Senate Bill No. 48-Committee on Government Affairs



AN ACT relating to the state printing division; deleting all references to micrographics in the name of the state printing division; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

[Approved March 25, 1997]


Section 1. NRS 344.015 is hereby amended to read as follows:
344.015 "Division" means the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration.
Sec. 2. NRS 345.020 is hereby amended to read as follows:
345.020 Upon receipt of copies of each volume of Nevada Reports from the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration, the director of the legislative counsel bureau shall distribute them without charge as follows:
1. To each of the judges of the District Court of the United States for the District of Nevada, one copy.
2. The supreme court law library, two copies.
3. To each justice of the supreme court, clerk of the supreme court, district judge, district attorney, county clerk, justice of the peace and municipal judge in this state, one copy.
4. To each public library in this state, one copy.
5. To each library in the University and Community College System of Nevada, one copy.
6. To the Nevada historical society, one copy.
7. Upon request, to any state, county or municipal officer.
Sec. 3. NRS 345.025 is hereby amended to read as follows:
345.025 Within the limits of legislative appropriations, specifically made for such purpose, the director of the legislative counsel bureau may contract with a private printing firm for the reproduction by printing or other reproductive process of volumes of Nevada Reports which are out of print or of limited supply in the office of the legislative counsel bureau if the price quoted by the firm for such services is lower than the price quoted by the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration. Such reproduced volumes may be bound so as to contain one or more volumes of the original Nevada Reports and must be sold to the public at the prices established pursuant to NRS 345.050. The proceeds of such sales must be deposited by the director of the legislative counsel bureau with the state treasurer for credit to the state general fund.
Sec. 4. NRS 2.320 is hereby amended to read as follows:
2.320 The clerk of the supreme court and the official reporter are ex officio reporters of decisions. Whenever any case is finally determined by the supreme court, the reporters of decisions shall make a synopsis of the opinion and decision of the supreme court in the case. A copy of the opinion together with the synopsis must be filed by the reporters of decisions with the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration.
Sec. 5. NRS 2.340 is hereby amended to read as follows:
2.340 1. The superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration shall furnish the reporters of decisions with proof sheets for their verification and correction before publication in permanent form. The superintendent then shall print immediately each complete supreme court decision in pamphlet form and shall furnish the clerk of the supreme court with as many pamphlet copies of each decision as the clerk determines are necessary for distribution to licensed attorneys, or any person mentioned in NRS 2.345, or for his use and the use of the justices of the supreme court. Each decision must be printed and pamphlet copies returned to the clerk of the supreme court within 14 days, not including the day of delivery, after the decision has been furnished to the superintendent by the clerk of the court. For good cause shown, the chief justice of the supreme court may extend the time within which the decision or decisions may be published.
2. At the time of delivering the copy of any decision to the superintendent pursuant to the provisions of NRS 2.320, which must be immediately after the decision is filed, the clerk of the supreme court shall take a receipt for the decision. The receipt must set forth the date of delivery and the title and number of the case.
Sec. 6. NRS 2.380 is hereby amended to read as follows:
2.380 The superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration shall cause to be printed upon good paper and in a workmanlike manner, bound in buckram and delivered to the legislative counsel bureau a number of copies of each volume of decisions published after February 16, 1967, not less than 750 and sufficient in the opinion of the director of the legislative counsel bureau to meet the requirements for free distribution pursuant to NRS 345.020 and for sale.
Sec. 7. NRS 205.134 is hereby amended to read as follows:
205.134 1. A notice in boldface type which is clearly legible and is in substantially the following form must be posted in a conspicuous place in every principal and branch office of every bank and in every place of business in which retail selling is conducted:

The issuance of a check or draft without sufficient money or with intent to defraud is punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 6 months, or by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by both fine and imprisonment, and the issuance of such a check or draft in an amount of $250 or more or by a person who previously has been convicted three times of this or a similar offense is guilty of a category D felony and may be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.

2. The superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration shall prepare the notice and supply copies of it on demand. The superintendent may charge a fee based on the cost for each copy of the notice which is supplied.
3. Failure of the owner, operator or manager of a bank or other place of business to post the sign required by this section is not a defense to charge of a violation of NRS 205.130.
