Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 51-Senators Raggio, Adler, Augustine, Coffin, Jacobsen, James, Mathews, McGinness, Neal, O'Connell, O'Donnell, Porter, Rawson, Regan, Rhoads, Schneider, Shaffer, Titus, Townsend, Washington and Wiener

June 16, 1997

Read and adopted

SUMMARY--Memorializes Marjorie Guild Russell. (BDR R-1511)

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Memorializing Marjorie Guild Russell.

Whereas, The members of the Nevada Legislature note with profound sorrow the passing of Marjorie Guild Russell on March 3, 1997; and
Whereas, Marjorie Guild was born to Nevada District Court Judge Clark J. Guild Sr. and Virginia Carroll Guild in Yerington, Nevada, on April 16, 1916; and
Whereas, After attending a private school in Palo Alto, California, and graduating from Mills College in Oakland, California, Marjorie Guild returned to Nevada to teach elementary school in Storey and White Pine counties from 1937 to 1938; and
Whereas, Marjorie Guild and White Pine County Assemblyman Charles Russell were married in 1939; and
Whereas, Marjorie Guild Russell was very supportive of her husband's career, which included serving as Assemblyman and Senator from White Pine County for 12 years, United States Congressman for 2 years and Governor of this state for 8 years; and
Whereas, Marjorie Guild Russell was well known for her love of this state and its history; and
Whereas, Following the lead of her father, who founded the Nevada State Museum in 1939, Marjorie Guild Russell served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Nevada State Museum for 22 years; and
Whereas, The Marjorie Russell Textile Research Center was created in 1994, combining the clothing collections of the Nevada State Museum, the Nevada Historical Society and the School of Home Economics of the University of Nevada, Reno; and
Whereas, Marjorie Guild Russell was known as a bright, gracious and caring person; and
Whereas, One of Marjorie Guild Russell's proudest accomplishments was the raising of children, Todd and Clark of Carson City, David of Reno, Craig of Dallas, Texas, and Virginia Sakal of Ithaca, New York, who have achieved their own successes in this state and elsewhere; and
Whereas, Marjorie Guild Russell's husband, former Governor Charles Russell, passed away in 1989, and Marjorie Guild Russell is survived by her children and her brother Clark Guild Jr. of Reno; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly Concurring, That the members of the 69th session of the Nevada Legislature do hereby offer their sincere condolences and heartfelt sympathy to the surviving family of Marjorie Guild Russell; and be it further
Resolved, That Marjorie Guild Russell will long be remembered for her many contributions to the Nevada State Museum and for her role as First Lady of the State of Nevada; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to Marjorie Guild Russell's children, Todd, Clark, David, Craig and Virginia.