1.                  In accordance with Assembly Standing Rule 100, the rules under which this committee shall be organized are listed as follows in descending order of priority, except that the rules of this committee will precede Mason’s Manual of Parliamentary Procedure:

a.                  Constitution of Nevada

b.                  Nevada Revised Statutes

c.                  Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly

d.                  Standing Rules of the Nevada Assembly

e.                  Rules of the Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services

f.                    Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure

2.                  All motions require a second.  If no second is received after a motion has been made, that motion shall be declared invalid for lack of a second.

3.                  Members of the committee shall adhere to the requirements for voting to introduce a measure, reconsider a vote, or pass a measure that are specified in Assembly Standing Rule 42.[1]

4.                  Duties of the Chairman, in addition to those provided in other rules:

a.                  Preparing and distributing the committee’s agenda;

b.                  Determining when final action is to be taken on measures, committee reports, and other business of the committee;

c.                  Preparing and submitting committee reports;

d.                  Preserving order and decorum and deciding all questions of order;

e.                  Providing direction to the support staff of the committee;

f.                    Calling recesses of the committee as deemed necessary;

g.                  Ensuring that minutes are kept on behalf of the committee; and

h.                  Reviewing and approving the minutes of the committee.

5.                  Duties of the Vice Chairman include assuming the duties of the Chairman either in the absence of the Chairman or at the request of the Chairman.

6.                  Duties of the secretary include:

a.                  Calling the roll at the beginning of each meeting and noting those members who are present, absent, or excused from the meeting;

b.                  Preparing the minutes of each meeting after causing a record of each meeting and presenting the minutes to the Chairman for his review and approval; and

c.                  Acting as the custodian of all records and minutes of the committee meetings until these documents are released to the custody of the Legislative Counsel Bureau.

7.                  Each member of the committee shall report promptly at the designated hour for committee meetings.  When a temporary recess of the committee is called, each member shall report promptly at the designated resumption time that was called by the Chairman.

8.                  A member who must leave the committee meeting for an extended period of time should advise the Chairman.   Members not in attendance when a final action is taken on a measure will be marked absent for the vote.

9.                  A member who will be absent for a meeting shall advise the Chairman of his intended absence.  Excused absences will be so recorded at the direction of the Chairman.

10.             Committee members shall, at all times, address the Chairman for permission to be heard.  All definite actions of the committee may be taken by roll call vote at the discretion of the Chairman.  All definite actions will be duly recorded by the Secretary and made part of the committee minutes.

11.             Unless a committee member otherwise advises the Chairman, it will be presumed that all members will vote during a Floor Session consistent with their vote in committee.

12.             Minority reports may be submitted in accordance with Section 674of Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure.  A member of the committee will notify the chairman of his intent to file a minority report.[2]

13.             All meetings and deliberations of the committee shall be open to the general public and all members of the media.  It is the intention of the committee to create an atmosphere of courtesy, professionalism, and equal interest in all persons who are testifying.

14.             The Chairman has the discretion to call and hold a meeting outside of the regularly scheduled meeting day and time of the committee.[3]

15.             Witnesses before the committee will address requests to testify to the Chairman and will be recognized only by the Chairman.  Pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes 218.5323, when the Chairman deems necessary, persons wishing to testify will be sworn in. 

16.             The Chairman shall determine the order of speakers, and the Chairman will do so by using the guest list, which shall be available for sign-in prior to each meeting of the committee.

17.             Subcommittees, which are created at the discretion of the Chairman, shall be charged with considering bills or issues and providing recommendations to the committee for action, if necessary.

18.             The subcommittee Chairman will schedule subcommittee meetings after consulting with the Chairman of the committee.  All subcommittee meetings shall be recorded.

19.             The Chairman of the committee must communicate to the staff of the committee and to the personnel of the Legislative Counsel Bureau all directions, assignments, or requests on behalf of the committee.  A member of the committee must submit his requests on behalf of the committee to the Chairman for transmittal to the staff of the committee or to the personnel of the Legislative Counsel Bureau.


[1] Seven members of the committee constitute a quorum, and eight members of the   committee constitute a two-thirds majority of the committee.

[2] A member who wishes to file a Minority Report should consult the Chief Clerk of the           Assembly to obtain the appropriate procedure for filing the report.

[3] A meeting that is called outside of the regular meeting day and time shall be posted in       accordance with the Standing Rules.