Carson City (Thursday), February 20, 2003

    Senate called to order at 11:20 a.m.

    President Hunt presiding.

    Roll called.

    All present.

    Prayer by the Chaplain, Reverend Bruce Henderson.

    Lord God, I’ve made several requests here this week. Today, I take just a moment to thank You. You are always here for us. You always want to bless us. And, You always love us. Thank You.

    In Your Holy Name.


    Pledge of allegiance to the Flag.

    Senator Raggio moved that further reading of the Journal be dispensed with, and the President and Secretary be authorized to make the necessary corrections and additions.

    Motion carried.


Madam President:

    Your Committee on Human Resources and Facilities, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 32, has had the same under consideration, and begs leave to report the same back with the recommendation: Do pass.

Raymond D. Rawson, Chairman

Madam President:

    Your Committee on Natural Resources, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 119, has had the same under consideration, and begs leave to report the same back with the recommendation: Re-refer to the Committee on Transportation.

Dean A. Rhoads, Chairman


    By Senators Raggio and Titus:

    Senate Resolution No. 4—Providing for the appointment of an additional attaché for the Senate.

    RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, That Lynn Hendricks is elected as an additional attaché of the Senate for the 72nd Session of the Nevada Legislature.

    Senator Raggio moved the adoption of the resolution.

    Resolution adopted.

    Senator Rhoads moved that Senate Bill No. 119 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation.

    Remarks by Senator Rhoads.

    Motion carried.


    By Senators O'Connell, Rhoads and McGinness:

    Senate Bill No. 170—AN ACT relating to public works; exempting contracts for public works for school facilities in certain counties from the requirements for the payment of the prevailing wage; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator O'Connell moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Government Affairs.

    Motion carried.

    By Senator O'Connell:

    Senate Bill No. 171—AN ACT relating to health care; making various changes relating to the rights of persons under certain policies, contracts and plans of health insurance to obtain independent review of determinations by certain health insurers that allocations of health care services and resources provided or proposed to be provided to insured persons are not medically necessary and appropriate, or are experimental or investigational; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator O'Connell moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.

    Motion carried.

    By the Committee on Natural Resources:

    Senate Bill No. 172—AN ACT relating to agriculture; providing for the automatic suspension of licenses to engage in pest control under certain circumstances; revising provisions governing pests and plant diseases; making various changes concerning the regulation and licensing of dealers of nursery stock; requiring the State Department of Agriculture to adopt regulations providing for the issuance of permits for occasional sales of nursery stock; authorizing the assessment of a fee for such a permit; authorizing the Department to adopt regulations establishing certain license fees and penalty fees; providing for the payment of costs of corrective actions ordered by the Director of the Department; revising provisions governing inspections and shipments of nursery stock; revising certain exemptions from the licensing requirements relating to pest control; eliminating the grace period for renewing licenses to perform pest control; changing the Noxious Weed and Insect Pest Control Program to the Program for the Control of Pests and Plant Diseases; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator Rhoads moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Natural Resources.

    Motion carried.

    By the Committee on Government Affairs:

    Senate Bill No. 173—AN ACT relating to state financial administration; exempting certain licensing boards from the State Budget Act and certain provisions governing financial administration; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator O'Connell moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.

    Motion carried.

    By the Committee on Government Affairs:

    Senate Bill No. 174—AN ACT relating to economic development; making various changes concerning the powers and duties of the Commission on Economic Development; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator O'Connell moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Government Affairs.

    Motion carried.

    By the Committee on Government Affairs:

    Senate Bill No. 175—AN ACT relating to public safety; making certain documents relating to the information technology of a state agency confidential; authorizing the Governor to appoint an advisory committee on security issues; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator O'Connell moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Government Affairs.

    Motion carried.

    By the Committee on Government Affairs:

    Senate Bill No. 176—AN ACT relating to land use planning; requiring the preparation of an affidavit to certify that notice of certain hearings has been provided to the required persons and governmental entities; making such an affidavit a public record; revising the requirements governing notice of a hearing regarding the amendment to a zoning boundary; revising the date by which a subdivider must present successive maps in a series of final maps; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator O'Connell moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Government Affairs.

    Motion carried.

    By the Committee on Human Resources and Facilities:

    Senate Bill No. 177—AN ACT making an appropriation to the Department of Education for certain nonprofit public broadcasting stations that primarily serve the educational, informational and cultural needs of communities in Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator Rawson moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Finance.

    Motion carried.

