans to address, receipt by Clark County and Washoe County, AB 135†
Innovation Hub, Nevada, SB 419†
Jails or detention facilities, interim study, AB 156*
Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program, effects of reductions in reimbursement rates, study, SB 41
Regulations of licensing boards, duty to review removed, AB 243††
Reports, receipt
Aging and Disability Services Division, AB 422*
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center of Nevada, AB 37*
Biomarker Testing, Task Force on Precision Medicine and, AB 155†
Caregivers, interim assessment of certain, AB 100*
Education, Department of, AB 237†
Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, SB 168D
Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 4*, AB 6, AB 267*
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, AB 99, AB 237†, AB 435D
Health, State Board of, AB 263
Hospital staffing committees, reports removed, AB 243††
Patient Protection Commission, AB 6
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, AB 179
Regulations of certain licensing boards, receipt requirement removed, AB 243††
2023-2024 Interim, studies required, SB 35*
Bill draft requests, number authorized, AB 243††
Child welfare, duties, AB 243††
Domestic violence, battery which constitutes, study, ACR 6
Employment of offenders, programs for, duties transferred, AB 243††
Human trafficking, interim study concerning policies and procedures applicable to victims, SCR 1
Industrial and agricultural programs, certain duties transferred, AB 243††
Interim Finance Committee, certain duties transferred to, AB 243††
Reports, receipt
Attorney General, SB 34*, AB 243††
Cannabis Advisory Commission, SB 277*
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Nevada Coalition to Prevent the, SB 389†
Corrections, Department of, SB 307*, AB 121*, AB 156*
Crime Statistics, Center for the Analysis of, SB 389*
Fentanyl, persons charged with, overdoses, SB 35*
Human Trafficking Coalition, State of Nevada, SB 389†
Human Trafficking, Nevada Blue Ribbon Committee on, AB 288D
Human Trafficking, Nevada Policy Council on, SB 389†
Human trafficking task force, SB 389†
Jails or detention facilities, interim study, AB 156*
New Construction of Facilities for Prison Industries, Fund for, duties transferred, AB 243††
Offenders, Office of the Ombudsperson for, AB 452*
Public Safety, Department of, SB 104††
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, SB 35*, SB 103†
Sexual assault, biological specimens, DNA profiles and records of survivors, audits, SB 321*
Legislative Operations and Elections
Governmental purchasing, duties transferred to Committee on Government Affairs, AB 243††
North Las Vegas, redistricting of wards, receipt of report, SB 184D
Meetings, time for, attendance, duties of alternative members, AB 243††
Natural Resources
Agencies that regulate natural resources in State, interim study, duties, SB 88††
Bill draft requests, number authorized, AB 243††
Meetings, requirements, use of remote-technology systems, AB 243††
Minerals, Division of, receipt of reports, AB 313
Name changed to Natural Resources and Public Lands, duties, AB 243††
Subcommittee on Public Lands eliminated, power and duties transferred, AB 243††
Wildlife, Department of, receipt of reports, AB 313
Parliamentary law, codification of common-law principles, AB 243††
2023-2024 Interim, studies required, ACR 7
Business Opportunity Outreach Unit, receipt of report, SB 185
Legislative Fund
Appropriation, SB 1*, SB 440†, AB 346*, AB 464††, AB 485*, AB 522*
General appropriations, SB 511*, AB 520††
Session expenses
Lobbying Act, definitions, applicability of laws, AB 243††
Lotteries, authority of Legislature to provide by law operation and regulation of, AJR 5*
Allowances, SJR 6D, SR 2‡, AR 3‡
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, membership, AB 160††
Compensation fixed by law, payment at intervals, SJR 6D
Contests of elections (SSR 130), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Education Accountability, Subcommittee on, membership, AB 399*
Election, contest of general election, procedures, SB 404†
Legislative Ethics Law, enactment, AB 66D
Standing rules (JSR 20, JSR 30-JSR 39, SSR 23), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Group insurance, payment of premiums, contribution by Legislative Counsel Bureau, SB 320
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, membership, SB 425*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, member of Legislature prohibited from being appointed to Board of Directors, SB 10*
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, representation, AB 164*
Public Employees’ Retirement System
Increase in employers’ contributions, appropriation to cover requirements for 2023-2025 fiscal years, AB 498††
“Participating state agency” defined, AB 498††
School districts, performance audits, receipt of reports, AB 517*
Travel expenses, additional reimbursement in certain circumstances, ACR 2‡
Messages from Governor or between Houses (JSR 2-JSR 3), ACR 1‡
Reports, receipt (See also LEGISLATIVE AND AGENCY STUDIES)
Administrative Office of the Courts, AB 160††
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, AB 58*, AB 429
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, AB 160††
Biomarker testing and precision medicine, study of, AB 155†
Biomarker Testing, Task Force on Precision Medicine and, AB 155†
Broadband services available throughout state, SB 431†
Business Licensing Working Group, AB 14D
Business Opportunity Outreach Unit, SB 185
Cannabis Advisory Commission, SB 277*
Cannabis Compliance Board, SB 402
Child and Family Services, Division of, SB 41
Corrections, Department of, SB 234†, SB 307*
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, AB 113
Earned wage access services, SB 290*
Economic Development, Office of, SB 431†, SB 496, AB 41, AB 261†, AB 428†
Economic Forum, SB 431†
Education, Inspector General of, AB 149D
Education, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, SB 72*
Education, State Board of, AB 400*
Education Support Professional Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, SB 71†
Election Crimes Unit, AB 326D
Emerging Technologies Task Force, SB 165
Employee Savings Trust, Board of Trustees of the Nevada, SB 305*
Energy, Office of, AB 261†, AB 315
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, AB 312
Environmental Justice, Commission on, AB 312†
Environmental Protection, Division of, AB 184*
Federal Assistance, Office of, AB 365D
Film infrastructure transferable tax credits, SB 496
Financial Institutions, Commissioner of, SB 290*
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, AB 395D
Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 419††, AB 6, AB 7*, AB 348*
Health and Human Services, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, AB 155*
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, AB 435D
Health, State Board of, AB 263
Higher Education Funding, Commission on, SB 347
Hospital staffing committees, reports removed, AB 243††
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, AB 353D
Investigation and Prosecution of Crimes Against Older Persons and Vulnerable Persons, Unit for the, AB 119*
Jails, policies to ensure voting by persons detained, SB 162
Judiciary, Joint Interim Standing Committee on the, SCR 1, ACR 6
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Commission, AB 409
Language access plans of state agencies or local governments, SB 373, AB 266*
Las Vegas, City of, SB 246††
Legislative Auditor, SB 64D
Mental health consortium, statewide, AB 265†
Nevada System of Higher Education, AB 493*
New Americans, Office for, AB 266*
North Las Vegas, City of, SB 246†
Opioid Task Force, Clark County Regional, AB 132*
Outdoor Recreation, Division of, AB 164*
Patient Protection Commission, AB 6
Postsecondary Education, Commission on, SB 345D
Pretrial release hearings conducted on weekends or holidays, counties receiving funding, AB 518*
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, SB 242
Public Education Employee Working Conditions Task Force, SB 47†
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, AB 278D
Regulatory bodies, biennial reports, AB 402D
Revenue, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, ACR 7
Alternative educational opportunities for pupils, programs for, SB 199D
Charter schools sponsored by cities and counties, AB 400*
Holocaust and other genocides, curriculum, AB 243††
Limited proficiency in English, certain pupils with, data, AB 352D
Pupil-teacher ratios, AB 42
Reading and mathematics proficiency, academic retention of pupils, SB 149D
Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, SB 350*
Securities Division, Administrator, AB 67
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, SB 103†
Sentencing Policy, Department of, AB 32*
Taxation, Department of, SB 233, AB 5D
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, AB 119*
Workforce Innovation, Office of, AB 428*
Hall of Fame, inductions
Bryan, Richard, SR 4‡
Clift, Claire Jesse, honorary member, SR 6‡
Hardy, Joseph Paul, SR 5‡
Majority leader
Appointments made by
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, AB 160††
Biomarker Testing, Task Force on Precision Medicine and, AB 155†
Education Accountability, Subcommittee on, AB 399*
Employee Savings Trust Program, Board of Trustees of the Nevada, SB 305*
Ethics, Committee on (SSR 23), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Film, Media and Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, SB 496
Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, duty removed, AB 274*
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, AB 395D
Higher Education Campus Safety, Commission on, AB 245†
Higher Education Funding, Commission on, SB 347
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, SB 425*
Nevada Children’s Commission, AB 412D
Nevada Medal of Distinction, selection committee, AB 299*
Northwestern Nevada, study of regional growth issues, SB 81††
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, AB 164*
Public School Staff, Advisory Committee on the Safety and Well-Being of, AB 72*
School Funding, Commission on, SB 98*
Standing and select committees generally (SSR 40), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Bill draft requests, maximum number, procedures, AB 200
Biomarker Testing, Task Force on Precision Medicine and, duties, AB 155†
Continuation of leadership during interim (SSR 6), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Remote-technology systems, duties (SSR 136), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Minority Leader
Appointments made by
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, AB 160††
Ethics, Committee on (SSR 23), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Film, Media and Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, SB 496
Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, duty removed, AB 274*
Higher Education Campus Safety, Commission on, AB 245†
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, SB 425*
Nevada Medal of Distinction, selection committee, AB 299*
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, AB 164*
School Funding, Commission on, SB 98*
Standing and select committees generally (SSR 40), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Bill draft requests, maximum number, procedures, AB 200
Continuation of leadership during interim (SSR 6), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Election, powers and duties generally (SSR 3), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Maximum bill draft requests reduced, AB 200
Adjournment, rules (JSR 9, JSR 9.5), ACR 1‡
Annual sessions, constitutional amendment, SJR 6D
Chief Clerk, appreciation expressed, AR 10*
Staff, appreciation expressed, AR 10*
Expenses, appropriation, SB 511*, AB 520††
Secretary, appreciation expressed, SR 9*
Staff, appreciation expressed, SR 9*
Special sessions
Drafting requests (ASR 142), AR 1‡
Proclamations (JSR 2.4), ACR 1‡
Standing rules
Adoption, AR 1‡
Bills and resolutions, procedures (ASR 106-ASR 119, ASR 142), AR 1‡
Chamber, use (ASR 141), AR 1‡
Conduct of business (ASR 91-ASR 126), AR 1‡
Continuation of leadership and rules during interim (ASR 2), AR 1‡
Convening between legislative sessions (ASR 12), AR 1‡
Decorum and debate (ASR 20-ASR 23, ASR 59-ASR 62, ASR 80-ASR 82), AR 1‡
Legislative bodies (ASR 40-ASR 62), AR 1‡
Motions, rules governing (ASR 64-ASR 67), AR 1‡
Officers and employees (ASR 1, ASR 3), AR 1‡
Open meetings (ASR 11), AR 1‡
Order of business (ASR 120), AR 1‡
Quorum, voting and elections (ASR 30-ASR 33), AR 1‡
Remote-technology systems, use in exceptional circumstances (ASR 55, ASR 126), AR 1‡
Special sessions (ASR 142), AR 1‡
Time of meeting (ASR 10), AR 1‡
Witnesses summoned to appear, compensation (ASR 140), AR 1‡
Adjournment (JSR 9, JSR 9.5), ACR 1‡
Adoption, ACR 1‡
Anti-harassment policy (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡
Bills and joint resolutions, procedures (JSR 4, JSR 5, JSR 7), ACR 1‡
Budget hearing, date of first joint hearing (JSR 17), ACR 1‡
Conference committees (JSR 1), ACR 1‡
Continuation during interim (JSR 40), ACR 1‡
Enactment of bills, schedule (JSR 14-JSR 14.7), ACR 1‡
Ethical standards, legislative code of (JSR 30-JSR 39), ACR 1‡
Final action, notice (JSR 3), ACR 1‡
General appropriation bill (JSR 21), ACR 1‡
Health insurance bills, review (JSR 18), ACR 1‡
Interim legislative committees (JSR 19), ACR 1‡
Legislative Commission (JSR 11), ACR 1‡
Legislative Fund, expenditures, ACR 1‡
Legislative measures, limitations on introduction and requests for drafting of (JSR 14-JSR 14.2), ACR 1‡
Lock boxes, use by state agencies (JSR 22), ACR 1‡
Messages (JSR 2-JSR 2.6), ACR 1‡
Publications (JSR 6), ACR 1‡
Reapportionment and redistricting (JSR 13.4-JSR 13.6), ACR 1‡
Records of committee proceedings (JSR 12), ACR 1‡
Committees generally (SSR 40, SSR 43), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Conduct of business (SSR 90-SSR 128), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Convening between Legislative sessions (SSR 14), SR 8‡
Decorum and debate (SSR 20, SSR 21, SSR 80, SSR 81), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Legislation, procedures (SSR 30-SSR 32, SSR 106-SSR 119.2), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Legislative bodies (SSR 40-SSR 54), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Motions (SSR 60-SSR 69, SSR 115), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Officers and employees (SSR 1-SSR 6), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Order of business, special orders (SSR 120, SSR 125), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Quorum, voting, elections (SSR 30-SSR 32), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Remote-technology systems (SSR 136), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Sessions and meetings (SSR 10-SSR 13), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Witnesses summoned to appear, compensation (SSR 140), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
State of emergency or declaration of disaster, powers and duties, SB 136D, SB 431†, AB 103D
Whole, Committee of the (SSR 46-SSR 48), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Choice of law, AB 231*
Formal requirements, AB 231*
Perfection of security interest in letter-of-credit rights, AB 231*
Lewdness with child less than 17 years of age, SB 121D
Consolidated library districts, compensation of trustees increased, SB 210††
County libraries, compensation of trustees increased, SB 210††
Student library trainees assigned to school districts and schools for training purposes, compensation authorized, AB 323, AB 428*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Open Meeting Law, applicability, AB 52*
Vehicles, sales to satisfy liens, requirements, appraised value, AB 57*
Bill draft requests, reduction in maximum number, AB 200
Business Licensing Working Group, membership, AB 14D
Campaign practices, candidates transitioning to office, reporting requirements, SB 60††
Computer hardware and software, appropriation for replacement costs, SB 455*
Employee Savings Trust Program, Nevada, member of Board of Trustees, contracts to obtain services of office authorized, SB 305*
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, duties, AB 353D
Keep Nevada Working Task Force, moved to Office of the Secretary of State, repeal, SB 24*, AB 366††
Legislative Ethics Law, “legislative officer” defined, exclusion of Lieutenant Governor from definition, AB 66D
President of the Senate (SSR 1), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Small Business Advocacy, Office of, duties, SB 24*
Compact fluorescent lamps and linear fluorescent lamps, sale or distribution prohibited, AB 144††
Collection agencies, effect of debt payments, prohibited acts, SB 276*
Deceptive trade practices directed toward certain persons, statute of limitations revised, AB 373*
Fertility fraud, recovery of damages, SB 154D, SB 309*
Professional negligence, requirements, revival of certain actions, AB 404*
Sexual assault that occurred when plaintiff was 18 years of age or older, SB 129*
Trusts, validity of certain trusts, contest, notice requirements, SB 407*
Assignment of security interests, applicability of laws, AB 231*
Business license, state, fee waiver, AB 433D
Filing fees, AB 433D
Insurance, licensure as business entity, requirements, SB 57*
Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, impact qualified community development entities, qualifications, duties, SB 240*
Records erroneously filed with Secretary of State, correction, AB 126*
Residential real property, total number of units purchased in calendar year by certain companies, limitations, exceptions, SB 395††
Student loan servicers, licensing and regulation, AB 332*
Filing fees, AB 433D
Assignment of security interests, applicability of laws, AB 231*
Business license, state, fee waiver, AB 433D
Filing fees, AB 433D
Insurance, licensure as business entity, requirements, SB 57*
Records erroneously filed with Secretary of State, correction, AB 126*
Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 140
Solid waste management systems, authority to impose sales and use tax to fund operations, AB 1
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of, creation, authority, SB 431†
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Adverse possession, action by person in, SB 223*
Federal court real property actions, recordings, SB 223*
Exemptions, elimination of exemption for certain events, SB 444†
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
Reimbursement for costs incurred by smaller counties, procedures, SB 140
Resales of admission
Excise tax, imposition, SB 444
Marketplace facilitators, collection and remission of tax, requirements, liability, SB 444
“Marketplace reseller” defined, SB 444
Commercial feed
Hemp, use of authorized in certain commercial feed, violations, penalties, AB 249
Research facilities, authority to conduct certain studies relating to hemp, AB 249
Dental services, exemption from laws regulating veterinarians, SB 229D
Wildlife crossings, implementation, consultations with permit holders and private land owners, AB 112*
Deferred deposit loans, high-interest loans and title loans (See DEFERRED DEPOSIT LOANS, HIGH-INTEREST LOANS AND TITLE LOANS)
Enterprise Application Services Unit, appropriations for certain loans, repayments, AB 482*
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, appropriations for loans to, repayment, AB 506*
Extension of credit for business, commercial or agricultural purposes, legislative declarations, exemptions from regulation, SB 139
Information Security, Office of, appropriation for loan to, repayment, AB 487*
Installment loans (See INSTALLMENT LOANS)
Internet business lenders, applicability of laws, SB 139
Mental health services to children, facilities providing, eligibility for certain loans and financial assistance, AB 445
Student loans
Behavioral health care providers, program for repayment of loans on behalf of, eligibility, AB 69
Board of Regents, program to provide loans to students studying to become teachers, AB 428*
Health care providers, program for repayment of loans for certain, eligibility, AB 45*
Private education loans and private education lenders, regulation, AB 332*
Student loan servicers, licensing and regulation, AB 332*
Unlawful receipt of payments to obtain loan for another, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Legislative committee investigative meeting, event or trip, applicability of laws, AB 243††
Legislative officers and legislative staff members, applicability of laws, AB 243††
Legislative standing rules
Anti-harassment policy, prohibited acts, remedial action on complaints (JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡
Code of Ethical Standards (JSR 30-JSR 39, SSR 23), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, SR 8‡
Nevada Lobbying Disclosure and Regulation Act, definitions, applicability of laws, AB 243††
North Las Vegas, City of, reports by City Manager, requirements, SB 246††
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Bonds and other obligations, authorized investments, AB 33*
Economic boycotts, prohibition against entering into contracts with companies that engage in, SB 228D
Investments, AB 33*
Local Government Budget and Finance Act, laws inapplicable to regional housing authorities, AB 333*
Unfunded mandates, study of mandates for which local governments made expenditures, requirements, AB 5D
Commission to Study Governmental Purchasing, reports, duties, AB 243††
Contracts and performance contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, Internet publication of information, SB 272††
Custom fabrication, payment of prevailing wage, requirements, AB 235††
Microbusinesses, submission of proposals for or bids on contracts, procedures, SB 185
Assessments, neighborhood improvement projects, amendments, notice, AB 60*
Neighborhood improvement projects
Assessments, meetings, AB 60*
Dissolution of district, notice, AB 60*
Modification of plan or plat, notice, AB 60*
Abatement of taxes
Academic medical districts, businesses located within boundaries, applications, AB 490
Machinery or equipment, eligibility, applicability of laws, SB 419†
Maximum amount of abatement, SB 394D
Mental health services to children, businesses providing, AB 445
New or expanded businesses, applications, SB 429††
Diapers, tax exemption, SB 428*
National Guard, purchases by certain members and certain relatives, exemptions, procedures, SB 50*
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
Disciplinary action, duties, SB 298*
Open Meeting Law, applicability, AB 52*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Residential facility for groups, involuntary discharge of residents, duties, SB 298*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Skilled nursing, facilities for, access to electronic communications device, AB 202*
Cannabis Compliance Board, applicability of laws, SB 33D
Operation and regulation of lotteries, authority of Legislature to provide by law, AJR 5*
Sale of lottery tickets, authority of Legislature to provide by law, AJR 5*
Appropriation, AB 507*
Acts constituting, child age limitation increased to 17 years, SB 121D
School pupils, persons in position of authority, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38†
Sexual offenses, psychological or psychiatric examination of witness, exclusion of testimony, SB 38†
Growth management in County and region, reports, duties, SB 81††
Interstate 80, study of issues relating to traffic safety, collaboration, receipt of reports, AB 63D
Pretrial release hearings conducted on weekends or holidays, receipt of stipends, appropriation, AB 518*
Automated traffic enforcement systems, use, issuance of citations, AB 93D
Collection agencies, notifications relating to medical debts, requirements, SB 283*, SB 355*, AB 223††
Contractors, administrative citations, requirements, AB 23*
Counties, conveyance of real property acquired directly from Federal Government, requirements, AB 143*
Elections, mail ballots (See ELECTIONS)
Employment Security Division, mailing of certain documents required, SB 123D
Incarcerated persons to be provided original, physical copy of mail received, exemption, regulation, AB 121*
Insurance, certain transactions required by mail, SB 57*
Theft of mail, acts constituting, penalties, AB 272*
Vulnerable persons, temporary orders for protection, service upon adverse party, AB 254D
Appropriation, AB 481*
Homeless persons charged or convicted, eligibility for diversionary and specialty court programs, assignment, SB 155*
Breast cancer imaging tests, health insurance coverage, SB 330*
Incarcerated persons, requirements, AB 292*
Anticonvulsant medication, prescription drug coverage, SB 177*
Antipsychotic medication, typical or atypical, prescription drug coverage, SB 177*
Arbitration provisions nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Associate physicians, services provided by, coverage, SB 204
Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 155*
Breast cancer imaging tests, coverage, SB 330*
Caregivers, interim assessments administered to, duties, AB 100†
Clinical services to monitor use and effectiveness, coverage, services provided by pharmacists, AB 383†
Condoms for persons age 13 or older, coverage, SB 439*
Copayments and coinsurance, restrictions on charges, SB 161*
Language translation services to facilitate provision of contraception, coverage, AB 383†
Long-acting reversible contraception, coverage for certain devices, SB 280*
Pharmacists, services provided by, requirements, SB 161*
Prior authorization, requirement prohibited, SB 161*, AB 383†
Voluntary sterilization of men, coverage, AB 383†
Dental services, hospitals to provide Medicaid recipients with list of network providers of dental services, AB 147*
Health care cost growth benchmarks, reporting of certain information, requirements, AB 6
Health care providers, form letters sent to, report to Commissioner, SB 57*
Hepatitis C, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
HIV, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
Homelessness and certain issues, reinvestment of certain annual profits to address, SB 400††
Opioid use disorder, medication-assisted treatment for, coverage, SB 439*, AB 156*
Pharmacists, services provided by, coverage, SB 201
Qualified health-related service, coverage, AB 237†
Sexually transmitted diseases, medical services relating to, coverage, SB 439*
Step therapy protocol
Development of protocol and use, requirements, applicability of laws, SB 194*
Exemptions from protocol and appeals, Internet publication of procedures, SB 194*
Psychiatric condition, treatment, restrictions, SB 167*
Telehealth, third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Tobacco, cessation of use, coverage, AB 294D
District attorneys, annual reports, contents, duties, SB 316*
“Certificate of ownership,” document name changed to “certificate of title,” SB 40*
Dealer’s report of sale, requirements, SB 40*
Sale by person who is not a dealer, submission of information to Division and county assessor, SB 40*
WaterSense program, establishment of final product specifications, effect, AB 220*
Economic and demographic data, collection by Housing Division, SB 40†
Electric service, net metering systems, applicability of laws, AB 425
Rent and other charges
Maximum annual rent increase, application for exemption authorized, requirements, SB 275††
Month-to-month tenancies, restrictions on rent increases, SB 275††
“Certificate of ownership,” document name changed to “certificate of title,” SB 40*
Dealer’s report of sale, requirements, SB 40*
Liens, satisfaction, requirements, AB 57*
Sale by person who is not a dealer, submission of information to Division and county assessor, SB 40*
Transfer of title, requirements, SB 40*
WaterSense program, establishment of final product specifications, effect, AB 220*
Zoning, placement of manufactured home in residential neighborhood, standards, SB 40*
Autonomous vehicles
Franchises and facilities for the repair or maintenance of vehicles, requirements related to, exemptions, SB 182*
Titles, proof of ownership from certain manufacturers, requirements for issuance, SB 182*
Commercial feed, use of hemp authorized in certain commercial feed, violations, penalties, AB 249
Cookware containing intentionally added per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, provision of certain information to customers, penalty, SB 76††
Drugs (See PHARMACISTS AND PHARMACY—Manufacturers)
Feminine hygiene products, list of ingredients, duties, AB 169*
Foil balloons, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 321*
Motor vehicle manufacturers
Compensation of dealers for warranty work or a recall service or repair, calculation, prohibited acts, SB 303D
Electronic branch office, electronic collection and exchange of applications, authority, SB 346*
Prevailing retail labor rate and retail parts markup, process to establish or modify, authority of manufacturer to contest accuracy, SB 303D
Sale or distribution of certain products containing intentionally added per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances prohibited, exceptions, penalty, SB 76††
Mining operations, annual reports by operators, contents, AB 313
Subdivision of land, requirements, AB 213*
Water rights, requirements, AB 34*, AB 325D
Civil penalties, AB 413D
Deschedule marijuana as schedule I substance, urging of Congress, AJR 8*
Driving under the influence (See DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE)
Juvenile courts, authority to order counseling or psychological treatment of child, SB 359†
Water rights, appropriation to State Public Works Division for related professional services and filing fees, AB 470*
Certificates, amended certificates due to name change, procedures, SB 211*
Gestational agreements, effect of subsequent marriage, AB 371††
Fees, SB 211*
Format, SB 211*
Name change at time of issuance of license, removal of authority, SB 211*
Cultural competency, continuing education, SB 365D, AB 267*
Health Service Corps, Nevada, repayment of student loans, eligibility, AB 69
Opioid use disorder, medication-assisted treatment, consultations, AB 156*
Prisoners in solitary confinement, multidisciplinary teams, representation, SB 307*
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Licenses, applications, duties, AB 503*
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Annulment of marriage, summary proceeding authorized, requirements, AB 227*
Armed Forces members and veterans, spouses and surviving spouses
Governmental services tax exemption, eligibility, AB 295
Property tax
Exemption, eligibility, SB 374D, AB 295
Partial refunds, eligibility, SB 430
Elections officials, dissemination of personal identifying information of officials, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 404†, SB 406*
Gaming, deceased licensees or licensees judicially declared to be disabled, engagement in gaming activities by spouse, requirements, SB 14*
Homeless patients discharged from hospitals, family member to be contacted, regulations, AB 406D
Permanent support and maintenance, summary proceeding authorized, requirements, AB 227†
“Police officer” defined for the purposes of certain benefits and exemptions, applicability of laws, AB 301
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Human Trafficking, Nevada Blue Ribbon Committee on, representation, AB 288D
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Quorum, increase in number needed to constitute, SB 161*
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Interstate Massage Compact, adoption, SB 161*
“Child support magistrate,” change in terminology with regard to child support proceedings, AB 148†
“Juvenile magistrate,” change in terminology with regard to juvenile proceedings, AB 148†
Presidential electors, contest of election, referral of contest to special master, SB 60†, AB 192*
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, membership, AB 179
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Infant death, review of preventable, duties, reports, AB 168†
Common-interest communities and condominium hotels, mediation of claims, procedures, enforcement action, AB 324D
Foreclosure Mediation Program, repeal of provisions, AB 513
Governmental attorneys, authority to volunteer as third-party neutral mediators, SB 37*
State professional employers and exclusive representatives, disputes, AB 224††
Alternative Billing Resource Office, establishment, AB 237†
Anticonvulsant medication, prescription drug coverage, SB 177*
Antipsychotic medication, typical or atypical, prescription drug coverage, SB 177*
Assessment of net revenue of health care providers to increase compensation to providers, imposition, requirements, AB 197
Associate physicians, services provided by, coverage, SB 204
Behavior analysts and technicians, inclusion in State Plan, age limitation, SB 191*
Behavioral health services, payment of certain costs, AB 138*, AB 435D
Biomarker testing, inclusion in State Plan, AB 155*
Cancer and rare diseases, services to children with, appropriation, SB 221*
Cardiovascular health, reimbursement rate for remote monitoring, legislative study, SCR 5‡
Business providing mental health services, tax abatements, AB 445
Continuous eligibility for coverage, period of, duration, limitation, SB 332D
Guardianship, coverage for certain children under guardianship, SB 332D
Mental Health Services for Children, Account to Improve, creation, use, AB 445
Community health workers, services provided under supervision of certain health care providers, SB 117*
Competitive integrated employment for certain persons, Medicaid waiver, AB 259*
Birth, injection or insertion of long-acting reversible contraception, coverage for, SB 280*
Clinical services to monitor the use and effectiveness, services provided by pharmacists, AB 383††
Condoms for persons age 13 or older, coverage, SB 439*
Copayments and coinsurance, restrictions on charges, SB 161*
Language translation services, payment of expenditures, AB 383††
Pharmacists, services provided by, requirements, SB 161*
Prior authorization requirement prohibited, SB 161*, AB 383†
Voluntary sterilization of men, coverage, AB 383††
Creative arts therapy, Medicaid waiver, enrollment of providers, duty to report certain abuse or neglect, AB 338
Critical access hospitals, outpatient services and swing-bed services, reimbursement rate for hospitals, SB 241*
Dental care, coverage for, requirements, SB 385*
Donor breast milk and certain related products, coverage, SB 137D
Doulas, request to amend State Plan rate of reimbursement for services, AB 283*
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, coverage for supports and services, AB 137*
Gender dysphoria, treatment for conditions relating to, required coverage, appropriation, SB 163†
Health care cost growth benchmarks, reporting of certain information, requirements, AB 6
Health Care Quality and Access, Account to Improve, uses, SB 435*
Health Care Quality and Access for Patients of Certain Providers, Account to Improve, creation, AB 197
Heart or lung transplants, coverage, SB 127D
Hepatitis, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
HIV, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
Home and community-based services waiver, requirements, funding, AB 259*
Homeless persons
Homelessness and certain issues, reinvestment of certain annual profits to address, SB 400††
Matching funds program for qualified projects, creation of provider codes for purposes of Medicaid billing, AB 528*
Hospital care, supplemental payment programs, payments to hospitals, SB 42*
Immigration or citizenship status, enrollment regardless of, SB 419††
Incarcerated persons, coverage for certain persons 90 days before scheduled release, AB 389*
Intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities, persons with, habilitation services, Medicaid waiver, funding, AB 259*
Medicaid Services Manual, amendment of, billing category for certain special clinics, SB 221*
Medical-legal partnership, supports and services provided by, coverage, AB 293
Midwives, required coverage for services, AB 386
Opioid use disorder, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
Personal needs allowance, establishment of amount for certain recipients who reside in facilities for skilled nursing, appropriation, SB 45*
Pharmacists, services provided by, coverage, SB 201
“Pharmacy benefit manager” defined, SB 439†
Physicians, limited license to practice medicine in medically underserved areas, requirements, SB 204
Polycarbonate lenses, coverage for, requirements, SB 385*
Postpartum care, required coverage, appropriation, SB 232*
Prescription drugs
Contracts with pharmacy benefit manager or health maintenance organization, requirements, SB 161*
Opioid use disorder, medication-assisted treatment for, AB 156*
Step therapy protocol, laws inapplicable to managed care organizations, SB 194*
Rate fixing for certain health care goods and services, requirements, penalties, AB 85
Reimbursement rates
Cost-of-living increases
Annual consideration, AB 99†
Long-term care providers, increasing rates and annual adjustment, study, AB 99
Review and recommendations, reports to Legislature, AB 99
Federally approved rates, state actions to increase, AB 99†
Reductions, effects on agencies which provide child welfare services and similar entities, SB 41
Reinvestment advisory committee, duties, SB 400††
Rural emergency hospital services, coverage for certain persons, AB 277*
School-based health centers
Contracts with, AB 237†
Definition, AB 237†
Sexually transmitted diseases, medical services relating to, coverage, SB 439*
Structured family caregiving for recipients of Medicaid suffering from dementia, waiver to include, requirements, AB 208*
Telehealth, third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Tobacco, cessation of use, coverage, AB 294D
United States Secretary of Health and Human Services, request to amend State Plan, SB 255D, AB 237†
Prisoners, copayment, discharge of debt upon release, SB 187D
Victims of strangulation, reimbursement of costs, AB 257*
Contraception, insurance coverage for long-acting reversible contraception, SB 280*
Esthetic medical devices, identification, adoption of regulations, SB 249*
Investigational devices, provision to certain patients, requirements, reports, penalties, SB 283*
Legal services concerning prescription drugs or medical devices, deceptive trade practices, SB 179D
Manufacturers or wholesalers of appliances and devices, certain gifts to practitioners prohibited, SB 203D
Sexually transmitted diseases, express consent of minors for prevention services, SB 172*
Emergency vehicle, authority to own and operate, permits, SB 107*
Anesthesiologist assistants, licensure and regulation, AB 270*
Assisted reproduction, receipt of notice of certain violations pertaining to, SB 309*
Domestic violence committed by licensees, receipt of complaints, duties, AB 442
Felonies committed by licensees, receipt of complaints, duties, AB 442†
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Group practices, administrative penalties, duties, SB 348*
Investigational treatment, investigational drugs, biological products or devices, receipt of reports, duties, SB 283*
By endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Expiration, notice to holder of license to practice medicine, duties, AB 318*
Fines, duties, AB 318*
Limited licenses to practice medicine, duties, regulations, SB 204
Malpractice, investigations, duties, AB 318*
Membership, inclusion of physician assistants and respiratory care practitioners, AB 364*
Neuromodulators, applicability of regulations concerning, AB 196D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Sexual assault committed by licensees, receipt of complaints, duties, AB 442
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Academic medical districts, requirements, SB 419†
Advertisements, deceptive statements regarding services prohibited, penalties, AB 418D
Anesthesiologist assistants, employers to report list of personnel to regulating Boards, AB 270*
Assault or battery committed on health care providers, applicability of enhanced penalties, SB 289*
Assisted reproduction, human reproductive material provided for, certain health care facilities, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 309*
Attorneys, unlawful solicitation of legal business, AB 408*
Behavioral health, care and treatment, regulation by State Board of Health, AB 201††
Behavioral health workforce development consortium, membership, AB 37*
Cardiovascular health, legislative study to include review of American Heart Association program, SCR 5‡
Communicable diseases, reports to health authority, AB 263
Construction of medical buildings by state or local agencies, private financing authorized, requirements, SB 226*
Covered health care facility
Definition, AB 263
Legionella bacteria, water management program to minimize the growth and transmission of, requirements, AB 263
Owner and operator of facility, duties, AB 263†
COVID-19, injury or death resulting from exposure, limitations on liability, applicability of laws, SB 73D
COVID-19 Relief Programs budget account, payment of money to registered nonprofit organizations, requirements, appropriation, AB 526*
Cultural competency, education and training of agents or employees, SB 365D, AB 267*
Emergency medical care, independent centers for
Establishment, procedures, penalties, SB 348†
License, licensing separately from other licensed facilities, requirements, SB 348†
Medically necessary emergency medical care, determination of rates, applicability of laws, AB 85†
Notice to patients, contents, posting, SB 348†
Patients and visitors, policies concerning vaccination status, prohibited acts, AB 234D
Rate fixing, requirements, penalties, AB 85
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, procedures, disciplinary action or penalties prohibited, SB 239††
Geofence, implementation within certain distance of facilities prohibited, SB 370*
Health records, electronic, duties, immunity, AB 7*
Hospitals (See HOSPITALS)
Intensive behavioral health treatment facilities, collection of certain information, AB 435D
Intermediate care and skilled nursing, facilities for
Cannabis, medical use, authority of certain terminally ill patients, requirements, AB 411D
Electronic communication devices
Access to device, AB 202*
Duties, AB 202*
Requests for, requirements, forms, AB 202*
Revocation, requests for, AB 202*
Violations, AB 202*
HVAC systems, requirements, reports, AB 281††
Medicaid, personal needs allowance, establishment of amount for certain recipients, SB 45*
Patient, representative for, requirements, AB 202*
Patients and visitors, policies concerning vaccination status, prohibited acts, AB 234D
Senior living community referral agencies, operation, prohibited acts, SB 260*
Licenses, grounds for denial, suspension or revocation, SB 309*
Neurodegenerative diseases, reporting requirements, regulation, penalties, SB 390*
“Nursing pool” defined, AB 460
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, membership of certain facilities, AB 179
Professional negligence, “health care provider” defined for purposes of, AB 404†
Proof of identity, document showing, use for voting, SB 230D
Rate fixing, requirements, penalties, AB 85
Rural emergency hospital
Crisis stabilization services, endorsement as, requirements, AB 277*
Definition, medical facility defined to include rural emergency hospital, AB 277*
Medicaid, coverage for rural emergency hospital services for certain persons, AB 277*
Sale of property on execution, notice, requirements, AB 142D
School or accredited education program operated by hospital providing residential treatment, requests for reimbursement, AB 54*
Senior living community referral agencies, operation, prohibited acts, SB 260*
Senior living facilities, HVAC systems, requirements, reports, AB 281††
Surgical centers for ambulatory patients
Patients and visitors, policies concerning vaccination status, prohibited acts, AB 234D
Rate fixing, requirements, penalties, AB 85
Trauma centers and emergency rooms, limitation on liability repealed, AB 209D, AB 404†
Vaccination status of patients and visitors, prohibited acts, AB 234D
Breath, oral fluid, blood or urine tests, records to be made available to peace officers or district attorney, SB 447
Dialysate drugs, records of purchases and sales, AB 110*
Electronic records
Framework for electronic maintenance, transmittal and exchange, establishment, SB 419††, AB 7*
Health care providers and medical facilities, maintenance, transmittal and exchange of records, duties, grants to cover certain costs, AB 7*
Health information exchanges, requirements, immunities, AB 7*
Insurers and insurance administrators, maintenance, transmittal and exchange of records, duties, AB 7*
Provision to patients and certain other persons, charging of fee, restrictions, SB 283*
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, procedures, SB 239††
Genetic information, obtaining or disclosing without consent unlawful, exceptions, SB 283*
Hospitals, duty of health care providers to record reasons for not ordering or conducting certain tests, SB 385*
Incarcerated persons, medical release of information form, notice regarding health status of certain persons, AB 121*
Neurodegenerative diseases, reporting of information by health care providers and facilities, requirements, SB 390*
Coverage of multi-cancer early detection tests, Congress urged to enact legislation, SJR 8
Rate fixing for certain health care goods and services, requirements, penalties, AB 85
Supplemental policies, commissions paid for sale of, prohibited acts, AB 127*
Administrative action against a person, notice, AB 52*
Agendas, requirements, AB 219*
Attendance at physical location, requirements, AB 219†
Character, competence, health or alleged misconduct, meetings regarding, notice, AB 52*
Comments by public, procedures, AB 219*
Contested case, meeting at physical location, requirements, AB 219*
Continuation of meeting to another day, requirements, prohibitions, AB 219*
Contractors’ Board, State, compliance with Open Meeting Law, AB 106D
County hospitals, meetings of boards, exemptions from Open Meeting Law, SB 192*
Definitions, AB 52*
Eminent domain, acquisition of real property, consideration of, notice, AB 52*
Medal of Distinction, Nevada, selection committee, exemptions from Open Meeting Law, AB 299*
Notice of meeting, requirements, AB 52*, AB 219*
Opticians, Board of Dispensing, compliance with Open Meeting Law, AB 415*
Quorum, effect of vacancy on voting membership, AB 52*
Regulation, meeting at physical location, requirements, AB 219*
Remote-technology systems
Emergency declaration in effect, use for meetings held while, requirements, SB 156D
School districts, prohibited acts by trustees, AB 65*, AB 423
State professional employers and professional employees, collective bargaining, certain meetings exempt from Open Meeting Law, AB 224††
