72ST SESSION, 2003


Parliamentary Procedure


1.                  The order of business under which this committee shall be organized is as follows:


            The precedence of parliamentary authority for the purpose of actions in this committee are set forth in Assembly Standing Rule 100 except the committee rules adopted here precede Mason’s Manual of Parliamentary Procedure.




2.                  Duties of the Chairman


a)     Preparing and distributing the committee agenda.

b)     Determining when final action is to be taken on measures, committee reports, and other business of the committee.

c)      Preparing and submitting committee reports.

d)     Presiding over committee meetings.

e)     Preserving order and decorum and deciding all questions of order.

f)     Providing direction to committee support staff.

g)     Calling recesses of the committee as deemed necessary.

h)      Reviewing and approving minutes of the committee.


3.                  In the absence of the chair or upon the request of the chair the vice chair of this committee shall assume the duties of the chair.


4.                  The chairman only will allow a vote to be taken on bills or resolutions.


5.                  On behalf of the chair the committee secretary shall maintain all minutes and exhibits of the committee’s meetings until released to the custody of the Legislative Counsel Bureau.


Meetings and Attendance


6.                  At the discretion of the chair meetings may be held outside the regularly scheduled day(s) and time.


7.                  The committee secretary shall call the roll at the beginning of each meeting with the chair being called last.


8.                  A minimum of seven (7) members of this committee will constitute a quorum. 


9.                  Members shall notify the chair of any absence.  Excused absences will be so recorded at the direction of the chair.  A member shall advise the chair if they must leave a meeting for an extended period of time.


10.             Members not present when a final action is taken on a measure will be marked absent for the vote.




11.             Rules of the committee apply to its subcommittees.


12.             Unless otherwise authorized by the committee chair, attendance of all subcommittee members is required.


13.         The subcommittee chair will set and post the agenda through the committee manager.


Motions and Final Action


14.             All motions will require a second.  If no second is received that motion shall be declared invalid.


15.             Definite action on a bill or resolution will require a majority vote of the entire committee.


16.             At the discretion of the chair, all definite actions of the committee will require a roll call vote.


17.             Unless a committee member advises the chair otherwise, it will be presumed that during a floor session, the member will vote on an amendment or measure consistent with their vote in the committee. 


18.             A two-thirds majority, nine (9) members of the committee, is required to reconsider action on a bill or resolution.


19.             Committee introduction of a bill or resolution requires a two-thirds majority vote of the committee and does not imply a commitment to support favorable passage. 

Testimony and Witnesses


20.       Questions from the committee will be restricted to relevant subject areas.


21.       When the chair deems necessary witnesses will be sworn in pursuant to NRS 218.5323 before providing testimony.


Committee Reports


22.       Members who wish to submit a minority report must so indicate, in advance, at a regular committee meeting.


Communication with Staff


23.       All directions, assignments, or requests on behalf of the committee must be communicated to its staff and to the personnel of the Legislative Counsel Bureau by the chair of the committee.  A member of the committee must submit such requests to the chair for transmittal to the staff of the committee or to the personnel of the Legislative Counsel Bureau.  However, any member of the Committee may directly request personal research assistance from LCB staff on any topic or measure.