    By the Committee on Human Resources and Facilities:

    Senate Bill No. 178—AN ACT making an appropriation to the University and Community College System of Nevada to create embalming facilities and a plasticization laboratory to ensure that medical and dental schools can use anatomical specimens more efficiently for educational purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator Rawson moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Finance.

    Motion carried.

    By the Committee on Human Resources and Facilities:

    Senate Bill No. 179—AN ACT relating to mental health; revising the definition of “mental illness” for certain purposes; clarifying the period that a person may be detained in a public or private mental health facility or hospital under an emergency admission for evaluation, observation and treatment; revising the provisions governing the medical examination of an allegedly mentally ill person that is required before he may be transported to a public or private mental health facility under an emergency admission for evaluation, observation and treatment; authorizing a court to establish a program for the treatment of mental retardation to which it may assign a defendant in a criminal action; authorizing a court, in determining the competency of a defendant in a criminal action, to consider evidence related to treatment to competency; authorizing a court to order the involuntary administration of medication to a defendant in a criminal action under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator Rawson moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.

    Motion carried.

    By Senators Neal, Titus, Care, Carlton, Coffin and Schneider:

    Senate Bill No. 180—AN ACT relating to the Legislature; requiring the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau to provide independent research staff to the Legislators of each political party represented in the Legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator Neal moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Finance.

    Motion carried.

    By Senator Care:

    Senate Bill No. 181—AN ACT relating to land use planning; requiring that notice of a public hearing to be held on a proposed amendment to a master plan or a part thereof must be sent by mail to certain owners of real property; revising provisions relating to the amendment of a redevelopment plan; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator Care moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Government Affairs.

    Motion carried.

    By Senators Tiffany, O'Connell, Cegavske, Amodei, Hardy, Rawson, Shaffer and Washington:

    Senate Bill No. 182—AN ACT making an appropriation to the Department of Education for revision of the test-taking and grading sections of the multiple-choice portion of the high school proficiency examination; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator Tiffany moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Finance.

    Motion carried.

    By Senator Mathews and Assemblywoman Gibbons:

    Senate Bill No. 183—AN ACT relating to insurance; requiring certain policies of health insurance and health care plans to include coverage for screening examinations and tests for colorectal cancer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator Mathews moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.

    Motion carried.

    By Senator Mathews:

    Senate Bill No. 184—AN ACT relating to public employees; expanding the definition of “accident benefits” for purposes of industrial insurance to include preventative treatment for hepatitis administered as a precaution to a police officer employed in this state; including certain game wardens and investigators within the definition of “police officer” for various purposes relating to industrial injuries, occupational diseases and programs for public employees; creating a statutory presumption that hepatitis is an occupational disease for a police officer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator Mathews moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.

    Motion carried.

    By Senator Mathews:

    Senate Bill No. 185—AN ACT making an appropriation to the Department of Education for allocation to the Division of State Library and Archives of the Department of Cultural Affairs for expenses relating to obtaining licenses that would allow school, public and academic libraries to access research databases and other on-line resources appropriate for pupils and students within this state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator Mathews moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Finance.

    Motion carried.

    By the Committee on Judiciary:

    Senate Bill No. 186—AN ACT relating to child support; imposing a fee upon an obligor each time an employer withholds income for the payment of support for a child; providing for the collection and administration of that fee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator Amodei moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

    Motion carried.

    By the Committee on Transportation:

    Senate Bill No. 187—AN ACT relating to local governments; requiring the enactment of an ordinance by the governing body of a city or county to enforce the duty of owners of certain private property within the city or county to erect and maintain signs to designate parking spaces for use by handicapped persons; authorizing the recovery by the governing body of any costs incurred to erect or maintain such signs on such private property; providing that any such unrecovered costs are a special assessment against such property; providing the manner in which a portion of certain fines imposed for certain violations related to parking spaces designated for the use of handicapped persons must be used on such parking spaces on public property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

    Senator Shaffer moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on Transportation.

    Motion carried.


    Senate Bill No. 87.

    Bill read.

    Roll call on Senate Bill No. 87:



    Senate Bill No. 87 having received a constitutional majority, Madam President declared it passed.

    Bill ordered transmitted to the Assembly.


    Senate Bill No. 6.

    Bill read third time.

    Remarks by Senators Neal and Rawson.

    Roll call on Senate Bill No. 6:



    Senate Bill No. 6 having received a constitutional majority, Madam President declared it passed.

    Bill ordered transmitted to the Assembly.

    Senate Bill No. 88.

    Bill read third time.

    Remarks by Senators Neal and Amodei.

    Roll call on Senate Bill No. 88:



    Senate Bill No. 88 having received a constitutional majority, Madam President declared it passed.

