** Enrolled Bill, Effective Before October 1, 2015
* Enrolled Bill, Effective October 1, 2015, or later
‡ Resolution Approved by Legislature
†† Vetoed by Governor
† Deleted by Amendment
D Bill Failed to Meet Deadline
Agreements to locate or recover abandoned property, requirements, SB 61D
Business associations, exclusion of amounts owed certain other associations, SB 348**
Claims to recover property, delivery to be made directly to rightful owner, confidentiality of information, SB 61D
Commercial tenancies, disposal of personal property, procedures, AB 379†
Donation of property by owner for educational purposes, SB 91D, SB 133**
Forcible entry or detainer, disposal of personal property, procedures, AB 386*
Housebreaking or unlawful occupancy, authority of owner to dispose of property, AB 386*
Information regarding property, fee for providing records, SB 61D
Intersection improvement projects proceeds, laws inapplicable, SB 348**
Public infrastructure proceeds, laws inapplicable, SB 348†
Recreational vehicles on private property, authority of property owner, procedures, SB 110**
Savings bonds, escheat to State, AB 18D
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, applicability of laws, AB 419**
Establishment, SB 419**
Confidentiality of information, penalty for disclosure, AB 405
Definitions, AB 405
Division of Public and Behavioral Health, duties, remedies for violations, AB 405†
Interpretation of laws, requirements, AB 405
Legislative findings and declaration, AB 405
Minors or wards, petitions for court orders, procedures, AB 405
Physicians, duties, penalties for violations, AB 405
Prohibited acts, penalties, civil remedies, AB 405
Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Elder abuse (See AGED PERSONS)
Sexual abuse (See SEXUAL ABUSE)
Substance abuse (See ALCOHOL OR DRUG ABUSE)
Vulnerable persons (See VULNERABLE PERSONS)
Computer science, duties, SB 295
Criterion-referenced examinations for grades 9-12, duties, SB 25**
English language arts, duties, SB 25**, SB 290D
Ethnic studies course, duties, SB 211†
Financial literacy course, duties, SB 220
Foreign or world languages, duties, SB 25**
Mathematics, duties, SB 290D
Physical education courses, duties, SB 178†
Plans to improve achievement of pupils, receipt unnecessary, AB 30**
Social studies, duties, AB 234**
Next-of-Kin Registry, establishment, SB 3**
State personnel involved in work-related accidents, drug screening, SB 62*
Traffic accidents (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Common-interest communities, audit of financial statements, AB 254D
Elections, audit of processes involved in conduct of, AB 209D
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Nevada State Board of Accountancy
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Schools, qualifications to conduct certain audits, AB 22D
Dangerous caustic or corrosive substances, regulation, AB 77†
School courses, requirements, SB 301D, AB 375†
Abortion, petitions for court orders, remedies for unlawful acts, immunities, AB 405
Accessory roads, actions concerning, SB 456**, AB 398D
Alcoholic beverages, actions for damages related to business practices authorized, SB 246**
Art, public, immunities for injuries caused by certain interactions with, SB 160**
Assisted suicide, immunity of certain health care professionals, SB 336D
Attorney's fees (See ATTORNEY'S FEES)
Businesses, unlawful disruption or damage, remedies, AB 258**, AB 356
Civil rights, petitions to restore, procedures, AB 357D
Commercial tenancies, procedure for reentry by tenant after lockout, AB 379†
Common-interest communities (See COMMON-INTEREST COMMUNITIES)
Community health worker pools, actions against, immunities, SB 498*
Comparative negligence (See DAMAGES)
Constitutional convention delegates, recovery of civil penalties imposed on, SB 274
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Contractors, actions related to retention amounts, SB 254†
Court costs and fees (See COURT COSTS AND FEES)
Deadly force, use, immunity from liability, SB 175**, AB 171D
Deficiency judgments, acquisition of right by third party, limitation on amount of money judgment, AB 195**
Drones, liability of owners and operators, AB 239*
Electronic communications intercepted or disclosed pursuant to court order, immunities, SB 52**, AB 433
Garnishment of wages for debts owed to state agencies, liability, SB 26**
Nursing mothers, remedies for violations, AB 306†
Unlawful employment practices, remedies, SB 180D
Epilepsy, persons with, physician's duties regarding operation of motor vehicle, immunity from liability, AB 248*
Equine activities, immunities from liability, SB 129*
Evidence (See EVIDENCE)
Ex-felons, challenge to right to vote, procedures, SB 97D
Background checks, immunity from liability, SB 240*
Certification of applications to transfer or make, immunities, AB 404D
Local laws, remedies of persons adversely affected by enforcement, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D, AB 488**
Petitions to restore right to own or possess, procedures, AB 357D
Second Amendment actions, authority of Attorney General, AB 100D
Foreclosure of owner-occupied housing
Mediation Administrator and mediators, immunities, SB 321, SB 512*
Violations, remedies, AB 282D
Forfeiture proceedings, requirements, SB 138*
Future Farmers of America, remedies, AB 77**
Gender transition
Name change to conform to gender identity, procedures, SB 343D, SB 358D
Recognition of change, petition to court, procedures, SB 343D
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, immunities from liability, SB 309D, SB 459*
Graffiti violations, remedies of governmental entities, SB 56*
Health care records, recovery of civil penalties imposed on custodians, SB 273**
Initiative and referendum petitions, challenges to, procedures, SB 434
Innkeepers, liability for damage to vehicle on premises limited, SB 256**
Insurance Commissioner, recovery of civil penalties, SB 67**
Interpreter for party or witness with limited English proficiency, credentialing, provision at public expense, AB 219D
Judgment creditors, certain actions taken by, remedies of debtors, SB 373 of the 77th Session, AB 129†
Juvenile court records, grounds for inspection of sealed records, AB 113*
Labor organizations, prohibited acts, remedies, AB 356†
Fraudulent filings against property of certain persons, recovery of civil penalties, SB 197*
Junior lienholders, amount of recovery in certain civil actions, AB 195**
Limitation of actions (See LIMITATION OF ACTIONS)
Mental health professionals, reports of certain threats by patients, immunities, SB 15*, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Motor vehicle accidents
Damages, recovery by uninsured motorists limited in certain circumstances, AB 7D
Personal injury claimants, duty to provide all medical reports, records and bills, penalty for failure to provide, SB 162†
Next-of-Kin Registry, access or use of information, immunities, SB 3**
Notarial officers, authentication of signatures, Secretary of State immune from liability for certain actions, AB 65**
Obstruction of ingress or egress to property, prohibited acts, remedies, AB 258**, AB 356
Occupations, actions by natural persons regarding regulations, AB 269D
One action rule, inapplicability to certain actions, SB 453*
Parental rights, summary petitions for termination, procedures, SB 255D
Political party conventions, recovery of penalty for noncompliance with voting rules, SB 421, AB 302
Product liability, actions against sellers, SB 161††, AB 185D
Professional negligence, grounds for dismissal of actions, SB 292**
Public roads
Quiet title actions and actions for declaratory judgment, SB 456**, AB 398D
Use of roads on public land, authority to bring certain actions upon denial of use, AB 398D
Public transit systems, liability of private operators limited, SB 478D
Public works, duty of design professional to defend in negligence action, award of fees and costs, AB 106**
Recreational programs, seasonal or temporary, recovery of civil penalties, AB 197
Religion, burden on free exercise by governmental entities, remedy, effect of vexatious claims, SB 272D, AB 277D
Research facilities, adoption of dogs and cats used by, immunities, SB 261*
School-based health centers, immunity from liability, SB 292**
School pupils
Bullying or cyber-bullying, SB 204D
Religious rights, violation, AB 120†
Self-administration of medication, immunity from liability, AB 285**
Sexual orientation conversion therapy, remedies for violations, SB 353†
SLAPP suits, special motion to dismiss, procedures, SB 444*
Stay of execution of civil judgment pending appeal, amount of bond to secure, SB 134**
Taxicabs, failure of adult passengers to wear safety belt, effect, SB 304, AB 175*
Traffic violations, civil penalties in lieu of criminal penalties, evaluation, SB 304, AB 281D
Transportation Authority, Nevada, recovery of civil penalties, SB 184D
Transportation, Department of, remedies for certain violations, SB 324**
Trespassers, injury to, liability of owner, lessee or occupant of premises, SB 160**
Trustees of deeds of trust
Authority to file declaration of nonmonetary status in certain actions, procedures, SB 239**
Sales by trustees, action to declare void, SB 239**
Voter registration, cancellation or refusal to reregister, remedies, SB 97D
Wages, recovery of unpaid wages in proceeding relating to payment of minimum wage, consent required, SB 224†
Witnesses and testimony (See WITNESSES AND TESTIMONY)
Complying provisions repealed, SB 99†
Budget Division
Authorized expenditures, approval of augmentations, AB 490**
Capital improvements, repayment of bond issue money, duties, AB 491**
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, membership, SB 214**
Information Technology Advisory Board, membership, SB 72
Colorado River Commission, receipt of proposed budgets, SB 46
Federal assistance to state agencies, duties, reports, appropriation, SB 213
Innovation in Surface Transportation Selection Panel, reports from, SB 466D
Public Utilities Commission, receipt of proposed budgets, SB 46
Charter School Authority, State, receipt of proposed budgets, AB 395†
Charter schools, receipt of reports, SB 491**
Education savings account, grant program, receipt of pupil records, SB 302*
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, duties, SB 515**
K-12 Public Education Stabilization Account, duties, SB 424
Pupil-teacher ratios, receipt of reports, AB 376D, AB 378†
Reserves, deposit, duties, SB 424
State Distributive School Account, duties, SB 515**
Temporary advances of money, notices, duties, AB 490**
Transfer to Office of Finance, AB 469**
Work programs of state agencies, duties, SB 505**, SB 514**
Charter schools
Appropriation, receipt of reports, SB 491†
Duties, SB 491**
Information Technology Advisory Board, removal as member, SB 72
Internal auditing and administrative controls, reports, AB 300
Medallions and bars, reporting requirements repealed, AB 457**
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, appeal of decisions, duties, SB 330†
Temporary advances of money, notices, duties, SB 514**
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of
Chief Information Officer, service as, SB 72
Tax collection from businesses, repeal of certain duty, SB 59**, AB 364**
Unit heads, appointment duty removed, AB 489**
Attempted breach of systems, duties regarding, SB 72
Charter agency, designation as, effect, AB 390D
Fund for Information Services, authorized sources, SB 72
Homeland security records, duties removed, SB 72
Managerial control of equipment, exemption from requirements, SB 72
Microwave system, appropriation, repayment, SB 514**
Network servers, duties, SB 72
Nevada Criminal Justice Information System, applicability of laws, SB 72
Noncompliance by using agencies, remedies, SB 72
Personnel, appointment, SB 72
Public Safety, Department of, use of services and equipment, SB 72
Reorganization, SB 72
Unit heads, appointment and classification, removal of provision, AB 489**
Withdrawal by agency from use of services, procedures, SB 72
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, assistance, SB 214**
Federal assistance to state agencies, duties, reports, SB 213
Fiscal notes, duties, SB 413
Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, membership, SB 214**
Unexpended grant money of state agencies, duties, SB 473**
State agencies, receipt of certain notices, SB 473**
Hearings Division
Inspector General, referral of cases, AB 300
Schools, hearings regarding pupils with disabilities, selection and compensation of hearing officers, AB 328†
Hospital Care to Indigent Persons, Board of Trustees of the Fund for, agreements, AB 41**
Human Resource Management, Division of
Biennial reports, certain requirements repealed, AB 61**
Charter School Authority, State Public, duties regarding employees, AB 395
Colorado River Commission employees, duties, SB 46
Costs of administration, estimates for budget purposes, AB 470**
Criminal history of applicants, consideration, duties, AB 348D
Public Utilities Commission employees, duties, SB 46
Salaries of state employees, duties, AB 489**
Screening tests for alcohol or drugs, maintenance of results, SB 62**
Inspector General, Office of, creation, duties, AB 300
Internal Audits, Division of
Abuse, fraud or waste of money by agency or contractor, confidentiality of reports, exceptions, duties of Division, SB 83**
Transfer to Office of Finance, AB 469**
Transfer to Office of Inspector General, AB 300
Public Works Division, State
Jurisdiction expanded, AB 59†
Lease of office rooms outside state buildings, duties, AB 59**
Qualifications, AB 332**
Capital improvements, duties, AB 491**
Capital projects, transfer of certain money for credit to Division, SB 149D
Henderson Armory, authority to use federal money for demolition, SCR 7‡
Memorials, naming of state facilities after deceased members of Armed Forces, duties, AB 62**
Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs, Legislative Committee on, reports to, AB 62**
Stewart Indian School, maintenance of historic buildings, duties, AB 15**
Veterans with service-related disabilities, local businesses owned and operated by, duties, AB 62**
Purchasing Division (See also STATE PURCHASING)
Legal services, advertisements for certain proposals, SB 244**
Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs, Legislative Committee on, reports to, AB 62**
Veterans with service-related disabilities, local businesses owned and operated by, duties, AB 62**
State Library and Archives, Division of
Legislature's oral history program, duties, AB 384**
Name change of Division and Administrator, AB 33**
Schedules for retention and disposition of official state records, development of education and training program, AB 135**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**
Juvenile courts, enforcement of civil judgments, certain procedures repealed, AB 46**
State Controller, collection and distribution of certain assessments, SB 454
Supreme Court, appropriation to replace shortfall, SB 469**
Traffic violations treated as civil matters, imposition of assessments, AB 281†
Contested cases
Applicability of laws, AB 355
Attorney General, authority to bring administrative action for deceptive trade practices, AB 481†
Disciplinary action against licensee, fingerprints discretionary, AB 53**
Evidence, standard of proof in administrative hearings, AB 53**
Interpretive ruling affecting ruling of local government, requirements, SB 157†
Judicial review
Award of costs prohibited, AB 53†
Procedures, AB 53**
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, SB 197*
Notice and opportunity for hearing to be required by statute or regulation, AB 53**
Records, transmittal to reviewing court, time for, AB 53**
Transcription of oral proceedings, payment of costs, AB 53**
Transportation Authority, Nevada, interveners in hearings regarding certificates, procedures, SB 183††
Voluntary surrender of license, when deemed disciplinary action, AB 53**
Regulations (See also specific agencies)
Approval by Commission or Subcommittee, regulations in violation deemed null and void, AB 492
Charter agencies, waiver or suspension of certain regulations, AB 104
Definition of "regulation," applicability of laws, exclusions to be construed narrowly, AB 492
Exemptions from rulemaking requirements, certain exemptions repealed, AB 355
Health Care, Legislative Committee on, review powers, AB 492
Nevada Administrative Code, removal of void regulations, SB 112†, SB 202D, AB 79**, AB 115*, AB 142D, AB 456**
Notice of intent to act upon, requirements, AB 492
Occupations, right to practice free of substantial regulatory burden, recognition, remedies, AB 269D
Review of permanent regulations, time for, AB 355
Small businesses, statements regarding, requirements, AB 492
Submission during certain time, duties of Legislative Counsel, AB 492
Abortion, petitions by minor or ward, reports on data, confidentiality of information, AB 405†
Advertisements regarding adoption, prohibited acts, penalty, AB 8*
"Putative father," definition, establishment and use of Registry, certain fees prohibited, SB 255D
Relatives adopting child, waiver of minimum age difference, AB 151*
Residency of child for 6 months in home of petitioners, waiver, AB 151*
Spouses, procedures for adoption of child and establishment of parental rights, AB 151*
Termination of parental rights, summary petitions for, procedures, SB 255D
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, SB 489*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, AB 222*
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D, AB 354D
Caregiver for person admitted to hospital, authority to designate, duties of hospital, SB 177†
Adoption or permanent free care of child, prohibited acts, penalty, AB 8*
Antifreeze, restrictions, AB 77**
Campaign practices, certain items exempt from disclosure requirements, SB 104*
Contractors, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 137*
Cosmetological services, unlawful acts, AB 246*
Direct cremation facilities, requirements and restrictions, SB 286*
Direct mail ads, sales tax duties of sellers and purchasers, AB 57**
Legal advertisements, Internet publication authorized, restrictions and requirements, AB 479D
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, prohibited acts, SB 283D
Meat or meat products, unlawful acts, penalties, AB 77**
Mortgage industry licensees, requirements for ads, AB 311D
Motor vehicle fuel and petroleum products, deposit of civil penalties, AB 77**
Outdoor advertising on certain county maintained property authorized, requirements, SB 199D
Property managers, grounds for disciplinary action, AB 264D
Real estate licensees, grounds for disciplinary action, AB 264D
Wellness services, required disclosures, AB 295**
Business license applicants, industrial insurance coverage, AB 364**
Common-interest communities, requirements for lien foreclosures, SB 306*
Domestic violence protection orders, duties of adverse party regarding firearm possession, SB 187D
Challenges to right to vote, SB 97D
Provisional ballots, use, requirements, SB 169, AB 253†, AB 266
Estate assets, transfer without letters of administration or probate of will, requirements, AB 130*
Evidence, destruction of certain unnecessary physical evidence before trial, procedure, AB 371*
Forcible entry or forcible detainer, eviction procedures, AB 386*
Grand juries, use of affidavit to offer opinion as to property value, AB 193†
Housebreaking or unlawful occupancy, procedures for recovery of property, AB 386*
Life estate in real property, termination, SB 484*
Preliminary examinations, use of witness's affidavit to offer opinion as to property value, AB 193†
Public utilities, requirements for change in rate schedule, AB 75**
Voter registration
Cancellation or refusal to reregister, procedures, SB 97D
Driver's license or identification card, registration at time of issuance or renewal, procedures, SB 203†, SB 331
Lower Income Solar Energy Pilot Program, repeal, SB 282
Solar Program, incentives for installations at certain locations, SB 282
Adoption of child by certain relatives, procedures, AB 151*
Child abuse or neglect, procedure for permanency hearings, AB 324**
Concealed firearms, certain persons under age 21 authorized to carry, AB 139D
Delinquent child, minimum age for adjudication and punishment as, AB 124†
Foster care children, age for examination of credit report by agency for child welfare services, AB 324**
Judge or justice with at least 22 years of service, age of retirement, SB 69†
Minors generally (See MINORS)
Motorcycles, exemption from wearing protective headgear, SB 142†
Offenses committed when offender less than 18 years of age
Life without possibility of parole, sentence prohibited, AB 267*
Minimum age for liability for crimes, AB 124*
Mitigating factors in sentencing, consideration, AB 267*
Parole, eligibility, AB 267*
Prisoners, receipt of identification card upon release, verification of age, SB 279D
Public employees, minimum age for retirement with full benefits, SB 406**, AB 312†, AB 387D
Transportation network companies, prohibited acts, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Voter registration, requirements for preregistration, SB 203, SB 316D
Abandonment of older person, applicability of laws, penalties, AB 223*
Abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation
Certified peer support specialists, duty to report, AB 85†
Community health worker pools, duty to report, SB 498*
Definitions, AB 223*
Investment advisers and securities broker-dealers
Duties, AB 51**
Penalties for violations, AB 51**
Negligent and willful offenses, distinction made for penalty purposes, AB 223†
Reports and investigations, requirements, redaction of name of person making report authorized, AB 223*
Behavioral health and cognitive care, legislative study, SB 269
Day care facilities, remedies for unlicensed operation, AB 222*
Human trafficking victims, identification, notices regarding, AB 276D
Lottery, operation by State, use of proceeds, AJR 6D
Medicaid (See also MEDICAID)
Managed care program, provision of services in larger counties, AB 310
Property tax
Assistance program, funding, SB 514**
Transfer of base value of principal residence authorized, SJR 12D, SJR 13‡
Silver Haired Legislative Forum, requirements for bill draft request, AB 495*
Transportation services in Clark County, inspection of vehicles, SB 184D
Unlawful detainer, requests to continue in possession for additional 30 days, procedures, AB 386†
County financial assistance, amount increased, AB 77**
District boards of agriculture, classification of directors, provisions repealed, AB 77**
Fairs or exhibitions, holding of, mandate removed, AB 77**
Mineral industries within State, authority, AB 77**
Nevada Fair of Mineral Industries, name change, authority to move to other location, AB 77**
Fire sprinklers, authority to require in certain facilities restricted, SB 477**
Brokers, dealers, commission merchants or agents, requirements for licensure, AB 77**
Exported products, issuance of free-sale certificates, AB 77**
Fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts, standards, AB 79**
Garlic and onions, penalties for violations, AB 77†
Industrial cannabis cultivation, regulation, SB 305†
Noxious weeds, program to certify agricultural products as being free from, AB 77**
Quarantine of agricultural commodities
Intrastate quarantine, indemnification for loss by destruction, repeal, AB 77**
Violations, penalties, AB 77**
Right to engage in certain occupations, recognition, remedies, AB 269D
Sales, registration and regulation of produce vendors, AB 77**
Seed potatoes, release of imports without inspection authorized, AB 79**
Violations, civil penalties, AB 77**, AB 79**
Applicability of laws, AB 77**
Diseased animals, compensation to owners following mandatory destruction, duties, AB 79**
Industrial cannabis and Advisory Board, duties, SB 305†
Industrial hemp grown or cultivated for research purposes, regulation, SB 305**
Pesticides, certain duties transferred, AB 77**
Sheep Inspection Account, State, duties, use, AB 77**
Weed control districts, removal of members from board of directors, AB 77**
Wineries, duties, AB 4*
Administrative fines and civil penalties, deposit and use, AB 77**, AB 79**
Agricultural products
Free-sale certificates, issuance, AB 77**
Produce vendors, registration, regulation, AB 77**
Quarantine, recovery of costs for prosecution of violations, AB 77**
Aquatic agriculture, duties, AB 77**
Bees and apiaries, powers and duties, AB 77**
Breakfast After the Bell Program, creation, duties, SB 503**
Commercial animal feed, duties, SB 488**, SB 495D
Cottage food operations, duties, SB 441†
Craft food operations, duties, SB 441**
Diseased animals, removal of requirement for compensation after mandatory destruction of animal, AB 77†, AB 79†
Environmental Quality, Council on, membership, SB 277D
Fairs, operation of state or regional fair authorized, duties, AB 77**
Fertilizers, publication of statistical information, mandate removed, disclosures authorized, AB 77**
Field inspections, duties, fees authorized, AB 77†
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, membership, SB 400D
Industrial Cannabis Advisory Board, membership, SB 305†
Industrial cannabis, duties, SB 305†
Industrial hemp, authority to grow or cultivate for research purposes, requirements, exemption from certain laws, SB 305*
Laboratory samples for public agencies authorized, AB 77†
Livestock and sheep, declaration, duties, AB 77**, AB 79†
Marijuana, employees working with exempt from prosecution (13.3), SB 447**
Meat, duties, AB 77**
Medical marijuana, publication of list of allowable pesticides in cultivation and production, duties, SB 447**
Pesticides, duties, AB 77**
Poultry, duties, AB 77**
Public agencies, provision of services to, AB 77†
Shellfish containers, duties, AB 77†
Slaughterhouses, duties, AB 77**
Veterinary biologic products sold in State, duties, SB 488**
Account for the Control of Weeds, sources, SB 488**, SB 495D, AB 77**, AB 79**
Noxious weeds, duties, AB 77**
Wild horses, development of management plan, duties, AB 431D
BASE jumping, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 160**
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, AB 49†
Parties to crime, "principal" defined, AB 296D
Voter registration, unlawful acts, penalty, SB 436†, AB 245D
School courses, requirements, SB 301D, AB 375†
Carrying or possessing concealed or at certain locations, restrictions, SB 176**
Electric utilities
Coal-fired generating plants, emission reduction and capacity replacement plans, requirements, AB 498**
Power plant emissions, development and adoption of compliance plan, SB 438D
Engine emission control (See ENGINE EMISSION CONTROL)
Innovation in Surface Transportation Selection Panel, creation, duties, SB 466D
Creation, duties, SB 125
Operation and use, regulation, liability of owners and operators, AB 239*
Seizure and storage, procedures, licensing of storage facilities, SB 280D
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle program, appropriation, SB 514**
Sales and use taxes, duties regarding payment, exemption repealed, SB 93, AB 161**
Tax abatements for aircraft and component industry, SB 93, AB 161**
Innovation in Surface Transportation Selection Panel, membership, SB 466D
Concealed firearms, authority of permit holders to carry, AB 148D
Drones, restrictions on operation near airport, AB 239*
Fund for Aviation, appropriation, SB 514**
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D
Nevada Air Service Development Commission, creation, grants, SB 125
Public-private partnerships, authority of Department of Transportation, AB 450
Public works, authority of public bodies regarding labor organizations, AB 159**
Transportation network companies, authority of airports, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Continuing education, duties, AB 93*
Detoxification technicians, certification authority removed, AB 85**
Executive Director, duties, AB 85**
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Peer support specialists, regulation, AB 85†
Problem gambling counselors, oral examination, duties, AB 85**
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Secretary-Treasurer, certain duties transferred, AB 85**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Abuse-deterrent opioid analgesic drugs, insurance coverage requirements, SB 219D
Child custody, considerations in determining best interest of child, SB 18D
Chiropractors, participation in diversion program, AB 231*
Criminal defendants, civil commitment of, completion of treatment in another jurisdiction authorized, AB 81**
Facilities for the treatment of abuse (See also MEDICAL FACILITIES AND RELATED ENTITIES)
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Licensing, prerequisites, SB 500**
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, SB 489*
Regulations, certain duties transferred, SB 31**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Term repealed, AB 81†
"Treatment provider" for persons assigned by court, definition includes facilities, procedures, AB 81**
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, AB 222*
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, adoption, SB 309D, SB 459*
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, SB 489*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, AB 222*
Heroin-assisted treatment pilot project, establishment, funding, SB 275D
Minors requesting emergency medical assistance following alcohol consumption, exemption from criminal penalties, SB 464**
Account for the Treatment of Substance Abusers, creation, SB 275D
Deputy Director for Substance Abuser Programs, appointment, SB 275D
Funding of certain treatment programs, requirements, SB 275D
Probation violators, continuation of diversion program, SB 136, AB 12**
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, SB 483**
Substance Abuse Working Group
Extension, SB 60**
Membership, SB 60†
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Licenses and certificates
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Continuing education, suicide prevention and awareness, AB 93*
Criminal history investigation of applicants, AB 85**
Out-of-state practitioners, issuance, AB 85**
Periods of validity, AB 85**
Qualifications, AB 85**
Refusal to renew, grounds, AB 85**
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Peer support specialists, supervision, AB 85†
Provider of health care, counselors included as, applicability of laws, SB 84**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Threats by patients, duties of mental health professionals, SB 15†
"Treatment provider" for substance abusers under court order, definition, procedures, AB 81**
Unlicensed or uncertified practice prohibited, AB 85**
State employment, requirements, SB 62*
Divorce of veterans with service-connected disability, restrictions on award of alimony, AB 140*
Dangerous caustic or corrosive substances, regulation, AB 77†
Administration of epinephrine by certain entities, immunities, AB 158*
Pharmacists, authority to administer epinephrine to treat severe reaction to vaccine, SB 357
Schools, orders for receipt of auto-injectable epinephrine, requirements, AB 158*
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, AB 295**
Charitable lotteries, operation, procedure, SB 38**
Charitable solicitations, exemption from registration requirements, AB 50*
Behavioral health and cognitive care, legislative study, SB 269
Health care and public safety personnel, education and certain referrals encouraged, SCR 2‡
Health care providers, continuing education requirements, use of credit earned, SB 196*
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 265
Ward's estate, summary administration prohibited if ward suffering from disease, AB 9D
Account for the Statewide Alert System for the Safe Return of Abducted Children, creation, AB 424**
Committee for the Statewide Alert System
Gifts and grants, authority to seek, AB 424**
Members, per diem and travel expenses, AB 424**
Commander of Department of Nevada, duties, AB 241†
Family foster homes, storage and carrying of ammunition authorized, duties, immunities, AB 167**
Regulation, authority reserved to Legislature, remedies, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D
Sale or transfer, prohibited acts, SB 240*
Epinephrine, administration by certain entities, immunities, AB 158*
Anatomical Gift Account, donations to, SB 206**
Election to make gift at time of issuance or renewal of driver's license or identification card, procedures, SB 206**
Eye and tissue banks, accreditation requirements, SB 206†
Anesthesiologist assistants, licensing and regulation, SB 181D
Physicians or facilities requiring permit for services, inspection, effect of passage on renewal fees, SB 210†
Feral cat colonies, management by city or county authorized, AB 261D
Veterinary services, requests for out-of-state assistance following critical incidents, AB 119D
Impounded animals, duties, collection of fees from owners, SB 243D
Cats (See CATS)
Collection or shipping for scientific or educational purposes, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, SB 4**
Common-interest communities, authority of units' owners to install fence rollers to prevent animals from entering private yard, SB 221D
Critical incidents, assistance by out-of-state veterinary practitioners, AB 119D
Diseased animals
Compensation after mandatory destruction of animal
Procedure, AB 79**
Removal of requirement, AB 77†, AB 79†
Meat, prohibited acts, AB 77**
Administrative fines, deposit and use, AB 79**
Civil penalties in lieu of criminal penalties, AB 77†
Dogs (See DOGS)
Equine activities, immunities from liability, SB 129*
Ivory, prohibited sale or transfer, penalty, SB 398D
Livestock (See LIVESTOCK)
Medical marijuana, issuance of registry identification card for animals, procedures, applicability of laws, SB 372D
Rodent control, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, SB 4**
Service animals (See SERVICE ANIMALS)
Veterinary biologic products sold in State, registration requirements, penalties for violation, SB 488**
Wildlife (See WILDLIFE)
Execution, certain benefits subject to, SB 373 of the 77th Session, AB 129D
Nonprobate transfer of property on death, applicability of certain law, SB 484*
Postjudgment motion to adjudicate community property, authority to file, SB 395†, AB 362*
Residency, 6-week requirement repealed, AB 337D
Advertisements, restrictions, AB 77**
Licensure, requirements, applicability of laws, AB 77**
Violations, civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty, AB 77**
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Mechanical Code, Uniform, compliance requirements, AB 298D
Solar Program, incentives for installations at certain locations, SB 282
Abortion, denial of authorization by district court, AB 405
Bond to secure stay of execution of judgment pending appeal, amount, SB 134**
Industrial insurance
Appeal of decision of appeals officer, requests for stay, duties of district court, AB 229D
Reimbursement for benefits paid during pendency of appeal, duties of injured employee, SB 232*
Justice court's order granting defendant's motion to suppress evidence, time for appeal by State, AB 193†
Motor vehicle and traffic violations treated as civil matters, procedures, AB 281†
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, appeal of certain decisions or orders, procedures, SB 330*
SLAPP suits, special motion to dismiss, procedure, SB 444†
Abortion, petitions for court orders, duties, AB 405
Capitol Police, obsolete language regarding security services removed, SB 82**
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Malfeasance in office by ceasing to reside in State, AB 118D
Suspension with or without pay, requirements, SB 73D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Cosmetology, registration, training and practice, AB 246*
Public works, performance requirements on certain projects, waivers, penalties for violations, SB 371
Public works projects, waiver or modification of requirement to use apprentices, duties, SB 371
Suspension of contractor on public work to participate in programs, grounds, SB 371
Administration, Department of, SB 491†
Agriculture, State Department of, SB 503†
Air Service Development Fund, Nevada, SB 125
Arts Council, Nevada, SB 266**
Attorney General Administrative Fund, AB 490**
Aviation, Fund for, SB 514**
Budget Division, SB 213
Business and Industry, Department of, SB 468
Capital improvements generally, AB 491**
Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program, Account for, AB 430
Charter agencies, designation, effect, AB 104
Child Care, Fund for the Mitigation of the Cliff Effect on Financial Assistance for, SB 364
Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, SB 423, SB 428**, SB 486
Contingency Account, SB 497**
Corrections, Department of, AB 467**, AB 468**
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, AB 257
Economic Development, Office of, AB 257, AB 342D
Eighth Judicial District Court, AB 327
Emergency Account, SB 497**
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, allocations to, SB 514**
Examiners, State Board of, AB 489**
Extradition Coordinator, Office of the, SB 427**
Finance, Office of, SB 213
Forestry, Division of, SB 428**, SB 486, AB 438**
General appropriations legislation, SB 514**
Governor, line-item veto power, AJR 5D
Health and Human Services, Department of, SB 216D
Highway Patrol, Nevada, SB 111**, SB 467**, AB 465**
Interim Finance Committee, SB 51D, SB 514**
Judicial Selection, Commission on, AB 265**
Knowledge Fund, SB 514**
Legislative Counsel Bureau, AB 443**
Legislative Fund, SB 1**, SB 122, SB 514**, AB 489**
Legislators' Retirement System, SB 514**
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the, AB 442**
Local Government Employee-Management Relations Board, AB 182, AB 249, AB 280
Military, Office of the, AB 439
Minority Health, Office of, AB 343
Motor Vehicles, Department of, SB 470
Nevada Main Street Program, SB 51D
Nevada System of Higher Education
College Grant Program, SB 494D
Economy of State, pilot program to stimulate, SB 182D, AB 399**
General appropriation, SB 514**
Nevada Boost Grant Program, SB 399
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program, SB 227†, SB 514**
Patriot Relief Fund, SB 514**
Postsecondary Education, Commission on, AB 440
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, SB 275D
Public Employees' Retirement Board, SB 514**
Public Works Board, State, SB 308
Public Works Division, State, AB 491**
Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account, SB 497**, AB 437**
Breakfast After the Bell Program, SB 503†
Clark County School District, SB 295, SB 332**, SB 347, SB 405†, SB 430D, AB 290D
Early childhood education programs, AB 291D
Education, State Board of, SB 132, AB 290D
Grant Fund for Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel, SB 515**
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, SB 515**
Incentive pay program for teachers, SB 511**, SB 515**, AB 378†
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, SB 347, SB 405†, SB 430D, SB 432†, SB 511**, SB 515**, AB 290D
Junior high schools and middle schools, grants for provision of certain services and programs, SB 347
Limited English proficient pupils, programs for, SB 405†, SB 430D, SB 515**, AB 290D
Literacy programs for pupils enrolled in K-3, SB 391†, SB 515**
Master Teachers, Fund for, AB 378†
Nonprofit organizations operating high quality charter schools, grant program, SB 491†, SB 515**
Other State Education Programs Account, SB 391†, SB 515**
Professional development of teachers and administrators, SB 295
Professional Development Programs Account, SB 515**
Special Education Services, Contingency Account for, SB 515**
State Distributive School Account, SB 429**, SB 515**
Teacher licensure system, programming changes, AB 234**
Teachers' School Supplies Reimbursement Account, SB 133**
Victory schools, SB 432†, SB 515**
Washoe County School District, SB 295, SB 347, SB 405†, SB 430D, AB 290D
Stale Claims Account, SB 497**
State Controller, Office of the, AB 441
STEM, Advisory Council on, SB 236
STEM Workforce Challenge Grant Fund, SB 493
Substance Abusers, Account for the Treatment of, SB 275D
Supreme Court, SB 469**, AB 265**
System Modernization, Revolving Account for, SB 502†
Taxation, Department of, SB 514**, AB 490**
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, SB 511**
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle program, allocations to, SB 514**
Workforce Development Rapid Response Investment Fund, SB 496
Applicability of laws, AB 77**
Common-interest communities, requirements for commencement of civil actions, AB 254D
Consolidation of proceedings, restrictions on, SB 442**
Insurance covering dental care, disputes concerning independent medical evaluations, SB 159*
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of arbitrators, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 197*
Local government employee-management relations
Amount of compensation and monetary benefits financially sustainable for local government employer, determinations, AB 249
Repeal of certain arbitration rights, AB 182
School districts and certain employees, procedures, SB 241**
Removal of arbitrator from arbitral proceedings for failure to make certain disclosures, SB 442**
Trusts, provision for arbitration authorized, SB 484*
Hunting, carrying of handgun for self-defense authorized, AB 136**
Building and design codes, compliance, immunity from disciplinary action, SB 374**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Landscape architects (See LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS)
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Nevada Mid-Century Architecture Day, designation, AB 122
Nevada Modernist Architecture Day, designation, AB 122†
Public works
Bidding preferences, SB 378D, AB 172†
Negligence actions, duty to defend in, award of fees and costs, AB 106**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Public works, issuance of certificates of eligibility for bidding preferences, SB 378D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Charter schools
Located on federal military installations, enrollment preferences, SB 200**
Military charter schools, formation and operation, requirements, AB 299
Child care facilities, priority admissions for certain persons, penalty for violations, SB 257, SB 359D
Commercial driver's licenses, exemptions from driving test, AB 89**
Concealed firearms, certain persons under age 21 authorized to carry, AB 139D
Cosmetology licensees in service, extension of time to renew license, AB 246*
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, creation, appropriation, AB 257
Elections, application for military-overseas ballot, SB 203†
EMT certification, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 463
Firefighters, retired professional, eligibility for special license plates, AB 155**
Junior ROTC, duties to encourage establishment of additional units, AB 299
Loans made to current or former members of the military, requirements, AB 318D
Memorials, naming of state facilities, procedures, AB 62**
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, creation, duties, AB 241†
Military Legal Assistance, Office of, creation, SB 60**, AB 286D
Motorcycle Riders, Program for Education of, authority to enroll, SB 145**
National Guard (See NATIONAL GUARD)
Nevada Liberty Preservation Act, adoption, penalties for violations, SB 352D
Nevadans killed in Global War on Terrorism honored, ACR 3‡
Occupational licenses or certificates, issuance by endorsement, reciprocity of licensure, AB 89**
Reserve, leave of absence for public officers and employees, procedures, AB 388**
School pupils with parent or guardian in service, sharing of data required, AB 76**
Selective Service System, registration at time of application for driver's license or identification card, AB 131**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, duties, AB 482**
Veterans Policy and Leadership Institute, establishment, AB 482†
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, AB 295**
Constables, peace officer powers, fees, SB 285**
Courts of inquiry, procedures, AB 401D
Juvenile justice information, release, requirements and restrictions, SB 58**
Transportation Authority, Nevada, authority to request arrest repealed, SB 184D
Liability of person causing or allowing, AB 34**
Occupational disease coverage, SB 153**
Public art, immunities for injuries caused by certain interactions with, SB 160**
Advisory Committee, abolishment, duties transferred, AB 199**
Financial Assistance, Committee to Award, creation, SB 166D
Preservation and promotion, establishment of plan, funding, advisory ballot question, SB 166D
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, membership, SB 20**
Live entertainment tax proceeds, funding from, SB 266**
School pupils or personnel, assault upon, prohibited acts, SB 212**, AB 216D
Sexual assault (See SEXUAL ASSAULT)
Authority of certain patients to request, SB 336D
Agency Account, sources, AB 476**
Chair, designation by Governor, term, powers, AB 476**
Drug testing of unarmed combatants, duties, AB 476**
Temporary advances of money, requests, AB 490**
Unarmed combat, duties regarding admission fees, AB 313D
Board of Athletic Trainers
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Epinephrine, administration, immunities, AB 158*
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Professional negligence, applicability of laws, SB 292†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294†
Constables, duties, liability, fees, SB 285**
Divorce of veterans with service-connected disability, prohibited acts by court, AB 140*
Liquidation of debt owed by local government, AB 54**
Accessory roads, powers and duties, SB 456**, AB 398D
Administrative Fund, appropriation, AB 490**
Administrative proceedings, receipt of service of petition for judicial review, AB 53**
Alternative nicotine products, duties, SB 225*
Bankruptcy of city or county, duties, SB 475†
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, AB 495*
Businesses, quarterly supplemental revenue fee, duties, SB 378D
Candidates, duties regarding challenges to qualifications, AB 177†
Capital improvements contracts, approval, AB 491**
Charitable organizations, duties, AB 50**
Commerce tax, duties, SB 483**
Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, Office of the Ombudsman for Owners in, transfer, SB 258D, AB 233
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Construction materials or goods used on public works, violations, duties, AB 332**
Contingent fee contracts for private legal services, requirements, reports, SB 244**
Courts of inquiry, procedures, payment of costs, AB 401D
Criminal prosecutions, endorsement of names of witnesses at time of filing information, duty removed, SB 298D
Deceptive trade practices, powers and duties, AB 228D, AB 481**
Electronic communications, interception of, duties, SB 52**, AB 433
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolished, AB 300
Extradition Coordinator, Office of the, appropriation, SB 427**
Fictitious address program, duties, funding, SB 60**
Firearms, actions to protect Second Amendment rights, authority, AB 100D
Forfeitures in criminal proceedings, duties, receipt of reports, SB 138*
Funeral and Cemetery Services Board, Nevada, duties, SB 286*
Garage operators, duties, AB 256D
Habeas corpus petitions, procedures, SB 140D
Human trafficking, duties, AB 276D, AB 336D
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, duties, SB 400D
Information Technology Advisory Board, removal as member, SB 72
Initiative petitions, notices, duties, SB 434
Inspector General, referral of cases, duties, AB 300
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, SB 58†
Lien fraudulently filed against property of certain persons, duties, SB 197*
Liquid nicotine, duties, SB 225*
Malfeasance in office by ceasing to reside in State, AB 118D
Medicaid fraud, petitions for sealing records, receipt of notice, AB 48**
Medical marijuana, authority to preclude use by employees, SB 447**
Meetings of public agencies, duties, SB 70**
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, membership, AB 241†
Military Legal Assistance, Office of, creation, SB 60**, AB 286D
Missing Children Clearinghouse, receipt of information, AB 324**
Mortgage industry, duties, AB 311D, AB 480†
Mortgage Lending, Commissioner of, exchange of information, AB 311D
Motor carriers, enforcement of laws, certain duties repealed, SB 184D
Naturopathic Medicine, Board of, assistance, SB 408D
Nevada Protection of Religious Freedom Act, receipt of documents, intervention in actions, SB 272D, AB 277D
Notaries acting without appointment, actions against, AB 65**
Occupational Safety and Health Review Board, duties, AB 255
Older Persons, Unit for Investigation and Prosecution of Crimes Against, duties, AB 223*
Parental rights, termination, duties, SB 255D
Political party conventions, recovery of penalty for noncompliance with voting rules, SB 421, AB 302
Private professional guardians, notice of complaints against, AB 325*
Public lands, duties, AB 398D, AB 408†
Public roads, powers and duties, SB 456**, AB 398D
Recreational programs, seasonal or temporary, duties, AB 197
Referendum petitions, notices, duties, SB 434
Education savings accounts, misuse, receipt of notice, SB 302*
Safe-to-Tell-Program, establishment, SB 338†
School service providers, duties, SB 463**
Sex offenders
Community notification, duties, SB 99†
Juvenile offenders, receipt of notice, duties, SB 99†
State Engineer, duties, SB 65
Substance Abuse Working Group
Extension, SB 60**
Membership, SB 60†
Telephone solicitations, enforcement authority extended, AB 481**
Trade regulations and practices, enforcement authority extended, AB 481**
Transportation, Department of, duties, SB 324**
Unconstitutionality of Nevada Constitution or laws, receipt of rulings, SB 60†
Vapor products, duties, SB 225*
Victim Services Officer, creation of position, SB 60†
Victims of crime, notices to, receipt of information from Department of Corrections, SB 454
Businesses, unlawful disruption or damage, remedies, AB 258**, AB 356
Candidates filing certain false documents, payment of fees in civil and criminal actions, AB 177, AB 381D, AB 461
Child custody, award of fees in actions concerning relocation of child, AB 263*
Confession of judgment in justice court, amendment to include additional fees prohibited, AB 44**
Constructional defects actions, AB 125**
Courts of inquiry, responsibility for payment of attorney's fees, AB 401D
Criminal actions involving state agency, recovery of fees by prevailing party, procedures, limitations, SB 186*
Deed in lieu of foreclosure sale, liability for noncompliance with recording requirements, AB 183*
Foreclosure of owner-occupied housing, violations, authority to award attorney's fees repealed, AB 282D
Frivolous civil actions or vexatious extension of civil actions, payment of attorney's fees by attorney or unrepresented party, AB 110D
Labor organizations, prohibited acts, remedies, AB 356†
Legislature, frivolous contests of election, AB 118D
Lien or encumbrance fraudulently filed against property of certain persons, remedies, SB 197*
Motor vehicle personal injury claims, penalty for claimant's failure to provide all medical reports, records and bills, SB 162†
Obstruction of ingress or egress to property, prohibited acts, remedies, AB 258**, AB 356
Public works negligence actions, award of fees, AB 106**
State legal services by private attorneys, requirements for contingent fee contracts, SB 244**
Unlawful employment practices, remedies, SB 180D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Abandoned property, agreements to locate or recover property, applicability of laws, SB 61D
Abortion, petitions for court orders, court appointment, compensation and expenses, AB 405
Bar associations (See also STATE BAR OF NEVADA)
Charitable lotteries, operation, procedure, SB 38**
Capital cases
Postconviction petitions for habeas corpus, appointment, SB 140D
Representation of indigent persons, payment of expenses, AB 10
Charter School Authority, State Public, staffing requirements, SB 509*
Courts of inquiry, procedures, AB 401D
Document preparation services, prohibited acts, SB 401**
Escrow agents and agencies, applicability of laws, AB 480*
Family trust companies, privileged communications, SB 384**
Disqualification as guardian of adult, basis, SB 262**
Guardian ad litem, prohibition on compensation repealed, SB 394*
Public guardians, assistance by attorneys, SB 262†
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, SB 58**
Military Legal Assistance, Office of, immunities for pro bono services for, AB 286D
Motor vehicle personal injury claims, duties of claimants' attorneys, repeal, SB 162**
Notaries public, prohibited acts, SB 401**
Occupational safety and health, compensation in certain actions, AB 255
Public Employees' Retirement Board, employment of General Counsel, SB 420**
Public roads located on public land, denial of use, authority to bring certain actions, AB 398D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
State legal services by private attorneys, requirements for contingent fee contracts, SB 244**
Injury to trespassing child, liability of owner, lessee or occupant, SB 160**
Livestock auctions, regulation, AB 77**
Motor vehicle consignment auctions, limitations, penalties, AB 37**
Common-interest communities, imposition of fines, hearings, AB 359†
Grand juries, use of audiovisual technology, AB 193*
Mental health services, requirements for informed consent, AB 396D
Peace officers, use of portable event recording device, duties, SB 111*, AB 162*, AB 403
Preliminary examinations, use of audiovisual technology, AB 193*
Applicability of laws, AB 115*
Audiograms, authority to make, AB 115*
Board of Examiners for Audiology and Speech Pathology
Advisory member, appointment, AB 115*
Chair and Vice Chair, selection, duties, AB 115*
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Composition, terms, AB 115*
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Duties generally, AB 115**
Executive Director and other personnel, employment, AB 115*
Funds and accounts, duties, AB 115**
Hearing aid dispensing, duties, AB 115**
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Name change, AB 115*
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Civil penalties, maximum amount, AB 115*
Definitions, AB 115*
Disciplinary action, grounds, AB 115*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Fees generally, AB 115*
Hearing aid fitting and dispensing, endorsement, AB 115*
Issuance without examination, AB 115*
Limited licenses, issuance, AB 115*
Provisional licenses, issuance, AB 115*
Qualifications, AB 115*
Regulations, AB 115**
Temporary license, issuance, AB 115*
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Provider of health care, inclusion as, effect, AB 115*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
"Speech pathology" renamed "speech-language pathology," definition, AB 115*
Telepractice, requirements, AB 115*
Aircraft and component industry, requirements for tax abatements, AB 161**
Assessed value of property, audit of certain reductions, SB 415D, AB 412
Commercial feed, audit of licensees, SB 488*, SB 495D
Common-interest communities, audit of financial statements, procedures, AB 254D
County assessors, performance audits, AB 56D
Criminal history records held by employers, security measures, AB 47**
Elections, audit of processes involved in conduct of, AB 209D
Equalization, State Board of, performance audit, SB 415D, AB 412
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolished, AB 300
Livestock auctions, renewal of license, requirements, AB 77**
Local government employee organizations, audit of annual reports, AB 109D
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, appointment and duties of audit committees, SB 283D
Motor carriers, audit of compliance with international agreements, SB 465D
Public administrators, annual audits, AB 293**
Public Employees' Retirement System, biennial audits, AB 180**
Risk retention groups, audit committee required, SB 67**
Annual audits, requirements, publication of manual, AB 22D
Charter schools, annual independent audits, regulation, SB 509*
Clark County School District, SB 347, SB 405**, SB 430D, AB 290D
Class-size reduction program, audit of use of money, AB 278**
Education savings accounts, requirements, SB 302*
Victory schools, programs and services provided to, SB 432**
Washoe County School District, SB 347, SB 405**, SB 430D, AB 290D
Special license plates, charitable entities receiving fees, AB 189**
Arts Council, Nevada, SB 266**
Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, AB 491**
Educational Trust Account, SB 25**
General authorized expenditures legislation, AB 490**
Highway Fund, State, AB 491**
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, SB 515**
Other State Education Programs Account, SB 515**
Petroleum and petrochemical discharges, funding of cleanup, reimbursements, SB 89**, AB 77**
State Distributive School Account, SB 515**
State Supplemental School Support Account, SB 515**
Summit View Youth Correctional Center, SB 514**
Wildlife Heritage Trust Account, SB 163
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Continuing education requirements, AB 93*, AB 294D
Provisions removed, continuation of supervision requirements, AB 6**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Hospital services, billing practices, AB 346D
Registration, requirements, AB 6**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Autism Treatment Assistance Program, duties, referrals to Program, AB 284D
Insurance coverage, requirements, AB 6*
Consignment auctions, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 37**
Vehicles to be dismantled for parts, exemption from solid waste laws, SB 281**
Court Administrator, duties and receipt of copy of certain orders repealed, AB 69*
Justices of the peace, time for payment of forfeitures to county treasurer, AB 69*
Municipal court bailiffs, applicability of occupational disease laws, AB 373D
Cities or counties, petitions, SB 475
Business tax, applicability, AB 464
City money, deposit, requirements, SB 448**
Commerce fee, imposition, effect of failure to pay, SB 483**
Condominium hotels, deposits and investments, requirements, regulation, SB 389*
County money, deposit, requirements, SB 448**
Education savings accounts for private school pupils, establishment, SB 302†
Execution of judgments, amount of equity in money on deposit exempt from execution increased, AB 207D
Foreclosures, duties of mortgagee or beneficiary of deed of trust to provide certain notice to Division, SB 306*, SB 512*, AB 359
Judgment creditors seeking unlawfully to enforce foreign judgments from account, remedies of debtors, SB 373 of the 77th Session, AB 129†
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, use of "bank" in name, documents or advertisements prohibited, SB 283D
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee, imposition, effect of failure to pay, SB 378D
Repossession of motor vehicles upon breach or default, installation of devices to remotely locate or disable vehicle, AB 228D
Student loans to state residents, identification and ranking of lending institutions, publication of information, SB 215D
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Trust companies conducting banking business, formation as corporation authorized, requirements for transacting business in State, SB 446*
Works of improvement, duties regarding money to be used for, violations, SB 375D
Barber schools
Barber chairs, requirements, SB 370*
Instructors, requirements, SB 370*
Licensing, requirements, SB 370*
Cosmetology licensing of barbers, qualifications, AB 246*
Barber schools, requirements, SB 370*
By endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Instructor's license, examination, procedures, fees, SB 370*
Nail technologists practicing in barbershops, requirements, AB 246*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
State Barbers' Health and Sanitation Board
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Instructor's license, administration of examination, duties, SB 370**
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Dogs, authority of owners of certain establishments to allow on premises, SB 105D
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D
Prohibited acts, penalty, SB 160**
Agriculture, State Department of, powers and duties, AB 77**
State Quarantine Officer, certain duties repealed, AB 77**
Violations, civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty, deposit and use of money, AB 77**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Continuing education requirements, AB 93*, AB 294D
Hospital services, billing practices, AB 346D
License by endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Chair, consultation with certain study committee, SB 269
Commendation, AB 289
Business identification number, assignment, SB 39*, SB 59**, AB 364**
Foreign corporations, right of county clerk to reject certificate of fictitious name, SB 59**, AB 364**
Innovation in Surface Transportation Selection Panel, creation, duties, SB 466D
Lanes, operation of motorized wheelchairs authorized, restrictions, SB 354*
Carcasses delivered for processing, return, civil penalty for violations, AB 77**
Hunting of migratory birds, requirements, SB 41**
Management of migratory game birds, funding, AB 82**
Poultry (See POULTRY)
Ravens, actions urged to mitigate effects on certain animals, AJR 2‡
Sage grouse
Endangered species, Federal Government urged not to list as, SJR 5‡
Ravens, actions urged to mitigate effect on grouse, AJR 2‡
State conservation plan, support expressed and certain actions urged, SJR 5‡
Gender transition, application for new certificate, SB 343D
Gestational agreements, effect, AB 92*
Pharmacists, authority to furnish certain drugs without prescription, duties, SB 357
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, AB 49*
Identification cards, designation as person who is blind, prohibited acts, SB 248†
Medicaid (See also MEDICAID)
Managed care program, provision of services in larger counties, AB 310
Services provided to, research regarding costs authorized, SB 419**
Vehicles damaged on premises, liability of owner or keeper limited, SB 256**
Certificates of number, suspension, procedures, AB 142D
Certificates of ownership, procedures for issuance of duplicate, AB 35*
Hull numbers, state, issuance and verification, AB 35*
Operating under the influence
Medical marijuana, applicability of laws, SB 372D
Testing of blood, breath or urine of defendant
Admissibility of evidence in misdemeanor trial, AB 67**
Refusal to submit to test at request of police officer, effect, AB 67**
Witnesses testifying regarding blood test, payment of fees, AB 67**
"Under the influence," term defined, AB 67**
Vessel "under way," applicability of laws, AB 67†
Consignment auctions, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 37**
Insurers, duties regarding recommendations of body shops, AB 402D
Arts and museums, preservation and promotion, advisory ballot question, SB 166D
Cultural Affairs, Commission for, use of certain bond proceeds, SB 27**
Cultural resources, grant program, SB 20**
Energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, SB 150D
General capital improvements legislation, AB 491**
Special obligation bonds, maximum period of maturity extended, AB 21**
Toll road projects, AB 450
Historic preservation and cultural centers, financial assistance, AB 491**
Irrigation districts, authority, calculation of assessments, SB 311**
Loans to small businesses owned by minorities or women, funding, SB 323
Local governments
General obligations, requirements for issuance, use of proceeds, AB 170*
Public works, program to provide matching grants, funding, SB 149D
Water projects in tax increment areas, financing, AB 497**
Nevada High-Speed Rail Authority, authority to issue bonds, SB 457**
Nevada System of Higher Education, capital improvements, SB 185 of the 77th Session, AB 491**
Student loan refinancing program, funding, SB 215D
Tax levy for repayment of state bonds, AB 491**
Transportation facilities, AB 450
Abandoned property, laws inapplicable to certain proceeds, SB 348**
Commercial tenancies, procedures for reentry by tenant after lockout, AB 379†
Education savings accounts, grant program, duties of schools, SB 302*
Forfeited property, proceedings to return to owner, SB 138†
Livestock auctions, license to hold, requirements, AB 77**
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, duties of officers, SB 283D
Mortgage industry licensees, requirements, claims against, AB 311D, AB 480†
Public purchasing, provision by bidders and others, AB 345
Public works contractors, requirements, SB 108†, AB 345
Renewable energy projects, works of improvement, lessee's duty in recording surety bond, AB 211†
Stay of execution of civil judgment pending appeal, amount of bond to secure, SB 134**
Creation, appropriation, SB 399
Charter amendments
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, AB 177
General election, date, AB 23*, AB 416D
Primary elections, requirements, AB 416D
Procedure for amending charter, SB 71D
County's failure to take certain actions, city's authority to act, AB 64D
Dillon's Rule, abolishment, AB 413D, AB 493**
Police Department (See also PEACE OFFICERS)
Regional board to consider tax increase, creation, duties, AB 494
Use of tax proceeds, repeal of certain restriction, SB 337D
Public health advisory board, membership, SB 314**
School precincts, creation, procedures, AB 394**
Handgun, carrying for self-defense authorized, AB 136**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Tickets for live events, amount and use of fees, AB 313D
Special license plates supporting, issuance, use of fees, AB 449*
Creation, SB 503**
Child care facilities, duty to provide appropriate space, AB 152*
Employers, duties regarding nursing mothers, remedies for violations, AB 306D
Business practices, actions for damages authorized, SB 246**
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D
Malt beverages, authority to manufacture, SB 139D
Naming after deceased members of Armed Forces, procedures, AB 62**
Design professionals, immunity from disciplinary action for complying with certain codes, SB 374**
Energy conservation standards, adoption, restrictions, SB 374**
Fire sprinklers in structures, authority of local governments, SB 477**
Mechanical Code, Uniform, compliance requirements, AB 298D
Certificates of occupancy, duties, SB 375D
BULLYING (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Safe and respectful learning environment)
Acts constituting, AB 174D
Deadly force, use, immunity from liability, SB 175**, AB 171D
Innkeepers, liability for damage to vehicle on premises limited, SB 256**
Death care consultants, duties, SB 286†
Disciplinary action against agent or seller, grounds, SB 67**
Funeral arrangers, duties, SB 286*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Charter buses
Driver laws, exemptions for certain employer-provided transport, AB 101**
Inspections, requirement, fees, AB 181D
Excise tax
Collection procedures, SB 376*
Imposition, AB 175**
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D
Public transit systems, liability of private operators limited, SB 478D
Railroad crossings, duties of drivers, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 43*
School buses
Charter schools, fee charged by districts for use, limitations, SB 509*
Leasing of buses, authority of school district, requirements, AB 117D
Safe-to-Tell-Program, establishment, SB 338*
Speed limit specific to buses, repeal, SB 410**
Service animals, exemption from prohibitions, AB 157*
Charter School Financing Law, administration, AB 351**
Consumer Affairs Division
Deceptive trade practices (See TRADE REGULATIONS AND PRACTICES)
Revolving account for Division, administration, deposits, use, AB 481**
Temporary elimination of Division extended, AB 481**
Consumer Affairs Unit, creation, AB 481**
Deputy Director, duties as Commissioner of Consumer Affairs and Chief of the Consumer Affairs Unit, AB 481**
Financial Institutions, Division of
Collection agencies, citations, AB 72D
Exchange facilitators, citations, AB 72D
Family trust companies, regulation, SB 384**
Foreclosures, receipt of notices from institutions that are mortgagees and beneficiaries of deeds of trust, duties, SB 306*, SB 512*, AB 359
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, regulation, SB 283D
Motor vehicles, use of electronic repossession technology, regulation, AB 228D
Nevada Private Money Real Estate Loan Act, duties, AB 311D
Private professional guardians, regulation, AB 325**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Housing Division
Chief Financial Officer, qualifications, SB 64**
Energy assistance programs, limitation on funding, AB 73**
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, membership, SB 400D
Industrial Relations, Division of
Actions before Occupational Health and Safety Review Board, award of costs and fees, AB 255
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 355
Attestations by business license applicants, receipt, duties, SB 59**, AB 364**
Coordination of collection of information from businesses, provision repealed, SB 59**, AB 364**
Debts owed to Division, procedures regarding delinquencies, AB 14*
Employment Security Division, duty to provide certain information, SB 24*
"Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment," adoption by reference, requirements, AB 229D
Physicians and chiropractors, panel of, duties regarding list, AB 187D
Insurance, Division of
Confidentiality of information, authority to share certain information, SB 67**
Criminal history records, authority to inspect sealed records, SB 67**
Dental services, reimbursements, regulations, SB 137**
Fees, duties, deposits, AB 486**
Guaranteed asset protection waivers, regulation, SB 253**
Health insurance
Drug formularies, publication, duties, SB 328
Network plans, study, duties, SB 299, AB 220D, AB 230D, AB 292**
Small employers, duties, SB 299, AB 292**
Holding companies, duties, SB 67**
Limited lines travel insurance, licensing and regulation of producers, SB 373**
Motor vehicle insurers, receipt of reports, AB 402D
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, duties, SB 67**
Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Advisory Council on, membership, SB 6†
Patient-centered medical homes, duties, SB 6†
Reinsurance, duties, SB 67**
Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, duties, AB 368D
State-chartered risk retention groups, duties, SB 67**
Thrift companies, insurance of deposits, duties, AB 480*
Valuation manual, adoption, procedures, SB 67**
Vehicle protection products, regulation, AB 365D
Labor Commissioner (See LABOR COMMISSIONER)
Loans to certain small businesses owned by minorities or women, creation and funding of program, duties, SB 323
Manufactured Housing Division, conversion of park, duties, AB 270**
Mortgage Lending, Division of
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Commissioner, ethics, AB 311D, AB 480*
Escrow agents and agencies, duties, AB 480**
Mortgage servicers, duties, AB 480**
Nevada Private Money Real Estate Loan Act, duties, AB 311D
Nevada Residential Mortgage Loan Act, duties, AB 311D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, duties, AB 276D, AB 336D, AB 354D
Real Estate Division
Account for Real Estate Administration, creation, sources, use, AB 475†
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D, AB 317D
Common-interest communities
Account for
Repeal, AB 233†
Courses of instruction for executive board members, duties, AB 329D
Investigators, employment and duties, peace officer powers, AB 317D
Office of the Ombudsman
Condominium hotels, duties, SB 389*
Repeal, AB 233†
Transfer to Attorney General's Office, SB 258D, AB 233
Complaints and disciplinary action, certain reporting requirements repealed, AB 457**
Real estate brokers and salespersons, fees, AB 475**
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Subdivision of land, fees, AB 478**
Time shares, fees, AB 478**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Student loans, establishment of refinancing program, compilation and distribution of information, SB 215D
Supplemental appropriation, SB 468
Coordination of forms and collection of information, provision repealed, SB 59**, AB 364**
Attestations, reports to Division of Industrial Relations, availability of certain information to attesters, SB 59**
Child support obligations, statement of compliance unnecessary, AB 364**
Retail merchandise, affidavit of applicant to sell, repeal, SB 59**, AB 364**
Annual fee
Increase for certain types of business organizations, SB 378D, SB 483**, AB 382D, AB 464
Nonprofit unit-owners' associations, exemptions from fee, SB 39*
Prospective decrease in fee repealed, SB 378D, SB 483**
Applications, contents, AB 464
Attestations, reports to Division of Industrial Relations, availability of certain information to attesters, AB 364**
Business identification numbers, issuance, SB 39*, SB 59**, AB 364**
Cancellation by licensee, filing of certificate, SB 39*
Certificates of exemption, requirements, SB 39*
Common-interest communities
Annual claims for exemption, applicability of laws, AB 254D
Nonprofit unit-owners' associations, exemptions from fee, SB 39*
Contents, SB 39*
Emergency response vehicles and equipment, exemption for certain persons providing, SB 36**
Exhibitions, repeal of requirements, AB 323D
Expired license, application for purpose of avoiding fees and penalties unauthorized, SB 39†
Fee based on gross revenue, imposition, exemptions, SB 252
Home-based businesses, exemptions, AB 95D
Occupations and professions, applications, AB 364**
Refusal to issue, grounds, SB 39*
"Registration," "license" redesignated as, SB 59**
Renewal, applicability of penalties for failure to comply, SB 39*
Revenue received from sale of services, submission of information, SB 483**
Sole proprietors, suspension of license for child support violations, AB 364**
Taxation, Department of, administration of laws, SB 252
Time for certain businesses to obtain license, AB 406D
Tobacco manufacturers, when not deemed to be doing business in State, AB 83**
Unlicensed conduct of business, penalty, SB 39*
Waiver of fees and penalties when no business conducted, authority, SB 39*
Transportation network companies, requirements, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Business license applicants, attestations of industrial insurance coverage submitted electronically, effect, AB 364**
Confidentiality of certain information, SB 59**, AB 364**
Registration, use of common information by state and local agencies, SB 59**, AB 364**
Standards and requirements, consultations, SB 59**, AB 364**
Workplace safety, provision of information, SB 59**, AB 364**
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Commerce tax, imposition on certain businesses, SB 483**
Deductions for hiring certain veterans, AB 71**
Employee payroll tax
Health insurance expenses, deduction eliminated, AB 464
Rate, AB 464
Repeal, exception, SB 378D
Water projects in tax increment areas, use of proceeds, AB 497**
Insurance producers, applicability of tax, SB 103**
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee on certain businesses, imposition, SB 378D
Rate, increase, threshold for imposition of tax, SB 483**
Repeal, SB 378D
Tax credits
College savings plans, matching employee contributions, SB 412*
Commerce tax, effect, SB 483**
Day care for children of employees, assistance costs, SB 346D
Film production, transferable tax credits, SB 94**, AB 147
New or expanding businesses, transferable tax credits, SB 507**
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee, effect, SB 378D
Scholarship organizations, donations to, AB 165**, AB 350D
Business identification number, assignment, SB 39*, SB 59**, AB 364**
Filing fees
Initial and annual list, increase, SB 483**
Repeal of certain fees, AB 323D
Foreign trusts
Certificate of fictitious name, right of county clerk to reject, SB 59**, AB 364**
Renewal or revival of right to transact business, authority, SB 39*
Revocation of right to transact business, cancellation of registration, SB 39*
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, SB 39*
Renewal or revival of certificate of trust, authority, SB 39*
Revocation of certificate, dissolution procedures following, SB 39*
Agriculture, State Department of, regulation, AB 77**
Calves under 4 weeks of age, certain prohibition repealed, AB 77**
Inspections, violations, penalties, exemptions repealed, AB 77**
Violations, civil penalties for certain violations, AB 77**
Workplace safety, provision of information, SB 59**, AB 364**
Charter amendments
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, AB 177
General election, date, AB 23*, AB 416D
Primary elections, requirements, AB 416D
Charter, procedure for amending, SB 71D
Computer science course, requirements for graduation, SB 295
Minor sentenced to term of imprisonment, term to be served in juvenile detention facility until 18 years of age, AB 260D
Physical education courses, requirements, SB 178†
Nevada High-Speed Rail Authority, creation, powers and duties, SB 457**
Super Speed Ground Transportation System, powers and duties repealed, SB 457†
Tahoe Basin (See also TAHOE BASIN)
Board of Regents, reciprocal agreement regarding waiver of nonresident tuition for certain residents of Tahoe Basin encouraged, SB 414**
Administration of statutes and regulations, authority of Secretary of State, AB 23†
Advertising on clothing and certain other items, exemptions from disclosure requirement, SB 104*
Candidates elected despite ending campaigns, filing of finance reports, AB 63**
Candidates violating residency laws, reimbursement of contributions, procedures, penalties, SB 403D
"Committee for political action," definition, AB 23**
Former public officers with unspent contributions, duties, SB 293*
Governor and Lieutenant Governor, duties, SJR 3D
Limitations on contributions during certain time period, AB 23**
Printed electioneering communications, requirements, SB 322D, AB 177
Regulations generally, duties of Secretary of State, AB 23†
Reports of contributions, expenses or expenditures
Committees for recall of public officer, duties, AB 23**
Election and nonelection years, SB 307†
Governor and Lieutenant Governor, joint reporting, SJR 3D
Primary elections, date, duties, SB 421†, AB 302†
Unspent contributions, disposal, duties, SB 293*
Forester Firewarden, State, authority to prohibit or restrict activity on land under jurisdiction, duties, penalty for violations, AB 34**
Nonprofit entities, certain entities exempted from sanitation laws, AB 99**
Mammograms, notices regarding, requirements, SB 458**
Mammography machines, use for other procedures authorized, AB 42**
Nevada Cancer Institute, designation as official cancer institute repealed, AB 42**
Occupational disease coverage, public safety personnel, SB 153†
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 265
Reporting and analyzing information, requirements, penalties, access to data, AB 42**
Industrial cannabis, cultivation, regulation, SB 305†
Diseased animals or poultry, unlawful acts, penalties, AB 77**
Return of processed carcasses, civil penalties for violations, AB 77**
Deadly force, use, immunity from liability, SB 175**, AB 171D
"Justifiable homicide," definition, presumptions, SB 175**, AB 171D
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, charter amendment, AB 177
Charter, procedure for amending, SB 71D
Charter amendments
Board of Supervisors, election by ward, SB 368D, SB 457 of the 77th Session, AB 458D
Boundaries of election wards, time for realignment, SB 421†, AB 302†
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, AB 177
Nonpartisan offices, certain primary election winners declared elected, SB 5*
Procedure for amending charter, SB 71D
Dillon's Rule, abolishment, AB 413D, AB 493**
Old Nevada State Prison, designation and assignment of historic and modern structures, duties, AB 377**
State Public Defender, assessment for services provided, AB 490**
Stewart Indian School
Activities at and uses of buildings and grounds, designation of coordinating agency for discussions, SB 63**
Sale of state land parcels to fund repair and maintenance, AB 15**
State Sealer of Consumer Equitability, duties, AB 77**
Deadly force, use, immunity from liability, SB 175**, AB 171D
"Justifiable homicide," definition, presumptions, SB 175**, AB 171D
Feral cat colonies, management by city or county authorized, AB 261D
Research facilities, duties relating to cats used in research, SB 261*
Regulation, AB 77†
Certificate of authority, application requirements, SB 286*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Veterans' cemeteries, landscaping or xeriscaping surrounding interred remains, AB 62**
Clark County School District, reorganization technical advisory committee, recommendations for membership, AB 394**
Innovation in Surface Transportation Selection Panel, membership, SB 466D
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, appointment of members, SB 411**
Reno, nomination to county fair and recreation board, SB 480**
Account, appropriation, AB 430
Establishment in Division of Water Resources, AB 430
Grants, entities authorized to apply for, AB 430
State Engineer, duties, AB 430
Designation by Governor, effect, AB 104
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, designation as charter agency, AB 390D
Business tax, applicability, AB 464
License suspension or revocation, grounds, SB 378D, SB 483**
Military, loans made to former or current members, requirements, AB 318D
Payday Lender Best Practices Act, provisions inapplicable, SB 242*
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Dangerous caustic or corrosive substances, regulation, AB 77†
Drones, operation prohibited near certain facilities, exception, AB 239*
Child's welfare, persons responsible for, AB 52*
Children in need of protection
Adjudicatory hearings, requirements for service of summons, SB 148*
Circumstances in which child deemed in need of protection, SB 303**
Emergency shelters for children, licensing and regulation, SB 49
Felony offenses, certain acts deemed, AB 49†
Negligent treatment or maltreatment of child, acts constituting, AB 49*
Permanency hearings, procedures, AB 324**
Preservation and reunification of family, efforts made by child welfare agencies, determination by court, AB 102D
Sexual abuse, admissibility of certain expert testimony, AB 49*
Statewide Central Registry for the Collection of Information Concerning the Abuse or Neglect of a Child, access to information, SB 88**
Termination of parental rights (See TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS)
Businesses, tax credits for providing day care assistance to employees, SB 346D
Cliff effect, pilot program to mitigate effects, creation, appropriation, SB 364
Abuse or Neglect of a Child, Statewide Central Registry for the Collection of Information Concerning, access to information, SB 88**
Admissions, priority admission to children of certain current or former Armed Forces members, penalty for violations, SB 257, SB 359D
Air guns, carrying or possessing, restrictions, SB 176**
Breastfeeding, facilities to provide appropriate space, AB 152*
Businesses providing care assistance for children of employees, tax credits, SB 346D
Child's welfare, persons responsible for, AB 52*
Concealed firearms, authority of permit holders, AB 148D
Early childhood education (See EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION)
Emergency shelters for children, exemption from regulation, SB 49
Employees, training requirements, background checks, SB 257†
Immunization of children, requirements, SB 117D
Independent contractors, oversight, SB 257†
Meals and snacks provided to children, requirements, AB 152†
Media viewing by children, limitations, AB 152†
Physical activity of children, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 152*
Weapons located in motor vehicles on property authorized, AB 2D, AB 148D, AB 487
Abuse of alcohol, controlled substance or other substance, consideration in determining best interest of child, SB 18D
Applicability of laws, marital status of parents not determinative, AB 263*
Clark County, mandatory mediation program, requirements, AB 210D
Courts, considerations in determining whether to grant visitation rights to certain persons, AB 370D
Homeless veterans, study of custody issues, SB 268†
Interstate movement of child for purposes of permanently transferring physical custody, prohibited acts, AB 8†
Joint legal custody and joint physical custody, award of, presumption of best interest of child, AB 98†, AB 263*
Legislative declaration, AB 263*
Primary physical custody, basis for award, AB 263*
Relocation of parent with primary physical custody or joint physical custody, procedures, penalties for violations, AB 263*
Trafficking in children, prohibited acts, AB 8*
Visitation orders, duration, definition of "minor child" for purposes of, AB 98†
Criminal actions, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Solicitation, penalties, AB 214**
Child passenger safety technicians, immunity from liability, SB 267D
Business licenses, state and local, requirements, AB 364**
Interstate Family Support Act, amendment, effective date, AB 13**
Presumptive maximum amount, increase, revision of income ranges, AB 98D
Primary or joint physical custody, determination of support amount, AB 98D
Block grants to agencies, procedures, SB 514**
Categorical grants for providing certain services, receipt, duties, SB 107†
Child's welfare, persons responsible for, AB 52*
Dissemination of information received by agency, restrictions, SB 58**
Foster care (See also FOSTER CARE)
Credit reports of children, age for examination by agency, AB 324**
Firearm injuries, immunity from liability, AB 167**
"Reasonable and prudent parent standard," training, duties, SB 394†
Specialized foster homes, use of money allocated for care, SB 107**
Gifts and grants, use of money, approval, AB 490**
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, SB 58**
Missing children reports, duties, AB 324**
Parental rights, termination, duties, SB 255D
Permanency hearings, procedures, AB 324**
Preservation and reunification of family, efforts made, determination by court, AB 102D
Short-term guardians, procedures for extension of guardianship, AB 8†
Competency of child under jurisdiction of juvenile court, determination, procedures, AB 138*
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, procedures, SB 58**
Foster care children, procedures, regulation, AB 324**
Missing children reports, procedures, AB 324**
Sexually exploited children
Exclusive jurisdiction of juvenile court, AB 153†
Procedures in juvenile court, AB 153**
Advisory Committee, abolished, AB 456**
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6†
Chiropractic Physicians' Board of Nevada
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Competency to practice, examination, AB 231*
Disciplinary action, grounds, AB 231*, AB 346D
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Hospital services, billing practices, AB 346D
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Expiration, reinstatement, AB 231*
Foreign graduates, qualifications, AB 231*
Renewal, AB 231*
Temporary license, waiver of application fee, AB 231*
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294†
Unprofessional conduct, acts constituting, AB 231*
Property tax exemption for parcels of land used exclusively for worship, AB 391**
Religion generally (See RELIGION)
Weddings, display of informational brochures at offices of county clerk, SB 395**
Hard cider, inclusion as wine, rate of excise tax, SB 342D
E-cigarettes (See E-CIGARETTES)
Cigarette rolling machine, unlicensed operation prohibited, penalties, AB 83**
Definition, applicability of laws, AB 83**
State business license, certain manufacturers exempt from licensure requirement, AB 83**
Nevada System of Higher Education, additional restrictions on smoking and tobacco authorized, SB 339D
Taxation, increase in tax rate, use of proceeds, SB 275D, SB 455, SB 483**
Tobacco Settlement, use and disbursement of money, AB 490**
Day of observance, Governor to proclaim, SB 385D
Contents, AB 491**
Occupational licensing bodies, authority to issue, AB 72D, AB 84D
Real Estate Division, authority of investigators, AB 317D
Smoking in motor vehicle when minor is present, issuance of citations, AB 322D
Traffic citations
Issuance by peace officer, discretionary authority repealed, AB 407D, AB 432D
Person with contempt warrant halted or detained by peace officer, issuance of citation, AB 432D
Preparation and delivery, AB 281†
Transportation, Department of, authority to enforce conditions of environmental permits, SB 324†
Bankruptcy, authority to petition, SB 475
Boulder City (See BOULDER CITY)
Building codes (See BUILDING CODES)
Businesses, coordination of forms and collection of information, provision repealed, SB 59**, AB 364**
Caliente (See CALIENTE, CITY OF)
Carlin (See CARLIN, CITY OF)
Carson City (See CARSON CITY)
Dillon's Rule, abolishment, SB 11D, AB 413D, AB 493**
Disabilities, persons with
Authorization letters issued for special license plates, placards and stickers, requirements, AB 204**
Identification as person who is blind or person with a disability, prohibited acts by political subdivisions, SB 248†
Dogs, authority of owners of certain bars, taverns or saloons to allow on premises, conflicting regulation prohibited, SB 105D
Drones, operation by public agency, requirements, AB 239*
Elko (See ELKO, CITY OF)
Ely (See ELY, CITY OF)
Eminent domain, prohibited acts related to mortgages and deeds of trust, AB 201**
Energy conservation standards for buildings, prohibited regulation, SB 374**
Environmental Policy Act, Nevada, enactment, SB 277D
Family resource centers, development of action plans, input, AB 156**
Feral cat colonies, management program authorized, AB 261D
Film production, abatement of fees, continuation, SB 94**
Finances and funds (See also LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Budgets, time for hearings on tentative budgets, AB 19**
Catalyst Account, grants or loans from, SB 507**
Graffiti reward and abatement fund, authorized uses, SB 56*
Investments, authority, AB 196
Concealed firearms, regulatory authority removed, SB 143D, SB 171D, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D, AB 352†
Regulatory authority reserved to Legislature, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D
Graffiti, regulatory authority, use of reward and abatement fund, SB 56*
Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)
Health insurance exchanges, constitutional prohibitions, SJR 14D
Henderson (See HENDERSON, CITY OF)
Incorporation, duties of county commissioners and county clerks, AB 274D
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 300
Internet protocol service, duties of providers and cities, SB 289†
Knives, regulatory authority reserved to Legislature, SB 176†
Land, agreements with certain persons for development, procedures, SB 66**
Las Vegas (See LAS VEGAS, CITY OF)
Local improvements (See also LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS)
Assessments, collection of unpaid money, SB 47**
Mechanical Code, Uniform, compliance requirements, duties, AB 298D
Medical marijuana establishments
Dispensaries, authority, SB 276*, SB 372D
Duties, fees, penalty for delinquencies, AB 70**
Mesquite (See MESQUITE, CITY OF)
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, AB 90**
Nevada System of Higher Education, payment of fees and expenses for dependent child of public employee killed in performance of duty, AB 226D
North Las Vegas (See NORTH LAS VEGAS, CITY OF)
Officers and employees (See also PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Leave of absence for military duty, procedures, duty of cities, AB 388**
Nursing mothers, duties of public bodies, remedies for violations, AB 306D
Out-of-school-time programs, licensing and operation, AB 197†
Pedestrian safety zones, designation, SB 144*, SB 152D
Picketing restrictions, procedures for granting variances, AB 356
Public utility infrastructure, prohibited acts by city, requests by city for information restricted, SB 481**
Recreation programs, seasonal or temporary, licensing and operation, AB 197†
Religion, burden on free exercise by governmental entities restricted, remedies, SB 272D, AB 277D
Reno (See RENO, CITY OF)
Rental cars, exemption of cities from governmental services fee, AB 203**
Retail merchandise, affidavit of applicant to sell, repeal, SB 59**, AB 364**
Rights-of-way, use of fuel tax proceeds for construction and upkeep, AB 366**
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, appointment of members, SB 411**
School precincts, creation, procedures, AB 394**
Sparks (See SPARKS, CITY OF)
State and Local Government Cooperation Act, enactment, SB 157*
Telecommunication facilities, relocation, duties, SB 335D
Transportation network companies, regulation restricted, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Traps or snares, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, SB 4**
Wells (See WELLS, CITY OF)
Yerington (See YERINGTON, CITY OF)
Candidates for elective office, duties regarding challenges to qualifications, AB 177
City officers and employees generally (See CITIES)
Evidence, destruction of certain unnecessary physical evidence before trial, procedure, AB 371†
Firearms, petitions to restore right to own or possess, procedures, AB 357D
Juvenile court, pendency of proceedings, placement of certain children, duties, AB 213D
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, SB 58†
Quarantine of agricultural commodities, duties, AB 77**
Sex offenders, duties, SB 99††
Traffic accidents resulting in injury or death, duties, SB 245†
CITY CHARTERS (See also specific cities)
Amendment, procedures, SB 71D
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, AB 495*
City officers and employees generally (See CITIES)
Dillon's Rule, abolishment, SB 11D, AB 413D, AB 493**
Election by ward in certain cities, SB 368D, SB 457 of the 77th Session, AB 458D
Graywater, collection and use for single-family residence, prohibited acts, AB 169
Intoxicating liquor licenses, duties, SB 22*
