Senate Resolution No. 9-Senators Raggio and Titus



SENATE RESOLUTION--Designating certain members of the Senate as regular and alternate members of the Legislative Commission.

Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That pursuant to the provisions of NRS 218.660 and the Joint Rules of the Legislature, Senators Randolph J. Townsend, Mark A. James, Mike McGinness, Ernest E. Adler, Joseph M. Neal, Jr. and Alice Costandina Titus are designated as the regular Senate members of the Legislative Commission; and be it further
Resolved, That Senators William J. Raggio and Maurice E. Washington are designated as the first and second alternate members, respectively, for Senator Randolph J. Townsend; Senators Kathy Augustine and Jon C. Porter are designated as the first and second alternate members, respectively, for Senator Mark A. James; and Senators Dean A. Rhoads and Lawrence E. Jacobsen are designated as the first and second alternate members, respectively, for Senator Mike McGinness; and be it further
Resolved, That Senators Raymond C. Shaffer and Michael A. Schneider are designated as the first and second alternate members, respectively, for Senators Ernest E. Adler, Joseph M. Neal, Jr. and Alice Costandina Titus; and be it further
Resolved, That the procedure for requesting an alternate member to replace a regular member during his absence at a meeting, must be as follows:
1. The Secretary of the Legislative Commission shall establish a record of service of alternate members at meetings of the Legislative Commission, and shall maintain a list of the alternate members for each individual Senator or group of Senators. Each list must contain a numerical designation in ascending order for each alternate member on the list. The initial sequence in which the alternate members must be listed must correspond to their designation as alternates in this resolution.
2. If a regular member of the Legislative Commission is unable to attend a scheduled meeting of the commission, and notifies the Secretary of the Legislative Commission, the Secretary shall request the alternate member with the lowest numerical designation on the appropriate list to replace the regular member at the meeting. If the alternate member does not agree to serve, the Secretary shall make the same request of the alternate member with the next higher numerical designation on the list, and so on through the list until an alternate member agrees to replace the regular member.
3. An alternate member who agrees to replace a regular member at a meeting of the Legislative Commission loses the numerical designation he had on the appropriate list at the time he was requested to serve. The Secretary of the Legislative Commission shall, when the alternate member agrees to replace the regular member, assign to that alternate member the highest numerical designation on the appropriate list. At the same time, the Secretary shall also reduce by one the numerical designation in the appropriate list to those alternate members who have higher numerical designations in the appropriate list than the alternate member who has agreed to serve.
4. An alternate member who is requested to replace a regular member at a meeting of the Legislative Commission, but who does not agree to replace the regular member, does not lose the numerical designation he had on the appropriate list at the time of the request.