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, meetings closed to public, AB 119*
Establishment, appropriation, SB 297
Ingredients list, requirements, Internet publication, AB 169*
Labeling, definitions, requirements, AB 169*
Offenders, access to products, requirements, regulation, AB 292*
Public assistance, use of certain benefits to purchase products, SB 161*, SJR 5‡
Assault or battery committed upon mental health technicians, applicability of enhanced penalties, SB 289*
Behavioral health services for adults and children, comprehensive plan to provide, study, AB 201††
Businesses providing services to children, tax abatements, AB 445
Child and Family Services, Division of, review of existing regulations, duties, AB 445
Commercially sexually exploited children
Multidisciplinary teams to review cases, representation, AB 238D
Training of employees, requirements, AB 238D
Juvenile courts, authority to order counseling or psychological treatment of child, SB 359†
Loans and financial assistance from Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, eligibility, AB 445
Contracts and agreements, requirements, AB 435D
Criminal defendants convicted of certain offenses, assignment to treatment programs prohibited, SB 86D
Cultural competency, education and training of agents or employees, requirements, SB 365D, AB 267*
Mental health consortia
Behavioral health services, comprehensive plan to provide, study, collaboration, AB 201††
Child and Family Services, Division of, submission of documents, AB 201††
Legislative measures, number of requests allowed per session, AB 201†, AB 265††
Long-term strategic plans, reports, AB 9D, AB 201††, AB 265††
Mental health consortium, statewide
Appointments, duties of mental health consortia, AB 201†
Establishment, powers and duties, AB 265††
Access to medication to treat mental illness, AB 292*
Medicaid coverage for certain services provided 90 days before scheduled release, AB 389*
Opioid overdose fatality reviews, requirements, AB 132†
Overdose Fatalities, Committee to Review, creation, representation, AB 132†
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, services provided, AB 115D
Public institutions, persons supported by, change in terminology, constitutional amendment, AJR 1 of the 81st Session‡
Reimbursement for mental health services provided by psychological assistants, interns or trainees, requirements, SB 267D
Step therapy protocol, use with drugs to treat psychiatric condition, restrictions, SB 167*
Telehealth, third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Adults with mental illness, change in terminology, AB 265†
Behavioral health services, comprehensive plan to provide, study, AB 201††
Controlled substances, studies conducted by research facilities, requirements, SB 242†
Criminal defendants, specialty court programs, assignment, AB 405†
Diversionary and specialty court programs, assignment of eligible defendants, SB 155*
Euthanasia drugs requested by patients, procedures, confirmation of patient’s mental capability, SB 239††
Incarcerated persons, prescription medication to be filled in timely manner, AB 121*
Indian reservation or Indian colony, persons missing from, duties of law enforcement agencies, AB 125*
Medicaid Outreach Advisory Committee, creation, SB 419††
Disciplinary segregation, use, restrictions, SB 307*
Mental health of, adoption of policy, requirements, AB 292*
Public institutions, persons supported by, change in terminology, constitutional amendment, AJR 1 of the 81st Session‡
School pupils
Attendance requirements, exemption, AB 54†
Persons in position of authority, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38*
Step therapy protocol, use with drugs to treat psychiatric condition, restrictions, SB 167*
Cigarette and tobacco sales (See CIGARETTES AND OTHER TOBACCO PRODUCTS)
Defrauding proprietors, penalties, SB 86D
Digital products, retail sales, SB 396
Fluorescent lamps, prohibited sale or distribution, penalties, AB 144††
Construction work in certain common-interest communities, establishment of hours at which work may begin, requirements, AB 189*
Election returns, canvass, duties deemed purely ministerial, district court to compel certain actions, charter amendment, SB 404†
Legislative measures, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Public notices, availability in certain languages, requirements, AB 266†
Collective bargaining, membership of civilian employees in employee organizations, SB 264*
Fiscal affairs, metropolitan police committee on, members, voting, AB 8D
Missing persons from Indian reservation or colony, duties, notifications, AB 125*
Motor vehicles, removal from highway following citation for reckless driving, AB 408*
Opioid Task Force, Regional, representation, AB 132*
Property tax, removal of certain sunset, use of certain taxes in unincorporated Clark County and City of Las Vegas, SB 400†
Southern Nevada Counter Terrorism Center, agreements with county commissioners authorized, AB 117†
Unused drugs, take-back bins for collection and destruction, duties, SB 183D
Demographic information, collection of information by governmental agencies and criminal justice agencies, requirements, AB 139*
Discrimination (See generally DISCRIMINATION)
Birth assistants, use authorized, requirements, AB 386
Board of Licensed Certified Professional Midwives, creation, regulations, AB 386
BRCA gene, screening of women for by certain midwives, AB 386
Collaboration and Transfer Guidelines Workgroup, creation, AB 386
Community Birth Disclosure, requirements, AB 386
Cultural competency training, requirements, AB 386
Definitions, AB 386
Down syndrome, provision of information and referrals for community support services to certain persons, requirements, AB 116*
Health care providers, applicability of law, AB 386
Hospital admission for purpose of giving birth, physical examination or medical history of patient by certified nurse-midwife, SB 146*
Licensing and regulation, AB 386
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, membership, AB 179
Preceptors, duties, AB 386
Violations, penalties, AB 386
Pupils, transfer because of documented pending military transfer of parent or guardian, requirements, AB 185*
Emergency Management, Division of
Anti-Domestic Terrorism Assistance Account, creation, appropriation, AB 117
Computer hardware and software, funding, SB 476*
Emergency Assistance Account, expenditures, use, SB 5*, SB 168D
Schools, emergency operations plans, duties, AB 43*
State Disaster Identification Coordination Committee
Activation, authority, SB 2*
Health care providers, receipt of reports, sharing of information, SB 2*
Regulations, authority transferred from Office to Division, SB 2*
Facilities maintenance, funding, SB 476*
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Eligibility requirements, SB 273*, AB 443*
Trust Fund, appropriation, SB 486*
Location of mill sites, requirements, AB 204D
Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for cost incurred, SB 140
Solid waste management systems, authority to impose sales and use tax to fund operations, AB 1
Election concerning sale or lease of system, canvass of ballots, procedures, SB 404†
Division of Minerals, effect of pit lakes on water, land and wildlife, reports, duties, AB 313
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Economic boycotts, prohibition against local governments or state agencies from entering into contracts with companies that engage in, SB 228D
Heavy equipment rental tax, imposition, requirements, SB 233
Mill sites, location, requirements, AB 204D
Net proceeds, tax on
Advance payment requirement, advancement of expiration date, SB 124*
State Education Fund, deposit of proceeds, requirements, SB 124*
Legislative declaration, AB 313
Operators, annual reports, contents, AB 313
“Pit lake” defined, effect of lakes on water, land and wildlife, reports, AB 313
Plans for reclamation
Open pits excavated below premining water table, requirements, application for exception, AB 313
Pit lakes, requirements, AB 313†
Revised plans, when required, AB 313†
Surface water and groundwater affected, requirements, AB 313
Renewable energy facilities on or adjacent to mines or mine-scarred lands, partial abatement of certain sales and use taxes, SB 421D
Taxation of minerals extracted, interest on overpayments, restrictions, SB 29*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
High school graduation, denial of pupil’s right to wear certain adornments, appeals, consultations, AB 73*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Business Opportunity Outreach Unit, award of contracts to small businesses, requirements, SB 185
Discrimination (See DISCRIMINATION)
Divine Nine fraternities and sororities, special license plates, deposit and distribution of fees, SB 164*
Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, “impact qualified active low-income community business” defined, applicability of provisions, SB 240*
North Las Vegas, City of, diversity study, SB 184D
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, requirements, AB 179
Public works
Contractors’ use of women apprentices, requirements, AB 305†
Contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, Internet publication of information, SB 272††
State and local purchasing and performance contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, Internet publication of information, SB 272††
Voting materials and other election information, provision in certain languages, requirements, AB 246††
Advisory Committee
Compensation of members increased, SB 210††
Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Program, duties, AB 168
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Cultural competency, courses and programs for agents or employees of medical facilities and related entities, duties, AB 267*
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, creation, duties, AB 312
Environmental Justice, Commission on, creation, duties, AB 312†
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, membership, AB 179
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Campaign practices, caregiving services for child, excluded from definition of “personal use,” AB 95D
Child custody and visitation (See CHILD CUSTODY AND VISITATION)
Commercially sexually exploited children (See COMMERCIALLY SEXUALLY EXPLOITED CHILDREN)
Criminal trial, exclusion from court if law student, repeal of provision, SB 63*
Deceptive trade practices directed toward, penalties increased, statute of limitations revised, AB 373*
Dental homes, referrals to, requirements, AB 147*
Divorce proceedings, exclusion of certain persons from court, procedures, SB 409D
Firearms, possession or control, prohibited acts, AB 355††
Gender dysphoria, insurance coverage for conditions relating to, requirements, SB 163†
Head injuries, chiropractic physicians authorized to evaluate and treat, requirements, AB 199D
Hunting tags, transfers to persons under 18 years old, SB 311*
Interrogation of child in custody, prohibited acts, exceptions, AB 193*
Involuntary servitude of minors, acts constituting, penalties, SB 66*
Landlord and tenant, collection of certain fees related to minor who is member of household, prohibited acts, AB 298††
Motor vehicles, actions to protect or remove child from, immunities from liability, SB 190D
Online service, product or feature likely to be accessed by children, duties of businesses providing, prohibited acts, AB 320D
School pupils (See SCHOOL PUPILS)
Sex trafficking, crimes committed against adult posing as child, penalties, SB 89D, SB 389†
Sexually transmitted diseases, express consent of minors for examination, treatment and prevention services, SB 172*
Statewide Alert System, Committee for the, composition, AB 239*
Teledentistry, provision of services to minors, requirements, AB 147*
Unaccompanied youth, schools, statewide framework for restorative justice, repeal, AB 330†
Youth sports, prevention and treatment of head injuries, requirements, SB 80*
Indian reservation or Indian colony, persons missing from, duties of tribal liaison and law enforcement agencies, AB 125*
Statewide Alert System, Committee for the, composition, AB 239*
Electric service, net metering systems, applicability of laws, AB 425
Motor vehicles, unlawful acts, penalties, AB 356*
Career and technical program tax credit organizations, donations to, SB 144
Child Adoption Grant Program, Nevada, donations to, AB 205D
Child care assistance provided by employers, payments, SB 278
Film infrastructure, transferable tax credits, eligibility, SB 496
Hospitals, donations to certain grant organizations, SB 369
Major League Baseball Stadium Project, transferable tax credits, eligibility, SB 509
Mental Health Services for Children, Account to Improve, donations to, AB 445
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, increase in tax credits for donations to scholarship organizations, SB 220D, AB 385D
Scholarship organizations, contributions to, AB 400†
Electronic money, control, acknowledgment, transfer, AB 231†
False pretenses, obtaining money by, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Loans, unlawful receipt of payments to obtain loan for another, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, interim study, SB 376D
Transmission of money, regulation, AB 21*
Transmission of money, regulation, AB 21*
Public works, removal of exemption, SB 299††
Wages, applicability of prevailing wage laws, SB 299††
Big game mammal, discovery of carcass, donation of antlers, SB 312D
Remote location
Conduct of business from remote location, requirements, SB 355*, AB 284D
Residence, requirement of license, SB 355*, AB 284D
Records, maintenance, prohibited acts, SB 355*, AB 284D
Certificates of public convenience and necessity
Applications for, hearing, timeline for decision, SB 424D
Protest against the granting of, petition to intervene, prohibited acts, SB 424D
Permits, applications for, hearing, timeline for decision, SB 424D
Trade practices and frauds, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Cancellation of sale of motor vehicle, duties, AB 290*
Catalytic converters, purchase of used prohibited, exceptions, SB 243*, SB 250D
Electronic branch office, electronic collection and exchange of applications, authority, SB 346*
Autonomous vehicles, requirements relating to franchises and facilities for the repair or maintenance of vehicles, exemptions, SB 182*
Motor vehicles, compensation of dealers for warranty work or a recall service or repair, calculation, prohibited acts, SB 303D
Prevailing retail labor rate and retail parts markup, process to establish or modify, duties of dealer, SB 303D
Clark County, additional annual increases, effectuation, AB 359††
Fiscal Year 2023-2024, discount for fuel sold, distributed or used by supplier, notifications, procedures, SB 502, AB 519*
Charitable organizations receiving fees, exemptions, AB 151†
Collegiate license plates, AB 151*
Display in rear of vehicle, citations, when issuance permitted, SB 296D
Divine Nine fraternities and sororities, support for, distribution of fees collected, SB 164*
Electric vehicles, reduced fees for special plates, SB 346*
Firefighters, certain requirements for renewal of special plates eliminated, AB 304*
Honorary consuls of foreign countries, repeal of provision, AB 57*
Human organ donation, limitation of number of designs, exception, AB 304*
Personalized prestige license plates
Applications, submission of false statements or false, fraudulent or misleading evidence, penalties, AB 203*
Issuance, requirements, AB 203*
Parking fees, vehicles displaying certain plates exempt from fees, AB 203*
Reissuance, automatic reissuance provision removed, AB 457*
University of Nevada 150th anniversary, AB 151*
Abandoned vehicles, appraised value, persons authorized to obtain unbranded title, AB 57*
Automobile wreckers, authority to sell certain vehicles, requirements, AB 57*, AB 384D
Cancellation of sale, requirements, AB 290*
Liens, satisfaction, requirements, AB 57*
Automobile wreckers, exemption from certain requirements, AB 57*
Autonomous vehicles, proof of ownership from certain manufacturers, requirements for issuance of title, SB 182*
Certificates of title
Abandoned vehicles, persons authorized to obtain unbranded title, AB 57*
Cancellation of motor vehicle sale, requirements, AB 290*
Electronic branch office, authority to issue certificates, SB 346*
Registration if transferee unable to produce certificate, age of motor vehicle, AB 290*
Communication need, persons with, applications, designation of need on registration, AB 161*
Off-highway vehicles
Annual or triennial registration, SB 205*
Utility vehicles, requirements, SB 338†
Permit, operation of unregistered vehicle with, when issuance of citation permitted, SB 296D
Personal information maintained by Department of Motor Vehicles, authority to release under certain circumstances, SB 6D
Renewal of registration, notifications to include information relating to imprint of medical condition on driver license or state ID card, regulations, SB 362*
Salvage title agents, definition, applications, SB 346*
Unregistered vehicles unfit for use, unlawful possession
Civil penalties, AB 316*
Local ordinance authorized, effect, AB 316*
Autonomous vehicles (See AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES)
Burglary, increase in penalties, SB 412†
Casualty insurance claims, inspection of vehicle within certain period of time, requirements, AB 334††
Catalytic converters, purchase of used prohibited, exceptions, SB 243*, SB 250D
Child care facilities, handguns in motor vehicles, authority of persons holding concealed carry permit, AB 81D
Children, actions to protect or remove child from vehicle, immunities from liability, SB 190D
Clean Trucks and Buses, Account for
Appropriation, AB 184†
Creation, AB 184*
Clean Trucks and Buses Incentive Program, creation, AB 184*
Commercial motor vehicles
Employees, prohibited acts relating to operation, penalties, SB 66*
Licenses and learner’s permits, regulations, SB 66*
Railroad grade crossings, operation of vehicle, requirements, penalties, SB 66*
Contractors performing work on highways, use of law enforcement vehicles, permits, authority, SB 107*
Coroners, authority to own and operate emergency vehicle, permits, SB 107*
Firearms at certain locations or on certain property, restrictions, exceptions, AB 81D, AB 354††
Governmental services tax, discounts, appropriation, SB 403
Highway Patrol Division, purchase of vehicles, appropriations, AB 495*
Homeless persons, prohibited acts relating to enactment and enforcement of ordinances against, SB 155†
Lamps and lighting equipment, use of nonflashing blue light, AB 2*
Liens (See LIENS)
Medical examiners, authority to own and operate emergency vehicle, permits, SB 107*
Mobile tracking devices, unlawful acts, penalties, AB 356*
Nevada System of Higher Education, handguns in motor vehicles, requirements authority of persons carrying concealed carry permit, AB 81D
Pets, actions to protect or remove pet from vehicle, immunities from liability, SB 190D
Schools, handguns in motor vehicles, authority of persons holding concealed carry permit, AB 81D
State-owned vehicles
Off-highway vehicles, trails for use, applicability to governmental entity, AB 47*
Purchase, preference given to certain vehicles, AB 26D, AB 262*
Zero tailpipe emissions, legislative support for transition to, AB 262*
“Used catalytic converter” defined, SB 243*, SB 250D
Wholesale vehicle auctioneers, use of electronic stamps, authority, SB 346*
Appointments, certain not required preceding certain voter registration deadlines, SB 443††
Citizenship, proof not demonstrated with application, duties, SB 238D
Commercial motor vehicles, disqualification from operating upon certain felony convictions, notices, duties, SB 66*
Computer hardware and software, office furniture and equipment, appropriations, AB 510*
Limited-purpose identification cards, duties, AB 302
Off-highway vehicles, registration, duties, SB 205*
Personal information maintained by Department, authority to release under certain circumstances, SB 6D
Prevailing retail labor rate and retail parts markup, process to establish or modify, duties of dealer, SB 303D
Document preparation services, authority to use “Department of Motor Vehicles” or “DMV” in advertisements, requirements, SB 349*
Driver authorization cards, regulations, AB 336
Driver’s licenses (See DRIVER’S LICENSES)
Driving records, provision of information, duties, SB 66*
Elections, duties (See ELECTIONS)
Electronic branch office, conduct of certain activities through, authority, SB 346*
Electronic submission and storage of documents, limitations on persons who may participate, removal of limitations, SB 346*
Employees, salaries, appropriations, disbursements, SB 440†, AB 522*
Engine emission control, standards, duties, SB 49D
Garages, garage operators and body shops, reports, duties, AB 57*
Identification cards (See also IDENTIFICATION CARDS)
Offenders, photo identification cards upon release, duties, SB 93D, AB 195*
Immigration enforcement, restrictions on release of personal information for purposes of, AB 407*
Motor vehicle fuel taxes, discount for Fiscal year 2023-2024, duties, appropriation, SB 502, AB 519*
Offices, extended hours of operation preceding certain voter registration deadlines, appropriation, SB 443††
Records and files, release and use of information, prohibited acts, AB 407*
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Sale of motor vehicle, cancellation, duties, AB 290*
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Voter identification card, issuance, SB 405
Voting eligibility, form to state citizenship required, when provided, SB 238D
Autocycles, exclusion from definition of motorcycle, requirements for travel upon highways, SB 346*
Driver’s licenses, renewal, requirements, SB 423†
Education of Motorcycle Riders, Program for the
Completion in lieu of fine, requirements, SB 423*
Fee, removal, SB 423†
Instructors, removal of certain eligibility requirements, SB 423*
Highway Patrol Division, purchases, appropriations, AB 495*
Liens, satisfaction, requirements, AB 57*
Safety fees, increase, SB 423†
Big game mammal, discovery of carcass, donation of horns, SB 312D
Health care providers and facilities, reporting of certain information, requirements, regulation, SB 390*
Proclamation of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week, SB 286*
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, publication of certain information on Internet, SB 286*
Administrative assessments, distribution, SB 448*
Assisted outpatient treatment, transfers to district court, SB 155*
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, representation, AB 160††
Community service, credit offered by courts toward payment of fines, requirements, SB 55*, SB 209D
Days open or for transaction of judicial business on Sunday or legal holiday, prohibition, SB 55†
Deferral of judgment
Children, abuse, neglect or endangerment of, deferral prohibited, SB 412†
Cruelty to animals, deferral of judgment prohibited, AB 159*
Older or vulnerable persons, abuse or exploitation of, deferral prohibited, SB 412†
Electronic filing, storage and reproduction of documents, SB 63*
Homeless persons
Homeless persons, diversionary and specialty court programs, assignment, SB 155*
Mental illness or intellectually disabled, persons suffering from assignment, SB 155*
Jurors, number of in criminal action, AB 12D
Mental illness or intellectual disability, offenders with, specialty court programs, assignment, transfers to district court, AB 405*
Nonjudicial days, exceptions, SB 63*
“Police officer,” bailiffs and deputy marshals included in definition, applicability of laws, AB 301
Prostitution offenses, jurisdiction, AB 145†
Seals, regulations, repeal of provisions, SB 63*
Traffic control
Citations, procedures, SB 104††
Default judgments, setting aside, adoption of rules, SB 104††
Candidacy, filing requirements, SB 418*
Pretrial release hearings, authority to conduct in a justice court, SB 235*
Telephone number of office, availability to public, SB 63*
District attorneys, annual reports, contents, duties, SB 316*
Driving under the influence, penalties, AB 397D
Indigenous persons, duties of tribal liaison for Department of Public Safety, AB 125*
Art museum, establishment in Las Vegas, appropriation, AB 525*
East Ely Depot Museum, lease by State Land Registrar, requirements, SB 186D
National Atomic Testing Museum, relocation, appropriation to Interim Finance Committee for allocation to nonprofit corporation, AB 80
Neon Museum, appropriation, SB 341*, AB 525*
Membership to include person with a disability, AB 252*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Tourism, Commission on, elimination of ex-officio membership of Chair, SB 477*
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Campaign practices, reports of campaign expenses or expenditures, requirements, SB 326D
Elections officials, dissemination of personal identifying information of officials, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 404†, SB 406*
Mail ballots, requests for replacement, requirements, SB 60†
Certificates, amended certificates due to name change of spouse, requirements, SB 211*
Licenses, name change at time of issuance of license, removal of authority, SB 211*
Murder and manslaughter cases, annual reports by district attorneys, contents, SB 316*
Practice Advisory Board, Naprapathic, creation, AB 153*
Practice of naprapathy, regulation, AB 153*
Professions, provisions governing certain professions, exemptions for naprapaths, AB 153*
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, contracts with NCEE, appropriation, SB 425*
Adjutant General
Interagency Council on Veterans Affairs, reports to, contents, AB 36*
Qualifications, AB 174D, AB 465*
Assistant Adjutants General
Appointment, selection from commissioned officers, AB 174D, AB 465*
Qualifications, AB 174D, AB 465*
Behavioral health workforce development consortium, representation, AB 37*
Commissioned officers, age requirements, AB 174D, AB 465*
Enlisted personnel, age requirements, AB 465*
Facilities maintenance projects, funding, SB 476*
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, eligibility of children or wards for grants, priority, AB 385D
Personalized prestige license plates, issuance, requirements, AB 203*
Sales and use taxes, purchases by certain members and certain relatives, exemptions, procedures, SB 50*
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Discrimination (See DISCRIMINATION)
“Domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, support of programs to counter, AB 117
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Intimidation, use of symbols of hate, penalties, SB 227D
Creation, composition, AB 516*
Geographic Names, Nevada State Board on, representation, AB 516*
Outdoor Recreation, Advisory Board on, membership, AB 516*
Regional Transmission Coordination Task Force, representation, AB 516*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, membership, AB 516*
Adoption of Indian child, procedures, AB 444*
Agency regulations, environmental justice impact statements, requirements, determinations, procedures, AB 312†
Burial sites, human remains found that are thought to be native Indian, procedures, regulations, SB 364*
Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program, grant eligibility for tribal governments, AB 19*
Child custody proceedings
Active efforts to prevent breakup of family or to reunite family, AB 444*
Applicability of provisions, AB 444†
Assisted reproduction, Indian child conceived by means of, applicability of certain provisions, AB 444†
Best interest of child, determination, considerations, AB 444*
Child alleged to be within jurisdiction of court, procedure, AB 444*
Child improperly removed or improperly retained following visit or temporary relinquishment of custody, procedures, AB 444†
Confidentiality of information, requirements, AB 444*
Custody of Indian child, persons having, AB 444*
Definitions, AB 444*
Determination whether there is reason to know that child is Indian child, requirements, AB 444*
Domicile, determination, priority, AB 444*
Enrollment of child in tribe with which child is eligible for enrollment, notice, AB 444*
Examination of reports or other documents, AB 444*
Expert witnesses, use, AB 444*
Jurisdiction of court and tribe, AB 444*
Man’s parentage of Indian child, when acknowledged or established, AB 444†
Persons presumed to have continued custody of Indian child, AB 444†
Petitions to vacate order or judgment, AB 444*
Placement of child, requirements, AB 444*
Representation of parties, appointment of counsel in certain proceedings, AB 444*
Transfer of proceedings to tribal court, grounds, procedures, AB 444*
Translation or interpretation support, requirements, AB 444*
Tribal-state agreements, good faith efforts to enter, purposes, requirements, AB 444*
Tribe of Indian child, designation, considerations, effect of membership or eligibility for membership in more than one tribe, AB 444*
Ward of tribal court, determination of whether child is, AB 444*
Child welfare, custody, adoption or protection of Indian children, proceedings relating to, establishment, AB 444*
Duck Valley Indian Reservation, appropriation for construction of school, AB 519*
Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, representation, AB 114*, AB 463*
County and city clerks, duties relating to tribes, SB 216*
Polling place and ballot drop box, establishment within boundaries of Indian reservation or colony, SB 216*, SB 327*
Temporary branch polling place for early voting, establishment within boundaries of Indian reservation or colony, SB 216*, SB 327*
Tribal identification card, use authorized to perform various tasks, SB 216†
Emergency Medical Services, Committee on, composition, employee or volunteer of agency, organization or other operator that provides services on tribal land, AB 24*
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, representation, AB 312
High school graduation, authority of pupils to wear certain adornments, appeals, AB 73*
Indian Commission, Nevada, appropriation, SB 462*
Missing or murdered indigenous persons, duties of tribal liaison and law enforcement agencies, AB 125*
Nevada System of Higher Education, fee waivers, appropriation, AB 150*
Overdose Fatalities, Committee to Review, creation, representation, AB 132†
Physicians, limited license to practice medicine in medically underserved areas, requirements, SB 204
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, membership, SB 242
School capital projects, levy of property tax, membership on oversight panel, AB 519*
Soil Health Advisory Board, creation, membership, AB 109
State parks and recreation areas
Annual permit for entering, camping and boating in parks, issuance to members of tribe free of charge, collection of administrative fee, AB 84†
Annual permit to enter state parks and recreation areas free of charge, establishment of program, appropriation, AB 84*
Stewart Indian School, Account for the Protection and Rehabilitation of the, creation, use, AB 516*
Treatment Works and the Implementation of Pollution Control Projects, Account to Finance the Construction of, eligibility to receive assistance, AB 20*
Tribal judges, threatening or intimidation of, penalties, AB 369
Tribal liaisons employed by state agencies, classification and pay, requirements, SB 94
Urban and community forestry, grants to promote, AB 131*
Victims of certain crimes (See also VICTIMS OF CRIME)
Confidential and privileged information, certain communications, AB 48D
“Victim’s advocate” defined, AB 48D
Water right surveyors, appointment, qualifications, AB 19*
Gas infrastructure projects, requirements, SB 116D
Industrial insurance
Insurers, violations, remedies, SB 274†
Third-party administrators, violations, remedies, SB 274†
Cities, authorized investments, AB 33*
Counties, authorized investments, AB 33*
Definition, AB 231*
Discharge of obligation, AB 231*
Issue of instrument, AB 231*
Liability of parties, AB 231*
State, investments by, AB 33*
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, representation, AB 58*, AB 429
Bill draft requests, reduction in maximum number, AB 200
Business Licensing Working Group, appointments, AB 14D
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, appointments, SB 425*
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, appointments, AB 395D
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, appointments, SB 425*
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, appointments, SB 425*
Budget approval process, committee to study, appointments, SB 329
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, appointments, SB 425*
Professional Standards in Education, Commission on, nominations, AB 4
Creation, SB 431*
Appropriation, SB 285*
We the People program in schools, appropriation in support of, SB 236
Community health workers, duties, SB 117†
National Guard, exemption from sales and use taxes for purchases by certain members and certain relatives, procedures, SB 50*
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, representation, AB 58*, AB 429
Bill draft requests, reduction in maximum number, AB 200
Business Licensing Working Group, appointments, AB 14D
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, appointments, SB 425*
Appropriation, AB 481*
Business and Industry, Department of, duties, appropriation, SB 240*
Impact qualified active low-income community business, qualifications, SB 240*
Insurance premium tax credits
Impact qualified equity investments, certification of eligibility for tax credits, SB 240*
Qualified equity investments, certification of eligibility for tax credits, additional amount, SB 240*
East Ely Depot and Freight Barn, transfer to Foundation and City of Ely, legal descriptions, SB 186D
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, representation, AB 395D
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, appointments, SB 425*
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, membership, AB 179
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, representation, AB 429
Fingerprints, forwarding of fingerprints to Central Repository and the FBI, revision of certain references in provisions, AB 503†
“Global risk management,” removal of references, SB 7D
Population, classifications based on, revisions of certain provisions of Nevada Revised Statutes, SB 21*
Insurance companies, delinquency proceedings, rules inapplicable, SB 57*
Appropriations and authorized expenditures, AB 477*
Emerging Technologies Task Force, appointments, SB 165
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, appointments, AB 395D
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, appointments, SB 425*
Board of Directors, composition, meetings, SB 10*
Confidential information, requirements, exceptions, SB 10*
K-12 school facilities in smaller counties, loans and other financial assistance, SB 10*
Nevada Way Account, creation, sources, use, SB 431†
Open Meeting Law, applicability, SB 10*
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
“Social infrastructure” defined to include facilities providing mental health services to children, eligibility for loans and financial assistance, AB 445
State Treasurer, Office of the, assistance from, SB 10*
Transportation, Department of, part of, repeal of provision, SB 10*
Higher Education Campus Safety, Commission on, appointments, AB 245†
Academic medical districts, establishment, AB 490
Anatomical Dissection, Committee on, elimination, SB 214*, SB 431†
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center of Nevada, establishment, duties, appropriation, AB 37*
Biennial auditing of State University and other public institutions of higher education, constitutional amendment, SJR 7 of the 81st Session‡
Board of Regents
Academic medical districts, establishment, duties, AB 490
Agreements with certain entities
Collective bargaining agreements with professional employees, authority, procedures, AB 224††
Early childhood education, agreements to provide training and resources to families and caretakers, AB 372*
Promotion and enhancement of educational programs or student life, authority, requirements, AB 74††
Teacher Academy College Pathway Program, requirements, AB 428*
Alternative educational opportunities for pupils, programs for, duties, SB 199D
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center of Nevada, duties, receipt of report, AB 37*
Campuses, plan for parity in the amount of building square footage per student, duties, AB 431D
Constitutional body, removal of status as, constitutional amendment, SJR 7 of the 81st Session‡
Emerging Technologies Task Force, appointments, SB 165
Firearms on premises of System, regulation, SB 188D
Governor, Office of, designation of liaison, SB 431†
“Higher education governing body” defined, powers and duties, SB 347†
Homeless or unaccompanied pupils, duties, AB 217
Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching Program, creation, administration, AB 323†
Intercollegiate activities and sporting events, designation based upon biological sex, duties, AB 374D
Attendance at meetings, compensation increased, SB 210††
Election districts, AB 118*
Number, AB 118*
Terms of office, AB 118*
Transcripts, availability to students, policies, AB 212*
University of Nevada, powers and duties, SB 347†
Workforce Innovation, Governor’s Office of, coordination relating to work-based learning for school pupils, AB 428*
Campuses, plan for parity in the amount of building square footage per student, construction projects, AB 431D
Career and technical education program for pupils to become teachers, establishment and maintenance, duties, AB 400†
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center of Nevada, receipt of report, AB 37*
Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, duties removed, AB 274*
Higher Education Campus Safety, Commission on, member, appointments, AB 245†
Higher Education Funding, Commission on, receipt of reports, SB 347
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, member, SB 425*
State Apprenticeship Council, duties transferred, SB 347†
College and university institutions in State
Designation, SB 347
Nevada State University, designation as state college, SB 273*
College of Southern Nevada
Enrollment recovery, appropriation, AB 491*
NV Grow Program, appropriation to assist and carry out, SB 126*
Collegiate license plates, AB 151*
Community colleges, establishment of individual boards of trustees, appointments, powers and duties, SB 347†
Composition of System, SB 347†
Controlled substances, studies conducted by research facilities, requirements, SB 242†
Debt owed by student to institution, prohibited acts, AB 212*
Deconsolidation of System, SB 347†
Desert Research Institute, appropriation to support Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program, SB 99*
Education Article of Nevada Constitution, removal of obsolete provisions and clarification of laws, constitutional amendment, SJR 7 of the 81st Session‡
Education savings account program, participating entities, SB 200
Power-based violence, awareness and prevention programming, attendance, requirements, AB 245*
Professional employees
Collective bargaining agreements authorized, procedures, appropriation, AB 224††
Longevity pay, exclusion from payment, AB 337
Retention incentives for certain employees, appropriations, AB 268*, AB 522*
Retirement, computation of credit for service, AB 222
Salary increases and one-time payments, appropriations, SB 440††, AB 522*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, representation, SB 103*
Sexual misconduct awareness and prevention programming, attendance, requirements, AB 245†
Estate Tax Account for the Endowment of the University, Committee on the, composition, SB 347†
Firearms on property of System
Concealed carry permit, authority of persons holding, requirements, SB 188D, AB 81D
Conviction for violations, early discharge from probation prohibited, SB 86D
Funding formula for System, interim study, appropriation, AB 493*
Great Basin College
Commission on Professional Standards in Education, representation, AB 4, AB 323, AB 428*
Enrollment recovery, appropriation, AB 491*
Health Service Corps, Nevada (See HEALTH SERVICE CORPS, NEVADA)
Higher Education Administrative Services, Nevada Office of, duties, SB 347†
Higher Education Campus Safety, Commission on, creation, duties, AB 245†
“Higher education governing body” defined, powers and duties, SB 347†
Homeless Pupils, Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for
Contact information, provision to students, AB 217
Qualifications, duties, AB 217
Homeless services, use of provider’s address as temporary address, authority, SB 317*
Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching, creation of grant program, AB 323†, AB 515*
Institutions within System, classification, SB 347
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Commission, representation, AB 409
Medicine, School of
Academic medical districts, establishment, AB 490
Advisory Council on Graduate Medical Education, creation, representation, SB 350*
Dean, member of Perinatal Quality Collaborative, AB 179
Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, establishment, duties, SB 350*
Kerkorian School of Medicine, health students, appropriations, SB 457*
Memory Network, Nevada, appropriation, SB 297
Nevada Health Service Corps (See HEALTH SERVICE CORPS, NEVADA)
Native Americans, fee waivers, appropriation, AB 150*
Nevada State College
Commission on Professional Standards in Education, representation, AB 4, AB 323, AB 428*
Name changed to “Nevada State University,” SB 273*
Support expenditures, AB 491*
Nevada State University, designation as state college, SB 273*
NevadaNet, appropriations, AB 492*
Nursing programs, undergraduate and graduate, grants to support, appropriation, SB 375*
NV Grow Program (See NV GROW PROGRAM)
Overdose fatality reviews, authority of certain entities to conduct, requirements, AB 132†
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, operation, AB 115D
Personal delivery devices, operation, penalties, SB 422*
Police department
Establishment for individual campuses authorized, SB 347†
Salaries and one-time payments, appropriations, disbursements, SB 440††, AB 522*
Power-based violence
Awareness and prevention programming, requirements, attendance, AB 245*
Definition, AB 245*
Higher Education Campus Safety, Commission on, creation, duties, AB 245†
Private education loans and lenders, regulation, AB 332*
Public Employees’ Retirement System
Increase in employers’ contributions, appropriation to cover requirements for 2023-2025 fiscal years, AB 498††
“Participating state agency” defined, AB 498††
Registration for enrollment, prioritization of certain persons, AB 217†
Salary increases and one-time payments for certain state officers and employees, appropriations, SB 440††, AB 522*
School of Law
Immigration Clinic, pro bono legal services, appropriation, AB 328†, AB 382
Thomas & Mack Legal Clinic, pro bono legal services, appropriation, AB 328*
School of Medicine (See Medicine, School of, this heading)
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, faculty member, representation, SB 103*
Sexual misconduct
Awareness and prevention programming, requirements, attendance, AB 245†
Higher Education Campus Safety, Commission on, creation, duties, AB 245†
Task Force on Sexual Misconduct at Institution of Higher Education
Abolishment, AB 245†
Name change, membership, duties, AB 245*
Terminology changed to “power-based violence,” applicability of laws, AB 245*
Confidential and privileged information, certain communications, AB 48D
“Relevant training” defined, AB 48D
Student age limitation increased to 17 years, SB 121D
“Victim’s advocate” defined, AB 48D
Sierra Nevada College, eligibility for Millennial Scholarship removed, SB 273*
State colleges, establishment of individual boards of trustees, appointments, powers and duties, SB 347†
Student loan services, licensing and regulation, AB 332*
Students assigned to public schools for training purposes, compensation by schools or districts authorized, AB 323, AB 428*
Teach Nevada Collaborative Account, creation, grants, SB 438
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, repeal, SB 438
Teacher Academy College Pathway Program, duties, AB 428*
Teacher preparation programs, scholarships and stipends to eligible students, AB 323†
Textbooks, exemptions from taxes on digital products, SB 396
Truckee Meadows Community College, appropriation for enrollment recovery, AB 491*
Tuition and fees
Exemptions from tuition charges
Denial, grounds, prohibited acts, AB 226*
High school equivalency assessment in State, AB 226*
Purple Heart recipients, children of, eligibility, requirements, AB 279†
Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching, grant program, AB 323†, AB 515*
Loans for certain fees assessed against students enrolled in teacher education program, AB 428*
Waiver of fees
Eligibility, duties, AB 217, AB 279*
Interim study, SB 72*
Native Americans, appropriation for fee waivers, AB 150*
University of Nevada
150th anniversary, special license plates, distribution of certain fees, AB 151*
Board of Regents (See Board of Regents, this heading)
Brain Health, Department of, neurodegenerative diseases, reporting of information, duties, appropriation, SB 390*
Campuses, plan for parity in the amount of building square footage per student, construction projects, AB 431D
Composition, SB 347†
Cooperative Extension in Clark County, appropriation, SB 126†
Crime Statistics, Center for the Analysis of, receipt of reports, SB 389*
Desert Research Institute, appropriation to support Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program, SB 99*
Discriminatory restriction or prohibition on real property, duties regarding, appropriation, SB 368*
Grant program to assist certain psychology interns, appropriations, SB 300
International Gaming Institute, allocation of appropriation to Interim Finance Committee, AB 525*
School of medicine (See Medicine, School of, this heading)
Separation from System, procedures and requirements, SB 347†
UNR, appropriations, SB 368*, AB 494*
William S. Boyd School of Law
Immigration Clinic, pro bono legal services, appropriation, AB 328†, AB 382
Thomas & Mack Legal Clinic, pro bono legal services, appropriation, AB 328*
Western Nevada College, support expenditures, AB 491*
Nevada System of Higher Education, appropriations, AB 492*
Appropriation, AB 266*
Keep Nevada Working Task Force, appointments to, SB 24*
Language access coordinator, employment, duties, AB 266*
Language access plans of certain counties and cities, duties, reports, AB 266*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Cost-of-living increases for calendar year, publication, AB 362D
Digital products, exemptions from taxation, SB 396
Legal notices, publication on newspaper website, competency, requirements, SB 22*
Manufactured home parks, maximum annual rent increase percentage for fiscal year, publication by Housing Division, SB 275††