Patented mine or mining claim, prohibited covenants, restrictions or conditions, AB 427D
Polling places, duties, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 316D, SB 435
Recycling of paper by municipal courts, certain duty removed, AB 69*
City officers and employees generally (See CITIES)
Graffiti reward and abatement fund, approval of expenditures, SB 56*
Reno, powers, AB 88*
Sparks, powers, SB 118**
City officers and employees generally (See CITIES)
Redeposit of city money, agreements, SB 448**
Specialty court program fee, continuation, duties, SB 483**
Children in need of protection, adjudicatory hearings, service of summons, SB 148*
Common-interest communities, enforcement of liens, procedures, AB 240†
Constables, duties, fees, SB 285**
Physicians, assistants, perfusionists and respiratory therapists, AB 227*
Registered agents, duty to accept, validity, SB 39*
Traffic citations, service, AB 281†
Ex-felons, restoration of right to vote, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 97D, SB 319D
Petitions to restore rights, procedures, AB 357D
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability, AB 355
Creation, part of Division of Environmental Protection, AB 77**
Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of Petroleum, duties, AB 77**
Cities, authority to take action when county fails to, AB 64D
Concealed firearms, regulatory authority removed, SB 143D, SB 171D, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D, AB 352†
Economy of State, pilot program to stimulate, duties, SB 182D, AB 399**
Elections, period for early voting, SB 316D
Family law disputes, requirements for mandatory mediation program, AB 210D
Foster homes, training requirements, AB 247D
Fuel tax indexing, procedures beginning January 1, 2017, AB 191*
High-Speed Rail System, Nevada, creation, SB 457**
Emergency service and care, requirements, notice, AB 36D
Nursing services, requirements, staffing plans, SB 361D
Indigent Defense Commission, duties of county manager, SB 451
Innovation in Surface Transportation Selection Panel, membership, SB 466D
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, pilot program to provide services, reports, AB 307**
Licenses, additional fee authorized, use, SB 395**
Wedding services, display of informational brochures at offices of county clerk, SB 395**
Mount Charleston Fire Station, transfer to County authorized, AB 34**
Nursing services at certain facilities, requirements, staffing plans, SB 361D
Peace officers, use of portable event recording device, duties, SB 111†, AB 162*
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, composition, reports, AB 116**
Social Services Department, representation on mental health services study committee, AB 289
Supreme Court, lease of office space in Regional Justice Center, SB 431**
Drivers, restrictions on acting as driver for transportation network companies, SB 376*
Lease to independent contractors authorized, restrictions, liability, SB 376*
Town advisory boards, election of members, SB 115*
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Campus Improvement Authority, boundaries, extension, AB 451**
Yellow Dot Program, establishment, AB 176*
Clark County School District, reorganization technical advisory committee, recommendations for membership, AB 394**
Regional board to consider tax increase, creation, duties, AB 494
Tax proceeds, use, restriction that proposed use not supplant existing funding repealed, SB 337D
Capital projects, fund for, restrictions on use, AB 411D
Emergency drills, requirements, designation and duties of emergency manager, AB 218
Height and weight measurements of pupils, requirements, SB 178D, SB 402D
Henderson, financing to improve and preserve certain facilities, AB 445**
Junior high schools and middle schools, allocations for provision of certain services and programs, duties, reports, SB 347
Limited-English proficient pupils, identification and funding of Zoom schools, duties, SB 405**, SB 430D, SB 515**, AB 290D
Peer assistance and review of teachers, appropriation to carry out program, SB 332**
Professional development of teachers and administrators, appropriation, SB 295
Reorganization into precincts, procedures, AB 394**
Superintendent, member of Advisory Commission on Mentoring, AB 205†
Child care assistance, program to mitigate cliff effect, creation, SB 364
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Continuing education requirements, SB 196*, AB 93*, AB 294D
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Peer support specialists, supervision, AB 85†
Professional negligence, applicability of laws, SB 292†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Threats by patients, duties, SB 15*, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
"Treatment provider" for substance abusers under court order, definition, procedures, AB 81**
Veterans' facilities, authority regarding admissions, AB 184D
Political campaign items, exemptions from certain disclosure laws, SB 104*
School pupils, disciplinary action for wearing certain clothing or accessories restricted, conflicting regulation prohibited, AB 121**
Grants for operations, appropriation, SB 423
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Electric generation facilities, emissions reduction and capacity replacement plans, requirements, AB 498**
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 336D
Businesses, unlawful disruption or damage with certain intent, remedies, AB 356
Advisory Board, abolished, AB 456**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Common-interest communities, when licensure as or contract with agency required, SB 306*
Document preparation services, exemptions from registration as, AB 65**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Tax credits for employers matching employee contributions, SB 412*
Analysis of Bureau of Reclamation's management of River requested, SJR 10D
Budget, requirements, exemption from certain provisions of State Budget Act, SB 46
Deputy Executive Directors, appointment authorized, SB 46
Officers and employees, employment rights, benefits and salary, regulation, SB 46
Supply and allocation of water, representation on study committee, AB 455
Imposition, SB 483**
Abandoned personal property, disposal by landlord, duties, AB 379†
Assessment of charges by landlord, restrictions, AB 379†
Changing locks by landlord, notice requirements, AB 379*
Forcible entry or forcible detainer, notice requirements, AB 386†
Holding over, service of notice, AB 386†
Illegal lockouts, reentry procedures and remedies, fees, penalties for disobeying writ of court, AB 379†
Judicial doctrines, applicability, provisions repealed, AB 379†
Jurisdiction of courts, provisions repealed, AB 379†
Landlords, prohibited acts, AB 379*
Security deposits
Bad faith actions by landlord, effect, presumption, AB 379†
Claims against, priority, AB 379†
Deductions by landlord, authorized deductions, procedures, AB 379†
Records, duty of landlord to keep, AB 379†
Refund of deposit, requirements, AB 379†
Rent, withholding of last month's rent by tenant prohibited, liability of tenant in action to recover rent, AB 379†
Termination of owner's interest, persons liable for security deposit, amount of liability, AB 379†
Termination of lease, authority of tenant upon violation by landlord, AB 379*
Unlawful detainer, notice requirements, AB 386†
Amendment to declaration to change use of unit, procedures, SB 355D
Fees, fines and charges enforceable as assessments, SB 306*, AB 254D
Impound accounts, requirements, regulation, SB 260D, AB 240
Business license, state
Annual claims for exemptions, applicability of laws, AB 254D
Nonprofit unit-owners' associations, exemption from fee, SB 39*
Capital improvements, procedures, AB 317D, AB 359†
Civil actions
Breach of governing documents, remedies, AB 359†
Foreclosure mediation, mediators immune from liability, AB 259D
Liens, judicial enforcement, AB 240†, AB 359†
Mediation or arbitration of claims, requirements, procedures, AB 254D
Program for referee or hearing officer to render decisions on certain disputes, repeal, AB 254D
Community managers
Investigators of Real Estate Division, employment and duties, peace officer powers, AB 317D
Renewal of certificates, continuing education requirements, regulation, SB 154*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Constructional defects claims by association, restrictions, AB 125**
Control of association, time for termination, AB 192*
Special declarant's rights, transfer, SB 355D, AB 254D
Development of land, agreements with local governing bodies, procedures, SB 66**
Executive boards
Courses of instruction for board members, time for completion, suspension of board activities for violation, AB 329D
Election of members
Ballots, time to be opened and counted, SB 355D
Candidate's campaign, interference with, prohibited acts, AB 149D
Eligibility, requirements, SB 174*, AB 238†
Number of candidates equal to or less than number of members to be elected, procedures, SB 355D, AB 254D
Time for, AB 192*
Liability insurance, requirements, AB 254D
Meetings held in executive session, notice, disclosures, SB 355D
Per diem payments authorized, requirements, restrictions on amount, AB 359†
Vacancies, filling, SB 355D, AB 254D
Fee for support of Ombudsman and Commission, increase, AB 474*
Fence rollers to prevent animals from entering private yard, authority of units' owners to install, SB 221D
Financial statements, audit and review, procedures, AB 254D
Fines, procedural requirements, AB 359†
Foreclosure of liens
Financial institutions which are also mortgagees or beneficiaries of deed of trust, duties, SB 306*, SB 512*
Mediation Program, effect, requirements, SB 306*, SB 355D, SB 512*, AB 259D
Mold remediation, authority of association, AB 254D
Nonjudicial foreclosure process, provisions repealed, AB 240†, AB 359†
Notice of default and election to sell
Delinquent property tax, reconveyance of property to association, requirements, SB 355D
Mailing or service of copy of notice, requirements, AB 359
Persons entitled to receive copy of notice, SB 306*, SB 355D, AB 141*
Provisions repealed, AB 240†, AB 359†
Requests for copy of notice, requirements, SB 306*, SB 355D
Withdrawal of notice, authority of association, SB 355D
Notice of delinquent assessments, prerequisites to mailing, SB 306*
Payment plans or modification of amounts due association, procedures, AB 259D
Bona fide purchaser or bona fide encumbrancer for value, rights not affected by noncompliance with laws, SB 306*, AB 240
Certificates of sale, requirements, SB 306*, AB 240
Conduct of sale and procedures following, SB 306*, SB 355D, AB 240, AB 359
Holder of first security interest or second mortgage or deed of trust, rights not extinguished by sale, AB 359
Nonjudicial foreclosure process, provisions repealed, AB 240†, AB 359†
Notices, requirements, SB 306*, SB 355D, AB 359
Payments made before sale, effect, SB 306*, SB 355D
Postponement or rescheduling of sale, SB 306*, SB 355D
Prerequisites, SB 306*, AB 259D
Prohibitions, SB 306*, SB 355D
Recitals in deed, SB 306*
Redemption of unit sold, procedures, effect of failure to redeem, SB 306*, AB 240, AB 359
Title vested in purchaser, SB 306*, AB 240, AB 359
Trustees, duties regarding owner-occupied housing, SB 306*, SB 355D
Special declarants' rights, transfer, SB 355D, AB 254D
Termination of interest subordinate to lien, notice requirements, SB 355D
Waiver of default, authority of association, SB 355D
Water or sewage leaks, abatement of, authority of association, AB 254D
Graywater systems, prohibition or restriction authorized, AB 169
Investigators of Real Estate Division, employment and duties, peace officer powers, AB 317D
Liens on units
Collection agency, licensure or contract with, when required, SB 306*
Costs of enforcing association's lien, limitations on amount, SB 306*, AB 359
Extinguishment, time for, SB 306*, AB 240†
Foreclosure of liens (See Foreclosure of liens, this heading)
Impound accounts, duty to establish, requirements, regulation, SB 260D, AB 240
Judicial enforcement, procedures, AB 240†, AB 359†
Payments to association by holder of lien or encumbrance subordinate to association's lien, effect, SB 306*
Perfection of lien, procedures, AB 240†
Priority of liens, SB 306*, AB 240†, AB 254D, AB 359
Mechanical Code, Uniform, compliance requirements, AB 298D
Meetings of units' owners of association, requirements, SB 355D
Mold remediation, authority of association, AB 254D
Officers of association
Liability insurance, requirements, AB 254D
Fee for support of Ombudsman, increase, AB 474*
Foreclosure of liens by sale, receipt of copies of deeds, SB 306*
Repeal of Office, AB 233†
Transfer of Office to Office of Attorney General, SB 258D, AB 233
Property taxes
Assessment and valuation of real property, procedures, SB 377**
Delinquent taxes, reconveyance of property to association, requirements, SB 355D
Retaliatory action against units' owners, prohibited acts, AB 149D
Solicitation of bids for association projects, requirements, procedures, AB 238**
State flag, restrictions on display prohibited, AB 301**
Uniform Common-Interest Ownership Act, repeal, AB 233†
Units, procedure for change of use, SB 355D
Vehicles improperly parked, removal, authority, AB 238†, AB 254D
Breach of governing documents, investigations, remedial and disciplinary action, AB 359†
Fines, procedures for imposition, AB 359†
Investigation, issuance of citations, AB 317D
Voting by units' owners, persons who may receive owner's proxy, SB 355D
Water or sewage leaks, abatement of, authority of association, AB 254D
Audit and review of financial statements of associations, regulation, AB 254D
Community managers, duties, SB 154**
Condominium hotels, duties, SB 389*
Fee for support of Ombudsman and Commission, increase, AB 474*
Financial support, AB 475**
Impound accounts, regulation, SB 260D, AB 240
Money, deposit, AB 475†
Regulations, recommendations from Attorney General, SB 258D, AB 233
Repeal of Commission, AB 233†
Licensing and regulation, SB 498*
Investigators of Real Estate Division, employment and duties, peace officer powers, AB 317D
Renewal of certificates, continuing education requirements, regulation, SB 154*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Regulation, AB 305*
Divorce of veterans with service-connected disability, division of property, AB 140*
Domestic relations actions, authority to file postjudgment motion to adjudicate property, time limit for certain motions, SB 395†, AB 362*
Prevailing wage laws, monetary threshold for applicability to projects, SB 108†
Redevelopment plans
Henderson, extension of termination date, use of revenue, AB 445**
Las Vegas, extension of termination date, criteria, SB 479D, AB 445**
Termination when certain real property conveyed by Federal Government, SB 297**, AB 445**
Reports of certain information by developers, monetary threshold mandating, SB 108†
US 50/South Shore Community Revitalization Project, allocation of money, AB 450
Traffic violations, penalties, SB 144*, SB 152D
Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure, Recognition of, ratification, AB 463
Interactive gaming, authority to enter agreements regarding Internet poker, AB 414D
Medical Licensure Compact, Interstate, ratification, SB 251*
Mental Health, Interstate Compact on, adoption, SB 35**
Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, ratification, SB 299
Resale of utility services, reports, AB 74*
Creation, duties, AJR 10‡
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, AB 295**
Constructional defects actions, offers of judgment, AB 125**
Repeal of law governing offers of judgment, AB 69*
District court clerks
Domestic violence protection orders, forwarding of copy to law enforcement agency, AB 69*
Fee book and table of fees, requirements, AB 69*
Probation or suspension of sentence, duties, AB 69*
Economic Development, Office of, duties regarding local businesses owned by veterans with service-related disabilities, AB 62†
Protection of election systems, requirements, AB 209D
Use of mobile devices, creation of application software, SB 203
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, duties, use of services by state agencies, SB 72
Gaming devices incorporating advanced technology, regulations to encourage manufacture, SB 9**
Information security professionals, exemption from private investigator laws, AB 173*
Internet (See INTERNET)
Intimate images, immunity from liability, AB 49*
Justices of the peace, certain records authorized to be maintained by electronic means, AB 69*
Mopeds, establishment of information databases, AB 168D
Motor Vehicles, Department of, technology fee authorized, SB 502**
Prisoners, agreements authorizing use of telecommunications devices, SB 294**
Race books and sports pools, regulation of global risk management, SB 445**
End-of-course examinations, electronic distribution of informational pamphlets, SB 25**
Graduation, course in computer science required, SB 295
Nevada Ready 21 Technology grant program, funding, SB 515**
Property tax, use of certain tax proceeds for technology, SB 415D, AB 412
School service providers, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 463**
Search warrants, electronic submissions and issuance, SB 52**
Supreme Court Clerk, fee book, duties, AB 69*
Telehealth services, regulation, insurance coverage, SB 299, AB 292**
Transportation network companies, regulation, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Emergency medical services, requirements, exemption, AB 308**
Assessments for common expenses, requirements, SB 389*
Bylaws, requirements, SB 389*
Common elements, liability for injury arising out of condition or use, SB 389*
Community managers (See COMMUNITY MANAGERS)
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Declaration, contents, SB 389*
Definitions, SB 389*
Delinquent property tax, reconveyance of property to association or hotel unit owner, requirements, SB 355D
Executive boards
Books, records and other papers, duties, penalty for violations, SB 389*
Budgets, duty to adopt, SB 389*
Conflicts of interest, applicability of rules, SB 389*
Indemnification and defense of members, provisions repealed, SB 389*
Quorum, SB 389*
Removal of members, procedures, SB 389*
Vacancies, filling, SB 389*
Leasehold condominium hotels, contents of declaration, SB 389*
Liens against units for assessments, priority, SB 389*
Notices, requirements, SB 389*
Ombudsman, duties, SB 389*
Period of declarant's control over association, termination, SB 389*
Protection of purchasers
Escrow of deposits, SB 389*
Public offering statements, requirements, SB 389*
Resales of units, requirements, SB 389*
Statement of budget's assumptions, requirements, SB 389*
Receiver, appointment during certain civil actions, duties, SB 389*
Subdivision of residential units, SB 389*
Supplemental general principles of law, applicability, SB 389*
Unit-owners' association
Deposits or investments, requirements, regulation, SB 389*
Insurance, general requirements, SB 389*
Liens against association, SB 389*
Meeting of units' owners, quorum, parliamentary authority, SB 389*
Officers, duties, conflicts of interest, SB 389*
Organization, powers, SB 389*
Voting by units' owners, SB 389*
Violations, award of punitive damages, SB 389*
Justice courts, procedures, AB 44**
Abandoned or unclaimed property, claims to recover from Administrator, SB 61D
Abortion, petitions for court orders, AB 405
Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of older person or vulnerable person, name of person reporting to be redacted from records, AB 223*
Assisted suicide, reports by Division of Public and Behavioral Health, SB 336D
Attorney General, notices to victims of crime, receipt of confidential information, SB 454
Businesses, information submitted for licensing purposes, SB 59**, SB 483**, AB 364**
Commercial feed licensees, reports to State Department of Agriculture, SB 488*
Corrections, Department of, records pertaining to offenders, SB 57D, SB 351D
County hospital boards, records of certain closed meetings, SB 33**
Data collectors, security of personal information, applicability of provisions, AB 179**
Deceptive trade practices, intelligence and information obtained during course of investigations, AB 481**
Economic Development, Office of, records of Office and of nonprofit corporation formed by Office, AB 17**
Epilepsy, persons with, information regarding ability to safely operate motor vehicle, AB 248*
Ethics, Commission on, certain information held by, AB 60**
Family trust companies, documents and communications, SB 384**
Garage operators, restrictions on selling or transferring personal or vehicular information of customers, penalties, AB 256D
Insurance companies, requirements, authorized disclosures, SB 67**
Judicial Discipline, Commission on, certain proceedings and information, AB 68**
Jury duty, written affirmation of nonqualification based on foreign citizenship, SB 437D, AB 459
Juvenile justice information, requirements, SB 58**
Legislative Counsel Bureau, work produced, AB 496**
Medical marijuana
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, prohibited acts, SB 447**
Reports to DMV by attending physicians, SB 383D
Mortgage Lending, Commissioner of, investigational records, AB 311D, AB 480†
Motor Vehicles, Department of
Driver authorization cards, information on applicants, SB 437D, AB 459
Next-of-Kin Registry, SB 3**
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, certain information, SB 330*
Ombudsman for Offenders, correspondence and records, SB 279D
Open Meeting Law, complaints regarding violations, certain documents, SB 70**
Physicians, competency examinations, certain information not privileged, AB 227*
Privileged communications, exceptions, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session, AB 248*
Public Employees' Retirement System, information related to individual members, retired employees or beneficiaries, SB 356D
Public money, reports of abuse, fraud or waste by public agency or contractor, SB 83**
Public safety personnel, confidentiality of peer support counseling session communications, AB 309D
Public utilities, certain information provided to cities and counties upon request, SB 481†
Public works contracts, documents submitted by certain persons seeking, AB 43**
Putative Fathers, Registry of, contents, penalty for unlawful disclosure, SB 255D
Personally identifiable information of pupils, disclosure prohibited, exceptions, SB 228D
Safe-to-Tell Program, information provided through, SB 338*
Transportation network companies, records maintained by, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Voter registration
Electronic mail addresses, AB 94*, AB 462*
Information provided to verify citizenship, SB 437D, AB 459
Businesses, coordination of collection of information from, provision repealed, SB 59**, AB 364**
Cloud seeding, appropriation for grant program, SB 423
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, creation, SB 20**
Deputy Directors, appointment, AB 473**
Environmental Quality, Council on, membership, SB 277D
Stewart Indian School, Account for the Protection and Rehabilitation of the, duties, AB 15**
Transportational Storm Water Management, Advisory Committee on, appointment of members, SB 324**
Emissions from power plants, development of state compliance plan, reports, duties, SB 438D
Environmental impact statements of state and local agencies, receipt, SB 277D
Environmental Protection, Division of
Electric generating plants, remediation, duties, SB 416*
Hydraulic fracturing prohibited, regulations voided, SB 202D
Mining reclamation, requirements for approval of pit lakes, SB 173D
Petroleum and petrochemical discharges, duties, SB 89**, AB 77**
Transportation, Department of, cooperation, SB 324**
Transportational Storm Water Management, Advisory Committee on, representation, duties, SB 324**
Environmental Quality, Council on, duties, SB 277D
Fire suppression, temporary advances of money, SB 514**
Forestry conservation camps, appropriation, SB 428**, SB 486
Forestry, Division of
Employee retirement buyouts and terminal leave payments, appropriation, SB 486, AB 438**
Equipment and vehicles, appropriation, SB 428**
Forester Firewarden, State
Accessory roads, closure or restrictions on use, duties, AB 398D
Authority to prohibit or restrict activity on land under jurisdiction, duties, penalty for violations, AB 34**
Fire protection districts, formation for purposes of securing federal aid, provisions repealed, AB 34**
Persons causing certain fires, authority to charge or remit expenses of extinguishment, AB 34**
Rangeland fire protection associations, duties, SB 102D, AB 163**
Historic Preservation, Office of
Old Nevada State Prison, designation and assignment of historic and modern structures, duties, AB 377†
Stewart Indian School, care of historic buildings, duties, AB 15**
Old Nevada State Prison, designation and assignment of historic and modern structures, duties, AB 377**
Public schools, consultations regarding cleaning products repealed, SB 25**
State Lands, Division of
Beneficial use of public lands, appropriation of rights, duties, AB 408†
Fire protection districts, transfer of certain lands, AB 34**
Mineral County, transfer of certain land to, AB 202**
Old Nevada State Prison, duties, AB 377**
Stewart Indian School, repair and maintenance of buildings, duties, AB 15**
State Parks, Division of
Closure or temporary closure of state parks, monuments and recreational areas, duties, AB 398D
Memorials, naming of state facilities after deceased members of Armed Forces, duties, AB 62**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**
Water Resources, Division of
Advisory Board on Water Resources Planning and Development, abolished, AB 456**
Channel clearance program, establishment within Division, AB 430
State Engineer (See STATE ENGINEER)
Wildlife, Division of, creation, SB 130D
Employee retirement buyouts and terminal leave payments, appropriation, SB 486
Equipment and vehicles, appropriation, SB 428**
Grants to conservation districts, distribution, SB 45**
Federal agencies, cooperation, definitions, SB 476**
Grants from State Conservation Commission, receipt, SB 45**
Legislative declarations and determinations, SB 476**
Parcel fee, imposition on voter approval, SB 476**
Renewable resources programs, funding, SB 476**
Supervisors, service as directors of certain weed control districts, SB 476**
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, AB 49†
Parties to crime, "principal" defined, AB 296D
Abolition of office in certain counties, SB 285**
Certification as peace officer, requirements, SB 285**
Clerks, appointment, compensation, SB 285**
Credit cards, debit cards or electronic transfers of money, authority, payment of convenience fees, SB 285**
Eviction notices, service, duties, AB 386*
Citations for nonregistered vehicles, authority regarding fee, SB 285**
Increase of certain fees, authority of county commissioners to establish, SB 285**
Firearms, authority to carry
Foster homes, on premises of or in presence of foster child, duties, AB 167**
Restrictions, training requirements, SB 285**
Forcible entry or forcible detainer, removal of unlawful or unauthorized occupant, AB 386*
Nonpartisan office, designation as, AB 320
Powers as peace officer, restrictions, SB 285**
Process, writs or orders, duties, liability, SB 285**
Real Estate Division investigators, assistance to, AB 317D
Sale of property under execution, license unnecessary for liquor sold at sale, SB 285**
Uniforms, requirements when wearing, SB 285**
Constitutional convention
Application to call, AJR 7D
Delegates, selection procedure, duties, SB 274
Equal Rights Amendment, ratification, SJR 16D
Free speech, rights of school pupils, complaint procedure, AB 120**
Nevada Liberty Preservation Act, adoption, penalties for violations, SB 352D
Nevada Protection of Religious Freedom Act, adoption, SB 272D, AB 277D
School pupils, right of free exercise, remedies, AB 120**
Second Amendment
Actions to protect rights, authority of Attorney General, AB 100D
School pupils, disciplinary action for wearing certain clothing or accessories restricted, conflicting regulation prohibited, AB 121**
Special license plates supporting rights, issuance, SB 229*
Court rulings finding unconstitutionality, duties of court clerks, SB 60†
Free speech, rights of school pupils, complaint procedure, AB 120**
Nevada Protection of Religious Freedom Act, adoption, SB 272D, AB 277D
School pupils, right of free exercise, remedies, AB 120**
Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens' Commission on, creation, AJR 10‡
District court judges
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Selection procedures, AJR 9D
Governor and Lieutenant Governor, joint election, SJR 3D
Voter identification requirements, SJR 15
Estates, authorization to tax certain large estates, SJR 19D
Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, appointments, AJR 10‡
Citizens' Commission on Salaries for Certain Elected Officers, appointments, AJR 10†
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Joint election with Lieutenant Governor, SJR 3D
Line-item veto power, AJR 5D
Term limits, repeal, SJR 18D
Health insurance exchanges, adoption of prohibitions, SJR 14D
Hunting, fishing and trapping, recognition of rights, use to manage wildlife, SJR 11‡
Initiative petitions
Public revenue, requirements for passage of petition to generate, AJR 8‡
Time for circulating, SJR 8 of the 77th Session
Compensation of members, SJR 8 of the 77th Session, AJR 10‡
Annual sessions, SJR 8 of the 77th Session
Length and adjournment date, legislative or calendar days, SJR 8 of the 77th Session
Special sessions, appointment of district judges by Assembly, AJR 9D
Term limits, repeal, SJR 18D
Lottery, operation by State authorized, use of proceeds, AJR 6D
Marriage, repeal of provision limiting recognition of certain marriages, SJR 13 of the 77th SessionD
Minimum wage
Employers who provide health benefits, determination, SJR 6D
Increase, SJR 8D
Property tax
Base value of property, determination, SJR 12D, SJR 13‡
Limit on total levy on property, SJR 12D, SJR 13‡
Salaries for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens' Commission on, creation, AJR 10†
Salaries of certain elected officers, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Victims of crime, expansion of bill of rights, SJR 17‡
Voters' rights, protection, SJR 7D
Holding or disbursement of construction funds, duties, effect, SB 375D
Private money endorsees, prohibited acts, AB 311D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Safety training completion cards, expiration and renewal, SB 233**
Transportation to work site provided by employer, driver exempt from certain laws, AB 101**
Attorney's fees, award, restrictions, AB 125**
Claimants, duty to record certain documents, penalty for failure to record, recording fees prohibited, removal of record, AB 418D
Damages, requirements for recovery, AB 125**
Definition, AB 125**
Homeowner's warranty, effect, AB 125**
Homeowners' associations, claims by, restrictions, AB 125**
Indemnification of controlling party by subcontractor, AB 1D, AB 125**
Inspection of defects, requirements, AB 125**
Notice of constructional defect, requirements, AB 125**, AB 418D
Offers of judgment, procedures, sanctions, AB 125**
Statutes of limitation or repose, tolling, AB 125**
Wrap-up insurance policies and consolidated insurance programs, effect, AB 125**
Point-of-sale systems and cash registers, duties, AB 77**
Formation and management, regulation, SB 401†
Employers, employee's consent to access consumer report deemed consent to access employee's criminal history records, AB 47†
Foster children, age for examination of report by agency for child welfare services, AB 324**
Gaming employees, authority of reporting agencies, SB 409**
Emissions from power plants, receipt of report on state compliance plan, SB 438D
Agricultural products, civil penalties for violations, AB 79**
Caustic or corrosive substances, regulation, AB 77†
Shellfish containers, violations, AB 77**
Division of Public and Behavioral Health, failure to make public certain reports, AB 405†
Physicians failing to file required reports, AB 405†
Commercial tenancies, violation of court's writ of restitution after illegal lockout, AB 379†
Courts of inquiry, procedures, AB 401D
Pharmacists, authority to furnish certain drugs without prescription, duties, SB 357
Administrative and criminal fines, AB 137*
Advertisements, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 137*
Aliens, unlawful acts involving, penalties, AB 133D
Consolidated insurance programs, requirements for, SB 194*
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 50*, AB 137*, AB 298D
"Disputed amount," definition, procedures, SB 375D
Financial responsibility of licensee or applicant, requirements, SB 50*
By endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Natural person qualifying on behalf of another, requirements, applicability of laws, SB 50*
Omission of material fact in information to Board, prohibition, AB 137*
Prime contractors
Health or welfare fund, provision of certain notices by contractors, SB 223*
Liability for labor costs of subcontractor, exceptions, SB 223*
Recovery of wages or benefits due employee of subcontractor, limitation of actions, SB 223*
Retention amounts, withholding, SB 254*
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, appointment of members by homebuilders' associations, SB 411**
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Recovery Fund, certain persons ineligible to recover from, SB 50*
Retention amounts
Holding in escrow required, procedures, SB 375D
Withholding, payment, extension of laws, SB 254**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Solid waste disposal, duties, study, SB 122
State Contractors' Board
Advisory committee on insulation licensing classification, mandate removed, SB 50**
Aliens, investigations, duties, AB 133D
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D, AB 84D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Transportational Storm Water Management, Advisory Committee on, representation, SB 324**
Abandoned property, agreements to locate or recover, requirements, SB 61D
Assisted suicide, certain contract provisions deemed void, SB 336D
Commercial fertilizers, reporting and payment of fees, AB 77**
Community reentry programs, provision of services, requirements, AB 225*
Constructional defects
Certain insurance policies or consolidated insurance programs, AB 125**
Indemnification clauses, AB 1D, AB 125**
Corporations, circumstances when contract not void or voidable, SB 446*
Corrections, Department of, agreements authorizing use of telecommunications devices by offenders, SB 294**
County hospitals, contracts proposed pursuant to strategic plan, SB 33†
Domestic workers, duties of employers, SB 165D
Electricity, agreements regarding distributed generation systems or the purchase of electricity generated by system, requirements, AB 330D
Emergency response, certain persons exempt from state business license requirements, SB 36**
Gestational agreements, issuance of birth certificates, AB 92*
Marijuana establishments, recognition and enforceability of contracts, IP 1D
Medical discount plans, contracts with dentists, requirements, SB 341*
Motor vehicle sales, agreements authorizing use of electronic repossession technology, inclusion in separate document authorized, AB 228D
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Risk retention groups, service provider contracts, SB 67**
School buses and other vehicles owned by school district, authority to lease, requirements, AB 117D
School police officers, provision to charter schools, AB 321**
School pupils
Disclosure of information pertaining to, required provisions, AB 221**
Education savings accounts, establishment, procedures, SB 302*
Industrial insurance, amount of substance that certain health care providers may dispense, SB 231*
Prescription drug monitoring, duties, penalty for violations, SB 459*, AB 279D
Suspension or revocation of registration, grounds, SB 309D, SB 459†
Training regarding misuse and abuse of substances, penalty for violations, SB 459*, AB 279D
Euthanasia drugs, authority to prescribe and dispense, disposal of unused drugs, SB 336D
Evidence, destruction of unnecessary quantity before trial, procedure, AB 371†
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, adoption, SB 309D, SB 459*
Heroin-assisted treatment pilot project, practitioners participating in project exempt from certain requirements, SB 275D
Medical students, administration and possession, authority, SB 172**
Prescription drugs (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Synthetic marijuana, designation as controlled substance, SB 234D
"Tetrahydrocannabinols," definition, regulation, SB 447†
Trafficking, prohibited acts, SB 447**, AB 297D
Training of certain persons regarding misuse and abuse of substances, penalty for violations, SB 459*, AB 279D
Unlawful possession of certain substances, sentencing alternatives, SB 367D
Violations, punishment for first offenses reduced to misdemeanor, AB 407D
Fraudulent Transfer Act, Uniform
Repeal, AB 420D
Spendthrift trusts, limitation on applicability, SB 264*
Voidable Transactions Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 420D
Courts of inquiry, authority to establish, procedures, payment of costs, AB 401D
Agriculture, State Department of, authority, SB 488*, SB 495D
Business taxes and fees, coordination of forms and collection of information, provision repealed, SB 59**, AB 364**
Conservation districts and weed control districts, authority, SB 476**
Employment Security Division, provision of information to Director of Department and Board of Regents, SB 24*
Motor carriers, audit of compliance with international agreements, SB 465D
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, authority, SB 447**
Rangeland fire protection, authority, SB 102D, AB 163**
Rehabilitation Division and Aging and Disability Services Division, AB 5**
School districts, consolidation, procedures, AB 394**
Secretary of State
Consumer protection associations, oversight and management, SB 401†
Photographs of voters, agreements with Department of Motor Vehicles to provide, AB 253
Next-of-Kin Registry, access, SB 3**
Veterans, unclaimed human remains of, duties, immunities, AB 62†
Annual list, fee
Increase, SB 483**
Repeal, AB 323D
Articles of incorporation, amendment by filing of certain certificates, SB 446*
Business identification number, assignment, SB 39*, SB 59**, AB 364**
Business licenses (See BUSINESS LICENSES)
"Certificate of incorporation," changed to "articles of incorporation", SB 446*
Certificates, maximum filing fees, AB 323D
Combinations with interested stockholders, requirements, SB 446*
Commerce tax, imposition, SB 483**
Contracts or other transactions, circumstances when not void or voidable, SB 446*
Foreign corporations
Certificate of fictitious name, right of county clerk to reject, SB 59**, AB 364**
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, SB 39*
Renewal or revival of right to transact business, SB 39*
Surrender of right to transact business following revocation of right, SB 39*
Mergers, duties of surviving entity, liability for obligations of constituent entity, SB 446*
Officers to be designated by corporation, requirements, SB 446*
Private professional guardians, licensing and operational requirements, penalties, AB 325*
Ratification or validation of corporate act, procedures, SB 446*
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, SB 39*
Revocation of charter, dissolution procedures following, SB 39*
Certificate of change, effect, SB 446*
Certificate of designation, contents and effect, SB 446*
Commerce tax, applicability, SB 483**
Consideration for shares, use of formula authorized, SB 446*
Issued shares deemed outstanding shares, exception, SB 446*
Shares of same class or series, requirements, SB 446*
Stock ledgers, revision, SB 446*
Combinations with interested stockholders, requirements, SB 446*
Meetings, authority to hold solely through use of technology, requirements for postponed meetings, SB 446*
Rights of stockholders, SB 446*
Contractor's license, natural person qualifying on behalf of another, requirements, SB 50*
Annual list, fee
Increase, SB 483**
Repeal, AB 323D
Business identification number, assignment, SB 39*, SB 59**, AB 364**
Default, provision repealed, SB 39*
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 31D, AB 355
Crime against a child, duties regarding offenders, SB 99†
Deputy Director for Substance Abuser Programs, appointment, SB 275D
Deputy directors, certain employment authorized, SB 17D
Firearms, authority to carry in presence of foster child or on premises of certain homes, duties, AB 167**
Offenders (See PRISONS, STATE)
Officers and employees (See also STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Unclassified service, salaries, duties, AB 489**
Old Nevada State Prison, designation and assignment of historic and modern structures, duties, AB 377**
Ombudsman for Offenders, Office of the, duties, receipt of reports, prohibited acts, SB 279D
Parole and Probation, Division of, study of transfer to Department, SCR 5
Peer support counseling sessions, confidentiality, AB 309D
Prison Industries, Fund for New Construction of Facilities for, use, duties, SB 96**
Probation violators, continuation of diversion program, SB 136, AB 12**
Protective services positions, appropriation, SB 514**
Silver State Industries Division
Old Nevada State Prison, use and upkeep of modern structures, AB 377**
Silver State Industries Endowment Fund, administration, AB 377**
State Controller, provision of information to and collaboration with, SB 454
State prisons (See PRISONS, STATE)
Supplemental appropriation, AB 467**, AB 468**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**
Working conditions in institutions, legislative study, SCR 5
Address changes, duties of licensees, AB 246*
Advertisements, unlawful acts, AB 246*
Apprentices, registration, training and practice, AB 246*
Barbers, requirements for licensure as cosmetologist or hair designer, AB 246*
Cosmetics retailers, exemption from cosmetology laws, AB 246*
Definitions, AB 246*
Devices, regulation, restrictions on location of devices banned by Board, AB 246*
Disciplinary action, grounds, AB 246*
Service animals, requirements, AB 246*
Supervision, AB 246*
Hair braiders, regulation, AB 246*
Applications, requirements, AB 246*
Armed Forces members, extension of time to renew, AB 246*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Examinations, qualifications for, scope, AB 246*
Limited licenses, practice at resort hotels, AB 246*
Out-of-state licensees, repeal of certain provisions, AB 409**
Period of licensure, options, fees, AB 246*
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Makeup artists, registration requirements and exemptions, AB 409**
Massage therapy laws, exemptions, AB 126*, AB 246*
Nail technologists
Barbershops, requirements for persons practicing in, AB 246*
Massage therapy licensing laws, exemption from, AB 126*
Qualifications for examination, AB 246*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Schools of cosmetology
Commencement of operations, qualifications, regulations, AB 246*
Curriculum and terms, requirements, AB 246*
Instructors, qualifications, AB 246*
Shampoo technologists, regulation, AB 246*
State Board of Cosmetology
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Fees, deposit, AB 246*
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Records, duties, AB 246**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Threading, registration, facility inspections, AB 246*
Pickled foods, sales, requirements, SB 441†
Psychologists (See PSYCHOLOGISTS)
Public safety personnel, confidentiality of peer support counseling session communications, AB 309D
Medical marijuana registry identification cards or letters of approval, unlawful acts, SB 32D, SB 447**
Agricultural commodities destroyed pursuant to intrastate quarantine, indemnification by county, provisions repealed, AB 77**
Bankruptcy, authority to petition, SB 475
Building codes (See BUILDING CODES)
Businesses, coordination of forms and collection of information, provision repealed, SB 59**, AB 364**
Capital cases, representation of indigent persons, payment of expenses, AB 10
Captive wild animals, ordinances authorized, AB 361D
Carson City (See CARSON CITY)
Child care, program to mitigate cliff effect, participation, SB 364
Courts of inquiry, responsibility for costs incurred, AB 401D
Criminal defendants found incompetent, payment of certain commitment expenses, SB 487
Dillon's Rule
Exercise of powers by county commissioners, generally, SB 11D, SB 29**
Public health and safety matters, SB 29†
Disabilities, persons with
Authorization letters issued for special license plates, placards and stickers, requirements, AB 204**
Identification as person who is blind or person with a disability, prohibited acts by political subdivisions, SB 248†
Dogs, authority of owners of certain bars, taverns or saloons to allow on premises, conflicting regulation prohibited, SB 105D
Drones, operation by public agency, requirements, AB 239*
Eminent domain, prohibited acts related to mortgages and deeds of trust, AB 201**
Energy conservation standards for buildings, prohibited regulation, SB 374**
Environmental Policy Act, Nevada, enactment, SB 277D
Family resource centers, development of action plans, input, AB 156**
Feral cat colonies, management program authorized, AB 261D
Film production, abatement of fees, continuation, SB 94**
Finances and funds (See also LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Agricultural districts, funding limitation increased, AB 77**
Budgets, time for hearings on tentative budgets, AB 19**
Capital cases, representation of indigent persons, payment of expenses, AB 10
Catalyst Account, grants or loans from, SB 507**
Claims for money owed, time to reclaim certain money, SB 249**
Conservation districts, support, SB 476**
Fuel taxes, authority to impose additional taxes, AB 191*
Investments, authority, AB 196
Presentence or general investigations and reports, portion of expenses to be paid by county, SB 16
Concealed firearms, regulatory authority removed, SB 143D, SB 171D, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D, AB 352†
Regulatory authority reserved to Legislature, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D
Graffiti, regulatory authority, SB 56*
Health insurance exchanges, constitutional prohibitions, SJR 14D
HIV, counseling of persons testing positive, duties, AB 243*
Humboldt, County made part of Eleventh Judicial District, AB 435†
Innovation in Surface Transportation Selection Panel, membership, SB 466D
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 300
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, services required to be provided to, AB 307†
Internet protocol service, duties of providers and counties, SB 289†
Knives, regulatory authority reserved to Legislature, SB 176†
Acceptance of grant of right-of-way, permit, lease or patent over certain land, authority, AB 202**
Commercial activity on public lands, Congress urged to share federal receipts with counties, SJR 2‡
Development, agreements with certain persons for, procedures, SB 66**
Lander, County made part of Eleventh Judicial District, AB 435**
Mechanical Code, Uniform, compliance requirements, duties, AB 298D
Medical marijuana establishments
Dispensaries, authority, SB 276*, SB 372D
Duties, fees, penalty for delinquencies, AB 70**
Mental health facilities, admissions to, payment of certain costs, AB 396D
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, AB 90**
Officers and employees (See also PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Longevity pay for elected officers
Election not to receive, authority, SB 30**
Withholding authorized, requirements, SB 30†
Salary increase for elected officers, SB 482**
Out-of-school-time programs, licensing and operation, AB 197†
Outdoor advertising on certain county maintained property authorized, requirements, SB 199D
Pedestrian safety zones, designation, SB 144*, SB 152D
Pershing, County made part of Eleventh Judicial District, AB 435**
Picketing restrictions, procedures for granting variances, AB 356
Presentence or general investigations and reports, portion of expenses to be paid by county, SB 16
Public Defender, State, payment for services, requirements, SB 451
Public utility infrastructure, prohibited acts by county, requests by county for information restricted, SB 481**
Recreation programs, seasonal or temporary, licensing and operation, AB 197†
Religion, burden on free exercise by governmental entities restricted, remedies, SB 272D, AB 277D
Rental cars, exemption of counties from governmental services fee, AB 203**
Retail merchandise, affidavit of applicant to sell, repeal, SB 59**, AB 364**
Rights-of-way, use of fuel tax proceeds for construction, maintenance and repair, AB 366**
Sexual assault, reimbursement for cost of examinations, SB 454
State and Local Government Cooperation Act, adoption, SB 157*
Storey, deadline for boundary revision extended, AB 417D
Telecommunication facilities, relocation, duties, SB 335D
Transportation network companies, regulation restricted, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Traps and snares, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, SB 4**
Water projects, financing, authority to create tax increment area, AB 497**
Wedding tourism, funding to promote, sources, SB 395**
Wineries, location for engaging in certain activities, restriction repealed, AB 4*
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Data centers and colocated businesses, tax abatements, receipt of reports, SB 170*
Nonpartisan office, designation as, AB 320
Performance audits, AB 56D
Property tax rolls, duties, SB 95**
Salary, increase, authority not to receive any part of salary, SB 482**
Collective bargaining by local governments, proposed agreements to be deposited with clerk, SB 158**, AB 249
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
District courts, duties as clerk of court, certain penalties repealed, AB 69*
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Foreign business entities, authority regarding certificate of fictitious name, SB 59**, AB 364**
Incorporation of city, duties, AB 274D
Nonpartisan office, designation as, AB 320
Salary, increase, authority not to receive any part of salary, SB 482**
Statewide criminal justice information sharing database, duties, SB 454
Telephone systems owned by county, procedures to sell or lease, duties repealed, SB 109**
Wedding services, display of informational brochures at offices of county clerk, SB 395**
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, AB 495*
Clark County
Cities' authority to act when county fails to, AB 64D
Clark County Sales and Use Tax Act of 2005, duties, AB 494
Clark County School District, reorganization technical advisory committee, appointment of members, AB 394**
Medical facilities, transport of persons to, reporting requirements repealed, AB 457†
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, duties, AB 116**
Town advisory boards, appointment in certain circumstances, SB 115*
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Conservation districts, duties, SB 476**
Abolishment of office in certain counties, SB 285**
Clerks for constables, appointment authorized, SB 285**
Dillon's Rule
Exercise of powers, generally, SB 11D, SB 29**
Public health and safety matters, SB 29†
Fire protection districts, merger, duties, SB 318D, AB 333**
Graywater, collection and use for single-family residence, prohibited acts, AB 169
Incorporation of city, duties, AB 274D
Indigent Defense Commission, reports to, SB 451
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, services required to be provided to, reports, AB 307†
Intoxicating liquor licenses, certain duties transferred, SB 22*
Jurors, selection duties repealed, AB 69*
Longevity pay for elected officers, withholding authorized, requirements, SB 30†
Marriage licenses, authority to impose additional fee, deposit and use, SB 395**
Nonpartisan office, designation as, AB 320
Patented mine or mining claim, prohibited covenants, restrictions or conditions, AB 427D
Polling places, duties, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 316D, SB 435
Property tax, authority to levy additional tax without voter approval, SB 415D, AB 412
Property tax rolls, duties, SB 95**
Public administrators, duties, AB 293**
Public lands, imposition of tax on profits from beneficial use, AB 408†
Rangeland fire protection associations, creation, duties, SB 102D, AB 163**
Recycling of paper by courts, certain duty removed, AB 69*
Salary of members, authority to set repealed, salary for members through 2018-2019 fiscal year, SB 482**
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, duties, SB 411**
School precincts, creation, procedures, AB 394**
Trustee election areas, modification, AB 339D
Security guards, certain vehicles operated by, regulation, SB 263**
Telephone systems owned by county, procedures to sell or lease, SB 109**
Vacancies, filling, AB 320
Washoe County
Districts for promotion of recreational facilities, duties, SB 312†
Districts for promotion of tourism, duties, SB 312**
Fair and recreation board, duties regarding, SB 480**
Weed control districts, duties, SB 476**
White Pine County, duties upon disincorporation of Ely, SB 238†
Additional taxes in certain counties, authority to impose, AB 191*
Highway construction, maintenance and repair, deposit and use of certain taxes, AB 191*
Interstate users, requests for reimbursements, SB 21**
New or expanded services or facilities, closed meetings to discuss, status of records, SB 33**
Strategic plans, definitions, confidentiality of information and related meetings, SB 33†
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Nonpartisan office, designation as, AB 320
Salary, increase, authority not to receive any part of salary, SB 482**
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
County money, deposit, duties, SB 448**
Data centers and colocated businesses, tax abatements, receipt of reports, duties, SB 170*
Fines, administrative assessments, fees or restitution, duties transferred to State Controller, SB 454
Improvement districts, collection of unpaid assessments, SB 47**
Justices of the peace, time for paying certain money to treasurer, AB 69*
Longevity pay for elected officers, duties, SB 30†
Nonpartisan office, designation as, AB 320
Salary, increase, authority not to receive any part of salary, SB 482**
Sheep Inspection Account, State, duties repealed, AB 77**
Specialty court program fee, continuation, duties, SB 483**
Bail, duties and receipt of certain orders repealed, AB 69*
Collection fees, certain duties repealed, SB 454
Foreclosure Mediation, Account for, requests for allocations, SB 512*
Interpreters for party or witness with limited English proficiency, duties, AB 219D
Justices of the peace, docket and other records, duties repealed, AB 69*
Medical malpractice, certain reporting requirements repealed, AB 457**
Recycling of paper and other materials, duties repealed, AB 69*
Security services provided by Capitol Police, obsolete language removed, SB 82**
Specialty court programs, funding, duties, reports, SB 483**, AB 457**
State Controller, provision of information to and collaboration with, SB 454
Statewide criminal justice information sharing database, duties, SB 454
Statistical information received from lower courts, requirements, AB 69*
Abortion, petitions for court orders, fees prohibited, AB 405
Businesses, unlawful disruption or damage, remedies, AB 356
Candidates filing certain false documents, payment of costs in civil and criminal actions, AB 177, AB 381D, AB 461
Common-interest communities, enforcement of liens, violations, AB 240†
Constructional defects actions, AB 125**
Deed in lieu of foreclosure sale, liability for noncompliance with recording requirements, AB 183*
Divorce proceedings, additional fees, SB 388**, AB 132**
Domestic partnership, termination of, fees, AB 132**
Foreclosure of owner-occupied housing, violations, authority to award costs repealed, AB 282D
Frivolous civil actions or vexatious extension of civil actions, payment of additional costs by attorney or unrepresented party, AB 110D
Judicial review of administrative decisions, award of costs prohibited, AB 53†
Labor organizations, prohibited acts, remedies, AB 356†
Lien or encumbrance fraudulently filed against property of certain persons, remedies, SB 197*
Public works negligence actions, award of costs and fees, AB 106**
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, SB 483**
Table of fees, posting by district court, AB 69*
Civil actions, provision of interpreter at public expense for party or witness with limited English proficiency, AB 219D
Credentialing, requirements, AB 219D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Capital cases, payment for providing English translation, AB 10
Certificate by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Certified Court Reporters' Board of Nevada
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
District court services, compensation, SB 131*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Water rights hearings, duties, SB 65
Appeals, Court of (See APPEALS, COURT OF)
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, interpreters to be available, AB 200**
District courts, authority to establish, procedures, payment of costs, AB 401D
Authorized acts, SB 246**, AB 186D, AB 367D
Business practices, actions for damages authorized, SB 246**
Pickled foods, production, requirements, SB 441*
Constables, authority, payment of convenience fees, SB 285**
State officers and employees, payroll offsets authorized to recover delinquent balances on state-issued travel charge cards, AB 24*
City money, deposit, requirements, SB 448**
Condominium hotels, deposits and investments, requirements, regulation, SB 389*
County money, deposit, requirements, SB 448**
Education savings accounts for private school pupils, establishment, SB 302†
Execution of judgments, amount of equity in money on deposit exempt from execution increased, AB 207D
Foreclosures, duties of mortgagee or beneficiary of deed of trust to provide certain notice to Division, SB 306*, SB 512*, AB 359
Judgment creditors seeking unlawfully to enforce foreign judgments from account, remedies of debtors, SB 373 of the 77th Session, AB 129†
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, use of "credit union" in name, documents or advertisements prohibited, SB 283D
Repossession of motor vehicles upon breach or default, installation of devices to remotely locate or disable vehicle, AB 228D
Student loans to state residents, identification and ranking of lending institutions, publication of information, SB 215D
Nonprobate transfers of property on death, procedures, SB 484*
Crematory operators, licenses, duties, SB 286*
Death care consultants, regulation, SB 286†
Direct cremation facilities, regulation, SB 286*
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 286*
Funeral arrangers, regulation, SB 286*
Funeral directors and establishments, applicability of provisions, SB 286*
Internet sales, prohibited acts, SB 286*
Licenses, application, renewal, SB 286*
Orders for cremation, priorities, procedures, SB 286*
OSHA requirements, compliance mandated, SB 286*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Unclaimed human remains of veterans, disposition, immunities, AB 62**
Unprofessional conduct, SB 286*
Change of information, duty of offender following, SB 99††
Community notification, provisions repealed, SB 99††
Registration of offenders, requirements, penalties, petitions to terminate, SB 99††
CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS (See also specific crimes)
Abandonment of older or vulnerable persons, acts or omissions related to, AB 223*
Abortion, prohibited acts, AB 405
Agricultural products, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 77**, AB 79**
Alfalfa seeds, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 79**
Anesthesiologist assistants, violations, SB 181D
Animals, diseased, violations, AB 77**
Antifreeze, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 77**
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 336D
BASE jumping, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 160**
Bees and apiaries, removal of criminal penalties for certain violations, AB 77**
Burning, blasting or use of fireworks without permit, AB 34**
Businesses, violations related to quarterly supplemental revenue fee, SB 378D
Candidates, filing certain documents containing false statements, AB 177, AB 461
Cannabis, industrial, violations, SB 305†
Child welfare services information, unlawful release, SB 58**
Abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Adoption or permanent free care of child, prohibited advertisements, AB 8*
Age at which child liable to punishment, AB 124*
Alcohol violations by minors, exemption from criminal penalties if emergency medical assistance requested, SB 464**
Crime against a child, registration violations by offenders, SB 99††
Custody, unlawful relocation of certain parents, AB 263*
Indecent or obscene exposure in presence of, AB 49*
Lewdness with a child, AB 49*
Open or gross lewdness in presence of, AB 49*
Statutory sexual seduction, AB 49*
Trafficking in children, AB 8*
Community paramedicine services, unlawful acts, AB 305*
Conservation district supervisors directing weed control district, violations, SB 476**
Construction materials or goods used on public works, violations, AB 332**
Controlled substances
Concentrated cannabis, prohibited acts, SB 447**
First offenses, penalty reduced to misdemeanor, AB 407D
Possessing unlawfully, SB 367D
Prescribing unlawfully, SB 288†, AB 279D
Trafficking, prohibited acts, AB 297D
Death care consultants, unlawful commissions, SB 286†
Deceptive trade practices, penalties for theft or racketeering, AB 481†
Direct cremation facilities, unlawful commissions, SB 286*
Driver's license designating disability, unlawful use, SB 248†
Drone storage facilities, unlicensed operation, SB 280D
Drones, unlawful acts, AB 239*
Eggs, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 77**
Electronic smoking devices, use prohibited in certain places, SB 201D
Emergency, use of certain telephone lines to make false report, AB 287*
Equine dentistry, unlicensed practice, AB 271D
Federal officer, false personation of, AB 283D
Fertilizers, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 77**
Domestic violence offenders, violations, SB 187D
Stalking offenders, violations, SB 187D
Transfer by private persons, violations, SB 221 of the 77th Session, IP 2D
Fish, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 77**
Forester Firewarden, State, prohibitions or restrictions of activity on land under jurisdiction, violations, AB 34**
Fruit, unlawful sales, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 77**
Funeral arrangers, unlawful commissions, SB 286*
Gaming, associated equipment, unlicensed activities, SB 38†
Garage operators, unlawful sale or transfer of personal or vehicular information of customers, AB 256D
Garlic and onions, removal of criminal penalties for certain violations, AB 77†
Graffiti violations (See GRAFFITI)
Health care records, violations by custodians, SB 273**
Horse meat sales, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 77**
Housebreaking, prohibited acts, AB 386*
Identification card indicating disability, unlawful use, SB 248†
Incompetent criminal defendants, crimes for which commitment after dismissal of charges may be sought, SB 54**
Indecent or obscene exposure, certain acts, AB 49*
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, AB 49*
Investigational drugs, biological products or devices, prohibited acts, AB 164**, AB 358D
Ivory, unlawful sale or transfer, SB 398D
Juvenile justice information, unlawful release, SB 58**
Liberty Preservation Act, Nevada, violations, SB 352D
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, SB 197*
Local governments under severe financial emergency, failure to comply with requests by Department of Taxation, AB 54**
Industrial cannabis, violations, SB 305†
Medical marijuana documents, unlawful acts, SB 447**
Medical marijuana, tax violations, AB 70**
Possession of 1 ounce or less, decriminalization, SB 366D
Violations, IP 1D
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, violations, SB 283D
Meat, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 77**
Mercy killing, prohibited acts, SB 336D
Minors (See Children, this heading)
Mopeds, violations, SB 404**
Mortgage industry licensees and personnel, violations, AB 311D, AB 480*
Motor carriers, violations, AB 181D
Motor vehicle consignment auctions, violations, AB 37†
Motor vehicle insurers, violations, AB 402D
Motor vehicle laws, treatment of certain violations as civil matters, evaluation, SB 304, AB 281D
Mountain lions, unlawful killing or possession, AB 142D
Naturopathic medicine, unlawful acts, SB 408D
Notarial acts, authentication of signatures, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 65**
Noxious weeds, removal of criminal penalties for certain violations, AB 77**
Nursing mothers, violations by employers, AB 306D
Open or gross lewdness, AB 49*
Parties to crime, principal defined, AB 296D
Peer support specialists, certified, certain willful violations, AB 85†
Pest control, removal of criminal penalties for certain violations, AB 77**
Pesticides, removal of criminal penalties for certain violations, AB 77**
Picketing, unlawful acts, AB 356
Poultry, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 77**
Powdered alcohol, unlawful acts, SB 464**
Sexual abuse of a prisoner, AB 16*
Unauthorized custodial conduct, AB 16*
Private professional guardians, violations, AB 325*
Produce, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 77**
Putative Fathers, Registry of, unlawful disclosures of information, SB 255D
Quarantine of agricultural commodities, violations, AB 77**
Race book or sports pool wagers placed by business entities, unlawful acts, SB 443**
Real property, unlawful occupancy and unlawful reentry, AB 386*
Rodent control districts, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 77**
Disturbing the peace, prohibited acts, SB 212**
Safe-to-Tell Program, unlawful acts, SB 338*
Shellfish containers, violations, AB 77**
Electronic devices, use prohibited in certain places, SB 201D
Motor vehicle, smoking in when minor present, penalties, AB 322D
Traffic laws, treatment of certain violations as civil matters, evaluation, SB 304, AB 281D
Transportation, Department of, regulations enforcing conditions of environmental permits, violation, SB 324†
Transportation excise tax, violations, SB 376*
Trust companies, violations by foreign entities, SB 123
Vegetable sales, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 77**
Voter registration, violations, SB 436, AB 245D
Wagering, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 40*
Water, waste, SB 65
Weed control districts, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, AB 77**
Wellness service providers, violations, AB 295**
Firearms, sale or transfer to known members prohibited, penalty, SB 240*
Crime against a child, registration of offenders, duties, SB 99††
Audits to determine security of maintenance, AB 47†
Consent to access employee's consumer report deemed consent to access employee's criminal history records, AB 47†
Name-based search service, establishment, AB 47**
National Crime Information Center, submission of information to, requirements, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Requests for information from, procedures, AB 224**
Firearms transfers, fee for conducting background check prohibited, requests for allocations from Contingency Account, SB 240*
Gaming employees, authority of consumer reporting agencies, SB 409**
Insurance Commissioner, authority to inspect sealed records, SB 67**
Investigations by Central Repository, information required as prerequisite, regulations, AB 224**
Juvenile courts, authority to obtain criminal background checks of certain persons, SB 58†
Juvenile sex offenders, records of registration, duties, SB 99††
Medical use of marijuana by animals, receipt of applications by Central Repository, duties, SB 372D
Mental health information, time for receipt, duties, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Public employment, authorized and prohibited consideration of criminal history, procedure, AB 348D
Reports by Central Repository, duties, AB 223*, AB 457**
Sex offenders, registration and community notification, duties, SB 99††
Social Works, Board of Examiners for, dissemination of records to, AB 89**
Statewide criminal justice information sharing database, duties of Central Repository, SB 454
Time for submission of records by agencies, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
General investigations and reports, portion of expenses to be paid by county, SB 16
Investigation Division, provision of services to other divisions of Department and to other state agencies, SB 42
Prescription drugs, computerized program for tracking, access to, limitations, duties, penalties, SB 114*
Acquittal by reason of insanity, time for transmittal of records to Central Repository, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Alcoholics, civil commitment of, authority to complete treatment in another jurisdiction, AB 81**
Attorney's fees and litigation expenses, recovery by prevailing party in certain criminal actions, procedures, limitations, SB 186*
Capital cases, representation of indigent persons, payment of expenses, AB 10
Defendants found incompetent
Conditional release, criteria, SB 54**
Crimes for which commitment after dismissal of charges may be sought, SB 54**
Incarcerated defendants, program for treatment to competency authorized, SB 10D
Time for transmittal of records to Central Repository, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Disposition of case, time for submission of information to Central Repository, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Drug addicts, civil commitment of, authority to complete treatment in another jurisdiction, AB 81**
Evidence (See EVIDENCE)
Fine, administrative assessment, fee or restitution, collection and distribution, SB 454
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, adoption, immunities from prosecution, SB 309D, SB 459*
Grand juries (See GRAND JURIES)
Guilty but mentally ill, time for transmittal of information to Central Repository, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Interpreter for defendant or witness with limited English proficiency, credentialing, AB 219D
Marijuana, certain employees of Department of Agriculture exempt from prosecution, SB 447**
Medical marijuana, exemptions from prosecution, SB 372D, SB 447**
Motions (See MOTIONS)
Parties to crime, "principal" defined, AB 296D
Plea agreements, requirements, AB 193†
Preliminary examinations (See PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS)
Risk assessment tools, requirements, SB 454
Schools, information provided to Safe-to-Tell Program, defendant's right to compel disclosure, procedures, SB 338*
Sentencing (See SENTENCING)
Sexual assault, limitation on time to commence action extended, AB 212*
Sexual offenses, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, prohibited acts, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Veterinarians dispensing medical marijuana, exemptions from prosecution, SB 372D
Witnesses, endorsement of names at time of filing information, duty removed, SB 298D
Securities issuers, registration requirements, exemptions, SB 365D, AB 258†
Juvenile courts, authority to order psychological treatment, AB 315D
Out-of-state veterinary practitioners, provision of services following critical incidents, AB 119D
Probation, conditions of, AB 315D
Wild horses, requirements for containment areas, care of animals held in, SB 387D
Administrative services, per diem allowances and travel expenses, funding for payments limited, SB 27**
Arts and museums, preservation and promotion, duties, advisory ballot question, SB 166D
Name change, transfer to State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, SB 20**
Creation, duties, SB 20**
Alcoholic beverages, injuries caused by business practices, remedies, SB 246**
Bullying or cyber-bullying of school pupils, SB 204D
Businesses, unlawful disruption or damage, AB 258**, AB 356
Collateral source rule, repeal, SB 291
Common-interest communities, enforcement of liens, violations, AB 240†
Comparative negligence
Applicability of laws, SB 300, AB 240 of the 77th Session
Juries, certain duties repealed, SB 300
Redesignated "comparative fault", SB 300
Condominium hotels, award of punitive damages, SB 389*
Constructional defects actions, requirements, AB 125**
Deed in lieu of foreclosure sale, liability for noncompliance with recording requirements, AB 183*
Drones, actions for trespass, AB 239*
Exemplary or punitive damages, claims for, procedures, SB 296††
Firearms laws, persons adversely affected by enforcement of local laws, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D
Forcible entry or forcible detainer, remedies, AB 386*
Foreclosure of owner-occupied housing, violations, AB 282D
Garnishment of wages for debts owed to state agencies, prohibited acts by employers, remedies, SB 26**
Graffiti violations, remedies of governmental entities, SB 56*
Health care providers or medical facilities, recovery of certain amounts from plaintiff, SB 291†
Health or disability insurance, effect on amount of damages paid in tort actions, SB 291
Judgment creditors seeking unlawfully to enforce foreign judgments, AB 129†
Labor organizations, prohibited acts, AB 356†
Lien or encumbrance fraudulently filed against property of certain persons, remedies, SB 197*
Medical expenses, limitations on damages, admissibility of evidence, SB 291†
Motor vehicle accidents, recovery of damages by uninsured motorists limited in certain circumstances, AB 7D
Nursing mothers, violations by employing public bodies, AB 306†
Product liability actions, exemplary or punitive damages, SB 296††
Professional negligence
Consideration of collateral benefits, provisions repealed, SB 291
Definition, SB 292**
Noneconomic damages, limitations, SB 292**
Several liability of defendants, determination of percentage of responsibility, requirements, SB 292†
Reduction of damages in tort cases, requirements, SB 291
Repossession of motor vehicles, prohibited acts by creditors relating to use of electronic repossession technology, AB 228D
Several liability of defendants, determination of percentage of responsibility, duties of trier of fact, SB 292†, SB 300
Sexual orientation conversion therapy, remedies for violations, SB 353†
SLAPP suits, special motion to dismiss, authority to bring separate action to recover damages repealed, SB 444†
Tort actions, reduction in amount of damages, SB 291
Unlawful employment practice, remedies, SB 180D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Attorney General, enforcement authority extended, AB 481**
Evidence, destruction of unnecessary quantity before trial, procedures, AB 371†
Medical students, administration and possession, authority, SB 172**
Pharmacists, authority to dispense certain drugs without a prescription, SB 357
Tax abatements for centers and colocated businesses, eligibility, duration and percentage, SB 170*
Security of personal information, applicability of provisions, AB 179**
Congress urged to allow states to establish year-round, AJR 4‡
Burial or cremation of human remains, authority to order, priority, SB 286*
Unclaimed human remains of veterans, disposition, immunities, AB 62**
Assisted suicide, resulting death excluded as suicide or homicide, SB 336D
Candidates for office
Counting of votes for, death occurring after certain time, SB 421†, SB 499*, AB 177, AB 302†, AB 381†
Removal of name from ballot, exception, AB 177
Diabetes, self-medication by school pupils, immunities, AB 285**
Judge or Legislator killed in course of service, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**
Motor vehicle registration fees, refund following disposal of vehicle, AB 145
Next-of-Kin Registry, establishment, SB 3**
Police officer or firefighter killed in line of duty, benefit options for surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**, AB 363D
Public employee killed in course of employment, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**, AB 363D
Licensing and regulation, SB 286†
Assisted suicide, terminal condition to be listed as cause of death, SB 336D
Habeas corpus postconviction petitions, procedures, SB 140D, AB 10
Indigent persons, representation in capital cases, payment of expenses, AB 10
Supreme Court, time for rendering opinion on appeal repealed, AB 69*
Agreement for deed in lieu of foreclosure sale, recording requirements, effect of noncompliance, AB 183*
Patented mine or mining claim, prohibited covenants, restrictions or conditions, AB 427D
Beneficiary, authority to substitute as trustee for purpose of reconveyance, SB 239**
Deficiency judgments, acquisition of right by third party, limitation on amount of money judgment, AB 195**
Eminent domain, taking of deed or note, prohibited acts, AB 201**
Home equity loans secured by, procedures to terminate line of credit, SB 239**
Junior lienholders, amount of recovery in civil actions, AB 195**
Nevada Private Money Real Estate Loan Act, adoption, AB 311D
Nevada Residential Mortgage Loan Act, adoption, AB 311D
Signatories to consent judgment, when deemed in compliance with laws, SB 349, AB 288D
Trustee's sale (See FORECLOSURES)
Trustees, authority to file declaration of nonmonetary status in certain actions, procedures, SB 239**
Creation, appropriation, AB 257
Business tax, applicability, AB 464
License suspension or revocation, grounds, SB 378D, SB 483**
Military, loans made to former or current members, requirements, AB 318D
New loan to pay balance of outstanding loan, requirements, SB 123†
Payday Lender Best Practices Act, adoption, SB 242*
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 265
Ward's estate, summary administration prohibited if ward suffering from dementia, AB 9D
Agreements between organization and third party to provide access to dentists, notice, duties, SB 341†
Assessments for National Association of Insurance Commissioners, repeal, AB 486**
Dental care services also covered by health insurance policy, prohibited acts, requirements, SB 137*
Exemptions from execution, money necessary for payment of premium or contribution, AB 207D
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, AB 486**
Telehealth services, coverage requirements, SB 299, AB 292**
Utilization review, agents who conduct, requirements, SB 67**
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Continuing education, duties, SB 459*
Evidence in disciplinary proceedings, standard of proof, AB 53**
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Prescription drugs, computerized program for tracking, access to and use of information, SB 114*
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Secretary-Treasurer, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Employment status, duties, SB 501**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Applications, procedures, AB 89**
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Clinical examinations, requirements, AB 89**
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
State Public Health Dental Hygienist, status, duties, SB 501**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Claims for payments for certain services, procedures when covered by multiple insurers, SB 137*
Controlled substances
Dispensing, duties, training requirements, penalties, SB 459*
Prescriptions, duties, reports, SB 114†, SB 288*, SB 459*, AB 279D
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Hospital services, billing practices, AB 346D
Inspection of facilities, fees, AB 89**
Agreements between insurer and third party to provide access to dentists, requirements, SB 341†
Arbitration of disputes concerning independent medical evaluations, SB 159*
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
Applications, procedures, AB 89**
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Clinical examination, requirements, AB 89**
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Medical discount plans, contracts with, requirements, SB 341*
"Minimal sedation" and "moderate sedation," definitions, regulation, AB 89**
Privileged communications, exceptions, SB 240*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
State Dental Health Officer, status, duties, SB 501**
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294†
Unprofessional conduct, acts constituting, SB 288*, SB 459*
WICHE Health Care Access Program, support fees, requirements, SB 76**
Synthetic marijuana, designation as controlled substance, SB 234D
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Continuing education, suicide prevention and awareness, AB 93*
Duties, certain duties transferred, SB 31**, AB 85**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Regulations, certain duties transferred, SB 31**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Medicaid, prescription drug coverage, SB 422**
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, reports, duties, SB 402D
School pupils, authority to self-administer medication, immunities, AB 285**
County tax indexing, authority, procedures, AB 191*
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Reciprocity of licensure, duties of Board, AB 89**
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294†
City councils, exercise of powers generally, SB 11D, AB 413D, AB 493**
County commissioners, exercise of powers generally, SB 11D, SB 29**
County public health and safety matters, rule abolished, SB 29†
Costs of providing services to persons who are blind or visually impaired, receipt of reports, SB 419**
Motor Vehicles, Department of, consultations, SB 248†
Subcommittee on Communication Services for Persons Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Persons with Speech Disabilities, nonvoting members, recommendations to Division, AB 200**
Terms of office, SB 419**
ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, establishment, SB 419**
Assistive technology, program to provide services to certain persons, establishment, SB 419**, AB 200**
Driver's license or instruction permit, identification as person with a disability, requirements for designation, prohibited acts, SB 248†
Assisted killing and retrieval of big game mammal, regulation, AB 136**
Course in hunter responsibilities, accommodation for completion, AB 136**
Issuance of special hunting license, prohibited acts, duties of supervisor hunter, AB 136†
Identification cards, identification as blind person or person with a disability, requirements for designation, prohibited acts, SB 248†
Independent living, program to provide services to certain persons, establishment, SB 419**
License plates and stickers, authorization letters for, requirements, AB 204**
Medicaid (See also MEDICAID)
Managed care program, provision of services in larger counties, AB 310
Motor vehicles substantially modified for use, authority of used vehicle dealers to sell, AB 251**
Motorized wheelchairs
Bicycle lanes, use authorized, restrictions, SB 354*
Sales and use taxes, exemption, SB 334
Sidewalk obstructed or absent, authority to travel on adjacent highway, SB 354*
Parking placards or stickers
Authorization letters, requirements, AB 204**
Mopeds, applicability of laws, SB 404**
Photograph of placard holder to be included, AB 204†
Property taxes, base value of property improved to provide accessibility to persons with disability, SJR 12D, SJR 13‡
Sales and use taxes, exemptions for certain medical and mobility equipment, SB 334
School pupils (See SCHOOL PUPILS)
Service animals (See SERVICE ANIMALS)
State employment
Filling positions without competition, SB 62**
Separation from service or disability retirement, considerations, SB 62**
Telecommunication devices for persons with impaired speech or hearing, establishment of centers to provide certain services, funding, AB 200**
Transportation network companies, prohibited acts, duties, SB 439, SB 440, AB 175**, AB 176**
Transportation services in Clark County, inspection of vehicles, SB 184D
Unlawful detainer, requests to continue in possession for additional 30 days, procedures, AB 386†
Veterans (See VETERANS)
Absent ballots, requests for, requirements, SB 248**
Assistance at polls, requirements, SB 248**
Attorney General, enforcement authority extended, AB 481**
Bullying or cyber-bullying of school pupils, authority to file complaint with Nevada Equal Rights Commission, SB 204D
Common-interest communities, retaliatory actions against units' owners, prohibited acts, AB 149D
Gender identity or expression, prohibited acts, SB 164D
Sexual orientation, prohibited acts, SB 164D
Transportation network companies, prohibited acts, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Unlawful employment practices, remedies, SB 167D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Voting rights, support for continued federal enforcement actions expressed, SJR 9D
AIDS, school courses, requirements, SB 301D, AB 375†
Cancer (See CANCER)
Children, immunization requirements, SB 117D
Heart disease (See HEART DISEASES)
HIV, lAB tests, counseling of persons testing positive, AB 243*
Obesity, defined as chronic disease, SB 402†
Occupational diseases (See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES)
Pharmacists, provision of information concerning management and prevention, duties, SB 357
Constructional defects actions, grounds for dismissal, AB 418D
Foreclosure sale, dismissal of actions for, grounds, AB 282D
Professional negligence, grounds for dismissal of actions, SB 292**
SLAPP suits, special motion to dismiss, procedures, SB 444*
Board for the Education and Counseling of Displaced Homemakers, membership, AB 132**
Education and counseling, funding, AB 132**
Education savings account, child receiving instruction through, participation, SB 302*
Enrollment by school pupils, certain permission unnecessary, SB 25**
Private schools
Agreements to develop curriculum, SB 313†
Authority to provide program, SB 313**
School apportionments and allocations to providers, requirements, SB 25**, SB 313**
University schools for profoundly gifted pupils, authority to provide program, SB 313**
Business practices, actions for damages authorized, SB 246**
Craft distilleries, authorized acts, SB 246**, AB 186D, AB 367D
Bees and apiaries, duties repealed, AB 77**
Candidates for elective office, duties regarding challenges to qualifications, AB 177†
Caustic or corrosive substances, prosecution of violations, AB 77†
Child support enforcement, duties, AB 364**
Child welfare services information, authority to disseminate, SB 58**
Civil rights, petitions to restore, procedures, AB 357D
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Courts of inquiry, duties, AB 401D
Criminal prosecutions, endorsement of names of witnesses at time of filing information, duty removed, SB 298D
Deceptive trade practices, powers and duties, AB 228D
Education savings accounts, misuse, receipt of notice, SB 302*
Electronic communications, interception of, duties, SB 52**, AB 433
Evidence, destruction of certain unnecessary physical evidence before trial, procedure, AB 371†
Ex-felons, challenge to right to vote, procedures, SB 97D
Firearms, petitions to restore right to own or possess, procedures, AB 357D
Garage operators, duties, AB 256D
Grand juries, duties, AB 193†
Habeas corpus postconviction petitions, procedures, SB 140D
Human trafficking, duties, AB 276D, AB 336D
Juvenile court
Competency of child, determination, procedures, AB 138*
Pendency of proceedings, placement of certain children, duties, AB 213D
Prostitution or solicitation of prostitution by child under 18 years of age, duties, AB 153**
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, SB 58**
Medical marijuana, authority to preclude use by employees, SB 447**
Mortgage Lending, Commissioner of, notices from, AB 311D, AB 480†
Nonpartisan office, designation as, AB 320
Parental rights, termination, duties, SB 255D
Pesticides, duties repealed, AB 77**
Quarantine of agricultural commodities, duties, AB 77**
Recreational programs, seasonal or temporary, duties, AB 197
Salary, increase, authority not to receive any part of salary, SB 482**
Sex offenders, duties, SB 99††
State Engineer, certain duties removed, SB 65
Statewide criminal justice information sharing database, duties, SB 454
Traffic accidents resulting in injury or death, duties, SB 245†
Division of Public and Behavioral Health, failure to make public certain reports, actions against Administrator, AB 405†
Petitions for court orders, duties, AB 405
Physicians, actions against for failing to file reports, duties, AB 405†
Appeal of justice court's order granting defendant's motion to suppress evidence, time for, AB 193†
Boating, suspension of certificate of number, duties, AB 142D
Independent candidates, challenges to petitions, duties of court, SB 499*
Residency, actions to determine, jurisdiction of court, AB 118D
Capital cases, payment of expenses for representing indigent persons, duties, AB 10
Charter schools, petitions by sponsor for appointment of receiver, SB 509*
Child support enforcement, duties, AB 364**
Child visitation, considerations in determining whether to grant rights to certain persons, AB 370D
Civil rights, petitions to restore, procedures, AB 357D
Clark County
Family law disputes, mandatory mediation, requirements, AB 210D
Jail overcrowding, duties, SB 369D
Veterans Court Coordinator, appropriation to Eighth District Court, AB 327
Commercial tenancies, procedure for reentry by tenant after lockout, AB 379†
Constructional defects actions, offers of judgment, duties of clerk, AB 125**
Corporate acts, ratification or validation, authority, SB 446*
County clerk, duties as clerk of court, certain penalties repealed, AB 69*
Court reporters, compensation for services, SB 131*
Crime against a child, petition by offender to terminate registration duties, SB 99†
Criminal prosecutions, jurisdiction to hear motions on trial-related issues, AB 193†
Deceptive trade practices, criminal and civil proceedings involving, authority of court, AB 481**
Domestic violence
Judgments of convictions, requirements, penalties for violation, SB 187D
Protection orders
Firearms, inclusion of certain provisions, SB 187D
Forwarding of copy to law enforcement agency, AB 69*
Eighth Judicial District, appropriation for Veterans Court Coordinator, AB 327
Electronic communications, interception of, procedures, SB 52**, AB 433
Electronic format of records authorized, AB 69*
Eleventh Judicial District, creation, AB 435**
Employment, unlawful employment practices
Applications for certain orders, limitation of actions, SB 167D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Mandatory awards by court, SB 180D
Evidence, destruction of certain unnecessary physical evidence before trial, procedure, AB 371*
Ex-felons, challenge to right to vote, procedures, SB 97D
Facilities, use of certain fees for, SB 388**
Family courts, dispute resolution, requirements, AB 210D
Fifth Judicial District, composition, AB 435**
Financial statements, monthly statements required, AB 69*
Firearms, petitions to restore right to own or possess, procedures, AB 357D
Fishing licenses and permits, suspension or revocation, duties, AB 142D
Gender transition, petitions related to, duties, SB 343D, SB 358D
Gestational agreements, issuance of birth certificates, duties, AB 92*
Guides, suspension or revocation of license, permit or other privilege, duties, AB 142D
Habeas corpus postconviction petitions, procedures, SB 140D
Humboldt River Decree, jurisdiction of courts, AB 435**
Hunting licenses, tags and permits, suspension or revocation, duties, AB 142D
Initiative and referendum petitions, challenges to, duties, SB 434
Inquiry, courts of, authority to establish, procedures, payment of costs, AB 401D
Interception of communications, applications for, procedures, SB 52**, AB 433
Appointment by Assembly, procedures, AJR 9D
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Election, procedures, SB 5*
Malfeasance in office by ceasing to reside in State, AB 118D
Sixth Judicial District, number of judges, AB 435**
Statewide criminal justice information sharing database, duties, SB 454
Suspension with or without pay, requirements, SB 73D
Term of office, AJR 9D
Vacancies in office, filling, AJR 9D
Jury, selection by county commissioners repealed, AB 69*
Juvenile court, transfer of cases to, grounds, duties of court, SB 452D
Mental health facilities, involuntary court-ordered admissions, procedures, SB 7**, AB 38D, AB 91D, AB 396D
Physicians, reports to Court Administrator, duties of court clerk repealed, AB 457**
Political parties, challenges to qualifications of minor parties, duties, SB 499*
Private professional guardians, appointment, notices, AB 325*
Probation or suspension of sentence, duties, AB 69*
Probation violators, continuation of diversion program, SB 136, AB 12**
Professional negligence, adoption of rules, SB 292**
Recycling of paper, requirements, AB 69*
School pupils, violation of religious rights, remedies, AB 120†
Sex offenders
Duty to register, petitions to terminate, SB 99†
Lifetime supervision, release from, procedures, SB 99††
Sexually violent predator, petitions to declare offender as, SB 99††
Shooting preserves, suspension or revocation of license, duties, AB 142D
Sixth Judicial District, composition, AB 435**
Stalking, orders related to convictions, SB 187D
Statistical information, requirements, submission to Court Administrator, AB 69*
Technology upgrades, use of certain fees for, SB 388**
Traffic violations, civil appeals, procedures, AB 281†
Trapping, suspension or revocation of license or permit, duties, AB 142D
Unconstitutionality of state law or Nevada Constitution, court rulings regarding, duties of clerk, SB 60†
Voter registration, cancellation or refusal to reregister, remedies, SB 97D
Wildlife violations, duties, AB 142D
Wills delivered or presented to district court clerk, effect, AB 97**
Budgets, time for hearings on tentative budgets, AB 19**
Disabilities, persons with, identification as person who is blind or person with a disability, prohibited acts by political subdivisions, SB 248†
