I.          The authority and procedures of the Committee are determined by:


            a.         Constitution of the State of Nevada

            b.         Nevada Revised Statutes

            c.         Standing rules of the Nevada Senate

            d.         Standing rules of the Senate Taxation Committee

            e.         Mason’s Manual of Parliamentary Procedure


II.          Duties of the Chairman:


            a.         Prepare the agenda.

            b.         Call Committee together.

            c.         Require minutes to be kept and presented as soon as possible.

            d.         Prepare Committee reports.

            e.         Appoint sub-Committees as needed.


III.         Duties of the Vice Chairman:


            a.         In the absence or at the discretion of the Chairman, the Vice

Chairman shall conduct the meetings of the Committee.


IV.        Committee Action:


            a.         A quorum shall consist of at least four (4) members.

            b.         A simple majority of the Committee can adopt Committee


            c.         In order to reconsider previous actions, an affirmative

                        vote of four (4) members of the Committee will be required.

                        However, a majority present may allow the hearing of the

                        new evidence or information which would be pertinent to the

                        determination of whether or not a matter or action should be


            d.         Attendance shall be recorded.

            e.         Non-prevailing votes shall be recorded.

            f.          Committee members shall address the chairman to gain the floor.

            g.         No Committee action on bills, budget or resolutions shall occur

                        during a hearing, but shall be called up for separate action by

                        the Chairman.  The Chairman shall decide when an action or

vote is taken by the Committee.



h.         Committee introduction requires a majority of the Committee

                        membership and does not imply commitment or support of the

                        bill or resolution.

            i.          Unless a Committee member advises the Chairman before a

                        vote is taken on an amendment or bill on the floor of the Senate

                        it will be presumed that he or she will vote on the amendment

                        or bill on the floor of the Senate consistent with his or her vote

                        in the Committee.

            j.          No smoking in the Committee room.

            k.         Recesses shall be at the call of the chairman.

            l.          Minority reports may be filed per Mason’s Manual and must be

                        requested at the time a bill or resolution is reported out of

                        Committee.  The minority report filed with the Secretary of the

                        Senate must be individually signed by each member requesting


            m.        Although witnesses are presumed to be under oath while

                        testifying, the Committee has the option of requiring a witness

                        to be placed under oath.