    Bill ordered transmitted to the Assembly.

    Senate Bill No. 89.

    Bill read third time.

    Roll call on Senate Bill No. 89:



    Senate Bill No. 89 having received a constitutional majority, Madam President declared it passed.

    Bill ordered transmitted to the Assembly.

    Senator Raggio moved that the Senate recess until 5 p.m.

    Motion carried.

    Senate in recess at 11:57 a.m.


    At 5:16 p.m.

    President Hunt presiding.

    Quorum present.


    The Sergeant at Arms announced that Assemblymen Collins and Sherer were at the bar of the Senate. Assemblyman Collins invited the Senate to meet in Joint Session with the Assembly to hear Representative James A. Gibbons.

    The President announced that if there were no objections, the Senate would recess subject to the call of the Chair.

    Senate in recess at 5:17 p.m.


    At 5:22 p.m.

    President Hunt presiding.

    The Secretary of the Senate called the Senate roll.

    All present except Senators Coffin and Raggio, who were excused.

    The Chief Clerk of the Assembly called the Assembly roll.

    All present except Assemblymen Marvel and Anderson, who were excused.

    Madam President announced that if there were no objections, the Joint Session would recess subject to the call of the Chair.

    Joint Session in recess at 5:25 p.m.


    At 5:30 p.m.

    President Hunt presiding.

    Madam President appointed a Committee on Escort consisting of Senator McGinness and Assemblywoman Gibbons to wait upon Congressman James A. Gibbons and escort him to the Assembly Chamber.

    Representative Gibbons delivered his message as follows:

Message to the Legislature of Nevada

Seventy-second Session, 2003

    Thank you Mr. Speaker, Governor and Mrs. Guinn, Lieutenant Governor Hunt, Leaders Raggio and Titus, Leaders Buckley and Hettrick, Members of the Legislature, distinguished guests and fellow Nevadans, thank you for your kind reception. It is such an honor to be standing here in the well of this House talking to you this evening. Thank you for inviting me back to the Legislature as you conduct a very important work on behalf of the citizens of Nevada.

    To begin with this evening, I would like to share with you a simple story of Edgar Watson Howe. You probably have never heard of Edgar Watson Howe, the sage of Potato Hill. But around the turn of the last century he was a well-known, homespun newspaper editor in Atchison, Kansas, and a champion of the common people. Howe put his faith in the governed, rather than in the system. He once wrote, “The government is mainly an expensive organization to regulate evildoers and tax those who behave; government does little for fairly respectable people, except annoy them.” My friends, the more things change; the more they stay the same. We all know how important the challenges are and how difficult the decisions will necessarily be in the months ahead. Tonight, it is a pleasure for me to provide my insights on matters affecting us here at home, throughout the country and the world abroad. But, I certainly did not come here to annoy you.

    Since my last visit here two years ago, the world has changed dramatically. Thousand of people have lost their lives; whole communities have been shattered due to terrorism in this country. And now, ladies and gentlemen, we are a nation at war, fighting enemies spread all across the globe. Enemies who hide out in small groups of five or six people, in countries of millions, including our own back yard. This was not our desire for the future, but the choice was not ours; the choice was theirs. Our enemies seek to undermine freedom and basic human rights. They continue to disregard the rule of international law, and they continue to threaten America and our allies. Here at home, we strive to protect our borders, our infrastructure and our citizens. While at the same time, we continue to face the economic aftershocks of September 11, 2001, and the terrorists’ attacks on our country.

    We all know that Nevada’s economy was hit particularly hard. Our tourism-based economy, which is largely measured by occupied hotel rooms, sold-out shows, filled convention halls and crowded casino floors, has yet to see a full recovery. But these are indeed historic times, times when we are struggling to keep the American Dream alive. I know, when I was younger, the American Dream meant owning your own home and having little babies running around the halls. But when they became teenagers, I changed my American Dream. Oh, it is still owning my own home, but it’s getting those little babies out of that home and on to their own.

    As the saying goes, home is where the heart is, and I would like to begin with where my heart is―right here in Nevada, with my family sitting here, especially my first grandchild, Grant Gibbons. Grant’s first birthday was just a few days ago. I am also proud to be here with so many friends, and yes, while we may sometimes differ politically, we all love Nevada. The State of Nevada faces many challenges, but we are not alone. States all across this Nation are confronting revenue shortfalls, forcing you, the stewards of the precious tax dollars, into making very difficult decisions. Yet, that is why many of you chose to run for office―to make the tough decisions. I know I did. And now you, my friends, have been entrusted by your respective constituencies to do just that.