Eminent domain, prohibited acts related to mortgages and deeds of trust, AB 201**
General improvement district bonds, authorized investments by State, AB 196
Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)
Health insurance exchanges, constitutional prohibitions, SJR 14D
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 300
Internet protocol service, duties of providers and districts, SB 289†
Local improvement districts (See LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS)
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, AB 90**
Residency requirements, AB 118D, AB 177, AB 381D
Reno, districts to finance tourism and entertainment facilities, requirements, imposition and use of additional tax, SB 312**
Rental cars, exemption of districts from governmental services fee, AB 203**
State and Local Government Cooperation Act, enactment, SB 157†
Washoe County, creation of district for promotion of tourism, imposition of room surcharge, SB 312**
School property, acts constituting disturbance, SB 212**, AB 216D
Displaced homemakers, fee for education and counseling, increase, AB 132**
Fees, additional fees when filing certain motions, SB 388**
Postjudgment motion to adjudicate community property, authority to file, time limit for certain motions, SB 395†, AB 362*
Nonprobate transfer of property on death, applicability of certain law, SB 484*
Residency, 6-week requirement repealed, AB 337D
Veterans with service-connected disability, division of property and award of alimony or spousal support, AB 140*
Applications for registration
Grounds for denial, AB 65**
Requirements, SB 401**
Documents, requirements, AB 65**
Exemptions from registration requirements, AB 65**
Foreign citizens, registration authority, AB 65**
"Licenciado," prohibited use of term, penalty, SB 401*
"Notario" and "notario publico," prohibited use of terms, penalty, SB 401*
Records, inspection, AB 65**
Revocation of registration for cause, registration prohibited following, AB 65**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Violations, filing of complaints authorized, SB 401**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Employees, registration, supervision, disciplinary action, AB 173*
Investigations by Board, liability for costs, AB 173*
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Principal place of business in State, requirement repealed, AB 173*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Bars, taverns or saloons, authority of owners of certain establishments to allow dogs on premises, SB 105D
Peace officers, training of officers regarding dog behavior, SB 147*
Research facilities, duties relating to dogs used in research, SB 261*
Service animals (See SERVICE ANIMALS)
Estates of decedents, spouse includes domestic partner, SB 484*
Guardian of adult ward, preferences for appointment as, SB 262**
Guardianships, spouse includes domestic partner, SB 484*
Motor vehicle registration fees, refund following disposal of vehicle, AB 145
Public employees' retirement, spouse includes domestic partner, SB 406**
Termination of partnership, court fees, use, AB 132**
Trusts, spouse includes domestic partner, SB 484*
Educational program regarding prevention and victim services, authorization, SB 362**
Fictitious address program, transfer of regulatory authority, SB 60**
Concealed firearms, unlawfully carrying included as act of domestic violence, SB 143D
Possession by domestic violence offenders prohibited, penalties, SB 175**, SB 187D, AB 357D
Sale or transfer of firearm to licensed dealer, duties, SB 187D
Protection orders
Firearms, inclusion of certain provisions, SB 187D
Registration of foreign orders, copies forwarded to law enforcement agency, AB 69*
Victim Services Officer, creation of position, duties, SB 60†
Bill of Rights, adoption, SB 165D
Anatomical gifts, procedures for identification as donor, SB 206**
Civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty for certain violations, evaluation of laws, SB 304, AB 281D
Commercial driver's licenses, exemption from driving test requirement for certain veterans, AB 89**
Disabilities, persons with, identification, requirements for designation, prohibited acts, SB 248†
Driver authorization cards, use to verify citizenship of persons registered to vote, SB 437D, AB 459
Duplicate licenses, waiver of fees for recently released offenders, requirements, SB 279D
Emergency contact information, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, SB 3**
Foreign countries, reciprocal agreements for issuance authorized, AB 383**
Medical marijuana registry ID card applicants, reports by physicians to DMV regarding, SB 383D
Mopeds, requirements for operation on highway, AB 168D
Motorcycle driver's license or motorcycle endorsement, completion of approved safety course required, SB 142†
Prisoners, issuance upon release, requirements, SB 454
Selective Service System, procedures regarding registration, AB 131**
Suspension or revocation
Administrative assessments, failure to pay, AB 281†
Civil penalties, failure to pay, AB 281†
Driving under the influence, grounds for revocation, hearing, AB 67**
Veteran status, designation, procedures, SB 209*
Voter registration, electronic transmission of information, procedures, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 331
Actual physical control of vehicle, exception to rule, AB 67**
Affirmative defense regarding consumption of alcohol, use prohibited in certain circumstances, SB 245*
Driver's license, revocation, grounds, hearing, AB 67**
Marijuana, applicability of laws, SB 372D
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, SB 483**
Testing of blood, breath or urine of defendant
Admissibility of evidence in misdemeanor trial, procedures, AB 67**
Refusal to submit to test at request of police officer, effect, AB 67**
Witnesses testifying regarding blood test, payment of fees, AB 67**
Treatment, application for, procedures, AB 81**
"Under the influence," term defined, AB 67**
Operation and use, regulation, liability of owners and operators, AB 239*
Seizure and storage, procedures, licensing of storage facilities, SB 280D
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle program, appropriation, SB 514**
Marijuana paraphernalia, authorized acts, IP 1D
Industrial insurance, results of certain tests to be provided to insurer or employer upon request, SB 231*, AB 229D
Unarmed combatants, requirements, AB 476**
Controlled substance (See CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES)
Dextromethorphan, prescription required to sell or distribute to minor, penalty for violations, AB 453D
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, adoption, SB 309D, SB 459*
Investigational drugs, access by terminally ill patients, AB 164**, AB 358D
Prescription drugs (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Product liability actions, exemplary or punitive damages, SB 296††
Electronic stamps, use, SB 41**
Sale of stamps, use of proceeds for management of migratory game birds, AB 82**
Adults with intellectual disabilities, creation of power of attorney for, AB 128**
Caregiver for person admitted to hospital, authority to designate, duties of hospital, SB 177†
Dyslexia interventionists, employment by school districts required, AB 341†
Dyslexia Resource Guide, preparation and publication, AB 341**
Dyslexia specialists, employment by educational entities, duties, AB 341†
Professional development for teachers and other educational personnel, requirements, AB 341**
School pupils, assessments and therapies, requirements, AB 341**
Special education, minimum standards for, requirements, AB 341**
Teacher training courses, requirements, AB 341**
Liquid nicotine
Prohibited sales, penalties, notices, SB 225*
Regulation and taxation, exclusion as tobacco product, SB 79**
Use prohibited in certain places, penalties, SB 201D
Vapor products, prohibited sales, penalties, SB 225*
Appropriation, reports, AB 291D
Scholarship organizations, tax credits for donations to, AB 350D
State Board of Education, duties, SB 126†
Superintendent of Public Instruction, duties, SB 25†
Abatement of taxes
Agreements and applications for partial abatements, effective date required, SB 74**
Aircraft and aircraft component industry, SB 93, AB 161**
Average hourly wage paid to new employees, considerations, effect, SB 74**
Data centers and colocated businesses, SB 170*
Eighth calendar quarter, deadline for meeting certain employment requirements, SB 74**
Eligibility, applicant to offer primary jobs, SB 74**
Employee hires, estimate of total number, applicant to provide, SB 74**
Health care benefits provided to employees, certain duties of Office, SB 74**
Nonresidential property, calculation of partial abatement, SB 415D, AB 412
Public works, authority of public bodies regarding labor organizations, AB 159**
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee on certain businesses, procedures, SB 378D
Renewable energy facilities, continuation of procedures, SB 483**
School district's property tax for debt service, temporary exemption from certain partial abatements, SB 106D
Severe financial emergency, certain tax exempt from abatement, AB 54**
Catalyst Account, grants or loans from, reports, SB 507**
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, creation, appropriation, AB 257
Development resource, applicability of laws, SB 507**
Education and skills needed by employers in this State, system to track and predict, creation, appropriation, AB 342D
Emissions from power plants, report on effect of state compliance plan, SB 438D
Entrepreneur-in-residence program, establishment, SB 344D
Federal JOBS Act, duties of Securities Division, AB 51**
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, duties, SB 381
Growth and expansion of existing businesses, pilot program to encourage, creation, appropriation, SB 182D, AB 399**
Insurance premium tax, eligibility for tax credits, amount, duration, AB 372
Loans to certain small businesses owned by minorities or women, creation and funding of program, SB 323
Natural gas, infrastructure expansion consistent with program of economic development, authority, SB 151**
Nevada Main Street Program, creation, SB 51D
Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, qualified investments and businesses, SB 317
Nonprofit corporation, formation by Office, confidentiality of records, AB 17**
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, composition, reports, AB 116**
Regional development authority, appointment of members to Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, SB 411**
STEM Workforce Challenge Grant Fund, Committee to Oversee the, creation, duties, appropriation, SB 493
Transferable tax credits to new or expanding businesses, procedures, reports, SB 507**
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle program, appropriation, SB 514**
Workforce Development Rapid Response Investment Fund, Committee to Oversee the, creation, duties, appropriation, SB 496
Catalyst Account, grants or loans from, duties, SB 507**
Nonprofit corporation formed by Office, duties, AB 17**
Transferable tax credits to new or expanding businesses, duties, SB 507**
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, membership, SB 125
Catalyst Account
Appropriation, SB 514**
Duties, reports, SB 507**
Nonreversion of money, SB 514**
Confidentiality of information, authority of clients to request, AB 17**
Data centers and colocated businesses, receipt of information, duties, SB 170**
Database of solicitations for award of contracts by state agency, maintenance, duties, AB 62†
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, duties, appropriation, AB 257
Education and skills needed by employers in this State, system to track and predict, duties, appropriation, AB 342D
Electric utilities, assistance with marketing vacant or decommissioned assets, SB 416*
Entrepreneur-in-residence program, establishment, SB 344D
Existing businesses, pilot program to encourage expansion, creation, SB 182D, AB 399**
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, membership, SB 214†
Film production in State, tax credit program, duties, SB 94**, AB 147
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, membership, SB 400D
Insurance premium tax credits, duties, AB 372
Loans to certain small businesses owned by minorities or women, creation and funding of program, duties, SB 323
Nevada Main Street Program, creation, duties, SB 51D
Nonprofit corporation, formation authorized, procedures, confidentiality of information, AB 17**
Public works, duties regarding local emerging small businesses, SB 108
Reports to Legislature, repeal of certain requirements, AB 457**
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, duties, AB 485**
STEM Workforce Challenge Grant Fund, Committee to Oversee the, appointment of members, SB 493
Train Employees Now Program, appropriation, SB 514**
Transferable tax credits to new or expanding businesses, authority to issue, duties, reports, SB 507**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**
Veterans with service-connected disability, certification of local businesses owned by, duties, electronic directory, AB 62†
Workforce Development Rapid Response Investment Fund, Committee to Oversee the, appointment of members, SB 496
Abandoned or unclaimed property, deposit of money or proceeds from sale for educational purposes, SB 91D
Charter schools (See SCHOOLS, CHARTER)
Distance education (See DISTANCE EDUCATION)
Domestic violence prevention and services, program authorized, SB 362**
Early childhood education (See EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION)
Finances and funds (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, duties, SB 381
Firearm safety courses
Funding, SB 229*
Permittees, receipt of information, SB 350, AB 148†
Mentorship program for children in State, requirements, AB 205**
Nevada Revised Statutes, reorganization of Title 34, SB 92**
Opioid antagonists, persons furnishing, requirements, SB 309D, SB 459*
Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information and Education Program, establishment, SB 265
Prisoners, agreements authorizing use of telecommunications devices for educational purposes, SB 294**
Private schools (See SCHOOLS, PRIVATE)
Public benefit trusts, creation and administration, SB 484*
Public schools (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
School districts (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS)
Wildlife Conservation and Education, Council on Nevada, creation, duties, SB 163
Multicultural education, duties, AB 234**
Nursing services, certain conditions on endorsement of license prohibited, SB 330†
Temporary permits, issuance to certain persons licensed or certified in another state, AB 55D
Achievement School District, creation within Department, AB 448**
Armed Forces members, children or wards of, sharing of certain data with Interagency Council on Veterans Affairs, AB 76**
At risk pupils, duties, receipt of reports, SB 397
Audits of schools and school districts, duties, publication of manual, AB 22D
Average daily enrollment of pupils, reporting requirements, duties, SB 508**
Basic support guarantee, duties, SB 508**
Budgets, duties, SB 25**
Capacity and enrollment of schools, receipt of information, duties, SB 390†
Career pathways in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, duties, SB 295
Charter schools
Achievement charter schools, duties, SB 509**, AB 448**
Admissions, establishment of weighted lottery, duties, SB 509**
Applications to form, duties, SB 77
Average daily attendance and pupil-teacher ratios, receipt of reports, AB 376D
Enrollment, establishment of uniform enrollment calendar and process for enrolling pupils, SB 509**
Evaluation of academic needs of pupils, duties, SB 509**
Grants to nonprofit organizations to establish and operate high quality schools, duties, SB 491**
Regulations, duties, SB 509**, AB 395
Sponsors, duties, receipt of reports, SB 509**
State Public Charter School Authority
Consultations, SB 509**
Regulatory authority, AB 395
Trust Fund for Educational Technology, duties, SB 509**
Clark County School District, receipt of reports, SB 405**, SB 430D
Class-size reduction
Duties, SB 515**, AB 278**, AB 376D
Provisions repealed, AB 378†
Cleaning products used in schools, certain duties repealed, SB 25**
College and career readiness, duties, SB 515**
Crisis or emergency management for public and private schools, duties, receipt of reports, SB 205**
Data collected concerning pupils
Contracts regarding disclosure, required provisions, AB 221**
Duties, receipt of reports, AB 221**
Disabilities, pupils with
Due process hearings, duties, AB 328**
Funding for education, duties, reports, SB 397, SB 508**
Dyslexia, duties, AB 341**
Early childhood education, duties, SB 515**, AB 291D
Education savings accounts, grant program, duties, receipt of pupil records, SB 302**
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, duties, SB 474**
Examinations and assessments
Adaptive behavior assessments for pupils with disabilities, approval, AB 284D
Education savings accounts, pupils receiving instruction through, requirements, SB 302**
Informational pamphlets, duties, SB 25**, SB 290D, AB 303D
Gifted and talented pupils, duties, SB 515**
Hospitals and other facilities providing residential treatment for children, operation of private school, reimbursements to, SB 100
Human trafficking of children, development and distribution of informational material, AB 276D
Junior high schools, grants to, duties, receipt of reports, SB 347
Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, establishment of additional units, duties, AB 299
Kindergartens, duties, reports, SB 515**
Libraries, duty to approve or disapprove list of books repealed, SB 25**
Limited English proficient pupils, duties, receipt of reports, SB 397, SB 405**, SB 430D, AB 290D
Literacy of pupils enrolled in K-3
Academic retention of pupils in grade 3, receipt of reports, SB 391*
Funding of programs, duties, receipt of reports, SB 391**, SB 515**
Plans to improve, receipt, SB 391**
Master Teachers, Fund for, administration, AB 378†
Mental or behavioral health professionals for schools, duties, SB 515**, AB 218
Middle schools, grants to, duties, receipt of reports, SB 347
Nevada Plan, development of plan to provide additional resources, duties, SB 508**
Performance pay and enhanced compensation program for teachers and administrators, receipt of certain notice, AB 483*
Personal safety of children, instruction in, duties, receipt of reports, SB 394**
Physical education courses, receipt of reports, SB 178D
Public education, state of, contents of annual report, AB 221**
Safe and respectful learning environment
Duties, SB 204D, SB 504**, AB 112*
Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment
Creation, SB 504**
Safe-to-Tell Program and Advisory Committee, establishment, duties, SB 338**
Safety in public schools, duties, AB 218
Scholarship organizations, duties, receipt of reports, AB 165**
School lunches, duties, SB 515**
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, duties, AB 421**
State of public education, contents of annual report, AB 221**
Statewide system of accountability
Alternative performance framework to evaluate schools, duties, SB 460**, AB 446D
Automated system of accountability information, duties, AB 221**
Grants and other financial support for low-rating schools, requirements, SB 460**, SB 515**
School's annual rating, consideration based on performance for 2014-2015 school year prohibited, SB 460†, AB 446D
Turnaround schools, designation, duties, SB 77, SB 92**
Transfer from Department, AB 485**
STEM industries, career pathways in, duties, SB 295
Superintendent of Public Instruction (See SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION)
Incentive pay program, establishment, duties, AB 378†
Performance pay and enhanced compensation program, receipt of certain notice, AB 483*
Reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses, duties, SB 133**
Transportation costs, duties, SB 515**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on
Children or wards of Armed Forces members, sharing of information, AB 76**
Reports to, AB 62**
Victory schools, duties, receipt of reports, SB 432**
Washoe County School District, receipt of reports, SB 405**, SB 430D
Achievement School District, duties, AB 448**
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 355
At risk pupils, duties, SB 397
Budgets of Department of Education, duties repealed, SB 25**, SB 508**, AB 19**
Charter schools, certain duties transferred to State Public Charter School Authority, SB 509*
Clark County School District, reorganization technical advisory committee, appointment of members, AB 394**
Class-size reduction
Provisions repealed, AB 378†
Common Core State Standards, regulations voided, SB 290D, AB 303D
Crisis or emergency management plans, certain duties repealed, SB 205**
Disabilities, pupils with
Basic support guarantee, multiplier for pupils, receipt of reports, SB 508**
Due process hearings held pursuant to federal law, regulation, AB 328**
Special education, minimum standards for, SB 13**
Special education program units, duties, SB 515**
Special Education Services, Contingency Account for, duties, SB 508**
Dual language learners, duties, SB 126
Dyslexia, duties, AB 341**
Early childhood education programs, duties, SB 126†
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, duties, receipt of reports, SB 474**
English language arts, duties, SB 290D
Ethnic studies, course of instruction in, duties, SB 211†
Examinations and assessments, duties, SB 25**, SB 75**, SB 290D, SB 391*, AB 303D
Financial Literacy, Account for Instruction on, duties, SB 220
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, duties, SB 474**
Higher Education Student Loan Program, repeal, SB 215D
Human trafficking of children, distribution of informational material, AB 276D
Incentives for newly hired teachers, duties, SB 511**, SB 515**
Interscholastic Activities Association, Nevada, receipt of reports, duties, AB 400D
Junior ROTC, establishment of additional units, duties, AB 299
Limited English proficient pupils, duties, receipt of reports, SB 397, SB 405**, SB 430D, AB 290D
Mathematics, duties, SB 290D
Membership, requirements, SB 25**, AB 410†
Mental or behavioral health professionals for schools, duties, AB 218†
Multicultural education, duties, AB 234†
Paraprofessionals providing assistance to pupils who have individualized education programs, training, regulation, appropriation, SB 132
Performance evaluations, duties, SB 92†, AB 447**
Performance pay and enhanced compensation program for teachers and administrators, receipt of certain notice, duties, AB 483*
Physical education courses, duties, prohibited acts, SB 178†
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, receipt of principals' plans unnecessary, duties, AB 30**
Prekindergarten programs, duties, SB 126
Literacy programs for pupils enrolled in K-3, receipt of reports, SB 391**
Professional development for teachers and learning strategist, duties, SB 391**
Safe and respectful learning environment, duties, SB 504**
School district trustees, appointment of, duties, AB 339D
School precincts, procedures for creation, regulation, AB 394**
Seal, duty to adopt official seal repealed, SB 25**
Statewide system of accountability
Accountability reports, duties, SB 391*, AB 107**, AB 290D, AB 341†
Achievement charter schools, duties, AB 448**
Alternative performance framework to evaluate schools, duties, SB 460**, AB 446D
Turnaround schools, duties, SB 92**
STEM, Advisory Council on, receipt of reports, AB 485**
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, duties, SB 511**
Training of educational personnel, duties, SB 25**
Victory schools, duties, SB 432**
Nevada Ready 21 Technology grant program, funding, duties, SB 515**
Plans for use of educational technology in public schools, duties, SB 509**
Food establishments, exemption of certain facilities from definition, AB 79**
Violations, civil penalties, deposit and use, criminal penalty repealed, AB 77**
Administration of statutes and regulations, authority of Secretary of State, AB 23†
Audit of processes involved in conduct of election, requirements, AB 209D
Ballot questions
Advisory questions, authority of school districts to submit, SB 19D
Arts and museums, preservation and promotion, duties of Commission for Cultural Affairs, funding, SB 166D
Motor vehicle fuel, imposition and continuation of additional taxes, AB 191*
Sales and use tax exemptions, SB 334
School district personnel, authority to provide information related to district questions, SB 380
Special fuel, imposition and continuation of additional taxes, AB 191*
Absent ballots
Receipt of mailed ballots after election day, counting, SB 436†
Requests for, requirements, SB 248**
Delivery to receiving center or central counting place, procedure, AB 462*
Independent candidates, designation on ballot, AB 462*
Ineligible candidates, appearance on ballot prohibited, exception, AB 177
Legislative proposals on same subject as initiative, requirements, SB 434
Military-overseas ballot, application for, SB 203†
Mobile devices, use to requests ballots, creation and maintenance of application software, SB 203
Modified blanket primary system, procedures, SB 499†
Provisional ballots, use, requirements, SB 169, AB 253†, AB 266
Public observation of handling of ballots, deadlines for plans, SB 421†, AB 302†, AB 416D
Recounts, requirements, AB 209D
Removal of name due to ineligibility of candidate, time for, AB 177
Sample ballots, distribution by electronic mail, SB 203, SB 316D, AB 94*, AB 462*, AB 440 of the 77th Session
Campaign practices (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)
Dates for accomplishing certain acts, SB 421†, AB 302†
Death of candidate after certain time, counting of votes for, SB 421†, SB 499*, AB 302†, AB 381†
Declaration or acceptance of candidacy (See Declaration or acceptance of candidacy, this heading)
Financial disclosure statements, requirements, SB 307*
Independent candidates
Designation on ballot, AB 462*
Petitions, deadlines, challenges to sufficiency, SB 499*
Ineligible candidates
Appearance on ballot prohibited, exception, AB 177
Certificate of election, issuance to candidate prohibited, SB 403D, AB 177
Deadline for filing by elector, AB 177, AB 381D, AB 461
Payment of costs and fees of elector challenging, AB 177, AB 381D, AB 461
Preelection actions, requirements, SB 499*, AB 177, AB 381D, AB 461
Demand for recount or contest of election prohibited, SB 403D, AB 177
Notices to voters regarding disqualification, AB 177, AB 381D
Votes received not to be counted, AB 177
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 197*
Minor political parties, petition deadlines, SB 499*
Modified blanket primary system, procedures, SB 499†
Residency requirements, duties, penalties for violations, SB 403D, AB 118D, AB 177, AB 381D, AB 461
Canvass of returns, time for, SB 436†
Carson City Board of Supervisors, procedures, SB 368D, SB 457 of the 77th Session, AB 458D
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, SB 403D, AB 177
Computerized operating systems, protection requirements, AB 209D
Conservation districts, imposition of parcel fee, SB 476**
County-owned telephone systems, procedures to sell or lease, SB 109**
Declaration or acceptance of candidacy
Acknowledgment of penalties for certain violations, SB 403D, AB 461
Dates for performing certain acts, SB 421†, AB 302, AB 416D
False statements, penalty, AB 177, AB 461
Independent candidates, form, SB 499†
Investigation of qualifications, requirements, AB 177
Verification of information by filing officer, AB 177†
District court judges, procedures, SB 5*
Election board officers
Appointment for polling places, AB 462*
Delivery of ballots and materials to receiving or counting center, AB 462*
Party allegiance or political preference, display prohibited, SB 433
Election board registers
Electronic registers, requirements, SB 203, SB 435
Photographs of voters to be included, procedures for use, AB 253
Polling place where any registered voter may vote, requirements, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 435
Redesignation as "roster", AB 462*
Ely, City of
Consolidation of city and county government, SB 238††
Disincorporation, SB 238†
General election, date for holding by cities, AB 23*, AB 416D
Governor, election jointly with Lieutenant Governor, SJR 3D
Henderson City Council, procedures, SB 368D, SB 457 of the 77th Session, AB 458D
Initiative petition to generate public revenue, requirements for passage, AJR 8‡
Legislators, contests of election (SSR 130, ASR 46), AB 118D, SR 1‡, SR 7‡, AR 1‡
Lieutenant Governor, election jointly with Governor, SJR 3D
Mobile devices, use, creation and maintenance of application software, SB 203
Modified blanket primary system, procedures, SB 499†
Primary election with multiple candidates from same major party, procedures, SB 499*
Vacancies in nomination, procedure for filling, SB 499*, AB 177, AB 381†
Nonpartisan offices
Designation of certain elective offices as nonpartisan, AB 320
District court judges, procedures, SB 5*
Primary election winners declared elected, SB 5*, AB 320
Vacancies in nominations, procedure, SB 499*, AB 177, AB 381†
Polling places
Early voting
Hours of operation, SB 316D, SB 331, SB 433
Permanent polling places, selection of location, procedures, SB 433
Temporary polling places, selection of locations, procedures, SB 270D, SB 433
In-person voting by any registered voter, establishment of polling place for, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 435, AB 441 of the 77th Session
Registration to vote on election day, designation of site, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 316D
Early voting, information on rosters, sorting of ballots, AB 462*
Establishment, time for, SB 421†, AB 302†
List of registered voters
Publication, AB 462*
Maps, time for submission, SB 421†, AB 302†
Maximum number of registered voters, AB 462*
Political party precinct meetings, time for, notices, SB 421, AB 302
Presidential elections, use of provisional ballots, SB 169, AB 253†, AB 266
Primary elections
Cities, requirement to hold primary city elections, AB 416D
City council candidates, voting by ward, SB 368D, SB 457 of the 77th Session, AB 458D
Date of election, AB 416D
Major party with multiple candidates, effect, SB 499*
Modified blanket primary system, creation, SB 499†
Presidential preference primary election, procedures, SB 421†, AB 302
Statewide primary election, date, SB 421†, AB 302†
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, tax increases recommended by, procedures, SB 411**
Reapportionment and redistricting
Guidelines for establishment of election districts, AB 252, ACR 1‡
Legislative Advisory Commission on Reapportionment and Redistricting, creation, AB 252
Legislative rules (JSR 13-JSR 13.4), ACR 1‡
Legislators, increase in number, study, legislative declaration, AB 460
Regulations generally, duties of Secretary of State, AB 23**
Reno City Council, procedures, SB 368D, SB 457 of the 77th Session, AB 458D
Definition includes electronic items, AB 462*
Early voting, requirements, SB 203, AB 253, AB 462*
Election board register redesignated roster, AB 462*
Sample ballots, distribution by electronic mail, SB 203, SB 316D, AB 94*, AB 462*, AB 440 of the 77th Session
School districts
Authority to submit advisory question to voters, SB 19D
Trustees, procedures, AB 339D
School precincts, election of precinct council, AB 394†
Sparks City Council, procedures, SB 368D, SB 457 of the 77th Session, AB 458D
Special elections in certain municipalities, date, AB 23*
"Tally list", definition includes electronic items, AB 462*
Town advisory boards in Clark County, election of members, SB 115*
Voter identification cards, issuance, SB 169, AB 253†, AB 266, SJR 15
Voter registration
Application to register, contents, SB 436
Audit of processes involved in conduct of election, requirements, AB 209D
Cancellation of registration
Citizenship, failure to timely prove, restrictions on cancellation, SB 437D, AB 459
Prohibited acts, remedies, SB 97D
Citizenship, procedures for determining, SB 437D, AB 459
Collection and reporting of information, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 331
Driver's license application, electronic transmission of information, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 331
Drives to register voters, duties of persons conducting, SB 436
Election day, registration on, requirements, designated polling places, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 316D
Ex-felons, requests to present certain documents prohibited, SB 97D
Federal postcard application, use, SB 203†
Identification card application, electronic transmission of information, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 331
Mobile devices, use, creation and maintenance of application software, SB 203
Motor Vehicles, Department of, duties, SB 203†, SB 331, SB 437D, AB 459
Preregistration to vote authorized, requirements, SB 203, SB 316D
Refusal to reregister elector, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 97D
Registration agencies, duties, SB 203†, SB 237D
Statewide voter registration list
Notice of additions or changes, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 331
Other states, information to be obtained from and provided to, SB 437D
Time for, extension, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 316D, AB 440 of the 77th Session
Unlawful acts, penalty increased for certain acts, SB 436†, AB 245D
Voters' Bill of Rights, contents, AB 177, AB 209D
Assistance at polls, requirements, SB 248**
Challenges to voters, prohibited acts, AB 253
Disabilities, persons with
Absent ballots, requests for, requirements, SB 248**
Assistance at polls, requirements, SB 248**
Early voting
Clarification of certain laws, AB 462*
Period for early voting, SB 316D, SB 331, SB 433
Photographs of voters, procedures for use, AB 253
Polling places (See Polling places, this heading)
Roster for early voting, requirements, SB 203, AB 253, AB 462*
Turnout, publication of information, SB 433
Washoe County, period for early voting, SB 316D
Election board registers (See Election board registers, this heading)
Ex-felons, restoration of right to vote
Procedures, SB 97D, SB 319D, AB 357D
Prohibited acts, remedies, SB 97D, SB 319D
Identification, requirements, SB 169, AB 253, AB 266, SJR 15
Inactive voters, procedures to vote, SB 436†
Photographs of voters, procedures for use, AB 253
Provisional ballots, use, requirements, SB 169, AB 253†, AB 266
Registrar of voters' register, requirements, SB 203†
Rights of voters, addition of statutory rights to State Constitution, SJR 7D
Signatures, comparison, procedure when signatures differ or voter unable to sign, AB 462*
Voting Rights Act of 1965, support for enforcement efforts urged, SJR 9D
Adoption or permanent free care of child, prohibited advertisements, penalty, AB 8*
Business licenses, requirements, AB 364**
Chiropractors, unprofessional conduct, AB 231*
Condominium hotels, duties of associations and executive boards, SB 389*
Corporations, stockholders' meetings, SB 446*
Data collectors, security of personal information, applicability of provisions, AB 179**
Elections and voter registration
E-mail address of registered voters
Confidentiality, AB 94*, AB 462*
Requests to withhold from public, SB 203, AB 94†, AB 462†
Election board registers, electronic format, SB 203, SB 435
Electronic transmission of information, SB 203, SB 237D, SB 331, AB 459
Roster for early voting, electronic format, SB 203
Sample ballots, electronic distribution, SB 203, SB 316D, AB 94*, AB 462*, AB 440 of the 77th Session
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 434D
Insurance licensees, requirements, SB 67**
Interception of communications, procedures, applicability of laws, SB 52**, AB 433
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, AB 49*
Medical Examiners, Board of, service of process, AB 227*
Motor vehicle insurance, electronic proof of insurance authorized, SB 67**, AB 143*
Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of, service of process, AB 227*
Public engagement by state agencies, requirements, AB 236**
Search warrants, electronic submissions and issuance, SB 52**
Traffic citations, preparation and delivery, AB 281†
Fiscal reports by Department of Veterans Services, receipt, AB 482**
State laws regarding, receipt of copies, AB 62**
Constables, authority, payment of convenience fees, SB 285**
Garnishment of wages for debts owed to state agencies, procedures, SB 26**
Transportation network companies, authority, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Tags, fees, use, AB 78†
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, charter amendment, AB 177
Charter, procedure for amending, SB 71D
Dillon's Rule, abolishment, AB 413D, AB 493**
Consolidation of city and county government, ballot question, SB 238††
Disincorporation on voter approval, SB 238†
Nevada Fair of Mineral Industries, authority to move to other location, AB 77**
Business license exemption for certain providers of vehicles and equipment, SB 36**
False reports on certain telephone lines, prohibited acts, AB 287*
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, AB 90**
Air ambulances
Attendants, minimum number, qualifications, SB 327*
Permits, issuance by health authority, requirements, SB 327†
Ambulance attendants and firefighters
Community paramedicine services, procedures for provision, AB 305*
Emergency medical technicians, authority to provide services, AB 305*
EMT certification held by military members, veterans and their spouses, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 463
Nurses serving as attendants, training requirements, SB 327*
Occupational disease coverage, SB 153†
Authority to provide services, AB 305*
Letter of endorsement and identification card, issuance, SB 327*
Mental illness, persons with, examination before admission to facility, AB 91D
Physicians and physician assistants serving as attendants, training requirements, SB 327*
Provider of health care, inclusion of EMS personnel, effect, AB 425*
Billing for transportation to hospital, practices, violations, AB 346D
Committee on Emergency Medical Services, composition, AB 425*
Emergency medical services registered nurse, authorized activities, issuance of letter of endorsement and identification card, SB 327*
Epinephrine, administration, immunities, AB 158*
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, adoption, SB 309D, SB 459*
Hospitals in larger counties, requirements for provision of services and care, reports, AB 36D
Independent centers for emergency medical care
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D, AB 354D
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Medical students, prohibited acts, liability of facility for violations, SB 172**
Nursing services provided at certain facilities, requirements, staffing plans, SB 361D
Physicians, contracts for provision of services, AB 89†
Provider of health care, inclusion as, applicability of laws, SB 84**
Medicaid, reimbursement program for emergency transportation services, AB 331D
Military members and spouses holding active EMT certification, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 463
Minors requesting assistance following alcohol consumption, exemption from criminal penalties, SB 464**
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, AB 90**
Peer support counseling sessions, communications confidential, AB 309D
Recognition of Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact, adoption, AB 463
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
School crisis or emergency response plans, consultations, receipt of copy, SB 205**
Special events, requirements for services, exemptions, AB 308**
Training program money, authorized uses, SB 506†
Veterans and spouses holding active EMT certification, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 463
Yellow Dot Program, establishment, immunities, AB 176*
Licensing and regulation, applicability of laws, SB 49
Mortgage or deed of trust on private property, prohibited acts, AB 201**
Property taxes, authority of owner to transfer base value of condemned property, SJR 12D, SJR 13‡
Transportation, Department of, authority regarding public-private projects, AB 450
Certificate of registration, requirements, AB 389*
Definitions, AB 389*
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D
Office and maintenance of records, requirements repealed, AB 389*
Unemployment compensation
Client companies, responsibilities, AB 389*
Contributions by, method for calculation, AB 389†
Alternative nicotine products, authorized handling by minors, SB 225*
Classifications based on sex, restrictions, SB 190D, AB 304D
College savings plans, tax credits for employers matching employee contributions, SB 412*
Criminal history records
Audits to determine security of maintenance, AB 47†
Consumer reports, consent by employee to employer's access deemed consent to access employee's criminal history records, AB 47†
Name-based search service, establishment, AB 47**
Domestic workers, bill of rights, adoption, SB 165D
Education and skills needed by employers in this State, system to track and predict, creation, appropriation, AB 342D
Employment Security Division, provision of information to Director of Department and Board of Regents, SB 24*
Garnishment (See GARNISHMENT)
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Liquid nicotine, authorized handling by minors, SB 225*
Medicaid, filing of false or fraudulent claims, remedies of certain employees or agents, AB 48**
Medical marijuana, presumption regarding employee's right to reasonable accommodation, prohibited acts by employer, SB 372D
Notaries public, prohibited acts by employers of, AB 65**
Nursing mothers, duties of employers, remedies for violations, AB 306D
Prison employees, prohibited acts, penalty, AB 16*
Prisoners, agreements authorizing use of telecommunications devices for employment purposes, SB 294**
Sick leave, provision by employer required, prohibited acts, SB 259D, AB 235D
Unemployment compensation (See UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION)
Unlawful employment practices
Application to district court for certain orders, limitation of actions, SB 167D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Back pay, award, restrictions, SB 167D, SB 190D
Courts, duties upon finding of unlawful employment practice, SB 180D
Inquiries or discussions about wages, unlawful prohibitions, SB 167D, SB 190D
Service animals, exemption from prohibitions, AB 157*
Sex discrimination, remedies, SB 190D, AB 304D
Back pay, award, restrictions, AB 304D
Discrimination, determination of time for filing complaints, AB 304D
Duty to withhold income, violations related to, SB 26**
Inquiries or discussions about, unlawful prohibitions, AB 304D
Willful practices, civil penalty, SB 167†, SB 190D, AB 304D
Vapor products, authorized handling by minors, SB 225*
Veterans, authority of private employers to give preference in hiring to veteran or spouse of veteran, AB 89**
Wages generally (See WAGES)
Classifications based on sex, restrictions, SB 190D, AB 304D
Wages, inquiries or discussions about, unlawful prohibitions, SB 167D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Duties, removal of certain duties, AB 154**
Education and skills needed in workforce, system to track and predict, duties, AB 342D
Employment Security Division
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 355
Businesses, coordination of collection of information from, provision repealed, SB 59**, AB 364**
Director of Department and Board of Regents, agreement for provision of certain information authorized, SB 24*
Employee leasing companies, selection of contribution rate, duties, AB 389*
Federal old-age and survivors insurance, reporting requirements repealed, AB 457**
Fee for investigating simultaneous claims for industrial insurance, repeal, SB 24*
Industrial Relations, Division of, duty to provide certain information, SB 24*
Secretary of State, receipt of information from Division, SB 59**, AB 364**
State Controller, receipt of information from Division, SB 26**
Taxation, Department of, receipt of information from Division, SB 483**
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, membership, SB 400D
Rehabilitation Division, cooperative agreement with Aging and Disability Services Division required, AB 5**
STEM Workforce Challenge Grant Fund, Committee to Oversee the, appointment of members, SB 493
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Workforce Development Rapid Response Investment Fund, Committee to Oversee the, appointment of members, SB 496
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Districts to finance energy efficiency projects, creation, SB 150D
Electric utilities, development of energy efficiency resource plans, reimbursements and performance-based incentives, SB 282†, SB 407D
Energy assistance programs for residential property, reports, limitation on funding, AB 73**
Energy efficiency programs, legislative study, SB 360**, SCR 4
Green banks, study of establishment, SB 360**
Standards for energy conservation in buildings, restrictions, immunity of design professionals complying with standards, SB 374**
State and Local Government Panel on Renewable and Efficient Energy, abolishment, AB 456**
Distributed generation systems, duties, AB 330D
Emissions from power plants, receipt of report on state compliance plan, SB 438D
Energy conservation standards for buildings, prohibited acts, immunity of design professionals complying with standards, SB 374**
Energy efficiency programs, legislative study, duties, report, SB 360**, SCR 4
Energy efficiency resource plans, duties, SB 407D
Green banks, study of establishment, duties, SB 360**
Renewable Energy Account, duties, AB 466**
State and Local Government Panel on Renewable and Efficient Energy, abolishment, AB 456**
Authorized maintenance stations, provisions repealed, SB 34*
Certification of compliance, forms for, fees, AB 146†
Check engine light on during inspection, procedures, SB 386
Exemption from standards for vehicles manufactured before certain year, AB 146†
First issuance of certain license plates, imposition of fee, deposit, AB 146†
Inspection and testing of vehicles, study, AB 146**
Mopeds, exemption from requirements, SB 404**
Passenger and light-duty vehicles, frequency of inspections, AB 146†
Replica vehicles, exemption from requirements, AB 37**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Building and design codes, compliance, immunity from disciplinary action, SB 374**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Public works
Bidding preferences, SB 378D, AB 172†
Negligence actions, duty to defend in, award of fees and costs, AB 106**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Court reporters, payment for providing English translation in capital cases, AB 10
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, requirements, AB 276D, AB 336D
Interpreter for party or witness with limited English proficiency, credentialing, provision at public expense in civil actions, AB 219D
School pupils
Limited English proficient (See SCHOOL PUPILS)
State Seal of Biliteracy Program, establishment, AB 166**
Voting, assistance at polls, requirements, SB 248**
Engine emission control, regulations, duties, SB 34*, SB 386
Environmental Quality, Council on, membership, SB 277D
Graywater, collection and use for single-family residence, duties, prohibited acts, AB 169
Recycling, duties, SB 122
Board of Registered Environmental Health Specialists
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Certificate by endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Enactment, SB 277D
Cleaning products used in public schools, requirements, SB 25**
Petroleum and petrochemical discharges, cleanup, funding, reimbursements, SB 89**, AB 77**
Water pollution (See WATER POLLUTION)
Wildlife (See BIRDS; WILDLIFE)
Creation, SB 277D
Medicaid, prescription drug coverage, SB 422**
Physician's duties regarding operation of motor vehicle, confidentiality of information, immunity from liability, AB 248*
Federal Constitution, ratification of amendment, SJR 16D
Bullying or cyber-bullying of school pupils, duties, SB 204D
Composition, SB 164D
Employment or apprenticeship
Attorney's fees and costs, award, SB 190D, AB 304D
Back pay, award, restrictions, SB 167D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Damages, award, SB 190D, AB 304D
Notification of rights to person filing complaint, duties, SB 167D
Unlawful discrimination in compensation, time for filing complaints, SB 167D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Unlawful employment practices determined to be willful, civil penalty, SB 167D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Veterans, hiring preferences of private employers, review of policies, duties, AB 89**
Gender identity or expression, duties, SB 164D
Notification of rights to person filing complaint, duties, SB 190D, AB 304D
Sexual orientation, duties, SB 164D
Appeals filed by mail, when deemed filed with board, effect of postmarks, SB 377**
Persons authorized to file appeals, procedure for objection to written authorization to file, AB 452**
Mines, appeal of tax assessments, SB 78**
Performance audit, SB 415D, AB 412
Persons authorized to file appeals, procedure for objection to written authorization to file, AB 452**
Ratio studies and performance audits, receipt of reports, appeals based on, AB 56D
Immunities from liability, SB 129*
Regulation of practitioners, creation of advisory committee, AB 271D
Savings bonds, abandoned or unclaimed, AB 18D
"Admission or amusement services," definition, taxation, SB 426, AB 392
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D
Live entertainment tax, applicability, SB 266*
Applicability of laws, AB 480*
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Definitions, AB 480*
Employment or association with agency, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 480*
Applications for issuance or renewal, requirements, AB 480*
By endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Fees, increase, AB 480†
Registry, use, payment of costs, AB 480*
Retention amounts in construction contracts, procedures, duties, SB 375D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Direct cremation facilities, issuance of temporary license after death of funeral director, SB 286*
Family trust companies (See FAMILY TRUST COMPANIES)
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 434D
"Interested person," definitions, SB 484*
Intestate estates, removal of property by public administrator, AB 293**
Motor vehicle registration fees, refund following disposal of vehicle, AB 145
Personal jurisdiction of court over certain persons, SB 484*
Personal representatives
Administrator with will annexed, powers, persons ineligible to serve, SB 484*
Disqualification of certain persons to act, authority of court, SB 484*
Vexatious litigant, findings, SB 484*
Sale of property, technical correction, SB 484*
Small estates
Distribution, procedures, SB 484*
Monetary limit on certain proceedings increased, AB 130†
Nonprobate transfers, effect on family support from estate, SB 484*
"Spouse" defined to include domestic partner, SB 484*
Summary administration, monetary limit increased, AB 130*
Transfer of estate assets without letters of administration or probate of will, monetary limit, requirements, AB 130*
Undue influence, presumptions, SB 484*
Waiver of appraisal or inventory of property, SB 484*
Wills (See WILLS)
Constitutional amendment to authorize tax on certain large estates, SJR 19D
Graffiti laws, applicability, SB 56*
Arbitrators, removal from arbitral proceeding for failure to make certain disclosures, SB 442**
Charter School Authority, State Public, receipt of gifts by Executive Director restricted, SB 509*
Charter school governing bodies, requirements, regulation, SB 509*
Commissioner of Mortgage Lending, AB 311D, AB 480*
Common-interest communities, eligibility of officers and executive board members, SB 174*, AB 238†
Condominium hotels, officers and executive board members, conflicts of interest, SB 389*
Cooling-off period before serving as paid lobbyist, AB 273*
Gifts from lobbyists, prohibited acts, SB 307*
Standing rules (SSR 23, ASR 2, ASR 23), SR 1‡, SR 7‡, AR 1‡
Nevada Ethics in Government Law
Conflicts of interest, abstention from taking action, applicability of laws, AB 60†
"Cooling off" period for former public officers and employees, disclosure of certain information authorized, AB 60**
Initiation of request for opinion based on anonymous complaint, AB 60†
Investigative file of Commission, confidentiality of information, AB 60**
Submission of request from person asking that name be kept confidential, procedures, AB 60**
Time for taking action on requests for opinions, AB 60**
Willful violations, consideration of certain factors, qualification for protection under "safe harbor" provision, AB 60**
Real estate licensees and property managers, prohibited acts, AB 264D
School district officers and employees, dissemination of ballot question information, SB 380
Authority of certain patients to request, SB 336D
Attorney's fees and litigation expenses, recovery by prevailing party in certain criminal actions, procedures, SB 186*
Child welfare agencies, proof of efforts to preserve family, AB 102D
Collateral source rule, repeal, SB 291
Constructional defects actions, rejected offers of judgment, admissibility, AB 125**
Controlled substances, destruction of unnecessary quantity before trial, AB 371†
Courts of inquiry, procedures, AB 401D
Criminal defendants, statements or confessions, admissibility, AB 49†
Dangerous drugs, destruction of unnecessary quantity before trial, AB 371†
Admissibility of evidence obtained through use of, AB 239*
Seized unattended drones, retrieval of evidence from, SB 280D
Forfeiture proceedings, burdens of proof, SB 138†
Grand juries, requirements, AB 193*
Hazardous waste or hazardous material, description admissible in lieu of physical evidence, requirements, AB 371†
Juvenile court, determination of competency of child, AB 138*
Marijuana, destruction of unnecessary quantity before trial, procedure, AB 371*
Medical expenses, admissibility of evidence in determination of amount of damages, SB 291†
Pandering or sex trafficking, admissibility of certain testimony, AB 49*
Preliminary examinations, requirements, AB 193*
Professional negligence, applicability of rebuttable presumption, SB 292**
Sexual abuse of minor or vulnerable person, admissibility of expert testimony, AB 49*
Sexual offenses, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Testing of blood, breath or urine of defendant, admissibility of evidence in misdemeanor trial, AB 67**
Civil rights, petitions to restore, procedures, AB 357D
Firearms, petitions to restore right to own or possess, procedures, AB 357D
Right to vote, restoration, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 97D, SB 319D
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 355
Arts and museums, preservation and promotion, receipt of reports, SB 166D
Charter schools, grants to nonprofit organizations to establish and operate high quality schools, duties, SB 491**
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, duties, receipt of reports, SB 20**
Debts owed to state agencies, duties, AB 14*
General appropriations legislation, duties, SB 514**
K-12 Public Education Stabilization Account, requests for allocations, SB 424
Medical marijuana taxation, duties, AB 70**
Motor carriers of passengers, excise tax, duties, SB 376*
Occupational Safety and Health Review Board, duties, AB 255
Presidential preference primary elections, approval of payment of expenses, SB 421, AB 302
Real Estate Division and Commission, claims for expenses, AB 475**
Salaries, appropriation, duties, AB 489**
Taxicabs, excise tax, duties, SB 376*
Transportation network companies, excise tax, duties, SB 376*
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, AB 486**
Repeal of laws, AB 368D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Constables, duties, liability, fees, SB 285**
Exemptions from execution
Annuity benefits, SB 373 of the 77th Session, AB 129D
Disposable earnings, exceptions, SB 373 of the 77th Session, AB 129†
Dwelling of judgment debtor, SB 333D
Equity in property, money, stocks, bonds or other funds on deposit with financial institution, amount of exemption increased, AB 207D
Health insurance, money necessary to pay premium or contribution, AB 207D
Homestead, SB 333D
Personal property, amount of exemption increased, AB 207D
Garnishment of wages (See GARNISHMENT)
Judgment creditors seeking unlawfully to enforce foreign judgments from account at financial institution, remedies, SB 373 of the 77th Session, AB 129†
Sale of property under execution, license unnecessary for liquor sold at sale, SB 285**
Interception of communications, authority of peace officers, SB 52**, AB 433
Motor vehicles located on property of school or child care facility, weapons within vehicle authorized, requirements, AB 2D
Permit required for certain activity, penalty, AB 34**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, AB 49*
Office of the Extradition Coordinator, appropriation, SB 427**
Sentencing, waiver of defendant's right to be present, requirements, SB 55*
Eye banks, accreditation requirements, SB 206†
Eye drops, coverage by health insurers, dispensing of refills, SB 217*
Ophthalmic and ocular devices, sales and use tax exemptions, SB 334
Agricultural associations, holding of fairs or exhibitions, mandate removed, AB 77**
Agriculture, State Department of, authority to operate state or regional fairs, duties, AB 77**
Craft distilleries, authorized acts, SB 246†, AB 186D, AB 367D
Epinephrine, administration by certain entities, immunities, AB 158*
Equine activities, immunities from liability, SB 129*
Nevada Fair of Mineral Industries, name change, authority to move to other location, AB 77**
State business license requirements for certain exhibitions, repeal, AB 323D
Federal officer, penalty for false personation of, AB 283D
Dispute resolution, requirements, AB 210D
Action plans, requirements, AB 156**
Annual reports, contents, AB 156†
"At-risk community," definition, AB 156**
Case managers, duties, AB 156**
Purpose of centers clarified, AB 156**
Confidentiality of documents and communications, SB 378D, SB 384**
Designation of person to represent and bind beneficiary, SB 384**
Fiduciaries, powers, applicability of laws, SB 384**
Financial Institutions, Division of, duties, SB 384**
Guardians for certain persons, appointment, SB 384**
Reports, requirements, SB 384**
Appurtenance of water to place of use, "farm" defined for purposes of, AB 415*
Implements of husbandry
Lamps and reflectors, applicability of laws, SB 155*
Liability insurance, penalty for violations, SB 155*
License plates, requirements, fees, SB 155*
Motor carriers, applicability of laws, SB 155*
Motor vehicle registration, applicability of laws, SB 155*
Size or weight of vehicle, applicability of laws, SB 155*
Vehicles containing dyed fuel, applicability of laws, SB 155*
Livestock (See LIVESTOCK)
Special fuel taxes, refunds for bulk purchases, regulations, SB 155**
Creation, SB 214**
Adulteration, prohibited acts, SB 488*, SB 495D
Commercial Feed Account, creation, SB 488*, SB 495D
Inspections and audits, SB 488*, SB 495D
Labeling, requirements, SB 488*, SB 495D
Licensing requirements, penalties, SB 488*, SB 495D
Misbranding, prohibited acts, SB 488*, SB 495D
Packaging, reuse prohibited, SB 488*, SB 495D
Penalties for violations, SB 488*, SB 495D
Repeal of laws, AB 79**
FELONIES (See also CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS; specific crimes)
Incompetent criminal defendants, crimes for which commitment after dismissal of charges may be sought, SB 54**
Sentence credits, study concerning use, SB 454
"Sexual offense," definition for certain purposes, AB 208D
Dillon's Rule, abolishment, AB 413D, AB 493**
Brands and grades, registration, AB 77**
Publication of statistical information, mandate removed, disclosures authorized, AB 77**
Rules and standards, adoption by reference authorized, AB 77**
Sales reports, requirements, penalty for violations, AB 77**
Sellers and distributors, registration, AB 77**
Short weight, payment of penalty to consumer repealed, AB 77**
Violations, civil penalty, deposit and use, criminal penalty repealed, AB 77**
Adoption, AB 434D
Calculation of amount of credit, SB 94**
Cities and counties, local fee abatements, continuation, SB 94**
Credits purchased in good faith, repayment by transferee prohibited, SB 94**
Definitions, SB 94**
Eligibility, application, procedure for submitting and hearing, SB 94**
Employees of enterprise, determination of status as full-time equivalent employee, SB 94**
Limitation on amount of credit, SB 94**, AB 147
Production companies, applicability of laws, SB 94**
Creation, duties, AB 469**, AB 489**
Arts and museums, preservation and promotion, receipt of reports, duties, SB 166D
Capital improvements, duties, AB 491**
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, duties, receipt of reports, SB 20**
General obligation bond issue, duties, AB 491**
Public works by local governments, matching grant program, duties, SB 149D
Redeposits of state money, approval regarding agreements, SB 448**
Branch tax, repeal, AB 464
Deductions for hiring certain veterans, AB 71**
Employee payroll tax
College savings plans, matching contributions, credit against tax, SB 412*
Day care assistance for children of employees, credit against tax, SB 346D
Rate change, AB 464
Scholarship organizations, donations to, credit against tax, AB 165**, AB 350D
Water projects in tax increment areas, use of proceeds, AB 497**
Film production, transferable tax credits, SB 94**, AB 147
Insurance producers, tax inapplicable to certain persons, SB 103**
Repeal of provisions, applicability of business tax, AB 464
Transferable tax credits to new or expanding businesses, procedures, SB 507**
Creation, duties, SB 381
FINES (For criminal penalties, see CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS; specific crimes)
Abortion, reporting violations by physicians, AB 405†
Agriculture violations, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**, AB 79**
Alternative nicotine products, violations, SB 225*
Animals, diseased, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**, AB 79**
Antifreeze, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Athletic Commission, Nevada, authority to impose, AB 476**
Audiologists, violations, maximum penalty, AB 115*
Bees and apiaries, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Butcher shops, violations, AB 77**
Candidates for office determined to be ineligible, AB 381D
Carcasses, violations, AB 77**
Caustic or corrosive substances, violations, AB 77†
Constitutional convention delegates, violations, SB 274
Contractors, violations, AB 137*
Courts of inquiry, contempt of court, AB 401D
Death care consultants, violations, SB 286†
Deceptive trade practices, violations, deposits, AB 481**
Dependent, facilities for the, unlicensed operation, AB 222*
Dextromethorphan, sales to minors without prescription, AB 453D
District court clerks, fines for certain violations repealed, AB 69*
Driver's licenses, treatment of violations as civil matters, evaluation, SB 304, AB 281D
Eggs, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Nursing mothers, violations against, AB 306D
Willful unlawful practices, civil penalties, SB 167†, SB 190D, AB 304D
Employment practices, willful unlawful practices, SB 167†, SB 190D, AB 304D
Escrow agents and agencies, unlicensed practice, AB 480*
Feed for animals, violations, SB 488*, SB 495D
Fertilizers, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Fish, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Fruit, violations, AB 77**
Funeral arrangers or funeral directors, violations, SB 286*
Game used for human food, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Garage operators, unlawful sale or transfer of personal or vehicular information of customers, AB 256D
Garlic and onions, violations, deposit and use of civil penalties, AB 77†
Garnishment of wages for debts owed to state agencies, prohibited acts by employers, SB 26**
Health care facilities in larger counties, violations, SB 361D
Health care records, violations by custodians, SB 273**
Health information exchanges, uncertified operation, SB 48*
Hearing aid specialists, violations, maximum penalty, AB 115*
Horse meat sales, violations, AB 77**
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, failure to post notice regarding, AB 276D, AB 336D, AB 354D
Inspector General, interference with, AB 300
Insurance companies, violations, SB 67**, AB 402D
Justices of the peace
Payments to county treasurer, time for, AB 69*
Repeal of fines for certain violations, AB 69*
Juvenile courts, enforcement of certain civil judgments, certain procedures repealed, AB 46**
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, SB 197*
Liquid nicotine, violations, SB 225*
Live entertainment tax, violations, SB 266*, SB 425, AB 393
Livestock and farm products dealers and other licensees, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Livestock auctions, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Long-term care, administrators of facilities for, violations, SB 172**
Marijuana establishments, loitering by minors, IP 1D
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, violations, SB 283D
Marijuana, possession of 1 ounce or less, SB 366D
Meat, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Medicaid, liability for false or fraudulent claims, limitation of actions, distribution to private plaintiff, AB 48**
Medical marijuana cultivation facilities, violations, SB 372D
Mortgage industry licensees, violations, AB 311D, AB 480†
Motor carriers, procedures for recovery of civil penalties, SB 184D
Motor vehicle fuel, advertising violations, deposit of civil penalties, AB 77**
Motor vehicles
Consignment auctions, prohibited acts, AB 37†
Guaranteed asset protection waivers, violations, SB 253*
Naturopathic medicine, unlawful acts, SB 408D
Notaries, violations, SB 401**, AB 65**
Noxious weeds, control of, violations, AB 77**
Pest control, violation of orders of Department regarding host plants, AB 77**
Pesticides, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Petroleum products, advertising violations, deposit of civil penalties, AB 77**
Political party conventions, violations, SB 421, AB 302
Poultry, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Prescription drug monitoring, violations, SB 459*, AB 279D
Private Investigator's Licensing Board, authority to assess fines, AB 173*
Private professional guardians, violations, AB 325*
Produce, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Public money, fraud, waste, abuse or corruption, AB 300
Public works, delinquent benefit payments to Taft-Hartley trust, violations, SB 223†
Quarantine of agricultural commodities, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Recreational programs, seasonal or temporary, violations, AB 197
Registered agents, violations, SB 39*
Rodent control districts, violations, deposit and use of civil penalties, AB 77**
School service providers, violations, SB 463**
Securities personnel, violations against aged or vulnerable persons, AB 51**
Slaughterhouses, violations, AB 77**
Solicitation of charitable contributions, violations, AB 50*
Speech pathologists, violations, maximum penalty, AB 115*
State Controller, collection and distribution of certain fines, SB 454
Subsurface installations, violations, SB 86**
Toll roads, failure to pay user fees, AB 450
Tow car operators, violations, AB 385*
Traffic violations, treatment as civil matters, evaluation, SB 304, AB 281D
Transportation, Department of, authority to enforce certain pollution laws, SB 324**
Transportation facility, failure to pay user fees, AB 450
Transportation network companies, violations, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Trust companies, violations by foreign entities, SB 123
Unlawful employment practices, willful, SB 167†, SB 190D, AB 304D
Vapor products, violations, SB 225*
Vegetables, violations, AB 77**
Veterinary biologic products sold in State, violations, SB 488**
Voter registration organizations, violations, SB 436
Water conservation, violations, SB 65
Weed control districts, violations, AB 77**
Weights and measures, deposit and use of certain fines, AB 77**
Alcohol or drug abuse counselors, license or certificate by endorsement, applicants for, SB 68**, AB 89**
Behavior analysts, license by endorsement, applicants for, SB 68**, AB 89**
Charter schools, requirements of members of governing bodies, SB 509*
Chiropractors, reinstatement of expired license, AB 231*
Crime against a child, registration of offenders, requirements, SB 99†
Detoxification technicians, certificate by endorsement, applicants for, SB 68**, AB 89**
Disciplinary action against licensees under Administrative Procedure Act, fingerprints deemed discretionary, AB 53**
Foster care, adults routinely supervising children in homes, AB 268**
Funeral or cremation business, applicants for license, permit or certificate, SB 186*
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, licensees, SB 283D
Massage therapists, license by endorsement, applicants for, SB 68**, AB 89**
Medical marijuana establishments
Independent contractors serving as agents, requirements, AB 70**
Transfer of ownership, requirements, SB 276*
Nurses, license by endorsement, applicants for, SB 68**, AB 89**
Osteopathy, license by endorsement, applicants for, SB 68**, AB 89**
Physical therapists, license by endorsement, applicants for, SB 68**, AB 89**
Physician assistants, license by endorsement, applicants for, SB 68**, AB 89**
Physicians, license by endorsement, applicants for, SB 68**, AB 89**
Podiatry, license by endorsement, applicants for, AB 89**
Problem gambling counselors, certificate by endorsement, applicants for, SB 68**, AB 89**
Psychologists, license by endorsement, applicants for, SB 68**, AB 89**
Social workers, license by endorsement, applicants for, SB 68**, AB 89**
Transportation network companies, drivers, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Alzheimer's disease, certain actions encouraged, SCR 2‡
Emergency medical services (See EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES)
Firefighters (See FIREFIGHTERS)
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, AB 90**
Schools, duties, SB 205**, AB 218
Accessory roads, closure or restrictions on use, duties, AB 398D
Emergency fund, balance, transfers, SB 318D, AB 333**
Fire protection operating fund, deposits, SB 318D, AB 333**
Formation by petition to State Forester Firewarden, provisions repealed, AB 34**
Merger to form consolidated district, procedures, SB 318D, AB 333**
Rangeland fire protection associations, creation, duties, SB 102D, AB 163**
School crisis or emergency response plans, consultations, receipt of copy, SB 205**
State Land Registrar, transfer of certain lands authorized, effect, AB 34**
Washoe County, duties of districts, SB 185*
Installation in structures, authority of local governments to require, SB 477**
Acquittal by reason of insanity, possession or custody or control of firearm prohibited, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Concealed firearms
Airports, authority to carry in certain areas, AB 148D
Carrying concealed on person, restrictions repealed, SB 143D, SB 171D
Child care facilities, authority of permit holders, AB 148D
"Domestic violence" defined to include unlawfully carrying concealed firearm, SB 143D
Foster homes, authority to carry in presence of foster child or on premises of certain homes, AB 167**
Local ordinances, regulatory authority removed, SB 143D, SB 171D, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D, AB 352†
Local records of registration, destruction required, SB 175**, SB 240*, AB 127D
Motor vehicles located on property of school or child care facility, concealed firearms within vehicles authorized, requirements, AB 148D, AB 487
Nevada System of Higher Education property, authority to carry on, SB 350, AB 148D, AB 487
Out-of-state permittees, right to carry in Nevada, SB 171D, SB 175**, AB 139D, AB 404D
Peace officers, exemption from permit fees, AB 352†
Permits, certain requirements repealed, SB 143D, SB 171D
Refund of application fee, duties of sheriffs, AB 404†
Renewal of permit, effect of application before expiration date, AB 404D
Safety courses, provision of information to permittees, SB 350, AB 148†
School property, authority of permit holders, AB 148D
Confiscation and disposition, applicability of laws, SB 143D
Constables, authority to carry, training requirements, SB 285**, AB 167**
Domestic violence
Definition includes unlawfully carrying concealed firearm, SB 143D
Possession of firearm by domestic violence offender prohibited, SB 175**, SB 187D, AB 357D
Sale or transfer of firearm to licensed dealer, duties, SB 187D
Family foster homes, storage and carrying of firearms authorized, duties, immunities, AB 167**
Felony convictions, petitions to restore right to own or possess firearms, AB 357D
Guilty but mentally ill, possession or custody or control of firearm prohibited, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Hunting with archery equipment or muzzle-loading firearm, authority to carry handgun for self-defense, prohibited acts, AB 136**
Making of firearm, certification of applications, procedures, AB 404D
Motor vehicles located on property of school or child care facility, firearms within vehicles authorized, requirements, AB 2D, AB 148D, AB 487
Possession prohibited if prohibited by federal law, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Possession while under the influence, refusal to submit to evidentiary test at request of peace officer, AB 67**
Public buildings, authority to carry firearm in, AB 148D, AB 352D
Regulation, authority reserved to Legislature, remedies, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D
Sale or transfer
Background checks, fee by Central Repository prohibited, immunity from liability, SB 240*
Certification of applications to transfer, procedures, AB 404D
Delivery or transfer from out of state, when dealer exempt from duty to pay tax, AB 316
Domestic violence offenders, requirements, SB 187D
Occasional sales, sales tax exemptions, AB 316†
Private persons, duties regarding background investigations, penalties, liability, SB 221 of the 77th Session, IP 2D
Prohibited acts, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Stalking offenders, requirements, SB 187D
School pupils, disciplinary action for certain acts restricted, conflicting regulation prohibited, AB 121**
Second Amendment rights
Actions to protect, authority of Attorney General, AB 100D
Special license plates supporting, issuance, SB 229*
Stalking, duties of and prohibited acts by convicted persons, SB 187D
Alzheimer's disease, certain actions encouraged, SCR 2‡
Death in line of duty, benefit options for surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**, AB 363D
Emergency medical services (See EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES)
Occupational diseases (See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES)
Peer support counseling sessions, communications confidential, AB 309D
Special license plates for retired professional firefighters, eligibility, AB 155**
Yellow Dot Program, establishment, immunities, AB 176*
Departments (See FIRE DEPARTMENTS)
Expenses for extinguishment of fires or meeting emergencies, collection, AB 34**
Fire sprinklers in structures, authority of local governments to require, SB 477**
Innkeepers, liability for damage to vehicle on premises limited, SB 256**
Liability of person causing fire or other emergency on privately- or publicly-owned property, AB 34**
Nevada Fire Safe Council, Congress urged to facilitate payments to contractors, AJR 3‡
Permit required for certain activities, penalty, AB 34**
Rangeland fire protection associations, creation, SB 102D, AB 163**
Authority to prohibit or restrict certain activity, duties, penalties for violations, AB 34**
Washoe County, duties of fire protection entities, SB 185*
Permit required for certain activities, penalty, AB 34**
Constitutional recognition of right to fish, use to manage wildlife, SJR 11‡
Council on Nevada Wildlife Conservation and Education, creation, duties, SB 163
Demerit points for wildlife violations
Provisions repealed, AB 142†
Schedule, authorized deductions, AB 142D
Right of general public to use public land, legislative declaration, AB 408
Sales of fish, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 77**
Suspension or revocation of license, permit or other privilege, procedures, AB 142D
Trout stamps, deposit and use of fees, AB 82**
Wildlife conservation and education fee, imposition, SB 163†
Common-interest communities, restrictions on display of state flag prohibited, AB 301**
Roadblocks due to flooding, liability for response costs after driving through, SB 156**
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, AB 295**
Chief Medical Officer, certain duties repealed, AB 77**
Child care facilities, meals and snacks provided to children, requirements, AB 152†
Cottage food operations, sale of pickled foods, SB 441†
Craft food operations, production of pickled foods, SB 441*
Eggs (See EGGS)
Fish, sales of certain fish prohibited, AB 77**
Fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts, standards, AB 79**
Meat (See MEAT)
Quarantine Officer, State, duties, AB 77**
Breakfast After the Bell Program, creation, SB 503**
Pupils receiving free or reduced-price lunches, contents of accountability reports, AB 107*
Wages, limitation on computation of value of meals as wages, SB 165D
Caustic or corrosive substances, regulation, AB 77†
Cottage food operations, sale of pickled foods, SB 441†
Craft food operations, exemptions from regulation, SB 441*
Egg production facilities, exemption from regulation, AB 79**
Epinephrine, administration by certain entities, immunities, AB 158*
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D
Marijuana-infused products or edible marijuana products, facilities producing, exemption from regulation, SB 372D
Slaughterhouses, exemptions from regulation, AB 79**
Asset management companies, right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Common-interest communities (See COMMON-INTEREST COMMUNITIES)
Constables, posting notices of sale, fees, SB 285**
Deed in lieu of foreclosure sale, recording requirements, effect of noncompliance, AB 183*
Deeds of trust, procedures following foreclosure, rights of bona fide purchasers, SB 239**
Deficiency judgments
Acquisition of right by third party, limitation on amount of money judgment, AB 195**
Application for deficiency judgment, requirements, SB 453*
Definitions, applicability, SB 453*
Financial institutions which are also mortgagees or beneficiaries of deed of trust, duties, SB 306*, SB 512*
Junior lienholders, amount of recovery in civil actions, AB 195**
One action rule, inapplicability to certain actions, SB 453*
Owner-occupied housing
Cancellation of pending foreclosure sale, grounds, AB 282D
Common-interest communities, requirements, SB 306*, SB 355D
Dismissal of civil action for foreclosure sale, grounds, AB 282D
Initiation of mediation to negotiate loan modification, requirements, immunities, SB 321, SB 512**
Judicial foreclosures, procedures, SB 453*
Persons required to attend, procedures, AB 259D
Procedure, provisions repealed, rules to be adopted by Nevada Supreme Court, AB 282D
Prospective repeal of program, SB 512*
Notice of default and election to sell, grounds for rescission, AB 282D
Persons deemed in compliance with certain additional requirements, SB 349, AB 288D
Violations, remedies, AB 282D
Proceeds of foreclosure sale, disposition, SB 453*
Tenants, notice requirements, AB 386*
Contractors, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 133D
Document preparation services, registration qualifications, AB 65**
Human trafficking victims, procedures upon identification, AB 276D, AB 354D
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, creation, SB 400D
Immigration laws, comprehensive reform urged, SJR 21‡
Jury duty, written affirmation of nonqualification based on foreign citizenship, SB 437D, AB 459
Nevada Liberty Preservation Act, adoption, penalties for violations, SB 352D
Physician Visa Waiver Program, fees, AB 39**
Pilot migrant worker visa program, establishment, SB 400D
Public schools, employment as teacher or administrator, restrictions, AB 27**
Voter registration, procedures for determining citizenship of persons registered to vote, SB 437D, AB 459
Driver's licenses, reciprocal agreements for issuance authorized, AB 383**
Interstate Family Support Act, amendment, effective date, AB 13**
Israel, support expressed and friendship and partnership recognized, AJR 1‡
Pilot migrant worker visa program, establishment, SB 400D
Sister-state relationship, 30th anniversary commemorated, SCR 8‡
Trans-Pacific Partnership, support for inclusion of Taiwan urged, SJR 20D
Court reporters, payment for providing English translation in capital cases, AB 10
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, requirements, AB 276D, AB 336D
Interpreter for party or witness with limited English proficiency, credentialing, provision at public expense in civil actions, AB 219D
Council to Establish Academic Standards, duties, SB 25**
Dual language learners, identification, assessment and classification, SB 126
Limited English proficient (See SCHOOL PUPILS)
State Seal of Biliteracy Program, establishment, AB 166**
Beneficial use of public lands, procedures, imposition of county tax on profits, AB 408†
Acquittal of claimant, return of property after, SB 138*
Bail, forfeiture orders, receipt by and duties of Court Administrator repealed, AB 69*
Discovery, applicability of local rules, SB 138†
Disposal of forfeited property, SB 138†
District court clerk, failure to post table of fees, forfeiture repealed, AB 69*
Establishment of violation, requirements, SB 138†
Firearms, procedures for confiscated firearms, SB 143D
Justices of the peace, failure to post table of fees, forfeiture repealed, AB 69*
Legislative declaration, SB 138†
Liability for damages and costs, return of seized property, SB 138†
Medicaid fraud, penalty, AB 48†
Denial or dismissal of charges, return of property after, SB 138*
Innocent owners, determination of innocence, prohibited forfeitures, SB 138†
Joint and several liability prohibited, SB 138†
Procedure for return of property, SB 138*
Peace officers
Duties, reports, SB 138*
Prohibited acts, SB 138†
Seizure by law enforcement agency, requirements for forfeiture of property, SB 138*
Plea of stipulation, forfeiture following, SB 138*
Proceedings for forfeiture, filing of complaint, duties of court, SB 138*
Property subject to forfeiture, time for court's determination, SB 138*
Security interests, when subject to forfeiture, SB 138†
Seizure of property, procedures, SB 138†
Supreme Court Clerk, failure to post table of fees, forfeiture repealed, AB 69*
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, SB 197*
Medical marijuana registry identification cards or letters of approval, unlawful acts, SB 32D, SB 447**
Adults routinely supervising children in home, background checks, effect of convictions, AB 268**
Child's welfare, persons responsible for, AB 52*
Consultations with license applicants and providers of foster care, requirements, SB 394†
Credit report of child, age at which report to be examined by agency for child welfare services, AB 324**
Employee records, maintenance, AB 268†
Firearms and ammunition, storage and carrying by certain persons authorized, duties, immunities, AB 167**
Injury to child as result of child's participation in certain activities, immunity from liability, SB 394†
Legislative Committee on Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice, powers and duties, SB 303**
List of available services to assist foster homes, preparation and distribution, AB 247D
Missing children, procedures, regulation, AB 324**
Preservation and reunification of family, efforts made by child welfare agencies, determination by court, AB 102D
"Reasonable and prudent parent standard," defined, training requirements, SB 394†
Reports regarding health, wellbeing and status of foster child, duties, penalty for violations, AB 247D
Runaways, procedures, regulation, AB 324**
School attendance, duty to provide notice of failure to attend or truancy, regulation, AB 247D
Specialized foster home
Categorical grant to child welfare agencies providing services to children in, SB 107†
Reporting requirements, SB 107**
Review of placements, corrective actions, SB 107**
Use of money allocated for care, requirements, SB 107**
Training, requirements, SB 394†, AB 247D
Permits to drill and operate well, fees, SB 44**
Prohibition, temporary exemption related to wastewater, SB 202D
Electric passenger car manufacturers, exemption from laws, SB 179D
Nevada High-Speed Rail Authority, selection of franchisee for construction and operation of System, SB 457**
Assessments for National Association of Insurance Commissioners, repeal, AB 486**
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 336D
Commerce tax, imposition, SB 483**
Dental care services, prohibited acts, requirements, SB 137*
Drug formularies, publication of information, SB 328†
Exemptions from execution, money necessary for payment of premium or contribution, AB 207D
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, AB 486**
Mental health coverage, publication of information, SB 328
Naturopathic medicine practitioners, applicability of certain laws, SB 408D
Network plans
Health care providers included in plan, when deemed inadequate, duties of insurers, AB 230D
Study, AB 220D
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6†
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee, imposition, SB 378D
Telehealth services, coverage requirements, SB 299, AB 292**
Utilization review, agents who conduct, requirements, SB 67**
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 336D
Contractors' Recovery Fund, certain persons ineligible to recover from, SB 50*
Domestic relations actions, authority to file postjudgment motion to adjudicate property, time limit for certain motions, AB 362*
Insurance fraud, acts or omissions related to certain policies issued outside State, SB 85**
Insurance licensees, grounds for disciplinary action, SB 67**
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, SB 197*
Medicaid fraud, penalty, sealing of records relating to conviction, AB 48**
Medical marijuana, tax violations, penalties, AB 70**
Mortgage industry licensees, penalties, AB 311D, AB 480†
Notarial acts, authentication of signatures, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 65**
Public money
Inspector General, duties, effect of findings, AB 300
Reports of fraud by public agency or contractor, confidentiality of information, exceptions, SB 83**
Transportation excise tax, violations, penalty, SB 376*
Unemployment compensation, acts constituting fraud, time for recovery of fraudulent payments, SB 24*
Voidable Transactions Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 420D
Voter registration, unlawful acts, penalty, SB 436†, AB 245D
Repeal, AB 420D
Spendthrift trusts, limitation on applicability, SB 264*
School pupils, rights, complaint procedure, AB 120**
Cottage food operations, sale of pickled foods, SB 441†
Craft food operations, production of pickled foods, SB 441*
Diseased or unwholesome, prohibited acts, civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty, AB 77**
Fresh products, standards, AB 79**
Violations, civil penalties, AB 79**
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Continuing education courses, duties, SB 286**
Crematories, duties, SB 286**
Death care consultants, duties, SB 286†
Direct cremation facilities, duties, SB 286**
Fees, duties, SB 286**
Funeral arrangers, duties, SB 286**
Guide to services, duties, SB 286**
Investigations, procedures, SB 286**
Members, qualifications, SB 286*
President, redesignation as Chair, SB 286*
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Register of licensees, duty to keep, SB 286**
Secretary, duties, SB 286**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Licensing and regulation, SB 286*
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Cremation (See CREMATION)
Death care consultants, regulation, SB 286†
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 286*
Funeral arrangers, regulation, SB 286*
Applications, requirements, SB 286*
By endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Continuing education courses, SB 286*
Examination of embalmers, SB 286*
Renewal, SB 286*
OSHA requirements, compliance mandated, SB 286*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Unprofessional conduct, SB 286*
Disciplinary action against agent or seller, grounds, SB 67**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Livestock and farm products dealers, brokers and commission merchants
Actions against authorized, AB 77**
Applicability of laws, AB 77**
Associated equipment, regulation of manufacturers, sellers and distributors, SB 38**
Club venues, regulation, SB 38**
Devices incorporating advanced technology, regulations to encourage manufacture, SB 9**
Gaming employees
Consumer reporting agencies, authority to investigate or to disclose information, SB 409**
Definition, SB 38**
Interactive gaming
Internet poker, applicability of laws, AB 414D
Service providers, licensing, SB 38**
Limited-liability companies and limited partnerships, repeal of certain restrictions, SB 38**
Live entertainment tax (See LIVE ENTERTAINMENT TAX)
Lottery, operation by State authorized, use of proceeds, AJR 6D
Military installation, conditions for relocation of adjacent establishment, SB 124**
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, appointment of members, SB 411**
Purpose of gaming industry, amendment of public policy, SB 98D
Race books and sports pools
Business entities, wagers by, requirements, penalty for violations, SB 443**
Global risk management, regulation, SB 445**
Legislative findings and declaration, SB 443†
Resort hotels
Cosmetology practitioners, licensing, AB 246*
Vehicles damaged on premises, innkeeper's liability limited, SB 256**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Sex trafficking or involuntary servitude, victims of, vacation of judgment of conviction for loitering in gaming area, AB 108*
Taxes and fees
Film production, transferable tax credits, SB 94**, AB 147
License fees, increase, SB 275D
New or expanding businesses, transferable tax credits, SB 507**
Wagering, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 40*
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 355
Apportionment of members, requirements, AB 410†
Associated equipment, regulation, SB 38**
Authorized expenditures, AB 490**
Club venues, regulation, SB 38**
Debts owed to Board, duties, AB 14*
Devices incorporating advanced technology, regulations to encourage manufacture, SB 9**
Interactive gaming
Duties, SB 38**
Internet poker, applicability of laws, AB 414D
Live entertainment tax, duties, SB 266**
Race books and sports pools, duties, SB 443**, SB 445**
Sports Pool Telecast Access Committee, creation, duties, SB 450
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 355
Associated equipment, regulation, SB 38**
Authorized expenditures, AB 490**
Club venues, regulation, SB 38**
Debts owed to Board, procedures regarding delinquencies, AB 14*
Devices incorporating advanced technology, regulations to encourage manufacture, SB 9**
Live entertainment tax, duties, SB 266**, SB 425, SB 426, AB 392, AB 393
Medical marijuana, authority to preclude use by employees, SB 447**
Military installation, relocation of adjacent establishment, authority of Board, SB 124**
Name change, AB 40**
New or expanding businesses, transferable tax credits, receipt of reports, SB 507**
Open Meeting Law, applicability, AB 40**
Race books and sports pools, duties, SB 443**, SB 445**
Unclassified service, salaries, duties, AB 489**
Consignment auctions, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 37**
Insurers, duties regarding recommendation of particular garage, prohibited acts, AB 402D
Personal or vehicular information of customers, selling or transferring, restrictions, penalties, AB 256D
Violations, civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty, AB 77†
Constables, duties, liability, fees, SB 285**
Debts owed to state agencies, collection procedures, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 26**
Gross weekly salary or wage of employee, determination, AB 129†
Period of garnishment, AB 129†
Judgment creditors seeking unlawfully to enforce foreign judgments from account or other property at financial institution, remedies, SB 373 of the 77th Session, AB 129†
Birth certificate, application for new certificate, procedures, SB 343D
Bullying or cyber-bullying of school pupils, authority to file complaint with Nevada Equal Rights Commission, SB 204D
Common-interest communities, retaliatory actions against units' owners, prohibited acts, AB 149D
Discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 164D, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Murder, first degree, aggravating circumstances, SB 164D
Name change to conform to gender identity, procedures, SB 343D, SB 358D
School facilities designated for use by single sex, restrictions on use, accommodation of pupils, AB 375
Transportation network companies, prohibited acts, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Contents, SB 514**
Procedures (JSR 21), ACR 1‡
Contents, AB 490**
Contents, AB 491**
Bonds, authorized investments by State, AB 196
State Controller, collection and distribution of fees, SB 454
Birth certificate of resulting child, issuance, AB 92*
Child welfare services agencies, use of money, approval, AB 490**
Corrections, Department of, authority to seek and accept, SB 275D
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, authority, SB 72
Financial disclosure statements of public officers or candidates, requirements, SB 307*
Indian Commission, Nevada
Gift Fund, creation, deposits, SB 63**
Sale of donated property authorized, requirements, SB 63**
Lobbying, "gift" defined, prohibited acts, SB 307*
