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69th (1997) Session
Resolutions Delivered to Secretary of State

ACR44 11-Jul-97 11-Jul-97 156
Directs Legislative Commission to appoint committee to conduct interim study of various needs of pupils in public schools. (BDR R-885)
ACR58 11-Jul-97 11-Jul-97 157
Provides for compensation of clergy for services rendered to Assembly and Senate during 69th session of Nevada Legislature. (BDR R-1872)
ACR59 11-Jul-97 11-Jul-97 158
Commends Chief and staff of State Printing Division of Department of Administration for services rendered to Nevada Legislature. (BDR R-1873)
AR18 10-Jul-97 10-Jul-97 154
Expresses appreciation to Chief Clerk, staff of front desk, sergeant at arms and his staff and other attachés of Assembly for their dedication and outstanding performance during 69th session of Nevada Legislature. (BDR R-1874)
AJR17 10-Jul-97 10-Jul-97 153
Proposes to amend Nevada constitution to require that Governor and Lieutenant Governor be affiliated with same political party and be elected jointly. (BDR C-1122)
AJR20 03-Jul-9708-Jul-97 10-Jul-97 149
Expresses strenuous objection of Nevada Legislature to recent decision of United States Bureau of Reclamation regarding spreading of water from Carson River. (BDR R-1769)
ACR28 09-Jul-97 09-Jul-97 151
Directs Legislative Committee on Health Care to study long-term health care needs of residents of State of Nevada and availability of insurance for health care. (BDR R-1630)
ACR57 09-Jul-97 09-Jul-97 152
Directs Legislative Commission to conduct interim study of system of juvenile justice in State of Nevada. (BDR R-1869)
AJR5 09-Jul-9709-Jul-97 09-Jul-97 150
Proposes to amend Nevada constitution to provide for limited annual legislative sessions. (BDR C-308)
ACR32 08-Jul-97 08-Jul-97 140
Directs Legislative Commission to conduct interim study of family court systems. (BDR R-1517)
SR11 08-Jul-97 08-Jul-97 144
Commends Grand Canyon Air Tour Council of Nevada. (BDR R-1526)
SCR10 08-Jul-97 08-Jul-97 141
Directs Legislative Commission to conduct interim study of fees, fines, forfeitures and administrative assessments imposed and collected by courts. (BDR R-1386)
SCR21 08-Jul-97 08-Jul-97142 142
Urges Department of Motor Vehicles and Public Safety to conduct study of feasibility of separating Peace Officers' Standards and Training Committee from Department of Motor Vehicles and Public Safety. (BDR R-1536)
SCR53 08-Jul-97 08-Jul-97 143
Directs Legislative Commission to conduct interim study of construction and maintenance of highways. (BDR R-1823)
SCR60 08-Jul-97 08-Jul-97 146
Requires Legislative Commission to conduct interim study relating to mentally ill persons. (BDR R-1592)
SCR46 08-Jul-97 08-Jul-97 145
Urges Board of Regents of University of Nevada to conduct study regarding teacher training programs. (BDR R-1758)
SCR63 03-Jul-97 05-Jul-97 139
Requests return to Senate from Governor’s office of Senate Bill No. 137. (BDR R-1862)
SJR16 02-Jul-9705-Jul-97 05-Jul-97 132July 5, 1997
Urges interested public and private entities to work cooperatively for establishment and operation of public shooting ranges and recreational facilities in Clark County, Nevada. (BDR R-1378)
SCR61 05-Jul-97 05-Jul-97 138
–Memorializes Joseph and Mary Blasco of Las Vegas. (BDR R-55)
SR10 05-Jul-97 05-Jul-97 134
Congratulates Clark J. Guild, Jr., for years of public service to State of Nevada. (BDR R-1860)
SCR62 05-Jul-97 05-Jul-97 137
