** Enrolled Bill, Effective Before October 1, 1999
* Enrolled Bill, Effective October 1, 1999, or Later
†† Vetoed by Governor
† Deleted by Amendment
‡ Resolution Approved by Legislature
Abandoned property trust fund, use, SB 89, AB 337
Boats, duties of law enforcement agencies, AB 438*
Secretary of state, assumption of duties of division of unclaimed property, SB 125
State treasurer, assumption of duties of division of unclaimed property, SB 125†
Appraisal, SB 268*
Removal and disposition, SB 300*, AB 184
Information to be provided to women considering abortion, AB 580
Compensation and allowances, reallocation of appropriation, SB 282**
Composition, expiration of terms of office, SB 466**
Continuation, SB 466**
Duties, SB 49**, SB 104**, SB 466**
Historical documents, inclusion in social studies curriculum urged, ACR 72‡
Mathematics proficiency examination, representation on task force, SB 466**
Boating accidents, reporting, investigation, AB 138*, AB 155
Hazardous materials, transportation and storage, SB 167**
Motor vehicles
Duties of drivers, AB 155, AB 183
Involuntary manslaughter includes death arising from violations, AB 333
Reports, public records (sec. 11), AB 102
Uninsured motorists
Limit on recoveries, AB 327
Security required to commence action against another person, AB 513
Reports to appropriate authorities and aid to victims required, penalties, AB 155
Skydiving accidents, reports, SB 179*
Benefits, committee on, employment of chief accountant (sec. 4), AB 529
Certified public accountants, certification (sec. 3), SB 439**
Contractors' board, state
Employment of accountants (sec. 14), AB 636*
Representation, AB 259†
Corporations, SB 439**
Limited-liability companies, SB 439**
Nevada state board of accountancy
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Limited-liability companies, regulations (sec. 2), SB 439**
Permits (sec. 11), SB 439**
Revocation or suspension of authority to practice (sec. 12), SB 439**
Telephone service, disconnection of unlicensed advertisers, SB 128†
Wildlife commissioners, board of, representation, SB 211†
Digital signatures, use, AB 674**
Notary fees (sec. 4), AB 127**
Arbitration (See ARBITRATION)
Athletic commission, immunities, AB 467**
Fees in certain actions, limitation (sec. 6), AB 225
Official attorneys, actions against, SB 358
Remedies for unauthorized practice of law, AB 18*
Business trusts, SB 61**
Cable television
Civil liability for theft of service, SB 485**
Destruction or damage of lines (sec. 4), SB 27*
Charter schools, liabilities and immunities, SB 431, AB 348**
Child abuse, immunity for provision of records to certain agencies, AB 68**
Child-restraint devices, failure to use, SB 154
Commercial resident agents, liabilities, AB 286
Common-interest communities, commencement of civil actions, SB 192†, SB 451*
Computer crimes
Immunities for disclosures pursuant to subpoena, SB 485†
Recoveries by victims, SB 485**
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Criminal actions (See CRIMINAL PROCEDURE)
Damages (See DAMAGES)
Debit cards, liability for unlawful use, SB 485†, AB 83*
Deeds of trust, failure to record or improper recording of discharge, SB 96*
Defenses (See DEFENSES)
Defibrillators, immunities relating to use (sec. 1), AB 409*
Disasters or accidents, immunities for reporting, AB 155
Electricity, recovery for certain placement of high-voltage wires, SB 384
Emergency telephone systems
Immunities relating to enhanced 911 systems, SB 487*
Statewide system, enforcement of laws, SB 487†
Eminent domain, precedence of proceedings, AB 287*
Employment, unlawful termination, SB 76
Equine activities, liability limited, SB 448
Eviction, AB 397*
Fetal alcohol syndrome, immunities for health care providers, SB 197†
Firearms manufacturers or dealers, actions by local entities prohibited, AB 543**
Fireworks laws, enforcement, AB 160
Foster care, liability of providers, AB 531*
Hazardous materials, immunities relating to contaminated property, AB 675
Health insurance for small employers, immunities (sec. 46), AB 680*
Identity theft, recovery of damages, AB 71*
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Insurance fraud
Immunities for persons reporting, SB 75†
Materiality of misrepresentations, determination as matter of law, AB 475
Justices' courts, monetary threshold, SB 30†
Justices of the peace, defense in actions against, AB 648**
Killing of decedent, alleging person culpable actor in, AB 159**
Legal documents, service by fax, AB 120†
Lifeline or link-up services, immunities, SB 487*
Limitation of actions (See LIMITATION OF ACTIONS)
Medical facility employees, retaliation against whistle-blowers, SB 549, AB 586
Medical malpractice (See MEDICAL MALPRACTICE)
Mobile home dealers and other licensees, actions against, AB 107*
Mortgage companies, enforcement of claims against, AB 64*, AB 278, AB 676
Mortgages, failure to record or improper recording of discharge, SB 96*
Motor vehicle repairs (sec. 6), AB 258*
Municipal judges, defense in actions against, AB 648**
Nonprofit hospital, medical and dental service corporations, recovery of civil penalties against, SB 12, AB 685
Nonprofit organizations, consideration of certain evidence prohibited, AB 239**
Nursing, state board of, immunities (sec. 4), AB 204*
Parental liability (See PARENT AND CHILD)
Parole hearings, immunities regarding photographic records, SB 395*
Parolees, civil liability for unpaid restitution following discharge, AB 79**
Parties, rules allowing addressing of court urged, ACR 26
Pawnbrokers, immunities regarding criminal investigations, AB 647**
Deductions from judgments won against state, county or city, AB 22*
Small claims, payment of costs of transportation in advance, AB 22*
Product liability (sec. 7), AB 225
Public lands, unlawful use, management or disposal (sec. 3), AB 672
Real estate licensees, actions by, SB 84, SB 452*
Regional development corporations, actions against (sec. 15), AB 528**
Safety belts or child-restraint devices, failure to use, SB 151, SB 154
Sex offender treatment programs, immunities (sec. 17), AB 56
Short trials in lieu of arbitration, AB 392*
Small claims, monetary threshold, SB 30*
State or political subdivisions
Debts owed state agencies, collection (sec. 15), SB 500**
False claims submitted to governmental entity, SB 418*
Federal lands, actions by cities or counties, AB 641**
Inspections of structures, immunities (sec. 3), AB 87
Monetary liability in actions against, study, AB 119, ACR 46‡
Official attorneys, actions against, SB 358
Peace officer applicants, information from former employers, AB 297**
Professional and occupational boards, immunities during investigations and prosecutions, SB 373
SIIS, immunities for certain reports (sec. 4), SB 43
State employee organizations, right to sue and be sued (sec. 49), AB 131
Stream system litigation, appropriation for expenses, AB 58, AB 151**
Taxes, action for recovery of certain taxes, venue, SB 362**
Telecommunications service providers, actions against, SB 485†
Telephone or telegraph lines, destruction or damage, SB 27*
Tenancies, termination, AB 397*
Title insurers, claims against bonds (sec. 61), AB 64*
Tobacco settlement, compliance by manufacturers, AB 667**
Trade secrets, preservation of secrecy (sec. 5), SB 375*
Unfair trade practices, authority to bring actions, AB 108*, ACR 34‡
Uninsured motorists, actions by, AB 327, AB 513
Violent or sexual offenses, reporting, liabilities, AB 155, AB 267*
Water appropriation, protests, AB 380†
Wild horses, removal from private land, AB 509*
Budget division
Achievement and proficiency examinations, reports, duties, SB 466**
Andre Agassi Foundation, duties regarding appropriation, AB 348**
Benefit services fund, assessment of certain agencies, AB 176†, AB 416**
Bill draft requests, appropriation for expenses, SB 250**
Bonus program based on cost savings of state agencies, duties, SB 162
Capital improvement projects, notice of temporary advances, AB 699**
Committee for setting of fees, member (sec. 10), AB 364
Financial analysis and planning task force, member (sec. 2), AB 525**
Collective bargaining by state employees, receipt of information, AB 131
Fiscal analysis division, consultation, provision of information (sec. 7), SB 71
Higher education, committee to study funding, representation, SB 443**
School districts, fund to assist in financing capital improvements, temporary advances, AB 597**
Debts owed state agencies, procedure for collection, SB 500†
Benefits, committee on, ex officio member, SB 79, SB 223, AB 67
Correctional institutions, committee on, member (sec. 3), SB 399
Henderson state college, receipt of study report, AB 220**
Industrial insurance appeals officers, appointment, SB 55†
Internal accounting and administrative control system, reports, AB 255*
Prisons department, receipt of occupational study, SB 353**
Public employees' benefits program board, member (sec. 18), SB 544**
Rangeland resources commission, submission of financial statement, SB 310*
School facilities, commission for construction, member, AB 597**
Financial management, training and control office, duties transferred, SB 550**
Hearings division
Appeals officers, appointment, evaluations, training and conduct, SB 55
Chief, duties, SB 55
Hearing officers, conduct, SB 55
Senior appeals officer, appointment, duties, SB 55
Integrated financial management system, appropriation, SB 305**
Internal audits, division of, creation, appropriation, SB 550**
Lincoln County school district, receipt of report, SB 236**
Motor pool division, appropriation, AB 346**
Purchasing division (See also STATE PURCHASING)
Contracts, procedures for awarding, AB 588*
Procurement and inventory services, assessment of agencies, AB 591**
Silver gaming tokens, duties, AB 560
Surplus property, transfer, sale or donation, SB 139**
Risk management division
Staff, employment (sec. 39), SB 544**
School districts, fund to assist financing of capital improvements, creation, administration, AB 597**
State printing division
Commendation, ACR 77‡
Labor agreements, authority (secs. 2, 68), AB 131
Technology improvement plan appropriation, reversion extended, SB 305**
White Pine County school district, receipt of report, AB 480**
Y2K appropriation, reversion extended, SB 305**
Credit or debit card, acceptance for payment of assessment, AB 24**
Delinquent payments, nonrenewal of drivers' licenses or registrations, AB 16
Judgment of conviction imposing assessment, enforcement, SB 234
Misdemeanors, categories, assessments (secs. 8, 9), AB 42†
Prisoners, deductions from monetary judgments won against state, AB 22†
Traffic fines paid without court appearance to include assessment (sec. 2), AB 19
Claims, board to review, exemption from laws, AB 12*
Emergency actions, filing of statement with legislative counsel, AB 12*
Ethics, commission on, regulation declared void, AB 612**
Industrial relations, division of, exemption from laws, AB 12*
Legislative counsel, receipt of reports, duties, AB 631**
Local government hearing officers, judicial review of final decisions, AB 12†
Definition, AB 12*
Refusal to revise following objection by legislative commission, AB 612**
Small businesses, consideration of impact of regulations on, AB 486*
State industrial insurance system, repeal of regulations (sec. 139), SB 37*
Wildlife regulations, exemption from laws, AB 12*
Application by prospective parent, notice of consideration for approval, AB 158**
Behavioral, emotional or psychological problems of child, disclosure, SB 232*
Fees of division of child and family services, SB 232*
Fetal alcohol syndrome, inquiries (sec. 14), SB 197*
Foster children, state financial support, AB 365
Hearings regarding placement of certain children (secs. 13, 14), AB 315
Siblings, preference for placement together, SB 232*, AB 158**
Business tax credit for businesses providing or subsidizing, SB 317
Area service centers, Clark County, appropriation, AB 147
NOVA project, appropriation, AB 480†
State distributive school account, authorized expenditures, SB 555**
Divorce and child custody proceedings, consideration, SB 66
Aversive intervention, consent prohibited, AB 280*
Do-not-resuscitate protocols and identification, regulatory oversight, AB 73**
Businesses, occupations or professions, disconnection of telephone service of unlicensed advertisers, SB 128†
Deceptive trade practices, AB 431*
Entertainment by referral services, unlawful acts, AB 498
False labels or trade-marks, penalty for advertising goods with, AB 616*
Highways, requirements and fees for advertising above or along, AB 627**
Mortgage companies, brokers or agents, AB 64*, AB 676
Motor vehicles, bait and switch advertising prohibited, AB 431*
Real estate licensees, AB 58*
Taxicabs, SB 491†
Time shares, resales, SB 322**
Wild horses gathered by county, AB 509†
DUI, expert witnesses, SB 481**
Financial institutions, use of certain affidavits in legal proceedings, SB 483**
Marriage licenses and certificates, affidavits of correction, SB 512*
Property tax exemptions, claims for (secs. 7-9), AB 668**
Community redevelopment, use of money for low-income housing, AB 306*
Gaming licensees, credit against license fees for development, AB 540
Herbert Gerson park, appropriation, AB 415, AB 703**
Housing authorities, powers, AB 484
Nonprofit organizations
Conveyance of property by county or city, AB 318**
Donated property used for certain housing, property tax exemption, SB 402
National guard, maximum age of commissioned officers, AB 99**
Public guardians, appointment for ward of any age, SB 410, SB 472**
Wine, age of person accepting shipments into state, SB 428**
Abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation
Athletic trainers, duty to report, SB 357†
Civil penalties for exploitation, AB 517†
Guardians, basis for disqualification, AB 517*
Medical records, availability to investigators, AB 113**
Reports and assistance to victims, requirements, AB 155, AB 267†
Specialist for rights of elderly persons, duties, AB 250**
Wards, rights to protection, AB 517†
Welfare division, certain duties transferred to aging services, AB 649**
Adult day care, business tax credit for businesses providing or subsidizing, SB 317
Athletic organizations, sales tax exemptions, AB 351
City elections, polling places (sec. 15), AB 444**
Execution, certain property exempt from, AB 548
Guardianships (See GUARDIANS AND WARDS)
Home health care programs, funding, AB 474*
Lifeline or link-up services, provision to eligible customers, SB 487*
Long-term care (See LONG-TERM CARE)
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Medical malpractice, preferential scheduling of certain claims, SB 479*
Murder or attempted murder of persons 65 or older, additional penalty, SB 63*
Nonprofit entities providing housing, property tax exemption, SB 402
Pharmaceutical services and prescriptions, assistance programs, SB 370†, AB 474*
Power of attorney, requirements for execution, AB 435
Property tax (See PROPERTY TAX—Senior citizens' property tax assistance)
Residential facilities for groups (See MEDICAL AND RELATED FACILITIES)
Respite care programs, funding, AB 474*
Social security notch babies, reparation for payment disparity urged, AJR 5‡
Specialist for rights of elderly persons, duties, AB 250**
State parks, requirements for issuance of permits, AB 439*
Transportation programs, funding, SB 415, SB 560**, AB 474*
Vehicle privilege tax, partial exemption, AB 455
Advisory committees, appointment, compensation, SB 117*
Public health, trust fund for, chairman to be trustee, AB 474*
Board members, terms of office, SB 166*
Property tax levied by county exempt from limit on total tax levy, SB 319
Subjects included in programs, expansion, AB 324**
Tall white top, appropriation for abatement, AB 324**
Agricultural real property, waiver of penalty on deferred taxes, AB 668**
Land use planning, legislative declaration, SB 393
License plates for promotion of agriculture, issuance, SB 339*
Tall white top, abatement, AB 324**
White rot research, funding, AB 266, AB 703**
Committees to assess livestock, appointments (sec. 22), AB 668**
Composition (sec. 7), AB 481*
Fees, establishment, AB 693**
Architecture, interior design or residential design, unauthorized practice, AB 116
Biological weapons, unlawful acts, SB 18**
Employment, aiding unlawful practices prohibited, AB 311†
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Long-term care administrators, unlawful acts, AB 373*
Clark County
Regional planning coalition, duties, SB 394*
Study ordered, SB 432**, SCR 22
Engine emission control (See ENGINE EMISSION CONTROL)
Haze, opposition to certain federal regulations expressed, SJR 3‡
Land use planning, legislative declaration, SB 393
Local air pollution control boards, duties, SB 394*
Operating permits for sources of contaminants, exemption from penalties, SB 447
Pollution control account, expenditures, SB 432**, SB 511**
Solar energy use, credits for reduction of contaminants, SB 394*
Washoe County, regional land use coordinating entities, SB 394†
Aviation fuel (See AVIATION FUEL)
Grand Canyon, concern regarding restrictions on air tours expressed, SJR 21‡
Overbooking, posting of notice, SB 458
Property tax, assessment, legislative study, SB 205, SB 383**, SB 411**
Skydiving businesses, regulation, SB 179*
State contracts, SB 83
Washoe County fair and recreation board, air travel, SB 477**
Overbooking, posting of notice, SB 458
Police services to be provided by sheriff of Washoe County, AB 222
Competitive bidding for certain public services in large counties, SB 422
Concealed firearms, restrictions on carrying, AB 166**
Mesquite, imposition of additional room tax for construction of airport, SB 525
Overbooking, posting of notice, SB 458
Amount and duration, formula for determination, AB 421
Rocky Mountain elk removed from definition, SB 527
Violations committed by probationers, authority, AB 406*
Competitive bidding for services in large counties, SB 422
Drivers, licensure as attendant unnecessary, qualifications, SB 227
Laser pointers, unlawful to direct light at driver or attendant, SB 360†, AB 541
Lights and sirens, use, SB 337
Clark County health system, nomination to advisory board, SB 520†
Property tax exemption, AB 423**
Advisory board for certification of operators, representation (sec. 19), AB 134**
Appropriation, AB 659, AB 703**
Donation of organs and tissues to Nevada transplant candidates, AB 238*, ACR 19‡
Validity and revocation of anatomical gift, AB 238*
Appropriation, AB 348**
Dentists, permit and inspection fees, SB 181*, SB 560**
Controlled substances, possession and administration, SB 519*
Research or experimentation, prohibition on releasing animals for, AB 448
Cruelty to animals (See CRUELTY TO ANIMALS)
Dogs (See DOGS)
Horses (See HORSES)
Killing or injuring animals of another, penalty, SB 396*
Livestock (See LIVESTOCK)
Pets (See PETS)
Research or experimentation, prohibition on sale of animals for, AB 448
Service animals
Beating, killing or interfering with (sec. 3), SB 396*
Public accommodations, access, SB 396*
Show animals, killing, injuring or tampering with, SB 211†, SB 396*
Trusts for care of animals at settlor's death, validity, AB 524
Alternative procedure to annex inholdings, AB 91
Prohibition against annexing portion of individual lot or parcel, AB 640**
Rural neighborhoods, preservation, SB 391†
Aged persons, certain property exempt from execution, AB 548
Charitable-gift annuities, exemption from insurance laws, AB 555*
Foreign languages, contracts may be offered in, AB 248
Inspection fees, AB 693*
Attorneys' fees, effect of motion for award on time for appeal, AB 624**
Criminal cases, disposition to be reported to central repository, SB 157
Habeas corpus, standing to file petitions (sec. 15), AB 618
Intermediate appellate court, creation, SJR 14 of the 69th session, AJR 22‡
Labor commissioner, restrictions, SB 325
Medicaid hearing officer decisions, AB 429**
Tax commission, appeals to (sec. 4), SB 362**
Welfare assistance, denial, reduction, suspension or termination, AB 429**
Creation, SJR 14 of the 69th session, AJR 22‡
Abandoned vehicles, SB 268*
Property tax assessment, SB 426, SB 524, AB 601*
Investigations and prosecutions of violations, immunities, SB 373
Elevator constructor-mechanics, qualifications for licensure, SB 416
Property tax exemption for apprenticeship committees, AB 211**
Sales tax exemptions for apprenticeship committees and sponsors, AB 207**
Sexual orientation, discrimination prohibited, AB 311*
Accessible Space, Inc., AB 474*
Administration, department of, SB 305**
Agricultural extension department, AB 324**
Agriculture, division of
Fire ants and killer bees, eradication and control, SB 378, SB 560**, AB 662
Grazing database and economic analysis, AB 291, AB 703**
Organic agricultural products, advisory council for, AB 323**
Veterinary medical services, AB 344**
Weed control analyst, SB 560**
White rot, research program, AB 703**
Alcohol and drug abuse, bureau of, AB 181†
Andre Agassi Foundation, AB 348**
Arts, state council on, AB 362, AB 703**
Athletic commission, Nevada, SB 158**
Attorney general
Computer forensics laboratory, SB 485†
High-technology crime, director of office, SB 485†
Nonprofit hospital, medical or dental corporations, regulation, AB 685†
Training program by Nevada network for domestic violence, AB 582, AB 703**
Benefit services fund, AB 176**, AB 416**
Benefits, committee on, long-term care insurance program, SB 446
Boulder City museum, AB 191, AB 703**
Budget division, SB 250**
Business and education coalition of Nevada, SB 466†
Business and industry, department of, Clark County offices, SB 320
Capital improvement projects, SB 560**, AB 699**
Carson City children's museum, AB 703**
Child and family services, division of, AB 36
Child care facilities, fund for loans for, AB 301
Child care quality account, AB 302
Churchill County, AB 381, AB 703**
Cigarettes and tobacco, programs for prevention and reduction in use, SB 370†
Clark County
Air quality control study, SB 432**
Economic opportunity board, SB 272, SB 560**
Enterprise community federal credit union, AB 692, AB 703**
Greater Las Vegas inner city games, AB 654, AB 703**
Guardians for abused children, AB 430, AB 703**
Logandale school, restoration, AB 394, AB 703**
Nevada Partners, AB 703**
Clark County school district
At-risk pupils, alternative programs, SB 170, AB 147
Educational programs of special emphasis, SB 506
Non-English speaking pupils, instruction program, AB 356
Regional training center, SB 60, SB 466†
Truancy program, SB 112
Conservation and natural resources, state department of
Salaries and operating expenses, SB 281**
Stream system litigation, AB 48, AB 151**
Conservation districts, AB 281
Contingency fund, SB 283**
Criminal history records, central repository, AB 239†
Death penalty resource center, SB 249, SB 560**
District judges' salary account, SB 401*, AB 38*, AB 623
Douglas County school district, SB 60, SB 466†
"Kids Count", SB 143, SB 560**
Achievement and proficiency examinations, expenses, SB 466**
Andre Agassi education center, AB 348**
Area service centers, AB 147
At-risk pupils, alternative programs, SB 110, SB 170, AB 147, AB 244
Certification of teachers, reimbursement of certain costs, SB 47**
Charter schools, commission for, SB 258
Charter schools, subcommittee on, AB 348**
Clark County public education foundation, AB 399
Class-size reduction, fund for, SB 278**, AB 700**
Classroom on wheels, SB 560**
Community-based, early intervention program, AB 325
Discipline of pupils, programs, AB 521**
Extension of teachers' contracts to provide professional development, AB 232
Fetal alcohol syndrome prevention programs, SB 560**
Gifted and talented programs, SB 231
Hearing-impaired children, establishment of charter school for, AB 348†
Henderson state college, needs assessment, AB 220**
Hi-tech learning centers, AB 205**, AB 360**
Higher education, study of funding, SB 443**
Holocaust, advisory council on education relating to the, AB 224†
Inadequate achievement of certain schools, SB 70†
Intersession school and summer school programs, SB 187, AB 13, AB 145
Library books, SB 23, SB 560**
Merit pay program for teachers, SB 40
Native American and culturally diverse children, programs for, AB 357
Non-English speaking pupils, instruction program, AB 356
NOVA project for adult education, AB 480†
Occupational education, fund for improvement of programs, SB 505
Peer mediation and conflict resolution programs, AB 382, AB 703**
Proficiency examinations, advisory committee to oversee, SB 15
Reallocation of previous appropriations, SB 282**
Recruitment and professional development, SB 188, SB 231, AB 47†
Regional training centers for professional development, SB 60, SB 466†
Remedial programs for certain schools, SB 70†, SB 466**
School safety and juvenile violence, commission on, AB 686**
Social workers in schools, pilot program, SB 388
Special emphasis programs, SB 506
State distributive school account, SB 555**, AB 345**, AB 700**
Statewide automated system of information concerning pupils, AB 655
Student loans for education majors, AB 47†
Truancy, program for tracking and reporting, SB 112
University system (See University of Nevada, this heading)
Vocational student organizations, SB 251, SB 560**
Eighth judicial district court, SB 184**, AB 577
Elko County school district, SB 60, SB 466†
Emergency account, SB 159**
Emergency management, division of, SB 193**
Emergency shelter for women and children, AB 46, AB 703**
Ethics, commission on, SB 546**
Examiners, state board of, SB 554**, AB 701*
Fernley, Town of, AB 703**
Financial institutions, division of, AB 64†
Forestry, division of, AB 691**
Garlic and onion growers' advisory board, AB 266
General appropriation act, AB 697**
Geographic education, trust fund for, AB 216
Gerlach community center, SB 560**
AmeriCorps program, AB 659, AB 703**
Consumer health assistance, office for, SB 37**
Health division, SB 560**
Henderson, City of, AB 703**
Highway patrol division, SB 504**, AB 657**
Human resources, department of, SB 556**
Humboldt County, AB 703**
Humboldt River Basin, water management study, SB 307, SB 560**
Insurance, division of, AB 656**
Interim finance committee, SB 254, SB 270, SB 466**, SB 560**, AB 330*, AB 505, AB 703**
Internal audits, division of, SB 550**
Investigation division, SB 504**
Jarbidge water system, Elko County, SB 306
Juvenile facilities
China Spring youth camp, SB 254, SB 560*
Update of report relating to assessment of need for facilities, AB 36
Washoe County, new facility, AB 330*
Land management, revolving account for, SB 508**
Lander County, AB 417
Las Vegas art museum, AB 703**
Las Vegas, City of
Child care training program, AB 301, AB 302, AB 703**
Emergency shelter, AB 46, AB 703**
Herbert Gerson park, AB 415, AB 703**
Homeless shelters, AB 233
Latchkey programs, AB 148, AB 703**
Library and community center, AB 512
Super speed ground transportation commission, AB 682, AB 703**
U-turns on West Desert Inn Road, directional signs, SB 174, SB 560**
Las Vegas natural history museum, AB 703**
Las Vegas performing arts center, AB 703**
Legislative bureau of educational accountability, SB 60, SB 466†
Legislative commission, SB 443**
Legislative committee on health care, AB 146
Legislative counsel bureau, AB 322**
Legislative fund
Achievement and proficiency examinations, SB 466†
Audit of department of transportation, AB 404
Clergy, compensation, ACR 71‡
Closeup Foundation, AB 312, AB 703**
Information systems, AB 321**
Public lands, committee on, SB 560**
School safety and juvenile violence, commission on, AB 686**
Session expenses, SB 1**
Library and archives, division of, AB 703**
Lied discovery children's museum, AB 703**
Life line pregnancy assistance and vocational training center, SB 147, SB 560**
Lincoln County school district, SB 236**
Local cultural activities, account for, AB 320**
Make-A-Wish Foundation, SB 560**
Legislative study, AB 146
Reversion of previously appropriated money, SB 284**
Mental hygiene and mental retardation division, SB 560**
Mentally ill of Nevada, alliance for, SB 142, SB 560**
Mineral County, SB 237, SB 560**
Motor pool, state, AB 346**
Motor vehicles and public safety, department of
Customer management systems, AB 341**
Furniture for Carson City office, SB 280**
License plates, expenses related to production, AB 342**
Project Genesis, SB 279**
Supplemental appropriation, SB 279**, AB 661**
VHF highband and 800 MHz radio project, SB 504**
Museums, library and arts, department of
Boulder City railroad museum, SB 308**
Carson City children's museum, AB 703**
Charleston Heights art center, AB 703**
Las Vegas art museum, AB 703**
Las Vegas natural history museum, AB 703**
Las Vegas performing arts center, AB 703**
Lied discovery children's museum, AB 703**
Nevada history CD-ROM project, AB 703**
Nevada humanities committee, SB 298, SB 560**
Nevada silver gaming tokens, AB 560
Supplemental appropriations, SB 277**
National and community service, Nevada commission for, SB 503, SB 560**, AB 659, AB 703**
National college of juvenile and family law, SB 303**
National judicial college, SB 249, SB 304**, SB 560**
Nevada Partners, AB 401, AB 703**
Nevada women's fund, SB 560**
Newlands Project water rights fund, AB 380**
North Las Vegas, City of
Kiel Ranch historic site, AB 240
Library district, SB 186
Youth center, AB 149
Nuclear projects, agency for, SB 507**
Nye County, AB 385
Organic agricultural products, advisory council for, AB 323**
Pahrump, AB 384
Parole and probation, division of, SB 504**, AB 343**, AB 658**
Presidential primary election expenses, SB 548, AB 505
Prisons, department of, AB 690**, AB 691**
Public broadcasting stations, SB 270, AB 224**, AB 474*
Public health services access task force, SB 556**
Public health, trust fund for, board of trustees, AB 474*
Public works board, state, SB 320, AB 205**, AB 360**
Racial and economic bias, commission on, AB 290, AB 703**
Real estate division, SB 427
Registration division, SB 504**, SB 517**
Rehabilitation division, SB 190†, AB 474*
Reserve for statutory contingency account, SB 548, AB 175**
Rural health care programs, trust fund for, SB 370†
School facilities, state planning commission for, AB 597**
Second judicial district court, SB 184**, SB 185, AB 577
Sixth judicial district court, juvenile detention center, AB 89, AB 703**
Sparks heritage museum, AB 596, AB 703**
Stale claims account, AB 177**
State parks, division of
California immigrant trail interpretive center in Elko County, SB 329†
Expenditure of certain previous appropriations, periods extended, AB 683**
Patrol boat, AB 703**
State's group insurance program, AB 176**, AB 416**
Substance abuse prevention pilot programs, AB 181†
Suicide hotline services, SB 560**
Supreme court, AB 290, AB 472**, AB 622**
Tahoe Basin protection program, state lands administrator required to request appropriations each biennium, AB 285**
Taxation, department of, SB 444, SB 545**
Transportation, department of
Bordering states, study of improving access highways in, SB 558**
Elderly and handicapped transportation programs, SB 415, SB 560**
Radio communication system, SB 504**
Sound barriers, SB 141, AB 367, AB 393
West Desert Inn Road, directional signs, SB 560**
University of Nevada
Harry Reid center for environmental studies, SB 560**
Mesquite community college, SB 376, SB 560**
Nevada center for sustainable living, AB 395
Outreach health care programs, School of Medicine, SB 370†, AB 474*
Pediatric diabetes and endocrinology center, School of Medicine, SB 294, SB 560**
Rural health care programs, School of Medicine, SB 370†, AB 474*
Science, engineering and technology, office of, SB 333, SB 560**
Ultrasound imaging equipment, SB 248, SB 560**
Writing programs or projects, AB 352, AB 703**
Veterans' homes, temporary housing for spouses of residents, SB 560*
Washoe County, SB 560**, AB 325
Washoe County school district, SB 60, SB 466†
Administration of water resources statewide, AB 48, AB 151**
Stream system litigation expenses, AB 48, AB 151**
Welfare division, SB 547**
White Pine County, AB 171, AB 703**
White Pine County school district, AB 480**
Wild horses, commission for the preservation of, AB 684†
Wild horses, revolving account for management in Virginia Range, AB 300
Yerington, City of, Mason Valley Boys and Girls Club, AB 703**
Alternative dispute resolution in lieu of arbitration, AB 392*
Collective bargaining by state employees (secs. 38-40), AB 131
Common-interest communities, SB 240, SB 441, SB 451*
Findings of arbitrator, requirements, admissibility, SB 195, SB 315*
Motor vehicle repairs (sec. 7), AB 258*
Safe-deposit boxes, claims relating to, AB 279
State employees, arbitration of certain grievances, AB 371
Trial de novo
Evidence, jury instructions, SB 195, SB 315*
Grant of request by district court, grounds, AB 643
Certification, expiration, fee, AB 632
Civil penalties, AB 632
Contractors' board, state, representation, AB 259
Design documents submitted to governmental entities, standards, reports of deficiencies, SB 409
Documents, signing (sec. 6), AB 632
Public works (See also PUBLIC WORKS)
Design-build contracting, representation on study committee, SB 475*
Employment to oversee construction authorized, SB 437†, SB 475*
Qualifications (sec. 7), AB 632
Registration of business entities, renewal, fees, AB 609
Responsible control, term defined (sec. 1), AB 632
Unauthorized practice, aiding and abetting unlawful, AB 116
Design documents, adoption of standards (sec. 4), SB 409
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Members, authority (sec. 4), AB 632
Official register, maintenance, AB 609
Decals for license plates displaying emblems or insignia of specific units, SB 379*
Navy Seabees, special license plates, SB 379†
Veterans (See VETERANS)
Bail (See BAIL)
Bail agents or bail enforcement agents, arrest of defendants, SB 273*
Booking of prisoner, recovery of costs from prisoner, SB 114
Communicable diseases, testing for exposure, AB 190, AB 483†
DUI offenders, AB 196
Failure to appear before magistrate, issuance of warrant, SB 273*
Mortgage company laws, issuance of warrant for violations, AB 64†, AB 278
Reports, public records (sec. 11), AB 102
Insurance fraud, SB 75†, SB 225
Charleston Heights art center, appropriation for after-school programs, AB 703**
Fine art for public display, taxation
Credits, SB 521**
Qualifications for exemption, SB 521**
Repeal of exemption, SB 90
Grants program, arts in education and folk arts program, appropriation, AB 362, AB 703**
Juvenile delinquents, placement in supervised program for the arts, SB 87*
Las Vegas art museum, appropriation, AB 703**
Room tax increase for support of artistic programs, AB 526
Account for artistic and cultural programs, administration, AB 526
Appropriation, AB 362, AB 703**
Director redesignated administrator, appointment, classification, AB 460
Reporting of certain violent offenses required, penalties, AB 155, AB 267*
Taxicab drivers, enhanced penalty for assault committed upon, SB 146*
Appropriation, SB 158**
Costs of hearings and investigations, recovery, SB 158**
Files and records, maintenance and inspection (sec. 1), AB 467**
Immunities, AB 467**
Investigative powers, AB 467**
Athletic trainers, licensure and regulation, SB 357†
Sales tax exemptions, AB 351
Advisory committee to recommend legislation, creation, SB 357*
Board of athletic trainers, creation, SB 357†
Regulation, penalty for unlicensed practice, SB 357†
Fees required to be paid by customers, disclosure, AB 319
Industrial insurance benefits exempt, AB 431*
Aged persons, additional penalty for attempted murder of, SB 63*
Minor victims, reporting offenses required, penalties, AB 267*
Trade secrets, unlawful acts, penalty, SB 375*
Wiretaps authorized for attempted murder cases, SB 120
Actions against, manner of defending, SB 358
Athletic commission, notice of requests for disclosures from files, AB 467**
Bar membership fees, payment by public employer, SB 119
Bill draft requests, limitation (sec. 6), AB 631**
Constructional defect screening panels, duties, SB 380
Consumer protection, bureau of
Advisory group for study of state energy policy, representation, ACR 32
Emergency telecommunications services, section for, creation, SB 487†
Contractors' laws, duties, AB 259†
Debts owed state agencies, procedure for collection, SB 500**
Disabilities, persons with, duties relating to unlawful use of certain procedures against, AB 280†
Emergency telephone system, statewide, enforcement of laws, SB 487†
Ethical violations, prosecution (sec. 18), SB 478*
Ethics, commission on, duties, SB 478*
Executive branch audit committee, member, SB 550**
False claims submitted to state or local government, prosecution, SB 418*
Health insurance ombudsman, creation, appointment, AB 143, AB 310
Homes for individual residential care, recovery of fines, SB 163**
Information, statement of reasons for failure to file (sec. 3), SB 493
Insurance compliance audits, requests for disclosure of information, AB 476
Insurance fraud, duties, SB 224, SB 225
Justices of the peace, defense in civil actions against, AB 648**
Las Vegas urban growth zone, prosecution of violations, SB 191†
Management consultants, prosecution of violations (sec. 61), SB 220
Medical records, availability to investigators, AB 113**
Misdemeanors, task force to study penalties, representation, ACR 67
Mortgage companies, agents and brokers, enforcement of laws, AB 64*, AB 278
Municipal judges, defense in civil actions against, AB 648**
Nevada network for domestic violence, appropriation, AB 582, AB 703**
Nonprofit hospital, medical or dental corporations, regulation, SB 12, AB 685
Osteopathic physicians, investigation of complaints (sec. 11), SB 199
Preliminary examinations, procedure following discharge of defendant, SB 493
Prisoners, prosecution of certain offenses committed by, SB 149*
Private investigator's licensing board, removal as member, SB 178
Public lands, authority to initiate actions (sec. 11), AB 672
Rangeland resource commission, notice of failure to pay support fee, SB 310*
Residential facilities for groups, recovery of fines, AB 373*
School conferences, prosecution of violations by employers, AB 214
Sex offenders, duties (sec. 43), SB 515**
Sovereign immunity, representation on study advisory committee, ACR 46‡
Special fund, deposits, maximum balance, AB 108*, ACR 34‡
Special investigators, occupational disease coverage, AB 608
Technological crime
Advisory board for, member, SB 485**
Authorized expenditures, SB 485**
Computer forensics laboratory, funding, SB 485**
Executive director, appointment, SB 485**
Investigative subpoenas, SB 485†
Telecommunications service providers, actions against, SB 485†
Telemarketing, duties, AB 193†
Tobacco settlements
Advisory group to legislative committee, appointment (sec. 10), AB 652
Participating manufacturers, action to enforce compliance, AB 667**
Trust companies, duties regarding impairment (sec. 9), SB 465*
Unfair trade practices, authority clarified, AB 108*, ACR 34‡
University of Nevada board of regents, legal counsel, AB 411
Wage violations involving explosives industry, prosecution, AB 110**
Wiretaps (See WIRETAPPING)
Yucca Mountain, strategies to oppose nuclear waste facility, duties, SB 206
Emission control hearing officers, qualification, AB 427
Industrial insurance cases, provision of certain information to others, SB 64*
Ineffectiveness of counsel in criminal proceedings, SB 361†
Justices of the peace in certain townships to be attorneys, AB 86**
Motor vehicle insurance actions, report of failure to abide by agreement to share medical records or bills, AB 680†
Public employees, payment of bar membership fees by public employer, SB 119
Unauthorized practice, penalties, AB 18*
Cable television services, civil actions for theft, SB 485**
Computer crimes, recoveries by victims, SB 485**
Divorce actions, award, AB 154*
Enforcement of judgment requiring repayment of defense expenses, SB 234
Guardianship proceedings, AB 517*
Health insurance actions, award, SB 145*
High-voltage wires, recovery of compensation for unauthorized placement, SB 384
Identity theft, recovery by victims, AB 71*
Industrial insurance cases, distribution of award in civil action, SB 94
Mortgages or deeds of trust, action regarding recordation of discharge, SB 96*
Motion for award, effect on final judgment or appeal, AB 624**
Prisoners, repayment of expenses of defense, AB 22†
Tort actions, fees limited (sec. 6), AB 225
Aged persons, requirements for execution of power of attorney, AB 435
Aversive intervention, consent prohibited, AB 280*
Mortgage companies, restrictions, AB 64*, AB 676
Board of examiners for audiology and speech pathology
Composition (sec. 40), SB 176
Cooperation with board of hearing aid specialists (sec. 58), SB 176
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Name changed (sec. 40), SB 176
Terms of office (sec. 59), SB 176
Citation of chapter (sec. 11), SB 176
Expiration date of audiology licenses (sec. 56), SB 176
Issuance without examination (sec. 7), SB 176
Qualifications, SB 176
Practice regulated by board of audiologists and hearing aid specialists, SB 176
Speech pathologists' assistants
Authority (secs. 11, 12), AB 54
Applications (secs. 5, 6, 8, 15-17), AB 54
Expiration, renewal (secs. 7, 8, 15), AB 54
Suspension for child support violations (sec. 9), AB 54
Supervision (sec. 10), AB 54
Unlawful acts (secs. 4, 12), AB 54
Division of internal audits, department of administration, creation, SB 550**
Executive branch audit committee, creation, SB 550**
Information technology, technical audits (sec. 4), AB 364
Insurance compliance audits, confidentiality, AB 476
Mortgage companies, AB 64*, AB 676
Real property transfer tax (sec. 7), SB 318†
School districts, SB 466†, SB 555**, AB 241**, AB 368**
State's program of group insurance (sec. 4), AB 529
Tax audits (sec. 2), SB 362**
Transportation, department of, AB 404
University system, AB 368†
Capital improvement projects, AB 699**
Class-size reduction, fund for, AB 700**
Elko County school district, AB 700**
Financial institutions, investigative account, AB 64*, AB 676
General authorized expenditures act, SB 551**
Insurance, investigative account, SB 224
Newlands project water rights fund, AB 380**
Pollution control account, SB 432**, SB 511**
Public employees' retirement system, AB 698**
Public health, trust fund for, board of trustees, AB 474*
State distributive school account, SB 555**
Statewide automated system of information concerning pupils, SB 555**
Technological crime, attorney general, SB 485**
Wild horses, commission for the preservation of, AB 684**
Fees required to be paid by customers, disclosure, AB 319
Certificates of dismantling redesignated salvage titles, AB 452**
Sale of salvage vehicles, AB 452**
Businesses, county or city authorized to impose license tax or fee on, SB 455**
Tax, collection by department of motor vehicles, AB 396, AB 584*
Domestic workers, industrial insurance coverage, AB 334*
Prisons department, badges for certain employees, SB 321†
Retired police officers, SB 420, AB 166†
Domestic violence offenses, SB 360†, AB 473*, AB 523
Exoneration of surety, SB 273*
Forfeiture of bail, SB 273*, AB 19
Intoxicated persons, release prohibited, SB 273†
Notification of sureties of arrest of person admitted to bail, SB 273†
Release without bail, restrictions, SB 273†
Surrender and arrest of defendant, SB 273*
Arrest of defendants, SB 273*
Corporations, licensure, AB 680*
Fines (sec. 63), AB 680*
General agents, license applications, bonds (secs. 64, 65), AB 680*
Notice to law enforcement agencies before taking certain actions, AB 485**
Affidavits in legal proceedings, use, SB 483**
Automated tellers, disclosure of fees required to be paid by customers, AB 319
December 31, effect of transaction of business, SB 31*
Deposits, property tax exemption, SB 411**
Federal legislation affecting services, continuation of state oversight, SJR 22‡
Safe-deposit boxes, rights of lessee of box improperly opened, AB 279
State bank, establishment, SJR 16, SCR 47
Trust offices authorized, fee, SB 465*
Barber poles, unlawful placement (sec. 34), SB 8*
Barber schools
License fees, SB 8†
Number of instructors (sec. 28), SB 8*
Barbershops, fees for licensure and inspection, SB 8†
Certificates of registration, terminology changed to license, SB 8*
Definitions (sec. 4), SB 8*
Disciplinary proceedings (sec. 32), SB 8*
Examination, effect of failure to appear after notification of eligibility, SB 8*
Identification, provision to representative of board (sec. 3), SB 8*
Child support enforcement (secs. 12, 33), SB 8*
Licensure (secs. 14, 27, 29), SB 8*
Number required at schools (sec. 28), SB 8*
Prisoners, barber laws inapplicable (sec. 4.5), SB 8*
SB 8, return to senate from governor's office requested, SCR 46‡
State barbers' health and sanitation board
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Secretary-treasurer, salary, bond (sec. 6), SB 8*
Kickbacks to certain carriers for soliciting for businesses, SB 491†, AB 193*, AB 546
Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Penalties (secs. 6, 7), AB 42†
Reporting of certain violent offenses required, penalties, AB 155, AB 267*
School pupils, battery committed upon school employees, AB 180, AB 245
Taxicab drivers, enhanced penalty for battery committed upon, SB 146*
Wiretaps authorized for battery with use of deadly weapon, SB 120
Deregulation, AB 481*
Inspections, AB 481*
Killer bees, eradication and control programs, school instruction programs, SB 378
Nuisances (sec. 6), AB 481*
Abolishment (sec. 18), SB 544**
Chief accountant, employment, qualifications (sec. 4), AB 529
Composition, SB 79, SB 223, AB 67
Contracts with administrators, approval by insurance commissioner, AB 680*
Duties (sec. 9), AB 529
Executive officer, employment, qualifications (sec. 4), AB 529
Group insurance from insurer or plan other than state, approval, SB 316, SB 544**
Long-term care insurance program, establishment, appropriation, SB 446
Operation suspended, duties transferred to governor, AB 176**
Public employee members, prohibition against loss of leave for attending meetings, SB 223, AB 67
Staff, employment (sec. 5), AB 529
Terms of office, SB 79, SB 223, SB 544**, AB 67
Lanes or pathways
Master plans, inclusion, AB 388
Use by motor vehicles, SB 200, SB 235*
State park fees, SB 252
Desert preserve, establishment, support, SB 204*, SB 560*
Development or possession prohibited, penalty, SB 18**
Health insurance coverage, AB 60*
Medicaid, reimbursement for services, AB 60†
State's program of group insurance, coverage, SB 28, AB 60*
Fetal alcohol syndrome, prevention and treatment programs, SB 197*
Health insurance coverage for certain digestive disorders, AB 551
Information collection system, establishment, AB 238*
Abandoned vessels, duties of law enforcement agencies, AB 438*
Accidents, reporting, investigation, AB 138*
Operating under the influence
0.08% or more by weight, standard, AB 559
0.10% or more by weight, terminology revised, SB 152*
Actual physical control of vessel, determination, SB 152†
Controlled substances, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 481**
Orders for submission to tests (sec. 30), AB 196
Operation near persons in water, restrictions, AB 136*
Regattas and races, reimbursement of division expenses, AB 437*
Rental or lease of certain boats, requirements, AB 199
Safe boating courses, certification required for operation of certain boats, AB 199
Casual sales of used boats, sales taxes, SB 468
Nonresidents, sales tax exemption, permit to remove boat from state, SB 468
Titling requirements, exemption, SB 468
Trade-ins excluded from sales price for purposes of sales tax, SB 468
Seizure of evidence of crime, payment of storage fees, SB 343**
Tahoe regional planning agency ordinances, enforcement, SB 510**
Wearing during commission of crime, additional penalty, AB 117
BOULDER CITY (For general provisions, See CITIES)
Boulder City Day, designation, SCR 12‡
Businesses, tax abatement or exemptions, SB 259†
Charter amendments, city elections, AB 613, AB 615*
Competitive bidding for certain city services required, SB 422
Mayor, member of school district reconfiguration committee (sec. 3), AB 466
Museum, appropriation, AB 191, AB 703**
Paging services, establishment of requirements relating to records, SB 131*
Railroad museum, appropriation, SB 308**
Regional planning (See REGIONAL PLANNING)
Room tax, rate, use of proceeds, AB 571, AB 572
Streets, closure for construction during certain time prohibited, SB 168†
Athletic commission (See ATHLETIC COMMISSION, NEVADA)
Athletic trainers, regulation, penalty for unlicensed practice, SB 357†
Gambling (See GAMING)
Applications, AB 467**
Denial, suspension or revocation, AB 467**
Recovery of costs for licensure and disciplinary actions, SB 158**, AB 467†
Sports officials, exemption from employment laws, AB 63, AB 153
Wild horses sold or placed by county, AB 509†
Mammograms, insurance coverage, AB 163
Risk factors, publication of information concerning, AB 580
Public officers or employees, unlawful acts (sec. 21), SB 478*
Mortgage brokers, regulation, AB 676
Time share resale brokers, registration and duties, SB 322**
Vehicle brokers, grounds for license denial, suspension or revocation, AB 188**
Generally, SB 393
Contractors, reports of violations by, SB 423
Group or individual care facilities, treatment for code purposes, SB 391*
Manufactured buildings, adoption of codes, SB 177**
Building permits issued, submission of list to contractors' board, SB 423
Contractors' board, state, representation, AB 259†
Immunities relating to inspections and discoveries (sec. 3), AB 87
Licensure (secs. 15-18), AB 645**
State building officer, powers and duties, fees, SB 413, AB 605
Certificates of residential occupancy, issuance, SB 423
Contracts between local governing bodies and certain public agencies, SB 216**
Payment of fees by certain public agencies, SB 216**
School facilities, issuance, AB 598*
State contractors' board, receipt of list of permits issued, SB 423
Wearing during commission of crime, additional penalty, AB 117
Deregulation, SB 296
Impoundment of unauthorized vehicles, restrictions, AB 677†
Kickbacks for soliciting for businesses, prohibition, SB 491†, AB 193*, AB 546
Mentally retarded persons, provision of transportation services to, AB 628**
Public transportation (See PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION)
School buses (See SCHOOL BUSES)
School pupils, reduced rates for transportation authorized, AB 2**
Creation, appropriation, SB 466†
Agriculture, division of
Milk and other dairy containers, regulations, AB 694**
Peace officer powers, SB 378
Diseased animals, confidentiality of notifications, SB 330**
Fees, establishment, AB 693**
Fire ants and killer bees, eradication and control, appropriation, SB 378, SB 560**, AB 662
Grazing database and economic analysis, duties, AB 291, AB 703**, SJR 12‡
License plates for promotion of agriculture, issuance, account, SB 339*
Livestock special tax, notices, powers (secs. 19-29), AB 668**
Organic agricultural products, advisory council for, appropriation, AB 323**
Pollution control account, expenditures, SB 511**
Reorganization as department, AB 103**
Veterinary medical services, supplemental appropriation, AB 344**
Weed control analyst, appointment, qualifications and duties, SB 107, SB 560**
White rot, appropriation for research, AB 703**
Wild horses, removal from private land on court order, AB 509*
Clark County office building, appropriation, SB 320
Confirmation of appointment by senate, SB 160
Industrial development bonds, powers and duties, SB 369**
Energy policy of state, legislative study, advisory group, ACR 32
Financial institutions, division of
Credit unions, regulations (sec. 8), SB 39*
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Mortgage companies, powers and duties, AB 64**, AB 278, AB 676
Mortgage investments and lending advisory council, nominations, AB 64*
Safe-deposit boxes, regulations, AB 279
Trust companies and offices, duties, SB 465*
Housing division
Gaming fee credit for development of affordable housing, duties, AB 540
Obligations outstanding, maximum amount, AB 100**
Smart growth zones, duties, SB 391†, AB 563
Industrial relations, division of (See also INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Administrative Procedure Act, exemption, AB 12*
Confidential information, release to law enforcement agencies, AB 112**
Elevators, duties relating to construction, maintenance and operation, SB 416
Employee leasing companies, regulation, SB 37†, SB 38**, SB 495**
Employers' change of insurer or lapse of coverage, notice to division, SB 38**
Enforcement, section for, establishment, AB 489**
Explosives industry, duties, AB 112**, AB 536**, AB 603*
Occupational diseases, powers and duties clarified, SB 92*
Occupational safety, reports relating to citations issued, AB 12*
Rating evaluations, duties, AB 326†
Regulatory authority (sec. 11), SB 43
Safety and health consultation, education, information and training, section for, establishment, AB 489**
Taxation, department of, provision of information, SB 54**
Insurance division
Appeals panel for industrial insurance, duties (sec. 5), SB 417**
Audits of insurers, confidentiality, AB 476
Captive insurers, regulation, reports, AB 635**
Clark County health system, duties, receipt of reports, SB 520†
Constructional defects, duties, SB 380
Health care plans, review panel, fees, AB 491
Health insurance ombudsman, cooperation with, AB 143
Industrial insurance
Rates, approval or disapproval, AB 470**
Reports to commissioner, SB 37†
Successor organization, duties of division (sec. 128), SB 37**
Suspension of authority to provide insurance (sec. 1), SB 43
Local government group insurance plans, approval of contracts, AB 680*
Medical malpractice, preferential scheduling of certain claims, SB 479*
Nonprofit hospital, medical and dental service corporations, authorization to transact insurance, SB 12, AB 685
Ombudsman for insurance, office of the, creation within division, SB 196
Provider-sponsored organizations, regulations (sec. 59), AB 680*
Public health services access task force, assistance, SB 556**
Reports from insurers, receipt, AB 680*
Service contracts, regulation, AB 673**
Special investigative account, assessments, use, SB 224
State group insurance plan, approval of contracts with administrators, AB 680*
State insurance fund, administration (secs. 17, 18, 126), SB 37**
Supplemental appropriation, AB 656**
Uniform claim forms, billing codes, electronic transfers, SB 509, SB 544**
Manufactured housing division
Actions against licensees, service on administrator unnecessary, AB 107*
Contracts of sale, regulations (secs. 8, 9), AB 107*
Inspection of parks and records, notice requirements (sec. 1), SB 257
Limited servicemen, regulations (sec. 13), AB 107*
Mobile home commission, creation, AB 156
Mobile home parks, duties (secs. 4, 5), AB 418
Standards and regulations for manufactured buildings, SB 177**
Minerals, division of
Excavations and shafts, abatement duties transferred to division, AB 137
Fees for support of division, AB 103**, AB 450**
Reorganization, AB 103**
Silver gaming tokens, consultation concerning, AB 560
Real estate division
Accounting and licensing system, appropriation, SB 427
Administrator, authority to request information and grant exemptions, SB 116
Common-interest communities, ombudsman
Commission for resolution of disputes, creation, SB 451†
Designation of fund for ombudsman as account, AB 124**
Duties, SB 451*
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Time share resales, duties, SB 322**
Time shares, examination fees, AB 105††
Unclaimed property, division of
Abolishment of division, duties transferred, SB 125
Venture capital, state program to provide, SB 309
Entertainment by referral services, grounds for revocation or denial, AB 230
Kickbacks to certain carriers, grounds for forfeiture of license, SB 491†
Levy of taxes or fees
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Fuel businesses, SB 455**
Increase in fees, procedure, SB 455**
Notice to affected enterprises of change in method, SB 455**
Procedure, AB 554**
Revenue received from fees, calculation, SB 455**
Taxicab companies, cancellation of license for unlawful advertising, SB 491
Unlicensed businesses, disconnection of telephone service for unlicensed advertisers, SB 128†
Action for recovery of tax paid, venue (sec. 23), SB 362**
Adult day care, businesses providing or subsidizing, SB 317
Child care provided for low-income employees, credit removed, SB 403
Recycling of materials used in business, AB 419
Child care provided for employees, AB 301
First five employees, AB 428
Low-income employees, businesses employing, SB 403†
Motion picture industry, SB 259*
New or expanded businesses, SB 259†, SB 537**
Public transit passes provided for employees, AB 567†
Repeal, AB 497
Creation authorized, SB 61**
Merger with other entity, SB 61**
Service of process, SB 61**
CALIENTE, CITY OF (For general provisions, See CITIES)
Charter amendments, regulation of explosives, AB 112*, AB 538
Regional development corporation, formation, AB 528**
Interpretive center, funding for construction, SB 329*
CAMPAIGN PRACTICES (For elections generally, See ELECTIONS)
Amended reports, filing, AB 613, AB 615*
Civil penalties, SB 478*, AB 130**, AB 611*
Contributions, reports, AB 130**, AB 615*, AB 671
Expenses and expenditures, reports, AB 130**
False statements relating to campaign of candidate or passage or defeat of ballot question, SB 478*, AB 130**
Financial disclosure statements, SB 478*, SB 540, AB 611*
Gaming, prohibitions against contributions by nonrestricted licensees, affiliates, agents and certain employees, SB 86
Mobile home parks, display of political signs by tenants authorized, AB 39*
Recall of public officers, reports of contributions, AB 130**, AB 613, AB 615*
Simplified forms for certain candidates, provision repealed, AB 130**
Solicitation of contributions on behalf of political party, AB 615*
Voting privileges of public officers, effect of receipt of contributions, SB 540
Prohibitions against riding within camper shell or slide-in camper, AB 157
Fees paid by developers based on memberships, AB 104**
Real estate administrator, authority to request information and grant exemptions (secs. 5, 6), SB 116
Health insurance, coverage for use of certain drugs for treatment, SB 56*
Cigarette or cigar candy or gum, sale prohibited, penalty, AB 549†
CAPITOL POLICE (For general provisions, See PEACE OFFICERS)
Occupational disease coverage, AB 532, AB 608
Defibrillators, immunities from liability for use (sec. 1), AB 409*
CARLIN, CITY OF (For general provisions, See CITIES)
Charter amendments, regulation of explosives, AB 112*, AB 538
CARSON CITY (For general provisions, See CITIES; COUNTIES)
Charter amendments
Animals, control (sec. 2), AB 539*
Candidates, filing fees (sec. 35), AB 444**
Charter committee, creation (sec. 1), AB 539*
Explosives, regulation, AB 112*, AB 538
Manager, powers (sec. 4), AB 539*
Mayor, salary (sec. 3), AB 539*
Other employment by certain officers, AB 539*
Sales tax for open space (sec. 28), AB 174**
Investment portfolio, loans of certain securities authorized, SB 14*
Regional transportation commission, members, chairman and terms, AB 270**
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Sewage system, payment of connection fees for state buildings, SB 368**
State lands division directed to purchase certain land located in, SB 348
Channel clearance by political subdivisions, AB 490*
Litigation expenses, appropriation, AB 48, AB 151**
Board of directors, number, appointment and compensation, AB 197**
Boundaries (sec. 3), AB 197**
Newlands project water rights fund, creation, administration, funding, AB 380**
Water conservancy district laws, applicability (sec. 3), AB 197**
Service charges, imposition of tax, AB 669**
Industrial insurance coverage, AB 334†
Endowment care funds, investments, SB 20, SB 39*
Pet cemeteries, investments by endowment care funds, SB 20, SB 39*
Veterans' cemeteries (See VETERANS)
Determination of population, use of information obtained from census, SB 531*
Prohibition against use of statistical samples urged, SJR 15
Governmental services relating to mental retardation, extension, SB 469**
Establishment, legislative study, SCR 19‡
Carson City, AB 112*, AB 174**, AB 444**, AB 538, AB 539*
Henderson, AB 112*, AB 444**, AB 538, AB 613, AB 615*
Las Vegas, SB 274**, AB 112*, AB 444**, AB 538, AB 613, AB 615*, AB 637**
North Las Vegas, SB 182††, SB 454*, AB 112*, AB 408*, AB 538, AB 590*, AB 613, AB 615*, AB 689†
Sparks, SB 215**, AB 613, AB 615*
Academic retention of pupils, regulations, SB 258, AB 348**
Accountability program, time for submission of reports, SB 58
Accreditation, notice to parents, SB 258, AB 348**
Achievement and proficiency tests, administration, SB 466**
Application to form schools, consideration, SB 258, SB 431, AB 348**
Apportionments, SB 258, AB 348**
Budgets, adoption, AB 348†
Approval or amendment, SB 258, AB 348**
Conditional charters (sec. 6), SB 258
Classes or extracurricular activities at other schools, participation, SB 213, AB 348**
Collective bargaining agreements, applicability, AB 348**
Commission for charter schools, creation, appropriations, SB 258
Committees to form schools (sec. 15), SB 258
Conversion of existing school to charter school, SB 258, AB 348**
Courses of study, applicability of provisions, SB 258, SB 445**, AB 348†
Duties generally (sec. 21), SB 258
Equipment and facilities, security interests, SB 258, AB 348**
Governing bodies
Public employees (sec. 60), SB 258
Hearing-impaired pupils, use of public school facilities, appropriation for school start-up costs, AB 348†
Hours of instruction, SB 431, AB 348**
Independent study programs, SB 431, AB 348†
Interscholastic activities, participation in association of districts, SB 258, AB 348**
Legislative declaration, SB 258, AB 348**
Liability, insurance, immunities, SB 431, AB 348**
Number of schools, limitation removed, SB 258, AB 348*
Orders for payment of money (sec. 8), SB 258
Pupil-teacher ratio, provisions inapplicable (sec. 35), SB 258
Regulations (sec. 20), SB 258
State distributive school account, distribution, SB 258, AB 348**
Subcommittee on charter schools, creation, duties, appropriation, AB 348**
Surplus property of school district, receipt, SB 431, AB 348**
Teachers, SB 258, SB 431, AB 348**
Transfer of credits to other public school, SB 258, AB 348**
University of Nevada, contracts for use of facilities, SB 258, AB 348**
Charges authorized, AB 431*
Defaults, agreements for repayment, AB 431*
Information pamphlet, provision to borrower, AB 431†
Installment loan licensees, exemption from licensure removed, AB 431†
Notice and schedule of fees and interest, posting, AB 431†
Unlawful acts, AB 431*
Written agreement, provision to borrower, contents, AB 431*
Bad checks
Affidavits of financial institutions, use in legal proceedings, SB 483**
Unemployment, bad checks tendered for employer contributions, SB 464*
Industrial insurance benefit checks, endorsement (sec. 1), SB 95
Athletic trainers, duty to report, SB 357†
Central registry, contents (sec. 3), AB 315
Corporal punishment, exceptions to investigation by agency or officer, SB 553**
Court proceedings, participation by persons with special interest, AB 158**
Death of parent resulting from domestic violence, protective custody, SB 412*
Guardians, appointment
Children in need of protection, AB 158**, AB 315
Disqualification, commission of offense grounds for, AB 517*
Pilot program, appropriation, AB 430, AB 703**
Medical tests or records, provision to certain agencies, immunities, AB 68**
Protective services agencies (See also CHILDREN IN NEED OF PROTECTION)
Corporal punishment, investigation, SB 553**
Duties, SB 232*, AB 158**, AB 315
Evaluation panel, establishment, AB 158**, AB 315
Legislative study of integration of state and local services, ACR 53‡
Reports and assistance to victims, requirements, liabilities, AB 155, AB 267†
Reports, availability, AB 158*, AB 315
Account to improve quality of services, creation, sources and use, AB 354
Advisory council to improve quality of child care, creation, AB 302†
Annual report regarding quality of care, preparation, AB 302†
Business tax
Exemption for employers providing child care (sec. 8), AB 301
Reduction for child care for low-income employees removed, SB 403
Child care quality account, creation, AB 302
Early childhood education programs, grants, SB 555**
Accredited facilities, additional reimbursements, AB 302
Casualty insurance, denial or cancellation of coverage restricted, AB 301
Definition, AB 302†
Employees, duties, training and continuing education, AB 302
Inspections, requirements and display of reports, AB 302
Display, AB 302
Issuance by child care services bureau required (sec. 6), AB 301
Local licensing, requirements, AB 302
Renewal, AB 302
Loan program for construction or renovation, establishment, AB 301
Registration in lieu of licensing, requirements, AB 302
Reimbursement from public funding, AB 302
Standards of quality of care, adoption, AB 302
Las Vegas
Child care training program, appropriation, AB 301, AB 302, AB 703**
Latchkey programs, appropriation, AB 148, AB 703**
Latchkey programs
Las Vegas, appropriation, AB 148, AB 703**
Museums, library and arts, department of, appropriation, AB 703**
School buses, transportation of participants, AB 15**
Program to improve quality of care, establishment, study, AB 354
Property tax
Credit for employers providing child care for employees, AB 562†
Exemption for employers providing free on-site child care, AB 562
Toll-free number for information and complaints, AB 302
Volunteers, payment of costs of background checks, AB 239**
Advisory council, receipt of recommendations and report, AB 302†
Documentation requirements, adoption, AB 302
Legislation, recommendations, AB 302†
Report from bureau, receipt, AB 302†
Standards, adoption, AB 302†
Adultery by parent, consideration in custody proceedings (sec. 3), SB 66
Domestic violence
Death of parent resulting from, protective custody of children, SB 412**
Presumptions regarding best interest of child, AB 456*
Protective orders, sanctions for false applications, AB 52
Grandparents and certain other persons, visitation rights, AB 436*
Move of child out-of-state, consideration of best interest of child, AB 544*
Murder of parent committed by other parent, restriction on custody and visitation of child, AB 456*, AB 688**
Parent as guardian, consideration of conviction involving exploitation, SB 347*
Creation, powers and duties, AB 158**
Behavioral, emotional or psychological problems of child, disclosure, SB 232*
Fetal alcohol syndrome, inquiries (sec. 14), SB 197*
Siblings, preference for placement together, SB 232*, AB 158**
Amount, calculation, SB 150
Arrearages, requirements for waiver of payment, AB 231*
Assignments to state, deposit of reimbursement for collection (sec. 1), AB 354
Court orders
Enforcement, SB 352**
Issuance in certain proceedings, SB 352**
Social security number or certain other information, inclusion, SB 242**
District attorneys, duties, AB 231*, AB 644**
Drivers' licenses, compliance statement unnecessary for renewal, AB 410**
Failure to provide support, penalties, affirmative defense, AB 617*
Health insurance, notice to employers to enroll children, AB 644**
Hunting or fishing licenses, compliance statement unnecessary, SB 352**
Recovery of support debts
Distribution by enforcing authority, AB 644**
Notice of withholding to employers, AB 644**
Stay of proceeding or refusal of hearing, prohibition, SB 352**
