Assembly Bill No. 424–Assemblyman Geddes (by request)




AN ACT relating to state purchasing; revising the provisions concerning certain penalties for a person who has entered into a contract with an agency of this state and who fails to perform according to the terms of the contract; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.





    Section 1. NRS 333.365 is hereby amended to read as follows:

    333.365 1.  A person who has entered into a contract with the

Purchasing Division or another agency of this state and who does

not perform according to the terms of the contract is liable for, in

addition to any other applicable damages for breach of contract, a

penalty of not more than 5 percent of the total value of the bid [.] or

contract. The penalty must be recovered in a civil action upon the

complaint of the Chief in any court of competent jurisdiction. In

addition to recovering the penalty and any other applicable

damages, the Chief may [remove the name of the person from the

list of bidders and] refuse to accept a bid from [him] the person or

refuse to award a contract to the person, or both, for not more than

2 years.

    2.  If the Chief does not bring an action to recover the penalty

prescribed by subsection 1, he may:

    (a) [Remove the name of the person from the list of bidders and

refuse] Refuse to accept a bid from [him] the person, refuse to

award a contract to the person, or both, for not more than 2 years;


    (b) Impose an administrative penalty, in an amount not to

exceed 5 percent of the total value of the bid [.] or contract. Such a

penalty may be recovered only after notice is given to the person by


    3.  [If the Chief has removed the name of a person from the list

of bidders, that person must apply to the Chief to have his name

reinstated on the list of bidders.

    4.] A penalty imposed pursuant to subsection 1 or 2 may be

deducted from any payment due the person or, if a bond has been

issued or a check received, a claim may be made against the bond or

check. If no payment is due and no bond was issued or check

received, the Chief may issue a claim for payment of the penalty.

The claim must be paid within 30 days.

