Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 17-Senators McGinness, Adler, Augustine, Coffin, Jacobsen, James, Mathews, Neal, O'Connell, O'Donnell, Porter, Raggio, Rawson, Regan, Rhoads, Schneider, Shaffer, Titus, Townsend, Washington and Wiener



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Designating March 13, 1997, as Kiwanis Day in the State of Nevada.

Whereas, Eighty-two years ago the "Benevolent Order of the Brothers" was organized in Detroit, Michigan, on January 21, 1915, with the goal of having "a mutual exchange of preferred treatment in professional and business dealings"; and
Whereas, The following year the club's name was changed to "Kiwanis," a form of the Chippewa Indian word "Nun Keewanis," which means "self-expression" and "We make ourselves known"; and
Whereas, Members of Kiwanis work toward six principles, including (1) the primacy of spiritual values, (2) living by the Golden Rule, (3) adhering to high standards, (4) engendering strong citizenship, (5) building better communities through service, and (6) assisting in the formation of sound public opinion; and
Whereas, Since 1917, the California, Nevada and Hawaii district, CAL-NEV-HA, has become the largest district in Kiwanis International; and
Whereas, The State of Nevada is proud of its own state divisions, which include Division 28 of Southern Nevada, Division 23 of Northern Nevada and Division 45 of Central Nevada, for their long history of service to communities in this state; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly Concurring, That members of the Nevada Legislature hereby designate March 13, 1997, as Kiwanis Day in the State of Nevada, in recognition of the dedication toward helping others and the accomplishments achieved by members of Kiwanis while serving their communities; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to Governor Nelson Tucker, Governor-elect W. Reid Allen, Jr., Lieutenant Governors Howard Naylor of Division 28, Joan M. Booth of Division 23 and Melody Kay Reed of Division 45, and Lieutenant Governors-elect David A. Dwyer of Division 28, Tom Leahy of Division 23 and Dalos R. Graf, Jr., of Division 45.