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, authority, SB 196*, SB 255D
Statewide Alert System, Committee for the, authority, AB 424**
Tax credits, requirements for receipt, AB 165**, AB 350D
Special license plates supporting, issuance, use of fees, AB 449*
Assistive technology, program to provide services to certain persons with disabilities, SB 419**
Criminal offenders, authorized capabilities of electronic supervision devices, SB 37**
Repossession of motor vehicles, installation of devices to remotely locate vehicle upon breach or default, AB 228D
Community health worker pool employees, immunities, SB 498*
Minors requesting emergency assistance following alcohol consumption, immunity from criminal penalties, SB 464**
Minimum tax on vehicles, SB 396
Mopeds, registration, requirements, SB 404**
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, authority to establish, duties, SB 411**
Public works by local governments, matching grant program, funding, SB 149D
Registration transfer or cancellation, refund or credit of fees, SB 127**, AB 145
State General Fund, deposits of certain revenue, requirements, SB 149D, SB 483**
Used vehicles, amount of tax, depreciation schedule, AB 326†
Valuation of vehicles, contingent reduction, SB 396
Veterans with service-connected disability and surviving spouses, tax exemption, AB 71**
Appointments made by
Athletic Commission, Nevada, Chair, AB 476**
Chief Information Officer, SB 72
Claims, Board to Review, AB 77**
Clark County School District, reorganization technical advisory committee, AB 394**
Collection Agency Advisory Board, duties repealed, AB 456**
Community Notification, Advisory Council for, SB 99†
Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens' Commission on, AJR 10‡
County commissioners, vacancies in office, AB 320
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, SB 20**
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, AB 257
Displaced Homemakers, Board for the Education and Counseling of, AB 132**
District judges, AJR 9D
Education, State Board of, SB 25**, AB 410†
Environmental Quality, Council on, SB 277D
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, SB 214**
Financial Assistance, Committee to Award, SB 166D
Funeral and Cemetery Services Board, Nevada, SB 286*
Gaming Commission, Nevada, AB 410†
High-Speed Rail Authority, Nevada, SB 457**
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, SB 400D
Indigent Defense Commission, SB 451
Information Technology Advisory Board, SB 72
Innovation in Surface Transportation Selection Panel, SB 466D
Inspector General, AB 300
Judicial Discipline Commission on, alternate members, AB 68**
Medically Indigent, Fund for the Institutionalized Care of, Board of Trustees, duties repealed, AB 456**
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 205†
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, AB 241†
Naturopathic Medicine, Board of, SB 408D
Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Advisory Council on, SB 6†
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, SB 14**
Public Defender, State, duties repealed, SB 451
Public Employees' Retirement Board, AB 3D
Public Works Board, State, AB 410†
Real Estate Commission, AB 410**
Residency, requirements, AB 118D, AB 177, AB 381D
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, SB 338**
Salaries for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens' Commission on, AJR 10†
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, AB 485**
Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, Board of Directors, AB 86**
Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board, AB 115**
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, AB 421**
STEM Workforce Challenge Grant Fund, Committee to Oversee the, SB 493
Tax Commission, Nevada, AB 410†
Tourism, Commission on, AB 410†
Veterinary Medical Examiners, State Board of, AB 271D
Water Resources Planning and Development, Advisory Board on, duties repealed, AB 456**
Wildlife Conservation and Education, Council on, SB 163†
Women, Nevada Commission for, AB 134D
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, AB 241*
Workforce Development Rapid Response Investment Fund, Committee to Oversee the, SB 496
Authorized expenditures, duties, AB 490**
Bankruptcy of city or county, duties, SB 475
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, AB 495*
Proposed annual sessions of Legislature, procedures, SJR 8 of the 77th Session
Work program, approval of certain revisions unnecessary, AB 20**
Charter agencies, designation, duties, AB 104
Cinco de Mayo, proclamation, SB 385D
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, creation, AB 257
Election jointly with Lieutenant Governor, SJR 3D
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, duties regarding use of services, SB 72
Environmental Quality, Council on, creation, SB 277D
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolished, AB 300
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, duties, SB 214**
Finance, Office of
Appropriation, SB 213
Creation, duties, AB 469**, AB 489**
Firearms, actions to protect Second Amendment rights, authority, AB 100D
General appropriations legislation, duties, SB 514**
High-Speed Rail System, proclamation of completion, SB 457**
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, membership, SB 400D
Indigent Defense Commission, duties, SB 451
Interactive gaming, agreements with other governments, authority, AB 414D
Legal services, duties regarding certain contracts, SB 244**
Legislative proposals on same subject as initiative, duty repealed, SB 434
Line-item veto, powers, AJR 5D
Malfeasance in office by ceasing to reside in State, AB 118D
Memorials, naming of state facilities after deceased members of Armed Forces, duties, AB 62**
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, duties, AB 205†
Migrant worker visa program, establishment, SB 400D
Military and Veterans Policy, Director of, duties, AB 241†
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, duties, AB 241†
Motor Vehicles, Department of, notices from, SB 3**, SB 121*, SB 127**, SB 206**, SB 404**, SB 502†, AB 131**, AB 204**, AB 250**
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, duties, AB 90**
Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Advisory Council on, membership, SB 6†
Reports, receipt
Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, AB 457**
Child and Family Services, Division of, SB 107*
Court Administrator, AB 457**
Cultural Affairs, Commission for, SB 166D
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, SB 20**
Economic development, certain nonprofit corporation, AB 17**
Economic Development, Office of, SB 94**, SB 507**
Environmental impact statements of state and local agencies, SB 277D
Environmental Quality, Council on, SB 277D
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, SB 214**
Federal assistance programs, SB 213
Health insurance network plans, AB 220D
Human Resource Management, Division of, AB 61**
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, SB 400D
Inspector General, AB 300
Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Board for the Regulation of, AB 457**
Medical Examiners, Board of, AB 227*, AB 279D
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 205†
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, AB 241†
Nevada Liberty Preservation Act, violations, SB 352D
Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of, AB 279D
Personnel Commission, AB 61**
Public Defender, State, provisions repealed, SB 451
Public Employees' Retirement Board, AB 190
Basic support guarantee, certain information, SB 508**
Breakfast After the Bell Program, SB 503**
Budget recommendations, SB 25**
Early childhood education, SB 515**
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, SB 474**
Expenditures associated with legislative appropriations for certain categories of pupils, SB 508**
Literacy programs for pupils enrolled in K-3, SB 391**
Nevada Plan, plan to provide additional resources to, SB 508**
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, AB 30**
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, SB 338*
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, AB 421**
STEM, Advisory Council on, AB 485**
Stroke Registry, operation and use, SB 196*
Student loan indebtedness, SB 215D
Transportation, Department of, SB 23**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, AB 62**, AB 294D, AB 482**
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, AB 241*
Basic support guarantee, duties, SB 508**
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, duties, SB 515**
Other State Education Programs Account, duties, SB 515**
State Distributive School Account, duties, SB 515**
Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of (See SCIENCE, INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY, OFFICE OF)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, certain duties repealed, AB 485**
Senior citizen's property tax assistance, duties, SB 514**
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, duties, AB 421**
State and Local Government Cooperation Act, enactment, duties, SB 157†
Term limits, repeal, SJR 18D
Western Regional Higher Education Compact, Office of, creation, SB 195**
Workforce Investment Board
Education and skills needed in workforce, system to track and predict, duties, AB 342D
STEM, Advisory Council on, assistance to Board, AB 485**
Covering or removal, authority of cities and counties, payment of costs, SB 56*
Estrays and livestock, applicability of laws, SB 56*
"Graffiti implement," definition, SB 56*
Multiple offenses pursuant to course of conduct, penalty, AB 244†
Repeat offenses, enhanced penalty, AB 244*
Reward and abatement funds, authorized uses, procedure, SB 56*
Violations, remedies of governmental entities, SB 56*
Audiovisual technology, use, requirements, AB 193*
Evidence receivable before grand jury, AB 193*
Exculpatory statements made by defendant, duties of district attorney, AB 193†
Notice of consideration of indictment, effect of inadequate notice, AB 193*
Preliminary hearing, defendant's right to submit statements to grand jury regarding, provisions repealed, AB 193†
Probable cause, finding may rest solely on hearsay evidence, AB 193†
Property value, use of witness's affidavit to offer opinion on, AB 193†
Deadly force, use, immunity from liability, SB 175**, AB 171D
"Justifiable homicide," definition, presumptions, SB 175**, AB 171D
Airports, air service subsidies, SB 125
Capital improvements, funding, AB 491**
Catalyst Account, loans from, SB 507**
Channel clearance program, applications for grants, AB 430
Child care, program to mitigate cliff effect, SB 364
Child welfare services, agencies which provide
Block grants, receipt, duties, SB 514**
Categorical grants for providing certain services, SB 107†
Use of money, approval, AB 490**
Cloud seeding operations, appropriation, SB 423
Conservation districts, receipt, SB 45**
Corrections, Department of, authority, SB 275D
Cultural resources, preservation and promotion entities, SB 20**
Drug overdoses, education and training programs, SB 309D, SB 459*
Education and skills needed in workforce, system to track and predict, authority to seek and receive federal grants to subsidize costs, AB 342D
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, authority, SB 72
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, creation, duties, SB 214**
Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, duties of Administrator, SB 473**
Innovation in Surface Transportation Selection Panel, authority to award, SB 466D
Nevada Boost Grant Program, creation, appropriation, SB 399
Nevada Indian Commission's Gift Fund, creation, deposits, SB 63**
Nevada Main Street Program, SB 51D
Nevada System of Higher Education
College Grant Program, SB 494D
Community colleges, grants to, SB 496
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program
Appropriation, SB 227†, SB 514**
Creation, SB 227**
STEM Workforce Challenge Grant Fund, creation, SB 493
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, authority, SB 196*, SB 255D
Public works
Henderson Armory, authority to use federal money for demolition, SCR 7‡
Labor organizations, authority of public bodies, AB 159**
Local governments, program to provide matching grants to, SB 149D
Broadband and WAN access and improvement, incentive grant program, funding, SB 515**
Charter schools, grants to nonprofit organizations to establish and operate high quality schools, SB 491**, SB 515**
College and career readiness, funding, SB 515**
Early childhood education grant programs, funding, SB 515**
Education savings accounts, grants administered through, SB 302*
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, use, SB 474**
Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel, Grant Fund for (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)
Incentives for newly hired teachers, SB 511**, SB 515**
Junior high schools and middle schools, funding of certain programs and services, SB 347
Limited English proficient pupils, programs for, funding, SB 405**, SB 430D, SB 515**, AB 290D
Literacy programs for pupils enrolled in K-3, funding, SB 391**, SB 515**
Mental health worker grant program, SB 515**, AB 218
Nevada Ready 21 Technology program, SB 515**
Professional development of teachers and administrators, funding, SB 295
Scholarship organizations receiving certain tax credit donations, duties, AB 165**, AB 350D
Statewide system of accountability, requirements, SB 460**, SB 515**
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program
Appropriation, SB 227†, SB 514**
Creation, SB 227**
State agencies, grants that will be unexpended by end of period for which grant was made, notice requirements, SB 473**
Statewide Alert System, Committee for the, authority, AB 424**
STEM Workforce Challenge Grant Fund, creation, SB 493
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, creation, SB 511**
WICHE Health Care Access Program, authority of Nevada Commission, SB 76**
Human Trafficking, Contingency Account for Victims of, emergency allocations, AB 214**
Members and chairs, provisions regarding initial terms removed, AB 79**
Study of establishment, SB 360**
Alcoholic beverage samples, actions for damages related to business practices authorized, SB 246**
Vehicle coverage, regulation, SB 253*
Abortion by wards, notice requirements, AB 405
Adult wards, appointment of guardian, preferences, procedures, SB 262**, AB 325*
Appointment of guardians, preferences, SB 262**, AB 325*
Assisted suicide, person not deemed in need of guardian for requesting drug designed to end life, SB 336D
Caregiver for person admitted to hospital, authority to designate, SB 177*
Estate of ward, summary administration prohibited if ward suffering from dementia or residing in out-of-state facility, AB 9D
Family trust company beneficiaries, appointment of guardians for, SB 384**
Finances and well-being of ward, reports, SB 262†
Firearm possession by proposed ward, time for transmission of orders to Central Repository, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Mental health services, requirements regarding informed consent, AB 396D
Minor wards
Guardian ad litem, prohibition on compensation repealed, SB 394*
Life-sustaining equipment, children utilizing, establishment of electric utility cost-reduction program, SB 374†
Medical marijuana, procedures for use by certain minors, SB 32D, SB 447**
Nonresident guardian, limitation on appointment repealed, SB 262**
Private professional guardians, qualifications, SB 262**
Short-term guardians, procedures for extension of guardianship, AB 8†
Suitability of guardian, considerations, SB 262**, AB 325*
Motor Vehicles, Department of, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, SB 3**
Private professional guardians
Licensing and operational requirements, penalties, AB 325*
Qualifications to serve, SB 262**
Public guardians (See PUBLIC GUARDIANS)
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
"Spouse" defined to include domestic partner, SB 484*
Transfer of jurisdiction of guardianship to Nevada, requirements, SB 262**
Predatory Animal and Rodent Committee, membership, AB 78**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suspension or revocation of license, permit or other privilege, procedure, AB 142D
Postconviction petitions, filing requirements, SB 53, SB 140D
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Unlicensed operation of certain facilities, remedies of State, AB 222*
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, AB 49*
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, SB 197*
Notarial acts, authentication of signatures, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 65**
Cleaning products used in public schools, requirements, SB 25**
Evidence, admissibility of descriptions and materials, requirements, AB 371†
Railroad crossings, duties of vehicle drivers, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 43*
Subsurface installations, penalties for violations, SB 86**
Aged persons with behavioral and cognitive care needs, duties regarding study committee, SB 269
Aging and Disability Services Division
ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, duties, SB 419**
Administrator, regulatory authority, AB 29**
Assistive technology, program to provide services to certain persons, duties, SB 419**, AB 200**
Autism Treatment Assistance Program
Appropriation, SB 514**
Duties, referrals to Program, AB 284D
Behavior and cognitive care, consultation with study committee, SB 269
Blind or visually impaired, persons who are, authority to conduct research on costs of providing services to, SB 419**
Desert Regional Center, reversion of money for computer system extended, SB 514**
Human trafficking victims, older persons identified as, receipt of notification, AB 276D
Independent living, program to provide services to certain persons, duties, SB 419**
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, persons with
Children, pilot program to provide certain services, duties, AB 307**
Services to, regulatory authority, AB 5**
Interpreters, citations, AB 72D
Jobs and day training services providers, preferences, AB 5**
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Long-Term Care Ombudsman, training of advocates and officers and employees of facilities, AB 28**
Realtime captioning, citations, AB 72D
Rehabilitation Division, cooperative agreement required, AB 5**
Senior citizen's property tax assistance rebate program, appropriation, SB 514**
Telecommunication devices for persons with impaired speech or hearing, centers to provide certain services, funding, AB 200**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Child and Family Services, Division of
Abuse or Neglect of a Child, Statewide Central Registry for the Collection of Information Concerning, duties, SB 88**
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, categorical grants to, duties, SB 107†
Gifts and grants, use of money, approval, AB 490**
Human trafficking victims, minors identified as, receipt of notification, AB 276D
Juvenile Justice Commission, members of Nevada Advisory Commission on Mentoring, AB 205†
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, SB 58**
Mental Health, Interstate Compact on, duties, SB 35**
Missing children, regulation, AB 324**
"Reasonable and prudent parent standard," training, duties, SB 394†
Rural Advisory Board to Expedite Proceedings for the Placement of Children, abolished, AB 456**
Specialized foster homes, duties, reports, SB 107**
Youth Parole Bureau (See YOUTH PAROLE BUREAU)
Child care assistance, pilot program to mitigate cliff effect, duties, SB 364
Community mental health services, duties, SB 240*
Appointment to mental health services study committee, AB 289
Disabilities, Nevada Commission on Services for Persons with, appointment of members, SB 419**
Drug overdoses, duties, reports, SB 309D, SB 459*
Early childhood education scholarship organizations, duties, reports, AB 350D
Emissions from power plants, receipt of report on state compliance plan, SB 438D
Family resource centers
Duties, AB 156**
Reports, receipt, AB 156†
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, membership, SB 214†
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 355
Children with intellectual disabilities and related conditions, pilot program to provide certain services, duties, AB 307**
Electronic visit verification system adopted by agencies to provide personal care services in the home, regulation, SB 198D
Medicaid (See also MEDICAID)
Violations by service providers, complaints, procedures, SB 379D
Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Advisory Council on, membership, SB 6†
Health facilities, approval of capital expenditures, requirements, use of application fees, SB 247**
Health information exchanges, duties, SB 48**
Hospitals, consumer information program, requirements, appropriation, SB 216D
Human trafficking
Contingency Account for Victims of Human Trafficking, duties, AB 214**
Council on Human Trafficking, establishment, AB 354D
Statewide plan for delivery of services to victims, development, AB 276D
Meat and poultry, duties transferred, AB 77**
Medicaid, prescription drug coverage, duties, SB 309D, SB 422**, SB 459**
Minority Health, Office of, appropriation, AB 343
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 265
Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information and Education Program, establishment, SB 265
Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Advisory Council on, membership, SB 6†
Patient-centered medical homes, duties, SB 6**
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
Advisory Committee, abolishment, AB 199**
Membership, SB 14**
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of
Abortion, duties, receipt of reports, AB 405†
Abuse or Neglect of a Child, Statewide Central Registry for the Collection of Information Concerning, access to information, SB 88**
Aged persons, behavioral and cognitive care, consultation with study committee, SB 269
Air ambulances, duties, SB 327*
Alcohol or drug abuse
Heroin-assisted treatment pilot project, duties, funding, SB 275D
Treatment providers, duties, AB 81**
Alzheimer's disease, certain actions encouraged, SCR 2‡
Anesthesia or sedation, physicians or facilities requiring permit to provide services, duties, SB 210†
Assisted suicide, receipt of copies of prescription, regulation, SB 336D
Burden reports, contents, duties, SB 402D
Chief Medical Officer
Cancer, reporting and analyzing information, duties, AB 42**
Food, certain duties transferred, AB 77**
Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Advisory Council on, membership, SB 6†
Child care facilities, duties, SB 257†, AB 457**
Community health worker pools, regulation, SB 498**
Community paramedicine services, reports, duties, AB 305**
Correctional facilities, mental health and habilitation of offenders, duties, SB 351D
Criminal defendants found incompetent, duties, SB 10D, SB 487
Detoxification technicians, facilities or programs, duties, SB 31**, AB 85**
Diabetes, duties, SB 402D
Domestic violence, educational program regarding prevention and victim services, authorization, SB 362**
Emergency services and care provided by hospitals in larger counties, receipt of reports, AB 36D
Emergency shelters for children, duties, SB 49
Epilepsy, persons with, certain duties repealed, AB 248*
Facilities for the dependent
Inspections, requirements, regulation, SB 210
Operation without license, duties, AB 222**
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment and maintenance, reports, AB 340D
Meat, duties transferred, AB 77**
Medical facilities, inspections, duties, SB 210
Medical laboratories, citations, AB 72D
Medical marijuana
Confidentiality of information, SB 372D, SB 447**
Duties, SB 32D, SB 276**, SB 372D, SB 447**
Mental health crisis hotline, establishment, duties, SB 363D
Mental health facilities, admissions to, exemption from examination requirement repealed, AB 396D
Mental Health, Interstate Compact on, duties, SB 35**
Mental health services study committee, appointments, AB 289
Nursing services provided in larger counties, duties, SB 361D
Obesity, duties, SB 402D
Out-of-school-time programs, duties, AB 197†
Patient-centered medical homes, creation of Office and Advisory Council on, SB 6†
Peer support recovery organizations, licensing and regulation, SB 489**
Poultry, duties transferred, AB 77**
Pupils in certain school districts, height and weight measurements, duties, SB 178D, SB 402D
Putative Fathers, Registry of, establishment, duties, SB 255D
Recreation programs, seasonal or temporary, duties, AB 197†
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, representation, SB 338**
Shellfish containers, duties transferred, AB 77†
Slaughterhouses, duties transferred, AB 77**
Stroke patients, establishment of Registry, duties, annual reports, SB 196**
Trauma treatment, collection and management of information, duties, SB 189
Vaccines administered by pharmacists, receipt of documentation, SB 357
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Wellness and the Prevention of Chronic Disease, State Program for, duties, SB 402D, AB 199**
Schools, public, consultations regarding use of cleaning products repealed, SB 25**
State Public Defender, assessments for services to counties, AB 490**
Surgical centers for ambulatory patients, consumer information program, requirements, appropriation, SB 216D
Transportation network companies, contracts with authorized, AB 176**
Unclassified service, salaries, duties, AB 489**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 294D
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 355
Criminal investigations, duties of Investigation Division, SB 42
Energy assistance programs, reports, limitation on funding, AB 73**
Interstate Family Support Act, duties, AB 13**
Insurance laws, exemption of ministries from, SB 113D
Attorney General, enforcement authority extended, AB 481**
Certification, requirements, penalty for uncertified operation, SB 48*
Definition, SB 48*
Statewide system, mandatory establishment repealed, establishment or contract authorized, SB 48*
Constitutional prohibitions on exchanges, adoption, SJR 14D
Air ambulances, regulation of number and qualifications of attendants, duties, SB 327*
Business-related applications, Internet availability, SB 59**, AB 364**
Clark County
Chief medical officer, appointment, compensation, duties, SB 314**
District administrative director, appointment, compensation, duties, SB 314†
District board of health, composition, duties, prohibited acts, SB 314**
District health officers
Administrative health officer, appointment, duties, AB 232D
Duties, compensation, SB 314**
Public health officer, appointment, duties, AB 232D
Public health advisory board, composition, duties, SB 314**
Community paramedicine services, reports, duties, AB 305*
Dogs, authority of owners of certain bars, taverns or saloons to allow on premises, conflicting regulation prohibited, SB 105D
Emergency services and care provided by hospitals in larger counties, receipt of reports, AB 36D
Epinephrine, administration by certain entities, reports, duties, AB 158*
Graywater, collection and use for single-family residence, regulation, reports, AB 169
Health districts
Clark County, composition of health district, voting rights of members, SB 314**
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, representation, AB 116**
State business portal, duties related to, SB 59**, AB 364**
Nursing mothers, program to mediate certain disputes with employers, duties, AB 306D
Abuse-deterrent opioid analgesic drugs, coverage requirements, SB 219D
Assessments for National Association of Insurance Commissioners, repeal, AB 486**
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts by insurers, SB 336D
Autism spectrum disorders, coverage requirements, AB 6*
Dental care services
Agreements with third party to provide access to dentists, notice, duties, SB 341†
Arbitration of disputes concerning independent medical evaluations, SB 159*
Prohibited acts, requirements, SB 137*
Exemptions from execution, money necessary for payment of premium or contribution, AB 207D
Eye drops, denial of coverage restricted, SB 217*
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, AB 486**
Incentives to health care providers, disclosures, SB 219D
Medicaid service providers, additional or alternative qualifications as condition of entering into contracts prohibited, AB 344D
Mental health coverage, publication of information, SB 328
Naturopathic medicine practitioners, applicability of certain laws, SB 408D
Network plans
Health care providers included in plan, when deemed inadequate, duties of insurers, AB 230D
Study, AB 220D
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6†
Prescription drug coverage
Copayments or coinsurance, limits on, SB 222D
Drug formularies, duties, SB 222D, SB 328†
Synchronization of patient's multiple prescriptions, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 250*
Telehealth services, coverage requirements, SB 299, AB 292**
Utilization review, agents who conduct, requirements, SB 67**
Autism Treatment Assistance Program, referrals to Program, AB 284D
Child care facilities, duties regarding nursing mothers, AB 152*
Employers, duties regarding nursing mothers, remedies for violations, AB 306D
Cancer, reporting and analyzing information, regulation, AB 42**
Caregivers for persons admitted to hospitals, regulation regarding duties of hospitals, SB 177†
Child care facilities, duties, AB 152**
Community health worker pools, regulation, SB 498*
Community paramedicine services, reports, duties, AB 305†
Detoxification technicians, facilities or programs, duties, SB 31**
Dietitians (See DIETITIANS)
Dogs, authority of owners of certain bars, taverns or saloons to allow on premises, conflicting regulation prohibited, SB 105D
Emergency Medical Services, Committee on, appointments, AB 425*
Emergency shelters for children, duties, SB 49
Epilepsy, removal of certain duty, AB 248*
Epinephrine, administration by certain entities, reports, duties, AB 158*
Graywater, collection and use for single-family residence, regulation, reports, AB 169
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Medical laboratories
Citations, AB 72D
HIV testing, prohibited regulation, AB 243*
Music therapists (See MUSIC THERAPISTS)
Nursing services provided in larger counties, duties, SB 361D
Patient-centered medical homes, duties, SB 6†
Peer support recovery organizations, regulation, SB 489*
Physician Visa Waiver Program, fees, AB 39**
Putative Fathers, Registry of, regulation, certain fees prohibited, SB 255D
Screening for preventable or inheritable disorders, duties, AB 199†
Skilled nursing, facilities for, duties, AB 242†
Slaughterhouses, duties transferred, AB 77**
Trauma treatment, collection and management of information, regulation, SB 189
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Sources, use, AB 490**
Board of Hearing Aid Specialists
Abolishment, AB 115*
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Secretary, duties, AB 115*
Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board, successor entity, AB 115*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Disciplinary action, grounds, AB 115*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Fees generally, AB 115*
Provisional licenses, issuance, AB 115*
Qualifications, AB 115*
Repeal and replacement of certain requirements, AB 115*
Temporary license, issuance, AB 115*
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board, creation, duties, AB 115*
Sales and use taxes, exemption, SB 334
Advisory Committee for the Prevention and Treatment of Stroke and Heart Disease, abolishment, duties transferred, AB 199**
Occupational disease coverage, public safety personnel, SB 153**
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 265
Mini-trucks, exemption from requirements, AB 217
Motorcycle, moped and trimobile riders, requirements, exceptions, SB 142†
Industrial hemp, authority of certain entities to grow or cultivate for research purposes, requirements, exemption from certain laws, SB 305*
Charter amendments
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, AB 177
General election, date, election of Mayor and Council, AB 23*, AB 416D
Primary elections, requirements, AB 416D
Procedure for amending charter, SB 71D
Ward, election of Council Members by, SB 368D, SB 457 of the 77th Session, AB 458D
Community redevelopment (See also COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT)
Extension of termination date, use of revenue, AB 445**
County's failure to take certain actions, city's authority to act, AB 64D
Dillon's Rule, abolishment, AB 413D, AB 493**
Police Department (See also PEACE OFFICERS)
Regional board to consider tax increase, creation, duties, AB 494
Use of tax proceeds, repeal of certain restriction, SB 337D
Public health advisory board, membership, SB 314**
School precincts, creation, procedures, AB 394**
Occupational disease coverage, certain public safety personnel, SB 153†
Business tax, applicability, AB 464
License suspension or revocation, grounds, SB 378D, SB 483**
Military, loans made to former or current members, requirements, AB 318D
New loan to pay balance of outstanding loan, requirements, SB 123†
Payday Lender Best Practices Act, adoption, SB 242*
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Creation, SB 457**
Franchisee for construction and operation of System, selection, SB 457**
Employers, tax credits for matching employee contributions, SB 412*
Dignitary protection, appropriation, AB 465**
Military equipment surplus, restrictions, duties, AB 397D
Portable event recording devices
Appropriation, SB 111**
Use, duties, SB 111**, AB 162*, AB 403
School crisis or emergency management, development of model plan, duties, SB 205**
Troopers (See also PEACE OFFICERS)
Medical marijuana, authority of Division to preclude use, SB 447**
Vehicles and motorcycles, appropriation, SB 467**
Yellow Dot Program, duties, AB 176*
Accessory roads and public roads
Attorney General, duties, SB 456**, AB 398D
Closure or restrictions on use of accessory roads, notice, AB 398D
Counties, protocol to perfect its rights to and finalize title to, development and implementation, SB 456**, AB 398D
Land Use Planning Advisory Council, duties, SB 456**, AB 398D
Legislative findings and declarations, SB 456**, AB 398D
Maintenance of public road at request of and in cooperation with residents, development of plan, immunities, AB 398D
Nevada Association of Counties, duties, SB 456**, AB 398D
Petitions to open, reopen, close, relocate or abandon public road, AB 398D
Quiet title and declaratory judgment actions, authority, SB 456**, AB 398D
Construction, maintenance and repair
Abandoned or unclaimed property, laws inapplicable to intersection improvement project proceeds, SB 348**
Apprentices, performance requirements on certain projects, waivers, penalties for violations, SB 371
County fuel taxes, imposition and use for county highways, annual increases, AB 191*
Design-build contracts, confidentiality of certain submitted documents, AB 43**
Proposed work programs, reports to Governor, SB 23**
Public-private partnerships, authority of Department of Transportation, AB 450
Public works generally (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Reports to Legislature, SB 23**
Security for performance of work, requirements, AB 345
Special obligation bonds to fund highway construction projects, maximum period of maturity extended, AB 21**
Discharges, requirements for, abatement or remediation, penalties, SB 324**
Encroachment removal, amount recoverable by Department of Transportation, SB 324**
Interstate 11 Toll Road Project, creation, AB 450†
Naming after deceased members of Armed Forces, procedures, AB 62**
Obstruction of roadways in certain manner prohibited, civil remedies, AB 258**, AB 356
Rights-of-way, use of fuel tax proceeds for construction, maintenance and repair, AB 366**
Rules of the road (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Steel traps, restrictions on use near road or highway, AB 335D
Transportation facilities
Contracts, confidentiality of certain submitted documents, AB 43**
Public-private partnerships, authority of Department of Transportation, AB 450
Bond issue for protection and restoration projects, AB 491**
Closure or temporary closure of historic landmarks, duties, petitions to halt closure or to reopen landmark, AB 398D
Commission for Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, creation, SB 20**
Fund for the Preservation and Promotion of Cultural Resources, SB 20**, SB 27**
"Historic" defined, AB 194**
Legislature, establishment of oral history program, AB 384**
Nevada Main Street Program, creation, SB 51D
Nevada Mid-Century Architecture Day, designation, AB 122
Nevada Modernist Architecture Day, designation, AB 122†
Old Nevada State Prison
Designation and assignment of structures, AB 377**
Endowment Fund for the Historic Preservation of the Nevada State Prison, creation, AB 377**
Stewart Indian School
Activities at and uses of buildings and grounds, designation of coordinating agency for discussions, SB 63**
Repair and maintenance of historic buildings, funding, AB 15**
Counseling of persons testing positive, duties of certain persons and entities, AB 243*
Medical laboratory tests, qualifications of certain persons, prohibited regulation, AB 243*
Cinco de Mayo, Governor to proclaim as day of observance, SB 385D
Nevada Mid-Century Architecture Day, designation, AB 122
Nevada Modernist Architecture Day, designation, AB 122†
State employees working four-10 schedule, pay, SB 315D
Veterans Day at the Legislature, establishment, AB 62**
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Physicians, contracts for provision of services, AB 89†
Postacute care, legislative study, AB 242**
Provider of health care, inclusion as, applicability of laws, SB 84**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
State business license exemptions, AB 95D
Deadly force, use, immunity from liability, SB 175**, AB 171D
"Justifiable homicide," definition, presumptions, SB 175**, AB 171D
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, duties, SB 72
Internet protocol service providers serving agencies or political subdivisions of State, requirements, SB 289†
Veterans, study of issues, SB 268†
Lower Income Solar Energy Pilot Program, repeal, SB 282
Solar Program, incentives for installations at certain locations, SB 282
Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Hospital services, billing practices, AB 346D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Long-Term Care Ombudsman, training of officers and employees of facilities, duties, AB 28**
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, SB 489*
Education savings account, grant program, applicability of provisions, SB 302*
Exemption from execution, criterion changed to acreage, SB 333D
Deadly force, use, immunity from liability, SB 175**, AB 171D
Death resulting from assisted suicide not to be deemed homicide, SB 336D
"Justifiable homicide," definition, presumptions, SB 175**, AB 171D
Race pools and sports books (See GAMING)
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Wagering, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 40*
Equine activities, immunities from liability, SB 129*
Equine dentistry, regulation of providers, AB 271D
Event facilities, authority to require fire sprinklers in certain facilities restricted, SB 477**
Sales of meat, civil penalty for violations, repeal of criminal penalty, AB 77**
Service animals (See SERVICE ANIMALS)
Wild horses
Containment areas, requirements, care of animals held in, SB 387D
Management plan, duties of State Department of Agriculture, AB 431D
Assisted suicide, authority and duties of certain facilities, SB 336D
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Medical students, prohibited acts, liability of facility for violations, SB 172**
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 265
Physicians, contracts for provision of services, AB 89†
Postacute care, legislative study, AB 242**
Provider of health care, inclusion of facility as, applicability of laws, SB 84**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Abuse-deterrent opioid analgesic drugs, coverage requirements, SB 219D
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 336D
Dental care services
Agreements with third party to provide access to dentists, notice, duties, SB 341†
Arbitration of disputes concerning independent medical evaluations, SB 159*
Prohibited acts, requirements, SB 137*
Exemptions from execution, money necessary for payment of premium or contribution, AB 207D
Eye drops, denial of coverage restricted, SB 217*
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, AB 486**
Incentives to health care providers, disclosures, SB 219D
Mental health coverage, publication of information, SB 328
Naturopathic medicine practitioners, applicability of certain laws, SB 408D
Network plans
Health care providers included in plan, when deemed inadequate, duties of insurers, AB 230D
Study, AB 220D
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6†
Prescription drug coverage
Copayments or coinsurance, limits on, SB 222D
Drug formularies, duties, SB 222D, SB 328†
Synchronization of patient's multiple prescriptions, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 250*
Telehealth services, coverage requirements, SB 299, AB 292**
Utilization review, agents who conduct, requirements, SB 67**
Assisted suicide, authority to prohibit certain acts, notice, SB 336D
Billing practices, required and prohibited acts, AB 346D
Cancer, availability of hospital records for abstracting information concerning, penalties, AB 42**
Capital expenditures, approval requirements, SB 247**
Caregivers designated by patients, duties, immunity from liability, SB 177*
Charges, duties regarding rates, prohibited acts, SB 216D
Children, hospitals offering residential treatment to and operating private school, funding, SB 25**, SB 100
Consumer information program, requirements, appropriation, SB 216D
Controlled substances prescribed by hospital, requirements, applicability of laws, penalty, SB 288*, SB 459*, AB 279D
County hospitals
New or expanded services or facilities, closed meetings to discuss, status of records, SB 33**
Strategic plans, definitions, confidentiality of information and related meetings, SB 33†
Emergency services and care provided by hospitals in larger counties, requirements, notice, AB 36D
Heroin-assisted treatment pilot project, participants exempt from certain laws and regulations, SB 275D
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D, AB 354D
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Medical students, prohibited acts, liability of facility for violations, SB 172**
Nursing services provided at certain facilities, requirements, staffing plans, SB 361D
Palliative care to patients with serious illnesses, education and information regarding, duties, SB 265
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, SB 489*
Physicians, contracts for provision of services, AB 89†
Postacute care, legislative study, AB 242**
Stroke centers, duties, SB 196*
Telehealth services providers, privileges, SB 299, AB 292**
Interception of communications by peace officer, authority, SB 52**, AB 433
Mechanical Code, Uniform, compliance requirements, AB 298D
Resort hotels, licensing of cosmetology practitioners, AB 246*
Room tax (See ROOM TAX)
Service animals, exemption from prohibitions, AB 157*
Vehicles damaged on premises, innkeeper's liability limited, SB 256**
Nevada Rural Housing Authority, exemption from Local Government Purchasing Act, AB 428*
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, representation, AB 116**
Children, immunization requirements, SB 117D
Children, trafficking in
Informational material, development and distribution, AB 276D
Prohibited acts, AB 8*
Contingency Account for Victims of Human Trafficking, use, emergency allocations, AB 214**
Council on Human Trafficking, establishment, AB 354D
Eligibility of victims for certain compensation and assistance, determination, procedures following, AB 276D
Fictitious address program, transfer of regulatory authority, SB 60**
Identification of victims, notices regarding, AB 276D
National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D, AB 354D
Statewide plan for delivery of services to victims, development, AB 276D
Uniform Act on Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking, adoption, AB 354D
"Victims of human trafficking," term defined, AB 276D
Eleventh Judicial District, County made part of, AB 435†
Decree, jurisdiction over matters arising from, AB 435**
Study of supply and allocation of water, representation on study committee, AB 455
Archery equipment, hunting with, authority to carry handgun for self-defense, prohibited acts, AB 136**
Constitutional recognition of right to hunt, use to manage wildlife, SJR 11‡
Council on Nevada Wildlife Conservation and Education, creation, duties, SB 163
Demerit points for wildlife violations
Provisions repealed, AB 142†
Schedule, authorized deductions, AB 142D
Departmental records, unlawful use, SB 417**
Disabilities, persons with
Assisted killing and retrieval of big game mammal, regulation, AB 136**
Course in hunter responsibilities, accommodation for completion, AB 136**
Issuance of special hunting license, prohibited acts, duties of supervisor hunter, AB 136†
Duck stamps (See DUCK STAMPS)
Elk tags, fees, use, AB 78†
Equine activities, immunities from liability, SB 129*
Game tag fees, use, AB 78**, AB 345 of the 77th Session
Migratory bird stamps, possession while hunting, SB 41**
Muzzle loader, hunting with, authority to carry handgun for self-defense, prohibited acts, AB 136**
Right of general public to use public land, legislative declaration, AB 408
Silver State Tags, deposit of processing fees, AB 78†
Suspension or revocation of license, tag, permit or other privilege, procedures, AB 142D
Telemetry data, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 417**
Wildlife conservation and education fee, imposition, SB 163†
Adoption of child, consent of spouse, establishment of parental rights, AB 151*
Epinephrine injections, authority, AB 158*
Guardian of adult ward, preferences for appointment as, SB 262**
Judge or Legislator killed in course of service, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**
Motor vehicle registration fees, refund following disposal of vehicle, AB 145
Motor Vehicles, Department of, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, SB 3**
Police officer or firefighter killed in line of duty, benefit options for surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**, AB 363D
Public employee killed in course of employment, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**, AB 363D
Veterans and Armed Forces members
Employers, authority of private employers to give preference in hiring, AB 89**
EMT certification, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 463
Occupational and professional licenses, issuance by endorsement, reciprocity of licensure, AB 89**
Sales and use taxes, exemption for certain relatives of National Guard members killed while performing duties, AB 71**
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, creation, SB 511**
Permits to drill and operate well, fees, SB 44**
Prohibition, temporary exemption related to wastewater, SB 202D
Public schools, duties regarding medical waste, immunities, AB 285**
Anatomical gifts, election at time of issuance or renewal of state identification card, procedures, SB 206**
Disabilities, persons with, identification as blind person or person with a disability, requirements for designation, prohibited acts, SB 248†
Emergency contact information, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, SB 3**
Prisoners, issuance upon release, requirements, SB 279D, SB 454
Selective Service System, procedures regarding registration, AB 131**
Veteran status, designation, procedures, SB 209*
Voter identification cards, issuance, SB 169, AB 253†, AB 266, SJR 15
Voter registration, electronic transmission of information, procedures, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 331
Data collectors, security of personal information, applicability of provisions, AB 179**
Creation, SB 400D
Children, requirements expanded to include HPV and meningitis, SB 117D
Pharmacists, authority to administer vaccines and certain drugs to treat severe allergic reaction to vaccine, duties, SB 357
Assistive technology, program to provide services to certain persons with disabilities, SB 419**, AB 200**
Audiologists and speech pathologists (See AUDIOLOGISTS AND SPEECH PATHOLOGISTS)
Hearing aid specialists (See HEARING AID SPECIALISTS)
Interpreters to assist state agencies in providing access, requirements, AB 200**
School pupils
Individualized education programs, requirements, SB 13†
Notice to parent or guardian, contents, AB 206**
Special education, minimum standards for, SB 13**
Telecommunication devices, establishment of centers to provide certain services, funding, AB 200**
Officer ceasing to reside in State deemed malfeasance, AB 118D
Criminal actions, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Child care facilities, oversight of contractors, requirements, SB 257†
Definition, SB 224†
Medical marijuana establishments, authority to serve as agent, application, AB 70**
Presumption of status as, conditions, SB 224**
Principal and independent contractor relationship, exclusion from minimum wage laws, SB 224**
Prisons, prohibited acts, penalty, AB 16*
Public transit systems, liability of private operators limited, SB 478D
State business license, fee, AB 382D
State Dental Health Officer, status, duties, SB 501**
State Public Health Dental Hygienist, status, duties, SB 501**
State purchasing contracts for $100,000 or more, procedures, AB 353
Taxicabs, lease to independent contractors authorized, restrictions, liability, SB 376*
Children's Health Insurance Program, Advisory Committee Concerning the, abolished, AB 456**
Gift Fund, creation, administration, SB 63**
Sales of donated property authorized, requirements, SB 63**
Stewart Indian School
Activities at and uses of buildings and grounds, designation as coordinating agency for discussions, SB 63**
Repair and maintenance of historic buildings, funding, AB 15**
Creation of Commission and Account, SB 451
Breakfast After the Bell Program, creation, SB 503**
Girl Scouts, use of license plate fees to defray costs of participation in, AB 449*
Hospital Assessment Account, repeal, AB 41**
Hospital Care to Indigent Persons, Fund for, procedures, powers of Board of Trustees, AB 41**
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Medical Assistance to Indigent Persons, Supplemental Account for, repeal, AB 41**
Medically Indigent, Fund for the Institutional Care of the, repeal of Fund and Board of Trustees, AB 41**, AB 456**
Mentorship program for children in State, requirements, AB 205**
School pupils, amount of grant money authorized from education savings account, SB 302*
Unclaimed human remains of veterans, disposition, immunities from liability, AB 62**
Victory schools, designation, funding, SB 432**, SB 515**
Appeal of certain orders
Decisions of appeals officers, requests for stay of decision pending appeal, procedures, AB 229D
Reimbursement for benefits paid during pendency of appeal, duties of injured employee, SB 232*
Bills submitted to insurers by health care providers, payment, SB 231*
Business licenses, attestation of coverage, procedures, SB 59**, AB 364**
Applications to reopen, requirements, SB 232*, AB 229D
Closed claims, authority of insurer to authorize continued medication or services, AB 229D
Time for filing claims, AB 229D
Employee's intoxication or use of controlled or prohibited substance, effect, SB 231*, AB 229D
Suspension of compensation under certain circumstances, SB 231†, AB 229D
Consolidated insurance programs, requirements for, SB 194*
Coordination of collection of information from businesses, provision repealed, SB 59**, AB 364**
Employee leasing companies, requirements, AB 389*
"Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment," adoption by reference, requirements, AB 229D
Incarceration, ineligibility to accrue or be paid certain benefits during, applicability of laws, AB 229D
Managed care organizations, applicability of laws, AB 187D
Permanent partial disability
Examinations, applicability of certain guides, AB 229D
Lump sum payments, conditions for, SB 232*
Prescription drugs
Coverage requirements, SB 231†
Providers of health care, authority, limitations, SB 231*
Providers of health care
Bills submitted to insurers, payment or denial, SB 231*
Controlled substances prescribed or dispensed by, duties, SB 231*
Drugs prescribed or dispensed by, prohibited acts, duties, SB 231*
Physicians and chiropractors
Injured employees, authority to choose treatment provider, AB 187D
Insurers contracting with providers, duties, prohibited acts, AB 187D
Panel of authorized physicians and chiropractors, publication and distribution of list, AB 187D
Self-insured employers, annual financial statements, requirements, SB 67**
State business portal, availability of information to employers, SB 59**, AB 364**
Telehealth services, coverage requirements, SB 299, AB 292**
Temporary total disability
Denial of compensation under certain circumstances authorized, AB 229D
Ineligibility for benefits under certain circumstances, AB 229D
Offers of certain employment, requirements, effect on receipt of payments, AB 229D
Tests for use of alcohol or controlled or prohibited substance, results to be provided to insurer or employer upon request, SB 231*, AB 229D
Unemployment compensation recipients, comparison of information, procedures, SB 24*
Vocational rehabilitation services
Denial of compensation under certain circumstances authorized, AB 229D
Ineligibility for benefits under certain circumstances, AB 229D
Lump sum payments
Execution of agreement for payments, eligibility for temporary total disability benefits following, AB 229D
Recovery by insurer under certain circumstances, AB 229D
Temporary partial disability, payment of benefits by insurer authorized, AB 229D
Exemption from regulation as private investigator, AB 173*
Membership, duties, SB 72
Peering and peering arrangements, study, duties, SB 289**
Challenges regarding petitions, SB 434
Circulation of petitions, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 434
Definitions, SB 434
Firearms sales, background checks, requirements, penalties, IP 2D
Formalized petitions, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 434
Handbook for petition circulators, publication, SB 434
Informational statement, requirements, SB 434
Judicial invalidation of petition, effect, SB 434
Legislative findings and declaration, SB 434
Legislative measures on same subject, requirements, SB 434
Marijuana, authorized and prohibited acts, taxation, IP 1D
Paid circulators, filing of lists, SB 434†
Proposed petitions, requirements and procedures, SB 434
Public revenue generation, requirements, SB 434, AJR 8‡
Single subject, requirements, effect of violations, SB 434
Termination of activities by proponent, notice requirements, SB 434
Time for circulating petition, SJR 8 of the 77th Session
Title and description, preparation and filing, SB 434
Withdrawal of petitions, filing of notice, effect, SB 434
Abortion petitioned by minors or wards, failure of Division to make certain reports public, AB 405†
Bullying or cyber-bullying of school pupils, SB 204D
Businesses, unlawful disruption or damage, AB 258**, AB 356
Common-interest communities, breach of governing documents, AB 359†
Discharges onto state highways, within rights-of-way or into conveyance systems, remedies, SB 324**
Firearms laws, persons adversely affected by enforcement of local laws, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D, AB 488**
Garage operators, unlawful sale or transfer of personal or vehicular information of customers, AB 256D
Labor organizations, violations, AB 356†
Motor vehicle consignment auctions, violations, AB 37†
Obstruction of ingress or egress to property, prohibited acts, remedies, AB 258**, AB 356
Picketing, unlawful acts, AB 258**, AB 356
Private professional guardians, violations, AB 325*
Public money, fraud, waste, abuse or corruption, AB 300
Solicitation of charitable contributions, violations, AB 50*
Transportation Authority, Nevada, procedures, SB 184D
Voter registration, cancellation or refusal to reregister, SB 97D
Water conservation, violations, SB 65
Creation, duties, SB 466D
Creation, duties, AB 300
Certificate by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Business tax, applicability, AB 464
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee, imposition on businesses, effect of failure to pay, SB 378D
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Common-interest communities, liability insurance for directors and officers, AB 254D
Condominium hotels, general requirements, SB 389*
Constructional defects
Homeowner's warranty, effect, AB 125**
Indemnification of controlling party by subcontractor, AB 1D, AB 125**
Wrap-up insurance policies and consolidated insurance programs, effect, AB 125**
Dental care services
Agreements with third party to provide access to dentists, notice, duties, SB 341†
Arbitration of disputes concerning independent medical evaluations, SB 159*
Prohibited acts, requirements, SB 137*
Fraud, acts or omissions related to certain policies issued outside State, SB 85**
Group insurance for public employees
Abuse-deterrent opioid analgesic drugs, coverage requirements, SB 219D
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts by insurers, SB 336D
Autism spectrum disorders, coverage requirements, AB 6*
Eligibility for participation, affiliation period, SB 472**
Enrollment period, effect of failure to enroll, SB 472**
Eye drops, denial of coverage restricted, SB 217*
Incentives to health care providers, disclosures, SB 219D
Mental health coverage, publication of information, SB 328
Network plans
Health care providers included in plan, when deemed inadequate, duties of insurers, AB 230D
Study, AB 220D
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6†
Prescription drug coverage
Copayments or coinsurance, limits on, SB 222D
Drug formularies, duties, SB 222D, SB 328†
Synchronization of patient's multiple prescriptions, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 250*
Retiring local government employees, option to cancel coverage or receive payment to continue coverage, procedures, AB 426D
State agencies, premium holiday, SB 505**
2015-2017 biennium, amount, SB 513**
Break in service for more than 1 year by certain employees, effect, SB 513**
Telehealth services, coverage requirements, SB 299, AB 292**
Guaranteed asset protection waivers, applicability of laws, liability insurance requirements, SB 253*
Health care sharing ministries, exemption from Insurance Code, SB 113D
Health insurance
Abuse-deterrent opioid analgesic drugs, coverage requirements, SB 219D
Arbitration of disputes concerning dental care, procedures, SB 159*
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts by insurers, SB 336D
Autism spectrum disorders, coverage requirements, AB 6*
Damage awards in tort actions, reduction in amount based on health benefits paid, SB 291
Exemptions from execution, money necessary for payment of premium or contribution, AB 207D
Eye drops, denial of coverage restricted, SB 217*
Incentives to health care providers, disclosures, SB 219D
Medicaid recipients, duties of insurers in regard to, AB 87**
Mental health coverage, publication of information, SB 328
Network plans
Health care providers included in plan, when deemed inadequate, duties of insurers, AB 230D
Study, AB 220D
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6†
Prescription drug coverage
Copayments or coinsurance, limits on, SB 222D
Drug formularies, duties, SB 222D, SB 328
Synchronization of patient's multiple prescriptions, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 250*
Telehealth services, coverage requirements, SB 299, AB 292**
Home protection policies, assessment of fee, use, SB 189†
Life insurance
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts by insurers, SB 336D
Cash value, SB 67**
Policies, contracts or certificates, approval required, SB 67**
Guaranteed asset protection waivers, regulation, SB 253*
Personal injury claims, duties of claimants, repeal, SB 162**
Vehicle protection product warranties, licensing and regulation, AB 365D
Peace officers, liability insurance required, AB 403
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
School buses and other vehicles owned by school district, authority to lease, requirements, AB 117D
Silver State Health Insurance Exchange (See SILVER STATE HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGE)
Thrift companies, insurance of deposits, requirements, AB 480*
Transportation network companies, requirements, SB 439, SB 440†, AB 175**, AB 176**
Travel insurance, licensing and regulation, SB 373*
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, AB 486**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Annual reports, requirements, SB 67**
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 67**, SB 483**
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, repeal, AB 486**
Nevada Insurance Guaranty Association, limitation, SB 67**
Assets and liabilities
Confidentiality of information, exceptions, SB 67**
Definitions, SB 67**
Disallowed assets, SB 67**
Captive insurer, state-chartered risk retention groups formed as, requirements, SB 67**
Commerce tax, imposition, effect of failure to pay, SB 483**
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, AB 486**
Fraud, acts or omissions related to certain policies issued outside State, SB 85**
Health benefit plans, certain documentation deemed trade secret, notice of certain actions required, SB 67**
Health insurance
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts by insurers, SB 336D
Dental care services, prohibited acts, requirements, SB 137*, SB 341†
Eye drops, denial of coverage restricted, SB 217*
Incentives to health care providers, disclosures, SB 219D
Medicaid recipients, duties of insurers in regard to, AB 87**
Mental health
Coverage, publication of information, SB 328
Study subcommittee, membership, AB 289
Naturopathic medicine practitioners, applicability of certain laws, SB 408D
Network plans
Health care providers included in plan, when deemed inadequate, duties of insurers, AB 230D
Study, AB 220D
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6†
Prescription drug coverage
Copayments or coinsurance, limits on, SB 222D
Drug formularies, duties, SB 222D, SB 328†
Synchronization of patient's multiple prescriptions, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 250*
Rate information, certain documents deemed trade secret, SB 67**
Utilization review, agents who conduct, requirements, SB 67**
Home protection policies, assessment of fee, use, SB 189†
Investments, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 67**
Life insurance
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts by insurers, SB 336D
Cash surrender value, SB 67**
Confidentiality of information, disclosures, SB 67**
Policies, contracts or certificates, approval required, SB 67**
Motor vehicle insurance
Body shops and garages, recommendations, duties, prohibited acts, AB 402D
Notification of claim, duties following, prohibited acts, AB 402D
Payment of claim, time for, AB 402D
Subrogation of claims, requirements, AB 402D
Electronic proof of insurance authorized, SB 67**, AB 143*
Fee, assessment, use, SB 189†
Glass damage, duties, prohibited acts, AB 402D
Liability for violations, AB 402D
Personal injury claims, duties of insurers of claimants, repeal, SB 162**
Preferred vendor programs, duties, AB 402D
Rental cars, solicitation and sales of insurance, applicability of laws, AB 203**
Total loss vehicles, duties, AB 402D
Tow car operators, duty to identify and record insurers, AB 385*
Unfair practices, acts constituting, penalties, AB 402D
Naturopathic medicine practitioners, applicability of certain laws, SB 408D
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee, imposition, effect of failure to pay, SB 378D
Certified reinsurers, rating, publication of list, SB 67**
Credit for reinsurance, requirements, certification of reinsurers, SB 67**
Nevada Life and Health Guaranty Association, powers and duties, SB 67**
Reserve valuations, procedures, SB 67**
Stabilization of insurance costs, fee repealed, AB 486**
Unfair practices, penalties, AB 402D
Valuation Manual, use, requirements, SB 67**
Discipline, evidentiary standard in certain proceeding, AB 53**
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, AB 486**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Assumed claims for property and casualty insurers, coverage, SB 67**
Commerce tax, imposition, SB 483**
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee, imposition, SB 378D
Acquisition or merger, procedures, duties of Commissioner, SB 67**
Confidentiality of information, disclosures, SB 67**
Definitions, SB 67**
Disclaimers of affiliation, SB 67**
Enterprise risk, reports, penalties for violations, SB 67**
Extraordinary distributions to shareholders, SB 67**
NAIC, agreements with, requirements, SB 67**
Own Risk and Solvency Assessment, duties, penalties, SB 67**
Pre-acquisition statements and notifications, requirements, SB 67**
Registration of insurer members, requirements, penalties, SB 67**
Risk management framework, duty to maintain, SB 67**
Economic development, eligibility for certain tax credits, amount, duration, AB 372
Film production, transferable tax credits, SB 94**, AB 147
Home office or regional home office, tax credit for, effect of receipt on eligibility for other credits, expiration, AB 372
New or expanding businesses, transferable tax credits, SB 507**
Business tax, applicability, SB 103**
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 67**, SB 483**
Electronic mail address, duties, SB 67**
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, AB 486**
Limited lines travel insurance, licensing and regulation, SB 373*
Nonresident firms or corporations, duties, SB 67**
Rental cars, solicitation and sales of insurance, applicability of laws, AB 203**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Admission to certain facilities or programs of community-based or outpatient services, applicability of laws, AB 29**
County services, requirements, reports, AB 307†
Juvenile court, determination of competency of child, AB 138*
Pilot program to provide services, establishment, funding, reports, AB 307**
Consumer's rights, applicability of laws, AB 29**
Durable power of attorney for health care decisions for adults, creation, AB 128**
End-of-life decisions for adults, form, AB 128**
Hospitalization, applicability of laws, AB 29**
Interstate Compact on Mental Health, adoption, SB 35**
Jobs and day training services providers
For-profit providers, certification required, AB 29**
Preferences, AB 5**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Long-term support, cooperative agreements for provision of, AB 5**
Restraints and interventions, use, applicability of laws, AB 29**
Services to, authority of Administrator of Aging and Disability Services Division, AB 5**
Supported living arrangement services
Cooperative agreement required between Rehabilitation Division and Aging and Disability Services Division, AB 5**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Building and design codes, compliance, immunity from disciplinary action, SB 374**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Public works, duty of design professional to defend in negligence action, award of fees and costs, AB 106**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Adoption or permanent free care of child, prohibited advertisements, penalty, AB 8*
Attorney General, publication of certain information, SB 244**, SB 338†
Audiologists and speech pathologists, telepractice, authority, AB 115*
Budget Division, duties, SB 213
Business license and similar applications, availability, SB 59**, AB 364**
Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, duties, AB 457**
Charitable contributions, requirements for solicitations, AB 50*
Child care facilities, limit on time children watch media, AB 152†
Chiropractors, unprofessional conduct, AB 231*
Collective bargaining by local governments, publication of agreements, SB 158**
Common-interest communities, publication of bids on association projects, AB 238†
Conservation districts, imposition of parcel fee, notice of election, SB 476**
Craft distilleries, authorized acts, AB 367D
Cremation services, unlawful acts, SB 286*
Crowdfunding websites, registration of issuers, exemptions, SB 365D, AB 258†
Data collectors, security of personal information, applicability of laws, AB 179**
Diabetes, publication of information, SB 402D
District court clerk, publication of fees, AB 69*
Drones, publication of registry, AB 239*
Early voting, turnout, publications, SB 433
List of registered voters, publication, AB 462*
Political parties, publications relating to county conventions, SB 421, AB 302
Sample ballots, access to, SB 203, AB 94*, AB 462*
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 434D
Financial disclosure statements of public officers or candidates, filing, SB 307*
Financial Institutions, Division, of, duties, SB 306*
Fiscal Analysis Division, publications, SB 396, SB 413
Forfeitures, publication of certain reports, SB 138*
Devices incorporating advanced technology, regulations to encourage manufacture, SB 9**
Internet poker, applicability of laws, AB 414D
Race books and sports pools, regulation of global risk management, SB 445**
Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, duties of Administrator, SB 473**
Health and Human Services, Department of
Hospitals and surgery centers, publication of information about, appropriation, SB 216D
Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information and Education Program, requirements, SB 265
Patient-centered medical homes, publication of information, SB 6**
Health insurers
Dentists, third party contracted with insurer to provide access to, duties, SB 341†
Drug formularies, SB 328
Incentives offered to health care providers, SB 219D
Mental health coverage, publication of information, SB 328
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, model notice to be used by certain businesses and establishments, AB 276D, AB 336D
Industrial insurance, list of authorized physicians and chiropractors, AB 187D
Initiative petitions, publication of handbook and certain documents, SB 434
Insurance Commissioner, duties, SB 67**, SB 328
Interception of electronic communications, procedures, applicability of laws, SB 52**, AB 433
Internet protocol service providers serving agencies or political subdivisions of State, requirements, SB 289†
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, AB 49*
Justices of the peace, fees, AB 69*
Labor Commissioner, publication of information, SB 165D, SB 259D, AB 235D
Legal notices, publication on certain websites authorized, restrictions and requirements, AB 479D
License plates, charitable organizations receiving fees, duties, AB 189**
Local government employee-management relations
Collective bargaining agreements, AB 249
Final offers, publication of certain final offers required, AB 182
Marketplace Fairness Act, Congress urged to pass, SJR 4‡
Medical Examiners, Board of, duties, AB 227*
Medical marijuana establishment agents, online courses of instruction, SB 372D
Mortgage industry licensees, requirements for ads, AB 311D
Motor vehicle insurance, electronic proof of insurance authorized, SB 67**, AB 143*
Motor Vehicles, Department of
Anatomical gifts, duties, SB 206**
Authorization letters for issuance of special license plates, placards and stickers, duties, AB 204**
Classic vehicle plate or classic rod plate, combination with personalized prestige license plates, duties, SB 121**
Mopeds, registration requirements, SB 404**
Next-of-Kin Registry, duties, SB 3**
Registration transfer or cancellation, refund or credit of fees, duties, SB 127**
Selective Service System, procedures regarding registration, duties, AB 131**
Special license plates for veterans, duties, AB 250**
Technology fee, notice, SB 502†
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, duties, SB 330*
Parole Commissioners, State Board of, duties, AB 457**
Payday Lender Best Practices Act, adoption, SB 242*
Peering and peering arrangements, study, SB 289**
Prisoners, agreements authorizing use of telecommunications devices, SB 294**
Property tax rolls, SB 95**
Public Employees' Retirement Board, duties, AB 190
Public engagement by state agencies, requirements, AB 236**
Referendum petitions, publication of handbook and certain documents, SB 434
Academic retention of pupils in grade 3, reports, SB 391*
AIDS and the human reproductive system, instructional materials, SB 301D
Automated system of accountability information, index of data elements, AB 221**
Basic support guarantee, certain information, SB 508**
Broadband and WAN access and improvement, incentive grant program, funding, SB 515**
Charter schools, information regarding average daily attendance and pupil-teacher ratios, AB 376D
Cleaning and maintenance products used in schools, SB 25**
Cyberbullying (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Safe and respectful learning environment)
Disabilities, pupils with, information relating to due process hearings, AB 328*
Dyslexia, provision of professional development, AB 341**
Education savings accounts, applications for receipt of grant money, SB 302*
Enrollment capacity, list of schools exceeding, publication of information, SB 390**
Examinations and assessments, certain data, SB 302*
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, information regarding deposits, SB 474**
High schools, information regarding certain career pathways, SB 295
Informational pamphlets for examinations and assessments, SB 25**
Limited English proficient pupils, list of instructional materials, AB 290D
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, duties, SB 330*
Nevada Ready 21 Technology grant program, funding, SB 515**
Safe-to-Tell Program, information concerning, SB 338*
Scholarship organizations, grants provided by, publication of adjusted amounts, AB 165**
School service providers, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 463**
Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, duties, SB 328
State Engineer, duties, SB 65, SB 485D
Stroke Registry, operation and use, reports, SB 196*
Student loans, rankings of private lending institutions, SB 215D
Supreme Court Clerk, fees, AB 69*
Telehealth services, regulation, insurance coverage, SB 299, AB 292**
Transportation network companies, requirements, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Veterans Services, Department of, duties, AB 62**, AB 482**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Common-interest communities, hearings on alleged violations, AB 359†
Court interpreters (See COURT INTERPRETERS)
Deaf or hard of hearing, availability to provide access to state agencies, requirements, AB 200**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Education savings account, participation by child receiving instruction through, regulations, SB 302*
Football players, recruitment and retention, study of certain disparities, adoption of regulations, applicability of laws, AB 400D
Live entertainment tax, exemptions, SB 266*
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, appeal of decisions, SB 330*
Ninth grade pupils, eligibility, SB 330*
Private high schools competing in play-off or state championship football game, restrictions, AB 400D
Transfer pupils, eligibility, SB 330*
Creation, AB 450†
Businesses, unlawful disruption or damage with certain intent, remedies, AB 356
Brew pubs, authority to manufacture malt beverages, SB 139D
Complaints against licensees, procedures, SB 22*
Craft distilleries, authorized acts, SB 246**, AB 186D, AB 367D
Hard cider, inclusion as wine, rate of excise tax, SB 342D
Licenses and permits
Cities, powers and duties of governing bodies, SB 22*
Exemption from requirement, liquor sold at sale of property under execution, SB 285**
Fees, payment, SB 22*
Sales, affidavit of applicant, repeal, SB 59**, AB 364**
Minors requesting emergency medical assistance following alcohol consumption, exemption from criminal penalties, SB 464**
Powdered alcohol, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 464**
Taxation, increase in tax rate, SB 275D
Wineries, restriction on location removed, authorized and prohibited activities, AB 4*
Deadly force, use, immunity from liability, SB 175**, AB 171D
"Justifiable homicide," definition, presumptions, SB 175**, AB 171D
Aged or vulnerable persons
Duties, AB 51**
Penalties for violations, AB 51**
Business tax, applicability, AB 464
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Domestic workers, bill of rights, adoption, SB 165D
Victims convicted of certain crimes, vacation of judgment authorized, AB 108*
Graywater, collection and use for single-family residence, regulation, reports, AB 169
Assessments to pay indebtedness of district, calculation, SB 311**
Reclamation Safety of Dams Act, compliance with, authority, SB 311**
Support expressed and friendship and partnership recognized, AJR 1‡
Unlawful sale or transfer, penalties, SB 398D
Clark County, procedures to alleviate overcrowding, SB 369D
Courts of inquiry, penalty for contempt of court, AB 401D
Driver's licenses, waiver of fees for duplicate issued to recently released prisoners, requirements, SB 279D
Drones, prohibited acts, AB 239*
Identification card and certain assistance to be provided to prisoners upon release, SB 279D
Justice courts and municipal courts, places of holding, AB 160*
Juvenile court, pendency of proceedings, placement of certain children, AB 213D
Peer support counseling sessions, confidentiality, AB 309D
Sexual abuse of a prisoner, penalty, AB 16*
Sexual conduct between prisoner and certain persons, penalty, AB 16*
Treatment to competency program, participation prerequisites, SB 10D
Unauthorized custodial conduct, definition, penalty, AB 16*
Divorce of veterans with service-connected disability, division of property, AB 140*
Constructional defects actions, offers of judgment, AB 125**
Deficiency judgments, limitation on amount of money judgment, AB 195**
Execution of judgments (See EXECUTION OF JUDGMENTS)
Junior lienholders, amount of recovery in civil actions, AB 195**
Juvenile courts
Enforcement of certain civil judgments, certain procedures repealed, AB 46**
Restitution, judgment requiring parent or guardian to pay, expiration, AB 114*
Restitution, criminal judgment to remain open until satisfied, AB 114*
Stalking, contents of judgments and orders, SB 187D
Stay of execution of civil judgment pending appeal, amount of bond to secure, SB 134**
Alternate members, appointment, AB 68**
Complaints, examination, AB 68†
Deliberative sessions, confidentiality of minutes, AB 68**
Determinations and findings, requirements, AB 68**
Existence of proceedings, confidentiality of information, AB 68**
Former judge or justice, applicability of provisions to, AB 68**
Frivolous complaints and actions related to proceedings
Certain filings deemed to be, AB 68**
Recovery of costs and fees, AB 68†
Perjury by witness, disclosures following, AB 68**
Supreme Court, jurisdiction over complaints and actions, AB 68**
Suspension of judges with or without pay, powers and duties, SB 73D
Age of retirement, SB 69†, SB 406**
Annual compensation used to determine benefit, limit on maximum, SB 406**
Annual service multiplier to determine benefit, reduction, SB 406**
Contributions by members, requirements, SB 406**
Felony conviction, forfeiture of benefits, SB 406**
Judge killed in course of service, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**
Purchase of service credit, exclusion in determining years of service for retirement with unreduced benefit, effect of family medical emergency, SB 406**, AB 387D
Reemployment of retired judge or justice
Allowances, continuation under Judicial Retirement Plan, requirements, SB 69**
Benefits, sunset on certain laws removed, SB 69**
"Cooling off" period, SB 69**
"Spouse" defined to include domestic partner, SB 406**
Administrative decisions
Award of costs prohibited, AB 53†
Procedures, AB 53**
Data centers petitioning for tax abatements, decisions regarding, SB 170*
Nevada Transportation Authority, appeal of final decisions, SB 376*
TaxicAB Authority, appeal of final decisions, SB 376*
District judges, nominations to fill vacancies, AJR 9D
Supplemental appropriation, AB 265**
County commissioners, duties to select jurors in certain counties repealed, AB 69*
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of juror, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 197*
Summons to appear for jury duty, written affirmation of nonqualification based on foreign citizenship, SB 437D, AB 459
Bill draft requests, authority, AB 444D
Civil Procedure, Subcommittee on, creation, AB 444D
Isolated confinement of offenders, receipt of reports, SB 351D
Juvenile Justice, Subcommittee on, repeal, AB 444D
Membership, SB 449**
Parole, study, SB 449**
Portable event recording devices used by peace officers, duties, SB 111**
Risk assessment tools used by Division of Parole and Probation, receipt of report, SB 454
Sentence credits, study concerning use, SB 454
Statewide criminal justice information sharing database, receipt of report regarding implementation, SB 454
Traffic Laws, Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Violations of, creation, duties, SB 304, AB 281D
Appeal of court order granting defendant's motion to suppress evidence, time for, AB 193†
Capital cases, representation of indigent persons, payment of expenses, AB 10
Confession of judgment, procedures, AB 44**
Criminal prosecutions, jurisdiction of courts to hear motions on trial-related issues, AB 193†
Evictions, summary proceedings, applicability of court rules, AB 386*
Illegal lockouts from dwellings, complaints for reentry, procedures, AB 386*
Monetary limit for jurisdiction, increase, AB 66*
Motor vehicle and traffic violations, jurisdiction, AB 281†
Physicians, reports to Court Administrator, duties of court clerk repealed, AB 457**
Places of holding, AB 160*
Recycling of paper, requirements, AB 69*
Unconstitutionality of state law or Nevada Constitution, court rulings regarding, duties of clerk, SB 60†
Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice, representation, SB 449**
County treasurer, time for payment of fines, fees and bail, AB 69*
Docket, authorized format, certain duties repealed, AB 69*
Actions for claims exceeding certain sum, AB 66*
Electronic format of records authorized, AB 69*
Fines for certain violations repealed, AB 69*
Monthly financial statements required, AB 69*
Payments to county treasurer, time for, AB 69*
Small claims, fees in certain actions, AB 66*
Table of fees, posting, requirements, penalty repealed, AB 69*
Fines, time for payment to county treasurer, AB 69*
Jail overcrowding in certain counties, duties, SB 369D
Money collected on any process, disposition, duties repealed, AB 69*
Qualifications of justices in certain townships, AB 66*
Statewide criminal justice information sharing database, duties, SB 454
Statistical information, requirements, submission to Court Administrator, AB 69*
Suspension of justices with or without pay, requirements, SB 73D
Traffic violations, duty to record repealed, AB 69*
Civil judgments, certain enforcement procedures repealed, AB 46**
Competency of child, determination, procedures, AB 138*
Crimes committed by children, minimum age for punishment, AB 124*
Criminal background checks, authority, SB 58†
Cruelty to animals, authority to order counseling or other psychological treatment, AB 315D
Delinquent child, minimum age for adjudication and punishment as, AB 124†
District court, transfer of cases from, grounds, jurisdiction of juvenile court, SB 452D
Divorce actions, additional fees, use for certain programs, SB 388†
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, procedures, SB 58**
Masters, prohibited referrals, SB 99††
Motor vehicle violations, jurisdiction, treatment as civil matters, AB 281†
Pendency of proceedings, placement of certain children, AB 213D
Judgment requiring parent or guardian to pay, expiration, AB 114*
Repeal of certain enforcement procedures, AB 46**
Restraint of child during proceedings, restrictions, procedure for use of restraints, AB 8*
Sealing records of child, procedures, inspection of sealed records, AB 113*
Sex offenders, duties, SB 99††
Sexual offenses
Expert testimony concerning behavior in preparing child for sexual abuse, admissibility, AB 49*
Psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, prohibited acts, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Sexually exploited children
Exclusive jurisdiction of juvenile court, AB 153†
Procedures, AB 153**
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, SB 483**
Traffic violations, jurisdiction, treatment as civil matters, AB 281†
"Treatment provider" for substance abusers under court order, definition, procedures, AB 81**
Adjudication and punishment by juvenile court, minimum age requirement, AB 124†
Competency of child under jurisdiction of juvenile court, determination, procedures, AB 138*
Crimes committed by children, minimum age for punishment, AB 124*
Cruelty to animals, authority of court to order counseling or other psychological treatment, AB 315D
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, procedures, SB 58**
Pendency of judicial proceedings, placement of certain children, AB 213D
Sexual offenses, adjudication for, procedures following, registration and community notification, SB 99††
Child's welfare, persons responsible for, AB 52*
Computer science course, requirements for graduation, SB 295
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, SB 58**
Minor sentenced to term of imprisonment, term to be served in state detention facility until 18 years of age, AB 260D
Pendency of judicial proceedings, placement of certain children, AB 213D
Physical education courses in state facilities, requirements, SB 178†
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, membership, AB 205†
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, SB 58†
Sex offenders, duties, SB 99††
Adoption of child by certain relatives, procedures, AB 151*
Contractors' Recovery Fund, certain persons ineligible to recover from, SB 50*
Epinephrine injections, authority, AB 158*
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, adoption, SB 309D, SB 459*
Guardian of adult or minor ward, preferences for appointment as, SB 262**, AB 325*
Interstate movement of child for purposes of permanently transferring physical custody, prohibited acts, AB 8†
Mental health facility admissions, consideration of applications by certain kin prohibited, SB 7**, AB 38D, AB 91D
Motor Vehicles, Department of, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, SB 3**
Risk retention groups, "material relationship" with group defined, SB 67**
Sales and use taxes, exemption for certain relatives of National Guard members killed while performing duties, AB 71**
Short-term guardians, procedures for extension of guardianship, AB 8†
Trafficking in children, prohibited acts, AB 8*
Belt buckles, knives made integral part of, prohibitions repealed, SB 176**
Dirks and daggers, prohibition on carrying concealed repealed, SB 141D, SB 176**
Machetes, prohibition on carrying concealed repealed, SB 141D
Regulation, authority reserved to Legislature, SB 176†
Switchblade knives, prohibitions repealed, SB 141D, SB 176**
Caustic or corrosive substances, regulation, AB 77†
Livestock feed, requirements, SB 488*, SB 495D
Pet food, requirements, SB 488*, SB 495D
Used or recycled oil, labeling requirements, AB 77**
Wine, regulation, AB 4*
Apprentices in public works projects, duties, SB 371
Apprenticeship Council, State, review of decisions, SB 371
Contractors for public works, duties, SB 340*
Domestic workers, duties, SB 165D
Minimum wage, duties, SB 193†
Nursing mothers, enforcement of laws, AB 306D
Prevailing wages, duties, SB 392, AB 172*, AB 218 of the 77th Session, AB 391 of the 77th Session
Sick leave provided by private employers, duties, SB 259D, AB 235D
Businesses, prohibited acts by labor organizations, remedies, AB 356†
Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, representation, AJR 10‡
Classifications based on sex, restrictions, SB 190D, AB 304D
Innovation in Surface Transportation Selection Panel, membership, SB 466D
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, appointment of members, SB 411**
Public works, authority of public bodies relating to contracts, AB 159**
Wages, inquiries or discussions about, unlawful prohibitions, SB 167D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Building and design codes, compliance, immunity from discipline, SB 374**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Drones, immunities for trespass, AB 239*
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Public works
Bidding preferences, criteria to receive, SB 378D
Negligence actions, duty to defend in, award of fees and costs, AB 106**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Patented mine or mining claim, prohibited covenants, restrictions or conditions, AB 427D
Accessory roads and public roads, duties, SB 456**, AB 398D
Areas of critical environmental concern, duties, AB 144**
Executive Council, composition, duties, AB 144**
Eleventh Judicial District, County made part of, AB 435**
Addition to or repair or remodeling of unit by tenant, required notice to landlord, liability, AB 369D
Forcible entry or forcible detainer, landlord and tenant laws inapplicable, AB 386*
Holding over, notice requirements, AB 386*
Illegal lockouts, complaint for reentry, procedures, AB 386*
"Nuisance," definition, remedies of landlord, AB 386†
Sale of property under execution, notice requirements, AB 386*
Trespassers, injury to, liability of owner, lessee or occupant of premises, SB 160**
Unlawful detainer
Acts constituting, recovery of possession by landlord, AB 386†
Default in payment of rent, summary procedures for eviction, AB 386†
Justice court rules, applicability, AB 386*
Notice of surrender, requirements, AB 386*
Requests by certain tenants to continue in possession for additional 30 days, requirements, procedures following, AB 386†
Service of notices, requirements, AB 386*
Supplemental remedy of summary procedures for eviction, AB 386*
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Public works
Bidding preferences, SB 378D, AB 172†
Negligence actions, duty to defend in, award of fees and costs, AB 106**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
State Board of Landscape Architecture
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Charter amendments
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, AB 177
General election, date, AB 23*, AB 416D
Primary elections, requirements, AB 416D
Procedure for amending charter, SB 71D
Vacancies in elective offices, filling, AB 416D
Community redevelopment (See also COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT)
Extension of termination date, criteria, SB 479D, AB 445**
County's failure to take certain actions, city's authority to act, AB 64D
Dillon's Rule, abolishment, AB 413D, AB 493**
Police Department (See also PEACE OFFICERS)
Regional board to consider tax increase, creation, duties, AB 494
Use of tax proceeds, repeal of certain restriction, SB 337D
Public health advisory board, membership, SB 314**
School precincts, creation, procedures, AB 394**
Veterans Services, Department of, office location mandate removed, AB 471
Licensing and operation, requirements, AB 197†
Administrator of State Public Works Division, lease of office rooms outside of state buildings, duties, AB 59**
Commercial tenancies (See COMMERCIAL TENANCIES)
Employee leasing companies, requirements, AB 389*
Landlord and tenant (See LANDLORD AND TENANT)
Mechanics' and materialmen's liens, duty of lessee regarding work of improvement, waiver of certain rights by supplier, AB 211D
Renewable energy
Distributed generation systems, requirements, AB 330D
Projects, duty of lessee before beginning work of improvement, AB 211†
Rental cars (See RENTAL CARS)
School buses and other vehicles owned by school district, authority to lease, requirements, AB 117D
Supreme Court, authority to lease office space in Clark County, SB 431**
Internet publication authorized, restrictions and requirements, AB 479D
Aged persons, behavioral and cognitive care, SB 269
Correctional institutions, working conditions, SCR 5
Energy efficiency programs, SB 360**, SCR 4
Engine emission controls, inspection and testing of vehicles, AB 146**
Financial security of Nevadans, SB 381
Green banks, establishment, SB 360**
Health insurance, network plans, AB 220D
Interim committees, reports (JSR 19), ACR 1‡
Internet, peering and peering arrangements, SB 289**
Materials recovery facilities, use by contractors, appropriation for study, SB 122
Mental health services, AB 289
Mentorship program for children in State, AB 205**
Parole and Probation, Division of, transfer to Department of Corrections, SCR 5
Parole systems, SB 449**, SCR 5
Postacute care, AB 242**
Rights, privileges and immunities of Legislators related to studies, clarification of law, AB 496**
Risk assessment tools used by Division of Parole and Probation, SB 454
School districts
Clark County School District, effect of precincts on finances, AB 394**
Consolidation, deconsolidation and boundary realignment, SCR 6
School teachers, administrators and other educational personnel, professional development, SB 474**, SCR 1
Sentence credits, use, SB 454
Staff assistance by Legislative Counsel Bureau, restriction, AB 496**
Traffic laws, criminal and civil violations, SB 304, AB 281D
Veterans issues, SB 268†
Conservation and alternative sources, AB 198*
Supplies and allocation levels, AB 455
Accounting Unit, duties regarding Legislator salaries, ACR 2‡
Anti-harassment policy (JSR 20), ACR 1‡
Audit Division
Clark County School District, duties, SB 347, SB 405**, SB 430D, AB 290D
Class-size reduction program, audit of use of money, AB 278**
