* Enrolled Bill
‡ Resolution Approved by Legislature
† Deleted by Amendment
D Bill Failed to Meet Deadline
†† Vetoed by Governor
The effective date of each bill and joint resolution is October 1
following its passage, unless otherwise prescribed
Drones, duties of peace officers, SB 234
Law enforcement agencies, disposition of property, procedures, AB 147*
Motor vehicles unattended on highway, bridge or causeway, removal procedures, SB 312*
Museums and History, Division of, duties regarding Indian property, SB 244*
Publication of certain information concerning, requirements, SB 10*
Residential property
Foreclosure, procedures continued, SB 267*
Registry, establishment, provisions continued, SB 267*
Sale of property, notification requirements, SB 10*
Veterans Services, Department of, transfers of abandoned or unclaimed property or artifacts, procedures, SB 70*
Warrants for payments to state officers and employees, time limit for cashing, procedures after time limit passed, AB 84D
Pregnant minors and wards
Consent of parent or guardian not required, SB 382D
Expedited procedures, SB 382D
Notification requirements, exceptions, penalty for violations, SB 382D
Physicians, conditions for performing abortion, duties, SB 382D
United States Supreme Court, nomination of justice who will protect women’s reproductive rights urged, AJR 8D
Aged persons (See AGED PERSONS)
Criminal proceedings, admissibility of evidence of intimate partner battering or traumatic bonding, AB 216D
Vulnerable persons (See DISABILITIES, PERSONS WITH)
American government courses, duties, SB 249*
Computer science and computer education and technology courses, duties, receipt of recommendations, SB 200*
Ethnic and diversity studies, duties, SB 107*
Financial literacy courses, duties, SB 249*
Sex education, duties, AB 348†
Employers, reports to Division of Industrial Relations, requirements, AB 54*
Motor vehicle crashes (See MOTOR VEHICLES)
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to sign immunization exemption statement, SB 227*
Notices to parents or guardians regarding non‑immunized exempt children attending facilities, AB 200D
Room tax, collection, duties, AB 294D
Attest services performed by accounting firms without office in State, exemption from registration requirement, SB 129D, AB 454†
Certificates or permits
Certified public accountants, requirements for certification, AB 454*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Nevada State Board of Accountancy
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Complaints, provision of records to other board or agency, AB 454*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Disciplinary process, removal of exemption from uniform provisions, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Nominations for membership, AB 454*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Qualifications for membership, AB 454*
Rules of professional conduct, duties, AB 454*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Registered public accountants, repeal of provisions related to, AB 454*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unlawful acts, penalty, orders to cease and desist, AB 454*
Adoption of children (See ADOPTION OF CHILDREN)
Animal abuser registry website, remedies for misuse of information, SB 405
Armed Forces members, remedies for violations involving contracts for certain services, AB 282*
Bail licensees and surety insurers, actions by or against, SB 18D
Bullying or cyber‑bullying, provisions not to be deemed to subject defendant to strict liability, SB 385D
Cemeteries, failure to maintain in orderly condition, remedies, AB 203*
Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 235*
Community‑based living arrangement services, recovery of civil penalties, SB 266
Comparative negligence, applicability of provisions, SB 431D
Construction defects (See CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS)
Consumer goods or services, prohibited acts by sellers or lessors, recovery of civil penalties, SB 185*
Filing of certain actions, requirements, SB 203†
Liability and indemnification of certain persons, SB 264D
Specified courts, authority of corporations to require certain actions to be brought in, SB 264D
Counties, determination of payments to other local governments for impact of certain projects, AB 153D
Court interpreters, appointment for persons with limited English proficiency, AB 125†
Damages (See DAMAGES)
Easements by prescription, limitations, AB 380*
Elections, disqualification for violation of residency requirements, SB 113D
Financial disclosure statement violations, recovery of civil penalties, AB 45†
Foreclosure sales involving servicemembers and dependents, damages, SB 33*
Foreign judgments, unlawful enforcement by creditors, remedies, SB 230*
Gaming Commission or Control Board, actions by or against, procedures, AB 513
Geolocation information, unlawful collection or disclosure, AB 313D
Hate crime committed against public safety personnel or spouse or child thereof, civil liability, AB 88D
Health care records, recovery of civil penalties imposed on custodians, SB 291†
Immunities from liability
Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of older or vulnerable persons, immunities restricted, SB 278D, SB 360*, AB 288*
Aging and Disability Services Division, SB 286*
Agriculture, State Department of, SB 405
Albuterol inhalers maintained at schools, AB 156
Anesthesiologist assistants, immunities during emergencies, SB 210D
Assisted suicide, certain health care professionals, SB 261
Autonomous vehicles and automated driving systems, certain manufacturers or developers, AB 69*
Canadian domestic‑violence protection orders, registration and enforcement, AB 146*
Child passenger safety technicians, SB 156†
Controlled substances tracking program, persons accessing, SB 59*
Deadly force against intruder, immunity removed, SB 254D
Dental Examiners of Nevada, Board of, review panels, SB 256*
Employers, self‑medication by employees, SB 265†
Ethics, Commission on, SB 84*
Financial institutions assisting Department of Taxation, AB 47D
Foster children participating in certain activities, standard for applying immunity to caregiver, SB 257*
Guardians, immunities regarding certain acts of wards, SB 158D
Health and Human Services, Department of, Internet publication of prescription drug reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Insurance, Commissioner of, AB 83*
Insurance producers, electronic notices or other documents, AB 455*
Internet sales, incidents at places designated for parties to meet to complete transaction, governmental immunities, AB 297*
Marriage, clergy or religious organization refusing to solemnize, AJR 2‡
Military artifacts, transfer, destruction or disposal, SB 70*
Opioid antagonists, pharmacists dispensing, AB 428†
Peer support counseling for law enforcement or public safety personnel, disclosure of privileged or confidential communications, AB 301*
Physician assistants, provision of voluntary medical services, AB 284D
Private schools
Employment applications, certain persons providing information about applicant, AB 362*
Self‑medication of pupils, SB 265††, SB 539*
Public records proceedings, officers and employees, AB 42D
Public schools
A+ schools, governing bodies and volunteer members, SB 430
Employment applications, certain persons providing information about applicant, AB 362*
Organizational teams, SB 119D
Reports of abuse or neglect, sexual conduct, luring or corporal punishment of child, SB 287*
Safe‑to‑Tell Program, team members, SB 212*
Regulatory bodies, independent contractors who participate in disciplinary process, AB 328†
Secretary of State, AB 476*
Solar installation companies, good faith actions regarding distributed generation systems, AB 405†
Indian burial sites, violations, SB 244†
Injunctions (See INJUNCTIONS)
Insurance companies, recovery of civil penalties against, AB 35*
Landlord and tenant
Emergency assistance, adverse actions based upon tenant’s request for, remedies, AB 133*
Summary eviction, sealing records relating to actions for, AB 107*
Victims of certain crimes, early termination of rental agreements, liability for landlord’s economic losses, AB 247*
Limitation of actions (See LIMITATION OF ACTIONS)
Limited‑liability companies
Liability and indemnification of certain persons, SB 264D
Series of members, power of companies to sue and be sued, SB 264D, AB 123*
Motor vehicles
Immobilization of motor vehicles parked in garage or structure of resort hotel, remedies of vehicle owner, SB 320*
Technology devices, remedies related to deceptive trade practices, SB 350*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, abolishment of certain actions against, SB 452*
Name change
Gender identity, name change to conform to, procedures, SB 110*
Unemancipated minors, procedures, AB 232*
National Guard members of other states, unlawful employment termination, remedies, AB 337*
Noncompetition covenants, actions to enforce, authority of court, AB 276*
Nonprobate transferees, procedure to impose liability for debts, AB 314*
Occupations, actions by natural persons regarding regulations, SB 330D
Pregnant Workers’ Fairness Act, remedies for violations, SB 253*
Recreation programs, seasonal or temporary, recovery of civil penalties for violations, AB 176*
Renewable energy
Solar installation companies installing, maintaining and operating distributed generation systems, immunities, AB 405†
Wholesale sales of electricity generated from renewable energy, actions regarding taxation, requirements, SB 336D
Schools (See also Immunities from liability, this heading)
Applicants for employment, certain actions brought by, requirements, AB 362*
Seat belt violations, admissibility of evidence, AB 338D
Stop‑sale or do‑not‑drive order vehicles, actions by new vehicle dealers to recover damages from vehicle manufacturers, AB 410*
Supported living arrangement services, recovery of civil penalties, SB 266
Ticket sales, remedies for violations, SB 235*
Traffic violations, civil penalties in lieu of criminal penalties, study, ACR 9‡
Venue (See VENUE)
Wage violations, remedies, SB 106††, SB 495D, SJR 6‡
Clark County Public Education Foundation, contract to implement and operate training programs, duties, appropriation, SB 155†
Director, member of Board of the Public Employees’ Benefits Program, SB 502*
Employee Benefits Division, creation, duties, operating budget, SB 80D
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, consultations, AB 471*
Mainframe hosting for Division of Child and Family Services, supplemental appropriation, SB 520
Statewide nonemergency information system, establishment, duties, AB 437
Telecommunications Advisory Council, creation, membership, SB 53*
Finance, Office of, transfer of certain duties, SB 22*
Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of
Mentorship programs, duties, AB 144*
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, assistance, duties, AB 214*
Staff, authority to employ, classification, AB 98*
State agency grants, duties, AB 98*
Human Resource Management, Division of
Interagency Council on Veterans Affairs, member, SB 58*
Unclassified employee salaries study committee, member, SCR 6‡
Criminal history of applicants for state employment, consideration, procedures, exceptions, remedies for violations, AB 384*
Overtime by Executive Department employees, reports, duties, SB 22*
Personnel Commission (See PERSONNEL COMMISSION)
Salaries of state employees, duties, AB 517*
Veteran Personnel Coordinator, appointment, duties, AB 309†
Veterans, duties of Division, reports, AB 309*
Warrants for payments to state officers and employees, time limit for cashing, procedures after time limit passed, AB 84D
Property acquired or leased by State, receipt of information, duties, SB 22*
Public Employees’ Benefits Program
Made part of Department, SB 80D, SB 502†
Quality Control Officer, appointment, classification, SB 502*
Public Employees’ Deferred Compensation Program, made part of Department, SB 80D, SB 502*
Public Works Division, State
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank Board of Directors, member, SB 517, AB 399†
Qualifications, AB 41*
Capital improvements legislation, duties, funding, SB 546*
Compliance and Code Enforcement Section, Deputy Administrator
Historic buildings, preservation and restoration pursuant to public‑private partnership, duties, AB 371*
Permits, authority to issue, SB 44*
Inspection of buildings and physical plant facilities, duties, SB 45*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, creation, duties, SB 517, AB 399†
Nevada System of Higher Education, provision of certain information, SB 317
Public Works Board (See PUBLIC WORKS BOARD, STATE)
Public Works‑Professional Services Section, qualifications of Deputy Administrator, AB 41*
Reports to Legislature, duties, SB 507
UNLV College of Engineering, Academic and Research Building, funding, duties, SB 553*
UNLV Medical School Building, funding, duties, SB 553*
Window replacement in certain state buildings, evaluation of alternatives, duties, AB 160*
Purchasing Division (See generally STATE PURCHASING)
Regulatory bodies, financial operation and administration, regulations, AB 328*
Risk Management Division
Appointment of Administrator, service at pleasure of Director, SB 80D, SB 502†
Classification of Administrator, SB 80D, SB 502†
Sexual assault forensic medical examinations, reimbursement of costs to counties, AB 55D, AB 97*
State Library, Archives and Public Records, Division of
Administrator, classification, AB 41*
Appropriation, SB 549*
Central Mailing Room, use by local governments and other governmental entities authorized, SB 38*
Local governments, records retention schedule, regulations, AB 479D
Register of Administrative Regulations, receipt and duty removed, AB 403††
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Victims of crime generally, duties regarding compensation, SB 22*
Women, Nevada Commission for, assistance, appropriation, AB 423*
Contested cases
Judicial review, procedures, SB 23D
Wildlife, Department of, decisions exempt from laws governing contested cases, AB 332D
Insurance Commissioner, exemption from laws for certain purposes, AB 83†
Regulations (See also specific agencies or officers)
Charter agencies, waiver or suspension of certain regulations, SB 4D
Charter school sponsors, actions not deemed to be regulation, AB 49†
Child support guidelines, review procedures, AB 278*
Community‑based living arrangement services, requirements, SB 266
Definition of regulation, AB 403††
Emergency regulations, requirements, AB 403††
Financial Institutions, Commissioner of, exemption from requirements, AB 279†
Joint Interim Standing Committees, receipt of copies, SB 507
Judicial review, repeal of certain provisions, AB 403††
Legislative intent of Administrative Procedure Act, declaration, AB 403††
Nevada Administrative Code (See NEVADA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE)
Occupations, right to practice free of substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Offenders’ access to videoconferencing equipment, requirements, AB 420†
Permanent regulations, procedures, SB 160*, AB 403†
Proposed regulations, procedures, AB 403††
Recreational marijuana sales, regulations regarding, requirements, SB 302†
Reinsurance, requirements regarding regulations, AB 83*
Supported living arrangement services, requirements, SB 266
Suspension or nullification by Legislative Commission, effect, AB 403††
Temporary regulations, procedure for review, AB 403†
Workshops held before public hearings, exception to requirements, SB 160*
State Public Charter School Authority, exemption from laws, AB 49†
Agreements for postadoptive contact, requirements, procedures, court fees, SB 274*
Driver’s licenses or identification cards, procedures regarding name changes, penalties, SB 215*
Education records, authority of child welfare agencies to request, effect of failure of school official to provide, AB 236*
False statements or documentary evidence in proceedings, civil penalties, AB 198D
Family medical leave for child placement
Tax credits to certain employers, requirements, AB 266†
Tax deductions for certain employers, requirements, AB 266
Independent review panels, establishment by district courts, duties, AB 198D
Order for adoptions, requirement, exception, AB 191*
Residency of petitioners, repeal of requirement, AB 191*
Termination of parental rights, procedures, SB 432*
Veterans advocate groups, establishment, duties, AB 198D
Visitation orders, procedures, penalty for noncompliance, SB 274*
Civil penalties for violations, procedures, maximum amount, SB 71*
Complaints, retaliation against person filing prohibited, penalty, SB 97
Authority to check vital signs, administer insulin and perform blood glucose test, regulations, SB 324*
Training and competency evaluation, requirements, study, AB 299*
Long‑Term Care Ombudsman, State, duties, SB 97
Medicaid, study of reimbursement rates for personal care services, SB 95
Mental illness or related condition, placement of persons with, certain considerations required, AB 46*
Rating of facilities, requirements, SB 482*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, SB 71*
Advanced practice registered nurses, duties relating to withholding or withdrawal of life‑sustaining treatment, penalties, SB 227*, AB 93D, AB 116D
Psychiatric care, advance directives authorized, SB 50*
Abandoned or unclaimed property, publication of certain information, SB 10*
Cosmetology services, requirements, AB 195*
Dentists, unprofessional conduct regarding advertisements, SB 334D
Document preparation services, prohibited contents, AB 324*
Legal advertisements, Internet publication authorized, restrictions and requirements, SB 218D
Marijuana establishments and medical marijuana establishments, restrictions on advertisements, SB 344*
Notaries public, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 148*
Public works, newspaper publication of ads for proposals, requirements, SB 246*
Reflexology or structural integration, requirements, penalties, AB 179*
State purchasing, Internet publication of advertisements, SB 39D
Ticket sales, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 235†
Touchdown structures, certain commercial advertising authorized, requirements, AB 68*
Continuation urged, SJR 8‡, AJR 9‡
Health care coverage under Act, continuation of current level of care if Act repealed, study, SB 394*
Insurance Commissioner, exemption from Administrative Procedure Act for certain purposes, AB 83†
State laws, alignment with provisions of Act, duties of insurers, SB 394†, AB 408††
Community solar gardens at locations that benefit low‑income customers, incentive payments, SB 392††
Housing Advocate, creation of position, duties, SB 500*
Housing Division, compilation of reports regarding affordable housing, duties, AB 464*
Internet service, assistance to low‑income households, requirements, AB 111
Las Vegas, funding of low‑income housing in redevelopment areas, AB 70*
Legislative study, SCR 1‡
Residential construction tax, inapplicable to low‑income housing, AB 120D
Solar energy systems and distributed generation systems at locations that benefit low‑income customers, incentive payments, SB 145*, SB 392††
Clinical trials, program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, requirements, AB 214*
Community Advocate for Elder Rights, authority to assist persons under age 60, AB 31*
Concealed firearms, permits to carry, eligibility of Armed Forces members or veterans, AB 118*
Drivers under age 18, use of cellular phones, prohibited acts, SB 216D
Gaming and related activities, minimum age for participation lowered, AB 86D
Guardianship proceedings, notices to wards age 14 or older, requirements, SB 158D, AB 130*
Insurance for dependent children, coverage to continue until child reaches 26 years of age, SB 394†, AB 408††
Juvenile detention facilities, verification of age upon release of child, requirements, SB 268†
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, membership, AB 472*
Mentorship programs, applicability, AB 144*
Minors (See MINORS)
Motorcycle instruction permits and driver’s licenses, issuance to certain persons, requirements, AB 261*
Prisoners, verification of age upon release, requirements, SB 268*
Public assistance, exemption from drug screening requirement, SB 298D
Pupils with disabilities
Eligibility to complete school year, upper age limit, SB 248
Standard high school diploma, requirements for receipt, AB 64*
Purchasers of certain products, use of certain cards to verify age, SB 399*, AB 162*, AB 415*
Residential confinement of offenders age 65 or older, requirements, SB 140††
State Ombudsman for Long‑Term Care, authority regarding persons under age 60, SB 123*
Unlawful employment practices, applicability of laws, prohibited acts, required findings, penalties, AB 178D
Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment
Anesthesiologist assistants, reporting duties, SB 210D
Attachment writs, fees restricted, SB 278D
Criminal penalties increased, SB 278D, SB 360*, AB 288*
Definitions, SB 360†
Immunity from civil or criminal liability, restrictions, SB 278D, SB 360*, AB 288*
Peer support specialists, reporting duties, AB 194D
Restitution to victims, procedures, creation of Account, appropriation, SB 278D
State Ombudsman for Long‑Term Care and personnel, reporting requirements, SB 123*
Affordable housing, study, SCR 1‡
Behavioral health and cognitive care, legislative study, SB 121*
Bills or joint resolutions, effect on certain persons, authority of Legislator to request disparate impact statements, procedures, AB 308D
Clinical trials, program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, requirements, AB 214*
Absent ballot for all future elections, requests by persons at least 65 years of age, authority, SB 447*
Accommodations for voters who are physically unable to wait in line, SB 117*
Polling places established for certain residential developments, exemption from requirements, establishment of temporary branch polling place, SB 492†
Frail elderly persons, study of Medicaid reimbursement rates for community‑based services, SB 96
Hunting, fishing and trapping licenses, fees, SB 511*
Long‑Term Care Ombudsman, State, duties, SB 97, SB 123*
Property taxes
Assistance to senior citizens, legislative study, SB 456
Senior and Disabled Taxpayers Protection Act, constitutional amendment to require adoption by Legislature, SJR 14‡
Transfer of base value of principal residence, SJR 13 of the 78th SessionD
Public assistance, exemption from drug screening requirement, SB 298D
Residential confinement of offenders age 65 or older, requirements, SB 140††
Specialist for the Rights of Elderly Persons, duties, name change, AB 31*
Alfalfa Seed Advisory Board, abolishment, AB 33*
Brokers, dealers, commission merchants and agents
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Garlic and Onion Growers’ Advisory Board, abolishment, AB 33*
Inspection and classification, right to engage in occupation, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Land use planning, authority to include urban agricultural element in master plan, SB 429*
Organic Agricultural Products, Advisory Council for, abolishment, AB 33*
Pest control, license exemption for farmers, requirements, AB 32*
School gardens for Title I schools, appropriation, requirements, SB 167*
State lands, fees for agricultural use, establishment by regulation, SB 512*
Urban agricultural zones, authority of cities and counties to establish, SB 429*
Alfalfa Seed Advisory Board, duties repealed, AB 33*
Garlic and Onion Growers’ Advisory Board, duties repealed, AB 33*
Organic Agricultural Products, Advisory Council for, duties repealed, AB 33*
Sheep, biennial report repealed, SB 12*
Washoe County, duties of Board regarding certain parcel of state land, appropriation, SB 340D
Alfalfa seed, duties, AB 33*
Animal abuser registry website, duties, SB 405
Breakfast After the Bell Program, duties, SB 3*
Dairy Commission, State, abolishment, duties transferred, AB 33*
Food safety, authority clarified, AB 33*
Garlic and onion growers, duties, AB 33*
Industrial hemp, licensing and regulation of growers, handlers and producers, SB 329, SB 396*
Organic Agricultural Products, Advisory Council for, duties repealed, AB 33*
Pest control, duties, AB 32*
Regulations, publication requirements, AB 33*
School gardens, appropriation for establishment, SB 167*
Testing of food for safety, authority clarified, AB 33*
Drug donation program, expansion to include additional drugs, SB 91*
Engine emission control (See ENGINE EMISSION CONTROL)
Smelters, expedited permit procedure, requirements, AB 289D
Vapor products, restrictions on indoor use, AB 450D
Creation, appropriation, SB 363
Drones (See DRONES)
Flood control project needs committees, airport representation, AB 375*
Fund for Aviation, appropriation, SB 528*
Game, hunters or hunting equipment, transport of, prohibited acts, requirements, SB 370*
Grant program to assist air carriers, creation, SB 363
McCarran Airport, renaming for Harry Reid, SB 174
Nevada Air Service Development Fund, creation, SB 363
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, AB 399*
Private airports, distribution of fuel tax proceeds to, procedure, SB 64*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448*
Tax abatements for aircraft and component industry, eligibility, SB 179
Analysis of costs, fees and processes of Board, duties, AB 457*
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Behavioral Health, Commission on, reports to, AB 457†
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Grievances, appeals, AB 457*
Health and Human Services, agreements with, AB 457*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Certified alcohol and drug abuse counselors, supervisory authority, regulations, AB 425*
Electronic supervision of interns working at remote sites, regulations, AB 457*
Legislative Committee on Health Care, reports to, AB 457*
Licenses or certificates
Application forms, requirements, regulations, AB 457*
Expedited action on applications upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Inactive status, certain holders of licenses or certificates, authorization, procedures, violations, AB 425*
Issuance by endorsement, procedures, SB 69*, SB 354†
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Requirements, administrative penalties, AB 425*
Medical marijuana, receipt of information regarding attending health care providers, duties, SB 228D
Behavioral Health, Commission on, concurrent membership prohibited, AB 457*
Orientation, requirement, AB 457*
Peer support specialists, regulation, AB 194D
Regulations, duties, review, SB 330D, AB 457*
Staff, adoption of policies concerning, AB 457*
Suicide prevention and awareness training, duties, AB 105*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Advisory committees on mental health and substance abuse issues, creation by ordinance, SB 487†
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, block grants for programs, funding, SB 379D
Fetal alcohol syndrome, duties of health care providers and child welfare agencies, SB 480*
Halfway houses or treatment facilities
Civil penalties for violations, procedures, maximum amount, SB 71*
Mental illness or related condition, placement of persons with, certain considerations required, AB 46*
Rates charged by certain group homes, legislative study, AB 343*
Rating of facilities, requirements, SB 482*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, SB 71*
Zoning, procedures relating to, inclusion as single‑family residence, SB 477*
Heroin‑assisted treatment pilot project, establishment, funding, SB 181
Increased Access to Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Account, creation, sources, use, SB 487†
Insurance coverage for treatment, payments to be made directly to health care provider, requirements, refunds, SB 262*
Juvenile detention facilities, screenings of children, requirements, AB 472*
Marijuana, funding of education and outreach to prevent abuse, SB 341
Medical marijuana account, use of certain money for programs, SB 329, SB 341, SB 379D, AB 422*
Account for the Treatment of Substance Abusers, creation, SB 181
Armed Forces members, treatment programs (See ARMED FORCES)
Clark County, coordination of certain care provided to prisoner while in custody and upon release, AB 421*
Corrections, Department of, appointment of Deputy Director for Substance Abuser Programs, SB 181
Local detention facilities, credits for completion of treatment program, SB 268*
Preprosecution diversion program for certain offenders, creation, AB 470*
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, AB 512*
Veterans, treatment programs (See VETERANS)
Western Nevada Regional Youth Center, appropriation for substance abuse treatment, AB 395*
Opioid addiction, use of medical marijuana authorized, SB 228D, SB 374††, SB 396†
Overdoses, reports by providers of health care, requirements, penalty for noncompliance, AB 474*
Public assistance, drug screening as precondition for receipt, SB 298D
School pupils, surveys regarding abuse, requirements, reports, SB 166
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Drug overdoses, reports, duties, penalty for noncompliance, AB 474*
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Insurance coverage for treatment provided, direct payment or reimbursement to provider, SB 262*
Locations at which interns provide services, electronic supervision, regulations, AB 457*
Supervision by certain certified alcohol and drug abuse counselors, AB 425*
Training, requirements, AB 425*
Licenses or certificates
Inactive status, certain holders of licenses or certificates, authorization, procedures, violation, AB 425*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354†
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Requirements, administrative penalties, AB 425*
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 228D, SB 374††, SB 396†
Documentation for certain patients to obtain, authority, SB 228D
Recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Suicide prevention and awareness, continuing education requirements, AB 105*
Advisory Board, abolishment, AB 33*
Research program, authority to prepare and present, AB 33*
Special assessment on growers, mandate to levy removed, AB 33*
Behavioral health and cognitive care, legislative study, SB 121*
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 136*
Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease, repeal of prospective expiration, SB 92*
Military education, training or occupational experience, statewide standards for awarding credit, consultation, SB 457*
Dual language immersion programs, study of inclusion, AB 139
Interpreters, Aging and Disability Services Division, duties, SB 443*
Family foster homes, repeal of certain requirements for possession of ammunition on premises, SB 307D
Orders for protection against high‑risk offenders, procedures, SB 387†
Advance practice registered nurses, authority to sign statement allowing pupil to self‑administer, SB 227*, AB 116D
Employees, authority to self‑administer, procedures, penalties, SB 265†
Private schools, authority of pupil to self‑administer, procedures, penalties, SB 265††, SB 539*
Determination of brain death, withholding or withdrawal of organ‑sustaining treatment, when prohibited, AB 424*
Public schools, instruction required in certain grades, SB 112*
Licensing and regulation, penalties for violations, SB 210D
Animal abuser registry website, establishment and use, requirements, penalties for certain violations, SB 405
Cruelly treated animals, limit on duration of lien for costs of shelter and care removed, SB 371†
Dangerous wild animals, powers and duties, AB 238D
Pet left unattended in motor vehicle, duties of animal control officer, immunity from liability, SB 409*
Bestiality, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 391*
Breeders, restrictions on selling dogs or cats, SB 405
Cats (See CATS)
Dogs (See DOGS)
Domestic wells, limitations on withdrawals, effect of withdrawals to water pets, SB 271D
High‑interest loan, term includes certain contracts for lease of animal, AB 163*
Impoundment of animals due to arrest of owner, procedures, recovery of costs by county, SB 371*
Livestock, watering (See LIVESTOCK)
Operators of commercial establishments engaged in selling animals, duties, prohibited acts, SB 405
Pets, leaving in unattended vehicle, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 409*
Police animals, penalties for mistreatment, AB 92D
Sale or lease of certain animals, prohibited acts, SB 185*
Trust Decanting Act, Uniform, applicability to animal trusts, AB 197D
Wildlife (See WILDLIFE)
Density of use of certain land, notice of hearing regarding changes, AB 48D
Prohibition on certain annexations by city, AB 48D
Damage to private land, issuance of hunting tags as compensation, SB 511*
School districts, statements regarding impact of proposed construction or development on, AB 120D
Towing of vehicles, conditions for real property owner to request, SB 320*
Abortion by pregnant wards or pregnant minors, expedited appeals, SB 382D
Establishment, procedure, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Legislative study of appropriateness, SCR 6‡
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority of judges to request, SB 79*
Contest of election, ineligible candidate barred from commencing duties, AB 389D
Election, placement of names on general election ballot, AB 226D
Parental rights termination, appeals from certain decisions, procedures, SB 432*
Printers, default to be set to print double‑sided, requirements when purchasing replacement printers, AB 264D
Medical marijuana establishments, apprenticeship program for agents, SB 416††
Public works, requirements, SB 357††
Reports to State Apprenticeship Council, requirements, penalty for noncompliance, SB 357††
State Director of Apprenticeship, redesignation, duties, SB 516*
State or local committees, termination of agreements, notices, SB 516*
Composition, SB 516*
Duties generally, SB 516*
Labor Commissioner, transfer of certain powers and duties to Office of Workforce Innovation, SB 516*
Meetings, SB 516*
Officers, SB 516*
Public works, total hours of labor required to be performed by apprentices, approval of regulations, SB 357††
Reports from apprenticeship programs, receipt, duties, SB 357††
State Director of Apprenticeship, redesignation, appointment, duties, SB 516*
Term limits for voting members, SB 516*
Workforce Innovation, Office of, Council made part of, SB 516†
Administration, Department of, SB 155†, AB 423*
Adopt a Vet Dental Program, SB 444*
Aging and Disability Services Division, SB 443†, SB 446, SB 531*
Agriculture, State Board of, SB 340D
Agriculture, State Department of, SB 167*
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, SB 363
Attorney General, AB 97*
Aviation, Fund for, SB 528*
Blind or Visually Impaired, Bureau of Services to Persons Who Are, AB 510*
Business and Industry, Department of, SB 373*, AB 509*
Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program, Account for the, SB 503*
Charter agencies, designation, effect, SB 4D
Child and Family Services, Division of (See HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF)
Child Care and Development, Program for, SB 455†
Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, SB 523, SB 535
Contingency Account, AB 499*
Corrections, Department of, SB 321, AB 493*, AB 505*
Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired, Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are, SB 481*
District courts, appropriations to judicial districts for various programs, AB 395*
Economic Development, Office of, SB 441
Education, State Board of, SB 548*
Eighth Judicial District Court, SB 445*, AB 395*
Electric vehicle charging stations, construction and installation, SB 418
Emergency Management, Division of, SB 529*, AB 495*, AB 498*
Examiners, State Board of, SB 368*, AB 517*
Family planning services, AB 397*
Finance, Office of, AB 504*
Fine arts museum in Las Vegas, establishment, SB 187*
Forestry, Division of, SB 524*, SB 537*
Foster Youth Account, Normalcy for, SB 257†
Gaming Control Board, Nevada, AB 506*
General appropriations legislation, AB 518*
Governor’s Portrait, Account for the, AB 500*
Guardianship Compliance Office, State, AB 130*
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, SB 530*, AB 374††, AB 494*
Highway Patrol, Nevada, SB 403, SB 525*, AB 507*
Historic Preservation, Office of, SB 244*
Huntridge Theater, Las Vegas, purchase and restoration, AB 371†
Hydrogen‑fueling stations, construction and installation, SB 418
Interim Finance Committee, SB 187*, SB 441, SB 553*, AB 417*, AB 488, AB 504*, AB 518*
Land Management, Revolving Account for, AB 489*
Legislative Fund, SB 1*, SB 451*, AB 501*, AB 518*
Local Government Employee‑Management Relations Board, AB 290†
Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, SB 543*
Meals on Wheels program, SB 446
Medicaid, AB 494*
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 144*
Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund, AB 511*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, AB 488, AB 497*
Museums and History, Division of, SB 244*
Nevada Main Street Program, AB 417*
Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, expansion, SB 187*
Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, SB 391*
Nevada State Museum, SB 244*
Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas, AB 520*
Nevada System of Higher Education
Evaluation of higher education programs, legislative study expenses, AB 446
Nevada Institute on Teaching and Educator Preparation, establishment, SB 548*
NevadaTeach Program, AB 522*
NV Grow Program, AB 94*
Offenders, pilot program of education and training, SB 306*
Pensions for Silicosis, Diseases Related to Asbestos and Other Disabilities, Account for, AB 502*
Prison Commissioners, Board of State, pilot program of education and training for certain offenders, SB 306*
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, SB 181, SB 192*, SB 532*, AB 388*, AB 397*
Public Safety, Department of, AB 507*, AB 508*
Public Works Division, State, SB 546*, SB 553*
Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account, AB 499*
Restitution to Certain Older Victims of Crime, Account for, SB 278D
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, SB 377*
Assessment tools and examinations, audit plan, SB 303*
Bullying Prevention Account, SB 544*
Buses, replacing or repowering to reduce engine emissions, SB 418
Competency‑based education, AB 110*
Computer science and computer education and technology courses, SB 200*
Dual language immersion programs, AB 139
Economics, funding to support instruction, SB 249*
Education Savings Account Program, SB 359D, SB 506
Educational Choice, Office of, SB 359D, SB 506
Educational leadership training programs, contract to implement and operate, SB 155*
Financial literacy, funding to support instruction, grants to smaller districts, SB 249*
Funding adjustments for certain categories of pupils, consultant to study, SB 178*
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, SB 544*
Human resource management information system for Clark County School District, disbursement account, SB 550*
Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel, Grant Fund for, SB 544*
Information technology, Washoe County School District, SB 550*
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, SB 190, SB 504D, SB 544*
Leadership Skills, Account for, SB 154
Limited English proficient pupils, programs for, SB 190, SB 504D, SB 544*
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 144*
New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, SB 178*
Other State Education Programs Account, SB 544*
Peer assistance and review of teachers program, SB 300*
Prekindergarten Improvement and Expansion Program, AB 186
Professional Development Programs Account, SB 544*
School gardens for Title I schools, SB 167*
Special Education Services, Contingency Account for, SB 544*
State Distributive School Account, SB 522*, SB 544*
Surveys of pupils regarding use of certain substances, SB 166
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, SB 544*
Teachers, financial incentives, SB 544*, AB 434*
Teachers’ School Supplies Reimbursement Account, SB 544*
Underperforming or Title I schools, financial incentives to teach at, AB 434*
Vehicles, Washoe County School District, SB 550*
Victory schools program, SB 544*
Zoom schools program, SB 190, SB 504D, SB 544*
Secretary of State, AB 496*, AB 503*, AB 519*
Sign language interpreters, Aging and Disability Services Division, SB 443†
Small Business Enterprise Loan Account, SB 126*
South Fork Dam, SB 514*
Stale Claims Account, AB 499*
State Lands, Division of, AB 371†
State Library, Archives and Public Records, Division of, SB 549*
State Parks, Division of, SB 536*
State Treasurer, SB 521
Substance Abusers, Account for the Treatment of, SB 181
Supreme Court, SB 377*, SB 527*, AB 130*
Transportation, Department of, SB 145†, AB 360D
Veterans Services, Department of, SB 444*, AB 521*
Vocational Rehabilitation, Bureau of, AB 510*
Water Resources, Division of, SB 514*
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, SB 455†, SB 533*
White Pine County, courthouse construction, AB 40
Women’s Health Connection Program, AB 388*
Workforce Innovations for a New Nevada Account, SB 441
Local government employee‑management relations
Amount of compensation and monetary benefits financially sustainable for local government employer, determinations, AB 290†
Financial ability to pay, exclusion of certain money from consideration, conditions, AB 290†
Long‑term care facilities, contracts for services, requirements regarding dispute resolution clauses, SB 360*, AB 288*
State employees, submission of grievances, procedures, SB 465
Certificates of registration
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Landscape architects (See LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS)
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Mechanics’ liens, authority, procedures, SB 423D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Issuance by endorsement, procedures, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Bail agents and solicitors, waiver of license renewal requirements, SB 18D
Charter schools, authority to reserve spaces for children of persons on active duty, AB 256D
Child care facilities, priority admissions for certain persons, SB 326*
Concealed firearms, eligibility of certain persons for permits to carry, AB 118*
Contracts for certain services, authority to terminate, suspend or reinstate, penalties for violations by service providers, AB 282*
Court reporters, issuance of temporary certificate to active members or their spouses, SB 406†
Criminal offenders, treatment programs
Authority of certain courts to establish, SB 449D, AB 56D, AB 286*, AB 426D
Conditional dismissal of certain charges, procedures, effect, AB 286*
Dismissal of certain charges, authority of prosecuting attorney, SB 280D
District courts, assumption of original jurisdiction, authority, SB 280D
Eligibility for and duration of assignment, AB 286*
Preprosecution diversion program for certain offenders, creation, AB 470*
Sealing of records of criminal proceedings, authority of certain courts, AB 286*
Supervision by Chief Parole and Probation Officer, SB 280D
Violation of term or condition, sanctions, AB 286*
Education savings accounts, eligibility to apply for establishment of account, SB 359D, SB 506
Educational personnel, waiver of licenses fees for members and spouses, AB 77*
Elections, requests for military‑overseas ballots, use, SB 144*
EMT certification, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 367D, AB 429†
Family medical leave for qualifying exigency
Tax credits to certain employers, requirements, AB 266†
Tax deductions for certain employers, requirements, AB 266
Food stamps, eligibility, duties of Department of Health and Human Services, SB 323*
Foreclosure sales involving servicemembers and dependents, procedures, SB 33*
Hunting, fishing and trapping licenses, fees, SB 511*
License plates, fees for reissuance, exemptions, SB 15*
Loans, emergency loan program for certain persons, establishment, AB 67D
National Guard (See NATIONAL GUARD)
Nevada System of Higher Education, exemptions from tuition charges, AB 24*
Occupations and professions, licensure by endorsement, SB 354D
Sexual orientation, assistance to be provided certain persons, SB 148*
Veterans (See VETERANS)
Animals impounded due to arrest of owner, procedures, recovery of costs by county, SB 371*
Bail (See BAIL)
Charter school teachers and administrators, duty to report arrests, tracking and monitoring of criminal case status, immunity from liability, AB 77*
Domestic violence battery perpetrators, when arrest may be made, SB 361*
Failure to appear, time for issuance of warrant for arrest, AB 38*
Unlawful stops, arrest pursuant to outstanding warrant, admissibility of evidence, SB 368†
Without warrant, time for filing complaint, AB 376††
Insurance, occupational disease coverage, AB 267*
Creation, duties, AB 331D
Event ticket sales (See TICKET SALES)
Financial Assistance, Committee to Award, creation, SB 187†
Museums in Las Vegas and Reno, appropriation, SB 187*
Preservation and promotion, establishment of plan, funding, advisory ballot question, SB 187†
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448†
Governor authorized and requested to proclaim, SB 175*
Anesthesiologist assistant, penalty for crime against, SB 210D
Civilian employee or volunteer of certain governmental entities, assault upon, penalties, AB 132*
Inspector General or employees, penalty for crime against, AB 404
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Authority of certain patients to request, immunities, penalties, SB 261
Advance practice registered nurses, authority to sign statement allowing pupil to self‑medicate, SB 227*, AB 116D
Employees, authority to self‑medicate, procedures, penalties, SB 265†
Private schools, authority of pupil to self‑medicate, procedures, penalties, SB 265††, SB 539*
Schools, maintenance and administration of inhalers, duties, AB 156
Adoption, AB 372*
Repeal, AB 372*
Board of Athletic Trainers
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Exemption for out‑of‑state licensees providing services to athletic team or organization, SB 292D, AB 454*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to clients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Armed Forces members in contracts for certain services, violations by service providers, duties, AB 282*
Athletes’ agents, investigation and prosecution, authorized disclosures of confidential information, AB 372*
Attorneys retained by AG, limit on contingent fee payments, SB 69*
Bill draft requests, limit on number, AB 189
Cigarette licensees, duties, receipt of reports, authority to share certain information, confidentiality, AB 62*
Clemency Board, appointments, SJR 1†
Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act, Uniform, adoption, duties, SB 328D
Common‑interest communities and condominium hotels, duties, transfer of Office of Ombudsman from Real Estate Division, SB 114
Compensation, establishment, procedure, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Competency of defendant, procedures, prohibitions, AB 377*
Construction and demolition waste, violations by franchisees, duties, SB 315†
Consumer goods or services, prohibited acts by sellers or lessors, recovery of civil penalties, SB 185*
Consumer Protection, Bureau of
Electric utilities, meetings regarding certain plans, SB 65*
Ticket sales, complaints relating to suspected violations, duties, SB 235†
County assessor records, authority to request personal information be kept confidential, SB 6D, SB 79*
Court reporters, duties removed, SB 406*
Criminal Justice Information Sharing, Advisory Committee on Nevada, repeal, SB 35*, SB 277*
Discovery in criminal proceedings, exculpatory or mitigating material, obligations of prosecutor, AB 356†, AB 376†
Domestic violence
Committee on Domestic Violence, duties, SB 25*, AB 464†
Fictitious address program for victims, duties transferred, SB 25*
Multidisciplinary teams to review death of victim, duties removed, SB 25*
Nevada Council for Prevention of Domestic Violence, abolishment, SB 25*
Education savings accounts, notice of misuse of money, SB 359D, SB 506
Elections, preelection actions challenging candidate’s qualifications, award of fees, AB 21†, AB 389D
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolished, AB 201D
Forfeitures in technological crimes, procedures, SB 358D
Gaming Commission or Control Board, duties, AB 513
Genetic marker analysis, postconviction petitions for, receipt of copy, SB 451†, AB 268†
Geolocation information, deceptive trade practices, duties, AB 313D
Gifts, prohibition on solicitation or acceptance, SB 30D
Habeas corpus proceedings, service of remittitur upon, SB 61D
Homeland security, duties regarding cybersecurity incidents, SB 395D
Inspector General, referral of cases, duties, AB 201D, AB 404
Forfeiture reports, SB 358D
Owners or operators of websites or online services, violations, duties, SB 538*
Interrogations of certain persons in custody, recording requirements, exceptions, AB 414
Involuntary servitude, petitions to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedures, AB 243*
Charge in criminal cases, requirements, AB 356*, AB 376†
Race of jurors, receipt of reports regarding, AB 207†
Local Government Lobbying Act, Nevada, duties, SB 380D
Marijuana convictions, notice regarding certain motions following, AB 259††, AB 345D
Medicaid fraud, duties, AB 53D
Medical records, access during investigations, requirements, AB 474*
Motor vehicle manufacturers, duties, AB 410*
Nevada Green Bank Program, duties, receipt of certain notice, SB 407†
Pardons Commissioners, State Board of, repeal, SJR 1†
Prostitution and Human Trafficking, Committee on, creation, duties, AB 260†
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Radiation therapy or radiologic imaging, violations, duties, SB 219
Recreation programs, seasonal or temporary, recovery of civil penalties for violations, AB 176*
Register of Administrative Regulations, receipt and duty removed, AB 403††
Regulatory bodies, prosecution of contested cases for, duties, AB 328*
Sanctuary ordinances, duties, SB 333D
Agreements regarding suspected abuse or sexual misconduct, violations regarding, recovery of civil penalties, AB 362*
Budget reports, receipt, AB 378D
Charter schools, violations by, duties, AB 49*
Employment applications, violations regarding, recovery of civil penalties, AB 362*
Notice of availability of accountability reports, repeal, SB 247*
Search warrant for property of attorney, issuance, procedures, AB 444*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, membership, duties, SB 451*
Sex trafficking, petitions to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedures, AB 243*
Sexual assault forensic evidence kits
Duties of prosecutors, SB 169†
Forensic laboratories, payments to reduce backlog of untested kits, appropriation, AB 97*
Tracking program, duties, AB 97*
Sick leave violations by certain private employers, duties, SB 196††, AB 394D
Subpoenas for persons or documents in criminal matters, authority of certain attorneys to issue, requirements, AB 356†, AB 376†
Ticket sales, deceptive trade practices, duties, SB 235†
Trust Decanting Act, Uniform, powers and duties, AB 197D
UNLV College of Engineering, Academic and Research Building, duties, SB 553*
Armed Forces members, remedies for violations involving contracts for certain services, AB 282*
Attorney General, attorneys retained by, limit on contingent fee payments, SB 69*
Community‑based living arrangement services, award of fees for violations, SB 266
Construction defect actions, recovery of fees by claimant, SB 450D, AB 462D
Consumer goods or services, prohibited acts by sellers or lessors, award of fees for violations, SB 185*
Contractors, award in actions for indebtedness for labor, SB 338*
Elections, preelection actions challenging candidate’s qualifications, AB 21†, AB 389D
Foreclosure sales involving servicemembers and dependents, award of fees for violations, SB 33*
Geolocation information, award of fees for violations, AB 313D
Guardianships (See GUARDIANS AND WARDS)
Landlord and tenant, adverse actions based upon tenant’s request for emergency assistance, AB 133*
National Guard members of other states, unlawful employment termination, remedies, AB 337*
Occupational and professional regulatory bodies, contingent fee agreements prohibited, SB 69*
Occupational diseases, contested claims, claimant as prevailing party, effect, AB 267†
Peace officers, award for defense against inadmissible evidence, SB 282†
Public records proceedings, immunities of officers and employees includes fees, AB 42D
Supported living arrangement services, award of fees for violations, SB 266
Unlawful employment practice, authority of Equal Rights Commission and district courts, SB 397††, AB 178D
Wage violations, recovery in actions regarding, SB 106††, SB 495D
Attorney General, attorneys retained by, limit on contingent fee payments, SB 69*
Child abuse or neglect proceedings, court‑appointed attorney to represent child required, SB 305*
Document preparation service, persons excluded as, AB 324*
Guardianships (See GUARDIANS AND WARDS)
Incompetent defendants committed to certain facilities, right to counsel during proceedings to extend commitment, AB 377*
Juvenile justice proceedings, powers, adoption of rules urged, AB 341*
Motor vehicle personal injury claims, duties of claimants’ attorneys, AB 419D
Occupational and professional regulatory bodies, contingent fee agreements prohibited, SB 69*
Purchasing Division, authority to appoint General Counsel, requirements, AB 477*
Regulatory bodies, restrictions and requirements related to employment or retention as legal counsel, SB 69*, AB 328*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Search warrant for property of attorney, issuance, procedures, AB 444*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, membership, SB 451*
Termination of parental rights
Court‑appointed attorney to represent certain children required, SB 305*
Electronic service of process authorized, SB 432*
Captive insurers, submission to Insurance Commissioner, requirements, AB 35*
Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, audits by, AB 26*
Cigarette licensees, authority of Department of Taxation, AB 62*
Community managers, annual financial audits of records, requirements, SB 195†
Cooperative extension programs, AB 407††
Economic development incentives, audit of certain recipients, SB 345D
Energy efficiency measures for state agencies, SCR 4
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolished, AB 201D
Executive Department agencies, audits of, procedures, SB 111D
Game tag fees for predatory wildlife programs and activities, use, AB 112D
Home Means Nevada, Inc., SB 490*
Incline Village GID, AB 349D
Inspector General, duties, AB 201D, AB 404
Internal Audits, Division of (See FINANCE, OFFICE OF)
Las Vegas Convention Center, audit of certain bond proceeds, AB 399*
Metropolitan police departments, disposition of property, audits of, AB 147*
Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, SB 550*
Nevada Promise Scholarship program, SB 391*
Regulatory bodies, requirements, AB 328*
Assessment tools and examinations, SB 303*
Charter schools, nonprofit organizations receiving grants to establish and operate, SB 544*
Clark County Public Education Foundation, Inc., SB 155*
Clark County School District, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 550*
Disabilities, pupils with, additional funding, SB 49†
Education savings accounts, SB 359D, SB 506
Washoe County School District, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D
Special districts, audit of financial records, petition for exemption, AB 134*
Surplus lines brokers, audit in lieu of examination, SB 209*
Aging and Disability Services Division, SB 531*
Blind and Visually Impaired, Bureau of Services to Persons Who Are, AB 510*
College Savings Plans of Nevada, Endowment Account, AB 475*
Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, SB 536*
Gaming Control Board, Nevada, AB 75*
General authorized expenditures legislation, SB 545*
General capital improvements legislation, SB 546*
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, SB 530*, AB 494*
Housing Division, SB 500*
Legislative Fund (See LEGISLATURE)
Merit Award Board, SB 72*, AB 467†
Museums and History, Division of, SB 244*
Nevada State Museum, SB 244*
School funds and accounts, SB 544*
State Parks, Division of, AB 490*
UNLV College of Engineering, Academic and Research Building, SB 553*
UNLV Medical School Building, SB 553*
Vocational Rehabilitation, Bureau of, AB 510*
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, SB 533*
Wildlife, Department of, SB 221
Aging and Disability Services Division, duties, SB 286*
Applied Behavior Analysis, Board of, creation, duties, SB 286*
Behavior technicians, redesignation as, SB 286†
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Prohibited acts, penalty, SB 286*
Registered behavior technicians, redesignation as, SB 286*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Autism Treatment Assistance Program, eligibility for services, AB 304*
Definition for purposes of certain laws, AB 304*
Developmental disabilities, replacement of terminology, effect, AB 224*
Early intervention agencies, services provided by, reimbursement by insurers required, AB 304*
Schools, policy against bullying and cyber‑bullying, requirements, SB 225*
Vocational rehabilitation services, reports of persons receiving, duties of Rehabilitation Division, AB 20*
Schools, public and private, courses of instruction in use made mandatory, AB 85*
Adoption, IP 1††
Licenses, requirements for issuance or reinstatement, fees, AB 60*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Total loss vehicle, determination of status as, considerations, AB 368D
Advanced automated vehicle systems, regulation, AB 68†
Network companies, regulation, taxation, AB 69*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, creation, funding of autonomous technology systems, SB 517, AB 399*
Operation and testing, regulation, penalties for violations, AB 69*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448*
Regional transportation commissions, authority to issue grants for promotion of autonomous technology, SB 149*
Private airports, distribution of tax proceeds to, procedure, SB 64*
Public buildings and facilities, requirements, AB 241*
Behavior analysts, interventionists and technicians, SB 286*
Child care facilities, SB 46*, SB 189*, AB 346*
Cosmetologists and massage therapists, duplication of licensing procedures, repeal of provisions, AB 179*
Election officials, requirements for certain persons, AB 389D
Employment agencies contracting with persons to provide nonmedical services related to personal care in the home, SB 388*
Foster care, duties of licensing authorities, SB 484D
Marijuana establishment license applicants, AB 422*
Pest control applicators, AB 32*
Psychiatric facility employees, SB 71*
Recreation programs, seasonal or temporary, AB 176*
School personnel or volunteers, SB 213*, SB 287*
Small child care establishments, AB 346*
Transportation network company drivers, SB 226, SB 485D
Admission to bail on unsecured bond, requirements, AB 136†
Cancellation, duties of agent or surety insurer following, SB 18D
Electronic transmission of related information, authority, AB 38*
Personal appearance before magistrate, setting of bail after, considerations, AB 136††
Release without bail, factors considered before, AB 136††, AB 250D
Address, duty to report changes, SB 18†
Apprehension of defendants, required and prohibited acts, SB 18D
Cancellation of bail, duties following, SB 18D
Charges in transactions, authorized and prohibited charges, actions for recovery, SB 18D
Collateral, acceptance, holding or refunding, SB 18D
Definitions, SB 18D
Deputy constables, prohibited acts, SB 182*
Electronic transmission of bail information, authority, AB 38*
Fictitious names, restriction on use, SB 18D
Insurance Code, applicability of provisions, SB 18D
Denial, suspension, revocation or refusal to renew, grounds, SB 18D
Issuance or renewal, procedures, SB 18D
Licensing bonds
Claims against, SB 18†
Requirements, SB 18D
Prohibited acts, SB 18D
Purpose of laws, legislative declaration, SB 18D
Registration of bail agents, provisions repealed, SB 18D
Regulations, SB 18D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Statement of consumer rights and other information, duties regarding, SB 18D
Surety insurers
Duties, liability for acts of insureds, SB 18D
Prohibited acts, SB 18†
Termination of appointment, procedures, SB 18D
Training, requirements for bail enforcement agents, SB 18D
Delinquent taxes, agreements with Department of Taxation to assist in collecting, AB 47D
Foreclosures, duty of mortgagee or beneficiary of deed of trust to provide certain notice to Division, SB 238D
Judgment creditors seeking unlawfully to enforce foreign judgments, remedies of debtors, SB 230*
Monetary instruments, unlawful acts involving financial transactions, penalties, SB 68D
Oversight by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fees, AB 279*
Savings and loan associations, conversion to savings banks, SB 81*
Savings banks, formation, regulation, SB 81*
Student loans, ranking of private lending institutions by State Treasurer, SB 90
Trust companies (See TRUST COMPANIES)
Barber schools, number of instructors required, ownership requirement repealed, SB 206*
Examination dates, Internet publication, SB 206*
Instructors, length of practice, requirements, SB 206*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Mobile units, procedures regarding temporary licenses, AB 315D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
State Barbers’ Health and Sanitation Board
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Appointed members, length and number of terms, SB 206*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Budget and financial reports, Internet publication, SB 206*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Identification provided to Board, use of certain cards authorized, SB 399*, AB 162*, AB 415*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Mobile units, duties, AB 315D
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Alcoholic beverage awareness program, requirements, funding, SB 440
False identification to obtain liquor, penalties, AB 86D
Vapor products, use on premises authorized, AB 450D
Anesthesiologist assistants, penalty for crime against, SB 210D
Civilian employees or volunteers of certain governmental entities, battery upon, penalties, AB 132*
Domestic violence battery (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Inspector General or employees, penalty for crime against, AB 404
Sealing records of criminal history, time for filing petition, SB 453
Regulation authorizing hunting with any breed of dog prohibited, AB 443D
Aging and Disability Services Division, duties, SB 286*
Applied Behavior Analysis, Board of, creation, duties, SB 286*
Continuing education, requirements, AB 105*
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Prohibited acts, penalty, SB 286*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Suicide prevention and awareness training, requirements, AB 105*
Certification, requirements, SB 286*
Annual reports from certain licensing boards, receipt, AB 457†
Appeal of certain grievances, duties, AB 457*
Behavioral health regions and policy boards, creation, duties of boards, AB 366*
Concurrent membership on certain licensing boards prohibited, AB 457*
Qualifications, AB 457*
Regulations of certain licensing boards, review, AB 457*
Legislative declaration, SB 264D
Veteran‑owned corporations, waiver of certain filing fees, AB 44D
Prohibited acts, penalties, AB 391*
Hunting tags, issuance authorized, SB 511*
Pharmacists, duties, authority to dispense interchangeable products, AB 245*
Birth resulting in stillbirth, issuance of certificates, procedures, SB 296D
Child in need of protection, procedure upon establishment of paternity, SB 483D, AB 459†
Gestational agreements, court designation of contents of certificate, requirements, AB 191*
Parentage, declaration of acknowledgment, effect, AB 191*
Abortion (See ABORTION)
Grants to support family planning services
Appropriation, AB 397*
Duties of entities receiving grant, SB 122*
Insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 249*, AB 408††
Pharmacists, duty to dispense 12‑month supply, SB 233*, AB 249†
Legislative Building and legislative process, increased accessibility, study, implementation of recommendations and other protocols, funding, SCR 11
Prescription readers for visually impaired persons, provision by certain pharmacies on request, SB 131*
Services to persons who are blind or visually impaired
Confidentiality of information, exceptions, penalty, AB 20*
Definitions, AB 20*
Denial of services, when authorized, AB 20*
Purpose of laws, AB 20*
Vocational rehabilitation services, requirements, AB 20*
Inclusion as electronic record, effect, SB 398*
Local regulation and taxation prohibited, SB 398*
Use authorized, recognition of contracts, records and signatures created by, SB 398†
Child in need of protection, procedures, SB 483D, AB 459*
Aquatic invasive species decal, fees, period of validity, regulations, SB 511*
Certificate of number, issuance and renewal, regulations, SB 511*
Certificate of ownership, renewal, regulations, SB 511*
Operating under the influence, testing for presence of marijuana, procedure, SB 378D, AB 135*
Public Lands Day, authority of residents to boat in state parks without charge, AB 449*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448*
School pupils, issuance of free state parks pass to certain pupils and family members, AB 385†
State lands, fees for use, establishment, deposit and use, SB 512*
Licenses, issuance or reinstatement, requirements, fees, AB 60*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Arts and museums, preservation and promotion, advisory ballot question, SB 187†
Energy efficiency improvement projects, financing, AB 5*
General capital improvements legislation, SB 546*
Housing Authority, Nevada Rural, transfer to Authority of portion of volume cap on private activity bonds, SB 5
Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, authority, SB 517, AB 399*
Lake Tahoe, Environmental Improvement Program, SB 197*, SB 546*
Las Vegas Convention Center, renovation or expansion, requirements, AB 399*
Nevada Green Bank Program, authority, SB 407†
Nevada System of Higher Education, campus projects, SB 496*
Parks, wildlife and recreation
2002 ballot question, extension of time to issue bonds pursuant to, SB 198*
Capital improvements legislation, SB 546*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, financing, SB 335D, SB 448*
Renewable energy projects, financing, AB 5*
Small businesses owned by minorities or women
Information on funding, duty of certain agencies to provide, AB 436*
Loan program, funding, SB 126†
Student loan refinancing program, SB 90
Transportation Infrastructure Bank, Nevada, authority, SB 517†
V & T Railway, Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the, effect of changes to Commission, SB 57*
Water conservation and system improvements, grant program, SB 546*
Admission to bail on unsecured bond, requirements, AB 136†
Bail agents and enforcement agents, licensing bonds, SB 18D
Burial and cemetery service contracts, replacement bonds, AB 83*
Cigarette manufacturers, requirements, AB 62*
Dental care, organizations for, requirements, AB 83*
Education savings accounts, participating entities, SB 359D, SB 506
Electronic notaries public, requirements, AB 476*
Estates of decedents, special administrators or personal representatives, requirements, AB 314*
Financial planners, exemptions from requirements, SB 383*
Funeral services contracts, replacement bonds, AB 83*
Mortgage brokers, requirements, AB 468*
Motor vehicle dealers and related licensees, uses of bond, appointment of Commissioner of Insurance as agent for service of process, AB 262*
Motor vehicle physical damage appraisers, replacement bonds, AB 83*
Motor vehicles
Certificate of title or salvage title, requirements for issuance in certain circumstances, SB 452*
Liability, minimum amount of bond increased, SB 308*
Motor carriers or service providers, registration of vehicles by, requirements, SB 31*
Off‑highway vehicle dealers, lessors and manufacturers, authorized uses of bond, appointment of Commissioner of Insurance as agent for service of process, AB 262*
Prepaid limited health service organizations, requirements, AB 83*
Private professional guardians, requirements, AB 150*
Trust companies, foreign independent, requirements, AB 61*
Unmanned aerial vehicle storage facilities, requirements, SB 234
Injections, restrictions, SB 101*
Annexation, prohibited acts, AB 48D
Charter amendments
Election dates, applicability of laws, SB 103D
Ineligible candidates, procedures regarding, AB 389D
Community education advisory panels, establishment, AB 469*
Room tax, increase, deposit of proceeds, SB 316D
Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition, elimination, SB 422*
Special events, emergency medical services provided by host organization, approval required, duties, AB 307D
Grants, appropriation, SB 550*
Additional minutes of instruction at participating schools required, AB 166D
Procedures for participation by schools, SB 3*
Employers, duty to provide accommodations, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 253*, AB 113*
Insurance coverage for counseling, support and supplies, requirements, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 408††
Malt beverages, number of barrels operator authorized to
Manufacture, increase, SB 130D, AB 431*
Sell at retail for consumption on or off premises, limitation, SB 130D, AB 431*
Operators, number of locations authorized, prohibited acts, AB 431*
Special events, authority to transport malt beverages to retailer, AB 431*
Suppliers of alcoholic beverages, applicability of laws, AB 431*
Suppliers of alcoholic beverages, applicability of laws, AB 431*
Baby changing facilities, requirements, AB 241*
Charter schools, codes imposed on, restrictions, SB 293D
Fire safety, applicability of laws to high‑rise buildings in Clark County, SB 67D
Plumbing code, authority of cities and counties to adopt modifications, AB 72D
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Compliance and Code Enforcement Section, authority of Deputy Administrator to issue permits, SB 44*
Public works, violations regarding construction managers at risk, receipt of reports, duties, AB 406
BULLYING OR CYBER‑BULLYING (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Safe and respectful learning environment)
Guzzlers for wildlife use, authorized collection of precipitation, SB 74†, AB 138*
National conservation areas, restriction on planning and zoning powers of local governments, AB 277††
National monuments (See NATIONAL MONUMENTS)
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on, Director of Bureau as ex officio member, AB 29*
Sunrise and Frenchman Mountains, Clark County, legislative declaration regarding development near, AB 393*
Transfer of certain public lands to State
Federal legislation to implement urged, SJR 7D, SJR 9D
Rescission of previous request for transfer, support for continued federal management expressed, SJR 12‡
Trapping, development of standard language in warning signs, cooperation, SB 364*
Deadly force against intruder, immunity from civil liability removed, SB 254D
Penalties for certain crimes, SB 275D
Previous convictions, consideration of out‑of‑state convictions, enhanced penalty, AB 333D
Sealing records of criminal history, time for filing petition, SB 453
Replacement bond, requirements, penalty, AB 83*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Coroners, notification of persons authorized to order burial, duties, AB 57*
Indian human remains, penalty for violations, repatriation procedures, SB 244*
Wards, burial of, duty of guardians regarding notices, SB 433*
Wills and durable powers of attorney, authority of another person to order burial, requirements, AB 314*
Casinos, exemption of certain buses from motor carrier laws, requirements, AB 96*
Paratransit services, first‑aid equipment and training, requirements, penalties, AB 234*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448†
Regional transportation commissions, powers and duties, SB 149*
Registration fees, amount, SB 31*
School buses (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS)
Consumer Affairs Division
Consumer Affairs Unit, continuation of provisions, SB 501*
Ticket sales, deceptive trade practices, duties, SB 235*
Director, membership on Nevada State Infrastructure Bank Board of Directors, SB 517, AB 399*
Electronic management system, appropriation for implementation, AB 509*
Employer‑based health care plans and Medicaid, employees enrolled in, duties, SB 366*
Financial Institutions, Division of
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Commissioner of Financial Institutions
Nevada Clean Energy Fund Board of Directors, member, SB 407*
Nevada Green Bank Program Board of Directors, member, SB 407†
Nevada Transportation Infrastructure Bank Board of Directors, member, SB 517†
Deferred deposit loans, creation of database for lenders, SB 17D, AB 222D, AB 515
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Fees for oversight of licensees, duties, AB 279*
Foreclosures, receipt of contact information from mortgagees and beneficiaries of deeds of trust, SB 238D, SB 267*
High‑interest loans, creation of database for lenders, SB 17D, AB 515
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Occupational licenses
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Entry into occupation, review of regulations, duties, SB 330D
Issuance in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Private professional guardian companies, duties, AB 150*
Savings banks, regulation, SB 81*
Single‑advance, single‑payment loans, creation of database for lenders, SB 17D
Title loans, creation of database for lenders, AB 222D, AB 515
Trust companies, duties regarding foreign companies, AB 61*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Housing assistance, waiver of certain federal requirement regarding veterans’ benefits, duties, AB 323D
Housing Division
Advisory Committee, abolishment, AB 126*
Affordable housing, compilation of reports concerning, duties, AB 464*
Consolidation with Manufactured Housing Division, SB 500*
Foreclosure Mediation Program, administration, duties, SB 490†
Housing Advocate, creation of position, qualifications, duties, SB 500*
Housing Inspection and Compliance, Account for, creation, duties, SB 500*
Low‑Income Housing, Account for, sources, use, SB 500*
Manufactured home parks, annual fees for lots in park, notice, SB 500*
Industrial Relations, Division of
Actuarial annuity tables, annual adjustment, duties, AB 458*
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Entertainment industry, regulations, AB 190*
Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, provisions repealed, AB 33†
Occupational disease claims, powers and duties, AB 267*
Office of insurer located outside of State, processing of claims, regulation, SB 209†, SB 276D
Reports to Division, requirements, AB 54*
Insurance, Division of
Administrative Procedure Act, exemption for certain regulations, AB 83†
Administrative supervision of insurers, duties, immunity from liability, AB 83*
Advisory organizations, rating information, reports by Commissioner repealed, AB 464*
Assisted suicide, authority to require health insurance policies issued to certain nonresidents to meet requirements, SB 261†
Bail licensees, duties, participation in centralized registry, SB 18D
Captive insurers, duties, AB 35*
Cemetery endowment care funds, regulation, receipt of notices, SB 295*
Chronic conditions, fines for violations by certain insurers, AB 352D
Complaints of insureds, system for resolving, duties, AB 83*
Confidentiality of information, AB 35*, AB 83*, AB 215
Corporate governance annual disclosures, duties, AB 35*
Credit information, investigation of violations, AB 460D
Credit personal property insurance, regulations, AB 83*
Dental care, organizations for, duties, AB 83*
Emergency care, out‑of‑network, regulations, receipt of reports, AB 382††
Examinations, duties, SB 135, AB 35*
Fees charged by certain licensees, regulation, SB 209*
Hazardous financial condition of insurers, regulation, duties, AB 83*
Health maintenance organizations, duties, SB 394*, AB 83*
Health plans, rates, duties, AB 83*
Hospital, medical or dental services, nonprofit corporations for, duties, AB 83*
Industrial insurance
Large‑deductible agreements, duties, AB 83*
Surplus lines brokers, duties, SB 209*
Information provided by insurers, notice of material changes required, penalties, AB 83*
Insurance adjusters, duties, SB 135†, AB 12*
Internationally active insurance groups, regulations, duties, AB 35*
Legislative Committee on Health Care, consultation regarding certain studies, SB 394*
Managed care organizations, receipt of reports, duties, AB 83*
Motor vehicle dealers and related licensees, appointment of Commissioner as agent for service of process, AB 262*
Network plans, duties, SB 289, AB 83*, AB 355D, AB 382††
Nevada Care Plan, consultations, duties, AB 374††
Off‑highway dealers, lessors and manufacturers, appointment of Commissioner as agent for service of process, AB 262*
Patient‑centered medical homes, regulations, duties, SB 139†
Pharmacy benefit managers, regulation, duties, SB 539†
Prepaid limited health service organizations, duties, AB 83*
Prescription drugs, duties, SB 436D, AB 215
Professional liability insurance, duties, AB 83*
Reinsurance, regulation, AB 83*
Service contracts, duties, AB 83*
State‑chartered risk retention groups, duties, AB 35*
Labor Commissioner, Office of (See LABOR COMMISSIONER)
Loans to small businesses owned by minorities and women, establishment of program, duties, SB 126†
Manufactured Housing Division
Consolidation with Housing Division, SB 500*
Funds, repeal of certain funds, SB 500*
Minority Affairs Management Analyst, appointment, duties, appropriation, SB 373*
Mortgage Lending, Division of
Activity reports of certain licensees, duties, SB 498*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Occupational licenses
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Entry into occupation, review of regulations, duties, SB 330D
Examination of licensees, requirements, SB 498*
Issuance by endorsement, procedures, SB 69*
Issuance in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Real Estate Division
Nevada Clean Energy Fund Board of Directors, member, SB 407*
Nevada Green Bank Program Board of Directors, member, SB 407†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Common‑interest communities and condominium hotels, payment of claims from Account, transfer of Office of Ombudsman, SB 114
Community managers, annual financial audits of records, receipt, duties, SB 195†
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Occupational licenses
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Entry into occupation, review of regulations, duties, SB 330D
Issuance by endorsement, procedures, SB 69*, SB 330D, SB 354†, AB 353D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Small businesses owned by minorities and women, establishment of loan program, duties, SB 126†
Student loans, refinancing program, duties, funding, SB 90†
Taxicab Authority (See TAXICAB AUTHORITY)
Ticket sales, deceptive trade practices, duties, SB 235†
Local licenses
Fees, restrictions on fees based on size of property, exceptions, SB 463D
Marijuana establishments or medical marijuana establishments, fee authorized, limit on amount, SB 341†, SB 487*, AB 422*, AB 463
Pest control, requirements, AB 32*
State business license, registration redesignated as, AB 13*
Financing, provision of information to certain businesses, AB 436*
Gender equality in the workplace, surveys, requirements, SB 343, AB 423*
Application, contents, submission, AB 436*
Corporations, annual fee, AB 172D
Declaration regarding gross revenue, certain business entities may be required to file, AB 281
Gender equality in the workplace, surveys, requirements, SB 343, AB 423*
Issuance, provision of information to certain businesses upon, AB 436*
Motion picture productions, exemption from requirement to obtain registration removed, SB 41*, AB 6*
Renewal, inclusion of information regarding commerce tax, AB 172D, AB 281†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
State business license, registration redesignated as, AB 13*
Transportation network companies, drivers’ business registration, requirements, SB 226†, SB 479D, SB 554*, AB 445†
Unemployment Compensation Fund, effect of failure to pay contributions, SB 52D
Veteran‑owned businesses, waiver of certain fees, AB 44D
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Day care assistance provided by employers, tax credits, SB 147D, SB 455
Family medical leave
Tax credits to certain employers, requirements, AB 266†
Tax deductions for certain employers, requirements, AB 266
Film production, transferable tax credits, AB 137†, AB 492*
Rehabilitation of historic buildings, transferable tax credits, AB 370
Scholarship organizations, additional tax credits for donations to, SB 555*
Tax Advisory Committee, duties, AB 30D
Volens et Potens Infrastructure Board, contributions to, tax credits, SB 349D
Initial and annual lists, AB 123*, AB 172D, AB 283D
Legislative declaration, SB 264D
Election dates, applicability of laws, charter amendment, SB 103D
Ineligible candidates, procedures regarding, charter amendment, AB 389D
Candidates violating residency laws, reimbursement of contributions, procedures, SB 113D
Federal constitutional amendment to allow state regulation of campaign contributions urged, SJR 4‡
Political action committees, duty to make deposits in separate account, commingling of money prohibited, AB 21*
Recall of public officer, committees for, duty to make deposits in separate account, commingling of money prohibited, AB 21*
Reno, City of, reporting requirements for Council Members and Mayor, AB 36*
Credit or debit card expenses or expenditures, reporting requirements, AB 45*
Deadline for filing reports, requirements for election years and nonelection years, AB 45*
Ending balance of certain accounts, reporting requirements, AB 45*
Federal constitutional amendment to allow state regulation of campaign expenditures urged, SJR 4‡
Governmental entities, use of entity name and address in certain campaign communications, disclosures, AB 392*
Recall of public officer, reporting requirements when election not held, AB 45*
Domestic‑Violence Protection Orders Act, Uniform Recognition and Enforcement of, adoption, AB 146*
Drug donation program, expansion to include additional drugs, SB 91*
Metastatic cancer, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 404D
Occupational disease coverage, public safety personnel, AB 267*
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 136*
Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, licensing and regulation, SB 219
Screenings and tests, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
Women’s Health Connection Program, appropriation, AB 388*
Paratransit services, first‑aid equipment and training, requirements, AB 234*
Schools, public and private, certain courses of instruction mandatory, AB 85*
Department of Education, state of public education, contents of annual reports, SB 301*
State Board of Education, duties, SB 301*, AB 482*
Superintendent of Public Instruction, powers and duties, SB 301*, AB 482*
Abolishment, SB 301*
Career and technical education programs, duties, regulation, AB 482*
Grants to schools, procedures, AB 482*
Industry sector councils, recommendations for awarding grants, procedures, requirements, AB 482*
Pupil organizations, limitations on award of state money, AB 482*
Elections, procedures as to ineligible candidates, charter amendment, AB 389D
Personal property owned by nonresidents, applicability of property tax exemption, SB 414*
Boundary with Washoe County, revision, charter amendment, AB 140D
Elections, procedures as to ineligible candidates, charter amendment, AB 389D
Old Clear Creek Road, funding of repairs and improvement, AB 285D
State Public Defender, fees for services, SB 545*
V & T Railway, Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the, representation, SB 57*
V & T Railway, Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the, representation, SB 57*
Residential construction tax, applicability of laws, imposition and use, AB 120D
Corridor improvements, bond issues, SB 198*, SB 546*
Breeders, restrictions on selling cats, SB 405
Feral cat colonies, programs for managed care authorized, SB 411†
Feral cats, release following vaccination, spaying or neutering not deemed abandonment, SB 411*
Motor vehicles, leaving cat unattended, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 409*
Armed Forces members, authority to terminate, suspend or reinstate contract, penalty for violations by service providers, AB 282*
Drivers under age 18, prohibited acts, SB 216D
Elections, use of mobile devices, requirements, SB 144*
Geolocation information, prohibited acts, exceptions, remedies, AB 313D
Schools, public
Safe‑To‑Tell program, requirements for, SB 212*
Sexting, instruction on crimes involving sexual conduct, study, SB 108*
Cemetery authorities, disinterment and removal of human remains, requirements, prohibitions, manner of reinterment, AB 203*
Endowment care cemeteries and funds, requirements, penalty for violations by trustee, SB 295*
Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery, Reno, protection urged, AB 174D
Certificates of authority
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Orderly condition of cemetery, remedies for violations, AB 203*
Veterans’ cemeteries
Advisory committees, composition, appointment of members, SB 58*
Disinterment and relocation of veterans to, family financial assistance program, establishment, funding, AB 521*
Economics of the Middle Class in Nevada, Task Force on the, membership, AB 155
NV Grow Program, grants to certain chambers, appropriation, AB 94*
Designation by Governor, effect, SB 4D
CHARTER AMENDMENTS (See specific cities)
Penalty for certain crimes, SB 275D
Oversight by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fees, AB 279*
Penalty for certain crimes, SB 275D
Abandonment of newborn, when anonymity of parents prohibited, SB 2*
Adoption of child (See also ADOPTION OF CHILDREN)
Agreements for postadoptive contact, requirements, SB 274*
Visitation orders, procedures, SB 274*
Anesthesiologist assistants, reporting duties, SB 210D
Blood and genetic testing, authority of court to order, AB 459*
Child care facilities
Duty of certain persons to notify licensee of charges, convictions or investigations, SB 189*
Employees, training requirements, SB 189*
Educational surrogate parent, appointment for child with disabilities, duties, SB 213*
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, child affected by, designation as being in need of protection, SB 480*
Guardian ad litem for child, appointment, restrictions, SB 305*
Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program, eligibility of child, SB 510*
Offense committed by child against abuser, when self‑defense presumed, effect, AB 216D
Out‑of‑home placement of child
Education of child, reports relating to review of child placement, AB 491*
Gender with which child identifies, treatment according to, requirements, AB 99*
Grievances by children, procedures for filing and resolving, regulation, AB 99*
Prison Rape Elimination Act, compliance requirements, AB 99*
Rights of children, requirements, AB 99†
Sexual orientation and gender identity, training requirements, AB 99*
Visitation with siblings, requirements, SB 274*
Paternity, procedure for establishing, SB 483D, AB 459†
Prenatal substance abuse, child affected by, designation as being in need of protection, SB 480*
Protective custody hearings
Attorney to represent child, appointment required, SB 305*
Determinations to be made by court, SB 237*
Party to proceedings, child deemed to be, SB 305*
Recreation programs, seasonal or temporary, staff screenings, requirements, AB 176*
Corporal punishment, duty to report, SB 287*
Education records, authority of child welfare agencies to request, effect of failure to provide, AB 236*
Employees and volunteers, reports made against
Notifications and recommendations to school, statistical reports, SB 287†
Substantiated reports, authorized use by schools, SB 213*, SB 287*
Luring a child, duty to report, SB 287*
Persons not responsible for child’s welfare, abuse or neglect by, procedures, SB 287*
Posters regarding reports, contents, duties, AB 305*
Reports of abuse or neglect, requirements and procedures following, penalties and immunities, SB 287*
Sexual conduct between employee or volunteer and pupil, duty to report, SB 287*
Statewide Central Registry, contents, SB 287*
Video cameras in classrooms used for special education, release of recordings, SB 224
Volunteers, acknowledgment of duty to report required, SB 287†
Statewide Central Registry, contents, SB 287*
Termination of parental rights (See also PARENTAL RIGHTS, TERMINATION)
Motions for termination filed as part of abuse or neglect proceedings authorized, procedures, SB 432*
Business providing day care assistance for employees, tax credits, SB 147D, SB 455
Prekindergarten education, expansion of program, funding, AB 186
Program for Child Care and Development, appropriation, SB 455†
Admissions, priority admission to children of certain current or former Armed Forces members, SB 326*
Background checks, requirements, SB 46*, SB 189*, AB 346*
Business providing day care assistance for employees, tax credits, SB 147D, SB 455
Child abuse or neglect, certain notifications to employer, penalties, SB 189*
Training requirements, SB 189*, AB 99*
Firearms located in motor vehicles on property authorized, requirements, SB 102D
Gender with which child identifies, treatment according to, requirements, AB 99*
Grievances by children, procedures for filing and resolving, regulation, AB 99*
Helmets, wearing by children engaging in certain activities required, AB 346†
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to sign exemption statement, SB 227*
Notices to parents or guardians regarding exempt children attending facility, AB 200D
Independent contractors performing services at facility, presence of employee required, SB 189*
Inspections, requirements, SB 189*
Legislative Auditor, duties, SB 189*
Placement of child in facility, factors court must consider, regulation, AB 99*
Prekindergarten education programs, award of grant money, requirements, AB 186
Prison Rape Elimination Act, compliance requirements, AB 99*
Rates charged by certain group homes, legislative study, AB 343*
Rating system for facilities, posting of letter grades, requirements, SB 189*
Rights of children, requirements, AB 99†
Small child care establishments, registration, applicability of certain laws, AB 346*
Vapor products, use on premises prohibited, AB 450D
Violations, penalties, SB 189*
Best interest of child, considerations in court’s determination, AB 167D
Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act, Uniform, applicability to certain civilian employees, SB 133*
False statements or documentary evidence in proceedings, civil penalties, AB 198D
Independent review panels, establishment by district courts, duties, AB 198D
Name change of unemancipated minor, procedures, AB 232*
Orders registered in other state, notice procedures, SB 40*
Permanent support and maintenance, effect of order for child custody made part of judgment, AB 167D
Relocation of child previously relocated, authority, procedures, AB 167D
Sole custody redesignated as primary custody, AB 167D
Summary procedures to resolve custody issues, requirements, AB 167D
Supervised exchanges of children, requirements, penalties for violations, AB 198D
Venue, change after entry of final order, judgment or decree, AB 102*
Veterans advocate groups, establishment, duties, AB 198D
Appearance of minor in, civil action for damages, statute of limitations extended, AB 145*
Forfeitures, procedures, SB 358D
Acknowledged parent, issuance of temporary order to pay support, AB 191*
Calculation of support, procedures, SB 34D, AB 278*
Committee to Review Child Support Guidelines, creation, duties, SB 34D, AB 278*
Debts for support, effect of receipt of certain public assistance, AB 95*
Driver’s licenses, suspension for child support violations not required when impediment to employment, AB 358D
False statements or documentary evidence in proceedings, civil penalties, AB 198D
Food stamps, eligibility, duties of Department of Health and Human Services, SB 323*
Foreign nation, declaration as state by Attorney General, authority repealed, AB 4*
Guardianships, assignment or receipt of support payments, AB 319*
Independent review panels, establishment by district courts, duties, AB 198D
Insurance companies, withholding of certain payments to insureds required, SB 34D
Orders registered in other state, notice procedures, SB 40†
Transportation network companies, driver’s permits, effect of child support obligations, SB 226
Venue, change after entry of final order, judgment or decree, AB 102*
Veterans advocate groups, establishment, duties, AB 198D
Abandonment of newborn, parents’ anonymity and right to receive notices and information, SB 2*
Abortion by pregnant minors or wards, expedited procedures, duties, SB 382D
Adoption of children (See ADOPTION OF CHILDREN)
Alcohol and drug abuse programs, block grants for, funding, SB 379D
Behavioral health programs, block grants for, funding, SB 379D
Coroners, notification of death of decedents, duties, AB 57*
Domestic Violence, Committee on, availability of information, SB 25*
Fetal alcohol syndrome, receipt of reports, duties, SB 480*
Foster care (See FOSTER CARE)
Gender with which child identifies, treatment according to, requirements, AB 99*
Grants for provision of opportunities for children to participate in certain activities, SB 257*
Grievances by children, procedures for filing and resolving, regulation, AB 99*
Out‑of‑home placement, protocols agencies must follow, adoption, AB 99*
Paternity, procedure to establish, payment of costs, SB 483D
Rights of children, requirements, SB 257*, AB 99†, AB 180*
Crisis, emergency or suicide, provision of counseling and other services to pupils and staff, SB 212*
Education records, authority to obtain, effect of failure by school official to provide, AB 236*
Sexual conduct, prohibited acts by employees and volunteers, penalties, disclosure of victim’s identity prohibited, SB 169*
Sexual orientation and gender identity, training requirements, AB 99*
Termination of parental rights, duties, SB 432*, AB 66D
Appointment of attorneys, presumption regarding indigency of child, AB 341†
Powers and duties of attorneys representing child, AB 341*
Foreign citizens residing in State, authorization of enrollment, SB 325*
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, creation, duties, SB 348D
Hospitals, procedures for debt collection, limitation on amount collected, AB 183*
Chiropractic adjustment, definition, AB 456D
Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Disciplinary process, removal of exemption from uniform provisions, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive Director
Applications for examination, duties, AB 456D
Qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Members, qualifications, removal of certain prohibition on serving, AB 456D
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Radiography performed by chiropractor’s assistant, regulation, SB 219
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Disciplinary action, SB 374††, SB 396†, AB 456D
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to patients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Industrial insurance (See also INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Causation of injury or disease, authority to use certain interchangeable phrases, AB 458*
Licenses or certificates
Applications, requirements, AB 456D
Exemption for out‑of‑state licensees providing services to athletic team or organization, SB 292D, AB 454*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to patients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Radiography performed by chiropractor’s assistant, restrictions, regulation, SB 219
Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Advisory Committee, representation, SB 219
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Audit of records of licensees and applicants for license, authority of Department, AB 62*
Delivery of cigarettes into State, reports, requirements and period of retention, liability of importers, AB 62*
Federal tax returns of manufacturers or importers, submission to Attorney General, requirements, AB 62*
Fire safety standards for cigarettes, reports to Legislature repealed, AB 464*
Investigation of facilities of licensees and applicants for license, authority of Department, AB 62*
Licenses, scope, AB 62*
Nonparticipating manufacturers
Assignment of money deposited into escrow, AB 62*
Bond requirements, AB 62*
Certification, requirements, AB 62*
Directory, grounds for denial of listing or removal from directory, AB 62*
Records of licensees, period of retention, AB 62*
Sales, use of certain cards to verify age of purchaser, SB 399*, AB 162*, AB 415*
School pupils, surveys regarding use and abuse, requirements, reports, SB 166
Smoking cessation programs, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
Taxation (See also TAXES AND TAXATION)
Confidentiality of certain information, AB 62*
Tax rate, increase, use of proceeds, SB 181
Vending machines
Gaming establishments, restrictions on location in, AB 86D
Operators, license required to engage in activity, AB 62*
Contents, SB 546*
Personal property owned by nonresidents, applicability of property tax exemption, SB 414*
Court reporters, unlicensed practice or conduct, SB 406*
Electric utilities, violations related to surplus assets, nonpayment of fines, SB 347
Guardianship proceedings, service of citations, AB 130*
Health authorities, duties regarding plastic bags provided by retailers to customers at checkout, AB 344D
Physical therapy violations, SB 142D, SB 437*
Safety belt violations, issuance of citations, SB 156D, SB 288D
Taxicab Authority, issuance, procedures, SB 401, AB 487*
Traffic citations, issuance, procedures, unlawful failure to appear, AB 68*
Transportation Authority, Nevada, issuance, procedures, SB 401
Abandoned residential property, establishment of registry, provisions continued, SB 267*
Agriculture, authority to establish urban agriculture zones, SB 429*
Density of use of certain land, notice of hearing on changes, AB 48D
Prohibitions on certain annexations, AB 48D
Autonomous vehicles or automated driving systems, limitations on regulatory authority, AB 69*
Baby changing facilities, requirements, AB 241*
Bill draft requests by association of cities, limit on number, AB 189
Blockchain technology, use authorized, local regulation and taxation prohibited, SB 398*
Boulder City (See BOULDER CITY)
Business licenses
Fees, restrictions on fees based on size of property, exceptions, SB 463D
Marijuana establishments or medical marijuana establishments, fee authorized, limit on amount, SB 341†, SB 487*, AB 422*, AB 463
Prostitution, transient lodging places where repeated acts of prostitution have occurred, revocation of business license authorized, AB 217D
Caliente (See CALIENTE, CITY OF)
Capital improvements, certain reports repealed, AB 464*
Carlin, procedures as to ineligible election candidates, charter amendment, AB 389D
Carson City (See CARSON CITY)
Cemeteries, title transferred to city by court order, duties, AB 203*
Central Mailing Room, use by local governments authorized, SB 38*
Child care facilities, duties, SB 189*
Community gardening, authority to allow use of certain city land, SB 429*
Crematories, location of certain crematories, duties, AB 205*
Dextromethorphan, local regulation prohibited, SB 159*
Education, community advisory boards authorized, AB 210D
Elections (See also ELECTIONS; specific cities)
Campaign communications, use of official name and address, disclosures, AB 392*
Elko, procedures as to ineligible election candidates, charter amendment, AB 389D
Emergency telephone systems, membership of police departments on advisory committee, SB 176*
Family planning services, grants to local governmental entities
Appropriation, AB 397*
Duties of entities receiving grant, SB 122*
Feral cat colonies, programs for managed care authorized, SB 411†
Finances and funds (See also LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Enterprise funds, transfers to general fund, requirements, SB 78*
Investments, authority, SB 76D, AB 152D
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, requests for distributions, procedures, AB 311D
Flood control project needs committees, membership, AB 375*
Henderson (See HENDERSON, CITY OF)
Homeland security, duties regarding critical infrastructure, SB 395D
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 201D, AB 404
Intercounty significance, projects of, reimbursement of impact costs to affected local governments, AB 153D
Internet sales of personal property by individuals, designation of places for parties to meet to complete transaction, AB 297*
Landlord and tenant, adverse action against landlord based upon tenant’s request for emergency assistance prohibited, remedies, AB 133*
Las Vegas (See LAS VEGAS, CITY OF)
Legal notices, publication on Internet website authorized, restrictions and requirements, SB 218D
Businesses in which use of marijuana allowed and use at special events, regulation, SB 236D
Cities located in county with population less than 100,000, issuance of establishment registration certificates, SB 329, SB 487*
Excise tax on sales, distribution of proceeds to local governments, SB 302, SB 487*
Medical marijuana, authority to request additional dispensaries, SB 341†
Regulatory authority and license tax, limitations, SB 341†, SB 344*, SB 487*, AB 422*, AB 463
Marriages, solemnization by certain mayors, requirements, penalties, SB 279*
Massage establishments, concurrent regulation, AB 179*
Medicaid recipients, supplemental payment program for emergency medical ground transportation services provided to, SB 60*
Mesquite (See MESQUITE, CITY OF)
National conservation areas, restriction on planning and zoning powers, AB 277††
National recreation areas, restriction on planning and zoning powers, AB 277†
Nevada Parks, Trails and Open Space District Act, adoption, AB 379*
North Las Vegas (See NORTH LAS VEGAS, CITY OF)
Officers and employees (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; specific officers and employees)
Permanent resident cards, acceptance for identification purposes, AB 162*
Pest control performed by, requirements, AB 32*
Plumbing code, authority of governing body to adopt modifications, AB 72D
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 335D, SB 448*
Recreational facilities, creation of general improvement districts to provide, authorization, AB 379†
Reflexology or structural integration establishments, concurrent regulation, AB 179*
Regional transportation commissions, certain agreements with, SB 149*
Reno (See RENO, CITY OF)
Residential care, certain facilities providing, zoning requirements, SB 477*
Sanctuary cities (See SANCTUARY)
Securities, authorized investments, SB 76D, AB 152D
Statewide nonemergency information system, participation authorized, AB 437
Ticket sales, local regulation restricted, SB 235†
Trapping on public lands prohibited, SB 365D
Tribal identification cards, acceptance for identification purposes, SB 399*, AB 415*
Collection of delinquent charges, procedures, AB 8*
Service to property outside city boundaries, required and prohibited acts, AB 48D
Vacant private property, authority to require registration with city, SB 24D
Vapor products, local control measures authorized, AB 450D
Wells (See WELLS, CITY OF)
Wind energy systems, regulatory authority, SB 314*
Yerington (See YERINGTON, CITY OF)
Candidates for office, residency requirements, AB 389D
Competency of defendant, procedures, prohibitions, AB 377*
Consumer goods or services, prohibited acts by sellers or lessors, recovery of civil penalties, SB 185*
County assessor records, authority to request that personal information be kept confidential, SB 6D, SB 79*
Discovery in criminal proceedings, exculpatory or mitigating material, obligations of prosecutor, AB 356†, AB 376†
Interference with voting system, investigation, authority, AB 389D
Preelection actions challenging candidate’s qualifications, award of fees, AB 21†, AB 389D
Reno and Sparks, provisions repealed, SB 434††
Interrogations of certain persons in custody, recording requirements, AB 414
Jury, charge in criminal cases, requirements, AB 356*, AB 376†
Marijuana convictions, notice regarding certain motions following, AB 259††, AB 345D
Plea agreements, written, procedures, AB 453†
Preprosecution diversion program for certain offenders, duties, AB 470*
Prostitution and Human Trafficking, Committee on, membership, AB 260†
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Reno, appointment rather than election, SB 434††
Sexual assault forensic evidence kits, duties of prosecutors, SB 169†
Solicitation for prostitution, civil penalties, collection, deposit and use, AB 260*
Sparks, appointment rather than election, SB 434††
Subpoenas for persons or documents in criminal matters, authority of certain attorneys to issue, requirements, AB 356†, AB 376†
Amendments (See specific cities)
Mesquite, adoption of charter, SB 56*
Conviction of fraud or theft, effect, AB 389D
Elections, duties (See ELECTIONS)
Personal information contained in records, persons authorized to request confidentiality, authorized use of confidential information, SB 79*
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Accommodations facilitators, duties, AB 294D
Candidates for office, residency requirements, AB 389D
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, duties, AB 471*
Feral cat colonies, programs for managed care authorized, SB 411†
Flood management, receipt of reports, AB 375*
Hosting platforms facilitating certain rentals, duties, AB 294†, AB 321*
Internet sales of personal property by individuals, designation of places for parties to meet to complete transaction, duties, AB 297*
Local Government Lobbying Act, Nevada, adoption, SB 380D
Plumbing code, authority to adopt modifications, AB 72D
Polling places for voter registration on day of election, duties, SB 94D, SB 144†, AB 104
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Reno (See RENO, CITY OF)
Sparks, election procedures, SB 202*
Flood control project needs committee, appointment of member, AB 375*
Marriages, solemnization, requirements, penalties, SB 279*
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Regional transportation commissions, composition in larger counties, SB 149*
Reno, charter amendments (See RENO, CITY OF)
Special court program fees, continuation, duties, AB 512*
Administrative decisions in contested cases, petitions for judicial review, SB 23D
Adoption of children, petitions regarding postadoptive contact, SB 274*
Child care facilities, service of cease and desist orders, requirements, SB 189*
Child in need of protection, procedure to establish paternity, SB 483D, AB 459†
Domestic violence protection orders, notices regarding, AB 177*
Foreign trust companies, requirements, AB 61*
Guardians of the estate, accounts filed with court, SB 433*
Guardianship proceedings, service of citations, AB 130*
Motor vehicle dealers and related licensees
Abuse of process, authorized uses of surety bonds, AB 262*
Agent for service of process, designation, AB 262*
Off‑highway dealers, lessors and manufacturers, designation of agent for service of process, AB 262*
Parental rights termination, procedures, SB 432*, AB 228*
Process servers (See PROCESS SERVERS)
Traffic citations, effect of acceptance of copy, AB 68*
Ex‑felons, restoration of certain rights, conditions, SB 125†, AB 181*