    Signs of economic recovery in Nevada and throughout the Nation are steady but precarious and frustratingly slow. The slightest push in the wrong direction will destabilize our economic recovery. Nevada is fortunate to have one of it’s own on the front lines developing strategies to help our State’s economy. This year, Lynn Hettrick will become the national chairman of the Council of State Governments. Congratulations, Lynn. In this capacity, Lynn will not only develop ideas to improve Nevada’s economy, but he will seek goals in developing a better relationship between state and federal governments.

    We all understand that the first step to economic recovery is restoring consumer confidence. In our economy, every able-bodied American must be confident that they will have a job today, a paycheck on Friday with enough money to pay the bills at the end of the month, and in the end, they must be confident that they will have a secure retirement. This is by no means an easy task, but it must be one of our principle goals. I believe accomplishing this goal will restore and renew that peace of mind so that many Americans will once again take to the highways and skies and come visit Nevada and enjoy our great attractions, even if just to visit their investment in this State.

    Indeed, lessons are being learned from our recent budget shortfall. We all realize that Nevada can no longer rely solely on its two largest economic industries, gaming and mining, just to pay the bills. While one industry, gaming, spreads like wildfire across the country, now legal in almost every state; the other is under constant attack by well-funded, special interest groups who seek either to obstruct, regulate, or sue them out of business. The thoughtful minds of Lorraine Hunt, Bill Raggio, Richard Perkins, Bernice Mathews, David Goldwater and many others, all continue to lead our State in the effort of diversification, and they clearly deserve our praise for helping diversify our economy.

    My friends, there is a legitimate concern from our fellow Nevadans that tax policy, whether it originates in Washington, D.C., or here in Carson City, is often being formulated under the wrong set of priorities. In Washington, we are presently considering tax relief measures that will help speed up our economic recovery. As Sir Winston Churchill once said at a time when England was also suffering from some of the same conditions that we are in the United States, “A nation trying to lift itself into prosperity by raising taxes is like a man standing in a bucket trying to lift himself up by the handle.” We could actually use some of that Nevada-born common sense in fighting for tax and spending discipline in our Nation’s Capital. I want to tell you that Monday my plane leaves for Washington, D.C., and Senator O’Connell, I’ll save you a seat.

    We are presently developing tax relief proposals in Washington, under the leadership of President Bush, that will speed up our economic recovery and most, importantly, put Americans back to work. Though some would like you to believe otherwise, our plan helps all federal taxpayers in every income bracket including the low-and middle-income taxpayers. For example, a typical middle-income family of four with a combined income of $40,000 will have their federal income tax lowered from approximately $1,200 per year to $45 per year under this plan. Ladies and gentlemen, for those of you that survived math in elementary school, that is a 96 percent decrease in their federal income tax obligation. That is real tax savings for low-and middle-income families in this country. And to be fair, those with the highest-earning income will eventually be paying a larger share of the tax revenues. Most importantly, our plan will relieve a record 39 million tax-paying working Americans from ever having to pay taxes again. The lowest income-bracket categories will be eliminated from having to pay federal income tax. We accomplish this by speeding up the marginal rate cuts so that they take place this fiscal year, rather than waiting for them to be phased in between 2004 and 2010. Our plan accelerates the per-child tax credit immediately; it completely eliminates the marriage tax penalty and finally, condemns to the grave, once and for all, the onerous and unfair death tax. But most importantly, in my opinion, we must make these tax cuts permanent. No matter the timing, it is already public law that these tax cuts are in place, and these tax cuts will take place over the next eight years even if we do nothing. When Congress passed these cuts under the President’s leadership just two years ago, it received overwhelming bipartisan support. Many of us remain hopeful that legislation making these cuts permanent will receive the same level of support. What happens if we fail? If we fail to make these cuts permanent, we end up right back where we were two years ago with American working families paying historically high taxes. Think of it this way, if Congress fails to make these tax cuts permanent, mark your calendars, Americans will automatically, and without choice, experience the largest tax increase in our Nation’s history on January 1, 2011.

