Carson City (Wednesday), April 21, 1999

    Assembly called to order at 11:36 a.m.

    Mr. Speaker presiding.

    Roll called.

    All present.

    Prayer by the Chaplain, Pastor Louie Locke.

    Lord, our prayers come to You this morning on behalf of the people of Littleton, Colorado and especially for the families that were directly affected in yesterday’s tragic shootings.  You Lord, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, pour Your grace and comfort upon the people of that community.  I also pray for Your blessing on the Assembly.  Give wisdom and understanding that each might effectively and righteously deal with the issues before them.  In the name of the Most High God, we pray.                                Amen.

    Pledge of allegiance to the Flag.

    Assemblyman Perkins moved that further reading of the Journal be dispensed with, and the Speaker and Chief Clerk be authorized to make the necessary corrections and additions.

    Motion carried.


Mr. Speaker:

    Your Committee on Government Affairs, to which were referred Senate Bills Nos. 111, 183, 217, 367, 456, 498, 533, has had the same under consideration, and begs leave to report the same back with the recommendation: Do pass, and place on Consent Calendar.

    Also, your Committee on Government Affairs, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 532, has had the same under consideration, and begs leave to report the same back with the recommendation: Amend, and do pass as amended.

Douglas A. Bache, Chairman

Mr. Speaker:

    Your Committee on Judiciary, to which were referred Senate Bills Nos. 173, 480, 483, has had the same under consideration, and begs leave to report the same back with the recommendation: Do pass, and place on Consent Calendar.

    Also, your Committee on Judiciary, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 326, has had the same under consideration, and begs leave to report the same back with the recommendation: Amend, and do pass as amended.

Bernard Anderson, Chairman

Mr. Speaker:

    Your Committee on Taxation, to which was referred Senate Bill No. 494, has had the same under consideration, and begs leave to report the same back with the recommendation: Do pass.

    Also, your Committee on Taxation, to which were referred Senate Bills Nos. 36, 202, 238, has had the same under consideration, and begs leave to report the same back with the recommendation: Do pass, and place on Consent Calendar.

David E. Goldwater, Chairman

Mr. Speaker:

    Your Committee on Transportation, to which were referred Senate Bills Nos. 153, 268, has had the same under consideration, and begs leave to report the same back with the recommendation: Do pass, and place on Consent Calendar.

Vonne S. Chowning, Chairman


Senate Chamber, Carson City, April 20, 1999

To the Honorable the Assembly:

    I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the Senate on this day passed Assembly Bills Nos. 28, 144, 345, 390, 391.

                                      Mary Jo Mongelli

                        Assistant Secretary of the Senate


    By Assemblymen Dini, Anderson, Angle, Arberry, Bache, Beers, Berman, Brower, Buckley, Carpenter, Cegavske, Chowning, Claborn, Collins, de Braga, Freeman, Gibbons, Giunchigliani, Goldwater, Gustavson, Hettrick, Humke, Koivisto, Lee, Marvel, Mortenson, Neighbors, Nolan, Ohrenschall, Parks, Parnell, Perkins, Price, Segerblom, Thomas, Tiffany, Von Tobel and Williams; Senators Amodei, Care, Carlton, Coffin, Jacobsen, James, Mathews, McGinness, Neal, O'Connell, O'Donnell, Porter, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Schneider, Shaffer, Titus, Townsend, Washington and Wiener:

    Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 47—Designating April 21, 1999, as E Clampus Vitus Day at the Nevada Legislature.