Sec. 8. NRS 205.380 is hereby amended to read as follows:
205.380 1. A person who knowingly and designedly by any false pretense obtains from any other person any chose in action, money, goods, wares, chattels, effects or other valuable thing, including rent or the labor of another person not his employee, with the intent to cheat or defraud the other person, is a cheat, and, unless otherwise prescribed by law, shall be punished:
(a) If the value of the thing or labor fraudulently obtained was $250 or more, for a category B felony by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 1 year and a maximum term of not more than 6 years, or by a fine of not more than $10,000, or by both fine and imprisonment. In addition to any other penalty, the court shall order the person to pay restitution.
(b) If the value of the thing or labor fraudulently obtained was less than $250, for a misdemeanor, and must be sentenced to restore the property fraudulently obtained, if it can be done, or tender payment for rent or labor.
2. For the purposes of this section, it is prima facie evidence of an intent to defraud if the drawer of a check or other instrument given in payment for:
(a) Property which can be returned in the same condition in which it was originally received;
(b) Rent; or
(c) Labor performed in a workmanlike manner whenever a written estimate was furnished before the labor was performed and the actual cost of the labor does not exceed the estimate,
stops payment on that instrument and fails to return or offer to return the property in that condition, or to specify in what way the labor was deficient within 5 days after receiving notice from the payee that the instrument has not been paid by the drawee.
3. The notice must be sent to the drawer by certified mail, return receipt requested, at the address shown on the instrument. The notice must include a statement of the penalties set forth in this section. Return of the notice because of nondelivery to the drawer raises a rebuttable presumption of the intent to defraud.
4. A notice in boldface type clearly legible and in substantially the following form must be posted in a conspicuous place in every principal and branch office of every bank and in every place of business in which retail selling is conducted or labor is performed for the public and must be furnished in written form by a landlord to a tenant:

The stopping of payment on a check or other instrument given in payment for property which can be returned in the same condition in which it was originally received, rent or labor which was completed in a workmanlike manner, and the failure to return or offer to return the property in that condition or to specify in what way the labor was deficient within 5 days after receiving notice of nonpayment is punishable:
1. If the value of the property, rent or labor fraudulently obtained was $250 or more, by imprisonment in the state prison for not less than 1 year nor more than 10 years, or by a fine of not more than $10,000, or by both fine and imprisonment.
2. If the value of the property, rent or labor so fraudulently obtained was less than $250, by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 6 months, or by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by both fine and imprisonment.

The notice must be prepared and copies thereof supplied on demand by the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration, who may charge a fee based on the cost for each copy of the notice supplied to any person.
Sec. 9. NRS 218.225 is hereby amended to read as follows:
218.225 1. At each regular session of the legislature, each legislator is entitled to receive at the expense of the legislative fund from the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration the following:
(a) Not to exceed 1,000 letterheads (8 1/2 inches x 11 inches) and 1,000 half size, or 2,000 of either variety;
(b) Not to exceed 1,000 No. 10 envelopes and 1,000 No. 6 3/4 envelopes, or 2,000 of either variety; and
(c) Not to exceed 1,000 business cards and 1,000 memorandum sheets (500 each of the small and large type or 1,000 of either type).
Selections must be made from samples submitted by the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration and all printing must be done in the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration.
2. Each female member of the assembly is entitled to have the word "Assemblywoman" precede the inscription of her name on her official stationery and business cards.
3. All orders for the printing specified in subsection 1 must be placed by legislators with the director of the legislative counsel bureau, who shall approve those claims which comply with the provisions of this section and shall pay the claims from the legislative fund in the same manner as other claims against the state are paid.
4. A legislator may purchase from the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration official stationery, cards and other material appropriate to his official duties in excess of that specified in subsection 1 at his own expense.
Sec. 10. NRS 218.240 is hereby amended to read as follows:
218.240 1. The legislative counsel and the legal division of the legislative counsel bureau shall prepare and assist in the preparation and amendment of legislative measures when requested or upon suggestion as provided in NRS 218.240 to 218.255, inclusive. Except as otherwise provided in those provisions, the legislative counsel and the legal division of the legislative counsel bureau shall not prepare or assist in the preparation and amendment of legislative measures directly submitted or requested by a natural person, corporation, firm, association or other entity, including an organization that represents governmental agencies, unless the requester, or if the requester is a natural person the office or other position held by the person, is created by the constitution or laws of this state.
2. An interim committee which conducts a study or investigation pursuant to subsection 5 of NRS 218.682 may request the preparation of no more than 10 legislative measures, except that such a committee may request the preparation of additional legislative measures if the legislative commission approves each additional request by a majority vote.
3. The legislative counsel shall give consideration to and service concerning any measure before the legislature which is requested by the governor, the senate or assembly, or any committee of the legislature having the measure before it for consideration.