Equalization, State Board of, performance audit, SB 415D, AB 412
Local government employee organizations, audits of annual reports, AB 109D
Nonprofit organizations operating charter schools, duties, SB 491**
Special license plates, charitable entities receiving fees, duties, AB 189**
Victory schools, duties, SB 432**
Washoe County School District, duties, SB 347, SB 405**, SB 430D, AB 290D
Bill books, preparation unnecessary, exception (SSR 111), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Building maintenance, appropriation, AB 443**
Compensation schedule for certain elected officers, duties, AJR 10‡
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, interpreters to be available, AB 200**
Anti-harassment policy, duties (JSR 20), ACR 1‡
Appropriations for Bureau and interim operations, duties, SB 514**
Authorized expenditures, approval of augmentations, AB 490**
Charter agency agreements, receipt and transmittal, AB 104
Election precinct maps, time for receipt, SB 421†, AB 302†
Legislators, study of increase in number, duties, AB 460
Motor Vehicles, Department of, notices from, SB 3**, SB 121*, SB 127**, SB 206**, SB 404**, SB 502†, AB 131**, AB 204**, AB 250**
Reports, receipt
Administration, Department of, SB 213
Aircraft and component industry, tax abatements, SB 93, AB 161**
Attorney General, SB 244**
Boost Grant Program, SB 399
Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, AB 223*, AB 457**
Charter agencies, AB 104
Child and Family Services, Division of, SB 107*
Child care assistance, pilot program, SB 364
Child care facilities, AB 457**
Clark County Commissioners, AB 457†
College Grant Program, SB 494D
Community paramedicine services, AB 305*
Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, SB 423
Court Administrator, SB 483**, AB 457**
Domestic violence protective orders, AB 457**
Drones, operation by public agencies, AB 239*
Economic development, certain nonprofit corporation, AB 17**
Economic Development, Office of, SB 93, SB 94**, SB 507**, AB 161**
Emissions From Motor Vehicles, Advisory Committee on the Control of, AB 146**
Emissions from power plants, state plan for compliance with federal requirements, SB 438D
Energy assistance programs, AB 73**
Energy efficiency incentives, SB 360**
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, SB 214**
Federal assistance programs, SB 213
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, SB 381
Green banks, development, SB 360**
Health, State Board of, AB 169
Heroin-assisted treatment program for substance abusers, SB 275D
Homeland security records, report repealed, SB 72
Industrial cannabis, cultivation, storage or sale, SB 305†
Inspector General, AB 300
Insurance premium tax credits, AB 372
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, services provided to, AB 307**
Local Government Finance Committee, AB 457**
Local governments in severe financial emergency, AB 54**
Medical Examiners, Board of, AB 227*, AB 279D
Mental health facilities, certain admissions, AB 91D
Mentorship programs, AB 205**
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, AB 241†
Nevada Association of Counties, SB 29**
Nevada Liberty Preservation Act, violations, SB 352D
Obesity, SB 402D
Off-Highway Vehicles, Commission on, AB 217†
Ombudsman for Offenders, SB 279D
Patient-centered medical homes, evaluation, SB 6†
Probation violators, diversion program, SB 136, AB 12**
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, AB 175**
Real Estate Division, AB 457**
Recreational facilities, districts to promote, SB 312†
Redevelopment agencies in certain cities, use of revenue, AB 445**
Regents, Board of, AB 76**
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, AB 116**
Regulatory bodies, reciprocal agreements with other states, AB 89**
At-risk pupils, performance tracking of education and services provided to, SB 397
Basic support guarantee, certain information, SB 508**
Breakfast After the Bell Program, SB 503**
Clark County School District, SB 347, SB 405†, SB 430D, AB 290D, AB 394**
Disabilities, pupils with, revision to funding for education, SB 397
Early childhood education, SB 515**, AB 291D
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, SB 474**
Expenditures associated with legislative appropriations for certain categories of pupils, SB 508**
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, SB 474**
Junior high and middle schools receiving certain grants, SB 347
K-12 Public Education Stabilization Account, requests for allocations, SB 424
Limited English proficient pupils
Funding of programs, SB 405**, SB 430D, AB 290D
Performance tracking of education and services to, SB 397
Literacy programs for pupils enrolled in K-3, SB 391**
Mentorship programs, AB 205**
Nevada Plan, plan to provide additional resources to, SB 508**
Quarterly financial reports of districts, AB 319D
Safe-to-Tell Program, SB 338*
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, AB 485**
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, AB 421**
Washoe County School District, SB 347, SB 405†, SB 430D, AB 290D
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program, SB 227**
Stroke Registry, operation and use, SB 196*
Student loan indebtedness, SB 215D
Supreme Court, AB 457**
Taxation, Department of, SB 382D, AB 380**
Tourism and entertainment facilities, districts to finance, SB 312**
Tourism, districts to promote, SB 312**
Transportation Authority, Nevada, AB 176**
Transportation, Department of, SB 23**, AB 450
Transportation Infrastructure, Legislative Committee on, AB 423
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Campus Improvement Authority, AB 451**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, AB 62**, AB 294D, AB 482**
Water, conservation and alternative sources, AB 198*
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, AB 73**
Standing committees, records of proceedings, duties (JSR 12), ACR 1‡
Transportation Infrastructure, Legislative Committee on, duties, AB 423
Educational Accountability and Program Evaluation, Legislative Bureau of
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, time for receipt, AB 30**
Pupil-teacher ratios, provisions repealed, AB 378†
Fiscal Analysis Division
Education savings account, grant program, receipt of pupil records, SB 302*
Federal assistance programs, reports regarding use, duties, SB 213
Fiscal notes, procedures, duties, SB 413
Other State Education Programs Account, duties, SB 515**
Pupil-teacher ratios, receipt of reports, AB 376D, AB 378†
State business licenses, receipt of information, SB 483**, AB 464
Taxes enacted or increased during 78th Legislative Session, duties, SB 396
Temporary advances of money, notices, SB 514**, AB 490**, AB 491**
Unclassified service, duties regarding salaries, AB 489**
Work program revisions, duties, SB 505**
Information technology, appropriation, AB 443**
Interim Finance Committee
Authorized expenditures, approval, AB 490**
Autism Treatment Assistance Program, appropriation, SB 514**
Capital improvements, duties, AB 491**
Child welfare services money, duties, AB 490**
Clark County School District, reorganization committee, duties, AB 394**
Corrections, Department of, appropriation, SB 514**
Educational Trust Account, expenditures from, duties, SB 25**
Energy assistance programs, duties, AB 73**
Foreclosure Mediation, Account for, duties, SB 512**
General appropriations legislation, duties, SB 514**
K-12 Public Education Stabilization Account, duties, SB 424
Legal services, duties regarding certain contracts, SB 244**
Mental health workers in schools, duties, SB 515**
Motor Vehicles, Department of, appropriation, SB 514**
Nevada Main Street Program, appropriation for allocation, SB 51D
Nevada System of Higher Education, appropriations, SB 514**
Petroleum, Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of, approval of certain expenditures, SB 89**
Public Safety, Department of, requests for additional money, SB 184D
Real Estate Division and Commission, claims for expenses, AB 475**
Recycling of paper by Supreme Court, duty removed, AB 69*
Reports, receipt
Administration, Department of, AB 457**
Basic support guarantee, multiplier for pupils with disabilities, SB 508**
Clark County School District, SB 347, SB 405†, AB 290D
Economic Development, Office of, SB 507**
Energy assistance programs, AB 73**
Inspector General, AB 300
Limited English proficient pupils, funding of programs and services, SB 405**, SB 430D, AB 290D
Mental health workers in schools, SB 515**
Nonprofit organizations operating charter schools, SB 491**
Probation violators, diversion program, SB 136, AB 12**
Property tax proceeds for bond payments, AB 491**
Public works by local governments, matching grants program, SB 149D
Pupil-teacher ratios, requests for variances, AB 376D, AB 378†
Toll road projects, AB 450†
Transportational Storm Water Management, Advisory Committee on, SB 324**
Veterans Services, Department of, SB 268†
Washoe County School District, SB 347, SB 405†, AB 290D
Senior citizen's property tax assistance program, appropriation, SB 514**
Stabilize the Operation of the State Government, Account to, duties, SB 424
State Public Defender assessments, duties, AB 490**
Train Employees Now Program, appropriation, SB 514**
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle program, appropriation, SB 514**
Veteran Services, Department of, certain reporting requirements repealed, AB 482†
Water projects in tax increment areas, approval of financing, AB 497**
Work programs, approval of certain revisions unnecessary, AB 20**
Legal Division
Administrative regulations, duties, AB 355, AB 492
Bill draft requests, duties, AB 495**
Cultural Affairs, Commission for, duties regarding name changes, SB 20**
Education laws, reorganization of Title 34, duties, SB 92**
Finance, Office of, duties regarding name changes, AB 469**
Fiscal notes, duties, SB 413
Gaming Control Board, duties regarding name change, AB 40**
Initiative and referendum petitions, consulting duty repealed, SB 434
Nevada Administrative Code, removal of void regulations, SB 112†, SB 202D, AB 6*, AB 79**, AB 115*, AB 142D, AB 456**
Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, duties regarding legislation, AB 368D
State business license, duties regarding terminology changes, SB 59**
State Library and Archives, Division of, name changes, duties, AB 33**
Transportation network companies, codification of provisions, duties, SB 376*
Vehicle accidents, duties regarding terminology change, SB 188**
Wildlife, Department of, duties regarding name changes, SB 130D, AB 82**
Legislative Commission
Appointments made by
Clark County School District, reorganization advisory committee, AB 394**
Community Notification, Advisory Council for, SB 99†
Constitutional convention delegates, SB 274
Ombudsman for Offenders, SB 279D
Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Advisory Council on, SB 6†
Authorized expenditures, approval of augmentations, AB 490**
Charter agencies, duties, AB 104
Clark County School District, duties, SB 347, SB 405**, SB 430D, AB 290D, AB 394**
Inspector General, nominations, AB 300
Lobbying, contents of regulations, SB 307**
Local government employee organization reports, requests for audits, AB 109D
Membership and organization, ACR 1‡, SR 8‡, AR 10‡
Nonprofit organizations operating charter schools, request for audit, SB 491**
Nursing mothers, filing of complaints, duties, AB 306D
Ombudsman for Offenders, duties, SB 279D
Operation of Bureau and interim activities, appropriation, duties, SB 514**
Oral history program for Legislature, duties, AB 384**
Power plant emissions, duties regarding state compliance plan, SB 438D
Presidential preference primary election, duties, SB 421†, AB 302†
Reapportionment and Redistricting, Legislative Advisory Commission on, duties, AB 252
Regulations, time for review of permanent regulations, AB 355
Reports, receipt
Breakfast After the Bell Program, SB 503**
Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, AB 457**
Charter agencies, AB 104
Class-size reduction program, audit, AB 278**
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, SB 20**
Drones, operation by public agencies, AB 239*
Emissions from power plants, state plan for compliance with federal requirements, SB 438D
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, SB 214**
Federal assistance programs, SB 213
Heroin-assisted treatment program for substance abusers, SB 275D
Homeland security records, report repealed, SB 72
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, SB 400D
Interscholastic Activities Association, Nevada, AB 400D
Local governments in severe financial emergency, AB 54**
Mental health facilities, certain admissions, AB 91D
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, AB 241†
Nevada Liberty Preservation Act, violations, SB 352D
Public Safety, Department of, SB 234D
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, AB 175**
Redevelopment agencies in certain cities, use of revenue, AB 445**
Research Division, AB 384**
Taxation, Department of, SB 382D, AB 380**
Toll road projects, AB 450
Transportation Authority, Nevada, AB 176**
Transportation facilities, AB 450
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, AB 62**, AB 294D, AB 482**
Special License Plates, Commission on, requests for audits, duties, AB 189**
Transportation Infrastructure, Legislative Committee on, duties, AB 423
Victory schools, requests for audit, SB 432**
Washoe County School District, request for audit, SB 347, SB 405**, SB 430D, AB 290D
Legislative Fiscal Officer, authority regarding certain payroll deductions, AB 466**
National organization costs and dues, appropriation, AB 443**
Ombudsman for Offenders, Office of, creation, SB 279D
Reapportionment and Redistricting, Legislative Advisory Commission on, duties, AB 252
Research Division, Nevada Legislature Oral History Program, duties, AB 384**
Rights, privileges and immunities, laws clarified, AB 496**
Studies and investigations generally, staff assistance, AB 496**
Transportation Infrastructure, Legislative Committee on, assistance, AB 423
Water study committee, assistance, AB 455
Work produced, confidentiality, AB 496**
Annual compensation used to determine benefit, limit on maximum, SB 406**
Felony conviction, forfeiture of benefits, SB 406**
Legislator killed in course of service, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**
Purchase of service credit, exclusion in determining years of service for retirement with unreduced benefit, effect of family medical emergency, SB 406**, AB 387D
"Spouse" defined to include domestic partner, SB 406**
Anti-harassment policy (JSR 20), ACR 1‡
Chief Clerk, election, powers and duties generally (ASR 3), AR 1‡
District court judges, appointment, AJR 9D
Meetings (ASR 10, ASR 11), AR 1‡
Minority Leader
Appointments made by
Behavioral and cognitive care, study committee, SB 269
Clark County School District, reorganization advisory committee, AB 394**
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, AB 257
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, SB 474**
Ethics, Select Committee on (ASR 2, ASR 23), AR 1‡
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, SB 214†
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, SB 400D
Mental health services study committee, AB 289
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 205†
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, AB 241†
Postacute care study committee, AB 242**
Reapportionment and Redistricting, Legislative Advisory Commission on, AB 252
Reno Charter Committee, AB 88*
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, SB 338**
Salaries for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens' Commission on, AJR 10†
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, AB 485**
Transportation Infrastructure, Legislative Committee on, AB 423
Veterans study committee, SB 268†
Continuation of leadership during interim (ASR 2), AR 1‡
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, member, SB 400D
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, recommendations for membership, AB 421**
Anti-harassment policy, duties (JSR 20), ACR 1‡
Appointments made by
Behavioral and cognitive care, study committee, SB 269
Clark County School District, reorganization committee, AB 394**
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, AB 257
Economic development, director of certain nonprofit corporation, AB 17**
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, SB 474**
Ethics, Select Committee on (ASR 2, ASR 23), AR 1‡
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, SB 214**
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, SB 381
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, SB 400D
Mental health services study committee, AB 289
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 205†
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, AB 241†
Postacute care study committee, AB 242**
Reapportionment and Redistricting, Legislative Advisory Commission on, AB 252
Reno Charter Committee, AB 88*
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, SB 338**
Salaries for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens' Commission on, AJR 10†
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, AB 485**
Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, Board of Directors, AB 86**
Standing committees generally (ASR 41, ASR 41.5), AR 1‡
Transportation Infrastructure, Legislative Committee on, AB 423
Veterans study committee, SB 268†
Contingent fee contracts, receipt of reports, SB 244**
Continuation of leadership during interim (ASR 2), AR 1‡
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, member, duties, SB 381
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, member, SB 400D
Indigent Defense Commission, duties, SB 451
Powers and duties, generally (ASR 1, ASR 2), AR 1‡
Public Employees' Retirement Board, receipt of reports, AB 190
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, recommendations for membership, AB 421**
Wall of Distinction, additions
Glover, Alan H., AR 8‡
Pierce, Peggy, AR 9‡
Attaches, appointment, SR 3‡, AR 2‡, AR 4‡, AR 5‡, AR 6‡, AR 7‡
Bills and resolutions
Amendments, rules (JSR 14.7, SSR 22, SSR 113, SSR 117, ASR 110), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, SR 7‡, AR 1‡
Bill books, preparation and distribution eliminated, exception (SSR 111), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Conference committees (JSR 1), ACR 1‡
Consent calendar (ASR 111), AR 1‡
Drafting requests
Amendments (JSR 14.7), ACR 1‡
Assignment of number for priority, prerequisites, AB 495*
Justice, Advisory Commission on the Administration of, authority, AB 444D
Law enforcement, association of elected chief executive officers, authority, AB 334D
Legislators' requests
Fiscal notes, procedures, SB 413
Last day for introduction extended, SCR 3‡
"Nonreturning Legislators," definition, SB 421†, AB 302†
Prefiling, deadline, duty of Legislators to prefile, AB 495*
Reapportionment and redistricting measures, submission, ACR 1‡
Reno Charter Committee, authority to make, AB 88†
Revisions (JSR 14.2), ACR 1‡
Secondary deadlines for submission of details (JSR 14.1), ACR 1‡
Special sessions, procedures (ASR 142), AR 1‡
Standing committees, limitations (JSR 14), ACR 1‡
Fiscal notes, procedures, SB 413
General appropriation bill, procedures (JSR 21), ACR 1‡
General file (SSR 113, ASR 113), SR 1‡, SR 7‡, AR 1‡
Health insurance bills, review (JSR 18), ACR 1‡
Introductions (JSR 14.2), ACR 1‡
Line-item veto, Governor's powers, AJR 5D
Memorials, speaking on the resolution (SSR 118.2), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Motions (SSR 60-SSR 69, SSR 115, ASR 64-ASR 67, ASR 115), SR 1‡, AR 1‡
Notice of final action (JSR 3), ACR 1‡
Publications (JSR 6, SSR 111), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Reading (SSR 109, SSR 110, SSR 113, ASR 109, ASR 110), SR 1‡, SR 7‡, AR 1‡
Schedule for enactment (JSR 14.3-JSR 14.7), ACR 1‡
Signatures (JSR 4, ASR 1), ACR 1‡, AR 1‡
Skeleton bills (SSR 106, ASR 106), SR 1‡, SR 7‡, AR 1‡
Sponsorship (JSR 5, SSR 112), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Types, usage and approval of resolutions (JSR 7‡, SSR 118-SSR 119.2, ASR 118, ASR 119), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, SR 7, AR 1‡
Vetoed bills (See also VETOED BILLS)
Consideration of returned bills (ASR 116), AR 1‡
Line-item veto, Governor's powers, AJR 5D
Voting (JSR 21.5, SSR 30-SSR 32, ASR 30-ASR 33), ACR 1‡, SR 1‡, SR 7‡, AR 1‡
Budget, date of first joint budget hearing (JSR 17), ACR 1‡
Campaign reports by Governor and Lieutenant Governor, duties, SJR 3D
Clark County School District, reorganization committee, membership, AB 394**
Bill draft requests, limitations (JSR 14, ASR 142), ACR 1‡, AR 1‡
Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice, powers and duties, SB 303**
Conference committees (JSR 1), ACR 1‡
Basic support guarantee, duties, receipt of reports, SB 508**
Clark County School District, receipt of reports, SB 347, SB 430D, AB 290D
Early childhood education, receipt of reports, SB 515**
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, receipt of reports, SB 474**
Junior high and middle schools receiving certain grants, receipt of reports, SB 347
Limited English proficient pupils, funding of certain programs, receipt of reports, SB 405**, SB 430D, AB 290D
Literacy of pupils enrolled in K-3, receipt of reports, SB 391**
Mentorship program for children in State, duties, AB 205**
Nevada Plan, plan to provide additional resources to, receipt of reports, duties, SB 508**
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, time for receipt, AB 30**
Pupil-teacher ratios, provisions repealed, AB 378†
Quarterly financial reports from school districts, receipt, AB 319D
Safe-to-Tell Program, receipt of reports, SB 338*
University students who are veterans, receipt of reports, AB 76**
Victory schools, receipt of reports, duties, SB 432**
Washoe County School District, receipt of reports, SB 347, SB 430D, AB 290D
Energy, study of green banks and efficiency incentives, duties, SB 360**
Finance, requests for information on fiscal impact of legislation, SB 413
Health Care
Administrative regulations, review powers, AB 492
Clark County Commissioners, receipt of reports, AB 457†
Community paramedicine services, receipt of reports, AB 305*
Health insurance network plans, receipt of report, duties, AB 220D
Health professional workforce, receipt of reports, AB 340D
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, services provided to, receipt of report, AB 307**
Obesity, receipt of report, SB 402D
Regulatory bodies, reciprocal agreements, receipt of reports, AB 89**
Stroke Registry, operation and use, receipt of reports, SB 196*
Interim Retirement and Benefits Committee, duties, AB 190
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority and duties of certain committees, SB 58†
Meetings, procedures, SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Parliamentary Rules and Procedures (SSR 22), SR 7‡
Public Lands, study of water conservation and alternative sources of water, AB 198*
Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs
Abandonment, duties, AB 223*
Reports, receipt, AB 62**
Standing committees generally
Assembly (ASR 40, ASR 41.5, ASR 44), AR 1‡
Date of first joint budget hearing (JSR 17), ACR 1‡
Deposits of state revenue, duties (JSR 22), ACR 1‡
Records of committee proceedings (JSR 12), ACR 1‡
Senate (SSR 40-SSR 54), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Transportation Infrastructure, creation, AB 423
Ways and Means, requests for additional information on fiscal impact of legislation, SB 413
Whole, Committee of the (SSR 46-SSR 48, ASR 45), SR 1‡, SR 7‡, AR 1‡
Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens' Commission on, duties, AJR 10‡
Constitutional convention, appointment of delegates, SB 274
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, interpreters to be available, AB 200**
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, membership, SB 474**
Appointment, SR 3‡, AR 2‡, AR 4‡, AR 5‡, AR 6‡, AR 7‡
Classified service, transfers to, eligibility, SB 510**
Energy assistance programs, duties, AB 73**
Estates, authorization to impose tax on certain large estates, SJR 19D
Family resource centers, development of action plans, input, AB 156**
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, membership, SB 214**
Initiative petitions
Generation of public revenue, requirements for passage, AJR 8‡
Legislative proposal on same subject, effect, SB 434
Legislative Fund
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, compensation of members, SB 474**
Expenditures, authorization (JSR 10), ACR 1‡
General appropriation, SB 514**
Reapportionment and Redistricting, Legislative Advisory Commission, payment of expenses, AB 252
Salary increases, appropriation, AB 489**
Session expenses, appropriation, SB 1**
Solid waste, contractors' use of materials recovery facilities, appropriation for study, SB 122
Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, creation, AJR 10‡
Citizens' Commission on Salaries for Certain Elected Officers, creation, AJR 10†
Duties performed outside of session, AJR 10‡
Increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Manner of payment, SJR 8 of the 77th Session
Voluntary transfer of portion of salary to State General Fund, ACR 2‡
Contests of election
Bringing or maintaining without reasonable grounds or to harass prevailing party, penalty, AB 118D
Standing rules (SSR 130, ASR 46), SR 1‡, SR 7‡, AR 1‡
Cooling-off period before serving as paid lobbyist, AB 273*
Gifts from lobbyists, prohibited acts, SB 307*
Standing rules (SSR 23, ASR 2, ASR 23), SR 1‡, SR 7‡, AR 1‡
Expenses, reimbursements, SJR 8 of the 77th Session
Increase in number, study, Legislative declaration, AB 460
Ineligible candidates, seating prohibited, SB 403D, AB 177
Legislator's Retirement System, appropriation, SB 514**
Residency, requirements, AB 118D, AB 177, AB 381D
Rights, privileges and immunities, laws clarified, AB 496**
Seniority among Senators (SSR 128), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Term limits, repeal, SJR 18D
Messages from Governor or between Houses (JSR 2-JSR 3), ACR 1‡
Oral history program for Legislature, establishment, AB 384**
Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Advisory Council on, representation, SB 6†
Power plant emissions, duties regarding state compliance plan, SB 438D
Property tax, duties, SJR 12D, SJR 13‡
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, representation, SB 411**
Religion, laws affecting, authority, SB 272D, AB 277D
Reports, receipt (See also LEGISLATIVE AND AGENCY STUDIES)
Administration, Department of, SB 213, AB 457**
Aircraft and component industry, tax abatements, SB 93, AB 161**
Boost Grant Program, SB 399
Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, AB 223*, AB 457**
Charter agencies, AB 104
Child and Family Services, Division of, SB 107*
Child care assistance, pilot program, SB 364
Clark County Commissioners, AB 457†
College Grant Program, SB 494D
Colorado River Commission, submission of budgets, SB 46
Community paramedicine services, AB 305*
Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, SB 423
Court Administrator, AB 457**
Drones, operation by public agencies, AB 239*
Economic development, certain nonprofit corporation, AB 17**
Economic Development, Office of, SB 93, SB 94**, SB 507**, AB 161**, AB 457**
Emissions from power plants, state plan for compliance with federal requirements, SB 438D
Employment Security Division, AB 457**
Energy assistance programs, AB 73**
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, SB 214**
Federal assistance programs, SB 213
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, SB 381
Health, State Board of, AB 169
Heroin-assisted treatment program for substance abusers, SB 275D
Homeland security records, report repealed, SB 72
Industrial cannabis, cultivation, storage or sale, SB 305†
Inspector General, AB 300
Insurance premium tax credits, AB 372
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, services provided to, AB 307**
Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Board for the Regulation of, AB 457**
Local Government Finance Committee, AB 457**
Local governments in severe financial emergency, AB 54**
Medical Examiners, Board of, AB 227*, AB 279D
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 205†
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, AB 241†
Nevada Association of Counties, SB 29**
Nevada Liberty Preservation Act, violations, SB 352D
Obesity, SB 402D
Off-Highway Vehicles, Commission on, AB 217†
Ombudsman for Offenders, SB 279D
Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of, AB 279D
Patient-centered medical homes, evaluation, SB 6†
Property tax proceeds for bond payments, AB 491**
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, SB 46, AB 175**
Recreational facilities, districts to promote, SB 312†
Redevelopment agencies in certain cities, use of revenue, AB 445**
Regents, Board of, AB 76**
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, AB 116**
Regulatory bodies, reciprocal agreements with other states, AB 89**
At-risk pupils, performance tracking of education and services provided to, SB 397
Basic support guarantee, certain information, SB 508**
Breakfast After the Bell Program, SB 503**
Charter School Authority, State, submission of budgets, AB 395†
Clark County School District, SB 347, SB 405†, SB 430D, AB 290D, AB 394**
Disabilities, pupils with, revision to funding for education, SB 397
Early childhood education, AB 291D
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, SB 474**
Expenditures associated with legislative appropriations for certain categories of pupils, SB 508**
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, SB 474**
Junior high and middle schools receiving certain grants, SB 347
K-12 Public Education Stabilization Account, requests for allocations, SB 424
Limited English proficient pupils
Funding of programs, SB 405**, SB 430D, AB 290D
Performance tracking of education and services provided to, SB 397
Literacy programs for pupils enrolled in K-3, SB 391**
Nevada Plan, plan to provide additional resources to, SB 508**
Pupil-teacher ratios, AB 376D, AB 378†
Quarterly financial reports of districts, AB 319D
Safe-to-Tell Program, SB 338*
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, AB 485**
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, AB 421**
Washoe County School District, SB 347, SB 405†, SB 430D, AB 290D
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program, SB 227**
Student loan indebtedness, SB 215D
Supreme Court, AB 457**
Taxation, Department of, SB 382D, AB 380**
Toll road projects, AB 450
Tourism and entertainment facilities, districts to finance, SB 312**
Tourism, districts to promote, SB 312**
Transportation Authority, Nevada, AB 176**
Transportation, Department of, SB 23**, AB 450
Transportation Infrastructure, Legislative Committee on, AB 423
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Campus Improvement Authority, AB 451**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, SB 268**, AB 62**, AB 294D, AB 482**
Revenue projections, reserves, duties, SB 514**
Salaries for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens' Commission on, duties, AJR 10†
Schools (See also Reports, receipt, this heading)
K-12 Public Education Stabilization Account, duties, SB 424
Safe and respectful learning environment, legislative declaration, AB 112*
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, membership, SB 338**
Hall of Fame, inductions
Care, Terry, SR 5‡
Rhoads, Dean, SR 4‡
Townsend, Randolph J., SR 6‡
Majority Leader
Anti-harassment policy, duties (JSR 20), ACR 1‡
Appointments made by
Behavioral and cognitive care, study committee, SB 269
Clark County School District, reorganization committee, AB 394**
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, AB 257
Economic development, director of nonprofit corporation, AB 17**
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, SB 474**
Ethics, Committee on (SSR 23), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, SB 214†
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, SB 400D
Mental health services study committee, AB 289
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 205†
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, AB 241†
Parliamentary Rules and Procedures Committee (SSR 22), SR 7‡
Postacute care study committee, AB 242**
Reapportionment and Redistricting, Legislative Advisory Commission on, AB 252
Reno Charter Committee, AB 88*
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, SB 338**
Salaries for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens' Commission on, AJR 10†
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, AB 485**
Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, Board of Directors, AB 86**
Standing and select committees (SSR 40), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Transportation Infrastructure, Legislative Committee on, AB 423
Veterans study committee, SB 268†
Bill book service, requests, duties (SSR 111), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Contingent fee contracts, receipt of reports, SB 244**
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, member, SB 400D
Indigent Defense Commission, duties, SB 451
Public Employees' Retirement Board, receipt of reports, AB 190
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, recommendations for membership, AB 421**
Tenure, continuation during interim (SSR 6), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Meetings (SSR 10-SSR 13), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Minority Leader
Appointments made by
Behavioral and cognitive care, study committee, SB 269
Clark County School District, reorganization committee, AB 394**
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, SB 474**
Ethics, Committee on (SSR 23), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, SB 214**
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, SB 381
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, SB 400D
Mental health services study committee, AB 289
Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, AB 205†
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, AB 241†
Postacute care study committee, AB 242**
Reapportionment and Redistricting, Legislative Advisory Commission on, AB 252
Reno Charter Committee, AB 88*
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, SB 338**
Salaries for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens' Commission on, AJR 10†
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, AB 485**
Standing and select committees (SSR 40), SR 1‡
Transportation Infrastructure, Legislative Committee on, AB 423
Veterans study committee, SB 268†
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, member, duties, SB 381
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, member, SB 400D
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, recommendations for membership, AB 421**
Tenure, continuation during interim (SSR 6), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, appointment of members, AB 257
President Pro Tem and other presiding officers (SSR 2, SSR 6), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Secretary, election, duties generally (SSR 3), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Seniority among Senators (SSR 128), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Adjournment, rules (JSR 9, JSR 9.5), ACR 1‡
Annual sessions, SJR 8 of the 77th Session
Expenses, appropriation, SB 1**
Length and adjournment date, SJR 8 of the 77th Session
Special sessions
Assembly, appointment of district judges, AJR 9D
Assembly committees, drafting requests (ASR 142), AR 1‡
Standing rules
Adoption, AR 1‡
Bills and resolutions, procedures (ASR 106-ASR 119), AR 1‡
Chamber, use (ASR 141), AR 1‡
Conduct of business (ASR 91-ASR 120), AR 1‡
Continuation of leadership and rules during Interim (ASR 2), AR 1‡
Decorum and debate (ASR 20-ASR 23, ASR 59-ASR 62, ASR 80-ASR 82), AR 1‡
Legislative bodies (ASR 40-ASR 62), AR 1‡
Motions (ASR 64-ASR 67, ASR 115), AR 1‡
Officers and employees (ASR 1, ASR 3), AR 1‡
Order of business (ASR 120), AR 1‡
Quorum, voting and elections (ASR 30-ASR 33), AR 1‡
Sessions and meetings (ASR 10, ASR 11), AR 1‡
Witnesses summoned to appear, compensation (ASR 140), AR 1‡
Adjournment (JSR 9, JSR 9.5), ACR 1‡
Adoption, ACR 1‡
Anti-harassment policy (JSR 20), ACR 1‡
Bills and resolutions, procedures (JSR 14-JSR 14.7, JSR 18), ACR 1‡
Reapportionment and redistricting (JSR 13-JSR 13.4), ACR 1‡
Waivers (JSR 14.5, JSR 14.7), ACR 1‡
Conduct of business (SSR 90-SSR 130), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Decorum and debate (SSR 20-SSR 23, SSR 80, SSR 81), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Legislation, procedures (SSR 22, SSR 30-SSR 32, SSR 106-SSR 119.2), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Legislative bodies (SSR 22, SSR 40-SSR 54), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Motions (SSR 22, SSR 60-SSR 69, SSR 115), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Officers and employees (SSR 1-SSR 6), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Order of business, special orders (SSR 120-SSR 125), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Quorum, voting, elections (SSR 30-SSR 32), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Sessions and meetings (SSR 10-SSR 13), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Witnesses summoned to appear, compensation (SSR 140), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Veterans Day at the Legislature, establishment, AB 62**
Victims of crime, laws regarding, duties, SJR 17‡
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, recommendations to Legislature, AB 241*
Criminal actions, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Indecent or obscene exposure, penalties for certain acts, AB 49*
Lewdness with a child, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 49*
Open or gross lewdness, penalties for certain acts, AB 49*
Pupils and students, sexual conduct with, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 49*
Adoption, SB 352D
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, membership, SB 20**
Commercial tenancies, duties of landlord regarding abandoned personal property, AB 379†
Common-interest communities (See COMMON-INTEREST COMMUNITIES)
Condominium hotels, requirements, SB 389*
False or fraudulent lien filed against property of certain persons, penalties, civil remedies, SB 197*
Graffiti, covering or removal from nonresidential property, authority of cities, SB 56†
Mechanics' and materialmen's liens
Contractors' Recovery Fund, certain persons ineligible to recover from, SB 50*
Lessee beginning work of improvement, requirements for construction disbursement account, waiver of rights by supplier, AB 211D
Notice of right to lien, provision to property owners
Exemptions from requirement, SB 223*
Lien claimants, certain actions to avoid obligation to provide notice prohibited, SB 223†
Priority of mechanic's lien, determination, SB 375D
Renewable energy projects, duty of lessee before beginning work of improvement, AB 211†
Retention amounts, holding in escrow, procedures, SB 375D
Motor vehicle consignment auctions, prohibited lienholders, AB 37**
Recreational vehicles abandoned on private property, authority of property owner, procedures, SB 110**
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, AB 495*
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Election jointly with Governor, SJR 3D
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolished, AB 300
Malfeasance in office by ceasing to reside in State, AB 118D
President of Senate
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, appointment of members, AB 257
Session expenses, appropriation, AB 442**
Term limits, repeal, SJR 18D
Assessments of members, limitation, SB 67**
Commerce tax, imposition, SB 483**
Coverage, applicability to members only, SB 67**
Definitions, SB 67**
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee, imposition, SB 378D
Reinsurance, powers and duties of Association, SB 67**
Termination, recording procedures, SB 484*
Caregiver for person admitted to hospital, authority to designate, duties of hospital, SB 177†
Common-interest communities, enforcement of liens, AB 240†
Constructional defects, AB 125**
Contractors, recovery of wages or benefits due employee of subcontractor, SB 223*
Corporate acts, ratification or validation, actions relating to, SB 446*
Deeds of trust, action to declare trustee's sale void, SB 239**
Domestic relations actions, postjudgment motions to adjudicate property, AB 362*
Employment practices, unlawful, applications for certain orders from district court, SB 167D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Medicaid, liability for false or fraudulent claims, recovery, AB 48**
Motor vehicle and traffic violations treated as civil matters, requirements, AB 281†
Professional negligence, SB 292**
Restitution, actions concerning, AB 114*
Sexual assault, limitation extended, AB 212*
Sexual orientation conversion therapy, remedies for violations, SB 353†
Annual list, fee
Increase, SB 483**
Repeal, AB 323D
Business identification number, assignment, SB 39*, SB 59**, AB 364**
Business licenses (See BUSINESS LICENSES)
Foreign companies
Certificate of fictitious name, right of county clerk to reject, SB 59**, AB 364**
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, SB 39*
Renewal or revival of registration, authority, SB 39*
Revocation of right to transact business, cancellation of registration, SB 39*
Gaming licensees, repeal of certain restrictions on eligibility, SB 38**
Legally organized, when deemed, SB 446*
Mergers, duties of surviving entity, liability for obligations of constituent entity, SB 446*
Private professional guardians, licensing and operational requirements, penalties, AB 325*
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, SB 39*
Revocation of charter, dissolution procedures following, SB 39*
Annual list, fee
Increase, SB 483**
Repeal, AB 323D
Business identification number, assignment, SB 39*, SB 59**, AB 364**
Business licenses (See BUSINESS LICENSES)
Certificate of registration
Renewal or revival, authority, SB 39*
Revocation, dissolution procedures following, SB 39*
Foreign partnerships
Certificate of fictitious name, right of county clerk to reject, SB 59**, AB 364**
Renewal or revival of right to transact business, authority, SB 39*
Business identification number, assignment, SB 39*, SB 59**, AB 364**
Business licenses (See BUSINESS LICENSES)
Filing fees
Initial and annual list, increase, SB 483**
Repeal of certain fees, AB 323D
Foreign partnerships
Certificate of fictitious name, right of county clerk to reject, AB 364**
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, SB 39*
Renewal or revival of right to transact business, authority, SB 39*
Revocation of right to transact business, cancellation of registration following, SB 39*
Gaming licensees, repeal of certain restrictions on eligibility, SB 38**
Legally organized, when deemed, SB 446*
Mergers, duties of surviving entity, liability for obligations of constituent entity, SB 446*
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, SB 39*
Renewal or revival of certificate, authority, SB 39*
Revocation of certificate, dissolution procedures following, SB 39*
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 336D
Impoundment of vehicles operating without certificate, SB 184D
Operator fees, increase, AB 181D
Governor's powers, AJR 5D
County fuel tax indexing, authority, procedures, AB 191*
Special fuel taxes, factors for conversion of volumetric measurements, AB 32**
Reports to Governor and Legislature, repeal of requirements, AB 457**
Prohibited sales, penalties, notices, SB 225*
Regulation and taxation, exclusion as tobacco product, SB 79**
Common-interest communities, enforcement of liens, AB 240†
Deeds of trust, action to declare trustee's sale void, SB 239**
Filing of notice against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 197*
Admission or amusement services, applicability of tax, SB 426, AB 392
Amount upon which tax is based, procedure when vague or subjective, SB 266*
Consideration collected for admission required for imposition of tax, SB 266*, SB 425, AB 393
Exclusions from tax, removal of certain exclusions, SB 266*, SB 425, AB 393
Gaming establishments
Merchandise purchases, taxes inapplicable to, SB 426, AB 392
Reenactment of laws, SB 425, SB 426, AB 392, AB 393
Unsuitable method of operation, acts constituting, penalties, SB 266*, SB 425, AB 393
Investigatory or disciplinary proceedings authorized, SB 266*, SB 425, AB 393
Merchandise purchases, taxes inapplicable to, SB 425, AB 393
Rate of tax, capacity of facilities, SB 425, SB 426, AB 392, AB 393
Regulations, certain regulations deemed void, SB 266**, SB 426, AB 392
Auctions, regulation of operators, penalties, AB 77**
Beneficial use of public lands, procedures, imposition of county tax on profits, AB 408†
Calves under 4 weeks of age, prohibition on sale for food repealed, AB 77**
Carcasses delivered for processing, return, civil penalty for violations, AB 77**
Commercial feed (See FEED, COMMERCIAL)
Critical incidents, assistance by out-of-state veterinary practitioners, AB 119D
Diseased animals
Compensation after mandatory destruction of animal
Procedure, AB 79**
Removal of requirement, AB 77†, AB 79†
Meat, prohibited acts, AB 77**
Administrative fines, deposit and use, AB 79**
Civil penalties in lieu of criminal penalties, AB 77†
Event facilities, authority to require fire sprinklers in certain facilities restricted, SB 477**
Graffiti laws, applicability, SB 56*
Poultry (See POULTRY)
Taxation, declaration of livestock, AB 77**, AB 79†
Watering livestock, subsisting right, proof of appropriation, fee, SB 65
Civil penalties for violations, deposit, AB 77**
Future Farmers of America, authority to maintain action against, AB 77**
Licensure, certain requirements regarding good character repealed, AB 77**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Caregiver for person admitted to hospital, authority to designate, duties, SB 177†
Agricultural loans, funding of certain program, SB 488**, SB 495D, AB 77**, AB 79**
Catalyst Account, loans from, SB 507**
Deferred deposit loans and high-interest loans, requirements for new loan to pay balance of outstanding loan, SB 123†
Home equity loans secured by mortgage, procedures to terminate line of credit, SB 239**
Insurers, authorized investments, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 67**
Local Government Pooled Investment Fund, note evidencing loan to State, extension of provisions, SB 415D, AB 412
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, loans made by, requirements, SB 283D
Military, loans made to current or former members, requirements, AB 318D
Mortgages (See MORTGAGES)
Motor vehicles, guaranteed asset protection waivers, regulation, SB 253*
Nevada Private Money Real Estate Loan Act, adoption, AB 311D
Payday Lender Best Practices Act, adoption, SB 242*
Renewable Energy Account, reimbursement of certain loans, procedure, AB 466**
Severe Financial Emergency Fund, time for repayment of loans, AB 54**
Small businesses owned by minorities or women, loans to, creation and funding of program, SB 323
Student loans (See STUDENT LOANS)
WICHE Health Care Access Program, conversion of certain portion of support fees into loan, SB 76**
Educational or informational meeting, event or trip, treatment, SB 307*
"Expenditure," definition, reports, SB 307*
"Gift," definition, prohibited acts, SB 307*
Legislators, cooling-off period before serving as paid lobbyist, AB 273*
Amount of compensation and monetary benefits financially sustainable for local government employer, determinations, procedures, AB 249
Collective bargaining
Approval of agreements, procedures for, SB 158**, AB 249
Expiration of agreement, effect, SB 241**, AB 182, AB 280
Financial sustainability of agreements, determinations, reports, AB 249
Fiscal emergency, reopening of agreements authorized, SB 168**
Mandatory collective bargaining, exemptions from, AB 182
Public employees' retirement, certain collective bargaining provisions deemed void, AB 190
Schools (See Schools, this heading)
Employee organizations
Annual reports required, AB 109D
Bargaining units, exclusions from membership, AB 182
Compensation to employee for serving on organization prohibited, AB 182
Leave for employee serving organization, when authorized, SB 241**
Payroll deductions for payment of dues, when authorized, AB 182
Resignation from organization, authority of employees, AB 182
Final offers, procedures, when publication required, AB 182
Financial ability to pay, issue regarding, certain money to be excluded from consideration, SB 168**, AB 182, AB 249
Repeal of certain provisions, AB 182
Firefighters and police officers
Exemption of employee organizations from certain laws, AB 280
Hourly employees, applicability of laws to, AB 249
Hearings by Board, requirements, SB 241**
Layoffs or reductions in work force, authority of local government employer, factors to consider when laying off employee, AB 182
Mediation, effective date of new contract, duties following failed mediation, AB 182
Arbitration, certain statutory rights repealed, AB 182
Effective date of new contract, duties following failed negotiations, AB 182
Exclusion of certain money from negotiations, SB 168**, AB 182, AB 249
Notice by local government employer as to whether it intends to negotiate with employee organization, requirements, effect, AB 280
Nursing mothers, duties of public bodies, remedies for violations, AB 306D
Prohibited practices, AB 280
Reserves in budgets of local governments, restrictions on expenditures, AB 249
Administrators, exclusions from collective bargaining units, SB 241**
Charter school governing bodies, rights to terminate employment or refuse to employ excluded from collective bargaining, SB 509**
Negotiations between school districts and employee organizations representing personnel, procedures, SB 241**
Performance pay and enhanced compensation program for teachers and administrators, exemption from collective bargaining, AB 483*
School precincts in Clark County, procedures, AB 394**
Turnaround schools, certain decisions excluded from collective bargaining, SB 77, SB 92**
Severe financial emergency of local government, powers and duties of Department of Taxation, AB 54**
Deputy Commissioner, appointment, appropriation, AB 182, AB 249, AB 280
Hearings, requirements, SB 241**
Nursing mothers, filing of complaints, duties, AB 306D
Administrative support, AB 54**
Chair and Vice Chair, election, AB 54**
Fiscal watch, local governments placed on, receipt of notice, AB 54**
Meetings, AB 54**
Membership, terms, compensation, AB 54**
Motor vehicle fuel tax allocations, reporting requirements repealed, AB 457**
School precincts, creation, procedures, AB 394†
Severe financial emergency
Emergencies unlikely to cease within 3 years, procedures, AB 54**
Hearings to determine, duties, AB 54**
Revenue enhancement and expense mitigation plans, duties, AB 54**
Termination or modification of management of local government, AB 54**
Technical financial assistance to local government, duties, AB 54**
Bonds and other obligations (See BOND ISSUES)
Reserves, expenditure of excess for collective bargaining purposes, restrictions, AB 249
Tentative budgets, time for hearings on, AB 19**
Construction of capital projects, funds for, deposits, SB 170*
Failure to file certain documents, withholding of distributions, AB 54**
Fiscal watch, placement of local government on, procedures, AB 54**
Property tax, authority of county commissioners to impose additional tax without voter approval, SB 415D, AB 412
Public Employees' Benefits Program, delinquent payments, withholding of distributions, AB 54**
Severe financial emergency
Bankruptcy, authority of county or city to file petition, SB 475
Declaration, procedures following, AB 54**
Stabilize operation of local government and mitigate effects of natural disasters, funds to, deposits, SB 170*
Technical financial assistance to local government, requests for, AB 54**
Competitive bidding, goods and services deemed adapted to, AB 353
Fraud, waste, abuse or corruption, effect of termination of contract due to, AB 300
Nevada Rural Housing Authority, exemption from laws, AB 428*
Operating cost savings measures, maximum length of performance contracts, AB 428*
Security for bid, protest, performance or payment, types and sources, AB 345
Assessments owed to city or county, collection procedures, SB 47**
Commercial area vitalization projects, removal of provisions, SB 47**
County water projects, financing, creation of tax increment area, AB 497**
Energy efficiency projects, creation of districts to finance, SB 150D
Extraordinary maintenance, repair and improvement of certain projects, applicability of laws, SB 47**
Modification of projects, procedures, SB 47**
"Neighborhood improvement project," definition, authority of governing bodies, protest of assessments, SB 47**
Renewable energy projects, creation of districts to finance, SB 150D
Security for performance of work, requirements, AB 345
Surplus and deficiency funds, use of money, refunds, SB 47**
"Waterfront project," definition, authority of governing bodies, SB 47**
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Aircraft and component industry, duties regarding payment, SB 93, AB 161**
Durable medical equipment, SB 334
Firearms, occasional sales, AB 316†
Hearing aids, SB 334
Mobility-enhancing equipment, SB 334
Ophthalmic and ocular devices, SB 334
Relatives of National Guard members killed while performing duties, AB 71**
Firearms purchased from outside State, when dealer exempt from duty to pay tax, AB 316
Out-of-state retailers, collection and remittance requirements, reports, SB 382D, AB 380**
Property delivered outside of State, presumption of nontaxability repealed, SB 80D
Rate, temporary increase made permanent, SB 483**
Sex trafficking or involuntary servitude, victims of, vacation of judgment of conviction for loitering, AB 108*
Aiding and abetting certain acts, penalty, SB 172**
Board of Examiners for Long-Term Care Administrators
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Charitable lotteries, qualified organizations, authority, SB 38**
Charter schools, enrollment of pupils, SB 208**, SB 509*
State lottery, authority to operate, use of proceeds, AJR 6D
Lower Income Solar Energy Pilot Program, repeal, SB 282
Solar Program, incentives for installations at certain locations, SB 282
Sale or delivery, specifications for oil, AB 77**
Used or recycled oil, labeling requirements, AB 77**
Occupational disease coverage, public safety personnel, SB 153**
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 265
Criminal actions, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Establishment, exemptions, rate, SB 426, AB 392
Carrying concealed, prohibitions repealed, SB 141D
Abortion, notices to parents or guardians, AB 405
Conservation districts, imposition of parcel fee, election by mail authorized, SB 476**
County boards of equalization, when mailed appeals deemed filed, effect of postmarks, SB 377**
Craft distilleries, authorized acts, AB 367D
Direct mail purchases, sales tax duties of sellers and purchasers, AB 57**
Electioneering communications, requirements, SB 322D, AB 177
Definitions, AB 409**
Registration requirements and exemptions, AB 409**
Notices to patients, requirements, SB 458**
Radiation machines, use for other procedures authorized, AB 42**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Abuse-deterrent opioid analgesic drugs, coverage requirements, SB 219D
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 336D
Autism spectrum disorders, coverage requirements, AB 6*
Eye drops, denial of coverage restricted, SB 217*
Incentives to health care providers, disclosures, SB 219D
Industrial insurance, applicability of laws pertaining to managed care organizations, AB 187D
Medicaid managed care program
Expansion, AB 310
Mental health services study, membership on advisory subcommittee, AB 289
Service providers, additional or alternative qualifications as condition of entering into contracts prohibited, AB 344D
Mental health coverage, publication of information, SB 328
Naturopathic medicine practitioners, applicability of certain laws, SB 408D
Network plans
Health care providers included in plan, when deemed inadequate, duties of insurers, AB 230D
Study, AB 220D
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6†
Prescription drug coverage
Copayments or coinsurance, limits on, SB 222D
Drug formularies, duties, SB 222D, SB 328†
Synchronization of patient's multiple prescriptions, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 250*
Telehealth services, coverage requirements, SB 299, AB 292**
Applicability of laws generally, AB 454†
Conversion of park, determination of value of certain homes, AB 270**
Limited lien resale licenses and permits, criteria for issuance, AB 270**
Managers, exemptions from continuing education requirements, AB 454*
Owner, agent or park, exclusion as dealer for certain purposes, AB 270**
Unlawful detainer, acts constituting, recovery of possession by landlord, AB 386†
Utility services, applicability of laws relating to resale, AB 74*
"Dealer," definition, AB 270**
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Animal remedies, veterinary biologics and pharmaceuticals, registration requirements, SB 488**
Cigarette manufacturers, applicability of laws, prohibited acts, AB 83**
Commercial animal feed, licensing requirements, SB 488*, SB 495D
Drones, operation prohibited near certain facilities, exception, AB 239*
Associated equipment, regulation, SB 38**
Devices incorporating advanced technology, regulations to encourage manufacture, SB 9**
Investigational drugs, biological products or devices, provision to terminally ill patients, AB 164**, AB 358D
Knife as integral part of belt buckle, prohibitions repealed, SB 176**
Motor vehicles
Electric passenger car manufacturers, exemption from franchise, repair and maintenance requirements, SB 179D
Off-highway vehicles, dealer plate fee, SB 492†
Vehicle telematics technology, disclosure to purchasers by manufacturers, prohibited acts, SB 218D
Product liability actions
Exemplary or punitive damages, SB 296††
Sellers, actions against, SB 161††, AB 185D
Switchblade knives, prohibitions repealed, SB 141D, SB 176**
Utility infrastructure, prohibited acts by local governmental entities, SB 481**
Agriculture, State Department of, employees working with marijuana exempt from prosecution, SB 447**
"Concentrated cannabis," definition, prohibited acts, applicability of laws, SB 447**
Definition, SB 447**
Driving under the influence, applicability of laws, SB 372D
Evidence, destruction of unnecessary quantity before trial, procedure, AB 371*
Industrial cannabis, cultivation, storage or sale, regulation, applicability of laws, SB 305†
Industrial hemp, authority of certain entities to grow or cultivate for research purposes, requirements, exemption from certain laws, SB 305*
Marijuana establishments
Licensing and operation, IP 1D
Sales, taxation, use of proceeds, IP 1D
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, formation and operation, regulation, applicability of laws, SB 283D
Paraphernalia, authorized acts, IP 1D
Personal use and cultivation, authorized acts, restrictions, IP 1D
Possession of 1 ounce or less, civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty, SB 366D
Prohibited acts, penalties, IP 1D
Synthetic marijuana, designation as controlled substance, SB 234D
Trafficking in controlled substances, prohibited acts, SB 447**
Annulment of marriage (See ANNULMENT OF MARRIAGE)
Marriage license fees
Administrative fees deemed separate and district from license fee, SB 395**
Authority of county commissioners to impose additional fee, deposit and use, SB 395**
Same sex marriage, recognition, SB 395†, SJR 13 of the 77th SessionD
Wedding services, display of informational brochures at offices of county clerk, SB 395**
Wedding tourism, funding to promote, sources, SB 395**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Continuing education requirements, SB 196*, AB 93*, AB 294D
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Peer support specialists, supervision, AB 85†
Professional negligence, applicability of laws, SB 292†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
School personnel, grant program, SB 515**, AB 218
Sexual orientation conversion therapy, prohibited acts, SB 353
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Threats by patients, duties, SB 15*, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Veterans' facilities, authority regarding admissions, AB 184D
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Continuing education, duties, AB 93*
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Firearms, authority to carry in presence of foster child or on premises of certain homes, duties, AB 167**
Jails or detention facilities, provision of identification card and certain assistance to prisoners upon release, duties, SB 279D
Municipal court deputy marshals, applicability of occupational disease laws, AB 373D
Rights of crime victims, constitutional amendment to expand, SJR 17‡
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D, AB 354D
Board of Massage Therapists
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Discipline, grounds for, AB 126*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Cosmetology licensees and registrants, exemption from requirements, AB 246*
Denial, grounds, AB 126*
Examinations, requirements, AB 126*
Expired licenses, restoration, AB 126*
Inactive licenses, renewal, AB 126*
Nail technologists, exemption from requirements, AB 126*
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Advertising of meat and meat products, violations, civil penalty, AB 77**
Calves under 4 weeks of age, prohibition on sale for food repealed, AB 77**
Diseased or unwholesome meat, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 77**
Grading and certification program, mandate to establish removed, AB 77**
Horse meat sales, penalties for violations, AB 77**
Inspections, violations, civil penalties, AB 77**
Processors, right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Violations of laws or regulations generally, civil penalties, deposit and use, AB 77**
Clark County, mandatory mediation program in family law disputes, AB 210D
Common-interest communities
Civil actions, requirements for commencement, AB 254D
Foreclosures, procedure, SB 306*, SB 355D, AB 259D
Foreclosure of owner-occupied property (See FORECLOSURES)
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of mediators, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 197*
Local government employee-management relations, effective date of new contract, duties following failed mediation, AB 182
Nursing mothers, resolution of certain disputes with employers, AB 306D
Acute inpatient hospital services, reimbursements, funding, SB 514**
Agencies to provide personal care services in the home, adoption of electronic visit verification system, duties, regulation, SB 198D
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts by insurers, SB 336D
Criminal investigations, duties of Investigation Division, SB 42
Drug Use Review Board, abolishment of Advisory Committee, AB 199**
False or fraudulent claims, civil penalties, distribution to private plaintiff, remedies of certain employees or agents, AB 48**
Fraud, forfeiture of property, AB 48†
General appropriation, SB 514**
Health maintenance organizations, applicability of laws, SB 217*, SB 219D, SB 222D, SB 250*, SB 299, SB 328, SB 336D, AB 230D, AB 292**
Insurers, duties in regard to Medicaid recipients, AB 87**
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, funding of pilot program to provide certain services, AB 307**
Managed care program
Expansion, AB 310
Service providers, additional or alternative qualifications as condition of entering into contracts prohibited, AB 344D
Nursing facilities providing certain care, study of enhanced reimbursement, SB 269
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6†
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
Advisory Committee, abolishment, AB 199**
Membership, SB 14**
Prescription drug coverage, SB 309D, SB 422**, SB 459*
Sealing of records relating to conviction, petition requirements, AB 48**
Telehealth services, coverage requirements, SB 299, AB 292**
Transportation services
Emergency medical transportation services, reimbursement program, AB 331D
Nonmedical transportation services, provision, SB 284
Upper payment limit program, funding, SB 514**
Violations by service providers, complaints, procedures, SB 379D
Health care sharing ministries, exemption from Insurance Code, SB 113D
Hospitals, billing practices, AB 346D
Name change, terms of members, AB 199**
Investigational devices, access by terminally ill patients, AB 164**, AB 358D
Product liability actions, exemplary or punitive damages, SB 296††
Dentists, contracts with, duties, SB 341*
Next-of-Kin Registry, access, SB 3**
Alzheimer's disease, certain actions encouraged, SCR 2‡
Anesthesiologist assistants, duties, SB 181D
Biennial report, contents, AB 227*, AB 279D
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Complaints against licensees, procedures, AB 227*
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Continuing education, duties, SB 459*, AB 93*
Controlled substance prescriptions, reports, AB 279D
Internet website, duties, AB 227*
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Pharmacy, State Board of, collaboration with, duties, SB 357
Physician assistants and supervisory physicians, regulation, SB 116D
Prescription drugs, computerized program for tracking, access to and use of information, SB 114*
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Service of process on licensee, procedures, AB 227*
Summary suspension of license, procedures, reinstatement, AB 227*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Abuse, facilities for the treatment of (See ALCOHOL OR DRUG ABUSE)
Administrative penalties, authorized use of money, SB 506**
Assisted suicide, requirements for witnesses, authority to prohibit certain acts, notice, SB 336D
Capital expenditures, approval requirements, SB 247**
Children, facilities offering residential treatment to and operating private school, funding, SB 25**, SB 100
Community health worker pools, licensing and regulation, SB 498*
Emergency medical services (See EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES)
Halfway houses (See ALCOHOL OR DRUG ABUSE)
HIV, counseling of persons testing positive, duties, AB 243*
Homes for individual residential care (See HOMES FOR INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL CARE)
Hospice care (See HOSPICE CARE)
Hospitals (See HOSPITALS)
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Long-Term Care Ombudsman, training of officers and employees of certain facilities, duties, AB 28**
Medical students, prohibited acts, liability of facility for violations, SB 172**
Naturopathic physicians and assistants, reports of disciplinary action, SB 408D
Obstetric centers (See OBSTETRIC CENTERS)
Palliative care to patients or residents with serious illnesses, education and information regarding, duties, SB 265
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6**
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, SB 489*
Physicians, contracts for provision of services, AB 89†
Professional negligence, applicability of laws, SB 292**
Provider of health care, inclusion of certain facilities as, applicability of laws, SB 84**
School-based health centers, immunity from liability, SB 292**
Skilled nursing, facilities for
Direct care by nurse or nursing assistant, requirements, AB 242†
Palliative care to patients with serious illnesses, education and information regarding, duties, SB 265
Postacute care, legislative study, AB 242**
Requests by patients for assistance, response time, AB 242†
Ward's estate, summary administration prohibited if ward residing in out-of-state facility, AB 9D
Women's health centers, posting of notice regarding Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, AB 336D
Office and Advisory Council, creation, SB 6†
Operation, requirements, SB 6**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
HIV testing, qualifications of certain persons, prohibited regulation, AB 243*
Hospital services, billing practices, AB 346D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Ratification, SB 251*
Driving under the influence, applicability of laws, SB 372D
Employees, presumption regarding right to reasonable accommodation, retaliation or discrimination by employer prohibited, SB 372D
Food establishments, exemptions from regulation, SB 372D
Gifts and grants, authorized use of certain money, SB 506†
Legislative findings and declarations, SB 372D
Letter of approval, issuance for certain minors, procedures, prohibited acts, SB 32D, SB 447**
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, formation and operation, regulation, applicability of laws, SB 283D
Medical marijuana establishments
Ceasing employment or volunteer service, effect on validity of agent card, SB 372D
Education and training, requirements, SB 372D
Independent contractors, authority to serve as agent, application, AB 70**
Cultivation facilities, requirements, penalties for violations, SB 372D
Definition, SB 447**
Designation of dispensary by patient, provisions repealed, SB 372D
Local governments
Dispensaries, authority, SB 276*, SB 372D
Duties, fees, penalty for delinquencies, AB 70**
Move to new location authorized, requirements, SB 276*, SB 447**
Pesticides, authorized use, requirements, SB 447**
Recognition of nonresident cards, SB 372D, SB 447**
Registration certificates
Considerations in determining whether to issue, SB 372D
Number issuable, SB 276†, SB 372D
Reallocation and issuance of unused certificates, SB 276**
Transfer of certificate authorized, requirements, SB 276*
Tracking of individual marijuana plants, adoption of process, SB 372D
Transfer of ownership
Authorized, requirements, SB 276*
Restrictions, SB 372D
Transport of medical marijuana, authority, SB 447**
Peace officers, authority of law enforcement agency to preclude use of, SB 447**
Registry identification cards
Acts for which cardholder not exempt from state prosecution, SB 447**
Animals, program of issuance for, applicability of laws, SB 372D
Applications, requirements, SB 372D
Counterfeit or forged cards, prohibited acts, SB 447**
Denial, grounds, SB 372D
Issuance by Division of Public and Behavioral Health, SB 32D, SB 372D, SB 447**
Physicians, reports to DMV regarding applicants, examination, SB 383D
Revocation, grounds, SB 372D
Seized property, grounds for return, SB 447**
State employment, requirements, disciplinary action, SB 62**
Taxation, administration and enforcement, penalties, AB 70**
Testing laboratories, duties, SB 447**
Assisted suicide, requests for, certain information to be entered in, SB 336D
Cancer, access to patients' records for research purposes, restrictions, AB 42**
Caregivers designated by hospital patients, certain information to be entered in records, SB 177*
Custodians of records, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 273**
Epilepsy, persons with, information regarding ability to safely operate motor vehicle, AB 248*
Health information exchanges, patient consent for retrieval, SB 48*
Motor vehicle personal injury claims, duties of claimants, repeal, SB 162**
Physician assistants, duties, SB 116D
Public employees' group insurance, subsidies for Medicare participants, SB 513**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Agendas, requirements, SB 70**
Closed meetings or proceedings, list of laws authorizing or requiring, SB 70**
Complaints of violations, public and confidential records, SB 70**
County hospital boards of trustees, closed meetings, purposes, SB 33**
Designation of person to attend meeting in place of member of public body, restrictions, SB 70**
Environmental impact statements by state and local agencies, procedures, SB 277D
Gaming Control Board, State, applicability of Open Meeting Law, AB 40**
Minutes, approval, SB 70**
Notice of meetings, requirements, SB 70**
Public engagement by state agencies, requirements, AB 236**
"Quorum" defined, SB 70**
"Working day" defined, applicability of laws, SB 70**
Children, immunization requirements, SB 117D
Community mental health services, duties of Department of Health and Human Services, SB 240*
Criminal defendants found incompetent
Commitment to facility, conditional release, SB 54**
Counties, payment of certain commitment expenses, SB 487
Incarcerated defendants, program for treatment to competency authorized, SB 10D
Crisis hotline, establishment, SB 363D
Emergency admissions to facilities
Physician assistants, authority, SB 7**, AB 38D, AB 91D
Procedures, SB 7**, AB 91D, AB 396D
Reports, AB 91D
Threats by patients, duties of mental health professionals, SB 15*, SB 240*
Voluntary admission, change to emergency admission, SB 7**, AB 91D
Informed consent, requirements, procedures for emergency medical care, duties of facilities, AB 396D
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, persons with, applicability of laws, AB 29**
Interstate Compact on Mental Health, adoption, SB 35**
Involuntary court-ordered admissions
Procedures, SB 7**, AB 38D, AB 91D, AB 396D
Reports, AB 91D
Juvenile court, children found incompetent, AB 138*
Regionalized structure, legislative study, AB 289
Release from facility, authority of certain professionals, SB 7**, AB 38D, AB 91D
Restraints and interventions, applicability of laws, AB 29**
Threats by patients, duties of mental health professionals, SB 15*, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Assisted suicide requested by certain patients, procedures, SB 336D
Candidates for office, removal of name from ballot, exception, AB 177
Correctional facilities, treatment of offenders, restrictions on isolated confinement, SB 351D
Criminal prosecutions
Defendants found incompetent
Conditional release, criteria, SB 54**
Counties, payment of certain commitment expenses, SB 487
Crimes for which commitment after dismissal of charges may be sought, SB 54**
Incarcerated defendants, program for treatment to competency authorized, SB 10D
Time for transmittal of records to Central Repository, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Sex offenders
Petitions to declare as sexually violent predator, SB 99††
Record of registration, contents, SB 99†
Crisis hotline, establishment, SB 363D
Emergency admissions to facilities, authority of certain professionals, SB 7**, AB 38D, AB 91D
Firearms, possession or custody or control by certain persons prohibited, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Health insurers, publication of information regarding mental health coverage, SB 328
Interstate Compact on Mental Health, adoption, SB 35**
Involuntary court-ordered admissions, time for record of order to be transmitted to Central Repository, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Juvenile court, determination of competency of child, AB 138*
Luring a person with a mental illness, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony in criminal action, AB 49*
Medicaid, prescription drug coverage, SB 422**
Privileged communications, exceptions, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Probation violators, continuation of diversion program, SB 136, AB 12**
Release of persons from facility, authority of mental health professionals, SB 7**, AB 38D, AB 91D
Social workers employed at public schools, duty to provide certain services, AB 218†
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, SB 483**
Threats by patients, duties of mental health professionals, SB 15*, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Unlawful detainer, requests to continue in possession for additional 30 days, procedures, AB 386†
Veterans' facilities, powers and duties of mental health professionals, AB 184D
Creation, duties, AB 205†
Authority of certain patients to request, SB 336D
County's failure to take certain actions, city's authority to act, AB 64D
Dillon's Rule, abolishment, AB 413D, AB 493**
Police Department (See also PEACE OFFICERS)
Regional board to consider tax increase, creation, duties, AB 494
Use of tax proceeds, repeal of certain restriction, SB 337D
Public health advisory board, membership, SB 314**
School precincts, creation, procedures, AB 394**
Clark County Sales and Use Tax Act of 2005
Regional board to consider tax increase, creation, duties, AB 494
Use of tax proceeds, repeal of certain restriction, SB 337D
Crime against a child, registration of offenders, duties, SB 99††
Medical marijuana, authority to preclude use by employees, SB 447**
Mental health services study committee, representation, AB 289
Military equipment surplus, restrictions, duties, AB 397D
Portable event recording devices, use, duties, SB 111†, AB 162*, AB 403
Acts or threats of bodily harm, reports, procedures, AB 321†
Crisis or emergency at school, notification of other schools, duties, AB 321**
Location and other pertinent information, receipt from schools, AB 321**
Responding to calls for assistance, duties, AB 321**
Safety in public schools, conference regarding, attendance, AB 218
School police officers, contracts to provide to charter schools, AB 321**
Sex offenders, registration, duties, SB 99††
Sheriffs and Chiefs Association (See NEVADA SHERIFFS AND CHIEFS ASSOCIATION)
SWAT teams, conditions and procedures for deployment, AB 397D
Unincorporated areas of county, designation as primary law enforcement officers in, AB 283D, AB 408
Pilot migrant worker visa program, establishment, SB 400D
Creation, duties, AB 241†
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, duties, AB 257
Expansion of installations, relocation of affected gaming establishments, SB 124**
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 355
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, duties, AB 241†
Supplemental appropriation, AB 439
Testers, right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Community service, requirements for students who receive scholarship, SB 195†
Eligibility requirements, SB 128**, AB 111D, AB 150**
Maximum amount of money receivable per semester, SB 128**, AB 111D
Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund, sources, AB 490**
Eleventh Judicial District, County made part of, AB 435**
National Guard armory, transfer of property to County, AB 202**
Sixth Judicial District, County made part of, AB 435†
Division of Minerals
Environmental Quality, Council on, membership, SB 277D
Hydraulic fracturing prohibited, regulations voided, SB 202D
Oil and gas production, fees, regulations, SB 44**
Agricultural districts, powers and duties, AB 77**
Beneficial use of public lands, procedures, imposition of county tax on profits, AB 408†
Drones, prohibited acts, AB 239*
Employee payroll tax (See also BUSINESS TAX)
Nevada Fair of Mineral Industries, name change, authority to move to other location, AB 77**
Patented mine or mining claim, prohibited covenants, restrictions or conditions, AB 427D
Pit lakes, requirements for permit, SB 173D
Property tax assessments, appeals, SB 78**
Redevelopment plans, termination when certain real property conveyed by Federal Government, SB 297**, AB 445**
Taxation of minerals extracted
Advance payment based upon estimated net proceeds and royalties, continuation, SB 483**, AB 80D
Certificate of tax due, requirements, SB 483**, AB 80D
Computation of net proceeds, continuation of provisions, SB 483**
Health care benefits for employees, tax deductions for, SB 378D, SB 483**
Local portion of tax, distributions, requirements, SB 483**, AB 80D
Transportation to work site provided by employer, driver exempt from certain laws, AB 101**
Common-interest communities, retaliatory actions against units' owners, prohibited acts, AB 149D
Loans to certain small businesses owned by minorities, creation and funding of program, SB 323
Native Americans (See NATIVE AMERICANS)
Public schools, multicultural education, AB 234**
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, composition, reports, AB 116**
Schools, public
Bullying or cyber-bullying of school pupils, authority to file complaint with Nevada Equal Rights Commission, SB 204D
Course of instruction in ethnic studies to be offered, SB 211
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, creation, SB 511**
Transportation network companies, prohibited acts, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Voting rights, support for continued federal enforcement actions expressed, SJR 9D
Appropriation, AB 343
Abortion, requirements, prohibited acts, AB 405
Alcohol violations, exemption from criminal penalties if emergency medical assistance requested, SB 464**
Alternative nicotine products, sales to minors prohibited, SB 225*
Amber Alert (See AMBER ALERT)
Autism Treatment Assistance Program, referrals to Program, AB 284D
Child care facilities (See CHILD CARE FACILITIES)
Child restraint systems, child passenger safety technician immune from liability for certain actions, SB 267D
Children's camps, certain entities exempted from sanitation laws, AB 99†
Crime against a child (See CRIME AGAINST A CHILD)
Delinquent child (See JUVENILE DELINQUENTS)
Dextromethorphan, prescription required to sell or distribute to minor, penalty for violations, AB 453D
Early childhood education (See EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION)
Emergency shelters for children, licensing and regulation, SB 49
Domestic services, working hours limited, SB 165D
Liquid nicotine, authorized handling by minors, SB 225*
Vapor products or alternative nicotine products, authorized handling by minors, SB 225*
Guardian and ward (See GUARDIANS AND WARDS)
Homeless veterans, study of certain issues, SB 268†
Human trafficking
Identification of victims, notices regarding, AB 276D
Informational material regarding trafficking of children, development and distribution, AB 276D
Imprisonment, sentence of, minor to serve time in juvenile detention facility until 18 years of age, AB 260D
Indecent or obscene exposure in presence of minor, penalties, AB 49*
Juvenile justice (See headings beginning with JUVENILE)
Lewdness with a child, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 49*
Life-sustaining equipment, children utilizing, establishment of electric utility cost-reduction program, SB 374†
Liquid nicotine, sales to minors prohibited, SB 225*
Marijuana, prohibited acts, penalties, IP 1D
Medical marijuana, procedures for use by certain minors, SB 32D, SB 447**
Mentorship program for children in State, requirements, AB 205**
Missing children reports, procedures, AB 324**
Offenses committed when offender less than 18 years of age, sentencing, eligibility for parole, AB 267*
Open or gross lewdness in presence of minor, penalties, AB 49*
Parent and child (See PARENT AND CHILD)
Prostitution, penalties for solicitation of child, AB 214**
Safety belts, requirements for use, penalties for violations, SB 267D
Sexual abuse, admissibility of certain expert testimony, AB 49*
Sexual assault, applicability of laws, AB 49*
Sexual orientation conversion therapy, prohibited acts by psychotherapists, SB 353
Sexually exploited children
Exclusive jurisdiction of juvenile court, AB 153†
Procedures in juvenile court, AB 153**
Psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, prohibited acts, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Smoking in motor vehicle when minor is present prohibited, penalties, AB 322D
"Statutory sexual seduction," definition, penalties, AB 49*
Trespassing child, injury to, liability of owner, lessee or occupant, SB 160**
Vapor products, sales to minors prohibited, SB 225*
Vessel, operating under the influence, requests by police officer to submit to evidentiary test, AB 67**
Foster care children, procedures, regulation, AB 324**
Reports of missing children, procedures, AB 324**
Common-interest communities, authority of association, AB 254D
Closure or temporary closure, duties, petitions to halt closure or to reopen monument, AB 398D
Naming after deceased members of Armed Forces, procedures, AB 62**
Databases of information, establishment by sheriffs, AB 168D
Driver's license, requirements, AB 168D
Handlebars, requirements, AB 422*
Headlamps, use of high-intensity discharge lamps restricted, penalty, AB 188*
Local regulations limited, AB 422*
Operation on highways, duties of moped and vehicle drivers, AB 168D
Protective headgear, requirements, exemptions, SB 142†
Registration required, procedures, fees, SB 404**
Agents, terminology revised, AB 311D
Applicability of laws, AB 311D
Business tax, applicability, AB 464
Change of broker with whom agent associates, fee, AB 480*
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Complaints, hearings, AB 311D
Exemption from regulation for certain persons offering or negotiating terms of a residential mortgage loan, AB 270**
Applicants, grounds for discipline, SB 378D, SB 483**
Applications, AB 311D, AB 480*
By endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Denial or refusal to renew, AB 311D
Educational requirements, AB 311D
Issuance, AB 311D
Surrender, AB 311D
Suspension or revocation, AB 311D
Minimum net worth, requirements, AB 311D
Nevada Private Money Real Estate Loan Act, adoption, AB 311D
Nevada Residential Mortgage Loan Act, adoption, AB 311D
Prohibited acts, AB 311D, AB 480†
Records, duties, AB 311D
Reports to Commissioner, AB 311D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Surety bond, requirements, claims against, AB 311D
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Transfer, sale or conveyance of ownership by licensee, AB 311D
Wholesale lenders, regulation, AB 480*
Licensing and regulation, AB 311D
Prohibited acts, AB 311D
Licensing and regulation, AB 311D, AB 480*
Prohibited acts, AB 311D, AB 480†
Deficiency judgments, acquisition of right by third party, limitation on amount of money judgment, AB 195**
Eminent domain, taking of mortgage or note, prohibited acts, AB 201**
Foreclosure (See FORECLOSURES)
Home equity loans secured by, procedures to terminate line of credit, SB 239**
Junior lienholders, amount of recovery in civil actions, AB 195**
Nevada Private Money Real Estate Loan Act, adoption, AB 311D
Nevada Residential Mortgage Loan Act, adoption, AB 311D
Nevada Residential Mortgage Servicer Licensing and Regulatory Act, adoption, AB 480†
Unarmed combat, exhibitions or contests, exclusions from license fee, AB 476**
Criminal prosecutions generally, jurisdiction of courts to hear motions on trial-related issues, AB 193†
Divorce actions, fees for filing certain motions, SB 388**
Domestic relations actions, authority to file postjudgment motion to adjudicate property, time limit for certain motions, SB 395†, AB 362*
Exemplary or punitive damages, claims in civil actions, SB 296††
Justice court's order granting defendant's motion to suppress evidence, time for appeal by State, AB 193†
Juvenile court
Competency of child, determination, procedures, AB 138*
Sex offenders, exemption from community notification requirements, procedures, SB 99††
Preliminary examinations, restrictions on motions to suppress, AB 193†
Return of property seized unlawfully, SB 191*
Schools, information provided to Safe-to-Tell Program, right of criminal defendant to compel disclosure, procedures, SB 338*
SLAPP suits, special motion to dismiss, procedures, SB 444*
Withdrawal of certain pleas, motions made after sentence imposed or suspended deemed remedy incident to proceedings in trial court, SB 53, AB 262D
Certificates of public convenience and necessity
Denial, time for reapplication, SB 183††
Interveners in hearings, procedures, SB 183††
Issuance or modification, required findings, SB 183††
Drivers, right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Farm vehicles, applicability of laws, SB 155*
Fines for certain violations, procedures, SB 184D
Fully regulated carriers, annual fees, exemptions, penalties, AB 181D
Impoundment of vehicles operating without certificate, procedures, SB 184D
International agreements, audits of compliance, SB 465D
Legislative declaration, SB 183††
Limousine operator fees, increase, AB 181D
Medicaid recipients, expansion of services for, SB 284
Passenger transportation
Collection of excise tax, procedures, SB 376*
Imposition of excise tax, AB 175**
Public Safety, Department of, duties, SB 184D
Railroad crossings, duties of vehicle drivers, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 43*
Service animals, exemption from prohibitions, AB 157*
Transportation Authority, Nevada, certain duties repealed, SB 184D
Transportation network companies, laws inapplicable, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Agents, right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Assessments for National Association of Insurance Commissioners, repeal, AB 486**
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, AB 486**
Sale or delivery, specifications for oil, AB 77**
Used or recycled oil, labeling requirements, AB 77**
Consignment auctions, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 37**
Electric passenger car manufacturers, exemption from franchise, repair and maintenance requirements, SB 179D
Guaranteed asset protection waivers, regulation, SB 253*
Off-highway vehicle dealers, dealer plate fee, SB 492†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Used vehicle dealers, authority to sell new vehicles substantially modified for use by person with a disability, AB 251**
Vehicle telematics technology, disclosure to purchasers by vehicle manufacturers required, SB 218D
Advertisement violations, deposit of civil penalties, AB 77**
County fuel taxes, requests for reimbursements by interstate users, SB 21**
Allocations to Department of Wildlife and Division of State Parks, AB 490**
Rights-of-way, use of tax proceeds for construction, maintenance and repair, AB 366**
Evidence of insurance, insurer authorized to provide in electronic format, SB 67**, AB 143*
Implements of husbandry, evidence of insurance, requirements, SB 155*
Mopeds, exemption from requirements, SB 404**
Policies, assessment of fee, use, SB 189†
Transportation network companies, requirements, SB 439, SB 440†, AB 175**, AB 176**
Uninsured motorists, recovery of accident damages limited in certain circumstances, AB 7D
Violation of certain laws, civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty, evaluation, SB 304, AB 281D
Black boxes, disclosure to purchasers regarding vehicle telematics technology by vehicle manufacturers, prohibited acts, SB 218D
Buses (See BUSES)
Child restraint systems, child passenger safety technician immune from liability for certain actions, SB 267D
Consignment auctions, limitations, penalties, AB 37**
Deadly force, use, immunity from liability, SB 175**, AB 171D
Disabilities, persons with
Authorization letters for special license plates, placards and stickers, requirements, AB 204**
New vehicles substantially modified for use, authority of used vehicle dealers to sell, AB 251**
Parking placards to contain photograph of placard holder, AB 204†
Dismantling for parts, vehicles exempted from solid waste laws, SB 281**
Driver's licenses (See DRIVER'S LICENSES)
Estate assets, transfer without letters of administration or probate of will, requirements, AB 130*
Forester Firewarden, State, authority to prohibit or restrict activity on land under jurisdiction, duties, penalty for violations, AB 34**
Headlamps, use of high-intensity discharge lamps restricted, penalty, AB 188*
Implements of husbandry (See FARMERS AND RANCHERS)
Innkeepers, liability for damage to vehicle on premises limited, SB 256**
Justifiable homicide, defense of occupied vehicle, SB 175**, AB 171D
License plates
Applications to issue new types, required information, AB 189**
Boy Scouts, license plates supporting, AB 449*
Bronze Star Medal recipients, license plate honoring, AB 103**
Charitable organizations receiving fees, requirements, duties, penalties, AB 189**
Classic rod plate
Authority to combine with personalized prestige plate, SB 121*
First issuance, additional fee, AB 146†
Moratorium on issuance, AB 326††
Requirements, AB 326††
Classic vehicle plate
Authority to combine with personalized prestige plate, SB 121*
First issuance, additional fee, AB 146†
Issuance, requirements, moratorium, AB 326††
Firefighters, retired professional, eligibility for special plates, AB 155**
Girl Scouts, license plates supporting, AB 449*
Husbandry, implements of, license plates, requirements, fees, SB 155*
International symbol of access, inscription on certain veterans' plates, effect, AB 103**, AB 250**
Mopeds, requirements, SB 404**
Off-highway vehicle dealer plates, fee, SB 492†
Old timer plate
First issuance, additional fee, AB 146†
Moratorium on issuance, AB 326††
Requirements, AB 326††
Personalized prestige plates, transfer from one vehicle to another authorized, exception, AB 484**
Second Amendment rights, license plate supporting, SB 229*
Silver Star Medal recipients, license plate honoring, AB 103**
Street rod plate
First issuance, additional fee, AB 146†
Moratorium on issuance, AB 326††
Mini-trucks, registration requirements, exemptions, AB 217
Obstruction of ingress or egress to property, prohibited acts, remedies, AB 258**, AB 356
Off-highway vehicles (See OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLES)
Recreational vehicles abandoned on private property, authority of property owner, procedures, SB 110**
Civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty for violations, evaluation, SB 304, AB 281D
Constables, issuance of citation for nonregistered vehicles, authority to charge and collect fee, SB 285**
Governmental services tax (See GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES TAX)
Implements of husbandry, applicability of laws, SB 155*
Mopeds, requirements, SB 404**
Toll roads, effect of failure to pay user fees, AB 450
Transfer or cancellation, refund or credit of fees, SB 127**, AB 145
Transportation facilities, effect of failure to pay user fees, AB 450
VIN inaccessible or unreadable, assignment of distinguishing number for certain vehicles upon request, AB 237D
Reissuance of plates authorized, requirements, regulation, AB 484**
Rental cars (See RENTAL CARS)