    I often hear people ask, “How does this help restore consumer confidence?” Some have and will continue to argue that cutting taxes and choking off the revenue stream to government is causing some serious discomfort within the halls of government and indeed in the halls of Congress. But if our economy is causing discomfort, isn’t our duty to look first, and foremost, at the discomfort of the taxpayer and not the discomfort of government? No citizen of this State, or in any State for that matter, should fall for what has been presented as a false choice. The debate is not about having to pass massive tax increases so that we can preserve the helping-hand of the federal government. As a matter of fact, many would argue that you strengthen our national government by making it more efficient and, therefore, more focused and effective in its mission. Quite simply, you cannot demand the taxpayers to discipline themselves during tough times if the same has not already been completely and thoroughly demanded of government. We are fortunate that in our government we have thousands of men and women who are working hard to carry out important and, oftentimes, necessary government programs. But now more than ever, we must carefully determine where we draw the line between balancing a government program’s checkbook against the taxpayer’s checkbook. As families all across Nevada realize, you base your spending on how much you earn; you don’t base your earnings on how much you want to spend. The hurdle presented by the Tax Restraint Initiative was motivated by these very principles, and it will, once again, play a role in this historic session of your Legislature. These are tough decisions, but you are the right people at the right time serving this State, and ultimately, you will do what is best for Nevada’s citizens.

    Another lesson Nevadans have learned is that economic security cannot be achieved without first ensuring personal security. On October 4, 2001, less than one month after the horrific terrorist attacks on our country, I introduced legislation in the House of Representatives to establish a Department on Homeland Security. This legislation set out to merge the functions of 100 different federal agencies having overlapping jurisdiction and responsibility for some portion of homeland security. I felt this was necessary to ensure that our government is better able to protect its citizens and to protect you in Nevada as well. Not long after that legislation was introduced, I had the honor and privilege to meet with the President at the White House as he unveiled his support for this legislation, creating this new department. Through a series of tough negotiations and the usual turf battles between legislatures and administrations, between committee chairmen and heads of federal agencies, we did what was needed and right for the American people. On November 25 of last year, the President signed into law the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. This set into motion the largest reorganization of our federal government since World War II. Now, our task and challenge is to make it work.

    It was an honor for me to have Nevada’s homeland security chief, Jerry Bussell, with me at the White House signing ceremony, and I’m glad he has joined us here this evening. As Jerry knows, in any true challenge in life, the work isn’t easy, but the rewards are always beyond measure. Thank you, Jerry, for the important work you do in protecting Nevada citizens as well as protecting those who like to pay us a visit from time to time. The work that Jerry and thousands of other Americans tend to each day, on the front lines of homeland defense, is critical to our personal well being, and it is critical to our economic well being. The attacks of September 11 introduced global terrorism right onto America’s front doorstep. For the first time in decades, Americans now truly understand the importance of foreign policy. The light-heartedness of the 90s has been replaced by a new seriousness about our future in the 21st Century. That is why we continue, day after day, week after week, to hunt down terrorists, both here at home and abroad. I was glad to see that just yesterday we indicted eight more terrorists including a college professor in southern Florida. Our war on terrorism is an effort that will likely outlive most of us in this room

    One year ago, I became the proud grandparent of a beautiful baby boy. Now, I’ll tell you, if that doesn’t want you to strengthen Social Security nothing will. But it makes me want to support even more those who serve and protect our country and our future. In doing so, my grandson Grant and your children and grandchildren can look back on our effort—yours and mine—and take pride that we rose to the occasion just as our parents and grandparents did in World War II.

    On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked our country. It was one of the darkest days in our history. We must be prepared to say, “never again,” never again to the darkness of terrorism. And do it with a focus and determination and will continue to disrupt these terrorists. We will continue to frustrate them; we will continue to apprehend them, one by one. We will bring swift and certain justice to each and every one of them.

    While we continue the effort to better protect our homeland, we face brutal dictators and regimes abroad. But we do not have to go back far in the history of this country to see the history of our efforts in this area. Those of us old enough to remember 1964 and the Cuban Missile Crisis know President Kennedy saw a threat, an imminent threat, with the missiles in Cuba. He began to mobilize a war effort. In 1998, President Clinton used military forces and set out to dislodge the brutal dictator, Slobodan Milosevic. He did that to ensure regional peace and national security. Make no mistake about it, ladies and gentleman, there are other rogue regimes such as those of Sadam Hussein and North Korea’s Kim Jung Il, who pose an immediate threat to our national security. Many ask whether the threats posed by these rogue regimes are real. Oftentimes, I hear the question, “Are they imminent?” I’m not sure if imminent isn’t a French word. Ladies and gentleman, it is a valid concern. And it is a debate that we should welcome whenever we put our troops in harm’s way. But to address this concern, ask yourself the following question: if you were in a room and through the door walked a known criminal with a known, violent record of murder and mayhem, who was armed with a gun, would you consider it an imminent threat when the bullet was half way between the gun and you? Of course not. We know how to handle violent thugs here at home. Sadly, this process is carried out, each and every day, on the streets of America. When our law enforcement learns of a violent criminal who has just acquired illegal weapons, they don’t sit around and wait to see if the criminal will use the weapon. They go get him. Thank goodness for their bravery. Thank goodness for their service to our communities as well.

