** Enrolled Bill, Effective Before October 1, 2003
* Enrolled Bill, Effective October 1, 2003, or Later
†† Vetoed by Governor
† Deleted by Amendment
‡ Resolution Approved by Legislature
Vehicles, removal by police, liability of tow car operators, AB 394*
Creation, AB 322**
Alternatives to abortion, special license plates to support, SB 120
Abolished, AB 179†
Academic achievement plans, receipt of reports, SB 191
Achievement and proficiency tests, duties, SB 191
Foreign languages and cultures, duties regarding instruction programs, AB 508†
Reading, standards, AB 411
Social studies, duties regarding instruction programs, AB 508
Terms of members, SB 68**
Chemicals, program to prevent accidental release, SB 67, SB 127*
Emergency vehicles, duties of drivers approaching stopped vehicles with flashing lights, AB 299*
Highly hazardous substances or explosives, investigation of accidents, SB 127*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Certificates, grounds for denial, suspension or revocation, AB 55**, AB 337
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, suspension or revocation, AB 481
Partnerships, filing of documents with Secretary of State, AB 536
State Board of Accountancy
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Amber Alert System, immunities, AB 322**
Attorneys' fees (See ATTORNEYS' FEES)
Attorneys, provision of certain information to clients regarding litigation, AB 338
Business license violations, enforcement of orders, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Child abuse, immunities for examination of victims, AB 112
Cigarette licensees, enforcement of laws, AB 460
Civil protective custody, immunities of certain persons, SB 94†
Clinical trials covered by health insurance, immunities, AB 502*
Common-interest communities, SB 100*, AB 446
Computer information transactions, breach of contract, SB 463
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS)
Consumer contracts, unauthorized charges, SB 47
Court costs and fees (See COURT COSTS AND FEES)
Covenant not to sue joint tortfeasors, effect, AB 446
Damages (See DAMAGES)
Disabilities, persons with, discriminatory acts against, AB 332
Extension of time to recommence action, AB 40*
Medical malpractice, repeal of certain provision, SB 97
Domestic violence cases, attendants to victims, SB 224*
E-mail containing advertisements, liability of persons transmitting, AB 93*
Entertainment tax, claims, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Flag of the United States, right to display, SB 359**, AB 408
Grocery store employees, health benefits, AB 356
Gross receipts tax, claims, SB 238, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Guides, actions by or against, AB 272
Health care determinations, independent review, SB 23, SB 171, AB 79*
Health care facilities, violations of staffing requirements, AB 313†
High-level radioactive waste, unlawful storage, SB 294
Home loans, unfair lending practices, AB 284*
Incapacitated minors, injury by other minors, liability, AB 385
Insurance Guaranty Association, recoveries, AB 453*
Intellectual property, interference with rights, AB 81†
Justices' courts
District court actions, transfer to justice's court, SB 88**, AB 100**
Jurisdiction, monetary threshold, AB 100*
Short trials, adoption of rules, AB 100*
Labor laws
Enforcement, AB 143**
State of Nevada, waiver of sovereign immunity, AB 341
Layaway sales, failure to deliver goods, SB 60
Limitation of actions (See LIMITATION OF ACTIONS)
Manufactured Housing Recovery Account, claims against, AB 212**
Mechanics' and materialmen's liens (See LIENS)
Medicaid fee-for-service programs, prohibited acts, SB 374
Medical or dental malpractice (See MEDICAL OR DENTAL MALPRACTICE)
Mold control violations, SB 132
Mortgage brokers, liability of advertising spokesperson, AB 490**
Occupancy tax, claims, AB 342
Occupations and professions generally
Immunities of boards and persons providing assistance, AB 347
Prosecution of violations, AB 24
Outfitters, actions by or against, AB 272
Peace officers, acting without state authority, SB 294
Personal injuries, manifest physical injury as cause of action, SB 160
Physicians, documents concerning epileptic drivers, AB 406
Prisoners, actions for mental or emotional injury, AB 188
Property tax liens sold by county, action for collection by purchaser, AB 200
Public hazards, standing to sue regarding unlawful concealment, SB 251
Public lands, management or disposal without state authority, SB 294
Public rights-of-way, liability of abutting property owners, AB 390**
Public works, orders to cease work, AB 534**
Real estate licensees, actions against, SB 139†
Real property transactions, failure to make disclosures, SB 204*
Restitution ordered by juvenile court, action by victim, SB 197*
Salvage vehicles, liability for certain unlawful acts, AB 325*
School bus drivers, immunities for administration of CPR, SB 230
Records, immunities regarding release, AB 264
Reports of harassment or intimidation, AB 513
Service tax claims, liability, SB 382
Silicone injections or implants, revival of certain actions, AB 50
Small claims, effect of certain counterclaims or other pleadings, SB 203
Social Security numbers, unlawful acts, SB 379
Social Workers, Board of Examiners for, liability of members, AB 491
Structured settlements, transfer of rights to payments, AB 166*
Telemarketers, actions against, SB 255, AB 232*
Tow car operators, liability for loss or damage to vehicles, AB 394*
Travel agents and tour brokers or operators, violations, AB 329
University System, failure to provide certain instructional materials, SB 62†
Volunteer fire departments, immunities for certain donors of property, AB 26*
Volunteers, immunities of employers for certain acts of, SB 303, AB 155**
Business address, effect of nondisclosure or misrepresentation, SB 399
Change of address, notification to Motor Vehicles Department, SB 483*, AB 177*
Cosmetology license or certificate, contents restricted, SB 372**
Peace officers, internal reviews, prohibited acts, AB 330
Sex offenders, conditions of parole or probation, SB 397**
Budget Division
Achievement and proficiency examinations, receipt of reports, SB 191
Alcohol and drug abuse programs, duties, SB 382
Authorized expenditures, powers, SB 504**
Budget proposals, preparation, SB 382
Capital improvement projects, notice of temporary advances, SB 507**
Claims against state, duties, AB 216**
Class-size reduction, receipt of report, SB 44
Emergency response study, representation, AB 250†
Ethics Commission, duties regarding assessments, AB 551**
Financial disclosure statements, duties, SB 147**, AB 529†
Health insurance for school personnel, review of requests for allocation of money, AB 257**
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, membership, AB 203**
Highway Patrol salaries, receipt of information, SB 344
Legislators, Commission to Review Compensation of, notices, duties, AB 464
Occupational boards and commissions, reports, SB 310*
Remedial programs in schools, duties, SB 210†
Reversions from state agencies, duties, SB 381
State Distributive School Account, duties, SB 509
State employee collective bargaining agreements, receipt, duties, AB 65
Textbooks, instructional supplies and hardware, duties regarding expenditures, SB 509
Vacancies in state positions, reports, SB 382
Buildings and Grounds Division
Emergency response study, representation, AB 250†
Energy conservation, duties, AB 398**
Credit or debit card payments, duties, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Advances to accounts for administrative assessments, duties, SB 198**
Forester Firewarden, approval of certain monetary carryovers, AB 467
Information Technology Advisory Board, removal as member, AB 88
State employees' salaries, duties, AB 555**
Telecommunications study, duties, ACR 19†
Hearings Division, duty regarding appeal of bids removed, AB 424†
Juvenile correctional facility, certain agreements prohibited, SB 447
Medical and dental scholarships, appropriation, SB 101
Minority Affairs, Nevada Commission on, assistance, SB 249
POST Commission, retention and use of distributions, AB 461
Purchasing Division
Bids, appeals, AB 424†
Chief, member of Commission on Prescription Drugs, AB 307
Contracts over $500,000, duties, AB 424†
Energy conservation in public buildings, duties, AB 398**
Rural communities, study of relocation of certain agencies, AB 219
State Printing Division
Chief and staff commended, ACR 32‡
Cigarettes, production of certain signs, SB 339†, AB 460†
Labor agreements, authority, AB 65
Transfer to Legislative Counsel Bureau, SB 504**
Wildlife Division, use of facilities, AB 71†
Bonds of certain parolees or probationers, payment of assessments, AB 18
Budget accounts supported by assessments, procedure for advances to, SB 198**
Court facilities, imposition of assessment, SB 107**
Misdemeanors, imposition, increase in amount, AB 29**, AB 242
Motor vehicle registration, payment of assessments as condition, SB 479
Specialty court programs, additional assessment, SB 108, AB 29**, AB 238
Adjudication of contested cases, Senate committee jurisdiction over measures affecting, SR 8‡
Alternative fuels, review of regulations mandated, AB 237**
Entertainment tax, regulations, inclusion in NAC, SB 509
Health professions, review of regulations, SB 329*
Regulations declared void
Compensation for dangerous duty, AB 159
Confidentiality of public records, SB 443
Minimum wage regulation, AB 356†
Payroll deductions, AB 169
Prevailing wages, SB 114
Securities Division, certain regulations, SB 155
Social and economic benefits, inclusion of statement, AB 413
Telephonic devices in vehicles, regulation of use restricted, SB 10**
Temporary regulations, procedures, review, SB 329*
Workshops, requirements, SB 229
Adoptees, access to files and records, SB 267
Post-adoptive contact, procedure to enter into enforceable agreement, AB 28
State Register for Adoptions, elimination, SB 267
Tax on entertainment events, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Psychologists, privileges at facilities, SB 326
Chiropractors, unprofessional conduct, SB 250**
Court reporters, requirements, SB 395**
Deferred deposit services, unlawful acts, AB 433
Deposits, when solicitations made in state, SB 436*
E-mail containing ads, identification, liability for improper transmittal, AB 93*
Health coverage, associations of self-insured private employers providing, SB 64
Local government purchasing, SB 146**, AB 86*
Monorail stations, authorized advertising, AB 444*
Mortgage brokers, liability of advertising spokesperson, AB 490**
Motor carriers, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 192, AB 518**
Motor Vehicles, Department of, agreements relating to private advertising, SB 149
Political advertisements, availability of cost information, AB 528**
Public transit systems, authority, use of certain revenue, AB 444*
Public works, bids (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Real estate licensees, disclosures, SB 139*
Sellers of travel, AB 343*
State property or emblems, contracts for private advertising, study, AB 415
State purchasing, AB 116
Unregistered vehicles, availability of method to report, SB 214
Wildlife Division publications, fees for private advertising, AB 71**
Anatomical gifts, authority to make, SB 386**
Burial or cremation of decedent's remains, SB 386**
Constructional defect cases, filing, SB 241†
Medical facilities, family visitation rights, SB 386†
Planning and zoning, notice of certain hearings, SB 176†
Surviving spouse holding or taking property, filing of affidavit of death, SB 63
Assistance to finance housing (See HOUSING, ASSISTANCE TO FINANCE)
Energy assistance programs, certain funding eliminated, SB 4
Energy conservation, loan program to purchase equipment for, AB 314
Firearms, unlawful discharge, SB 40*
Methamphetamine manufacture near residence, additional penalty, AB 33*
Minorities, legislative study of availability, SB 249
Property tax exemptions, renewal forms, AB 533**
Regional development districts, powers, SB 328*
Adoptees, access to files and records, SB 267
Birth certificates, disclosure of certain information, SB 267
Child-restraint devices, use, SB 116*
Constables and sheriffs, eligibility for office, AB 114*
Crimes against older persons, age threshold for applicability of laws, AB 73*
Death penalty, minimum age for sentencing, AB 118
Election board officers, trainee qualifications and restrictions, AB 125*
Graffiti, liability of parent or guardian for acts of child, SB 105**
Motor vehicle insurance, reduction in premiums, AB 37
School pupils, admission to kindergarten and first grade, SB 34†
State employment, waiver of state immunity regarding federal labor laws, AB 341
Tobacco, false representation of age by minor to obtain, SB 339, AB 460
Abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation
Assisted living facilities, penalties, AB 326†
Athletic trainers, duty to report, SB 27*
Costs of investigation and prosecution, payment by convicted person, AB 73†
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Exploitation defined, AB 126*
Law enforcement agencies, inspection of records, AB 59
Penalties, AB 73*
Restitution, AB 73*
Assisted living facilities
Licensing and regulation, AB 326*
Property tax assistance, applicability of laws, AB 326†
Brochure concerning funding for programs for senior citizens, publication, SB 81
Crimes against, age threshold for applicability of certain laws reduced, AB 73*
Dental and vision benefits, subsidies for coverage, SB 459†, AB 283
Employees of landlords of dwelling units for seniors, work card required, AB 419*
Eviction, notice requirements, AB 274, AB 498**
Governmental services tax, account for rebates, creation, SB 370*
Health care providers, training in geriatrics and gerontology, AB 349**
Hunting and fishing licenses, qualifications for reduced fees, AB 4
Identification cards, renewal fees, SB 483*
Legal aid (See LEGAL AID)
Motor vehicle insurance, reduction in premiums, AB 37
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Sales tax exemption for medicines and medical devices, ballot question, AB 351
School districts, provision of health and social services, AB 264†
Senior citizens' property tax assistance (See PROPERTY TAX)
Senior Services, appropriation, SB 504**
State employment, waiver of state immunity regarding federal labor laws, AB 341
Statewide informational and referral system, establishment, SB 239, SCR 11‡
Absent ballots, applications, SB 453*, AB 125*
Special voting devices at centralized locations, AB 125*
Athletes' agents (See ATHLETES' AGENTS)
Real estate agents (See REAL ESTATE LICENSEES)
Resident agents (See RESIDENT AGENTS)
Time share sales agents (See TIME SHARES)
Title agents, effect of felony conviction, AB 55**, AB 337
Travel agents (See TRAVEL AGENTS)
Wildlife license agents, application fees, SB 420*
Garlic and onions (See GARLIC AND ONIONS)
Interstate quarantines, civil penalties for violations, SB 172**
Joint enforcement of certain laws, development of plan, AB 195**
Lien notice, AB 92*
Organic agricultural products, certification of producers and handlers, AB 75**
Sales tax exemption for plants intended for human consumption, removal, SB 293
Educational courses, grant program, appropriation, SB 366
License plates for support, special and souvenir plates, AB 192**
Livestock (See LIVESTOCK)
Machinery and equipment
Operation of equipment using dyed fuel on highway, authority, AB 346**
Relations between suppliers and dealers, AB 369*
Sales tax exemptions, SB 293, AB 514*
Audio recordings of proceedings, public records, SB 229
Members, qualifications, SB 486**
Nurseries and nursery stock, regulations, SB 172**
Organic agricultural products, duties, AB 75**
Petroleum products
Deposit of fines, AB 130†
Standards for products used in internal combustion engines, adoption, AB 36*
Secretary, duties, SB 486**
Sheep Commissioners, State Board of, assumption of duties, SB 486**
Agricultural Working Capital, Revolving Account for, use, SB 486**
Agriculture Registration and Enforcement Account, sources, AB 130†
Brand inspections, powers, SB 486**
Fees, AB 130**
Feral livestock, duties, SB 486**
Fertilizers and agricultural minerals, regulations, AB 193**
Fines, deposit, AB 130†
Invasive species, pest and weed control, use of certain tax proceeds, SB 370*
Joint enforcement of certain laws, development of plan, AB 195**
Laboratory, purposes, SB 486**
Livestock Inspection Account, sources, SB 486**
Measurement Standards, Division of, creation, SB 485*
Nurseries and nursery stock, regulations, SB 172**
Organic agricultural products, duties, AB 75**
Palomino Valley, appropriation for fence, SB 377
Pest and plant disease control, regulation, SB 172**
Quarantine (See QUARANTINE)
Sheep diseases, duties, SB 486**
Supplemental appropriation, SB 263**
Weed control grant program, establishment, appropriation, SB 75
Weights and measures (See WEIGHTS AND MEASURES)
Chiropractors, unprofessional conduct, SB 250**
Hunting violations, penalties, SB 135, SB 420*
Internet prescription sales, unlawful acts, SB 337**
Motor carriers, unlawful acts, SB 192
Public officers or employees, unlawful acts relating to personal identifying information, SB 297*
Public utility information, unlawful disclosure, AB 441**
Terrorism, penalties, SB 38, AB 250**, AB 441**
Unauthorized insurers, unlawful acts, AB 453*
Fighting AIDS in Our Community Today, appropriation, SB 258
Medicaid, restrictions on antiretroviral drugs prohibited, AB 384**, AB 430
Real property transactions, disclosure of certain information immaterial, SB 204*
Clark County
Biennial inspection and testing of motor vehicles, SB 189, AB 416
Compulsory inspection program, authority, AB 36*
Cooperative agreement to create control authority, SB 536 of the 71st Session
Compliance certification forms, fees, SB 419, SB 500**
Fleet station forms, fees, SB 419, SB 500**
Fleet vehicles
Alternative fuels, feasibility of conversion of certain vehicles, AB 237**
Fuel additives, use by certain vehicles, AB 359
Heavy-duty vehicles, regulation of emissions, AB 36*
Local agencies, duties regarding biennial vehicle registration, SB 213, AB 324*
Military tactical vehicles, exemption from emission control laws, AB 36*
Motor vehicle inspection stations, procedures for inspection, SB 18*
Pollution Control Account, use for local programs, SB 419, SB 500**
Public transit fund, use for improvement of air quality, SB 237**
Real property sales, immunities from liability for pollution, AB 485**
Tax for improvement of air quality, authorization, SB 237**
Washoe County
Biennial inspection and testing of motor vehicles, AB 416
Compulsory inspection program, authority, AB 36*
Disabled persons and service animals, prohibited acts, AB 332
Firearms, unlawful discharge, SB 40†
Helicopters (See HELICOPTERS)
License plates for support of aviation, issuance, SB 99
Liens, notice to Motor Vehicles Department unnecessary, SB 161
Noise restrictions, authority to impose, SB 291
Private construction or operation of transportation facility, authorization, AB 401**
Sales tax exemptions, SB 293, AB 514*
State employees, compensation for dangerous duty, AB 159
Transport companies, tax on interstate and intercounty property, AB 530**
Zoning boards of adjustment, recordings of proceedings, SB 229
AIRPORT AUTHORITIES (See specific authority)
Armories, requirements, SB 290
Child-restraint devices in vehicles, alarms required, AB 120
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Board of Examiners for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Indian tribes, interlocal agreements to provide training authorized, SB 248**
Investigation and proceedings for discipline, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*, SB 351*
Powers and duties, SB 248**, SB 310*, SB 351**
Regulations, review, SB 329*
Educational requirements, waiver, SB 248**
Interns, SB 248**
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Continuing education, fees, SB 248**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Fingerprinting, SB 248**, AB 155**
Injunctions, SB 248**
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Legislators, refusal to provide service based on vote prohibited, SB 311
Osteopathic physicians, laws inapplicable, SB 281*
Problem Gambling, Board to Certify Counselors on, representation, SB 349
Prohibited acts, penalties, SB 248**
Specialists in prevention of substance abuse, certification, SB 248†
Coordination of programs, study, SB 382
Detoxification technicians, certification, penalties, SB 248**
Drug addicts, unlawful acts involving firearms, penalties, SB 199*
DUI offenders, application to undergo treatment program, AB 106**
Family resources center programs, establishment unnecessary, AB 548**
Halfway houses, location, SB 236
Intoxicated persons, transport for medical or other treatment, SB 86, SB 94**
Liquor taxes, use for prevention and rehabilitation services, SB 94**
Minors, evaluation of impaired minors, SB 205
Nevada Youth Training Center, educational course, SB 197*
Overcrowded jails, commitment of prisoners to substance abuse programs, AB 303
Probation, effect of failure to complete treatment program, AB 95*
Psychologists, privileges at facilities, SB 326
Specialty court programs, administrative assessments to fund, SB 108, AB 29**
Substance Abuse and Treatment Block Grant, appropriation, SB 396**
Suspended sentence, effect of failure to complete treatment program, AB 95*
Creation, AB 322**
Consular cards, acceptance by local governments for certain purposes, SB 312*
Drivers' licenses, applications, SB 483*, AB 441*
Firearms, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 199*
Identification cards, applications, AB 441*
Labor laws, enforcement, AB 48**
Limited English proficiency pupils, achievement tests, remedial study, SB 191, AB 179
Motor vehicle sales forms, availability in Spanish, AB 223*
Special license plates for support of naturalized citizenship, AB 207, AB 358**
Modification based on change in gross monthly income, SB 269*
Definitions, legislative findings, AB 237**
Continuing education requirements for certain employees, AB 323**
Institutional long-term care, provision for, AB 323**
Creation, AB 322**
Assault or battery committed upon attendant, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Medical records of deceased patients, access by certain persons authorized, SB 24*
Quarantines, transport of infected persons, SB 82**
Stopped vehicles with flashing lights, duties of approaching drivers, AB 299*
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Sale or disposition to certain persons unlawful, penalty, SB 199*
Registration and titling, SB 117
Imposition, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Antirejection drugs, Medicaid coverage, AB 384**
Authorization, priority, affidavit, SB 386**
Burial of remains, authority, SB 386**
Heart transplant facility, study, funding, SB 507**, AB 333
License plates to encourage donation, fees, deposits, SB 99, AB 192**
Public employees, paid leave of absence to make donation, AB 3
Request for consent or concurrence of any person after donor's death prohibited, AB 51*
Antifreeze, bittering agent required, penalty, SB 304
Livestock (See LIVESTOCK)
Parasitic diseases, duties of State Department of Agriculture, SB 486**
Research facilities, penalty for burglary, AB 191
Service animals
Facilitation of use, legislative study, SB 137**
Unlawful acts relating to, penalties, restitution, SB 231*, AB 332
Wildlife (See WILDLIFE)
Contract requirements, AB 453*
Minimum nonforfeiture amounts, AB 453*
Revocable inter vivos trusts, effect, AB 101*
Bittering agent required, penalty, SB 304
Businesses, orders to cease and desist, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Constructional defect cases, decisions of special masters, SB 241†
Guardianships, AB 365*
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Manufactured Housing Recovery Account, claims against, AB 212†
Nuisances, orders to abate, AB 135**, AB 278
Personal wireless service facilities, denial of permits, SB 426**
Protective orders, issuance, AB 331*
Zoning, appeal of certain decisions, AB 291*
Creation, SJR 5‡, AJR 12 of the 71st Session
Change of name or location, fee, SB 428**
Continuing education, approval fee, SB 428**
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 250**, SB 364, SB 428**, AB 55**, AB 337
Electronic business, conduct with Real Estate Division, SB 428**
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Reinstatement fee, SB 428**
Renewal or reinstatement, SB 371†
Suspension or revocation, SB 428**, AB 481
Property tax appraisals, certification requirements, AB 533†
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Investigations and proceedings for discipline, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Industrial insurance, deemed employer and wages, AB 80
Opticians, apprenticeship program eliminated, AB 452†
Public works projects, participation in programs as qualification to bid, AB 282
Aging Services Division, SB 81†
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Account for, SB 366
Agriculture, State Department of, SB 75, SB 263**, SB 377
Area Health Education Centers Program, SB 188†
Attorney General, administrative program, SB 504**
Birth defects, statewide information system, SB 98
Caliente, City of, AB 121
Capital improvement projects, SB 507**
Child and Family Services, Division of, AB 469**
China Spring Youth Camp, AB 368
CHR, Inc., AB 472
Clark County
Child welfare services, AB 470**
Laughlin Family Resource Center, AB 183
Mental health screening and stabilization component, SB 151
Conservation Districts, Division of, SB 245
Consumer Affairs Division, AB 256**
Contingency Fund, AB 257**
Corrections, Department of, AB 16†
Culinary and Hospitality Academy of Las Vegas, AB 465
Cultural Affairs, Department of, SB 357, AB 465
Disabilities, persons with, legal aid programs, SB 164†
Domestic Violence, Nevada Network Against, AB 440
Douglas County, AB 340, AB 368
Achievement and proficiency tests
Brochures for reporting test scores, SB 191
Weekend administration, AB 264†
Agriculture and natural resource sciences grant program, SB 366
Alternative placement programs, AB 266†
Career and technical education courses, AB 266†
Certification of teachers, reimbursements or stipends, SB 190, SB 210†, AB 266†
Clark County School District, SB 190, SB 210†, AB 327
Classroom on Wheels, AB 377
College courses taken by high school pupils, grants, AB 264†
Douglas County School District, SB 210†
Educational technology, SB 191
Elko County School District, SB 210†
Endorsements, reimbursement of teacher costs, AB 264†
Health insurance for personnel, AB 257**, AB 266†
High school proficiency examinations, revision, SB 182
JASON Project and Academy, SB 52
Kindergarten, full-day programs, AB 266†
Legislative Bureau of Educational Accountability and Program Evaluation, SB 191†, SB 210†
Legislative consultant, employment, SB 191
Loans for education students, AB 264†
National College of Juvenile and Family Justice, SB 505
National Judicial College, SB 505
On-line access licenses, expenses, SB 185, SB 191
Public broadcasting stations, SB 177
Restoration of operating fund reductions, AB 266†
Salaries and benefits for personnel generally, AB 266†
Schools needing improvement, bonus pay for personnel, SB 191†
Signing bonuses, AB 264†, AB 266†
State Distributive School Account
Class-size reduction programs, SB 508
English learner programs, AB 266†
General appropriation, SB 509
Health insurance for personnel, AB 266†
Increase in per pupil expenditures, SB 2
Inflation, amount to cover certain costs, AB 266†
Nevada Early Intervention Literacy Program, SB 210†
Professional development, additional days, AB 266†
Regional training programs, SB 210†
Remedial education programs, SB 210†
Supplemental appropriation, SB 509, AB 253**
Textbooks, equipment and supplies, purchase, AB 266†
Summer food service programs, AB 535
Teachers, enhanced compensation program, AB 264
Tutoring, summer school and intersession programs, AB 266†
University (See University and Community College System of Nevada, this heading)
Washoe County School District, SB 210†
Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education, SB 407**
Eighth Judicial District Court, AB 238†
Emergency Account, SB 247**, AB 259
Examiners, State Board of, SB 344, AB 555**
General appropriations legislation, AB 553**
Governor, AB 271
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, AB 471**
Health Division
Birth defects, collection of information, SB 98
Defibrillators, purchase, AB 441†
FACT, distribution to, SB 258
Supplemental appropriation, SB 396**
Highway Patrol, salary increase, SB 344
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, AB 441**
Homelessness, Advisory Committee on, AB 259
Housing Division, AB 399
Human Resources, Department of, AB 76, AB 255**, AB 259
Interim Finance Committee, allocation to
Community health centers, AB 404
Heart transplant facility, AB 333
Mental health court, Clark County, AB 238†
Nevada Northern Railroad, AB 180
Radio system users, SB 499**
Retired Employees' Group Insurance, AB 544**
School districts, health insurance costs, AB 257**
Lander County, AB 123
Las Vegas, City of, AB 546, AB 547
Las Vegas Performing Arts Center Foundation, AB 465
Legislative bills
Summary to reflect action by amendment, AB 542*
Supermajority vote required for certain appropriations, AJR 17, AJR 18
Legislative Fund
Educational technology consultant, employment, SB 191†
Peace officer study committee, AB 158
Public Lands, Committee on, SB 5
Session expenses, SB 1**
Taxation, Public Revenue and Tax Policy, Committee on, SB 509
Legislators, Commission to Review the Compensation of, AB 464
Lincoln County, AB 31
Lowden Veterans Center and Museum, SB 166
Lyon County, SB 380
Medicaid Budget Account, SB 235
Medicaid Management Information System, AB 255**
Medical Education Council of Nevada, SB 188†
Mental Health and Developmental Services, Division of, SB 408**
Military, Office of the, SB 493**
Motor Vehicles, Department of
Supplemental appropriations, SB 410**, AB 254**
Toll-free system to report registration violations, SB 214†
West Wendover branch office, AB 20
Nevada Center for Ethics and Health Policy, SB 153
Nevada Commission for National and Community Service, AB 271
Nevada Humanities Committee, SB 357
Nevada Online Encyclopedia, SB 357
Obstetrical access, SB 188†, AB 404
Ports of entry, planning and construction, AB 195†
Predatory Animal and Rodent Committee, State, SB 244
Problem gambling, programs for prevention and treatment, SB 42, SB 349
Public broadcasting stations, SB 92, SB 177
Public Lands, Committee on, SB 5, SB 488
Public Safety, Department of, SB 214
Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account, SB 247**
Retired Justice Duty Fund, SB 209
Reversions from agencies, use of portion for training and equipment, SB 381
Rural Health, Office of, SB 188†
Sparks, City of, SB 296
Stabilize the Operation of State Government, Fund to, SB 243*
Stale Claims Account, SB 247**
State Bar of Nevada, SB 164†
State employees, cost-of-living increases, AB 555**
State General Fund, AB 252**
State Lands, Division of, AB 466
State Library and Archives, Division of, SB 92, SB 185, SB 191
State Parks, Division of, SB 502**
Supreme Court, SB 246**
Taxation, Department of, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Transportation, Department of, AB 195†, AB 276
University and Community College System of Nevada
Community College of Southern Nevada, AB 391†, AB 511
Embalming facilities and plasticization laboratory, SB 178
Graduate Medical Education, Council on, SB 305
Great Basin College, SB 154, SB 367
Harry Reid Center for Environmental Studies, SB 227
Legislative study of higher education programs, AB 203**
Master's degree programs in certain fields, SB 454
Medical and dental scholarships, SB 101
Medicine, School of, SB 188†, AB 333
Mesquite High School, renovation, SB 152
Nevada Educational Support Program, AB 186
Nevada Writing Projects, AB 327
Nursing student loan program, SB 208
Oral cancer and forensic institute, SB 352†
Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology Center, SB 258
Unexpended appropriations, carrying forward, SB 418
Women's Research Institute of Nevada, AB 383
Workforce Development Challenge Grant Program, AB 391
Washoe County, child welfare services, AB 470**
Weed control program, SB 75
Welfare Division, AB 440, AB 468**
WestCare Nevada, Inc., SB 151
White Pine County, AB 180
White Pine Historical Railroad Foundation, AB 181
Charter schools, revocation of charter, SB 252†
Real property sales, prohibitions regarding constructional defects, AB 446
School personnel
Requirements of binding arbitration abolished, AB 279
Suspension, demotion or dismissal, AB 354
State employees and employee organizations, SB 331†, AB 65, AB 537
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS)
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Landscape architects (See LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS)
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, suspension or revocation, AB 481
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Investigations and proceedings for discipline, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Governmental services tax, exemption, AB 366, AB 524
Hunting and fishing licenses, issuance, SB 420†
Iraq, troops commended and hope for quick end to conflict expressed, ACR 8‡
Military tactical vehicles, exemption from emission control laws, AB 36*
Millennium scholarships, eligibility, applications, SB 448, AB 179
Mortgage agents and brokers, effect on licensure, AB 490*
National Guard (See NATIONAL GUARD)
Public officers and employees, compensation for leave of absence, AB 310
School boards, appointment of replacement for member in service, AB 175**
Selective Service System, forwarding of personal information to, AB 170
Voting, procedures, SB 453*, AB 527
Alarm systems required, SB 290
Carson City, sale of National Guard Armory authorized, SB 506**
City departments of alternative sentencing, powers, AB 98
Intoxicated persons, transport for medical or other treatment, SB 86, SB 94**
Protective orders, arrest for violations, AB 331*, AB 448**
Death penalty cases, AB 16†
Prevention and Control Program, establishment, SB 287**
Contracts involving minors, petition for judicial approval, AB 288*
County art centers, tax exempt from limit on revenue from property tax, AB 199**
Fine art for public display, tax exemptions, SB 293, AB 514*
Highway sound walls, grants for creation of murals, SB 165
Las Vegas Performing Arts Center Foundation, appropriation, SB 504*, AB 465
Local improvements, acquisition of art projects, SB 495**
Nevada Humanities Committee, appropriation, SB 357
Tax on entertainment events, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Administrator, appointment, qualifications, duties, AB 224**
Board of the Division, creation, composition and duties, AB 224**
Highway Sound Wall Mural Account, creation, use, SB 165
Legislative declaration, AB 224**
Redesignated division of Department of Cultural Affairs, AB 224**
Renamed Nevada Arts Council, AB 224**
Employers, receipt of information relating to certain assaults, SB 303, AB 155**
Health care providers, assault committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Older victims, age threshold for applicability of certain laws, AB 73*
Debts owed state, AB 457
Domestic violence proceedings, assignment of income, AB 160*
Gaming, prohibition on assignment of payments of winnings repealed, SB 134**
Definition, AB 326†
Employees, possession and administration of drugs, AB 326†
Licensing and regulation, AB 326*
Property tax assistance, availability to residents, AB 326†
Applicability of laws, SB 456*
Documents filed with Secretary of State, confidentiality, correction, SB 456*
Fines for violations, SB 456*
Registration, grounds for denial, suspension or revocation, SB 456*, AB 55**, AB 337
Sanctions, recovery of costs, SB 456*
Criminal history investigations, regulations, AB 155**
Electronic business, authority to transact, regulations, AB 490**
Medical Advisory Board, composition, SB 281*
Licensing and regulation, SB 27*
Public utility information, unlawful disclosure, AB 441**
Terrorism, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38, AB 99, AB 250**, AB 441**
Administration Budget Account, sources, use, SB 124*
Alcohol sales to minors, investigation and prosecution, AB 108
Amber Alert System, duties, AB 322**
Assisted living facilities, recovery of fines against referral services, AB 326†
Athletes' agents, duties, SB 456*
Ballot questions, appeals by committees to prepare arguments, AB 293*
Business license violations, duties, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Candidates for office, investigation of felony convictions, AB 285*
Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, powers, SB 48*
Children's products, duties regarding unsafe products, AB 386
Cigarettes or tobacco products, reports, duties, AB 460
Common-interest communities, duties, SB 100*
Constructional Defect Commission, legal counsel, SB 371
Consumer's Advocate (See CONSUMER'S ADVOCATE)
Deceptive trade practices, duties, SB 399
Educational credentials, prosecution of violations, SB 457, AB 264
Entertainment tax, duties, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Foreign entities doing business in state, duties, SB 436*
Genetic marker testing, receipt of petitions, duties, AB 16**
Gross receipts tax, duties, SB 238, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Investigators, salary increase, SB 346
Jail overcrowding, classification of offenses, AB 303
Labor law claims, procedures, AB 143**
Liquor suppliers and wholesalers, duties regarding franchises, AB 437**
Mortgage licensees, duties, reimbursement of costs, AB 490**
Occupancy tax, duties, AB 342
Occupations and professions generally
Legal counsel, licensing boards, SB 389
Members of licensing boards, training, SB 310*
Prosecution of violations, AB 24
Property managers, prosecution of violations, SB 428**
Public lands, powers, SB 294
Racial profiling, duties, SB 360
Restraint of trade, investigations, SB 124*
Salary, citizens' commission to fix, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Sellers of travel, duties, AB 343*
Service tax, duties, SB 382
Special Fund, amount, transfers, use, SB 255, AB 232*
Telemarketing, duties, SB 255, AB 232**
Unfair lending practices, investigation and prosecution, AB 284*
Unfair trade practices, duties, SB 399
Unified business tax, duties, SB 509
Constructional defect cases, duties, SB 241†
Frivolous or vexatious actions, sanctions, SB 250**
Guardianship proceedings, appointments, AB 365*
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Litigation, certain information to be provided to clients, AB 338
Medical or dental malpractice (See MEDICAL OR DENTAL MALPRACTICE)
Murder cases, defense appointments, AB 17*
Occupational licensing boards, authority to hire removed, SB 389
Quarantine proceedings, right to counsel, SB 82**
Constructional defect cases, SB 241†
Court appointed attorneys, AB 17*
Courts' authority to award, SB 250**
Eminent domain proceedings, AB 397
Landlords, unlawful exclusion of tenants, SB 128†
Motor vehicle franchises, award in hearings, SB 355
Tort actions, fees limited, SB 97†, AB 9, Initiative Petition
Common-interest communities, rights of unit owners, SB 100*, SB 438
Meetings of public agencies, requirements, SB 229
Board of Examiners for Audiology and Speech Pathology
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Geriatrics and gerontology, training required, AB 349†
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, suspension or revocation, AB 481
Schools, enhanced salaries for certain speech pathologists, AB 268
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Claims against state, AB 216**
Gaming licensees, internal audits, AB 163
Health coverage, associations of self-insured private employers providing, SB 64
Industrial insurers, AB 168*
Las Vegas Culinary and Hospitality Academy, AB 465
Las Vegas Monorail Company, SB 362**
Las Vegas Performing Arts Center, SB 504*, AB 465
Local governments, contents of reports, SB 429**
Medical Examiners, Board of, SB 250**, SB 389
Nevada Commission for National and Community Service, AB 271
Nevada Humanities Committee, SB 357
Occupational boards and commissions, SB 310*
Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of, SB 389
Public Employees' Benefits Program, AB 454
Real estate licensees, SB 428**
School districts with over 5,000 pupils, AB 162
Secretary of State, AB 216**
Special districts, AB 149**
University System, AB 47, AB 148**
Capital improvement projects, SB 507**
Economic Development, Commission on, SB 496†
General authorized expenditures legislation, SB 504**
Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, AB 504*
Historic Preservation, Office of, AB 318**
Interim Finance Committee, radio systems, SB 499**
Secretary of State, Election Fund, SB 417**
State Distributive School Account, SB 509
Supermajority vote required for certain expenditures, AJR 17, AJR 18
Salvage vehicles, prohibited and required acts, SB 212, AB 325*
Duties, certain duty removed, AB 367†
Cities, imposition of tax, SB 470**
Credit card or debit card, payment by, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Dishonored checks, fees, effect, SB 471*
Distribution and use of proceeds, SB 470**
Electronic transfer, payment by, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Holding amount collected in trust for State, SB 471*
Administrative assessments, disbursement, AB 29**
Bond or undertaking, time of effectiveness, AB 29**
Failure to appear, forfeiture following, AB 29**
Reduction to ease jail overcrowding, AB 303
Attorney-in-fact, action as, AB 453*
Collateral, transfer and return, AB 453*
Fees, AB 453*
Insurance laws, applicability, AB 453*
Licenses, fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Records, retention, AB 453*
Dealer's permit, fee, SB 420*
Permit requirements, exceptions, SB 14
General improvement districts, authority to file petition, SB 225
Assessments, AB 493**
Depositories of public money, duties, penalties for violation, SB 447
Deposits and collections
Definitions, SB 285
Payor banks, return of items by, SB 285
Solicitation of deposits, acceptance, SB 436*
Warranties, transfer or presentment, SB 285
Home loans, unfair lending practices, AB 284*
Limited-liability companies or partnerships, filing of documents, AB 536
Loans secured by real property, disclosure of terms to borrowers, SB 348
Mortgage bankers, licensure and regulation, AB 490**, AB 492
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Cosmetologists, practice with, applicability of laws, SB 372**, AB 258
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, suspension or revocation, AB 481
State Barbers' Health and Sanitation Board
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigation and proceedings for discipline, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Fees, SB 452**
Intoxicating liquors (See INTOXICATING LIQUORS)
Smoking prohibitions and exceptions, AB 96
Tax on entertainment events, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Recycling and disposal, regulation, AB 447
Domestic violence, penalty for battery constituting, AB 97
Health care providers, battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Older victims, age threshold for applicability of certain laws, AB 73*
Audio recordings of meetings, public records, SB 229
Noise restrictions, authority to impose, SB 291
Taxes, distribution, SB 308, SB 470**
BATTLE MOUNTAIN, TOWN OF (For general provisions, see TOWNS)
Industrial park and flood control project, appropriation, AB 123
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Abolished, SB 486**
Secretary-Treasurer, duties, SB 229
Repeal, SB 486**
School pupils, use and possession of devices, AB 138**
Personal property tax exemption removed, SB 293
Cosmetological establishments, sales, SB 372**, AB 258
Fluid milk products, regulations, AB 111*
Hearings on nonconforming structures, notice requirements, SB 176*
Political advertisements, availability of cost information, AB 528**
Sign regarding consumption of alcohol during pregnancy, posting by food establishments, SB 307*
Statewide information system, appropriation, SB 98
Disclosure of certain information, SB 267
Fees for certificates, AB 550*
Hospitals, reports of births, SB 389
Buoys, fees, SB 420
Firearms, unlawful discharge, SB 40†
Operating under the influence
0.08% or more alcohol concentration, standard, AB 7**, AB 104
Expert witnesses regarding tests, reports in lieu of appearances, SB 433
Marijuana, penalties, AB 362
Previous felony conviction, subsequent violation treated as felony, AB 34
Personal property tax exemption removed, SB 293
Registration, numbering and titling system
Certificates of number, fees, SB 420*
Debts owed state, suspension or revocation of registration for delinquencies, AB 457, AB 481
Exemption for motorboat documented pursuant to federal law, SB 464*
Sales tax
Collection, SB 464†
Nonresidents, exemption, SB 464*
Occasional sales, computation, SB 464†
Used vessel taken in trade on sale of another vessel, SB 464*
Special permits for movement of certain vessels, issuance, fees, SB 464†
Washoe County, use of fuel tax proceeds for certain projects, SB 237**, AB 455
Ex-felons, purchase or possession prohibited, penalty, AB 64
Insurance claims, rights of insured or claimant, AB 367*
Licenses, grounds for denial, revocation or suspension, AB 325*
Salvage vehicles, inspections, repairs or rebuilding, AB 325*
California Immigrant Trail Interpretive Center, time for issuance extended, SB 51**
Capital improvements legislation, SB 507**
Comstock Cemetery Foundation, allocation of certain proceeds, SB 144**
Electric system in southern Nevada, prohibition on certain bond issues, SB 447
Fish Hatchery Refurbishment Project, SB 416**
Historical buildings, preservation and protection, AB 290
Housing, assistance to finance, amount, SB 78**
Industrial development revenue bonds, issuance, AB 85
Lincoln County fairgrounds, allocation for restoration, SB 144**
Local government finances (See LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Public water or sewer systems, capital improvements, SB 200**, SB 233**, SB 336**, SB 447
Tahoe Basin, environmental protection projects, SB 46**
Tobacco proceeds, financing or refinancing contracts for purchase of, SB 448
University and Community College System of Nevada
1991 issue, increase in amount, SB 413**
Academic Medical Center in Las Vegas, acquisition, SB 447
Capital improvements, SB 507**
Public employees, paid leave of absence to make donation, AB 3
Adjustment of city boundary to avoid division of tax parcel, AB 533**
Sparks, determination of boundaries of wards, AB 56*
State election districts, revisions, AB 375*
Utah-Nevada boundary line, study of feasibility of changing, SCR 20‡
Amateur officials, exemptions from coverage under certain laws, AB 185**
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Child abuse or neglect, duty of employees to report, SB 383**
Halfway houses for substance abuse recovery, limitation on location, SB 236
Lien or security agreement, fee, AB 130**
Sheep, inspection, fee, SB 486**
Revival of certain causes of action, AB 50
Common-interest communities, unlawful acts, SB 100*, SB 438
Caliente, City of, appropriation, AB 121
Private construction or operation of transportation facility, authorization, AB 401**
Fund to finance remediation of sites, creation, AB 74**
Innocent purchasers and certain others, immunities and reports regarding contaminated property, AB 485**
Laboratories for analyzing materials, certification required, SB 58*
Enforcement officials, continuing education requirements, SB 371
Plumbing, designation of state code, SB 115
Seismic requirements for purposes of buildings or other projects, adoption, AB 57*
State Fire Marshal regulations, applicability, SB 118, SB 458
Fees, SB 428**
Fingerprinting of applicants, SB 428**, AB 155**
Refusal to issue, grounds, SB 428**
Renewal or reinstatement, SB 371†, SB 428**
Suspension or revocation, SB 428**, AB 481
Change of name or location, fee, SB 428**
Continuing education, requirements, fees, SB 371†, SB 428**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, SB 428**
Electronic business, conduct with Real Estate Division, SB 428**
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Public Works Board Manager, authority, AB 534**
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Building permit basis, restrictions on increase, SB 452**
Definitions, SB 452**
Improvements associated with construction of structures, requirements, SB 452†
Issuance based on dedication of land or other thing of value prohibited, AB 427**
Subdivision of land, requirements, AB 449
Ex-felons, purchase or possession prohibited, penalty, AB 64
School policies, prohibited acts, AB 513
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Research facilities, penalty, AB 191
Alternative fuels, conversion of certain fleet vehicles, AB 237**
Disabled persons and service animals, prohibited acts, AB 332
Conditions of employment, SB 192
Conduct while on duty, standards, SB 192
Definition, SB 192
Fingerprints, submission, SB 192
Permits, SB 192
Physician's certificate, SB 192
Prohibited acts, SB 192
Training regarding disabilities, SB 192
Fuel additives, use by certain fleet vehicles, AB 359
Impoundment of vehicles, SB 192
Legislative study of long-range mass transit, SCR 31‡
Fees, calculation, AB 265
Fleet vehicles, registration by electronic filings, SB 405*
School buses (See SCHOOL BUSES)
Smoking prohibited, AB 96
Consumer Affairs Division
Certificates of registration, fees, AB 478
Martial arts studios, regulation, AB 478
Supplemental appropriation, AB 256**
Travel agents and tour brokers, duties, AB 329, AB 343**, AB 478, AB 496
Commissioner of Mortgage Lending, appointment, AB 490**
State Health Authority, member, SB 289†
Electronic business, authority to transact, regulations, AB 490**
Financial Institutions, Division of
Assessments, collection, AB 493**
Collection agency laws, actions, remedies and prosecution, AB 24
Deposit, accounting and use of money collected, AB 493**
Escrow companies, duties, AB 490**
Fund for Financial Institutions, creation, use, AB 493†
Mortgage bankers, regulation, AB 492
Mortgage brokers and agents, duties, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 490**
Mortgage companies, discipline, SB 250**, SB 364
Mortgage laws, actions, remedies and prosecution, AB 24
Motor vehicle sales forms, duties, AB 223**
Tax Commission, exchange of information, SB 509
Housing Division
Administrator, member of Advisory Committee on Homelessness, AB 259
Assistance to finance housing, powers and duties, SB 78**
Energy assistance programs, universal energy charge eliminated, SB 4
Expanded powers, provisions continued, SB 78**
Financial counseling services, appropriation for grants, AB 399
State purchasing, exemption from laws continued, SB 78**
Industrial development revenue bonds, issuance, AB 85
Industrial Relations, Division of
Accident benefits, regulations, SB 320**
Assessment of insurers, duties, SB 193**, SB 319*
Audits, duties, AB 168*
Cease and desist orders, penalty for noncompliance, AB 140*
Consolidation with Insurance Division, study, AB 453**
Disclosures regarding uninsured employers or proof of insurance, SB 168**
Electricians, certification, AB 357
Evaluation of impairment, regulations, SB 320†
Injured employees, notice of certain rights, duties, AB 168†
Mold control, regulation of certain activities relating to, SB 132†
Panels of providers, regulations, AB 168*
Permanent disabilities, regulations, AB 168**
Recovery of payments from uninsured employers, SB 168**
Solar energy installers, regulation, AB 431†
Insurance, Division of
Annuities, duties, AB 453**
Associations of self-insured private employers, duties, SB 64
Commissioner, member of State Health Authority, SB 289†
Consolidation with Industrial Relations Division, study, AB 453**
Cooperative agreements, authority to enter, AB 453*
Defensive drivers, duties, AB 128
Employer health insurance application forms, duties, SB 130
Essential insurance associations, duties, AB 453*
External review organizations, duties, SB 171, SB 320**, AB 79**, AB 453**
Federal laws, adoption of regulations to ensure compliance with, AB 453*
Financial condition of insurers, reports, AB 453*
Health care providers, forms regarding credentials, duties, AB 320**
Health insurance, duties, AB 261, AB 320*
Hearings, location, SB 319†
Holding companies, duties, AB 453*
Independent review of adverse determinations, duties, SB 23, SB 171, AB 79†
Insolvent insurers, recovery of unearned premiums, AB 453*
Insurance administrators, duties, reports, AB 320*, AB 453*
Medical malpractice
Claims, duties, AB 453*
Critically Impacted Medical Specialties Subsidy Fund, duties, SB 250†, SB 389
Essential medical specialties, duties, SB 122**, AB 320*
Insurance rates, duties, SB 97, SB 122*, SB 250**, AB 320*
Policies, reports regarding, AB 453*
Screening panels, procedures, SB 97, AB 300
Settlements or judgments, review, AB 320*
Studies, SB 122*, SB 250†, SB 292**
Withdrawal of certain insurers, procedures, SB 122†, AB 320*
Model acts, study of enactment of certain acts, SB 319*
Mold control, insurance coverage, duties, SB 131†
Motor vehicle insurance, duties, AB 172, ACR 27
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, assessments, collection of fee, AB 453*
Rates, approval, SB 12, SB 250†
Self-insured employers, financial statements, AB 453*
Labor Commissioner (See LABOR COMMISSIONER)
Manufactured Housing Division
Account for Education and Recovery, notices, powers and duties, AB 212**
Limited servicemen, duties, AB 262**
Manufactured buildings, duties, AB 262**
Manufactured Home Park Rent Review Board, creation, AB 184
Parks, posting of signs with contact information, AB 498**
Mortgage Lending, Division of, creation, duties, AB 490**
Real Estate Division
Attorney General, prosecution of licensee violations, AB 24
Common-interest communities, duties, SB 100*, SB 438
Electronic business with licensees, powers, SB 428**
False documents filed with, penalty, SB 428**
Investigations, powers, SB 250**, SB 364, SB 428**
Ombudsman for Owners in Common-Interest Communities, duties, SB 438
Property managers, duties, SB 438
Car washes, regulation of certain mobile and nonpermanent vendors, AB 484
Grocery stores, conditions for issuance, AB 356
Recycling and waste reduction, receipt of information, AB 447
Secondhand dealers, AB 420*
Disclosure of information regarding issuance of license authorized, SB 466**
Expiration and renewal, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, SB 509, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Failure to comply with laws, order to cease and desist, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Fees, SB 238, SB 298, SB 509, AB 163, AB 243, AB 439, AB 536
Purchases of tangible personal property, registration with Taxation Department, SB 382
Transient lodging establishments, requirements, AB 342
Financial institutions, imposition of tax on, SB 509, AB 517
Fuel retailers, imposition of tax on, SB 293
Imposition, SB 238, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Applicability to business entities, generally, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Child care, applicability of tax, SB 382
Door-to-door sales, applicability of tax, AB 163, AB 536
Increase, SB 219, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 204, AB 243, AB 281, AB 339
Natural persons without employees, applicability of tax, SB 298, AB 163, AB 536
New businesses, qualifications for abatements, SB 473**, AB 356†
Reduction, SB 238, SB 509, AB 243
Sole proprietors, applicability of tax, SB 382
Telemarketing, applicability of tax, AB 163, AB 536
Unified business tax, imposition, SB 509
Documents filed with Secretary of State
Fees, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Requirements, right to refuse acceptance, AB 536
Foreign trusts, duties, AB 536
Meetings, notice, SB 436*
Mergers, conversions or exchanges, procedures, SB 436*
Resident agents (See RESIDENT AGENTS)
CALIENTE, CITY OF (For general provisions, see CITIES)
Bridge, appropriation for construction, AB 121
Charter amendments
Ballots for ordinances and charter amendments, AB 436, AB 528†
Names of candidates on ballots, AB 541*
Telephones in vehicles, regulation prohibited, SB 10**
Unfair lending practices, regulatory powers restricted, AB 284*
Voters, qualifications, SB 453†
Deputies, appointment, SB 197*
Farm account, authority to establish, SB 197*
Federal grants, authority to apply for, SB 197*
Female child, expenses of commitment, SB 197*
Forestry camps, authority, SB 197*
Legislative study of juvenile justice system, ACR 18‡
Uncashed check issued to child, expiration, SB 197*
Construction bonds, time for issuance extended, SB 51**
Members, appointment, SB 276**
Route and terminals, approval by governmental entities, SB 276**
State agency, status as, SB 276**
Advertising, availability of information, AB 528**
Civil penalties, SB 147**, AB 528**, AB 529†
Reports, AB 528**, AB 529*, AB 541*
Special legislative sessions, restrictions on solicitation or acceptance, AB 541*
Unspent contributions, disposition, AB 529*
Elections generally (See ELECTIONS)
Expenses and expenditures, reports, AB 529*, AB 541*
Fees for documents filed with Secretary of State, SB 112**, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Financial disclosure statements, filing, investigations, SB 147**, AB 529*
Impeding campaigns, provisions repealed, SB 147†, AB 127
Legislative study, ACR 14
Publications featuring current public officers, state and local governments prohibited from paying for, SB 123*, AB 298
Motor vehicle franchises, applicability of laws, SB 355
Property tax exemption removed, SB 293
Change of name or address, fees, SB 428**
Electronic business with Division, regulations, SB 428**
Occupancy tax, imposition, AB 342
Personnel, disciplinary action, SB 428**
Public offering statements, amendment fee, SB 428**
Representatives, registration fees, SB 428**
Sex offenders or crime against a child offenders, registration, SB 397**
Analysis to determine trends in incidence of cancer, AB 315**
Clinical trials or studies, insurance coverage, AB 502*
Colorectal cancer screening, insurance coverage, SB 183*
Firefighters, occupational disease coverage, AB 451*
Forestry Division employees, occupational disease coverage, AB 479
Nevada Cancer Institute, designation as official institute, SB 352**
Oral cancer and forensic institute, UNLV, appropriation, SB 352†
Prostate Cancer, Task Force on, composition, SB 281*
Administration of money for projects, requirements, AB 534**
Generally, SB 507**
Public works generally (See PUBLIC WORKS)
State Public Works Board (See PUBLIC WORKS BOARD, STATE)
University System, audit, AB 148**
Classification as category I peace officers, AB 158†
Emergency response study, representation, AB 250†
Alarms required, AB 120
Required use, penalty for noncompliance, SB 116*
Unsafe products, prohibitions against sale, lease or use, AB 386
Mobile and nonpermanent vendors, regulation in populous counties, AB 484
School bus drivers, training, immunities, SB 230
CARLIN, CITY OF (For general provisions, see CITIES)
Ordinances and charter amendment ballots, charter amendment, AB 436, AB 528†
Telephones in vehicles, charter amendment, SB 10**
Unfair lending practices, charter amendment, AB 284*
Voter qualifications, charter amendment, SB 453†
CARSON CITY (For general provisions, see CITIES; COUNTIES)
Charter amendments
Ballots for ordinances and charter amendments, AB 436, AB 528†
Canvass of votes, AB 527
Charter committee, officers, meetings, AB 113*
Names of candidates on ballots, AB 541*
Sales tax, imposition, use and refunds, SB 293, AB 514*
Telegraph, obsolete provisions repealed, SB 7†
Telephonic devices in vehicles, regulation prohibited, SB 10**
Unfair lending practices, regulatory powers restricted, AB 284*
Voters, qualifications, SB 453†
County motor vehicle fuel tax, use, AB 523
State Fire Marshal regulations, applicability, SB 118
State Public Defender, fees for services, SB 504**
Western Nevada Development District, designation, SB 328*
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, creation, SB 275
Audio recordings of meetings, public records, SB 229
Noise restrictions, authority to impose, SB 291
Taxes, distribution, SB 308, SB 470**
Performance audit, AB 162
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, membership, SB 275
Legislative Committee on Public Lands, review of programs, SB 216**
Newlands Project Water Rights Fund, extension, AB 82*
Taxes, distribution, SB 308
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, membership, SB 275
Applicability, SB 509
CATS (See generally ANIMALS)
Deceptive trade practices, prohibited acts by providers of services, SB 399
Disabilities, persons with, program to provide devices for, administration, SB 164**
Duration of each call billed, notice to customers, exception, SB 400**
Facilities for personal wireless service, approval of construction, SB 426**
Legislature, use of cell phones (Rule 21), AR 3‡
Motor vehicle drivers, local regulation of phone use restricted, SB 10**
Quarantined persons, rights, SB 82**
School pupils, use and possession of devices, AB 138**
Pasturing livestock, crime repealed, AB 10*
Vandalism or graffiti, penalty for repeat offenses, AB 11
Veterans' cemeteries (See VETERANS)
Virginia City cemetery, allocation of certain bond proceeds, SB 144**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Fees, SB 323**
Legislators, refusal to provide service based on vote prohibited, SB 311
Licenses, suspension or revocation, SB 323**
Temporary authorization, SB 323**
Unlawful acts, SB 323**
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
CHARTER AMENDMENTS (See specific city)
Achievement and proficiency examinations
Additional tests, payment, SB 33, SB 191, SB 252
Grades when tests taken, SB 191
Limited English proficiency students, procedures, SB 191, AB 179
PSAT and Pre ACT, administration, SB 191†
Pupils with disabilities, accommodation, SB 191
Reading comprehension tests, grade 4 and up, AB 264†
Reports to Department of Education, SB 191
Science and writing proficiency, inclusion on exam, SB 191
Scoring, reports, appropriation, SB 191
Spring semester administration, SB 191
Weekend administration, AB 264†
Administrative services provided to school, requests for reimbursement, SB 252
Application to form school, procedures, SB 252
At-risk pupils, schools deemed dedicated to, reports, SB 252
Buildings and sites fund, creation, sources, SB 222
Charters, revocation procedures, hearings, SB 252
Choice of schools, authorization, SB 191, SB 254, AB 264†
Days of instruction, increase, AB 264†, AB 266†
Designations of schools, standards, effect, SB 191
Distance education programs (See DISTANCE EDUCATION)
Education laws, provision of information, education and training by Department, SB 252
Expansion of instruction and other educational services, SB 252
Fund for Charter Schools, sources, SB 252
Governing body
Facilities and equipment, reports, SB 191
Limited English proficiency pupils, duties, SB 191, AB 179
Member is public officer, SB 252
No Child Left Behind Act, duties, reports, SB 191
Qualifications, AB 55**, AB 337
Salary, travel and subsistence payments, SB 252
Alternate licensing procedure for persons without teaching degree, SB 35
Classification system for teachers, SB 226
Convicted felons, employment, SB 33, SB 252
Fingerprints, submission by certain applicants, SB 33, SB 252
Middle school and junior high teachers, qualifications for licensure, SB 191
Paraprofessionals, requirements, SB 191
Qualifications, provision of information to parents, SB 191
Principals (See also Personnel, this heading)
No Child Left Behind Act, duties, reports, SB 191
Privatization of educational services, AB 512
Dropouts, adjustment of state funding, AB 45
Plans to improve achievement, SB 191
Pupils' records, accessibility to parents, AB 54
Reading instruction program, duties, AB 411
Sponsors, duties, SB 252
Sponsorship by State Board of Education, duties of Department, SB 252
Transportation services, duties, SB 230
Assessments, AB 493**
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Deferred deposit transactions, definition, redemption of checks, AB 433
Industrial insurance benefit checks, restrictive endorsements, AB 294*
Negotiable instruments, UCC (See NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS)
State agencies, returned check fees, SB 112**, SB 471*, AB 481
Children's Trust Fund, awards to certain entities, AB 201*
Criminal history records, access for certain emergency placements, AB 378**
Death of child, teams to review, composition and procedures, AB 381**
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Guardian, procedure for permanent placement of child with, AB 273*
Protective custody proceedings, opening or closing to public, AB 132*
Protective orders against alleged perpetrator, issuance and enforcement, AB 331*
Athletic trainers, duties, SB 27*
Confessor-confessant exemption for clergy removed, SB 223
Educational or school psychologists, duties, AB 308
Entities providing organized activities for children, duties, SB 383**
Failure to report, penalty, SB 383†
Investigative reports, availability to certain health care providers, AB 112
Volunteers for certain entities, duties, SB 383†
Sado-masochistic abuse, penalties for sexual assault of or lewdness with a child after conviction of, AB 78*
Sexual abuse of a child defined, SB 394**
Shaken baby syndrome, defined as abuse, AB 8
Victim under 3 years of age, examination, AB 112
Business tax, applicability, SB 382
Child Care Improvement Grant Program, appropriation, AB 547
Fire safety, governmental duties, SB 458
Food establishment regulations, exemptions, AB 497**
Halfway houses for substance abuse recovery, limitation on location, SB 236
School districts, provision of services, AB 264†
Smoking on premises of facilities prohibited, AB 96, AB 154, AB 460
Unsafe products, prohibited acts, AB 386
Assistance for qualifying relatives with legal guardianship, eligibility, AB 501*
Eighth Judicial District, educational seminars for separating parents, AB 309
Parenting plans, inclusion in custody orders, AB 435
Records regarding children, accessibility to parents, AB 54
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, adoption of revised act, SB 48*
Revision of crime, SB 394**
School personnel, immorality defined, forfeiture of rights of employment, SB 460**
Amount, method for adjustment, AB 27**
Domestic violence proceedings, assignment of income, AB 160*
Health insurance, enrollment in plan pursuant to court order, AB 475**
Modification of payments based on change in gross monthly income, SB 269*
Withholding of income
Fees, imposition, collection and administration, SB 186**, AB 475†
Immediate withholdings of income, determinations, AB 117*
Agencies which provide child welfare services
Criminal history records, access for certain emergency placements, AB 378**
Employees, authorization to provide services to certain children, AB 25**
Court Administrator, report of certain information, AB 132*
Funding of services in large counties, responsibilities, AB 482†
Students in postsecondary programs, agreements for services, AB 25†
Transfer of services to counties, reversion of previous appropriation, AB 470**
Educational records, inspection, AB 264
False representation of age to obtain tobacco, SB 339, AB 460
Legislative study of juvenile justice system, ACR 18‡
Repeal and reenactment of provisions, SB 197*
Amber Alert System, duties, AB 322**
Child care facilities, prohibition against use of unsafe products, AB 386
List of unsafe products, creation, AB 386
Sale or lease of unsafe products prohibited, AB 386
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Chiropractic Physicians' Board of Nevada
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Confidentiality of proceedings, SB 250**
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Regulations, review, SB 329*
Continuing education, SB 250**
Felony convictions, effect, AB 55**, AB 337
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Qualifications, SB 250**
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Office buildings, smoking prohibitions, AB 96
Practicing without license, actions constituting, SB 250**
Unprofessional conduct defined, SB 250**
