Senate Bill No. 58-Committee on Transportation



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; making it an unfair act or practice for a motor vehicle manufacturer, distributor or factory branch to prevent a dealer from selling or servicing another line or make of new vehicles under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

[Approved July 17, 1997]


Section 1. NRS 482.3638 is hereby amended to read as follows:
482.3638 It is an unfair act or practice for any manufacturer, distributor or factory branch, directly or through any representative, to:
1. Require a dealer to agree to a release, assignment, novation, waiver or estoppel which purports to relieve any person from liability imposed by this chapter, or require any controversy between a dealer and a manufacturer, distributor or representative to be referred to any person or agency except as set forth in this chapter if that referral would be binding on the dealer, except that this section does not prevent the parties from mutually agreeing to arbitration pursuant to law.
2. Require a dealer to agree to the jurisdiction, venue or tribunal in which a controversy arising under the provisions of the franchise agreement may or may not be submitted for resolution, or prohibit a dealer from bringing an action in any forum allowed by Nevada law.
3. Require a dealer to waive a trial by jury in actions involving the manufacturer, distributor or factory branch.
4. Increase prices of new motor vehicles which the dealer had ordered for private retail consumers before his receipt of the written official notification of a price increase. A sales contract signed by a retail consumer constitutes evidence of each order. Price changes applicable to new model or series motor vehicles at the time of the introduction of new models or series [must] shall not be deemed a price increase. Price changes caused by:
(a) The addition to a motor vehicle of equipment formerly optional as standard or required equipment pursuant to state or federal law;
(b) Revaluation of the United States dollar in the case of foreign-made vehicles; or
(c) Transportation cost increases,
are not subject to this [provision.] subsection.
5. Deny the principal owner the opportunity to designate his spouse, a member of his family or other qualified designee as entitled to participate in the ownership of:
(a) The franchised dealership;
(b) A successor franchised dealership for 2 years or a longer reasonable time after the incapacity of the principal owner; or
(c) A successor franchised dealership after the death of the principal in accordance with NRS 482.36396 to 482.36414, inclusive.
6. Modify unilaterally, replace, enter into, relocate, terminate or refuse to renew a franchise in violation of law.
7. Terminate or refuse to approve a transfer of a franchise for a dealership, or honor the right of succession set forth in a franchise agreement or refuse to approve the transfer of a controlling interest in a dealership because the dealer has, before October 1, 1997, established an additional franchise to sell or service another line or make of new vehicles in the same facility as the existing dealership.
8. Prevent a dealer from establishing, on or after October 1, 1997, an additional franchise to sell or service another line or make of new vehicles in the same facility as the existing dealership if the dealer:
(a) Submits a written request for approval of the additional franchise to the manufacturer, distributor or factory branch of the existing dealership;
(b) Complies with the reasonable requirements for approval set forth in the franchise agreement of the existing dealership; and
(c) Obtains the approval of the manufacturer, distributor or factory branch of the existing dealership.
The manufacturer, distributor or factory branch shall notify the dealer in writing of its decision to approve or deny the request within 90 days after receipt of the request. The manufacturer, distributor or factory branch shall not unreasonably withhold its approval.