Welfare division
State child support disbursement fund, administration, SB 398**
Counties, establishment of pilot program to provide continuity of care, SB 288**
Death of parent resulting from domestic violence, protective custody, SB 412**
Disabilities, children with, use of aversive intervention restricted, AB 280†
Fetal alcohol syndrome, inquiries (sec. 16), SB 197*
Guardians ad litem, qualifications, appointment, AB 158**, AB 315, AB 430, AB 703**
Legislative study of integration of state and local child welfare systems, ACR 53‡
Relatives, placement with, AB 158**
Siblings, placement preference, SB 232*, AB 158**
Termination of parental rights, AB 158**
Art programs, placement, SB 87*
Cigarette or tobacco violations, effect, AB 549
Cognitive training and human development programs, assignment, AB 229*
Custody, notice to responsible adult after child taken into, AB 262*, AB 473*
Foster parents, liability for acts of children, AB 531*
Habitual truants (See also TRUANCY)
Community service, performance, AB 15**
Driver's license, suspension or delayed issuance, AB 15**
Petitions, AB 15**
Restitution-through-work programs, establishment, assignment, SB 77*
Video arcades, violations by minor (sec. 6), SB 513
Money received by child, investment (sec. 45), SB 20
Orphans' property tax exemption removed, AB 668†
Superintendents, appointment and classification, AB 519†
Chiropractic physicians' board of Nevada
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Highly flammable refrigerants, sale or use restricted, penalty, AB 179
Use, sale and manufacture authorized, SB 340
Death within a year and a day, element of crime repealed, SB 11**
Research funding urged, AJR 14‡
CHURCHILL COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Carson water subconservancy district, representation, AB 197**
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Veterans' field service office, appropriation, AB 381, AB 703**
Advisory board for prevention and reduction of use, creation, SB 370†
Candy and gum cigarettes and cigars, sale prohibited, penalty, AB 549†
Export, prohibited acts regarding cigarettes manufactured for, SB 244*
Minors, unlawful acts, effect, AB 549
Packages of fewer than 20 cigarettes, sale prohibited, AB 549
Revenue stamps or metered impressions, prohibited acts relating to, SB 244*
Definitions, AB 667**
Federal recoupment of state recovery, prohibition urged, AJR 9
Health programs, trust fund for, SB 370†, AB 652
Healthy Nevada, fund for a, deposits, AB 474*
Legislative committee on expenditures relating to, creation, AB 652
Legislative declaration, AB 667**
Manufacturers, participation directly or through escrow, AB 667**
Millennium scholarship trust fund, deposits, SB 496*
Nevada scholarship trust fund, deposits, AB 652
Public health, trust fund for, deposits, AB 474*
Trust fund, creation, use, AB 263
Grocery stores, SB 421*, AB 502
State and local agencies may adopt more stringent restrictions, AB 331
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Audits, penalties and interest prohibited during certain period, SB 362**
Deficiency determinations (secs. 8, 9), SB 362**
Failure to pay tax, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Overpayments and underpayments, SB 362**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
Vending machines in public areas, placement limited, AB 549
Wholesalers, time for payment by retailer, SB 244†
Contractors, AB 634*
Cosmetology, unlawful practice (sec. 5), SB 13*
Electronic preparation, AB 650**
Tahoe regional planning agency ordinances, enforcement, SB 510**
Traffic citations (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Law enforcement agencies, authority to issue citations repealed, AB 15†
School police officers, authority to issue citations (sec. 2), AB 61
Actions by or against (See ACTIONS—State or political subdivisions)
Annexation (See ANNEXATION)
Bill draft requests, submission, AB 631**
Boulder City (See BOULDER CITY)
Building departments (See also BUILDING INSPECTORS)
Design documents, adoption of standards, SB 409
School facilities, review of plans, designs and specifications, AB 597†
Caliente (See CALIENTE, CITY OF)
Carlin (See CARLIN, CITY OF)
Carson City (See CARSON CITY)
Claims, penalty for submission of false claims to local government, SB 418*
Electric services, formation of consumer groups to obtain, AB 501
Elko (See ELKO, CITY OF)
Emergency telephone system, statewide, establishment, SB 487†
Fire departments (See FIRE DEPARTMENTS)
Gabbs (See GABBS, CITY OF)
Governmental entities, donation of certain property by city, AB 318**
Governmental services, contracts with nonprofit organizations, AB 236†
Hazardous materials transport, local regulation restricted, SB 167**
Hearing officers, judicial review of final administrative decisions, AB 12†
Henderson (See HENDERSON, CITY OF)
Incorporation under general law, requirements, AB 254*
Indian tribes, sale, lease or exchange of real property with, SB 52*
Las Vegas (See LAS VEGAS, CITY OF)
Mesquite (See MESQUITE, CITY OF)
Nevada League of Cities (See NEVADA LEAGUE OF CITIES)
Nonprofit organizations, grants and donation of property, SB 139**, AB 318**
North Las Vegas (See NORTH LAS VEGAS, CITY OF)
Ordinances (See ORDINANCES)
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Reno (See RENO, CITY OF)
Sheriffs, fees for law enforcement services, AB 422
Small businesses, consideration of impact of rules on, AB 486*
Smoking restrictions, authority, AB 331
Sparks (See SPARKS, CITY OF)
Special districts, formation, SB 530*, AB 642
Vehicles loaned by dealers, use of special license plates, AB 329*
Wells (See WELLS, CITY OF)
Yerington (See YERINGTON, CITY OF)
Actions against, manner of defending, SB 358
Bar membership fees, payment by public employer, SB 119
False claims submitted to local government, prosecution, SB 418†
North Las Vegas, appointment and supervision, SB 454*
Reno, qualifications (sec. 6), AB 309**
Special districts, duties, SB 530†
Ballot questions, appointment of committee to prepare arguments, AB 200*
City attorney, notice of actions against, SB 358
Election precincts, notices of changes, AB 520*
Ethics (See ETHICS)
Las Vegas, number of wards, SB 274**
North Las Vegas, election of councilmen, AB 590*, AB 689†
Police departments, establishment, AB 422
Public employees' retirement, calculation of service credit, AB 189**
Reno, qualifications, moonlighting prohibited, AB 309**
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Audits, prohibition against penalties and interest during certain period, SB 362**
Deficiency determinations (secs. 8, 9), SB 362**
Failure to pay tax, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Overpayments and underpayments, SB 362**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
State fee for cost of collection of tax, AB 288**
Attorneys, employer to pay bar membership fees, SB 119
Building inspections, immunities (sec. 3), AB 87
Carson City, other employment by certain officers, AB 539*
Contractor licensing laws, applicability, AB 433
Deferred compensation programs, property held in trust, SB 367**
Employee organizations, nominations for committee on benefits, SB 79, AB 67
Ethics (See ETHICS)
Group insurance (See INSURANCE—Local government employees)
Personnel records, public records (sec. 12), AB 102
Public safety telecommunications operators, certification and training, SB 165*
School conferences, leave to attend, AB 214
Sexual orientation, discrimination prohibited, AB 311*
Social security, opposition to mandatory coverage of new employees, AJR 10‡
Sparks, suspension, dismissal or demotion of classified employees, SB 215**
Carson City, salary (sec. 3), AB 539*
Public employees' retirement, calculation of service credit, AB 189**
Reno, qualifications, moonlighting prohibited, AB 309**
Artificial persons, service on, SB 61**
Garnishment, writ of, SB 212
Legal documents, service by fax, AB 120†
Mobile home dealers and other licensees, actions against, service on administrator unnecessary (sec. 16), AB 107*
Resident agents, street address, SB 19*, SB 61**
Paroled prisoners, requirements for restoration of rights (sec. 3), AB 79**
CLARK COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Air pollution control
Emissions from heavy-duty vehicles and construction equipment, SB 432**
Study ordered, SB 432**, SCR 22
Business developments in small cities or towns, tax benefits, SB 259†
Competitive bidding for certain county services required, SB 422
County commissioners (See also COUNTY COMMISSIONERS)
Election districts, AB 465†
Number increased, AB 256
School district reconfiguration committee, membership (sec. 3), AB 466
County health system, creation of public corporation to operate, SB 520
Debt management commission, composition, SB 436*
Design-build contracting, representation on study committee, SB 475*
Development in priority funding areas (sec. 6), SB 393
Economic opportunity board, appropriation, SB 272, SB 560**
Eighth judicial district court (See DISTRICT COURTS)
Enterprise community federal credit union, appropriation, AB 692, AB 703**
Fair and recreation board, composition, AB 599**
Flood control districts, levy of property tax for, SB 501*
Floyd Lamb State Park, advisory question on renaming, AB 161
Fluoridation of public water systems, AB 284*, AB 689**
Greater Las Vegas inner city games, appropriation, AB 654, AB 703**
Guardians for abused children, appropriation, AB 430, AB 703**
Health officers, representation on emergency medical services committee, SB 365*
Closure for construction during certain time prohibited, SB 168†
Interlocal agreement with department of transportation, AB 182**
Investment portfolio, loans of certain securities authorized, SB 14*
Logandale school, appropriation, AB 394, AB 703**
Mobile home parks
Individual water meters, SB 260, AB 65
Patrol by local law enforcement agencies, AB 195*
Paging services, establishment of requirements relating to records, SB 131*
Public defenders, deputies governed by merit personnel system, SB 456*
Regional planning (See REGIONAL PLANNING)
Regional transportation commission (See REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONS)
Room tax, rate, use of proceeds, AB 571, AB 572
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Sales of real property, disclosures by sellers, SB 61**, SB 121*
State land located in Laughlin, transfer to county, SB 377**
West Desert Inn Road, appropriation for directional signs, SB 174, SB 560**
Zoning (See ZONING)
Clark County health system advisory board, representation, SB 520†
Appropriation, AB 399
Air pollution study committee, representation, SB 432**
Area service centers, appropriation, AB 147
Construction of facilities, duties of oversight committee, SB 435**
Dropouts, appropriation to support plan to reduce number, SB 170, AB 147
Experimental program to extend instruction, establishment, appropriation, AB 147
Non-English speaking pupils, appropriation for instruction program, AB 356
Police services, contract with metropolitan police department, AB 376**
Reconfiguration, study, AB 466
Regional planning coalition, submission of plans to, SB 391*, AB 493*
Regional training centers for teachers, SB 60, SB 466†, SB 555**
Renovation and reconstruction of facilities, policy, pilot program, AB 368**
Southern Nevada regional planning coalition, representation, SB 436*
Special emphasis, appropriation for pilot program, SB 506
Summer school programs, appropriation, AB 147†
Superintendent, member of public health trust fund board, AB 474*
Truancy of pupils, appropriation for tracking and reporting, SB 112
Deceptive trade practices, AB 431*
Employment, coercing unlawful practices prohibited, AB 311†
Motor vehicle dealers, by manufacturers, AB 431*
State agencies, contracts for collection of debts owed to agencies (sec. 21), SB 500**
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Law enforcement, local officers, AB 608†
School personnel
Charter school teachers, AB 348**
Disciplinary proceedings involving employees, AB 43
Mentors for probationary teachers, duties of bargaining agent, AB 366
Police officers (sec. 3), AB 376**
Sick leave, payment of unused leave to certain teachers, SB 50**
Transfer and reassignment of employees, AB 11
State employees, AB 131
Employment of persons in connection with bond issues (sec. 5), AB 128**
Allocated interests, definition, SB 426, AB 557
Applicability of laws, SB 451*
Arbitration, procedures, SB 451*
Assessments, fees and charges
Applicability to small and limited expense liability communities, SB 441
Capital improvements, action by association, SB 192†
Claims relating to, SB 451†
Executive board, prohibition against certain assessments, SB 192†
Fines for failure to cure violations in timely manner (sec. 3), SB 441
Gates to control access to community, fee authorized, SB 192*
Liens, AB 228
Reserves, SB 451*
Vacant lots owned by declarant, SB 451*
Contents, distribution (sec. 3), SB 451*
Ratification, SB 192†
By-laws, conformity with Fair Housing Law required (secs. 4, 6), AB 21
Civil actions, procedures for commencement, SB 192†, SB 451*
Common elements
Allocation of interests, AB 557
Property tax, SB 426
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Deed restrictions, claims relating to, SB 451†
Discrimination in housing prohibited (sec. 4), AB 21
Eviction, cooperative communities (sec. 30), AB 228
Foreclosure, SB 441, SB 451*, AB 228
Restrictions on ingress or egress, fee authorized, SB 192*
Standards for gates providing access to public roads, SB 302*
Governing documents
Distribution to unit owners (secs. 12, 13), SB 451*
Fines for violations (sec. 18), SB 451*
Resolution of disputes, SB 451*
Home protection insurance, applicability of provisions, SB 32**, SB 286
Liens, SB 441, SB 451*, AB 228
Maintenance facilities, restrictions on location, SB 192*
Foreclosure proceedings, SB 441
Procedures, SB 451*
Small claims, SB 240
Agendas, SB 451*
Annual meetings, SB 451*
Executive sessions, SB 441, SB 451*
Minutes, distribution, SB 451*
Notices, SB 441, SB 451*, AB 123
Open Meeting Law, applicability, SB 192†
Proxy voting, SB 192†, SB 451*
Rules of conduct, SB 192†
Secret ballots, SB 451*, AB 21
Commission for resolution of disputes, creation, SB 451†
Duties, SB 451*
Fund for ombudsman, SB 451*, AB 124**
Registration of communities (sec. 7), SB 451*
Organizations for ownership and maintenance of common open space, AB 228
Piers, docks or similar facilities, rights to construct, SB 192*
Planned community defined, SB 426, AB 557
Property managers (sec. 26), SB 451*
Property rights of owners, SB 192*
Public offering statements, contents, form, SB 441, SB 451*
Real estate commission, powers and duties, SB 451*
Registration of communities (sec. 7), SB 451*
Repeal of laws, AB 228
Resales, information to be provided to purchasers (sec. 13), SB 441
Maintenance (sec. 9), SB 441
Property held or controlled by declarant, delivery, SB 441, SB 451*
Special assessments for repayments, SB 451†
Study, contents, availability to unit owners, SB 441, SB 451*
Withdrawals or transfers, SB 451*
Restrictive covenants, claims relating to, SB 451†
Applicability of law for protection of purchasers (sec. 30), SB 451*
Information to be provided to purchasers (sec. 32), SB 451*
Small claims, exemption from mandatory arbitration, SB 240
Special declarant's rights defined, SB 192†
Unit-owners' associations
Buildings or structures, expansion, construction or location, SB 192*
Claims against association, resolution, SB 451†
Definition, AB 228
Emergency action (secs. 6, 23), SB 451*
Executive boards
Election of officers and members, SB 441, SB 451*, AB 21
Governing documents, certification of understanding, SB 451*
Removal of members, SB 451†
Residency requirements, SB 192†
Terms of office, SB 192†, SB 451*
Meetings (See Meetings, this heading)
Officers, terms of office, SB 192†
Records, maintenance and availability, SB 451*
Valuation of interests of units' owners, approval of appraisals, SB 192†
Arrested persons, testing for exposure to disease, AB 190, AB 483†
Behavior after warning about spreading disease, penalty for violations, AB 190
Entertainment by referral services, notice of prostitution convictions, AB 230
HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, designation, ACR 39‡
Peace officers, firemen and emergency medical technicians
Industrial insurance coverage, SB 132**
Testing of persons possibly causing exposure to disease, AB 483*
Prison or mental health employees
Industrial insurance coverage, SB 132**
Testing of persons possibly causing exposure to disease, SB 149*, AB 483*
Prostitution, dismissal of charges after testing positive for AIDS restricted, AB 230
Public safety telecommunications operators, certification and training, SB 165*
Budgets, performance audit, AB 368†
Businesses, training programs for employees, SB 419*
Criminal convictions, fee for support of community colleges, AJR 16
Legislative study of methods of funding higher education, SB 443**
Merit pay, prohibition on use of certain money, AB 317
Mesquite campus, appropriation for design, SB 376, SB 560**
National guard members, payment of expenses, SB 292**
Nursing programs, review and approval, AB 204*
Retired public employees, effect of employment on retirement allowance, AB 74†
Sex offenders attending school, registration requirements, SB 515**
Supplies, limited sales tax exemption, AB 581†
Unemployment benefits, eligibility of part-time faculty, AB 9
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Blighted area defined, AB 306†
Bonds and securities, faith of state pledged, SB 528**
Citizens' advisory boards, appointment, AB 306†
Delegation of agency powers, authority removed, AB 306†
Eminent domain, restrictions, AB 306*
Employment plan or approved contract, compliance, AB 306*
Improved land, percentage to be included in redevelopment area, SB 528**
Incentives for compliance with plans, establishment, AB 306*
Legislative findings and declarations, AB 306†
Local government tax distribution account, formula for allocation, SB 535**
Low-income housing in Las Vegas, use of money for, AB 306*
Plans adopted before July 1, 1987, sunset provision, AB 306*
Rehousing bureaus, duties, AB 306†
Relocation assistance, AB 306*
Residential plans and advisory councils, creation, AB 306*
Special assessments for extraordinary maintenance, repair and improvements of certain projects, SB 138
Cruelty to animals, SB 396*
Drivers' license violations by minors (sec. 4), AB 552*, ACR 68‡
DUI violations, SB 360*, AB 559
Firearms violations by minors (sec. 12), AB 180
Habitual truants, AB 15**
Handicapped parking, penalty for second or subsequent violation, AB 45*
Juvenile delinquents, punishment for injuring other person, AB 165*
Misdemeanors, AB 42†
Pickups, illegally riding within bed or camper, AB 157
Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact, ratification, SB 484**
Hazardous materials, transportation, SB 167**
Tahoe Regional Planning Compact (See generally TAHOE BASIN)
Criminal complaints, dismissal (sec. 5), SB 493
Crimes related to computers, penalties, affirmative defenses, SB 485**
Criminal history records, dissemination, AB 621**
Criminal investigations, subpoenas related to, SB 485†
Digital signatures, use, AB 674**
Forfeiture, SB 485**
Gaming equipment (See GAMING)
Internet service providers, confidentiality of certain information, SB 485**
Local purchasing, exemptions from bidding requirements, SB 341†, AB 445*
Pavement management systems, assistance to smaller counties, AB 29
Prisoners, access for communications prohibited, SB 485**
Property tax, exemption for intangible personal property, SB 411**
Public records, restrictions on acquiring certain systems (sec. 13), AB 102
Residential facilities for groups, information to be on Internet, SB 391*, AB 62
Schools, public
Grant program, SB 555**
Instructional materials, review by parents, AB 217
Sex offenders, provision of public access to certain information, SB 515**
State agencies, adoption of use policies, SB 485**
Technological crime, advisory board for, creation, SB 485**
Training courses, exemption from regulation as educational institution, AB 152*
Victims of computer crimes, civil actions, SB 485**
CONCEALED WEAPONS (For firearms generally, See FIREARMS)
Applications, contents, SB 420, AB 166†
Criminal history repository, submission of information, SB 420, AB 166†, AB 621**
Domestic violence protective orders, issuance of permit denied or revoked because of false information, AB 52
Firearm safety course, requirement, SB 420, AB 166†
Form of permit, SB 420, AB 166†
Issuance of permits, requirements, SB 420, AB 166†
Limit on allowable firearms pursuant to permit, removal, SB 420, AB 166†
Nonresidents, carrying, SB 420, AB 166†
Other states requirements, preparation and distribution of list, SB 420, AB 166†
Public buildings, restrictions on carrying concealed weapons, AB 166**
Revocation or denial for conviction of certain crimes, SB 420, AB 166†
Spouse of applicants, notification, SB 449†
Technical corrections, AB 645**
Victims of crime, notification of certain actions or applications, SB 449*
Assessment liens, AB 228
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Achievement and proficiency tests, breaches of confidentiality, SB 21**
Aged persons, health insurance subsidy program, AB 474*
Athletic trainers, board of, investigations, SB 357†
Boxing license files (sec. 1), AB 467**
Children's health insurance program, AB 429**
Contractors' board, investigations, AB 634*
Criminal history, records of, AB 621†
Diseased livestock, notifications, SB 330**
Divorce and child support actions, contents of records, SB 242**
E-mail addresses, duties of internet service providers, SB 485**
Ethics panel, proceedings, SB 478*
Fetal alcohol syndrome, referral reports (sec. 12.5), SB 197*
Gaming, inter-casino linked systems, AB 651**
Hazardous waste, applications to transport, SB 167**
Health insurance, records obtained by ombudsman (sec. 8), AB 143
Industrial development bonds, SB 369**
Fraud, investigation records (sec. 11), SB 225
Information obtained during audits of insurers, AB 476
Mobile home parks, personal or financial records of tenants (sec. 2), AB 418
Notaries, investigations, addresses (secs. 1, 3), AB 127**
Nurses and nursing assistants, contents of licensing board lists, SB 85
Occupational safety, release of information to law enforcement agencies, AB 112**
Parent-child privilege, AB 210
Public records, AB 102, AB 625
State engineer, drafts of rulings in contested matters (sec. 24), AB 102
State industrial insurance system, exceptions, release of information, SB 37†
State officers and employees, records of disciplinary investigations, AB 213
State purchasing contracts, proposals, AB 588*
Teachers, communications between mentor and probationary teacher, AB 366
Violent or sexual offenses, reports unprivileged, AB 155, AB 267†
Consultant fees, appropriation, AB 48, AB 151**
Appointment, confirmation by senate, SB 160
Salaries and operating expenses, supplemental appropriation, SB 281**
State parks account, approval of expenditures, AB 441**
Air quality and regional haze, addressing of issues encouraged, SJR 3‡
Channel clearance permit fees, refunds to governmental entities, AB 490*
Claims review board, exempt from Administrative Procedure Act, AB 12*
Clark County air pollution study committee, representation, SB 432**
Contaminated sites, incentives for remediation, SB 363**
Explosives industry, duties, AB 451**, AB 535*, AB 536**, AB 603*
Local air pollution control boards, receipt of reports, SB 394*
Regional planning, duties, reports, SB 394*
Water pollution laws, investigation or report, AB 41
Forestry, division of
Conservation camp employees, travel expenses, AB 273, AB 691**
Tahoe Basin, volunteer and inmate labor on projects urged, SCR 15‡
Hazardous waste management plan, duties, AB 173**
Litigation expenses, appropriation, AB 48, AB 151**
State lands, division of
Channel clearance permit fees, refunds to governmental entities, AB 490*
Historic preservation programs, duties, SB 397†
Land management, revolving account for, creation, appropriation, SB 508**
Public lands, management of certain lands (sec. 7), AB 672
Regional planning, duties, reports, SB 394*
SIIS, transfer of property to successor organization (sec. 129), SB 37**
Tahoe Basin, preservation and protection programs, AB 132*, AB 285**
State parks, division of
Account for repair and maintenance, approval of expenditures, AB 441**
Aged persons, issuance of use permits, AB 439*
California Trail, funding for interpretive center, SB 329*
Deposits in financial institutions, SB 532††
Improvement projects, extension of previous appropriations, AB 683**
Legislative study of parks funding, ACR 29
Patrol boat, appropriation, AB 703**
Rangers or certain other employees, occupational disease coverage, AB 608
State housing within parks, fees for maintenance and repair, AB 440
Water planning, division of, plan for use of water resources, contents, submission to legislature, SB 526**
Wildlife, division of
Accidents, investigation of certain boating accidents, AB 138*
Boat sales, collection of sales tax, SB 468
Budget, approval, SB 211†
Headquarters, location, SB 211*
Information systems contracts, SB 211*
Management of wildlife, consideration of certain factors, ACR 24‡
Possession of live wildlife, exemption from commercial license fee, AB 534
Regattas and races, reimbursement of division expenses, AB 437*
Safe boating course, duties, AB 199
Tags for special seasons, drawings, SB 211*
Wildlife account, use, SB 211†
Appropriations, AB 691**
Employees, travel expenses, AB 273, AB 691**
Tahoe Basin, use of inmate labor on conservation projects urged, SCR 15‡
Conservation districts, appropriation, AB 281
Appropriation, AB 281
Motor vehicles, requirements, penalties, AB 271**
False claims, penalty for submission to governmental entity, SB 418*
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Hazing, prohibited acts, penalties, SB 297†
Identifying information of another, unlawful use, SB 69, AB 71*
Marihuana-related crimes, penalty, AB 577
Minor victims, reporting offenses required, penalties, AB 267*
Sexual assault, conviction as sex offender, SB 234
Trade secrets, unlawful acts, penalty, SB 375*
CONSTABLES (For general provisions, See PEACE OFFICERS)
Mining excavations and shafts, abatement duties removed, AB 137
Criminal convictions, fee for support of community colleges, AJR 16
Economic development, investment of state money, SJR 12 of the 69th session‡
Ex-felons lawfully released from incarceration, voting rights, AJR 6
Majority of votes required, use of runoff election if necessary, SJR 18
Financial reporting, director of, appointment by governor, SJR 9
Election jointly with lieutenant governor, AJR 17 of the 69th session
Time for submission of budget to legislature, AJR 5 of the 69th session‡
Judicial department
District court judges, staggered terms, AJR 18
Intermediate appellate court, creation, SJR 14 of the 69th session, AJR 22‡
Supreme court, decisions to conform to US Supreme Court decisions, AJR 3
Vacancies, term of office of judges filling, AJR 13‡, AJR 18†
Annual sessions, AJR 5 of the 69th session‡
Budget, time for presentation by governor, AJR 5 of the 69th session‡
Convening of session temporarily outside state capital, SJR 5
Special sessions, AJR 5 of the 69th session‡
Starting date of session, AJR 11
Terms of office of members, SJR 17
Lieutenant governor, election jointly with governor, AJR 17 of the 69th session
Property tax
Abatement for certain homeowners, SJR 11‡
Exemptions, considerations in enactment, SJR 20‡
Rate of tax limited, exception, AJR 17
Taxable value, determination, AJR 17
Rule against perpetuities, repeal, AJR 4‡
Sales and use taxes, considerations in enacting exemptions, SJR 20‡
State bank, establishment, SJR 16
State controller
Appointment by governor, SJR 9†, AJR 27
Office eliminated, SJR 9
State debt limit, exemption for state support of school construction, SJR 8, AJR 7, AJR 26‡
Applicability of laws, AB 64†
Bonds, AB 64*
Ethics, prohibited acts, AB 64†
Emission control, Clark County, SB 432**
Trade-ins, value exempted from local school support tax, AB 389
Amended complaints, effect of filing on compliance with certain requirements, AB 442
Certificates of occupancy, use as evidence in certain proceedings, SB 423
Commencement of action, limitation, SB 32**, SB 286, SB 380, AB 442
Contractor's response to claims, contents (sec. 3), AB 442
Contractors' recovery fund, creation, deposits and use, AB 636*
Definition (sec. 15), SB 286
Disclosures upon sale of property subject to action, SB 32**, SB 286
Documents, photos and videotapes, provision to other parties, SB 32**, AB 442
Emotional distress, compensation for (sec. 5), AB 442
Health or safety, defect creating imminent threat of (sec. 7), AB 442
Homeowners' warranties, issuance by contractors, SB 32†, SB 423†
Investigation of constructional fraud, AB 634*
Notice of action
Class actions (sec. 3), AB 442
Recording with county recorder (sec. 1), AB 87
Requirements for notice required to be given to contractor, SB 286
Procedural requirements in actions, compliance (sec. 1), AB 442
Public officials, immunities relating to inspections and discoveries, AB 87
Recovery by claimant
Court-administered escrow, recovery to be held in, AB 87
Failure of contractor to repair defect within certain time, AB 482
Limitation on damages recoverable, SB 286, AB 442, AB 482
Repair of defect within certain time, requirements, exception, SB 32**, AB 482
Roofs, notice of warranty for construction, installation or repair, SB 423†
Screening panels to review claims against engineer and land surveyors, SB 380
Settlement offer or denial of liability, SB 32**, SB 286, SB 380, AB 442
Special masters, appointment, duties, SB 32**
Subdivisions, limitation of actions relating to certain public improvements, SB 17
Waiver of contractor's right to inspect (sec. 3), AB 442
Professional management consultants, licensing and regulation, SB 220
Creation, appropriations, SB 37**, SB 196
Ethics, commission on, authority to find (sec. 4), SB 540
Family law cases, procedures, AB 154*
Administrative fines, AB 634*
Advertising, AB 634*
Applicability of laws to property owners, SB 423
Attorney general, enforcement of laws, AB 259†
Bond or cash deposit
Additional bond requirements, SB 423
Administrative fines, claims against bond prohibited, AB 634*
Exemption repealed, SB 32†
Notice of action on bond, AB 633*, AB 634†
Relief from filing bond, limitation, SB 423
Building code violations, reports, investigations, SB 423
Citations, issuance, contests, AB 634*
Clark County air pollution study committee, representation, SB 432**
Complaints against, AB 259, AB 634*
Constructional fraud, acts constituting, investigation, AB 634*
Continuing education, SB 423
Design documents submitted to governmental entities, standards, SB 409
Disciplinary action, SB 32**, SB 423†, AB 259†, AB 633*, AB 634*, AB 636*
Elevator constructor-mechanics, exemption from certain requirements, SB 416
Government employees, applicability of laws, AB 433
Highway construction (See HIGHWAYS AND ROADS)
Homeowners' warranties, issuance required, SB 32†, SB 423
Independent contractors (See INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS)
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Information to be provided to homeowners, SB 423
Applications, AB 634*
Electrical installation, issuance of licenses prohibited (sec. 27), AB 209
Examinations, unlawful acts, AB 634*
Expedited issuance, fee, AB 633*
Fees, AB 633*
Financial responsibility, proof, SB 423†, AB 634*
Fingerprinting of applicants, AB 634*
Inactive status, AB 633*
Monetary limit, AB 633*
Qualifications, SB 423, AB 633*, AB 634*
Suspension or revocation, AB 633*
Occupational diseases (See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES)
Out-of-state contractors working in Nevada, applicability of sales tax, SB 459
Plumbing or electrical work in small counties, specialty license exemption, AB 387
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Recovery fund, creation, assessments, deposits and use, AB 636*
Roofs, notice of warranty for construction, installation or repair, SB 423†
State contractors' board
Accountants, employment (sec. 14), AB 636*
Bonds, notice of action on, deduction of costs, AB 633*
Building code violations, duties, SB 423
Building permits, receipt of list of issuances, investigations, SB 423
Bylaws, rules and regulations, adoption, AB 259
Complaints, preparation of summary, reports, AB 634*
Constructional fraud, duties, AB 634*
Criminal investigators, qualifications, duties, peace officer powers, AB 634*
Criminal records, access, AB 634*
Design documents, adoption of standards (sec. 4), SB 409
Educational requirements, duties, SB 423
Electricians, duties regarding licensees, AB 209
Employees, AB 259
Expedited licenses, regulations, AB 633*
Illegal advertising, cease and desist orders (sec. 2), SB 128*
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Investigations office, establishment, AB 634*
Public works preferences, regulations, SB 437*
Recovery fund, administration (sec. 9), AB 636*
Reports to governor and legislature, AB 259
Seal, prohibited acts, AB 633*
Subpoenas, power to issue, AB 634*
Terms of office, SB 423, AB 259
Subcontractors, prompt payment for highway construction projects, SB 301*
Swimming pools, construction contracts (vetoed bill), AB 512 of the 69th session
Telephone or paging services, disconnection of unlicensed advertisers, SB 128*
Violations, penalties, SB 32†, SB 423, AB 634*
Gaming, contracts with unsuitable persons restricted, AB 669**
Mobile home parks, sales of homes by tenants or landlords (sec. 18), AB 418
Mobile home sales, regulations (secs. 8, 9), AB 107*
Motor vehicle consignment contracts, AB 271**
Property tax, exemption for intangible personal property, SB 411**, AB 668†
School police services, AB 376**
Service contracts, AB 673*
State contracts to be reduced to writing and signed by each party, AB 93**
Time share resales, SB 322**
Animal control officers, possession and administration, SB 519*
Bail, release of person under influence of drugs prohibited, SB 273†
Drug testing on-site, regulation, SB 180
Euthanasia technicians, possession and administration, SB 519†
First offense, suspension of sentence for certain offenses, AB 577
Hazardous waste, destruction (sec. 10), AB 454*
Manufacturing and compounding, unlawful acts, AB 454*
Marihuana, penalties for possession, AB 577
Minors, sale or distribution to
Murder caused by sale or distribution, first degree, AB 379
Penalties, AB 379
Restitution for costs of drug abuse treatment for minors, AB 336*
Practitioner includes optometrists (secs. 11-13), AB 432*
Prisons, use of dogs to detect presence of drugs, AB 308
Public parks, additional penalty for violations in or near, AB 464*
School personnel, consideration of convictions when hiring, SB 293, SB 488
School pupils
Expulsion for sale or distribution, exceptions, alternative programs, AB 245
Marihuana, possession, AB 577
Steroids, federal legislation mandating warning labels on products urged, AJR 24‡
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
Wildlife biologists, possession and administration, SB 519*
Junk or secondhand dealers, exemption from laws relating to, SB 45, AB 109*
Producer-promoter-employer permits, applicability of laws, SB 259*
Special fuel users' licenses, applicability to operators of motor carriers, SB 202*
Leased or rented personal property, SB 364
Community colleges, fee imposed on convicted persons for support of, AJR 16
Enforcement of judgment imposing fine or assessment or requiring restitution or repayment of defense expenses, SB 234
Execution of sentence, judgment of conviction as warrant or authority for, SB 118*
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, effect of judgment, AB 159**
Handicapped persons, effect of conviction for unlawful use of certain procedures against, AB 280*
Prisons director, filing judgment of conviction unnecessary, AB 78
Sentencing (See SENTENCING)
Traffic citations, entry of judgment when promise to appear violated, AB 121
Wildlife convictions, assessment of demerit points, SB 106**
Airport authority of Washoe County and sheriff's department, AB 222
Clark County
Regional planning coalition, SB 391*, SB 394*, AB 493*
Transportation, department of, agreements with, AB 182**
Consumer groups to obtain electric services at competitive prices, AB 501
Explosives production and storage, inspections, AB 451**
Fire safety of public buildings, AB 607
Historic preservation, SB 397*
Housing authorities, powers (sec. 31), AB 484
Indian tribes, agreements with, SB 52*
Juvenile correctional facilities, improvement of education of residents, AB 519†
Public transportation system, operation, AB 628**
Southern Nevada correctional center, lease of facilities, AB 696**
State lands, division of, AB 132*
Tahoe Basin, creation and operation of transit system, AB 236**
Wetlands mitigation bank, operation, SB 217*
Names, distinguishability, SB 122
Resident agents, street address, SB 19*, SB 61**
Property tax, exemption for intangible personal property, SB 411**, AB 668†
Criminal history repository, provision of information, AB 621†
Aversive intervention, use restricted, penalties, AB 280*
Exceptions to child abuse investigations, SB 553**
Accountants, practice, SB 439**
Amended list, annual filing, SB 61**
Anti-takeover provisions
Applicability of laws, SB 61**
Duties and benefits of directors, SB 61**
Interested stockholder defined, SB 61**
Issuing corporation defined, SB 61**
Voting rights, approval, SB 61**
Architects, interior designers and residential designers, registration, AB 609
Bail agents, licensure, AB 680*
Combinations with interested stockholders, resident domestic corporations, SB 61**
Directors and officers
Good faith decisions, presumptions, SB 61**
Reclassification of directors, effect on term of office, SB 61**
Removal from office, SB 61**
Documents submitted to secretary of state, replacement, SB 61**
Engineering firms, registration requirements (sec. 2), SB 103**
Foreign corporations
Accountants, practice, SB 439**
Certificates of change, SB 61**
Documents filed with secretary of state
Fees, SB 259†
Names, SB 61**
Interior designers, practice, AB 632
Land surveying firms, registration requirements (sec. 3), SB 103**
Legislative study of business organization laws, SCR 19‡
Mergers, SB 61**
Mortgage companies, disciplinary action, AB 64*, AB 676
Open Meeting Law, applicability to certain corporations, SB 312
Resident agents
Change of agent, procedure, SB 61**
Commercial resident agents, regulation, AB 286
Street address, SB 19*, SB 61**
Residential designers, practice, AB 632
Stock certificates
Contents, SB 61**
Series of stock, SB 61**
Stockholder meetings
Adjournment, SB 61**
Consent to action without meeting, SB 61**
Record date for participation, SB 61**
Industrial development revenue bonds, issuance, SB 369**
Deeds and other written instruments, SB 61**
Names, distinguishability, SB 122
Resident agents, street address, SB 19*, SB 61**
Informal markets, sales restrictions, SB 392, AB 109*
Manufacturing, disconnection of telephone service of unlicensed entities, SB 128†
Citations and administrative fines for unlawful practice authorized (sec. 5), SB 13*
Cosmetological establishments, licensing procedure (sec. 13), SB 13*
Cosmetologists' apprentices, training, regulation, SB 13*
Licenses, reciprocity (sec. 12), SB 13*
State board of cosmetology
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Attorneys (See ATTORNEYS AT LAW)
Drug or alcohol abuse (See DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE)
Debit cards, SB 485†
Sales receipts or UPC labels, unlawful acts, SB 392, AB 109†
Silver gaming tokens, penalty, AB 560
Trade-mark or labels, displaying goods with false mark or label, AB 616*
Actions by or against (See ACTIONS—State or political subdivisions)
Bill draft requests, submission, AB 631**
Building departments (See also BUILDING INSPECTORS)
Design documents, adoption of standards, SB 409
School facilities, review of plans, designs and specifications, AB 597†
Carson City (See CARSON CITY)
Claims, penalty for submission of false claims to local government, SB 418*
Electric services, formation of consumer groups to obtain, AB 501
Emergency telephone system, statewide, appointment of coordinators, SB 487†
Fire departments (See FIRE DEPARTMENTS)
Fire marshal, state, jurisdiction, SB 389**, AB 594
Governmental entities, donation of certain property by county, AB 318**
Governmental services, contracts with nonprofit organizations, AB 236†
Hazardous materials transport, local regulation restricted, SB 167**
Hearing officers, judicial review of final administrative decisions, AB 12†
Indian tribes, sale, lease or exchange of real property with, SB 52*
Lease or lease-purchase agreements relating to construction or remodeling of buildings and facilities, authority, SB 407*
Mining excavations and shafts, abatement duties transferred, AB 137
Museums and historical societies, property tax levy for support of, AB 463
Nevada Association of Counties (See NEVADA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES)
Nonprofit organizations, grants and donation of property, SB 139**, AB 264, AB 318**
Open-space land, imposition of tax for development, AB 504*
Ordinances (See ORDINANCES)
Public lands, acquisition, imposition of use fees (secs. 8, 9), AB 672
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Regional facilities for children, funding, AB 314**
Restitution ordered by justice's court, enforcement of order, AB 122**
Sheriffs (See SHERIFFS)
Small businesses, consideration of impact of rules on, AB 486*
Smoking restrictions, authority, AB 331
Taxicabs, regulation, SB 491
Vehicles loaned by dealers, use of special license plates, AB 329*
Wetlands mitigation bank, establishment, operation and use, SB 217*, SB 475*
Douglas County, salary increase, SB 414
Property tax (See PROPERTY TAX)
Salary increase, SB 414, AB 589
Vehicle privilege tax, commission for collection (sec. 17), AB 668**
Clerk of court (See DISTRICT COURT CLERKS)
Douglas County, salary increase, SB 414
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Fees, technical corrections, AB 645**
Marriage licenses and certificates, fees for corrections or replacements, SB 512*
Salary increase, SB 414, AB 589
Ballot questions, appointment of committee to prepare arguments, AB 200*
Debt management commissions, assistance (sec. 1), SB 470*
District attorneys, notice of actions against, SB 358
Douglas County, salary increase, SB 414
Election districts
Washoe County, SB 311
Election precincts, notices of changes, AB 520*
Ethics (See ETHICS)
Justices of the peace, authority to increase number in certain townships, AB 629
Land use planning council, appointment (sec. 13), AB 672
Legal aid assistance, oversight, receipt of reports, AB 335
Meetings outside county seat, AB 261**
Public employees' retirement, calculation of service credit, AB 189**
Public lands, management (secs. 8, 9), AB 672
Road maintenance districts, duties, AB 604**
Salary increase, SB 414, AB 589
School district reconfiguration committees, representation, AB 466
Taxes, increase during period following general election restricted, AB 223†
Term of office, AB 223
Attorneys, employer to pay bar membership fees, SB 119
Building inspections, immunities (sec. 3), AB 87
Contractor licensing laws, applicability, AB 433
Deferred compensation programs, property held in trust, SB 367**
Employee organizations, nominations for committee on benefits, SB 79, AB 67
Ethics (See ETHICS)
Group insurance (See INSURANCE—Local government employees)
Personnel records, public records (sec. 12), AB 102
Public safety telecommunications operators, certification and training, SB 165*
School conferences, leave to attend, AB 214
Sexual orientation, discrimination prohibited, AB 311*
Social security, opposition to mandatory coverage of new employees, AJR 10‡
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Audits, prohibition against penalties and interest during certain period, SB 362**
Clark County, imposition of tax required, AB 553†
Collection by department of motor vehicles, AB 396, AB 584*
Deficiency determinations (secs. 8, 9), SB 362**
Expedited process to execute certain agreements for use of tax, AB 553*
Failure to pay tax, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Overpayments and underpayments, SB 362**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
Terminal rack, collection of tax at, AB 584*
Affidavit of death, provision to welfare division (sec. 3), AB 414*
Certification of documents, fee (sec. 1), AB 414*
Douglas County, salary increase, SB 414
Marriage licenses and certificates, fees, SB 512*, AB 414†
Property documents, recording (sec. 2), AB 414*
Real property transfer tax, duties, SB 318*
Salary increase, SB 414, AB 589
Deposits, AB 375*
Douglas County, salary increase, SB 414
Lease of federal lands, deposit of money received by state, AB 26
Salary increase, SB 414, AB 589
Tax delinquencies, trustee certificates, AB 375*
Accounting and technological improvements within judicial system urged, ACR 2‡
Court caseloads, compilation of information and submission of report, AB 51**
Criminal cases, regulations relating to reports to central repository, SB 157
Recycling, establishment of procedures, AB 564*
Child abuse victims, appropriation for guardian program, AB 430, AB 703**
Child welfare, study of integration of state and local services, ACR 53‡
Foster care, representation on study advisory committee, SCR 13
Qualifications to act as guardian ad litem, AB 158**
Computer crimes, recoveries by victims, SB 485**
Credit or debit card, acceptance for payment of fees, AB 24**
Delinquencies, nonrenewal of drivers' licenses or vehicle registrations, AB 16
Divorce actions, award, AB 154*
Domestic violence protective orders, false information in applications, AB 52
Health insurance actions, award, SB 145*
High-voltage wires, recovery of compensation for unauthorized placement, SB 384
Identity theft, recovery by victims, AB 71*
Legal aid programs, procedure for distribution of certain fees to, AB 335
Mortgages or deeds of trust, action regarding recordation of discharge, SB 96*
Reporters, fees, AB 545*
Technical corrections, AB 645**
Certified court reporter's board, immunities for persons assisting investigations and prosecutions, SB 373
Fees, AB 545*
Notaries, application for appointment (sec. 3), AB 127**
Telephone service, disconnection of unlicensed advertisers, SB 128†
Accounting and technological improvements urged, ACR 2‡
Chancery courts, study of feasibility of establishment, SCR 19‡
Concealed weapons, restrictions on carrying, AB 166**
Electronic filing, storage and reproduction of documents, AB 650**
Intermediate appellate court, creation, SJR 14 of the 69th session, AJR 22‡
Definition of debit card, SB 485†, AB 83*
Fines and other court assessments, payment by card authorized, AB 24**
Identifying information of another, unlawful use, SB 69, AB 71*
Secondary identification as condition for acceptance of card prohibited, AB 420
Solicitations for extension of credit, mailing of notice of extension of credit to same address as solicitation, AB 71*
Unlawful acts involving debit cards, criminal and civil liability, SB 485†, AB 83*
Copy to be provided by reporting agency without charge to subject of report, AB 8
Identity theft, closure of records on request of victim, AB 71†
Nonprofit entities, applicability of laws, AB 109*
Real estate licensees, applicability of laws, AB 109*
Affidavits in legal proceedings, use, SB 483**
Automated tellers, disclosure of fees required to be paid by customers, AB 319
Clark County, appropriation for Enterprise credit union, AB 692, AB 703**
Generally, SB 39*
Governmental entities, deposits by, SB 39*, AB 375*
Property tax exemption for intangible personal property, SB 411**
Directors and committees, loans to (sec. 11), SB 39*
Federal legislation affecting services, continuation of state oversight, SJR 22‡
Investments, SB 39*
Records, retention (sec. 8), SB 39*
Orders for cremation, priority (sec. 5), SB 241**
Minor victims, reporting offenses required, penalties, AB 267*
Ratification, SB 484**
CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS (See also specific crime)
Alcohol or drug abuse treatment facilities
Counselors, violations, SB 210*
Entering or exiting facility, intentionally preventing, AB 265†
Unlawful operation, SB 161†, AB 265†, AB 373†
Animals, sale or purchase for research or experimentation, AB 448
Athletic trainers, violations, SB 357†
Bail enforcement agents, failure to inform law enforcement agency, AB 485**
Body armor, during commission of crime, AB 117
Cable television service, unlawful acts relating to, SB 27*, SB 485**
Candy cigarettes and cigars, sale, AB 549†
Cellular phones
Customer records, failure of provider to maintain, SB 131†
Use while operating moving vehicle, AB 328
Commercial resident agents, unlicensed activities (sec. 3), AB 286
Community colleges, fee imposed on convicted persons for support of, AJR 16
Contractors, unlawful acts, AB 634*
Criminal history records, unlawful acquisition or dissemination, AB 621†
Cruelty to animals, SB 396*
Debit cards, unlawful acts, SB 485†
Deferred-deposit services, AB 431*
Disasters or accidents, failure to report or render aid, AB 155
Driver training schools, unlicensed operation, AB 492†
DUI offenders, driving offenses following conviction, SB 208, AB 542*
Education, approval of unlawful language arts courses, AB 294
Electricians, unlicensed practice (sec. 25), AB 209
Elevators, unlicensed construction, installation or repair (sec. 10), SB 416
School conferences, failure to provide leave, AB 214
Unlawful termination of employee, SB 76
Employment screeners, unlawful acts, SB 178†
Entertainment by referral services, unlawful acts, AB 230, AB 498
Expedited service permits, unlawful use (sec. 9), SB 35*
Failure to appear before magistrate, SB 273*, AB 650**
Felonies (See FELONIES)
Firearms violations by minors, AB 192
Fireworks, refusal to sell to certain persons, SB 25†
Gaming, unlicensed business involving associated equipment (sec. 2), AB 70
Garages and repair shops, registration violations (sec. 8), AB 258*
Grazing rights, interference with, AB 198*
Gross misdemeanors (See MISDEMEANORS)
Halfway houses for alcohol and drug abusers, unlawful operation, SB 161*
Hazardous materials, unlawful acts relating to transportation and storage, SB 167**
Hazing, SB 297**
Hidden cameras, unlawful use, SB 34
HIV testing following transfer of bodily fluids from offenders, AB 483†
Industrial insurance, failure to provide and maintain, SB 175*
Informal merchants, violations, SB 392, AB 109*
Information services, unlawful acts, SB 485**
Installment loan violations, AB 431†
Internet service providers, unlawful acts, SB 485**
Laser pointers, unlawful acts, SB 360†, AB 541
Legislative study of costs of penalties resulting in longer sentences, SCR 23
Long-term care insurance subsidy program, unlawful acts, SB 370†
Management consultants, violations (sec. 61), SB 220
Manufactured buildings, violations, SB 177**
Marihuana, possession, AB 577
Mentally disabled persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation, AB 372
Metallic wire, prohibited acts (secs. 1, 4), AB 55*
Minors, drivers' license violations (sec. 4), AB 552*, ACR 68‡
Misdemeanors (See MISDEMEANORS)
Mortgage companies, agents and brokers, unlawful acts, AB 64*, AB 278, AB 676
Motor vehicle fuel exporters, prohibited acts (sec. 64), AB 584*
Motor vehicles (See also TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Consignment sales, unlawful acts, AB 271**
Insurance, failure to maintain, AB 272*
Nonsupport of spouse or child, AB 617*
Pagers, failure of provider to maintain adequate records, SB 131†
Peace officers, filing false or fraudulent complaints against, AB 304*
Personal property, conversion, SB 364
Police animals, injuring or killing (sec. 5), SB 396*
Public works, unlawful conditions on contract, SB 342
Radio communications, interception, AB 496
Refrigerants, unlawful sale or use of highly flammable materials, AB 179
Reports, public records (sec. 11), AB 102
Residential facilities for groups, unlicensed operation, AB 373†
Service contracts, violations, AB 673*
Show animals, killing, injuring or tampering with, SB 211†, SB 396*
Skydiving business, violations, SB 179*
Special fuel, violations, SB 349**
Spray paint, paint sticks or etchers, possession by certain persons, SB 172
Tahoe regional planning agency ordinances, violations, SB 510†
Taxicabs, kickbacks for soliciting for businesses, SB 491†, AB 193*, AB 546
Telecommunications service providers, unlawful acts, SB 485**
Telephone automatic dialing and announcing devices, unauthorized use, AB 193*
Tenant screeners, unlawful acts, SB 178†
Trade secrets, unlawful acts, SB 375*
Veterinarians, failure to report cruelty to animals, SB 5
Video arcades and small game rooms, violations, SB 513
Violent or sexual offenses, reporting, aid to victims, AB 155, AB 267*
Water fluoridation, violations, AB 284†
Child care volunteers, payment of costs of background checks, AB 239**
Concealed weapons permits, reports to central repository, SB 420, AB 166†, AB 621**
Contractors' board, access to records, AB 634*
Coroners, provision of information, AB 621†
Definition of record of criminal history, AB 621**
Disposition of charges and appeals, reports to central repository, SB 157
Domestic violence
Removal of records based on false information regarding orders, AB 52
Statistical data, submission to legislature, AB 621**
Electronic dissemination of information, AB 621**
Employers' agents, access to and dissemination of records, SB 327
Entertainment by referral services, AB 230
Law enforcement agencies, submission of information, AB 621**
Medical and related facilities, background checks of personnel, AB 573**, AB 681
Minors, submission of fingerprints, AB 621**
National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact, ratification, SB 484**
Occupational licenses, submission of information relating to investigations, AB 621†
Prisoners, submission of information to central repository, AB 621**
Records of public safety, definition, dissemination of information, AB 621†
Sealing of records, notice to repository, AB 621**
Sex offenders, provision of public access to certain information, SB 515**
State disaster identification team, access to records, SB 193*
Unlawful possession or use, penalty, AB 621†
Computer crimes, SB 485†
Contractors, AB 634*
Initial crime reports, public records (sec. 11), AB 102
Juvenile delinquents, use of photograph of child in custody, AB 165*
Occupational safety, release of confidential information (secs. 6, 7), AB 112**
Pawnbrokers, duties regarding investigations, immunities, AB 647**
Wiretapping (See WIRETAPPING)
Medical records, availability to investigators, AB 113**
Arrest (See ARREST)
Bail (See BAIL)
Death within a year and a day, element of crime repealed, SB 11**, AB 17
Defenses (See DEFENSES)
Discovery, SB 173**
Dismissal of complaints (sec. 5), SB 493
Disposition of cases, reports to central repository, SB 157
Evidence (See EVIDENCE)
Failure to appear
Penalties, SB 273*
Warrant for arrest and notice to surety, SB 273*
General investigations of certain offenders, SB 148*
Informations (See INFORMATIONS)
Judgments of conviction (See CONVICTIONS)
Legal documents, service by fax, AB 120*
Nonsupport of spouse or child, AB 617*
Parole (See PAROLE)
Plea bargaining (See PLEA BARGAINING)
Preliminary examinations (See PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS)
Presentence investigations (See PRESENTENCE INVESTIGATIONS)
Prisoners receiving judgments against state to repay defense expenses, AB 22†
Probation (See PROBATION)
Reasonable doubt, defined for purposes of jury instructions, SB 400
Sanity commissions, establishment of compensation of members, AB 82**
Sealing of records, court orders submitted to central repository, AB 621**
Sentencing (See SENTENCING)
Stolen property, disposition, AB 647**
Wiretapping (See WIRETAPPING)
Witnesses and testimony (See WITNESSES AND TESTIMONY)
Horses, unlawful to trip or fell for entertainment or sport, SB 26
Juvenile delinquents, counseling following commission of violations, AB 221*
Killing or injuring animals of another, penalty, SB 396*
Penalties, SB 396*
Police animals, penalties for harming (sec. 5), SB 396*
Research or experimentation, prohibition on release of animals for, AB 448
Rodeos, livestock shows and ranches, exemption from laws, SB 396*
Service animals, penalty for harming or killing (sec. 3), SB 396*
Show animals, killing, injuring or tampering with, penalty, SB 211†, SB 396*
Veterinarians required to report cruelty to animals, SB 5
Community school board, formation, AB 413
Room tax increase for costs related to promotion of tourism, SB 477**
Account for local cultural activities, appropriation, AB 320**
Fund for preservation and promotion of cultural resources, grants, AB 374**
Room tax increase for cultural programs, AB 526
Milk and other fluid dairy products, packaging, AB 694**
Milk and other dairy containers, regulations, AB 694**
Cable television services, treble damages for theft, SB 485**
Collateral sources, reduction of damages based on, SB 171, AB 225
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Debit cards, treble damages for unlawful acts, SB 485†
Driving under the influence of a controlled substance, punitive damages, AB 196
Eminent domain actions, AB 287*
False claims submitted to governmental entity, double or treble damages, SB 418*
Future economic damages, periodic payments (sec. 3), AB 225
Industrial insurance cases, distribution of award, SB 94
Itemization by court of award in certain actions (sec. 3), AB 225
Medical facility employees, retaliation against whistle-blowers, SB 549, AB 586
Motor vehicle accidents
Limit on recovery by uninsured motorist, AB 327
Security required to commence action by uninsured motorist, AB 513
Motor vehicle dealer franchises, unlawful termination, SB 372*
Noneconomic damages, limitation (sec. 3), AB 225
Public agencies, officers and employees, study of removal of limit on certain awards in actions against, AB 119, ACR 46‡
Public lands, treble damages in actions relating to certain acts (sec. 3), AB 672
Service contracts, recovery of consequential damages, AB 673*
Trade secrets, exemplary damages for misappropriation, SB 375*
Cremation, orders (sec. 5), SB 241**
Crime, repeal of death within a year and a day as element, SB 11**, AB 17
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Hospice care, pronouncement of death (sec. 2), SB 382**
Trusts for care of animals at settlor's death, validity, AB 524
Appropriation, SB 249, SB 560**
Trust account, deposit in credit union (sec. 3), SB 39*
Capital improvement plans, receipt (sec. 1), SB 433**
Clark County, composition, SB 436*
Members, qualifications, ethics, removal (secs. 2, 3), SB 470*
Staff and technical assistance (sec. 1), SB 470*
Common-interest communities, SB 451†
Tahoe Basin, authority of state land registrar, AB 132*
Definition, real property transfer tax, SB 318*
Tax deeds, evidentiary effect, AB 375*
Failure to record discharge or improper recording of discharge, liability, SB 96*
Mortgage companies, mailing to certain investors (sec. 14), AB 64*
Recording of documents, requirements (sec. 2), AB 414*
Computer, system or network, affirmative defense to certain unlawful acts, SB 485**
Desertion and nonsupport of spouse or child, affirmative defense, AB 617*
Driving under the influence, affirmative defense, SB 152*, SB 481†, AB 196
Laser pointers, affirmative defense to unlawful use, AB 541
Summary eviction, AB 397*
Immunities from liability for use (sec. 1), AB 409*
Abandoned vehicle, SB 300*
Advertisement (deceptive trade practice), AB 431*
Aggressive driving, AB 457**
Athletic training, practice of, SB 357†
Aversive intervention, AB 280*
Bait and switch, AB 431*
Blighted area, AB 306†
Brokerage agreements (mobile homes), AB 107*
Business trust, SB 61**
Captive insurer, AB 635*
Charitable-gift annuity, AB 555*
Child care facility, AB 302†
Children's health insurance program, SB 10**, AB 6
Commercial resident agent, AB 286
Constructional fraud, AB 634*
Corporation for public benefit, SB 369**
Cosmetologist's apprentice, SB 13*
Covered claim (insurance guaranty), SB 74*
Credit service organization, AB 109*
Creditable coverage (health insurance), AB 429**
Crime related to racketeering, AB 454*
Deceptive trade practice, AB 431*
Domestic use (wells), SB 291*
Employment screener, SB 178†
Essential community provider, AB 60†
Expenditure (lobbying), AB 57
Feral horse, AB 509†
Genetic test, SB 16*
Gift (lobbying), AB 57
Halfway house for alcohol and drug abusers, SB 161*
Hazing, SB 297**
High-technology crime, SB 485†
Home for individual residential care, AB 62†
Hospice care, facility for, SB 382**
Household waste, AB 173**
Immobilization device (DUI), SB 208
Laser pointer, SB 360†, AB 541
Low-speed vehicle, SB 450, AB 59*
Mortgage agent, broker, company, AB 64*, AB 676
Nursery (plants), AB 135*
Peddler (nursery stock), AB 135*
Physician, AB 114
Police animal, SB 396*
Postsecondary educational institution, AB 152*
Prescription, AB 432*
Public body (open meetings), SB 312
Public utility, AB 426
Public water system, AB 134**
Record of criminal history, AB 621**
Regulation, AB 12*
Residential facility for groups, SB 163†, AB 62, AB 167*, AB 373*
Secondhand dealer, SB 45, AB 109*
Service animal, SB 396†
Service contract, AB 673*
Single-family residence (zoning), SB 323*, SB 391*, AB 62
Small business, AB 486*
Sports official, AB 63, AB 153
Sports pool, AB 646†
Taxicabs, SB 491
Technological crime, SB 485**
Tenant screener, SB 178†
Therapeutic pharmaceutical agent, AB 432*
Time share resale broker, SB 322**
Trade secret, SB 375*
Transitional housing facility, SB 161†
Used vehicle, SB 153*
Value (eminent domain), AB 287†
Victim of crime, AB 196
Wager, SB 198
Wetland, SB 217*
Denial of benefits, board to review, AB 491
Insurance fraud, investigation, SB 225
Uniform claim forms, billing codes, electronic data transfers, SB 509, SB 544**
Board of dental examiners of Nevada
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
Inspection fees, SB 181*, SB 560**
Issuance of limited number without examination, SB 246
Limited licenses for university affiliates, SB 181*, SB 560**
Restricted licenses, qualifications, SB 181*, SB 560**
Malpractice screening panels, continuation of provisions, AB 25**
Restitution for unlawful acts, SB 181*, SB 560**
University dental school, issuance of bonds for financing, AB 527**
Sex offender treatment programs, AB 56
Building, bond issue for construction, SB 371**
Merit pay, prohibition on use of certain money, AB 317
Nevada Diabetes Awareness Day, designation, ACR 38‡
Pediatric diabetes and endocrinology center, appropriation, SB 294, SB 560**
Use, licensure of certification authorities, penalties, AB 674**
Declarations by
Governor or legislature, AB 626*
Local governing bodies or division of emergency management, SB 193*
Disaster relief fund, requests for grant or loan by governmental entities, SB 193*
Local government disaster relief funds, establishment, sources and use, SB 194†
Local government fund to mitigate effects of natural disasters, use, SB 194**
Reports to authorities and assistance to victims required, penalties, AB 155
Residential facilities for groups, emergency response plans, AB 373*
State and local authority to respond to disasters, AB 626*
State disaster identification team, activation, SB 193*, AB 626*
Constructional defects, SB 32**, AB 442
Criminal proceedings, notice of witnesses, SB 173**
Grand jury proceedings, SB 482†
Common-interest communities, discrimination prohibited (sec. 4), AB 21
Genetic information, employment discrimination prohibited, SB 16*
Landlords, termination of tenancy based on discrimination prohibited, AB 397*
Medical facility employees, protection, SB 549, AB 586
Public schools, prohibition against religious activities, SB 289*
Racial and economic bias, commission on, appropriation, AB 290, AB 703**
Sexual orientation, employment discrimination prohibited, AB 311*
Livestock, confidentiality of certain notices regarding diseased animals, SB 330**
Public safety telecommunications operators, certification and training, SB 165*
Statewide emergency enhanced 911 system, training and certification, SB 487†
Alternative methods, AB 392*
Contractors, complaints against, AB 634*
Highway construction, money payable to subcontractors or suppliers, SB 301*
Washoe County regional planning, AB 424†
Actions against, manner of defending, SB 358
Alcohol or drug facilities, prosecution of violations, SB 161*, AB 265†, AB 373†
Arrest of persons released on bail, duties following, SB 273†
Ballot questions, duties, SB 501*
Bar membership fees, payment by public employer, SB 119
Carson City, other employment, AB 539*
Child abuse or neglect, receipt of records (sec. 2), AB 68**
Child support, duties, AB 231*, AB 644**
Computer crimes, notices, duties, SB 485**
Contractors' laws, prosecution of violations, AB 259†
Douglas County, salary increase, SB 414
Ethics violations, prosecution of criminal acts (sec. 18), SB 478*
Failure to appear, notice, SB 273*
False claims submitted to local government, prosecution, SB 418†
Firearms violations by minors, duties, AB 180
Grand jury proceedings, provision of certain materials to defendants, SB 482†
Information, statement of reasons for failure to file (sec. 3), SB 493
Insurance fraud, prosecution (sec. 18), SB 225
Investigators, occupational disease coverage, AB 608†
Misdemeanors, task force to study penalties, representation, ACR 67
Notaries, prosecution of violations (sec. 1), AB 127**
Preliminary examinations, procedure following discharge of defendant, SB 493
Advisory board for drug and alcohol abuse treatment, representation, SB 184**
Prosecution of certain offenses committed by, SB 149*
Prostitution, dismissal of charges restricted, AB 230
Public lands, enforcement of provisions relating to management (sec. 11), AB 672
Rangeland resource commission, notice of failure to pay support fee, SB 310*
Salary increase, SB 414, AB 589
School conferences, prosecution of violations by employers, AB 214
Tax appeals, receipt of notice, duties (sec. 4), SB 362**
Unauthorized practice of law, prosecution of violations, AB 18†
Voters, investigation of challenges, AB 520*
Wage violations involving explosives industry, prosecution, AB 110**
Wiretaps (See WIRETAPPING)
Family courts, development of information form, AB 154*
Accounting and technological improvements urged, ACR 2‡
Bill draft requests, limitations, AB 631**
Cases and other proceedings
Consideration and disposition, establishment of procedures, AB 50**
Reports to court administrator, AB 51**
Credit or debit cards, acceptance for payment of fees and other charges, AB 24**
Criminal cases, reports of disposition to central repository, SB 157
Delinquent fines, assessments or fees, notice of nonpayment, AB 16
Eighth judicial district
Additional judges, election, appropriation, SB 401*
Chief judge, authority, AB 50**, AB 154**
Departments (sec. 11), AB 49
Drug and alcohol treatment program, appropriation, SB 184**, AB 577
Juvenile court, extended assignment of judge urged, SCR 14‡
Las Vegas urban growth zone, jurisdiction of proceedings, SB 191†
Electronic filing, storage and reproduction of documents, AB 650**
Family division (See FAMILY COURTS)
Fifth judicial district, additional judge, appropriation, AB 38*, AB 623
First judicial district