Grant program relating to petroleum discharges, regulations, duties, SB 251*
Annexation unlawfully by city, remedies of county, AB 48D
Community education advisory panels, establishment, AB 469*
Emergency telephone system, surcharge for enhancement, imposition, use, SB 176*
Family courts, programs for supervised exchange of child, establishment, penalties for violations, AB 198D
Health care facilities, establishment of rating system, SB 482*
High‑rise buildings, applicability of fire‑safety requirements, SB 67D
McCarran Airport, renaming for Harry Reid, SB 174
Medical assistance to indigent persons, fund for, authorized uses, AB 65*
Mobile mental health units, hours of operation, SB 192*
Prisoners, mental health care and substance abuse treatment, duties of certain peace officers, AB 421*
Public health laboratory, establishment by district board of health, SB 151D
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448*
Rapid transit authority (See REGIONAL RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY)
Recycling, waste diversion rate, requirements, SB 315
Redevelopment, tax revenue set aside for public educational activities and programs, requirements, AB 70*
Roadway traffic and safety, study, duties, AB 364††
Room tax, increase, deposit of proceeds, SB 316D
Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition, elimination, SB 422*
Special events, emergency medical services provided by host organization, approval required, duties, AB 307D
Sunrise and Frenchman Mountains, legislative declaration regarding development near, AB 393*
Voting machines, funding for purchase, AB 519*
Educational leadership training programs, duties, SB 155*
Capital projects, fund for, deposit of certain room tax proceeds, SB 316D, SB 421D
Collaborative work to ensure productive environment, professional development training, requirements, SB 369*
Community education advisory panels, establishment, AB 469*
Computer science and computer education and technology, professional development, appropriation, SB 200*
Dual language immersion, creation of grant program, AB 139
Emergency manager, designation, duties, AB 127*
Financial literacy or economics, appropriation to support instruction, SB 249*
Height and weight measurements of certain pupils, duties, SB 165*, AB 273D
Human resource management information system, appropriation, SB 550*
Limited‑English proficient pupils, funding of certain programs for, duties, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*
Parental involvement, investigations, training of personnel, SB 369*
Peer assistance and review of teachers program, funding, duties, SB 300*
Policies and regulations, adoption, repeal or amendment, notices, SB 247*
Professional development of teachers and administrators, funding, SB 249*, SB 544*
Redevelopment areas, use of tax revenues for educational facilities, programs and activities, AB 70*
Reorganization, procedures, AB 469*, AB 516
Residential construction tax, applicability of laws, imposition and use, AB 120D
Salary incentive program for professional growth, requirements, SB 547
School culture, investigation upon petition of employees, SB 369*
Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition, elimination, SB 422*
Height and weight measurements of certain pupils, receipt of reports, SB 165*
Nevada Advisory Commission on Mentoring, member, AB 144*
Reorganization of District, duties, AB 469*, AB 516
Community education advisory boards, creation, appointments, SB 381D
Election and appointment, procedures, SB 243D
Election districts, replacement with trustee districts, SB 381D
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, duties repealed, SB 518†
Other State Education Programs Account, duties, SB 518†
Salary incentive program for certain teachers and principals, duties, SB 547
Zoom schools program, continuation, funding, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*
Creation, duties, SJR 1†
Legislature, payment for services, ACR 2‡
Marriage, solemnization (See MARRIAGE)
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Conversion therapy, sexual orientation or gender identity, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Disciplinary action, SB 201*, SB 228D, SB 374††, SB 396†
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Interns, location of services, electronic supervision, regulations, AB 457*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 228D, SB 374††, SB 396†
Documentation for certain patients to obtain, authority, SB 228D
Recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Medicine and mental health services, formation of professional entities, SB 163†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Suicide prevention and awareness, continuing education requirements, AB 105*
Establishment of program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, requirements, AB 214*
Veteran‑owned corporations, waiver of certain filing fees, AB 44D
Grants for operations, SB 494D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Regulation, SB 372D
Certificates or licenses
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Examination by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fees, AB 279*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Minimum wage requirements, authority to waive removed, SJR 6†
Peace officers, suspension without pay, effect of agreements, SB 282D
State employees, authority of certain employees, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 486
Establishment, funding, AB 475*
Board of Trustees
Chair, election, term, AB 475*
College Kick Start Program, Nevada, establishment, regulation, AB 475*
Composition, AB 475*
Master agreement, duties, SB 242D, AB 475*
State Treasurer, certain regulatory duties transferred, delegation of powers and duties authorized, SB 242D, AB 475*
Endowment Account, sources, authorized expenditures, AB 475*
Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Program and Trust Fund, Nevada
Authorized investments, SB 76D, SB 242D
Authorized uses of prepaid tuition benefits, SB 242D, AB 475*
Loans to Fund authorized, AB 475*
Prepaid tuition contracts, required provisions, SB 242D, AB 475*
State Treasurer, delegation of powers and duties from Board authorized, SB 242D, AB 475*
Nevada College Savings Plan Trust Fund
State Treasurer, certain duties transferred, AB 475*
Use, AB 475†
Fishing licenses for nonresidents, fees, SB 511*
Management, independent study urged, AJR 4D
Transmission lines, restrictions on operation of drones near, AB 11*
Day of observance, authority to proclaim repealed, SB 105†
Business registration renewal, inclusion of certain information, AB 172D, AB 281†
Declaration regarding gross revenue, certain business entities may be required to file, AB 281
Family medical leave, tax credits to certain employers, requirements, AB 266†
Nevada gross revenue exempt from tax, amount, procedure for decreasing, constitutional amendment, AJR 1D
Repeal, AB 263D
Returns, exemption of certain entities from filing requirement, AB 172D, AB 281
Volens et Potens Infrastructure Board, contributions to, tax credits, SB 349D
Housing Division, duties, SB 500*
Adoption, AB 235*
Associations, duty to maintain directors and officers insurance, SB 195*
Community managers (See COMMUNITY MANAGERS)
Construction defects
Actions, rights of homeowner’s associations, AB 462D
Notice of common defects, requirements, AB 462D
Executive boards
Election of members, procedures, SB 195*
Meetings in executive session, notice, requirements, SB 195*
Vacancies, procedures for filling, SB 195*
Cure of violations without imposition of fine authorized, notices, SB 258*
Parking violations, authority to impose fines, SB 195*
Foreclosure of liens
Declarant’s unsold units, effect of foreclosure or other involuntary sale, SB 195*
Military servicemembers and dependents, units owned by, procedures, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 33*
Mortgagees or beneficiaries of deeds of trust, duty to submit contact information to Division of Financial Institutions, SB 238D
Notices, address to which copies are to be sent, SB 238D
Mold remediation, authority of association to enter certain units, SB 239*
Notice of changes to governing documents, requirements, SB 255*
Ombudsman, Office transferred from Real Estate Division to Office of Attorney General, SB 114
Property taxes
Claims for excess proceeds of tax sale, priority, restriction on recovery of additional money owed association, SB 281*
Delinquent taxes, payment to be assessed exclusively against unit or unit’s owner, SB 281*
Reconveyance of property to association after payment of delinquent taxes authorized, SB 281†
Resales of units, procedures, SB 255*
Towing of vehicles from residential complexes, conditions for real property owner to request, SB 320*
Utility charges, payment of delinquent charges to be assessed against unit or unit’s owner, SB 281*
Water or sewage leaks, abatement, authority of association, SB 239*
Xeriscaping, unreasonable denial or disapproval of installation, determination, SB 161D
Members, residency requirement, SB 476*
Nevada System of Community Colleges, creation, administration, AB 331D
Creation, powers and duties, AB 331D
Dream Tags, annual report, duties, SB 75†
Civil penalties for violations, procedures, maximum amount, SB 71*
Rating of facilities for the dependent, publication of information, SB 482*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, SB 71*
Annual financial audits of records, requirements, SB 195†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Divorce, distribution of community property transferred to irrevocable trust, requirements, AB 314*
Educational facilities, activities and programs, funding, AB 70*
Las Vegas, funding for low‑income housing, AB 70*
Prevailing wage laws, applicability, SB 87D, AB 406
Redevelopment agencies, written agreement required for payment of certain costs, AB 80*
Redevelopment areas, boundaries, requirements regarding taxable property, restrictions on removal of area from redevelopment area, AB 80*
Reno, extension of termination date of certain redevelopment plans, allocation of tax revenue, AB 80*
Prostitution crimes, service in lieu of financial penalty, AB 260*
Elect the President by National Popular Vote, Agreement Among the States to, adoption, AB 274D
Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure, Recognition of, ratification, AB 367D, AB 429†
Nurse Licensure Compact, ratification, AB 18D
Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, ratification, AB 429*
Applicability of provisions, SB 431D
Abolished, AB 126†
Creation, duties, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Creation, duties, AB 110*
Creation, duties, AB 110†
Clark County School District, human resource management information system, appropriation, SB 550*
Controlled substances prescription tracking system (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
County treasurers, accounts for the acquisition and improvement of technology, creation, SB 245†
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, creation, duties, AB 471*
Cybersecurity evaluators, licensing and regulation, SB 395D
Deferred deposit loans, creation of database for lenders, SB 17D, AB 222D, AB 515
Elections, use of mobile devices, requirements, SB 144*
Electronic communications, records and transactions (See ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS, RECORDS AND TRANSACTIONS)
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Revised Uniform, adoption, AB 239*
Finance, Office of, appropriations for information technology system, AB 504*
Geolocation information, prohibited acts, exceptions, remedies, AB 313D
High‑interest loans, creation of database for lenders, SB 17D, AB 515
Homeland security, development of cybersecurity plans for critical infrastructure, SB 395D
Insurance, Commissioner of, adoption of database for network plans, SB 289
Internet (See INTERNET)
Legislative Fund, appropriation for computer hardware, AB 501*
Medicaid Management Information System modernization project, funding, SB 530*
Printers, duties of certain public agencies, AB 264D
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, appropriations, SB 532*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448†
Computer science and computer education and technology, requirements, recommendations, appropriation, SB 200*
Instructional materials created by school employees, database of, duties of Department of Education, AB 400D
Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, creation, funding, SB 467*, SB 544*
Safe‑To‑Tell Program, requirements, SB 212*
Washoe County School District, appropriation for information technology expenses, SB 550*
Secretary of State, replacement of Electronic Secretary of State System, appropriation, AB 503*
Single‑advance, single‑payment loans, creation of database for lenders, SB 17D
Statewide nonemergency information system, establishment, AB 437
Taxicabs, computerized real‑time data systems, repeal of provisions, AB 487*
Ticket sales, use of Internet robots prohibited, penalties, civil remedies, SB 235*
Title loans, creation of database for lenders, AB 222D, AB 515
Unified Nevada Information Technology for Youth case management system, appropriation for replacement system, SB 257†
Veterans Services, Department of, creation of database of information related to veterans, AB 22*
Voter registration
Applications, segregation of certain applications received by county clerk, SB 327
Computer registration system, requirements, regulation, AB 104†
Deadline for registration by computer, AB 45*, AB 478*
Electronic transmission of information, establishment of system for, SB 144†, AB 104†, IP 1††
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, funding for information system projects, SB 533*
Emergency medical services, requirements at special events in certain counties, AB 307D
Ticket sales (See TICKET SALES)
Community managers (See COMMUNITY MANAGERS)
Property tax
Claims for excess proceeds of tax sale, priority, SB 281*
Reconveyance of property to association after payment of delinquent taxes authorized, SB 281†
Towing of vehicles, conditions for owner of real property to request, SB 320*
Abortion by pregnant minor or ward, certain records, SB 382D
Assisted suicide, certain information provided to Division of Public and Behavioral Health, SB 261
Athletes’ agents, information relating to violations, AB 372*
Attorney‑client privileged materials, review of material subject to warrant, procedures, AB 444*
Bail agents and solicitors, information on termination of appointment, SB 18D
Blind or Visually Impaired, Bureau of Services to Persons Who are, information regarding persons receiving services, AB 20*
Board of Regents’ Retirement System, information regarding members, exceptions, SB 384†
Child care facilities, names of children exempt from immunization, AB 200D
Children, certain sexual offenses involving, identification of child, SB 169*
Cigarette sales, certain information relating to, AB 62*
Consumer Health Advocate, duties, AB 382††
County assessor records
Judges and court personnel, authority to request that personal information be kept confidential, SB 79*
Prosecutors, authority to request that personal information be kept confidential, SB 6D, SB 79*
Criminal Justice Information Sharing, Subcommittee on, materials received and prepared by working group, SB 35*, SB 277*
Cybersecurity, certain records of state agencies and local governments, AB 471*
Deferred deposit loans, database of information relating to, SB 17D, AB 222D, AB 515
Dental Examiners of Nevada, Board of, review panels, SB 256*
Domestic violence, certain documentation provided to employers by victims, SB 361*
Drug overdose cases, personal information, AB 474*
Drug screening as precondition for public assistance, results, SB 298D
Economic Development, Office of, and related nonprofit entity, certain information, AB 231†
Education, Department of, employment records of school personnel, AB 77†
Environmental Commission, State, information regarding construction and demolition waste, SB 315†
Ethics in Government Law, Nevada, requirements, exceptions, SB 84*
Family planning services, personally identifiable information of recipients, SB 122*
Gaming licensees and applicants, communications to Board and Commission, SB 376*
High‑interest loans, database of information relating to, SB 17D, AB 515
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, certain records, SB 395D
Human trafficking victim and advocate, communications privileged, SB 214D, SB 488*, AB 73D
Insurance Commissioner, duties, AB 35*, AB 83*, AB 382††
Judicial Retirement System, information regarding members, exceptions, SB 384††
Legislators’ Retirement System, information on members, exceptions, SB 384††
Nevada Promise Scholarship recipients, certain information, SB 391*
Official records, requests for confidentiality of personal information contained in certain records, authorized use of information, SB 79*
Parental rights termination, requirement, SB 432*, AB 228*
Parole and Probation, Division of, personal information on victims, SB 140††
Peer support counseling for law enforcement or public safety personnel, communications confidential and privileged, exceptions, AB 301*
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, information regarding, SB 265††
Prescription drug costs, certain information in reports, AB 215
Public employees, employment information, exceptions, SB 384††
Public Employees’ Retirement System, information regarding members, exceptions, SB 384††
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, certain information, SB 335D, SB 448*
Public records laws, categorization of records exempt from, AB 42D
Recreation programs, seasonal or temporary, records, AB 176*
Reflexology or structural integration applicants, investigation results, AB 179*
Savings banks, examination reports and certain information, SB 81*
Charter schools
Applications to form school, identities of team review members, AB 49*
Educational or management services, persons providing, certain information relating to, AB 49†
Sponsors, certain information submitted to, designation as confidential, duties of sponsor, AB 49*
Child abuse or neglect, duty to report, claim of privilege prohibited, confidentiality of information, SB 287*
Corporal punishment, duty to report, claim of privilege prohibited, confidentiality of information, SB 287*
Employment applicants, certain information deemed privileged, AB 362*
Immunizations, names of children exempt from requirements, AB 200D
Luring a child, duty to report, claim of privilege prohibited, confidentiality of information, SB 287*
Personnel, information regarding sexual offenses, certain agreements prohibited, AB 362*
Sexual conduct between school employee or volunteer and pupil, duty to report, claim of privilege prohibited, confidentiality of information, SB 287*
Video cameras, certain recordings made by, SB 224
Single‑advance, single‑payment loans, database of information relating to, SB 17D
Taxation, Department of, certain information, AB 47D, AB 62*
Telecommunications, information concerning critical facilities, SB 53*
Title loans, database of information relating to, AB 222D, AB 515
Transportation network companies, certain information provided to Secretary of State, SB 226, SB 554*
Vocational Rehabilitation, Bureau of, information regarding persons receiving services, AB 20*
Voter registration or preregistration, certain information, SB 144*, AB 104†
Wildlife, Department of
Persons who have requested assistance from or reported information to Department, information concerning, SB 75*
Traps and snares, registration, removal of confidentiality provision, SB 364†
Air Quality, Account for the Management of, allocations from, duties, SB 418†
Ballot question approved in 2002 for park, wildlife and recreation purposes, extension of time to issue bonds, SB 198*
Budget, duties, AB 29*
Environmental Protection, Division of
Air Quality, Account for the Management of, allocations from, duties, SB 418
Crematories using alkaline hydrolysis, receipt of notice, AB 205*
Discharges of petroleum, grant program relating to, duties, SB 251*
Dissolved mineral resources, duties, coordination with Commission on Mineral Resources, AB 52*
Energy, Office of, cooperation, SB 418
Hydraulic fracturing program, repeal, AB 159
Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, provisions repealed, AB 33†
Mitigation Trust, duties, AB 416
Plastic bags provided by retailers to customers, duties, administration of Plastic Bag Environmental Cleanup Fund, AB 344D
School buses replaced or repowered to reduce emissions, duties, SB 418
Smelters, expedited permit procedure, requirements, duties, AB 289D
Transportation, Department of, cooperation, SB 418
Volkswagen settlement proceeds, duties, SB 418, AB 416
Zero emission vehicles, fueling and charging stations, duties, SB 418
Forestry, Division of
Equipment, vehicles and deferred maintenance projects, appropriations, SB 537*
State Forester Firewarden, annual report concerning Tahoe Basin, duties, SB 507
Supplemental appropriations for shortfall, SB 524*
Historic Preservation, Office of
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, appropriation, SB 244*
Indian human remains and other prehistoric artifacts, process for repatriation, duties, regulation, SB 244*
State Land Registrar, consultations regarding historic buildings, AB 371*
Transferable tax credits for persons rehabilitating historic buildings, duties, AB 370
Window replacement, approval of installation of alternatives in certain state buildings required, AB 160*
Lincoln County Pilot Land Development and Disposal Law, repeal, AB 34*
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Account for, duties, AB 29*
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on
Nominating and advisory duties repealed, AB 29*
Transfer to Department, duties, AB 29*
Off‑Highway Vehicles Program, creation, duties, AB 29*
Recycling and Materials Management, Nevada Council on, duties, SB 315†
Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation Credit System program, appropriation, SB 535
Smelters, expedited permit procedure, requirements, duties, AB 289D
State Lands, Division of
Child support enforcement, duties, SB 34D
Commercial or agricultural use of lands, establishment of fees, deposit and use of certain proceeds, SB 512*
Historic buildings, purchase authorized, public‑private partnerships to restore, duties, AB 371*
Huntridge Theater, Las Vegas, purchase and restoration, appropriation, AB 371†
Lake Tahoe bond issue, duties, SB 197*
Land use planning information provided to cities and counties, duties, AB 34*
Lease of real property by state agency, procedures, SB 22*
Restore Nevada’s Treasures Revolving Account, creation, duties, AB 371*
Revolving Account for Land Management, duties, AB 34*, AB 489*
State Land Use Planning Agency
Plans and statements of policy, duties, SB 507
Technical assistance, priority of activities, AB 34*
Washoe County, transfer of certain leased parcel of state land to, SB 340D
State Parks, Division of
150th anniversary license plates, duties regarding certain proceeds, SB 37*
Construction projects at certain parks and recreation areas, funding, SB 536*
Maintenance of State Park Facilities and Grounds, Account for, authorized expenditures, AB 490*
Public Lands Day, proclamation by Governor, free entry to Nevada residents, AB 449*
School pupils
Annual pass, free issuance to certain pupils and family members, AB 385†
Annual permit, establishment of program for free receipt by certain pupils, AB 385*
Terminal leave payments, supplemental appropriation, SB 523
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Water Resources, Division of (See also WATER)
Colorado River, duties regarding management study, AJR 4D
Dissolved mineral resources, duties, coordination with Commission on Mineral Resources, AB 52*
Emergency Management, Division of, assistance, SB 74†
South Fork Dam, funding, SB 514*
Water Conservation and Drought, Advisory Committee on, creation, SB 74†
Water Planning and Drought, Advisory Committee on, creation, duties, SB 74†
Water Planning Section
Conservation plans, review, contents, SB 74*
Name change, SB 74†
Water policy, suggestions to State Engineer, SB 74†
Western Regional Water Planning Commission, removal of appointment duty, SB 74*
Water systems, account for deposit of fees for certain services, duties, AB 50*
Candidates for office in certain townships, eligibility requirements, SB 250
Certification as category II peace officer, exemption of certain constables from requirement, SB 250†
Consent of sheriff or police chief for certain purposes, removal of provision, SB 250
Deputy constables, prohibited acts, SB 182*
Forfeitures, prohibitions, reports, SB 358D
Writs of execution, fees for mailing notice, SB 182*
Campaign finances, proposal of amendment to allow state regulation urged, SJR 4‡
Constitutional Convention, rescission of all previous state requests calling for, SJR 10‡
Educational personnel, requirements for license, SB 20*, SB 104D, AB 77*
Equal Rights Amendment, ratification, SJR 2‡
Educational personnel, requirements for license, SB 20*, SB 104D, AB 77*
Board of Regents, removal of constitutional provisions, AJR 5‡
Clemency Board, creation, SJR 1†
Commerce tax, amount of Nevada gross revenue exempt from taxation, procedure for decreasing, AJR 1D
Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens’ Commission on, creation, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Gender, prohibition against discrimination based on, SJR 16
Citizens’ Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, appointments, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Hospital emergency services, rights of persons to, restrictions on charges, AJR 14‡
Hunting, fishing and trapping, recognition of rights, use to manage wildlife, SJR 11 of the 78th SessionD
Initiative petitions
Filing of copy with Secretary of State, time for, SJR 11
Public revenue, passage of petition to generate, requirements, AJR 8 of the 78th SessionD
Legislature, annual sessions, compensation of members, SJR 11
Recognition regardless of gender, equal treatment under the law, AJR 2‡
Refusal to solemnize, rights of religious organizations and clergy, AJR 2‡
Minimum wage
Class actions and damages for violations, SJR 6‡
Collective bargaining agreements, authority to waive wage requirements removed, SJR 6†
Health benefits, wage differential for employers who do not provide, abolishment, SJR 6‡
Increase, SJR 6‡
Pardons Commissioners, State Board of
Abolishment, SJR 1†
Express provision for Board, procedures, SJR 1‡
Property tax
Base value of property, determination, SJR 13 of the 78th SessionD
Limit on total levy on property, SJR 13 of the 78th SessionD
Sale or transfer of real property, temporary ineligibility for certain tax adjustments or abatements after, SJR 14‡
Senior and Disabled Taxpayers Protection Act, required adoption by Legislature, SJR 14‡
Salaries of certain elected officers, increase during term authorized, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
State Controller, abolishment of office, transfer of duties to Executive Branch, AJR 6D
State Treasurer, abolishment of office, transfer of duties to Executive Branch, AJR 6D
State University, Legislature’s authority to adopt statutes, AJR 5‡
Victims of crime, expansion of bill of rights, SJR 17 of the 78th Session‡
Voters’ Bill of Rights, adoption, SJR 3‡
Rescission of all previous state requests calling for Federal Constitutional Convention, SJR 10‡
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Attorney’s fees and costs, recovery in action, SB 450D, AB 462D
Commencement of action, prerequisites, period of statute of repose, AB 462D
Definition of constructional defect, AB 462D
Homeowner’s associations, rights in actions, AB 462D
Inspections, presence of certain persons, requirements, AB 462D
Notice requirements, AB 462D
Fluid dairy products, duties, AB 33*
Sellers or lessors, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, SB 185*
Short‑term loans, applicability of laws, AB 255†
Insurers, authorized and prohibited uses, penalties, AB 83*, AB 460D
Water or sewage disposal companies, authority to intervene in certain proceedings, AB 109
Initial fittings, requirements, AB 129D
Marijuana establishments and medical marijuana establishments, duties, prohibited acts, SB 344*
Adoption proceedings, noncompliance with visitation orders, SB 274*
Guardians, contempt by, penalties, SB 158D, SB 433*
Grants to support family planning services
Appropriation, AB 397*
Duties of entities receiving grant, SB 122*
Insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 249*, AB 408††
Pharmacists, duty to dispense 12‑month supply, SB 233*, AB 249†, AB 408††
Breastfeeding, exemptions from duty to provide accommodations for personnel, SB 253*, AB 113*
Contracts with State or political subdivisions, exemptions from regulation, AB 359*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Pregnant Workers’ Fairness Act, Nevada, applicability of laws, SB 253*
Prime contractors
Health or welfare fund, provision of certain notices by contractors, removal of law, SB 338*
Liability for indebtedness for labor incurred by subcontractor or other contractor, procedures, SB 338*
Original contractors, change of terminology in certain laws, SB 338*
Recovery of wages or benefits due employees of subcontractor or other contractor, limitation of actions, SB 338*
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Residential construction, safety requirements, AB 295D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
State Contractors’ Board
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Disciplinary process, removal of exemption from uniform provisions, AB 328†
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Nevada Clean Energy Fund Board of Directors, nominations, SB 407*
Nevada Green Bank Program Board of Directors, nominations, SB 407†
Public works, affidavit from contractors receiving preference in bidding, time for, SB 317
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Achievement charter schools, contracts governing operation of school, requirements, SB 430
Agriculture, State Board of, duties regarding certain contracts, SB 340D
Animals or certain goods, sale or lease, prohibited acts, SB 185*
Armed Forces members, authority to terminate, suspend or reinstate certain contracts, requirements, penalties, AB 282*
Assisted suicide, certain contract provisions deemed void, SB 261
Blockchain technology, use authorized, effect, SB 398†
Common‑interest communities, cancellation of contract of purchase, procedures, SB 255*
Community colleges, contract deemed to be entered into by board of trustees, AB 331D
Consumer goods or services, form contracts, prohibited acts by sellers and lessors, penalties, SB 185*
Contractors entering contract or agreement with State or political subdivision, exemption from regulations, AB 359*
Direct primary care agreements, requirements, exemption from Insurance Code, SB 208D
Domestic workers, duties of employers, SB 232*
Health and Human Services, Department of, authority to enter success contracts, SB 400*
Health maintenance organizations, contracts to cover costs of services provided, AB 83*
Health network plan carriers and providers, requirements, AB 83*
Heir finders, agreements for recovery of property, period of unenforceability, SB 376†
Hospital, medical or dental services, nonprofit corporations for, contracts to cover costs of services provided, AB 83*
Housing Division, authority to enforce contracts entered into by Manufactured Housing Division, SB 500*
Limited‑liability companies containing series, powers, SB 264D, AB 123*
Long‑term care facilities, contracts for services, requirements regarding dispute resolution clauses, SB 360*, AB 288*
Noncompete covenants
Actions to enforce, authority of courts, AB 276*
When deemed void and unenforceable, effect, SB 82D, SB 222, AB 149D, AB 276*
Pharmacists, collaborative practice agreements, requirements, SB 260*
Renewable energy, distributed generation systems, requirements for lease or purchase, AB 405*
Buses and other vehicles owned by district, authority to lease, requirements, SB 164*, AB 485*
Charter School Authority, State Public, requirements for certain contracts, AB 78†
Charter schools, contracts with persons to investigate complaints against school, requirements, AB 49†
Goods, services or employment contracts, requirements, AB 378D
Anesthesiologist assistants, authority, prohibited acts, SB 210D
Collaborative practice physicians, restrictions on authority to prescribe, SB 372D
Crack houses or similar establishments, penalty for maintaining, SB 275D
Euthanasia drugs, authority to prescribe and dispense, disposal of unused drugs, SB 261
Forfeitures, procedures, SB 358D
Heroin‑assisted treatment pilot project, creation, reports, SB 181
Legislative study of crimes related to, SCR 5
Levels of possession, establishment of crimes, AB 438††
Methamphetamine precursors, identification of purchaser, requirements, SB 399*, AB 415*
Opioid antagonists
Acquisition and use, AB 428†
Pharmacists, authority to furnish without prescription, AB 428*
Prenatal substance abuse, child affected by, designation as being in need of protection, SB 480*
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Public assistance
Convicted persons, eligibility of certain persons for benefits, AB 427††
Drug screening as precondition for receipt, requirements, SB 298D
Public schools
Crimes involving controlled substances, instruction on, study, SB 108*
Surveys of pupils regarding use and abuse, requirements, reports, SB 166
Sealing of records of criminal proceedings for certain convictions, procedures, SB 378D, SB 453, AB 259††
Acts constituting, removal of certain acts, AB 438†
Reduction or suspension of certain sentences, authority of court, AB 438††
Unlawful possession not for purpose of sale
Penalties, AB 438†
Sentencing, authority of court, AB 259††
Vacation of judgment and sealing of documents, petitions for, authority, procedures, AB 259††
Unlawful use
Crime repealed, AB 438†
Penalties, AB 438††
Convention Authority, project labor agreements authorized, SB 464††
Public bodies, authority to exempt work from certain restrictions relating to labor organizations, SB 464†
Federal Constitutional Convention, rescission of all previous state requests calling for, SJR 10‡
Personal property owned by nonresidents, applicability of property tax exemption, SB 414*
Sexual orientation or gender identity, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Charter school personnel, duty to report convictions, termination of employment after conviction for certain crimes, AB 77*
Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act, Uniform, adoption, SB 328D
Genetic marker analysis of convicted person, postconviction petitions for
Order granting petition, grounds for, AB 268*
Procedure, payment of costs, SB 451†, AB 268†
Minors convicted as adult (See MINORS)
Occupations and professions, rights of persons with criminal history, AB 353D
Public assistance, eligibility of certain convicted persons, criteria, AB 427††
Public employment, procedures for consideration of criminal history of applicants, exceptions, remedies for violations, AB 384*
Records of criminal history (See CRIMINAL HISTORY, RECORDS OF)
Salespersons of vehicles, trailers or semitrailers, grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of license, AB 60*
Dual credit courses, participation by high school pupils, agreements required, contents, SB 19*
Insurance Commissioner, authority to enter agreements relating to internationally active insurance groups, AB 35*
Intercounty significance, projects of, reimbursement by county of impact costs to other local governments, AB 153D
Local improvement districts, creation, AB 246*
Public‑private partnerships, creation, SB 335D, SB 448*
Solid waste disposal, agreements by municipalities, restrictions, SB 315†
Statewide longitudinal data system, agreement among participants, SB 458*
Tax increment areas, creation, AB 246*
Voter registration list, authority of Secretary of State, SB 424D
Criminal history records, authority to receive, SB 278D, AB 76*
Death certificates, authority to sign uncompleted certificate, SB 291*
Health care records, access, use, SB 291*
Notification of death of decedent, duties, AB 57*
Prescription controlled substances, death caused by, duties, access to tracking database, SB 59*
School employees and volunteers, duty to report to child welfare agency and law enforcement agency, requirements, SB 287*
Accounting firms
Attest services performed without office in State, exemption from registration requirement, SB 129D, AB 454†
Registered public accountants, repeal of provisions, AB 454*
Acquisition of controlling interest, issuing corporation defined, SB 264D
Articles of incorporation, procedures for amendment, SB 264D
Court reporting firms, applicability of laws, SB 406*
Debt or liability of corporation, persons deemed to be acting as alter ego of corporation, SB 264D
Dissolution after beginning of business, procedures, SB 264D
Indemnification of certain persons, procedures, SB 264D
Initial and annual lists, AB 123*, AB 172D, AB 283D
Insurance adjusters, licensing of business entities, applicability of laws, AB 12*
Internal actions brought in specified courts, authority, SB 264D
Legislative declaration, SB 203*, SB 264D
Medical marijuana establishments, incorporation and issuance of stock authorized, prohibited acts, SB 329
Mergers, procedures, SB 264D
Officers and directors
Action against corporation alleging breach of duty, requirements, SB 203†
Aiding or abetting director or officer later determined not to be individually liable, effect, SB 264D
Breach of duties, acts constituting, SB 264D
Change of corporate control, authority, SB 203*
Exercise of powers and duties, authority, SB 203*
Individual liability, requirements, SB 203*
Medical marijuana establishment, restrictions, SB 329
Presumption that acts done in good faith, when overcome, SB 203*
Records inspections, procedures, SB 264D
State business registration, annual fee, AB 172D
Distributions to, applicability of laws, when determination of directors deemed proper, liability, SB 264D
Right to dissent from certain corporate actions, SB 264D
Veteran‑owned corporations, waiver of certain filing fees, AB 44D
Emergency loan program for certain persons, creation of corporation related to, AB 67D
Nevada Clean Energy Fund, creation, SB 407*
Charter, clarification of reinstatement fee, SB 41*
Legislative declaration, SB 264D
Alcohol or drug abuse by offenders
Account for the Treatment of Substance Abusers, creation, SB 181
Authority of Department, generally, SB 181
Deputy Director for Substance Abuser Programs, appointment, SB 181
Breastfeeding, accommodations by state employers, applicability, AB 113*
Community Re‑Entry Task Force, Nevada, Department encouraged to work with, AB 316*
Criminal history, requirements for submissions to Central Repository, AB 76*
Juvenile justice, authority to receive information concerning child, AB 472*
Nevada Criminal Justice Information Sharing, Advisory Committee on, repeal, SB 35*, SB 277*
Parole and Probation, Division of, duties, AB 302
Residential confinement of certain older offenders, duties, SB 140††
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, member, SB 451*
Telecommunications devices, offender access in certain circumstances, duties, SB 306*, AB 420*
Videoconferencing equipment, offender access for conducting visits, duties, AB 420*
Murder of employee, enhanced penalty in certain circumstances, AB 90D
Peace officer powers, employees with (See generally PEACE OFFICERS)
Peer support counseling, communications privileged and confidential, exceptions, immunities, AB 301*
Unclassified service, salaries, duties, SB 368*, AB 517*
Genetic marker analysis, postconviction petitions for, duties, SB 451†, AB 268†
Habeas corpus writs, regulations, duties, SB 11D
Judiciary, Joint Interim Standing Committee on the, duties, SB 507
Mediation programs for offenders before release, duties, AB 316*
Medical records system, appropriation, AB 505*
Nevada Offender Tracking Information System, appropriation, AB 505*
Nevada Staffing Information System, appropriation, AB 505*
Parole and Probation, Division of, transfer to Department, AB 302
Parole, list of persons eligible for, duties, AB 27*
Private entities, agreements to perform core correctional services, restrictions, duties, AB 303††
Publications received by offenders, duties, SB 188*
Reentry programs
Grant program, appropriation, duties, SB 321
Information provided to offenders, duties, AB 316*
Telecommunications devices, offender access, pilot program, SB 306*
Residential confinement
Offenders granted parole but not yet eligible for release, establishment of program for, duties, AB 421†
Older offenders, procedures, SB 140††
Restitution owed to certain older persons, receipt of notice, duties, SB 278D
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, assistance, SB 451*
Supplemental appropriation for projected shortfalls, AB 493*
Telecommunications devices, pilot program for use by certain offenders, authorization, SB 306*
Telephone system, appropriation, AB 505*
Collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Educational development and workforce development, duties, AB 336
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 101*, AB 195*
Cutting of men’s hair as primary business, authority, AB 195*
Prostitution, solicitation or other sexual offenses, grounds for discipline, AB 195*
Fish, use for pedicures authorized, regulations, AB 158D
Hair braiders, identification provided to Board, requirements, SB 399*, AB 162*, AB 415*
Licenses or certificates
Applicability of laws to certificates clarified, AB 195*
Applications, requirements, AB 195*
Cosmetologists, qualifications, AB 195*
Duplicates, authority to acquire, AB 195*
Duplication of certain licensing procedures, repeal of provisions, AB 179*
Examinations in languages other than English, AB 195*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Temporary suspension authorized, procedures, AB 195*
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Schools of cosmetology
Hours of instruction before working with public, requirements, AB 195*
Instructors, qualifications, continuing education, AB 195*
State Board of Cosmetology
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Criminal history records, receipt, AB 195*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Fees and expenses, duties, AB 195*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Meetings, purposes, AB 195*
Removal of member, authority of Governor, AB 195*
Revolving fund, repeal, AB 195*
Secretary and Treasurer, merger of offices, election, AB 195*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Compounds containing dextromethorphan, unlawful acts involving minors, penalty, SB 159*
Fourth Judicial District, appropriation for salary and benefits for certain counselors, AB 395*
Genetic counselors, unlicensed practice prohibited, penalty, SB 290D
Peer support counseling for law enforcement or public safety personnel, communications privileged and confidential, exceptions, immunities, AB 301*
Psychologists (See PSYCHOLOGISTS)
School counselors, duties regarding academic plans developed for high school pupils, SB 132*
Abandoned residential property, establishment of registry, provisions continued, SB 267*
Agricultural extension
Advisory boards, creation, AB 407†
Financial support, AB 16†
Agriculture, authority to establish urban agriculture zones, SB 429*
Animals impounded due to arrest of owner, procedures, recovery of costs, SB 371*
Autonomous vehicles or automated driving systems, limitations on regulatory authority, AB 69*
Baby changing facilities, requirements, AB 241*
Bill draft requests by association of counties, limit on number, AB 189
Blockchain technology, use authorized, local regulation and taxation prohibited, SB 398*
Business licenses
Fees, restrictions on fees based on size of property, exceptions, SB 463D
Marijuana establishments or medical marijuana establishments, fee authorized, limit on amount, SB 341†, SB 487*, AB 422*, AB 463
Capital improvements, certain reports repealed, AB 464*
Carson City (See CARSON CITY)
Cemeteries, title transferred to county by court order, duties, AB 203*
Central Mailing Room, use by local governments authorized, SB 38*
Child care facilities, duties, SB 189*
Community gardening, authority to allow use of certain county land, SB 429*
Crematories, location of certain crematories, duties, AB 205*
Criminal investigations and reports, authority, costs, SB 8, SB 9
Dangerous wild animals, regulation, AB 238D
Dextromethorphan, local regulation prohibited, SB 159*
Education, community advisory boards authorized, AB 210D
Election campaign communications, use of official name and address, disclosures, AB 392*
Elko County, Public Utilities Commission to conduct annual consumer sessions to solicit comments from public, AB 109
Emergency telephone system, surcharge for enhancement of, imposition, use, SB 176*
Family planning services, grants to local governmental entities
Appropriation, AB 397*
Duties of entities receiving grant, SB 122*
Feral cat colonies, programs for managed care authorized, SB 411†
Finances and funds (See also LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
County Treasurer, Account for the Acquisition and Improvement of Technology in the Office of the, creation, SB 245†
Enterprise funds, transfers to general fund, requirements, SB 78*
Investments, authority, SB 76D, AB 152D
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, requests for distributions, procedures, AB 311D
Homeland security, duties regarding critical infrastructure, SB 395D
Indigent defense services
Evaluation of services, requirements, determination and effect of noncompliance, SB 377†
Transfer of responsibility, procedures, payment of costs, withdrawal of transfer, SB 377†
Infrastructure tax, authorized use of proceeds in smaller counties, review requirements, SB 54*
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 201D, AB 404
Intercounty significance, projects of, reimbursement of impact costs to affected local governments, AB 153D
Internet sales of personal property by individuals, designation of places for parties to meet to complete transaction, AB 297*
Landlord and tenant, adverse action against landlord based upon tenant’s request for emergency assistance prohibited, remedies, AB 133*
Legal notices, publication on Internet website authorized, restrictions and requirements, SB 218D
Businesses in which use of marijuana allowed and use at special events, regulation, SB 236D
Excise tax on sales, distribution of proceeds to local governments, SB 302, SB 487*
Medical marijuana, authority to request additional dispensaries, SB 341†
Regulatory authority and license tax, limitations, SB 341†, SB 344*, SB 487*, AB 422*, AB 463
Massage establishments, concurrent regulation, AB 179*
Medicaid recipients, supplemental payment program for emergency medical ground transportation services provided to, SB 60*
Mental health and substance abuse issues, advisory committees on, creation, SB 487†
Mineral County, inclusion in Intermountain West Corridor route urged, AJR 11‡
National conservation areas, restriction on planning and zoning powers, AB 277††
National recreation areas, restriction on planning and zoning powers of local governments, AB 277†
Nevada Parks, Trails and Open Space District Act, adoption, AB 379*
Nye County Water District, abolishment, effect, SB 21D
Officers and employees (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; specific officers and employees)
Permanent resident cards, acceptance for identification purposes, AB 162*
Pest control performed by, requirements, AB 32*
Plumbing code, authority of governing body to adopt modifications, AB 72D
Prostitution, revocation of business license of transient lodging places where repeated acts of prostitution have occurred, authority, AB 217D
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 335D, SB 448*
Recreational facilities, creation of general improvement districts to provide, authorization, AB 379†
Reflexology or structural integration establishments, concurrent regulation, AB 179*
Regional transportation commissions, certain agreements with, SB 149*
Residential care, certain facilities providing, zoning requirements, SB 477*
Roads and streets of county located in unincorporated town, repair and maintenance procedures, SB 63D
Sanctuary counties (See SANCTUARY)
Sexual assault forensic medical examinations, reimbursement of costs, AB 55D, AB 97*
Statewide nonemergency information system, participation authorized, AB 437
Ticket sales, local regulation restricted, SB 235†
Trapping on public lands prohibited, SB 365D
Tribal identification cards, acceptance for identification purposes, SB 399*, AB 415*
Vapor products, local control measures authorized, AB 450D
Voting machines, funding for purchase, AB 519*
Wind energy systems, regulatory authority, SB 314*
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Records, authority regarding confidentiality of information, SB 6D, SB 79*
Smelters, applications for tax abatements, notices, AB 289D
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Records, authority regarding confidentiality of information, SB 79*
Register of Administrative Regulations, receipt and duty removed, AB 403††
Accommodations facilitators, duties, AB 294D
Agricultural extension programs, duties, AB 407†
Clark County
Las Vegas Convention Center, bond issue for renovation or expansion, duties, AB 399*
Medical facilities, persons transported to, repeal of quarterly report, AB 464*
Nevada Clean Energy Fund Board of Directors, nominations, SB 407*
Nevada Green Bank Program Board of Directors, nominations, SB 407†
Regional housing authority, membership, SB 183*
Regional transportation commissions, funding, procedures, SB 149*
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, nomination of members, SB 377*
School district trustees, appointment, SB 243D
Sunrise and Frenchman Mountains, legislative declaration regarding development near, AB 393*
Water districts, appeal of certain rate increases, procedures, SB 461D
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
County treasurers, reports to commissioners regarding technology expenditures, SB 245†
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, duties, AB 471*
Douglas County, membership on Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority Board of Directors, SB 471*
Emergency telephone systems, surcharge for enhancement of, duties, SB 176*
Feral cat colonies, programs for managed care authorized, SB 411†
Flood management, receipt of reports, duties, AB 375*
General improvement districts, committees to review, creation, duties, SB 462*
Hosting platforms facilitating certain rentals, duties, AB 294†, AB 321*
Hunting, determination of roads upon, over or across which discharge of firearm authorized, AB 448D
Internet sales of personal property by individuals, designation of places for parties to meet to complete transaction, duties, AB 297*
Justices of the peace, time of fixing compensation, SB 42*
Legal aid programs, additional county recorder’s fees for support authorized, SB 305*, SB 433*
Local governing bodies, appointment of members, authority, SB 127D
Local Government Lobbying Act, Nevada, adoption, SB 380D
Nevada Clean Energy Fund Board of Directors, nominations, SB 407*
Nevada Green Bank Program Board of Directors, nominations, SB 407†
Plumbing code, authority to adopt modifications, AB 72D
Polling places, duties, SB 94D, SB 144†, AB 104
Public defenders
Appointment or removal, authority, duties, SB 377†
Indigent defense services, transfer to Office of Public Defender, duties, SB 377†
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Recycling, reports to Legislature, SB 315
Regional transportation commissions, funding in larger counties, procedures, SB 149†
Residential confinement of certain older offenders, receipt of notice, SB 140††
School districts
Impact of proposed construction or development on, receipt of reports, AB 120D
Trustees, appointment in certain districts, SB 243D
Securities, authorized investments, SB 76D, AB 152D
Smelters, applications for tax abatements, notices, AB 289D
Unincorporated towns, maintenance and repair of county streets and roads, procedures, SB 63D
V & T Railway, Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the, duties, SB 57*
Washoe County
Nevada Clean Energy Fund Board of Directors, nominations, SB 407*
Nevada Green Bank Program Board of Directors, nominations, SB 407†
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, nomination of members, SB 377*
School district trustees, appointment, SB 243D
Diesel fuel, additional tax authorized in certain counties, rate, SB 439
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Records, authority regarding confidentiality of information, SB 79*
Alcohol beverage awareness programs, fines imposed for violations, duties, SB 440
Clark County, duties regarding room tax, SB 316D, SB 421D
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Delinquent property taxes
Claims for excess proceeds of tax sales, priority, SB 281*
Reconveyance of property to homeowners’ associations after payment of taxes authorized, SB 281†
Electric utilities, remedies for certain violations, duties, SB 347
Facsimile signatures, requirements, SB 245*
Guardianships, compensation of investigators, duties, SB 433*
Legal aid programs, additional county recorder’s fees for support, duties, SB 433*
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Regional transportation commissions in larger counties, proceeds of taxes to finance projects, duties, SB 149†
Smelters, applications for tax abatements, notices, AB 289D
Specialty court program fees, continuation, duties, AB 512*
Technology, Account for the Acquisition and Improvement of, creation, sources, use, SB 245†
V & T Railway, Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the, removal of authority to contract with certain officers, SB 57*
Breastfeeding, provision of accommodations by judicial employers, duties regarding complaints, AB 113*
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, procedures, SB 79*
Court interpreters, duties, AB 125*
Foreclosure Mediation, Account for, duties removed, SB 490*
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Restitution to certain older victims of crime, duties, SB 278D
Specialty court programs and account, continuation of fees, duties, AB 512*
Trial jurors, receipt of reports regarding, AB 207*
Adoption of children, petitions regarding postadoptive contact, reduced filing fee, SB 274*
Consumer goods or services, prohibited acts by sellers or lessors, award of costs for violations, SB 185*
Foreclosure sales involving servicemembers and dependents, award of costs and fees for violations, SB 33*
Guardianship proceedings, restrictions on fees, SB 433*
Restitution to certain older persons who are victims of crime, fees prohibited or restricted, SB 278D
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, AB 512*
Alternate court interpreters, provisions removed, AB 125*
Certification or appointment
Application, requirements, AB 63*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Professional certification, laws clarified, AB 125†
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Civil proceedings, appointments, AB 125†
Juvenile courts, regulations, appointments, AB 125*
Language barrier, terminology changed to limited English proficiency, AB 125*
Registration, adoption of regulations, AB 125*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Altering records after transcript has been certified, restrictions, SB 406*
Examinations, requirements, SB 406*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Qualifications, SB 406*
Temporary certificates, SB 406†
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Certified Court Reporters’ Board of Nevada
Administrative fines, authority to impose, SB 406*
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Citations and cease and desist orders, authority to issue, SB 406*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Injunctions, authority to maintain action for, SB 406*
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Court reporting firms, applicability of laws, SB 406*
Depositions, authority to perform certain duties, SB 406†
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unlicensed practice or conduct, penalties, SB 406*
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, creation, duties, AB 325
Paratransit services, first‑aid equipment and training, requirements, AB 234*
Schools, public and private, certain courses of instruction made mandatory, AB 85*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, supplemental appropriation for processing fees shortfall, AB 497*
Scanning devices and reencoders, penalty for unlawful acts, SB 275D
Secretary of State, supplemental appropriation for processing fees shortfall, AB 496*
Solicitors offering credit cards by mail, acceptance of certain identification authorized, SB 399*, AB 162*, AB 415*
State purchasing, deposit and use of procurement card rebates, AB 10
Taxicabs, display of statement indicating acceptance, requirements, AB 487*
Regulations, authority of Insurance Commissioner, AB 83*
Alkaline hydrolysis, use authorized, requirements, AB 205*
Coroners, notification of persons authorized to order cremation, duties, AB 57*
Guardians, notice regarding cremation of ward, duties, SB 433*
Licenses or permits
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Wills and durable powers of attorney, authority of another person to order cremation, requirements, AB 314*
Adam Walsh Act, repeal of laws enacted pursuant to Act and reenactment of previous state laws regarding registration of offender and community notification, SB 474
CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS (See also specific crimes)
Abortion by pregnant minor or ward, violation of notification requirements, SB 382D
Accountants, violations, AB 454*
Anesthesiologist assistants, violations, SB 210D
Abusers, violations, SB 405
Bestiality, prohibited acts, AB 391*
Dangerous wild animals, prohibited acts involving, AB 238D
Motor vehicles, leaving pets unattended, SB 409*
Purchase, sale or possession of certain animal parts or byproducts, SB 194*
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 261
Athlete agents, violations, AB 372*
Autism behavior interventionists, unlawful acts, SB 286*
Bail enforcement agents, unlawful acts, SB 18D
Barbers, unlawful acts, AB 315D
Behavior analysts, unlawful acts, SB 286*
Blind or Visually Impaired, Bureau of Services to Persons Who Are, release of certain information, violations, AB 20*
Botox or similar modulator, violations, SB 101*
Breastfeeding, violations by private employers related to, AB 113*
Candidates for office, unlawful filings, AB 21*, AB 389D
Cemetery endowment care fund trustees, violations, SB 295*
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, unlawful dissemination of certain agency records, SB 287*
Children, agency or entity serving, sexual conduct between employee or volunteer and child, SB 169*
Consumer goods or services, sellers or lessors of, violations, SB 185*
Controlled substances (See CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES)
Document preparation services, violations, penalties, AB 148*
Domestic service employees, violations by employers, SB 468*
Domestic violence (See also DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Battery, penalty for certain subsequent offenses, SB 361*
Employers, violations relating to victims, SB 361*
Protective orders, intentional violations, SB 361†, AB 58D
Driver’s licenses
Civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty for certain violations, study, ACR 9‡
Name changes, violations regarding, SB 215*
Drone storage facilities, unlicensed operation, SB 234
Drones, operation near certain transmission lines, AB 11*
Drug overdoses, failure of health care providers to report cases, AB 474*
Emergency or official vehicles with flashing lights, prohibited acts by other drivers, SB 312*
Emission compliance inspectors, unlawful acts, SB 152D
Domestic service employees, violations by employers, SB 468*
Domestic violence, violations relating to victims, SB 361*
Noncompetition covenants deemed void and unenforceable, exclusions, SB 222, AB 149D
Self‑medication by employees, violations by employers, SB 265†
Sick leave, violations, SB 196††, AB 394D
Employment Security Division information, unauthorized use or dissemination, AB 207*
Enhanced penalties for certain crimes, aggregation with sentence, SB 184
Facilitating sex trafficking, SB 488*
Family courts, programs for supervised exchange of child, violations, AB 198D
Domestic violence offenders, violations, SB 124*
Stalking offenders, violations, SB 124*
First responders, certain crimes committed against, additional penalty, SB 541*, AB 88D
Foreclosure sales, violations, SB 33*
Gaming violations, applicability to persons 18 years of age or older, AB 86D
Genetic counselors, unlicensed practice, SB 290D
Hate crime committed against public safety personnel or spouse or child thereof, additional penalty, AB 88D
Hazardous materials violations, SB 219†
Health care records, violations by custodians, SB 291*
Health maintenance organizations, unauthorized disclosure of claims data, SB 394*
High‑risk individuals, orders for protection against, violations, SB 387D
Historic or prehistoric sites on state land, violations, SB 244*
Ignition interlock devices, violations, SB 259*
Indecent exposure in presence of child, applicability of increased penalty, SB 473*, AB 395*
Indian burial sites, violations, SB 244*
Industrial hemp, violations, SB 329, SB 396*
Inspector General, interference with, AB 404
Insurance companies, violations, SB 34D
Insurance fraud involving staged motor vehicle crashes, penalty, AB 15D
Intoxicating liquor, false identification to obtain, AB 86D
Juvenile justice, jurisdiction of juvenile court, AB 369D
Life‑sustaining treatment, withholding or withdrawal, violations, AB 93D
Local Government Lobbying Act, Nevada, violations, SB 380D
Marijuana excise tax on sales, violations, SB 302, SB 487*, SB 508
Marriages, solemnization, violations, SB 279*, AB 365†
Medicaid fraud and related crimes, penalties, AB 53D
Mercy killing, prohibited acts, SB 261
Microchips or other permanent identification markers, unlawful acts, SB 109D
Misdemeanors, joinder with certain related felonies, procedures, AB 412*
Monetary instruments, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 68D
Mopeds, violations, SB 426D
Motor carriers
Autonomous vehicles, violations, AB 69*
Paratransit services, violations, AB 234*
Registration violations, SB 31*
Transporting hazardous materials, violations, SB 31*
Motor vehicles
Registration and insurance violations, civil penalty in lieu of criminal, study, ACR 9‡
Technology devices, prohibited acts, SB 350*
Motortrucks, additional charges imposed by lessor, disclosure violations, AB 233*
Nonrepairable vehicles, applications by certificate holders to deem as salvage vehicles, violations, SB 172D
Notaries public, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 148*, AB 413*, AB 476*
Official records, requests for confidentiality of personal information contained in certain records, violations, SB 79*
Older persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment, penalties increased, SB 278D, SB 360*, AB 288*
Open or gross lewdness in presence of child, applicability of increased penalty, SB 473*, AB 395*
Peer support specialists, unlawful acts, AB 194D
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, violations, SB 265†
Pharmacists and pharmacies, violations, AB 245*
Pharmacy benefit managers, violations, SB 539*
Physical therapists, unlawful acts, SB 437*
Plastic bags provided by retailers to customers, interference with inspections conducted by health authority, AB 344D
Police animals, penalties for mistreatment, AB 92D
Private postsecondary educational institutions and agents, unlawful acts, AB 484*
Prostitution, solicitation for, AB 260*
Public money, retaliation against person reporting fraud, waste, abuse or corruption, AB 404
Public works, qualifications for bid preferences, violations, SB 317†, AB 280†
Racketeering, definitions, penalties, SB 362*
Radiation control violations, SB 219†
Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, violations, SB 219
Railroads and officers, violations, SB 427†
Reflexology, violations, AB 179*
Renewable energy, tax on sale of electricity generated from, violations, SB 336D
Child abuse or neglect, reporting violations and violations regarding disclosure or dissemination of information, SB 287*
Corporal punishment, reporting violations and violations regarding disclosure or dissemination of information, SB 287*
Course of instruction on certain crimes, study, SB 108*
Employment applications, false or nondisclosed information, AB 362*
Luring a child, reporting violations and violations regarding disclosure or dissemination of information, SB 287*
Private schools, self‑medication of pupils, violations by employees, SB 265††
Pupil records, failure to provide to child welfare agencies, AB 236†
Sexual conduct between employee or volunteer and pupil, reporting violations and violations regarding dissemination of information, SB 287*
Self‑medication by employees, violations by employers, SB 265†
Sex trafficking, facilitating, SB 488*
Shark fin, prohibited acts, SB 194*
Signature of electronic notary public, authentication, prohibited acts, AB 476*
State purchasing, violations regarding qualifications for certain bid preference, SB 317†, AB 280†
Structural integration, violations, AB 179*
Tanning establishments, violations, SB 219
Ticket sales, violations, SB 235*
Tow car operators, violations, SB 320†
Trade secrets, violations, SB 82D
Traffic violations (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Transportation network companies, violations, AB 445†
Trust companies, violations, AB 61*
Vapor products, violations, AB 269, AB 450D
Vocational Rehabilitation, Bureau of, violations regarding release of certain information, AB 20*
Voter preregistration, violations, AB 104†
Voter registration drives, unlawful acts, AB 45†
Vulnerable persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment, penalties increased, SB 278D, SB 360*, AB 288*
Water, violations by applicants to appropriate, AB 298D
Animal abuser website, establishment by Central Repository, access, SB 405†
Definition, AB 76*
Delinquency of children, duties of certain agencies removed, AB 76*
Coroner or coroner’s deputy, receipt, SB 278D, AB 76*
Cosmetology, State Board of, receipt, AB 195*
Domestic Violence, Committee on, SB 25*
Duplicate listings of persons and entities included in federal or other state laws, removal, AB 76†
Medical examiners, receipt, AB 76*
Removal of certain records required before dissemination to person or entity other than criminal justice agency, SB 453, AB 327†
Domestic violence offenders, fingerprint requirements, AB 14*
Employment screening services, authority to disseminate records, audits, AB 26*
Hate crime committed against public safety personnel or spouse or child thereof, establishment of program for reporting, AB 88D
Involuntary servitude, petitions to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedures, AB 243*
Joint Interim Standing Committee on the Judiciary, duties of Central Repository, SB 507
Justice, Advisory Commission of the Administration of, membership by representative of Central Repository, SB 35*, SB 277*
Juvenile sex offenders, registration and community notification, procedures, SB 472, AB 395*
Name changes, requirements for court orders relating to, AB 14*
Occupational licensure
Right to obtain, procedures, AB 353D
Subsequent requests, exemption from fee, period reduced, AB 76*
Older Persons, Repository for Information Concerning Crimes Against, information required in records, AB 76*
Public employment, procedures for consideration of criminal history of applicants, exceptions, remedies for violations, AB 384*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, assistance by Central Repository, SB 451*
Sex trafficking, petitions to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedures, AB 243*
Submission of information by agencies of criminal justice, requirements, AB 76*
Volunteers who work with children
Account, name change, AB 76*
Requests for information on background of volunteers, duties of Central Repository, AB 76*
Counties, authority regarding investigations and reports, costs, SB 8, SB 9
Interrogations, electronic recording of certain persons in custody, requirements, exceptions, AB 414
Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of older or vulnerable persons, immunity from criminal liability, restrictions, SB 278D, SB 360*, AB 288*
Armed Forces members, treatment programs (See ARMED FORCES)
Arrest, warrantless, time for complaint, AB 376††
Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act, Uniform, adoption, SB 328D
Competency of defendant
Authority of advanced practice registered nurse to examine, SB 227*, AB 116D
Procedures, prohibitions, AB 377*
Controlled substances tracking program, persons accessing, immunity from criminal liability, SB 59*
Disclosure of information, requirements, procedures, AB 356†, AB 376†
Discoverable materials
Exchange, procedures, sanctions, AB 356†, AB 376†
Exculpatory or mitigating material, obligations of prosecutor, AB 356†, AB 376†
From law enforcement agencies, prosecutor deemed in constructive possession, AB 356†, AB 376†
Motion by defendant, requirements, AB 356†, AB 376†
Privileged information, restrictions on discovery or inspection authorized, AB 356†, AB 376†
Domestic violence (See also DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Judgments of conviction or admonishment of rights, requirements, penalty for violations, SB 124*
Interrogations of certain persons in custody, electronic recordings required, effect when recording absent, AB 414
Introduction, restrictions on, grounds for dismissal of actions, AB 356†, AB 376†
Motions to suppress, requirements, procedures, SB 368†
Failure to appear
Electronic transmission of certain information authorized, AB 38*
Issuance of warrant for arrest, time for, AB 38*
Forfeitures, establishment of uniform procedures, SB 358D
Genetic marker analysis of convicted person, postconviction petitions for
Order granting petition, grounds for, AB 268*
Procedure, payment of costs, SB 451†, AB 268†
Guardians, notice when ward is party to criminal action, AB 130*
Instructions to jury, procedures, AB 356*, AB 376†
Interpreters, appointment for persons with limited English proficiency, AB 125*
Interrogations of certain persons in custody, electronic recordings required, effect when recording absent, AB 414
Intimate partner battering or traumatic bonding, admissibility of evidence, AB 216D
Involuntary servitude victims, exclusive jurisdiction to hear motion to vacate judgment of conviction, AB 243†
Justice courts, transfer of case to other court authorized in certain circumstances, SB 29*
Medical use of marijuana on school property, exemption from prosecution, affirmative defense, SB 378D
Mental illness, persons with
Hoarding disorders, eligibility for treatment programs, SB 177*
Incompetent defendants committed to certain facilities, procedures for extension of commitment, AB 377*
Involuntary court‑ordered admissions to community‑based program or outpatient services, procedures, AB 440*
Mental illness defined, SB 27*, SB 177*
Preprosecution diversion program for certain offenders, creation, AB 470*
Misdemeanors, joinder with certain related felonies, procedures, AB 412*
Municipal courts, transfer of case to other court authorized in certain circumstances, SB 29*
Motion to withdraw certain pleas after imposition or suspension of sentence, remedy, AB 184*
Preprosecution diversion program for certain offenders, procedures, AB 470*
Written agreements between defendant and prosecuting attorney, procedures, AB 453*
Preprosecution diversion program for certain offenders, creation, AB 470*
Recreational marijuana, medical marijuana dispensaries exempt from prosecution, SB 302
Schools, reports of abuse or neglect, sexual conduct, luring or corporal punishment of child, immunities from prosecution, SB 287*
Sealing records of criminal proceedings (See SEALING RECORDS OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS)
Sentencing (See SENTENCING)
Sex trafficking victims
Exclusive jurisdiction to hear motion to vacate judgment of conviction, AB 243†
Sex trafficking or facilitating by, presumption of duress, SB 488*
Subpoenas for persons or documents, authority of certain attorneys to issue, requirements, AB 356†, AB 376†
Veterans, treatment programs (See VETERANS)
Animal abuser registry website, establishment and use, penalties for certain violations, SB 405
Convictions, prohibition on owning, possessing or caring for animals, penalty for violations, SB 405
Bestiality, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 391*
Feral cats, release following vaccination, spaying or neutering not deemed abandonment, SB 411*
Liens for cost of shelter and care of seized animal, limit on duration removed, SB 371†
Motor vehicles, leaving pets unattended, penalties, SB 409*
Arts and museums, preservation and promotion, duties, advisory ballot question, SB 187†
Membership, SB 244*
Creation within Department of Public Safety, duties, AB 471*
Licensing and regulation, SB 395D
Agriculture, State Department of, duties, AB 33*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Abolishment, duties transferred, AB 33*
Regulations, Internet publication, AB 33*
Armed Forces members
Contracts for certain services, remedies for violations involving, AB 282*
Foreclosure sales involving servicemembers and dependents, award for violations, SB 33*
Foreign judgments, unlawful enforcement by creditors, remedies of debtors, SB 230*
Geolocation information, unlawful collection or disclosure, AB 313D
Guardians, violations regarding rights of wards, SB 158D, SB 433*
Hate crime committed against public safety personnel or spouse or child thereof, AB 88D
Hospital liens, violations, AB 183†
Landlord and tenant, adverse actions based upon tenant’s request for emergency assistance, AB 133*
Minimum wage violations, SJR 6‡
Seat belt violations, admissibility of evidence, AB 338D
Ticket sales, violations, SB 235*
Unlawful employment practices, SB 397††, AB 178D
Unpaid wages, action to recover, prevailing employee entitled to treble damages, AB 211†
Glen Canyon Dam, independent study of decommissioning and dismantling urged, AJR 4D
South Fork Dam, funding, SB 514*
Anesthesiology assistants, authority, prohibited acts, SB 210D
Botox or similar modulator, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Privacy of covered information about consumers, duties, penalties, SB 538*
Assisted suicide, resulting death not deemed to constitute suicide or homicide, SB 261
Brain death, determination, restrictions on withholding or withdrawal of organ‑sustaining treatment, AB 424*
Candidates for office, election procedures, AB 389D
Controlled substances prescription tracking program, access by certain persons, duties, immunities, SB 59*
Coroners, notification of death of decedents, duties, AB 57*
Deadly force against intruder, immunity from civil liability removed, SB 254D
Domestic violence victims, review procedures, SB 25*
Medical records of deceased licensee’s patients, authority of Board of Medical Examiners to take possession, duties, SB 291*, AB 339*
Nevada System of Higher Education, payment of expenses of dependent child of public employee killed in performance of duties, AB 1*
Pronouncement, authority of advanced practice registered nurses, SB 227*, AB 116D
Right to die (See RIGHT TO DIE)
Wards, death or imminent death, duty of guardians regarding notices, SB 158D, SB 433*
Wills and durable powers of attorney, authority of another person to order burial or cremation, requirements, AB 314*
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to sign, SB 227*, SB 291*, AB 116D, AB 265D
Assisted suicide, terminal condition to be listed as cause of death, SB 261
Completion of certificate, requirements, exception, SB 291*
Domestic Violence, Committee on, use by, SB 25*
Fee, amount, use for grief support services, SB 355*
Uncompleted certificates, persons authorized to sign, SB 291*
Abolished, AB 237D
Crimes committed as a minor, commutation of sentence authorized, AB 251*
Killing of peace officer performing duties, penalty, AB 90D
Other crime committed by person under sentence of death, effect, SB 184
Oversight by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fees, AB 279*
Foreclosures (See also FORECLOSURES)
Deed of trust sales
Owner‑occupied housing, location, SB 267*
Residential property, procedures, SB 490*
Restrictive covenants, discrimination based on gender identity or expression or sexual orientation, voidable provisions, SB 188*
Damage to private land, issuance of hunting tags as compensation, SB 511*
Annual percentage rate, restrictions, AB 222D
Applicability of laws, AB 255*
Business location, restrictions, AB 222D
Customer’s ability to repay, duty of licensee to determine, AB 163*, AB 222D
Database of information relating to loans, creation and use, confidentiality of information, SB 17D, AB 222D, AB 515
Default, definition, AB 163*
Electronic debit transactions, reinitiation, requirements, AB 163*
Extended payment plans, requirements, AB 163*
Extension or rollover of loan prohibited, AB 222D
Grace period offered to customer, requirements, AB 163*
Installment payment default, limitations on fees, provisions repealed, SB 17D, AB 222D
Multiple loans to customer, restrictions, SB 17D, AB 222D
Notices and disclosures, requirements, AB 163*
Oversight by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fees, AB 279*
Proceeds of new loan used to pay balance of outstanding loan, provisions repealed, SB 17D, AB 222D
Restrictions on and requirements for making loans, SB 17D, AB 163*, AB 222D
Schools, public and private, courses of instruction in use made mandatory, AB 85*
Administrative supervision of organizations, requirements, AB 83*
Annual financial statements, confidentiality of information, AB 83*
Applications for certificate of authority, notice of material changes in information required, penalties, AB 83*
Capital accounts, requirements, AB 83*
Consumer credit reports, use, requirements, AB 83*
Contributions to nonprofit advocacy or research organizations, reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Corporate governance annual disclosure, requirements, AB 35*
Covered services, definition, notices to insureds regarding, AB 213D
Drugs prescribed, dispensed or administered for unapproved purposes, coverage not required, SB 346D
Emergency care, out‑of‑network payments for, procedures, reports, AB 382††
Hazardous financial condition, determination, effect, AB 83*
Patient‑centered medical homes, coverage requirements, payments or incentives, SB 139
Pharmacy benefit managers, duties, SB 539*
Rates, increase or decrease, procedures, AB 83*
Surety bonds, requirements, AB 83*
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Botox or similar modulator, duties, SB 101*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Continuing education, regulations, duties, AB 474*
Controlled substance prescriptions, duties, authority to access tracking system, AB 474*
Dermal and soft tissue fillers, duties, SB 101*
Disciplinary process, removal of exemption from uniform provisions, AB 328*
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Issuance by endorsement, procedures, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Review panels, appointment, procedures, SB 256*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Botox or similar modulator, injection prohibited, penalties, SB 101*
Investigations by Board, appointment of review panels, procedures, SB 256*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354†
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unprofessional conduct, acts constituting, SB 101*
Adopt a Vet Dental Program, appropriation, SB 444*
Botox or similar modulator, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Continuing education, requirements, AB 474*
Controlled substance prescriptions, duties, registration to access tracking system, AB 474*
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
FDA‑approved drugs, prescribing, dispensing or administering for unapproved purposes, clarification of laws, SB 346D
Covered services under insurance policy, certain limitation on fees repealed, AB 213D
Noncovered services under insurance policy, prohibited acts by dentists and insurers, notices to insureds, AB 213D
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to patients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Investigations by Board, appointment of review panels, procedures, SB 256*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354†
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to patients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Pharmacists, collaborative practice agreements, requirements, SB 260*
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Primary care agreements, direct, requirements, exemption from Insurance Code, SB 208D
Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Advisory Committee, representation, SB 219
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Unprofessional conduct, acts constituting, SB 101*, SB 334D
United States Department of Defense, applicability of Act to civilian employees, SB 133*
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Substance abuse programs (See ALCOHOL OR DRUG ABUSE)
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Care services providers, authority of employees of certain entities to perform certain tasks, SB 324*
Drugs essential for treatment
List, requirements, SB 265††, SB 539*
Manufacturers, duties regarding costs, SB 265††, SB 539*
Reimbursement of purchasers, requirements, SB 265†
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, reports, duties, SB 165*
Screenings, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
Advance practice registered nurses, authority to sign statement allowing pupil to self‑administer, SB 227*, AB 116D
Employees, authority to self‑administer, procedures, penalties, SB 265†
Private schools, authority of pupil to self‑administer, procedures, penalties, SB 265††, SB 539*
Recipients of public assistance, actions to increase availability of diapers and supplies, AB 340*
Sales and use tax exemption, AB 402
Taxation (See also TAXES AND TAXATION)
Additional tax authorized in certain counties, rate, SB 439
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to clients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Revised Uniform, adoption, AB 239*
Affordable housing, study, SCR 1‡
American Sign Language, study of inclusion in dual language immersion programs, AB 139
Blind or visually impaired (See BLIND OR VISUALLY IMPAIRED, PERSONS WHO ARE)
Child abuse or neglect, appointment of educational surrogate parent, duties, SB 213*
Community‑based services, study of Medicaid reimbursement rates, SB 96
Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired, Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are, creation, appropriation, SB 481*
Developmental disabilities, replacement of terminology, effect, AB 224*
Absent ballot for all future elections, requests by persons with physical disability, SB 447*
Accommodations for voters who are disabled, SB 117*
Guardianships, presumptions concerning ward’s communications, visits or interactions with relatives, SB 158D
Hunting, fishing and trapping licenses, fees, SB 511*
Legislative Building and legislative process, increased accessibility by persons who are blind, deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, study, implementation of recommendations and other protocols, funding, SCR 11
Minority Health, Office of, name change, duties, AB 141*
Motor vehicles parked at resort hotel in space designated for persons with disabilities, authority to immobilize or tow, SB 320*
Paratransit services, first‑aid equipment and training, requirements, AB 234*
Parking placard, sticker or license plates
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to certify applications, SB 227*, AB 115D, AB 116D, AB 265D
Physician assistants, authority to certify applications, AB 115D
Veterans’ license plates
Evidence of eligibility for special plates, standard, SB 191*
International symbol of access, inclusion on certain special plates, SB 141*
Property taxes
Base value of property improved to provide accessibility to persons with disability, SJR 13 of the 78th SessionD
Senior and Disabled Taxpayers Protection Act, constitutional amendment to require adoption by Legislature, SJR 14‡
Providers of health care, duties in providing services, discrimination prohibited, AB 408††
Restraints, authority of advanced practice registered nurses to sign orders, SB 227*, AB 116D
Sales and use tax exemption for certain medical and mobility equipment, SB 419
School pupils (See SCHOOL PUPILS)
Specialist for the Rights of Elderly Persons, expansion of duties, name change, AB 31*
State employment, temporary limited appointments, requirements, AB 192*
Subcommittee on Personal Assistance for Persons with Severe Functional Disabilities, abolishment, AB 126*
Unlawful employment practice, applicability of laws, prohibited acts, required findings, penalties, AB 178D
Veterans benefits, programs and assistance, standard for evidence of eligibility, SB 191*
Voter registration or preregistration, requirements, AB 104†
Vulnerable persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment
Anesthesiologist assistants, reporting duties, SB 210D
Criminal penalties increased, SB 278D, SB 360*, AB 288*
Definitions, SB 360†
Immunity from civil or criminal liability, restrictions, SB 278D, SB 360*, AB 288*
Peer support specialists, reporting duties, AB 194D
Equal Rights Amendment, ratification, SJR 2‡
Gender, discrimination based on prohibited, constitutional amendment, SJR 16
Gender equality in the workplace, surveys, SB 343, AB 423*
Gender identity or expression, prohibited acts, SB 188*
Hate crime committed against public safety personnel or spouse or child thereof, additional penalty, civil liability, program for reporting, AB 88D
Health care providers, prohibited acts, SB 436D, AB 408††
Health insurers, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Minority Affairs Management Analyst, appointment, duties, SB 373*
Pay equity compliance certificates for award of government contracts, requirements for issuance, AB 106†
Public works, project labor agreements, provisions repealed, AB 406
Sexual orientation, prohibited acts, SB 188*
Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, prohibited acts, AB 408†
State purchasing, certification of equal pay vendors, effect, AB 106*
Unlawful employment practices
Applicability of laws, prohibited acts, required findings, penalties, AB 178D
Pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition, discriminatory acts based on, SB 253*
Wages, discrimination based on inquiries or disclosures regarding wages, SB 397††, AB 276*
Veterans, denial of benefits based on sexual orientation prohibited, assistance to be provided certain persons, SB 148*
DISEASES (See also specific diseases)
Obesity, defined as chronic disease, duties of Division of Public and Behavioral Health, SB 165*
Occupational diseases (See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES)
Sexually transmitted diseases, insurance coverage for counseling, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
Peer support counseling, communications privileged and confidential, exceptions, immunities, AB 301*
Training and certification, duties of POST Commission, AB 151*
Exploration projects, regulation, AB 52†
Wells, regulation, AB 52*
Craft distilleries, applicability of laws governing suppliers of alcoholic beverages, AB 431*
Estate distilleries, licensure and operation, SB 199*
Athletes’ agents, investigation and prosecution, authorized disclosures of confidential information, AB 372*
Cemeteries, failure to maintain in orderly condition, duties, AB 203*
Charter schools, violations by, duties, AB 49*
Child Support Guidelines, Committee to Review, creation, membership, SB 34D, AB 278*
Child support violations, suspension of driver’s licenses, certain duties made discretionary, AB 358D
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Competency of defendant, procedures, prohibitions, AB 377*
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, procedures, SB 6D, SB 79*
Consumer goods or services, prohibited acts by sellers or lessors, recovery of civil penalties, SB 185*
Contractors, actions for indebtedness for labor, duties, SB 338*
Court reporters, duties removed, SB 406*
Discovery in criminal proceedings, exculpatory or mitigating material, obligations of prosecutor, AB 356†, AB 376†
Education savings accounts, notice of misuse of money, SB 359D, SB 506
Candidates for office, residency requirements, AB 389D
Interference with voting system, investigation, authority, AB 389D
Preelection actions challenging candidate’s qualifications, award of fees, AB 21†, AB 389D
Genetic marker analysis, postconviction petitions for, receipt of copy, duties, SB 451†, AB 268†
Habeas corpus proceedings, service of remittitur upon, SB 61D
Health care records, violations by custodians, duties, SB 291†
Internet websites or online services, violations by owners or operators, duties, SB 538*
Interrogations of certain persons in custody, recording requirements, AB 414
Involuntary servitude, petitions to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedures, AB 243*
Jury, charge in criminal cases, requirements, AB 356*, AB 376†
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, membership, AB 472*
Landlord and tenant, adverse actions based upon tenant’s request for emergency assistance, duties, AB 133*
Marijuana convictions, notice regarding certain motions following, AB 259††, AB 345D
Mental illness, offenders with, involuntary court‑ordered admission to certain programs, procedures, AB 440*
Nevada District Attorneys Association, appointive duties, SB 34D, SB 35*, SB 277*, AB 278*
Pleas, procedures regarding certain written agreements, AB 453*
Preprosecution diversion program for certain offenders, duties, AB 470*
Prostitution and Human Trafficking, Committee on, membership, AB 260†
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Recreation programs, seasonal or temporary, recovery of civil penalties for violations, AB 176*
Sealing records of criminal proceedings, duties, SB 453†, AB 327†
Search warrant for property of attorney, issuance, procedures, AB 444*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, membership, SB 451*
Sex trafficking, petitions to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedures, AB 243*
Sexual assault forensic evidence kits, duties of prosecutors, SB 169†
Sick leave violations by certain private employers, duties, SB 196††, AB 394D
Solicitation for prostitution, civil penalties, collection, deposit and use, AB 260*
Subpoenas for persons or documents in criminal matters, authority of certain attorneys to issue, requirements, AB 356†, AB 376†
Surgical technologists, violations, duties, AB 347*
V & T Railway, Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the, removal of authority to contract with certain officers, SB 57*
Veterans and military members eligible for treatment program, authority to dismiss certain charges, SB 280D
1st Judicial District Court, jurisdiction in proceedings concerning Nevada Green Bank Program bonds, SB 407†
8th Judicial District Court, appropriation, SB 445*, AB 395*
Abortion by pregnant minor or ward, expedited procedure, judicial review of decisions, SB 382D
Adoption of children, court order required, exceptions, AB 191*
Appropriations to judicial districts for various programs, AB 395*
Cemeteries not maintained in orderly condition, remedies, AB 203*
Charter School Authority, State Public, reimbursement of certain costs, procedure, AB 49*
Child Support Guidelines, Committee to Review, creation, membership, SB 34D, AB 278*
Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act, Uniform, adoption, duties, AB 235*
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority of certain persons to request, procedures, SB 79*
Criminal prosecutions, generally (See CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS)
Domestic relations proceedings, establishment of independent review panels and veterans advocate groups, duties, AB 198D
Domestic Violence, Committee on, meeting locations, SB 25*
Family courts (See FAMILY COURTS)
Financial disclosure statement violations, requests for orders, actions to recover civil penalties, AB 45†
Foreclosure mediation agreements, receipt, duties, SB 490*
Gestational agreements, court designation of contents of birth certificate, AB 191*
Communication, visitation or interaction between ward and certain persons, restrictions on, procedures, remedies for violations, SB 158D, SB 433*
Compensation of attorneys, duties, AB 130*
Gross impropriety by guardian in handling property of ward, penalty, SB 158D, SB 433*
Irrevocable trusts, submission to jurisdiction of court in certain circumstances, AB 254*
Nonresident guardians, duties, SB 229*
Trusts of which ward is beneficiary, procedures, SB 158D, SB 433*, AB 254*
Wards’ Bill of Rights, duties, SB 168D, SB 360*
Heir finders, agreements for recovery of property, authority to extend period of unenforceability, SB 376†
Immigrants, court’s powers and duties regarding special immigrant juveniles, AB 142*
Inspector General, issuance of subpoenas on behalf of, AB 201D, AB 404
Involuntary servitude, authority to petition court to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedure, AB 243*
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Courses of instruction, certain judges exempt from requirements, AB 440*
Election, placement of names on general election ballot, AB 226D
Judicial districts, appropriations for various programs, AB 395*
Jurors, selection procedures, AB 207*
Jury commissioners, duties, AB 207*
Juvenile courts (See JUVENILE COURTS)
Local Government Lobbying Act, Nevada, enforcement authority, SB 380D
Mental illness, persons with, duties of court in habeas corpus proceedings, AB 253*
Military members or veterans
Contracts for certain services, remedies for violations involving, authority of court, AB 282*
Military sexual trauma, establishment of treatment programs for eligible defendants, SB 449D, AB 286*
National Guard members of other states, unlawful employment termination, remedies, AB 337*
Persons assigned to treatment program, powers and duties of court, AB 286*
Persons eligible for treatment program, assumption of original jurisdiction, SB 280D
Name changes
Gender identity, petition to change name to conform to, procedures, SB 110*
Unemancipated minors, procedures, AB 232*
Parental rights cases, jurisdiction and petitions, AB 66D
Printers, default to be set to print double‑sided, requirements when purchasing replacement printers, AB 264D
Public records, application for order compelling government compliance with laws, SB 170D
Restitution to an older person who is a victim of certain crimes, duties, SB 278D
Sealing records of criminal proceedings (See SEALING RECORDS OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS)
Sentencing (See SENTENCING)
Sex trafficking, authority to petition court to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedure, AB 243*
State Engineer, review of administrative fines imposed by, SB 74†
Veterans Court Coordinator, Eighth Judicial District, appropriation, SB 445*
Breastfeeding, duty to provide accommodations for personnel, prohibited acts, complaints regarding, AB 113*
Capital improvements, certain reports repealed, AB 464*
Central Mailing Room, use by local governments authorized, SB 38*
County hospital (See HOSPITALS)
Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, repeal, SB 471*
Election campaign communications, use of official name and address, disclosures, AB 392*
Finances and funds (See also LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Enterprise funds, transfers to general fund, requirements, SB 78*
Historic Las Vegas Gaming District, creation, AB 219*
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 201D, AB 404
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, requests for distributions, procedures, AB 311D
Nevada Improvement District Act, repeal, SB 471*
Nevada Parks, Trails and Open Space District Act, adoption, AB 379*
Officers and employees generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Permanent resident cards, acceptance for identification purposes, AB 162*
Pest control performed by, requirements, AB 32*
Securities, authorized investments, SB 76D
Special districts, eligibility for exemption from certain provisions of Local Government Budget and Finance Act, AB 134*
Statewide nonemergency information system, participation authorized, AB 437
Tourism promotion district in Washoe County, use of tax proceeds, AB 306D
Tribal identification cards, acceptance for identification purposes, SB 399*, AB 415*
Workforce development district, creation in Clark County, SB 421D
Child custody and visitation (See CHILD CUSTODY AND VISITATION)
Driver’s licenses or identification cards, procedures regarding name changes, penalties, SB 215*
Ex parte divorce proceedings, procedures, AB 167D
False statements or documentary evidence in proceedings, civil penalties, AB 198D
Independent review panels, establishment by district courts, duties, AB 198D
Name change of unemancipated minor, procedures, AB 232*
Property subject to claims of offset, duties of fiduciary, AB 314*
Trusts, effect of divorce on former spouse or domestic partner of descendant of settlor, AB 314*
Venue, change after entry of final order, judgment or decree, AB 102*
Veterans advocate groups, establishment, duties, AB 198D
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority, SB 227*, AB 116D
Conflict with POLST, effect, AB 93D, AB 199*
Advertisements, prohibited content, AB 324*
Definition, included and excluded services, AB 324*
Application and renewal, fees, AB 324*
Denial, grounds, AB 148*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Violations, penalties, AB 148*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Black bears, regulation authorizing hunting with any breed of dog prohibited, AB 443D
Breeders, restrictions on selling dogs, SB 405
Motor vehicles, leaving dog unattended, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 409*
Police animals, penalties for mistreatment, AB 92D
Brain death, determination does not require consent of partner, AB 424*
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority of certain persons to request, procedures, SB 79*
Family medical leave, tax deductions for certain employers, requirements, AB 266
Out‑of‑state legal unions, criteria for recognition, AB 227*
Sick leave benefits for certain private sector employees, authorized uses, SB 196††
Trusts, effect of termination of domestic partnership on former spouse or domestic partner of descendant of settlor, AB 314*
Account for Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence, deposits, SB 440
Battery which constitutes
Arrest of perpetrator, when arrest may be made, SB 361*
Judgments of conviction or admonishment of rights, requirements, penalty for violations, SB 124*
Penalty for certain subsequent offenses, SB 62D, SB 361*
Veterans and military members eligible for treatment program, dismissal of charges, SB 280D, SB 449D, AB 286*
Death of victims, review procedures, SB 25*
Definition, exclusion of certain persons as victims, SB 361*
Employers of employees who are victims, duties, prohibited acts, SB 361*
Fictitious address program for victims, oversight transferred, SB 25*
Fingerprints of offenders, requirements, AB 14*
Possession by domestic violence offenders prohibited, penalties, SB 124*
Sale or transfer of firearm to licensed dealer, duties, SB 124*
Insurance coverage for screening and counseling, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
Intimate partner battering or traumatic bonding, admissibility of evidence, AB 216D
Labor Commissioner, bulletin regarding benefits to employees who are victims, duties, SB 361*
Protection orders
Canadian Domestic‑Violence Protection Orders Act, Uniform Recognition and Enforcement of, adoption, AB 146*
Extended orders
Application procedures, AB 177*
Period of validity, extension, SB 284D
Firearms, inclusion of certain provisions required, SB 124*
High‑risk individuals, emergency orders for protection against, procedures, SB 387D
Intentional violations, penalties, SB 361†, AB 58D
Temporary orders, hearings, procedures, AB 177*
Public schools, instruction on crimes involving domestic violence, study, SB 108*
Shelters, authority to request confidentiality of location information in certain records, SB 79*
Sick leave benefits for certain private sector employees, authorized uses, SB 196††, AB 394D
Treatment of persons committing domestic violence, evaluation, certification and monitoring of programs, SB 25*
Unemployment compensation, duties of Employment Security Division, SB 361*
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, access to information, SB 25*
Composition, terms of office, SB 25*
Criminal history records, access authorized, SB 25*
Death certificates, use authorized, SB 25*
Meetings, requirements, SB 25*
Officers, SB 25*
Subcommittee, appointment, duties, SB 25†
Suicide fatalities, duties, SB 25*
Abolishment, SB 25*
Committee on Domestic Violence, solicitation of comments and recommendations, AB 464†
Bill of Rights, adoption, SB 232*
Overtime compensation, requirement for exemption, SB 468*
Sleeping and meal periods and free time, agreements to exclude from wages, requirements, penalties, SB 468*
Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority Board of Directors, representation, SB 471*
Sewer Improvement District No. 1, repeal, SB 471*
V & T Railway reconstruction, removal of county powers and duties related to, SB 57*
Adoption, SB 471*
Expiration date, AB 322*
Use to verify citizenship of persons registered to vote, procedures, SB 331D
Address on license, authority of certain persons to request alternate address, SB 79*, AB 252*
Child support violations, suspension of license not required when impediment to employment, AB 358D
Civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty for certain violations, study, ACR 9‡
Commercial driver’s licenses or permits, procedures for residents of foreign jurisdictions, AB 68*
DUI convictions
Restricted license, requirements, SB 259*
Revocation of license, period of duration, SB 259*
Duplicate licenses, waiver of fees for issuance to certain persons, SB 268*
Driving tests and motorcycle safety courses, requirements, AB 261*
Issuance to persons between 16 and 18 years, requirements, AB 261*
Names on licenses, full legal name defined, procedures for change, penalties, SB 215*
Nevada Transportation Authority fines, suspension of license for nonpayment, laws repealed, SB 401
Photograph, requirements, AB 68*
Public works, workers employed by business, requirements for receiving bidding preference, SB 317†, AB 280†
Renewal after expiration, penalty, regulations, SB 339†
Speed contest violations, penalties, SB 410
State purchasing, workers employed by business, requirements for receiving certain bidding preference, penalties, SB 317†, AB 280†
Voter registration, procedures, electronic transmission of information, SB 144†, SB 327, AB 104†, IP 1††
License, grounds for denial, AB 68*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Vehicles used for training, inspections, AB 68*
Ignition interlock device, installation requirements, exemptions, prohibited acts, SB 259*
Marijuana, testing for presence, procedure, SB 378D, AB 135*
Penalties, specialty court fee, continuation, AB 512*
Public schools, instruction on crimes involving alcohol and controlled substances, study, SB 108*
Revocation of driver’s license, period of duration, SB 259*
Saliva tests authorized for certain persons, SB 378D, AB 135†
Veterans and military members eligible for treatment program, dismissal of charges, SB 280D, SB 449D
Electric transmission lines, restrictions on operation near, AB 11*
Peace officers, duties regarding crashed or abandoned drones, SB 234
Storage facilities, licensing, SB 234
Coroners or medical examiners, requirements, SB 59*
Peace officers, requirements, SB 59†
Providers of health care, requirements, penalty for noncompliance, AB 474*
Public assistance, requirements for receipt, exemptions, SB 298D
Transportation network company drivers, requirements, SB 485D
Anesthesiologist assistants, authority regarding dangerous drugs, prohibited acts, SB 210D
Clinical trials, program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, requirements, AB 214*
Dextromethorphan, prescription required to sell to minor, penalty for violations, SB 159*
Donation programs, consolidation to create Prescription Drug Donation Program, SB 91*
Drug therapy, repeal of certain provisions, SB 260†
FDA‑approved drugs, prescribing, dispensing or administering for unapproved purposes, clarification of laws, SB 346D
Juvenile detention facilities, establishment of policies concerning access to and administration of psychotropic medications, AB 180*
Pharmaceutical sales representatives (See PHARMACEUTICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES)
Pharmacists, collaborative practice agreements, requirements, SB 260*
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Inhalers for use in treating asthmatic attack, maintenance, duties, AB 156
Surveys of pupils regarding use and abuse, requirements, reports, SB 166
Unused drugs, disposal, duties of certain pharmacies, SB 171*
Conflict with POLST, effect, AB 93D, AB 199*
Other State Education Programs Account, use to fund programs, SB 544*
Prekindergarten education, expansion of program, funding, AB 186
Redevelopment areas in Clark County, use of tax proceeds for programs, AB 70*
By prescription, recording of notice of certain permissive use of property, effect, AB 380*
Regional transportation commissions, authority to acquire and grant, SB 149†
Abatement of taxes
Aircraft and component industry, eligibility, SB 179
Average hourly wage paid to new employees, requirements, SB 442*
Business real property, partial abatement, calculation, SB 425
Capital investments, requirements, SB 442*
Fiscal impact of certain abatements, statement required, SB 345D
Health benefits paid to new employees, requirements, SB 442*
Multiple project sites, qualified projects located on, requirements, SB 442*
New or expanded businesses generally, SB 442*
Property for which assessed valuation separately established, calculation, SB 425
Qualified projects in certain geographic areas
Agreements with governing bodies, requirements, SB 442*
Delinquent assessments or installments, effect, SB 442*
Infrastructure financing, security provided by lead participant, requirements, SB 442*
Reports, extension of time for submitting, AB 170*
Rural areas in smaller counties, requirements, SB 442*
Remainder parcels, partial abatement, calculation, SB 425
Residency of employees, requirements, SB 442*
Residential property, partial abatement, calculation, AB 43D
Sale or transfer of property, temporary ineligibility for certain abatements after, SJR 14‡
Smelters and similar facilities, requirements, AB 289D
Costs of operating business in State, study, ACR 5
Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, elimination of prioritization requirement, AB 98*
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, duties, AB 446
Nevada Main Street Program, creation, appropriation, AB 417*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517, AB 399*
Nevada Transportation Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517†
NV Grow Program, continuation, appropriations, AB 94*
Public works, project labor agreements, provisions repealed, AB 406
Small businesses
Information on funding, duty of certain agencies to provide, AB 436*
Loan program, establishment, funding, SB 126*
State lands, lease below market value for business relocation or expansion, procedures, AB 34†
State Plan for Economic Development, public policy declaration, SB 441