Motor Vehicles, Department of, release of personal information to reporter or editorial employee, requirements, SB 6D
Unclaimed Property, Administrator of, notices, removal of certain duties, AB 55*
Vehicles, advertising sale to satisfy lien, requirements, AB 57†
Water rights, public notice requirements, AB 34*
Construction work in certain common-interest communities, establishment of hours at which work may begin, regulation, AB 189*
Academic medical districts, requirements, SB 419†, AB 490
Affordable housing, distribution of money for, SB 363*
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, representation, AB 160††
Big game mammal, discovery of carcass, donation of antlers or horns to nonprofit organization, SB 312D
Children’s Cabinet, appropriation, SB 263*
Collecting for benefits without authority, penalties, SB 86D
Community Foundation of Northern Nevada, assistance with administration of Nevada Wildlife Conservation Program, AB 349
COVID-19 Relief Programs budget account, payment of money to registered nonprofit organizations, requirements, appropriation, AB 526*
Digital products, exemptions from taxation, requirements, SB 396
Early childhood education, agreements with Board of Regents to provide training and resources to families and caretakers, AB 372*
Economic Development, Office of, contracts, AB 41
Governmental entities, duties regarding personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Homeless persons, establishment of matching funds program, provision of funds to certain qualified projects, duties of lead participant, AB 528*
Hospital, medical and dental service corporations, nonprofit (See NONPROFIT HOSPITAL, MEDICAL AND DENTAL SERVICE CORPORATIONS)
Hospitals and medical buildings, construction, private financing, SB 226*
Industrial insurance, associations of self-insured employers, regulation, SB 30D
Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, Nevada Local, grants received from, duties, AB 388*
Live entertainment tax for certain activities, counties, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 140
Nevada Innovation Account, applications for funds, AB 41
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, operation, AB 115D
Records erroneously filed with Secretary of State, correction, AB 126*
Alternative educational opportunities for pupils, participation in programs, SB 199D
Early childhood literacy and readiness programs, grants to support, applications, AB 400*
Garden programs, funding, requirements, SB 244
Postsecondary educational institutions, surety bonds, reduction or waiver under certain circumstances, SB 345D
Power-based Violence in Schools, Committee on Responses to, creation, membership, AB 245*
Special Olympics of Nevada, establishment as independent nonprofit entity and expansion of programs, appropriation, SB 219
Teach Nevada Collaborative Account, creation, grants, SB 438
Transportation Modernization Grants Program Account, eligibility for grants, duties, SB 357
Urban and community forestry, grants to promote, AB 131*
Virtual Early Childhood Family Engagement Pilot Program, creation, duties, reports, AB 348*
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, representation, AB 119*
Wetlands in-lieu fee program, cooperative agreements with counties, SB 115*
Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act (See ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE)
Arbitration provisions nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Associate physicians, services provided by, coverage, SB 204
Biomarker testing, coverage, AB 155*
Breast cancer imaging tests, coverage, SB 330*
Clinical services to monitor use and effectiveness, coverage, services provided by pharmacists, AB 383†
Condoms for persons age 13 or older, coverage, SB 439*
Copayments and coinsurance, restrictions on charges, SB 161*
Language translation services, payment of expenditures, AB 383†
Long-acting reversible contraception, coverage for certain devices, SB 280*
Pharmacists, services provided by, requirements, SB 161*
Prior authorization requirement prohibited, SB 161*, AB 383†
Voluntary sterilization of men, coverage, AB 383†
Dental care services
Codes, prohibited acts, SB 393†
Limitation on rates for coverage, examination of records for noncompliance, SB 393*
Ratio of losses to premiums, reports, SB 393*
Gender dysphoria, treatment for conditions relating to, required coverage, SB 163†
Health care cost growth benchmarks, reporting of certain information, requirements, AB 6
Health care providers, form letters sent to, report to Commissioner, SB 57*
Hepatitis C, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
HIV, drugs and treatment, coverage, SB 439*
Insurance Premium Tax, credits for donations to certain scholarship organizations, SB 220D, AB 385D
Opioid use disorder, medication-assisted treatment for, coverage, SB 439*, AB 156*
Pharmacists, services provided by, coverage, SB 201
Qualified health-related service, coverage, AB 237†
Sexually transmitted diseases, medical services relating to, coverage, SB 439*
Step therapy protocol, use in treatment of psychiatric conditions, restrictions, SB 167*
Telehealth, third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Tobacco, cessation of use, coverage, AB 294D
Trade practices and frauds, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Doctors for Nevada Program, establishment, AB 393D
Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure, Recognition of, ratification of interstate compact, appropriation, AB 158*
Lenses, frames and other specially fabricated optical devices, sales to intended wearer located outside of state, applicability of laws, SB 106*
Nurse Licensure Compact, ratification, AB 108D
Telehealth Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 198†
Demographic information, collection by governmental agencies, requirements, AB 139*
Discrimination (See generally DISCRIMINATION)
Charter amendments
Administrative officers, residency requirements, SB 184†
Attorney General, authority to bring civil action against certain officers, SB 246†
Charter Committee
City Council and city officers and employees, duties, prohibited acts, SB 246††
Meetings, SB 246††
Members, training requirements, SB 246††
City Attorney, duties, prohibited acts, SB 184D
City Clerk
Oath of office, SB 246††
Prohibited acts, penalties, SB 246†
City Council
Members, increase in number, election, SB 184D
Prohibited acts, penalties, SB 246††
Seats, designation, SB 184D
City Manager (See City Manager, this heading)
Election returns, canvass, duties deemed purely ministerial, district court to compel certain actions, SB 404†
Primary elections, selection of more than one candidate on ballot, SB 60†
Wards, increase in number, SB 184D
Workforce development program, establishment, requirements, SB 246††
City Manager
Committee on Local Government Finance, reports to, duties, SB 246††
Diversity program and study, duties, SB 184D
Prohibited acts, penalties, SB 246††
Redistricting of wards, reports, SB 184D
Residency requirements, SB 184D
Vacant or leased space, reports, SB 184D
Clark County school district trustees, appointment, procedures for filling vacancies, AB 175*
Construction work in certain common-interest communities, establishment of hours at which work may begin, requirements, AB 189*
Legislative measures, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Public notices of planning commissions, availability in certain languages, requirements, immunity from liability, AB 266*
Windsor Park, relocation program for persons residing in single-family residences, appropriation, SB 450*
Appropriations, AB 507*
Secretary of State, authentication of signature of notarial officer, fee, AB 433D
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Construction work noise, establishment of hours at which work may begin, requirements, AB 189*
Covered health care facility, water management program to minimize Legionella bacteria, violations, AB 263
Homeless persons charged or convicted of public nuisance, eligibility for diversionary and specialty court programs, assignment, SB 155*
Special event advertising, exemptions from nuisance laws, requirements, AB 426†
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, grants to promote, AB 131*
Advanced practice registered nurses
Advanced estheticians, supervision, authority to lease space in cosmetological establishment, SB 249*
Assisted reproduction
False information knowingly conveyed to a patient, penalties, SB 309*
Fertility fraud, penalties, SB 309*
Birth, injection or insertion of long-acting reversible contraception upon request of patients, determinations, SB 280*
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, requirements for driver’s license applications, AB 133D
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, procedures, disciplinary action or penalties prohibited, SB 239††
Hospital admission for purpose of giving birth, physical examination or medical history of patient by certified nurse-midwife, SB 146*
Liability insurance, requirements, AB 198†, AB 209D
Neuromodulators, use, authority, AB 196D
Physicians, certain authority and powers similar to, AB 364†
Prisoners, availability of medication-assisted treatment, prohibited acts, AB 156*
School pupils, duties regarding head injuries, SB 80*
Sexually transmitted diseases, express consent of minors for examination, treatment and prevention services, SB 172*
Applicability of laws, scope, SB 336*
Certified registered nurse anesthetists
Certification, requirements, SB 336*, AB 198
Controlled substances, poisons and dangerous drugs, authority to order and select, technical bulletin, AB 198
Licensure as advanced practice registered nurses, AB 198†
Cosmetology, exemption from regulation, SB 249*
Cultural competency, continuing education, SB 365D, AB 267*
Hospitals, agreements with Armed Forces of United States for provision of care, AB 311*
Individualized investigational treatments, provision of substance, exemption from professional discipline, SB 283*
Licenses, suspension of pending formal hearing on certain criminal violations, AB 442
Neuromodulators, use, authority, AB 196D
Nonablative esthetic medical procedures, authority to perform, supervision required, SB 249†
Nurse Licensure Compact, ratification, AB 108D
Nursing schools, faculty-student supervision in certain courses, SB 324D, AB 401*
Prisoners in solitary confinement, multidisciplinary teams, representation, SB 307*
Scope of authority, applicability of laws, SB 336*
Anesthetists, certified registered nurse, regulations, SB 336*
Assisted reproduction, receipt of notice of certain violations pertaining to, SB 309*
Domestic violence committed by licensees, receipt of complaints, duties, AB 442
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Midwives, reports of misconduct by persons licensed or certified by the Board, AB 386
Naprapaths, reports of misconduct, receipt, AB 153*
Neuromodulators, applicability of regulations concerning, AB 196D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Schools, faculty-student supervision ratio, regulations, prohibited acts, SB 324D, AB 401*
Sexual assault committed by licensees, receipt of complaints, duties, AB 442
Technical advisory bulletin concerning prescribing of controlled substances to certified registered nurse anesthetist, duties, AB 198†
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Telehealth Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 198†
Undergraduate and graduate nursing programs, grants to support, appropriation, SB 375*
COVID-19, injury or death resulting from exposure, limitations on liability, applicability of laws, SB 73D
Definition, AB 460
Appropriation, SB 126*
Business development and business financing, classes and resources to participants in program, SB 126*
Data scrubbing services, funding, SB 126*
Division of Workforce and Economic Development, money received from gifts, grants or donations, requirements, SB 126*
Geographic information specialist, training, requirements, SB 126*
Geographic information systems
Counseling and training, funding, SB 126*
Establishment of center to provide services and training, study, SB 126†
Lead counselor, supervision, requirements, SB 126*
Nevada Small Business Development Centers, duties, SB 126*
“Stakeholders group” defined, appropriation for marketing services, SB 126†
County commissioners, annual salary, SB 51D
Justice courts, oath of office for clerk of court, removal of provisions, SB 55*
North Las Vegas, City Clerk, charter amendment, SB 246††
“Police officer” defined for the purposes of certain benefits and exemptions, applicability of laws, AB 301
Pesticide applicators, regulation, SB 13*
Review Board, members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Safety programs in workplaces, training programs, requirements, exemptions, SB 427D
Applicability of laws, AB 343*
Citations, authority to issue, AB 343*
Examinations, powers and duties, AB 343*
Fees for licenses, duties, AB 343*
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Members, salary authorized, requirements for per diem and travel expenses, AB 343*
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Certification by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy required, AB 343*
Continuing education, requirements, AB 343*
By endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
By reciprocity, issuance authorized, fees, AB 343*
Examination, requirements, certain provisions removed, AB 343*
Provisional license, issuance authorized, fees, AB 343*
Qualifications, requirements, AB 343*
Temporary license, requirements, AB 343*
Violations, issuance of citations, fines, AB 343*
Large all-terrain vehicles
Definition, SB 338*
Terminology changed to “utility vehicle,” SB 338†
Registration of vehicle, annual or triennial renewal fee, SB 205*
Trails for use, applicability to governmental entity, AB 47*
“Utility vehicle” defined, applicability of law, SB 338†
Highways, designation for operation of off-highway vehicles, authority, regulations, SB 338†
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, Ombudsman for Owners in, vexatious affiants, duties, SB 417*
Jails and prisons, designation of ombudsman, duties, AB 292†
Offenders, Office of the Ombudsperson for, creation, appropriation, AB 452*
State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (See LONG-TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN, STATE)
Student Loan Ombudsman, duties, AB 45*, AB 332*
Unemployment Benefits, Office of Ombudsman for, creation, SB 123D
Taxes for development of, interest on overpayments, restrictions, SB 29*
Vision care providers, contracts with insurers, disclosures to covered persons, prohibited acts, SB 134*
Clark County Regional Opioid Task Force, creation, AB 132*
Costs and expenses that the State reimbursed to retained attorney in connection with investigation and litigation, audit, SB 377D
Fentanyl, levels of trafficking by quantity involved, penalties, SB 35*, SB 128D, SB 343†
Insurance coverage for drugs and treatment, requirements, SB 439*
Overdose fatality reviews, authority of certain entities to conduct, requirements, AB 132†
Possession, penalties, SB 412†
Apprentices, licensure and supervision, AB 415*
Executive Director, authority to hire, AB 415*
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Gifts and grants, authority to seek and accept, AB 415*
Meetings, requirements, quorum, AB 415*
Compensation, AB 415*
Continuance in office until appointment of successor, AB 415*
Immunity from liability for members, staff and employees, AB 415*
Records pertaining to applicants, duties, AB 415*
Regulations, adoption, powers and duties, AB 415*
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Seal, requirement to adopt removed, AB 415*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Complaints, investigations and charging documents, reorganization of laws, AB 415*
Definitions, AB 415*
By endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Fees, AB 415*
Issuance, requirements, AB 415*
Limited licenses, reactivation, AB 415*
Special licenses, issuance, requirements, AB 415*
Ophthalmic dispensing
Activities constituting, exemptions, SB 106*
Delivery of products, requirements, SB 106†
Optical establishments
Dispensing optician not physically present, posting of sign indicating, AB 415*
Management, prohibited acts, AB 415*
Practice without license, penalties, AB 415*
Reorganization and repeal of provisions, AB 415*
Address, change in mailing or electronic mail, notice to Board, AB 432*
Applicability of laws, scope, SB 336*
Assumed or fictitious name, ownership of practice under, requirements, AB 432*
Death of sole owner of practice, ownership by surviving member of licensee’s family, AB 432*
Disciplinary action, notice to Board, AB 432*
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D, AB 432*
Management service providers, compensation, prohibited acts, AB 432†
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Violations, issuance of citation, AB 432*
Optometric telemedicine, definition, prohibited acts, AB 432*
Unlicensed practice, prohibited acts, AB 432†
Vision care providers, contracts with insurers, disclosures to covered persons, prohibited acts, SB 134*
Advisory Committee, transferred to Department, SB 44*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Transfer of program to Department, SB 44*
State law and regulations supersede and preempt local ordinance or regulation, AB 418D
Academic medical districts
Area defined by ordinance, authority of cities or counties to enact, SB 419†
Establishment, creation of tax increment area, AB 490
Annexation of territory by cities, procedures, prohibited acts, SB 19*
Battery-charged fences, authority of cities and counties, requirements, limitations, SB 208*
Cannabis events, temporary, permitting and regulation, AB 253
Cannabis violations, persons who provide material information resulting in recovery of civil penalties, adoption of rewards program, AB 413D
Construction work in certain common-interest communities, establishment of hours at which work may begin, requirements, AB 189*
County commissioners, vacancies, establishment of process for filling, SB 20††
County counsel, creation of office, duties of counsel, AB 92D
Evaporative cooling mechanisms, prohibition on construction or use, authority, AB 97††
Fuel taxes in Clark County, additional annual increases, effectuation, AB 359††
Geothermal energy systems, restricting use, AB 315†
Home-based businesses, regulation, authority, restrictions, AB 314D
Municipal school districts, establishment, SB 383D
North Las Vegas, City of
Boundaries of new wards, establishment, SB 184D
Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act, ordinances to effect purposes of, SB 450*
Personal delivery devices, local regulation and control, SB 422*
Public administrators, abolishment of office, AB 368D
Sidewalk vendors, authority to license and regulate vendors in larger counties, requirements, SB 92*
Solar storage facilities, commercial, regulation, SB 421D
Solid waste management systems, authority of smaller counties to impose tax to fund operations, AB 1
Tobacco products, purchase or possession of certain products, prohibited acts, AB 294D
Traffic ordinances, violations to impose civil penalty instead of criminal sanction, SB 104††
Transportation and housing reinvestment zones, authority to designate, AB 10D
Unregistered vehicles unfit for use, unlawful possession, AB 316*
Heart or lung transplants, Medicaid coverage, SB 127D
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Kratom products, duties, regulations, AB 322†
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Anesthesiologist assistants, licensure and regulation, AB 270*
Domestic violence committed by licensees, receipt of complaints, duties, AB 442
Evidence of completion of continuing medical education, authority regarding, AB 124*
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Group practices, administrative penalties, duties, SB 348*
Investigational treatment, investigational drugs, biological products or devices, receipt of reports, duties, SB 283*
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Limited licenses to practice medicine, duties, regulations, SB 204
Naprapathy, practice of, regulation, AB 153†
Neuromodulators, applicability of regulations concerning, AB 196D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Sexual assault committed by licensees, receipt of complaints, duties, AB 442
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Advanced estheticians, supervision, authority to lease space in cosmetological establishment, SB 249*
Allopathic medicine, practice within scope of, applicability of regulations, SB 336*
Autism, persons with, requirements for driver’s license applications, AB 161†
Certified registered nurse anesthetists, supervision, AB 198
Collaborative agreements with physician assistants, AB 364†
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, requirements for driver’s license applications, AB 133D
Doctors for Nevada Program, establishment, AB 393D
Emergency medical services provided by out-of-network providers, arbitration conducted by qualified state employee, authority of state agency to retain money paid for costs of arbitrator, SB 497*
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, procedures, disciplinary action or penalties prohibited, SB 239††
Graduate Medical Education, Advisory Council on, creation, representation, SB 350*
Group practices, notice to Department of Health and Human Services concerning certain transactions, penalties, SB 348*
Agreements with Armed Forces of United States for provision of care, AB 311*
Employment of physicians, prohibited acts, exceptions, penalties, AB 11††
Individualized investigational treatments
Authority, duties, SB 283*
Provision of substance, exemption from professional discipline, SB 283*
Associate physicians, requirements, SB 204
By endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Limited licenses to practice medicine, requirements, SB 204
Suspension of license pending formal hearing on certain criminal violations, AB 442
Neuromodulators, use, authority, AB 196D
Physician assistants (See PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS)
Prisoners, availability of medication-assisted treatment, prohibited acts, AB 156*
School pupils, duties regarding head injuries, SB 80*
Sexually transmitted diseases, express consent of minors for examination, treatment and prevention services, SB 172*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 198†
Trauma centers and emergency rooms, limitation on liability repealed, AB 209D
Vision care providers, contracts with insurers, disclosures to covered persons, prohibited acts, SB 134*
Competition, participation in, taking animal for prize, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 102D
Advisory Committee, compensation of members increased, SB 210††
Grant Program, Outdoor Education and Recreation, duties, AB 164*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Creation, powers and duties, AB 132†
Commercial motor vehicles, disqualification from operating upon certain felony convictions, SB 66*
State Demographer, parcel datasets, duties, AB 177*
Driver’s license or photo identification card, assistance in obtaining, SB 93D
Right to vote immediately restored upon release from prison, SB 93D
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Adopted children with special needs, financial assistance to adoptive parents, duration, funding, AB 255*
Child abuse or neglect, ad litem guardians, appointment, AB 148*
Dental homes, referrals to, requirements, AB 147*
Divorce proceedings, exclusion of certain persons from court, procedures, SB 409D
Down syndrome, provision of information and referrals for community support services, requirements, AB 116*
Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, representation, AB 114*
Elections officials, personal identifying information of, dissemination, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 404†, SB 406*
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, forms necessary for employee’s leave of absence, fees charged by health care providers limited, AB 437††
Family leave for state officers and employees, requirements, AB 376*
Fertility fraud, parent-child relationship not created, SB 154D
Guardianship of minors, authority of investigators to request death records without payment of fee, SB 15D
Health care records, provision of electronic records to parents, charging of fee, restrictions, SB 283*
Homeless patients discharged from hospitals, family member to be contacted, regulations, AB 406D
Housing, emergency assistance to certain parents, SB 363*
Indian children, child custody proceedings, AB 444*
Medicaid Outreach Advisory Committee, creation, SB 419††
Mental health consortium, statewide, appointment of parents of children with emotional disturbance from each regional mental health consortium, AB 265††
Nevada System of Higher Education, children of Purple Heart recipients waived from tuition and fees, requirements, AB 279*
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, representation, AB 164*
Parentage Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 371††
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, AB 179
Postpartum care, required coverage under State Plan for Medicaid, SB 232*
Prisons, jails and detention facilities, visitation policy, AB 292†
Reproductive health, establishment of certain rights, constitutional amendment, SJR 7‡
Education savings account program, requirements, surveys, participating entities, SB 200
Interscholastic activities, head injuries sustained by participants, receipt of information, SB 80*
Military children, school transfer because of documented pending military transfer of parent, requirements, AB 185*
Power-based Violence in Schools, Committee on Responses to, creation, membership, AB 245*
Public service employees, administrative leave to attend certain school meetings, SB 344D
Religious holidays, pupils absent from school to observe, notice to school, AB 264*
Sexuality education course, receipt of notice and forms, requirements, SB 439†, AB 357
Sexually transmitted diseases, prevention services to minors without consent or notification of parent, SB 172*
Telecommunications between offender and child
Communication services, provision free of charge, pilot program, SB 234*
Offenders authorized to use certain devices, requirements, AB 35*
Teledentistry, provision of services to minors, requirements, AB 147*
Uniform Parentage Act, adoption of certain provisions, AB 371††
Virtual Early Childhood Family Engagement Pilot Program, creation, AB 348*
Adoption, AB 371††
Child abuse or neglect, ad litem guardians, appointment, AB 148*
Indian children, child custody proceedings, AB 444*
Home-based businesses, regulation by local governments, AB 314D
Personalized prestige license plates, vehicles displaying certain plates exempt from parking fees, AB 203*
Reporting of information by health care providers and facilities, requirements, regulation, SB 390*
Condition of parole or level of parole supervision, removal of requirement to submit modification request, AB 32*
Driver’s license or photo identification card, assistance in obtaining, SB 93D
Release on parole
Discharge of debt, exceptions, SB 416†
Presumption to grant if certain criteria met, AB 229D
Sexual offenders, conditions for release, evaluation, SB 67*
Revocation, authority of court, SB 412†
Right to serve on jury in criminal action, time of restoration, SB 222†
Right to vote, time of restoration, SB 93D
Risk and needs assessments
Administration of subsequent assessment on schedule determined by risk assessment tool, AB 32*
List of programs, provision to offenders, SB 413*
Sex trafficking, eligibility for parole, SB 89D, SB 170D
“Sexual offense” defined for purposes of parole, SB 67*
Technical violations
Credit for time served, requirements, AB 32*
Graduated sanctions, use, AB 32*
Revocation of parole supervision, effect, SB 86D, AB 32*, AB 229D
Appropriation, AB 479*
Chair, delegation of authority, AB 462*
Condition of parole or level of parole supervision, removal of requirement to submit modification request, AB 32*
Denial of parole, written notice, contents, AB 229D
Presumption to grant, when criteria met and parole denied, duties, AB 229D
Executive Director
Appointment by Chair, AB 462*
Compensation, salary and expenses, manner of payment, AB 462*
Executive Secretary, supervision, duties, AB 462*
Modification of sentence of persons on parole, authority to petition court of original jurisdiction, procedure, AB 83D
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Standards for grant or revocation of parole, requirements, AB 229D
Technical violations, authority, SB 412†
Assignment of security interests, applicability of laws, AB 231*
Business license, state, fee waiver, AB 433D
Insurance, licensure as business entity, requirements, SB 57*
Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, impact qualified community development entities, qualifications, duties, SB 240*
Records erroneously filed with Secretary of State, correction, AB 126*
Student loan servicers, licensing and regulation, AB 332*
Credits for certain vehicles powered by electricity, requirements, AB 427
Parentage Act, Uniform, adoption of certain provisions, AB 371††
Computer hardware and software, appropriation, SB 493*
Health care cost growth benchmarks, duties, AB 6
Cannabis, medical use, authority of certain terminally ill patients, requirements, AB 411D
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration, procedures, death certificates, SB 239††
Fertility fraud, penalty, remedies, parent-child relationship not created, SB 154D
Health care records (See also MEDICAL RECORDS)
Electronic records provided to patients, charging of fee, restrictions, SB 283*
Health information, framework for electronic maintenance, transmittal and exchange, establishment, SB 419††, AB 7*
Hospitals, duty of health care providers to record reasons for not ordering or conducting certain tests, SB 385*
Transmittal of records to health information exchange, requirements, AB 7*
Admission for purpose of giving birth, physical examination or medical history of patient by certified nurse-midwife, SB 146*
Discharge from hospital, assistance in care of patients following, duties, SB 385*
Health care providers, duty to record in medical records reasons for not ordering or conducting certain tests, SB 385*
Long-acting reversible contraception, injection or insertion upon request of patients giving birth, requirements, exceptions, SB 280*
Off-campus location providing emergency medical services, notice to patients, contents, posting, SB 348*
Individualized investigational treatment, investigational drugs, biological products or devices, access to, liability for outstanding debt, SB 283*
Institutional pharmacies, powers and duties regarding high-risk patients, disciplinary action, SB 202D
Neurodegenerative diseases, reporting of information by health care providers and facilities, requirements, SB 390*
Prescriptions, information on label or other device affixed to container, requirements, provision in certain languages, AB 251††
Skilled nursing, facilities for, requests for electronic communications device, AB 202*
Teledentistry, provision of services and information to patients, requirements, AB 147*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 198†
Vaccination status, medical facilities and health care providers, prohibited acts, AB 234D
Money transmission, regulation of services, AB 21*
Arrest (See ARREST)
Automated traffic enforcement systems
Railroad grade crossings, issuance of citations based on review of evidence, duties, AB 456†
School zones, issuance of citations, duties, AB 93D
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, representation, AB 160††
Behavioral health workforce development consortium, membership, AB 37*
Concentrated cannabis, issuance of citation to child for possession, authority, AB 170D
Employment with law enforcement agencies, conditions of, prohibited acts, SB 225*
Certification as peace officer, application, requirements, SB 225*
Child and Family Services, Division of, criminal investigators, designation as category II peace officers, SB 8*
Civil liability, immunities, requirements, SB 245D, AB 287D
Bargaining units
Composition, SB 166*
Salaries and one-time payments, appropriations, disbursements, SB 440††, AB 522*
Supervisory employees, establishment and composition of bargaining unit, requirements, SB 166*, AB 180D
State employee, definition, applicability of laws, SB 319††
Commercially sexually exploited children
Executive Committee to Review Cases, representation, AB 238D
Obstructing law enforcement officer, restrictions on placement, AB 238D
Concealed carry permit, active officers applying for, demonstrating competence with handgun, AB 181D
Confidentiality of personal information, requests, AB 225*
Copyrighted work, policies, restrictions, certain retaliatory or punitive action prohibited, SB 362*
County recorders, authority to request confidentiality of personal information, AB 96D
Deferred Option Retirement Program, qualifications to participate, AB 351
Education, Inspector General of, and employees of Office, AB 149D
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, certain penalties prohibited, SB 239††
Felony convictions, disqualification to serve as peace officer, SB 225*
Forfeiture of property, annual reports, requirements, SB 337D, AB 350*
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, peace officer powers, AB 353D
Interrogation of child in custody, prohibited acts, exceptions, AB 193*
Low-level traffic violations, prohibited acts, adoption of written policy, SB 296†
Medical aid rendered to persons who indicate inability to breathe, duties, SB 362*
Missing persons from Indian reservation or colony, duties, AB 125*
Motor vehicles, removal from highway following citation for reckless driving, AB 408*
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, eligibility of children or wards for grants, priority, SB 220D, AB 385D
Overdose Fatalities, Committee to Review, creation, representation, AB 132†
Personalized prestige license plates, issuance, requirements, AB 203*
“Police officer” defined for the purposes of certain benefits and exemptions, applicability of laws, AB 301
Prostitution or solicitation, authority to make arrest, AB 145D
Resignations or employment separations from law enforcement agencies, notifications to Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission, SB 225*
Seizure of property, annual reports, requirements, SB 337D, AB 350*
Sex trafficking, crime committed against adult posing as child, penalties, SB 89D, SB 389†
State officers and employees (See also Collective bargaining, this heading)
Definition of “state employee,” applicability of laws, SB 319††
One-time payments and salary increases, appropriations, disbursements, SB 440††, AB 522*
Preferential employment, exception, AB 30D
Traffic stops, prohibited acts, SB 296D
Vulnerable persons, temporary orders for protection, powers, AB 254D
Cannabis, use by peace officers, regulations, SB 225*
Certification as peace officer, applications, duties, SB 225*
Furniture, vehicles and computer hardware and software, appropriations, SB 488*
Missing indigenous persons, reports, training, AB 125†
National Decertification Index, duties, SB 225*
Reciprocity standards for category III peace officer, regulations, SB 323*
Regulations, appointment of peace officer, prohibited acts, AB 30D
Resignations or employment separations from law enforcement agencies, receipt of notifications, SB 225*
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Personalized prestige license plates, issuance, requirements, exemptions from parking fees, AB 203*
Overdoses and disease, county programs for prevention, establishment, services provided, AB 115D
Involuntary servitude, peonage constitutes, SB 66*
Cookware containing intentionally added substances, provision of certain information to customers, exceptions, penalty, SB 76††
Sale or distribution of certain products containing intentionally added substances prohibited, exception, penalty, SB 76††
Malpractice, information relating to an action or claim, reporting requirements, penalties, AB 318*
Suspension of license pending formal hearing on certain criminal violations, AB 442
Creation, AB 179
Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 140
Solid waste management systems, authority to impose sales and use tax to fund operations, AB 1
Structured family caregiving for recipients of Medicaid suffering from dementia, waiver to include, requirements, AB 208*
Definition, SB 422*
Liability insurance, requirements, SB 422*
Local regulation and control, SB 422*
Operation on sidewalks, limitations, duties of operator, penalties, SB 422*
Pedestrians, rights and duties of applied to devices, exceptions, operators to yield to pedestrians, SB 422*
Vehicle, device excluded from definition, SB 422*
Classified service, duties, SB 431*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Name changed to Human Resources Commission, SB 431*
Provisional license, issuance, requirements, SB 159†
Training as applicator, requirements, regulation, penalties, SB 159*
Neonicotinoid pesticides
Definition, AB 162*
Prohibited acts, AB 162*
Restricted use, classification as, AB 162†
Penalties for violations, deposits to State Education Fund, AB 523*
“Pest control” defined, SB 13*
Restricted-use pesticides
Classification, AB 162†
Sales, records, SB 13*
Commercial feed, use of hemp authorized in certain feed, violations, penalties, AB 249
Emergency management plans, evacuation, transport and shelter of persons with pets, SB 331*
Motor vehicles, actions to protect or remove pet from, immunities from liability, SB 190D
Licensure and regulation, AB 134D
12-month supply, requirement to dispense, exceptions, SB 161*
Clinical services to monitor use and effectiveness, insurance coverage, AB 383†
Health carriers offering network plans, capacity to deliver family planning services, regulation, AB 383†
Dialysate drugs or device necessary to administer dialysis, authority to dispense, requirements, AB 110*
Disabilities, persons with, subsidies for cost of pharmaceutical services, repeal of certain provisions, SB 4*
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, procedures, disciplinary action or penalties prohibited, SB 239††
Institutional pharmacies, powers and duties regarding high-risk patients, disciplinary action, SB 202D
Insurance, services provided by pharmacist, network plans, coverage, requirements, SB 201
Laboratory tests, ordering and performing, authority, SB 201
Dialysate drugs or device necessary to administer dialysis, authority to dispense, requirements, AB 110*
Gifts to practitioners, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 203D
Investigational treatment, investigational drugs, biological products or devices, duties, liability, penalties, SB 283*
Off-label use of drug product, authority of pharmacist to dispense, AB 234D
Off-site pharmaceutical service providers, pharmacists employed by, registration to practice in State, requirements, AB 107*
Opioid use disorder, medication-assisted treatment for, assessments, AB 156*
Pharmacies located outside State that dispense prescriptions, licensure, AB 107*
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Records of purchases and sales, AB 110*
Senior citizens, subsidies for cost of pharmaceutical services, repeal of certain provisions, SB 4*
Sexually transmitted diseases, express consent of minors for prevention services, SB 172*
Specimen collection, authority, SB 201
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Kratom products, prohibited acts, AB 322†
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Manufacturers, gifts provided to practitioners, duties, SB 203D
Off-label use of drug product dispensed by pharmacists, duties, AB 234D
Opioid use disorder, medication-assisted treatment for, regulations, AB 156*
Pharmacies located outside State, duties, AB 107*
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, membership, SB 242
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Unused drugs, take-back bins, duties, SB 183D
Unused drugs, take-back bins for collection and destruction, requirements, SB 183D
Wholesalers and wholesale distribution
Dialysate drugs or device necessary to administer dialysis, authority to dispense, requirements, AB 110*
Gifts to practitioners, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 203D
Audit of books and records by third party, authority, AB 440D
Children’s Health Insurance Program, prescription drugs, contracts for, requirements, SB 161*
Conflicts of interest, duties, prohibited acts, AB 440D
Discrimination, reimbursement for dispensation of 340B drug, prohibited acts, AB 434*
Fiduciary duty toward third parties, requirements, AB 440D
Health information, framework for electronic maintenance, transmittal and exchange, establishment, requirements, immunities, SB 419††, AB 7*
Insurance administrator certificates, issuance or renewal, fees, AB 440D
Medicaid, prescription drugs, contracts for, requirements, SB 161*
Nevada Insurance Code, compliance with provisions, SB 161*
Automated traffic enforcement systems
Railroad grade crossings, use authorized, requirements, AB 456†
School zones, use authorized, requirements, AB 93D
Drones, operation by public agencies, prohibited acts, admissibility of photographs collected, SB 11*
Elections, voting, proof of identity, SB 230D, SB 405, AB 88D
School pupils, persons in position of authority, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38*
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Physical Therapy Licensure Compact, enactment, SB 97D
“Registered physical therapist,” terminology revised, SB 97D
School pupils, duties regarding head injuries, SB 80*
Advanced estheticians, supervision, authority to lease space in cosmetological establishment, SB 249*
Assisted reproduction
False information knowingly conveyed to a patient, penalties, SB 309*
Fertility fraud, penalties, SB 309*
Birth, injection or insertion of long-acting reversible contraception upon request of patients, determinations, SB 280*
Children with emotional disturbance, placement of child in facility, requirements, AB 148*
Collaborative agreement with physicians, AB 364†
Cultural competency, continuing education, SB 365D, AB 267†
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, procedures, prohibited acts, SB 239†
Hospitals, agreements with Armed Forces of United States for provision of care, AB 311*
Inactive physician assistant, qualifications, AB 364†
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Locations of practice, AB 364†
Malpractice, information relating to an action or claim, reporting requirements, penalties, AB 318*
Neuromodulators, use, authority, AB 196D
Performance of certain medical services under certain circumstances, AB 364†
Physicians, certain authority and powers similar to, AB 364†
Prisoners, availability of medication-assisted treatment, prohibited acts, AB 156*
School pupils, duties regarding head injuries, SB 80*
Sexually transmitted diseases, express consent of minors for examination, treatment and prevention services, SB 172*
Supervision of a physician, removal of requirement, AB 364†
Suspension of license pending formal hearing on certain criminal violations, AB 442
Telehealth Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 198†
Advanced estheticians, supervision, authority to lease space in cosmetological establishment, SB 249*
Applicability of laws, scope, SB 336*
Assisted reproduction
False information knowingly conveyed to a patient, penalties, SB 309*
Fertility fraud, penalties, SB 309*
Autism, persons with, requirements for driver’s license applications, AB 161†
Birth, injection or insertion of long-acting reversible contraception upon request of patients, determinations, SB 280*
Certified registered nurse anesthetists, supervision, AB 198
Children with emotional disturbance, placement of child in facility, requirements, AB 148*
Collaborative agreements with physician assistants, AB 364†
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, requirements for driver’s license applications, AB 133D
Doctors for Nevada Program, establishment, AB 393D
Emergency medical services provided by out-of-network providers, arbitration conducted by qualified state employee, authority of state agency to retain money paid for costs of arbitrator, SB 497*
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, procedures, disciplinary action or penalties prohibited, SB 239††
Graduate Medical Education, Advisory Council on, creation, representation, SB 350*
Group practices
Health information, framework for electronic maintenance, transmittal and exchange, establishment, requirements, immunities, SB 419††, AB 7*
Notice to Department of Health and Human Services concerning certain transactions, requirements, SB 348*
Agreements with Armed Forces of United States for provision of care, AB 311*
Employment of physicians, prohibited acts, exceptions, penalties, AB 11††
Individualized investigational treatments
Authority, duties, SB 283*
Provision of substance, exemption from professional discipline, SB 283*
Associate physicians, requirements, SB 204
Biennial registration, requirements, SB 204, AB 318*
By endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Expiration, notice to licensee, list of expired licenses, AB 318*
Limited licenses to practice medicine, requirements, SB 204
Special purpose license, provisions removed, AB 198†
Suspension of license pending formal hearing on certain criminal violations, AB 442
“Medically underserved area” defined, SB 204
Neuromodulators, use, authority, AB 196D
Prisoners, availability of medication-assisted treatment, prohibited acts, AB 156*
School pupils, duties regarding head injuries, SB 80*
Sexually transmitted diseases, express consent of minors for examination, treatment and prevention services, SB 172*
Supervision of licensee with limited license to practice medicine, requirements, SB 204
Telehealth Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 198†
Trauma centers and emergency rooms, limitation on liability repealed, AB 209D
Vision care providers, contracts with insurers, disclosures to covered persons, prohibited acts, SB 134*
Targeted residential picketing prohibited, penalty, SB 122D
Affordable housing, duties, reports, AB 213*
Heat mitigation elements in larger counties, inclusion in master plans, requirements, SB 169††
Meetings, frequency, SB 18*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Public notices in larger counties, availability in certain languages, duties, immunity from liability, AB 266*
Rural neighborhoods plans in Clark County, contents, requirements, AB 213†
Subdivision of land (See SUBDIVISION OF LAND)
Zoning districts, design, considerations, AB 213†
Turf, irrigation or installation of turf on certain parcels of property, prohibited acts, AB 220*