Special license plates to support alternatives to abortion, SB 120
Appropriation, AB 472
Clinical trials or studies, insurance coverage, AB 502*
CHURCHILL COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
Western Nevada Development District, designation, SB 328*
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, creation, SB 275
Counterfeit cigarettes, prohibited acts, AB 460†
Licensure and regulation, AB 460†
Promotional programs, reimbursements from suppliers, SB 66
Delivery sales and delivery services, prohibited acts, AB 460
False representation by minor to obtain tobacco, SB 339, AB 460
Internet sales, duties of sellers to prevent purchase by minors, AB 12
Manufacturers and wholesalers
Licensure and regulation, AB 460†
Reports to Department and Attorney General, AB 460
Smoking prohibitions or restrictions, SB 50*, AB 96, AB 154, AB 202, AB 460
Increase, SB 219, SB 238, SB 382, SB 461, SB 509, AB 204, AB 243, AB 281
Reports, AB 460
Tobacco settlement
Reports by manufacturers, AB 460
Use of proceeds, sale of rights, SB 448, AB 264†, AJR 10
Vending machines, prohibited placement, SB 315*, AB 96, AB 154
Personal property of nonresidents, property tax exemption removed, SB 293
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Alternative sentencing departments authorized, AB 98
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Aviation fuel tax, imposition, SB 470**
Bonds and other obligations (See LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Boundaries, adjustment to avoid division of tax parcels, AB 533**
Caliente (See CALIENTE, CITY OF)
Candidates or contested matters, prohibited expenditures, SB 123*, AB 298
Carlin (See CARLIN, CITY OF)
Carson City (See CARSON CITY)
Community antenna television, authority, SB 278, SB 429**
Community redevelopment (See COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT)
Consular cards, acceptance for identification purposes, SB 312*
Dillon's Rule regarding governmental powers, abolished, SB 295
Elko (See ELKO, CITY OF)
Fallon, account for safe drinking water in schools, creation, AB 473†
Finances and funds (See LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Fire protection, agreements with State Fire Marshal, SB 458
Firearms, regulation of carrying unconcealed at special events, SB 29
Flag of United States, conditions on display restricted, SB 359**, AB 408
Handicapped parking, erection and maintenance of signs, SB 187
Henderson (See HENDERSON, CITY OF)
Homeland security, response plans, duties, AB 441**
Incorporation, population requirements, SB 347
Jet or turbine-powered aircraft fuel tax, imposition, SB 470**
Las Vegas (See LAS VEGAS, CITY OF)
Mesquite Project, support expressed and backers commended, SCR 40‡
North Las Vegas (See NORTH LAS VEGAS, CITY OF)
Nuisances (See NUISANCES)
Ordinances (See ORDINANCES)
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Publications, deposit with or transmittal to State Library, AB 214
Reno (See RENO, CITY OF)
Smoking and tobacco regulation, authority, SB 50†
Sparks (See SPARKS, CITY OF)
Suicide prevention measures urged, SCR 3‡
Taxation Department, exchange of information, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281, AB 342
Telephonic devices, local regulation of use in vehicles prohibited, SB 10**
Unfair lending practices, regulatory powers restricted, AB 284*
Aggregation programs, use, SB 421
Electric facilities, restrictions on acquisition or expansion eliminated, SB 261
Payments in lieu of taxes on acquisition of certain utilities, SB 442, AB 361**
Universal energy charge, exemption, SB 126
Volunteer fire department donations, immunity from liability, AB 26*
Wells (See WELLS, CITY OF)
West Wendover (See WEST WENDOVER, CITY OF)
Yerington (See YERINGTON, CITY OF)
Candidates for office, investigation of felony convictions, AB 285*
Henderson, exemptions from civil service system, AB 67**
Las Vegas, pro bono activities, AB 150*
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Financial disclosure statements, duties, SB 147**, AB 529*
North Las Vegas, duties, SB 229
Judicial Retirement Plan, receipt of reports, SB 409
Master plans, meetings regarding initiatives or referendums, AB 428
Meetings, audio recordings, SB 229
Redevelopment projects, approval, AB 270**
Residency requirements for certain candidates, AB 412
Taxation Department, annual report to, SB 382
Vacancies due to catastrophe, filling, AB 441**
Imposition, AB 514*
Local improvements, pledge of certain revenues for art, tourism and entertainment projects, SB 495**
Special districts, pledge of tax revenue for payment of certain bonds, SB 467**
Henderson, exemptions from civil service system, AB 67**
Redevelopment agencies, appointments, SB 424**
Sparks, authority of Mayor to vote, AB 56*
CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (See also specific cities or officers)
Bone marrow or certain organs, paid leave of absence for donation, AB 3
Complaints against
False or fraudulent complaints against, penalty, SB 342
Contracts between governing bodies and members, authorization, AB 539**
Drivers' licenses and vehicle registration, compliance with laws, AB 476
Ethics in government (See ETHICS)
Financial disclosure statements, filing, SB 147**, AB 529*
Forfeiture of office, grounds, AB 337†
Insurance (See INSURANCE—Group insurance for public employees)
Military duty, compensation during leave of absence, AB 310
Personal identifying information, unlawful acts, SB 297*
Voting, effect of abstention by member of certain public bodies, SB 16**
Specialty court program accounts, duties, SB 108, AB 29**
Aviation fuel tax, distribution, SB 470**
Deeds of trust, notice of foreclosure, AB 284*
Domestic violence, orders for protection, AB 160*
Subdivision of land, process fees, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Telemarketing, process fees, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Trust companies, process fees, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Intoxicated persons, transport for medical or other treatment, SB 86, SB 94**
Restoration, SB 430, AB 55**, AB 337
CLARK COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
Air pollution control (See AIR POLLUTION)
Car washes, regulation of mobile and nonpermanent vendors, AB 484
Child welfare (See CHILD WELFARE)
Commissioner of civil marriages, office hours, AB 94**
County clerk ex officio county recorder, SB 80
Defibrillators, duties, AB 441**
Gaming enterprise districts, standards for designation, SB 158
Helicopters, preferred facilities, noise guidelines and tax exemptions, AB 355**
Laughlin Family Resource Center, appropriation, AB 183
Manufactured home parks, requirement for individual water meters, AB 230**
Medicaid, funding of nonfederal share of costs of institutional care, AB 482†
Mental health screening and stabilization component, appropriation, SB 151
Planning commission
Abolishment, AB 291†
Service at pleasure of appointing authority, ethical requirements, AB 291*
Professional sports stadium, creation of authority, rental car fees for financing, AB 554
Recycling programs, duties, AB 447
Red Rock Canyon, protection of adjacent lands, SB 358**
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, creation, AB 174
Regional parks, construction tax or dedication of land for, AB 196
Regional planning (See REGIONAL PLANNING)
Regional transportation projects, funding, SB 237**
Rental cars, additional fee, use, AB 554
Rural preservation neighborhoods, protection, AB 244
Southern Nevada Water Authority (See SOUTHERN NEVADA WATER AUTHORITY)
State Fire Marshal regulations, applicability, SB 118
Suicide prevention measures urged, SCR 3‡, SCR 4‡, SCR 5‡
Town advisory boards, chairman, terms of office and vacancies, AB 84*
Underutilized businesses, programs to assist, AB 174
Water rights, quantification of certain rights, notice to owners, SB 336**
Administrator-pupil ratio, establishment, AB 506
Business Advisory Council, formation, AB 162
Consolidation with Lincoln County School District, AB 264†
Indefinite quantity contracts, pilot program, SB 392, AB 167
Innovative designs and renewable resources, use encouraged, AB 396**
Replacement of schools, continuation of program, funding, AB 396**
Defibrillators, availability in high schools, AB 441**
Foreign languages and cultures, instruction programs, AB 508†
Performance audit, AB 162
Regional Training Programs (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Personnel)
Appropriations, SB 190, SB 210†
Success Through English Program, appropriation, AB 327
Test score brochures, appropriation, SB 210†
Appropriation, AB 377
Conveyance of facility, land and equipment to Nevada FFA Foundation, AB 371
Child abuse reports, confessor-confessant exemption removed, SB 223
Legislative religious services, compensation, ACR 28‡
Constructional defect actions, duties, SB 371
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Grocery stores, unlawful acts, AB 356
Health care facilities, unlawful acts involving staffing levels, AB 313†
Schools, safe and respectful environment, unlawful acts, AB 513
Terrorism, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38, AB 99, AB 250**, AB 441**
Secondhand dealer defined, AB 420*
Silver or gold bullion coins, issuance by state, AB 415, AB 532
Assessments, AB 493**
Deferred deposit services, assistance to, AB 433
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Felony convictions, effect, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Fair share agreements, AB 182
State employees, AB 65
Electric system in southern Nevada, prohibition on certain bond issues, SB 447
Legislative Committee for Review and Oversight, creation, SB 216†
Legislative Committee on Public Lands, duties, SB 216**
Sales, disclosures, SB 204*
Fee for commission, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Clark County, office hours, AB 94**
State purchasing, advertisements for bids, AB 116
Actions, immunities, SB 100*, AB 446
Applicability of laws, SB 100*, SB 438
Distribution, SB 100*
Rejection, AB 376
Commission for Common-Interest Communities, creation, duties, SB 100*
Common elements
Assessments, charges for late payments and collection costs, SB 100*, SB 325
Development of community in separate phases, SB 100*, SB 438
Master associations, reallocation of costs, SB 100*, SB 438, AB 319
Complaints, procedures, fines, SB 100*, SB 438
Conflict of state law, effect, SB 100*, SB 438
Construction penalties, liens, SB 100*, SB 136*, AB 43
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS)
Declaration, bylaws or other governing documents
Amendment of declaration, procedure, AB 376
Certification by executive board members, time for, SB 438
Conformity with statutes, SB 100*, SB 438
Election procedures, SB 100*, SB 438
Violations, records, SB 100*
Electronic conduct of business, regulations, SB 428**
Energy conservation, loan program to purchase equipment for, AB 314
Executive boards
Ballots, counting, AB 43
Candidates, disclosures, SB 100*
Complaints, procedure, SB 100*, SB 438
Elections, bylaws, SB 100*, SB 438
Executive sessions, SB 100*, SB 136*, SB 438, AB 43
Notice, posting, AB 376
Recording and minutes, SB 100*, SB 438
New members, duties, SB 100*, SB 438
Prohibited acts, SB 100*, SB 438
Property manager laws inapplicable, SB 100*, SB 325, SB 438
Qualifications, SB 100*, SB 438
Records, maintenance, availability to units' owners, SB 438
Removal of members, SB 100*, SB 438
Terms of office, SB 100*, SB 438
Fines, imposition and enforcement, SB 100*, SB 136*, SB 438
Flags, display, SB 100*, SB 359**, AB 408
Improvements or alterations to units, access, restrictions, SB 100*, SB 438
Incorporation, requirements for filing documents, default, AB 536
Insurance, notice of cancellations, SB 378*
Landscaping, lighting and security walls, notice of hearing relating to failure to maintain, SB 176*
Large communities, delegation of authority, SB 100*, SB 438
Liens, SB 100*, SB 136*, SB 438, AB 43
Master associations
Applicability of laws, SB 100*, SB 438, AB 43
Common elements, reallocation of costs, SB 100*, SB 438, AB 319
Nonprofit corporations law, conflicts, SB 100*, SB 438
Account, name change, use, SB 100*, SB 438
Fees, penalty for failure to pay, SB 438
Property managers (See PROPERTY MANAGERS)
Purchasers, provision of information to, SB 100*, SB 438
Records of association, maintenance and availability, SB 100*, SB 438
Reserve study, duties and availability, SB 100*
Residential construction tax, use of credits for park facilities, SB 100*
Rural agricultural communities, applicability of open meeting law, SB 100*
Subpoenas, procedures, SB 100*, SB 325, SB 438
Transient commercial use of units, authority, SB 100*, AB 319
Unit owners
Construction or design of unit or improvement, adherence to schedule, penalty for noncompliance, SB 100*, SB 136*, SB 438, AB 43
Proxies, SB 100*, SB 438, AB 43
Quorum, SB 100*, SB 438, AB 43
Recording and minutes, SB 100*
Voting rights in certain associations, exercise by delegates or representatives, SB 100*, SB 438, AB 43
Records of association, availability to owners, SB 100*, SB 438
Police officers, industrial insurance coverage for hepatitis, SB 184*
Quarantine or isolation, powers of health authorities, SB 82**
Credits, transferability, AB 507**
Gifted and talented school pupils, access to courses, SB 31
Great Basin College
Dental clinic, funding, SB 154, SB 507**
Industrial technology building, funding, SB 367, SB 507**
Scholarships for education students, SB 208†
Libraries, appropriation for on-line access licenses, SB 185
Massage therapy courses, approval, SB 338
Methamphetamine manufacture near, additional penalty, AB 33*
Records, restrictions on disclosure of personal information, AB 353**
Southern Nevada Community College
Bachelor's degree program in education, appropriation, AB 511
Continuing Education Division, appropriation, AB 391†
Mesquite High School, financing for renovation, SB 152, SB 507**
Child welfare services, agreements, AB 25†
Sex or crime against a child offenders, registration requirements, SB 397**
Textbooks, sales tax exemption, repeal, SB 293
Vandalism or graffiti, penalty for repeat offenses, AB 11
Workers, registration of sex or crime against a child offenders, SB 397**
Workforce Development Challenge Grants, Program of, appropriation, AB 391
Economic Development Commission, financing of projects, SB 174**, AB 174
Affidavit of death, filing by surviving spouse taking property by intestate succession, SB 63
Amendment of redevelopment plan, procedure, notice of hearing, SB 181*
Appointment of members of agencies, alternative procedure, SB 424**
Approval of projects by legislative bodies, considerations, AB 270**
Conditional approval of land use prohibited, AB 427†
County ordinances, enactment, SB 145†
Employment plans, inclusion in proposal for project, compliance by certain lessees or purchasers, AB 456
Prevailing wage laws (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Real property, acquisition of interest by officer or employee of agency or community, authority, AB 538
Tax revenue, allocation
Manner of valuing certain property exempt from taxation, SB 113**
Total annual revenue payable to agencies in smaller counties, SB 335, SB 447
Washoe County, taxes by or for school districts excluded from distribution to agencies, SB 402
Administrative assessments, imposition, AB 242
Domestic violence, penalty, AB 97
DUI, penalties, AB 106**
Jail overcrowding, alternatives to commitment, AB 303
Motor vehicles, failure of new residents to register, SB 214
Osteopathic physicians, violations, SB 250†
Physicians, violations, SB 250†
Tobacco, false representations to obtain, SB 339, AB 460
Traffic violations
Child-restraint devices and safety belts, failure to use, SB 116*
Construction zones, AB 444*
Parent or guardian liability for certain acts by minors, SB 256
E-mail (See E-MAIL)
Educational technology, appropriation, SB 191
Election precincts, filing of maps, AB 88, AB 125*
Internet (See INTERNET)
Libraries, appropriation for on-line access licenses, SB 185, SB 191
Local response agencies, duties, AB 441**
Luring child using computer, unlawful acts, SB 300**, SB 394**, SB 460**
Pupils, statewide automated system of information concerning, SB 191
Real Estate Division, transactions with licensees, SB 428**
State agencies
Compliance with certain policies, procedures and standards required, approval of new systems, AB 88
Homeland security, confidentiality of certain documents, SB 175, AB 441**
Response agencies, duties, AB 441**
Secretary of State, fees for searches, SB 112**
Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act, adoption, SB 463
Voting records, maintenance, AB 125*
Commission, audio recordings constitute public records, SB 229
Comstock Cemetery Foundation, allocation of bond proceeds, SB 144**
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Alternative sentencing, city departments of, AB 98
Blueprints of facilities susceptible to terrorism, access restricted, AB 441**
Child abuse or neglect
Civil proceedings regarding protective custody, AB 132*
Confessor-confessant privilege removed, SB 223
Contractors' Board, State, certain information held by, AB 220**
Domestic violence victims and advocates, privilege, AB 160*
Criminal investigations of candidates, results, AB 285†
Epilepsy, certain communications unprivileged, AB 406
Equal Rights Commission, complaints and investigations, SB 450*
Gaming Commission, Nevada, SB 432
Gaming Control Board, State, SB 432, SB 509
Highly hazardous substances, information related to, SB 67, SB 127*
Homeland security
Access limited, AB 462
Government records, SB 175, AB 441**
Insurance, Division of, AB 453*
Insurance holding companies, AB 453*
Medical malpractice settlements, confidentiality restricted, SB 122*
Occupational licensing boards, records and proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364
Property tax records, AB 400, AB 442
Public hazards, concealment of information prohibited, SB 251
Public records
Personal information, AB 400
Procedure to declare confidential, certain regulations declared void, SB 443
Public Utilities Commission records, SB 125**, AB 32**
Recycling, proprietary information, AB 447
Secretary of State, information related to athletes' agents, SB 456*
Sexual assault victims and advocates, privilege, AB 160*
Social Workers, Board of Examiners for, AB 491
State agency documents relating to information technology, SB 175, AB 441**
Taxation Department, SB 238, SB 366, SB 382, SB 466**, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281, AB 342
Telemarketing, do-not-call registry, SB 255, AB 232*
Trade secrets (See TRADE SECRETS)
Unfair trade practices, investigative demands, SB 399
Utility vulnerability assessments and response plans, AB 441**
Veterinary Medical Examiners, State Board of, records and information, SB 427†
Conservation Districts, Division of, supplemental appropriation, SB 245
Environmental Protection, Division of
Brownfield Projects, Fund for, administration, AB 74**
Highly hazardous substances, duties, SB 67, SB 127**
Recycling, receipt of reports, duties, AB 447
Safe Drinking Water Act, duties, AB 473**
Solid waste management, grant program, AB 447
Waste reduction, recognition program, AB 447
Forestry, Division of
Conservation camps, duties, SB 72**, AB 467
Emergency vehicles, duties of drivers approaching stopped vehicles with flashing lights, AB 299*
Employees, occupational disease coverage, AB 479
Fire suppression revenues, carryover and use, AB 467
Funds and accounts, credit of interest earned, AB 129**
Joint enforcement of certain laws, development of plan, AB 195**
State Lands, Division of
Flood control assessment, appropriation, AB 466
Floyd Lamb State Park, transfer to City of Las Vegas, SB 444**
National Guard Armory in Carson City, sale authorized, SB 506**
Nevada FFA Foundation, conveyance of parcel of land, AB 371
Tahoe Basin environmental improvement projects, powers, SB 46**
State Parks, Division of
California Immigrant Trail Interpretive Center, bond issue extended, SB 51**
Concession fees, deposit, SB 401**
Cooperative agreements for establishment of parks, SB 144**, AB 287**
Federal grants, administrative fees, SB 144**
Improvement projects, reversion of previous appropriation extended, SB 502**
Transfer of park to local government, procedure, AB 287**
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, duties, SB 275
Wildlife, Division of
Conversion into Department, AB 41**, AB 72
Fees, duties, SB 420*
Fences, requests for money by certain persons, AB 301*
Fish Hatchery Refurbishment Project, duties, SB 416**
Game wardens (See GAME WARDENS)
Law enforcement personnel, salary increase, SB 346
License Plates for the Support of Wildlife Account, administration, SB 15†
Public Works Board, exemption from required services, AB 69**
Publications, printing, advertisements, AB 71**
Renewable energy generation projects, duties, AB 372
Taxes on sale or use of motorboats, collection, SB 464†
Wildlife Account, sources, use, SB 15†, SB 420†, AB 71**
Wildlife Obligated Reserve Account, creation, SB 420*
Budget, carryover and use of money, AB 467
Wages of participants, determination, SB 72**
CONSERVATION DISTRICTS (For general provisions, see DISTRICTS)
Nursery stock sales, license exemptions, SB 172**
Property, authority to purchase, sell or lease, AB 215**
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, creation, SB 275
Motor vehicles, requirements, penalty for violations, SB 69, AB 221*
Monopolies, unlawful acts, SB 399
Public utility information, unlawful disclosure, AB 441**
Sexual offense, conspiracy to commit, penalty, SB 397**
Terrorism, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38, AB 250**, AB 441**
Eligibility for office, AB 55**, AB 114*, AB 337
Filling of office by ex officio service of other county officer, AB 152
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Budget, time for submission by Governor, AJR 7
Citizens' commission on salaries for elected officers, creation, duties, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
County officers, removal of duty of Legislature to fix compensation, AJR 9, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
County or township government, removal of requirement for uniformity of systems, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Fund to Stabilize the Operation of State Government, establishment, sources, use, AJR 17, AJR 18
Governmental services tax, reduction in certain circumstances, AJR 17
Committees to prepare arguments, appointment, ballot information, AB 436
Time for submission of statewide initiative to Secretary of State, AJR 7
Judicial department
Election of district judges, AJR 12
Intermediate Appellate Court, creation, SJR 5‡, AJR 12 of the 71st Session
Salaries of justices and district judges, prohibition against midterm increase removed, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Vacancies, term of office of judges filling, AJR 12 of the 71st Session
Adjournment sine die, SJR 9
Annual sessions, AJR 7
Appropriations or authorized expenditures, supermajority vote requirements, AJR 17, AJR 18
Budget, preparation and consideration, AJR 7†
Condensations, explanations, arguments and rebuttals, preparation, AB 436
Holding sessions outside state capital, authority, SJR 9, AJR 7†
Postage and newspaper allowance, amount, SJR 11‡, AJR 7†
Salary, removal of limit on number of days to receive, SJR 11‡, AJR 7†, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Special sessions
Convening on legislative petition, AJR 7, AJR 13‡
Limit on duration and consideration of matters, AJR 7, AJR 13‡
Multistate lotteries, participation by state, AJR 2
Operation by state, AJR 1
Property tax
Abatement of tax for homeowners suffering severe economic hardship, AJR 8 of the 71st Session
Exemptions, considerations in enactment, SJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Installment payments, reduction in tax if paid in lump sum, AJR 17
Limit on maximum amount levied, AJR 19
Property development restricted by compact, separate taxation, AJR 8 of the 71st Session
Reassessment upon sale, transfer or conversion of property, AJR 8
Taxable value, retention until transfer of ownership of property, AJR 19
Sales and use taxes, considerations in enactment of exemptions, SJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Secretary of State, duties regarding legislative sessions, SJR 9, AJR 13‡
State Treasurer, ex officio State Controller, AJR 16
Tobacco settlement proceeds, use, sale of rights, AJR 10
United States senators, obsolete election provision repealed, AJR 14, AJR 3 of the 71st session‡
University Regents, election, appointment, number and terms, AJR 11‡
Voting rights of mentally incompetent persons, AJR 14, AJR 3 of the 71st session‡
Residential contractors, use, AB 220**
Actions, procedures, notices, SB 241**, SB 371
Applicability of laws, SB 241**
Arbitration provisions in property sales contracts, prohibitions, AB 446
Common-interest communities, attendance by public officer at meetings regarding defects, SB 371
Constructional Defect Commission, creation, duties, immunities, SB 371
Corporations, effect of dissolution on actions, AB 446
Damages, recovery, SB 273, SB 371, AB 446, AB 449
Disciplinary action against contractor, effect of defect laws, SB 241†, AB 449
Disclosures regarding residential property, SB 204*, SB 241†, AB 449
Filing of actions, requirements, SB 371
Homeowner's warranties, claims, SB 241**
Inspection of property, SB 241**, SB 273, SB 371
Insurers, duties, SB 241**
Liabilities, SB 241**, AB 446, AB 449
Limitation of actions, SB 241**, SB 371†, AB 373, AB 449
Limited-liability companies, effect of dissolution on actions, AB 446
Mediation, SB 241**
Notices, SB 241**, SB 273, SB 371
Repairs, SB 241**, SB 371, AB 446
Repurchase of property by contractor or other party, SB 241†
Senior judges, assignment of cases to, SB 241†
Settlement offer, effect of rejection, SB 241**
Special masters, duties, SB 241**
State Contractors' Board, powers and duties, SB 241**
Subcontractors, restrictions on indemnification of contractors, AB 446
Dyed fuel, operation of equipment on highways, AB 346**
Relations between suppliers and dealers, AB 369†
Tail lamps that emit nonflashing blue light, use by authorized vehicles, AB 444*
Investigation by State Contractors' Board, AB 220**
Nonresidential construction projects, imposition of tax for regional parks, AB 196
External review organizations, duties, receipt of documents, AB 79*
Hospital Patients, Bureau for, reports to Governor and Legislature, AB 137**
Hospitals receiving referrals from physicians with financial interest, reports, SB 156
Prescription drug programs, provision of information to consumers, AB 236*
Assessments, procedure for distribution to Bureau, AB 145**
Electric utilities, duties, SB 421
Powers and duties generally, SB 421
Telecommunications services, duties, SB 421
Telecommunications study, duties, ACR 19†
Telemarketing, duties, SB 255, AB 232†
Vulnerability assessments and response plans, duties, AB 441†
Opticians, authority to fit, AB 275*, AB 452*
Sales tax exemption, AB 514*
Medical malpractice, failure to pay future damages, SB 97†, Initiative Petition
Annual assessments for Recovery Fund, SB 371, AB 220**, AB 449
Cease and desist orders, AB 190*
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS)
Constructional fraud, definition, investigation, AB 190*, AB 220**
Contracts for works of improvement
Prohibited provisions, SB 206*
Security to be provided by certain persons, SB 206*, AB 316
Disciplinary action
Board records regarding discipline deemed public records, SB 250**, SB 364
Constructional defects, unlawful acts, SB 241†, AB 449
Felonies committed by contractor relating to practice, AB 55**, AB 337
Financial information, provision to Board, AB 220**
Notice of lien, failure of subcontractor to deliver to contractor, SB 206*
Public works projects, unlawful acts, AB 190*
Reprimands, AB 220**
Electrical contractors, licensing requirements, AB 357
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Liability for certain indebtedness of subcontractors and other contractors, SB 71
Examinations, AB 449
Financial responsibility, duties of certain licensees, AB 220**
Suspension or revocation, AB 190*, AB 446, AB 449, AB 481
Mechanics' and materialmen's liens (See LIENS)
Mold control, licensure and regulation, SB 131, SB 132
Occupational safety and health (See OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH)
Pools and spas, prohibited and authorized acts, SB 437**
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Solar energy installers, regulation, AB 431†
State Contractors' Board
Administrative penalties, notice, AB 190*
Aggregate monetary limit on licenses, establishment, AB 220**
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Confidentiality of certain information held by, AB 220**
Constructional Defect Commission, creation, duties, SB 371
Constructional defects, powers and duties, SB 241**
Employees or independent contractors
Authority of Board, SB 310*
Criminal investigators, duties, peace officer powers, AB 220**
Investigation of applicants, AB 220**
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 220**, AB 347
Investigations Office, resolution of complaints, AB 220**
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Solar energy installers, regulations, AB 431†
Subcontractors, procedure to guarantee payment of certain indebtedness, SB 71
Surety bonds, AB 190*
Unemployment compensation (See UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION)
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Cigarette dealers and suppliers, SB 66
Consignment contracts for motor vehicle sales, requirements, SB 69, AB 221*
Constructional defects, limitations on certain liability prohibited, AB 446
Governing bodies and members, contracts between, AB 539**
Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, allocations, SB 32**
Local government purchasing (See LOCAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASING)
Manufactured home dealers, service agreements, AB 262**
Minors, petition for judicial approval of certain contracts, AB 288*
Opt-out provisions in consumer contracts, use, remedies, SB 47
Prisoners, work release programs with private or nonprofit entities, SB 264†
Public hazards, provisions effecting concealment of hazard void, exceptions, remedies, SB 251
Railroad equipment sales, filing fee, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
State property or emblems, contracts to sell, lease or market use, study, AB 415
State purchasing (See STATE PURCHASING)
Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act, adoption, SB 463
Works of improvement, requirements, SB 206*, AB 316
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Addicts, unlawful acts involving firearms, penalties, SB 199*
Arrest or detention of person under the influence, transport for medical or other treatment, SB 94**
Assisted living facility employees, possession and administration, AB 326†
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Homeopathic physicians, authority, SB 375
Imitation controlled substances, duplicate penalty provision repealed, AB 302**
Joint task force on narcotics, funding, AB 549**
Manufacturing or compounding, possession of materials, SB 394**
Marijuana (See MARIJUANA)
Manufacture, additional penalty, AB 33*
Real property transactions, disclosure regarding manufacture, SB 204*
Physicians and osteopaths, general authority, restrictions on discipline, SB 375
Possession and administration by certain students, SB 425*
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Prisoners, testing before parole hearing, grounds for denial of parole, AB 209
Sale or provision resulting in death or substantial bodily harm, penalties, AB 443*
School districts, duties regarding drug-free schools, SB 191
School personnel, consideration of certain drug offenses in employment or discipline decisions, SB 85, SB 460**
State parks, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 282
Tax on entertainment events, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Estates, conversion by personal representatives, damages, SB 207*
Exploitation of aged persons, included acts, AB 126*
Civil rights restoration, SB 430, AB 55**, AB 337
Definition, certain offenders excluded, AB 55**, AB 337
Failure to register, collection of biological specimen from offender, AB 55**
Registration cards, mandatory carrying prohibited, AB 55**, AB 337
Air pollution control in Clark County, SB 536 of the 71st Session
Alcohol and drug abuse counselors, training, SB 248**
Community antenna television systems, SB 429**
Elections, statewide registration list, SB 453**, AB 527
Insurance Commissioner, authority to enter into agreements, AB 453*
Library services, AB 345, AB 407**
Public utilities
Acquisition by local governments, compensation, SB 442, AB 361**
Municipal aggregation coalitions, SB 421
School districts, child care, health and social services programs, AB 264†
State Fire Marshal and local governments, SB 458
State parks, establishment and maintenance, SB 144**, AB 287**
Anatomical gifts, request for consent of any person after donor's death prohibited, AB 51*
Children, teams to review deaths, AB 381**
Combinations with interested stockholders, SB 436*
Counties, agreements to acquire, develop or distribute water resources, SB 487
Development stage companies, registrations, SB 155
Directors and officers
Bylaws, authority, SB 436*
Industrial insurance coverage, AB 185**
Rights and options, authority, SB 436*
Termination, effect, SB 436*
Effect on constructional defect actions, AB 446
Generally, SB 436*
Documents filed with Secretary of State
Fees, SB 112**, SB 124*, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, SB 509, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
List of officers and directors, filing, SB 124*, AB 536
Requirements, right to refuse acceptance, AB 536
Electronic records, use, SB 436*
Foreign corporations
Annual statements, SB 124*, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Jurisdiction of courts and agencies, declaration, SB 436*
Names, AB 536
Gaming corporations, acquisition or disposition of interest, SB 432
Insurance companies (See INSURANCE COMPANIES)
Meetings, notice, SB 436*
Mergers, conversions or exchanges, procedures, SB 436*
Powers generally, SB 436*
Publicly traded companies, duties, SB 124*
Real property transfer tax, certain exemptions removed, SB 509
Reinstatement or revival under new name, SB 436*
Resident agents (See RESIDENT AGENTS)
Restraint of trade, duties of investigated corporations, SB 124*
Amendments affecting stock, approval, SB 436*
Increase or decrease in shares, SB 436*
Combinations with interested stockholders, SB 436*
Consent to actions without meeting, SB 436*
Inspection of records, SB 436*
Proxies, SB 436*
Energy conservation, creation for purposes of loan program, AB 314
Lease of property from county, term, SB 103*
Filing of documents, requirements, fees, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, SB 509, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Real property transfer tax, certain exemptions removed, SB 509
Resident agents (See RESIDENT AGENTS)
Assistant directors, appointment, AB 109
Capital improvement projects, funding, SB 507**
Director, member of Silver State Commission on Prescription Drugs, AB 307
Educational programs for offenders, duties, SB 317**
Emergency response study, representation, AB 250†
Certification of certain personnel as peace officers required, SB 265, AB 281
Correctional classifications, adjustment of wage rates, AB 537†
Criminal investigators, employment, AB 109
Forensic specialists, salary increase for certain employees, AB 173
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Maintenance classifications, salary increase, AB 537†
Genetic marker testing, duties, AB 16**
Inspector General, appointment, AB 109
Judgment of conviction, return to county clerk, AB 103**
Medical and other records of offenders, exchange of information, SB 90**
Reentry into community, establishment of program, SB 264*
Release from prison or discharge from parole, notice to county clerk, AB 103**
Residential confinement, authority to order, SB 264*
Women's prison in southern Nevada, lease or installment purchases, SB 447
Work release programs, duties, SB 264*
Barbers, practice in cosmetological establishment, applicability of laws, SB 372**, AB 258
Cosmetologist defined, AB 258
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Food and beverages, sales, SB 372**, AB 258
Health care providers, practice with, SB 372**
Inspection of establishments, SB 372†
Provisional licensure, qualifications, SB 372**, AB 258
Training requirements, SB 372**
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses or certificates
Public display, contents restricted, SB 372**
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Men's hair cutting, certain restrictions removed, AB 1
Schools, terms, courses and student work, SB 372**, AB 258
Shampoo assistants, licensure, AB 258†
State Board of Cosmetology
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigation and proceedings for discipline, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Temporary educational permits, repeal, AB 258
Unlawful practice of other professions in establishments, repeal, AB 258
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Alcohol and drug abuse (See ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE COUNSELORS)
Attorneys (See ATTORNEYS AT LAW)
Gambling addiction, regulation of counselors, SB 349, SB 351*
Psychologists (See PSYCHOLOGISTS)
Cigarettes, unlawful acts, AB 460†
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Bonds and other obligations (See LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Boundaries, adjustment to avoid division of tax parcels, AB 533**
Candidates or contested matters, prohibited expenditures, SB 123*, AB 298
Carson City (See CARSON CITY)
Community antenna television, authority, SB 278, SB 429**
Community redevelopment (See COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT)
Consular cards, acceptance for identification purposes, SB 312*
Dillon's Rule regarding governmental powers, abolished, SB 295
Eureka, fees for State Public Defender services, SB 504**
Federal lands, powers generally, SB 145**
Finances and funds (See LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Fire protection, agreements with State Fire Marshal, SB 458
Firearms, regulation of carrying unconcealed at special events, SB 29
Flag of United States, conditions on display restricted, SB 359**, AB 408
Handicapped parking, erection and maintenance of signs, SB 187
Historical societies (See HISTORICAL SOCIETIES)
Homeland security, response plans, duties, AB 441**
Humboldt, fees for State Public Defender services, SB 504**
Indigent persons (See INDIGENT PERSONS)
Lander, appropriation for industrial park and flood control, AB 123
Museums (See MUSEUMS)
Nonprofit corporations necessary for exercise of powers and duties of county departments, creation, AB 211
Nuisances (See NUISANCES)
Ordinances (See ORDINANCES)
Lease to corporation for public benefit, term, SB 103*
Purchase, sale or exchange of property, authority, SB 110*
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Publications, deposit with or transmittal to State Library, AB 214
Recycling coordinators, appointment, AB 447
Sewer systems, collection of delinquent fees, SB 54**
Smoking and tobacco regulation, authority, SB 50†
Suicide prevention measures urged, SCR 3‡
Swimming pools, imposition of sales tax for operation and maintenance, AB 208**
Taxation Department, exchange of information, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281, AB 342
Telephonic devices, local regulation of use in vehicles prohibited, SB 10**
Unfair lending practices, regulatory powers restricted, AB 284*
Uniformity of system of government, removal of requirement, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Aggregation programs, use, SB 421
Electric facilities, restrictions on acquisition or expansion eliminated, SB 261
Payments in lieu of taxes on acquisition of certain utilities, SB 442, AB 361**
Universal energy charge, exemption, SB 126
Volunteer fire department donations, immunity from liability, AB 26*
Agreements to acquire, develop or distribute water resources, SB 487
Delinquent fees, collection, SB 54**
Taxation on intercounty or interstate transfers of water, AB 229
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, creation, SB 275
Account for Acquisition and Improvement of Technology, creation, use, AB 533**
Electronic documents, compatibility with county recorder technology, AB 533**
Filling of office by ex officio service of other county officer, AB 152
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Property tax (See PROPERTY TAX)
Records, disclosure of personal information, SB 297*, AB 400
County commissioners to fix, AJR 9, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Increase, SB 53, AB 23**, AB 66
Appointment, Legislature may provide for, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Salary, county commissioners to fix, AJR 9, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Appointment, Legislature may provide for, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Clark County, clerk ex officio recorder, SB 80
Closure or change of use of school, petitions to review decisions, AB 509†
District courts (See DISTRICT COURTS)
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Estate and trust documents, filing fees, SB 211
Filling of office by ex officio service of other county officer, AB 152
Financial disclosure statements, duties, SB 147**, AB 529*
Improvements to technology, additional fees to support, SB 106**, SB 162
Judgment of conviction, return, AB 103**
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Prisoners or parolees, notice of release or discharge, AB 103**
Register of fictitious names, duties, SB 436*
County commissioners to fix, AJR 9, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Increase, SB 53, AB 23**, AB 66
County officer salaries, authority, AJR 9, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
County recorders, reports from, SB 451†
Incorporated towns, duties, SB 347
Invasive species, pest and weed control programs, approval, SB 370*
Jails, notice of overcrowded conditions, duties, AB 303
Judicial Retirement Plan, receipt of reports, SB 409
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, duties, SCR 32‡
Master plans, meetings regarding initiatives or referendums, AB 428
Meetings outside county seat, notice, AB 46*
Misdemeanor offenses, authority, SB 145†
Motor vehicles, duties regarding 24-month registration pilot program, SB 213, AB 324*
Nonprofit corporations created by county managers, approval, AB 211
Ordinances, authority to enact, SB 145†
Property tax liens, duties, AB 200
Public administrators, examinations and audits, SB 143**
Public guardians, powers and duties, AB 151**
Public property trustees, appointment, SB 143†
Real property, power to buy, sell or exchange, SB 110*
Redevelopment agencies, appointments, SB 424**
Redevelopment projects, approval, AB 270**
Authority to fix, AJR 9, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Increase, SB 53, AB 23**, AB 66
Taxation, Department of, annual report to, SB 382
Vacancies due to catastrophe, filling, AB 441**
Water and sewer general improvement districts, powers, AB 241
Tax levies, use of proceeds, SB 238, SB 468, SB 474, AB 243, AB 281
Jails, notice of overcrowded conditions, duties, AB 303
Nonprofit corporations, authority to create, AB 211
Public property trustees, appointment, SB 143†
Carson City, use, AB 523
Deficiency determinations, notice, request for extension of time, SB 471*
Credit card, debit card or electronic transfer, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Dishonored checks, fees, effect, SB 471*
Penalty for delinquencies, SB 471*
Place of sale of motor vehicle fuel, SB 471*
Rate, annual adjustment for inflation, AB 516†
Returns, electronic submission, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Washoe County, imposition and use of proceeds, SB 237**, AB 455
COUNTY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (See also specific officer)
Complaints against
False or fraudulent complaints against, penalty, SB 342
Contracts between governing bodies and members, authorization, AB 539**
Donation of bone marrow or certain organs, paid leave of absence, AB 3
Drivers' licenses and vehicle registration, compliance with laws, AB 476
Ethics in government (See ETHICS)
Filling of certain offices by ex officio service of other officer, SB 80, AB 152
Financial disclosure statements, filing, SB 147**, AB 529*
Forfeiture of office, grounds, AB 337†
Insurance (See INSURANCE—Group insurance for public employees)
Jury service, exemption of certain officers removed, SB 73*
Military duty, compensation during leave of absence, AB 310
Personal identifying information, unlawful acts, SB 297*
Salaries of certain elected officers
County commissioners to fix, AJR 9, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Increase, SB 53, AB 23**, AB 66
Voting, effect of abstention by member of certain public bodies, SB 16**
Denial of recording, authority, AB 459*
Electronic documents, compatibility with county assessor technology, AB 533**
Filling of office by ex officio service of other county officer, SB 80, AB 152
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Machine-readable media, use for preservation of records, AB 260
Real property transfer tax (See REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX)
Recording of instruments generally (See RECORDING OF INSTRUMENTS)
Reports to board of county commissioners, SB 451†
County commissioners to fix, AJR 9, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Increase, SB 53, AB 23**, AB 66
Technology fee, expenditure of proceeds, SB 451†
Courts, duties relating to certain fees, SB 106**
Filling of office by ex officio service of other county officer, AB 152
Fire protection fees, duties, SB 458
Property tax liens, duties, AB 200
County commissioners to fix, AJR 9, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Increase, SB 53, AB 23**, AB 66
Specialty court program accounts, duties, SB 108, AB 29**
Case management systems, duties, SB 106**
Child welfare system, duties, AB 132*
Domestic violence proceedings, duties regarding assignment of income, AB 160*
Forfeiture of bail, notices, AB 29**
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, duties, SCR 32‡
Mental health court, allocation of money encouraged, AB 238
Retired justices and judges, duties regarding services, SB 106**
Specialty court programs, duties, AB 29**
Technology, additional fees for purposes of, SB 106**
Case management systems, additional fees for purposes of, SB 106**
Commencement or transfer of action, SB 162
Credit cards, acceptance in payment, AB 303
Defendants, answers, SB 162
Eminent domain proceedings, AB 397
Ex-felons, fee for restoration of rights prohibited, AB 55**, AB 337
Landlords, unlawful exclusion of tenants, SB 128*
Legal aid services, additional fees to support, SB 106**
Motor vehicle registration, payment of fees as condition, SB 479
Prisoners, payment of fees, AB 188
Retired justices and judges, additional fees for services of, SB 106**
Technology, additional fees to support certain improvements, SB 106**, SB 162
Will and estate proceedings, SB 162
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Certificates or licenses
Applications, filing, SB 395**
Examinations, contents, SB 395**
Numbers, use, SB 395**
Suspension or revocation, SB 395**, AB 55**, AB 337, AB 481
Certified Court Reporters' Board of Nevada
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Executive Secretary, SB 395**
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Fines or probation for violations, SB 395**
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
District courts (See DISTRICT COURTS)
Intermediate Appellate Court, creation, SJR 5‡, AJR 12 of the 71st Session
Judicial colleges, contingent appropriations, SB 505
Justices' courts (See JUSTICES' COURTS)
Juvenile courts (See JUVENILE COURTS)
Municipal courts (See MUNICIPAL COURTS)
Supreme Court (See SUPREME COURT)
Flag of United States, conditions on display restricted, SB 359**, AB 408
Joint tortfeasors, effect of covenants not to sue, AB 446
Redevelopment projects, employment plans, AB 456
Bonds, fines and court costs, acceptance of cards in payment, AB 303
Deceptive trade practices, unauthorized charges or use of information by certain persons, SB 399
Opt-out provisions in consumer contracts, use, remedies, SB 47
Public officers or employees, unlawful acts relating to personal identifying information, SB 297*
Receipts, printing of certain information restricted, SB 297*
Scanning device or reencoder, unlawful possession or use, SB 297*
State agencies, payments to, regulations, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
State Treasurer, authority to contract for affinity cards, study, AB 415
Tax payments, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281, AB 514*
Disclosures to consumer, rights, SB 379
Insurers, prohibited acts, SB 129, SB 319*, AB 194
Security alert and freeze, consumer's right to request, SB 379
Certificates of registration, fee, AB 478
Assessments, AB 493**
Depositories of public money, duties, penalties for violation, SB 447
Home loans, unfair lending practices, AB 284*
Loans secured by real property, disclosure of terms to borrowers, SB 348
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509
Thrift companies, restrictions on acquisitions, AB 389
Estates, time to allow or reject claims against, SB 207*
Filing fees for claims against trust or estate, SB 211
Judgment creditors, satisfaction of judgment against limited-liability companies or limited partnerships, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
State Controller, collection of debts owed to state, SB 382
Authorization, priority, affidavit, SB 386**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, fees, suspension or revocation, SB 323**
Temporary authorization, SB 323**
Unlawful acts, SB 323**
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Failure to register, collection of biological specimen from offender, AB 55**
Statewide registry, requests for information, SB 218, AB 78*
Student or worker offender at institutions of higher education, registration requirements, SB 397**
Establishment as facility of UNLV, authority to accept gifts and grants, AB 246**
CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS (See also specific crime)
Administrative assessments (See ADMINISTRATIVE ASSESSMENTS)
Alcohol or drug abuse counselors, violations, SB 248**
Alcohol, unlawful acts relating to persons under 21 years, SB 91, SB 205, AB 108
Antifreeze, failure to include bittering agent, SB 304
Assisted living, facilities for, unlicensed practice by administrator, AB 326†
Athletes' agents, violations, SB 456*
Attorney General investigations of occupations and professions, failure to cooperate, AB 24
Biological specimens, collection, AB 55**
Brakes using engine compression, unlawful use, AB 83*
Business profits tax, unlawful acts, SB 509
Cemetery operators, unlawful acts, SB 323**
Children's products, unlawful acts involving unsafe products, AB 386
Cigarettes, unlawful acts, SB 66†, AB 460
Contractors, unlawful acts, AB 220**
County assessor records, unlawful acquisition of information, AB 400
County ordinances, creation of offenses punishable as misdemeanors, SB 145†
Crematory operators, unlawful acts, SB 323**
Death penalty (See DEATH PENALTY)
Detoxification technicians, violations, SB 248**
Disabilities, persons with, discriminatory acts, SB 231*, AB 332
Emergency calls, refusal to relinquish public phone, AB 10*
Employer conduct leading to death of employee, SB 8*
Entertainment tax, unlawful acts, SB 509
Felonies (See FELONIES)
Feral livestock, unlawful acts, SB 486**
Gambling addiction counselors, unlawful practice, SB 349, SB 351*
Governmental services tax, unlawful acts, AB 366, AB 524
Grocery stores, unlawful acts, AB 356
Gross misdemeanors (See GROSS MISDEMEANORS)
Guides, unlicensed operation, AB 272
Health care facilities, violations of staffing requirements, AB 313†
High-level radioactive waste, violations, SB 119
Highly hazardous substances, violations, SB 67, SB 127*
Home loans, unfair lending practices, AB 284*
Identification cards, false information to obtain, AB 441*
Industrial insurance, noncompliance with cease and desist orders, AB 140*
Insurance holding company personnel, violations, AB 453*
Irrigation ditches, unlawful dumping, AB 488†
Labor law violations, AB 143**
Livestock pasturing, repeal of certain crime relating to, AB 10*
Luring child, unlawful acts, SB 300**, SB 394**
Luring mentally ill persons, unlawful acts, SB 394**
Massage therapy, unlicensed practice, SB 338
Mold control violations, SB 132
Mortgage bankers, unlawful acts, AB 492
Motor carriers, unlawful acts, SB 192, AB 518**
Motor vehicles
Consignment sales, violations, SB 69, AB 221*
Minors, leaving unattended in vehicle, SB 17
Records, unlawful acquisition of information, AB 400
Salvage vehicles, unlawful acts relating to sales, AB 325*
Trailers, sale of nonconforming vehicles, SB 25
Occupancy tax, violations, AB 342
Outfitters, unlicensed operation, AB 272
Party lines, repeal of certain crime relating to, AB 10*
Pest control violations, SB 172**
Public officers or employees, false complaints of misconduct against, SB 342
Public works violations, AB 534**
Racial profiling, SB 20
Recording of instruments, resubmission of document previously denied, AB 459*
Renewable energy generation projects, violations, AB 372
Residential confinement (See RESIDENTIAL CONFINEMENT)
School zones, failure to obey school crossing guards, AB 42**
Service animals, unlawful acts, SB 231*, AB 332
Service tax, violations, SB 382
Sheep shearing, repeal of certain crime relating to, AB 10*
Solar energy, uncertificated projects, AB 431†
Sound mind, persons considered of, AB 156**
State parks, possession or use of alcohol, SB 282
Taxpayers, unlawful acts regarding maintenance and inspection of records, SB 382
Traffic violations (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Voter registration lists, unlawful release of certain information, AB 400
Central Repository
Assisted living facility employees, duties, AB 326†
Charter school employees, duties, SB 33, SB 252
Crime against a child registry, duties, SB 218, SB 397**, AB 78*
Paraprofessional school personnel, duties, SB 191†
Sex offender registry, duties, SB 218, SB 397**, AB 78*
Child welfare agencies and licensing authority, access to certain records, AB 378**
Criminal justice agencies, regulation, SB 303, AB 155**
Dissemination of information, regulations, fees, SB 303, AB 155**
FBI, exchange of information, AB 155**
Postsecondary educational employees, dissemination of information, AB 155**, AB 505
Private school employees, investigations, dissemination of information, SB 303, AB 155**
Resort hotel security, release of certain information to, SB 41
Volunteers, dissemination of information, SB 303, AB 155**
Administrative assessments (See ADMINISTRATIVE ASSESSMENTS)
Competency of defendants, SB 89**, SB 179**
Death penalty cases (See DEATH PENALTY)
Evaluation and treatment of defendants, exchange of records between certain state agencies, SB 90**
Evidence (See EVIDENCE)
Fines (See FINES)
Forfeitures (See FORFEITURES)
Genetic testing (See GENETIC TESTING)
Juveniles, certification as adult, AB 60*
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Masters, appointment, powers, AB 133**
Mentally retarded defendants, first degree murder, AB 15*
Motor Vehicles Department, notice of nonpayment of fees and fines, SB 479
Parole (See PAROLE)
Preliminary examinations (See PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS)
Probation (See PROBATION)
Restitution (See RESTITUTION)
Search warrants (See SEARCH WARRANTS)
Sentencing (See SENTENCING)
Sound mind, persons considered of, AB 156**
Arts Council, Nevada, reorganization, appointment of Administrator, AB 224**
Director, member of Commission on Special License Plates, AB 358**
Historic Preservation, Office of, duties regarding historical marker, AB 318**
Historical buildings, assistance from proceeds of certain bonds, AB 290
Nevada Humanities Committee, appropriation, SB 357
Nevada Online Encyclopedia, appropriation, SB 357
Participation of Citizens in Development of Public Policy, Repository for, advice regarding, SB 309*
State Library and Archives, Division of
Government publications transmitted to Distribution Center, duties, AB 214
Libraries, appropriation for on-line access licenses, SB 185, SB 191
Materials in State Library, acquisition and lending, AB 184†
Public radio, appropriation, report, SB 92
Stewardship program for cultural resources, establishment, AB 131
Driving violation by minor, liability of parent or guardian, SB 256
Cream, testing, AB 111*
Distributors, licensing, assessments, AB 111*
Manufacturing plants, definition, prohibited acts, AB 111*
Pasteurizing plants, records retention, AB 111*
Permits, denial, revocation or suspension, AB 111*
Regulatory fees, AB 111*
Distributors, notice of civil or criminal actions against, AB 111*
Fees, AB 111*
Fluid milk products, regulation, AB 111*
Computer information transactions, breach of contract, SB 463
Constructional defect cases, recovery, SB 241†, AB 446, AB 449
Consumer contracts, unauthorized charges, SB 47
Disabilities, persons with, discriminatory acts against, AB 332
E-mail containing advertisements, improper transmittal, AB 93*
Eminent domain proceedings, AB 397
Employers, noncompliance with orders to assign income, AB 160†
Estates, conversion by personal representatives, SB 207*
Home loans, unfair lending practices, AB 284*
Intellectual property, interference with rights, AB 81†
Layaways, damages against seller for failure to deliver goods, SB 60
Manufactured Housing, Account for Education and Recovery Relating to, payments from, AB 212**
Marks, recovery in actions involving, AB 81*
Medicaid fee-for-service programs, prohibited acts, SB 374
Peace officers
Acting without state authority, SB 294
Violations by employer, AB 330
Personal injury or wrongful death
Attorneys' fees, limitation, AB 9
Collateral sources, effect, AB 9, AB 187
Exemptions from execution, SB 70*
Future economic damages, payment, AB 9
Itemization of award of damages, AB 9, AB 187
Noneconomic damages, limitation, several liability, AB 9, AB 187
Salvage vehicle sales, unlawful acts, AB 325*
Service animals, unlawful acts relating to, SB 231*
State liability, exemption from limitation, AB 330
Structured settlements, transfer of rights to payments, AB 166*
Bishop Creek Dam, study of reconstruction potential, SB 488
Certificates of registration, fee, AB 478
Exemption of Nevada from federal law, AB 422
DAYTON, TOWN OF (For general provisions, see TOWNS)
Odeon Hall, appropriation to county for purchase, SB 380
Anatomical gifts (See ANATOMICAL GIFTS)
Burial of remains, orders, affidavit authorizing person to order, SB 386**
Veterans, provision of military funerals, AB 306**
Candidates, effect of death, AB 528**, AB 529*
Children, teams to review deaths, AB 381**
Controlled substances, sale or provision resulting in death, penalties, AB 443*
Conveyance of real property by deed that becomes effective on death, SB 207*
Employer conduct leading to death of employee, penalty, SB 8*
Evading peace officer, penalty when death results, AB 335*
Medical records of deceased patients, access by certain persons authorized, SB 24*
Methamphetamine manufacture in manner creating great risk of death, additional penalty, AB 33*
Public hazards, concealment by court order prohibited, SB 251
Real property transactions, disclosure regarding death immaterial, SB 204*
Surviving spouse holding or taking property, filing of affidavit of death, SB 63
Fee, increase, AB 381**, AB 550*
Multidisciplinary teams to review child's death, access, AB 381**
Abolished, penalty changed to life without parole, SB 217
Age, minimum age for sentencing, AB 118
Appointment of attorneys, fees, AB 17*
Arguments, presentation during penalty hearing, AB 14
Genetic marker testing of defendants, AB 16**
Jury unable to reach verdict, effect, AB 13**
Mentally retarded defendants, prohibition, AB 15*
Panel of judges to hear certain cases, elimination, AB 13**
Sentence, jury's options, AB 13**
Terrorism, aggravating factor, SB 38, AB 99, AB 250**
Assessments, AB 493**
Felony convictions, effect, AB 55**, AB 337
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Flag of United States, conditions on display restricted, SB 359**, AB 408
Bail, acceptance as collateral, AB 453*
Conveyances effective on death, authorization, SB 207*
Real property transfer tax (See REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX)
Recording, AB 533**
Construction contracts, security to be provided by certain property owners, AB 316
Foreclosure, restrictions, AB 284*
Recording, AB 533**
Unfair lending practices, civil and criminal liability, AB 284*
Alcohol, selling or furnishing to person under 21 years, SB 91
Insanity defense, reinstatement, AB 156**
Assessments, AB 493**
Checks, definition, redemption, AB 433
Disclosures, requirements, AB 433
Fees, limitations, AB 433
Prohibited acts, AB 433
Rescission of transactions, rights, AB 433
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Public buildings, availability at certain locations, AB 441**
Alternative fuel, AB 237**
Assisted living, facility for, AB 326†
Athletic training, practice of, SB 27*
Body armor, AB 64
Certificate of title (motor vehicles), AB 178**
Constructional defect, SB 241**
Constructional fraud, AB 190*
Convicted person, AB 55**, AB 337
Dairy foods manufacturing plant, AB 111*
Deceptive trade practice, SB 399
Dental hygiene, AB 489*
Dependent, facility for the, AB 326†
Design-build team, AB 425**
Domestic violence, AB 97
Educational psychology, practice of, AB 308
Employee, AB 48**
Employer (unlawful employment practices), SB 22
Exploitation (aged persons), AB 126*
Extraordinary dividend or distribution (insurers), SB 11**
Flood control facility, SB 110*
Food establishment, SB 14
Informal market, AB 420†
Insurance for home protection, AB 453*
Intellectual property, AB 81†
Jurat, AB 87*
Long-term care, facility for, AB 326†
Massage therapy, SB 338
Mental illness, SB 179**
Mobile unit (medical facilities), SB 96**
Monitoring device (motor vehicles), SB 26
Off-road vehicle, SB 117
Police officer (retirement), SB 45
Print access disability, SB 62*
Public utility, SB 400**
Public work, SB 19*
Rebuilt vehicle, AB 325*, AB 367*
Renewable energy, AB 49, AB 314, AB 429**
Resort hotel, SB 104
Rural preservation neighborhood, AB 244
Secondhand dealer, AB 420*
Seller of travel, AB 343*
Shaken baby syndrome, AB 8
Terrorism, act of, SB 38, SB 175, AB 99, AB 250**, AB 441**
Trophy animal, SB 135†
Undivided estate (Medicaid), AB 445**
Workman, AB 48**
Continuing education requirements for certain employees, AB 323**
Institutional long-term care, provision for, AB 323**
Subsidies from Fund for a Healthy Nevada for coverage, SB 459†, AB 283
Collection of fees from insured patients, limitation, AB 70
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Committee on Dental Hygiene, creation, AB 489*
Dental hygiene defined, AB 489*
Geriatrics and gerontology, training required, AB 349†
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Limited licenses, issuance, SB 283**
Temporary licenses, AB 489*
Terrorism, response training, AB 250*
Master's program, appropriation, SB 454
Redesignation as dental hygiene professionals, AB 489†
State Public Health Dental Hygienist, redesignation, AB 489†
Students, possession and administration of drugs, SB 425*
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Board of Dental Examiners of Nevada
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Committee on Dental Hygiene, creation, AB 489*
Composition, AB 489*
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Screening panels, apportionment of costs, SB 97
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Geriatrics and gerontology, training required, AB 349†
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Limited licenses, issuance, SB 283**, AB 312
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Terrorism, response training, AB 250*
Medical degrees, use of title M.D. by dentists holding, SB 350**
Office buildings, smoking prohibitions, AB 96
Oral cancer and forensic institute, UNLV, appropriation, SB 352†
Scholarship programs, funding, SB 101, SB 461
Sale, duplicate penalty provision repealed, AB 302**
Regulation, SB 248**
Assessments, AB 493**
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Medicaid, prescription drug coverage, AB 384**
Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology Center, appropriation, SB 258
Students, possession and administration of drugs, SB 425*
Alternative fuels, definitions, legislative findings, AB 237**
Special fuel tax (See SPECIAL FUEL TAX)
Computer information transactions, applicability of laws, SB 463
Insurance, requirements, SB 319*
Abolished, SB 295
Unlawful acts relating to educational credentials, SB 457, AB 264
Certificates of registration, fee, AB 478
Clark County, program to assist underutilized businesses, AB 174
Community antenna television, prohibited acts by franchisors, SB 429**
Disabilities, persons with, prohibited acts against, AB 332
Equal Pay Day recognized and fair pay practices urged, ACR 17‡
Local government employee organizations, prohibited acts, AB 65
Medicaid fee-for-service programs, prohibited acts, SB 374
Nurses, prohibited acts by health care facilities, AB 313†
Racial profiling (See RACIAL PROFILING)
State employee organizations, prohibited acts, AB 65
State employment, waiver of state immunity regarding federal labor laws, AB 341
Telecommunications, prohibited acts by PAR carriers, SB 400**
Arthritis, prevention and control program, SB 287**
Cancer (See CANCER)
Chronic fatigue syndrome, health insurance coverage, AB 502*
Dementia (See DEMENTIA)
Epilepsy, procedures for drivers' licenses, AB 406
Hepatitis, industrial insurance coverage for police officers, SB 184*
Occupational diseases (See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES)
Parasitic diseases, duties of State Department of Agriculture, SB 486**
Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology Center, appropriation, SB 258
Quarantine or isolation, powers of health authorities, SB 82**
Real property transactions, disclosure of certain information immaterial, SB 204*
Arbitration (See ARBITRATION)
Attorneys, provision of certain information to clients regarding litigation, AB 338
Constructional defect cases, SB 241**
Contractors, resolution of complaints against, AB 220**
Health insurance procedures, requirements, SB 171, AB 79*
Managed care, appeal of adverse determinations, SB 171, AB 79*
Mediation (See MEDIATION)
Agreements covering pupils in other districts, time for filing, SB 33, SB 252
Charter schools, applications to provide programs, SB 33, SB 252
Elective courses of study, AB 264†
Gifted and talented pupils, program of independent study, SB 31
State Fire Marshal, training programs, SB 458
Teachers, requirements, SB 33, SB 252
Appointment, Legislature may provide for, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Athletes' agents, duties, SB 456*
Athletic trainers, duties, SB 27*
Candidates for office, investigation of felony convictions, AB 285*
Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, powers, SB 48*
Child support, distribution of withholding fees, SB 186**, AB 475†
Children, teams to review deaths, AB 381**
Children's products, duties regarding unsafe products, AB 386
Cigarette violations, duties, AB 460†
Contractors and subcontractors, recovery of wages owed by, SB 71
Deceptive trade practices, duties, SB 399
Ditches, duties regarding unlawful dumping, AB 488†
Domestic violence proceedings, duties regarding assignment of income, AB 160†
Educational credentials, prosecution of violations, SB 457, AB 264
Educational records, inspection, AB 264
Ballot questions, review of rejection of arguments for or against, AB 528†
Registration of voters, duties regarding cancellation, SB 453**
Voter challenges, duties, SB 453†
Filling of office by ex officio service of other county officer, AB 152
Genetic marker testing, receipt of petitions, duties, AB 16**
Handicapped pupils, investigation of violations of rights, AB 264
