Senate Bill No. 88-Committee on Commerce and Labor

(On Behalf of the Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association)

January 30, 1997

Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor

SUMMARY--Authorizes certain law enforcement officers to issue subpoena during investigation to obtain certain information from public utility. (BDR 58-548)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: Yes.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to public utilities; authorizing certain law enforcement officers to issue a subpoena during an investigation to obtain certain information from a public utility; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 NRS 704.201 is hereby amended to read as follows:
704.201 1. To further a criminal or civil investigation, the chief executive officer of [any] a law enforcement agency of this state or a command officer designated by him may [submit a written request] issue a subpoena to a public utility [that] for the name and address of a person listed in the records of the customers of the public utility . [be disclosed to the agency.]
2. The [request] subpoena must:
(a) If available, contain the social security number of the person about whom the [request] subpoena is made;
(b) Contain a statement that the [request] subpoena is made to further a criminal or civil investigation being conducted by the agency; and
(c) Be signed by the chief executive officer of the law enforcement agency or the command officer he has designated.
3. As used in this section, "command officer" means an officer in charge of a department, division or bureau of the law enforcement agency.
Sec. 2 NRS 704.202 is hereby amended to read as follows:
704.202 1. Upon receipt of a [request] subpoena by a law enforcement agency pursuant to NRS 704.201, a public utility shall disclose the name and address of the person listed in the records of customers of the public utility to the agency.
2. The public utility may charge a reasonable fee for any administrative expense related to the disclosure.
3. A disclosure made in good faith pursuant to subsection 1 does not give rise to any action for damages for the disclosure of the name and address of a customer by a public utility.
Sec. 3 The provisions of subsection 1 of NRS 354.599 do not apply to any additional expenses of a local government that are related to the provisions of this act.
Sec. 4 This act becomes effective upon passage and approval.