Gender dysphoria, treatment for conditions relating to, insurance coverage, SB 163†
Applicability of laws, scope, SB 336*
Hospitals, agreements with Armed Forces of United States for provision of care, AB 311*
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Neuromodulators, applicability of regulations concerning, AB 196D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Associate physicians and osteopathic physicians, authority, SB 204
Certified registered nurse anesthetists, authority to order and prescribe, AB 198
Law enforcement dispatchers, applicants, disclosure of employment information to law enforcement agencies authorized, AB 211D
Missing persons from Indian reservation or colony, duties, notifications, AB 125*
Support services, provision of services to, conditions for membership in employee organizations, SB 264†
Unused drugs, take-back bins for collection and destruction, duties, SB 183D
Minor parties, petition deadline for candidates, SB 53D
Petitions of candidacy, filing, requirements, AB 95D
Carson City, boundary realignment of wards, requirements, charter amendment, SB 16*
Classifications based on population, revisions of certain provisions of Nevada Revised Statutes, SB 21*
School pupils, persons in position of authority, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38*
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Department of Veterans Affairs urged to study use for veterans, AJR 1*
Appropriation for computer hardware and software, SB 475*
Certified financial statements, prohibited acts, SB 345D
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of, creation, authority, SB 431*
Review of regulations, frequency, SB 345D
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Surety bonds, reduction or waiver, authority, SB 345D
Workforce, Department of, Commission transferred to, SB 431†
Distance education, adequate space requirement, exemptions, SB 345D
Education savings account program, participating entities, SB 200
Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, establishment, duties, SB 350*
Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching, grant program, AB 323†, AB 515*
Investigations by oversight entities, reports, requirements, AB 332†
Private education loans and lenders, regulation, AB 332*
Sexual conduct with students aged 17 years or older, SB 121D
Student loan servicers, licensing and regulation, AB 332*
Teacher preparation programs, scholarships and stipends to eligible students, AB 323
Workforce, Department of, duties of Director, SB 431†
Form, repeal of provision, AB 414*
Health care decisions, repeal of provisions, adoption of Uniform Act, AB 414†
Down Syndrome, positive test results for, provision of information and referrals for support services, AB 116*
Fertility fraud, penalty, remedies, parent-child relationship not created, SB 154D
Incarcerated persons
Housing of offender who is pregnant or recuperating from delivery, AB 292†
Medicaid coverage for certain services provided 90 days before scheduled release, AB 389*
Prenatal and postnatal care, adoption of policy, requirements, AB 292*
Restraints, use, reports required, AB 292*
Transferred or transported, use of restraints prohibited, AB 292†
Perinatal Quality Collaborative, creation, AB 179
Postpartum care, required coverage under Medicaid, SB 232*
Reproductive health care services (See REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES)
Arbitration provisions nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Health care cost growth benchmarks, reporting of certain information, requirements, AB 6
Insurance Premium Tax, credits for donations to certain scholarship organizations, SB 220D, AB 385D
Trade practices and frauds, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Anesthesiologist assistants, authority, AB 270*
Associate physicians and osteopathic physicians, issuance of registration certificates, authority, SB 204
Children’s Health Insurance Program, contracts with pharmacy benefit manager or health maintenance organization, requirements, SB 161*
Dialysate drugs, record of items sold on prescription, AB 110*
Disabilities, persons with, subsidies, repeal of certain provisions, SB 4*
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, procedures, prohibited acts, SB 239††
Health information
Framework for electronic maintenance, transmittal and exchange, establishment, requirements, SB 419††, AB 7*
Health information exchange, requirements, AB 7*
Incarcerated persons, filling of prescriptions in timely manner required, AB 121*
Information provided on label or other device affixed to container, requirements, provision in certain languages, AB 251††
Insurance coverage
Anticonvulsant medication, qualifications, SB 177*
Antipsychotic medication, typical or atypical, qualifications, SB 177*
Moving prescription drug from formulary, restrictions, SB 57*
Opioid use disorder, medication-assisted treatment for, AB 156*
Step therapy protocol
Development and use, requirements, SB 194*
Exemptions from protocol and appeals, Internet publication of procedures, SB 194*
Psychiatric condition, treatment, restrictions, SB 167*
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Off-label use of drug product, authority of health care providers to prescribe, AB 234D
Ophthalmic prescriptions, unlawful acts, penalties, AB 415*
Pharmacies located outside State that dispense prescriptions, licensure, AB 107*
Practitioners, certain gifts from manufacturers and wholesalers prohibited, SB 203D
Referenced drugs, selling or distributing at higher than maximum fair price, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 250††
Senior citizens, subsidies, repeal of certain provisions, SB 4*
Services concerning prescription drugs or medical devices, deceptive trade practices, SB 179D
Sexually transmitted diseases, express consent of minor for prevention services, SB 172*
Unused drugs, take-back bins for collection and destruction, requirements, SB 183D
Psychosexual evaluation and certification of offender, when required, SB 36*
“Sexual offense” includes solicitation of child for prostitution, applicability of laws, SB 36*
Animals in places of public accommodation or on public transportation, unmuzzled animals not to be presumed dangerous, AB 87D
Assault or battery committed upon health care providers, knowledge of perpetrator that victim is provider, SB 289†
Autism Treatment Assistance Program, early intervention services, presumption of eligibility for certain children, AB 422†
Automated traffic enforcement systems, use, registered owner of vehicle presumed to be driver, AB 93D
Catalytic converter, possession of two or more used, rebuttable presumption of offense, SB 243†
Child custody, best interest of child, AB 371††
Contractors’ use of apprentices, availability of women, AB 305††
Control of electronic money, exclusive powers, AB 231†
Corporate shares, restrictions on transfer, knowledge of restriction, AB 126*
Custodial interrogation of child, prohibited acts, certain statements presumed involuntary and inadmissible, AB 193*
Digital products, sales and use tax, SB 396
Health care decisions, individual presumed to have capacity, rebuttable presumption, AB 414†
Landlord and tenant
Late fees, disputable presumption, SB 78††
Retaliation, good faith by tenant, rebuttable presumption, SB 426
List of eligible convictions and charges, sealing of records, AB 160††
Misdemeanor offenses, circumstances in which defendant presumed indigent, applicability, effect, AB 369
Parentage, establishment, overcoming presumption, AB 371††
Parole, release on, presumption to grant if certain criteria met, AB 229D
Railroad grade crossings equipped with automatic traffic enforcement systems, issuance of citations, presumption that registered owner of vehicle is driver, AB 456†
Traffic violations, circumstances in which defendant presumed indigent, applicability, effect, AB 369
Commissary, regulations, SB 416*
Mail addressed to prisoners, exemption from requirement to provide original, physical copy, approval of regulations, AB 121*
Ombudsperson for Offenders, Office of the, creation, duties, AB 452*
Remains of an offender, regulations, SB 416†
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Transgender, gender non-conforming, gender non-binary and intersex offenders, adoption of standards for use in state facilities, duties, SB 153*
Visits and correspondence between offenders and others, regulations, approval, SB 351*, AB 452*
Commissary, regulations, SB 416*
Conservation camps (See CONSERVATION CAMPS)
Ely State Prison, appropriations, AB 507*
High Desert State Prison, appropriations, AB 507*
Industrial and agricultural programs, duties of Interim Finance Committee, AB 243††
Lovelock Correctional Center, appropriation, AB 507*
Northern Nevada Correctional Center, appropriation, AB 507*
Assignment of person to appropriate institution or facility, proximity to address of child or other dependent, AB 292†
Correspondence between offenders and others, regulation, SB 351*
Credits on term of imprisonment
Convictions exempted, SB 413*, AB 159*, AB 271D
Programs, appropriation, SB 413*
Disciplinary segregation
Multidisciplinary teams, duties, reports, SB 307*
Use, restrictions, SB 307*
Payment of living wage, “living wage” defined, SB 187D
Programs for employment of offenders, certain duties transferred, AB 243††
Excrement or bodily fluids, unlawful acts by prisoners, reclassification of category of felony, effect, SB 439*
Gender identity or expression
Standards of conduct for certain interactions between staff and offenders, reports, AB 292†
Training of correctional staff, requirements, AB 292†
Transgender, gender non-conforming, gender non-binary and intersex offenders, definitions, standards for use in state facilities, staff training, SB 153*
Treatment in accordance with gender identity or expression, AB 292†
Housing of offenders, terminology, SB 307*
Hygiene of offenders, requirements, AB 292†
Initial classification and evaluation, regulations, AB 292†
Interstate transportation for purpose of temporary transfer of custody or extradition, applicability of laws, SB 32*
Mail addressed to, provision of original, physical copy, exemption, regulation, AB 121*
Medical and dental services of institutions and facilities
Expenses, payment, SB 416*
HIV treatment, access, requirements, SB 439*
Requirements, AB 292†
Medical bills, copayment, limitation, SB 187D
Medical release of information form, requirements, notice regarding health status of certain offenders, AB 121*
Medication-assisted treatment
Availability, prohibited acts, SB 35*, AB 156†
Opioid use disorder, interim study, AB 156*
Minimum security facility, assignment to, requirements, SB 284D
Personal property, adoption of regulations governing possession, SB 416*
Placement of offender within institution or facility, establishment of protocols, AB 292†
Pregnant offenders
Housing of offender who is pregnant or recuperating from delivery, requirements, AB 292†
Medicaid coverage for certain services provided 90 days before scheduled release, AB 389*
Medical and behavioral health care services, access to, requirements, AB 292*
Mental and physical health of offenders, adoption of policy, requirements, AB 292*
Prenatal and postnatal care of offenders, adoption of policy, requirements, AB 292*
Restraints, use, reports required, AB 292*
Transfer or transportation, use of restraints prohibited, AB 292†
Prescription medication, filling in timely manner required, AB 121*
Qualified productions, program to train and employ offenders in related trades, AB 329D
Regulatory bodies, disqualification of applicants for license or certificate based on criminal history, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 363D
Release of offenders
Discharge of debt, exceptions, SB 416†
Driver’s licenses
Assistance in obtaining, SB 93D
Waiver of certain fees and penalties, AB 195*
Employment, program facilitating, placement, SB 187D
Housing, emergency assistance to women previously incarcerated, SB 363*
Medicaid coverage for services provided to certain persons 90 days before scheduled release, AB 389*
Medical bills, discharge of debt, SB 187D
Money, clothing and transportation costs, limitations, SB 416†
Offenders’ Release Fund, creation, uses, SB 187D
Photo identification cards, procedures, SB 93D, AB 195*
Prisoners’ Personal Property Fund, receipt of balance via check or debt card, SB 416†
Reentry program, placement, SB 187D
Right to serve on jury in criminal action, time of restoration, SB 222†
Right to vote, time of restoration, SB 93D
Sex offenders, evaluation before release on parole, SB 38†
Remains of an offender, regulations, SB 416†
Rights of offenders, AB 292†
Risk and needs assessments
Compliance, credits on term of imprisonment, SB 413*
List of programs, provision to offenders, requirements, SB 413*
Requirements generally, AB 292†
Serious or critical medical condition of offender, notification to certain persons, requirements, AB 121*
Solitary confinement, use, regulations, reports, SB 307*
Telecommunications device, authorized uses, regulations, AB 35*
Telephone calls to family members, provision free of charge, requirements, SB 234*, SB 414D
Visits between offenders and others, requirements, regulations, SB 351*, AB 292†, AB 452*
Wages, deductions from
Administrative assessments, payments, removal, SB 187D
Alcohol or other substance use, treatment, costs, removal of requirements, SB 187D
Fines, payment of, removal of requirement, SB 187D
Genetic marker analysis, costs, removal of requirement, SB 187D
Maintenance of offender in facility or institution, costs, removal of requirement, SB 187D
Offenders’ Release Fund, individual accounts, SB 187D
Priority of deductions, SB 187D
Victims of Crime, Fund for the Compensation of, payments to, removal of requirement, SB 187D
Women offenders (See also Pregnant offenders, this subhead)
Assignment to institution or facility, assessment of needs, regulation, AB 292†
Feminine hygiene products, provision to, requirements, regulation, AB 292*
Interaction with male staff members
Inspection or search of women, prohibited acts, exceptions, reports, AB 292*
Standards of conduct, adoption of policy, requirements, AB 292*
Medical and behavioral health care services, access, requirements, regulation, AB 292*
Restraints used on offender who is in labor, delivering a baby or recuperating from delivery, reports, requirements, AB 292*
Ombudsman, designation, duties, AB 292†
Prisoners’ Personal Property Fund
Individual accounts, deposits, uses, SB 187D
Maintenance in certain financial institutions, SB 416†
Release of offender, receipt of balance via check or debit card, SB 416†
Southern Desert Correctional Center, appropriation, AB 507*
Staff training, requirements, SB 153*, AB 292†
Warm Springs Correctional Center, appropriation, AB 507†
Children, online service, product or feature likely to be accessed by, duties of businesses providing, prohibited acts, AB 320D
Consumer health data, duties of regulated entities, prohibited acts, SB 370*
Homeless Person’s Bill of Rights, privacy in personal property, SB 142D
Interception and disclosure of communications, exception to prohibited acts, AB 51†
Targeted residential picketing prohibited, penalty, SB 122D
Disqualification of applicants for license based on criminal history, procedures, AB 363D
Interstate transportation of offenders for purpose of temporary transfer of custody or extradition, applicability of laws, SB 32*
Cruelty to animals, duration of period of probation, AB 159*
Domestic violence battery, when probation prohibited, AB 51*
Early discharge, requirements, prohibitions, SB 86D, SB 412*
Fentanyl and related opioids, trafficking, probation prohibited, SB 128D, SB 343D, SB 412†
Juvenile courts, placement of child on probation, extension of probation, authority, SB 415*
Psychosexual evaluation and certification of offender, requirements, SB 36*
Reckless driving resulting in death or substantial bodily harm to another, restrictions on grant of probation, SB 322†
Right to serve on jury in criminal action, time of restoration, SB 222†
Risk and needs assessments, administration of subsequent assessment on schedule determined by risk assessment tool, AB 32*
Solicitation of child for prostitution, evaluation and certification of offenders, SB 36*
Technical violations
Credit for time served, requirements, AB 32*
Definition, AB 32*
Graduated sanctions, requirements, SB 86D, AB 32*
Revocation of probation, effect, SB 86D, SB 412†, AB 32*
Civil commitment upon criminal conviction of persons with an addictive disorder
Deferral of sentencing, discretionary, SB 412†
Setting aside of conviction discretionary, not deemed a criminal conviction, SB 412†
Cultural competency, continuing education, SB 365D, AB 267*
Gambling counselor interns, authority of alcohol and drug counselors to supervise, SB 91*
Attorney, representation by, electronic means of service, AB 49*
Contractors, administrative citations, requirements, AB 23*
Guardianship of minors, petitions, requirements, AB 446D
Simulation of legal process, “domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, programs to counter, AB 117
Summary eviction, procedures, SB 335†, AB 340††
Vulnerable persons, temporary orders for protection, service upon adverse party, AB 254D
Juneteenth Day, annual proclamation, repeal of provision, AB 140*
State of emergency or declaration of disaster, procedures, termination, AB 103D
PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES (See also specific occupation or profession)
Attorney General, prosecution of contested cases, notice, AB 52*
Biennial report, contents, AB 402D
Criminal histories of applicants
Disqualification of applicants for license or certificate based on criminal history, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 363D
Review of criminal history by regulatory bodies
Applicant requests for review, procedures, AB 503†
Repeal of provisions, AB 503†
Reports from regulatory bodies to certain legislative entities, prohibited acts, AB 503†
Reports on criminal history, applicants prohibited from receiving, AB 503†
Submission of reviews, reporting requirement removed, SB 210††
Fertility fraud, receipt of notices, SB 154D, SB 309*
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Health information, framework for electronic maintenance, transmittal and exchange, establishment, disciplinary actions relating to, SB 419††, AB 7*
Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of, creation, authority, SB 431*
“Potentially disqualifying felony offense” defined, AB 363D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties of relevant boards, AB 198†
Amended list of members and employees in which only addresses are amended, filing fees, AB 433D
Business license, state, fee waiver, AB 433D
Defaulting associations, penalty, AB 433D
Nursing pool, exclusion from definition, AB 460
Attorney’s contingent fee, limitations, AB 404*
Damages, requirements, limitations, AB 209D, AB 404*
Dismissal of actions, repeal of provisions, AB 209D
Hindering or delaying actions, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 209D
Hospitals, services rendered by health care providers, joint liability, AB 404†
Limitation of actions, requirements, revival of certain actions, AB 404†
Medical facilities and related entities, exclusions from laws, AB 404†
Noneconomic damages
Limitation on amount of award repealed, AB 209D
Maximum recovery amount raised, annual adjustments, AB 404*
Perfusionists, reporting requirements, penalties, AB 318*
Physician assistants, reporting requirements, penalties, AB 318*
Professional liability insurance, requirements, AB 209D
Respiratory care, practitioner of, reporting requirements, penalties, AB 318*
Settlement conferences, provisions repealed, AB 209D
Several liability of defendants for damages, repeal of provisions, AB 209D, AB 404†
Traumatic injuries
Care or assistance necessitated by, limitation of damages repealed, AB 404†
Limitation on damages, increase in amount, AB 404†
Actions against for failure to perform certain duties, standard of care, SB 355*, AB 392D
Clients, disclosures to and written consent, duties, waiver prohibited, SB 355*, AB 392D
Confidentiality of information, SB 355*, AB 392D
Landlord property managers, definition, licensing and regulation, AB 327D
Permit holders, applicability of laws, AB 327D
“Property management” defined, AB 327D
Abatement of taxes
Academic medical districts, businesses located within boundaries, SB 419†
Credit or refund for certain unclaimed partial abatement from immediately preceding fiscal year, AB 449
Health care industry, requirements, SB 419†
Maximum amount of abatement, SB 394D
Mental health services to children, businesses providing, AB 445
New or expanded businesses, applications, SB 429††
Petition for review of partial abatement, procedure, receipt of credit, AB 449†
Property for which assessed valuation separately established, SB 96D
Public schools, additional tax for support of, requirements, SB 394†
Remainder parcels, SB 96D, AB 449†, AB 519*
Renewable energy facilities, report, SB 257*, AB 419D
Rental dwellings, residential, SB 96D, AB 449†, AB 519*
Sale or transfer of property, temporary ineligibility for certain abatements after, constitutional amendment, AJR 7D
School capital projects, levy of tax for funding of, exemption from certain abatements, AB 519*
Single-family residences, SB 96D, AB 449†, AB 519*
Community redevelopment, educational activities, programs and facilities, allocations, SB 394†
Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, property tax to support, AB 521
Disabilities, persons with, eligibility for refund, constitutional amendment, AJR 7D
Accessory dwelling units, exemptions if rented to certain persons, requirements, AB 416
Affordable housing, exemption qualifications, legislative findings, AB 62*, AB 416
Persons 55 years of age or older, eligibility, SB 374D
Veterans or surviving spouse, eligibility for exemption, SB 374D, SB 430, AB 295
Heavy equipment rentals, taxation, duties of companies to collect and remit tax, SB 233
Persons 55 years of age or older, partial refunds, eligibility, SB 374D
Persons 62 years of age or older, eligibility for refund, constitutional amendment, AJR 7D
Persons 66 years of age or older, partial refunds, eligibility, SB 430
Public utilities, renewable energy facilities, report, SB 257*, AB 419D
Sale or transfer of property, temporary ineligibility for certain adjustments or abatements, AJR 7D
School capital projects, levy of tax for funding of, AB 519*
Taxpayer bills, contents, SB 394†
Total tax, limits on amount of tax imposed, exceptions, SB 394†
Transportation and housing reinvestment zones, allocation of tax revenue, AB 10D
Customer unlawfully engaging in or soliciting for, increased penalties, AB 145D
Human Trafficking, Nevada Blue Ribbon Committee on, representation of licensed houses of prostitution, AB 288D
Living from earnings of prostitute
Child victim, penalty, AB 157D
Physical force, use against child victim, penalty, AB 157D
Solicitation of child, evaluation and certification of offenders, requirements, SB 36*
Child, orders for protection against
Admissions, representations or statements made during proceedings, admissibility, SB 382*
Appointment of attorney, removal of requirement, SB 382*
Communications with adverse party, court may authorize applicant to record, AB 51†
Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Intimidation, penalties for violation, SB 227D
Vulnerable persons, temporary orders for protection, effect, AB 254D
Decriminalization, persons engaged in certain conduct does not constitute basis for prosecution, SB 242†
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, SB 242*
Decriminalization, persons engaged in certain conduct does not constitute basis for prosecution, SB 242†
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, SB 242*
Cultural competency, continuing education, SB 365D, AB 267†
Gender dysphoria, treatment for conditions relating to, insurance coverage, SB 163†
Prisoners in solitary confinement, multidisciplinary teams, representation, SB 307*
Assistants, interns and trainees, provisional licensure, fees, SB 150D
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Children with emotional disturbance, placement of child in facility, requirements, AB 148*
Cultural competency, continuing education, SB 365D, AB 267*
Health Service Corps, Nevada, repayment of student loans, eligibility, AB 69
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Mental health services provided by psychological assistants, interns or trainees, reimbursement, SB 267D
Opioid use disorder, medication-assisted treatment, consultations, AB 156*
Practice of psychology, applicability of laws, AB 236*
Prisoners in solitary confinement, multidisciplinary teams, representation, SB 307*
UNLV, grant program to assist certain interns, appropriations, SB 300
Criminal history of licensees, duties, prohibited acts, AB 503*
Animals on premises
Aggressive behavior or threat to health or safety of others, authority to request removal of animal, penalty for refusal to remove, AB 87D
Rights and responsibilities regarding animals on premises, signs to be posted, AB 87D
Defrauding proprietors, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Homeless Persons’ Bill of Rights, right to use and move freely in public places, SB 142D
SARS-CoV-2, inspections relating to compliance with certain regulations, removal of requirement, SB 441*
Abolishment of office in all counties, AB 368D
Annual compensation, increase, AB 529
Persons employed or contracted with to perform duties and functions, applicability of laws, AB 368D
Accessory dwelling units, property tax exemptions if rented to certain persons, requirements, AB 416
Homeless persons (See also HOMELESS PERSONS)
Providers of homeless services, use of address as temporary address, authority, SB 317*
Jury selection, use of list of recipients, SB 222*
Medicaid (See also MEDICAID)
Medical-legal partnership, supports and services provided by, coverage, AB 293
Menstrual products, use of certain benefits to purchase, SB 161*, SJR 5‡
Virtual Childhood Advisory Council, creation, duties, AB 348*
Change orders related to construction and repair of certain building projects, authority of State Public Works Division, SB 26D
Electric resistance for heating spaces, restrictions on installation of system, repeal of provision, SB 293†
Energy efficiency
Net-zero energy consumption, requirements, SB 52D
Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, requirements, SB 52D
Historical markers, installation, interpretation, maintenance and protection, responsibility for, AB 46*
Homeless Persons’ Bill of Rights, right to use and move freely in public places, SB 142D
Purchasing Division, appropriation for purchase of warehouse building in Las Vegas, AB 472*
Refrigerants, limitations on use, prohibited acts, AB 97††
Transportation, Nevada Department of, naming of building containing headquarters the Garth Dull Building, AB 514
University of Nevada, recommendations of State Public Works Board concerning construction, requirements, AB 431D
WaterSense program, establishment of final product specifications, effect, AB 220*
Workforce development programs in certain cities, posting of job openings in buildings owned by city, requirements, SB 246††
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, representation, AB 160††
Commercially sexually exploited children, training, AB 238D
Corrective action plans, transfer of responsibility from counties to State Public Defender for noncompliance, applicability of laws, AB 417D
Pretrial release hearings, provision of services to defendants, authority, stipend awarded under certain circumstances, SB 235*, AB 518*
Targeted residential picketing prohibited, penalty, SB 122D
Creation, SB 47†
2023-2025 biennium subsidies, establishment, SB 501*
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Health information exchange, advisory group, membership, AB 7*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Compensation of members, increase, SB 210††
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Chief Administrative Analyst, salary, duties, AB 461*
Deferred Option Retirement Program, regulations, AB 351
Investments, duties, prohibited acts, SB 228D
Law enforcement dispatchers
Collective bargaining, duties, AB 211D
Conversion credit, duties, AB 211D
Early retirement provisions, exception for law enforcement dispatchers, AB 211D
Police and Firefighters’ Retirement Fund, duties, AB 211D
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Nevada-based investments, consideration, duties, reports, AB 278D
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Alternatives to unmodified service retirement allowance, additional option, SB 434*
Chief Administrative Analyst, creation of position, qualifications, salary, AB 461*
Collective bargaining
Employees, negotiated contribution rate authorized, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 388†
Mandatory subject of collective bargaining, payment of portion of employee contribution rate, SB 388
Calculation of rates, requirements, AB 498††
Employers’ contributions, increase, appropriations to cover requirements for 2023-2025 fiscal years, AB 498††
Deferred Option Retirement Program
“Active member” defined, AB 351
Establishment, accounts, AB 351
Participation, requirements, AB 351
Prohibited acts, AB 351
Divorce, determination of value of interest in or entitlement to benefits, SB 434†
Eligibility to receive retirement benefits, reduction in number of years of service required for certain persons, SB 308
Gaming Commission, Nevada, Commissioners appointed by Governor, exemptions, SB 14*
Legislators’ Retirement System, appropriation, SB 511*
Nevada System of Higher Education, computation of service credit, AB 222
“Participating state agency” defined, AB 498††
Police and Firefighters’ Retirement Fund, law enforcement dispatchers, participation, AB 211D
School district employees, computation of service credit, AB 222
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Service credit, computation, AB 222
Substitute teachers, long-term, membership, SB 434*
Teacher or instructor hired under a teacher exchange program, election to pay employee’s portion of contributions, authority, SB 308†
Persons supported by public institutions, change in terminology, constitutional amendment, AJR 1 of the 81st Session‡
Counties, conveyance of certain real property to clear title authorized, AB 143*
Environment, establishment of certain rights, constitutional amendment, AJR 3D
Homeless Persons’ Bill of Rights, right to use and move freely in public places, SB 142D
Replacement wells to divert water already appropriated, procedures, AB 91*
Roads on public lands, operation of off-highway vehicles by governmental entity, applicability, AB 47*
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, assistance to, AB 113
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Parent or legal guardian of child, administrative leave to attend school meetings, SB 344D
Preferential employment, peace officers, exception, AB 30D
Facilities other than transportation facilities, authority, requirements, AB 74††
Nevada Way Account, creation, sources, use, SB 431†
Prevailing wage, requirements, SB 226†, AB 74††
County hospitals, boards of trustees, records of closed meetings, when records become public, SB 192*
Divorce proceedings, certain records, SB 409D
Ethics Commission, duties, AB 66D
Regional transportation commissions, use of security recordings, requirements, AB 214*
School districts, performance audits, certain reports related to, AB 517*
Senior living facilities, HVAC assessment reports, AB 281††
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, assistance, AB 160††
Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, money collected for operation of Repository, authorized uses, SB 506*
Emergency Medical Services, Committee on, appointments, AB 358D
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, appointment, SB 103*
Testing for Intoxication, Committee on, receipt of recommendations, AB 239*
Drones, regulations, requirements, SB 11*, SB 398D
Employees, appropriations, disbursements, SB 440†, AB 522*
Fentanyl, machines to test for presence, appropriation, SB 412*
Garages, garage operators and body shops, reports, duties, AB 57†
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on (See also HOMELAND SECURITY, NEVADA COMMISSION ON)
Representation, SB 3*
Interstate 80, study of issues relating to traffic safety, duties, AB 63D
Investigation Division
Anti-Domestic Terrorism Assistance Account, creation, appropriation, AB 117†
Appropriation to replace certain equipment, AB 509*
Chief of Division, powers and duties, AB 117
Domestic terror activity, definition, powers and duties, AB 117
Missing indigenous persons, investigations, appropriation, AB 125*
Law enforcement dispatchers, applicants, disclosure of employment information to public safety agencies authorized, AB 211D
Parole and Probation, Division of
Automatic Record Sealing, Advisory Task Force on, representation, AB 160††
Chief Parole and Probation Officer, Nevada Sentencing Commission, membership, AB 32*
Computer hardware and software and certain equipment, replacement of, appropriation, AB 508*
Demographic information, collection, requirements, AB 139*
Modification of sentence of persons on parole, authority to recommend, AB 83D
Psychosexual evaluations, appropriation, SB 36*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, representation, AB 32*
Technical violations, graduated sanctions, powers and duties, SB 86D, SB 412†, AB 32*
“Police officer” defined, applicability of laws, use of certain designations by Department, AB 301
Records, Communications and Compliance Division, “eligible conviction” and “eligible charge” defined, identification and sealing of records, procedures, AB 160††
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Sealing records of criminal proceedings, expenses associated with, appropriations, AB 160††
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Traffic control, development and implementation of statewide uniform civil infraction citation, duties, SB 104††
Tribal liaison, duties relating to missing or murdered indigenous persons, notifications, AB 125*
Veterans, collection of data, reports, AB 358D
Benches, shelters and transit stops, regional transportation commissions, advisory committee, SB 17D
Bus turnouts, construction, repeal of provision, SB 247*
Homeless Persons’ Bill of Rights, right to use and move freely in public places, SB 142D
Persons accompanied by animals, grounds for requesting removal of animal, penalties, AB 87D
Electric service (See also ELECTRICITY)
Distributed resources plans, SB 293†, SB 421D
Electric storage systems procurement, requirements, SB 314††
Energy efficiency and conservation, beneficial electrification measures, legislative findings, SB 353D
Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction programs, requirements, regulations, SB 356D
General rate applications, filings, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 524*
Integrated resource plans, contents, frequency of submission, requirements, AB 524*
Low-income housing shared net metering systems
Administration, AB 425
Participation, authority, AB 425
“Public utility,” exclusion from definition, AB 425
Gas infrastructure projects, qualifications, expenditures, SB 116D
Geothermal Energy Systems Demonstration Program, creation, AB 315†
Municipal utilities, local rules affecting businesses, SB 261*
Natural gas
General rate applications, filing, prohibited acts, SB 281*
Triennial plan for demand for natural gas, requirements, filing, SB 281*
Rates, gas infrastructure projects, applications for rates, recovery of costs, SB 116D
Renewable energy (See RENEWABLE ENERGY)
Telecommunications companies and providers, surcharge to support suicide prevention and behavioral health crisis hotline, requirements, reports, SB 237*
Theft of utility property or scrap metal, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Utility workers, assault or battery committed upon, penalties, AB 321*
Workforce development programs, inclusion of certain information in utility bills, requirements, SB 246††
Acting Commissioners, compensation increased, SB 210††
Clean hydrogen, production, processing, delivery, storage and use of, duties, SB 451†
Electric utilities
Distributed resources plans, duties, SB 293†, SB 421D
Electric storage systems procurement, duties, SB 314††
Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction programs, duties, regulations, SB 356D
Integrated resource plans, amendments, filing, regulations, AB 524*
Low-income housing shared net metering systems, regulations, AB 425
Foil balloons, testing and evaluation of dielectric performance, adoption of standard, AB 321*
Gas infrastructure projects, regulations, duties, SB 116D
Geothermal Energy Systems Demonstration Program, creation, duties, AB 315†
Natural gas
Financial disincentives relating to energy conservation, removal of requirement to adopt regulations establishing methods and programs, SB 281*
Infrastructure expansion, regulations, SB 281*
Triennial plan for demand for natural gas, duties, SB 281*
Railroads, duties, AB 456††
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, SB 341*, AB 522*
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Journeymen, when deemed, SB 82*
Percentage of hours of labor provided
Modification or waiver of requirements, SB 82†
Revision, documentation submitted to Labor Commissioner, SB 82*
Women, percentage of labor performed by, requirements, AB 305††
Award of contracts
Best value bid, when award of contract authorized, criteria for selecting, AB 171D
Contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, Internet publication of information, SB 272††
Hospitals and medical buildings privately financed, exemption from certain requirements, SB 226*
Labor organizations, award of transportation projects, contractor or subcontractor required to enter into agreement with labor organization, AB 367D
Local hiring, preference to local residents, requirements, AB 391*
Bidding, preference in
Objections, procedures, AB 391†
Qualifications for preference, AB 391†
Violations, penalties, AB 391†
Best value bid, criteria for selecting, when award of contract authorized, AB 171D
List of first tier subcontractors
Failure to include, bid prohibited from being deemed not responsive, SB 111D
Requirements, amount of payment to subcontractors, AB 173D
Prime contractors, inclusion of certain information, AB 173D
Capital improvements legislation, contents, AB 521
Civil action, violations in preference in bidding, recovery of civil penalty, AB 391†
“Community service” defined to include work on public projects, AB 369
Definition of “public work” revised, SB 226†
E-Verify system, required use by contractors, AB 89D
Geothermal energy system, installation deemed to be public work, AB 315†
Highway projects (See also STATE HIGHWAYS)
Law enforcement vehicles, use by contractors, permits, authority, SB 107*
Hospitals and medical buildings, certain private financing authorized, requirements, SB 226*
Local government improvements, lease, lease-purchase or installment-purchase agreements, requirements, SB 226*
Local governments, lease-purchase or installment-purchase agreements, requirements, SB 226†
Major League Baseball Stadium Project, applicability of laws, SB 509
Prevailing wages
Applicability of laws, exceptions, SB 226†
Broadband services and infrastructure, requirements, SB 384††
Custom fabrication, prevailing wage required, SB 226†, AB 235††
Failure to pay prevailing wage, remedies, AB 210*
Hospitals and medical buildings, projects privately financed, requirements, SB 226*
Leaves of absence, notice to workers, requirements, AB 210†
Legislative intent, declaration, SB 226*, SB 433†
Local government improvements, lease, lease-purchase or installment-purchase agreements, requirements, SB 226*
Monorails and railroads, requirements, SB 299††
Notice to workers, requirements, AB 210*
NSHE, construction work performed under agreements for enhancement of educational programs or student life, AB 74††
Public-private partnerships, requirements, SB 226†, AB 74††
Regulations, requirements, SB 226*
Site of public work, workers deemed employed on, requirements, SB 301††
Primary language of workers, requirements, maintenance of records, AB 210†
Prime contractors, contracts with, requirements for privately financed projects, SB 226*
Projects deemed financed by private money intended for public use, determination, SB 433†
Projects deemed to be financed from public money, determination, SB 226†
Public-private partnerships for certain facilities, authority, requirements, SB 226†, AB 74††
Refrigerants, limitations on use, prohibited acts, AB 97††
Subcontracts, requirements for privately financed projects, SB 226
Substitution of subcontractors, requirements, penalties, SB 111D
Governor, Office of, designation of liaison, SB 431†
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Refrigerants, duties, AB 97††
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
University of Nevada, recommendations concerning construction, duties, AB 431D
Nevada System of Higher Education, children of Purple Heart recipients waived from tuition and fees, requirements, AB 279*
Competition, participation in, taking animal for prize, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 102D
Discrimination (See DISCRIMINATION)
“Domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, support of programs to counter, AB 117
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Intimidation, use of symbols of hate, penalties, SB 227D
Medicaid Outreach Advisory Committee, creation, SB 419††
North Las Vegas, City of, diversity study, SB 184D
Resales of admission, excise tax, imposition, SB 444
Commercial motor vehicles, disqualification from operating upon certain felony convictions, SB 66*
Fentanyl trafficking, inclusion in crimes related to racketeering, SB 343D
Hospitals, agreements with Armed Forces of United States for provision of care, AB 311*
Geofence, implementation within certain distance of medical facilities and health care providers prohibited, SB 370*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, release of personal information to reporter or editorial employee, requirements, SB 6D
Nevada Shared Radio System, funding, AB 477*
Other State Education Programs Account, funding for public broadcasting, SB 503*
Prisoners, authorized use of telecommunications device, requirements, AB 35*
Automated traffic enforcement systems, installation, requirements, AB 456†
Commercial motor vehicles, operation at crossings, requirements, penalties, SB 66*
East Ely Depot and Freight Barn, transfer to City of Ely and Nevada Northern Railway Foundation, SB 186D
Public works, removal of exemption, SB 299††
Scrap metal or utility property, theft, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Stopped trains or other equipment, clearing of crossing upon approach of emergency vehicles, requirements, AB 456††
Subsurface installations, operators of, certain railroad companies exempt from regulation, SB 397*
Traffic control device, installation at certain grade crossings, requirements, AB 456†
Wayside detector systems, installation and use, requirements, AB 456††
Work or freight trains exceeding certain length, operation in State, penalties, AB 456††
Yardmasters, duty hours, restrictions, AB 456†
“Agency” defined to include property management agreements, SB 355*
Brokers, assignment of property managers to separate parties to property management agreement, requirements, SB 355*, AB 392D
Education, Research and Recovery Fund, minimum balance, requirements, SB 288D
Housing discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 143
Property managers (See PROPERTY MANAGERS)
“Real estate facilitator” defined, prohibited acts, AB 438D
Title insurers, title agents and escrow officers, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 438D
Commerce tax, exemption for trusts and qualified trust subsidiaries removed, AB 345
Actions, lis pendens, recording of instruments, SB 223*
Discriminatory restriction or prohibition on property, procedures for removal, SB 368*
Estates of decedents, sales of real property, requirements, SB 407*
Foreclosure Mediation Program, repeal of provisions, AB 513
Fraudulently selling real estate twice, penalties, SB 86D
Housing discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 143
Landlord and tenant relations (See LANDLORD AND TENANT)
Larceny, penalties, SB 412†
Residential real property
Corporations, total number of units purchased in calendar year by certain corporations, limitations, exceptions, SB 395††
Registry, creation, regulations, SB 395††
Sales, environmental need, “hazardous material” defined, SB 223*
Service agreements unlawfully tied to residential property, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, SB 355*, AB 392D
Trees located on adjacent residential property, trimming or removing, authority, liability, SB 198D
Voter registration form, provision at time of closing or lease signing, AB 190D
Business entity formed for purpose of evading tax, AB 450D
Counties, conveyance of real property acquired directly from Federal Government, exemption from taxation, AB 143*
Exemptions, AB 298†, AB 448*, AB 450D
Imposition of county tax, rate, uses, SB 68
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
Death or substantial bodily harm to another person
Additional penalty for violations in certain zones, length, considerations by court, limitations, SB 322†
Maximum term of imprisonment increased, SB 322*
Pedestrian safety zone, school zone or school crossing zone, commission of offense within, penalties, SB 322*
Trick driving displays, prohibited on public premises, AB 408*
Vehicles, removal by law enforcement officer upon citation, AB 408*
Counties, conveyance of property acquired directly from Federal Government, requirements, AB 143*
Discriminatory restriction or prohibition on property, procedures for removal, SB 368*
Federal court actions, lis pendens, SB 223*
Lis pendens, each county containing any part of property, SB 223*
Sale on execution, notice, SB 223*, AB 142D
Service agreements unlawfully tied to residential property, authority of county recorder, prohibited acts, SB 355*, AB 392D
Liens, satisfaction, requirements, AB 57*
Advanced recycling, definitions, SB 361D
Courts, duties, repeal of provisions, SB 63*
Post-use polymers and recovered feedstocks used in advanced recycling, plan for solid waste management not applicable to, SB 361D
“Solid waste management system” does not include advanced recycling, SB 361D
Taxes, interest on overpayments, restrictions, SB 29*
100,000 to 699,999 population, counties with
Regional planning commissions, compensation of members increased, SB 210††
700,000 or more population, counties with
Regional planning coalition
Bus turnouts, repeal of provision, SB 247*
Establishment, removal of mandate, SB 247*
Grants relating to land use planning, requirements, SB 247*