    Whereas, It has come to the attention of the Nevada Legislature that the Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus has maintained its honorable status throughout the known world and especially in this great State of Nevada; and

    Whereas, The Ancient and Honorable and Exceedingly Humble Order of E Clampus Vitus has survived the test of time to become one of the longest surviving brotherhoods of men that continues to fulfill a fundamental need in providing protection and kindness while advancing the noble cause of Clamperdom to residents of the Silver State, especially all the “widders” and orphans, and descendants of the argonauts; and

    Whereas, The Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus was founded in West Virginia in 1845 by Ephram Bee, owner of a tavern on the National Road, and shortly thereafter the warmhearted brothers affectionately became known as the “Clampin Vipers”; and

    Whereas, In 1860, William Stewart founded the first Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus, Winnemucca Lodge #1, in the Utah Territory, in the unsuspecting peaceful town known as Carson City; and

    Whereas, The creed of the Clamproctors, yesterday, as well as today, is “to protect the ‘widders’ and orphans, and MAINLY the ‘widders’”; and

    Whereas, The State of Nevada is proud to continue the tradition of 154 years of devoted service with the Nevada chapters which now include the Snowshoe Thomson Chapter of Douglas County, the Julia C. Bulette Chapter of the Comstock, the Lucinda Jane Saunders Chapter of Elko County and the Keheo Chapter of Clark County; now, therefore, be it

    Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate Concurring, That the members of the 70th session of the Nevada Legislature, of whom many are proud members of E Clampus Vitus, do hereby declare April 21, 1999, as E Clampus Vitus Day at the Nevada Legislature, a day to be marked by appropriate revelry and thanksgiving; and be it further

    Resolved, That the Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus is praised and commended for its contributions to mankind and others, and recognized as an illustrious group of Clampers, Clampatrious, Vituscans and Frolicking Friars who must continue to serve and protect the residents of the Silver State; and be it further

    Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to the Clamp Patriarchs, Peter Van Alstyne and John W. Riggs, Sr.

    Assemblyman Goldwater moved the adoption of the resolution.

    Remarks by Assemblymen Goldwater, Price and Anderson.

    Resolution adopted unanimously.

    Assemblyman Perkins moved that all rules be suspended and that Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 47 be immediately transmitted to the Senate.

    Motion carried unanimously.


    Assembly Bill No. 321.

    Bill read second time and ordered to third reading.

    Assembly Bill No. 371.

    Bill read second time and ordered to third reading.

    Senate Bill No. 204.

    Bill read second time and ordered to third reading.


    Senate Bills Nos. 146, 232, 347, 361.

    Bills read by number.

    Roll call on Senate Bills Nos. 146, 232, 347, 361:



    Senate Bills Nos. 146, 347, 361 having received a constitutional majority, Mr. Speaker declared them passed.

    Senate Bill No. 232 having received a two-thirds majority, Mr. Speaker declared it passed.

    Bills ordered transmitted to the Senate.

general file and third reading

    Assembly Bill No. 348.

    Bill read third time.

    Remarks by Assemblymen McClain, Bache, Anderson, Williams, Giunchigliani, Collins, Price and Perkins.

    Assemblymen Perkins, Goldwater and Giunchigliani moved the previous question.

    Motion carried.

    The question being on the passage of Assembly Bill No. 348.

    Roll call on Assembly Bill No. 348:


    Nays—Anderson, Bache, Gibbons, Giunchigliani—4.

    Assembly Bill No. 348 having received a constitutional majority, Mr. Speaker declared it passed, as amended.

    Bill ordered transmitted to the Senate.


    By Assemblymen Anderson, Angle, Arberry, Bache, Beers, Berman, Brower, Buckley, Carpenter, Cegavske, Chowning, Claborn, Collins, de Braga, Dini, Evans, Freeman, Gibbons, Giunchigliani, Goldwater, Gustavson, Hettrick, Humke, Koivisto, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, Marvel, McClain, Mortenson, Neighbors, Nolan, Ohrenschall, Parks, Parnell, Perkins, Price, Segerblom, Thomas, Tiffany, Von Tobel and Williams:

    Assembly Resolution No. 6—Expressing appreciation to the staff of the Assembly and designating April 21, 1999, as Assembly Staff Appreciation Day.

