Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 50-Senators Titus, Adler, Augustine, Coffin, Jacobsen, James, Mathews, McGinness, Neal, O'Connell, O'Donnell, Porter, Raggio, Rawson, Regan, Rhoads, Schneider, Shaffer, Townsend, Washington and Wiener

June 13, 1997

Read and adopted

SUMMARY--Commemorates 40th Anniversary of University of Nevada, Las Vegas. (BDR R-1793)

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Whereas, The first building on 80 acres of desert that would become the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, was opened in 1957 and named for Nevada educator, legislator and friend of higher education, Maude Frazier; and
Whereas, The campus, which was originally named the Southern Regional Division of the University of Nevada became Nevada Southern University in 1964 and finally in 1968, was officially designated the University of Nevada, Las Vegas; and
Whereas, Over the past 4 decades, the university has grown from a single building on 80 acres to 60 structures on 335 acres; and
Whereas, The enrollment at the university was 498 when it first opened in 1957; 3,902 in 1967; 8,764 in 1977; 13,778 in 1987, and more than 20,000 students are expected to enroll for the fall semester of 1997; and
Whereas, The number of students graduating from UNLV in 1964 was 29, and that number has grown to 3,000 this year; and
Whereas, The faculty and staff now stands at approximately 2,000, and UNLV boasts an alumni of 35,000; and
Whereas, The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, has benefited from the outstanding leadership abilities of past presidents William D. Carlson from 1957 through 1964, Donald C. Moyer from 1964 through 1969, Roman J. Zorn from 1969 through 1973, Donald H. Baepler from 1973 through 1978, Brock Dixon (acting) from 1978 through 1979, Leonard E. Goodall from 1979 through 1984, Robert C. Maxson from 1984 through 1994, Kenny C. Guinn (interim) 1994 through 1995 and Carol C. Harter from 1995 to the present; and
Whereas, Private support for the university began with the formation of the Nevada Southern Fund in 1955, which raised more than $35,000 to help purchase the land for the original campus; and
Whereas, The generosity of the residents of this state continues today with millions of dollars donated every year; and
Whereas, The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, has proven itself as an athletic power among this country's colleges and universities, competing in basketball, football, track, softball, soccer, golf and tennis, and winning NCAA titles in women's track and field in 1984 and 1987, men's basketball in 1990 and tennis in 1997; and
Whereas, The goal of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, designed to capitalize on 40 years of growth, development and knowledge, is to ensure that the university will be recognized as a premier urban university before its 50th anniversary; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly Concurring, That the members of the 69th Session of the Nevada Legislature do hereby congratulate those persons involved with the success and growth of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, on the 40th Anniversary of this outstanding educational institution; and be it further
Resolved, That the Nevada Legislature fully supports and encourages the educational opportunities provided by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and is proud of the exceptional alumni who have continued their lives as productive members of our society; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to Carol C. Harter, President of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.