4. The legislative counsel may deliver to the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration and request that he print or preset the type for printing a legislative measure before its introduction upon the consent of the person or persons requesting the measure. If the measure has been requested by a legislator, the superintendent shall promptly comply with this request.
Sec. 11. NRS 218.2756 is hereby amended to read as follows:
218.2756 1. If the fiscal note is obtained before the bill or joint resolution is introduced the fiscal analysis division shall submit a copy of the note to the requester. If the requester desires to introduce the bill or joint resolution the legislative counsel shall attach a duplicate copy of the note to the bill or joint resolution and shall prepare the bill or joint resolution for introduction. The original, signed copy of the note must be retained by the fiscal analysis division to be used as printer's copy after the bill or joint resolution is introduced.
2. If the fiscal note is obtained after the bill or joint resolution has been introduced, the fiscal analysis division shall forward a duplicate copy of the note to the chief clerk of the assembly or the secretary of the senate and shall forward the original, signed copy to the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration for the purposes of printing.
3. The triplicate copy of the fiscal note must be retained by the fiscal analysis division.
4. The fiscal analysis division shall send a copy of the fiscal note to the chairman of the standing committee or committees to which the bill or joint resolution has been referred.
Sec. 12. NRS 218.278 is hereby amended to read as follows:
218.278 1. The legislative counsel shall, upon receipt of requests for prefiling bills and joint resolutions, transmit those bills and resolutions that may be prefiled to the secretary of the senate or the chief clerk of the assembly, as appropriate. The secretary or chief clerk shall number the bills and joint resolutions consecutively in the same manner as during regular sessions of the legislature and is responsible for the safekeeping of such bills and joint resolutions.
2. After a bill or joint resolution has been properly numbered, the legislative counsel shall deliver a copy to the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration. The superintendent shall print the copy in the same manner as during regular sessions of the legislature. The bill or joint resolution must contain:
(a) The name of the introducer;
(b) The date on which it was prefiled;
(c) If it was not requested by a member of the legislature, the name of the entity that requested the preparation of the bill or joint resolution; and
(d) The standing committee of the senate or assembly to which the bill or joint resolution is proposed to be referred. The standing committee must be determined pursuant to the rules or recommendations for the referral of bills and joint resolutions adopted by the appropriate house during the preceding regular session of the legislature.
3. The number of copies to be printed must be determined by the legislative counsel, and the expenses of printing and mailing must be paid from the legislative fund.
4. The legislative counsel shall release copies of a prefiled bill or joint resolution to the public.
Sec. 13. NRS 218.290 is hereby amended to read as follows:
218.290 1. The superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration shall print as many copies of every bill, resolution or fiscal note for any bill introduced in either house of the legislature as are authorized by the secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the assembly.
2. In printing bills and resolutions the superintendent is authorized:
(a) To set the style and form of the printing.
(b) To correct all errors in spelling or punctuation in the copy furnished him.
(c) To supply the enacting clause if omitted.
3. No change may be made by the superintendent which in any way varies the apparent meaning of a bill or resolution.
Sec. 14. NRS 218.300 is hereby amended to read as follows:
218.300 The superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration shall, immediately after receipt of the copy of any bill or resolution, print, in addition to the regular authorized number, one copy thereof upon heavy buff paper, which copy must be delivered to the secretary of the senate or to the chief clerk of the assembly. Before the third reading and final passage of the bill or resolution, the legislative counsel shall carefully compare the printed or reprinted copy of the bill or resolution with the duplicate copy thereof and the original amendments as adopted by the house, and, if the printed or reprinted copy is found to be in all respects correct, the legislative counsel shall then certify to the correctness of the bound copy and shall deliver the same to the secretary of the senate or the chief clerk of the assembly as the case may be, whereupon the bound copy printed upon buff paper, so compared and certified, is ready for third reading and final passage.
Sec. 15. NRS 218.350 is hereby amended to read as follows:
218.350 1. The legislative counsel shall transmit copies of passed bills or resolutions without delay, in the order of their receipt, to the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration, taking his receipt therefor. The receipt must bear the date of delivery and give the bill or resolution number.
2. The superintendent shall without delay enroll (print) the bills or resolutions in the order of their receipt by him, and they must be printed in enrolled form, retaining symbols indicating amendments to existing law only. In printing enrolled bills amending existing law, the superintendent, in cooperation with the legislative counsel, shall cause to be printed between brackets the words, phrases or provisions of the existing law, if any, which have been stricken out or eliminated by the adoption of the amendment, and shall cause to be printed in italics all new words, phrases or provisions, if any, which have been inserted into or added to the law by the passage of such amendment.