Challenges to qualifications of minor political parties, jurisdiction, AB 520*
Medicaid appeals, jurisdiction, AB 429**
Grievances of parties, establishment of procedures, AB 50**
Holding court outside county seat authorized (sec. 3), AB 38*
Assignment, AB 49
Chief judge, designation, duties, AB 49, AB 50**, AB 51**, AB 154**
Ballot designation (sec. 16), AB 49
Eligibility of certain candidates, AB 20*
Longevity pay, AB 472**
Legislative study, AB 698**
Qualifications, calculation, AB 592
Recall to service, additional retirement credits, SB 245
Survivor benefits, SB 514, AB 622**
Terms of office, AJR 18
Vacancies, term of office of judge filling, AJR 13‡, AJR 18†, AJR 22‡
Juvenile division (See JUVENILE COURTS)
Placement of children, boards to expedite proceedings, creation, AB 158**
Recycling programs, AB 564*
Sanity commissions, establishment of compensation of members, AB 82**
Second judicial district
Chief judge, authority, AB 50**, AB 154**
Departments (sec. 10), AB 49
Drug and alcohol treatment programs, appropriation, SB 184**, SB 185, AB 577
Sixth judicial district, appropriation to juvenile detention center, AB 89, AB 703**
Actions by or against (See ACTIONS—State or political subdivisions)
Claims, penalty for submission of false claims to district, SB 418*
County hospitals (See HOSPITALS)
Building inspections, immunities, AB 87
Contractor licensing laws, applicability, AB 433
Ethics (See ETHICS)
Group insurance (See INSURANCE—Local government employees)
Personnel records, public records, AB 102
Public safety telecommunications operators, certification and training, SB 165*
School conferences, leave to attend, AB 214
Sexual orientation, discrimination prohibited, AB 311*
Governmental services, contracts with nonprofit organizations, AB 236†
Hearing officers, judicial review of final administrative decisions, AB 12†
Indian tribes, sale, lease or exchange of real property with, SB 52*
Libraries (See LIBRARIES)
Local improvement (See LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS)
Road maintenance districts, creation, AB 604**
School (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS; specific districts)
Special districts, formation, SB 530*, AB 642
Adultery, grounds for divorce (secs. 1, 2), SB 66
Alimony, formula for determination of amount and duration, AB 421
Child custody (See CHILD CUSTODY)
Child support (See CHILD SUPPORT)
Property rights, parties may make offers of judgment, AB 154*
Public employee retirement benefits for certain former spouses, AB 189**
Social security number or certain other information, inclusion in records, SB 242**
Cemeteries, investments by endowment care funds (sec. 47), SB 20
Cruelty to animals (See CRUELTY TO ANIMALS)
Drug sniffing dogs, use by department of prisons, AB 308
Killing or injuring animals of another, penalty, SB 396*
Mobile home parks, restrictions in rental agreements prohibited (sec. 6), AB 418
Police dogs
Penalties for injuring or killing (sec. 5), SB 396*
Public accommodations, access, SB 396*
Service dogs
Beating or killing (sec. 3), SB 396*
Public accommodations, access, SB 396*
Show animals, killing, injuring or tampering with, SB 211†, SB 396*
Trusts for care of pets at settlor's death, validity, AB 524
Bail, SB 360†, AB 473*, AB 523
Child custody, presumptions regarding best interest of child, AB 456*
Concealed weapons permits, notification to victims of applicants, SB 449*
Criminal history records, submission of statistical data to legislature, AB 621**
Death of parent resulting from offense, protective custody of children, SB 412**
Basis for disqualification, AB 517*
Parent as guardian, consideration of domestic violence conviction, SB 347*
Jury service, certain victims of domestic violence exempt, SB 480**
Juvenile offenders, restrictions on release from custody, AB 473*, AB 523
Las Vegas emergency shelter, appropriation, AB 46, AB 703**
Nevada Network, appropriation for training program, AB 582, AB 703**
Nonresident victims, assistance to, AB 353*
Penalties (sec. 7), AB 42†
Protective orders
Extended orders, applications, hearings, AB 339*
Foreign orders, enforcement, AB 473*, AB 523
Masters, appointment, powers, AB 339*
Sanctions for false or misleading information in applications, AB 52
Industrial insurance coverage, AB 334*
School pupils, solicitation by pupils on behalf of school prohibited, AB 90
DOUGLAS COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
China Spring youth camp, appropriation, SB 254, SB 560*
Girls' athletics teams congratulated on state championships, SCR 39‡, SCR 40‡
Hi-tech learning center, appropriation for study, AB 360**
Public improvements, imposition of sales tax and issuance of bonds, AB 174**
Salaries of officers, SB 414, AB 589
Tahoe Basin, authority to contract for creation and operation of transit system by nonprofit organization, AB 236**
Fund to stabilize operation of local government, balance, deposits, transfers, SB 48
Lake Tahoe area, community school boards, AB 413
Regional training centers for teachers, establishment, appropriation, SB 60, SB 466†
Board of drivers' training and traffic safety, creation, duties, AB 492†
Minors, exception to restriction on provision of instruction to, AB 492*
Operators and instructors, licensure, liability insurance, AB 186, AB 492*
0.02% or more by weight, terminology revised, SB 152*
0.08% or more by weight, standard, AB 559
0.10% or more by weight, terminology revised, SB 152*
Actual physical control of vehicle, determination, SB 152†
Affidavits of expert witnesses, use, SB 481**
Affirmative defenses, burden of proof, SB 152*, SB 481†, AB 196
Arrest, authority of peace officers, AB 196
Bodily substances, testing, SB 481†
Breath analyzers
Admissibility of public records concerning calibration, SB 189
Certification, AB 620*
Chemical analysis fee (sec. 24), AB 196
Community service following first offense, SB 360*
Controlled substances, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 481**, AB 196
Drivers' licenses
Restricted licenses, issuance following conviction (sec. 6), AB 542*
Drug addicts or alcoholics, status crimes repealed, SB 481**, AB 196
Evaluation and treatment of offenders, AB 196, AB 407, AB 500, AB 559, AB 578
Fines, AB 23*, AB 196, AB 559†
Ignition-interlock devices, installation, SB 497, AB 542*
License plates, display of special plates on vehicles of convicted offenders, AB 487
Evidentiary tests of minor offenders, AB 165†
Punishment of minor offenders (secs. 32-37), AB 196
Transport of minors as aggravating factor, AB 196
Owners authorizing operation of their vehicles by offenders, penalty, SB 208
Penalties, AB 23*, AB 196, AB 559, AB 578, AB 579
Prior convictions, effect, AB 196, AB 578, AB 579
Residential confinement of convicted persons
Electronic devices, required use (secs. 10, 11), AB 542*
Vehicles used by offenders
Driving after registration suspended, penalty, AB 542*
Registration, suspension, AB 542*
Seizure and immobilization, SB 208
Community-based, early intervention program, Washoe County, AB 325
Comprehensive plan to reduce number of dropouts, Clark County, SB 170
Daily instruction period, program to extend, Clark County, AB 147
Discipline, alternative programs, AB 521†
Financing of alternative programs, SB 110, AB 244
NOVA project, appropriation, White Pine County, AB 480†
Board for coordination of services, creation, AB 181†
Board of examiners for alcohol and drug abuse counselors, creation, SB 210*
Fetal alcohol syndrome, duties, SB 197†
Licensure and certification, SB 210*
Criminal fines, allocation to facilities and programs, AB 577
Detoxification centers, regulation, AB 265*
DUI, treatment of offenders, AB 196, AB 407, AB 500, AB 559, AB 578
Eighth judicial court, appropriation for programs, SB 184**, AB 577
Entering or exiting facilities, penalty for preventing, AB 265†
Evaluation of treatment programs, AB 181**
Family resource centers, establishment of pilot prevention projects, AB 181**
Guardianship proceedings, consideration of habitual drug use by parent, SB 347*
Halfway houses for alcohol and drug abusers, certification and regulation, SB 161*
Juvenile correctional facilities, education of residents, AB 519†
Licensing and regulation of treatment facilities, SB 161*, AB 265*, AB 373†
Sale of controlled substances to, restitution for treatment costs, AB 336*
Treatment facilities and services, establishment, AB 181**
Prisoners, participation in programs, SB 57*, SB 184**
Psychologists, diagnosis and treatment of abuse, SB 24**
Rights of clients of facilities, AB 265†
Second judicial court, appropriation for programs, SB 184**, SB 185, AB 577
Transitional housing facilities, certification and regulation, SB 161†
Sale to minors, restitution for costs of drug abuse treatment, AB 336*
Employers, on-site tests, SB 180
Industrial insurance, testing of injured employees, SB 95
Public records concerning certain procedures, admissibility, SB 189
Bail, release of person under influence of drugs prohibited, SB 273†
Generic drugs, substitution in prescriptions, SB 136
Gerovital and laetrile, fees, SB 362**
Health insurance, coverage for any approved use of drug, SB 56*
Immunizations, possession and administration by pharmacists, SB 519*
Informal markets, sales restrictions, SB 392, AB 109*
Manufacturing, disconnection of telephone service of unlicensed entities, SB 128†
Nurses, possession and administration of dangerous drugs, SB 519*
Deceptive trade practices, AB 431*
Brownfield bill, SB 393
Commercial improvements, formation of districts, assessments, SB 530*
Financial analysis and planning, task force for, creation, AB 525**
Industrial development revenue bonds
Confidentiality of information, SB 369**
Issuance, prohibitions and prerequisites, SB 369**
Refunding bonds, issuance, SB 369**
Regulations, adoption, SB 369**
Legislative study of methods to encourage organization of businesses, SCR 19‡
Nevada Test Site regional development corporation, establishment, AB 528**
Southern Nevada, committee for economic diversification of, creation, SB 434
State investment for economic development, SJR 12 of the 69th session‡
State plan for industrial development, amendment, SB 391†, SB 393, AB 563
Tax abatement for new or expanded businesses, SB 259†, SB 537**
Venture capital, establishment of state program to provide, SB 309
Committee for economic diversification of southern Nevada, appointment, SB 434
Community college training programs for business employees, duties, SB 419*
Energy policy of state, legislative study, advisory group, ACR 32
Occupational education for employees, accounting of grant money, SB 259*
State plan for industrial development, amendment, SB 391†, SB 393, AB 563
Reports to legislature or governor, AB 268
Adult education (See ADULT EDUCATION)
Appropriations (See APPROPRIATIONS)
Business and education coalition of Nevada, SB 466†
Charter schools (See CHARTER SCHOOLS)
Classroom on wheels, appropriation, SB 560**
Community colleges (See COMMUNITY COLLEGES)
Community school boards, AB 413
Districts (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS; specific district)
Hi-tech learning centers, appropriations, AB 205**, AB 360**
Legislative bureau of educational accountability (See LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL BUREAU)
Legislative committee on education (See LEGISLATURE—Committees)
Nursing programs, review and approval, AB 204*
Private schools (See SCHOOLS, PRIVATE)
Public schools (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Teachers (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Personnel)
Administrators, qualifications for endorsement, regulations (sec. 4), SB 22
Elementary schools, teaching of reading skills, regulations (secs. 4, 15), SB 22
Initial licenses
Competency tests, higher standards urged, SCR 2‡
Regulations (secs. 2, 14), SB 22
Out-of-state licensing standards, approval for salary purposes, SB 51**
Regional training centers, receipt of reports, SB 60, SB 466†, SB 555**
Terms of office, SB 59, SB 466†
Academic standards for public schools, council to establish, support, SB 466**
Academic standards, reallocation of appropriation, SB 282**
Accountability program, duties, reports, SB 58, SB 70**, SB 169, SB 466**, AB 243
Achievement and proficiency examinations
Mathematics examination, study, SB 466**
Reallocation of appropriation, SB 282**
Alternative programs for disruptive pupils, evaluation, AB 521**
Appropriations (See APPROPRIATIONS—Education)
Audit of count of pupils for apportionment purposes, duties, SB 555**
Charter schools, duties, SB 258, AB 348**
Culturally diverse children, appropriations for programs, report, AB 357
Federal money, administration, SB 466†, SB 555**
Financial accountability of school districts, duties, SB 466†
Gifted and talented programs, duties, SB 231
Intersession school and summer school programs, SB 187, AB 13
Proficiency examination, advisory committee to oversee, creation, SB 15
Pupils with disabilities, duties, AB 3**, ACR 16‡
Reading and literacy, advisory partnership on, establishment (secs. 4, 5), AB 294
Reforms in education, legislative study, ACR 25‡
Remedial programs, reallocation of appropriation, SB 282**
School construction, commission for, support, AB 597**
School districts, fund to assist financing of capital improvements, reports of grant applications, AB 597**
School supplies, duties regarding sales tax exemption, AB 581
Severe financial emergencies, assistance to school district, AB 480†
Teachers, establishment of certain incentive programs, SB 188, AB 47**
University system and school districts, study and assistance regarding exchange of information, SCR 3‡
Voucher schools, regulation, SB 385, AB 507
Achievement and proficiency tests
Duties, SB 466**
Pupils with disabilities, accommodation (sec. 1), SB 21**
Receipt of reports, SB 15, SB 466**
Standards of content and performance, adoption, SB 104**, SB 466**
Business and education coalition of Nevada, report for, SB 466†
Charter schools
Regulations, SB 258
Subcommittee on charter schools, creation, appropriation, AB 348**
Community school board schools, exemption from course requirements, AB 413
Composition, SB 466†
Courses of study, regulations, SB 445**, SB 466**, AB 348†
Drug convictions, consideration in licensing decisions, SB 488
Election, study of requirements for reapportionment, SCR 1‡, ACR 14
Elementary teachers, educational curricula, regulations, SB 22, AB 294
Federal money, administration, SB 466†, SB 555**
Occupational education, advisory committee on technical skills for, appointments, SB 505
Occupational education, fund for improvement of programs, oversight, SB 505
Reading and phonics, adoption of courses, AB 294
Regional training centers, receipt of reports, SB 60, SB 466†, SB 555**
School accountability, receipt of reports, SB 58, SB 70**, SB 466†, SB 555**
Special emphasis educational programs, receipt of reports, SB 506
Superintendent of public instruction, removal, SB 466**
Textbooks, approval, SB 466**, AB 217†
Advisory committee, appointment, SB 49**, SB 328
State distributive school account, allocation for grants, SB 555**
Absent voting
City elections, AB 444**, AB 613
Disabled persons, AB 614*
Ill or hospitalized persons, AB 614*
Requests for absent ballots, mailing, unlawful acts, AB 614*
Return of absent ballot by family member, AB 614*
Abstract of votes, AB 520*
Mailing ballots, time for sending (sec. 10), AB 479
Minor party candidates, listing, AB 520*
Recounts by hand, AB 479, AB 614*
Sample ballots, statement by candidate authorized, fee, SB 91
Unused ballots, retention by county clerk, AB 614*, AB 671
Campaign practices (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)
County clerks, receipt of list of candidates, AB 615*
Filing fees, additional administrative fee, SB 478†
Financial disclosure statements, SB 478*, SB 540, AB 611*
Independent candidates, petitions, AB 479, AB 520*, AB 613, AB 614*, AB 615*
Judges, eligibility, AB 20*
Majority of votes required, use of instant runoff election if necessary, SJR 18
Minor political parties, petitions, AB 479, AB 520*, AB 613, AB 615*
Nominations, filling of vacancies, AB 613, AB 614*, AB 615*
Nonpartisan offices
Change of party affiliation, AB 613, AB 615*, AB 671
Vacancy in nomination, filling, AB 614*, AB 615†
Pamphlet of ethics laws, acquisition, fees, SB 541
Primary election winner, removal of provision regarding declaration as nominee, AB 40
Recalls, nomination of replacement, AB 614*
Residency requirements, AB 242, AB 614*
Sample ballots, statement by candidate authorized, fee, SB 91
Withdrawal of candidacy, filing, AB 613, AB 615*
Canvass, time for return to secretary of state, AB 615*
Challenges of voters, AB 520*, AB 613, AB 614*, AB 615*
City elections (See also specific city)
Absent voting, AB 444**, AB 613
Ballot containers (sec. 24), AB 444**
Certificates of election (sec. 23), AB 444**
Early voting, AB 444**
Election boards (secs. 16-18), AB 444**
Electioneering, prohibited acts (sec. 22), AB 444**
Filing fees, SB 478†, AB 444**
Loss or destruction of ballots, effect (sec. 25), AB 444**
Nominations, vacancies, AB 444†, AB 613, AB 615*
Notice (sec. 14), AB 444**
Polling places (secs. 15, 21, 32), AB 444**
Primary elections, date, AB 613, AB 615*
Special elections by mail, AB 615†
County commissioners
Washoe County, SB 311
Early voting
Ballot boxes, AB 614*
City elections, AB 444**
Time for, AB 520†
Education, state board of, study of reapportionment, SCR 1‡, ACR 14
Election board registers, access by secretary of state, AB 520†
Ex-felons, voting rights, AJR 6
Financial disclosure statements, SB 478*, SB 540, AB 611*
Governor, joint election with lieutenant governor, AJR 17 of the 69th session
Initiative petitions (See INITIATIVE)
Judges and justices
Appeals court judges, SJR 14 of the 69th session, AJR 22‡
District judges, SB 401*, AB 20*, AB 38*, AB 615*, AB 623, AB 671
Justices of the peace, AB 20*, AB 81
Municipal judges, AB 20*, AB 81
Supreme court justices, AB 20*
Vacancies, term of office of judge or justice filling, AJR 13‡, AJR 18†, AJR 22‡
Legislators, study of reapportionment, SCR 1‡, ACR 14
Lieutenant governor, joint election with governor, AJR 17 of the 69th session
Mechanical voting systems
Devices, testing, AB 615*
Voting districts, applicability of laws (secs. 11, 12), AB 671
Nonpartisan voters redesignated independent, AB 520†
Polling places, assistance to disabled persons, AB 614*
Boundary changes, AB 671
Consolidation, AB 520*, AB 671
Mailing precincts, AB 520*
Presidential elections (See PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS)
Primary elections
City elections, date, AB 613, AB 615*
Date (sec. 8), AB 479
Winner, removal of provision regarding declaration as nominee, AB 40
Recounts (sec. 12), AB 479
Referendum (See REFERENDUM)
Registrar of voters' register, access by secretary of state, AB 520†
Registration of voters
Application form, contents, AB 169*, AB 614†, AB 615*, AB 671
Voter identification number, assignment, AB 169*, AB 671
Road maintenance districts, members of board, AB 604**
Signs, display by tenants of mobile home parks authorized, AB 39*
Special elections
Cities, mail elections, AB 615†
Counties, mail elections, AB 615†
Municipal obligations, issuance, SB 501*
State and local questions
Arguments for and against local ballot questions, preparation, AB 200*
Constitutional amendments (See CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS, NEVADA)
Disincorporation of local government in severe financial emergency, SB 473**
False statements or impeding campaign for passage or defeat of question, SB 478*, AB 130**
Floyd Lamb State Park, renaming as Tule Springs State Park, AB 161
Fluoridation of water, Clark County, AB 689**
Hospital districts, creation, AB 533*
Las Vegas, number of wards, SB 274**
Municipal bond issues and additional property tax increases, SB 501*
Property tax, levy of additional tax in certain counties, SB 476**
Sales tax exemptions, SB 156, SB 221, SB 406, AB 514, AB 581
School bonds, AB 597**
Taxes, fees, assessments and rates, adoption of instrument creating, generating or increasing, AB 508
Study of election laws, task force, AB 614†
Tahoe Basin, community school boards, AB 413
United States representatives
Reapportionment, study, SCR 1‡, ACR 14
Voters moving to other district, voting, AB 613, AB 614*, AB 671
University board of regents, study of reapportionment, SCR 1‡, ACR 14
Voting districts
Applicability of laws, AB 671
US representatives, voting by person moving to other district, AB 613, AB 614*, AB 671
ELECTRIC CARS (For general provisions, See MOTOR VEHICLES)
Registration fees increased and operation limited, SB 450, AB 59*
Board of electricians' examiners, creation, AB 209
Contractors, specialty license exemption in smaller counties, AB 387
Licensing and regulation, AB 209
Elevator constructor-mechanics, licensure and regulation, SB 416
Inspection and permits for operation, SB 416
Unlawful construction or repair, penalty (sec. 10), SB 416
Rocky Mountain elk removed from definition of alternative livestock, SB 527
ELKO, CITY OF (For general provisions, See CITIES)
Charter amendments, regulation of explosives, AB 112*, AB 538
ELKO COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
California Trail, construction of interpretive center, SB 329*
Jarbidge water system, appropriation, SB 306
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Class-size reduction demonstration project, appropriation, AB 700**
Fund to stabilize operation of local government, balance, deposits, transfers, SB 48
Regional training centers for teachers, SB 60, SB 466†, SB 555**
Constructional fraud, investigation by contractors' board, AB 634*
Motor vehicle consignment sales, penalties, AB 271**
Stolen property, disposition, AB 647**
Olympics, proprietary words, emblems and marks included as trade-mark, SB 6
Comprehensive and coordinated plans, development, AB 98**
Definitions, AB 626*
Disaster relief fund
Local funds, establishment, SB 194†
State fund, requests for grants or loans by governmental entities, SB 193*
Emergency assistance account
Allocation, SB 193*
Man-made disasters, use (sec. 13), AB 626*
Emergency telephone systems (See TELEPHONE)
Explosives and hazardous substances, conditional use permits, AB 603*
Fund to mitigate effects of natural disasters, use by local governments, SB 194**
Hazards, reports to authorities and assistance to victims required, AB 155
Public safety telecommunications operators, certification and training, SB 165*
School violence, statewide plan of emergency response to incidents of, AB 686**
State agency for emergency management, designation, AB 626*
State and local authority to respond to emergencies or disasters, AB 626*
State disaster identification team, activation, SB 193*, AB 626*
Training, supplies and statewide activities, appropriation, SB 193*
Ambulances (See AMBULANCES)
Committee on emergency medical services, creation, SB 365*
Communicable diseases, testing of persons possibly causing exposure of technicians, SB 149†, AB 483*
Defibrillators, immunities relating to use (sec. 1), AB 409*
Do-not-resuscitate protocols and identification, regulatory oversight, AB 73**
Emergency telephone systems (See TELEPHONE)
Independent centers (See generally MEDICAL AND RELATED FACILITIES)
Laser pointers, unlawful to direct light at attendant, SB 360†, AB 541
Managed care organizations
Coverage at any hospital, AB 293**
Industrial insurance coverage, AB 470†
Post-emergency care, coverage, AB 172
Prohibited acts, AB 194, AB 515*
Nurses, authority to administer and possess drugs, SB 519*
Rural health care, legislative study, ACR 36
Trauma centers (See TRAUMA CENTERS)
Volunteer emergency medical technicians, issuance of vehicle placards, SB 65*
Emergency assistance account
Allocation, balance in account, SB 193*
Duties transferred, AB 626*
Storage fee for extremely hazardous materials, due date, SB 243*
Las Vegas, appropriation, AB 46, AB 703**
Business goodwill, assessment of loss, AB 287†
Community redevelopment projects, AB 306*
Date of valuation, AB 287*
Interest on judgment, payment, AB 287*
Offers of judgment, prohibitions, AB 287†
Precedence of proceedings, AB 287*
Relocation assistance
Compliance with regulations, AB 287†
Redevelopment areas, requirements, AB 306*
Rehousing bureaus, duties, AB 306†
Tenants, provision of assistance to, AB 306*
Value defined, AB 287†
Certificates of registration, SB 37†, SB 38**, SB 495**
Regulation by division of industrial relations, SB 37†, SB 38**, SB 495**
Business licenses (See BUSINESS LICENSES)
Business tax (See BUSINESS TAX)
Casual labor, industrial insurance coverage, AB 334†
Child care for employees
Business tax
Exemption expanded, AB 301
Reduction for child care for low-income employees removed, SB 403
Property tax
Credit, AB 562†
Free on-site care, exemption, AB 562
Child support
Notice of court order to enroll children in health insurance plan, AB 644**
Withholding of income, AB 644**
City employees (See CITY EMPLOYEES)
County employees (See COUNTY EMPLOYEES)
Criminal history records, access and dissemination by employers' agents, SB 327
Districts, employees (See DISTRICTS)
Domestic workers, industrial insurance coverage, AB 334*
Drug testing on-site, regulation, SB 180
Employment screeners
Licensure, penalty for violations, SB 178†
Private investigator laws, exemption, SB 178, SB 334
ERISA, end to inequities regarding appeals urged, AJR 15‡
Explosives industry (See EXPLOSIVES AND EXPLOSIONS)
Fund entrusted to employee for use in transactions with customers, deduction from wages for missing amounts, SB 253
Genetic testing restricted, discrimination prohibited, SB 16*
Health insurance (See INSURANCE—Health insurance)
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Law enforcement agencies, employer to disclose information relating to certain former employees, AB 297**
Nonresident workers, registration of sex offenders, SB 515**
Occupational diseases (See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES)
Public transit, tax exemption for provision of passes to employees, AB 567
Railroads, crews of two or more persons required, exception, AB 31
School conferences, large employers to provide leave to employees, AB 214
Schools, public (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Personnel)
Sexual orientation, discrimination prohibited, AB 311*
Small businesses
Governmental entities to consider impact of rules and regulations on businesses, AB 486*
Occupational safety and health, assistance with compliance, AB 489**
Spotters, exemption from private investigator laws, SB 334
State employees (See STATE EMPLOYEES)
Substance abuse commission, representation, SB 346**
Termination of employment based on filing of complaint or consultation with labor commissioner prohibited, SB 76
Training programs at community colleges, approval, grants, SB 419*
Unemployment compensation (See UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION)
Wages (See WAGES)
Genetic information, discrimination prohibited, SB 16*
Sexual orientation, discrimination prohibited, AB 311*
Licensure and regulation, penalty for violations, SB 178†
Private investigator laws, exemption, SB 178, SB 334
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory board on, appointments, SB 197†
Grants to community college training programs, duties, SB 419*
Employment security division
Federal unemployment trust fund, limit on use of state account, SB 460
Rehabilitation division
Accessible Space, Inc., appropriation, AB 474*
Administrator, appointment, duties, AB 203**
Alcohol and drug abuse, bureau of
Counselors and other personnel, oversight removed, SB 210*
Facilities, services and proposals, duties, AB 181**
Fetal alcohol syndrome, duties, SB 197†
Halfway houses, regulation, SB 161**
Regulation of treatment facilities, duties, SB 161†, AB 265†, AB 373†
Substance abuse commission, representation, SB 346**
Transfer to department of human resources, AB 181**
Revolving accounts
Appropriation, SB 190†
Consolidation, SB 190**
Traumatic brain injuries advisory committee, appointments, AB 429**
Research and analysis, bureau of, chief as member of financial analysis and planning task force (sec. 2), AB 525**
Preservation programs in certain counties, creation, AB 641**
Legislative study of state energy policy, ACR 32
Authorized inspection stations, authority to repair vehicles, AB 427
Clark County
Heavy-duty vehicles and construction equipment, emission control, SB 432**
Study of air pollution, SB 432**, SCR 22
Compulsory inspection program, applicability, SB 432†
New motor vehicles, SB 331
Older motor vehicles, SB 269
Hearings concerning certain licenses and administrative fines, AB 427
Pollution control account, expenditures, SB 432**, SB 511**
Business entities, registration (sec. 2), SB 103**
Constructional defects (See also CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Screening panels to review claims, SB 380
Contractors' board, state, representation, AB 259
Design documents submitted to governmental entities, standards, reports of deficiencies, SB 409
Active experience for licensing purposes, determination (secs. 4, 5), SB 103*
Examination, waiver of test on engineering fundamentals (sec. 6), SB 103**
Reciprocity (sec. 9), SB 103**
Public works (See also PUBLIC WORKS)
Design-build contracting, representation on study committee, SB 475*
Employment to oversee construction authorized, SB 437†, SB 475*
Terms, unlawful use, SB 103**
Constructional defects, designation of screening panels (sec. 11), SB 380
Design documents, adoption of standards (sec. 4), SB 409
Investigation and prosecution of violations, immunities, SB 373
Land surveying curriculum at university, duties, SB 103**
Importance recognized, mastery of language urged, ACR 17‡
Employment of entertainer convicted of prostitution prohibited, penalties, AB 230
FBI, authority to request information on entertainers, AB 230
Kickbacks to certain carriers for soliciting for businesses, SB 491†, AB 193*, AB 546
Unlawful advertising, penalties, AB 498
Producer-promoter-employer permits, applicability of laws, SB 259*
Special fuel users' licenses, applicability to operators of motor carriers, SB 202*
Tax exemptions for motion picture industry, qualifications, SB 259*
Contaminated sites, duties regarding incentives for removal, SB 363**
Recycling, establishment of procedures, AB 564*
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Contaminated sites, incentives for remediation, SB 363*
Feed lot operations, reconsideration of certain federal regulations urged, AJR 21‡
Global warming, rejection of Kyoto protocol urged, SJR 14
Grand Canyon, concern regarding restrictions on air tours expressed, SJR 21‡
Haze, opposition to certain federal regulations expressed, SJR 3‡
Impact fees to mitigate effects of development, AB 424†
Land use planning, legislative declaration, SB 393
Surface mining regulations, compliance by Secretary of Interior urged, AJR 19‡
Toxics release inventory, exemption from reports urged, AJR 20‡
Nuclear waste storage site, opposition expressed, SB 206, SJR 4‡
Rights of way, support for mandatory recognition expressed, SJR 2‡
Tahoe Basin (See TAHOE BASIN)
Water, appropriation for environmental protection purposes restricted, AB 133
Water pollution (See WATER POLLUTION)
Wetlands mitigation bank, establishment, operation and use, SB 217*, SB 475*
Wildlife (See WILDLIFE)
Governmental services relating to mental retardation, extension, SB 469**
Public utilities, reduction in assessment prohibited in certain cases, SB 205
Constructional defects, money recovered by claimant (sec. 2), AB 87
Tobacco settlement, participating manufacturers, AB 667**
Bonds, AB 64*
Claims by real estate brokers, duties following notice of, SB 452*
Ethics, prohibited acts, AB 64*
Mortgage companies, restrictions on association with, AB 64*, AB 676
Realtors' license or certificate number, recordation, AB 215*
Sales agreements, discipline for failure to maintain copy of (sec. 58), AB 680*
ESMERALDA COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Endangered species, creation of preservation areas, imposition of fees, AB 641**
Fifth judicial district court, additional judge, appropriation, AB 38*, AB 623
Regional development corporation, formation, AB 528**
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Administration generally, AB 400*
Definitions (secs. 2-71), AB 400*
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Intestate succession, generally, AB 400*
Married women, obsolete laws repealed, AB 340**
Medicaid estate recovery program, AB 249*
Principal and Income Act, 1997, adoption (secs. 15-44), SB 20
Prudent Investor Act, adoption (secs. 2-15), SB 20
Public administrators (See PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS)
Rule against perpetuities (See RULE AGAINST PERPETUITIES)
Inventory of estate, AB 517*
Small estates, AB 517*
Wills (See WILLS)
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
School improvement, fund for, deposit of tax receipts, SB 555**
Killing or injuring animals of another, penalty, SB 396*
Acknowledgment of receipt of copy of ethical standards (sec. 7), SB 478*
Aging, Nevada commission on, appointment of former members, SB 117*
Bribery, asking for bribe or additional fee, penalty (sec. 21), SB 478*
Campaign contributions, effect on voting privileges of public officer, SB 540
Conflicts of interest, SB 478*, SB 540
Construction control businesses, AB 64†
Consumer health assistance, office of, SB 37**
County health officers, exemption from laws, AB 260**
Debt management commissions (sec. 2), SB 470*
Escrow agencies, AB 64*
Evidence of violation, burden of proof (sec. 18), SB 478*
False accusations or information, penalty, SB 540
Financial disclosure statements, SB 478*, SB 540, AB 611*
Fines for violations, SB 478*, SB 540, AB 611*
Former public officers or employees, applicability of law, SB 540
Health insurance ombudsman (sec. 10), AB 143
Honorariums, penalty for acceptance (sec. 19), SB 478*
Independent contractors, retaliatory action by state agency against whistle-blowers or witnesses prohibited, AB 66
Mortgage companies, AB 64*, AB 676
Pamphlet of ethics laws, publication, SB 478*, SB 541
Public money or property used for private gain, penalty (sec. 20), SB 478*
State officers or employees, disciplinary proceedings, AB 213
Title insurers, AB 64†
Town boards, employment of relatives exempt from nepotism law, AB 226**
Waiver of penalties, SB 478*
Civil penalties, imposition, SB 478*, AB 130**, AB 611*
Commission counsel, appointment, legal adviser, SB 478*
Composition (sec. 10), SB 478*
Contempt, penalties, SB 540
Employees (sec. 11), SB 478*
Executive director, appointment, SB 478*
Former public officers or employees, jurisdiction, SB 540
Operational expenses, supplemental appropriation, SB 546**
Pamphlet of ethics laws, publication, SB 478*, SB 541
Panels to determine cause for issuing opinion (sec. 8), SB 478*
Regulation R044-98 declared void, AB 612**
Requests for opinions
Campaign practices, SB 478*, SB 540, AB 130**
Procedure following receipt, SB 478*
Subpoenas, issuance, SB 478*, SB 540
EUREKA COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Fund to stabilize operation of local government, balance, deposits, transfers, SB 48
Controlled substances, possession and administration, SB 519†
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 100*
Action to enjoin termination of tenancy, AB 397†
Cooperative communities (sec. 30), AB 228
Discrimination, prohibition against termination of tenancy based on, AB 397*
Mobile home parks, sale by tenant without landlord's approval, AB 477*
Summary eviction
Defenses, AB 397*
Refusal to accept rent payment after notice served, prohibition, AB 462*
Arbitrators' findings, admissibility, SB 195, SB 315*
Boats seized as criminal evidence, payment of storage fees, SB 343**
Certificates of occupancy, admissibility as evidence, SB 423
Constructional defects (sec. 7), AB 442
Controlled substances, destruction of hazardous waste related to (sec. 10), AB 454*
DUI, admissibility of public records concerning breath analyses and other procedures, SB 189
Ethics violations, burden of proof (sec. 18), SB 478*
False claims submitted to governmental entity, SB 418*
Grand jury proceedings, provision of certain materials to defendants, SB 482†
Medical malpractice screening panels, admissibility of findings, SB 479*
Peace officers, admissibility of information obtained in investigation of, AB 570
Presumptions (See PRESUMPTIONS)
Property evidencing crime, disposition, AB 647**
Speed limits, signs (sec. 4), SB 390
Stolen property, disposition, AB 647**
Tax deeds, evidentiary effect, AB 375*
Traffic violations, admissibility of evidence obtained by electronic devices, SB 381**
Violent crimes, admissibility of reports, AB 155
Water, beneficial use, rights, AB 380**
Wiretapped communications, admissibility, SB 265
Civil rights restoration, requirements (sec. 3), AB 79**
Voting rights, AJR 6
Actions against attorney general, notice, SB 358
Air transportation for state officers and employees, contracts, SB 83
Bad debts owed state, designation, SB 500**
Contracts with independent contractors, approval, SB 533**
Disaster relief fund, requests for grants or loans, SB 193*
Geographic education, trust fund for, duties, AB 216
Legislative fund, duties removed, AB 631**
Replacement officers or employees, duties relating to salaries, SB 498**
Salaries of certain state employees, appropriation, AB 701*
School accountability programs, allocations, SB 466†, SB 555**
School districts, fund to assist financing of capital improvements, approval of grant applications, AB 597**
State land registrar, reports from, SB 397†
Tahoe Basin, reports from state land registrar, AB 132*
Unclassified service, appropriations for salary differentials, SB 554**
Mining excavations and shafts, abatement, AB 137
Aged persons, certain property exempt, AB 548
Industrial insurance benefits exempt, AB 431*
Junk or secondhand dealers, exemption from laws relating to, SB 45, AB 109*
Producer-promoter-employer permits, applicability of laws, SB 259*
Special fuel users' licenses, applicability to operators of motor carriers, SB 202*
Accidents, reports and assistance to victims required, penalties, AB 155
Certification of places of employment and employees (secs. 2-5), AB 112*
Conditional use permits, issuance, AB 603*
Construction of major processes used for protection, permits required, AB 536*
Employees working with explosives, wages, AB 110**
Inspections by governmental entities, cooperative agreements, AB 451**
Regulation of manufacturers and handlers, AB 112**, AB 535*, AB 538
Safety programs for manufacturers and handlers, AB 111**, AB 451†
Biological weapons, unlawful acts, SB 18**
Glaucoma, treatment by optometrists, AB 432*
Opticians (See OPTICIANS)
Optometrists (See OPTOMETRISTS)
Clark County
Composition, AB 599**
Room tax, use of proceeds, AB 572
License taxes, collection and assignment, AB 554**
Recreational facilities, issuance of revenue bonds, AB 554**
Tourism, commission on, representation, SB 259*
Washoe County, requirements relating to air travel, SB 477**
Cruelty to animals, accidental deaths exempt from laws, SB 396*
Equine activities, liability limited, SB 448
Junk or secondhand dealers, exemption from laws relating to, SB 45, AB 109*
Special fuel users' licenses, applicability to operators of motor carriers, SB 202*
Reporting and aid to victims, requirements, penalties, AB 155, AB 267*
Alcohol or drug abuse counselors, penalties, SB 210*
Debit cards, unlawful acts, SB 485†
Deceptive trade practices, AB 431*
Domestic violence protective orders, sanctions for false applications, AB 52
Identifying information of another, unlawful use, SB 69, AB 71*
Impersonation, penalty, AB 71*
Long-term care insurance subsidy program, penalty, SB 370†
Management consultants (secs. 46-61), SB 220
Minors, tobacco violations, AB 549
Occupational disease claims, SB 95
Peace officers, penalty for false complaints against, AB 304*
Telecommunications providers, SB 485**
Trade secrets, unlawful acts, penalty, SB 375*
Traffic citations, penalty for false information (sec. 3), AB 121
Assignment and referral of certain cases, AB 154**, ACR 4‡
Child abuse or neglect cases, consideration of guardianship applications, AB 315
Child welfare, study of integration of state and local services, ACR 53‡
Consideration and disposition of cases and other proceedings, AB 50**
Contempt, procedures, AB 154*
Eighth judicial district
Additional judges, election, appropriation, SB 401*
Child abuse victims, appropriation for guardian program, AB 430, AB 703**
Juvenile court, extended assignment of judge urged, SCR 14‡
Reports to legislature, ACR 4‡
Foster care, appointments to study advisory committee, SCR 13
Grievances of parties, establishment of procedures, AB 50**
Information forms to be filed with initial pleadings, contents, AB 154*
Assignment, AB 49, AB 50**, AB 51**, AB 154**
Election, ballot designations, AB 49, AB 615*, AB 671
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory subcommittee on, representation, SB 197*
Second judicial district, report to legislature, ACR 4‡
Drug and alcohol abuse, establishment of pilot projects, AB 181**
Sixth judicial district, appropriation to juvenile detention center, AB 89
Legal documents, service by fax, AB 120*, AB 650**
Zoning, electronic notices of hearings, SB 542*
FELONIES (See also CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS; specific crime)
Absent ballots, unlawful acts, AB 614*
Animals, killing or injuring animals of another, SB 396*
Athletic commission, false oaths before, AB 467**
Attorneys, unauthorized practice of law, AB 18*
Aversive intervention, unlawful use, AB 280*
Biological weapons, development or possession, SB 18**
Cable television services, theft, SB 485**
Category E felonies
Confinement in county jail as condition of probation, SB 148*
Penalty, SB 148*
Presentence or general investigations, SB 148*
Communicable diseases, unlawful behavior, AB 190
Contractors, unlawful acts, SB 423†, AB 634*
Controlled substances, unlawful manufacture or compounding, AB 454*
Cruelty to animals, SB 396*
Debit cards, unlawful acts, SB 485†, AB 83*
Driving under the influence, AB 196
Drug and alcohol abuse treatment facilities, unlicensed operation, AB 373†
Entertainment by referral services, employment of convicted prostitutes, AB 230
Estrays, killing or injuring animals of another, SB 396*
Failure to appear before magistrate, SB 273*
False impersonation, AB 71*
Firearms violations by minors, AB 180, AB 192
Gaming, unlawful campaign contributions by nonrestricted licensees, SB 86
Identifying information of another, unlawful use, SB 69, AB 71*
Industrial insurance, failure to provide and maintain, SB 175*
Informal merchants, violations, SB 392, AB 109*
Information services, theft, SB 485**
Mentally disabled persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation, AB 372
Mortgage companies, unlawful acts, AB 64*, AB 676
Motor vehicles, chop shops (secs. 4-7), AB 458*
Nonsupport of spouse or child, AB 617*
Occupational disease claims, false statements or representations, SB 95
Oriental medicine, practice without license (sec. 10), AB 114
Petit larceny, three or more convictions, AB 85†
Police animals, injuring or killing (sec. 5), SB 396*
Prisoners, propelling or placing bodily excretions on prison employees, SB 149*
Public officers or employees, prohibited acts, SB 478*
Residential facilities for groups, unlicensed operation, AB 373†
Sales receipts or UPC labels, unlawful acts, SB 392, AB 109†
School property
Felonies resulting in death or substantial bodily harm, AB 53*
Firearms violations by persons under age 21 (sec. 14), AB 180
Service animals, killing, SB 396*
Show animals, killing, injuring or tampering with, SB 211†, SB 396*
Silver gaming tokens, counterfeiting or forgery, AB 560
Stalking, aggravated, AB 363**
Taxicab drivers, assault or battery committed upon, SB 146*
Trade-marks or labels, sale or possession of goods with false labels, AB 616*
Trade secrets, unlawful acts, SB 375*
Trust company managers, members and employees (sec. 26), SB 465*
Violent or sexual offenses, reporting, AB 155, AB 267*
Welfare fraud, AB 429**
Wild horses, intentionally killing, SB 26, SB 396*
Train depot, appropriation, AB 703**
Fees related to registration and sales, AB 693*
Advisory board, creation, SB 197†
Advisory subcommittee, creation, SB 197*
Prevention and treatment programs, SB 197*, SB 560**
Commercial resident agents, liabilities, AB 286
Foreign trust companies or banks (sec. 5), SB 465*
Principal and Income Act, 1997, adoption (secs. 15-44), SB 20
Prudent Investor Act, adoption (secs. 2-15), SB 20
Capital improvement projects, issuance of bonds, AB 699**
Credit unions, approval of deposits of state money, SB 39*
Cultural activities, issuance of bonds, AB 374**
Highway bonds, issuance (sec. 4), AB 128**
Industrial development revenue bonds, duties, SB 369**
Investment portfolios of cities, duties relating to loans of securities, SB 14*
Land and water rights, issuance of bonds for purchase of (sec. 3), SB 348
Public health, trust fund for, development of investment plan, AB 474†
Remedial programs for certain schools, duties, SB 466†
School bonds, issuance, SB 350, AB 274
Tahoe Basin preservation bonds, issuance, AB 285**
Appointment, SJR 9
Aged persons, exploitation of, AB 517†
Architects, AB 632
Bail agents, enforcement agents or solicitors (sec. 63), AB 680*
Beer kegs, failure to comply with purchase requirements, AB 478
Captive insurers, unauthorized transactions (sec. 17), AB 635*
Charitable-gift annuities, violations, AB 555*
Cigarette dealers, unlawful acts, SB 244*
Common-interest communities, violations, SB 441, SB 451*
Contractors, violations, AB 634*, AB 636*
Cosmetology, unlawful practice (sec. 5), SB 13*
Credit or debit card, acceptance for payment of fine, AB 24**
Criminal fines (See specific crime)
Delinquent payments, nonrenewal of drivers' licenses or registrations, AB 16
Digital signatures, violations, AB 674**
Drug and alcohol abuse counselors, unlawful acts, SB 210*
Drug and alcohol treatment facilities, unlawful operation, SB 161†, AB 265†, AB 373†
Emergency telephone system, statewide, violations, SB 487†
Enforcement of judgment of conviction imposing fine, SB 234
Ethics violations, SB 478*, SB 540, AB 611*
Explosives industry, violations, AB 110**, AB 536*
False claims submitted to governmental entity, SB 418*
Grazing lands, failure to pay support fee, SB 310*
Halfway houses for alcohol and drug abusers, unlawful operation, SB 161*
Hazardous materials
Highly hazardous substances, violations, AB 535*, AB 536*
Transportation violations, SB 167**
Health maintenance organizations (sec. 60), AB 680*
Homes for individual residential care, unlicensed operation, SB 163**
Industrial insurance
False statements relating to premiums, SB 495**
Index of claims, failure to provide information, SB 53**
Solicitation of memberships in associations, violations, SB 334
Insurance administrators, AB 680*
Interior designers, AB 632
Management consultants, unlawful acts (sec. 33), SB 220
Medical facilities, AB 586
Mobile home parks, prohibited acts, AB 156, AB 477*
Mortgage companies, agents and brokers, unlawful acts, AB 64*, AB 278, AB 676
Motor carriers, violations, SB 491
Motor vehicle fuel taxes, violations (sec. 66), AB 584*
Nonprofit hospital, medical and dental service corporations, unlawful acts, SB 12, AB 685
Prisoners, deductions from monetary judgments won against state, AB 22†
Property tax, failure of public utilities to provide certain information, SB 205
Residential designers, AB 632
Residential facilities for groups, unlawful operation or referrals, AB 373*
School pupils, violations relating to pagers or cellular phones, AB 307
Service contract providers, violations, AB 673*
Skydiving businesses, violations, SB 179†
Special fuel, violations (sec. 3), SB 349**
State agencies, procedure for collection of unpaid fines, SB 500**
Teachers, default in repayment of student loans, AB 47†
Telecommunication services, failure to comply with certain standards, SB 207
Traffic citations (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Water, violations involving recharge projects (sec. 4), AB 96
Accountants (sec. 3), SB 439**
Charter school employees (sec. 27), SB 258
Contractors, AB 634*
Criminal history repository, submission of records, AB 621**
Driver training schools, applicants for licenses, AB 186
Entertainment by referral services, employees, AB 230
Medical facility employees, AB 573**
Welfare applicants and recipients, digital imaging, SB 72
Eradication and control programs, SB 378, SB 560**
Survey, appropriation, AB 662
Communicable diseases
Industrial insurance coverage, SB 132**
Testing of persons possibly causing exposure of firemen, AB 483*
Emergency medical services, committee on, representation (sec. 3), SB 365*
Emergency telephone system, statewide, establishment, SB 487†
Explosives production and storage, inspections, AB 451**
Heart and lung diseases, compensation, SB 132†
Laser pointers, unlawful to direct light at firemen, SB 360†, AB 541
Lights and sirens on emergency vehicles, use, SB 337
Public buildings, cooperative agreements regarding fire safety, AB 607
Public safety telecommunications operators, committee for, representation, SB 165*
Survivors of firemen killed in line of duty, insurance benefits, SB 404**
Vehicle placards for volunteer firemen and EMT's, SB 65*
Assistant or deputy, occupational disease coverage, AB 608
Explosives industry, duties, AB 112*, AB 603*
Fireworks, regulation, SB 167†, AB 160
Insurance fraud or arson, cooperation in investigation, SB 225
Insurance premium tax, credit and use of certain proceeds, AB 359
Interior designers providing materials and furnishings regulated by building codes, registration, AB 610**
Jurisdiction, SB 389**, AB 594, AB 607
Public buildings, cooperative agreements regarding fire safety, AB 607
Residential facilities for groups, duties, AB 373*
State buildings, review of construction plans, SB 413, AB 605
County districts
Explosives and combustible or inflammable materials, regulation, AB 538
Fireworks, regulation, AB 160
Survivors of firemen killed in line of duty, insurance benefits, SB 404**
Actions against manufacturers or dealers by local entities prohibited, AB 543**
Concealed firearms (See CONCEALED WEAPONS)
Laser scopes, unlawful acts, SB 360†
Civil and criminal liability of parent or guardian for certain violations, AB 192
Commission on school safety and juvenile violence, creation, duties, AB 686**
Detention and psychological evaluation for violations, AB 180, AB 221*
Expulsion from school for possession of firearm, exceptions, alternative programs (sec. 4), AB 245
Penalties for violations, AB 180
Secondhand dealer laws, applicability to certain sales and purchases, SB 45, AB 109*
Stolen firearms, disposition, AB 647**
Storing firearm negligently resulting in certain acts, penalties, AB 192
Wiretaps in cases involving discharge at or into occupied structure, SB 120
Impact fees for fire suppression projects, SB 457
Reports and assistance to victims required, penalties, AB 155
Residential facilities for groups, emergency response plans, AB 373*
Restitution for costs of suppression of fires caused by fireworks, AB 160
Employees working with explosives, wages, AB 110**
Liability for unlawful storage or use, AB 160
Local regulations, SB 25**, SB 167†, AB 160
State fire marshal, duties, SB 167†, AB 160
Wholesalers, refusal to sell to certain persons prohibited, SB 25†
Administrative Procedure Act, certain regulations exempt, AB 12*
Demerit points, assessment, SB 106**
Licenses and permits
Child support compliance, statement unnecessary, SB 352**
Definitions, SB 106**
Private lakes and ponds, permissible fishing without license or permit, SB 105**
Schools, patriotic observance, SB 445†, SB 466†, AB 144**
Food, drugs, cosmetics and devices, restrictions on sales, SB 392, AB 109*
Junk or secondhand dealers, exemptions from laws relating to, SB 45†
Property tax levy for support of districts in large counties, disclosures, special elections, SB 501*
Reports and assistance to victims required, penalties, AB 155
Public water systems, requirements, AB 284*, AB 689**
Candy or gum cigarettes and cigars, sale prohibited, penalty, AB 549†
Infant formula, sale at informal markets restricted, SB 392, AB 109*
Manufacturing, disconnection of telephone service of unlicensed entities, SB 128†
Milk and other fluid dairy products, packaging, AB 694**
Sales tax, determination of exemption, SB 238**
Common-interest communities, SB 441, SB 451*, AB 228
Court reporters, translation fees, AB 545*
Deceptive trade practices, sales negotiated in foreign language, AB 431†
Deferred deposits, information in Spanish, AB 431†
Educational programs for non-English speaking pupils, AB 356, AB 357
Insurance policies, copies may be offered in foreign language, AB 248
Mastery of languages urged and importance of Spanish recognized, ACR 17‡
Safety documents and videos provided employees (secs. 1, 2), AB 111**
University system, courses reflecting racial and ethnic diversity urged, ACR 37‡
Correctional institutions, committee on, member (sec. 3), SB 399
Business licenses, kickbacks to taxicabs drivers grounds for forfeiture, SB 491†
Computers, SB 485**
Cruelty to animals, SB 396*
Felonious killing of decedent, forfeiture by culpable beneficiary, AB 159**
Gaming crimes, AB 646†
School pupils, violations relating to pagers or cellular phones, AB 307
Water rights, AB 380**, AB 412
Constructional fraud, investigation by contractors' board, AB 634*
Debit cards, SB 485†
Digital signatures, penalty, AB 674**
Silver gaming tokens, penalty, AB 560
Trade-marks or labels, displaying goods with false mark or label, AB 616*
Candidacy, declaration of, AB 242
Certificates of residential occupancy, SB 423
Common-interest communities, information statements, SB 441, SB 451*
Concealed weapons permits, SB 420, AB 166†
Guilty pleas, written agreements, SB 123
Habeas corpus petitions on behalf of real parties in interest, AB 618
Insurance, umbrella policy disclosure statements (sec. 32), AB 680*
Letters testamentary or of administration (secs. 181-186), AB 400*
Prescription forms, contents (sec. 16), SB 101*
Residential construction recovery fund, notice to owners, AB 636*
Adoption of foster child by relative, state financial support, AB 365
Applications by prospective providers, notice of consideration, AB 158**
Child welfare, study of integration of state and local services, ACR 53‡
Counties, establishment of pilot program to provide continuity of care, SB 288**
Fetal alcohol syndrome, inquiries (sec. 15), SB 197*
Hearings regarding placement of certain children, AB 158**, AB 315
Legislative study, SCR 13
Liability of providers
Acts of children in foster care, AB 531*
Care, support and maintenance of children in foster care, AB 531†
Motor vehicle dealers, SB 372*
Property tax, exemption for intangible personal property, SB 411**, AB 668†
Immediate notification and reason for denial, AB 293†
Review by external review panel, AB 491
Payment, SB 145*
Insurance fraud, investigation, SB 225
Preferred provider lists, limit on amount charged for inclusion, SB 145*
Reimbursement of provider, provision of estimates, AB 515†
Specialists, reimbursement, AB 515†
Uniform claim forms, billing codes, electronic data transfers, SB 509, SB 544**
Hazing prohibited, penalties, SB 297**
Claims, penalty for submission of false claims to governmental entity, SB 418*
Commercial resident agents, liabilities, AB 286
Constructional fraud, investigation by contractors' board, AB 634*
Debit cards, unlawful acts, SB 485†, AB 83*
Insurance fraud (See INSURANCE)
Long-term care insurance subsidy program, penalty, SB 370†
Peace officers, penalty for fraudulent complaints against, AB 304*
Sales receipts or UPC labels, unlawful acts, SB 392, AB 109†
State industrial insurance system, immunities for reports (sec. 4), SB 43
Trade secrets, unlawful acts, penalty, SB 375*
Children's health insurance program, AB 429**
Digital imaging of fingerprints of applicants and recipients, SB 72
Mandamus application claiming unconstitutional prior restraint, caption, consideration by court, SB 326**
Highly flammable refrigerants, sale or use restricted, penalty, AB 179
Use, sale and manufacture authorized, SB 340
Cremation, orders (sec. 5), SB 241**
Embalmers, qualifications (secs. 3, 4), SB 241**
Funeral establishments, management (sec. 1), SB 241**
Funeral supplies, sales tax exemption, SB 221
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Term limits (sec. 2), SB 241**
Supplies, sales tax exemptions, SB 221
Wards, expenses, AB 517*
Special license plates, issuance, SB 339*
GABBS, CITY OF (For general provisions, See CITIES)
Charter amendments, regulation of explosives, AB 112*, AB 538
Regional development corporation, formation, AB 528**
Occupational disease coverage, AB 608
Tahoe regional planning agency ordinances, enforcement, SB 510**
Affordable housing, credit against certain gaming fees for development of, AB 540
Campaign contributions by nonrestricted licensees, affiliates, agents and certain employees, prohibitions, SB 86
Casino entertainment tax, imposition on service charges, AB 669**
Contracts with unsuitable persons, restrictions, termination, AB 669**
Forfeiture of property used in commission of certain gaming crimes, AB 646†
Gaming devices and associated equipment
Malfunction, play declared void, AB 583†
Manufacturers, sellers and distributors, regulation, SB 516, AB 70, AB 646**, AB 651**
Slot machines, time for collection of annual tax, AB 646**
Gaming enterprise districts
Designation, AB 522
Required disclosures by certain sellers of real property, SB 61**
Grocery stores, smoking in areas leased for slot machines, SB 421*, AB 502
Historic buildings, licensure of casinos in, SB 552
Inter-casino linked systems
Approval and operation, regulations, SB 516, AB 651**
Availability to other licensees, SB 516, AB 651**
Confidentiality of information, AB 651**
Revenue sharing between operators and licensees, AB 651**
Kickbacks to certain carriers for soliciting for businesses, SB 491†, AB 193*, AB 546
Legislative declaration, SB 86, SB 516, AB 583**, AB 651**
License fees and taxes
Credit against certain fees for development of affordable housing, AB 540
Liability of persons receiving share of revenue, SB 516, AB 651**
Refunds, motion for rehearing, AB 669**
Slot machines, time for collection of annual tax, AB 646**
State fees, increase, SB 88
Malfunction of device, play declared void, AB 583†
Pari-mutuel wagering, restrictions on rebates and incentives, AB 666
Representative of value defined, SB 198
Resort hotels in residential areas of Clark County, location, AB 522
Silver gaming tokens, minting, use, AB 560
Sports pool, definition, AB 646†
Video arcades and small game rooms, presence of minors regulated, SB 513
Wager defined, SB 198
Work permits, employees working in more than one city or county, AB 593**
Chairman, confirmation of appointment by senate, SB 160
Credit against license fees for development of affordable housing, duties, AB 540
Inter-casino linked systems, adoption of regulations required, AB 651**
Key employees, regulation (sec. 3), SB 86
Public employees' retirement, participation by members, AB 189**
Agents, occupational disease coverage, AB 608
Members, confirmation of appointment by senate, SB 160
Unclassified service, salaries, bonus program, SB 554**
Commission on school safety and juvenile violence, creation, duties, AB 686**
Actions on contracts, commencement (sec. 6), AB 258*
Additional charges, notification to customer, waiver (secs. 3, 4), AB 258*
Arbitration of claims (sec. 7), AB 258*
Authorized inspection stations, authority to repair vehicles, AB 427
Bond, filing (sec. 7), AB 258*
Customer bill of rights, display (sec. 1), AB 258*
Estimates, furnishing to customer (sec. 2), AB 258*
Enforcement (sec. 6), AB 258*
Priority of liens for storage, maintenance or repair, AB 547
Registration, penalty for violations (sec. 8), AB 258*
Stolen vehicles, law enforcement inspections to locate, AB 458*
Competitive bidding for disposal services in large counties, SB 422
Domestic workers, industrial insurance coverage, AB 334*
White rot research, funding, AB 266, AB 703**
Industrial insurance benefits exempt, AB 431*
Service of writ by process server, SB 212
Social security number or tax identification number, inclusion in writ, AB 77
Businesses, county or city authorized to impose license tax or fee on, SB 455**
Exporters, prohibited acts (sec. 64), AB 584*
Common-interest communities, access gates, SB 192*, SB 302*
Safety standards for certain gates, SB 302*
Board of trustees, instruction regarding water systems (sec. 2), AB 88
Property tax levies, restrictions on continuation, segregation by category of use, SB 529**
Substitution in prescriptions, prohibited acts, SB 136
Birth defects and adverse birth outcomes, dissemination of information, AB 238*
Employment discrimination based on genetic information prohibited, SB 16*
Legislative study of state energy policy, ACR 32
Community center, appropriation, SB 560**
Prohibited acts, penalty, SB 18**
Anatomical gifts (See ANATOMICAL GIFTS)
Charitable-gift annuities, exemption from insurance laws, AB 555*
Financial disclosure statements, disclosure of identity of certain donors, SB 540
Lobbying, gift defined, prohibited acts (secs. 2, 4), AB 57
Municipal judges or justices of the peace, marriage ceremonies, SB 512*
Treatment by optometrists, AB 432*
Property tax assessment of certain public property, AB 668**
Disasters, accidents or criminal offenses, requirements, AB 155, AB 267*
Motor vehicles, duties of drivers, AB 183
Nurses, immunities, AB 409*
Out-of-state physicians, provisions extended to, AB 409*
State investments, AB 129**
AmeriCorps program, appropriation, AB 659, AB 703**
Appointments made by
Academic standards for public schools, council, SB 466**
Administrative law judges, utility regulation, SB 438†
Agriculture, state board of (sec. 7), AB 481*
Alcohol and drug abuse counselors, board of examiners for, SB 210*
Appeals officers, commission to recommend, SB 55
Athletic trainers, board of, SB 357†
Audiologists and hearing aid specialists, board of (secs. 19, 60), SB 176
Benefits, committee on, SB 79, SB 223, AB 67
Business and education coalition of Nevada, SB 466†
Charter schools, commission for (secs. 4, 65), SB 258
Child care, advisory council to improve quality of, AB 302†
Children, board to expedite proceedings for placement, AB 158†
Cigarettes and other tobacco products, advisory board for prevention and reduction of use, SB 370†
Clark County health system, directors, SB 520†
Clark County school district, reconfiguration committee, AB 466
Confirmation of certain appointments by senate, SB 160
Consumer health assistance, office of, director, SB 37**
Contractors' board, state, SB 423, AB 259
Court of appeals, judges, SJR 14 of the 69th session, AJR 22‡
Drivers' training and traffic safety, board of, AB 492†
Education, commission on professional standards in, SB 59, SB 466†
Education, state board of, SB 466†
Electricians' examiners, board of (secs. 5, 35), AB 209
Emergency medical services, committee on (sec. 3), SB 365**
Ethics, commission on (sec. 10), SB 478*
Executive branch audit committee, SB 550**
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory board on, SB 197†
Fifth judicial district court, additional judge, AB 38†
Financial analysis and planning task force (secs. 2, 5), AB 525**
Financial reporting, director of, SJR 9
Healthy Nevada, fund for a, task force, AB 474*
Henderson state college study advisory committee, AB 220**
Higher education, committee to study funding, SB 443**
Industrial insurance, appeals officers, SB 55
Industrial insurance, appeals panel (secs. 5, 22), SB 417**
Industrial insurance successor organization, advisory committee to adopt initial bylaws (sec. 128), SB 37**
Information officer, chief (sec. 3), AB 364
Information technology commission (sec. 5), AB 364
Information technology, committee for setting fees, AB 364
Labor relations for state employees, board for (secs. 19, 79), AB 131
Land use planning advisory council (sec. 13), AB 672
Local government insurance, committee on (sec. 2), AB 529
Mental health and mental retardation, commission on, SB 97*
Millennium scholarship board, SB 496†
Minority health, advisory committee (sec. 15), SB 4
Minority health, division of, administrator (sec. 20), SB 4
Mobile home commission (sec. 5), AB 156
Nevada state museum director (sec. 5), AB 460
Occupational education, advisory committee on technical skills for, SB 505
Oriental medicine, state board of (sec. 2), AB 114
Peace officers' standards and training commission (secs. 8, 28), SB 68**
Private investigator's licensing board, SB 178
Professional management consultants, board of (secs. 11, 12, 68), SB 220
Proficiency examination, advisory committee to oversee (secs. 2, 6), SB 15
Public employees' benefits program, board of the, SB 544**
Public health services access task force, SB 556**
Public health, trust fund for, board of trustees, AB 474*
Public safety telecommunications operators, committee for, SB 165*
Public works board, state (sec. 6), AB 664
Rangeland resources commission, SB 310**
Rural health care programs, advisory board for, SB 370†
School construction, commission for, AB 597**
School safety and juvenile violence, commission on, AB 686**
Speech pathology, board of examiners for (secs. 40, 59), SB 176
State controller, SJR 9†, AJR 27
State industrial insurance system, board of directors (sec. 4), SB 93
Substance abuse commission, SB 346**
Taxicab authorities, SB 491
Technological crime, advisory board for (sec. 5), SB 485**
Testing, advisory committee on, SB 466†
Tobacco settlement, advisory group to legislative committee (sec. 10), AB 652
Tourism, commission on, SB 259*
Transportation services authority, commissioner, SB 491
Wildlife commissioners, board of, SB 211†, AB 276
Benefits, committee on, assumption of duties, AB 176**
Budget, time for submission to legislature, AB 631**, AJR 5 of the 69th session‡
Clark County health system, nomination to board, SB 520
Collective bargaining by state employees, duties, AB 131
Disasters, declaration, AB 626*
Election jointly with lieutenant governor, AJR 17 of the 69th session
Electric utility deregulation, duties, SB 438**
Employees, salaries and benefits, exemption from state personnel system, AB 660**
Executive branch audit committee, member, SB 550**
Federal use of state land, approval or denial, AB 358†
Information technology projects, approval of termination (sec. 6), AB 364
Joint resolutions, signature unnecessary, AB 631**
Lobbying expenditures on behalf of governor, reports, SB 478†
Millennium scholarship board, member, SB 496†
Motor vehicles department reorganization, review and recommendations, AB 679**
Population estimates, duties, SB 538**, AB 556
Rangeland resources commission, proclamation concerning certain fees, SB 310*
Reading and literacy, advisory partnership on, establishment (secs. 4, 5), AB 294
Reports to governor
Academic standards, SB 466**
Business and education coalition of Nevada, SB 466†
Child care, quality of, AB 302†
Clark County, air quality control programs, SB 432†
Consumer health assistance, office of, SB 37**
Contractors' board, state, AB 259, AB 634*
Economic forum, AB 268
Grazing, economic analysis, AB 291, AB 703**
Health care plan review board (sec. 18), AB 491
Health insurance, ombudsman, AB 143, AB 310
Healthy Nevada, fund for a, AB 474*
Information technology, AB 364
Internal accounting and administrative control system, AB 255*
