Senate Bill No. 70--Committee on Commerce and Labor


AN ACT relating to professions; providing that an occupational 
       licensing board is not required to employ certain persons 
       or to use certain facilities; authorizing the board of 
       examiners for marriage and family therapists to issue 
       subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the 
       production of books and papers; and providing other 
       matters properly relating thereto.


  Section 1.  Title 54 of NRS is hereby amended 
by adding thereto a new chapter to consist of the provisions 
set forth as section 2 of this act.
  Sec. 2.  No board or commission which issues 
occupational or professional licenses, certificates or 
permits pursuant to this Title may be required to:
  1.  Employ a person who is an employee of the state; or
  2.  Use any building, structure, institution or other 
facility of the state in the discharge of its duties imposed 
pursuant to the provisions of this Title.
  Sec. 3.  Chapter 641A of NRS is hereby amended 
by adding thereto a new section to read as follows:\
  1.  The board may issue subpoenas for the attendance of 
witnesses and the production of books and papers.
  2.  The district court, in and for the county in which any 
hearing is held, may compel the attendance of witnesses, the 
giving of testimony and the production of books and papers 
as required by any subpoena issued by the board.
  3.  If any witness refuses to attend or testify or produce 
any books or papers required by a subpoena, the board may 
file a petition with the district court, setting forth that:
  (a) Notice has been given of the time and place for the 
attendance of the witness or the production of the books or 
  (b) The witness has been subpoenaed in the manner 
prescribed by this chapter;
  (c) The witness has failed or refused to attend or produce 
the books or papers required by the subpoena before the 
board in the cause or proceeding named in the subpoena, or 
has refused to answer questions propounded to him in the 
course of the hearing; and
  (d) The board therefore requests an order of the court 
compelling the witness to attend and testify or produce the 
books or papers before the board.
  4.  The court, upon such a petition, shall enter an order 
directing the witness to appear before the court at a time 
and place fixed by the court in the order, and then and 
there to show cause why he has not attended or testified or 
produced the books or papers before the board. The time may 
not be more than 10 days after the date of the order. A 
certified copy of the order must be served upon the witness.
  5.  If the court determines that the subpoena was 
regularly issued by the board, the court shall thereupon 
enter an order that the witness appear before the board at 
the time and place fixed in the order, and testify or 
produce the required books or papers. Failure to obey the 
order is a contempt of the court which issued it.\\