Industrial insurance coverage, SB 184†
Secondhand dealers, holds on property held by, AB 420*
Jails, notice of overcrowded conditions, duties, AB 303
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Mortgage bankers, prosecution of violations, AB 492
Murder and manslaughter, submission and receipt of certain reports, AB 13**
Occupations, certain duties removed, AB 24
Property managers, prosecution of violations, SB 428**
Public lands, powers, SB 294
Quarantine proceedings, duties, SB 82**
County commissioners to fix, AJR 9, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Increase, SB 53, AB 23**, AB 66
Sellers of travel, duties, AB 343*
Traffic control violations, duties, AB 444*
Travel agents and tour brokers or operators, duties, AB 329, AB 478
Unfair trade practices, duties, SB 399
Victims and witnesses, duties, AB 331*, AB 336**
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Contractor actions, dismissal of parties, AB 220**
Domestic violence protective orders, availability to issue, SB 87**
Eighth Judicial District
Educational seminars for separating parents, establishment, AB 309
Mental health court, funding, AB 238
First degree murder cases, questionnaires, AB 13†
Jails, notice of overcrowded conditions, duties, AB 303
Chief judge, appointment of masters, AB 133**
Declaration or certificate of candidacy, time for filing, SB 111
Financial disclosure statements, filing, SB 147**, AB 529*
Interstate Juvenile Supervision, Nevada Council for, membership, SB 242
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Salary, citizens' commission to fix, prohibition against midterm increase removed, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Staggered elections, AJR 12
Justices' courts, transfer of certain actions to, SB 88**, AB 100**
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Masters (See MASTERS)
Mentally retarded defendants, treatment programs, receipt of cases from other courts, SB 179**
Problem gambling, treatment programs, SB 42
Protective orders, appeals, duties of clerks, AB 331†
Public guardians, certain duty removed, AB 151**
Public hazards, concealment by court order prohibited, SB 251
Quarantine proceedings, jurisdiction, SB 82**
Retired Justice Duty Fund, appropriation, SB 209
Specialty court programs, funding, SB 108, AB 29†
State employee collective bargaining, powers, AB 65
Statistical information, reports, SB 250†
Structured settlements, powers, AB 166*
Technology, additional fees for purposes of, SB 106**
Catastrophe, vacancy due to, filling, AB 441**
Term of office of judges filling, AJR 12 of the 71st Session
Writs of prohibition, issuance, SB 494**
Annual audits, conditional exemptions, AB 149**
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Bonds and other obligations (See LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Candidates or contested matters, prohibited expenditures, SB 123*, AB 298
Consular cards, acceptance for identification purposes, SB 312*
Dillon's Rule regarding governmental powers, abolished, SB 295
Elections, registration office, AB 125†
Enterprise districts, standards for designation of gaming districts, SB 158
Finances and funds (See LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Flag of United States, conditions on display restricted, SB 359**, AB 408
Homeland security, response plans, duties, AB 441†
Hospital districts, dissolution, property tax levy, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Maintenance districts for local improvement projects, creation, AB 499
Officers and employees
Complaints against
False or fraudulent complaints against, penalty, SB 342
Contracts between governing bodies and members, authorization, AB 539**
Donation of bone marrow or certain organs, paid leave of absence, AB 3
Drivers' licenses and vehicle registration, compliance with laws, AB 476
Ethics in government (See ETHICS)
Financial disclosure statements, filing, SB 147**, AB 529*
Insurance (See INSURANCE—Group insurance for public employees)
Military duty, compensation during leave of absence, AB 310
Personal identifying information, unlawful acts, SB 297*
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Publications, deposit with or transmittal to State Library, AB 214
Regional development districts, establishment, SB 328*
Silver Springs Water and Sewer District, creation, AB 363
State election districts, boundaries, AB 375*
Supplemental city-county relief tax, pledge of revenues, SB 467**
Volunteer fire department donations, immunity from liability, AB 26*
Voting, effect of abstention by member of certain public bodies, SB 16**
Western Nevada Development District, designation, SB 328*
Subdivision map, provision to owner of land appurtenant to ditch, AB 488**
Unlawful damage or destruction, investigation of complaints, AB 488**
Alimony, modification based on change in gross monthly income, SB 269*
Eighth Judicial District, educational seminars, AB 309
Revocable inter vivos trusts, effect, AB 101*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Qualifications, AB 55**, AB 337
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Antifreeze, bittering agent required, penalty, SB 304
Field trial permit, fee, SB 420*
Service animals
Facilitation of use, legislative study, SB 137**
Unlawful acts relating to, penalties, restitution, SB 231*, AB 332
Training permit, fee, SB 420*
Applicability of laws, AB 97
Attendants to victims or witnesses, designation in court proceedings, SB 224*
Battery constituting offense, penalties, AB 97
Change of name, court may seal records and waive publication, AB 160*
Conviction, probation or suspended sentence prohibited, AB 97
Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence, appropriation, AB 440
Orders for protection
Arrest for violation, officer's powers, AB 448**
Availability of court to issue, SB 87**
Child support orders, assignment of income, AB 160*
Children, acquisition of orders on behalf of, AB 331†
Felony committed in violation of order, enhanced penalty, AB 107*
Financial assistance orders, assignment of income, AB 160†
Penalties for violations, SB 398, AB 331†
Sealing of records, petitions, SB 398
Service at defendant's place of employment authorized, AB 160*
Plea bargaining, limitation removed, AB 97
Privileged communications, victim and advocate, AB 160*
Business tax, applicability, AB 163, AB 536
DOUGLAS COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
China Spring Youth Camp, appropriation, AB 368
Sales and Use Tax Act of 1999, imposition, use and refunds, SB 293, AB 514*
Suicide prevention programs, appropriation, AB 340
Western Nevada Development District, designation, SB 328*
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, creation, SB 275
Performance audit, AB 162
Regional training programs (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Personnel)
Appropriation, SB 210†
Applicants for drivers' licenses, permits and identification cards, forwarding of personal information, AB 170
Venue, SB 40*
Defensive driver courses, approval, AB 128
Motorcycle Riders Education Program, fees, instructor qualifications, AB 171
Professional Driving School, CCSN, appropriation, AB 391†
School bus drivers, training, instructor qualifications, SB 230
School courses
Components, SB 256
Funding, SB 149
Consular cards, acceptance as proof of age or identity prohibited, SB 312*
Debts owed state, suspension or revocation of license, AB 457, AB 481
Defensive Driver licenses, AB 128
DUI, revocation of license, AB 34
Employers, duties regarding compliance by employees, AB 476
Epileptics, procedures, AB 406
False information to obtain, penalty, AB 441*
Foreign-born applicants, requirements, SB 483*, AB 441*
Future driving privileges, persons deemed to have, demerit points, SB 483*
Graffiti violations, suspension or delay of license, SB 105†
Hazardous materials endorsements, fee, SB 483**
Issuance for 6 years, AB 324†
Impairment by use of alcohol, grounds for suspension of license, SB 205
Issuance, SB 256
Liability of parent or guardian for violation committed by minor, SB 256
Term of restriction or suspension, SB 256
Transportation of passengers under 18, restrictions, SB 256
False or fictitious names on applications, penalty, AB 441*
Full legal name of applicant required, AB 178*
Proof of name, required documents, SB 483*
New residents, requirements, AB 30†
Photographs, prohibition on release by Department, AB 178*
Possession to establish false identity, penalty, AB 441**
Selective Service System, forwarding of personal information to, AB 170
0.08% or more alcohol concentration, standard, AB 7**, AB 104
Committee on testing for intoxication, regulations, SB 433
Community service as punishment, AB 106**
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Expert witnesses regarding tests, reports in lieu of appearances, SB 433
Marijuana, penalties, AB 362
Previous felony conviction, subsequent violation treated as felony, AB 34
Teens and young adults, study urged, SCR 15‡
Treatment programs, participation, AB 106**
State funding to school districts, adjustment for dropouts, AB 45
Governor, declaration, tolling of forfeiture of water rights, AB 403†
Prisoners, testing before parole hearing, grounds for denial of parole, AB 209
State employment, AB 217**
Assisted living facility employees, possession and administration, AB 326†
Criminal defendants, involuntary administration of certain drugs, SB 179**
Employers, receipt of information on dangerous drug offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Health care students, possession and administration, SB 425*
Physicians and osteopaths, authority regarding dangerous drugs, restrictions on discipline, SB 375
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Psychotropic drugs, prohibited acts by school personnel, SB 61, AB 251
Rural mental health clinics, dispensing of dangerous drugs by nurses, SB 83**
Sales tax exemption for medicines for older persons, ballot question, AB 351
Wetlands conservation, special license plates for support, SB 202, AB 358**
Registration and titling, SB 117
Health care records, provision of access by durable power of attorney, SB 24†
Advertisements, identification, liability for improper transmittal, AB 93*
Business entities, notices to stockholders, SB 436*
Meetings of public agencies, notice, SB 229, AB 409**
Secondhand dealers, reports of transactions, AB 420*
Building codes and emergency management, adoption of certain seismic requirements, AB 57*
Approval of land use conditioned on dedication of easement, prohibition, AB 427†
Highway rights-of-way, applications by governmental entities, AB 197
Subdivision of land, requirements, exceptions, SB 354*
Vacation or abandonment of easement, notice of hearing, SB 176*
Community development block grants, financing of projects, SB 174**
Employment training programs, financing, SB 496**
Lander County, appropriation, AB 123
New businesses, tax abatements, SB 293, SB 473**, AB 356†
Real property transfer tax increase, use of proceeds, SB 270
Regional development districts, establishment, SB 328*
Revenue bonds for industrial development, prerequisites for issuance, AB 85
Zones for economic development, credit or refund of sales tax, repeal, AB 514*
Employment training programs, duties, reversion of money, SB 496**
Executive director, duties, SB 229
Powers and duties, SB 174**, AB 356
Real property transfer tax increase, use, SB 270
Assessments, AB 493**
Charter schools (See CHARTER SCHOOLS)
Classroom on Wheels, appropriation, AB 377
Community colleges (See COMMUNITY COLLEGES)
Cosmetology schools, terms, courses and student work, SB 372**, AB 258
Culinary and Hospitality Academy of Las Vegas, funding, AB 465, AB 554
Distance education (See DISTANCE EDUCATION)
Driver education (See DRIVER EDUCATION)
Hunter safety courses, fees, SB 420*
Judicial colleges, contingent appropriations, SB 505
Motorcycle Riders Education Program, fees, instructor qualifications, AB 171
Private schools (See SCHOOLS, PRIVATE)
Public buildings, programs relating to energy conservation, AB 398**
Public schools (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Voter education programs, SB 453*, AB 527
Council for Coordination of Regional Training Programs, duties, SB 210**
Alternate licensing for persons without teaching degree, regulations, SB 35
Classification system for teachers, duties, SB 226
Members, qualifications, report to Legislature, SB 390
Educational psychologists, regulations regarding endorsement, AB 308
National certification, regulations, AB 227
Social studies courses, duties, SB 309*
Teacher qualifications, duties, SB 191
Academic achievement plans, receipt, SB 191
Accountability reports, receipt, SB 191
Achievement and proficiency examinations
High school proficiency examinations
Informational pamphlet, contents, AB 510**
Math portion, study, AB 179
Revision, appropriation, SB 182
Reports, SB 191
Scoring, certain duties removed, SB 191
Waiver of requirements, duties, SB 191
Administrator-pupil ratio, report, AB 506
Appropriations (See APPROPRIATIONS)
Bond issues, reports, AB 240**
Certified teachers, reports to Legislature, SB 390
Charter schools, duties, SB 33, SB 191, SB 252
Class-size reduction, duties, SB 44
Corrective action, imposition, SB 191
Designations of schools and districts, duties, reports, SB 191
DUI by teens and young adults, study urged, SCR 15‡
Educational technology, appropriation, duties, SB 191
Health insurance costs, review of requests for allocation of money, AB 257**
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, study of due process hearings, SB 234
No Child Left Behind Act, preparation of informational pamphlet, SB 191
Obesity study subcommittee, representation, SCR 13‡
Personnel teaching outside area of licensure, receipt of lists, AB 264†
Prisoners, duties regarding educational programs, SB 317**
Pupils with disabilities, scholarships to attend private schools, duties, SB 340
Reading comprehension examinations, duties, AB 264†
Reading, importance recognized and actions urged, SCR 29
Remedial courses in schools, duties, SB 191, SB 210†
Restructuring of schools, duties, SB 191
Safe and respectful learning environment, duties, AB 513
Statewide automated system of information concerning pupils, duties, SB 191
Summer food service programs, study, appropriation for reimbursements, AB 535
Supplemental educational services, selection of providers, SB 191
Support teams, provision to schools, reports, SB 191
Teacher qualifications, notices regarding additional requirements, SB 191
Technical assistance partnerships, reports, duties, SB 191
Textbooks, instructional supplies and hardware, duties regarding expenditures, SB 509
Voucher schools, duties, SB 376
Yearly progress of schools, duties, SB 191
Accountability system, duties, reports, SB 191
Achievement and proficiency tests, duties, SB 191, AB 264†, AB 510**
Alternate licensing for certain teachers, regulations, SB 35
Charter schools, duties, SB 33, SB 252
Class-size reduction, duties, report, SB 44, SB 508
Closure or change of use of school, certain duties removed, AB 509**
Curriculum restructuring, study, duties, AB 264†
Designations of schools and districts, regulation, reports, SB 191
Endorsements on standard high school diplomas, duties, AB 179†
Issuance to certain veterans, duties, AB 52**
Driver education courses, duties, SB 256
Dropouts, regulations, AB 45
Elections, district boundaries, AB 375*
English language programs and proficiency assessment, duties, SB 191, AB 179
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, due process hearings, SB 234†
Math and science endorsements, duties, SB 210†
Paraprofessional employees, duties, SB 191
Personnel teaching outside area of licensure, receipt of lists, AB 264†
Plans for academic achievement, duties, reports, SB 191
Prisoners, duties regarding educational programs, SB 317**
Problem gambling course, duties, SB 42, SB 349
Reading instruction program, duties, AB 411
School Accountability Trust Fund, duties, AB 426
School buses, duties, SB 230
School choice, duties, SB 191
Social studies courses, duties, SB 309*
Support teams, reports, SB 191
Teacher qualifications, notices, duties, SB 191
Technical assistance partnerships, duties, SB 191
Textbooks, duties, AB 264†
Yearly progress of schools and districts, duties, reports, SB 191
Real property transfer tax, exemptions, SB 370*, SB 509
Abolished, AB 179
Appropriations, duties, SB 191
Grants for educational technology, reports, SB 191
School facilities and equipment, receipt of reports, SB 191
Terms of appointed members, SB 68**
Abstracts of votes, posting on Internet or transmittal to public libraries, SB 262*
Appellate court judges, SJR 5‡, AJR 12 of the 71st Session
Ballot questions
Advocacy groups, registration, AB 529†
Arguments and rebuttals
Committees, appointment, SB 449*, AB 125*, AB 293*, AB 436, AB 528†
False statements concerning question, prohibition repealed, SB 147†, AB 127
Fireworks, sale and use, AB 328
Governmental expenditures, prohibited acts, SB 123*, AB 298
Identification of advisory questions on ballot, SB 449*
Incorporated towns, creation, SB 347
Initiatives rejected by Legislature, listing of approved alternative, AB 541*
Medical and dental malpractice laws, approval, SB 97
Metropolitan police taxing districts, additional levy, SB 334**
Red Rock Canyon Act, retention or repeal, SB 358†
Sales and use tax
Enactment of certain exemptions, AB 514**
Items purchased by governmental entities for resale to public, SB 404
Medicines and devices for older persons, exemption, AB 351
Repeal of certain exemptions, SB 293, AB 387, AB 514**
Submission of advisory questions, restrictions, SB 449*
Tax levies approved by voters exempt from limit on total tax levy, SB 474
Time for local agencies to submit copies to clerks, AB 125*, AB 293*
Absent ballots
Elderly or disabled persons, applications, SB 453*, AB 125*
Election Assistance Commission, reports, SB 453*, AB 527
Failure to receive ballot, provisions repealed, AB 125*
Method of voting, AB 125*
Return by authorized persons, AB 541†
Confidentiality requirements, SB 453*, AB 527
Early voting, delivery of ballots to ballot board, AB 541†
General election ballots, restrictions on changes, AB 528**
Incumbency, inclusion of notice on certain ballots, AB 541*
Names of candidates, appearance on ballots, SB 109, AB 421*, AB 541*
Provisional ballots, use, SB 453*, AB 527
Random alphabetic listing of candidates, AB 289
Sample ballots
Constitutional amendments and statewide questions, contents, SB 449*, AB 293*, AB 436
Local questions, contents, SB 449*, AB 436
Mailing, AB 528**
Specially equipped voting devices, notice, AB 125*
Voters' Bill of Rights, inclusion, AB 235*
Voted ballots, maintenance of records, AB 125*
Campaign practices (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)
Death of candidate, effect, AB 528**
Declaration, acceptance or certificate of candidacy
Filing, SB 111, SB 147**, AB 125*, AB 285*, AB 528**
Fingerprint cards and authorizations for investigation required, AB 285†
False statements concerning candidate, prohibition repealed, SB 147†, AB 127
Felony convictions
Investigations, AB 285†
Required disclosures, AB 285*
Restoration of right to hold office, AB 55**, AB 337
Financial disclosure statements, filing, SB 147**, AB 529*
Governmental expenditures, prohibited acts, SB 123*, AB 298
Independent candidates, filing of petitions, AB 125*
Judicial office, time for filing declaration or certificate of candidacy, SB 111
Minor political parties, time for filing certain documents, AB 125*
Nonpartisan offices, effect of unopposed candidacy, AB 421*
Residency requirements, AB 412
Vacancy in nomination, time for filling, AB 528**
Canvass of votes
Provisional ballots, procedures, SB 453*, AB 527
City elections, dates, AB 233*
Contests, legislator elections, AB 526*
District judges
Staggered elections, AJR 12
Time for filing declaration or certificate of candidacy, SB 111
Early voting
Ballots, delivery to ballot board, AB 541†
Place of voting, AB 125*
Record of votes, AB 125*
Time for, publication, AB 125†, AB 541†
Education, State Board of, district boundaries, AB 375*
Election board officers
Testing of mechanical devices, provision repealed, AB 125*
Trainee qualifications and restrictions, AB 125*
Election board register, preparation, AB 125*
Ex-felons, voting rights, notices, AB 55**, AB 337
Fees for documents filed with Secretary of State, SB 112**, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Help America Vote Act of 2002
Creation of Election Fund for deposit of funds, SB 417**
Implementation of procedures, SB 453*, AB 527
Legislative districts, boundaries, AB 375*
Legislative study, ACR 14
Mechanical voting systems
General requirements, SB 453*, AB 527
Printed records, capabilities, requirements, SB 453*, AB 125*
Testing of devices, AB 125*
Mentally incompetent persons, voting rights, AJR 14, AJR 3 of the 71st session‡
Pardons, restoration of voting rights, notices, AB 55**, AB 337
Polling places
Early voting, hours, AB 125*, AB 541†
Elderly or disabled voters, centralized locations for, AB 125*
Election day registration and voting, procedures, SB 453†
Information to be posted at, SB 453*, AB 527
Precinct maps, AB 125*
Primary elections
Date of city primary, AB 233*
Time for submission of documents, AB 125*
Recall of public officers (See RECALL OF PUBLIC OFFICERS)
Registration of voters
Applications, contents, SB 453*, AB 410, AB 527, AB 541*
Cancellation of registration, grounds, procedure, SB 453**
Close of registration, time, SB 453*, AB 541*
Election day registration and voting, procedures, SB 453†
Forfeiture of residency in other state, requirement, AB 410
Identification of applicants, requirements, SB 453**, AB 527
List of registered voters
Disclosure of personal information, SB 297*, AB 400
Political parties, restrictions on use, AB 528**
Statewide list, establishment, SB 453**
Move to other county in state, notice of cancellation of registration, AB 410
Nonpartisan registration, AB 125*
Qualifications include intent to remain resident of state, AB 410
Registrar's office, hours of operation, AB 125†
Rejection of applications filed with requests for absent ballots, procedures, SB 453*, AB 527
Statewide list, establishment, SB 453**, AB 527
School boards of trustees, consolidated districts, AB 264†
Silver Springs Water and Sewer District, governing board, AB 363
State employees, collective bargaining organizations, AB 65
Time, computation, AB 528**
U.S. Representatives, filling of vacancy created by catastrophe, AB 344**
U.S. Senators, obsolete constitutional provision repealed, AJR 14, AJR 3 of the 71st session‡
University, Board of Regents, AB 353†, AB 375*, AJR 11‡
Voter education programs, SB 453*, AB 527
Election day registration and voting, procedures, SB 453†
Mentally incompetent persons, rights, AJR 14, AJR 3 of the 71st session‡
New residents, voting rights, AB 410
Parole or probation, effect of honorable discharge on voting, notices, AB 55**, AB 337
Voters' Bill of Rights, adoption, dissemination, AB 235*
Exemption from regulation as motor vehicle, SB 363*
Pedestrian includes persons on devices for purposes of traffic laws, SB 363*
Certification requirements, prohibited acts, AB 357
Deferred deposit services, checks, AB 433
Tax payments, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281, AB 514*
ELKO, CITY OF (For general provisions, see CITIES)
California Immigrant Trail Interpretive Center, time for bond issue, SB 51**
Charter amendments
Ballots for ordinances and charter amendments, AB 436, AB 528†
Names of candidates on ballots, AB 541*
Telephones in vehicles, regulation prohibited, SB 10**
Unfair lending practices, regulatory powers restricted, AB 284*
Voters, qualifications, SB 453†
Audio recordings of meetings, public records, SB 229
ELKO COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
Bishop Creek Dam, study of reconstruction potential, SB 488
California Immigrant Trail Interpretive Center, bond issue, SB 51**
Hospital tax, imposition, use and refunds, SB 293, AB 514*
Performance audit, AB 162
Regional training programs (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Personnel)
Appropriation, SB 210†
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Mortgage brokers, liability of advertising spokesperson, AB 490**
Older victims, age threshold for applicability of criminal laws, AB 73*
Communicable diseases, emergency isolation or quarantine, SB 82**
Disaster Relief Fund, transfer to Fund to Stabilize the Operation of State Government, SB 382
Division of Emergency Management
Abolished, duties transferred, SB 6
Emergency Assistance Account, sources, use, AB 19†
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, cooperation, AB 441**
Local response plans, receipt, AB 441**
Seismic requirements, adoption, AB 57†
Health care facilities, mandatory overtime for employees, AB 313†
Jail overcrowding, declaration of emergency, AB 303
Local governments, adoption of response plans, AB 441**
Nevada Homeland Security, Advisory Committee on, appointment, SB 175
Office of Emergency Management, creation, SB 6
Public works contracts, letting, AB 425**
Resort hotels, adoption of response plans, AB 250*
Seismic requirements for buildings and other projects, adoption, AB 57*
Social workers licensed in other state, practice in response to emergency, AB 491
State Emergency Operations Center, funding, SB 498**, SB 506**, SB 507**
Ambulances (See AMBULANCES)
Committee on Emergency Medical Services, duties, SB 455
Helicopters, approval of operation, AB 402**
Intoxicated persons, transport for emergency medical services, SB 86, SB 94**
Major hospitals, acceptance of payments for care of diverted patients, SB 95
Osteopathic physicians, unlawful acts, SB 281*
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Background checks, procedures, AB 155**
Licensure of technicians, SB 455
Students, possession and administration of drugs, SB 425*
Terrorism, response training, AB 250*
Staffing requirements, study, AB 313*
Stopped vehicles with flashing lights, duties of approaching drivers, AB 299*
Contingency Account for Hazardous Materials, sources, use, AB 19*
Extremely hazardous materials, fees, SB 201**, AB 486
Automatic dialing and announcing devices, use, SB 255†, AB 232†
Landlords, disclosure of emergency numbers to tenants, SB 13*
Party lines or public phones, failure to relinquish for emergency calls, AB 10*
Limitation on allowance and apportionment of costs removed, AB 397†
Rejection of offer and proceeding to trial, penalties prohibited, AB 397
Assignment of income, duties, penalties for failure to comply, AB 160†
Background checks
Crimes about which employer may request information, SB 303, AB 155**
Requests to Central Repository, AB 155**
Sealing records of criminal proceedings, effect, AB 55**, AB 337
Volunteers, receipt of information, immunities, SB 303, AB 155**
Blacklisting, penalty, AB 143**
Child support withholdings, obligor's fees, employer's duties, SB 186**, AB 475†
Clark County, program to assist underutilized businesses, AB 174
Collective bargaining (See COLLECTIVE BARGAINING)
Contractors (See CONTRACTORS)
Discharge or disciplinary action, prohibited acts, AB 160†
Dislocated workers, appropriation for assistance, AB 472
Drivers' license laws, compliance by employees, employers' duties, AB 476
Fines for violations of labor laws, enforcement, AB 143**
Harassment in workplace, orders for protection
Felony committed in violation of order, enhanced penalty, AB 107*
Sealing of records, petitions, SB 398
Violations, penalties, SB 398
Health benefits (See also INSURANCE—Health insurance)
Associations of self-insured private employers, provision of coverage, SB 64
Children, enrollment pursuant to court order, AB 475**
Employers' application form for health insurance, use, SB 130
Grocery stores, requirements, AB 356
Single payer health care system, study, SB 289**
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Intellectual property, employer's right of ownership, AB 2, AB 81*
Minorities, legislative study of availability of employment for, SB 249
Minors, judicial approval of contracts for artistic, creative or athletic services or intellectual property, AB 288*
Motor vehicle registration, compliance by employees, employers' duties, AB 476
National Guard, termination of employment based on service, penalty, AB 143**
Peace officer applicants, penalty for failure to provide law enforcement agency with information, AB 134
Surcharge, imposition, SB 382
Training programs, establishment, financing, SB 423**, SB 496**
Unemployment compensation (See UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION)
Unlawful employment practices, applicability of laws, SB 22
Unlawfully employed persons, applicability of labor laws, AB 48**
Wages (See WAGES)
Work release programs for prisoners, contracts, SB 264†
Applicants, qualifications, AB 55**, AB 337
Director, member of Advisory Committee on Homelessness, AB 259
Disabilities, persons with, duties, SB 164**, SCR 10‡
Employment Security Division
Board of Review, judicial review of decisions, SB 423**
Employer surcharge, duties, SB 382
Job training programs, duties, SB 423**
Use of machine-readable media for preservation of records, AB 260
Rehabilitation Division
Legislative Committee on Persons with Disabilities, membership on advisory committee, SB 137**
Service animals, duties regarding trainers, AB 332
Telecommunications devices, duties transferred, SB 164**
Traumatic brain injuries, duties transferred, SB 164**
Tax incentives for new businesses, duties, AB 356†
Training programs for employees of businesses, duties removed, SB 496**
Working families, calculation of cost of living, AB 356
Highway rights-of-way, applications by governmental entities, AB 197
Permits, fees, SB 452**
General improvement districts for protection, creation authorized, AB 136**
Geoexchange technology, study, SCR 37
Loan program for purchase of energy conservation equipment, AB 314
Public buildings, contracts regarding cost-saving energy measures, AB 398**
Renewable energy (See RENEWABLE ENERGY)
School construction, certain actions encouraged, AB 396**
Tax abatements for facilities for production of energy storage devices, SB 473**
Consumer's Advocate, receipt of reports, SB 421
Loans for equipment to reduce use of or conserve energy, duties, AB 314
Net metering systems, financial assistance, duties, AB 429**
Qualified service companies, receipt of information, duties, AB 398**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Active experience requirements, AB 146†
Examinations, AB 146**
Laser scanner operators, exemption, AB 146**
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Limited-liability companies or partnerships, filing of documents, AB 536
Stamps, acquisition, AB 146**
Subdivision of land, duties, AB 449
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Standards for designation of gaming districts, SB 158
Contracts involving minors, petition for judicial approval, AB 288*
Local improvements, acquisition of entertainment projects, SB 495**
Imposition, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Alternative fuels, duties, AB 237**
Brownfield Projects, Fund for, regulations, AB 74**
Engine emission control
Biennial inspection and testing, duties, SB 189, AB 416
Biennial vehicle registration, duties, SB 213, AB 324**
Heavy-duty vehicles, regulation of emissions, AB 36*
Testing procedures and standards, adoption, AB 36*
Fuel additives, duties, AB 359
High-level radioactive waste, duties, SB 119
Highly hazardous substances and explosives, duties, SB 67, SB 127**
Laboratories for analyzing materials, duties, SB 58**
Mold and material containing mold, regulations for disposal, SB 132
Purchasers or owners of certain real property, reports concerning hazardous substances, AB 485**
Recycling, grant program, duties, AB 447
Safe Drinking Water Act, duties, AB 473**
Storage tanks for regulated substances, duties, SB 58**
Board of Registered Environmental Health Specialists
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees and independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Regulations, review, SB 329*
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, suspension or revocation, AB 481
Mold inspection and testing, licensure and regulation, SB 132
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Air pollution (See AIR POLLUTION)
Airports, authority to impose noise restrictions, SB 291
Brownfield sites (See BROWNFIELD SITES)
Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition commended, SCR 16‡
Endangered species, protection districts authorized, AB 136**
Fertilizers and agricultural minerals, restricted use, AB 193*
Invasive species, pest and weed control, use of certain tax proceeds, SB 370*
Pesticide registration fee, use, AB 91*
Red Rock Canyon, protection of adjacent lands, SB 358**
Renewable energy (See RENEWABLE ENERGY)
Walker Lake, legislative declaration, ACR 21
Water pollution (See WATER POLLUTION)
Wetlands conservation, special license plates for support, SB 202, AB 358**
Wilderness and wilderness study areas
Congress urged to take certain actions, SJR 3‡, SJR 4‡
Legislative study, continuation, SCR 7‡
Wildlife Division accounts, use for habitat purposes, SB 420*
Drivers' licenses, procedures, AB 406
Medicaid, prescription drug coverage, AB 384**
Confidentiality of complaints and investigations, SB 450*
Executive Director redesignated Administrator, SB 450*
Processing of complaints, duties, SB 450*
Audio recordings of hearings, duties, SB 229
Property tax (See PROPERTY TAX)
Duties, AB 533**
Tools for escape, manufacture or possession by prisoners prohibited, SB 299**
Construction contracts, security to be provided by certain property owners, AB 316
Assessments, AB 490**, AB 493**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, denial, suspension or revocation, AB 55**, AB 337, AB 481
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Consolidation with Nye County School District, AB 264†
Actions belonging to decedent, limitation, SB 207*
Administration, settlement without
Monetary threshold, SB 207*
Petition, notices, AB 445**
Closing of estate, notice of hearings following failure to close, AB 445**
Creditors' claims
Filing fees, SB 211
Medicaid benefits, recovery, AB 445**
Public assistance, recovery of benefits paid, AB 445**
Time to allow or reject, SB 207*
Estates of $20,000 or less, distribution, AB 445**
Filing of petitions or objections, fees, SB 162
Gifts by decedent, when deemed testamentary gift, valuation, SB 207*
Letters of administration, notice of petitions, AB 445**
Letters of special administration, form, SB 207*
Medical records of deceased, access by certain persons authorized, SB 24*
Personal property, sale procedures, SB 207*
Personal representatives
Conversion of property, damages, SB 207*
Grounds for disqualification, SB 207*, AB 55**, AB 337
Renunciation of compensation, SB 207*
Petitions, filing fees, SB 211
Principal and Income Act (1997), adoption, SB 196*
Prudent Investor Act, adoption, SB 196*
Public administrators (See PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS)
Undivided estate, definition, AB 445**
Ward's property, duties of guardian, SB 207*, AB 365*
Wills (See WILLS)
University Regents, use of money in Estate Tax Account, SB 415**
Common-interest communities, officers and managers, SB 100*, SB 438
Contracts between governing bodies and members, authorization, AB 539**
Estates, personal representatives, SB 207*
Ethics in Government Law
Candidates or ballot questions, prohibited expenditures, SB 123*, AB 298
Conflicts of interest, disclosure, SB 147**
Financial disclosure statements, filing, SB 147**, AB 529*
Fines, grounds, SB 147**, AB 127
Legislative study, ACR 14
Planning commissions in Clark County, AB 291*
Unwarranted privileges, preferences, exemptions or advantages, SB 147**
Insurance, independent review organizations, conflicts of interest, SB 171, AB 79*
Mortgage Lending, Commissioner of, AB 490**
Nevada Center for Ethics and Health Policy, appropriation, SB 153
Occupational and professional licensing boards, SB 310*
Redevelopment agency or community, officers and employees, AB 538
Assessment of local governments for support, AB 551**
Chairman, member of ethics law study committee, ACR 14
Commission counsel, duties, SB 147†
Financial disclosure statements, duties, SB 147**, AB 529*
Fines, authority, SB 147**, AB 127
Opinions, procedures, SB 147**, AB 127
Training, fees, SB 147**
EUREKA COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
State Public Defender, fees for services, SB 504**
Elderly or handicapped persons, length of notice before eviction, AB 274, AB 498**
Manufactured home parks, expedited proceedings, causes for eviction, AB 498**
Unlawful exclusion of tenant, recovery of possession, SB 128*
Utility charges, default in payment by tenant, SB 194
Constructional defect cases, SB 241**
Contractors' Board, State, restrictions on admissibility of records, AB 220**
Driving under the influence, presence of marijuana, AB 362
Insanity defense, burden of proof, AB 156**
Lab reports, acceptance in lieu of appearance by certain experts, SB 433
Material witnesses, admissibility of certain evidence in proceedings against, AB 61
Medical malpractice actions, collateral sources, SB 97†, Initiative Petition
Motor vehicle monitoring devices, effect of illegal use, SB 26
Preliminary examinations, statements of law enforcement officers, AB 63
Property tax liens, certificates of purchase, AB 200
Securities, offering forged documents in evidence prohibited, AB 163
Traffic citations, use of certain equipment to obtain evidence, SB 220
Body armor, prohibition against purchase or possession, penalty, AB 64
Candidates for public office
Eligibility for office, exceptions, AB 55**, AB 337
Required disclosures, AB 285*
Charter schools, employment of convicted felons, SB 33, SB 252
Civil rights restoration, SB 430, AB 55**, AB 337
Restoration of right to bear arms, petition, SB 430
Sale or disposition to ex-felons unlawful, penalty, SB 199*
Jury, service on, AB 55**, AB 337
Audiotaped meetings unnecessary, SB 229
Audit of claims against state, manner, AB 216**
Clerk, authority to approve certain expenditures, AB 153**
Highway Patrol salaries, appropriation, SB 344
National Guard Armory in Carson City, duties, SB 506**
Outfitters and Guides, Board of, requests for money, AB 272
Radio systems, duties regarding certain appropriations, SB 499**
Remedial courses in schools, duties, SB 210†
Salary overpayments, delegation of authority to Clerk, AB 217**
School personnel health insurance costs, duties regarding review of requests for allocation of money, AB 257**
Secretary of State's expenditures, audit unnecessary, AB 216**
State employee salaries, appropriations, duties, AB 555**
Disability, illness or unemployment benefits, exemption, SB 70*
Homestead exemption, SB 70*
Payments received as award in civil actions, exemptions, SB 70*
Tuition trusts, exemption of certain money held in, SB 434**
Vehicles, exemption, SB 70*
Conditional use permits, notice of hearings, SB 176*
Convicted persons, prohibition against shipment or transport removed, AB 55**, AB 337
Manufacturing facilities, regulation, SB 67, SB 127*
State employees, compensation for dangerous duty, AB 159
Terrorism, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38, AB 250†
Sales tax exemption, AB 514*
Horse races, use of portion of certain license fees for purses, SB 3**
Recreational facilities, advertising contracts exempt from bid laws, SB 146**
Secretary, duties, SB 229
Tax Commission, exchange of information, SB 509
Taxation Department, exchange of information, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281, AB 342
Horse races, use of portion of certain license fees for purses, SB 3**
Panaca fairgrounds, funding for restoration, SB 144**, AB 31
Personal property owned by nonresident, property tax exemption removed, SB 293
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Licenses and permits, fees, SB 420*
FALLON, CITY OF (For general provisions, see CITIES)
Safe drinking water in schools, creation of account, grants, AB 473†
Minors suspected of tobacco violations, merchant's immunity for detention, SB 339†, AB 460†
Use of imprisoned person as shield or to avoid arrest, penalty, AB 189**
Campaign practices, prohibition against false statements repealed, SB 147†, AB 127
Contractors, grounds for disciplinary action, AB 190*
Deceptive trade practices (See TRADE REGULATIONS AND PRACTICES)
Deferred deposit services, unlawful acts, AB 433
Drivers' licenses or identification cards, acquisition, penalty, AB 441**
E-mail containing ads, false information in subject line or address, AB 93*
Educational credentials, violations, SB 457, AB 264
Employers, misrepresentation regarding assignments of income, AB 160†
Ethics, false reports to Commission, SB 147**, AB 127
Garages or body shops, grounds for discipline, AB 325*
Health care facilities, unlawful acts involving staffing levels, AB 313†
Lobbyists, unlawful requests for professional services from LCB, SB 221*
Minors, false representation of age to obtain tobacco, SB 339, AB 460
Motor carriers, false statements on applications, accounts or statements, SB 192
Older victims, age threshold for applicability of certain laws, AB 73*
Public officers or employees, false claims of misconduct against, penalty, SB 342
Salvage vehicles, failure to disclose certain information on transfer, AB 325*
Securities, unlawful acts, limitation of actions, AB 163
Service animals, unlawful acts involving, AB 332
Weights and measures, unlawful acts, SB 485*
Substance abuse pilot programs, establishment unnecessary, AB 548**
Business entities, notices to stockholders, SB 436*
Secondhand dealers, reports of transactions, AB 420*
Exchange of information, procedures, AB 155**
Fingerprinting (See FINGERPRINTING)
Creation, AB 281
Body armor, purchase or possession by certain ex-felons, AB 64
Cigarettes, unlawful acts, AB 460†
Contractors, unlawful acts, AB 220**
Disabilities imposed by convictions, removal of certain disabilities, AB 55**, AB 337
Drivers' licenses, false information to obtain, AB 441*
DUI, subsequent violations treated as felonies, AB 34
Evasion of peace officer resulting in death or substantial bodily harm, AB 335*
False imprisonment, AB 189**
Firearms, unlawful acts, SB 40*, SB 199*
Gaming licensees, detention of person suspected of felony, SB 432
Gaming, unlawful acts, SB 431
Graffiti violations, SB 105**, AB 11
High-level radioactive waste, unlawful storage, SB 294
Highly hazardous substances, violations, SB 67, SB 127*
Hunting violations, SB 135, SB 420*
Identification cards, false information to obtain, AB 441*
Identity theft, SB 297*
Insurance agents and brokers, violations, AB 453*
Insurance holding companies, false statements or filings, AB 453*
Internet prescription sales, unlawful acts, SB 337**
M.D., unlawful use of title, SB 332**
Mentally ill persons, crimes involving, SB 394**
Minors, crimes involving, SB 300**, SB 394**
Motor vehicles
Records, unlawful release of certain information, AB 400
Salvage vehicles, unlawful acts, AB 325*
Personal identifying information or documents, unlawful acts, AB 441**
Prisoners, manufacture or possession of tools for escape, SB 299**
Protective orders, violations, SB 398, AB 331*
Public utilities, unlawful disclosures, impersonation of officers, AB 441**
Public weighmasters, unlawful acts, SB 485*
Real property transactions, disclosure regarding crime immaterial, SB 204*
Securities violations, AB 163
Service animals, unlawful acts, SB 231*
State parks, possession or use of controlled substances, SB 282
Terrorism, SB 38, AB 250**, AB 441**
Vandalism, AB 11
Voter registration lists, unlawful release of certain information, AB 400
Weights and measures, unlawful acts, SB 485*
Damages by elk or non-native game mammals, mitigation program, AB 301*
Palomino Valley, appropriation for construction of fence, SB 377
State Route 159, appropriation for construction of fence, AB 276
Application, sale, distribution and classification for restricted use, AB 193*
Unlawful acts, penalties, AB 193*
Maternal and Child Health, Advisory Board on, duties, SB 307*
Sign regarding consumption of alcohol during pregnancy, posting by food establishments, SB 307*
Exploitation of aged persons, included acts, AB 126*
Principal and Income Act (1997), Uniform, adoption, SB 196*
Prudent Investor Act, Uniform, adoption, SB 196*
California Immigrant Trail Interpretive Center, bond issue, SB 51**
Capital improvement projects, issuance of bonds, SB 507**
Fish Hatchery Refurbishment Project, bond issue, SB 416**
Mortgage Lending, Division of, assistance, AB 490**
Tahoe Basin, bond issue, SB 46**
Tobacco settlement trust funds, authority, SB 448
University School of Medicine, acquisition of certain facilities, duties, SB 447
Water or sewer system capital improvements, bond issue, SB 200**, SB 233**, SB 447
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Appraisers of real estate, violations, SB 428**
Assisted living facilities, unlawful acts, AB 326†
Athletes' agents, SB 456*
Bond of parolee or probationer moving out of state, payments, AB 18
Building inspectors, violations, SB 428**
Business license violations, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Campaign practices, violations, SB 147**, AB 528**, AB 529†
Campground membership, violations, SB 428**
Child-restraint devices and safety belts, violations, SB 116*, AB 120, AB 161
Cigarettes, violations, SB 66†, AB 460
Common-interest communities
Commission for Common-Interest Communities, false claims, SB 100*
Imposition and enforcement, SB 100*, SB 136*, SB 438
Property management violations, SB 428**
Constructional defects, failure to make certain disclosures, AB 449
Court reporters, violations, SB 395**
Depositories of public money, violations, SB 447
Doing business under fictitious name, violations, SB 436†
Educational credentials, violations, SB 457, AB 264
Electric utilities, violations, SB 421
Electricity, providers of new resources, violations, AB 32**
Failure to provide information to law enforcement agencies, AB 134
Unlawful discharge or discipline of employee, AB 160†
Wage law violations, AB 143**
Ethics violations, SB 147**, AB 127
Gambling addiction counselors, violations, SB 351†
Guides, violations, AB 272
Handicapped parking violations, SB 187
Health benefits, self-insured private employers providing, violations, SB 64
Health care facilities, violations of staffing requirements, AB 313†
High-level radioactive waste, violations, SB 119
Highly hazardous substances, violations, SB 67, SB 127*
Industrial insurance violations, SB 168**, AB 168*
Insurance violations
Casualty insurers, AB 453*
Companies and holding companies, AB 453*
Consultants, AB 453*
Independent review organizations, SB 171
Motor vehicle repairs, AB 367†
Jail overcrowding, alternatives to commitment, AB 303
Mold control violations, SB 132
Mortgage bankers, unlawful acts, AB 492
Motor vehicle records, unlawful acts, AB 400
Motor vehicle registration
New residents, failure to register, SB 214
Payment of criminal fines as condition, SB 479
Natural gas utilities, AB 32**
Opticians, violations, AB 452**
Optometrists, violations, AB 24
Osteopathic physicians, violations, SB 250†
Outfitters, violations, AB 272
Pest control violations, SB 172**
Physicians, violations, SB 250**
Public weighmasters, unlawful acts, SB 485*
Public works, violations, AB 432**, AB 534**
Quarantines of commodities, violations, SB 172**
Real estate licensees, SB 428**
Recycling, failure to file reports, AB 447
Secondhand dealers, violations, AB 420*
Solar energy systems, violations, AB 431†
Strikes by state or local government employees, AB 65
Subdivision of land, sales violations, SB 428**
Tax on interstate or intercounty property, failure to file reports, AB 530**
Telemarketing violations, SB 255, AB 232†
Third-party administrators, violations, SB 64
Time shares, violations, SB 428**
Traffic violations
Construction zones, AB 444*
Loads dropping, sifting, leaking or escaping from vehicle, SB 356
Parent or guardian, liability for certain acts by minors, SB 256
Travel agents, violations, AB 343*
Voter registration lists, unlawful acts, AB 400
Weights and measures, unlawful acts, SB 485*
Wildlife violations, effect of failure to pay fine, SB 420*
Alcohol or drug abuse counselors, SB 248**, AB 155**
Appraisers of real estate, SB 428**, AB 155**
Assisted living facilities, employees, AB 326†
Background checks, requests to central repository, AB 155**
Building inspectors, SB 428**, AB 155**
Candidates for election, AB 285†
Charter schools, employment applicants, SB 33, SB 252
Detoxification technicians, SB 248**
Drivers' licenses, hazardous materials endorsements, SB 483**
Gaming employees, SB 432
Gaming licensees, AB 155**
Massage therapists, SB 338
Osteopathic physicians and assistants, SB 281*
Postsecondary education employees, AB 155**, AB 505
Real estate licensees, SB 428**, AB 155**
Secondhand dealers, AB 420*
Senior facilities, employees of landlords, AB 419*
Social workers, AB 155**, AB 491
Taxi, bus and limousine drivers, SB 192, AB 155**
Time shares, sales agents, SB 428**
Cancer, coverage as occupational disease, AB 451*
Cooperative agreements with State Fire Marshal, assumption of duties, SB 458
Emergency response study, representation, AB 250†
Group insurance (See also INSURANCE)
Retroactive application of certain survivor benefits, SB 240**
Industrial insurance (See also INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Surviving spouse entitled to death benefits after remarriage, SB 240†
Personal safety equipment, purchase, AB 147**
Stopped vehicles with flashing lights, duties of approaching drivers, AB 299*
Volunteer fire departments, immunities for certain donors of property, AB 26*
Assisted living, facilities for, duties, AB 326†
Cooperative agreements, delegation of duties, SB 458
Educational and training programs, duties, SB 458
Fees for services, SB 458
Fireworks, ballot question regarding regulation of sale and use, AB 328
Hazardous materials, duties, SB 458
Interior designers, registration law repealed, SB 458
Regulations, applicability, SB 118
Annual audits, conditional exemptions, AB 149**
Elections, registration office, AB 125†
Composition, SB 458
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Concealed weapons
Background checks for permits, AB 155**
Out-of-state permits, reciprocity, SB 74
Discharging unlawfully
Structure or vehicle, malicious or wanton discharge in, on or under, SB 40*
Vessel or aircraft, malicious or wanton discharge in, on or under, SB 40†
Employers, receipt of information relating to firearm violations, SB 303, AB 155**
Restoration of right to bear arms, petition, SB 430
Sale or disposition of firearms to ex-felon unlawful, penalty, SB 199*
License plates in support of right to bear arms, issuance, AB 115
Machine guns, manufacture, import, sale, giving or lending unlawful, SB 199*
Possession by certain persons unlawful, penalty, SB 199*
Sale or disposition of firearms to certain persons prohibited, penalty, SB 199*
Serial number altered or removed, penalty for unlawful acts, SB 199*
Silencers, manufacture, import, sale, giving or lending unlawful, penalty, SB 199*
Special events, local regulation of unconcealed firearms, SB 29
Fire Science Academy in Carlin, audit, AB 47
Highly hazardous substances or explosives, regulation, SB 67, SB 127*
Private schools, drills, SB 458
State Fire Marshal
Cooperative agreements, duties, SB 458
Regulations, applicability, SB 118
Regulation of sale and use, ballot question, AB 328
Bond issue for Fish Hatchery Refurbishment Project, SB 416**
Guides and outfitters, regulation, AB 272
Kid's Fishing Derby, special license plates, AB 370
License agents, application fees, SB 420*
Denial, suspension or revocation, SB 420*, AB 457, AB 481
Fees, increase, SB 420*
Habitat conservation fee, imposition, SB 420*
Indians, military personnel and disabled veterans, issuance, SB 420*
Older persons, qualifications for reduced fees, AB 4
Special permits, issuance, SB 420*
Trout stamps, fees, SB 420†
Regulation, hearings concerning, SB 27*
Failure to comply with signals of flagmen, prosecution, AB 444*
United States flag, right to display, prohibited acts, actions to enforce rights, SB 100*, SB 359**, AB 408
County power to buy, sell or exchange property for flood control, SB 110*
Districts for control of floods (For general provisions, see DISTRICTS)
Board, recording of meetings, SB 229
Tax for support of district, use, SB 293
Infrastructure tax, use of proceeds in Washoe County, reports, SB 490**
Lander County, appropriation, AB 123
State land in North Las Vegas, appropriation for certain assessment, AB 466
Conveyance to City of Las Vegas, SB 444**
Cosmetological establishments, sales, SB 372**, AB 258
Organic agricultural products, certification of producers and handlers, AB 75**
Sales tax exemption for animals and plants intended for human consumption, removal, SB 293
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy, posting of sign required, SB 307*
Child care facilities, exemptions from regulation, AB 497**
Cigarette vending machines, prohibited placement, AB 96
Grocery stores (See GROCERY STORES)
Nonprofit organizations, exemption from permit requirements, SB 14
Smoking prohibited on premises, AB 96
Deeds of trust, AB 284*
Mechanics' and materialmen's liens, SB 206*
Nonprofit organizations providing financial counseling services, grants, AB 399
Residential property, required disclosure of defects, SB 204*
Instruction programs, establishment by certain school districts, AB 508†
School pupils with limited English proficiency, achievement tests, remedial study, SB 191, AB 179
Voting materials, requirements, SB 453*, AB 527
Biological specimens from law enforcement agencies, duties, AB 55†
Death penalty cases, genetic marker testing of evidence, AB 16**
Bail, failure to appear, AB 29**
Cigarette taxes, unlawful acts, AB 460†
Criminal forfeitures, use of property or proceeds, SB 499**, AB 549**
Professional or occupational boards or commissions, forfeiture of office, SB 310*
Terrorism, acts of, SB 38, AB 250**
Water rights, AB 403**
Securities, offering forged documents in evidence prohibited, AB 163
Deeds of trust, notice of foreclosure, AB 284*
Estates, letters of special administration, SB 207*
Mechanics' and materialmen's liens, SB 206*
Criminal history records, access for certain emergency placements, AB 378**
Fire safety, governmental duties, SB 458
Medicaid coverage for independent foster care adolescents, AB 5
Community antenna television
Fees, authority of governing body to grant, SB 278
Required and prohibited acts, SB 429**
Video programming systems, requirements, SB 429**
Governmental acquisition of utility systems, payments in lieu of fees, SB 442, AB 361**
Liquor suppliers and wholesalers, enforcement of laws, AB 437**
Service stations, operation by refiners, SB 422*
Collection of fees from insured patients, limitation, AB 70
Providers of health care
Contracts, required and prohibited provisions, AB 320*
Panel of providers, fee for including provider prohibited, SB 163, AB 320*
Schedule of payments, receipt, SB 163, AB 320*
Taxation, certain exemption removed, SB 293
Cigarette taxes, unlawful acts, AB 460†
Computer information transactions, unlawful acts, remedies, SB 463
Constructional fraud, definition, investigation, AB 190*, AB 220**
Corporate directors and officers, liability, SB 124†
Educational credentials, violations, SB 457
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Entertainment tax, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Governmental services tax, unlawful acts, AB 366, AB 524
Gross receipts tax, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 238, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Identity theft, unlawful acts, SB 297*
Mortgage brokers, liability of advertising spokesperson, AB 490**
Occupancy tax, unlawful acts, AB 342
Older victims, age threshold for applicability of criminal laws, AB 73*
Peace officers, fraudulent claims of misconduct, SB 342, AB 330
Public officers or employees, false claims of misconduct against, penalty, SB 342
Public weighmasters, unlawful acts, SB 485*
Securities, unlawful acts, limitation of actions, AB 163
Service animals, unlawful acts involving, AB 332
Service tax, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 382
Voter registration documents, basis for cancellation, SB 453*
Weights and measures, unlawful acts, SB 485*
Additives, use in fuel of certain fleet vehicles, AB 359
Alternative fuels, definitions, legislative findings, AB 237**
County motor vehicle fuel tax (See COUNTY MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAX)
Exemption of motor vehicle fuel from sales taxes, removal, SB 293
Liquefied petroleum gas, applicability of highly hazardous substance laws, SB 127*
Motor vehicle fuel taxes (See MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAXES)
Petroleum products generally (See PETROLEUM PRODUCTS)
Special fuel tax (See SPECIAL FUEL TAX)
Standards for products used in internal combustion engines, adoption, AB 36*
Firearms, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 199*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 323**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Apprentices, qualifications, SB 323**
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 323**, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Directors, applications, issuance, SB 323**
Fees, SB 323**
Reciprocity, SB 323**
Suspension or revocation, SB 323**, AB 481
Temporary authorization, SB 323**
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Cease and desist orders, powers, SB 323**
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Fees, SB 323**
Injunctions, SB 323**
Investigations and proceedings for discipline, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Judicial review of decisions, SB 323**
Qualifications and training, SB 310*
Terms, SB 323**
Name change, SB 323**
Permits, fees, SB 323**
Burial of remains, orders, affidavit authorizing person to order, SB 386**
Service contracts, fingerprinting of license applicants, AB 155**
Vandalism or graffiti of homes, penalty for repeat offenses, AB 11
Veterans, military funerals for unclaimed dead bodies, AB 306**
License fees, SB 420*
License plates to support agriculture, issuance, AB 192**
Nevada FFA Foundation, conveyance of parcel of land, AB 371
Industrial insurance and occupational disease coverage, SB 184†, AB 479
Public employees' benefits, inclusion as police officer for purposes of, SB 184†
Salary increase, SB 346
Antique devices, sale without license, SB 432
Business entities, acquisition or disposition of interest, SB 432
Casino entertainment tax, applicability, SB 509
Casinos, smoking restrictions, AB 96
Clark County, award of contracts for goods and services to underutilized businesses, AB 174
Background checks, procedures, AB 155**
Ex-felons, employment rights, AB 55**, AB 337
Ineligible employees, effect of employment, SB 432†
Registration requirements, SB 432
Work permits, grounds for refusal, AB 55**, AB 337
Enterprise districts, standards for designation, SB 158
Entertainment tax, imposition, SB 509
Felonies, detention of suspects, SB 432
Gaming salons
Definitions, SB 266*
Reports to Gaming Control Board, SB 266†
Fees for state licenses, SB 21, SB 271, AB 387
Fingerprinting requirements, AB 155**
Gross monthly revenue
Fees, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Reports to Gaming Control Board, SB 266*
Interactive systems, manufacturers' liability for fees, SB 238, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Internal audits, procedures, AB 163
Revocation, grounds, SB 509
Transfer of license, relocation of business, SB 271, SB 432
Live game broadcasts, regulation, penalties, SB 431
Multistate lotteries, participation by state, AJR 2
Operation by state, AJR 1
Pari-mutuel wagering
Alteration of value of wager, exemptions from prohibition, SB 3**
Online betting, implementation of border control technology, SB 3**
Purses for horse racing, use of portion of off-track licensing fees, SB 3**
Periodic payments of winnings, prohibition on assignment repealed, SB 134**
Problem gambling, prevention and treatment programs, appropriation, SB 42, SB 349, SB 351*
Resort hotels (See RESORT HOTELS)
Slot machines, license fees, SB 219, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 204, AB 243, AB 281
Time shares, applicability of certain laws, SB 104
Antique devices, powers, SB 432
Business entities, acquisition or disposition of interest, duties, SB 432
Clark County, program to assist underutilized businesses, AB 174
Convicted persons, authority to request certain information removed, AB 55**, AB 337
Entertainment tax, duties, SB 509
Internal audits, regulations, AB 163
Live game broadcasts, regulation, SB 431
Pari-mutuel wagering, regulations, SB 3**
Sealed records of criminal proceedings, inquiries and inspection, AB 55†, AB 337
Business entities, acquisition or disposition of interest, duties, SB 432
Convicted persons, authority to request certain information removed, AB 55**, AB 337
Investigations, SB 432
Salaries, AB 555**
Entertainment tax, duties, confidentiality of records, SB 509
Gaming salons, reports, duties, SB 266†
Gross monthly revenue, reports, duties, SB 266*
Live game broadcasts, regulation, SB 431
Pari-mutuel wagering, duties, SB 3**
Sealed records of criminal proceedings, inquiries and inspection, AB 55†, AB 337
Composition, SB 42
Complaints against, disclosure of financial records, AB 325†
Insurance claims, rights of insured or claimant, AB 367*
Licenses, grounds for denial, revocation or suspension, AB 325*
Salvage vehicles, inspections, repairs or rebuilding, AB 325*
Nursery stock sales, license exemptions, SB 172**
Advisory Board, qualifications of members, SB 484**
Assessments on growers, refunds, SB 484**
Operation by refiners, SB 422*
Contents, AB 553**
Contents, SB 504**
Annual audits, conditional exemptions, AB 149**
Bankruptcy, authority to file, SB 225
Board of trustees
Meetings, audio recordings, SB 229
Merger, consolidation or dissolution of certain districts, approval, SB 229, AB 241
Salary increase, SB 229, AB 241
Bonds, pledge of percentage of supplemental city-county relief tax, SB 467**
Charge for services, determination of delinquency, SB 229, AB 241
Community antenna television, authority, SB 278, SB 429†
Endangered species, districts for protection, AB 136**
Finances generally (See LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Merger, consolidation or dissolution, SB 229, AB 241
Municipality, status of districts clarified, SB 225
Notices, publication requirements, SB 229, AB 241
Publications, deposit with or transmittal to State Library, AB 214
Silver Springs, dissolution, transfer to water and sewer district, AB 363
Convicted persons, collection of biological specimens on failure to register, AB 55**
Criminal investigations, collection of biological specimens, AB 55†
Death penalty defendants, AB 16**
Sex or crime against a child offenders, collection of biological specimens on failure to register, AB 55**
Tax on entertainment events, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Anatomical gifts (See ANATOMICAL GIFTS)
Decedents, testamentary and other gifts, SB 207*
Governor Boyle, donations for historical marker honoring, AB 318**
Veterans' cemeteries, use of certain gifts, AB 304**, AB 405**
Volunteer fire departments, immunities for certain donors of property, AB 26*
Issuance by state, study, AB 415
Account for rebates to senior citizens, creation, SB 370*
Distribution of portion of certain proceeds to reimburse certain counties, SB 370†
Armed forces personnel, AB 366, AB 524
Blind persons, AB 533**
Removal of certain exemptions, SB 293
Surviving spouses and orphans, AB 533**
Veterans, AB 533**
Fund to Stabilize the Operation of State Government, reduction of tax upon excess deposits, AJR 17
Initial vehicle registration, reduction of tax in certain circumstances, AB 30**
Refund upon transfer or cancellation of registration, AB 30**, AB 477
School districts, distribution of proceeds, SB 465**
Appointments made by
Agriculture, State Board of, SB 486**
Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Counselors, Board of Examiners for, SB 351*
Arts Council, Nevada, Board of the Division, AB 224**
Athletic Trainers, Board of, SB 27*
Chiropractic Physicians' Board of Nevada, SB 310*
Citizens' commission on salaries for certain elected officers, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Common-Interest Communities, Commission for, SB 100**
Constructional Defect Commission, SB 371
Dental Examiners of Nevada, Board of, SB 310*, AB 489*
Dispensing Opticians, Board of, SB 310*
Education, Commission on Professional Standards in, SB 390
Educational Technology, Commission on, SB 68**
Emergency Management, Office of, Director, SB 6
Fire Services Standards and Training Committee, SB 458
Fire Services, State Board of, SB 458
Health Authority, State, study subcommittee, SB 289†
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, AB 203**
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, AB 441**
Homelessness, Advisory Committee on, AB 259
Homeopathic Medical Examiners, Board of, SB 310*
Industrial insurance appeals officers, SB 168**, AB 168*
Information Technology Advisory Board, AB 88
Information Technology, Department of, Chief Information Officer, AB 88
Intermediate Appellate Court, judges, SJR 5‡, AJR 12 of the 71st Session
Interstate Juvenile Supervision, Nevada State Council for, SB 242
Labor Relations for State Employees, Board for, AB 65†
Legislators, Commission to Review the Compensation of, AB 464
Long-Term Care, Nevada State Board of Examiners for Administrators of Facilities for, AB 326†
Massage Therapy, Board of, SB 338
Medical Examiners, Board of, SB 310*
Minority Affairs, Nevada Commission on, SB 249†
Minority Health Division, Administrator and Advisory Committee, SB 462
Mortgage Brokers and Mortgage Agents, Board for the Regulation of, AB 490†
Nevada Homeland Security, Advisory Committee on, SB 175
Nursing, State Board of, SB 310*
Occupational and professional licensing boards generally, representatives of general public, SB 310*
Optometry, State Board of, SB 310*
Oriental Medicine, State Board of, SB 310*, AB 21*
Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of, SB 281*, SB 310*, AB 552**
Outfitters and Guides, Board of, AB 272
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, AB 384**
Podiatry, State Board of, SB 310*
Problem Gambling, Board to Certify Counselors on, SB 349
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, State Board of, AB 146**
Prostate Cancer, Task Force on, SB 281*
Public Employee-Management Relations Board, AB 65
Public Utilities Commission, SB 102**, SB 414
Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Task Force for, AB 431**
Solar Energy Systems Demonstration Project, Committee for, AB 431†
Statewide Alert System, Committee for, AB 322**
Supreme Court justices, AB 441**
Tax Policy in Nevada, Task Force on, AB 281
Technological Crime, Nevada Task Force Advisory Board, SB 300†
Telecommunications, study committee, ACR 19†
University, Board of Regents, AJR 11‡
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, SB 275
Campaign practices (See also CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)
Special legislative sessions, restrictions on solicitation or acceptance of contributions, AB 541*
Collective bargaining with state employees, duties, AB 65
Community Service, Office of, certain educational duties removed, AB 447
Consumer Health Assistance, Office for (See CONSUMER HEALTH ASSISTANCE, OFFICE FOR)
Disabilities, persons with, certain actions urged, SCR 10‡
Drought, declaration, duties, AB 403†
Emergency Management, Office of, creation, SB 6
Energy Office (See ENERGY, OFFICE OF)
Federal Grants Acquisition, Office of, creation, AB 281
Historical marker at gravesite of former Governor Boyle, installation, AB 318**
Homeland Security, Nevada Advisory Committee on, duties, SB 175
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, member, duties, AB 441**
Information technology
Department services, appeal of right of agency to withdraw, AB 88
Documents, authority to declare confidential, SB 175†, AB 441**
Insurance and Industrial Relations Divisions, study of consolidation, AB 453**
Joint enforcement of laws governing transportation and vehicles, duties, AB 195**
Local improvement districts for certain projects, duties, SB 495**