Medicaid, study of hospital reimbursement, AB 386**
Minority health, division of (sec. 12), SB 4
Public health services access task force, SB 556**
Public health, trust fund for, AB 474*
School accountability, SB 58, SB 70**, SB 466†, SB 555**
Student loan program for education majors, AB 47†
Substance abuse commission, SB 346**
Special sessions of legislature, calling, AJR 5 of the 69th session‡
State industrial insurance system, proclamation on successor organization, SB 37**
State seal, display and maintenance of representation, AB 350*, ACR 61‡
Spray paint, paint sticks or etchers, possession by persons under certain age restricted, penalties, SB 172
Affidavits on behalf of financial institutions, use, SB 483**
Domestic violence, exemption of certain victims from service as juror, SB 480**
Indictment without prior notice of proceedings, district attorney to provide certain materials to defendant, SB 482†
Notice of intent to indict, contents, SB 482
Summary of evidence to be provided to defendants, SB 482†
Visitation rights, AB 436*
Arts, appropriation for grants program, AB 362, AB 703**
Businesses, training programs for employees, SB 419*
Counties or cities, grants to nonprofit organizations, SB 139**, AB 318**
Cultural activities, AB 374**
Disaster relief fund, requests for grants, SB 193*
Early childhood education, SB 555**
Historic preservation, SB 397*
Medicaid, allocation of federal funds for grants urged, ACR 7
Minority health programs (secs. 9, 14), SB 4
Occupational education for new business employees, SB 259*
Public libraries, appropriation for grant program, AB 703**
Schools, public
Construction, AB 597**
Educational technology, SB 555**
Library books, purchase, SB 23, SB 560**
Peer mediation and conflict resolution programs, AB 382, AB 703**
School to careers program, SB 555**
Teacher recruitment and professional development program, AB 47**
Substance abuse programs, SB 346**
Tahoe Basin, preservation and protection programs, AB 132*, AB 285**
Tobacco settlement funds, grants from, SB 370†, AB 474*, AB 652
Water conservation improvements and certain connections to public systems, AB 237*
Interference with grazing rights, penalty, AB 198*
Preference rights deemed appurtenant to property, AB 198*
Rangeland resources commission, creation, imposition of support fees, SB 310**
Statewide database and economic analysis, development, AB 291, AB 703**, SJR 12‡
Support for intergovernmental partnerships, SJR 12‡
Rangeland resources commission, nominations, SB 310**
Beer kegs, requirements for sale, AB 478
Candy or gum cigarettes or cigars, sale prohibited, penalty, AB 549†
Sales tax on food, determination of exemption, SB 238**
Smoking (See also SMOKING)
Configuration and ventilation for areas where smoking permitted, SB 421*
Prohibitions, AB 502
GROUP HOMES (See MEDICAL AND RELATED FACILITIES—Residential facilities for groups)
Ad litem guardians
Abused or neglected children, appropriation for guardian program, AB 430, AB 703**
Child protection actions, AB 158**, AB 315
Paternity actions, AB 231*
Adult wards, rights, AB 517*
Biomedical or behavioral treatment of ward, AB 517*
Citations to show cause, service, AB 517*
Contents of petition for appointment, AB 517*
Corporal punishment, exceptions to investigation by agency or officer, SB 553**
Delinquent acts, notice to guardian, AB 473*
Disqualification of guardian, grounds, AB 517*
Education of ward, AB 517†
Estate of ward
Inventory, AB 517*
Small estates, AB 517*
Exploitation of older wards, civil penalties, AB 517†
Funeral expenses, retention by guardian, AB 517*
Incompetent defined, AB 517*
Juvenile delinquents (See JUVENILE DELINQUENTS)
Liability of guardian for acts of minors
Firearms violations, AB 192
Medical expenses of certain victims, AB 165*
Parole or probation, cost of supervision, AB 443
Limited capacity defined, AB 517*
Oath of guardian, AB 517*
Parents as guardians of minor wards, considerations, SB 347*
Petitions, contents, AB 517*
Public guardians (See PUBLIC GUARDIANS)
School pupils (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Special guardians, AB 517†
Temporary guardians, appointment, SB 359, AB 517*
Temporary successor guardians during investigations, AB 517†
Termination or modification of guardianship, petition, AB 517*
Answer, time for (sec. 1), SB 361*
Frivolous claims, loss of credits against sentence, SB 361*
Ineffectiveness of counsel, SB 361†
Challenges to computation of time (sec. 4), SB 361*
Improper form, dismissal (sec. 3), SB 361*
Real parties in interest, petitions on behalf of, AB 618
DUI convictions, effect (sec. 38), AB 196
Petit larceny, penalty, AB 85†
Certification and regulation, SB 161*
Accessible Space, Inc., appropriation, AB 474*
Aversive intervention, use restricted, penalties, AB 280*
Blind persons, property tax exemptions (sec. 8), AB 668**
Disabled veterans, tax exemptions, SB 33, SB 164
Elections, absent ballots, assistance in voting, AB 614*
Expedited service permits, issuance, penalties for misuse, SB 35*
Health care services program for certain persons, establishment, SB 109
Hearing-impaired children, appropriation for charter school, AB 348†
Lifeline or link-up services, provision to eligible customers, SB 487*
Long-term care (See LONG-TERM CARE)
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Nonprofit entities providing housing, property tax exemption, SB 402
Public buildings, compliance with federal requirements, AB 598*
Quality of care, continuous method of monitoring urged, ACR 10
Residential facilities for groups (see MEDICAL AND RELATED FACILITIES)
School pupils (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Pupils—Disabilities, pupils with)
Service animals
Beating or killing (sec. 3), SB 396*
Public accommodations, access, SB 396*
Transportation programs, appropriation, SB 415, SB 560**
Mobile home parks, penalty for harassment of landlords or managers, AB 477*
Accidents or spills
Immunity from liability for certain contaminated property, AB 675
Motor carriers, duties, SB 167**
Reports to authorities and aid to victims required, penalties, AB 155
Account for management of hazardous waste, sources, SB 363*
Biological weapons, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 18**
Chlorofluorocarbons, possession and use authorized, SB 340
Controlled substances, destruction of hazardous waste related to, AB 454*
Environmental contamination, incentives for removal, SB 363*
Extremely hazardous materials, due date for storage fees, SB 243*
Hazardous waste, definition, contents of management plan, AB 173**
High-level nuclear waste
Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1999, rejection urged, SJR 4‡
Opposition to Yucca Mountain site expressed, SB 206
Support for research into safety of Yucca Mountain site expressed, SJR 6
Transportation, requirements for containers, SB 167**
Highly flammable refrigerants, sale or use restricted, penalty, AB 179
Highly hazardous substances
Assessment of risks, submission, fines for failure to comply, AB 535*
Conditional use permits, issuance, AB 603*
Construction of facilities, permits, AB 536*
Registration form and safety report, filing, AB 535*
Schedule of designated substances, AB 173**, AB 645**
Household waste defined, AB 173**
Liability for contaminated property, immunities, AB 675
Master plans, requirements for safety plans, AB 538
Mining, removal from toxics release inventory reporting urged, AJR 20‡
Accidents, duties of motor carriers, SB 167**
Assessments for out-of-state investigations, SB 167**
Containers for high-level radioactive waste or spent nuclear waste, SB 167**
Fines for violations, SB 167**
Inspection and regulation fees, authority of DMV eliminated, SB 82
Inspections of vehicles and facilities, SB 167**
Local regulation restricted, SB 167**
Registration and permit, application, suspension or revocation, SB 167**
Rejection of waste by motor carriers, grounds, liability for acceptance, SB 167**
Unlawful acts, SB 167**
Zoning regulations to comply with certain federal standards, AB 538
Prohibited acts, penalties, SB 297**
Births, collection of information regarding adverse outcomes, AB 238*
Children's health insurance program (See INSURANCE—Health insurance)
Clark County health system, creation, SB 520
Consumer health assistance, office of, creation, SB 37**, SB 196
Emergency medical services (See EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES)
Fetal alcohol syndrome, prevention and treatment programs, SB 197*
Health insurance (See INSURANCE)
Impact report for legislative measures relating to providers of health care, SB 137
Insurance (See INSURANCE—Health insurance)
Long-term care (See LONG-TERM CARE)
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Ombudsman for health insurance consumers, AB 143, AB 310
Providers of health care (See specific providers)
Rural health care
Legislative study, ACR 36
Trust fund for rural health care programs, creation, SB 370†
Task force on policy concerning access to public services, creation, SB 556**
Athletic organizations for older persons, sales tax exemptions, AB 351
Athletic trainers, licensure and regulation, SB 357†
Ambulance drivers, establishment of qualifications for, SB 227
Arrested persons, testing for exposure to disease, AB 190
Emergency medical services, committee on, representation (sec. 3), SB 365*
Ethics in Government Law, county health officers exempt, AB 260**
Health programs, trust fund for, requests for grants, AB 652
Public health, trust fund for, county officers as trustees, AB 474*
Recycling and disposal of solid waste by health districts, AB 564*
Certificates, grounds for suspension or revocation, SB 56*, AB 60*, AB 162
Children's health insurance program, applicability of laws, AB 429**
Notification, contents, AB 293*
Review by external review panel, AB 491
Payment, SB 145*
Clark County health system, creation, SB 520
Contraception and hormone replacement therapy, coverage (secs. 12-14), AB 60*
Digestive disorders, coverage (sec. 4), AB 551
Drugs approved for treatment, coverage for other approved treatments, SB 56*
Fines (sec. 60), AB 680*
For-profit entities, applicability of laws, SB 12, AB 685
Infertility, coverage for diagnosis and treatment (secs. 5, 6), SB 295
Insurance fraud, investigation, SB 225
Mammograms, coverage, AB 163
Medicaid, requirements for managed care contracts, AB 60†
Mental health coverage, SB 356, SB 557*, AB 293**
Motor vehicle insurance, provision of medical coverage, SB 134
Obstetrician or gynecologist, selection as primary care physician, AB 516, AB 585
Osteoporosis, coverage for diagnosis, treatment and management, AB 162
Preferred provider lists, limit on amount charged for inclusion, SB 145*
Provider-sponsored organizations, regulation (sec. 59), AB 680*
Reimbursement of provider, provision of estimates, AB 515†
Specialists, reimbursement, AB 515†
Uniform claim forms, billing codes, electronic data transfers, SB 509, SB 544**
Women, authority to obtain certain care without referral, AB 515*
Ambulance drivers, establishment of qualifications for, SB 227
Births defects and adverse birth outcomes, duties, AB 238*
Cigarettes and other tobacco products, advisory board for prevention and reduction of use, representation, SB 370†
Do-not-resuscitate protocols and identification, regulatory oversight, AB 73**
Emergency medical services, committee on, creation, SB 365*
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory subcommittee on, representation, SB 197*
Homes for individual residential care, duties, SB 163**
Medical facilities, receipt of reports, publications, AB 586
Medical laboratory investigations, access to medical records, SB 78
Public health, trust fund for, chairman to be trustee, AB 474*
Residential facilities for groups
Emergency plans, adoption, AB 373*
Referrals, businesses providing, licensure and regulation, AB 373**
Fluoridation of certain systems, regulations, AB 284**, AB 689**
Public systems, regulation (secs. 17-21), AB 134**
Creation, AB 474*
Board of hearing aid specialists
Audiologists, oversight, SB 176
Composition (sec. 19), SB 176
Hearing aid licensing fund, name changed (sec. 21), SB 176
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Name changed (sec. 18), SB 176
Regulations, enforcement (sec. 58), SB 176
Terms of office (sec. 60), SB 176
Fees (sec. 28), SB 176
Issuance (sec. 24), SB 176
Qualifications, SB 176
Sales tax exemption, SB 405, SB 406, AB 514
DUI, public records concerning breath analyses and other procedures, SB 189
Motorcycles, mandatory use of helmets eliminated, AB 201
Wearing during commission of crime, additional penalty, AB 117
HENDERSON, CITY OF (For general provisions, See CITIES)
Charter amendments
Candidates, filing fees (sec. 36), AB 444**
Explosives, regulation, AB 112*, AB 538
Primary election, AB 613, AB 615*
Competitive bidding for certain city services required, SB 422
Design-build contracting, representation on study committee, SB 475*
Investment portfolio, loans of certain securities authorized, SB 14*
Mayor, member of school district reconfiguration committee (sec. 3), AB 466
Opportunity Village, appropriation, AB 703**
Paging services, establishment of requirements relating to records, SB 131*
Regional planning (See REGIONAL PLANNING)
Room tax, rate, use of proceeds, AB 571, AB 572
Sound barriers along Interstate Highway 515, appropriation, AB 393
State college, study of needs for Henderson campus, appropriation, AB 220**
Streets, closure for construction during certain time prohibited, SB 168†
Collective bargaining, AB 131
Criminal history repository (See CRIMINAL HISTORY, RECORDS OF)
Nevada Highway Patrol Association, nominations to benefits committee, SB 79
Salaries, calculation, SB 239
Supplemental appropriation, AB 657**
Taxicab authorities, assistance, SB 491
Tow car lists, maintenance and use, SB 387**
Transportation services authority, assistance, SB 491†
VHF highband and 800 MHz radio project, appropriation, SB 504**
Advertising in airspace over highways, authorization, AB 627**
Bordering states, study of improvements to roads providing access to Nevada, SB 558**
Clark County and department of transportation, interlocal agreement, AB 182**
Common-interest communities, access gates, SB 192*, SB 302*
Computerized pavement management systems, development, AB 29
Construction, maintenance or repair
Architects or engineers, employment to oversee construction projects, SB 475*
Audit of materials specifications and testing, appropriation, AB 404
Bonds, maturity date (sec. 4), AB 128**
Bonuses for early completion, SB 168*
Bordering states, funding for certain projects in, SB 430
Closure of highways during certain time prohibited in large counties, SB 168†
Design-build contracts, authorization, legislative study, SB 437†, SB 475*
Local standards, compliance, AB 182†
Public utilities, requirements and penalties if facilities not reconstructed during highway construction project, SB 486
Subcontractors, prompt payment required, SB 301*
Directional or informational signs identifying individual enterprises, fees, AB 627**
Districts for maintenance of roads, creation, AB 604**
Exchange of state highways for local roads or streets, study, ACR 3‡
Gates allowing access to highways, safety standards, SB 302*
Immunities relating to inspections and discoveries (sec. 3), AB 87
Public lands, support for mandatory recognition of rights of way expressed, SJR 2‡
Regional transportation commissions (See REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONS)
Sound barriers, appropriation for construction, SB 141, AB 367, AB 393
Taxes and fees
Rental car fees, deposit in state highway fund, SB 430, AB 34, AB 403
Sales tax on sales of vehicles, deposit in state highway fund, AB 32
Tax for construction, maintenance and repair of public roads
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Failure to pay tax, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
State fee for collection, AB 288**
Tow car operators, deposits of fines imposed on, SB 491
Traffic laws (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Big Spring archeological district, funding for desert preserve, SB 204*, SB 560*
California Trail, funding for construction of interpretive center, SB 329*
Cooperative agreements for preservation, protection and restoration, SB 397*
Fernley train depot, appropriation, AB 703**
Gaming properties, licensure, SB 552
Kiel Ranch historic site, appropriation, AB 240
Legislative findings, SB 397*
Logandale school, appropriation, AB 394, AB 703**
State lands division, duties concerning preservation programs, SB 397†
Thompson school house, appropriation, AB 316, AB 703**
Nevada museum and historical society, supplemental appropriation, SB 277**
Property tax levy for support of county societies, AB 463
Banks, operation on December 31, effect, SB 31*
Nevada Day, date of legal holiday changed, SB 31*
Appropriation, AB 224†
Clark County health system advisory board, representation, SB 520†
Special education programs and related services, participation, SB 213, AB 348**
Las Vegas, appropriation for shelters, AB 233
Pupils, transportation on public buses at reduced rates, AB 2**
Board of homeopathic medical examiners
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Orders setting apart, recordation, AB 400*
Recording, requirements (sec. 2), AB 414*
Employment discrimination prohibited, AB 311*
Acceptance by public officers, penalty (sec. 19), SB 478*
Pari-mutuel wagering, restrictions on rebates and incentives, AB 666
Liability insurance, requirements, SB 296
Cruelty to animals (See CRUELTY TO ANIMALS)
Feral horses
Action on behalf of private landowners to compel removal, AB 509*
Control by counties, AB 509†
Injury or death during equine activity, liability limited, SB 448
Police animals, penalties for injuring or killing (sec. 5), SB 396*
Show animals, killing, injuring or tampering with, SB 211†
Tripping or felling for entertainment or sport unlawful, SB 26
Facility for hospice care defined (sec. 3), SB 382**
Medicaid recipients, coverage (sec. 1), SB 382**
Nurses, pronouncement of death (sec. 2), SB 382**
Animals for research or experimental purposes, purchase, AB 448
County hospitals
County hospital districts (See also DISTRICTS)
Contracting for hospital services, AB 533*
Dissolution, procedure, AB 275**
District hospitals, purchasing groups authorized, exemption from laws, AB 533*
Purchasing groups authorized, exemption from purchasing laws, AB 251**
Do-not-resuscitate protocols and identification, regulatory oversight, AB 73**
Emergency medical services, committee on, representation (sec. 3), SB 365*
Indigent or Medicaid patients
Reimbursement for treating disproportionate number of patients, AB 69
Study of method used to determine amount of payments, AB 386**
Managed care organizations
Prohibition against limiting access to hospital services, AB 194, AB 515*
Reimbursement for services provided at rural hospitals required, AB 383
Nonprofit corporations, contracts for provision of governmental services, AB 236†
Residential facilities for groups, referral businesses, AB 373*
Trauma services, contracts, SB 135
Storage laws repealed, SB 491
Industrial insurance coverage for domestic workers, AB 334*
Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)
Certificates of residential occupancy, form, SB 423
Common-interest communities (See COMMON-INTEREST COMMUNITIES)
Community redevelopment (See COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT)
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Contractors (See CONTRACTORS)
Deeds of trust (See DEEDS OF TRUST)
Homeowners' warranties, issuance by contractors, SB 32†, SB 423†
Liens for labor and materials furnished to maintain property, SB 247
Mortgages (See MORTGAGES)
Property tax (See PROPERTY TAX)
Residential construction tax (See RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION TAX)
Roofs, notice of warranty for construction, installation or repair, SB 423†
Subdivisions (See SUBDIVISION OF LAND)
Property managers, exemption from realtor laws, AB 447*
Scope of activity expanded, AB 484
Investments, loans of securities authorized, SB 14*
Maximum amount of outstanding obligations, AB 100**
Donation to Nevada transplant candidates, AB 238*, ACR 19‡
Validity and revocation of anatomical gift, AB 238*
Aged persons, health insurance subsidy program, duties, AB 474*
Aging services division
Duties, AB 649**
Exploitation of older persons, civil penalties, AB 517†
Homes for individual residential care, duties, SB 163**, AB 373†
Insurance subsidy program for senior citizens, duties, SB 370†
Specialist for rights of elderly persons, duties, AB 250**
Tobacco settlement funds, duties, AB 474*
Alcohol and drug abuse, bureau of, made part of department, AB 181**
Child and family services, division of
Adoption services, duties, fees, SB 232*
Caliente youth training center bureau abolished, AB 519†
Child care, bureau of services for
Abolished, AB 519†
Advisory council, assistance to, AB 302†
Duties and reports, AB 302
Loan program for construction or renovation of facilities, AB 301
Children in need of protection, pilot program for continuity of care, SB 288**
Children's homes, appointment of superintendents, classification, AB 519†
Colleges and universities, authority to contract with, repeal, AB 519†
Composition, AB 519†
Coordination of services relating to mental health and substance abuse, representation on board for, AB 181†
Deputy administrators, appointment, AB 519*
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory subcommittee on, representation, SB 197*
Foster care, representation on study advisory committee, SCR 13
Interstate Compact on Juveniles, administration, AB 519†
Juvenile correctional facilities, appropriation for update of report, AB 36
Legislative study of integration of state and local services, ACR 53‡
Nevada youth training center bureau abolished, AB 519†
Northern Nevada children's home bureau abolished, AB 519†
Placement of children, board to expedite proceedings, creation, AB 158**
Protective services agencies, evaluation panels, AB 158**, AB 315
Reorganization, AB 519†
Southern Nevada children's home bureau abolished, AB 519†
Youth parole bureau
Duties, AB 519†
Reimbursement for cost of supervision of parolees or probationers, AB 443
Sex offenders, supervision, AB 511
Children's health insurance program
Administration within Medicaid program, SB 228
Agreements to increase participation urged, ACR 6‡
Oaths and subpoenas, issuance, AB 429**
Records, AB 429**
Subrogation, AB 429**
Transfers of money from Medicaid, AB 429**
Clark County health system, duties, receipt of reports, SB 520
Child care services, study of quality (sec. 5), AB 354
Confirmation of appointment by senate, SB 160
Drug and alcohol abuse, program to educate juvenile inmates, AB 519†
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory board on, appointment, SB 197†
Foster care, appointment to study advisory committee, SCR 13
Pilot substance abuse programs, approval, reports, AB 181**
Disabilities, persons with, establishment of health care services program, SB 109
Family resource centers, establishment of substance abuse projects, AB 181**
Fraud by health care providers, use of money recovered, AB 429**
Gift fund
Account for alcohol and drug abuse transferred (sec. 19), AB 124**
Designated as trust fund (sec. 4), AB 124**
Health care financing and policy, division of
Allocations to private hospitals, regulations, AB 386**
Medicaid hearings, appeals, AB 429**
Nursing assistants, advisory committee on, representation, AB 429**
Provisions continued, AB 429**
Traumatic brain injuries, representation on committee, AB 429**
Health division
Administrator, duties regarding public health funds, SB 370†, AB 474*
Alcohol or drug treatment facilities, duties, SB 161†, AB 265†, AB 373†
Arrested persons, testing for exposure to disease, AB 190
Birth defects and adverse birth outcomes, collection of information, AB 238*
Breast cancer pamphlet, publication, AB 580
Children's health insurance program, duties, AB 429**
Drug testing on-site, registration of employers conducting, SB 180
Emergency medical services, committee on, creation, SB 365*
Fetal alcohol syndrome, duties, appropriation, SB 197**, SB 560**
Fluoridation of public water systems, duties, AB 284*, AB 689**
Homes for individual residential care, duties, SB 163**, AB 373*
Licensure and certification, bureau of
Continuous method of monitoring quality of long-term care urged, ACR 10
Publication of survey relating to long-term care urged, SCR 9‡
Regulations, notice of proposals, AB 429**
Residential facilities for groups, duties, SB 391*, AB 62, AB 373*
Search and rescue, board of, representation (sec. 14), AB 626*
State health officer
Rural health care, advisory board for, member, SB 370†
Tobacco products, duties regarding reducing use, appropriation, SB 370†
Trust funds for health programs, duties, SB 370†, AB 474*, AB 652
Tobacco products, use reduction and prevention programs, appropriation, SB 370†
Water systems
Certification of operators of certain systems, duties (sec. 21), AB 134**
Courses of instruction for district board members, AB 88
Healthy Nevada, fund for a, assistance to task force, AB 474*
Lifeline or link-up services, duties relating to eligible persons, SB 487*
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Mental health and substance abuse, internal state board for coordination of services, creation, AB 181†
Mental hygiene and mental retardation division
Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation of mentally disabled, reports, AB 372
Budget accounts, name changes, AB 305*
Coordination of services relating to mental health and substance abuse, representation on board for, AB 181†
Custody positions
Industrial insurance coverage for communicable disease exposure, SB 132**
Salaries, increases, AB 235
Work schedules for shift employees, regulation, AB 494
Name change, AB 305*
Sanity commissions, establishment of compensation of members, AB 82**
Substance abuse commission, representation, SB 346**
Minority health, division of, creation, SB 4
Public assistance or services, appeal following denial, reduction, suspension or termination, AB 429**
Public health services access task force, appropriation, assistance, SB 556**
Welfare division (See also WELFARE)
Affidavits of death, receipt from county recorder (sec. 3), AB 414*
Aged persons, certain duties removed, AB 649**
Child support, duties, SB 398**, AB 231*, AB 644**
Children's health insurance program, administration, AB 6
Digital imaging of fingerprints of welfare applicants or recipients, SB 72
Foster children adopted by relative, financial support, AB 365
NOMADS project, appropriation, SB 547**
Nursing homes, study of personnel needs and workfare, AB 7
Public assistance fund, creation, use, AB 337
Social security number or other information in certain actions, receipt, SB 242**
Utility bills, fund to assist indigent persons with, administration, SB 89
Research or experimentation, prohibition on release of animals for, AB 448
HUMBOLDT COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Juvenile detention center, appropriation, AB 703**
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Water management study, appropriation, SB 307, SB 560**
Administrative Procedure Act, certain regulations exempt, AB 12*
Bonus points, prohibition on denial following receipt of refund for license, AB 488
Demerit points, assessment, SB 106**
Injury or death during equine activity, liability limited, SB 448
Licenses and permits
Child support compliance, statement unnecessary, SB 352**
Definitions, SB 106**
Minors, revocation for firearms violations (sec. 13), AB 180
Special incentive elk tags, issuance, AB 296*
Special seasons, drawings, SB 211*
Concealed weapons permits, notification to spouse of applicant, SB 449†
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Married women, obsolete laws repealed, AB 340**
Nonsupport, penalties, affirmative defense, AB 617*
Digital images, use authorized, AB 678*
Expedited service permits, issuance to certain persons with disabilities, SB 35*
Privatization of services for issuance, AB 377
Unlawful use of identifying information of another, penalty, SB 69, AB 71*
Voter registration, use of alternative information, AB 169*
Criminal and civil liability, SB 69, AB 71*
Sale to minors, restitution for costs of drug abuse treatment, AB 336*
Illegal Immigration Act, permanent suspension of Section 110 urged, SJR 19‡
Pharmacists, possession and administration of drugs for purposes of, SB 519*
Construction costs of capital improvements or facility expansions, AB 424†
Endangered or threatened species, funding of protection programs, AB 641**
Environmental impacts, mitigating, AB 424†
Fire suppression projects, financing, SB 457
Park projects, financing, SB 457
Prohibition on imposition when residential construction tax imposed, SB 457
School buildings, construction or renovation, AB 510
Traditional neighborhood development, construction, AB 566†
Community school board, formation, AB 413
Room tax increase for costs related to promotion of tourism, SB 477**
School district, creation (vetoed bill), AB 596 of the 69th session
Contractor licensing laws, exemption, AB 433
Contracts for services
Approval, SB 533**
Manner of awarding, AB 588*
Medical facilities, background checks of personnel, AB 573**, AB 681
Taxicab leases, regulation, fee, SB 491†
Whistle-blowers or legislative witnesses, retaliatory action by state agency prohibited, AB 66
Advisory committee concerning children's health insurance program, creation, duties, SB 10**
INDIAN SPRINGS, TOWN OF (For general provisions, See TOWNS)
Regional development corporation, formation, AB 528**
Children's health insurance program, actions to promote enrollments, SB 10**
Domestic violence (See also DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Protective orders, enforcement, AB 473*, AB 523
Educational programs for children, appropriation, AB 357
Historic preservation programs, consultation with Indian tribes, SB 397*
Real property, cooperative agreements for sale, lease or exchange by public agencies, SB 52*
Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)
Business tax
Exemption for low-income employees, SB 403†
Reduction for child care for low-income employees eliminated, SB 403
Children's health insurance program (See INSURANCE—Health insurance)
County aid, tax levy exempt from limit on total ad valorem levy, SB 319
Guardianship proceedings, legal representation, AB 517*
Hospitals, reimbursements, AB 69, AB 386**
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Mobile home owners (See MOBILE HOME PARKS—Low-income owners of mobile homes, fund for)
Public health services access task force, creation, duties, SB 556**
Utility bill assistance program, SB 89
Welfare (See WELFARE)
Accident benefits
Definition, SB 132**
Exemption from execution, AB 431*
Prior authorization for services, withholding or denial, SB 354, AB 470*
Attorney to notify injured worker of certain information, SB 64†
Benefit penalties, action by claimant following nonacceptance, AB 326
Distribution of damages recovered in action against third party, SB 94
Notice to insurer or administrator upon initiation of action, SB 64*
Alcohol or drugs, laboratories used for testing, SB 37*, AB 470*
Appeals panel to hear employers' grievances, creation, SB 417**
Appointment, qualifications and training of appeals officers, SB 55
Commission to recommend appeals officers, creation, duties, SB 55
Conduct of appeals officers, adoption of standards, SB 55
Decisions of appeals officers
Appeals to appeals panel, SB 55†
Authorship and explanation of decisions, SB 55
Notice to parties, SB 55
Stays, SB 55†
Evaluation of appeals officers, SB 55
Referral of employee for determination of necessity of treatment, AB 470*
Standards for performance of appeals officers, adoption, SB 55
Associations of self-insured employers
Administrators, associations with third-party administrators, SB 374†
Certificates, change in information, SB 44**
Membership, determination of qualifications, SB 44**
Rate service organizations, licensure (sec. 14), SB 495**
Solicitation or recruitment, restrictions, permits repealed, SB 374
Attorney for injured workers, appointment to represent clients, SB 55†
Average monthly wage defined, SB 132†
Benefit penalties
Amount, determination, SB 37*, SB 133**
Effect of nonacceptance by claimant, AB 326
Casual labor, coverage, AB 334†
Automatic closure, notice to claimant, reopening, SB 37*, SB 38**
Extended claims, account for administration of
Abolished (sec. 127), SB 37**
Reports, SB 37†
Insurer required to submit certain information to DIR, SB 53**
Construction projects, consolidated insurance programs, SB 133*
Consumer health assistance, office of, creation, SB 37**
Contested claims, medical examination of injured employee, SB 37*, AB 470*
Death benefits
Benefit penalties, payment into estate, SB 37*
Exemption from execution, AB 431*
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Transport of remains outside U.S., payment of benefits for, SB 95, AB 253**
Disability benefits
Checks issued in payment for certain disabilities, certification by endorser of entitlement to benefits, SB 95
Exemption from execution, AB 431*
Permanent partial disabilities
Compensation, calculation, SB 37*, AB 326
Rating evaluations to be based on objective findings, SB 95
Second determination of disability, reimbursement to employee, SB 37*, AB 326
Selection of rating physician or chiropractor, SB 37*, AB 326
Spinal injuries, rating, AB 326
Permanent total disabilities
Compensation, reduction for benefits previously received, SB 37*, AB 326
Limitation on determination of disability, SB 95
Temporary total disabilities, eligibility for vocational rehabilitation, SB 37*, AB 326
Domestic workers, coverage, AB 334*
Drug testing of injured employees, procedure, SB 95
Employee leasing companies
Certificates of registration, SB 37†, SB 38**, SB 495**
Regulation by division of industrial relations, SB 37†, SB 38**, SB 495**
Assessments, use, SB 417**
Associations or organizations of employers, coverage, SB 38**
Certificates of insurance
Receipt, SB 38**
Validity of certain certificates (sec. 136), SB 37*
Failure to provide or maintain insurance, penalties, SB 175*
Grievances, hearings by appeals panel, SB 417**
Records, inspection, SB 38**
Subsequent injuries, charging against employer's account (sec. 1), SB 42
Taxation department, DIR to provide information on employers, SB 54**
Health care providers
MCO's, prohibition against restricting certain actions by providers, AB 470*
Selection by injured employees, SB 37*, SB 355, AB 470*
Hearing officers
Conduct, adoption of standards, SB 55
Decisions to be authored and explained by hearing officers, SB 55
Referral of employee for determination of necessity of treatment, AB 470*
Definition, SB 132**
Intoxication, testing for, SB 95
Nonemployment-related injury, effect on compensation, SB 37*, SB 95, AB 326
Preexisting conditions, effect on compensation, SB 37*, SB 95, AB 326
Advisory organization, powers and duties, SB 417**, AB 470*
Assessments, use, SB 417**
Associations (See Associations of self-insured employers, this heading)
Claims information to be provided to DIR, SB 53**
Prior authorizations, withholding or denial, SB 354, AB 470*
Private carriers (See Private carriers, this heading)
Rates, filing, approval or disapproval, AB 470**
Restriction on issuance of policies (sec. 2), SB 495**
State system (See State system, this heading)
Local governments
Provision of coverage, SB 37**
Purchase of insurance through nonprofit cooperative entity, AB 227**
Managed care organizations
Complaint resolution program, AB 470†
Denial of services, procedures, AB 470†
Emergency services, coverage, AB 470†
Policies and programs, adoption, reports, AB 470†
Prior authorizations, withholding or denial, SB 354, AB 470*
Restrictions on certain actions by providers, prohibition against, AB 470*
Selection of nonpreferred provider by injured employee authorized in certain cases, SB 355
Mental health programs, coverage for exposure to contagious diseases, SB 132**
Occupational diseases (See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES)
Policemen and firemen, coverage for exposure to contagious diseases, SB 132**
Appeals panel, hearing of employer's grievances, SB 417**
Payment, SB 495**
Payroll reports, submission to insurers, SB 495**
Penalty for false statements or misrepresentations, SB 495**
Prisoners, modified program of coverage, SB 37*, SB 495**
Private carriers
Associations or organizations of employers, insuring, SB 38**
Authority to provide insurance (secs. 15, 16), SB 495**
Certificates of insurance, duties, SB 38**
Change of insurer or lapse of coverage, notice to DIR, SB 38**
Consolidated insurance programs, provision of coverage for, SB 133*
Domestic mutual insurance company, creation by SIIS manager, SB 37**
Marketing agreements with state industrial insurance system, SB 37†
Out-of-state insurers, exemption from deposit of cash or securities, SB 43
Records of employers, inspection, SB 38**
Reports to commissioner of insurance (sec. 3), AB 680*
Vocational rehabilitation services, SB 37†
Sports officials, exemption from laws (sec. 3), AB 63, AB 153
State agencies, provision of coverage, SB 37**
State insurance fund, establishment, deposits (secs. 17, 18, 117, 126), SB 37**
State system
Abolishment, transfer of assets and liabilities to successor organization, SB 37**
Assessments for special investigative account, SB 224
Board of directors, creation, powers and duties, SB 93
Certificates of insurance, duties, SB 38**
Change of insurer or lapse of coverage, notice to DIR, SB 38**
Confidential information, disclosure, SB 37†
Consolidated insurance programs, provision of coverage for, SB 133*
Applicability of state personnel system (secs. 20, 96), SB 37**
Reemployment rights (secs. 130-134, 138), SB 37**, SB 133**
Fraud, immunities for reports (sec. 4), SB 43
Insurance, authority to transact certain insurance, SB 290
Insurance code, applicability, SB 37**, SB 43
Insurance commissioner, reports to, SB 37†
Insurance companies, agents and brokers, marketing agreements, SB 37†
Insurance premium tax, credit (sec. 116), SB 37**
Legislative committee on workers' compensation, reports to, SB 37†
Appointment (sec. 14), SB 93
Hearings, authority removed, SB 495**
Special investigative account, assessment (sec. 5), SB 43
Suspension of authority to provide insurance, grounds (sec. 1), SB 43
Subsequent injury funds, payment of compensation, SB 42
Third-party administrators
Administrators of self-insured associations, relationships with, SB 374†
Prior authorizations, withholding or denial, SB 354, AB 470*
Uninsured employers' claim fund
Administration and payment of claims, SB 37†, SB 495**
Reimbursement by employer, SB 175*
Vocational rehabilitation
Endorsement on checks issued for payment (sec. 1), SB 95
Maximum length of certain programs, SB 37*, AB 326
Out-of-state services authorized in certain cases, SB 37*, AB 326
Private carriers, authority, SB 37†
Temporary total disabilities, eligibility, SB 37*, AB 326
Workers' compensation and safety, fund for, use, SB 37*, SB 417†
Insurance coverage for diagnosis and treatment, SB 295
Abolishment (sec. 20), AB 364
Creation, AB 364
Fees, committee for setting, member (sec. 10), AB 364
Information technology commission, member (sec. 5), AB 364
Technological crime, advisory board for task force, member, SB 485**
Emergency telephone system, statewide, duties, SB 487†
Reorganization of department, AB 364
Wildlife, division of, contracts for services, SB 211*
Creation, AB 364
Determination of lack of plain error, bar to filing information (sec. 6), SB 493
Dismissal of complaint for want of prosecution (sec. 5), SB 493
Failure to file, statement of reasons for (sec. 3), SB 493
Filing upon determination of plain error (sec. 2), SB 493
School construction, additional tax imposed in certain counties, AB 597**
Arguments for and against local ballot questions, preparation, AB 200*
Lake Tahoe, community school boards, AB 413
Ordinances, provision of proposal to county clerk (sec. 17), AB 613
Challenge of legal sufficiency, AB 615*
Signing by registered voters, AB 613, AB 615*
Time for filing (sec. 16), AB 613
Road maintenance districts, creation, AB 604**
Unincorporated towns, contents of petition seeking formation, AB 142†
Alcohol or drug treatment facilities, unlawful operation, SB 161†, AB 265†, AB 373†
Attorneys, remedies for unauthorized practice of law, AB 18*
Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)
Explosives manufacturing, violations, AB 536*
Halfway houses for alcohol and drug abusers, unlawful operation, SB 161*
Las Vegas urban growth zone, violations, SB 191†
Local telecommunication services, SB 207, SB 485†
Tenancies, injunction to prevent termination, AB 397†
Trade secrets, misappropriation (sec. 3), SB 375*
Deferred-deposit loans, separate licensure, penalty, AB 431†
Motor vehicle title as collateral, restrictions (sec. 3), AB 1
Casualty insurance
Cancellation, nonrenewal or rate increase due to claims for which insured not at fault prohibited, exception, AB 338
Child care facilities, denial or cancellation of coverage restricted, AB 301
Domestic workers, industrial insurance under homeowner's policy, AB 334*
Industrial insurance successor organization, authority (secs. 119, 128), SB 37**
Charitable-gift annuities, exemption from insurance laws, AB 555*
Federal legislation affecting financial services, continuation of state oversight, SJR 22‡
Foreign languages, copies of policies may be offered in, AB 248
Attorney general, primary jurisdiction to investigate, SB 225
Confidential information (sec. 11), SB 225
Consumer health assistance, office of, duties, SB 196
Control unit, establishment, SB 225
Definition of insurance fraud (sec. 13), SB 225
District attorneys, prosecution (sec. 18), SB 225
Investigators, immunities (sec. 9), SB 225
Materiality of misrepresentations, determination as matter of law, AB 475
Records, inspection (sec. 6), SB 225
Reports, requirements, contents, SB 75†
Restitution (sec. 16), SB 225
Special investigative account, assessments, use, SB 224
Whistle-blowers, immunities, SB 75†
Health insurance
Aged persons, assistance program for prescription drug coverage, AB 474*
Children's health insurance program
Administration within Medicaid program, SB 228
Agreements to increase participation urged, ACR 6‡
Application for and determination of eligibility, AB 6
Confidentiality of information, AB 429**
Denial of application, notice, hearing, AB 429**
Fraud, penalty, AB 429**
Indian children, SB 10**
Marketing program, establishment, AB 6
Presumptive eligibility, provision to recipients, AB 5
Public health services access task force, creation, duties, SB 556**
Transfers of money from Medicaid, AB 429**
Denial, notification, AB 293*
Payment, SB 145*
Consumer health assistance, office of, creation, SB 37**, SB 196
Contraception and hormone replacement therapy, coverage (secs. 2-7), AB 60*
Converted policies, premiums (sec. 44), AB 680*
Creditable coverage defined, AB 429**, AB 680*
Denial of benefits, review board, AB 491
Digestive disorders, coverage, AB 551
Drugs approved for treatment, coverage for other approved treatments, SB 56*
Employers, notice to enroll employees' children in insurance plan, AB 644**
ERISA, end to inequities regarding appeals urged, AJR 15‡
Handicapped, establishment of program for health care services, SB 109
Health benefit plans, AB 680*
Infertility, coverage for diagnosis and treatment, SB 295
Local government employees, AB 227**, AB 529
Long-term care insurance for Medicaid recipients, SB 370**
Mammograms, coverage, AB 163
Mental health coverage, SB 356, SB 557*, AB 293**
Ombudsman, office created, assessments, AB 143, AB 310
Osteoporosis, coverage for diagnosis, treatment and management, AB 162
Preexisting conditions, affiliation period (sec. 43), AB 680*
Preferred provider lists, limit on amount charged for inclusion, SB 145*
Public health services access task force, creation, duties, SB 556**
Reimbursement of provider, provision of estimates, AB 515†
Specialists, reimbursement, AB 515†
Statewide health insurance program for uninsurable residents, study, ACR 31
Uniform claim forms, SB 509, SB 544**
Women, authority to obtain certain care without referral, AB 515*
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Life insurance
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Local government employees, AB 227**, AB 529
State industrial insurance system, authority to transact insurance, SB 290
Local government employees
Contracts for group insurance, approval by insurance commissioner, AB 680*
Local governments' program of group insurance, establishment, AB 529
Long-term care coverage, SB 446
Mental health coverage, exclusion from requirements, SB 356, SB 557*, AB 293**
Policemen or firefighters killed in line of duty, survivor benefits, SB 404**
Purchase of insurance and services through nonprofit organizations, AB 227**
State program (See State's program of group insurance, this heading)
Motor carriers, liability insurance, SB 296
Motor vehicle insurance
Driver training schools, AB 492*
Failure to maintain
Criminal penalty, AB 272*
Limit on recoveries by uninsured motorists, AB 327
Security required to commence action following accident, AB 513
Medical coverage
Deductibles required (sec. 2), SB 134
Managed care, provision of coverage through (sec. 1), SB 134
Written acceptance from insured required, SB 313
Medical records or bills, sharing of information (sec. 57), AB 680*
Ombudsman, office created, assessments for expenses, SB 196†
Operators' policies insufficient to meet insurance requirements, AB 272†, AB 453
Rental cars, SB 351*
State industrial insurance system, authority to transact insurance, SB 290
Taxicabs, SB 491
Umbrella policies, disclosures, AB 680*
Uninsured vehicle coverage to include bodily injury or death not resulting from physical contact, AB 10
Property insurance
Cancellation, nonrenewal or rate increase due to claims for which insured not at fault prohibited, exception, AB 338
Home protection insurance contracts, SB 32**, SB 286
Public buildings or construction, procurement by public employees, SB 102
State industrial insurance system
Authority to transact insurance, SB 290
Successor organization, authority (secs. 119, 128), SB 37**
Renewal notices, inclusion of information regarding general premium tax, SB 140*
State industrial insurance system, compliance with laws required, SB 43
State's program of group insurance
Annual audit (sec. 4), AB 529
Benefit services fund
Appropriation, AB 176**, AB 416**
Assessment of agencies, AB 176†, AB 416**
Board of the public employees' benefits program, creation, SB 544**
Charter school employees, coverage, SB 258, AB 348**
Claims, processing, AB 529
Committee on benefits (See BENEFITS, COMMITTEE ON)
Compliance with certain insurance laws, AB 515†
Contraception and hormone replacement therapy, coverage, SB 28, AB 60*
Contracts with administrators, approval by insurance commissioner, AB 680*
Long-term care coverage, SB 446
Mental health coverage, exclusion from requirements, SB 356, SB 557*, AB 293**
Osteoporosis, coverage for diagnosis, treatment and management, AB 162
Participation in other programs by certain public employees, SB 316, SB 544**
Periodic employment, coverage of certain employees, SB 544**
Policemen or firefighters killed in line of duty, survivor benefits, SB 404**
Premiums, amount paid by state, AB 370**
Program redesignated as public employees' benefits program (sec. 20), SB 544**
Rates and coverage for participants from other public agencies, AB 164
Reinstatement of coverage by retired employee or surviving spouse, SB 544**
Taxicabs, liability insurance, SB 324
Title insurance (See TITLE INSURANCE)
Certificates of registration
Application, AB 680*
Issuance, AB 680*
Suspension or revocation, AB 680*
Term, renewal, AB 680*
Compensation, restrictions, AB 680*
Definition, AB 680*
Disclosures to insurers, AB 680*
Fiduciary accounts, duties, AB 680*
Financial statements, filing, AB 680*
Health insurance claims, payment, SB 145*
Surety bonds, AB 680*
Disciplinary action, AB 680*
Industrial insurance, solicitation of memberships in associations, SB 374
Rental car insurance, licensure of lessors and employees, SB 351*
State industrial insurance system
Compliance with insurance laws required, SB 43
Marketing agreements, SB 37†
Surplus lines brokers, licensure (secs. 4, 27-29), AB 680*
Assessments for special investigative account, amount, SB 224
Audits to determine compliance with law, confidentiality, AB 476
Captive insurers, regulation, AB 635*
Charitable-gift annuities, exemption from insurance laws, AB 555*
Delinquent insurers, distribution of claims, AB 680†
Foreign languages, policies may be offered in, AB 248
Health care plans, review board for denial of benefits, fees, AB 491
Health insurers, uniform claim forms, billing codes and electronic data transfers, SB 509, SB 544**
Home protection insurance, investments, contracts, SB 32**, SB 286
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE—Private carriers)
Investments, AB 680†
Additional data, filing by insurer, SB 75
Competition, when deemed to exist, filing of information, SB 75
Disapproval, SB 75
Discontinuance of rates, orders, SB 75
Increase or decrease without commissioner approval, SB 75†
Examination by ombudsman, SB 196†, AB 143, AB 310
Investigation of fraud (sec. 16), SB 225
Restitution by perpetrators of fraud (sec. 16), SB 225
Risk-based capital, reports (sec. 5), AB 680*
Surplus lines, insurance exchanges, AB 680*
Claims under policies written by other than insolvent insurer, exhaustion of rights, effect, SB 74†
Covered claims
Definition (sec. 1), SB 74*
Obligations and rights of association (sec. 2), SB 74*
Distribution of claims from insurer's estate, SB 74*
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Audits, prohibition against penalties and interest during certain period, SB 362**
Captive insurers, payment (sec. 37), AB 635*
Credits against tax
Notice to department of taxation, SB 462**
State industrial insurance system (sec. 116), SB 37**
Deficiency determinations (secs. 8, 9), SB 362**
Deposit (secs. 117, 118), SB 37**
Failure to pay tax, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Fire marshal division, portion of proceeds credited to, AB 359
Overpayments and underpayments, SB 362**
Renewal notices, inclusion of information regarding tax, SB 140*
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
Directors, restrictions regarding merit pay, AB 317
Sports officials, exemption from employment laws, AB 63, AB 153
Book or store accounts without written contract, SB 233
Check-cashing and deferred deposit services, AB 431*
Eminent domain, interest on final judgment, AB 287*
Health insurance claims, SB 145*
Highway construction, money payable to subcontractors or suppliers, SB 301*
Mortgage companies, disclosure of yield spread premiums, SB 335
Public works, progress payments, SB 144*
Unemployment, delinquent contributions, SB 464*
Business associations, formation and practice, AB 632
Civil penalties (sec. 14), AB 632
Design documents submitted to governmental entities, standards, reports of deficiencies, SB 409
Documents, signing (sec. 6), AB 632
Exemption of certain persons from regulation, AB 610**
Applications, AB 632
Business entities, renewal, fees, AB 609
Expiration and renewal of certificates, AB 632
Qualifications, AB 434, AB 632
Residential designers, exemption from registration as interior designer, AB 632
Responsible control, term defined (sec. 1), AB 632
State fire marshal, registration of designers providing materials and furnishings regulated by building codes, AB 610**
Unauthorized practice, aiding and abetting unlawful, AB 116
Court reporters, translation fees, AB 545*
Charter schools, participation, AB 348**
Out-of-state schools, participation, SB 489
Deceptive trade practices, AB 431*
Public officers or employees asking for bribe, penalty (sec. 21), SB 478*
Beer kegs, purchase requirements, penalties for violations, AB 478
Intoxication (See INTOXICATION)
Minors, penalty for selling or giving alcohol to, AB 478
Retailers, purchase of liquor from certain persons required, SB 428**
Taxes, applicability to certain shipments, SB 428**
Wine, requirements and fees for shipments into state, SB 428**
Account for alcohol and drug abuse, repeal (sec. 19), AB 124**
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Audits, prohibition against penalties and interest, SB 362**
Deficiency determinations (secs. 8, 9), SB 362**
Overpayments and underpayments, SB 362**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
Suppliers, responsibilities, SB 428**
Tax on liquor program account, creation (sec. 25), AB 124**
Wholesalers, purchase of liquor from certain persons required, SB 428**
Importing for personal use, SB 428**
Suppliers, requirements for shipments into state, SB 428**
Bail, release of intoxicated persons prohibited, SB 273†
Drug and alcohol abuse (See DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE)
Employers, on-site tests, SB 180
Guardianships, consideration of habitual alcohol use by parent, SB 347*
Industrial insurance, testing of injured employees, SB 95
Public records concerning breath analyses and other procedures, admissibility, SB 189
Cemeteries, endowment care funds (secs. 46, 47), SB 20
Children's homes, Nevada, money of residents (sec. 45), SB 20
Credit unions, investments in or by, SB 39*
Economic development, authority for state investment, SJR 12 of the 69th session‡
Estates of decedents (sec. 233), AB 400*
Ginnie Mae's and asset-backed securities, AB 129**
Home protection insurers (sec. 2), SB 286
Housing authorities (sec. 34), AB 484
Insurance companies, AB 680†
Nevada higher education tuition trust fund, AB 129**
Principal and Income Act, 1997, adoption (secs. 15-44), SB 20
Prudent Investor Act, adoption (secs. 2-15), SB 20
Public health, trust fund for, AB 474*
State industrial insurance system, successor organization (sec. 120), SB 37*
Venture capital, establishment of state program to provide, SB 309
IRRIGATION DISTRICTS (For general provisions, See DISTRICTS)
Board members, compensation (sec. 1), AB 197**
Electricity production or sale, exclusion as public utility, AB 426
Grants for certain improvements to conserve water, AB 237*
Liens, effect of loss of water rights by owner of land, AB 252*
Action against county or city by offender, deductions from award, AB 22*
Alternative programs, recovery of costs from prisoners, SB 115**
Barber laws inapplicable (sec. 4.5), SB 8*, SCR 46‡
Booking of prisoner, recovery of costs from prisoner, SB 114
Communicable diseases, testing of offenders, SB 149*, AB 483*
Excrement or bodily fluids, penalty for placing on employees, SB 149*
Release, recovery of costs from prisoners, SB 114
Tahoe Basin, use of inmate labor for certain projects urged, SCR 15‡
Water system, appropriation, SB 306
Businesses, county or city authorized to impose license tax or fee on, SB 455**
Collection by department of motor vehicles, AB 396, AB 584*
Imposition of tax, procedure, SB 287**
JUDGES AND JUSTICES (See specific courts)
Attorneys' fees, effect of motion for award on final judgment, AB 624**
Convictions, judgments of (See CONVICTIONS)
Debts owed state agencies, summary judgment, SB 500**
Justice's court orders, enforcement by court or county, AB 122**
Offers of judgment
Acceptance or rejection, SB 492**
Adoption of court rules, SB 492†
Divorce actions, AB 154*
Eminent domain proceedings, prohibition, AB 287†
Wild horses, removal from private land, AB 509*
Appeals officers, compliance with code required, SB 55
Administrative decisions of local hearing officers, AB 12†
Aged persons, denial of health insurance subsidy program benefits, AB 474*
Common-interest communities, decisions by commission, SB 451†
DUI offenders, immobilization of vehicles used by, SB 208
Insurance subsidy program for senior citizens, decisions of administrator, SB 370†
Local telecommunication services, decisions relating to complaints, SB 207
Local telecommunications services, SB 440*
Mobile home commission, decisions (sec. 6), AB 156
Transportation services authority, decisions by, SB 491†
Metallic wire, duties, penalty for noncompliance (secs. 2-4), AB 55*
Shows or events, applicability of laws, SB 45†
Used book dealers excluded from definition, AB 109*
Notary fees (sec. 4), AB 127**
Domestic violence, exemption of certain victims from service as juror, SB 480**
Justices' courts, juries prohibited, AB 118
Arbitrators' findings, SB 195, SB 315*
Constructional defect actions (sec. 24), SB 380
Reasonable doubt, definition, SB 400
Accounting and technological improvements urged, ACR 2‡
Bill draft requests, limitations, AB 631**
Caseloads, submission of reports to court administrator, AB 51**
Credit or debit cards, acceptance for payment of fees and other charges, AB 24**
Criminal cases, reports of disposition to central repository, SB 157
Delinquent fines, assessments or fees, notice of nonpayment, AB 16
Electronic filing, storage and reproduction of documents, AB 650**
Fees, technical corrections, AB 645**
Juries prohibited, AB 118
Jurisdiction, monetary limit, SB 30†
Justices of the peace
Actions against, attorney general to provide defense, AB 648**
Attorney's license required in certain townships, AB 86**
Increase in number in certain townships, commissioners' authority, AB 629
Marriage ceremonies
Fees, SB 512†
Nonmonetary gifts of nominal value, acceptance authorized, SB 512*
Reelection prohibited after removal or retirement from any judicial office, AB 20*, AB 81
Recycling programs, AB 564*
Restitution, enforcement of orders, AB 122**
Small claims (See SMALL CLAIMS COURTS)
Suspension of sentence, authority, AB 406*
Assessment of need for facilities, appropriation for update of report, AB 36
Caliente youth center
Alcohol and drug abuse education, AB 519†
Inmates redesignated residents, AB 519†
Sex offenders, discharge (sec. 12), AB 511
Superintendent, appointment, classification, supervision, AB 519†
China Spring youth camp, appropriation, SB 254, SB 560*
Deputy administrator for youth corrections, appointment, AB 519*
Hawthorne detention facility, appropriation, SB 237, SB 560**
Humboldt County, appropriation for juvenile detention center, AB 703**
Nevada youth training center
Alcohol and drug abuse education, AB 519†
Inmates redesignated residents, AB 519†
Officers and employees, occupational disease coverage, AB 608
Sex offenders, discharge (sec. 12), AB 511
Superintendent, appointment, classification, supervision, AB 519†
Regional facilities, assessments for operation of certain facilities, AB 314**
Sixth judicial district, appropriation to juvenile detention center, AB 89, AB 703**
Southern Nevada correctional center, lease of facilities, AB 696**
Washoe County, appropriation for construction of new facility, AB 330*
Work schedules for certain shift employees, regulation, AB 494
Art programs, authority to require participation, SB 87*
Child abuse or neglect cases, consideration of guardianship applications, AB 315
Child welfare, study of integration of state and local services, ACR 53‡
Cognitive training and human development programs, authority to order participation, AB 229*
Eighth judicial district, extended assignment of judge urged, SCR 14‡
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory subcommittee on, representation, SB 197*
Firearms violations, duties, AB 180, AB 221*
Jurisdiction (sec. 5), AB 53*
Legislative study, ACR 13‡
Parole or probation, authority to order parent or guardian to pay costs, AB 443
Records, public inspection, SB 148*
Restitution-through-work programs, authority to order participation, SB 77*
Tobacco violations by minors, jurisdiction, AB 549
Art programs, placement, SB 87*
Cognitive training and human development programs, assignment, AB 229*
Communicable diseases, testing of detained minors, AB 190
Cruelty to animals, counseling or other psychological treatment, AB 221*
Custody, notice to responsible adult after child taken into, AB 262*, AB 473*
Domestic violence offenders, release from custody, AB 473*, AB 523
Firearms (See FIREARMS)
Foster care, liability of providers, AB 531*
Interstate compact on juveniles, administration, AB 519†
Laser pointers, unlawful acts (sec. 4), AB 541
Legislative study of juvenile justice system, ACR 13‡
Marihuana, penalties for possession, AB 577
Medical expenses of victims, restitution, AB 165*
Parole or probation, parent or guardian to pay cost of supervision, AB 443
Photographs of child in custody, use, AB 165*
Restitution-through-work programs, establishment, assignment, SB 77*
School safety and juvenile violence, commission on, creation, duties, AB 686**
Sex offenders
Supervision, AB 511
Transport to other school, payment of costs (sec. 2), AB 245
Video arcades, violations by minor (sec. 6), SB 513
Cognitive training and human development programs, powers, AB 229*
Firearm violations, duties, AB 180, AB 221*
Habitual truancy cases, appointment as master, AB 15**
Notice to responsible adult after child taken into custody, AB 262*, AB 473*
Restitution-through-work programs, powers, SB 77*
Cognitive training and human development programs, powers, AB 229*
Restitution-through-work programs, powers, SB 77*
Washoe County, applicability of laws to department of family, youth and juvenile services, AB 670
Reporting and aid to victims, requirements, penalties, AB 155, AB 267*
Appropriation, SB 143, SB 560**
Eradication and control programs, SB 378, SB 560**
School instruction in identification and appropriate response, SB 378
Absent ballots, return by family member, AB 614*
Adoption, placement of siblings, SB 232*, AB 158**
Child protection proceedings, placement of siblings, SB 232*, AB 158**
Children, visitation rights of certain relatives, AB 436*
Husband and wife (See HUSBAND AND WIFE)
Parent and child (See PARENT AND CHILD)
Town boards, employment of relatives exempt from nepotism law, AB 226**
Nursery stock (sec. 4), AB 135*
Sale or display of goods with false label, penalty for subsequent offenses, AB 616*
UPC labels, unlawful acts, SB 392, AB 109†
Appeals to district court restricted, SB 325
Consultations with or complaints filed by employees, basis for termination of employment prohibited, SB 76
Public works
Enforcement of laws, SB 342
Withholdings relating to wage claims, SB 144†
School conferences, enforcement of law relating to, AB 214
Wage violations involving explosives industry, prosecution, AB 110**
AFL-CIO, appointment to economic diversification committee, SB 434
Culinary Workers Union, representation on public health services access task force, SB 556**
Genetic information, discrimination prohibited, SB 16*
Public employee organizations
Nomination of members to committee on benefits, SB 79, AB 67
State employees, AB 131
Public works, requiring certain contributions by contractors prohibited, SB 342
Sexual orientation, discrimination prohibited, AB 311*
Water, analysis as condition to sale of real property, AB 574*
Business entities, registration (sec. 3), SB 103**
Constructional defects (See also CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Screening panels to review claims, SB 380
Design documents submitted to governmental entities, standards, reports of deficiencies, SB 409
Active experience for licensing purposes, determination (sec. 7), SB 103*
Reciprocity (sec. 9), SB 103**
Monuments, removal and perpetuation, AB 202*
Actions involving Federal Government, authority of city or county, AB 641**
Building permits (See BUILDING PERMITS)
Capital improvement plans, preparation, contents, SB 433**, AB 299**, AB 424*
Common open or recreational space, development in large counties, AB 565
Federal use of certain public land
Action by Federal Government, notice to affected counties or cities, AB 358**
Consideration of effect on assessed valuation, AB 358†
Infill development in smart growth zones, promotion, SB 391†, AB 563
Land use planning council, appointment, powers and duties, AB 672
Las Vegas urban growth zone, projects of significant impact, SB 191**
Legislative findings and declaration (sec. 4), SB 393
Master plans
Amendments, notices, considerations, SB 391†, SB 393, AB 388
Contents, requirements in large counties, SB 391*, SB 393, AB 388, AB 563
Disclosures by sellers of real property, SB 61**, SB 121*
Governmental actions to conform to plans (sec. 8), SB 393
Land use plan, requirements, SB 391†, AB 563, AB 566
Notice of public hearing concerning certain amendments, AB 349
Preparation, requirements (sec. 10), SB 393
Recreation plan, requirements, AB 388, AB 565
Regional planning coalition, review, SB 391*, SB 394*, AB 493*
Safety plan, requirements, AB 538
School facilities plan, requirements, SB 191**
School sites, notice to school trustees, AB 388†
Transit plans, requirements, AB 388
Washoe County, capital improvement projects to promote tourism, SB 477**
New development, interspersion into established neighborhoods, SB 391*, AB 424†, AB 493*, AB 563
Priority funding areas, development in (sec. 6), SB 393
Regional planning (See REGIONAL PLANNING)
Rural neighborhoods, preservation, SB 391*
Subdivision of land (See SUBDIVISION OF LAND)
Traditional neighborhood development, promotion, AB 566
LANDER COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Trial expenses, appropriation, AB 417
Cleaning deposits, increases, refunds, AB 397†
Eminent domain, relocation assistance for tenants, AB 306*
Eviction (See EVICTION)
Four or fewer units, applicability of certain laws, AB 397*
Housing authorities, powers, AB 484
Mobile home parks (See MOBILE HOME PARKS)
Definition, AB 462*
Refusal to accept rent payment after notice to quit, prohibition, AB 462*
Withholding by tenant for failure to receive essential services, AB 397*
Repairs, agreements for performance by tenant, AB 397*
Retaliatory conduct by landlord prohibited, AB 397*
Security deposits, refunds, AB 397†
Tenant screeners
Licensure, penalty for violations, SB 178†
Private investigator laws, exemption, SB 178, SB 334
Termination of tenancy
Defenses of tenant, AB 397*
Grounds, actions by tenants, AB 397†
Utility services, failure of landlord to supply, AB 397*
Water meters, installation, AB 397†
Board of landscape architecture
Design documents, adoption of standards (sec. 4), SB 409
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Design documents submitted to governmental entities, standards, reports of deficiencies, SB 409
Conversion of leased or rented personal property, SB 364
Petit larceny
Penalty for 3 or more offenses in certain period, AB 85†
Second or subsequent offense, additional penalties removed, SB 360*
LAS VEGAS, CITY OF (For general provisions, See CITIES)
Charter amendments
Candidates, filing fees (sec. 37), AB 444**
City auditor, supervision, AB 637**
Description of territory, AB 637**
Explosives, regulation, AB 112*, AB 538
Primary election, AB 613, AB 615*
Wards, SB 274**
Child care training program, appropriation, AB 301, AB 302, AB 703**
Community redevelopment, use of money for low-income housing, AB 306*
Competitive bidding for certain city services required, SB 422
Design-build contracting, representation on study committee, SB 475*
Emergency shelter for women and children, appropriation, AB 46, AB 703**
Gaming enterprise districts, designation, AB 522
Greater Las Vegas inner city games, appropriation, AB 654, AB 703**
Herbert Gerson park, appropriation, AB 415, AB 703**
Homeless shelters, appropriation, AB 233