3. In ascertaining the correct reading, status and interpretation of an enrolled bill amending existing law, the matter inserted within brackets must be omitted, and the matter in italics must be read and interpreted as part of the enrolled bill.
4. At least one enrolled copy, with proper blanks for the signatures of the officers whose duty it is to sign enrolled bills and resolutions, must be printed on bond paper, and the superintendent shall deliver the enrolled copy of the bill or resolution to the legislative counsel. The legislative counsel shall then carefully compare the enrolled copy with the official engrossed copy, and if the enrolled copy is found to be correct the legislative counsel shall present it to the proper officers for their signatures. When the officers sign their names thereon, as required by law, it is enrolled. The official engrossed copy may by resolution be used as the enrolled bill.
Sec. 16. NRS 218.450 is hereby amended to read as follows:
218.450 The superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration shall:
1. Receive from the senate or assembly all matter ordered by either house to be printed and bound, or either printed or bound, and shall keep a record of all such work and of the order in which it may be received. When the work is executed he shall deliver the finished sheets or volumes to the sergeant at arms of either house as the case may be, or to any person authorized to receive them.
2. Receive from the legislative counsel and print, or preset the type for printing, legislative measures before their introduction.
3. Upon the request of the director of the legislative counsel bureau, print additional copies of bills and legislative publications for mailing and distribution by the legislative counsel bureau.
4. Perform such duties in connection with the filing and distribution of bills, resolutions, daily journals and other papers as may be required by the rules or special orders of either house of the legislature.
Sec. 17. NRS 218.460 is hereby amended to read as follows:
218.460 1. All requests for mailing or distribution of bills and legislative publications must be filed with the director of the legislative counsel bureau who shall request the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration to print a sufficient number of bills and legislative publications to supply the requests, together with such number as may be necessary for legislative requirements. The superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division may print only that amount of bills and legislative publications necessary for such requests and requirements.
2. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 218.460 to 218.466, inclusive, no bill or other legislative publication may be distributed without payment therefor of a sum fixed by the director of the legislative counsel bureau.
3. Any person, office or organization, except for those for which provision is otherwise made in NRS 218.460 to 218.466, inclusive, may receive upon request free of charge in any one calendar year a maximum of two copies of each individual bill or resolution specified by bill or resolution number or of each daily history, daily journal or index.
4. The director of the legislative counsel bureau shall fix the cost of such bills and publications, including postage, and such money as may be received by him must be remitted to the legislative counsel bureau for deposit in the legislative fund. Before each session of the state legislature, the director of the legislative counsel bureau shall reanalyze the cost of such bills and publications, including postage, and establish a cost schedule that, as nearly as practicable, reflects the estimated cost to be incurred during the session.
5. The costs of such distributions, including postage, must be paid from the legislative fund.
Sec. 18. NRS 218.470 is hereby amended to read as follows:
218.470 1. During each session of the legislature, the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration shall print daily in separate book form a sufficient number of copies of the journal of the previous day's proceedings of each house to supply the members and officers of both houses. The secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the assembly shall determine the number of copies necessary for their respective houses.
2. One copy of the daily journal of each house, upon its approval by the house, [shall] must be authenticated as so approved by the presiding officer and the secretary or chief clerk as the case may be. Upon final adjournment of the legislature the authenticated copies of the daily journal of each house for the entire session [shall] must be properly bound in separate volumes and deposited in the office of the secretary of state as the official journals of both houses of the legislature.
Sec. 19. NRS 218.500 is hereby amended to read as follows:
218.500 1. The secretary of state shall furnish to the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration, within 3 days from the time he receives each one from the governor, after approval, a copy of all acts, joint and concurrent resolutions, and memorials passed at each session.
2. The director of the legislative counsel bureau shall:
(a) Distribute one copy of each act as printed to each county clerk, district judge, district attorney and justice of the peace in the state.
(b) Immediately upon the adjournment of the session, collect and have printed and bound advance sheets of all acts, resolutions and memorials passed at the session.
(c) Distribute one copy of the advance sheets, without charge, to each justice of the supreme court, the attorney general, the state public defender, and to each county clerk, district judge, district attorney, county public defender, justice of the peace, city attorney and municipal judge in the state, deliver to the supreme court law library a number of copies appropriate to secure the exchange of similar publications from other states, and establish the price at which the advance sheets must be sold to other persons.