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, Legislative Committee on, creation, powers and duties, AB 143
Volens et Potens Committee, creation, duties, SB 349D
Volens et Potens Infrastructure Board, contributions to, tax credits, SB 349D
Volens et Potens Investment Fund, creation, requirements, SB 349D
Workforce development
District, creation in Clark County, SB 421D
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, duties, AB 446
Office of Workforce Innovation, creation, duties, SB 516*
Regional development authorities, authority to apply for development grants, SB 441
Students participating in program, receipt of credit upon completion, SB 19*
Nonprofit entities for certain purposes, formation, consultation, AB 231†
Workforce development, duties, SB 441
Aircraft and component industry, partial abatement of taxes, duties, SB 179
Confidential information, duties, AB 231†
Demographic information of unemployment compensation recipients, report receipt, AB 354†
Executive Director, membership
Nevada Air Service Development Commission, SB 363
Nevada Clean Energy Fund Board of Directors, SB 407*
Nevada Green Bank Program Board of Directors, SB 407†
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank Board of Directors, SB 517, AB 399*
Nevada Transportation Infrastructure Bank Board of Directors, SB 517†
State Apprenticeship Council, SB 516*
Volens et Potens Committee and Infrastructure Board, SB 349D
Film production in State, transferable tax credits, duties, AB 137†, AB 492*
Fiscal impact of certain tax abatements, receipt of statements, SB 345D
Gender equality in workplace, surveys, duties, SB 343†
Inland ports, duty repealed, AB 231*
Nevada Main Street Program, creation, appropriation, AB 417*
New or expanded businesses generally, duties, SB 442*
Nonprofit corporations, formation, authority, duties, AB 231†
NV Grow Program, continuation, appropriations, AB 94*
Purchasing Division, cooperation for certain purposes, AB 106*
Qualified projects in certain geographic areas, tax abatements and transferable tax credits for, extension of time for submitting reports, AB 170*
Schools, grants for development and implementation of work‑based learning programs, duties, SB 66*
Small businesses
Loan program, establishment, duties, SB 126*
Local emerging small businesses, duties, AB 231*, AB 436*
State Plan for Economic Development, reports, duties, SB 345D, AB 231†
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, Legislative Committee on, requests for information, AB 143
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Volens et Potens, duties, SB 349D
Workforce development, duties, appropriation for salary and benefits of employee, SB 441
Workforce Innovation, Office of, coordination, SB 516*
Creation, duties, AB 155
Tourism, Commission on, qualifications of members, AB 373D
Wildlife Commissioners, Board of, qualifications of members, AB 187D
Alcoholic beverage awareness program, completion by certain employees, requirements, use of fines imposed for violations, SB 440
Charter schools (See SCHOOLS, CHARTER)
Community education advisory boards (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS; SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Competency‑Based Education Network, creation, AB 110*
Competency‑Based Education Task Force, creation, AB 110†
Educational surrogate parent for certain children, appointment and duties, SB 213*
Equal Rights Commission, educational campaigns, duties, SB 188*, SB 253*
Family planning, funding of certain services, SB 122*
General improvement districts furnishing recreational facilities, powers, AB 379†
History of State, use of certain license plate fees to fund educational projects relating to, SB 37*
Marijuana, education and outreach to prevent abuse, funding, SB 341
Medical marijuana, duties of nonprofit dispensaries, SB 329
P‑20W Research Data System Advisory Committee, creation, SB 458*
Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information and Education Program, establishment, SB 136*
Prekindergarten education, expansion of program, funding, AB 186
Public school personnel (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)
Public school pupils (See SCHOOL PUPILS)
Public schools (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Redevelopment areas in Clark County, use of tax proceeds for certain programs, AB 70*
School districts (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS)
Wildlife Public Education Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, SB 221
Wildlife Public Education Council, Nevada, creation, duties, SB 221†
Workforce development (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Charter schools, applications to become qualified provider of alternative route to licensure, expedited review, AB 49*
Composition, AB 77*
Educational institutions offering courses of study and training, duties, AB 77*
Licensing of educational personnel
Computer science and computer education and technology, receipt of recommendations, SB 200*
Cultural competency, requirements for endorsement, duties, AB 196*
Culturally responsive educational leadership, requirements for endorsement, duties, AB 196†
Examinations, duties, SB 20*, AB 77*
Field of specialization or area of concentration, demonstration of proficiency, regulation, SB 104D, AB 77*
Issuance or renewal of license, increase in fee, waiver, AB 77*
Provisional license, duties, SB 104D, AB 77*
Reciprocal license, duties, SB 104D, AB 77*
Nevada Model Code of Educator Ethics, establishment, AB 124*
President and Vice President, annual election, AB 77*
Professional development training, receipt of reports, AB 77*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, receipt of report, SB 497*
Attendance at meetings, payment or reimbursement of costs of employing substitute teacher, AB 77*
Shortage of teachers, receipt of reports regarding, contents, AB 77*
Training regarding school laws, requirements, SB 20*
Terms of office, AB 77*
Accountability of public schools (See also SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY)
Plans to improve achievement of pupils, duties, time for receipt, AB 7*
Achievement School District
Implementation, delay, duties, AB 432D
Repeal, SB 430†, AB 103D, AB 432D
Adult High School Diploma program, appropriation, duties, SB 544*
Aging and Disability Services Division, consultations, AB 224*
At‑risk pupils, duties, SB 178†
Authorized expenditures, duties, SB 544*
Bullying prevention grants, duties, SB 225
Charter schools
Achievement charter schools
A+ schools, duties, receipt of notices, SB 430
Conversion of public schools and charter schools to, duties, SB 430
Duties repealed, SB 430†, AB 103D, AB 432D
Regulations, certain duties removed, SB 430
Termination of certain contracts, appeal of decisions, duties, SB 430
Assignment and salary of licensed employees, time for receipt of information, AB 77*
Complaints filed against school, duties, AB 49*
Criminal cases involving certain teachers and administrators, receipt of information, duties, AB 77*
Crisis or emergency management plans, evacuation procedures, duties, AB 221*
Dual language immersion programs, duties, AB 139
Grant applications, duties, AB 49*
Instructional materials created by employees, database of, duties, AB 400D
Retention of pupils in grade 3, receipt of annual report, AB 409
Unique identifiers, assignment, SB 293D
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, receipt of reports, SB 287*
Clark County Public Education Foundation, contract to implement and operate training programs, duties, appropriation, SB 155*
Code of honor relating to cheating, requirements, SB 77D
College and career readiness grant program, funding, duties, SB 544*
Competency‑based education, duties, appropriation, AB 110*
Composition, SB 301*
Computer science and computer education and technology, duties, appropriation, SB 200*
Counseling of pupils and staff following crisis, emergency or suicide, duties, SB 212*
Count of pupils for apportionment purposes, determination of preparation for college and career success, regulation, AB 7*
Crisis or emergency management plans, duties, SB 212*, AB 221*
Disabilities, pupils with
Basic support guarantee, duties regarding additional funding, SB 49*
Notice to parents or guardians, contents, regulation, SB 213*
Special education services, training program for school personnel, SB 213*
State of public education, contents of annual report, SB 213*, AB 182D
Dual credit courses, tuition funding, receipt of cooperative agreements, SB 19*
Dual language immersion programs, funding, duties, AB 139
Early childhood education programs, funding, duties, SB 544*
Economics courses, end‑of‑course assessment, duties, receipt of reports, SB 249†
Educational Choice, Office of, creation, SB 359D, SB 506
Educational Technology, Commission on, abolishment, transfer of duties, SB 301†
Elementary School Pupils, Program to Develop Leadership Skills for, receipt of reports, duties, SB 154†
Evidence‑Based Practice Committee, creation, SB 77D
Examinations and assessments
Assessment tools and examinations, plan for auditing, duties, appropriation, SB 303*
Education savings accounts, duties, SB 359D, SB 506
End‑of‑course examinations, duties removed, AB 7*
Information pamphlet, contents, AB 7*
Learning goals, list of assessments to measure achievement of goals, duties, AB 320*
Security plans, duties, SB 247*
Financial literacy, duties, appropriation, SB 249*
Foster children who attend public schools, duties, receipt of reports, AB 491*
Funding adjustments for certain categories of pupils, hiring of consultant to study, duties, appropriation, SB 178*
Gifted and talented pupils, funding of programs, duties, SB 544*
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, duties, SB 544*
High school diplomas and endorsements, public awareness campaign, duties, AB 7*
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, duties repealed, SB 518†
Integrated student supports, requirements, duties, AB 275*
Internship programs
Computer technology, establishment of pilot program, SB 153D
Grants to develop and implement programs, duties, SB 66*, SB 544*
Leadership Skills for Public School Pupils, Program to Develop, receipt of reports, duties, SB 154
Limited English proficient pupils, duties, receipt of reports, SB 178*, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*
Literacy of elementary pupils
Funding of programs and activities, duties, SB 544*
Receipt of reports, duties, AB 409
Lockdown of schools, definition, applicability of laws, AB 127*
Mental health workers in schools, block grant program to provide, duties, SB 544*, AB 127*
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, creation, appropriation, AB 144*
National School Lunch Program state match, duties, SB 544*
Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, duties, SB 467*
New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, distribution and use of money, duties, receipt of reports, SB 178*
Other State Education Programs Account, duties, SB 518†, SB 544*, AB 409
Prekindergarten Improvement and Expansion Program, duties, appropriation, AB 186
Pupil‑teacher ratios
Alternative literacy achievement plans, duties, receipt of reports, SB 353D
Charter schools, duties, receipt of reports, SB 459D
Funding for grades 1‑3, duties, SB 544*
Reorganization of large districts, duties, AB 469*
Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, Office of, duties, receipt of reports, SB 77D, SB 225*, SB 294D, AB 292*
Safe‑to‑Tell Program, requirements, receipt of reports, SB 212*
Safety in public schools, conferences regarding, duties, AB 127*
School gardens, appropriation for establishment, SB 167†
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, duties, SB 497*
School personnel
Applications for employment, disclosure of certain information regarding applicants, duties, AB 362*
Assignment and salary of licensed employees, time for receipt, regulation, AB 77*
Computer science and computer education and technology, professional development training, duties, SB 200*
Duplicate license, waiver of fee for certain persons, AB 77*
Educator ethics, duties, AB 124*
Employment records, duties, confidentiality, AB 77†
Incentives for certain new or continuing teachers, appropriation, AB 434*
Independent contractors, duties, AB 362*
Instructional materials created by employees, database for, duties, AB 400D
Interpersonal interactions and communications with pupils, establishment of code of conduct governing, duties, AB 124†
Librarians, duties, SB 143
Licenses denied due to conviction for sexual offense involving minor or pupil, duty to maintain and distribute list of denied applications, AB 362*
Mental health workers in schools, block grant program to provide, duties, SB 544*, AB 127*
Overall performance rating, time for receipt, regulation, AB 77*
Paraprofessionals, duties, AB 7*
Peer assistance and review of teachers program, appropriation, duties, SB 300*
Professional Development Programs Account, appropriation, duties, SB 544*
Professional development training, annual reports by school districts, duties, AB 77*
Qualifications for license, review of information and provision of feedback, fees, AB 77*
Statewide performance evaluation system, review of manner in which system carried out by each district, AB 320*
Teachers, demonstration of proficiency in field of specialization or area of concentration, duties, SB 104D, AB 77*
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, assistance, AB 390D
State Distributive School Account, duties, SB 544*
State of public education, annual report, contents, duties, SB 213*, SB 301*, AB 182D, AB 351
State Supplemental School Support Account, duties, SB 544*
Superintendent of Public Instruction (See SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION)
Surveys of pupils regarding use and abuse of certain substances, duties, SB 166
Telecommunications Advisory Council, creation, membership, SB 53*
Transportation of pupils, reimbursements to districts, duties, SB 544*
Underperforming schools, petitions for certain changes to school, duties, SB 430
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Victory schools program, continuation, duties, SB 505D, SB 544*, AB 447*
Workforce development, support and establishment of certain programs, SB 441
Workforce Innovation, Office of, educational and workforce data, duties, SB 516*
Zoom schools program, duties, receipt of reports, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544
Achievement charter schools, authority of opt‑in child to participate in class or extracurricular activity, SB 430
Agreements by parents, requirements, termination, renewal, SB 359D, SB 506
Annual survey of parents, SB 359D, SB 506
Appropriation for program, SB 359D, SB 506
Audit of accounts, SB 359D, SB 506
Average daily enrollment, effect of children receiving grants, SB 359D, SB 506
Award of grants, procedures, limitations, SB 359D, SB 506
Budget and estimate of expenditures, procedures, SB 359D, SB 506
Deductions for administrative costs, SB 359D, SB 506
Deposits of money, amount, installments, SB 359D, SB 506
Eligibility to establish account, limitations, SB 359D, SB 506
Examinations and assessments of pupils receiving grants, requirements, SB 359D, SB 506
Financial management firms to manage accounts, requirements, SB 359D, SB 506
Legislative intent, SB 359D, SB 506
Limitation on total number of first‑time applicants in any district, calculation, SB 359D, SB 506
Office of Educational Choice
Account for Educational Choice, creation, administration, SB 359D, SB 506
Creation within Department of Education, SB 359D, SB 506
Director, appointment, classification, duties, SB 359D, SB 506
Participating entities
Denial of continued participation, grounds, notice, SB 359D, SB 506
Educational records of child, receipt, SB 359D, SB 506
List of participating entities to be provided annually, SB 359D, SB 506
Persons authorized to become participating entity, approval of applications, SB 359D, SB 506
Refunds or rebates prohibited, SB 359D, SB 506
Reversion of money in accounts, SB 359D, SB 506
State Treasurer, duties transferred, SB 359D, SB 506
Uses of money in account, requirements, provision of information to parents, effect of determination of substantial misuse, SB 359D, SB 506
Accountability of public schools (See also SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY)
Accountability reports, contents regarding paraprofessionals, regulation, AB 7*
Plans to improve achievement of pupils, regulation of contents, AB 7*
Achievement charter schools
A+ schools, duties, SB 430
Conversion of public school to, duties, SB 430
Underperforming schools, petitions requesting certain changes, duties, receipt of notice, SB 430
Achievement School District, duties repealed, SB 430†, AB 103D, AB 432D
Apportionments, count of pupils enrolled in grade 12, requirements, AB 7*
Articulation and Transfer Board, candidates, duties, AB 331D
Assessment tools and examinations, receipt of audit plan and results of audit, SB 303*
At‑risk pupils, duties, SB 178†
Bullying prevention grants, duties, SB 225*, SB 294D
Career and technical education programs, duties, regulation, SB 301*, AB 482*
Charter schools, duties, SB 132†, AB 49*
Competency‑based education pilot program, regulation, AB 110*
Courses of study
American government, duties, SB 249*
Computer science and computer education and technology, duties, receipt of recommendations, SB 200*
Credit for course in lieu of attendance, regulations, AB 110*
Criminal law instruction included within social studies curriculum, duties, receipt of reports, SB 108*
Cursive handwriting instruction, duties, SB 86D
Dual credit courses, prohibited acts, SB 19*
Ethnic and diversity studies, duties, SB 107*
Financial literacy, duties, SB 249*
Organ and tissue donation, duties, SB 112*
Cursive handwriting instruction, duties, SB 86D
College and career ready high school diploma, regulations, AB 7*
Endorsements, college‑ready and career‑ready, criteria for receipt, duties, AB 7*
Pathway high school diploma, regulations, AB 7†
Standard high school, criteria for receipt, regulation, AB 7*, AB 64*
Disabilities, pupils with, duties, AB 64*
Dual language immersion programs, regulation, AB 139
Educational institutions offering study and training for educational personnel, duties transferred, AB 77*
Educator ethics, receipt of Model Code and reports, AB 124*
Elementary School Pupils, Program to Develop Leadership Skills for, duties, SB 154†
Examinations and assessments
College and career readiness assessments, duties, AB 7*
Criterion‑referenced exams for promotion to grade 4, regulation, AB 409
End‑of‑course exams, duties repealed, AB 7*
End‑of‑course final, regulation, AB 7*
Security plans, receipt repealed, SB 247*
Financial incentives to newly hired teachers, appropriation, duties, SB 544*
Financial Literacy, Account for Instruction in, duties, SB 249*
Foster children, annual report of academic progress, duties, AB 491*
Funding adjustments for certain categories of pupils, recommendations to consultant authorized, SB 178*
Higher Education Student Loan Program, duties repealed, SB 90
Instructional materials created by school personnel, copyright, access to database, regulation, AB 400D
Internship programs, duties, receipt of reports, SB 66*
Leadership Skills for Public School Pupils, Program to Develop, duties, SB 154
Limited English proficient pupils, duties, receipt of reports, SB 178†, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D
Literacy programs for elementary pupils, receipt of reports, AB 409
Meetings by means of audio or video teleconference authorized, AB 373D
Additional voting member, appointment, AB 373D
Proportional regional representation, requirements, AB 373D
Teachers appointed by Governor, requirements, SB 301†
Organ and tissue donation, course of study in, regulation, SB 112*
Paraprofessionals, duties, AB 7*
Performance evaluations of personnel, duties, AB 7*, AB 212D, AB 312†, AB 320*
Postsecondary Education, Commission on, representative member removed, AB 484*
Private education personnel, review of occupational entry regulations, duties, SB 330D
Professional development training, receipt of reports, duties, AB 77*
Pupil‑teacher ratios
Alternative literacy achievement plans, duties, SB 353D
Charter schools, duties, SB 459D
Establishment by regulation, AB 312†
Recommendations, development of nonbinding recommendations, AB 312*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, membership, receipt of reports, SB 497*
School libraries, regulation, SB 143
Sexual misconduct regarding minor or pupils, assistance in obtaining new employment prohibited, regulation, AB 362*
Special education programs, duties, SB 213*
Special education providers, meetings regarding, reports, SB 213*, AB 182D
State of public education, annual report, contents, duties, SB 213*, SB 301*, AB 182D, AB 351
Suicide response, regulation, SB 212*
Surveys of pupils regarding use and abuse of certain substances, receipt of reports, SB 166
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program and Account, duties, SB 544*
Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Grants Program, duties, AB 351
Teachers or administrators
Assignment, receipt of information from superintendents, AB 77*
Educational institutions offering courses of study and training, duties transferred, AB 77*
Elementary school teachers, professional development in area of reading, regulation, AB 409
Shortages of teachers, employment without appropriate endorsement, receipt of reports, AB 7*, AB 77*
Title I or underperforming schools, incentives to teach at, duties, AB 434*
Teaching and Educator Preparation, Nevada Institute on, duties, appropriation, SB 548*
Underperforming schools, petitions for certain changes to school, duties, receipt of notice, SB 430
Video cameras in classrooms used for special education, regulation, SB 224
Work‑based learning programs, duties, receipt of reports, SB 66*
Zoom schools program, duties, receipt of reports, SB 178†, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D
Abolishment, transfer of duties, SB 301†
Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, duties, SB 467*, SB 544*
Creation, AB 124*
Abstracts of votes, contents, AB 389D
Ballot questions
Arts and museums, preservation and promotion, duties of Commission for Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, funding, SB 187†
Diesel fuel, imposition of additional tax in certain counties, SB 439
Flood management projects, imposition of taxes to fund, AB 375*
Regional transportation commissions, imposition of taxes to fund projects, SB 149*
Sales and use tax exemptions
Diapers, AB 402
Durable medical equipment, SB 419†
Feminine hygiene products, SB 415*, AB 402
Mobility enhancing equipment, SB 419†
Oxygen delivery equipment, SB 419†
Absent ballots
Electronic transmission, authority to request by, SB 447*
Persons at least 65 years of age, request for absent ballot for all future elections, SB 447*
Physical disability, persons with, request for absent ballot for all future elections, SB 447*
Cantonese, materials to be provided in, SB 492, AB 272††
City elections, ballots cast by mail authorized for certain elections, SB 93D
Ineligible candidates, votes deemed null and void, AB 389D
Provisional ballots, procedures, AB 104†
Recounts, requirements, AB 418*
Mandarin, materials to be provided in, SB 492*, AB 272††
Military‑overseas ballots, requests for, use, SB 144*
Modified blanket primary system, procedures, SB 103D
Names of candidates, placement on ballot, AB 226D
Partisan office, contents of primary ballot, requirements, SB 103D
Party preference, designation on ballot, disclaimer regarding, SB 103D
Provisional ballots, use, SB 424D, AB 104†, AB 164D
Records printed on paper of ballots voted, inspection, AB 418*
Sample ballots
Electronic distribution, establishment of system required, SB 94D, SB 144†
Persons who register to vote less than 20 days before election, distribution requirements, AB 45*, AB 478*
Campaign practices (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)
Acceptance of candidacy, penalty for false statements, AB 21*, AB 389D
Certificates of election
Definition, SB 113D
Issuance, requirements, SB 113D
Challenge by elector, procedures, AB 21*, AB 389D
Constables in certain townships, eligibility requirements, SB 250
Death of candidate after certain time, counting of votes, AB 389D
Declaration of candidacy
Contents of form, SB 103D, SB 113D, AB 21*, AB 389D
False statements, penalty, AB 21*, AB 389D
Financial disclosure statements, requirements, penalties, AB 45†, AB 396
Independent candidates
Petition deadline, AB 226†
President or Vice Present, requirements, SB 103D, AB 45*
Ineligible candidates, definition, prohibited acts, effect of ineligibility, SB 113D, AB 389D
Minor political parties, petition deadline, AB 226†
Nominations (See Nominations, this heading)
Political party affiliation or preference, effect, designation on ballot, SB 103D
Preelection actions, effect of finding candidate fails to meet qualifications, AB 21*, AB 389D
Proof of identity or residency, requirements, AB 21*, AB 389D
Residency requirements, SB 113D, AB 389D
Commerce tax, decrease in amount of Nevada gross revenue exempt from taxation, constitutional amendment, AJR 1D
Contest of election
Grounds, AB 418*
Legislators, standing rules (SSR 130, ASR 46), SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Election board officers and other election officials, background checks, effect of certain convictions, AB 389D
Federal law citations in state laws, updating, AB 45*
Initiative petition to generate public revenue, requirements for passage, AJR 8 of the 78th SessionD
Investigation of tampering or other interference with voting systems, authority of certain officers, AB 389D
Mechanical voting systems and mechanical recording devices
Approval of system or device required, procedures, SB 491*
Counties, funding for purchase of voting machines, AB 519*
Lease agreements, requirements, deposit and use of rental payments, SB 491*
Mobile devices, use, requirements, SB 144*
Certificates of nomination for President, filing, AB 45†
Modified blanket primary election system, creation, SB 103D
Vacancies in nomination, procedures for filling, SB 103D, AB 389D
Polling places
Closing, time for, AB 272†
Early voting, polling places established for, requirements, SB 94D, SB 144†, SB 492*, AB 104, AB 257D, AB 272††
Elderly persons, residential developments exclusively for, requirements, establishment of temporary branch polling places, SB 492†
In‑person voting by any registered voter, polling places established for, SB 144†, SB 492†, AB 104, AB 257D, AB 272††
Indian reservations or colonies, establishment within boundaries of, SB 492*, AB 272††
Ineligible candidates, notices to voters, AB 21*, AB 389D
Proof of identification, election by voter to provide in person at polling place, system to be established, SB 100D
Roster, requirements, SB 144†, SB 492†, AB 104, AB 257D, AB 272†
Signature card, use authorized, SB 144†, SB 492*, AB 272††
Voter registration, designation of certain polling places for, SB 94D, SB 144†, AB 104, AB 257D
Primary elections
Abstracts of votes, contents, AB 389D
Day of election registration and voting, designation of places for, procedures, AB 257D
Declaration of nominees, SB 103D, AB 226D
Early voting, period for, SB 94D, SB 144†, SB 211D, AB 272††, AB 293D
Modified blanket primary system, creation, SB 103D
Names of candidates, placement on ballot, AB 226D
Partisan office candidates, effect of political party affiliation, SB 103D
Presidential preference primary elections, procedures, SB 211D, AB 293D
Reapportionment and redistricting, guidelines (JSR 13‑JSR 14.6), ACR 1‡
Reno City Council, procedures, AB 36*
School districts, election of trustees in certain districts, procedures, SB 243D
Security of voting systems, requirements, AB 389D
Tally lists, contents, AB 389D
Voter identification cards, issuance, SB 424D, AB 164D
Voter registration
Agencies for voter registration, duties, SB 144†, AB 45*, AB 104†, AB 478*
By computer
Registration system, requirements, regulation, AB 104†
Time for registration, AB 45*, AB 478*
By mail, time for registration, AB 45*, AB 478*
Cantonese, materials to be provided in, SB 492*, AB 272††
Close of registration, time, SB 94D, SB 144†
Collection and reporting of information, duties of county clerks, SB 144†
Confidentiality of information, SB 144*, AB 104†
Early voting, registration during, AB 104, AB 257D, AB 293D
Election day, designation of polling places for registration on, procedures, SB 94D, SB 144†, AB 104, AB 257D
Electronic transmission of information, requirements, SB 144†, SB 327, AB 104†, IP 1††
Federal postcard application, requirements, SB 144*
Field registrars, duties, AB 45*, AB 478*
Foreign citizens
Identification and deregistration of non‑citizens registered to vote, procedures, requirements, SB 331D
Information in DMV records indicating registered voter is not a U.S. citizen, procedures when, SB 319D
Unauthorized acts, AB 389D
Languages in which materials are to be provided, SB 492*, AB 272††
Mandarin, materials to be provided in, SB 492*, AB 272††
Mobile devices, use, requirements, SB 144*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, duties, SB 144†, SB 327, SB 331D, SB 424D, AB 45*, AB 104†, AB 478*, IP 1††
Notices from nongovernmental entities regarding registration, required contents, AB 45*
Preregistration by certain persons under the age of 18 years, procedures, SB 94D, SB 144*, AB 104†
Presidential preference primary, procedures during early voting, AB 293D
Registration drives, regulation, prohibited acts, AB 45†, AB 389D
Statewide voter registration list
Additions or changes, notice requirements, SB 144†, SB 327, AB 104†
Agreements to match information with DMV database, requirements, SB 424D
Foreign citizens, identification and deregistration, procedures, requirements, SB 331D
Bill of Rights, inclusion in Nevada Constitution, SJR 3‡
Compelling under oath to reveal vote, prohibition, AB 418*
Education regarding designation of political party preference on ballots, regulation, SB 103D
List of registered voters, time for publication, SB 94D, SB 144†
Number of registered voters, time for transmittal of information, SB 94D, SB 144†
Political party affiliation, effect, removal as basis for challenge, SB 103D
Proof of identification, election to provide in person at polling place, system to be established, SB 100D
Accommodations for voters who are disabled or physically unable to wait in line, SB 117*
Compelling under oath to reveal vote, prohibition, AB 418*
Early voting
Period for early voting, SB 94D, SB 144†, SB 211D, AB 272††, AB 293D
Permanent polling places, requirements, SB 94D, SB 492*, AB 104, AB 257D, AB 272††
Voter registration, requirements, AB 104, AB 257D
Ex‑felons, restoration of right to vote, conditions, SB 125†, AB 181*
Foreign citizens, unauthorized acts, AB 389D
Identification, requirements, SB 424D, AB 164D
In‑person voting by any registered voter, procedures for voting at polling places established for, SB 144†, AB 104
Ineligible candidates, votes for ineligible candidates null and void, AB 389D
Languages in which materials are to be provided, SB 492*, AB 272††
Party preference, authority to vote for candidate without regard to, SB 103D
Roster, requirements, SB 144†, SB 492†, AB 104, AB 257D, AB 272†
Signature card, use authorized, SB 144†, SB 492*, AB 272††
Charging stations, construction and installation, funding, SB 418
Engine emission control, replacing or repowering certain vehicles, requirements, SB 418, AB 416
Registration, additional fee, AB 401D
Sales, temporary exemption from certain sales taxes, AB 398D
Abortion by pregnant minor or ward, expedited procedures, records regarding, SB 382D
Advance directives, registration, requirements, AB 199†
Bail, electronic transmission of related information, AB 38*
Biological products dispensed by pharmacists, records to be electronically accessible, AB 245*
Blockchain technology, authorized use, effect, local regulation prohibited, SB 398*
Common‑interest communities
Executive boards, notice of executive session meetings, SB 195*
Resales of units, delivery by purchaser of notice of cancellation, SB 255*
Absent ballots, authority to request by electronic transmission, SB 447*
Ineligible candidates, reports of reimbursements and donations to be filed electronically, SB 113D
Sample ballots, establishment of system for electronic distribution made mandatory, SB 94D, SB 144†
Voter registration, electronic transmission of information and notices, SB 144†, SB 327, AB 104†, IP 1††
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Revised Uniform, adoption, AB 239*
Foreclosures, notice of default and election to sell, SB 490*
Gender equality in the workplace, surveys, requirements, SB 343
Notices regarding wards, requirements, SB 433*
Wards, restrictions on communication, visitation or interaction with certain persons prohibited, exceptions and procedures, remedies for violations, SB 158D, SB 433*
Industrial insurance, accessibility of persons authorized to act for insurer, requirements, SB 209†, SB 276D
Insurance transactions, delivery of notices or other documents, immunity from liability, AB 455*
Internet (See INTERNET)
Judges and court personnel, authority to request electronic mail address contained in certain official records be kept confidential, SB 79*
Medical records, fees charged for digital copies, limitations, SB 291†
Motor Vehicles, Department of, participation in electronic lien system, SB 452*
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, information regarding, electronic access, SB 265††, SB 539*
Pharmacists, collaborative practice agreements, requirements, SB 260*
Public assistance electronic benefit transfer card, acceptance for use in certain establishments prohibited, SB 98D
Public records, provision by electronic means, requirements, SB 170D
Child abuse or neglect, acknowledgment by volunteers of reporting duties, maintenance, SB 287†
Safe‑to‑Tell Program, requirements, SB 212†
Special education providers, inspections by Department of Education, SB 213*
Surveys of pupils regarding use and abuse of certain substances, requirements, SB 166
State purchasing, notice of proposed purchases, SB 39D
Termination of parental rights, electronic service of process authorized for attorneys, SB 432*
Time share managers, duties, SB 195*
Trusts, inclusion of electronic trusts, evidence, AB 413*
Vehicle transporters, renewal of license electronically, requirements, AB 60*
Wills, requirements for electronic wills, AB 413*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Elections, procedures as to ineligible candidates, charter amendment, AB 389D
Public Utilities Commission, annual consumer sessions to solicit comments from public required, AB 109
Professional development of teachers and administrators, funding, SB 544*
Licenses or certificates
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Insurance adjusters, issuance of temporary emergency license, AB 12*
Public health emergency teams, recommendations to Legislature, duties, SB 507
Abandonment of newborn, duties, anonymity of parents, SB 2*
Ambulance attendants and firefighters
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
EMT certification held by military members, veterans and their spouses, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 367D, AB 429†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Controlled substance prescription tracking system, access by paramedics, AB 474†
Crimes committed against first responders, additional penalty, SB 541*, AB 88D
Debt collection, reports, duties, AB 382††
Drug overdoses, reports, duties, penalty for noncompliance, AB 474†
Hate crime committed against services provider or spouse or child thereof, penalty, civil liability, program for reporting, AB 88D
Independent centers for emergency medical care (See also MEDICAL FACILITIES AND RELATED ENTITIES)
Rating of facilities, requirements in certain counties, publication of information, SB 482*
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to patients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Landlord and tenant, adverse action by or against landlord based upon tenant’s request for emergency assistance prohibited, remedies, AB 133*
Medicaid recipients, supplemental payment program for ground transportation services provided to, SB 60*
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to patients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, SB 374††, SB 396†
Military members and spouses holding active EMT certification, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 367D, AB 429†
Motor vehicles with flashing lights, duties of other drivers, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 312*
Murder of services provider, aggravating factor for first degree murder, AB 88D
Out‑of‑network insurance payments by third parties, procedures, reports, AB 382††
Peer support counseling, communications privileged and confidential, exceptions, immunities, AB 301*
Recognition of Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact, adoption, AB 367D, AB 429†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Rights of persons to services, restrictions on hospital charges, AJR 14‡
Special events, requirements in certain counties, AB 307D
Veterans and spouses holding active EMT certification, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 367D, AB 429†
Property taxes, authority of owner to transfer base value of condemned property, SJR 13 of the 78th SessionD
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, authority, SB 335D, SB 448*
Creation in Department of Administration, duties, operating budget, SB 80D
Breastfeeding, provision of accommodations, duties regarding complaints, AB 113*
Administrative penalties, imposition for certain violations, award to persons harmed, AB 211D
Alcohol or drug abuse treatment coverage, reimbursement procedures, SB 262*
Breastfeeding, employers to provide accommodations, requirements, penalties, SB 253*, AB 113*
Child support violations, suspension of driver’s license not required when impediment to employment, AB 358D
Day care assistance for employees, tax credits for employers providing, SB 147D, SB 455
Domestic service (See DOMESTIC WORKERS)
Domestic violence, leave for victims, duties of employers, penalties, SB 361*
Employer‑based health care plans and Medicaid, employees enrolled in, reports, SB 366*
Employment screening services, authority to disseminate criminal history records, audits, AB 26*
Family medical leave
Tax credits to certain employers, requirements, AB 266†
Tax deductions for certain employers, requirements, AB 266
Gaming establishments, minimum age for employment lowered, AB 86D
Gender equality in the workplace, surveys, SB 343, AB 423*
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Marijuana, employees expressing opinions relating to, certain actions by employers prohibited, SB 374††
Meal periods, requirements, SB 157D
Mental health treatment coverage, direct payment to provider, requirements, refunds, SB 262*
Motor vehicle insurance, uninsured and underinsured coverage, certain limitations prohibited, SB 308†
National Guard members of other states, employment termination, prohibited acts, remedies, AB 337*
Noncompete covenants
Actions to enforce, authority of courts, AB 276*
When deemed void and unenforceable, effect, SB 82D, SB 222, AB 149D, AB 276*
Pregnant Workers’ Fairness Act, Nevada, adoption, SB 253*
Records regarding terms, conditions and privileges of employment, requirements, penalties, AB 178D
Self‑medication of employee, authority, penalties, SB 265†
Sick leave
Authorized uses, duties and prohibited acts of employers, penalty, SB 196††, AB 394D
Paid leave required, duties of certain employers, penalties, SB 196††
Wage records, contents, SB 196††
Sleeping period, agreements to exclude from wages of employees of certain care providers, requirements, SB 318*
Unemployment compensation (See UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION)
Unlawful employment practices
Applicability of laws, prohibited acts, required findings, penalties, SB 397††, AB 178D
Bona fide occupational qualification, definition, SB 397††
Pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition, discriminatory acts based on, SB 253*
Wages, discrimination based on inquiries or disclosures regarding wages, SB 397††, AB 276*
Vapor products, use on certain premises prohibited, AB 450D
Wages (See WAGES)
Worksite wellness and family‑friendly policies, provision of information, SB 455
Nonmedical services related to personal care services provided in home, licensing and regulation, prohibited acts, SB 388*
Unlawful employment practice, discrimination based on inquiries or discussion regarding wages, SB 397††, AB 276*
Adult education, duties, AB 484†
P‑20W Research Data System Advisory Committee, member, SB 458*
Postsecondary Education, Commission on, duties, AB 484*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, member, SB 451*
Services to the blind, administration of provisions relating to, AB 20*
Unemployed persons, reports, receipt, duties, AB 354*
Employment Security Division
Demographic information regarding unemployment compensation recipients, duties, AB 354†
Deputy Administrator, designation as Administrator of Commission on Postsecondary Education, AB 484†
Domestic violence victims, duties, SB 361*
Jurors, selection of, list of persons receiving benefits to be provided, AB 207*
Postsecondary Education, Commission on, made part of Division, AB 484*
Publications, certain duties repealed, SB 12*
Senior attorney, filling of position, procedure, AB 517*
Unauthorized use or dissemination of certain information, penalty, AB 207*
Unemployment compensation (See UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION)
P‑20W Research Data System Advisory Committee, support, SB 458†
Rehabilitation Division
Autism spectrum disorders, reports of persons receiving vocational rehabilitation, duties, AB 20*
Blind or Visually Impaired, Bureau of Services to Persons Who Are
Client information system, funding, AB 510*
Duties, AB 20*
Employees, qualifications, AB 20*
Cooperation with Federal Government, duties, AB 20*
Designation as state unit for carrying out certain programs prescribed in federal law removed, AB 20*
Gift Account, use, AB 20*
Program to Encourage and Facilitate Purchases by Agencies of Commodities and Services From Organizations, administration transferred, AB 483*
State employment, temporary limited appointments, requirements, AB 192*
Vocational Rehabilitation, Bureau of
Client information system, funding, AB 510*
Duties, AB 20*
Employees, qualifications, AB 20*
Facilities and workshops, authority removed, AB 20*
Reciprocal agreements with Indian tribes authorized, AB 20*
Rehabilitation Division Gift Account, use, AB 20*
Small business enterprises operated by persons with severe disabilities, authority removed, AB 20*
Vocational rehabilitation services, policies regarding, duties of Division, AB 20*
Retirement Security, Task Force on, membership, AB 430
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Workforce development, duties, SB 441, AB 484†
Workforce Innovation, Office of, educational and workforce data, duties, SB 516*
Licenses or certificates
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Legislative study, AB 452*
Audit of energy efficiency measures for state agencies, contracts, SCR 4
Electric utilities, energy efficiency plans and energy efficiency and conservation programs, requirements, SB 150*, AB 223*
Fund for Energy Assistance and Conservation, use, AB 111
Legislative Committee on Energy, study concerning energy efficiency programs, SB 145†
Local improvement districts to finance energy efficiency improvement projects, creation, AB 5*
Nevada Clean Energy Fund, creation, SB 407*
Nevada Green Bank Program, creation, SB 407†
Wildlife, Department of, report, duties, SB 75*
Nevada Clean Energy Fund Board of Directors, member, SB 407*
Nevada Green Bank Program Board of Directors, Chair, SB 407†
Electric service, providers of, receipt of reports, AB 206††
Environmental Protection, Division of, cooperation, SB 418
Fiscal impact of certain tax abatements, receipt of statements, SB 345D
Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, elimination of prioritization requirement, AB 98*
Legislative Committee on Energy, duties, receipt of reports, SB 145†
Nevada Clean Energy Fund, creation, duties, SB 407*
Nevada Green Bank Program, creation, duties, SB 407†
Renewable Energy Bill of Rights, duties, AB 405†
Renewable energy, tax on wholesale sales of electricity generated from, cooperation, SB 336D
State Energy Plan, duties, reports, AB 206†
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, Legislative Committee on, provision of information, AB 143
Account for the Management of Air Quality, deposits, use, SB 418
Classic rods and classic vehicles, exemption from emission control compliance, requirements, SB 152D
Compliance inspectors, unlawful acts, SB 152D
Compliance stations, inspection and verification of odometer readings, SB 152D
Fund for Cleaner Emission Vehicles, creation, SB 418†
Replacement or repowering of certain vehicles to reduce emissions, requirements, funding, SB 418, AB 416
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Volkswagen settlement proceeds, use, SB 418, AB 416
Zero emission vehicles, fueling and charging stations, requirements, SB 418
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Mechanics’ liens, authority, procedures, SB 423D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Court interpreters, appointment for persons with limited English proficiency, AB 125*
Health care providers, duties regarding patients or clients with limited English proficiency, AB 408††
Official state language, designation, AB 131D
School pupils
Dual language immersion programs, establishment, requirements, AB 139
Limited English proficient pupils, terminology changed to English learners, SB 178*, AB 7*
State Seal of Biliteracy, criteria for award, AB 7*
Composition, AB 77*
Health and safety, employee training requirements, AB 190*
Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, provisions repealed, AB 33†
County commissioners, receipt of reports, SB 315
Waste diversion rate in larger counties, duties, SB 315
Recycling and Materials Management, Nevada Council on, receipt of recommendations, SB 315†
Smelters, expedited permit procedure, requirements, duties, AB 289D
Solid waste collection and disposal, duties, receipt of reports, SB 315†
Subdivision of land, authority to prescribe fees for services, AB 50*
Water systems, public, authority to prescribe fees for services, AB 50*
Board of Registered Environmental Health Specialists
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Certificates of registration
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Engine emission control (See ENGINE EMISSION CONTROL)
General improvement districts furnishing recreational facilities, powers, AB 379†
National conservation areas, restriction on planning and zoning powers of local governments, AB 277††
National recreation areas, restriction on planning and zoning powers of local governments, AB 277†
Nevada Parks, Trails and Open Space District Act, adoption, AB 379*
Petroleum discharges from storage tanks, grant program relating to, regulations, SB 251*
Plastic bags provided by retailer at checkout, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 344D
Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation Credit System program, appropriation, SB 535
Water pollution (See WATER POLLUTION)
Federal Constitution, ratification of amendment, SJR 2‡
Attorney’s fees and investigation costs, claims for, SB 397††
Biennial report to Governor, repeal, SB 12†
Composition, SB 188*
Gender identity or expression, duties, SB 188*
Notice to parties regarding filing complaints in district court, SB 397††
Penalties and fines, deposits, SB 397††
Pregnant Workers’ Fairness Act, duties, SB 253*
Purchasing Division, cooperation for certain purposes, AB 106*
Sexual orientation, duties, SB 188*
Unlawful employment practices
Complaints, time for filing, SB 397††, AB 178D
Public employment, consideration of applicants’ criminal history, restrictions, AB 384*
Willful actions, penalties, SB 397††
Members, qualifications of certain member, AB 454*
Live entertainment tax, applicability of laws, AB 441
Cigarette manufacturers, assignment of interest in escrow fund to State, requirements, AB 62*
Estate of ward, procedures relating to sale of real property, AB 130*
Housing authorities, program to establish escrow accounts for tenants, SB 417
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Licensure and operation, SB 199*
Business of decedent, continued operation, duties of personal representatives, AB 314*
Claims against estate
Liens against property, authority to bring action to enforce, AB 314*
Nonprobate transferees, actions to impose liability, procedures, AB 314*
Rejected claims, authority to petition court for determination of validity of claim, AB 314*
Construction of laws, consistency with Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, AB 413*
Extension of time for acts authorized or required to be performed, AB 314*
Heir finders, agreements for recovery of property, period of unenforceability, SB 376†
Nonprobate transfers, requirements, AB 314*
Powers of Appointment Act, Uniform, adoption, SB 454*
Property subject to claims of offset, duties of fiduciary, AB 314*
Real property, waiver of appraisement, conditions, AB 314*
Restitution to certain older victims of crime, procedures, SB 278D
Summary administration, applicability of laws to private professional guardians, AB 150*
Wills (See WILLS)
Appraisers of state or local government land, prohibited acts, AB 34*
Apprenticeship, State Director of, prohibited acts, SB 516*
Charter School Authority, State Public, prohibited acts by members, AB 49*
Educator ethics, establishment of Advisory Group and Model Code, AB 124*
Energy, Office of, employees, SB 407†
Former employee not receiving retirement benefits, exception to limitations on contracts with state agencies, AB 466*
Insurance adjusters, continuing education requirements, standards of conduct, AB 12*
Gifts from lobbyists, prohibited acts, AB 396
Standing rules (JSR 20, JSR 30‑JSR 37, SSR 23, ASR 2, ASR 23), ACR 12‡, SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Nevada Green Bank Program Board of Directors, SB 407†
Physicians, continuing education requirements, AB 105*
Receivers, adoption of certain rules required, AB 235*
Assessment of cities and counties for costs, determination of amount, SB 36D
Executive Director, duties, SB 84*
Immunities of members and employees, actions deemed to be discretionary function or duty, SB 84*
Inspector General, duties, AB 404
Jurisdiction, imitations, SB 36D, SB 84*
Number, appointment, SB 36D
Salary, legislative study of appropriateness, SCR 6‡
Subpoenas, issuance, SB 84*
Acknowledgement by public officer holding multiple offices, effect, SB 84*
Attorney General and household, prohibitions related to gifts, SB 30D
Civil penalties, SB 84*
Code of ethical standards, contents, SB 84*
Confidentiality of information, requirements, exceptions, SB 84*
Deferral agreements, requirements, SB 84*
Deferral orders, requirements, SB 84†
Definitions, SB 84*
Designation of person as public officer or public employee for purposes of laws, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 84*
Discipline of public officer or employee, grounds, authorized actions, SB 84*
Disclosures by public officers and employees, requirements, SB 84*
Ethics complaints, requirements, proceedings concerning, SB 84*
Former public officers and employees, employment in regulated businesses, prohibitions, SB 84*
Hearings, procedures, SB 84*
Investigatory panels, repeal, SB 84*
Legislators, jurisdiction of Commission on Ethics removed, SB 36D
Letter of caution or instruction, issuance authorized, requirements, SB 84*
Official stationery, use by public officers and employees, prohibited acts, AB 392†
Open Meeting Law, exemptions, SB 84*
Opinions, requests for, procedures, SB 84*
Reorganization of certain provisions, SB 84*
Review panels, appointment, duties, SB 84*
Authority of certain patients to request, immunities, penalties, SB 261
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Emergency assistance, prohibition on eviction based upon tenant’s request for, AB 133*
Medical marijuana, eviction for use prohibited, SB 378D
Sealing records relating to actions for summary eviction, procedures, AB 107*
Sheriffs, fees for service of notices, SB 182*
Civil rights, restoration, conditions, SB 125†, AB 181*
Arts and museums, preservation and promotion, receipt of reports, SB 187†
Clerk, designation, SB 22*
Contingency Account, requests for allocations, duties clarified, SB 88
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, claims for attorney’s fees and investigation costs, duties, SB 397††
Highway Patrol, Nevada, duties regarding allocation, SB 403
K‑12 Public Education Stabilization Account, requests for allocations, SB 89
Presidential primary election costs, duties, SB 211D, AB 293D
Renewable energy, tax on sales of electricity generated from, duties, SB 336D
Salaries, appropriations, duties, SB 368*, AB 517*
Victims of crime, compensation, duties, SB 22*, AB 122*
Licenses or certificates
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Attachment, applications for writ by certain older victims of crime, fees restricted, SB 278D
Exemptions from execution
Money held in certain manner, AB 314*
Personal property not otherwise exempt, amount debtor may select, AB 314*
Garnishment (See GARNISHMENT)
Writ of execution, constable’s fee for mailing notice, SB 182*
Abolished, AB 201D
Chair, authority to direct audits of certain agencies, SB 111D
Personal property owned by nonresidents, applicability of property tax exemption, SB 414*
Public libraries, prohibited acts on property, penalties, SB 115D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Washoe County, use of certain room tax proceeds, duties, AB 306D
Brew pubs, authority to transport malt beverages to retailer located at event, AB 431*
Personal property owned by nonresidents, applicability of property tax exemption, SB 414*
Custody and visitation
Adoption proceedings, visitation orders and agreements for postadoptive contact, requirements, penalty for noncompliance, SB 274*
Children in need of protection, contents of reports to court, information to be provided to siblings, SB 274*
Supervised exchanges of children, establishment of program, AB 198D
Involuntary court‑ordered admission of criminal defendant to mental health facility, restrictions on jurisdiction, AB 440†
Advisory Council on Parental Involvement and Family Engagement, name change, duties, SB 301*
Tax credits to employers providing, requirements, AB 266†
Tax deductions for employers providing, requirements, AB 266
Grants to support
Appropriation, AB 397*
Duties of entities receiving, SB 122*
Pharmacists, duty to dispense 12‑month supply of contraceptives, SB 233*, AB 249†, AB 408††
Services and supplies, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 249*, AB 408††
Brew pubs, authority to transport malt beverages to retailer located at event, AB 431*
School gardens at Title I schools, appropriation, requirements, SB 167*
Livestock, watering (See LIVESTOCK)
Pest control, license exemption for farmers, requirements, AB 32*
Sales and use tax exemption, SB 415*, AB 402
Trespass, barbed wire fence indicating intent to restrict human ingress, requirements, SB 116†, SB 475D
Agencies which provide child welfare services, duties, SB 480*
Health care providers, reporting duties, SB 480*
Digital Assets Act, Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to, adoption, AB 239*
Property subject to claims of offset, duties, AB 314*
Trust Decanting Act, Uniform, adoption, duties, AB 197D
Amount of credits, maximum, AB 137†, AB 492*
Administration, Department of, transfer of certain duties, SB 22*
Bill draft requests, limit on number, AB 189
Budget Division
Education savings accounts, estimate of expenditure requirements, receipt, SB 359D, SB 506
Ethics, Commission on, duty regarding assessments removed, SB 36D
General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, SB 545*
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, membership, AB 446
Inventories of property leased to or owned by State, duties, SB 22*
Merit Award Board, receipt of reports, SB 72*, AB 464*, AB 467†
Overtime by Executive Department employees, reports, duties, SB 22*
Printers used by state agencies, waiver of certain requirements, duties, AB 264D
Regulatory bodies, duties, AB 328*
K‑12 Public Education Stabilization Account, duties, SB 89
Reserves, deposit, duties, SB 89
Smelters, applications for tax abatements, notices, duties, AB 289D
Statewide cost allocation plan, receipt, duties, SB 22*
Corrections, Department of, contracts for certain services, duties, SB 22*
Debts owed state agencies, duties, AB 51D
Deputy Director, appointment, duties, SB 22*
Ex officio Clerk of State Board of Examiners, SB 22*
Highway Patrol, Nevada, recommendations regarding allocation, SB 403
Public Employees’ Benefits Program, Board of the, removal as member, SB 502*
General appropriations legislation, duties, AB 518*
Information technology system, appropriations, AB 504*
Inspector General, Office of the, creation, duties, AB 201D, AB 404
Internal auditing and administrative control, duties regarding biennial report, AB 404
Internal Audits, Division of
Acting Inspector General, duties as, AB 404
Duties regarding audits of state agencies, SB 111D
Manager of Internal Controls, appointive duty removed, AB 481*
Qualifications, AB 41*
Home Means Nevada, Inc., audits, duties, SB 490*
Manager of Internal Controls, repeal, AB 481*
Telephone number to report fraud, waste or abuse of public money, repeal of duties, AB 404
Transfer to Office of the Inspector General, AB 201D
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, receipt of report, SB 377*
Charter schools, nonprofit organizations receiving grants to establish and operate, receipt of reports, SB 544*
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, duties, SB 544*
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, duties, SB 544*
State Distributive School Account, duties, SB 544*
Superintendent of Public Instruction, time for receipt of reports, AB 378D
State Controller and State Treasurer, offices abolished, transfer of duties to Executive Branch, AJR 6D
Unclassified service, salaries, duties, SB 368*, AB 517*
Wildlife Trust Fund, receipt of information, SB 75*
Arts and museums, preservation and promotion, receipt of reports, duties, SB 187†
Capital improvements legislation, duties, SB 546*
Parks, wildlife and recreation, extension of time to issue certain bonds, SB 198*
Tahoe Basin preservation bonds, issuance, SB 197*, SB 546*
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Employee payroll tax, credits for providing day care assistance for employees, SB 147D, SB 455
Family medical leave
Tax credits to certain employers, requirements, AB 266†
Tax deductions for certain employers, requirements, AB 266
Film production, transferable tax credits, AB 137†, AB 492*
Rehabilitation of historic buildings, transferable tax credits, AB 370
Scholarship organizations, additional tax credits for donations to, SB 555*
Tax Advisory Committee, duties, AB 30D
Volens et Potens Infrastructure Board, contributions to, tax credits, SB 349D
Applicability of laws, SB 383*
Document preparation service, persons excluded as, AB 324*
Fees charged for certain insurance consultations, regulation, SB 209*
Fiduciary duties, regulations, exceptions, SB 383*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Viatical settlements, licensing requirements, SB 383*
Creation, duties, SB 118*
Adult day care facilities, violations, SB 97
Advanced practice registered nurses, violations, AB 116D, AB 265D
Alcohol beverage awareness programs, violations, deposit and use of fines, SB 440
Armed Forces members in contracts to receive certain services, violations by service providers, AB 282*
Athlete agents, violations, AB 372*
Autonomous vehicles, violations, AB 69*
Child care facilities, violations, SB 189*
Community‑based living arrangement services, violations, SB 97, SB 266
Confidential information contained in certain official records, violations of confidentiality, SB 79*
Consumer goods or services, prohibited acts by sellers or lessors, SB 185*
Court reporters, violations, SB 406*
Criminal fines (See generally CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS; specific crimes)
Dextromethorphan, sales to minors without prescription, SB 159*
Dissolved mineral resources, violations, AB 52*
Domestic relations proceedings, false statements or documentary evidence, AB 198D
Domestic violence victims, violations by employers, SB 361*
Driver’s licenses, treatment of violations as civil matters, study, ACR 9‡
Electric utilities, violations, SB 347
Domestic service employees, violations by employers, SB 468*
Unlawful employment practices determined to be willful, SB 397††
Wage and benefit violations, administrative penalties, award to persons harmed, AB 211D
Entertainment industry, certain violations by employers, AB 190*
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, deposit of certain fines, SB 397††
Ethics, Commission on, authority to impose civil penalties, SB 84*
Facilities for the dependent, violations, SB 71*
Financial disclosure violations by public officer or candidate, AB 45†
Government Employee‑Management Relations Board, authority to impose fine on Executive Departments, SB 486
Guardians, violations, SB 158D, SB 433*
Health care records, violations by custodians, SB 291*
Industrial hemp, violations, SB 329, SB 396*
Industrial insurance
Large‑deductible agreements, violations, AB 83*
Nurses acting on behalf of others, violations, AB 3D
Inspector General, interference with, AB 201D
Insurers, violations, AB 35*, AB 83*, AB 352D, AB 460D
Internet websites or online services, violations by owners or operators, SB 538*
Landlord and tenant, adverse action by landlord based upon tenant’s request for emergency assistance prohibited, AB 133*
Manufactured home industry, deposit of fines, SB 500*
Marriage solemnization, civil penalties for violation, AB 365*
Medical Examiners, Board of, certain fines made discretionary, AB 339*
Medical facilities, violations, SB 71*
Medical marijuana establishments, violations, SB 329
Medical records, violations by custodians, SB 291*
Medical research or advocacy, violations by certain nonprofit organizations, SB 265††, SB 539*
Motor vehicle manufacturers, violations, AB 410*
Motor vehicle repossession technology devices, violations, SB 350†
Noncompetition covenants deemed void and unenforceable, exclusions, SB 222, AB 149D
Nonprofit organizations funding medical research or advocacy, violations, SB 265††, SB 539*
Nursing facility administrators, violations, AB 299†
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, violations regarding, SB 265††, SB 539*
Pharmacies, certain violations, SB 171*
Pharmacy benefit managers, violations, SB 539*
Physical therapy violations, SB 142D, SB 437*
Plastic bags provided by retailers at checkout, violations, AB 344D
Prescription drug manufacturers, violations, SB 265††, SB 539*
Prostitution, solicitation for, AB 260*
Public money, fraud, waste, abuse or corruption, AB 201D
Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, violations, SB 219
Railroads and officers, violations, SB 427††
Recreation programs, seasonal or temporary, violations, AB 176*
Regional transportation commissions, authority to impose, SB 149*
Residential facilities for groups, violations by administrators, AB 299†
Retailers providing plastic bags at checkout, violations, AB 344D
School employment applications, violations regarding certain information, AB 362*
Seat belt use by children, violations, SB 156D
Solicitation for prostitution, AB 260*
State purchasing, violations regarding qualifications for certain bid preference, SB 317†, AB 280*
Supported living arrangement services, violations, SB 97, SB 266
Traffic violations, treatment as civil matters, study, ACR 9‡
Transportation network companies, violations, SB 479D, AB 445††
Vapor products, violations, AB 450D
Water resources, certain violations, SB 74†
Water systems, public, violations by water suppliers, AB 50*
Automotive wreckers, AB 60*
Body shop operators, AB 60*
Cosmetologists and massage therapists, duplication of licensing procedures, repeal of provisions, AB 179*
Court interpreters, AB 63*
Domestic violence offenders, AB 14*
Election officials, AB 389D
Marijuana establishments, license applicants, AB 422*
Motor vehicle brokers, AB 60*
Name changes, court orders relating to, requirements, AB 14*
Pest control applicators, AB 32*
Physicians, AB 339*
Private professional guardians, AB 150*
Psychiatric facility employees, SB 71*
Salespersons of vehicles, trailers or semitrailers, AB 60*
Salvage pool operators, AB 60*
School personnel or volunteers, SB 213*, SB 287*
Time share representatives, SB 438†
Transportation network company drivers, SB 485D
Abandonment of newborn, duties, anonymity of parents, SB 2*
Assault or battery upon civilian employee or volunteer, penalty, AB 132*
County fire department districts, tax levy for support of district made optional, SB 128D
Internet sales of personal property by individuals, designation of places for parties to meet to complete transaction, AB 297†
Landlord and tenant, adverse action by or against landlord based upon tenant’s request for emergency assistance prohibited, remedies, AB 133*
Motor vehicles with flashing lights, duties of other drivers, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 312*
Pet left unattended in motor vehicle, duties, immunities, SB 409*
Fire safety standards for cigarettes, reports to Legislature repealed, AB 464*
Felling of trees near water, exemption from certain variance requirement, SB 499†
Residential facilities for groups, fire sprinkler requirements, SB 477*
Safety codes for certain high‑rise buildings, applicability in Clark County, SB 67D
Wildfire reduction, powers of general improvement districts furnishing recreational facilities, AB 379†
Appointment of members of governing bodies, authority of county commissioners, SB 127D
Assault or battery upon civilian employee or volunteer, penalty, AB 132*
Capital improvements, certain reports repealed, AB 464*
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, requests for distributions, procedures, AB 311D
Tax levy for support of district made optional, SB 128†
Transport of persons to medical facilities, quarterly reports repealed, AB 464*
Concealed firearms
Armed Forces members or veterans, eligibility of certain minors for permit, requirements, AB 118*
Medical marijuana, prohibitions related to controlled substance use inapplicable, SB 351D, SB 378D
Motor vehicles located on property of educational or child care facility, concealed firearms within vehicles authorized, requirements, SB 102D
Out‑of‑state permittees, right to carry in Nevada, SB 307D, AB 87D
Public libraries, concealed firearms prohibited, penalties, SB 115D
Repeal of permit laws and prohibitions on carrying, SB 307D, AB 171D
Confiscation and disposition by law enforcement agency, procedures, SB 307D
Domestic violence
Possession of firearm by offender prohibited, SB 124*
Sale or transfer of firearm to licensed dealer, duties, SB 124*
Family foster homes, repeal of certain requirements for possession of firearm on premises, SB 307D
Forfeiture, procedures, SB 358D
High‑risk individuals, orders for protection against, procedures, SB 387D
Hunting, carrying loaded rifle or shotgun along road or discharging over road, authorization in certain circumstances, AB 448D
Ivory or other animal part as fixed part of firearm, prohibited acts, SB 194*
Juvenile courts, jurisdiction over violations, certification of child for criminal proceedings as adult, AB 369D
Medical marijuana, prohibitions related to controlled substance use inapplicable, SB 351D
Motor vehicles located on property of educational or child care facility, firearms within vehicles authorized, SB 102D
Sale or transfer
By law enforcement agencies, procedures, SB 307D, AB 147*
Domestic violence offenders, requirements, SB 124*
Stalking offenders, requirements, SB 124*
Stalking, duties of and prohibited acts by convicted persons, SB 124*
Theft of firearms, return of confiscated firearm to rightful owner, SB 307D
Crimes committed against first responders, additional penalty, SB 541*, AB 88D
Hate crime committed against firefighter or spouse or child thereof, additional penalty, civil liability, program for reporting, AB 88D
Insurance, occupational disease coverage, AB 267*
Memorial to Nevada firefighters on Capitol Complex, authorization, requirements, SB 540*
Peer support counseling, communications privileged and confidential, exceptions, immunities, AB 301*
Combinations of hook, line and rod, authorized use, SB 511*
Constitutional recognition of right to fish, SJR 11 of the 78th SessionD
Exhibition of wildlife or equipment on demand, violations regarding, exemption from penalties, AB 330D
Federal conservation funding as recommended by Blue Ribbon Panel, support expressed, SJR 13‡
Licenses and permits
Acknowledgment of certain information, requirements, SB 511*
Child support enforcement, removal of certain exemption from compliance laws, SB 34D
Fees generally, SB 511*
Native Americans, issuance of specialty combination licenses, SB 511*
Period of validity, SB 511*
Refusal to exhibit or failure to have in possession, exemption from penalties, AB 330D
Veterans with service‑connected disabilities, evidence of eligibility for free licenses or permits, SB 191*
Licensing Review Panel, creation, duties, AB 332D
Pedicures, use of fish in cosmetological establishments authorized, AB 158D
Shark fin, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 194*
Trout stamp, repeal of documentation requirement, SB 511*
Wildlife Public Education Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, SB 221
Wildlife Public Education Council, Nevada, creation, duties, SB 221†
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on, advisory duty repealed, AB 29*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448†
Emergency Management, Division of, appropriation for response and reimbursement costs, SB 529*, AB 495*, AB 498*
Flood control project needs committee, establishment, duties, AB 375*
Forestry, Division of, appropriation for response costs, SB 524*
Taxes and fees, imposition to fund flood management projects, procedures, AB 375*
Public water system or water authority in certain counties, requirements, AB 193D
Meals on Wheels program, appropriation, SB 446
Safety, authority of State Department of Agriculture clarified, AB 33*
Wages, limitation on computation of value of meals as wages, SB 232*
Alcoholic beverage awareness program, requirements, use of fines imposed for violations, SB 440
Brew pubs (See BREW PUBS)
Vapor products, restrictions on indoor use, AB 450D
Convicted persons, eligibility of certain persons for assistance, criteria, AB 427††
Electronic application system, funding, SB 533*
Waiver or exemption of federal requirements, SB 323*, AB 91D
Work requirement, calculation of 36‑month period for purposes of, SB 323*
Workfare program, creation, SB 323*, AB 91D
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Abandoned residential property, procedures continued, SB 267*
Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 235*
Deed of trust sales
Owner‑occupied housing, location, SB 267*
Residential property, procedures, SB 490*
Mediation Program, continuation, procedures, fees, SB 490*
Mortgagees or beneficiaries of deeds of trust, duty to submit contact information to Division of Financial Institutions, SB 238D
Servicemembers and dependents, procedures, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 33*
Bail, consideration of legality of presence in U.S. before release without, AB 250D
Children’s Health Insurance Program, authorization for enrollment, SB 325*
English, designation as official state language, AB 131D
Governmental entity databases containing information on immigration status, nationality or citizenship, prohibited disclosures, SB 389D
Law enforcement agencies, prohibitions on performing certain actions, SB 223D, AB 357D
New Americans, Office for, creation, duties, SB 186
Occupational and professional licenses, assistance to and online resources for immigrants, SB 186
Permanent resident cards, acceptance by businesses and governmental entities for identification purposes, AB 162*
Sanctuary status, ordinances adopting prohibited, financial penalty against city or county for violation, SB 333D
Special immigrant juveniles, powers and duties of district courts, AB 142*
Victims of crime, eligibility for compensation, AB 122*
Voting and voter registration
Information in DMV records indicating registered voter is not a U.S. citizen, procedures when, SB 319D
Unauthorized acts, AB 389D
Canadian Domestic‑Violence Protection Orders Act, Recognition and Enforcement of, adoption, AB 146*
Elections, use of federal postcard voter registration applications, requests for and use of military‑overseas ballots, SB 144*
High school pupils participating in foreign exchange program, individual graduation plans authorized, requirements, SB 132*
Israel (See ISRAEL)
Taiwan, sister‑state relationship celebrated, support for Bilateral Investment Agreement affirmed, SCR 7‡
Cosmetology licensure or registration, examinations, AB 195*
Court interpreters, appointment for persons with limited English proficiency, AB 125*
Health care providers, duties regarding patients or clients with limited English proficiency, AB 408††
Insurance licensees, option to take examination in Spanish, SB 135
Notaries public, violations, penalties, AB 148*
Renewable energy, requirements for certain agreements, AB 405*
School pupils
Child abuse or neglect, poster regarding reports, AB 305*
Dual language immersion programs, establishment, requirements, AB 139
State Seal of Biliteracy, criteria for award, AB 7*
Voter registration system, availability in languages other than English, AB 104†
Voting materials, languages in which materials are to be provided, SB 492*, AB 272††
Confiscated firearms, duties, SB 307D
Genetic marker analysis (See GENETIC MARKER ANALYSIS)
Sexual assault forensic evidence kits, duties, SB 169†, AB 55D, AB 97*
Antiquities Act, federal legislation requiring State approval of national monument designation or expansion urged, SJR 15D
Guzzlers for wildlife use, authorized collection of precipitation, SB 74†, AB 138*
National recreation areas, restriction on planning and zoning powers of local governments, AB 277†
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on, duties, AB 29*
Transfer of certain public lands to State
Federal legislation to implement urged, SJR 7D, SJR 9D
Rescission of previous request for transfer, support for continued federal management expressed, SJR 12‡
Trapping, development of standard language in warning signs, cooperation, SB 364*
Felling of trees near water, requirements for variance allowing, SB 499*
Bestiality, penalties, AB 391*
Dangerous wild animals, AB 238D
Monetary instruments connected to unlawful financial transactions, SB 68D
Adoption of child (See also ADOPTION OF CHILDREN)
Agreements for postadoptive contact, requirements, SB 274*
Ammunition on premises of family foster home, repeal of certain requirements for possession, SB 307D
Background checks, requirements, SB 484D
Education records, authority of child welfare agencies to request, effect of failure of school official to provide, AB 236*
Family medical leave for child placement
Tax credits to certain employers, requirements, AB 266†
Tax deductions for certain employers, requirements, AB 266
Firearms on premises of family foster home, repeal of certain requirements for possession, SB 307D
Gender with which child identifies, treatment according to, requirements, AB 99*
Grievances by children, procedures for filing and resolving, regulation, AB 99*
Homeless, child awaiting placement deemed, repeal of provision, AB 491*
Denial, suspension or revocation, SB 484D
Special license, issuance to relative or fictive kin, SB 484†
Normalcy for Foster Youth Account
Appropriation, SB 257†
Creation, use, SB 257*
Prison Rape Elimination Act, compliance requirements, AB 99*
Providers, monetary support, immunity from certain liability, SB 257*
Rates charged by certain group homes, legislative study, AB 343*
Rights of children in foster care
Applicability to certain other children, AB 99†
Participation in certain activities, SB 257*
Written summary of rights, provision to child, AB 99*
School Choice for Children in Foster Care, Program of, repeal, AB 491*
School of origin, determination whether child to remain in, AB 491*
Sexual conduct, prohibited acts by employees and volunteers, penalties, disclosure of victim’s identity prohibited, SB 169*
Sexual orientation and gender identity, training requirements, AB 99*
Assessment and disclosure program repealed, AB 159
Prohibition, AB 159
Alcoholic beverages, agreements between suppliers and wholesalers, exemption from certain requirements, AB 431*
Construction and demolition waste, collection and disposal, duties of franchisees, prohibited acts, SB 315†
Administrative supervision, grounds, procedures, confidentiality, AB 83*
Affordable Care Act, alignment of state law with provisions of Act, duties of societies, AB 408††
Alcohol or drug abuse treatment, reimbursement procedures, SB 262*
Annual financial statements, confidentiality of information, AB 83*
Applications for certificate of authority, notice of material changes in information required, penalties, AB 83*
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 261†
Consumer credit reports, use, requirements, AB 83*
Contraceptives, coverage requirements, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 249*, AB 408††
Contributions to nonprofit advocacy or research organizations, reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Dependent child coverage, continuation until child reaches 26 years of age, SB 394†, AB 408††
Drug formularies, duties, SB 265†, AB 381†
Drugs prescribed, dispensed or administered for unapproved purposes, coverage not required, SB 346D
Emergency care, out‑of‑network payments for, procedures, reports, AB 382††
Essential health benefits, determination, coverage requirements, SB 394†
Health status of consumer, duties, prohibited acts, SB 394†, AB 408††
Maternal and newborn care, coverage, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 408††
Mental health treatment, payments to be made directly to provider, requirements, refunds, SB 262*
Patient‑centered medical homes, payments or incentives, SB 139
Pharmacy benefit managers, duties, SB 539*
Preexisting conditions, duties, prohibited acts, SB 394†, AB 408††
Prescription drugs, copayment structures, requirements, SB 436D
Preventive health care services, establishment, coverage requirements, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 408††
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 261
Confidential information contained in certain official records, false representations to obtain, penalties, SB 79*
Election officials, effect of fraud conviction, AB 389D
False identification, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 86D
Insurance fraud involving staged motor vehicle crashes, penalty, AB 15D
Medicaid fraud, penalties, AB 53D
Medical marijuana establishments, effect of felony conviction for fraud, SB 329
Motor vehicle dealers and related licensees, violations by, authorized uses of surety bonds, AB 262*
Name change, statement that change not for fraudulent purpose required, AB 173*
Odometers, penalty for fraudulent acts, SB 275D
Off‑highway dealers, lessors and manufacturers, violations by, authorized uses of surety bonds, AB 262*
Public money, duties of Inspector General, effect of findings, AB 201D, AB 404
Renewable energy
Distributed generation system agreements, violations as consumer fraud, AB 405*
Tax on wholesale sales of electricity generated from, penalties for fraudulent acts, SB 336
Sale or lease of animals or certain goods, violations as consumer fraud, SB 185*
Signature of electronic notary public, authentication, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 476*
State purchasing, penalties for fraudulent acts, SB 317†, AB 280*
Unemployment compensation fraud, remedies of State, SB 52D
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Crematories using alkaline hydrolysis, duties, AB 205*
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Licenses or permits
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Issuance by endorsement, procedures, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Death certificates, completion, duties, SB 291*
Licenses or permits
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Annual financial statements, confidentiality of information, AB 83*
Applications for certificate of authority, notice of material changes in information required, penalties, AB 83*
Replacement bond, requirements, penalty, AB 83*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Licenses, fees, SB 511*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Master Guides and Subguides, Board to License, membership, SB 263D
Age, minimum age for gaming and related activities lowered, AB 86D
Communications to Board or Commission by licensees and applicants, confidentiality, SB 376*
Crimes related to gaming, penalties for certain acts, SB 275D
Enterprise districts
Expiration of designation of certain locations, AB 219*
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, requests for distributions, procedures, AB 311D
Flood control projects needs committees, industry representation, AB 375*
Gender identity or expression, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 188*
Historic Las Vegas Gaming District, creation, AB 219*
Las Vegas Boulevard gaming corridor, revisions to boundaries, AB 219*
Applications recommended for denial, authority of Commission to reject, effect, AB 75*
Employee stock ownership plans, trustees exempt from licensing requirement, AB 75*
Manufacturers of certain gaming devices or systems, exemption from licensing requirements, AB 75*
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Manufacture defined, AB 75*
Minors, acts deemed delinquent, AB 86D
Monetary instruments, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 68D
Pari‑mutuel wagering on other events, regulation, SB 240*
Public assistance, restrictions on use or acceptance of certain benefits, SB 98D
Resort hotels
Dangerous wild animals, prohibited acts, exemptions from laws, AB 238D
Motor vehicles parked in garage or structure of resort hotel, immobilization, procedures, fees, SB 320*
Transportation, exemption of certain vehicles from motor carrier laws, requirements, AB 96*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Sexual orientation, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 188*
Taxes and fees
Collection and disposition of license fees, SB 120†
Film production, transferable tax credits, AB 137†, AB 492*
Gross revenue fee, increase, SB 181
Rehabilitation of historic buildings, transferable tax credits, AB 370
Volens et Potens Infrastructure Board, contributions to, tax credits, SB 349D
Vapor products, use on premises authorized, AB 450D
Applications recommended for denial, authority to reject, effect, AB 75*
Associated equipment manufacturers and distributors, regulations, AB 75*
Attorney General, duties, AB 513
Communications by licensees or applicants, confidentiality, SB 376*
Former members, restrictions on employment and activities, applicability, SB 84*
General Counsel, creation of position, duties, AB 513
Pari‑mutuel wagering on other events, regulation, SB 240*
Revolving Account to Support Programs for the Prevention and Treatment of Problem Gambling, deposits, duties, SB 120†
Transferable tax credits, regulations, AB 370
Alpha Migration Project, appropriations, AB 506*
Associated equipment manufacturers and distributors, duties, AB 75*
Attorney General, duties, AB 513
Communications by licensees or applicants, confidentiality, SB 376*
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Former members, restrictions on employment and activities, applicability, SB 84*
General Counsel, creation of position, duties, AB 513
Live entertainment tax, duties, AB 441
Members, legislative study of salaries, SCR 6‡
Revolving Account, expenditures exceeding authorized amount, requirements, AB 75*
Transferable tax credits, receipt of certain notices, SB 349D, AB 370
Unclassified service, salaries, duties, SB 368*, AB 517*
Registration certificate, requirements for reinstatement, fees, AB 60*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Community gardens, authority to allow on local government property, SB 429*
Land use planning, authority to include urban agricultural element in master plan, SB 429*
Pest control, applicability of license exemption, AB 32*
School gardens, appropriation for establishment at Title I schools, SB 167*
Urban agriculture zones, authority to establish, SB 429*
Advisory Board, abolishment, AB 33*
Research program, authority to prepare and present, AB 33*
Special assessment on growers, mandate to levy removed, AB 33*
Water service, designation of exclusive providers removed, AB 79*
Disposable earnings exempt from execution, percentage increased, SB 230*
Gross weekly salary or wage of employee, determination, effect, SB 230*
Writ of garnishment, period of duration extended, SB 230*
Foreign judgments, unlawful enforcement by creditors, remedies of debtors, SB 230*
Writ of garnishment
Earnings, period of duration of writ extended, SB 230*
Spousal support debts, priority of claims, AB 119D
Subsequent applications concerning same debt, requirements, SB 230*
Children, institutions and agencies treating, requirements, AB 99*, AB 180*
Conversion therapy, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 188*, AB 408††
Equal Rights Commission, composition, duties, SB 188*
First degree murder, aggravating circumstances, SB 188*
Health care providers, discrimination prohibited in providing services, exception, AB 408††
Minority Health, Office of, name change, duties, AB 141*
Name change to conform to gender identity, procedures, SB 110*
Schools, policy against bullying and cyber‑bullying, requirements, SB 225*
Surgery for assignment of anatomical sex of a child, requirements, SB 408D
Unlawful employment practice, applicability of laws, prohibited acts, required findings, penalties, AB 178D
Contents, AB 518*
Procedures (JSR 21), ACR 1‡
Contents, SB 545*
Contents, SB 546*
Appointment of members of governing bodies, authority of county commissioners, SB 127D
Capital improvements, certain reports repealed, AB 464*
Committees to review districts, authority of county commissioners, duties, SB 462*
Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority, cooperative agreements authorized, representation on Authority Board of Directors, SB 471*
Incline Village, audit by Legislative Auditor, AB 349D
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, requests for distributions, AB 311D
Recreational facilities, formation and powers of districts, AB 379†
Unlicensed practice prohibited, penalty, SB 290D
Child in need of protection, procedures, SB 483D, AB 459*
Postconviction petitions
Order granting petition, grounds for, AB 268*
Procedure, payment of costs, SB 451†, AB 268†
Preprosecution diversion program for certain offenders, effect of completion, AB 470*
Sexual assault forensic evidence kits, requirements, SB 169†, AB 55D, AB 97*
Composition, SB 43*
Mechanics’ liens, authority, procedures, SB 423D
Dissolved mineral resources, applicability of laws, AB 52†
Mines, conversion into geothermal resources and use of lithium resources for energy purposes, feasibility study, SCR 4
Portfolio standard, compliance requirements, AB 206††
Birth certificates, court designation of contents, requirements, AB 191*
Consent, finding of parentage by, requirements, AB 191*
Information provided to buyers, requirements, AB 361†
Trade practices, prohibited acts, AB 287, AB 361*
Attorney General and household, prohibition on solicitation or acceptance of gifts, SB 30D
Insurers, certain gifts to policyholders authorized, AB 244*
Library foundations, receipt of money from public library gift fund authorized, SB 313*
Lobbying, definitions, prohibited acts, AB 396
Local Government Lobbying Act, Nevada, adoption, SB 380D
Metropolitan police departments, donation of non‑salable property to charitable organizations, AB 147*
Organ and tissue donation, public school instruction on, requirements, SB 112*
Prescription Drug Donation Program, creation, SB 91*
State agencies, amount that may be accepted, approval procedures, AB 81D
Water Projects, Board for Financing, authority to accept, deposit, SB 494D
Study of benefits of decommissioning and dismantling urged, AJR 4D
Motor vehicles, installation of electronic tracking technology, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 350*
Abolishment by Congress urged, AJR 12D
Support for designation and opposition to abolishment expressed, AJR 13‡
Opioid antagonists, authority of health care providers, immunity from liability or discipline, AB 428†
Anesthesiologist assistants, immunities, SB 210D
Local Government Employee‑Management Relations Board, redesignation, SB 486
Flood management projects, imposition of taxes to fund, AB 375*
Minimum tax on vehicles, SB 332D
State General Fund, deposit of certain amount of proceeds, AB 486*
State Highway Fund, deposit of certain amount of proceeds, AB 486*
Used vehicles, amount of tax, depreciation schedule, SB 332D
Appointments made by
Accountancy, Nevada State Board of, AB 454*
Applied Behavior Analysis, Board of, SB 286*
Apprenticeship Council, State, SB 516*
Apprenticeship Director, State, SB 516*
Articulation and Transfer Board, AB 331D
Behavioral Health, Commission on, AB 457*
Charter School Authority, State Public, Executive Director, AB 49*
Child Support Guidelines, Committee to Review, SB 34D, AB 278*
Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada, AB 456D
Clemency Board, SJR 1†
College Savings Plans of Nevada, Board of Trustees, AB 475*
Community Colleges, Nevada System of, board of trustees, AB 331D
Community Colleges, State Board for, AB 331D
Compensation, Commission to Review, duty repealed, AB 126†
Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens’ Commission on, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Competency‑Based Education Task Force, AB 110†
Corporation for public benefit related to emergency loan program, board of directors, AB 67D
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, SB 244*
Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired, Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are, members and Director, SB 481*
Economics of the Middle Class in Nevada, Task Force on the, AB 155
Education, Commission on Professional Standards in, AB 77*
Education, State Board of, SB 301*, AB 373D
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, AB 124*
Equalization, State Board of, AB 454*
Ethics, Commission on, SB 36D
Financial Assistance, Committee to Award, SB 187†
Flood control projects needs committees, AB 375*
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, SB 348D
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, AB 446
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, AB 471*
Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, Board of Directors and Executive Director, SB 517, AB 399*
Inspector General, AB 201D, AB 404
Justice, Advisory Commission on the Administration of, SB 35*, SB 277*
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission and Advisory Committee, AB 472*
Local Government Employee‑Management Relations Board, SB 460*, SB 486
Long‑Term Care Administrators, Board of Examiners for, AB 165*
Massage Therapists, Board of, AB 179*
Master Guides and Subguides, Board to License, SB 263D
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 144*
Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, duty repealed, AB 33†
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, AB 325
Museums and History, Board of, SB 244*
Nevada Clean Energy Fund Board of Directors, SB 407*
Nevada Green Bank Program Board of Directors, SB 407†
New Americans, Office for, Director, SB 186
Occupational and professional regulatory bodies generally, SB 69*
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on, AB 29*
Oriental Medicine, State Board of, SB 466*
P‑20W Research Data System Advisory Committee, SB 458*
Personnel Commission, AB 467*
Physical Therapy Examiners, State Board of, SB 142D, SB 437*
Postsecondary Education, Commission on, AB 484*
Problem Gambling, Advisory Committee on, SB 120*
Psychological Examiners, Board of, SB 286*
Public Employees’ Benefits Program, Board of the, SB 502*
Public Employees’ Deferred Compensation Program, Committee to Administer, SB 80D, SB 502*
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, SB 217D
Public Works Board, State, AB 373D
Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Advisory Committee, SB 219
Real Estate Commission, AB 373D
Recycling and Materials Management, Nevada Council on, SB 315†
Regional behavioral health policy boards, AB 366*
Retirement Security, Task Force on, AB 430
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, SB 377*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, SB 451*
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, AB 390D
Tax Advisory Committee, AB 30D
Tax Commission, Nevada, AB 373D
Taxicab Authority, duty repealed, SB 299D
Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada, AB 320*
Telecommunications Advisory Council, SB 53*
Tourism, Commission on, AB 373D
Transportation, Department of, Board of Directors, AB 373D
Transportation Infrastructure Bank, Nevada, Board of Directors and Executive Director, SB 517†
Veterans cemeteries, advisory committees, SB 58*
Veterans Services Commission, Nevada, SB 58*
Volens et Potens Committee and Infrastructure Board, SB 349D
Washoe County School District, trustee, SB 243D
Wildlife Commissioners, Board of, AB 187D, AB 373D
Wildlife, Licensing Review Panel, AB 332D
Women, Nevada Commission for, AB 258*
Workforce Innovation, Office of, Executive Director, SB 516*
Asian Culture Day, proclamation, SB 175*
Bill draft requests, limit on number, AB 189
Certificates of election, duties, SB 113D
Charter agencies, designation, duties, SB 4D
Collective bargaining agreements involving state employees, duties, SB 486
Columbus Day, proclamation authority repealed, SB 105†
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Consumer Health Advocate, duties, AB 382††
Cosmetology, State Board of, removal of member, authority, AB 195*
Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired, Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are, creation, duties, SB 481*
Economic Development, Office of (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, OFFICE OF)
Election contest, ineligible candidate barred from commencing duties, AB 389D
Energy, Office of (See ENERGY, OFFICE OF)
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolished, AB 201D
Finance, Office of (See FINANCE, OFFICE OF)
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, impanelment, duties, SB 348D
Indian tribes, authority to enter agreements regarding use of marijuana, SB 375*
Indigenous Peoples Day, proclamation authorized and requested, SB 105*
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, duties, AB 472*
Legislature, messages and proclamations (JSR 2‑JSR 2.4, ACR 1‡
Marijuana establishments, receipt of notice regarding issuance of licenses, duties, SB 302
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, duties, AB 144*
Minimum wage, publication of bulletin announcing adjusted rates, removal of Constitutional mandate, SJR 6‡
Nevada Green Bank Program, duties, receipt of certain notice, SB 407†
New Americans, Office for, creation, duties, SB 186
Occupational and professional regulatory bodies, authority to order expedited action on license applications, SB 69†
Offenders, deductions from sentences, Governor’s authority, AB 25*
Pardons Commissioners, State Board of
Abolishment, SJR 1†
Duties, certain duty removed, SJR 1‡
Peace Week, proclamation, AB 461*
Portrait of Governor, appropriation, AB 500*
Problem Gambling, Advisory Committee on, duties, SB 120*
Public Employees’ Benefits Program
Board, duties, SB 80D, SB 502*
Executive Officer, duties, SB 502†
Public Employees’ Deferred Compensation Program, duties regarding Executive Officer, SB 502*
Public Lands Day, proclamation, SB 413*, AB 449*
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Recycling and Materials Management, Nevada Council on, receipt of recommendations, SB 315†
Reports, receipt
Agriculture, State Board of, biennial report concerning sheep repealed, SB 12*
Child and Family Services, Division of, AB 472*
Community Colleges, State Board for, AB 331D
Corporation for public benefit related to emergency loan program, board of directors, AB 67D
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, SB 187†
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, AB 471*
Dairy Commission, State, biennial report repealed, AB 33*
Economic Development, Office of, SB 343†, AB 170*, AB 231*
Energy, Office of, AB 206†
Environmental Protection, Division of, SB 418
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, biennial report repealed, SB 12†
Flood management, AB 375*
Gender equality in the workplace, SB 343, AB 423*
Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 265††, SB 366*, SB 539*
Health Care, Legislative Committee on, SB 481*
Human Resource Management, Division of, AB 309*
Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, SB 517, AB 399*
Inspector General, AB 201D, AB 404
Israel, public investments in companies boycotting Israel, SB 26*
Juvenile detention facilities, AB 472*
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, AB 472*
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, AB 325
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, SB 297D, AB 71D, AB 464*
Purchasing Division, AB 106*
Rehabilitation of historic buildings, transferable tax credits, AB 370
Schools (See Schools, this heading)
Sexual assault forensic evidence kits, tracking system, SB 169†, AB 97*
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, AB 390D
Student loan debts, SB 90
Tax Advisory Committee, AB 30D
Transportation Infrastructure Bank, Nevada, SB 517†
Unemployment compensation, biennial report repealed, SB 12*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, AB 19*
Veterans Services Commission, Nevada, AB 19*
Women, Nevada Commission for, AB 423†
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, SB 137*, AB 19*
Workforce Innovation, Office of, SB 516*
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, duties, SB 377*
Sarah Winnemucca Day, proclamation, AB 435*
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, duties, SB 544*
Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel, Grant Fund for, duties, SB 544*
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, duties, SB 544*
Other State Education Programs Account, duties, SB 544*
Reports, receipt
Accountability of public schools
Accountability reports, notice of availability repealed, SB 247*
Annual measurable objectives and performance targets, determinations whether schools meeting, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Final ratings for schools, Internet publication, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Adult High School Diploma program, funding, SB 544*
Budgets of school districts and charter schools, AB 378D
Buses replaced or repowered to reduce emissions, SB 418
Career and Technical Education, State Board for, reports repealed, SB 301*
Competency‑Based Education Network, AB 110*
Competency‑Based Education Task Force, AB 110†
Dual language immersion programs, AB 139
Early childhood education programs, funding, SB 544*
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, AB 124*
Funding adjustments for certain categories of pupils, SB 178*
Leadership Skills for Elementary School Pupils, Program to Develop, SB 154†
Leadership Skills for Public School Pupils, Program to Develop, SB 154
Literacy programs for elementary pupils, AB 409
Local school precincts, AB 469*
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 144*
P‑20W Research Data System Advisory Committee, SB 458*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, SB 497*
Surveys of pupils regarding use and abuse of certain substances, SB 166
State Distributive School Account, duties, SB 544*
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, recommendations to Governor, AB 390D
Telecommunications Advisory Council, membership, SB 53†
Workforce Innovation, Office of, creation, SB 516*
Carjacking, deadly force against intruder, immunity from civil liability removed, SB 254D
Penalties for certain crimes, SB 275D
Air carriers, grant program, creation, SB 363
Boys and Girls Clubs, appropriation, SB 550*
Career and technical education, funding of programs, AB 482*
Child care facilities, prekindergarten education programs, requirements, AB 186
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, block grants for alcohol and drug abuse and behavioral health programs, SB 379D
Cloud seeding operations, SB 494D
Engine emission controls, replacing or repowering certain vehicles, SB 418, AB 416
Family planning services, grants to support
Appropriation, AB 397*
Duties of entities receiving grant, SB 122*
Foster children, grants for provision of opportunities to participate in certain activities, SB 257*
Grief support services to children, parents and adult caregivers, SB 355*
Mentorship programs, funding, AB 144*
Nevada Main Street Program, AB 417*
NV Grow Program, appropriation, AB 94*
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on, reports, duties, AB 29*
Offenders, reentry programs regarding employment, SB 321
Office of Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management (See ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF)
Park, recreation and wildlife projects, bond issues to fund grant programs, SB 546*
Petroleum discharges, grant program relating to, regulations, SB 251*
Problem gambling, prevention and treatment, SB 120*
Regional transportation commissions, authority of certain commissions to promote innovative transportation and transit technology, SB 149*
Bullying prevention, SB 225*, SB 294D, SB 544*
Buses, replacement or repowering to reduce emissions, SB 418
Career and technical education, SB 544*
Charter schools
Applications for grants, procedures, AB 49*
Local educational agency, schools deemed or designated for purpose of receiving money from federal and state categorical grant programs, SB 293D, AB 49*
Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, creation, funding, SB 467*, SB 544*
Nonprofit organizations receiving grants to establish and operate certain schools, reports, SB 544*
College and career readiness grant program, funding, SB 544*
Competency‑based education, distribution of money, uses, AB 110*
Computer science and computer education and technology courses, SB 200*
Dual credit courses, funding to pay all or portion of tuition, SB 19*
Dual language immersion programs, competitive grant program, funding, AB 139
Early childhood education programs, SB 544*
Education savings accounts, SB 359D, SB 506
Elementary School Pupils, Program to Develop Leadership Skills for, SB 154†
Financial incentives to newly hired teachers, SB 544*
Financial literacy courses, SB 249*
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, appropriation, SB 544*
High schools, incentive grants to schools for each pupil earning certain diploma, regulation, AB 7*
Internship programs, SB 66*, SB 544*
Leadership Skills for Public School Pupils, Program to Develop, SB 154
Limited English proficient pupils, programs for, funding, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*
Literacy programs and initiatives for elementary pupils, AB 409
Mental health workers, block grant program to provide services, SB 544*, AB 127*
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, administration, SB 359D, SB 506
Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, creation, funding, SB 467*, SB 544*
Prekindergarten education programs, requirements, AB 186
Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Grants Program, establishment, AB 351
Underperforming schools, grants to improve pupil achievement, SB 544*
Work‑based learning programs, SB 66*, SB 544*
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program
Community Colleges, State Board for, cooperation, AB 331D
Eligibility, SB 310D, AB 188††, AB 202†
Money provided to colleges, nonreversion, AB 188††
Use of money received, AB 202†
Small Business Enterprise Loan Account, use, SB 126*
Springs Preserve Foundation, appropriation for grant, AB 520*
State agencies, amount that may be accepted, approval procedures, AB 81D
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, funding, use, SB 544*
Teaching and Educator Preparation, Nevada Institute on, establishment, SB 548*
Voting machines, appropriation to provide grants to counties for purchase, AB 519*
Water conservation and system improvements, bond issue to fund grant programs, SB 546*
Water Projects, Board for Financing, authority to accept, deposit, SB 494D
Zero‑emission vehicles, fueling and charging stations, SB 418
Energy, Legislative Committee on, study concerning establishment of green banks, SB 145†
Nevada Green Bank Program, creation, SB 407†
Alcoholic beverage awareness program, requirements, use of fines imposed for violations, SB 440
Plastic bags provided at checkout, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 344D
Vapor products, use on premises prohibited, AB 450D
Abuse of discretion by guardian regarding ward’s communications or interactions, remedies, SB 158D, SB 433*
Ad litem guardians
Appointments generally, status and duties, prohibited acts, SB 158D, SB 433*
Child abuse or neglect proceedings, restrictions, SB 305*
Proposed protected wards, appointment of guardian, AB 319*
Training requirements for volunteers participating in court‑approved advocate programs, SB 158D, SB 433*
Assisted suicide, person not deemed in need of guardian for requesting drug designed to end life, SB 261
Attorney’s fees
Compensation agreements, requirements, AB 130†
Contempt of court or bad faith actions by guardians, award of fees to prevailing party, SB 158D, SB 433*
Frivolous or bad faith petitions, award of fees to opposing party, SB 158D, SB 433*
Guardian’s violation of ward’s rights, imposition of fees for actions deemed deliberately harmful or fraudulent or committed with malice, SB 158D, SB 433*
Liability for fees, petitions for payment from estate, AB 130*
Compensation and expenses of guardian, requirements for payment, AB 130*
Compliance Office, State Guardianship, creation, appropriation, AB 130*
Coroners, notification of death of decedents, duties, AB 57*
Criminal action, notification of guardian if ward is party to, AB 130*
Emergency conditions, authority of guardian to take temporary action without permission of court, duties, SB 158D, SB 433*
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Revised Uniform, adoption, AB 239*
Guardian of the estate or special guardian
Accounts, requirements, penalties for violations, SB 158D, SB 433*
Inventory of ward’s property, requirements, AB 130*, AB 254*
Irrevocable trusts, submission to jurisdiction of court, requirements, AB 254*
Minor wards, time for submission of verified account, AB 319*
Guardian of the person
Application for designation, procedures, SB 229*
Appointment of guardian of the estate, effect upon powers and duties, SB 158D, SB 433*
General functions, penalties for violations, SB 158D, SB 433*
Money from estate of protected person, use, restrictions, duties, SB 158D, SB 433*
Reports, contents, penalties for violations, SB 158D, SB 433*
Special immigrant juveniles, appointment of guardian, authority of court, when guardianship terminated, AB 142*
Support, care and education of ward, authority, SB 158D, SB 433*
Incompetent, term changed to incapacitated, AB 130*
Interested persons, authority to receive certain notifications, requirements, SB 158D, SB 433*
Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program, eligibility of child, SB 510*
Minor wards (See also Wards, this heading)
Advocate for best interests of proposed protected ward, appointment, AB 319*
Best interests of minor, duties of court, AB 319*
Bill of Rights, requirements, SB 360*
Change of residence, procedures, AB 319*
Child support payments, assignment or receipt, AB 319*
Citation issued pursuant to petition for appointment of guardian, contents, AB 319*
Immunizations, notices to guardians regarding exempt children in attendance at schools or other facilities, AB 200D
Appointment by court, duties, AB 319*
Compensation, funding, SB 433*
Juvenile detention facilities, children in, redress of grievances, AB 180*
Juvenile sex offenders, registration and community notification, procedures, SB 472, AB 395*
Medical marijuana, authority of guardian to be designated as primary caregiver, AB 422*
Parent as preferred guardian, presumption, considerations, AB 319*
Proceedings, notices to wards age 14 or older, SB 158D, SB 433*, AB 130*
Reorganization of applicable laws, AB 319*
Restitution to older victims of certain crimes committed by ward, requirements, SB 278D
Safety belt violations involving minors, issuance of citation to guardian present in vehicle, SB 156D
Achievement charter schools, receipt of certain notices, SB 430
Bullying or cyber‑bullying (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Safe and respectful learning environment)
Reading deficiency of elementary pupils, receipt of notice, AB 409
Sex education course or unit, consent form, procedures, AB 348††
Underperforming schools, petitions requesting certain changes, authority, duties, SB 430
Special immigrant juveniles, appointment of guardian of the person, authority of court, when guardianship terminated, AB 142*
Temporary guardian for certain minors, requests for appointment, AB 319*
Termination of guardianship, procedures, AB 319*
Programs for supervised exchange of child, requirements, penalties for violations, AB 198D
Rights of ward with regard to certain relatives, AB 319*
Nomination of other person to serve as guardian, form to request, procedures, SB 229*
Nonresident guardians, procedures, SB 229*
Notices by guardians, requirements, exceptions, SB 433*
Petitions generally
Contents, use of certain card number as form of identification, SB 399*, AB 162*, AB 415*
Fees, restrictions, SB 433*
Notice and service requirements, AB 130*
POLST forms, procedures for execution, AB 93D, AB 199*
Removal of guardian for certain violations, SB 158D, SB 433*
Right to counsel in hearing to appoint guardian, removal of requirement to inform proposed ward, SB 433*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Sanctions against guardian, grounds, SB 158D, SB 433*, AB 319
Service of process and reports in proceedings, requirements, AB 130*
State Public Guardian, Office of the, creation, AB 130†
Veterans Services, Department of, removal of certain authority, AB 22*
Violations by guardians, penalties and remedies, SB 158D, SB 433*
Wards (See also Minor wards, this heading)
Abortion by pregnant wards, procedures, SB 382D
Admission to certain facilities or emergency care, notice required, SB 158D, SB 433*
Burial or cremation of ward, notice requirements, SB 433*
Change of residence, notice required, SB 158D, SB 433*
Communication, visitation or interaction, restrictions on, procedures and prohibited acts, remedies for violations, SB 158D, SB 433*
Court‑appointed attorneys for adult ward or proposed adult ward
Appointment, procedures, SB 158D, SB 433*
Compensation and expenses, payment, SB 433*
Legal aid program, additional county recorder’s fee for support, SB 433*
Death or imminent death of ward, notice requirements, SB 158D, SB 433*
Moving of ward, requirements, effect of emergency conditions, SB 158D, SB 433*
Personal property, sale or disposal, procedures, AB 130*
Protected persons, wards redesignated as, SB 158D, SB 433*
Real property, sale procedures, judicial confirmation, AB 130*
Residing at location other than residence for more than 3 days, notice required, SB 158D, SB 433*
Rights of wards
Age in own surroundings or least restrictive environment, SB 158D, SB 433*
Preferences to be followed, SB 158D, SB 433*
Violations by guardians, authority of court to take certain actions, SB 158D, SB 433*
Wards’ Bill of Rights, establishment, duties of court, SB 168D, SB 360*
Trusts, requirements, accountings and other documents, SB 158D, SB 433*, AB 254*
Board to License Master Guides and Subguides, creation, duties, SB 263D
Licenses, fees, SB 511*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Distribution, use of certain cards to verify age of person receiving, SB 399*, AB 162*, AB 415*
Mental illness, persons with, applications for writ, duties of court, AB 253*
Motions to withdraw certain pleas, procedure, AB 184*
Remittitur, service upon certain persons, SB 61D
Writs challenging computation of time served, procedures, SB 11D
Legislature, anti‑harassment policy (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡, ACR 12‡
Military sexual harassment, authority for courts to establish treatment programs for eligible defendants, AB 286*
Sealing records of criminal history, time for filing petition, SB 453
Murder, aggravating factors (See MURDER)
Public safety personnel or spouse or child thereof, crimes against, additional penalty, civil liability, program for reporting, AB 88D
Intermountain West Corridor route, inclusion of Mineral County urged, AJR 11‡
Intercounty significance, projects of, reimbursement by county of impact costs to other local governments, AB 153D
Ionizing radiation, remedies for violations, SB 219†
Potentially hazardous non‑ionizing radiation sources, regulation, SB 219†
Radiation therapy or radiologic imaging, licensing and regulation, SB 219
Transport, registration and identification requirements for motor carriers, SB 31*
Yucca Mountain, opposition to development of nuclear waste depository expressed, AJR 10‡
Aged persons with behavioral and cognitive care needs, duties regarding study committee, SB 121*
Aging and Disability Services Division
Applied Behavior Analysis, Board of, member, SB 286†
Qualifications, AB 41†
Autism behavior interventionists, regulation, duties, SB 286*
Autism spectrum disorders, reports of persons receiving vocational rehabilitation, AB 20*
Autism Treatment Assistance Program, eligibility for services, AB 304*
Behavior analysts, regulation, duties, SB 286*
Community Advocate for Elder Rights, duties, AB 31*
Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired, Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are, duties, receipt of reports, SB 481*
Desert Regional Center, deferred maintenance projects, appropriation, SB 531*
Information system platform for early intervention services program, appropriation, SB 531*
Inspection of facilities, authority, SB 71*
Jobs and day training services, duties, AB 224*
Meals on Wheels program, appropriation, SB 446
Sign language interpreters, employment, SB 443*
Specialist for the Rights of Elderly Persons, duties, name change, AB 31*
State Long‑Term Care Ombudsman, duties, SB 97, SB 123*
Supported living arrangement services, duties, SB 266
Annual report, duties, SB 507
Behavioral health profession licensing boards, agreements with, duties, AB 457*
Behavioral health regions and policy boards, creation, duties of boards, AB 366*
Chief Medical Officer (See Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, this heading)
Child and Family Services, Division of (See also CHILD WELFARE SERVICES, AGENCIES WHICH PROVIDE)
Abuse or neglect of child
Poster regarding reports, contents, duties, AB 305*
Regulations, consultations with agency which provides child welfare services authorized, SB 287*
School personnel or volunteers, certain reports by, procedures following, regulation, SB 287*
Statewide Central Registry, contents, SB 287*
Interagency Panel, repeal, SB 301*
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, membership, AB 472*
Qualifications, AB 41†
Adoption subsidies, supplemental appropriation, SB 519*
Caliente Youth Center, appropriation, SB 534*
Child care agencies and institutions
Court placement of child, duties of courts and facilities, regulations, AB 99*
Employee training, duties, AB 99*
Child care facilities, duties, SB 189*
Child welfare system, study of funding, SB 257†
Domestic violence victims, fictitious address program, duties, SB 25*
Foster Youth Account, Normalcy for, creation, duties, SB 257*
Grievances by certain children, procedures for filing and resolving, regulation, AB 99*, AB 180*
Juvenile justice
Effectiveness of juvenile justice systems, determination, duties, AB 472*
Evidence‑based programs and practices, duties, use of certain money, reports, AB 472*
Facility improvement plans, duties, AB 472*
Facility inspections, duties, SB 189*
Family engagement plan, duties, AB 472*
Individualized case plans for children committed to custody of Division, duties, AB 472*
Placement of child, considerations, AB 472*
Resource center, establishment, requirements, AB 472*
Risk assessments and mental health screenings, duties, payment of costs, AB 472*
Standardized system for reporting information, duties, AB 472*
State detention facilities, length of stay matrix and release criteria, duties, AB 472*
Juvenile Justice Commission, representation on Nevada Advisory Commission on Mentoring, AB 144*
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, duties, AB 472*
Mainframe hosted by Division of Enterprise Information Technology Services, supplemental appropriation, SB 520
Nevada Youth Training Center, appropriation, SB 534*
Northern Nevada Child and Adolescent Services, appropriation, SB 526*, SB 534*
Southern Nevada Child and Adolescent Services, appropriation, SB 526*, SB 534*
Summit View Youth Center, appropriation, SB 534*
Children’s Health Insurance Program, duties, SB 325*
Community‑based living arrangement services, duties, SB 266
Criminal defendants, preprosecution diversion program, duties, AB 470†
Diabetes, drugs essential for treatment, duties, reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Advisory Committee on Medicaid Innovation, duties, SB 366*
Child welfare system, study of funding, receipt of report, duties, SB 257†
Diapers and diapering supplies for recipients of public assistance, duties, AB 340*
Grief Support Trust Account, administration, SB 355*
Health Care Quality and Access, Account to Improve, duties, SB 509*
Interagency Panel, repeal, SB 301*
Medicaid, reporting duties, SB 366*
Nevada Care Plan, duties, regulations, AB 374††
Regional behavioral health policy boards, duties, AB 366*
Drug manufacturers, contributions to nonprofit organizations, receipt of reports, duties, SB 265††, SB 539*
Emergency care and services, collection of debts for, receipt of reports, AB 382††
Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, elimination of prioritization requirement, AB 98*
Grants Management Advisory Committee, duties, SB 355*
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of
Account to Improve Health Care Quality and Access, duties, SB 509*
Administrator, qualifications, AB 41*
Advisory Committee on Medicaid Innovation, creation, SB 366*
Medicaid (See also MEDICAID)
Caseload increase, funding, AB 494*
Management Information System modernization project, funding, SB 530*
Reimbursement rates, duties, SB 28, SB 95, SB 96, AB 108*
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, membership, duties, SB 348D
Health insurance coverage requirements, duties, SB 394*, AB 408††
Joint Interim Standing Committee on the Judiciary, biennial report, duties, SB 507
Lifeline service, access to customer eligibility database, SB 412*
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Minority Health, Office of, duties, organization, AB 141*
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 136*
Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information and Education Program, establishment, SB 136*
Patient‑centered medical homes, duties, SB 139
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, duties, receipt of reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Prescription drug costs, duties, regulations, SB 265††, SB 539*
Prisoners, mental health care and substance abuse treatment in Clark County, duties, AB 421*
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of
Interagency Panel, repeal, SB 301*
Qualifications, AB 41†
Registrar of Vital Statistics (See VITAL STATISTICS)
Aged persons, behavioral and cognitive care, consultation with study committee, SB 121*
Albuterol inhalers administered to pupils, receipt of reports, AB 156
Assisted suicide, receipt of certain information, regulation, reports, SB 261
Behavioral Health, Commission on, nominating duty removed, AB 457*
Behavioral health regions and policy boards, creation, duties of boards, AB 366*
Chief Medical Officer
Child care facilities, duties, SB 189*
Clinical practice authorized, AB 41*
Drug overdoses, receipt and dissemination of information, AB 474*
Height and weight measurements of certain school pupils, receipt of reports, duties, AB 273D
Child care facilities, duties, SB 46*, SB 189*, AB 346†
Clinical trials of drugs and medical devices, duties, AB 214*
Community‑based living arrangement services, duties, SB 266, AB 46*
Diabetes, duties, reports, SB 165*
Domestic violence, treatment of persons committing, duties, receipt of recommendations, SB 25*
Family Planning, Account for, duties, SB 122*
Family planning services, appropriation for grant distribution, AB 397*
Fire sprinklers in certain facilities, duties, SB 477*
Hazardous materials
Ionizing radiation, remedies for violations, SB 219
Potentially hazardous non‑ionizing sources, regulation, SB 219†
Tanning equipment operated in tanning establishments, duties, SB 219
Heroin‑assisted treatment pilot project, duties, funding, SB 181
Industrial hemp, duties, SB 396*
Integrated medication management system, appropriation, SB 532*
Medical Examiners, Board of, certain reports to Division repealed, AB 339*
Medical facilities and facilities for the dependent, duties, deposit of licensing fees, SB 482*
Medical marijuana (See also MEDICAL MARIJUANA)
Disclosure of information, authority, SB 277*
Health care providers, authority, duties, SB 228D
Industrial hemp, duties, SB 396*
Labeling and packaging of products, duties, SB 344*
Local governments, requests for issuance of certificates of registration for dispensaries, duties, SB 341†
Money received by Division, authorized use, SB 329, SB 341, SB 379D, SB 487*, AB 422*
Research facilities, duties, SB 341
Rights of persons holding registry identification card or letter of approval, training regarding, duties, SB 378
Taxation, Department of, duties transferred to, collaboration and consultation with, SB 329, SB 487*, AB 422*
Mental illness, offenders with
Incompetent defendants committed to facilities, procedures to extend commitment, duties, AB 377*
Involuntary court‑ordered admission to certain programs, requirements, AB 440*
Mobile mental health units, duties, appropriation, SB 192*
Obesity, duties, reports, SB 165*
Opioid antagonists administered to pupils, receipt of reports, AB 428†
Patient‑centered medical homes, duties, SB 139
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, regulations, duties, SB 265†
Prisoners, mental health care and substance abuse treatment in Clark County, duties, AB 421*
Pupils in certain school districts, height and weight measurements, duties, SB 165*, AB 273D
Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, duties, SB 219
Recreational marijuana sales, duties, prohibited acts, SB 302
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, membership, SB 451*
Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Service, appropriation for laboratory information system, SB 532*
Surgical centers for ambulatory patients, duties, SB 482*, AB 89*
Trauma treatment reporting system, legislative study, consultation, SCR 3
Unlicensed facilities, authority regarding, SB 71*
Women’s Health Connection Program, appropriation, AB 388*
Worksite wellness and family‑friendly policies, provision of information, duties, SB 455
Sex trafficking victims, duties, SB 488*
State Public Defender (See also PUBLIC DEFENDERS)
Removal of Office from Department, SB 377†
Success contracts, authority to enter, creation of Success Contract Account, SB 400*
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, duties, SB 323*, AB 91D
Supported living arrangement services, regulations, SB 266
Surgical centers for ambulatory patients, duties, AB 89*
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, duties, reports, SB 98D, SB 257†, AB 323D
Unclassified service, salaries, duties, SB 368*, AB 517*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of
Administrator, qualifications, AB 41†
Child Care and Development, Program for, duties, SB 455
Child care establishments, duties, AB 346*
Child in need of protection, procedure to establish paternity, payment of costs, SB 483†, AB 459†
Child support guidelines, duties, SB 34D, AB 278*
Child support violations, certain duties made discretionary, AB 358D
Drug screening as precondition for public assistance, duties, reports, SB 298D
Information system projects, funding, SB 533*
Internet service, assistance to low‑income households, duties, AB 111
Motor Vehicles, Department of, requests for certain personal information authorized, AB 68†
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, duties, SB 323*
Creation, duties, SB 348D
Emergency care, restrictions on certain charges, establishment of oversight commission authorized, AJR 14‡
Armed Forces members, authority to terminate, suspend or reinstate certain contracts, penalties for violations by service providers, AB 282*
Breastfeeding, duty of employers to provide accommodations, mediation of disputes, AB 113†
Clark County, establishment and maintenance of public health laboratory, SB 151D
Clinical trials, program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, duties, AB 214*
Death certificates, authority of health officer to sign uncompleted certificate, SB 291*
Marijuana establishments and medical marijuana establishments, certification of facilities, SB 344*
Plastic bags provided by retailers at checkout, inspections, issuance of citations, AB 344D
Southern Nevada Health District, consultation regarding trauma treatment reporting study, SCR 3
Administrative supervision, grounds, procedures, confidentiality, AB 83*
Affordable Care Act, alignment of state laws with Act, duties of organizations, AB 408††
Alcohol or drug abuse treatment, reimbursement procedures, SB 262*
Annual financial statements, confidentiality of information, AB 83*
Applicability of certain laws relating to insurers, AB 83*
Applications for certificate of authority, notice of material changes in information required, penalties, AB 83*
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts by insurers, SB 261†
Autism spectrum disorders, services provided by early intervention agencies, reimbursement required, AB 304*
Cancer, requirements for coverage of metastatic cancer treatment, SB 404D
Chronic conditions, duties of organizations, fines for violations, AB 352D
Claims data, provision to group purchasers upon request
Duties of organizations and purchasers, SB 366†, SB 394*
Further disclosure of data by purchasers restricted, penalties for violations, SB 394*
Conservation, rehabilitation or liquidation, procedures, AB 83*
Consumer credit reports, use, requirements, AB 83*
Contraceptives, coverage requirements, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 249*, AB 408††
Contributions to nonprofit advocacy or research organizations, reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Corporate governance annual disclosure, requirements, AB 35*
Cost of services provided, contracts with insurance companies to cover, requirements, AB 83*
Dental care and fees, prohibited acts by insurers, notices to insureds, AB 213D
Dependent child coverage, continuation until child reaches 26 years of age, SB 394†, AB 408††
Drug formularies, duties, SB 265†, AB 381*
Drugs prescribed, dispensed or administered for unapproved purposes, coverage not required, SB 346D
Emergency care, out‑of‑network payments for, procedures, reports, AB 382††
Essential health benefits, determination, coverage requirements, SB 394†
Examinations by Insurance Commissioner, procedures, AB 83*
Hazardous financial condition, determination, effect, AB 83*
Health, State Board of, duties removed, AB 83*
Health status of consumer, duties, prohibited acts, SB 394†, AB 408††
Insolvent or impaired, when deemed, plan for continuation of benefits to enrollees, AB 83*
Maternal and newborn care, coverage, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 408††
Mental health treatment, payments to be made directly to provider, requirements, refunds, SB 262*
Network plans, requirements, SB 289, AB 83*
Patient‑centered medical homes, payments or incentives, SB 139
Pharmacy benefit managers, duties, SB 539*
Physician assistants, designation as primary care provider under certain circumstances, AB 284D
Preexisting conditions, duties, prohibited acts, SB 394†, AB 408††
Prescription drugs, copayment structures, requirements, SB 436D
Preventive health care services, establishment, coverage requirements, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 408††
Psychologists, reimbursement for services, AB 429*
Rates, increase or decrease, procedures, AB 83*
Violations, orders to correct or remedy, AB 83*
Baby changing facilities, requirements, AB 241*
Brain death, determination, restrictions on withholding or withdrawal of organ‑sustaining treatment, AB 424*
Recipients of public assistance, actions to increase availability of diapers and supplies, AB 340*
Sales and use tax exemption, AB 402
Breastfeeding, provision of break time and accommodations for, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties, complaints regarding, AB 113*
Pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 253*
Family planning services, grants to support
Appropriation, AB 397*
Duties of entities receiving, SB 122*
Fetal alcohol syndrome, duties of health care providers and agencies which provide child welfare services, SB 480*
Prenatal screenings and tests, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
Prenatal substance abuse, child affected by, designation as being in need of protection, SB 480*
Licensing and regulation, AB 165*
Adult day care facilities, regulation, duties, SB 324*
Child care facilities, duties, SB 189*
Child care, small establishments, duties, AB 346*
Community‑based living arrangement services, regulation, AB 46*
Drug overdoses, reports, regulations, AB 474*
Employment agencies contracting with persons to provide nonmedical services related to personal care services in the home, licensing and regulation, SB 388*
Family planning services, award of grants for, regulations, SB 122*
Fluoridation of water provided by certain public water systems or water authorities, regulation, AB 193D
Health insureds, system for resolving complaints, duties removed, AB 83*
Health maintenance organizations, duties removed, AB 83*
Intermediary service organizations, regulation, duties, SB 324*
Minority Health, Office of, appointments to Advisory Committee, AB 141*
Occupations and professions, enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Parentage, declaration of acknowledgment, duties, AB 191*
Personal care services in the home, agencies providing, regulation, duties, SB 324*
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, duties, SB 265†
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Radiation, regulation of potentially hazardous non‑ionizing sources, SB 219
Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, regulation, SB 219
Rating system for medical facilities and facilities for the dependent, regulations, SB 482†
Residential facilities for groups, regulation, duties, SB 324*
Stillbirth, certificates of birth resulting in, duties, SB 296D
Surgical centers for ambulatory patients, duties, AB 89†
Surgical technologists, duties, AB 347*
Tanning equipment operated in tanning establishments, duties, SB 219
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Leases, prohibited acts, SB 185*
Occupational disease coverage, public safety personnel, AB 267*
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 136*
Agreements, period of unenforceability, SB 376†
Child care establishments, requirements for children engaging in certain activities, AB 346†
Mopeds, requirements, SB 426D
Off‑highway vehicles, helmet requirement removed, AB 335†
Trimobiles, requirements, SB 426D
Growers, handlers and producers, licensing and regulation, SB 329, SB 396*
Health care providers and massage therapists, authority to recommend or administer to clients, immunities from disciplinary action, SB 396†
Annexation, prohibited acts, AB 48D
Charter amendments
Election dates, applicability of laws, SB 103D
Ineligible candidates, procedures regarding, AB 389D
Community education advisory panels, establishment, AB 469*
Educational facilities, activities and programs, funding, AB 70*
Regional housing authority, membership, SB 183*
Roadway traffic and safety, study, duties, AB 364††
Room tax, increase, deposit of proceeds, SB 316D
School board trustee, appointment, requirements, SB 243D
Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition, elimination, SB 422*
Special events, emergency medical services provided by host organization, approval required, duties, AB 307D
Animals, high‑interest loan includes contract for lease of, AB 163*
Applicability of laws, AB 255*
Customer’s ability to repay, duty of licensee to determine, AB 163*
Database of information relating to loans, creation and use, confidentiality of information, SB 17D, AB 515
Definition, AB 163*
Installment payments, fee limitations, provisions repealed, SB 17D, AB 222D
Electronic debit transactions, reinitiation, requirements, AB 163*
Grace period offered to customer, requirements, AB 163*
Multiple loans to customer, restrictions, SB 17D
Notices and disclosures, requirements, AB 163*
Original term, requirements, AB 163*
Oversight by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fees, AB 279*
Proceeds of new loan used to pay balance of outstanding loan, provisions repealed, SB 17D, AB 222D
Restrictions on and requirements for making loans, SB 17D, AB 163*
Creation, powers and duties, AB 446
Assault or battery upon civilian employee or volunteer, penalty, AB 132*
Body cameras, use, duties, prohibited acts, SB 176*
Dignitary protection, supplemental appropriation, SB 525*
Firearms, confiscation and disposition, procedures, SB 307D
Motor carriers subject to out‑of‑service order, duties, SB 31*
Salary increases, appropriation, SB 403
Schools, management plans for crisis, emergency or suicide, duties, SB 212*
Vehicles, appropriation, AB 507*
Carson City, funding for Old Clear Creek Road, AB 285D
Clark County, study concerning traffic reduction, safety enhancement and freeway access in portion of County, AB 364††
Commercial advertisements, exceptions to restrictions on placement for touchdown structures, AB 68*
County roads within certain towns, repair and maintenance procedures, SB 63D
Hunting, carrying loaded rifle or shotgun along road or discharging over road, authorization in certain circumstances, AB 448D
Intermountain West Corridor route, inclusion of Mineral County urged, AJR 11‡
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517, AB 399*
Nevada Transportation Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517†
Pay equity compliance certificates, requirements for award of road construction contracts, exception, AB 106†
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, prohibited user fees, SB 335D, SB 448*
Rules of the road (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Telecommunications providers, agreements for access to rights of way, compensation to State, SB 53*
Trapping near, restrictions, SB 364*
150th anniversary license plates, use of proceeds, SB 37*
Historic Las Vegas Gaming District, creation, AB 219*
Huntridge Theater, Las Vegas, appropriation for purchase and restoration, AB 371†
Investigations, explorations or excavations
Historic sites, requirements, SB 244†
Prehistoric sites, requirements, SB 244*
Unlawful acts, penalties, SB 244*
Nevada Main Street Program, creation, appropriation, AB 417*
Public‑private partnerships to restore certain buildings, duties of State Land Registrar, AB 371*
Restore Nevada’s Treasures Revolving Account, creation, use, AB 371*
Stewart Indian School, legislative declaration, AB 285D
Transferable tax credits for persons rehabilitating historical buildings, requirements, AB 370
Veterans Services, Department of, transfers of abandoned or unclaimed property or artifacts, procedures, SB 70*
Drug donation program, expansion to include additional drugs, SB 91*
Screening and counseling, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
State prisons, testing of offenders, disclosures following positive test, AB 74*
Offenders with mental illness, mental illness defined for treatment program purposes, SB 177*
Asian Culture Day, authority of Governor to proclaim, SB 175*
Columbus Day, authority of Governor to proclaim as day of observance repealed, SB 105†
Indigenous Peoples Day, proclamation authorized and requested, SB 105*
Peace Week, days of observance, designation, AB 461*
Public Lands Day, establishment, SB 413*, AB 449*
Sarah Winnemucca Day, Governor to proclaim, AB 435*
Foreclosure Mediation Program, duties, audits, SB 490*
Critical infrastructure
Designation, establishment of risk tiers, SB 395D
Owners and operators, duties, certain actions against prohibited, appeal of decisions or orders, SB 395D
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, creation, duties, AB 471*
Evaluators of cybersecurity, licensing and regulation, SB 395D
Telecommunications, information concerning critical facilities confidential, SB 53*
Confidentiality of information, authorized disclosures, SB 395D
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of
Administrator designated nonvoting member of Commission, AB 471*
Annual report to Commission, AB 471*
Cybersecurity plans developed and implemented for critical infrastructure, receipt of reports, duties, SB 395D
Designation of critical infrastructure and creation of risk tiers, duties, SB 395D
Evaluators of cybersecurity, duties, SB 395D
Reporting of significant cybersecurity incidents, duties, SB 395D
Community solar gardens at locations that benefit low‑income customers, incentive payments, SB 392††
Solar energy systems and distributed generation systems at locations that benefit low‑income customers, incentive payments, SB 145*, SB 392††
Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Brain death, determination of , duties, AB 424*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Conversion therapy, sexual orientation or gender identity, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to patients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Licenses or certificates
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to patients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Medicine and mental health services, formation of professional entities, SB 163*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Civil penalties for violations, procedures, maximum amount, SB 71*
Community‑based living arrangement services, laws inapplicable, SB 266, AB 46*
Dispute resolution clause in contracts, requirements, SB 360*, AB 288*
Employees, training and competency evaluation, requirements, study, AB 299*
Mental illness or related condition, placement of persons with, certain considerations required, AB 46*
Rates charged by certain group homes, legislative study, AB 343*
Rating of facilities, requirements, SB 482*
State Long‑Term Care Ombudsman, duties, SB 123*
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, SB 71*
Zoning, procedures relating to, inclusion as single‑family residence, SB 477*
Achievement charter schools, authority of homeschooled child to participate in class or extracurricular activity, SB 430
Death resulting from assisted suicide not to be deemed homicide, SB 261
Interrogations, electronic recording of certain persons in custody, requirements, exceptions, AB 414
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts of license holders, effect, SB 52D
Assisted suicide, authority and duties of certain facilities, SB 261
Licensing requirements, SB 71*
Medical marijuana, use on property authorized, SB 378D
Mental illness or related condition, placement of persons with, certain considerations required, AB 46*
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 136*
Rating of facilities, requirements, SB 482*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Administrative supervision, grounds, procedures, confidentiality, AB 83*
Affordable Care Act, alignment of state law with provisions of Act, duties of corporations, AB 408††
Alcohol or drug abuse treatment, reimbursement procedures, SB 262*
Annual financial statements, confidentiality of information, AB 83*
Applicability of insurance laws, AB 83*
Applications for certificate of authority, notice of material changes in information required, penalties, AB 83*
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 261†
Cancer, requirements for coverage of metastatic cancer treatment, SB 404D
Coinsurance, payments for health care providers who are not preferred, AB 83*
Complaints of insureds, system for resolving, duties of State Board of Health removed, AB 83*
Consumer credit reports, use, requirements, AB 83*
Contraceptives, coverage requirements, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 249*, AB 408††
Contributions to nonprofit advocacy or research organizations, reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Corporate governance annual disclosure, requirements, AB 35*
Cost of services provided, contracts with insurance companies to cover, requirements, AB 83*
Dental care and fees under hospital or medical services contract, prohibited acts by insurers, notices to insureds, AB 213D
Dependent child coverage, continuation until child reaches 26 years of age, SB 394†, AB 408††
Drug formularies, duties, SB 265†, AB 381*
Drugs prescribed, dispensed or administered for unapproved purposes, coverage not required, SB 346D
Emergency care, out‑of‑network payments for, procedures, reports, AB 382††
Essential health benefits, determination, coverage requirements, SB 394†
Hazardous financial condition, determination, effect, orders to remedy, AB 83*
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, membership, SB 348D
Health status of consumer, duties, prohibited acts, SB 394†, AB 408††
Insolvent or impaired, when deemed, AB 83*
Maternal and newborn care, coverage, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 408††
Mental health treatment, payments to be made directly to provider, requirements, refunds, SB 262*
Network plans, requirements, AB 83*
Patient‑centered medical homes, payments or incentives, SB 139
Pharmacy benefit managers, duties, SB 539*
Physician assistants, designation as primary care provider under certain circumstances, AB 284D
Preexisting conditions, duties, prohibited acts, SB 394†, AB 408††
Preventive health care services, establishment, coverage requirements, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 408††
Psychologists, reimbursement for services, AB 429*
Rates, increase or decrease, procedures, AB 83*
Summary of coverage, provisions repealed, AB 83*
Abandonment of newborn, duties, anonymity of parents, SB 2*
Assisted suicide, authority to prohibit certain acts, notice, SB 261
Clinical trials, program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, duties, AB 214*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
County hospital districts
Appointment of members of governing bodies, authority of county commissioners, SB 127D
Breastfeeding, duty to provide accommodations for personnel, prohibited acts, complaints regarding, AB 113*
Capital improvements, certain reports repealed, AB 464*
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, requests for distributions, procedures, AB 311D
Debt collection
Procedures, limitation on amount collected, AB 183*
Reports to Department of Health and Human Services, requirements, AB 382††
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts by personnel, AB 408††
Drug overdoses, reports, duties, penalty for noncompliance, AB 474*
Emergency care
Out‑of‑network insurance payments by third parties, procedures, reports, AB 382††
Rights of persons to, restrictions on charges, AJR 14‡
Fetal alcohol syndrome disorder, duty to report cases, SB 480*
Grants to hospitals in larger counties from fund for medical assistance to indigent persons, authorization, AB 65*
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, membership, SB 348D
Heroin‑assisted treatment pilot project, exemption from certain laws and regulations, SB 181
Medicaid upper limit payment program, use of certain county money for supplemental payments, AB 65*
Palliative care to patients with serious illnesses, education and information regarding, duties, SB 136*
Parentage, declaration of acknowledgment, duties, AB 191*
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, communications regarding prescription drugs, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 265††
Pharmacists, collaborative practice agreements, requirements, SB 260†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Psychiatric hospitals or residential treatment facilities
Definition, SB 71*
Inpatient services to children, background checks of operators and employees, effect of certain convictions, SB 71*
Rating of facilities, requirements, SB 482*
Schools for children receiving residential treatment, funding, SB 49*
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Staffing committees, composition, election procedures, receipt by members of certain documents, SB 482*
Surgical technologists, qualifications, duties of employers, AB 347*
Transportation of persons to facilities in Clark County, repeal of quarterly reports, AB 464*
Reports to local governments, ordinances, requirements, AB 321*
Room tax, collection, duties, AB 294†
Business license of transient lodging places where repeated acts of prostitution have regularly occurred, revocation, AB 217D
Condominium hotels (See CONDOMINIUM HOTELS)
Fire safety, applicability of laws to high‑rise buildings in Clark County, SB 67D
Resort hotels (See GAMING)
Accommodations facilitators, duties, AB 294D
Advisory Committee on Housing, abolishment, AB 126*
Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)
Community solar gardens at locations that benefit low‑income customers, incentive payments, SB 392††
Deadly force against intruder, immunity from civil liability removed, SB 254D
Fire safety, applicability of laws to high‑rise buildings in Clark County, SB 67D
Flood control project needs committees, homebuilder membership, AB 375*
Hosting platforms facilitating certain rentals, duties, AB 294†, AB 321*
Housebreaking, presumption of knowledge of lack of permission to enter, AB 161*
Internet service, assistance to low‑income households, requirements, AB 111
Landlord and tenant (See LANDLORD AND TENANT)
Manufactured or mobile homes (See MANUFACTURED OR MOBILE HOMES)
Nevada Green Bank Program, creation, purposes, SB 407†
Restrictive covenants, discrimination based on gender identity or expression or sexual orientation, voidable provisions, SB 188*
Roofing, construction safety requirements, AB 295D
School districts, statements regarding impact of proposed construction or development on, AB 120D
Solar energy systems and distributed generation systems at locations that benefit low‑income customers, incentive payments, SB 145*, SB 392††
Unlawful occupancy, presumption of knowledge of lack of permission for residency, AB 161*
Vacant private property, authority to require registration with city, SB 24D
Veterans, waiver of certain federal requirement for assistance, AB 323D
Clark County, housing authority commissioners, number, qualifications, terms, SB 183*
Escrow accounts for tenants, program to establish, duties, SB 417
Local Government Budget and Finance Act, applicability, SB 183*
Veterans, exclusion of benefits from income calculation to determine eligibility for assistance, duties, AB 323D
Volume cap on private activity bonds, transfer of portion to Rural Housing Authority, SB 5
Testing, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
Dermal or soft tissue fillers, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Committee on Prostitution and Human Trafficking, creation, duties, AB 260†
Involuntary servitude (See INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE)
Sex trafficking (See SEX TRAFFICKING)
Solicitation of child under age 14 for prostitution, penalties, SB 214D, AB 73D
Victim’s advocate and victim, privileged communications, SB 214D, SB 488*, AB 73D
Forest Supervisor, member of Commission on Off‑Highway Vehicles, AB 29*
Guzzlers for wildlife use, authorized collection of precipitation, SB 74†, AB 138*
Black bears, regulation authorizing hunting with dog of any breed prohibited, AB 443D
Constitutional recognition of right to hunt, SJR 11 of the 78th SessionD
Duck stamp, repeal of documentation requirement, SB 511*
Exhibition of wildlife or equipment on demand, violations regarding, exemption from penalties, AB 330D
Licenses, permits and tags
Acknowledgment of certain information, requirements, SB 511*
Animals for which tags may be issued, additions, SB 511*
Apprentice hunting license, fee, SB 511*
Child support enforcement, removal of certain exemption from compliance laws, SB 34D
Damage to private land by deer or antelope, issuance of tags as compensation, SB 511*
Fees generally, SB 511*
Game tag fees for predatory wildlife programs and activities
Audit, AB 112D
Use, AB 101††
Native Americans, issuance of specialty combination licenses, SB 511*
Period of validity, SB 511*
Refusal to exhibit or failure to have in possession, exemption from penalties, AB 330D
Veterans with service‑connected disabilities, evidence of eligibility for free licenses or permits, SB 191*
Licensing Review Panel, creation, duties, AB 332D
Loaded rifle or shotgun, carrying along or discharging over road authorized in certain circumstances, AB 448D
Transport of game, hunters or hunting equipment, prohibited acts, requirements, SB 370*
Wildlife Public Education Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, SB 221
Wildlife Public Education Council, Nevada, creation, duties, SB 221†
Armed Forces members and veterans
Contracts for certain services, authority to terminate, suspend or reinstate, penalties for violations by service providers, AB 282*
Educational personnel, waiver of license fees, AB 77*
EMT certification, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 367D, AB 429†
NSHE, tuition exemptions for certain persons, AB 24*
Brain death, determination does not require consent of spouse, AB 424*
Child visitation, programs for supervised exchange of child, requirements, penalties for violations, AB 198D
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority of certain persons to request, procedures, SB 79*
County assessor records, authority of spouse of prosecutor to request that personal information be kept confidential, SB 6D, SB 79*
Divorce, distribution of community property transferred to irrevocable trust, requirements, AB 314*
Family medical leave to care for spouse
Tax credits to certain employers, requirements, AB 266†
Tax deductions for certain employers, requirements, AB 266
Notice of proceedings as interested person, requirements, SB 158D, SB 433*
Right of ward to communicate, visit or interact with relatives, SB 158D, SB 433*
Sale of personal property of ward, notice requirements, AB 130*
Hate crime committed against spouse of certain public safety officials, additional penalty, civil liability, program for reporting, AB 88D
Occupations and professions, licensure of military spouse by endorsement, SB 354D
POLST forms, procedures for execution, AB 93D, AB 199*
Sick leave benefits for certain private sector employees, authorized uses, SB 196††, AB 394D
Widows and widowers (See WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS)
Assessment and disclosure program repealed, AB 159
Prohibition, AB 159
Construction and installation, funding, SB 418
Incentive program, establishment, SB 145†, SB 418†
Reports to public, requirements, SB 145†
Address on card, authority of certain persons to request alternate address, SB 79*, AB 252*
Duplicate cards, waiver of fees for issuance to recently released offenders, requirements, SB 268*
Fees, requirements for persons 65 or older, laws clarified, AB 68*
Juvenile detention facilities, procedures upon release of child, SB 268†
Minors, use of false identification deemed delinquent act, AB 86D
Names on cards, full legal name defined, procedures for change, SB 215*
Permanent resident cards, acceptance for certain identification purposes, AB 162*
Prisoners, procedures upon release, SB 268*
Schools, cards issued to pupils and staff, required contents, SB 212*
State purchasing, workers employed by business, requirements for receiving certain bidding preference, penalties, SB 317†, AB 280†
Tribal ID cards, acceptance for certain identification purposes, SB 399*, AB 415*
Voter identification cards, issuance, SB 424D, AB 164D
Voter registration, procedures, electronic transmission of information, SB 144†, SB 327, AB 104†, IP 1††
DUI conviction, installation requirements, exemptions, prohibited acts, SB 259*
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to sign exemption statement, SB 227*
Insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
Notices to parents or guardians regarding exempt children in attendance at schools or other facilities, AB 200D
Charter schools, applicability of laws, reimbursement for off‑site facilities, SB 293D
Repeal, SB 471*
Audit by Legislative Auditor, duties, AB 349D
Hunting or fishing legislation, assistance to Department of Wildlife, SB 511*
Museums and History, Board of, appointment of member, duties, SB 244*
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on, advisory duty repealed, AB 29*
Purpose and powers, expansion, SB 83D
Governor’s proclamation authorized and requested, SB 105*
Affordable housing, study, SCR 1‡
Charter schools established by nonprofit organizations for pupils living in poverty, duties of organizations receiving grants, SB 544*
Clinical trials, program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, requirements, AB 214*
Community solar gardens at locations that benefit low‑income customers, incentive payments, SB 392††
Energy efficiency and conservation programs, expenditures directed to low‑income customers of electric utilities, requirements, SB 150*, AB 223*
Family planning services, grants to support
Appropriation, AB 397*
Duties of entities receiving grant, SB 122*
Internet service, assistance to low‑income households, requirements, AB 111
Legal defense, study, SB 377*
Parolees, payment of costs of placement in transitional living facility, AB 514*
Public assistance (See PUBLIC ASSISTANCE)
Public defenders (See PUBLIC DEFENDERS)
School pupils, provision of evidence‑based integrated student support systems, SB 190, SB 504D
Solar Energy Pilot Program, Lower Income, repeal, SB 145*, SB 392††
Solar energy systems and distributed generation systems at locations that benefit low‑income customers, incentive payments, SB 145*, SB 392††
Victory schools program, continuation, funding, SB 505D, SB 544*, AB 447*
Women’s Health Connection Program, appropriation, AB 388*
Growers, handlers and producers, licensing and regulation, SB 329, SB 396*
Massage therapists and providers of health care, authority to recommend or administer to clients, immunities from disciplinary action, SB 396†
Association of self‑insured employers, when notice of member’s intent to withdraw deemed rescinded, SB 209*
Causation of injury, interchangeable use of certain phrases authorized when determining, AB 458*
Closure of claim by insurer, notice requirements, AB 3D, AB 458*
Division of Industrial Relations, certain reports from insurers repealed, AB 54†
Food stamps, eligibility of certain persons, duties of Department of Health and Human Services, SB 323*
Injured employees, authority to obtain independent medical examination, restrictions, payment of costs, AB 458*
Insurance adjusters
Administrators, authority of certain adjusters to act as, AB 12*
Applicability of adjusters’ laws to persons who investigate, negotiate or settle claims, AB 12*
Large‑deductible agreements, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 83*
Acting on behalf of others, duties, penalties for violations, AB 3D
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority, SB 227†, AB 116D
Offices of insurers or third‑party administrators located outside of State, processing of certain claims authorized, SB 209†, SB 276D
Permanent partial disability
Actuarial annuity tables, annual adjustment, requirements, AB 458*
Disability exceeding certain percent, election to receive lump sum payment, AB 458*
Rating evaluation for previous disability, effect on compensation, AB 458*
Physician assistants, designation as primary care provider under certain circumstances, AB 284D
Police officers, firefighters and arson investigators, occupational disease coverage, AB 267*
Retirement of employee before claim reopened, effect on certain benefits, AB 458*
Tangible net worth defined, AB 83*
Toll‑free telephone service provided by insurers, requirements, SB 209†, SB 276D
Transportation network company drivers, coverage, SB 485D
Vocational rehabilitation counselors, appointment, requirements, AB 458*
Vocational rehabilitation programs, time limits, AB 300D
Vocational rehabilitation services, definition, AB 20*
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, receipt of reports, AB 471†
Creation, administration, SB 517, AB 399*
Proceeds, authorized uses in smaller counties, review requirements, SB 54*
Schools, maintenance and administration for use in treating asthmatic attack, requirements, AB 156
Automatic voter registration, adoption, IP 1††
Circulators of petitions, qualifications, duties, AB 45*
Public revenue generation, requirements, AJR 8 of the 78th SessionD
Statutory proposals, time for submission for verification, AB 45*
Time for filing with Secretary of State, SJR 11
Withdrawal of petition, procedures, AB 45*
Armed Forces members, remedies for violations involving contracts for certain services, AB 282*
Autonomous vehicles, violations, AB 69*
Certified Court Reporters’ Board of Nevada, authority, SB 406*
Child care facilities, unlicensed operation, SB 189*
Community‑based living arrangement services, unlicensed provision, SB 266, AB 46*
Domestic violence protection orders (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Facilities for the dependent, unlicensed operation, SB 71*
Internet websites or online services, violations by owners or operators, SB 538*
Landlord and tenant, adverse actions based upon request of certain persons for emergency assistance, AB 133*
Medical facilities, unlicensed operation, SB 71*
Physical therapists, violations, SB 437*
Public money, fraud, waste, abuse or corruption, AB 201D
Radiation therapy or radiologic imaging, violations, SB 219
Tanning establishments, violations, SB 219
Ticket sales, violations, SB 235*
Water resources, violations, SB 74†
Economic Development, Office of, duty repealed, AB 231*
Creation, duties, AB 201D, AB 404
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Annual percentage rate, restrictions, AB 222D
Applicability of laws, AB 255*
Oversight of licensees by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fees, AB 279*
Common‑interest communities, duty of associations to maintain directors and officers insurance, requirements, SB 195*
Credit personal property insurance, regulation, AB 83*
Electronic delivery of notices or other documents, authorization, AB 455*
Funeral services, prepaid contracts, bond requirements for sellers, AB 83*
Group insurance for public employees
Alcohol or drug abuse treatment, reimbursement procedures, SB 262*
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 261†
Autism spectrum disorders, services provided by early intervention agencies, reimbursement required, AB 304*
Cancer, requirements for coverage of metastatic cancer treatment, SB 404D
Chronic conditions, duties of insurer, AB 352D
Claims data, provision to Board upon request, SB 366†
Contraceptives, coverage, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 249*, AB 408††
Contributions to nonprofit advocacy or research organizations, reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Dental care and fees, prohibited acts by insurers, notices to insureds, AB 213D
Dependent children, coverage to continue until child reaches 26 years of age, SB 394†, AB 408††
Drug formularies, requirements, SB 265†, AB 381†
Drugs prescribed, dispensed or administered for unapproved purposes, coverage not required, SB 346D
Emergency care, out‑of‑network payments for, procedures, reports, AB 382††
Health status of consumer, duties and prohibited acts by insurers, SB 394†, AB 408††
Mental health treatment, payments to be made directly to provider, SB 262*
Network plans, requirements, SB 289
Patient‑centered medical homes, payments or incentives, SB 139
Pharmacy benefit managers, duties, SB 539*
Preexisting conditions, duties, prohibited acts, SB 394†, AB 408††
Prescription drugs, copayment structures, requirements, SB 436D
2017‑2019 biennium, amount, SB 551*
Local governmental agencies, method of calculating subsidy for retired employees, procedures in event of certain increases, SB 552*
Women, coverage for services, requirements, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 249*, AB 408††
Health insurance
Affordable Care Act
Continuation urged, SJR 8‡, AJR 9‡
Insurance Commissioner, exemption from Administrative Procedure Act for certain purposes, AB 83†
State laws, alignment with provisions of Act, duties of insurers, AB 408††
Alcohol or drug abuse treatment, reimbursement procedures, SB 262*
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 261†
Autism spectrum disorders, services provided by early intervention agencies, reimbursement required, AB 304*
Cancer, requirements for coverage of metastatic cancer treatment, SB 404D
Chronic conditions, duties of insurer, AB 352D
Complaints of insureds, system for resolving, duties of State Board of Health removed, AB 83*
Contraceptives, coverage requirements, prohibited acts, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 249*, AB 408††
Dental care and fees, prohibited acts by insurers, notices to insureds, AB 213D
Dependent children, coverage to continue until child reaches 26 years of age, SB 394†, AB 408††
Diabetes, drugs essential for treatment, refunds to certain purchasers, SB 265†
Drug formularies, requirements, SB 265††, SB 539*, AB 381*
Drugs prescribed, dispensed or administered for unapproved purposes, coverage not required, SB 346D
Emergency care, out‑of‑network payments for, procedures, reports, AB 382††
Essential health benefits, determination, coverage requirements, SB 394†
Health status of consumer, duties and prohibited acts by insurers, SB 394†, AB 408††
Legislation, criteria for reviewing (JSR 18), ACR 1‡
Maternal and newborn care, coverage, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 408††
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Mental health treatment, payments to be made directly to provider, requirements, refunds, SB 262*
Minimum wage, effect of insurance offered by employer on amount of wage paid, SB 106††, AB 175††
Network plans, requirements, SB 289, AB 83*, AB 355D
Patient‑centered medical homes, payments or incentives, SB 139
Pharmacy benefit managers, duties, SB 265††, SB 539*
Physician assistants, designation as primary care provider under certain circumstances, AB 284D
Preexisting conditions, duties, prohibited acts, SB 394†, AB 408††
Preventive health care services, establishment, coverage requirements, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 408††
Primary care agreements, direct, exemption from Insurance Code, SB 208D
Psychologists, reimbursement for services, AB 429*
Rates, disapproval of rates, right of insurers to hearing, AB 83*
Small employers, health insurance for
Carriers, disclosures to small employer, provisions repealed, SB 394†, AB 83*
Continuation of coverage after employee no longer covered by health benefit plan, provisions repealed, AB 83*
Determination of whether employer is small employer, AB 83*
Health benefit plans, requirements, SB 394†, AB 83*, AB 408††
Prescription drugs
Copayment structures, requirements, SB 436D
Diabetes drugs, notice requirements, SB 265†
Voluntary purchasing groups
Disclosure requirements, SB 394†, AB 83*, AB 408††
Discontinuation of product by carrier, requirements, AB 83*
Membership, differentiation based on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression prohibited, SB 188*
Women, coverage for services, requirements, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 249*, AB 408††
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Life insurance, assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 261
Motor vehicle insurance
Autonomous vehicles used by common carriers, requirements, AB 69*
Classic rods and classic vehicles, exemption from emission control compliance, requirements regarding insurance coverage, SB 152D
Fraud involving staged motor vehicle crashes, penalty, AB 15D
Liability insurance, minimum amounts increased, SB 308*
Personal injury claims, duties of claimants and claimants’ attorneys, AB 419D
Policies, cancellation, denial, nonrenewal or increase in premiums, prohibited acts, AB 83*
Total loss vehicle, determination of status as, considerations, AB 368D
Transportation network companies, requirements, SB 226, SB 485D, AB 445††
Uninsured and underinsured motorist protection, coverage requirements, SB 308†
Violation of certain laws, civil penalty in lieu of criminal, study, ACR 9‡
Portable electronics insurance, authority of employees or representatives of vendor to receive compensation from vendor, SB 209*
Professional liability insurance
Attorneys employed or retained by regulatory bodies, requirements, AB 328*
Closed claims, collection of information by Insurance Commissioner, AB 83*
Essential medical specialties, designation, reports, AB 83*
Financial planners, exemptions from requirements, SB 383*
Loss prevention and control programs, annual report, provisions repealed, AB 83*
Rates, collection of information by Insurance Commissioner, AB 83*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
School buses and other vehicles owned by school district, authority to lease, requirements, SB 164*, AB 485*
Small employers, health insurance for (See Health insurance, this heading)
Continuing education, requirements, AB 12*
Definitions, AB 12*
Independent adjusters
Continuing education, requirements, AB 12†
Contracts with insurer or self‑insurer, requirements, effect, AB 12*
Emergency independent adjusters, registration, qualifications, duties, AB 12†
Nonresident license, issuance, AB 12†
Record retention policy contained in certain contracts, requirements regarding compliance, AB 12*
Standards of conduct, AB 12†
Licenses, requirements, fees, AB 12*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Standards of conduct, AB 12*
Workers’ compensation claims, persons who investigate, negotiate or settle, applicability of laws, AB 12*
Certificates of registration, grounds for suspension or revocation, AB 83*
Workers’ compensation claims, persons authorized to act as administrator, AB 12*
Fees charged for certain consultations, regulation, SB 209*
Producer of insurance, reference includes agents, brokers and solicitors, AB 83*
Surplus lines
Audit in lieu of examination, authority of Commissioner of Insurance, SB 209*
Fee for procurement of surplus lines coverage, restrictions, SB 209*
License examination, option to take in English or Spanish, SB 135†
Premium tax, multi‑state agreement to collect on multi‑state risks, repeal of provisions, SB 209*
Administrative supervision, grounds, procedures, confidentiality, AB 83*
Advisory organizations, rating information, reports by Commissioner repealed, AB 464*
Anesthesiologist assistants, reports of malpractice, duties, SB 210†
Annual financial statements, confidentiality of information, AB 83*
Applications for certificate of authority, notice of material changes in information required, penalties, AB 83*
Captive insurers, annual audit, requirements, AB 35*
Child support enforcement, duties, exchange of information, SB 34D, AB 278*
Consumer credit reports, authorized and prohibited uses, penalties, AB 83*, AB 460D
Corporate governance annual disclosure, requirements, AB 35*
Electronic delivery of notices or other documents, authorization, AB 455*
Examination of insurers, considerations of Commissioner, AB 35*
Gender identity or expression, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 188*
Health insurance
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 261†
Coinsurance, payments for health care providers who are not preferred, AB 83*
Notice to patient regarding, requirements, AB 157D
Services and treatments covered, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 139, SB 233*, AB 249*, AB 408††
Summary of coverage, provisions repealed, AB 83*
Dental care, prohibited acts regarding noncovered services, AB 213D
Diabetes, drugs essential for treatment, duties, SB 265††, SB 539*
Discontinuance of form of product, notice requirements, AB 83*
Hazardous financial condition, determination, effect, AB 83*
Health status of consumer, duties and prohibited acts by insurers, SB 394†, AB 408††
Network plans, requirements, SB 289, AB 83*, AB 355D
Nonprofit organizations, reports of contributions to, duties, SB 265††, SB 539*
Pharmacy benefit managers, duties, SB 539*
Physician assistants, designation as primary care provider under certain circumstances, AB 284D
Preexisting conditions, duties, prohibited acts, SB 394†, AB 408††
Increase or decrease, procedures, AB 83*
Unified rate review templates and rate filing documentation, duties, confidentiality of information, AB 83*
Solicitation and sales materials, disclosure requirement, provisions repealed, AB 83*
Life insurance
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 261
Right to issue policies in own name, AB 83*
Loss prevention reports and programs, provisions repealed, AB 83*
Motor vehicle insurance
Personal injury claims, duties of claimants, attorneys and insurers, AB 419D
Policies, cancellation, denial, nonrenewal or increase in premiums, prohibited acts, AB 83*
Total loss vehicle, determination of status as, considerations, AB 368D
Transportation network companies, coverage requirements, SB 485D, AB 445††
Motor Vehicles, Department of, requests for certain personal information authorized, AB 68†
Multiple line insurers, right to issue life or health policies in own name, AB 83*
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, communications regarding prescription drugs, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 265††
Prizes, gifts, goods and other items to policyholders, authorized acts, AB 244*
Reinsurance, regulation, AB 83*
Risk retention groups (See RISK RETENTION GROUPS)
Sexual orientation, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 188*
Examination for license, option to take in English or Spanish, SB 135
Fees charged for certain consultations, regulation, SB 209*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Corporate governance annual disclosure, requirements, AB 35*
Internationally active insurance groups, designation and authority of group‑wide supervisor, AB 35*
Film production, transferable tax credits, AB 137†, AB 492*
Multi‑state agreement to collect premium tax on multi‑state risks, repeal of provisions, SB 209*
Office in State, limit on amount of credit, prospective expiration of credit repealed, AB 137D
Rehabilitation of historic buildings, transferable tax credits, AB 370
Volens et Potens Infrastructure Board, contributions to, tax credits, SB 349D
Disciplinary action, grounds, AB 460D
Electronic delivery of notices or other documents, immunity from liability, AB 455*
Examination for license, option to take in English or Spanish, SB 135
Producer of insurance, reference includes agents, brokers and solicitors, AB 83*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Community‑based services, study of Medicaid reimbursement rates, SB 96
Criminal defendants, preprosecution diversion program, creation, AB 470*
Developmental disabilities, replacement of terminology, effect, AB 224*
Jobs and day training services providers
Minimum wage requirements for persons under 25, AB 224*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Mental illness defined, SB 27*
POLST form, capacity of patient to execute, determination, AB 93D, AB 199*
Solitary confinement or disciplinary segregation, use in certain correctional facilities, restrictions, procedures, SB 402*
Specialist for the Rights of Elderly Persons, expansion of duties, name change, AB 31*
Supported living arrangement services
Procedures, SB 266
Retaliation against person filing prohibited, penalty, SB 97
Employees, training and competency evaluation, requirements, study, AB 299*
Inspections and surveys, SB 266
Long‑Term Care Ombudsman, State, duties, SB 97
Medicaid reimbursement rates, study, SB 96
Notice to consumer before providing service for first time, requirement, SB 266
Residential facilities for groups, laws inapplicable, AB 46*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Violations, penalties, SB 266
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, appointment of member, duties, SB 244*
Museums and History, Board of, consultation regarding appointment of member, SB 244*
Athlete Agents Act, Revised Uniform, adoption, AB 372*
Athletes’ Agents Act, Uniform, repeal, AB 372*
Health care professionals providing services to athletic team or organization, license exemption for certain persons, SB 292D, AB 454*
Certificates of registration
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Mechanics’ liens, authority, procedures, SB 423D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Employees, authority to check vital signs, administer insulin and perform blood glucose test, regulations, SB 324*
Dispute resolution clause in contracts, requirements, SB 360*, AB 288*
Employees, training and competency evaluation, requirements, study, AB 299*
Mental illness or related condition, placement of persons with, certain considerations required, AB 46*
Rating of facilities, requirements, SB 482*
State Long‑Term Care Ombudsman, duties, SB 123*
Supervision, AB 165*
Accommodations facilitators, duties, AB 294D
Accountancy, Nevada State Board of, duties, AB 454*
Advance Directives for Health Care, Registry of, requirements, AB 199†
Agriculture, State Department of, publication of regulations, AB 33*
Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Counselors, Board of Examiners for, duties, AB 457*
Animal abuser registry website, establishment, access, SB 405
Apprenticeship Director, State, duties, SB 516*
Armed Forces members, authority to terminate, suspend or reinstate certain contracts, penalty for violations by service providers, AB 282*
Barbers’ Health and Sanitation Board, State, duties, SB 206*
Child and Family Services, Division of, duties, AB 305*
Community colleges, duties regarding Nevada Promise Scholarship program, SB 391*
Consumers’ online reviews, prohibited acts by seller or lessor relating to, penalties, SB 185*
Conviction, collateral consequences, publication of certain information, SB 328D
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, creation, duties, AB 471*
Cybersecurity evaluators, licensing and regulation, SB 395D
Data collectors, privacy of covered information about consumers, duties, penalties, SB 538*
Dentists, unprofessional conduct regarding advertisements, SB 334D
Dream Tags, publication of annual report, SB 75†
Economic Development, Office of, duties, SB 343†
Candidates, informational materials prepared for, publication, SB 113D
Mobile devices, use, requirements, SB 144*
Sample ballots, requirements for system to distribute electronically, SB 94D, SB 144†
Energy, Office of, duties, AB 405†
Environmental Commission, State, duties, SB 315†
Financial Institutions, Division of, duties, AB 279*
Foreclosure mediation program, development of portal, SB 490*
Gender equality in the workplace, survey results, SB 343, AB 423*
Health and Human Services, Department of, duties regarding
Diabetes, list of drugs essential for treatment, SB 265††, SB 539*
Diapers and diapering supplies for recipients of public assistance, AB 340*
Employer‑based health care plans and Medicaid, employees enrolled in, reports, SB 366†
Medicaid financing and eligibility trends, annual reports, SB 366†
Nonprofit organizations receiving contributions from drug manufacturers, certain information, SB 265††, SB 539*
Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information and Education Program, SB 136*
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, SB 265††, SB 539*
Prescription drug costs, SB 265††, SB 539*
Sexual Trauma Services Guide, information relating to, SB 488*
Success contracts, SB 400*
Homeland security, development of cybersecurity plans for critical infrastructure, SB 395D
Hosting platforms facilitating certain rentals, duties, AB 294†, AB 321*
Housing Division, duties, AB 464*
Inspector General, duties, AB 404
Insurance, Division of, duties, SB 539*, AB 215
Insurers, duties, AB 455*
Labor Commissioner, duties, SB 196††, SB 232*, SB 361*, AB 211D, AB 394D
Legal notices, publication on certain websites authorized, restrictions and requirements, SB 218D
Legislature, publication of disparate impact statements of bills or joint resolutions on certain persons, AB 308D
Low‑income households, assistance in paying for service, AB 111
Marketplace Fairness Act, Congress urged to pass, SJR 5‡
Marriage and Family Therapists and Clinical Professional Counselors, Board of Examiners for, duties, AB 457*
Medical Examiners, Board of, duties, AB 339*
Medical facilities and facilities for the dependent, duties, SB 482*
Minerals, Division of, duties, AB 52*
Motion picture productions, exemption from requirement to obtain state business registration removed, SB 41*, AB 6*
Nevada Clean Energy Fund Board of Directors, duties, SB 407*
Off‑highway vehicles, Internet registration, requirements, funding of portal, AB 363D
P‑20W Research Data System Advisory Committee, reports, SB 458*
Pharmacy benefit managers, duties, SB 539†
Pharmacy, State Board of, duties, AB 245*
Prescription drug costs, reports, SB 265††, SB 539*, AB 215
Prescription drug manufacturers, contributions to nonprofit organizations, publication of certain information, SB 265††, SB 539*
Prescriptions for controlled substances, computerized tracking program (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Privacy of covered information about consumers, duties of owners or operators of websites or online services, penalties, SB 538*
Psychological Examiners, Board of, duties, AB 457*
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, duties, SB 165*, SB 189*, SB 482*, AB 214*
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, duties, SB 297D, AB 71D, AB 464*
Public Safety, Department of, duties, SB 169†
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, duties, AB 405*
Public utilities, duties, AB 405*
Purchasing Division, duties, AB 106*
Register of Administrative Regulations, publication, AB 403††
Regulations to be considered by State agencies, publication of notice, SB 160*
Renewable Energy Bill of Rights, publication, AB 405†
Sales of personal property, designation of places for parties to meet to complete transaction, AB 297*
Accountability reports by State Board of Education, time for publication, SB 247*
Achievement charter schools, list of public schools eligible for conversion and other related information, SB 430
Annual measurable objectives and performance targets, achievement by schools, determinations, SB 247*
Areas of instruction designated as areas of critical need, AB 351
Bullying, website regarding, requirements, SB 294D
Charter schools
Budget reports, AB 378D
Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, creation, funding, SB 467*, SB 544*
Notifications regarding certain actions or events affecting school, requirements, AB 49*
Pupil‑teacher ratios, certain information, SB 459D
Reading and literacy of elementary pupils, reports, AB 409
Retention of pupils in grade 3, reports, AB 409
Underperforming schools, petitions filed by parents or guardians regarding, forms, SB 430
Child abuse or neglect
Hotline for reporting, promotion of availability, AB 305*
Reports made against employees and volunteers, statistical reports, SB 287†
Competency‑Based Education Network, publication of report, AB 110*
Competency‑Based Education Task Force, publication of final report, AB 110†
Discipline of pupils, plans and reports, SB 247*
District budget reports, AB 378D
Districts with over 100,000 pupils, duties, AB 469*, AB 516
Economics course, online assessment, requirements, SB 249†
Education savings accounts, certain information, SB 359D, SB 506
Elementary School Pupils, Program to Develop Leadership Skills for, information regarding, SB 154†
Examinations and assessments, security plans, SB 247*
Final ratings for all schools, publication, SB 247*
Interpersonal interactions and communications by personnel with pupils, publication of code of conduct, AB 124*
Leadership Skills for Public School Pupils, Program to Develop, information regarding, SB 154
Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, creation, funding, SB 467*, SB 544*
Pupil‑teacher ratios
Alternative literacy achievement plans, schools with, SB 353D
Charter schools, publication of certain information, SB 459D
Reading and literacy of elementary pupils, reports, AB 409
Safe‑to‑Tell Program, requirements, SB 212*
Sex education course, consent form, procedures, AB 348††
Teacher shortages, certain information, AB 351
Trustees failing to complete professional development training, notice, AB 451*
Underperforming schools
Performance compacts, reports, SB 430
Petitions requesting certain changes, forms, SB 430
Secretary of State, duties, SB 229*, SB 343, AB 423*, AB 436*
Social Workers, Board of Examiners for, duties, AB 457*
State Engineer, duties, SB 51*, SB 231D, SB 270*, AB 298D
State investments, publication of information, SB 26*
State purchasing, solicitation of bids or proposals, publication of certain notices, SB 39D
Student loans, certain information regarding, SB 90
Surgical centers for ambulatory patients, duties, SB 482*
Ticket sales
Bureau of Consumer Protection, establishment of website to report suspected violations, SB 235*
Internet robots, prohibited use, penalties, civil remedies, SB 235*
Websites, content, requirements and restrictions, penalties and civil remedies, SB 235*
Transportation Authority, Nevada, duties, SB 479D
Collection of data by state agencies and regulatory bodies, duties, SB 137*
Registry of service providers, creation required, AB 22*
Veterans Services, Department of, policy concerning disposition of abandoned or unclaimed property or artifacts, SB 70*
Wards’ Bill of Rights, publication, SB 168D, SB 360*
Wildlife, Department of, duties, SB 75*
Aging and Disability Services Division, employment of sign language interpreters, SB 443*
Court interpreters (See COURT INTERPRETERS)
Realtime captioning (See REALTIME CAPTIONING)
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Head injuries sustained by children, authority to provide medical clearance to participate in sport
Advanced practice registered nurses, SB 227*, AB 115D, AB 116D
Physician assistants, AB 115D
Participation by certain pupils, requirements, regulation, payment of costs, SB 252*
Alcoholic beverage awareness program, completion by certain employees, requirements, use of fines imposed for violations, SB 440
Brew pubs (See BREW PUBS)
Estate distilleries, licensure and operation, SB 199*
False identification to obtain liquor, penalties, AB 86D
Public assistance, restrictions on use or acceptance of certain benefits, SB 98D
Public schools, instruction on crimes involving alcohol, study, SB 108*
School pupils, surveys regarding use and abuse, requirements, reports, SB 166
Suppliers of alcoholic beverages, applicability of laws, prohibited acts, AB 431*
Taxation (See also TAXES AND TAXATION)
Rate, increase, deposit of proceeds, SB 181
Wholesale dealers, restrictions on investments, AB 431*
Marijuana presence in person’s saliva, certification of devices to determine, SB 378D
Regulations, duties, SB 259*, SB 378D
Deadly force against intruder, immunity from civil liability removed, SB 254D
Financial planners, applicability of laws, fiduciary duties, SB 383*
Exemption for certain investment advisers, reports, fees, SB 32†
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Alcoholic beverages, restrictions on wholesale dealers making investments in retail liquor stores, AB 431*
Nevada Green Bank Program bonds, authorized investments, SB 407†
Nevada Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund, authorized investments, SB 242D
State money, procedures regarding companies boycotting Israel, SB 26*
Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights, adoption, SB 232*
Vacation of judgment of conviction of victim and sealing of documents, authority to petition court, procedure, AB 243*
Appointment of members of governing bodies, authority of county commissioners, SB 127D
Breastfeeding, duty to provide accommodations for personnel, prohibited acts, complaints regarding, AB 113*
Elections, procedures as to ineligible candidates, AB 389D
Indebtedness or assessments, maximum amount, annual adjustment, AB 114*
Companies boycotting Israel, prohibitions on public contracts or investments with, SB 26*
Support expressed and friendship and partnership recognized, AJR 3D
Oversight by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fees, AB 279*
Prohibited acts, penalty, SB 194*
Clark County, mental health care and substance abuse treatment for prisoners, requirements, AB 421*
Core correctional services, privatization prohibited, AB 303††
Credits on term of imprisonment, requirements, SB 268*
Driver’s licenses
Assistance in obtaining license upon release, requirements, SB 268*
Waiver of duplicate license fee for recently released prisoners, requirements, SB 268*
Identification cards, procedures upon release of prisoners, SB 268*
Operational control by local government required, AB 303††
Solitary confinement, restrictions on use, SB 402†
Private airports, distribution of tax proceeds to, procedure, SB 64*
Armed Forces members, remedies for violations involving contracts for certain services, AB 282*
DUI cases, court’s duties and discretion regarding ignition interlock devices, SB 259*
Involuntary servitude, vacation of judgment of conviction of victim and sealing of documents, authority to petition court, procedure, AB 243*
Marijuana convictions, vacation of judgment for certain crimes, procedure, AB 259††, AB 345D
Name changes
Petitioners with criminal records, requirements, AB 14*
Unemancipated minors, procedures, AB 232*
Public records, application for order compelling government compliance with laws, SB 170D
Restitution to certain older persons who are victims of crime, procedures, SB 278D
Sex trafficking, vacation of judgment of conviction of victim and sealing of documents, authority to petition court, procedure, AB 243*
Stalking, contents of judgments and orders, SB 124*
Domestic relations proceedings in district courts, complaints filed against judges by independent review panels, AB 198D
Justices of the peace and municipal judges, forfeiture of office, grounds, procedures, AB 28*
Confidentiality of information regarding judges or justices, exceptions, SB 384††
Adjutant General, reimbursements to school districts, use of money, AB 220D
Transportation of pupil members, duties of school districts, AB 220D
Disability of potential juror, authority of advanced practice registered nurse to certify, SB 227*, AB 116D
Ex‑felons, restoration of right to serve as juror, conditions, SB 125†, AB 181*
Instructions in criminal trials, procedures, AB 356*, AB 376†
Trial jurors, selection process, reports regarding, AB 207*
Selection of jurors, procedures, reports, AB 207*
Arrestee DNA, Subcommittee to Review, name change, duties, SB 169†, AB 97*
Chair, duties, SB 35*, SB 277*
Collateral consequences of conviction, duties, SB 328D
Criminal Justice Information Sharing, Subcommittee on, creation, SB 35*, SB 277*
Reentry program grants, receipt of reports, SB 321
Repeal, SB 507
Sexual assault evidence kits, receipt of reports, SB 169†, AB 97*
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority of certain persons to request, procedures, SB 79*
Discovery in criminal cases, motion by defendant, requirements, AB 376†
Military members or veterans, treatment programs for offenders
Authority of court to establish, SB 449D, AB 56D, AB 286*, AB 426D
District courts, assumption of original jurisdiction on motion, SB 280D
Preprosecution diversion program, authority to order certain offenders to complete, AB 470*
Printers, default to be set to print double‑sided, requirements when purchasing replacement printers, AB 264D
Sealing records of criminal proceedings (See also SEALING RECORDS OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS)
District courts, authority to order records of justice court sealed, SB 453, AB 327*
Preprosecution diversion program, duties, AB 470*
Solicitation for prostitution, suspension of sentence, power to order, conditions, AB 260*
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, AB 512*
Suppression of evidence in criminal proceedings, procedures, SB 368†
Transfer of criminal cases to other court authorized in certain circumstances, SB 29*
Chief justice of the peace, appointment in certain courts, AB 37*
Compensation, time of fixing, SB 42*
Elections, procedures as to ineligible candidates, AB 389D
Forfeiture of office for failure to attend required instruction, procedures, AB 28*
Motion to disqualify, procedure, AB 37*
Personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request confidentiality, SB 79*
Prostitution and Human Trafficking, Committee on, membership, AB 260†
Appropriations to judicial districts for various programs, AB 395*
Attorneys representing child
Appointment, presumption regarding indigency of child, AB 341†
Powers and duties, AB 341*
Certification of child for criminal proceedings as adult, factors to be considered by court, AB 369D
Child committing offense against abuser or sex trafficker, presumption of self‑defense, effect, AB 216D
Child in need of protection (See generally CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act, Uniform, adoption, SB 328D
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority of personnel and households to request, SB 79*
Court interpreters, regulations, appointments, AB 125*
Detention facilities, requirements for placement of child in state facilities, AB 472*
Disposition of case, duties, AB 472*
DUI cases, court’s duties and discretion regarding ignition interlock devices, SB 259*
Jurisdiction of courts, elimination of exclusions from, AB 369D
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission and Advisory Committee, creation, AB 472*
Juvenile sex offenders, registration and community notification, duties of courts, SB 472, AB 395*
Out‑of‑state placement of child, requirements, AB 472*
Parole, suspension, modification or revocation, duties of court, AB 472*
Restitution to older person who is a victim of certain crimes, duties, SB 278D
Rights of children in juvenile detention facilities, redress of grievances, AB 180*
Standardized system of reporting information, requirements, effect of noncompliance, AB 472*
Attorneys representing child
Appointment, presumption regarding indigency of child, AB 341†
Powers and duties, AB 341*
Certification of child for criminal proceedings as adult, factors to be considered by court, AB 369D
Firearms, confiscation and disposition by law enforcement agency, SB 307D
Gaming and related activities, acts deemed delinquent, AB 86D
Information relating to delinquency, certain duties removed, AB 76*
Offense by child against abuser or sex trafficker, presumption of self‑defense, effect, AB 216D
Restitution to certain older victims, procedures, SB 278D
Sex offenders, registration and community notification, procedures, SB 472, AB 395*
Alcohol or drug abuse screenings, duties, AB 472*
Annual quality assurance review, requirements, reports, AB 472*
Appropriations to judicial districts for various programs, AB 395*
Caliente Youth Center, appropriation for maintenance projects, SB 534*
Child charged as adult, placement in facility during pendency of proceedings, exceptions, AB 185D
Community reentry plans, requirements, meetings, AB 472*
Corrective action plans, duties, AB 472†
Corrective room restriction, use of, repealed, SB 402†
Courses of instruction, requirements, SB 107†, SB 108†, SB 200*, SB 249*
Detention Alternatives for Youth program, appropriation to Fifth Judicial District, AB 395*
Driver’s licenses
Assistance to be provided children upon release, SB 268†
Waiver of duplicate license fee for recently released children, requirements, SB 268†
Educational personnel, requirement to show knowledge of constitutions repealed, SB 20*
Sexual orientation and gender identity, training requirements, AB 99*
Facility improvement plans, duties, AB 472*
Gender with which child identifies, treatment according to, requirements, AB 99*
Grievances by children, redress of, procedures, regulation, AB 99*
Identification card and certain assistance provided upon release, requirements, SB 268†
Individualized case plans, requirements, AB 472*
Inspections, requirements, SB 189*
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, duties, AB 472*
Legislative Auditor, duties, SB 189*
Mental health screenings, duties, AB 472*
Nevada Youth Training Center, appropriation for maintenance projects, SB 534*
Placement of child in facility, factors court must consider, regulation, AB 99*
Prison Rape Elimination Act, compliance requirements, AB 99*
Psychotropic medications, establishment of policies concerning access and administration, AB 180*
Regional facility for the treatment and rehabilitation of children, definition, applicability of laws, AB 472*
Rights of children, requirements, AB 99†, AB 180*
Sentence of term of imprisonment to be served in state facility until child reaches age 18, exception, AB 185D
Solitary confinement, restrictions on use, SB 402†
Standardized system for reporting information, requirements, AB 472*
State facilities
Duties of juvenile court when placing child, AB 472*
Length of stay matrix and release criteria, development, AB 472*
Summit View Youth Center, appropriation for maintenance projects, SB 534*
Teurman Hall Detention Facility, appropriation to provide sex offender treatment, AB 395*
Western Nevada Regional Youth Center, appropriation to provide substance abuse treatment, AB 395*
Adoption, AB 180*
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, membership, AB 144*
Creation of Commission and Advisory Committee, AB 472*
Employment, termination, grounds, procedure, AB 411*
Evidence‑based programs and practices, duties, use of certain money, AB 472*
Facility improvement plans, duties, AB 472*
Family engagement plan, duties, AB 472*
Individualized case plans, duties, AB 472*
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, membership, duties, reports, AB 472*
Release of information to certain entities, requirements, SB 470, AB 395*, AB 472*
Risk assessments and mental health screenings, duties, payment of certain costs, AB 472*
Sex offenders, registration, duties, SB 472, AB 395*
Sexual conduct, prohibited acts by employees and volunteers, penalties, disclosure of victim’s identity prohibited, SB 169*
Standardized system of reporting information, requirements, effect of noncompliance, AB 472*
Animals impounded due to arrest of owner, procedures, SB 371†
Brain death, determination does not require consent of next of kin, AB 424*
Child visitation
Adoption of children, procedures regarding visitation orders, penalty for noncompliance, SB 274*
Children in need of protection, plans for visitation with and information to be provided to siblings, SB 274*
Supervised exchange of child, requirements, penalties for violations, AB 198D
Coroners, notification of death of decedents, duties, AB 57*
Foster care, issuance of special license to relative or fictive kin, SB 484†
Communication, visitation or interaction, restrictions on, procedures and prohibited acts, remedies for violations, SB 158D, SB 433*
Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program, eligibility of child, SB 510*
Notice of proceedings as interested person, requirements, SB 158D, SB 433*
Sale of personal property of ward, notice requirements, AB 130*
High‑risk individuals, orders for protection against, procedures, SB 387D
Husband and wife (See HUSBAND AND WIFE)
License plates, reissuance, exemption from fees for certain persons, SB 15*
Parent and child (See PARENT AND CHILD)
POLST forms, procedures for execution, AB 93D, AB 199*
Sick leave benefits for certain private sector employees, authorized uses, SB 196††, AB 394D
Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority Board of Directors, membership, SB 471*
Ivory or other animal part as fixed part of knife, prohibited acts, SB 194*
Public libraries, prohibited acts on property, penalties, SB 115D
Agricultural hemp seed, quality standards and requirements for labeling, regulation, SB 396*
Marijuana establishments and medical marijuana establishments, duties, prohibited acts, SB 344*
Taxidermists, duties regarding labeling of taxidermic items, AB 330D
Administrative penalties for wage and benefit violations, duties, AB 211D
Apprenticeship Council, State, certain duties repealed, SB 516*
Apprenticeships, duties, SB 357††
Breastfeeding, duty of employers to provide accommodations, receipt of reports, duties, AB 113*
Civil actions by employees for wage violations, receipt of pleadings, SB 495D
Construction managers at risk, investigation of complaints, AB 406
Domestic violence victims, duties, SB 361*
Domestic workers, duties, SB 232*, SB 468*
Electronic management system, appropriation for implementation, AB 509*
Minimum wage increase, duties, SB 106††, AB 175†
National Guard members of other states, unlawful employment termination, duties, AB 337*
Noncompetition covenants deemed void and unenforceable, duties, AB 149D
Pay equity compliance certificates, duties, AB 106†
Prevailing wages, duties, AB 154††, AB 406
Sick leave, duties, SB 196††, AB 394D
State apprenticeship program
Ex officio State Director of Apprenticeship, repeal, SB 516*
Transfer of administration to Office of Workforce Development, SB 516*
Citizens’ Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, representation, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Economics of the Middle Class in Nevada, Task Force on the, membership, AB 155
Flood control projects needs committees, representation, AB 375*
Government Employee‑Management Relations Board, recommendations for membership, SB 486
Medical marijuana establishments, authority to enter into agreements to carry out certain apprenticeship programs, SB 416††
Nevada Clean Energy Fund Board of Directors, nominations, SB 407*
Nevada Green Bank Program Board of Directors, nominations, SB 407†
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
State employees, orientation for new employees, meetings with employee organizations, AB 350††
Transportation network company drivers, rights, SB 485D
Unlawful employment practices, prohibited acts, SB 397††, AB 178D, AB 276*
Study of benefits of decommissioning and draining urged, AJR 4D
LAKES (See also WATER)
Reciprocal fishing licenses for nonresidents, fees, SB 511*
State lands, fees for use to be established by regulation, deposit and use of certain proceeds, SB 512*
Waterfront improvement projects, districts to fund, creation, SB 138*
Licenses or certificates
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Mechanics’ liens, authority, procedures, SB 423D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Agriculture, authority to include urban agricultural element in master plan, SB 429*
Medical marijuana dispensaries selling marijuana for recreational purposes, requirements, SB 302
National conservation areas, restriction on local government powers, AB 277††
National recreation areas, restriction on planning and zoning powers of local governments, AB 277†
School districts, impact of proposed construction or development on, reports, AB 120D
State Lands, Division of, provision of certain information to cities and counties, AB 34*
Sunrise and Frenchman Mountains, Clark County, legislative declaration regarding development near, AB 393*
Emergency assistance requested by tenant, adverse action by or against landlord prohibited, remedies, AB 133*
Eviction (See EVICTION)
Harassment, sexual assault or stalking victims, authority to terminate rental agreement early, AB 247*
Housebreaking, presumption of knowledge of lack of permission to enter, AB 161*
Housing authorities, program to establish escrow accounts for tenants, SB 417
Medical marijuana, eviction of tenant for use prohibited, SB 378D
Single‑family residences, disclosures required for certain rental agreements, AB 161*
Unlawful occupancy, presumption of knowledge of lack of permission for residency, AB 161*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Mechanics’ liens, authority, procedures, SB 423D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
State Board of Landscape Architecture
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Common‑interest communities, unreasonable denial or disapproval of xeriscaping, determination, SB 161D
Pest control, applicability of license exemption to gardeners, AB 32*
Penalties for certain crimes, SB 275D
Annexation, prohibited acts, AB 48D
Charter amendments
Building and safety codes, authority, AB 72D
Dates, applicability of laws, SB 103D
Ineligible candidates, procedures regarding, AB 389D
Community education advisory panels, establishment, AB 469*
Educational facilities, activities and programs, funding, AB 70*
Historic Las Vegas Gaming District, creation, AB 219*
Low‑income housing, funding, AB 70*
McCarran Airport, renaming for Harry Reid, SB 174
Regional housing authority, membership, SB 183*
Roadway traffic and safety, study, duties, AB 364††
Room tax, increase, deposit of proceeds, SB 316D
School board trustee, appointment, requirements, SB 243D
Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition, elimination, SB 422*
Special events, emergency medical services provided by host organization, approval required, duties, AB 307D
Sports teams, professional, issuance of special license plates, SB 283*, SB 428†
Veterans Services, Department of, removal of certain office location requirement, AB 22*
Convention Authority
Project labor agreements authorized, SB 464††
Renovation or expansion, bond issue, audits, AB 399*
Public body, authority to exempt work from certain restrictions relating to labor organizations, SB 464†
Special license plates, issuance, SB 428†
Playground construction, appropriation, AB 520*
Delinquent tax collections, technical amendment to Act, AB 8*
Garnet Valley Ground Water Basin, exclusive service provision removed, AB 79*
Savings banks, deposits by Treasurer, SB 81*
Potentially hazardous non‑ionizing radiation sources, regulation, SB 219†
Peer support counseling, communications privileged and confidential, exceptions, immunities, AB 301*
Training and certification, duties of POST Commission, AB 151*
High‑interest loans, applicability of laws to certain leases, AB 163*
Prohibited acts, SB 185*
Cemeteries, lease by city or county to cemetery authority authorized, AB 203*
Community colleges, leases deemed to be entered into by board of trustees, AB 331D
Consumer goods or services, prohibited acts by lessors, penalties, SB 185*
Landlord and tenant (See LANDLORD AND TENANT)
Public libraries, authority to enter into leases and lease‑purchase agreements and convey property, SB 313*
Renewable energy, lease of distributed generation systems, requirements, AB 405*
Restrictive covenants, discrimination based on gender identity or expression or sexual orientation, voidable provisions, SB 188*
School buses and other vehicles owned by school district, authority to lease, requirements, SB 164*, AB 485*
State lands
Business relocation or expansion, leases below market value, requirements, AB 34†
Lease‑purchase agreements, procedures, SB 22*
Residential property leases, procedures, AB 34*
Taxicabs, leases to independent contractors, SB 226, AB 487*
Voting, lease of mechanical voting systems and mechanical recording devices, SB 491*
Economics of the Middle Class in Nevada, Task Force on the, membership, AB 155
Recording of instruments, additional fee for support of programs authorized, SB 305*, SB 433*, AB 130*
Wards, court‑appointed attorney to represent proposed ward, procedures, SB 433*
Document preparation service, prohibited advertisements, AB 324*
Internet publication authorized, restrictions and requirements, SB 218D
Affordable Care Act, continuation of current level of care if Act repealed, SB 394*
Affordable housing, SCR 1‡
Aged persons
Behavioral and cognitive care, SB 121*
Property tax assistance, SB 456
Child welfare system, funding, SB 257†
Controlled substances, SCR 5
Energy choice, AB 452*
Energy efficiency programs and establishment of green banks, SB 145†
Financial security of Nevadans, SB 118*
Group homes, rates charged by, AB 343*
High‑speed ground transportation system between Reno and Las Vegas, feasibility, AB 360D
Higher education costs and affordability, AB 202*
Interim committees, reports (JSR 19), ACR 1‡
Joint Interim Standing Committees, duties, SB 507
Legal defense for indigent persons, SB 377*
Legislative Building and legislative process, increased accessibility by persons who are blind, deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, SCR 11
Managed care program, establishment of similar program for persons ineligible for Medicaid, SB 394*
Reimbursement rates, SB 95, SB 96
Medical facilities and related entities, employee training and competency evaluation, AB 299*
Middle class Nevadans, economics and economic mobility, AB 155
Modernization of state government, AB 325
Nevada System of Higher Education, cost reductions and efficiency increases, AB 390D
Off‑highway vehicles, operation on paved highways, AB 29*
Operating a business in State, costs, ACR 5
Patient‑centered medical homes, delivery of health care through, SB 139
Renewable energy, impact of net metering, AB 405*
Renewable energy resources, development, SCR 4
Roadway safety, freeway access enhancement and traffic reduction in eastern urban Clark County, AB 364††
Accountability, reports relating to, ACR 8
Charter schools deemed local educational agency, issues related to, AB 49*
Competency‑based education, AB 110*
Criminal law instruction, inclusion within social studies curriculum, SB 108*
Solid waste collection and disposal, certain agreements, SB 315†
State employees
Salaries and benefits, desirability and feasibility of increasing, ACR 6
Unclassified and nonclassified positions, appropriate salaries, SCR 6‡
Traffic and related violations, treatment as civil infractions, ACR 9‡
Transportation and transportation infrastructure, SCR 10
Trauma, standardized system for collection of information concerning treatment, SCR 3
Appointments made by
Behavioral and cognitive care of older persons, study committee, SB 121*
Energy, Legislative Committee on, SB 145†
Ethics, Commission on, appointive duty removed, SB 36D
Governmental Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee, AB 403†
Higher education costs and affordability, study committee, AB 202*
Minority Health, Office of, Advisory Committee member, AB 141*
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, AB 325
Regional behavioral health policy boards, AB 366*
Renewable energy resources, development of, study committee, SCR 4†
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, SB 497*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, SB 451*
Traffic and related violations, committee to study treatment as civil violations, ACR 9‡
Transportation and transportation infrastructure, study committee, SCR 10
Trauma, study committee, SCR 3
Audit requests
Art museums, nonprofit corporations receiving funding for, SB 187*
Charter schools, nonprofit organizations receiving grants to establish and operate, SB 544*
Clark County Public Education Foundation, Inc., SB 155*
Clark County School District, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 550*
Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, SB 550*
Washoe County School District, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D
Audit Subcommittee, receipt of audits of
Cooperative extension programs, AB 407††
Incline Village GID, AB 349D
Bill draft requests, limit on number, AB 189, AB 296†
Charter agencies, duties, SB 4D
Firefighters’ memorial on Capitol Complex, duties, SB 540*
Governmental Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee, creation, AB 403†
Higher education costs and affordability, duties, AB 202*
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, duties, AB 446
Inspector General, nomination of candidates for appointment, AB 201D, AB 404
Joint Interim Standing Committees, duties, SB 507
Legislative Building and legislative process, increased accessibility by persons who are blind, deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, duties, funding, SCR 11
Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, duties, SB 543*
Membership and organization (JSR 11), ACR 1‡, SR 6‡, AR 7‡
Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, receipt of notice of insufficiency, SB 391*
Printers used by Legislative Counsel Bureau, waiver of certain requirements, duties, AB 264D
Regulations, adoption, suspension or nullification, authority, AB 403††
Regulations, Subcommittee to Review, abolishment, AB 403†
Reports, receipt
150th anniversary license plate fees, revenue and expenditures, SB 37*
Charter agencies, SB 4D
Corporation for public benefit related to emergency loan program, board of directors, AB 67D
Corrections, Department of, AB 303††
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, SB 187†
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, AB 124*
Energy development projects, reports repealed, SB 75*
Family Engagement, Advisory Council for, SB 301*
Forensic laboratories, information regarding SAFE kits, SB 169†, AB 55D, AB 97*
Gender equality in the workplace, SB 343, AB 423*
General improvement districts, committees to review, SB 462*
Heroin‑assisted treatment pilot program, SB 181
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, AB 446
Housing Division, repeal of annual report regarding affordable housing, AB 464*
Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, SB 517, AB 399*
Medical facilities in Clark County, transport of persons to, quarterly reports repealed, AB 464*
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 144*
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, AB 325
Sunset Subcommittee, receipt of reports from State Board of Oriental Medicine, SB 466*
Tourism improvement districts, semiannual reports repealed, SB 12†
Transportation Infrastructure Bank, Nevada, SB 517†
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, AB 19*
Veterans Services Commission, Nevada, AB 19*
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, AB 19*
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, Legislative Committee on, duties, AB 143
Transportation and transportation infrastructure, duties, SCR 10
Transportation, Legislative Committee on, duties, SB 207
Trauma study committee, duties, SCR 3
Anti‑harassment policy, establishment of reporting system (JSR 20), ACR 12‡
Audit Division
Art museums, nonprofit corporations receiving funding for, duties, SB 187*
Charter schools, nonprofit organizations receiving grants to establish and operate, duties, SB 544*
Children, facilities for, reports, duties, SB 189*
Clark County Public Education Foundation, Inc., duties, SB 155*
Clark County School District, duties, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 550*
Cooperative extension programs, duties, AB 407††
Economic development incentives, recipients of, duties, SB 345D
Game tag fees for predatory wildlife programs and activities, audit of use, AB 112D
Incline Village GID, duties, AB 349D
Inspector General, Office of the, duties, AB 404
Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, duties, SB 543*
Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, duties, SB 550*
Regulatory bodies, duties, AB 328*
Washoe County School District, duties, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D
Clark County School District disbursement account, duties, SB 550*
Compensation schedule for certain elected officers, duties, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Anti‑harassment policy, duties (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡, ACR 12‡
Breastfeeding, accommodations for, duties regarding complaints, AB 113*
Charter agency agreements, receipt and transmittal, SB 4D
Disparate impact statements estimating effect of bill or joint resolution on certain persons, requests for, duties, AB 308D
Government Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee, Secretary, AB 403†
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, duties, AB 446
Joint Interim Standing Committees, duties, SB 507
Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, receipt of notice of insufficiency, SB 391*
Reports, receipt
Agriculture, State Department of, SB 405
Apprenticeship Council, State, SB 357††
Articulation and Transfer Board, AB 331D
Capital improvements of local governments, certain reports to be made available upon request, AB 464*
Charter agencies, SB 4D
Child and Family Services, Division of, AB 472*
Child welfare system, funding, SB 257†
Community Colleges, State Board for, AB 331D
Corporation for public benefit related to emergency loan program, board of directors, AB 67D
Corrections, Department of, AB 303††
Court Administrator, AB 512*
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, AB 471†
Domestic Violence, Committee on, biennial report, SB 25*, AB 464†
Economic Development, Office of, SB 343†, AB 170*, AB 231*
Energy choice, AB 452*
Energy development projects, reports repealed, SB 75*
Energy, Legislative Committee on, SB 145†
Energy, Office of, AB 206†
Environmental Protection, Division of, SB 418
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, biennial report repealed, SB 12†
Financial security of Nevadans, SB 118*
Fire safety standards for cigarettes, biennial reports repealed, AB 464*
Flood management, AB 375*
Gender equality in the workplace, SB 343, AB 423*
Group homes, rates charged by, AB 343*
Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 98D, SB 265††, SB 366*, SB 400*, SB 539*
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, SB 348D
Health Care, Legislative Committee on, SB 481*
Heroin‑assisted treatment pilot program, SB 181
High‑speed ground transportation system between Reno and Las Vegas, feasibility, AB 360D
Human Resource Management, Division of, AB 309*
Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, SB 517, AB 399*
Inspector General, AB 201D, AB 404
Insurance, Commissioner of, rate filings by advisory organizations, reports repealed, AB 464*
Israel, public investments in companies boycotting Israel, SB 26*
Juvenile detention facilities, AB 472*
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, AB 472*
Medicaid, rates paid, SB 28, SB 95, SB 96
Medical facilities in Clark County, transport of persons to, quarterly reports repealed, AB 464*
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 144*
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, AB 325
Nevada Promise Scholarship program, SB 391*
Nevada System of Community Colleges, Police Department, AB 331D
Nevada System of Higher Education, repeal of certain reports, AB 464*
Obesity statistics, SB 165*
Occupational and professional regulatory bodies, quarterly reports, SB 69*
