1.                  A quorum consists of at least four (4) members.


2.                  The Chairman may appoint, from the members of the Committee, a Subcommittee of one or more members to consider and recommend action to the full Committee on any matter that may be assigned to the Subcommittee for consideration from time to time by the Chairman.


3.         The Chairman may require a pre-hearing conference on any bill to be held by the Committee Policy Analyst and/or the Committee Counsel.


4.         The Committee Manager shall provide a background sheet to the author of any bill referred to the Committee.  The author or his representative shall complete and return the background sheet to the Committee Manager as soon as possible.  If the completed background sheet is not returned to the Committee Manager at least five (5) days prior to the anticipated hearing date, that failure shall be deemed to be a request from the author to continue the bill to another hearing. 


            A copy of any record, report, research memorandum or article, survey, statistic, study or other material cited by an author or a witness testifying before the Committee shall also be provided to the Committee Manager at least five (5) days prior to the anticipated hearing date of the bill.  Failure to comply with this requirement shall prevent the introduction and consideration of such material. 


            If a bill is removed from the hearing file due to noncompliance by the author or an author’s witness with the provisions of this rule, the Chairman may order the hearing on the bill postponed unless, in the interest of fairness, the Chairman elects to consider the bill at the hearing.


5.         A majority of the full Committee (4) is required to pass a bill or resolution, or take any other action.


6.         A majority of the full Committee (4) is required for Committee introduction of a bill.  Committee introduction may be for accommodation only and is not to be construed as approval of the measure.


7.         The Committee Secretary shall record the votes for the Committee members on all votes or other motions.


8.         A minority report may be filed with the Secretary of the Senate at the same time as the Committee action is reported and shall be signed by all members disagreeing who were present when the vote was taken.  The members who desire to submit a minority report must so indicate in advance to the entire Committee during a Committee session.


9.         Committee recesses shall be at the call of the Chairman.


10.       Members shall report promptly at the designated hour for Committee meetings and for resumption of Committee meetings.


11.       Committee minutes shall be available to all persons after transcription of the same and approval by the Chairman.


12.       Mason's Manual will be followed as to parliamentary procedures where not in conflict with these rules.


13.       Unless a Committee member advises the Chairman before a vote is taken on an amendment or bill on the floor of the Senate, it will be presumed that he or she will vote on the amendment or bill on the floor of the Senate consistent with his or her vote in the Committee.  If the Committee member intends to change his or her vote or advocate an opposite position, the Committee member must advise the Chairman beforehand.


14.       The rules governing the operation of the 120-day Session that are adopted by resolution by the 2003 Senate are hereby adopted by reference.