3. The legislative counsel shall, immediately upon the adjournment of the session, prepare statutory tables and an index of all acts, resolutions and memorials passed at the session.
4. The superintendent, upon receipt of the statutory tables and index, shall prepare bound volumes of the Statutes of Nevada as provided in NRS 218.510.
Sec. 20. NRS 218.570 is hereby amended to read as follows:
218.570 A person who fraudulently alters the enrolled copy of any bill or resolution which has been passed or adopted by the legislature, with the intent to procure it to be approved by the governor, or certified by the secretary of state, or printed or published by the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration in language different from that in which it was passed or adopted by the legislature, is guilty of a category D felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.
Sec. 21. NRS 220.130 is hereby amended to read as follows:
220.130 1. Upon completion of Nevada Revised Statutes, the legislative counsel shall have it printed, lithoprinted or reproduced by any other process by the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration and may create or cause to be created reproductions of Nevada Revised Statutes, alone or in combination with any other legal publications, on electronic discs or any other available medium. The legislative commission shall determine the number of copies which must be printed or reproduced of each page of each volume of Nevada Revised Statutes with annotations.
2. Upon completion of the final printing or other reproduction the separate volumes must be bound as required in this chapter and retained by the legislative counsel for safekeeping and disposition. The legislative counsel shall sell each set, and may sell individual volumes, discs, parts or pages when available, at a price to be set by the legislative commission as near as possible to the cost of preparing, printing and binding or other reproduction, and all proceeds of sales must be deposited in the legislative fund.
3. A master copy of Nevada Revised Statutes must be kept in the office of the legislative counsel, and the master copy must not be removed from the office except in the custody of the legislative counsel.
Sec. 22. NRS 220.140 is hereby amended to read as follows:
220.140 The legislative counsel bureau shall reimburse the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration for the cost of printing or reproduction required by this chapter from the legislative fund or from legislative appropriations made for that purpose.
Sec. 23. NRS 232.213 is hereby amended to read as follows:
232.213 1. The department of administration is hereby created.
2. The department consists of a director and the following divisions:
(a) Budget division.
(b) Risk management division.
(c) Hearings division, which consists of hearing officers, compensation officers and appeals officers.
(d) Buildings and grounds division.
(e) Purchasing division.
(f) State printing [and micrographics] division.
(g) Administrative services division.
3. The director may establish a motor pool division or may assign the functions of the state motor pool to one of the other divisions of the department.
Sec. 24. NRS 232.215 is hereby amended to read as follows:
232.215 The director:
1. Shall appoint a chief of the:
(a) Risk management division;
(b) Buildings and grounds division;
(c) Purchasing division;
(d) State printing [and micrographics] division;
(e) Administrative services division; and
(f) Motor pool division if separately established.
2. Shall appoint a chief of the budget division, or may serve in this position if he has the qualifications required by NRS 353.175.
3. Shall serve as chief of the hearings division and shall appoint the hearing officers and compensation officers. The director may designate one of the appeals officers in the division to supervise the administrative, technical and procedural activities of the division.
4. Shall serve as chairman of the state public works board.
5. Is responsible for the administration, through the divisions of the department, of the provisions of chapters 331, 333, 336 and 344 of NRS, NRS 353.150 to 353.246, inclusive, and all other provisions of law relating to the functions of the divisions of the department.
6. Is responsible for the administration of the laws of this state relating to the negotiation and procurement of medical services and other benefits for state agencies.
7. Has such other powers and duties as are provided by law.
Sec. 25. NRS 232.2165 is hereby amended to read as follows:
232.2165 1. The chief of:
(a) The buildings and grounds division;
(b) The purchasing division;
(c) The state printing [and micrographics] division;
(d) The administrative services division; and
(e) If separately established, the motor pool division,
of the department serves at the pleasure of the director, but, except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, for all purposes except removal is in the classified service of the state.
2. The chief of the motor pool division if separately established is in the unclassified service of the state.
Sec. 26. NRS 232.217 is hereby amended to read as follows:
232.217 Unless federal law or regulation otherwise requires, the chief of the:
1. Budget division;
2. Buildings and grounds division;
3. Purchasing division;
4. State printing [and micrographics] division; and
5. Motor pool division if separately established,
may appoint a deputy and a chief assistant in the unclassified service of the state, who shall not engage in any other gainful employment or occupation except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.143.