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on, AB 29*
P‑20W Research Data System Advisory Committee, SB 458*
Prescription drug costs, AB 215
Professional and occupational entry regulations, review, SB 330D
Professional liability insurance, availability or affordability, AB 83*
Prostitution and Human Trafficking, Committee on, AB 260†
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, SB 261, AB 89*, AB 214*
Public employees’ benefits program, SB 507†
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, repeal of annual report, AB 464*
Public Lands, Legislative Committee on, report repealed, SB 507
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, AB 405*
Purchasing Division, AB 106*
Recycling efforts by counties, SB 315
Regional rapid transit authority, biennial reports, AB 464*
Rehabilitation of historic buildings, transferable tax credits, AB 370
Retirement Security, Task Force on, AB 430
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, SB 377*
SAFE kits, information regarding, SB 169†, AB 55D, AB 97*
Schools (See Schools, receipt of reports, this subhead)
Senior citizens, property tax assistance, SB 456
Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs, Legislative Committee on, AB 299*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, SB 451*
State employees, salary and benefit increases, ACR 6
State officers and employees, salaries of certain unclassified and nonclassified positions, SCR 6‡
Student loan debts, SB 90
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, SB 507†
Tax Advisory Committee, AB 30D
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, Legislative Committee on, AB 143
Tourism improvement districts, semiannual reports repealed, SB 12†
Traffic violations, civil in lieu of criminal penalties, evaluation, ACR 9‡
Transportation, Department of, AB 360D, AB 364††
Transportation Infrastructure Bank, Nevada, SB 517†
Transportation, Legislative Committee on, SB 207
Unemployed persons, demographic information, AB 354*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, AB 19*
Veterans Services Commission, Nevada, AB 19*
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, SB 298D
Wildlife, Department of, AB 101††
Women, Nevada Commission for, AB 423†
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, AB 19*
Workforce Innovation, Office of, SB 69*
Schools, receipt of reports
A+ schools, requests for waiver from laws and regulations, SB 430
Adult High School Diploma program, funding, SB 544*
At‑risk pupils, objectives and performance targets relative to, SB 178†
Budget reports, AB 378D
Buses replaced or repowered to reduce emissions, SB 418
Charter schools deemed local educational agency, issues related to, AB 49*
Child abuse or neglect reports made against employees and volunteers, statistical reports, SB 287†
Collective bargaining agreements, fiscal impact of and cost of changes to, SB 220D
Competency‑Based Education Network, AB 110*
Competency‑Based Education Task Force, AB 110†
Criminal law instruction, inclusion within social studies curriculum, study, SB 108*
Discipline of pupils
Repeal of annual report, SB 247*
Time for receipt of annual report, SB 386*
Dual language immersion programs, AB 139
Early childhood education programs, funding, SB 544*
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, AB 124*
Family Engagement, Advisory Council for, SB 301*
Funding adjustments for certain categories of pupils, study, SB 178*
K‑12 Public Education Stabilization Account, requests for allocations, SB 89
Leadership Skills for Elementary School Pupils, Program to Develop, SB 154†
Leadership Skills for Public School Pupils, Program to Develop, SB 154
Limited English proficient pupils
Objectives and performance targets relative to, SB 178†
Programs and services, funding, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D
Literacy programs for elementary pupils, AB 409
Local school precincts, AB 469*
New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, distribution and use of money, SB 178*
Safe‑to‑Tell Program, SB 212*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, SB 497*
Sex education course or unit, AB 348††
Surveys regarding use and abuse of certain substances, SB 166
Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Grants Program, AB 351
Zoom schools program, SB 390*
Standing committees, records of proceedings, duties (JSR 12), ACR 1‡
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, Legislative Committee on, duties, AB 143
Transportation, Legislative Committee on, duties, SB 207
Unemployment, reports, duties, AB 354*
Educational Accountability and Program Evaluation, Legislative Bureau of
Accountability reports, notice of availability repealed, SB 247*
Annual measurable objectives and performance targets, determinations whether schools meeting, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Charter schools, duties, SB 459D
Final ratings for schools, Internet publication, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, time for receipt, AB 7*
Professional development training, receipt of reports, AB 77*
Pupil‑teacher ratios, alternative literacy achievement plans, duties, SB 353D
Fiscal Analysis Division
Ethics, Commission on, duty regarding assessments removed, SB 36D
Superintendent of Public Instruction, time for receipt of reports, AB 378D
Unclassified service, duties regarding salaries, AB 517*
Governmental Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee, assistance, AB 403†
Higher education costs and affordability study committee, assistance, AB 202*
Interim Finance Committee
Art museums in Las Vegas and Reno, appropriation for allocation, SB 187*
Bill draft requests
Limit on number, AB 189
Number of requests, repeal of statutory provisions, AB 296†
Clean Energy Loans, Account for, duties, SB 407†
Cleaner Emission Vehicles, Fund for, allocations, duties, SB 418†
College Savings Plans of Nevada, Endowment Account, approval of expenditures, AB 475*
Emergency Assistance Account, duties, SB 212*
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, claims for attorney’s fees and investigation costs, duties, SB 397††
Finance, Office of, appropriation for allocation, duties, AB 504*
Foreclosure Mediation Assistance, Account for, duties, SB 490*
General appropriations legislation, duties, AB 518*
Gifts and grants to state agencies, approval procedures, AB 81D
Home and Community‑Based Services Account, appropriation for allocation, AB 518*
Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel, Grant Fund for, duties, SB 544*
K‑12 Public Education Stabilization Account, duties, SB 89
Lake Tahoe Environmental Improvement Program, powers, SB 197*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, extension of reversion of previous appropriation for allocation, AB 488
Nevada Cloud Seeding Program, appropriation for allocation, AB 518*
Nevada Main Street Program, appropriation for allocation, AB 417*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, duties, SB 517, AB 399*
Northern Nevada Veterans Home Account, appropriation for allocation, AB 518*
Other State Education Programs Account, duties, SB 544*
Parole and Probation, Division of, appropriation for allocation, AB 518*
Reports, receipt
Agricultural extension programs, AB 16
Art museums, nonprofit corporation to establish and expand, SB 187*
Dream Tags, report repealed, SB 75†
Economic Development, Office of, AB 231*
Environmental Protection, Division of, SB 418
Home Means Nevada, Inc., SB 490*
Inspector General, AB 201D
Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, SB 543*
Medicaid, rates paid, SB 95, SB 96
Merit Award Board, SB 72*, AB 464*, AB 467†
Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, SB 550*
Assessment tools and examinations, audit plan and results of audit, SB 303*
Charter schools, nonprofit organizations receiving grants to establish and operate, SB 544*
Clark County Public Education Foundation, Inc., SB 155*
Clark County School District, SB 550*
Collective bargaining agreements, fiscal impact of and cost of changes to, SB 220D
Dual language immersion programs, AB 139
Elementary School Pupils, Program to Develop Leadership Skills for, SB 154†
Leadership Skills for Public School Pupils, Program to Develop, SB 154
Limited English proficient pupils, funding of programs and services, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D
State Treasurer, SB 546*
UNLV Medical School Building, planning and construction, SB 553*
Wildlife Trust Fund, report repealed, SB 75*
Rural Child Welfare Account, appropriation for allocation, AB 518*
Stabilize the Operation of the State Government, Account to, duties, SB 89
Unclassified service, duties regarding salaries, AB 517*
UNLV Medical School Building, appropriation for allocation, SB 553*
Workforce Innovations for a New Nevada Account, appropriation for allocation, SB 441
Joint Interim Standing Committees, duties, SB 507
Legal Division
Legislative Counsel, bill draft requests
By Counsel, limit on number, AB 189
Duties, SB 451*, AB 296*, AB 325
Licensing board regulations, duties, SB 507
Nevada Administrative Code, removal of void regulations, SB 286*, SB 299D, SB 430†, SB 435D, AB 103D, AB 330D, AB 432D, AB 469*
Register of Administrative Regulations, duties, AB 403††
Legislative Building and legislative process, increased accessibility by persons who are blind, deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, duties, funding, SCR 11
Legislative Commission (See LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION)
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, creation, duties, AB 325
Printers, default to be set to print double‑sided, requests for waiver, AB 264D
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, Legislative Committee on, duties, AB 143
Transportation and transportation infrastructure study committee, administrative support, SCR 10
Unemployment, publication of information on website, AB 354*
Alumni Day at the Legislature, designation, ACR 10‡
Anti‑harassment policy (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡, ACR 12‡
Chief Clerk
Bill draft requests, limit, AB 189
Election, powers and duties generally (ASR 3), AR 1‡
Minority Leader
Appointments made by
Behavioral and cognitive care of older persons, study committee, SB 121*
Child Support Guidelines, Committee to Review, SB 34D, AB 278*
Compensation, Commission to Review, duty repealed, AB 126†
Costs of operating business in State, study committee, ACR 5
Economics of the Middle Class in Nevada, Task Force on the, AB 155
Ethics, Select Committee on (ASR 2, ASR 23), AR 1‡
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, SB 118*
Higher education costs and affordability, study committee, AB 202*
Joint Interim Standing Committees, SB 507
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 144*
Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, duty repealed, AB 33†
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, AB 325
Property taxes, study committee, SB 489, ACR 7
Renewable energy resources, development of, study committee, SCR 4†
Retirement Security, Task Force on, AB 430
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, SB 497*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, SB 451*
State employees in unclassified service, salary study committee, SCR 6‡
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, Legislative Committee on, AB 143
Transportation and transportation infrastructure, study committee, SCR 10
Transportation, Legislative Committee on, SB 207
Trauma, system for collection of information concerning treatment, study committee, SCR 3
Bill draft requests
Limit on number, duties, AB 189
Number of requests, repeal of statutory provisions, AB 296†
Bills or joint resolutions, requests for disparate impact statement estimating effect on certain persons, duties, AB 308D
Charter schools, receipt of reports, AB 378D
Continuation of leadership during interim (ASR 2), AR 1‡
School districts receipt of reports, AB 378D
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, recommendations for membership, AB 390D
Anti‑harassment policy, duties (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡, ACR 12‡
Appointments made by
Behavioral and cognitive care of older persons, study committee, SB 121*
Child Support Guidelines, Committee to Review, SB 34D, AB 278*
Compensation, Commission to Review, duty repealed, AB 126†
Costs of operating business in State, study committee, ACR 5
Economics of the Middle Class in Nevada, Task Force on the, AB 155
Ethics, Select Committee on (ASR 2, ASR 23), AR 1‡
Financial Assistance, Committee to Award, SB 187†
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, SB 118*
Higher education costs and affordability, study committee, AB 202*
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, AB 446
Joint Interim Standing Committees, SB 507
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 144*
Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, duty repealed, AB 33†
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, AB 325
Nevada Criminal Justice Information Sharing, Advisory Committee on, duty repealed, SB 35*, SB 277*
Property taxes, study committee, SB 489, ACR 7
Regional behavioral health policy boards, AB 366*
Renewable energy resources, development of, study committee, SCR 4†
Retirement Security, Task Force on, AB 430
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, SB 377*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, SB 497*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, SB 451*
Standing committees generally (ASR 41, ASR 41.5), AR 1‡
State employees in unclassified service, salary study committee, SCR 6‡
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, Legislative Committee on, AB 143
Transportation and transportation infrastructure, study committee, SCR 10
Transportation, Legislative Committee on, SB 207
Trauma, system for collection of information concerning treatment, study committee, SCR 3
V & T Railway, Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the, duty removed, SB 57*
Bill draft requests
Limit on number, duties, AB 189
Number of requests, repeal of statutory provisions, AB 296†
Bills or joint resolutions, requests for disparate impact statement estimating effect on certain persons, duties, AB 308D
Charter school budgets, receipt of reports, AB 378D
Continuation of leadership during interim (ASR 2), AR 1‡
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, nominations, AB 124*
Government Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee, designation of members, AB 403†
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, nomination of members, SB 348D
Powers and duties, generally (ASR 1, ASR 2), AR 1‡
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, receipt of reports, SB 297D, AB 71D
School district budgets, receipt of reports, AB 378D
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, recommendations for membership, AB 390D
Tax Advisory Committee, receipt of report, AB 30D
Wall of Distinction, additions
Hettrick, Lynn C., AR 6‡
Jeffrey, John E., AR 5‡
Bills and resolutions
Amendments, rules (JSR 14.7, SSR 22, SSR 113, SSR 117, ASR 110), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Conference committees (JSR 1), ACR 1‡
Consent calendar (ASR 111), AR 1‡
Disparate impact statement estimating effect of bill or resolution on certain persons, authority of Legislator to request, procedures, AB 308D
Drafting requests
Amendments (JSR 14.7), ACR 1‡
Assignment of number, procedure, AB 296*
Legislator requests, repeal of statutory provisions, AB 296†
Limits on number, AB 189
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, authority to make requests, AB 325
Reapportionment and redistricting measures (JSR 13‑JSR 14.6), ACR 1‡
Regional behavioral health policy boards, authority to make requests, AB 366*
Revisions (JSR 14.2), ACR 1‡
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, authority to make requests, SB 377*
Secondary deadlines for submission of details (JSR 14.1), ACR 1‡
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, authority to make requests, SB 451*
Special sessions, procedures (ASR 142), AR 1‡
Standing committees, limitations (JSR 14), AB 189, ACR 1‡
General appropriation bill, procedures (JSR 21), ACR 1‡
General file (SSR 113, ASR 113), SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Health insurance bills, review (JSR 18), ACR 1‡
Introductions (JSR 14.2), ACR 1‡
Motions (SSR 22, SSR 60‑SSR 69, SSR 115, ASR 64‑ASR 67, ASR 115), SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Notice of final action (JSR 3), ACR 1‡
Publications (JSR 6, SSR 111), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡
Reading (SSR 109, SSR 110, SSR 113, ASR 109, ASR 110), SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Schedule for enactment (JSR 14.3‑JSR 14.7), ACR 1‡
Signatures (JSR 4, ASR 1), ACR 1‡, AR 1‡
Skeleton bills (SSR 106, ASR 106), SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Sponsorship (JSR 5, SSR 112), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡
Types, usage and approval of resolutions (JSR 7, SSR 118‑SSR 119.2, ASR 118, ASR 119), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Vetoed bills (See also VETOED BILLS)
Consideration of returned bills (SSR 116, ASR 116), SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Voting (JSR 21, SSR 30‑SSR 32, ASR 30‑ASR 33), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Budget, date of first joint budget hearing (JSR 17), ACR 1‡
Child Support Guidelines, Committee to Review, membership, SB 34D, AB 278*
Clean Energy Loans, Account for, duties, SB 407†
Clemency Board, duties, SJR 1†
Clergy, payment for services, ACR 2‡
College Savings Plans of Nevada, Endowment Account, approval of expenditures, AB 475*
Bill draft requests
Limitations (JSR 14, ASR 142), SB 507, ACR 1‡, AR 1‡
Repeal of statutory provisions, AB 296†
Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice, repeal, SB 507
Conference committees (JSR 1), ACR 1‡
A+ schools, requests for waiver from laws and regulations, receipt of reports, SB 430
Accountability reports, notice of availability repealed, SB 247*
Adult High School Diploma program, funding, receipt of reports, SB 544*
Annual measurable objectives and performance targets, determinations whether schools meeting, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Articulation and Transfer Board, receipt of reports, AB 331D
Assessment tools and examinations, receipt of audit plan and results of audit, SB 303*
Charter schools
Budget reports receipt, AB 378D
Local educational agency, schools deemed, study, duties, AB 49*
Competency‑Based Education Network, receipt of report, AB 110*
Competency‑Based Education Task Force, receipt of report, AB 110†
Criminal law instruction, inclusion within social studies curriculum, receipt of reports, duties, SB 108*
Discipline of pupils, repeal of annual report, SB 247*
Early childhood education programs, funding, receipt of reports, SB 544*
Examinations and assessments, security plans, receipt repealed, SB 247*
Family Engagement, Advisory Council for, annual report, repeal, SB 301*
Final ratings for schools, Internet publication, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Funding adjustments for certain categories of pupils, receipt of reports, duties, SB 178*
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, receipt of reports, AB 446
Limited English proficient pupils, funding of certain programs, receipt of reports, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D
Literacy programs for elementary pupils, receipt of reports, AB 409
Nevada Promise Scholarship program, receipt of notices and reports, SB 391*
New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, distribution and use of money, receipt of reports, SB 178*
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, time for receipt, AB 7*
Professional development training, receipt of reports, AB 77*
Pupil‑teacher ratios, alternative literacy achievement plans, duties, SB 353D
Repeal, SB 507
Safe‑to‑Tell Program, receipt of reports, SB 212*
School districts, receipt of budget reports, AB 378D
Sex education, receipt of reports, AB 348††
Temporary alternative place of certain pupils, receipt of reports, SB 386*
Victory schools, receipt of report, SB 505D
Energy choice, study, duties, AB 452*
Energy efficiency measures, duties, SB 145†, SCR 4
Green banks, establishment, study, duties, SB 145†
Membership, SB 145†
Net metering systems, duties, AB 405†
Renewable energy resources, study of development, duties, SCR 4
Repeal, SB 507
Ethics, Committee on (SSR 23, ASR 2, ASR 23), SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Health and Human Services, receipt of reports on emergency services and care, AB 382††
Health Care
Assisted suicide, receipt of reports, SB 261
Behavioral health licensing boards, receipt of reports, AB 457*
Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired, Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are, duties, SB 481*
Emergency care, out‑of‑network, receipt of reports, duties, AB 382††
Group homes, study of rates charged by, duties, AB 343*
Medicaid, rates paid, receipt of reports, SB 28, SB 95, SB 96
Obesity statistics, receipt of report, SB 165*
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, receipt of reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Prescription drug costs, receipt of reports, AB 215
Prisoners, coordination of mental health care and substance abuse treatment, sheriffs to report to Committee upon request, AB 421*
Radiation therapy or radiologic imaging, review of regulations, SB 219
Repeal, SB 507
Transport of persons to medical facilities, quarterly reports repealed, AB 464*
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, receipt of reports, SB 298D
High‑Level Radioactive Waste, repeal, SB 507
Industrial Programs, repeal, SB 507
Interim Retirement and Benefits
Duties, receipt of reports, SB 297D, AB 71D
Repeal, SB 507†
Joint Interim Standing Committees, creation, SB 507
Judiciary, receipt of reports regarding SAFE kits, AB 97*
Public Lands, repeal, SB 507
Revenue and Economic Development, representation on property tax study committee, SB 489, ACR 7
Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs
Employees of medical facilities and related entities, training and competency evaluation, study, AB 299*
Legislative Building and legislative process, increased accessibility by persons who are blind, deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, study, duties, SCR 11
Property tax assistance, study, duties, SB 456
Repeal, SB 507
Standing committees generally
Assembly (ASR 40, ASR 41.5, ASR 44), AR 1‡
Date of first joint budget hearing (JSR 17), ACR 1‡
Deposits of state revenue, duties (JSR 22), ACR 1‡
Records of committee proceedings (JSR 12), ACR 1‡
Senate (SSR 40, SSR 43), SR 1‡
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the Marlette Lake Water System, Legislative Committee for the Review and Oversight of the, repeal, SB 507†
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, creation, AB 143
Taxation, representation on property tax study committee, SB 489, ACR 7
Transportation, Legislative Committee on, creation, SB 207
Trauma, study concerning system for collection of information concerning treatment, duties, SCR 3
Whole, Committee of the (SSR 46‑SSR 48, ASR 45), SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens’ Commission on, duties, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Employees, appointment, SR 3‡, AR 2‡, AR 4‡
False statement to Legislature by state or local official in official capacity, effect, AB 390D
Flood control project needs committees, membership, AB 375*
Garnet Valley Ground Water Basin, review, AB 79*
General improvement districts, committees to review, membership, appointments, SB 462*
Hospital emergency services, restrictions on charges, powers and duties, AJR 14‡
Infrastructure, review of financing of certain projects to support qualified economic development projects, duty repealed, AB 79*
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission
Advisory Committee, membership, AB 472*
Membership, AB 472†
Nominations, duties, AB 472*
K‑12 Public Education Stabilization Account, duties, SB 89
Lake Tahoe Environmental Improvement Program, powers, SB 197*
Legislative Building and legislative process, increased accessibility by persons who are blind, deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, study, implementation of recommendations and other protocols, funding, SCR 11
Legislative Fund
Clergy, payment for services to Legislature, ACR 2‡
Computer hardware, appropriation, AB 501*
Expenditures, authorization generally (JSR 10), ACR 1‡
General appropriations, AB 518*
Government Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee, compensation and expenses of members, payment, AB 403†
Joint Interim Standing Committees, compensation and expenses of members, payment, SB 507
Legislative Building and legislative process, increased accessibility by persons who are blind, deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, authorized expenditures, SCR 11
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, compensation and expenses of members, payment, AB 325
National organization dues and costs, appropriation, AB 501*
School Leader Management, Task Force on, compensation and expenses of members, payment, SB 497*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, appropriation for participation costs, SB 451*
Session expenses, appropriation, SB 1*, AB 518*
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, Legislative Committee on, compensation and expenses of members, payment, AB 143
Transportation, Legislative Committee on, compensation and expenses of members, payment, SB 207
Allowances, SB 205, SJR 11, SR 2‡, AR 3‡
Alumni Day at the Legislature, designation, ACR 10‡
Bill draft requests
Limits on number, AB 189
Repeal of statutory provisions regarding, AB 296†
Citizens’ Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, creation, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Commission to Review Compensation, abolishment, AB 126†
Duties performed outside of session, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Fixing by law, payment at intervals, SJR 11
Increase during term authorized, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Contests of election (SSR 130, ASR 46), SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Eligibility for office, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 113D, AB 21*, AB 389D
Commission on Ethics, jurisdiction over Legislators removed, SB 36D
Gifts from lobbyists, prohibited acts, AB 396
Standing rules (JSR 20, JSR 30‑JSR 37, SSR 23, ASR 2, ASR 23), ACR 12‡, SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Oath of office, unlawful acts, SB 113D, AB 389D
Residency requirements, AB 389D
Retirement system, confidentiality of certain information, exceptions, SB 384††
State officers and employees, communications to Legislature, authority, agency retaliation prohibited, AB 390D
Temporary housing, additional allowance during regular legislative session, SB 205
Messages from Governor or between Houses (JSR 2‑JSR 3), ACR 1‡
Minimum wage, authority, SJR 6‡
Minority Health, Office of, membership on Advisory Committee, AB 141*
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, creation, duties, AB 325
Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, receipt of notice of insufficiency, SB 391*
Problem Gambling, Advisory Committee on, duties, SB 120*
Property tax, duties, SJR 14‡, SJR 13 of the 78th SessionD
Recycling and Materials Management, Nevada Council on, receipt of recommendations, SB 315†
Redistricting, duties regarding regions for appointment of members to certain boards and commissions, AB 373D
Regional behavioral health policy boards, membership, AB 366*
Reports, receipt (See also LEGISLATIVE AND AGENCY STUDIES)
150th anniversary license plate fees, revenue and expenditures, SB 37*
Agricultural extension programs, AB 16, AB 407†
Agriculture, State Department of, SB 405
Capital improvements of local governments, certain reports to be made available upon request, AB 464*
Charter agencies, SB 4D
Child and Family Services, Division of, AB 472*
Community Colleges, State Board for, AB 331D
Construction managers at risk, AB 406
Corporation for public benefit related to emergency loan program, board of directors, AB 67D
Domestic Violence, Committee on, biennial report, SB 25*, AB 464†
Economic Development, Office of, AB 170*, AB 231*
Energy choice, AB 452*
Energy development projects, reports repealed, SB 75*
Energy, Office of, AB 206†
Environmental Protection, Division of, SB 418
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, biennial report repealed, SB 12†
Fire safety standards for cigarettes, biennial reports repealed, AB 464*
Flood management, AB 375*
Forensic laboratories, information regarding SAFE kits, SB 169†, AB 55D, AB 97*
Gender equality in the workplace, SB 343, AB 423*
Grief Support Trust Account, administration and use, SB 355*
Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 98D, SB 265††, SB 366*, SB 400*, SB 539*, AB 340*
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, SB 348D
Health Care, Legislative Committee on, SB 481*
Heroin‑assisted treatment pilot program, SB 181
Housing Division, repeal of annual report on affordable housing, AB 464*
Human Resource Management, Division of, AB 309*
Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, SB 517, AB 399*
Inspector General, AB 201D, AB 404
Israel, public investments in companies boycotting Israel, SB 26*
Joint Interim Standing Committees, SB 507
Juvenile detention facilities, AB 472†
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, AB 472*
Medicaid, rates paid, SB 28
Medical facilities in Clark County, transport of persons to, quarterly reports repealed, AB 464*
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 144*
Nevada Promise Scholarship program, SB 391*
Nevada System of Community Colleges, Police Department, AB 331D
Nevada System of Higher Education, repeal of certain reports, AB 464*
Obesity statistics, SB 165*
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on, AB 29*
P‑20W Research Data System Advisory Committee, SB 458*
Prescription drug costs, AB 215
Professional and occupational entry regulations, review, SB 330D
Professional liability insurance, availability or affordability, AB 83*
Prostitution and Human Trafficking, Committee on, AB 260†
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, SB 261, AB 89*, AB 214*
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, repeal of annual report, AB 464*
Public Lands, Legislative Committee on, report repealed, SB 507
Purchasing Division, AB 106*
Recycling efforts by counties, SB 315
Regional rapid transit authority, biennial reports, AB 464*
Rehabilitation of historic buildings, transferable tax credits, AB 370
A+ schools, requests for waiver from laws and regulations, SB 430
At‑risk pupils, objectives and performance targets relative to, SB 178†
Buses replaced or repowered to reduce emissions, SB 418
Charter School Authority, State Public, SB 459D
Child abuse or neglect reports made against employees and volunteers, statistical reports, SB 287†
Collective bargaining agreements, fiscal impact of and cost of changes to, SB 220D
Competency‑Based Education Network, AB 110*
Competency‑Based Education Task Force, AB 110†
Criminal law instruction, inclusion within social studies curriculum, study, SB 108*
Discipline of pupils, repeal of annual report, SB 247*
Dual language immersion programs, AB 139
Education, State Board of, SB 459D
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, AB 124*
Funding adjustments for certain categories of pupils, study, SB 178*
Internship programs, SB 66*
K‑12 Public Education Stabilization Account, requests for allocations, SB 89
Leadership Skills for Elementary School Pupils, Program to Develop, SB 154†
Leadership Skills for Public School Pupils, Program to Develop, SB 154
Limited English proficient pupils
Objectives and performance targets relative to, SB 178†
Programs and services, funding, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D
Literacy programs for elementary pupils, AB 409
Local school precincts, AB 469*
New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, distribution and use of money, SB 178*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, SB 497*
Surveys of pupils regarding use and abuse of certain substances, SB 166
Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Grants Program, AB 351
Work‑based learning programs, SB 66*
Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs, Legislative Committee on, AB 299*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, SB 451*
State Treasurer, SB 26*, SB 546*
Student loan debts, SB 90
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, Legislative Committee on, AB 143
Tourism improvement districts, semiannual reports repealed, SB 12†
Transportation Infrastructure Bank, Nevada, SB 517†
Transportation, Legislative Committee on, SB 207
Upland game birds, report repealed, SB 75*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, report repealed, AB 19*
Victims of crime, compensation program, SB 22*
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, SB 298D
Wildlife, Department of, AB 101††
Workforce Innovation, Office of, SB 516*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, membership, SB 497*
Hall of Fame, inductions
McGinness, Mike, SR 4‡
Smith, Debbie, SR 5‡
Majority Leader
Anti‑harassment policy, duties (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡, ACR 12‡
Appointments made by
Behavioral and cognitive care of older persons, study committee, SB 121*
Child Support Guidelines, Committee to Review, SB 34D, AB 278*
Compensation, Commission to Review, duty repealed, AB 126†
Costs of operating business in State, study committee, ACR 5
Economics of the Middle Class in Nevada, Task Force on the, AB 155
Ethics, Committee on (SR 23), SR 1‡
Financial Assistance, Committee to Award, SB 187†
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, SB 118*
Higher education costs and affordability, study committee, AB 202*
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, AB 446
Joint Interim Standing Committees, SB 507
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 144*
Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, duty repealed, AB 33†
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, AB 325
Nevada Criminal Justice Information Sharing, Advisory Committee on, duty repealed, SB 35*, SB 277*
Property taxes, study committee, SB 489, ACR 7
Regional behavioral health policy boards, AB 366*
Renewable energy resources, development of, study committee, SCR 4†
Retirement Security, Task Force on, AB 430
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, SB 377*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, SB 497*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, SB 451*
Standing and select committees generally (SR 40), SR 1‡
State employees in unclassified service, salary study committee, SCR 6‡
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, Legislative Committee on, AB 143
Transportation and transportation infrastructure, study committee, SCR 10
Transportation, Legislative Committee on, SB 207
Trauma, system for collection of information concerning treatment, study committee, SCR 3
V & T Railway, Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the, duty removed, SB 57*
Bill draft requests
Limit on number, duties, AB 189
Number of requests, repeal of statutory provisions, AB 296†
Bills or joint resolutions, requests for disparate impact statement estimating effect on certain persons, duties, AB 308D
Charter school budgets, receipt of reports, AB 378D
Continuation of leadership during interim (SR 6), SR 1‡
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, nominations, AB 124*
Government Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee, designation of members, AB 403†
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, nomination of members, SB 348D
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, receipt of reports, SB 297D, AB 71D
School district budgets, receipt of reports, AB 378D
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, recommendations for membership, AB 390D
Tax Advisory Committee, receipt of report, AB 30D
Minority Leader
Appointments made by
Behavioral and cognitive care of older persons, study committee, SB 121*
Child Support Guidelines, Committee to Review, SB 34D, AB 278*
Compensation, Commission to Review, duty repealed, AB 126†
Costs of operating business in State, study committee, ACR 5
Economics of the Middle Class in Nevada, Task Force on the, AB 155
Ethics, Committee on (SR 23), SR 1‡
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, SB 118*
Higher education costs and affordability, study committee, AB 202*
Joint Interim Standing Committees, SB 507
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 144*
Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, duty repealed, AB 33†
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, AB 325
Property taxes, study committee, SB 489, ACR 7
Renewable energy resources, development of, study committee, SCR 4†
Retirement Security, Task Force on, AB 430
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, SB 497*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, SB 451*
State employees in unclassified service, salary study committee, SCR 6‡
Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, Legislative Committee on, AB 143
Transportation and transportation infrastructure, study committee, SCR 10
Transportation, Legislative Committee on, SB 207
Trauma, system for collection of information concerning treatment, study committee, SCR 3
Bill draft requests
Limit on number, duties, AB 189
Number of requests, repeal of statutory provisions, AB 296†
Bills or joint resolutions, requests for disparate impact statement estimating effect on certain persons, duties, AB 308D
Charter schools, receipt of reports, AB 378D
Continuation of leadership during interim (SR 6), SR 1‡
School districts receipt of reports, AB 378D
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, recommendations for membership, AB 390D
Bill draft requests, limit, AB 189
Election, powers and duties generally (SR 3), SR 1‡
Equal Rights Amendment, ratification, duties, SJR 2‡
Adjournment, rules (JSR 9, JSR 9.5), ACR 1‡
Annual sessions, constitutional amendment, SJR 11
Expenses, appropriation, SB 1*, AB 518*
Special sessions
Assembly committees, drafting requests (ASR 142), AR 1‡
Proclamations (JSR 2.4), ACR 1‡
Standing rules
Adoption, AR 1‡
Bills and resolutions, procedures (ASR 106‑ASR 119), AR 1‡
Chamber, use (ASR 141), AR 1‡
Conduct of business (ASR 91‑ASR 120), AR 1‡
Continuation of leadership and rules during interim (ASR 2), AR 1‡
Convening between legislative sessions (ASR 12), AR 1‡
Decorum and debate (ASR 20‑ASR 23, ASR 59‑ASR 62, ASR 80‑ASR 82), AR 1‡
Legislative bodies (ASR 40‑ASR 62), AR 1‡
Motions (ASR 64‑ASR 67, ASR 115), AR 1‡
Officers and employees (ASR 1, ASR 3), AR 1‡
Order of business (ASR 120), AR 1‡
Quorum, voting and elections (ASR 30‑ASR 33), AR 1‡
Sessions and meetings (ASR 10‑ASR 12), AR 1‡
Witnesses summoned to appear, compensation (ASR 140), AR 1‡
Adjournment (JSR 9, JSR 9.5), ACR 1‡
Adoption, ACR 1‡
Anti‑harassment policy (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡, ACR 12‡
Bills and resolution, procedures (JSR 14‑JSR 14.7, JSR 18), ACR 1‡
Code of Ethical Standards (JSR 30‑JSR 39), ACR 12‡
Legislative Commission (JSR 11), ACR 1‡
Messages (JSR 2‑JSR 2.6), ACR 1‡
Publications (JSR 6), ACR 1‡
Reapportionment and redistricting (JSR 13‑JSR 14.6), ACR 1‡
Waivers (JSR 14.5), ACR 1‡
Adoption, SR 1‡
Conduct of business (SSR 90‑SSR 130), SR 1‡
Decorum and debate (SSR 20‑SSR 23, SSR 80, SSR 81), SR 1‡
Legislation, procedures (SSR 22, SSR 30‑SSR 32, SSR 106‑SSR 119.2), SR 1‡
Legislative bodies (SSR 22, SSR 40‑SSR 54), SR 1‡
Motions (SSR 22, SSR 60‑SSR 69, SSR 115), SR 1‡
Officers and employees (SSR 1‑SSR 6), SR 1‡
Order of business, special orders (SSR 120, SSR 125), SR 1‡
Quorum, voting, elections (SSR 30‑SSR 32), SR 1‡
Sessions and meetings (SSR 10‑SSR 13), SR 1‡
Witnesses summoned to appear, compensation (SSR 140), SR 1‡
State officers and employees, communications to Legislature, authority, agency retaliation prohibited, AB 390D
State University, authority to adopt laws governing, constitutional amendment, AJR 5‡
Victims of crime, laws regarding, duties, SJR 17 of the 78th Session‡
Offenses committed in presence of child or vulnerable person, increased penalty inapplicable when offender under age 18, SB 473*, AB 395*
County libraries, Register of Administrative Regulations, receipt and duty removed, AB 403††
Firearms or dangerous weapons, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 115D
Public libraries
Gift fund, authority to transfer money in fund to library foundation, use, SB 313*
Leases and lease‑purchase agreements, authority to enter into and convey property, SB 313*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 335D, SB 448†
Public schools, requirements, SB 143
Contributors, disclosure of names not required, SB 313*
Open meetings and public records, requirement to comply with laws governing, SB 313*
Public library gift fund, authority to establish and receive money from, SB 313*
Real property transfer taxes, exemption, SB 313*
Animals cruelly treated, limit on duration of lien for cost of care and shelter removed, SB 371†
Animals impounded due to arrest of owner, recovery of certain costs by county, SB 371*
Estates of decedents, authority to enforce lien against property, AB 314*
Hospital liens
Assertion and perfection, limitation on amount, AB 183*
Remedies for violations, AB 183†
Manufactured or mobile homes, notice requirements, SB 500*
Mechanics’ or materialmen’s liens
Design professionals, authority, procedures, SB 423D
Lien claimants, covered persons, certain notice requirements, SB 338*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, participation in electronic lien system, SB 452*
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Contest of election, ineligible candidate barred from commencing duties, AB 389D
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolished, AB 201D
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority, penalties, SB 227*, AB 93D, AB 116D
Artificial nutrition and hydration deemed a life‑sustaining treatment, procedures for withholding or withdrawal, AB 93D
Brain death, determination of, effect, AB 424*
Construction defects, time for commencing action for damages, AB 462D
Contractors, recovery of wages or benefits due employee of subcontractor or other contractor, SB 338*
Foreclosure sales involving servicemembers and dependents, tolling of statute during period of protection, SB 33*
Medicaid proceedings, statute of limitations extended, AB 53D
Pornography, appearance of minor in, action for damages, statute of limitations extended, AB 145*
Sealing records of criminal history, time for filing petitions, SB 125*, SB 453, AB 327*
Sexual abuse of a minor, action for damages, statute of limitations extended, AB 145*
Unlawful employment practice, time for bringing action in district court, SB 397††, AB 178D
Accounting firms
Attest services performed without office in State, exemption from registration requirement, SB 129D, AB 454†
Registered public accountants, repeal of provisions, AB 454*
Court reporting firms, applicability of laws, SB 406*
Emergency loan program for certain persons, establishment, participation of related corporation for public benefit, AB 67D
Fiduciary duties of manager and managing members, SB 264D
Foreign limited‑liability companies, activities included as transaction of business, AB 468*
Initial and annual lists, AB 123*, AB 172D, AB 283D
Insurance adjusters, licensing of business entities, applicability of laws, AB 12*
Legislative declaration, SB 264D
Liability of person acting as alter ego of company, SB 264D
Low‑profit LLC’s, formation authorized, procedures, AB 172D
Records, management at registered office, procedures for inspections, SB 264D
Series of members, powers of companies, SB 264D, AB 123*
Veteran‑owned companies, waiver of certain filing fees, AB 44D
Court reporting firms, applicability of laws, SB 406*
Initial and annual lists, AB 123*, AB 172D, AB 283D
Insurance adjusters, licensing of business entities, applicability of laws, AB 12*
Legislative declaration, SB 264D
Custodian of records, availability of name and street address, requirements, SB 41*
Emergency loan program for certain persons, establishment, participation of related corporation for public benefit, AB 67D
Initial and annual lists, AB 123*, AB 172D, AB 283D
Legislative declaration, SB 264D
Partners, list of names and business addresses, requirements, SB 41*
Volens et Potens Fund, requirements, SB 349D
Repeal, AB 34*
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Redevelopment areas in Clark County, use of tax proceeds for programs, AB 70*
School pupils (See SCHOOL PUPILS)
Admission charges, applicability of tax, AB 441
Filing and remittance, time for, AB 441
Ticketing services, applicability of tax, AB 441
Animals generally (See ANIMALS)
Domestic wells, limitations on withdrawals, effect of withdrawals to water livestock, SB 271D
Fees for appropriations of public water, exemptions, SB 47*
Proofs of appropriation, requirements for maps, SB 51*
Subsisting right, manner of locating, SB 47*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
LOANS (See also specific types of loans)
Animal abuser registry website information, prohibited uses, SB 405
Charter schools, use of charter contract or written charter as security for loan prohibited, AB 49*
Clean Energy Loans, Account for, creation, SB 407†
Consumer loans, applicability of laws governing short‑term loans, AB 255†
Emergency loan program for certain persons, establishment, AB 67D
Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund, certain loans to Fund authorized, AB 475*
Installment loans (See INSTALLMENT LOANS)
Nevada Clean Energy Fund, creation, purposes, SB 407*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517, AB 399*
Nevada Transportation Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517†
Small businesses
Establishment of loan program for, funding, SB 126*
Information on financing available for, receipt, AB 436*
Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Grants Program, establishment, AB 351
Educational or informational meeting, event or trip, treatment, AB 396
Expenditures, definition, reports, AB 396
Gifts, definitions, prohibited acts, AB 396
Legislative standing rules
Anti‑harassment policy, prohibited acts, remedial action on complaints (JSR 20.5), ACR 12‡
Code of Ethical Standards (JSR 30‑JSR 37), ACR 12‡
Lobbyist defined (JSR 35), AB 396, ACR 12‡
Nevada Local Government Lobbying Act, adoption, SB 380D
Breastfeeding, accommodations for, duties of Board regarding complaints, AB 113*
Collective bargaining
Fact finders, findings and award of fact finder are binding and final, AB 271††
Fact‑finding panels, repeal of provisions, AB 271††
Financial ability to pay, exclusion of certain money from consideration, conditions, AB 290†
Mandatory subjects
Employment contracts, duration, exceptions, AB 378D
Fiscal emergencies, reopening of collective bargaining agreements, SB 469†
Leave for time spent in performing duties or providing services for employee organization, AB 271††
Salary incentive program for certain new or continuing teachers and principals, SB 547
Collective bargaining agreements, generally
Expiration of agreements, effect, SB 48D, AB 121D
Extension beyond term of office of member or officer, SB 356††
Financial sustainability of agreements, determinations, reports, AB 290†
Posting of agreements, time for, AB 290†
Compensation and monetary benefits
Amount financially sustainable for local government employer, determinations, procedures, AB 290†
Duties of employers, effect of successor agreement, AB 121D
Complaints, time for certain hearings regarding, SB 356††
Firefighters and police officers, findings of fact finder, applicability of laws, AB 271††
Leave to employees providing services to employee organizations
Bargaining concessions deemed to have been made by organization, SB 356††, AB 121D, AB 290††
Mandatory subject of collective bargaining, AB 271††
Presumption that full cost of leave offset by value of concessions made by organization, AB 271††
Repeal of provisions, SB 356†
When leave deemed mandatory, AB 121D
Meetings between employees and employee organizations, duties of certain employers, AB 350†
Budgeted ending fund balances, restriction on negotiation, SB 469††
Employee organizations, notice of intent to negotiate, requirements, SB 356††
Employers, notice of intent to or not to negotiate, effect, SB 48D
New employees, duties of employers regarding orientation and provision of information, AB 350†
Peace officers, suspension without pay, effect of agreements, SB 282D
Public employees’ retirement, certain provisions in agreements deemed void, SB 297D, AB 71D
Administrative and supervisory personnel, authority to join bargaining units, restrictions, SB 356††, SB 493*
Arbitration, submission to arbitrator, procedures, SB 356††
Crimes committed by personnel against child, use of certain substantiated reports to assign, discipline or terminate employee authorized, SB 213*, SB 287*
Postprobationary administrators, reappointment, repeal of provisions, SB 356††
Principals, at‑will employment or reassignment, repeal of certain provisions, SB 356††
Salary incentive program for professional growth, requirements, SB 547
School districts, fiscal impact of and cost of changes to agreements, reports, SB 220D
Terms and conditions of employment, changes after end of term or expiration of agreement, restrictions, AB 121D
Breastfeeding, accommodations for, duties regarding complaints, AB 113*
Deputy Commissioner, appointment, appropriation for costs, AB 290†
Government Employee‑Management Relations Board, redesignation as, SB 486
Members, number, qualifications, SB 460*, SB 486
Quorum, authority to act, SB 460*
State employees, duties, assessment of Executive Departments for annual fee, SB 486
Enterprise funds, duties, SB 78*
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, requests for distributions, procedures, AB 311D
Business licenses, restrictions on fees based on size of property, exceptions, SB 463D
Deferred compensation plans, authorized investments, SB 76D
Enterprise funds, transfers to general fund, requirements, SB 78*
Housing authorities, applicability of laws, SB 183*
Local Government Tax Distribution Account
Distributions from Account, requests for, procedures, AB 311D
Retail sales of marijuana, deposit of tax proceeds, SB 302, SB 487†
Nevada Green Bank Program Bonds, authorized investments, SB 407†
Regional transportation commissions, powers and duties, SB 149*
Securities, authorized investments, SB 76D, AB 152D
Special districts, eligibility to petition for exemption from certain laws, AB 134*
Charter agencies, exemption from laws, SB 4D
Fraud, abuse, waste or corruption, termination of contract due to, effect, AB 201D
Israel, prohibitions on contracts with companies boycotting Israel, SB 26*
Legal notices, publication on Internet website, bidding requirements, SB 218D
Local school precincts, procedures, AB 469*, AB 516
Minority Affairs Management Analyst, appointment, duties, SB 373*
Pay equity compliance certificates, requirements for issuance regarding award of contracts, exception, AB 106†
Regional transportation commissions, authority regarding high‑capacity transit systems, SB 149*
Capital improvements, certain reports repealed, AB 464*
Counties, authority to make interlocal agreements with other counties, AB 246*
Energy efficiency improvement projects, districts to finance, creation, AB 5*
Governing bodies, appointment powers of county commissioners, SB 127D
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, requests for distributions, procedures, AB 311D
Property owner holding property jointly, authority to act on behalf of all owners in certain circumstances, SB 258*
Rail projects, districts to fund, creation, SB 442*
Renewable energy projects, districts to finance, creation, AB 5*
Waterfront improvement projects, districts to fund, creation, SB 138*
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Diapers, AB 402
Durable medical equipment, SB 419
Electric vehicles, temporary exemption, AB 398D
Feminine hygiene products, SB 415*, AB 402
Mobility enhancing equipment, SB 419
Oxygen delivery equipment, SB 419
Veterinarians, treatment as consumer rather than retailer of tangible personal property used, furnished or dispensed, AB 439*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Felling of trees near water, requirements for variance allowing, SB 499*
Involuntary servitude or sex trafficking victim, authority to petition court to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedure, AB 243*
Intermediate care facilities (See INTERMEDIATE CARE, FACILITIES FOR)
Skilled nursing facilities (See NURSING FACILITIES, SKILLED)
State Long‑Term Care Ombudsman, duties, SB 97, SB 123*
Board of Examiners for Long‑Term Care Administrators
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Members, qualifications, AB 165*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Employee training requirements, penalty for aiding or abetting violations, AB 299†
Health services executives, licensing and regulation, AB 165*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
State Long‑Term Care Ombudsman, duties, SB 97, SB 123*
Appropriation, SB 543*
Occupational disease coverage, public safety personnel, AB 267*
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 136*
Pensions for Silicosis, Diseases Related to Asbestos and Other Disabilities, Account for, appropriation, AB 502*
School employees and volunteers, duty to report to child welfare agency and law enforcement agency, requirements, SB 287*
V & T Railway reconstruction, removal of County’s powers and duties, SB 57*
Public schools, instruction on crimes involving destruction of property, study, SB 108*
Insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
Licensing and regulation of persons performing, requirements, SB 219
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts of radiation machine operators, effect, SB 52D
Women’s Health Connection Program, appropriation, AB 388*
Affordable Care Act, alignment of state laws with Act, duties of MCO’s, AB 408††
Alcohol or drug abuse treatment, reimbursement procedures, SB 262*
Applicability of insurance laws, AB 213D
Assisted suicide, applicability of laws, SB 261†
Autism spectrum disorders, services provided by early intervention agencies, reimbursement required, AB 304*
Cancer, coverage of metastatic cancer treatment, requirements, SB 404D
Chronic conditions, duties of organizations, fines for violations, AB 352D
Complaints of insureds, system for resolving, duties of State Board of Health removed, AB 83*
Contraceptives, coverage requirements, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 249*, AB 408††
Contributions to nonprofit advocacy or research organizations, reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Dental care and fees, prohibited acts by MCO’s, notices to insureds, AB 213D
Dependent child coverage, continuation until child reaches 26 years of age, SB 394†, AB 408††
Drug formularies, duties, SB 265†, AB 381†
Drugs prescribed, dispensed or administered for unapproved purposes, coverage not required, SB 346D
Emergency care, out‑of‑network payments for, procedures, reports, AB 382††
Essential health benefits, determination, coverage requirements, SB 394†
Health status of consumer, duties, prohibited acts, SB 394†, AB 408††
Maternal and newborn care, coverage, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 408††
Mental health treatment, payments to be made directly to provider, requirements, refunds, SB 262*
Network plans, requirements, SB 289, AB 83*
Patient‑centered medical homes, payments or incentives, SB 139
Pharmacy benefit managers, duties, SB 539*
Physician assistants, designation as primary care provider under certain circumstances, AB 284D
Preexisting conditions, duties, prohibited acts, SB 394†, AB 408††
Prescription drugs, copayment structures, requirements, SB 436D
Preventive health care services, establishment, coverage requirements, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 408††
Quality of health care services, annual report, AB 83*
Emergency assistance requested by tenant, adverse action by or against landlord prohibited, remedies, AB 133*
Housing Advocate, creation of position, duties, SB 500*
Internet service, assistance to low‑income households, requirements, AB 111
Annual fees for lots in park, requirements, notice, penalty, SB 500*
Liens, notice to Housing Division, SB 500*
Low‑Income Housing, Account for, use, SB 500*
Low‑Income Owners of Manufactured Homes, Fund for, repeal, SB 500*
Medical marijuana, eviction of tenant for use prohibited, SB 378D
Construction, sale or installation
Fines and fees, deposit, SB 500*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Housing Advocate, creation of position, duties, SB 500*
Liens, notice requirements, SB 500*
Medical marijuana, eviction of tenant for medical use prohibited, SB 378D
School districts, impact of proposed construction or development of five or more lots, reports, AB 120D
Aircraft and component industry, eligibility for partial abatement of taxes, SB 179
Brew pubs, number of barrels of malt beverages operator authorized to manufacture, increase, SB 130D, AB 431*
Breweries, applicability of certain laws, AB 431*
Cigarette manufacturers (See CIGARETTES)
Drug manufacturers
Contributions to nonprofit organizations, reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Costs of drugs, reports, duties, SB 265††, SB 539*, AB 215
Diabetes drugs essential for treatment, duties regarding costs, reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, membership, SB 348D
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, duties, penalties for violations, SB 265††, SB 539*
Motor vehicles
Stop‑sale or do‑not‑drive order vehicles, prohibited acts, AB 410*
Technology devices, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 350*
Businesses in which use of marijuana allowed, local regulation, SB 236D
Driving or boating under the influence, procedure for testing for presence of marijuana, SB 378D, AB 135*
Employees expressing opinions relating to marijuana, certain actions by employers prohibited, SB 374††
Advertisements, prohibited acts, SB 344*
Background checks of license applicants, requirements, AB 422*
Children, products or advertisements appealing to, prohibited acts, SB 344*
Cities, counties or towns, limitations on regulatory authority and license tax, SB 341†, SB 344*, SB 487*, AB 422*, AB 463
Concentrated cannabis, taxation of sales, SB 487†
Dual licensees, powers and duties, SB 329, AB 422*
Health authority, certification of employees, when required, SB 344*
Marijuana product manufacturing facilities, duties, prohibited acts, SB 344*, SB 487*, AB 422*
Notice regarding product, provision to customer with each sale, SB 344*
Packaging and labeling of products, duties, prohibited acts, SB 344*
Pesticides, authorized use, AB 422*
Regulation by governmental entity other than Division and Department of Taxation deemed void, SB 344†
Reports to Department of Taxation, duties, SB 487*, AB 422*
Retail marijuana stores, excise tax on sales, imposition, distribution of proceeds, SB 302, SB 487*, SB 508
Storage containers offered for sale, requirements, SB 344*
THC, products to be regulated and sold on basis of concentration, SB 344*
Vending machines, prohibited acts, AB 422*
Governor, authority to enter into agreements with Indian tribes regarding nonmedical use of marijuana, SB 375*
Lawful activities related to, disciplinary action by professional licensing boards prohibited, SB 374††
Safe usage and prevention of abuse, funding of education and outreach, sources, SB 341
Sales for recreational purposes
Excise tax, imposition, disposition of proceeds, SB 302, SB 487*, SB 508
Legislative findings and declaration, SB 302
Medical marijuana dispensaries, authorized and prohibited acts, exemption from prosecution, SB 302
Saliva, testing for presence of marijuana, certification of devices, SB 378D
Sealing of records for conviction of certain crimes, procedure, AB 259††
Special events at which use of marijuana allowed, local regulation, SB 236D
Vacation of judgment, procedure, AB 259††, AB 345D
Certificates of marriage, requirements, AB 365*
Certificates of permission to perform marriages, expiration and renewal, revocation, AB 365*
Clark County, additional fee for issuance of marriage license, reports by county clerk regarding projected expenditures, AB 365*
Driver’s licenses or identification cards, procedures regarding name changes, penalties, SB 215*
Marriage officiants, definition, requirements to perform marriages, duties, AB 365*
Name selected for use by each spouse after marriage, restrictions, inclusion on license or certificate, AB 204*
Same‑sex marriage
Authorized, AB 229*
Constitutional recognition, equal treatment under the law, AJR 2‡
Mayors, solemnization by certain mayors, requirements, penalties, SB 279*
Performance of marriage without authority, penalty, AB 365*
Refusal to perform, rights of religious organizations and clergy, AJR 2‡
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Trusts, effect of annulment of marriage on former spouse of descendant of settlor, AB 314*
Vow renewal, certificate of, issuance, AB 365*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Conversion therapy, sexual orientation or gender identity, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Disciplinary action, SB 201*, SB 374††, SB 396†
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Interns, location of services, electronic supervision, regulations, AB 457*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, SB 374††, SB 396†
Recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Medicine and mental health services, formation of professional entities, SB 163†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Suicide prevention and awareness, continuing education requirements, AB 105*
Analysis of costs, fees and processes of Board, duties, AB 457*
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Behavioral Health, Commission on, reports to, AB 457†
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Disciplinary process, removal of exemption from uniform provisions, AB 328*
Domestic violence, treatment of persons committing, duties, receipt of recommendations, SB 25†
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Grievances, appeals, AB 457*
Health and Human Services, agreements with, AB 457*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Legislative Committee on Health Care, reports to, AB 457*
Expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Forms, requirements, regulations, AB 457*
Issuance by endorsement, procedures, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Revocation or suspension, application for rehearing, requirements, AB 328*
Medical marijuana, receipt of information regarding attending health care providers, duties, SB 228D
Behavioral Health, Commission on, concurrent membership prohibited, AB 457*
Orientation, requirement, AB 457*
Regulations, duties, review, SB 330D, AB 457*
Staff, adoption of policies concerning, AB 457*
Suicide prevention and awareness training, duties, AB 105*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Body cameras, use, duties, prohibited acts, SB 176*
Clark County, mental health care and substance abuse treatment for prisoners, duties, AB 421*
Emergency telephone systems, advisory committee, membership, SB 176*
Rights of crime victims, expansion, SJR 17 of the 78th Session‡
Board of Massage Therapists
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Composition, AB 179*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Fees for different types of licenses, authority, duties, AB 179*
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Name change, AB 179*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Establishments, regulation, certification, AB 179*
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
By endorsement
Repeal of expedited procedure, SB 354D, AB 179*
Duplication of certain licensing procedures, repeal of provisions, AB 179*
Board, authority to establish different fees for different types of licenses, duties, AB 179*
Renewal fee, increase, AB 179*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Period of validity, AB 179*
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to clients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Reflexology, licensing and regulation, AB 179*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Schools, regulation, AB 179*
Sexual conduct, imposition of fines, AB 179*
Structural integration, licensing and regulation, AB 179*
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain records, authority of court‑appointed masters and households to request, SB 79*
Courses of instruction, certain masters exempt from requirements, AB 440*
Juvenile courts, referral of matters relating to sex offenders prohibited, SB 472, AB 395*
Appropriation for program, SB 446
Design professionals, authority, procedures, SB 423D
Lien claimants, covered persons, certain notice requirements, SB 338*
Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of older persons, mediation related to restitution, requirements, SB 278D
Breastfeeding, duty of private employers to provide accommodations, mediation of disputes, AB 113†
Consumer Health Advocate, duties, AB 382††
Foreclosure Mediation Program, continuation, procedures, SB 490*
Offenders, provision of mediation services to offenders before release from prison, AB 316*
Termination of parental rights, mediation to negotiate terms of open adoption agreement, SB 432*
Advisory Committee on Medicaid Innovation, creation, SB 366*
Affordable Care Act
Continuation urged, SJR 8‡, AJR 9‡
Insurance Commissioner, exemption from Administrative Procedure Act for certain purposes, AB 83†
State laws, alignment with provisions of Act, duties of insurers, AB 408††
Civil actions for violations, statute of limitations extended, AB 53D
Contraceptives, coverage, SB 233*, AB 249*, AB 408††
Criminal acts, penalties, AB 53D
Electronic application system, funding, SB 533*
Emergency medical ground transportation services, supplemental payment program, SB 60*
Employer‑based health care plans and Medicaid, employees enrolled in, reports, SB 366*
Evidence obtained by subpoena, use by Attorney General, AB 53D
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, creation, duties, SB 348D
Hospitals, procedures for debt collection, limitation on amount collected, AB 183*
Increased caseload, funding to cover shortfall, AB 494*
Managed care programs
Claims data, provision to Division upon request, requirements, SB 366†
Establishment of similar program for persons ineligible for Medicaid, study, SB 394*
Offering for purchase to persons otherwise ineligible for Medicaid, SB 394†, AB 374†
Management Information System modernization project, funding, SB 530*
Maternal and newborn care, coverage, SB 233*, AB 408††
Medicaid financing and eligibility trends, annual reports, SB 366†
Nevada Care Plan, establishment within Medicaid, offering for purchase to certain persons, AB 374††
Nursing facilities providing certain care, study of enhanced reimbursement, SB 121*
Patient‑centered medical homes, payments or incentives, SB 139
Personal care services, reimbursement rates, study, SB 95, SB 96
Prescription drug coverage, list of preferred drugs, continuation of certain provisions, AB 473*
Preventive health services, coverage, SB 233*, AB 408††
Psychological services performed by certain persons, reimbursement, SB 162*
Rates paid, annual review, requirement, reports, SB 28
Reimbursement rates, periodic review, requirements, AB 108*
Sexual Trauma Services Guide, development to assist certain victims, SB 488*
Upper limit payment program
Operators of certain facilities or agencies, assessment on, procedures, use of money, SB 509*
Providers of health care, assessment on certain providers, procedures, use of money, SB 509†
Public hospitals in larger counties, supplemental payments to, AB 65*
Women, coverage for services, requirements, SB 233*, AB 249*, AB 408††
Botox or similar modulator, injection prohibited, penalties, SB 101*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Clinical trials, program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, requirements, AB 214*
Insurers providing coverage for chronic conditions, duties, AB 352D
Criminal history records, authority to receive, AB 76*
Health care records, access, use, SB 291*
Prescription controlled substances, death caused by, duties, access to tracking database, SB 59*
Address changes, failure of licensees to provide, fine made discretionary, AB 339*
Anesthesiologist assistants, regulation, duties, SB 210D
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Botox or similar modulator, duties, SB 101†
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Continuing education, regulations, duties, AB 105*, AB 474*
Controlled substance prescriptions, duties, authority to access tracking system, AB 474*
Dermal and soft tissue fillers, duties, SB 101†
Disciplinary process, removal of exemption from uniform provisions, AB 328*
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Internet website, posting of information, AB 339*
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission, communications with, AB 339*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Collaborative physicians, issuance, regulations, SB 372D
Issuance by endorsement, procedures, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Medical marijuana, duties, AB 422*
Medical records of licensee’s patients, authority to take possession, duties, SB 291*, AB 339*
Physician Assistants, Committee on, appointments, AB 284D
Physician assistants, regulation, duties, AB 284D
Sentinel events, reporting requirements, AB 339*
Suicide prevention and awareness training, duties, AB 105*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Abandonment of newborn, duties, anonymity of parents, SB 2*
Assisted suicide, requirements for witnesses, authority to prohibit certain acts, notice, SB 261
Civil penalties for violations, procedures, amount, SB 71*
Clark County, transportation of persons to facilities, repeal of quarterly reports, AB 464*
Clinical trials, program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, duties, AB 214*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts by personnel, AB 408††
Drug overdoses, reports, duties, penalty for noncompliance, AB 474*
Emergency medical services (See EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES)
Fetal alcohol syndrome disorder, duty to report cases, SB 480*
Hospice care (See HOSPICE CARE)
Hospitals (See HOSPITALS)
Intermediate care, facilities for (See INTERMEDIATE CARE, FACILITIES FOR)
Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, appropriation, SB 543*
Mental illness or related condition, placement of persons with, certain considerations required, AB 46*
Obstetric centers, declaration of acknowledgment of parentage, duties, AB 191*
Palliative care to patients or residents with serious illnesses, education and information regarding, duties, SB 136*
Patient‑centered medical homes, coverage requirements, payments or incentives, SB 139
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, communications regarding prescription drugs, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 265††
Pharmacists, collaborative practice agreements, requirements, SB 260†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Rating of facilities, requirements, SB 482*
Schools for children receiving residential treatment, funding, SB 49*
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Skilled nursing, facilities for (See NURSING FACILITIES, SKILLED)
Surgical technologists, qualifications, duties of employers, AB 347*
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, SB 71*
Insurance payments and incentives, requirements, regulations, SB 139
Study of delivery of health care, duties, SB 139
Clark County, establishment and maintenance of public health laboratory, SB 151D
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts by personnel, AB 408††
Drug overdoses, reports, duties, penalty for noncompliance, AB 474*
Insurance coverage, notice to patient regarding, requirements, failure to provide, effect, AB 157D
Medical marijuana, authority to recommend or administer to patients, immunities from disciplinary action, SB 396†
Occupational licenses or certificates
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Assisted living facilities or hospice care facilities, engaging or assisting in medical use on property authorized, SB 378D
Chronic or debilitating medical condition, definition, SB 228D, SB 329, SB 374††, SB 396†
Controlled substances, exemptions from laws, SB 329
Cultivate, grow or produce, persons authorized, SB 329, AB 422*
Administrative fines authorized, maximum amount, SB 329
Application for registration, authority of person to apply on own behalf, AB 422*
Apprenticeship programs, authority to enter into agreements to carry out, SB 416††
Independent contractors, authority, SB 329, AB 422*
Registration cards
Issuance, authority conferred upon cardholder, AB 422*
Revocation, grounds, SB 302
Temporary registration, requirements, registration, AB 422*
Cities, counties or towns, limitations on regulatory authority and license tax, SB 341†, SB 487*, AB 422*, AB 463
Cultivation facilities
Excise tax on wholesale sales
Abolishment, SB 302
Amount, rate increase, SB 487*, AB 463
Distribution of proceeds, SB 487*
Registration certificates, issuance to, SB 487*
Reports to Department of Taxation, duties, SB 487*, AB 422*
Sales of marijuana plants to facilities, persons authorized, SB 329
Amount sold in any one transaction, limitation, AB 422*
Children, products or advertisements appealing to, prohibited acts, SB 344*
Definition, AB 422*
Donated products, duties, SB 329
Edible marijuana products and marijuana‑infused products offered for sale, duties, SB 344*
Entering premises, persons authorized, SB 344*, AB 422*
Excise tax on retail sales
Amount, rate increase, SB 302
Concentrated cannabis, imposition, amount, SB 302, SB 487†, SB 508
Recreational marijuana, imposition of tax, distribution of proceeds, SB 302
Health authority, certification of employees, when required, SB 344*
Industrial hemp, authority to acquire and dispense, SB 329, SB 396*
Medical marijuana registry, duties, AB 422†
Nonprofit dispensaries authorized, regulation, SB 329
Nonresidents, recognition and acceptance of certain authorization for use, SB 329, AB 422*
Notice regarding product, provision to customer with each sale, SB 344*
Number of dispensaries, requests by local government for increase, SB 341†
Packaging and labeling of products, duties, prohibited acts, SB 344*
Recreational marijuana, authorized and prohibited acts, exemption from prosecution, SB 302
Reports to Department of Taxation, duties, SB 487*, AB 422*
Sales of usable marijuana to dispensaries, persons authorized, SB 329
Storage containers offered for sale, requirements, SB 344*
Tracking of purchases authorized, prohibited acts by Department of Taxation, AB 422*
Dual licensees, powers and duties, SB 329, AB 422*
Electronic verification system, requirements, SB 302, SB 329, AB 422†
Facilities for production of edible and infused products
Abolishment of excise tax, SB 302, SB 487*, AB 463
Children, products or advertisements appealing to, prohibited acts, SB 344*
Concentrated cannabis, excise tax on wholesale sales, SB 487†, SB 508
Donated products, duties, SB 329
Health authority, certification of employees, when required, SB 344*
Industrial hemp, authority to acquire and use, SB 329, SB 396*
Packaging and labeling of products, duties, prohibited acts, SB 344*
Registration certificates, issuance to, SB 487*
Reports to Department of Taxation, duties, SB 487*, AB 422*
Sanitation, requirements, SB 344*
Felony conviction for crime involving fraud, disqualification, SB 329
Financial statements, authority of Department of Taxation to request, AB 422*
Independent testing laboratories, requirements, SB 329, SB 396*, AB 422*
Inventory control system, requirements, SB 302, SB 329
Organization as corporation authorized, prohibited acts, SB 329
Personal information of customers and other persons, duty to destroy, SB 302, SB 329
Registration certificates
Additional certificates, authority of local governments to request, SB 329, SB 341†
Cities, number authorized for certain cities, requirements for issuance, SB 329, SB 487*
Considerations in determining whether to issue certificate, AB 422*
Fees, authorized uses, SB 341
Grounds for immediate revocation, SB 302, SB 329, SB 341
Holders, information relating to, release to certain agencies authorized, SB 329
Nondispensaries, issuance to, requirements, SB 487*
Renewal, requirements, AB 422*
Transfer, effect, SB 329
Regulation by governmental entity other than Division and Department of Taxation deemed void, SB 344†
Research facilities, certification and operation, SB 329, SB 341
Return of marijuana products for refund, authority, AB 422*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Transfer of ownership, requirements, AB 422*
Vending machines, prohibited acts, AB 422*
Video monitoring system, installation, requirements, SB 329, AB 422*
Fees, regulation, SB 329, SB 487*, AB 422*
Firearms, prohibitions related to controlled substance use inapplicable to medical marijuana, SB 351D
Forfeitures, procedures, SB 358D
Governor, authority to enter into agreements with Indian tribes regarding medical use of marijuana, SB 375†
Health care providers
Applications for registry identification card or letter of approval, duties, AB 422*
Attending provider of health care defined, applicability of laws, SB 228D, SB 329, AB 422*
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 228D, SB 374††, SB 396†, AB 422*
Documentation for certain patients to obtain, authority, SB 228D
Medical marijuana registry, duties, listings for designated primary caregivers, AB 422†
Recommendation or administration to patients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Lawful activities related to, disciplinary action by professional licensing board prohibited, SB 374††
Massage therapists, authority to recommend or administer to clients, immunities from disciplinary action, SB 396†
Medical marijuana registry, establishment, requirements, expiration of listings, AB 422†
Nonresidents, recognition of authorization for use, SB 329, AB 422*
Odor of marijuana upon person, no probable cause to search or to subject person or person’s property to inspection, SB 378D
Opioid addiction, use of medical marijuana authorized, SB 228D, SB 374††, SB 396†
Post‑traumatic stress disorder, use of medical marijuana authorized, SB 329
Prisoners, possession of marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia prohibited despite registry identification card, AB 422*
Registry identification cardholders
Amount of marijuana that may be possessed by cardholder, SB 329
Controlled substances, when cardholder not deemed a user of, SB 378D
Cultivation, growing or producing marijuana, authority, SB 329, AB 422*
Engaging in or assisting in medical use, authority to use on certain properties, SB 378D
Giving marijuana to another cardholder, authority, SB 329
Primary caregiver, designation of cardholder as, restrictions, SB 329
Prisoners, possession of marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia prohibited despite being cardholder, AB 422*
Rights granted to cardholders, training of certain persons concerning, SB 378D
Sales of usable marijuana to dispensary or marijuana plants to cultivation facility, authority, SB 329
School property, possession on, exemption from prosecution and affirmative defense, SB 378D
Tenants of real property or mobile home, eviction prohibited, SB 378D
Treatment programs, authority to continue in program while engaging in use of medical marijuana, SB 378D
Registry identification cards
Applicant information, release to Division of Parole and Probation, SB 277*
Application, requirements, SB 228D, SB 329, AB 422*
Conviction for selling controlled substance, authority to obtain card, SB 329
Denial of card, grounds, SB 329, AB 422*
Documentation from attending physician, requirements, AB 422*
Letter of registration, issuance in lieu of card, AB 422†
Motor Vehicles, Department of, duties removed, AB 422†
Period of validity, AB 422*
Permanent cards, issuance to certain persons authorized, requirements, SB 329
Revocation, grounds, AB 422*
Research programs, authority of NSHE institutions to establish, SB 341
Taxation, Department of, duties, receipt of reports, SB 329, SB 487*, AB 422*
Assisted suicide, requests for, certain information to be entered in records, SB 261
Board of Medical Examiners, authority to take possession of records of licensee’s patients, duties, SB 291*, AB 339*
Controlled substances for pain treatment, inclusion of information, AB 474*
Coroners and medical examiners, access and use, SB 291*
Custodians of health care records, duties, penalties for violations, SB 291*
Digital copies, limitation on fees charged, SB 291†
Investigations by Attorney General or licensing boards, access, AB 474*
Motor vehicle personal injury claims, duties of claimants, AB 419D
Pharmacists, collaborative practice, requirements, SB 260*
POLST forms, requirements, AB 93D, AB 199*
Advisory committees on mental health and substance abuse issues, creation by ordinance, SB 487†
Bestiality, psychological evaluation and counseling of persons convicted, AB 391*
Children’s services
Grievances of children, redress of, procedures, regulation, AB 99*
Judicial districts, appropriations for various programs, AB 395*
Juvenile proceedings, authority of attorney to consult with mental health professional, AB 341*
Northern Nevada Child and Adolescent Services, appropriation, SB 526*, SB 534*
Placement of child in facility, factors court must consider, regulation, AB 99*
Prison Rape Elimination Act, compliance requirements, AB 99*
Rights of children, requirements, AB 99†, AB 180*
Schools, block grant program to provide services of mental health workers, SB 544*, AB 127*
Sexual orientation or gender identity
Conversion therapy, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Discrimination or harassment based on, right of child to be free from, AB 180*
Gender with which child identifies, treatment according to, requirements, AB 99*
Staff training requirements, AB 99*
Southern Nevada Child and Adolescent Services, appropriation, SB 526*, SB 534*
Community‑based living arrangement services
Procedures, SB 266
Retaliation against person filing prohibited, penalty, SB 97
Employees, training and competency evaluation, requirements, study, AB 299*
Inspections and surveys, SB 266
Licensing and regulation, SB 266, AB 46*
Long‑Term Care Ombudsman, State, duties, SB 97
Notice to consumer before providing service for first time, requirement, SB 266
Criminal defendants committed to certain facilities, extension of commitment, procedures, AB 377*
Definitions and revisions of terms, SB 367D
Emergency admissions
Application for admission of person previously released, requirements, SB 367D
Evaluations and examinations, procedures, use of telehealth authorized, SB 367D
Involuntary court‑ordered admissions, time for filing petitions, SB 367D
Notice to spouse or legal guardian, requirement removed, SB 367D
Release of persons, requirements, SB 367D
Increased Access to Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Account, creation, SB 487†
Insurance coverage, payments for treatment to be made directly to health care provider, requirements, refunds, SB 262*
Involuntary court‑ordered admissions
Criminal defendants admitted to community‑based program or outpatient services, procedures, AB 440*
Emergency admissions, time for filing petitions for involuntary court‑ordered admissions, SB 367D
Person with mental illness, definition, AB 253*
Physician or psychologist evaluations, time for submission, AB 253*
Record of court order
Hospitals and mental health facilities, requests to obtain copy, AB 253*
Transmission by court to certain law enforcement agencies, AB 253*
Juvenile justice
Authority of mental health agencies to receive information on child, AB 472*
Mental health screenings of children, requirements, AB 472*
Mobile mental health units, hours of operation in larger counties, SB 192*
Placement of person with mental illness or related condition, required considerations, AB 46*
Prisoners, mental health care in Clark County, requirements, AB 421*
Professional entities to provide services, formation, SB 163*
School crisis, emergency or suicide, provision of services to pupils and staff, SB 212*
Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services
Appropriation, SB 532*
Group homes contracted with, study of rates charged, AB 343*
Voluntary admissions, procedures, SB 367D
Advance directives for psychiatric care authorized, procedures, SB 50*
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to evaluate or examine, SB 227*, AB 116D
Assisted suicide requested by certain patients, procedures, SB 261
Criminal prosecutions (See CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS)
Developmental disabilities, replacement of terminology, effect, AB 224*
Guardianships, presumptions concerning ward’s communications, visits or interactions with relatives, SB 158D
Habeas corpus applications, duties of court, AB 253*
Mental illness defined, SB 27*, SB 177*
Person with mental illness, definition, AB 253*
Placement in facility or with service provider, certain considerations required, AB 46*
POLST form, capacity of patient to execute, determination, AB 93D, AB 199*
Clark County, mental health care of prisoners, requirements, AB 421*
Solitary confinement or disciplinary segregation, restrictions, procedures, SB 402*
Creation, appropriation, AB 144*
Appointment, AB 144*
Authority of certain patients to request, immunities, penalties, SB 261
Annual reports, requirements, SB 72*, AB 464*, AB 467†
Employee suggestions, eligibility for award, SB 72*, AB 467†
Expenses of Board, maximum amount, SB 72*, AB 467†
Group of employees, distribution of award to, SB 72*, AB 467†
Installment payments of awards, requirements, SB 72*, AB 467†
Annexation, prohibited acts, AB 48D
Charter, adoption, SB 56*
Community education advisory panels, establishment, AB 469*
Room tax, increase, deposit of proceeds, SB 316D
Special events, emergency medical services provided by host organization, approval required, duties, AB 307D
Assault or battery upon civilian employee or volunteer, penalty, AB 132*
Body cameras, use, duties, prohibited acts, SB 176*
Disposition of certain property, procedures, reports, AB 147*
Emergency telephone systems, advisory committee, membership, SB 176*
Internet sales of personal property by individuals, designation of places for parties to meet to complete transaction, AB 297*
Implantation in other person, unlawful to require, penalties, SB 109D
Creation, duties, AB 155
Agriculture, State Department of, duties, AB 33*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Application of computer science credit, SB 200*
Eligibility requirements, SB 200*, AB 331D
Endowment Account, use, AB 475*
Trust Fund, appropriation, AB 511*
Intermountain West Corridor route, inclusion of Mineral County urged, AJR 11‡
Dissolved mineral resources, duties, permits, AB 52*
Hydraulic fracturing program, repeal, AB 159
Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, provisions repealed, AB 33†
Claims, recording of documents, fees, AB 169*
Dissolved mineral resources
Exploration projects, regulation, AB 52†
Wells, regulation, AB 52*
Geothermal resources, conversion of mines to, feasibility study, SCR 4
Intercounty significance, projects of, reimbursement by county of impact costs to other local governments, AB 153D
Lithium resources, use for energy purposes, feasibility study, SCR 4
Reclamation, Legislative declaration, AB 289D
Royalties, reports to Department of Taxation, responsibility for tax payments, AB 82D
Smelters, expedited permit process, tax abatements for new or expanded facilities, AB 289D
Taxation of net proceeds (See also TAXES AND TAXATION)
Regulations, review by Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission repealed, AB 33†
Water, applications for appropriation, required information, SB 231D
Abolishment, AB 33†
Bills or joint resolutions, effect on certain persons, authority of Legislator to request disparate impact statements, procedures, AB 308D
Clinical trials, program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, requirements, AB 214*
Community Colleges, State Board for, composition, AB 331D
High schools
Computer science courses, efforts to increase enrollment by certain pupils, SB 200*
Ethnic and diversity studies, instruction, SB 107*
Juries, selection process, reports regarding race of jurors, AB 207*
Medical marijuana establishment registration certificates, considerations in issuance, AB 422*
Minority Affairs Management Analyst, appointment, duties, SB 373*
Multicultural education, requirement for kindergarten and grades 1 to 8, SB 107†
New Americans, Office for, creation, duties, SB 186
Providers of health care, discrimination prohibited in providing services, AB 408††
Small businesses owned by
Information on financing, duty of certain agencies to provide, AB 436*
Loan program, establishment, funding, SB 126*
Unlawful employment practice, applicability of laws, prohibited acts, required findings, penalties, AB 178D
Advisory Committee, composition, AB 141*
Manager, status, duties, AB 141*
Name change, purpose, organizational status, AB 141*
Abortion by minors, procedures, SB 382D
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, procedures, SB 79*
Conversion therapy, sexual orientation or gender identity, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Conviction as adult
Discretion of court in sentencing, AB 218*
Parole, eligibility for, AB 218†
Sentence of person under age 18 to term of imprisonment, placement in juvenile detention facility until age 18, exception, AB 185D
Crimes committed as a minor, commutation of certain sentences authorized, AB 251*
Dextromethorphan, prescription required to sell to minor, penalty for violations, SB 159*
Drivers under age 18, use of cellular phones, prohibited acts, SB 216D
Employment, domestic services, working hours limited, SB 232*
Gaming and related activities, acts deemed delinquent, AB 86D
Grief support services, funding, SB 355*
Guardianships (See GUARDIANS AND WARDS)
Hunting, fishing and trapping licenses, fees, SB 511*
Immigrants, district court’s powers and duties regarding special immigrant juveniles, AB 142*
Indecent exposure in presence of child, applicability of increased penalty, AB 395*
Juvenile sex offenders, registration and community notification, procedures, SB 472, AB 395*
Mental health services (See MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES)
Motorcycle instruction permits and driver’s licenses, issuance to certain persons, requirements, AB 261*
Name change of unemancipated minor, procedures, AB 232*
Offense committed against abuser or sex trafficker, when self‑defense presumed, effect, AB 216D
Open or gross lewdness in presence of child, applicability of increased penalty, AB 395*
Parent and child (See PARENT AND CHILD)
POLST forms, procedures for execution, AB 93D, AB 199*
Pornography, appearance of minor in, action for damages, statute of limitations extended, AB 145*
Prekindergarten education program, age for admission, AB 186†
Prostitution, penalties for solicitation of child under age 14, SB 214D, AB 73D
School enrollment and attendance, age requirements, AB 186
Seat belts or child restraint devices, required use, citation for noncompliance, SB 156D
Sex trafficking or facilitating by victims of crime, presumption of duress, SB 488*
Sexual abuse
Action for damages, statute of limitations extended, AB 145*
Victim, offense committed against abuser, when self‑defense presumed, effect, AB 216D
Surgery for assignment of anatomical sex of a child, requirements, SB 408D
Traffic citations, issuance, procedures, AB 68*
Voter preregistration, procedures, SB 94D, SB 144*, AB 104†
Election of Board members, technical amendment, AB 389D
Rate increases, appeals, procedures, SB 461D
Health care records, duties of custodian, SB 291*
Mental health units, hours of operation in larger counties, appropriation, SB 192*
Rating of medical facilities, publication of information, SB 482*
Creation, duties, AB 325
Financial transactions, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 68D
High‑capacity transit systems, powers and duties of regional transportation commissions, SB 149*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448†
Hunting tags, issuance authorized, SB 511*
Protective equipment, requirements relating to operation and sales of mopeds, SB 426D
Traffic control, requirements, AB 335*
Applicability of mortgage broker laws to mortgage bankers, SB 498†, AB 468*
Commercial mortgage loan, definition, SB 498*
Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act, Uniform, adoption, duties, AB 235*
Continuing education requirements, SB 498*
Examination by Commissioner, requirements, SB 498*
Foreign limited‑liability companies, activities included as transaction of business, AB 468*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Monthly activity reports of certain licensees, requirements, SB 498*
Mortgage companies, redesignation of bankers and brokers as, AB 468*
Mortgage loan originators
Redesignation of agents as, AB 468*
Redesignation of bankers and brokers as, SB 498†, AB 468†
Repeal of mortgage banker laws, SB 498†, AB 468*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Surety bonds, requirements, AB 468*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Servicemembers and dependents, procedures relating to foreclosure sales, SB 33*
Beneficial interest, multiple holders of, power to act on behalf of all holders, restrictions, prohibited acts, AB 242D
Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 235*
Foreclosure (See FORECLOSURES)
Restrictive covenants, discrimination based on gender identity or expression or sexual orientation, voidable provisions, SB 188*
Health and safety, employee training requirements, AB 190*
State business registration, exemption from requirement to obtain removed, SB 41*, AB 6*
Transferable tax credits, maximum amount, AB 137†, AB 492*
Certificates of public convenience and necessity
Denial, time for reapplication, SB 309D, AB 168D, AB 240D
Grant or modification, required findings, SB 309D, AB 168D, AB 240D
Hearings on applications made discretionary, allowance of intervenors authorized, SB 309D, AB 168D, AB 240D
Common motor carriers, taxes on passenger carriers, imposition, duties, exceptions, SB 342D, AB 487†
Contract motor carriers, taxes on passenger carriers, imposition, duties, exceptions, SB 342D, AB 487†
Drivers, right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Free or reduced rates for transportation of passengers, authority, AB 240D
Interstate Highway User Fee Apportionment Act, requirements for registration, grounds and procedure for denial, SB 31*
Legislative declaration of purpose in enacting laws, SB 309D, AB 168D, AB 240D
Out‑of‑service orders, effect, duties of peace officers, SB 31*
Paratransit services, first‑aid equipment and training, requirements, penalties, AB 234*
Schedules and tariffs, applicability of filing requirements, AB 240D
Vehicles (See also MOTOR VEHICLES)
Autonomous vehicles, operation, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 69*
Driver‑assistive truck platooning technology, regulation, AB 68†, AB 69*
Left lane of certain controlled‑access highways, use by certain vehicles prohibited, exceptions, AB 208D
Agreements to register, transfer or renew registration, authority of DMV regarding bond requirement, SB 31*
Exemptions for certain nonresident carriers, requirements, SB 15*
Fees, amount, SB 31*
Requirements for certain vehicles, remedies for noncompliance, SB 31*
USDOT number, display, SB 31*
Brokers, issuance or reinstatement of license, requirements, fees, AB 60*
Electronic tracking or starter interruption technology devices, duties of manufacturers, SB 350*
Manufacturers, distributors, dealers or rebuilders, requirements for reinstatement of license, fees, AB 60*
Odometers, penalty for fraudulent acts, SB 275D
Off‑highway vehicle dealers and related licensees, requirements for license, AB 60*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Electric vehicles, temporary exemption from certain sales taxes, AB 398D
Secured transactions, violations against consumers deemed deceptive trade practice, AB 262*
Technology devices, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 350*
Salespersons, licenses
Denial, suspension or revocation, grounds, AB 60*
Fingerprints, fee for processing, AB 60*
Stop‑sale or do‑not‑drive order vehicles, authority of new vehicle dealer to file for compensation with manufacturer, AB 410*
Surety bonds, authorized uses, appointment of Commissioner of Insurance as agent for service of process, AB 262*
Temporary placards, fee repealed, AB 60*
Unfair practices against dealers, additional acts constituting, AB 248D
County roads and streets within unincorporated town, repair and maintenance procedures, SB 63D
Diesel fuel, additional tax authorized in certain counties, rate, SB 439
Liability insurance, minimum amounts increased, SB 308*
Reinstatement fee, limitation of amount, regulations, SB 339†
Violation of certain laws, civil penalty in lieu of criminal, study, ACR 9‡
Replacement bond, requirements, penalty, AB 83*
Barbering, temporary license to operate mobile unit, requirements, AB 315D
Buses (See BUSES)
Carjacking, deadly force against intruder, immunity from civil liability removed, SB 254D
Certificates of title
Electronic lien system, participation by certain persons, SB 452*
Issuance in certain circumstances upon filing of bond, VIN inspection and history search, SB 452*
Right of action against Department abolished, SB 452*
Employers, reports to Division of Industrial Relations, requirements, AB 54*
Insurance fraud, penalty increased, AB 15D
Judgments relating to crashes, payments sufficient to satisfy requirements, SB 308*
Personal injury claims, duties of claimants, attorneys and insurers, AB 419D
Removal of vehicles creating hazard or obstruction, requirements, SB 312*
Testing of autonomous vehicles, duty to report certain crashes, regulation, AB 69*
Transportation network companies
Inspection of vehicles after crash, SB 485D
Insurers, prohibited acts, AB 445††
Driving schools, inspection of vehicles, requirements, AB 68*
Dynamic displays
Moving images or content, prohibition removed, requirements for display, AB 487*
Repeal of provisions, AB 487†
Emission control (See ENGINE EMISSION CONTROL)
Firearms located in motor vehicles on property of school or child care facility authorized, requirements, SB 102D
Ignition interlock device, installation requirements, exemptions, prohibited acts, SB 259*
Lamps and lighting equipment
NDOT vehicles, authorized location of blue lights, AB 17*
Supplemental brake lights, use authorized, AB 230D
License plates
150th statehood anniversary, issuance ended, renewal, use of fees, SB 37*
Armed Forces, exemptions from fees for reissuance of plates, SB 15*
Child support enforcement, authorized acts, SB 34D
Disabilities, persons with
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority regarding plates, SB 227*, AB 115D, AB 116D, AB 265D
Physician assistants, authority regarding plates, AB 115D
Inclusion of international symbol of access on certain plates, SB 141*
Special license plates, standard for evidence of eligibility, SB 191*
Duplicate number plates, requirements for issuance, SB 15*
Motor carriers, seizure of plates in certain circumstances, SB 31*
Peace officers, exemptions from fees for reissuance of plates, SB 15*
Redesign of special plates, procedures, requirements, AB 442
Reissuance, exemptions from requirements, fees, SB 15*
Replacement plates, terminology changed, requirements for issuance, SB 15*
Sports teams based in Nevada, professional major league, issuance of special license plates, SB 283*, SB 428†
Tule Springs Fossil Beds, issuance of special plates, SB 428*
Evidence of eligibility for special plates, standard, SB 191*
International symbol of access, inclusion on certain plates, SB 141*
Reissuance, exemptions from fees, SB 15*
Vintage plates, eligibility for issuance, SB 339*
Nonrepairable vehicles, applications by certificate holders to deem as salvage vehicles, requirements, penalties, SB 172D
Pets, leaving in vehicle unattended, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 409*
Child support enforcement, authorized acts, SB 34D
Civil penalty in lieu of criminal for certain violations, study, ACR 9‡
Clean fuel vehicles, additional fee, AB 401D
Delinquent or late registration fees, limitation on amount, SB 339†
Fleet vehicles, penalty for failure to pay fees, amount, SB 339†
Hybrid fuel vehicles, additional fee, AB 401D
Motor carriers (See MOTOR CARRIERS)
Reinstatement fee, limitation of amount, regulations, SB 339†
Transportation network companies, requirements, SB 226
Before default, violation deemed deceptive trade practice, AB 262*
Technology devices, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 350*
Electric vehicles, temporary exemption from certain sales taxes, AB 398D
Secured transactions, violations against consumers deemed deceptive trade practice, AB 262*
Technology devices, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 350*
Unregistered operation of vehicle following purchase, requirements, permit provisions removed, AB 335†
Salvage titles
Issuance in certain circumstances upon filing of bond, VIN inspection and history search, SB 452*
Right of action against Department abolished, SB 452*
School district vehicles (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS)
State purchasing contracts, vehicles used primarily for, requirements for bidding preferences, penalties, SB 317†, AB 280†
Theft, penalties for certain crimes, SB 275D
Tires, sale or lease, applicability of certain laws, prohibited acts, SB 185*
Title loans (See TITLE LOANS)
Total loss vehicle, determination of status as, considerations, AB 368D
Trucks (See also MOTOR CARRIERS)
Leases of motortrucks, additional charges authorized, disclosure requirement, penalty, AB 233*
Unattended or disabled vehicles found upon road, bridge or causeway, duties of peace officers, liability, SB 312*
Administrative Services, Division of, supplemental appropriation, AB 497*
Autonomous vehicles, regulations concerning operation, AB 68†, AB 69*
Certificates of title, duties, right of action against Department abolished, SB 452*
Driver‑assistive truck platooning technology, regulations, AB 68†, AB 69†
Driver authorization cards, expiration, AB 322*
Driver’s licenses (See DRIVER’S LICENSES)
Driving schools, grounds for refusal to issue license, AB 68*
General services tax, duties, SB 332D
Identification cards (See IDENTIFICATION CARDS)
Instruction permits and driver authorization cards, applications, contents, AB 68†
Jury commissioners, requests for list of licensed drivers or vehicle owners, duties, AB 207*
License plates (See MOTOR VEHICLES)
Medical marijuana registry identification cards, duties removed, AB 422†
Nonrepairable vehicles, applications by certificate holders to deem as salvage vehicles, duties, SB 172D
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on
Advisory duty repealed, AB 29*
Director of Department, membership, AB 29*
Records and files, personal information in
Fees for use, collection, AB 68†
Limitations on release, SB 79*, AB 68†
Persons authorized to request confidentiality of information, SB 79*
Voter registration, release to Secretary of State for verification purposes, SB 331D
Salvage titles, duties, right of action against Department abolished, SB 452*
School buses, inspections, duties transferred, AB 485*
System Modernization account, reversion of previous appropriation extended, AB 488
Taxes on fuels
Deficiency determinations, duties regarding imposition of penalty, SB 99D
Diesel fuel, additional tax authorized in certain counties, distribution of proceeds, duties, SB 439
Judicial review of final decisions, duties, SB 99D
Unmanned aerial vehicle storage facilities, duties, regulation, SB 234
Collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Reports to Interagency Council on Veterans Affairs, SB 137*, AB 19*
Service‑connected disabilities, veterans with, standard for evidence of eligibility for special license plates, SB 191*
Voter identification cards, issuance, SB 424D, AB 164D
Voter registration, duties, SB 144†, SB 319D, SB 327, SB 331D, SB 424D, AB 104†, IP 1††
Workforce Innovation, Office of, educational and workforce data, duties, SB 516*
Abolishment, SB 13*
Driver’s licenses or endorsements
Driving tests and motorcycle safety courses, requirements, AB 261*
Issuance to persons between 16 and 18 years, requirements, AB 261*
Instruction permits, issuance, requirements, AB 261*
Hunting tags, issuance authorized, SB 511*
Hunting tags, issuance authorized, SB 511*
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority of certain persons to request, procedures, SB 79*
Criminal cases
Discovery, motion by defendant, requirements, AB 376†
Misdemeanors, joinder with certain related felonies, procedures, AB 412*
Preprosecution diversion program, authority to order certain offenders to complete, AB 470*
Solicitation for prostitution, suspension of sentence, power to order, conditions, AB 260*
Transfer to other court authorized in certain circumstances, SB 29*
Written plea agreements between defendant and prosecuting attorney, procedures, AB 453†
Chief judge, appointment in certain courts, AB 37*
Forfeiture of office for failure to attend required instruction, procedures, AB 28*
Motion to disqualify, procedure, AB 37*
Prostitution and Human Trafficking, Committee on, membership, AB 260†
Sparks, qualifications, SB 202*
Marshals (See MARSHALS)
Military members or veterans, treatment programs for offenders
Authority of court to establish, SB 449D, AB 56D, AB 286*, AB 426D
District courts, assumption of original jurisdiction on motion, SB 280D
Printers, default to be set to print double‑sided, requirements when purchasing replacement printers, AB 264D
Sealing records of criminal proceedings (See also SEALING RECORDS OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS)
District courts, authority to order records of municipal courts sealed, SB 453, AB 327*
Preprosecution diversion program, duties, AB 470*
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, AB 512*
Emergency medical services, murder of provider as aggravating factor for first degree murder, AB 88D
Gender identity or expression of victim, aggravating factor for first degree murder, SB 188*
Incompetent defendants committed to certain facilities, procedures for extension of commitment, AB 377*
Juvenile courts, exclusion from jurisdiction removed, AB 369D
Peace officers, murder of officer in certain circumstances as aggravating factor for first degree murder, AB 88D, AB 90D
Art museum in Las Vegas, appropriation for establishment, SB 187*
Financial Assistance, Committee to Award, creation, SB 187†
Museum directors
Indian artifacts, sale or disposal, duties, SB 244*
Indian tribes, consultations with, duties, SB 244*
Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, appropriation for expansion, SB 187*
Nevada State Museum
Museum Director
Historic sites, permit to investigate, explore or excavate, duties, SB 244†
Indian human remains and other prehistoric artifacts, process for repatriation, authority and duties, regulation, SB 244*
Prehistoric sites, permit to investigate, explore or excavate, duties, SB 244*
Personnel, appropriation for certain position, SB 244*
Transfers of abandoned or unclaimed property or artifacts from Department of Veterans Services, procedures, SB 70*
Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas, appropriation, AB 520*
Preservation and promotion, establishment of plan, funding, advisory ballot question, SB 187†