Medical specialties, declaration of state of critical medical need, SB 332**
Military Office (See MILITARY, OFFICE OF THE)
National and Community Service, Nevada Commission for, appropriation, AB 271
Regional development districts, duties, SB 328*
Reports, receipt
Agriculture, State Board of, SB 486**
Alcohol or drug abuse treatment programs, SB 382
Clark County, assistance to underutilized businesses, AB 174
Disability Services, Office of, SB 164**
Educational technology grants, SB 191
Federal Grants Acquisition, Office of, AB 281
Health care, external reviews, AB 79*
Homelessness, Advisory Committee on, AB 259
Hospital Patients, Bureau for, AB 137**
Informational Technology Advisory Board, AB 88
Insurance companies, use of consumer credit reports, SB 319*
Joint enforcement of laws governing transportation and vehicles, AB 195**
Medical malpractice insurance, SB 250**, SB 292**
Mental Health Plan Implementation Commission, SB 301**
Minority Affairs, Nevada Commission on, SB 249
Minority Health, Division of, SB 462
No Child Left Behind Act, reports related to, SB 191
Prescription Drugs, Silver State Commission on, AB 307
Regional development districts, SB 328*
State employee collective bargaining agreements, AB 65
Student loan program for education students, AB 264†
Suicide prevention program, statewide, SB 49**
Superintendent of Public Instruction, SB 191
Weed control grant program, SB 75
Salary, citizens' commission to fix, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Service tax, powers, SB 382
State Distributive School Account, duties, SB 509
State Treasurer, study of entrepreneurial potential, AB 415
U.S. Representatives, proclamation to fill certain vacancies, AB 344**
Vacancy in office due to catastrophe, filling, AB 441**
Driver's license, suspension or delay for violations, SB 105†
Parent or guardian liability for acts of child, SB 105**
Property damage, aggregation of value for penalty purposes, SB 105**
Repeat offenses, penalty, AB 11
Exemptions from service, SB 73*
Fees and mileage allowances, SB 73*
Achievement and proficiency tests, weekend administration, AB 264†
Agriculture and natural resources sciences courses in schools, SB 366
Air pollution, local control programs, SB 419, SB 500**
Caliente Youth Center, authority to apply for federal money, SB 197*
Child Care Improvement Grant Program, appropriation, AB 547
College courses taken by high school students, reimbursement of costs, AB 264†
Community colleges, Workforce Development Challenge Grant Program, AB 391
Economic development programs, local or regional organizations, SB 270
Educational technology, appropriation, SB 191
Employment training programs, certain grant provision repealed, SB 496**
Federal Grants Acquisition, Office of, creation, AB 281
Financial counseling services, nonprofit organizations providing, AB 399
Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, allocations, SB 32**
Highway sound walls, creation of murals, SB 165
Invasive species and pest control programs, funding, SB 370*
Minority health care services, SB 462
Net metering systems, assistance programs, AB 429**
Regional development districts, powers, SB 328*
School Accountability Trust Fund, allocations, AB 426
School districts, alternative sources for safe drinking water, AB 473†
Solid waste management projects, AB 447
State parks, fees for administration of certain federal grants, SB 144**
Substance Abuse and Treatment Block Grant, appropriation, SB 396**
Tourism projects, funding, SB 445
Water or sewer systems
Capital improvement projects, SB 200**, SB 233**, SB 336**, SB 447
Connection of individual systems to community system, costs, SB 200**
Weed control programs, funding, SB 75, SB 370*
Wildlife, grants for support of, SB 15
Youth Athletic Grant Program, appropriation, AB 546
Appropriation of public water (See WATER)
Damages by elk or non-native game animals, mitigation program, AB 301*
Water resources, expenditure of certain money urged to develop or restore, SJR 2‡
Health benefits, required provision by certain stores, AB 356
Smoking prohibitions or restrictions, SB 50*, AB 96, AB 202
Athletes' agents, violations, SB 456*
Athletic training, violations, SB 27*
Child abuse or neglect, failure to report, SB 383†
Cigarettes, unlawful acts, AB 460
Contractors, unlawful acts, AB 220**
Disabilities, persons with, discriminatory acts, AB 332†
Educational credentials, unlawful acts, SB 457, AB 264
Elder abuse, AB 73*
Employment, blacklisting, AB 143**
Entertainment tax, unlawful acts, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Governmental services tax, unlawful acts, AB 524
Graffiti violations, SB 105**, AB 11
Gross receipts tax, unlawful acts, SB 238, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Health care facilities, violations of staffing requirements, AB 313†
Hunting violations, SB 135, SB 420*
Mentally ill persons, crimes involving, SB 394**
Minors, crimes involving, SB 394**
Motor vehicle records, unlawful release of certain information, AB 400
Occupancy tax, unlawful acts, AB 342
Peace officers, acting without state authority, SB 294
Prisoners, manufacture or possession of tools for escape, SB 299**
Property tax violations, SB 440**
Protective orders, violations, SB 398, AB 331*
Public lands, management or disposal without state authority, SB 294
Public utilities, unlawful disclosures, impersonation of officers, AB 441**
Public weighmasters, unlawful acts, SB 485*
Public works violations, AB 534†
Real Estate Commission or Division, filing false documents with, SB 428**
Renewable energy generation projects, violations, AB 372
Service animals, unlawful acts, SB 231*
Terrorism, unlawful disclosure of records, AB 441**
Vandalism, AB 11
Voter registration lists, unlawful release of certain information, AB 400
Weights and measures, unlawful acts, SB 485*
Financial institutions, imposition of tax on, SB 509, AB 517
Fuel retailers, imposition of tax on, SB 293
Imposition, SB 238, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Imposition, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Disciplinary action, AB 55**, AB 337
Licenses, fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Dementia, continuing education requirements, AB 323**
Liability insurance, certain facilities exempt, AB 350
Psychologists, privileges at facilities, SB 326
Surety bonds, filing, amount, SB 84**
Appeals to Supreme Court, AB 365*
Appointment of guardian, AB 365*
Burial of remains, priority of orders, SB 386**
Citations, definition, service, AB 365*
Disqualification of guardians, grounds, AB 55**, AB 337
Education (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Achievement of pupils, consultation regarding plan, SB 191
Child care, health and social services programs, establishment, AB 264†
Choice of schools, authority, SB 191, SB 254, SB 376
Credit or promotion, review of denial based on absences, SB 253**
Disruptive pupils, development of discipline plans, AB 218**, AB 264†
Handicapped pupils, reports regarding use of aversive intervention or restraints, requests for investigation, AB 264
Safe and respectful learning environment, development of policy, AB 513
Schools and districts demonstrating need for improvement, notices, SB 191
Support teams, membership, SB 191
Teacher qualifications, reports, SB 191
Voucher schools, program, SB 376
Estate of ward, duties, SB 207*, AB 365*
Exploitation of aged persons, included acts, AB 126*
Medical care of ward, authority, AB 365*
Medical records of deceased ward, access, SB 24*
Minor wards
Abused or neglected child, permanent placement with guardian, AB 273*
Assistance for qualifying relatives with legal guardianship, AB 501*
Driving violations committed by ward, liability of guardian, SB 256
Graffiti, liability of guardian for acts of ward, SB 105**
Incapacitated minor, injury by other minors, liability, AB 385
Notice regarding juvenile proceedings, SB 197*
Protective orders on behalf of ward, acquisition, AB 331*
Special guardians for wards signing certain contracts, appointment, AB 288*
Out-of-state proceedings, duties of court, AB 365*
Public guardians (See PUBLIC GUARDIANS)
Quarantine, notice to guardian, SB 82**
Removal or resignation of guardian, petitions, AB 365*
Special guardianships, AB 288*, AB 365*
Temporary guardianships, AB 365*
Termination of guardianships, AB 365*
Licensure and regulation, SB 420*, AB 272
Court costs and fees, SB 106**
Second or subsequent petition for post-conviction relief, requirements, SB 435
Alcohol or drug abuse recovery, location of facilities, SB 236
Prisoners, legislative study, SCR 32‡, SCR 38
ADA, study of ways to more fully implement, SB 137**
Assisted living facilities, licensing and regulation, AB 326*
Aversive intervention or restraints
Definitions, use by medical facilities, AB 500
Pupils, reports and investigation of use, AB 264
Blind persons, tax exemptions, AB 533**
Clark County, programs to assist underutilized businesses, AB 174
Common-interest communities, accessibility, SB 100*, SB 438
Community-based services
Administration of program, SB 164**
Study of use of Medicaid benefits to cover costs of services, SB 137**
Community redevelopment, employment plans, AB 456
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons, Advisory Committee on, creation, SB 164**
Dependent, facilities for the, defined, AB 326†
Discriminatory or other unlawful acts, penalties, AB 332
Electric personal assistive mobility devices, applicability of traffic laws, SB 363*
Eviction, notice requirements, AB 274, AB 498**
Financial assistance program for independent living, administration, SB 164**
Hunting and fishing licenses, issuance, SB 420*
Legal aid programs, appropriation, SB 164†
Legislative Committee on Persons With Disabilities, creation, duties, SB 137**
Legislative declaration of state policy, SB 164**
License plates, issuance and renewal, AB 177*
Office of Disability Services, creation, SB 164**
Parking placards and stickers, issuance and renewal, AB 177*
Parking spaces, erection and maintenance of signs, SB 187
Pedestrians, right-of-way on highway, street or road, AB 332
Prescriptions and pharmaceutical services, coverage, AB 504*
Achievement and proficiency tests, SB 191, AB 179
Administrative due process hearings, study, SB 234
Discipline of pupils on school buses, requirements, AB 234
Interagency Transition Plan, establishment, SB 137**
Safety requirements for transportation, SB 230
Scholarships to attend private schools, SB 340
Use of aversive intervention or restraints, reports, investigation, AB 264
Radio Reading Service, appropriation for support, SB 92
School districts, provision of health and social services, AB 264†
Service animals
Facilitation of use, legislative study, SB 137**
Unlawful acts relating to, penalties, restitution, SB 231*, AB 332
State agencies and Governor urged to take certain actions, SCR 10‡
State employment
Hiring considerations, AB 217**
Waiver of state immunity regarding federal labor laws, AB 341
Statewide informational and referral system, establishment, SB 239, SCR 11‡
Telecommunications devices, program to provide, administration, SB 164**
Traumatic brain injuries, program for persons with, administration, SB 164**
University System, provision of instructional materials in electronic version on request of certain persons, SB 62*
Absent ballots, applications, SB 453*, AB 125*
Special voting devices at centralized locations, AB 125*
Minors or mentally ill persons, unlawful contact with, prohibited acts, SB 394**
Orders for protection
Children, acquisition of orders on behalf of, AB 331†
Felony committed in violation of order, enhanced penalty, AB 107*
Penalties for violations, SB 398, AB 331†
Sealing of records, petitions, SB 398
Schools, safe and respectful environment, unlawful acts, AB 513
Account for the Management of Hazardous Waste, interest credit, AB 129**
Fund for Brownfield Projects, creation, use, AB 74**
Innocent purchasers and certain other persons, immunities and reports regarding contaminated property, AB 485**
Extremely hazardous materials, fees charged for services of Emergency Response Commission, SB 201**, AB 486
Highly hazardous substances
Accidents, investigation, SB 127*
Facilities, regulation, annual fees, SB 67, SB 127*
Records and reports, submission, SB 67, SB 127*
State Environmental Commission, duties, SB 67, SB 127**
Violations, penalties, corrective actions, SB 67, SB 127*
Laboratories for analyzing materials, certification required, SB 58*
State employees, compensation for dangerous duty, AB 159
State Fire Marshal, duties, SB 458
Aboveground tanks for regulated substances, regulation, SB 58*
High-level nuclear waste and spent fuel, regulation, SB 119
Legislative declaration regarding state sovereignty, SB 294
Permit requirements, SB 458
Training to respond to spills, establishment of program, SB 458
Commercial drivers' licenses, fee for hazardous materials endorsement, SB 483**
High-level nuclear waste and spent fuel, regulation, SB 119
Joint enforcement of laws, development of plan, AB 195**
Yucca Mountain (See YUCCA MOUNTAIN)
Legislative study, SB 289**
Certificates of registration, fee, AB 478
Anatomical gifts, request for consent of any person after donor's death prohibited, AB 51*
Antibiotics, prevention of abuse urged, SCR 6‡
Clark County, suicide prevention measures urged, SCR 4‡
Cosmetological establishments, inspection, SB 372†
Mold inspection and testing, licensure and regulation, SB 132
Quarantine and isolation, powers and duties, SB 82**
Recycling coordinators, appointment, AB 447
Smoking, authority to impose more stringent regulations, SB 50†, AB 96
Certificates of authority, grounds for suspension or revocation, SB 23, SB 183*, AB 79*, AB 261, AB 269, AB 320*, AB 502*
Claims, duties, penalty for noncompliance, AB 320*
Clinical trials or studies, coverage for treatment, AB 502*
Collection of fees from insured patients, limitation, AB 70
Colorectal cancer screening, coverage, SB 183*
Independent review of adverse determinations, SB 23, SB 171, AB 79*
Preauthorized care, coverage, AB 269
Providers of health care
Continuous treatment of patient, coverage, AB 261, AB 320*
Contracts, required and prohibited provisions, AB 320*
Motor vehicle insurance, prohibited acts related to, AB 280
Panel of providers, fee for including provider prohibited, SB 163, AB 320*
Schedule of payments, receipt, SB 163, AB 320*
Unfair trade practices, applicability of laws, AB 320*
Advisory Board on Maternal and Child Health, Advisory Subcommittee abolished, duties, SB 307*
Osteopathic physicians, applicability of laws, SB 281*
Pregnancy (See PREGNANCY)
Obstetricians, loan repayment programs, appropriation, AB 404
Purposes, oversight by School of Medicine, SB 188
Assisted living facilities, duties, AB 326*
Dementia, duties regarding continuing education requirements, AB 323**
Managed care organizations, receipt of report, SB 23
Medical facility license fees, duties, SB 412**
Residential facilities for groups, duties, AB 350
Safe Drinking Water Act, duties transferred, AB 473**
Staffing of certain health facilities, duties, AB 313†
Syndromic reporting and surveillance, regulations, SB 82**
Unsafe children's products, duties, AB 386
Dental and vision benefits for aged persons, duties, SB 459†, AB 283
Fund for a Healthy Nevada
Allocations by contract or grant, SB 32**
Authorized expenditures, SB 504**
Dental and vision benefits for aged persons, coverage, SB 459†, AB 283
Investments, SB 448
Pharmaceutical services programs for persons ineligible for Medicaid, AB 504*
Requests for proposals, time, SB 32**
Senior prescription programs (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Senior Services and Homemaker programs, support, SB 504**
Sources, SB 461
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Catalog or mail sales, authorizations by osteopathic physicians, SB 281*
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Inactive status, fee, SB 169
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Fees, SB 169
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
State Board of Hearing Aid Specialists
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Regulations, review, SB 329*
Preliminary examinations, admissibility of statements of peace officers, AB 63
Occupational disease coverage for certain employees, SB 184†, AB 479
University School of Medicine, study, funding, SB 507**, AB 333
Clark County, preferred facilities, noise guidelines and tax exemptions, AB 355**
Medical helicopters, approval of operation, AB 402**
State employees, compensation for dangerous duty, AB 159
Motorcycle helmets, required use eliminated, SB 274
HENDERSON, CITY OF (For general provisions, see CITIES)
50th anniversary of city commemorated, ACR 23‡
Car washes, regulation of mobile and nonpermanent vendors, AB 484
Charter amendments
Ballots for ordinances and charter amendments, AB 436, AB 528†
Civil service system, AB 67**
Council, residency requirements, AB 412
Names of candidates on ballots, AB 541*
Property, sale, lease or exchange, SB 293
Telegraph, obsolete provisions repealed, SB 7†
Telephonic devices in vehicles, regulation prohibited, SB 10**
Unfair lending practices, regulatory powers restricted, AB 284*
Voters, qualifications, SB 453†
Planning commission
Abolishment, AB 291†
Service at pleasure of appointing authority, ethical requirements, AB 291*
Community college credits, transferability, AB 507**
Scholarships for education students, SB 208†
Police officers, industrial insurance coverage, SB 184*
Quarantine or isolation, powers of health authorities, SB 82**
Collective bargaining, AB 65
Educational benefits for injured officers, SB 302
Racial profiling (See RACIAL PROFILING)
Radio system, appropriations, SB 499**
Salaries, increase, SB 344
Special fuel tax laws, duties, AB 521**
Caliente, City of, appropriation for bridge, AB 121
Construction, maintenance and repair
Applicability of laws, SB 19**
Authorized vehicles, use of tail lights emitting nonflashing blue light, AB 444*
Construction control zones, penalties for violations, AB 444*
County motor vehicle fuel tax, use, AB 523
County roads, special fuel tax levy for repair and restoration, AB 374
Design-build contracts, SB 19†, AB 401**, AB 519**
Tax for construction, maintenance and repair of public roads
Imposition, AB 514*
Motor vehicle fuel, use of proceeds derived from, SB 237**, SB 293
Easements or encroachments on rights-of-way, applications by governmental entities, AB 197
Legislative Oversight Committee on Transportation, creation, SB 56 of the 71st Session
Ports of entry, appropriation for construction, AB 195†
Private construction or operation of transportation facility, authorization, AB 401**
Public rights-of-way, duties and liability of abutting property owners, AB 390†
Regional transportation projects in certain counties, funding, SB 237**, AB 455
Sound walls, grants for creation of murals, SB 165
State Route 159, appropriation for design of fencing and underpass, AB 276
State Transportation Improvement Program, procedures, SB 330
Traffic control (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Bond proceeds used for preservation of historical buildings, amount, AB 290
Comstock Cemetery Association, allocation of bond proceeds, SB 144**
Governor Boyle, installation of historical marker directed, financing, AB 318**
Lincoln County fairgrounds, funding for restoration, SB 144**, AB 31
Lyon County, appropriation for purchase of Odeon Hall, SB 380
Stewardship program for cultural resources, establishment, AB 131
White Pine County, funding for historic railroad projects, SB 507**, AB 180, AB 181
County society tax, exemption from limit on revenue from taxes, AB 199**
Surety bonds, filing, amount, SB 84**
Loans secured by real property, disclosure of terms to borrowers, SB 348
Unfair lending practices, AB 284*
Advisory Committee on Nevada Homeland Security, appointment, SB 175
Nevada Commission on Homeland Security, creation, receipt of reports, AB 441**
Public records, confidentiality or restricted access, SB 175, AB 441**, AB 462
Advisory Committee on Homelessness, creation, appropriation, AB 259
Classroom on Wheels, appropriation, AB 377
Homeless Awareness Day designated, ACR 13‡
Statewide informational and referral system, establishment, SB 239, SCR 11‡
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Regulations, review, SB 329*
Controlled substances, prescribing or administering, SB 375
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, denial, suspension or revocation, AB 55**, AB 337, AB 481
Office buildings, smoking prohibitions, AB 96
Achievement and proficiency tests, requirements, AB 264†
Interscholastic activities, participation, SB 503**, AB 311
Policies or regulations affecting pupils, duties of school districts, AB 311†
Roster of directory information, maintenance by district, AB 311†
Special education, expenditures, AB 311
Affidavit of death, filing by surviving spouse holding homestead in community property, SB 63
Exemption, amount increased, SB 70*
Medicaid, recovery of benefits paid, effect of homestead law, AB 445**
Recording of declaration, AB 533**
Alteration of value of off-track wager, exemptions to prohibition, SB 3**
Online betting, implementation of border control technology, SB 3**
Purses, use of portion of off-track betting licensing fees, SB 3**
Anatomical gifts, request for consent of any person after donor's death prohibited, AB 51*
Births, reports, SB 389
Collection of fees from insured patients, limitation, AB 70
Diverted patients, acceptance of payments for care, SB 95
Non-indigent patients, fee below cost of service prohibited, public information, SB 284
Trauma care, reduction of charges for certain insured patients, AB 228
Construction projects in certain towns, approval unnecessary, AB 402**
Districts, dissolution, property tax levy, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Elko County hospital tax, imposition, use and refunds, SB 293, AB 514*
Emergency response study, representation, AB 250†
Emergency treatment, unlawful acts by osteopathic physicians, SB 281*
Fire safety, governmental duties, SB 458
Fishing permits, issuance, SB 420*
Industrial insurance treatment, submission of claims for payment, SB 168**
License fees, installment payments, SB 412**
Medicaid or indigent patients, payments for treating disproportionate share, SB 235, AB 297, AB 482**
Medical gas systems, regulation, SB 458
Medical records (See MEDICAL RECORDS)
Panel of providers, fees for including provider prohibited, AB 320†
Power of attorney for access to medical records, notice to patients, SB 24†
Referrals from physician with financial interest, authority, reports, SB 156
Sales tax exemption for certain facilities, SB 353**
Staffing requirements, study, AB 313*
Subsidy Fund, imposition of fees on hospitals for, SB 389
Suicide prevention measures urged, SCR 5‡
Use of hostage as shield or to avoid arrest, penalty, AB 189**
Disabled persons and service animals, prohibited acts, AB 332
Kickbacks from travel agents restricted, AB 329
Occupancy tax, imposition, AB 342
Resort hotels (See RESORT HOTELS)
Room tax (See ROOM TAX)
Smoking prohibited on premises, AB 96
Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)
Building codes (See BUILDING CODES)
Building inspectors (See BUILDING INSPECTORS)
Building permits (See BUILDING PERMITS)
Disabilities, persons with, prohibited acts against, AB 332
Energy assistance programs, universal energy charge eliminated, SB 4
Energy conservation, loan program to purchase equipment for, AB 314
Firearms, unlawful discharge, SB 40*
Homesteads (See HOMESTEADS)
Landlord and tenant (See LANDLORD AND TENANT)
Manufactured home parks (See MANUFACTURED HOME PARKS)
Methamphetamine manufacture near residence, additional penalty, AB 33*
Pools and spas, prohibited and authorized acts by contractors, SB 437**
Property tax (See PROPERTY TAX)
Real estate licensees (See REAL ESTATE LICENSEES)
Subdivision of land (See SUBDIVISION OF LAND)
Bond issues, amount, SB 78**
Eligible family, determination, SB 78†
Expanded powers of Housing Division, provisions continued, SB 78**
Information systems, use, SB 78**
Letters of credit, issuance, SB 78**
Medicaid, restrictions on antiretroviral drugs prohibited, AB 384**, AB 430
Real property transactions, disclosure of certain information immaterial, SB 204*
Aging Services Division
Assisted living facilities, powers, SB 275, AB 326†
Legislative Committee on Persons with Disabilities, membership on advisory committee, SB 137**
Nevada Elder Count, development and publication, SB 81
Property tax assistance, duties, AB 326†, AB 515**
Surety bonds of care facilities, duties removed, SB 84**
Child and Family Services, Division of
Administrator, member of Mental Health Plan Implementation Commission, SB 301**
Child welfare services, duties, reversion of appropriation, AB 470**, AB 482†
Criminal history records, access for certain emergency placements, AB 378**
Medical care and higher-level placement of children, appropriation, AB 469**
State Register for Adoptions, elimination, SB 267
Dementia patients, development of plan regarding long-term care, AB 323**
Dental and vision benefits for aged persons, duties, SB 459†, AB 283
Eligibility for certain welfare programs, duties, SB 138
Health Authority, State, membership, SB 289†
Silver State Commission on Prescription Drugs, membership, report, AB 307
Disabilities, persons with
Certain actions urged, SCR 10‡
Community-based services, duties, SB 137**, SB 164**
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons, Advisory Committee on, duties, SB 164**
Disability Services, Office of, creation, duties, SB 164**
Office of Disability Services, creation, duties, SB 164**
Personal assistance to persons with severe functional disabilities, duties, SB 164**
Traumatic brain injuries, duties, SB 164**
Drug Utilization Review Board, creation, duties, SB 321
DUI by teens and young adults, study urged, SCR 15‡
Family resource centers, certain substance abuse programs unnecessary, AB 548**
Gift Fund, sources, AB 548**
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of
Administrator, member of Mental Health Plan Implementation Commission, SB 301**
Assessments imposed on nursing facilities, duties, AB 395**
Hearings regarding regulations, audio recordings, SB 229
Hospitals, payments for treating Medicaid or indigent patients, SB 235, AB 297, AB 482**
Medicaid expenses, supplemental appropriation, AB 471**
Nevada Check Up Program, supplemental appropriation, AB 471†
Pharmaceutical services programs for certain persons, administration, AB 504*
Health care, support for long-term strategic plans expressed, SCR 36‡
Health Division
Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Bureau of, representation on Mental Health Plan Implementation Commission, SB 301**
Antibiotics, prevention of abuse urged, SCR 6‡
Arthritis Prevention and Control Program, establishment, SB 287**
Assisted living facilities, duties, AB 326†
Birth defects, appropriation for statewide information system, SB 98
Births, reports from hospitals, SB 389
Cancer, analysis of information and trends, duties, AB 315**
Defibrillators, duties, AB 441**
Detoxification technicians, duties removed, SB 248**
Emergency response study, representation, AB 250†
FACT, appropriation for distribution to, SB 258
Fetal alcohol syndrome, duties, SB 307*
Hospital projects, exemption from approval requirements, AB 402**
Licensure and Certification, Bureau of, representation on staffing study committee, AB 313*
Liquor tax, use for drug abuse treatment programs, SB 94**
Medical helicopters, approval of operation, AB 402**
Obesity study subcommittee, representation, SCR 13‡
Quarantine and isolation, powers and duties, SB 82**
Safe Drinking Water Act, transfer of certain duties, AB 473**
Sepsis, program recognized and continuation urged, SCR 18‡
Spine centers, licensing restrictions, SB 156
Staffing plans, receipt from certain facilities, duties, AB 313†
State Health Officer, qualifications, unclassified service, SB 332**, SB 411
State Public Health Dental Hygienist, redesignation, AB 489†
Substance Abuse and Treatment Block Grant, appropriation, SB 396**
Surety bonds for certain care facilities, duties, SB 84**
Homelessness, Advisory Committee on, creation, appropriation, AB 259
Legislative Committee on Persons With Disabilities, reports, SB 137**
Major hospitals, regulations regarding diverted patients, SB 95
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Mental Health and Developmental Services, Division of
Administrator, member of Mental Health Plan Implementation Commission, SB 301**
Admissions to medical facilities, regulations, SB 94**
Criminal defendants
Acquittal by reason of insanity, duties, AB 156**
Certification of providers of reports or evaluations, SB 403, AB 156**
Records, exchange with Department of Corrections, SB 90**
Forensic specialists, salary increase for certain employees, AB 173
Psychiatry, license to practice in certain mental health centers, SB 133**
Rural clinics, supplemental appropriation, SB 408**
Mental health consortiums, receipt of reports, AB 6*
Minority Health, Division of, creation, SB 462
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, creation, AB 384**
Prescription drugs, duties, AB 384**
Problem gambling, duties, SB 42, SB 349
Protection of Children, Committee for, duties, AB 201*
State Health Authority, creation, duties, SB 289†
Statewide informational and referral system, establishment, SB 239, SCR 11‡
Suicide prevention measures, duties, SB 49**, SCR 5‡
Welfare Division
Child support withholding fees, administration of account, SB 186**, AB 475†
Domestic violence
Assignment of income, duties, AB 160*
Statewide training program, appropriation, AB 440
Electronic Benefits Transfer Program, appropriation, AB 468**
Energy Assistance and Conservation, Fund for, abolished, SB 4
Health insurance for children, duties regarding court order to obtain, AB 475**
Hearings regarding regulations, recordings, SB 229
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, duties, AB 501**
Welfare Field Services, appropriation, AB 468**
West Wendover office, appropriation, AB 76
Background checks of personnel, procedures, AB 155**
Appropriation, SB 357
HUMBOLDT COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
State Public Defender, fees for services, SB 504**
Flood control project, appropriation, AB 123
Water Authority, review of programs and activities, SB 216**
Water management study, appropriation, SB 5
Guides and outfitters, regulation, AB 272
Instruction, fees, SB 420*
Killing or possessing certain animals unlawfully, penalties, SB 135, SB 420*
License agents, application fees, SB 420*
Licenses and permits
Denial, suspension or revocation, SB 135, SB 420*, AB 457, AB 481
Fees, increase, SB 420*
Habitat conservation fee, imposition, SB 420*
Indians, military personnel and disabled veterans, issuance, SB 420*
Older persons, qualification for reduced fees, AB 4
Seasons, terminology revised, SB 420*
Special incentive elk tags, qualifications, AB 301†
Tags, issuance and use, prohibited acts, SB 420*
Upland game birds, regulation, unlawful acts, SB 420*
Burial of remains, priority of orders, SB 386**
Community property, taking by intestate succession, SB 63
Quarantine, notice to spouse, SB 82**
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Consular cards, acceptance by local governments for certain purposes, SB 312*
Convicted persons, mandatory carrying of registration card prohibited, AB 55**, AB 337
Expiration and renewal, fee, SB 483*
False information to obtain, penalty, AB 441*
Foreign citizens, applications, AB 441*
False or fictitious name on application, penalty, AB 441*
Full legal name on card required, AB 178*
Proof of name, requirements, SB 483*
Reports of changes, SB 483*
Possession to establish false identity, penalty, AB 441**
Selective Service System, forwarding of personal information to, AB 170
Consumer reports, right to request security alert or freeze, SB 379
Credit or debit card receipts, printing of certain information restricted, SB 297*
Possession of personal identifying information or document, penalty, AB 441**
Public officers or employees, unlawful acts, SB 297*
Scanning devices or reencoders, unlawful possession or use, SB 297*
Social Security numbers, unlawful acts, SB 379
Special license plates for support of naturalized citizenship, AB 207, AB 358**
Street projects, annual increase in fees provided, SB 237**, AB 455
Public utility officers, penalties, AB 441**
Sexual assault of or lewdness with a child following previous conviction, penalties, AB 78*
Creation and administration, SB 347
Public employees' retirement, status of independent contractors, AB 198
Taxi drivers (See TAXICABS)
Executive Director, duties, SB 229
Alcohol and drug abuse counselors, interlocal agreements for training, SB 248**
Hunting and fishing licenses, issuance, SB 420*
Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, Inc., duties, SB 275
Regional development districts, establishment, SB 328*
Stewardship program for cultural resources, establishment, AB 131
Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)
Burial of remains, authority, SB 386**
Community redevelopment, employment plans, AB 456
Criminal proceedings
Court appointed attorneys, fees, AB 17*
Las Vegas City Attorney, pro bono activities, AB 150*
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Energy assistance programs, universal energy charge eliminated, SB 4
Fishing permits, issuance to certain entities serving minors, SB 420*
Hospitals, payments for treating disproportionate share of patients, SB 235, AB 297, AB 482**
Legal aid (See LEGAL AID)
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Quarantine proceedings, payment of costs, SB 82**
Statewide informational and referral system, establishment, SB 239, SCR 11‡
Welfare (See WELFARE)
Accident benefits
Maximum benefit, establishment by regulation, SB 320**
Payment of compensation for time used for medical treatment, SB 268
Police officers, preventative treatment for hepatitis, SB 184*
Administrative fines, grounds, appeals, AB 168*
Alcohol or drug abuse, admissibility of lab reports as evidence, SB 433, AB 495
Failure to file notice of appeal, excuse, AB 495
Fines or benefit penalties, imposition or refusal to impose, SB 168†, AB 168*
Health care providers, disputes regarding availability or selection, AB 168†
Lump sum payment in lieu of rehabilitation, insurer's refusal, AB 495†
Place of hearing, SB 319*
Request for hearing, requirements, SB 168*, SB 320**
Uninsured Employers Claim Account, determinations, SB 168**
Appeals officers, appointment, duties, SB 168**, AB 168*
Apprentices, deemed employer and wage, AB 80
Associations of self-insured employers (See also Insurers, this heading)
Additional assessments by members, AB 453†
Dividends, distribution, AB 453*
Insufficient assets, procedures, AB 453*
Reserves, retention, AB 453*
Statement of financial condition, contents, AB 453*
Termination of membership, AB 453*
Benefit penalties, grounds, appeals from, SB 168†, AB 168*
Cessation of business operations, penalty for failure to comply, AB 140*
Closed claims
Notice by insurers of intent to close claim, requirements, AB 495
Records repository, AB 495†
Reopening claims, SB 320†, AB 495
Consolidated insurance programs, authorized uses, AB 157
Contested claims
Place of hearing, SB 319*
Request for hearing, requirements, SB 320**, AB 495
Setting of time for hearing, SB 168**, AB 168*
Corporations, coverage of officers, AB 185**
Death benefits, distribution, AB 495†
Proof of insurance, disclosures by Division, SB 168**
Uninsured employers, disclosures and recovery of payments owed, SB 168**
Violations, penalties, AB 168*
Willful misconduct causing injury, effect on exclusivity of rights and remedies under state law, SB 9
Exemption of benefits from execution, SB 70*
External review system, establishment, SB 320*
Federal disability insurance benefits, law regarding receipt eliminated, AB 495
Fines, grounds, appeals from, SB 168**, AB 168*
Firemen, surviving spouse entitled to death benefits after remarriage, SB 240†
Advisory organization, dividend payment plans, AB 453*
Credit against insurance premium tax eliminated, AB 543
One-time payment to certain claimants, SB 193**
Refunds, SB 319*
Audits, AB 168*
Benefit checks, issuance with restrictive endorsements, AB 294*
Contracts for managed care, requirements, AB 168*
Information to be provided to claimants, AB 168*
Limitation on liability, provisions repealed, AB 495†
Machine-readable media, use for preservation of records, AB 260
Notice of intent to close claims, requirements, AB 495
Violations, penalties, AB 168*
Legislative study, SB 292**
Legislators, coverage, SB 193**
Limited-liability companies, coverage of managers, AB 185**
Managed care organizations (See also MANAGED CARE)
Administrative fees, authority to charge health care providers, SB 320†
Insurers, contracts with, AB 168*
Payment for services, AB 168†
Proposed plans for providing services, requirements, AB 277
Violations, penalties, AB 168*
Nevada Attorney for Injured Workers
Closed claims registry, access, AB 495†
Electronic business, authority to transact, regulations, AB 490**
Representation of claimants, SB 292†
Permanent partial disability
Benefit checks, restrictive endorsements, AB 294*
Dependents, conclusive presumption of dependency, AB 495†
Lump sum payments, AB 495
Rating evaluations, SB 320†, AB 168*
Repayment of compensation received in lump sum, AB 206**
Right to receive benefit penalty unaffected by lump sum payment, AB 168*
Permanent total disability
Benefit checks, restrictive endorsements, AB 294*
Compensation, SB 388, AB 206**, AB 438*, AB 495†
Dependents, conclusive presumption of dependency, AB 495†
One-time payment to certain claimants, SB 193**
Police officers
District attorney investigators, coverage, SB 184†
Game wardens, coverage, SB 184†
Hepatitis, accident benefits include preventative treatment, SB 184*
Surviving spouse entitled to death benefits after remarriage, SB 240†
Policies, cancellation, AB 453*
Providers of health care
Administrative fee, imposition by managed care organizations, SB 320†
Availability and number, duties of insurers, AB 168†
Claims for compensation, delegation of duty to file, SB 168**
Medical facilities, submission of claims for payment, SB 168**
Panel of providers, fee for including provider prohibited, SB 163, AB 320*
Payments for services, AB 168†
Selection by injured employee, SB 320†, AB 168†, AB 277, AB 495†
Violations, penalties, AB 168*
Quasi-public entities, coverage of officers or managers, AB 185**
Rights and remedies under state law, exception to exclusivity, SB 9
Safeguard or protection, effect of removal, repeal of provision, AB 168*
School personnel, coverage, SB 193**
Self-insured employers (See also Insurers, this heading)
Bankruptcy proceedings, retention of certification, AB 453*
Financial statements, submission, AB 453*
Reserves, filing of report in lieu of bond or other security, SB 167
Solicitor's permits, applications, AB 155**
Sports officials, exemptions from coverage, AB 185**
Stress, coverage, AB 495†
Subcontractors, procedure to guarantee payment of premiums owed by, SB 71
Subsequent injuries, rating evaluations, SB 320†, AB 168*
Temporary partial disability
Benefit checks, restrictive endorsements, AB 294*
Dependents, conclusive presumption of dependency, AB 495†
Temporary total disability
Benefit checks, restrictive endorsements, AB 294*
Dependents, conclusive presumption of dependency, AB 495†
Light-duty employment, requirements, AB 168*
Third-party administrators
Limit on liability for violations removed, AB 495†
Violations, penalties, AB 168*
Trainees, deemed employer and wage, AB 80
Uninsured Employers Claim Account, appeals from determinations, SB 168**
Vocational rehabilitation
Benefit checks, restrictive endorsements, AB 294**
Eligibility for services, AB 168*
Extension of program, request by injured employee, AB 495
Lump sum payment in lieu of rehabilitation, AB 495†
Out-of-state injured employees, receipt of services, AB 495
Apprentices, deemed wage, AB 80
Medical treatment, payment of compensation for time used for, SB 268
Burglary of facilities, penalty, AB 191
Composition, secretary, AB 88
Duties generally, AB 88
Meetings, AB 88
Subcommittees, AB 88
Chief Information Officer, creation of position, duties, AB 88
Composition, AB 88
Computer mainframe, installment purchase agreements, SB 447
Director, authority to declare certain records confidential, reports, SB 175
Homeland security, confidential information, AB 441**
Housing Division, use of equipment and services, SB 78**
Information Technology Advisory Board, duties, AB 88
New systems of state agencies, approval, AB 88
Revocation of agency's authority to employ own experts, powers, AB 88
Using agency defined, AB 88
Withdrawal from use of services, agency appeals, AB 88
Flood control projects in Washoe County, use of tax proceeds, reports, SB 490**
Motor vehicle fuel, use of tax proceeds derived from, SB 293
Refunds, AB 514*
Action by political subdivision to challenge petition restricted, AB 292
Arguments and rebuttal, inclusion of names of writers, AB 436
Committees to prepare arguments, appointment, SB 449*, AB 125*, AB 293*
False statements concerning question, prohibition repealed, SB 147†, AB 127
Fiscal notes, requirements, SB 449†
Growth caps, inclusion of certain findings, SB 279
Keep Our Doctors in Nevada, Initiative Petition
Local agencies, time to submit copies of questions to clerks, AB 293*
Master plans, adoption or amendment, AB 428
Rejection by legislature, listing of approved alternative on ballot, AB 541*
Statewide initiative, time for submission to Secretary of State, AJR 7
Alcohol or drug abuse counselors, SB 248**
Athletic trainers, unlawful practice, SB 27*
Business licenses, operation of business without state license, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Children, authorization to obtain injunction on behalf of, AB 331*
Cigarettes, enforcement of laws, AB 460
Common-interest communities, SB 100*
Computer information transactions, breach of contract, SB 463
Contractors, AB 190*
Deceptive trade practices, SB 399
Detoxification technicians, SB 248**
Domestic violence protective orders (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Educational credentials, violations, AB 264
Entertainment tax collection, injunction prohibited, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Funeral Directors, Embalmers and Operators of Cemeteries and Crematories, State Board of, powers, SB 323**
Gambling addiction, counselors on, SB 349, SB 351*
Gross receipts tax collection, injunction prohibited, SB 238, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Harassment protective orders (See HARASSMENT)
Insurance holding companies, AB 453*
Landlords, failure to change entry locks, SB 39
Medicaid fee-for-service programs, prohibited acts, SB 374
Mold control, SB 132
Occupancy tax collection, injunction prohibited, AB 342
Opticians, AB 452**
Public weighmasters, SB 485*
Quarantined persons, rights, SB 82**
Service tax collection, injunction prohibited, SB 382
Solar energy systems, prohibited acts, AB 431†
Telemarketing, SB 255, AB 232†
Unfair trade practices, SB 399
Video programming systems, unlawful operation, SB 429†
Weights and measures, unlawful acts, SB 485*
Assessments, AB 493**
Mortgage bankers, conduct of business with, AB 490**, AB 492
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Cancellation or renewal of policies, notices, AB 453*
Common-interest communities, notices of cancellations, SB 378*
Competitive markets, filing and approval of rates, SB 12, SB 250†
Consumer reports, credit history or insurance scores, procedures, prohibited acts, SB 129, SB 319*, AB 194
Group insurance for public employees
Audit of program, AB 454
Change in coverage, notice of proposed changes, AB 263**
Change in status of officer or employee, notification to Program, AB 249**
Clinical trials or studies, coverage for treatment, AB 502*
Colorectal cancer screening, coverage, SB 183*
Continuous treatment by health care provider, coverage, AB 261, AB 320*
Dispute resolution procedures, requirements, SB 171, AB 79*
Equalization of coverage, SB 215, AB 165, AB 222, AB 286†
Legislative study, ACR 10‡
Payroll deductions for coverage for state employees, AB 249**, AB 286*
Police officers and firemen
Game wardens and DA investigators, inclusion as police officers, SB 184†
Survivor benefits, certain benefits applied retroactively, SB 240**
Preauthorized care, coverage, AB 269
Amount payable by state, AB 544**
Assessments for retired employees, appropriations, AB 544**
Equalization, SB 215, AB 165, AB 222, AB 286†
Notice of proposed changes, AB 263**
Retired employees
Change in status, notification to Program, AB 249**
Deductions for coverage from retirement benefits, AB 249**
Evidence of good health as condition of enrollment, elimination, AB 249**
Local governments, subsidies for retirees in state program, AB 286*
Open enrollment option
Group insurance of last public employer, rejoining, AB 286**
State program, option repealed for certain retirees, AB 249*
Reinstatement of coverage, AB 286*, AB 388**
State subsidy, applicability, limited to years of state service, AB 249**
School personnel, appropriations for costs, AB 257**, AB 266†
Trust funds for benefits, authority of local governments, SB 28**, AB 388**
Health insurance
Associations of self-insured private employers authorized to provide, SB 64
Child support, enrollment of child in insurance plan, AB 475**
Children's Health Insurance Program, applicability of certain managed care laws, AB 79, AB 320*
Claims, duties, penalty for noncompliance, AB 320*
Clinical trials or studies, coverage for treatment, AB 502*
Collection of fees by health provider from insured patients, AB 70
Colorectal cancer screening, coverage, SB 183*
Continuous treatment by health care provider, coverage, AB 261, AB 320*
Dispute resolution procedures, requirements, SB 171, AB 79*
Employers' application form for insurance, use, SB 130
Grocery stores, provision to employees, required and prohibited acts, AB 356
Independent review of final adverse determinations, SB 23, SB 171, AB 79*
Legislative study, SB 289**
Major hospitals, acceptance of payments for care of diverted patients, SB 95
Preauthorized care, coverage, AB 269
Small employers, calculation of percentage of participation, SB 333
Home loans, unfair lending practices relating to insurance, AB 284*
Home protection insurance defined, AB 453*
Malpractice insurance (See MEDICAL OR DENTAL MALPRACTICE)
Mold control, coverage, SB 131†
Motor vehicles
Defensive drivers, discounts, AB 128
Geographic service regions, basis for premium rates, AB 172
Legislative study, ACR 27
Licensing and registration, proof of insurance, AB 177*
Medical and other expenses and losses, reimbursement and payments, AB 280
Premiums, reduction for older persons, AB 37
Repairs, rights of insured or claimant, AB 367*
Safe driving, discounts, AB 172
Taxicabs, self-insurance, SB 322**
Underinsured coverage, requirements, AB 453*
Purchasing groups, registration fees, AB 453*
Renewal or cancellation of policies, notices, AB 453*
Residential facilities for groups, insurance requirements, AB 350
Sellers of travel, liability insurance requirements, AB 343†
Signatures, requirements, SB 319*
Surety insurance, exemption from rate provisions, AB 453*
Annual report, AB 453*
Associations of self-insured private employers to provide health coverage, duties, prohibited acts, SB 64
Certificate of registration, grounds for refusal, suspension or revocation, AB 453*
Claims, duties, penalty for noncompliance, AB 320*
Health care providers, provision of schedule of payments to, SB 163, AB 320*
Local government trust funds for health and welfare benefits, AB 388**
Machine-readable media, use for preservation of records, AB 260
Business organizations, licensure, AB 453*
Fictitious name, use, AB 453*
Applicants, fingerprinting, AB 155**
Exemptions from requirements, AB 453*
Renewal, AB 453*
Location of business, changes, AB 453*
Prohibited transactions, AB 453*
Records, retention, AB 453*
Reinsurance personnel, qualifications, AB 453*
Surplus lines, requirements, licensure, AB 453*
Unauthorized insurers, unlawful acts, penalties, AB 453*
Assessment of insurers
One-time payment to certain industrial insurance claimants, SB 193**
Premium tax credit for industrial assessments eliminated, AB 543
Refunds, SB 319*
Bonds and securities, valuations, AB 453*
Cancellation or renewal of policies, notices, AB 453*
Captive insurers
Certain tax exemptions removed, SB 293
Definition, AB 453*
Premium tax credit, AB 453*
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Common-interest communities, notices of cancellations, SB 378*
Constructional defect claims, duties, sanctions, SB 241**
Consumer reports, credit history or insurance scores, procedures, prohibited acts, SB 129, SB 319*, AB 194
Delinquent or insolvent insurers, distribution of claims, AB 453*
Essential insurance associations, conversion to domestic insurer, AB 453*
Extraordinary dividends or distributions
Plan for payment, AB 453*
Health policies, duties regarding claims, penalties, AB 320*
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE—Insurers)
Licenses, fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Limited-liability companies or partnerships, filing of documents, AB 536
Major hospitals, negotiations regarding payments for diverted patients, SB 95
Malpractice insurance (See MEDICAL OR DENTAL MALPRACTICE)
Motor vehicle insurance
Repairs to vehicles, penalties for certain violations, AB 367†
Study of business practices, ACR 27
Total loss vehicles, definitions, requirements for sale, SB 212
Mutual insurers, conversion or reorganization, AB 453*
Nevada Essential Insurance Association, dissolution or conversion, AB 453*
Providers of health care
Contracts, required and prohibited provisions, AB 320*
Panel of providers, fee for including provider prohibited, SB 163, AB 320*
Schedule of payments, SB 163, AB 320*
Rates, filing, approval and discontinuance, SB 12, SB 250†
Reinsurance credits, AB 453*
Reports to Commissioner of Insurance, AB 453*
Salvage vehicles, duties, SB 212, AB 325*
Signatures, requirements, SB 319*
Surety insurance, exemption from rate provisions, AB 453*
Unfair practices, AB 320†
Applicability of insurance laws, AB 453*
Business locations, notices, penalties for noncompliance, AB 453*
Licenses, fees nonrefundable, AB 453*
Lines of authority authorized, AB 453*
Unlicensed practice, penalty, AB 453*
Board of Directors, composition, SB 314*
Covered claim defined, obligations, AB 453*
Recovery for insolvent insurers, AB 453*
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Acquisitions or mergers, AB 453*
Confidential and privileged information, AB 453*
Disclaimer of affiliation or request for termination of registration, filing, AB 453*
Extraordinary dividends or distributions, AB 453*
Insurers, provision of information to, AB 453*
Investments, AB 453*
Officers, directors or employees, penalty for false filings, AB 453*
Registration statements, AB 453*
Transactions with affiliates, notices, AB 453*
Violations, penalties, AB 453*
Captive insurers, certain exemption removed, SB 293
County school district funds, distribution of certain proceeds, AB 387
Captive insurers, AB 453*
Industrial insurance assessments, credit eliminated, AB 543
Maintenance of home or regional office, credit eliminated, AB 387
Nevada Essential Insurance Association, member insurers, AB 453*
Penalty for late payment, AB 142
Unauthorized insurers, liability, AB 453*
Applications for permits, AB 155**
Solicitation of insurance, license requirements, AB 453*
Employer's right of ownership, AB 2, AB 81*
Minors, petition for judicial approval of certain contracts, AB 288*
Rights and remedies of owners, AB 81†
Tax abatements for business developing intellectual property into commercial product, SB 473**
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS)
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Fire Marshal, registration law repealed, SB 458
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Creation, SJR 5‡, AJR 12 of the 71st Session
Amber Alert System, creation, AB 322**
Board of Medical Examiners, duties regarding website, SB 250**, SB 332**, SB 387*, SB 389
Business entities, notices to stockholders, SB 436*
Cigarettes or tobacco products
Directory of certified manufacturers, AB 460
List of valid licenses and identity of licensees, posting, AB 460†
Seller's duty to prevent purchase by minors, AB 12
Debts owed state agencies, reports, AB 457
E-mail (See E-MAIL)
Abstracts of votes, posting, SB 262*
Information regarding provisional ballots, posting, SB 453*, AB 527
Statewide voter registration list, posting, SB 453*
Voters' Bill of Rights, posting, AB 235*
Fleet vehicles, registration by electronic filings, SB 405*
Gaming, regulation of live game broadcasts, SB 431
Libraries, appropriation for on-line access licenses, SB 185, SB 191
Luring child using computer, unlawful acts, SB 300**, SB 394**, SB 460**
Malpractice, availability of reports to licensing boards, SB 250†, SB 257
Meetings of public agencies, posting or broadcasting, SB 229
Nevada Online Encyclopedia, creation, SB 357
Pari-mutuel wagering, regulation, SB 3**
Filling or refilling prescriptions, prohibited and allowable acts, SB 337**
Manufacturers, reports of unlawful conduct, procedures, SB 387*
Reissuance of unused drugs in certain facilities, posting of report, SB 327*
Publicly traded companies, posting of certain information regarding, SB 124*
Real Estate Division, transactions with licensees, SB 428**
Sales and use taxes, collection and remittance, AB 514*
Sellers of travel, posting of notice regarding Recovery Fund, AB 343*
Service providers
Fees for responding to subpoenas, SB 300**
Prohibited acts, SB 399
Restrictions on regulation, SB 400**, SB 429†
Social Security numbers, unlawful acts, SB 379
State and local publications, standards for electronic format, availability, AB 214
State Fire Marshal, training programs, SB 458
Suicide prevention, development of website, SB 49**
Taxation, Department of
Electronic commerce, report, SB 314**
Sales and use taxes, posting of rates and related information, AB 514*
Taxpayers on secured roll, posting of list, AB 533**
Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act, adoption, SB 463
Wildlife Division website, advertising fees, AB 71**
Yucca Mountain, access to monitoring devices, SB 119
Homeschooled children, participation, SB 503**, AB 311
Sports officials, exemption from coverage under certain laws, AB 185**
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Juveniles, Interstate Compact for, ratification, SB 242
Juveniles, Interstate Compact on, renunciation, SB 242
Legislative Committee for Review and Oversight, creation, SB 216**
Separate taxation of property where development restricted by compact, AJR 8 of the 71st Session
Tahoe Regional Planning Compact, withdrawal, AB 305
Creation, SB 242
Grocery stores, unlawful acts, AB 356
Health care facilities, unlawful acts involving staffing levels, AB 313†
Minors or mentally ill persons, unlawful contact with, prohibited acts, SB 394**
Schools, safe and respectful environment, unlawful acts, AB 513
Terrorism, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38, AB 99, AB 250**, AB 441**
Alcohol abuse (See ALCOHOL OR DRUG ABUSE)
Fetal alcohol syndrome, posting of sign in food establishments, SB 307*
Franchises between suppliers and wholesalers, enforcement of laws, AB 437**
Impairment of person under 21, penalty, SB 205
Importation by common or contract carrier, procedures, SB 373*
Medical or other treatment, transport of intoxicated persons, SB 86, SB 94**
Beer, authorized transfers between liquor stores, AB 437**
Sources for purchase of liquor, AB 437**
Sales to persons under 21 years, investigation and prosecution, SB 91, AB 108
State parks, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 282
Drug abuse treatment programs, use of certain taxes for, SB 94**
Increase, SB 219, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 204, AB 243, AB 281
Supplier defined, AB 437**
Wholesalers, sources for purchase of liquor, AB 437**
License fees, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Insurance companies, SB 319*, AB 453*
Local governments, SB 141**, SB 447
School districts, group insurance money, SB 28**
Tobacco settlement trust funds, SB 448
IRRIGATION DISTRICTS (For general provisions, see DISTRICTS)
Annual audits, conditional exemptions, AB 149**
Assessment for water distribution expenses, AB 90**
Legislative Committee on Public Lands, review of programs, SB 216**
Subdivision map, provision to owner of land appurtenant to ditch, AB 488**
Unlawful damage or destruction, investigation of complaints, AB 488**
Civil actions by prisoners, fees, prohibitions, AB 188
Educational programs, establishment, SB 317**
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Actions to reduce, declaration of emergency, AB 303
Early release of prisoners, SB 317**
Tools for escape, manufacture or possession by prisoners prohibited, SB 299**
Cities, imposition of tax, SB 470**
Clark County, use of certain proceeds for transportation projects, SB 237**
Collection and administration, SB 471*
Credit card or debit card, payment by, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Dishonored checks, fees, effect, SB 471*
Distribution and use of proceeds, SB 470**
Electronic transfer, payment by, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Holding amount collected in trust for State, SB 471*
Establishment or provision of support, SB 423**
Arrest of judgment in death penalty cases, AB 16†
Judgment of conviction, return to county clerk, AB 103**
Law enforcement agencies, release of job applicant information, AB 134
Public hazards, concealment of information prohibited, SB 251
Quarantine proceedings, SB 82**
Treatment to competency, criminal defendants, SB 179**
Vehicle monitoring devices, quashing of requests arising from illegal use, SB 26
Audio recordings, public records, SB 229
Contribution rates, determination, SB 439**
District judges and Supreme Court justices, participation, SB 439**
Justices of the peace and municipal judges, participation, SB 409
Monthly retirement allowance, calculation, SB 439**
Survivor benefits, designation of additional payees, SB 439*
Appraisers of real estate, disciplinary action, SB 428**
Businesses, orders to cease and desist, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Campground membership personnel, disciplinary action, SB 428**
Contractor actions, dismissal of parties, AB 220**
Funeral Directors, Embalmers and Operators of Cemeteries and Crematories, State Board of, final decisions, SB 323**
Highway easements or encroachments, denial of applications, AB 197
Inspectors of structures, disciplinary action, SB 428**
Real estate licensees, disciplinary action, SB 428**
Recording of instruments, denial by recorder, AB 459*
Self-insured private employers, associations of, decision of Commissioner, SB 64
Telemarketing violations, SB 255, AB 232†
Time share personnel, disciplinary action, SB 428**
Transportation Services Authority, decisions, SB 192
Unemployment compensation, decisions of Board of Review, SB 423**
Weights and measures, imposition of fines, SB 485*
Definition, AB 87*
Ex-felons, rights to serve on jury, AB 55**, AB 337
Exemptions from service, SB 73*
Fees and mileage allowances, SB 73*
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Selection of jurors, procedure, SB 73*
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Court facilities, administrative assessments, SB 107**
District court actions, transfer to justice's court, SB 88**, AB 100**
Jails, notice of overcrowded conditions, duties, AB 303
Jurisdiction, monetary threshold, AB 100*
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Mentally retarded defendants, treatment programs, transfer of cases to district court, SB 179**
Protective orders, issuance, duties of clerks, AB 331*
Short trials, adoption of rules, AB 100*
Small claims, effect of certain counterclaims or other pleadings, SB 203
Specialty court programs, additional administrative assessment, SB 108, AB 29**
Election, time for filing declaration or certificate of candidacy, SB 111
Financial disclosure statements, filing, SB 147**, AB 529*
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Retirement, participation in Judicial Retirement Plan, SB 409
Administration, Department of, certain agreements prohibited, SB 447
China Spring Youth Camp, appropriation, AB 368
Fishing permits, issuance, SB 420*
Legislative study of juvenile justice system, ACR 18‡
Repeal and reenactment of laws, SB 197*
Certification as adult, additional exception, appeal of decision to deny, AB 60*
Jurisdiction, SB 197*
Legislative study of juvenile justice system, ACR 18‡
Masters, appointment, review of recommendations, SB 197*
Notice of proceedings to parents or guardians, SB 197*
Repeal and reenactment of provisions, SB 197*
Restitution, determination of amount, SB 197*
Summons, issuance, SB 197*
Terrorism, no jurisdiction, SB 38†
Tobacco violations by minors, jurisdiction, SB 339, AB 460
Educational records, inspection in proceedings, SB 393
Legislative study of juvenile justice system, ACR 18‡
Repeal and reenactment of laws, SB 197*
Restitution through work programs, participation, deductions from wages, SB 57*
Sex offenders (See SEX OFFENDERS)
Educational records, inspection, SB 393, AB 264
Family, Youth and Juvenile Services, Department of, name change, SB 197*
Repeal and reenactment of laws, SB 197*
Creation, SB 242
Interstate Compact for Juveniles, ratification, SB 242
Interstate Compact on Juveniles, renunciation, SB 242
Generally, Initiative Petition
Special license plates, issuance, AB 44
Travel agents or tour brokers or operators, prohibited acts, AB 329
Amber Alert System, creation, AB 322**
Older victims, age threshold for applicability of certain laws, AB 73*
License plates for support of activities, AB 370
Switchblade knives, permits to manufacture or sell, SB 199*, AB 423
Administrative penalties, authority, AB 143**
Contractors' Board, notice of administrative penalties, AB 190*
Electronic business, authority to transact, regulations, AB 490**
Enforcement of laws, authority, AB 143**
Health care facilities, duties, AB 313†
Minimum wage, duties, AB 356†
Overtime on public works projects, authority, AB 458†
Prevailing wages, determination, SB 114, AB 141, AB 176
Unlawfully employed persons, duties, AB 48**
Waiver of certain public works penalties, authority, AB 432**
Creation, AB 65†
Child support, enrollment of child in insurance plan, AB 475**
Collective bargaining by state employees, AB 65
Deductions for dues from payroll of state employees, AB 169
Fair share agreements, AB 182
Renewable Energy Task Force, membership, AB 431**
Agricultural laboratory, purposes, SB 486**
Burglary of research facilities, penalty, AB 191
Hazardous waste or regulated substance analysis, certification required, SB 58*
Medical laboratories (See MEDICAL LABORATORIES)
Mold control, analysis of material and air samples, SB 132
LAKES (See also WATER)
Dredging operations, fees, SB 420*
Lake Tahoe (See TAHOE BASIN)
Walker Lake, legislative declaration, ACR 21
Forensic specialists, salary increase, AB 173
Building codes (See BUILDING CODES)
Building permits (See BUILDING PERMITS)
Growth caps, requirements, SB 279
Master plans, adoption or amendment, SB 142, SB 181†, SB 279, AB 428
Permit based on dedication of land or other thing of value, prohibition, AB 427†
Red Rock Canyon, restrictions on adjacent lands, SB 358**
Regional planning (See REGIONAL PLANNING)
Subdivision of land (See SUBDIVISION OF LAND)
Zoning (See ZONING)
LANDER COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
Industrial park and flood control project, appropriation, AB 123
Applicability of laws extended to landlords of less than five units, AB 89
Construction contracts, security requirements for certain works of improvement, SB 206*
Disabilities, persons with, prohibited acts against, AB 332
Disclosure regarding crimes or diseases immaterial to transaction, SB 204*
Elderly persons
Employees of landlords of senior facilities, work card requirements, AB 419*
Length of notice before eviction, AB 274, AB 498**
Emergency telephone numbers, disclosure to tenants, SB 13*
Energy conservation, loan program to purchase equipment for, AB 314
Entry locks to be changed before delivery to new tenant, remedies, SB 39
Exclusion of tenant, recovery of possession, SB 128*
Flag of United States, conditions on display restricted, SB 359**, AB 408
Handicapped persons, length of notice before eviction, AB 274, AB 498**
Manufactured home parks (See MANUFACTURED HOME PARKS)
Methamphetamine manufacture near residence, additional penalty, AB 33*
Recycling programs for multifamily dwellings in populous counties, AB 447
Utilities, payment of charges pursuant to ratio utility billing system, SB 194
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS)
Design-build teams, members, notifications to board, AB 425**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Good moral character, determinations, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Nursery stock sales, SB 172**
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
State Board of Landscape Architecture
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
LAS VEGAS, CITY OF (For general provisions, see CITIES)
Car washes, regulation of mobile and nonpermanent vendors, AB 484
Charter amendments
Ballots for ordinances and charter amendments, AB 436, AB 528†
City Attorney and deputies, pro bono activities, AB 150*
Mayor, council and judges, residency requirements, AB 412
Names of candidates on ballots, AB 541*
Taxes, distribution, SB 308
Telegraph, obsolete provisions repealed, SB 7†
Telephonic devices in vehicles, regulation prohibited, SB 10**
Unfair lending practices, regulatory powers restricted, AB 284*
Voters, qualifications, SB 453†
Child Care Improvement Grant Program, appropriation, AB 547
Culinary and Hospitality Academy, funding, AB 465, AB 554
Fighting AIDS in Our Community Today, appropriation, SB 258
Floyd Lamb State Park, conveyance to city, SB 444**
Medical Examiners, Board of, location of principal office, SB 250†
Performing Arts Center, funding, SB 504*, AB 465, AB 554
Planning commission
Abolishment, AB 291†
Service at pleasure of appointing authority, ethical requirements, AB 291*
Professional sports stadium, creation of authority, rental car fees for financing, AB 554
Youth Athletic Grant Program, appropriation, AB 546
Audit and performance reports, provision to Legislative Commission, SB 362**
LAUGHLIN, TOWN OF (For general provisions, see TOWNS)
Family Resource Center, appropriation, AB 183
Board of law library trustees, audio recording of proceedings, SB 229
Pesticide use, regulation, SB 172**
Correctional facilities, certain future agreements prohibited, SB 447
State purchasing, requirements, AB 116
Construction contracts, security requirements for certain persons, SB 206*
County property, lease to corporations for public benefit, SB 103*
Federal lands, county commissioner powers, SB 145**
Landlord and tenant (See LANDLORD AND TENANT)
Manufactured home parks (See MANUFACTURED HOME PARKS)
Motor vehicles
Leased for trade or business does not constitute sale under certain circumstances, SB 482*
Rental cars (See RENTAL CARS)
Reports of lease, processing fee, SB 501*
Sales taxes
Collection on leased or rented tangible personal property, AB 514*
Exemption for certain property leased to exempt entity, SB 313**
Taxis, buses and limousines, SB 192
Trailers leased for trade or business does not constitute sale under certain circumstances, SB 482*
Court fees, increase to support aid programs, SB 106**
Las Vegas City Attorney, pro bono activities, AB 150*
Persons with disabilities, appropriation for assistance, SB 164†
Alcohol or drug abuse, coordination of programs, SB 382
Bishop Creek Dam, renovation or reconstruction, SB 488
Campaign practices, ACR 14
Criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Disabilities, persons with, issues related to, SB 137**
DUI by teens and young adults, SCR 15‡
Class-size reduction, alternatives, SB 508
Disabilities, pupils with
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, due process hearings, SB 234
Transition from school to work, SB 137**
Driver training schools, use, AB 128
Higher education programs, AB 203**