Sec. 27. NRS 232.219 is hereby amended to read as follows:
232.219 1. The department of administration's operating fund for administrative services is hereby created as an internal service fund.
2. The operating budget of each of the following entities must include an amount representing that entity's share of the operating costs of the central accounting function of the department:
(a) State public works board;
(b) Budget division;
(c) Buildings and grounds division;
(d) Purchasing division;
(e) State printing [and micrographics] division;
(f) Hearings division;
(g) Risk management division;
(h) Office of financial management, training and controls; and
(i) If separately established, the motor pool division.
3. All money received for the central accounting services of the department must be deposited in the state treasury for credit to the operating fund.
4. All expenses of the central accounting function of the department must be paid from the fund as other claims against the state are paid.
Sec. 28. NRS 233B.065 is hereby amended to read as follows:
233B.065 1. The legislative counsel shall prescribe the numbering, page size, style and typography of the Nevada Administrative Code. For convenience of reproduction in the code, he may prescribe the same matters in original agency regulations.
2. The legislative counsel shall prepare or cause the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration to prepare such sets of the Nevada Administrative Code and of supplementary pages as are required from time to time. A set must be provided to and kept respectively:
(a) By the secretary of state as the master copy;
(b) By the state librarian for public use;
(c) By the attorney general for his use and that of the executive department; and
(d) By the legislative counsel for his use and that of the legislature.
The legislative commission may direct the preparation of additional sets or pages, or both, and specify the places where those sets or parts of sets are to be kept and the uses to be made of them.
3. The legislative counsel shall, without charge, provide:
(a) A complete set of the Nevada Administrative Code, upon request, to each person who is on July 1, 1985, or who becomes after that date a member of the legislature; and
(b) To each legislator who has so acquired the code, the replacement or supplementary pages which are issued during his term of office.
4. Each agency shall reimburse the legislative counsel bureau and the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration for their respective costs in preparing and keeping current that agency's portion of the Nevada Administrative Code in the number of copies required for official and public use. If additional sets or pages are sold, the legislative commission shall set sale prices sufficient to recover at least the cost of production and distribution of the additional sets or pages.
Sec. 29. NRS 239.070 is hereby amended to read as follows:
239.070 1. In lieu of or in addition to the method of recording required or allowed by statute, the county recorder may use microfilm for such recording.
2. The division, in cooperation with the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration, shall provide microfilming service to any local government. The charge for the service must not exceed the actual cost.
3. If microfilming is used:
(a) The microphotographs or micronegative films must be properly indexed and placed in conveniently accessible files.
(b) Each film must be designated and numbered.
(c) Provision must be made for preserving, examining and using the films.
4. A duplicate of each such film must be made and kept safely in a separate place.
5. Duplicates of each such film must be made available by the county recorder for sale at a price not exceeding cost upon the request of any person, firm or organization. Subject to the approval of the board of county commissioners, the county recorder may, at any time, make additional duplicates of each such film available for sale to the public at a price not exceeding cost.
6. The division shall provide services for recording other than microfilming to any local government if the division has the equipment necessary to provide the services. The services provided are subject to the requirements of this section relating to microfilming.
Sec. 30. NRS 333.200 is hereby amended to read as follows:
333.200 1. The chief shall cause to be maintained perpetual inventory records of all supplies and materials stored centrally or by the using agencies.
2. The chief shall:
(a) Control the stocks of supplies and materials on hand, the storing and issuance of supplies and materials, and the distributing of the costs of supplies and materials used.
(b) Produce information, as and when required, respecting quantities on hand, quantities purchased over a specified period, quantities used over a specified period by each using agency, quantities supplied by vendors specified for specified periods, unit prices, average prices and experience with the vendors supplying the different classes of supplies.
(c) Price supplies and materials when purchased and when charged out of stock as used.
(d) Transfer surplus supplies and materials to points where they can be used advantageously.
(e) Direct and make test checks of physical inventories.
(f) Supervise the taking of annual inventories.
(g) Instruct storekeepers in the prescribed procedures for controlling stored materials.
3. The stores records must be so maintained as to show:
(a) The quantity of each commodity on hand.
(b) The average unit cost, including transportation charges.
(c) The total cost of the supply on hand.
(d) The minimum quantity that should be kept in stock.
(e) The maximum quantity that should be kept in stock at any one time.