Local air pollution control programs, consultation with, SB 247*
Master plan or facilities plan, conformance with regional policy plan, review, SB 247*
Reports, removal of provision, SB 247*
Northwestern Nevada, identification of issues and recommendations regarding growth management, reports, SB 81††
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, grants to promote, AB 131*
Advisory committees, authority to establish, members, AB 214*
Audio or video recordings, use, requirements, AB 214*
Benches, shelters and system transit stops, advisory committee, powers, SB 17D
Health and safety standards or mandates, imposition of fine for passengers who refuse to comply, AB 214*
High-capacity transit systems, turnkey procurement, requirements, reports, AB 214†
Local rules affecting businesses, SB 261*
Regional planning coalition, cooperation with, removal of provision, SB 247*
Security in operations, officers, SB 17†
Transportation projects that promote innovative and emerging transportation and transit technologies, powers, SB 17D
Yellow Dot Program, powers, SB 17D
Nonprofit corporations engaged in certain political activities, requirements, SB 326D
Referenced drugs sold or delivered in State, requirements, AB 250†
Statement of resignation, filing fee removed, AB 433D
Common-interest communities, restricting display of religious items prohibited, exceptions, AB 111D
Discrimination (See DISCRIMINATION)
“Domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, support of programs to counter, AB 117
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Hospitals, objection to injection or insertion of long-acting reversible contraception at birth, duty to notify maternity patients, SB 280*
Intimidation, use of symbols of hate, penalties, SB 227D
School pupils
Absence from school for observance of religious holiday, counting against attendance restricted, AB 264*
High school graduation, authority of pupils to wear certain adornments, appeals, AB 73*
Digital products, exemptions from taxation, requirements, SB 396
Live entertainment tax for certain activities, counties, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 140
Court, holding by means of remote communication, SB 63*
Joint Interim Standing Committee on Natural Resources and Public Lands, authority to use systems, requirements, AB 243††
Legislature, use in exceptional circumstances (ASR 126), AR 1‡
Meetings of public agencies, use, SB 156D, AB 219*
Pretrial release hearings, remote communication authorized, SB 235*
“Clean hydrogen” defined, inclusion in definition of “renewable energy,” SB 334†
Electric service
Distributed generation systems
Agreements for purchase or lease, contract requirements, disclosures, notices, SB 293*
Definition, SB 293*
Distributed resources plans, content, filing, requirements, SB 293†, SB 421D
Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction programs, requirements, regulations, SB 356D
“Facility for the storage of energy from renewable generation” defined, AB 524*
Geothermal energy (See GEOTHERMAL ENERGY)
“Green hydrogen” defined, SB 334
Renewable natural gas activities, “renewable energy” defined for purposes of, SB 334†
Tax abatement for certain systems or facilities, SB 257*, SB 421D, AB 419D
Water, change of place of diversion, manner of use or place of use, procedure for renewable energy generation projects, SB 258*
Yucca Mountain, Federal government urged to use Yucca Mountain for development of renewable energy, SJR 4D
Charter amendments
Council Member at large, SB 12D
Election returns, canvass, duties deemed purely ministerial, district court to compel certain actions, SB 404†
Gender-neutral language, replacing gendered language, SB 12D
Green infrastructure projects, application of local improvement law, SB 12D
Sixth ward, representation, repeal, SB 12D
Interstate 80, study of issues relating to traffic safety, collaboration, receipt of reports, AB 63D
Legislative measures, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Public notices of planning commissions, availability in certain languages, requirements, immunity from liability, AB 266*
Rental assistance for certain persons, appropriation, AB 396*
Washoe County school district trustees, appointment, procedures for filling vacancies, AB 175†
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, representation, AB 58*, AB 429
Construction projects, applicability of prevailing wage laws, SB 226†
Election, canvass of returns, procedures, SB 404†
Fees for lease of vehicles, interest on overpayments, restrictions, SB 29*
Economic boycotts, prohibition against local governments or state agencies from entering into contracts with companies that engage in, SB 228D
Reproductive health, establishment of certain rights, constitutional amendment, SJR 7‡
State law and regulations supersede and preempt local ordinance or regulation, AB 418D
Discipline of professional licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Extradition, limitations on Governor’s warrant of arrest, SB 131*
Fertility fraud, prohibited acts, penalty, remedies, SB 154D, SB 309*
Governmental imposition of certain requirements or limitations relating to contraception unlawful, exceptions, remedies, vexatious litigants, AB 383††
Hospitals, injection or insertion of long-acting reversible contraception at birth upon request of patients, requirements, exceptions, SB 280*
Insurance coverage for contraception
Clinical services to monitor use and effectiveness, coverage for, service provided by pharmacists, AB 383†
Condoms for persons who are age 13 or older, requirements, SB 439*
Copayments and coinsurance, restrictions on charges, SB 161*
Health carriers offering network plans, capacity to deliver family planning services, regulation, AB 383†
Language translation services to facilitate provision of contraception, AB 383†
Long-acting reversible contraception, injection or insertion, SB 280*
Pharmacists, services provided by, SB 161*, AB 383†
Prior authorization, requirement prohibited, SB 161*, AB 383†
Voluntary sterilization of men, AB 383†
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Contraceptives, amount to be dispensed, requirements, SB 161*
Services provided by, insurance coverage, SB 161*, AB 383†
Public schools, course of instruction in sexuality education, requirements, SB 439†, AB 357
Right to Reproductive Health Care Act, establishment, AB 383††
Rights regarding reproductive health, establishment, constitutional amendment, SJR 7‡
Sexually transmitted diseases, express consent of minors for prevention services, SB 172*
State agencies, use of time or resources in furtherance of investigation or proceeding initiated in another state prohibited, SB 131*
Discriminatory restriction or prohibition on property, procedures for removal, SB 368*
Service agreements unlawfully tied to residential property, prohibited act, penalties and remedies, SB 355*, AB 392D
Targeted residential picketing prohibited, penalty, SB 122D
Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act (See ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE)
Emergency placement of residents, requirements, SB 298*
Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, uses, AB 130*
HVAC systems, requirements, reports, AB 281††
Involuntary discharge of residents, procedures, prohibited acts, disciplinary action, SB 298*
Senior living community referral agencies, operation, prohibited acts, SB 260*
Bail agents, nonresident, license and registration, requirements, SB 57*
Certified public accounting firm, nonresident, practice privileges, SB 437*
Education of Motorcycle Riders, Program for the, SB 423*
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Homeless persons, establishment of matching funds program, provision of funds to certain qualified projects, employment of state residents, requirements, AB 528*
Medal of Distinction, Nevada, eligibility, requirements, AB 299*
Military children, transfer because of documented pending military transfer of parent or guardian, requirements, AB 185*
Motorcycle Riders, Program for the Education of, instructors, removal of state residency requirement, SB 423*
National Guard, exemption from sales and use taxes for certain purchases, procedures, SB 50*
Nevada System of Higher Education
Fee waivers, requirements, AB 150*
Tuition charges, exemptions, AB 226*
North Las Vegas, City of
Administrative officers, residency requirements, SB 184†
City Manager, residency requirements, SB 184D
Public works
Hiring preferences to local residents, requirements, AB 391*
Preference in bidding, qualifications, AB 391†
Trusts, jurisdiction and venue of certain proceedings, SB 407*
Cardiovascular screening programs and matters relating to cardiovascular health, expansion of programs urged, study, SCR 5‡
Colorado River, protection and management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation urged to consider certain actions, SJR 3*
Constitutional amendments (See CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS, NEVADA)
Financial Literacy Month, legislative recognition and declaration, SCR 2‡
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Department of Veterans Affairs urged to study use for veterans, AJR 1*
Legislature (See LEGISLATURE)
Marijuana, urging of Congress to deschedule as schedule I substance, AJR 8*
Medicare coverage of multi-cancer early detection tests, Congress urged to enact legislation, SJR 8
Graham, Ben, SCR 3‡
Hutson, Patricia Jo, SCR 4‡
Menstrual products, inclusion of purchase in certain public assistance programs, SJR 5‡
Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Federal Government urged to rename as E. R. Sans National Wildlife Refuge, SJR 2D
Yucca Mountain, Federal government urged to use Yucca Mountain for development of renewable energy, SJR 4D
Malpractice, information relating to an action or claim, reporting requirements, penalties, AB 318*
Suspension of license pending formal hearing on certain criminal violations, AB 442
Nevada Lifespan Respite Care Coalition, interim assessment of certain caregivers, receipt of report, AB 100*
Deceptive trade practices, violations, AB 373*
Digital financial asset business activity, violations, SB 360D
Juvenile courts, authority to order counseling or psychological treatment of child, SB 359†
Mail theft, AB 272*
Offenders, deduction from wages, SB 187D
Probation, full restitution required for early discharge, SB 86D
Securities Fraud, Fund for the Compensation for the Victims of, regulations, AB 67
Student loan services, violations, AB 332*
Virtual Currency Recovery Account, payments from, SB 333D
Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act, restitution to certain residents, requirements, SB 450*
Cigarette and tobacco sales (See CIGARETTES AND OTHER TOBACCO PRODUCTS)
Defrauding proprietors, penalties, SB 86D
Digital products, retail sales, SB 396
Fluorescent lamps, prohibited sale or distribution, penalties, AB 144††
Cannabis violations, programs for the payment of rewards to persons who provide material information resulting in recovery of civil penalties, AB 413D
Reckless driving resulting in death or substantial bodily harm to another, maximum term of imprisonment increased, SB 322*
Establishment, AB 383†
Individualized investigational treatment, investigational drugs, biological products or devices, provision to patients, liability for outstanding debt, SB 283*
Broadband service provider, certain property rights granted to public utility or video service provider, use, AB 105D
Historical markers, installation, interpretation, maintenance and protection, responsibility, AB 46*
Home-based businesses, regulation by local governments, AB 314D
Special event advertising, exemptions from certain restrictions on commercial advertising, requirements, AB 426*
Administration of subsequent risk and needs assessments, removal of certain duty, AB 32*
Trade practices and frauds, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Emerging Technologies Task Force, creation, duties, SB 165
Optional room tax, remittance to visitor’s authority, use, SB 213D
Personal safety of children, development of curriculum standards and recommendations, duties of Department of Education, SB 366D
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Applicability of laws, AB 231*
Abatement of local taxes
Academic medical districts, businesses located within boundaries, SB 419†, AB 490
Mental health services to children, businesses providing, AB 445
Renewable energy facilities, SB 421D
Diapers, tax exemption, SB 428*
National Guard, purchases by certain members and certain relatives, exemptions, procedures, SB 50*
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
Real-time sales tax point-of-sale system, feasibility study, appropriation, SB 465
Solid waste management systems, authority of smaller counties to impose tax to fund operations, AB 1
Exploitation of aged or vulnerable persons, notifications, delay of financial transactions, immunities, SB 355*
Independent Development Account Program, maximum value of matching funds, SB 306
Money transmission, licensure and regulation, AB 21*
Physical address of new depository institution, applications for license, requirements, SB 355*
Private education loans and lenders, applicability of laws, AB 332*
Student loan servicers, laws inapplicable, AB 332*
Unlawful receipt of payments to obtain loan for another, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Vulnerable persons, joint deposits, prosecution for theft of deposits or proceeds, SB 61*
Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching Program, awards to eligible students, AB 323†
Millennium Scholarship
Eligibility requirements, SB 273*, AB 443*
Trust Fund, appropriation, SB 486*
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program
Appropriation, SB 508
Requirements and procedures, SB 220D, AB 385D, AB 400†
Scholarship organizations
Grants provided on behalf of pupils, AB 400†
Tax credits for donations to, increase in and application to certain taxes, AB 400†
Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, appropriation, SB 486*
Teach Nevada Collaborative, duties, SB 438
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, repeal, SB 438
Teacher Advancement Scholarship Program, Nevada
Amount of scholarship, certain amount to be retained by State Board, AB 400*
Eligibility for grants and scholarships, AB 400*
Scholarship Account, creation, sources, use, AB 400*
Teacher Advancement Scholarship Program Account, Nevada, creation, AB 400*
Accountability reports
Attendance and truancy of pupils, AB 264*
Breakfast, pupils receiving free or reduced-price breakfasts, AB 54*
Education services, plans to provide to pupils, AB 285*
Lunch, pupils receiving free or reduced-price lunches, AB 54*
Progressive discipline and restorative approaches, SB 152D, AB 65†
Progressive discipline based on restorative justice, AB 285*
Pupil achievement among certain pupils, AB 339D
Pupil-teacher ratios, requests for variances, AB 42
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, receipt upon request, AB 395D
Attendance and truancy of pupils, prohibited use of information collected, SB 151D
Department charter school, establishment, participation in system, SB 206D
Disciplinary action, data collected relating to, requirements, AB 285*
Mentorship program for personnel, establishment, requirements, SB 151D
Performance targets for English learners, requirements, SB 151D
Rating of schools, prohibited acts, SB 151D
Access to school property, buildings or grounds to provide information to personnel, restrictions on fees, SB 79D
Capital projects, levy of property tax, exemption from certain limitations, establishment of oversight panel, AB 519*
Department charter schools, use of buildings and facilities, requirements, SB 206D
Duck Valley Indian Reservation, appropriation for construction of school, AB 519*
Pupils, access to facilities, restrictions on adoption of policies by boards of trustees, AB 423
Drivers, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, liability for rendering emergency care, AB 25D
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, appointments, SB 425*
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
Limited proficiency in English, certain pupils with, authority to attend school outside zone of attendance, AB 352D
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, administration, AB 400†
Office of School Choice, creation within Department of Education, duties, AB 400†
Transportation of pupils outside zone of attendance, AB 400†, AB 497
211 system for information and referrals, Internet publication of information, AB 245*
Active shooter preparedness training for school employees, duties, SB 294†
Alternative educational opportunities for pupils, development of programs, duties, SB 199D
Audits, reports, AB 517*
Behavior schools, funding, determination of amount, AB 280D
Behavioral health workforce development consortium, membership, AB 37*
Breakfast and lunch for Nevada pupils, appropriation, AB 319††
Budget approval process and reporting requirements, interim study, SB 329
Career and technical education
Establishment and maintenance of programs for pupils to become teachers, AB 400†
Leadership and training activities, definition, funding, SB 9*
Workforce development activities, definition, funding, SB 9*
Chief human resources officer, Commission on Professional Standards in Education, representation, AB 4
Opioid Task Force, Regional, representation, AB 132*
Regional school district, establishment by county commissioners, AB 420D
Commercially sexually exploited children, multidisciplinary teams to review cases, representation, AB 238D
Department charter schools, duties, SB 206D
Discipline of pupils
Data collected by schools, receipt of reports, AB 285*
Education services, plans to provide to pupils, reports, AB 285*
Restorative discipline and progressive discipline, duties, SB 152D, AB 285*
Suspension, expulsion or removal, requirements, age limitation, SB 152D, AB 285*
Distance education, full-time enrollment, statewide base per pupil funding, SB 98†
Duck Valley Indian Reservation, appropriation for construction of school, AB 519*
Early childhood literacy and readiness programs, grants to support, applications, AB 400*
Economic boycotts, prohibition against entering into contracts with companies that engage in, SB 228D
Elementary schools
Age of eligibility for enrollment, AB 65*
Literacy, plans to improve proficiency, academic retention of pupils, SB 149D
Mathematics, plans to improve proficiency, academic retention of pupils, SB 149D
Parental involvement and family engagement, form concerning, repeal of provision, SB 9*
Elko County School District, appropriations, AB 273, AB 519*
Empowerment districts
Empowerment plans, requirements, procedures, SB 46D
Program of Empowerment Districts, regulations, SB 46D
Superintendent of participating school district, duties, SB 46D
Examinations and assessments
Annual class time used, reports, AB 296
College and career readiness assessments, requirements, AB 247D
End-of-course, repeal of regulation, SB 9*, AB 247D
Mathematics and science, end-of-course finals, requirement removed, SB 9*, AB 247D
Federal visa holders employed as teachers
Duties, prohibited acts, SB 308, AB 308D
Legislative study, AB 308D
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, review by, cooperation, AB 395D
Head injuries sustained by pupils, prevention and treatment, duties, SB 80*
Health center, school-based, definition, AB 237†
High schools
College and career readiness assessments, requirements, AB 247D
Graduation, authority of pupils to wear certain adornments, appeals, AB 73*
Mathematics, end-of-course finals, requirement removed, SB 9*, AB 247D
Science, end-of-course finals, requirement removed, SB 9*, AB 247D
Teacher Academy College Pathway Program, participation, requirements, AB 428*
Hospitals or other facilities providing residential treatment and operating education programs, requests for reimbursement, AB 54*
Incentives for teachers that achieve high levels of pupil growth, grants for, duties, SB 151D
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, reports, AB 353D
Legislative audits, requirements, receipt of reports, SB 64D
MSV and visual memory, use in instruction for pupils in kindergarten through grade 2 prohibited, violations, AB 187D
Multicultural education, professional development training of personnel, authority, AB 323, AB 428*
Municipal school districts, establishment, procedures, SB 383D
“Other auxiliary, nonprofessional personnel,” change in terminology, AB 503*
Parental involvement and family engagement, professional development training of personnel, authority, AB 323, AB 428*
“Police officer” defined for the purposes of certain benefits and exemptions, applicability of laws, AB 301
Public Education Employee Working Conditions Task Force, creation, membership, SB 47†
Public Employee’s Retirement, teacher or instructor hired under a teacher exchange program, election to pay employee’s portion of contributions, authority, SB 308†
Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, report, AB 400*
Pupil-teacher ratios, duties, AB 42, AB 335D
Residential dwellings for employees, authority to build, purchase or rent, duties, SB 47
Rural Northeaster Clark County Regional School District, creation, feasibility study, AB 420D
School administrators, employment, requirements, AB 335D
“School-based health center,” defined, AB 237†
Services provided by schools, annual report, requirements, SB 9*, SB 98†
Sexuality education, duties, advisory committee, reports, SB 439†, AB 357
Specialized instructional support personnel, ratio of pupils to, duties, AB 42
Statewide system of school accountability (See also SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY, STATEWIDE SYSTEM OF)
Accountability reports, contents, AB 42, AB 54*, AB 65†, AB 264*, AB 285*, AB 339D
Rating of schools, prohibited acts, SB 151D
Students assigned to district for training purposes, compensation, duties, AB 323
Substitute teachers, monthly subsidy to certain substitutes for purchase of health insurance coverage, duties, prohibited acts, AB 282††
Summer school during 2023 and 2024, requirements, SB 340††
Academic retention of pupils in elementary school, duties, SB 149D
Administrators, postprobationary, procedure for reappointment, SB 292†
Commission on School Modernization, membership, SB 56D
Discipline of pupils, duties, reports, AB 285*, AB 330*
Education Accountability, Subcommittee on, attendance at meetings, AB 399*
Evaluations, SB 344D
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, representation, SB 425*
Large school district, services to local school precinct, duties, SB 148††
Military children, school transfer because of documented pending military transfer of parent, duties, AB 185*
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, representation, AB 164*
Performance audits, receipt of reports, duties, AB 517*
Public Education Employee Working Conditions Task Force, receipt of reports, SB 47†
Qualifications, SB 344†
Transfer of pupil to school outside zone of attendance, applications, AB 400†, AB 497
Teacher Academy College Pathway Program, participation, requirements, AB 428*
Transportation Modernization Grants Program Account, establishment, use, SB 357
Transportation of pupils outside zone of attendance, authority, AB 400†, AB 497
Access to school property, buildings or grounds to provide information to personnel, restrictions on fees, SB 79D
Appointment, term length, qualifications, SB 64D
Attendance, policy regarding chronic absenteeism, AB 54*
Background checks, requirements, SB 65D
Budget, final, provision to school principals, SB 295D
Capital projects, levy of property tax, membership on oversight panel, AB 519*
Education Accountability, Subcommittee on, attendance at meetings, AB 399*
Education services, plans to provide to pupils, duties, receipt of reports, AB 285*
Elections, actions to compel issuance of certificate of election, SB 404†
Emergency operations plan, duties, AB 43*
Empowerment districts, powers, SB 46D
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, reports, duties, AB 395D
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, representation, SB 425*
Large school districts, public comment in meetings, prohibited acts, SB 344D
Legislative Auditor, report, receipt, SB 64D
Limited proficiency in English, certain pupils with, duties, AB 352D
Action or corrective action, prohibited acts, AB 65*, AB 423
Comments by public, restrictions, AB 423†
Quorum, requirements, AB 175*
Power-based violence, memorandum of understanding with organizations that assist victims, duties, AB 245*
President of board, appointment, removal of authority, SB 64D
Professional development training, certification, requirements, SB 65D
Pupils, access to facilities, restrictions on adoption of policies, AB 423
Regional school districts, number of trustees, election, AB 420D
Retired public employees, employment in summer school, receipt of fingerprints, SB 340††
School associate superintendent, evaluation, policy, SB 344D
Sexual misconduct, memorandum of understanding with organizations that assist victims, AB 245†
Summer school, plans for all grades during 2023 and 2024, reports, SB 340††
Superintendent of empowerment district, receipt of report, SB 46D
Superintendents, evaluation, policy, SB 344D
Teachers’ School Supplies Assistance Account, duties, SB 212, SB 339†
Vacancies, procedures for filling, SB 64D
Work-based learning programs, duties, AB 207*
Video cameras installed in special education classrooms, duties, SB 158
Visual memory instruction as primary basis for work recognition in certain grades prohibited, violations, AB 187D
Work-based learning programs, duties, contents, AB 256*
Workforce Innovation, Governor’s Office of, coordination relating to work-based learning for school pupils, AB 428*
Overpayments, interest on, restrictions, SB 29*
1/5 Retirement Credit Purchase Program Account, appropriation, SB 503*
2023-2025 biennium, total public support for districts and charter schools, SB 503*
Average daily enrollment, pupils receiving grants from education savings account program, SB 200
Yearly, computation, SB 98†, AB 296†
Appropriations (See APPROPRIATIONS)
Behavior schools, funding, determination of amount, AB 280D
Bonds and other obligations
Authorized investments, AB 33*
Residential dwellings for employees, issuance of general obligation bonds, SB 47
Proposed executive budget
Amount of money to be transferred to State Education Fund, AB 459
Governor’s recommendation for funding public education to include recommendations for legislation, provisions removed, AB 459
Statewide base per pupil funding amount and multiplier for each category of pupils, certain requirements eliminated, AB 459
School districts, budget approval process and reporting requirements, interim study, SB 329
Capital projects
Assist Rural School Districts in Financing Capital Improvements, Fund to, creation, use, AB 519*
Property tax, exemption of levy from certain limitation, deposits and use, AB 519*
Career and technical education
Leadership and training activities, funding, SB 9*
State Teacher Pipeline Account, creation, sources, use, AB 400†
Workforce development activities, funding, SB 9*
Charter School Facilities Account, creation, use, SB 256
Community redevelopment, funding for public schools, allocations, SB 394†
Complaints alleging fraud, waste, abuse or corruption with regard to public money, retaliation prohibited, AB 149D
County school district funds
Air pollution administrative fines, deposit and use, SB 48D
Education Stabilization Account, transfers, SB 124*
Ending fund balance, clarification of use, repeal of certain provision, SB 124*
Expenditures, priority of, SB 124*
Large school districts, Education Stabilization Account, transfers of money, SB 148†
Property tax for capital projects, levy, deposits, AB 519*
Department Charter Schools, Account for, creation, SB 206D
Distance education, full-time enrollment, statewide base per pupil funding, SB 98†
Early Childhood Literacy and Readiness Account, creation, sources, use, AB 400*
Education Stabilization Account
Distribution, income and excess money, revision, AB 400†
Ending fund balance, clarification of use, repeal of certain provision, SB 124*
Reserves, requirements, SB 431†
Transfers, requirements, SB 124*, AB 400†, AB 458, AB 523*
Educational Choice, Account for, creation, use, SB 200
Garden programs, funding, SB 244
Grants (See GRANTS)
Hospitals or other facilities providing residential treatment and operating education programs, requests for reimbursement, AB 54*
Inspector General of Education, Fund for the Office of, creation, AB 149D
Limited proficiency in English, certain pupils with, additional funding for services and programs, AB 352D
Other State Education Programs Account, appropriation, SB 503*
Professional Development Programs Account, appropriation, SB 503*
Property tax, additional tax for support of public schools, imposition, SB 394†
Pupil-Centered Funding Plan Account, appropriation, sources, use, SB 503*
Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, statewide base per pupil funding amount, cost adjustment factor, repeal of provision, AB 344D
Special Education Services, Account for State, appropriation, SB 503*
State Education Fund
Appropriations of money in Fund, purposes, SB 98†, AB 400*
Education Stabilization Account
Ending fund balance, clarification of use, repeal of certain provision, SB 124*
Transfers, requirements, SB 124*, AB 400†, AB 458, AB 523*
Instruction programs for certain pupils, violations, loss of school apportionment, AB 187D
Proposed executive budget, amount of money to be transferred to State Education Fund, AB 459
Sources, SB 124*, SB 394†, AB 421D, AB 523*
Yearly apportionments, computation, SB 98†, AB 296†
State Permanent School Fund
Financial reports, frequency, AB 3*
Forfeited currency or property auction proceeds, deposits, SB 337D
Investments by State Treasurer, AB 33*
Statewide base per pupil funding amount and multiplier for each category of pupils
Apportionments from State Education Fund, computation, SB 98†
Disabilities, pupils with, AB 54*
Recommendations of Governor, certain requirements eliminated, AB 459
Use of funding, SB 98†
Teach Nevada Collaborative Account, creation, appropriation, SB 438
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, appropriation, SB 503*
Teacher Advancement Scholarship Program Account, Nevada, creation, uses, AB 400*
Teacher Pipeline Account, State, creation, sources, use, AB 400†
Teachers’ School Supplies Assistance Account, creation, uses, SB 212, SB 339†
Transportation Modernization Grants Program Account, establishment, use, SB 357
Water District Account, State Engineer, reports to county commissioners, SB 112
White Pine County School District, appropriations, SB 100
Academic progress of certain pupils, review of, duties, SB 98*, AB 400*
Education, Department of, appropriation, use, AB 400*
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, membership, SB 425*
First meeting, duties, SB 98*
Legislative session, meeting during, SB 98*, AB 400†
Limitation, removal of, AB 4
Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, reports, receipt, AB 400*
School accountability, interim study, SB 98*
Creation, composition, SB 56D
Study to improve education in State, SB 56D
1/5 Retirement Credit Purchase Program Account, appropriation, SB 503*
Access to school property, buildings or grounds to provide information to personnel, restrictions on fees, SB 79D
Active assailants, training of certain employees, requirements, SB 294*
Active shooter preparedness training, requirements, SB 294†
Education, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, various studies, reports, SB 72*
Employment, number required based on number of pupils enrolled, AB 335D
Evaluations (See Evaluations, this heading)
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, membership, AB 395D
Postprobationary, procedure for reappointment, SB 292†
Training opportunities, funding, SB 503*
Alternative educational opportunities for pupils, participation in programs, SB 199D
Assault committed upon by pupil, plan of action, appeals, AB 194D
Battery committed upon by pupil
Progressive discipline plans, SB 152D
Restorative approaches in discipline, AB 65†, AB 330*
Bus drivers, salary increases, appropriation to Interim Finance Committee, SB 231*
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, liability for rendering emergency care, AB 25D
Collective bargaining, provision of certain employee information, AB 172††
Commercially sexually exploited children and children at risk, training, AB 238D
Discipline of pupils, restorative approaches, training, AB 65†
Discrimination based on race, bullying or cyber-bullying
Investigation of violations, time for completion, AB 65*
Progressive discipline plans, duties, SB 152D
Reports of violations, removal of certain requirement, AB 65*
Restorative approaches, training, AB 65†
Education Support Professional Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, creation, SB 71†
Education support professionals
Definition, SB 71*
Salary increases, appropriation to Interim Finance Committee, SB 231*
Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, name change, composition, duties, SB 71*
Empowerment districts, requirements, SB 46D
Learning goals for pupils, development, repeal, AB 323
Percentage of evaluation based on pupil growth, SB 151D
Postprobationary employees
Administrators, procedures following determination, AB 65†
Teachers, AB 65†, AB 269D, AB 323
Statewide performance evaluation system, criteria, AB 323
Administrators, prohibited acts, AB 269D
Effective, effect of designation, consecutive designations, AB 269D
Highly effective, effect of designation, consecutive designations, AB 269D
Learning goals for pupils, development, repeal, AB 323
Observation cycles, requests to participate in, AB 269D
Pupil growth, effect, requirements, SB 151D, AB 247D
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Head injuries sustained by pupils
Concussion management team, membership, duties, SB 80†
Prevention and treatment, training, requirements, SB 80*
Health Service Corps, Nevada, repayment of student loans, eligibility, AB 69
Human resources, representative on Commission on Professional Standards in Education, AB 323, AB 428*
Interscholastic activities, persons associated with sanctioned sport or spirit squad, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 196*
Library trainees, compensation by district authorized, AB 323, AB 428*
Baccalaureate degree, requirements, exceptions, regulations, AB 182D
Competency tests, exemptions from, courses of study, professional development training, AB 323, AB 428*
Limitations on amount, SB 47
Regulatory authority removed, SB 47†
Fingerprinting and background investigations, fentanyl or carfentanil, record of conviction, SB 197D, SB 343D
Mental health education, completion of course, SB 313
Provisional licenses, issuance, requirements, AB 323, AB 428*
Special license, requirements for issuance, AB 182D
Substitute teachers, license or endorsement, AB 182D
Local school precincts (See also SCHOOL PRECINCTS, LOCAL)
Mentorship program for personnel, establishment, requirements, SB 151D
Multicultural education, professional development training, requirements, AB 323, AB 428*
“Other auxiliary, nonprofessional personnel,” change in terminology, AB 503*
Parental involvement and family engagement, professional development training, requirements, AB 323, AB 428*
Postprobationary employees
Administrators, procedures following evaluation, AB 65†
Teachers, procedures following evaluation, AB 65†
Power-based Violence in Schools, Committee on Responses to, creation, membership, AB 245*
Power-based violence, pupil victims of, referrals to services provided to, AB 245*
Principals (See also Administrators, this heading)
Absences of pupils
Approval, AB 54*
Notice of pupils absent to observe religious holidays, receipt, AB 264*
Academic retention of pupils, duties, SB 149D
Discipline of pupils
Data collection, duties, reports, AB 285*
Habitual disciplinary problems, pupils with, duties, AB 285*
Temporary removal, powers, AB 330*
Employed at will, when determined to be, grounds for dismissal, SB 292*
Head injuries sustained by pupils, establishment of concussion management team, SB 80†
Instructional model for school, preparation, access to models from other schools, SB 206D
Interscholastic activities, reports, duties, SB 196†
Literacy deficiency of pupils in elementary school, duties, SB 149D
Local school precincts (See also SCHOOL PRECINCTS, LOCAL)
Mathematics and literacy specialists, designation, duties, SB 149D
Mathematics deficiency of pupils in elementary school, duties, SB 149D
Video cameras installed in special education classrooms, duties, SB 158
Professional development
Mental health education, training, SB 313
Professional Development Programs Account, appropriation, SB 503*
School garden programs, requirements, SB 244
Public Education Employee Working Conditions Task Force, creation, study, SB 47†
Public Employees’ Retirement
Computation of credit for service, AB 222
Students employed by institution, exclusion from System, SB 434*
Recruitment of teachers and other licensed educational personnel, development of strategic plan, AB 323
Regional Training Programs, Statewide Council for the Coordination of the
Funding, SB 503*
Membership, AB 341D
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Residential dwellings for employees, authority of school districts to build, purchase or rent, SB 47
Retired public employees, employment in summer school, fingerprinting, SB 340††
School climate, culture and safety, training, AB 285*
School nurses
Head injuries sustained by pupils, SB 80†
Salary increases, appropriation to Interim Finance Committee, SB 231*
School police officers
Active assailant movement techniques, training, SB 294*
“Police officer” defined for the purposes of certain benefits and exemptions, applicability of laws, AB 301
Salary increases, appropriation to Interim Finance Committee, SB 231*
School psychologists
Repayment of student loans, eligibility, AB 69
Salary increases, appropriation to Interim Finance Committee, SB 231*
Sexual conduct with pupils
Pupil age increased to 17 years, penalty, SB 121D
Reporting requirements, SB 38*
Sexual misconduct victims, services provided to, referrals, AB 245†
Sexual offenses, persons in position of authority, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38*
Sexuality education, persons authorized to teach, requirements, SB 439†, AB 357
Social workers
Repayment of student loans, eligibility, AB 69
Salary increases, appropriation to Interim Finance Committee, SB 231*
Student social workers, compensation by district authorized, AB 323, AB 428*
Student counselors, compensation by district authorized, AB 323, AB 428*
Summer school, employment, requirements, SB 340††
Absences of pupils, approval, AB 54*
Baccalaureate degree required to teach, exceptions, AB 182D
Career and technical education
Endorsement only, restrictions on teaching, AB 182D
Establishment and maintenance of programs for pupils to become teachers, requirements, AB 400†
Competency-Based Education Network, membership, composition, AB 341D
Education, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, various studies, reports, SB 72*
Education, State Board of, membership, candidates, AB 341D
Emerging Technologies Task Force, membership, SB 165
Employment of certain federal visa holders as teachers, requirements, prohibited acts, legislative study, AB 308D
Evaluations (See Evaluations, this heading)
Federal visa holders employed as teachers, SB 308, AB 308D
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, membership, AB 395D
Incentives for teachers that achieve high levels of pupil growth, SB 151D
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, representation, SB 425*
Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact, ratification, SB 442*
Limited proficiency in English, certain pupils with, collection of data, reports, AB 352D
Literary specialists, designation, SB 149D
Mathematics specialists, designation, SB 149D
Mental health education, proof of completion of course, regulations, SB 313
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, representation, AB 164*
Public Employee’s Retirement, teacher or instructor hired under a teacher exchange program, election to pay employee’s portion of contributions, authority, SB 308†
Pupil-teacher ratios exceeding maximum, additional compensation, AB 335D
Pupils absent from school to observe religious holiday, receipt of notice, AB 264*
Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State Teacher, deadline for submitting applications for membership, AB 243††
Regional Training Programs, Statewide Council for the Coordination of the, membership, AB 341D
Safety and Well-Being of Public School Staff, Advisory Committee on the, creation, duties, membership, AB 72*
Salary increases, appropriation to Interim Finance Committee, SB 231*
School Supplies Assistance Account, Teachers’, reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses, SB 212, SB 339†
Student teachers
Assignment as substitute teacher, removal of requirement, SB 291*
Compensation by district authorized, AB 323, AB 428*
Substitute teachers
License or endorsement, SB 344D, AB 182D
Monthly subsidy to certain substitutes for purchase of health insurance coverage, prohibited acts by districts, AB 282††
Public Employees’ Retirement, employed students excluded, SB 434*
Student teachers, employment as substitute teachers, assignment, SB 291*
Teach Nevada Collaborative and Account, creation, SB 438
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, appropriation, SB 503*
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, repeal, SB 438
Teacher Academy College Pathway Program, tuition reimbursements, requirements, AB 428*
Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State
Applications for membership, deadline for submissions, AB 243††
Name change, composition, duties, SB 71*
Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada, membership, nominees, AB 341D
Uniform grading scale, certain decisions under sole discretion, AB 360D
Video cameras installed in special education classrooms, training, confidentiality of recordings, SB 158
Requirements, AB 503*
Work-based learning program, certain participants excluded from requirements, AB 256*
Sexual conduct with pupils, reporting requirements, SB 38*
County school district fund
Education Stabilization Account, transfer of money into, SB 148†
Transfers of money to, SB 148†
Employees (See also SCHOOL PERSONNEL)
Selection of certain staff in accordance with applicable bargaining agreements required, SB 282*
Transfer and reassignment of certain employees, negotiation of policies, SB 251††
Equipment, services and supplies, authority to procure, conditions, SB 148††
Large school districts
Competency-Based Education Network, membership, AB 341D
Financial management review, applicability, SB 344D
Regional Training Programs, Statewide Council for the Coordination of the, membership, AB 341D
Staff, selection by principal, SB 148††
State Board of Education, membership, candidates, AB 341D
Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada, membership, nominees, AB 341D
Trustees, meetings, public comment, prohibited acts, SB 344D
Money received by precincts, year-end balance to be carried forward, requirements, SB 282*, AB 400*
Plans of operation, procedures for approval, duties of superintendent upon nonapproval, SB 282*
Principals (See also SCHOOL PERSONNEL)
Organizational teams established each school year, voting member, SB 282*
Qualifications, requirements, SB 282*
Selection of staff, duties, SB 148††
Vacancies, procedures for filling, SB 282*
School associate superintendents
Evaluations, SB 344D
Vacancy, qualifications, SB 344†
Academic retention of certain pupils, requirements, SB 149D
Developmental screening tests, requirements, AB 65†
Eligibility for enrollment, AB 54*, AB 65*
Suspension, expulsion or removal, requirements, SB 152D, AB 194D, AB 285*, AB 330*
Alternative educational opportunities for pupils, development of programs, SB 199D
At-risk pupils, definition, SB 503*
Absence for observance of religious holiday, counting against pupil’s attendance restricted, AB 264*
Accountability reports
Contents, AB 264*
Use of information collected on attendance and truancy, SB 151D, AB 339D
Advisory boards to review school attendance, composition, AB 54*
Age, exemptions, repeal of provision, AB 54*
Approved and unapproved absences, AB 54*
Award, eligibility or opportunity to compete, being deprived because of absence for observance of religious holiday restricted, AB 264*
Chronic absenteeism, authority of school districts, AB 54*
Promotion to next grade, requirements, AB 54*
Residence distant from school, repeal of exemption, AB 54*
Standard diploma, certain students who have earned excused from attendance, SB 151D
Zone of attendance, application process outside zone, AB 400†, AB 497
Behavior and discipline
Accountability reports, contents, SB 152D, AB 65†, AB 285*
Assault of school employee or pupil, disciplinary procedures, AB 194D
Battery of school employee
Procedures, disciplinary, SB 152D, AB 285*, AB 330*
Restorative approaches in discipline, AB 65†
Behavior schools, funding, AB 280D
“Bullying” definition, exclusion of acts in mutual conflict, AB 65*
Controlled substances, sale or distribution, AB 65†, AB 285*, AB 330*
Data collection, requirements, reports, AB 285*, AB 330*
Firearms, possession, procedures, AB 285*, AB 330*
Habitual disciplinary problems, procedures, AB 285*
Progressive discipline plans, requirements, SB 152D, AB 285*
“Restorative discipline” changed to “progressive discipline,” removal of certain requirements, SB 152D, AB 285*
“Restorative justice” terminology changed to “restorative approaches,” AB 65†
Suspension, expulsion or removal
Age of pupils, effect, SB 152D, AB 194D, AB 285*, AB 330*
Appeal, procedures, AB 330*
Continuing danger or ongoing threat, pupils posing, procedures, AB 285*
Controlled substances violations, procedures, AB 65†, AB 285*, AB 330*
Disabilities, pupils with, procedures, AB 285*, AB 330*
Education services, plan to provide to pupils, requirements, AB 285*
Progressive discipline plan based on restorative justice, AB 285*
Requirements, AB 285*, AB 330*
Restorative approaches, use, AB 65†
Temporary removal, conditions for return to the classroom, AB 330†
Breakfast, pupils receiving free or reduced-price breakfasts, accountability reports, AB 54*
“Bullying” defined, exclusion of certain acts, AB 65*
Child welfare services, certain pupils in custody of agency which provides, priority for registration, AB 217†
Courses of study
Civics education programs, appropriation, SB 285*
Core academic subjects, instruction in, accountability reports, AB 339D
Mandatory, exemptions, AB 241*
Sexuality education, membership on advisory committee, AB 357
Developmental screening tests, when required, AB 65†