    Ladies and gentlemen, complacency is deadly when it comes to national security. If we do not face the world’s dangers head-on, if we do not pro-actively use American power to promote our values and make the world a more just place, the enemies of freedom will prevail. And that is something I cannot and I’m not willing to ever to accept. Folks, if we wait until the bullet has been fired, if we wait for Saddam to attack our friends and our allies with chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, if we wait for him to sell his weapons to terrorists so that they, as agents of Saddam, can deliver them right here to the United States—it is too late. By that time, what is imminent is no longer up for debate. It is no longer up for interpretation. By that time, it is no longer a threat; it is an attack and many more Americans will lose their lives. I cannot accept that, and I hope that neither can you. We’ve been deliberate. We’ve been patient in addressing this threat, and we have exhausted all reasonable diplomatic options.

    The citizens of this country and the United Nations have understood, for some time, that it has been and it will be up to Saddam to voluntarily disclose his weapons and actively disarm them. It is not up to the United States to play hide and seek with Saddam Hussein. It has also been understood and agreed to by the United Nations in Resolution No. 1441 that if he continued to defy and deceive the world, we would lead a coalition to disarm him. I ask you, what, therefore, is the purpose that we achieve by asking for time and time again, for continued passage of resolutions asking for the same thing? It is similar to the judgments made right here in this very Chamber, in this building or in the Halls of Congress. As Legislators, we would not be writing new laws each time we passed one only to find that no one is enforcing it. We would want to make sure that agencies are doing what we have asked them to do the first time. In order for the UN to remain relevant in this world, it must enforce already passed resolutions rather than calling for new ones each time their resolutions are not adhered to.

    As a veteran, as a father and as a grandfather, I strongly believe that going to war should always, always be the last resort. But just as we found out in 1964, just as we found out in 1998, when freedom, safety, and stability are at risk, sometimes we just have to fight. Yes, this war, if it does occur, will be costly. You can expect the price of gasoline to go up again. Yes, it will be costly in terms of human lives. That is the sad tragedy of any war. We’ve already lost thousands of American lives. We found out long ago that freedom isn’t free. But we must never sink back into the illusion that if we do nothing, we will be safe and free.

    In the months ahead, we must not only rally around our troops to ensure that they have the proper support from our government and citizens, but we must also keep in mind those they have left behind. Americans rarely wane in their support for their military men and women as they sacrifice for our country. But, too often, we forget about the sacrifices of their families. Nevadans have played a vital role in almost every significant military operation our Nation has undertaken. There are soldiers, sailors and airmen from all over the State; from Naval Air Station Fallon, Nellis Air Force Base, our National Guard and Reserve men and women. Their families, right now, are making this sacrifice. Not for themselves, but for you and for me and for Grant Gibbons, who they do not even know―for all America.

    Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor here, tonight, to introduce to you and to the State, three great Nevadans who are serving our Nation and helping lead us out of the darkness of terrorism. First, is Captain Andra Kneip. Andra, would you please stand. As anyone can see, she’s not a guy, and she flies fighters. Andra, who is an A-10 pilot, on the night of March 5, spent an exhausting eight hours flying in enemy territory fighting entrenched Afghan gun emplacements, which were shooting at her, as well as defending U.S. ground forces that were pinned down by Al-Qaida enemy fire. Throughout this long and dangerous mission, Captain Kneip was credited with saving the lives of numerous U.S. forces. She was recently awarded two Distinguished Flying Crosses for her selfless acts of courage. Andra’s husband, Major Scott Kneip, is also an A-10 pilot and was active in the war in Afghanistan. By the way, he is a native of Winnemucca, Nevada. Both are exemplary Nevadans serving at Nellis Air Force Base. They both deserve our thanks, and we do thank you for everything you’ve done for our country.

    Also with us tonight, I have the honor to introduce another brave young man who has just been awarded one of our Nation’s highest awards, the Silver Star, for gallantry in action in Afghanistan. This young man was a helicopter pilot on a medical evacuation mission when Operation Anaconda began. While in route to his destination, he learned that three soldiers were pinned down and suffering a withering barrage of heavy fire from the enemy. He diverted his helicopter to the battle area; he located the three soldiers, and only by jeopardizing his own life, he was able to rescue these three soldiers while under heavy fire. Not only did he save these three soldiers so they could come home to their families after the operation was finished, but he made a difference in the battle for freedom. Ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome First Lieutenant Thomas J. Cahill, United States Air Force, and his two sons who are with him. He is another American hero from Las Vegas and Nellis Air Force Base. Lieutenant Cahill, please stand. Ladies and gentleman, these are just three of America’s finest. I want to thank them for taking the time to come here this evening to be with us, and most importantly, for showing all of us how to stand up to terrorists.

