1.                  A quorum is four (4) members.  A teleconference shall qualify as meeting together.  The Chair shall set the agenda for all meetings.


2.                  The Chair may appoint any number of subcommittees whose actions shall be reported to the committee.


3.                  A majority of the full committee (4 members) is required to pass a bill, resolution, or other matter presented to the committee, or take any other action.


4.                  A majority of the full committee (4 members) is required to reconsider a bill, resolution, or other matter presented to the committee.  A motion to reconsider must be made by a member who voted with the prevailing side.


5.                  A majority of the full committee (4 members) is required for committee introduction of a bill.  Committee introduction may be for accommodation only and not to be construed as approval of a measure.


6.                  The secretary shall record votes of the committee members on all votes or other motions.


7.                  A minority report may be filed with the Secretary of the Senate at the same time as the committee action is reported and shall be signed by all members disagreeing who were present when the vote was taken.  The members who desire to submit a minority report must so indicate in advance to the entire committee during a committee session and file a copy of their report with the committee secretary.


8.                  Cellular telephones must be turned off while in the committee room.


9.                  Committee recesses shall be at the call of the Chair.


10.              Members shall report promptly at the designated hour for committee meetings and for resumption of committee meetings.


11.              Within one day after a hearing, audio and video recording of meetings may be purchased in the Publications/Gift Shop in the Nevada Legislative Building.  Committee minutes, when transcribed by the secretary and signed by the Chair, will be available in the Research Library.


12.              It is the intention of the committee to create an atmosphere of courtesy, professionalism, and equal interest in all persons who are testifying.  The Committee on Government Affairs shall treat all witnesses courteously and professionally.


13.              Although witnesses are presumed to be under oath while testifying, the committee has the option of requiring a witness to be placed under oath.


14.              Any member who votes affirmatively to pass a bill in committee must notify the Chair of any change in his or her vote before the vote on the Senate floor.


15.              Committee introductions must be accompanied and explained by the sponsor.


Committee Rules SGA-03