Disabilities, pupils with
Additional funding for services and programs, statewide base per pupil funding, AB 54*
Adopted children with special needs, financial assistance to adoptive parents, duration, funding, AB 255*
Disciplinary action, procedures, AB 194D, AB 285*
Education savings account program, eligibility, amount of grant, SB 200
Mandatory courses of study, exemptions, AB 241*
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, eligibility for grants, priority, SB 220D, AB 385D
Special Education Services, Account for State, appropriation, SB 503*
Transition Bill of Rights for Pupils with Disabilities, adoption, SB 315*
Disciplinary action (See Behavior and discipline, this heading)
Education, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, various studies, reports, SB 72*
Education savings account program, eligibility, access to educational records, SB 200
Empowerment districts, requirements, SB 46D
English learners, statewide performance targets, SB 151D
Age of eligibility, AB 54*, AB 65*
Count, calculation of daily average, AB 54*
Military children, transfer because of documented pending military transfer of parent or guardian, requirements, AB 185*
Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, representation, AB 274*
Financial Literacy Month, legislative recognition and declaration, SCR 2‡
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Head injuries
Chiropractic physicians authorized to evaluate and treat, requirements, AB 199D
Prevention and treatment, policy and procedures, SB 80*
High school (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Homeless pupils
Definition, AB 217
Disciplinary action, AB 330*
Habitual disciplinary problems, pupils with, determinations, requirements, AB 217
Restorative justice, statewide framework for, repeal, AB 330†
Instructional time, calculation of count of pupils for purposes of apportionment, AB 296†
Interscholastic activities (See INTERSCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES)
Limited English proficiency, certain pupils with
Additional funding for services and programs, AB 352D
Attendance at school outside zone of attendance, AB 352D
Data collection, AB 352D
Rights of parent or guardian, AB 352D
Assessment of proficiency, academic retention, SB 149D
Elementary school, retention of pupils in grade 3, AB 400*
Lunch, pupils receiving free or reduced-price lunches, accountability reports, AB 54*
Mathematics, assessment of proficiency, plans and services to improve, academic retention, SB 149D
Meals, breakfast and lunch for Nevada pupils, appropriation, AB 319††
“Mental health resources” defined, SB 313
Military children, transfer because of documented pending military transfer of parent or guardian, requirements, AB 185*
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, creation, AB 164*
Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program Account, appropriation, SB 474, AB 128*
Persons in position of authority, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38*
Power-based Violence in Schools, Committee on Responses to, creation, membership, AB 245*
Power-based violence, victims of, services provided to, referrals, AB 245*
Prekindergarten, child enrolled during 2022-2023 school year, admission to kindergarten authorized, AB 65*
Promotion to next grade, requirements, AB 54*
Pupil-teacher ratios (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Class-size reduction)
Registration, priority for, provision to certain pupils, AB 217†
Residence distant from school, repeal of attendance exemption, AB 54*
School identification card
Homeless children and youth, use of card to apply for state identification card, AB 135*
Suicide hotline telephone number to be included on card, AB 135*
Sexual misconduct victims, services provided to, referrals, AB 245†
Sexuality education, membership on advisory committee, SB 439†, AB 357
Teacher Academy College Pathway Program, participation, requirements, AB 428*
Transportation of pupils
Charter schools, use of appropriations from State Education Fund, AB 400†
Zone of attendance, pupils attending from outside, authority, AB 400†, AB 497
Habitual truants
Counseling or psychological treatment of child, SB 359†
Determination, AB 54*, AB 285*
Observance of religious holiday, pupil not to be deemed truant, AB 264*
Unaccompanied pupils, priority for registration, AB 217†
Work-based learning opportunities, establishment of program, requirements, AB 428*
Work-based learning programs, participation, liability insurance, AB 207*
Creation, duties, AB 395D
Crisis, emergency or suicide
Active assailants, training of certain employees, requirements, SB 294*
Emergency operations plan development committees, time for submission of plan, AB 43*
Department charter school, establishment, procedures, SB 206D
Educational Technology, Trust Fund for, grants from, applications, SB 214*
Elementary schools
Mathematics, assessment of pupil’s proficiency, plans and services to improve, academic retention, SB 149D
Reading, assessment of pupil’s proficiency, academic retention, SB 149D
Enrollment, priority for military children, AB 185*
Facilities, financing of acquisition, improvement and maintenance, SB 256
Governing bodies
Academic retention of pupils, duties, SB 149D
Access to school property, buildings or grounds to provide information to personnel, restrictions on fees, SB 79D
Active shooter preparedness training for school employees, duties, SB 294†
Attendance, policy regarding chronic absenteeism, AB 54*
Emergency operations plan, duties, AB 43*
Head injuries sustained by pupils, prevention and treatment, duties, SB 80*
Literacy, plans and services to improve proficiency, academic retention of pupils, SB 149D
Mathematics, plans to improve proficiency of pupils in elementary school, requirements, SB 149D
Meetings, compensation for attending increased, SB 210††
Multicultural education, professional development training of personnel, authority, AB 323, AB 428*
Parental involvement and family engagement, professional development training of personnel, authority, AB 323, AB 428*
Power-based violence, memorandum of understanding with organizations that assist victims, duties, AB 245*
Retired public employees, employment in summer school, receipt of fingerprints, SB 340††
Teachers’ School Supplies Assistance Account, duties, SB 212, SB 339†
Transportation Modernization Grants Program Account, establishment, use, SB 357
Video cameras installed in special education classrooms, duties, SB 158
Work-based learning programs, duties, AB 207*
Hospitals or other facilities providing residential treatment and operating education programs, requests for reimbursement, AB 54*
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, submission of complaints, authority, AB 353D
MSV, instruction for pupils in kindergarten through grade 2, prohibited acts, AB 187D
Personnel (See also SCHOOL PERSONNEL)
Access to school property, buildings or grounds to provide information to personnel, restrictions on fees, SB 79D
Active assailants, training of certain employees, requirements, SB 294*
Head injuries sustained by pupils
Concussion management team, membership, duties, SB 80†
Prevention and treatment, training, requirements, SB 80*
Incentives for teachers that achieve high levels of pupil growth, SB 151D
Students assigned to schools for training purposes, compensation authorized, AB 323, AB 428*
Video cameras installed in special education classrooms, training, confidentiality of recordings, SB 158
Volunteers, fingerprints, certain participants in work-based learning program excluded from requirements, AB 256*
Working conditions, statewide study, SB 47†
Pupil-Centered Funding Plan
Report, AB 400*
Transportation of pupils, funding, AB 400†
Pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)
Attendance, policy regarding chronic absenteeism, AB 54*
Behavior and discipline
Progressive discipline, plan for, establishment, AB 285*
Restorative discipline of pupils, plan for, reports, AB 330*
Suspension, expulsion or removal
Age of pupils, effect, SB 152D, AB 285*, AB 330*
Continuing danger or ongoing threat, pupils posing, procedures, AB 285*
Controlled substances violations, procedures, AB 65†, AB 285*, AB 330*
Disabilities, pupils with, procedures, AB 285*, AB 330*
Firearms, possession, effect of age of pupil, AB 285*, AB 330*
Requirements, consistent with public schools, AB 330*
Restorative approaches, use of, AB 65†
College and career readiness assessments, requirements, AB 247D
Education savings account program, participation, SB 200
Graduation, authority of pupils to wear certain adornments, appeals, AB 73*
Head injuries, prevention and treatment, policy and procedures, SB 80*
Interscholastic activities, eligibility and participation of children transferring to charter school, SB 114D
Literacy of pupils enrolled in grade 3
Promotion despite deficiency, policy, AB 400*
Retention of pupils, adoption of rules, exemptions, reports, AB 400*
Military children, transfer because of documented pending military transfer of parent or guardian, requirements, AB 185*
Power-based violence, victims of, services provided to, referrals, AB 245*
Pupil-teacher ratios, applicability of laws, AB 42
School identification card, suicide hotline telephone number to be included, AB 135*
Transportation of pupils, funding, requirements, AB 400*
Applications to sponsor charter school, AB 400*
Cities and counties, authority to sponsor schools, powers and duties, prohibited acts, AB 400*
Early childhood literacy and readiness programs, grants to support, applications, AB 400*
State Public Charter School Authority
City and county sponsors, receipt of reports, AB 400*
Education Accountability, Subcommittee on, attendance at meetings, AB 399*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Performance audits, reports, duties, AB 517*
Public Education Employee Working Conditions Task Force, creation, membership, receipt of reports, SB 47†
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
School Choice, Office of, collaboration, AB 400*
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Summer school, plans for all grades during 2023 and 2024, reports, SB 340††
Transportation of pupils, duties, appropriation, AB 400*
Working conditions, statewide study, SB 47†
Summer school during 2023 and 2024, requirements, SB 340††
Transportation plan, use of appropriations from State Education Fund, AB 400†
Video cameras installed in special education classrooms, requirements, confidentiality of recordings, SB 158
Visual memory instruction as primary basis for work recognition in certain grades prohibited, violations, AB 187D
Empowerment districts (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS)
Policies and procedures, repeal of provisions, SB 46D
Program of Empowerment Schools, changed to Program of Empowerment Districts, procedures, SB 46D
School empowerment team and school empowerment plan, repeal of provisions, SB 46D
Commercially sexually exploited children and children at risk, training of personnel, AB 238D
Governing bodies
Attendance, policy regarding chronic absenteeism, AB 54*
Discipline of pupils, duties, AB 285*, AB 330*
Education services, plans to provide to pupils, receipt, AB 285*
Head injuries sustained by pupils, prevention and treatment, duties, SB 80*
Military children, transfer because of documented pending military transfer of parent, duties, AB 185*
Power-based violence, memorandum of understanding with organizations that assist victims, duties, AB 245*
Personnel (See also SCHOOL PERSONNEL)
Access to school property, buildings or grounds to provide information to personnel, restrictions on fees, SB 79D
Head injuries sustained by pupils
Concussion management team, membership, duties, SB 80†
Prevention and treatment, training, requirements, SB 80*
Students assigned to schools for training purposes, compensation authorized, AB 323, AB 428*
Pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)
Attendance, policy regarding chronic absenteeism, AB 54*
Behavior and discipline
Progressive discipline, plan for, establishment, AB 285*
Restorative discipline of pupils, plan for, reports, AB 330*
Suspension, expulsion or removal
Age of pupil, effect, SB 152D, AB 285*, AB 330*
Continuing danger or ongoing threat, pupils posing, procedures, AB 285*
Controlled substances violations, procedures, AB 65†, AB 285*, AB 330*
Disabilities, pupils with, procedures, AB 285*, AB 330*
Firearms, possession, effect of age of pupil, AB 285*, AB 330*
Requirements, consistent with public schools, AB 330*
Restorative approaches, use of, AB 65†
Graduation, authority of pupils to wear certain adornments, appeals, AB 73*
Head injuries, prevention and treatment, policy and procedures, SB 80*
Military children, transfer because of documented pending military transfer of parent or guardian, requirements, AB 185*
Power-based violence, victims of, services provided to, referrals, AB 245*
Pupil-teacher ratios, applicability of laws, AB 42
Automated traffic enforcement systems in school zones or school crossing zones, requirements, AB 93D
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, liability for rendering emergency care, AB 25D
Commercially sexually exploited children and children at risk, training of personnel, AB 238D
Education savings account program, participating entities, SB 200
Emergency operations plan, time for submission, AB 43*
Fingerprints, submission by applicants, employees or volunteers, removal of requirement, AB 503*
Firearms on property of school
Conviction, early discharge from probation prohibited, SB 86D
Handguns, authority of persons holding concealed carry permit, requirements, AB 81D
Head injuries
Concussion management team, establishment, duties, SB 80†
Prevention and treatment, requirements, SB 80†
Training of personnel, SB 80†
Violations, penalty, SB 80†
Interscholastic activities, eligibility and participation of children transferring to private school, SB 114D
Persons in position of authority, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38*
Sexual conduct with employees or volunteers, pupil age limitation increased to 17 years, SB 121D
Teledentistry, acceptance of certain dental care services through, requirements, penalties, AB 147†
211 system for information and referrals, publication of information, AB 245*
Active shooter preparedness drills, requirements, SB 294†
Assault of school employee or pupil, disciplinary procedures, AB 194D
Attendance (See SCHOOL PUPILS)
Automated traffic enforcement systems in school zones or school crossing zones, requirements, AB 93D
Career and technical education
Leadership and training activities, definition, funding, SB 9*
Teachers, pupils who wish to become, program for, AB 400†
Workforce development activities, definition, funding, SB 9*
Civics education programs, appropriation, SB 285*
Class-size reduction
Accountability reports, contents, AB 42
Alternative reduction plans, authorization removed, AB 42†, AB 335D
Average daily enrollment and pupil-teacher ratios, reports, requirements, AB 42
Campuses of school, applicability of requirements, AB 42
Core curriculum, maximum ratio increased, AB 42†
Distribution of money for reduction of ratios, requirement eliminated, AB 42
English language arts classes, requirements, AB 42, AB 335D
Grade 3, maximum pupil-teacher ratio reduced, AB 335D
Grades 4-12, requirements, AB 335D
Guidance by Department of Education, requirements, AB 42
Mathematics classes, requirements, AB 42, AB 335D
Maximum ratios increased for certain classes, AB 42
Plans to reduce, development, AB 42
Reduction of ratios in certain grades, AB 42, AB 335D
School counselors, ratios, requirements, requests for variance, AB 42
Science and social science teachers, applicability of provisions, AB 42
Specialized instructional support personnel, ratio of pupils to, requirements, AB 42
Teachers with one or more classes exceeding maximum ratio during quarter, additional compensation, AB 335D
Variances, requests for, reports, AB 42
Commercially sexually exploited children, multidisciplinary teams to review cases, representation, AB 238D
Compulsory enrollment and attendance, exemptions, AB 54*
Conversion of school to Department charter school, authority, procedures, SB 206D
Courses of study
American history, minimum units of credit required for high school, AB 228
College-ready diploma and career-ready diploma, requirements, exemptions, AB 241†
Dual credit courses, credits earned from institution of higher education located in State or another state authorized, AB 317D
Economics, requirements, AB 274*
Financial literacy, requirements, AB 274*
Geography, minimum units of credit required for high school, AB 228
Mandatory course offerings, AB 241*
Mental health education, standards of, SB 313
Personal safety of children, development of curriculum standards and recommendations, SB 366D
Sexuality education, SB 439†, AB 357
Social studies, minimum units of credit required for high school, increase, AB 228
Uniform grading scale, certain decisions under teacher discretion, AB 360D
World history, minimum units of credit required for high school, AB 228
Crisis, emergency or suicide
Active assailants, training of certain school personnel, SB 294*
Emergency operations plan development committees, time for submission of plan, AB 43*
Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, representation, AB 114*
Educational involvement accords, duties, SB 9*
Educational Technology, Trust Fund for, grants from, applications, SB 214*
Elementary schools
Academic retention of pupils, requirements, SB 149D
Age of eligibility for enrollment, AB 54*, AB 65*
Child enrolled in prekindergarten during 2022-2023 school year, admission to kindergarten authorized, AB 65*
Literacy, assessment of pupil’s proficiency, plans and services to improve, SB 149D
Mathematics, assessment of pupil’s proficiency, plans and services to improve, SB 149D
Parent involvement and family engagement, form concerning, repeal of provision, SB 9*
Pupils enrolled in kindergarten or first grade during 2022-2024 school years, promotion authorized, AB 65*
Examinations and assessments
Annual class time used, reports, AB 296
College and career readiness assessments, requirements, administration, AB 247D
Education savings account program, use of money deposited in accounts, SB 200
End-of-course finals
Amount of final grade, determination, AB 360D
Learning goals for pupils, repeal of provision, AB 269D
Limitations on time taken from school day to conduct or prepare for, AB 296
Mathematics, failing to obtain passing score, effect, SB 149D
Reading, failing to obtain passing score, effect, SB 149D
Family Engagement, Advisory Council for, submission of names of persons who are qualified for membership, AB 239*
Firearms on property of school
Concealed carry permits, authority of persons holding, requirements, SB 188D, AB 81D
Conviction, early discharge from probation prohibited, SB 86D
Garden programs, funding, requirements, SB 244
High schools
College and career readiness assessments, requirements, AB 247D
College-ready and career-ready endorsement, requirements, AB 241†
Standard diploma, eligibility criteria, certain pupils excused from attendance, SB 151D
Graduation, authority of pupils to wear certain adornments, appeals, AB 73*
Jobs for Nevada’s Graduate Program, funding, SB 503*
Mathematics, end-of-course finals, requirement removed, SB 9*, AB 247D
Minimum units of credit required for high school, AB 228
Science, end-of-course finals, requirement removed, SB 9*, AB 247D
Homeless services, use of provider’s address as temporary address, authority, SB 317*
Incentives for schools that achieve high levels of pupil growth, SB 151D
Instructional model for school, preparation, requirements, SB 206D
Juvenile courts, authority to order community service, supervision of child by school, SB 359†
Learning materials, publication on school website, certain schools, SB 295D
Local school precincts (See SCHOOL PRECINCTS, LOCAL)
Nevada Magazine and Visitor Guide, revenue from publication to be used to provide certain school educational materials, SB 477*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, loans to K-12 schools for facilities, SB 10*
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, creation, AB 164*
Power-based Violence in Schools, Committee on Responses to, creation, AB 245*
Property tax, additional tax for support of public schools, imposition, SB 394†
Safe and respectful learning environment
Accountability reports, contents, AB 65†
Discrimination based on race, bullying or cyber-bullying
“Bullying” defined, exclusion of certain acts, AB 65*
Investigations of reports
Office for Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, duties, AB 65*
SafeVoice Program, complaints made through, requirements, AB 65*
Time for completion, AB 65*
Principals, reports of violations to direct supervisor, removal of requirement, AB 65*
Reports of violations, recommendations for reporting, SB 152D
Policy for schools and districts, requirements, AB 65†, AB 285*
Services provided by schools, annual report, requirements, SB 9*, SB 98†
Suspension or expulsion (See SCHOOL PUPILS—Behavior and discipline)
Teledentistry, acceptance of certain dental care services through, requirements, AB 147†
Video cameras installed in special education classrooms, requirements, confidentiality of recordings, SB 158
We the People program in schools, appropriation in support of, SB 236
Composition, SB 347†
Workforce, Department of, duties transferred to, SB 431†
Advisory Council on Graduate Medical Education, creation, SB 350*
Broadband services, certain duties removed, SB 431†
Director, redesignated as Administrator, appointment, duties, SB 431†
Doctors for Nevada Program, establishment, duties, funding, AB 393D
Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, Account for, creation, SB 350*
Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, establishment, duties, SB 350*
Grants awarded by state agencies, regulations, SB 384††
Physicians Recruitment Account, creation, administration, appropriation, AB 393D
School garden programs, nonprofit organization providing, duties, SB 244
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Workforce, Department of, duties transferred to, SB 431†
Workforce Director, redesignated as Administrator, appointment, duties, SB 431†
Elimination, SB 431†
School garden programs, nonprofit organization providing, duties, SB 244†
Catalytic converters, used
Definition of scrap metal, removal from, SB 243*
Purchase of prohibited, exceptions, SB 243*, SB 250D
Theft or possession of, penalties, SB 243*
Catalytic converters, used, purchase and sale of, requirements, penalties, SB 243*, SB 250D
Purchase records, requirements, SB 243*, SB 250D
Theft, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Civil rights restoration, requests for documentation, AB 160††
Dismissal of case, sealing of records after dismissal, requirements, SB 412†
“Eligible conviction” and “eligible charge” defined, identification and sealing of records, procedures, AB 160††
HIV, intentional conduct likely to transmit HIV to another person, prosecution as a felony, retroactive application of repeal of provisions, procedures regarding orders to seal records, SB 439*
Juvenile justice information, release for eligibility to purchase and possess firearms, SB 367*
Multiple charges, sealing records of charges disposed of by dismissal, declination or acquittal, AB 160††
Prostitution or solicitation, dismissal of case, procedures, AB 145D
Sex trafficking victims, petitions to seal records, requirements, filing fees prohibited, AB 275*
Wrongful convictions, application of laws, appropriation, AB 160††
Appropriations, SB 478*, SB 483*, SB 484*, SB 485*, AB 246††
Authentication of signature of notarial officer, fee, AB 433D
Authorized expenditures, SB 484*
Bill draft requests, reduction in maximum number, AB 200
Business entities
Filing fees, penalty for default, AB 433D
License fee, waiver and requirements for certain business entities, AB 433D
Nonprofit corporations, donors of financial support, collection or disclosure of identifying information, prohibited acts, AB 258††
Business Licensing Working Group, membership, support, AB 14D
Business portal, state, integration with, duties, AB 14†
Campaign practices, candidates transitioning to office, reporting requirements, SB 60††
City clerk’s records, authority of certain employees in Office to request confidentiality, SB 83D, AB 59D, AB 225*
Computer hardware and software, appropriations, SB 483*, SB 485*
County assessor’s records, authority of certain employees in Office to request confidentiality, SB 83D, AB 59D, AB 225*
County clerk’s records, authority of certain employees in Office to request confidentiality, SB 83D, AB 59D, AB 225*
County recorder’s records, authority of certain employees in Office to request confidentiality, SB 83D, AB 59D, AB 225*
Credit card processing fees, shortfall, appropriation, SB 478*
Document preparation services, disciplinary action, SB 349*
Driver’s licenses or identification cards, authority of certain employees in Office to request alternative address displayed, SB 83D, AB 59D
Elections (See also ELECTIONS)
Appropriations and authorized expenditures, SB 484*
Election Crimes Unit, creation within Elections Division, duties, reports, AB 326D
Jails, voting by persons detained, receipt of reports, duties, SB 162, AB 286*
State of emergency or declared disaster, authority during, SB 404†
Employee Savings Trust Program, Nevada, contracts with Board of Trustees to obtain services of office authorized, SB 305*
Governor, Office of, designation of liaison, SB 431†
Homeless persons, establishment of matching funds program, duties, AB 528*
Information security, appropriation for costs of software licenses and professional services, SB 485*
Intercollegiate athletics, name, image or likeness contracts, powers and duties, SB 70D
Internet website, appropriation for costs of redesigning, SB 485*
Keep Nevada Working Task Force
Creation, moved from Office of the Lieutenant Governor, SB 24*, AB 366††
Meetings, quorum, SB 24*, AB 366††
Membership, appointment, SB 24*, AB 366††
Powers, duties, SB 24*, AB 366††
Language Access Advisory Committee, creation, appointments, AB 246††
Records of Secretary, authority of certain persons to request confidentiality, AB 59D, AB 379D
Registered agents, certain fees eliminated, AB 433D
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Securities Division
Compensation of Victims of Securities Fraud, Fund for the, duties, reports, AB 67
Residential real property registry, creation, regulations, appropriation, SB 395††
Sales of securities exempt from registration requirements, regulation, AB 75*
Sidewalk Vending, Task Force on Safe, creation, appointment of members, SB 92*
Special services, maximum reasonable fee, AB 433D
Assignment of security interest, applicability of laws, AB 231*
Chattel paper, control by purchaser, acknowledgment, jurisdiction, security interest, AB 231*
Collateral, security interest, after-acquired property, AB 231*
Controllable accounts, controllable electronic records or controllable payments intangible, AB 231*
Definitions, AB 231*
Deposit accounts, control, acknowledgment, AB 231*
Electronic money, control, acknowledgment, transfer, AB 231†
Electronic records, controllable, AB 231*
Enforceability of security interest, AB 231*
Liability of secured party, limitations, AB 231*
Notification before disposition of collateral, form, AB 231*
Perfection and priority of security interests, AB 231*
Secured party, rights and duties, AB 231*
Terminology changed from “authenticated” to “signed,” AB 231*
Fraud, compensation for victims, AB 67
Investment securities, digital financial asset business activity, SB 360D
Nevada certified investors, sales to, exemptions from registration requirements, regulations, AB 75*
Registration statements or amendments
Contents, requirements, AB 75*
Fee exemptions, AB 75†
Securities Division (See SECRETARY OF STATE)
Veteran service organizations, fees, exemption, AB 260*
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, grants to promote, AB 131*
Controlled substances, studies conducted by research facilities, persons engaged in certain conduct does not constitute basis for seizure, SB 242†
Criminal proceedings, establishment that seized property is forfeitable, SB 337D
Kratom products, violations, AB 322†
Law enforcement agencies, annual reports, requirements, SB 337D, AB 350*
Property for which forfeiture is sought, seizure, procedures, SB 337D
Validity of seizure, pretrial hearing to determine, SB 337D
Wildlife violations, AB 102D
Definition, SB 260*
Referral agencies, operation, prohibited acts, SB 260*
Administrative assessments (See ADMINISTRATIVE ASSESSMENTS)
Child abuse or neglect, minimum and maximum term, AB 233D
Deceptive trade practices directed toward certain persons, tier of criminal penalties, establishment, AB 373†
Domestic violence battery, when suspension of sentence prohibited, AB 51*
Fentanyl and related opioids, trafficking, suspension of sentence, SB 35*, SB 128D, SB 343D, SB 412†
Fines (See FINES)
Gambling, civil commitment upon criminal conviction of persons with an addictive disorder related to, deferral of sentencing discretionary, SB 412†
Modification of original sentence, credits on term of imprisonment, revised method, SB 413*
Parole, petitions to modify sentence of persons on, procedure, AB 83D
Reckless driving resulting in death or substantial bodily harm to another, maximum term of imprisonment increased, SB 322*
Revocation of suspension of sentence, effect, AB 32*
Sex offenders, lifetime supervision, SB 38†
Solicitation of child for prostitution, evaluation and certification of offenders, SB 36*
Department of Sentencing Policy, Executive Director, qualifications of persons recommended by Commission, AB 32*
Duties generally, SB 103*
Housing status of persons admitted to and released from prison, tracking data, duties, AB 32*
Misdemeanor offenses, sentences imposed, interim study, SB 103†
Subcommittee on Misdemeanors, creation, reports, SB 103*
Criminal justice system, confidentiality of certain information relating to, AB 32*
Executive Director, qualifications, AB 32*
Murder and manslaughter cases, receipt of reports from district attorneys, duties, SB 316*
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Public Safety and Military Affairs, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Term of imprisonment and recidivism, collection and analysis of data, reports, AB 32*
Permanent support and maintenance, summary proceeding authorized, requirements, AB 227†
Agreements unlawfully tied to residential property, recording, penalties and remedies, SB 355*, AB 392D
Arbitration provisions nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
Commissioner of Insurance, service contract provider industry, report, SB 436*
Landlord prohibited from requiring tenant to pay certain fees and charges for repairs which landlord has duty to perform, SB 381*
Network or workforce of employees or contractors, adequacy, remedies, SB 436†
Cannabis Compliance Board, authority regarding licensees and registrants, SB 295*
Malpractice actions or claims against certain health care providers, failure to report settlement, penalties, AB 318*
Clark County, connection of septic systems to community sewerage disposal system, requirements, fees, AB 220*
Private sewage systems, connection to public sewage system, requirements, AB 220*
Residential individual sewage systems, grants for costs associated connection to community system, eligibility, AB 20*
Sanitary sewer systems, authority of cities to impose surcharge to fund services and affordable housing for homeless or indigent, SB 318D
Septic systems, connection to community sewerage disposal system, requirements, fees, AB 220*
Southern Nevada Water Authority, prohibitions on use of systems, program to convert to municipal sewer system, AB 220*
Conviction for certain offenses exempt from credits against imprisonment, AB 271D
Gaming employees, disciplinary action, SB 7D
Identification cards, limited-purpose, application, requirements, AB 302
Juvenile sex offenders, registration and community notification, duties of juvenile court, SB 408D
“Sexual offense” defined for purposes of, effect, SB 67*
Technical violations, definition, AB 32*
Early discharge prohibited, SB 86D
Technical violations, definition, AB 32*
Psychosexual evaluations, when required, SB 36*
School district trustees, candidates, criminal history record of sexual offense involving minor, effect, SB 65D
School pupils, persons in position of authority, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38*
Solicitation of child for prostitution, evaluation and certification of offenders, SB 36*
Adult posing as child
Agencies which provide child welfare services, access to information maintained by, restrictions, SB 389†
Crime committed against, penalties, SB 89D, SB 389†
Commercial motor vehicles, disqualification from operating upon certain felony convictions, SB 66*
Compensation for injury or death resulting from offense, SB 389†
Facilitating sex trafficking, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 89D, SB 138D, SB 170D, SB 389†
Gaming employees, disciplinary action, SB 7D
Imprisonment, minimum and maximum terms, SB 138D, SB 170D
Parole, eligibility, SB 89D, SB 170D
Petitions to seal criminal records, requirements, filing fees prohibited, AB 275*
Lewdness with a child less than 17 years of age, SB 121D
Protection orders
Court may authorize applicant to record communications with adverse party, AB 51†
Violation, effect of underlying crime on additional period of imprisonment, AB 51*
School pupils, persons in position of authority, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38*
“Biological evidence” defined, SB 321*
Civil actions, statute of limitations for assault that occurred when plaintiff was 18 years of age or older, SB 129*
Confidential and privileged information, certain communications, AB 48D
Forensic evidence, restrictions on use against survivor, SB 321*
Health care licensing boards, receipt of certain complaints regarding licensees, duties, AB 442
Hours of leave, employers to provide to victims of sexual assault, requirements, AB 163*
Protection orders
Child, orders for protection against
Admissions, representations or statements made during proceedings, admissibility, SB 382*
Appointment of attorney, removal of requirement, SB 382*
Communications with adverse party, court may authorize applicant to record, AB 51†
Violation, effect of underlying crime on additional period of imprisonment, AB 51*
“Relevant training” defined, AB 48D, AB 51*
School pupils, persons in position of authority, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38*
Statutory sexual seduction, definition includes victims aged 16 years old, SB 121D
Telehealth, use of during forensic medical examination, AB 276*
“Victim’s advocate” defined, AB 48D, AB 51*
Victims of Domestic or Sexual Violence, Account for Aid for, name change, allocations to counties, use of grants, SB 254D
Entities providing services to child, sexual conduct with child in care or custody, penalty, SB 121D
School pupils, persons in position of authority, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38*, SB 121D
Universities and colleges, conduct between certain employees or volunteers and students age 17 years or older, SB 121D
Child pornography, child age increased to less than 17 years, SB 121D
Protection orders
Court may authorize applicant to record communications with adverse party, AB 51†
Violation, effect of underlying crime on additional period of imprisonment, AB 51*
Legislature, anti-harassment policy (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡
Abolishment, AB 245†
Name change, membership, duties, AB 245*
Behavioral health workforce development consortium, representation, AB 37*
Discrimination (See DISCRIMINATION)
“Domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, support of programs to counter, AB 117
Elections officials, dissemination of sensitive information of election official, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 406*
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Intimidation, use of symbols of hate, penalties, SB 227D
Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, “impact qualified active low-income community business” defined, applicability of provisions, SB 240*
North Las Vegas, City of, diversity study, SB 184D
Public works contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, Internet publication of information, SB 272††
State and local purchasing and performance contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, Internet publication of information, SB 272††
State boards, commissions and similar bodies, appointments by Governor to represent diversity of State, public policy, procedure, SB 210††
Insurance coverage for medical services, requirements, SB 439*
Minors, express consent for examination, treatment and prevention services, SB 172*
Dental services performed on livestock, exemption from laws regulating veterinarians, SB 229D
Annual compensation, increase, AB 529
Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, sharing of information, SB 2*
Eviction, process and removal of tenants, SB 335†, AB 340††
Medical cannabis, cultivating, growing or producing by holders of registry identification cards, duties, AB 240D
Missing persons from Indian reservation or colony, duties, notifications, AB 125*
Motor vehicles, removal from highway following citation for reckless driving, AB 408*
Nonresident bail agents, registration, SB 57*
Northern Nevada Regional Intelligence Center, agreements with county commissioners authorized, AB 117†
Polling places in county and city jails, duties, SB 162†
Support services, provision of services to, conditions for membership in employee organizations, SB 264†
Unused drugs, take-back bins for collection and destruction, duties, SB 183D
Licensing and regulation in larger counties, requirements, SB 92*
Task Force on Safe Sidewalk Vending, creation, SB 92*
Personal delivery devices, operation, penalties, SB 422*
Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are, representation, duties, AB 206*
Mental or physical examinations compelled by certain obligations, right to interpreter present, remedies for violations, AB 244*
Elections officials, dissemination of personal identifying information of officials, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 404†, SB 406*
Mail ballots, requests for replacement, requirements, SB 60†
Motor Vehicles, Department of, use of electronic signatures authorized for certain documents, SB 346*
Parentage, acknowledgment or denial of, requirements, AB 371††
Power of attorney, AB 414*
Secretary of State
Authentication of signature of notarial officer, fee, AB 433D
Signature verification services, appropriation, SB 484*
Supreme Court justices, digital or electronic signature, SB 63*
Animals on premises of public accommodation or on conveyances or public transportation, requirements, AB 87D
Electioneering, visibility of certain signs and notices prohibiting, requirements, AB 192*
Firearms dealers, notices regarding unlawful storage of firearms, SB 294*
Meetings of public agencies, posting of notices, AB 219*
Optical establishments, dispensing optician not physically present, posting of sign indicating, AB 415*
Public works, notice to workers regarding leaves of absence, AB 210†
Schools, video cameras installed in special education classrooms, requirements, SB 158
Special event advertising, exemptions from certain restrictions on commercial advertising, requirements, AB 426*
Unused drugs, take-back bins for collection and destruction, requirements, SB 183D
Firearms (See FIREARMS)
Possession or use, early discharge from probation prohibited, SB 86D
Membership, qualifications, AB 215*
Personalized prestige license plates, issuance, requirements, exemptions from parking fees, AB 203*
Board of Directors, compensation increased, SB 210††
Health information exchange, advisory group, membership, AB 7*
Immigration or citizenship status, enrollment regardless of, legislative declaration, SB 419†
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Sounding of by counties, cities, or towns, emergency, testing or holiday, SB 391*
Burden of proof to prevail on claim, AB 375D
Campaign speech, immunity for certain defamatory statements made during campaign, AB 375D
Motion to dismiss, remedies, AB 375D
Criminal punishment, use as, removal of language authorizing, constitutional amendment, AJR 10 of the 81st Session‡
Juneteenth Day, legal holiday, AB 31D, AB 140*
Personnel, Lieutenant Governor authorized to employ, funding, SB 24*
Sunset provision, removal, SB 24†
Business Opportunity Outreach Unit, creation, SB 185
“Microbusiness” defined, SB 185
Landlord actions for amount owed by tenant, requirements, representation of landlord by agent, SB 78††
Elections officials, dissemination of personal identifying information of officials, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 404†, SB 406*
Mail ballots, requirements, SB 230D, SB 405, AB 88D
Mail theft, acts constituting, penalties, AB 272†
Naprapaths, applicants for licensure, requirements, AB 153*
Board of Examiners for Social Workers (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Children with emotional disturbance, placement of child in facility, requirements, AB 148*
Cultural competency, continuing education, SB 365D, AB 267*
Gender dysphoria, treatment for conditions relating to, insurance coverage, SB 163†
Health Service Corps, Nevada, repayment of student loans, eligibility, AB 69
Opioid use disorder, medication-assisted treatment, consultations, AB 156*
Prisoners in solitary confinement, multidisciplinary teams, representation, SB 307*
Student social workers assigned to school district or schools for training purposes, compensation authorized, AB 323, AB 428*
Vulnerable Adult Fatality Review Committee, representation, AB 119*
Fund for Soil Health, creation, AB 109
Healthy Soils Initiative, creation, appropriation, AB 109
Soil Health Advisory Board, creation, AB 109
Distributed generation systems, agreements for purchase or lease, contractual requirements, disclosures, SB 293*
Solar installation companies, contracts, contents, requirements, SB 293*
Tax abatement for certain systems or facilities, SB 257*, SB 421D, AB 419D
Advanced recycling, definitions, SB 361D
Management systems, authority of smaller counties to impose sales and use tax to fund operations, AB 1
Post-use polymers and recovered feedstocks used in advanced recycling, plan for solid waste management not applicable to, SB 361D
“Solid waste” does not include post-use polymers and recovered feedstocks, SB 361D
“Solid waste management system” does not include advanced recycling, SB 361D
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, grants to promote, AB 131*
Appropriations, AB 507*
Appropriation, SB 246†
Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of, creation, authority, SB 431†
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Enactment, legislative findings and declaration, SB 509
“General Manager” defined, AB 220*
Installation and irrigation of new turf, requirements and restrictions, waiver, AB 220*
Irrigation water efficiency monitoring program, participation, requirements, extension or waiver, AB 220*
Safe drinking water, financial assistance, AB 20*
Septic systems, prohibitions on use, program to convert to municipal sewer system, AB 220*
Shortages declared by Federal Government, restrictions on use of water by single-family residences, AB 220*
Canvass of returns, duties deemed purely ministerial, actions to compel completion, charter amendment, SB 404†
Selection of more than one candidate on ballot, effect, charter amendment, SB 60†
Interstate 80, study of issues relating to traffic safety, collaboration, receipt of reports, AB 63D
Legislative measures, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Public notices of planning commissions, availability in certain languages, requirements, immunity from liability, AB 266*
Rental assistance for certain persons, appropriation, AB 396*
Washoe County school district trustees, appointment, procedures for filling vacancies, AB 175†
Advertising for event, exemption from certain restrictions on commercial advertising, requirements, AB 426*
Clark County, additional annual increases, effectuation, AB 359††
Establishment as independent nonprofit entity and expansion of programs, appropriation, SB 219
Legislative Auditor, books and information made available to, SB 219
Reports, SB 219
Gender-affirming services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 302††
License by endorsement, qualifications, SB 399D
Reproductive health care services, discipline of licensees prohibited, reciprocal licensing, SB 131*
Telehealth Act, Uniform, duties, AB 198†
Head injuries, chiropractic physicians authorized to evaluate and treat, requirements, AB 199D
Intercollegiate athletics (See INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS)
Interscholastic activities (See INTERSCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES)
Live entertainment tax, resales of admission, excise tax, imposition, SB 444
Major League Baseball Stadium Project, financing, SB 509
Special event advertising, exemptions from certain restrictions on commercial advertising, requirements, AB 426*
World Esports Day, Governor to proclaim annually, AB 82*
Youth sports
Biological sex, activities and events to be designated based upon, requirements, regulation, AB 374D
Prevention and treatment of head injuries, policy, procedures, SB 80*
Major League Baseball Stadium Project, financing, SB 509
Elections officials, dissemination of personal identifying information of officials, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 404†, SB 406*
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Protection orders
Child, orders for protection against
Admissions, representations or statements made during proceedings, admissibility, SB 382*
Appointment of attorney, removal of requirement, SB 382*
Court may authorize applicant to record communications with adverse party, AB 51†
Violation, effect of underlying crime on additional period of imprisonment, AB 51*
Attorney General, legal adviser on matters arising in agencies or departments, determination, effect, SB 34*
Authorized expenditures legislation, contents, SB 504*
Budget Act, State, “adjusted base budget” defined, AB 346*
Business Licensing Working Group, advice and technical assistance, AB 14D
Business Opportunity Outreach Unit, cooperation, SB 185
Business portal, state, participation, duties, AB 14†
Carson City, growth management in region, consultation, SB 81††
Construction of hospitals and medical buildings, private financing authorized, requirements, SB 226*
Governmental imposition of certain requirements or limitations, restrictions, remedies, vexatious litigants, AB 383††
Criminal history