Repossession, installation of devices to remotely locate or disable vehicle upon breach or default, AB 228D
Retail installment contracts, single-document rule inapplicable in certain circumstances, AB 228D
Rules of the road (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Safety belts (See SAFETY BELTS)
School district vehicles, authority to lease, requirements, AB 117D
Sidewalks, operation of certain emergency vehicles on sidewalk authorized, SB 263**
Smoking in motor vehicle when minor is present prohibited, penalties, AB 322D
Taxicabs (See TAXICABS)
Transportation network companies, vehicles used by, requirements, AB 175**, AB 176**
Extended warranties, prohibited sale or transfer of information by garage operators for marketing purposes, AB 256D
Vehicle protection products, licensing and regulation, AB 365D
Weapons located in vehicles on property of school or child care facility authorized, requirements, AB 2D, AB 148D, AB 487
Wheelchairs, clarification of laws as to motorized wheelchairs, SB 354†
Anatomical gifts, duties, SB 206**
Capital improvements, repayment of bond issue money, duties, AB 491**
Costs of administration, limit on use of certain proceeds temporarily increased, SB 502**
County fuel taxes, duties, SB 21**
Disabilities, Persons with, Nevada Commission on Services for, consultations, SB 248†
Drones, regulation of storage facilities, SB 280D
Photographs of voters, duties, AB 253
Voter identification cards, issuance, SB 169, AB 253†, AB 266, SJR 15
Engine emission control, duties, SB 34*, SB 386, AB 146**
Epilepsy, persons with, receipt of physicians' statements and reports, confidentiality, use, AB 248*
License plates (See MOTOR VEHICLES)
Medical marijuana registry ID card applicants, receipt of reports, duties, SB 383D
Motor Carrier Division, license plates for implements of husbandry, duties, SB 155**
Motor carriers, audit of compliance with international agreements, SB 465D
Next-of-Kin Registry, establishment, SB 3**
Off-highway vehicles
Dealer plates, duties, SB 492†
Funds and accounts, duties, SB 492**
Large all-terrain vehicles, duties, AB 217†
Sheriffs, authorization to register vehicles, regulation, AB 217
Petroleum discharges, cleanup, duties, AB 77**
Recreational vehicles, abandonment of, duties, SB 110**
Review Claims, Board to, membership, AB 77**
Secretary of State, consultations, SB 248†
Selective Service System, submission of information to, AB 131**
Special fuel taxes (See SPECIAL FUEL TAXES)
Supplemental appropriations, SB 470
System Modernization, Revolving Account for, creation, appropriation, duties, SB 502†
Technology fee, authority to impose, SB 502**
Technology system, appropriation, SB 514**
Toll roads, cooperation to enforce laws, duties, AB 450
Transportation facilities, cooperation to enforce laws, duties, AB 450
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**
Voter registration, duties, SB 203†, SB 331, SB 437D, AB 459
Yellow Dot Program, establishment, duties, AB 176†
Account for the Program for the Education of Motorcycle Riders, use, SB 142**
Armed Forces members, authority to enroll in Program for Education of Motorcycle Riders, SB 145**
Civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty for violations, evaluation, SB 304, AB 281D
Handlebars, requirements, AB 422*
Headlamps, use of high-intensity discharge lamps restricted, penalty, AB 188*
Local regulations limited, AB 422*
Protective headgear, requirements, exemptions, SB 142†
Safety course, completion required for motorcycle driver's license or motorcycle endorsement, SB 142†
Traffic control (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Unlawful killing or possession, penalties, AB 142D
Equine activities, immunities from liability, SB 129*
Sales of meat, civil penalty for violations, repeal of criminal penalty, AB 77**
Docket and records, form requirements repealed, AB 69*
Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice, representation, SB 449**
Henderson, Charter amendments, AB 416D
Las Vegas, election, terms, AB 416D
North Las Vegas, election, terms, AB 416D
Statewide criminal justice information sharing database, duties, SB 454
Suspension with or without pay, requirements, SB 73D
Motor vehicle and traffic violations, jurisdiction, AB 281†
Occupational disease laws, applicability to bailiffs and deputy marshals, AB 373D
Places of holding, AB 160*
Recycling of paper, requirements, AB 69*
Sparks, powers of Judges and City Manager, SB 118**
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, SB 483**
Statistical information, requirements, submission to Court Administrator, AB 69*
Affirmative defense to charge of murder for making available a controlled substance that is cause of death, SB 309D, SB 459†
First degree murder, aggravating circumstances, SB 164D
Old Nevada State Prison, duties, AB 377**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Reciprocity of licensure, duties of Board, AB 89**
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Professional negligence, applicability of laws, SB 292†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294†
Mental health services study committee, appointment of members, AB 289
Adjutant General, duties regarding Patriot Relief Account, AB 472††
Child care facilities, priority admissions for certain persons, penalty for violations, SB 257, SB 359D
Concealed firearms, certain persons under age 21 authorized to carry, AB 139D
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, representation, AB 257
Emergency deployment, temporary advances of money, SB 514**
EMT certification, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 463
Hawthorne armory, transfer of land, AB 202**
Henderson Armory, authorization to use federal money for demolition, SCR 7‡
Leave of absence for public officer or employee to serve, procedures, AB 388**
Loans made to current or former members of the military, requirements, AB 318D
Military charter schools, formation and operation, requirements, AB 299
Military Legal Assistance, Office of, creation, SB 60**, AB 286D
Nevada Code of Military Justice, right to demand trial by court-martial in lieu of nonjudicial punishment, SB 90**
Nevadans killed in Global War on Terrorism honored, ACR 3‡
Office of the Military, duties, AB 241†
Patriot Relief Fund, appropriation, SB 514**
Sales and use taxes, exemption for certain relatives of members killed while performing duties, AB 71**
School pupils with parent or guardian in service, sharing of certain data, AB 76**
Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance, reimbursement of premium costs eliminated, AB 472††
Unemployment compensation, eligibility, SB 24*
University textbooks, reimbursement of costs, AB 472††
Veterans (See VETERANS)
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on
Duties, AB 482**
Reports to, AB 62**
Veterans Policy and Leadership Institute, establishment, AB 482†
Firefighters, retired professional, eligibility for special license plates, AB 155**
Nevada Indian Commission (See INDIAN COMMISSION, NEVADA)
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, AB 90**
Schools, public, course of instruction in ethnic studies to be offered, SB 211
Stewart Indian School
Activities at and uses of buildings and grounds, designation of coordinating agency for discussions, SB 63**
Repair and maintenance of historic buildings, funding, AB 15**
Production, fees of Commission on Mineral Resources, SB 44**
Special fuel taxes
County tax indexing, authority, procedures, AB 191*
Factors for conversion of volumetric measurements, AB 32**
Taxation of minerals extracted (See MINES AND MINERALS)
Transmission lines, penalties for violations, SB 86**
Utilities (See also PUBLIC UTILITIES)
Infrastructure expansion consistent with program of economic development, authority, SB 151**
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, AB 295**
Licensing and regulation of practitioners, SB 408D
Criminal actions, psychological or psychiatric examination of witness, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Applicability in civil actions, SB 300, AB 240 of the 77th Session
Abolishment, AB 199**
Autism behavior interventionists, removal of regulations, AB 6*
Commercial feed, removal of regulations, AB 79**
Fund for the Institutional Care of the Medically Indigent, removal of regulations, AB 456**
Hearing aid specialists, removal of certain regulations, AB 115*
Hydraulic fracturing, removal of regulations, SB 202D
Telecommunications services, removal of certain regulations, SB 112†
Accessory roads and public roads, duties, SB 456**, AB 398D
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, AB 495*
Dillon's Rule, report to Legislature, duties, SB 29**
Indigent Defense Commission, duties, SB 451
Tax collection from businesses, repeal of provision regarding certain meetings, SB 59**, AB 364**
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, representation, SB 411**
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, appointment of members, SB 338**
Local Government Finance, Committee on, appointment of members, AB 54**
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, appointment of members, SB 338**
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, appointment of members, SB 338**
Designation as official cancer institute for State repealed, AB 42**
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, duties, SB 72
Enactment, SB 277D
Name change, authority to move to other location, AB 77**
Contractors with Council, Congress urged to facilitate payments to, AJR 3‡
Second Amendment license plates, receipt of fees, SB 229*
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, membership, SB 20**
Appeal of decision or order of Executive Director, procedures, SB 330*
Education savings account, participation by child receiving instruction through, regulations, SB 302*
Football players, recruitment and retention, study, duties, AB 400D
Live entertainment tax, exemptions, SB 266*
Rules and regulations, applicability requirements, SB 330**
Creation, AB 90**
Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice, appointment of members, SB 449**
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, AB 495*
Tax collection from businesses, repeal of provision regarding certain meetings, SB 59**, AB 364**
Adoption, SB 352D
Adoption, AB 480†
Creation, SB 51D
Businesses, size eligibility standards eliminated, SB 317
Qualified equity investments, requirements, decertification, SB 317
Advisory Council on Parental Involvement and Family Engagement, representation, SB 25**
Clark County School District, reorganization technical advisory committee, recommendations for membership, AB 394**
Adoption, AB 311D
Adoption, AB 311D
Adoption, AB 480†
Court rulings finding unconstitutionality, duties of court clerks, SB 60†
Education laws, reorganization of Title 34, SB 92**
Salary schedule for certain elected officers, inclusion, AJR 10‡
Technical corrections, AB 488**
Veterans, laws regarding, distribution of digital copies, AB 62**
Investigational drugs, biological products or devices, provision to terminally ill patients, AB 164**, AB 358D
Bill draft requests, authority to make, AB 334D
Concealed firearms laws, certain duty removed, AB 488**
Industrial Cannabis Advisory Board, membership, SB 305†
Pilot program to stimulate state economy, duties, SB 182D, AB 399**
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, membership, SB 474**
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, appointment of members, SB 338**
Duties regarding Old Nevada State Prison, AB 377**
Athletic events, exemption from live entertainment tax, SB 266*
Authorized expenditures legislation, AB 490**
Board of Regents
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 355
Alzheimer's disease, certain actions encouraged, SCR 2‡
California, reciprocal agreement regarding waivers of nonresident tuition to certain residents of Tahoe Basin encouraged, SB 414**
College Grant Program, appropriation, duties, SB 494D
Concealed firearms, rules, duties, SB 350, AB 148D, AB 487
Deferred compensation plan, duties, AB 360D
Employment Security Division, agreement for receipt of certain information authorized, SB 24*
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, nomination of member, SB 214†
General appropriations legislation, duties, SB 514**
Millennium scholarships, duties, AB 150**
Nevada Boost Grant Program, duties, SB 399
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, time for receipt, AB 30**
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, receipt of reports, duties, AB 485**
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program, duties, SB 227**
Students who are veterans, reports, duties, AB 76**
Veterans Policy and Leadership Institute, establishment, AB 482†
Buildings and grounds
Air guns, carrying or possessing, restrictions, SB 176**
Bond issues for capital improvements, SB 185 of the 77th Session, AB 491**
General capital improvements legislation, AB 491**
Prevailing wage laws
Exemption from laws, SB 119**, AB 172*
Monetary threshold for applicability increased, SB 108†
Public works laws generally, applicability, SB 254†, SB 185 of the 77th Session, AB 215D, AB 332**
Rodent control, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, SB 4**
Smoking, additional restrictions authorized, SB 339D
Tobacco, additional restrictions authorized, SB 339D
Weapons located in motor vehicles on property of school authorized, requirements, AB 2D, AB 148D, AB 487
STEM Workforce Challenge Grant Fund, Committee to Oversee the, appointment of members, SB 493
Workforce Development Rapid Response Investment Fund, Committee to Oversee the, appointment of members, SB 496
Cognitive disorders, consultation with certain study committee, SB 269
Community colleges, grants to, SB 496
Corrections, Department of, deputy director authorized to accept employment at institution of higher education, SB 17D
Economy, pilot program to stimulate, duties, appropriation, SB 182D, AB 399**
Education and skills needed in workforce, authority to receive certain information upon request, AB 342D
Education savings account, grant program, participation, SB 302*
Crime against a child, registration duties of certain offenders, SB 99†
Deferred compensation plan, requirements, AB 360D
Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)
Sexual conduct with students, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 192*, AB 49†
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, membership, SB 214†
Concealed firearms, permit holders authorized to carry on System property, SB 350, AB 148D, AB 487
Motor vehicles located on property, weapons within vehicle authorized, requirements, AB 2D, AB 148D, AB 487
Safety courses, authority of police departments, SB 350, AB 148†
General appropriations legislation, SB 514**
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, grants from, SB 474**
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Industrial hemp, authority to grow or cultivate for research purposes, requirements, exemption from certain laws, SB 305*
Medical schools, appropriations, SB 514**
Mental health services study, membership on advisory subcommittee, AB 289
Peace officers, use of portable event recording device authorized, SB 111*, AB 162*, AB 403
Police departments, authority regarding firearm safety courses, SB 350, AB 148†
Research facilities, duties relating to dogs and cats used in research, SB 261†
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, location of certain events, SB 236, AB 485**
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, creation, duties, AB 421†
State Public Charter School Authority, agreements with, SB 509*
STEM Workforce Challenge Grants, eligibility, SB 493
California, reciprocal agreement regarding waivers of nonresident tuition to certain residents of Tahoe Basin encouraged, SB 414**
College Grant Program, creation, SB 494D
Crime against a child, registration duties of certain offenders, SB 99†
Gender identity or expression, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 164D
Medical students, requirements to participate in certain activities for credit toward medical degree, SB 172**
National Guard members, reimbursement for textbook costs, AB 472††
Nevada Boost Grant Program, creation, appropriation, SB 399
Public employee killed in performance of duty, payment of fees and expenses for dependent child, AB 226D
Sexual orientation, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 164D
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program, creation, SB 227**
Tuition assessed against students whose families reside outside State, SB 195†
Veterans, reports, requirements, tuition waivers, AB 76**
Teacher training courses
Requirements, regulation, AB 341**
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, creation, SB 511**
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Campus Improvement Authority
Board of Directors, terms, meetings, AB 451**
Boundaries of area, expansion, AB 451**
Dissolution date, extension, AB 451**
Report to Legislature, duties, AB 451**
Veterans Policy and Leadership Institute, establishment, AB 482†
Establishment, AB 176*
Eligibility to serve, SB 302*
No Wrong Door Program, study of funding sources, SB 269
Abandoned recreational vehicles, publication of lien notice, SB 110**
Adoption or permanent free care of child, prohibited ads, penalty, AB 8*
Closure or temporary closure of state parks, monuments or recreational areas, public notice, AB 398D
Common-interest communities, foreclosure of liens by sale, procedures, SB 306*, SB 355
Conservation districts, imposition of parcel fee, notice of election, SB 476**
Electioneering communications, requirements, SB 322D, AB 177
Elections, publications
County measures, AB 462*
Political parties, information relating to county conventions, SB 421, AB 302
Polling places, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 316D
Statewide measures, AB 462*
General obligation bonds, publication of notices of hearings, AB 170*
Legal notices, publication on Internet website maintained by newspaper authorized, restrictions and requirements, AB 479D
License plates, charitable organizations receiving fees, duties, AB 189**
Name change to conform to gender identity, waiver of publication requirements, SB 358D
Property tax rolls, publication, SB 95**
Public lands, publication of notice of availability of rights to use, AB 408†
Public works projects, advertising requirements, SB 108†
School district trustees, revision of membership, notice requirements, AB 339D
State Engineer, publication of notice regarding duties of claimants of pre-statutory water rights, SB 485D
Supreme Court, publication of list of undecided cases, repeal, AB 69*
Telephone system owned by county, publication of notice regarding sale or lease, SB 109**
Study of funding sources, SB 269
Divorce or annulment, applicability of certain law related to, SB 484*
Small estates, effect of transfer on family support from estate, SB 484*
Business identification number, assignment, SB 39*, SB 59**, AB 364**
Business licenses (See BUSINESS LICENSES)
Campaign contributions, receipt of certain unspent money, SB 403D
Camps, certain nonprofit entities exempted from sanitation laws, AB 99**
Charitable contributions, prerequisites for solicitation, penalties for violations, AB 50*
"Charter management organization," definition, powers, SB 77, SB 509*
Charter schools, grants to nonprofit organizations to establish and operate high quality schools, SB 491**, SB 515**
Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, representation, AJR 10‡
Cognitive disorders, consultation with certain study committee, SB 269
Contractor's license, natural person qualifying on behalf of another, requirements, SB 50*
Document preparation services, exemptions from registration, AB 65**
Economic Development, Office of, formation of nonprofit corporation authorized, AB 17**
Filing fees, SB 483**, AB 323D
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, appointment of fiscal agent, SB 381
Foreign entities
Certificate of fictitious name, right of county clerk to reject, SB 59**, AB 364**
Renewal or revival of right to transact business, authority, SB 39*
Health care sharing ministries, exemption from Insurance Code, SB 113D
Live entertainment tax, exemptions, SB 266*
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, incorporation, requirements, SB 283D
Mergers, duties of surviving entity, liability for obligations of constituent entity, SB 446*
Rangeland fire protection associations, creation, SB 102D, AB 163**
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, SB 39*
Revocation of charter, dissolution procedures following, SB 39*
Scholarship organizations, credit against certain taxes for donations to, AB 165**, AB 350D
Solar Program, incentives to nonprofit participants, maximum amount, SB 282
Special license plates, charitable entities receiving fees, requirements, duties, penalties, AB 189**
STEM Workforce Challenge Grants, eligibility, SB 493
Armed Forces members, authority to enroll in Program for Education of Motorcycle Riders, SB 145**
Board of Regents, agreement with California regarding waiver of nonresident tuition for residents of Tahoe Basin encouraged, SB 414**
Concealed firearms, permittees' right to carry in Nevada, SB 171D, SB 175**, AB 139D
Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure, Recognition of, adoption of interstate compact, AB 463
Guardians, appointment for adult and minor wards, preferences, procedures, SB 262**, AB 325*
Insurance producers, duties, SB 67**
Occupational licenses and certificates, issuance by endorsement, SB 68**, AB 89**
Sex offenders, waiver of assessment of risk of recidivism, SB 99†
Charter amendments
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, AB 177
General election, date, AB 23*, AB 416D
Primary elections, requirements, AB 416D
Procedure for amending charter, SB 71D
County's failure to take certain actions, city's authority to act, AB 64D
Dillon's Rule, abolishment, AB 413D, AB 493**
Police Department (See also PEACE OFFICERS)
Regional board to consider tax increase, creation, duties, AB 494
Use of tax proceeds, repeal of certain restriction, SB 337D
Public health advisory board, membership, SB 314**
School precincts, creation, procedures, AB 394**
Acting without appointment, penalties, AB 65**
Application for appointment, requirements, SB 401**
Authentication of signature of notary, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 65**
Convictions affecting right to practice, included pleas, AB 65**
Educational courses and requirements, AB 65**
Employers of notaries, prohibited acts, penalty, AB 65**
"Licenciado", prohibited use of term, penalty, SB 401*
Notarial acts, certificates evidencing, signature requirements, SB 446*
"Notario" and "notario publico", prohibited use of terms, penalty, AB 65**
Revocation of appointment for cause, appointment prohibited following, AB 65**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Stamps, prohibited acts, AB 65**
Violations, filing of complaints authorized, SB 401**
Injury to trespassing child, codification of attractive nuisance doctrine, SB 160**
Noxious weeds, premises infested with declared to be public nuisance, AB 77**
Real property, nuisance on, definition, remedies of landlord, AB 386†
Ambulance attendants, certification as, training requirements, SB 327*
Auto-injectable epinephrine, authority, immunity from liability, AB 158*
Billing practices for hospital services, required and prohibited acts, AB 346D
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Controlled substances
Dispensing, duties, training requirements, penalties, SB 459*
Duties, reports, SB 114†, SB 288*, SB 459*, AB 279D
Registration requirements, applicability of laws, penalty, SB 288†, AB 279D
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 288*, SB 361D, SB 459*, AB 346D
Emergency medical services registered nurse, authorized activities, issuance of letter of endorsement and identification card, SB 327*
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, adoption, SB 309D, SB 459*
Health care facilities in larger counties, nursing services, staffing plans, SB 361D
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Heroin-assisted treatment pilot project, participants exempt from certain laws and regulations, SB 275D
HIV, counseling of persons testing positive, duties, AB 243*
Investigational drugs or biological products, authority to procure or administer, AB 164**, AB 358D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Qualifications, SB 361D
Renewal, SB 361D
Suicide prevention and awareness, continuing education, AB 93*
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Mental health facilities, examinations following emergency admissions, duties repealed, AB 396D
Mental health professionals
Admissions of persons to facility, authority, SB 7**, AB 91D
Release of persons from facility, authority, SB 7**, AB 38D, AB 91D
School personnel, grant program, SB 515**, AB 218
Sexual orientation conversion therapy, prohibited acts, SB 353
Threats by patients, duties, SB 15*, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Veterans' facilities, authority regarding admissions, AB 184D
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, membership, SB 265
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6**
Public health advisory board, Clark County, membership, SB 314**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
School nurses (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)
Skilled nursing, facilities for (See MEDICAL FACILITIES AND RELATED ENTITIES)
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294†
Telehealth services, provision, SB 299, AB 292**
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Qualifications, SB 361D
Renewal, SB 361D
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Health care facilities in larger counties, nursing services, staffing plans, SB 361D
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Skilled nursing, facilities for, duties, AB 242†
Alzheimer's disease, certain actions encouraged, SCR 2‡
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Community health worker pools, reports to Board, SB 498*
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Continuing education, duties, SB 459*, AB 93*
Health care facilities in larger counties, duties, SB 361D
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Nursing assistants, duties, SB 361D
Nursing schools, duties, SB 361D
Peer support recovery organizations, reports to Board, SB 489*
Prescription drugs, computerized program for tracking, access to and use of information, SB 114*
Psychiatric training of certain persons, regulations, SB 7**, AB 91D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Fresh products, standards, AB 79**
Violations, civil penalties, AB 79**
Definition for purposes of laws, SB 402D
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, reports, duties, SB 402D
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Medical students, prohibited acts, liability of facility for violations, SB 172**
Physicians, contracts for provision of services, AB 89†
Provider of health care, inclusion as, applicability of laws, SB 84**
Emergency medical attendants, coverage for certain diseases, SB 153†
Police officers, firefighters and arson investigators
Heart disease suffered by volunteer firefighter, requirements for compensability, SB 153†
Municipal court bailiffs and deputy marshals, applicability of laws, AB 373D
Postretirement claims, restrictions on compensation received, SB 153**
Presumption of eligibility for coverage, SB 153**
Construction workers or supervisory employees, expiration and renewal of safety training completion cards, SB 233**
Funeral and cemetery services licensees, compliance with federal requirements, SB 286*
Prevailing parties in actions, award of costs and fees, AB 255
Board of Occupational Therapy
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Professional negligence, applicability of laws, SB 292†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Account for Off-Highway Vehicles, sources, SB 492**, AB 217
Dealer plates, fee, SB 492†
Application, requiring notarized signature from owner prohibited, SB 278D
Authorized dealers, fees, AB 217
General registration requirement repealed, AB 217†
Large all-terrain vehicles, registration requirements, exemptions, AB 217
Mini-trucks, registration requirements, exemptions, AB 217
Sheriffs, authority to register vehicles, duties, fees, AB 217
Revolving Account for the Administration of Off-Highway Vehicle Titling and Registration, sources, use, SB 492**, AB 217†
Account for Off-Highway Vehicles, authority, deposits, AB 217†
Large all-terrain vehicles, duties, AB 217†
Reports to Legislature, contents, AB 217†
Constructional defects actions, AB 125**
Repeal of law governing, AB 69*
Drones, prohibited acts, AB 239*
Fees of Commission on Mineral Resources, SB 44**
Hydraulic fracturing (See HYDRAULIC FRACTURING)
Pipelines, civil penalties for violations, SB 86**
Taxation of minerals extracted (See MINES AND MINERALS)
Account for the Ombudsman for Offenders, creation, SB 279D
Office of, creation, SB 279D
Inapplicability to certain actions, SB 453*
Board of Dispensing Opticians
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Evidence in disciplinary proceedings, standard of proof, AB 53**
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Hospital services, billing practices, AB 346D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294†
Controlled substances
Dispensing, duties, training requirements, penalties, SB 459*
Prescriptions, requirements, applicability of laws, penalty, SB 288*, SB 459*, AB 279D
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 288*, SB 459*
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Hospital services, billing practices, AB 346D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Nevada State Board of Optometry
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Ophthalmic and ocular devices, sales and use tax exemptions, SB 334
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294†
Alcohol violations by minors, conflict with certain state law prohibited, SB 464**
Captive wild animals, ordinances authorized, AB 361D
Dogs, authority of owners of certain bars, taverns or saloons to allow on premises, conflicting ordinance prohibited, SB 105D
Feral cat colonies, management program, AB 261D
City charters, amendment procedure, SB 71D
Constables, establishment of fees, SB 285**
County fuel taxes, imposition, annual increases, AB 191*
Craft food operations, restrictions on food preparation prohibited, SB 441*
Elections, establishment of certain polling places, SB 203†, SB 237D
Energy conservation standards for buildings, prohibitions, SB 374**
Fire protection districts, creation of consolidated districts, SB 318D, AB 333**
Concealed firearms, regulatory authority removed, SB 143D, SB 171D, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D, AB 352†
Regulation reserved to Legislature, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D
Graffiti, covering or removal, authority of cities and counties, SB 56*
Knives, regulation reserved to Legislature, SB 176†
Marijuana, possession of 1 ounce or less, civil penalty, SB 366D
Marriage license fees, imposition of additional fee, SB 395**
Medical marijuana dispensaries, regulation, SB 276*
Mopeds and motorcycles, local regulation limited, AB 422*
Patented mine or mining claim, prohibited covenants, restrictions or conditions, AB 427D
Picketing restrictions, procedures for granting variances, AB 356
Public administrators in smaller counties, regulation, AB 293**
Redevelopment areas, recalculation of total assessed value of property in certain circumstances, AB 445**
Redevelopment plans in certain areas, extension of termination date, AB 445**
Religion, burden on free exercise by governmental entities restricted, remedies, SB 272D, AB 277D
School precincts, establishment of salary of members of precinct council, AB 394†
School pupils, disciplinary action for wearing certain clothing or simulating weapon restricted, conflicting regulation prohibited, AB 121**
Security guards, certain vehicles operated by, regulation, SB 263**
Tourism promotion district, creation in Washoe County, SB 312**
Town advisory boards in Clark County, election of members, SB 115*
Traffic violations treated as civil matters, procedures, AB 281†
Water projects, creation of tax increment areas, AB 497**
Acupuncturists, certain acupuncturists exempt from laws, SB 393**
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Hospital services, billing practices, AB 346D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
State Board of Oriental Medicine
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294†
Abortion on minors or wards, duties, prohibited acts and penalties, AB 405
Alzheimer's disease
Continuing education relating to Alzheimer's disease, use of credit earned, SB 196*
Referrals, certain referrals and other actions encouraged, SCR 2‡
Anesthesia or sedation, permits for, inspection requirements, effect of passage of inspection on permit fees, SB 210†
Anesthesiologist assistants, supervision, SB 181D
Assisted suicide, requests for, duties, immunities, SB 336D
Auto-injectable epinephrine, authority, immunity from liability, AB 158*
Competency to practice, examination, AB 227*
Controlled substances
Dispensing, duties, training requirements, penalties, SB 459*
Prescriptions, duties, reports, SB 114†, SB 231*, SB 288*, SB 459*, AB 279D
Disciplinary action
Grounds, SB 172**, SB 288*, SB 459*
Information regarding violation disclosed to governmental entity, AB 227*
State of mind of licensee, requirements, AB 227*
Telehealth, unlicensed practice, SB 299, AB 292**
Epilepsy, patients with, duties, immunities, AB 248*
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, adoption, SB 309D, SB 459*
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Heroin-assisted treatment pilot project, participants exempt from certain laws and regulations, SB 275D
HIV, counseling of persons testing positive, duties, AB 243*
Billing for services, required and prohibited acts, AB 346D
Contracts for provision of services, AB 89†
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Investigational drugs, biological products or devices, authority to prescribe, AB 164**, AB 358D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Continuing education, suicide prevention and awareness, AB 93*
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 251*
Postgraduate education or training, requirements, AB 89**
Special license, issuance, SB 68**, AB 89**
Summary suspension, reinstatement, AB 227*
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Medical facilities, contracts for provision of services, AB 89†
Medical marijuana registry ID card applicants, duties regarding, SB 383D
Medical students, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 172**
Mental health facilities, admissions to, duties, SB 7**, AB 91D, AB 396D
Mental health professionals
Threats by patients, duties, SB 15*, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Veterans' facilities, powers and duties, AB 184D
Naturopathic physicians, licensing and regulation, SB 408D
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, membership, SB 265
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6**
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, membership, SB 14**
Privileged communications, exceptions, SB 240*, AB 248*
Psychiatrists (See PSYCHIATRISTS)
Public health advisory board, Clark County, membership, SB 314**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
School pupils
Diabetes, self-administration of medication, duties, AB 285**
Physical education courses, excuse from participating, requirements, SB 178D
Sentinel event, definition for reporting requirements, AB 227*
Service of process upon, AB 227*
Special events with large attendance, qualifications to provide emergency services, AB 308**
Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board, advisory member, AB 115*
State Board of Osteopathic Medicine
Alzheimer's disease, certain actions encouraged, SCR 2‡
Anesthesiologist assistants, duties, SB 181D
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Controlled substance prescriptions, reports, AB 279D
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Physician assistants and supervisory physicians, regulation, SB 116D
Prescription drugs, computerized program for tracking, access to and use of information, SB 114*
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Visa Waiver Program, fees, AB 39**
Licensing and operation, requirements, AB 197†
Carrying or possessing concealed or at certain locations, restrictions, SB 176**
Expert testimony, admissibility, AB 49*
Psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, AB 49*
Right to vote, restoration, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 97D
Restitution, duties transferred to State Controller, SB 454
Abortion by minors, notice requirements, AB 405
Breastfeeding, child care facilities to provide appropriate space, AB 152*
Caregiver for person admitted to hospital, authority to designate, SB 177*
Child abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Custody and visitation (See CHILD CUSTODY AND VISITATION)
Epinephrine injections, authority, AB 158*
Gestational agreements, issuance of birth certificates, AB 92*
Adult wards, preferences for appointment as guardian, SB 262**
Short-term guardians, procedures for extension of guardianship, AB 8†
Homeless veterans, study of certain issues, SB 268†
Interstate movement of child for purposes of permanently transferring physical custody, prohibited acts, AB 8†
Life-sustaining equipment, children utilizing, establishment of electric utility cost-reduction program, SB 374†
Medical marijuana, procedures for use by certain minors, SB 32D, SB 447**
Mental health services, requirements regarding informed consent, AB 396D
Motor Vehicles, Department of, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, SB 3**
Parent-child relationship to extend equally, unaffected by marital status of parents, AB 263*
"Putative father," definition, establishment and use of Registry, certain fees prohibited, SB 255D
Sales and use taxes, exemption for certain relatives of National Guard members killed while performing duties, AB 71**
Support of child (See CHILD SUPPORT)
Termination of parental rights (See TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS)
Trafficking in children, prohibited acts, AB 8*
Composition, SB 25**
Residential construction tax, authorized uses, AB 25**
State parks
Closure, duties, petitions to halt closure or to reopen park, AB 398D
Naming after deceased members of Armed Forces, procedures, AB 62**
Civil rights, petitions to restore, procedures, AB 357D
Community reentry programs, contracts for provision of services, requirements, AB 225*
Driver's licenses, waiver of fees for duplicate issued to recently released offenders, requirements, SB 279D
Electronic supervision devices, authorized capabilities, SB 37**
Eligibility for parole, offenses committed when offender less than 18 years of age, AB 267*
Firearms, petitions to restore right to own or possess, procedures, AB 357D
Identification cards issued upon release from prison, verification of name and age required, SB 279D
Right to vote, restoration, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 97D, SB 319D
Sexual offenses, assessment of prisoners before hearing, AB 45**
Transitional living facilities
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Jail overcrowding, placement of prisoners to alleviate, SB 369D
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, SB 489*
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, AB 222*
Information concerning decision regarding parole, Internet publication, AB 457**
Review of standards adopted by Board, time for, AB 457**
Sex offenders, release from lifetime supervision, procedures, SB 99††
"Principal" defined, AB 296D
Business identification number, assignment, SB 39*, SB 59**, AB 364**
Business licenses (See BUSINESS LICENSES)
Foreign partnerships, right of county clerk to reject certificate of fictitious name, SB 59**, AB 364**
Liability as partner, exemptions, SB 329**
Private professional guardians, licensing and operational requirements, penalties, AB 325*
Assisted suicide, authority to request, SB 336D
Caregiver for patient admitted to hospital, authority to designate, SB 177*
Mental health professionals, duties regarding certain threats by patients, SB 15*, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, creation, SB 265
Palliative care to patients with serious illnesses, education and information regarding, duties of certain facilities, SB 265
Postacute care, legislative study, AB 242**
Privileged communications, exceptions, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session, AB 248*
Skilled nursing facilities, receipt of direct care, response to requests for assistance, AB 242†
Terminally ill, access to investigational drugs, biological products or devices, AB 164**, AB 358D
Adoption, SB 242*
Alzheimer's disease, certain actions encouraged, SCR 2‡
Central Repository, time for submission of information to, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Communications by peace officer, training requirements, AB 403
Constables and deputies, requirements for peace officer certification, SB 285**
Crime against a child, registration of offenders, duties, SB 99††
Death in line of duty, benefit options for surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**, AB 363D
Dog behavior, training of officers, SB 147*
Domestic violence protection orders, use of electronic means to forward copy to law enforcement agency authorized, AB 69*
Authority to operate, AB 239*
Seizure, duties, SB 280D
DUI, duties, AB 67**
Evidence, destruction of certain unnecessary physical evidence before trial, procedure, AB 371*
Authority to carry in presence of foster child or on premises of certain homes, duties, AB 167**
Concealed firearm permit fees, exemption, AB 352†
Duties, reports, SB 138*
Prohibited acts, SB 138†
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, adoption, SB 309D, SB 459*
Human trafficking victims, duties, AB 276D, AB 354D
Insurance verification, duty of peace officer when evidence of insurance provided on mobile electronic device, AB 143*
Interception of communications, authority, SB 52**, AB 433
Investigation of alleged misconduct, when officer responsible for payment of costs, AB 403
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, SB 58†
Liability insurance, requirements, AB 403
Medical marijuana, authority of law enforcement agency to preclude use of by officers, SB 447**
Mental health professionals, reports of certain threats by patients, SB 15*, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Military equipment surplus, restrictions, duties, AB 397D
Missing children reports, receipt, duties, AB 324**
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, AB 90**
Next-of-Kin Registry, access, SB 3**
Occupational diseases (See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES)
Peer support counseling sessions, communications confidential, AB 309D
Portable event recording device, use, duties, SB 111*, AB 162*, AB 403
Prescription drugs, computerized program for tracking, access to, limitations, duties, penalties, SB 114*
Public Safety, Department of, peace officer powers conferred on all sworn personnel, AB 58**
Real Estate Division, peace officer powers of certain investigators, AB 317D
Review boards, duties, AB 403
Acts or threats of bodily harm, reports, procedures, AB 321†
Crisis or emergency at school, notification of other schools, duties, AB 321**
Location and other pertinent information, receipt from schools, AB 321**
Personal safety of children, authority to teach class, SB 394*
Resource officer, definition, duties, AB 218
Responding to calls for assistance, duties, AB 321**
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, representation, SB 338**
Safety in public schools, attendance at certain conference, AB 218
Seizure of property, duties, reports, SB 138*
Sex offenders, duties, SB 99††
Smoking in motor vehicle when minor is present, issuance of citations, AB 322D
Statewide criminal justice information sharing database, duties, SB 454
SWAT teams, conditions and procedures for deployment, AB 397D
Towing of vehicles, duties, AB 385*
Traffic control
Accidents, access to Next-of-Kin Registry, SB 3**
Civil violations, authority, AB 281†
Sidewalks, operation of certain emergency vehicles on sidewalk authorized, SB 263**
Transportation Authority, Nevada, peace officer powers of inspectors repealed, SB 184D
United States law enforcement officers, restrictions on and circumstances for recognition of powers by local agencies, AB 283D
Veterinary services, requests for out-of-state assistance following critical incidents, AB 119D
Yellow Dot Program, establishment, immunities, AB 176*
Communications by peace officer, training requirements, AB 403
Dog behavior, training of officers concerning, duties, SB 147*
Crosswalks, duties of drivers, penalties, SB 152D
Flashing yellow turn arrows, procedures, SB 144*, SB 152D
Jaywalking, lawful and unlawful acts, penalties, SB 152D
Safety zones, establishment, enhanced penalties for traffic violations, SB 144*, SB 152D
School or school crossing zones, duties of drivers, SB 144*, SB 152D
Sidewalk obstructed or absent, authority to travel on adjacent highway, SB 354*
Licensing and regulation, SB 489*
Licensing and regulation, AB 85†
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Complaints against licensees, procedures, AB 227*
Disciplinary action
Biennial report to Governor and Legislature, contents, AB 227*
Hospital services, noncompliance with billing requirements, AB 346D
State of mind of licensee, requirements, AB 227*
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Summary suspension, reinstatement, AB 227*
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Professional negligence, applicability of laws, SB 292†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Service of process upon, AB 227*
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Eleventh Judicial District, County made part of, AB 435**
Electronic visit verification system, adoption and use, duties, SB 198D
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, SB 489*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, AB 222*
Disabilities, persons with
Filling positions without competition, regulation, SB 62**
Separation from service or disability retirement, considerations, regulations, SB 62**
Dismissal, involuntary demotion or suspension, notification requirements, regulation, SB 62**
Governor, requirement to submit biennial reports repealed, AB 61**
Human Resource Management, Division of, receipt of reports, AB 61**
Leave of absence for military duty, regulations, AB 388**
Medical use of marijuana, requirements, disciplinary action, SB 62**
Nursing mothers, filing of complaints, duties, AB 306D
Promotional appointees who fail to attain permanent status, duties, SB 62**
Work-related accidents or injuries, duties, SB 62**
Definition of "pest", AB 77**
"Eradication," term replaced with "control", AB 77**
Host plants in infested areas, penalty for violations, AB 77**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Agriculture, State Board of, duties transferred, AB 77**
Definitions, AB 77**
Enforcement, procedures, certain duties repealed, AB 77**
Medical marijuana, use of pesticides in cultivation and production authorized, requirements, SB 447**
Registrations, expiration and renewal, AB 77**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Violations, civil penalties, deposit and use, repeal of criminal penalty, AB 77**
Advertisement violations, deposit of civil penalties, AB 77**
Agricultural districts, powers and duties, AB 77**
Discharges, cleanup, funding, reimbursements, SB 89**, AB 77**
Administration of drug or medicine by injection, inhalation, ingestion or other means, authority, SB 357
Advanced practice pharmacist, endorsement as, qualifications, authorized activities, SB 357
Assisted suicide, authority to dispense drugs, duties, immunities, SB 336D
Auto-injectable epinephrine, authority, immunity from liability, AB 158*
Computerized program for tracking prescription drugs, duties, SB 288*, AB 279D
Contraceptives, authority to furnish without prescription, duties, SB 357
Controlled substances prescribed by pharmacy, requirements, applicability of laws, penalty, SB 288*, SB 459*, AB 279D
Dextromethorphan, prescription required to sell or distribute to minor, penalty for violations, AB 453D
Diseases, information concerning management and prevention, duties, SB 357
Eye drops, dispensing of refills, SB 217*
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, adoption, SB 309D, SB 459*
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Heroin-assisted treatment pilot project, participants exempt from certain laws and regulations, SB 275D
Licenses and certificates
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Opioid antagonists, powers and duties, SB 309D, SB 459*
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, membership, SB 14**
"Practice of pharmacy" defined, SB 357
Prescription drugs and devices, furnishing without prescription, duties, SB 357
Professional negligence, applicability of laws, SB 292†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
State Board of Pharmacy
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 355
Anesthesiologist assistants, duties, SB 181D
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Contraceptives furnished by pharmacists, development of patient self-screening tool, SB 357
Controlled substance prescriptions, registration and control, SB 288†, AB 279D
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Opioid antagonists, authority, SB 309D, SB 459**
Prescription drugs, computerized tracking program, duties, SB 114*, SB 288**, SB 459**, AB 279D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Synthetic marijuana, designation as controlled substance, SB 234D
Tetrahydrocannabinols, repeal and replacement of definition, duties, SB 447†
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294†
Telehealth services, provision, SB 299, AB 292**
Vaccines and drugs to treat severe allergic reaction to vaccines, authority to administer, duties, SB 357
Warehouses and wholesalers, grounds for discipline, AB 346D
WICHE Health Care Access Program, support fees, requirements, SB 76**
Disabilities, persons with
Authorization letters for special license plates, placards and stickers, requirements, AB 204**
Parking placards to contain photograph of placard holder, AB 204†
Drones, unlawful acts, penalties, AB 239†
Elections, procedures for use of photographs of voters, AB 253
Evidence, destruction of certain unnecessary physical evidence before trial, procedure, AB 371*
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, AB 49*
Prisons, sexual abuse of a prisoner, penalty, AB 16*
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Hospital services, billing practices, AB 346D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294†
WICHE Health Care Access Program, support fees, requirements, SB 76**
Ambulance attendants, certification as, training requirements, SB 327*
Auto-injectable epinephrine, authority, immunity from liability, AB 158*
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Competency to practice, examination, AB 227**
Complaints against licensees, procedures, AB 227*
Controlled substances
Dispensing, duties, training requirements, penalties, SB 459*
Duties, reports, SB 114†, SB 288*, SB 459*, AB 279D
Registration requirements, applicability of laws, penalty, SB 288†, AB 279D
Disciplinary action
Biennial report to Governor and Legislature, contents, AB 227*
Hospital services, noncompliance with billing requirements, AB 346D
State of mind of licensee, requirements, AB 227*
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, adoption, SB 309D, SB 459*
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Heroin-assisted treatment pilot project, participants exempt from certain laws and regulations, SB 275D
HIV, counseling of persons testing positive, duties, AB 243*
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Summary suspension, reinstatement, AB 227*
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Medical records, duties of certain PA's, SB 116D
Mental health facilities, examinations following emergency admissions, duties repealed, AB 396D
Mental illness, persons with, authority of PA relative to, SB 7**, AB 38D, AB 91D
Professional negligence, applicability of laws, SB 292**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Service of process upon, AB 227*
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Supervising physicians, qualifications, powers and duties, SB 116D
Telehealth services, provision, SB 299, AB 292**
WICHE Health Care Access Program, support fees, requirements, SB 76**
Caregiver for person admitted to hospital, authority to designate, duties of hospital, SB 177†
Abortion on minors or wards, duties, prohibited acts and penalties, AB 405
Alzheimer's disease
Continuing education relating to, use of credit earned, SB 196*
Referrals, certain referrals and other actions encouraged, SCR 2‡
Ambulance attendants, certification as, training requirements, SB 327*
Anesthesia or sedation, permits for, inspection requirements, effect of passage of inspection on permit fees, SB 210†
Anesthesiologist assistants, supervision, SB 181D
Assisted suicide, requests for, duties, immunities, SB 336D
Auto-injectable epinephrine, authority, immunity from liability, AB 158*
Biennial registration, time for, AB 227*
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Competency to practice, examination, AB 227*
Complaints against licensees, procedures, AB 227*
Controlled substances
Dispensing, duties, training requirements, penalties, SB 459*
Prescriptions, duties, reports, SB 114†, SB 231*, SB 288*, SB 459*, AB 279D
Disciplinary action
Grounds, SB 172**, SB 288*, SB 459*
Information regarding violation disclosed to governmental entity, AB 227*
State of mind of licensee, requirements, AB 227*
Epilepsy, patients with, duties, immunities, AB 248*
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, adoption, SB 309D, SB 459*
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Heroin-assisted treatment pilot project, participants exempt from certain laws and regulations, SB 275D
HIV, counseling of persons testing positive, duties, AB 243*
Billing for services, required and prohibited acts, AB 346D
Contracts for provision of services, AB 89†
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Investigational drugs, biological products or devices, authority to prescribe, AB 164**, AB 358D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, SB 68**, AB 89**
Canadian training, persons with, AB 227*
Continuing education, suicide prevention and awareness, AB 93*
Expiration date, AB 227*
Failure to practice for certain period, examination requirements, AB 227*
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, ratification, SB 251*
Limited license, issuance, SB 68**, AB 89**
Postgraduate training, requirements, SB 68**, AB 89**
Restricted license, issuance, AB 227*
Summary suspension, reinstatement, AB 227*
Telehealth services, SB 299, AB 292**
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Medical facilities, contracts for provision of services, AB 89†
Medical marijuana registry ID card applicants, duties regarding, SB 383D
Medical students, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 172**
Mental health facilities, admissions to, duties, SB 7**, AB 91D, AB 396D
Mental health professionals
Threats by patients, duties, SB 15*, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Veterans' facilities, powers and duties, AB 184D
Naturopathic physicians, licensing and regulation, SB 408D
Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Advisory Council on, membership, SB 265
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6**
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, membership, SB 14**
Privileged communications, exceptions, SB 240*, AB 248*
Psychiatrists (See PSYCHIATRISTS)
Public health advisory board, Clark County, membership, SB 314**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
School pupils
Diabetes, self-administration of medication, duties, AB 285**
Physical education courses, excuse from participating, requirements, SB 178D
"Sentinel event," definition for reporting requirements, AB 227*
Service of process upon, AB 227*
Special events with large attendance, qualifications to provide emergency services, AB 308**
Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board, advisory member, AB 115*
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Telehealth services, provision, SB 299, AB 292**
Visa Waiver Program, fees, AB 39**
Unlawful acts, penalties, AB 356
Drones, prohibited acts, AB 239*
Natural gas, infrastructure expansion consistent with program of economic development, authority, SB 151**
Mining reclamation, requirements for approval of pit lakes, SB 173D
Agreements with local governing body for development of land, procedures, SB 66**
Preliminary examinations, waiver, procedures, AB 193†
Carrying or possessing concealed or at certain locations, restrictions, SB 176**
Controlled substances
Dispensing, duties, training requirements, penalties, SB 459*
Prescriptions, duties, reports, SB 114†, SB 288*, SB 459*, AB 279D
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 288*, SB 459*
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Hospital services, billing practices, AB 346D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
State Board of Podiatry
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Prescription drugs, computerized program for tracking, access to and use of information, SB 114*
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294†
Alzheimer's disease, certain actions encouraged, SCR 2‡
Clark County Sales and Use Tax Act of 2005
Regional board to consider tax increase, creation, duties, AB 494
Use of tax proceeds, repeal of certain restriction, SB 337D
Crime against a child, registration of offenders, duties, SB 99††
Jails or detention facilities, provision of identification card and certain assistance to prisoners upon release, duties, SB 279D
Medical marijuana, authority to preclude use by employees, SB 447**
Military equipment surplus, restrictions, duties, AB 397D
Portable event recording devices, use, duties, SB 111†, AB 162*, AB 403
Acts or threats of bodily harm, reports, procedures, AB 321†
Crisis or emergency at school, notification of other schools, duties, AB 321**
Location and other pertinent information, receipt from schools, AB 321**
Responding to calls for assistance, duties, AB 321**
Safety in public schools, conference regarding, attendance, AB 218
Sex offenders, registration, duties, SB 99††
Sheriffs and Chiefs Association (See NEVADA SHERIFFS AND CHIEFS ASSOCIATION)
Statewide criminal justice information sharing database, duties, SB 454
SWAT teams, conditions and procedures for deployment, AB 397D
Campaign practices (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)
Conventions, procedures, civil penalty for certain violation, SB 421, AB 302
Election board officers, display of party allegiance or political preference prohibited, SB 433
Minor parties
Challenges to qualifications, judicial hearings, SB 499*
Petition deadlines for candidates, SB 499*
Presidential preference primary elections, procedures, SB 421, AB 302
Primary election when multiple candidates from same major party, requirement, SB 499*
Printed electioneering communications, requirements, SB 322D, AB 177
Vacancy in nomination, procedure for filling, AB 177, AB 381†
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Employees, registration, supervision, disciplinary action, AB 173*
Investigations by Board, liability for costs, AB 173*
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Principal place of business in State, requirement repealed, AB 173*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Peace officers, use, duties, SB 111*, AB 162*, AB 403
Legislative study, AB 242**
Supplemental appropriation, AB 440
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**
Alzheimer's disease, actions by certain institutions urged, SCR 2‡
Corrections, Department of, deputy director authorized to accept employment at institution of higher education, SB 17D
Crime against a child, registration duties of certain offenders, SB 99†
Education savings account, grant program, participation, SB 302*
Employees, sexual conduct with students, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 192*, AB 49†
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Industrial hemp, authority to grow or cultivate for research purposes, requirements, exemption from certain laws, SB 305*
Medical students, requirements to participate in certain activities for credit toward medical degree, SB 172**
Mental health services study, membership on advisory subcommittee, AB 289
Oriental medicine schools, certain employees exempt from licensing laws, SB 393**
Refund of tuition and fees, requirements, SB 418**
Research facilities, duties relating to dogs and cats used in research, SB 261†
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, location of certain events, SB 236, AB 485**
Teacher training courses
Requirements, regulation, AB 341**
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, creation, SB 511**
Seed potatoes, release of imports without inspection authorized, AB 79**
Carcasses, prohibited acts, penalty, AB 77**
Inspection, violation, penalties, AB 77**
Unsound or unwholesome poultry, prohibited acts, penalty, AB 77**
Violations of laws or regulations generally, civil penalties, deposit and use of money, AB 77**
Prohibited acts, penalty, SB 464**
Chair, term, duties, AB 78**
Composition, AB 78**
Recommendations regarding certain programs, duties, AB 78**
Vice Chair, selection, term, AB 78**
Audiovisual technology, testimony by witness through use of, AB 193*
Defendant, presence at hearing mandatory, AB 193†
Evidence, admissibility of hearsay evidence, AB 193*
Grand juries, defendant's right to submit statements regarding preliminary hearing, provisions repealed, AB 193†
Motions to suppress, restrictions, AB 193†
Property value, use of witness's affidavit to offer opinion on, AB 193†
Waiver by defendant, procedures, AB 193†
Assessments for National Association of Insurance Commissioners, repeal, AB 486**
Assisted suicide, prohibited acts, SB 336D
Dental care services, prohibited acts, requirements, SB 137†
Drug formularies, publication of information, SB 328†
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, AB 486**
Mental health coverage, publication of information, SB 328
Network plans
Health care providers included in plan, when deemed inadequate, duties of insurers, AB 230D
Study, AB 220D
Telehealth services, coverage requirements, SB 299, AB 292**
Auto-injectable epinephrine
Authority to prescribe to certain public and private entities, AB 158*
Orders for schools to obtain, authority of physician assistants and advanced practice registered nurses, AB 158*
Computerized tracking program
Immunities from liability, SB 114*
Patient utilization reports, duties, penalties, SB 459*
Persons prescribing or dispensing controlled substances, duties, penalties for violations, SB 459*, AB 279D
Requirements for program, access to information, SB 114*, SB 288*, SB 459*, AB 279D
Controlled substances
Patient utilization reports, duties, penalties, SB 459*
Registration with Board, requirements, penalty for violations, SB 288†, AB 279D
Regulations, authority of Board, SB 288†, SB 459**, AB 279D
Dextromethorphan, prescription required to sell or distribute to minor, penalty for violations, AB 453D
Euthanasia drugs, requests by certain patients, duties of attending physicians, SB 336D
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, adoption, SB 309D, SB 459*
Health insurance coverage
Copayments or coinsurance, limits on, SB 222D
Drug formularies, duties of insurers, SB 222D, SB 328†
Synchronization of patient's multiple prescriptions, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 250*
Industrial insurance, duties of insurers and health care providers, SB 231*
Medicaid, prescription drug coverage, SB 309D, SB 422**, SB 459*
Pharmacists, authority to furnish certain prescription drugs and devices without prescription, duties, SB 357
Practitioners, monitoring of prescription activity, reports, SB 114†, SB 288*, SB 459*, AB 279D
Counties, portion of expenses to be paid for investigations and reports, SB 16
Plea agreements, procedures upon acceptance by magistrate, AB 193†
Time for disclosure of factual content, AB 11**
Presidential preference primary election, procedures, SB 421, AB 302
Provisional ballots, use, requirements, SB 169, AB 253†, AB 266
Child custody, best interest of minor child, AB 98†, AB 263*
Child visitation, best interest of minor child, AB 370D
Commercial tenancies, bad faith retention of security deposit by landlord, AB 379†
Constructional defects actions, certain good faith disclosures, AB 125**
Deadly force, reasonable fear of death or bodily injury, SB 175**, AB 171D
Drones, liability for injuries, AB 239†
Family trust companies, acts in good faith, SB 384**
Independent contractor, status as, conditions, SB 224**
Industrial insurance, employee's intoxication or use of controlled or prohibited substance as proximate cause of injury, SB 231*
Investments of insurers, presumption of control, SB 67**
Justifiable homicide, SB 175**, AB 171D
Medical use of marijuana by employees, entitlement to reasonable accommodations by employer, SB 372D
Obstruction of ingress or egress to property, irreparable harm, AB 258**, AB 356
Occupational disease coverage, eligibility for certain diseases, SB 153**
Professional negligence, applicability of rebuttable presumption, SB 292**
Sales and use tax
Out-of-state retailers, duties, SB 382D, AB 380*
Property delivered outside of State, presumption of nontaxability repealed, SB 80D
Transfer of property during life of transferor, undue influence, SB 484*
Drones, prohibited acts, AB 239*
Industrial Programs, Committee on, duties, SB 96**
Juvenile court, pendency of proceedings, placement of certain children, AB 213D
New Construction of Facilities for Prison Industries, Fund for
Transfer of certain money, SB 506†
Use, repayment, SB 96**
Alcohol or drug abuse (See ALCOHOL OR DRUG ABUSE)
Community reentry programs, contracts for provision of services, requirements, AB 225*
Complaints, filing or cooperating in investigation, penalties prohibited, SB 279D
Driver's licenses issued upon release, requirements, SB 279D, SB 454
Habeas corpus, requirements for filing postconviction petitions, SB 53, SB 140D
Identification cards issued upon release, requirements, SB 279D, SB 454
Isolated confinement, regulation of placement, SB 351D
Mental illness or impairment, offenders with, procedures regarding, SB 351D
Ombudsman for Offenders, Office of, creation, SB 279D
Parole (See PAROLE)
Program for treatment to competency, participation prerequisites, SB 10D
Public records, access restricted, SB 57D
Records maintained by Department of Corrections, confidentiality, SB 57D
Right to vote, restoration, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 97D, SB 319D
Sexual abuse of a prisoner, penalty, AB 16*
Sexual conduct with certain persons, penalty, AB 16*
Sexual offenses, assessment of prisoners, AB 45**
Telecommunication devices, agreements authorizing use, SB 294**
Time served, challenges to computation, procedure for expedited resolution, SB 53
"Unauthorized custodial conduct," definition, penalty, AB 16*
Old Nevada State Prison
Designation and assignment of structures, AB 377**
Endowment Fund for the Historic Preservation of the Nevada State Prison, creation, AB 377**
Peer support counseling sessions, confidentiality, AB 309D
Working conditions, legislative study, SCR 5
Drones, prohibited acts by law enforcement agencies, AB 239*
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, AB 49*
Prisons, prohibited acts, penalty, AB 16*
School service providers, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 463**
Vehicle telematics technology, disclosure to purchasers by vehicle manufacturers required, SB 218D
Administrative fines, duties, AB 173*
Administrative procedure laws, exemption from, AB 173*
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Registered employees, duties, AB 173*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Employees, registration, supervision, disciplinary action, AB 173*
Information security professionals, exemption from regulation, AB 173*
Investigations by Board, liability for costs, AB 173*
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Principal place of business in State, requirement repealed, AB 173*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Employees, registration, supervision, disciplinary action, AB 173*
Investigations by Board, liability for costs, AB 173*
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Principal place of business in State, requirement repealed, AB 173*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Licensing and operational requirements, penalties, AB 325*
Qualifications to serve, SB 262**
Civil rights, petitions to restore, procedures, AB 357D
Cruelty to animals, conditions of probation, AB 315D
District court clerks, duties, AB 69*
Electronic supervision devices, authorized capabilities, SB 37**
Firearms, petitions to restore right to own or possess, procedures, AB 357D
Leaving scene of certain accidents, probation prohibited, SB 245*
Officers, confidentiality of peer support counseling sessions, AB 309D
Right to vote, restoration, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 97D, SB 319D
Solicitation of child for prostitution, probation prohibited, AB 214**
Violators, continuation of diversion program, SB 136, AB 12**
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Continuing education, suicide prevention and awareness, AB 93*
Criminal history investigation of applicants, AB 85**
Interns, period of validity, AB 85**
Oral examinations, AB 85**
Qualifications, AB 85**
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Provider of health care, counselors included as, applicability of laws, SB 84**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Uncertified practice prohibited, AB 85**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Employees, registration, supervision, disciplinary action, AB 173*
Eviction notices, service of, requirements, AB 386*
Investigations by Board, liability for costs, AB 173*
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Principal place of business in State, requirement repealed, AB 173*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Civil actions against sellers of products, SB 161††, AB 185D
Exemplary or punitive damages, award in certain actions, SB 296††
Business licenses (See BUSINESS LICENSES)
Filing fees
Initial and annual list, increase, SB 483**
Repeal of certain fees, AB 323D
Renewal or revival of articles, procedures, effect, SB 39*
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Public works, issuance of certificates of eligibility for bidding preferences, SB 378D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Chiropractors, unprofessional conduct, AB 231*
Damages (See DAMAGES)
Dismissal of actions, grounds, SB 292**
District courts, adoption of rules, SB 292**
Health care providers, applicability of laws, SB 292**
"Medical malpractice" and "dental malpractice," terms replaced with "professional negligence", SB 292**
Rebuttable presumption of negligence, applicability, SB 292**
Supreme Court, adoption of rules, SB 292**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Disciplinary action, grounds, AB 264D
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Aged persons, transfer of base value of principal residence, SJR 12D, SJR 13‡
Base value of property, determination, SJR 12D, SJR 13‡
Common-interest communities, assessment and valuation of real property, procedures, SB 377**
County assessors, performance audits, AB 56D
County boards of equalization
Mailed appeals, when deemed filed, effect of postmarks, SB 377**
Persons authorized to file appeals, procedure for objection to written authorization to file, AB 452**
County commissioners, authority to impose additional taxes without voter approval, SB 415D, AB 412
Delinquent taxes, reconveyance or sale of property, SB 47**, SB 355D
Equalization of assessments of property among counties, use of ratio studies, AB 56D
Equalization, State Board of (See EQUALIZATION, STATE BOARD OF)
Religious worship, parcels of land used exclusively for, AB 391**
Veterans with service-connected disability and surviving spouses, AB 71**
Levy by State, AB 491**
Limit on total levy on property, SB 415D, AB 412, SJR 12D, SJR 13‡
Mines, appeals of assessments, SB 78**
Rolls, publication, availability of copies, SB 95**
School districts
Authority to impose additional tax without voter approval, SB 415D, AB 412
Debt service, deposit and use of revenue, temporary exemption from certain partial abatements, SB 106D
Election to approve additional levy, date for holding, AB 23*
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, authority to establish, duties, SB 411**
Senior citizen's tax assistance program, funding, SB 514**
Severe financial emergency, levy of additional tax, AB 54**
Single-family residences, monthly installment payments on request, AB 96D
Taxable value
Determination procedure, applicability of laws, SB 415D, AB 412
Reductions based on obsolescence, reports, SB 415D, AB 412
Sex trafficking or involuntary servitude, victims of, vacation of judgment of conviction for loitering for purposes of prostitution, AB 108*
Sexually exploited children
Exclusive jurisdiction of juvenile court, AB 153†
Procedures in juvenile court, AB 153**
Solicitation of child, penalties, AB 214**
Assisted suicide requested by certain patients, duties, immunities, SB 336D
Continuing education requirements, AB 93*
Juvenile court, determination of competency of child, duties, AB 138*
Sexual offenses, examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Sexual orientation conversion therapy, prohibited acts, SB 353
Threats by patients, duties, SB 15†, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Autism behavior interventionists, certification provisions removed, AB 6**
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Continuing education, duties, AB 93*
Evidence in disciplinary proceedings, standard of proof, AB 53**
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Assisted suicide requested by certain patients, duties, immunities, SB 336D
Bullying or cyber-bullying, psychological services to school pupils, SB 204D
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Hospital services, billing practices, AB 346D
Juvenile court, determination of competency of child, duties, AB 138*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Continuing education requirements, SB 196*, AB 93*, AB 294D
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Peer support specialists, supervision, AB 85†
Privileged communications, exceptions, SB 240*
Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, ratification, SB 299
Release of persons from facility, authority, SB 7**, AB 38D, AB 91D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Grant program for school personnel, SB 515**, AB 218
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, membership, SB 338**
Services provided at, requirements, AB 218†
Sexual offenses, examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Sexual orientation conversion therapy, prohibited acts, SB 353
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Threats by patients, duties, SB 15*, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
"Treatment provider" for substance abusers under court order, definition, procedures, AB 81**
Veterans' facilities, authority regarding admissions, AB 184D
Administration without letters, maximum value of estate, AB 293**
Audits, requirements, AB 293**
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Complaints, authority of county commissioners, AB 293**
Deputies, qualifications, AB 293**
Identification and securing of estate assets, duties, prohibited acts, AB 293**
Nonpartisan office, designation as, AB 320
Removal of certain estate property out of county, procedure, AB 293**
Salary, increase, authority not to receive any part of salary, SB 482**
Attendance of children at school, requirements, SB 345D
Criminal investigations, duties of Investigation Division, SB 42
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Creation and administration, SB 484*
Armed Forces members, deceased, procedure for naming buildings after, AB 62**
Firearms, authority to carry in public buildings, AB 148D, AB 352D
Peace officers, use of portable event recording device on property authorized, SB 111*, AB 162*, AB 403
State buildings
Administrator of State Public Works Division, jurisdiction expanded, AB 59†
Charter agencies, exemption from laws, AB 104
Office space, lease of rooms outside of state buildings, requirements, AB 59**
Appointment and removal, reports, SB 451
Capital cases, representation of indigent persons, payment of expenses, AB 10
Indigent Defense Account, creation, SB 451
Indigent Defense Commission, creation, SB 451
State Public Defender (See STATE PUBLIC DEFENDER)
Local governments, withholding of distributions for delinquent payments, AB 54**
Public employers, time for providing notice and information to Board, effect of failure to receive notice, SB 472**
Legislators' Retirement System, appropriation, SB 514**
Annual reports and financial statements, duties, AB 190
Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, recommendation for appointment of member, AJR 10‡
General Counsel, employment, qualifications, SB 420**
Membership, qualifications, terms, AB 3D
Minimum age for retirement with full benefits, regulations, AB 312†
State Treasurer, ex officio member, AB 105D
Unfunded liability of System, duties, reports, AB 190
Age of retirement with full benefits, establishment, SB 406**, AB 312†
Annual compensation used to determine benefit, limit on maximum, SB 406**
Annual service multiplier to determine benefit, reduction, SB 406**
Assistant Investment Officer, position eliminated, SB 12**
"Average compensation," definition, use to determine benefit, AB 312D
Biennial audits, requirements, restrictions, AB 180**
Chief Financial Officer, position created, SB 12**
Confidentiality of records and files, SB 356D
Deferred compensation plan, requirements, AB 360D
Disqualification for benefits upon return to employment, exemption for critical labor shortages continued, SB 406**
Federal old-age and survivors insurance, reporting requirements repealed, AB 457**
Felony conviction, forfeiture of benefits, SB 406**
Group insurance, option of retiring local government employees to cancel coverage or receive payment to continue coverage, procedures, AB 426D
Hybrid retirement program for new employees, establishment, AB 190
Maximum annual compensation used to determine benefit, SB 406**
Police officer or firefighter killed in line of duty, benefit options for surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**, AB 363D
Postretirement increases, SB 406**
Public employee killed in course of employment, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**, AB 363D
Purchase of service credit, exclusion in determining years of service for retirement with unreduced benefit, effect of family medical emergency, SB 406**, AB 387D
Retirees, subsidy payments for TRICARE enrollees, SB 471**
"Spouse" defined to include domestic partner, SB 406**
Unfunded liability of System, reports, additional contributions by local government employers, AB 190
Advances for expenses, reimbursement, SB 262†
Appointment, eligibility of ward, SB 262**
Attorneys, retention, SB 262†
Claims against estate for value of services, when allowed, SB 262†
Employment status, duties, SB 501**
Actions to protect sovereignty of State, AB 398D
Administration of lands by State, authority, AB 408†
Attorney General urged to negotiate with Federal Government to facilitate use of public lands and waters appurtenant to, AB 398D
Commercial activity on public lands, Congress urged to share federal receipts with State and counties, SJR 2‡
Counties, authority to accept grant of right-of-way, permit, lease or patent over certain lands, AB 202**
Law enforcement officers, restrictions on and circumstances for recognition of powers by local agencies, AB 283D
Ownership of certain lands or rights by Federal Government prohibited, AB 408†
Public roads located on public land, denial of use, authority to bring certain actions, AB 398D
Rangeland fire protection associations, creation, SB 102D, AB 163**
Right of general public to access and use, legislative declaration, AB 408
Sage grouse (See BIRDS)
Sheriffs, agreements for exercise of authority on federal land authorized, AB 408
State lands
Fire protection districts, transfer of certain lands, AB 34**
Mineral County, transfer of certain land to, AB 202**
Stewart Indian School, sale of certain land to fund preservation projects, AB 15**
Title to public lands, transfer by Congress to State urged, SJR 1‡
Traps and snares, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, SB 4**
PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (See also specific officers and employees)
Campaign practices, unspent contributions held by former officers, duties, SB 293*
Certificate of election, issuance to ineligible candidates prohibited, SB 403D, AB 177
Criminal history of employment applicants, authorized and prohibited consideration, procedure, AB 348D
Education, State Board of, restrictions on membership, SB 25**
Financial disclosure statements, requirements, SB 307*
Gender identity or expression, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 164D
Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)
Leave of absence for military duty, procedures, duty of employers, AB 388**
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of officer or employee, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 197*
Nevada System of Higher Education, payment of fees and expenses for dependent child of public employee killed in performance of duty, AB 226D
Nursing mothers, duties of public bodies, remedies for violations, AB 306D
Public money, effect of finding of fraud, waste, abuse or corruption, AB 300
Residency, requirements, AB 118D, AB 177, AB 381D
Sexual orientation, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 164D
Term limits, repeal, SJR 18D
Abandoned or unclaimed property, fee for providing records regarding, SB 61D
Assisted suicide, reports by Division of Public and Behavioral Health, SB 336D
Collective bargaining by local governments, proposed agreements, SB 158**, AB 249
Confidentiality of public books and records, legislative declaration, AB 43**
County hospital boards, records of certain closed meetings, SB 33**
Inspection and copying of public records, fees, SB 28D
Legal services provided by private attorneys to State, billing and other records, SB 244**
Offenders in state facilities, access to public records restricted, SB 57D
Open Meeting Law, complaints regarding violations, SB 70**
Portable event recording devices used by peace officers, records from, SB 111*, AB 162*
Public money, reports of abuse, fraud or waste by public agency or contractor, confidentiality of information, exceptions, SB 83**
Schedules for retention and disposition of official state records, education and training of employees, disciplinary action for violations, AB 135*
Special license plate money, records of recipients of, AB 189**
Wills delivered or presented to district court clerk, effect, AB 97**
Alzheimer's disease, certain actions encouraged, SCR 2‡
Capitol Police Division, services provided to Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, obsolete language removed, SB 82**
Civil rights, orders restoring, receipt, AB 357D
Compliance enforcement officers, employment, duties, SB 184D
Concealed firearms
Laws of other states, duties, SB 175**
Repeal of certain duties, SB 143D, SB 171D, SB 175†, AB 139D
Contingency Account, requests for allocations, SB 240*
Domestic violence protective orders, reporting requirements, AB 457**
Drones, operation and use by public agencies, duties, AB 239**
Emergency Management, Division of
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, duties, AB 90**
Schools, consultations, duties, SB 205**, AB 218
Fire Marshal, State
Alzheimer's disease, certain actions encouraged, SCR 2‡
Board to Review Claims, membership, AB 77**
Firearms, petitions to restore right to own or possess, procedures, AB 357D
General Services Division (See also CRIMINAL HISTORY, RECORDS OF)
Duties, authorized expenditures, AB 490**
Information services and equipment, requirements, SB 72
Investigation Division
Education, Department of, consultations, SB 205**
Interception of electronic communications, procedures, SB 52**, AB 433
Prescription drugs, computerized tracking program, duties, SB 114*, SB 288**, SB 459**, AB 279D
Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, Office of, assistance, SB 504**
Services, provision to other divisions of Department and to other state agencies, SB 42
Motor carriers, duties, SB 184D
Parole and Probation, Division of
Biological specimens, collection of fees, duties transferred, SB 454
Community reentry programs, contracts for provision of services, requirements, AB 225*
Confiscated firearms, procedures, SB 143D
Juvenile court records, sealing of, procedures, AB 113*
Juvenile sex offenders, duties, SB 99†
Ombudsman for Offenders, posting of information regarding, SB 279D
Presentence investigations, duties, AB 11**, AB 193†
Probation or suspension of sentence, receipt of records from district court, AB 69*
Probation violators, continuation of diversion program, SB 136, AB 12**
Restitution, duties transferred to State Controller, SB 454
Risk assessment tools used by Division, study, SB 454
State Controller, provision of information to and collaboration with, SB 454
Transfer of Division or duties to Department of Corrections, study, SCR 5
Peace officer powers, conferral on all sworn personnel of Department, AB 58**
Portable event recording devices, use, duties, SB 111**
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, representation, SB 338**
Synthetic marijuana, duties, SB 234D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**
Private operators of systems, liability limited, SB 478D
Cities and counties, prohibited acts regarding utility infrastructure, requests by city or county for information restricted, SB 481**
Company towns, reports regarding resale of certain utility services, AB 74*
Construction of facilities, application for permit, requirements, SB 416*
Drones, prohibited acts, AB 239*
Electric utilities
Assets, filing of list, plan to retire surplus required, SB 416*
Children utilizing life-sustaining equipment, establishment of cost-reduction program, SB 374†
Coal-fired generating plants, emission reduction and capacity replacement plans, requirements, AB 498**
Construction of facilities, application for permit, requirements, SB 416*
Distributed generation systems, incentives for installations at certain locations, SB 282
Energy efficiency resource plans, development, reimbursements and performance-based incentives, SB 282†, SB 407D
Lower Income Solar Energy Pilot Program, repeal, SB 282
Net metering, offering by utilities, requirements, SB 374**
Resource plans, requirements, SB 87**, SB 374**, SB 416*
Statewide emissions plan, development, report, notice of hearings, SB 438D
Energy assistance programs for residential property, reports, limitation on funding, AB 73**
Green banks, study of establishment, SB 360**
Interception of communications by peace officer, immunity from liability, SB 52**, AB 433
Manufactured home parks, applicability of laws relating to resale of certain utility services, AB 74*
Mobile home parks, reports regarding resale of certain utility services, AB 74*
Municipal utilities, prohibited acts regarding service to certain properties, SB 481**
Natural gas, infrastructure expansion consistent with program of economic development, authority, SB 151**
Rate schedules, requirement for changing, AB 75**
Regional transportation commissions, prohibited acts regarding utility infrastructure, requests for information restricted, SB 481**
Resource plans of certain utilities, modifications, procedures, SB 87**
Subsurface installations, penalties for violations, SB 86**
Budgets, requirements, exemption from certain provisions of State Budget Act, SB 46
Children utilizing life-sustaining equipment, establishment of electric utility cost-reduction program, duties, SB 374†
Company towns, receipt of reports by owners, AB 74*
Electric utilities
Coal-fired generating plants, emission reduction and capacity replacement plans, requirements, AB 498**
Decommissioning of surplus assets, duties, SB 416*
Emissions from power plants, receipt of report on state compliance plan, SB 438D
Energy efficiency resource plans, duties, SB 282†, SB 407D
Net metering, receipt of proposed tariffs, duties, SB 374**
Energy efficiency programs, legislative study, duties, report, SB 360**, SCR 4
Green banks, study of establishment, duties, SB 360**
Manufactured or mobile home parks, receipt of reports by landlords, AB 74*
Natural gas, infrastructure expansion consistent with program of economic development, regulation, SB 151**
Officers and employees, employment rights, benefits and salary, regulation, SB 46
Resource plans submitted by certain public utilities, duties, SB 87**
Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, duties, SB 282
Subsurface installations, duties, SB 86**
Devices for persons with disabilities, duties, AB 200**
Providers, establishment of standards of performance, SB 112**
Transportation network companies, licensing and regulation, duties, SB 439, AB 175**
Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, duties, SB 282
Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, duties, SB 282
Abandoned or unclaimed property, laws inapplicable to certain proceeds, SB 348**
Apprentices, performance requirements on certain projects, waivers, penalties for violations, SB 371
Appropriation to Public Works Board to address critical infrastructure, SB 308
Best value bids, criteria for determining, SB 392
Charter agencies, exemption from laws, AB 104
Confidentiality and disclosure of certain records, AB 43**
Construction managers at risk
Bidding preferences, AB 172†, AB 215D
Contracts, confidentiality of certain submitted documents, AB 43**
Proposals submitted to public body, review and ranking, procedures, AB 215D
Construction materials or goods used on public works, contracts for, payment of state or local taxes, AB 332**
Apprentices, duties, penalties for violations, SB 371
Benefit payments owed to Taft-Hartley trust, notice regarding delinquent payments, SB 223*
Bidding preferences, amount, AB 172†
Bonds, requirements, SB 108†, AB 345
Consolidated insurance programs, requirements for, SB 194*
Federal contracts, effect of exclusion from, SB 340*
Larger projects, procedures for award of contract, monetary threshold, SB 108†
Progress payments, withholding of retainage, SB 254*
Security for bid, protest, performance or payment, types and sources authorized, AB 345
Smaller projects, procedures for award of contract, monetary threshold, SB 108†
Database of solicitations for award of contracts by state agency, maintenance, duties, AB 62†
Definition of "public work," Nevada System of Higher Education, SB 254†, AB 215D, AB 332**
Design professionals
Bidding preferences, SB 378D, AB 172†
Negligence actions, duty to defend, award of fees and costs, AB 106**
E-Verify, use by contractors and subcontractors, AB 172†
Fraud, waste, abuse or corruption, effect of termination of contract due to, AB 300
General capital improvements legislation, AB 491**
Highways and roads (See HIGHWAYS AND ROADS)
Labor organizations, authority of public bodies, AB 159**
Local governments
Grants, establishment of program to provide matching grants, SB 149D
Performance by government, monetary threshold mandating certain procedures, SB 108†
Mechanical Code, Uniform, compliance requirements, AB 298D
Monetary threshold mandating compliance with certain laws, increase, SB 108, SB 392, AB 172*
Nevada System of Higher Education
Applicability of laws generally, SB 254†, SB 185 of the 77th Session, AB 215D, AB 332**
Bond issues for capital improvements, SB 185 of the 77th Session, AB 491**
Prevailing wage laws
Applicability of laws, SB 119**, SB 185 of the 77th Session, AB 172*
Monetary threshold for applicability increased, SB 108†
Pre-bid meetings, holding, notice, SB 392
Prevailing wages
Complaints, filing, SB 392
Determination, procedures, SB 392, AB 172*
Fringe benefits, provision in discharge of wage obligations, SB 392, AB 218 of the 77th Session
Monetary threshold for applicability of laws, increase, SB 108, SB 392, AB 172*
Nevada System of Higher Education, applicability of laws, SB 119**, SB 185 of the 77th Session, AB 172*
Overtime, requirements for modified work schedules, SB 326D
School projects, exemption from wage laws, SB 119**, AB 172*, AB 351**
Transportation facilities contracts, confidentiality of certain documents, AB 43**
Veterans with service-connected disability, local businesses owned and operated by, preferences, SB 108†, AB 62**
Apportionment of members, requirements, AB 410†
Appropriation to address critical infrastructure, SB 308
Construction managers at risk, proposals submitted by, certification of rankings, AB 215D
Mechanical Code, Uniform, duties, AB 298D
Veterans with service-connected disability, local businesses owned and operated by, preferences, duties, AB 62†
Intrastate quarantine, indemnification for loss by destruction, repeal, AB 77**
Violations, penalties, AB 77**
Bees and apiaries, certain duties repealed, AB 77**
Diseased animals, duties, AB 77†, AB 79**
Food, removal of diseased or unwholesome items, duties, AB 77**
Inspection of meat and poultry, duties, AB 77**
Noxious weeds, temporary designation authorized, expiration, AB 77**
Deceptive trade practices, penalties, AB 481†