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 335D, SB 448†
Ticket sales for certain events (See TICKET SALES)
Membership, SB 244*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to clients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Northern Nevada Chapter, appointment of member to flood control project needs committees, AB 375*
Animal abuser registry website, requirements, SB 405
Change of name
Driver’s licenses, procedures, penalties, SB 215*
Fingerprint requirements relating to certain court orders, AB 14*
Gender identity, change of name to conform to, procedures, SB 110*
Identification cards, procedures, SB 215*
Marriage, restrictions on selection of name for use after marriage, AB 204*
Minors, name change of unemancipated minor, procedures, AB 232*
Publication of notice, requirements, AB 173*, AB 232*
Statement that name change not for fraudulent purpose required, AB 173*
Fictitious names
Bail agents, restrictions on use, SB 18D
Governmental entity, name imitating name of prohibited, AB 317*
Instruction permits and driver authorization cards, full legal name required for application, AB 68†
Juvenile detention facilities, verification of name of child upon release, requirements, SB 268†
Limited‑liability companies
Low‑profit companies, requirements, AB 172D
Series of members, procedures, assumption regarding name of company, AB 123*
Marriage, selection of name for use after, restrictions, inclusion on license or certificate, AB 204*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, limitations on release, AB 68†
Parental rights termination, requirements concerning name of minor child when notice of hearing by publication, AB 228*
Prisoners, verification of name upon release, requirements, SB 268*
Colorado River, study by National Research Council urged, AJR 4D
Planning and zoning, restrictions on local government powers in or near, AB 277††
Las Vegas Raiders, issuance of special license plates, SB 428†
Adjutant General
Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, reimbursements to school districts for certain costs related to activities, AB 220D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Bail agents and solicitors, waiver of license renewal requirements, SB 18D
Charter schools, authority to reserve spaces for children of persons on active duty, AB 256D
Code of Military Justice
Trial or punishment under Code, prerequisites, SB 7*
Waste, spoilage or destruction of property, prohibited acts, SB 7*
Concealed firearms, eligibility of certain persons for permits to carry, AB 118*
Contracts for certain services, authority to terminate, suspend or reinstate, penalties for violations by service providers, AB 282*
Employment termination of members from other states, remedies for unlawful acts, AB 337*
EMT certification, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 367D, AB 429†
Food stamps, eligibility, duties of Department of Health and Human Services, SB 323*
Gender identity or expression, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 188*
Patriot Relief Account
Availability of money in Account, payments limited by, AB 2*
Economic hardship, eligibility for monetary relief, AB 2*
Sexual orientation, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 188*
Vegas Golden Knights, issuance of special license plates, SB 283*, SB 428†
Antiquities Act
State approval of national monument designation or expansion, federal legislation to require urged, SJR 15D
Support for Act and opposition to weakening of Act expressed, AJR 13‡
Basin and Range National Monument, support for designation and opposition to abolishment expressed, AJR 13‡
Gold Butte National Monument
Abolishment by Congress urged, AJR 12D
Support for designation and opposition to abolishment expressed, AJR 13‡
Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument, issuance of special license plates, SB 428†
Antiquities Act, federal legislation requiring State approval of national monument designation or expansion urged, SJR 15D
Geographic Names, Nevada State Board of, representation, SB 43*
Glen Canyon Dam, independent study of decommissioning and dismantling urged, AJR 4D
Planning and zoning, restrictions on local government powers in or near, AB 277†
Legislative study of renewable energy development, consultation, SCR 4
Burial sites, penalties for violations, SB 244*
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, membership, SB 244*
Emergency medical ground transportation services provided by tribe to Medicaid recipients, supplemental payment program, SB 60*
Fictitious names, prohibited acts, AB 317*
Historic preservation programs, notice and consultation with tribes, SB 244*
Human remains or other prehistoric artifacts, repatriation process, SB 244*
Hunting, fishing and trapping
Fees for licenses, SB 511*
Legislation related to rights, notice to and consultation with tribes, SB 511*
Specialty combination licenses, issuance, SB 511*
Indigenous Peoples Day, Governor’s proclamation authorized and requested, SB 105*
Law enforcement dispatchers, training and certification, interlocal agreement with POST Commission authorized, AB 151†
Marijuana, authority of Governor to enter into agreements with tribes, SB 375*
Museums and History, Board of, membership, SB 244*
Nevada Indian Commission (See INDIAN COMMISSION, NEVADA)
Objects of cultural significance, determination, SB 244*
Polling places, establishment within reservations or colonies, SB 492*, AB 272††
Sarah Winnemucca Day, Governor to proclaim as day of observance, AB 435*
Solar energy systems and distributed generation systems at locations that benefit low‑income customers, incentive payments, SB 392††
Stewart Indian School, legislative declaration, AB 285D
Tribal identification cards, acceptance by businesses and governmental entities for identification purposes, SB 399*, AB 415*
Vocational Rehabilitation, Bureau of, reciprocal agreements with Indian tribes authorized, AB 20*
Comparative negligence, applicability of provisions, SB 431D
Corporate officers and directors, when individual liability presumed, SB 203†
Achievement School District, removal of void regulations, SB 430†, AB 103D, AB 432D
Child support guidelines, codification in Code required, AB 278*
Clark County School District reorganization, removal of void regulations, AB 469*
Nullified regulations, removal, AB 403††
Psychological Examiners, Board of, removal of void regulations, SB 286*
Ratification of Code as revised or supplemented before February 6, 2017, AB 403††
Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program, removal of void regulations, SB 435D
Taxicab Authority, removal of void regulations, SB 299D
Traps and snares, regulation regarding frequency of visits to remain in effect until Legislature amends law, SB 364†
Wildlife Commissioners, Board of, removal of void regulations, AB 330D
Appropriation, SB 550*
Commission on Behavioral Health, nominating duty removed, AB 457*
Bill draft requests, limit on number, AB 189
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, nominations, SB 377*
Flood control project needs committees, membership, AB 375*
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, nominations, AB 124*
Professional Standards in Education, Commission on, nominations, AB 77*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, appointments, SB 497*
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, nominations, AB 124*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, appointments, SB 497*
Persons Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired, Nevada Commission for, membership, SB 481*
No Wrong Door Program, study of funding sources, SB 121*
Creation, duties of Board of Directors, SB 407*
Vapor products, restrictions on indoor use, AB 450D
Child Support Guidelines, Committee to Review, appointments, SB 34D, AB 278*
Criminal Justice Information Sharing, Advisory Committee on Nevada, repeal, SB 35*, SB 277*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, appointments, SB 451*
Creation, duties of Board of Directors, SB 407†
Repeal, SB 471*
Participation in activities by certain pupils, requirements, regulation, SB 252*
Title of certain federal lands, transfer to State urged, SJR 7D
Bill draft requests, limit on number, AB 189
Contributions, designation of purpose authorized, SB 229*
Guardianship proceedings, access to lockbox, SB 229*
Creation, appropriation, AB 417*
Competency‑Based Education Network, representation, AB 110*
Professional Standards in Education, Commission on, nominations, AB 77*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, nominations, SB 497*
Adoption, AB 379*
Adoption, SB 253*
Salary schedule for certain elected officers, inclusion, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Criminal Justice Information Sharing, Advisory Committee on Nevada, repeal, SB 35*, SB 277*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, appointments, SB 451*
NV Grow Program, duties, appropriation, AB 94*
Nominations to Nevada State Board of Accountancy, authority, AB 454*
Competency‑Based Education Network, representation, AB 110*
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, duties, AB 124*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, appointments, SB 497*
State Board of Education, nominations, duties, SB 301†
Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada, nominations, duties, AB 320*
Creation, administration, SB 517, AB 399*
Creation, administration, AB 331D
Agricultural Extension Department, name change, AB 16
Agricultural extension programs
Audit, AB 407††
Financial support to counties, AB 16†
Geographical regions, establishment, operations, AB 407†
Memoranda of understanding with counties, requirements, AB 407†
Name change, AB 16
Reports to Legislature, AB 16, AB 407†
State’s cooperative share of costs, AB 16
Board of Regents
Accountability reports, notice of availability repealed, SB 247*
Articulation and Transfer Board, candidates, duties, AB 331D
Bond issues, authorizations, SB 496*
Community colleges, transfer of supervision and control to State Board for Community Colleges, AB 331D
Constitutional provisions, removal, AJR 5‡
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, membership, receipt of reports, AB 446
Nevada Promise Scholarship program, creation, duties, SB 391*
Salary, AB 390†
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program, duties, AB 202†, AB 331D
Breastfeeding, duty to provide accommodations for personnel, prohibited acts, complaints regarding, AB 113*
Buildings and grounds
Bond issues for certain projects, authorizations, SB 496*
Capital improvements, reports to Legislature repealed, AB 464*
Construction projects
Contracts, applicability of certain provisions, SB 317
Prevailing wage laws, applicability, SB 317, AB 154††, AB 406
Public work, definition, SB 317
Public Works Division, State, reports to, SB 317
Firearms located in motor vehicles on property authorized, SB 102D
P‑20W Research Data System Advisory Committee, member, SB 458*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, appointments, SB 497*
State Apprenticeship Council, appointments, SB 516*
Charter school sponsors (See SCHOOLS, CHARTER)
Clinical trials, program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, requirements, AB 214*
Cognitive disorders, consultation with certain study committee, SB 121*
Community colleges
Bond issues for campus projects, authorizations, SB 496*
Nevada Promise Scholarship program, duties, SB 391*
State Apprenticeship Council, representation, SB 516*
Transfer of oversight to State Board for Community Colleges, AB 331D
Competency‑Based Education Network, membership, AB 110*
Competency‑Based Education Task Force, membership, AB 110†
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, duties, AB 471*
Degrees, military education, training or occupational experience, application of credit to coursework requirements, SB 457*
Economics of the Middle Class in Nevada, Task Force on the, assistance, AB 155
Educator ethics, receipt of Model Code, membership on Advisory Group, AB 124*
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, membership, AB 446
Killed in performance of duties, payment of undergraduate fees and expenses for dependent child, AB 1*
Public Employees’ Benefits Program, Board of the, membership, SB 502*
Unemployment compensation
Employment in multiple capacities, effect, SB 52†
Overpayments received, effect, remedies of State, SB 52D
Energy efficiency measures, audit, duties, SCR 4
Gender equality in the workplace, surveys, availability of results, SB 343†
Geographic information specialist, employment, appropriation, AB 94*
High school pupils, participation in dual credit courses, receipt of cooperative agreements, SB 19*
Higher education costs and affordability study committee, assistance, AB 202*
Land grant institutions, designation, AB 407††
Legislature, authority regarding State University, constitutional amendment, AJR 5‡
Medical marijuana, authority to establish research programs, SB 341
Medicine, School of
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, membership, SB 348D
State Public Health Laboratory, assistance to State Department of Agriculture, AB 33*
Military education, training and occupational experience
Credits earned by student, application to coursework requirements, SB 457*
Statewide standards for awarding credit, requirements, duties, SB 457*
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, creation, duties, AB 325
Nevada Promise Scholarship program, creation, SB 391*
NevadaTeach Program, appropriation, AB 522*
NV Grow Program, continuation, appropriations, AB 94*
Pay equity compliance certificates, requirements for issuance regarding award of contracts, AB 106†
Police departments
Immigration enforcement, certain actions by campus police prohibited, SB 223D, AB 357D
Reports concerning activities, repeal, AB 464*
Presidents, duties regarding cooperative extension programs, AB 407†
Printers used by System, default setting requirements, AB 264D
Problem Gambling, Advisory Committee on, representation removed, SB 120*
Public Works Division, State, duty to inspect buildings and physical plant facilities removed, SB 45*
Renewable energy resources development, legislative study, consultation, SCR 4
Scholarships (See SCHOLARSHIPS)
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program (See GRANTS)
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, creation, duties, AB 390D
Student loans, duties, reports, SB 90
Student publications, adoption of policy relating to distribution and right of expression of journalists, SB 420*
Admission, application of computer science credit, SB 200*
Armed Forces members, exemptions from tuition charges, AB 24*
Gender identity or expression, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 188*
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, student membership, AB 446
Military education, training or occupational experience, application of credit to coursework requirements, SB 457*
Public employees killed in performance of duties, payment of fees and expenses for dependent child, AB 1*
Sexual orientation, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 188*
Nevada Veterans Services Commission, representation, SB 58*
Tuition charges, exemptions for veterans and certain relatives, AB 24*
Workforce development programs, receipt of credit upon completion, SB 19*
Substance abuse services research programs, funding, AB 422*
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, funding, requirements, SB 544*
Teaching and Educator Preparation, Nevada Institute on, establishment, SB 548*
Telecommunications Advisory Council, membership, SB 53*
UNLV College of Engineering, Academic and Research Building, funding for planning, SB 553*
UNLV Medical School Building, funding, duties, SB 553*
Weapons on property, persons authorized to carry, SB 102D
Workforce development, support and establishment of certain programs, SB 441
Workforce Innovation, Office of, educational and workforce data, duties, SB 516*
Workplace, surveys of gender equality in the workplace, availability of results, SB 343†
Persons Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired, Nevada Commission for, membership, SB 481*
Creation, administration, SB 517†
Creation, duties, SB 186
Abandoned or unclaimed property, publication of certain information, requirements, SB 10*
Criminal history records, authority to receive, AB 76*
Guardianships, notice of sale of ward’s property, requirements, exceptions, AB 130*
Legal notices, publication of Internet website address where posted, contact information, SB 218D
Name changes, publication requirements
Gender identity, name change to conform to, waiver of publication requirements, SB 110*
Parental rights termination, service of notice by publication, SB 432*, AB 228*
Polling places, publication of certain locations, SB 144†, SB 492†, AB 104, AB 257D, AB 272††
Public works projects, advertising requirements, SB 246*
State purchasing, newspaper advertisements unnecessary, SB 39D
Application to appropriate, publication of notice, SB 47*
Orders for determination, publication of time of court hearing regarding, SB 51*
Proofs of appropriation, filing, publication of notice, SB 270*
Wildlife Commissioners, Board of, publication of certain meeting notice repealed, SB 75†
Study of funding sources, SB 121*
Animal abuser registry website, establishment and maintenance, duties of State Department of Agriculture, SB 405
Art museums in Las Vegas and Reno, appropriation, duties, SB 187*
Cemeteries, transfer of title by city or county to certain cemetery authorities authorized, AB 203*
Charitable solicitations, exemption from registration laws, duplicative exemption for church organizations removed, SB 41*
Charter schools, establishment and operation, receipt of funding, duties, SB 544*
Citizens’ Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, representation, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Clinical trials, program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, duties, AB 214*
Community Foundation of Western Nevada, duties regarding Dream Tags, SB 75†
Contractors entering contract or agreement with State or political subdivision, exemption from regulations, AB 359*
Diapers and diapering supplies for recipients of public assistance, actions to increase availability, AB 340*
Domestic violence shelters, authority to request confidentiality of location information in certain records, SB 79*
Early childhood education programs, funding, SB 544*
Economic Development, Office of, authority to form corporations, duties, AB 231†
Family planning services, grants to support
Appropriation, AB 397*
Duties of entities receiving grant, SB 122*
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, fiscal agent, SB 118*
Foreign corporations, initial and annual lists, AB 123*, AB 172D, AB 283D
Foster children, grants for provision of opportunities to participate in certain activities, SB 257*
Grief support services for children, parents and adult caregivers, funding, SB 355*
Internship programs for school pupils, grants to develop and implement, SB 66*, SB 544*
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, membership of an organization which provides programs to prevent juvenile delinquency, AB 472*
Legislative declaration, SB 264D
Library foundations, powers and duties, tax exemption, SB 313*
Low‑profit limited‑liability companies, formation, procedures, AB 172D
Medical marijuana, nonprofit dispensaries authorized, regulation, SB 329
Metropolitan police departments, donation of non‑salable property to charitable organizations, AB 147*
Minority Health, Office of, Advisory Committee, membership, AB 141*
Nevada Promise Scholarship program, duties, SB 391*
Offenders, reentry programs, grants, requirements for eligibility, SB 321
Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation, property tax exemption, SB 85D
Prescription drugs
Contributions received, submission of information concerning, SB 265††, SB 539*
Copayment structures, requirements, SB 436D
Records inspections, procedures, SB 264D
Recreational facilities, agreements with general improvement districts, AB 379†
Retirement Security, Task Force on, membership, AB 430
Veterans Services, Department of, transfers of abandoned or unclaimed property or artifacts, procedures, SB 70*
Volens et Potens Committee, formation of corporation authorized, SB 349D
Work‑based learning programs for school pupils, grants to develop and implement, SB 66*, SB 544*
Commercial driver’s licenses or permits, procedures for residents of foreign jurisdictions, AB 68*
Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 235*
Concealed firearms, right to carry in Nevada, SB 307D, AB 87D
Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure, Recognition of, adoption of interstate compact, AB 367D, AB 429†
Guardians, duties, SB 229*
Installment loans, laws inapplicable, AB 255*
Insurance adjusters, requirements for nonresident license, AB 12*
Medical use of marijuana, recognition of authorization for use, SB 329, AB 422*
National Guard members of other states, unlawful employment termination, remedies, AB 337*
Property tax exemption for personal property used for display, exhibition or convention, applicability, SB 414*
Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, ratification, effect, AB 429*
Short‑term loans, laws inapplicable, AB 255*
Teachers, requirements for license, SB 104D, AB 77*
Vehicle registration, exemption for certain nonresident owners or operators of commercial vehicles, SB 15*
Victims of crime, eligibility for compensation, AB 122*
Annexation, prohibited acts, AB 48D
Charter amendments
Election dates, applicability of laws, SB 103D
Ineligible candidates, procedures regarding, AB 389D
Community education advisory panels, establishment, AB 469*
Regional housing authority, membership, SB 183*
Room tax, increase, deposit of proceeds, SB 316D
School board trustee, appointment, requirements, SB 243D
Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition, elimination, SB 422*
Special events, emergency medical services provided by host organization, approval required, duties, AB 307D
Advertisements, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 148*
Electronic notaries public
Applications, procedures, AB 413*, AB 476*
Appointment, term, renewal, AB 413*, AB 476*
Authentication of signature, requirements, penalties for unlawful acts, AB 476*
Authorized acts, AB 413*, AB 476*
Bond requirements, AB 413*, AB 476*
Charges for services, increase in fees, prohibition on charges by state or local government employee, AB 413*
Courses of study
Repeal of requirements, AB 413†
Requirements, AB 413*, AB 476*
Journals, requirements, AB 413*, AB 476*
Lost, stolen or damaged seal or signature, duties following, AB 413*, AB 476*
Practice without registration, penalties, AB 413*
Recordings of electronic notarial acts, duties, AB 413*
Registration, requirements, AB 413*
Seal or signature lost, stolen or damaged, duties following, AB 413*, AB 476*
Technology or device used to create electronic signature, effectiveness or security, requirements, AB 476*
Electronic Notary Public Authorization Act, name change, AB 413*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Willful violations, penalty, AB 148*
Wills, duties relating to electronic wills, AB 413*
Landlord and tenant, requests by certain persons for emergency assistance not to constitute a nuisance, AB 133*
Ratification, AB 18D
Advanced practice registered nurses
Advance directives for psychiatric care, duties, immunities, SB 50*
Authorized services, expansion, SB 227*, SB 291*, AB 115D, AB 116D, AB 199*, AB 265D
Controlled substance prescriptions, duties, registration to access tracking system, AB 474*
Life‑sustaining treatment, duties relating to withholding or withdrawal, penalties, SB 227*, AB 93D, AB 116D
Opioid antagonists, authority to issue order for school to obtain and maintain, immunity from liability or discipline, AB 428†
Pharmacists, collaborative practice agreements, requirements, SB 260*
Schools, authority to issue order for albuterol inhaler to be maintained at school, immunity from liability, AB 156
Suicide prevention and awareness, continuing education requirements, AB 105*
Botox or similar modulator, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Care facilities, training of employees other than providers of health care, duties of registered nurses, AB 299†
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Community‑based living arrangement services, authority to provide, requirements, SB 266, AB 46*
Continuing education, requirements, AB 474*
Conversion therapy, sexual orientation or gender identity, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Death, authorization to pronounce, SB 227*, AB 116D
Dermal or soft tissue fillers, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Disciplinary action, SB 101*, SB 201*, SB 290D, SB 346†, SB 374††, SB 396†, SB 408D, AB 428†, AB 474*
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Drug overdoses, reports, duties, penalty for noncompliance, AB 474*
FDA‑approved drugs, prescribing, dispensing or administering for unapproved purposes, clarification of laws, SB 346D
Fetal alcohol syndrome disorder, duty to report cases, SB 480*
Genetic counseling, prohibited acts, SB 290D
Heroin‑assisted treatment pilot project, exemption from certain laws and regulations, SB 181
Hospital staffing committees, representation, election procedures, SB 482*
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to patients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Industrial insurance
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to act, SB 227†, AB 116D
Duties of nurses acting on behalf of others, penalties for violations, AB 3D
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354†
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Nurse Licensure Compact, ratification, AB 18D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana (See MEDICAL MARIJUANA—Health care providers)
Medicine and mental health services, formation of professional entities, SB 163†
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, membership, SB 136*
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Primary care agreements, direct, requirements, exemption from Insurance Code, SB 208D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
School nurses, duties regarding albuterol inhalers, AB 156
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Surgery for assignment of anatomical sex of a child, requirements, SB 408D
Surgical technologists, exemption from laws governing, AB 347*
Botox or similar modulator, injection prohibited, SB 101*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354†
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Dermal or soft tissue fillers, injection prohibited, SB 101*
Hospital staffing committees, representation, election procedures, SB 482*
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Dispute resolution clause in contracts, requirements, SB 360*, AB 288*
Employees, training and competency evaluation, requirements, study, AB 299*
Mental illness or related condition, placement of persons with, certain considerations required, AB 46*
Palliative care to patients with serious illnesses, education and information regarding, duties, SB 136*
Rating of facilities, requirements, SB 482*
State Long‑Term Care Ombudsman, duties, SB 123*
Supervision, AB 165*
Community‑based living arrangement services, laws inapplicable, SB 266, AB 46*
Employees, training and competency evaluation, requirements, study, AB 299*
Rating of medical facilities, publication of information, SB 482*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Community‑based living arrangement services, laws inapplicable, SB 266, AB 46*
Rating of medical facilities, publication of information, SB 482*
Advanced practice registered nurses, regulations, SB 227*, AB 116D
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Botox or similar modulator, duties, SB 101†
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Continuing education, regulations, duties, AB 474*
Controlled substance prescriptions, duties, authority to access tracking system, AB 474*
Dermal and soft tissue fillers, duties, SB 101†
Disciplinary process, removal of exemption from uniform provisions, AB 328*
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Licenses or certificates
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Issuance by endorsement, procedures, SB 69*, SB 354†
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Medical marijuana, receipt of information regarding attending health care providers, duties, SB 228D, AB 422*
Suicide prevention and awareness training, duties, AB 105*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Continuation, appropriations, AB 94*
Nye County Water District, abolishment, effect, SB 21D
Abolishment, SB 21D
Definition for purposes of laws, SB 165*
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, reports, duties, SB 165*
Parentage, declaration of acknowledgment, duties, AB 191*
Rating of facilities, requirements, SB 482*
Causation, interchangeable use of certain phrases authorized when determining, AB 458*
Industrial insurers, certain reporting requirement removed, AB 54†
Pensions for Silicosis, Diseases Related to Asbestos and Other Disabilities, Account for, appropriation, AB 502*
Police officers, firefighters and arson investigators
Cancer, compensation for disability, exemption from certain prohibition on payment, AB 267*
Contested claims, claimant as prevailing party, effect, AB 267*
Lung disease and heart disease, compensation for disability, exemption from certain prohibition on payment, AB 267*
Physical examinations, dissemination and use of results, restrictions, AB 267*
Employers, accident reports, duties, AB 54*
Entertainment industry, employee training requirements, penalties for violations, AB 190*
Industrial insurers, certain reporting requirement removed, AB 54†
Residential construction, safety requirements, AB 295D
Board of Occupational Therapy
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to patients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Dealers, lessors and manufacturers
Licensing requirements, AB 60*
Violations, authorized uses of surety bonds, appointment of Commissioner of Insurance as agent for service of process, AB 262*
Helmets, requirement removed, AB 335†
Off‑Highway Vehicle Program, creation, AB 29*
Operation on paved highways, evaluation of laws regarding, AB 29*
2‑year registration period, AB 363D
Internet registration, requirements, funding of portal, AB 363D
Renewal, late fees
Determination, SB 339†
Waiver authorized, requirements, AB 363D
Account for Off‑Highway Vehicle, administrative duties transferred, use, AB 29*
Biennial report to Legislature, AB 29*
Composition, AB 29*
Duties generally, AB 29*
Ex officio members, AB 29*
Executive Secretary, employment, removal of provisions, AB 29*
Grants, procedures, AB 29*
Nonvoting advisers, removal of provisions, AB 29*
Off‑Highway Vehicle Program, creation, duties, AB 29*
Officers, election, AB 29*
Operation of vehicles on paved highways, evaluation of laws regarding, duties, AB 29*
Quorum, AB 29*
Replacement of members authorized, procedure, AB 29*
Salary for certain members authorized, AB 29*
Staff, AB 29*
Technical advisory committee, formation authorized, AB 29*
Transfer of Commission to State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, AB 29*
Fracking prohibited, assessment and disclosure program repealed, AB 159
Common‑interest communities, transfer of Ombudsman from Real Estate Division to Office of Attorney General, SB 114
Long‑Term Care Ombudsman, State, duties, SB 97, SB 123*
Capital improvements legislation, bond issues, SB 546*
Nevada Parks, Trails and Open Space District Act, adoption, AB 379*
Ophthalmic or contact lenses, prescriptions, duties, AB 129D
Acquisition and use, AB 428†
Pharmacists, authority to furnish without prescription, AB 428*
Continuing education for practitioners, requirements, AB 474*
Medical marijuana, use by persons addicted to opioids, SB 228D, SB 374††, SB 396†
Prescriptions, duties of practitioners, SB 59*, AB 474*
Board of Dispensing Opticians
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to patients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Contact lenses, initial fitting, duties, AB 129D
Continuing education, requirements, AB 474*
Controlled substance prescriptions, duties, registration to access tracking system, AB 474*
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Restoration, application for, requirements, AB 328*
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to patients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Nevada State Board of Optometry
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Continuing education, regulations, duties, AB 474*
Controlled substance prescriptions, duties, authority to access tracking system, AB 474*
Disciplinary process, removal of exemption from uniform provisions, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Ophthalmic lens prescriptions, issuance, duties, AB 129D
Pharmacists, collaborative practice agreements, requirements, SB 260*
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Practice of optometry, acts constituting, AB 129D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Therapeutic pharmaceutical agents, authority to administer and prescribe, laws clarified, SB 346D
Abandoned residential property, establishment of registry, provisions continued, SB 267*
Agriculture, authority to establish urban agriculture zones, SB 429*
Annexation, detachment of land unlawfully annexed by city, AB 48D
Autonomous vehicles or automated driving systems, ordinances regulating deemed void, AB 69*
Baby changing facilities, requirements, AB 241*
City utility services
Certain ordinances null and void, AB 48D
Collection of delinquent charges, procedures, AB 8*
Community gardening, authority to allow use of certain land, SB 429*
County Treasurer, Account for the Acquisition and Improvement of Technology in the Office of the, creation, SB 245†
Dangerous wild animals, regulation, AB 238D
Dextromethorphan, local regulation of sale, receipt or possession prohibited, SB 159*
Diesel fuel, imposition of additional tax in certain counties, SB 439
Elections, establishment of certain polling places, SB 144†
Governing bodies, designation of certain members as appointive rather than elective, SB 127D
Hosting platforms facilitating certain rentals, reports to local governments, requirements, AB 321*
Businesses in which use allowed and use at special events, regulation, SB 236D
Enactment or enforcement of ordinances more restrictive than or conflicting with state law prohibited, SB 344*, SB 487*
Solemnization, violations, delegation of authority to determine, AB 365*
Vow renewal certificates, regulation, AB 365†
Mental health and substance abuse issues, advisory committees on, creation, SB 487†
Real property, regulation of signs regarding permissive use, AB 380*
Regional transportation commissions in larger counties, imposition of taxes to fund, SB 149*
Reno, reports of campaign contributions received by Mayor and Council Members, AB 36*
Sanctuary, prohibited ordinances, financial penalty, SB 333D
Vacant private property, authority to require registration with city, SB 24D
Determination of brain death, withholding or withdrawal of organ‑sustaining treatment, when prohibited, AB 424*
Public schools, instruction required in certain grades, SB 112*
Abolishment, AB 33*
Allopathic and osteopathic physicians, Oriental medicine laws inapplicable, SB 466*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to patients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Exemption for out‑of‑state licensees providing services to athletic team or organization, SB 292D, AB 454*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to clients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
State Board of Oriental Medicine
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Members, number, qualifications, service at pleasure of Governor, SB 466*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Sunset Subcommittee, reports, duties, SB 466*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Advance directives for psychiatric care, duties, immunities, SB 50*
Assisted suicide, requests for, duties, immunities, SB 261
Botox or similar modulator, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Brain death, determination of, duties, AB 424*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Continuing education, requirements, AB 105*, AB 474*
Controlled substance prescriptions, duties, registration to access tracking system, AB 474*
Conversion therapy, sexual orientation or gender identity, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Death certificates, authority to sign uncompleted certificate, SB 291*
Dermal or soft tissue fillers, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Disciplinary action, SB 101*, SB 201*, SB 290D, SB 346†, SB 374††, SB 396†, SB 408D, AB 422*, AB 428†, AB 474*
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Drug overdoses, reports, duties, penalty for noncompliance, AB 474*
Emergency care, out‑of‑network insurance payments by third parties, procedures, AB 382††
FDA‑approved drugs, prescribing, dispensing or administering for unapproved purposes, clarification of laws, SB 346D
Fetal alcohol syndrome disorder, duty to report cases, SB 480*
Genetic counseling, prohibited acts, SB 290D
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, membership, SB 348D
Heroin‑assisted treatment pilot project, exemption from certain laws and regulations, SB 181
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to patients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Collaborative physicians, issuance, regulations, SB 372D
Exemption for out‑of‑state licensees providing services to athletic team or organization, SB 292D, AB 454*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana (See MEDICAL MARIJUANA—Health care providers)
Medicine and mental health services, formation of professional entities, SB 163*
Mental illness, persons with, duties regarding involuntary court‑ordered admissions, AB 253*
Ophthalmologists, duties regarding ophthalmic or contact lenses, AB 129D
Oriental medicine laws, inapplicability to physicians, SB 466*
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, membership, SB 136*
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, communications regarding prescription drugs, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 265††
Pharmacists, collaborative practice agreements, requirements, SB 260*
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Physician assistants, authority to act as supervising physician, AB 284D
Primary care agreements, direct, requirements, exemption from Insurance Code, SB 208D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Albuterol inhalers, authority to issue orders for schools obtain and maintain, immunity from liability, AB 156
Opioid antagonists, authority to issue orders for school to obtain and maintain, immunity from liability or discipline, AB 428†
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
State Board of Osteopathic Medicine
Anesthesiologist assistants, regulation, duties, SB 210†
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Botox or similar modulator, duties, SB 101†
Collaborative physicians, regulations, SB 372D
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Continuing education, regulations, duties, AB 474*
Controlled substance prescriptions, duties, authority to access tracking system, AB 474*
Dermal or soft tissue fillers, duties, SB 101†
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission, communications with, AB 339*
Physician assistants, repeal of duties, AB 284D
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Suicide prevention and awareness training, requirements, AB 105*
Surgery for assignment of anatomical sex of a child, requirements, SB 408D
Abolishment, SB 458*
Transfer of certain duties to Office of Workforce Innovation, SB 516*
Creation, duties, SB 458*
Workforce Innovation, Office of, duties, SB 458*
Document preparation service, registration requirements, exceptions, prohibited advertisements, AB 324*
Property tax, exemption, SB 85D
First‑aid equipment and training, requirements, penalties, AB 234*
Abolishment, replacement by Clemency Board, constitutional amendment, SJR 1†
Civil rights restoration, regulation, SB 125†
Crimes committed as a minor, commutation of certain sentences authorized, AB 251*
Express provision for Board, procedures, constitutional amendment, SJR 1‡
Abandonment of newborns, parents’ anonymity and right to receive notices and information, SB 2*
Brain death, determination does not require consent of next of kin, AB 424*
Breastfeeding, employers to provide accommodations, prohibited acts, penalties, complaints regarding, SB 253*, AB 113*
Child in need of protection (See generally CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority of certain persons to request, procedures, SB 79*
Coroners, notification of death of decedents, duties, AB 57*
County assessor records, authority of child of prosecutor to request that personal information be kept confidential, SB 6D, SB 79*
Day care assistance for employees, tax credits for employers providing, SB 147D, SB 455
Family medical leave
Tax credits to certain employers, requirements, AB 266†
Tax deductions for certain employers, requirements, AB 266
Gestational agreements, finding of parentage by consent, requirements, AB 191*
Grief support services, funding, SB 355*
Guardianships (See also GUARDIANS AND WARDS)
Communication, visitation or interaction, restrictions on, procedures and prohibited acts, remedies for violations, SB 158D, SB 433*
Notice of proceedings as interested person, requirements, SB 158D, SB 433*
Preference for parent as guardian of minor ward, presumption, considerations, AB 319*
Sale of personal property of ward, notice requirements, AB 130*
Hate crime committed against child of certain public safety officers, additional penalty, civil liability, program for reporting, AB 88D
High‑risk individuals, protection orders against, procedures, SB 387D
Immunizations, notices to parents regarding exempt children in attendance at schools or other facilities, AB 200D
Juvenile sex offenders, registration and community notification, procedures, SB 472, AB 395*
Medical marijuana, authority of parent to be designated as primary caregiver, AB 422*
Name change of unemancipated minor, procedures, AB 232*
NSHE, tuition exemptions for children of certain veterans, AB 24*
Parentage, declaration of acknowledgment, requirements, effect, AB 191*
POLST forms, procedures for execution, AB 93D, AB 199*
Restitution to older victims of certain crimes committed by child, requirements, SB 278D
Safety belt violations involving minors, issuance of citation to parent present in vehicle, SB 156D
Achievement charter schools, receipt of certain notices, SB 430
Bullying or cyber‑bullying (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Safe and respectful learning environment)
Reading deficiency of elementary pupils, receipt of notice, AB 409
Sex education course or unit, consent form, procedures, AB 348††
Underperforming schools, petitions requesting certain changes, authority, duties, SB 430
Sick leave benefits for certain private sector employees, authorized uses, SB 196††, AB 394D
Termination of parental rights (See PARENTAL RIGHTS, TERMINATION)
Advisory Council for Family Engagement, name change, duties, SB 301*
Teachers, attendance at meetings, payment of costs of employing substitute teacher, AB 77*
Abandonment of newborns, parents’ anonymity and right to receive notices and information, SB 2*
Attorney to represent certain children, appointment required, SB 305*
Child abuse or neglect proceedings, motions for termination of rights authorized, procedures following, petitions for restoration of rights, SB 432*
False statements or documentary evidence in proceedings, civil penalties, AB 198D
Grounds for termination, child conceived as result of sexual assault, AB 228*
Hearings, time for, confidentiality of proceedings, AB 228*
Independent review panels, establishment, duties, AB 198D
Jurisdiction of district courts, AB 66D
Name change of unemancipated minor, procedures, AB 232*
Party to proceedings, child deemed to be, SB 305*
Petitions, place of filing, SB 432*, AB 66D
Service of process, requirements, SB 432*, AB 228*
Venue in proceedings, procedures following objection by party, SB 432*
Veterans advocate groups, establishment, duties, AB 198D
Common‑interest communities, authority to impose fines for parking violations, SB 195*
Highway truck parking, use of proceeds from tax on diesel fuel to construct, maintain or repair, requirements, SB 439
Motor vehicles parked in garage or structure of resort hotel, immobilization, procedures, fees, SB 320*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517, AB 399*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448*
Regional transportation commissions, authority to adopt parking regulations and impose civil penalties, SB 149*
Residential complexes, towing of vehicles for parking violations, procedures, restrictions, SB 320*
Capital improvements legislation, bond issues, SB 546*
City and county parks, extension of time to issue bonds pursuant to 2002 ballot question, SB 198*
Nevada Parks, Trails and Open Space District Act, adoption, AB 379*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448†
Aggregated sentences, eligibility for parole, effect of earned credit, SB 184
Civil rights, restoration, conditions, SB 125†, AB 181*
Crimes committed as a minor, eligibility for parole of certain persons sentenced as adult, AB 218†
Deductions from sentence, requirements for, AB 25*
Independent reporting facilities, establishment authorized, AB 23*
List of persons eligible for parole, requirements, AB 27*
Medical marijuana registry identification cards, release of certain applicant information to Division of Parole and Probation, SB 277*
Offenders granted parole but not yet eligible for release, establishment of program for residential confinement, requirements, AB 421†
Sex trafficking involving child under age 14, eligibility of offender, SB 488†
Transitional living facilities
Civil penalties for violations, procedures, maximum amount, SB 71*
Indigent parolees, authority of Division of Parole and Probation to provide money for, AB 514*
Mental illness or related condition, placement of persons with, certain considerations required, AB 46*
Rates charged by certain facilities, legislative study, AB 343*
Rating of facilities, requirements, SB 482*
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, SB 71*
List of persons eligible for parole, receipt from Department of Corrections, AB 27*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, membership, SB 451*
Sex offenders, conditions of lifetime supervision, duties, SB 542D, AB 59D
Meetings, requirements, AB 465*
Members, number, terms, AB 465*
Accounting firms
Attest services performed without office in State, exemption from registration requirement, SB 129D, AB 454†
Registered public accountants, repeal of provisions, AB 454*
Court reporting firms, applicability of laws, SB 406*
Insurance adjusters, licensing of business entities, applicability of laws, AB 12*
Legislative declaration, SB 264D
Imposition of tax, duties of carriers, SB 342D, AB 487†
Child in need of protection, procedures, SB 483D, AB 459*
Assisted suicide, authority to request, procedures, immunities and penalties, SB 261
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, membership, SB 348D
Insurance coverage, notice from health care provider or health facility regarding, receipt, AB 157D
Medical homes, study of health care delivery, insurance requirements, SB 139
Medical marijuana (See MEDICAL MARIJUANA)
Medical marijuana registry, establishment, requirements, AB 422†
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 136*
Palliative care to patients with serious illnesses, education and information regarding, duties of certain facilities, SB 136*
Abandonment of newborn, duties, anonymity of parents, SB 2*
Animals cruelly treated, limit on duration of lien for costs of shelter and care removed, SB 371†
Arrest, warrantless, time for complaint, AB 376††
Boating under the influence of marijuana, enforcement of laws, SB 378D, AB 135*
Body cameras, use, duties, prohibited acts, SB 176*
Controlled substances, prescription tracking program, access, duties, immunities, SB 59*
Crimes committed against first responders, additional penalty, SB 541*, AB 88D
Criminal history, requirements for submissions to Central Repository, AB 76*
Dairy laws, repeal of duty of certain officers to assist in enforcement, AB 33*
Dangerous wild animals, prohibited acts, exemptions from laws, AB 238D
Domestic violence
Canadian protection orders, duties, AB 146*
Emergency protection orders against high‑risk individuals, duties, SB 387D
Offenders, fingerprint requirements, duties, AB 14*
Statement to suspected victim, contents, SB 361*
Driver’s license, authority to request display of alternate address on own license, AB 252*
Drones, crashed or abandoned, duties, SB 234
DUI, enforcement of laws, duties, SB 259*, SB 378D, AB 135*
Elections, investigation of interference with voting system, authority, AB 389D
Family courts, programs for supervised exchange of child, requirements, AB 198D
Force, use of, training requirements, AB 383
Forfeitures, prohibitions, reports, SB 358D
Hate crime committed against officer or spouse or child thereof, additional penalty, civil liability, program for reporting, AB 88D
Identification card, authority to request display of alternate address on own card, AB 252*
Immigration laws, state and local law enforcement agencies prohibited from performing certain actions, SB 223D, AB 357D
Inspector General and employees, powers, AB 404
Insubordination, refusal to comply with order of superior officer, SB 282D
Insurance, occupational disease coverage, AB 267*
Internet sales of personal property by individuals, designation of places for parties to meet to complete transaction, AB 297*
Interrogations of certain persons in custody, recording requirements, exceptions, AB 414
Investigations of misconduct
Evidence obtained in violation of officer’s rights, effect, SB 282D
Suspension without pay, effect of collective bargaining agreement, SB 282D
Involuntary servitude, petitions to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedures, AB 243*
Juvenile justice information, release to law enforcement agencies, SB 470, AB 395*, AB 472*
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, membership, AB 472*
Juvenile proceedings, duties regarding interview or interrogation of child, AB 341†
Landlord and tenant, adverse action by or against landlord based upon tenant’s request for emergency assistance prohibited, remedies, AB 133*
Medal recipients, license plates, exemption from fees for reissuance, SB 15*
Medical marijuana establishments, installation of video monitoring system, requirements, SB 329
Mental health facilities, involuntary court‑ordered admissions, receipt of court orders, AB 253*
Motor carriers subject to out‑of‑service order, duties, SB 31*
Motor vehicles
Disabled or unattended upon highway, bridge or causeway, duties regarding removal, liability, SB 312*
Pet left unattended, duties, immunity from liability, SB 409*
Police vehicles with flashing lights, duties of other drivers, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 312*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, requests for certain personal information authorized, AB 68†
Murder of officer, enhanced penalty in certain circumstances, SB 541*, AB 88D, AB 90D
Peer support counseling, communications privileged and confidential, exceptions, immunities, AB 301*
Police animals, penalties for mistreatment, AB 92D
Property held by law enforcement agencies, disposition, procedures, AB 147*
Prostitution and Human Trafficking, Committee on, membership, AB 260†
Bullying or cyber‑bullying, investigation of potential crimes, deferral of school investigations, procedures, SB 225*, SB 294D
Charter schools, complaints against, procedures, investigations, AB 49*
Child abuse or neglect, reports of, duties, SB 287*
Luring a child, reports of, duties, SB 287*
School resource officers, duties, AB 127*
Sexual conduct between employee or volunteer and pupil, reports of, duties, SB 287*
Suicide response, duties, SB 212*
Truants, duties, AB 186
Video cameras in classrooms used for special education, release of recordings authorized, SB 224
Sex trafficking, petitions to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedures, AB 243*
Sexual assault forensic evidence kits, duties, SB 169†, AB 55D, AB 97*
Stops or seizures, unlawful, effect on admissibility of evidence, SB 368†
Taxicab field investigators, peace officer powers, probable cause required to initiate traffic stop, AB 487*
Traffic citations, issuance, procedures, AB 68*
Use of force, training requirements, AB 383
Vehicular event recording devices, funding, procedures, SB 176*
Constables in certain townships, exemption from certification requirement, SB 250†
Dispatchers, training and certification, duties, AB 151*
Prostitution and Human Trafficking, Committee on, receipt of recommendations, AB 260†
Use of force, training requirements, duties, AB 383
Days of observance, designation, AB 461*
Real property, notice of permissive use by public for pedestrian access, recording, revocation, AB 380*
Fish, use for pedicures in certain establishments authorized, AB 158D
Communications confidential and privileged, exceptions, immunities, AB 301*
Civil penalties for violations, procedures, maximum amount, SB 71*
Redesignation as behavioral healthcare peer recovery support organizations, AB 194†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, SB 71*
Certification requirements, AB 194D
Duties, prohibited acts, AB 194D
Redesignation as behavioral healthcare peer recovery support specialists, AB 194D
Address changes, failure to notify Board, fine made discretionary, AB 339*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Disciplinary action, posting of information by Board, AB 339*
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to patients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to clients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Medical records (See MEDICAL RECORDS)
Board of Medical Examiners, authority to take possession of records of licensee’s patients, duties, SB 291*, AB 339*
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Acceptance by businesses and governmental entities for identification purposes, AB 162*
Civil penalties for violations, procedures, maximum amount, SB 71*
Authority to check vital signs, administer insulin and perform blood glucose test, regulations, SB 324*
Sleeping period, agreements to exclude from wages, requirements, SB 318*
Training and competency evaluation, requirements, study, AB 299*
Employment agencies contracting with persons to provide nonmedical services, licensing and regulation, SB 388*
Medicaid (See also MEDICAID)
Assessment of certain operators of agencies, procedures, use of money, SB 509*
Study of reimbursements rates, SB 95
Rating of facilities for the dependent, publication of information, SB 482*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Temporary respite services, laws pertaining to agencies inapplicable, AB 46*
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, SB 71*
Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 235*
Consumer goods, prohibited acts by sellers or lessors, penalties, SB 185*
Display, exhibition or convention, tax exemption for property of nonresidents, applicability, SB 414*
Internet sales, designation of places for parties to meet to complete transaction, AB 297*
Stolen, embezzled or other property held by law enforcement agencies, disposition, procedures, AB 147*
Alternate members, appointment, authority, AB 467*
Breastfeeding, provision of accommodations, duties regarding complaints, AB 113*
Grievance resolution, regulations, SB 465
Human Resource Management, Division of (See ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF)
Quorum, establishment, authority to act, AB 467*
Definitions, AB 32*
Disciplinary action, grounds, AB 32*
Licensing and regulation, AB 32*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Work cards, requirements for applicators, procedure for issuance, AB 32†
Marijuana establishments, authorized use, AB 422*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts of license holders, effect, SB 52D
Operators, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 405
Drug manufacturers, duties, penalties for violations, SB 265††, SB 539*
Duties, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 265††, SB 539*
Licensure and regulation, SB 265†
List of active representatives, creation and electronic access, SB 265††, SB 539*
Albuterol inhalers dispensed to schools, immunity from liability, AB 156
Assisted suicide, authority to dispense drugs, duties, immunities, SB 261
Biological products, requirements regarding records, authority to dispense interchangeable products, AB 245*
Certificates of registration
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Collaborative practice, requirements, exemptions, SB 260*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Contraceptives, duty to dispense 12‑month supply, SB 233*, AB 249†, AB 408††
Dextromethorphan, prescription required to sell to minor, penalty for violations, SB 159*
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts by pharmacists, AB 408††
Drug therapy, repeal of certain provisions, SB 260†
FDA‑approved drugs, authority to dispense or administer for unapproved purposes, laws clarified, SB 346D
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, membership, SB 348D
Heroin‑assisted treatment pilot project, exemption from certain laws and regulations, SB 181
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Laboratory tests, authority to perform, SB 337*, SB 372D
Manipulation of persons for collection of specimens, authority, SB 337*, SB 372D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to clients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Methamphetamine precursors, identification of purchaser, requirements, SB 399*, AB 415*
Opioid antagonists, authority to furnish without prescription, AB 428*
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Practice of pharmacy, definition, SB 260*
Prescription readers, duties of certain pharmacies, SB 131*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
State Board of Pharmacy
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Biological products, link regarding interchangeable products to be maintained on website, AB 245*
Botox or similar modulator, duties, SB 101*
Collaborative physicians, issuance of registration certificates, SB 372D
Collaborative practice of pharmacy, duties, SB 260*
Collection of specimens, manipulation of persons for, regulations, SB 337*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Controlled substances, prescriptions
Regulations, duties, AB 474*
Tracking system, duties, SB 59*, AB 474*
Disciplinary process, removal of exemption from uniform provisions, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Opioid antagonists, prohibited acts, AB 428*
Prescription Drug Donation Program, duties, SB 91*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Unused drugs, disposal, duties of retail community pharmacies, penalty, SB 171*
Contributions to nonprofit advocacy or research organizations, reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Duties, prohibited acts, SB 539*
Licensure, requirements, SB 539†
Driver’s licenses, requirements, AB 68*
Personal information contained in certain official records, persons authorized to request confidentiality of photographs, SB 79†
Wills, requirements for electronic wills, AB 413*
Abbreviation or title, use, SB 437*
Citations for violations, issuance, procedure to contest, SB 142D, SB 437*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Continuing education redesignated continuing competency, SB 142D, SB 437*
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Educational programs, approval, SB 142D, SB 437*
Exemption of other health care providers from physical therapy laws, SB 142D, SB 437*
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
By endorsement, SB 69*, SB 142D, SB 354D, SB 437*
Examinations, SB 142D, SB 437*
Exemption for out‑of‑state licensees providing services to athletic team or organization, SB 292D, AB 454*
Expiration and renewal, SB 142D, SB 437*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Physical therapist’s assistants, requirements, SB 142D, SB 437*
Qualifications, SB 142D, SB 437*
Reinstatement of expired license, fee, regulation, SB 142D, SB 437*
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to patients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Physical therapist’s assistants
Abbreviation or title, use, SB 142D, SB 437*
Redesignation, licensing, SB 142D, SB 437*
Supervision, SB 437*
Unlicensed practice, acts constituting, penalties, SB 437*
Physical therapist’s technicians, redesignation, regulation, SB 142D, SB 437*
Practice of physical therapy defined, SB 437†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
Advisory members, SB 142D, SB 437*
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Compensation, laws clarified, SB 142D, SB 437*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Duties generally, SB 142D, SB 437*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Fines, deposit, SB 142D, SB 437*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Officers, election, SB 142D, SB 437*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Supervising physical therapist, definition, SB 437*
Unlicensed practice, acts constituting, penalties, SB 437*
Address changes, failure to notify Board, fine made discretionary, AB 339*
Advance directives for psychiatric care, duties, immunities, SB 50*
Authorized services, expansion, AB 115D, AB 199*
Botox or similar modulator, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Committee on Physician Assistants, creation, AB 284D
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Continuing education, requirements, AB 474*
Controlled substance prescriptions, duties, registration to access tracking system, AB 474*
Death, authorization to pronounce, SB 227*, AB 116D
Dermal or soft tissue fillers, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Disciplinary action
Board, posting of information, AB 339*
Grounds, SB 101*
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Drug overdoses, reports, duties, penalty for noncompliance, AB 474*
Emergency care, authority, AB 284D
FDA‑approved drugs, prescribing, dispensing or administering for unapproved purposes, clarification of laws, SB 346D
Fetal alcohol syndrome disorder, duty to report cases, SB 480*
Genetic counseling, prohibited acts, SB 290D
Heroin‑assisted treatment pilot project, exemption from certain laws and regulations, SB 181
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to patients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Inactive status, procedures, AB 284D
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, AB 284D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Qualifications, AB 284D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to patients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†, AB 422*
Registry identification cards, authority regarding, AB 422*
Medical records (See also MEDICAL RECORDS)
Board of Medical Examiners, authority to take possession of records of licensee’s patients, duties, SB 291*, AB 339*
Osteopathic medicine (See OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS)
Pharmacists, collaborative practice agreements, requirements, SB 260*
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Primary care agreements, direct, requirements, exemption from Insurance Code, SB 208D
Primary care provider, designation under certain circumstances, AB 284D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Albuterol inhalers, authority to issue orders for schools obtain and maintain, immunity from liability, AB 156
Opioid antagonists, authority to issue orders for school to obtain and maintain, immunity from liability or discipline, AB 428†
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Surgery for assignment of anatomical sex of a child, requirements, SB 408D
Surgical technologists, exemption from laws governing, AB 347*
Voluntary health care services, authority, AB 284D
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority, SB 227*, AB 115D, AB 116D, AB 199*
Artificial nutrition and hydration, withholding or withdrawal from patient, procedures, AB 93D
Capacity of patient to execute or revoke, determination, AB 93D, AB 199*
Conflict with other advance directives, effect, AB 93D, AB 199*
Form, name change, SB 227*, AB 115D, AB 199*
Physician assistants, authority, AB 115D, AB 199*
Registry of Advance Directives for Health Care, requirements, AB 199*
Revocation of POLST form, requirements, AB 93D, AB 199*
Surrogate of patient, authority to execute, AB 93D, AB 199*
Address changes, failure to notify Board, fine made discretionary, AB 339*
Advance directives for psychiatric care, duties, immunities, SB 50*
Assisted suicide, requests for, duties, immunities, SB 261
Biennial registration, required information regarding complaints, SB 69†, AB 339†
Botox or similar modulator, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Brain death, determination of, duties, AB 424*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Continuing education, requirements, SB 93D, AB 105*, AB 474*
Controlled substance prescriptions, duties, registration to access tracking system, AB 474*
Conversion therapy, sexual orientation or gender identity, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Death certificates, authority to sign uncompleted certificate, SB 291*
Dermal or soft tissue fillers, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Disciplinary action, SB 101*, SB 201*, SB 290D, SB 346†, SB 374††, SB 396†, SB 408D, AB 422*, AB 428†, AB 474*
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Drug overdoses, reports, duties, penalty for noncompliance, AB 474*
Emergency care, out‑of‑network insurance payments by third parties, procedures, AB 382††
FDA‑approved drugs, prescribing, dispensing or administering for unapproved purposes, clarification of laws, SB 346D
Fetal alcohol syndrome disorder, duty to report cases, SB 480*
Genetic counseling, prohibited acts, SB 290D
Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force, membership, SB 348D
Heroin‑assisted treatment pilot project, exemption from certain laws and regulations, SB 181
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to patients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Industrial insurance (See also INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Causation of injury or disease, authority to use certain interchangeable phrases, AB 458*
Applications, required information, SB 69†, AB 339*
Collaborative practice, issuance, qualifications, SB 372D
Exemption for out‑of‑state licensees providing services to athletic team or organization, SB 292D, AB 454*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana (See MEDICAL MARIJUANA—Health care providers)
Medical records (See also MEDICAL RECORDS)
Board of Medical Examiners, authority to take possession of records of licensee’s patients, duties, SB 291*
Medicine and mental health services, formation of professional entities, SB 163*
Mental illness, persons with, duties regarding involuntary court‑ordered admissions, AB 253*
Ophthalmologists, duties regarding ophthalmic or contact lenses, AB 129D
Oriental medicine, laws inapplicable to physicians, SB 466*
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, membership, SB 136*
Pharmaceutical sales representatives, communications regarding prescription drugs, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 265††
Pharmacists, collaborative practice agreements, requirements, SB 260*
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Primary care agreements, direct, requirements, exemption from Insurance Code, SB 208D
Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Advisory Committee, representation, SB 219
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Albuterol inhalers, authority to issue orders for schools obtain and maintain, immunity from liability, AB 156
Opioid antagonists, authority to issue orders for school to obtain and maintain, immunity from liability or discipline, AB 428†
Sentinel events, repeal of reporting requirement, AB 339*
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Suicide prevention and awareness training, requirements, AB 105*
Surgery for assignment of anatomical sex of a child, requirements, SB 408D
Penalties for certain crimes, SB 275D
Plastic Bag Environmental Cleanup Fund, creation, sources, use, AB 344D
Retailers providing bags at checkout, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 344D
Authority of cities and counties to adopt modifications, AB 72D
Botox or similar modulator, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Continuing education, requirements, AB 474*
Controlled substance prescriptions, duties, registration to access tracking system, AB 474*
Dermal or soft tissue fillers, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Disciplinary action, SB 101*, SB 346†
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
FDA‑approved drugs, prescribing, dispensing or administering for unapproved purposes, clarification of laws, SB 346D
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to patients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to patients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†, AB 422*
Registry identification cards, authority regarding, AB 422*
Pharmacists, collaborative practice agreements, requirements, SB 260*
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Advisory Committee, representation, SB 219
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
State Board of Podiatry
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Botox or similar modulator, duties, SB 101*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Continuing education, regulations, duties, AB 474*
Controlled substance prescriptions, duties, authority to access tracking system, AB 474*
Dermal or soft tissue fillers, duties, SB 101*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Medical marijuana, duties, AB 422*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Assault or battery upon civilian employee or volunteer, penalty, AB 132*
Body cameras, use, duties, prohibited acts, SB 176*
Constables acting as peace officer, removal of certain consent provision, SB 250
Emergency telephone systems, advisory committee, membership, SB 176*
Firearms, confiscation and disposition, procedures, SB 307D
Forfeitures, prohibitions, reports, SB 358D
Internet sales of personal property by individuals, designation of places for parties to meet to complete transaction, AB 297*
Prisoners, mental health care and substance abuse treatment in Clark County, duties, AB 421*
Contributions, duties of committees, AB 21*
Federal Constitutional amendment to allow state regulation of campaign finances urged, SJR 4‡
Candidates for partisan office, effect of party affiliation, SB 103D
Major parties
National convention, selection of delegates and alternates, SB 211D, AB 293D
Precinct meetings, time for, SB 211D, AB 293D
President and Vice President, time for filing certificate of nomination, AB 45†
Minor parties
Organization, requirements for, SB 103D
Petition deadline for candidates, AB 226†
President and Vice President
Certificate of nomination, time for filing, AB 45†
Independent candidates, filing of petition of candidacy, SB 103D
Names of candidates, placement on ballot, SB 103D
Presidential electors, time for submission of list of nominees, AB 45†
Primary elections
Declaration of nominees, AB 226D
Modified blanket primary system, creation, SB 103D
Names of candidates, placement on ballot, AB 226D
Vacancy in nomination for office
Designation of candidate to fill vacancy, filing of acceptance, requirements, AB 389D
Prohibition on filling certain vacancies, AB 389D
Voter challenges, party affiliation as basis repealed, SB 103D
Gender identity or expression, inquiries prohibited, exception, SB 188*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Sexual orientation, inquiries prohibited, exception, SB 188*
Emergency telephone system, surcharge for enhancement of, imposition, use, SB 176*
Payments for devices used by officers in smaller counties, allocations for, SB 88
Peace officers, use, duties, prohibited acts, SB 176*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517, AB 399*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448*
Administrator, position eliminated, transfer of duties, AB 484†
Composition, AB 484*
Employment Security Division, Commission made part of, AB 484*
Military education, training and occupational experience, statewide standards for awarding credit, duties, SB 457†
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Accredited, definition, AB 484*
Educator Ethics, Nevada Model Code of, receipt, AB 124*
Employees, unemployment compensation
Employment in multiple capacities, effect, SB 52†
Overpayments received, effect, remedies of State, SB 52D
Higher education costs and affordability, study, AB 202*
Student loans, duties, reports, SB 90
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, funding, requirements, SB 544*
Unlawful acts, penalty, AB 484*
Veterans Services Commission, Nevada, student membership, SB 58*
Workforce development programs, receipt of credit upon completion, SB 19*
Adoption, SB 454*
Burial or cremation, authority of another person to order, requirements, AB 314*
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Revised Uniform, adoption, AB 239*
Adoption, SB 253*
Administrative supervision, grounds, procedures, confidentiality, AB 83*
Affordable Care Act, alignment of state laws with Act, duties of organizations, AB 408††
Alcohol or drug abuse treatment, reimbursement procedures, SB 262*
Annual financial statements, confidentiality of information, AB 83*
Applications for certificate of authority, notice of material changes in information required, penalties, AB 83*
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 261†
Capital accounts, requirements, AB 83*
Chronic conditions, duties of organizations, fines for violations, AB 352D
Consumer credit reports, use, requirements, AB 83*
Contraceptives, coverage requirements, SB 394†, AB 408††
Contracts with insurance companies, provisions repealed, AB 83*
Contributions to nonprofit advocacy or research organizations, reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Corporate governance annual disclosure, requirements, AB 35*
Dependent child coverage, continuation until child reaches 26 years of age, SB 394†, AB 408††
Drug formularies, duties, SB 265†, AB 381†
Drugs prescribed, dispensed or administered for unapproved purposes, coverage not required, SB 346D
Emergency care, out‑of‑network payments for, procedures, reports, AB 382††
Essential health benefits, determination, coverage requirements, SB 394†
Hazardous financial condition of organization, determination, effect, AB 83*
Health status of consumer, duties, prohibited acts, SB 394†, AB 408††
Maternal and newborn care, coverage, SB 394†, AB 408††
Mental health treatment, payments to be made directly to provider, requirements, refunds, SB 262*
Patient‑centered medical homes, coverage requirements, payments or incentives, SB 139
Pharmacy benefit managers, duties, SB 539*
Preexisting conditions, duties, prohibited acts, SB 394†, AB 408††
Prescription drugs, copayment structures, requirements, SB 436D
Preventive health care services, establishment, coverage requirements, SB 394†, AB 408††
Rates, increase or decrease, procedures, AB 83*
Surety bonds, requirements, AB 83*
Creation, AB 470*
Anesthesiologist assistants, authority, prohibited acts, SB 210D
Biological products, interchangeable biological products dispensed in substitution, requirements, AB 245*
Insurance coverage, SB 233*, AB 249*, AB 408††
Pharmacists, duty to dispense 12‑month supply, SB 233*, AB 249†, AB 408††
Controlled substances
Death resulting from, reporting requirements, SB 59*
Practitioners, duties, AB 474*
Stolen prescriptions, duties of peace officers, SB 59*
Controlled substances tracking program
Coroners and medical examiners, duties, immunities, SB 59*
Dispensing, duty to report clarified, AB 474*
Information required to be included, SB 59*, AB 474*
Peace officers and law enforcement agencies, duties, immunities, SB 59*
Costs of certain drugs
Health and Human Services, Department of, duties, SB 265††, SB 539*
Insurance, Division of, reports to and by, AB 215
Manufacturers, duties, reports, SB 265††, SB 539*
Designs for prescription drug benefits in health plans, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 436D
Dextromethorphan, prescription required to sell to minor, penalty for violations, SB 159*
Drug formularies, duties of insurers, SB 265††, SB 539*, AB 381*
Euthanasia drugs, requests by certain patients, duties of attending physicians, SB 261
FDA‑approved drugs, prescribing, dispensing or administering for unapproved purposes, clarification of laws, SB 346D
Ophthalmic or contact lenses, form, requirements, AB 129D
Opioid antagonists, authority of pharmacist to furnish without prescription, AB 428*
Prescription Drug Donation Program, creation, SB 91*
Readers for visually impaired persons, provision by certain pharmacies on request, SB 131*
School pupils, surveys regarding use and abuse of prescription drugs, requirements, reports, SB 166
Written prescriptions, required contents, AB 474*
Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote, adoption, AB 274D
Certificates of candidacy, restrictions on certain filings, SB 211D, AB 293D
Certificates of nomination for President, filing, AB 45†
Independent candidates, filing of petitions, SB 103D, AB 45*
Minor parties (See POLITICAL PARTIES)
Primary elections, procedures, SB 211D, AB 293D
Provisional ballots, use, requirements, SB 424D, AB 164D
Double‑sided printing, requirements for certain public agencies, AB 264D
Offenders granted parole but not yet eligible for release, establishment of program for residential confinement, approval, AB 421†
Pilot program of education and training for certain offenders, duties, SB 306*
Telecommunications devices, offender access to in certain circumstances, duties, SB 306*
Videoconferencing equipment, offender access to for conducting visits, approval, AB 420*
Core correctional services, privatization prohibited, AB 303††
Disciplinary segregation, imposition, procedures, SB 402*
Alcohol or drug abuse programs (See ALCOHOL OR DRUG ABUSE)
Civil rights, restoration, conditions, SB 125†, AB 181*
Collateral consequences of conviction, receipt of information upon release, SB 328D
Credits against sentences, Governor’s power to authorize, AB 25*
Driver’s licenses, procedures upon release, SB 268*
Educational development and workforce development, establishment of programs required, AB 336
HIV test results, disclosures following positive test, AB 74*
Identification cards, procedures upon release, SB 268*
Marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia, possession prohibited despite registry identification card, AB 422*
Mediation services, provision before release, AB 316*
Minors sentenced as adult, term to be served in juvenile detention facility until age 18, exception, AB 185D
Other crime committed by offender for which punishment is life imprisonment, execution of sentence, SB 184
Payment for certain services provided by offenders required, SB 393†
Pilot program of education and training for certain offenders, SB 306*
Publications received, limitations on content, SB 188*
Reentry programs regarding employment
Grants to community‑based programs, appropriation, SB 321
Receipt of information before release, AB 316*
Residential confinement of certain older offenders, requirements, penalties for violations, SB 140††
Restitution to certain older victims, procedures, SB 278D
Telecommunications devices, access to in certain circumstances, SB 306*, AB 420*
Telemarketing or conducting opinion polls by telephone, prohibition revised, SB 393D
Transitional living facilities (See PAROLE)
Veterans, educational needs and vocational skills, duties of wardens, AB 336
Videoconferencing equipment, access to for conducting visits, requirements, AB 420*
Operational control by State required, AB 303††
Prison services and manufacturing programs
Profit and loss determination, calculation, SB 393†
Purchase of goods and services by Department of Corrections, standard specifications, duties, SB 393†
Solitary confinement, restrictions on use, SB 402*
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Disciplinary process, removal of exemption from uniform provisions, AB 328*
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Issuance by endorsement, procedures, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Motor Vehicles, Department of, requests for certain personal information authorized concerning insurance claims investigations, AB 68†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Alcoholic beverage awareness program, completion by certain employees required, SB 440
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Case managers, change of terminology, AB 150*
Examination by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fees, AB 279*
Fidelity bond, requirements, AB 150*
Fingerprinting, requirements, AB 150*
Guardians and wards generally (See GUARDIANS AND WARDS)
Applications, contents, AB 150*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Natural persons, removal of requirements, AB 150*
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Qualifications, AB 150*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Summary administration of estates, applicability of laws, AB 150*
Unlawful acts, AB 150*
Correctional services, prohibitions on private entities, AB 303††
Civil rights, restoration, conditions, SB 125†, AB 181*
Deductions from period of probation, requirements for, AB 25*
Independent reporting facilities, establishment authorized, AB 23*
Medical marijuana registry identification cards, release of certain applicant information to Division of Parole and Probation, SB 277*
Mental illness, offenders with, admission to treatment program as condition of probation, authority of court, AB 440*
Restitution to certain older victims, procedures, SB 278D
Sealing records of criminal conviction, authority to petition following dishonorable discharge from probation, SB 453, AB 327*
Juvenile proceedings, duties regarding interview or interrogation of child, AB 341†
Peer support counseling, communications privileged and confidential, exceptions, immunities, AB 301*
Preprosecution diversion program for certain offenders, duties, AB 470†
Termination of parental rights, filing of petitions, AB 66D
Advisory Committee on Problem Gambling, composition, powers and duties, SB 120*
Revolving Account to Support Programs for the Prevention and Treatment of Problem Gambling, deposits, SB 120†
Advisory Committee on Problem Gambling, representation, SB 120*
Inactive status, certain holders of certificates, authorization, procedures, violation, AB 425*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Requirements, administrative penalties, AB 425*
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action restricted, SB 374††, SB 396†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Suicide prevention and awareness, continuing education requirements, AB 105*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Unpaid persons, exemption from license requirement, AB 128*
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Disciplinary process, removal of exemption from uniform provisions, AB 328*
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Issuance by endorsement, procedures, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Initial and annual lists, AB 123*, AB 172D, AB 283D
Legislative declaration, SB 264D
Medicine and mental health services, formation, SB 163*
Veteran‑owned corporations, waiver of certain filing fees, AB 44D
Memorial to Nevada firefighters, construction or installation on Capitol Complex, duties, SB 540*
Single‑family residences, requirements for rental agreements not signed by property manager, presumptions, AB 161*
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Aged persons
Assistance, legislative study, SB 456
Senior and Disabled Taxpayers Protection Act, constitutional amendment to require adoption by Legislature, SJR 14‡
Transfer of base value of principal residence, SJR 13 of the 78th SessionD
Base value of property, determination, SJR 13 of the 78th SessionD
County Treasurer, Account for the Acquisition and Improvement of Technology in the Office of the, sources, SB 245†
Delinquent taxes, distribution of excess proceeds from tax sales, priority, cap on fee to person assisting in recovery, SB 281*
Disabilities, persons with, constitutional amendment to require adoption of Senior and Disabled Taxpayers Protection Act, SJR 14‡
Fire protection, tax levy to support certain districts made optional, SB 128D
Flood management projects, imposition of taxes to fund, AB 375*
Homeowners’ associations
Claims for excess proceeds of tax sale, priority, restriction on recovery of additional money owed association, SB 281*
Delinquent taxes, payment to be assessed exclusively against unit or unit’s owner, SB 281*
Reconveyance of property to association after payment of delinquent taxes authorized, SB 281†
Legislative study, SB 489, ACR 7
Levy by State, SB 546*
Limit on total levy on property, SJR 13 of the 78th SessionD
Natural disaster, replacement of single‑family residence partially or completely destroyed by, effect, SB 352*
Nonresidents, tax exemption for personal property used for display, exhibition or convention, applicability, SB 414*
Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation, tax exemption, SB 85D
Public‑private partnerships, exemption, SB 335D, SB 448†
Regional transportation commissions in larger counties, imposition of additional tax to fund, procedures, SB 149†
Sale or transfer of property, temporary ineligibility for certain tax adjustments or abatements after, SJR 14‡
Committee on Prostitution and Human Trafficking, creation, duties, AB 260†
Conviction of victim of involuntary servitude or sex trafficking, authority to petition court to vacate judgment and seal documents, procedure, AB 243*
Cosmetology licensees, grounds for discipline, AB 195*
Forfeitures, procedures, SB 358D
Massage therapy licensees, grounds for discipline, fines, AB 179*
Of child under age 14, penalties, SB 214D, AB 73D
Suspension of sentence, power of court to order, conditions, penalties, AB 260*
Transient lodging places where repeated acts of prostitution have regularly occurred, revocation of business license, AB 217D
Creation, duties, AB 260†
Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
High‑risk individuals, orders for protection against, procedures, SB 387D
Advance directives for psychiatric care, duties, immunities, SB 50*
Assisted suicide requested by certain patients, duties, immunities, SB 261
Conversion therapy, sexual orientation or gender identity, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Analysis of costs, fees and processes of Board, duties, AB 457*
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Applied behavior analysis, duties removed, SB 286*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Autism behavior interventionists, duties removed, SB 286*
Behavior analysts, duties removed, SB 286*
Behavioral Health, Commission on, reports to, AB 457†
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Employment Security Division, notices from, SB 52D
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Grievances, appeals, AB 457*
Health and Human Services, agreements with, AB 457*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Legislative Committee on Health Care, reports to, AB 457*
Application forms, requirements, regulations, AB 457*
Issuance by endorsement, procedures, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Medical marijuana, receipt of information regarding attending health care providers, duties, SB 228D
Behavioral analysts, representation on Board repealed, SB 286*
Behavioral Health, Commission on, concurrent membership prohibited, AB 457*
Number of members reduced, SB 286*
Orientation, requirement, AB 457*
Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, authority pursuant to, appointment to Compact Commission, AB 429*
Regulations, duties, review, SB 330D, AB 457*
Staff, adoption of policies concerning, AB 457*
Suicide prevention and awareness training, duties, AB 105*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Advance directives for psychiatric care, duties, immunities, SB 50*
Assisted suicide requested by certain patients, duties, immunities, SB 261
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Continuing education requirements, AB 105*
Conversion therapy, sexual orientation or gender identity, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Disciplinary action, SB 201*, SB 228D, SB 374††, SB 396†
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Locations at which interns provide services, electronic supervision, regulations, AB 457*
Registration, reimbursement for certain services, SB 162*
Licensed psychologist, definition, AB 429*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, SB 228D, SB 374††, SB 396†
Documentation for certain patients to obtain, authority, SB 228D
Recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Medicine and mental health services, formation of professional entities, SB 163*
Mental illness, persons with, involuntary court‑ordered admissions, duties, AB 253*
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Psychological assistants and trainees, registration, reimbursement for certain services, SB 162*
Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, ratification, effect, AB 429*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Suicide prevention and awareness training, requirements, AB 105*
Medical marijuana, PTSD deemed chronic or debilitating medical condition, SB 329
Military members or veterans, treatment programs, authority of certain courts, SB 280D, SB 449D, AB 56D, AB 286*, AB 426D
County commissioners, duties, SB 304D, AB 310*
Procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Fees, deposit or retention, SB 304D, AB 310*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, requests for certain personal information authorized, AB 68†
Child Care and Development, Program for, requirements for day care assistance for employees, SB 455
Child support debts, effect of receipt of certain assistance, AB 95*
Controlled substances
Convicted persons, eligibility of certain persons for benefits, AB 427††
Drug screening as precondition for receipt of assistance, requirements, SB 298D
Diapers and diapering supplies for recipients of public assistance, actions to increase availability, AB 340*
Family planning services, grants to support
Appropriation, AB 397*
Duties of entities receiving grant, SB 122*
Internet service, assistance to low‑income households, requirements, AB 111
Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program, eligibility of child, SB 510*
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (See FOOD STAMPS)
Baby changing facilities, requirements, AB 241*
Compliance and Code Enforcement Section, authority of Deputy Administrator to issue permits, SB 44*
Firearms, carrying concealed on premises of public building, prohibition and permit requirements repealed, SB 307D
State buildings
Alternatives to window replacement in certain buildings, evaluation regarding installation, AB 160*
Charter agencies, exemption from laws, SB 4D
Public Works Division, State, inspection of buildings and physical plant facilities, duties, SB 45*
Vapor products, use on premises prohibited, AB 450D
Appointment or removal, requirements, SB 377†
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, procedures, SB 79*
Guidelines for workload of defense counsel, issuance, SB 377†
Indigent defense services
Counties, transfer of services, procedures, payment of costs, withdrawal of transfer, SB 377†
Evaluation of services provided by counties and State Public Defender, SB 377†
Minimum standards, proposals, effect of noncompliance, SB 377†
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, membership, AB 472*
Legislative findings and declaration, SB 377†
Motor Vehicles, Department of, requests for certain personal information authorized, AB 68†
Nevada Right to Counsel Commission, creation, duties, SB 377*
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, membership, SB 451*
State Public Defender
Branch offices, establishment, designation of lead attorney to supervise office, SB 377†
Chief Counsel, appointment, powers and duties, SB 377†
Fees for services, collection, SB 545*
Transfer of responsibilities to Office, procedures, payment of costs, withdrawal of transfer, SB 377†
Evaluation of indigent defense services, procedures following determination of noncompliance, SB 377†
Juvenile proceedings, adoption of rules regarding representation of child urged, AB 341*
Office, name change, removal from Department of Health and Human Services, SB 377†
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, member, SB 451*
Administration, Department of, Program made part of, SB 80D, SB 502†
Award of contracts, procedures, SB 80D, SB 502*
Employee Benefits Division, creation within Department of Administration, duties of Administrator, SB 80D
Executive Officer
Appointment, duties, SB 502†
Position eliminated, SB 80D
Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)
Non‑State Retiree Rate Mitigation Account, creation, appropriation, AB 518*
Quality Control Officer, appointment, classification, SB 502*
State purchasing laws, applicability, SB 502*
Claims data received from insurers, requirements, SB 366†
Composition, SB 502*
Continuing education, repeal of requirement, SB 502*
Employee Benefits Division of Department of Administration, Board made part of, duties, SB 80D
Local governmental agencies, calculation of subsidy for retiring employees, notices, SB 552*
Meetings in open or closed session, SB 80D, SB 502*
Redesignation as Advisory Board, SB 80D, SB 502†
Administration, Department of, Program made part of, SB 502*
Chief Compensation Officer, appointment, classification, duties, SB 80D
Committee to Administer Program
Award of contracts, procedures, SB 502*
Composition, SB 502*
Delegation of certain duties, authority, SB 502*
Employee Benefits Division, committee made part of, duties, SB 80D
Redesignation as advisory committee, SB 80D, SB 502†
Executive Officer, appointment, duties, SB 502*
State purchasing laws, applicability, SB 502*
Annual reports and financial statements, duties, SB 297D, AB 71D, AB 464*
Citizens’ Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, recommendation for appointment of member, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Israel, procedures regarding public holdings in companies boycotting Israel, SB 26*
Members, number, qualifications of certain members, SB 217D
Police officers and firefighters, regulations, duties, SB 507†
Salaries of certain officers, approval procedure, SB 507†
Unfunded liability of System, duties, reports, SB 297D, AB 71D
Confidentiality of information regarding members and employees, exceptions, SB 384††
Hybrid retirement program for new employees, establishment, SB 297D, AB 71D
Israel, procedures regarding public holdings in companies boycotting Israel, SB 26*
Legislators’ Retirement System, appropriation, AB 518*
Non‑State Retiree Rate Mitigation Account, creation, appropriation, AB 518*
Reemployment of retirees, biennial report, duties, SB 507†
School districts, purchase of service credit, funding, SB 544*
Settlement agreements or bonuses connected with retirement, restrictions on payments, SB 193D
Unfunded liability of System, reports, additional contributions by local government employers, SB 297D, AB 71D
Motor Vehicles, Department of, requests for certain personal information authorized, AB 68†
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
State Guardianship Compliance Office, creation, AB 130*
State Public Guardian, Office of the, creation, AB 130†
Access, authority to enter private land to access public land, AB 386D
Federal lands
Annexation of certain land by city prohibited, AB 48D
Charter schools, deemed political subdivision for purposes of purchasing or leasing, SB 293D, AB 49*
National conservation areas, restriction on local planning and zoning powers, AB 277††
National monuments (See NATIONAL MONUMENTS)
National recreation areas, restriction on planning and zoning powers of local governments, AB 277†
Transfer of certain lands to State
Federal legislation to implement urged, SJR 7D, SJR 9D
Rescission of previous request for transfer, support for continued federal management expressed, SJR 12‡
State lands
Appraisal before sale or lease, procedures, AB 34*
Building official, authority to issue permits, SB 44*
Business relocation or expansion, leases below market value, AB 34†
Commercial or agricultural use, fees established by regulation, deposit and use of certain proceeds, SB 512*
Historic and prehistoric sites, permit required for certain activities, procedures, penalties for unlawful acts, SB 244*
Lease‑purchase agreements, procedures, SB 22*
Lincoln County Pilot Land Development and Disposal Law, repeal, AB 34*
Residential property leases, procedures, AB 34*
Revolving Account for Land Management, use, AB 34*
Traps, snares or other devices, registration requirements, SB 364*
Washoe County, transfer of certain leased parcel to County, SB 340D
Trapping on public lands, prohibited acts, SB 365D
Day of observance, establishment, SB 413*, AB 449*
PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (See also specific officers and employees)
Applicants for employment, consideration of criminal history, procedures, exceptions, remedies for violations, AB 384*
Assault or battery upon certain employees, penalty, AB 132*
Breastfeeding, duty to provide accommodations, prohibited acts, complaints regarding, AB 113*
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Ex‑felons, restoration of right to hold office, conditions, SB 125†, AB 181*
Financial disclosure statements, requirements, penalties, AB 45†, AB 396
Gender identity or expression, discrimination prohibited, SB 188*
Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)
Immigration status, nationality or citizenship information in governmental entity database, prohibited disclosures, SB 389D
Microchips or other permanent identification markers, unlawful acts, SB 109D
Nevada System of Higher Education, expenses of dependent child of public employee killed in performance of duties, payment, AB 1*
Occupational regulatory bodies, term limits for members, SB 69*
Official stationery, use for purposes related to elections, prohibited acts, AB 392†
Public money, finding of fraud, abuse, waste or corruption, effect, AB 201D
Public records proceedings, immunity includes attorney’s fees, AB 42D
Resignation or employment termination, restrictions on certain payments, SB 193D
Sexual orientation, discrimination prohibited, SB 188*
Warrants for payments to state officers and employees, time limit for cashing, procedures after time limit passed, AB 84D
Assisted suicide, reports by Division of Public and Behavioral Health, SB 261
Charter schools, certain information provided to sponsors, AB 49*
Committee to Approve Schedules for the Retention and Disposition of Official State Records, duties, AB 42D
Denial of request to inspect and copy, application for advisory opinion authorized, AB 42D
Electronic copies, provision, requirements, SB 170D
Ethics, Commission on, certain records, SB 84*
Exemptions from public records laws, categorization of records, AB 42D
Fees, limitation for requests for the public benefit, SB 170D
Governmental entities, authority to request records of other governmental entities, AB 42D
Immunity granted to certain public officers and employees includes attorney’s fees, AB 42D
Library foundations, applicability of laws, SB 313*
Local governments, records retention schedule, regulations, AB 479D
Public employees, certain information, SB 384††
Public retirees, certain information, SB 384††
Unlawful detainer, records relating to actions for summary eviction, procedures for sealing, AB 107*
Wildlife, Department of, registration of trap or snare, certain information, SB 364†
Communications equipment, appropriation, AB 508*
Concealed firearms, certain duties repealed, SB 307D
Criminal Justice Information Sharing, Advisory Committee on Nevada, repeal, SB 35*, SB 277*
Criminal Justice Information Sharing, Subcommittee on, appointment of member, SB 35*, SB 277*
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, creation, appointment of Administrator, AB 471*
Emergency Management, Division of
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, consultations, AB 471*
Drought‑related activities, assistance to Division, SB 74†
Flood response and reimbursement costs, appropriation, SB 529*, AB 495*, AB 498*
Schools, consultations, duties, SB 212*, AB 127*
Fire Marshal, State, report regarding effectiveness of cigarette fire safety standards, repeal, AB 464*
General Services Division
Criminal history records (See CRIMINAL HISTORY, RECORDS OF)
Name change, SB 16*
Highway Patrol Division (See HIGHWAY PATROL, NEVADA)
Investigation Division
Assistance to other divisions and agencies, duties, SB 14
Controlled substances prescription tracking system, duties, SB 59*, AB 474*
Schools, management plans for crisis, emergency or suicide, duties, SB 212*
Justice, Advisory Commission on the Administration of, receipt of recommendations, SB 35*, SB 277*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, consultations, AB 69†
Parole and Probation, Division of
Confiscated firearms, procedures, SB 307D
Independent reporting facilities, establishment authorized, AB 23*
Indigent parolees, payment of costs of placement in transitional living facility, AB 514*
Juvenile justice, authority to receive information concerning child, AB 472*
Medical marijuana registry identification cards, release of certain applicant information to Division, SB 277*
Presentence and general investigations and reports
Agreements with counties, costs, SB 8, SB 9
Contents, requirements, duties, AB 291*, AB 326*
Residential confinement
Offenders granted parole but not yet eligible for release, receipt of notice, duties, AB 421†
Older offenders, receipt of notice, duties, SB 140††
Restitution owed to certain older persons, receipt of notice, duties, SB 278D
Sealing records of criminal proceedings, duties, SB 453†, AB 327†
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, membership, duties, SB 451*
Solicitation of prostitution, records of persons in treatment programs for, duties, AB 260*
Transfer to Department of Corrections, AB 302
Veterans and military members assigned to treatment program, supervision, SB 280D
School buses, inspections, duties, AB 485*
Sexual assault forensic evidence kits, statewide program to track, duties, SB 169†
Telecommunications Advisory Council, creation, membership, SB 53*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517, AB 399*
Regional transportation commissions, powers and duties, SB 149*
City utilities
Collection of delinquent charges, procedures, AB 8*
Service to property outside city, required and prohibited acts, AB 48D
Consumer’s Advocate, duties, AB 109
Electric service (See also RENEWABLE ENERGY)
Energy choice, legislative study, AB 452*
Energy efficiency plans and energy efficiency and conservation programs, requirements, SB 150*, AB 223*
Energy savings goals, establishment, SB 150*
Energy storage systems, investigation regarding procurement, regulation, SB 204*
Performance‑based incentives, establishment, reports, SB 150†
Portfolio standard, applicability, establishment, compliance requirements, AB 206††
Resource plans
Ballot question regarding energy markets, effect, AB 206††
Commission’s orders accepting or modifying plan or amendment, requirements, SB 65*, SB 146*
Distributed resources plan, requirements, SB 146*
Energy efficiency plans, requirements, regulation, AB 223*
Energy savings goals and plans, incorporation, SB 150*
Grid modernization plans, requirements, SB 145†
Joint plans, requirements, SB 146*
Overview of plan, requirements, SB 65*
Surplus assets, identification, decommissioning and disposal, violations, penalties, SB 347
Time of use, approval of rates based on, prohibition repealed, SB 145†
Transmission lines, restrictions on operation of drones near, AB 11*
Elko County, annual consumer sessions to solicit comments from public required, AB 109
Energy Assistance and Conservation, Fund for, use, AB 111
Homeland security, duties regarding critical infrastructure, SB 395D
Homeowners’ associations, assessments for delinquent utility charges, requirements, SB 281*
Intercounty significance, projects of, reimbursement by county of impact costs to other local governments, AB 153D
Renewable energy (See RENEWABLE ENERGY)
Sewer companies, notice from crematories using alkaline hydrolysis, receipt, AB 205*
Utility infrastructure, authority of Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, SB 517, AB 399*
Community solar gardens, duties, SB 392††
Consumer sessions in Elko County, duties, AB 109
Electric utilities
Distributed resources plan, requirements, SB 146*
Energy efficiency plans and energy efficiency and conservation programs, duties, SB 150*, AB 223*
Energy savings goals, duties, SB 150*
Energy storage systems, investigation regarding procurement, duties, regulation, SB 204*
Grid modernization plans, duties, SB 145†
Performance‑based incentives, duties, receipt of reports, SB 150†
Portfolio standard for service providers, duties, AB 206††
Renewable energy
Exclusion of facility from rate base and determination of reasonable rate on request, authority, AB 206††
Net metering, duties, AB 405*
Option of retail customer to purchase electricity from facility, authorization of program, AB 206††
Tax on wholesale sales of electricity generated from, cooperation, SB 336D
Time‑variant rate schedule, duties, AB 405*
Resource plans, duties, SB 65*, SB 145†, SB 146*, AB 206††, AB 223*
Service providers exempt from jurisdiction of Commission, AB 206††
Supply sources, preferences, SB 65*
Surplus assets, violations, penalties, remedies, SB 347
Former members, restrictions on certain employment and activities, applicability, SB 84*
Legislative Committee on Energy, consultations, receipt of report, SB 145†
Lifeline service, certification of customer eligibility, termination of services of independent administrator authorized, SB 412*
Member salaries, legislative study, SCR 6‡
Solar Energy Pilot Program, Lower Income, repeal, SB 392††
Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, duties, SB 145*, SB 392††
Solar installations companies, complaints concerning, duties, AB 405*
Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program, repeal, SB 435D
Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, duties, SB 145*, SB 392††
Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, duties, SB 145*, SB 392††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts of license holders, effect, SB 52D
Apprenticeships, requirements, SB 357††
Bidding preference
Affidavit of compliance, requirements, SB 317
Amount, penalty for violations regarding qualifications, SB 317, AB 280†
Apprenticeships, determination of amount based on compliance, SB 357†
Best bids, criteria for determining, SB 317, AB 280†
Best value bids, criteria for determining, AB 433D
Community redevelopment, applicability of prevailing wage laws, SB 87D
Construction managers at risk
Authority to enter into contracts, sunset provisions extended, SB 246*, AB 406
Complaints regarding, procedures, AB 406
Estimated cost of construction required to be stated in proposal, amount increased, AB 406
