Senate Bill No. 148–Committee on Government Affairs
AN ACT relating to the Legislature; providing for joint legislative requesters on the list of requests for the preparation of legislative measures published by the Legislative Counsel; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Section 1. NRS 218.2475 is hereby amended to read as
218.2475 1. On July 1 preceding each regular session of the
Legislature, and each week thereafter until the adjournment of the
Legislature sine die, the Legislative Counsel shall prepare a list of
all requests received by him, for the preparation of measures to be
submitted to the Legislature. The requests must be listed
numerically by a unique serial number which must be assigned to
the measures by the Legislative Counsel for the purposes of
identification in the order that he received the requests. Except as
otherwise provided in [subsection 3,] subsections 3 and 4, the list
must only contain the name of each requester, the date and a brief
summary of the request.
2. The Legislative Counsel Bureau shall make copies of the list
available to the public for a reasonable sum fixed by the Legislative
Commission upon the recommendation of the Director of the
Legislative Counsel Bureau.
3. In preparing the list, the Legislative Counsel shall:
(a) Not include the name of the Legislator who has requested the
preparation of a measure until:
(1) The particular measure is introduced in the Legislature;
(2) The Legislator requests that his name be disclosed as the
requester of the measure,
whichever occurs first.
(b) If a standing or special committee of the Legislature requests
a measure on behalf of a Legislator or organization, include the
name of the standing or special committee and the name of the
Legislator or organization on whose behalf the measure was
originally requested.
4. Upon the request of a Legislator who has requested the
preparation of a measure and requested that his name be disclosed
pursuant to subsection 3, the Legislative Counsel shall add the
name of one or more Legislators from either or both houses of the
Legislature as joint requesters. The Legislative Counsel shall not
add the name of a joint requester to the list until he has received
confirmation of the joint request from the primary requester of the
measure and from the Legislator to be added as a joint requester.
The Legislative Counsel shall remove the name of a joint
requester upon receipt of a request to do so made by the primary
requester or the joint requester. The names must appear on the list
in the order in which the names were received by the Legislative
Counsel beginning with the primary requester. The Legislative
Counsel shall not act upon the direction of a joint requester to
withdraw the requested measure or modify its substance until the
Legislative Counsel has received confirmation of the withdrawal
or modification from the primary requester. For the purposes of
all limitations on the number of legislative measures that may be
requested by a Legislator, a legislative measure with joint
requesters must only be counted as a request of the primary