Adoption or permanent free care of child, prohibited advertisements, penalty, AB 8*
Legal notices, publication on Internet website maintained by broadcast radio authorized, restrictions and requirements, AB 479D
Race books and sports pools, regulation of global risk management, SB 445**
Telemetry data, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 417**
Crossings, duties of vehicle drivers, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 43*
Nevada High-Speed Rail Authority, creation, powers and duties, SB 457**
Public-private partnerships, authority of Department of Transportation, AB 450
Deficiency in reading, notice, academic interventions, SB 391**
Early literacy screening assessment, requirements, AB 341**
Funding of literacy programs, SB 391**, SB 515**
Plans to improve literacy of pupils, requirements, SB 391**
Retention of pupils in grade 3 and good-cause exemptions, requirements, reports, SB 391*
Transitional instructional setting, placement of certain pupils in, SB 391*
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Apportionment of members, requirements, AB 410**
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Real estate licensees and property managers, grounds for disciplinary action, AB 264D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Disciplinary action, grounds, AB 264D
By endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Fees, AB 475**
Initial and subsequent license periods, AB 475**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Deeds of trust (See DEEDS OF TRUST)
Forcible entry or forcible detainer
Abandoned property, procedures for disposal, AB 386*
Damages, liability, AB 386*
Definitions, AB 386*
Justice court, affidavit of complaint for eviction, procedure, AB 386*
Landlord and tenant laws inapplicable to occupant guilty of, AB 386*
Notice to surrender, requirements, AB 386*
Occupant locked out illegally, recovery of possession, AB 386*
Recovery of possession by owner or occupant, authority, procedures, AB 386*
Foreclosures (See FORECLOSURES)
Grand juries, witness's affidavit authorized to offer opinion on property value, AB 193†
Housebreaking, prohibited acts, penalties, remedies, AB 386*
Insurers, authorized investments, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 67**
Life estates, termination, SB 484*
Mechanical Code, Uniform, compliance requirements, AB 298D
Mortgages (See MORTGAGES)
"Nuisance," definition, remedies of landlord, AB 386†
Obstruction of ingress or egress, prohibited acts, civil remedies, AB 258**, AB 356
Patented mine or mining claim, prohibited covenants, restrictions or conditions, AB 427D
Preliminary examinations, witness's affidavit authorized to offer opinion on property value, AB 193†
Solar Program, incentives for installations at certain locations, SB 282
Taxation (See PROPERTY TAX)
Unlawful occupancy, prohibited acts, penalties, remedies of owner, AB 386*
Unlawful reentry, prohibited acts, penalties, remedy, AB 386*
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, authority to establish, duties, SB 411**
Washoe County, imposition of tax, distribution of proceeds, AB 411D
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Committees, campaign reports, AB 23**
Petitions, persons qualified to sign, AB 23**
Product liability actions, exemplary or punitive damages, SB 296††
Charter schools, petitions by sponsor for appointment of receiver, SB 509*
Condominium hotels, actions involving, appointment and duties of receiver, SB 389*
Prohibited acts, penalties, SB 152D
Roadblocks due to flooding, liability for response costs after driving through, SB 156**
Common-interest communities, notice of lien, requirements, AB 240†
Constructional defects, duties of claimants, certain recording fees prohibited, removal of record, AB 418D
Deed in lieu of foreclosure sale, recording requirements, effect of noncompliance, AB 183*
Foreclosure of liens
Common-interest communities (See COMMON-INTEREST COMMUNITIES)
Owner-occupied housing, requirements for mediation, SB 321, SB 512*
Life estates, termination, SB 484*
Mechanics' and materialmen's liens, duty of lessee regarding work of improvement, waiver of certain rights by supplier, AB 211D
Public officer, candidate, public employee or participant in official proceeding, lien or other encumbrance filed against property of, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 197*
Renewable energy projects, works of improvement, lessee's duty in recording security bond, AB 211†
Retention amounts in construction contracts, notice of establishment of trust account, SB 375D
Closure or temporary closure, duties, petitions to halt closure or to reopen area, AB 398D
Epinephrine, administration by certain entities, immunities, AB 158*
Improvements, bond issue, AB 491**
Memorials, naming of state facilities after deceased members of Armed Forces, procedures, AB 62**
Reno, districts to finance tourism and entertainment facilities, requirements, imposition and use of additional room tax, SB 312**
Washoe County, creation of district for promotion of tourism, use of room surcharge, SB 312**
Operation of program, requirements, penalties, AB 197
Abandoned vehicles on private property, authority of property owner, SB 110**
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Contractors, duties, SB 122
Court Administrator, duty to establish certain procedures repealed, AB 69*
Courts, requirements for recycling paper, AB 69*
Oil, labeling requirements, AB 77**
Challenges regarding petitions, SB 434
Circulation of petitions, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 434
Definitions, SB 434
Formalized petitions, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 434
Handbook for petition circulators, publication, SB 434
Informational statement, requirements, SB 434
Judicial invalidation of petition, effect, SB 434
Legislative findings and declaration, SB 434
Paid circulators, filing of lists, SB 434†
Proposed petitions, requirements and procedures, SB 434
Publication requirements, AB 462*
Single subject, requirements, effect of violation, SB 434
Termination of activities by proponent, notice requirements, SB 434
Title and description, preparation and filing, SB 434
Withdrawal of petitions, filing of notice, effect, SB 434
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, AB 295**
Innovation in Surface Transportation Selection Panel, membership, SB 466D
Private operators of transit systems, liability limited, SB 478D
Public utility infrastructure, prohibited acts by commission, requests for information restricted, SB 481**
Yellow Dot Program, establishment, duties, AB 176*
Civil penalties, grounds for imposing, SB 39*
Document preparation services, exemptions from registration as, AB 65†
Guardians, duty of nonresident guardian of adult ward to designate agent, SB 262**
Maintenance of documents and information, duties, SB 39*
Process, notices or demands, duty to accept, validity, SB 39*
Transportation network companies, requirements, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Common-interest communities, retaliatory actions against units' owners, prohibited acts, AB 149D
Corporations sole (See CORPORATIONS SOLE)
Health care sharing ministries, exemption from Insurance Code, SB 113D
Marriage, right to refuse to solemnize, SJR 13 of the 77th SessionD
Nevada Protection of Religious Freedom Act, adoption, SB 272D, AB 277D
Property tax exemption for parcels of land used exclusively for worship, AB 391**
Public benefit trusts, creation and administration, SB 484*
School pupils
Bullying or cyber-bullying of school pupils, authority to file complaint with Nevada Equal Rights Commission, SB 204D
Free exercise of religion, rights, remedies, AB 120**
Transportation network companies, prohibited acts, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Wedding services, display of informational brochures at offices of county clerk, SB 395**
Commercial activity on public lands, Congress urged to share federal receipts with State and counties, SJR 2‡
Construction liens, duty of lessee before beginning work of improvement involving certain renewable energy projects, AB 211†
Distributed generation systems
Agreements for sale, lease or financing of system or for the purchase of electricity generated by system, requirements, AB 330D
Incentives related to systems, SB 282
Registration of sellers, lessors and installers, requirements, AB 330D
Tax credits due to purchaser or lessee, duties of seller or lessor, AB 330D
Warranties, requirements, AB 330D
Districts to finance projects, SB 150D
Electric utilities, emission reduction and capacity replacement plans, requirements, AB 498**
Energy efficiency programs, legislative study, SB 360**, SCR 4
Facilities, tax abatement for, continuation of procedures, SB 483**
Green banks, study of establishment, SB 360**
Lower Income Solar Energy Pilot Program, repeal, SB 282
Remediation of electric generating facilities, duties of Division of Environmental Protection, SB 416*
Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program
Low-income customers, installation of systems at locations which benefit, incentives for, SB 282
Payment of incentives, authority of Commission, SB 282
Public entity or nonprofit organization, maximum amount of incentives to, SB 282
State and Local Government Panel on Renewable and Efficient Energy, abolishment, AB 456**
Transportation to work site provided by employer, driver exempt from certain laws, AB 101**
Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, payment of incentives, authority of Commission, SB 282
Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, payment of incentives, authority of Commission, SB 282
Charter amendments
Appointive officers and employees, designation, number, AB 88*
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, AB 177
Charter Committee
Appointment, AB 88*
Powers and duties, AB 88†
City Clerk, receipt of annual organizational document, AB 88*
City Manager, duties, residency, AB 88*
Civil Service System, operational procedures, AB 88*
Counsel, retention by Council, AB 88*
Definitions, AB 88*
Nonpartisan offices, certain primary election winners declared elected, SB 5†
Paralegals, restriction on private practice of law, AB 88*
Procedure for amending charter, SB 71D
Vacancy in elective office, filling, AB 88*
Wards, number, election of Council Members by, SB 368D, SB 457 of the 77th Session, AB 458D
Dillon's Rule, abolishment, AB 413D, AB 493**
Fair and recreation board, duties, SB 480**
Fires, duties of fire protection entities in Washoe County, SB 185*
Recreational facilities, districts to promote, creation, SB 312†
Room tax, rate increase, distribution of proceeds, AB 411D
Tourism and entertainment facilities, districts to finance, requirements, imposition and use of additional room tax, SB 312**
Composition, election of Chair, SB 480**
Reno, districts to finance tourism and entertainment facilities, imposition and use of additional room tax, SB 312**
Tourism promotion, use of certain lodging surcharges, duties, SB 312**
Governmental services fee, exemption and authorized deductions, AB 203**
Insurance, solicitation and sales, applicability of laws, AB 203**
Vehicle licensing fees, applicability of laws, AB 203†
Waiver of damages, required disclosures, SB 267D
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Employees, registration, supervision, disciplinary action, AB 173*
Investigations by Board, liability for costs, AB 173*
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Principal place of business in State, requirement repealed, AB 173*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Authorized investments of State and local governments, AB 196
Dogs and cats used in research, duties of facilities, SB 261*
Electronic supervision devices, authorized capabilities, SB 37**
Authorized uses, AB 25**
Building and design codes, compliance, immunity from disciplinary action, SB 374**
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
License by endorsement, requirements, AB 89†
Public works, duty of design professional to defend in negligence action, award of fees and costs, AB 106**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Facilities operating private school, funding, SB 25**, SB 100
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, payment of food and lodging expenses, AB 307**
Employees, agreement to exclude sleeping period from wages, requirements, SB 146**
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Long-Term Care Ombudsman, training of officers and employees of facilities, duties, AB 28**
Palliative care to residents with serious illnesses, education and information regarding, duties, SB 265
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, SB 489*
Referral services, exemption from licensing requirements, AB 272D
Schools operated by facilities, funding, SB 25**, SB 100
Annulment or dissolution of marriage, 6-week residency requirement repealed, AB 337D
Candidates and public officers, residency requirements, penalties for violation, AB 118D, AB 177, AB 381D, AB 461
Alzheimer's disease, education of certain persons encouraged, SCR 2‡
Armed Forces, Nevadans killed in Global War on Terrorism honored, ACR 3‡
Constitutional amendments (See CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS, NEVADA)
Constitutional Convention, application to call Federal Convention, AJR 7D
Daylight savings time, Congress urged to allow states to establish year-round, AJR 4‡
Immigration laws, comprehensive reform urged, SJR 21‡
Israel, support expressed and friendship and partnership recognized, AJR 1‡
Legislature (See LEGISLATURE)
Marketplace Fairness Act, Congress urged to pass, SJR 4‡
Hogan, Assemblyman Joseph "Joe" Michael, Sr., ACR 4‡
Livermore, Assemblyman Peter L. "Pete", ACR 5‡
Speaking on the resolution (SSR 118.2), SR 1‡, SR 7‡
Nevada Fire Safe Council, Congress urged to facilitate payments to contractors, AJR 3‡
Public lands (See PUBLIC LANDS)
Sage grouse (See BIRDS)
Taiwan (See also TAIWAN)
Sister-state relationship, 30th anniversary commemorated, SCR 8‡
Trans-Pacific Partnership, support for inclusion of Taiwan urged, SJR 20D
Voting Rights Act of 1965, support for enforcement efforts expressed, SJR 9D
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Complaints against licensees, procedures, AB 227*
Disciplinary action
Biennial report to Governor and Legislature, contents, AB 227*
Hospital services, noncompliance with billing requirements, AB 346D
State of mind of licensee, requirements, AB 227*
Health professional workforce liaison program, establishment, AB 340D
Alzheimer's disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, SB 196*
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Summary suspension, reinstatement, AB 227*
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Professional negligence, applicability of laws, SB 292†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Service of process upon, AB 227*
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D
Graffiti violations, SB 56*
Juvenile courts
Enforcement of certain civil judgments, certain procedures repealed, AB 46**
Judgments requiring parent or guardian to pay, expiration, AB 114*
Rights of crime victims, constitutional amendment to expand, SJR 17‡
Satisfaction, criminal judgment to remain open until, AB 114*
Securities personnel, violations against aged or vulnerable persons, AB 51**
State Controller, duties, SB 454
Trafficking in children, penalties, AB 8*
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, representation, SB 411**
Motor vehicle sales, agreements authorizing use of electronic repossession technology, inclusion in separate document authorized, AB 228D
Transportation network companies, licensing and regulation, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Investigational drugs, biological products or devices, provision to terminally ill patients, AB 164**, AB 358D
Discharges, requirements for, abatement or remediation, penalties, SB 324**
Motor vehicle fuel tax, use of proceeds for construction, maintenance and repair, AB 366**
Audit committee, requirements, SB 67**
Board of directors, requirements, duties, SB 67**
Captive insurer, state-chartered risk retention groups formed as, requirements, SB 67**
Material noncompliance, notification of domestic regulator required, SB 67**
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, receipt of information, SB 67**
Service provider contracts, requirements, SB 67**
Flooding, liability for response costs after driving through roadblock, SB 156**
Exemption from certain regulatory requirements, SB 4**
Violations, criminal penalty repealed, deposit and use of civil penalties, AB 77**
Traps and trapping, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, SB 4**
Immunity from liability for certain persons involved in equine activities, SB 129*
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, authority to establish, duties, SB 411**
Reno, districts to finance tourism and entertainment facilities, imposition and use of additional surcharges, SB 312**
Washoe County
Districts to promote recreational facilities, imposition and use of tax, SB 312†
Rate increase, distribution of proceeds, AB 411D
Tourism promotion districts, imposition and use of tax, SB 312**
Foster care children, procedures, regulation, AB 324**
Missing children reports, procedures, AB 324**
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, applicability of laws, AB 419**
Advisory Committee, establishment, duties, SB 338**
Establishment, SB 338*
Licensing and operation, requirements, AB 197†
Children, requirements for use, penalties for violations, SB 267D
Rental cars, waiver of damages, required disclosures, SB 267D
Taxicabs, failure of adult passengers to wear belt, effect, SB 304, AB 175*
Creation, duties, AJR 10†
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Aircraft and aircraft component industry, payment of taxes, exemption repealed, SB 93, AB 161**
Clark County Sales and Use Tax Act of 2005
Regional board to consider tax increase, creation, duties, AB 494
Tax proceeds, use, restriction that proposed use not supplant existing funding repealed, SB 337D
Construction materials or goods used on public works, requirements, AB 332**
Durable medical equipment, SB 334
Firearms, occasional sales, AB 316†
Hearing aids, SB 334
Mobility-enhancing equipment, SB 334
Ophthalmic and ocular devices, SB 334
Relatives of National Guard members killed while performing duties, AB 71**
Firearms purchased from outside State, when dealer exempt from duty to pay tax, AB 316
Marketplace Fairness Act, Congress urged to pass, SJR 4‡
Out-of-state retailers, collection and remittance requirements, reports, SB 382D, AB 380**
Police departments in Clark County, use of tax proceeds, repeal of provision that proceeds not supplant existing funding, SB 337D
Property delivered outside of State, presumption of nontaxability repealed, SB 80D
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, authority to establish, duties, SB 411**
Water projects in tax increment areas, use of proceeds, AB 497**
Advertising and promotional direct mail, duties of sellers and purchasers, AB 57**
Consignment auctions, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 37**
Vehicles to be dismantled for parts, exemption from solid waste laws, SB 281**
Camps, certain nonprofit entities exempted from sanitation laws, AB 99**
Direct cremation facilities, requirements, SB 286*
Funeral establishments, requirements, SB 286*
Sewage disposal resource plans, modification, procedures, SB 87**
Business tax, applicability, AB 464
City money, deposit, requirements, SB 448**
Commerce fee, imposition, effect of failure to pay, SB 483**
Condominium hotels, deposits and investments, requirements, regulation, SB 389*
County money, deposit, requirements, SB 448**
Education savings accounts for private school pupils, establishment, SB 302†
Execution of judgments, amount of equity in money on deposit exempt from execution increased, AB 207D
Foreclosures, duties of mortgagee or beneficiary of deed of trust to provide certain notice to Division, SB 306*, SB 512*, AB 359
Judgment creditors seeking unlawfully to enforce foreign judgments from account, remedies of debtors, SB 373 of the 77th Session, AB 129†
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee, imposition, effect of failure to pay, SB 378D
Repossession of motor vehicles upon breach or default, installation of devices to remotely locate or disable vehicle, AB 228D
Student loans to state residents, identification and ranking of lending institutions, publication of information, SB 215D
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Abandoned or unclaimed bonds, escheat to State, AB 18D
Early childhood education scholarship organizations, tax credits for donations to, AB 350D
Millennium Scholarships (See MILLENNIUM SCHOLARSHIPS)
Nevada Boost Grant Program, creation, appropriation, SB 399
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, creation, AB 165**
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, creation, SB 511**
Air guns, carrying or possessing, restrictions, SB 176**
Bond rollover, procedures, SB 106D, SB 119**, SB 207**
Capital projects, funds for, restrictions on use, AB 411D
Charter schools, authority to use buildings owned by district, AB 448*
Concealed firearms, authority of permit holders, AB 148D
Consultations regarding construction, expansion or remodeling of buildings or facilities, requirements, AB 218
Disturbing the peace by using vile or indecent language, repeal of provisions, SB 212**, AB 216D
Henderson, financing to improve and preserve certain facilities, AB 445**
Malicious interference with or disturbance of persons peaceably assembled, prohibited acts, SB 212**, AB 216D
Medical marijuana, acts for which cardholder not exempt from state prosecution, SB 447**
Prevailing wage laws, districts exempt, SB 119**, AB 172*
Property tax
Authority to impose additional tax without voter approval, SB 415D, AB 412
Debt service, deposit and use of revenue, temporary exemption from certain partial abatements, SB 106D
Election to approve additional levy, date for holding, AB 23*
Use of proceeds of certain additional tax, SB 415D, AB 412
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, authority to establish, duties, SB 411**
Safe-to-Tell-Program, establishment, SB 338*
School police officers, jurisdiction, AB 321**
Single sex facilities, duty of schools to provide, use restricted, accommodation of certain pupils, AB 375
Weapons located in motor vehicles on property authorized, requirements, AB 2D, AB 148D, AB 487
Weatherization and retrofitting projects, requirements, AB 391 of the 77th Session
Achievement charter schools, conversion of certain public schools to, AB 448*
Achievement School District, creation, AB 448*
AIDS and the human reproductive system, courses on, duties, SB 301D
Average daily enrollment of pupils, reporting requirements, SB 508**
Ballot questions affecting district, authority to provide information, SB 380
Breakfast After the Bell Program, creation, duties, SB 503**
Buses and other vehicles owned by district
Authority to lease, requirements, AB 117D
Charter schools, limitation on fee charged by districts for use, SB 509*
Class-size reduction (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Cleaning and maintenance products used in schools, duties, SB 25**
Consolidation of districts
Authorized by interlocal agreement, boundaries of consolidated district, AB 394**
Legislative study, SCR 6
Crisis or emergency management, duties of development committees, SB 205**, AB 218
Early childhood education, appropriation, reports, AB 291D
Early literacy screening assessment, duties, AB 341**
Education savings accounts, children receiving instruction from participating entity, duties, SB 302*
Elections, authority to submit advisory question to voters, SB 19D
Empowerment schools, basis for approval of operation, SB 77
Enrollment at charter schools, authority to provide input into process adopted by regulation, SB 509*
Enrollment capacity, list of schools exceeding, publication of information, SB 390**
Health insurance exchanges, constitutional prohibitions, SJR 14D
Human trafficking of children, receipt of informational material, AB 276D
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 300
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, SB 58**
Kindergartens, full-day, duties, SB 345D
Medical waste, protocols and procedures required, AB 285**
Personal safety of children, incorporation of training into health course, duties, SB 394**
Prevailing wage laws, districts exempt, SB 119**, AB 172*
Property tax, authority to impose additional tax, use of proceeds, SB 415D, AB 412
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, authority to establish, SB 411**
Pupil-teacher ratios (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Class-size reduction)
Quarterly financial reports, submission to Legislature, AB 319D
Requests submitted by general public, time for consideration, duties, AB 314D
Safe and respectful learning environment, receipt of reports from school safety teams, SB 204D
School-based decision making, exclusions from program, SB 77
School police officers, contracts with charter schools to provide, immunities, AB 321**
School precincts, creation within district, procedures, AB 394**
Services provided to charter schools, limitation on fee, SB 509*
State Public Charter School Authority, agreements with, duties, SB 509*
State Supplemental School Support Account, reports, SB 515**
Statewide system of accountability
Alternative performance framework, use, SB 460**, AB 446D
Boards of trustees, grounds for revising membership, AB 339D
Early literacy screening assessment results, contents of accountability reports, AB 341†
Free or reduced-price lunches, contents of accountability reports, AB 107*
Limited English proficient pupils, contents of accountability reports, AB 290D
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, time for receipt from State Board, AB 30**
Reading deficiency, number of pupils retained in grade 3, contents of accountability reports, SB 391*
Turnaround schools, duties, SB 77, SB 92**
Transportation of charter school pupils to sporting events, duties, SB 509*
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, AB 495*
Election areas, modification, AB 339D
Election districts, number, AB 339D
Number of trustees, determination, AB 339D
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, appointment of members, SB 411**
Revision of membership to include appointed members, grounds, procedures, AB 339D
School-based health centers, immunity from liability, SB 292**
Vacancy, filling, AB 339D
Victory schools, funding, duties, SB 432**, SB 515**
Achievement School District, Account for the, creation, AB 448*
Apportionments and allowances
Average daily enrollment of pupils, effect, reports, SB 508**
Count of pupils, requirements, SB 313**, SB 508**, AB 22D
Decline in enrollment, effect, SB 508**
Distance education programs, allocations to providers, SB 25**
Distribution, requirements, authority to carry forward unexpended money to next fiscal year, SB 462D
Final adjustments, SB 508**
Hold harmless, revision, SB 508**
Nevada Plan
Additional resources, development of plan to provide, reports, SB 508**
Legislative intent, SB 508**
Special Education Services, Contingency Account for, creation, use, SB 508**
Appropriations (See APPROPRIATIONS)
Audit requirements for schools and school districts, publication of manual, AB 22D
Basic support for school districts
2015-2017 biennium, amount, SB 515**
Achievement charter schools, pupils participating in classes, AB 448*
Average daily enrollment of pupils, use, SB 508**
Distance education, pupils enrolled in, SB 25**, SB 313**
Education savings account, grant program, effect, SB 302*
Kindergarten pupils, SB 345D, SB 508*
Basic support for special education units
2015-2017 biennium, amount, SB 515**
Private schools operated by certain facilities, use of unused allocations, SB 25**
Repeal of provisions, SB 508*
Basic support per pupil, SB 397, SB 508**
Bonds and other obligations (See also BOND ISSUES)
Charter schools, prerequisites to financing projects, administration of laws, pledge of State, AB 351**
General obligations, requirements for issuance, use of proceeds, AB 170*
Property tax for debt service, deposit and use of revenue, temporary exemption from certain partial abatements, SB 106D
Rollover of bonds, procedures, SB 106D, SB 119**, SB 207**
Education, State Board of, certain duties repealed, SB 25**, SB 508**, AB 19**
Hearings on tentative budgets, time for, AB 19**
Bullying Prevention Account, administration, SB 504**
Capital projects, funds for
Sources, SB 106D, SB 119**, SB 207**, SB 411**, AB 411D
Use, restrictions, SB 411**, AB 411D
Charter schools
Account for Charter Schools, authorized uses, SB 506**, SB 509*
Capital projects, requirements for financing through bonds, AB 351**
Junior high and middle schools, grant for provision of certain services and programs, reports, SB 347
Money received from sources other than apportionments and allowances, requirements, AB 378
Nonprofit organizations establishing and operating high quality schools, grant program, SB 491**, SB 515**
Clark County School District, effect of precincts on finances and funds, study, AB 394**
Disabilities, pupils with (See also Basic support for special education units, this heading)
2016-2017 fiscal year, funding, SB 508**, SB 515**
Revision to funding for education, reports, SB 397
Early childhood education, appropriation, reports, AB 291D
Educational Technology, Trust Fund for, use by charter schools, SB 509*
Educational Trust Account
Abandoned or unclaimed property, money or proceeds from sale of property, deposits, SB 91D
Expenditures, requirements, SB 25**
Financial Literacy, Account for Instruction on, creation, SB 220
Forfeiture accounts, repeal of provisions, SB 138†
Grant Fund for Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel
Purchase of service credit, appropriation, SB 515**
Reserves, deposit, SB 424
Transfer of certain money, SB 506**
Great Teaching and Leading Fund
Appropriation, SB 515**
Creation, SB 474**
Henderson, financing to improve and preserve certain facilities, AB 445**
Incentive pay program for master teachers, AB 378†
Incentives for newly hired teachers, funding, SB 511**, SB 515**
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for
Sources, SB 347, SB 405†, SB 424, SB 430D, SB 432†, SB 511**, SB 515**, AB 290D
Transfers to General Fund, SB 506**
Use, SB 405**, SB 432**, SB 515**
Investments, authorized, AB 196
K-12 Public Education Stabilization Account, creation, SB 424
Limited English proficient pupils
Funding of programs, SB 405**, SB 430D, SB 515**, AB 290D
Multiplier for basic support guarantee, SB 397, SB 508**
Literacy programs for pupils enrolled in K-3, funding, SB 391**, SB 515**
Local funds available for public schools, distribution, requirements, authority to carry forward unexpended money to next fiscal year, SB 462D
Lottery, operation by State authorized, use of proceeds, AJR 6D
Master Teachers, Fund for, creation, appropriation, AB 378†
Other State Education Programs Account
Appropriation, SB 391†, SB 515**
Performance pay and enhanced compensation program for teachers and administrators, funding, AB 483*
Professional development of teachers and administrators, funding, SB 295, SB 515**
Property tax
Debt service, deposit and use of revenue, temporary exemption from certain partial abatements, SB 106D
Election to approve additional levy, date for holding, AB 23*
Imposition of additional tax without voter approval, use of proceeds, SB 415D, AB 412
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, authority to establish, duties, SB 411**
Quarterly financial reports, submission to Legislature, AB 319D
Retirement credit, purchase, appropriation, SB 515**
Scholarship organizations, donations to, credit against certain taxes, AB 165**
Special Education Services, Contingency Account for
Appropriation, SB 515**
Creation, use, SB 508**
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, creation, AB 421**
State Distributive School Account
Apportionments and allowances (See Apportionments and allowances, this heading)
Authorized expenditures, SB 515**
General appropriation, SB 515**
Marijuana tax proceeds, deposit, IP 1D
Reallocation of money reverted from Account, SB 424
Reserves, deposits, SB 424
Shortfall, determination, allocations to cover, SB 424
Supplemental appropriation, SB 429**
Temporary advances of money, SB 515**
State Permanent School Fund, authorized investments, AB 196
State Supplemental School Support Account
Authorized expenditures, SB 515**
Enrollment, determination for distributions, SB 508**
Teachers' School Supplies Reimbursement Account, creation, appropriation, SB 133**
Nevada Revised Statutes, reorganization of Title 34, SB 92**
Academic plans of pupils enrolled in 11th grade, duties, AB 374D
Achievement charter schools, conversion of public schools to, effect, employment at charter school, AB 448*
Charter school employees, qualifications, SB 92†
Collective bargaining units, exclusions from, SB 241**
Evaluations (See Evaluations, this heading)
Postprobationary administrators, applications for reappointment, effect of nonreappointment, SB 241**
Principals (See also Principals, this heading)
Promotion to principal, additional probationary period, SB 241**
Transfers and reassignments of certain administrators, procedure, SB 92**
AIDS and the human reproductive system, requirements for teaching, SB 301D, AB 375†
Assault committed upon, prohibited acts, SB 212**, AB 216D
Ballot questions affecting district, authority to provide information, SB 380
College and career readiness of pupils, duties, AB 374D
Disciplinary action
Admonishment of employee, provisions repealed, AB 378†
Dismissal of employees, authority, AB 378†
Grounds, provisions repealed, AB 378†
Hearings before hearing officer, provisions repealed, AB 378†
Safe and respectful learning environment, reporting violations, SB 504**
School examinations and assessments, penalty for breaching security or confidentiality of questions and answers, SB 463**
Suspension of employees without pay, authority, AB 378†
Dyslexia interventionist, employment, AB 341†
Dyslexia specialists, employment, duties, AB 341†
Emergency manager, designation, duties, AB 218
District level administrators, level of resources provided to schools under administration to be considered, SB 92†
Procedures, AB 447**
Assessments to be used by district, authority to select, AB 447**
Counselors, librarians and other licensed personnel, requirements, AB 447**
Postprobationary employees, reversion to probationary status, SB 92†
Pupil achievement data, use, weight given to, SB 8D, SB 77, AB 447*
Teachers, procedures, AB 447**
Turnaround schools, effect of designation, SB 92**
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, grants from, SB 474**
Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)
Height and weight measurements of pupils in certain districts, qualifications to perform, SB 178D, SB 402D
Human trafficking of children, receipt of informational material, AB 276D
Leave of absence for military duty, procedures, AB 388**
Citizenship requirement, exemption, AB 27**
Multicultural education, requirements for renewal of teacher's license, appropriation, AB 234**
Suspension or revocation
Grounds, SB 504**
Hearings regarding, SB 25**
Temporary permits, issuance to certain persons licensed or certified in another state, AB 55D
Mental or behavioral health professionals
Employment, requirements, AB 218†
Grant program, SB 515**, AB 218
Nevada System of Higher Education, payment of fees and expenses for dependent child of public employee killed in performance of duty, AB 226D
AIDS and the human reproductive system, requirements for teaching, SB 301D
Diabetes medication, self-administration by pupils, duties, AB 285**
Endorsement of license for purpose of employment as school nurse, certain conditions prohibited, SB 330†
Height and weight measurements of pupils in certain districts, duties, SB 178D, SB 402D
Medical waste, protocols and procedures required, AB 285**
Nursing mothers, duties of employers, remedies for violations, AB 306D
Paraprofessionals providing assistance to pupils who have individualized education programs, training, appropriation, SB 132
Performance pay and enhanced compensation program for teachers and administrators, requirements, SB 515**, AB 483*
Personal safety of children, persons authorized to teach, SB 394*
Postprobationary employees, status and rights same as probationary employees, AB 378†
Principals (See also Administrators, this heading)
Acts or threats of bodily harm, reports to law enforcement agency, procedures, AB 321†
Assistant principal, requirements to fill vacancy, SB 92†
Bullying or cyber-bullying, duties, SB 204D, SB 504**, AB 206**
Class lesson plans, duties, AB 349D
Diabetes, self-administration of medication by pupils, duties, AB 285**
Dyslexia, duties, AB 341**
Employees at will, certain principals deemed, effect, SB 241**
Habitual disciplinary problems, duties, AB 178*
Kindergartens, request for variance from pupil-teacher ratio, SB 515**
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, duties, SB 77, SB 432**, AB 30**
Academic retention of pupils in grade 3, duties, SB 391*
Deficiency of pupils enrolled in K-3, notice, SB 391**
Learning strategists, designation, duties, SB 391**
Religious rights of pupils, complaints of violation, duties, AB 120†
Transfers of certain teachers and administrators, duties, SB 92**
Turnaround schools, effect of designation, duties, SB 92**
Professional development
2015-2017 school years, additional number of days required, SB 295
Academic standards, training requirements, SB 295, SB 474**
Access to high-quality, ongoing training required, SB 295, SB 474**
Cultural competency, requirements to meet academic needs of certain categories of pupils, SB 474**
Dyslexia, requirements, AB 341**
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, creation, duties, SB 474**
English language development and literacy, academic standards and curriculum in, SB 474**
New teachers receiving incentives, requirements, SB 511**
Professional organization of teachers, authority to provide training programs, requirements, SB 226D
Reading, requirements for K-4 teachers, SB 391**
School service providers and security of data concerning pupils, training requirements, SB 463**
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics, training requirements, SB 295, SB 474**
Reemployment notices, extension of statutory deadlines, SB 101**
Regional training programs
Covered topics, SB 290D, AB 303D
Dyslexia, requirements, AB 341†
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, membership, SB 474**
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, grants from, procedures, SB 474**
Professional development training, funding, SB 295, SB 515**
Turnaround plans, considerations, SB 77
Retirement credit, appropriation for purchase, SB 515**
Safe and respectful learning environment
Duties, penalties for violations, SB 504**
Policy of Department of Education, contents, AB 112*
Training, requirements, SB 204D, SB 504**
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, membership, SB 338**
Safety in public schools, attendance at certain conference, AB 218
School police officers
Acts or threats of bodily harm, reports to law enforcement agency, procedures, AB 321†
Charter schools, contracts to provide services authorized, AB 321**
Chief of school police, duties, SB 111†, AB 218, AB 321**
Jurisdiction, AB 321**
Portable event recording devices, use, duties, SB 111†
School service providers, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 463**
Sexual conduct with pupils, prohibited acts, penalties, applicability of sex offender laws, SB 99††, SB 192*, AB 49*
Social workers
Duty to provide certain services, AB 218†
Mental or behavioral health professionals, grant program, SB 515**, AB 218
Superintendents of districts
Approval of certain actions required before implementation, actions deemed void, AB 314D
Safe and respectful learning environment, duties regarding violations by personnel, SB 504**
Superintendents of schools
Academic retention of pupils in grade 3, duties, SB 391*
Bullying or cyber-bullying of pupils, appeal of decisions of principal, SB 204D
Education savings account, grant program, duties, SB 302*
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, duties, SB 411**
Religious rights of pupils, complaints of violation, duties, AB 120†
Suspension or expulsion of pupils, authority to modify, SB 212**, AB 216D
Transfers of certain teachers and administrators, duties, SB 92**
Acts or threats of bodily harm, reports to law enforcement agency, AB 321†
Class lesson plans, coordination with principals, AB 349D
Highly effective teachers, additional compensation authorized, SB 391**
Highly qualified, requirement for teachers and substitute teachers, prohibited acts, SB 92†
Incentives for newly hired teachers, funding, requirements, SB 511**, SB 515**
Master teachers, establishment of incentive pay program, AB 378†
Master Teachers, Fund for, creation, appropriation, AB 378†
Multicultural education, requirements for license renewal, appropriation, AB 234**
Out-of-pocket expenses, reimbursement for certain expenses, SB 133**
Reading and literacy
Intensive instructional services for pupils retained in grade 3, requirements, SB 391*
Learning strategists, designation and duties, additional compensation, SB 391**
Professional development, requirements, SB 391**
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, creation, SB 511**
Training courses offered by educational institutions, requirements, AB 341**
Transfers and reassignments of certain teachers, procedure, SB 92**
Turnaround schools, effect of designation, SB 92**
Workforce reduction
Factors to be considered, SB 92**, SB 120D
Seniority, authority to base decisions on, SB 92**
Creation, procedures, AB 394**
Academic plans of pupils enrolled in 11th grade, requirements, AB 374D
Armed Forces members, children or wards of, sharing of data, AB 76**
Assault committed upon, prohibited acts, SB 212**, AB 216D
At-risk pupils
Education and services provided to, performance tracking, reports, SB 397
Multiplier for basic support guarantee, SB 397
Plans to improve academic performance and proficiency, SB 397
Breakfast After the Bell Program, creation, SB 503**
College and career readiness of 11th grade pupils, procedures, AB 374D
Data collected concerning pupils
Contracts providing for disclosure, requirements, AB 221**
Department of Education, duties, AB 221**
Disclosure by schools without consent prohibited, SB 228D
Information elicited via pupil surveys, analyses and evaluations, requirements, AB 26D
Legislative findings and declaration, SB 463†
Professional development of teachers and other licensed personnel, requirements, SB 463**
School service providers, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 463**
Developmental screening tests, when required, SB 345D
Diabetes, self-administration of medication, procedure for authorization, immunities, AB 285**
Disabilities, pupils with
Adaptive behavior assessments, requirements, AB 284D
Definition revised to comply with federal law, SB 13**
Due process hearings held pursuant to federal law, requirements, payment of costs, AB 328*
Dyslexia, assessments and therapies, requirements, AB 341**
Education savings account, amount of grant money authorized from, SB 302*
Emergency response plans, requirements, AB 218
Hearing impairment
Individualized education programs, requirements, SB 13†
Notice to parent or guardian, contents, AB 206**
Special education, minimum standards for, SB 13**
Parent representing interests of, duration of rights, SB 13**
Special education
Interagency panel, certain duties removed, SB 508*
Minimum standards for, SB 13**, AB 341**
Disciplinary action
Bullying or cyber-bullying, guidelines for imposing discipline, SB 204D
Firearms or dangerous weapons, disciplinary action for certain acts restricted, conflicting regulation prohibited, AB 121**
Habitual disciplinary problems, procedures, AB 178*
Suspension or expulsion of pupils
Duration of suspension, AB 178*
Enrollment in private school or independent study program or homeschooling, requirements, AB 178*
Modification of requirement for good cause shown, authority of superintendent of schools, SB 212**, AB 216D
Notice to parent or guardian, AB 178*
Plan of behavior for pupil, development, requirements, AB 178*
Principal, duties, AB 178*
Distance education programs, permission for enrolling in part-time programs repealed, SB 25**
Dual language learners
Diploma and transcript, State Seal of Biliteracy, AB 166**
Identification, assessment and classification, SB 126
Dyslexia, assessments and therapies, requirements, AB 341**
Education savings account, grants administered through, procedures, requirements for opt-in children, SB 302*
Engineering, events recognizing pupils demonstrating exemplary achievement, requirements, SB 236, AB 485**
Foster care, pupils in, notice of failure to attend or truancy, regulation, AB 247D
Gender identity or expression, use of facilities designated for use by single sex, restrictions, accommodation, AB 375
Gifted and talented pupils, funding for, SB 508**, SB 515**
Grants administered through education savings account, procedures, requirements for opt-in children, SB 302*
Immunization, requirements, SB 117D
Individual graduation plans for certain pupils enrolled in high school, establishment, SB 461
Limited English proficient
Accountability reports, contents, AB 290D
Definitions, AB 290D
Grants for programs and services, funding, SB 405**, SB 430D, SB 515**, AB 290D
Identification of pupils, SB 126
Multiplier for basic support guarantee, SB 397, SB 508**
Performance tracking of education and services provided to, reports, SB 397
Plans to improve academic performance and proficiency, reports, SB 397
Plans to improve achievement of pupils, contents, AB 30**
Policy for instruction to teach English, contents, SB 126, AB 290D
Supplemental instructional materials, publication of list, AB 290D
Survey to identify pupils whose primary language is not English, SB 126
Zoom schools, identification and funding of programs, SB 405**, SB 430D, SB 515**, AB 290D
Lunches, free or reduced-price, contents of accountability reports, AB 107*
Mathematics, events recognizing pupils demonstrating exemplary achievement, requirements, SB 236, AB 485**
Out-of-school-time programs, licensing and operation, AB 197†
Personal safety, instruction in, requirements, SB 394*
Physical examination of pupils, contents of notice to parent or guardian, AB 206**
Reading and literacy of pupils enrolled in K-3
Annual accountability reports, contents, SB 391*
Deficiency in reading, notice, remedies, SB 391**
Early literacy screening assessment, requirements, AB 341**
Funding of literacy programs, SB 391**, SB 515**
Plans to improve literacy of pupils, requirements, SB 391**
Retention of pupils in grade 3, requirements, procedures, reports, SB 391*
Transitional instructional setting, placement of certain pupils in, SB 391*
Recreation programs, seasonal or temporary, licensing and operation, AB 197†
Religion, free exercise of, rights of pupils, remedies for violations, AB 120**
Safe-to-Tell-Program, establishment, SB 338*
Science and technology, events recognizing pupils demonstrating exemplary achievement, requirements, SB 236, AB 485**
Scoliosis, contents of notice to parent or guardian, AB 206**
Social workers, services to be provided to pupils, AB 218†
Speech, freedom of, rights of pupils, complaint procedure, AB 120**
Victory schools, assessment of needs of pupils, SB 432**
Signs, requirements, SB 152D
Traffic violations, penalties, SB 144*, SB 152D
Achievement charter schools, conversion of public schools to, procedures, applicability of laws, SB 509*, AB 448*
Applications to form school, requirements, duties, SB 77, SB 509*, AB 395
Audits, requirements, regulation, SB 509*
Buildings and facilities
Capital projects, financing through bonds, administration of laws, pledge of State, AB 351**
Consultations regarding construction, expansion or remodeling, requirements, AB 218
Notices regarding new or expanding schools, requirements, SB 208**
School district, buildings owned by, authority to use, AB 448*
Buses, limitation on fee charged by school districts for use, SB 509*
Campuses, requirements for operation of additional campus, SB 509*
Charter contracts
Amendment, procedures, SB 509*
Applications for renewal, criteria for evaluating, SB 509*
Performance framework, requirements, SB 509*
Replacement of written charter with charter contract, authority, SB 509*
Restart of schools under new charter contract, grounds, procedure, SB 460**
Termination or nonrenewal, grounds, procedures, SB 77, SB 460**, SB 509*, AB 446D
"Charter management organization," definition, powers, SB 77, SB 509*
Class-size reduction
Exemption from requirements repealed, AB 376D
Kindergartens, requirements, requests for variance, SB 515**
Closure of school, grounds, SB 509*
Committees to form charter school, duties, qualifications, SB 509*
Consolidation of operation of two or more charter schools, procedures, SB 509*
Contracts with contractors or educational management organizations, prohibitions, SB 509*
Conversion from public school
Achievement charter schools, procedures, applicability of laws, SB 509*, AB 448*
Exemption from prohibition, SB 77
Crises or emergencies
Development committees, duties, SB 205**, AB 218
Emergency drills, requirements, SB 205**, AB 218
Local law enforcement agency responding to school, duties, AB 321**
Model plan for management of crisis or emergency, requirements, SB 205**
Response plan, requirements, SB 205**, AB 218
"School resource officer," definition, duties, AB 218
Cursive handwriting, instruction required by elementary schools, SB 287D
Department of Education, regulatory authority, AB 395
Educational technology, plans for use of, authorized funding, SB 509*
Annual submission of application authorized, SB 208**
Lottery system, requirements, SB 208**, SB 509*
Notices regarding new or expanding schools, SB 208**
Preferences, certain preferences authorized, SB 200**, SB 390**
Uniform enrollment calendar and process, establishment, SB 509*
Extracurricular activities, participation by children receiving instruction through education savings accounts, SB 302*
Finances and funds (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)
Governing bodies
Additional or other campuses, requirements for operation, SB 509*
Criminal background checks, requirements, restrictions on membership, SB 509*
Ethics requirements, regulation, SB 509*
Meetings, location, SB 509*
Reconstitution of governing body, SB 77, SB 509*
Reports from sponsors, contents, SB 509*
State Supplemental School Support Account, reports, SB 515**
Training, requirements, SB 509*
High schools
Course of instruction in ethnic studies to be offered, SB 211
Diploma and transcript, State Seal of Biliteracy, AB 166**
Graduation, authority to use higher standards than those required by State or school district, SB 509*
Junior high and middle schools, grant for provision of certain services and programs, reports, SB 347
Full-day kindergarten, funding, SB 515**
Minutes of daily instruction, age of enrollment, SB 345D
Pupil-teacher ratios, requirements, SB 515**
Location and other pertinent information, provision to primary law enforcement agency, AB 321**
Lockdowns, procedures, SB 205**, AB 218
Military charter schools, formation and operation, requirements, AB 299
Money received from sources other than apportionments and allowances, requirements, AB 378
New or expanding schools, notice requirements, SB 208**
Nonprofit organizations establishing and operating high quality schools, grant program, SB 491**, SB 515**
Performance reports by sponsors, contents, SB 509*
Personal safety of children, incorporation of training into health course, procedures, SB 394**
Personnel (See also SCHOOL PERSONNEL)
Administrators, qualifications, SB 92†
Collective bargaining, rights of governing bodies to terminate employment or refuse to employ excluded from, SB 509*
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, grants from, SB 474**
Paraprofessionals providing assistance to pupils who have individualized education programs, training, appropriation, SB 132
Reconstitution of governing bodies, effect, SB 509**
Revocation of written charter or termination of charter contract, effect, SB 509*
Safety in public schools, attendance at certain conference, AB 218
School police officers
Contracts with school districts to provide, AB 321**
Jurisdiction, AB 321**
School service providers and security of data concerning pupils, professional development requirements, SB 463**
Sexual conduct with pupils, prohibited acts, penalties, applicability of sex offender laws, SB 99††, SB 192*, AB 49*
English as a second language, requirements to teach, SB 509*
Highly qualified, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 92†, SB 509*
Out-of-pocket expenses, reimbursement for certain expenses, SB 133**
Reading and literacy
Intensive instructional services for pupils retained in grade 3, SB 391*
Learning strategists, designation and duties, compensation, SB 391**
Professional development, requirements, SB 391**
Special education, requirements to teach, SB 509*
Unlicensed teachers employed by high achieving school, duties of school, SB 509*
Physical education courses, requirements, reports, SB 178D
Policies and practices of sponsors, requirements, SB 509*
Prevailing wage laws, exemptions, SB 119**, AB 172*, AB 351**
Pupil achievement and school performance, authority of sponsor, SB 509*
Pupil-teacher ratios (See Class-size reduction, this heading)
Pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)
Additional campuses, requirements for operation, SB 509*
At-risk pupils
Education and services provided to, performance tracking, reports, SB 397
Multiplier for basic support guarantee, SB 397
Plans to improve academic performance and proficiency, SB 397
Data collected concerning, requirements, reports, AB 221**
Distance education programs, permission requirement for enrolling in part-time programs repealed, SB 25**
Dyslexia, assessments and therapies, requirements, AB 341**
Education savings accounts, grant program, procedures, requirements for opt-in children, SB 302*
Evaluation of academic needs of pupils, duties of sponsors, SB 509*
Gender identity or expression, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 164D
Individual graduation plans for certain pupils enrolled in high school, establishment, SB 461
Land sold or leased to school or used for school, designation of residence area for preference in enrollment of children, SB 200†
Limited English proficient pupils
Education and services provided to, performance tracking, reports, SB 397
Grants for, use, SB 405**, SB 430D, SB 515**, AB 290D
Multiplier for basic support guarantee, SB 397
Plans to improve academic performance and proficiency, SB 397
Reading and literacy of pupils enrolled in K-3
Annual accountability reports, contents, SB 391*
Deficiency in reading, notice, academic interventions, SB 391**
Early literacy screening assessment, requirements, AB 341**
Funding of literacy programs, SB 391**, SB 515**
Plans to improve literacy of pupils, requirements, SB 391**
Retention of pupils in grade 3 and good-cause exemptions, requirements, reports, SB 391*
Transitional instructional setting, placement of certain pupils in, SB 391*
Religion, free exercise of, rights of pupils, remedies, AB 120**
Sexual orientation, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 164D
Speech, freedom of, rights of pupils, complaint procedure, AB 120**
Suspension, notice requirements, SB 509*
Transportation to sporting events, duties of school districts, SB 509*
Victory schools, assessment of needs of pupils, SB 432**
Restart of schools under new charter contract, grounds, procedure, SB 460**
Revocation of sponsorship, grounds, SB 509*
Safety in public schools, conference regarding, attendance, AB 218
School-based health centers, immunity from liability, SB 292**
School service providers, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 463**
Services provided by school districts, limitations on fee, SB 509*
Sponsors, duties and powers generally, SB 509*
State Public Charter School Authority
Budget, requirements, exemption from certain provisions of State Budget Act, AB 395†
Colleges or universities, authority to enter into agreements with, SB 509*
Composition, SB 509*
Contracts, authority, provision of compensation, SB 509*
Classification, SB 509*, AB 395†
"Executive Director," redesignation as, SB 509*
Gifts or donations, restrictions on receipt, SB 509*
Other employment or office authorized, approval required, SB 509*
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, membership, SB 338**
Salary, AB 395†
Term of office repealed, AB 395
Employees, requirements, SB 509*, AB 395
Grants, applications for, duties, SB 347
Military charter schools, duties, AB 299
Regulatory authority expanded, SB 509**, AB 395
School districts, authority to enter into agreements with, SB 509*
Security of data concerning pupils, consultations with Department of Education, AB 221†
Solicitation of applications to form school, duties, AB 299
Statutes and regulations, review, duties, SB 509**
Statewide system of accountability
Achievement charter schools, conversion of certain low-performing schools to, AB 448*
Alternative performance framework to evaluate schools, SB 460**, AB 446D
Annual rating of schools, consideration of school's performance during certain school years, SB 460**, AB 446D
Assistance in improving performance, requests to and duties of sponsor, SB 460†, AB 446D
Data, authority of sponsor to aggregate and disaggregate, SB 509*
Early literacy screening assessment results, contents of accountability reports, AB 341†
Free or reduced-price lunches, contents of accountability reports, AB 107*
Grants and other financial support for low-rating schools, requirements, SB 460**
Limited English proficient pupils, contents of accountability reports, AB 290D
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, requirements, SB 432**, AB 30**
Policies for determining pupil achievement and school performance, authority of sponsor, SB 509*
Ratings of schools, prerequisites to financing projects, AB 351**
Reading deficiency, number of pupils retained in grade 3, contents of accountability reports, SB 391*
Restart of charter school, SB 460**
Revocation of written charter or termination or nonrenewal of charter contract, SB 460**, AB 446D
Tuition and fees, authority to charge, SB 509*
Victory schools, designation, funding, SB 432**, SB 515**
Written charters
Amendment, procedures, SB 509*
Replacement of written charter with charter contract, authority, SB 509*
Revocation, grounds, procedures, SB 77, SB 460**, SB 509*, AB 446D
Accreditations, requirements, SB 25**
Air guns, carrying or possessing, restrictions, SB 176**
Auto-injectable epinephrine, orders for receipt, requirements, AB 158*
Concealed firearms, authority of permit holders, AB 148D
Crisis or emergency, management or response plans, SB 205**
Distance education
Agreements to develop curriculum, SB 313†
Authority to provide program, SB 313**
Early childhood education programs, quality and evaluation measures to be prescribed, SB 126†
Employees, sexual conduct with pupils, prohibited acts, penalties, applicability of sex offender laws, SB 99††, SB 192*, AB 49*
Hospitals and other facilities providing residential treatment for children and operating private school, funding, SB 25**, SB 100
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, SB 58†
Law enforcement agencies
Location and other pertinent information about school, receipt, AB 321**
Responding to calls for assistance, duties, AB 321**
Medical marijuana, acts for which cardholder not exempt from state prosecution, SB 447**
Motor vehicles located on property, weapons within vehicle authorized, requirements, AB 2D, AB 148D, AB 487
Out-of-school-time programs, licensing and operation, AB 197†
Physical education courses
Reports to Department of Education, SB 178D
Requirements, prohibited acts, SB 178†
Prekindergarten programs, quality and evaluation measures to be prescribed, SB 126†
Education savings account, child receiving instruction through, participation, SB 302*
Immunizations, requirements, SB 117D
Interscholastic activities, eligibility of pupils enrolled in ninth grade, SB 330*
Recreation programs, seasonal or temporary, licensing and operation, AB 197†
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Scholarship organizations, donations to, tax credits, reports, AB 165**, AB 350D
Auto-injectable epinephrine, orders for receipt, requirements, AB 158*
Breakfast After the Bell Program, creation, SB 503**
Class-size reduction
Audit of use of appropriated money, AB 278**
Duties of Department of Education, AB 278**
Funding, SB 515**
Kindergarten, requirements, SB 515**
Legislative declaration, SB 515**
Provisions repealed, AB 378†
Cleaning and maintenance products used in schools, requirements, SB 25**
Contracts regarding disclosure of data pertaining to pupils, required provisions, AB 221**
Conversion to charter school
Achievement charter schools, procedures, applicability of laws, SB 509*, AB 448*
Exemption from prohibition, SB 77
Courses of instruction
AIDS and the human reproductive system, SB 301D, AB 375†
Computer science, requirements, SB 295
Cursive handwriting, elementary schools, SB 287D
English language arts
Common Core State Standards, regulations voided, SB 290D, AB 303D
Model curriculum for, provisions repealed, SB 290D, AB 303D
Ethnic studies, SB 211
Financial literacy, SB 220
Foreign and world languages, standards of content and performance, SB 25**
Lesson plans, duties of principals, AB 349D
Common Core State Standards, regulations voided, SB 290D, AB 303D
Financial literacy, instruction to be included in mathematics course, SB 220†
Model curriculum, provisions repealed, SB 290D, AB 303D
Multicultural education, AB 234**
Personal safety of children, SB 394*
Physical education, requirements, pupil participation, reports, SB 178D
Social studies, AB 234**
Crises or emergencies
Development committees, duties, SB 205**, AB 218
Emergency drills, requirements, SB 205**, AB 218
Emergency manager, designation, duties, AB 218
Local law enforcement agency responding to school, duties, AB 321**
Model plan for management of crisis or emergency, requirements, SB 205**
Response plan, requirements, SB 205**, AB 218
"School resource officer," definition, duties, AB 218
Disturbing the peace by using vile or indecent language, repeal of provisions, SB 212**, AB 216D
Early childhood education programs
Funding, SB 515**
Quality and evaluation measures to be prescribed, SB 126†
Elementary schools
AIDS and the human reproductive system, instruction prohibited, AB 375†
Cursive handwriting, instruction in, SB 287D
First grade, developmental screening tests, requirements, SB 345D
Physical activity by pupils, policy to encourage, adoption, SB 178D
Empowerment schools
Approval of operation, basis for, SB 77
Physical education courses, requirements, waivers prohibited, SB 178†
Age for enrollment, requirements, SB 345D
Average daily enrollment, reporting requirements, SB 508**
List of schools exceeding enrollment capacity, publication of information, SB 390**
Examinations and assessments
Criterion-referenced examination
Administration, requirements, SB 75**
Alternative examination for administration to certain pupils enrolled in grade 3, regulation, SB 391*
Grades 9-12, duty of State Board to prescribe examinations, SB 25**
Reading, score required for promotion to grade 4, regulation, SB 391*
Disabilities, pupils with, adaptive behavior assessments, AB 284D
Early literacy screening assessment, requirements, AB 341**
Education savings accounts, pupils receiving instruction through, requirements, SB 302*
End-of-course examinations, provisions repealed, SB 290D, AB 303D
Informational pamphlets, requirements, SB 25**, SB 290D, AB 303D
School personnel, penalty for breaching security or confidentiality of questions and answers, SB 463**
First grade, developmental screening tests, requirements, SB 345D
High schools
Academic plans of pupils enrolled in 11th grade, requirements, AB 374D
Career pathways in certain fields, distribution of information, SB 295
College and career readiness
Eleventh grade pupils, procedures, AB 374D
Grant program, SB 515**
Commencement of school day, time for, SB 211†
Criteria for receipt, SB 290D, SB 295, AB 303D
State Seal of Biliteracy, AB 166**
Ethnic studies, course of instruction to be offered, SB 211
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D
Individual graduation plans for certain pupils, establishment, SB 461
Physical education, requirements, SB 178†
Transcripts, receipt of State Seal of Biliteracy to be noted on, AB 166**
Junior high schools and middle schools
Financial literacy course, requirements, SB 220
Grants, funding of certain services and programs, reports, SB 347
Time for commencement of school day, SB 211†
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, SB 58†
AIDS and the human reproductive system, instruction prohibited, AB 375†
Full-day kindergarten, funding, SB 515**
Minutes of daily instruction, age of enrollment, SB 345D
Pupil-teacher ratios, requirements, SB 515**
Law enforcement agency responding to call for assistance, duties, AB 321**
Library books, certain duties repealed, SB 25**
Lockdowns, procedures, SB 205**, AB 218
Malicious interference with or disturbance of persons peaceably assembled, prohibited acts, SB 212**, AB 216D
Medical waste, protocols and procedures required, AB 285**
Motor vehicles located on property, weapons within vehicle authorized, requirements, AB 2D, AB 148D
Peace officers, use of portable event recording device on school property authorized, SB 111*, AB 162*, AB 403
Prekindergarten programs, standards and measures to be prescribed, SB 126
Pupil-teacher ratios (See Class-size reduction, this heading)
Reading and literacy (See SCHOOL PUPILS)
Safe and respectful learning environment
Appeal of decisions of principal, SB 204D
"Bullying," definition, SB 504**
Bullying Prevention Account, administration, SB 504**
Civil action for damages or injunction authorized, SB 204D
Complaints, authority of parent or guardian to file, SB 504**
Counseling, intervention or other psychological services, SB 204D
Discipline of pupils responsible for bullying or cyber-bullying, guidelines, requirements, SB 204D
Employees and volunteers, special duty of care toward pupils, SB 204D
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, duties, authority of pupil to file complaint, SB 204D
Legislative declaration, SB 204D, SB 504**, AB 112*
Mandamus, authority of parent to petition court to compel certain performance by school official, SB 504**
Notice to parents or guardians, additional information to be provided, AB 206**
Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, creation, SB 504**
Personnel, penalties for violation of laws, SB 504**
Policy of Department of Education, requirements, AB 112*
Safety plans, requirements, SB 204D
School safety teams, duties, SB 204D
Safe-to-Tell-Program, establishment, SB 338*
Safety in public schools, conference regarding, attendance, AB 218
Scholarship organizations, donations to, tax credits, reports, AB 165**
School-based decision making, exclusions from program, SB 77
School-based health centers, immunity from liability, SB 292**
School service providers, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 463**
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Career pathways, distribution of information, SB 295
Events recognizing pupils demonstrating exemplary achievement, requirements, SB 236, AB 485**
Professional development training, requirements, SB 295, SB 474**
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, creation, duties, AB 421**
Statewide system of accountability
Achievement charter schools, conversion of certain low-performing schools to, AB 448*
Alternative performance framework to evaluate schools, SB 460**, AB 446D
Annual rating of schools, consideration based upon school's performance for 2014-2015 school year prohibited, SB 460†, AB 446D
Automated system of accountability information, data concerning individual students, requirements, AB 221**
Boards of trustees, grounds for revising membership, AB 339D
Charter school enrollment, preferences authorized for certain pupils attending low-performing schools, SB 390**
Early literacy screening assessment results, contents of accountability reports, AB 341†
Free or reduced-price lunches, contents of accountability reports, AB 107*
Grants and other financial support for low-rating schools, requirements, SB 460**, SB 515**
Limited English proficient pupils, contents of accountability reports, AB 290D
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, SB 77, SB 432**, AB 30**
Reading deficiency, number of pupils retained in grade 3, contents of accountability reports, SB 391*
Turnaround schools, designation, procedures following, SB 77, SB 92**
Victory schools, designation, SB 432**
Victory schools, designation, funding, SB 432**, SB 515**
Weapons located in motor vehicles on property authorized, requirements, AB 487
Advisory Council on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, transfer to Office, AB 485**
Director, duties, AB 485**
Composition, duties, AB 485**
Events recognizing pupils demonstrating exemplary achievement
Appropriation, SB 236
Meetings, requirements, SB 236, AB 485**
Per diem and travel expenses authorized, AB 485**
Prospective expiration repealed, AB 485**
Transfer from Department of Education to Office of Science, Innovation and Technology, AB 485**
School pupils, contents of notice to parent or guardian, AB 206**
Firearms, petitions to restore right to own or possess, procedures, AB 357D
Insurance Commissioner, authority to inspect sealed records, SB 67**
Juvenile sex offenders subject to community notification, sealing of records prohibited, SB 99††
Medicaid fraud, petitions for sealing records, requirements, AB 48**
Schools, confidential information provided to Safe-to-Tell Program and disclosed in lower court, SB 338*
Waiting period before petition, shortening for certain crimes, SB 319D
Constables, duties, liability, SB 285**
Drones, restrictions on acts of law enforcement agencies, SB 280D, AB 239*
Electronic submissions and issuance, authorization, SB 52**
Execution of warrants, duties of peace officers, AB 397D
Requirements for issuance, AB 397D
Bill draft requests, requirements, deadline for submission, AB 495*
Business license, state (See also BUSINESS LICENSES)
Transfer of certain duties to Department of Taxation, SB 252
Charitable organizations, duties, AB 50**
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Constitutional convention delegates, filing of oath, SB 274
Consumer protection associations, duties, SB 401†
Document preparation services, duties, AB 65**
Documents filed with Office, regulation, SB 197*, AB 65**
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Employment Security Division, receipt of information from, SB 59**, AB 364**
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolished, AB 300
Fictitious address program, transfer of regulatory authority, SB 60**
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, notices regarding, duties, SB 197*
Marijuana financial services cooperatives, incorporation, duties, SB 283D
Mental Health, Interstate Compact on, duties, SB 35**
Motor Vehicles, Department of, consultations, SB 248†
National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, duties, AB 336D
Notaries public, duties, immunities, AB 65**
Salary schedule for certain elected officers, receipt, AJR 10‡
Securities Division
Crowdfunding websites, duties, SB 365D, AB 258†
Federal JOBS Act, duties of Administrator, AB 51**
Taxation, Department of, receipt of information from Division, SB 483**
Taxes collected from businesses, repeal of provision regarding certain meetings, SB 59**, AB 364**
Term limits, repeal, SJR 18D
Aged or vulnerable persons
Duties, AB 51**
Penalties for violations, AB 51**
Business tax, applicability, AB 464
Local governments, purchase of commercial paper, AB 196
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Crowdfunding websites, registration of issuers, exemptions, SB 365D, AB 258†
Insurers, authorized investments, requirements, SB 67**
State and local governments, authorized investments, AB 196
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Citations, grounds, contents, hearings, AB 72D
County commissioners, authority to regulate operation of certain vehicles, SB 263**
Sidewalks, operation of certain emergency vehicles on sidewalk authorized, SB 263**
Industrial cannabis, regulation of seed breeders, SB 305†
Potatoes, release of imported goods without inspection authorized, AB 79**
Violations, civil penalties, AB 79**
Cigarette rolling machines, unlicensed operation, AB 83**
Divorce of veterans with service-connected disability, seizure of benefits by court prohibited, AB 140*
Drones, authority of peace officers, procedures, SB 280D
Forfeiture proceedings, requirements, SB 138*
Medical marijuana, grounds for return of seized property, SB 447**
Peace officers, duties, reports, SB 138*
Return of unlawfully seized property, motion for, SB 191*
Deadly force, use, immunity from liability, SB 175**, AB 171D
"Justifiable homicide," definition, presumptions, SB 175**, AB 171D
Controlled substances, certain possession offenses, SB 367D
Defendant, waiver of right to be present at sentencing, requirements, SB 55*
Determinate sentencing in lieu of discretionary parole system, study, SCR 5
Juvenile courts, enforcement of certain civil judgments, certain procedures repealed, AB 46**
Leaving scene of certain accidents, penalty increased, suspension of sentence prohibited, SB 245*
Minor sentenced to term of imprisonment, term to be served in juvenile detention facility until 18 years of age, AB 260D
Offenses committed when offender less than 18 years of age
Life without possibility of parole, sentence prohibited, AB 267*
Mitigating factors in sentencing, consideration, AB 267*
Plea agreements, procedures upon acceptance by magistrate, AB 193†
Presentence investigations (See PRESENTENCE INVESTIGATIONS)
Sentence credits, study concerning use, SB 454
Solicitation of child for prostitution, suspension of sentence prohibited, AB 214**
Suspension of sentence, duties of district court clerks, AB 69*
Traffic control, enhanced penalties for certain violations, SB 144*, SB 152D
Divorce of veterans with service-connected disability, awards of spousal support, restrictions, AB 140*
Postjudgment motion to adjudicate community property, authority to file, time limit for certain motions, SB 395†, AB 362*
Common carriers, exemption from prohibitions, AB 157*
Cosmetological establishments, requirements, AB 246*
Employers, exemption from prohibitions, AB 157*
Hair-braiding establishments, requirements, AB 246*
Public accommodations, places of, exemption from prohibitions, AB 157*
Use by person with any disability authorized, AB 157*
Vehicle protection product warranties, licensing and regulation, AB 365D
Common-interest communities, abatement of sewage leaks, authority of association, AB 254D
Graywater, collection and use for single-family residence, regulation, reports, AB 169
Resource plans, modifications authorized, procedures, SB 87**
Violations, civil penalties, SB 86**
Employment, remedies authorized by Commission for discrimination, SB 190D, AB 304D
Equal Rights Amendment, ratification, SJR 16D
Occupational qualifications, exemptions limited, SB 190D, AB 304D
Advisory Council for Community Notification, creation, SB 99†
Assessment of prisoners before parole hearing, AB 45**
Change of information, duty of offender following, SB 99††
College or university employees, sexual conduct with students, applicability of laws, SB 99††, SB 192*
Community notification, requirements, SB 99††
Juvenile court, procedures following adjudication for sexual offense, registration and community notification, SB 99††
Lifetime supervision
Eligibility for release, procedures, SB 99††
Offenses for which imposed, SB 99††
Violations of conditions, where deemed to have occurred, SB 99††
Registration of offender, requirements, duties, petitions to terminate, SB 99††
School employees or volunteers, sexual conduct with pupils, applicability of laws, SB 99††, SB 192*
"Sexual offense," definition, AB 208D
Sexually violent predators
Petitions to declare offender as, SB 99††
Record of registration, contents, SB 99†
"Tier II offender" and "Tier III offender," definitions, SB 99††
Criminal prosecutions, admissibility of expert testimony, AB 49*
Victims convicted of certain crimes, vacation of judgment authorized, AB 108*
Criminal actions, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Minor or vulnerable persons, admissibility of expert testimony, AB 49*
Prisoners, acts involving, penalty, AB 16*
Children under 14 years of age, applicability of laws, AB 49*
Counties, reimbursement for cost of sexual assault examinations, SB 454
Criminal actions
Limitation on time to commence action extended, AB 212*
Psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Fictitious address program, transfer of regulatory authority, SB 60**
Veterans suffering sexual trauma
Programs for, establishment, SB 268**
Study of issues, SB 268†
Educational personnel, prohibited acts involving pupils or students, penalties, SB 192*, AB 49*
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, AB 49*
Sexual abuse of a prisoner, penalty, AB 16*
Sexual conduct with certain persons, penalty, AB 16*
"Unauthorized custodial conduct," definition, penalty, AB 16*
Bullying or cyber-bullying of school pupils, authority to file complaint with Nevada Equal Rights Commission, SB 204D
Common-interest communities, retaliatory actions against units' owners, prohibited acts, AB 149D
Conversion therapy, prohibited acts by psychotherapists, SB 353
Discrimination, prohibited acts, SB 164D, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
First degree murder, aggravating circumstances, SB 164D
Marriage, repeal of provision limiting recognition of certain marriages, SB 395†, SJR 13 of the 77th SessionD
Transportation network companies, prohibited acts, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Regulation, AB 246*
Declaration of sheep, duties of State Department of Agriculture, AB 77**, AB 79†
Proceeds from tax, use, AB 77**
Rate of tax, cap raised, AB 77†
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Constables, authorization to receive and execute certain process, writs or warrants, provisions repealed, SB 285**
Crime against a child, registration of offenders, duties, SB 99††
Eviction notices, service, duties, AB 386*
Federal law enforcement agencies, duties of sheriff, AB 283D, AB 408
Firearm safety courses, provision of information, SB 350, AB 148†
Firearms, authority to carry in presence of foster child or on premises of certain homes, duties, AB 167**
Forcible entry or detainer, removal of unlawful or unauthorized occupant, AB 386*
Jails or detention facilities
Identification card and certain assistance, provision to prisoners upon release, duties, SB 279D
Overcrowding, procedures to alleviate in certain counties, SB 369D
Medical marijuana, authority to preclude use by employees, SB 447**
Mopeds, duties, SB 404**, AB 168D
Off-highway vehicles, authority to register, duties, fees, AB 217
Portable event recording devices, use, duties, SB 111†, AB 162*, AB 403
Real Estate Division investigators, assistance to, AB 317D
Salary, increase, authority not to receive any part of salary, SB 482**
Sale of property under execution, license unnecessary for liquor sold at sale, SB 285**
Acts or threats of bodily harm, reports, procedures, AB 321†
Crisis or emergency at school, notification of other schools, duties, AB 321**
Location and other pertinent information, receipt from schools, AB 321**
"Resource officer," definition, duties, AB 218
Responding to calls for assistance, duties, AB 321**
Safety in public schools, attendance at certain conference, AB 218
School police officers, contracts to provide to charter schools, AB 321**
Sex offenders, registration, duties, SB 99††
Sheriffs and Chiefs Association (See NEVADA SHERIFFS AND CHIEFS ASSOCIATION)
Statewide criminal justice information sharing database, duties, SB 454
SWAT teams, conditions and procedures for deployment, AB 397D
Switchblade knives, duties repealed, SB 141D, SB 176**
Unincorporated areas of county, designation as primary law enforcement officers in, AB 283D, AB 408
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Suspension or revocation of license, procedures, AB 142D
Burglary, acts constituting, AB 174D
Advisory Committee Concerning Sickle Cell Anemia, abolishment, AB 199**
Screening, duties of State Board of Health, AB 199†
"Admission or amusement services," definition, taxation, SB 426, AB 392
Attorney General, receipt of complaints concerning charges, authority extended, AB 481**
Candidates for office, deadline for verifying certain petitions, SB 499*
Data collectors, security of personal information, applicability of laws, AB 179†
Initiative and referendum petitions, requirements, SB 434
Interception of communications, applications for judicial orders, facsimile copy of signature authorized, SB 52**, AB 433
Notarial acts
Authentication of signature of notary, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 65**
Certificates evidencing, signature requirements, SB 446*
Off-highway vehicles, registration applications, requiring notarized signature from owner prohibited, SB 278D
Election register, electronic signature required, SB 435
Inability to sign, procedures in event of, AB 462*
Registration, use of electronic facsimile of signature, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 331
Verification at polling place, procedure when signatures differ, AB 462*
Adoption or permanent free care of child, prohibited advertisements, penalty, AB 8*
Closure or temporary closure of state parks, monuments and recreational areas, public notice, AB 398D
Emission inspection stations, requirements, SB 386
Health care facilities in larger counties, duties, SB 361D
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, certain businesses and establishments to post notice, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D, AB 354D
Liquid nicotine, notice regarding unlawful sales, SB 225*
Mental health facilities, requirements regarding informed consent, duties, AB 396D
Outdoor advertising on certain county maintained property authorized, requirements, SB 199D
Pedestrian safety zones, requirements, SB 144*, SB 152D
School and school crossing zones, requirements, SB 152D
State Forester Firewarden, authority to prohibit or restrict activity on land under jurisdiction, duties, AB 34**
Vapor products or alternative nicotine products, notice regarding unlawful sales, SB 225*
Wellness services, required disclosures, AB 295**
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, AB 495*
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 355
Board of Directors, membership, compensation, meetings, AB 86**
Constitutional prohibitions on exchanges, adoption, SJR 14D
Drug formularies, publication of information, SB 328
Embedded pediatric dental plans, prohibitions, SB 137†
Patient-centered medical homes, regulation, SB 6†
Repeal, AB 368D
State-based exchange unnecessary, AB 86**
Common-interest communities, retaliatory actions against units' owners, prohibited acts, AB 149D
Authority to bring separate action to recover damages, provisions repealed, SB 444†
Legislative findings and declaration, SB 444*
Monetary relief under certain circumstances, provisions repealed, SB 444†
Special motion to dismiss, procedures, SB 444*
Agriculture, State Department of, regulation, AB 77**
Calves under 4 weeks of age, certain prohibition repealed, AB 77**
"Food establishment," exemption of certain facilities from definition, AB 79**
Inspections, violations, penalties, repeal of exemptions, AB 77**
Return of processed carcasses, civil penalties for violations, AB 77**
Violations, civil penalties for certain violations, AB 77**
Administrative regulations, statements by state agencies regarding small business, requirements, AB 492
Civil judgments pending appeal, amount of bond to secure stay of execution, SB 134**
Entrepreneur-in-residence program, establishment, SB 344D
Existing businesses, pilot program to encourage growth and expansion, creation, appropriation, SB 182D, AB 399**
Loans to certain businesses owned by minorities or women, creation and funding of program, SB 323
Veterans (See VETERANS)
Justice courts, monetary limit for jurisdiction, AB 66*
Definition, applicability of laws, SB 201D
E-cigarettes (See E-CIGARETTES)
Electronic smoking devices, use prohibited in certain places, penalties, SB 201D
Marijuana, prohibited acts, penalty, IP 1D
Motor vehicles, smoking in vehicle in presence of minor prohibited, penalties, AB 322D
Nevada System of Higher Education, additional restrictions authorized, SB 339D
Pharmacists, authority to furnish prescription drugs and devices related to tobacco cessation without prescription, duties, SB 357
Public safety personnel, effect of tobacco use on certain occupational disease claims, SB 153*
State Forester Firewarden, authority to prohibit or restrict activity on land under jurisdiction, duties, penalty for violations, AB 34**
Chiropractors, unprofessional conduct, AB 231*
Cyber-bullying (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Safe and respectful learning environment)
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 434D
Gaming devices incorporating advanced technology, regulations to encourage manufacture, SB 9**
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, AB 49*
Political parties, publications relating to county conventions, SB 421, AB 302
Public engagement by state agencies, requirements, AB 236**
Board of Examiners for Social Workers
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Criminal history records, dissemination to Board authorized, AB 89**
Legislative Committee on Health Care, duty to submit regulations removed, AB 492
Psychiatric training of certain persons, regulations, SB 7**, AB 91D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
By endorsement, requirements, fees, SB 68**, AB 89**
Continuing education requirements, AB 93*
Fees, AB 89†
Provisional license, issuance, AB 89†
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Mental health professionals
Admissions of persons to facility, authority, SB 7**, AB 91D
Privileged communications, exceptions, SB 240*
Release of persons from facility, authority, SB 7**, AB 38D, AB 91D
School personnel, grant program, SB 515**, AB 218
Sexual orientation conversion therapy, prohibited acts, SB 353
Threats by patients, duties, SB 15*, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Veterans' facilities, authority regarding admissions, AB 184D
Peer support specialists, supervision, AB 85†
Provider of health care, social workers included as, applicability of laws, SB 84**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Schools, employment at, duty to provide certain services, AB 218†
Suicide assessment, screening and referral, instruction in, requirements, AB 294D
"Treatment provider" for substance abusers under court order, definition, procedures, AB 81**
State business license, grounds for suspension, AB 364**
Charitable contributions, prerequisites for solicitation, penalties, AB 50*
Foreign trust companies, requests to engage in solicitation of business, fees, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 123
Prostitution, penalties for solicitation of child, AB 214**
Sex trafficking or involuntary servitude, victims of, vacation of judgment of conviction for loitering for purposes of solicitation, AB 108*
Telephone solicitations, enforcement authority of Attorney General extended, AB 481**
Contractors, use of materials recovery facility for disposal of solid waste, study, SB 122
Landfills, duty to take recreational vehicles for disposal, requirements, SB 110**
Vehicles to be dismantled for parts, exemption from solid waste laws, SB 281**
Supply and allocation of water, representation on study committee, AB 455
Charter amendments
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, AB 177
City Manager, powers, SB 118**
Council members, election by ward, SB 368D, SB 457 of the 77th Session, AB 458D
Municipal Judges, employees, powers, SB 118**
Nonpartisan offices, certain primary election winners declared elected, SB 5†
Procedure for amending charter, SB 71D
Dillon's Rule, abolishment, AB 413D, AB 493**
Fires, duties of fire protection entities in Washoe County, SB 185*
Room tax
Rate increase, distribution of proceeds, AB 411D
Tourism promotion district, creation, imposition of room tax to support, SB 312**
Amount of tax imposed, AB 32**
County fuel taxes
Additional taxes in certain counties, authority to impose, AB 191*
Highway construction, maintenance and repair, deposit and use of certain taxes, AB 191*
Requests for reimbursements by interstate users, SB 21**
Dyed fuel, operation or maintenance on highway of vehicle containing, applicability of laws, SB 155*
Factors for conversion of volumetric measurements for liquefied petroleum gas and liquefied natural gas, AB 32**
Farmers and ranchers, refunds for bulk purchases, SB 155*
Motor carriers, audit of compliance with international agreements, SB 465D
"Special fuel dealer," definition, AB 32**
Tax returns filed by dealers or manufacturers, requirements, AB 32**
Boy Scouts plates, duties, AB 449*
Charitable organizations receiving plate fees, duties, receipt of reports, AB 189**
Girl Scouts plates, duties, AB 449*
Second Amendment plates, duties, SB 229*
School pupils, rights, complaint procedure, AB 120**
Maximum increased, SB 2*
Pedestrian safety zones, penalties for violations, SB 144*, SB 152D
School and school crossing zones, penalties for violations, SB 152D
School buses transporting pupils, requirements, SB 410**
Creation, AB 421**
Emergency medical services, requirements, exemption, AB 308**
Live entertainment tax (See LIVE ENTERTAINMENT TAX)
Nevada System of Higher Education, restrictions on concealed firearms, SB 350
Race books and sports pools (See GAMING)
Stock car racing, exemption from admission and amusement services tax, criterion, SB 426, AB 392
Unarmed combat (See UNARMED COMBAT)
Wagering, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 40*
Creation, duties, SB 450
Designation as official state dance, AB 123D
Convicted persons, prohibitions regarding firearms, penalties, SB 187D
Fictitious address program, transfer of regulatory authority, SB 60**
Enactment, SB 157*
Sports Pool Telecast Access Committee, nominations, SB 450
Charitable lotteries, operation, procedure, SB 38**
Indigent Defense Commission, duties, SB 451
Judicial Discipline, Commission on, appointment of alternate members, AB 68**
Statewide criminal justice information sharing database, duties, SB 454
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, creation, SB 125
Attorney's fees and litigation expenses, recovery by prevailing party in certain criminal actions, procedures, limitations, SB 186*
Criminal investigations, assistance from Investigation Division authorized upon request, SB 42
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, creation, SB 20**
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, interpreters to be available, AB 200**
Disabilities, persons with, identification as person who is blind or person with a disability, prohibited acts by agency, SB 248†
Drones, operation by public agency, requirements, AB 239*
Entrepreneur-in-residence program, establishment, SB 344D
Environmental Policy Act, Nevada, enactment, SB 277D
Grants that will be unexpended by end of period for which grant was made, notice requirements, SB 473**
Group insurance, premium holiday, SB 505**
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 300
Legal notices, publication on Internet website authorized, restrictions and requirements, AB 479D
Occupations and professions (See specific occupation or profession)
Office space, lease of rooms outside of state buildings, requirements, AB 59**
Personnel Commission (See PERSONNEL COMMISSION)
Public engagement, requirements, AB 236**
Religion, burden on free exercise by governmental entities restricted, remedies, SB 272D, AB 277D
Residency of members, requirements, AB 118D, AB 177, AB 381D
State and Local Government Cooperation Act, enactment, SB 157*
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, AB 495*
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, duties, SB 149D
Criminal convictions, collection and distribution of fines, administrative assessments, fees or restitution, duties, SB 454
Cultural Resources, Fund for the Preservation and Promotion of, duties, SB 20**
Debts owed to state agencies, duties, SB 26**, AB 14*, AB 429D
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolished, AB 300
Fictitious address program, funding, duties, SB 60**
General appropriations legislation, duties, SB 514**
Hearing Aid Specialists, Board of, duties regarding Board's funds and accounts, AB 115†
Highway Fund, State, duties, AB 491**
K-12 Public Education Stabilization Account, duties, SB 424
Malfeasance in office by ceasing to reside in State, AB 118D
Motor Vehicles, Department of, transfers of certain money, duties, AB 490**
Property tax levy by State, duties, AB 491**
Public Works Division, State, transfer of money for capital projects, SB 149D
Revenue shortfall, transfers to General Fund to offset, duties, SB 506**
Sheep Inspection Account, State, duties, AB 77**
Specialty court program fee, continuation, duties, SB 483**
Stabilize the Operation of State Government, Account to, duties, SB 490**, SB 514**
State Distributive School Account, duties, SB 515**
Supplemental appropriation, AB 441
Temporary advances of money, notices, duties, SB 514**, AB 490**, AB 491**
Term limits, repeal, SJR 18D
Tobacco settlement money, duties, AB 490**
Square dance, designation as state dance, AB 123D
Attorney's fees and litigation expenses, recovery by prevailing party in certain criminal actions, procedures, limitations, SB 186*