Explanation to unsuccessful applicants, requirement removed, AB 406†
Horizontal construction, estimated cost, AB 406
Legislative declaration, SB 246*
Negotiations, requirements, information to be submitted to public body, AB 406
Panels to rank proposals, membership, requirements, AB 406
Preliminary proposed amount of compensation, limitations, SB 246*
Proposals for, advertising requirements, SB 246*
Subcontractors, procedures in relation to, SB 246*, AB 406
Substitution of employees, restrictions, SB 246*, AB 406
Violations by public body, effect, procedures following, AB 406
Apprenticeships, requirements, penalty for noncompliance, SB 357††
Certificates of eligibility, contractors receiving, duties, SB 317
Responsible and responsive defined, AB 406
Waivers, contract provisions requiring certain waivers declared void and unenforceable, AB 100
Design‑build teams, contracts with, authority of public bodies, SB 246*
Fraud, abuse, waste or corruption, effect of termination of contract due to, AB 201D
Labor organizations, project labor agreements
Certain agreements authorized, SB 464††
Public body, authority to exempt public work from certain restrictions, SB 464†
Repeal of provisions, AB 406
Small businesses, authority to require adherence to labor agreements, SB 464†
Legal notices, publication on Internet website, bidding requirements, SB 218D
Minority Affairs Management Analyst, appointment, duties, SB 373*
Overtime compensation, requirements, SB 157D
Pay equity compliance certificates, requirements for issuance regarding award of contracts, exception, AB 106†
Prevailing wages
Applicability of laws
Achievement charter schools, SB 173††
Charter schools, AB 154†, AB 406
Community redevelopment projects, SB 87D, AB 406
Historic buildings, public‑private partnerships to restore, AB 371*
Minimum threshold reduced, AB 154†, AB 406
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, projects financed by, AB 399*
Nevada System of Higher Education, SB 317, AB 154††, AB 406
Projects that are not public works, laws clarified, AB 406
Public libraries, certain improvements, SB 313*
School districts, SB 173††, AB 154††, AB 406
Determination, duties of Labor Commissioner, AB 154††, AB 406
Violations, civil actions authorized, SB 495D
Public‑private partnerships authorized, eligible facilities, procedures, SB 335D, SB 448*
Taft‑Hartley trust, notice regarding delinquent payments owed to, provision repealed, SB 338*
Telecommunications infrastructure, inclusion as transportation facility, SB 53*
Construction managers at risk, duties, AB 406
Plumbing code, transfer or removal of certain duties, AB 72D
Veterans with service‑connected disabilities, preferences for certain bids, evidence of eligibility, regulation, SB 191*
Window replacement in state buildings, evaluation of alternatives, AB 160†
Special license plate, qualifications, SB 141*
Definitions, penalties, SB 362*
Forfeitures, procedures, SB 358D
Licensing and regulation, SB 219
Criminal history records, authority to receive, AB 76*
Creation, SB 219
Flaggers and trainmen employed on certain dates, repeal of obsolete law, SB 427††
Freight trains, crew requirements, penalties for violations, SB 427††
High‑capacity transit systems, powers and duties of regional transportation commissions, SB 149*
High‑speed ground transportation system between Reno and Las Vegas, study of feasibility, AB 360D
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517, AB 399*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448*
Right to collect precipitation for domestic or wildlife use, AB 138*
Commission of Appraisers of Real Estate
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Licenses or certificates
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Sale or lease of state or local government land, procedures, ethics, AB 34*
Continuing education, time for completion of postlicensing curriculum, regulations, SB 285
Membership, requirements, AB 373D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Continuing education, time for completion of postlicensing curriculum, SB 285
Flood control projects needs committees, representation, AB 375*
Gender identity or expression, discrimination prohibited, SB 188*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354†
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Sexual orientation, discrimination prohibited, SB 188*
Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 235*
Governmental entities, use of private property for improvements, vesting of right to continue use, requirements, AB 380†
Housing (See HOUSING)
Jointly owned property in local improvement district, authority of owner to act on behalf of all owners in certain circumstances, SB 258*
Prescriptive rights, recording and posting of certain notices, effect, procedures, AB 380*
Property tax (See PROPERTY TAX)
Public land, authority to enter private land to access, AB 386D
Public libraries, authority to convey property in connection with lease or lease‑purchase agreement, SB 313*
Restrictive covenants, discrimination based on gender identity or expression or sexual orientation, voidable provisions, SB 188*
Flood management projects, imposition of taxes to fund, AB 375*
Library foundations, exemption, SB 313*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
State purchasing, deposit and use of procurement card rebates, AB 10
Contributions, duties of committees, AB 21*
Petitions insufficient or not submitted, campaign finance reporting requirements, AB 45*
Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 235*
Death or substantial bodily harm caused by offense, penalties, SB 410
Design professionals, perfection and renewal of liens, requirements, SB 423D
Electronic documents relating to real property in State, effect of recording, AB 413*
Fees, generally, AB 169*
Foreclosures, fee for recording notice of default and election to sell, SB 490*
Formatting requirements, discretion to record noncomplying documents, AB 169*
Legal aid programs, additional recording fee for support authorized, SB 305*, SB 433*, AB 130*
Local improvement districts created without election, procedures, AB 5*
Mining claims, fees, AB 169*
Notice of permissive use of real property, notice of revocation, AB 380*
Bond question approved in 2002 to finance, extension of time to issue bonds, SB 198*
General improvement districts, formation, powers, AB 379†
National recreation areas, restrictions on local planning and zoning powers, AB 277†
Nevada Parks, Trails and Open Space District Act, adoption, AB 379*
Public Lands Day, free entry to recreational areas for Nevada residents, AB 449*
State parks (See STATE PARKS)
Operation, requirements, civil penalties for violations, AB 176*
Commercial recyclable material, agreements by municipalities regarding management and disposal, restrictions, SB 315†
Counties, reports to Legislature, requirements, SB 315
Standards for recycling, goal, SB 315
Waste diversion rate, requirements for larger counties, SB 315
Creation, SB 315†
Planning and zoning powers of local governments, repeal of certain provisions, AB 277††
Circulators, qualifications, duties, AB 45*
Withdrawal of petition, procedures, AB 45*
Licensing and regulation of practice and establishments, AB 179*
Local businesses owned and operated by disadvantaged persons, duties, AB 436*
Flood control project needs committees, appointment of member, AB 375*
Clark County regional policy plan, duties of regional transportation commission, SB 422*
Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition, elimination, SB 422*
Washoe County, composition of governing board for regional planning, certain limitations removed, AB 39D
Clark County, requirement to establish authority repealed, SB 149*
Reports to Legislature, requirements, AB 464*
Appropriation, use of money, SB 544*
Per diem allowance and travel expenses for members, payment, AB 77*
Reports by governing bodies of regional training programs, time for receipt, AB 77*
Teachers attending meetings, payment or reimbursement of costs of employing substitute teachers, AB 77*
Agreements with local governments and private providers of transportation, SB 149†
Clark County
Agreements with local governments and private providers of transportation, SB 149*
Fees for use of facilities or services, regulation, SB 149*
Funding, procedures, SB 149*
Grants to promote innovative transportation and transit technology, authority, SB 149*
High‑capacity transit systems, authority regarding construction, maintenance and operation, SB 149*
Laws governing commissions to be liberally construed, SB 149*
Parking of vehicles at transportation facility, regulation, imposition of civil penalties, SB 149*
Regional policy plan, duties, SB 422*
Study of traffic reduction, safety enhancement and freeway access in portion of County, duties, AB 364††
Composition in larger counties, SB 149*
Easements, authority to acquire and grant, SB 149†
Fees for use of facilities or services, regulation, SB 149†
Funding of commissions in larger counties, procedures, SB 149†
Grants to promote innovative transportation and transit technology, authority, SB 149†
High‑capacity transit systems, authority regarding construction, maintenance and operation, SB 149†
Laws governing commissions to be liberally construed, SB 149†
Parking of vehicles at transportation facility, regulation, imposition of civil penalties, SB 149†
Political subdivisions of State, designation and powers as, SB 149†
Powers and duties, generally, SB 149†
Rapid transit authority (See REGIONAL RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY)
Succession to be perpetual, exception, SB 149*
Transit‑oriented developments, authority to enter joint development agreements, SB 149†
Examination of records, authority of Secretary of State, SB 41*, SB 229*
Guardianships, procedures related to nonresident guardians, SB 229*
Legislative services, compensation of clergy, ACR 2‡
NSHE, right of expression of student journalists, adoption of policy, SB 420*
Schools, right of expression of pupil journalists, adoption of policy, SB 420*
Charitable solicitations, exemption from registration laws, duplicative exemption removed, SB 41*
Insurers, provision of family planning services and supplies
Exemption from coverage requirements, removal, SB 233†, AB 249†
Notice to prospective insureds of refusal to provide coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 249*, AB 408††
Marriage (See also MARRIAGE)
Right to refuse to solemnize, recognition, AJR 2‡
Bill of Rights, AB 405*
Community solar gardens, regulation, subscriptions, incentive payments, SB 392††
Development of renewable energy resources, study, SCR 4
Distributed generation systems and output of systems, lease or purchase agreements, requirements, AB 405*
Electric service
Community solar gardens, exemption from regulation as public utility, exception, SB 392††
Energy choice, legislative study, AB 452*
Exclusion of facility from rate base and determination of reasonable rate on request, authority, AB 206††
Net metering, offering by utility, requirements, applicability of tariffs, rates and charges, SB 392††, AB 270, AB 405*
Option of retail customer to purchase electricity from renewable energy facility, authorization of program, AB 206††
Portfolio standard, applicability, establishment, compliance requirements, AB 206††
System operators, exemption from regulation as public utility, AB 342D
Tax on wholesale sales of electricity, imposition, penalties, SB 336D
Time‑variant rate schedule, establishment, AB 405*
Energy, Legislative Committee on, study of green banks, SB 145†
Intercounty significance, projects of, reimbursement by county of impact costs to other local governments, AB 153D
Legislative findings and declarations, AB 206††, AB 405*
Local improvement districts to finance renewable energy projects, creation, AB 5*
Nevada Clean Energy Fund, creation, SB 407*
Nevada Green Bank Program, creation, SB 407†
Solar Energy Pilot Program, Lower Income, repeal, SB 145*, SB 392††
Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, incentive payments, SB 145*, SB 392††
Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program, repeal, SB 435D
State Energy Plan, contents, AB 206†
Waterpower Energy Systems Incentive Program, incentive payments, SB 145*, SB 392††
Wind energy systems
Application to install, authority of local government to deny, SB 314*
Incentive Program, incentive payments, SB 145*, SB 392††
Charter amendments
Appointive employees, definition, AB 36*
City attorneys, appointment rather than election, SB 434††
City Manager, duties, AB 36*
Council Members and Mayor
Campaign contributions, reports, AB 36*
City at large, elimination of office of Council Member representing, AB 36*
Election, terms, AB 36*
Subordinates of City Manager, dealings with, AB 36*
Vacancies, procedure to fill, AB 36*
Elections, procedures as to ineligible candidates, AB 389D
Wards, number and boundaries, AB 36*
Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery, City urged to protect, AB 174D
Redevelopment, extension of termination of certain plans, allocation of tax revenues, AB 80*
Regional planning, governing board for, appointment of members, AB 39D
School board trustee, appointment, requirements, SB 243D
Special events, emergency medical services provided by host organization, approval required, duties, AB 307D
Tourism promotion district, use of certain room tax proceeds, duties, AB 306D
Tourism promotion district, use of certain room tax proceeds, duties, AB 306D
Contracts, authority, technical amendment, SB 299D
Damage waivers, disclosure of information regarding use of seat belts and child restraint systems by children, SB 156D
Liability insurance, minimum amounts increased, SB 308*
Motortrucks, additional charges authorized, disclosure requirement, penalty, AB 233*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Motor vehicles, repossessing before default deemed deceptive trade practice, AB 262*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Offenders granted parole but not yet eligible for release, establishment of program for, AB 421†
Older offenders, residential confinement authorized, requirements, penalties for violations, SB 140††
Imposition and use, AB 120D
Low‑income housing exempt from taxation, AB 120D
Certificates of registration
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Mechanics’ liens, authority, procedures, SB 423D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Civil penalties for violations, procedures, maximum amount, SB 71*
Community‑based living arrangement services, laws inapplicable, AB 46*
Dispute resolution clause in contracts, requirements, SB 360*, AB 288*
Authority to check vital signs, administer insulin and perform blood glucose test, regulations, SB 324*
Training and competency evaluation, requirements, study, AB 299*
Fire sprinkler system, requirements, SB 477*
Medicaid (See also MEDICAID)
Reimbursement rates for personal care services, study, SB 95, SB 96
Medical marijuana, use on property authorized, SB 378D
Mental illness or related condition, placement of persons with, certain considerations required, AB 46*
Palliative care to residents with serious illnesses, education and information regarding, duties, SB 136*
Rates charged by certain group homes, legislative study, AB 343*
Rating of facilities, requirements, SB 482*
State Long‑Term Care Ombudsman, duties, SB 123*
Supervision, AB 165*
Supported living arrangement services, laws inapplicable, AB 46*
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, SB 71*
Zoning, procedures relating to, inclusion as single‑family residence, SB 477*
Adoption, petitioners’ residency requirement repealed, AB 191*
Candidates for office, residency requirements, SB 113D, AB 389D
Common‑Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, Commission for, members, residency requirement, SB 476*
Economic development, State residency of employees, requirements for certain tax abatements, SB 442*
Public Lands Day, free entry to state parks for Nevada residents, AB 449*
Regulatory bodies, residency requirements for executive director or executive secretary, AB 328*
Taxicab drivers, permit requirements, AB 487*
Victims of crime, eligibility for compensation, AB 122*
Affordable Care Act, continuation urged, SJR 8‡, AJR 9‡
Colorado River, independent study of management urged, AJR 4D
Constitutional Convention, rescission of all previous state requests calling for Federal Constitutional Convention, SJR 10‡
Glen Canyon Dam, independent study of decommissioning urged, AJR 4D
Intermountain West Corridor route, inclusion of Mineral County urged, AJR 11‡
Israel, support expressed and friendship and partnership recognized, AJR 3D
Legislature (See LEGISLATURE)
Marketplace Fairness Act, Congress urged to pass, SJR 5‡
Medicare, opposition to certain proposed changes to program expressed, AJR 7‡
Anderson, Bernie, ACR 4‡
Carpenter, John, ACR 11‡
Cashill, William Patterson “Pat,” SCR 2‡
Ferraro, Robert Stanley, SCR 9‡
Gray, Gary, SCR 8‡
Parque, Chad, ACR 3‡
National monuments (See NATIONAL MONUMENTS)
Public lands (See PUBLIC LANDS)
Social Security, opposition to certain proposed changes expressed, AJR 7‡
Taiwan, sister‑state relationship celebrated, support for Bilateral Investment Agreement affirmed, SCR 7‡
Types, usage and approval (JSR 7), ACR 1‡
United States Supreme Court, nomination of Justice who will protect women’s reproductive rights urged, AJR 8D
Wildlife conservation, support for certain federal funding proposal expressed, SJR 13‡
Yucca Mountain, opposition to nuclear waste depository expressed, AJR 10‡
Address changes, failure to notify Board, fine made discretionary, AB 339*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Disciplinary action, posting of information by Board, AB 339*
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to patients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to patients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Medical records (See also MEDICAL RECORDS)
Board of Medical Examiners, authority to take possession of records of licensee’s patients, duties, SB 291*, AB 339*
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Personal care services in the home, agencies providing, laws inapplicable to provision of temporary respite care, AB 46*
Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of older persons, procedures for payment of restitution, SB 278D
Armed Forces members, remedies for violations involving contracts for certain services, AB 282*
Guardians, money misappropriated from estate of ward, SB 158D, SB 433*
Monetary instruments, restitution for victims of crime involving financial transactions, SB 68D
Prisoners assigned to residential confinement, authority of Division of Parole and Probation, AB 421†
Rights of crime victims, constitutional amendment to expand, SJR 17 of the 78th Session‡
Writ of restitution, sheriff’s fees for service and execution, SB 182*
Baby changing facilities, requirements, AB 241*
Flood control project needs committees, membership, AB 375*
Motor vehicle dealers and related licensees, violations by, authorized uses of surety bonds, AB 262*
Off‑highway dealers, lessors and manufacturers, violations by, authorized uses of surety bonds, AB 262*
Technology devices in motor vehicles, responsibilities, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 350*
Liquor stores, prohibited investments by wholesale dealers of alcoholic beverages, AB 431*
Plastic bags provided at checkout, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 344D
Vapor products, use on premises prohibited, AB 450D
Creation, AB 430
Creation, duties, SB 377*
Artificial nutrition and hydration, procedures for withholding or withdrawal from patient, penalties, AB 93D
Assisted suicide, authority of certain patients to request, requirements, immunities, penalties, SB 261
Life‑sustaining treatment, authority of advanced practice registered nurses relating to withholding or withdrawal, penalties, SB 227*, AB 93D, AB 116D
Adoption, SB 330D
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517, AB 399*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 335D, SB 448*
Regional transportation commissions, agreements regarding use, SB 149*
Telecommunications providers and Department of Transportation, agreements for access, compensation, SB 53*
Administrative supervision, grounds, procedures, confidentiality, AB 83*
Corporate governance annual disclosure, requirements, AB 35*
State‑chartered risk retention groups, applicability of laws, AB 35*
Carson River, corridor improvements, extension of time to issue bonds pursuant to 2002 ballot question, SB 198*
Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program, Account for the, appropriation, SB 503*
Colorado River, independent study of management urged, AJR 4D
Intercounty significance, projects of, reimbursement by county of impact costs to other local governments, AB 153D
State lands, fees for use to be established by regulation, deposit and use of certain proceeds, SB 512*
Truckee River, corridor improvements, extension of time to issue bonds pursuant to 2002 ballot question, SB 198*
Waterfront improvement projects, districts to fund, creation, SB 138*
Accommodations facilities, collection of tax, requirements, AB 294D
Clark County, increase, deposit of proceeds, SB 316D
Flood management projects, imposition of taxes to fund, AB 375*
Hosting platforms, collection of tax, requirements, AB 294†
Tourism promotion district in Washoe County, use of tax proceeds, AB 306D
Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority Board of Directors, membership, SB 471*
Telecommunications Advisory Council, creation, membership, SB 53*
Escrow accounts for tenants, program to establish, duties, SB 417
Local Government Budget and Finance Act, applicability, SB 183†
Volume cap on private activity bonds, transfer of portion to Authority, SB 5
Abandonment of newborns, parents’ anonymity and right to receive notices and information, SB 2*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Diapers, AB 402
Durable medical equipment, SB 419
Feminine hygiene products, SB 415*, AB 402
Mobility enhancing equipment, SB 419
Oxygen delivery equipment, SB 419
Flood management projects, imposition of taxes to fund, AB 375*
Marketplace Fairness Act, Congress urged to pass, SJR 5‡
Regional transportation commissions, imposition of additional tax, authority, procedures, SB 149*
Veterinarians, treatment as consumer rather than retailer of tangible personal property used, furnished or dispensed, AB 439*
Confiscated firearms, sales to other law enforcement agencies, SB 307D
Internet sales between individuals, designation of places for parties to meet to complete transaction, AB 297*
Motor vehicles (See MOTOR VEHICLES)
Licenses, requirements for issuance or reinstatement, fees, AB 60*
Nonrepairable vehicles, applications by certificate holders to deem as salvage vehicles, requirements, penalties, SB 172D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Cities and counties, sanctuary status prohibited, financial penalties, SB 333D
Governmental entity databases containing information on immigration status, nationality or citizenship, prohibited disclosures, SB 389D
Law enforcement agencies, state and local agencies prohibited from performing certain actions, SB 223D, AB 357D
Special immigrant juveniles, powers and duties of district courts, AB 142*
Day of observance, Governor to proclaim, AB 435*
Formation, regulation, conversions, SB 81*
Anesthesiologist assistants, programs for, SB 210D
Business taxes, additional tax credits for donations to scholarship organizations, SB 555*
Early childhood education programs, students enrolled in, AB 186
Millennium Scholarships (See MILLENNIUM SCHOLARSHIPS)
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, administration by Office of Educational Choice, SB 359D, SB 506
Nevada Promise Scholarship program, creation, SB 391*
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, funding, requirements, SB 544*
Annual measurable objectives and performance targets, determinations whether schools meeting, Internet publication, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Annual reports of accountability
Alternative diploma, number and percentage of pupils receiving, AB 64*
Graduation rate, inclusion of pupils for whom individual graduation plan established, SB 132*
Paraprofessionals, certain information, AB 7*
Retention of pupils in certain grades, AB 409†
Teachers and other licensed personnel, certain information, AB 7*
Legislative study, ACR 8
Reporting period, completion date, notice of availability repealed, SB 247*
Charter schools, use of alternative performance framework to rate school, eligibility, procedures, AB 49*
Final ratings for schools, Internet publication, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, requirements, SB 391*, AB 7*
Terminology, revision to conform to federal law, AB 7*
Title I schools rated as underperforming, repeal of provisions regarding plans to improve the achievement of pupils, AB 7*
Underperforming schools
Conversion to achievement charter school or A+ school, procedures, SB 430
Grants to improve pupil achievement, SB 544*
Notice to parents or guardians regarding certain teachers, AB 7*
Performance compacts for schools, requirements and procedures, SB 430
Petitions for certain changes to school, requirements, procedures, SB 430
Victory schools program, funding, SB 544*
Baby changing facilities, requirements, AB 241*
Construction, expansion or remodeling of buildings or facilities
Achievement charter schools, applicability of laws, SB 173††
Capital improvements, certain reports repealed, AB 464*
Consultations, certain consultations required, AB 127*
Pay equity compliance certificates, requirements for issuance regarding award of contracts, AB 106†
Prevailing wage laws, applicability, SB 173††, AB 154††, AB 406
Residential construction tax, applicability of laws, imposition and use, AB 120D
Subdivision of land, requirements regarding school sites, payment of infrastructure costs, AB 120D
Crimes committed on property, jurisdiction of juvenile court, AB 369D
Firearms located in motor vehicles on property authorized, requirements, SB 102D
Medical marijuana, use on school property, exemption from prosecution and affirmative defense, SB 378D
Vapor products, use on premises prohibited, AB 450D
Video cameras in certain locations, requirements, restrictions, SB 224
A+ schools, duties, receipt of reports, SB 430
Accountability reports, reporting period, completion date, notice of availability repealed, SB 247*
Consultants or other professional or technical personnel, authority to contract for services, SB 430
Contracts to operate achievement charter school or A+ school contracts, grounds for termination, procedures following decision, SB 430
Enrollment of public school pupils in charter school, agreements regarding, SB 430
Executive Director
Classification, SB 430
Superintendent of Public Instruction, authority to designate certain persons to serve as, SB 430
Implementation of provisions, delay, AB 432D
Performance reviews of schools, requirements, SB 430
Principals of achievement charter schools, receipt of reports, SB 430
Repeal of provisions, SB 430†, AB 103D, AB 432D
Underperforming public schools and achievement charter schools, petitions requesting certain changes, procedures, SB 430
Accountability of public schools (See also SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY)
Plans to improve achievement of pupils, time for receipt, AB 7*
Achievement charter schools
A+ schools, duties, prohibited acts, SB 430
Underperforming schools, petitions requesting certain changes, duties, receipt of notice, SB 430
Achievement School District (See SCHOOL DISTRICT, ACHIEVEMENT)
Albuterol inhalers, duties regarding handling and transportation, reports, AB 156
Assessment tools and examinations, plan for auditing, duties, SB 303*
Breakfast After the Bell Program, duties, AB 166D
Breastfeeding, duty to provide accommodations for personnel, prohibited acts, complaints regarding, AB 113*
Budget reports, duties, effect of late submission, AB 378D
Bullying or cyber‑bullying
Assignment to different school, requests by parent or guardian of victim, procedures, AB 292*
Reports regarding, duty of principals, AB 292*
Training programs, requirements, SB 225*, SB 294D
Buses and other vehicles owned by district
Authority to lease, requirements, SB 164*, AB 485*
Engine emissions reduction, replacing and repowering of school buses, funding, SB 418, AB 416
Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, transportation of pupils who are members, duties of district, AB 220D
Safety belts, requirements for new school buses, AB 485*
School bus defined, applicability of laws, AB 485*
Career and technical education programs, grants, procedures and criteria for award, AB 482*
Child abuse or neglect, poster regarding reports, receipt, duties, AB 305*
Commencement of school day, time for, duties, AB 166D, AB 225D
Community education advisory boards, creation, membership, duties, AB 210D
Competency‑Based Education Task Force, membership, AB 110†
Construction or development in county, statement of impact on school district, requirements, AB 120D
Employment, requirements, exception, AB 378D
Goods and services, requirements, exception, AB 378D
Courses of instruction (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Computer science and computer education and technology, duties, receipt of recommendations, SB 200*
Dual credit courses, requirements, duties, SB 19*
American government, authority of school to offer combined course, duties, SB 249*
Online assessment, duties, SB 249†
Financial literacy, duties, SB 249*
Crisis and emergency management
Charter school, evacuation of pupils and staff to public school, procedures, AB 221*
Counseling and other services provided to pupils and staff, requirements, SB 212*
Emergency drills, requirements, AB 127*
Response plans, duties of development committees, SB 212*, AB 127*
Suicide, duties, applicability of laws, SB 212*
Dual language immersion programs, distribution of grants to elementary schools in district, AB 139
Elko County School District, professional development for teachers and administrators, funding, SB 544*
Immigration enforcement, certain actions by police units prohibited, SB 223D, AB 357D
Independent contractors, duties, certain contracts prohibited, AB 362*
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 201D, AB 404
Intercounty significance, projects of, reimbursement of impact costs to affected local governments, AB 153D
Internship programs
Authority to offer programs, application, requirements, reports, SB 66*
Computer technology, pilot program, duties, SB 153D
Grants to develop and implement, SB 66*, SB 544*
Work‑based learning programs, name changed to, SB 66*
Interscholastic activities, participation by certain pupils, duties, payment of costs, SB 252*
Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
Adjutant General, reimbursements to districts, use of money, AB 220D
Transportation of pupils who belong to Corps, duties of districts, AB 220D
Kindergartens, establishment mandatory, duties, AB 186
Libraries, establishment and maintenance, SB 143
Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, receipt of notice of insufficiency, SB 391*
Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, duties, SB 467*
New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, distribution and use of money, duties, SB 178*
Opioid antagonists, duties regarding handling and transportation, reports, AB 428†
Personnel (See also SCHOOL PERSONNEL)
Code of conduct for interpersonal interactions and communications with pupils, establishment, duties, AB 124*
Collective bargaining agreements, reports, duties, SB 220D
Instructional materials created by, copyrights, duties, AB 400D
Professional development training, receipt of reports, duties, AB 77*
Statewide performance evaluation system, duties, AB 320*
Prekindergarten education, expansion of program, funding, AB 186
Printers used by district, default to be set to print double‑sided, exception, AB 264D
Pupil‑teacher ratios (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)
At‑risk pupils, duties, reports, SB 178†
Bullying or cyber‑bullying, victims of, requests for assignment to different school, procedures, AB 292*
Discipline of pupils, reports, requirements, SB 386*
English learners, duties, reports, SB 178†
Foster children, consultations concerning whether child to remain in school of origin, duties, AB 491*
Health care providers, access by pupils, duties, AB 275*
Integrated student supports, duties, AB 275*
Learning goals developed for pupils, duties, AB 320*
Needs assessment, duties, AB 275*
Surveys of pupils regarding use and abuse of certain substances, receipt of reports, SB 166
Transportation to school outside district, reimbursement for certain costs, SB 544*
Recess, requirements for certain grades, adoption of policy, AB 166D
Reorganization of district
Organizational teams, immunities from liability, SB 119D
Procedures for districts with over 100,000 pupils, AB 469*, AB 516
Residential construction tax, applicability of laws, imposition and use, AB 120D
Safe‑to‑Tell Program, duties, SB 212*
School transportation, adoption of policy, requirements, SB 386*
Sex education advisory committee
Composition, AB 348†
Duties, AB 348††
Suicide response, duties, SB 212*
Superintendents (See also SCHOOL PERSONNEL)
Academic retention of pupils in grade 3, duties, repeal, AB 409
Annual measurable objectives and performance targets, determinations whether schools meeting, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Assignment of certain teachers and administrators, duties, AB 77*
Budget reports, effect of late submission, AB 378D
Bullying or cyber‑bullying, authority of designee to take certain actions, SB 294D
Collective bargaining units, exclusions from, SB 493*
Competency‑based education, duties, AB 110*
Discipline of pupils, plans for, receipt, duties, SB 386*
Dismissal of probationary personnel, duties, SB 273*
Dual credit courses, duties, SB 19*
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, membership, AB 124*
Evaluation of performance, use of statewide performance evaluation system authorized, AB 320*
Final ratings for schools, Internet publication, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Librarians, duties, SB 143
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, membership, AB 144*
Plan to improve achievement of pupils, receipt and certain duties repealed, AB 7*
Pupil‑teacher ratios, alternative literacy achievement plans, duties, SB 353D
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, membership, SB 497*
Appointment in certain districts, requirements, SB 243D
Election, elimination of election districts, election at large in certain school districts, SB 243D
Professional development training, requirements, effect of noncompliance, AB 451*
Underperforming schools, petitions requesting certain changes, procedures, receipt of reports, SB 430
Victory schools, continuation of program, duties, funding, SB 505D, SB 544*, AB 447*
Video cameras in certain locations on school property, duties, SB 224
Achievement School District, Account for the, repeal, SB 430†, AB 103D, AB 432D
Adult High School Diploma program, funding, SB 544*
Basic support guarantee
2017‑2019 biennium, requirements, SB 544*
Disabilities, pupils with, requirements, SB 49*, SB 544*
Education savings accounts, children receiving grants, effect on average daily enrollment, SB 359D, SB 506
English learners and at‑risk pupils, calculation of support, SB 178†
Bullying Prevention Account, appropriation, use of money, SB 544*
Buses, replacement or repowering to reduce engine emissions, funding, SB 418, AB 416
Capital projects, funds for, sources, SB 316D, SB 421D, AB 120D
Career and technical education, funding, AB 482*
Charter schools
Budget reports, AB 378D
Early apportionments, requests for, SB 293D
Clark County School District disbursement account, creation, appropriation, SB 550*
Cleaner Emission Vehicles, Fund for, creation, SB 418†
Competency‑based education programs, funding, AB 110*
Authorized investments, AB 152D
Budget reports, AB 378D
Dual language immersion programs, funding, AB 139
Early childhood education programs, funding, SB 544*
Educational Choice, Account for, creation, sources, use, SB 359D, SB 506
Emergency Assistance Account, use, AB 127*
Financial Literacy, Account for Instruction in, creation, SB 249*
Funding adjustments for certain categories of pupils, hiring of consultant to study, appropriation, SB 178*
Gifted and talented education programs, funding, SB 544*
Grants (See GRANTS)
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, appropriation, use of money, SB 544*
Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel, Grant Fund for
Appropriation, use of money, SB 544*
Reserves, deposit, SB 89
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for
Abolishment, use of remaining money, SB 518†
Sources, SB 89, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*
Uses, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*, AB 110*, AB 447*
K‑12 Public Education Stabilization Account, creation, SB 89
Leadership Skills, Account for, creation, appropriation, SB 154
Limited English proficient pupils, funding of programs, SB 180, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*
Literacy programs and services for certain elementary school pupils, funding, SB 544*, AB 409
National School Lunch Program state match, reimbursement of districts, SB 544*
New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, creation, distribution and use of money, SB 178*
Other State Education Programs Account
Appropriation, SB 544*
Peer assistance and review of teachers program, funding, SB 300*
Professional Development Programs Account, sources, SB 544*
Pupil‑teacher ratios, funding for grades 1‑3, SB 544*
Salary incentive program for certain new or continuing teachers and principals, funding, SB 547
Securities, authorized investments, SB 76D, AB 152D
Special Education Services, Contingency Account for
Appropriation, SB 544*
Treatment of interest and income, SB 518*
State Distributive School Account
Authorized expenditures, SB 544*
Basic support guarantee (See Basic support guarantee, this heading)
Claims against Account, temporary advances of money authorized, limitations, SB 544*
Collective bargaining agreements, impact on Account, reports, SB 220D
Count of pupils for apportionment, requirements, regulation, AB 7*
General appropriation, SB 544*
Marijuana and medical marijuana, excise tax on sales, deposit of proceeds, SB 302, SB 487*, SB 508
Reallocation of money reverted from Account, SB 89
Reserves, deposit, SB 89
Shortfall, determination, allocations to cover, SB 89
State Supplemental School Account, transfer of money, SB 544*
Supplemental appropriation, SB 522*
State Permanent School Fund
Authorized investments, SB 76D, AB 152D
Emergency loan program for certain persons, use of money, AB 67D
Forfeitures, certain proceeds to be deposited, SB 358D
State Supplemental School Account
Expenditures by districts, time for initial reports, SB 544*
Sources, SB 544*
Clark County
Redevelopment areas, tax revenue set aside for public educational facilities, activities and programs in, AB 70*
Room tax, increase, deposit of proceeds, SB 316D
Property tax proceeds for Fiscal Year 2018‑2019, requirements, SB 544*
Residential construction tax, applicability of laws, imposition and use, AB 120D
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, sources, use, SB 544*
Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Account, creation, AB 351
Teachers’ School Supplies Reimbursement Account, appropriation, SB 544*
Transportation of pupils, reimbursement of districts, SB 544*
Victory schools program, funding, SB 544*, AB 447*
Zoom schools program, funding, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*
Creation, duties, SB 497*
Academic plans for pupils, meetings regarding, duties, AB 117*
Accountability of public schools (See SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY)
Achievement charter school, leave of absence to accept or continue employment with, effect of certain reduction in workforce, SB 430
Collective bargaining units, authority to participate in, SB 356††, SB 493*
Learning goals for pupils, development, duties, evaluation, AB 320*
Legislative study, SB 497*
Principals (See Principals, this heading)
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, membership, SB 497*
Agreements regarding suspected abuse or sexual misconduct, prohibited acts, AB 362*
Albuterol inhalers, authority to possess and administer, requirements, AB 156
Applications for employment, procedures, penalties, AB 362*
Assignment and salary of licensed employees, time for submission to Department, regulation, AB 77*
Breastfeeding, duty to provide accommodations, prohibited acts, complaints regarding, AB 113*
Bullying or cyber‑bullying, training requirements, SB 225*, SB 294D
Child abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Constitutions, knowledge of, requirements, SB 20*, SB 104D, AB 77*
Counselors, duties regarding academic plans developed for high school pupils, SB 132*
Crimes committed by, use by districts of substantiated reports authorized, SB 213*
Directory of licensed personnel, duty to file with board of trustees repealed, AB 77*
Disciplinary action, grounds, AB 362*
Discipline of pupils, plans for, receipt, SB 386*
Educational leadership training programs, implementation and operation, SB 155*
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, membership, AB 124*
Employment records, duties of Department, contents, confidentiality, AB 77†
Fingerprinting and background checks, requirements, SB 213*, SB 287*
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, appropriation, SB 544*
Height and weight measurements of pupils in certain districts, reports, duties, SB 165*, AB 273D
Instructional materials created by, copyrights, creation of database, AB 400D
Integrated student supports, requirements, AB 275*
Interpersonal interactions and communications with pupils, establishment of code of conduct, training, AB 124*
Juvenile proceedings, authority of attorney to consult with educators, AB 341*
Librarians, requirements, exceptions, SB 143
Background checks, requirements, SB 213*, SB 287*
Cultural competency, requirements for endorsement, AB 196*
Culturally responsive educational leadership, requirements for endorsement, AB 196†
Notice to school district or charter school, time for, AB 77*, AB 362*
Renewal of license, effect of denial, AB 77*
Sexual offense involving minor or pupil, denial authorized, procedures, list of denied applications to be maintained and distributed, AB 362*
Duplicate license, waiver of fee for certain persons, AB 77*
Early childhood education, AB 77*
Examinations, requirements, SB 20*, SB 104D, AB 77*
Issuance or renewal, amount of fee, waiver for certain persons, AB 77*
Provisional license, regulation, SB 104D, AB 77*
Field of specialization or area of concentration, demonstration of proficiency, requirements, SB 104D, AB 77*
Review of information by Department and provision of feedback, fees, AB 77*
Reciprocal license, regulation, SB 104D, AB 77*
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Loans, establishment of emergency loan program, AB 67D
Mental health workers, block grant program to provide services to schools, SB 544*, AB 127*
Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, creation, funding, SB 467*, SB 544*
Nevada System of Higher Education, payment of expenses of dependent child of public employee killed in performance of duties, AB 1*
New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, consultations regarding distribution and use of money, SB 178*
Opioid antagonists, authority to possess and administer, AB 428†
Paraprofessionals, examinations, qualifications, contents of accountability reports, AB 7*
Performance evaluations
Postprobationary teachers and administrators, effect of performance designated as effective or highly effective, AB 320*
Probationary teachers and administrators, procedures, AB 7†, AB 212D
Statewide system
Accountability reports, overall performance rating of employees to be included, AB 7*
Administrators, study, SB 497*
“Minimally effective” performance, term replaced with “developing,” AB 320*
Overall performance rating of employees, time for submission to Department, regulation, AB 77*
“Peer evaluations,” term redesignated “peer observations,” AB 7*, AB 320*
Pupil achievement or growth, determination, use in evaluations, AB 7*, AB 212D, AB 320*
Pupil‑teacher ratio exceeding maximum applicable ratio, effect, AB 312†
Review of system, requirements, AB 320*
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, duties, SB 497*
Terminology, redesignation of certain terms, AB 7*, AB 320*
Police units (See also PEACE OFFICERS)
Immigration enforcement, certain actions prohibited, SB 223D, AB 357D
Principals (See also Administrators, this heading)
Academic retention of pupils in grade 3, duties, AB 409
Annual measurable objectives and performance targets, determinations whether schools meeting, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Bullying or cyber‑bullying, duties, SB 225*, SB 294, SB 385D, AB 292*
Child abuse or neglect reports made against employees and volunteers, receipt of notification and recommendations, duties, SB 287†
Civics examination, eligibility of pupil for waiver, duties, SB 322*
Competency‑Based Education Network, membership, AB 110*
Crisis, emergency or suicide response, duties, SB 212*
Discipline of pupils, duties, SB 247*, SB 386*
Final ratings for schools, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Learning goals for pupils, development, duties, evaluation, AB 320*
Notice to parents or guardians of pupils in Title I schools rated as underperforming, requirements, AB 7*
Plan to improve achievement of pupils, duties, AB 7*
Reading and literacy of elementary pupils, duties, AB 409
Salary incentive program for professional growth, requirements, SB 547
School precincts, duties, AB 516
Surveys of pupils regarding use and abuse of certain substances, duties, SB 166
Underperforming schools, reports regarding performance compacts, duties, SB 430
Video cameras on school property, duties, SB 224
Probationary employee, dismissal, procedures, SB 273*
Professional development
Annual reports, contents, time for submission, AB 77*
Collaborative work to ensure productive environment, requirements in certain district, SB 369*
Computer science and computer education and technology, SB 200*
Financial incentives, requirements for teachers receiving, SB 544*
Financial literacy instructors, requirements, SB 249*
Professional Development Programs Account, appropriation, use of money, SB 544*
Reading, requirements for elementary school teachers, AB 409
Regional training programs
Governing bodies, duties, AB 77*
Service credit purchased by districts, funding, SB 544*
Safe‑to‑Tell Program, appointment of team members to receive certain reports, duties, immunity from liability, SB 212*
Safety in public schools, attendance at certain conferences, AB 127*
School gardens at Title I schools, powers and duties of certain personnel, SB 167*
School transportation, adoption of policy, requirements, SB 386*
Sex education, authority to teach, AB 348†
Sexual conduct between employee and pupils
Position of authority, personnel in, applicability of laws, SB 169*
Reports to child welfare agency and law enforcement agency, requirements, SB 287*
Sexual misconduct regarding minor or pupil, provision of assistance in obtaining new employment prohibited, exception, AB 362*
Sexual offenses committed by
Agreements to suppress information prohibited, AB 362*
Applicants for employment who may have direct contact with pupils, provision of certain information required, procedures, penalty for violations, civil actions regarding, AB 362*
Denial of license due to offense involving minor or pupil authorized, maintenance and distribution of list of applications denied, AB 362*
Social workers, block grant program to provide services to schools, SB 544*, AB 127*
Special education personnel, training regarding video cameras, SB 224
Suicide, contents of response plans, counseling and other services to be provided, SB 212*
Superintendents (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS)
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, funding, requirements, SB 544*
Teacher and Leaders Council of Nevada, composition, AB 320*
Accountability reports, contents, AB 7*
Areas of instruction, designation of areas of critical need, effect, AB 351
Attendance at certain meetings, payment of costs of employing substitute teacher, AB 77*
Clark County School District
Professional development training, requirements, funding, SB 544*
Salary incentive program for professional growth, requirements, SB 547
Compensation, additional compensation for certain elementary school teachers authorized, AB 409
Competency‑Based Education Network, membership, AB 110*
English Mastery Council, membership, AB 77*
Financial incentives, appropriation, SB 544*, AB 434*
Laws related to schools, training requirements, SB 20*
Learning goals for pupils, development, duties, evaluation, AB 320*
Peer assistance and review of teachers program, funding, SB 300*
Pupil‑teacher ratios (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Federal law, qualifications prescribed by, provisions removed, AB 7*
Notice to parents or guardians of pupils attending certain schools, AB 7*
Reading teachers, duties and requirements, AB 409
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, membership, SB 497*
Employment of teachers without appropriate endorsement, AB 7*, AB 77*
State of public education, contents of annual report, AB 351
Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Grants Program, establishment, AB 351
Title I schools
Notice to parents or guardians regarding qualifications of teachers, AB 7*
School garden teams, membership, duties, SB 167*
Teachers’ School Supplies Reimbursement Account, appropriation, SB 544*
Teaching and Educator Preparation, Nevada Institute on, establishment, funding, SB 548*
Transfer of certain teachers or administrators, requirements, AB 77*
Unemployment compensation
Employment in multiple capacities, effect, SB 52†
Overpayments received, effect, remedies of State, SB 52D
Achievement charter schools, authority to participate in class or extracurricular activity, SB 430
Assessment tools and examinations, plan for auditing, SB 303*
Bullying or cyber‑bullying (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Safe and respectful learning environment)
Child abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Civics examination, eligibility for waiver, SB 322*
Code of honor relating to cheating, requirements, SB 77D
College Kick Start Program, Nevada, establishment, funding, AB 475*
Computer science courses, efforts required to increase enrollment by certain pupils, SB 200*
Credit for course of study in lieu of attendance, requirements, AB 110*
Disabilities, pupils with
Basic support guarantee, requirements, SB 49*, SB 544*
Bullying and cyber‑bullying, policy, procedures, SB 225*, SB 294D
Child abuse or neglect, appointment of educational surrogate parent, duties, SB 213*
Civics examination, eligibility for waiver, SB 322*
Computer science and computer education and technology, enrollment in courses, requirements, SB 200*
Diploma, standard high school, adjusted or alternative, requirements, AB 64*
Eligibility to complete school year, upper age limit, SB 248
Special education (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Discipline of pupils
Annual reports, SB 247*
Committees to review temporary alternative placement of pupils, establishment, composition, reports, SB 386*
Plans for progressive discipline and on‑site review of disciplinary decisions, requirements, SB 247*, SB 386*
School transportation
Policy for school transportation, adoption, contents, SB 386*
Removal of pupil from school transportation, restrictions, SB 386*
Temporary removal of pupil from school premises, requirements, SB 386*
Education savings accounts (See EDUCATION SAVINGS ACCOUNTS)
Educational records
Bullying, exclusion of unsubstantiated information, SB 225*, SB 294D
Child welfare agencies, authority to request, effect of failure of school official to provide, AB 236*
Education savings accounts, access to records by participating entities, SB 359D, SB 506
Juvenile sex offenders, agreements by school districts to share records with certain agencies, SB 470, AB 395*
Enrollment and attendance, age requirements, AB 186
Foster children, consultations concerning whether child to remain in school of origin, duties, AB 491*
Funding adjustments for certain categories of pupils, study, SB 178*
Gifted and talented pupils, funding of programs, SB 544*
Height and weight measurements of pupils in certain districts, requirements, SB 165*, AB 273D
High school pupils
Academic plans, requirements, SB 19*, SB 132*, AB 117*
Count of pupils for apportionment, requirements for pupils in grade 12, AB 7*
Dual credit courses, requirements and procedures for participation, SB 19*
Individual graduation plans for certain pupils, eligibility, requirements, SB 132*, AB 49*
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to sign exemption statement, SB 227*
Notices to parents or guardians regarding exempt pupils attending school, AB 200D
Integrated student supports, requirements, AB 275*
Internship programs (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—High schools)
Interpersonal interactions and communications by personnel, establishment of code of conduct, AB 124*
Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
Adjutant General, reimbursements to school districts for costs, AB 220D
Transportation of pupils members, duties of school districts, AB 220D
Leadership Skills for Elementary School Pupils, Program to Develop, creation, funding, SB 154†
Leadership Skills for Public School Pupils, Program to Develop, creation, funding, SB 154
Limited English proficient pupils
Civics examination, eligibility for waiver, SB 322*
English learners, terminology changed to, SB 178*, AB 7*
Programs and services, funding, requirements, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*
Zoom schools program, continuation, funding, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*
Literacy of elementary school pupils
Adequate proficiency in reading, requirements for determination, AB 409
Deficiency in reading
Academic retention in grade 3
Reports, AB 409
Requirements, AB 409
Additional instructional options to be offered to parent or guardian of pupil, AB 409
Assessment of progress of pupils, requirements, AB 409
Educational programs or services, pupils receiving, reports, AB 409
Notice to parent or guardian, contents, AB 409
Plan to monitor progress of pupil, requirements, AB 409
Funding of programs and services, AB 409
Plan to improve literacy of pupils, requirements, AB 409
Low‑income pupils, provision of evidence‑based integrated student support systems, SB 190, SB 504D
Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, creation, funding, SB 467*, SB 544*
Prekindergarten education program, age at which admission authorized, AB 186†
Pupil publications, distribution and right of expression of journalists, adoption of policy, SB 420*
Pupil‑teacher ratios (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Safe‑to‑Tell Program, reports of dangerous, violent or unlawful activity, SB 212*
School transportation, adoption of policy, requirements, SB 386*
Self‑medication, authority of advanced practice registered nurse to sign statement, SB 227*, AB 116D
Sexual conduct between school employee or volunteer and pupil
Position of authority, persons in, applicability of laws, SB 169*
Reports to child welfare agency and law enforcement agency, requirements, SB 287*
State parks
Annual pass, free issuance to certain pupils and family members, AB 385†
Annual permit, establishment of program for free receipt by certain pupils, AB 385*
Suicide, contents of response plans, counseling and other services to be provided, SB 212*
Surveys of pupils regarding use and abuse of certain substances, requirements, reports, SB 166
A+ schools, conversion of public school to, procedures, requirements for operation, SB 430
Charter schools, conversion to achievement charter school authorized, procedures, SB 430
Contracts to operate schools, requirements, grounds for termination and procedures following termination, SB 430
Enrollment of pupils, requirements, priority, SB 430
Facilities and services provided by school district, consultations authorized, SB 430
Governing bodies
Agreements with board of trustees, requirements, SB 430
Appointment, composition, training and professional development, SB 430
Independent administrators, selection, powers and duties, SB 430
Operators of schools, selection, powers and duties, SB 430
Parent meetings, requirements, SB 430
Performance goals, failure of school to meet
Conversion to public school, petitions requesting, procedures, SB 430
Termination of contract and selection of new operator or independent administrator, petitions requesting, procedures, SB 430
Performance reviews, requirements, SB 430
A+ schools, employment and management, duties, authority to request certain assistance, SB 430
Reports to Achievement School District, contents, SB 430
Public works laws, applicability to school facilities, SB 173††
Pupils in public or private schools, homeschooled children and opt‑in children, authority to participate in classes or extracurricular activities, SB 430
Repeal of provisions, effect on schools selected for conversion, SB 430†, AB 103D, AB 432D
Accountability of public schools (See also SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY)
Accountability reports, notice of availability repealed, SB 247*
Alternative performance framework, use to rate school, eligibility, procedures, AB 49*
Plans to improve achievement of pupils, time for receipt, AB 7*
Achievement charter schools (See also SCHOOLS, ACHIEVEMENT CHARTER)
Conversion to authorized, procedures, SB 430
Albuterol inhalers, duty to maintain for use in treating asthmatic attack, requirements, AB 156
Alternative route to licensure of teachers and administrators, school’s application to become qualified provider, expedited review, AB 49*
Applications to form charter school
Appeal of final determination by State Public Charter School Authority, restrictions, AB 49†
Approval of applications, determinations, AB 78
Evaluation of certain needs in geographic areas served by sponsor, requirements, AB 78
Evidence in support of application, requirements, AB 78
Experimental programs or new school models, effect, SB 293D, AB 49*
Identity of members of review teams, confidentiality, exception, AB 49*
Population growth and demographic changes, evaluation, AB 78†
Review of applications, requirements, AB 78†
Solicitation of applications, requirements, AB 78†
Assessment tools and examinations, plan for auditing, duties, SB 303*
Assignment of unique identifier to each school or program, duties of Department, SB 293D
Breastfeeding, duty to provide accommodations for personnel, prohibited acts, complaints regarding, AB 113*
Buildings or facilities
Building codes imposed on schools, restrictions, SB 293D
Construction, expansion or remodeling
Consultations, requirements, AB 127*
Impact fees for new development, applicability of laws, reimbursement for off‑site facilities, SB 293D
Prevailing wage laws, applicability, AB 154†, AB 406
Zoning, procedures, prohibited acts by governing bodies, SB 293D
Purchasing or leasing public land, school deemed political subdivision, SB 293D, AB 49*
Career and technical education programs, grants, procedures and criteria for award, AB 482*
Charter contracts and written charters
Alternative performance framework, rating of school using, requirements, AB 49*
Mission statement and admissions policy, amendment to include, procedures, AB 49*
Notification to parents or guardians regarding certain requests for amendment, AB 49*
Assignment, transfer of delegation prohibited, AB 49*
Complaints regarding violations, procedures, AB 49*
Development of charter contracts, duty of sponsors, AB 49*
Division of school into multiple schools, procedures, SB 293D, AB 49*
Revocation or termination, grounds, procedures, AB 49*
Security for loan, use of contract or charter as prohibited, AB 49*
Charter School Association of Nevada, consultation concerning pupil‑teacher ratios, SB 459D
Child abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Complaints against schools or staff, procedures, AB 49*
Crisis and emergency management
Emergency drills, requirements, AB 127*
Lockdown, definition, applicability of laws, AB 127*
Response plans
Consultations, certain consultations required when developing, AB 127*
Development committees, duties, SB 212*, AB 127*
Evacuation of pupils and employees to school within district, inclusion of procedure, AB 221*
Division of school into multiple schools, procedures, SB 293D, AB 49*
Dual language immersion programs, establishment, funding, AB 139
Economics courses, online assessment, duties, SB 249†
Educational or management services, disclosure of information relating to persons providing authorized, AB 49†
Experimental academic programs or new school models, establishment, procedures, SB 293D, AB 49*
Finances and funds (See also SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)
Apportionments, authority to request early distributions, SB 293D
Basic support guarantee
2017‑2019 biennium, SB 544*
Disabilities, pupils with, additional funding, duties of Authority, SB 49*
Budget reports, duties, effect of late submission, AB 378D
Funding adjustments for certain categories of pupils, study, SB 178*
Grants (See GRANTS)
State Supplemental School Support Account, expenditures from, time for initial reports, SB 544*
Governing bodies
Child abuse or neglect, poster regarding reports, receipt, duties, AB 305*
Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, receipt of notice of insufficiency, SB 391*
Reconstitution, procedures, AB 49*
High schools
Accountability reports, contents, AB 64*
State Seal of STEAM, requirements for receipt, SB 241*
State Seal of STEM, requirements for receipt, SB 241*
Dual credit courses, requirements and procedures for participation, SB 19*
Graduation rate, publication of certain information, AB 49*
Independent contractors, duties, certain contracts prohibited, AB 362*
Internet publications (See INTERNET)
Internship programs, authority to offer, funding, SB 66*, SB 544*
Libraries, establishment and maintenance, SB 143
Local educational agency
Issues related to designation, study, AB 49*
Schools deemed or designated for certain purposes, SB 293D, AB 49*
Marketing materials, inclusion of certain information required, AB 49†
Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, creation, funding, SB 467*, SB 544*
Nonprofit organizations establishing and operating certain schools, funding, continuation of program, SB 544*
Notification to parents and guardians regarding certain events impacting school, requirements, procedures, AB 49*
Operations, grounds for suspension, AB 49*
Opioid antagonists
Designation of employee to administer, requirements, duties, AB 428†
Duty to obtain and maintain, requirements, reports, AB 428†
Personnel (See also SCHOOL PERSONNEL)
Agreements regarding suspected abuse or sexual misconduct, prohibited acts, AB 362*
Applications for employment, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 362*
Assignment and salary of licensed employees, time for submission of reports to Department, regulation, AB 77*
Child abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Complaints filed against, procedures, AB 49*
Computer science and computer education and technology, professional development training, requirements, SB 200*
Crimes committed by, use by governing bodies of substantiated reports authorized, SB 213*, SB 287*
Criminal cases involving certain teachers and administrators
Duty to report, tracking and monitoring of status, immunity from liability, AB 77*
Termination of employment upon conviction of certain crimes, AB 77*
Criminal history records of applicants for employment, time for review by Superintendent of Public Instruction, AB 77*
Fingerprinting and background checks, requirements, SB 213*, SB 287*
Instructional materials created by employees, copyrights, duties, AB 400D
Interpersonal interactions and communications with pupils, establishment of code of conduct, AB 124*
Mental health workers, block grant program to provide services to schools, SB 544*, AB 127*
Paraprofessionals, qualifications, regulation, AB 7*
Safety in schools, attendance at certain conferences, AB 127*
Social workers, block grant program to provide services to schools, SB 544*, AB 127*
Compensation, additional compensation for certain elementary school teachers authorized, AB 409
Construction industry or other building industry, qualifications, AB 49*
Evaluation process, regulation, AB 7*
Experience and qualifications to be demonstrated through licensure or subject matter expertise, requirements, AB 7*
Financial literacy instructors, professional development, requirements, SB 249*
Highly qualified, requirements for determination, AB 7†, AB 49*
Reading, professional development for elementary school teachers, AB 409
Political subdivision, schools deemed to be for certain purposes, effect of transfer of property, SB 293D, AB 49*
Pupil publications, adoption of policy relating to distribution and right of expression of journalists, SB 420*
Pupil‑teacher ratios in certain schools, requirements, reports, SB 459D
Pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)
At‑risk pupils, duties, reports, SB 178†
Basic support guarantee, additional funding for pupils with disabilities, requirements, SB 49*
Bullying or cyber‑bullying (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Safe and respectful learning environment)
Dual credit courses, requirements and procedures for participation, SB 19*
Elementary School Pupils, Program to Develop Leadership Skills for, creation, funding, SB 154†
Uniformed service, authority to reserve spaces for children of persons on active duty, AB 256D
Foster children, consultations concerning whether child to remain in school of origin, duties, AB 491*
Funding adjustments for certain categories of pupils, study, SB 178*
Gender identity or expression, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 188*
Health care providers, access by pupils, duties, AB 275*
High school pupils, eligibility and requirements for individual graduation plans, SB 132*
Integrated student supports, requirements, AB 275*
Interscholastic activities, participation, requirements, regulation, payment of costs, SB 252*
Leadership Skills for Public School Pupils, Program to Develop, creation, funding, SB 154
Limited English proficient pupils
English learners, terminology changed to, SB 178*, AB 7*
Grants, funding, use, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*
Objectives and performance targets, duties, reports, SB 178†
Violation of state or federal laws pertaining to pupils, complaint procedures, AB 49*
Literacy of elementary pupils
Educational programs or services, pupils receiving, reports, AB 409
Grants to support literacy programs, AB 409
Plan to improve literacy of pupils, requirements, AB 409
Retention of pupils in grade 3, contents of annual report, AB 409
Needs assessment for pupils, duties, AB 275*
Publications, adoption of policy relating to distribution and right of expression of pupil journalists, SB 420*
Safe‑to‑Tell Program, reports of dangerous, violent or unlawful activity, SB 212*
Sexual orientation, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 188*
Surveys of pupils regarding use and abuse of certain substances, SB 166
Safe and respectful learning environment, applicability of laws, SB 225*
Safety in schools, conferences regarding, requirements, AB 127*
Annual measurable objectives and performance targets, determinations whether schools meeting, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Applications to form school, duties, AB 78
Charter contracts or written charters, duties, AB 49*
Complaints filed against school, duties, receipt of certain notices, AB 49†
Final ratings for schools, repeal of notice, SB 247*
Information submitted to sponsor, confidentiality, duties, AB 49*
New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, distribution and use of money, duties, SB 178*
Plans to improve achievement of pupils, time for receipt, AB 7*
Regulations, certain actions exempt from laws regarding, AB 49†
Victory schools, duties, SB 505D
State Public Charter School Authority
Accountability reports, reporting period, completion date, SB 247*
Administrative Procedure Act, Nevada, Authority exempt from, AB 49†
Basic support guarantee, additional funding for pupils with disabilities, duties, SB 49*
Complaints filed against school or staff, duties, receipt of certain notices, reimbursement for costs of investigation, AB 49*
Delegation of powers and duties, limitations, AB 49†
Executive Director, appointment, qualifications, duties, AB 49*
Local educational agency, designation, duties, SB 293D, AB 49*
Business with or pecuniary interest in charter schools, restrictions, AB 49*
Teachers or administrators, restrictions on membership, eligibility, AB 49*
Paraprofessionals, qualifications, regulation, AB 7*
Pupil‑teacher ratios, duties, SB 459D
Purpose, AB 49*
Safety in charter schools, duties, AB 127*
Solicitation of applications to form schools, contract requirements, AB 78†
Teacher evaluation process, regulation, AB 7*
Victory schools, duties, SB 505D
Victory schools, continuation of program, funding, SB 505D, SB 544*, AB 447*
Video cameras in classrooms used for special education, requirements, restrictions, SB 224
Child abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Crimes committed by, use by governing bodies of substantiated reports authorized, SB 213*, SB 287*
Fingerprinting and background checks, requirements, SB 213*, SB 287*
Work‑based learning programs, authority to offer, funding, SB 66*, SB 544*
Wrap‑around services, funding, AB 447*
Achievement charter schools, authority of pupils to participate in class or extracurricular activity, SB 430
Bullying and cyber‑bullying
Applicability of laws, SB 225†
Authority to comply with laws pertaining to public schools, SB 225*
Child abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
CPR and use of automated external defibrillator, course of instruction made mandatory in secondary schools, AB 85*
Crimes committed on property, at school‑sponsored activities or on school bus, jurisdiction of juvenile court, AB 369D
Crisis, emergency or suicide response, requirements, procedures, SB 212*
Education savings accounts (See EDUCATION SAVINGS ACCOUNTS)
Hospitals providing residential treatment for certain children and operating school, funding, SB 49*
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to sign exemption statement, SB 227*
Notices to parents or guardians regarding exempt pupils attending school, AB 200D
Inhalers, authority to maintain for use in treating asthma attack, duties, AB 156
Interscholastic activities, participation by pupils, requirements, regulation, payment of costs, SB 252*
Lockdowns, emergency drills for, requirements, AB 127*
Motor vehicles located on property, firearms within vehicle authorized, requirements, SB 102D
Opioid antagonists, authority to obtain and maintain, duties, AB 428†
Agreements regarding suspected abuse or sexual misconduct, prohibited acts, AB 362*
Applicants for employment with public school, duty of private school to disclose certain information regarding applicant upon request, penalty for willful failure to disclose, AB 362*
Applications for employment, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 362*
Child abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Crimes committed by, use of substantiated reports authorized, SB 213*, SB 287*
Fingerprinting and background checks, requirements, SB 213*, SB 287*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation
Employment in multiple capacities, effect, SB 52†
Overpayments received, effect, remedies of State, SB 52D
Prekindergarten education programs, award of grant money, requirements, AB 186
Renewable energy resources development, legislative study, consultation, SCR 4
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
School buses, safety belt requirements for new buses, AB 485*
Self‑medication of pupils with asthma, anaphylaxis or diabetes, authorization, penalties, SB 265††, SB 539*
State parks
Annual pass, free issuance to certain pupils and family members, AB 385†
Annual permit, establishment of program for free receipt by certain pupils, AB 385*
Child abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Crimes committed by, use of substantiated reports authorized, SB 213*, SB 287*
Fingerprinting and background checks, requirements, SB 213*, SB 287*
Accountability of public schools (See SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY)
Achievement charter school, conversion to, grounds, procedures, SB 430
Albuterol inhalers, duty to maintain for use in treating asthmatic attack, requirements, AB 156
Assessment tools and examinations, plan for auditing, duties, SB 303*
Breakfast After the Bell Program, participation, procedures, SB 3*, AB 166D
Buildings and grounds (See SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS)
Child abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Clark County, tax revenue set aside for public educational facilities, activities and programs, requirements, AB 70*
Class‑size reduction (See Pupil‑teacher ratios, this heading)
Community education advisory boards, creation, membership, duties, AB 210D
Courses of instruction
American government, SB 108†, SB 249*, SB 322†
American history, SB 249*
Areas of instruction, designation of areas of critical need, requirements, effect, AB 351
Computer education and technology, SB 153D, SB 200*
Computer science, SB 200*
CPR and use of automated external defibrillator, instruction made mandatory, AB 85*
Credit for course of study in lieu of attendance, requirements, AB 110*
Criminal law, SB 108*
Cursive handwriting, SB 86D
Dual credit courses, requirements and procedures for participation, SB 19*
Economics, SB 249*
Ethnic and diversity studies, SB 107*
Financial literacy, SB 249*
Health, SB 112*, AB 85*, AB 348††
Multicultural education, SB 107†
Organ and tissue donation, SB 112*
Sex education, AB 348††
Social studies, SB 107†, SB 108*, SB 249*
World history or geography, SB 249*
Crimes committed on property, at school‑sponsored activities or on school bus, jurisdiction of juvenile court, AB 369D
Crisis and emergency management
Counseling and other services provided to pupils and staff, requirements, SB 212*
Emergency drills, requirements, AB 127*
Lockdown, definition, applicability of laws, AB 127*
Response plans
Consultations, certain consultations required when developing, AB 127*
Counseling and other services provided to pupils and staff, contents of plans, SB 212*
Evacuation of pupils and employees of charter school to school in district, inclusion of procedure, AB 221*
Suicide, development of response plans, SB 212*
Dual language immersion programs, establishment, funding, AB 139
Early childhood education (See EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION)
Education savings accounts (See EDUCATION SAVINGS ACCOUNTS)
Examinations and assessments
Civics examination, requirements, eligibility for waiver, SB 322*
College and career readiness assessment, use of results, regulation, AB 7*
Criterion‑referenced examination
Alternative examination for administration to certain pupils enrolled in grade 3, repeal, AB 409
Reading, score required for promotion to grade 4, AB 409
End of course examination, requirements for receipt of standard high school diploma, provisions removed, AB 7*
End‑of‑course final, regulation, AB 7*
Learning goals of pupils, assessments to determine achievement, AB 320*
Firearms located in motor vehicles on property authorized, requirements, SB 102D
Gardens at Title I schools, appropriation, requirements, SB 167*
Gifted and talented education programs, funding, SB 544*
High schools
Civics examination, requirement for graduation, eligibility for waiver, SB 322*
Commencement of school day, time for, AB 166D, AB 225D
Adjusted or alternative diploma, requirements, AB 64*
Adult High School Diploma program, funding, SB 544*
College and career ready high school diploma, criteria for receipt, incentive grants and reimbursements to schools, AB 7*
Pathway high school diploma, criteria, regulation, incentive grants and reimbursements for certain costs, AB 7†
Public awareness campaign regarding types of diplomas and endorsements, AB 7*
Standard high school diploma
Criteria for receipt, requirements generally, regulation, AB 7*
Disabilities, pupils with, requirements for receipt, AB 64*
End of course examination, requirements for receipt, provisions removed, AB 7*
Individual graduation plans established for certain pupils, effect, SB 132*, AB 49*
State Seal of Biliteracy, criteria for award, AB 7*
State Seal of STEAM, requirements for receipt, SB 241*
State Seal of STEM, requirements for receipt, SB 241*
Dual credit courses, requirements and procedures for participation, SB 19*
Internship programs
Computer technology, establishment of pilot program, SB 153D
Elective credit, limitation repealed, SB 66*
Grants to develop and implement programs, SB 66*, SB 544*
Work‑based learning programs, name changed to, SB 66*
Mathematics, graduation requirements, application of certain computer science course credit, SB 200*
Science, graduation requirements, application of certain computer science course credit, SB 200*
Libraries, establishment and maintenance, SB 143
Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, creation, funding, SB 467*, SB 544*
Opioid antagonists, duty to obtain and maintain, requirements, AB 428†
Organizational teams, immunities from liability, SB 119D
P‑20W Research Data System Advisory Committee, creation, SB 458*
Prekindergarten education, expansion of program, funding, AB 186
Pupil education records (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)
Child welfare agencies, authority to request, effect of failure of school official to provide, AB 236*
Pupil publications, adoption of policy relating to distribution and right of expression of journalists, SB 420*
Pupil‑teacher ratios
Alternative literacy achievement plans in lieu of complying with ratios, requirements, SB 353D
Establishment by regulation, effect on teachers’ performance evaluations, AB 312†
Funding for grades 1‑3, requirements, authorized and prohibited use, SB 544*
Legislative findings and declaration, SB 544*
Nonbinding recommendations, development, AB 312*
Recess, requirements for pupils in certain grades, adoption of policy, AB 166D
Renewable energy resources development, legislative study, consultation, SCR 4
Reno, tax revenue set aside for educational facilities in redevelopment area, requirements, AB 80*
Safe and respectful learning environment
Applicability of laws, SB 225*
Disabilities, pupils with, violations caused by, duties of administrator, SB 225*, SB 294D
Evidence‑based research, requirements regarding, SB 77D
Grants for bullying prevention, SB 225*, SB 294D, SB 544*
Deferral during period of investigation by law enforcement agency authorized, requirements, SB 225*, SB 294D
Notifications and procedures, requirements, SB 225*, SB 294D, SB 385D, AB 292*
Legislative declaration, SB 225*
List of resources, manner of provision to parent or guardian, SB 225*
Monthly reports of violations, requirements, AB 292*
Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, duties, receipt of reports, SB 77D, SB 225*, SB 294D, AB 292
Parents or guardians
Appeal of disciplinary decision, authority of parent or guardian of reported aggressor, SB 385D
Assignment of victim to different school, requests for, procedures, AB 292*
Notification of incidents involving child, requirements, SB 385D, AB 292*
Policy of Department of Education, requirements, SB 77D, SB 225*, SB 385D
Pupil records, exclusion of unsubstantiated information, SB 225*, SB 294D
Training, requirements, SB 77D, SB 225*, SB 294D
Safe‑To‑Tell Program, requirements, SB 212*
Safety in public schools, conferences regarding, requirements, AB 127*
Special education
Contingency Account for Special Education Services, appropriation, SB 544*
Interagency Panel, repeal, SB 301*
Providers, compliance with laws and regulations, procedures for determining, plans for corrective action, SB 213*, AB 182D
Reports regarding programs, contents, regulation, SB 213*
Training of educational personnel, regulation, SB 213*
Video cameras, use in classrooms and other locations, SB 224
Suicide, applicability of laws, procedures following, SB 212*
Time for commencement of school day, requirements, AB 166D, AB 225D
Victory schools program, continuation\, funding, SB 505D, SB 544*, AB 447*
Child abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Crimes committed by, use by governing body of substantiated reports authorized, SB 213*, SB 287*
Fingerprinting and background investigations, requirements, SB 213*, SB 287*
Organizational teams, immunity from liability for certain volunteers serving on, SB 119D
Wrap‑around services, funding, AB 186, AB 447*
Telecommunications Advisory Council, membership, duties, SB 53*
Telecommunications, duties, SB 53*
Workforce development, support and establishment of certain programs, SB 441
Computer science and computer education and technology, duties, SB 200*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Controlled substances, certain convictions, procedures, SB 378D, SB 453, AB 259††
Dishonorable discharge from probation, authority to apply for sealing of records, SB 453, AB 327*
District courts
Justice courts or municipal courts, authority to order records sealed, SB 453, AB 286*, AB 327*
Petition filed in district court if more than one record in more than one court authorized, SB 453, AB 327*
Eligibility, time for filing petition, SB 125*, SB 453, AB 327*
Involuntary servitude, petitions to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedures, AB 243*
Legislative declaration, SB 453, AB 327*
Marijuana convictions, authority to petition for sealing of records, AB 259††
Military members or veterans, treatment programs for offenders, authority of certain courts, SB 449D, AB 286*
Orders issued without hearing, requirements, SB 453, AB 327*
Preprosecution diversion program for certain offenders, creation, procedures, effect of completion, AB 470*
Presumption that records should be sealed, effect of filing petition, exception, SB 453, AB 327*
Prosecuting attorney, effect of stipulating to sealing of records, SB 453, AB 327*
Records required to accompany petitions, requirements, SB 453, AB 327*
Reentry programs, time for sealing records following completion, SB 453, AB 327*
Sex trafficking, petitions to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedures, AB 243*
Drones, restrictions on acts of law enforcement agencies, SB 234
Outstanding warrant, effect on unlawful stop or seizure by peace officer, procedures, SB 368†
Age, weight and height requirements for use by children, exceptions, civil penalties, citations, SB 156D
Authority to issue citations, expansion, SB 288D
Cellular phones and similar hands‑free communications devices, requirements for use, SB 216D
Child passenger safety technicians, immunity from liability for providing or failing to provide certain services, SB 156†
Civil actions, admissibility of evidence regarding violations, AB 338D
Rental cars, waiver of damages, required disclosure of information, SB 156D
School buses, requirements for new vehicles, AB 485*
Violations involving children, issuance of citation to parent or guardian present in vehicle, SB 156D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Athlete Agents Act, Revised Uniform, adoption, AB 372*
Athletes’ Agents Act, Uniform, repeal, AB 372*
Bill draft requests, limit on number, AB 189
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Credit card processing fees shortfall, supplemental appropriation, AB 496*
Disadvantaged business enterprises, duties, AB 436*
Document preparation services program, duties, AB 324*
Domestic violence victims, fictitious address program, duties, SB 25†
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Electronic Secretary of State System, appropriation, AB 503*
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolished, AB 201D
Financial disclosure statements, regulation, investigations, AB 45†
Gender equality in the workplace, survey, duties, SB 343, AB 423*
General appropriations legislation, duties, AB 518*
Guardianships, duties, SB 229*
Initiative and referendum petitions, regulation, AB 45†
Motor vehicle dealers and related licensees, duties as agent for service of process transferred, AB 262*
Nevada Lockbox, duties, SB 229*
Notaries public, duties (See NOTARIES PUBLIC)
Off‑highway dealers, lessors and manufacturers, duties as agent for service of process transferred, AB 262*
Participatory Democracy, Advisory Committee on, duties, AB 465*
Personal information contained in records, persons authorized to request confidentiality, authorized use of confidential information, SB 79*
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Register of Administrative Regulations, receipt and duty removed, AB 403††
Registered agents
List of registered agents, duties, SB 229†
Records, authority to examine, SB 41*, SB 229*
Salary schedule for certain elected officers, receipt, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Securities Division
Deputy of Securities, appointment and duties, AB 9*
Investment advisers exempt from licensing, receipt of reports, SB 32†
Operating General Fund Budget Account, Secretary of State’s, deposit and use, repeal of provisions, SB 515*
Small businesses, provision of financing information, duties, AB 436*
Transportation network companies, duties, SB 226, SB 554*, AB 445†
Motor vehicle sales, certain violations deemed deceptive trade practice, AB 262*
Broker‑dealers, sales representatives and transfer agents, effect of unemployment compensation debts, SB 52D, SB 330D, AB 353D
Financial planners, applicability of laws, fiduciary duties, SB 383*
Monetary instruments, unlawful financial transactions, penalties, SB 68D
Registration of securities, exempt transactions, SB 32*
State and local governments, authorized investments, SB 76D, AB 152D
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Agricultural hemp seed
Licensing and regulation of growers and producers, SB 329, SB 396*
Packaging and labeling, regulation of quality standards and requirements, SB 396*
Alfalfa Seed Advisory Board, abolishment, AB 33*
Dangerous wild animals, AB 238D
Drones, authority of peace officers, procedures, SB 234†
Motor carriers subject to out‑of‑service order, seizure of license plates, SB 31*
Unlawful seizures, arrest pursuant to outstanding warrant, admissibility of evidence, SB 368†
Child committing certain acts against abuser or sex trafficker, presumption of self‑defense, effect, AB 216D
Deadly force against intruder, immunity from civil liability removed, SB 254D
Adoption by Legislature, constitutional amendment to require, SJR 14‡
Aged persons, crimes against, certain limit on sentence, SB 360*, AB 288*
Aggregation of sentences, procedures, effect, SB 184
Burglary, effect of previous convictions, AB 333D
Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act, Uniform, adoption, SB 328D
Controlled substances violations
Trafficking, reduction or suspension of sentence, authority of court, AB 438††
Unlawful possession not for purpose of sale, authority of court, AB 259††
Credits against sentences, Governor’s power to authorize, AB 25*
Jails, credits against sentence, SB 268*
Life without possibility of parole
Crimes committed as a minor, commutation of sentence authorized, AB 251*
Death penalty, sentence in lieu of, AB 237D
Prisoner, punishment for additional crime committed by, execution of sentence, SB 184
Minors convicted as adult
Discretion of court in sentencing, AB 218*
Term to be served in juvenile facility until age 18, exception, AB 185D
Pleas, motion to withdraw certain pleas after imposition or suspension of sentence, remedy, AB 184*
Presentence and general investigations and reports
Authority of counties, costs, SB 8, SB 9
Correction of report following sentencing, authority of court to order, AB 291*, AB 326*
Disclosure in proceedings, AB 291†, AB 326*
Required contents, AB 291*, AB 326*
Prostitution, solicitation for, suspension of sentence, authority of court, conditions, AB 260*
Vulnerable persons, crimes against, certain limit on sentence, SB 360*, AB 288*
Creation, duties, SB 451*
Certificates of registration
Applications, requirements, AB 83*
Financial security, requirements, effect of failure to maintain, AB 83*
Renewal, requirements, AB 83*
Controlling person, qualifications, AB 83*
Liability transfers prohibited, exceptions, AB 83*
Providers, notice requirements when ceasing to do business in State, AB 83*
Issuance of 150th anniversary plates ended, use of renewal fees, SB 37*
Reissuance of 150th anniversary plates exempt from requirements, SB 15*
Consumer’s Advocate, authority to intervene in certain proceedings, AB 109
Crematories using alkaline hydrolysis, receipt of notice, duties, AB 205*
Utility infrastructure, authority of Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, SB 517, AB 399*
Adam Walsh Act, repeal of laws enacted pursuant to Act and reenactment of previous state laws regarding registration of offender and community notification, SB 474
Agency or entity serving children, effect of sexual conduct violation by certain employees or volunteers, SB 169†
Charter school personnel, termination of employment following conviction for sex offense, AB 77*
Cosmetology licensees, grounds for discipline, AB 195*
Juvenile offenders, registration and community notification, procedures, SB 472, AB 395*
Lifetime supervision
Conditions which may be established, SB 542D, AB 59D
Offenses subject to, SB 169†
School personnel, application requirements, certain confidentiality agreements prohibited, AB 362*
Acts constituting, SB 488†
Child committing certain offenses against sex trafficker, presumption of self‑defense, effect, AB 216D
Committee on Prostitution and Human Trafficking, creation, duties, AB 260†
Facilitating sex trafficking, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 488*
Forfeitures, procedures, SB 358D
Intimate partner battering or traumatic bonding, admissibility of evidence, AB 216D
Minor victims, trafficking or facilitating by, presumption of duress, SB 488*
Parole, period of years before eligibility when victim under age 14, SB 488†
Public schools, instruction on crimes involving sexual conduct, study, SB 108*
Services for victims, duties of Department of Health and Human Services, SB 488*
Solicitation of child under age 14 for prostitution, penalties, SB 214D, AB 73D
Vacation of judgment of conviction of victim and sealing of documents, authority to petition court, procedure, AB 243*
Victim’s advocates and victims, privileged communications, SB 214D, AB 73D
Public schools, instruction on crimes involving sexual conduct, study, SB 108*
Civil action for damages, statute of limitations extended, AB 145*
Victim committing certain offenses against abuser, presumption of self‑defense, effect, AB 216D
Counties, reimbursement for costs of medical examinations of victims, AB 55D, AB 97*
Forensic evidence kits
Allocations to public entities to reduce backlog of untested kits, appropriation, AB 97*
Law enforcement agencies and forensic laboratories, duties, SB 169†, AB 55D, AB 97*
Incompetent defendants committed to certain facilities, procedures for extension of commitment, AB 377*
Interrogations, electronic recording of certain persons in custody, requirements, exceptions, AB 414
Juvenile courts, exclusion from jurisdiction removed, AB 369D
Landlord and tenant, authority of victim to terminate rental agreement early, AB 247*
Limitation of action for indictment, SB 169†
Medicaid, development of Sexual Trauma Services Guide, SB 488*
Military sexual trauma, authority for courts to establish treatment programs for eligible defendants, SB 449D, AB 286*
Parental rights termination, child conceived as result of sexual assault as grounds for, AB 228*
Prison Rape Elimination Act, compliance by certain facilities, AB 99*
Public schools, instruction on crimes involving sexual conduct, study, SB 108*
Sick leave benefits for certain private sector employees, authorized uses, SB 196††
Veterans who have suffered sexual trauma, programs continued, SB 137*
Children, institutions and agencies treating, requirements, AB 99*, AB 180*
Clinical trials, program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, requirements, AB 214*
Conversion therapy, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 188*, AB 408††
Equal Rights Commission, composition, duties, SB 188*
Between two persons regardless of gender authorized, AB 229*
Recognition regardless of gender, equal treatment under law, AJR 2‡
Minority Health, Office of, name change, duties, AB 141*
Unlawful employment practice, applicability of laws, prohibited acts, required findings, penalties, AB 178D
Veterans, denial of benefits based on orientation prohibited, assistance to be provided certain persons, SB 148*
Insurance coverage for counseling, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
Assault or battery upon civilian employee or volunteer, penalty, AB 132*
Body cameras, use, duties, prohibited acts, SB 176*
Clark County, mental health care and substance abuse treatment for prisoners, duties, AB 421*
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Constables acting as peace officer, removal of certain consent provision, SB 250
Disposition of property held by metropolitan police department, procedures, reports, AB 147*
Emergency telephone systems, advisory committee, membership, SB 176*
Eviction notices, fees for service, SB 182*
Firearms, duties (See FIREARMS)
Forfeitures, prohibitions, reports, SB 358D
Internet sales of personal property by individuals, designation of places for parties to meet to complete transaction, AB 297*
Pet left unattended in motor vehicle, duties, immunity from liability, SB 409*
School resource officers, duties, AB 127*
Work cards, issuance to persons providing pest control services, AB 32†
Writs of restitution, fees for service of notice of and executing, SB 182*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Third or subsequent offense or previous felony conviction, penalty for certain crimes, SB 275D
Registration of travel sellers, temporary repeal of laws made permanent, SB 311*
Dual language immersion programs, study of inclusion of American Sign Language, AB 139
Interpreters, Aging and Disability Services Division, duties, SB 443*
Blockchain technology, use authorized, effect, SB 398†
County treasurers, facsimile signatures, requirements, SB 245*
Death certificates, persons authorized to sign uncompleted certificates, SB 291*
Electronic notaries public, duties, AB 413*, AB 476*
Schools, underperforming, petitions requesting certain changes, requirements, SB 430
Voter registration, use of electronic facsimile of signature, SB 144†, SB 327, AB 104†, IP 1††
Procedure when voter’s signature does not match, SB 144†, AB 104, AB 272††
Signature card, use authorized, SB 144†, SB 492*, AB 272††
Wills, signatures related to electronic wills, requirements, AB 413*
Board of Medical Examiners, authority to access health care records of licensees, duty of licensees to post sign regarding, AB 291*, AB 339*
Highways, restrictions on commercial advertising, exceptions for touchdown structures, AB 68*
Rental cars, damage waiver notices, contents, SB 156D
Resort hotel parking garages, authority to immobilize certain vehicles, notice requirements, SB 320*
Trespass, acts deemed sufficient warning against, SB 116D
Discrimination, prohibited acts, AB 408†
Medicaid managed care programs
Establishment of similar program for persons ineligible for Medicaid, study, SB 394*
Offering for purchase through Exchange, requirements, SB 394†, AB 374†
Nevada Care Plan, offering for purchase through Exchange, requirements, duties, AB 374††
Database of information relating to loans, creation, SB 17D, AB 222D
Installment payment default, limitations on fees, provisions repealed, SB 17D, AB 222D
Multiple loans to customer, restrictions, SB 17D, AB 222D
Proceeds of new loan used to pay balance of outstanding loan, provisions repealed, SB 17D, AB 222D
Restrictions on and requirements for making loans, SB 17D
Breastfeeding, exemptions from duty to provide accommodations for personnel, AB 113*
Financing, provision of information by State to certain businesses, AB 436*
Health insurance for small employers (See INSURANCE)
Loan program for certain businesses, establishment, funding, SB 126*
NV Grow Program, continuation, appropriations, AB 94*
Pay equity compliance certificates, award of government contracts, requirements, exception, AB 106†
Public works, project labor agreements authorized, SB 464†
State business registration (See also BUSINESS REGISTRATION, STATE)
Applications, contents, receipt of information upon issuance of registration, AB 436*
Volens et Potens Committee, duties, SB 349D
Child abuse or neglect reporting hotline, duties of schools, AB 305*
Board of Examiners for Social Workers
Analysis of costs, fees and processes of Board, duties, AB 457*
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Behavioral Health, Commission on, reports to, AB 457†
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Health and Human Services, agreements with, AB 457*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Legislative Committee on Health Care, reports to, AB 457*
Medical marijuana, receipt of information regarding attending health care providers, duties, SB 228D
Behavioral Health, Commission on, concurrent membership prohibited, AB 457*
Orientation, requirement, AB 457*
Regulations, duties, review, SB 330D, AB 457*
Staff, adoption of policies concerning, AB 457*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Conversion therapy, sexual orientation or gender identity, treatment of minors prohibited, penalties, SB 201*
Disciplinary action, SB 201*, SB 228D, SB 374††, SB 396†
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Fetal alcohol syndrome disorder, duty to report cases, SB 480*
Fourth Judicial District, appropriation for certain social workers, AB 395*
Grievances, appeals, AB 457*
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Interns, location of services, electronic supervision, regulations, AB 457*
Juvenile proceedings, authority of attorney to consult with social worker, AB 341*
Application forms, requirements, regulations, AB 457*
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Medical marijuana
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 228D, SB 374††, SB 396†
Documentation for certain patients to obtain, authority, SB 228D
Recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Medicine and mental health services, formation of professional entities, SB 163†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Schools, block grant program to provide services to, SB 544*, AB 127*
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Suicide prevention and awareness, continuing education requirements, AB 105*, AB 387*
Accounting firms performing attest services without office in State, exemption from registration requirement, SB 129D, AB 454†
Court reporting firms, applicability of laws, SB 406*
Charitable solicitations, exemption from registration laws, duplicative exemption for church organizations removed, SB 41*
Foreign trust companies, solicitation of business, requirements, AB 61*
Lawful occupations, right to engage in, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Prostitution (See PROSTITUTION)
Agreements with municipalities regarding collection and disposal
Owners or operators of disposal sites, monthly declarations, use of information, SB 315†
Study, recommendations regarding, SB 315†
Construction and demolition waste, rates for disposal, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 315†
Legislative findings and declaration, SB 315†
Legislative findings and declaration, SB 421D
Garnet Valley Ground Water Basin, exclusive service provision removed, AB 79*
Las Vegas Valley Groundwater Basin, Advisory Committee for the Management of Groundwater in the, creation authorized, terms and compensation of members, SB 47*
Temporary permit to appropriate water, redesignated as revocable permit, SB 47†
Charter amendments
City attorneys, appointment rather than election, SB 434††
Council Members, election procedures, SB 202*
Ineligible candidates, procedures regarding, AB 389D
Primary elections, declaration of winner as elected in certain circumstances, SB 202*
Gender identity or expression, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 188*
Municipal Judges, qualifications, SB 202*
School board trustee, appointment, requirements, SB 243D
Special events, emergency medical services provided by host organization, approval required, duties, AB 307D
Tourism promotion district, use of certain room tax proceeds, duties, AB 306D
Brew pubs, authority to transport malt beverages to retailer located at certain events, AB 431*
Emergency medical services provided by host organization, approval required, duties, AB 307D
Marijuana use at special event, permit requirements, SB 236D
Diesel fuel, additional tax authorized in certain counties, SB 439
Non‑payment penalty, limitation of amount, SB 339†
Composition, SB 507
Redesign of special plates, duties, notices, AB 442
NSHE, right of expression of student journalists, adoption of policy, SB 420*
Schools, right of expression of pupil journalists, adoption of policy, SB 420*
Communication with certain persons receiving services, duties, AB 408††
Discrimination in providing services, prohibited acts, AB 408††
Industrial hemp, recommendation or administration to clients, authority, SB 374††, SB 396†
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana, lawful activities relating to, disciplinary action prohibited, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Authority to recommend or administer to clients, SB 374††, SB 396†
Disciplinary action, prohibited acts, immunities, SB 374††, SB 396†
Physical therapist laws, exemption from, SB 437*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Services to covered patients for which prior authorization required, notice whether provider is in‑network, requirements, AB 157D
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Issuance by endorsement, procedures, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Creation, duties regarding NSHE, AB 390D
Emergency medical services, requirements at special events in certain counties, AB 307D
Head injuries sustained by children, authority to provide medical clearance to participate in sport
Advanced practice registered nurses, SB 227*, AB 115D, AB 116D
Physician assistants, AB 115D
Health care professionals providing services to athletic team or organization, license exemption for certain persons, SB 292D, AB 454*
Interscholastic activities, participation by certain pupils, requirements, regulation, payment of costs, SB 252*
Professional major league sport teams based in Nevada, issuance of special license plates, SB 283*, SB 428†
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448†
Ticket sales (See TICKET SALES)
Debts for support, priority of writs of garnishment, AB 119D
District courts, establishment of independent review panels and veterans advocate groups, duties, AB 198D
False statements or documentary evidence in proceedings, civil penalties, AB 198D
Foreign nation, declaration as state by Attorney General, authority repealed, AB 4*
Permanent support and maintenance, summary procedures, ex parte divorce proceeding authorized when judgment entered, AB 167D
Venue, change after entry of final order, judgment or decree, AB 102*
Planning and zoning powers of local governments, repeal of certain provisions, AB 277††
Appropriation for grant, AB 520*
Convicted persons, prohibitions regarding firearms, penalties, SB 124*
Landlord and tenant, authority of victim to terminate rental agreement early, AB 247*
Public schools, instruction on crimes involving stalking, study, SB 108*
Sealing records of criminal history, time for filing petition, SB 453
Audits of Executive Department agencies, procedures, SB 111D
Breastfeeding, employers to provide accommodations, prohibited acts, complaints regarding, AB 113*
Charter agencies, designation, effect, SB 4D
Collective bargaining, duties, prohibited acts, SB 486
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, duties, AB 471*
Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired, Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are, cooperation of other state agencies, SB 481*
Election campaign communications, use of agency or department name and address, disclosures, AB 392*
Employees, meetings with employee organizations, orientation for new employees, duties of agencies, AB 350††
Gifts and grants, amount that may be accepted, approval procedures, AB 81D
Immigration status, nationality or citizenship information in governmental entity database, prohibited disclosures, SB 389D
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 201D, AB 404
Investigation Division, duty to assist other entity on request, SB 14
Legal notices, publication on Internet website authorized, restrictions and requirements, SB 218D
Legislature, communications from officer or employee, retaliation by agency prohibited, AB 390D
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, creation, duties, AB 325
New Americans, Office for, duty of other entities to assist, SB 186
Nonemergency information system, statewide, participation required, exceptions, AB 437
Pay equity compliance certificates, requirements for issuance regarding award of contracts, AB 106†
Permanent resident cards, acceptance for identification purposes, AB 162*
Pest control performed by, requirements, AB 32*
Printers, default to be set to print double‑sided, waiver of requirements, AB 264D
Procurement card rebates, deposit and use of certain proceeds, AB 10
Tribal identification cards, acceptance for identification purposes, SB 399*, AB 415*
Child Support Guidelines, Committee to Review, creation, membership, SB 34D, AB 278*
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, creation, members, SB 377*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, appointment of members, SB 451*
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, creation, appropriation, SB 363
Alfalfa Seed Advisory Board, abolishment, AB 33*
Articulation and Transfer Board, creation, AB 331D
Breastfeeding, employers to provide accommodations, prohibited acts, complaints regarding, AB 113*
Claims, Board to Review, duties, SB 251*
Collective bargaining, duties, prohibited acts, SB 486
Common‑Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, Commission for, members, residency requirement, SB 476*
Community Colleges, State Board for, creation, AB 331D
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, duties, AB 471*
Dairy Commission, State, abolishment, AB 33*
Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired, Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are, creation, appropriation, SB 481*
Disabilities, Nevada Commission on Services for Persons with, abolishment of certain subcommittee, AB 126*
Educational Technology, Commission on, abolishment, SB 301†
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, membership, AB 124*
Election campaign communications, use of board or commission name and address, disclosures, AB 392*
Employees, meetings with employee organizations, orientation for new employees, duties of agencies, AB 350††
Ethics Commission (See ETHICS, COMMISSION ON)
Garlic and Onion Growers’ Advisory Board, abolishment, AB 33*
Geographic Names, Nevada State Board of, composition, SB 43*
Gifts and grants, amount that may be accepted, approval procedures, AB 81D
Immigration status, nationality or citizenship information in governmental entity database, prohibited disclosures, SB 389D
Information Technology Advisory Board, receipt of reports, AB 471†