Investment portfolio, loans of certain securities authorized, SB 14*
Latchkey programs, appropriation, AB 148, AB 703**
Library and community center, appropriation, AB 512
Mayor, member of school district reconfiguration committee (sec. 3), AB 466
Paging services, establishment of requirements relating to records, SB 131*
Performing arts center, appropriation, AB 703**
Regional planning (See REGIONAL PLANNING)
Room tax, rate, use of proceeds, AB 571, AB 572
Sound barrier along U.S. 95/I-515, appropriation, AB 367
Streets, closure for construction during certain time prohibited, SB 168†
Super speed ground transportation commission, appropriation, AB 682, AB 703**
Urban growth zone, requirements for projects of significant impact, SB 191**
West Desert Inn Road, U-turns at certain location, appropriation, SB 174, SB 560**
Foundation, appropriation, SB 560*
Special license plates for support of, SB 204*
Desert preserve, establishment, support, SB 204*, SB 560*
Sale, distribution, possession or use, regulation, AB 541
Unlawful acts, penalty, SB 360†, AB 541
LAUGHLIN, TOWN OF (For general provisions, See TOWNS)
Transfer of state land located in town to Clark County, SB 377**
Boats, leasing restrictions, AB 199
Counties, construction or remodeling of buildings and facilities, SB 407*
Deceptive trade practices, AB 431*
Federal lands, distribution of revenue received by state for leases, AB 26
Golf courses, property tax assessment on certain public property, AB 668**
Motor vehicles
Long-term leases (See MOTOR VEHICLES)
Short-term leases (See RENTAL CARS)
Personal property, conversion, SB 364
Southern Nevada correctional center, lease of facilities, AB 696**
Taxicab leases, regulation, fee, SB 491†
Adult wards, representation, AB 517*
Clark County health system, nomination to advisory board, SB 520†
Court fees, procedure for distribution to programs providing services, AB 335
Elderly persons, facilitation of services for, AB 250**
Child care, quality of services, AB 302, AB 354
Child welfare, integration of state and local systems, ACR 53‡
Children's health insurance program, provision of presumptive eligibility, AB 5†
Clark County
Air pollution, SB 432**, SCR 22
Economic development and diversification, SB 434
Court of chancery, establishment, SCR 19‡
Criminal penalties resulting in longer sentences, costs to state, SCR 23
Achievement and proficiency examinations, SB 466**
Disabled pupils, requirements for graduation with standard diploma, ACR 16‡
Henderson state college, AB 220**
Hi-tech learning centers, AB 360**
Higher education funding, SB 443**
Information exchange between school districts and university system, SCR 3‡
Reforms, adoption, ACR 25‡
Regional training centers for teachers, SB 60, SB 466†
School districts, reconfiguration, AB 466
School safety and juvenile violence, AB 686**
Elections laws, AB 614†
Energy policy of state, ACR 32
Foster care, SCR 13
Health insurance for uninsurable residents, ACR 31
Highways and roads
Bordering states, improvements to roads providing access to Nevada, SB 558**
Design-build contracts, SB 437†
Exchange of state and local ownership or control, ACR 3‡
Speed limits, SB 390
Humboldt River Basin, water management opportunities, SB 307, SB 560**
Judges and justices, pension plan, AB 698**
Correctional facilities, AB 36
Justice system, ACR 13‡
Legislature, reapportionment, SCR 1‡, ACR 14
Long-term care, SB 2, SCR 4‡, SCR 6, SCR 8
Home-based and community-based long-term care, SCR 6, SCR 8
Hospitals, reimbursements, AB 386**
Long-term care facilities providing services to recipients, SB 2
Managed care programs, SCR 5
Medically needy, eligibility, SB 3
Presumptive eligibility, provision to certain recipients, AB 5†
Quality of care, method for evaluation, AB 146
Mental illness and mental retardation, treatment and services, ACR 11
Misdemeanors, categorization, AB 42, ACR 67
Motor vehicle registrations and drivers' licenses, cost of issuance, AB 30
Nursing homes, AB 7
Prisons department, custody positions, SB 353**
Property tax, assessment of interstate or intercounty property, SB 411**
Public employees' retirement, effect of employment of retired employees, AB 74**
Public health services, access, SB 556**
Public works, design-build contracts, SB 437†, SB 475*
Residential facilities for groups, ACR 27
Rural health care, ACR 36
Sex offenders
Chemical treatment programs, AB 56
Parole, evaluation procedures for certification, ACR 35
Sovereign immunity, removal of limit on damages awarded in tort actions, AB 119, ACR 46‡
State bank, SCR 47
State parks, funding, ACR 29
Tobacco settlement, use, AB 652
Water wells, AB 408**
Wild horses, establishment of private foundation to promote adoption, AB 684**
Audit division
Executive branch audits, consultation, SB 550**
Internal accounting and administrative control, receipt of reports, AB 255*
School districts, audit, AB 241**
Transportation, department of, performance audit, AB 404
University system, performance audit, AB 368†
Checking account, use, AB 631**
Clark County school district reconfiguration, duties, AB 466
Court caseloads, receipt of reports, AB 51**
Justices of the peace, reports of decisions relating to number, AB 629
Regulations, certain duties removed, AB 631**
School construction, commission for, publication of notice of meetings, AB 597**
Educational accountability and program evaluation, legislative bureau of
Contract with consultant, duties (sec. 8), SB 70**
Receipt of reports, SB 58, SB 70**, SB 466**, SB 555**
Regional teacher training centers, duties, appropriation, SB 60, SB 466†
Administrative leave, ACR 23‡
Commendation, AR 7‡
Fiscal analysis division
Achievement and proficiency examinations, reports, duties, SB 466**
Budget synopsis to budget subcommittee, provision removed, AB 631**
Capital improvement projects, notice of temporary advances, AB 699**
Financial analysis and planning, office of, creation, AB 525**
Fiscal notes, preparation, AB 631**
Highway patrol salaries, receipt of report (sec. 4), SB 239
Lincoln County school district, receipt of report, SB 236**
State budget, preparation of legislative proposal, SB 71
White Pine County school district, receipt of report, AB 480**
Information systems, appropriation, AB 321**
Interim benefits committee, creation, SB 544†
Interim finance committee
Bonus program based on cost savings of state agencies, duties, SB 162
Community school boards, filing of grievances (sec. 29), AB 413
Consolidated bond interest and redemption fund, receipt of report, AB 699**
Contractors' recovery fund, receipt of reports, AB 636*
Disaster relief fund, disbursement of grants, SB 193*
Emergency telecommunication services, receipt of report, SB 487†
Financial analysis model programs, appropriation, SB 466**
Geographic education, trust fund for, reports to, AB 216
Governor's staff, receipt of reports, AB 660†
Health care services program for disabled persons, receipt of report, SB 109
Health insurance ombudsman, report from, AB 143, AB 310
Healthy Nevada, fund for a, receipt of reports, approval of grants, AB 474*
Highway patrol building, Las Vegas, approval of site, AB 699**
Juvenile facilities, distribution of appropriations, SB 254, SB 560**, AB 330*
Motor vehicles department, approval of reorganization plan, AB 679**
National college of juvenile and family law, fund for, approval of transfer, SB 303**
National judicial college, fund for, approval of transfer, SB 304**
Nevada scholarship trust fund, duties, AB 652
Pollution control account, approval of expenditures, SB 511**
Presidential primary, receipt of report, appropriation (sec. 54), AB 505
Public broadcasting stations, appropriation, reports, SB 270, AB 474*
Public works, approval of projects, SB 413, SB 474, AB 664
Racial and economic bias, commission on, distribution of appropriation, AB 703**
Remedial programs for certain schools, duties, SB 466†, SB 555**
State budget, duties (sec. 3), SB 71
State parks account, approval of expenditures, AB 441**
Statewide automated system of information concerning pupils, report, SB 555**, AB 655
Supreme court office space in Clark County, approval of lease, AB 595**
Tahoe Basin, approval of bond issue, reallocation of money, reports, AB 285**
Unclassified service, duties regarding salaries, SB 554**
Legal division
Bill draft requests
Reimbursement of expenses, SB 250**
Emergency actions by agencies, receipt of statements regarding, AB 12*
Ethics opinions, annotations to NRS (sec. 13), SB 478*
Occupational safety, receipt of reports relating to citations, AB 12*
Regulations, duties, receipt of reports, AB 631**
Legislative commission
Air quality report from local pollution control boards, receipt, SB 394*
Audit subcommittee, receipt of audit reports, AB 241**, AB 368†
Budget subcommittee
Duties, AB 631**
Repeal (sec. 8), SB 71
Child care, receipt of report, AB 302
Closeup Foundation, approval of allocation, AB 312, AB 703**
Domestic violence statistical data, receipt of reports, AB 621**
Electric utility deregulation, reports, SB 226, SB 438†, AB 168
Ethics, commission on, appointment (sec. 10), SB 478*
Higher education, committee to study funding, appropriation, duties, SB 443**
Members, appointment, SR 9‡, AR 9‡
Mortgage investments and lending advisory council, appointment, AB 64*
Placement of children, local advisory boards, receipt of reports, AB 158**
Public lands, approval of use fees imposed by counties (sec. 8), AB 672
Reapportionment study committee, duties, SCR 1‡
Recycling, powers and duties, AB 564*
Regional transportation commissions, appointments, SB 336
School social workers, report, SB 388
SIIS, appointment to fill vacancy in board of directors (sec. 4), SB 93
Special committees, appointment (sec. 8), AB 631**
State of the state address, appointment of committee to hear (sec. 7), AB 631**
Substance abuse commission, appointments, SB 346**
Tahoe Regional Planning Compact, appointment of review committee, SCR 16‡
Teacher recruitment and professional development program, report, AB 47†
Tobacco settlement expenditures, appointment of committee (sec. 9), AB 652
Transportation department, appointments to board of directors, SB 336
Water planning, division of, report, SB 526**
Nevada Reports, appropriation for reproduction, AB 322**
Research division, preparation of impact reports relating to health care, SB 137
Minority leader, appointments made by
Information technology commission (sec. 5), AB 364
Misdemeanors, task force to study penalties, ACR 67
Reapportionment committee, SCR 1‡
Speaker, appointments made by
Academic standards for public schools, council, SB 466**
Benefits, committee on, SB 223
Business and education coalition of Nevada, SB 466†
Child care, advisory council to improve quality, AB 302†
Correctional institutions, committee on (sec. 3), SB 399
Education, commission on professional standards in, SB 59
Education, state board of, SB 466†
Financial analysis and planning task force (secs. 2, 5), AB 525**
Healthy Nevada, fund for a, task force, AB 474*
Henderson state college study advisory committee, AB 220**
Higher education, committee to study funding, SB 443**
Information technology commission (sec. 5), AB 364
Interim retirement and benefits committee, SB 544**
Labor relations for state employees, board for (secs. 19, 79), AB 131
Mathematics proficiency examination task force, SB 466**
Millennium scholarships board, SB 496†
Minority health advisory committee (sec. 15), SB 4
Misdemeanors, task force to study penalties, ACR 67
Proficiency examination, advisory committee to oversee (sec. 2), SB 15
Public health services access task force, SB 556**
Reapportionment, study committee, SCR 1‡
School facilities, commission for construction, AB 597**
School safety and juvenile violence, commission on, AB 686**
State industrial insurance system, board of directors (sec. 4), SB 93
Technological crime, advisory board for, SB 485**
Speaker Dini, lifetime grant of assembly license plate number 1, AB 695**
Standing committees
Constitutional amendments, committee on, creation (rule 40), AR 3‡
Health and human services, report on child care, AB 302
Hearings, notices (rules 49, 92), AR 3‡
Infrastructure, committee repealed (rule 40), AR 3‡
Judiciary, committee on, receipt of drafts requested by courts, ACR 5†
Labor and management merged with commerce (rule 40), AR 3‡
Number of members (rule 40), AR 3‡
Ways and means, reports, appointments, SB 239, SB 466**, SB 487†, SB 544**, AB 255*
Standing rules (See Standing rules, this heading)
Bills and resolutions
AB 108, return from governor requested, ACR 34‡
AB 350, return from governor requested, ACR 61‡
AB 552, return from governor requested, ACR 68‡
Agency budgets, consideration by finance committees, ACR 5†
Amendments (rule 14.7), ACR 1‡
BDR list, disclosure of legislators and lobbyists requesting measures, AB 268†
Commendations, limitation on hearing, ACR 5
Conference committee reports (rule 14.3), ACR 1‡
Consent calendar, SR 1‡, AR 3‡
Criminal penalties resulting in longer sentences, study, SCR 23
Drafting requests, limitations, AB 631**, ACR 1‡
Duplicate requests, withdrawal or cosponsorship, AB 268†
Enactment, schedule for (rules 14.3-14.7), ACR 1‡, ACR 69‡
Final action and recorded vote required by committees (rule 14.9), ACR 30
Fiscal notes, AB 631**
General file, placement on (rule 113), SR 1‡
Health care providers, inclusion of impact report with legislation, SB 137
Judicial and executive branches, legislation requested by, ACR 5†
Limitations (rules 14, 14.2), ACR 1‡
Notice (rule 109), SR 1‡
Resolutions, exemption from limitations, SCR 28‡
Joint resolutions, signature by governor unnecessary, AB 631**
Joint sponsorship (rule 5), ACR 1‡
Memorials, limitation on hearing, ACR 5
Notice of reconsideration, ACR 69‡
Printing (rule 111), SR 1‡
Regional planning coalition, submission of requests, AB 493*
SB 8, return from governor requested, SCR 46‡
Skeleton bills (rule 106), AR 3‡
Unfunded mandates, disclosure requirements, SB 471**, AB 355, AB 689†
Budget, time for submission by governor, AB 631**, AJR 5 of the 69th session‡
Capital improvement contracts, approval, SB 413, SB 474
Gaming campaign contributions, acceptance restricted, SB 86
Gifts, prohibitions against acceptance (sec. 4), AB 57
Clark County school district reconfiguration, duties (sec. 5), AB 466
Closeup Foundation, allocation of appropriation, AB 312, AB 703**
Collective bargaining by state employees, approval of agreements, AB 131
Audio or video conferences (rule 23), ACR 20
Correctional institutions, committee on, creation, SB 399
Education, committee on
Alternative programs for disruptive pupils, receipt of report, AB 521**
Business and education coalition of Nevada, receipt of report, SB 466†
Elko County class-size reduction project, receipt of report, AB 700**
Proficiency examinations, receipt of report, SB 15, SB 104**, SB 466**
Regional training centers, receipt of reports, SB 60, SB 466†, SB 555**
Rural education fund, administration, receipt of report, SB 350
School accountability, receipt of report, SB 58, SB 70**, SB 466†, SB 555**
Governor's appointees, recommendations regarding confirmation of certain appointments, SB 160
Health care, committee on
Health care services program for handicapped, duties (sec. 1), SB 109
Impact reports on regulation of providers, receipt, duties, SB 137
Receipt of reports
Children's health insurance program study, AB 5†
Health care services program for handicapped (sec. 4), SB 109
Medicaid studies, SB 2, SB 3, AB 5†, AB 146, SCR 8
Nursing home study, AB 7
Ombudsman for consumers of health insurance, AB 143, AB 310
Hearings, notices (rules 49, 92), AR 3‡
Interim benefits committee, creation, SB 544†
Interim retirement committee
Name changed, duties, SB 544**
Receipt of study reports, AB 74**
Public lands committee
Appropriation, SB 560**
Water wells, study, AB 408**
Records, retention (rule 12), ACR 1‡
Return of matters from committees (rule 50), SR 1‡
Rules (rule 53), SR 1‡
State of the state address, committee to hear (sec. 7), AB 631**
Tahoe Regional Planning Compact review committee, continuation, SCR 16‡
Tobacco settlements, committee on expenditures relating to, creation, AB 652
Witnesses, retaliatory action against independent contractor witnesses prohibited, AB 66
Workers' compensation, committee on
Composition, AB 631**
Receipt of reports, SB 37†
Disasters, declaration, AB 626*
Electric utility deregulation, determinations relating to competition, SB 226, SB 438†
Administrative leave, ACR 23‡
Appointment of attaches, SR 3‡, AR 1‡, AR 4‡, AR 5‡
Commendation, SR 8‡, AR 6‡, AR 7‡
Compensation and titles of certain employees, AB 702*
Insurance coverage, SB 544**
Presession and postsession employment, compensation, AB 631**
Joint rules (See Standing rules, this heading)
Lake Tahoe Basin, legislative declaration (sec. 1)
Legislative fund
Audit of department of transportation, appropriation, AB 404
Claims, presentation to state board of examiners unnecessary, AB 631**
Clergy, appropriation for compensation, ACR 71‡
Closeup Foundation, appropriation, allocation, AB 312, AB 703**
Health insurer fees, use, AB 474*
Information systems, appropriation, AB 321**
Public lands committee, appropriation, SB 560**
School safety and juvenile violence, commission on, appropriation, AB 686**
Session appropriation, SB 1**
Use generally (sec. 9), AB 631**
Legislative police, occupational disease coverage, AB 608†
Lobbying (See LOBBYING)
Housing allowance for certain legislators, AB 170*
Per diem, AB 631**
Periodicals, stamps, stationery, communications, AB 600, SR 2‡, AR 2‡
Carson City delegation, nominations to charter committee (sec. 1), AB 539*
Compensation, AB 600, AB 631**
Conflicts of interest, SB 478*, SB 540
Election precincts, notices of changes, AB 520*
Election, study of requirements for reapportionment, SCR 1‡, ACR 14
Ethics (See ETHICS)
Gifts, solicitation or acceptance prohibited (sec. 4), AB 57
Public employees' retirement, participation, AB 189**
Residency requirements, AB 614*
Terms of office, SJR 17
Vacancies in office, filling, AB 614*
Newlands Project water rights fund, review of expenditures, AB 380**
Public lands, approval of use fees imposed by counties (sec. 8), AB 672
Reapportionment and redistricting, study of requirements, SCR 1‡, ACR 14
Regional transportation commissions in large counties, representation, SB 336
Reports to legislature
Academic standards, SB 466**
At-risk pupils, alternative programs, SB 170, AB 147, AB 244, AB 521**
Athletic trainers, advisory committee regarding, SB 357*
Children in need of protection, pilot program for continuity of care, SB 288**
Class-size reduction project, Elko County, AB 700**
Consumer health assistance, office for, SB 37**
Consumer health assistance, office of, SB 196
Contractors' board, state, AB 259, AB 634*, AB 636*
Culturally diverse children, educational programs, AB 357
District judges in judicial districts including family court, assignment, AB 49
Domestic violence statistical data, AB 621**
Economic development, commission on, SB 537**
Economic forum, AB 268
Educational programs of special emphasis, Clark County, SB 506
Electric utility deregulation, SB 226, SB 438†
Family courts, coordination and integration of case files, ACR 4‡
Family resource centers, substance abuse pilot programs, AB 181**
Financial analysis and planning task force, AB 525**
Geographic education, trust fund for, AB 216
Grazing, economic analysis, AB 291, AB 703**
Group insurance for public employees, SB 544**
Health care plans, appeals to review panel, AB 491
Health insurance, ombudsman, AB 143
Health programs, trust fund for, AB 652
Health system, Clark County, SB 520
Information technology, audits and strategic plans, AB 364
Insurance fraud investigation program, SB 224
Intersession programs in schools, SB 187, AB 145
Medicaid, home-based and community-based waiver programs, SCR 6
Minority health, division of, SB 4
Motor vehicles, advisory board on repair of, AB 258*
Occupational education, SB 505
Placement of children, local advisory boards, AB 158**
Prisoners, program for management of, AB 561
Public health, trust fund for, AB 474*
Regional planning coalition, AB 439†
Regional planning, Washoe County, AB 424†
Regional training centers for teachers, SB 60, SB 466†, SB 555**
Scholarship programs, SB 496*, AB 652
School construction in Clark County, SB 435**, AB 368**
School safety and juvenile violence, commission on, AB 686**
School social workers, SB 388
Special fuel tax, administration and enforcement, AB 28*
State industrial insurance system, board of directors, SB 93
Statewide automated system of information concerning pupils, SB 555**, AB 655
Superintendent of public instruction, SB 466**
Recruitment and professional development, AB 47**, AB 232
Student loan program, AB 47†
Water planning, division of, SB 526**
Governor's appointees, confirmation, SB 160
Hall of fame inductions
Fairchild, T. Tracy, SR 7‡
Kendall, Zebedee "Zeb", SR 6‡
McGowan, Wilson, SR 4‡
Wilson, Thomas R. C. "Spike", SR 5‡
Majority leader, appointments made by
Academic standards for public schools, council, SB 466**
Benefits, committee on, SB 223
Business and education coalition of Nevada, SB 466†
Child care, advisory council to improve quality, AB 302†
Correctional institutions, committee on (sec. 3), SB 399
Education, commission on professional standards in, SB 59
Education, state board of, SB 466†
Financial analysis and planning task force (secs. 2, 5), AB 525**
Healthy Nevada, fund for a, task force, AB 474*
Henderson state college study advisory committee, AB 220**
Higher education, committee to study funding, SB 443**
Information technology commission (sec. 5), AB 364
Interim retirement and benefits committee, SB 544**
Labor relations for state employees, board for (secs. 19, 79), AB 131
Mathematics proficiency examination task force, SB 466**
Millennium scholarships board, SB 496†
Minority health advisory committee (sec. 15), SB 4
Misdemeanors, task force to study penalties, ACR 67
Proficiency examination, advisory committee to oversee (sec. 2), SB 15
Public health services access task force, SB 556**
Reapportionment, study committee, SCR 1‡
School facilities, commission for construction, AB 597**
School safety and juvenile violence, commission on, AB 686**
State industrial insurance system, board of directors (sec. 4), SB 93
Technological crime, advisory board for, SB 485**
Minority leader, appointments made by
Information technology commission (sec. 5), AB 364
Misdemeanors, task force to study penalties, ACR 67
Reapportionment committee, SCR 1‡
Standing committees
Finance, reports, appointments, SB 239, SB 466**, SB 487†, SB 544**, AB 255*
Human resources and facilities, report on child care, AB 302
Judiciary committee, receipt of drafts requested by courts, ACR 5†
Annual and special, AJR 5 of the 69th session‡
Convening temporarily outside state capital, authorization, SJR 5
Starting date, AJR 11
Sexual harassment policy (rule 20), ACR 1‡
Standing rules
Assembly committees (rule 40), AR 3‡
Committee rules (rule 53), SR 1‡
Consent calendar, SR 1‡, AR 3‡
Desks, placement of materials on (rule 95), SR 1‡
General file, placing bills on (rules 113), SR 1‡
Hearings of committees, notices (rules 49, 92), AR 3‡
Introduction of legislation, notice (rule 109), SR 1‡
Joint rules
Adoption, ACR 1‡
Agency budgets, consideration by finance committees, ACR 5†
Audio or video conference, committee meetings by (rule 23), ACR 20
Executive branch, delivery of drafts to houses, ACR 5†
Final action and recorded vote required by committees (rule 14.9), ACR 30
Joint sponsorship of legislation (rule 5), ACR 1‡
Judicial branch, delivery of drafts to judiciary committees, ACR 5†
Limitations on requests for introduction, amendment or enactment of legislation (rules 14-14.7), ACR 1‡, ACR 69‡
Memorials and commendations, limitation on hearing, ACR 5
Messages from other house (rule 2), ACR 1‡
Records of committees (rule 12), ACR 1‡
Resolutions, exemption from rules limiting requests and introductions, SCR 28‡
Sexual harassment policy (rule 20), ACR 1‡
Messages from state officers or other house, SR 1‡
Points of order (rule 20), SR 1‡
Printing of bills (rule 111), SR 1‡
Return of matters from committees (rule 50), SR 1‡
Skeleton bills (rule 106), AR 3‡
Audio or video conferences (rule 23), ACR 20
Persons near secretary's desk during voting (rule 32), SR 1‡
Substance abuse commission, representation, SB 346**
Tahoe Basin, approval of issuance of bonds for protection programs, AB 285**
Tobacco settlement trust fund, appropriation of interest and income, AB 263
Transportation, department of, representation on board of directors, SB 336
Witnesses, retaliatory action against independent contractor witnesses prohibited, AB 66
Used vehicle defined, SB 153*
Employment discrimination prohibited, AB 311*
Material harmful to minors, unlawful exhibition, sale or distribution, AB 282**
Reporting sexual offenses involving minor victims required, penalties, AB 267*
Reporting required, penalties, AB 267*
False statements relating to campaign of candidate or passage or defeat of ballot question, SB 478*, AB 130**
Grant program for public libraries, appropriation, AB 703**
Las Vegas, appropriation, AB 512
North Las Vegas library district, appropriation, SB 186
Pahrump community library district, bond issue ratified (sec. 9), AB 299**
Residential construction tax, use for facilities, AB 510
Building permits (See BUILDING PERMITS)
Business licenses (See BUSINESS LICENSES)
Business tax (See BUSINESS TAX)
Criminal history repository, submission of information relating to investigations on behalf of licensing authorities, AB 621†
Drivers' licenses (See MOTOR VEHICLES)
Intangible personal property, property tax exemption, SB 411**
Occupations and professions (See specific occupation or profession)
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Fuel businesses, SB 455**
Levy and collection, requirements, SB 455**, AB 554**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
Common-interest communities
Assessment liens, AB 228
Foreclosure, SB 441, SB 451*, AB 228
Fuels, delinquent taxes or fees, SB 202*, AB 396, AB 584*
Irrigation districts, AB 252*
Labor and materials furnished to maintain property and improvements, SB 247
Mechanics' and materialmen's liens
Contractors, effect of failure to release certain liens, AB 634*
Notice of completion, recording (sec. 2), AB 414*
Mobile or manufactured homes, storage, maintenance or repair, AB 547
Mortgage company notes secured by property liens, applicability of securities laws, SB 124, AB 72
Motor vehicles
Delinquent taxes, fees or assessments, SB 202*
Storage, maintenance or repair, AB 258*, AB 547
Real estate licensees, SB 84, SB 452*
Real property, recording of documents (sec. 2), AB 414*
Real property transfer tax, delinquent payments, SB 318†
State agencies, liens for debts owed to agencies, SB 500**
Taxicabs, SB 491†
Bill draft requests, limitation (sec. 6), AB 631**
Election jointly with governor, AJR 17 of the 69th session
Executive branch audit committee, member, SB 550**
Do-not-resuscitate protocols and identification, regulatory oversight, AB 73**
Constructional defects, SB 32**, SB 286, SB 380, AB 442
Decedents, causes of action belonging to (sec. 212), AB 400*
False claims submitted to governmental entity, SB 418*
Felonious killing of decedent, action alleging person culpable actor, AB 159**
Identity theft, AB 71*
Product liability (sec. 7), AB 225
Spendthrift trusts, AB 469*
Subdivision of land, deficiencies in required public improvements, SB 17
Accountants, practice, SB 439**
Architects, interior designers and residential designers, registration, AB 609
Certificates of change, filing, SB 61**
Documents filed with secretary of state, replacement, SB 61**
Engineering firms, registration requirements (sec. 2), SB 103**
Interior designers, practice, AB 632
Land surveying firms, registration requirements (sec. 3), SB 103**
Legislative study of business organization laws, SCR 19‡
Open Meeting Law, applicability to certain companies, SB 312
Reinstatement of charter, SB 61**
Resident agents, street address, SB 19*, SB 61**
Residential designers, practice, AB 632
Trust companies, formation, SB 465*
Trusts, authority to form limited-liability company, AB 400*
Annual lists, SB 61**
Legislative study of business organization laws, SCR 19‡
Street address, resident agents, SB 19*, SB 61**
Annual lists, SB 61**
Certificate of change, filing, SB 61**
Legislative study of business organization laws, SCR 19‡
Resident agents, street address, SB 19*, SB 61**
Allocations, SB 491
Certificates of public convenience, SB 491
Chauffeurs, industrial insurance coverage for domestic workers, AB 334*
Compliance with laws, SB 491
Drivers' permits, SB 491
Kickbacks for soliciting for businesses, prohibition, SB 491†, AB 193*, AB 546
Liability insurance coverage, SB 491
Records, inspection, SB 491
Regulation by transportation services authority, SB 296
Rental cars unlawfully used for passenger service, immunities of short-term lessors, release of vehicles, AB 677*
Safety standards for drivers and vehicles, adoption, SB 491
Unsafe vehicles, limitation on use, SB 491
LINCOLN COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Endangered species, creation of preservation areas, imposition of fees, AB 641**
Regional development corporation, formation, AB 528**
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Fund to stabilize operation of local government, balance, deposits, transfers, SB 48
School construction, appropriation, SB 236**
Containers, duties regarding suitability, AB 292
Repairmen, licensure, AB 292
Special fuel tax, conversion factor for calculation eliminated, SB 349†, AB 35
Suppliers, notice of work performed by other persons, AB 292
Alternative livestock, Rocky Mountain elk removed from definition, SB 527
Committees for assessing livestock
Composition (sec. 22), AB 668**
Special tax, notice to counties and division of agriculture (sec. 19), AB 668**
Cruelty to animals (See CRUELTY TO ANIMALS)
Diseased animals, confidentiality of certain notices, SB 330**
Feed lot operations, reconsideration of certain federal regulations urged, AJR 21‡
Horses (See HORSES)
Killing or injuring animals of another, penalty, SB 396*
Livestock shows, accidental deaths exempt from laws relating to cruelty to animals, SB 396*
Public auction, fees for licensure, AB 693*
Rangeland resources commission, promotion of industry, support fee, SB 310*
Special fuel users' licenses, applicability to operators of motor carriers, SB 202*
Special tax, administration (secs. 19-29), AB 668**
Wells, domestic use includes watering livestock, SB 291*
Licensure, fees, AB 693*
Service of process on agriculture administrator, fees, AB 693*
Do-not-resuscitate protocols and identification, regulatory oversight, AB 73**
Check-cashing and deferred deposit services, AB 431*
Child care facilities, loan program for construction or renovation, AB 301
Motor vehicle title as collateral, restrictions (sec. 3), AB 1
State and local governments
Disaster relief fund, requests for loans, SB 193*
Loans of certain securities authorized, SB 14*
Severe financial emergency fund, loans from, AB 606**
Student loans, programs for certain teachers and education majors, AB 47†
Venture capital, establishment of state program to provide, SB 309
Bill draft requests, inclusion of requester on BDR list, AB 268†
Expenditure defined (sec. 1), AB 57
Final reports, contents (sec. 3), AB 57
Definition (sec. 2), AB 57
Prohibited acts (sec. 4), AB 57
Reports of expenditures, SB 478†, AB 518**
Sexual harassment, legislative policy (rule 20), ACR 1‡
State employees, applicability of laws, AB 218
Ballot questions, duties, SB 501*
Local government tax distribution account, review of allocation, SB 534*
School district general fund, reports of declines in ending balances, AB 219**
Severe financial emergencies of local governments, duties, SB 473**, AB 606**
Creation, AB 529
Advertising of contracts and solicitation of bids, monetary threshold, AB 639**
Authorized representatives, powers, SB 341*
Computers and associated equipment, exemption from laws, SB 341†, AB 445*
County hospitals, purchasing groups authorized, exemption from laws, AB 251**
District hospitals, purchasing groups authorized, exemption from laws, AB 533*
Items for resale through retail outlet operated by public entity, exemption from bidding requirements, SB 341*
Personal property
Donation to nonprofit or governmental entities, SB 139**, AB 264, AB 318**
Sale or lease (sec. 8), SB 341*
School districts, donation to charter schools, SB 431, AB 348**
Reaward of contracts (sec. 3), SB 341*
Records of bids and requests, retention (sec. 1), SB 341*
State contracts, joining or use (sec. 9), SB 341*
Bonds and other obligations
Ballot questions, required disclosures, forms, SB 501*
Community redevelopment, faith of state pledged, SB 528**
Debt management commissions (See DEBT MANAGEMENT COMMISSIONS)
Housing authorities, issuance, AB 484
Issuance restricted during period following general election, AB 223†
Loans of securities authorized, procedure, SB 14*
Medium-term obligations
Capital projects, update to capital improvement plan required, AB 299**
Exception from limit on amount of revenue from taxes ad valorem removed, AB 299**
Resolutions, contents, approval, AB 299**
Municipal infrastructure securities, acquisition by counties, SB 433*
Pahrump community library district, bond issue ratified (sec. 9), AB 299**
Public works, certain contracts authorized before issuance of obligations, SB 433**
Recreational facilities, AB 554**
School districts, AB 368**, AB 597**
Special elections, SB 501*
Water and sewer bonds, maturity date, AB 92
Business license fees, calculation of revenue received from, SB 455**
Capital improvement plans, preparation, contents, SB 433**, AB 299**, AB 424*
City-county relief tax (See CITY-COUNTY RELIEF TAX)
Claims, penalty for submission of false claims to local government, SB 418*
Combined tax rate
Exemption of certain tax levies from limitation on total levy, SB 319, SB 473**, SB 476**, AB 275**, AB 463
Publication of notice if rate exceeds certain level, SB 476**
Transfer of money between entities to establish certain rate prohibited, SB 536**
Credit unions, deposits, SB 39*, AB 375*
Deferred compensation programs, property held in trust, SB 367**
Deposits by counties, AB 375*
Disaster relief fund
Establishment of local funds, sources and use, SB 194†
State fund, requests for grants or loans, SB 193*
Douglas County Sales and Use Tax Act of 1999, AB 174**
Federal lands, distribution of revenue received by state for leases, AB 26
Impact fees (See IMPACT FEES)
Limit on revenue from ad valorem taxes
Ballot question to exceed limitation, disclosures, special elections, SB 501*
County hospital districts, levy to repay outstanding obligations exempt, AB 275**
County museum or historical society, exemption of tax levy, AB 463
Medium-term obligations, exception to limitation removed, AB 299**
Regional facilities for children, exemption of tax levy, AB 314**
Severe financial emergencies of local entities, exemption of tax levy, SB 473**
Local government pooled investment fund, loans of investments (sec. 2), SB 14*
Local government tax acts of 1991 and 1993, basic ad valorem revenue, SB 538**
Local government tax distribution fund
Decline in population or assessed valuation, review of allocations, SB 534*
Designation as account (sec. 10), AB 124**
Method of calculation of assessed valuation for allocation purposes, SB 538**
Redevelopment areas, assessed valuation included for allocation purposes, SB 535**
Minerals, tax on net proceeds of, distribution to counties, SB 502, AB 506**
Mitigation, county fund for, use, SB 502, AB 506**
Monetary limit on programs and services for which legislature must authorize additional revenue source, SB 471**, AB 689†
Nonprofit corporations
Contracts for provision of governmental services, AB 236†
Operating purposes, levy of additional property tax for, SB 538**
Ordinances, resolutions or other instruments creating, generating or increasing public revenue, procedure for adoption, AB 508
Population, determination for purpose of distribution of tax proceeds, SB 538**, AB 556
Property tax (See PROPERTY TAX)
Road maintenance districts, assessments, AB 604**
Severe financial emergencies
Disincorporation or dissolution of local government, SB 473**
Loans from severe financial emergency fund, AB 606**
Taxes and assessments to be raised and services limited, SB 473**
Stabilize the operation of the local government, fund to
Maximum balance, SB 194†
Natural disasters, use of fund for mitigation of effects, SB 194**
School districts, balance, deposits and transfers for certain districts, SB 48
Tax increases restricted during period following general election, AB 223†
Taxicabs, deposit of tax revenues, SB 491†
Underground electric facilities, fund to finance construction or conversion, creation, AB 277
Unfunded mandates, disclosures in legislation providing for, SB 471**, AB 355, AB 689†
Wild horses, proceeds of sale, AB 509†
LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS (For general district provisions, See DISTRICTS)
Assessments for improvements benefiting unassessed properties, SB 429
Board of directors, instruction regarding water systems (sec. 1), AB 88
Capital improvement plans, preparation, contents, SB 433**, AB 299**, AB 424*
Douglas County Sales and Use Tax Act of 1999, AB 174**
Hardship determinations, establishment of procedures, AB 95*
Analysis of construction costs and development fees in certain areas, SB 391*
Incentives to pay for construction and maintenance, SB 391*, AB 493*
Municipal securities, purchase by counties, SB 433*
Premature extension, legislative findings, SB 393
Rural preservation neighborhoods, SB 391*
Smart growth zones, AB 563
Redevelopment areas, special assessments for extraordinary maintenance, repair and improvements of certain projects, SB 138
School sites, responsibility for extension of services to, AB 568, AB 597†
Special districts
Commercial improvements, formation, assessments, SB 530*
Defray costs of acquisition, improvement, operation and maintenance of certain projects, formation, assessments, AB 642
Street beautification projects, creation of districts authorized, AB 95*
Abatement for new or expanded businesses, qualifications, SB 537**
Action for recovery of tax paid, venue (sec. 41), SB 362**
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Art for public display, SB 90, SB 521**
Audits, prohibition against penalties and interest during certain period, SB 362**
Boats, taxation of sales, SB 468
Construction equipment, trade-in value excluded from gross receipts, AB 389
Contractors from out-of-state, applicability of tax, SB 459
County commissioners, tax increases restricted during certain period, AB 223†
Deficiency determinations (secs. 8, 9), SB 362**
Apprenticeship committees and program sponsors, AB 207**
Art for public display
Exemption repealed, SB 90
Qualifications for exemption, SB 521**
Athletic organizations for older persons, AB 351
Boats sold to nonresidents, SB 468
Constitutional requirements for enacting exemptions, SJR 20‡
Food, SB 238**
Funeral supplies, SB 221
Hearing aids, SB 405, SB 406, AB 514
Motor vehicles, fees for documents used to complete sale, SB 156
Photographer's proofs, SB 424**
School supplies, limited exemption, AB 581
Failure to pay tax, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Imposition, strict construction of provisions governing, SB 522*
Liability for collection and payment, explanation provided to applicants for permits (sec. 38), SB 362*
Nonresidents, exemption from tax, permit to remove boat from state, SB 468
Overpayments and underpayments, SB 362**
Personal property used in interstate or foreign commerce, presumption, SB 262*
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
State fee for cost of collection of tax, AB 288**
Permits, expiration date, AB 115*
Execution, exemption of certain property of aged persons, AB 548
Home-based and community-based long-term care, SCR 6, SCR 8
Legislative study directed, SCR 4‡
Private insurance program combined with Medicaid, SB 370**
Study of facilities providing services to recipients, SB 2, SCR 4‡
Nursing homes, study of personnel and workfare, AB 7
Public officers and employees, coverage for long-term care, SB 446
Quality of care, continuous quality improvement approach for monitoring, ACR 10
Rural health care, legislative study, ACR 36
Survey of facilities, health division encouraged to publish, SCR 9‡
Aiding and abetting violations, penalties, AB 373*
State board of examiners for administrators of facilities for long-term care
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
LYON COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Hi-tech learning center, appropriation for study, AB 360**
Lyon County museum and Thompson school house, appropriation, AB 316, AB 703**
Nevada gold sesquicentennial celebration, ACR 56‡
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Western Nevada regional youth facility, funding, AB 314**
Domestic workers, industrial insurance coverage, AB 334*
Appropriations, SB 560**
Education, state and local boards, AB 294
Ethical standards, failure to acknowledge receipt of copy (sec. 7), SB 478*
Insurance coverage, AB 163
Denial of benefits
Board to review, AB 491
Notice, AB 293*
Emergency medical services
Coverage at any hospital, AB 293**
Post-emergency care, coverage, AB 172
Prohibited acts, AB 194, AB 515*
Prohibition against limiting access to hospital services, AB 194, AB 515*
Reimbursement for services provided at rural hospitals required, AB 383
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Limited services or treatment, contracts with certain providers required, AB 585
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Motor vehicle insurance, provision of medical coverage, SB 134
Obstetrician or gynecologist, selection as primary care physician, AB 516, AB 585
Ombudsman for health care assessment (sec. 19), AB 310
Specialist, selection as primary care physician, AB 585
Standard of care, liability for damages (sec. 5), AB 516
Board of professional management consultants, creation, SB 220
Licensing and regulation, SB 220
First amendment petition, caption, consideration by court, SB 326**
Public works, progress payments, SB 144*
Wild horses, county may request writ to compel removal, AB 509*
Death within a year and a day, element of crime repealed, SB 11**, AB 17
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Involuntary manslaughter includes death arising from certain violations, AB 333
Reporting and aid to victims, requirements, penalties, AB 155, AB 267*
Codes and standards, adoption, SB 177**
Fines for violations, SB 177**
Laws and regulations, enforcement, SB 177**
Modification of plans, local entities to give written notice to division, SB 177†
Controlled substances, unlawful acts, AB 454*
Employers generally (See EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES)
Explosives industry (See EXPLOSIVES AND EXPLOSIONS)
Food, cosmetics, drugs and devices, disconnection of telephone service of unlicensed entities, SB 128†
Gaming equipment (See GAMING)
Hazardous materials, regulation, AB 538
Priority funding areas for development (sec. 6), SB 393
Subdivisions (See SUBDIVISION OF LAND)
Possession, penalties, AB 577
Certificates and licenses
Affidavits of correction, fees, SB 512*
Lost or stolen certificates, replacement fees, SB 512*
Recording fees, SB 512*, AB 414†
Kickbacks to certain carriers for soliciting for businesses, SB 491†, AB 193*, AB 546
Municipal judges or justices of the peace
Fees, SB 512†
Nonmonetary gifts of nominal value, acceptance authorized, SB 512*
Board of examiners for marriage and family therapists
Continuing education, regulations, SB 197†
Drug and alcohol abuse counseling, regulations, SB 210†
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
Subpoenas, authority to issue (sec. 1), SB 218*
Disciplinary proceedings, payment of costs, SB 218*
Medicaid services, reimbursement, AB 178
Mental health and mental retardation commission, representation, SB 97*
Practice of marriage and family therapy, definition (sec. 2), SB 218*
MARSHALS (For general provisions, See PEACE OFFICERS)
Unit of marshals in Clark County, authority and jurisdiction, AB 402
Constructional defect cases, SB 32**
Domestic violence protective orders, powers, AB 339*
Firearm violations by minors, duties, AB 221*
Habitual truancy cases, AB 15**
Adverse birth outcomes, collection of information, AB 238*
Advisory board
Chairman trustee of fund for public health, AB 474*
Subcommittee on fetal alcohol syndrome, creation, SB 197*
Child health assurance program, eligibility, AB 4
Children's health insurance program (See INSURANCE—Health insurance)
Fetal alcohol syndrome, prevention and treatment programs, SB 197*
Health insurance coverage for certain digestive disorders, AB 551
Infant formula, sale by informal merchants restricted, SB 392, AB 109*
Infertility, insurance coverage for diagnosis and treatment, SB 295
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Residential facility for groups, maternity home excluded, AB 62, AB 167*
Terminology revised to obstetric center, AB 238*
Reporting and aid to victims required, penalties, AB 155, AB 267*
Alternative dispute resolution in lieu of arbitration, AB 392*
Collective bargaining by state employees (secs. 37, 38), AB 131
Common-interest communities, SB 240, SB 441, SB 451*
Open meeting law, exemptions (sec. 18), AB 131
Safe-deposit boxes, claims relating to, AB 279
School peer mediation programs, grants, AB 382, AB 703**
Assisted-living facilities, reimbursement procedures urged, ACR 12
Child health assurance program, eligibility, AB 4
Children's health insurance program (See also INSURANCE—Health insurance)
Administration within Medicaid program, SB 228
Contraception, reimbursement for services, AB 60†
Disabilities, persons with, provision of services to persons with income less than 250% of poverty level, AB 139
Application forms (sec. 3), AB 6
Child health assurance program, AB 4
Denial of application or reduction, suspension or termination of assistance or services, appeal, AB 429**
Medically needy, study of eligibility, SB 3
Presumptive eligibility for pregnant women and children, AB 5
Senior citizens with certain long-term care insurance, SB 370**
Sufficient staffing to make determinations urged, ACR 8
Training and authorization for persons determining eligibility, AB 6
Estates of decedents, recovery of assets, AB 249*
Federal matching funds for administrative costs, access to full amount and allocations urged, ACR 7
Hearings, appeals, AB 429**
Home-based and community-based programs
Access to waiver programs, improvement urged, SCR 8
Study of existing and proposed programs urged, SCR 6
Hormone replacement therapy, reimbursement for services, AB 60†
Hospice care, coverage (sec. 1), SB 382**
Reimbursement for treating disproportionate number of patients, AB 69
Study of method used to determine amount of payments, AB 386**
Institutionalized care, state's share of expenditures, monetary assistance to counties, AB 386**
Long-term care
Private insurance program combined with Medicaid, SB 370**
Managed care (See also MANAGED CARE)
HMO's, negotiation with certain essential community providers, AB 60†
Legislative study directed, SCR 5
Pharmaceutical services, contract, AB 429**
Reversion of previous appropriation extended, SB 284**
Marriage and family therapists, reimbursement for services, AB 178
Personal care assistants, increased access to services urged, ACR 9
Quality of care
Method of evaluation, study required, AB 146
Monitoring by health division, continuous method urged, ACR 10
Social workers, reimbursement for services, AB 178
Task force on policy concerning access to public services, creation, SB 556**
Transfers of money to children's health insurance program, AB 429**
Adverse outcomes to patients of facilities, documentation and reports, AB 586
Alcohol or drug abuse treatment facilities, regulation, SB 161†, AB 265*, AB 373†
Assisted-living facilities, Medicaid reimbursement urged, ACR 12
Aversive intervention, use restricted, penalties, AB 280*
Detoxification centers, regulation, AB 265*
Do-not-resuscitate protocols and identification, regulatory oversight, AB 73**
Background checks, AB 573**, AB 681
Number, hours, injuries and diseases, reports, AB 586
Whistle-blowers, retaliation prohibited, SB 549, AB 586
Federally-qualified health centers in rural areas, reimbursement from managed care organizations, AB 383
Fines and penalties for violations, AB 586
Homes for individual residential care
Applicability of laws, AB 373*
Defined as single-family residence, SB 391*, AB 62
Licensing requirements, SB 163**, AB 373*
Patients' rights, SB 163**
Transfer of patient, forwarding of records, SB 163**
Hospitals (See HOSPITALS)
Independent contractors, background checks, AB 681
Renewal, AB 681
Revocation, grounds, AB 573**
Long-term care facilities (See also LONG TERM CARE)
Facilities providing services to Medicaid recipients, study directed, SB 2
Legislative study directed, SCR 4‡
Nursing homes, study of personnel and workfare, AB 7
Quality of care, continuous method of monitoring urged, ACR 10
Survey of facilities, health division encouraged to publish, SCR 9‡
Residential facilities for groups
Definition, SB 163†, AB 167*, AB 373*
Emergencies, adoption of plans for response and evacuation, AB 373*
Employees, background checks, AB 573**
Inspections, AB 373*
Legislative study, ACR 27
Posting, AB 373*
Suspension or revocation, AB 373*, AB 573**
Location and concentration, rights and restrictions, SB 391*, AB 62
Rates for services, posting, AB 373*
Referral businesses, licensure and regulation, AB 373*
Registration with local government, AB 62†
Registry, compilation and dissemination by health division, SB 391*, AB 62
Single-family residence, defined as, SB 391*, AB 62
Unlicensed operation, penalty, AB 373*
Volunteers, background checks, AB 681
Motor vehicle insurance actions, sharing of information (sec. 57), AB 680*
Informal markets, sales restrictions, SB 392, AB 109*
Animals for research or experimental purposes, purchase, AB 448
Assistants, qualifications for certification, SB 7*
Employers, on-site drug testing exempt from laboratory laws, SB 180
Industrial insurance, testing for presence of alcohol or drugs, SB 37*, AB 470*
Investigations by state board of health, SB 78
Optometrists, authority to collect specimens (sec. 10), AB 432*
Waived tests, performance (sec. 3), SB 7*
Collateral source rule, reduction of damages based on, SB 171, AB 225
Findings of screening panels, admissibility, SB 479*
Preference for setting trial date, SB 479†
Dental malpractice, continuation of screening panels, AB 25**
Elderly or critically ill claimants, preferential scheduling of claims, SB 479*
Oriental medicine, definitions (sec. 1), AB 114
Screening panels, nominations, AB 680†
Alcohol or drug abuse treatment facilities, transfer of records, AB 265†
Aversive intervention, violations included in records, AB 280*
Birth defects and stillbirth records, access by state health officer, AB 238*
Child abuse, immunities for provision of records to certain agencies, AB 68**
Criminal neglect of patients, availability of records to investigators, AB 113**
Elder abuse, records to be made available to investigators, AB 113**
Homes for individual residential care, SB 163**
Industrial insurance, records relating to preexisting conditions, SB 37*
Licensing board representatives or investigators, access to records, SB 78
Motor vehicle insurance actions, agreements to share information, AB 680*
Ombudsman for insurance, inspection of records, SB 196†, AB 143, AB 310
Osteopathic medical societies, authority to investigate complaints, SB 199
Child abuse, immunities for causing performance of medical tests, AB 68**
Communicable diseases, disclosure of tests of certain persons, immunities, AB 483*
Common-interest communities, applicability of laws, SB 192†
Constructional defects, screening panels exempt from open meeting law, SB 380
County commissioners, meetings outside county seat, AB 261**
Equal time for opposing testimony urged, ACR 55
Notices, mailing, SB 312
Public body, definition, SB 312
Quorum present at meeting of other public body, exclusion from laws, AB 212
State employees, certain negotiations or meetings relating to collective bargaining exempt (sec. 18), AB 131
Testimony, allotment of equal time, AB 369
Veterans' services commission, Nevada, AB 530*
Washoe County room tax, meetings of tourism committees or authorities, SB 477**
Composition, SB 97*
Name change, AB 305*
Aversive intervention, use restricted, penalties, AB 280*
Cerebral palsy or epilepsy, extension of services to persons with, SB 469**
Division facilities, name changes, AB 305*
Improper conduct in admission, provisions clarified, AB 141**
Involuntary admissions
Conditional and early releases, SB 518, AB 141**
Second evaluation by psychiatrist or psychologist, request by client, SB 73*
Testimony, AB 140*
Unconditional releases, AB 141**
Legislative study of services directed, ACR 11
Opportunity Village, appropriation, AB 703**
Substance abuse and mental health
Services relating to, AB 181**
Substance abuse commission, composition, SB 346**
Abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation, penalties, reports, AB 372
Alliance for the mentally ill of Nevada, appropriation, SB 142, SB 560**
Aversive intervention, use restricted, penalties, AB 280*
Insurance coverage for mental health, SB 356, SB 557*, AB 293**
Sanity commissions, establishment of compensation of members, AB 82**
Treatment and services, legislative study, ACR 11
Abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation, penalties, reports, AB 372
Aversive intervention, use restricted, penalties, AB 280*
Governmental services, extension to persons with related conditions, SB 469**
Transportation programs, operation, AB 628**
Treatment and services, legislative study, ACR 11
MESQUITE, CITY OF (For general provisions, See CITIES)
Airport, imposition of room tax for construction and maintenance, SB 525
Businesses, tax abatement or exemptions, SB 259†
Community college, appropriation for design, SB 376, SB 560**
Competitive bidding for certain city services required, SB 422
Mayor, member of school district reconfiguration committee (sec. 3), AB 466
Paging services, establishment of requirements relating to records, SB 131*
Regional planning (See REGIONAL PLANNING)
Room tax, rate, use of proceeds, AB 571, AB 572
Streets, closure for construction during certain time prohibited, SB 168†
Criminal history repository, submission of information, AB 621**
Marshals, authority and jurisdiction, AB 402
Mobile home parks, patrol, AB 195*
School police services, contracts, AB 376**
Veteran affairs, offices transferred, SB 263**
Retail sales, packaging, AB 694**
MINERAL COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Armory, appropriation for renovation into juvenile facility, SB 237, SB 560**
Fifth judicial district court, additional judge, appropriation, AB 38*, AB 623
Regional development corporation, formation, AB 528†
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Fees for support of division, establishment, AB 103**, AB 450**
Reorganization, division of minerals made part of commission, AB 103**
Excavations and shafts, abatement of dangerous conditions, AB 137
Fees for support of division of minerals, AB 103**, AB 450**
Haze, opposition to certain federal regulations expressed, SJR 3‡
Rights of way, support for mandatory recognition expressed, SJR 2‡
Royalties, payment, SB 502, AB 506**
State mineral interests, purchase, SB 344**
Surface mining regulations, compliance by Secretary of Interior urged, AJR 19‡
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Audits, prohibition against penalties and interest, SB 362**
Deficiency determinations (secs. 8, 9), SB 362**
Distribution to counties, SB 502, AB 506**
Failure to pay tax, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Geographically separate extractive operations, payment, SB 502, AB 506**
Overpayments, refunds, SB 362**, SB 502, AB 506**
Permanent net proceeds fund, abolishment, AB 234**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
Statements of yield and proceeds, filing, SB 502, AB 506**, AB 602
Tonopah mining park, appropriation, AB 385
Toxics release inventory, exemption from reporting requirements urged, AJR 20‡
Division of minority health, creation within department of human resources, SB 4
Educational programs for children, appropriation, AB 356, AB 357
Foreign languages (See FOREIGN LANGUAGES)
Indians (See INDIANS)
Public health services access task force, creation, duties, SB 556**
Racial and economic bias, commission on, appropriation, AB 290, AB 703**
University system, courses reflecting racial and ethnic diversity urged, ACR 37‡
Abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)
Adoption (See ADOPTION)
Alcohol, penalty for sale or gift to minors, AB 478
Car seats, requirements for use, penalty for violation, SB 154
Care of children (See CHILD CARE)
Child health assurance program (See MEDICAID)
Children in need of protection (See CHILDREN IN NEED OF PROTECTION)
Children in need of supervision (See CHILDREN IN NEED OF SUPERVISION)
Children's health insurance program (See INSURANCE—Health insurance)
Controlled substances (See also CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES)
Marihuana, penalties for possession, AB 577
Driver training schools, provision of instruction to minors, AB 492*
Drivers' licenses (See also MOTOR VEHICLES)
Provisional licenses, issuance, AB 552*, ACR 68‡
Drug and alcohol abuse (See also DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE)
Treatment facilities and services, establishment, AB 181**
Firearms (See FIREARMS)
Foster care (See FOSTER CARE)
Juvenile delinquents (See headings beginning with JUVENILE)
Laser pointers, possession prohibited, AB 541
Material harmful to minors, unlawful exhibition, sale or distribution, AB 282**
Orphans (See ORPHANS)
Parent and child (See PARENT AND CHILD)
Pickups, prohibitions against riding within bed or camper, AB 157
Spray paint, paint sticks or etchers, possession by persons under certain age restricted, penalties, SB 172
Video arcades and small game rooms, presence of minors regulated, SB 513
Violent or sexual offenses against a child
Registration and community notification of offenders, SB 515**
Creation, penalties, AB 42†
Legislative study, AB 42, ACR 67
Gross misdemeanors
Attorneys, unauthorized practice of law, AB 18*
Aversive intervention, unlawful use, AB 280†
Cable television services, theft, SB 485**
Computer crimes, SB 485**
Debit cards, unlawful acts, SB 485†, AB 83*
Digital signatures, unlawful acts, AB 674**
Disasters or accidents resulting in death, failure to report or render aid, AB 155
Electioneering (sec. 22), AB 444**
Employment screeners, unlawful acts, SB 178†
Entertainment by referral services, employment of prostitutes, AB 230
Failure to appear before magistrate, SB 273*
Firearms violations by minors, AB 192
Hazardous materials, unlawful acts relating to transportation, SB 167**
Hazing, SB 297**
Honorarium, acceptance by public officer, SB 478*
Informal merchants, violations, SB 392, AB 109*
Intoxicating liquor, sale or gift to minors, AB 478
Laser pointers, unlawful use, SB 360†
Medical facilities, certain patterns of conduct, AB 586
Mentally disabled persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation, AB 372
Metal wire, burning stolen wire, AB 55*
Mortgage companies, unlawful acts, AB 64*, AB 676
Motor carriers, violations, SB 491
Police animals, injuring (sec. 5), SB 396*
Public lands, unlawful use, management or disposal (sec. 2), AB 672
Redesignated category A misdemeanors, penalties, AB 42†
School activities, firearms violations (sec. 14), AB 180
Service animals, beating or harassing (sec. 3), SB 396*
Show dogs, injuring, SB 396*
Spray paint, paint sticks or etchers, possession by certain persons, SB 172
Taxicab drivers, assault or battery committed upon, SB 146*
Taxicabs and similar carriers, kickbacks, SB 491†, AB 193*, AB 546
Tenant screeners, unlawful acts, SB 178†
Time share resale brokers, unlawful acts, SB 322**
Violent offenses, failure to report or render aid, AB 155
Boundaries (sec. 1), AB 425**
Contracts, exemption from advertising requirement, AB 295*
Governing board, number, terms, vacancies (secs. 2-6), AB 425**
Creation, powers and duties, AB 156
Actions against licensees, service on administrator unnecessary, AB 107*
Brokerage agreements
Dealer's duties (sec. 6), AB 107*
Definition (sec. 2), AB 107*
Exclusive agreements, enforceability (sec. 5), AB 107*
Definitions, AB 107*
Residential construction tax (See RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION TAX)
Acknowledgment of taxes, signature of buyer (sec. 18), AB 668**
Contracts, regulations, restrictions (sec. 8), AB 107*
Implied warranties (sec. 7), AB 107*
Money received by dealer, accounting (secs. 4, 6), AB 107*
Salesman defined (sec. 12), AB 107*
Servicemen, limited servicemen, regulations (sec. 13), AB 107*
Access to mobile homes by persons other than owner restricted (sec. 3), AB 418
Eviction (See EVICTION)
Fees for costs of governmentally mandated services or taxes (sec. 3), AB 477*
Guests, restrictions void (sec. 6), AB 418
Harassment of landlords or managers by tenants, penalty, AB 477*
Insurance for rented lots, prohibition against requiring, AB 418
Access to tenant's home, restrictions (sec. 3), AB 418
Harassment by tenants, penalty, AB 477*
Information to be provided to tenants, disclosure, posting (sec. 8), AB 418
Inspections by division, notice (sec. 1), SB 257
Prohibited acts, penalties, AB 156, AB 418
Records, confidentiality, inspection, AB 418
Low-income owners of mobile homes, fund for
Eligibility, requirements and waivers, AB 195*
Use (sec. 9), AB 156
Managers' continuing education courses, attendance by tenants (sec. 9), AB 418
Meetings between landlords and tenants, time for (sec. 11), AB 418
Patrol by local law enforcement agencies, AB 195*
Pets, restrictions void (sec. 6), AB 418
Political signs, display by tenant authorized, AB 39*
Assignment of lease, calculation of rent (sec. 12), AB 418
Discounts (sec. 4), AB 477*
Approval by mobile home commission (sec. 6), AB 156
Generally, AB 418
Size of home as basis for increase, AB 361
Late fees (sec. 3), AB 477*
Notice if more than one rate charged, posting (sec. 7), AB 418
Reduction in rent for unsanitary condition of swimming pool (sec. 14), AB 418
Refusal to accept rent payment after notice to quit, prohibition, AB 462*
Regulation by division of manufactured housing (sec. 4), AB 418
Rental agreements
Assignment authorized (sec. 12), AB 418
Contents (secs. 5, 6), AB 418
Inspection by administrator (sec. 5), AB 418
Sample agreements, inclusion of amount of rent charged (sec. 7), AB 418
Termination, grounds (sec. 2), SB 257
Void provisions (sec. 6), AB 418
Sale of home by tenant or landlord
Approval of landlord, AB 477*
Required disclosures to purchasers, AB 418
Snow removal (sec. 1), AB 477*
Swimming pools, reduction in rent for unsanitary condition (sec. 14), AB 418
Tree trimming (secs. 2, 4), AB 477*
Water, interruption of service restricted (sec. 15), AB 418
Water meters, requirement for individual meters in large counties, SB 260, AB 65
Liens for storage, maintenance or repair, priority, AB 547
Property tax (See PROPERTY TAX)
Residential construction tax, rate imposed on development of lots, SB 408**
Single-family dwelling includes manufactured home (sec. 3), SB 323*
Standards for placement of certain manufactured homes, SB 323*
Liberty Dollar Bill Act, support urged, SJR 7‡
Silver gaming tokens, minting, use, AB 560
Forfeiture of property used in commission of gaming-related crimes, AB 646†
Removal and perpetuation, AB 202*
Acceptance of money from investors, disclosures, AB 64*
Actions to enforce laws or claims against, AB 64*, AB 278, AB 676
Advisory council on mortgage investments and mortgage lending, creation, AB 64*
Annual financial statements, submission to commissioner, AB 64*, AB 676
Applicability of laws, AB 64*, AB 278, AB 676
Disciplinary action, AB 64*, AB 278, AB 676
Disclosure of costs to buyer and seller, rescission of contract by seller, AB 558
Escrow agencies, operation on same premises restricted, AB 64*, AB 676
Ethics, prohibited acts, AB 64*, AB 676
Exemptions from laws, issuance of certificates, AB 64*, AB 278, AB 676
Fines for violations, AB 64*, AB 278, AB 676
Hazardous materials, immunities relating to contaminated property, AB 675
Investors, provision of documents and notices to, AB 64*
Applications and fees, AB 64*, AB 278, AB 676
Expiration and renewal (sec. 30), AB 278
Suspension, revocation or refusal to issue, AB 64*, AB 278, AB 676
Loans secured by residence, duties (sec. 7), AB 278
Mortgage agents and brokers, regulation, AB 64*, AB 676
Net worth, minimum requirements, AB 64*, AB 278
Notes secured by liens on property, applicability of securities laws, SB 124, AB 72
Payments, grace period if office not open on due date, AB 64*
Power of attorney, restrictions on actions, AB 64*, AB 676
Release of money received from investors, AB 64*
Solicitations or advertisements, prohibited acts, penalty, AB 64*, AB 676
Violations, reports, investigations, AB 64*, AB 278, AB 676
Yield spread premium, disclosure to borrowers, SB 335
Disclosure of costs to buyer and seller, rescission of contract by seller, AB 558
Failure to record discharge or improper recording of discharge, liability, SB 96*
Ginnie Mae's and asset-backed securities, state investments, AB 129**
Housing authorities, powers, AB 484
Property tax, exemption for intangible personal property, SB 411**
Recording of documents, requirements (sec. 2), AB 414*
Yield spread premium, disclosure to borrowers, SB 335
Producer-promoter-employer permits, applicability of laws, SB 259*
Special fuel users' licenses, applicability to operators of motor carriers, SB 202*
Tax exemptions, qualifications, SB 259*
Buses (See BUSES)
Certificates or permits
Applications, requirements, SB 491
Fees, SB 491
Suspension, SB 491
Complaints filed by another common motor carrier, SB 491
Deregulation of certain common motor carriers, SB 296
Emission control, Clark County, SB 432**
Fines for violations, SB 491
Hazardous materials (See HAZARDOUS MATERIALS—Transport)
Household goods, carriers of
Advertisements, inclusion of certificate or permit number, SB 491
Assessments, SB 491
Certificates of public convenience, SB 491
Compliance with laws, SB 491
Definition, SB 491
Impoundment of vehicles, SB 491†
Intrastate shippers, bond, SB 491
Liability insurance requirements, SB 296, SB 491
Penalties for violations, SB 491
Rates or charges, SB 491
Storage of household goods and effects, laws repealed, SB 491
Intrastate shippers, bond, SB 491
Involuntary manslaughter includes death arising from violation of laws, AB 333
Licensing and registration of vehicles and fleets
Registration period and fees, SB 201, AB 550
Vehicle privilege tax, distribution, SB 201
Liens for delinquent taxes, fees and assessments, SB 202*
Loads on vehicles, covering, SB 256
Mentally retarded persons, provision of transportation services to, AB 628**
Multi-lane highways, prohibitions against use of left lane, AB 185
Overweight or oversize vehicles
Double fines for violations on certain roads, SB 81*
Permit fees for operation, AB 33
Penalties for violations, SB 491
Records outside state, refund of assessments for investigation, SB 491