Charter agencies, designation, effect, AB 104
Criminal investigations, assistance from Investigation Division, SB 42
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, interpreters to be available, AB 200**
Disabilities, persons with, identification as person who is blind or person with a disability, prohibited acts by agency, SB 248†
Drones, operation by public agency, requirements, AB 239*
Entrepreneur-in-residence program, establishment, SB 344D
Environmental Policy Act, Nevada, enactment, SB 277D
Grants that will be unexpended by end of period for which grant was made, notice requirements, SB 473**
Group insurance, premium holiday, SB 505**
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 300
Internet protocol service, duties of providers and agencies, SB 289†
Legal notices, publication on Internet website authorized, restrictions and requirements, AB 479D
Office space, lease of rooms outside of state buildings, requirements, AB 59**
Public engagement, requirements, AB 236**
Religion, burden on free exercise by governmental entities restricted, remedies, SB 272D, AB 277D
State and Local Government Cooperation Act, enactment, SB 157*
STATE ENGINEER (See also generally WATER)
Administrative Procedure Act, applicability of laws, AB 355
Channel clearance program, duties, AB 430
Study of supply and allocation of water, member of study committee, AB 455
Abandoned Property Trust Account
Sources, AB 18D
Transfer of certain money to Teachers' School Supplies Reimbursement Account, SB 133**
ABLE Savings Program Trust Fund, Nevada, creation, sources, use, SB 419**
Agricultural Registration and Enforcement Account, sources, SB 488†
Air Quality, Account for the Management of, use, SB 438D, SB 506**
Air Service Development Fund, Nevada, creation, appropriation, SB 125
Anatomical Gift Account, donations to, SB 206**
Appropriations generally (See APPROPRIATIONS)
Athletic Commission's Agency Account, sources, AB 476**
Attorney General's Special Fund, transfer of money, SB 506†
Aviation, Fund for, appropriation, SB 514**
Behavioral Health Treatment and Prevention money, transfer, SB 506**
Bond reserve funds, transfer of money, SB 506†
Colorado River Commission, requirements, SB 46
Legislature, procedure for proposed annual sessions, SJR 8 of the 77th Session
Personnel administration costs, estimates, AB 470**
Public Utilities Commission, requirements, SB 46
Revision of work program, certain approvals unnecessary, AB 20**
State Engineer, requirements, SB 65†
Catalyst Account
Appropriation, SB 514**
Grants or loans from, reporting requirements, SB 507**
Transfer of money, SB 506**
Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program, Account for, appropriation, AB 430
Child Care, Fund for the Mitigation of the Cliff Effect on Financial Assistance for, creation, appropriation, SB 364
Cigarettes, Account for the Tax on, deposits, SB 455, SB 483**
College Savings Trust Fund, Nevada, sources, SB 302†, SB 412*
Commercial Feed Account, creation, SB 488*, SB 495D
Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, Account for
Repeal, AB 233†
Sources, AB 475†
Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund
Bond Interest and Redemption Account, transfer of money for capital improvement programs, AB 491**
Deposits, SB 149D
Consumer Affairs Division, revolving account for, administration, AB 481**
Consumer Protection, Account for the Bureau of, transfer of money, SB 506†
Contingency Account
Appropriation, SB 497**
Requests for allocations, SB 240*, SB 515**
Cultural Resources, Fund for the Preservation and Promotion of, SB 20**, SB 27**
Debt Recovery Account, sources, AB 429D
Debts owed to state agencies, procedures, SB 26**, AB 14*, AB 429D
Disaster Relief Account, transfer of money, SB 506**
Emergency Account, appropriation to restore balance, SB 497**
Emergency medical services training money, transfers to General Fund, SB 506†
Energy Assistance and Conservation, Fund for, reports, distributions, AB 73**
Financial Institutions, Investigative Account for, sources, AB 325*
Foreclosure Mediation, Account for
Prospective repeal, SB 512*
Requests for allocations, SB 512**
Gaming Control Board, debts owed to, procedures, AB 14*
Governmental services tax, deposits in General Fund, requirements, SB 149D
Health Facilities Hospital Licensing money, transfer, SB 506†
Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund, Nevada, sources, SB 302†, SB 412*
Higher Education Student Loan Fund, repeal, SB 215D
Highway Fund, State, funding for capital improvements, AB 491**
Home Retention Program, Nevada, transfer of money, SB 506†
Hospital Assessment Account, repeal, AB 41**
Hospital Care to Indigent Persons, Fund for, procedures, powers of Board of Trustees, AB 41**
Human Trafficking, Contingency Account for Victims of, use, emergency allocations, AB 214**
Impaired Speech or Hearing, Account for Services for Persons with, use, AB 200**
Indigent Defense Account, creation, SB 451
Industrial Cannabis Account, creation, SB 305†
Industrial Relations, Division of, debts owed to, procedures, AB 14*
Information Services, Fund for, sources, SB 72
Insurance Administration and Enforcement, Fund for, balance requirements, sources, AB 486**
Insurance Commissioners Account, National Association of, abolishment, AB 486**
Insurance Costs Account, Stabilization of, abolishment, AB 486**
Insurance Examination Account, abolishment, AB 486**
Insurance Fund, State
Authorized investments, AB 196
Use, AB 255
Insurance Recovery Account, sources, AB 486**
Investments, authority, AB 196
Judicial Retirement Fund, sources, SB 406**
Knowledge Account
Appropriation, SB 514**
Nonreversion of money, SB 514**
Transfer of money, SB 506**
Land Management, Revolving Account for, sources, AB 408†
Legislative Fund (See LEGISLATURE)
Legislators, voluntary transfer of portion of salary to General Fund, ACR 2‡
License Plate Production Account, sources, AB 484**
Livestock Inspection Account, sources, SB 488**
Local Government Pooled Investment Fund
Agreements for loans to local governments, repayment, SB 415D, AB 412
Note evidencing loan from State, extension of provisions, SB 415D, AB 412
Medical Assistance to Indigent Persons, Supplemental Account for
Repeal, AB 41**
Transfer of certain money, SB 506†
Medical marijuana, certain money, transfers to General Fund, SB 506†
Medically Indigent, Fund for the Institutional Care of the, repeal of Fund and Board of Trustees, AB 41**, AB 456**
Minerals, Account for the Division of, sources, SB 44**
Mortgage Lending, Account for, sources, AB 480*
Motor Vehicle Fund, sources, SB 280D, AB 484**
Motorcycle Riders, Account for the Program for the Education of, use, SB 142**
National Association of Insurance Commissioners Account, abolishment, AB 486**
Nevada Indian Commission's Gift Fund, creation, SB 63**
Nevada Main Street Program, Fund for the, creation, SB 51D
Nevada State Prison, Endowment Fund for the Historic Preservation of the, creation, AB 377**
Nevada Will Always Remember Veterans Gift Account, creation, AB 62**
Notary Public Training Account, transfer of money, SB 506†
Off-Highway Vehicle Titling and Registration, Revolving Account for the Administration of, sources, use, SB 492**, AB 217†
Off-Highway Vehicles, Account for, sources, SB 492**, AB 217
Ombudsman for Offenders, Account for, creation, SB 279D
Patriot Relief Account
Appropriation, SB 514**
Use, AB 472††
Petroleum, Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of, authorized expenditures, SB 89**, AB 77**
Pollution Control Account, sources, AB 146†
Prison Industries, Fund for New Construction of Facilities for
Transfer of certain money, SB 506†
Use, repayment, SB 96**
Problem Gambling, Revolving Account to Support Programs for the Prevention and Treatment of, transfer of money, SB 506**
Public money, reports of abuse, fraud or waste by public agency or contractor, confidentiality of information, exceptions, SB 83**
Radiation control money, transfer, SB 506†
Radioactive Waste, Fund for Care of Sites for the Disposal of, transfer of money, SB 506**
Real Estate Administration, Account for, creation, sources, use, AB 475†
Renewable Energy Account, reimbursements, AB 466**
Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account
Appropriation, SB 497**, AB 437**
State Public Defender, Office of, allocations, AB 10
Retirees' Health and Welfare Benefits Fund, State, use, SB 471**
Revenue shortfall, transfers to General Fund to offset, SB 506**
Safe-to-Tell Program Account, creation, SB 338*
Secretary of State's Operating General Fund Budget Account, use, transfer of money, SB 506**
Severe Financial Emergency Fund, loans from, duration, AB 54**
Sheep Inspection Account, State, deposits, use, AB 77**
Silver State Industries Endowment Fund, creation, AB 377**
Special License Plates, Revolving Account for the Issuance of, sources, SB 404**
Stabilization of Insurance Costs Account, abolishment, AB 486**
Stabilize the Operation of the State Government, Account to
Sources, SB 490†
Transfers of money to General Fund, SB 424, SB 490**, SB 514**
Stale Claims Account, appropriation to restore balance, SB 497**
State Highway Fund, sources, SB 324**, SB 376*, SB 439, SB 492†, AB 77**, AB 175**, AB 176**, AB 191*, AB 450
Statewide Alert System for the Safe Return of Abducted Children, Account for, creation, AB 424**
STEM Workforce Challenge Grant Fund, creation, appropriation, SB 493
Stewart Indian School, Account for the Protection and Rehabilitation of the, creation, AB 15**
Substance Abusers, Account for the Treatment of, creation, deposits, use, SB 275D
System Modernization, Revolving Account for, creation, appropriation, SB 502†
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, creation, SB 511**
Technological Crime Advisory Board, Account for the, sources, SB 138†
Tourism, Fund for the Promotion of, use, SB 506**
Trauma Registry, Fund for the State, creation, SB 189
Veterans Gift Account
Sources, SB 268**
Use, AB 482†
Veterans Who Have Suffered Sexual Trauma, Account to Assist, creation, SB 268**
Victims of Crime, Fund for the Compensation of (See VICTIMS OF CRIME)
Water District Account, use for investigations, SB 65
Weeds, Account for the Control of, sources, SB 488**, SB 495D, AB 77**, AB 79**
Wildlife Conservation and Education, Account for Nevada, creation, SB 163†
Wildlife Fund Account
Deposits, use, AB 78**, AB 82**, AB 345 of the 77th Session
Name change, AB 82**
Wildlife Heritage Trust Account
Name change, AB 82**
Use, SB 163
Workforce Development Rapid Response Investment Fund, creation, appropriation, SB 496
Common-interest communities, restrictions on display of state flag prohibited, AB 301**
Commercial activity on public lands, Congress urged to share federal receipts with State, SJR 2‡
Religion, burden on free exercise by governmental entities restricted, remedies, SB 272D, AB 277D
Rental cars, exemption from governmental services fee, AB 203**
State dance, designation, AB 123D
Title to public lands, transfer by Congress to State urged, SJR 1‡
Traps and snares, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, SB 4**
STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (See also specific officers and agencies)
Promotional appointees failing to attain permanent status, regulation, SB 62**
Requiring exceptional scientific, professional or expert qualifications, certain reporting requirement repealed, AB 61**
Campaign practices, duties of former public officers with unspent contributions, SB 293*
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, SB 403D, AB 177
Charter agencies, designation, effect, AB 104
Holiday pay, employees working four-10 schedule, SB 315D
Increase, appropriations, AB 489**
Longevity pay, repeal, AB 436**
Unclassified service, AB 489**
Criminal history of applicant or other person under consideration for employment, authorized and prohibited consideration, procedure, AB 348D
Deferred compensation plan, requirements, AB 360D
Disabilities, persons with
Filling positions without competition, SB 62**
Separation from service or disability retirement, considerations, SB 62**
Dismissal, involuntary demotion or suspension, notification requirements, SB 62*
Education, State Board of, restrictions on membership, SB 25**
Entrepreneur-in-residence program, establishment, SB 344D
Gender identity or expression, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 164D
Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)
Leave of absence for military duty, procedures, AB 388**
Legislature (See also LEGISLATURE)
Classified service, transfers to, eligibility, SB 510**
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of officer or employee, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 197*
Medical use of marijuana, requirements, disciplinary action, SB 62**
Nevada Liberty Preservation Act, adoption, penalties for violations, SB 352D
Nevada System of Higher Education, payment of fees and expenses for dependent child of public employee killed in performance of duty, AB 226D
Payroll offsets authorized to recover delinquent balances on state-issued travel charge cards, AB 24*
Public money, effect of finding of fraud, waste, abuse or corruption, AB 300
Renewable Energy Account, reimbursement by payroll deduction, AB 466**
Residency, requirements, AB 118D, AB 177, AB 381D
Schedules for retention and disposition of official state records, education and training of employees, disciplinary action for violations, AB 135*
Screening tests, requirements, SB 62*
Sexual orientation, discrimination based on prohibited, SB 164D
Work-related accidents or injuries, tests for alcohol or drugs, SB 62*
Improvements, bond issue, AB 491**
Appointment, duties, SB 451
Assessments for services to counties, AB 490**
Capital cases, representation of indigent persons, payment of expenses, AB 10
Funding of Office, requirements, county payments for services, SB 451
Indigent Defense Account, creation, SB 451
Indigent Defense Commission, creation, SB 451
Charter agencies, exemption from laws, AB 104
Connection between bidder and State, consideration as factor in award of contract, requirements, SB 325
Database of solicitations for award of contracts by state agency, maintenance, duties, AB 62†
Fraud, waste, abuse or corruption, effect of termination of contract due to, AB 300
Lowest responsible bidder, factors in consideration, SB 325†
Proposals in best interest of State, factors in consideration, SB 325
Security for bid, protest, performance or payment, types and sources, AB 345
Services, contracts for $100,000 or more, procedures, AB 353
Veterans with service-connected disability, local businesses owned and operated by, preferences, AB 62**
Abandoned or unclaimed property (See ABANDONED OR UNCLAIMED PROPERTY)
ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, regulations, duties, SB 419**
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, AB 495*
Capital improvements, duties, AB 491**
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Cultural Resources, Fund for the Preservation and Promotion of, duties, SB 20**
Education savings accounts, duties, SB 302**
Executive Branch Audit Committee, abolished, AB 300
Forfeited property, receipt, duties, SB 138†
Green banks, study of establishment, duties, SB 360**
Local Government Pooled Investment Fund, duties, SB 415D, AB 412
Malfeasance in office by ceasing to reside in State, AB 118D
Motor vehicle fuel tax, allocation, AB 490**
Nevada College Savings Program, duties, SB 412**
Nevada State Prison, Endowment Fund for the Historic Preservation of the, duties, AB 377**
Off-Highway Vehicle Titling and Registration, Revolving Account for the Administration of, duties, SB 492†
Property tax levy by State, duties, AB 491**
Public Employees' Retirement Board
Ex officio member, AB 105D
Reports, receipt, AB 190
Public works by local governments, matching grant program, duties, SB 149D
Redeposit of state money, agreements, SB 448**
Silver State Industries Endowment Fund, duties, AB 377**
Special license plate fees, duties, SB 229*, AB 449*
Term limits, repeal, SJR 18D
Transportation network companies, duties, SB 376*, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Technical corrections, AB 488**
Criminal actions, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Definition, penalties, AB 49*
Creation, duties, appropriation, SB 493
Adoption of child by stepparent, procedures, AB 151*
Activities at and uses of buildings and grounds, designation of coordinating agency for discussions, SB 63**
Repair and maintenance, funding, creation of account, AB 15**
Tow car operators, towing vehicle to other than designated vehicle storage lot, procedures, prohibited acts, penalties, requirements for administrative action, AB 385*
Unmanned aerial vehicle facilities, requirements for operation, SB 280D
Petroleum and petrochemical discharges, cleanup, funding, reimbursements, SB 89**, AB 77**
Boundary with Washoe County, revision, deadline extended, AB 417D
State Public Defender, assessment for services provided, AB 490**
Advisory Committee for the Prevention and Treatment of Stroke and Heart Disease, abolishment, duties transferred, AB 199**
Registry, establishment, reports, SB 196*
Stroke centers, duties, SB 196*
Higher Education Student Loan Program, repeal, SB 215D
Indebtedness incurred for student loans, compilation and analysis of information, reports, SB 215D
Informational material for students and prospective students, preparation and distribution, acknowledgement of receipt, SB 215D
Private lending institutions making loans to state residents, identification and ranking, publication of information, SB 215D
Refinancing program, establishment, funding, SB 215D
Agreements with local governing body for development of land, procedures, SB 66**
Fees of Real Estate Division, deposit and use, AB 478**
Violations, civil penalties, SB 86**
Bullying or cyber-bullying of school pupils, procedures following, SB 204D
Continuing education requirements for certain professions, AB 93*
Death resulting from assisted suicide not to be deemed suicide, SB 336D
Health care providers, instruction relating to suicide assessment, screening and referral, AB 294D
Veterans, suicide mortality rates, reports, AB 294D
Aircraft and component industry, tax abatements, SB 93, AB 161**
Autism behavior interventionists, certification requirements, AB 6†
Business licenses, contents of application for state license, AB 464
Business tax
Deductions for hiring certain veterans, AB 71**
Rate, threshold for imposition of tax, SB 483**
Capital improvements, reversion of certain money extended, AB 491**
Charter agencies, designation, AB 104
Child care assistance, program to mitigate cliff effect, SB 364
Clark County Sales and Use Tax Act of 2005, expiration of certain provisions, AB 494
Consumer Affairs Division, temporary elimination extended, AB 481**
Consumer Affairs Unit, operation, AB 481**
County fuel tax indexing in Clark County, contingent expiration repealed, AB 191*
Data centers and colocated businesses, tax abatements, SB 170*
Desert Regional Center, reversion of money for computer system extended, SB 514**
Economic development, pilot program to assist existing businesses, expiration, SB 182D, AB 399**
Electric utilities, energy efficiency resource plans, SB 282†
Energy assistance programs for residential property, reports, limitation on funding, AB 73†
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, status as charter agency, AB 390D
Entrepreneur-in-residence program, expiration, SB 344D
Film production in State, transferable tax credit program, SB 94**, AB 147
Financial institutions, taxes on, deductions for hiring certain veterans, AB 71**
Financial Security, Nevada Task Force on, expiration, SB 381
Firearms, certain requirement for possession after restoration of right, expiration, AB 357D
Gaming Control Board, State, applicability of Open Meeting Law, AB 40**
Governmental services tax, deposits in General Fund, continuation, SB 149D, SB 483**
Heroin-assisted treatment pilot project, expiration, SB 275D
High-Speed Rail System, Nevada, expiration, SB 457**
Insurance premium tax, expiration of home office tax credit, AB 372
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, expiration of pilot program to provide certain services, AB 307**
Judicial retirement, continuation of certain laws, SB 69**
Local Government Pooled Investment Fund, note evidencing loan to State, extension of provisions, SB 415D, AB 412
Local school support tax
Aircraft and component industry, abatement, calculation of tax imposed, SB 93, AB 161**
Exemptions, certain proposed exemptions, SB 334
Rate, temporary increase made permanent, SB 483**
Medicaid, list of preferred prescription drugs, continuation, SB 422**
Medical homes, operation of Office and Advisory Council, SB 6†
Medical marijuana dispensaries, reallocation and issuance of registration certificates, SB 276*
Mental health facilities, reports concerning certain admissions, expiration, AB 91D
Advance payment based upon estimated net proceeds and royalties, continuation, SB 483**, AB 80D
Certificate of amount due, continuation of provisions, SB 483**
Computation of net proceeds, continuation of provisions, SB 483**
Local governments, appropriation and apportionments, certain provisions continued, SB 483**
Motor Vehicles, Department of
Costs of administration, increased limit on use of certain proceeds, expiration, SB 502**
Technology fee, expiration, SB 502**
Nevada System of Higher Education
Students who are veterans, reports, AB 76**
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Campus Improvement Authority, continuation, AB 451**
Probation violators, continuation of diversion program, SB 136, AB 12**
Public Employees' Retirement System, disqualification for benefits upon return to employment, exemption for critical labor shortages continued, SB 406**
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, expiration, SB 411**
Public works
Confidentiality and disclosure of records by public bodies, AB 43**
Retainage laws, extension, SB 254**
Rainy Day Fund, transfer of money from General Fund, SB 514**
Renewable energy facilities, tax abatement for, procedures, SB 483**
Sales and use tax
Aircraft and component industry, abatement, calculation of tax imposed, SB 93, AB 161**
Exemptions, certain proposed exemptions, SB 334
Charter schools, grant program for operation of high quality schools by nonprofit organizations, expiration, SB 491**
Evaluation of teachers and administrators, weight given to pupil achievement data, SB 8D
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, expiration, SB 338*
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, prospective expiration repealed, AB 485**
Sightseeing tours, enforcement authority of Attorney General extended, AB 481**
Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, certain requirements regarding incentives, SB 282
Specialty court programs, imposition of fee continued, SB 483**
State Supplemental School Support Account, extension of certain laws, SB 515**
Substance Abuse Working Group, extension, SB 60**
Telephone solicitations, enforcement authority of Attorney General extended, AB 481**
Trade regulations and practices, enforcement authority of Attorney General extended, AB 481**
Traffic Laws, Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Violations of, expiration, SB 304, AB 281D
Transportational Storm Water Management, Advisory Committee on, expiration, SB 324**
Veterans suffering sexual trauma, programs for, expiration, SB 268**
Washoe County, certain duties of fire protection entities, SB 185*
Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, certain requirements regarding incentives, SB 282
Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, certain requirements regarding incentives, SB 282
Achievement School District, duties, AB 448**
Basic support guarantee, formula for calculating, duties, SB 508**
Biliteracy Program, State Seal of, establishment, AB 166**
Budget recommendations, duties, SB 25**
Charter schools receiving low ratings, duties, SB 509†
Class-size reduction
Duties repealed, AB 378†
Funding, duties, SB 515**
Department of Education (See EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF)
Disabilities, pupils with, duties regarding due process hearings, AB 328**
Distance education programs, allocations to providers, duties, SB 25**
Early childhood education, coordination of programs, SB 25†
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, duties, SB 474**
Expenditures, per pupil expenditures associated with certain legislative appropriations, duties, SB 508**
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, membership, SB 214†
Financial Literacy, Account for Instruction on, duties, SB 220
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, duties, SB 474**
Higher Education Student Loan Program, repeal, SB 215D
Hospitals and other facilities offering residential treatment and operating private school, duties, SB 25**
Individual graduation plans for certain pupils enrolled in high school, establishment, duties, SB 461
K-12 Public Education Stabilization Account, requests for allocations to cover shortfall in State Distributive School Account, SB 424
Parental Involvement and Family Engagement, Advisory Council on, duties, SB 25**
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, receipt of principals' plans unnecessary, AB 30**
Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, Office of, duties, SB 504**
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, membership, SB 338**
School district trustees, appointment of, duties, AB 339D
School precincts, duties regarding precinct plans, AB 394**
Special Education Services, Contingency Account for, duties, SB 508**
State Supplemental School Support Account, duties, SB 515**
Termination of employment of certain foreign citizens, notice, AB 27**
Workforce, education and skills needed in, authority to receive certain information upon request, AB 342D
Cooperative agreement required between Rehabilitation Division and Aging and Disability Services Division, AB 5**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Abortion, procedures for judicial orders, adoption of rules, AB 405
Administrative assessments, appropriation to replace shortfall, SB 469**
Arbitration and alternative dispute resolution in court system, reporting requirements repealed, AB 457**
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, AB 495*
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, interpreters to be available, AB 200**
Death penalty, time for rendering opinion on appeal repealed, AB 69*
Electronic communications, interception of, procedures, SB 52**, AB 433
Adoption of rules, AB 259D, AB 282D
Prospective repeal of mediation program, SB 512*
Indigent Defense Commission, duties, SB 451
Judicial Discipline, Commission on
Alternate members, appointment, AB 68**
Jurisdiction of Court over complaints and actions in connection with proceedings, AB 68**
Judicial Selection, Commission on, supplemental appropriation, AB 265**
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, AJR 10‡
Malfeasance in office by ceasing to reside in State, AB 118D
Reapportionment and Redistricting, Legislative Advisory Commission on, appointments, AB 252†
Salaries for Certain Elected Officials, Citizens' Commission on, appointment of member, AJR 10†
Suspension with or without pay, requirements, SB 73D
Lease of office space in Clark County, authority, SB 431**
Professional negligence, adoption of rules, SB 292**
Recycling of paper, requirements, AB 69*
Risk assessment tool used in criminal proceedings, duties, SB 454
Search warrants, adoption of rules, SB 52**
Security services provided by Capitol Police, obsolete language removed, SB 82**
Fees, publication, duties, AB 69*
List of cases, publication repealed, AB 69*
Unconstitutionality of state law or Nevada Constitution, court rulings regarding, duties, SB 60†
Consumer information program, requirements, appropriation, SB 216D
Inspections by Division, requirements, effect on renewal fees, SB 210
Medical students, prohibited acts, liability of facility for violations, SB 172**
Nursing services provided at certain facilities, requirements, staffing plans, SB 361D
Physicians, contracts for provision of services, AB 89†
Professional negligence, applicability of laws, SB 292**
Provider of health care, inclusion as, applicability of laws, SB 84**
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, AB 486**
Birth certificate of resulting child, issuance, AB 92*
Drones, unlawful acts, penalties, AB 239†
Peace officers, use of portable event recording device authorized, SB 111*, AB 162*, AB 403
Prohibitions repealed, SB 141D, SB 176**
Designation as controlled substance, SB 234D
Board of Regents, reciprocal agreement with California regarding waiver of nonresident tuition for residents of Basin encouraged, SB 414**
Improvements, bond issue, AB 491**
Nevada Fire Safe Council, Congress urged to facilitate payments to contractors, AJR 3‡
US 50/South Shore Community Revitalization Project, allocation of money, AB 450
Driver's licenses, reciprocal agreement for issuance directed, AB 383**
Sister-state relationship, 30th anniversary commemorated, SCR 8‡
Trans-Pacific Partnership, support for inclusion of Taiwan urged, SJR 20D
Aircraft and aircraft component industry, notice of tax abatements, duties, SB 93, AB 161**
Apportionment of members, requirements, AB 410†
Bankruptcy of city or county, duties, SB 475
Data centers and colocated businesses, tax abatements, receipt of reports, duties, SB 170**
Fiscal watch, governments placed on, receipt of notice, AB 54**
Insurance premium tax credits, receipt of reports, duties, AB 372
Live entertainment tax, duties, SB 266**
Local governments in severe financial emergency, powers and duties, AB 54**
Medical marijuana, taxation, duties, AB 70**
Motor carriers of passengers, excise tax, duties, SB 376*
Property tax, ratio studies and performance audits, duties, reports, AB 56D
Taxicabs, excise tax, duties, SB 376*
Technical financial assistance to local government, duties, AB 54**
Transportation network companies, excise tax, duties, SB 376*
County water projects, financing, authority to create tax increment area, AB 497**
Aircraft and aircraft component industry, duties regarding abatements and payment of sales and use taxes, SB 93, AB 161**
Business license, state, duties, SB 252, SB 483**
Business taxes and fees
Commerce tax, duties, SB 483**
Coordination of forms and collection of information, provision repealed, SB 59**, AB 364**
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee, duties, SB 378D
College savings plans, tax credits for employers matching employee contributions, duties, SB 412**
Construction materials or goods used on public works, duties, AB 332**
Data centers and colocated businesses, tax abatements, receipt of reports, SB 170*
Fiscal watch, placement of local government on, duties, AB 54**
Insurance premium tax credits, receipt of reports, AB 372
Liquid nicotine, regulation and taxation, exclusion as tobacco product, SB 79**
Liquidation of debt owed by local government, AB 54**
Live entertainment tax, duties, SB 266**
Local Government Finance, Committee on, administrative support, AB 54**
Local governments in severe financial emergency, powers and duties, AB 54**
Master Settlement Agreement money, appropriation from, AB 490**
Medical marijuana, taxation, duties, AB 70**, IP 1D
Minerals, tax on net proceeds of, duties, SB 483**, AB 80D
Motor carriers, excise tax, duties, SB 376*
New or expanding businesses, transferable tax credits, receipt of reports, SB 507**
Property taxes, ratio study and performance audits, duties, AB 56D
Sales and use tax, reports to Legislature regarding certain findings, decisions or agreements, SB 382D, AB 380**
Scholarship organizations, duties, receipt of reports, AB 165**, AB 350D
School financing, duties, SB 515**
Staffing and operational costs, appropriation, SB 514**
Tax increment areas, duties, AB 497**
Taxicabs, excise tax, duties, SB 376*
Transportation network companies, duties, SB 376*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Business licenses (See BUSINESS LICENSES)
Business tax (See BUSINESS TAX)
Business taxes and fees
Commerce tax, imposition, SB 483**
Coordination of forms and collection of information, provision repealed, SB 59**, AB 364**
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee, imposition, SB 378D
Cigarettes, rate increase, use of proceeds, SB 275D, SB 455, SB 483**
County fuel tax (See COUNTY FUEL TAXES)
Estates, authorization to tax certain large estates, SJR 19D
Financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Fiscal Analysis Division, duties regarding new or increased taxes, SB 396
Gaming (See GAMING)
Governmental services (See GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES TAX)
Hard cider, rate of excise tax, SB 342D
Initiative petition to generate public revenue, requirements for passage, AJR 8‡
Intoxicating liquors, increase in tax rate, SB 275D
Liquid nicotine, exclusion from taxation as tobacco product, SB 79**
Live entertainment tax (See LIVE ENTERTAINMENT TAX)
Livestock, declaration, AB 77**, AB 79†
Local school support (See LOCAL SCHOOL SUPPORT TAX)
Luxury discretionary spending tax, establishment, exemptions, rate, SB 426, AB 392
Mining, minerals extracted (See MINES AND MINERALS)
Motor vehicle fuel taxes, use of tax proceeds for construction, maintenance and repair of rights-of-way, AB 366**
Property (See PROPERTY TAX)
Public lands, imposition of county tax on profits from beneficial use, AB 408†
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, authority to establish, duties, SB 411**
Residential construction tax, authorized uses, AB 25**
Sales and use (See SALES AND USE TAX)
Sheep tax (See SHEEP)
Special fuel (See SPECIAL FUEL TAXES)
Transient lodging (See ROOM TAX)
Transportation network companies
Excise tax
Collection procedures, SB 376*
Imposition, AB 175**, AB 176**
Local taxes and fees restricted, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Attorney, employment, duties, AB 477**
Allocation of taxicabs, powers, SB 376*
Appeal of final decision of Authority, procedures, SB 376*
Excise tax, duties, SB 376*, AB 175**
Lease agreements between certificate holders and independent contractors, duties, SB 376*
Fare schedules, prohibited acts, SB 376*
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Transportation network companies, restrictions on acting as driver for, penalties, SB 376*
Excise tax
Collection procedures, SB 376*
Imposition, AB 175**
Fares, display of schedule on vehicles, requirements for device of system for determining, SB 376*
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 336D
Impoundment of vehicles operating without certificate, SB 184D
Lease of cAB to independent contractor authorized, restrictions, liability, SB 376*
Medicaid recipients, expansion of services for, SB 284
Name of operator, display on vehicle, SB 376*
Safety belts, effect of adult passenger's failure to wear, SB 304, AB 175*
Service animals, exemption from prohibitions, AB 157*
Suspension or revocation of license, procedures, AB 142D
Statewide performance evaluation system, duties, SB 92†, AB 447**
Insurance, coverage requirements, SB 299, AB 292**
Providers, licensing and regulation, SB 299, AB 292**
Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, ratification, SB 299
Wildlife, unlawful acts related to, SB 417**
2-1-1 system, study of funding sources for certain program, SB 269
Assistive technology, program to provide services to certain persons with disabilities, SB 419**, AB 200**
Audiologists and speech pathologists, telepractice, authority, AB 115*
Corporations, stockholders' meetings, SB 446*
Corrections, Department of, agreements authorizing use of telecommunications devices by offenders, SB 294**
County-owned telephone systems, procedures to sell or lease, SB 109**
Craft distilleries, authorized acts, AB 367D
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, establishment of centers to provide certain services, funding, AB 200**
Dentists, third party contracted with insurer to provide access to, duties, SB 341†
Elections, use of mobile devices, creation of application software, SB 203
Emergencies, false reports, prohibited acts, AB 287*
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, Uniform, adoption, AB 434D
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, certain businesses and establishments to post notice, AB 276D, AB 336D, AB 354D
Impaired speech or hearing, persons with, establishment of centers to provide certain services, funding, AB 200**
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, AB 49*
Medical discount plans, contracts with dentists, duties, SB 341*
Mental health coverage by health insurers, availability of information, SB 328
Mental health crisis hotline, establishment, SB 363D
Motor Vehicles, Department of, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, SB 3**
Prisons, sexual abuse of a prisoner, penalty, AB 16*
Providers of last resort, requirement for change in rate schedule, AB 75**
Public money, reports of abuse, fraud or waste by public agency or contractor, confidentiality of information, exceptions, SB 83**
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, establishment of standards of performance for telecommunications providers, SB 112**
Race books and sports pools, regulation of global risk management, SB 445**
Relocation of telecommunication facilities, duties of cities and counties, SB 335D
Safe-to-Tell Program, establishment, SB 338*
School service providers, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 463**
Solicitations, enforcement authority of Attorney General extended, AB 481**
Subsurface installations, penalties for violations, SB 86**
Surcharge to provide certain devices to persons with disabilities, recommendations for use, AB 200**
Adoption or permanent free care of child, prohibited advertisements, penalty, AB 8*
Child care facilities, limit on time children watch media, AB 152†
Legal notices, publication on Internet website maintained by television station authorized, restrictions and requirements, AB 479D
Sports Pool Telecast Access Committee, creation, duties, SB 450
Unarmed combat, exhibitions or contests, exclusions from license fee, television rights, AB 476**
Video service providers, map or model of infrastructure by certain local entities prohibited, requests for information restricted, SB 481**
Repeal, SJR 18D
Grounds for terminating parental rights, considerations, SB 303**
Neglect by or unfitness of parent, considerations, SB 303**
Putative fathers, definition, establishment and use of Registry, certain fees prohibited, SB 255D
Summary petitions for, procedures, SB 255D
Deceptive trade practices, penalties, AB 481†
Innkeepers, liability for theft of vehicle on premises limited, SB 256**
Insurance licensees, grounds for disciplinary action, SB 67**
Mental health professionals, duties regarding threats by patients, SB 15*, SB 240*, SB 221 of the 77th Session
School personnel, reports to law enforcement agency, procedures, AB 321†
Business tax, applicability, AB 464
Commerce fee, imposition, effect of failure to pay, SB 483**
Condominium hotels, deposits and investments, requirements, regulation, SB 389*
Execution of judgments, amount of equity in money on deposit exempt from execution increased, AB 207D
Foreclosures, duties of mortgagee or beneficiary of deed of trust to provide certain notice to Division, SB 306*, SB 512*, AB 359
Insurance of deposits, requirements, AB 480**
Judgment creditors seeking unlawfully to enforce foreign judgments from account, remedies of debtors, SB 373 of the 77th Session, AB 129†
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee, imposition, effect of failure to pay, SB 378D
Repossession of motor vehicles upon breach or default, installation of devices to remotely locate or disable vehicle, AB 228D
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Fees of Real Estate Division, deposit and use, AB 478**
Public offering statements, required disclosures, SB 320†
Purchasers, receipt of disclosure statement required, SB 320D
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, AB 486**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Business tax, applicability, AB 464
License suspension or revocation, grounds, SB 378D, SB 483**
Military, loans made to former or current members, requirements, AB 318D
Payday Lender Best Practices Act, adoption, SB 242*
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Nevada System of Higher Education, additional restrictions on tobacco authorized, SB 339D
"Products made from tobacco, other than cigarettes," term redesignated "other tobacco products", SB 79**
Public safety personnel, effect of tobacco use on certain occupational disease claims, SB 153*
"Smokeless product made or derived from tobacco," term defined, SB 225*
Interstate 11 Toll Road Project, creation, AB 450†
Public-private partnerships, authority of Department of Transportation, AB 450
Cultural Affairs, Commission for, name change, transfer from Department, SB 20**
Immigration and Migration, Advisory Commission on, membership, SB 400D
Museums and History, Division of, duties regarding Old Nevada State Prison, AB 377†
Old Nevada State Prison, designation and assignment of historic and modern structures, duties, AB 377**
Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, membership, SB 125
Apportionment of members, requirements, AB 410†
Agreements for reimbursement of project costs, SB 310**
Bonds and notes, maturity, SB 310**
Sales and use taxes, distribution of pledged amounts, SB 310**
Termination date, extension, SB 310**
Designated vehicle storage lots, towing vehicles to other locations, procedures, prohibited acts, penalties, requirements for administrative action, AB 385*
Dispatcher's log, requirements, AB 385*
Insurance companies, duty to identify and record, AB 385*
Impoundment of vehicles operating without certificate, SB 184D
Budgets, time for hearings on tentative budgets, AB 19**
Businesses, coordination of forms and collection of information, provision repealed, SB 59**, AB 364**
Clark County, election of members to town advisory boards, SB 115*
Company towns, reports regarding resale of certain utility services, AB 74*
Disabilities, persons with, identification as person who is blind or person with a disability, prohibited acts by political subdivisions, SB 248†
Dogs, authority of owners of certain bars, taverns or saloons to allow on premises, conflicting regulation prohibited, SB 105D
Drones, operation by public agency, requirements, AB 239*
Ely, creation of town upon disincorporation of city, SB 238†
Eminent domain, prohibited acts related to mortgages and deeds of trust, AB 201**
Energy conservation standards for buildings, prohibited regulation, SB 374**
Family resource centers, development of action plans, input, AB 156**
Concealed firearms, regulatory authority removed, SB 143D, SB 171D, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D, AB 352†
Regulatory authority reserved to Legislature, SB 175**, SB 240**, AB 127D
Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)
Health insurance exchanges, constitutional prohibitions, SJR 14D
Inspector General, duty to cooperate with, AB 300
Internet protocol service, duties of providers and towns, SB 289†
Knives, regulatory authority reserved to Legislature, SB 176†
Local improvements (See also LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS)
Assessments, collection of unpaid money, SB 47**
Medical marijuana establishments
Dispensaries, authority, SB 276*, SB 372D
Duties, fees, penalty for delinquencies, AB 70**
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, AB 90**
Out-of-school-time programs, licensing and operation, AB 197†
Pedestrian safety zones, designation, SB 144*, SB 152D
Picketing restrictions, procedures for granting variances, AB 356
Recreation programs, seasonal or temporary, licensing and operation, AB 197†
Religion, burden on free exercise by governmental entities restricted, remedies, SB 272D, AB 277D
Rental cars, exemption of towns from governmental services fee, AB 203**
Retail merchandise, affidavit of applicant to sell, repeal, SB 59**, AB 364**
Rights-of-way, use of fuel tax proceeds for construction, maintenance and repair, AB 366**
State and Local Government Cooperation Act, enactment, SB 157†
Town boards, collection and use of graywater for single-family residence, prohibited acts, AB 169
Transportation network companies, regulation restricted, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Traps and snares, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, SB 4**
Alcoholic beverages, actions for damages related to business practices authorized, SB 246**
Attorney General, enforcement authority extended, AB 481**
Brew pubs, authority to manufacture malt beverages, SB 139D
Deceptive trade practices
Administrative fines and civil penalties
Amount, AB 481**
Attorney General, duty to share proceeds, AB 481†
Deposit, AB 481**
Money recovered by State, uses, SB 506**
Administrative hearings, authority, requirements, AB 481**
Assurance of discontinuance of practice in lieu of maintaining action or proceeding, AB 481**
Attorney General, powers and duties, AB 481**
Charitable solicitations, certain violations excluded as deceptive trade practice, AB 50*
Consumer Affairs Unit, creation, duties, AB 481**
Criminal penalties for theft or racketeering, AB 481†
Director of Department of Business and Industry, duties, AB 481**
Distributed generation systems, certain acts involving, AB 330D
Impoundment of property, requirements, AB 481†
Intelligence or other information obtained during course of investigations, authority, duties regarding trade secrets, AB 481**
Investigative assistance of Commissioner and Director, certain limitations repealed, AB 481**
Orders to cease doing business in State authorized, AB 481**
Reimbursement of State for costs of investigation, authority of court, AB 481**
Repossession of motor vehicles, prohibited acts by creditors relating to use of electronic repossession technology, AB 228D
Revolving account for Consumer Affairs Division, administration, deposits, use, AB 481**
Sharing of information and evidence, authority, AB 481**
Subpoenas, manner of service, AB 481**
Electric passenger car manufacturers, exemption from franchise, repair and maintenance requirements, SB 179D
Insurance companies, unfair practices, penalties, AB 402D
Ivory, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 398D
Marketplace Fairness Act, Congress urged to pass, SJR 4‡
Deceptive trade practices, information obtained during course of investigations, duties, AB 481**
Insurance companies, certain documents and information provided to Insurance Division, SB 67**
"Crash," terminology changed from "accident", SB 188*
Leaving scene of accident which resulted in injury or death
Affirmative defense regarding alcohol consumption, restrictions on use, SB 245*
Penalty increased, SB 245*
Prosecuting attorney, duties, SB 245†
Separate offenses, multiple deaths or injuries, SB 245*
Next-of-Kin Registry, establishment, SB 3**
Personal injury claims, duties of claimants, repeal, SB 162**
Transportation network companies, duties in investigations, SB 439, SB 440†, AB 175**, AB 176**
Uninsured motorists, recovery of damages limited in certain circumstances, AB 7D
Yellow Dot Program, establishment, AB 176*
Issuance by peace officer, discretionary authority repealed, AB 407D, AB 432D
Person with contempt warrant halted or detained by peace officer, issuance of citation, AB 432D
Preparation and delivery, AB 281†
Civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty for violations, evaluation, SB 304, AB 281D
Driving after disqualification, penalties, AB 281†
Epilepsy, persons with, physician's duties regarding operation of motor vehicle, confidentiality of information, immunity from liability, AB 248*
Flashing yellow turn arrows, procedures, SB 144*, SB 152D
Forester Firewarden, State, authority to prohibit or restrict activity on land under jurisdiction, duties, penalty for violations, AB 34**
Insurance verification, duty of peace officer when evidence of insurance provided on mobile electronic device, AB 143*
Justices of the peace, duty to record certain violations repealed, AB 69*
Drivers of mopeds and vehicles, duties, AB 168D
Operation and equipment, local regulation limited, AB 422*
Motorcycles, local regulation limited, AB 422*
Motorized wheelchairs, authorized operation, duties of vehicle drivers, SB 354*
Parking, certain veterans exempted from fees of State or local government, AB 103**, AB 250**
Pedestrian safety zones, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 144*, SB 152D
Pedestrians, duties, duties of drivers, SB 144*, SB 152D
Railroad crossings, duties of vehicle drivers, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 43*
Reckless driving, penalties, SB 152D
Roadblocks due to flooding, liability for response costs after driving through, SB 156**
Safety belts, effect of failure of adult passenger of taxicAB to wear, SB 304, AB 175*
School and school crossing zones, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 144*, SB 152D
Sidewalks, operation of certain emergency vehicles on sidewalk authorized, SB 263**
Speed limit (See SPEED LIMIT)
U-turns, prohibitions, SB 144*, SB 152D
Administrative fines, authority to impose repealed, SB 184D
Appeal of final decision of Authority, procedures, SB 376*
Arrests, authority to request repealed, SB 184D
Certificates of public convenience and necessity, duties, SB 183††
Charter buses, inspections, fee, regulation, AB 181D
Civil penalties, recovery, SB 184D
Compliance enforcement officers of Department of Public Safety, duties, SB 184D
Excise tax on certain motor carriers, duties, SB 376*, AB 175**
Filing fees, increase, AB 181D
Fully regulated carriers, annual fee, penalties, AB 181D
Hearing officers and panels, powers and duties, SB 184D
Inspectors, peace officer powers repealed, SB 184D
Limousine operators, fee increase, AB 181D
Motor carriers, certain duties repealed, SB 184D
Preliminary hearings required, procedures, SB 184D
Rate schedules, authority to suspend, SB 376*
Supplemental appropriation, SB 468
TaxicAB Authority, appeal of final decisions, duties repealed, SB 376*
Tow car operators, duties, AB 385*
Transportation network companies, licensing and regulation, duties, AB 176**
Board of Directors, apportionment of members, requirements, AB 410†
Capital improvements, repayment of bond issue money, duties, AB 491**
Chief Counsel, duties, SB 324†
Deputy Director, appointment, duties, SB 324**
Director, qualifications, SB 324**
Discharges, duties, enforcement powers, SB 324**
Environmental permits, authority to enforce compliance with conditions of, penalties for violations, SB 324†
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, membership, SB 214†
Innovation in Surface Transportation Selection Panel, creation, duties, SB 466D
Interstate 11, duties, reports, AB 450†
Memorials, naming of state facilities after deceased members of Armed Forces, duties, AB 62**
National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, duties, AB 276D, AB 336†, AB 354D
Pedestrian safety, duties, SB 144*, SB 152D
Public-private partnerships for projects, authority, duties, AB 450
Reports to Governor and Legislature, duties, SB 23**
Speed limit, maximum rate on highways, SB 2*
Transportational Storm Water Management, Advisory Committee on, representation, receipt of reports, duties, SB 324**
US 50/South Shore Community Revitalization Project, allocation of money, AB 450
Yellow Dot Program, duties, AB 176*
Availability of service, solicitation of public comments regarding, SB 440
Convention centers, requirements for service at certain establishments, SB 440
Drivers, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 376*, SB 439, SB 440, AB 175**, AB 176**
Excise tax
Collection procedures, SB 376*
Imposition, AB 175**, AB 176**
Hotels, requirements for service at certain establishments, SB 440
Insurance coverage, requirements, SB 439, SB 440†, AB 175**, AB 176**
Licensing and regulation, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Local regulation, restrictions, SB 439, AB 175**, AB 176**
Creation, SB 324**
Constitutional recognition of right to trap, use to manage wildlife, SJR 11‡
Council on Nevada Wildlife Conservation and Education, creation, duties, SB 163
Demerit points for wildlife violations
Provisions repealed, AB 142†
Schedule, authorized deductions, AB 142D
Departmental records, unlawful use, SB 417**
Rodent control, exemption from regulatory requirements, SB 4**
Suspension or revocation of license, permit or other privilege, procedures, AB 142D
Telemetry data, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 417**
Traps, snares or other devices
Possession and use, certain requirements repealed, AB 338D
Registration and marking, requirements, SB 4**, AB 338D
Steel traps, restrictions on use near road or highway, AB 335D
Visits to, frequency, AB 338D
Wildlife conservation and education fee, imposition, SB 163†
Fund for the State Trauma Registry, creation, SB 189
Treatment, collection and management of information, SB 189
Veterans suffering sexual trauma
Programs for, establishment, SB 268**
Study of issues, SB 268†
Regulation, SB 373*
BASE jumping, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 160**
Children, injury to, liability for attractive nuisance, SB 160**
Drones, lawful and unlawful acts, AB 239*
Injury to trespassers, liability of owner, lessee or occupant of premises, SB 160**
Sex trafficking or involuntary servitude, victims of, vacation of judgment of conviction for trespassing, AB 108*
Definition, SB 142**
Protective headgear, requirements, exemptions, SB 142†
Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline, posting of notice regarding, penalty for violations, AB 276D, AB 336D
Supply and allocation of water, representation on study committee, AB 455
Banking business, formation as corporation authorized, requirements for transacting business in State, SB 446*
Business tax, applicability, AB 464
Commerce fee, imposition, effect of failure to pay, SB 483**
Condominium hotels, deposits and investments, requirements, regulation, SB 389*
Family trust companies (See FAMILY TRUST COMPANIES)
Definition, AB 275†
Delegation of duties, limitation of liability, AB 275†
Excluded fiduciaries, duties, liability, AB 275†
Foreign trust companies, requests to engage in solicitation of business, fees, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 123
Quarterly supplemental revenue fee, imposition, effect of failure to pay, SB 378D
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Works of improvement, duties regarding money to be used for, violations, SB 375D
Accounting rules, restructuring, SB 484*
Action by consent or acquiescence, authority, SB 484*
Arbitration provisions authorized, SB 484*
Beneficiaries with discretionary interest, no right to distribution, SB 484*
Charitable trust, creation by trust instrument, SB 484*
Combination or division of trust, authority, SB 484*
Construction of trust, choice of law to determine, SB 484*
Decanting to second trust, authority, SB 484*
Delegation of duties by fiduciary, liability limited, AB 275
Directed fiduciaries, liability limited, SB 484*
Directed trusts, administration, SB 484*
Domicile, declaration, SB 484*
Excluded fiduciaries, duties and liability limited, AB 275
Family trust companies (See FAMILY TRUST COMPANIES)
Interested person, definitions, SB 484*
Jurisdiction of courts, SB 484*
Nonjudicial settlement agreements, creation and enforcement, SB 484*
Personal jurisdiction of court over certain persons, SB 484*
Public benefit trusts, creation and administration, SB 484*
Retention amounts in construction contracts, procedures, SB 375D
Sale or exchange of assets, income tax classification by fiduciary, SB 484*
Settlors, powers, SB 484*
Spendthrift trusts, limitation on applicability of Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act, SB 264*
"Spouse" defined to include domestic partner, SB 484*
Termination of certain trusts, authority of trustee, procedures, SB 484*
Trust property, declarations and petitions, SB 484*
Powers, enumeration, SB 484*
Prudent investor rule, limitation of liability pursuant to, SB 484*
Successor trustee, appointment absent provision in trust, SB 484*
Vexatious litigants, findings, SB 484*
Validity of trust, choice of law to determine, SB 484*
Admission or amusement services tax, applicability, SB 426, AB 392
Closed-circuit telecast or motion picture, exclusions from license fee, AB 476**
Disciplinary action, civil penalties and ban from participation authorized, AB 476**
Drug testing of unarmed combatants, requirements, AB 476**
License fees
Calculation, complimentary tickets, AB 476**
Credit against fee for administering drug testing program, AB 476**
Increase, use of additional proceeds, AB 476**
Television rights, provisions repealed, AB 476**
Race books and sports pools (See GAMING)
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Tickets for live events, amount and use of fees, AB 313D
Coordination of collection of information from businesses, provision repealed, SB 59**, AB 364**
Disability, establishment of elected base period, SB 24*
Employee leasing companies
Client companies, responsibilities, AB 389*
Contributions by, method for calculation, AB 389†
Fraud, acts constituting, SB 24*
National Guard members, eligibility, SB 24*
Overpayments, time for recovery extended in certain cases, SB 24*
Veterans, collection and reporting of unemployment data concerning, AB 89**
Air carriers, certain revenue guarantees, SB 125
Child care facilities, requirements for meals and snacks, AB 152†
Clark County
District courts, family law disputes, mandatory mediation program, AB 210D
Health districts, appointment of certain personnel, SB 314**, AB 232D
Yellow Dot Program, establishment, AB 176*
Community paramedicine services, requirements, AB 305*
County officers, salary increase, SB 482†
Criminal defendants found incompetent, commitment expenses, SB 487
Audits of election processes, AB 209D
Ballots, removal of names of ineligible candidates, duties of city clerk, AB 177
Computer and operating systems, protections, AB 209D
Declaration or acceptance of candidacy, verification of information, AB 177†
Election board registers and registrar of voters' registers, electronic records, SB 203†, SB 435
Photographs of voters, use, AB 253
Registration to vote on election day, designation of polling places, SB 203†, SB 237D, SB 316D, SB 435
Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure, Recognition of, adoption of interstate compact, AB 463
Environmental assessments of proposed actions by local agencies, requirements, environmental impact statements, SB 277D
Family courts, dispute resolution, requirements, AB 210D
Fire protection districts, transfer of certain lands to, deed requirements, AB 34**
Health care facilities in larger counties, staffing requirements, SB 361D
Health insurance coverage for public employees, SB 217*, SB 219D, SB 222D, SB 250*, SB 328
Initiative petitions, verification by county clerks, SB 434
Jails or detention facilities, provision of identification card and certain assistance to prisoners upon release, SB 279D
Juvenile detention facilities, physical education courses required, SB 178†
Mental health facilities, emergency and court-ordered admissions, examinations and treatment of consumer, AB 396D
Peace officers
Certification requirements, SB 147†
Portable event recording devices, use, SB 111†, AB 162†, AB 403
Property taxes, monthly installment payments by owners of single-family residences, AB 96D
Referendum petitions, verification by county clerks, SB 434
Schools, public
Achievement charter schools, reassignment of employees, payment of costs of operation, AB 448*
Adaptive behavior assessments, requirements, AB 284D
Annual audit of count of pupils for apportionment purposes, AB 22D
Bullying or cyber-bullying of school pupils, development of safety plan, SB 204D
Commencement of school day, time for, SB 211†
Dyslexia, pupils with, procedures, AB 341†
Emergency managers, designation, duties, AB 218
Ethnic studies course, establishment, SB 211
Individual graduation plans for certain pupils enrolled in high school, SB 461
Kindergarten programs, SB 345D
Performance pay and enhanced compensation program for teachers and administrators, AB 483*
Physical education courses, requirements, SB 178†
Quarterly financial reports of districts, AB 319D
Regional training programs, covered topics, SB 290D, SB 463**, AB 303D
Teachers and substitute teachers, requirement to be highly qualified, SB 92†
State business portal, integration of local electronic processes with, SB 59†, AB 364†
Veterans, disposition of unclaimed remains, AB 62**
Common-Interest Ownership Act, repeal, AB 233†
Family Support Act, Interstate, amendment, effective date, AB 13**
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets, adoption, AB 434D
Fraudulent Transfer Act
Repeal, AB 420D
Spendthrift trusts, limitation on applicability, SB 264*
Human Trafficking, Prevention of and Remedies for, enactment, AB 354D
Mechanical Code, compliance requirements, AB 298D
Unclaimed Property Act, applicability of laws, AB 419**
Voidable Transactions Act, adoption, AB 420D
Colorado River, analysis of Bureau of Reclamation's management requested, SJR 10D
Constitutional convention
Application to call, AJR 7D
Delegates, selection procedure, duties, SB 274
False personation of federal officer, penalty, AB 283D
Law enforcement officers, restrictions on and circumstances for recognition of powers by local agencies, AB 283D
Migratory bird stamps, possession while hunting, SB 41**
Nevada Liberty Preservation Act, adoption, penalties for violations, SB 352D
Officers, prohibition on enforcement of laws on certain public lands, AB 408†
Public land (See PUBLIC LANDS)
Distance education
Agreements to develop curriculum, SB 313†
Authority to provide program, SB 313**
Count of pupils for apportionment purposes, SB 313**, SB 508**
High school diploma and transcript, State Seal of Biliteracy, AB 166**
Pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)
Data collected concerning, requirements, reports, AB 221**
Religion, free exercise of, rights of pupils, remedies, AB 120**
Speech, freedom of, rights of pupils, complaint procedure, AB 120**
School service providers, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 463**
Appropriation for program, SB 514**
Operation and use, regulation, liability of owners and operators, AB 239*
Seizure and storage, procedures, licensing of storage facilities, SB 280D
Cottage food operations, sale of pickled foods, SB 441†
Craft food operations, production of pickled foods, SB 441*
Diseased or unwholesome, prohibited acts, penalty, AB 77**
Fresh products, standards, AB 79**
Violations, civil penalties, AB 79**
Corporate acts, ratification or validation, actions relating to, SB 446*
Humboldt River Decree, proceedings arising from or relating to administration, AB 435**
Cemeteries, landscaping or xeriscaping surrounding interred remains, AB 62**
Commercial driver's licenses, exemptions from driving test, AB 89**
Concealed firearms, certain persons under age 21 authorized to carry, AB 139D
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, representation, AB 257
Divorce of veterans with service-connected disability, division of property and award of alimony or spousal support, AB 140*
Driver's license, designation of veteran status, procedures, SB 209*
Eighth Judicial District Court, appropriation for Veterans Court Coordinator, AB 327
Business tax, deductions for hiring certain veterans, AB 71**
Fellowship program to increase research on improving outcomes for veterans and their families, AB 482**
Financial institutions, taxes on, deductions for hiring certain veterans, AB 71**
Private employers, authority to give hiring preference to veteran or spouse of veteran, AB 89**
Data, collection, reports, AB 89**
Study of issues, SB 268†
EMT certification, certain additional training unnecessary, AB 463
Fiscal reports by Department of Veterans Services, receipt, AB 482**
Gift Account for Veterans, use, AB 482†
Governmental services tax exemption for veterans with service-connected disability and surviving spouses, AB 71**
Homeless veterans, legislative study, SB 268†
Laws regarding veterans, receipt of copies, AB 62**
Loans made to current or former members of the military, requirements, AB 318D
Local businesses owned by veterans with service-connected disability
Certification, procedures, electronic directory, AB 62†
Public works, bidding preferences, SB 108†, AB 62**
State purchasing, preferences on bids or proposals, AB 62**
Mental health professionals of Department of Veterans Affairs, powers and duties, AB 184D
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, creation, duties, AB 241†
Military charter schools, formation and operation, requirements, AB 299
Military Legal Assistance, Office of, creation, SB 60**, AB 286D
Nevada System of Higher Education
Students who are veterans, reports, requirements, tuition waivers, AB 76**
Veterans Policy and Leadership Institute, establishment, AB 482†
Occupational licenses and certificates, issuance by endorsement, reciprocity of licensure, AB 89**
Offices of coordinators for services for veterans, cooperation duties, AB 471
Property tax exemption for veterans with service-connected disability and surviving spouses, AB 71**
Sexual trauma victims
Programs for, establishment, SB 268**
Study of issues, SB 268†
Special license plates
International symbol of access, inscription on certain plates authorized, effect, AB 103**, AB 250**
Silver Star or Bronze Star Medal recipients, issuance, AB 103**
Suicide mortality rate of veterans, reports, AB 294D
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, creation, SB 511**
Unclaimed human remains of veterans, disposition, immunities, AB 62**
Veterans Day at the Legislature, establishment, AB 62**
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, creation, duties, AB 241*
Improvement of outcomes for veterans and service members, duties, AB 482**
Leadership opportunities for veterans, duties, AB 482**
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, cooperation, duties, AB 241†
Nevada Veterans Services Commission, receipt of annual reports, duties, AB 482**
Occupational licenses, applicants for, receipt of reports, AB 89**
Outreach to and engagement of veterans, duties, AB 482**
School pupils with parent or guardian in service, receipt of certain data, AB 76**
Sexual trauma victims, receipt of reports, duties, SB 268**
State agencies and regulatory bodies, receipt of reports, duties, AB 62**
Suicide mortality rate of veterans, receipt of reports, duties, AB 294D
Unemployment data concerning veterans, receipt of reports, AB 89**
Veterans Policy and Leadership Institute, duties, AB 482†
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, cooperation, duties, AB 241*
Commander of Department of Nevada, duties, AB 241†
Advisory duties, AB 471
Annual reports to Interagency Council on Veterans Affairs, duties, AB 482**
Memorials, naming of state facilities after deceased members of Armed Forces, duties, AB 62**
Veterans Policy and Leadership Institute, duties, AB 482†
Defense Support Committee, Nevada, representation, AB 257
Deputy Directors, appointment, duties, office location, AB 471
Fiscal reports, duties, AB 482**
Mental health services study committee, membership, AB 289
Gifts, determination of use, AB 471
Interim Finance Committee, certain reporting requirements repealed, AB 482†
Laws regarding veterans, distribution of copies, duties, AB 62**
Local businesses owned by veterans with service-related disabilities, duties, AB 62†
Military and Veterans Research Committee, Advisory, duties, AB 241†
Nevada Will Always Remember Veterans Gift Account, creation, AB 62**
Preferences for businesses owned by veterans with service-connected disabilities, duties, AB 457**
Sexual trauma victims, duties, SB 268**
Study committee regarding veterans' issues, assistance, SB 268†
Unclaimed human remains of veterans, receipt of reports, duties, AB 62**
Veterans Policy and Leadership Institute, duties, AB 482†
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, assistance, AB 241**
Critical incidents, provision of services by out-of-state practitioners, AB 119D
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 288†
Equine activities, immunities from liability, SB 129*
Equine Dental Provider Advisory Committee, creation, AB 271D
Equine dentistry, regulation, AB 271D
By endorsement, requirements, fees, AB 89†
Equine dentistry, issuance, AB 271D
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, AB 62**, AB 89**
Medical use of marijuana by animals, duties, immunities, SB 372D
Nevada State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
Citations, authority to issue, hearings, AB 72D
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, AB 89**
Evidence in disciplinary proceedings, standard of proof, AB 53**
Medical use of marijuana by animals, receipt of applications, duties, prohibited acts, SB 372D
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, AB 89**
Representative of general public, qualifications, AB 271D
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**, AB 89**
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Veterinary biologic products sold in State, registration requirements, penalties for violation, SB 488**
2015 Session
Civil actions against sellers, product liability, SB 161††
Crime against a child, registration of offenders, procedures, SB 99††
Exemplary or punitive damages, product liability, SB 296††
License plates, requirements for issuance of certain plates, moratorium on issuance, AB 326††
Motor carriers, certificates of public convenience, procedures, SB 183††
Patriot Relief Account, use of money, AB 472††
Sex offenders, registration and supervision procedures, SB 99††
White Pine County and City of Ely, consolidation of government, ballot question, SB 238††
2013 Session
Chain restaurants, disclosure of information, AB 126 of the 77th Session
Comparative negligence, applicability, AB 240 of the 77th Session
DUI victim impact panels, procedures, SB 312 of the 77th Session
City councils, election by ward in certain cities, SB 457 of the 77th Session
Polling place for in-person voting by any registered voter, establishment, AB 441 of the 77th Session
Sample ballots, distribution, AB 440 of the 77th Session
Voter registration, time for, procedures, AB 440 of the 77th Session
Exemptions from execution, SB 373 of the 77th Session
Firearms transfers, requirements, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Judgment creditors acting unlawfully, remedies of debtors, SB 373 of the 77th Session
Legislative Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability, creation, AB 150 of the 77th Session
Mentally ill persons, transmittal of certain court orders, duties regarding threats, SB 221 of the 77th Session
Milk trade and milk commissions, authorized acts, AB 209 of the 77th Session
Nevada System of Higher Education, bond issues, SB 185 of the 77th Session
Predatory wildlife, control, use of certain money, AB 345 of the 77th Session
Public utilities, supervision and regulation, AB 391 of the 77th Session
Public works, prevailing wage requirements, SB 185 of the 77th Session, AB 218 of the 77th Session, AB 391 of the 77th Session
Legislature, consideration of returned bills (ASR 116), AR 1‡
Line-item veto, Governor's powers, AJR 5D
Business tax, applicability, AB 464
Licenses, grounds for revocation or suspension, SB 378D, SB 483**
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Attorney General, notices to victims of crime, receipt of information from Department of Corrections, SB 454
Bill of rights for victims, constitutional amendment to expand, SJR 17‡
Domestic violence victims (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Fictitious address program, transfer of regulatory authority, SB 60**
Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Crime
Counties, reimbursement for cost of sexual assault examinations, SB 454
Human trafficking victims, eligibility for award, AB 276D
Limit on maximum award removed, SB 230*
Human trafficking victims (See HUMAN TRAFFICKING)
Next-of-Kin Registry, establishment, SB 3**
Safe-to-Tell Advisory Committee, representation, SB 338**
Sex trafficking or involuntary servitude, victims of, vacation of judgment of conviction for certain crimes, AB 108*
Sexual offenses, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim, prohibited acts, exclusion of testimony, AB 49*
Victim Services Officer, creation of position, duties, SB 60†
Child care facilities, limit on time children watch media, AB 152†
Common-interest communities, imposition of fines, hearings, AB 359†
Corporations, stockholders' meetings, SB 446*
Drones, unlawful acts, penalties, AB 239†
Grand juries, use of audiovisual technology, AB 193*
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, AB 49*
Mental health services, requirements for informed consent, AB 396D
Peace officers, use of portable event recording device, duties, SB 111*, AB 162*, AB 403
Preliminary examinations, use of audiovisual technology, AB 193*
Isolated confinement, hearings regarding, SB 351D
Sexual abuse of a prisoner, penalty, AB 16*
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, meetings, requirements, SB 236, AB 485**
Letters of commitment to supply water services, procedures, SB 271**
Assisted suicide, terminal condition to be listed as cause of death on certificate, SB 336D
Gender transition, issuance of new birth certificate, SB 343D
Gestational agreements, issuance of birth certificates, AB 92*
Prisoners, agreements authorizing use of telecommunications devices for educational purposes, SB 294**
Adoption, AB 420D
Bullying or cyber-bullying of school pupils, applicability of laws, SB 204D
Criminal history records
Access by employers, when volunteer deemed to consent, AB 47†
Name-based search service, establishment, AB 47**
Educational institutions, sexual conduct with pupils or students, prohibited acts, penalties, applicability of sex offender laws, SB 99††, SB 192*, AB 49*
Emergency Medical Services, Committee on, membership, AB 425*
Guardians ad litem, requirement that guardian be volunteer repealed, SB 394*
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, AB 90**
Prisoner, prohibited acts involving, penalty, AB 16*
Schools, prerequisites to teaching course in personal safety of children, SB 394*
Abandonment of vulnerable person, applicability of laws, penalties, AB 223*
Abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation
Certified peer support specialists, duty to report, AB 85†
Definitions, AB 223*
Negligent and willful offenses, distinction made for penalty purposes, AB 223†
Reports and investigations, requirements, redaction of name of person making report authorized, AB 223*
Sexual abuse, admissibility of expert testimony, AB 49*
Human trafficking victims, identification, notices regarding, AB 276D
Investment advisers and securities broker-dealers
Duties, AB 51**
Penalties for violations, AB 51**
Lewdness or indecent exposure in presence of, penalty, AB 49*
Contractors, recovery of wages due employee of subcontractor, limitation of actions, SB 223*
Employment Security Division, agreements for receipt of information from, SB 24*
Garnishment (See GARNISHMENT)
Jobs and day training services providers, preferences, AB 5**
Lodging or meals as wages, limitation on computation of value, SB 165D
Minimum wage
Amount if employer does not offer health insurance, SB 193†
Employers who provide health benefits, determination, SJR 6D
Increase, SJR 8D
Independent contractor and principal relationship, exclusion from provisions, SB 224**
Unpaid wages, consent required for recovery in certain civil actions, SB 224†
Overtime, compensation for hours worked in excess of 8 hours in any workday, provisions repealed, SB 193
Prevailing wages (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Sleeping period, agreements to exclude from employee's wages, requirements, SB 146**
State employees
Holiday pay, employees working four-10 schedules, SB 315D
Increase, appropriations, AB 489**
Payroll offsets authorized to recover delinquent balances on state-issued travel charge cards, AB 24*
Unlawful discrimination in compensation, time for filing complaint, SB 167D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Unlawful employment practices
Back pay, award, restrictions, SB 167D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Inquiries or discussions about wages, unlawful prohibitions, SB 167D, SB 190D, AB 304D
Distributed generation systems, requirements, AB 330D
Extended vehicle warranties, prohibited sale or transfer of information by garage operators for marketing purposes, AB 256D
Vehicle protection product warranties, licensing and regulation, AB 365D
Constables, duties, liability, SB 285**
Person with contempt warrant arising out of traffic violation halted or detained by peace officer, issuance of citation, AB 432D
Boundary with Storey County, revision, deadline extended, AB 417D
Elections, period for early voting, SB 316D
Fires, duties of fire protection entities, SB 185*
Foster homes, training requirements, AB 247D
Indigent Defense Commission, duties of county manager, SB 451
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, pilot program to provide services, reports, AB 307**
Justices of the peace, qualifications in certain townships, AB 66*
Nursing services provided at certain facilities, requirements, staffing plans, SB 361D
Peace officers, use of portable event recording device, duties, SB 111†, AB 162*
Real property transfer tax, imposition, distribution of proceeds, AB 411D
Recreational facilities, districts for promotion of, creation, SB 312†
Room tax
Rate increase, distribution of proceeds, AB 411D
Tourism promotion district, imposition of room surcharge, SB 312**
Social Services, Department of, representation on mental health services study committee, AB 289
Tourism promotion district, creation, SB 312**
Wedding services, display of informational brochures at offices of county clerk, SB 395**
Capital projects, fund for, sources, restrictions on use, AB 411D
Emergency drills, requirements, designation and duties of emergency manager, AB 218
Height and weight measurements of pupils, requirements, SB 178D, SB 402D
Junior high schools and middle schools, allocations for provision of certain services and programs, duties, reports, SB 347
Limited-English proficient pupils, identification and funding of Zoom schools, duties, SB 405**, SB 430D, SB 515**, AB 290D
Professional development of teachers and administrators, appropriation, SB 295
Superintendent, member of Advisory Commission on Mentoring, AB 205†
Adjudication of vested water rights
Abstract of claims, SB 65
Budget of State Engineer, requirements, SB 65†
Claimants of pre-statutory water rights, duty to file proof of claim, effect of failure to file, SB 485D
Investigation of stream or stream system, requirements, SB 65
Judicial proceedings
Appeal, notice of, requirements, SB 65
Cost of suit to include cost of investigations, SB 65
New trial, notice of intention to move for, service requirements, SB 65
Notice of exceptions, filing, requirements, SB 65
Order to show cause, authority of district court, SB 65
Revised maps, preparation and filing with court, SB 65
Maps, plats, surveys or other evidence, requirements, consideration, SB 65
Notice of entry of order and pendency of proceedings, SB 65
Objections to preliminary orders of determination, procedures, fees, SB 65
Orders of determination, procedures, exceptions to, SB 65
Petitions to intervene, time for filing, SB 65
Proofs of appropriation
Claimants of pre-statutory water rights, duties, SB 485D
Filing, procedures, fees, SB 65, SB 485D
Relative rights, determination, SB 65
Rotation in use of water, SB 65†
Water commissioners, appointment, SB 65
Water District Account, use for investigations, SB 65
Water districts of State, limit on expenses of advisory board members, SB 65
Wells or other facilities, applicability of laws, SB 65†
Advisory Board on Water Resources Planning and Development, abolished, AB 456**
Allocation levels, legislative study, AB 455
Alternative sources, legislative study, AB 198*
Appropriation of public water
Amount of water beneficially used to be quantified in acre-feet, SB 65
Cancellation of permits, requests for review, SB 65†
Certificates of appropriation, requirements, SB 65
Conservation domestic wells, requirements, AB 347D
Fees, SB 65
Interbasin transfers of groundwater, inventory requirements, SB 65
"Perennial yield" defined, SB 65†
"Place of diversion" renamed "point of diversion", SB 65
Proof of appropriation, procedures, SB 65
Time limitations for certain actions, applications for extension, SB 65
Transportation, Department of, authority to enforce conditions of environmental permits, SB 324†
"Wildlife," definition for purposes of appropriation laws, SB 235D
Appurtenance of water to place of use, "farm" defined for purposes of, AB 415*
Colorado River, analysis of management of River requested, duties of Division of Water Resources, SJR 10D
Common-interest communities, abatement of water leaks, authority of association, AB 254D
County water projects, financing, creation of tax increment areas, AB 497**
Federal Government, ownership of rights prohibited, exceptions, AB 408†
Collection and use for single-family residence, regulation, reports, AB 169
Legislative study of alternative sources of water, AB 198*
Hydraulic fracturing prohibited, temporary exemption related to wastewater, SB 202D
Mining reclamation, requirements for approval of pit lakes, SB 173D
"Stream system," term replaced with "source of surface water or groundwater", SB 65†
Supplies, legislative study, AB 455
Underground water
Active management areas, designation and regulation, SB 81
Forfeiture of rights, considerations, extension of deadline, SB 65†, SB 81
Groundwater basins
Assessments by county commissioners, authorized use, SB 65†
Conservation domestic wells, drilling of, requirements, penalties for violations, AB 347D
Use of groundwater from basin, requirements, SB 65†
Petitions for approval of management plans, requirements, hearings, SB 81
Temporary permits, certain permits renamed revocable permits, SB 65
Waste of water, prohibited acts, SB 65
Wells (See WELLS)
Channel clearance program, participation authorized, AB 430
Supply and allocation of water, representation on study committee, AB 455
Resource plans, modifications authorized, procedures, SB 87**
Subsurface installations, penalties for violations, SB 86**
Grant programs, funding, AB 491**
Legislative study, AB 198*
Plan or joint plan of water conservation, requirements, SB 65
Veterans' cemeteries, xeriscaping surrounding interred remains, AB 62**
Violations, administrative fines, injunctive relief, SB 65
Advisory boards, authorized expenses, SB 65
Channel clearance program, participation authorized, AB 430
Creation by State Engineer made discretionary, SB 65
Virgin Valley Water District, letters of commitment to supply water services, procedures, SB 271**
Discharges, requirements for, abatement or remediation, penalties, SB 324**
Hydraulic fracturing prohibited, temporary exemption related to wastewater, SB 202D
Petroleum and petrochemical discharges, cleanup, funding, reimbursements, SB 89**, AB 77**
Transportation, Department of, authority to enforce certain pollution laws, SB 324**
Drones, prohibited acts, AB 239*
Grant programs, funding, AB 491**
Map or model of infrastructure by certain local entities prohibited, requests for information restricted, SB 481**
Public works, authority of public bodies regarding labor organizations, AB 159**
Hunting of migratory birds, requirements, SB 41**
Management of migratory game birds, use of duck stamp proceeds, AB 82**
Air guns, carrying or possessing, restrictions, SB 176**
Drones, weaponization prohibited, AB 239*
Firearms (See FIREARMS)
Knives (See KNIVES)
Motor vehicles located on property of school or child care facility, weapons within vehicle authorized, requirements, AB 2D, AB 148D, AB 487
School pupils, disciplinary action for certain acts restricted, conflicting regulation prohibited, AB 121**
Grants for cloud seeding, appropriation, SB 423
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Boards of directors
Conservation district supervisors, ex officio directors of certain districts, SB 476**
Removal of members by landowners, AB 77**
Violations, civil penalties, repeal of criminal penalty, AB 77**
Agricultural products, program to certify as being free from, AB 77**
Agriculture, State Department of, duties, AB 77**
"Cutting, destroying or eradicating," terms replaced with "controlling", AB 77**
Definition, AB 77**
Inspection of premises, authority, procedures, AB 77**
Nuisance, infested premises declared to be public nuisance, AB 77**
Temporary designations authorized, expiration, AB 77**
Violations, civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty, AB 77**
Adjustment or repair, right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Civil penalties, deposit and use, AB 77**
Point-of-sale systems and cash registers, penalties for noncompliance, regulation, random tests, AB 77**
License, fees, SB 65
Right to engage in occupation free from substantial regulatory burden, AB 269D
Advisory Council, duties regarding medical homes, SB 6**
Components, duties of Division of Public and Behavioral Health, SB 402D, AB 199**
Stroke Registry, assistance regarding establishment and maintenance, SB 196*
Definition, regulation, AB 295**
Artesian Well Supervisor and assistants, reference to removed, SB 65
Distribution of water among users, authority of State Engineer to close wells, SB 65†
Domestic wells
Conservation domestic wells, drilling of, requirements, penalties for violations, AB 347D
Depth limitations or prohibition on repairs, grounds, SB 65
Plugging of wells, requirement, SB 65
State Engineer, authority, SB 65, SB 81
Users, prohibited acts, SB 65†
Hydraulic fracturing prohibited, SB 202D
Inspections, authority, SB 65
Oil and gas, fees for drilling permits, SB 44**
Additional rate of diversion, fees, SB 65
Revocable permit, certain permit deemed, SB 65
Waste of water, prohibited acts, SB 65
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, charter amendment, AB 177
Charter, procedure for amending, SB 71D
Account for Miscellaneous Expenses, name change, use, SB 76**
Delegation of authority by Nevada Commission authorized, SB 76**
Fund for Student Loans, name change, SB 76**
Grant money, use to purchase additional contract places, authority, SB 76**
Health Care Access Program
Areas with medically underserved population, practice in, requirements, SB 76**
Health professional shortage areas, practice in, requirements, SB 76**
Selection of applicants to receive support, duties, SB 76**
Support fees, requirements and procedures, SB 76**
Professional Student Exchange Program, review and certification of Nevada applicants, SB 76**
Regulations, authority, delegation of powers of Nevada Commission authorized, SB 76**
Member states, enumeration, SB 76**
Name change, SB 76**
Office, creation in Office of Governor, SB 195**
Bicycle lanes, operation of motorized wheelchairs authorized, restrictions, SB 354*
Sales and use tax exemptions for durable medical equipment, SB 334
Commissioners, duties upon disincorporation of Ely, SB 238†
Consolidation of county government with Ely city government, ballot question, SB 238††
Estate assets, transfer without letters of administration or probate of will, requirements, AB 130*
Judge or Legislator killed in course of service, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**
Motor vehicle registration fees, refund following disposal of vehicle, AB 145
Police officer or firefighter killed in line of duty, benefit options for surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**, AB 363D
Public employee killed in course of employment, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, SB 406**, AB 363D
Veterans and Armed Forces members
Employers, authority of private employers to give preference in hiring, AB 89**
Governmental services tax exemptions for certain surviving spouses, AB 71**
Occupational or professional licenses, issuance by endorsement, reciprocity of licensure, AB 89**
Property tax exemptions for certain surviving spouses, AB 71**
Sales and use taxes, exemption for certain relatives of National Guard members killed while performing duties, AB 71**
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, creation, SB 511**
Containment areas, requirements, care of animals held in, SB 387D
Management plan, duties of State Department of Agriculture, AB 431D
Captive wild animals, ordinances authorized, AB 361D
Collection or shipping for scientific or educational purposes, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, SB 4**
Common-interest communities, authority of units' owners to install fence rollers to prevent wildlife from entering private yard, SB 221D
Desert tortoise, actions to mitigate effect of ravens on tortoise urged, AJR 2‡
Elk tags, fees, use, AB 78†
Fur-bearing mammals injuring property, authority to take or kill, SB 4**
Groundwater basins, requirements for use, SB 65†
Habitat projects bond issue, AB 491**
Hunting (See HUNTING)
Constitutional mandate regarding preferred means of management, SJR 11‡
Definition for management and water purposes, SB 235D
Mountain lions, unlawful killing or possession, penalties, AB 142D
Protection and propagation, use of Wildlife Fund Account authorized, AB 82**
Sage grouse (See BIRDS)
Shed antlers, taking for commercial purposes, regulation, AB 338D
Demerit points for wildlife convictions, authority repealed, AB 142D
Disabilities, persons with
Assisted killing and retrieval of big game mammal, regulation, AB 136**
Issuance of special hunting license, regulation, AB 136†
Elk tags, fees, duties, AB 78†
Nevada Wildlife Conservation and Education, Council on, membership, duties, reports, SB 163
Policies and regulations, receipt of recommendations, duties, AB 78**
Predatory wildlife, duties, AB 78**, AB 345 of the 77th Session
Shed antlers, taking for commercial purposes, regulation, AB 338D
Suspension or revocation of license, tag, permit or other privilege, certain authority repealed, AB 142D
Traps, snares or other devices, certain duties repealed, AB 338D
Vessels, issuance and verification of state hull numbers, duties, AB 35**
Creation, duties, SB 163
Meetings, time for, AB 78**
Recommendations to Commission, duties, AB 78**
Conversion to Division within State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, SB 130D
Demerit points for wildlife convictions, duties, AB 142D
Account for Nevada Wildlife Conservation and Education, duties, SB 163†
Council on Nevada Wildlife Conservation and Education
Duties, reports, SB 163
Member, SB 163†
Environmental Quality, Council on, membership, SB 277D
Hunter responsibility course, duties regarding persons with disabilities, AB 136**
Predatory wildlife, duties, AB 78**, AB 345 of the 77th Session
Recommendations to Commission, duties, AB 78**
Records containing location information, unlawful acts, SB 417**
Suspension or revocation of license, tag, permit or other privilege, certain authority repealed, AB 142D
Certificates of ownership, procedures for issuance of duplicate, AB 35*
State hull numbers, assignment, duties, AB 35*
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, AB 62**
Assisted suicide, certain conditional devises deemed void, SB 336D
Declaratory judgment establishing validity during lifetime of person making will, effect, SB 484*
Delivery or presentation of will to district court clerk, effect, AB 97**
Execution before marriage, effect of reference to spouse by name, SB 484*
"Interested person," definition, SB 484*
Transfer of estate assets without letters of administration or probate of will, monetary limit, requirements, AB 130*
Location, restrictions removed, authorized and prohibited activities, AB 4*
Interception of electronic communications, procedures, immunities, SB 52**, AB 433
Blood tests, testimony regarding use, payment of expenses of witness, AB 67**
Courts of inquiry, procedures, AB 401D
Criminal prosecutions, endorsement of names of witnesses at time of filing information, duty removed, SB 298D
Grand juries, procedures, use of audiovisual technology, AB 193*
Interpreters for witnesses with limited English proficiency, credentialing, provision at public expense in civil actions, AB 219D
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of witness, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 197*
Preliminary examinations, procedures, use of audiovisual technology, AB 193*
Sexual offenses, psychological or psychiatric examination of witness, AB 49*
Writings used to refresh memory, judicial discretion, SB 135*
Abortion (See ABORTION)
Equal Rights Amendment, ratification, SJR 16D
Husband and wife (See HUSBAND AND WIFE)
Loans to certain small businesses owned by women, creation and funding of program, SB 323
Mammograms, notices regarding, requirements, SB 458**
Maternal and child health (See HEALTH, MATERNAL AND CHILD)
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, creation, duties, AB 241*
Members, qualifications, AB 134D
Creation, duties, appropriation, SB 496
Constables, duties, liability, fees, SB 285**
Mandamus, authority of parent or guardian to petition court to compel certain performance by school official, SB 504**
Mammograms, notices regarding, requirements, SB 458**
Mammography machines, use for other procedures authorized, AB 42**
Establishment, AB 176*
Charter amendments
Certificates of election, issuance to ineligible candidate prohibited, AB 177
General election, date, AB 23*, AB 416D
Primary elections, requirements, AB 416D
Charter, procedure for amending, SB 71D
Eligibility to serve, SB 302*
Child welfare services information, authority to disseminate, SB 58**
Juvenile court, determination of competency of child, receipt of reports, AB 138*
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, SB 58**
Sealing of juvenile court records, procedures, AB 113*
Sex offenders, duties, SB 99††
Computer science course, requirements for graduation, SB 295
Minor sentenced to term of imprisonment, term to be served in juvenile detention facility until 18 years of age, AB 260D
Physical education courses, requirements, SB 178†