requires two-thirds majority vote (§ 2)                                                                                                                 


                                                                                                                                                                                   A.B. 71


Assembly Bill No. 71–Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining


(On Behalf of the Board of Wildlife Commissioners)


February 10, 2003



Referred to Committee on Natural Resources,
Agriculture, and Mining


SUMMARY—Authorizes Division of Wildlife of State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to charge certain fees and exempts Division from certain requirements concerning printed matter. (BDR 45‑479)


FISCAL NOTE:  Effect on Local Government: No.

                           Effect on the State: Yes.




EXPLANATION – Matter in bolded italics is new; matter between brackets [omitted material] is material to be omitted.

Green numbers along left margin indicate location on the printed bill (e.g., 5-15 indicates page 5, line 15).


AN ACT relating to the Division of Wildlife of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; authorizing the Division to charge a fee for advertising in printed materials prepared by the Division and for advertising on a website on the Internet that is maintained by the Division; exempting the Division from the requirement of having certain printed matter prepared by the State Printing Division of the Department of Administration; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.





1-1  Section 1. Chapter 501 of NRS is hereby amended by adding

1-2  thereto the provisions set forth as sections 2 and 3 of this act.

1-3  Sec. 2.  1.  The Division may charge fees for advertising:

1-4  (a) In printed materials prepared by the Division; and

2-1  (b) On a website on the Internet or its successor that is

2-2  maintained by the Division.

2-3  2.  Any money collected by the Division pursuant to

2-4  subsection 1 must be:

2-5  (a) Deposited with the State Treasurer for credit to the Wildlife

2-6  Account in the State General Fund; and

2-7  (b) Used to pay the expenses of the Division including, without

2-8  limitation, expenses incurred in the development, production and

2-9  distribution of:

2-10          (1) Printed materials prepared by the Division;

2-11          (2) Materials used by the Division on the website

2-12  maintained by the Division; and

2-13          (3) Any informational and educational materials provided

2-14  by the Division for the purposes described in subsection 1 of

2-15  NRS 501.343.

2-16      Sec. 3.  1.  If the Division is required or authorized by law to

2-17  make reports or to publish circulars, bulletins, printed books,

2-18  stationery or any other printed matter, the Division may have the

2-19  printing, reproduction and binding of that printed matter:

2-20      (a) Prepared by the State Printing Division of the Department

2-21  of Administration pursuant to the provisions of chapter 344 of

2-22  NRS;

2-23      (b) Prepared by a printing establishment pursuant to the

2-24  provisions of chapter 333 of NRS;

2-25      (c) Prepared by a printing establishment pursuant to a

2-26  contract submitted to competitive bidding by the Division; or

2-27      (d) Prepared within the Division.

2-28      2.  Any printed matter in addition to that described in

2-29  subsection 1 that is necessary for the operation of the Division,

2-30  including, without limitation, brochures, booklets, forms, blanks,

2-31  envelopes and letterheads, may be prepared in any of the manners

2-32  authorized in subsection 1.

2-33      Sec. 4.  NRS 344.050 is hereby amended to read as follows:

2-34      344.050  1.  The Superintendent shall not permit any other

2-35  than state work to be done in the Division.

2-36      2.  [All] Except as otherwise provided in section 3 of this act,

2-37  all state officers, boards, commissions, trustees, regents and

2-38  directors required or authorized by law to make reports or to publish

2-39  circulars, bulletins, printed books, stationery or printed matter of

2-40  any kind shall:

2-41      (a) Have the printing, reproduction and binding of such material

2-42  done by the Division, at the expense of their respective funds or

2-43  appropriations; or

3-1  (b) Produce the reports or other published matter within their

3-2  respective agencies by use of copying or duplicating machines other

3-3  than printing by letterpress or the offset process.

3-4  3.  The printing of official stationery, cards and other material

3-5  appropriate to the official duties of members of the Legislature shall

3-6  be done in the Division at the expense of the Legislative Fund.

3-7  4.  Invitations, tickets of admission, programs, menus or the

3-8  like for any state institution or school shall not be considered state

3-9  printing, and the Superintendent is directed not to accept the same

3-10  but he may print such material for official state functions.

3-11      5.  Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to mean that the

3-12  Superintendent is required or expected to perform any work other

3-13  than that which the type, machinery and other printing, reproduction

3-14  and binding appliances in the Division will permit.

3-15      Sec. 5.  NRS 344.140 is hereby amended to read as follows:

3-16      344.140  All officers, boards, commissioners, trustees,

3-17  superintendents, regents and directors required by law to make

3-18  reports to the Governor or to the Legislature, except the State

3-19  Controller, the State Treasurer, the Department of Taxation, the

3-20  Commissioner of Insurance, the Board of Control of

3-21  the Agricultural Experiment Station, the Division of Wildlife of the

3-22  State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the

3-23  Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, shall send the original

3-24  drafts of their reports to the Superintendent, who shall order such a

3-25  number of each of the reports, or part or parts of each of the reports,

3-26  printed as in his judgment will meet the requirements of law. The

3-27  Superintendent shall especially see that no matter be printed in more

3-28  than one report, unless of great public interest.

3-29      Sec. 6.  NRS 344.150 is hereby amended to read as follows:

3-30      344.150  [All] Except as otherwise provided in section 3 of

3-31  this act, all officers, boards, commissioners, trustees,

3-32  superintendents, regents and directors are required and directed to

3-33  have all brochures, booklets, forms, blanks, envelopes and

3-34  letterheads necessary for the successful working of the various

3-35  departments, institutions and offices typeset and printed by the

3-36  Division. The Superintendent is directed to accept all such work,

3-37  and to execute and deliver it as promptly as possible.

3-38      Sec. 7.  NRS 344.160 is hereby amended to read as follows:

3-39      344.160  1.  [Should] Except as otherwise provided by section

3-40  3 of this act, if any state officer, commissioner, trustee or

3-41  superintendent [determine] determines that his office, department or

3-42  institution requires brochures, booklets, stationery, blanks, forms,

3-43  typesetting, printing or binding which cannot be produced or

3-44  performed in the Division, he shall notify the Chief of the

3-45  Purchasing Division of the Department of Administration. The

4-1  Chief shall, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 333 of NRS, have

4-2  the work performed in a commercial printing establishment. The

4-3  cost of the work must be paid out of the contingent fund provided

4-4  for the expenses of state officers or out of the fund provided for the

4-5  support of the commission or institution requiring the work, as the

4-6  case may be.

4-7  2.  The State Controller shall not draw his warrant in payment

4-8  for any printed matter except such as is authorized by subsection 1.

4-9  Sec. 8.  This act becomes effective on July 1, 2003.


4-10  H