Safety standards for drivers and vehicles, adoption, SB 491
Schedule of rates, notice of changes, SB 491†
Special fuel tax (See SPECIAL FUEL TAX)
Taxicabs (See TAXICABS)
Unsafe vehicles, limitation on use, SB 491
Appropriation, AB 346**
Brokers, grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of license, AB 188**
Consignment contracts, requirements, AB 271**
Compensation of dealer for unlawful termination (sec. 11), SB 372*
Discovery in hearings (sec. 3), SB 372*
Factory branches, prohibited acts (sec. 19), SB 372*
Importers, prohibited acts (sec. 6), SB 372*
Investigations and hearings (secs. 2, 15), SB 372*
Manufacturers and distributors, prohibited acts, SB 372*
Notice of termination or refusal (sec. 10), SB 372*
Treble damages, recovery in actions (sec. 20), SB 372*
Loaned vehicles, use of special license plates, AB 329*
Placards in lieu of license plates, provision to buyers or lessees, SB 209*
Registration of vehicles of certain persons, prohibitions, SB 539
Salvage titles, issuance to dealers, AB 452**
Action for recovery of tax paid, venue (sec. 26), SB 362**
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Audits, prohibition against penalties and interest during certain period, SB 362**
Collection by department of motor vehicles, AB 396, AB 584*
Deficiency determinations (secs. 8, 9), SB 362**
Exporters of motor vehicle fuels, prohibited acts (sec. 64), AB 584*
Failure to pay tax, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Overpayments and underpayments, SB 362**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
Terminal rack, collection of tax at, AB 584*
Abandoned vehicles
Appraisal, SB 268*
Removal and disposition, SB 300*, AB 184
Accidents (See ACCIDENTS)
Campers, prohibitions against riding within, AB 157
Collector Car Day, designation, SCR 44‡
Driver training schools (See DRIVER TRAINING SCHOOLS)
Drivers' licenses
Aggressive driving, suspension or revocation of license, AB 457**
Child support compliance, statement unnecessary for renewal, AB 410**
Delinquent fines, assessments, fees or restitution, renewal prohibited, AB 16
Digital images, use authorized, AB 678*
DUI offenders
Restricted license, issuance (sec. 6), AB 542*
Revocation of license, AB 196, AB 578
Foreign-born applicants, requirements, SB 203*
Habitual truants, suspension or delayed issuance, AB 15**
Firearm violations on school property, suspension of license, AB 180
Provisional licenses, issuance, AB 552*, ACR 68‡
Privatization of services for issuance, AB 377, AB 378
Study of administrative costs of issuance, AB 30
Unlawful use of identifying information of another, penalty, SB 69, AB 71*
Voter registration, use of alternative information, AB 169*
Drivers' records
Private investigators, release of information to, AB 503*
Public defenders, release of information to, AB 503*
Taxation, department of, release of information to, SB 467
Electric and low-speed vehicles, operation, registration fees, SB 450, AB 59*
Engine emission control (See ENGINE EMISSION CONTROL)
Fees on purchase of new tires, appeals, rights of taxpayers, SB 362**
Insurance (See INSURANCE—Motor vehicle insurance)
Bait and switch prohibited, AB 431*
Coercion of dealers by manufacturers prohibited, AB 431*
Conversion of vehicle, SB 364
Placard in lieu of license plate, provision to lessee, SB 209*
Short-term leases (See RENTAL CARS)
Lemon law, used vehicles, SB 153*
License plates
Agriculture, promotion of, issuance, SB 339*
Appropriation for expenses related to production, AB 342**
Assembly plate number 1, lifetime grant to Speaker Dini, AB 695**
Blue plates, manufacturing, issuance, refurbishing, SB 267*, AB 342**
Colors on redesigned plates, AB 76**
Dealers, use of special plates on loaned vehicles, AB 329*
Desert preserve in Las Vegas Valley, issuance, SB 204*
DUI convictions, special plates, AB 487
Handicapped parking, issuance of plates for motorcycles, AB 59*
Military units of Armed Forces, emblem or insignia decals, SB 379*
Mount Charleston, issuance for support of environment, SB 339*, AB 27
Privatization of services for issuance, AB 377
Revolving account for issuance of special plates, creation, SB 490**, AB 342**
Sale or lease of vehicles, temporary placard in lieu of license plate, SB 209*
Seabees, special plates, SB 379†
Special plates for particular cause or charitable organization, issuance, SB 67
Symbols, use on personalized plates, AB 76†
Licensing and registration
Certificates of title (See Titles, this heading)
Commercial vehicles and fleets, registration period, fees, SB 201
Dealers, prohibition against registration of certain vehicles, SB 539
Delinquent fines, assessments, fees or restitution, renewal of registration prohibited, AB 16
DUI offenders, suspension of registration, AB 542*
Electric cars, fees, SB 450, AB 59*
Fees for vehicles over 26,000 pounds, AB 550
Liens for delinquent taxes, fees and assessments, SB 202*
Low-speed vehicles, fees, SB 450, AB 59*
Privatization of services for issuance of registrations, AB 378
Study of administrative costs of issuance of certificates, AB 30
Loads on vehicles, covering, SB 256
Rental cars (See RENTAL CARS)
Bait and switch prohibited, AB 431*
Consignment sales, AB 271**
Placard in lieu of license plate, provision to buyer, SB 209*
Sales and use taxes
Costs for documenting sale excluded from tax, SB 156
Deposit in state highway fund, AB 32
Permits for removal of vehicle without payment of tax, SB 468†
Salvage vehicles, AB 452**
Used vehicle defined, SB 153*
Storage liens, priority, AB 547
Certificates of ownership of stolen vehicles, contents, AB 452**
Chop shops, penalties (secs. 4-7), AB 458*
Conversion of leased or rented vehicle, SB 364
Law enforcement inspections to locate stolen vehicles, AB 458*
Loans, restrictions on use of title as security, AB 1
Priority processing, fee, SB 266
Stolen vehicles, contents of certificate of ownership, AB 452**
Transfer of interest, signatures, AB 76**
Towed vehicles, information submitted to criminal history repository, AB 621†
Traffic laws (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Truck beds and campers, prohibitions against riding within, AB 157
Vehicle identification number, unlawful acts (secs. 4-7), AB 458*
Vehicle privilege tax (See VEHICLE PRIVILEGE TAX)
Continuation of existence, AB 258**
Report to legislature, AB 258*
Budget, highway patrol salaries (sec. 2), SB 239
Capitol police division, occupational disease coverage, AB 532, AB 608
Carson office, appropriation for furniture, SB 280**
Clark County air pollution study committee, representation, SB 432**
Collection of certain taxes and fees, duties, SB 349**, AB 396, AB 584*
Concealed weapons permits, duties, SB 420, AB 166†
Customer management systems, appropriation, AB 341**
Confirmation of appointment by senate, SB 160
Criminal cases, regulations relating to reports to central repository, SB 157
Hazardous materials, duties, SB 167**
Volunteers, background checks, regulations, AB 239**
Disabilities, persons with, issuance of expedited service permits, SB 35**
Driver training schools, duties, AB 186, AB 492*
Drivers' licenses and registrations, study of costs of issuance, AB 30
Emergency management, division of (See also EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT)
Comprehensive and coordinated management plans, development, AB 98**
Computer programming assistance, appropriation, SB 193**
Coordinator of search and rescue, part of division, duties, AB 626*
Emergency assistance account, oversight, AB 626*
Preliminary assessment of disasters on request from governmental entity, SB 193*
Search and rescue, board of, appointments (secs. 14, 28), AB 626*
State agency for emergency management, designation, AB 626*
State disaster identification team, activation, SB 193*, AB 626*
Training, supplies and statewide activities, appropriation, SB 193*
Emergency telephone system, statewide, duties, SB 487†
Emissions from vehicles, section for control of
Abolished, SB 155
Qualifications of hearing officers, AB 427
Hazardous materials, authority to impose certain fees eliminated, SB 82
Highway patrol division (See HIGHWAY PATROL, NEVADA)
Investigation division, appropriation for radios, SB 504**
Liability insurance for certain motor carriers or taxicabs, SB 296, SB 324
License plates
Appropriation for expenses related to production, AB 342**
Redesign, duties, AB 76**
Revolving account for special plates, creation, deposits, SB 490**, AB 342**
Liens for delinquent taxes, fees or assessments, SB 202*
Motor carriers, regulations, bonds, SB 491
Motor vehicles branch created, AB 679**
Parole and probation, division of (See also PAROLE; PROBATION)
Agency automation project, appropriation, AB 343**
Presentence or general investigations of certain offenders, SB 148*
Radios, appropriation, SB 504**
Sex offender treatment programs, administration, AB 56
Substance abuse treatment, assignment of prisoners, reimbursement, SB 184**
Supplemental appropriation, AB 658**
Pollution control account, expenditures, SB 511**
Privatization of certain services required, AB 377, AB 378
Project Genesis, appropriations, SB 279**
Public safety branch created, AB 679**
Public safety telecommunications operators, committee for, creation, SB 165*
Records, release of information
Private investigators, AB 503*
Public defenders, AB 503*
Taxation, department of, SB 467
Registration division, appropriation for radios, SB 504**
Reorganization, SB 155, AB 679**
Special fuel tax, report to legislature, AB 28*
State fire marshal division (See FIRE MARSHAL, STATE)
Supplemental appropriation, SB 279**, SB 517**, AB 661**
Vehicle privilege tax, commission for collection (sec. 17), AB 668**
VHF highband and 800 MHz radio project, appropriations, SB 504**
Volunteer fire departments, issuance of placards to members, SB 65*
Drivers' licenses, requirements for foreign-born applicants, SB 203*
Handicapped parking, special license plates or stickers, AB 59*
Helmets, mandatory use eliminated, AB 201
State park fees, SB 252
Traffic laws (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Vehicles generally (See MOTOR VEHICLES)
Special license plates for support of natural environment, SB 339*, AB 27
Accounting and technological improvements urged, ACR 2‡
Bill draft requests, limitations, AB 631**
Caseloads, submission of reports to court administrator, AB 51**
Credit or debit cards, acceptance for payment of fees and other charges, AB 24**
Criminal cases, reports of disposition to central repository, SB 157
Delinquent fines, assessments or fees, notice of nonpayment, AB 16
Electronic filing, storage and reproduction of documents, AB 650**
Actions against, attorney general to provide defense, AB 648**
Appointment, SB 314*
Marriage ceremonies
Fees, SB 512†
Nonmonetary gifts of nominal value, acceptance authorized, SB 512*
Reelection prohibited after removal or retirement from any judicial office, AB 20*, AB 81
Reno, qualifications, AB 309**
Terms of office, establishment by ordinance, SB 314*
Recycling programs, AB 564*
Suspension of sentence, authority, AB 406*
Aged persons, additional penalty for murder of persons 65 or older, SB 63*
Child custody or visitation rights of murderer, restrictions, AB 456*, AB 688**
Controlled substances sold or distributed to minors, first degree murder for death caused by, AB 379
Death within a year and a day, element of crime repealed, SB 11**, AB 17
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Reporting and aid to victims, requirements, penalties, AB 155, AB 267*
School property, first degree murder includes murder committed on, AB 53*
Termination of parental rights of murderer, presumptions, AB 456†
Wiretaps authorized in cases involving attempted murder, SB 120
Boulder City museum, appropriation, AB 191, AB 703**
Boulder City railroad museum, appropriation, SB 308**
Carson City children's museum, appropriation, AB 703**
County museums, property tax levy for support of, AB 463
Desert space station, support expressed, ACR 73‡
Las Vegas art museum, appropriation, AB 703**
Las Vegas natural history museum, appropriation, AB 703**
Lied discovery children's museum, appropriation, AB 703**
Lost City museum, curator redesignated director, AB 460
Lyon County museum, appropriation, AB 316, AB 703**
Nevada state museum
Director, appointment, classification (sec. 5), AB 460
Supplemental appropriation, SB 277**
Nevada state railroad museum, supplemental appropriation, SB 277**
Sparks heritage museum, appropriation, AB 596, AB 703**
Train rides, establishment of fees (sec. 18), AB 460
Boulder City railroad museum, appropriation, SB 308**
Carson City children's museum, appropriation, AB 703**
Charleston Heights art center, appropriation, AB 703**
Director, qualifications, SB 559**, AB 460
Historic preservation, office of
Administrator, appointment, classification (sec. 25), AB 460
Cooperative agreements with other public entities, SB 397*
Las Vegas art museum, appropriation, AB 703**
Las Vegas natural history museum, appropriation, AB 703**
Las Vegas performing arts center, appropriation, AB 703**
Lied discovery children's museum, appropriation, AB 703**
Museums and history, division of
Administrator, powers and duties, AB 460
Gaming tokens, duties regarding minting, AB 560
Nevada museum and historical society, classification of director, AB 460
Nevada history CD-ROM project, appropriation, AB 703**
Nevada humanities committee, appropriation, SB 298, SB 560**
Railroad museums, regulations (sec. 15), AB 460
State library and archives, division of
Administrator, classification (sec. 2), AB 460
SIIS, release of records to successor organization (sec. 129), SB 37**
State library and archives, division of, appropriation, AB 703**
Supplemental appropriation, SB 277**
Corporations and other artificial persons, SB 61**, SB 122
Optometrists, use of fictitious names (sec. 9), AB 432*
Domestic workers, industrial insurance coverage, AB 334*
Appropriation, SB 303**
Fund for the college, transfer of amount to state general fund, SB 303**
Commissioned officers, maximum age, AB 99**
Educational expenses, reimbursement, SB 292**
Appropriation, SB 304**
Death penalty resource center, appropriation, SB 249, SB 560**
Fund for the college, transfer of amount to state general fund, SB 304**
Property tax exemption, AB 423†
Commercial resident agents, liabilities, AB 286
Firearms, negligently storing, AB 192
Involuntary manslaughter includes death arising from certain violations, AB 333
Nonprofit organizations, consideration of certain evidence prohibited, AB 239**
Safety belts or child-restraint devices, failure to wear, SB 151, SB 154
Public land, period for withdrawal by US Air Force, AJR 1‡
Towns boards, relatives of members exempt from employment prohibition, AB 226**
Bill draft requests, submission, AB 631**
Financial analysis and planning task force, appointment of member, AB 525**
Grazing database and economic analysis, AB 291, AB 703**, SJR 12‡
Local government insurance, committee on, appointment of member, AB 529
Public health, trust fund for, trustee, AB 474*
School facilities, commission for construction, representation, AB 597**
Sovereign immunity, representation on advisory committee, AB 119, ACR 46‡
Clark County health system advisory board, representation, SB 520†
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory subcommittee on, appointments, SB 197*
Clark County health system advisory board, representation, SB 520†
Local government insurance, committee on, appointment of member, AB 529
School facilities, commission for construction, representation, AB 597**
Sovereign immunity, representation on advisory committee, ACR 46‡
Advisory committee to recommend legislation, representation, SB 357*
Board of athletic trainers, nominations, SB 357†
Grazing database and economic analysis, receipt of report, AB 291, AB 703**
Rangeland resources commission, representation, SB 310**
Appropriation, SB 503, SB 560**, AB 659, AB 703**
Design-build contracting, representation on study committee, SB 475*
Date of legal holiday changed, SB 31*
Committee for economic diversification of southern Nevada, appointment, SB 434
Pediatric diabetes and endocrinology center, representation on board, SB 294, SB 560**
Grazing database and economic analysis, receipt of report, AB 291, AB 703**
Rangeland resources commission, representation, SB 310**
Nursing homes, assistance in study of personnel and workfare, AB 7
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory subcommittee on, appointments, SB 197*
Screening panels, nominations, AB 680†
Appropriation, SB 298, SB 560**
Property tax exemption, AB 423**
Bill draft requests, submission, AB 631**
Clark County air pollution study committee, representation, SB 432**
Financial analysis and planning task force, appointment of member, AB 525**
Local government insurance, committee on, appointment of member, AB 529
School facilities, commission for construction, representation, AB 597**
Sovereign immunity, representation on advisory committee, AB 119, ACR 46‡
Clark County air pollution study committee, representation, SB 432†
Clark County air pollution study committee, representation, SB 432**
Appropriation, AB 582, AB 703**
Clark County health system advisory board, representation, SB 520†
Appropriation, AB 401, AB 703**
Reproduction, appropriation, AB 322**
Committee for economic diversification of southern Nevada, appointment, SB 434
Sparks tourism and marketing committee, representation, SB 477**
Truckee Meadows tourism facility and revitalization steering committee, representation, SB 477**
Ethics opinions, annotations to NRS (sec. 13), SB 478*
Technical corrections, SB 453*, AB 645**
Advisory board for certification of operators, representation (sec. 19), AB 134**
Instructional courses for district board members regarding water systems, AB 88
Concealed weapons permits, duties, SB 420, AB 166†
Search and rescue, board of, representation (sec. 14), AB 626*
Minting, use, AB 560
Committee for economic diversification of southern Nevada, appointment, SB 434
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory board on, appointments, SB 197†
Medical screening panels, nomination, AB 680†
Public health services access task force, representation, SB 556**
Clark County school district, representation on reconfiguration committee, AB 466
Regional development corporations, establishment, AB 528**
Spaceport Nevada, persons involved in development commended, AJR 8‡
Constructional defects, designation of screening panels (sec. 11), SB 380
Medical screening panels, nominations, AB 680†
Sovereign immunity, representation on advisory committee, AB 119, ACR 46‡
Rangeland resources commission, representation, SB 310**
Newlands project water rights fund, creation, administration, funding, AB 380**
Water rights, AB 380**
Affordable housing
Conveyance of property by local government, AB 318**
Donated property used for elderly or handicapped, property tax exemption, SB 402
Housing authorities, agreements with (sec. 38), AB 484
Athletic organizations for older persons, sales tax exemptions, AB 351
Charitable-gift annuities, issuance, notices, penalties, AB 555*
Clark County health system, creation, SB 520
Commercial improvements, agreements with local districts, SB 530*
Counties or cities, grants and donation of property, SB 139**, AB 264, AB 318**
Credit service organization laws, applicability, AB 109*
Governmental services, contracts for performance by nonprofit entities, AB 236†
Millennium scholarships, nonprofit entity to issue bonds authorized, SB 496†
Names, distinguishability, SB 61**
Nevada Test Site regional development corporation, establishment, AB 528**
Property tax exemptions
Donated property used for elderly or handicapped housing, SB 402
Religious organizations, leased property (sec. 10), AB 668**
Resident agents, street address, SB 19*, SB 61**
Special license plates, design and issuance upon request, restrictions, SB 67
State, donation of surplus personal property, SB 139**
Tahoe Basin, creation and operation of transit system, AB 236**
Vehicles loaned by dealers, use of special license plates, AB 329*
Volunteers working with children, payment for background checks, AB 239**
Wetlands mitigation banks, operation by cooperative agreement, SB 217*, SB 475*
Payment, SB 145*
Contraception and hormone replacement therapy, coverage (secs. 9, 10), AB 60*
Conversion to for-profit entity, procedure, legislative declaration, SB 12, AB 685
Digestive disorders, coverage (sec. 3), AB 551
Drugs approved for treatment, coverage for other approved treatments, SB 56*
Infertility, coverage for diagnosis and treatment (sec. 4), SB 295
Insurance fraud, investigation, SB 225
Mammograms, coverage, AB 163
Mental health coverage, SB 356, SB 557*, AB 293**
Osteoporosis, coverage for diagnosis, treatment and management, AB 162
Preferred provider lists, limit on amount charged for inclusion, SB 145*
Reimbursement of provider, provision of estimates, AB 515†
Specialists, reimbursement, AB 515†
Uniform claim forms, billing codes, electronic data transfers, SB 509, SB 544**
Women, authority to obtain certain care without referral, AB 515*
Boat purchases, tax exemption, permit for removal from state, SB 468
Concealed weapons, carrying, SB 420, AB 166†
Crimes against children, registration of offenders, SB 515**
Notaries, application for appointment (sec. 3), AB 127**
Sex offenders, registration, SB 515**
Victims of crime, compensation, AB 353*
NORTH LAS VEGAS, CITY OF (For general provisions, See CITIES)
Charter amendments
Beautification of city, additional charge to water-users, SB 182††, AB 408*
City attorney, appointment and supervision, SB 454*
City council, election, AB 590*, AB 689†
Explosives, regulation, AB 112*, AB 538
Primary election, AB 590*, AB 613, AB 615*, AB 689†
Competitive bidding for certain city services required, SB 422
Design-build contracting, representation on study committee, SB 475*
Greater Las Vegas inner city games, appropriation, AB 654, AB 703**
Investment portfolio, loans of certain securities authorized, SB 14*
Kiel Ranch historic site, appropriation, AB 240
Paging services, establishment of requirements relating to records, SB 131*
Room tax, rate, use of proceeds, AB 571, AB 572
Streets, closure for construction during certain time prohibited, SB 168†
Youth center, appropriation, AB 149
Appropriation, SB 186
Addresses, confidentiality (sec. 3), AB 127**
Fees (sec. 4), AB 127**
Nonresidents, applications for appointment (sec. 3), AB 127**
Violations, confidentiality of investigative information (sec. 1), AB 127**
Staff, employment, AB 660**
Supplemental appropriation, SB 507**
Yucca Mountain, duties regarding unsuitability of site, SB 206
Apiaries (sec. 6), AB 481*
Fire ants and killer bees, eradication and control programs, SB 378, SB 560**
Definitions (secs. 1, 3, 4), AB 135*
Infested or infected stock, acceptance or rejection (sec. 6), AB 135*
Exemptions (sec. 2), AB 135*
Fees, AB 693*
Phytosanitary certificates, requirements (sec. 4), AB 135*
Dangerous drugs, possession and administration, SB 519*
Disciplinary action, AB 204*
Emergency medical services, committee on, representation (sec. 3), SB 365*
Fetal alcohol syndrome prevention measures, SB 197†
Good Samaritan laws, expansion for nurses, AB 409*
Hospice care, pronouncement of death (sec. 2), SB 382**
Lists of licensees and applicants, contents, SB 85
Patient-caregiver ratios, injuries and diseases, reports, AB 586
Practice of nursing, definition, AB 204†
Residential facilities for groups, referral businesses, AB 373*
State board of nursing
Drug and alcohol abuse counseling, regulations, SB 210†
Fees (sec. 17), AB 204*
Immunities from liability (sec. 4), AB 204*
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
Records of proceedings, contents (sec. 12), AB 204*
Telephone number of workplace of licensee or certificate holder, release, SB 85
Advisory committee, composition, AB 429**
Certificates to practice, fees, AB 204*
Definition (sec. 7), AB 204*
Disciplinary action, AB 204*
Lists of certificate holders and applicants, contents, SB 85
Patient-caregiver ratios, injuries and diseases, reports, AB 586
Study of nursing home personnel and workfare, AB 7
Telephone number of workplace of licensee or certificate holder, release, SB 85
NYE COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Endangered species, creation of preservation areas, imposition of fees, AB 641**
Fifth judicial district court, additional judge, appropriation, AB 38*, AB 623
Regional development corporation, formation, AB 528**
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Tonopah mining park, appropriation, AB 385
Athletic commission, penalty for false oaths before (sec. 4), AB 467**
Guardians, AB 517*
Notary fees (sec. 4), AB 127**
Traffic citations, false attestation in promise to appear, penalty (sec. 3), AB 121
Fetal alcohol syndrome advisory subcommittee, creation, SB 197*
Health insurance to cover services without prior authorization or referral, AB 515*
Managed care, selection of primary care physicians, AB 516, AB 585
Obstetric centers, collection of information, AB 238*
Applicability of laws clarified, SB 92*
Casual labor, coverage, AB 334†
False statements or representations, penalties, SB 95
Medical facility employees, reports, AB 586
Nonemployment-related aggravation, precipitation or acceleration of disease, effect on payment of compensation, SB 37*, SB 95, AB 326
Police officers and firemen
Heart and lung diseases
Presumptions, effect of failure to submit to examinations, SB 132†
Responsibility for compensation, determination, SB 132†
Peace officers, coverage, AB 532, AB 608
Preexisting conditions, effect on compensation, SB 37*, SB 95, AB 326
Prisons department, coverage for director and certain employees, SB 463
Real estate licensees, deemed wage, SB 495**
Sports officials, exemption from laws (sec. 4), AB 63, AB 153
Uninsured employers' claim fund, administration and payment of claims, SB 37†, SB 495**
Advisory committee on technical skills, creation, duties, SB 505
Business employees, grant money for private education programs, SB 259*
Clark County, appropriation for programs of special emphasis, SB 506
Fund for improvement of programs, appropriation, SB 505
Life line pregnancy assistance and vocational center, appropriation, SB 147, SB 560**
Nevada Partners, appropriation, AB 401, AB 703**
Standards, adoption (sec. 14), SB 505
Student organizations, appropriation, SB 251, SB 560**
Citations issued, reports, AB 12*
Construction projects, consolidated insurance programs, SB 133*
Elevators, inspection, SB 416
Emergency care of person in cardiac arrest, training requirements, AB 409*
Explosives manufacturing or handling
Permits, AB 536*
Safety programs, AB 111**, AB 112**, AB 451†
Medical facility employees, reports, AB 586
Railroads, crews of two or more persons required, exception, AB 31
Safety documents and videos, language and comprehensibility, AB 111**
Small employers, assistance programs, reductions in penalties, AB 489**
Workers' Memorial Day, designation, ACR 54‡
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Fees for support of division of minerals, AB 103**, AB 450**
Legislative study of state energy policy, ACR 32
Storage tanks (See STORAGE TANKS)
Proprietary words, emblems and marks included as trade-mark, SB 6
Common-interest communities (See COMMON-INTEREST COMMUNITIES)
Consumer health assistance, office of, SB 37**, SB 196
Health insurance, AB 143, AB 310
Motor vehicle insurance, SB 196†
Counties authorized to adopt open-space plan, imposition of taxes, AB 504*
Dedication of open space in subdivisions in certain counties, AB 565
Delinquent taxes on property acquired for use as open-space, local government exempt from payment, SB 523**
Property tax, waiver of penalty on deferred taxes (sec. 16), AB 668**
Taxes for development
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
Board of dispensing opticians
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
Fictitious names, use (sec. 9), AB 432*
Glaucoma, treatment, AB 432*
Nevada state board of optometry
Glaucoma treatment, regulations (sec. 4), AB 432*
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
Practice of optometry defined (sec. 8), AB 432*
Prescription defined (secs. 6, 12), AB 432*
Therapeutic pharmaceutical agents, definition, prescription, AB 432*
Douglas County Sales and Use Tax Act of 1999, AB 174**
Explosives, controlling law, regulations, AB 112*, AB 603**
Fire ants and killer bees, abatement, SB 378
Fireworks, SB 25**, SB 167†, AB 160
Group care facilities, zoning, SB 391*, AB 62
Hazardous materials
Recovery for spill or accident, AB 675
Transportation, local regulation restricted, SB 167**
Infrastructure, analysis of projected need, SB 391*
Legal aid programs, procedure for distribution of court fees to, AB 335
Marihuana violations, AB 577
Mobile home parks, patrol by local law enforcement agencies, AB 195†
Municipal court judges, terms of office, SB 314*
Paging services or equipment, maintenance of customer records, SB 131*
Public land, management by counties (sec. 8), AB 672
Reno, enactment, AB 309**
Small businesses, consideration of impact of ordinances on, AB 486*
Special districts, formation, SB 530*, AB 642
Tahoe regional planning agency ordinances, enforcement, SB 510**
Taxes, fees, assessments and rates, adoption of ordinances creating, generating or increasing, AB 508
Taxicabs, regulation, SB 491
Town board form of government, formation, AB 142†
Wetlands mitigation bank, establishment, operation and use, SB 217*
Appropriation, AB 323**
Assistants, licensure, AB 114
Qualifications (sec. 5), AB 114
Suspension or revocation, grounds (sec. 7), AB 114
Malpractice, definitions (sec. 1), AB 114
Practice without license, penalty (sec. 10), AB 114
State board of Oriental medicine
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
Members, removal from office (sec. 2), AB 114
Secretary-treasurer, salary provisions removed (sec. 3), AB 114
Money received by child, investment (sec. 45), SB 20
Property tax exemption removed, AB 668†
Complaints against, filing and investigation (secs. 10-18), SB 199
Good Samaritan law extended to out-of-state practitioners, AB 409*
Guardianship petitions, certifications, SB 359
Fees, SB 199
Qualifications, SB 199
Special licenses, SB 199
Physicians' assistants, certification fees, SB 199
Residential facilities for groups, referral businesses, AB 373*
State board of osteopathic medicine
Executive director, appointment, SB 199
Fees, establishment, SB 199
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
Health insurance coverage for diagnosis, treatment and management, AB 162
Contractors, disconnection of service of unlicensed persons, SB 128*
Customer records, maintenance, SB 131*
School pupils, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 307
Bond issue ratified (sec. 9), AB 299**
PAHRUMP, TOWN OF (For general provisions, See TOWNS)
Hi-tech learning center, appropriation for construction, AB 205**
Regional development corporation, formation, AB 528**
Traffic signals, appropriation, AB 384
Spray paint, paint sticks or etchers, possession by persons under certain age restricted, penalties, SB 172
Minor victims, reporting of offenses required, penalties, AB 267*
Hidden cameras prohibited, penalty, exceptions, SB 34
Skydiving businesses, regulation, SB 179*
Injury or death during equine activity, liability limited, SB 448
Members, compensation, AB 472**
Adoption (See ADOPTION)
Corporal punishment, exceptions to investigation by agency or officer, SB 553**
Delinquent acts, notice to parent, AB 262*, AB 473*
Evidentiary privilege for parent-child communications, AB 210
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Foster parents (See FOSTER CARE)
Guardians for minors, considerations, SB 347*
Liability of parents for acts of minors
Firearms violations, AB 192
Medical expenses of certain victims, AB 165*
Parole or probation, cost of supervision, AB 443
Schools (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Disciplinary problems, AB 521**
Employers to provide leave to employees, AB 214
Habitual disciplinary problems, notice, AB 14**
Laws affecting schools and pupils, provision to parents, AB 37**
Referral of pupil to board to review school attendance, notice, AB 15**
Textbooks and other instructional materials, review by parents, AB 217
Termination of parental rights
Findings, conduct of parents, AB 158**, AB 315
Parent convicted of murder of other parent of child, presumption, AB 456†
Time limit on proceedings, AB 158**
Abandoned vehicles, removal from highways, AB 184
Handicapped parking
Motorcycles, special license plates or stickers, AB 59*
Penalties for violations, AB 45*
Spaces for vehicles with side-loading wheelchair lifts, SB 338*
Offstreet parking projects, use of room tax revenue, AB 459**
Stolen vehicles, law enforcement inspections to locate, AB 458*
Volunteer firemen and emergency medical technicians, vehicle placards, SB 65*
Amateur sports facilities, use of residential construction tax for, AB 630**
Bond issues for support of public parks, disclosures, special elections, SB 501*
Controlled substance violations in or near public parks, penalty, AB 464*
Impact fees for park projects, SB 457
Subdivisions, dedication of common recreational space required in certain counties, AB 565
Tonopah mining park, appropriation, AB 385
Civil rights restoration, requirements (sec. 3), AB 79**
Conviction and incarceration of parolee in other jurisdiction for new offense, effect, AB 80**
Discharge, honorable or dishonorable (sec. 1), AB 79**
Eligibility, procedure for determination, AB 390**
Juvenile offenders
Parent or guardian to pay cost of supervision, AB 443
Sex offenders, supervision, AB 511
Photographs from crime scenes, consideration at parole hearings, SB 395*
Restitution remaining unpaid following discharge, civil liability, AB 79**
Sex offenders, chemical treatment program, AB 56
Eligibility for parole, determination, AB 390**
Members, confirmation of appointment by senate, SB 160
Senior parole commissioner, designation authorized, duties, AB 84
Architects, interior designers and residential designers, registration, AB 609
Engineering firms, registration requirements (sec. 2), SB 103**
Land surveying firms, registration requirements (sec. 3), SB 103**
Legislative study of business organization laws, SCR 19‡
Limited-liability partnerships (See LIMITED-LIABILITY PARTNERSHIPS)
Limited partnerships (See LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS)
Management consultants, formation (sec. 28-32), SB 220
Mortgage companies, disciplinary action, AB 64*, AB 676
Names, distinguishability (secs. 6-9), SB 122
Resident agents, street address, SB 19*, SB 61**
Property tax, exemption for intangible personal property, SB 411**, AB 668†
Child support (See also CHILD SUPPORT)
Enforcement, AB 231*
Guardians ad litem, appointment, AB 231*
Alcohol or drug abuse treatment facilities, rights, AB 265†
Criminal neglect, investigation, AB 113**
Emergency medical services (See EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES)
Homes for individual residential care, rights, SB 163**
Medical records (See MEDICAL RECORDS)
Medical tests (See MEDICAL TESTS)
Criminal investigations, immunities, AB 647**
Definition, AB 1
Motor vehicle title as collateral, effect, AB 1
Peace officers may place written hold on certain pledged property, AB 647**
Release of property to peace officer, AB 647**
Abandoned vehicles, authority to remove from highways, AB 184
Abandoned vessels, duties, AB 438*
Agriculture division, administrator, SB 378
Applicants for positions, provision of information by former employers, AB 297**
Badges for retired police officers, SB 420, AB 166†
Bail enforcement agents, notice of certain action by, AB 485**
Capitol police (See CAPITOL POLICE)
Collective bargaining for state employees, AB 131
Communicable diseases
Industrial insurance coverage, SB 132**
Testing of persons possibly causing exposure of peace officers, AB 483*
Complaints against officers
False or fraudulent complaints, penalty, AB 304*
Information obtained from peace officer, admissibility, AB 570
Investigation, establishment of written procedures, AB 304*
Polygraphic examination, requirement removed, AB 570
Constables (See CONSTABLES)
Contractors' board, special investigators, AB 634*
Controlled substances, destruction of hazardous waste related to (sec. 10), AB 454*
Correctional officers (See PRISONS, DEPARTMENT OF—Employees)
Drug and alcohol abuse treatment for prisoners, representation on advisory board, SB 184**
Emergency telephone system, statewide, establishment, SB 487†
Employee organizations, conditions of membership, AB 608†
Explosives production and storage, inspections, AB 451**
Highway patrol (See HIGHWAY PATROL, NEVADA)
Laser pointers, unlawful to direct light at officer, SB 360†, AB 541
Lights and sirens on emergency vehicles, use, SB 337
Managers of transportation, powers removed, SB 491†
Minors, notice to responsible adult after taking into custody, AB 262*, AB 473*
Mobile home parks, patrol, AB 195*
Occupational diseases (See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES)
Police animals
Penalties for injuring or killing (sec. 5), SB 396*
Public accommodations, access (sec 9), SB 396*
Police departments (See POLICE DEPARTMENTS)
Public safety telecommunications operators, committee for, representation, SB 165*
School police officers (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC—Personnel)
Secretary of state's criminal investigators, peace officer powers, SB 183**
Sheriffs (See SHERIFFS)
Stalking and aggravated stalking, required training, AB 363**
State disaster identification team, peace officer powers (sec. 8), SB 193*
State employees, reimbursement of training costs in certain cases, AB 653
Stolen property, disposition, holds on pawned property, AB 647**
Survivors of officers killed in line of duty, insurance benefits, SB 404**
Tahoe regional planning agency ordinances, enforcement, SB 510**
Taxicab authorities, assistance, SB 491
Tow car lists, maintenance and use, SB 387**
Transportation services authority, assistance, SB 491†
Truancy, authority, AB 15**
Account for the training of peace officers, creation, sources, use (sec. 12), SB 68**
Executive director, appointment, powers (secs. 10-12), SB 68**
Redesignation as commission, composition (secs. 8, 28), SB 68**
Beautification projects, creation of improvement districts authorized, AB 95*
Athletic commission, false oaths before, AB 467**
PERSHING COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Domestic workers, industrial insurance coverage, AB 334*
Medicaid recipients, increased access to services urged, ACR 9
Leased or rented property, conversion, SB 364
Property tax (See PROPERTY TAX)
Search warrant, owner may inspect and photograph property taken under, SB 482
Service contracts, AB 673*
Stolen property (See STOLEN PROPERTY)
Law enforcement training, regulations relating to reimbursement of costs, AB 653
Shift schedules, regulations, AB 494
Custody positions in certain departments, salary increases, study, SB 353**, AB 235
Pay plan, addition of steps within grades, AB 257
Peace officers, calculation of average salaries, SB 239
Unclassified service, duties regarding salaries, SB 554**
Fees related to licensure and registration of pesticides, AB 693*
Fire ants and killer bees, eradication and control programs, SB 378, SB 560**
Noxious pests, school instruction in identification and response, SB 378
Cemeteries, investments by endowment care funds, SB 20, SB 39*
Cruelty to animals (See CRUELTY TO ANIMALS)
Dogs (See DOGS)
Killing or injuring animals of another, penalty, SB 396*
Mobile home parks, restrictions in rental agreements prohibited (sec. 6), AB 418
Trusts for care of pets at settlor's death, validity, AB 524
Certificates, licenses and permits, expiration (secs. 10, 18), SB 101*
Fetal alcohol syndrome, duties, SB 197†
Certificates of registration, expiration (secs. 10, 18), SB 101*
Immunizations, possession and administration of drugs, SB 519*
Qualifications for registration (sec. 4), SB 101*
Computerized tracking system for controlled substances (sec. 15), SB 101*
Contraception and hormone replacement therapy, SB 28, AB 60*
Definition (secs. 6, 12), AB 432*
Filling by brand name on request of patient, AB 172
Generic substitutions, prohibited acts, SB 136
Medicaid, contracts for pharmaceutical services through managed care
Medicaid, pharmaceutical services through managed care, AB 429**
Optometrists, by, AB 432*
Prescription form, contents (sec. 16), SB 101*
Senior citizens, grant program to subsidize cost, SB 370†, AB 474*
State board of pharmacy
Continuing education, regulations, SB 197†
Immunizations by pharmacists, annual report, SB 519*
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
Secretary and treasurer, bonds unnecessary (sec. 2), SB 101*
Crime scene photographs, consideration at parole hearings, SB 395*
Hidden cameras prohibited, penalty, exceptions, SB 34
Juveniles in custody, use of photographs, AB 165*
Proofs, furnishing to customer excluded from sales tax, SB 424**
Athletic trainers, laws inapplicable, SB 357†
State board of physical therapy examiners
Athletic trainers, appointment of advisory committee regarding, SB 357*
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
Board of medical examiners
Commendation on centennial, ACR 28‡
Continuing education, regulations, SB 197†
Investigations and prosecution of violations, immunities, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
Definition (sec. 11), AB 114
Fetal alcohol syndrome prevention measures, SB 197†
Good Samaritan law extended to out-of-state practitioners, AB 409*
Guardianship petitions, certification, SB 359
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Licenses, issuance of limited licenses, SB 219
Residential facilities for groups, referral businesses, AB 373*
Telephone service, disconnection of unlicensed advertisers, SB 128†
Osteopathic physicians' assistants, certification fees, SB 199
Common-interest communities, residential use includes use of piers, SB 192*
Insurance coverage, AB 551
Assessment liens, AB 228
Common recreational space, dedication required in certain counties, AB 565
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Duties (sec. 10), SB 393
Established neighborhoods, identification and designation, AB 563†
Explosives and highly hazardous substances, issuance of permits, AB 603*
Parcel maps, considerations for approval or disapproval, AB 461**
Town boards in large counties, authority, AB 388†
DUI, plea bargaining restricted, AB 196
Prisoners, plea bargaining prohibited following certain crime, SB 149*
Written plea of guilty, form, SB 123
Schools, patriotic observance, SB 445†, SB 466†, AB 144**
Contractors, specialty license exemption in smaller counties, AB 387
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
City council required to create police department in certain circumstances, AB 422
Criminal history repository, submission of information, AB 621**
Mobile home parks, patrol, AB 195*
School police services, contracts, AB 376†
Campaign practices (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)
Legislative caucuses, prohibited acts (sec. 4), AB 57
Campaign practices (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)
Governor and lieutenant governor, joint election, AJR 17 of the 69th session
Minor political parties
Candidates and ballot listings, AB 520*
Petitions, time for filing, AB 479, AB 613, AB 615*
Presidential electors, selection, AB 615*
Presidential primary election, establishment, SB 548, AB 505
Peace officers, investigation of complaints against, AB 570
Prisons, department of, use by, SB 264
Apportionment of tax proceeds, revision of estimates, SB 538**, AB 556
Decennial census, time of applicability of information obtained from, SB 531*
Local government tax distribution account, effect of population decline, SB 534*
Material harmful to minors, unlawful exhibition, sale or distribution, AB 282**
Reporting of sexual offenses involving minor victims required, penalties, AB 267*
Barber schools (See BARBERS AND BARBERING)
Computer software training courses, exemption from regulation, AB 152*
Hazing prohibited, penalties, SB 297**
Nursing programs, review and approval, AB 204*
Sex offenders attending school, registration requirements, SB 515**
Students with disabilities, use of aversive intervention restricted, AB 280†
Supplies, limited sales tax exemption, AB 581†
Teacher education programs, approval, SB 466**
Unemployment benefits, eligibility of part-time faculty, AB 9
Reorganization as part of department of agriculture, AB 103**
Special tax, notice to counties and division of agriculture (sec. 20), AB 668**
Adverse birth outcomes, collection of information, AB 238*
Child health assurance program, determination of eligibility, AB 4
Fetal alcohol syndrome, prevention and treatment programs, SB 197*
Infertility, insurance coverage for diagnosis and treatment, SB 295
Life line pregnancy assistance and vocational center, appropriation, SB 147, SB 560**
Medicaid, presumptive eligibility of certain recipients, AB 5
Residential facility for groups, maternity home excluded as, AB 62, AB 167*
Affidavits on behalf of financial institutions, use, SB 483**
Discharge after examination, determination of plain error (sec. 2), SB 493
Information, filing (sec. 2), SB 493
Testimony, use by district court (sec. 1), SB 493
Transcripts, correction (sec. 1), SB 493
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Claims, payment, SB 145*
Denial of benefits, board to review, AB 491
For-profit entities, applicability of laws, SB 12, AB 685
Insurance fraud, investigation, SB 225
Preferred provider lists, limit on amount charged for inclusion, SB 145*
Reimbursement of provider, applicability of laws, AB 515†
Uniform claim forms, billing codes, electronic data transfers, SB 509, SB 544**
Category E felonies, offenders, SB 148*
Electors, selection by parties, AB 615*
Independent candidates, petitions, AB 615*
Primary election, establishment, SB 548, AB 505
Child custody, best interest of child, AB 456*, AB 688**
Corporations, good faith of officers and directors, SB 61**
Debit cards, unlawful acts, SB 485†, AB 83*
Habeas corpus, standing to file petitions (sec. 10), AB 618
Industrial insurance and occupational diseases
Benefit checks, endorsement, SB 95
Lung diseases of police and firemen, SB 132†
Personal property used in interstate or foreign commerce, tax exemptions, SB 262*
Public officers, conflicts of interest, SB 478*
Termination of parental rights
Best interest of child, AB 158**, AB 315
Unfit parent, AB 456†
Trade-mark or labels, displaying goods with false mark or label, AB 616*
Water, nonabandonment of right to use, AB 380**
Adoption of 1997 act (secs. 15-44), SB 20
Credits against sentence, regulations, SB 149†
Director of department, authority to review actions and decisions, AB 619
Barber laws inapplicable (sec. 4.5), SB 8*, SCR 46‡
Controlled substances, use of dogs to detect, AB 308
Industrial programs, advisory board on, reports, SB 399†
Actions against state, deductions from monetary awards, AB 22*
Communicable diseases, testing of offenders, SB 149*, AB 483*
Drug or alcohol abuse programs, participation, SB 57*, SB 184**, AB 196
DUI offenders, residential confinement, AB 499
Excrement or bodily fluids, unlawful acts, penalties, SB 149*
Good time credits
Forfeiture for certain violations, SB 184**
Frivolous habeas corpus petitions, effect, SB 361*
Reduction for disciplinary violations, SB 149†
Technical corrections, AB 391*
Industrial insurance, modified program, SB 37*, SB 495**
Management of offenders, establishment of program, AB 561
Records of criminal history, contents, AB 621**
Sex offenders, chemical treatment programs, AB 56
Small claims, costs of transportation to be paid in advance, AB 22*
Tahoe Basin, use of inmate labor for certain projects urged, SCR 15‡
Telecommunications devices, access prohibited, exception, SB 485**
Prohibition, SB 485**
Required disclosures, AB 208
Offenders' store fund
Sources, AB 289**
Transfer of funds to compensate restitution centers for certain costs, AB 687**
Psychologists, exemption from licensure, AB 665
Vending machines, operation, AB 289**
Visitors, use of dogs to detect presence of drugs, AB 308
Capital improvement projects, funding, AB 699**
Cold Creek state prison
Equipment and supplies, appropriation, AB 690**
Travel expenses for employees, AB 691**
Criminal history repository, submission of information, AB 621**
Administrative authority, AB 619
Committee on correctional institutions, member (sec. 3), SB 399
Confirmation of appointment by senate, SB 160
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory board on, ex officio member, SB 197†
Judgment of conviction, return to county clerk unnecessary, AB 78
Management of offenders, establishment of pilot program, AB 561
Occupational disease coverage, SB 463
Peace officer categories, designation, SB 229
Substance abuse commission, ex officio member, SB 346**
Substance abuse treatment programs, duties, SB 184**
Therapeutic communities, assignment of offenders, SB 57*
Badges, SB 321†
Categories of peace officers, designation, SB 229, SB 321†
Communicable diseases
Industrial insurance coverage, SB 132**
Testing of persons possibly causing exposure of employees, SB 149*, AB 483*
Duties generally, SB 229
Occupational disease coverage, SB 463
Outside employment, review and approval, AB 619
Polygraphic and psychological exams required for certain applicants, SB 264
Psychologists, exemption from licensure, AB 665
Salary increases, occupational study, SB 353**, AB 235, AB 273
Suspension without pay, grounds, SB 230
Training programs, SB 321
Travel expenses, AB 273, AB 691**
Work schedules for shift employees, regulation, AB 494
Legislative committee on correctional institutions, creation, SB 399
Parole, determination of eligibility, AB 390**
Regional planning coalition, submission of plans to, SB 391*, AB 493*
Southern Nevada correctional center, lease of facilities, AB 696**
Substance abuse treatment programs, assignment, reimbursement, SB 184**
Tahoe Basin, use of inmate labor on conservation projects urged, SCR 15‡
Adult wards, rights, AB 517†
Homes for individual residential care, rights of patients, SB 163**
National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact, ratification, SB 484**
Nurses and nursing assistants, contents of licensing board lists, SB 85
Safe-deposit boxes, rights of lessee of box improperly opened, AB 279
Social security numbers (See SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS)
Surveillance (See SURVEILLANCE)
Voter registration, contents of applications, AB 169*
Composition, SB 178
Employment and tenant screeners, regulation, SB 178†
Executive director, classification, compensation, SB 178
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Motor vehicle records
Release of information to licensees, AB 503*
Suspension of license for unlawful access, AB 503*
Osteopathic physicians, investigation of complaints (sec. 11), SB 199
Security consultants, authority to act as, SB 178
Spotters employed by business establishments, exemption from laws, SB 334
Tenant or employment screeners, exemption from laws, SB 178, SB 334
Competitive bidding for certain public services in large counties, SB 422
Drivers' licenses, ID cards, license plates, registrations, issuance, AB 377, AB 378
Industrial insurance, SB 37**
Local governments, contracts with nonprofit organizations, AB 236†
Category E felonies, confinement in county jail as condition of probation, SB 148*
Controlled substances, unlawful manufacture or compounding, AB 454*
DUI offenders, prohibitions, AB 196
Felony conviction, granting of probation, SB 148*
Juvenile offenders, parent or guardian to pay cost of supervision, AB 443
Violation of condition of suspended sentence, effect, AB 406*
Garnishment, service of writs, SB 212
Limitation of actions (sec. 7), AB 225
Management consultants, formation (sec. 28-32), SB 220
Names, distinguishability, SB 122
Creation, appropriation, SB 15
Mortgage company notes secured by property liens, applicability of securities laws, SB 124, AB 72
Common-interest communities (sec. 26), SB 451*
Employment screeners, licensure, penalty for violations, SB 178†
Real estate licensing laws, exemption, AB 447*
Homeowners suffering severe economic hardship, SJR 11‡
New or expanded businesses, qualifications for abatement, SB 259†, SB 537**
Agricultural real property, waiver of penalty (sec. 16), AB 668**
Air carriers, assessment of property, legislative study, SB 205, SB 383**, SB 411**
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Appraisal of property, SB 426, SB 524, AB 601*
Art for public display, SB 90, SB 521**
Audits, prohibition against penalties and interest, SB 362**
Child care provided by employers
Credit against property tax, AB 562†
Exemption from property tax for provision of free on-site care, AB 562
Common-interest communities, taxation of common elements, SB 426
Consolidated bond interest and redemption fund, levy, AB 699**
County commissioners, restrictions on tax increases for certain period, AB 223†
County hospital districts, levy to repay obligations of dissolved district, AB 275**
County museums, levy of tax for support of, AB 463
Deficiency determinations (secs. 8, 9), SB 362**
Delinquent taxes
Mobile homes or manufactured homes (sec. 14), AB 668**
Open-space land, local government exempt from payment of delinquent taxes on property acquired for, SB 523**
Personal property, seizure and sale to satisfy unpaid taxes, AB 495
Trustee certificates, AB 375*
Disaster relief funds, deposit of certain property taxes, SB 194†
Studies of ratio of assessed to taxable value of property, SB 494*
Underassessed or unassessed property, waiver of penalty (sec. 15), AB 668**
American Land Conservancy, AB 423**
Apprenticeship committees, AB 211**
Art for public display
Exemption repealed, SB 90
Qualifications for exemption, SB 521**
Blind persons (sec. 8), AB 668**
Business property, SB 411**, AB 668†
Child care, exemption for provision of free on-site care to employees, AB 562
Constitutional requirements for enacting exemptions, SJR 20‡
Housing authorities (sec. 39), AB 484
Intangible personal property, SB 411**, AB 668†
Nevada Land Conservancy, AB 423**
Nevada Nature Conservancy, AB 423†
Nonprofit corporations, property donated to for certain housing, SB 402
Orphans, AB 668†
Public transit, free passes provided to employees, AB 567
Religious corporations, leased property (sec. 10), AB 668**
Veterans, SB 33, SB 164, AB 668**
Federal Government
Action concerning purchase of private land or exchange of public land for private land, effect, AB 358**
Payments in lieu of tax revenue, payment of full share urged, SJR 1‡
Use of state land, consideration of effect on assessed valuation, AB 358†
Flood control districts, disclosures relating to tax levy in ballot question, SB 501*
General improvement districts, restrictions on continuation of levy, segregation by category of use, SB 529**
Golf courses, assessment of certain public property, AB 668**
Historical societies, levy of tax for support of, AB 463
Improvements to real property, reduction of depreciation used in determination of taxable value, SB 524
Improvements to real property, taxation at market value, SB 426
Legislative declaration, SB 411**
Levy of tax, maximum amount, AJR 17
Local governments
Allocations from tax distribution account, SB 534*, SB 535**, SB 538**
Combined tax rate
Exemption of certain tax levies from limitation on total tax levy, SB 319, SB 473**, SB 476**, AB 275**, AB 463
Publication of notice if rate exceeds certain level, SB 476**
Transfer of money to establish certain rate prohibited, SB 536**
Limit on revenue from taxes
Ballot question to exceed limitation, disclosures, special elections, SB 501*
County hospital districts, levy to repay outstanding obligations exempt, AB 275**
County museum or historical society, exemption of tax levy, AB 463
Medium-term obligations, exception from limitation removed, AB 299**
Regional facilities for children, exemption of tax levy, AB 314**
Severe financial emergencies, exemption of tax levy, SB 473**
Operating purposes, levy of additional tax for, SB 538**
Severe financial emergency, maximum increase in tax levy, SB 473**
Mobile homes and manufactured homes
Assessment of manufactured homes as real property (secs. 5, 6), SB 323*
Delinquent taxes, penalty (sec. 14), AB 668**
Depreciation, reduction, compensatory payments to certain persons, SB 524
Sales, acknowledgment of taxes (sec. 18), AB 668**
Municipal bond issues, disclosures relating to tax levy in ballot question, SB 501*
Open-space property
Imposition of tax for development, AB 504*
Waiver of penalty (sec. 16), AB 668**
Park bonds, disclosures relating to tax levy in ballot question, SB 501*
Action for recovery of tax paid, venue (sec. 13), SB 362**
Failure to pay tax, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Installment payments, AB 375*
Maximum amount of tax that may be levied, AJR 17
Overpayments, notice to taxpayer, refunds (secs. 3, 6), SB 362**
Personal property
Intangible property, exemption from taxation, SB 411**, AB 668†
Seizure and sale to satisfy delinquent taxes, AB 495
Tangible personal property used for business, tax exemption, AB 668†
Population estimates, procedure for revision, SB 538**, AB 556
Public utilities, assessment of property, legislative study, SB 205, SB 383**, SB 411**, AB 668**
Railroads, assessment of property, legislative study, SB 205, SB 383**, SB 411**
Regional facilities for children, assessments for support, AB 314**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
School districts
Ballot question to increase tax levy, disclosures, special elections, SB 501*
Deposit of taxes in fund for capital projects, AB 597†
Senior citizens' property tax assistance
Claims, time for filing, SB 36*
Denial of refund, review (sec. 16), SB 362**
Income amounts, AB 423†
Refunds, time for payment, SB 36*
Tax deeds, evidentiary effect, AB 375*
Taxable value, determination, SB 411**, SB 426, SB 524, AB 601*, AB 668**, AJR 17
Total ad valorem levy, tax levies exempt from limitation
Agricultural extension work, SB 319
Bonded indebtedness of state, SB 319, SB 476**
County aid to indigents, SB 319
County museum or historical society, AB 463
School districts, SB 476**
Severe financial emergencies of local governments, SB 473**
Dismissal of charges restricted, AB 230
Entertainment by referral services, regulation, AB 230
Minor victims, reporting of offenses required, penalties, AB 267*
Adoption (secs. 2-15), SB 20
Mental health clients, evaluation following involuntary admission, SB 73*
Alcoholism and substance abuse, diagnosis and treatment (sec. 1), SB 24**
Board of psychological examiners
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medical records, availability in investigations, SB 78
Quorum (sec. 2), SB 24**
Disciplinary action, grounds (sec. 4), SB 24**
Guardianship petitions, certifications, SB 359
Licenses, examination (sec. 3), SB 24**
Mental health clients, evaluation following involuntary admission, SB 73*
Prisons department, exemption from licensure for certain persons, AB 665
Kickbacks to certain carriers for soliciting for businesses, SB 491†, AB 193*, AB 546
Laser pointers, unlawful acts, SB 360†, AB 541
Police dogs, access, SB 396*
Rates, posting and availability of statement, SB 461, AB 431**
Resort hotels in Clark County, location, AB 522
Securing accommodations by paying for more days than requested, removal of prohibition against requiring, SB 461
Service animals, access, SB 396*
Administration of estates, SB 410, SB 472**
Destruction of property without notice to next of kin, authority, SB 472**
Douglas County, salary increase, SB 414
Petition for appointment as guardian, SB 472†
Restriction on service as guardian, SB 410, SB 472**
Investigation of financial status of decedents, SB 472**
Public utilities, requests for disclosure of customer information, SB 472**
Salary increase, SB 414, AB 589
Set aside without administration, securing of decedent's property, SB 472**
Appropriations, SB 270, AB 224**, AB 474*
Competitive bidding for certain services in large counties required, SB 422
Concealed weapons, restrictions on carrying, AB 166**
Counties, construction or remodeling projects
Exemption from competitive bidding, SB 407†
Lease or lease-purchase agreements authorized, SB 407*
Fire safety, cooperative agreements with governmental entities, AB 607
Handicapped access, compliance with federal requirements, AB 598*
Immunities relating to inspections and discoveries (sec. 3), AB 87
Insurance for buildings or construction contracts, procurement by public officer or employee, SB 102
Recycling programs, AB 564*
State buildings
Business and industry department, appropriation for office building, SB 320
Carson City sewage system, payment of connection fees, SB 368**
State building officer, powers and duties, SB 413, AB 605
Clark County, deputies governed by county merit personnel system, SB 456*
Enforcement of judgment requiring repayment of defense expenses, SB 234
Misdemeanors, task force to study penalties, representation, ACR 67
Motor vehicle records, release of information to agents of office, AB 503*
Advisory board for drug and alcohol abuse treatment, representation, SB 184**
Repayment of defense expenses from monetary awards, AB 22†
Creation, SB 544**
Age for retirement, SB 127, AB 44
Compensation defined, AB 189**
Employer-paid, change of election during first year of employment, SB 29
Supreme court justices, AB 269**
Taxable income, reduction by amount of contributions (secs. 2, 3), SB 29
Eligibility for retirement at any age under certain circumstances, SB 127, AB 44
Full-time employment, development of standards for determination, AB 189**
Judges and justices
Contributions by justices, AB 269**
Legislative study of pension plan, AB 698**
Qualifications and calculation of pension, AB 592
Recall to active service, SB 245
Survivor benefits, SB 514, AB 622**
Legislators, participation, AB 189**
Nevada gaming commission, participation by members, AB 189**
Police officers and firemen
Badges for retired police officers, SB 420, AB 166†
Disabled police officers or firemen, inclusion of other service towards eligibility for retirement, AB 303**
Retirement at any age with 25 years of service, SB 299
Survivor benefits, AB 189**
Retired Public Employees of Nevada (See RETIRED PUBLIC EMPLOYEES OF NEVADA)
Retirees, reemployment
Additional credit, AB 189**
Charter schools, effect of employment on retirement allowance, SB 431
Judges and justices recalled to active service, SB 245
Public employer may contribute to retirement fund not part of system, AB 189**
Study of effect of reemployment by participating public employers, AB 74**
University system, effect of employment on retirement allowance, AB 74**
Service credit
County commissioners, councilmen or mayors, elective service, AB 189**
Disabled police officers or firemen, AB 303**
Judges and justices recalled to active service, SB 245
School employees
Calculation of service credit, AB 189**
Teachers, purchase of credit by school districts, SB 9**, SB 50**
SIIS, purchase of credit for certain employees (sec. 134), SB 37*
State agencies, purchase of credit on behalf of certain employees, SB 111**
Use of money in certain retirement plans to purchase, AB 189*
Sports officials, exemption from system (sec. 7), AB 63, AB 153
Survivor benefits
Amount, AB 189**
Eligibility, AB 189**
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Police or firemen's spouses, AB 189**
Remarriage, effect on receipt of benefits, AB 189**
Supreme court and district judges, SB 514, AB 622**
Executive director, member of board of employees' benefits program, SB 544**
Loans from investment portfolio authorized, SB 14†
Retirement board, study of effect of retirees' employment, AB 74**
Transfer to position covered by police or firemen's retirement fund, employee options (sec. 1), SB 29
Age of wards, limit removed, SB 410, SB 472**
Public administrators, restriction on service as guardian, SB 410, SB 472**
Residential facilities for groups, referral businesses, AB 373*
Exchange of certain public land for private land, notice to affected counties or cities, AB 358**
Federal lands
Land use planning, action by cities or counties, AB 641**
Leases, distribution of revenue received by state, AB 26
Maximization of use, enjoyment, transfer or acquisition, appropriation, SB 560**
Mining regulations, compliance by Interior Department urged, AJR 19‡
Nellis Air Force Range, period for withdrawal of land, AJR 1‡
Rights of way, support for mandatory recognition expressed, SJR 2‡
Sale or disposal of land transferred to control of state, SJR 10‡
Underpayment of certain federal distributions, transfer of land as compensation urged, SJR 1‡
Federal payments to compensate for loss of property tax revenue, payment of full share to state urged, SJR 1‡
Indian tribes, conveyances from political subdivisions, SB 52*
Management of certain public lands
Actions, initiation by attorney general (sec. 11), AB 672
Board of review abolished (sec. 6), AB 672
Counties, acquisition of land, imposition of use fees (secs. 8, 9), AB 672
Land use planning council, appointment, powers and duties, AB 672
Legislative findings (sec. 4), AB 672
Unlawful use, management or disposal, civil and criminal liability, AB 672
State lands
Carson City, state purchase of certain land located in, SB 348
Clark County, transfer of state land located in Laughlin to, SB 377**
Exchange of public land for private land, procedures, AB 358†
Federal use of public land, procedures and standards for state consent, AB 358†
Mineral interests, purchase, SB 344**
Revolving account for land management, creation, SB 508**
Transfer of portion to counties upon request (sec. 9), AB 672
Tahoe Basin (See TAHOE BASIN)
Boxing license files, AB 467†
Breath analyses and certain other procedures, admissibility of public records concerning, SB 189
Capital improvement plans of local governments (sec. 1), SB 433**
Confidential or restricted information, disclosure, AB 102, AB 625
Custodians of records, restrictions on questioning requesters (sec. 15), AB 102
Deceptive trade practices, publication of certain information, AB 109†
Electronic submission of documents, digital signatures, AB 674**
Fees for copies of certain records, AB 625
Immunizations by pharmacists, annual report, SB 519*
Industrial development bonds, SB 369**
Information systems and technology
Index of electronic data bases, creation, public access (sec. 14), AB 102
Restrictions on acquisition (sec. 13), AB 102
Inspection, copying or preparation of abstracts or memorandums, AB 102, AB 625
Legislative findings and declaration, AB 102, AB 625
Medical facilities, certain reports to board of health, AB 586
Mortgage companies, investigations and discipline, AB 64*, AB 676
Nonprofit hospital, medical and dental service corporations, attorney general's records, SB 12, AB 685
Notaries, information filed with secretary of state (sec. 1), AB 127**
Public employees, personnel records (sec. 12), AB 102
State engineer, final rulings in contested matters (sec. 24), AB 102
State officers and employees, records of disciplinary investigations, AB 213
Business tax exemption for passes provided to employees, AB 567†
Competitive bidding for services in large counties, SB 422
Elderly and handicapped transportation programs, funding, SB 415, SB 560**, AB 474*
Mentally retarded persons, provision of transportation services to, AB 628**
