Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 3-Senator Jacobsen



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Commending the department of transportation, Douglas County and certain businesses for their efforts in the development of a regional drainage system for storm water in Stateline, Nevada, and urging the department to provide funding for its share of the costs of constructing, operating and maintaining the system.
Whereas, The Lake Tahoe Basin exhibits unique environmental and ecological conditions that are irreplaceable; and
Whereas, The increasing development of the Lake Tahoe Basin is threatening the quality of the water in Lake Tahoe; and
Whereas, The operation of systems for the collection, transportation and disposal of rainfall and other storm waters that no longer percolate into the ground because of the increased development is necessary to protect the quality and integrity of the water in Lake Tahoe; and
Whereas, The Department of Transportation, Douglas County and businesses owning property in Stateline, Nevada, adjacent to the northern portion of U.S. Highway 50 and the Loop Road are working toward an agreement for the construction, operation and maintenance of a regional drainage system for storm water that will serve approximately 150 acres by interconnecting and improving the individual treatment systems operated by those businesses; and
Whereas, If an agreement is entered into for the construction, operation and maintenance of the system, the Department of Transportation, Douglas County and the businesses participating in the construction of the system will be required to provide money for their respective shares of the costs of operating and maintaining the system after it is constructed; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly Concurring, That the Legislature of the State of Nevada hereby commends the Department of Transportation, Douglas County and the businesses that are working toward an agreement for the development of a regional drainage system for storm water in Stateline, Nevada, for their efforts in developing the system to protect the quality and integrity of the water in Lake Tahoe; and be it further
Resolved, That the Department of Transportation is hereby urged to include in the estimates of its expenditure requirements that it submits biennially to the chief of the budget division of the department of administration pursuant to NRS 353.210 the money necessary to pay the department's share of the costs for constructing, operating and maintaining the system; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to the Director of the Department of Transportation, the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County and the Executive Director of the Lake Tahoe Gaming Alliance.