4. After all records of previous quantities used by using agencies are compiled, a model stock system must be set up to control inventories that are on hand and on order. Inventory controlling accounts, limited to recording the costs of supplies purchased, the costs of supplies issued and used and the value of the stock on hand, must be maintained. However, such inventories of the department of transportation, the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration and the University and Community College System of Nevada must be maintained by those agencies respectively in accordance with the uniform regulations as provided in this chapter and as may be hereafter adopted by the chief.
Sec. 31. NRS 360.110 is hereby amended to read as follows:
360.110 All forms, blanks, envelopes, letterheads, circulars and reports required by the department must be printed by the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration under the general provisions of chapter 344 of NRS.
Sec. 32. NRS 378.180 is hereby amended to read as follows:
378.180 1. Every state agency shall, upon release, deposit 12 copies of each of its state publications which was not printed by the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration with the state publications distribution center to meet the needs of the depository library system and to provide interlibrary loan service to those libraries without depository status.
2. For each item printed by the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration, 12 additional copies must be printed by the division, these to be collected by the state publications distribution center and distributed to public libraries and libraries of the University and Community College System of Nevada within the state.
3. Every city, county and regional agency and every school district and special district shall, upon release, deposit with the state publications distribution center at least six copies of each of its publications and a list of its publications for a calendar year.
Sec. 33. NRS 396.620 is hereby amended to read as follows:
396.620 1. Subject to the limitations specified in NRS 396.620 to 396.660, inclusive, the chancellor shall cause to be analyzed by an appropriate employee of the system any ores, minerals, soil or water taken from within the boundaries of the State of Nevada and sent by any resident of the state for that purpose. Persons sending samples from post offices in states bordering Nevada may be required to furnish evidence that their samples are taken in Nevada and that they are Nevada residents. Any resident of the state may send any such substance for analysis. The report of the results of the analysis must be mailed to him within 10 working days after it has been received if he has supplied the information for the maintenance of records as provided in this section. The report sent to him must also contain as nearly as possible an explanation of the uses and market value of the substance.
2. For each sample sent for analysis, the system shall charge a fee of $5 which must be used to defray the expense of conducting the analysis and storing the sample.
3. The system shall keep a record, open for inspection, under such rules as may be made by the board of regents, of all minerals, ores or other matters so sent, with a history of the minerals or other matters, stating the name and residence of the person from whom received, as nearly as possible the location from which the material was taken, including the district and county, and any other relevant information. This information for the records may be required to be filed with the system before any work is done on the material sent, and the 10-day limit for reports will count from the time the information is received by the system. Forms for providing the information must be printed by the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration and distributed at no charge.
4. A portion of the sample analyzed must be kept by the system for 3 months after the report is sent out, in case any question should arise in relation to the report or additional information be desired. After that time expires, samples may be destroyed or used for any desirable purpose.
Sec. 34. NRS 408.230 is hereby amended to read as follows:
408.230 The superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration shall prepare and furnish such stationery and printing, including all such reports, statistics, forms, instruments and accounts as may be necessary for the use of the department and its offices upon the requisition of the director. Charges and payments for these items must be made as provided in NRS 344.110.
Sec. 35. NRS 533.140 is hereby amended to read as follows:
533.140 1. As soon as practicable after the expiration of the period fixed in which proofs may be filed, the state engineer shall assemble all proofs which have been filed with him, and prepare and certify an abstract of all such proofs, which must be printed in the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration. The state engineer shall also prepare from the proofs and evidence taken or given before him, or obtained by him, a preliminary order of determination establishing the several rights of claimants to the waters of the stream.
2. When the abstract of proofs and the preliminary order of determination is completed, the state engineer shall then prepare a notice fixing and setting a time and place when and where the evidence taken by or filed with him and the proofs of claims must be open to the inspection of all interested persons, the period of inspection to be not less than 20 days. The notice shall be deemed an order of the state engineer as to the matters contained therein.
3. A copy of the notice, together with a printed copy of the preliminary order of determination and a printed copy of the abstract of proofs, must be delivered by the state engineer, or sent by registered or certified mail, at least 30 days before the first day of such period of inspection, to each person who has appeared and filed proof, as provided in this section.
4. The state engineer shall be present at the time and place designated in the notice and allow, during that period, any persons interested to inspect such evidence and proof as have been filed with or taken by him in accordance with this chapter.
Sec. 36. NRS 533.160 is hereby amended to read as follows:
533.160 1. As soon as practicable after the hearing of objections to the preliminary order of determination, the state engineer shall make and cause to be entered of record in his office an order of determination, defining the several rights to the waters of the stream or stream system. The order of determination, when filed with the clerk of the district court as provided in NRS 533.165, shall have the legal effect of a complaint in a civil action.