Property tax, partial exemption for passes provided to employees, AB 567
Room taxes, use of optional tax for benefit of public transportation, AB 459**
Tahoe Basin, creation of system by nonprofit organization, AB 236**
Tax for public mass transportation
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Failure to pay tax, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
State fee for cost of collection of tax, AB 288**
Clark County regional planning coalition, review of facilities plans, SB 391*, AB 493*
Electricity and natural gas
Alternate methods for providing electric service, rates, SB 438*
Basic electric services, provision during certain period required, auction of right to provide, SB 438**
Change of service provider, consent form, AB 405
Consumer groups to obtain electric services, formation, AB 501
Contested cases, hearings, SB 438**
Date to obtain services from alternative sellers, SB 226, SB 438**, AB 168
Deferred accounting, use, SB 438*
High-tension electrical wires placed on private property
Compensation to owner following placement without permission, SB 384
Offer to purchase surrounding property required, SB 384†
Irrigation district, production or sale of electricity excluded from regulation as utility, AB 426
Legislature, determinations of effective competition, SB 226
Names and logos of noncompetitive providers, use by affiliates, SB 226, SB 438**
Recovery of certain costs by certain utilities, SB 222, SB 226, SB 438**
School sites, extension of services to, recovery of costs, AB 568
Slamming, procedures to prevent, SB 226
Underground electric facilities, construction and conversion, AB 277
Vertically integrated utilities, divesting of generation services, SB 438†
Haze, opposition to certain federal regulations expressed, SJR 3‡
Highway construction, requirements and penalties if utility facilities not reconstructed at same time, SB 486
Indigent persons, utility bill assistance program, SB 89
Legislative study of state energy policy, ACR 32
Local telecommunication services, establishment of standards of conduct and reporting, SB 207
Metallic wire, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 55*
Paging services or equipment, maintenance of customer records, SB 131†
Property tax, assessment, legislative study, SB 205, SB 383**, SB 411**, AB 668**
Public administrators authorized to request customer information, SB 472**
Securities, issuance, AB 449
Telegraph (See TELEGRAPH)
Telephone (See TELEPHONE)
Television (See TELEVISION)
Water lines, recovery of costs of construction of larger lines, SB 543
Administrative law judges, appointment to hear contested cases, SB 438†
Commissioners, confirmation of appointment by senate, SB 160
Contractors, disconnection of certain services of unlicensed persons, SB 128*
Electric utility deregulation, duties, SB 226, SB 438**
Emergency telephone system, statewide, consultations, SB 487†
Energy policy of state, legislative study, advisory group, ACR 32
Hearing officers, appointment, SB 438**
High-tension electrical wires on private property, regulations, SB 384†
Lifeline or link-up services, duties, SB 487*
Local telecommunication services, duties, SB 207, SB 440**
Railroads, authority to grant exception to crew requirement, AB 31
Recovery of certain costs by public utilities, regulations, SB 543
School sites, extension of services to, recovery of costs, AB 568
Securities, consideration of applications for certain orders, AB 449
Telecommunications actions, assistance to attorney general, SB 485†
Licensure, fees, AB 693*
Architects or engineers, employment to oversee construction projects, SB 475*
Certificate of eligibility for preference, issuance, objections, SB 437*
Counties, certain construction and remodeling projects exempt, SB 407†
Determination of best bid, procedure, SB 437*, SB 475*, AB 106, AB 298*
Moapa Valley water district, exemption from law, AB 295*
Qualification of bidders, criteria, prerequisite to bidding, AB 298*
Qualified resident contractors, certification, AB 106
State capital improvements, exemption of certain contracts, SB 413, SB 474
Virgin Valley water district, exemption from law, AB 295*
Building permits, payment of fees by certain public agencies, SB 216**
Capital improvement projects, authorization and funding, SB 560**, AB 699**
Design-assistance contracts
Approval of legislature unnecessary, SB 413, SB 474
Competitive bidding, exemption, SB 413, SB 474
Eligible bidders, issuance to, AB 598†
Repeal of provision for contracts for contractor's services, SB 437†, SB 475*
Design-build contracts
Authorization, legislative study, SB 437†, SB 475*
Eligible bidders, issuance to, AB 598†
Design documents submitted to governmental entities, standards, reports of deficiencies, SB 409
Employees of contractor
Agreement to limit number to be hired prohibited, SB 342
Election of benefits, SB 342
Handicapped access, compliance with federal requirements, AB 598*
Highways and roads (See HIGHWAYS AND ROADS)
Immunities relating to inspections and discoveries (sec. 3), AB 87
Insurance for construction contracts, procurement by public employees, SB 102
Labor organizations
Election of benefits by contractor's employees, SB 342
Requiring contractor to make certain contributions prohibited, SB 342
Local entities, certain contracts authorized before issuance of obligations, SB 433**
Preferences for local contractors, AB 106
Prime contractor, definition, SB 437*, SB 475*
Progress payments or retainage payments, withholdings, notices, SB 144*
Sexual orientation, discrimination prohibited, AB 311*
Specialty contractor, definition, SB 475*
State buildings, powers and duties of state building officer, SB 413, AB 605
Streets and alleys (See STREETS AND ALLEYS)
Wage claims, withholdings from contractors' payments for, SB 144†
Accessible design, duties relating to certification, AB 598*
Capital improvement projects, authorization and funding, AB 699**
Chairman, member of commission for construction of school facilities, AB 597**
Chief financial officer, appointment (sec. 5), AB 664
Deputy for administrative, fiscal and constructional services, abolished, AB 664
Design-assistance contracts, SB 413, SB 437†, SB 474, SB 475*, AB 598†
Engineer and architect employees, outside employment prohibited (sec. 3), AB 664
Fire safety, cooperative agreements with governmental entities, AB 607
Manager, ex officio state building officer, powers and duties, SB 413, AB 605
Qualifications (sec. 6), AB 664
Three meetings missed, notice to governor, replacement (sec. 2), AB 664
Plans and specifications for construction of certain buildings, duties, SB 413, AB 598*, AB 605
School buildings, review of plans, designs and specifications, AB 597†, AB 598*
School districts, fund to assist financing of capital improvements, reports of grant applications, AB 597**
Continuation, appropriations, SB 555**, AB 655
Notices regarding diseased animals, confidentiality, SB 330**
Companies, property tax assessment, SB 383**
Interception, unlawful acts, AB 496
Boulder City railroad museum, appropriation, SB 308**
Crews of two or more persons required to operate trains in state, exception, AB 31
Fernley train depot, appropriation, AB 703**
Grade separation projects in Washoe County, use of taxes, actions ratified, SB 255**
Nevada state railroad museum, supplemental appropriation, SB 277**
Property tax, assessment, legislative study, SB 205, SB 383**, SB 411**
Regulation of railroad museums (sec. 15), AB 460
Super speed ground transportation commission, appropriation, AB 682, AB 703**
Tricounty railway commission, bond issues, reversion of appropriation, AB 663**
Creation, imposition of support fees, SB 310**
Common-interest communities, powers and duties, SB 451*
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Licenses, authority to waive educational requirements abolished, SB 99*
Lied institute of real estate studies, establishment, SB 425
Advertisements, required contents, AB 58*
Broker-salesman, use of additional terms to refer to licensed status, AB 58*
Commercial real estate, claims for services, SB 452*
Credit service organizations, applicability of laws, AB 109*
Disciplinary action, SB 452*
Escrow, recordation of realtors' licensing information required, AB 215*
Exclusive listings, contents of brokerage agreements, SB 130
Educational requirements, SB 99*
Waiver of requirements for applicants in rural areas abolished, SB 99*
Lied institute of real estate studies, establishment, SB 425
Liens by licensees, SB 84, SB 452*
Occupational diseases, deemed wage for purposes of coverage, SB 495**
Property managers, exemption from laws, AB 447*
Salesman, use of additional terms to refer to licensed status, AB 58*
Time share resale brokers, registration and duties, SB 322**
Aged persons, execution of power of attorney for conveyance of property, AB 435
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Deeds of trust (See DEEDS OF TRUST)
Improvements, submission of design documents to governmental entities, SB 409
Indian tribes, conveyances from political subdivisions, SB 52*
Liens for labor and materials furnished to maintain property, SB 247
Mortgages (See MORTGAGES)
Property tax (See PROPERTY TAX)
Recording of documents relating to property transactions (sec. 2), AB 414*
Roofs, notice of warranty for construction, installation or repair, SB 423†
Rule against perpetuities (See RULE AGAINST PERPETUITIES)
Certificates of occupancy, provision to purchasers, SB 423
Contaminated property, immunities from liability, AB 675
Disclosures by sellers
Construction defects, disclosure by claimant in action involving, SB 32**, SB 286
Master plan provisions relating to general and future land use, SB 61**, SB 121*
Zoning classifications for adjoining parcels of land, SB 61**
Loan costs, disclosure to buyers and sellers, rescission of contract, AB 558
Married women, obsolete laws repealed, AB 340**
Real estate administrator, authority to request information and grant exemptions, SB 116
Subdivisions, recording of map before transfer of property, SB 61**
Water analysis, AB 574*
Subdivision of land (See SUBDIVISION OF LAND)
Additional tax due, notice, penalties, SB 318*
Audit of transactions, SB 318†
Collection of taxes, SB 318*
Deed defined, SB 318†
Delinquent taxes, collection, SB 318†
Open-space land, imposition of tax for development, AB 504*
Payment, responsibility, SB 318*
School district capital projects, increase in tax for support of, AB 597†
Jury instructions, SB 400
Campaign contributions, reports, AB 130**, AB 613, AB 615*
Majority vote required to fill vacancy, use of runoff election if necessary, SJR 18
Documents, submission, AB 615*, AB 671
Nomination of other candidates, AB 614*
Signing by registered voters, AB 613
Verification of signatures, AB 613, AB 615*, AB 671
Resignation, effect, AB 613, AB 614*
Affordable housing, agreements between local and nonprofit entities, AB 318**
Certification of documents, fees (sec. 1), AB 414*
Constructional defects, notice of action, AB 87
Homesteads, orders setting apart, AB 400*
Judgment of conviction, filing, AB 78
Marriage certificates, fees, SB 512*, AB 414†
Mortgages or deeds of trust, liability for failure to record discharge, SB 96*
Parcel maps, AB 461**
Power of attorney, execution by older persons, AB 435
Property documents (sec. 2), AB 414*
State agencies, certificates of liability for debts owed to (sec. 19), SB 500**
Water, notice of issuance of temporary appropriation permits, AB 408*
Business tax credit for recycling of materials used in business, AB 419
Public buildings, programs, AB 564*
Sports officials, exemption from employment laws, AB 63, AB 153
Arguments for and against local ballot questions, preparation, AB 200*
Ordinances, provision of proposal to county clerk (sec. 17), AB 613
Challenge of legal sufficiency, AB 615*
Signing by registered voters, AB 613, AB 615*
Time for filing (sec. 16), AB 613
Chlorofluorocarbons, possession and use authorized, SB 340
Highly flammable refrigerants, sale or use restricted, penalty, AB 179
Clark County
Coordination of planning among governmental entities, SB 394*
Economic diversification of southern Nevada, committee for, establishment, SB 434
Infrastructure, programs to provide incentives to pay for, SB 391*, AB 493*
New development, interspersion into established neighborhoods, SB 391*, AB 493*, AB 563
Regional planning coalition, establishment, SB 391*, SB 394*, SB 436**, AB 493*
Washoe County
Advisory committee on plans for capital improvements, creation, AB 424†
Affected entity defined, AB 424†
Comprehensive plan
Conformity of ordinances and regulations required, AB 424†
Contents, AB 424*
Maps and documents relating to urban services, inclusion, AB 424†
Coordination of planning among governmental entities, SB 394†
Infrastructure, programs to provide incentives to pay for, AB 493†
Legislative declaration, AB 424*
New development, interspersion into established neighborhoods, AB 424*, AB 563
Regional planning commission, composition, training, compensation, AB 424*
Report to legislature, AB 424†
Resolution of disputes, AB 424†
Carson City, members, chairman and terms of office, AB 270**
Clark County
Air pollution study committee, representation, SB 432**
Composition to include legislative members, SB 336
Creation of commission required, AB 553†
Regional planning coalition, cooperation and consultation, SB 394*
Expedited process for execution of certain agreements, AB 553*
Mentally retarded persons, provision of transportation services to, AB 628**
Rental car fees, allocation, AB 403
Vehicle privilege tax, administration of supplemental tax, AB 553†
Washoe County
Composition to include legislative members, SB 336†
Regional land use coordinating entity, cooperation and consultation, SB 394†
Regional planning commission, representation, AB 424†
Staggered terms of office, SB 129*
Public schools, prohibition of nonsecular activities, SB 289*
RENO, CITY OF (For general provisions, See CITIES)
Charter amendments
Candidates, filing fees (sec. 38), AB 444**
Misdemeanor offenses, treatment, AB 309**
Moonlighting by mayor or council members prohibited, AB 309**
Ordinances, enactment (sec. 3), AB 309**
Qualifications of officers, AB 309**
Registration plates as evidence of traffic violations, repealed, AB 309**
Special meetings of council, repealed, AB 309**
Uniform codes, adoption, AB 309**
Wards, boundaries to be based on population, AB 309**
Competitive bidding for certain city services required, SB 422
Council, duties regarding regional transportation commission, SB 129*
Design-build contracting, representation on study committee, SB 475*
Investment portfolio, loans of certain securities authorized, SB 14*
Railroad grade separation projects, use of taxes, actions ratified, SB 255**
Recreational facilities, levy and collection of taxes for, AB 554**
Regional planning (See REGIONAL PLANNING)
Regional transportation commission (See REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONS)
Streets, closure for construction during certain time prohibited, SB 168†
Taxicabs, regulation, SB 324
Tourism, room tax increase for costs related to promotion, SB 477**
Water rights affecting Truckee River, acquisition and use, AB 412
Additional drivers, maximum charge, AB 247†
Conversion of vehicle, SB 364
Damage waiver
Inapplicability in DUI cases (sec. 1), AB 196
Maximum charge, AB 247
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Credit for home or regional office, SB 444
Deposit in state highway fund, AB 34
Distribution, SB 430, SB 444, AB 403
Failure to pay fee, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
Insurance, licensure of lessors who solicit or sell, SB 351*
Stolen vehicles, law enforcement inspections to locate, AB 458*
Unlawful use of vehicles for passenger service, immunities of short-term lessors, release of vehicles, AB 677*
Agriculture, division of, AB 103**
Alcohol and drug abuse, bureau of, AB 181**
Child and family services, division of, AB 519†
Information technology, department of, AB 364
Minerals, division of, AB 103**
Motor vehicles and public safety, department of, SB 155, AB 679**
Taxicab authority, SB 491
Transportation services authority, SB 491
Unclaimed property, division of, SB 125
Veteran affairs, offices of, SB 263**
Costs of alternative programs, recovery from prisoners, SB 115**
DUI offenders
Driving after vehicle registration suspended (sec. 3), AB 542*
Electronic devices, required use (secs. 10, 11), AB 542*
Amateur sports facilities, expenditures authorized, AB 630**
Impact fees prohibited when construction tax imposed, SB 457
Libraries, funding, AB 510
Mobile home lots, rate of tax, SB 408**
Rate increased, AB 510
Business associations, formation and practice, AB 632
Certification, expiration, renewal, AB 632
Civil penalties, AB 632
Design documents submitted to governmental entities, standards, reports of deficiencies, SB 409
Documents, signing (sec. 6), AB 632
Interior designers, exemption from registration as, AB 632
Registration of business entities, renewal, fees, AB 609
Responsible control, term defined (sec. 1), AB 632
Unauthorized practice, aiding and abetting unlawful, AB 116
Balkans conflict, support for captured servicemen expressed, AJR 23‡
Census, prohibition against use of statistical samples urged, SJR 15
Children's health insurance, agreements to increase participation urged, ACR 6‡
Chronic fatigue syndrome, research funding urged, AJR 14‡
Commendations and commemorations
African-American History Month, SCR 10‡
Amateur Radio Week and volunteers, ACR 21‡
American Legion, SCR 20‡
Bailey, Anna, ACR 75‡
Bailey, William H. "Bob", ACR 75‡
Balkans conflict, captured servicemen, AJR 23‡
Boulder City Day, SCR 12‡
Clark County, county commissioners and neighborhood justice center, SCR 7‡
Collector Car Day, SCR 44‡
Dobry, Dr. Janet, SCR 42‡
Douglas High School's girls athletic teams, SCR 39‡, SCR 40‡
E Clampus Vitus Day, ACR 47‡
Evans, Claude "Blackie", ACR 76‡
Fenili, Peter A., ACR 65‡
Fisher, Paul C., ACR 74‡
Gao Yu, Malu-Lani and Maka-Koa, SCR 24‡
Gold discovery sesquicentennial, ACR 56‡
HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, ACR 39‡
Hodges, Henry C., Sr., ACR 70‡
Hummel, Patrick, AR 8‡
Kiwanis Day, SCR 30‡
Limitation on hearing, ACR 5
Martini, Carol, SCR 26‡
Medical examiners, board of, ACR 28‡
Nevada Diabetes Awareness Day and council, ACR 38‡
Nevada Medal recipient Dr. Broecker and sponsor Nevada Bell, SCR 25‡
Nevada Opera and Ted and Deena Puffer, ACR 66‡
Nevada Test Site, persons involved in spaceport development, AJR 8‡
Operation Godspeed, SCR 37‡
Peterson, Dr. Daniel L., AJR 14‡
Prudential Spirit of Community Award recipients Shila Young, Jamie McAdoo and Jesse Waite, SCR 27‡, ACR 51‡
Read Across America Day, ACR 22‡
Reno Chamber Orchestra, ACR 45‡
Rogers, James E., SCR 38‡
State printing division, chief and staff, ACR 77‡
Truckee Meadows law enforcement chaplaincy program, SCR 17‡
University of Nevada School of Medicine and Dean Daugherty, ACR 41‡
Van Wagoner, Carol, ACR 43‡
Veterans of Foreign Wars, SCR 35‡
Washoe County consolidated jail employees and Sheriff Kirkland, ACR 44‡
Workers' Memorial Day, ACR 54‡
Constitutional amendments (See CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS, NEVADA)
Eighth district, extended assignment of juvenile judges urged, SCR 14‡
Family courts, coordination and integration of cases urged, ACR 4‡
Parties, rules allowing addressing of court urged, ACR 26
Technological and accounting improvements urged, ACR 2‡
Desert space station, support expressed, ACR 73‡
Deaf and hard of hearing pupils, consideration of needs urged, ACR 60‡
Disabled pupils, review of standard diploma requirements urged, ACR 16‡
Historical documents, inclusion in social studies curriculum urged, ACR 72‡
Special education programs, basic support guarantee urged, ACR 15
English and other languages, importance recognized, mastery of languages urged, ACR 17‡
ERISA, end to inequities regarding appeals urged, AJR 15‡
Feed lot operations, reconsideration of certain federal regulations urged, AJR 21‡
Financial services, continued state oversight in federal legislation urged, SJR 22‡
Global warming, rejection of Kyoto protocol urged, SJR 14
Grand Canyon, concern regarding restrictions on air tours expressed, SJR 21‡
Grazing lands, support for partnerships and economic data base expressed, SJR 12‡
Haze, opposition to certain federal regulations expressed, SJR 3‡
Illegal Immigration Act, permanent suspension of Section 110 urged, SJR 19‡
Legislature (See LEGISLATURE)
Liberty Dollar Bill Act, support urged, SJR 7‡
Littleton, Colorado, condolences relating to school tragedy expressed, AJR 25‡
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Meetings of public agencies, equal time for opposing testimony urged, ACR 55
Alden, Linda B., ACR 40‡
Bailey, James C., ACR 62‡
Bennett, Max J., ACR 18‡
Benson, Matthew C., SCR 41‡
Bergevin, Louis W., ACR 33‡
Bunker, Berkeley L., ACR 50‡
Calhoun, Thelma Davis, SCR 36‡
Espinoza, Arthur P., ACR 58‡
Ford, Jean, SCR 29‡
Gray, R. Guild, ACR 59‡
Humphrey, Lucie King, SCR 34‡
Humphrey, Marvin Bender, SCR 34‡
Kenney, Jerry A., ACR 42‡
Knisley, Raymond L., ACR 48‡
Limitation on hearing, ACR 5
McMillan, Dr. James B., ACR 49‡
McNeel, Richard Kenneth, ACR 57‡
Morris, William Wesley, SCR 45‡
Olson, Fred A., ACR 64‡
Regan, Jack, SCR 18‡
Seastrand, James Kent, ACR 52‡
Smith, Arthur M., SCR 43‡
Tarr-Smith, Sheila Renee, SCR 33‡
Teglia, Roger, SCR 32‡
Van Gorder, Edward Ward, SCR 21‡
Vucanovich, George J., SCR 31‡
White, Juanita Greer, ACR 63‡
Nellis Air Force Range, period for withdrawal of public lands within, AJR 1‡
Nevada opera, attendance and support urged, ACR 66‡
Nuclear waste
Nuclear Waste Policy of 1999, rejection urged, SJR 4‡
Support for research into safety of Yucca Mountain site expressed, SJR 6
Organ transplants, directed donations urged, ACR 19‡
Public lands (See PUBLIC LANDS)
Social security (See SOCIAL SECURITY)
Standing rules (See LEGISLATURE)
Steroids, federal laws mandating warning labels on products urged, AJR 24‡
Suicide, problem acknowledged and prevention programs urged, SCR 11‡
Tahoe Basin (See TAHOE BASIN)
Taiwan, support for participation in World Health Organization urged, SJR 13‡
Tobacco settlement, prohibition against federal recoupment of state recovery urged, AJR 9
University system, courses and activities reflecting racial and ethnic diversity urged, ACR 37‡
Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, amendment urged, AJR 2‡
Wildlife management decisions, consideration of certain factors urged, ACR 24‡
Communicable disease testing of arrested or detained persons, AB 190
Contractors, reimbursement of investigation expenses, AB 634*
Credit or debit card
Acceptance for payment of restitution, AB 24**
Unlawful acts, SB 485†, AB 83*
Cruelty to animals, SB 396*
Delinquent payments, nonrenewal of driver's licenses or registrations, AB 16
Dentists, unlawful acts, SB 181*, SB 560**
Drug abuse treatment for minors, payment by convicted drug dealers, AB 336*
DUI convictions (secs. 10-12), AB 196
Enforcement of judgment of conviction requiring restitution, SB 234
Fireworks violations, AB 160
Grazing lands, damage to fences or watering facilities, AB 198*
Identifying information of another, unlawful use, SB 69, AB 71*
Industrial insurance, failure to provide and maintain, SB 175*
Insurance fraud (sec. 16), SB 225
Justice's court orders, enforcement by court or county, AB 122**
Juvenile delinquents
Medical expenses of victims, AB 165*
Restitution-through-work programs, SB 77*
Motor vehicle consignment sales, misappropriation of funds, AB 271**
Parolees, liability for unpaid restitution following discharge from parole, AB 79**
Petit larceny, AB 85†
Police animals, injuring or killing (sec. 5), SB 396*
Communicable diseases, costs of examination or testing, SB 149*
Deduction from judgment won against state, county or city, AB 22*
Transfer of funds to compensate restitution centers for certain costs, AB 687**
Common-interest communities, SB 451†
Tahoe Basin, authority of state land registrar, AB 132*
Clark County school district, representation on reconfiguration committee, AB 466
Committee on benefits, nomination of members, SB 79, AB 67
Channel clearance by political subdivisions, AB 490*
Litigation expenses involving certain rivers, appropriation, AB 48, AB 151**
Water rights, acquisition, forfeiture or abandonment, AB 380**, AB 412
Creation and dissolution, assessments, AB 604**
Reporting and aid to victims, requirements, penalties, AB 155, AB 267*
Cruelty to animals, accidental deaths exempt from laws, SB 396*
Injury or death during equine activity, liability limited, SB 448
Artistic and cultural programs, increase in tax for support of, AB 526
Clark County, rate, use of proceeds, AB 571, AB 572
Mesquite, imposition of additional tax for construction of airport, SB 525
Parking and overpass projects, use of optional tax for purposes of, AB 459**
Public transportation, use of optional tax for purposes of, AB 459**
Recreational facilities, pledge of tax for revenue bonds, AB 554**
School district capital projects, increase in tax for support of, AB 597†
Washoe County
Railroad grade separation projects, use of tax for, SB 255**
Tourism, increase in tax for costs related to promotion of, SB 477**
Period of perpetuities extended, AB 75
Repeal, AJR 4‡
Spendthrift trusts, AB 469*
Rights of lessee of box improperly opened, AB 279
Permits, expiration date, AB 115*
Civil actions, failure to wear as negligence or causation, SB 151, SB 154
Requirements for child-restraint devices, penalty for violations, SB 154
Action for recovery of tax paid, venue (sec. 33), SB 362**
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Audits, prohibition against penalties and interest during certain period, SB 362**
City-county relief tax (See CITY-COUNTY RELIEF TAX)
Contractors from out-of-state, applicability of tax, SB 459
County commissioners, tax increases restricted during certain period, AB 223†
Deficiency determinations (secs. 8, 9), SB 362**
Douglas County Sales and Use Tax Act of 1999, AB 174**
Apprenticeship committees and program sponsors, AB 207**
Athletic organizations for older persons, AB 351
Constitutional requirements for enacting exemptions, SJR 20‡
Food, SB 238**
Funeral supplies, SB 221
Motor vehicle sales, required documents, SB 156
Photographer's proofs, SB 424**
School supplies, limited exemption, AB 581
Failure to pay tax, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Highway construction (See HIGHWAYS AND ROADS)
Imposition, strict construction of provisions governing, SB 522*
Infrastructure (See INFRASTRUCTURE, TAX FOR)
Liability for collection and payment, explanation provided to applicants for permits (sec. 31), SB 362*
Local school support tax (See LOCAL SCHOOL SUPPORT TAX)
Motor vehicle sales
Deposit of taxes in state highway fund, AB 32
Documents required to complete sale, exemption from tax, SB 156
Open-space land, imposition of tax for development, AB 504*
Overpayments and underpayments, SB 362**
Personal property used in interstate or foreign commerce, presumption, SB 262*
Public transportation (See PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION)
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
Tourism (See TOURISM)
Washoe County, use of tax proceeds for railroad grade separation projects, SB 255**
Salvage titles, issuance, AB 452**
Stolen vehicles, law enforcement inspections to locate, AB 458*
Compensation, establishment, AB 82**
Automated tellers, disclosure of fees required to be paid by customers, AB 319
Deposits, property tax exemption, SB 411**
Federal legislation affecting services, continuation of state oversight, SJR 22‡
Investments (sec. 1), SB 39*
Reserves for liquidity purposes, deposit (sec. 2), SB 39*
Safe-deposit boxes, rights of lessee of box improperly opened, AB 279
Education students, AB 700**
Millennium scholarship trust fund, creation, SB 496*
Nevada scholarship trust fund, creation, AB 652
Annual expenditures on equipment, base amounts (sec. 2), AB 219**
Felonies resulting in death or substantial bodily harm, penalty (sec. 1), AB 53*
Gross misdemeanors, penalty (sec. 4), AB 42†
Laser pointers, possession on school property restricted (sec. 4), AB 541
Latchkey programs, transportation of pupils, AB 15**
Parents of certain pupils authorized to choose school of attendance, SB 41
Attendance, boards to review, composition, powers, AB 15**
Audits, SB 466†, AB 241**, AB 368**
Behavior management, committees on, creation, AB 280†
Bill draft requests, submission, AB 631**
Budgets, contents of annual reports, SB 46**
Claims, penalty for submission of false claim to district, SB 418*
Class-size reduction, submission of plans, AB 700**
Community school boards, formation, AB 413
Construction, contracts with local entities relating to fees, plan review and inspections, SB 216**
Electronic communication devices, adoption of policies, AB 307
Financial emergencies, AB 480†
Fire safety, cooperative agreements with governmental entities, AB 607
Governmental services, contracts with nonprofit organizations, AB 236†
Handicapped pupils, identification and evaluation procedures, AB 3**, AB 313†
Incline Village school district, creation (vetoed bill), AB 596 of the 69th session
Laws affecting schools and pupils, receipt and distribution, AB 37**
Master plans, notices, AB 388†
Mathematics proficiency examination, representation on task force, SB 466**
Merit pay program for teachers, duties, SB 40
Nevada association of school boards (See NEVADA ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BOARDS)
Occupational education, advisory committee on technical skills, assistance, SB 505
Police services, contracts with police department or sheriff, AB 376**
Professional development of teachers, committee for, creation required, AB 366
Property, exchange with Indian tribes (secs. 3, 4), SB 52*
Public buses, authority to purchase tickets for transportation of pupils, AB 2**
Reading and phonics, adoption of courses, penalty for noncompliance, AB 294
Recycling programs, AB 564*
Reforms in education, legislative study, ACR 25‡
Rural education fund, application and allocation, SB 350
Standards of content and performance, duties, SB 466**
Statewide automated system of information concerning pupils, SB 555**, AB 655
Surplus property, donation to charter schools, SB 431, AB 348**
Trustees, increase in maximum salaries, AB 37**
University system, exchange of information for educational effectiveness, SCR 3‡
Vehicles loaned by dealers, use of special license plates, AB 329*
Weapons, rules regarding possession on school property, AB 180
Composition, duties, appropriation, AB 597**
Appropriations (See APPROPRIATIONS—Education)
At-risk pupils, establishment of state program for financial support, AB 244
Audits of school districts, SB 466†, AB 241**, AB 368**
Final budget, amendment following count of pupils (sec. 6), AB 219**
Tax on net proceeds of minerals, availability, SB 555**
Capital improvement plans, preparation, contents, SB 433**, AB 299**, AB 424*
Capital improvements, fund to assist school districts in financing, creation, AB 597**
Capital projects funds, sources, AB 597†
Class-size reduction, fund for
Redesignated fund for school improvement, AB 700**
Remedial study programs, funding, SB 466†
Supplemental appropriation, SB 278**
Supplemental appropriations, AB 700**
Teacher education scholarships, authorized expenditures, AB 700**
Construction of facilities
Annual expenditures, AB 219**
Audits of expenditures, AB 368**
Bonds, issuance, AB 368**, AB 597**
Clark County, renovation and replacement of facilities, AB 368**
Commission for construction, composition, duties, appropriation, AB 597**
Commission to oversee construction, establishment in large counties, SB 435†
Contracts with local governing bodies relating to construction, SB 216**
Grants, AB 597**
Handicapped access, compliance with federal requirements, AB 598*
Impact fees, AB 510
Land use planning, inclusion of school facilities plan, SB 191**
Oversight panel for school facilities, duties, SB 435**
Plans, designs and specifications, review, AB 597†
Rural education fund, use, SB 350
State support exempt from state debt limit, SJR 8, AJR 7, AJR 26‡
Equipment, vehicles, buildings and facilities, minimum expenditures, AB 219**
Estates, tax on, deposit and transfer of proceeds, SB 555**
Extraordinary maintenance, repair and improvement, sales tax imposed in certain counties, AB 597**
Federal lands, distribution of revenue received by state for leases, AB 26
Financial analysis model programs, conduct, appropriation, SB 466**
General fund
Reports of declines in ending balance (sec. 3), AB 219**
Use of money available in opening balance, AB 219†
Improvements located near school property, recovery of costs, AB 568, AB 597†
Intersession school programs, state financial support, SB 187, AB 13, AB 145
Local school support tax (See LOCAL SCHOOL SUPPORT TAX)
Mitigation, school district fund for, creation, use, SB 502, AB 506**
Occupational education programs, allocations (sec. 9), SB 505
Rural education fund, allocation, SB 350
Special education programs, basic support guarantee urged, ACR 15
Stabilize operation of local government funds, balance, deposits, transfers, SB 48
State distributive school account
Basic support guarantee, SB 213, SB 555**, AB 348**
Charter schools, apportionment, SB 258, AB 348**
Class-size reduction, appropriation, AB 700**
Count of pupils for apportionment purposes, SB 213, AB 348**
Remedial study programs, funding, SB 555**
Severe financial emergencies, additional distributions, AB 480†
Stabilization fund, creation, AB 597†
Supplemental appropriation, AB 345**
Streets and utilities extended to school sites, recovery of costs, AB 568
Summer school programs, state financial support, SB 187, AB 13
Adoption of instruments creating, generating or increasing taxes, AB 508
Ballot question on capital projects, disclosures, special elections, SB 501*
Mines, tax on proceeds of, use, SB 502, SB 555**
Property tax levy, exemption from limit on total ad valorem tax levy, SB 476**
Room tax and real property transfer tax, use of additional proceeds, AB 597†
Sales and use tax, imposition in certain counties
Sales tax, imposition in certain counties, AB 597**
Textbooks, library books, supplies and equipment, minimum expenditures, AB 219**, AB 241†
Unobligated funds, consideration as revenue in preparation of state budget prohibited, SB 214
White Pine County, state bond issue for school construction, AB 274
Charter school, conversion to, SB 258, AB 348†
Felonies resulting in death or substantial bodily harm, penalty (sec. 1), AB 53*
Firearms violations by minors, procedures, AB 180
Gross misdemeanors, penalty (sec. 4), AB 42†
Hazing prohibited, penalties, SB 297**
Laser pointers, possession on school property restricted (sec. 4), AB 541
Marihuana, possession on school grounds, AB 577
Parent-teacher conferences, employers to provide leave to employees, AB 214
Pupils with disabilities, use of aversive intervention restricted, AB 280*
Scholarship trust funds, creation, SB 496*, AB 652
Sex offenders attending school, registration requirements, SB 515**
Special education programs in public schools, participation, SB 213, AB 348**
Supplies, limited sales tax exemption, AB 581
Unemployment benefits, eligibility of part-time employees, AB 9
Voucher school program, SB 385, AB 507
Accountability program
Academic probation, SB 70**, SB 169, AB 243
Administrator to oversee school, appointment, SB 70**, SB 169, AB 243
Evaluation and designation of schools, SB 58, SB 70**, SB 169, SB 466†, AB 243
Legislative study of educational reforms, ACR 25‡
Parent groups, consultation with superintendent of public instruction, SB 70**
Regulations (sec. 21), SB 70**
Remedial programs, SB 70**, SB 169, SB 282**, SB 555**
Reports and plans
Additional report, SB 58, SB 70**, SB 169, SB 466†
Consultant to review accountability (sec. 8), SB 70**
Contents, SB 58, SB 70**, AB 15**
Time for submission, SB 58, SB 169, AB 243
Achievement and proficiency examinations
Administration, SB 70**, SB 104**, SB 466**, SB 555**
Certification and distribution of results, SB 21**, SB 58, SB 70**, SB 169, SB 466**, SB 555**
Disabilities, pupils with, accommodation, SB 21**, SB 70**
Disclosure of questions and answers (secs. 1, 3, 4), SB 21**
Eighth grade, administration of exams, SB 466†
Eleventh grade, creation of oversight advisory committee, SB 15
English language proficiency, determination for exemption purposes, SB 21**, SB 466**
High school, administration of exams, performance, SB 104**
Insufficient participation by pupils, effect (secs. 2, 3), SB 70**
Reallocation of previous appropriation, SB 282**
Standards of performance and content, adoption by state board, SB 104**, SB 466**
Third and fifth grades, administration of exams, SB 466**, SB 555**
Attendance, advisory boards to review school
Annual reports, receipt, SB 58, AB 15**
Powers and duties, AB 15**
Charter schools (See CHARTER SCHOOLS)
Choice of schools, SB 41
Classroom supplies, materials and equipment
Expenditures by districts, AB 219**, AB 241†
Legislative audit, AB 241**
Sales tax exemption for supplies purchased in certain time period, AB 581
Courses of study
Adult roles and responsibilities, SB 445**, AB 313, AB 348†
American government, SB 285**, SB 445**, SB 466**, AB 313, AB 348†
American Sign Language, SB 445**, AB 313, AB 348†
Arts, SB 445**, SB 466**, AB 313, AB 348†
Charter school pupils, participation in classes, SB 213, AB 348**
Child abuse, SB 445**, AB 313, AB 348†
Citizenship, SB 445**, AB 313, AB 348†
Communication, AB 313†
Computer education, SB 445**, SB 466**, AB 313, AB 348†
Driver education, SB 445†, AB 313, AB 552*, ACR 68‡
Economics, SB 445**, AB 313, AB 348†
English, SB 445**, SB 466**, AB 313, AB 348†
Environmental education, SB 445**, AB 313, AB 348†
Fire ants, killer bees and other pests, identification and control, SB 378
Foreign language, AB 313†
Health, SB 445**, SB 466**, AB 313, AB 348†
Humanities, AB 313†
Mathematics, SB 445**, SB 466**, AB 313, AB 348†
Music, AB 313†
Physical education, SB 445**, SB 466**, AB 313, AB 348†
Physiology, hygiene and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, SB 445**, AB 313, AB 348†
Reading and phonics, AB 294
Science, SB 445**, SB 466**, AB 313, AB 348†
Social studies, SB 445**, AB 313, AB 348†, ACR 72‡
Standards of content and performance, SB 49**, SB 445**, SB 466**
Suicide prevention, SB 445**, AB 313
Technology, AB 313
Crimes committed on school property
Battery resulting in bodily injury of school employee, AB 180, AB 245
Controlled substances, sale or distribution (sec. 4), AB 245
Felonies resulting in death or substantial bodily harm, penalty, AB 53*
Firearms violations, AB 180, AB 245
Gross misdemeanors, penalty (sec. 4), AB 42†
Laser pointers, possession, AB 541
Marihuana, possession, AB 577
Statewide plan of emergency response to incidents of violence, development, AB 686**
Educational technology, use of rural education fund, SB 350
Extracurricular activities, participation by charter school pupils, SB 213, AB 348**
Firearms or dangerous weapons
Concealed firearms, restrictions on carrying, AB 166**
Unlawful acts, procedures following, AB 180, AB 245
Written permission for lawful possession (sec. 3), AB 180
Fund-raising activities, restrictions, AB 90
Hazing prohibited, penalties, SB 297**
Interscholastic activities
Charter schools, participation, AB 348**
Out-of-state schools, participation, SB 489
Intersession school programs, establishment, SB 187, AB 13, AB 145
Laser pointers, possession on school property restricted (sec. 4), AB 541
Latchkey programs
Las Vegas, appropriation, AB 148, AB 703**
School buses, transportation of participants, AB 15**
Library books, grants to purchase, SB 23, SB 560**
Marihuana, possession on school grounds, AB 577
Parent-teacher conferences
Additional contract days for teachers, AB 313†
Discipline of pupil, conference following, AB 521**
Employers to provide leave to employees, AB 214
Patriotic observance, SB 445†, SB 466†, AB 144**
Additional contract days for conferences and professional development, AB 232, AB 313†
List of professional development courses, receipt, SB 466†
Training relating to evaluation and admonition of employees, AB 332†
Admonishments, SB 22, AB 43, AB 332††
Assistance to deficient or unsatisfactory employees, AB 332††
Certification by National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Reimbursement of certain costs, SB 47**
Salaries, increase for maintenance of certification, SB 46**, SB 466†
Collective bargaining, transfer and reassignment of employees, AB 11
Demotion, dismissal, suspension or nonreemployment
Aversive intervention, violations, AB 280*
Drug convictions, consideration, SB 488
Exemption of personnel with negotiated contracts removed, AB 43
Immediate suspension, procedures, AB 43
Payment of compensation during period of suspension (sec. 4), AB 43
Proficiency tests, unlawful disclosure (secs. 3, 4), SB 21**
Reinstatement (secs. 3, 4), AB 43
Drug convictions, consideration in hiring decisions, SB 293, SB 488
Elementary teachers, reading and phonics teaching skills, SB 22, AB 294
Employee organizations, nominations for committee on benefits, SB 79, AB 67
Geographic education, trust fund for, creation, use, AB 216
Group insurance (See INSURANCE—Local government employees)
Junior high or middle school teachers, fields of instruction, SB 22
Laws affecting schools, provision to employees, AB 37**
Application, inclusion of college transcripts (sec. 6), SB 22
Competency tests for teaching licenses, higher standards urged, SCR 2‡
Elementary teachers (secs. 3, 4, 7, 15), SB 22
Endorsements, repayment of costs of certain teachers, AB 47†
Initial licenses, issuance, renewal (secs. 2, 14), SB 22, SCR 2‡
Junior high or middle school teachers (secs. 5, 8, 14, 17), SB 22
Science and mathematics teachers, requisites for endorsements, SB 466†
Merit pay program for teachers, SB 40
Personnel records, public records (sec. 12), AB 102
Placement of pupils, committee to review, AB 521**
Police officers
Chief, employment by certain districts required, AB 376**
Contracts with police department or sheriff, AB 376**
Occupational disease coverage, AB 608
Powers and duties, AB 15**, AB 61
Postprobationary or probationary employees
Assistance to deficient or unsatisfactory employees, AB 332††
Evaluations, SB 22, SB 345, AB 332††
Mentors for probationary teachers, assignment, duties, liability, AB 366
Periods of probation (sec. 11), SB 22
Speed limits, consultation relating to, SB 80*
Truancy, reporting duties removed, AB 15**
Recruitment and professional development programs, SB 188, SB 231, AB 47**
Regional training centers, SB 60, SB 466†, SB 555**
Purchase of credit for certain teachers by school district, SB 9**, SB 50**
Service credit, calculation, AB 189**
Rules of behavior, reports of violations by pupils, AB 521†
Rural education fund, use for professional development, SB 350
Salaries of teachers
Credit for out-of-state service, SB 51*
Increase for maintenance of certain certification, SB 46**, SB 466†
Sick leave, payment of unused leave to teachers by purchase of retirement credit, SB 50**
Social workers, pilot program, SB 388
Special education teachers, contracts, AB 313†
Standards of performance, publication of list of professional development programs, SB 466†, SB 555**
Student loans, program for repayment for certain teachers, AB 47†
Superintendents of schools
Biennial budget, consultations, SB 466†
Duties, SB 21**, SB 58, SB 169
Licensure as school administrator unnecessary, AB 576**
Mentor programs, duties, AB 366
Speed limits, designation of times when in effect, SB 80*
Zoning changes, notice of public hearing, AB 349
Unemployment benefits, eligibility of part-time employees, AB 9
University system, exchange of information, SCR 3‡
Unlicensed personnel, employment, SB 466†
Authorization, AB 245
Part-day absences, establishment of policy, AB 15†
Period of absence, when deemed truancy, AB 15**, AB 245
Written notice required from parent, guardian or custodian, AB 245
At-risk pupils
Alternative programs, financing, SB 110, AB 244
Class-size reduction, use of certain appropriation, AB 700**
Community-based, early intervention program, Washoe County, AB 325
Comprehensive plan to reduce number of dropouts, Clark County, SB 170
Counseling for elementary pupils, authorized expenditures, SB 555**
Daily instruction period, program to extend, Clark County, AB 147
Disruptive pupils, alternative programs, AB 521**
NOVA project, White Pine County, AB 480†
Attendance, requirements for promotion, AB 15**
Cellular phones, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 307
Choice of schools, SB 41
Class-size reduction, SB 278**, SB 466†, AB 700**
Culturally diverse children, programs and services for, AB 356, AB 357
Disabilities, pupils with (See also Special education, this heading)
Achievement and proficiency tests, accommodation, SB 21**, SB 70**
Aversive intervention, use restricted, penalties, AB 280*
Deaf and hard of hearing pupils, consideration of needs urged, ACR 60‡
Discipline, AB 313
Graduation with standard diploma, establishment of advisory group to review urged, ACR 16‡
Individualized educational programs, AB 3**, AB 313
Alternative programs of education for disruptive pupils, AB 521**
Habitual disciplinary problems
Determination, AB 245, AB 521†
Expulsion, exceptions, alternative programs, AB 245
Parental notification and pupil behavior contracts, AB 14**
Progressive discipline, establishment of plans, AB 521**
Pupils with disabilities, AB 313
Suspension or expulsion, AB 14**, AB 245, AB 521**
Extracurricular activities, participation by charter school pupils, SB 213, AB 348**
Fund raising, door-to-door sales and incentive programs prohibited, AB 90
Gifted and talented programs, SB 231
Hazing prohibited, penalties, SB 297**
In-school suspension, AB 521†
Laws affecting pupils, provision to parents or guardians, AB 37**
Native Americans, programs and services for, AB 357
Pagers, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 307
Peer mediation and conflict resolution programs, grants, AB 382, AB 703**
Placement of pupils, committee to review, AB 521**
Records, inclusion of certain suspensions required, AB 14†
Rules of behavior, reports of violations, AB 521†
Sex offenders
Payment of costs of transport to other school (sec. 2), AB 245
Registration requirements, SB 515**
Statewide automated system of information, continuation, SB 555**, AB 655
Transportation on public buses at reduced rates, AB 2**
Truancy (See TRUANCY)
Recycling programs, AB 564*
Religious activities, prohibition, SB 289*
Safety and juvenile violence, commission on, creation, duties, AB 686**
Scholarship trust funds, creation, SB 496*, AB 652
School to careers program, grants, SB 555**
School year, length, AB 313†
School zones or school crossing zones
Authority of school police officers (sec. 1), AB 61
Designation of times when speed limits in effect, SB 80*
Signs to include times when speed limit in effect, SB 80*
Special education
Basic support guarantee urged, ACR 15
Home schooled pupils, participation in programs, SB 213, AB 348**
Individualized programs, AB 3**, AB 313
Placement based solely on pupil's disciplinary problems prohibited, SB 126**, AB 313
Private school pupils, participation in programs, SB 213, AB 348**
Rural education fund, use, SB 350
Summer school programs, establishment, SB 187, SB 466**, AB 13, AB 145
Telecommunications network, establishment, SB 49**, SB 328
Textbooks and other instructional materials
Annual expenditures
Base amount, AB 219**, AB 241†
Legislative audit, AB 241**
Comments on supplemental textbooks, parents may submit, AB 217
Review by parents and general public, AB 217†
Standards of course content, compliance, SB 466**
Truancy (See TRUANCY)
Violence, statewide plan of emergency response to incidents of, development, AB 686**
Voucher school program, SB 385, AB 507
Year-round schools, minimum number of days, SB 98
Appropriation, SB 333, SB 560**
State contractors' board, prohibited acts, AB 633*
State seal, official colors for reproductions or facsimiles designated, AB 350*, ACR 61‡
Board of search and rescue, composition (secs. 14, 28), AB 626*
Committee on training in search and rescue, composition (sec. 17), AB 626*
Coordinator of search and rescue (secs. 15-17), AB 626*
Property taken under warrant, inspection and photographing by owner, SB 482
Firearms or parts, accessories and equipment, applicability of laws, SB 45, AB 109*
Shows or events, applicability of laws, SB 45†
Used book dealers excluded from definition, AB 109*
Bill draft requests, limitation (sec. 6), AB 631**
Certification authority businesses, licensure, AB 674**
Commercial resident agents, regulation, AB 286
Common-interest communities, filing of corporate documents, SB 441
Contracts, retention and recordation provisions repealed, AB 93**
Corporations (See CORPORATIONS)
Criminal investigators, peace officer powers, SB 183**
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Executive branch audit committee, member, SB 550**
Business trusts, filing fees, SB 61**
Federal tax liens, notices (sec. 161), SB 62*
Foreign corporations, filing of documents, SB 259†
Hours of operation of office, study of extending, SCR 19‡
Notaries, confidentiality and release of investigative information, AB 127**
Securities division (See also SECURITIES)
Administrator, regulatory authority (secs, 2, 6), SB 124
Mortgage company notes secured by property liens, SB 124, AB 72
Unclaimed property, duties, SB 125
Definitions (sec. 2), AB 645**
Uniform Commercial Code, adoption of revised article 9, SB 62*
Disciplinary action, grounds (sec. 3), SB 124
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Ginnie Mae's and asset-backed securities, state investments, AB 129**
Investigations and proceedings, authorization by administrator (sec. 6), SB 124
Investment advisory service, applicability of laws (sec. 7), SB 124
License applicants, registration with SEC or self-regulatory organization, SB 124
Property tax, exemption for intangible personal property, SB 411**
Public utilities, effect of commission's failure to act on applications, AB 449
Registration of securities, mortgage company exemption removed, SB 124, AB 72
State and local governments, loans of certain securities authorized, SB 14*
Withdrawal from licensure, limit on actions for proceedings after, SB 124
Definition, SB 178
Licenses, qualifications, SB 178
Private investigator laws, applicability, SB 178
Private investigators and private patrolmen, acting as consultant, SB 178
Laser pointers, unlawful to direct light at security guard, SB 360†, AB 541
Public employees, occupational disease coverage, AB 608
Security consultant, authority to act as, SB 178
Video arcades and small game rooms, security measures (sec. 8), SB 513
Boats seized as criminal evidence, payment of storage fees, SB 343**
DUI offenders, vehicles used by, SB 208
Property tax, seizure of property to satisfy unpaid taxes, AB 495
DUI, transport of minors as aggravating factor (secs. 10-12), AB 196
Execution of sentence, judgment of conviction as authority for, SB 118*
General investigation of certain offenders following sentencing, SB 148*
Legislative study of costs of penalties resulting in longer sentences, SCR 23
Misdemeanors, AB 42†
Paroled prisoner incarcerated in other jurisdiction, effect on term of imprisonment in this state, AB 80**
Reasonable doubt, jury instructions, SB 400
School property, crime resulting in death or substantial bodily harm, AB 53*
Sex offenders, modification based on participation in treatment program, AB 56
Suspension of sentence
Category E felonies, SB 148*
Controlled substances, certain first offenses, AB 577
DUI offenders, prohibitions, AB 196
Violations, effect on suspension, AB 406*
Traffic citations, imposition of sentence when promise to appear violated, AB 121
Contents, AB 673*
Fines for violations, AB 673*
Providers, registration, duties, AB 673*
Purchase as condition of loan or purchase of goods prohibited, AB 673*
Rescission or cancellation of contract, AB 673*
Alternative dispute resolution in lieu of arbitration, AB 392*
Constructional defects, SB 32**, SB 286, SB 380, AB 442
Bonds for facilities, maturity date, AB 92
Carson City system, payment of connection fees for state buildings, SB 368**
Competitive bidding for services in large counties, SB 422
Indigent persons, utility bill assistance program, SB 89
Subdivision of land, limitation of actions relating to certain improvements, SB 17
Chemical compounds, treatment program, AB 56
Definitions, SB 515**
Juvenile offenders
Supervision, AB 511
Transport to other school, payment of costs (sec. 2), AB 245
Parole, study of evaluation procedures for certification for release, ACR 35
Psychosexual evaluations (sec. 4), SB 515**
Registration and community notification, SB 234, SB 515**
Statewide registry, use of Internet or other electronic means to provide public access to certain information, SB 515**
Reports and assistance to victims, requirements, liabilities, AB 155, AB 267*
Conspiracy to commit, conviction as sex offender, SB 234
Reports and assistance to victims, requirements, liabilities, AB 155, AB 267*
Legislature, policy (rule 20), ACR 1‡
Special tax, administration (secs. 19-29), AB 668**
SHERIFFS (For general provisions, See PEACE OFFICERS)
Carson City, other employment (sec. 8), AB 539*
City law enforcement services, fees, AB 422
Criminal history repository, submission of information, AB 621**
Douglas County, salary increase, SB 414
Mining excavations and shafts, abatement duties removed, AB 137
Mobile home parks, patrol, AB 195*
Salary increase, SB 414, AB 589
School police services, contracts, AB 376**
Tahoe regional planning agency ordinances, enforcement, SB 510**
Telemarketing, issuance of work cards, AB 283*
Washoe County, member of taxicab authority of northern Nevada, SB 491
Work permits, issuance, AB 593**
Reports and assistance to victims, requirements, penalties, AB 267*
SHOPLIFTING (See also LARCENY—Petit larceny)
Detention of suspects, grounds, AB 85*
Kickbacks for soliciting for businesses, prohibition, SB 491†, AB 193*, AB 546
Mentally retarded persons, provision of transportation services to, AB 628**
State health officer, receipt of reports, AB 238*
Subdivision of land, limitation of actions relating to certain improvements, SB 17
Water rights affecting Truckee River, acquisition, AB 412
Debit cards, unlawful signature, SB 485†
Digital signatures, use, AB 674**
Joint resolutions, signature by governor unnecessary, AB 631**
Motor vehicles, transfer of interest, AB 76**
State contracts, AB 93**
Airports, posting of overbooking notice, SB 458
Drug testing on-site, posting of notice, SB 180
Garages, display of customer bill of rights (sec. 1), AB 258*
Highway signs
Identifying private enterprises, requirements, fees, AB 627**
Speed limits, posting, effect (sec. 4), SB 390
Laser pointers, sales restrictions (sec. 3), AB 541
Medical facilities, posting of certain information, AB 586
Mobile home parks, display of political signs by tenants authorized, AB 39*
Parking spaces for vehicles with side-loading wheelchair lifts, SB 338*
School crossing zones, signs to include times when speed limit in effect, SB 80*
Skydiving businesses, SB 179*
Video arcades and small game rooms, posting of signs by operators, SB 513
Legislative declaration, SB 179*
Regulation of businesses, penalties for violations, SB 179*
Common-interest communities, exemption from mandatory arbitration, SB 240
Juries prohibited, AB 118
Monetary limit, SB 30*
Prisoners filing claims to pay costs of transportation in advance, AB 22*
State agencies, action for collection of debts owed to (sec. 15), SB 500**
Grocery stores
Configuration and ventilation for areas where smoking permitted, SB 421*
Prohibitions, AB 502
Local or state agencies, authority to adopt more stringent restrictions, AB 331
FICA, investment of surplus to benefit social security urged, AJR 12‡
Mandatory coverage of certain public employees, opposition expressed, AJR 10‡
Notch babies, reparation for payment disparity urged, AJR 5‡
Concealed weapons permits, number unnecessary, SB 420†, AB 166†
Divorce and child support, inclusion of social security number in records, SB 242**
Garnishment, inclusion of social security number in writ, AB 77
Identifying information of another, unlawful use, SB 69, AB 71*
Mobile home park tenants, confidentiality (sec. 2), AB 418
Voter registration, use of alternative information, AB 169*
Board of examiners for social workers
Drug and alcohol abuse counseling, regulations, SB 210†
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Medicaid services, reimbursement, AB 178
Residential facilities for groups, referral businesses, AB 373*
School social workers, pilot program, SB 388
Air pollution reduction credits, county programs, SB 394*
Legislative study of state energy policy, ACR 32
Credit extension, mailing notice of extension of credit to same address as solicitation, AB 71*
Industrial insurance, restrictions, permits repealed, SB 374
Lobbying, prohibited acts (sec. 4), AB 57
Mortgage companies, prohibited acts, penalty, AB 64*
Spray paint, paint sticks or etchers, purchase on behalf of certain persons, SB 172
Taxicabs and similar carriers, prohibition against kickbacks, SB 491†, AB 193*, AB 546
Telemarketing (See TELEMARKETING)
Trade secrets, unlawful acts, penalty, SB 375*
Competitive bidding for services in large counties, SB 422
Environmental commission, duties, AB 564*
Creation, SB 436**
Economic diversification of southern Nevada committee, representation, SB 434
Technical committee, creation, duties, SB 436**
Connections to water system, assistance program (sec. 1), AB 347**
Design-build contracting, representation on study committee, SB 475*
Fees for certain projects, AB 347**
Fluoridation of water, regulation, AB 689**
Las Vegas Valley ground water management program, continuation, AB 347**
Recharge and recovery project, operation, fees (secs. 1, 3), AB 347**
SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY (See ACTIONS—State or political subdivisions)
Exceptions to child abuse investigations, SB 553**
SPARKS, CITY OF (For general provisions, See CITIES)
Charter amendments
Civil service commission, probationary appointments, examinations, SB 215**
Primary election, AB 613, AB 615*
Design-build contracting, representation on study committee, SB 475*
Heritage museum, appropriation, AB 596, AB 703**
Investment portfolio, loans of certain securities authorized, SB 14*
Recreational facilities, levy and collection of taxes for, AB 554**
Regional planning (See REGIONAL PLANNING)
Room tax increase for costs related to promotion of tourism, SB 477**
Sound barriers on McCarran Boulevard, appropriation for construction, SB 141
Streets, closure for construction during certain time prohibited, SB 168†
Taxicabs, regulation, SB 324
Water rights affecting Truckee River, acquisition and use, AB 412
Action for recovery of tax paid, venue, SB 362†
Administration and enforcement, DMV to report to legislature, AB 28*
Administrative fines (sec. 3), SB 349**
Collection by department of motor vehicles, SB 349**, AB 396, AB 584*
Conversion factor for LP gas eliminated, SB 349†, AB 35
Delinquent taxes, fees and assessments
Liens, SB 202*, AB 396, AB 584*
Penalty, AB 584*
Identifying devices, display (sec. 4), SB 349**
Refunds, credit against vehicle registration fees and taxes, SB 202*
Resale of exempt fuel, collection of taxes, SB 349**
Special fuel suppliers and dealers
Bond requirements, SB 349**
Taxes collected to be held in separate account in trust for state, AB 584**
Special fuel users' licenses
Applicability, SB 202*
Retention in vehicle, SB 349**
Stopping and inspecting vehicle, authority of DMV (sec. 6), SB 349**
Unlawful acts, SB 349**
Vehicles over 26,000 pounds, imposition of additional tax, AB 550
Mandamus application claiming unconstitutional prior restraint, caption, consideration by court, SB 326**
Amateur sports facilities, use of residential construction tax for, AB 630**
Athletic commission (See ATHLETIC COMMISSION, NEVADA)
Athletic trainers, licensure and regulation, SB 357†
Boxing and wrestling (See BOXING AND WRESTLING)
Equine activities, liability limited, SB 448
Gambling (See GAMING)
Interscholastic activities, participation, SB 489, AB 348**
Producer-promoter-employer permits, applicability of laws, SB 259*
Special fuel users' licenses, applicability to operators of motor carriers, SB 202*
Sports officials, exemption from employment laws, AB 63, AB 153
Aggravated stalking, penalty, AB 363**
Peace officers, training, AB 363**
Audits, SB 550**
Capital improvement projects, funding, AB 699**
Computers, adoption of use policies, SB 485**
Debts owed state agencies, procedure for collection, SB 500**
Employment, training and rehabilitation (See EMPLOYMENT, TRAINING AND REHABILITATION, DEPARTMENT OF)
Finances and funds (See STATE FINANCES AND FUNDS)
Handicapped, accommodation of holders of expedited service permits, SB 35*
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Legislative counsel bureau (See LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL BUREAU)
Minority health advisory committee, creation (sec. 15), SB 4
Museums, library and arts (See MUSEUMS, LIBRARY AND ARTS, DEPARTMENT OF)
Recycling programs, AB 564*
Smoking restrictions, authority, AB 331
Establishment, SJR 16
Legislative study of establishment and operation, SCR 47
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory board on, appointments, SB 197†
Incorporation of business entities, representation on study subcommittee, SCR 19‡
Public employers, payment of bar membership fees of attorney employees, SB 119
Unauthorized practice of law, penalties, remedies, AB 18*
Athletic trainers, board of, creation, SB 357†
Charter schools, commission for, creation, SB 258
Child care (See CHILD CARE, BOARD FOR)
Children, board to expedite proceedings for placement, creation, AB 158**
Cigarettes and other tobacco products, advisory board for prevention and reduction of use, creation, SB 370†
Computers, adoption of use policies, SB 485**
Debts owed state agencies, procedure for collection, SB 500**
Drivers' training and traffic safety, board of, creation, AB 492†
Education (See headings beginning with EDUCATION)
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory board on, creation, SB 197†
Finances and funds (See STATE FINANCES AND FUNDS)
Industrial insurance system, creation of board of directors, SB 93
Information technology commission, creation, AB 364
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Labor relations for state employees, board for, creation (sec. 19), AB 131
Millennium scholarship board, creation, SB 496†
Mobile home commission, creation, AB 156
Mortgage investments and lending advisory council, creation, AB 64*
Museums and history (See MUSEUMS AND HISTORY, BOARD OF)
Occupational licensing boards (See specific occupation)
Professional licensing boards (See specific profession)
Proficiency examination, advisory committee to oversee, creation, SB 15
Public employees' benefits program, board of the, creation, SB 544**
Public health services access task force, creation, SB 556**
Public safety telecommunications operators, committee for, creation, SB 165*
Rangeland resources commission, creation, SB 310**
Recycling programs, AB 564*
Rural health care programs, advisory board for, creation, SB 370†
Search and rescue (See SEARCH AND RESCUE)
Smoking restrictions, authority, AB 331
Technological crime, advisory board for, creation (sec. 5), SB 485**
Appointment by governor, SJR 9†, AJR 27
Bill draft requests, limitation (sec. 6), AB 631**
Capital improvements, temporary advances, AB 699**
Central accounting, approval of revenue available for payment, AB 638†
Debts owed state agencies, duties, SB 500**
Desert preserve in Las Vegas Valley, duties regarding account, SB 204*
Douglas County local sales tax, duties, AB 174**
Employees, prohibition against moonlighting removed, AB 101**
Executive branch audit committee, member, SB 550**
Health programs, trust fund for, duties, SB 370†
Highway payroll clearing account, duties, AB 150†
Intergovernmental fund, duties, AB 403
Intergovernmental transfer account, duties, AB 386**
Internal accounting and administrative control, certain duties removed, SB 550**
Loans to child care facilities, fund for, duties (sec. 5), AB 301
Local government emergency fund, transfers to financial emergency fund, AB 606**
Minerals, net proceeds of, distribution to counties (sec. 5), AB 506**
Offenders' store fund, transfers, AB 687**
Office eliminated, SJR 9
School districts, fund to assist in financing capital improvements, temporary advances, AB 597**
Services to the blind revolving account, duties, SB 190†
State distributive school account, temporary advances, SB 555**
State park appropriations, duties, AB 683**
Taxicab authority fund, duties, SB 491
Tobacco settlement, duties regarding appropriations, AB 474*
Vehicle privilege tax, duties (sec. 17), AB 668**
West Desert Inn Road directional signs, duties regarding appropriation, SB 560**
Air transportation, contracts with airlines, SB 83
Arbitration of certain grievances authorized, AB 371
Attorneys, employer to pay bar membership fees, SB 119
Benefits, committee on (See BENEFITS, COMMITTEE ON)
Bonus program based on cost savings of state agencies, establishment, SB 162
Building inspections, immunities (sec. 3), AB 87
Collective bargaining, AB 131
Continued employment of certain employees, obsolete law repealed, SB 499**
Contractor licensing laws, applicability, AB 433
Cost-of-living increase, AB 701*
Deferred compensation program
Account, deposits, AB 126**
Chairman of oversight committee, duties regarding account (sec. 4), AB 126**
Property held in trust, AB 125**
Disciplinary proceedings, recordation and confidentiality of information, AB 213
Employee organizations
Board for labor relations for state employees, creation, AB 131
Nominations for committee on benefits, SB 79, AB 67
Ethics (See ETHICS)
Governor's office, employees exempt from state personnel system, AB 660**
Grievances, use of arbitration, AB 371
Independent contractors, retaliatory action by state agency against whistle-blowers or legislative witnesses prohibited, AB 66
Insurance (See INSURANCE—State's program of group insurance)
Law enforcement training, reimbursement of costs in certain cases, AB 653
Lobbying, applicability of laws, AB 218
Longevity pay, increase, SB 113, AB 398
Motor vehicles department, effect of reorganization, AB 679**
Overtime, variable schedules and innovative work weeks, SB 499**
Personnel records, public records (sec. 12), AB 102
Promotions, reporting provisions repealed, SB 499**
Public safety telecommunications operators, certification and training, SB 165*
Replacements for certain positions, payment of salaries, SB 498**
Addition of steps within pay grades, AB 257
Cost-of-living increase, AB 701*
Custody positions in prisons and mental health, SB 353*, AB 235, AB 273
Unclassified service, SB 554**
School conferences, leave to attend, AB 214
Seniority, applicability in determining shift schedules, AB 494
Sexual orientation, discrimination prohibited, AB 311*
Sick leave
Conversion to annual leave, AB 468
Limit on unused leave to be carried forward, removal, AB 446, AB 468
Payment for unused leave upon termination or death, AB 246, AB 468
Social security, opposition to mandatory coverage of new employees, AJR 10‡
State industrial insurance system
Applicability of state personnel system (secs. 20, 96), SB 37**
