Senate Bill No. 314–Senator Raggio
AN ACT relating to taxation; requiring the Department of Taxation to collect and compile certain information concerning electronic commerce and prepare and submit a report of the compilation to the 73rd Session of the Legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Section 1. 1. The Department of Taxation shall collect
primary and supplementary data concerning electronic commerce
that is conducted in this state.
2. The primary data collected must include, without limitation:
(a) The number of retailers domiciled in this state who are
engaged in electronic commerce.
(b) The gross retail sales of such retailers that are derived from
electronic commercial transactions.
(c) An estimate of the number of electronic commercial
transactions conducted in this state by retailers operating within this
state. The estimate must be based on generally accepted standards of
scientific sampling.
(d) An estimate of the number of electronic commercial
transactions conducted outside the State by retailers operating
within this state. The estimate must be based on generally accepted
standards of scientific sampling.
(e) An estimate of the total value of electronic commercial
transactions conducted by retailers operating within this state.
(f) An estimate of revenues from the sales and use taxes that are
not collected because electronic commercial transactions are
conducted outside the State.
(g) An estimate of all revenue paid to the State by retailers who
are engaged in electronic commerce.
3. The supplementary data collected must include, without
limitation, information concerning electronic commerce that is
available from the Bureau of the Census of the United States
Department of Commerce, the Small Business Administration and
any other federal agency or affiliated state data center that collects
such information.
4. To comply with the requirements of this section, the
Department of Taxation may collect information that is available
from a private or academic organization if the name of the
organization and the methods of research used by that organization
are clearly stated within the text of the report required to be
prepared by subsection 5. The Department of Taxation shall not use
in the report as an authoritative source a study conducted by a
private or academic organization that is speculative or based on
unscientific methods of research.
5. The Department of Taxation shall prepare a written report
that contains a compilation of the data required to be collected
pursuant to this section. The report must include an analysis of the
financial impact more stringent requirements for the collection of
the sales and use taxes on electronic commerce would have on
retailers in this state who are engaged in electronic commerce. The
report must be submitted to the Director of the Legislative Counsel
Bureau on or before February 1, 2005, for transmittal to the 73rd
Session of the Legislature.
6. As used in this section:
(a) “Electronic commerce” means the sale of personal property
by a retailer on an Internet or network site.
(b) “Internet or network site” has the meaning ascribed to it in
NRS 205.4744.
(c) “Sales tax” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 360B.070.
(d) “Use tax” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 360B.100.
Sec. 2. This act becomes effective on July 1, 2003, and expires
by limitation on June 30, 2005.