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 201D, AB 404
Investigation Division, duty to assist other entity on request, SB 14
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, establishment, AB 472*
Legal notices, publication on Internet website authorized, restrictions and requirements, SB 218D
Legislative Commission (See LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION)
Legislature, communications from officer or employee, retaliation by agency prohibited, AB 390D
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, creation, AB 144*
Merit Award Board, duties, SB 72*, AB 464*, AB 467†
Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, abolishment, AB 33†
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, creation, duties, AB 325
Motorcycle Safety, Advisory Board on, abolishment, SB 13*
New Americans, Office for, duty of other entities to assist, SB 186
Nonemergency information system, statewide, participation required, exceptions, AB 437
Occupations and professions (See specific occupations and professions)
Permanent resident cards, acceptance for identification purposes, AB 162*
Printers, default to be set to print double‑sided, requests for waiver, AB 264D
Procurement card rebates, deposit and use of certain proceeds, AB 10
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, creation, SB 377*
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, creation, duties, AB 390D
Tribal identification cards, acceptance for identification purposes, SB 399*, AB 415*
Workforce Investment Board, receipt of reports, duties, AB 354*
Abolishment of office, transfer of duties to Executive Branch, AJR 6D
Bill draft requests, limit on number, AB 189
Clergy services for Legislature, payment, duties, ACR 2‡
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Debts owed state agencies, collection duties transferred, AB 51D
Eighth Judicial District Court, duty regarding certain appropriation, SB 445†
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolished, AB 201D
Foreclosure Mediation, Account for, duties, SB 490*
General appropriations legislation, duties, AB 518*
Governmental services tax, repeal of certain duties, SB 332D
Liquor Program Account, Tax on, duties, SB 181
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, receipt of notices, duties, SB 517, AB 399*
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Rainy Day Fund, transfer of money, duties, SB 550*, SB 553*
Budget reports, receipt from school districts and charter schools, AB 378D
K‑12 Public Education Stabilization Account, duties, SB 89
State Distributive School Account, duties, SB 544*
Specialty court program fees, continuation, duties, AB 512*
Unemployment compensation, receipt of reports and notices, duties, SB 52D
Air Quality, Account for the Management of, sources, use, SB 418
Air Service Development Fund, Nevada, creation, appropriation, SB 363
Alfalfa Seed Research and Promotion Account, sources, use, AB 33*
Arts and Museums, Fund for the Preservation and Promotion of the, creation, sources, SB 187†
Aviation, Fund for, appropriation, SB 528*
Budget, duties of State Engineer, SB 51*
Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program, Account for the, appropriation, SB 503*
Clean Energy Loans, Account for, creation, SB 407†
Cleaner Emission Vehicles, Fund for, creation, SB 418†
Common‑Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, Account for, use to pay certain claims, SB 114
Communications Fund, sources, SB 38*
Community Colleges Accounts Payable Revolving Fund, Nevada System of, creation, use, AB 331D
Contingency Account
Appropriation to restore balance, AB 499*
Body cameras used by peace officers in smaller counties, allocations for costs, SB 88
Land Management, Revolving Account for, allocations, AB 34*, AB 489*
Requests for allocations, duties of State Board of Examiners clarified, SB 88
Cosmetology, State Board of, nonreversion of certain money, repeal of revolving fund, AB 195*
Dairy Commission Fund, name change, AB 33*
Debts owed state agencies, duties of Office of Finance, AB 51D
Domestic Violence, Account for Aid for Victims of, deposits, SB 440
Emergency Assistance Account, use, SB 212*, AB 127*
Energy Assistance and Conservation, Fund for, use, AB 111
Family Planning, Account for, creation, SB 122*
Financial Institutions, Investigative Account for, sources, AB 61*, AB 150*
Foreclosure Mediation, Account for, redesignation as Account for Foreclosure Mediation Assistance, administration, sources, SB 490*
Foster Youth Account, Normalcy for, creation, SB 257*
Gaming Control Board Revolving Account, Nevada, expenditures exceeding authorized amount, AB 75*
Garlic and Onion Research and Promotion Account, sources, use, AB 33*
General portfolio, increase in maximum share of value authorized to be invested in certain obligations, SB 76D
Governmental services tax proceeds, deposit, SB 332D, AB 486*
Governor’s Portrait, Account for the, appropriation, AB 500*
Grief Support Trust Account, creation, sources, use, SB 355*
Health Care Quality and Access, Account to Improve, creation, SB 509*
Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund, Nevada, investments, SB 76D
Higher Education Student Loan Fund, repeal, SB 90
Highway Fund, State
Governmental services tax, deposit of proceeds, SB 332D, AB 486*
Sources, SB 53*, SB 448*, AB 401D
Housing Inspection and Compliance, Account for, creation, use, SB 500*
Indigent Defense Account, creation, sources, use, SB 377†
Infrastructure Bank Fund, State, creation, SB 517, AB 399*
Inspector General’s Fund, Nevada, creation, AB 404
Insurance Fund, State, authorized investments, AB 152D
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, sources, AB 328*
Investments, authority, AB 152D
Land Management, Revolving Account for
Appropriation, AB 489*
Use, allocations from Contingency Account, AB 34*, AB 489*
Legislative Fund (See LEGISLATURE)
Lincoln County Land Development and Disposal Fund, repeal, AB 34*
Liquor Program Account, Tax on, deposits, SB 181
Low‑Income Housing, Account for, sources, use, SB 500*
Low‑Income Owners of Manufactured Homes, Fund for, repeal, SB 500*
Manufactured Housing, Account for Education and Recovery Relating to, repeal, SB 500*
Manufactured Housing, Fund for, repeal, SB 500*
Medical marijuana account, use of certain money for alcohol and drug abuse programs, AB 422†
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Account, Increased Access to, creation, sources, use, SB 487†
Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund, appropriation, AB 511*
Minerals, Account for the Division of, sources, AB 52*
Motor Vehicle Fund, sources, SB 234, AB 60*, AB 68†
Nevada Green Bank Program bonds, authorized investments, SB 407†
Nevada Main Street Program, Account for the, creation, AB 417*
Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, creation, appropriation, SB 391*
Non‑State Retiree Rate Mitigation Account, creation, appropriation, AB 518*
Off‑Highway Vehicle Titling and Registration, Revolving Account for Administration of, use, AB 363D
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Account for, administration, use, AB 29*
Patriot Relief Account
Availability of money in Account, payments limited by, AB 2*
Economic hardship, eligibility for monetary relief, AB 2*
Pensions for Silicosis, Diseases Related to Asbestos and Other Disabilities, Account for, appropriation, AB 502*
Petroleum, Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of, uses, regulations, SB 251*
Plastic Bag Environmental Cleanup Fund, creation, sources, use, AB 344D
Problem Gambling, Revolving Account to Support Programs for the Prevention and Treatment of, sources, SB 120†
Rainy Day Fund (See Stabilize the Operation of the State Government, Account to, this heading)
Rehabilitation Division Gift Account, use, AB 20*
Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account
Appropriation to restore balance, AB 499*
Presidential primary elections, payment of costs, SB 211D, AB 293D
Restitution to Certain Older Victims of Crime, Account for, creation, SB 278D
Restore Nevada’s Treasures Revolving Account, creation, use, AB 371*
School funds and accounts (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)
Secretary of State’s Operating General Fund Budget Account, deposit and use, repeal of provisions, SB 515*
Sentencing Commission, Special Account for the Support of the Nevada, creation, SB 451*
Small Business Enterprise Loan Account, creation, appropriation, SB 126*
Special License Plates, Revolving Account for the Issuance of, sources, SB 283*, SB 428†
Stabilize the Operation of the State Government, Account to
K‑12 Public Education Stabilization Account, deposit of excess credit, SB 89
Marijuana sales tax, deposit of revenues, SB 487*
Procurement card rebates, deposit and use of certain proceeds, AB 10
Transfer of portion to State General Fund, SB 550*, SB 553*
Stale Claims Account, appropriation, AB 499*
State Park Facilities and Grounds, Account for Maintenance of, authorized expenditures, AB 490*
Stewart Indian School, Account for the Protection and Rehabilitation of the, sources, AB 285D
Substance Abusers, Account for the Treatment of, creation, deposits, use, SB 181
Success Contract Account, creation, SB 400*
Supranational organizations, state investments in securities issued by, requirements, SB 76D
Taxicab Authority Fund, uses, AB 487*
Transportation Infrastructure Bank Fund, Nevada, creation, SB 517†
Unemployment compensation violations, remedies, SB 52D
Veterans Affairs, Account for, sources, AB 521*
Veterans Who Have Suffered Sexual Trauma, Account to Assist, continuation, SB 137*
Volens et Potens Investment Fund, creation, SB 349D
Volunteers Who Work With Children, Revolving Account to Investigate the Background of, name change, AB 76*
Water Conservation, Capital Improvements to Certain Water Systems and Improvements to Certain Sewage Disposal Systems, Fund for Grants for, sources, use, SB 494D
Water Distribution Revolving Account
Removal of certain sources, SB 514*
Transfer of certain money, SB 74*
Wildlife Account
License fees, deposit, SB 511*
Use of certain deposits, audit, AB 101††, AB 112D
Wildlife Heritage Account, use, SB 221
Wildlife Trust Fund, investments and expenditures, statements, SB 75*
Workforce Innovations for a New Nevada Account, uses, appropriations, SB 441
Creation, AB 130*
Anniversaries of Nevada’s admission into Union, exemption of commemorative license plates from reissuance requirements, SB 15*
Behavioral health regions, creation, AB 366*
English, designation as official state language, AB 131D
History of State, use of certain license plate fees to fund educational projects relating to, SB 37*
Flood control project needs committees, appointment of member, AB 375*
Government Employee‑Management Relations Board, recommendations for membership, SB 486
Assault or battery upon certain employees, penalty, AB 132*
Breastfeeding, duty to provide accommodations, prohibited acts, complaints regarding, AB 113*
Charter agencies, designation, effect, SB 4D
Collective bargaining, authority of certain employees, procedures, SB 486
Disabilities, persons with, temporary limited appointments, requirements, AB 192*
Discipline of certain permanent classified employees, procedures, SB 478*
Employment applicants
Criminal history of applicant, procedures for consideration, exceptions, remedies for violations, AB 384*
Refusal to examine or certify, removal of certain grounds for, AB 384*
Former employee not receiving retirement benefits, exception to limitations on contracts with state agencies, AB 466*
Gender identity or expression, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 188*
Grievance resolution, submission to arbitrator, regulations, SB 465
Legislature, communications from officer or employee, retaliation by agency prohibited, AB 390D
Meetings between employees and employee organizations, duties of certain employers, AB 350††
Merit Award Program (See MERIT AWARD PROGRAM)
Microchips and other permanent identification markers, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 109D
New Americans, Office for, duty to assist, SB 186
New employees, duties of employers regarding orientation and provision of information, AB 350††
Overtime compensation, requirements, SB 157D
Salaries and benefits of state employees
Compensation, unclassified service, SB 368*, AB 517*
Desirability and feasibility of increasing, study, ACR 6
Unclassified and nonclassified positions, study of appropriate salaries, SCR 6‡
Sexual orientation, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 188*
Veterans and survivors, employment preferences, duties of appointing agencies and Division of Human Resource Management, AB 309*
150th anniversary license plates, use of renewal fees for park projects, SB 37*
Bond issues
Bond question approved in 2002, extension of time to issue bonds, SB 198*
Capital improvements legislation generally, SB 545*
Construction projects in certain parks, funding, SB 536*
Public Lands Day, free entry for Nevada residents, AB 449*
School pupils
Annual pass, free issuance to certain pupils and family members, AB 385†
Annual permit, establishment of program for free receipt by certain pupils, AB 385*
Tule Springs State Park, issuance of special license plates, SB 428*
Creation, AB 130†
Attorney General, collateral consequences of conviction, SB 328D
Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, statewide strategic plans, AB 471*
Dairy regulations, Internet publication, AB 33*
Employment Security Division, duty to print certain materials repealed, SB 12*
Labor Commissioner, creation of bulletin on sick leave law, SB 196††, AB 394D
Register of Administrative Regulations, electronic publication, AB 403††
Renewable Energy Bill of Rights, publication by Office of Energy, AB 405†
Award of contract, publication of notice, effect, SB 39D
Charter agencies, exemption from laws, SB 4D
Corrections, Department of, purchases from certain prison programs, procedures, SB 393†
Evaluation of proposals, procedures, AB 280*, AB 318D
Former employee not receiving retirement benefits, exception to limitations on contracts with state agencies, AB 466*
Fraud, abuse, waste or corruption, effect of termination of contract due to, AB 201D
General Counsel, authority of Purchasing Division to appoint, requirements, AB 477*
Installment‑purchase or lease‑purchase contracts, maximum length, AB 160*
Israel, prohibitions on contracts with companies boycotting Israel, SB 26*
Legal notices, publication on Internet website, bidding requirements, SB 218D
Minority Affairs Management Analyst, appointment, duties, SB 373*
Nevada‑based businesses, preference for bid or proposal, requirements, penalties, SB 317†, AB 280*
Organizations, Program to Encourage and Facilitate Purchases by Agencies of Commodities and Services From, administration transferred, AB 483*
Pay equity compliance certificates, requirements for issuance regarding award of contracts, exception, AB 106†
Performance contracts, maximum length, AB 160*
Procurement card rebates, deposit and use of certain proceeds, AB 10
Public Employees’ Benefits Program, applicability of laws, SB 502*
Public Employees’ Deferred Compensation Program, applicability of laws, SB 502*
Public‑private partnerships, applicability of laws, SB 335D
Reports to Legislature, duties of Purchasing Division, SB 507, AB 106*
Solicitation of bids or proposals, procedures, SB 39D
Administrative fee, imposition, use of proceeds, AB 480*
Equal pay for equal work, certification of vendors providing, effect, AB 106*
Veterans with service‑connected disabilities, preference for bid or proposal, requirements, SB 191*, SB 317†
Abolishment of office, transfer of duties to Executive Branch, AJR 6D
Air Quality, Account for the Management of, duties, SB 418
Bill draft requests, limit on number, AB 189
Charter schools, receipt of budget reports, AB 378D
Cleaner Emission Vehicles, Fund for, duties, SB 418†
College Savings Program, Nevada, duties, SB 242D, AB 475*
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Education savings accounts
Duties transferred, SB 359D, SB 506
Information system programming costs, supplemental appropriation, SB 521
Emergency loan program for certain persons, duties, member of board of directors related to, AB 67D
Energy, Legislative Committee on, consultations, SB 145†
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolishment, AB 201D
General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, SB 545*
Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Program and Trust Fund, Nevada, duties, SB 76D, SB 242D, AB 475*
Housing Inspection and Compliance, Account for, duties, SB 500*
Israel, procedures regarding public holdings in companies boycotting, SB 26*
Minerals, Account for the Division of, duties, AB 52*
Nevada Promise Scholarship program, duties, SB 391*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank Board of Directors, member, SB 517, AB 399*
Nevada Transportation Infrastructure Bank Board of Directors, member, SB 517†
Plastic bags provided by retailers at checkout, consultations regarding regulations, AB 344D
Property tax levy by State, duties, SB 546*
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, receipt of reports, SB 297D, AB 71D
Public officers generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Renewable energy, tax on wholesale sales of electricity generated from, duties, SB 336D
Reverse‑purchase agreements, authority, AB 152D
School districts, receipt of budget reports, AB 378D
Securities, authorized investments of state funds, SB 76D
Student loans, refinancing program, duties, funding, SB 90
Substance Abusers, Account for the Treatment of, duties, SB 181
Tax Advisory Committee, membership, duties, receipt of report, AB 30D
Tule Springs State Park license plate fees, duties, SB 428*
Warrants for payments to state officers and employees, time limit for cashing, procedures after time limit passed, AB 84D
Public schools, instruction on crimes involving sexual conduct, study, SB 108*
Account for the Protection and Rehabilitation of the Stewart Indian School, sources, AB 285D
Preservation, legislative declaration, AB 285D
Certificates of birth resulting in stillbirth, issuance, procedures, SB 296D
Certificates of stillbirth, authority of advanced practice registered nurses to sign, SB 227*, AB 116D, AB 265D
Firearms, return of confiscated firearm to rightful owner, SB 307D
Law enforcement agencies, property held by, disposition, procedures, AB 147*
Notaries, duties following theft of seal or signature, AB 413*, AB 476*
Penalties for certain crimes, SB 275D
Prescriptions for controlled substances, duties of peace officers and law enforcement agencies, SB 59*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517, AB 399*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448*
Unmanned aerial vehicle facilities, licensing and operation, SB 234
Petroleum discharges, grant program relating to, regulations, SB 251*
State Public Defender, fees for services, SB 545*
V & T Railway, Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the, representation, SB 57*
Carson City, funding for Old Clear Creek Road, AB 285D
County streets in certain towns, repair and maintenance procedures, SB 63D
Tax increment areas, authority of municipalities to create for street projects, AB 246*
Licensing and regulation of practice and establishments, AB 179*
Higher Education Student Loan Program, repeal, SB 90
Information, compilation and dissemination by State and higher education institutions, SB 90
Refinancing program, establishment, SB 90
Environmental Commission, State, authority to prescribe fees for services, AB 50*
National conservation areas, restriction on local government powers, AB 277††
National recreation areas, restrictions on local planning and zoning powers, AB 277†
Restrictive covenants, discrimination based on gender identity or expression or sexual orientation, voidable provisions, SB 188*
School sites, requirements, payment of infrastructure costs, AB 120D
Death resulting from assisted suicide not to be deemed suicide, SB 261
Prevention and awareness training for certain providers of health care, requirements, AB 105*, AB 387*
Schools, procedures following, contents of response plans, SB 212*
Domestic Violence, Committee on, cooperation, duties, SB 25*
Abandoned residential property, continuation of certain laws, SB 267*
Aircraft and component industry, partial abatement of taxes, SB 179
Alzheimer’s Disease, Task Force on, repeal of prospective expiration, SB 92*
Barbering, license to operate mobile units, expiration of provisions, AB 315D
Behavioral Health, Commission on, expiration of certain provisions, AB 457*
Community colleges, new or expanded businesses investing in, partial abatement of property taxes, AB 331D
Consumer Affairs Unit, continuation of provisions, SB 501*
Diapers, expiration of proposed sales tax exemption, AB 402
Electric vehicles, sales tax exemption, expiration, AB 398D
Feminine hygiene products, expiration of proposed sales tax exemptions, SB 415*, AB 402
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, expiration of provisions, SB 118*
Foreclosure Mediation Program, repeal of prospective expiration, SB 490*
Gender equality in the workplace, surveys, SB 343, AB 423*
General improvement districts, committees to review, expiration of provisions, SB 462*
Governmental services tax, expiration of certain allocation of proceeds, AB 486*
Heroin‑assisted treatment pilot project, expiration, SB 181
Insurance premium tax, repeal of prospective expiration of home office tax credit, AB 137D
Lake Tahoe Environmental Improvement Program, extension of time to issue certain bonds, SB 197*
Medicaid, continuation of certain provisions related to list of preferred drugs, AB 473*
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, dissolution or expiration, AB 325
NV Grow Program, repeal of prospective expiration, AB 94*
Parks, wildlife and recreation, extension of time to issue certain bonds, SB 198*
Education and training for certain offenders, expiration of pilot program, SB 306*
Performance of core correctional services by private entities, termination of State’s authority to enter agreements, AB 303††
Telecommunications devices, pilot program for use by certain offenders, SB 306*
Public works
Bidding preferences, expiration of certain provisions, SB 317
Construction managers at risk, continuation of certain laws, SB 246*, AB 406
Sales and use tax, certain exemptions, SB 419†
Schools and school districts
Achievement School District, temporary repeal of provisions, AB 432D
Charter schools, grant program for operation of high quality schools by nonprofit organizations, continuation, SB 544*
Clark County School District, Advisory Committee to Develop a Plan to Reorganize, expiration of provisions, AB 469*
Victory schools program, continuation, SB 505D, AB 447*
Zoom schools program, continuation, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*
SNAP, consultations by Department of Health and Human Services, expiration, SB 323*
Southern Nevada Tourism Improvement Act, expiration and implementation of certain provisions, SB 421D
Specialty court programs, imposition of fee continued, AB 512*
State purchasing, certification of equal pay vendors, AB 106*
Suicide prevention and awareness training for certain providers of health care, AB 105*, AB 387*
Tax Advisory Committee, expiration of provisions, AB 30D
Travel sellers, temporary repeal of registration laws made permanent, SB 311*
Veterans who have suffered sexual trauma, programs continued, SB 137*
Achievement School District
Duties repealed, SB 430†, AB 103D, AB 432D
Executive Director, authority to designate employee of Department to serve as, SB 430
Implementation, delay, duties, AB 432D
Apprenticeship Council, State, member, SB 516*
Basic support guarantee, receipt of reports, duties, SB 544*
Career and technical education programs, powers and duties, AB 482*
Career and Technical Education, State Board for, abolishment, transfer of certain duties, SB 301*
Charter schools
A+ schools, duties, SB 430
Apportionments, duties, SB 293D
Assignment and salary of licensed employees, time for submission to Department, regulation, AB 77*
Background checks of employees and volunteers, duties, SB 213*, SB 287*
Budget reports, time for submission, AB 378D
Criminal history records involving personnel, time for review, AB 77*
Child abuse or neglect reports made against employees and volunteers, receipt of statistical reports, SB 287†
Directory of licensed personnel, duty to file with board of trustees repealed, AB 77*
Disabilities, pupils with
Interagency Panel, repeal, SB 301*
Special education providers, powers and duties regarding compliance with laws and regulations, SB 213*, AB 182D
Discipline of pupils, reports regarding, receipt, duties, SB 247*, SB 386*
Educational Choice, Office of, appointment of Director, duties, SB 359D, SB 506
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, membership, duties, AB 124*
Employment information submitted by districts to Department, regulation, AB 77*
Employment records of school personnel, regulation, AB 77†
Evidence‑Based Practice Committee, appointments, SB 77D
Financial Literacy, Account for Instruction in, duties, SB 249*
High schools
Adult High School Diploma program, funding, duties, SB 544*
Individual graduation plans for certain pupils, duties, SB 132*
Higher Education Student Loan Program, duties repealed, SB 90
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, duties repealed, SB 518†
K‑12 Public Education Stabilization Account, requests for allocations to cover shortfall in State Distributive School Account, SB 89
Leadership Skills, Account for, creation, administration, SB 154
Local school precincts, duties, receipt of reports, AB 469*
New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, duties, SB 178*
Pupil‑teacher ratios, funding for grades 1‑3, duties, receipt of plans, SB 544*
School districts, budget reports, time for submission, AB 378D
Shortage of teachers, employment of teachers who do not hold appropriate endorsement, procedures, AB 77*
State Distributive School Account, duties, SB 544*
State Supplemental School Support Account, duties, receipt of reports, SB 544*
Statewide performance evaluation system, assessment of pupil achievement, provisions removed, AB 7*
STEAM Program, State Seal of, establishment, duties, regulation, SB 241*
STEM Program, State Seal of, establishment, duties, regulation, SB 241*
Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Grants Program, duties, AB 351
Teacher shortages, employment without appropriate endorsement, duties, AB 7*, AB 77*
Abortion by pregnant minor or ward, expedited procedure, expedited appeal of decisions, SB 382D
Bill draft requests, limit on number, AB 189
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority of court personnel to request, SB 79*
Foreclosure Mediation Program, removal of duties, SB 490*
Guardianships, duties, AB 130*
Immigrants, adoption of rules pertaining to special immigrant juveniles, AB 142*
Judicial selection processes, supplemental appropriation, SB 527*
Chief Justice
Child Support Guidelines, Committee to Review, appointments, SB 34D, AB 278*
Compensation, Commission to Review, appointive duty repealed, AB 126†
Nevada Criminal Justice Information Sharing, Advisory Committee on, repeal, SB 35*, SB 277*
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, duties, SB 377*
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, appointments, SB 451*
Clemency Board, appointments, SJR 1†
Legislative study of appropriateness, SCR 6‡
Procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AB 126†, AJR 10 of the 78th SessionD
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority of justices and households to request, SB 79*
Contest of election, ineligible candidate barred from commencing duties, AB 389D
Election, placement of names on general election ballot, AB 226D
Pardons Commissioners, State Board of, repeal, SJR 1†
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, nominations, AB 472*
Juvenile proceedings, adoption of rules urged, AB 341*
Law Library, Register of Administrative Regulations, receipt and duty removed, AB 403††
Modernization of State Government, Task Force on, creation, AB 325
Printers, default to be set to print double‑sided, requirements when purchasing replacement printers, AB 264D
Receivers, adoption of certain rules, duties, AB 235*
Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, creation, appropriation, SB 377*
State Guardianship Compliance Officer, appointment, appropriation, AB 130*
State Public Guardian, appointment, AB 130†
Assignment of anatomical sex of a child, requirements, SB 408D
Sentinel events, certain reports to Board of Medical Examiners repealed, AB 339*
Civil penalties, imposition for certain violations, AB 89†
Collection and reporting of information, duties of certain agencies, AB 89*
Consumer information, posting at facility and on website, duties, SB 482*
Legislative declaration, AB 89*
Prohibition on performing certain surgeries, AB 89†
Rating of facilities, requirements, SB 482*
Qualifications for employment by certain facilities, duties of employers, AB 347*
Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority Act, adoption, SB 471*
Environmental Improvement Program, bond issues, SB 197*, SB 546*
Fishing licenses for nonresidents, fees, SB 511*
Path system, bond issues, SB 198*, SB 546*
State lands, fees for use, deposit and use of certain proceeds, SB 512*
Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority Board of Directors, membership, SB 471*
Sister‑state relationship celebrated, support for Bilateral Investment Agreement affirmed, SCR 7‡
Sales and use tax exemption, SB 415*, AB 402
Health, State Board of, duties, SB 219
Potentially hazardous non‑ionizing radiation sources, regulation, SB 219†
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, duties, SB 219
Creation, duties, AB 30D
Cigarette licensees, authority to share certain information concerning, confidentiality, AB 62*
Forms governing computation of taxes, regulations, AB 441
Judicial review of final decisions on deficiency determinations, reduction of prerequisite payment, SB 99D
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, requests for distributions, procedures, AB 311D
Membership, requirements, AB 373D
Renewable energy, tax on sales of electricity generated from, duties, SB 336D
Smelters, applications for tax abatements, regulations, AB 289D
Transferable tax credits, receipt of certain notices, AB 370
Complaints, protests, and objections to undertakings, removal of authority of natural person, SB 442†
Property owners, authority of municipality to enter into contracts with concerning payment of costs incurred, SB 442*
Rail project defined, SB 442*
Two or more contiguous municipalities, authority to create areas, AB 246*
Biannual tax expenditure reports, contents, SB 345D
Brew pubs, quantity of malt beverages manufactured, regulations, AB 431*
Business taxes, duties, SB 555*
Capital improvements of local governments, reports regarding, duties, AB 464*
Cigarette licensees, duties, receipt of reports, authority to share certain information, confidentiality, AB 62*
Commerce tax, duties, AB 172D, AB 281
Day care assistance for employees, tax credits for employers providing, duties, SB 455
Deficiency determinations, duties regarding imposition of penalty, SB 99D
Delinquent taxes, agreements with financial institutions to assist in collecting required, AB 47D
Economic development tax incentives, receipt of statements of fiscal impact, SB 345D
Live entertainment tax, collection, AB 441
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, requests for distributions, procedures, AB 311D
Marijuana and medical marijuana
Cultivation facilities, excise tax imposed on, distribution of proceeds, duties, 3731
Local governments, reimbursement for costs of carrying out provisions of law, regulation, 3731
Medical use, duties, receipt of reports, SB 329, SB 487*, AB 422*
Recreational sales, duties, receipt of reports, SB 302, SB 344*, SB 487*, SB 508, AB 422*
Reports from establishments, receipt, regulation, 3729
Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, provisions repealed, AB 33†
Mining royalties, receipt of reports, duties, AB 82D
Passenger carriers, receipt of taxes imposed on, duties, SB 342D, AB 487†
Regional transportation commissions, proceeds of taxes to finance projects, duties, SB 149*
Renewable energy, tax on sales of electricity generated from, duties, SB 336D
School funding, duties, SB 544*
Smelters, applications for tax abatements, notices, AB 289D
Tax Advisory Committee, duties, AB 30D
Tourism improvement districts, reports repealed, SB 12†
Transferable tax credits, regulations, SB 349D, AB 370
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Veterinarians, treatment for sales tax purposes, duties, AB 439*
TAXES AND TAXATION (See also specific taxes)
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Autonomous vehicle network companies, excise tax, AB 69*
Blockchain technology, local taxation prohibited, SB 398*
Deficiency determinations
Judicial review of final decisions of Department of Motor Vehicles, reduction of prerequisite payment, SB 99D
Penalty, imposition, duties of Department of Motor Vehicles, SB 99D
Document preparation service, persons required to register, exceptions, AB 324*
Flood management projects, imposition of taxes to fund, AB 375*
Forms governing computation of taxes, adoption by regulation by Tax Commission, AB 441
Initiative petition to generate public revenue, requirements for passage, AJR 8 of the 78th SessionD
Legislative Committee on Tax Expenditures and Incentives for Economic Development, creation, duties, AB 143
Marijuana or medical marijuana, excise tax on certain sales, SB 302, SB 487*, SB 508, AB 463
Passenger carriers, taxes on, imposition, procedures, SB 342D, AB 487†
Renewable energy, tax on wholesale sales of electricity generated from, imposition and collection, penalties, SB 336D
Schools, tax proceeds to support (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)
Task Force on Modernization of State Government, study of state revenue structure authorized, AB 325
Vapor products, taxation of sales, AB 269
Abolishment, transfer of duties to Nevada Transportation Authority, SB 299D
Autonomous vehicles, regulations, duties, AB 69*
Citations, authority to issue, procedures, SB 401, AB 487*
Complaints, duties, AB 487†
Computerized real‑time data systems, repeal of provisions, AB 487*
Field investigators, peace officer powers, probable cause required to initiate traffic stop, AB 487*
Impoundment of vehicles, repeal of authority, SB 401
Inspections, duties, AB 487*
Inspectors, transfer of certain employees to Office of the Inspector General, AB 201D
Motor Vehicles, Department of, consultations, AB 69†
Stopping vehicles, authority restricted, SB 401
Taxicab Authority Fund, uses, AB 487*
Transportation network companies, enforcement jurisdiction, requirements, AB 487*
Autonomous vehicles, requirements for use, penalties, AB 69*
Computerized real‑time data systems, repeal of provisions, AB 487*
Credit cards and debit cards, display of statement indicating acceptance, requirements, AB 487*
Advanced practice registered nurses, authority regarding health certificates, SB 227*, AB 115D, AB 116D, AB 265D
Permits, requirements, AB 487*
Physician assistants, authority regarding health certificates, AB 115D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Routes, requirements concerning longer routes to destination, AB 487*
Trip sheets, requirements, AB 487*
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Impoundment by Authority, provisions repealed, SB 401
Inspections, frequency, AB 487*
Lease agreements between certificate holders and independent contractors, SB 226, AB 487*
Paratransit services, exemptions from certain requirements, AB 234*
Taxes on passenger carriers, imposition, duties, SB 342D, AB 487†
Vehicle use, limitation on length of time, AB 487*
Designation of person to become familiar with records and clients, duties, AB 330D
Inspections, qualifications of persons conducting, procedures, AB 330D
Labeling of taxidermic items, requirements, AB 330D
Records maintained by taxidermists, requirements, AB 330D
Composition, AB 320*
Interpersonal interactions and communications by personnel with pupils, establishment of code of conduct, consultations, AB 124†
School Leader Management, Advisory Task Force on, membership, receipt of report, SB 497*
Statewide performance evaluation system, duties, AB 7*, AB 212D, AB 312†
Teachers attending meetings, payment or reimbursement of costs of employing substitute teachers, AB 77*
Forfeitures, disposition of deposits, SB 358D
Creation, duties, SB 53*
Psychologists, authority to practice, AB 429*
Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, duties, SB 53*
Forfeitures, procedures, SB 358D
Offenders, vocational training, employment or business, prohibition on telemarketing revised, SB 393D
Registration, effect of unemployment compensation debts owed State, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
2‑1‑1 system, study of funding sources for certain program, SB 121*
Armed Forces members, authority to terminate, suspend or reinstate certain contracts, penalty for violations by service providers, AB 282*
Child abuse or neglect, poster regarding reports, contents, AB 305*
Deceptive trade practices, charging fee to speak with natural person by telephone, AB 361*
Drivers under age 18, prohibited acts, SB 216D
Elections, use of mobile devices, requirements, SB 144*
Emergency telephone system
Advisory committee, composition, SB 176*
Surcharge for enhancement of, imposition, use, SB 176*
Geolocation information, prohibited acts, exceptions, remedies, AB 313D
Notices regarding wards, requirements, SB 158D, SB 433*
Wards, restriction of right to communicate by telephone prohibited, exceptions and procedures, remedies for violations, SB 158D, SB 433*
Homeland security, duties regarding critical infrastructure, SB 395D
Industrial insurance, toll‑free service provided by insurers, requirements, SB 209†, SB 276D
Internet websites or online services, prohibited acts by owners or operators, SB 538*
Judges and court personnel, authority to request telephone number contained in certain official records be kept confidential, SB 79*
Lifeline service, certification of customer eligibility, termination of services of independent administrator authorized, SB 412*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, limitations on release of phone number, AB 68†
Offenders, vocational training, employment or business, prohibition on conducting opinion polls revised, SB 393D
Parental rights termination, authority of certain parties to participate in proceeding by telephone, SB 432*
Bullying, maintenance of hotline, requirements, SB 294D
Safe‑to‑Tell Program, requirements, SB 212*
Sexting, public school instruction on crimes involving sexual conduct, study, SB 108*
Special education providers, inspections by Department of Education, SB 213*
Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, duties, SB 53*
Statewide nonemergency information system, establishment, AB 437
Ticket sales, establishment of toll‑free hotline to file complaint relating to suspected violations, SB 235*
Transportation, Department of
Rights of way, access by service providers to, agreements, compensation, SB 53*
Transportation facilities, solicitation of telecommunications providers regarding development, powers and duties, AB 360D
Utility infrastructure, authority of Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, SB 517, AB 399*
Armed Forces members, authority to terminate, suspend or reinstate certain contracts, penalty for violations by service providers, AB 282*
Criminal history records, authority of stations to receive, AB 76*
Employees, health and safety training requirements for certain persons, AB 190*
Legal notices, publication on Internet website maintained by television station authorized, restrictions and requirements, SB 218D
Motion picture productions, exemption from requirement to obtain state business registration removed, SB 41*, AB 6*
Benefits received, restrictions on use or acceptance, SB 98D
Child‑only assistance to fictive kin caregivers, payments, SB 257†
Child support debts, effect of receipt of benefits, AB 95*
Convicted persons, eligibility of certain persons for assistance, criteria, AB 427††
Electronic application system, funding, SB 533*
School‑age children, duties of recipients regarding, AB 186
Veterans, eligibility requirements, AB 323D
Barbers’ Health and Sanitation Board, State, members, SB 206*
Occupational and professional regulatory bodies, members, SB 69*
Sex offender treatment, appropriation, AB 395*
Driving, prohibited acts, SB 216D
Safe‑to‑Tell Program, requirements, SB 212*
Election officials, effect of theft conviction, AB 389D
Penalties for certain crimes, SB 275D
Prescriptions for controlled substances, duties of peace officers and law enforcement agencies, SB 59*
Trade secrets, maximum fine for violation increased, SB 82D
Bureau of Consumer Protection, establishment of website or toll‑free hotline to report suspected violations, SB 235*
Internet robots, prohibited use, penalties, civil remedies, SB 235*
Live entertainment tax, applicability to independent providers of ticketing services, AB 441
Local regulation restricted, SB 235†
Resellers, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, civil penalties, SB 235*
Websites, content, requirements and restrictions, penalties, civil remedies, SB 235*
Developers, exercise of reserved rights and relocation of certain time shares, SB 195†
Agreements with associations, SB 195†
Disclosures regarding compensation, SB 195*
Applications for registration, requirements, SB 438
Association with multiple developers authorized, SB 438
Prohibited acts, SB 438
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Sales, disclosures to prospective purchasers, requirements, SB 195*
Unemployment compensation debts owed state agency by licensee or registrant, effect, SB 52D
Dermal or soft tissue fillers, injections, requirements, penalties, SB 101*
Confidential personal information in certain official records, use, SB 79*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Annual percentage rate, restrictions, AB 222D
Applicability of laws, AB 255*
Business location, restrictions, AB 222D
Customer’s ability to repay, duty of licensee to determine, AB 163*, AB 222D
Database of information relating to loans, creation and use, AB 222D, AB 515
Definition, AB 163*
Installment payments, limitations on fees, provisions repealed, AB 222D
Electronic debit transactions, reinitiation, requirements, AB 163*
Extension or rollover prohibited, AB 222D
Grace period offered to customer, requirements, AB 163*
Notices and disclosures, requirements, AB 163*
Original term, requirements, AB 163*
Oversight by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fees, AB 279*
Proceeds of new loan used to pay balance of outstanding loan, provisions repealed, AB 222D
Restrictions on and requirements for making loans, AB 163*, AB 222D
Vehicle securing loan, prohibited acts, AB 163*
Cigarettes (See CIGARETTES)
Forfeitures, procedures, SB 358D
Roll‑your‑own tobacco, delivery into State, reports, AB 62*
School pupils, surveys regarding use and abuse, requirements, reports, SB 166
Smokeless products
Age of purchaser, use of certain cards to verify, SB 399*, AB 162*, AB 415*
Delivery into State, reports, requirements, AB 62*
Taxation (See generally TAXES AND TAXATION)
Vapor products
Age of purchaser, use of certain cards to verify, SB 399*, AB 162*, AB 415*
Licensing and regulation of sales, AB 269
Commercial advertisements, exceptions to restrictions on placement, AB 68*
Ecotourism, qualification of members of Board of Wildlife Commissioners, AB 187D
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 335D, SB 448†
Travel sellers, temporary repeal of registration laws made permanent, SB 311*
Washoe County, use of certain tax proceeds for tourism promotion, AB 306D
Director, member of Commission on Off‑Highway Vehicles, AB 29*
Museums and History, Board of, membership, funding, SB 244*
Museums and History, Division of
Administrator, comprehensive statewide historic preservation plan, contents, duties, SB 244*
Expenses related to certain regulations, appropriation, SB 244*
Museum directors, consultations with Indian tribes, duties, SB 244*
Nevada State Museum (See MUSEUMS)
Nevada Main Street Program, duties, AB 417†
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, ex officio members, SB 363
Appointment, qualifications, AB 373D
Proportional regional representation, requirements, AB 373D
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on, advisory duty repealed, AB 29*
Taxation, Department of, reports repealed, SB 12†
Motor vehicles parked at resort hotel in space designated for persons with disabilities, towing authorized, SB 320*
Residential complexes, towing of vehicles from, procedures, SB 320*
Unattended or disabled vehicles upon highway, bridge or causeway, duties regarding removal, liability, SB 312*
Breastfeeding, duty to provide accommodations for personnel, prohibited acts, complaints regarding, AB 113*
Business licenses, restrictions on fees based on size of property, exceptions, SB 463D
Capital improvements, certain reports repealed, AB 464*
Central Mailing Room, use by local governments authorized, SB 38*
Citizens’ advisory councils, appointment of members by county commissioners, SB 127D
County roads and streets within unincorporated town, repair and maintenance procedures, SB 63D
Crematories, location of certain crematories, duties, AB 205*
Dextromethorphan, local regulation prohibited, SB 159*
Election campaign communications, use of official name and address, disclosures, AB 392*
Feral cat colonies, programs for managed care authorized, SB 411†
Finances and funds (See also LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Enterprise funds, transfers to general fund, requirements, SB 78*
Hawthorne, inclusion of Mineral County in Intermountain West Corridor route urged, AJR 11‡
Homeland security, duties regarding critical infrastructure, SB 395D
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 201D, AB 404
Internet sales of personal property by individuals, designation of places for parties to meet to complete transaction, AB 297*
Landlord and tenant, adverse action against landlord based upon tenant’s request for emergency assistance prohibited, remedies, AB 133*
Legal notices, publication on Internet website authorized, restrictions and requirements, SB 218D
Local Government Lobbying Act, Nevada, adoption, SB 380D
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, requests for distributions, procedures, AB 311D
Excise tax on sales, distribution of proceeds to local governments, SB 302, SB 487*
Medical marijuana, authority to request additional dispensaries, SB 341†
Regulatory authority and license tax, limitations, SB 344*, SB 487*, AB 422*
Massage, reflexology or structural integration establishments, concurrent regulation, AB 179*
National conservation areas, restriction on planning and zoning powers, AB 277††
National recreation areas, restrictions on planning and zoning powers, AB 277†
Nevada Parks, Trails and Open Space District Act, authority of towns, AB 379†
Officers and employees generally (See PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Permanent resident cards, acceptance for identification purposes, AB 162*
Pest control, certification requirements, AB 32*
Public‑private partnerships for eligible facilities, requirements, financing, SB 448*
Recreational facilities, creation of general improvement districts to provide, authorization, AB 379†
Regional transportation commissions, certain agreements with, SB 149*
Securities, authorized investments, SB 76D
Statewide nonemergency information system, participation authorized, AB 437
Ticket sales, local regulation restricted, SB 235†
Tribal identification cards, acceptance for identification purposes, SB 399*, AB 415*
Vapor products, local control measures authorized, AB 450D
Animal parts, prohibited acts, exceptions, SB 194*
Deceptive trade practices
Fees to update or change records by speaking with natural person by telephone, AB 361*
Geolocation information, unlawful collection or disclosure, AB 313D
Gift certificates or gift cards
Information provided to buyer of certificate, requirements, AB 361†
Prohibited acts, AB 287, AB 361*
Motor vehicle dealers and related licensees, authorized uses of surety bonds, AB 262*
Motor vehicles
Repossessing vehicle before default, violations, AB 262*
Sales, violations against consumers regarding secured transactions, AB 262*
Technology devices, violations, SB 350*
Off‑highway vehicle dealers, lessors and manufacturers, authorized uses of surety bonds, AB 262*
Public utilities, agreements regarding distributed generation systems, violations, AB 405*
Ticket sales, violations, SB 235*
Insurers, certain prizes, gifts, goods and other items to policyholders authorized, AB 244*
Marketplace Fairness Act, Congress urged to pass, SJR 5‡
Motor vehicle dealers
Surety bonds, authorized uses, AB 262*
Unfair practices against, acts constituting, AB 248D
Patient‑centered medical homes, incentives paid not considered unfair or deceptive trade practices, SB 139
Travel sellers, temporary repeal of registration laws made permanent, SB 311*
Health insurance carriers, rate information, AB 83*
Pharmaceutical industry, exclusion of certain reportable information, SB 539*
Pharmacy benefit managers, rate information, SB 539†
Wrongful acquisition or disclosure, maximum fine increased, SB 82D
Personal property owned by nonresidents, applicability of property tax exemption, SB 414*
Autonomous vehicles, applicability of laws, AB 69*
Cellular phones and similar communications devices, prohibited acts, SB 216D
Child restraint devices, use (See SEAT BELTS AND CHILD RESTRAINT DEVICES)
Citations, issuance, procedures, unlawful failure to appear, AB 68*
Civil penalty in lieu of criminal for certain violations, study, ACR 9‡
Controlled‑access highways, use of left lanes, restrictions, AB 208D, AB 334*
Emergency vehicles or official vehicles using flashing lights, duties of other drivers, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 312*
Extreme left lane of highway, restrictions on use, penalties, AB 329D, AB 334†
Highways, restrictions on placement of commercial advertising, exceptions for touchdown structures, AB 68*
Mopeds, requirements, AB 335*
Off‑highway vehicles, operation on paved highways, evaluation of laws, AB 29*
Speed contests, penalties for offense causing death or substantial bodily harm, SB 410
Stopping vehicles, authority of employees of Taxicab Authority and Transportation Authority restricted, SB 401
Traffic incidents, definition, duties of driver when approaching, SB 312*
Transportation, Department of, authorized vehicles stopped and displaying warning lights, duties of approaching drivers, penalty for violation, AB 17*
Nevada Parks, Trails and Open Space District Act, adoption, AB 379*
Autonomous vehicle network companies, regulation, duties, AB 69*
Autonomous vehicles, regulations, duties, AB 69*
Certificates of public convenience and necessity, duties, SB 299D, SB 309D, AB 168D, AB 240D
Citations, authority to issue, procedures, SB 401
Fines imposed by, repeal of laws regarding suspension of driver’s license for nonpayment, SB 401
Impoundment of vehicles, repeal of authority, SB 401
Inspectors, transfer of certain employees to Office of the Inspector General, funding, AB 201D
Motor Vehicles, Department of, consultations, AB 69†
Regulatory Account, deposits, SB 299D
Stopping vehicles, authority restricted, SB 401
Taxicab Authority, transfer of duties to Transportation Authority, SB 299D
Transportation network companies
Duties, SB 226, SB 479D, SB 485D, SB 554*, AB 445††
Taxicab Authority
Citations issued by, adjudication, AB 487*
Concurrent enforcement jurisdiction, requirements, AB 487†
Board of Directors, requirements for membership, AB 373D
Deputy directors, number, AB 517*
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank Board of Directors, member, SB 517, AB 399*
Nevada Transportation Infrastructure Bank Board of Directors, member, SB 517†
Environmental Protection, Division of, cooperation, SB 418
High‑capacity transit projects, duties, SB 149*
High‑speed ground transportation system between Reno and Las Vegas, study of feasibility, AB 360D
Highway truck parking, use of proceeds from tax on diesel fuel to construct, maintain or repair sites, duties, SB 439
Highways and roads (See also HIGHWAYS AND ROADS)
Advisory signs on controlled‑access highways, certain duty repealed, AB 208D
Clark County, study of traffic reduction, safety enhancement and freeway access in portion of County, duties, AB 364††
Extreme left‑hand lane, use by motorists on highways, duties, AB 329D
Hydrogen‑fueling stations, duties, funding, SB 145†, SB 418
Motor Vehicles, Department of, consultations, AB 69†
Telecommunication Advisory Council, creation, membership, SB 53*
Telecommunications providers, access to rights of way and other facilities, agreements, compensation, SB 53*
Transportation facilities
Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517, AB 399*
Nevada Transportation Infrastructure Bank, creation, purposes, SB 517†
Solicitations regarding, powers and duties, AB 360D
Vehicles of Department
Blue lights on vehicles, authorized location, AB 17*
Stopped and displaying warning lights, duties of approaching drivers, penalty for violation, AB 17*
Creation, administration, SB 517†
Autonomous vehicles, requirements for use, penalties, AB 69*
Digital network or software application services, required capabilities, SB 485D
Background checks, requirements, SB 226, SB 485D
Child support obligations, effect, SB 226
Citations, issuance, procedures, AB 487*
Collective bargaining and organizational rights, construction of laws, SB 485D
Definition, SB 226
Drug and alcohol testing, requirements, SB 485D
Industrial insurance coverage, requirements, SB 485D
List, duties of company, SB 479D
Permit required, issuance, grounds for denial, lapse, SB 226
Physical examination, requirements, SB 485D
Refusal to complete transportation services, administrative fines, AB 445††
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
State business registration, requirements, SB 226†, SB 479D, SB 554*, AB 445†
Taxicab Authority, enforcement jurisdiction over drivers, limitations, AB 487*
Training, requirements, SB 485D
Transportation Authority, Nevada, receipt of driver information, AB 445†
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Fares, requirements, SB 485D
Fines for violations, SB 479D
Inspections by Nevada Transportation Authority, SB 479D
Insurance coverage, requirements, SB 226, SB 485D, AB 445††
Paratransit services, exemptions from certain requirements, AB 234*
Taxes on passenger carriers, imposition, duties, SB 342D, AB 487†
Transportation Authority, Nevada
Citations issued by Taxicab Authority, adjudication, AB 487*
Concurrent enforcement jurisdiction with Taxicab Authority, requirements, AB 487†
Driver information, receipt, AB 445†
Decal, requirements, SB 479D
Inspection after crash, requirements, SB 485D
Name or logo, requirements, SB 226
Permit, requirements, SB 226
Registration, requirements, SB 226
Constitutional recognition of right to trap, SJR 11 of the 78th SessionD
Definitions, SB 365D
Exhibition of wildlife or equipment on demand, violations regarding, exemption from penalties, AB 330D
Feral cat colonies, programs for managed care authorized, SB 411†
Frequency of visits to trap or snare, requirements, SB 364*
Legislative declaration, SB 365D
Licenses and permits
Acknowledgment of certain information, requirements, SB 511*
Child support enforcement, removal of certain exemption from compliance laws, SB 34D
Failure to carry or refusal to exhibit, exemption from penalties, AB 330D
Fees generally, SB 511*
Period of validity, SB 511*
Veterans with service‑connected disabilities, evidence of eligibility for license or permit, SB 191*
Licensing Review Panel, creation, duties, AB 332D
Profit obtained from trapping and amount of applicable sales tax collected, reports to Department of Wildlife, SB 365D
Public highways and roads, restrictions on setting trap near, SB 364*
Public lands, trapping animals prohibited, SB 365D
Registration and marking requirements for traps and snares, SB 364*
Removal or disturbance of trap or snare, authority, SB 364*
State agencies managing certain public lands, warning signs, duties, SB 364*
Unregistered traps used on private property, requirement to register before use on public land, SB 364*
Wildlife Public Education Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, SB 221
Wildlife Public Education Council, Nevada, creation, duties, SB 221†
Medicaid, development of Sexual Trauma Services Guide, SB 488*
Military sexual trauma, authority for courts to establish treatment programs for eligible defendants, SB 449D, AB 286*
Reporting system regarding treatment, legislative study, SCR 3
Veterans who have suffered sexual trauma, programs continued, SB 137*
Registration, temporary repeal of laws made permanent, SB 311*
Access to public land, authority to enter private land at certain point for, AB 386D
Barbed wire fence indicating intent to restrict human ingress, requirements, SB 116†, SB 475D
Involuntary servitude or sex trafficking victim, authority to petition court to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedure, AB 243*
Warning against trespass, acts deemed sufficient warning, SB 116D
Acceptance by businesses and governmental entities for identification purposes, SB 399*, AB 415*
Protective equipment, requirements, SB 426D
Corridor improvements, extension of time to issue bonds pursuant to 2002 ballot question, SB 198*
Leases of motortrucks, additional charges authorized, disclosure requirement, penalty, AB 233*
Foreign independent trust companies, requests to engage in solicitation of business, fees, surety bond, prohibited acts, AB 61*
Foreign trust companies
Retail trust companies, requests to establish and maintain office in State, fees, prohibited acts, AB 61*
Solicitation of business, authority, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 61*
Oversight by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fees, AB 279*
Spendthrift trusts, requirement of trustee if settlor is beneficiary of trust, AB 61*
Community property, transfers into irrevocable trust, effect, AB 314*
Creation, requirements, AB 314*
Decanting Act, Uniform Trust, adoption, AB 197D
Divorce, effect on former spouse or domestic partner of descendant of settlor, AB 314*
Electronic trusts, requirements, AB 413*
Endowment care cemeteries and funds, requirements, penalty for violations by trustee, SB 295*
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Revised Uniform, adoption, AB 239*
Guardianships, procedures regarding certain trusts, accounting and other documents, SB 158D, SB 433*, AB 254*
No‑contest clauses, requirements, AB 314*
Nonprobate transfers, requirements, AB 314*
Property subject to claims of offset, duties of fiduciary, AB 314*
Separate property, transfers into irrevocable trust, effect, AB 314*
Share of beneficiary, reduction or elimination in certain circumstances, AB 314*
Testamentary trusts, jurisdiction of court, AB 314*
Appointment of property, powers, AB 314*
Capital assets, capital gains from sale or exchange, duties, AB 314*
List of assets, duties, AB 314*
Restraint orders, issuance in certain circumstances, requirements, AB 314*
Spendthrift trusts, requirement of trustee if settlor is beneficiary, AB 61*
Torts committed in administering trust, exoneration or reimbursement, AB 314*
Special license plates, issuance, SB 428*
Licenses, effect of unemployment compensation debts owed state agency, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Ticket sales (See TICKET SALES)
Base period, elimination of alternative period, SB 52D
Demographic information, recipient may provide certain data at time of filing claim, AB 354†
Domestic violence victims, duties of Employment Security Division, SB 361*
Educational personnel employed in multiple capacities, criteria for denial of benefits between terms or during break, SB 52†
Former employees, charges to employer’s account, SB 52D
Judgments against employers for failure to pay contributions, remedies, SB 52D
Juries, list of recipients to be used in selection of jurors, AB 207*
Occupational licensees fraudulently collecting benefits, remedies, SB 52D
Overpayment of benefits, collection procedure, SB 52D
Publications by Employment Security Division, duty repealed, SB 12*
Theft of benefits, penalty for certain crimes, SB 275D
Unauthorized use or dissemination of certain information, penalty, AB 207*
Bills or joint resolutions, disparate impact statements estimating effect on certain persons, procedures, AB 308D
Breastfeeding accommodations, provision by local government employers, AB 113†
Cemeteries, failure to maintain in orderly condition, transfer of title to city or county, AB 203†
Child welfare services, agencies which provide
Counseling services, provision following school crisis, emergency or suicide, SB 212†
Paternity, procedure to establish, payment of costs, SB 483D
School personnel or volunteers, investigation of certain allegations involving, SB 287*
Clark County, reserve transport services for special events, AB 307†
Criminal history information, submission to Central Repository, AB 76*
Critical infrastructure, implementation of cybersecurity plans, SB 395D
Developmental disabilities, services to persons with, AB 224*
District courts
Abortion by pregnant minor or ward, expedited procedure, representation by court‑appointed attorney, SB 382D
Child abuse or neglect proceedings, court‑appointed attorney for child, SB 305*
Domestic relations proceedings, independent review panels and veterans advocate groups, AB 198D
Family courts, programs for supervised exchange of child, AB 198D
Wards’ Bill of Rights, duties, SB 168D, SB 360*
Automatic Voter Registration Initiative, expenses related to, IP 1††
Ineligible candidates for office, ballot changes and notices, AB 389D
Polling places, establishment, SB 94D, SB 144†, SB 492*, AB 104†, AB 257D, AB 272††
Proof of identification, election by voter to provide in person at polling place, system for, SB 100D
Sample ballots, establishment of system for electronic distribution, SB 144†
Voter registration, establishment and use of computer system, electronic transmission of information, SB 144†, SB 327
Emergency medical services, certain personnel costs, AB 367D, AB 429†
Group insurance for public employees
Network plans, requirements, SB 289
Patient‑centered medical homes, coverage, payments or incentives, SB 139†
Prescription drugs, copayment structures, requirements, SB 436D
Services and treatments covered, requirements, SB 233*, SB 404D, AB 249*, AB 304*, AB 408††
Subsidy for retired employees, method of calculating amount, SB 552*
Health authorities, duties regarding plastic bags provided by retailers, AB 344D
Housing authorities, program to establish escrow accounts for tenants, SB 417
Indigent defense services, transfer of some or all responsibility to Office of Public Defender, SB 377†
Intercounty significance, projects of, reimbursement of impact costs to affected local governments, AB 153D
Interrogations of certain persons in custody, electronic recordings, AB 414
Jails or detention facilities, provision of identification card and certain assistance to prisoners upon release, SB 268†
Juvenile justice
Detention facilities, provision of identification card and certain assistance to prisoners upon release, SB 268†
Family engagement plan, requirements, AB 472*
Risk assessments and mental health screenings, AB 472*
Paratransit services, first‑aid equipment and training, requirements, AB 234*
Pest control, licensing and regulation of governmental agencies and government applicators, AB 32*
Protection orders against high‑risk offenders, surrender of firearms and ammunition, SB 387†
Public administrators, salaries of certain administrators, SB 304D, AB 310*
Public health laboratory in Clark County, establishment and maintenance, SB 151†
Public water systems or water authorities, fluoridation of certain systems, AB 193D
Recycling, waste diversion rate in larger counties, SB 315
Academic plans of pupils, meetings to review, AB 117*
Assessment tools and examinations, creation of audit plan, collection and provision of information, SB 303*
Breakfast After the Bell Program, additional minutes of instruction, AB 166D
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use of automated external defibrillator, course of instruction, AB 85*
Charter schools, applications to form, requirements, AB 78
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, provision of counseling services following crisis, emergency or suicide, SB 212†
Clark County School District
Collaborative work to ensure productive environment, professional development training, SB 369*
Investigations of school culture and parental involvement, SB 369*
Reorganization, AB 469*
Commencement of school day, time for, AB 166D, AB 225D
Computer science courses, requirements, SB 200†
Emergency managers, designation, duties, AB 127*
Employment applications, procedures, AB 362*
Foster children, transportation to school of origin, AB 491*
Immunizations, notices regarding exempt pupils, AB 200D
Inhalers, maintain for use in treating asthma attack, AB 156
Kindergartens, requirements, AB 186
Libraries, establishment and maintenance, SB 143
Opioid antagonists, maintenance, AB 428†
Prekindergarten education programs, establishment, AB 186†
Residential construction tax, applicability of laws, imposition and use, AB 120D
Surveys of pupils regarding use and abuse of certain substances, SB 166
Teacher training, requirements, SB 20*
Video cameras in classrooms used for special education, SB 224
Sexual assault forensic evidence kits, requirements, SB 169†, AB 55D, AB 97*
Athlete Agents Act, Revised, adoption, AB 372*
Athletes’ Agents Act, repeal, AB 372*
Canadian Domestic‑Violence Protection Orders Act, Recognition and Enforcement of, adoption, AB 146*
Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, amendment, SB 40*
Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act, adoption, SB 328D
Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act, adoption, AB 235*
Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act, applicability to certain civilian employees, SB 133*
Family Support Act, Interstate, amendment, SB 40†
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Revised, adoption, AB 239*
Powers of Appointment Act, adoption, SB 454*
Trust Decanting Act, adoption, AB 197D
Motor vehicle dealers and related licensees, violations by, authorized uses of surety bonds, AB 262*
Off‑highway dealers, lessors and manufacturers, violations by, authorized uses of surety bonds, AB 262*
Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act, Uniform, applicability to civilian employees of Department of Defense, SB 133*
Federal lands (See PUBLIC LANDS)
Forest Service (See FOREST SERVICE)
Geographic Names, Nevada State Board of, membership, SB 43*
Land Management, Bureau of (See BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT)
National monuments (See NATIONAL MONUMENTS)
National Park Service (See NATIONAL PARK SERVICE)
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on, federal membership, AB 29*
Computer science and computer education and technology, requirements, recommendations, SB 200*
CPR and use of automated external defibrillator, course of instruction made mandatory, AB 85*
Discrimination prohibitions, SB 188*
High school diploma
State Seal of STEAM, requirements for receipt, SB 241*
State Seal of STEM, requirements for receipt, SB 241*
Independent contractors, duties, certain contracts prohibited, AB 362*
Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, creation, funding, SB 467*, SB 544*
Personnel (See also SCHOOL PERSONNEL)
Agreements regarding suspected abuse or sexual misconduct, prohibited acts, AB 362*
Applications for employment, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 362*
Crimes committed by, authority of governing bodies to use substantiated reports, SB 213*, SB 287*
Fingerprinting and background checks, requirements, SB 213*, SB 287*
Pupil publications, adoption of policy relating to distribution and right of expression of journalists, SB 420*
Crimes committed by, authority of governing bodies to use substantiated reports, SB 213*, SB 287*
Fingerprinting and background checks, requirements, SB 213*, SB 287*
Sealing records relating to actions for summary eviction, procedures, AB 107*
Presumption of knowledge of lack of permission for residency, circumstances, AB 161*
Electric transmission lines, restrictions on operation near, AB 11*
Peace officers, duties regarding crashed or abandoned vehicles, SB 234
Storage facilities, licensing, SB 234
Composition, SB 57*
County officers, removal of Commission’s authority to contract with certain persons, SB 57*
Funding, removal of duty of certain counties to provide, effect on bond issues, SB 57*
Geographical jurisdiction, SB 57*
Biological products, duties of pharmacists, authority to dispense interchangeable biological products, AB 245*
Public schools, instruction on crimes involving destruction of property, study, SB 108*
Age of purchaser, use of certain cards to verify, SB 399*, AB 162*, AB 415*
Indoor use, restrictions, AB 450D
Licensing and regulation of sales, AB 269
Prohibited sale or distribution, penalties, AB 450D
Insurance coverage, requirements, AB 249†
Special license plates, issuance, SB 283*, SB 428†
Licenses, requirements for reinstatement and electronic renewal, AB 60*
Emergency telephone system, surcharge for enhancement of, use, SB 176*
Reckless driving, penalties, SB 410
Cigarette machines
Location in gaming establishments, restrictions, AB 86D
Operators, license required to engage in activity, scope of license, AB 62*
Marijuana sales, prohibited acts, AB 422*
Theft from machines, penalties for certain crimes, SB 275D
Change of venue after entry of final order, judgment or decree, AB 102*
Schools, actions brought by applicants for employment, requirements, AB 362*
Termination of parental rights, proceedings
Objection by party to venue, procedures following, SB 432*
Petition, place of filing, SB 432*
Coroners, notification of death of decedents, duties, AB 57*
Adopt a Vet Dental Program, appropriation, SB 444*
Affordable housing, study, SCR 1‡
Bills or joint resolutions, effect on certain persons, authority of Legislator to request disparate impact statements, procedures, AB 308D
Business registration, state, waiver of fees for veteran‑owned businesses, AB 44D
Cemetery advisory committees
Composition, SB 58*
Nevada Veterans Services Commission, appointment of members, SB 58*
Concealed firearms, eligibility of certain persons for permits to carry, AB 118*
Corporations, waiver of certain filing fees for veteran‑owned corporations, AB 44D
Criminal offenders, treatment programs
Authority of certain courts to establish, SB 449D, AB 56D, AB 286*, AB 426D
Conditional dismissal of certain charges, procedures, effect, AB 286*
Dismissal of certain charges, authority of prosecuting attorney, SB 280D
District courts, assumption of original jurisdiction on motion, SB 280D
Eligibility for and duration of assignment, AB 286*
Preprosecution diversion program for certain offenders, creation, AB 470*
Sealing of records of criminal proceedings, authority of certain courts, AB 286*
Supervision by Chief Parole and Probation Officer, SB 280D
Violation of term or condition, sanctions, AB 286*
Database of information related to veterans, creation, AB 22*
Disabilities, veterans with service‑connected
Benefits, programs and assistance, standard for evidence of eligibility, establishment, SB 191*
Hunting, fishing and trapping
Fees for licenses or permits, SB 511*
Standard for evidence of eligibility for free licenses or permits, SB 191*
Special license plates
International symbol of access, inclusion on certain plates, SB 141*
Standard for evidence of eligibility, SB 191*
State purchasing, preference for bid or proposal, requirements, SB 191*, SB 317†
Disinterment and relocation to veterans’ cemetery, family financial assistance program, establishment, funding, AB 521*
Domestic relations proceedings, establishment of veterans advocate groups by district courts, duties, AB 198D
Educational personnel, waiver of licenses fees for members and spouses, AB 77*
EMT certification, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 367D, AB 429†
Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery, Reno, protection urged, AB 174D
Guardianships, removal of certain authority of Department of Veterans Services, AB 22*
Homes for veterans, qualifications of administrators, AB 165*
Housing assistance, waiver of certain federal requirement regarding veterans’ benefits, AB 323D
License plates
Fees for reissuance, exemptions, SB 15*
Special plates, international symbol of access, inclusion on certain plates, SB 141*
Standard for evidence of eligibility, SB 191*
Limited‑liability companies, waiver of certain filing fees for veteran‑owned companies, AB 44D
Loans, establishment of emergency loan program, AB 67D
Medical marijuana, issuance of permanent registry identification cards authorized, SB 329
Nevada System of Higher Education students
Nevada Veterans Services Commission, representation, SB 58*
Tuition charges, exemptions, AB 24*
Occupations and professions, licensure by endorsement, SB 354D
Prisons, duties regarding educational development and workforce development of offenders, AB 336
Recognition annually, duties of Department of Veterans Services, AB 22*
Registry of service providers, creation, AB 22*
Sexual orientation, denial of benefits based on orientation prohibited, assistance to be provided certain persons, SB 148*
Sexual trauma victims, continuation of assistance programs, SB 137*
Small businesses owned by, duty of certain agencies to provide financing information, AB 436*
State agencies and regulatory bodies, collection of data, contents of forms, SB 137*
State employment, preferences, duties of Division of Human Resource Management and appointing agencies, AB 309*
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, eligibility requirements, AB 323D
Veteran Personnel Coordinator, appointment within Division of Human Resources Management, duties, AB 309†
Women Veterans Advisory Committee
Biennial reports, duties, AB 19*
Nevada Veterans Services Commission, representation, SB 58*
Composition, SB 58*
Governor, reports to, duties, AB 19*
Legislative Counsel Bureau Director, reports to, duties, AB 19*
Nevada Veterans Services Commission, receipt of reports, AB 19*
State agencies and regulatory bodies, reports from, duties, SB 137*, AB 19*, AB 309*
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, reports from, duties, AB 19*
Composition, SB 58*
Reports, duties, AB 19*
Abandoned or unclaimed property or artifacts, duties, SB 70*
Adopt a Vet Dental Program, appropriation, SB 444*
Database of information related to veterans, creation, AB 22*
Deputy directors, appointment, qualifications, powers and duties, AB 22*
Disinterment and relocation of veterans to veterans’ cemetery, family financial assistance program, duties, AB 521*
Domestic relations proceedings, establishment of veterans advocate group, assistance to district courts, AB 198D
Guardianships, removal of certain authority of Director, AB 22*
Homes for veterans
Administrators, qualifications, AB 165*
Federal grant, duties, SB 546*
Human Resource Management, Division of, reports from, AB 309*
Offices, repeal of certain location requirements, AB 22*
Organizations, assistance and cooperation by Department, SB 58*
Recognition of veterans, duties, AB 22*
Registry of veterans’ services providers, creation, AB 22*
Sexual orientation, assistance to be provided certain persons, SB 148*
Sexual trauma victims, duties continued, SB 137*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 19*
Assistance and cooperation by Department of Veterans Services, SB 58*
Nevada Veterans Services Commission, representation, SB 58*
Problem Gambling, Advisory Committee on, membership removed, SB 120*
Veterans cemetery advisory committees, representation, SB 58*
Controlled substance dispensing, reporting duties clarified, AB 474*
Dangerous wild animals, prohibited acts, exemptions from laws, AB 238D
Euthanasia technicians (See EUTHANASIA TECHNICIANS)
FDA‑approved drugs, prescribing, dispensing or administering for unapproved purposes, clarification of laws, SB 346D
Issuance by endorsement, SB 69*, SB 354D
Issued in error, invalidation, surrender, SB 55D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Marijuana and medical marijuana, disciplinary action for lawful activities prohibited, SB 374††
Nevada State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
Annual audit or balance sheet, duties, AB 328*
Applications, expedited action upon executive order, duties, SB 69†
Attorneys, employment or retention, limitations, SB 69*, AB 328*
Contested cases, prosecution, requirements, AB 328*
Enforcement of laws, duties and considerations, SB 69†, SB 330D, AB 353D
Executive director or executive secretary, qualifications, AB 328*
Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, SB 186
Independent contractors, immunity from liability, AB 328†
Insurance Premiums, Fund for, contributions to, AB 328*
Professional entry regulations, review, duties, SB 330D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Sales taxes, treatment as consumer rather than retailer of tangible personal property used, furnished or dispensed, AB 439*
2015 Session
Civil actions against sellers, product liability, SB 161 of the 78th Session
Crime against a child, registration of offenders, SB 99 of the 78th Session
Exemplary or punitive damages, product liability, SB 296 of the 78th Session
License plates, requirements for issuance of certain plates, moratorium on issuance, AB 326 of the 78th Session
Motor carriers, certificates of public convenience, procedures, SB 183 of the 78th Session
Patriot Relief Account, use of money, AB 472 of the 78th Session
Sex offenders, registration and supervision, SB 99 of the 78th Session
2017 Session
Apprentices, reports, use in public works, SB 357††
Arrest, warrantless, time for complaint, AB 376††
Bail, release without, considerations before, AB 136††
City attorneys in certain cities, appointment in lieu of election, SB 434††
Controlled substances violations
Penalties, reduction or suspension of trafficking sentences, AB 438††
Unlawful possession not for purposes of sale, sentencing, vacation of judgment, AB 259††
Correctional services, privatization prohibitions, AB 303††
Automatic Voter Registration Initiative, IP 1††
Polling places, establishment, procedures, AB 272††
Voting materials, provision in Cantonese and Mandarin, AB 272††
Community solar gardens, regulation, SB 392††
Customer option to purchase electricity from renewable energy facility, AB 206††
Electric utility portfolio standards, AB 206††
Incentive payments for renewable energy, SB 392††
Game tag fees, use of certain money, AB 101††
Health care providers, prohibited discrimination in providing services, AB 408††
Health insurance
Affordable Care Act, alignment of State laws with provisions of Act, AB 408††
Emergency care, out‑of‑network payments for, procedures, reports, AB 382††
Insurance, Division of, duties regarding network plans, AB 382††
Nevada Care Plan, establishment within Medicaid, offering for purchase to certain persons, AB 374††
Industrial hemp, authority of health care providers, SB 374††
Local government employee‑management relations
Budgeted ending fund balances, restriction on negotiation, SB 469††
Employee organizations, notice of intent to negotiate, requirements, SB 356††
Fact‑finding in collective bargaining, procedures, AB 271††
Leave to employees providing services to employee organizations, procedures, SB 356††, AB 271††, AB 290††
School employees, procedures, SB 356††
Convictions, vacation of certain judgments, sealing of records, AB 259††
Lawful activities, prohibited acts by employers or occupational licensing boards, SB 374††
Medical marijuana
Agents, establishment of apprenticeship program, SB 416††
Authorized uses, prohibitions on occupational or professional discipline, SB 374††
Minimum wage
Health insurance offered by employer, effect on amount of wage paid, SB 106††, AB 175††
Increase, SB 106††
National conservation areas, restrictions on local planning and zoning powers, AB 277††
Nevada System of Higher Education
Cooperative extension programs, audit, AB 407††
Land grant institutions, designation, AB 407††
Pharmaceutical industry, required and prohibited acts, SB 265††
Private school pupils, authority to self‑medicate, SB 265††
Public assistance, eligibility of certain convicted persons, criteria, AB 427††
Public employees and retirees, confidentiality of information, exceptions, SB 384††
Public works
Apprentices, use in public works, SB 357††
Convention Authority, authority to require project labor agreements, SB 464††
Prevailing wage laws, applicability, SB 173††, AB 154††
Railroads, crew requirements for certain freight trains, penalties for violations, SB 427††
Regulations, procedures, AB 403††
Residential confinement of older offenders, SB 140††
Roadway safety and traffic in Clark County, study, AB 364††
Sex education courses, consent forms, reports, AB 348††
Sick leave benefits for certain private sector employees, requirements, SB 196††
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program, eligibility, nonreversion of certain money, AB 188††
State employees, meetings with employee organizations, orientation for new employees, AB 350††
Transportation network companies, insurance requirements, violations, AB 445††
Unlawful employment practices, procedures, penalties, SB 397††
Wage violations, remedies, SB 106††
Wildlife management, certain policy requirements, AB 101††
Legislature, consideration of returned bills (SSR 116, ASR 116), SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Financial planners, licensing requirements, SB 383*
Alcohol beverage awareness programs, fines imposed for violations, use, SB 440
Bill of rights for victims, expansion, SJR 17 of the 78th Session‡
Children, agency or entity serving, disclosure of identity of victim of sexual conduct prohibited, SB 169*
Domestic violence victims (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Foreign citizens resident in State, eligibility for compensation, AB 122*
Forfeitures, procedures, SB 358D
Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Crime, use, AB 97*
Genetic marker analysis, postconviction petitions for, notice, SB 451†, AB 268†
Human trafficking advocates, privileged communications, SB 214D, AB 73D
Intimate partner battering or traumatic bonding, admissibility of evidence, AB 216D
Involuntary servitude, authority to petition court to hear motion to vacate judgment of conviction and seal documents, procedure, AB 243*
Landlord and tenant, authority of certain victims to terminate rental agreement early, AB 247*
Medicaid, development of Sexual Trauma Services Guide, SB 488*
Minors, offense committed against abuser, when self‑defense presumed, effect, AB 216D
Monetary instruments, restitution for victims of crime involving financial transactions, SB 68D
Offenders, residential confinement, notice of release, SB 140††, AB 421†
Program of compensation to victims, duties transferred, SB 22*
Prostitution and Human Trafficking, Committee on, creation, AB 260†
Public schools, instruction to assist victims of crime, study, SB 108*
Restitution to certain older victims, procedures, SB 278D
Sentencing Commission, Nevada, membership, SB 451*
Sex trafficking (See SEX TRAFFICKING)
Sexual assault victims (See SEXUAL ASSAULT)
Armed Forces members, authority to terminate, suspend or reinstate certain contracts, penalty for violations by service providers, AB 282*
Alcoholic beverage awareness programs offered through use of audiovisual technology, requirements, SB 440
Drones, examination of recordings or data by peace officers, authority, SB 234
Education, State Board of, meetings by videoconferencing authorized, AB 373D
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Revised Uniform, adoption, AB 239*
Industrial insurance, accessibility of persons authorized to act for insurer, requirements, SB 209†, SB 276D
Juvenile proceedings, duties regarding interview or interrogation of child, AB 341†
Legislature, duties of redistricting committees (JSR 13.6), ACR 1‡
Medical marijuana establishments, installation of video monitoring systems, requirements, SB 329, AB 422*
Notaries public, electronic notarial acts, duties, AB 413*
Offenders, use of videoconferencing equipment, procedures, AB 420*
Parental rights termination, authority of certain parties to participate in proceeding by videoconference, SB 432*
Peace officers, use of body cameras, duties, prohibited acts, SB 176*
Schools, video cameras in classrooms used for special education, requirements, restrictions, SB 224
Trusts, videorecordings as evidence, AB 413*
Election of Board members, technical amendment, AB 389D
Rate increases, appeals, procedures, SB 461D
V & T Railway, Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the, representation, SB 57*
Birth certificates (See BIRTH CERTIFICATES)
Death certificates (See DEATH CERTIFICATES)
Name change of unemancipated minor, receipt of order, AB 232*
Reports to Interagency Council on Veterans Affairs, duties, AB 19*
Adoption, amendment or repeal of policies concerning services, procedures, AB 20*
Autism spectrum disorders, reports of persons receiving rehabilitation, AB 20*
Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (See EMPLOYMENT, TRAINING AND REHABILITATION, DEPARTMENT OF—Rehabilitation Division)
Confidentiality of information relating to persons applying for or receiving services, exceptions, penalty, AB 20*
Definitions, AB 20*
Purpose of laws, AB 20*
Use of proceeds, requirements, SB 418, AB 416
Assault or battery against volunteer of certain governmental entities, penalties, AB 132*
Employment screening services, authority to disseminate criminal history records, audits, AB 26*
Guardian ad litem, appointment as, training requirements, SB 158D, SB 433*
Physician assistants, authority to provide voluntary health care service, AB 284D
Administrative penalties, imposition, award to persons harmed, AB 211D
Civil actions, authority of employees, SB 106††, SB 495D, SJR 6‡
Contractors, recovery of wages due employee of subcontractor or other contractor, limitation of actions, SB 338*
Discrimination based on inquiries or discussion regarding wages, prohibited acts, SB 397††, AB 276*
Domestic service employees
Agreements to exclude sleeping and meal periods from wages, requirements, penalties, SB 468*
Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights, SB 232*
Overtime compensation, requirement for exemption, SB 468*
Employer records, period to maintain extended, penalties, AB 178D
Jobs and day training services providers, contracts to provide employment of persons under 25, minimum wage requirements, AB 224*
Lodging or meals as wages, limitation on computation of value, SB 232*
Minimum wage
Administrative penalties, award to persons harmed, AB 211D
Civil actions, authority of employees, SB 106††, SJR 6‡
Collective bargaining agreements, authority to waive wage requirements removed, SJR 6†
Domestic workers, rights, SB 232*
Health insurance offered by employer, effect on amount of wage paid, SB 106††, AB 175††
Increase, SB 106††, AB 175†, SJR 6‡
Overtime compensation, requirements, exemptions, SB 157D, SB 232*, SB 468*
Pay equity compliance certificates, requirements for award of government contracts, AB 106†
Personal care services in the home, agencies providing, agreements to exclude employee sleeping period from wages, requirements, SB 318*
Prevailing wages (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Records of wages, contents, SB 196††
State purchasing, certification of equal pay vendors, effect, AB 106*
Unlawful employment practices
Complaints filed with Commission, time for, SB 397††, AB 178D
Prohibited acts, AB 178D, AB 276*
Unpaid wages, action to recover, prevailing employee entitled to three times amount of unpaid wages, AB 211†
Workday, definition, authority of employer to designate different workday for each employee, SB 157D
Failure to appear, time for issuance of warrant for arrest, AB 38*
Search warrant for property of attorney, issuance, procedures, AB 444*
State officers and employees, payments to, time limit for cashing, procedures after time limit passed, AB 84D
Unlawful stops and seizures, arrest pursuant to outstanding warrant, admissibility of evidence, SB 368†
Boundary with Carson City, change, AB 140D
Family courts, establishment of programs for supervised exchange of child, requirements, penalties for violations, AB 198D
Health care facilities, establishment of rating system, SB 482*
Medical assistance to indigent persons, fund for, authorized uses, AB 65*
Mobile mental health units, hours of operation, SB 192*
Recycling, waste diversion rate, requirements, SB 315
Regional planning, governing board for, composition, certain limitations removed, AB 39D
Special events, emergency medical services provided by host organization, approval required, duties, AB 307D
Tourism promotion district, use of certain room tax proceeds, duties, AB 306D
Trustees, election and appointment, procedures, SB 243D
V & T Railway reconstruction, removal of county powers and duties related to, SB 57*
Voting machines, funding for purchase, AB 519*
Computer science and computer education and technology, professional development, appropriation, SB 200*
Dual language immersion, creation of grant program, AB 139
Emergency manager, designation, duties, AB 127*
Financial literacy or economics, appropriation to support instruction, SB 249*
Height and weight measurements of certain pupils, duties, SB 165*, AB 273D
Information technology expenses, appropriation, SB 550*
Limited‑English proficient pupils, funding of certain programs for, duties, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*
Peer assistance and review of teachers program, funding, duties, SB 300*
Policies and regulations, adoption, repeal or amendment, notices, SB 247*
Professional development of teachers and administrators, funding, SB 249*, SB 544*
Redevelopment areas, use of tax revenues for educational facilities, AB 80*
Residential construction tax, applicability of laws, imposition and use, AB 120D
Subdividers, setting aside of school sites, extension of period, AB 120D
Height and weight measurements of certain pupils, receipt of reports, SB 165*
Nevada Advisory Commission on Mentoring, member, AB 144*
Election and appointment, procedures, SB 243D
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, duties repealed, SB 518†
Other State Education Programs Account, duties, SB 518†
Vehicles, appropriation, SB 550*
Zoom schools program, continuation, funding, SB 190, SB 390*, SB 504D, SB 544*
Adjudication of vested water rights
Budget for administering stream system or water district, SB 51*, SB 513*
Investigation of flow of stream and ditches, SB 51*
Judicial proceedings, court may order revised map, SB 51*
Maps and surveys, requirements, costs, SB 51*
Preliminary order of determination and abstract of proofs, procedures, hearings regarding, notices, SB 51*
Proofs of appropriation
Filing, procedures, SB 51*, SB 270*
Prospective elimination of process, exception, SB 270*
Relative rights, determinations deemed discretionary, notices, SB 51*
Administrative fines, authority of State Engineer to impose, SB 74†
Appropriation of public water
Applications for permit, requirements, SB 47*, SB 134D, SB 231D, AB 298D
Conflicts between applicants and existing holders of water rights or owners of domestic wells, procedures, SB 134D, AB 298D
Dissolved mineral resource exploration projects, applicability of laws, AB 52*
Fees of State Engineer, SB 47*
Interbasin transfers of groundwater
Environmentally sound or soundness, terms defined, AB 298D
Inventory requirements, SB 47*
Manner of use or place of use, application to change, SB 47*, SB 134D
Mining purposes, requirements, SB 231D
Monitoring, management and mitigation plan as condition of approval of applications, requirements, SB 134D, AB 298D
Perennial yield, term defined, AB 298D
Time for completion of construction or water applied to beneficial use, extensions, SB 47*, SB 74†
Unappropriated water, term defined, AB 298D
Legislative declaration, SB 231D
Water budget and inventory, preparation, SB 47*, SB 231D
Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program, Account for the, appropriation, SB 503*
Colorado River, independent study of management urged, AJR 4D
Drought, authority of State Engineer to consider declarations of drought in granting time extensions for certain applications, SB 74†
Felling of trees near water, requirements for acquisition of variance allowing, SB 499*
Fracking prohibited, assessment and disclosure program repealed, AB 159
Livestock, watering
Fees for appropriations of public water, exemptions, SB 47*
Proofs of appropriation, requirements for maps, SB 51*
Subsisting right, manner of locating, SB 47*
Management of all water in State, legislative declaration, SB 73D
Precipitation, collection without water right, requirements, SB 74†, AB 138*
Public water systems, fluoridation of certain systems, AB 193D
Suppliers of water, duties regarding plans, review of plans, SB 74*
Underground water
Critical management areas
Domestic wells, limitations on withdrawals, SB 271D, SB 272D
Extension of time to work forfeiture of water right, procedures, AB 209*
Petitions for approval of management plans, requirements, effect of approval, SB 73D, SB 269D
Forfeiture of certain water rights, procedures, SB 47*, AB 209*
Temporary permit to appropriate, redesignated revocable permit, SB 47†
Water authorities, fluoridation of certain systems, AB 193D
Water Conservation and Drought, Advisory Committee on, creation, SB 74†
Water Distribution Revolving Account
Removal of certain sources, SB 514*
Transfer of certain money, SB 74*
Water Planning and Drought, Advisory Committee on, creation, duties, SB 74†
Waterfront improvement projects, districts to fund, creation, SB 138*
Consumer’s Advocate, authority to intervene in certain proceedings, AB 109
Utility infrastructure, authority of Nevada State Infrastructure Bank, SB 517, AB 399*
Fines for violations, authority of State Engineer to impose, SB 74†
Grant program, bond issue, SB 546*
Plans submitted to Water Planning Section, contents, time for review, SB 74*
Water Conservation and Drought, Advisory Committee on, creation, SB 74†
Assessments for certain distribution expenses, maximum amount, SB 513*
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, requests for distributions, procedures, AB 311D
Moapa Valley Water District
Election of Board members, technical amendment, AB 389D
Rate increases, appeals, procedures, SB 461D
Nye County Water District, abolishment, SB 21D
State districts, budget for administering, SB 51*, SB 513*
Virgin Valley Water District
Election of Board members, technical amendment, AB 389D
Rate increases, appeals, procedures, SB 461D
Fracking prohibited, assessment and disclosure program repealed, AB 159
Petroleum discharges, grant program relating to, regulations, SB 251*
Public water systems
Environmental Commission, State, authority to prescribe fees for services, AB 50*
Violations by water suppliers, penalties, AB 50*
Smelters, expedited permit procedure, requirements, AB 289D
Firearms (See FIREARMS)
Nevada System of Higher Education, persons authorized to carry weapons on property, SB 102D
Public libraries, prohibited acts on property, penalties, SB 115D
Grants for cloud seeding operations, SB 494D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Dissolved mineral resource exploration wells or boreholes, requirements, AB 52*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, SB 330D, AB 353D
Unemployment compensation debts, effect, SB 52D
Obesity and diabetes, duties of Division Public and Behavioral Health, SB 165*
Patient‑centered medical homes, duties of Advisory Council, SB 139
Artesian Well Supervisor and assistants, references to removed, SB 47†
Depth limitations or prohibition on reconditioning, SB 47†
Dissolved mineral resources wells, regulation, AB 52*
Domestic wells
Appropriation of public water, conflicts between applicants and well owners, procedures, SB 134D, AB 298D
Plugging of domestic wells, requirements, SB 47†
Protection from adverse effects caused by new appropriations of water or changes to existing water rights, legislative declaration, SB 73D
Withdrawals of water, authority of State Engineer to limit, SB 271D, SB 272D
Hydraulic fracturing prohibited, assessment and disclosure program repealed, AB 159
State Engineer, authority to enter onto lands to carry out duties, SB 47†
Temporary permit to appropriate water, redesignated as revocable permit, SB 47†
Elections, procedures as to ineligible candidates, charter amendment, AB 389D
Competency‑Based Education Network, membership, AB 110*
Competency‑Based Education Task Force, membership, AB 110†
Anesthesiologist assistants, financial assistance, SB 210D
Substance abuse treatment, appropriation, AB 395*
Membership, number decreased, SB 74*
Sales and use tax exemptions for certain mobility enhancing equipment, SB 419†
Alcoholic beverages, prohibited acts by suppliers, AB 431*
Breastfeeding, duty of employers to provide accommodations, retaliation for filing complaint prohibited, AB 113*
Reports of fraud, waste, abuse or corruption within state or local government, penalty for retaliation, AB 404
State officer or employee communicating with Legislature, agency retaliation prohibited, AB 390D
Courthouse, appropriation for construction, AB 40
Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority of certain persons to request, procedures, SB 79*
Driver’s licenses or identification cards, procedures regarding name changes, penalties, SB 215*
NSHE, tuition exemptions for survivors of certain veterans, AB 24*
Occupations, licensure by endorsement for survivors of veterans, SB 354D
State employment, preferences for survivors of certain veterans, AB 309*
Dangerous wild animals, prohibited acts involving, penalties, AB 238D
Federal conservation funding as recommended by Blue Ribbon Panel, support expressed, SJR 13‡
Forfeitures, procedures, SB 358D
Game tag fees for predatory wildlife programs and activities
Audit, AB 112D
Use, AB 101††
Guzzlers, authorized collection of precipitation, SB 74†, AB 138*
Habitat projects
2002 ballot question, extension of time to issue bonds pursuant to, SB 198*
Capital improvements legislation, bond issues, SB 546*
Game tag fees, use of certain money, AB 101††
Licensing Review Panel, creation, duties, AB 332D
Constitutional mandate regarding means of management, SJR 11 of the 78th SessionD
Policies to include conservation of certain animals, AB 101††
Purchase, sale or possession of certain items containing animal parts prohibited, exceptions, penalty, SB 194*
Black bears, regulation authorizing hunting with any breed of dog prohibited, AB 443D
Boating, regulations, duties, SB 511*
Master Guides and Subguides, Board to License, membership, SB 263D
Appointment, qualifications, AB 187D, AB 373D
Proportional regional representation, requirements, AB 373D
Native Americans, legislation relating to hunting and fishing rights, duties, SB 511*
Policies, duties, AB 101††
Seasons, bag limits or hours, newspaper publication regarding meetings repealed, SB 75†
Taxidermists, duties, AB 330D
Trapping, removal of duty to adopt certain regulations, SB 364†
Wildlife Heritage Account, duties, SB 221
Wildlife Public Education Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, SB 221
Wildlife Public Education Council, Nevada, member, reports, duties, SB 221†
Wildlife Trust Fund, report repealed, SB 75*
Licensing Review Panel, membership, AB 332D
Wildlife Commissioners, Board of, qualifications of nominees, AB 187D
Wildlife Public Education Committee, Nevada, duties, SB 221
Appeal of decisions, procedures, applicability of laws, AB 332D
Child support enforcement, duties, SB 34D
Dangerous wild animals, prohibited acts, exemptions from laws, AB 238D
Wildlife Public Education Committee, Nevada, duties, SB 221
Wildlife Public Education Council, Nevada, duties, SB 221†
Energy development projects, reports, duties, SB 75*
Game tags
Dream Tags, annual report, duties of Community Foundation of Western Nevada, SB 75†
Fees for predatory wildlife programs and activities
Audit, AB 112D
Use, AB 101††
Guzzlers for wildlife use, authorized collection of precipitation, duties, SB 74†, AB 138*
Licensing Review Panel, creation, duties of Department, AB 332D
Master Guides and Subguides, Board to License, creation, transfer of certain duties of Department, SB 263D
Off‑Highway Vehicles, Commission on, advisory duty repealed, AB 29*
Person requesting assistance or making certain reports, confidentiality of information, SB 75*
Taxidermists, duties, AB 330D
Upland game birds, duties regarding biennial reports, SB 75*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, SB 137*, AB 19*
Veterans, collection of information concerning, duties, SB 137*
Wildlife Account, deposits, use, SB 511*, AB 101††, AB 112D
Wildlife Action Plan, federal funding proposal to carry out, support expressed, SJR 13‡
Wildlife Heritage Account, use, duties, SB 221
Wildlife Public Education Committee, Nevada, duties, SB 221
Wildlife Public Education Council, Nevada, representation, duties, SB 221†
Wildlife Trust Fund
Anticipated amount and proposed expenditures of money, submission of statement, SB 75*
Investments and expenditures, Internet publication of annual statement, SB 75*
Creation, duties, SB 221
Creation, duties, SB 221†
Assisted suicide, certain conditional devises deemed void, SB 261
Burial or cremation, authority of another person to order, requirements, AB 314*
Construction of laws, consistency with Electronic Transactions Act, AB 413*
Contests of wills
Citation, issuance after probate, procedure, AB 314*
No‑contest clauses, requirements, AB 314*
Share of devisee, reduction or elimination under certain circumstances, AB 314*
Electronic wills, requirements, AB 413*
Extension of time for acts authorized or required to be performed, AB 314*
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Revised Uniform, adoption, AB 239*
Heir‑finder agreements, extension of period in which agreement is void and unenforceable, AB 314*
Lost or destroyed, proof, AB 314*
Nonprobate transfers, requirements, AB 314*
Personal representatives
Bonding, requirements, AB 314*
Business of decedent, duties related to continued operation, AB 314*
Closing of estate, duties, AB 314*
Inventory and appraisement, filings, requirements, AB 314*
Restraint orders against, requirements, AB 314*
Revival of first will, requirements, AB 314*
Special administrators, appointment, bonding, AB 314*
Alternating proprietorships, authority to operate, AB 431*
Bills or joint resolutions, effect on certain persons, authority of Legislator to request disparate impact statements, procedures, AB 308D
Employers to provide accommodations, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 253*, AB 113*
Insurance coverage for counseling, support and supplies, requirements, SB 233*, SB 394†, AB 408††
Clinical trials, program to encourage participation by members of underrepresented demographic groups, requirements, AB 214*
Eighth Judicial District, appropriation for programs to divert young women from juvenile justice system, AB 395*
Equal Rights Amendment, ratification, SJR 2‡
Feminine hygiene products, sales and use tax exemption, SB 415*, AB 402
Gender, constitutional amendment to prohibit discrimination based on, SJR 16
Gender equality in the workplace, surveys, reports, SB 343, AB 423*
HPV testing, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
Legislature, anti‑harassment policy (JSR 20, JSR 20.5), ACR 1‡, ACR 12‡
Mammograms, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
Maternal and child health (See HEALTH, MATERNAL AND CHILD)
Medical marijuana establishment registration certificates, considerations in issuance, AB 422*
Pay equity compliance certificates, requirements for award of government contracts, AB 106†
Pregnant Workers’ Fairness Act, Nevada, adoption, SB 253*
Providers of health care, discrimination prohibited in providing services, exception, AB 408††
Schools, efforts to increase enrollment by female pupils in computer science courses required, SB 200*
Second Judicial District, appropriation for Girls’ Evening Reporting Program, AB 395*
Small businesses owned by
Information on financing, duty of certain agencies to provide, AB 436*
Loan program, establishment, funding, SB 126*
State purchasing, certification of equal pay vendors, effect, AB 106*
United States Supreme Court, nomination of Justice who will protect women’s reproductive rights urged, AJR 8D
Unlawful employment practice, applicability of laws, prohibited acts, required findings, penalties, SB 397††, AB 178D
Voluntary sterilization, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 249*, AB 408††
Well‑woman preventative visits, insurance coverage, requirements, SB 233*, AB 408††
Women’s Health Connection Program, appropriation, AB 388*
Administration, Department of, staff assistance, appropriation, AB 423*
Consultants, payment for services, AB 258*
Gender equality in the workplace, surveys, duties, SB 343, AB 423*
Legislative declaration, AB 258*
Members, qualifications, AB 258*
Officers, reappointment, AB 258*
Powers and duties generally, AB 258*
Purchasing Division, cooperation for certain purposes, AB 106*
Biennial reports, duties, AB 19*
Nevada Veterans Services Commission, representation, SB 58*
Creation, duties, SB 69*, SB 458*, SB 516*
Executive Director, appointment, duties, SB 516*
P‑20W Research Data Systems Advisory Committee, duties, SB 458*
Workforce development, support and establishment of certain programs, SB 441
Unemployment, receipt of reports, duties, AB 354*
Attachment, applications by certain older persons to secure restitution, reduction of fees for filing and issuance of writ, SB 278D
Execution, fees of constables for mailing notice, SB 182*
Garnishment (See GARNISHMENT)
Habeas corpus (See HABEAS CORPUS)
Restitution, fees of sheriffs for service of notice of and executing, SB 182*
Deadly force against intruder, immunity from civil liability removed, SB 254D
Common‑interest communities, unreasonable denial or disapproval of installation, determination, SB 161D
Election dates, applicability of laws, charter amendment, SB 103D
Ineligible candidates, procedures regarding, charter amendment, AB 389D
Educator Code of Ethics Advisory Group, Nevada, membership, AB 124*
Employees or volunteers, prohibited sexual conduct, penalties, disclosure of victim’s identity prohibited, SB 169*
Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, duties, AB 472*
Release of information to certain entities, requirements, SB 470, AB 395*, AB 472*
Revocation of child’s parole, restrictions on recommendations, AB 472*
Sex offenders, registration, duties, SB 472, AB 395*
Violations of parole conditions, duties related to policies and procedures, AB 472*
Nuclear waste repository, opposition to development expressed, AJR 10‡
Agriculture, authority to establish urban agriculture zones, SB 429*
Annexation, notice of hearing regarding change to density of use of certain land, requirements, AB 48D
Charter schools, classification, procedures, prohibited acts by governing bodies, SB 293D
Crematories, requirements, AB 205*
Medical marijuana dispensaries selling marijuana for recreational purposes, compliance requirements, SB 302
National conservation areas, restriction on local government powers, AB 277††
National recreation areas, restrictions on local zoning powers, AB 277†
Residential care, certain facilities providing, requirements, SB 477*
Sunrise and Frenchman Mountains, Clark County, legislative declaration regarding development near, AB 393*
Wind energy systems, authority of local government to deny application to install, SB 314*
Dangerous wild animals, prohibited acts, exemptions from laws, AB 238D