    There are many other issues, besides national security, demanding our attention. Nevada is faced with one of the worst nursing shortages in the entire Nation. While the average age of registered nurses in Nevada continues to rise, we attract fewer and fewer bright men and women into this important field. I want to congratulate Assemblywoman Koivisto who has made this issue a priority for her committee. Madam Chairman, thank you for leading the charge in this effort. You’re truly making a difference in the fight for quality health care for all Nevadans.

    Nevada is continuing its fight for fair and open public land policies, especially, those affecting our natural resources and energy development needs. Last year, we established a model for cooperation in the Clark County Public Lands bill. With the outstanding help of Senator Harry Reid and Senator John Ensign, this legislation provided for the sound and equitable disposal of developable lands to accommodate Nevada’s tremendous growth while setting aside more than 450,000 acres of land for wilderness protection. We worked with land users; we worked with recreational users, and we worked with environmental groups to accomplish two basic goals: provide land for responsible growth and protect the environment for future generations. In the end, we compromised where we could; we dug in our heels where we couldn’t, and eventually, we reached a delicate balance in accomplishing our goals. It was the right approach at the right time, and it was the right thing to do.

    You know, in Washington, D.C., I am always telling people how much I love Nevada. Most importantly, I always love when Nevadans come out to Washington and stop by my office for a visit. But there is one group that I especially like to see. They come in wearing their boots and their cowboy hats and occasionally even an attempt at a tie. This group really makes heads turn as they walk through the halls of Congress. They head down the corridor of the Cannon House Office Building with people stopping and staring as if believing the gunfight at the OK Corral is about to break out. I can hear my neighbors down the hall from Florida, New Hampshire and from Massachusetts saying, “Oh no, Gibbons has his posse in town.” I just tell them, “Yes, I do. And I’m darned proud of each and every one of them.” I am talking about those Nevadans who spend each and every day of their lives fighting to protect our Western heritage, our traditions and our industries such as farming, ranching, mining, hunting and recreational opportunities. I’m talking about those people, of course, in this very room like Dean Rhoads, Mike McGinness, Pete Goicoechea, John Carpenter, John Marvel, Tom Collins and Jerry Claborn, just to name a few. I’ll tell you, when they get together, they’re a sight to be seen. To each of you, thanks for all of your hard work in preserving the Nevada we all know and love.

    And finally, it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to talk about our State’s priorities without talking about our commitment to Nevada’s veterans population. There are many veterans right here in this room tonight who do not get the recognition for their service to our Nation. People like Assemblyman Walter Andonov who has made the great sacrifices for our country. However, too many times, we fail to thank them for their sacrifices and their service. So, tonight, ladies and gentleman, before I end my remarks, I want to read into the record a letter from the Chief of Naval Operations thanking one special veteran. That person is someone we have all worked with and learned to love and appreciate over his forty years of legislative service to our country and to our State. I would like to read into the record, Mr. Speaker, a letter from the Chief of Naval Operations:

Dear Senator Jacobsen,

Please allow me to add my congratulations on this historic day for the Jacbosen family and the State of Nevada. On behalf of all the men and women of the United States Navy, I’m very proud and honored to be able to convey our gratitude for your selfless service to our Nation in so many different capacities.

Your voluntary enlistment in the Navy began more than two years before the onslaught of World War II. Serving in the Pacific Fleet, you witnessed not only the attack on Pearl Harbor, but the battles of Midway, Coral Sea, Guadalcanal, and a dozen other historic engagements now commonly recognized as some of the fiercest naval battles in world history. You made a commitment to our country that has been unwavering throughout the decades, collecting more navy memories and adventures in your nearly seven years of active duty than most sailors accumulate in a full thirty-year career. You shifted your sights to the private sector and ultimately heeded the call to public office.

As distinguished as your time in the Navy may have been, your commitment to Nevada and its citizen’s support of you has been reinforced throughout forty years of legendary service. Our sailors work hard to honor the legacy of those who have served and sacrificed before
them. As they pledge to support and defend our Constitution, they do so knowing you have sailed and fought before them. And thank you for it.


                                    Admiral Vernon Clark, U.S.N.

                                    Chief of Naval Operations

    Jake, I want you to know I have the original of this copy framed, and I will get it to you as soon as I can. Jake, you have been a bright, shining beacon for a lot of us here tonight, and I, for one, want to publicly thank you for all you have done for Nevada.