Commends State Industrial Insurance System and Division of Industrial Relations of Department of Business and Industry for reduction of industrial injuries. (BDR R-1480)
AJR10 01-Jul-9705-Jul-97 05-Jul-97 131
Urges Congress and Uniform Law Commissioners to make certain changes to laws regarding jurisdiction over matters of child custody. (BDR R-1623)
AJR8 01-Jul-9705-Jul-97 05-Jul-97 130
Urges Congress to enact Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1997. (BDR R-1294)
AJR12 02-Jul-9705-Jul-97 05-Jul-97 133
Urges Congress to adopt "Rodeo Freedom Act." (BDR R-1547)
AR17 05-Jul-97 05-Jul-97 136
Amends Standing Rules of Assembly by adding members to Standing Committee on Education. (BDR R-1861)
ACR56 05-Jul-97 05-Jul-97 135
Limits number of requests that may be submitted to Legislative Counsel during interim for drafting and directs completion of 1,000 bill drafts before first day of 70th session of Nevada Legislature. (BDR R-1858)
SJR12 03-Jul-97 03-Jul-97 129
Proposes to amend Nevada constitution to allow investment of state money to stimulate economic development. (BDR C-1471)
ACR45 03-Jul-97 03-Jul-97 128
Urges boards of trustees of county school districts to develop and adopt standards for disciplining pupils in public schools. (BDR R-1169)
ACR25 03-Jul-97 03-Jul-97 127
Urges agencies within State of Nevada to cooperate to meet needs of communities to encourage employment of as many Nevada residents as possible. (BDR R-1715)
SJR13 30-Jun-9703-Jul-97 03-Jul-97 126
Urges Congress to provide for bridge with four traffic lanes to serve as bypass to existing highway over Hoover Dam. (BDR R-1387)
ACR55 01-Jul-97 125
Commends retired educator Ruth Albright Stringer. (BDR R-1801)
ACR43 01-Jul-97 01-Jul-97 124
Encourages certain nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies to establish programs to protect children from sexual molestation. (BDR R-1815)
AJR13 26-Jun-9730-Jun-97 01-Jul-97 122
Urges certain managers of public land to survey, control and promote control of noxious weeds. (BDR R-1728)
SJR18 26-Jun-9730-Jun-97 30-Jun-97 123June 30, 1997
Urges Congress to reform Food and Drug Administration to ensure that health care products, therapies and cures are available to public in timely manner. (BDR R-1559)
SCR59 30-Jun-97 30-Jun-97 120
Memorializes Douglas County pioneer Frederick H. Dressler. (BDR R-801)
SR9 30-Jun-97 30-Jun-97 121
Designates certain members of Senate as regular and alternate members of Legislative Commission. (BDR R-1849)
ACR53 30-Jun-97 30-Jun-97 118
Memorializes Angelo Collis, long-time educator and coach in Clark County. (BDR R-1790)
ACR54 30-Jun-97 30-Jun-97 119
Commends Nevadans who assist legal immigrants in learning English and becoming naturalized citizens. (BDR R-1305)
ACR50 30-Jun-97 30-Jun-97 115
Urges Clark County School District to name school after former Legislator Marvin M. Sedway. (BDR R-1819)
ACR51 30-Jun-97 30-Jun-97 116
Memorializes Washoe County Sheriff’s Deputy Franklin Jay Minnie Sr. (BDR R-1794)
AR16 30-Jun-97 30-Jun-97 114
Designates certain members of Assembly as regular and alternate members of Legislative Commission. (BDR R-1842)
SCR58 30-Jun-97 30-Jun-97 113
Memorializes former Chief Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court, John Mowbray. (BDR R-1532)
SCR39 27-Jun-97 27-Jun-97 107
Urges agencies of executive branch of state government to expand use of internship and other programs designed to attract business graduates of the state’s universities to financial management positions in state’s classified service. (BDR R-1687)
