Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 9-Committee on Human Resources and Facilities

February 19, 1997

Referred to Committee on Human Resources and Facilities

SUMMARY--Urges school districts to continue to cooperate to serve best interests of children and communities. (BDR R-244)

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Urging school districts to continue to cooperate to serve the best interests of children and communities.

Whereas, The availability of adequate educational resources and facilities is essential to ensure that each school district in Nevada provides a quality education to children; and
Whereas, The unique geography of this state has resulted in the isolation of some schools and pupils and placed them at a great distance from specialized educational resources and personnel; and
Whereas, Some rural school districts in this state have limited money available for school facilities and educational resources, including, but not limited to, school buildings, school psychologists, guidance counselors, speech therapists, computer equipment and services for the education of pupils with disabilities and of gifted and talented pupils; and
Whereas, Many school districts have formed alliances either formally pursuant to statute or informally to share educational resources and personnel; and
Whereas, These formal and informal alliances have helped to alleviate some of the problems encountered by rural school districts as a result of isolation and have promoted cooperation among the various school districts; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly Concurring, That the Legislature hereby recognizes that cooperation among the school districts in this state enhances the quality of education that is provided to children; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislature hereby urges school districts to continue to cooperate by:
1. Entering into cooperative agreements pursuant to chapter 277 of NRS to furnish, share or exchange educational personnel, resources, facilities, equipment and property;
2. Acquiring jointly educational facilities and projects pursuant to NRS 387.531 to 387.591, inclusive;
3. Entering into agreements pursuant to NRS 392.010 for pupils to attend schools in an adjoining school district if such an agreement is in the best interest of the children and the respective communities; and
4. Entering into informal alliances when such alliances are in the best interests of the children and the respective communities; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to each board of trustees of a school district in this state.