2. The order of determination must be certified by the state engineer and as many copies as required printed in the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration. A copy of the order of determination must be sent by registered or certified mail or delivered in person to each person who has filed proof of claim and to each person who has become interested through intervention or through filing of objections under the provisions of NRS 533.130 or 533.145.
Sec. 37. NRS 553.090 is hereby amended to read as follows:
553.090 The agricultural extension department of the public service division of the University and Community College System of Nevada annually shall prepare the information resulting from the demonstration in a form serviceable to aid and advance agricultural welfare of the state. A number of copies thereof as may be deemed necessary, not exceeding 10,000, must be printed by the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration for free distribution.
Sec. 38. NRS 584.235 is hereby amended to read as follows:
584.235 The commissioner of food and drugs shall make uniform regulations for the proper enforcement of NRS 584.215 to 584.285, inclusive. The regulations must be printed in the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration and distributed by the commissioner of food and drugs upon application therefor to licensed or other dairymen, creameries and other persons interested in them.
Sec. 39. NRS 597.850 is hereby amended to read as follows:
597.850 1. As used in this section and in NRS 597.860 and 597.870:
(a) "Merchandise" means any personal property, capable of manual delivery, displayed, held or offered for sale by a merchant.
(b) "Merchant" means an owner or operator, and the agent, consignee, employee, lessee, or officer of an owner or operator, of any merchant's premises.
(c) "Premises" means any establishment or part thereof wherein merchandise is displayed, held or offered for sale.
2. Any merchant may request any person on his premises to place or keep in full view any merchandise the person may have removed, or which the merchant has reason to believe he may have removed, from its place of display or elsewhere, whether for examination, purchase or for any other purpose. No merchant is criminally or civilly liable on account of having made such a request.
3. Any merchant who has reason to believe that merchandise has been wrongfully taken by a person and that he can recover the merchandise by taking the person into custody and detaining him may, for the purpose of attempting to effect such recovery or for the purpose of informing a peace officer of the circumstances of such detention, take the person into custody and detain him, on the premises, in a reasonable manner and for a reasonable length of time. Such taking into custody and detention by a merchant does not render the merchant criminally or civilly liable for false arrest, false imprisonment, slander or unlawful detention unless the taking into custody and detention are unreasonable under all the circumstances.
4. No merchant is entitled to the immunity from liability provided for in this section unless there is displayed in a conspicuous place on his premises a notice in boldface type clearly legible and in substantially the following form:

Any merchant or his agent who has reason to believe that merchandise has been wrongfully taken by a person may detain such person on the premises of the merchant for the purpose of recovering the property or notifying a peace officer. An adult or the parents or legal guardian of a minor, who steals merchandise is civilly liable for its value and additional damages. NRS 597.850, 597.860 and 597.870.

The notice must be prepared and copies thereof supplied on demand by the superintendent of the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration. The superintendent may charge a fee based on the cost for each copy of the notice supplied to any person.
Sec. 40. NRS 607.090 is hereby amended to read as follows:
607.090 All forms, blanks, envelopes, letterheads, circulars, bulletins and reports required to be printed by the labor commissioner must be printed by the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration as required by the provisions of chapter 344 of NRS.
Sec. 41. NRS 607.100 is hereby amended to read as follows:
607.100 With the approval of the state board of examiners, the labor commissioner is authorized to compile and issue such bulletins pertaining to labor and industries of the state as he may deem necessary. When approved for printing and distribution, the bulletins must be printed by the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration.
Sec. 42. NRS 616A.415 is hereby amended to read as follows:
616A.415 Except in cases of emergency, all necessary printing, including forms, blanks, envelopes, letterheads, circulars, pamphlets, bulletins and reports required to be printed by the administrator must be done by the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration.
Sec. 43. NRS 703.200 is hereby amended to read as follows:
703.200 Except in cases of emergency, all the necessary printing of the commission must be done by the state printing [and micrographics] division of the department of administration. The superintendent of that division shall have such printing done as expeditiously as possible.
Sec. 44. This act becomes effective upon passage and approval.
Sec. 45. The legislative counsel shall:
1. In preparing the reprint and supplements to the Nevada Revised Statutes, with respect to any section that is not amended by this act or is further amended by another act, appropriately change any reference to "state printing and micrographics division" to "state printing division."
2. In preparing supplements to the Nevada Administrative Code, appropriately change any reference to "state printing and micrographics division" to "state printing division.