Disqualification of applicants for license or certificate based on, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 363D
Regulatory bodies, applicant requests for review of criminal history, procedures, AB 503†
Demographic information, collection, requirements, AB 139*
Douglas County, growth management in region, consultation, SB 81††
Drones operated by, regulations, SB 11*, SB 398D
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, assistance to, AB 113
Education, Inspector General of, creation of Office, AB 149D
Emergency situations, use of water to extinguish fires, applicability of laws, AB 220*
Employee Savings Trust Program, Nevada, member of Board of Trustees, contracts with state agencies to obtain services authorized, SB 305*
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, services provided by Division, fees to be paid by state agencies, SB 446
Entrepreneurship, Office of, duties, AB 77*
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, creation, duties, AB 312
Environmental Justice, Commission on, creation, duties, AB 312†
Environmental justice study, collaboration in conduct of study, AB 71
Federal Assistance, Office of
Block grant or other discretionary grants, uses, AB 365D
Grant funding, distribution to counties by population, exceptions, AB 365D
Grants received or applied for, duty to inform Office, AB 365D
Firearms, enforcement of federal laws, prohibited acts, exceptions, AB 94D
Gender-affirming services, use of time or resources in furtherance of investigation or proceeding initiated in another state prohibited, SB 302††
Gifts or grants of property or services, acceptance, requirements, SB 431*, AB 383†
Grant acceptance and revision of work programs, requests for provisional approval, requirements, AB 361*
Health care cost growth benchmarks, collaboration among state agencies, AB 6
Historical markers, requests for, AB 46*
Homeless Persons’ Bill of Rights, right to equal treatment by agencies, SB 142D
Indian tribes, interactions with, tribal liaison, employment in classified service, duties, SB 94
Language access plans
Duties, reports, SB 373
Implementation, funding, AB 480*
Law enforcement dispatchers, collective bargaining, supplemental negotiations authorized, AB 211D
Lyon County, growth management in region, consultation, SB 81††
Model Employer Program, State as a, creation, SB 279*
Motor vehicles for purchase, preference given to certain vehicles, AB 26D, AB 262*
Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of, creation, SB 431*
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Officers and employees (See STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Overdose fatality reviews, authority of certain entities to conduct, requirements, AB 132†
Public Employees’ Retirement System
Increase in employers’ contributions, appropriation to cover requirements for 2023-2025 fiscal years, AB 498††
“Participating state agency” defined, AB 498††
Public Works Division, State, biennial cooperation with, SB 25*
Reproductive health care services, use of time or resources in furtherance of investigation or proceeding initiated in another state prohibited, SB 131*
Statewide Alert System, Committee for the, composition, AB 239*
Storey County, growth management in region, consultation, SB 81††
Temporary limited appointment of persons with disabilities, requirements, AB 79D
Washoe County, growth management in region, consultation, SB 81††
Work programs, requests for revisions, procedures, SB 431†, AB 527†
Board of Governors, appointments to Commission on Judicial Discipline, term limits, SB 62†
Judges licensed to practice law, jurisdiction, SB 62*
Authorized expenditures legislation, contents, SB 504*
Budget Act, State, “adjusted base budget” defined, AB 346*
Business Licensing Working Group, advice and technical assistance, AB 14D
Business portal, state, participation, duties, AB 14†
Compensation, Commission to Review, elimination, SB 431†
Credit Union Advisory Council, meetings, frequency, AB 239*
Criminal history
Disqualification of applicants for license or certificate based on, procedures, prohibited acts, AB 363D
Regulatory bodies, applicant requests for review of criminal history, procedures, AB 503†
Demographic information, collection, requirements, AB 139*
Diversity of State, appointments by Governor to represent, public policy, procedure, SB 210††
Drones operated by, regulations, SB 11*, SB 398D
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, assistance to, AB 113
Educational Technology, Commission on, elimination, duties transferred to Department of Education, SB 214*
Emergency situations, use of water to extinguish fires, applicability of laws, AB 220*
Employee Misclassification, Task Force on, abolishment, SB 145*
Employee Savings Trust Program, Board of Trustees of the Nevada, creation, SB 305*
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, authority to inform boards and commissions regarding unauthorized acquisition of computerized information, AB 18*
Estate Tax Account for the Endowment of the University, Committee on the, composition, SB 347†
Family Engagement, Advisory Council for, submission of names of persons who are qualified for membership, AB 239*
Film, Media and Technology Education and Vocational Training, Board for Nevada, creation, SB 496
Financing Water Projects, Board for, members, qualifications, AB 20*
Geographic Names, Nevada State Board on, provision of per diem allowance and travel expenses, SB 77
Grant acceptance and revision of work programs, requests for provisional approval, requirements, AB 361*
Health Care Services, Independent Commission on Rates for, creation, AB 85
Indian tribes, interactions with, tribal liaison, employment by agency in classified service, duties, SB 94
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, creation, duties, SB 425*
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Commission, creation, duties, AB 409
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, elimination of Advisory Committee, SB 214*, SB 431†
Merit Award Board, administration of Merit Award Account, AB 239*
Midwives, Board of Licensed Certified Professional, creation, AB 386
Naprapathic Practice Advisory Board, creation, AB 153*
Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of, creation, SB 431*
Nevada Children’s Commission, creation, AB 412D
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Public Education Employee Working Conditions Task Force, creation, SB 47†
Public Employees’ Retirement System
Increase in employers’ contributions, appropriation to cover requirements for 2023-2025 fiscal years, AB 498††
“Participating state agency” defined, AB 498††
Public School Staff, Advisory Committee on the Safety and Well-Being of, creation, AB 72*
Soil Health Advisory Board, creation, AB 109
Southern Nevada Enterprise Community Board, appropriation, SB 246†
Virtual Early Childhood Advisory Council, creation, AB 348*
Wellness and the Prevention of Chronic Disease, Advisory Council on the State Program for, appointment of certain advisory group, authority removed, SB 214*, SB 431†
Wildlife Conservation Program, Board of the Nevada, creation, AB 349
Work programs, requests for revisions, procedures, SB 431†, AB 527†
Workforce Development Board, Governor’s, name change, AB 98*
Administrative assessments, temporary advances for assessments for misdemeanors, increase in maximum amount, duties, SB 58†
Bill draft requests, reduction in maximum number, AB 200
Campaign practices, candidates transitioning to office, reporting requirements, SB 60††
Capital improvements legislation, duties, AB 521
Computer hardware and associated software and equipment, appropriation, SB 461*
Critical Needs Fund, creation, duties, SB 68
Debt collection information technology system, appropriation, SB 460*
Education Stabilization Account, temporary advances, duties, AB 458
Employee Savings Trust, Board of Trustees of the Nevada, receipt of financial report, SB 305*
Film production, noninfrastructure transferable tax credits, receipt of notice, duties, SB 496
Financial Oversight of School Spending Committee, reports, duties, AB 395D
Gaming Control Board, Nevada, bad debt collection, duties, SB 14*
General appropriations legislation, duties, SB 511*, AB 520††
General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, SB 504*
Governmental Services Tax, duties, SB 452*
Governor, Office of, designation of liaison, SB 431†
Heavy equipment rental tax, duties, SB 233
Homelessness Support Services Matching Account, creation, duties, AB 528*
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, duties, receipt of reports, AB 353D
Live entertainment tax, reimbursement of costs incurred by smaller counties, duties, SB 140
Motor vehicle fuel taxes, discount for Fiscal year 2023-2024, receipt of notification, duties, SB 502, AB 519*
Offenders’ Store fund, duties, SB 234†
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Senior Citizens’ Property Tax Assistance Account, creation, duties, SB 374D, SB 430
Stabilize the Operation of the State Government, Account to, deposits, duties, SB 431*
State Highway Fund, transfers of money, duties, SB 502, AB 519*
State Permanent School Fund, duties, AB 3*
Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Fund for, duties, SB 477*
Parcel datasets, duties, AB 177*
Critical management areas, modification or approval of perennial yield, requirements, SB 113*
Domestic wells, restrictions on withdrawals of groundwater, exception, SB 113*
Groundwater basins, duties, SB 112, SB 113*, SB 258†, AB 387D
Groundwater boards
Duties generally, SB 180
Establishment, authority to establish at request of county commissioners, SB 180
Groundwater management plans, duties, SB 113*
Science, consideration of best available science in rendering decisions concerning water sources, AB 387D
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Special assessments, money levied from, prohibited uses, SB 112
Water rights
Account for Purchasing and Retiring Water Rights, duties, SB 176†
Applications for permits to appropriate water rights, change use of or diver water, duties, SB 258*, AB 34*
Blank forms for proof of appropriation, inclusion in notice, AB 34*
Diversion of water, duties, SB 258*, AB 325D
Nevada Water Buy-Back Initiative
Advisory Committee, member, SB 176
Water rights purchased by, duty to retire, SB 176
Public notices, duties, AB 34*
Purchasing and Retiring Water Rights Program, duties, SB 176†
Renewable energy generation projects, duties, SB 258*
Right surveyors, appointment, qualifications, AB 19*
Temporary permits to appropriate groundwater, duties, AB 220*
Unappropriated water, determination, considerations, AB 387D
Underground waters
Hydrologically connected waters, appropriation of underground waters subject to, AB 387D
Withdrawals of groundwater, duties, AB 220†
Abandoned Property Trust Account, transfers from, AB 45*
Air Service Development Fund, Nevada, nonreversion of funds, appropriations, AB 58†, AB 429
Ambulances, air ambulances and vehicles of fire-fighting agencies, fees for permits, nonreversion, SB 445*
Anti-Domestic Terrorism Assistance Account, creation, appropriation, AB 117
Appropriations (See APPROPRIATIONS)
Baby Bonds Trust Fund, Nevada, creation, uses, appropriation, AB 28
Biomarker testing and precision medicine, research of, appropriation to Department of Health and Human Services, AB 155†
Broadband Infrastructure, Account for the Grant Program for, creation, SB 431†
“Adjusted base budget” defined, AB 346*
Proposed executive budget, education funding, AB 459
Proposed state budget, calculation of reserve, requirements, AB 527*
Work programs for fiscal year, revision, monetary threshold, SB 431*
Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program, Account for the, eligibility of tribal governments to receive money, AB 19*
Clean Trucks and Buses, Account for, creation, AB 184*
Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, sources, SB 233, AB 521
Consumer Protection Administrative Account, deposits, AB 320D
Contingency Account
Appropriation, SB 453*
Critical Needs Fund, creation, SB 68
Cultural Account, Nevada, expenditures to improve health outcomes through arts and humanities, AB 338
Data Collector Registry Account, Commercial, creation, AB 421D
Emergency Assistance Account, expenditures, use, SB 5*, SB 168D
Employee Savings Trust Administrative Fund, Nevada, creation, deposits, use, SB 305*
Endowment Account, uses, SB 499*
Film, Media and Technology Education and Vocational Training, Account for Nevada, creation, SB 496
Foreclosure Mediation Assistance, Account for, repeal of provisions, AB 513
Forest Fire Suppression budget account, audit, SB 480*
Gem Theater, Friends of, appropriation to restore Theater, SB 101
Graduate Medical Education Grant Program, Account for, creation, SB 350*
Health Care Quality and Access, Account to Improve, uses, SB 435*
Health Care Quality and Access for Patients of Certain Providers, Account to Improve, creation, AB 197
Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, sources, uses, AB 130*, AB 294D
Heavy Equipment Rental Tax Account, creation, SB 233
Highway Fund, State
Sources, SB 452*, SB 502, AB 498††, AB 519*
State General Fund, transfers of money, SB 502, AB 519*
Homelessness Support Services Matching Account, creation, appropriation, AB 528*
Improving Access to State Museums for Persons with Disabilities, Account for, creation, AB 252*
Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching Account, creation, AB 323†
Information Services, Fund for, uses, SB 446
Infrastructure Bank Fund, Nevada State, appropriation, SB 509
Inspector General, Fund for the Office of, creation, AB 353D
Judicial Fund, creation, SB 58†
Judicial Infrastructure Contingency Account, creation, SB 58†
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Fund, creation, AB 409
Knowledge Account, appropriation, AB 467
Legislative Fund (See LEGISLATURE)
Low-Income Housing, Account for, eligibility for assistance, SB 40*
Mental Health Services for Children, Account to Improve, creation, AB 445
Merit Award Account, creation, appropriation, AB 239*
Motorcycle Riders, Account for the Program for the Education of, sources, SB 423†
Municipal Bond Bank, Fund for the, removal of Account for Set-Aside Programs, AB 20*
National Atomic Testing Museum, relocation, appropriation, AB 80
Nevada Innovation Account, creation, sources, AB 41
Nevada Magazine, Fund for, elimination, SB 477*
Nevada Way Account, creation, sources, use, SB 431†
Offenders’ Release Fund, creation, SB 187D
Offenders’ Store fund, uses, SB 234†
Operation of the State Government, Account to Stabilize the, maximum balance authorized, SB 248D
Personnel Operating Fund, renamed Human Resources Operating Fund, SB 431*
Physician Recruitment Account, creation, appropriation, AB 393D
Pollution Control Account, sources, SB 49D
Prison Industries, Fund for New Construction of Facilities for, SB 187D, AB 243††
Products Made from Tobacco, Other than Cigarettes, Account for the, SB 95, SB 118†
Public health account, creation, administration, SB 118†
Real Estate Education, Research and Recovery Fund, minimum balance, requirements, SB 288D
Regional behavioral health policy boards, sources, AB 9D
Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account, SB 34*, AB 152*, AB 454*
Revolving Fund, Account for the, legislative findings, AB 20*
Securities Fraud, Fund for the Compensation of Victims of, creation, AB 67
Senior Citizens’ Property Tax Assistance Account, creation, SB 374D, SB 430
Set-Aside Programs, Account for, legislative findings, AB 20*
Silicosis, Diseases Related to Asbestos and Other Disabilities, Account for Pensions for, appropriation, SB 459*
Soil Health, Fund for, creation, AB 109
Stabilize the Operation of the State Government, Account to
Budget surplus, transfers to Account, SB 431†
Deposits, SB 431*
Maximum balance authorized, SB 248D, SB 431*
Reserves, estimates, duties of Economic Forum, SB 431†
Stale Claims Account, appropriation, AB 469*
Stewart Indian School, Account for the Protection and Rehabilitation of the, repeal, creation, use, AB 516*
Student Loan Repayment for Providers of Health Care in Underserved Communities Program, Account for, creation, use, sources, AB 45*
Supportive Housing Development Fund, Nevada, creation, appropriation, AB 310*
Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Fund for, creation, SB 477*
Treatment Works and the Implementation of Pollution Control Projects, Account to Finance the Construction of, entities eligible to receive assistance, AB 20*
Unemployment Compensation Fund, sources, SB 123D
Veterans Home Account, appropriations, AB 505*
Victims of Crime, Fund for the Compensation of, time limit to file certain applications, SB 89D
Virtual Currency Recovery Account, creation, use, SB 333D
Water Projects Loans, Fund for, creation of Account for Set-Aside Programs, AB 20*
Water Rights, Account for Purchasing and Retiring, creation, sources, use, SB 176
Wildlife Account, uses, AB 349†
Wildlife Conservation Program Account, Nevada, creation, AB 349
Wildlife Crossings Account, creation, AB 112*
Workforce Innovations for a New Nevada Account
Appropriation, AB 483*
Nonreversion of funds, AB 38
Construction, maintenance and repair
Contracts, payments, final inspections, limitations, SB 85*
Subcontractors, disbursement of money to, SB 85*
Special event advertising, exemptions from certain restrictions on commercial advertising, requirements, AB 426*
Wild mustang, designation as official state horse, SB 90D
East Ely Depot and Freight Barn, transfer, duties, SB 186D
East Ely Depot Museum, lease, duties, SB 186D
Nevada Water Buy-Back Initiative, Advisory Committee for the, member, SB 176
Digital products, exemptions from taxation, SB 396
Diversity of State, certain appointments by Governor to represent, public policy, procedure, SB 210††
State horse, designation, SB 90D
Annual leave
Periodic payout to employees, regulation, SB 431†
Use during first 6 months of employment, restriction eliminated, SB 431†
Working days to be carried over from year to year, number increased, SB 431†
Attorney General
Employees, salaries, appropriations, AB 522*
Representation of officers by special counsel, requirements, SB 34†
Classified service
Appointing authorities, powers and duties, prohibited acts, SB 431*, AB 337
Appointment without competition to fill positions, authority, SB 87*
Classification plan, requirements, SB 387*, SB 431*
Competitive examinations, repeal of certain requirements, SB 431*, AB 337
Eligible lists of persons for positions, repeal of provisions, SB 431*, AB 337
Family leave, provision to certain state employees, requirements, AB 376*
Human Resource Management, Division of, powers and duties, certain duties transferred, SB 431*, AB 337
Recruitment and evaluation of applicants, duties of appointing authorities, SB 431†, AB 337
Tribal liaison, employment in classified service, SB 94
Continuity of service, plan to encourage, establishment, administration, AB 522*
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, assistance to, AB 113
Employment contracts, prohibited acts, SB 431*
Finance, Office of, employees in unclassified service, overtime compensation, requirements, AB 451*
Individualized investigational treatments, prohibiting patient from accessing, prohibited acts, SB 283*
Judicial Department staff, employment, authority of Supreme Court, reports, SB 58*
Longevity pay, reestablishment, SB 253D, AB 337
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Parent or legal guardian of child, administrative leave to attend certain school meetings, SB 344D
Peace officers, applicability of laws pertaining to collective bargaining, SB 319††
Personnel System, renamed Human Resources System, SB 431*
Preferential employment, peace officers, exception, AB 30D
Retention incentives for State employees, appropriations, AB 268*, AB 522*
Appropriations, SB 440††, AB 522*
Limitation on amount removed, SB 431†
“Supervisory employees” defined, SB 166*
Temporary limited appointment of persons with disabilities, requirements, AB 79D
Training for state employees, appropriation to Office of Finance, SB 456*
Tribal liaison, employment by state agency in classified service, duties, SB 94
Unclassified service
Appointments, procedures, SB 431*, AB 337
Compensation, AB 522*
Human Resource Management, Division of, powers and duties, certain duties transferred, AB 337
Vulnerable persons, temporary orders for protection, immunity from liability, AB 254D
Whistleblowers, alleged violations, reprisals or retaliatory actions, time for filing appeals, AB 13*
Indian tribes, members
Annual permit for entering, camping and boating in parks, issuance without collection of administrative fee, AB 84†
Annual permit to enter state parks and recreation areas free of charge, establishment of program, appropriation, AB 84*
Valley of Fire State Park, appropriation for visitor center, SB 471*
Computer hardware and software, appropriation for replacement costs, authorized expenditures, SB 464*
Contracting for certain legal services, appropriation to cover costs, AB 518*
Death penalty cases, provision of estimate of representation to county, authority, AB 518*
Fees for services, collection from counties, SB 504*
Pretrial release hearings, provision of services to defendants, authority, stipend awarded under certain circumstances, SB 235*, AB 518*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Contracts and performance contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, Internet publication of information, SB 272††
Custom fabrication, payment of prevailing wage, requirements, AB 235††
Elections, purchase of ballots, authority of Secretary of State, appropriation, AB 192*
Trade secrets, confidentiality requirements, SB 237*
Guardianship of minors, provision of certain birth or death records, duties, SB 15D
Abandoned or unclaimed property, duties, AB 55*
Baby Bonds Program and Trust Fund, Nevada, powers and duties, AB 28
Bill draft requests, reduction in maximum number, AB 200
Clark County Stadium Authority, member ex officio, SB 509
COVID-19 Relief Programs budget account, payment of money to registered nonprofit organizations, duties, receipt of report, AB 526*
Education Fund, State, duties, SB 394†
Education savings account program, duties, appropriation, SB 200
Educational Choice, Account for, administration, SB 200
Employee Savings Trust Program, Board of Trustees of the Nevada, member, duties, appropriation, SB 305*
Endowment Account, duties, SB 499*
Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, payment of members, appropriation, SB 306
Foster care, individual development accounts, deposits, appropriation, SB 306
General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, SB 504*
Governor, Office of, designation of liaison, SB 431†
Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, duties, SB 4*
Homeless persons, establishment of matching funds program, receipt of certificates of eligibility, AB 528*
Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching Account, administration, AB 323†
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, duties, AB 353D
Investments of state money, negotiable instruments, AB 33*
Major League Baseball Stadium Project, duties, SB 509
Medical Examiners, Board of, proceeds from fines imposed by, duties, AB 318*
Motor vehicle fuel taxes, holders of bonds secured by, notice regarding 2023-2024 tax discount, requirements, SB 502, AB 519*
Nevada Grown Educator Account, creation, duties, AB 428*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank
Board of Directors, Chair, SB 10*
Establishment within Office of State Treasurer, SB 10*
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Special license plates, fees collected, duties, SB 164*
State Permanent School Fund
Investments, AB 33*
Receipt of reports, AB 3*
Student Loan Ombudsman, duties, AB 45*, AB 332*
Student Loan Repayment for Providers of Health Care in Underserved Communities Program, creation, duties, AB 45*
Teacher Academy College Pathway Program, tuition reimbursements, duties, AB 428*
Transforming Opportunities for Toddlers and Students Grant Program, administration, SB 287
Travel expenses, unanticipated shortfall, appropriation, SB 217
University of Nevada, Reno Foundation, distribution of certain fees, AB 151*
Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act, duties, SB 450*
Offenses involving, penalties, SB 86D
Growth management in County and region, reports, duties, SB 81††
Interstate 80, study of issues relating to traffic safety, collaboration, receipt of reports, AB 63D
Live entertainment tax for certain activities, reimbursement for costs incurred, SB 140
Real property, conveyances to clear title on property acquired from Federal Government, AB 143*
Solid waste management systems, authority to impose sales and use tax to fund operations, AB 1
State Public Defender, fees for services, SB 504*
Battery, definition of “strangulation” as it relates to, SB 412*
Domestic violence battery by strangulation, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, AB 257*
Telehealth, use of during forensic medical examination, AB 276*
Victims of crime, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, AB 257*
State professional employers and professional employees, prohibited acts, AB 224††
Registration, fees, SB 449*
Surety bond, requirements, SB 449*
Building codes (See BUILDING CODES)
Common-interest communities (See COMMON-INTEREST COMMUNITIES)
Final maps, requirements, procedures, AB 213*
Parcel maps, requirements, procedures, AB 213*
Tentative maps, requirements, procedures, AB 213*
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, grants to promote, AB 131*
Education, Inspector General of, authority, AB 149D
Ethics, Commission on, authority, AB 66D
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, authority, AB 353D
Opticians, Board of Dispensing, authority, AB 415*
Secretary of State, authority, SB 70D, SB 133††
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, resulting death does not constitute suicide, death certificates, SB 239††
School pupils, hotline telephone number to be included on school identification card, AB 135*
Surcharge to support, requirements, SB 237*, AB 466
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, SB 242
Simulation of summons, “domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, programs to counter, AB 117
Budget Division, overtime compensation for employees in unclassified service, AB 451*
Career Pathways Demonstration Program, expiration, AB 428*
Education, Commission on Professional Standards in, membership terms, expiration, AB 323, AB 428*
“Facility for the storage of energy from renewable generation,” purpose, expiration, SB 314††, AB 524*
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, pilot program, expiration, AB 422*
Film Studio Infrastructure Act, Nevada, SB 496
Heavy equipment rental property, expiration of tax, SB 233
Investigational treatment, investigational drugs, biological products or devices, access by certain patients, SB 283*
Metropolitan police department, imposition of additional property tax, removal of sunset, SB 400†
Midwives, certain provisions, expiration, AB 386
Offenders, telephone calls between offenders and family members, provision free of charge, expiration of pilot program, SB 234*
Opioid Task Force, Clark County Regional, expiration, AB 132*
Passenger carriers, taxes on, credits for certain vehicles powered by electricity, requirements, AB 427
Premium cigars, expiration of certain tax rates and credits, AB 232*
Renewable energy facilities, tax abatement, reports, expiration, SB 257*
Rural Northeaster Clark County Regional School District, creation, feasibility study, AB 420D
School Modernization, Commission on, expiration, SB 56D
Senior living facilities, HVAC system assessment requirements, AB 281††
Small Business Advocacy, Office of, removal of prospective expiration, SB 24†
Adult high school diploma, appropriation for courses of study, duties, SB 503*
Background investigations of applicants, duties, SB 38*, AB 503*
Budget approval process, committee to study, appointments, SB 329
Charter School Facilities Account, administration, SB 256
Conversion of public school to Department charter school, duties, SB 206D
Discipline of pupils, receipt of reports, duties, AB 285*, AB 330*
Economic Development, Board of, nonvoting member, AB 428*
Education Accountability, Subcommittee on, attendance at meetings, AB 399*
Educational technology, plan for use in public schools, duties, SB 214*
Emergency operations plans, receipt of reports, AB 43*
Family Engagement, Advisory Council for, submission of names of persons who are qualified for membership, AB 239*
Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, appointments, duties, AB 274*
Head injuries affecting pupils’ ability to engage in course work, policy on treatment, adoption, requirements, SB 80*
High school graduation, denial of pupil’s right to wear certain adornments, appeals, duties, AB 73*
Innovation and Excellence in Education, Commission on, member, duties, receipt of reports, SB 425*
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, reports, AB 353D
Instruction program for certain pupils, certain prohibited acts, violations, duties, AB 187D
Mental health consortium, statewide, appointments, AB 201†
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, creation, appointments, AB 164*
Provisional licenses, issuance, requirements, AB 323, AB 428*
Public Education Employee Working Conditions Task Force, receipt of reports, SB 47†
Public School Staff, Advisory Committee on the Safety and Well-Being of, member, AB 72*
Recruitment of teachers and other licensed educational personnel, development of strategic plan, requirements, AB 323, AB 428*
Rural Northeaster Clark County Regional School District, creation, duties, AB 420D
School Choice, Office of, creation, duties, AB 400*
School district trustees, background checks, duties, SB 65D
State Education Fund, unanticipated shortfall, powers, AB 523*
Statewide system of accountability, forms, duties, SB 98*
Summer school, plans for 2023 and 2024, reports, SB 340††
Teach Nevada Collaborative, duties, SB 438
Transportation plans of charter schools, approval, duties, AB 400†
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, membership, AB 36*
Work-based learning programs, approval, duties, AB 65*
Menstrual products, use of benefits to purchase, SB 161*, SJR 5‡
Naprapaths, child support obligations, AB 153*
Permanent support and maintenance, summary proceeding authorized, requirements, AB 227†
Administrative assessments, appropriations for support or operation of Court to be reduced based on assessments, repeal of provisions, SB 58†, SB 448*
Bill draft requests, reduction in maximum number, AB 200
Clerk, employment of deputies, duties, SB 58*
Commission on Judicial Discipline, appointments to, term limits, SB 62†
Disqualification of certain judges for bias or prejudice, procedures, SB 63*
Electronic filing, storage and reproduction of documents, SB 63*
Exhibits, destruction by Clerk, repeal of provision, SB 63*
Foreclosure Mediation Program, duties, repeal of provisions, AB 513
Governor, Office of, liaison with Judicial Department, SB 431†
Health care providers, professional negligence, maximum amount of noneconomic damages that may be awarded to plaintiffs, publication on Internet, AB 404*
Judicial Department staff, employment of, authority, reports, SB 58*
Justices of the peace, required examination, duties, SB 354*
Law Library, repeal of provisions, SB 63*
Nonjudicial days, exceptions, SB 63*
Officers and employees, authority to employ, repeal of provisions, SB 63*
Prejudice or bias, grounds for disqualification of certain judges, SB 63*
Seals, regulations, repeal of provisions, SB 63*
Tribal customary adoption, rules, authority, AB 444*
Candidacy, filing requirements, SB 418*
Chief Justice, appointments made by
Court interpreters, committee to advise Court Administrator, SB 347†
Nevada Children’s Commission, AB 412D
Nevada Medal of Distinction, selection committee, AB 299*
Public Employees’ Retirement System
Increase in employers’ contributions, appropriation to cover requirements for 2023-2025 fiscal years, AB 498††
“Participating state agency” defined, AB 498††
Salary, prospective increase, appropriation, AB 16*
Signatures, digital or electronic, use, SB 63*
Telephone number of office, availability to public, SB 63*
Motorized surfboards, applicability of laws governing watercraft, SB 59*
Hospitals, agreements with Armed Forces of United States for provision of care, AB 311*
Prosecution, requirements, defenses, AB 291*
Environmental Improvement Program, issuance of bonds to carry out certain projects, use of accrued interest, AB 424*
Transportation, legislative resolution supporting Lake Tahoe Transportation Action Plan, certain transportation projects, ACR 5*
Optional room tax, remittance to, use, SB 213D
Employee salaries, appropriations, SB 440†, AB 522*
Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards, Office of, creation, authority, SB 431†
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Academic medical districts, tax abatements for certain businesses, receipt of notice, duties, AB 490
Digital products, retail sales, duties, SB 396
Health care industry, duties, regulations, SB 419†
Live entertainment tax, reimbursement of costs incurred by smaller counties, duties, SB 140
Mental health services to children, tax abatements to businesses providing, receipt of information, duties, AB 445
Petition for review of partial abatement, appeal of decision of county assessor, judicial review, AB 449†
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Academic medical districts, establishment, authority of participating entities, AB 490
Property tax, disposition of revenue from additional tax, SB 394†
Transportation and housing reinvestment zones, authority of governing bodies of municipalities to designate, requirements, AB 10D
Academic medical districts, tax abatements for certain businesses, receipt of notice, AB 490
Cannabis products, taxes on, duties, SB 402, AB 430*
Career and technical program tax credit organizations, selection, duties, SB 144
Carson City office, appropriation for relocation, SB 467*
Commerce tax (See also COMMERCE TAX)
Gross revenue threshold at which tax imposed, increase, calculation of tax rate, duties, appropriation, SB 193D, SB 502, AB 519*
Data collection, taxes on, duties, AB 421D
Diapers, tax exemption, duties, SB 428*
Digital products, retail sales, duties, SB 396
Employee misclassification, communication with certain agencies regarding, duties, SB 145*
Employee Savings Trust Program, Nevada, contracts with Board of Trustees to obtain services of office authorized, SB 305*
Employee training and attendance of conferences, appropriation, SB 489*
Film production, noninfrastructure transferable tax credits, duties, SB 496
Health care industry, duties, regulations, SB 419†
Heavy equipment rental tax, duties, appropriation, SB 233
Insurance Premium Tax, credits, duties, AB 385D
Internet website platform and certain equipment, appropriation, SB 489*
Live Entertainment Tax, duties, SB 140, SB 444
Mental health services to children, tax abatements to businesses providing, receipt of information, AB 445
Minerals, tax on net proceeds, duties, SB 124*
Modified business tax, credits, duties, SB 144, SB 220D, SB 278, SB 369, AB 205D, AB 385D, AB 445
Motor vehicle sales, cancellation, request for refund, AB 290*
National Guard, exemption from sales and use taxes for purchases by certain members and certain relatives, duties, SB 50*
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, duties, SB 220D, AB 385D
Real-time sales tax point-of-sale system, feasibility study and request for proposals, appropriation, SB 465
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Tobacco and tobacco products
Contraband tobacco products, civil penalty for certain violations, duties, AB 455*
Excise tax, distribution of proceeds, SB 95
Premium cigars, duties, AB 232*
Products Made from Tobacco, Other than Cigarettes, Account for the, duties, SB 118†
Unfunded mandates, study of mandates for which local governments made expenditures, duties, AB 5D
Unified Tax System, appropriation for related contract costs, SB 466*
TAXES AND TAXATION (See also EXCISE TAXES; specific taxes)
Cannabis license tax, use of money, authority of counties and incorporated cities, SB 277*
Diapers, tax exemption, SB 428*
Employee misclassifications to avoid employer’s obligations, agency communications and creation of task force to address, SB 145*
Home-based businesses, regulation by local governments, AB 314D
Major League Baseball Stadium Project, financing, pledge of proceeds from certain taxes, SB 509
Minerals, tax on net proceeds to be deposited in State Education Fund, requirements, SB 124*
Premium cigars, tax rate, credits, AB 232*
Growth and Infrastructure, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, study on laws administered by Authority, ACR 3
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Certificates of public convenience and necessity
Applications for, hearing, timeline for decision, SB 424D
Protest against the granting of, petition to intervene, prohibited acts, SB 424D
Passenger carriers, taxes on, credits for certain vehicles powered by electricity, requirements, AB 427
Creation, duties, SB 438
Teach Nevada Collaborative Account, creation, appropriation, SB 438
Education, State Board of, review of awards, report, AB 400*
Amount of scholarship, certain amount to be retained by State Board, AB 400*
Award of grants, order of priority, AB 400*
Students from university, college or other alternative licensure program, eligibility, AB 400*
Applications for membership, deadline for submissions, AB 243††
Name change, composition, duties, SB 71*
Members, appointment, AB 341D
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Definition, AB 147*
Dental hygienists, authority to practice teledentistry, requirements, AB 147*
Dental therapists, authority to practice teledentistry, requirements, AB 147*
Dentists, authority to practice teledentistry, requirements, AB 147*
Hospitals, provision to Medicaid recipients list of network providers of dental services, AB 147*
Schools and child care facilities, required to accept certain dental care services through teledentistry, AB 147†
Training for providers of dental care, requirements, AB 147*
Communication between health care providers, use of telehealth, AB 276*
Insurers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Optometric telemedicine, practice of, prohibited acts, AB 432*
Registration and regulation of providers, AB 198†
Sexual assault, forensic medical examination, use of telehealth, AB 276*
Strangulation, forensic medical examination, use of telehealth, AB 276*
Uniform Telehealth Act, adoption, AB 198†
Venue for civil actions, AB 198†
211 system for information and referrals, publication of information by schools, AB 245*
Broadband services (See BROADBAND SERVICES)
Court, holding by means of remote communication, SB 63*
Digital financial asset business activity, licensees to establish toll-free telephone line, SB 360D
Drug manufacturers, hotline regarding investigational treatments, SB 283*
Election irregularities, hotline to report, establishment, SB 325D, AB 326D
Elections, language interpretation or translation assistance, toll-free number to provide, establishment, requirements, AB 246††
Geofence, implementation within certain distance of medical facilities and health care providers prohibited, SB 370*
Guardianships, appointment of guardian, contents of petition, AB 381D
Industrial insurance, duty of insurer to accept collect calls from injured employees removed, SB 274*, AB 441
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, establishment of hotline, AB 353D
Judges and justices, office telephone number made available to public, SB 63*
Meetings of public agencies, requirements, AB 219*
Authorized use of telecommunications device, regulations, AB 35*
Communication services, provision free of charge, SB 414D
Disciplinary segregation, telephone access for offenders, requirements, SB 307*
Free telephone calls to family members, requirements, SB 234*
Telephone calls between offenders and family members, provision free of charge, pilot program, SB 234*
Peace officers, requests for confidentiality of personal information, AB 96D
Protection orders, court may authorize applicant to record communications with adverse party, AB 51†
Public education, waste, abuse or fraud, establishment of telephone number for persons to report, AB 517†
Scrap metal or utility property, theft, penalties, SB 86D
Suicide hotline
School pupils, hotline telephone number to be included on school identification card, AB 135*
Surcharge to support, SB 237*, AB 466
“Telecommunications device” includes certain tablets, AB 35*
Telehealth (See TELEHEALTH)
Traffic control, civil infraction citations, procedures, SB 104††
“Video service” defined, AB 146*
“Cable service” defined, AB 146*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, release of personal information to reporter or editorial employee, requirements, SB 6D
Other State Education Programs Account, funding for public broadcasting, SB 503*
Transferable tax credits for film or other productions (See FILM AND OTHER PRODUCTIONS, TRANSFERABLE TAX CREDITS)
“Video service” defined, AB 146*
World Esports Day, Governor to proclaim annually, AB 82*
Safety programs in workplaces, requirements, exemptions, SB 427D
“Act of terrorism” defined, AB 117
County commissioners, participation in and collaboration with intelligence centers in State, AB 117†
“Domestic terror activity” defined, investigation, programs to counter, AB 117
Gem Theater, appropriation to Friends of Gem Theater to restore, SB 101
Collecting for benefits without authority, penalties, SB 86D
Felony theft threshold reduced, SB 86D, SB 412†
Grand and petit larceny, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Joint tenancy, accounts held in, prosecution for theft of deposits or proceeds, SB 61*
Mail theft, acts constituting, penalties, AB 272*
Organized retail theft, Attorney General, duties, AB 50*
Scrap metal or utility property, theft, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Stolen property, offenses involving, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Election officials, interference with performance of duties, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 406*
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership of firearms restricted, SB 171††
Inspector General, Nevada Office of, threats against, penalties, AB 353D
North Las Vegas, City of, prohibited acts by certain officers, SB 246††
Tribal judges, threats against, penalties, AB 369
Exploitation of aged or vulnerable persons, notifications, delay of financial transactions, immunities, SB 355*
Independent Development Account Program, maximum value of matching funds, SB 306
Physical address of new depository institution, applications for license, requirements, SB 355*
Student loan servicers, laws inapplicable, AB 332*
New tire sales, recycling fee, overpayments, interest on, SB 29*
Arbitration provisions nonbinding upon insured claimants, AB 439††
“Real estate facilitator” defined, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 438D
Violations, penalties, AB 392D
Deputy Director, appointment, SB 477*
Fund for Tourism and Cultural Affairs, creation, duties, SB 477*
Indian Commission, Nevada, removal from Department, AB 516*
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Commission and Fund, creation, AB 409
Museums and History, Division of
Account for Improving Access to State Museums for Persons with Disabilities, creation, AB 252*
Accessibility of institutions by persons with disabilities, consultations, duties, AB 252*
Internet website, development and maintenance, requirements, duties, AB 252*
Computer hardware, software and related purchases, appropriation, SB 498*
Easy Ely Depot Museum, lease, requirements, SB 186D
Juneteenth Educational and Economic Commission, representation, AB 409
Nevada Magazine
Fund for the Nevada Magazine, elimination, SB 477*
Name change, SB 477*
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, membership, AB 429
Attendance at meetings, compensation increased, SB 210††
Ex officio, nonvoting members, elimination, SB 477*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Abandoned vehicles, satisfaction of liens, appraised value, authority to obtain unbranded title, AB 57*
Fees, restrictions on charging fees or certain costs, penalties, AB 303, AB 408*
Hardship tariff
Annual report, contents, AB 408*
Payment by vehicle owner incapable of paying normal rate charged for removal and storage, requirements, AB 303
Controlled-access highways, tow cars authorized on shoulder, AB 56*
Fees, AB 303
Hardship tariff, payment by vehicle owner incapable of paying normal rate charged for removal and storage, requirements, AB 303
Highways, removal of vehicles, procedures, AB 408*
Overtaking and passing on right, tow cars authorized on shoulder, AB 56*
Rates, lower than schedule or tariff, authority of operators, AB 408*
Tow car, vehicle connected to, applicability of provisions, AB 408†
State law and regulations supersede and preempt local ordinance or regulation, AB 418D
Advisory boards, election, applicability of laws, SB 19*
Cannabis establishments, relocation to new location under jurisdiction of different local government in smaller counties, requirements, SB 31D
Cannabis event, temporary, authority to charge fee for event, AB 253†
Citizens’ advisory councils, membership, SB 262††
Governmental imposition of certain requirements or limitations, restrictions, remedies, vexatious litigants, AB 383††
Demographic information, collection, requirements, AB 139*
Drones operated by, regulations, SB 11*, SB 398D
Early Childhood Systems, Office of, assistance to, AB 113
Economic boycotts, prohibition against entering into contracts with companies that engage in, SB 228D
Elections, town advisory boards, SB 262††
Employees, collective bargaining, provision of certain information, AB 172†
Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, study, consultations, SB 168D
Fire departments, operation in compliance with certain standards and regulations, SB 304D
Firearms, enforcement of federal laws, prohibited acts, exceptions, AB 94D
Historical markers, requests for, AB 46*
Home-based businesses, regulation, authority, restrictions, AB 314D
Marshals, “police officer” defined for the purpose of certain benefits and exemptions, AB 301
Microbusinesses, submission of proposals for or bids on contracts, procedures, SB 185
Motor vehicles, owned or operated by local governmental agency, use of nonflashing blue lights, AB 2*
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies donors, members or volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Representation of officers or employees, authority of chief legal officer, requirements, SB 34*
Siren, bell or alarm, sounding of, prohibited acts, SB 391*