SCR55 27-Jun-97 27-Jun-97 108
Commends C. C. Meneley Elementary School for being chosen as National Blue Ribbon School. (BDR R-1808)
SCR56 27-Jun-97 27-Jun-97 109
Commends Gene Scarselli Elementary School for being chosen as National Blue Ribbon School. (BDR R-1807)
SCR57 27-Jun-97 27-Jun-97 110
Commends Cyril Wengert Elementary School for being chosen as National Blue Ribbon School. (BDR R-1821)
ACR49 27-Jun-97 27-Jun-97 111
Commends students, parents and coordinators who participated in Odyssey of the Mind World Finals Competition. (BDR R-1818)
AR15 27-Jun-97 27-Jun-97 112
Amends Standing Rules of Assembly by adding member to Standing Committee on Ways and Means. (BDR R-1839)
AR14 26-Jun-97 26-Jun-97 105
Provides for appointment of additional attaché. (BDR R-1838)
SJR14 24-Jun-97 26-Jun-97 106
Proposes to amend Nevada constitution to create intermediate appellate court. (BDR C-1620)
SCR51 25-Jun-97 25-Jun-97 104
Memorializes Marjorie Guild Russell. (BDR R-1511)
ACR46 25-Jun-97 25-Jun-97 103
Acknowledges 782nd anniversary of Magna Carta. (BDR R-1743)
ACR47 24-Jun-97 24-Jun-97 101
Commends members of Retired Public Employees of Nevada for continued public service. (BDR R-1787)
SCR52 24-Jun-97 24-Jun-97 102
Commends Dean Frank D. Meyers upon his retirement from University of Nevada, Reno. (BDR R-1797)
AJR11 17-Jun-9723-Jun-97 23-Jun-97 100
Urges Congress to continue transportation enhancement projects in reauthorization of Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991. (BDR R-1730)
SJR6 12-Jun-9717-Jun-97 17-Jun-97 99June 17, 1997
Expresses support of Nevada Legislature for sale or other transfer of public land managed by Federal Government in Las Vegas Valley under certain circumstances. (BDR R-964)
AR13 17-Jun-97 17-Jun-97 95
Recognizes work and contributions of Harold Bradford, whose art work has been exhibited in Legislative Building. (BDR R-1748)
SCR49 17-Jun-97 17-Jun-97 94
Memorializes Tyrus R. Cobb, beloved newspaper journalist, columnist and editor. (BDR R-1776)
ACR36 17-Jun-97 17-Jun-97 93
Expresses support for efforts to prevent teenage pregnancy in State of Nevada. (BDR R-1784)
SCR50 17-Jun-97 17-Jun-97 98
Commemorates 40th Anniversary of University of Nevada, Las Vegas. (BDR R-1793)
ACR23 17-Jun-97 17-Jun-97 97
Urges Las Vegas Valley Water District to maintain current method for calculation of charges for water to mobile home parks by use of master meter. (BDR R-13)
ACR11 17-Jun-97 17-Jun-97 96
Memorializes former Speaker of Assembly and Mayor of Sparks, Chester S. Christensen. (BDR R-1519)
ACR42 16-Jun-97 16-Jun-97 92
Commends Wayne Moore for heroic effort to save life of Robert Bugajski. (BDR R-1772)
AJR16 09-Jun-9712-Jun-97 12-Jun-97 91
Expresses support for Nevada Test Site Development Corporation and proposal by Kistler Aerospace to make use of Nevada Test Site for licensed aerospace vehicle operations. (BDR R-1744)
SCR48 12-Jun-97 12-Jun-97 90
Memorializes Orville C. Schultz, Sr. (BDR R-1731)
SCR8 11-Jun-97 11-Jun-97 87
Encourages board of trustees of each county school district to create community advisory board. (BDR R-250)
SCR9 11-Jun-97 11-Jun-97 86
Urges school districts to continue to cooperate to serve best interests of children and communities. (BDR R-244)
ACR40 11-Jun-97 11-Jun-97 89