Math portion of high school proficiency examination, AB 179
Mathematics requirements, SB 191
Regional training programs for teachers, SB 210†
School curricula, restructuring, AB 264†
School districts, reconfiguration, SCR 21
Social studies and civics courses in schools, SB 309*
Summer food service programs, AB 535
Election laws, ACR 14
Electronic commerce, SB 314**
Ethics laws, ACR 14
Executive budget, process of preparation and analysis, AB 413
Geoexchange technology, use in public buildings, SCR 37
Health care, availability, SB 289**
Heart transplant facility, establishment, SB 507**, AB 333
Humboldt River Basin, water management practices, SB 5
Incorporated towns, SB 347
Enactment of certain model acts, SB 319*
Industrial insurance system, SB 292**
Medical malpractice insurance, SB 122*, SB 250†, SB 292**
Motor vehicle insurance practices, ACR 27
Insurance Division and Industrial Relations Division, consolidation, AB 453**
Juvenile justice system, ACR 18‡
Limousines, allocation, AB 518**
Magnetic levitation train system, establishment, SCR 31‡
Mass transit needs, SCR 31‡
Community-based services, coverage, SB 137**
Expansion of program, SB 289**
Medical facilities, staffing requirements, AB 313*
Minorities, employment and affordable housing, SB 249
Mold control, SB 131
Motor vehicles, 24-month registration pilot program, SB 213, AB 324**
Obesity costs and impacts, SCR 13‡
Peace officers, classification, AB 158
Personal trainers and other fitness instructors, SB 27*
Prescription drugs, methods of reducing prices, ACR 10‡
Prisoners, transitional housing, SCR 32‡, SCR 38
Public Employees' Benefits Program, ACR 10‡
Silver or gold bullion coins, issuance by state, AB 415
State agencies, relocation to rural communities, AB 219
State buildings, emergency response system, AB 250†
State Treasurer, entrepreneurial potential, AB 415
Tahoe Regional Planning Compact, SB 216**
Taxation, public revenue and tax policy, SB 509
Telecommunications services, ACR 19
Utah-Nevada boundary line, feasibility of change, SCR 20‡
Wilderness and wilderness study areas, SCR 7‡
Audit Division
CHR, Inc., audit, AB 472
Culinary and Hospitality Academy, audit, AB 465
Fighting AIDS in Our Community Today, audit, SB 258
Las Vegas Monorail Company, audit, SB 362**
Las Vegas Performing Arts Center, audit, SB 504*, AB 465
Medical Examiners, Board of, audit, SB 250**, SB 389
Nevada Commission for National and Community Service, audit, AB 271
Nevada Humanities Committee, audit, SB 357
Occupational boards and commissions, reports, duties, SB 310*
Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of, audit, SB 389
Public Employees' Benefits Program, audit, AB 454
Reversions from state agencies, duties, SB 381
School districts with over 5,000 pupils, audit, AB 162
University System, audit, AB 47, AB 148**
Constitutional amendments and statewide questions, duties, AB 436
Authorized expenditures, powers, SB 504**
Court Administrator, report, AB 29**
Federal State Coordinator, duty removed, AB 542*
Financial disclosure statements, duties, SB 147**, AB 529†
Interstate and interregional compacts review committee, duties, SB 216**
Registration, grounds for revocation, AB 542*
Requests for services, development of form, SB 221†
Partisan research staff, duties, SB 180
Persons With Disabilities, Committee on, duties, SB 137**
Prescription Drugs, Silver State Commission on, duties, AB 307
Problem gambling, receipt of report, SB 42
Silver Haired Legislative Forum, duties removed, AB 542†
Special License Plates, Commission on, duties, AB 358**
Stipends for legislators, duties, SB 391
Taxation, Public Revenue and Tax Policy Committee, duties, SB 509
Educational Accountability and Program Evaluation, Legislative Bureau of
Abolished, AB 179†
Administrator-pupil ratio, report, AB 506
Class-size reduction, report, SB 508
Consultants, employment, appropriation, SB 191†, SB 210†
No Child Left Behind Act, reports, duties, SB 191
Regional training programs, evaluation, SB 210†, SB 509
Remedial courses in schools needing improvement, duties, SB 210†
Administrative leave in recognition of service, ACR 3‡
Salary increase, appropriation, AB 555**
Fiscal Analysis Division
Achievement and proficiency examinations, receipt of reports, SB 191
Advances to accounts supported by administrative assessments, notice, SB 198**
Alcohol and drug abuse programs, duties, SB 382
Capital improvement projects, notice of temporary advances, SB 507**
Class-size reduction, receipt of report, SB 44
Credit or debit cards, receipt of plans for acceptance by agencies, SB 382
Ethics Commission, duties regarding assessments, AB 551**
Fiscal notes, duties, AB 542*
Health insurance for school personnel, review of requests for allocation of money, AB 257**
Textbooks, instructional supplies and hardware, duties regarding expenditures, SB 509
Interim Finance Committee
Authorized expenditures, powers, SB 504**
Corrections, Department of, appropriation for allocation, AB 553**
Educational consultant, appropriation, SB 191
Eighth Judicial District Court, appropriation for allocation, AB 238†
Excess revenues, duties, SB 509
Executive budget, review of procedures, AB 413
Floyd Lamb State Park, approval of conveyance or name change, SB 444**
Forester Firewarden, approval of certain expenditures, AB 467
General appropriations legislation, duties, AB 553**
Group insurance for public employees, appropriation for distribution, AB 544**
Judicial colleges, duties regarding appropriations, SB 505
Medical and dental scholarships, duties regarding appropriation, SB 101
Obstetrical services, appropriation, duties, AB 404
Outfitters and Guides, Board of, requests for money, AB 272
Radio system users, appropriations for allocation, SB 499**
Remedial programs in schools, duties, SB 210†
Reports, receipt
CHR, Inc., AB 472
Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, SB 507**
Culinary and Hospitality Academy, AB 465
Dementia patients, provision of long-term care, AB 323**
Fighting AIDS in Our Community Today, SB 258
Help America Vote Act of 2002, SB 417**
Las Vegas Performing Arts Center, SB 504**, AB 465
Mental Health Plan Implementation Commission, SB 301**
National and Community Service, Nevada Commission for, AB 271
Prescription drug coverage for certain persons, AB 384**, AB 504*
Registry Fund, annual statement, SB 255, AB 232*
Remedial programs in schools, SB 210†
Student loan program for education students, AB 264†
Travel Agent Recovery Fund, AB 343*
Veterans' Homes, Gift Account for, expenditures, AB 518*
Reversions from state agencies, duties, SB 381
School personnel health insurance costs, appropriation for allocation, AB 257**
Specialty court programs, requests for funds, SB 108, AB 29†
State Emergency Operations Center, duties, SB 498**, SB 506**
Tahoe Basin environmental improvement projects, powers, SB 46**
Taxation, Department of, appropriation for allocation, AB 553**
Tourism, Fund for Promotion of, duty removed, SB 445
Unclassified service, duties regarding salaries, AB 555**
University School of Medicine, acquisition of certain facilities, duties, SB 447
White Pine County, appropriation for allocation, AB 180
Legal Division
Bill drafts
Association of cities, counties or officials, time for submission, AB 542*
Collective bargaining agreements, state employees, AB 65
Delivery of drafts requested by governmental entities, ACR 1‡
Digest, preparation, contents, AB 542*
Flush lines, indication, AB 542*
Honoring of requests generally, AB 542*
Legislative committee chairs, requests, AB 542*
List of requests
Inclusion of joint requesters, SB 148*
Name of requester, required disclosure, SB 361
Statewide measures, duties, AB 293*
Transportation, Committee on, limitation, SB 56 of the 71st Session
Conflicts of law, authority to resolve nonsubstantive conflicts, AB 39**
Fiscal notes, duties, AB 542*
Inaccurate references in NRS, authority to correct, AB 542*
Informational statement with regulations, duties, AB 413
Obsolete or antiquated laws, duties, SB 37*
Temporary regulations, duties, SB 329*
Legislative Commission
Appointments made by
Homelessness, Advisory Committee on, AB 259
Interstate and interregional compacts review committee, SB 216**
Minority Affairs, Nevada Commission on, SB 249
Persons With Disabilities, Committee on, SB 137**
Public Lands, Committee on, AB 487, SCR 7‡, SCR 20‡
Regulations, Committee to Review, SB 329*
Special License Plates, Commission on, AB 358**
Campaign contribution and expenditure forms, duties, AB 529*
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, duties, AB 203**
Lobbyists, regulation, AB 542*
Medical Examiners, Board of, duties, SB 250**
Members, designation, SR 10‡, AR 6‡
Obsolete or antiquated laws, duties, SB 37*
Partisan research staff, duties, SB 180
Public purchasing, private sources of procurement, duties, SB 406
Public Utilities Commission, confirmation of appointees, SB 102†
Regulations, review, SB 329*
Reports, receipt
Clark County, assistance to underutilized businesses, AB 174†
Electronic commerce, SB 314†
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, AB 203**
Homeland security, SB 175, AB 441**
Las Vegas, City of, AB 546, AB 547
Las Vegas Monorail Company, SB 362**
Medical professional liability insurance, SB 292**
Public Employees' Retirement System, SB 345*
Utah-Nevada boundary, feasibility of change, SCR 20‡
Legislative Manual, contents, AB 542*
Legislative police, emergency response study, representation, AB 250†
Lobbyists, prohibited acts regarding requests for professional services, SB 221*
Nevada Administrative Code, duties, SB 114, SB 155, SB 443, AB 159, AB 169, AB 356†
Petty cash accounts, AB 542*
Prescription Drugs, Silver State Commission on, reports, duties, AB 307
Research Division
Obsolete or antiquated laws, duties, SB 37*
Statewide measures, duties, AB 293*
Salary schedule for elected state officers, inclusion in NRS, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
State Printing Division, transfer, SB 504**
Creation, appropriation, AB 464
Adjournment sine die, SJR 9, SCR 26‡, SB 56
Dini, Joseph E., Jr., honored for legislative service, ACR 4‡
Districts, boundaries, AB 375*
Minority leader
Bill draft requests, time for, AB 542*
Information Technology Advisory Board, appointments, AB 88
Obesity study subcommittee, appointment, SCR 13‡
Taxation, Public Revenue and Tax Policy Committee, duties, SB 509
Appointments made by
Criminal justice study committee, SCR 32‡
Educational Technology, Commission on, SB 68**
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, AB 203**
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, AB 441**
Information Technology Advisory Board, AB 88
Interstate Juvenile Supervision, Nevada State Council for, SB 242
Labor Relations for State Employees, Board for, AB 65†
Limousines, study committee, AB 518†
Mental Health Plan Implementation Commission, SB 301**
Minority Health Division, Advisory Committee, SB 462
Mortgage Brokers and Agents, Board for Regulation of, AB 490†
Obesity study subcommittee, SCR 13‡
Prescription Drugs, Silver State Commission on, AB 307
Public Employee-Management Relations Board, AB 65
Solar Energy Systems Demonstration Project, Committee for, AB 431†
Tax Policy in Nevada, Task Force on, AB 281
Taxation, Public Revenue and Tax Policy Committee, SB 509
Technological Crime, Advisory Board for Task Force for, SB 300†
Telecommunications study advisory committee, ACR 19†
Transportation, Committee on, SB 56 of the 71st Session
Bill draft requests, time for, AB 542*
Consumer's Advocate, reports, SB 421
Election contests, duties (Rule 45), AR 3‡
Taxation, Public Revenue and Tax Policy Committee, member, SB 509
Bills and resolutions
Action on bills, time for (Rule 14.3), ACR 1‡
Summary of bill to reflect action by amendment, AB 542*
Supermajority vote requirements, AJR 17, AJR 18
Authorized expenditures, supermajority vote requirements, AJR 17, AJR 18
Conflicts, nonsubstantive, resolution by Legislative Counsel, AB 39**
Digest, preparation, contents, AB 542*
Drafting requests
Collective bargaining agreements, state employees, AB 65
Governmental entities, delivery of requests to (Rule 16), ACR 1‡
Honoring of requests made before session, provision removed, AB 542*
List of requests
Joint requesters, inclusion, SB 148*
Name of requester, required disclosure, SB 361
Transportation, Oversight Committee on, SB 56 of the 71st Session
Fiscal notes, requirements, AB 542*
Flush lines, indication, AB 542*
General file, orders (Rule 113), SR 1‡
Joint resolutions, delivery (Rule 118), AR 3‡
Prefiled bills, procedures, AB 542*
Printing (Rule 111), SR 1‡
Statewide measures, preparation of arguments and rebuttals, AB 293*
Summaries, requirements, AB 542*
Legislature's authority to make, AJR 7†
Time for submission by Governor, AJR 7
Class-size reduction programs, duties, SB 508
Clergy, compensation, ACR 28‡
Collective bargaining by state employees, powers, AB 65
Assembly standing committees (Rule 40), AR 3‡
Children, Youth and Families, Committee on, receipt of reports, AB 6*, AB 132*
Commerce and Labor, Committees on, receipt of insurance study, AB 453*
Constitutional amendments and statewide questions, duties of Legislative Counsel Bureau, AB 436
Education, Committee on
Abolished, AB 179†
Administrator-pupil ratio, report, AB 506
Clark County Regional Training Program, report, SB 190
Class-size reduction, report, SB 508
Discipline plans, report, AB 218**
Higher education, report, AB 203**
Magnet schools, reports, SB 254
No Child Left Behind Act, reports, duties, SB 191
Privatization of educational services, notices, AB 512
Professional Standards Commission and school districts, reports, SB 226
Safe and respectful learning environment, reports, AB 513
Summer food service programs, report, AB 535
Finance, Committee on
Receipt of revised 2003-2005 budget, SB 382
Specialty court programs, requests for funds, SB 108, AB 29†
Government Affairs, Committee on
Incorporated towns, receipt of report, SB 347
Jurisdiction, SR 8‡
Health and Human Services, Committee on, representation on Prescription Drug Commission, AB 307
Health Care, Committee on
Availability of health care, study, SB 289**
Dementia patients, provision of long-term care, report, AB 323**
Duties, SB 329*
Hospitals receiving referrals from physicians with financial interest, reports, SB 156
Obesity costs and impacts, study, SCR 13‡
Prescription drug coverage for certain persons, report, AB 384**, AB 504*
Staffing in health care facilities, study, AB 313*
Human Resources and Facilities, Committee on, representation on Prescription Drug Commission, AB 307
Interstate and interregional compacts review committee, creation, SB 216**
Judiciary, Committee on, jurisdiction, SR 8‡
Local Government Taxes and Finance, Committee for
Advisory Committee, composition, AB 35**
Duties, SB 238, AB 35**, AB 243, AB 281
Study subcommittee, elimination, AB 35**
Persons With Disabilities, Committee on, creation, SB 137**
Prefiled bills, procedures, AB 542*
Public Lands, Committee on
Composition, AB 487, SCR 7‡, SCR 20‡
Expiration, AB 487
Utah-Nevada boundary, study of feasibility of changing, SCR 20‡
Water, review of entities overseeing, SB 216**
Wilderness and wilderness study areas, continuation of study, SCR 7‡
Regulations, Committee to Review, appointment, SB 329*
Senate standing committees (Rule 40), SR 1‡
Taxation, Public Revenue and Tax Policy, Committee on, creation, appropriation, SB 509
Transportation committees, report on Transportation Improvement Program, SB 330
Transportation, Oversight Committee on, creation, SB 56 of the 71st Session
Ways and Means, Committee on
Receipt of revised 2003-2005 budget, SB 382
Specialty court programs, requests for funds, SB 108, AB 29†
County and township government, authority, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Court of Appeals, duties, SJR 5‡, AJR 12 of the 71st Session
District judges' terms, authority, AJR 12
Economics, appointment of body to make certain annual determinations, AJR 18
Educational services, notice of privatization agreements, AB 512
Administrative leave in recognition of service, ACR 3‡
Assembly Staff Appreciation Day designated, AR 5‡
Attaches, appointment, SR 3‡, SR 4‡, AR 1‡, AR 4‡
Partisan research staff, employment, SB 180
Retirement, service credits, AB 542*, AB 552**
Fireworks, ballot question regarding sale and use, duties, AB 328
Floyd Lamb State Park, approval of conveyance or name change, SB 444**
Homelessness, Advisory Committee on, creation, membership, AB 259
Joint rules (See Standing rules, this heading)
Legislative Building
Defibrillator, availability, AB 441**
Food or beverages catered or delivered, exemption from certain law, AB 542*
Senator Lawrence Jacobsen, naming for, SB 365
Legislative Fund
Educational technology consultant, employment, SB 191†
Employees, salary increase, AB 555**
General appropriations, AB 553**
Peace officer study committee, AB 158
Public Lands, Committee on, SB 5
Session expenses, SB 1**
Taxation, Public Revenue and Tax Policy, Committee on, SB 509
Authorized expenditures, SB 504**
Homeland Security Commission, payment of legislative members, AB 441**
Public Lands, Committee on, compensation of member, AB 487
Silver State Commission on Prescription Drugs, payment of expenses, AB 307
Travel allowances, reimbursements, SB 368
Lobbyists (See LOBBYISTS)
Lotteries, powers, AJR 1, AJR 2
Postage, express charges, newspapers, telecommunications and stationery, SB 391, SJR 11‡, AJR 7†, SR 2‡, AR 2‡
Travel expenses during interim, SB 368
Communications with constituents by mail, SB 391
Election contests, AB 526*
Financial disclosure statements, filing, SB 147**, AB 529*
Industrial insurance coverage, SB 193**
Retirement, receipt of benefits while in office, AB 360
Citizens' commission to fix, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Commission to Review Compensation, creation, duties, AB 464
Removal of limit on number of days received, SJR 11‡, AJR 7†, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Stipends for loss of income as result of legislative service, SB 391
Vacancy in office due to catastrophe, filling, AB 441**
Professions or occupations, refusal of service to Legislator based on voting record prohibited, SB 311
Property tax exemptions, duties, SJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Public purchasing, legislative intent regarding private sources, SB 406
Public Utilities Commission, confirmation of appointees, SB 102†
Reports, receipt
Achievement and proficiency examinations, AB 264†
Administrator-pupil ratio, AB 506
Alternative schedules, programs of instruction based on, SB 59**
Certified teachers, number, SB 390
Child welfare system, AB 132*
Clark County, assistance to underutilized businesses, AB 174
Clark County School District, SB 190, AB 396**, AB 506
Class-size reduction, SB 44, SB 508
Dementia patients, provision of long-term care, AB 323**
Disability Services, Office of, SB 164**
Discipline plans for public schools, AB 218**
Educational technology grants, SB 191
Electronic commerce, SB 314**
Federal Grants Acquisition, Office of, AB 281
Health Authority, State, SB 289†
Health care, external reviews, AB 79*
Health coverage by associations of self-insured private employers, SB 64
Homeland security, AB 441**
Homeland Security, Nevada Advisory Committee on, SB 175
Homelessness, Advisory Committee on, AB 259
Hospital Patients, Bureau for, AB 137**
Hospitals receiving referrals from physicians with financial interest, SB 156
Human Resources, Department of, SB 137**
Information Technology Advisory Board, AB 88
Insurance companies, use of consumer credit reports, SB 319*
Joint enforcement of laws governing transportation and vehicles, AB 195**
Local improvement districts for certain projects, SB 495**
Magnet schools, SB 254
Medicaid, SB 374
Medical malpractice insurance, SB 122*, SB 250**, SB 292†
Mental health consortia, AB 6*
Mental Health Plan Implementation Commission, SB 301**
Minority Health, Division of, SB 462
Motor vehicle licensing and registration, pilot program, SB 213, SB 384, AB 324**
Murder and manslaughter cases, AB 13**
No Child Left Behind Act, reports related to, SB 191
Prescription drug coverage for certain persons, AB 504*
Prescription Drugs, Silver State Commission on, AB 307
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, State Board of, AB 146**
Professional Standards in Education Commission, membership, SB 390
Racial profiling, SB 360
Regional development districts, SB 328*
Registry Fund, annual statement, SB 255, AB 232*
Safe and respectful learning environment in schools, AB 513
Social studies courses, AB 508
State Engineer, AB 213**
Suicide prevention program, statewide, SB 49**
Superintendent of Public Instruction, SB 191
Transportation Improvement Program, SB 330
Traumatic brain injuries program, SB 164†
Travel Agent Recovery Fund, AB 343*
Washoe County, flood control projects, SB 490**
Water entities, review, SB 216**
Weed control grant program, SB 75
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, SB 275
Wildlife, Division of, SB 420*
Sales and use tax exemptions, duties, SJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Districts, boundaries, AB 375*
Hall of Fame inductions
Jacobsen, Lawrence E., SR 6‡
Monroe, Warren L. "Snowy", SR 5‡
Jacobsen, Lawrence E., honored for service, SB 365, ACR 4‡, SR 6‡
Majority leader
Appointments made by
Criminal justice study committee, SCR 32‡
Educational Technology, Commission on, SB 68**
Higher Education Programs, Committee to Evaluate, AB 203**
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, AB 441**
Information Technology Advisory Board, AB 88
Interstate Juvenile Supervision, Nevada State Council for, SB 242
Labor Relations for State Employees, Board for, AB 65†
Limousines, study committee, AB 518†
Mental Health Plan Implementation Commission, SB 301**
Minority Health Division, Advisory Committee, SB 462
Mortgage Brokers and Agents, Board for Regulation of, AB 490†
Obesity study subcommittee, SCR 13‡
Prescription Drugs, Silver State Commission on, AB 307
Public Employee-Management Relations Board, AB 65
Solar Energy Systems Demonstration Project, Committee for, AB 431†
Tax Policy in Nevada, Task Force on, AB 281
Taxation, Public Revenue and Tax Policy Committee, SB 509
Technological Crime, Advisory Board for Task Force for, SB 300†
Telecommunications study advisory committee, ACR 19†
Transportation, Committee on, SB 56 of the 71st Session
Bill draft requests, time for, AB 542*
Consumer's Advocate, reports, SB 421
Taxation, Public Revenue and Tax Policy Committee, member, SB 509
Minority leader
Bill draft requests, time for, AB 542*
Information Technology Advisory Board, appointments, AB 88
Obesity study subcommittee, appointment, SCR 13‡
Taxation, Public Revenue and Tax Policy Committee, duties, SB 509
Raggio, William J., commended for induction into Chapel of Four Chaplains, SCR 1‡
Annual sessions, AJR 7
Convening outside state capital, authority, SJR 9
Expenses, appropriation, SB 1**
Special sessions
Convening on legislative petition, AJR 7, AJR 13‡
Holding outside state capital, authority, SJR 9, AJR 7†
Limit on duration and consideration of matters, AJR 7, AJR 13‡
Solicitation or acceptance of campaign contributions, AB 541*
Vacancy in Governor's office due to catastrophe, convening to fill, AB 441**
Special License Plates, Commission on, membership, AB 358**
Standing rules
Adoption, AR 3‡
Cell phones and pagers, use (Rule 21), AR 3‡
Election contests (Rule 45), AR 3‡
Joint resolutions (Rule 118), AR 3‡
Motions (Rule 60), AR 3‡
Standing committees (Rule 40), AR 3‡
Joint rules
Action on bills, time for (Rule 14.3), ACR 1‡
Adjournment sine die (Rule 9.5), SCR 26‡
Adoption, ACR 1‡
Delivery of bill drafts (Rule 16), ACR 1‡
Reapportionment, rules repealed, ACR 1‡
Adoption, SR 1‡
General file (Rule 113), SR 1‡
Printing of bills (Rule 111), SR 1‡
Remarks from the floor (Rule 120), SR 1‡
Standing committees (Rule 40), SR 1‡, SR 8‡
State park transferred to local government, duties, AB 287**
State parks, monuments or recreational areas, approval of name changes, SB 144**
Tobacco settlement proceeds, scholarships or student loans, duties, AJR 10
University Regents, fixing of term of office, AJR 11‡
Construction contracts, security to be provided by certain property owners, AB 316
Depositories of public money, collateral, SB 447
Housing Division, issuance, SB 78**
Penalties, AB 78*
Sexual assault of child following previous conviction, penalty, AB 78*
Abstracts of votes, transmittal to public libraries, SB 262*
Ballot questions regarding public libraries, procedures, AB 293*
Halfway houses for substance abuse recovery, limitation on location, SB 236
Law library board of trustees, recording of proceedings, SB 229
On-line access licenses, appropriation, SB 185
School libraries (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
State Library and Archives (See CULTURAL AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF)
Taxpayers on secured roll, posting of list, AB 533**
Aircraft liens, notice to Department of Motor Vehicles unnecessary, SB 161
Brands and marks, fee, AB 130**
Common-interest communities, SB 100*, SB 136*, SB 438, AB 43
Contaminated property, costs of clean-up by state, AB 485**
Farm products, notice of lien, AB 92*
Federal lien certificates, fees, SB 238, SB 382, AB 92*, AB 243, AB 281
Mechanics' and materialmen's liens
Actions by claimants, SB 206*
Awards by court, SB 206*
Definitions, SB 206*
Extension of lien, SB 206*
Foreclosure, SB 206*
Notices or orders, recording, SB 206*
Perfection of liens, SB 206*
Preferred liens, SB 206*
Prime contractors, recovery and withholdings, SB 206*, AB 317
Priority of lien, SB 206*
Release of lien, SB 206*
Waiver or modification of rights, prohibitions, SB 206*
Works of improvement, notice of intent to lien, recordation of surety bond, SB 206*
Medicaid, recovery of benefits paid, AB 445**
Nuisance abatement, recovery of costs, AB 135**
Property tax liens, SB 440**, AB 200, AB 442, AB 533**
Recording, AB 533**
Campaign practices (See also CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)
Special legislative sessions, restrictions on solicitation or acceptance of contributions, AB 541*
Catastrophic emergencies, duties, AB 441**
Salary, citizens' commission to fix, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Board of Directors, composition, SB 319*
Computer information transactions, breach of contract, SB 463
Constructional defect cases, SB 241**, SB 371†, AB 373, AB 449
Dismissal of action, extension of time to recommence action, AB 40*
Estates, actions belonging to decedent, SB 207*
Medical or dental malpractice, SB 97, SB 250†, Initiative Petition
Products liability, AB 9
Securities, civil and criminal limitations, AB 163
Silicone injections or implants, revival of certain actions, AB 50
Annual lists, AB 536
Articles of organization, contents, SB 436*
Deposits, solicitations made in state, acceptance, SB 436*
Dissolution, effect on constructional defect actions, AB 446
Filing of documents, requirements, fees, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, SB 509, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Foreign companies, duties, AB 536
Gaming entities, acquisition or disposition of interest, SB 432
Judgment creditors, satisfaction of, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Meetings, notice, SB 436*
Mergers, conversions or exchanges, procedures, SB 436*
Officers and employees
Industrial insurance coverage of managers, AB 185**
Powers, SB 436*
Resident agents (See RESIDENT AGENTS)
Transacting business in state, acts excluded, SB 436*
Annual lists, AB 536
Deposits, solicitations made in state, acceptance, SB 436*
Filing of documents, requirements, fees, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, SB 509, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Foreign partnerships, duties, AB 536
Gaming entities, acquisition or disposition of interest, SB 432
Judgment creditors, satisfaction of, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Limited-liability limited partnerships, registration, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Mergers, conversions or exchanges, procedures, SB 436*
Resident agents (See RESIDENT AGENTS)
Transacting business in state, acts excluded, SB 436*
Allocation, legislative study, AB 518**
Annual fees, AB 518**
Conditions of employment, SB 192
Conduct while on duty, standards, SB 192
Definition, SB 192
Fingerprints, submission, SB 192
Permits, SB 192
Physician's certificate, SB 192
Prohibited acts, SB 192
Safety belts, use, AB 226†
Training regarding disabilities, SB 192
Impoundment of vehicles, SB 192
Legislative study of mass transit needs, SCR 31‡
Passengers, use of safety belts, minors in front seat prohibited, AB 226†
LINCOLN COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
Fairgrounds, funding for restoration, SB 144**, AB 31
State Public Defender, fees for services, SB 504**
Consolidation with Clark County School District, AB 264†
Creation, SB 336**
Highly hazardous substances, applicability of laws, SB 127*
Audio recordings of proceedings, public records, SB 229
State Budget Act, exemption, SB 173**
Appropriation of public water (See WATER)
Diseased animals
Development of plan for joint enforcement of laws, AB 195**
Quarantine, reimbursement for destroyed animals, SB 486**
Feral livestock, control, SB 486**
Organic agricultural products, certification of producers and handlers, AB 75**
Pasturing in cemetery, crime repealed, AB 10*
Personal property tax exemption removed, SB 293
Sheep (See SHEEP)
Tax to promote beef, repeal, SB 486**
Energy conservation, program to purchase equipment for, AB 314
Installment loans (See INSTALLMENT LOANS)
Obstetricians, loan repayment program, appropriation, AB 404
Real property, loans secured by
Disclosure of terms to borrowers, SB 348
Unfair lending practices, AB 284*
Student loans
Education students, establishment of program, appropriation, AB 264†
Nursing student program, appropriation, SB 448
Tobacco settlement proceeds, use, AJR 10
LCB professional services, prohibited acts regarding requests for, SB 221*
Monthly reports, regulations, penalties, AB 542*
Special sessions, restrictions on contributions, AB 541*
Board, name change, composition and duties, AB 65
Discrimination prohibited, AB 65
Elections, representation by employee organizations, AB 545
Fair share agreements, AB 182
Mandatory bargaining, scope, AB 264†
School personnel
Binding arbitration abolished, AB 279
Strikes, authority, prohibited acts, AB 65, AB 279
Suspensions, demotions and dismissals, arbitration, waiver or change of provisions by agreement, AB 354
Strikes, authority, prohibited acts, AB 65, AB 279
Trust funds for health and welfare benefits, requirements, AB 388**
Incorporated towns, duties, SB 347
Public utilities acquired by local governments, duties, SB 442, AB 361**
Salary increases for certain elected officers, waivers, SB 53, AB 23**, AB 66
Sample advisory ballot questions, duties, SB 449*
Appropriations, unlawful expenditures of money in excess of amount appropriated, exceptions, AB 149**
Audit reports, contents, SB 429**
Bonds and other obligations
Consolidation of local governments, payment of bonded indebtedness, SB 441
Funds to stabilize operation of local government, use, SB 447
Investment and reinvestment of proceeds by large municipalities, SB 141**
Performing arts centers, financing, AB 554
Professional sports stadiums, financing, SB 497**, AB 554
Regional transportation projects, SB 237**, AB 455
Special districts, pledge of revenue for payment of certain bonds, SB 467**
Tax levies approved by voters exempt from limit on total tax levy, SB 474
Water authority bonds, acquisition by county, SB 140**
City-county relief tax (See CITY-COUNTY RELIEF TAX)
Depositories of public money, requirements, SB 447
Enterprise funds, use, SB 452**
Ethics Commission, assessments for support, AB 551**
Forfeiture accounts, use of proceeds, AB 549**
Governmental services tax (See GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES TAX)
Infrastructure tax (See INFRASTRUCTURE, TAX FOR)
Limit on revenue from taxes ad valorem, exemptions, AB 199**
Local Government Tax Distribution Account
Allocations, SB 469**
Commercial area vitalization projects, distributions, AB 499
Deduction from allocations for certain claims, AB 551**
Deposits, AB 387
Pari-mutuel wagering, transfer of portion of licensing fees to certain counties, SB 3**
Property tax (See also PROPERTY TAX)
Combined tax rate, certification, SB 468, SB 474
Consolidation of local governments, payment of bonded indebtedness, SB 441
Distribution of certain local revenue to state, SB 308
Exemption of certain levies from total ad valorem tax levy, SB 238, SB 468, SB 474, AB 243, AB 281
Financial emergencies, levy, SB 238, SB 468, SB 474, AB 243, AB 281
Public transit fund, sources, use, SB 237**
Sales tax, imposition in financial emergencies, AB 514*
School districts (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)
Special districts, conditional exemptions from annual audit requirement, AB 149**
Stabilize operation of local government, funds to, use in small counties, SB 447
Trust funds for health and welfare benefits, SB 28**, AB 388**
Utilities, local entities to make payments in lieu of taxes upon acquisition of expansion, SB 442, AB 361**
Local bidders, preferences, AB 483
Recreational facilities, certain advertising contracts exempt from laws, SB 146**
Safety equipment for fire or law enforcement agency, exemption, AB 147**
Vendors contracting with government agencies, agreements exempt, SB 146**
Clark County, award of contracts to underutilized businesses, AB 174
Counties less than 100,000, advertising and award of contracts, AB 86*
Energy conservation in public buildings, contracts with qualified service companies, AB 398**
Governing bodies and members, contracts between, AB 539**
Joinder or use of contracts of another state, authority, SB 146**
Performance or delivery date, consideration in award of contracts, AB 147**
Private sources of procurement, legislative intent, SB 406
Response agencies, purchase of information or communication system, AB 441**
Sales tax, imposition on items purchased for resale to public, SB 404
Distribution of certain taxes, SB 308
Motor vehicle fuel, use of taxes on, SB 293
Sales tax, imposition, refunds, AB 514*
Distribution of certain taxes, SB 308
Art projects, acquisition, procedures, SB 495**
Commercial area vitalization projects, restrictions on tax distributions, AB 499
Maintenance districts, creation, assessments, AB 499
Tourism and entertainment projects, acquisition, procedures, SB 495**
Abatement for eligible machinery or equipment used by certain new or expanded businesses, SB 293, SB 473**, AB 356†
Costs of collection, reimbursement, SB 238, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281, AB 387
Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement, provisions to carry out, AB 514*
Credit for business within zone for economic development, removal, SB 293
Definitions, SB 293
Aircraft, engines and components, exemption removed, SB 293, AB 514*
Animals and plants intended for human consumption, feed and fertilizer, exemption removed, SB 293
Charitable, educational or religious organizations
Contractors for organizations, removal of exemption for property sold to or used by, SB 293
Health care, delivery through hospital or medical facility, SB 353**
Loaned or donated personal property, exemption removed, SB 293
Sales of personal property by or to, exemption removed, SB 293
Claims, requirements, AB 514*
Constitutional requirements for enactment, SJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Containers, exemption removed, SB 293
Electricity generation, utilization of renewable energy resources, SB 489**
Farm machinery and equipment, exemption removed, SB 293, AB 514*
Fuel used to propel motor vehicle, exemption removed, SB 293
Government purchases for resale to public, exemption removed, SB 404
Governmental entities, personal property sold, loaned or donated to, SB 293
Lease of certain purchased property to exempt entity, SB 313**
Manufactured homes and mobile homes, exemption removed, SB 293
Medicines and medical devices for older persons, AB 351
Motor vehicles transferred between governmental entities, SB 313**
Newspapers, exemption removed, SB 293, AB 387
Occasional sales of tangible personal property, exemption removed, SB 293
Public works contracts, personal property used for performance, exemption removed, SB 293
Racing vehicles, engines and parts, exemption removed, SB 293, AB 514*
Solar thermal energy systems and solar lighting systems, SB 489**
Textbooks sold within University System, exemption removed, SB 293
Used vehicle taken in trade, exemption removed, AB 387
Vessels sold to nonresidents or taken in trade, SB 464*
Works of fine art for public display, exemption removed, SB 293, AB 514*
Joint and several liability for payment, AB 531**
Local improvements, pledge of certain revenues for art, tourism and entertainment projects, SB 495**
Motor vehicles, computation of tax on occasional sales, repeal, AB 514*
Sellers' permits, fees, SB 238, AB 243
Vessels, tax on occasional sales, SB 464†
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Board of Examiners for Administrators of Facilities for Long-Term Care
Assisted living facilities, duties, AB 326†
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Composition, AB 326†
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Dementia, continuing education requirements, AB 323**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 323**, AB 337
Geriatrics and gerontology, training required, AB 349†
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Renewal, prerequisites, AB 323**
Suspension or revocation, AB 55**, AB 323**, AB 481
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Multistate lotteries, participation by state, AJR 2
Operation by state, AJR 1
Occupational disease coverage for certain employees, SB 184†, AB 479
Sexual assault of or lewdness with a child following previous conviction, penalty, AB 78*
Unlawful acts, penalties, SB 300**, SB 394**, SB 460**
Unlawful acts, penalties, SB 394**
LYON COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
Odeon Hall, appropriation for purchase, SB 380
Silver Springs Water and Sewer District, creation, AB 363
Western Nevada Development District, designation, SB 328*
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, creation, SB 275
Performance audit, AB 162
Manufacture, import, sale, giving or lending unlawful, penalty, SB 199*
Legislative study, SCR 31‡
Occupational licensing board or commission members, penalties, SB 310*
Applicability of laws, AB 320*
Clinical trials or studies, coverage for treatment, AB 502*
Collection of fees from insured patients, limitation, AB 70
Colorectal cancer screening, coverage, SB 183*
Continuous treatment by provider, coverage, AB 261, AB 320*
Dispute resolution procedures, requirements, SB 171, AB 79*
Health care providers
Contracts, required and prohibited provisions, SB 97, AB 320*
Motor vehicle insurance, prohibited acts related to, AB 280
Panel of providers, fee for inclusion prohibited, SB 163, AB 320*
Schedule of payments, receipt, SB 163, AB 320*
Independent review of adverse determinations, SB 23, SB 171, AB 79*
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Medical directors, qualifications, SB 281*
Preauthorized care, coverage, AB 269
Quality improvement committee, qualifications of director, SB 281*
District attorneys, reports to Supreme Court, AB 13**
Employers, receipt of information on voluntary manslaughter, SB 303, AB 155**
Certificates of occupancy, issuance, AB 262**
Installation, inspection and enforcement, AB 262**
Property tax, classification as real property, AB 262**
Account for Education and Recovery, fees, claims against, AB 212**
Agreements with licensed providers of services, authority, AB 262**
Background checks of licensees, procedures, AB 155**
Deceptive trade practices, applicability of laws, AB 262**
Felony convictions, grounds for discipline, AB 55**, AB 337
License fees, AB 212**
Limited servicemen, scope of work, AB 262**
Sales, disclosures, SB 204*
Closure of park, payment for costs of moving certain homes, AB 498**
Construction contracts, security requirements for certain works of improvement, SB 206*
Conversion to individually owned lots, procedures, AB 245*, AB 498**
Park facilities, tenant's exclusive use, AB 498**
Refunds, calculation of interest, AB 498**
Disclosure regarding crimes or diseases immaterial to transaction, SB 204*
Energy conservation, loan program to purchase equipment for, AB 314
Eviction, expedited proceedings, causes, AB 498**
Fees or charges, prohibited acts, AB 184
Flag of United States, conditions on display restricted, SB 359**, AB 408
Managers and assistant managers, continuing education, AB 498**
Methamphetamine manufacture near park, additional penalty, AB 33*
Nonprofit organizations, membership on boards of directors, AB 230**
Office hours or landlord's availability, posting of notice, AB 498**
Profitability of park, preparation and dissemination of annual statement, AB 352
Increase, procedure, AB 184
Nonpayment, eviction, AB 498**
Review Board, creation, duties, AB 184
Rental agreements
Prospective tenants, right to review, AB 498**
Termination by landlord, grounds, AB 498**
Sales of older homes in parks, disclosures, AB 352
Set up and installation of homes, duties of landlords and tenants, AB 498**
Sign containing contact information for Division, posting, AB 498**
Water meters, requirement for individual meters, AB 230**
Zoning regulation, restriction or boundary, notice of hearings, SB 30, SB 176*
Actions against licensees, payments from Account for Education and Recovery, AB 212†
County water or sewer services, collection of delinquent fees, SB 54**
Deceptive trade practices, applicability of laws, AB 262**
Energy conservation, loan program to purchase equipment for, AB 314
Firearms, unlawful discharge, SB 40*
Homesteads (See HOMESTEADS)
Installation, sale or occupancy services, performance, AB 262**
Methamphetamine manufacture near residence, additional penalty, AB 33*
Property tax (See PROPERTY TAX)
Sales and use taxes, exemption removed, SB 293
Sales, disclosures
Methamphetamine manufacture on premises, SB 204*
Older homes, AB 352
Controlled substances, possession of materials to manufacture, SB 394**
Explosives and highly hazardous substances, regulation, investigation of accidents, SB 67, SB 127*
Extremely hazardous materials, fees for manufacture, SB 201†, AB 486
Industrial machinery and equipment, supplier-dealer relationships, AB 369†
Machine guns or silencers, unlawful acts, SB 199*
Methamphetamine, additional penalty for certain violations, AB 33*
Pharmaceutical companies, reports, licensure, SB 387*, SB 425*
Switchblade knives, issuance of permits, SB 199*, AB 423
Universal energy charge, exemption for electrolytic-manufacturing processes removed, SB 121
Driving under the influence, penalties, AB 362
Medical marijuana
Osteopathic physicians, applicability of laws, SB 281*, AB 130**, AB 503
Propagation facilities, use of single facility by two persons, AB 503
Registry identification cards, qualifications, contents and fees, AB 130**, AB 503
State parks, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 282
Washoe County, use of fuel tax proceeds for certain projects, SB 237**, AB 455
Advisory Committee abolished, SB 216**, AB 164
Legislative Committee for Review and Oversight, creation, SB 216**
Annulment, effect on revocable inter vivos trusts, AB 101*
Commissioner of civil marriages, office hours in Clark County, AB 94**
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Board of Examiners for Marriage and Family Therapists
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Regulations, review, SB 329*
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, denial, suspension or revocation, AB 55**, AB 337, AB 481
Problem Gambling, Board to Certify Counselors on, representation, SB 349
Professional corporations to provide mental health services, formation, SB 65**
Regulation, AB 478
Licensing and regulation, SB 338
Constructional defect cases, SB 241**
Criminal proceedings in district court, powers generally, AB 133**
Duties, admissibility of certain evidence in proceedings against, AB 61
Fetal alcohol syndrome, duties, Advisory Subcommittee abolished, SB 307*
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Constructional defect cases, SB 241**
State employee organizations, AB 65
Assessments on nursing facilities, use for Medicaid reimbursements, AB 395**
Children's medical care and higher-level placements, appropriation, AB 469**
Community-based services for persons with disabilities
Administration of program, SB 164**
Study of use of Medicaid benefits to cover costs of services, SB 137**
Continuous treatment by health care provider, coverage, AB 261, AB 320*
Eligibility, agreements with Federal Government regarding determination, SB 138
Foster children, coverage, AB 5
Health care facilities, reimbursements for staffing violations, AB 313†
Hospitals, payments for treating disproportionate share of patients, SB 235, AB 297, AB 482**
Institutional long-term care
Dementia, coverage, AB 323**
Nonfederal share of costs, payment by state in certain counties, AB 482†
Legislative study, SB 289**
Long-term care, eligibility of certain senior citizens repealed, AB 445**
Management Information System, reversion of appropriation extended, AB 255**
Medicaid Budget Account, appropriation, SB 235
Prescription drug coverage
Antiretroviral drugs, restrictions on access prohibited, AB 384**, AB 430
Changes to prescriptions, prohibited acts, SB 374
Discriminatory acts prohibited, SB 374
Drug Use Review Board, duties, AB 384**
Drug Utilization Review Board, creation, duties, SB 321
List of preferred drugs, requirements, AB 384**
Management techniques, use, prohibited acts, SB 374
Medicaid waiver to extend coverage to certain persons, AB 504*
Mental illness, restrictions on access to drug prohibited, AB 384**, AB 430
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, creation, duties, AB 384**
Prior authorization requirements, procedures, SB 321, SB 374, AB 384**
Rebates or other program benefits from manufacturers, negotiations, AB 384†
Step therapy, use, AB 384**
Recovery of benefits paid, AB 445**
School districts, provision of health services, AB 264†
State's share of caseload and county-match requirements, appropriation, AB 471**
Statewide informational and referral system, establishment, SB 239, SCR 11‡
Transfer of certain duties to Department of Human Resources, AB 501*
Assisted living, facilities for, licensing and regulation, AB 326*
Aversive intervention, definitions, use on persons with disabilities, AB 500
Collection of fees from insured patients, limitation, AB 70
Communicable diseases, emergency isolation or quarantine, SB 82**
Dependent, facilities for the
Definition, AB 326†
Mental health facilities, privileges of psychologists, SB 326
Fire safety, governmental duties, SB 458
Fishing permits, issuance, SB 420*
Heart transplant facility, study, appropriations, AB 333
Home health care agencies, surety bonds, SB 84**
Hospitals (See HOSPITALS)
Industrial insurance treatment, submission of claims for payment, SB 168**
Intermediate care or skilled nursing, facilities for
Assessments, imposition and use, AB 395**
Dementia, continuing education requirements, long-term care, AB 323**
Prescriptions, reissuance of unused drugs, SB 327*
Surety bonds, filing and amount, SB 84**
License fees, installment payments, SB 412**
Medical gas systems, regulation, SB 458
Mental health facilities (See also RURAL HEALTH)
Employees, prohibited acts, ineligibility for employment, AB 500
Inpatient, privileges of psychologists, SB 326
Mobile units, exceptions to regulation as medical facility, SB 96**
Nursing facility administrators (See LONG-TERM CARE, ADMINISTRATORS OF FACILITIES FOR)
Referrals to facilities in which physician has financial interest, SB 156
Sales tax exemption for certain facilities, SB 353**
Spine centers, referrals, licensure, SB 156
Staffing requirements, study, AB 313*
Visitation rights of patients, SB 386**
Insured patients, limitation on collection of fees from, AB 70
Major hospitals, acceptance of payments for care of diverted patients, SB 95
Non-indigent patients, hospital fee below cost of service prohibited, public information, SB 284
Trauma centers, reduction of charges for certain insured patients, AB 228
Creation, SB 188
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Expert witnesses, reports in lieu of appearances, SB 433
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, suspension or revocation, AB 55**, AB 337, AB 481
Results of examinations, disclosure, SB 24**
Technicians, assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Attorneys' fees, limitation, SB 97†, AB 9, Initiative Petition
Bond or other security, posting by certain plaintiffs, SB 272
Collateral sources, effect, evidence, SB 97†, AB 9, AB 187, Initiative Petition
Exemptions from execution, SB 70*
Future economic damages, payment, SB 97†, AB 9, Initiative Petition
Itemization of award of damages, AB 9, AB 187
Liability of insurers, AB 320†
Noneconomic damages
Limitation, several liability, SB 97, SB 257, AB 9, AB 187, Initiative Petition
Treatises and other publications, use by trier of fact, SB 257
Prior payments by or on behalf of defendant, reduction of damages, AB 9
Dismissal of action, provision repealed, SB 97
District courts, statistical reports, SB 250†
Benefit penalties, recovery by certain health care providers, SB 250†
Claims-made policies, extended reporting endorsements, SB 122*, SB 250**
Closed claims, duties of Insurance Division, reports, AB 453*
Extended reporting endorsements, offering required, SB 250**
Duties, penalties, SB 97, SB 250**, AB 320*, AB 453*
Essential medical specialties, restrictions on termination or cancellation of policies, SB 122*, AB 320*
Reports regarding claims, SB 97, SB 250**, AB 453*
Rights and responsibilities, SB 122*, SB 250**, AB 320*
Withdrawal of certain insurers from market, procedures, SB 122†, AB 320*
Basis for premiums, SB 122*
Subsidies for certain providers of prenatal care, SB 188, SB 389
Rates and premiums
Average rate for premium, determination, AB 320†
Disclosures to providers concerning underwriting decisions, AB 320*
Exemptions from rate procedure laws, prohibition, SB 122*, AB 320*
Increase in rates, procedures, SB 97, SB 122*, SB 250†, AB 320*
Intervention or providing testimony in hearings, authorization, SB 122*, AB 320*
Reduction in premiums for certain policies, SB 97, SB 250**
Refusal to issue policy, disclosures to provider, AB 320*
Settlement agreements, confidentiality restricted, SB 122*
Studies, SB 122*, SB 250†, SB 292**
Subsidies for certain providers, SB 188, SB 250†, SB 389
Tail coverage
Offering by certain insurers required, SB 122†
Premiums, inclusion of formulas in policies, SB 250†
Judgments, review by Insurance Division, AB 320*
Limitation of actions, SB 97, SB 250†, Initiative Petition
Notice of intent to file action, duties, SB 250†
Reports to licensing boards, availability on Internet, SB 250**, SB 257
Screening panels, creation, SB 97, AB 300
Agreements, confidentiality restricted, SB 122*
Conferences, attendance by defendant and insurer, AB 320†
Demands, certain information and independent counsel to be provided defendant, SB 122†, AB 320*
Review by Insurance Division, AB 320*
Children's records, accessibility to parents, AB 54
Criminal offenders, exchange of records between state agencies, SB 90**
Deceased patients, certain persons authorized to access records, SB 24*
Elder abuse, inspection of records by law enforcement agencies, AB 59
Laboratory reports, disclosure, SB 24**
Power of attorney for access to records, notice of rights, SB 24†
Burglary of research facilities, penalty, AB 191
Guardians, authority over ward's treatment, AB 365*
Prescription drugs and pharmacy services, coverage, AJR 15‡
Agendas and other materials, receipt via e-mail, AB 409**
Applicability of laws, SB 229
Arts Council, Nevada, Board, AB 224**
Audio recordings, requirements, SB 229
Closed meetings, notice, disclosure of minutes, SB 229
Collective bargaining by state employees, applicability of laws, AB 65
Constructional Defect Commission, applicability of laws, SB 371
County ballot questions, laws inapplicable, AB 125*
County commissioner meetings outside county seat, notice, AB 46*
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, AB 441**
Information Technology Advisory Board, AB 88
Malpractice screening panels, SB 97, AB 300
Medical Examiners, Board of, SB 229†, SB 250**
Minutes, posting, retention, SB 229
Nevada Homeland Security Advisory Committee, applicability of laws, SB 175
E-mail, use, AB 409**
Requirements, SB 229
Organic Agricultural Products, Advisory Council for, AB 75**
Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of, SB 229
Public comment before certain votes required, SB 229
Public Utilities Commission, SB 102†
Rural agricultural residential common-interest communities, SB 100*
Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition, SB 79**
Sparks room tax, deliberations regarding, AB 205**
Voting, effect of abstention by member of certain public bodies, SB 16**
Welfare Board, State, AB 501*
Clark County, appropriation to establish mental health component, SB 151
Client defined, SB 179**
Eighth Judicial District, funding for mental health court, AB 238
Fishing permits, issuance, SB 420*
Laughlin Family Resource Center, appropriation, AB 183
Mental health consortia, duties regarding plans for services to emotionally disturbed children, AB 6*
Minors, problems recognized and screenings urged, ACR 31
Prescriptions, reissuance of unused drugs, SB 327*
Psychiatry, license to practice in certain mental health centers, SB 133**
Psychologists, privileges at facilities, SB 326
Rural clinics
Authority of nurses to dispense dangerous drugs, SB 83**
Supplemental appropriation, SB 408**
Creation, SB 301**
Admission to mental health facilities
Defendants acquitted by reason of insanity, procedure, AB 156**
Emergency admissions
Medical treatment in medical facility other than hospital, SB 94**
Period of detention, SB 179**
Guardians, powers, AB 365*
Allegedly mentally ill persons, examination and transfer, SB 179**
Aversive intervention, definitions, use by medical facilities, AB 500
Criminal proceedings
Competency of defendants
Certification of providers of reports or evaluations, SB 403, AB 156**
Determination, SB 89**
Treatment to competency, SB 179**
Court programs, administrative assessments to fund, SB 108, AB 29**
Evaluation and treatment of defendants, exchange of records, SB 90**
First degree murder
Mitigating circumstances, AB 14
Questionnaires relating to cases, AB 13†
Insanity defense reinstated, procedure after verdict, AB 156**
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Overcrowded jails, commitments to mental health facilities, AB 303
Sound mind, persons considered of, AB 156**
Firearms, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 199*
Incapacitated minors, injury by other minors, liability, AB 385
Luring a mentally ill person, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 394**
Medicaid coverage for prescription drugs, prohibited acts, AB 384**, AB 430
Mental illness defined, SB 179**
Minors, problems recognized and screenings urged, ACR 31
Osteopathic physicians, examinations by, SB 281*
Unlawful contact with, penalty, SB 394**
Voting rights, AJR 14, AJR 3 of the 71st session‡
Aversive intervention, definitions, use by medical facilities, AB 500
Criminal defendants, treatment programs, transfer of cases, SB 179**
First degree murder, procedures, death penalty prohibited, AB 15*
Incapacitated minors, injury by other minors, liability, AB 385
Sign regarding consumption of alcohol during pregnancy, posting by food establishments, SB 307*
Voting rights, AJR 14, AJR 3 of the 71st session‡
MESQUITE, CITY OF (For general provisions, see CITIES)
High school, financing for renovation, SB 152, SB 507**
Mesquite Project, support expressed and backers commended, SCR 40‡
Manufacture, additional penalty, AB 33*
Real property transactions, disclosure regarding manufacture of drugs, SB 204*
Ballot questions, procedures, AB 293*, AB 552**
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Racial profiling (See RACIAL PROFILING)
Resort hotel security, release of certain information to, SB 41
Suicide prevention measures urged, SCR 5‡
Taxation, authority to propose ballot question for additional levy, SB 334**
Adjutant General, duties regarding educational benefits, SB 306
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Supplemental appropriation, SB 493**
Fluid milk products, regulations, AB 111*
MINERAL COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
Western Nevada Development District, designation, SB 328*
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, creation, SB 275
Audio recordings of proceedings, duties, SB 229
Affidavits of labor and claims, recording, AB 533**
Permits for exploration projects or mining operations, surety requirements, AB 321
Tailings ponds, permit fees, SB 420*
Child abuse reports, confessor-confessant exemption removed, SB 223
Legislative religious services, compensation, ACR 28‡
Clark County, programs to assist underutilized businesses, AB 174
Community redevelopment, employment plans, AB 456
Discrimination (See DISCRIMINATION)
Division of Minority Health, creation, SB 462
Equal Pay Day recognized and fair pay practices urged, ACR 17‡
Indians (See INDIANS)
Latino Research and Advocacy, Institute for, establishment, AB 382
Legislative study of employment and housing opportunities, SB 249
Medical and dental scholarships, appropriation, SB 101
Motor vehicle sales forms, availability in Spanish, AB 223*
Nevada Commission on Minority Affairs, creation, SB 249
Racial profiling (See RACIAL PROFILING)
School pupils with limited English proficiency, achievement tests, SB 191, AB 179
State employment, waiver of state immunity regarding federal labor laws, AB 341
Abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Adoption (See ADOPTION)
Amber Alert System, creation, AB 322**
Birth defects, appropriation for statewide information system, SB 98
Child care (See CHILD CARE)
Contracts for artistic, creative or athletic services or intellectual property, petition for judicial approval, AB 288*
Death penalty, minimum age for sentencing, AB 118
Driving under the influence (See also DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE)
Study urged, SCR 15‡
Fishing permits, issuance to certain entities, SB 420*
Halfway houses for substance abuse recovery, limitation on location, SB 236
Identification cards, renewal fees, SB 483*
Incapacitated minors, injury by other minors, liability, AB 385
Lewdness with a child, penalties, AB 78*
Luring minors, unlawful acts, SB 300**, SB 394**, SB 460**
Medical records of deceased minor, access by parent or guardian, SB 24*
Mental illness, problem recognized and screening urged, ACR 31
Methamphetamine manufacture in presence of minor, additional penalty, AB 33*
Motor vehicles
Child restraint devices and safety belts (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Drivers' licenses (See DRIVERS' LICENSES)
Leaving child unattended in vehicle, penalty, SB 17
Taxicabs or limousines, restrictions on riding in, AB 226†
Transportation of passengers under 18, restrictions, liability, SB 256
Sexual assault of minor under 16, penalties, AB 62, AB 78*
Uniform Child Witness Testimony by Alternative Methods Act, adoption, SB 43*
Unlawful contact with a child, penalty, SB 394**
Unsafe products, prohibitions against sale, lease or use, AB 386
Board, residency requirements, AB 412
Election procedures, AB 125*
Taxes, distribution, SB 308
Regulation as medical facility, exceptions, SB 96**
Insurance coverage, requirements, SB 131†
Legislative study, SB 131
Licensure of persons engaged in activities relating to, SB 132
Prohibited acts against certain children and mentally ill persons, SB 394**
School personnel, immorality defined, forfeiture of rights of employment, SB 460**
Issuers of instruments for transmission or payment of money, assessments, AB 493**
Investigated corporations, duties, SB 124*
Prohibitions, SB 399
Telecommunications, prohibited acts by PAR carriers, SB 400**
Las Vegas Monorail Company, audit and performance reports, SB 362**
Legislative study of mass transit needs, SCR 31‡
Stations, advertising, use of certain revenue, AB 444*
Advertising spokesperson for broker, liability, AB 490**
Applicability of laws, AB 490**
Assessments, AB 490**, AB 493**
Board for the Regulation of Mortgage Brokers and Agents, creation, AB 490†
Certificates of exemption, AB 490**
Continuing education, AB 490**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Division of Mortgage Lending, creation, duties, AB 490**
Felony convictions, effect, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Agents, requirement, AB 490*
Brokers, renewal, AB 490**
Denial, suspension or revocation, AB 55**, AB 337, AB 481
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Inactive status, AB 490**
Relations between agents and brokers, AB 490*
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Licensure and regulation, AB 490**, AB 492
Assessments, AB 490**, AB 493**
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Qualifications, AB 55**, AB 337
Suspension or revocation, AB 55**, AB 337, AB 481
Loans secured by real property, disclosure of terms to borrowers, SB 348
Redesignated mortgage bankers, AB 490**
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Unfair lending practices, civil and criminal liability, AB 284*
Construction contracts, security to be provided by certain property owners, AB 316
Loans secured by real property, disclosure of terms to borrowers, SB 348
Recording, AB 533**
Unfair lending practices, AB 284*
Cigarette vending machines, prohibited placement, AB 96
Smoking prohibited on premises, AB 96
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Advertising, prohibited acts, remedies, SB 192, AB 518**
Allowing employees to violate laws, penalty, SB 192
Animals, unlawful transport of diseased animals, SB 486**
Annual fees, SB 192
Certificates of public convenience and necessity
Applications, fees, SB 192†
Modification, SB 192, AB 518**
Suspension or revocation, SB 192
Combinations of vehicles
Exceeding 70 feet, regulation, AB 83*
Exceeding 80,000 pounds, annual fee, AB 83*
Highways, required use of extreme right lanes, SB 157
Split weighing, SB 485*
Emission control (See AIR POLLUTION)
Filing fees, increase, SB 192
Hazardous materials transport (See HAZARDOUS MATERIALS)
Highway Watch, participants and sponsors commended, ACR 22‡
Highways, required use of extreme right lanes, SB 157
Intoxicating liquors, importation, SB 373*
License plates for support of agriculture, issuance, AB 192**
Loads dropping, sifting, leaking or escaping from vehicle, fines, SB 356
Moving companies, impoundment of vehicles, SB 192
Public Safety, Department of, powers and duties, SB 478**
Registration of vehicles
Fees, calculation, AB 265
Fleet vehicles, electronic filings, SB 405*
Governmental services tax, reduction for initial registration, AB 30**
Safety inspections, development of plan for joint enforcement of laws, AB 195**
Semitrailers or trailers
Alternative limitations on weight, repeal, AB 83*
Brake requirements for lawful sales, SB 25
Special fuel tax (See SPECIAL FUEL TAX)
Tires, maximum load weights and minimum number per axle, SB 481*
Traffic laws (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Unlawful acts, penalties, SB 192, AB 518**
Weighting of certain vehicles or combinations of vehicles, SB 485*
Recycling and disposal, regulation, AB 447
Standards for products used in internal combustion engines, adoption, AB 36*
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Claims against bonds or deposits, procedures, AB 417
Consignment sales, duties, penalty for violations, SB 69, AB 221*
Recreational vehicles, coverage under franchise provisions, SB 355
Termination or discontinuance, compensation to dealer, SB 355
Industrial machinery and equipment, supplier-dealer relationships, AB 369†
Licensing and registration of vehicles, powers, AB 434
Reports of sale or lease, processing fee, SB 501*
Sales forms, provision in Spanish, AB 223*
Salvage vehicles, sales or leases, AB 325*
Trailers, brake requirements for lawful sales, SB 25
Cities and counties, levy of additional tax, AB 364
County motor vehicle fuel tax (See COUNTY MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAX)
Deficiency determinations, notice, request for extension of time, SB 471*
Discontinuance, sale or transfer of business, duties, SB 471*
Distribution of certain proceeds among counties, AB 516**
Licensure, SB 471*
Credit card, debit card or electronic transfer, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Delinquencies, SB 471*
Dishonored checks, fees, effect, SB 471*
Holding amount collected in trust for State, SB 471*
Rate, annual adjustment for inflation, AB 516†
Rebate for certain retailers operating at competitive disadvantage, SB 343
Records, retention, SB 471*
Refunds, applications, SB 471*
Electronic submission, regulations, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Failure to file, effect, SB 471*
Special fuel tax (See SPECIAL FUEL TAX)
Transporter defined, SB 471*
Washoe County and cities of Reno and Sparks, allocation, AB 525
Abandoned vehicles, removal by police, AB 394*
Airbags, repair or replacement in salvage vehicles, AB 325*
Batteries, recycling and disposal, AB 447
Engine compression brakes, use, penalty, AB 83*
Trailers, brake requirements for lawful sales, SB 25
Buses (See BUSES)
Camper shells and slide-in campers, property tax exemption removed, SB 293
Cell phones, regulation of use while in vehicle restricted, SB 10**
Certificates of title
Certificates of ownership, redesignation, AB 178**
Definition, AB 178**
Names on documents, requirements, AB 178*
Processing fee, collection, SB 501*
Salvage vehicles, SB 212, AB 325*
Child left unattended in vehicle, penalty, SB 17
Child restraint devices (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Construction equipment (See CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT)
Drivers' licenses (See DRIVERS' LICENSES)
Drivers' records, release of information, SB 41, SB 297*, AB 400
Electric personal assistive mobility devices, exemption from regulation, SB 363*
Emission control (See AIR POLLUTION)
Exemption from execution, SB 70*
Firearms, unlawful discharge, SB 40*
Flatbed trucks, riding on bed prohibited, exceptions, AB 58, AB 444*
Fleet vehicles
Alternative fuels, conversion of certain vehicles, AB 237**
Fuel additives, use by certain vehicles, AB 359
Registration by electronic filings, SB 405*
Insurance (See INSURANCE)
Reports of lease, processing fee, SB 501*
Salvage vehicles, AB 325*
Short-term leases (See RENTAL CARS)
Trade or business use, effect, SB 482*
License plates
Agriculture, AB 192**
Aviation, SB 99
Biennial registration, fees, SB 213, AB 324*
Choose Life, SB 120
Dealers, powers, AB 434
Decals, issuance of substitute decals, AB 177**
Disabilities, persons with, AB 177*
Kerak Shrine, AB 44
Kid's Fishing Derby, AB 370
Motorcycles, AB 178*
Naturalized citizenship, AB 207, AB 358**
Organ donation, SB 99, AB 192**
Petition to issue special plates, AB 358**, AB 370
Right to bear arms, AB 115
Souvenir plates, AB 192**
Substitute plates, AB 177**
United We Stand, AB 19*
Vintage plates, AB 239*
Wetlands conservation, SB 202, AB 358**
Wildlife, SB 15
Licensing and registration
24-month registration period, SB 213, AB 324*
Administrative costs of collection of fees, amount, AB 463
Criminal fines and fees, payment as condition of registration, SB 479
Dealers, powers, AB 434
Debts owed state, suspension or revocation of registration for delinquencies, AB 457, AB 481
Employers, duties regarding compliance by employees, AB 476
Fleet vehicles, SB 405*
Heavy-duty motor vehicles, AB 36*
Joint enforcement of laws, development of plan, AB 195**
Motortrucks, truck-tractors or buses, fees, AB 265
Names on documents, requirements, notice of change, AB 177*, AB 178*
New residents
Requirements, AB 30**
Violations, reports, penalties, SB 214
Off-road vehicles, SB 117
Penalties for violations, waivers, AB 178*
Privatization of state services, pilot program, SB 384
Proof of insurance, requirements, AB 177*
Rebuilt vehicles, AB 367*