Treatment Works and the Implementation of Pollution Control Projects, Account to Finance the Construction of, eligibility to receive assistance, AB 20*
Unfunded mandates, study of mandates for which local governments made expenditures, receipt of reports, AB 5D
Unincorporated Town Government Law
Clark County, formation of unincorporated towns, authority of board of commissioners, procedures, SB 19*
Town advisory boards, membership, SB 262††
Water systems, assumption of control, requirements, AB 220*
Alternative educational opportunities for pupils, participation in programs, SB 199D
Health insurance, living organ donors, discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Intoxicating liquors
“Special event” defined, SB 108D
Transport and sale of malt beverages, regulation, SB 108D
Life annuity, living organ donors, discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Life insurance, living organ donors, discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 132*
Unfair or deceptive trade practices
Health care facilities, deceptive statements regarding services prohibited, penalties, remedies, AB 418D
Legal services concerning prescription drugs or medical devices, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 179D
Biometric identifiers, violations, SB 370†
Consumer health data, violations by regulated entities and processors, SB 370*
Digital financial asset business activity, violations, SB 360D
Distributed generation systems, agreements for purchase or lease, disclosures, notices, SB 293*
Elderly persons, minors or persons with disabilities, deceptive trade practices directed toward, penalties increased, AB 373*
Electronic health records, certain actions undertaken in accordance with existing law are not unfair trade practices, SB 419††, AB 7*
Landlords, certain charges to tenants prohibited, AB 218†
Motor vehicle manufacturers, failure to compensate dealers fairly for warranty work or a recall service or repair, SB 303D
Multiple transactions involving fraud or deceit in course of enterprise or occupation, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Private education lenders, prohibited acts, AB 332*
Referenced drugs, selling or distributing at higher than maximum fair price, prohibited acts, AB 250††
Rent, processing payments for and collecting rent from tenants by a person, negligent or willful violations, AB 447D
Service agreements unlawfully tied to residential property, prohibited acts by service providers, SB 355*, AB 392D
Student loan services, prohibited acts, AB 332*
Travel insurance, marketing of blanket travel insurance as free, AB 216*
Goods having counterfeit trademark, Attorney General, duties, AB 50*
“Autocycle” defined, requirements for travel upon highways, SB 346*
Automated traffic enforcement systems in school zones or school crossing zones, authority, requirements, AB 93D
Civil infractions, procedures, development and implementation of uniform statewide citation, SB 104††
Contents of traffic citations, procedures, SB 104††
Motor vehicles
Certain violations, when issuance of citation permitted, SB 296D
Low-level traffic violations, removal of certain provisions, SB 296†
Controlled-access highways, vehicles authorized on shoulder, AB 56*
Daytime running lamps, lighted lamps and illuminating devices, use upon highways with one lane traveling in each direction, exception, SB 110*
Emergency vehicles and official vehicles of regulatory agencies
Nonflashing blue lights, use, duties of other drivers, AB 2*
Stopping, duties of other drivers, AB 56*
Fines, administrative assessments or fees
Uncollectible, when deemed, AB 369
Waiver or reduction, eligibility of certain defendants, procedures, AB 369
Home-based businesses, regulation by local governments, AB 314D
Interstate 80, study of issues relating to traffic safety, reports, AB 63D
Juvenile offenders, authority of court to order counseling or psychological treatment of child, SB 359†
Low-level traffic violation, definition, traffic stops, prohibited acts, SB 296†
Overtaking and passing on right, vehicles authorized on shoulder, AB 56*
Personal delivery devices, operation, requirements, penalties for violation, SB 422*
Railroad grade crossings, use of automated traffic enforcement systems, issuance of civil citations, AB 456†
Reckless driving (See RECKLESS DRIVING)
Right-of-way, emergency or official vehicles, AB 56*
“School zone” defined, repeal of provision, SB 296†
Stopping, emergency or official vehicles, duties of other drivers on paved shoulder, AB 56*
Trick driving displays, prohibited on public premises, AB 408*
Utility vehicles, operation on certain highways and streets, requirements, SB 338†
Violations generally
Arrest without warrant, when authorized, SB 104††
Civil infractions, citations, procedures, development and implementation of uniform statewide citation, SB 104††
“Community service” defined, requirements, AB 369
Driver’s licenses, suspension or denial for nonpayment of assessments, fees, fines or restitution, removal of court’s authority, SB 104††
Indigent, circumstances under which defendant presumed, applicability, effect, AB 369
Juvenile court, jurisdiction, SB 104††
Ordinances to impose civil penalty instead of criminal sanction, SB 104††
Prosecuting attorneys
Election to treat misdemeanor offenses as civil infractions, authority, procedures, SB 104††
Immunity from liability, SB 104††
Liens, satisfaction, requirements, AB 57*
Persons engaged in the business of money transmission, licensure and regulation, AB 21*
Tax increment areas, authority of governing bodies of municipalities to designate, requirements, AB 10D
Computer hardware and software, appropriation, SB 491*
Growth and Infrastructure, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, study on laws administered by Authority, ACR 3
Hearings, application for certificate or permit, power of Authority to hold, SB 424D
Salaries of staff and employees, appropriations, SB 440†, AB 522*
Secretary of Commerce and Administration, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Tow car operators, regulations, AB 303, AB 408*
Credits for certain vehicles powered by electricity, requirements, AB 427
Common motor carriers, applicability of laws, SB 125D
Passenger carriers, taxes on, credits for certain vehicles powered by electricity, requirements, AB 427
Board of Directors, compensation of members increased, SB 210††
Carbon Reduction Program, apportionment of federal money to State, duties, AB 184*
Clean hydrogen, production, processing, delivery, storage and use of, duties, SB 451†
Clean Trucks and Buses Incentive Program, duties, AB 184*
Environmental Protection, Division of, agreements with, AB 184*
Garth F. Dull Building, naming of building containing department headquarters, AB 514
Highways (See also HIGHWAYS AND ROADS)
Public works, permits for use of law enforcement vehicles by contractors, permits, duties, SB 107*
Wildlife crossings, regulations, consultations with Department of Wildlife, AB 112*
Historical markers, duties, consultations, AB 46†
Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, part of Department, repeal of provision, SB 10*
Interstate 80, study of issues relating to traffic safety, duties, AB 63D
Nevada Shared Radio System, funding, AB 477*
Off-highway vehicles, designated use by Commission on Off-Highway Vehicles, duties, SB 338†
Railroads, duties, AB 456†
Regional transportation commissions, reports on turnkey procurement, receipt, AB 214†
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Wildlife Crossings Account, administration, duties, AB 112*
Competition, participation in, taking certain covered animals for prizes, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 102D
License or permit, requirement to have in possession while trapping removed, SB 141D
Professional negligence, limitation on recovery of damages repealed, AB 209D
Offenders, Medicaid coverage for certain services provided 90 days before scheduled release, AB 389*
Heat mitigation element in larger counties, inclusion in master plans, requirements, SB 169††
Owners of residential property, trimming or removing trees located on adjacent property, authority, liability, SB 198D
Urban and Community Forestry Program, creation, grants to promote, AB 131*
Commercially sexually exploited children, violation of local ordinance, restrictions on placement, AB 238D
Homeless persons charged or convicted, eligibility for diversionary and specialty court programs, assignment, SB 155*
Public utility, trespass upon infrastructure prohibited, penalties, AB 321*
Warning given by owner or occupant, time period, requirements, SB 412*
Aviation, Fund for, appropriation, AB 58*, AB 429
Digital financial asset business activity, requirements, SB 360D
Nevada College Savings Trust Fund, Endowment Account, uses, SB 499*
Change of status from revocable to nonrevocable trust, notice to beneficiary, SB 407*
Declaratory judgments, interested persons, authority to obtain, SB 407*
Distribution interests, classification, SB 407*
Employee Savings Trust, Nevada, creation, SB 305*
Health care records, provision of electronic records to trustees, charging of fee, restrictions, SB 283*
Incapacity of settlor or trustee, determination, requirements, SB 407*
Information concerning trusts, confidentiality of certain information, SB 407*
Pleadings and filings, confidentiality of certain information, SB 407*
Principal and income, liability of trustee or disinterested person, SB 407*
Protectors of trust, powers, SB 407*
Real estate investment trusts and qualified trust subsidiaries, commerce tax exemption removed, AB 345
Resales of admission, excise tax, imposition, SB 444
Appeals, procedures, SB 123D
“Base period” defined, SB 123D
Base-period employers, charges against, prohibited acts, SB 123D
Claims for benefits, establishment of computerized system for processing claims, appropriation, SB 123D
Eligibility, determinations by Administrator of Employment Security Division, requirements, SB 123D
Employee misclassifications to avoid employer’s obligations, agency communications and creation of task force to address, SB 145*
Extended benefits, eligibility, SB 123D
Ombudsman for Unemployment Benefits, Office of, creation, SB 123D
Battery-charged fences, authority of cities and counties to regulate, SB 208*
Behavioral health services for adults and children, AB 201†
Biomarker testing and precision medicine, insurance coverage, AB 155*
Commercially sexually exploited children and children at risk, training of certain persons having direct contact with children, AB 238D
Condoms, insurance coverage requirements, SB 439*
County officers, annual compensation, increases, AB 529
Demographic information, collection by governmental agencies, AB 139*
Ballot drop box, establishment within boundaries of Indian reservation or colony, SB 327*
Cyber-incident response plans, SB 60†
Elderly voters or voters with disabilities, voting booths and devices, requirements, AB 242††
Electronic transmission system, expenses, SB 60†
Jails, policies to ensure prisoners may vote, SB 162, AB 286*
Mechanical voting system, use, AB 242††
Petitions of candidacy, costs, AB 95D
Polling places
County and city jails and detention facilities, establishment, SB 162†, AB 286†
Indian reservation or colony, establishment of polling place and temporary branch polling place, SB 327*
Juvenile detention and treatment and rehabilitation facilities, AB 286†
Recount of votes, when required, procedures, SB 404†
Training of clerks and election board officers, AB 242††
Voting materials and other election information in certain languages, provision, AB 246††
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, certain services, AB 137*
Group insurance for public employees, coverage requirements
Biomarker testing, AB 155*
Breast cancer imaging tests, SB 330*
Contraception, certain services, SB 280*, AB 383†
Gender dysphoria, conditions relating to, SB 163†
Step therapy protocol, use with drugs to treat psychiatric condition, restrictions, SB 167*
Health care records, electronic maintenance, transmittal and exchange, SB 283*, AB 7*
Health information, costs associated with electronic maintenance, transmission and exchange, SB 419††
Heat mitigation element in larger counties, inclusion in master plans, SB 169††
Hepatitis C, drugs and treatment, coverage requirements, SB 439*
Historical markers, installation, maintenance and protection, AB 46†
HIV, drugs and treatment, coverage requirements, SB 439*
Hospitals, duty to provide assistance in care of patients following discharge, SB 385†
Housing authorities, inspection and repair of dwelling units of certain residents, duties, AB 333†
Industrial insurance, stress-related injury or disease arising out of and in course of employment, coverage, AB 410*
Jails and detention facilities
Gender identity or expression, treatment of prisoner in accordance with, AB 292†
Ombudsman, designation, powers and duties, AB 292†
Prenatal and postnatal care of prisoner, adoption of policy, AB 292†
Rights of prisoners, AB 292†
Visits between prisoners and appropriate friends and other persons, adoption of policy, AB 292†
Jurors, fee for attendance increased, SB 222*
Las Vegas, City of, workforce development program, establishment, SB 246††
Local government improvements, lease, lease-purchase or installment-purchase agreements, SB 226*
Local government purchasing, prevailing wage for custom fabrication, AB 235††
Local governments, proposed rules, workshops to solicit comments, SB 261*
Medical facilities and health care providers, visitation policies, AB 234D
Medication-assisted treatment for alcohol and other substance use disorders, insurance coverage, AB 156*
North Las Vegas, City of
Diversity study, SB 184D
Workforce development program, establishment, SB 246††
Nye County, county commissioners, annual salary, SB 51D
Opioid Task Force, Clark County Regional, creation, AB 132*
Opioid use disorder, insurance coverage requirements, SB 439*
Parent or legal guardian, administrative leave to attend certain school meetings, SB 344†
Pharmacists, services provided to officers and employees, coverage requirements, SB 201
“Police officer” defined for the purposes of certain benefits and exemptions, expenses relating to, AB 301
Polling places (See Elections, this heading)
Public works, SB 226*, AB 235††
Railroad crossings, automated traffic enforcement systems, installation, AB 456†
Rates for Health Care Services, Independent Commission on, costs relating to rates fixed by Commission, AB 85
Regional transportation commissions, costs relating to use of audio or video recordings, AB 214*
Safety programs in workplaces, training programs, SB 427D
Schools and school districts
Accountability reports, contents, pupil achievement among certain pupils, AB 339D
Alternative educational opportunities for pupils, development of programs, SB 199D
Attendance, outside zone of, application process, AB 400†, AB 497
Career and technical education, program for pupils who wish to become teachers, AB 400†
College and career readiness assessments, administration, AB 247D
Courses of study, mandatory offerings for high school diploma, AB 241*
Department charter schools, requirements, SB 206D
Economic coursework to include financial literacy, AB 274*
Examinations and assessments of pupils, limitation on time taken to conduct or prepare for, AB 296
Federal visa holders employed as teachers, duties of employing districts, AB 308D
Head injury of pupil, prevention and treatment, requirements, SB 80*
Learning materials, publication on certain school websites, SB 295D
Limited proficiency in English, certain pupils with, policy, rights of parent or guardian, data collection, AB 352D
Military children, transfer because of documented pending military transfer of parent or guardian, AB 185*
Minimum units of credit required for high school diploma, regulations, AB 228
Parent or legal guardian, administrative leave to attend certain school meetings, SB 344†
Power-based violence, memorandum of understanding with certain organizations that assist victims, AB 245*
Pupil-teacher ratios, requirements, AB 42, AB 335D
Restorative discipline of pupils, plan for, AB 330*
Sexual misconduct, memorandum of understanding with certain organizations that assist victims, AB 245†
Substitute teachers, monthly subsidy to certain teachers for purchase of health insurance coverage, AB 282††
Summer school, plans for all grades during 2023 and 2024, SB 340††
Teacher Academy College Pathway Program, requirements, AB 428*
Trustees, appointment of additional members, SB 64D
Video cameras installed in special education classrooms, SB 158
Septic systems in Clark County, connection to community sewerage disposal systems, AB 220†
Sexually transmitted diseases, medical services relating to, coverage requirements, SB 439*
Strangulation, domestic battery by, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, AB 257*
Taxation, Department of, study of mandates for which local governments made expenditures, requirements, AB 5D
Telehealth, third-party payers, reimbursement for services, requirements, SB 119*
Tobacco, cessation of use, inclusion in coverage for group insurance for local officers and employees, AB 294D
Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act, relocation of residents, SB 450*
Common-Interest Ownership Act, repeal, SB 358D
Health Care Decisions Act, adoption, AB 414†
Parentage Act, adoption, AB 371††
Telehealth Act, adoption, AB 198†
Uniform Commercial Code (See UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE)
Conflicting laws, AB 231*
Electronic document of title, control, AB 231*
Funds transfers, security procedure, AB 231*
General definitions, AB 231*
Hybrid leases, definition, applicability of laws, AB 231*
Letters of credit
Choice of law, AB 231*
Formal requirements, AB 231*
Perfection of security interest in letter-of-credit rights, AB 231*
“Money” defined, AB 231*
Negotiable instruments
Definition, AB 231*
Discharge of obligations, AB 231*
Issue of instrument, AB 231*
Liability of parties, AB 231*
Sale of goods
Applicability of laws, hybrid transactions, AB 231*
Definitions, AB 231*
Secured transactions
Assignment of security interest, applicability of laws, AB 231*
Chattel paper, control, acknowledgment, jurisdiction, security interest, AB 231*
Collateral, security interest, after-acquired property, AB 231*
Controllable accounts or controllable payments intangible, AB 231*
Definitions, AB 231*
Deposit accounts, control, acknowledgement, AB 231*
Electronic money, control, acknowledgment, transfer, AB 231†
Electronic records, controllable, AB 231*
Enforceability of security interest, AB 231*
Liability of secured party, limitations, AB 231*
Notification before disposition of collateral, form, AB 231*
Perfection and priority of security interests, AB 231*
Secured party, rights and duties, AB 231*
Terminology changed from “authenticated” to “signed,” AB 231*
Choice of law, AB 231*
Control of security interest, acknowledgment, AB 231*
Definitions, AB 231*
Financial assets, AB 231*
Transitional provisions, AB 231*
Value, when given, AB 231*
“Uniformed-service voter” includes members of Space Force, SB 60†, AB 192*
Carbon Reduction Program, apportionment of federal money to State, requirements, AB 184*
Colorado River, protection and management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation urged to consider certain actions, SJR 3*
Counties, conveyance of real property acquired directly from Federal Government, procedures, AB 143*
Digital products, exemptions from taxation, requirements, SB 396
Federal reclamation projects, water rights acquired for use in, applicability of laws, AB 325D
Fish and Wildlife Service, representation, SB 77
Health and Human Services, U.S. Secretary of
Immigration or citizenship status, health insurance coverage, application for federal waiver, SB 419†
Medicaid, State Plan for, receipt of request to amend, SB 255D, AB 237†, AB 283*
Rural emergency hospital services, application for federal waiver to provide, AB 277*
Hospitals, agreements with Armed Forces of United States for provision of care by certain persons, AB 311*
Housing and Urban Development, certain agreements with Nevada Equal Rights Commission, SB 143
Indian Affairs, Bureau of, missing indigenous persons, notifications, AB 125*
Mail theft, acts constituting, penalties, AB 272*
Marijuana, urging of Congress to deschedule as schedule I substance, AJR 8*
National Popular Vote, Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by, constitutional amendment to enact, AJR 6*
Public lands (See also PUBLIC LANDS)
Replacement wells to divert water already appropriated, procedure, AB 91*
Transportation, Secretary of, provision of driving records, requirements, SB 66*
Veterans Affairs, Department of, resolution urging study concerning use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for veterans, AJR 1*
Yucca Mountain, Federal government urged to use Yucca Mountain for development of renewable energy, SJR 4D
150th anniversary of founding of UNR, issuance of special license plates, distribution and use of certain fees, AB 151*
Homeless persons charged or convicted, eligibility for diversionary and specialty court programs, assignment, SB 155*
Juvenile courts, authority to order counseling or psychological treatment of child, SB 359†
Public utility, damage to infrastructure prohibited, penalties, AB 321*
Academic medical districts, actions against, AB 490
Telehealth, services provided through, AB 198†
Adjutant General, duties, AB 36*
Adopt a Vet Dental Program, appropriation, SB 218
Behavioral health workforce development consortium, representation, AB 37*
Business associations, fees, exemption for veteran service organizations, AB 260*
Business license, waiver for honorably discharged veterans, exceptions, AB 306
Commodities, fees, exemption for veteran service organizations, AB 260*
Common-interest communities
Debt, collection of, voluntary disclosures, SB 175D
Foreclosure of lien, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 175D
Criminal defendants convicted of certain offenses, assignment to specialty court programs prohibited, SB 86D
Department of Veterans Services (See VETERANS SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF)
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, forms necessary for employee’s leave of absence, fees charged by health care providers limited, AB 437††
Governmental services tax exemption, surviving spouse of qualifying veteran, AB 295
Home Account, Veterans, appropriations, AB 505*
Housing, emergency assistance to women who are veterans, SB 363*
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Department of Veterans Affairs urged to study use for veterans, AJR 1*
K-9 Corps, appropriation, SB 178
Naprapaths, authority to ascertain veteran status, provision of certain information to veterans, AB 153*
Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, “impact qualified active low-income community business” defined, applicability of provisions, SB 240*
Nevada System of Higher Education, children of Purple Heart recipients waived from tuition and fees, requirements, AB 279*
Nevada Veterans Services Commission (See VETERANS SERVICES COMMISSION, NEVADA)
North Las Vegas, City of, diversity study, SB 184D
Occupational therapy, expedited license by endorsement, AB 343*
Optometry, licensing fees, AB 432*
Overdose Fatalities, Committee to Review, creation, representation, AB 132†
Personalized prestige license plates, issuance, requirements, exemptions from parking fees, AB 203*
Property tax
Exemptions, eligibility, SB 374D, AB 295
Persons 55 years of age or older, partial refunds, eligibility, SB 374D
Persons 66 years of age or older, partial refunds, eligibility, SB 430
Public works
Contractors’ use of women apprentices, requirements, AB 305†
Contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, Internet publication of information, SB 272††
Securities, fees, exemption for veteran service organizations, AB 260*
State and local purchasing and performance contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, Internet publication of information, SB 272††
State parks, annual permit to enter to enter state parks and recreation areas free of charge, establishment of program, appropriation, AB 84*
Surviving spouse, certain tax exemptions for spouse of qualifying veteran, SB 374D, AB 295
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, consideration in awarding grants and scholarships, AB 400*
Veterans service officers
Training, requirements, AB 44*
Volunteer programs, advocates of veterans in, removal of obligation to assist, AB 44*
Veterans services organizations
Business fees, exemption, AB 260*
Training of representatives, requirements, AB 44*
Women Veterans Advisory Committee (See WOMEN VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE)
Activities of the Council, report, contents, AB 36*
Adjutant General, receipt of report, contents, AB 36*
Fellowship program, removal of obligation to develop and administer, AB 36*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Activities of the Commission, report, contents, AB 36*
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Adopt a Vet Dental Program, appropriation, SB 218
Behavioral health workforce development consortium, membership, AB 37*
Computer hardware and software, appropriation, AB 505*
Deputy Director for Health and Wellness, change of title, AB 44*
Deputy Director for Programs and Services, change of title, AB 44*
Adjusted compensation, claims for, removal of obligation to assist veterans regarding, AB 44*
Psychedelic Medicines Working Group, creation, membership, SB 242
Training of veterans services officers and representatives of veterans services organizations, requirements, AB 44*
Volunteer program, advocates for veterans in, duty to assist, AB 44*
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, receipt of report, AB 36*
K-9 Corps, appropriation, SB 178
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Volunteer programs, advocates for veterans in, assistance by Director, AB 44*
Equines and livestock, dental services for, exemption from laws, SB 229D
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, Nevada Office, veterinary medicine, stipend for Nevada residents to earn degree, appropriation, SB 342*
2021 Session
Ethics in Government Law, Nevada, revision, AB 65 of the 81st Session
Housing discrimination laws, revision, SB 254 of the 81st Session
State Dental Officer and teledentistry, SB 391 of the 81st Session
Tourism improvement districts, revision of laws, AB 368 of the 81st Session
2023 Session
Abatement of taxes, new or expanded businesses, family and medical leave, SB 429††
Clark County, additional annual increases in fuel taxes, AB 359††
Collection agencies, payoff letters, certain notifications, requirements, AB 223††
Consumer fraud, referenced drugs sold or delivered, regulation, AB 250††
County commissioners, vacancies, process for filling, SB 20††
Ballots, counting to be performed only once, AB 394††
Voter challenges, early voting, count of returns, SB 404††
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patients, procedures, SB 239††
Children 14 years of age or older, possession or control, semiautomatic shotguns and centerfire rifles, AB 355††
Election sites, unfinished frame or receivers, restrictions, AB 354††
Hate crimes, definitions, purchase, possession or ownership restricted, SB 171††
Fluorescent lamps, prohibited sale or distribution, AB 144††
Gender-affirming health care services, discipline for providing prohibited, SB 302††
General appropriations legislation, AB 520††
Hospitals, employment of physicians, AB 11††
Keep Nevada Working Task Force, moved to Office of the Secretary of State, AB 366††
Land use planning, heat mitigation element in master plans, requirements, SB 169††
Landlord and tenant, rental agreements, limitations on rent increases, AB 298††
Legislative Fund, appropriation for anticipated building renovations and construction, AB 464††
Local government purchasing, prevailing wage for custom fabrication, AB 235††
Mental health, statewide consortium, establishment, powers and duties, AB 265††
Prescriptions, label or other affixed device, requirements, AB 251††
Presidential electors, creating or serving in false slate, penalties, SB 133††
Public works
Monorails and railroads, removal of exemption, SB 299††
Prevailing wages, SB 433††
Railroads, clearing of crossing, installation and use of wayside detector systems, AB 456††
Refrigerants, limitations on use, prohibited acts, AB 97††
School districts, summer school, plans for 2023 and 2024, requirements, SB 340††
School precincts, local, personnel, SB 148††, SB 251††
State boards, commissions and similar bodies, provisions relating to, SB 210††
Substitute teachers, subsidy to certain for purchase of health insurance coverage, AB 282††
Advocate of victim, “relevant training” defined, AB 48D, AB 51*
Confidential and privileged information, communications with advocate, AB 48D
Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Crime, time limit to file certain applications, SB 89D
Intimidation, victim to receive information and documents concerning case, SB 227D
Sex trafficking, including facilitating sex trafficking, compensation to certain victims, SB 389†
Sexual misconduct victims, services provided to, AB 245†
Strangulation, victims of domestic battery by, forensic medical examination, reimbursement of costs, AB 257*
“Victim’s advocate” defined, AB 48D, AB 51*
Victims under the age of 9 years, admissibility of defendant’s confession or statement, SB 173D
Definition, AB 146*
Automated traffic enforcement systems
Railroad grade crossings, use authorized, requirements, AB 456†
School zones, use authorized, requirements, AB 93D
Drones, operation by public agencies, prohibited acts, admissibility of photographs collected, SB 11*
Internal Audits, Division of, appropriation for equipment, AB 489*
Military, Office of the, appropriation for equipment, SB 476*
Pretrial release hearings, remote communication authorized, SB 235*
Regional transportation commissions, use of video recordings, requirements, AB 214*
Schools, video cameras installed in special education classrooms, requirements, confidentiality of recordings, SB 158
Electronic money, control, acknowledgment, transfer, AB 231*
Money transmission, regulation, AB 21*
Virtual currency businesses, regulation, prohibited acts, SB 333D
Virtual Currency Recovery Account, creation, use, SB 333D
Parentage, filings of acknowledgment or denial of, duties, AB 371††
Public Safety, Department of, certain data on veterans, receipt of report, AB 358D
Assault or battery committed upon certain volunteers for a health care facility, applicability of enhanced penalties, SB 289*
Children, entities providing services to, sexual conduct, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 121D
Nonprofit organizations, personal information that identifies volunteers, duties of governmental entities, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, AB 258††
Check or draft, issuance without sufficient money or credit, penalties, SB 86D, SB 412†
Employee misclassifications to avoid employer’s obligations, agency communications and creation of task force to address, SB 145*
Employer-integrated earned wage access services, licensing and regulation, SB 290*
Local government purchasing, prevailing wage for custom fabrication, AB 235††
Minimum wage
Community service, credit offered by courts toward payment of fines, requirements, SB 55*, SB 209D
Intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities, persons with, wage requirements, use of advocate at certain meetings authorized, AB 259*
Jobs and day training services
Plans to transition recipients to earning minimum wage, reports, AB 259*
Recipients, wage requirements, use of advocate at certain meetings authorized, AB 259*
Nonworking status, immediate payment of wages and compensation under certain circumstances, SB 147*
Prevailing wages (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Prisoners, employment, “living wage” defined, SB 187D
State purchasing, prevailing wage for custom fabrication, AB 235††
Appropriation, AB 507†
Prostitution or solicitation, authority of peace officers to make arrest with or without warrant, AB 145D
Traffic violations
Arrest without warrant, when authorized, SB 104††
Bench warrants, issuance for civil infractions prohibited, SB 104††
Vulnerable persons, authority of Aging and Disability Services Division to apply for, AB 254D
Adopted children with special needs, financial assistance to adoptive parents, funding for Washoe County Child Welfare budget account, AB 255*
Benches, shelters and transit stops, regional transportation commissions, advisory committee, SB 17D
Building codes, regulations of State Fire Marshal, applicability, AB 213†
Cannabis establishments, monopolistic practices, restriction to prevent, SB 33D
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, incentive pay program replaced with categorical grant program, SB 41
Growth management in County and region, reports, duties, SB 81††
Heat mitigation element, inclusion in master plans, requirements, SB 169††
Homelessness, development of strategic plan to address, requirements, AB 135†
Hospital closures, requirements, penalties, SB 348*
Interstate 80, study of issues relating to traffic safety, collaboration, receipt of reports, AB 63D
Mental health services to children, tax abatements to businesses providing, receipt of information, AB 445
Public notices of planning commissions, availability in certain languages, requirements, immunity from liability, AB 266*
Regional transportation commissions, advisory committees authorized, members, AB 214*
Registrar of voters in larger counties, office changed from appointed to elected office, term, SB 75D
School district trustees, appointment, SB 64D
Senior living facilities, HVAC systems, requirements, reports, AB 281††
Sidewalk vendors, licensing and regulation, requirements, SB 92*
Statewide mental health consortium, appointment of members by regional mental health consortium, duties, AB 265††
Performance audits, reports, AB 517*
Election and appointment, procedures for filling vacancies, AB 175†
Terms of office, AB 175†
Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program, grant eligibility, AB 19*
Consumptive water use and economic development, study, AB 261†
Drinking water
Financial assistance to municipalities and interstate agencies, AB 20*
Food establishments, provision to customer, requirements, AB 186D
Heat mitigation element in larger counties, inclusion in master plans, requirements, SB 169††
Emergency situations, use of water to extinguish fires, applicability of laws, AB 220*
Groundwater boards
Compensation, SB 180
Establishment, procedures, SB 180
Groundwater management plans, requirements, SB 113*
Mining operations, reclamation, surface water and groundwater affected, requirements, AB 313
“Pit lakes” defined, effect on water, reports, AB 313
Resource plans, development and maintenance, appropriation, SB 102
State Engineer (See STATE ENGINEER)
Underground waters, hydrologically connected waters, appropriation of underground waters subject to, AB 387D
Wells (See WELLS)
Wetlands in-lieu fee program, establishment, use and operation, SB 115*
Board members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Elections, canvass of votes, cause of action to compel completion, SB 404†
Local rules affecting businesses, SB 261*
Colorado River waters, irrigation water efficiency monitoring program, requirements, AB 220*
Nonfunctional turf, irrigation of turf on certain parcels of property, prohibited acts, AB 220*
“Supplier of water,” exclusions from definition, duties regarding conservation and incentive plans, AB 191*
Water usage, restrictions, authority of Southern Nevada Water Authority, AB 220*
WaterSense program, establishment of final product specifications, effect, AB 220*
Local rules affecting businesses, SB 261*
Environment, establishment of certain rights relating to, constitutional amendment, AJR 3D
Mining operations, plans for reclamation, permits, requirements, penalties, AB 313
Treatment Works and the Implementation of Pollution Control Projects, Account to Finance the Construction of, eligibility of municipalities and interstate agencies, AB 20*
Property tax abatement for certain systems or facilities, SB 257*, AB 419D
Financing Water Projects, Board for
Compensation of members increased, SB 210††
Qualifications of members, AB 20*
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Treatment Works and the Implementation of Pollution Control Projects, Account to Finance the Construction of, eligibility of municipalities and interstate agencies, AB 20*
Appropriation of public waters
Applications for permits
Diversion of water, requirements, SB 258*, AB 325D
Fees, AB 90D
Protests, filing requirements, AB 34†
Renewable energy generation projects, SB 258*
Temporary changes, notice, SB 258*, AB 90D
Fees of State Engineer, AB 90D
Replacement wells on public lands, procedures, AB 91*
Retired groundwater, appropriation prohibited, SB 176
Underground waters, existing rights, appropriation of underground waters subject to, AB 387D
Federal reclamation projects, water rights acquired for use in, applicability of laws, AB 325D
Maps, requirements, AB 34*, AB 325D
Marlette Lakes Water System, professional services and filing fees related to water rights, appropriation to State Public Works Division, AB 470*
Nevada Water Buy-Back Initiative, establishment, requirements, SB 176
Public notices, requirements, AB 34*
Purchasing and Retiring Water Rights, Account for, creation, sources, use, SB 176
Purchasing and Retiring Water Rights Program, establishment, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 176†
Right surveyors, appointment, qualifications, AB 19*
Drinking water, financial assistance to municipalities and interstate agencies, AB 20*
Governing bodies, assumption of control of water system, requirements, AB 220*
Marlette Lakes Water System, professional services and filing fees related to water rights, appropriation to State Public Works Division, AB 470*
Permits to operate, issuance, requirements, AB 220*
Installation and use, requirements, AB 456††
Highway Patrol Division, purchases, appropriations, AB 495*
Probation, early discharge prohibited for certain violations, SB 86D
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Domestic wells
Conservation domestic wells, drilling of well in certain groundwater basins, requirements, penalties, SB 258†
Plugging of well, requirements, AB 220*
Withdrawals of groundwater, restrictions on, exception, SB 113*
Replacement wells on public lands to divert water already appropriated, procedures, AB 91*
Election returns, canvass, duties deemed purely ministerial, district court to compel certain actions, charter amendment, SB 404†
Legislative measures, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Program Officer I position, appropriation, SB 342*
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Veterinary medicine, participants who receive stipend to participate in program to earn degree, requirements, appropriation, SB 342*
In-lieu fee program, establishment, use and operation, SB 115*
Peace officers, disclosures concerning unlawful performance of copyright work, SB 362*
State officers and employees, alleged violations, reprisals or retaliatory actions, time for filing appeals, AB 13*
School district, appropriation to construct elementary school, SB 100
Solid waste management systems, authority to impose sales and use tax to fund operations, AB 1
State Public Defender, fees for services, SB 504*
Menstrual products, use of benefits to purchase, SJR 5‡
Designation as official state horse, SB 90D
Antlers (See ANTLERS)
Big game mammal, discovery of carcass, report to Department, donation of antlers or horns, SB 312D
Board of the Nevada Wildlife Conservation Program, creation, AB 349
Competition, participation in, taking certain covered animals for prizes
Prohibited acts, penalties, AB 102D
Seizure of covered animal, AB 102D
Conservation Program, Nevada Wildlife, creation, AB 349
Control of wildlife, fur-bearing mammals doing damage, prohibited acts, AB 102D
Crossings Account, Wildlife, creation, appropriation, AB 112*
Definitions, AB 221
Hunting (See HUNTING)
Invertebrates, management, classification, designation as fully protected species, AB 221
Mining impacts on terrestrial and aquatic wildlife and habitat, reports, AB 313
Predatory wildlife, program for lethal removal of, considerations, AB 70*
Seizure of wildlife taken unlawfully, AB 102D
Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Federal Government urged to rename as E. R. Sans National Wildlife Refuge, SJR 2D
“State Wildlife Action Plan” defined, AB 221
Wildlife management activities, use of game tag application fees, AB 70*
Composition of Board, SB 224D
Hunting tags, transfers of, regulations, SB 311*
Invertebrates, management, AB 221
Members, compensation increased, SB 210††
Quorum, number of members constituting, SB 224D
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Wildlife Account, duties, AB 349†
Big game mammal, discovery of carcass, duties, SB 312D
Conservation Program, Nevada Wildlife, creation, duties, AB 349
Highways, wildlife crossings, duties, AB 112*
Invertebrates, management, AB 221
Mining impacts on terrestrial and aquatic wildlife and habitat, reports, AB 313
Outdoor Education Advisory Working Group, membership, AB 164*
Power-driven vessels, duties, SB 59†
Salaries of staff and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Energy, Environment and Public Works, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Seizure of wildlife taken unlawfully, AB 102D
Transportation, Department of, wildlife crossings, consultations, AB 112*
Wildlife Account, duties, AB 70†, AB 349
Declaratory judgments, interested persons, authority to obtain, SB 407*
Euthanasia drugs, self-administration by patient, conditional devises deemed void, SB 239††
Tax abatement for certain systems or facilities, SB 257*, AB 419D
Amount of wine sold each calendar year, requirements, SB 259*
“Cider” defined, amount authorized to be sold per calendar year, SB 259*
Selling of wine at location other than premises, requirements, SB 259*
Wine produced, blended or aged from fruit grown or honey produced in State, certain limits increased, regulations, SB 259*
Wineries issued wine-makers license, authority to sell at location in addition to premises, SB 259*
Confidential and privileged communications, “victim’s advocate” defined, AB 48D
Ethics, Commission on, authority of Executive Director to secure participation of subject as witness, AB 66D
Expert witnesses fees, maximum amount recoverable as costs increased, AB 76*
Informants, disclosures by prosecuting attorney to defendant, requirements, exceptions, AB 101*
Sexual offenses by person in position of authority, psychological or psychiatric examination of witness, exclusion of testimony, SB 38†
Breast cancer imaging tests, health insurance coverage, SB 330*
Business Opportunity Outreach Unit, award of contracts to small businesses, requirements, SB 185
Discrimination (See DISCRIMINATION)
Housing, emergency assistance to certain women, SB 363*
Indian tribes, women who are members, duties of tribal liaison, AB 125*
Intimidation, use of symbols of hate, penalties, SB 227D
Menstrual products, inclusion of purchase in certain public assistance programs, SB 161*, SJR 5‡
Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, “impact qualified active low-income community business” defined, applicability of provisions, SB 240*
North Las Vegas, City of, diversity study, SB 184D
Offenders (See PRISONS, STATE)
Pregnancy (See PREGNANCY)
Public works
Contractors’ use of apprentices, requirements, AB 305††
Contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, Internet publication of information, SB 272††
Reproductive health care (See REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICES)
Rights of incarcerated persons, AB 292†
State and local purchasing and performance contracts awarded during preceding fiscal year, Internet publication of information, SB 272††
State boards, commissions and similar bodies, appointments by Governor to represent diversity of State, public policy, procedure, SB 210††
Activities of the Committee, report, contents, AB 36*
Assistance to the Department of Veterans Services, removal of obligation, AB 36*
Director of the Department of Veterans Services, report, AB 36*
Outreach and education, duties, AB 36*
Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Apprenticeship Council, State, transfer to Department, designation of State Apprenticeship Agency, SB 431†
Creation, duties, SB 431†
Director, time for appointment, duties, SB 431†
Postsecondary Education, Commission on, transfer to Department, SB 431†
Private postsecondary educational institutions, administration of laws, SB 431†
Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, creation within Department, SB 431†
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Workforce Innovation Division, creation, SB 431†
Children’s Cabinet, appropriation, SB 263*
Las Vegas, City of, workforce development program, establishment, requirements, SB 246††
Local workforce development boards, membership to Governor’s Workforce Development Board, collaboration, AB 98*
North Las Vegas, City of, workforce development program, establishment, requirements, SB 246††
Workforce Innovations for a New Nevada Account
Appropriation, AB 483*
Nonreversion of funds, AB 38
Local workforce development boards, collaboration, AB 98*
Members, AB 98*
Regional development authorities, collaboration, AB 98*
Regional industry or sector partnerships, receipt of report, AB 98*
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Workforce Investment Board, Governor’s, name change, AB 98*
Career Pathways Demonstration Program, establishment, duties, reports, appropriation, AB 428*
Executive Director
Interagency Council on Veterans Affairs, membership, AB 36*
Title changed to Administrator, SB 431†
Name change, SB 431†
Salaries of officers and employees, maximum allowable, appropriation, AB 522*
Secretary of Education and Workforce, oversight and responsibility, SB 431†
Work-based learning opportunities outside of school, establishment of program, duties, AB 428*
Habeas corpus (See HABEAS CORPUS)
Injunctions (See INJUNCTIONS)
Regional transportation commissions, powers, SB 17D
Election returns, canvass, duties deemed purely ministerial, district court to compel certain actions, charter amendment, SB 404†
Legislative measures, additional measure to amend city charter, AB 104D
Renewable energy, Federal government urged to use Yucca Mountain for development, SJR 4D
Districts, design, considerations, AB 213†
Evaporative cooling mechanisms, prohibition on construction or use, authority of cities or counties, AB 97††
Home-based businesses, regulation by local governments, AB 314D
Manufactured homes, placement in residential neighborhood, standards, SB 40*
Refrigerants, limitations on use, prohibited acts, AB 97††