Commend 1997 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Tennis Champions, Luke Smith and Tim Blenkiron. (BDR R-1780)
ACR41 11-Jun-97 11-Jun-97 88
Commends Dr. James K. Gentry for his contributions to Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism at University of Nevada, Reno. (BDR R-1764)
ACR39 09-Jun-97 09-Jun-97 85
Designates June 5, 1997, as "Baby Your Baby Day" in State of Nevada. (BDR R-1768)
SJR11 02-Jun-9706-Jun-97 06-Jun-97 82June 6, 1997
Urges Congress to protect rights of users of certain roads over public lands. (BDR R-1185)
ACR34 06-Jun-97 06-Jun-97 83
Congratulates Searchlight, Nevada, on its 100th birthday. (BDR R-1641)
ACR35 06-Jun-97 06-Jun-97 84
Memorializes former Speaker of Assembly Cyril O. Bastian. (BDR R-1539)
SCR44 02-Jun-97 02-Jun-97 80
Commends Jacob D. Bingham for his many years of public service and dedication. (BDR R-1571)
SCR45 02-Jun-97 02-Jun-97 81
Commends Paul Christensen for many years of public service to State of Nevada. (BDR R-1570)
ACR29 30-May-97 30-May-97 77
Memorializes former Governor Grant Sawyer. (BDR R-126)
ACR30 30-May-97 30-May-97 78
Memorializes pioneer rancher and former Assemblywoman Josie Alma Woods. (BDR R-363)
SCR43 29-May-97 29-May-97 79
Memorializes James W. Long, long-time Carson City resident. (BDR R-1729)
SCR42 27-May-97 27-May-97 73
Memorializes Dr. Joseph D. Wilkin of Lincoln County, one of top ten "Country Doctors" nationally. (BDR R-1498)
SCR40 27-May-97 27-May-97 74
Congratulates Robert N. Broadbent for being selected as recipient of Distinguished Community Service Award of Anti-Defamation League. (BDR R-1711)
SCR41 27-May-97 27-May-97 75
Congratulates Jerome D. Mack for receiving 1997 Lifetime Achievement Award of Anti-Defamation League. (BDR R-1710)
ACR15 23-May-97 23-May-97 76
Directs Public Employees’ Retirement Board to conduct study of basis for determining service credit and average compensation for public employees. (BDR R-518)
ACR26 21-May-97 21-May-97 70
Expresses support of Nevada Legislature for water conservation measures and tiered rate structures. (BDR R-1725)
ACR27 21-May-97 21-May-97 69
Memorializes founding member of Sparks Sertoma Club, Leroy "Frank" Gibson. (BDR R-167)
SCR37 21-May-97 21-May-97 71
Commends people of Province of Taiwan of Republic of China for their continued participation in sister-state relationship with State of Nevada. (BDR R-1719)
SCR38 21-May-97 21-May-97 72
Expresses support of Nevada Legislature for Unibex Global Corporation. (BDR R-1713)
ACR10 19-May-97 19-May-97 68
Expresses support for Nevada’s Comprehensive School Health Program. (BDR R-1221)
ACR24 15-May-97 15-May-97 66
Memorializes long-time Nevada Legislator, Senator Keith Ashworth. (BDR R-758)
SR6 15-May-97 15-May-97 63
Inducts Edward D. Boyle into Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1552)
SR7 15-May-97 15-May-97 64
Inducts Keith Ashworth into Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1625)
SR8 15-May-97 15-May-97 65
Inducts C. Coe Swobe into Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1624)
SCR36 15-May-97 15-May-97 67
Directs disposition of certain proceeds of bonds for acquisition of and access to habitats for wildlife. (BDR R-1181)
ACR22 12-May-97 12-May-97 62
Recognizes May 8 as Day of Remembrance for Victims of Holocaust and commends Irene Gut Opdyke for her bravery during those years. (BDR R-1632)
SCR33 05-May-97 06-May-97 59
Celebrates Las Vegas international Marathon. (BDR R-1479)
SCR34 06-May-97 06-May-97 60
