Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 62-Committee on
Commerce and Labor



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Commending the State Industrial Insurance System and the Division of Industrial Relations of the Department of Business and Industry for the reduction of industrial injuries.

Whereas, By 1991, the State of Nevada had one of the highest rates of industrial injuries in the western United States; and
Whereas, These industrial injuries caused workers and their families great suffering; and
Whereas, The cost of these industrial injuries created a burden on the employers in the State of Nevada and the economy of this state and contributed to a financial crisis at the State Industrial Insurance System; and
Whereas, In 1991 and 1993, the Nevada Legislature enacted far-reaching measures to encourage establishment of safe conditions in the workplace through occupational safety education for workers and employers and penalties for employers who failed to implement safety measures; and
Whereas, The Nevada Legislature entrusted the State Industrial Insurance System and the Division of Industrial Relations of the Department of Business and Industry with the responsibility for developing and deploying programs on education, training and safety inspection to promote a safe workplace, thereby avoiding industrial injuries with their attendant suffering and costs; and
Whereas, The dedicated employees at the State Industrial Insurance System and the Division of Industrial Relations have vigorously carried out the legislative directives; and
Whereas, As a result of the efforts of employers, labor representatives and the workers themselves, the percentage of worker's compensation claims in fiscal year 1995 declined by nearly 40 percent since the inception of the workplace safety and health initiatives in 1992; and
Whereas, These efforts have eliminated approximately 22,500 industrial injuries and avoided the attendant pain and suffering, as well as saving the businesses of Nevada more than $450 million over that 3-year period; and
Whereas, On February 5, 1996, the United States Department of Labor awarded the Division of Industrial Relations its annual IMPACT award for outstanding innovations and contributions to improved occupational safety and health; and
Whereas, That was the first time this prestigious award had been given to a state; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly Concurring, That the Nevada Legislature recognizes the outstanding efforts of the employees of the State Industrial Insurance System and the Division of Industrial Relations and commends and extends its gratitude for the success of each person in eliminating industrial injuries, thereby avoiding suffering and saving money for this state; and be it further
Resolved, That the Nevada Legislature is especially proud of the Administrator of the Division, Ron Swirczek, and Assistant Administrator, Helen Aberle, and the staff from the Occupational Safety and Health Enforcement, including Chief Administrative Officer Danny Evans and Rosie Alston, Amy Atkins, Deborah Austin, Nancy Barnhart, Michael Behling, Stewart Benefield, Jarka Chmelikova, Linda Clement, Stephan Coffield, Todd Curcio, Chris Davis, Victor Eppinger, Victor Flashman, Victor Garcia, Jimmie Garrett, Brandi Gill, David Going, Sharon Gold, Juan Hernandez, Britt Hill, Nancy Hill, Roger Hundley, Elizabeth Johnson, Laura Jurad, Orita Keebaugh, Ron Landram, David Leazer, Donald (Pete) Lossing, Jean Marion, Gilbert Mata, Kathy Mathers, Maritza McLaughlin-Galleron, Rich Meier, Connie Morros, Cal Murphy, Bonnie Nishikawa, Louise Norton, Mary Oakes, Ronald Parker, Roy Perry, David Placencia, David Richardson, Robert Robbins, Joseph Saiz, Irene Sarette, Randy Schlecht, Billy Sharp, Shirley Shest, Thomas Skiver, Ken Springstead, Mona Tatro, Cathy Tersteege, Joan Tiearney, Dennis Tuckness, Fred Weaver, Victor Wheatley, John Wisniewski, Kenneth White and Donald Wright, and Safety Consultation and Training, including Chief Administrative Officer Ken Thomas and Gary Brown, Mary Jo Brown, John Burke, Jerry Burnette, Suzanne Buswell, Monica Chatelle, Thomas Clonan, Jerry DiVicino, Arnold Frank, Dalton Hooks, Curt Johnson, Mark Kantorowicz, Debbie Kemnitz, David Martin, Lafayette Moseley, Mary Neithercut, Orville Reed, Antonio Samson, Arthur Sipple, Gary Sloop, Mike Szczesniak, Donald Ulemek, Michelle Vieira, Marguerite Wilkes and John Zumwalt, and Mine Safety and Training, including Chief Administrative Officer Ed Tomany and Nikki Barnett, Larry Blaylock, Skip Flanagan, Jim Frei, Mary Going, Gary Greene, Hollie Harvey, William Hawkins, Norton Pickett and Leonard Sloan; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to the Director of the Department of Business and Industry, the Administrator of the Division of Industrial Relations and the Manager of the State Industrial Insurance System.