    Whereas, The Nevada Legislature undertakes an enormous task every 2 years in the performance of its legislative duties on behalf of the residents of the State of Nevada; and

    Whereas, The smooth and efficient operation of the Nevada Legislature is largely dependent upon the abilities of the members of its staff; and

    Whereas, This legislative session is the first session limited to 120 days, and this limitation places many extra demands on the staff by requiring them to learn and assimilate new skills at an accelerated rate and to process their work even more efficiently; and

    Whereas, The bill clerks, secretaries, sergeants at arms, and clerical and support staff who serve as attachés of the Assembly have worked diligently and efficiently in their service to the members of the Assembly; now, therefore, be it

    Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the members of the Assembly of the 70th session of the Nevada Legislature do hereby express their sincere appreciation and commend the outstanding support staff of the Assembly, which includes Susan Furlong Reil, Bonnie Borda Hoffecker, Carole Cavolick, Matthew Baker, Jasmine N. Shackley, Jason Hataway, Terry Sullivan, Charlene Brundle, Joe Crawford, Marlo Harding, Rebecca M. Harris, Gregorio D. Torres, Betty J. Phenix, Jeanne Douglass, Paula A. Winne, Jackie L. Cheney, Kathryn Lombardo, Linda A. Cooper, Karen Crawford, Harle Glover, Christina Alfonso, Rachel R. Baker, Jennifer Batchelder, Jane L. Baughman, Ken Beaton, Jennifer Carnahan, Chris Casey, Cynthia Cendagorta, Cindy Clampitt, Meagen A. Colard, Christine M. Cole, Hilary A. Graunke, Sara J. Kaufman, Nykki Kinsley, Virginia Letts, Darlene A. Rubin, Sharon T. Spencer, Carol J. Thomsen, Janine Marie Toth, Charlotte S. Tucker, Novella Watson-Lee, Julie Whitacre, Joann Van Wyhe, Debbie Zuspan, Christine N. Adkins, Yolanda Baldridge, Mary Bean, Penny Brock, Cleone C. Bujalski, Bonnie Compton, Linda Corbett, Stephany Corral, Cecile Crofoot, Irene M. Davis, Kathleen A. Day, Nancy Dickson, Naomi S. Dottei, Lori Fitzgerald, Kelly S. Gregory, Marjorie L. Griffin, Donna Hancock, Nicole L. Heckman, Lonnie Heiderman, Joyce G. Hess, Barbara Houger, Marilyn Jayne, Diane Keetch, Joann Kula, Kelly Liston, Lois L. McDonald, Kelly McVey, Yhvona Martin, Carolyn J. Maynick, Nanita Moore, Aurora Ruiz, Sheila Sease, Sherie Silva, Valerie Valdez, Jackie L. Valley, Linda Young, Tabitha D. Horn, Francis L. Noe, Michael G. Collins, Stanley B. Miller, Bruce Pfeiffer, Eddie Cordisco, Mary Carel, Kathryn R. Beydler, Norm Budden, Melvin Cowperthwaite, John P. Davin, John Davis, Jr., Juanita M. Heston, Kathleen L. Jorgenson, Lois LaHair, Steve Lamoreaux, Laverna E. Marwin, Bob Maynick, Brigitta Metz, Reid Meyer, John T. Meyer, Barbara Morgan, Jesse N. Picket, Mike Pintar, Shanna Pozzi and Mark A. Trabert; and be it further

    Resolved, That April 21, 1999, is hereby designated as Assembly Staff Appreciation Day in recognition of the dedicated and excellent service the staff of the Assembly has provided to the members of the Assembly and to the residents of the State of Nevada; and be it further

    Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to each member of the Assembly staff commended in this resolution.

    Assemblyman Perkins moved the adoption of the resolution.

    Remarks by Assemblymen Perkins, Evans, Von Tobel, Hettrick, Ohrenschall, Price, Anderson, Mortenson and Collins.

    Resolution adopted unanimously.


    On request of Assemblyman Anderson, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Kelly Liston, Ken Beaton, Jennifer Carnahan, Chris Casey and Novella Watson-Lee.

