1.         Four members constitute a quorum of the committee.  A quorum is required to hear any bill, budget, or resolution.


2.         A majority of the full committee (4) is required to pass or reconsider a bill, budget, or resolution, or to take any other action.


3.         A majority is required for committee introduction of a bill.  Committee introduction does not imply in any way a commitment on the part of any committee member to support the bill introduced.


4.         No committee action on bills, budgets or resolutions shall occur during a hearing, but shall be called up for separate action by the Chairman.


5.         The secretary shall record the votes of all committee members.


6.         A minority report may be filed with the Secretary of the Senate at the same time as the committee action is reported and hall be signed by all members disagreeing who were present when a vote was taken.  Members who desire to submit a minority report must so indicate in advance to the entire committee.


7.         Although witnesses are presumed to be under oath while testifying, the committee has the option of requiring a witness to be placed under oath.


8.         Committee recesses shall be at the call of the Chairman.


9.         The Chairman or Vice Chairman will convene and adjourn each committee meeting.


10.        The Senate Committee on Transportation has as assigned meeting time of 1:30 p.m., on Tuesday and Thursday in Room 2149.  Members are urged to plan their work so they can be present at each meeting and can be available at the appointed hour.