Reemployment rights (secs. 130-134, 138), SB 37**, SB 133**
Transportation, department of
District engineers, unclassified service, SB 275
Employee grievances, hearings, SB 276
Variable work schedules or innovative work weeks, overtime, SB 499**
Work schedules for certain shift employees, regulation, AB 494
Channel clearance program, duties, AB 490*
Contested matters, drafts of rulings confidential (sec. 24), AB 102
Domestic wells, duties, AB 408**
Recharge and recovery projects, establishment of storage accounts, AB 96
Abandoned property trust fund, use, SB 89, AB 337
Agriculture, account for license plates for promotion of, creation, SB 339*
Appropriations (See APPROPRIATIONS)
Artistic and cultural programs, account for, creation, AB 526
Authorized expenditures (See AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES)
Benefit services fund
Appropriation, AB 176**, AB 416**
Assessment of agencies, AB 176†, AB 416**
Bonds and other obligations
California Trail interpretive center, issuance of bonds for construction, SB 329*
Capital improvements projects, AB 699**
Carson City, purchase of land and water rights located in, SB 348
Consolidated bond interest and redemption fund, use, AB 595**
Delegation of authority to sign contract (sec. 1), AB 128**
Dental school, issuance of bonds for construction, AB 527**
DRI, issuance of bonds for construction of building, SB 371**
Health programs, trust fund for, issuance of bonds for support of, SB 370†
Highway bonds, maturity date (sec. 4), AB 128**
Housing division, maximum amount of outstanding obligations, AB 100**
Industrial development revenue bonds, issuance, SB 369**
Loans of certain securities authorized, SB 14*
Newlands Project water rights fund, issuance of bonds for support, AB 380†
Property tax levy for bonded indebtedness exempt from limit on total ad valorem tax levy, SB 319, SB 476**
Rural education fund, issuance of bonds for support of, SB 350
Tahoe Basin, issuance of bonds for program to protect, AB 285**
Tricounty railway, issuance of bonds to pay portion of costs, AB 663**
University campus facilities, issuance of bonds for financing, AB 527**
Venture capital, issuance of bonds for program to provide, SB 309
Water conservation and improvements to systems, AB 237*
White Pine County, issuance of bonds for school construction, AB 274
Wildlife purposes, issuance of bonds for, AB 683**
Governor, time for submission to legislature, AB 631**, AJR 5 of the 69th session‡
Legislative action on budgets and programs before introduction, ACR 5†
Legislative commission's budget subcommittee, repeal (sec. 8), SB 71
Legislative proposal, preparation, contents, SB 71
School district unobligated funds, consideration as revenue prohibited, SB 214
Capital improvement projects, AB 699**
Captive insurers, account for regulation and supervision, creation, AB 635*
Central accounting system, recording of revenue, AB 638**
Child care, account to improve quality of services, creation, AB 354
Child care facilities, fund for loans for (sec. 4), AB 301
Child care quality account, creation, AB 302
Child support disbursement fund, creation, SB 398**
Claims, penalty for submission of false claims to state agency, SB 418*
Common-interest communities, fund for ombudsman, SB 451*, AB 124**
Consolidated bond interest and redemption fund, tax levy, AB 699**
Contingency fund
Appropriation, SB 283**
Use, AB 490*
Credit unions, deposits, SB 39*
Cultural resources, fund for preservation and promotion, use of interest, AB 374**
Debt limit
State support of local school construction exempt, SJR 8, AJR 7, AJR 26‡
Supreme court office space, long-term lease constitutes debt of state, AB 595**
Debts owed state agencies, procedure for collection, SB 500**
Deferred compensation account
Deposits, AB 126**
Property held in trust, AB 125**
Disaster relief fund, allocations, grants and loans, SB 193*
District judges' salary account, appropriation, SB 401*, AB 38*, AB 623
Emergency account, appropriation, SB 159**
Emergency enhanced 911 system, account for, creation, SB 487†
Exports, bonds to finance, loans from investment portfolio, SB 14*
Federal lands, distribution of revenue received by state for leases, AB 26
Financial analysis and planning, task force for, creation, AB 525**
Hazardous waste, account for management, sources, SB 363*
Human resources, department of, gift fund designated trust fund and certain account repealed (secs. 4, 19), AB 124**
Insurance, fund for transaction of, creation (sec. 2), SB 290
Intergovernmental fund, deposits, AB 403
Intergovernmental transfer account
Allocation, AB 386**
Medicaid to children's health insurance program, AB 429**
Internal accounting and administrative control system, biennial reports, AB 255*
Investments (See INVESTMENTS)
Lake Tahoe Basin, fund to protect, creation (sec. 2), AB 285**
Land management, revolving account for, creation, SB 508**
Lied institute of real estate studies, special revenue account (sec. 7), SB 425
Livestock inspection account, deposits, AB 509†
Local cultural activities, account for, appropriation, AB 320**
Local government pooled investment fund, loans of investments (sec. 2), SB 14*
Local government tax distribution fund (See LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL FINANCES)
Medically indigent, fund for institutional care, allocation, AB 386**
Minerals, abolishment of permanent net proceeds fund, AB 234**
Mobile homes, fund for low-income owners of, use, AB 156, AB 195*
Mount Charleston, account for license plates for support of environment, creation, SB 339*, AB 27
National college of juvenile and family law, fund for, transfers, SB 303**
National judicial college, fund for, transfers, SB 304**
Nevada scholarship trust fund, creation, AB 652
Occupational education, fund for improvement of programs for, creation, SB 505
Peace officers, account for the training of, creation, sources, use (sec. 12), SB 68**
Property tax levy for operating expenses of state exempt from limit on total ad valorem tax levy, SB 476**
Public assistance fund, creation, use, AB 337
Public employees' benefits program, fund for the, creation (sec. 23), SB 544**
Reserve for statutory contingency account
Actions against official attorneys, payment of claims, SB 358
Appropriation, AB 175**
Presidential primary election, use, appropriation, SB 548, AB 505
Salaries of replacement officers or employees, payment, SB 498**
Rural education fund, creation (sec. 5), SB 350
School funds and accounts (See SCHOOL FINANCES)
Severe financial emergency fund, creation, AB 606**
Special license plates, revolving account for, creation, SB 490**, AB 342**
Stale claims account, appropriation, AB 177**
State bank, establishment, SJR 16, SCR 47
State highway fund
Administrative fines, deposit (sec. 66), AB 584*
Rental car fees, deposit, SB 430, AB 34, AB 403
Sales and use taxes on sales of motor vehicles, deposit, AB 32
Transportation services authority, deposits of fines imposed by, SB 491
State insurance fund, establishment, deposits (secs. 17, 18, 117, 126)
State parks, account for maintenance of, use, SB 252, AB 440, AB 441**
State parks, division of, time for deposits into financial institutions, SB 532††
Taxicab authority fund abolished, SB 491
Taxicab authority regulatory funds for southern and northern Nevada, SB 491
Technological crime, advisory board for, creation of account (sec. 11), SB 485**
Tobacco settlement, creation of funds
Health programs, trust fund for, SB 370†, AB 652
Healthy Nevada, fund for, AB 474*
Millennium scholarship trust fund, SB 496*
Nevada scholarship trust fund, AB 652
Public health, trust fund for, AB 474*
Rural health care programs, trust fund for, SB 370†
Tobacco settlement trust fund, AB 263
Traveling public, account for systems of providing information to, deposits, AB 627**
Utility bills, fund to assist indigent persons with, creation, SB 89
Account for veterans' affairs, creation, AB 94**
Cemeteries, deposit and accounting of money for, AB 94**
Homes for veterans, deposit and accounting of money for, SB 33, AB 94**
Volunteers, revolving account to investigate background of, creation, AB 239**
Water, fund for grants to certain purveyors of, name changed, use, AB 237*
Water, transfer of certain accounts related to (sec. 24), AB 124**
WICHE, temporary advance to fund for student loans, AB 587*
Worker's compensation and safety, fund for, use, SB 37*, SB 417†
Actions by or against (See ACTIONS)
Claims, penalty for submission of false claims to state agency, SB 418*
Contracts to be reduced to writing and signed by each party, AB 93**
Vehicles loaned by dealers, use of special license plates, AB 329*
Child welfare, study of integration of state and local services, ACR 53‡
Committee on benefits, nomination of members, SB 79, AB 67
Public employees' benefit program board, nomination of member (sec. 18), SB 544**
Aged persons, requirements for issuance of permits, AB 439*
California Trail, funding for construction of interpretive center, SB 329*
Administrative fees for issuance of certain permits, AB 439*
Authority of division of state parks, AB 439*
Bicyclists and motorcyclists, collection from, SB 252
Floyd Lamb State Park, county advisory question on renaming, AB 161
Improvement projects, extension of previous appropriations, AB 683**
Legislative study of funding, ACR 29
State housing within parks and areas, fees for maintenance and repair, AB 440
Award of contracts and evaluation of proposals, procedures, AB 588*
Local governments, joining or use of contracts (sec. 9), SB 341*
Procurement and inventory services, assessment of agencies, AB 591**
Surplus supplies, materials or equipment, transfer, sale or donation, SB 139**
Reproductions and facsimiles, official colors designated, AB 350*, ACR 61‡
Alcohol and drug abuse, state grant and gift account, duties, AB 181**
Bill draft requests, limitation (sec. 6), AB 631**
Delegation of authority to sign contracts for purchase of bonds (sec. 1), AB 128**
Deputy of operations redesignated deputy of debt management (sec. 2), AB 128**
Hiring of personnel in connection with bond issues (secs. 3-5), AB 128**
Investment and financial advisers, employment, AB 129**
Executive branch audit committee, member, SB 550**
Financial reporting, director of, recommendations for appointment, SJR 9
Geographic education, trust fund for, duties, AB 216
Millennium scholarships, powers and duties, SB 496*
State insurance fund, investments (sec. 18), SB 37*
Tobacco settlement
Advisory group to legislative committee, appointment, AB 652
Funds, administration, SB 370†, SB 496*, AB 263, AB 474*, AB 652
Unclaimed property, duties, appointment of deputy, SB 125†
Appropriation for purchase of additional vehicles, AB 346**
Community school board, formation, AB 413
Technical corrections, SB 453*
Federal legislation mandating warning labels on products urged, AJR 24‡
Information collection system, establishment, AB 238*
Disposition, AB 647**
Informal merchants, violations, AB 109*
Metallic wire, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 55*
Pawned property, peace officers may place written hold, AB 647**
State or local governments, donation of property, SB 139**, AB 318**
Vehicles, law enforcement inspections to locate, AB 458*
Environmental contamination, incentives for removal, SB 363*
Fee for clean-up of discharges
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Collection by department of motor vehicles, AB 396, AB 584*
Failure to pay fee, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
Immunity from liability for certain contaminated property, AB 675
Resolutions by board to review claims, exemption from administrative procedure, copies to legislative counsel, AB 12*
STOREY COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Beautification projects, creation of improvement districts authorized, AB 95*
Common-interest communities, access gates, SB 192*, SB 302*
Construction, maintenance or repair, closure of street during certain time prohibited in large counties, SB 168†
Gates allowing access to streets, safety standards, SB 302*
Study of exchange of state highways for local streets, ACR 3‡
Subdivision of land, limitation of actions relating to certain improvements, SB 17
Certificates of residential occupancy, form, SB 423
Common open or recreational space, development in large counties, AB 565
Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)
Contiguous parcels, merger and resubdivision, SB 542*
Impact fees (See IMPACT FEES)
Maps and plats
Merger and resubdivision of land, certificate, SB 542*
Parcel maps
Filing, time for, AB 461**
Second or subsequent map, criteria for approval, AB 461**
Recording, SB 61**
Tentative maps, filing fees, AB 461**
Real estate administrator, authority relating to information and exemptions, SB 116
Residential construction tax (See RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION TAX)
Rural neighborhoods, preservation, SB 391*
Sales of real property (See REAL PROPERTY)
Streets, sewers or other public improvements, limitation of actions, SB 17
Traditional neighborhood development, promotion, AB 566
Washoe County, ordinances and regulations to conform to regional plan, AB 424†
Zoning (See ZONING)
Computer crimes, investigative subpoenas, SB 485†
Contractors' board, AB 634*
Ethics commission, SB 478*, SB 540
Insurance fraud, investigation (sec. 6), SB 225
Marriage and family therapists, board of examiners for, powers (sec. 1), SB 218*
Real estate commission, SB 451*
School attendance, boards to review, issuance, AB 15**
Transportation services authority, SB 491
Composition, SB 346**
Duties generally, SB 346**
Evaluation of treatment programs, AB 181**
Grants, SB 346**
Mental health and substance abuse services, duties, AB 181**
Quorum, SB 346**
Hotline services, appropriation, SB 560**
Prevention, support for more effective programs expressed, SCR 11‡
Public schools, instruction in suicide prevention, SB 445**, AB 313
Academic standards for public schools, council to establish, SB 466**
Dental malpractice, screening panels, AB 25**
Emergency telephone system in Washoe County, surcharge, SB 366*
Health care financing and policy, division of, AB 429**
Las Vegas Valley ground water management program, continuation, AB 347**
Medicaid, pharmaceutical services through managed care, AB 429**
Motor vehicles, advisory board on the repair of, AB 258**
Pupils, advisory committee for statewide automated system of information, SB 555**, AB 655
Redevelopment plans adopted before July 1, 1987, termination, AB 306*
Taxicabs, leases to independent contractors, SB 491†
Appropriation, AB 682, AB 703**
Achievement and proficiency examinations
Certification of distribution of results, SB 21**, SB 58, SB 169, SB 466**
Disclosure of answers to advisory committee (sec. 4), SB 15
Alternative programs for at-risk pupils, duties, SB 110, AB 244, AB 521**
Andre Agassi Foundation, duties regarding appropriation, AB 348**
Annual reports from school districts, contents, SB 46**, SB 466**
Charter schools, distribution of money, SB 258, AB 348**
Clark County school district, notice to legislature when enrollment exceeds certain amount, AB 466
Class-size reduction, receipt of plans, transfer of fund money, AB 700**
Federal money, administration, SB 466†, SB 555**
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory subcommittee on, ex officio member, SB 197*
Financial analysis and planning task force, member (sec. 2), AB 525**
Financing capital improvements, fund to assist districts, administration, AB 597†
Fund raising by students, duties regarding unlawful acts, AB 90
Initial licenses, duties (sec. 2), SB 22
Intersession school and summer school programs, duties, AB 13, AB 145
Laws affecting schools, provision to school trustees, AB 37**
Merit pay program for teachers, duties, SB 40
Professional development days, receipt of reports, AB 232
Public health, trust fund for, trustee, AB 474†
Remedial instruction programs, review, SB 466**
Removal from office, grounds, SB 466**
Reports to legislature, SB 466**
School accountability program
Administrator, appointment (sec. 19), SB 70**
Consultations with parent groups (sec. 5), SB 70**
Severe financial emergency, financial assistance to school districts, AB 480†
Special education programs, duties, SB 126†
State distributive school account, fund to stabilize, administration, AB 597†
Statewide automated system of information concerning pupils, duties, SB 555**, AB 655
Term of office, SB 466†
Testing, advisory committee on, appointment, SB 466†
Textbooks and other instructional materials, approval, AB 217†
Penalties for nonsupport of spouse, AB 617*
Bill draft requests, limitations, AB 631**
Court of appeals, appointment of chief judge, SJR 14 of the 69th session, AJR 22‡
Credit or debit cards, acceptance for payment of fees and other charges, AB 24**
Decisions, conformity with US Supreme Court required, AJR 3
Delinquent fines, assessments or fees, notice of nonpayment, AB 16
Electronic filing, storage and reproduction of documents, adoption of rules, AB 650**
Fees, technical corrections, AB 645**
Fetal alcohol syndrome, advisory board on, appointments, SB 197†
Intermediate appellate court, adoption of rules, SJR 14 of the 69th session, AJR 22‡
Election, eligibility of certain candidates, AB 20*
Longevity pay, AB 472**
Contributions, AB 269**
Legislative study, AB 698**
Qualifications, calculation, AB 592
Recall to service, additional retirement credits, SB 245
Survivor benefits, SB 514, AB 622**
Vacancies, term of office of justice filling, AJR 13‡, AJR 18†, AJR 22‡
Offers of judgment, adoption of rules, SB 492†
Office space in Clark County, long-term lease authorized, AB 595**
Parties, rules allowing addressing of court urged, ACR 26
Racial and economic bias, commission on, appropriation, AB 290
Recycling programs, AB 564*
Short trials in civil actions, adoption of rules, AB 392*
Unauthorized practice of law, adoption of rules, AB 18†
Bail (See BAIL)
Bail, general agents (sec. 65), AB 680*
Barbers' health and sanitation board, secretary-treasurer (sec. 6), SB 8*, SCR 46‡
Child support, bond for prompt prosecution of pending proceeding, SB 352**
Construction control bonds, AB 64*
Contractors, SB 32†, SB 423, AB 633*, AB 634*
Escrow agents and agencies, AB 64*
Garages and repair shops (sec. 7), AB 258*
Insurance administrators (sec. 19), AB 680*
Mortgage companies, AB 64*, AB 278
Motor carriers, intrastate shippers, SB 491
Pharmacy board, bonds by secretary and treasurer unnecessary (sec. 2), SB 101*
Service contract providers, AB 673*
Skydiving businesses, SB 179†
Special fuel dealers, SB 349**
Title insurers, AB 64*
Trust company managers (sec. 24), SB 465*
Employment and tenant screeners, unlawful acts, SB 178†
Hidden cameras prohibited, penalty, exceptions, SB 34
Traffic violations, use of electronic-detection devices, SB 381**
Video arcades and small game rooms, security measures (sec. 8), SB 513
Food, drugs, cosmetics and devices, restrictions on sales, SB 392, AB 109*
Junk or secondhand dealers, exemptions from laws relating to, SB 45†
Construction contracts, regulation (vetoed bill), AB 512 of the 69th session
Mobile home parks, reduction in rent for unsanitary condition (sec. 14), AB 418
Common-interest communities, rights to construct piers, SB 192*
Legislative committee to review planning, continuation, SCR 16‡
Legislative declaration, AB 132*, AB 285**
Pollution control account, expenditures, SB 511**
Protection programs, establishment, administration, bond issue, AB 132*, AB 285**
Room tax, increase in Washoe County for tourist promotion, SB 477**
Schools, community school boards, AB 413
Tahoe regional planning agency, enforcement of ordinances, SB 510**
Transit system, Douglas County authorized to contract for creation and operation of system by nonprofit organization, AB 236**
Volunteer and inmate labor, use in conservation projects urged, SCR 15‡
Abatement of tax for new or expanded businesses, regulations, SB 537**
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Interstate or intercounty property, assessment, SB 383**, SB 411**
Local government tax distribution account, duties, SB 534*
School supplies, duties regarding sales tax exemption, AB 581
Severe financial emergencies of local entities, duties, reports, SB 473**, AB 606**
Taxable value of property, determination, SB 411**
Waiver of certain penalties, regulations, SB 362**
Garnishment, inclusion of number in writ, AB 77
Industrial insurance, inclusion of number in certain claim information, SB 53**
Advertising by unlicensed businesses, disconnection of telephone service, SB 128†
Aged persons, health insurance subsidy program, duties, AB 474*
Appeals from decisions (sec. 4), SB 362**
Capital improvement plans, receipt (sec. 1), SB 433**
Collection of certain taxes and fees on fuels, duties transferred, AB 396, AB 584*
Debt management commissions, assistance (sec. 1), SB 470*
Douglas County local sales tax, duties, AB 174**
Equalization, studies of ratio of assessed to taxable value of property, SB 494*
Executive director
Appointment, confirmation by senate, SB 160
Financial analysis and planning task force, member (sec. 2), AB 525**
School facilities, commission for construction, member, AB 597**
Industrial relations, division of, receipt of information from, SB 54**
Information services, supplemental appropriation, SB 545**
Insurance premium tax, notice from insurers relating to credits against, SB 462**
Intoxicating liquors, regulation of shipments into state, SB 428**
Local government tax distribution account, duties, SB 534**, SB 535**, SB 538**
Medium-term obligations of local governments, approval of resolution, AB 299**
Minerals, tax on net proceeds of, estimate, SB 555**
Motor vehicle records, access, SB 467
Population estimates, duties, SB 538**, AB 556
Real property transfer tax, regulations regarding collection, SB 318**
Rental car fees, appropriation relating to home or regional office credit, SB 444
Room tax, duties, AB 526
School districts
Annual reports, contents, SB 46**, SB 466†
Assessed valuations, certified estimates, SB 555**
Severe financial emergencies, assistance, AB 480†
School districts, fund to assist financing of capital improvements, reports of grant applications, AB 597**
School supplies, duties regarding sales tax exemption, AB 581
Severe financial emergencies of local governments, duties, SB 473**, AB 606**
Tobacco settlement, determination of excise tax collected, AB 667**
Washoe County railroad grade separation taxes, collection (sec. 3), SB 255**
Aviation fuel (See AVIATION FUEL)
Casino entertainment (See CASINO ENTERTAINMENT TAX)
City-county relief (See CITY-COUNTY RELIEF TAX)
Collection of taxes, fees, procedures, SB 500**, AB 288**
County commissioners, restrictions on tax increases for certain period, AB 223†
Estates (See ESTATES, TAX ON)
Fuel businesses, county or city authorized to impose tax or fee on, SB 455**
Insurance premiums (See INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX)
Intoxicating liquor (See INTOXICATING LIQUORS)
Local school support (See LOCAL SCHOOL SUPPORT TAX)
Population estimates for apportionment of taxes, revision, SB 538**, AB 556
Property (See PROPERTY TAX)
Public roads (See HIGHWAYS AND ROADS—Taxes and fees)
Real property transfer (See REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX)
Rental of transient lodging (See ROOM TAX)
Residential construction (See RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION TAX)
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
Sales and use (See SALES AND USE TAXES)
Special fuel (See SPECIAL FUEL TAX)
Tourism, promotion of (See TOURISM)
Vehicle privilege (See VEHICLE PRIVILEGE TAX)
Abolished, duties transferred to transportation services authority, SB 491†
Child support violations, duties, SB 491
Field investigators, occupational disease coverage, AB 608
Northern Nevada, taxicab authority for, creation, SB 491
Southern Nevada, taxicab authority for, name changed to, SB 491
Advertising, SB 491†
Allocations, increase, SB 491
Definition, SB 491
Assault or battery committed upon, enhanced penalty, SB 146*
Permits, SB 491
Insurance, SB 491
Kickbacks for soliciting for businesses, prohibition, SB 491†, AB 193*, AB 546
Lease agreements, regulation, fee, SB 491†
Liens, SB 491†
Local tax revenues, deposit, SB 491†
Mentally retarded persons, provision of transportation services to, AB 628**
Rental cars unlawfully used for passenger service, immunities of short-term lessors, release of vehicles, AB 677*
Taxicab motor carriers (See also MOTOR CARRIERS)
Certificates of public convenience, SB 491
Compliance with laws, SB 491
Records, inspection, SB 491
Regulation by transportation services authority, SB 296
Safety standards for drivers and vehicles, adoption, SB 491
Unsafe vehicles, limitation on use, SB 491
Transportation services authority, regulatory authority, removal, SB 491
Unlawful operation, SB 491†
Washoe County, regulation, SB 324
Creation, SB 485**
Companies, property tax assessment, SB 205, SB 383**, SB 411**
Lines, civil liability for damage or destruction, SB 27*
Repeal of obsolete laws, SB 27*
Automatic dialing and announcing devices, use restricted, penalties, AB 193*
Prisoners soliciting by telephone
Prohibition, SB 485**
Required disclosures, AB 208
Unsolicited prerecorded messages, deceptive trade practices, AB 193*
Work cards, requirements for sellers and certain associates, AB 283*
Automatic dialing and announcing devices, use restricted, penalties, AB 193*
Cellular phones
Customer records, service providers required to maintain, penalty, SB 131†
Prisoners, access prohibited, SB 485**
School pupils, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 307
Use while operating moving vehicle prohibited, penalty, AB 328
Property tax assessment, SB 205, SB 383**, SB 411**, AB 668**
Unlawful acts, penalties, SB 485**
Contractors, disconnection of service of unlicensed persons, SB 128*
Emergency calls
Immunities relating to enhanced 911 systems, SB 487*
Operators, certification and training, SB 165*
Public records (sec. 11), AB 102
Statewide emergency enhanced 911 system, establishment, SB 487†
Suicide hotline services, appropriation, SB 560**
Washoe County, continuation of surcharge, SB 366*
Highway construction, requirements and penalties if utility facilities not reconstructed at same time, SB 486
Indigent persons, utility bill assistance program, SB 89
Lifeline or link-up services, provision to eligible customers, SB 487*
Lines, civil and criminal penalties for damage or destruction, SB 27*
Local telecommunication services
Alternative regulation of incumbent exchange carriers, SB 440*
Basic network services, reclassification, SB 440*
Complaints, filing, SB 440*
Injunctions, SB 485†
Penalties for violations, SB 440*
Standards of conduct and reporting, establishment, SB 207
Metallic wire, prohibited acts, penalties, AB 55*
Nurses and nursing assistants, release of numbers by nursing board, SB 85
Public safety telecommunications operators, certification and training, SB 165*
School sites, extension of services to, recovery of costs, AB 568
Toll-free information service
Child care facilities, AB 302
Fetal alcohol syndrome, SB 197*
Small employers, occupational safety and health, AB 489**
Unsolicited prerecorded messages, deceptive trade practices, AB 193*
Wiretapping (See WIRETAPPING)
Community antenna television
Civil and criminal liability for damage to lines, SB 27*, SB 485†
Public access channel, provision, SB 271
Theft of service, liability, SB 485**
Companies, property tax assessment, SB 383**, SB 411**
Highway construction, requirements and penalties if utility facilities not reconstructed at same time, SB 486
Local telecommunication services, establishment of standards of conduct and reporting, SB 207
Public broadcasting stations, appropriations, SB 270, AB 224**, AB 474*
Licensure and regulation, penalty for violations, SB 178†
Private investigator laws, exemption, SB 178, SB 334
Cable television service, SB 485**
Constructional fraud, investigation by contractors' board, AB 634*
Debit cards, SB 485†
Identity theft, criminal and civil liability, SB 69, AB 71*
Information services, SB 485**
Intangible property (sec. 25), SB 485**
Larceny (See LARCENY)
Leased or rented personal property, conversion, SB 364
Shoplifting, grounds for detaining suspects, AB 85*
Stolen property (See STOLEN PROPERTY)
Trade secrets, penalty, SB 375*
Credit unions, deposits and investments, SB 39*
Ombudsman for common-interest communities, fees inapplicable, SB 441
Real estate administrator, regulatory authority, SB 116, SB 322**
Advertising, review, SB 322**
Brokers, registration and duties, SB 322**
Disclosure of information to owners and purchasers, SB 322**
Sales agents, license examination and course accreditation fees, AB 105††
Bonds, AB 64*
Ethics, prohibited acts, AB 64†
Rebates prohibited (sec. 30), AB 680*
Recording of discharge of mortgage or deed of trust, authority, penalty for improper recording, SB 96*
Appropriation, AB 385
TORTS (See generally ACTIONS)
Commercial improvements, formation of districts, assessments, SB 530*
Grand Canyon, concern regarding restrictions on air tours expressed, SJR 21‡
Tax for promotion of tourism
Appeals from decisions of department of taxation (sec. 4), SB 362**
Failure to pay tax, penalty (sec. 10), SB 362**
Rights of taxpayers (secs. 5-7), SB 362**
State fee for cost of collection of tax, AB 288**
Traveling public, account for systems of providing information to, deposits, AB 627**
Washoe County
Room tax increase for costs related to promotion of tourism, SB 477**
Sparks tourism and marketing committee, creation, SB 477**
Truckee Meadows tourism facility and revitalization steering committee, creation, SB 477**
Composition, SB 259*
Nevada silver gaming tokens, consultation concerning, AB 560
Assessments for out-of-state inspection of books and records, SB 491
Certificates of public convenience and necessity, SB 491
Complaints filed by other tow car operators, SB 491
Compliance with laws, SB 491
Definition, SB 491
Deregulation, SB 296
Fees, annual, SB 491
Impoundment of vehicles, SB 491†
Law enforcement agency lists, maintenance and use, SB 387**
Rates or charges, SB 491
Records, inspection, SB 491
Safety standards for drivers and vehicles, adoption, SB 491
Schedule of rates, notice of changes, SB 491
Unsafe vehicles, limitation on use, SB 491
Actions by or against (See ACTIONS—State or political subdivisions)
Claims, penalty for submission of false claims to local government, SB 418*
Fernley (See FERNLEY, TOWN OF)
Governmental services, contracts with nonprofit organizations, AB 236†
Indian Springs (See INDIAN SPRINGS, TOWN OF)
Ordinances (See ORDINANCES)
Pahrump (See PAHRUMP, TOWN OF)
Town boards or advisory boards
Appointment or election, powers, AB 388
Planning, duties, training, AB 388
Relatives, employment exempt from nepotism law, AB 226**
Unincorporated town government law, applicability in large counties, AB 142†
Variances or special use permits in unincorporated towns, applications, SB 391†, AB 142, AB 388
Vehicles loaned by dealers, use of special license plates, AB 329*
Displaying goods with false mark or label, penalties, AB 616*
Highway signs identifying individual enterprises, fees, AB 627**
Olympics, proprietary words, emblems and marks included as trade-mark, SB 6
Property tax, exemption for intangible personal property, SB 411**, AB 668†
Utilities, use of names and logos by affiliates, SB 226, SB 438**
Beer kegs, duties of retailers, AB 478
Book or store accounts without written contract, rate of interest, SB 233
Credit or debit cards (See CREDIT OR DEBIT CARDS)
Deceptive trade practices
Advance payment or credit application fee, failure to return, AB 431†
Assurances of discontinuance, publication, AB 109†
Coercion, duress or intimidation, AB 431*
False advertising, AB 431*
False representations, AB 431*
Kickbacks to certain carriers by sexually oriented businesses, AB 193*
Leases, AB 431*
Liquidated damages, payment by buyer, AB 431†
Names of alleged violators, publication, AB 109†
Non-English sales negotiations, AB 431†
Prisoners soliciting by telephone, failure to make required disclosures, AB 208
Telecommunications providers, prohibited acts, SB 485**
Telephones, unsolicited prerecorded messages, AB 193*
Violation of law relating to sale or lease of goods or services, AB 431*
Firearms manufacturers or dealers, action by local governments prohibited, AB 543**
Informal merchants, sales of food, drugs, cosmetics or devices, SB 392, AB 109*
Laser pointers, sales restrictions, signs, AB 541
Motor vehicles
Bait and switch advertising prohibited, AB 431*
Dealers, franchises, SB 372*
Sales receipts or UPC labels, unlawful acts, SB 392, AB 109†
School pupils, prohibitions on certain fund-raising activities, AB 90
Shoplifting, grounds for detaining suspects, AB 85*
Spotters, exemption from private investigator laws, SB 334
Spray paint, paint sticks and etchers, duties of retailers (sec. 2), SB 172
Unfair trade practices, persons who may bring action clarified, AB 108*, ACR 34‡
Actions, preservation of secrecy (sec. 5), SB 375*
Definitions (sec. 2), SB 375*
Disclosure of information to law enforcement agencies in certain cases, AB 112**
Exemplary damages, award, SB 375*
Injunctions (sec. 3), SB 375*
Property tax, exemption for intangible personal property, SB 411**, AB 668†
Unlawful acts, penalties, SB 375*
Junk or secondhand dealers, exemption from laws relating to, SB 45, AB 109*
Producer-promoter-employer permits, applicability of laws, SB 259*
Special fuel users' licenses, applicability to operators of motor carriers, SB 202*
Abandoned vehicles, removal from highways, SB 268*, SB 300*, AB 184
Accidents (See ACCIDENTS)
Aggressive driving, definition, penalty, AB 457**
Bicycle lanes or pathways, restrictions on use by motor vehicles, SB 200, SB 235*
Campers, prohibitions against riding within, AB 157
Cellular phone, use while operating moving vehicle prohibited, penalty, AB 328
Administrative assessment included in fines paid without court appearance, AB 19
Contents (sec. 3), AB 121
Designation of payment as forfeiture of bail, restrictions, AB 19
Electronic-detection devices, use for gathering evidence, SB 381**
Electronic preparation, AB 650**
Failure to appear, AB 121, AB 650**
False information in promise to appear, penalty (sec. 3), AB 121
Minors, driver's license violations (sec. 4), AB 552*, ACR 68‡
Money paid on misdemeanor citations to be treated as fine (sec. 2), AB 19
Nonrenewal of drivers' licenses or registrations for failure to pay fines, AB 16
Pickups, illegally riding within bed or camper, AB 157
Quotas prohibited (sec. 1), SB 390
Speeding (sec. 4), SB 390
Electric vehicles, operation limited, SB 450, AB 59*
Electronic devices to detect moving violations, use, SB 381**
Emergency vehicles, use of lights and sirens, SB 337
Flatbed trucks, prohibitions against riding on bed, AB 157
Involuntary manslaughter includes death arising from violation of laws, AB 333
Las Vegas, U-turns on West Desert Inn Road, appropriation, SB 174, SB 560**
Loads on vehicles, covering, SB 256
Low-speed vehicles, operation limited, SB 450, AB 59*
Multi-lane highways, use of left lane by trucks and commercial vehicles prohibited under certain circumstances, AB 185
Overweight or oversize vehicles
Double fines for violations on certain roads, SB 81*
Permit fees for operation, AB 33
Pickups, prohibitions against riding in bed or camper, AB 157
Public utility reconstruction, penalties for interruption of traffic, SB 486
Quotas for citations or arrests prohibited (sec. 1), SB 390
Right-turn lanes, use, SB 235*
Safety belts and child-restraint devices
Failure to wear as negligence or causation in civil action, SB 151, SB 154
Requirements for child-restraint devices, penalty for violations, SB 154
School zones or school crossing zones
Designation of times when speed limits in effect, SB 80*
Enforcement authority of school police officers, AB 61
Signs to indicate times when speed limit in effect, SB 80*
Speed limits
75 mph maximum speed limit repealed (sec. 8), SB 390
Penalty for exceeding limit on certain highways in large counties, SB 442**
School zones or school crossing zones, SB 80*
Signs, posting, prima facie limits (sec. 4), SB 390
Snow tires, chains or traction devices, maximum speed, AB 187
Speed traps restricted (sec. 4), SB 390
Study by department of transportation (sec. 7), SB 390
Violations of less than 10 mph over speed limit, penalty (sec. 3), SB 390
Traffic-control devices, conformity with specifications (sec. 6), SB 390
Volunteer firemen and emergency medical technicians, vehicle placards, SB 65*
Yellow-light racing prohibited (sec. 5), SB 390
Donation of organs and tissues to Nevada transplant candidates, AB 238*, ACR 19‡
Validity and revocation of anatomical gift, AB 238*
Architects or engineers, employment to oversee construction, SB 437†, SB 475*
Board of directors, composition to include legislative members, SB 336
Bordering states, study of improvements to roads providing access to Nevada, SB 558**
Clark County
Air pollution study committee, representation, SB 432**
Interlocal agreement concerning highways, AB 182**
Construction bonds, maturity date (sec. 4), AB 128**
Design-build teams, contracts authorized, legislative study, SB 437†, SB 475*
District engineers, unclassified service, SB 275
Elderly and handicapped transportation programs, appropriation, SB 415, SB 560**
Employee grievances, hearings, SB 276
Exchange of state highways for local roads or streets, study directed, ACR 3‡
Highway payroll clearing account, state, abolished, AB 150**
Performance audit, AB 404
Permit fees for overweight or oversize vehicles, AB 33
Radio communication system, appropriation, SB 504**
Regional planning, coordination with other entities, reports, SB 394*
School zones or crossing zones, duties, SB 80*
Skydiving businesses, duties, SB 179*
Speed limits on highways, engineering and traffic study, SB 390
State highway fund (See STATE FINANCES AND FUNDS)
Subcontractors on highway projects, duties relating to payments, SB 301*
Trade-marks and logos on information signs, fees, AB 627**
Weight violations, designation of restricted highways, SB 81*
Assessments for out-of-state inspections, SB 491
Chief designated commissioner, SB 491
Deregulation of certain motor carriers, SB 296
Filing fees, SB 491
Fines, deposit, SB 491
Frivolous complaints, recovery of costs, SB 491
Impoundment of unauthorized vehicles, AB 677*
Inspection of vehicles, regulation, SB 491
Judicial review of decisions, SB 491†
Legislative declaration, SB 491
Liability insurance for certain carriers, responsibility transferred, SB 296
Managers of transportation, peace officer powers removed, SB 491†
Members redesignated commissioners, SB 491†
Records, examination, subpoenas, SB 491
Regulations, presumptions, authority to adopt, SB 296, SB 491
Taxicabs, regulation, SB 491
Tow car operators, regulation, SB 491
Witness fees, SB 491
Administrative Procedure Act, certain regulations exempt, AB 12*
Demerit points, assessment, SB 106**
Licenses and permits
Child support compliance, statement unnecessary, SB 352**
Definitions, SB 106**
Contracts for services, SB 135
Emergency medical services, committee on, representation, SB 365*
Advisory committee, composition, AB 429**
Death within a year and a day, element of crime repealed, SB 11**
Bonds, issuance, AB 663**
Reversion of previous appropriation, AB 663**
Absences deemed truancy, AB 15**, AB 245
Annual reports to advisory boards to review school attendance, SB 58, AB 15**
Clark County, appropriation for tracking and reporting program, SB 112
Foster parents, liability for acts of children, AB 531*
Habitual truancy
Actions by schools to encourage attendance, AB 15**
Electronic preparation, AB 650**
Law enforcement agencies, authority to issue citations repealed, AB 15†
School police officers, authority to issue (sec. 2), AB 61
Community programs and services, participation, AB 15**
Declaration as habitual truant, basis, AB 15**
Driver's license, suspension or delayed issuance, AB 15**
Hearings before board to review school attendance, AB 15**
Masters, appointment, AB 15**
Petition alleging need of supervision, powers of board to review school attendance, AB 15†
Referral to board to review school attendance, AB 15**
Channel clearance by political subdivisions, AB 490*
Litigation expenses, appropriation, AB 48, AB 151**
Water rights, acquisition, forfeiture or abandonment, AB 380**, AB 412
Applicability of laws (sec. 15), SB 465*
Articles of incorporation or organization, contents (sec. 18), SB 465*
Banks, establishment of trust offices authorized, SB 465*
Definitions (secs. 7, 8), SB 465*
Federal legislation affecting services, continuation of state oversight, SJR 22‡
Impairment of company, powers of commissioner, remedies (secs. 9, 10), SB 465*
Investigation by commissioner (sec. 21), SB 465*
Managers, bonds, violations (secs. 24-26), SB 465*
Out-of-state entities, authority, prohibited acts (sec. 17), SB 465*
Abandoned property trust fund, use, SB 89, AB 337
Administration generally, AB 400*
Business trusts, formation, SB 61**
Deferred compensation programs, property held in trust, SB 367**, AB 125**
Definitions (secs. 2-71), AB 400*
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Geographic education, trust fund for, creation, appropriation, AB 216
Health programs, trust fund for, creation, SB 370†, AB 652
Human resources, department of, gift fund designated trust fund, AB 124**
Millennium scholarship trust fund, creation, SB 496*
Motor vehicles, proceeds of consignment contracts, AB 271**
Nevada scholarship trust fund, creation, AB 652
Nonprofit hospital, medical and dental service corporations, establishment of trust under certain conditions, SB 12, AB 685
Pets, validity of trust for care of animal at settlor's death, AB 524
Principal and Income Act, 1997, adoption (secs. 15-44), SB 20
Prudent Investor Act, adoption (secs. 2-15), SB 20
Public employees' benefits program, fund for the, creation (sec. 23), SB 544**
Public health, trust fund for, creation, AB 474*
Rural health care programs, trust fund for, creation, SB 370†
Special fuel, taxes held in trust for state, AB 584*
Spendthrift trusts
Applicability of laws, AB 469*
Beneficiaries permitted, AB 469*
Rule against perpetuities, effect, AB 469*
Transfers to trusts, limitation of actions, AB 469*
Time share resales, trust accounts for advance fees, SB 322**
Tobacco settlement trust fund, creation, use, AB 263
Employment laws, exclusions, AB 63, AB 153
Construction or conversion projects, assessments and contributions, AB 277
Highway construction, requirements and penalties if utility facilities not reconstructed at same time, SB 486
Educational institutions, eligibility of part-time faculty, AB 9
Contributions, delinquencies, SB 464**
Experience ratings, charging certain benefits against prohibited, SB 332*
Federal unemployment trust fund, temporary limit on use of state account, SB 460
Sports officials, exemption from laws, AB 63, AB 153
Legislative bills, disclosure requirements, SB 471**, AB 355, AB 689†
Monetary limit on programs and services for which additional revenue source must be authorized, SB 471**, AB 355, AB 689†
Common Trust fund, amendment, AB 400*
Principal and Income Act (1997), adoption (secs. 15-44), SB 20
Prudent Investor Act, adoption (secs. 2-15), SB 20
Trustees Accounting, amendment, AB 400*
Trusts, amendment, AB 400*
Uniform Commercial Code, adoption of revised article 9, SB 62*
Reapportionment, study of requirements, SCR 1‡, ACR 14
Voters moving to other district, voting (sec. 6), AB 613
Agricultural extension department, programs, appropriation, AB 324**
Board of regents
Attorney general, legal counsel, AB 411
Bill draft requests, limitation (sec. 6), AB 631**
Committee to study funding of higher education, appointments, SB 443**
Election, study of requirements for reapportionment, SCR 1‡, ACR 14
Henderson state college study advisory committee, appointments, AB 220**
Land-surveying curriculum, public declaration, SB 103**
Mathematics proficiency examination, representation on task force, SB 466**
UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM OF NEVADA— Board Millennium scholarships, duties, SB 496*
Proficiency examination, committee to oversee, representation, SB 15
Testing, advisory committee on, representation, SB 466†
Bond issues
Campus facilities, AB 527**
Dental school, AB 527**
Desert research institute building, SB 371**
Performance audit, AB 368†
Prohibitions regarding merit pay, AB 317
Campus facilities, issuance of bonds for financing, AB 527**
Capital improvement projects, funding, SB 560**, AB 699**
Charter schools, contracts for use of facilities, SB 258, AB 348**
Community colleges (See COMMUNITY COLLEGES)
Concealed firearms, restrictions on carrying, AB 166**
Construction, contracts with local entities relating to fees, plan review and inspections, SB 216**
Courses and activities reflecting racial and ethnic diversity urged, ACR 37‡
Dental school
Bonds for financing construction, issuance, AB 527**
Public health services access task force, representation, SB 556**
Desert research institute
Building, bond issue for construction, SB 371**
Merit pay, use of certain money prohibited, AB 317
Education, College of
Curriculum, approval, SB 466**
Elementary education courses, approval (sec. 3), AB 294
Financial aid, AB 47†
Geographic education, trust fund for, creation, use, AB 216
Regional training centers, representation on governing bodies, SB 60, SB 466†
Retired employees, effect of reemployment on retirement allowance, AB 74**
Scholarships, funding, AB 700**
Teacher recruitment program, adoption of plan for establishment, AB 47**
Benefits committee, nominations from employee organizations, SB 79, AB 67
Collective bargaining, AB 131
Dental instructors, licenses, SB 181*
Merit increases, prohibition on use of certain money, AB 317
Public employees' benefits program board, nomination of member, SB 544**
Retired employees, effect of reemployment on retirement allowance, AB 74**
Financial analysis and planning task force, representation (sec. 2), AB 525**
Harry Reid center for environmental studies, appropriation, SB 560**
Hazing prohibited, penalties, SB 297**
Henderson state college, study of establishment, appropriation, AB 220**
Hi-tech learning centers, appropriations, AB 205**, AB 360**
Legislative study of methods of funding higher education, SB 443**
Medicine, School of
Adverse birth outcomes, collection of information, AB 238*
Animals for research or experimental purposes, purchase, AB 448
Anniversary commemorated and dean commended, ACR 41‡
Fetal alcohol syndrome, duties, SB 197*
UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM OF NEVADA— Outreach health care programs, appropriation, SB 370†, AB 474*
Pediatric diabetes and endocrinology center, creation of advisory board, appropriation, SB 294, SB 560**
Public health, board of trustees for trust fund for, representation, AB 474*
Public health services access task force, representation, SB 556**
Rural health care programs, trust fund for, administration, SB 370†, AB 474*
National guard members, payment of expenses, SB 292**
Nevada center for sustainable living, appropriation, AB 395
Nevada higher education tuition trust fund, authorized investments, AB 129**
Nursing programs, review and approval, AB 204*
Professional management consultants, board of, representation by business colleges (sec. 11), SB 220
Real estate studies, establishment of Lied institute, SB 425
Recycling programs, AB 564*
Retirement system, loans from investment portfolio authorized, SB 14†
Millennium scholarship trust fund, creation, SB 496*
Nevada scholarship trust fund, AB 652
Teacher education students, AB 700**
School districts, study of effectiveness of exchange of information, SCR 3‡
School to careers program, grants, SB 555**
Science, engineering and technology, office of, appropriation, SB 333, SB 560**
Sex offenders attending school, registration requirements, SB 515**
Student loans
Financial aid for students in teaching programs, AB 47†
Repayment of loans of certain licensed teachers, AB 47†
Supplies, limited sales tax exemption, AB 581†
Televised courses, provision by public broadcasting stations, SB 270, AB 474*
Ultrasound imaging equipment, appropriation, SB 248, SB 560**
Unemployment benefits, eligibility of part-time faculty, AB 9
Vehicles loaned by dealers, use of special license plates, AB 329*
Veterans, fee waivers, SB 386
Writing programs or projects, appropriation, AB 352, AB 703**
Collection of tax by DMV or county assessor, commission (sec. 17), AB 668**
County commissioners, tax increases restricted during certain period, AB 223†
Distribution of tax collected on commercial vehicles, SB 201
Aged persons, AB 455
Veterans, SB 33, SB 164, AB 668**
Liens for delinquent taxes, SB 202*
Rate reduced for certain vehicles, SB 450†
Regional transportation commissions, administration of supplemental tax, AB 553†
Valuation of vehicles, percentage of retail price, depreciation schedule, SB 450†
Washoe County, reduction and elimination of special tax, AB 471*
Cigarette machines in public areas, placement limited, AB 549
Material harmful to minors, unlawful exhibition or sale, AB 282†
Prison facilities, operation, AB 289**
State obligations, establishment of program for issuance, SB 309
Taxes, action for recovery of certain taxes, SB 362**
Account for veterans' affairs, creation, AB 94**
Cemeteries, deposit and accounting of money for, AB 94**
Homes for veterans, deposit and accounting of money for, AB 94**
Name changed and offices transferred to office of veterans' services, SB 263**
American Legion commended and commemorated, SCR 20‡
Deposit and accounting of money for, AB 94**
Investments by endowment care funds (sec. 46), SB 20
Churchill County field service office, appropriation, AB 381, AB 703**
Decals for license plates displaying emblems or insignia of military units, SB 379*
Navy Seabees, special license plates, SB 379†
Operation Godspeed commended, SCR 37‡
Property tax exemption, SB 33, SB 164, AB 668**
University of Nevada, waiver of fees, SB 386
Vehicle privilege tax exemption, SB 33, SB 164, AB 668**
Veterans' homes
Deposit and accounting of money or property received for, SB 33, AB 94**
Temporary housing for spouses of residents, SB 261, SB 560*
Veterans of Foreign Wars, centennial commemorated and veterans commended, SCR 35‡
Meetings, AB 530*
Cruelty to animals, reports required, SB 5
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 100*
Injury or death during equine activity, liability limited, SB 448
Examinations, SB 100*
Issuance, SB 100*
State board of veterinary medical examiners
Investigations and prosecutions, immunities for persons assisting, SB 373
Disciplinary action, grounds, SB 100*
69th session
Incline Village school district, creation, AB 596 of the 69th session
Swimming pools, regulation of construction contracts, AB 512 of the 69th session
70th session
Educational personnel, evaluation and admonition, AB 332††
North Las Vegas, additional fee charged for city beautification, SB 182††
State parks division, time for deposits into financial institution, SB 532††
Time shares, license examination and course accreditation fees, AB 105††
Computer crimes, civil actions by victims, SB 485**
Concealed weapons permits, notification to victims of applicants, SB 449*
County funds for compensation of victims of crime, sources, AB 122**
Criminal history repository, information submitted to, AB 621†
Domestic violence, exemption of certain victims from service as juror, SB 480**
DUI violators, victim impact panels (secs. 23, 32), AB 196
Juvenile delinquents, restitution for medical expenses of victims, AB 165*
Minor victims of sexual offenses, reporting required, penalties, AB 267*
Nonresidents, compensation, AB 353*
Restitution (See RESTITUTION)
Violent crimes, assistance to victims required, penalties, AB 155
Minors, presence regulated, curfew, SB 513
Hidden cameras prohibited, penalty, exceptions, SB 34
School instructional materials, review by parents and general public, AB 217
Traffic violations, use of electronic-detection devices, SB 381**
Boundaries, AB 295*
Contracts, exemption from advertising requirement, AB 295*
Adverse birth outcomes, collection of information, AB 238*
Child care volunteers, payment of costs of background checks, AB 239**
Employers' agents, access to criminal history records, SB 327
Medical facilities, background checks, AB 681
Nevada commission for national and community service, appropriation, SB 503, SB 560**, AB 659, AB 703**
Tahoe Basin, use of volunteers on conservation projects urged, SCR 15‡
Establishment of program, SB 385, AB 507
Athletic trainers, applicability of laws, SB 357†
Deductions for money missing from fund entrusted to employee, SB 253
Explosives, employees working with, AB 110**
Producer-promoter-employer, applicability of certain laws, SB 259*
Public works, withholdings relating to wage claims, SB 144†
Channel clearance by political subdivisions, AB 490*
Litigation expenses, appropriation, AB 48, AB 151**
Homeowners' warranties, issuance by contractors, SB 32†, SB 423†
Mobile home sales by dealers, implied warranties (sec. 7), AB 107*
Roofs, notice of warranty for construction, installation or repair, SB 423†
Used vehicles, SB 153*
WASHOE COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Community-based, early intervention program, appropriation, AB 325
Competitive bidding for certain county services required, SB 422
County commissioner election districts, boundaries, SB 311
Design-build contracting, representation on study committee, SB 475*
Development in priority funding areas (sec. 6), SB 393
Emergency telephone system
Continuation of surcharge, SB 366*
Statewide system, establishment, SB 487†
Fair and recreation board, travel restrictions, SB 477**
Family, youth and juvenile services department, applicability of laws, AB 670
Fluoridation of public water systems, AB 284†
Health officers, representation on emergency medical services committee, SB 365*
Highways, closure for construction during certain time prohibited, SB 168†
Investment portfolio, loans of certain securities authorized, SB 14*
Juvenile detention facility and addiction center, appropriation, AB 330*
Railroad grade separation projects, use of taxes, actions ratified, SB 255**
Recreational facilities, levy and collection of taxes for, AB 554**
Regional planning (See REGIONAL PLANNING)
Regional transportation commission (See REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONS)
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Second judicial district court (See DISTRICT COURTS)
Taxicab authority for northern Nevada, creation, sheriff as member, SB 491
Taxicabs, regulation, SB 324
Room tax increase for costs related to promotion of tourism, SB 477**
Truckee Meadows tourism facility and revitalization steering committee, creation, SB 477**
Vehicle privilege tax, reduction and elimination of special tax, AB 471*
Water rights affecting Truckee River, acquisition and use, AB 412
Regional planning commission, representation, AB 424†
Regional training centers for teachers, SB 60, SB 466†, SB 555**
Superintendent, member of capital improvements advisory committee, AB 424†
Administration of water resources statewide, appropriation, AB 48, AB 151**
Appropriation of public water
Denial of application, grounds, AB 408†
Postponement of action on application, grounds, SB 108*
Appurtenance of water rights to property of certain owners, AB 380**
Carson City, state purchase of certain rights located in, SB 348
Evidence of beneficial use, AB 380**
Forfeiture of rights to surface water, applicability, AB 380**
Interbasin transfers of water, rejection or subordination of applications, SB 108*, AB 206
Priority of rights, AB 380**
Protests, AB 380†
Temporary permits, notice of issuance, grounds for revocation, AB 408**
Truckee River, acquisition, forfeiture or abandonment of water rights affecting, AB 380**, AB 412
Wildlife or environmental purposes, restrictions, AB 133
Companies, property tax assessment, SB 205, SB 383**, SB 411**, AB 668**
Environmental protection, restrictions on appropriation of water for, AB 133
Humboldt River Basin, study of water management opportunities, SB 307, SB 560**
Improvement districts, instruction of district board members required, AB 88
Indigent persons, utility bill assistance program, SB 89
Jarbidge water system, appropriation, SB 306
Lake Tahoe (See TAHOE BASIN)
Las Vegas Valley water district (See LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT)
Moapa Valley water district (See MOAPA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT)
Mobile home parks, interruption of service restricted (sec. 15), AB 418
North Las Vegas, additional fee charged for city beautification, SB 182††, AB 408*
Plan for use of water resources, contents, submission to legislature, SB 526**
Public water systems (For general provisions See PUBLIC UTILITIES)
Advisory board for certification of operators, composition, compensation, AB 134**
Assistance to certain property owners to connect to system, AB 237*, AB 347**, AB 408**
Bonds for facilities, maturity date, AB 92
Competitive bidding for services in large counties, SB 422
Construction of larger water lines, recovery of costs, SB 543
Credits for addition of customers to public system, procedure, AB 97, AB 575
Definitions (secs. 2-12), AB 134**
Federal regulations, compliance, AB 134**
Fluoridation of certain systems, AB 284*, AB 689**
Health, state board of, regulatory authority (secs. 13, 17), AB 134**
Improvements to conserve water, grants, AB 237*
Operators of certain systems, certification required (sec. 20), AB 134**
Real estate, analysis of water as condition of sale, AB 574*
Recharge projects, recoverable amounts, fines for violations, AB 96
Rivers (See RIVERS)
Safe Drinking Water Act, accounts in fund for municipal bond bank, AB 124**
School sites, extension of services to, recovery of costs, AB 568
Southern Nevada Water Authority (See SOUTHERN NEVADA WATER AUTHORITY)
Subdivision of land, limitation of actions relating to certain improvements, SB 17
Virgin Valley water district (See VIRGIN VALLEY WATER DISTRICT)
Wells (See WELLS)
Mitigation bank, establishment, operation and use, SB 217*
Restoration, contract with nonprofit entity, SB 475*
Wildlife, appropriation of water for purposes of, restrictions, AB 133
Board members, compensation (sec. 2), AB 197**
Grants for certain improvements to conserve water, AB 237*
Grants for certain improvements, AB 237*
Apartment buildings, installation, AB 397†
Mobile home parks, requirements for individual meters, SB 260, AB 65
Enforcement of laws, investigation or report by division of environmental protection before enforcement proceedings, AB 41
Feed lot operations, reconsideration of certain federal regulations urged, AJR 21‡
Tahoe regional planning agency ordinances, enforcement, SB 510**
Grant programs, AB 237*
Biological weapons, prohibited acts, penalty, SB 18**
Concealed weapons (See CONCEALED WEAPONS)
Firearms (See FIREARMS)
Kickbacks to certain carriers for soliciting for businesses, SB 491†, AB 193*, AB 546
Tall white top, appropriation for abatement, AB 324**
Weed control analyst, appointment, qualifications and duties, SB 107, SB 560**
Milk and other fluid dairy products, packaging, AB 694**
Public weighmasters, fees relating to licensure, AB 693*
Child health assurance program (See MEDICAID)
Child support arrearages, notice to welfare division, AB 231*
Child welfare, study of integration of state and local systems, ACR 53‡
Children's health insurance program (See INSURANCE—Health insurance)
Denial of application or reduction, suspension or termination of assistance or services, appeal, AB 429**
Emergency housing, shelter and other services, assistance for, AB 337
Fingerprints of applicants and recipients, digital imaging, SB 72
Health care services for certain persons with disabilities, establishment, SB 109
Medicaid (See MEDICAID)
Nursing home care, study of feasibility of training welfare recipients, AB 7
Public assistance fund, creation, use, AB 337
Utility bill assistance program, SB 89
Assistance to property owners to connect to public water system, AB 237*, AB 347**, AB 408**
Domestic use includes watering livestock, SB 291*
Las Vegas Valley ground water basin
Annual fees, AB 347**
Assistance to property owners to connect to public water system, AB 347**
Recharge and recovery or underground storage and recovery of water, AB 347**
Legislative study, AB 408**
Recovery wells, requirements, AB 96
Requirement to obtain water from public water system, AB 408**
Temporary permits, notice of issuance, grounds for revocation, AB 408**
WELLS, CITY OF (For general provisions, See CITIES)
Charter amendments, regulation of explosives, AB 112*, AB 538
Fund for student loans, temporary advance from state general fund, AB 587*
Mitigation bank, establishment, operation and use, SB 217*
Restoration, contract with nonprofit entity, SB 475*
Parking spaces for vehicles with side-loading wheelchair lifts, SB 338*
False claims submitted to governmental entity, private action to prosecute, retaliation prohibited, SB 418*
Independent contractors, retaliatory action by state agency prohibited, AB 66
Insurance fraud, immunities for persons reporting, SB 75†
Medical facility employees, protection, SB 549, AB 586
WHITE PINE COUNTY (For general provisions, See COUNTIES)
Salaries of officers, AB 589
Trial expenses, appropriation, AB 171, AB 703**
Bonds for school construction, issuance by state, AB 274
Financial assistance from distributive school account, AB 480†
Fund to stabilize operation of local government, balance, deposits, transfers, SB 48
NOVA project, appropriation, AB 480†
Short-term debts, appropriation, reports, AB 480**
Property tax exemption extended to widowers, SB 539, AB 668†
Vehicle privilege tax exemption extended to widowers, SB 539, AB 668†
Action on behalf of private landowners to compel removal, AB 509*
Control of feral horses, AB 509†
Intentionally killing wild horses, penalty, SB 26, SB 396*
Study of establishment of private foundation to promote adoption, AB 684**
Virginia Range, appropriation for management, AB 300
Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, amendment urged, AJR 2‡
Study of establishment of private foundation to promote adoption of wild horses and burros, AB 684**
Haze, opposition to certain federal regulations expressed, SJR 3‡
Mount Charleston, issuance of license plates for preservation, SB 339*, AB 27
Water, appropriation for environmental purposes restricted, AB 133
Administrative Procedure Act, regulations classifying wildlife exempt, AB 12*
Alternative livestock, Rocky Mountain elk removed from definition, SB 527
Biologists, possession and administration of controlled substances, SB 519*
Bond issue for wildlife habitat and water rights related to protection, AB 683**
Endangered or threatened species, protection programs, AB 641**
Management, consideration of certain factors, ACR 24‡
Possession of live wildlife, exemption from commercial license fees, AB 534
Water, appropriation for wildlife purposes restricted, AB 133
Mitigation bank, establishment, operation and use, SB 217*
Restoration, contract with nonprofit entity, SB 475*
Wildlife account, use to manage wildlife restricted, SB 211†
Administrative Procedure Act, certain regulations exempt, AB 12*
Budget of division, approval, SB 211†
Elk tags, issuance of special incentive tags, AB 296*
Fishing on private land without license or permit, regulations, SB 105**
Members, appointment, terms of office, SB 211†, AB 276
Scientific management, regulations to be based on, SB 211†
Tags for special seasons, regulations, SB 211*
Nominations for board of wildlife commissioners, SB 211†, AB 276
Definition (sec. 71), AB 400*
Felonious and intentional killing of decedent, ineligibility to inherit, AB 159**
Generally, AB 400*
Married women, obsolete laws repealed, AB 340**
Legislative study of state energy policy, ACR 32
Admissibility of evidence relating to offenses other than specified in order, SB 265
Attempted murder, wiretaps authorized, SB 120
Battery with use of deadly weapon, wiretaps authorized, SB 120
Firearms discharged at or into structures, wiretaps authorized, SB 120
Intercept defined, AB 496
Radio communications, interception, penalty, AB 496
Arbitrators, testimony inadmissible in civil actions, SB 195
Criminal history repository, information submitted to, AB 621†
Criminal proceedings
Notices to parties, SB 173**
Violent or sexual offenses, reports unprivileged, AB 155, AB 267†
Ethics, commission on, testimony by telephone or video conference, SB 540
Financial institutions, use of affidavits in legal proceedings, SB 483**
Grand jury proceedings, provision of certain materials to defendants, SB 482†
Investigative subpoenas, immunities from prosecution, SB 485†
Legislative witnesses, retaliatory action by state against independent contractors prohibited, AB 66
Mentally ill persons, involuntary court-ordered admissions, AB 140*
Parent-child privilege, AB 210
Transportation services authority hearings, fees, SB 491
Breast cancer, dissemination of information, AB 580
Contraceptives (See BIRTH CONTROL)
Health insurance coverage (See INSURANCE)
Managed care, selection of primary care physician, AB 516
Married women, obsolete laws repealed, AB 340**
Nevada women's fund, appropriation, SB 560**
Pregnancy (See PREGNANCY)
Garnishment (See GARNISHMENT)
Habeas corpus (See HABEAS CORPUS)
Mandamus (See MANDAMUS)
YERINGTON, CITY OF (For general provisions, See CITIES)
Charter amendments, regulation of explosives, AB 112*, AB 538
Mason Valley Boys and Girls Club, appropriation, AB 703**
YOUTH PAROLE BUREAU (See HUMAN RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF—Child and family services, division of)
Community school board, formation, AB 413
Room tax increase for costs related to promotion of tourism, SB 477**
Annexations, preservation of rural neighborhoods, SB 391†
Boundaries of zoning districts
Notice of public hearing regarding changes, SB 121*, AB 349, AB 569*
Unincorporated towns, applications for change in boundary, AB 388
Building permits (See BUILDING PERMITS)
Clark County
Disclosure of zoning classifications to residential purchasers, SB 61**
Las Vegas urban growth zone, projects of significant impact, SB 191**
Preservation of rural neighborhoods, SB 391*
Classifications for adjoining parcels, disclosure by certain sellers, SB 61**
Density zoning
Powers of local governing bodies, AB 424*
Reductions, consent of affected landowners, approval requirements, AB 569*
Rural preservation neighborhoods, SB 391*
Explosives and hazardous substances permits, notice to adjacent landowners, AB 603*
Gaming enterprise districts
Designation, AB 522
Required disclosures by certain sellers of real property, SB 61**
Group care facilities, location and concentration, SB 391*, AB 62
Hazardous materials, regulations to comply with certain federal standards, AB 538
Home for individual residential care, inclusion as single-family residence, SB 391*, AB 62
Interspersion of new residential and commercial development, SB 391*, AB 424†, AB 493*, AB 563
Manufactured homes, inclusion as single-family residence, SB 323*
Notices of hearings, provision by electronic means, SB 542*
Traditional neighborhood development, promotion, AB 566
Unincorporated areas surrounded by city, approval of zoning changes, AB 569*
Variance or special use permit in unincorporated town, application, SB 391†, AB 142, AB 388