    On request of Assemblywoman Angle, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Penny Brock.

    On request of Assemblyman Arberry, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Sherie Silva, Christina Alfonso, Rachel Baker, Cynthia Cendagorta, Cindy Clampitt, Carol Thompson, Janine Toth, Debbie Zuspan, Nancy Crandall, Nikki McKenney, Carolyn Wahnon, Vigie Vincent, Janice Terry and Cindy Selakovic.

    On request of Assemblyman Bache, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Marilyn Jayne, Sara Kaufman, Virginia Letts, Charlotte Tucker and Rachel Baker.

    On request of Assemblyman Beers, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Lori Fitzgerald.

    On request of Assemblywoman Berman, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Joann Kula.

    On request of Assemblyman Brower, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Tabitha Horn.

    On request of Assemblywoman Buckley, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Barbara Houger, Jane Baughman, Cleone Bujalski and Meagen Colard.

    On request of Assemblyman Carpenter, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Donna Hancock.

    On request of Assemblywoman Cegavske, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Naomi Dottei.

    On request of Assemblywoman Chowning, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Jackie Valley and Jennifer Batchelder.

    On request of Assemblyman Claborn, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Millie Jorgenson.

    On request of Assemblyman Collins, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Kelly McVey.

    On request of Assemblyman de Braga, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Cecile Crofoot and Sharon Spencer.

    On request of Assemblyman Dini, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Betty Phenix, Paula Winne and Karen Crawford.

    On request of Assemblywoman Evans, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Jackie Cheney and Lonnie Heiderman.

    On request of Assemblywoman Freeman, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Lois McDonald and Darlene Rubin.

    On request of Assemblywoman Gibbons, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Yolanda Baldridge.

    On request of Assemblywoman Giunchigliani, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Niki Cano, Marge Griffin and Jodie Van Wyhe.

    On request of Assemblyman Goldwater, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Christine Cole and Nykki Kinsley.

    On request of Assemblyman Gustavson, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Kelly Gregory.

    On request of Assemblyman Hettrick, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Linda Cooper and Jeanne Douglass.

    On request of Assemblyman Humke, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Carolyn Maynick.

    On request of Assemblywoman Koivisto, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Nicole Heckman.

    On request of Assemblyman Lee, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Christine Adkins.

    On request of Assemblywoman Leslie, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Gina Jackson and Stephany Corral.

    On request of Assemblyman Manendo, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Kathleen Day.

    On request of Assemblyman Marvel, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Yhvona Martin.

    On request of Assemblywoman McClain, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Bonnie Compton.

    On request of Assemblyman Mortenson, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Sheila Sease.

    On request of Assemblyman Nolan, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Diane Keetch.

    On request of Assemblywoman Ohrenschall, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Aurora Ruiz.

    On request of Assemblyman Parks, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Irene Davis.

    On request of Assemblywoman Parnell, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Mary Bean.

    On request of Assemblyman Perkins, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Kathryn Lombardo and Joey Cohn.

    On request of Assemblyman Price, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Denise Smith, Nanita Moore and Julie Whitacre.

    On request of Assemblywoman Segerblom, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Joyce Hess and Dan Ahlstrom.

    On request of Assemblyman Thomas, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Linda Young.

    On request of Assemblywoman Tiffany, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Nancy Dickson.

    On request of Assemblywoman Von Tobel, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Valerie Valdez.

    On request of Assemblyman Williams, the privilege of the floor of the Assembly Chamber for this day was extended to Linda Corbett and Hilary Graunke.

    Assemblyman Perkins moved that the Assembly adjourn until Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 10:45 a.m., and that it do so in memory of the victims of the killings in Littleton, Colorado.

    Motion carried.

    Assembly adjourned at 12:56 p.m.

Approved:                  Joseph E. Dini, Jr.

                              Speaker of the Assembly

Attest:    Jacqueline Sneddon

                    Chief Clerk of the Assembly