    And as I leave here, tonight, ladies and gentleman, to return to the eye of the storm in Washington, D.C., to represent you and fight for Nevada, I want to thank you for inviting me to speak with you this evening. As I turn and close the pages of this speech, I want you to know my thoughts are with you because I know your challenges are great and that there are no easy answers, and there is no easy path. I know you will do what is right for Nevada. You are all good friends, and Nevada is truly blessed to have your leadership and your service. Nevada is in good hands. Good luck to each and every one of you. God bless this great country. Good evening.

    Senator Rhoads moved that the Senate and Assembly in Joint Session extend a vote of thanks to Representative Gibbons for his timely, able and constructive message.

    Motion carried.

    The Committee on Escort escorted Representative Gibbons to the bar of the Assembly.

    Senator Rawson moved that the Joint Session be dissolved.

    Motion carried.

    Joint Session dissolved at 6:18 p.m.


    At 6:23 p.m.

    President Hunt presiding.

    Quorum present.


Signing of Bills and Resolutions

    There being no objections, the President and Secretary signed Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 9.


    On request of Senator Amodei, the privilege of the floor of the Senate Chamber for this day was extended to the following staff and students from the Fernley High School: Alexandria Hrzie, Tom Allen, Torrie Ball, Jessica Bauer, Wendy Cadwallder, Marshall Gledhill, Cherie Kuzyk, Lacey LaVoie, Sarah Luciani, Arron McCoy, Kathleen Morales, Jina Morrow, Becky Murphy, Kristina Cuies, Timothy Reeder, Cody Rieger, Katie Roesler, Corie Ryan, Hannah Story, Cody Wagner, Alisha Franklin, Elisha Gaylord, TeAnn Schwab, Michelle Teeter and teacher: Mr. Dyer.

    On request of Senator Mathews, the privilege of the floor of the Senate Chamber for this day was extended to the following staff and students from the Roger Corbett Elementary School: Karen Barba, Nubia Barrantes, Marie Camacho, Lleraldin Cano, Robert Courser, Adriano Garcia, Brayan Garcia, Jubel Harbinson, James Johnson, Roberto Lomeli, Bernabe Lopez, Griselda Marquez, Adan Melo, Keisha Mendez, Monica Nunez, Humberto Padilla, Aaron Palacio, Lilian Peralta, Khang Pham, Jacome Rios, Baby Turcios, Jaqueline Valle, Ircia Alonzo, Ileana Arellano, Cristian Burgara, Carlos Canan, Maria Gallego, Ricardo Garcia, Jeanette Grajeda, Raul Guteirrez, Brando Herrera, Christina Hunter, Christia Martinez-Valdez, Barbara Muro, Ngeluul Ngiraulau, Angelica Padilla, Bryan Ramirez, Perla Ramirez, Silverio Ramirez, Tonya Rangel, Veronica Rangel, Marco Sanchez, Nicholas Shepherd, R. J. Vilayvong, Luis Villeda, Kamal Basanti, Karen Black, Giovanni Camargo, Juan Corona, Brisa Cortez, Genesis Galicia, Preston Heller, Ricardo Higareda, Catherine Vieyre, Sammantha Himmes, Gloria Jimenez-Zamora, Mosese Katoa, Cuithahuhac Maciel, Xiemaro Magana, Jonatha Medina Gutierrez, Tania Mejia, Wilmer Merlos, Matthew Moffet, Staphanie Ortiz, Amber Sam, Austin Sampson, Gabrela Silva, Silvia Silva, Brittney Stinson, Jaycee Abel, Autumn Andrews, Ryan Arevalo, Ceasar Buenrostro, Lesley Carias, David Chen, Eduardo Chi, Sheila Christy, Miguel Contreras, Juan Corder, Norma Fuentes-Alvarez, Alex Jauregui, Ana Martinez, Dominic Ngiraidong, Ricky Rainville, Brenda Ramirez, Marcial Rascoon, Alejandro Reyes, Kenneth Rodriguez, Dawn Standish, Daniel Torgerson, Enrique Torres, Ana Velasques; teachers: Jennifer Randal, Terry Stelle, Nichole Fisher and Thelma Nekoba.

    On request of Senator McGinness, the privilege of the floor of the Senate Chamber for this day was extended to Ardyss Johns.

    Senator Rawson moved that the Senate adjourn until Friday, February 21, 2003, at 10:30 a.m.

    Motion carried.

    Senate adjourned at 6:24 p.m.

Approved: Lorraine T. Hunt

President of the Senate

Attest:    Claire J. Clift

                Secretary of the Senate