Refunds for transfers or cancellations, AB 30**, AB 477
Renewal notices, contents, SB 360
Salvage vehicles, AB 325*
Limousines (See LIMOUSINES)
Monitoring devices, definition, attachment by officer, SB 26
Motor carriers (See MOTOR CARRIERS)
Motor oil, recycling and disposal, AB 447
Motorcycles (See MOTORCYCLES)
Off-road vehicles, registration and titling, SB 117
Pickup trucks, riding in bed prohibited, exceptions, AB 58, AB 444*
Racing vehicles, sales tax exemptions, SB 293, AB 514*
Rebuilt vehicles, definition, AB 325*, AB 367*
Recreational vehicles (See RECREATIONAL VEHICLES)
Rental cars (See RENTAL CARS)
Repossession, notice of sale, AB 92†
Safety belts (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Consignment sales, financing statements, penalty, SB 69, AB 221*
Forms, provision in Spanish, AB 223*
Lease of vehicle used for trade or business does not constitute sale under certain circumstances, SB 482*
Occasional sales, computation of sales tax, AB 514*
Reports of sale, processing fee, SB 501*
Salvage vehicles, requirements, prohibited acts, SB 212, AB 325*
Used vehicle taken in trade, tax exemptions, AB 387, AB 514*
Special mobile equipment
Operation of equipment using dyed fuel on highway, AB 346**
Relations between suppliers and dealers, AB 369†
Tail lights that emit nonflashing blue light, use by authorized vehicles, AB 444*
Taxis (See TAXICABS)
Maximum load weights and minimum number per axle, SB 481*
New tire fee repealed, AB 447
Recycling and disposal, regulation, AB 447
Renewable energy, use of tires, AB 296*
Traffic laws (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Trailers (See TRAILERS)
Addresses, reports of changes, SB 483*, AB 177*
Administrative costs of collecting taxes and fees, amount, AB 463
Advertisements, agreements with private entities, use of proceeds, SB 149
Air pollution control forms, fees, SB 419, SB 500**
Aircraft liens, notice of satisfaction unnecessary, SB 161
Automation Division, supplemental appropriations, AB 254**
Biennial vehicle registration, duties, SB 213, AB 324**
Bonds of dealers and other licensees, claims against, duties, AB 417
Child-restraint devices, duties, AB 120
Compliance Enforcement, Division of, supplemental appropriations, AB 254**
Consular identification cards, acceptance for certain purposes prohibited, SB 312*
Control of Emissions, Section for, name change, duties, AB 521**
Criminal fees and fines, notice of nonpayment, duties, SB 479
Processing fees, collection, SB 501*
Registration of vehicles, duties, AB 434
Defensive drivers, duties, AB 128
Director, member of Commission on Special License Plates, AB 358**
Field Services, Division of, supplemental appropriations, AB 254**
Garages and repair shops, duties, AB 325*
Hearings Office, supplemental appropriation, AB 254**
Inspection stations, regulations, SB 18*
Joint enforcement of certain laws, development of plan, AB 195**
Lessors, collection of processing fees, SB 501*
Management Services and Programs, Division of, appropriation, AB 254**
Motorcycle Riders Education Program
Establishment of fees, AB 171
Transfer to Department of Public Safety, AB 520**
Names on documents, requirements, notices, AB 177*, AB 178*
New residents, reports of unregistered vehicles, duties, appropriation, SB 214†
Off-road vehicles, regulations, SB 117
Penalties, waiver, AB 178*
Petroleum product taxes and fees, duties, SB 471**
Photographs, prohibition on release, AB 178*
Postage, microfilm and access fees, supplemental appropriation, SB 410**
Privatization of certain services, pilot program, SB 384
Racial profiling, duties, SB 360
Records, release of information, SB 41, SB 297*, AB 400
Rental cars, duties transferred, AB 267**
Sales forms, duties, AB 223†
Selective Service System, forwarding of personal information to, AB 170
Special License Plates Revolving Account, use, AB 239**, AB 358**
Unregistered vehicles, provision of list to Department of Public Safety, AB 30**
Vessels, issuance of special permits for movement, SB 464†
Voter registration, statewide list, duties, SB 453**, AB 527
West Wendover branch office, appropriation, AB 20
Drivers' licenses (For general provisions, see DRIVERS' LICENSES)
Issuance, SB 483*, AB 324†, AB 441*
Education program
Fees, AB 171
Instructor qualifications, AB 171
Transfer to Department of Public Safety, AB 520**
Handicapped persons, special license plates and stickers, AB 177*
Helmets, requirement eliminated, SB 274
License plates, issuance, AB 177*, AB 178*, AB 192**
Off-road vehicles, registration and titling, SB 117
Tail lights, certain inserts authorized, AB 77*
Impoundment of vehicles, SB 192
Unlawful operation, penalty, SB 192
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Court facilities, administrative assessments, SB 107**
Jails, notice of overcrowded conditions, duties, AB 303
Election, time for filing declaration or certificate of candidacy, SB 111
Financial disclosure statements, filing, SB 147**, AB 529*
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
North Las Vegas, term, salary, AB 248*
Residency requirements for certain candidates, AB 412
Retirement, participation in Judicial Retirement Plan, SB 409
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Mentally retarded defendants, duties, SB 179**
Specialty court programs, administrative assessments, SB 108, AB 29**
Death penalty (See DEATH PENALTY)
District attorneys, reports to Supreme Court, AB 13**
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
First degree murder
Aggravating circumstances, SB 38, AB 14†, AB 99, AB 250**
Defense appointments, fees, AB 17*
Mentally retarded defendant, procedures, death penalty prohibited, AB 15*
Mitigating circumstances, AB 14
Questionnaires, completion and submission by District Courts, AB 13†
Separate penalty hearing for certain defendants removed, AB 110
Terrorism, included acts, SB 38, AB 99, AB 250**
Older victims, age threshold for applicability of certain laws, AB 73*
Real property transactions, disclosure regarding crime immaterial, SB 204*
Admissions tax, imposition, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
County museum tax, exemption from limit on revenue from taxes, AB 199**
Lowden Veterans Center and Museum, appropriation, SB 166
Private investigator licensing laws inapplicable, SB 228
Ballots, names of candidates, AB 541*
Change of name, sealing of records and waiver of publication, AB 160*
Fictitious names
Businesses, SB 436*
Insurance producers, AB 453*
Motor Vehicles Department, required documentation, reports of changes, SB 483*, AB 177*, AB 178*
State arenas or stadiums, sale of naming rights, study, AB 415
State parks, monuments or recreational areas, approval of name changes, SB 144**
Contingent appropriation, SB 505
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Carson City, sale of National Guard Armory authorized, SB 506**
Educational benefits, SB 306
Employment termination based on service, penalty, AB 143**
Iraq, troops commended and hope for quick end to conflict expressed, ACR 8‡
Millennium scholarships, application by active duty personnel, SB 448
Public officers and employees, compensation during leave of absence, AB 310
Contingent appropriation, SB 505
License plates in support of right to bear arms, issuance, AB 115
Checks (See CHECKS)
Consumer transactions, effect of absence of certain notices, SB 285
Definitions, SB 285
Discharge of obligations, SB 285
Enforcement of instrument by person not in possession, SB 285
Instruments returned unpaid, Secretary of State's fee, SB 112**, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Instruments signed for accommodation, SB 285
Notes, payment, SB 285
Warranties upon transfer or presentment, SB 285
Occupational licensing boards, prohibitions, SB 310*
Bill draft requests, time for submission, AB 542*
Emergency response study, representation, AB 250†
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, nominations, AB 441†
Public employee benefits, representation on study advisory committee, ACR 10‡
Suicide prevention measures urged, SCR 3‡
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons Advisory Committee, representation, SB 164**
Athletic Trainers, Board of, duties, SB 27*
Amber Alert System, creation, duties, AB 322**
Designation as official institute, SB 352**
Appropriation, AB 471†
Appropriation, duties, AB 271
Obstetricians, loan repayment programs, appropriation, AB 404
Purposes, oversight by School of Medicine, SB 188
Appropriation, SB 357
Bill draft requests, time for submission, AB 542*
Emergency response study, representation, AB 250†
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, nominations, AB 441†
Public employee benefits, representation on study advisory committee, ACR 10‡
Suicide prevention measures urged, SCR 3‡
Athletic Trainers, Board of, duties, SB 27*
Certification of laws, fees, SB 112**, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Conflicts of law, effect of resolution of nonsubstantive conflicts by Legislative Counsel, AB 39**
Flush lines, indication, AB 542*
Inaccurate references, authority to correct, AB 542*
Local government powers, Dillon's Rule abolished, SB 295
Obsolete or antiquated laws, procedure for elimination, SB 37*
Repeal and reenactment of laws, legal effect, AB 542*
Salary schedule for certain elected officers, inclusion, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Technical corrections, AB 38**, AB 552**
Concealed weapons permits, duties regarding reciprocity with other states, SB 74
Provisions repealed, AB 305
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons Advisory Committee, representation, SB 164**
Return of lands to state as compensation for establishment of site urged, AJR 6‡
Newlands Project Water Rights Fund, extension, AB 82*
County commissioner meetings, notice, AB 46*
Public works, requirements for posting certain notices, AB 425**
Sales and use tax exemption, removal, SB 293, AB 387
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Implementation, SB 191
Airports, authority to impose noise restrictions, SB 291
Helicopters, establishment of certain guidelines for noise, AB 355**
Common-interest communities, conflict of laws, SB 100*, SB 438
County managers, authority to create certain corporations, AB 211
Documents filed with Secretary of State
Correction of records, procedures, SB 436*
Fees, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, SB 436*, SB 509, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Requirements, right to refuse acceptance, AB 536
Financial counseling services, grants to certain organizations providing, AB 399
Food sales, exemption from permit requirements, SB 14
Foreign corporations, duties, AB 536
Mobile home parks owned or leased by nonprofit entities, requirements, AB 230**
Nevada FFA Foundation, conveyance of parcel of land, AB 371
Nursery stock sales, license exemptions, SB 172**
Regional development districts, powers, SB 328*
Sales tax exemptions
Delivery of health care through hospital or medical facility, SB 353**
Repeal, SB 293
Tobacco settlement proceeds, creation of nonprofit corporation, SB 448
University foundations, prohibitions on disclosure of personal information, AB 353**
Work release programs for prisoners, contracts, SB 264†
Claims, duties, penalty for noncompliance, AB 320*
Clinical trials or studies, coverage for treatment, AB 502*
Collection of fees from insured patients, limitation, AB 70
Colorectal cancer screening, coverage, SB 183*
Dispute resolution procedures, requirements, SB 171, AB 79*
Health care providers
Continuous treatment by provider, coverage, AB 261, AB 320*
Contracts, required and prohibited provisions, AB 320*
Panel of providers, fee for including provider prohibited, SB 163, AB 320*
Schedule of payments, receipt, SB 163, AB 320*
Preauthorized care, coverage, AB 269
Imposition of tax for regional parks, AB 196
Concealed weapons permits from other state, reciprocity, SB 74
Hunting and fishing, fees, SB 420*
Vessels sold to nonresidents, sales tax exemption, SB 464*
NORTH LAS VEGAS, CITY OF (For general provisions, see CITIES)
Charter amendments
Ballots for ordinances and charter amendments, AB 436, AB 528†
City clerk, duties, SB 229
Council, residency requirements, AB 412
Municipal judges, terms, salaries, AB 248*
Names of candidates on ballots, AB 541*
Taxes, distribution, SB 308
Telegraph, obsolete provisions repealed, SB 7†
Telephonic devices in vehicles, regulation prohibited, SB 10**
Unfair lending practices, regulatory powers restricted, AB 284*
Voters, qualifications, SB 453†
Flood control, appropriation for assessment on state land, AB 466
Mobile and nonpermanent car wash vendors, regulation, AB 484
Planning commission
Abolishment, AB 291†
Service at pleasure of appointing authority, ethical requirements, AB 291*
Bonds, recording fees, SB 162
Certificates evidencing notarial acts, AB 87*
Definitions, AB 87*
Secretary of State, fees payable to, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Travel fees, AB 87*
Students, possession and administration of drugs, SB 425*
Abatement of dangerous or noxious conditions, procedure, AB 135**
Appeal of order to abate, AB 135**, AB 278
County ordinances, enactment, SB 145†
Dangerous structure or condition defined, AB 135**
Manufactured home parks, eviction for certain nuisance activities, AB 498**
Special assessment against property for recovery of costs of abatement, AB 135**
Inspections, SB 172**
Licenses, requirements, exemptions, SB 172**
Shipments, requirements, SB 172**
Violations, penalties and costs, SB 172**
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Communicable diseases, emergency isolation or quarantine, SB 82**
Dangerous drugs, authority to dispense at rural mental health clinics, SB 83**
Dementia, continuing education requirements for certain nurses, AB 323**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Geriatrics and gerontology, training, AB 349**
High school pupils taking college nursing courses, payment of fees, SB 341
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Qualifications, AB 22**, AB 250*
Reciprocity, SB 93
Suspension or revocation, AB 55**, AB 337, AB 481
Loan program, appropriation, SB 208
Professional corporations to provide mental health services, formation, SB 65**
Public health nursing master's program, appropriation, SB 454
Scholarship program, establishment, SB 461
Schools, definitions, requirements, AB 22**
Staffing requirements in certain medical facilities, study, AB 313*
State Board of Nursing
Agreements with other states, authority, SB 93
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Regulations, adoption, AB 22**
Staffing study, representation, AB 313*
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Dementia, continuing education requirements for certain licensees, AB 323**
Felony convictions, effect, AB 55**, AB 337
Scholarship program, establishment, SB 461
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
School personnel urged to promote, SCR 12‡
Business Advisory Council, formation, AB 162
Consolidation with Esmeralda County School District, AB 264†
Performance audit, AB 162
Legislative study of medical and societal costs and impacts, SCR 13‡
School personnel urged to promote nutrition and physical fitness, SCR 12‡
Pregnancy (See PREGNANCY)
Terrorism, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38, AB 250†
District attorney investigators, occupational disease coverage, SB 184†
Exemption of benefits from execution, SB 70*
External review process, SB 320*
Cancer as occupational disease, AB 451*
Forestry Division employees, coverage, AB 479
Game wardens, occupational disease coverage, SB 184†, AB 479
Medical facilities, submission of claims for compensation, SB 168**
Police officers, hepatitis as occupational disease, SB 184*
Rating evaluations, SB 320†, AB 168*
Grants for agricultural and natural resource sciences courses, duties, SB 366
Electricians, certification requirements, prohibited acts, AB 357
Employer conduct leading to death of employee, penalty, SB 8*
Unlawfully employed persons, applicability of labor laws, AB 48**
Board of Occupational Therapy
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Regulations, review, SB 329*
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Geriatrics and gerontology, training required, AB 349†
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, suspension or revocation, AB 55**, AB 337, AB 481
Unprofessional conduct, AB 55**, AB 337
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Registration and titling, procedures, SB 117
Advisory Board, qualifications of members, SB 484**
Assessments on growers, refunds, SB 484**
Motor vehicle fuel, use of tax proceeds derived from, SB 293
Applicability of laws, AB 452**
Apprentice program eliminated, AB 452†
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Board of Dispensing Opticians
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347, AB 452**
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Regulations, review, SB 329*
Contact lenses, authority to fit, AB 275*, AB 452*
Continuing education requirements, AB 452*
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 452**
Employees, violations, AB 452**
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Exemption for certain students, AB 452†
Issuance and renewal, AB 452**
Limited licenses, issuance, AB 452*
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Office buildings, smoking prohibitions, AB 96
Ophthalmic dispensing, definition, qualifications for practice, AB 275†, AB 452**
Unlicensed activities, remedies, civil penalty, AB 452**
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Glaucoma treatment, certification, AB 275*
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, suspension or revocation, AB 481
Office buildings, smoking prohibitions, AB 96
Orders of Board, fines for violation, AB 24
State Board of Optometry
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Glaucoma treatment, regulations, AB 275*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Regulations, review, SB 329*
Air quality, tax for improvement of, SB 237**
Boundaries affecting tax parcels, adjustment, AB 533**
Car washes, regulation of mobile and nonpermanent vendors, AB 484
City elections, AB 233*
Community redevelopment, SB 145†, SB 402
County assessors, acquisition and improvement of technology, AB 533**
County motor vehicle fuel tax, SB 237**, AB 455
County officers, ex officio service in another county office, SB 80, AB 152
Firearms, carrying unconcealed, SB 29
Flag of United States, conditions on display restricted, SB 359**, AB 408
General improvement districts, merger, consolidation or dissolution, SB 229, AB 241
Handicapped parking, SB 187
High-level radioactive waste, unlawful storage, SB 294
Local government purchasing, definition of local bidder, preference, AB 483
Local improvements, acquisition of art, tourism, entertainment projects, SB 495**
Maintenance districts, creation, AB 499
Master plans, adoption or amendment, SB 142, SB 181†, SB 279, AB 428
Misdemeanor offenses, SB 145†
Nuisance abatement, SB 145†, AB 135**
Peace officers, acting without state authority, SB 294
Performing arts center, financing, AB 554
Professional sports stadiums, financing, SB 497**, AB 554
Public health and sanitation, SB 145†
Public lands, management or disposal without state authority, SB 294
Public safety, SB 145†
Recycling, AB 447
Regional parks, imposition of construction tax for purposes of, AB 196
Secondhand dealers, licensure, AB 420*
Smoking and tobacco regulation, SB 50†
Telephonic devices in vehicles, regulation restricted, SB 10**
Town advisory boards, AB 84*
Traffic violations, loads dropping or leaking from vehicle, SB 356
Transportation, tax for improvement of, SB 237**
Violations, civil penalties, costs and attorneys' fees, SB 145†
Zoning (See ZONING)
Duties, meetings, AB 75**
Accredited, term defined, AB 21†
Assault or battery committed upon practitioner, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Denial, suspension or revocation, AB 55**, AB 337, AB 481
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Qualifications, AB 21*
Office buildings, smoking prohibitions, AB 96
State Board of Oriental Medicine
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, qualifications, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Examinations, duties, AB 21*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*, AB 21*, AB 552**
Regulations, review, SB 329*
Birth certificates, disclosure of information, SB 267
Tax exemptions, AB 533**
Alcohol and drug abuse counselor laws inapplicable, SB 281*
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Assistants, applications to employ, SB 281*
Collection of fees from insured patients, limitation, AB 70
Competency examinations, grounds for ordering, SB 250†
Controlled substances and dangerous drugs, authority generally, restrictions on discipline, SB 375
Critically Impacted Medical Specialties Subsidy Fund, creation, fees, SB 250†, SB 389
Dementia, continuing education requirements for certain physicians, AB 323**
Disciplinary action, SB 97, SB 250**, SB 281*, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 130**, AB 337, AB 503
Fingerprinting, SB 281*
Geriatrics and gerontology, training required, AB 349†
Independent review of adverse determinations, duties, immunities, SB 23, AB 79*
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Applications, SB 250**
Expiration or surrender, effect, SB 250**
Limited licenses, issuance, AB 312
Suspension or revocation, SB 97, AB 481
Managed care (See MANAGED CARE)
Maternal and child health, applicability of laws, SB 281*
Medical marijuana, applicability of laws, SB 281*, AB 130**, AB 503
Mentally ill persons, examinations, SB 281*
Obstetricians, appropriations to promote practice, SB 188†, AB 404
Office buildings, smoking prohibitions, AB 96
Power of attorney for access to medical records, notice to patients, SB 24†
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Prisoners, certifications for purposes of residential confinement, SB 281*
Professional corporations to practice psychiatric mental health, formation, SB 65†
Prostate Cancer, Task Force on, membership, SB 281*
Referrals to facilities in which physician has financial interest, SB 156
State Board of Osteopathic Medicine
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Audits, SB 389
Complaints, dissemination of information, SB 281*
Controlled substances and drugs, regulations, duties, SB 375
Dissemination of records, authority, SB 250**
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Malpractice actions, receipt of information, SB 250**
Meetings, requirements, SB 229†
Members, qualifications, training, SB 281*, SB 310*, AB 552**
Screening panels, apportionment of costs, SB 97
Unarmed combat, membership on Medical Advisory Board, SB 281*
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Licensure and regulation, AB 272
Legislature, use of pagers (Rule 21), AR 3‡
School pupils, use and possession of devices, AB 138**
Fence construction, appropriation, SB 377
Restoration, allocation of certain bond proceeds, SB 144**
Carrying of unconcealed firearms, local regulation, SB 29
Restoration of civil rights, AB 55**, AB 337
Civil rights restoration, duties removed, SB 430
Meetings of public agencies, applicability of laws, SB 229
Secretary, appointment, duties, SB 232*
Abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Adoption (See ADOPTION)
Burial of remains, priority of orders, SB 386**
Driving violations committed by minor, liability of parent, SB 256
Education (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Achievement of pupils, consultation regarding plan, SB 191
Child care, health and social services programs, establishment, AB 264†
Choice of schools, authority, SB 191, SB 254, SB 376
Credit or promotion, review of denial based on absences, SB 253**
Handicapped pupils, reports regarding use of aversive intervention or restraints, requests for investigation, AB 264
Safe and respectful learning environment, development of policy, AB 513
Schools and districts demonstrating need for improvement, notices, SB 191
Support teams, membership, SB 191
Teacher qualifications, reports, SB 191
Voucher schools, program, SB 376
Graffiti, liability of parent for acts of child, SB 105**
Incapacitated minor, injury by other minors, liability, AB 385
Juvenile proceedings, notice to parent, SB 197*
Minors generally (See MINORS)
Protective orders on behalf of child, acquisition, AB 331*
Records and information concerning children, accessibility, SB 24*, AB 54
Handicapped parking spaces, erection and maintenance of signs, SB 187
Handicapped placards and stickers, issuance and renewal, AB 177*
Private construction or operation of facility, authorization, AB 401**
Common-interest communities, use of residential construction tax credits for park facilities, SB 100*
Halfway houses for substance abuse recovery, limitation on location, SB 236
Methamphetamine manufacture near, additional penalty, AB 33*
Regional parks, construction tax or dedication of land for, AB 196
State parks (See STATE PARKS)
Bond required for out-of-state supervision, AB 18
Civil rights, restoration, SB 430, AB 55**, AB 337
Consecutive sentences, eligibility for parole based on longest sentence, AB 102
Controlled substances, testing before parole hearing, grounds for denial, AB 209
Credits against sentence, AB 105*
Dishonorable discharge, provision eliminated, SB 232*
Honorable discharge, automatic restoration of rights, AB 55**, AB 337
Notice to county clerks, AB 103**
Probation or suspended sentence prohibited for felony committed by parolee, AB 95*
Reentry into community, establishment of program, SB 264*
Sex offenders, conditions, SB 397**
Violations of parole
Probable cause for detention based on new charge, procedure, SB 232*
Revocation of parole based on new felony conviction, effect, SB 232*
Bonds relating to out-of-state supervision, waivers, AB 18
Chairman, duties, SB 232*
Meetings of public agencies, applicability of laws, SB 229
Reentry into community, duties regarding correctional program, SB 264*
Creation, SB 309*
Contractor actions, dismissal of parties, AB 220**
Medical or dental malpractice, posting of bond by certain plaintiffs, SB 272
Structured settlements, transfer of rights to payments, AB 166*
Filing of documents, requirements, fees, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, SB 509, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Limited-liability partnerships (See LIMITED OR LIMITED-LIABILITY PARTNERSHIPS)
Resident agents (See RESIDENT AGENTS)
Federal lands, county commissioner powers, SB 145**
Intellectual property (See INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY)
Child support (See CHILD SUPPORT)
Eighth Judicial District, domestic relations seminars, AB 309
Aversive intervention, definitions, use on persons with disabilities, AB 500
Epileptics, provision of information by physicians, AB 406
Health insurance (See INSURANCE)
Medical bills (See MEDICAL BILLS)
Visitation rights, SB 386**
Abandoned vehicles, removal by police, AB 394*
Acting without state authority, penalty, SB 294
Advisory review boards, powers, AB 330
Alcohol sales to minors, inspections, AB 108
Amber Alert System, creation, AB 322**
Applicants, remedies for failure of employer to provide information to law enforcement agency, AB 134
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Arrest (See ARREST)
Capitol police, classification, AB 158†
City departments of alternative sentencing, powers, AB 98
Civil protective custody, transport of person for treatment, SB 86, SB 94**
Classification, legislative study, AB 158
Complaints against
False or fraudulent claims of misconduct, SB 342, AB 330
Constables (See CONSTABLES)
Corrections, Department of, certification of certain officers required, SB 265
Educational records, inspection, AB 264
Elder abuse, inspection of records, AB 59
Emergency response study, representation, AB 250†
Emergency vehicles, duties of drivers approaching stopped vehicles with flashing lights, AB 299*
Felony convictions, effect, AB 55**, AB 337
Forfeiture accounts, use of proceeds, AB 549**
Group insurance (See also INSURANCE)
Retroactive application of certain survivor benefits, SB 240**
Handicapped pupils, investigation of violations of rights, AB 264
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Internal investigations, procedures, access to records, AB 330
Jails and detention facilities (See JAILS AND DETENTION FACILITIES)
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Legislative study of criminal justice system in rural Nevada, SCR 32‡
Motor carriers, duties, SB 192, AB 518**
Occupational diseases (See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES)
Outfitters and Guides, Board of, enforcement officers, AB 272
Personal safety equipment, purchase, AB 147**
Personnel files, access to own records by officer, AB 330
Police departments (See POLICE DEPARTMENTS)
Preliminary examinations, admissibility of statements of officers, AB 63
Prescription records, access, SB 425*
Protective orders, duties regarding violations, AB 331*
Punitive actions against officer, prohibitions, AB 330
Quarantines, transport of infected persons, SB 82**
Racial profiling (See RACIAL PROFILING)
Eligibility for early retirement, SB 45
Secondhand dealers, holds on property held by, AB 420*
Sheriffs (See SHERIFFS)
State Contractors' Board, investigators, AB 220**
State officers, reports of improper governmental action, AB 330
Traffic control (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Unregistered vehicles, duties regarding reports, SB 214
Violations by employers, damages, AB 330
Administrative assessments, distribution and use, AB 461
PERSHING COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
Federal and private land, consolidation urged, SJR 10‡
State Public Defender, fees for services, SB 504**
Western Nevada Development District, designation, SB 328*
Licensure and regulation of athletic trainers, SB 27*
Regulation of personal trainers, hearings concerning, SB 27*
Meetings, audio recordings, SB 229
Regulations, authority to adopt, AB 217**
Attorney General investigators, salary increase, SB 346
Compensation for dangerous duty, regulation voided, AB 159
Corrections Department, duties regarding classifications, AB 173, AB 537†
Director, power to adopt certain regulations transferred, AB 217**
Forensic specialists, salary increase for certain employees, AB 173
Highway Patrol, salary increase, SB 344
Pay plan, preparation, AB 217**
Unclassified service, duties regarding salaries, AB 555**
University police officers, review of classification, AB 555**
Wildlife Division law enforcement personnel, salary increase, SB 346
Agriculture, State Department of, powers, SB 172**
Brands, registration, use of fees, AB 91*
Fines, deposit, AB 130†
Invasive species and pest control, use of certain tax proceeds, SB 370*
Joint enforcement of certain laws, development of plan, AB 195**
Lawn care business, applicability of laws, SB 172**
Licensure, SB 172**
Noxious Weed and Insect Pest Control Program, name change, SB 172**
School districts, agreements concerning use of certain money, AB 130†
Violations, penalties, SB 172**
Clean-up fees for discharges
Collection and administration of fees, SB 471*
Dishonored checks, fees, effect, SB 471*
Regulations, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Inspection fees, regulations, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Motor oil, recycling and disposal, AB 447
Standards for products used in internal combustion engines, adoption, AB 36*
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, SB 425*, AB 144†
Geriatrics and gerontology, training required, AB 349†
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Inactive licenses, provisions repealed, SB 425*
Qualifications, SB 425*
Suspension or revocation, AB 55**, AB 337, AB 481
Manufacturers and wholesalers
License, renewal fee, SB 425*
Reports to Board, Internet postings, SB 387*
Sales and purchases of prescription drugs, SB 425*
Pharmaceutical technicians, definitions, registration, SB 425*
Practice of pharmacy defined, SB 425*
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Rx, unlawful use of letters, SB 425*
State Board of Pharmacy
Appeal of decisions, rehearings, SB 425*
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Computerized tracking system, duties, SB 425*
Drug dispensing in rural mental health clinics, duties, SB 83**
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Manufacturers, reports, Internet postings, SB 387*
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Physicians, authority generally, restrictions on discipline, SB 375
Reissuance of unused prescription drugs in certain facilities, duties, SB 327**
Secretary, redesignation as Executive Secretary, SB 425*
Silver State Commission on Prescription Drugs, membership, AB 307
State purchasing, requirements, SB 277**
Supportive personnel
Definition, fees, SB 425†
Provisions repealed, SB 425*
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Use of photographic equipment to issue traffic citations, SB 220
Motor vehicle records, prohibition on release, AB 178*
Peace officers, internal reviews, prohibited acts, AB 330
Athletic trainers, licensure and regulation, SB 27*
Personal trainers and fitness instructors, hearings concerning regulation, SB 27*
School personnel urged to promote, SCR 12‡
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Athletic Trainers, Board of, representation, SB 27*
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Geriatrics and gerontology, training required, AB 349†
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Office buildings, smoking prohibitions, AB 96
State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Students, possession and administration of drugs, SB 425*
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Communicable diseases, emergency isolation or quarantine, SB 82**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**
Geriatrics and gerontology, training, AB 349**
Licenses, qualifications, SB 250**, AB 250*
Drugs, possession and administration, SB 425*
WICHE's power to adopt regulations removed, SB 159**
Administrative physicians, licensure, SB 332**
Anatomical gifts, request for consent or concurrence of any person after donor's death prohibited, AB 51*
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Board of Medical Examiners
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Controlled substances and drugs, duties, SB 375
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 250**, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 250**, SB 310*
Executive Secretary, appointment, SB 250**, SB 310*
Internet website, maintenance, contents, SB 250**, SB 332**, SB 387*, SB 389
Intractable pain, regulatory provisions repealed, SB 375
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Malpractice actions, receipt of information, SB 250**
Malpractice insurance study, assessment of costs, SB 250**
Meetings, requirements, SB 229†, SB 250**
Members, qualifications and training, SB 250**, SB 310*
Principal office, location, SB 250†
Regulations, authority, SB 389
Screening panels, apportionment of costs, SB 97
Child abuse victims, examination, immunities, access to reports, AB 112
Collaboration with other providers, restrictions prohibited, SB 389
Collection of fees from insured patients, limitation, AB 70
Communicable diseases, emergency isolation or quarantine, SB 82**
Competency examinations, grounds for ordering, SB 250**
Controlled substances and dangerous drugs, authority generally, restrictions on discipline, SB 375
Critically Impacted Medical Specialties Subsidy Fund, creation, fees, SB 250†, SB 389
Dementia, continuing education requirements for certain physicians, AB 323**
Dentists holding medical degrees, use of title M.D., SB 350**
Disciplinary action, SB 97, SB 250**, SB 364, SB 389
Drivers of buses, taxis or limousines, health certificates, SB 192
Epilepsy, duties, doctor-patient privilege, AB 406
Felony convictions, effect, AB 55**, AB 337
Geriatrics and gerontology, training, AB 349**
Independent review of adverse determinations, duties, immunities, SB 23, AB 79*
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Applications, SB 250**
Endorsement, license by, issuance, SB 332**
Expiration or surrender, effect, SB 250**
Limited licenses, issuance, AB 312
Qualifications, SB 250†, SB 332**, AB 250*
Restricted licenses, issuance, SB 332**
Suspension or revocation, SB 97, SB 250**, SB 389, AB 481
Volunteer licenses, SB 250†, SB 332**, SB 389
Waiver of requirements, SB 389
M.D., restrictions on use of title, SB 250**, SB 332**, SB 350**, SB 389
Managed care (See MANAGED CARE)
Obstetricians, appropriations to promote practice, SB 188†, AB 404
Office buildings, smoking prohibitions, AB 96
Panels of providers, fee for including provider prohibited, SB 163, AB 320*
Power of attorney for access to medical records, notice to patients, SB 24†
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Problem Gambling, Board to Certify Counselors on, representation, SB 349
Criminal reports or evaluations, certification required, SB 403, AB 156**
License to practice in certain mental health centers, SB 133**
Psychiatric mental health, formation of professional corporations, SB 65†
Referrals to facilities in which physician has financial interest, SB 156
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Property tax on interstate or intercounty property, duties, penalties, AB 530**
Constructional defect cases, procedures, SB 241†
City and county commissions in Clark County
Abolishment, AB 291†
Continuances, limit on number that may be granted, AB 291*
Ethical requirements, AB 291*
Service at pleasure of appointing authority, AB 291*
Land use planning (See LAND USE PLANNING; ZONING)
Illegal plants, development of plan for joint enforcement of laws, AB 195**
Invasive species, pest and weed control, use of certain tax proceeds, SB 370*
Noxious Weed and Insect Pest Control Program, name change, SB 172**
Nursery stock sales, license exemptions, SB 172**
Domestic violence cases, limitation removed, AB 97
Guilty but mentally ill, plea abolished, AB 156**
Designation, SB 115
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Limited licenses, issuance, AB 231*
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Office buildings, smoking prohibitions, AB 96
State Board of Podiatry
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Regulations, review, SB 329*
Convicted persons, duties concerning, AB 55**, AB 337†
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Metropolitan police departments (See METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENTS)
Racial profiling (See RACIAL PROFILING)
Resort hotel security, release of certain information to, SB 41
Caucus members, solicitation or acceptance of contributions, AB 541*
Contributions and expenditures (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)
Legislature, employment of partisan research staff, SB 180
List of registered voters, restrictions on use, AB 528**
Major parties
Conventions, determination of number of voters for purposes of, AB 528**
Petitions to qualify, procedures, AB 528**
Minor parties
Petitions or declarations of candidacy, filing, AB 125*
Vacancy in nomination, filling, AB 528**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Felony convictions, effect, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Cities, incorporation requirements, SB 347
Minors or mentally ill persons, unlawful contact with, SB 394**
Appropriation for planning and construction, AB 195†
Cosmetology schools, terms, student work, temporary permits, SB 372**, AB 258
Education credentials, penalties for unlawful use, SB 457, AB 264
Background checks, procedures, AB 155**, AB 505
Sex or crime against a child offenders, registration requirements, SB 397**
Libraries, appropriation for on-line access licenses, SB 185
Methamphetamine manufacture near, additional penalty, AB 33*
Research facilities, penalty for burglary, AB 191
Scholarships (See SCHOLARSHIPS)
Sports officials, exemptions from coverage under certain laws, AB 185**
Student loans, funding, AJR 10
Child welfare services, agreements, AB 25†
Sex or crime against a child offenders, registration requirements, SB 397**
Workers, registration of sex or crime against a child offenders, SB 397**
Members, SB 486**
Office, SB 486**
Secretary, SB 486**
Supplemental appropriation, SB 244
Administrative expenses, limitations, SB 486**
State Board of Agriculture, oversight, SB 486**
State Sheep Inspection Account, sources, use, SB 486**
Alcohol consumption, prevention, SB 307*
Health insurance, coverage for continuous treatment by provider, AB 261, AB 320*
Obstetrical access, appropriations, SB 188†, AB 404
Prisoners, assignment to residential confinement, SB 264†
Law enforcement officers, admissibility of statements, AB 63
Collection of fees from insured patients, limitation, AB 70
Dispute resolution procedures, requirements, SB 171, AB 79*
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, fee for assessment, AB 453*
Creation, AB 307
Expiration date, specification by practitioner, AB 119**
Filling or refilling
Generic drugs, use, SB 387*
Internet sales, prohibited and allowable acts, SB 337**
Later date for filling, indication by practitioner, SB 425*
Mandatory filling or refilling, exceptions, procedures, SB 425†, AB 144
Nonresident licensees, controlled substances, duties, SB 425*
Refusal of pharmacist to fill or refill, prohibitions on discipline, AB 144†
Forms, contents, SB 387*, SB 425†
Homeopathic physicians, authority, SB 375
Legislative study of methods of reducing prices, ACR 10‡
Medicaid coverage (See MEDICAID)
Medicaid waiver to extend prescription coverage for certain persons, AB 504*
Medicare, coverage for prescription drugs, AJR 15‡
Peace officers, access to records, SB 425*
Physicians and osteopaths, general authority, restrictions on discipline, SB 375
Reissuance of unused drugs by certain facilities authorized, SB 327*
Reuse of unused drugs by certain facilities authorized, SB 327*
Sales tax exemption for medicines for older persons, ballot question, AB 351
SenioRx and Senior Option Program
Legislative study, ACR 10‡
Programs made optional, SB 459**, AB 504*
Qualifications for program, income limit, SB 459**
Uninsured consumers, provision of information and applications to, AB 236*
State purchasing, requirements, SB 277**
Substitution of drugs, authority, notices, SB 425†
Tracking system, development, SB 425*
Uninsured consumers, provision of information and applications for prescription drug programs, AB 236*
Wholesalers, sales and purchases, SB 425*
Driving under the influence, presence of marijuana, AB 362
Firefighters, cancer as occupational disease, AB 451*
Industrial insurance, dependent status, AB 495†
Planning commissions in Clark County, ethical requirements, AB 291*
Police officers, hepatitis presumed to be occupational disease, SB 184*
Public employees' retirement, status of independent contractors, AB 198
Sales and use tax collection, AB 514*
Weights and measures used for purposes of business, SB 485*
Child abuse reports, confessor-confessant exemption removed, SB 223
Legislative religious services, compensation, ACR 28‡
Adoption of 1997 Act, SB 196*
Conservation camps
Budget, carryover and use of money, AB 467
Participants' wages, determination, SB 72**
Credits against sentence
Educational achievement, SB 317**
Good behavior credits, grounds for forfeiture, SB 264*
Department of Corrections (See CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF)
Educational programs, establishment, SB 317**
Juvenile probation violators, placement in state prison prohibited, SB 197*
Civil actions by
Filing fees, payment, AB 188
Mental or emotional injury, requirements for filing action, AB 188
Expiration of term of imprisonment, return of judgment unnecessary, AB 103**
Habeas corpus, second or subsequent petition for post-conviction relief, SB 435
Ill health, assignment to residential confinement, SB 264*
Pregnancy, assignment to residential confinement, SB 264†
Records, exchange of information between state agencies, SB 90**
Tools for escape, manufacture or possession prohibited, SB 299**
Osteopathic physicians, certification of offenders for purposes of residential confinement, SB 281*
Parole (See PAROLE)
Prescriptions, reissuance of unused drugs, SB 327*
Notice to county clerk, AB 103**
Reentry into community, establishment of program, SB 264*
Restoration of civil rights, AB 55**, AB 337
Transitional housing, legislative study, SCR 32‡, SCR 38
Women's prison in southern Nevada, lease or installment purchases, SB 447
Work release programs, SB 264*
Consumer reports, right to request security alert or freeze, SB 379
Identity theft, unlawful acts, SB 297*
Resort hotel security, release of certain personal information to, SB 41
Social Security numbers, unlawful acts, SB 379
Traffic citations, prohibition on use of certain equipment to obtain evidence repealed, SB 220
University System, restrictions on disclosure of personal information, AB 353**
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Felony convictions, effect, AB 55**, AB 337
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Secret shoppers, exemption, SB 228
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and proceedings for discipline, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
State Budget Act, exemption, SB 173**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Felony convictions, effect, AB 55**, AB 337
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Resort hotel security, release of certain personal information to, SB 41
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Construction management contracts for certain public works projects, AB 418
Governmental purchasing, SB 406
Motor vehicles, pilot program regarding licensing and registration, SB 384
Schools, educational services, AB 512
Transportation facilities, AB 401**
Water resources, agreements to acquire, develop or distribute, SB 336**, SB 487
Alcohol or drug abuse programs, effect of failure to complete, AB 95*
Bond required for out-of-state supervision, AB 18
City departments of alternative sentencing, duties, AB 98
Domestic violence, restrictions, AB 97
Honorable discharge, automatic restoration of rights, AB 55**, AB 337
Internet prescription violations, probation prohibited, SB 337**
Jail overcrowding, alternatives to commitment, AB 303
Lewdness with a child, probation prohibited, AB 78*
Mentally retarded defendants, conditions, SB 179**
Parolees, effect of certain felony convictions, AB 95*
Prisoners possessing tools for escape, probation prohibited, SB 299**
Problem gambling, treatment program as condition of probation, SB 42
Protective orders, probation for certain violations prohibited, AB 107*
Sex offenders, conditions, SB 397**
Prevention and treatment programs, appropriation, SB 42, SB 349, SB 351*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Felony convictions, effect, AB 55**, AB 337
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Children's products, unlawful acts involving unsafe products, AB 386
Limitation of actions, AB 9
Public hazards, concealment by court order prohibited, SB 251
Abbreviations, use, AB 536
Filing of documents, requirements, fees, SB 238, SB 298, SB 509, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Mental health services, corporations to provide, SB 65**
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Examinations for licensure, duties, AB 146**
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and proceedings for discipline, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*, AB 146**
Reports to Legislature, AB 146**
Stamps, duties, AB 146**
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
District courts, issuance, SB 494**
Supreme Court proceedings, fees, SB 106**
Common-interest communities
Certificates or permits, grounds for refusal to issue or renew, SB 428**
Community managers, designation, regulation, SB 100*, SB 438
Electronic business with Division, regulations, SB 428**
Examinations, fees, SB 428**
Fines for violations, SB 428**
Designated property managers, appointment, prohibited acts, SB 428**
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 250**, SB 428**, AB 55**, AB 337
Permits, renewal, SB 371†
Real estate brokers acting as property managers, duties, penalties, SB 139*
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Governmental entities, property acquired by, AB 533**
Homeowners suffering severe economic hardship, AB 442, AJR 8 of the 71st Session
Qualifications of new or expanded businesses, SB 473**, AB 356†
Repeal of partial abatement for new or expanded businesses, SB 293
Appraisers of real estate, certification requirements, AB 533†
Appeals, AB 533**
Determination of ratio of assessed values, AB 533†
Improvements, factors to determine taxable value, AB 348**
Notice of assessed valuation to taxpayer, AB 533**
Procedures, AB 533**
Reassessment on sale or other transfer of property, AJR 8
Bona fide resident defined, AB 533**
Boundaries affecting certain tax parcels, adjustment, AB 533**
Community redevelopment, allocation of revenue, SB 113**, SB 335, SB 402, SB 447
Conservation districts, payments in lieu of taxes on certain property, AB 215**
Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, levy, SB 507**
Conversion of residential property, reassessment, AJR 8
County hospital districts, tax levies, SB 238, SB 468, SB 474, AB 243, AB 281
County museum, art center or historical society, support tax exempt from limit on taxes ad valorem, AB 199**
County water or sewer services, collection of delinquent fees, SB 54**
Credit card or debit card, payment by, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Delinquent taxes
Sale of tax liens by county, AB 200
Seizure and sale of property, AB 533**
Waiver of interest and penalty, AB 533**
Distribution of certain local tax revenue to state, SB 308
Electronic transfer, payment by, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Equalization, procedures, appeals, AB 533**
Affordable housing, renewal forms, AB 533**
Blind persons, AB 533**
Conservation district property, AB 215**
Constitutional requirements for enactment, SJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Helicopters using preferred facility in Clark County, AB 355**
Repeal of certain exemptions, SB 293
Surviving spouses and orphans, AB 533**
Factory-built housing, classification as real property, AB 262**
Federal lands, increase in payments in lieu of taxes urged, AJR 6‡
Hospital districts, dissolution, tax levy, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Improvements, factors to determine taxable value, AB 348**
Installment payments
Personal property, AB 533**
Reduction in tax if paid in lump sum before first installment due, AJR 17
Interstate or intercounty property
Assessment of value of certain electric light and power companies, SB 475**
Delinquent payments, penalties and interest, AB 530**
Reports, contents, filing and penalty for failure to file, AB 530**
Levy by state, SB 238, SB 382, SB 507**, AB 243, AB 281, AJR 19
Deferred taxes based on economic hardship, SB 440**, AB 442
Priority, AB 533**
Sale by county, action for collection by purchaser, AB 200
Local governments
Combined tax rate, certification, SB 468, SB 474
Consolidation of local governments, payment of bonded indebtedness, SB 441
Financial emergencies, levy of additional tax, SB 238, SB 468, SB 474, AB 243, AB 281
Manufactured or mobile homes
Applicability of tax to certain dwelling units, AB 533**
Classification as real property, liability for unlawful removal of home, AB 262**
Commercial leases, reports, installment payments, AB 533**
Metropolitan police departments, additional tax levy for support, SB 334**
Personal property tax
Commission for costs of collection, use, AB 533†
Installment payments, AB 533**
Records, disclosure of personal information, SB 297*, AB 400, AB 442
Senior citizens' property tax assistance
Claims, time for filing, review of denial, AB 515**
Qualifications, AB 515**
Refunds, method of calculation, AB 515**
Repeal, SB 293
Residents of assisted living facilities, assistance for, AB 326†
Severe economic hardship by homeowners
Abatement of taxes, AB 442, AJR 8 of the 71st Session
Postponement of payment, SB 440**
Tahoe Basin, taxable value of certain property, AJR 8 of the 71st Session
Taxable value
Determination, AB 348**, AB 533**
Retention until ownership of property transferred, exceptions, AJR 19
Total ad valorem tax levy
Amount reduced, SB 238, SB 468, AB 243, AB 281
Exemption of certain levies, removal, SB 238, SB 468, SB 474, AB 243, AB 281
Children, parent or guardian authorized to obtain orders on behalf of, AB 331*
Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Expansion of types of crimes for which orders may be issued, AB 331*
Harassment (See HARASSMENT)
Stalking (See STALKING)
Adoption, SB 196*
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Attorney General, prosecution of violations, AB 24
Board of Psychological Examiners
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Child abuse or neglect, duty to report, AB 308
Criminal defendants, provision of reports or evaluations, certification, SB 403, AB 156**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Geriatrics and gerontology, training required, AB 349†
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Licenses, suspension or revocation, AB 55**, AB 337, AB 481
Mental health facilities, privileges, SB 326
Office buildings, smoking prohibitions, AB 96
Problem Gambling, Board to Certify Counselors on, representation, SB 349
Professional corporations to provide mental health services, formation, SB 65**
School personnel (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Personnel)
School personnel, prohibited acts, SB 61, AB 251
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy, posting of sign required, SB 307*
Disabled persons and service animals, prohibited acts, AB 332
Food establishments (See FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS)
Occupancy tax, imposition, AB 342
Resort hotels (See RESORT HOTELS)
Room tax (See ROOM TAX)
Appointment, Legislature may provide for, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Examination and audit of money and property by county commissioners, SB 143**
Filling of office by ex officio service of other county officer, AB 152
Public property trustee, appointment to perform duties of administrator, SB 143†
Qualifications, SB 143**
County commissioners to fix, AJR 9, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Increase, SB 53, AB 23**, AB 66
Energy conservation, creation for purposes of loan program, AB 314
Lease of property from county, term, SB 103*
Building Official for buildings and structures on state property, AB 534**
Energy conservation measures, contracts with qualified service companies, AB 398**
Geoexchange technology, study, SCR 37
Legislative Building (See LEGISLATURE)
Smoking prohibitions, AB 96
State Public Defender, fees for services, SB 504**
Audio recordings, public records, SB 229
Audit of program, AB 454
Change in status of active or retired officer or employee, notice, AB 249**
Composition, AB 249**
Independent review of adverse determinations, SB 23, SB 171, AB 79*
Legislative study of program, ACR 10‡
Payroll deductions for premiums or contributions, duties, AB 249**
Rates and coverage, equalization, SB 215, AB 165, AB 222, AB 286†
Silver State Commission on Prescription Drugs, representation, AB 307
State employees, authorized plans to reduce taxable income, AB 225**
Audio recordings, public records, SB 229
Disability retirement allowances, reports, duties regarding exclusion from taxable income, SB 345**
Educational personnel
Extra duty assignments, payments for, AB 68
Included compensation, AB 68
Purchase of service credit by school districts, SB 191, AB 264
Firemen redesignated firefighters, SB 439**
Group insurance (See INSURANCE—Group insurance for public employees)
Improper enrollments, appeals, maximum period, payment of contributions and interest, AB 198
Independent contractors, rebuttable presumption that person not employee of public agency, AB 198
Monthly retirement allowance, increase in annual percentage used to determine, AB 480
Police officers
Early retirement, SB 45
Game wardens and district attorney investigators, classification, SB 184†
Public Employees' Benefits Program, notices regarding eligibility, AB 249**
Public Employees' Retirement Board
Employees, SB 439**
Judicial Retirement Plan, powers and duties, SB 409
Reemployment of retiree in position of critical labor shortage, restrictions on receipt of retirement allowance, SB 439**, AB 450
Service credit
6-years additional credit, purchase, AB 480
Legislative officers and employees, AB 542*, AB 552**
Public or military service, purchase of credit by certain persons, AB 480
School districts, purchase of credit for certain personnel, SB 191, SB 509, AB 264
Sick leave, transfer of hours to catastrophic leave account upon retirement, AB 537†
Social Security, elimination of pension offset and windfall elimination provision urged, AJR 3‡
Sports officials, exemptions from participation, AB 185†
Survivor benefits, designation of additional payees, SB 439*
Deputies, appointment, compensation, AB 151**
Service at pleasure of county commissioners, AB 151**
Concealment by court order prohibited, SB 251
Deposits, investments, SB 448
Loans to nursing students, allocation to program, SB 208
Appropriation of public water (See WATER)
Definition of public lands for certain purposes, SB 294
Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition commended, SCR 16‡
Federal lands
County commissioners, powers, SB 145**
Education revenue losses, compensation urged, AJR 5‡
Nevada Test Site, return of lands to state as compensation for establishment urged, AJR 6‡
Payments in lieu of taxes, increase urged, AJR 6‡
Pershing County, consolidation of certain land urged, SJR 10‡
Transfer and acquisition of land, appropriation to maximize potential, SB 5
Transfer of land to state for school purposes urged, AJR 6‡
Vandalism, AB 11
Legislative Committee on Public Lands (See LEGISLATURE—Committees)
Management or disposal without state authority, penalty, SB 294
State lands
Assessment for flood protection project, appropriation, AB 466
Carson City, sale of National Guard Armory authorized, SB 506**
Nevada FFA Foundation, conveyance of certain land to, AB 371
State parks (See STATE PARKS)
Water resources, expenditure of certain money urged to develop or restore, SJR 2‡
Wilderness and wilderness study areas
Congress urged to take certain actions, SJR 3‡, SJR 4‡
Legislative study, continuation, SCR 7‡
PUBLIC OFFICES AND OFFICERS (See also particular officer)
Complaints against
False or fraudulent complaints against, penalty, SB 342
Districts (See DISTRICTS—Officers and employees)
Ethics in government (See ETHICS)
Ex-felons, restoration of right to hold office, AB 55**, AB 337
Financial disclosure statements, filing, SB 147**, AB 529*
Forfeiture of office, grounds, AB 337†
Insurance (See INSURANCE—Group insurance for public employees)
Jury duty, exemption for certain officers removed, SB 73*
Military duty, compensation during leave of absence, AB 310
Personal identifying information, unlawful acts, SB 297*
Towns (See TOWNS—Officers and employees)
Voting, effect of abstention by member of certain public bodies, SB 16**
Appointment, duties, SB 143†
Confidentiality, procedure to declare, certain regulations declared void, SB 443
Contractors' Board, disciplinary orders, AB 220**
Debts owed state agencies, reports, AB 457
Educational services, privatization agreements and related documents, AB 512
Gaming, certain reports, SB 266*
Health care facilities, staffing records, AB 313†
Homeland security
Access to certain records restricted, SB 175, AB 441**, AB 462
Unlawful disclosure, penalties, AB 441**
Hospital charges for services to non-indigent patients, SB 284
Machine-readable media, use for preservation of records, AB 260
Meetings of public agencies, audio recordings, SB 229
Occupational licensing boards, records and proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364
Personal identifying information, disclosure, SB 297*, AB 400
Pharmacy Board, report concerning reissuance of unused drugs, SB 327*
Public works reports, SB 19*
Social Workers, Board of Examiners for, AB 491
Veterinary Medical Examiners, State Board of, records and information, SB 427†
Zoning, records of hearing notices, SB 176†
Imposition, AB 514*
Use of proceeds, SB 293
Capitol Police Division (See CAPITOL POLICE)
Criminal history records (See CRIMINAL HISTORY, RECORDS OF)
Director, member of Commission on Special License Plates, AB 358**
DUI by teens and young adults, study urged, SCR 15‡
Emergency Management, Division of (See EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT)
Highway Patrol Division (See HIGHWAY PATROL, NEVADA)
Joint enforcement of certain laws, development of plan, AB 195**
Joint task force on narcotics, funding, AB 549**
Motor carriers, powers and duties, SB 478**
Motorcycle Rider Education Program, duties, AB 520**
Parole and Probation, Division of
Bonds relating to out-of-state supervision, duties, AB 18
Civil rights restoration, duties removed, SB 430
Honorable discharge from parole, duties, AB 55**, AB 337
Meetings of public agencies, applicability of laws, SB 229
Reentry into community, duties regarding correctional program, SB 264*
Racial profiling, duties, SB 360
Radio system, appropriations, SB 499**
State Fire Marshal Division (See FIRE MARSHAL, STATE)
Substance Abuse Commission, abolished, AB 548**
Unregistered vehicles
Receipt of list from Department of Motor Vehicles, AB 30**
Telephone number to receive reports, duties, appropriation, SB 214
Air quality improvement, use of public transit fund for purposes of, SB 237**
Facilities, private development or operation, AB 401**
Fleet vehicles
Alternative fuels, conversion of certain vehicles, AB 237**
Fuel additives, use, AB 359
Registration by electronic filings, SB 405*
Legislative study of long-range mass transit, SCR 31‡
Shelters, benches and stations, advertising, use of certain revenue, AB 444*
Taxes for a public transit system
Imposition, AB 514*
Motor vehicle fuel, use of certain proceeds, SB 293
Distribution, AB 145**
Eligible customers, payment by, AB 32**
Conservation of energy, programs for purchase and installation of equipment for residential customers, AB 314
Electric utilities
Disclosures to customers, duties, AB 314
Governmental entities, acquisition or expansion
Payments in lieu of taxes or fees, requirements, SB 442, AB 361**
Restrictions eliminated, SB 261
Investigations and interventions by Consumer's Advocate, fines, SB 421
Municipal aggregation programs, use, SB 421
Net metering system
Economic assistance to acquire, programs, AB 429**
Solar Energy Demonstration Project, participation, AB 32**, AB 431**
Plan for procuring resources, submission and approval, SB 260
Plan to increase supply or decrease demand, requirements, SB 260
Portfolio standards
Distributed generation systems, SB 421
Qualified energy recovery processes, use, AB 429**
Solar energy systems, use, AB 296*, AB 429**
System of renewable energy credits, establishment required, AB 431**
Tires, use of certain systems prohibited, exception, AB 296*
Waterpower, use, AB 49, AB 314, AB 429**
Renewable energy generation project, permits, tax exemptions, SB 489**, AB 372
Transmission system in southern Nevada, further issuance of certain bonds prohibited, SB 447
Transmission systems and long-term resource planning, policies, SB 260
Homeland security, duties, AB 441**
Industrial machinery and equipment, supplier-dealer relationships, AB 369†
Landlord and tenant, payment of charges pursuant to ratio billing system, SB 194
Natural gas utilities
Alternative plan of regulation, duties, applicability of laws, AB 32**
Alternative sellers
Customers to pay certain taxes, fees and assessments, AB 32†
Disclosure of certain information, prohibition, AB 32**
Records and reports, AB 32**
Violations, civil penalty, AB 32**
Deferred accounting, use, SB 125**
Governmental entities, acquisition or expansion, SB 442, AB 361**
Providers of discretionary natural gas service
Customers to pay certain taxes, fees and assessments, AB 32**
Disclosure of certain information, prohibition, AB 32**
Records and reports, AB 32**
Violations, civil penalty, AB 32**
Property tax on interstate or intercounty property
Assessment of value of certain electric companies, SB 475**
Reports, penalties and interest for delinquent payments, AB 530**
Providers of new electric resources
Alternative providers, sale of energy, capacity or ancillary services, SB 125**
Authority to sell energy, capacity or ancillary services, SB 125**
Disclosure of certain information, prohibition, AB 32**
Eligible customers
Applications to purchase energy, capacity or ancillary services, requirements, SB 125**, AB 139†
Disclosure of certain information, prohibition, AB 32†
Payment of certain taxes, fees and assessments, SB 421, AB 32**
Records and reports, AB 32†
Records and reports, AB 32**
Violations, civil penalty, AB 32**
Security instruments, fees, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, AB 92*, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Sewer companies (See SEWER SYSTEMS)
Subdivision of land, dedication of certain easements, SB 354*
Telegraph (See TELEGRAPH)
Universal energy charge
Electrolytic-manufacturing processes, exemption removed, SB 121
Elimination, SB 4
Energy conservation loan program, funding, AB 314
Municipal or local governmental utility customers, exemption, SB 126
Utility facilities, notice of permit proceedings, SB 125**
Water companies (See WATER SYSTEMS)
Annual assessments, transfer of portion to Consumer's Advocate, AB 145**
Appearances and interventions by Consumer's Advocate, SB 421
Distributed generation systems, duties, SB 421
Electric utilities, development of policies for transmission systems and long-term resource planning, SB 260
Exemptions from regulation, SB 400**, SB 429†, AB 139**
Incumbent local exchange carriers, duties, SB 400**
Lincoln County Water District, exemption from regulation, SB 336**
Meetings, SB 102†
Acting commissioners, appointment, powers and duties, SB 102**
Appointment, confirmation, SB 102†
Chairman and executive officer, SB 102†
Disqualification and removal, SB 102†
Final orders, number of commissioners required to enter, SB 102**
Prospective increase in number repealed, SB 102**, SB 414
Natural gas utilities, duties relating to deferred accounting, SB 125**
Providers of new electric resources, approval of transactions, SB 125**, AB 139†
Records, certain information confidential, SB 125**, AB 32**
Regulatory Fund, transfer of money to Office of Energy, AB 429**
Renewable energy credits system, regulations, AB 32**, AB 431**
Solar Energy Demonstration Program, duties, AB 32**, AB 431**
Video programming services, regulation, SB 429†
Vulnerability assessments and response plans, receipt, AB 441†
Licensure, SB 485*
Unlawful acts, penalties, SB 485*
Award of contracts
$100,000 or less, SB 19*
Local governments, procedures, SB 19*, AB 425**
Lowest responsive and responsible bidder, AB 424†, AB 425**
More than $500,000, AB 424†
Apprenticeship and training programs, participation as qualification, AB 282
Best bid, determination, AB 425**
Considerations, AB 534**
Employee benefit plan, requirement as qualification, AB 494
General qualifications, AB 540
Local government contracts, qualifications, AB 295*, AB 425**, AB 540
Sealed bids, advertisements for, SB 19*
Inclusion of information, AB 425**
Qualification or disqualification, SB 491*, AB 540
Unbalanced bid or schedule of values, basis for rejection, AB 393†
Unsuccessful bids, appeal or protest, SB 491*, AB 425**, AB 552**
Capital improvement projects, authorization and funding, SB 507**
Cease work orders, issuance, penalties for noncompliance, AB 534**
Change orders, restrictions, AB 424†, AB 534**
Clark County, award of contracts to underutilized businesses, AB 174
Clark County School District, indefinite quantity contracts, SB 392, AB 167
Compliance with laws, contract provisions, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Construction management, contracts with private entities, AB 418
Contract price, authorized and prohibited acts, AB 393†
Contractors (See also CONTRACTORS)
Prime contractors, selection, AB 425**
