1.                  The precedence of parliamentary authority for the purpose of actions in this committee are, in order of priority:


a.       Constitution of the United States;

b.      Constitution of the State of Nevada;

c.       Nevada Revised Statutes;

d.      These rules; and

e.       Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure.


2.                  There will be seven (7) members of this committee with a minimum of four (4) members needed to convene a hearing.  Four (4) members must vote in the affirmative to take any action of the Committee.


3.                  All motions will require a second.  If no second is received, that motion shall be declared invalid.


4.                  A two-thirds majority of five (5) of members of the committee is required to reconsider any action.


5.                  Responsibilities of the chair of this committee are:


a.       Prepare the agendas and distribute notices;

b.      Notify members of the meetings;

c.       Call the Committee to order;

d.      Administer the oath to each witness;

e.       Require retention of verbatim minutes, backed up by audio tapes recorded during the hearing;

f.        Prepare or supervise committee reports, with all pertinent exhibits and submit the same to the Assembly;

g.       Appoint subcommittees as necessary; and

h.       Preside over the meeting, maintain order and decorum during the committee meeting.


6.                  In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair.


7.                  All questions will be addressed through the Chair.


8.                  The Secretary of the Committee shall call the roll at the beginning of each meeting and shall note the members present, absent, excused and those late without good reason.


9.                  Minority reports may be submitted in accordance with Section 674 of Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure.


10.              All definite actions of the committee will require roll call votes that will be duly recorded by the Secretary and made a part of the minutes of the proceeding.


11.              Final action shall not be accomplished until all witnesses wishing to speak or testify, as indicated on the sign-in sheet, are questioned by the Committee and dismissed.


12.              All meetings and deliberations of this Committee shall be open and available to the general public and all members of the news media.