Commends former Legislator Sue Wagner for lifetime of public service dedicated to State of Nevada and expresses appreciation for her management of Legislative Intern Program. (BDR R-1692)
AJR4 30-Apr-9702-May-97 05-May-97 58
Urges United States Postal Service to consider historic nature of Genoa when determining size and location of new post office in that area. (BDR R-1163)
SJR8 02-May-9702-May-97 05-May-97 57May 2, 1997
Urges Nevada Congressional Delegation to introduce and support legislation to assist providers of telecommunications services in obtaining rights of way over public land managed by Federal Government. (BDR R-965)
SCR30 02-May-97 02-May-97 55
Congratulates Mineral County High School’s girls’ basketball team for winning its fourth consecutive state championship. (BDR R-1576)
SCR31 02-May-97 02-May-97 56
Congratulates Bishop Gorman High School’s boys’ basketball team for winning class 4A state championship. (BDR R-1577)
AR12 02-May-97 53
Provides for appointment of additional attaché. (BDR R-1697)
ACR21 02-May-97 02-May-97 54
Declares month of April as Workplace Good Health and Fitness Month in Nevada. (BDR R-45)
ACR20 30-Apr-97 30-Apr-97 52
Designates April 28, 1997, as Workers’ Memorial Day in State of Nevada. (BDR R-1590)
ACR18 29-Apr-97 29-Apr-97 51
Grants administrative leave to legislative employees in recognition of their service to 69th session of Nevada Legislature. (BDR R-1225)
SJR15 24-Apr-9726-Apr-97 28-Apr-97 46April 26, 1997
Expresses support for Presidents’ Summit for America’s Future and urges Nevadans to participate in related projects locally. (BDR R-1675)
SCR29 28-Apr-97 28-Apr-97 50
Commemorates 50th Anniversary of United States Air Force. (BDR R-1650)
SCR28 28-Apr-97 28-Apr-97 49
Designates April 24, 1997, as "Collector Car Day" in State of Nevada. (BDR R-1621)
ACR5 28-Apr-97 28-Apr-97 47
Designates October as Nevada's Month for Children With Special Needs. (BDR R-1219)
ACR17 28-Apr-97 28-Apr-97 48
Commends participants of 1997 Annual Commemorative Re-Run celebrating 137th anniversary of Pony Express. (BDR R-1503)
AR11 25-Apr-97 25-Apr-97 45
Expresses appreciation to staff of Assembly and designates April 23, 1997, as Assembly Staff Appreciation Day. (BDR R-1673)
SR4 25-Apr-97 25-Apr-97 44
Expresses appreciation to staff of Senate for their dedication and outstanding performance during 69th session of Nevada Legislature. (BDR R-1664)
ACR7 24-Apr-97 24-Apr-97 43
Encourages purchase of local agricultural products. (BDR R-1500)
AJR7 17-Apr-9722-Apr-97 23-Apr-97 42
Urges Secretary of the Interior to suspend or withdraw new regulation of Bureau of Land Management governing bonding requirements for certain mining operations on public lands. (BDR R-1581)
ACR16 22-Apr-97 22-Apr-97 41
Declares month of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month in State of Nevada. (BDR R-1611)
SCR27 21-Apr-97 21-Apr-97 40
Designates April 17, 1997, as Library Day in State of Nevada. (BDR R-1628)
ACR14 21-Apr-97 21-Apr-97 39
Designates April 13 through April 19, 1997, as Victims’ Rights Week. (BDR R-1617)
AJR2 14-Apr-9717-Apr-97 18-Apr-97 37
Urges Congress to amend Recreation and Public Purposes Act or to enact other legislation to facilitate use of federal land for affordable housing. (BDR R-224)
AR9 10-Apr-97 10-Apr-97 33
Provides for appointment of additional attaché. (BDR R-1615)
AR8 09-Apr-97 09-Apr-97 32
Provides for appointment of additional attaché. (BDR R-1597)
SCR25 09-Apr-97 09-Apr-97 31
