1.    The committee secretary shall call roll at each meeting with the chairman being called last.  Members shall notify 
the chairman of any absence.  Excused absences will be so recorded at the direction of the chairman.  Members 
not in attendance when a final action is taken on a measure will be marked absent for the vote.


2.    The Chairman is responsible for:

              a.     Preparing and distributing the committee agenda;

              b.     Determining when final action is taken on measures, committee reports, and other business of the committee;

              c.     Preparing and submitting committee reports;

              d.     Presiding over committee meetings;

              e.     Preserving order and decorum and deciding all questions of order;

              f.     Providing direction to committee support staff.


3.    It will require a simple majority (8) to take action on individual budgets.  It will require a two-thirds majority (10) of 
all members to reconsider an action taken on an individual budget.


4.    Committee members, at all times, shall address the chairman for permission to be heard.  The amount of time
available for budget review is limited.  Therefore, committee questions will be restricted to areas of the budget 
under review.  A member shall advise the chair if they must leave a meeting for an extended period of time.


5.    Each committee member will be assigned to one or more subcommittees which will review specific areas of the 
state budget in greater detail.  Subcommittee meetings will be scheduled by the subcommittee chairs after 
consulting with the chairman.  Attendance of all subcommittee members is required.


6.    Pursuant to NRS 218.5323, when the chairman deems necessary, persons wishing to testify will be sworn in 
before testimony.


7.    At the discretion of the chairman, all actions of the committee will require a roll call vote.


8.    Unless a committee member advises the chairman otherwise, it will be presumed that the member will vote on an amendment or on a measure during a floor session consistent with their vote in the committee.