Progress payments, AB 393†, AB 425**
Disciplinary action for failure to file report or false information, AB 190*
Payroll, false information constitutes constructional fraud, AB 190*
Workmen, violations, penalties, AB 432**
Retainage, withholdings, AB 393, AB 425**
Payment of certain indebtedness, procedure to guarantee, SB 71
Qualification or disqualification, SB 491*, AB 540
Reports, AB 425**
Substitution, AB 295*
Suspension of license if prohibited from being awarded contract, AB 190*
Design-build teams
Composition, AB 425**
Disqualification, procedures following, SB 491*
Duties, selection, SB 491*
Highway construction, SB 19†, AB 401**, AB 519**
Emergencies, letting of contracts, AB 425**
Laws, applicability, AB 425**
Overtime payment, disclosures, enforcement of laws, AB 458**
Prevailing wages
Energy conservation in public buildings, contracts, AB 398**
Enforcement of laws, procedure, AB 141, AB 143**
Investigations, assessment of costs, AB 425**
Manner of determination, SB 114, AB 141, AB 176
Records, time for submission to public body, AB 141
Sales tax exemption for personal property used in performance, removal, SB 293
Seismic requirements for purposes of buildings or other projects, adoption, AB 57*
State money for capital improvement projects, interest, expenditures, AB 534**
Transportation facilities, private development or operation, AB 401**
University System, audit of capital construction projects, AB 148**
Unlawfully employed persons, applicability of labor laws, AB 48**
Workmen deemed employed on public works, AB 176
Capital improvement projects, authorization and funding, SB 507**
Construction management contracts, duties, AB 418
Energy conservation in public buildings, duties, AB 398**
Manager, powers and duties, AB 534**
Money for capital improvement projects, interest, expenditures, AB 534**
Plumbing, adoption of state code, SB 115
Projects over $500,000, duties, AB 424†
Seismic requirements, adoption, AB 57**
State Emergency Operations Center, funding, SB 498**, SB 506**, SB 507**
State Printing Division projects, duties, SB 504**
Unsuccessful bids, hearings, SB 491*, AB 425**, AB 552**
Wildlife, Division of, exemption from required services, AB 69**
Registration fees, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Electronic business, conduct with Division, SB 428**
Fingerprinting of applicants, SB 428**, AB 155**
Registration, suspension, revocation or refusal, SB 428**
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Agricultural commodities, fines for violations, SB 172**
Communicable diseases, powers of health authorities, SB 82**
Destroyed animals, reimbursement of owners, SB 486**
State Quarantine Officer, authority, SB 172**, SB 486**
Annual study by Attorney General, SB 360
Criminal penalty, SB 20
Training requirements for peace officers, SB 360
Vehicle registration, inclusion of information, SB 360
Sales tax exemptions, SB 293, AB 514*
Terrorism, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38, AB 250**
Amber Alert System, creation, AB 322**
Public broadcasting stations, appropriations, SB 92, SB 177
Students, possession and administration of drugs, SB 425*
Disabled persons and service animals, prohibited acts, AB 332
Diseased animals, unlawful transport, SB 486**
Employees, exemption from jury service removed, SB 73*
Equipment sales contracts, filing fee, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Legislative study of long-range mass transit, SCR 31‡
Property tax on interstate or intercounty property, duties, penalties, AB 530**
Sparks, appropriation for creation of Amtrak station, SB 296
State employees, compensation for dangerous duty, AB 159
Track preservation program, tax allowance removed, SB 293
Washoe County railroad grade separation, imposition of local tax, SB 293, AB 514*
White Pine County, funding for purchase of certain railroad track, SB 507**, AB 180
White Pine Historical Railroad Foundation, appropriation, AB 181
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Background checks, powers, SB 428**
Continuing education, duties, SB 428**
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director or Executive Secretary, qualifications, SB 310*
False documents filed with, penalty, SB 428**
Investigations and proceedings for discipline, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Property management, powers, SB 428**
Real Estate Education, Research and Recovery Fund, sources, SB 428**
Subpoenas, issuance, SB 438
Advertisements, disclosures, SB 139*
Audits, SB 428**
Brokerage agreements, requirements, SB 139*
Change of name or location, fee, SB 428**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, SB 428**
Disclosures, requirements, liability, SB 204*
Electronic business, conduct with Division, SB 428**
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Continuing education, requirements, fees, SB 371†, SB 428**
Denial, grounds, SB 428**
Expiration and renewal, SB 428**
Fees, SB 428**
Fingerprinting of applicants, SB 428**, AB 155**
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Owner-developers, registration, SB 371†
Property management (See also PROPERTY MANAGERS)
Brokers acting as property managers, duties, penalties, SB 139*
Designated property managers, appointment, prohibited acts, SB 428**
Actions for damages, SB 139†
False complaints, penalty, SB 428**
Felony convictions, effect, SB 428†, AB 55**, AB 337
Nonpayment of money owed Division, penalty, SB 428**
Prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)
Assistance to finance housing (See HOUSING, ASSISTANCE TO FINANCE)
Building codes (See BUILDING CODES)
Building inspectors (See BUILDING INSPECTORS)
Conservation districts, authority to purchase, sell or lease, AB 215**
Construction contracts for works of improvement, requirements, SB 206*, AB 316
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS)
Counties, authority to lease, purchase, sell or exchange, SB 103*, SB 110*
Henderson, City of, sale, lease or exchange of property, SB 293
Contaminated property, immunities of certain persons, AB 485**
Deferred property taxes, effect of sale, AB 442
Common-interest communities, SB 100*, SB 438
Constructional defects, SB 204*, SB 241†, SB 371, AB 449
Liability of seller or agent for failure to disclose, SB 204*, AB 449
Loans secured by real property, disclosure of terms to borrowers, SB 348
Manufacture of methamphetamine, property used for, SB 204*
Flag of United States, conditions on display restricted, SB 359**, AB 408
Guardianships, procedures, AB 365*
Subdivision of land, regulation, SB 428**
Trustees, certain sales prohibited, AB 284*
School property, sale or lease at less than appraised value, SB 150**
Subdivision of land (See SUBDIVISION OF LAND)
Taxation (See PROPERTY TAX)
Zoning (See ZONING)
Additional tax, imposition, SB 370*, SB 509
Control of invasive species, pests and weeds, additional tax for, SB 370*
Economic development, additional tax for, SB 270
Rate, increase, SB 385, AB 387
University or educational foundations, exemptions, SB 370*, SB 509
Governmental services tax, account for rebates to senior citizens, creation, SB 370*
Motor vehicle fuel retailers, tax rebates, SB 343
Net metering systems, assistance programs, AB 429**
Prescriptions, duties of Human Resources Department, AB 384†
Action by political subdivision to challenge petition restricted, AB 292
Committee, definition, AB 528**
Conveyances of real property, AB 533**
Death, affidavit of, SB 63
Denial of recordation, procedures, AB 459*
Electronic documents, requirements, AB 533**
Form and style of documents, requirements, SB 451**
Mechanics' and materialmen's liens, SB 206*
Mines, affidavits of labor, AB 533**
Nonconforming documents, additional fee, SB 451**
Notaries public, fee for recording of bond, SB 162
Parcel numbers, inclusion on certain property documents, AB 533**
Property tax liens, documents relating to, AB 200
Public guardians, appointments and oaths of deputies, AB 151**
Same legal descriptions, documents containing, SB 436*
Uniform Commercial Code documents, AB 92*
Water, notice regarding quantification of rights in Clark County, SB 336**
Child abuse or neglect, duty of employees to report, SB 383**
Halfway houses for substance abuse recovery, limitation on location, SB 236
Methamphetamine manufacture near, additional penalty, AB 33*
Occupancy tax, imposition, AB 342
Campers, property tax exemption removed, SB 293
Motor vehicle franchises, applicability of laws, SB 355
Off-road vehicles, registration and titling, SB 117
Clark and Washoe counties, programs, AB 447
Collectors of materials, reports, penalties, AB 447
Coordinators, appointment by counties or health districts, AB 447
Motor vehicle batteries, tires and oil, AB 447
Paper, state purchasing of recycled products, AB 116
Adjacent lands, protection, SB 358**
Masters (See MASTERS)
Sports officials, exemption from coverage under certain laws, AB 185**
Action by political subdivision to challenge petition restricted, AB 292
Arguments and rebuttal, inclusion of names of writers, AB 436
Committees to prepare arguments, appointment, SB 449*, AB 125*, AB 293*
Fiscal notes, requirements, SB 449†
Growth caps, inclusion of certain findings, SB 279
Master plans, adoption or amendment, AB 428
Time for local agencies to submit copies of questions to clerks, AB 125*, AB 293*
Establishment, designation of Western Nevada Development District, SB 328*
Dedication of land or imposition of construction tax for parks, AB 196
Permit based on dedication of land or other thing of value, prohibition, AB 427†
Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition, meetings of Board, SB 79**
Washoe County
Project of regional significance, appeal to governing body, AB 380
Spheres of influence, provisions abolished, AB 380
Super-majority vote to approve certain land use decisions, AB 379
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, creation, SB 275
Academic achievement plans, duties, SB 191
Composition, SB 210**
Gifts and grants, authority to accept, SB 191, SB 210**
Per diem and travel expenses, SB 210**
Regional training programs (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Personnel)
Clark County, funding of projects, SB 237**
Facilities, smoking prohibitions, AB 96
Public transit fund, use for air quality projects, SB 237**
Publications, deposit with or transmittal to State Library, AB 214
Washoe County, funding of projects, SB 237**, AB 455
Halfway houses for substance abuse recovery, limitation on location, SB 236
Methamphetamine manufacture near, additional penalty, AB 33*
Vandalism or graffiti, penalty for repeat offenses, AB 11
Biomass, tires excluded from definition, AB 296†
Electricity generating facilities or systems
Permits, AB 372
Tax exemptions or abatements, SB 473**, SB 489**
Geoexchange technology, study, SCR 37
Net metering systems, program to distribute money for development or use of renewable energy, AB 429**
Qualified energy recovery processes, use by utilities for portfolio standards, AB 429**
Renewable energy system defined, AB 314, AB 429**, AB 431**
Residential equipment, purchase and installation programs, AB 314
School construction, use of renewable energy sources encouraged, AB 396**
Solar energy
Common-interest communities, use, SB 438
Defined as renewable energy, AB 429**, AB 431**
Demonstration Program, establishment, AB 32**, AB 431**
Installers of systems, regulation, AB 431†
Solar photovoltaic system, use by utilities for portfolio standards, AB 296*
Thermal energy system or lighting system, sales tax exemption, SB 489**
System of renewable energy credits for utility portfolio standards, establishment required, AB 431**
Task Force for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation
Composition, AB 431**
Tires, use of certain systems by utilities for portfolio standards prohibited, exception, AB 296*
Waterpower, use by utilities for portfolio standards, AB 49, AB 314, AB 429**
RENO, CITY OF (For general provisions, see CITIES)
Baseball stadium, creation of authority, rental car fees for financing, SB 497**
Car washes, regulation of mobile and nonpermanent vendors, AB 484
Charter amendments
Ballots for ordinances and charter amendments, AB 436, AB 528†
Canvass of votes, AB 527
Names of candidates on ballots, AB 541*
Taxes, distribution, SB 308
Telegraph, obsolete provisions repealed, SB 7†
Telephonic devices in vehicles, regulation prohibited, SB 10**
Unfair lending practices, regulatory powers restricted, AB 284*
Voters, qualifications, SB 453†
Commercial area vitalization projects, restrictions on tax distributions, AB 499
Motor vehicle fuel taxes, allocation, AB 525
Railroad grade separation project, use of certain tax proceeds, SB 293, AB 514*
Room tax, duties, AB 205**
Clark County, additional fee, use, AB 554
Damage waivers, AB 522*
Governmental services fees, collection, AB 267**
Records of lessees, duties of Department of Taxation, AB 267**
Recovery surcharge
Collection, reports, AB 267**
Maximum amount, SB 497**
Washoe County, additional fee, use, SB 497**
Agriculture, State Department of, SB 485*
Arts Council, State, AB 224**
Beef Council, Nevada, abolished, SB 486**
Business and Industry, Department of, AB 453**, AB 490**
Disability Services, Office of, creation, duties, SB 164**
Emergency Management, Division of, SB 6
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Advisory Subcommittee, abolished, SB 307*
Human Resources, Department of, SB 462
Information Technology, Department of, AB 88
Sheep Commissioners, State Board of, abolished, SB 486**
State Printing Division, SB 504**
Wildlife, Department of, creation, AB 41**, AB 72
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Felony convictions, effect, AB 55**
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**
Motor vehicles, notice of sale, AB 92†
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Burglary, penalty, AB 191
Certificate of change, filing, SB 298, SB 399, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Defaulting entities, notice, AB 536
Electronic communications with Secretary of State, AB 536
Failure to appoint, complaint, fee, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Limited-liability limited partnerships, appointment, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Limited partnerships, retention of certain information by agent, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Registration of willingness to serve as agent, SB 298, SB 382, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Reinstatement of business entity, filings, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Statement of resignation, fee, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Subdivision of land, Secretary of State's fee, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Telemarketing, Secretary of State's fee, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Tobacco manufacturers doing business in state, requirements, AB 460
Ill health, confinement of offenders based on, SB 264*
Osteopathic physicians, certification of offenders, SB 281*
Overcrowded jails, confinement of prisoners released early, SB 317**
Pregnancy, confinement of offenders based on, SB 264†
Work release programs, confinement of offenders participating in, SB 264†
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS)
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Property tax, bona fide resident defined, AB 533**
Vehicle registration requirements for new residents, SB 214, AB 30**
Antibiotics, certain actions urged, SCR 6‡
Abowd, Paul and Adele, SCR 23‡
Armed Forces personnel, ACR 8‡
Carter, Jimmy, SCR 35‡
Dini, Joseph E., Jr., ACR 4‡
Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition, SCR 16‡
Flud, Ronnie W., SR 9‡
Gallagher, Dorothy, SCR 34‡
Henderson, City of, 50th anniversary, ACR 23‡
Highway Watch, participants and sponsors, ACR 22‡
Jacobsen, Lawrence E., ACR 4‡
King, Sonny, SR 7‡
Mesquite Project, backers, SCR 40‡
Mineral County High School girls' basketball team, SCR 33‡
Nevada Medal winner Dr. Charles Goldman and sponsor SBC, SCR 17‡
Nevada Music Educators Association, ACR 11‡
Nevadans for Antibiotic Awareness, SCR 6‡
Raggio, Senator William J., SCR 1‡
State Bar of Nevada, SCR 9‡
State Printing Division Chief and staff, ACR 32‡
Tourism industry personnel, ACR 25‡
Constitutional amendments (See CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS, NEVADA)
Disabilities, persons with, agencies and Governor urged to take certain actions, SCR 10‡
Equal Pay Day recognized and fair pay practices urged, ACR 17‡
Health care, support for long-term strategic plans expressed, SCR 36‡
Health Division, sepsis programs recognized and continuation urged, SCR 18‡
Homeless Awareness Day designated, ACR 13‡
Iraq, troops commended and hope for quick end to conflict expressed, ACR 8‡
Kiwanis Day designated, SCR 27‡
Legislative and agency studies (See LEGISLATIVE AND AGENCY STUDIES)
Legislature (See LEGISLATURE)
Medicare, prescription drug program urged, AJR 15‡
9-11 victims, ACR 2‡
Bennett, William, ACR 24‡
Cain, Edmund J., SCR 22‡
Carr, Marvin, SCR 30‡
Cline, Donald J., Jr., ACR 29‡
Daines, Darrel R., SCR 39‡
Etchemendy, Henry "Hank", ACR 6‡
Fend, Clarence "Ed", ACR 15‡
Foley, Joseph M., ACR 26‡
Ghanem, Elias, SCR 14‡
Lamb, Floyd R., SCR 8‡
Lear, Moya, SCR 25‡
Melton, Rollan, SCR 28‡
Pokorney, Frederick, Jr., ACR 30‡
Shelly, Carl, ACR 12‡
Smalley, James Edward, Sr., ACR 20‡
Wiesner, Tom "Big Dog", SCR 24‡
Winn, Howard, ACR 7‡
Mental illness, screening of minors urged, ACR 31
Mesquite Project, support expressed, SCR 40‡
Missile defense system, support declared, SJR 7
Public lands (See PUBLIC LANDS)
Read Across America Day designated, ACR 5‡
Reading, importance recognized and actions urged, SCR 29
Ronald Reagan Day recognized, SCR 2‡
School personnel, promotion of nutrition and physical fitness urged, SCR 12‡
Secretary of State, fee for certification of joint resolutions, SB 112**, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Social Security, elimination of pension offset and windfall elimination provision urged, AJR 3‡
Statewide informational and referral system for health, welfare, and social services, establishment urged, SCR 11‡
Suicide Prevention Day designated, ACR 9‡
Suicide prevention measures urged, SCR 3‡, SCR 4‡, SCR 5‡, ACR 9‡, ACR 31
Superintendent of Public Instruction, compilation of budget request, SCR 41‡
Taiwan, trade agreement urged, AJR 4‡
Tourism Week designated, ACR 25‡
U.S. Court of Appeals, Congress urged to allow vote on appointment, SJR 6, SJR 8
UNR-UNLV athletic competition, certain actions urged, SCR 19‡
Vintage Car Day designated, ACR 16‡
Walker Lake, legislative declaration, ACR 21
Definition, SB 104
Emergency response plans, development, AB 250*
Gaming salons
Definitions, SB 266*
Reports, SB 266†
Live game broadcasts, regulation, penalties, SB 431
Occupancy tax, imposition, AB 342
Personal information regarding registered owners of certain vehicles, release to security personnel, SB 41
Room tax (See ROOM TAX)
Assault or battery committed upon practitioner, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Board of Medical Examiners (See PHYSICIANS)
Disciplinary action, SB 250**
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Scholarship program, establishment, SB 461
Students, possession and administration of drugs or controlled substances, SB 425*
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Athletes' agents, violations, SB 456*
Bond of parolee or probationer moving out of state, payments, AB 18
Computer information transactions, breach of contract, SB 463
Elder abuse, AB 73*
Exemption of payments from execution, SB 70*
Identity theft, SB 297*
Jail overcrowding, alternatives to commitment, AB 303
Juvenile court programs
Amount, determination, SB 197*
Restitution through work, deductions from wages, SB 57*
Victims receiving restitution, authority to bring action for damages, SB 197*
Motor vehicle registration, payment of restitution as condition, SB 479
Motor vehicle sales, violations, SB 69, AB 221*, AB 325*
Service animals, damages resulting from unlawful acts, SB 231*, AB 332
Telemarketing violations, SB 255, AB 232†
Terrorism, victims of, SB 38, AB 250**
Injunctions (See INJUNCTIONS)
Protective orders (See PROTECTIVE ORDERS)
Cigarette vending machines, prohibited placement, AB 96
Grocery stores (See GROCERY STORES)
Layaways, damages against seller for failure to deliver goods, SB 60
Smoking prohibited on premises, AB 96
Judicial retirement (See JUDICIAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM)
Legislators, receipt of benefits while in office, AB 360
Public employees' retirement (See PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT)
Social security (See SOCIAL SECURITY)
Silicone injections or implants, certain actions, AB 50
Peace officers, internal reviews, prohibited acts, AB 330
Registration fees, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Approval of land use conditioned on dedication of right-of-way, prohibition, AB 427†
Barricade permits and encroachment permits, fees, SB 452**
Disabilities, persons with, AB 332
Easements or encroachments on certain highway rights-of-way, applications by governmental entities, AB 197
Public rights-of-way, duties and liability of abutting property owners, AB 390**
School personnel, prohibited acts, SB 61, AB 251
Dredging operations, fees, SB 420*
Humboldt River (See HUMBOLDT RIVER)
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Older victims, age threshold for applicability of certain laws, AB 73*
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Rate, increase, use, SB 382, AB 387
Sparks, tax increase to promote tourism, AB 205**
State tax, imposition, AB 342
Tourism projects, funding, SB 445
Washoe County, distribution of certain tax proceeds, AB 205**
Hospital construction, exemption from approval requirement, AB 402**
Malpractice insurance subsidies for certain health care providers, SB 188
Mental health clinics
Authority of nurses to dispense dangerous drugs, SB 83**
Supplemental appropriation, SB 408**
Nevada Office of Rural Health, creation, SB 188
Clark County, laws for protection of neighborhoods, AB 244
Carson City, imposition and use of local tax, SB 293, AB 514*
Cost of collection, reimbursement, SB 238, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281, AB 387
Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement, provisions to carry out, AB 514*
County swimming pools, tax for operation and maintenance, AB 208**
Definitions, AB 514*
Direct mail purchases, collection and remittance of taxes, AB 514*
Direct pay permits, AB 514*
Douglas County, imposition and use of local tax, SB 293, AB 514*
Electronic commerce, report on effect on revenue, SB 314**
Electronic registration of sellers, AB 514*
Aircraft, aircraft engines and component parts, AB 514*
Charitable organization operating hospital or medical facility, SB 353**
Claims, requirements, AB 514*
Constitutional requirements, SJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Farm machinery and equipment, AB 514*
Fine art for public display, AB 514*
Government purchases for resale to public, exemption removed, SB 404
Lease of certain purchased property to exempt entity, SB 313**
Medicines and medical devices for older persons, AB 351
Motor vehicles
Occasional sales, AB 514*
Racing vehicles, engines and parts, AB 514*
Transferred between governmental entities, SB 313**
Used vehicles taken in trade, AB 514*
Ophthalmic or ocular devices or appliances, AB 514*
Vessels sold to nonresidents, SB 464*
Internet sales, collection and remittance of taxes, AB 514*
Joint and several liability for payment, AB 531**
Local improvements, pledge of certain revenue for art, tourism and entertainment projects, SB 495**
Local school support tax (See LOCAL SCHOOL SUPPORT TAX)
Motor vehicles, computation of tax on occasional sales, AB 514*
Public works, contract requirements, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Registration of certain businesses required, SB 382
Sellers' permits, fees, SB 238, AB 243
Consignment sales, applicability of certain laws, SB 69, AB 221*
Sales of vehicles, requirements, SB 212, AB 325*
Assessments, AB 493**
Depositories of public money, duties, penalties for violation, SB 447
Home loans, unfair lending practices, AB 284*
Limited-liability companies or partnerships, filing of documents, AB 536
Loans secured by real property, disclosure of terms to borrowers, SB 348
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Disabilities, pupils with, attendance at private schools, SB 340
Education scholarships, transfer of certain money to provide, SB 208†
Health care professionals, establishment of program, SB 461
Medical and dental scholarships, appropriation, SB 101
Millennium scholarships
Applications, time for, SB 448
Eligibility requirements, SB 448, SB 503**, AB 179
Investment of money in Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund, SB 448
Tobacco settlement proceeds, use, AJR 10
Bond proceeds, authority to use for purchase of certain buses continued, AB 240**
Charter school pupils, requirements, SB 230
Disabilities, pupils with, safety requirements, SB 230
Disruptive pupils, removal of riding privileges, review of removal, AB 234
Pupils as drivers, provisions repealed, SB 230
Training, requirements, immunities, SB 230
Extracurricular activities, certain exemptions repealed, SB 230
Flashing red lights, use, SB 230
Program established, SB 191, SB 254, SB 376, AB 264†
Alternative schedules, procedure, SB 59**
Annual audits, conditional exemptions, AB 149**
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Ballot questions, procedures, AB 293*
Board of trustees
Appointment of replacement for member in military service, AB 175**
Charter schools, duties, SB 252
Class-size reduction, duties, SB 508
Consolidated districts, additional member, AB 264†
Discipline plans, duties, AB 218**
Home schools, duties, AB 311
Limited English proficiency pupils, duties, SB 191, AB 179
Lists of personnel teaching outside area of licensure, duties, AB 264†
Meetings, audio recordings, SB 229
No Child Left Behind Act, duties, reports, SB 191
Budget reports, contents, SB 210†, AB 227, AB 266†, AB 268
Carson City, performance audit, AB 162
Cellular phones, pagers and beepers, adoption of policies, AB 138**
Child care services, provision on school property, AB 264†
Class-size reduction, alternative plans, SB 44
Closure or change of use of school, review of decision, AB 509**
Consolidation of certain districts, AB 264†
Designations of school districts, standards, effect, SB 191
Diplomas for certain veterans, duties, AB 52**
Drug-free schools, duties, SB 191
Early admission development screening tests, duties, SB 34†
Esmeralda County, consolidation with Nye County, AB 264†
Flag of United States, conditions on display by employees restricted, SB 359**
Gifted and talented pupils, duties, SB 31
Health and social services, provision on school property, AB 264†
Health and welfare benefits, money held in trust, SB 28**, AB 388**
Kindergarten, duties, AB 264†, AB 266†
Lincoln County, consolidation with Clark County, AB 264†
Local improvement districts for certain projects, duties, SB 495**
Lyon County, performance audit, AB 162
Magnet schools, duties, SB 254, AB 264†
Personal identifying information, unlawful acts, SB 297*
Pest control, agreements concerning use of certain money, AB 130†
Prisoners, operation of educational programs for, SB 317**
Privatization of educational services, agreements, AB 512
Publications, deposit with or transmittal to State Library, AB 214
Pupils with disabilities, study of due process hearings, SB 234
Reading instruction program, duties, AB 411
Reconfiguration of districts, study, SCR 21
Records and information concerning children, accessibility to parents, AB 54
Remedial education of high school graduates, reimbursement of costs, AB 426
Safe and respectful learning environment, duties, AB 513
Safe drinking water, grants to purchase alternative sources, AB 473†
School bus transportation, committee on, creation, duties, AB 234
Smoking and tobacco regulation, authority, SB 50*
Speech pathologists, enhanced salaries, AB 268
Storey County, consolidation with Washoe County, AB 264†
Superintendents of schools
Discipline plans, reports, AB 218**
No Child Left Behind Act, duties, reports, SB 191
Uniforms, duties, AB 264†
Basic support guarantee
Computation, SB 376, SB 509, AB 264†, AB 266†
Reduction, SB 509
Special education program units, SB 509
Buildings, furniture and equipment, authority to use bond proceeds, AB 240**
Charter schools, distribution of proceeds, SB 222
Capital projects funds, distributions, SB 382
County school district funds, deposits, distributions, SB 485*, SB 495**, AB 130†, AB 387
Driver education courses, funding, SB 149
Educational Technology, Trust Fund for, abolished, AB 179†
Extraordinary maintenance, repair or improvements of school facilities, local tax for, collection, AB 514*
Funds for Capital Projects, use, AB 396**
Gaming license fees, distribution, SB 271, AB 387
General funds, ending balance, AB 266†
Governmental services tax, distribution of proceeds, SB 465**
Insurance premium tax, distribution, AB 387
Local school support tax (See LOCAL SCHOOL SUPPORT TAX)
Operating funds, appropriation for restoration, AB 266†
Real property transfer tax, distribution, AB 387
Redevelopment areas, tax revenue levied for benefit of schools exempt from distribution to certain agencies, SB 402
Room taxes, distribution, SB 382, AB 387
School Accountability Trust Fund, creation, use, AB 426
School Improvement, Fund for, use to provide education scholarships, SB 208†
Special education, expenditures on behalf of homeschool pupils, AB 311
State Distributive School Account
Allocation, SB 509
Appropriations, SB 2, SB 210†, SB 508, SB 509, AB 253**, AB 266†
Authorized expenditures, SB 509
Biennial budgetary request, inclusion of certain compiled information, AB 266, SCR 41‡
Charter schools, apportionments, SB 33, SB 252
Date for apportionment, AB 124
Declining enrollments, calculation of basic support, AB 122
Distribution, procedure, AB 124
Dropouts, adjustment to apportionments, AB 45
School Accountability Trust Fund, transfer of money, AB 426
Textbooks, instructional supplies and hardware, expenditure requirements, SB 509
Cigarette vending machines, placement prohibited, AB 96, AB 154
Election board trainees, qualifications, AB 125*
Employees, criminal history investigations, SB 303, AB 155**
Fire drills, SB 458
Firearms safety courses, financial support, AB 115
Halfway houses for substance abuse recovery, limitation on location, SB 236
Interscholastic activities, AB 307 (See INTERSCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES)
Libraries, appropriation for on-line access licenses, SB 185
Methamphetamine manufacture near, additional penalty, AB 33*
Millennium scholarships (See SCHOLARSHIPS)
Public school pupils with disabilities, scholarships to attend schools, SB 340
Pupils' records
Accessibility to parents, AB 54
Juvenile proceedings, inspection, SB 393
Reading, importance recognized and actions urged, SCR 29
School zones or school crossing zones
Portable signs, placement, AB 42**
Stop on direction or signal of school crossing guard required, AB 42**
Smoking in school buildings or on school grounds, prohibition, AB 96, AB 154
Vandalism or graffiti, penalty for repeat offenses, AB 11
Voucher schools, establishment of program, SB 376
Achievement and proficiency examinations
Additional tests, requirements, payment of costs, SB 191
Failure on first administration, retaking of failed portion authorized, AB 179
Grades when tests taken, SB 191
High school proficiency examinations
Contents, SB 191
Math portion
Effect of failure on graduation, AB 179
Study directed, AB 179
Preparatory course, offering, AB 510*
Revision, SB 182
Homeschool pupils, testing required, AB 264†
Limited English proficiency pupils, procedures, SB 191, AB 179
PSAT and Pre ACT, administration, SB 191†
Pupils with disabilities, procedures, SB 191, AB 179
Reading comprehension tests, grade 4 and up, AB 264†
Reports to Department of Education, SB 191
Science proficiency, inclusion in examination, SB 191
Scoring, reports, appropriation, SB 191, AB 179
Spring semester administration, SB 191
Weekend administration, AB 264†
Writing proficiency, inclusion on exam, SB 191
Administrators (See also Personnel, this heading)
Number employed in certain large districts, limitation, AB 506
Buildings and grounds
Authority to use bond proceeds continued, AB 240**
Construction projects in smaller counties, exemption from prevailing wage laws, SB 170, SB 195
Geoexchange technology, legislative study of use, SCR 37
Innovative designs and renewable resources, use encouraged, AB 396**
Real property, sale or lease at less than appraised value, SB 150**
Charter schools (See CHARTER SCHOOLS)
Choice of schools, SB 191, SB 254, SB 376, AB 264†
Cigarette vending machines prohibited, AB 96, AB 154
Class-size reduction
Alternative plans authorized, SB 44, AB 266†
Appropriation to support programs, SB 508
Magnet schools, reports to legislature, SB 254
Closure or change of use of school, review of decision, AB 509**
Courses of study
Achievement test preparatory courses, AB 510*
Agriculture and natural resource sciences, grants, SB 366
Career and technical education, appropriation, AB 266†
Civics and citizenship, SB 309*
College courses
Gifted and talented pupils, participation, SB 31
Grants to cover costs, appropriation, AB 264†
Registration fees and other expenses, coverage, SB 341
Community service, credits, AB 264†
Driver education
Components, SB 256
Funding, SB 149
Firearms safety, financial support, AB 115
Gifted and talented pupils, collegiate or independent study, SB 31
Nutrition, incorporation in curriculum urged, SCR 12‡
Problem gambling, prevention, SB 349
Remedial study programs
Limited English proficiency pupils, SB 191
When required, SB 191
Restructuring of curriculum, study, AB 264†
Social studies, SB 309*, AB 508
Summer school and intersession programs, appropriation, AB 266†
Days of instruction
Alternative schedules, procedure, SB 59**
Minimum number increased, AB 264†, AB 266†
Designations of schools, standards, notice, effect, SB 191
Endorsements, regulations, AB 179†
Standard diploma, passage of proficiency tests unnecessary, AB 179†
Veterans, issuance of standard diplomas to certain veterans, AB 52**
Distance education (See DISTANCE EDUCATION)
Dropouts, adjustment to state funding, AB 45
Educational foundations, real property transfer tax exemption, SB 370*, SB 509
First grade, early admission procedures, SB 34†
Furniture and equipment, authority to use bond proceeds continued, AB 240**
Graffiti, penalty for repeat offenses, AB 11
Halfway houses for substance abuse recovery, limitation on location, SB 236
High school, qualifications for promotion to, AB 264†
Interscholastic activities (See INTERSCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES)
JASON Project and Academy, appropriation for participation expenses, SB 52
At-risk pupils, full day operation, admissions, AB 264†, AB 266†
Early admission procedures, SB 34†
Appropriation for on-line access to licenses, SB 185, SB 191
Opening of school libraries to general public, hours, AB 345, AB 407**
Magnet schools
Establishment, AB 264†
Pupil-teacher ratios and class size, plans, reports, SB 254
Methamphetamine manufacture near school, additional penalty, AB 33*
Millennium scholarships (See SCHOLARSHIPS)
Nutrition and physical fitness, promotion urged, SCR 12‡
Admonishments, procedures, AB 354
At-risk schools, stipends, appropriation, AB 266†
Background checks, procedures, AB 155**
Child molestation, forfeiture of employment rights, SB 394**
Classification system for teachers, SB 226
Complaints by parents or pupils, notice, AB 354
Controlled substance offenses, consideration in employment or discipline decisions, SB 85
Cost-of-living increases, automatic adjustments, AB 266†
Discipline plans or committees, duties, AB 218**, AB 264†
Dismissal, suspension or demotion
Failure to maintain valid license, effect, SB 460**
Hearings, effect, AB 354
Unlawful acts involving minors or drugs, SB 300**, SB 394**, SB 460**
Donation of bone marrow or certain organs, paid leave of absence, AB 3
Endorsements, appropriation for reimbursement of costs, AB 264†
Enhanced compensation program, appropriation, AB 264
Felonies, disqualification for certain convictions removed, AB 337†
Harassment or intimidation, prohibited acts, AB 513
Home or business visits, paid leave of absence, AB 264†
Immorality defined, SB 300**, SB 394**, SB 460**
Industrial insurance coverage, SB 193**
Insurance (See INSURANCE—Group insurance for public employees)
Alternate procedure for persons without teaching degree, SB 35
Failure to maintain, effect, SB 460**
Middle school and junior high teachers, qualifications, SB 191
Suspension or revocation, SB 394**
Limited English proficient pupils, appropriation for stipends, AB 266†
Luring a child or mentally ill person, effect, SB 300**, SB 394**, SB 460**
Math teachers, endorsements, enhanced salaries, SB 210†, AB 266†
Mentor and master teachers, additional duties, augmented salaries, SB 226
Minimum salary schedule, AB 264†
Music Educators Association, Nevada, commendation, ACR 11‡
Paraprofessionals, requirements, SB 191
Participatory democracy, course completion as condition of licensure, SB 309†
Police officers (See generally PEACE OFFICERS)
Previous service, credit in setting salary, AB 264†
Professional development, appropriation, AB 266†
Child abuse or neglect, duty to report, AB 308
Educational psychologists, endorsements, practice, AB 308
Enhanced pay for certified personnel, AB 227
Stipends, appropriation, AB 266†
Psychotropic drugs, prohibited acts relating to use by pupils, SB 61, AB 251
Pupils with disabilities, endorsements, enhanced salaries, SB 210†, AB 266†
Qualifications, provision of information to parents, SB 191
Regional training programs
Administrators, funding for training, SB 509
Appropriations, SB 210†
Clark County, appropriation for certificate program, SB 190
Content and provision of additional services, SB 191
Early Literacy Intervention Program, establishment, SB 210**
Evaluation, funding, SB 210†, SB 509
Governing body, powers and duties, SB 191, SB 210**
Paraprofessional training, reports, SB 191
Reading instruction, training in, AB 411
Suicide issues, coverage of issues authorized, SB 36**
School bus transportation, committee on, creation, duties, AB 234
Schools needing improvement, bonus pay for personnel, SB 191†
Science teachers, endorsements, enhanced salaries, SB 210†
Sexual conduct with pupils, effect, SB 300**, SB 394**, SB 460**
Shortages, agreements to teach in other subject areas, AB 264†
Student teachers, supervision, transfers to other schools, AB 264†
Teaching outside area of licensure, lists, AB 264†
Transfer or reassignment, right to request, AB 264†
Working hours, contracts, AB 264†
Principals (See also Personnel, this heading)
Denial of credit or promotion based on absences, review, SB 253**
Discipline plans, duties, AB 218**, AB 264†
Disruptive pupils, removal of bus riding privileges, duties, AB 234
No Child Left Behind Act, duties, reports, SB 191
Number employed in certain large districts, limitation, AB 506
Salary, determination, AB 264†
Unlicensed persons, employment, qualifications, AB 264†
Privatization of educational services, agreements, AB 512
Pupil-teacher ratio (See Class-size reduction, this heading)
Credit or promotion, required days of attendance, review of denial, SB 253**
Physical or mental illness, removal of credit towards required days of attendance, SB 253**
Cellular phones, pagers and beepers, use and possession, AB 138**
Choice of schools, SB 191, SB 254
Counseling for certain elementary pupils, authorized expenditures, SB 509
Disabilities, pupils with
IDEA, study of due process hearings, SB 234
Interagency Transition Plan, establishment, SB 137**
Scholarships to attend private schools, SB 340
Use of aversive intervention or restraints, reports, investigation, AB 264
Discipline plans or committees, AB 218**, AB 264†
Disruptive pupils' privilege to ride school bus, removal, review, AB 234
Early admission procedures, SB 34†
Election board trainees, qualifications and restrictions, AB 125*
Gifted and talented pupils, collegiate or independent study, SB 31
Plans to improve achievement, SB 191
Psychotropic drugs, prohibited acts relating to use by pupils, SB 61, AB 251
Accessibility to parents, AB 54
Denial of rights of pupils with disabilities, AB 264
Immunities regarding release, AB 264
Investigations by law enforcement officers, AB 264
Juvenile proceedings, inspection, SB 393, AB 264
Retention in same grade, provisions clarified, SB 34**
Statewide automated system of information concerning pupils, SB 191
Temporary alternative placement, appropriation, AB 266†
Transportation services, requirements, SB 230
Uniforms, requirements, AB 264†
Comprehension tests, grade 4 and up, AB 264†
Elementary schools, program of reading instruction, AB 411
Real property (See Buildings and grounds, this heading)
Safe and respectful learning environment, policies, AB 513
School zones or school crossing zones
Portable signs, placement, AB 42**
Stop on direction or signal of school crossing guard required, AB 42**
Smoking in school buildings or on school property
Districts authorized to adopt more stringent restrictions than state law, SB 50*
Support teams, membership, duties, SB 191
Textbooks, instructional supplies and hardware
Required expenditures, SB 509
Selection of textbooks, AB 264†
Vandalism, penalty for repeat offenses, AB 11
Voucher schools, establishment of program, SB 376
Reversion of Account, AB 553**
Burglary of facilities, penalty, AB 191
Electric personal assistive mobility devices, applicability of traffic laws, SB 363*
State employees, compensation for dangerous duty, AB 159
Employment inquiries, effect of sealing, AB 55**, AB 337
Problem gambling, completion of treatment programs, SB 42
School districts, access to certain sealed records for employment or discipline purposes, SB 85
Issuance, contents, SB 316
Vehicle monitoring devices, quashing of requests arising from illegal use, SB 26
Definition, AB 420*
Licensure, requirements, penalties for violations, AB 420*
Peace officers, authority to place hold on property related to crime, AB 420*
Record of transactions, transmittal to sheriff, AB 420*
Private investigator licensing laws inapplicable, SB 228
Athletes' agents, duties, SB 456*
Business trusts (See BUSINESS TRUSTS)
Campaign practices (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)
Certification of laws or other documents, fees, SB 112**, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Computer services, fees, SB 112**
Corporations (See CORPORATIONS)
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Electronic submission and storage of documents, authority, AB 536
Employees, authority to hire additional personnel, AB 536†
Expenditures, audit, AB 216**
Fee schedule, posting, SB 112**
Fees, SB 112**, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, SB 509, AB 92*, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Filings, deemed date, SB 112**
Financial disclosure statements, receipt, duties, SB 147**, AB 529*
Homeowner's association documents, duties, AB 536
Initial financing statement, secured transactions, duties, AB 92*
Legislative sessions, duties, SJR 9, AJR 7, AJR 13‡
Limited-liability companies (See LIMITED-LIABILITY COMPANIES)
Machine-readable media, use for preservation of records, AB 260
Motor vehicle consignments, receipt of statements, SB 69, AB 221*
Participatory Democracy, Advisory Committee on, creation, duties, SB 309*
Resident agents (See RESIDENT AGENTS)
Returned check fees, SB 112**, AB 481
Salary, citizens' commission to fix, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Securities Division (See also SECURITIES)
Certain regulations declared void, SB 155
Revolving Account, transfers, SB 498**
Debtors, sales of collateral, SB 436*
Filing fees, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Filing of records, refusal to accept, AB 92*
Initial financing statement, form, AB 92*
Tax liens, security interest in certificate of purchase, AB 200
Civil actions, statute of limitations, AB 163
Destruction of documents to conceal criminal act prohibited, AB 163
Development stage companies, registrations, SB 155
Forged or fraudulent documents, offering in evidence prohibited, AB 163
Fraud, limitation of criminal action, AB 163
Insurance company holdings, valuation, AB 453*
License fees, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Registration and exemptions, fees, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Transactions, fee, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Utility instruments, fees, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, AB 92*, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Violations, penalties, AB 163
Traffic laws, applicability, SB 363*
Applicants for drivers' licenses, permits and identification cards, forwarding of personal information, AB 170
Administrative assessments (See ADMINISTRATIVE ASSESSMENTS)
City departments of alternative sentencing, authorization, AB 98
Consecutive sentences, eligibility for parole based on longest sentence, AB 102
Controlled substances, sale or provision resulting in death, AB 443*
Credits against sentences of parolees, AB 105*
Death penalty (See DEATH PENALTY)
Hunting violations, aggravating factors, SB 135, SB 420*
Jail overcrowding, alternatives to commitment, AB 303
Lewdness with a child, AB 78*
Murder of first degree, certain separate penalty hearings, AB 110
Protective orders, commission of felony in violation of, AB 107*
Sexual assault of minor not resulting in substantial bodily harm, AB 62, AB 78*
Suspension of sentence
Alcohol or drug abuse programs, effect of failure to complete, AB 95*
Domestic violence cases, AB 97
Internet prescription violations, suspension prohibited, SB 337**
Lewdness with a child, suspension prohibited, AB 78*
Parolees, effect of certain felony convictions, AB 95*
Prisoners possessing tools for escape, suspension prohibited, SB 299**
Problem gambling, treatment program as condition of suspension, SB 42
Protective order violations, suspension prohibited, AB 107*
Sexual offenses, conditions, SB 397**
Terrorism, enhanced penalties, consecutive terms, SB 38, AB 250**
Grants for connection costs to community sewer systems, SB 200**
Facilitation of use, legislative study, SB 137**
Unlawful acts relating to, penalties, restitution, SB 231*, AB 332
Operation by refiners, SB 422*
Imposition, SB 382
Constructional defect cases, SB 241**
Medical or dental malpractice cases, SB 250**, AB 320*
County services, collection of delinquent fees, SB 54**
Government acquisition of systems, payments in lieu of taxes, SB 442, AB 361**
Individual systems, grants for connection to community sewer systems, SB 200**
Landlord and tenant, payment of charges pursuant to ratio billing system, SB 194
Silver Springs Water and Sewer District, creation, AB 363
Small operators in Clark County, exemption from certain laws, AB 139**
Subdivision of land
Dedication of easements to certain utilities, SB 354*
Improvement requirements, AB 427**
Conspiracy to commit sexual offense, penalty, SB 397**
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Failure to register, collection of biological specimen from offender, AB 55**
Higher education students or workers, registration, SB 397**
Juvenile offenders
Duties of parole officers, SB 197*
Legislative study of juvenile justice system, ACR 18‡
Sexual offense defined, SB 394**
Supervision, care and treatment of out-of-state offenders, SB 286*
Parole or probation, conditions, SB 397**
Real property transactions, disclosure of residence of offender immaterial, SB 204*
Sexual offense defined, SB 394**, SB 397**
Statewide registry, requests for information, SB 218, AB 78*
Definition, SB 394**
Protective orders against alleged perpetrator, issuance and enforcement, AB 331*
Minor victim under 16 years
Commission of offense after conviction for previous sexual offense against a child, penalty, AB 78*
Crime not resulting in substantial bodily harm, penalty, AB 62, AB 78*
Second or subsequent offense, penalty, AB 78*
Older victims, age threshold for applicability of certain laws, AB 73*
Privileged communications, victim and advocate, AB 160*
Protective orders against alleged perpetrator, issuance and enforcement, AB 331*
Defined as child abuse, AB 8
Diseases, oversight, SB 486**
Federal rules and regulations, enforcement, SB 486**
Head tax, minimum, SB 486**
Inspections, SB 486**
Shearing within city or town, crime repealed, AB 10*
Abolished, duties transferred, SB 486**
State Sheep Inspection Account, sources, use, SB 486**
Convicted persons, duties concerning, AB 55**, AB 337
Eligibility for office, AB 55**, AB 114*, AB 337
Filling of office by ex officio service of other county officer, AB 152
Jury service, exemption removed, SB 73*
Quarantines, transport of infected persons, SB 82**
Racial profiling (See RACIAL PROFILING)
County commissioners to fix, AJR 9, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Increase, SB 53, AB 23**, AB 66
Switchblade knives, issuance of manufacturing or sales permits, SB 199*, AB 423
License fees, SB 420*
Special license plates, issuance, AB 44
Public rights-of-way, duties and liability of abutting property owners, AB 390**
Computer information transactions, applicability of laws, SB 463
Definition, business entities, SB 436*
Insurance, requirements, SB 319*
Wills, SB 207*
Alcohol use during pregnancy, posting of sign by food establishments, SB 307*
Billboards, notice of hearings on nonconforming structures, SB 176*
Handicapped parking, erection and maintenance of signs, SB 187
Health care facilities, postings regarding staffing, AB 313†
Highway construction zones, additional penalty for certain violations, AB 444*
Manufactured home parks, landlords' duties, AB 498**
School zones, placement of portable signs, AB 42**
Sellers of travel, posting of notice regarding Recovery Fund, AB 343*
Tobacco sales to minors, posting of sign by merchants, SB 339†, AB 460†
Manufacture, import, sale, giving or lending unlawful, penalty, SB 199*
Revival of certain causes of action, AB 50
Issuance by state, AB 415, AB 532
Assistance, authority to contract for, AB 542†
Committees, formation, AB 349**
Meetings, AB 349**
Creation, AB 363
Counterclaims or other pleadings, effect on jurisdiction and procedure, SB 203
Child care facilities, smoking prohibited, AB 96, AB 154, AB 460
Grocery stores, prohibitions or restrictions, SB 50*, AB 96, AB 202
Local boards of health, more stringent restrictions authorized, SB 50†, AB 96
Public buildings, smoking prohibitions, AB 96
School buildings and grounds
Districts authorized to adopt more stringent restrictions than state law, SB 50*
Smoking prohibited, AB 96, AB 154
State agencies and local entities, more stringent restrictions authorized, SB 50†
Video arcades, smoking prohibited, AB 96, AB 460
Registration and titling, SB 117
Numbers, unlawful acts, SB 379
Pension offset and windfall elimination provision, repeal urged, AJR 3‡
Applicability of laws, AB 491
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, AB 53*
Board of Examiners for Social Workers
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*, AB 491
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*, AB 491
Investigations and discipline proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 347, AB 491
Liability, AB 491
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Offices, AB 491
Records, public and confidential, AB 491
Definitions, AB 491
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Emergency or disaster, nonresident social workers may practice in state, AB 491
Geriatrics and gerontology, training required, AB 349†
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Fees, AB 491
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 155**, AB 491
Graduates of foreign schools, requirements, AB 491
Inactive status, AB 491
Master social workers, AB 491
Notice of delinquency, AB 491
Provisional licenses, AB 491
Refusal to issue, grounds, AB 491
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Problem Gambling, Board to Certify Counselors on, representation, SB 349
Professional corporations to provide mental health services, formation, SB 65**
Provider of health care includes social worker, AB 491
Psychiatric social workers, certification of persons providing reports or evaluations, SB 403, AB 156**
Unlicensed practice, AB 491
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Chiropractors, unprofessional conduct, SB 250**
Common-interest communities, unlawful acts, SB 100*, SB 438
Deposits, when solicitations made in state, SB 436*
Health coverage, associations of self-insured private employers providing, requirements, SB 64
Public utility information, unlawful disclosure, AB 441**
Resident agents, change of, SB 399
Terrorism, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38, AB 250**, AB 441**
Fee for Solid Waste Management Account, collection, AB 447
Grant program, Division of Environmental Protection, AB 447
Irrigation ditches, penalty for unlawful disposal, investigation, AB 488†
Landlord and tenant, payment of charges pursuant to ratio billing system, SB 194
Motor vehicle batteries, tires or oil, regulation, AB 447
Regional disposal sites, operation, AB 447
Solid waste management authorities, powers and duties, AB 447
Common-interest communities, rights of unit owners, SB 100*, SB 438
Meetings of public agencies, requirements, SB 229
Bonds, acquisition by state or county, SB 140**
Domestic wells, provision of financial assistance for mandatory connection to public system, AB 213**
Legislative Committee for Review and Oversight, creation, SB 216†
Legislative Committee on Public Lands, review of programs, SB 216**
Elections, voting materials, SB 453*, AB 527
Instruction programs, establishment by certain school districts, AB 508†
Latino Research and Advocacy, Institute for, establishment, AB 382
Motor vehicle sales forms, availability in Spanish, AB 223*
School pupils with limited English proficiency
Achievement and proficiency tests, SB 191, AB 179
Remedial study, SB 191
SPARKS, CITY OF (For general provisions, see CITIES)
Baseball stadium, creation of authority, rental car fees for financing, SB 497**
Car washes, regulation of mobile and nonpermanent vendors, AB 484
Charter amendments
Ballots for ordinances and charter amendments, AB 436, AB 528†
Canvass of votes, AB 527
Elective officers, residency requirements, AB 412
Mayor, voting powers, AB 56*
Names of candidates on ballots, AB 541*
Telegraph, obsolete provisions repealed, SB 7†
Telephonic devices in vehicles, regulation prohibited, SB 10**
Unfair lending practices, regulatory powers restricted, AB 284*
Voters, qualifications, SB 453†
Wards, boundaries, AB 56*
Motor vehicle fuel taxes, allocation, AB 525
Railroad Grade Separation Projects Act, use of certain tax proceeds, SB 293
Railroad machine shop, appropriation for renovations, SB 296
Room tax, increase, distribution of certain other proceeds, AB 205**
Creation, duties, AB 205**
Residential spas, prohibited and authorized acts by contractors, SB 437**
Carrying of unconcealed firearms, local regulation, SB 29
Tax on entertainment events, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Deficiency determination, notice, request for extension of time, SB 471*
Discontinuance, sale or transfer of business, duties, SB 471*
Enforcement of laws, AB 521**
Highways, operation of vehicles using dyed special fuel on, SB 471*, AB 346**
Joint enforcement of laws, development of plan, AB 195**
Licensure, SB 471*
Local roads, additional tax for repair and restoration, AB 374
Credit card, debit card or electronic transfer, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Delinquencies, SB 471*
Dishonored checks, fees, effect, SB 471*
Holding amount collected in trust for State, SB 471*
Records, retention, SB 471*
Refunds, applications, SB 471*
Electronic submission, regulations, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Failure to file, effect, SB 471*
Filing, SB 471*
Unlawful acts, penalty, SB 471*
Creation, duties, AB 358**
Boxing and wrestling (See BOXING AND WRESTLING)
Horse racing (See HORSE RACING)
Industrial insurance coverage for certain persons, SB 193**
Interscholastic activities (See INTERSCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES)
Minors, petition for judicial approval of certain contracts, AB 288*
Professional sports stadiums, financing, SB 497**, AB 554
State arenas or stadiums, sale of advertising or naming rights, study, AB 415
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Youth Athletic Grant Program, appropriation, AB 546
Exemption of certain officials from certain employment laws, AB 185**
Children, acquisition of protective orders on behalf of, AB 331†
Penalties for violation of protective orders, SB 398, AB 107*, AB 331†
Sealing of records relating to protective orders, petitions, SB 398
75th anniversary commemorated and State Bar of Nevada Day designated, SCR 9‡
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Legal aid programs, appropriation, SB 164†
Medical or dental malpractice actions, duties, SB 250†
Athletic Trainers, Board of, creation, SB 27*
Candidates or contested matters, prohibited expenditures, SB 123*, AB 298
Common-Interest Communities, Commission for, creation, SB 100*
Constructional Defect Commission, creation, SB 371
Consular cards, acceptance for identification purposes, SB 312*
Debts owed to state, collection by State Controller, SB 382
Disabilities, persons with, certain actions urged, SCR 10‡
Drug Utilization Review Board, creation, SB 321
Education (See headings beginning with EDUCATION)
Equalization, State Board of, duties, AB 533**
Federal Grants Acquisition, Office of, creation, AB 281
Fire Services, State Board of, composition, SB 458
Garlic and Onion Growers (See GARLIC AND ONIONS)
Health Authority, State, creation, SB 289†
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, creation, AB 441**
Homelessness, Advisory Committee on, creation, AB 259
Humanities Committee, Nevada, appropriation, SB 357
Indian Commission, Nevada, duties of Executive Director, SB 229
Information Technology Advisory Board, composition, duties, AB 88
Information technology, compliance with policies, withdrawals, AB 88
Labor Relations for State Employees, Board for, creation, AB 65†
Legislators, Commission to Review the Compensation of, creation, AB 464
Marlette Lake Advisory Committee (See MARLETTE LAKE WATER SYSTEM)
Mental Health Plan Implementation Commission, Nevada, creation, SB 301**
Mineral Resources, Commission on, audio recordings of proceedings, SB 229
Minority Affairs, Nevada Commission on, creation, SB 249
Occupational boards (See specific profession or occupation)
Office hours, variable schedule, AB 217**
Participatory Democracy, Advisory Committee on, creation, SB 309*
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, creation, AB 384**
POST Commission, receipt and use of administrative assessments, AB 461
Prescription Drugs, Silver State Commission on, creation, AB 307
Public Employees' Retirement Board (See PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT)
Regional development districts, duties, SB 328*
Regulations (See ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND PROCEDURE; specific agency)
Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (See RENEWABLE ENERGY)
Returned check fees, AB 481
Rural communities, study of relocation of certain agencies to, AB 219
Solar Energy Demonstration Project, Committee for, creation, AB 431†
Special License Plates, Commission on, creation, AB 358**
Statewide Alert System, Committee for the, creation, AB 322**
Substance Abuse Commission, abolished, AB 548**
Taxicab Authority (See TAXICAB AUTHORITY)
V & T Railway, Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of, audio recordings of proceedings, SB 229
Wild Horses, Commission for the Preservation of, payment of expenses, AB 474**
Accounts supported by administrative assessments, duties, SB 198**
Administrative assessments, reports, SB 108, AB 29**
Beef, Account for Promotion of, duties, SB 486**
Capital improvements, temporary advances, SB 507**
Courts, duties relating to fees collected for, SB 106**
Debts owed state, duties, SB 382, AB 457, AB 481
Disaster Relief Fund, duties, SB 382
Economic development, duties concerning certain account, SB 496†
Examination of books and accounts, AB 216**
General appropriations legislation, duties, AB 553**
General authorized expenditure legislation, duties, SB 504**
Investigation, Enforcement and Education, Revolving Account, duties, SB 498**
Local improvements, duties regarding tax revenues from certain districts, SB 495**
Nevada Online Encyclopedia, disbursement of money, SB 357
Payroll deductions, authority to adopt regulations, AB 169, AB 249†
Radio systems, duties regarding certain appropriations, SB 499**
Real property transfer tax, duties, SB 270
Returned check fees, regulations, AB 481
Reversions from state agencies, duties, SB 381
Salary, citizens' commission to fix, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Salary overpayments, duties, AB 217**
Services for Persons with Impaired Speech or Hearing, Account for, duties, SB 164**
State Distributive School Account, duties, SB 509, AB 426
State Treasurer, ex officio State Controller, AJR 16
Substance Abuse Education, Fund for, duties, AB 548**
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Candidates or contested matters, prohibited expenditures, SB 123*, AB 298
Capital improvement projects, funding, SB 507**
Consular cards, acceptance for identification purposes, SB 312*
Disabilities, persons with, certain actions urged, SCR 10‡
Office hours, variable schedule, AB 217**
Regional development districts, duties, SB 328*
Regulations (See ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND PROCEDURE; specific agency)
Returned check fees, AB 481
Rural communities, study of relocation of state agencies to, AB 219
Wildlife, Department of, creation, AB 41**, AB 72
Contracts for sale, lease or use, study, AB 415
Ditches, duties, AB 488**
Domestic wells, duties, AB 210, AB 213**, AB 334
Ground water basins, report to Legislature, AB 213**
Water distribution expenses, assessment, AB 90**
Administrative assessments, advances to accounts supported by, SB 198**
Agricultural Working Capital, Revolving Account for, use, SB 486**
Agriculture Department funds and accounts, deposits, AB 130†
Anatomical Gift Account, sources, SB 99, AB 192**
Appropriations (See APPROPRIATIONS)
Attorney General's Special Fund, amount, transfers, use, SB 255, AB 232*
Authorized expenditures (See AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES)
Aviation, Fund for, sources, SB 99
Bonds and other obligations (See BOND ISSUES)
Brownfield Projects, Fund for, creation, AB 74**
2003-2005 budget, resubmission to legislature, SB 382
Claims against state, auditing, AB 216**
Interim Finance Committee, review of budget and procedures, AB 413
Legislators' compensation, inclusion, AB 464
Legislature, preparation and consideration, AJR 7†
Limitations, AJR 18
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board, exemption from laws, SB 173**
Private Investigator's Licensing Board, exemption from laws, SB 173**
Proposed budgets, preparation, SB 382
Recommendations for reductions, inclusion, AB 413, AJR 18
Reversions from agencies, use of portion for training and equipment, SB 381
Superintendent of Public Instruction, duties, AB 266, SCR 41‡
Time for submission by Governor, AJR 7
Capital improvement projects, SB 507**
Charter Schools, Fund for, sources, SB 252
Chemical Accidents, Fund for Precaution Against, interest, SB 67, SB 127*
Child support withholding fees, administration of account, SB 186**, AB 475†
Children's Trust Fund, awards, AB 201*
Cigarettes, Account for the Tax on, sources, SB 219, SB 238, SB 382, SB 461, AB 204, AB 243, AB 281
Conservation and Natural Resources funds or accounts, interest, deposits, AB 129**
Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund
Deposits, SB 447
Tax levy, SB 507**
Consumer's Advocate, Account for the, deposits, AB 145**
Contingency Fund
Appropriations, AB 257**
Contractors Recovery Fund, sources, SB 371, AB 220**, AB 449
Critically Impacted Medical Specialties Subsidy Fund, creation, SB 250†, SB 389
Debts owed state
Credit or debit cards, payments by, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Denial, suspension or cancellation of certain licenses, permits or registrations for default, AB 457, AB 481
Installment payments, authorized agreements, penalties for default, AB 457
Interest, authority to charge, AB 457
Overpayments, retention in certain circumstances, AB 457
Partial payment contrary to agreement, penalties, AB 457
Private debt collector, authority to contract with, AB 457
Reimbursement for collection costs, AB 457
Reports, public inspection, AB 457
Returned check fees, AB 481
State Controller, required duties, SB 382, AB 457
Depositories of public money, duties, SB 447
Disaster Relief Fund, transfer to Rainy Day Fund, SB 382
Education for Incarcerated Persons, Fund for Programs of, creation, SB 317**
Election Fund, creation, SB 417**
Emergency Account
Appropriation, SB 247**
Approval of expenditures, AB 153**
Emergency Assistance Account, sources, use, AB 19†
Employment training program account, reversion of certain money, SB 496**
Energy Assistance and Conservation, Fund for, abolished, SB 4
Entrepreneurial contracts to generate revenue, authority, study, AB 415
Estate Tax Account, use, transfers of money to State General Fund, SB 415**
Financial Institutions, Division of, deposit and use of money collected, AB 493**
Financial Institutions, Fund for, creation, AB 493†
Forfeiture accounts, use of proceeds, AB 549**
Hazardous Materials, Contingency Account for, sources, use, SB 458, AB 19*
Health care professionals' scholarship fund, creation, SB 461
Health Coverage, Account for Self-insured Providers of, creation, SB 64
Highway Sound Wall Mural Account, creation, SB 165
Human Resources Gift Fund, sources, AB 548**
Intergovernmental Transfer Account, distributions, AB 297, AB 482**
Investigation, Enforcement, Education Revolving Account, transfers, SB 498**
Investigative Account, sources, AB 490**
Lake Tahoe Basin, Fund to Protect, sources, use, SB 46**
Legislative Fund (See LEGISLATURE)
Livestock Inspection Account, sources, SB 486**
Local Government Tax Distribution Account
Allocations, SB 469**
Deposits, AB 387
Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund, investments, deposits, use, SB 448
Mortgage Lending, Fund for, creation, AB 490**
Newlands Project Water Rights Fund, extension, AB 82*
Nursing Care, Fund to Increase the Quality of, creation, AB 395**
Occupancy Tax Account, creation, AB 342
Ombudsman for Owners in Common-Interest Communities, Account for, name change, use, SB 100*, SB 438
Petty cash accounts, amount, AB 153**
Pollution Control Account, use, SB 419, SB 500**
Problem gambling funds or accounts, creation, appropriation, SB 42, SB 349
Public Health, Trust Fund for, investments, deposits, use, SB 208, SB 448
Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund, transfer of money, AB 429**
Real Estate Education, Research and Recovery Fund, sources, SB 428**
Registry Fund, creation, sources, use, SB 255, AB 232*
Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account
Appropriation, SB 247**
Use, SB 242
Retired Justice Duty Fund, appropriation, SB 209
Review of Death of Children Account, creation, AB 381**
Safe Drinking Water, Account to Finance Purchase of Alternative Sources of, creation, AB 473†
Safe Drinking Water Act, administration of funds and accounts, AB 473†
Sales and Use Tax Account, accounting of certain sources, SB 293
Salvage Pools, Automobile Wreckers, Body Shops and Garages, Account for Regulation, sources, AB 325*
Science, Innovation and Technology, Account for the Office of, reversion, AB 553**
Second Amendment, Account for License Plates in Support of, creation, AB 115
Services for Persons With Impaired Speech or Hearing, Account for, administration, SB 164**
Sheep Inspection Account, sources, use, SB 486**
Solid Waste Management Account, sources, AB 447
Special License Plates Revolving Account, use, AB 239**, AB 358**
Stabilize the Operation of State Government, Fund to
Appropriations, SB 243*
Balance, maximum amount, SB 382