Memorializes United States District Judge Roger D. Foley. (BDR R-93)
SCR24 07-Apr-97 08-Apr-97 29
Designates April 3, 1997, as Nevada REALTORS® Day. (BDR R-1557)
SCR4 08-Apr-97 08-Apr-97 30
Urges department of transportation to allocate money available from Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 for certain projects in Lake Tahoe Basin. (BDR R-211)
SJR1 03-Apr-9707-Apr-97 07-Apr-97 28April 7, 1997
Urges Tahoe Regional Planning Agency to prepare plan to carry out master plan for extending existing systems and facilities for nonmotorized transportation completely around Lake Tahoe. (BDR R-214)
SCR3 31-Mar-97 31-Mar-97 25
Supports development of regional drainage system for storm water in Stateline, Nevada. (BDR R-213)
SCR23 31-Mar-97 31-Mar-97 26
Memorializes former Nevada Legislator and journalist Walter Cox. (BDR R-66)
SCR22 26-Mar-97 26-Mar-97 23
Commends fire fighters and others who worked to extinguish fire at Belli Ranch. (BDR R-496)
AR6 24-Mar-97 24-Mar-97 22
Provides for appointment of additional attaché. (BDR R-1561)
SCR17 20-Mar-97 20-Mar-97 18
Designates March 13, 1997, as Kiwanis Day in State of Nevada. (BDR R-1064)
SCR18 20-Mar-97 20-Mar-97 19
Congratulates Dr. F. Sherwood Rowland for being selected as recipient of Nevada Medal given by Desert Research Institute and sponsored by Nevada Bell. (BDR R-1457)
SCR19 20-Mar-97 20-Mar-97 20
Commemorates 100 years of filmmaking in Nevada. (BDR R-1521)
SCR20 20-Mar-97 20-Mar-97 21
Commemorates 100th anniversary of boxing in State of Nevada. (BDR R-1520)
SCR16 17-Mar-97 17-Mar-97 17
Honors Stan and Jan Berenstain, authors of books for children. (BDR R-313)
SCR14 12-Mar-97 12-Mar-97 16
Designates March 6, 1997, as "Arts Day in Nevada." (BDR R-1481)
SCR2 12-Mar-97 12-Mar-97 15
Directs Legislative Commission to appoint committee to continue review of Tahoe Regional Planning Compact. (BDR R-216)
SCR13 04-Mar-97 04-Mar-97 14
Commemorates the 100th anniversary of Parent-Teacher Association. (BDR R-1477)
SCR11 27-Feb-97 27-Feb-97 12
Congratulates Procter R. Hug High School Marching Band and Dance Team for participation in Inaugural Parade for President of United States. (BDR R-1135)
SCR12 27-Feb-97 27-Feb-97 13
Commends Nevada Taxpayers Association for 75 years of service to State of Nevada. (BDR R-1478)
AR5 18-Feb-97 18-Feb-97 11
Provides for appointment of additional attaché. (BDR R-1461)
SCR6 13-Feb-97 13-Feb-97 10
Commemorates African-American History Month. (BDR R-1009)
AR4 07-Feb-97 07-Feb-97 9
Provides for appointment of additional attaché. (BDR R-1300)
ACR1 28-Jan-97 28-Jan-97 8
Adopts Joint Rules of Senate and Assembly for 69th legislative session. (BDR R-1060)
AR1 22-Jan-97 22-Jan-97 4
Provides for appointment of attaches. (BDR R-1049)
AR2 22-Jan-97 22-Jan-97 5
Provides allowances for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications. (BDR R-1048)
AR3 22-Jan-97 22-Jan-97 6
Adopts Standing Rules of Assembly for 69th legislative session. (BDR R-923)
SR1 22-Jan-97 22-Jan-97 1
Adopts Standing Rules of Senate for 69th session of Legislature. (BDR R-1075)
SR2 22-Jan-97 22-Jan-97 2
Provides allowances for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications. (BDR R-1077)
SR3 22-Jan-97 22-Jan-97 3
Provides for appointment of attaches. (BDR R-1076)
SCR1 22-Jan-97 22-Jan-97 7
Commemorates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (BDR R-1080)

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