Constitutional mandate to establish Fund, AJR 17, AJR 18
Disaster Relief Account, part of Fund, SB 382
Sources, SB 381, SB 509, AJR 17, AJR 18
Use, AB 252**
Stale Claims Account, appropriation, SB 247**
State Distributive School Account (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)
State General Fund, appropriation, AB 252**
State Highway Fund, sources, SB 471*, AB 463
State Parks, Account for Maintenance of, sources, SB 401**
Substance Abuse Education, Fund for, abolished, AB 548**
Tax Accountability, Fund for, creation, SB 509
Tax Distribution Account, creation, AB 387
Taxicab Authority, funds and accounts, SB 288**, SB 476**
Tourism, Fund for Promotion of, sources, SB 445
Trout Management Account, use, SB 416**
Veterans' Affairs, Account for, sources, use, AB 304**, AB 405**
Veterans' Cemeteries, Gift Account for, use, AB 304**, AB 405**
Veterans' Home Account
Administration, sources, SB 324**, AB 366, AB 518*
Use, AB 247**
Veterans' Homes, Gift Account for, sources, use, SB 324**, AB 518*
Volunteers Who Work with Children, Account to Investigate, use, SB 303, AB 155**
Water Conservation, Fund for Grants for, name change, use, SB 200**
Wildlife Account, sources, use, SB 15†, SB 420†, AB 71**
Wildlife Obligated Reserve Account, creation, SB 420*
Legislative study, SB 289**
Candidates or contested matters, prohibited expenditures, SB 123*, AB 298
Care facilities for aged persons operated by, surety bond unnecessary, SB 84**
Contracts to sell, lease or use state property or emblems, study, AB 415
Daylight saving time, exemption from federal law, AB 422
Federal labor laws, waiver of sovereign immunity, AB 341
Finances and funds (See STATE FINANCES AND FUNDS)
Local government powers, Dillon's Rule abolished, SB 295
Officers and employees (See STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Utah-Nevada boundary line, study of feasibility of changing, SCR 20‡
Volunteer fire department donations, immunity from liability, AB 26*
STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (See also specific officer)
Catastrophic leave
Donation of bone marrow or certain organs, use of catastrophic leave, AB 3
Transfer of sick leave to catastrophic leave account upon retirement, AB 537†
Classified service, composition, AB 217**
Collective bargaining
Fair share agreements, AB 182
Payroll deductions for employee or labor organizations, AB 169
Procedures, AB 65
Complaints against
False or fraudulent complaints against, penalty, SB 342
Contracts between governing bodies and members, authorization, AB 539**
Critical labor shortage, filling of positions with retired employees, SB 439**
Dangerous duties, additional compensation, AB 159
Deferred compensation, authorized plans to reduce taxable income, AB 225**
Disabilities, persons with, employment considerations, AB 217**
Dismissal, demotion or suspension, procedures, SB 331**
Donation of bone marrow or certain organs, paid leave of absence, AB 3
Drivers' licenses and vehicle registration, compliance with laws, AB 476
Drug tests, effect of failure to provide proof concerning positive test, AB 217**
Employee-Management Committee, subpoena powers, SB 331**
Ethics in government (See ETHICS)
Examinations, refusal by Department of Personnel to examine or certify, AB 217**
Federal labor laws, waiver of sovereign immunity, AB 341
Financial disclosure statements, filing, SB 147**, AB 529*
Forfeiture of office, grounds, AB 337†
Grievances, submission to arbitration, SB 331†, AB 537
Holiday pay, AB 537†
Insurance (See INSURANCE—Group insurance for public employees)
Internal administrative investigations, employee rights, SB 331**
Jury service, exemption of state officers removed, SB 73*
Longevity pay, increase, AB 392**
Military duty, compensation during leave of absence, AB 310
Office hours of state offices, variable schedule, AB 217**
Performance reports, changes, SB 331†
Personal identifying information, unlawful acts, SB 297*
Public safety employees, grounds for refusal to hire, AB 217**
Rural communities, study of relocation of certain state agencies to, AB 219
Attorney General investigators, increase, SB 346
Citizens' commission to fix salaries of certain elected officers, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Cost-of-living increases, AB 555**
Employee or labor organizations, AB 169
Group insurance, AB 249**, AB 286*
Forensic specialists, increase, AB 173
Highway Patrol, increase, SB 344
Holiday pay, AB 537†
Certification as bad debt, AB 217**
Reduction or satisfaction with accrued annual leave, AB 217**
Unclassified service, AB 555**
Wildlife Division law enforcement personnel, increase, SB 346
Sick leave, transfer of hours to catastrophic leave account upon retirement, AB 537†
Strikes, prohibited acts, AB 65
Transfers from one position to another position, AB 217**
Unclassified service, salaries, AB 555**
Vacancies, filling, provisional appointments, SB 331†
Voting, effect of abstention by member of certain public bodies, SB 16**
Alcohol or controlled substances, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 282
Annual permits, issuance, SB 144**
Concession fees, deposit, SB 401**
Cooperative agreements for establishment and maintenance by political subdivisions, SB 144**, AB 287**
Federal grants, administrative fees, SB 144**
Floyd Lamb State Park, transfer to City of Las Vegas, SB 444**
Improvement projects, reversion of previous appropriation extended, SB 502**
Name change, approval by Legislature required, exceptions, SB 144**
Sand Harbor Visitor Center, financing, SB 46**
Transfer to local government, procedures, restrictions, AB 287**
Designation, SB 115
Candidates for office or contested matters, prohibited expenditures by state government, SB 123*, AB 298
Disability Services, Office of, biennial report, SB 164**
Electronic commerce, annual report, SB 314†
Electronic format, establishment of standards, availability on Internet, AB 214
Industrial directory, publication unnecessary, SB 174**
Insurance Commissioner, list of independent review organizations, SB 23, AB 79*
Legislative journals, number, AB 542*
Legislative Manual, contents, AB 542*
Nevada Administrative Code (See generally ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND PROCEDURE)
Nevada Elder Count, publication, SB 81
Nevada Revised Statutes (See NEVADA REVISED STATUTES)
Public purchasing, private sources of procurement, SB 406
Statutes of Nevada (See STATUTES OF NEVADA)
Superintendent of Public Instruction, biennial report, SB 191
Wildlife Division, printing, advertisements, AB 71**
Appeals, AB 424†
Awards to multiple bidders, AB 116
Commodities, advertisements for bids, AB 116
Local bidders, preferences, SB 280**, AB 424†
More than one item, requirements, AB 116
Nonresident bidders, inverse preferences for certain bidders, SB 280**
Breach of contract, AB 116, AB 424*
Change orders, restrictions, AB 424†
Contracts over $500,000, duties, AB 424†
Election system upgrades, purchasing laws inapplicable, SB 453**
Energy conservation in public buildings, contracts with qualified service companies, AB 398**
Housing Division, continuation of exemption from laws, SB 78**
Lease-purchase, requirements, AB 116
Length of certain contracts, AB 116
Prescription drugs, pharmaceutical services or medical supplies, SB 277**
Price agreements, use, AB 116
Private sources of procurement, legislative intent, SB 406
Recycled paper products, purchase, AB 116
Response agencies, purchase of information or communication system, AB 441**
Sales tax, imposition on items purchased for resale to public, SB 404
Sale, lease or use, authority of State Treasurer to contract, study, AB 415
Secretary of State, fees, SB 112**, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Bullion coins issued by state, duties, AB 532
Child support withholding fees, duties, SB 186**, AB 475†
Common-Interest Communities Ombudsman Account, duties, SB 100*, SB 438
Depositories of public money, duties, SB 447
Examination of books and accounts, AB 216**
General authorized expenditure legislation, duties, SB 504**
Governmental services tax rebate account, creation, duties, SB 370*
Health care profession scholarship program, duties, SB 461
Pari-mutuel wagering, transfer of portion of licensing fees to counties, SB 3**
Registry Fund, duties, SB 255, AB 232†
Salary, citizens' commission to fix, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Senior deputies, appointment, unclassified service, SB 446**
State Controller, Treasurer as ex officio Controller, AJR 16
State Distributive School Account, duties, AB 124
State property or emblems, contracts for use by private entities, study, AB 415
Tobacco settlement trust funds, authority, SB 448
Wildlife license plates, duties, SB 15
Sale of advertising space, authority of State Treasurer, study, AB 415
Transfers to other entities, sales tax exemptions, SB 313**
Certification of laws by Secretary of State, fees, SB 112**, SB 238, SB 298, SB 382, AB 163, AB 243, AB 281, AB 439, AB 536
Conflicts of law, resolution by Legislative Counsel, AB 39**
Local government powers, Dillon's Rule abolished, SB 295
Repeal and reenactment of laws, legal effect, AB 542*
Technical corrections, AB 38**
Clean-up fees for discharges
Collection and administration of fees, SB 471*
Dishonored checks, fees, effect, SB 471*
Regulations, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Regulated substances, regulation of aboveground storage tanks, SB 58*
STOREY COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
Comstock Historic District (See COMSTOCK HISTORIC DISTRICT)
State Public Defender, fees for services, SB 504**
Western Nevada Development District, designation, SB 328*
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, creation, SB 275
Consolidation with Washoe County School District, AB 264†
County motor vehicle fuel tax (See COUNTY MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAX)
County power to buy, sell or exchange real property, SB 110*
Impact fees for street projects, rate, SB 237**, AB 455
Public rights-of-way, duties and liability of abutting property owners, AB 390†
Regional transportation projects in certain counties, funding, SB 237**, AB 455
Special fuel tax, additional tax for street repair and restoration, AB 374
Subdivision of land, improvement requirements, AB 427**
Transportation, tax for improvement of, rate, SB 237**
Vacation or abandonment, notice of hearing, SB 176*
Public school personnel, right to strike, AB 279
State or local government employees, prohibited acts, AB 65
Education students, establishment of program, appropriation, AB 264†
Nursing student loan program, appropriation, SB 208
Tobacco settlement proceeds, use, AJR 10
Building codes (See BUILDING CODES)
Building inspectors (See BUILDING INSPECTORS)
Building permits (See BUILDING PERMITS)
Certificates of occupancy, requirements, AB 449
Easements, requirements, exceptions, SB 354*
Flag of United States, conditions on display restricted, SB 359**, AB 408
Growth caps, requirements, SB 279
Improvements, restrictions on imposition of certain requirements by governing body, AB 427**
Landscaping, lighting and security walls, notice of hearing relating to failure to maintain, SB 176*
Maps and plats
Amendment, requirements, AB 533**
Approval conditioned on dedication of land or other thing of value, prohibition, AB 427†
Certificate of owner of land to grant easements designated in final map, SB 354*
Compatibility with information technology used by assessors required, AB 533**
Final maps
Contents to include certain roads and easements, SB 354*
Presentation, SB 176*
Irrigation ditches, provision of maps to certain property owners, AB 488**
Parcel maps
Requirements imposed by governing body, restrictions, AB 427**
Statement of facts required, SB 30
Reverted property, requirements, AB 533**
Tentative maps, contents to include certain easements, SB 354*
Owners-developers, fees, SB 428**
Regional parks, dedication of certain land or imposition of construction tax, AB 196
Regional planning (See REGIONAL PLANNING)
Representatives, fees, SB 428**
Rural preservation neighborhoods, protection, AB 244
Sales (See also REAL PROPERTY)
Real Estate Division, regulations, SB 428**
Secretary of State as agent, fee, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Transportation, tax for improvement of, rate, SB 237**
Utilities and cable company easements, requirements, exceptions, SB 354*
Zoning (See ZONING)
Common-interest communities, procedures, SB 100*, SB 325, SB 438
Contractors' Board, State, SB 371
Employee-Management Committee, SB 331**
Internet service providers, fees for providing information limited, SB 300**
Public Works Board, State, SB 491*
Real Estate Commission, SB 438
Secretary of State, SB 456*
Abolished, AB 548**
Douglas County, appropriation for prevention programs, AB 340
Preventive measures urged, SCR 3‡, SCR 4‡, SCR 5‡, ACR 9‡, ACR 31
Real property transactions, disclosure regarding suicide immaterial, SB 204*
School personnel, regional training programs, SB 36**
Statewide prevention program, creation, SB 49**
Suicide Prevention Day designated, ACR 9‡
California Immigrant Trail Interpretive Center, time for bond issue, SB 51**
Costs savings of state agencies, authority to retain and use, SB 381
Domestic wells, mandatory connection to public system, AB 210, AB 213**
Housing, assistance to finance, SB 78**
Legislative Committee on Persons with Disabilities, SB 137**
Legislative Committee on Public Lands, AB 487
Malpractice screening panels, AB 300
Minority Affairs, Nevada Commission on, SB 249
Newlands Project Water Rights Fund, extension, AB 82*
Public Employees' Benefits Program, number of members of Board, AB 249**
Public Lands, Legislative Committee on, review of water entities, SB 216**
Renewable energy, certain tax exemptions extended, SB 489**
Rural preservation neighborhoods, protection laws, AB 244
School bonds, use of proceeds for buildings, furniture and equipment, AB 240**
Solar Energy Systems Demonstration Program, AB 32**, AB 431**
State parks, reversion of previous appropriation extended, SB 502**
Tax abatements for new businesses, SB 473**
Public hazards, concealment by court order prohibited, SB 251
Academic achievement plans, receipt, SB 191
Alternative schedules, duties, reports, SB 59**
Biennial report to Governor and Legislature, SB 191
Charter schools
Administrative services provided to schools, requests for reimbursement, SB 252
Allocations of money, duties, SB 252
Employment applicants, duties, SB 33, SB 252
Class-size reduction, duties, SB 508
Discipline plans, reports, AB 218**
Distance education, receipt of certain agreements, SB 33, SB 252
Firearms safety courses, duties, AB 115
Information Technology Advisory Board, removal as member, AB 88
Legislative Committee on Persons with Disabilities, membership on advisory committee, SB 137**
Personnel hearings, duties, AB 354
Prisoners, educational programs, member of interagency panel, SB 317**
Safe and respectful learning environment, reports, duties, AB 513
Scholarships for education students, duties, SB 208†
State Distributive School Account, duties regarding biennial budgetary request, AB 266, SCR 41‡
Statewide automated system of information concerning pupils, duties, SB 191
Summer food service programs, study, AB 535
Medicaid eligibility, determination at same time as SSI eligibility, SB 138
Alimony, modification based on change in gross monthly income, SB 269*
Domestic violence proceedings, assignment of income, AB 160†
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Clerk, fees, SB 106**
District judges, filling of vacancies created by catastrophe, AB 441**
Domestic relations seminars, adoption of rules, AB 309
Intermediate Appellate Court, duties, SJR 5‡, AJR 12 of the 71st Session
Chief Justice, Nevada State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision, appointment, SB 242
Election, time for filing declaration or certificate of candidacy, SB 111
Financial disclosure statements, filing, SB 147**, AB 529*
Salaries, citizens' commission to fix, prohibition against midterm increase removed, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Justices' courts, mandatory short trial program, adoption of rules, AB 100*
Litigation, provision of certain information to clients, adoption of rules, AB 338
Machine-readable media, use for preservation of records, AB 260
Murder and manslaughter cases, reports, AB 13**
Supplemental appropriation, SB 246**
Catastrophe, filling of vacancy created by, AB 441**
Term of office of justice filling, AJR 12 of the 71st Session
Assisted living facilities, exemptions from filing, AB 326†
Care facilities for aged persons, SB 84**
Construction contracts, security to be provided by certain persons, SB 206*, AB 316
Contractors, AB 190*
Deceptive trade practices, bond unnecessary for injunction, SB 399
Health benefits, associations of self-insured private employers providing, SB 64
Industrial insurance, associations of self-insured public employers, SB 167
Mechanics' and materialmen's liens, release, SB 206*
Medical or dental malpractice actions, plaintiffs, SB 272
Mining or exploration permits, AB 321
Motor carriers, impoundment of vehicles, SB 192
Motor vehicle dealers and other licensees, claims against bond, AB 417
Notaries public, SB 162
Outfitters and guides, deposit, AB 272
Parolees or probationers moving out of state, AB 18
Public guardian deputies, AB 151**
Public works, protests, AB 425**
Sellers of travel, AB 232*, AB 343*, AB 496
Subcontractors, procedure to guarantee payment of certain indebtedness, SB 71
Traffic citations, prohibition on use of certain equipment to obtain evidence repealed, SB 220
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Active experience requirements, AB 146†
Examinations, AB 146**
Laser scanner operators, exemption, AB 146**
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
Records of survey and supporting documents, requirements, AB 533**
Stamps, acquisition, AB 146**
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
County swimming pools, imposition of sales tax for operation, AB 208**
Halfway houses for substance abuse recovery, limitation on location, SB 236
Methamphetamine manufacture near, additional penalty, AB 33*
Residential pools, prohibited and authorized acts by contractors, SB 437**
Permits to manufacture or sell, issuance, SB 199*, AB 423
Environmental Improvement Program, financing of projects, SB 46**
Grant program for erosion control, expansion of purposes, SB 46**
Legislative committee to review, creation, SB 216**
Property tax, separate taxation where development restricted by compact, AJR 8 of the 71st Session
Legislative Committee for Review and Oversight, creation, SB 216**
Legislative study, SB 216**
Withdrawal by Nevada, AB 305
Free trade agreement with United States, support urged, AJR 4‡
Audiotaped meetings unnecessary, SB 229
Credit or debit cards to make payments, duties, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Electronic returns and transfers, duties, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Exchange of information, agreements, SB 509
Local improvement districts for certain projects, duties, SB 495**
Property tax, duties, SB 440**, AB 348**, AB 530**
Public utilities acquired by local governments, duties, SB 442, AB 361**
Sales and use taxes, duties, AB 514**
Creation, AB 281
Audiotaped meetings unnecessary, SB 229
Business licenses
Cease and desist orders, SB 298, AB 163, AB 439, AB 536
Release of certain information authorized, SB 466**
Cigarette taxes, duties, reports, AB 460†
City councils, reports, SB 382
Clark County, duties regarding rental car fee, AB 554
Collection of taxes, agreements with private entities, AB 457
Confidentiality of records, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281, AB 342
County assessors, reports, AB 533**
County commissioners, reports, SB 382
County motor vehicle fuel taxes, duties, SB 237**, AB 455, AB 516†
Credit or debit cards to make payments, duties, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Electronic commerce, report, duties, SB 314**
Electronic returns and transfers, duties, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Entertainment tax, duties, appropriation, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Ethics Commission, duties regarding assessments, AB 551**
Exchange of information, agreements, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Financial institutions tax, duties, SB 509, AB 517
Gross receipts tax, duties, appropriation, SB 238, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Incorporated towns, duties, SB 347
Intoxicating liquors, duties, SB 373*
Joint enforcement of certain laws, development of plan, AB 195**
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, duties, SB 469**
Motor vehicle fuel taxes, duties, SB 343, AB 364, AB 516**
Motor vehicles, duties regarding 24-month registration pilot program, SB 213, AB 324*
Occupancy tax, duties, AB 342
Property tax, powers and duties, SB 440**, AB 530**, AB 533**
Real property transfer tax, duties, SB 509
Rental cars, duties, AB 267**
Sales and use taxes, duties, AB 514**
Satellite television companies, duties regarding taxation, SB 492
Service tax, duties, SB 382
Solid Waste Management Account, duties, AB 447
Special districts, conditional exemptions from audit requirements, AB 149**
Tax Distribution Account, administration, AB 387
Tobacco settlement, duties, AB 460
Unified business tax, duties, SB 509
Washoe County, duties regarding rental car fee, SB 497**
Air quality, tax for improvement of, authorization, SB 237**
Aviation fuel (See AVIATION FUEL TAX)
Beef promotion tax, repeal, SB 486**
Business (See BUSINESS TAX)
Business profits tax, imposition, SB 238, SB 293, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281, AB 517
City-county relief (See CITY-COUNTY RELIEF TAX)
Credit or debit cards, payments by, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
State controller, required duties, SB 382
Construction tax, imposition on nonresidential projects, AB 196
Employers, surcharge, SB 382
Entertainment events, tax on, imposition, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Estate Tax Account, use, SB 415**
Federal lands, increase in payments in lieu of taxes urged, AJR 6‡
Financial institutions, tax on privilege of doing business, SB 509, AB 517
Governmental services (See GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES TAX)
Infrastructure (See INFRASTRUCTURE, TAX FOR)
Insurance premium tax (See INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX)
Jet or turbine-powered aircraft (See JET OR TURBINE-POWERED AIRCRAFT, TAXES ON FUEL FOR)
Legislative Committee on Taxation, Public Revenue and Tax Policy, creation, appropriation, SB 509
Local school support (See LOCAL SCHOOL SUPPORT TAX)
Occupancy tax, imposition, AB 342
Property (See PROPERTY TAX)
Real property transfer (See REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX)
Sales and use (See SALES AND USE TAXES)
Satellite companies, tax on revenue from sales of direct broadcast services, SB 492
Services, tax imposed on, SB 382
Sheep, minimum head tax, SB 486**
Transient lodging (See ROOM TAX)
Unified business tax, imposition, SB 509
Water, tax on intercounty or interstate transfers, AB 229
Disabled persons and service animals, prohibited acts, AB 332
Electronic business, authority to transact, regulations, AB 490**
Impoundment of vehicles, SB 192
Members, terms, SB 476**
Petty Cash, Account for, amount, SB 476**
Conditions of employment, SB 192
Conduct while on duty, standards, SB 192
Definition, SB 192
Fingerprints, submission, SB 192, AB 155**
Denial, grounds, AB 55**, AB 337
Fees, SB 288**
Physician's certificate, SB 192, SB 476**
Prohibited acts, SB 192
Safety belts, use, AB 226†
Training regarding persons with disabilities, SB 192
Impoundment of vehicles, SB 192
Legislative study of mass transit needs, SCR 31‡
Minors, riding in front seat prohibited, AB 226†
Registration of fleet vehicles by electronic filings, SB 405*
Safety belts, use by passengers, AB 226*
Self-insurance, SB 322**
Taxicab motor carriers, system of allocations, SB 477
Trip fees, increase, SB 288**
Fees, SB 420*
Advisory board, composition, terms of members, SB 300†
Certificates, filing with Secretary of State, fee, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Repeal of obsolete laws, SB 7†
Telegrams, certain terminology revised, SB 7*
Automatic dialing and announcing devices, use, SB 255, AB 232*
Background checks of employees, procedures, AB 155**
Business tax, applicability, AB 163, AB 536
Do-call registry, establishment, dissemination of information, SB 255†, AB 232†
Do-not-call registry
Establishment, prohibited acts, SB 255, AB 232*
Internal registries, establishment, duties, SB 255†, AB 232*
Older victims, age threshold for applicability of criminal laws, AB 73*
Resident agents, process fee, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Automatic dialing and announcing devices, use, SB 255, AB 232*
Broadband services, regulation, SB 400**
Cellular phones
Facilities for personal wireless service, approval of construction, SB 426**
Legislature, use of cell phones (Rule 21), AR 3‡
Motor vehicle drivers, local regulation of phone use restricted, SB 10**
School pupils, use and possession of devices, AB 138**
Charges, prohibited acts by providers of services, SB 399
Court reporters, listing in directories, SB 395**
Definitions, SB 400**
Disabilities, persons with, program to provide devices for, administration, SB 164**
Duration of each call billed, notice to customers, exception, SB 400**
E-mail (See E-MAIL)
Emergency calls, refusal to relinquish public phone, penalty, AB 10*
Government acquisition of systems, payments in lieu of taxes, SB 442, AB 361**
Incumbent local exchange carriers, plan of alternative regulation, SB 400**
Internet (See INTERNET)
Landlord and tenant
Disclosure of emergency telephone numbers to tenants, SB 13*
Payment of charges pursuant to ratio billing system, SB 194
Legislative study of telecommunication services, ACR 19
Lines, construction procedures, SB 7†
Motor vehicles
Local regulation of phone use restricted, SB 10**
Reports of failure of new residents to register vehicles, SB 214
Pari-mutuel wagering, regulation, SB 3**
Party lines, repeal of certain crime relating to, AB 10*
Property tax on interstate or intercounty property, duties, penalties, AB 530**
Quarantined persons, rights, SB 82**
Regulated services, definition of public utility, SB 400**
State Telecommunications System, duties of Department of Information Technology, AB 88
Statewide informational and referral system, establishment, SB 239, SCR 11‡
Subdivision of land, easements for certain utilities, SB 354*
Suicide hotline in Clark County urged, SCR 5‡
Toll-free numbers
Consumer reporting agencies, duties, SB 379
Do-not-call lists, request line for inclusion on, SB 255, AB 232*
Elections, information regarding provisional ballots, SB 453*, AB 527
Failure of new residents to register vehicles, reports, SB 214†
Victims and witnesses, requests for information on defendant, AB 336**
Amber Alert System, creation, AB 322**
Closed circuit transmissions, tax on entertainment events, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Community antenna television
Cities and counties, authority to provide services, SB 278, SB 429**
Discriminatory acts by franchisor prohibited, SB 429**
Franchises, fees, authority of governing body to grant, SB 278
Governmental acquisition of system, payments in lieu of taxes, SB 442, AB 361**
Landlord and tenant, payments pursuant to ratio billing system, SB 194
Subdivision of land, easements for certain cable companies, SB 354*
Video programming systems, regulation, SB 429**
Gaming, regulation of live game broadcasts, SB 431
Public broadcasting stations, appropriation, SB 177
Satellite companies, tax on revenue from sales of direct broadcast services, SB 492
Requirements, penalties, AB 501*
9-11 victims memorialized, ACR 2‡
Act of terrorism defined, SB 38, AB 99, AB 250**, AB 441**
Advisory Committee on Nevada Homeland Security, appointment, SB 175
Contingency Account for Hazardous Materials, sources, use, AB 19*
Emergency Assistance Account, use, AB 19†
Emergency medical personnel, response training, AB 250*
First degree murder, acts constituting, SB 38, AB 99, AB 250**
Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, creation, AB 441**
Minors or mentally ill persons, unlawful contact with, prohibited acts, SB 394**
Missile defense system, support declared, SJR 7
Nevada Center for Ethics and Health Policy, appropriation, SB 153
Penalties, SB 38, AB 250**, AB 441**
Prosecution, no limitation of actions, SB 38, AB 250**
Response plans, adoption by local governments, AB 441**
Cigarette vending machines, prohibited placement, AB 96
Smoking prohibited on premises, AB 96
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Employers, receipt of information relating to offenses, SB 303, AB 155**
Identity theft (See IDENTITY THEFT)
Older victims, age threshold for applicability of certain laws, AB 73*
Deceptive trade practices, threatening statements to induce certain payments or contributions, SB 399
Grocery stores, unlawful acts, AB 356
Health care facilities, unlawful acts involving staffing levels, AB 313†
Peace officers, internal reviews, prohibited acts, AB 330
Terrorism, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 38, AB 250**
Acquisitions, restrictions, AB 389
Articles of incorporation, filing, AB 536
Assessments, AB 493**
Home loans, unfair lending practices, AB 284*
Loans secured by real property, disclosure of terms to borrowers, SB 348
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Daylight saving time, exemption of Nevada from federal law, AB 422
Election laws, computation of time, AB 528**
Sales and use taxes, payment, AB 514*
Educational courses, approval fees, SB 428**
Electronic business with Division, regulations, SB 428**
Fines, imposition on personnel, SB 428**
Gaming, definition of resort hotel to include certain time shares, SB 104
Managers, registration fees, SB 428**
Nonpayment of money by personnel to Real Estate Division, penalty, SB 428**
Occupancy tax, imposition, AB 342
Permits to sell, fees, SB 428**
Representatives, registration fees, SB 428**
Sales agents
Change of name or location, fee, SB 428**
Fingerprinting of applicants, SB 428**
Grounds for discipline, AB 55**, AB 337
License fees, SB 428**
Loans secured by real property, disclosure of terms to borrowers, SB 348
Rates, filing and approval, SB 12, SB 250**
Title agents or escrow officers, effect of felony conviction, AB 55**, AB 337
Local improvements, acquisition of tourism and entertainment projects, SB 495**
Room tax (See ROOM TAX)
Sparks, appropriation for creation of tourist information center, SB 296
Sparks Tourism Facility and Revitalization Steering Committee, creation, AB 205**
Tourism Week designated, ACR 25‡
Committee for Development of Projects, receipt and use of room taxes, SB 445
Executive director, duties, SB 229
Local improvement districts for certain projects, duties, SB 495**
Imposition, AB 514*
Motor vehicle fuel, use of tax proceeds derived from, SB 293
Helicopters, use of preferred facilities in Clark County, AB 355**
Hotels, kickbacks for referrals restricted, AB 329
Registration, requirements, AB 343*, AB 478, AB 496
Surety requirements, AB 496
Tax on entertainment events, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
Abandoned vehicles, removal by police, duties, liability, AB 394*
Salvage titles, issuance, AB 325†
Unlawful operation, penalty, SB 192
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Bonds and other obligations (See LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Candidates or contested matters, prohibited expenditures, SB 123*, AB 298
Consular cards, acceptance for identification purposes, SB 312*
Dayton, appropriation to county for purchase of Odeon Hall, SB 380
Dillon's Rule regarding governmental powers, abolished, SB 295
Finances and funds (See LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Flag of United States, conditions on display restricted, SB 359**, AB 408
Homeland security, response plans, duties, AB 441†
Incorporated towns, creation, procedures, SB 347
Laughlin, appropriation for Family Resource Center, AB 183
Officers and employees
Complaints against
False or fraudulent complaints against, penalty, SB 342
Contracts between governing bodies and members, authorization, AB 539**
Donation of bone marrow or certain organs, paid leave of absence, AB 3
Drivers' licenses and vehicle registration, compliance with laws, AB 476
Ethics in government (See ETHICS)
Financial disclosure statements, filing, SB 147**, AB 529*
Insurance (See INSURANCE—Group insurance for public employees)
Military duty, compensation during leave of absence, AB 310
Personal identifying information, unlawful acts, SB 297*
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Publications, deposit with or transmittal to State Library, AB 214
Smoking and tobacco regulation, authority, SB 50†
State agencies, study of relocation of certain agencies to rural areas, AB 219
Taxation Department, exchange of information, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281, AB 342
Telephonic devices, local regulation of use in vehicles prohibited, SB 10**
Town advisory boards, Clark County, chairman, terms, vacancies, AB 84*
Town board, effect of single candidate for election, AB 125*
Unfair lending practices, regulatory powers restricted, AB 284*
Utilities, exemption from universal energy charge, SB 126
Volunteer fire department donations, immunity from liability, AB 26*
Uniformity of system of government, removal of requirement, AJR 1 of the 17th Special Session
Actions involving marks, damages, costs and fees, AB 81*
Pesticides, registration, AB 91*
Registration, application fees, SB 238, AB 243, AB 281
Antifreeze, bittering agent required, penalty, SB 304
Children's products, unlawful acts involving unsafe products, AB 386
Credit or debit card receipts, printing of certain information restricted, SB 297*
Deceptive trade practices
Aiding or abetting person engaged in deceptive trade practice, SB 399
Charges to credit cards or bank accounts, unauthorized acts, SB 399
Cigarettes, unlawful acts, AB 460
Computer information transactions, applicability of laws, SB 463
Deferred deposit services, unlawful acts, AB 433
Disclosure of certain information to customers, failure to comply or misrepresentation, SB 399
Injunction or other equitable relief, SB 399
Location, misrepresentation or failure to disclose, SB 399
Manufactured or mobile homes, applicability of laws, AB 262**
Opt-out provisions in consumer contracts, SB 47
Payments or contributions, false, misleading or threatening statements to induce, SB 399
Resident agents, prohibited certificate changes, SB 399
Telecommunications providers, prohibited acts relating to charges, SB 399
Telemarketing calls to number on do-not-call list, SB 255, AB 232*
Travel agents and tour brokers or operators, AB 329, AB 496
Door-to-door sales, applicability of business tax, AB 163, AB 536
Farm equipment, supplier-dealer relationships, AB 369*
Fertilizer and agricultural mineral sales, registration requirements, AB 193*
Industrial machinery and equipment, supplier-dealer relationships, AB 369†
Consumer reports, procedures, prohibited acts, SB 129, SB 319*, AB 194
Unfair trade practices, AB 320†
Intoxicating liquors (See INTOXICATING LIQUORS)
Layaways, damages against seller for failure to deliver goods, SB 60
Monopolies, prohibitions, SB 399
Older victims, age threshold for applicability of criminal laws, AB 73*
Opt-out provisions in consumer contracts, use, remedies for violations, SB 47
Restraint of trade, duties of investigated corporations, SB 124*
Social Security numbers, unlawful acts, SB 379
Telecommunications, prohibited acts by PAR carriers, SB 400**
Telemarketing (See TELEMARKETING)
Unfair trade practices
Injunction or other equitable relief, SB 399
Insurers, AB 320†
Investigative demands, confidentiality, SB 399
Employer's right of ownership, AB 2, AB 81*
Highly hazardous substances, records of facility owner or operator, SB 67, SB 127*
Public Utilities Commission records, confidentiality, SB 125**, AB 32**
Abandoned vehicles, removal from highways, AB 394*
Brakes using engine compression, use, penalty, AB 83*
Cell phones, local regulation of use while driving restricted, SB 10**
Construction or other temporary control zones, penalties for violations, AB 444*
Controlled-access highways, yielding right-of-way, SB 77*
Demerit points system, applicability to certain persons, SB 483*
Digital equipment to obtain evidence, prohibition on use repealed, SB 220
Disabilities, persons with, right-of-way, AB 332
Electric personal assistive mobility devices, applicability of traffic laws, SB 363*
Emergency vehicles, duties of drivers approaching stopped vehicles with flashing lights, AB 299*
Evasion of peace officer resulting in death or substantial harm, penalty, AB 335*
Flatbed trucks, riding on bed prohibited, exceptions, AB 58, AB 444*
Handicapped parking
Spaces, erection and maintenance of signs, SB 187
Special license plates, placards and stickers, issuance, AB 177*
Joint enforcement of laws, development of plan, AB 195**
Left-hand turn onto highway, use of single center lane authorized, AB 414, AB 444†
Loads dropping, sifting, leaking or escaping from vehicle, fines, SB 356
Child-restraint devices
Alarms required, AB 120
Required use, penalty for noncompliance, SB 116*
Unsafe products, prohibitions against sale, lease or use, AB 386
Leaving certain minors unattended in vehicle, penalty, SB 17
Safety belts, use, penalty for noncompliance, SB 116*, AB 161, AB 226†
Taxicabs and limousines, minors in front seat prohibited, AB 226†
Transportation of passengers under 18, restrictions, liability, SB 256
Monitoring devices, definition, attachment by officer, SB 26
Photographic equipment to obtain evidence, prohibition on use repealed, SB 220
Pickup trucks, riding in bed prohibited, exceptions, AB 58, AB 444*
Right lanes, required use by certain trucks and combinations of vehicles, SB 157
Safety belts
Citation for failure to wear, limitation on issuance removed, SB 480
Limousines, required use, AB 226†
Minors, use, penalty for noncompliance, SB 116*, AB 161, AB 226†
Salvage vehicles, repair or replacement of seatbelt assembly, AB 325*
Taxis, required use, AB 226*
School buses, use of flashing red lights, SB 230
School zones or school crossing zones
Portable signs, placement, AB 42**
Stop on direction or signal of school crossing guard required, AB 42**
Size, weight and load
Combinations of vehicles, AB 83*
Loads dropping, sifting, leaking or escaping from vehicle, fines, SB 356
Split weighting of certain vehicles or combinations of vehicles, SB 485*
Tires, maximum load weights and minimum number per axle, SB 481*
Trailers or semitrailers, repeal of alternative limits on weight, AB 83*
Tail lights
Motorcycles, certain inserts authorized, AB 77*
Nonflashing blue light, use by authorized vehicles, AB 444*
Video equipment to obtain evidence, prohibition on use repealed, SB 220
Alternative limitations on weight, repeal, AB 83*
Firearms, unlawful discharge, SB 40*
Highways, use of extreme right lanes by certain vehicles with trailers, SB 157
Lease of trailer for trade or business does not constitute sale under certain circumstances, SB 482*
Sales, brake requirements, SB 25
Wildlife license plates, issuance, SB 15
Deputy directors, number, AB 519**
Design-build contracts, SB 19†, AB 401**, AB 519**
DUI by teens and young adults, study urged, SCR 15‡
Easements or encroachments on certain highway rights-of-way, duties, AB 197
Joint enforcement of certain laws, development of plan, AB 195**
Machine-readable media, use for preservation of records, AB 260
Ports of entry, appropriation for planning and construction, AB 195†
Private development or operation of facilities, duties, AB 401**
Report for construction and maintenance, duties, SB 56 of the 71st Session
State Transportation Improvement Program, duties, SB 330
Tail lights that emit nonflashing blue light, use by authorized vehicles, AB 444*
Drivers, duties, SB 192
Electronic business, authority to transact, regulations, AB 490**
Fees, SB 192†
Licenses, certificates and permits, duties, SB 192, AB 518**
Limousines, duties regarding allocation, legislative study, AB 518**
Taxicab motor carriers, establishment of system of allocation, SB 477
Vehicle fee for buses and limousines, SB 192, AB 518**
Rate, SB 237**
Use of proceeds, SB 293
Denial, suspension or revocation, SB 420*
Fees, increase, SB 420*
Insured patients, reduction of charges in certain cases, AB 228
Advisory Committee on Traumatic Brain Injuries, duties, SB 164**
Office of Disability Services, duties, SB 164**
Advertisements, disclosures, AB 343*
Certificates of registration
Fees, AB 343*
Issuance, expiration, AB 343*
Requirements, AB 343*
Fines, AB 343*
Hotels, kickbacks for referrals restricted, AB 329
Recovery Fund, creation, use, AB 343*
Registration, requirements, fees, AB 478, AB 496
Seller of travel defined, AB 343*
Surety requirements, AB 232*, AB 343*, AB 496
Trust accounts, maintenance, AB 232*, AB 343*
Violations, actions by district attorney, AB 343*
Legislative Committee on Public Lands, review of programs, SB 216**
Legislative Committee on Public Lands, review of programs, SB 216**
Assessments, AB 493**
Limited-liability companies or partnerships, filing of documents, AB 536
Service of process, fees, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Tax on privilege of doing business, imposition, SB 509, AB 517
Charter school buildings and sites fund, SB 222
Children's Trust Fund, awards, AB 201*
Educational Technology, Trust Fund for, abolished, AB 179†
Heil Trust Fund for Wild Horses, use, AB 474**
Local governments, establishment of trust fund to provide health and welfare benefits, SB 28**, AB 388**
Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund, investments, deposits, use, SB 448
Public Health, Trust Fund for (See PUBLIC HEALTH, TRUST FUND FOR)
Real estate licensee accounts, audit, SB 428**
School Accountability Trust Fund, creation, AB 426
Sellers of travel, purchase money, AB 232*, AB 343*
Veterans' homes, trust fund for residents, AB 247**
Business trusts (See BUSINESS TRUSTS)
Creditors' claims
Filing fees, SB 211
Notice to creditors, AB 445**
Guardians, powers, AB 365*
Petitions, filing fees, SB 211
Principal and Income Act (1997), Uniform, adoption, SB 196*
Prudent Investor Act, Uniform, adoption, SB 196*
Real property, certain sales prohibited, AB 284*
Real property transfer tax, certain exemptions removed, SB 509
Reinsurance, form of trust for payment of claims, AB 453*
Revocable inter vivos trusts, effect of divorce or annulment, AB 101*
Exploitation of aged persons, included acts, AB 126*
Purchase by or sale to self may be permitted, SB 55*
Tuition plans, exemption from execution, SB 434**
Sports officials, exemption from coverage under certain laws, AB 185**
Amateur officials, exemptions from coverage under certain laws, AB 185**
Martial arts studios, regulation, AB 478
Tax on admissions, SB 238, SB 382, AB 243, AB 281
Board of Review, judicial review of decisions, SB 423**
Employing units, notification of claims, SB 423**
Exemption of benefits from execution, SB 70*
Overpayments, recovery, SB 423**
Sports officials, exemptions from coverage, AB 185†
Surcharge, imposition on employers, SB 382
Child abuse or neglect victims, examination, AB 112
Court appointed attorneys, fees, AB 17*
Criminal investigations, collection of biological specimens, AB 55**
Eighth Judicial District, domestic relations seminars, AB 309
Elected county officers, salary increase, SB 53, AB 23**, AB 66
Elections, expenses related to voting rights, SB 453**, AB 235*, AB 527
Ethics Commission, assessments for support, AB 551**
Group insurance premiums for certain retired officers and employees, AB 286*
Health care facilities, staffing requirements, AB 313†
Juror fees, SB 73*
Medicaid coverage for institutional long-term care for dementia, AB 323†
Military leave by public officers or employees, compensation, AB 310
Purchasing, preferences for local bidders, AB 483
Recycling and solid waste disposal programs, AB 447
Additional days of instruction, AB 264†
Bus transportation, requirements, SB 230
Early admission of certain pupils, SB 34†
Retirement, purchase of service credit, AB 264
Salaries, SB 210†, SB 226, AB 227, AB 264†, AB 268†
Reading comprehension tests, administration, AB 264†
Safe and respectful learning environment, policies, AB 513
Imposition, SB 509
Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, adoption of revised act, SB 48*
Child Witness Testimony by Alternative Methods Act, adoption, SB 43*
Computer Information Transactions Act, adoption, SB 463
Principal and Income Act (1997), adoption, SB 196*
Prudent Investor Act, adoption, SB 196*
Bank deposits and collections (See BANKS AND BANKING)
Negotiable instruments (See NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS)
Recording of documents, requirements, AB 92*
Secured transactions (See SECURED TRANSACTIONS)
School pupils, requirements, AB 264†
Vacancy created by catastrophe, filling, AB 344**
Election, obsolete constitutional provision repealed, AJR 14, AJR 3 of the 71st session‡
Special license plates, issuance, use of proceeds, AB 19*
Anatomical Dissection, Committee on, audio recording of meetings, SB 229
Appropriations (See APPROPRIATIONS)
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Audit of system, AB 47, AB 148**
Board of Regents
Annual information seminars, attendance, AB 353†
Committee to Evaluate Higher Education Programs, appointments, AB 203**
District boundaries, AB 375*
Education students, loan program, appropriation, AB 264†
Election and appointment, AJR 11‡
Estate Tax Account, use, transfers, SB 415**
Graduate Medical Education, Council on, establishment, appropriation, SB 305
Health care profession scholarship program, duties, SB 461
Millennium scholarship program, duties, AB 179
No Child Left Behind Act, reports, SB 191
Number, term of office, AB 353†, AJR 11‡
Social studies courses, duties, SB 309*
Bond issues for facilities, increase of 1991 issue, SB 413**
Buildings, contracts for cost-saving energy measures, AB 398**
Capital improvement projects, funding, SB 507**
Community colleges (See COMMUNITY COLLEGES)
Cooperative extension, suicide prevention measures urged, SCR 3‡
Crime Statistics, Center for the Analysis of, establishment, AB 246**
Defibrillators, duties, AB 441**
Dental hygiene master's program, appropriation, SB 454
Group insurance (See INSURANCE—Group insurance for public employees)
Salary increase, appropriation, AB 555**
Sex offenders or crime against a child offenders, registration, SB 397**
Gallagher, Dorothy, commendation, SCR 34‡
Harry Reid Center for Environmental Studies, appropriation, SB 227
Health facility staffing study, representation, AB 313*
Highway Patrol, educational benefits for injured officers, SB 302
Instructional materials, provision in electronic version on request, SB 62*
Intercollegiate athletics
Athletes' agents (See ATHLETES' AGENTS)
Audit of athletic programs, AB 148**
Sports officials, exemption from coverage under certain laws, AB 185**
Tax on entertainment events, SB 238, SB 382, SB 509, AB 243, AB 281
UNR-UNLV athletic competition, certain actions urged, SCR 19‡
Latino Research and Advocacy, Institute for, establishment, AB 382
Legislative study of programs, appropriation, AB 203**
Libraries, appropriation for on-line access licenses, SB 185
Medicine, School of
Academic Medical Center in Las Vegas, bond issue for acquisition, SB 447
Area Health Education Center Program, creation, SB 188
Embalming facility and plasticization laboratory, funding, SB 178, SB 507**
Graduate Medical Education, Council on, establishment, SB 305
Heart transplant facility, study, funding, SB 507**, AB 333
Malpractice insurance subsidies for prenatal care providers, SB 188
Medical Education Council, creation, SB 188, SB 191†
Nevada Health Service Corps, duties, SB 188
Nevada Office of Rural Health, creation, SB 188
Obstetrical access program, appropriation, SB 188†
Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology Center, appropriation, SB 258
Methamphetamine manufacture near campus, additional penalty, AB 33*
National Guard members, educational benefits, SB 306
Nevada Educational Support Program, appropriation, AB 186
Nevada Writing Projects, appropriation, AB 327
Oral cancer and forensic institute, appropriation for establishment, SB 352†
Personal identifying information, unlawful acts, SB 297*
Police departments (See also PEACE OFFICERS)
Classification review, AB 555**
Sex offenders, duties and immunities relating to, SB 397**
Prescription drugs, pharmaceutical services or medical supplies, SB 277**
Prisoners, operation of educational programs for, SB 317**
Public health nursing master's program, appropriation, SB 454
Qualified tuition program, exemption of certain money from execution, SB 434**
Records, restrictions on disclosure of personal information, AB 353**
Reimbursement of indirect costs for sponsored programs, retention of revenues, SB 259
Remedial education, reimbursement of costs of providing, AB 426
Research facilities, penalty for burglary, AB 191
Scholarships (See SCHOLARSHIPS)
Statewide automated system of information concerning pupils, access, SB 191
Child welfare services, agreements, AB 25†
Education students
High school pupils taking education courses, payment of fees, SB 341
Loan program, AB 264†
Scholarships, SB 208†
Loans, funding, SB 208, AB 264†, AJR 10
Nursing students
Courses taken by high school pupils, payment of fees, SB 341
Loan program, appropriation, SB 208
Personal information, restrictions on disclosure, AB 353**
Sex or crime against a child offenders, registration requirements, SB 397**
Textbooks, sales tax exemption, repeal, SB 293
University Securities Law, pledged revenues defined, SB 259, SB 413**
Vandalism or graffiti, penalty for repeat offenses, AB 11
Women's Research Institute of Nevada, appropriation, AB 383
Workers, registration of sex or crime against a child offenders, SB 397**
Real property transfer tax, exemptions, SB 370*, SB 509
Students' and employees' personal information, restrictions on disclosure, AB 353**
Study of feasibility and desirability of changing, SCR 20‡
Meetings, audio recordings, SB 229
Cultural resources, creation of stewardship program, AB 131
Repeat offenses, penalty, AB 11
Cigarette machines, prohibited placement, SB 315*, AB 96, AB 154
Drive-by shootings, SB 40*
Unemployment compensation, appeals of decisions, SB 423**
Community redevelopment, employment plans, AB 456
Governmental services tax exemptions, AB 533**
High school diplomas, issuance to certain veterans, AB 52**
Hunting and fishing licenses, issuance to disabled veterans, SB 420†
Lowden Veterans Center and Museum, appropriation, SB 166
Property tax exemptions, SB 472, AB 533**
Unclaimed bodies of deceased veterans, provision of military funerals, AB 306**
Veterans' cemeteries
Account for Veterans' Affairs, use, AB 405**
Employees, number, AB 405**
Use of remainder of certain donations, AB 304**, AB 405**
Veterans' homes
Reserve cash fund, establishment, AB 247**
Revolving account, establishment, transfers, AB 247**
Trust fund for residents, establishment, AB 247**
Executive director, duties, SB 229
Account for Veterans' Affairs, sources, use, AB 304**, AB 405**
Diplomas for certain veterans, duties, AB 52**
Gift Account for Veterans' Homes, sources, use, SB 324**, AB 192**, AB 518*, AB 533**
Gifts, use, AB 304**, AB 405**
Veterans' Home Account
Administration, sources, SB 324**, AB 192**, AB 366, AB 518*
Transfer of money to revolving accounts, AB 247**
Disciplinary action, SB 250**, SB 364, SB 427*, AB 55**, AB 337
Legislator's vote, prohibition against refusal to provide service based on, SB 311
Qualifications, SB 427*
Renewal, SB 427*
Suspension or revocation, AB 481
State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
Attorney General, exclusive legal counsel, SB 389
Employees or independent contractors, authority, SB 310*
Enforcement duties, SB 310*
Executive Director, qualifications, SB 310*
Investigations and disciplinary proceedings, SB 250**, SB 364, SB 427*, AB 347
Meetings, quorum, SB 427*
Members, qualifications and training, SB 310*
Recovery of costs and fees, SB 427†
Student technicians, possession and administration of drugs or controlled substances, SB 425*
Violations, prosecution by Attorney General, AB 24
Clark County, air pollution control authority, SB 536 of the 71st Session
Legislative Oversight Committee on Transportation, creation, SB 56 of the 71st Session
9-11 victims memorialized, ACR 2‡
Change of name, court may seal records and waive publication, AB 160*
Child abuse victims, examination, immunities, AB 112
Disposition of certain cases, notification, AB 331*
Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Crime, sources, AB 18
Privileged communications, victims and advocates, AB 160*
Release of defendant, notification, requests for information, AB 336**
Restitution (See RESTITUTION)
Sexual assault (See SEXUAL ASSAULT)
Statewide informational and referral system, establishment, SB 239, SCR 11‡
Cigarette vending machines, prohibited placement, AB 96
Smoking prohibited on premises, AB 96, AB 460
Legislative Committee on Public Lands, review of programs, SB 216**
Taxes, distribution, SB 308
Restoration, allocation of certain bond proceeds, SB 144**
Subsidies from Fund for a Healthy Nevada for coverage, SB 459†, AB 283
Birth certificates, fees, AB 550*
Births, disclosure of certain information, SB 267, SB 389
Death certificates, fees, access by certain persons, AB 381**, AB 550*
Child abuse or neglect, duty to report, SB 383†
Cultural resources, creation of stewardship program, AB 131
Employers, receipt of information relating to criminal offenses, immunities, SB 303, AB 155**
Nevada Commission for National and Community Service, appropriation, AB 271
Sex offenders, conditions of parole or probation, SB 397**
Adoption, AB 235*
Establishment of program, SB 376
Administrative penalties for certain violations, AB 143**
Conservation camps, determination of participants' wages, SB 72**
Contractors, wage claims filed against surety bonds, AB 190*
Decreases in wages, procedures, violations, AB 143**
Domestic violence proceedings, assignment of income, AB 160*
Enforcement of claims, AB 143**
Equal Pay Day recognized and fair pay practices urged, ACR 17‡
Health insurance for certain children, wage deduction of premiums, AB 475**
Industrial insurance
Apprentices or trainees, deemed wage, AB 80
Payment or compensation for lost wages of certain injured employees, SB 268
Insurance companies, distribution of claims upon liquidation, AB 453*
Juvenile delinquents, deductions from wages for restitution, SB 57*
Minimum wage, increase, AB 356†
Overtime on public works, disclosures, enforcement of laws, AB 458**
Payday and place of payment, procedure to change, AB 143**
Payments lower than amount earned prohibited, AB 143**
Prevailing wages (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Subcontractors, procedure to guarantee payment of wages owed by, SB 71
Unlawfully employed persons, applicability of labor laws, AB 48**
Dredging operations, fees, SB 420*
Preservation, legislative declaration, ACR 21
WASHOE COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
Air pollution control (See AIR POLLUTION)
Baseball stadium, creation of authority, rental car fees for financing, SB 497**
Car washes, regulation of mobile and nonpermanent vendors, AB 484
Child welfare (See CHILD WELFARE)
Community redevelopment, allocation of tax revenue, SB 402
Defibrillators, duties, AB 441**
Fire Marshal regulations, applicability, SB 118
Infrastructure tax proceeds, use for flood control projects, reports, SB 490**
Medicaid, funding of nonfederal share of costs of institutional care, AB 482†
Motor vehicle fuel taxes (See also MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAXES)
Allocation, AB 525
Railroad grade separation project, imposition and use of local tax, SB 293, AB 514*
Recycling programs, duties, AB 447
Regional planning (See REGIONAL PLANNING)
Regional transportation projects, funding, SB 237**, AB 455
Room tax, distribution of certain proceeds, AB 205**
Trauma care, reduction of charges for certain insured patients, AB 228
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, creation, SB 275
Zoning regulation, restriction or boundary, notice of hearings, SB 176*
Audio recordings of meetings, public records, SB 229
Defibrillators, duties, AB 441**
Noise restrictions, authority to impose, SB 291
Taxes, distribution, SB 308, SB 470**
Administrator-pupil ratio, establishment, AB 506
Business Advisory Council, formation, AB 162
Consolidation with Storey County School District, AB 264†
Defibrillators, availability in high schools, AB 441**
Foreign languages and cultures, instruction programs, AB 508†
Performance audit, AB 162
Regional training programs (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Personnel)
Appropriation, SB 210†
Test score brochures, appropriation, SB 210†
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, membership, SB 275
Adjudicated stream systems or water districts, assessment, AB 90**
Appropriation of public water
Applications not acted upon within certain time to remain active, SB 336**
Certificates of appropriation
Issuance based on permit for livestock watering, restrictions, SB 76**
Procedures upon connection to public water system, SB 318
Intercounty or interstate transfers, taxation by county of origin, AB 229
Municipal use, action on application may be postponed, SB 336**
Permits, issuance, mitigation of adverse effects, AB 334
Point or place of diversion of water, definition, SB 369
Quantification of certain water rights in Clark County, SB 336**
Report of conveyance, notice of confirmation, SB 336**
Temporary permits, certain provisions regarding revocation continued, AB 210, AB 213**
Bishop Creek Dam, study of reconstruction potential, SB 488
Forfeiture of rights, AB 403**
Humboldt River (See HUMBOLDT RIVER)
Irrigation ditches (See IRRIGATION DITCHES)
Lake Tahoe (See TAHOE BASIN)
Lincoln County Water District, authority to sell water and water rights, SB 336**
Livestock watering
Federal regulations concerning water rights, amendment urged, SJR 1‡
Land used for beneficial purpose, water appurtenant to land, SB 76**
Permits and certificates for appropriation of water, issuance, SB 76**
Point or place of diversion of water, definition, SB 369
Snow, inclusion as water for purposes of adjudicating water rights, SB 369
Newlands Project Water Rights Fund, extension, AB 82*
Public lands, expenditure of money to develop or restore resources urged, SJR 2‡
Walker Lake (See WALKER LAKE)
Waterpower (See also RENEWABLE ENERGY)
Defined as renewable energy, AB 49, AB 314, AB 429**
Electricity generation systems, permits, tax exemptions, SB 489**, AB 372
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, creation, SB 275
Bonds, acquisition by state or county, SB 140**
Legislative Committee on Public Lands, review of programs, SB 216**
Public buildings, contracts for cost-saving energy measures, AB 398**
WATER DISTRICTS (For general provisions, see DISTRICTS)
Assessment for water distribution expenses, AB 90**
Ballot questions, procedures, AB 293*
Lincoln County Water District, creation, SB 336**
Silver Springs Water and Sewer District, creation, AB 363
Manufactured home parks, requirement for individual meters, AB 230**
Car washes, regulation of mobile and nonpermanent vendors, AB 484
Laboratories for analyzing materials, certification required, SB 58*
Pesticide registration fee, use for pollution control, AB 91*
Real property sales, immunities of certain persons from liability, AB 485**
Capital improvements, grants, SB 200**, SB 233**, SB 336**, SB 447
Clark County, exemption of small operators from certain laws, AB 139**
Agreements to acquire, develop or distribute water resources, SB 487
Collection of delinquent fees for services, SB 54**
Government acquisition of systems, payments in lieu of taxes, SB 442, AB 361**
Individual systems, mandatory connection to public system
Grants for associated costs, SB 200**, SB 233**
Provisions continued, AB 210, AB 213**
Landlord and tenant, payment of charges pursuant to ratio billing system, SB 194
Property tax on interstate or intercounty property, duties, penalties, AB 530**
Safe Drinking Water Act, transfer of certain duties related to, AB 473**
Silver Springs Mutual Water Company, dissolution, AB 363
Subdivision of land
Easements for certain utilities, SB 354*
Improvement requirements, AB 427**
Western Nevada Regional Water Planning Task Force, creation, SB 275
Armories, alarm system requirements, SB 290
Switchblade knives, permits to manufacture or sell, SB 199*, AB 423
Weapons of mass destruction, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 38, AB 250**
Grant program for local treatment and control, appropriation, SB 75
Invasive species and weed control, use of certain tax proceeds, SB 370*
Joint enforcement of certain laws, development of plan, AB 195**
Noxious Weed and Insect Pest Control Program, name change, SB 172**
Declarations, requirements, SB 485*
Definitions, SB 485*
Repair of devices, requirements, SB 485*
Repeal of certain laws, SB 485*
Unlawful acts, penalties, SB 485*
Antifreeze, duties, SB 304
Division of Measurement Standards, creation, SB 485*
Duties generally, SB 485*
Police powers, SB 485†
Public weighmasters, duties, SB 485*
Repeal of certain laws, SB 485*
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Recovery of benefits paid, AB 445**
School districts, provision of health and social services, AB 264†
Statewide informational and referral system, establishment urged, SB 239, SCR 11‡
Supplemental Security Income, agreements regarding determination of eligibility, SB 138
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, requirements, penalties, AB 501*
Audio recordings of meetings, SB 229
Meetings, number, notice, AB 501*
Forfeiture of water rights, AB 403**
Mandatory connection to public water system
Certificate of appropriation, procedures upon connection, SB 318
Grants for associated costs, SB 200**, SB 233**
Provisions continued, AB 210, AB 213**
Permit to appropriate or change point of diversion of water, issuance, mitigation of adverse effects, AB 334
WELLS, CITY OF (For general provisions, see CITIES)
Names of candidates on ballots, charter amendment, AB 541*
Ordinances and charter amendment ballots, charter amendment, AB 436, AB 528†
Telephones in vehicles, charter amendment, SB 10**
Unfair lending practices, charter amendment, AB 284*
Voter qualifications, charter amendment, SB 453†
WEST WENDOVER, CITY OF (For general provisions, see CITIES)
Human resources branch office, appropriation, AB 76
Motor vehicles branch office, appropriation, AB 20
Utah-Nevada boundary line, study of feasibility of changing, SCR 20‡
Appropriation, SB 151
Commissioners, terminology revised, SB 159**
Physician assistant students, regulatory authority removed, SB 159**
Supplemental appropriation, SB 407**
Designation as regional development district, SB 328*
License plates for support of conservation, SB 202, AB 358**
Wildlife Division, use of certain money for conservation, SB 420†
Pedestrian includes persons on devices for purposes of traffic laws, SB 363*
Common-interest community executive boards, prohibited acts, SB 100*, SB 438
Nurses, prohibited acts by health care facilities, AB 313†
Schools, prohibited acts regarding reports of harassment or intimidation, AB 513
WHITE PINE COUNTY (For general provisions, see COUNTIES)
Nevada Northern Railroad, funding, SB 507**, AB 180
State Public Defender, fees for services, SB 504**
Swimming pool, imposition of sales tax for operation and maintenance, AB 208**
Appropriation, AB 181
Firefighters or police officers, surviving spouse entitled to receive benefits after remarriage, SB 240†
Tax exemptions, AB 533**
Heil Trust Fund, payment of expenses from, AB 474**
Collection for scientific or educational purposes, fee, SB 420*
Endangered species, creation of protection districts authorized, AB 136**
Fishing (See FISHING)
Habitats, use of certain fees for purposes of, SB 420*
Hunting (See HUNTING)
Killing or possessing certain animals unlawfully, penalties, SB 135, SB 420*
License plates for wildlife purposes, SB 15, SB 202, AB 358**
Noncommercial licenses for possession, fee, SB 420*
Prevention and mitigation of damages caused by certain animals, AB 301*
Tailings ponds, permit fees, SB 420*
Department of Wildlife, oversight, AB 41†, AB 72
Fees, duties, SB 420*
License agents, regulation, SB 420**
Members, disqualification, removal, SB 135, SB 420*
Outfitters and Guides, Board of, appointment, AB 272
Private drawings, contracts, SB 420*
Renewable energy generation projects, duties, AB 372
Shooting preserves, regulations, SB 420**
Vessels, regulations, SB 464†
License plates for support, issuance, duties, SB 15
Actions belonging to decedent, limitation, SB 207*
Guardians, powers, AB 365*
Letters of special administration, form, SB 207*
Personal representatives, grounds for disqualification, SB 207*
Probate, notice of hearings or petition, AB 445**
Signatures, what constitutes, SB 207*
Subscribing witnesses unavailable, admission of will to probate, SB 207*
Child Witness Testimony by Alternative Methods Act, Uniform, adoption, SB 43*
Constructional defect cases, expert witnesses, SB 371
Domestic violence cases, attendants to witnesses, SB 224*
Immune witnesses, duties, admissibility of evidence in proceedings against, AB 61
Lab reports, acceptance in lieu of appearance by certain experts, SB 433
Quarantine proceedings, SB 82**
Release of defendant, notification, requests for information, AB 336**
Clark County, programs to assist underutilized businesses, AB 174
Community redevelopment, employment plans, AB 456
Equal Pay Day recognized and fair pay practices urged, ACR 17‡
Pregnancy (See PREGNANCY)
Women's Research Institute of Nevada, appropriation, AB 383
Employees of landlords of dwelling units inhabited by persons 55 and over, AB 419*
YERINGTON, CITY OF (For general provisions, see CITIES)
Names of candidates on ballots, charter amendment, AB 541*
Ordinances and charter amendment ballots, charter amendment, AB 436, AB 528†
Telephones in vehicles, charter amendment, SB 10**
Unfair lending practices, charter amendment, AB 284*
Voter qualifications, charter amendment, SB 453†
Coaches, contracts, SB 197*
Deputies, appointment, SB 197*
Drug and alcohol abuse education, duties, SB 197*
Female attendant required when dealing with female child, SB 197*
Legislative study of juvenile justice system, ACR 18‡
Transfer of child to another facility, SB 197*
Uncashed check issued to child, expiration, SB 197*
Legislative declaration regarding state sovereignty, SB 294
Storage containers, regulation, penalties, SB 119
Transportation of waste near certain inhabited areas prohibited, penalty, SB 119
Appeals from decisions, procedure in Clark County, AB 291*
Boards of adjustment, audio recordings of proceedings, SB 229
Building codes (See BUILDING CODES)
Building inspectors (See BUILDING INSPECTORS)
Building permits (See BUILDING PERMITS)
Continuance of proceedings in Clark County, limitation, AB 291*
Enterprise districts, standards for designation of gaming districts, SB 158
Flag of United States, actions to prevent display prohibited, SB 359**, AB 408
Growth caps, requirements, SB 279
Manufactured home parks, conversion to individually owned lots, AB 245*, AB 498**
Master plans, adoption or amendment, SB 142, SB 181†, SB 279, AB 428
Notice of hearings
Affidavits of notice, preparation, SB 176†
Certificates of notice, preparation, SB 176†
Governmental entity to retain certain information, SB 176*
Regulations, restrictions and boundaries
Approval of change conditioned on dedication of land or other thing of value, prohibition, AB 427†
Dwelling units, adoption or amendment limiting number, SB 279
Halfway houses for substance abuse recovery, location, SB 236
Personal wireless service facilities, construction, SB 426**
Red Rock Canyon, adjacent lands, SB 358**
Rural preservation neighborhoods, protection, AB 244
Subdivision of land (See SUBDIVISION OF LAND)
Variances, special use and conditional use permits
Approval conditioned on dedication of land or other thing of value, prohibition, AB 427†
Hearings, SB 176*